

The government of Guyanahasbudgeted$143.2 billion in the 2025 national Budgetfortheexpansionand mordernisation of the health sector with a significant portion of the allocation earmarked for the purchase of drugs and infrastructural upgrades.
Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh announced that $28 1 billion has been budgeted for the completion and commissioning of the Paediatric and Maternity Hospital at Ogle and the six regionalhospitalsatLima,De Kinderen,Diamond,Enmore, Bath and No 75 Village, advance works on the construction of four regional hospitals at Moruca, West Demerara, New Amsterdam and Kato, and upgrade the LethemRegionalHospital
During his presentation ofthe2025NationalBudget on Friday at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Dr Singh said that $852
million is budgeted to c
complexes at Suddie and NewAmsterdam,andforthe c
dormitories for the said trainingcomplexes.
“For the design and construction of a Medicines Regulatory Laboratory and Office Complex, a national neurological rehabilitation centre and a centre of excellence for cancer treatment a sum of $2.9 billion is budgeted The upgradeandretrofitofhealth
facilities and living quarters a sum of $6.5 billion is budgeted,”Dr Singhsaid. He continued, “As we continue to expand the equipment inventory, we have made it possible to providenewsurgeriesforthe firsttime,includingatGPHC the first laparoscopic kidney transplant through the introduction of paediatric liver resection and bariatric and minimally invasive surgeries.”
Notably,Dr Singhsaid
Continued on page 3
Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr. Ashni Singh on Friday presented a $1.382 trillion budget for 2025 in the NationalAssembly, a 20.6% increasecomparedtoBudget 2024.
This year’s fiscal plan was presented under the theme‘Asecure,prosperous andsustainableGuyana’.
During his uninterrupted five hour-long presentation in the dome of the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, the Minister explained that Central Government’s overallspendingisprojected to increase by 16 percent in 2025.
According to Dr Singh, “This is on account of an accelerated implementation of critical investment projects and programmes includingtheNewDemerara River Crossing, six regional hospitals, and progressing works on major highways including New Amsterdam and [the] continuation of Heroes Highway to Busby Damjusttonameafew.”
This means capital expenditure is projected to increase by $91.6 billion
while non-interest current spending will increase this year by $87.2 billion when comparedtothe2024level.
Thefinanceministeralso providedadetailedoverview of the performance of the economyin2024.
Notably, the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) again recorded double-digitgrowthlastyear for a fifth consecutive year, since 2020. The country’s GDPrecorded43.6%growth in 2024, with the non-oil economy also recording growth of 13 1% This growth was reflective of strong oil output as well as growth in the rice, other crops, and bauxite production, along with expansion in other mining and quarrying as well as in theconstructionandservices sectors.
Meanwhile, GDP is projected to grow by 10.6% this year, with growth in the non-oil sector projected at 13.8%for2025.
With respect to the performanceoftheoilsector in2024,Dr Singhnotedthat 225millionbarrelsofoilwas produced from the three Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels (FPSOs) currently in operation. Notably, Guyana received 28 million barrels
of the total oil produced. To this end, deposits in the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) increased from US$1.6 billion in 2023 to US$2.6billionin2024. He said, “…the oil and gas sector expanded by 57.7 percent in 2024. Growth in the sector was driven primarily by the ramp up in productionontheProsperity – Guyana’s third FPSO –which started producing oil
GuySuCo, gets over $13B
It would be recalled that just under US$1 6B was approved in the House for spending on national development priorities in 2024.
By the end of 2024, the NRFhadaclosingbalanceof US$3 1B Shifting his attention to projections for 2025, Minister Singh said it is anticipated that there will be246liftsofprofitoilfrom
the Stabroek Block. Of this, Government is projected to have31liftsofprofitoilfrom the three FPSOs producing currently,alongwiththeOne Guyana FPSO which is e x p e c t e d t o b e commissioned in the second half of the year. Each lift is equivalent to one million barrelsofoil.
Withtheaveragepriceof Brent crude expected to decline to an average of US$71 9 per barrel, Government’s petroleum revenue deposits are projected to be 2.6% lower thanin2024.
Tothisend,Government is projected to earn an estimated US$2.2 billion in profit oil and US$340 6 millioninroyalties.
Inkeepingwiththe2024 petroleum deposits, an estimatedUS$2.5billioncan be withdrawn from the NRF and transferred to the Consolidated Fund to s u p p o r t n a t i o n a l development priorities in thisyear’sBudget.
Toeasethecostofliving, government has committed to reducing the cost of electricity by 50% this year, uponcompletionoftheGasto-Energy(GTE)project.
Additionally, Dr Singh explained, “As part of our
Government’s commitment toreducingthecostofliving and improving connectivity for all Guyanese, I wish to reaffirm that, upon completion of the new Demerara River Bridge, slated for the second half of the year, bridge tolls will be abolished for all types of vehicles.”
Thispolicywillapplynot only to commuters at the Demerara River Bridge, but also to commuters utilising theBerbiceRiverBridgeand the Wismar Bridge The removal of these tolls will result in savings to the benefit of over 50,000 daily commuters,amountingtoan estimated $3 5 billion annually
Additionally, the finance minister noted that Government will maintain a zero percent excise tax on petroleumproductstoshield the Guyanese from the full impactofhighfuelcosts.
Government will also continue its part-time job programme, introduced in 2022. Since its inception, this initiative has injected over$600millionmonthlyin additionalhouseholdincome into these communities Buildingonthissuccess,this programme will continue into 2025 with a further allocationof$11billion.
Frompage2 the government has also added to its fleetof medical equipment nationwide and introduced telemedicine sites across Regions 1, 4, 5, 7,8,9and10.
The Drainage and
Irrigation sub sector under the Ministry of Agriculture once again received the largest chunk of the whopping $104 6 billion allocated to the ministry in the national budget for 2025 This was disclosed by Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh on Friday duringhisbudgetspeech.. He told the National Assembly that “In 2024, we expended $44.3 billion, and in 2025, $73.2 billion is allocated to complete pump stations and advance other critical D&I canals and structures including areas such as Adams Creek, Canefield, Good Hope and Mabaruma.”
The minister further statedthatlastyearatotalof $98.7 billion was expended to support development of the agriculture sector as a whole, this year however willseeanincreaseto$104.6 billion for continued investmentandsupport. This is in keeping with “recognising how critical food security is for our country and for the CARICOM region more broadly,.”theministersaid. Other key allocations in thesectorare$430.9million for the rice industry, $2.9 billion for the development and expansion of other crops, $116 million to support the expansion of the coconut industry, $800 million to support the agroprocessing subsector, $1.7
billionforvariousinitiatives in the livestock sector and $1.3 billion for the further development of the fisheries andaquaculturesector
Theloss-makingGuyana Sug
n (GuySuCo)wasgiven$13.3 billion for what the fiannce m
“continued revitalisation of thesugarindustry.”
The minister told the National Assembly that, “In 2025, an additional 3,068 hectares of land will be converted
y investments will be made to acquire additional field equipment, rehabilitate field infrastructure, and construct over 17 kilometres of allweather roads across the industry.”
Toadvancethiscause,in 2024 $3.1 billion was spent on medical equipment. However, this year an additional $4.3 billion has beenallocated.
In relation to drugs and medical supplies, Dr Singh said expanded vaccine storage capacity with 14 regional vaccine storage units, additional walk-in refrigerators in Regions Six and10,vaccinerefrigerators at an additional 99 facilities countrywide and in 2024 addedtwovaccinationboats for outreaches in the hinterlandregions.
“In2024,asumof$24.2 billion was expended, and thisyearanother$28billion is provided for drugs and medical supplies to ensure that basic necessities are readilyavailable.”
Meanwhile, Dr Singh said that with the aim of world class healthcare,
including the expansion of services in the regions, the government is conscious of the need to ensure adequate and qualified healthcare professionals.
To this end, he said the government has expanded nursing, clinical and techn
aining programmes with 2,037 persons graduated since 2020, with a further 3,761 currently in training and an additional 3,290 projected for2025. “Furthermore,we have enhanced our capacity to train through online
COURSERA with training offeredinNursingAssistant and Professional Nursing programmes. Additionally, wewillrampuptheintakeof nursesanddoctorsunderour bilateral partnerships,” Dr Singhsaid.
The minister said that since taking office, the government has continued to promote preventative healthcare through targeted programmes.
“Screening for chronic diseases was done to over
90,000 persons in 2024 surpassingthetotaltargetof 70,000,andin2025wehave targeted 100,000 persons. Additionally, the further rolling out of the HEARTS protocol is expected at an additional 163 sites,” he said.
With regard to mental health, the finance minister noted that Government has updatedthelegalframework for mental health through theSuicideAct2022andthe Mental Health Protection andPromotionAct2022and have operationalised the MentalHealthBoard.
“Furthermore, we have also trained 622 healthcare professionals to provide counselling and mental health interventions, along withtheexpansiontoan18bed mental health ward at GPHC. Importantly, as part of efforts to address mental health across the country, t h e c u r r e n t N e w Amsterdam Hospital will be converted to a mental health facility with the closure of the old National Psychiatric Hospital,” he said.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Letthemananswer,MinisterBenn. WhyisMinisterof HomeAffairs, Robeson Benn, running a protective detail for Commissioner of Police, Clifton Hicken? We are positivethatGuyana’sTopCopcanstandonhisownfeet, speak for himself. The question, therefore, is why does Minister Benn think it necessary for him to jump on the same press standards perfected by Vice President Jagdeo, whatisnowablightontheworkofthefreepressinGuyana. Whenthesimplequestionaboutwhyheoptedtoremainas Top Cop was put by Demerara Waves to Commissioner Hicken, given the existence of a multimillion-dollar fraud underhiswatch,MinisterBennmovedswiftly,vigorously. He putupanimpenetrableshieldaroundCommissionerHicken. He will take the question; the commissioner cannot answer Minister Benn is smart enough to know that doesn’t help CommissionerHicken Itmakeshimlookweakandimpotent whentheminister’srunsforwardtoprovidefriendlycoverfor him Whentheministry’spermanentsecretaryalsofeltthathe had to hurry to the rescue of Commissioner Hicken, it only compoundedthedoubtsaboutwhattheythinkistheirduty,and increasedtheconcernsabouttheiranxieties Whenpeopleas ranking as a minister and a permanent secretary conduct themselvesinthissketchymanner,theygivethemselvesaway
What is there that is so troubling that Commissioner Hicken that he is prevented from responding to a basic inquiry about why chose to stay in his Top Cop role? Is there more to his surprise confirmation in the most senior lawenforcementjobinthiscountry? WhenMinisterBenn doesafairimitationofVicePresidentJagdeoandshoulders journalists and their questions to the side, then Guyanese know from long experience that there is much darkness afoot. For a long time, Minister Benn has garnered a reputationasastraightshooter,apoliticianwhomadesure everyoneknewwherehestoodonanissue. Climatechange has seemingly brought about a radical adjustment in his temperament and his attitudes to what was handled in a frank and full manner before by him. Now he is all politician and his tongue all tied up by political talk. We recommend that Minister Benn study that picture of him virtually elbowing Commissioner Hicken to the side and takingoverthequestionabouthiscontinuingpresence. He shouldn’tlikewhatheseesofhimself,foritisanindication abouthowmuchheisofpoliticsthesedays,andhowfarhe hasdriftedtheinterestsofthepeople.
Power makes people do strange things in this country Political calculations drive politicians to forget their duty to citizens,evenforgetwhotheyoncewere TheGuyanaPolice Force(GPF)hasbeenvictimizedbyinternalfraud,amajordrug bustatMatthewsRidge(thatsidelinedit),andmorethanoneof its seniors being stopped and frisked at New York’s John F KennedyAirport Inthebestofcircumstances,itisaworrying record, but there was a sitting minister and a permanent secretary who should know better (or didn’t) falling over themselves to insulate the man in charge of the GPF from opening his mouth What is it that the commissioner could possiblyhaveinsideofhimthatMinisterBennisafraidtoget outinthepublicdomain?
Minister Benn may have difficulty admitting this, but the GPF lives with very poor public perception as its companion. WhenmostunconnectedGuyaneseencounter a member of the GPF, officer or rank, they do not feel a senseofsecurity Theyfearashakedowncomingunderthe flimsiestofpretenses,whichpartsthemfromtheycanleast afford. WhenMinisterBenn,then,insertshimselfinfront ofCommissionerofPoliceCliftonHicken,heconfirmsthe worstfearfears,theworstsuspicions,ofwhatisgoingonin theGPF Toputitpolitely,whatMinisterBennwithhisillthought-outinterventionwastoconvertthecommissioner to an invisible presence, equivalent to someone not there, and a hapless one to boot. The remaining issue revolves aroundhowlongtheministerisgoingtotakeonthisextra dutyofspeakingforCommissionerHicken.
, After reading the letter titled “Value of Money” (01/16/2025) regarding the Government of Guyana’s fundingfortheUniversityof Guyana (UG), I feel compelled to comment on thesignificanceofeducation in light of the government’s educational policies and funding.
Firstly, under the leadership of Dr. Irfaan Ali, this government has prioritized education, emphasizing equitable access to quality education forallcitizens.
This commitment includes removing barriers toeducation,particularlythe high costs associated with
n Accessibility remains a challenge, especially for m
u s communities To address this, initiatives like the GOAL programme and the
fferings have been implemented. Supporting UG is a national development priority With the rapid economic growth across the country, there is an urgent need to train and retrain Guyanese to seize emerging opportunities.
The government recognizes that education enhances the skills and knowledgeoftheworkforce,
leading to higher productivity A welleducated workforce can perform complex tasks and adapt to new technologies, which is essential in today’s fast-pacedeconomy
UG plays a crucial role in this process as an institution contributing to nation-building.
The author of the letter criticized the Minister of Education’s comments regardingadditionalfunding forUG.
However, it seems there was a misunderstanding of the Minister’s point. The government values UG’s role in nation-building and aims to ensure that all Guyanesehaveaccesstothe university, regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity
Theeliminationoffeeswasa strategic move to make education more accessible. This is possibly one of the most important education decisions taken by the Government to bring educationtoall.
N o t a b l y, m a n y institutions worldwide operate without charging fees In some cases, scholarships even lead to refundsforstudents,helping cover other educational expenses a practice commonlyseenintheU.S.
For those of us involved inuniversitymanagement,it is rare to simply request
additional funding when facing budget shortfalls. We often must make tough decisions to reduce expenses. UG must practice lean fiscal management in the interest of its students.
With the government alleviating the burden of fees,UGneedstobefiscally prudent and strategic in its budgetplanning.
Moving forward, UG should create a budget that supports its mission of nation-building while consideringstudentattrition, enrollment trends, general economic conditions, technological advancements for efficient education delivery, and its planned academicinitiatives.
UG has a pivotal role in shaping the future of its students and, by extension, the nation. By exercising lean fiscal management and strategically planning its budget, UG can continue to provide high-quality education that contributes notonlytoindividualstudent success but also to broader societalgoals. This approach requires vigilance, creativity, and collaboration across all levels of the institution Given the rapid pace of economicgrowth,UGneeds to plan for a vibrant future with all of its stake holders, government, community, industryandNGOs.
UG was established underaPPPgovernmentled by Dr Cheddi Jagan following independence from colonial rule, recognizing the need to foster national identity and develop human resources. Theuniversity’smissionwas to provide unique educational opportunities tailored to the Caribbean context, aligning with broader economic strategies aimed at empowering a skilled workforce to drive national development and diversifytheeconomy.
President Ali and his government remain committed to the original purposeofUG,ensuringitis accessible to all Guyanese citizens.
For Guyana to continue its path of nation-building, UG must be fiscally responsible and improve its resource planning Most universities operate on annual budgets, and even whenfacingshortfallsinfees or tuition, they do not have theluxuryofturningtotheir government for additional funding.
President Ali and Minister Manickchand clearly recognize the urgent need for UG to receive adequate funding, given the nationalpriorities.
Sincerely,Dr. Tilokie ArnoldDepoo Economist
DEAREDITOR, The fatal shooting of Roger Erwyn Pierre and Terrence Williams by a member of the Guyana Police Force at Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara highlights the need for the members of the Force to be equipped and trained in the useofless-lethalweapons.
It is evident that if members of the Force were so equipped and adequately trained this tragic incident couldhavebeenavoided.
The Home Affairs Minister, Robeson Benn, successfully tabled a Bill in the National Assembly in December 2021 for the amendment of the relevant lawtoempowermembersof the Guyana Police Force to carry and use less-lethal weapons.
Despitethisamendment, the evidence is clear that more than three years after members of the Guyana
Police force have not been equippedwiththosekindsof weapons resulting in them resorting to the use of lethal force (guns) in situations where less-lethal weapons could and should have been employed.
Belowisanextractfrom StabroekNewsofDecember 14,2021:
The amended bill, once enacted,wouldempowerthe members of the Guyana Police Force to carry lesslethal weapons in the execution of their duties. Suchweaponsaredefinedto include: (a) nightsticks, batons and clubs; (b) chemical irritants, including a pepper spray and tear gas; (c) conducted electrical weapons,includingataseror stun gun; (d) kinetic impact projectiles, including rubber bullets; or (e) a water cannon.
According to the Explanatory Memorandum
for the bill, “The purpose of this amendment is to … provide the type of lesslethal weapons that may be issuedtothePoliceForcefor use in discharge of their functionsundertheAct.
The use of arms facilitates less-lethal confrontationalmeasuresby law enforcement officers in anefforttoreducefatalities.”
Benn, in his address to the House, stressed that it wasimportantthatthepolice forcebeequippedwithtools that will enable ranks to execute their jobs without excessiveordeadlyforce.
He acknowledged instances where scuffles between agitated civilians andlawmenledtotheuseof lethal force to quell the situation just because the civilianwasresistingarrest.
With such situations in mind, Benn said, “We want to avoid the result of having to go to the use of firearms.
We want to be able to go throughastagedresponsein respectoftheuseofforceby ourpolice.”
“I think each one of us should welcome our ability tomoveinastagetowardsa positionwherewecanbring calmtoasituation,wherewe can have arrests which are less tendentious ” he furthersaid.
“Ithinkeveryoneshould take the position that these amendments were long in coming, and should be properlyplacedinthePolice Act so that any resort which should have been made wouldbeproperlyidentified inlaw,”headded.
It is my view that it is a clear case of incompetence that over three years since thepassageofthisimportant amendment to the law, the Guyana Police Force still unnecessarily and even recklesslyemployslethal
(Continued on pasge
From my personal point of view
The health sector
continuestomakeitsmarkin the history of this country
By far, the Ministry of Health has surpassed its mandate outlined in the PPP/C’smanifesto.
Thepeopleofthiscountry spoke when they casted their ballotsin2020 Weentrusted the PPP/C with the mantle to deliver to us based on their manifesto and they have not disappointedus
We have seen the chaos thatoccurredpre-2020atthe drug bonds, to the white elephant building at Ocean View on the East Coast of
Demerara which was supposedly constructed to houseCovid-19patientsand turnedout,itwasjustashell with no equipment, perhaps noventilators,nothing.
Fastforwardtotoday,we have seen tremendous transformationacrossthe10 administrative regions
w h e t h e r i t i s b y infrastructure, better service delivery, better access to care and efficient delivery and supply of drugs under theexceptionalleadershipof Dr FrankAnthony
From 2020 to date, the Ministry of Health has invested approximately $15B GYD for the upgrade
of infrastructure in hinterlandcommunities.
Only a week ago, I visited Region 1 for work andeveryvillagethatIwent to have their own Health Center and Wi-Fi while being fully stocked with drugs and medical supplies.
Previously,thesepeoplehad to travel miles up the Mabaruma river to access the hospital for health care, thatiswhatyoucalllovefor people. Over15newhealth centres constructed from scratch - The ministry has added these facilities across the country to benefit residents in far flung areas with an aim to create good health and well-being- SDG
3. Personsarehavingaccess to regular check-ups, tests, consultations and other wellnessprogrammes.Isaw recently-manyyoungpeople are getting opportunities to b
assistants, nurses & midwives among 13 other professions including both technical,clinical&nursing areas. Thesearepeoplethat had no clue that their dream would’ve become a reality The Ministry is investing heavily to strengthen the workforce at the various medicalinstitutions. Furthermore, these
programmes are facilitated inahybriddeliverywhichis much more convenient for persons all around Guyana. Assuch,theprogrammesare designed in a way to ensure everyone gets an equal opportunity and having not to worry about cost since theyarealsogivenastipend aswell.
Ibelievethatthisisastep intherightdirectiontocreate youth empowerment and job opportunities since at least 80% of persons that are graduatingareyouths.
In the era of technology, the Hinterland communities now have access to Telemedicineinremoteareas Justincaseyoudidnotknow, telemedicine relates to the use of technology to deliver medicalcareremotely With this platform, they can facilitate remote video conferences between patients and doctors along with collecting and managingdata.Thereare70 sitessofar,mainlyinregions 1,7,8,9,and10. Thesearejustsomeofthe many other initiatives the MinistryofHealthiscarrying out for the betterment of people Kudos to Dr Frank Anthonyandhisteam.
Regards, SachinPersaud
Frompage04 forceasafirstresort. Whoistobeblamed?Whowillbemade to answer for the tragic death of those two men and others killed in similar circumstances?
Condolences to the relatives of the deceasedpersons. PaulSlowe,CCH,DSM, Assistant Commissioner of Police (Ret’d). Former Chairman of the Police ServiceCommission.
We Must not take the Venezuelan government for granted as more mischief is afoot
DEAREDITOR, Recently, we have seen actions by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to elect a governor of “Guayana Essequiba”, which indicates that the SouthAmerican counterpart will not relent in claiming a territorythatdoesnotbelong tothem.
In essence, the Government of Guyana must not take Venezuela for granted, as on numerous occasions
Nicolás Maduro, who illegally took the oath of office on Friday, January 10th, 2024, continues to violateinternationallawand commitmentsoutlinedinthe Argyle Agreement of December 14th, 2023 in St VincentandtheGrenadines.
In a statement released last week, the Ministry of ForeignAffairs denounced President Nicolás Maduro’s January 7, 2025, announcement that a “Governor for Guayana’s Esequibo territory” would beelected.
The question is, has the government been proactive enough on this matter?
Alliance For Change member, Beverly Alert recently, at a press conference, criticized the Stateforfailingtoengage m e m b e r s o f t h e op
s o c i e t y o n t h e developments regarding
the Guyana/Venezuela borderdispute
Based on Ms Alert’s statement, it can be inferred that the State may have been somewhat passive when it came to informing the public aboutasignificantissue
The AFC demanded t h a t t h e r e b e a n “immediate convention of the Foreign Relations Committee” and the “rec o n v e n
border/National Security Committee ” I t
d b
presumptuous of me to advise the opposition and the government on how to proceed, but I do think it is crucial that both sides show unity as we deal w
Furthermore, the State must get into a state of preparedness for any eventualities, as we don’t know what Maduro has uphissleeves
Knowing who our allies are is essential in international relations and diplomacy, but it is even more important to have faith that they will actually stand by us during this never-ending standoffwithVenezuela Venezuela has shown a v a r i c e a n d totalitarianism, and we must not be intimidated by their actions. Instead, we must confront the issue as a unitedcountry It is imminent that a war is looming, and we mustbegeared!!
Regards AntonioDey FinalYearStudent UniversityofGuyana
WA S H I N G TO N , UnitedStates(AFP)—The US Supreme Court on Fridayupheldalawthatwill ban TikTok in the United States, potentially denying thevideo-sharingappto170 millionusersintwodays.
In a major defeat for TikTok, the court ruled that thelawdoesnotviolatefree speechrightsandthattheUS g o v e r n m e n t h a d demonstrated legitimate national security concerns about a Chinese company owningtheapp.
The Supreme Court last week heard arguments from the company, ByteDance, that the law should be stopped because it was a violationoffreespeech.
“There is no doubt that,
for more than 170 million Americans, TikTok offers a distinctive and expansive outlet for expression, means of engagement, and source of community,” the justices said.
“But Congress has d e t e
m i n e d t h a t divestiture is necessary
regarding TikTok’s data collection practices and relationship with a foreign adversary,”theyconcluded. With that decision,
Sunday’s ban effectively stands even if lawmakers and officials across the political spectrum were calling for some sort of delay.
C o n g r e s s overwhelmingly passed a law last year forcing ByteDance to either sell the platform or close it in the United States by January 19
The law was an answer to widespread belief in Washington that the highly popular app could be used by China
Friday told US media that they would not enforce the ban and leave it up to Presidentelect Donald Trump, who takes office a day later Trump said that he discussed TikTok in a phone conversation with Chinese President Xi JinpingonFriday Speaking to Fox News on Thursday, Trump’s incoming national security advisor Mike Waltz said
theadministrationwouldput in place measures “to keep TikTokfromgoingdark.”
“The legislation allows for an extension as long as a viable deal is on the table,” he said
“Essentially that buys president Trump time to keepTikTokgoing ”
“It’s been a great platform for him and his campaign to get his America first message out,”headded
“But at the same time, he wants to protect (users’)data ”
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday also called for a looming TikTok ban tobedelayed
more time is needed to find an A
can buyer and not disrupt
millions of Americans, of so many influencers who have built up a good network of followers,” Schumersaid
To execute the ban, t
ment would direct Apple and Google to remove
TikTok from their app stores, preventing new downloads starting the day beforeTrumptakesoffice.
TikTok lawyer Noel Francisco stated the site would “go dark” on Sunday if the justices fail to block the ban, and a media report said the companywasplanningafull suspension of service in the UnitedStates.
Campaigning ahead
election, Trump pledged to save TikTok and his team has been mulling ways to stall the ban or rescuetheapp.
choose not to enforce it, or stall, defyingCongress’s supportforthelegislation.
CEO Shou Chew will
inauguration on Monday.
respond to a request for comment
Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh on Friday disclosed during his 2025 budget presentation that the Government of Guyana has allocated $7 billion for the Cheddi Jagan InternationalAirport(CJIA).
Kaieteur News recently reported that, beyond the US$150 million (GY$31 billion)spentontheairport’s modernisation,theIrfaanAli administration allocated an additional GY$3 billion (US$15 million) for further upgradesovertheyears.
The new funding will financetheconstructionofa second terminal building at
CJIA, designed to meet the demands of increasing international passenger traffic.
Dr Singhsaid,“Overthe last several years we have seen exponential increase in international passenger traffic.Toaccommodatethis growthindemandwewillbe investinginthedevelopment ofanewworldclassterminal
effectively increasing the capacity and efficiency of the CJIA. The new 150,000 squarefootterminalbuilding will showcase Guyana’s natural beauty, and will allow for additional dutyfree zones, retail opportunities, rental offices andlounges.”
The facility is expected to enhance the airport’s operational efficiency by ded
buildings for arrivals and departures. “The CJIA will then be able to dedicate separate buildings for arrivals and departures, increasing capacity and efficiency,” the finance ministerexplained.
Notably, the minister also outlined broader infrastructureplansfor2025, including investments in hinterlandairstrips.
In 2025, $2.5 billion has been budgeted to complete and rehabilitate hinterland airstrips, including Apoteri, Aishalton, Chenapou, Jawalla and Sand Creek. Minister Singh outlined that the rehabilitation of Baramita, Paruima, Port Kaituma, and Phillipai airstrips and the Lethem Aerodrome have been completed. He noted too that in 2024 the sum of $2 billion was expended to rehabilitate airstrips in several areas including at Eteringbang and Paruima and advance works on Ekereku Bottom, Kaieteur, Kaikan, Karisparu and Matthew’sRidgeairstrips,to becompletedin2025.
In the maritime sector, Singh said in this year’s budget the sum of $9 9 billionhasallocated. “Since resuming office, the
Government has made significant investments in rivertransport,”Singhnoted p o i n t i n g t o k e y achievements over the past year, including the commissioning of the MV Ma Lisha in 2023, which now operates along the ParikatoNorthWestDistrict route. He also noted the implementation of an online booking system, which has improved access and facilitated forward planning forcommuters.
“To augment operational efficiency, we procured a new tug, a hydrographic survey vessel and three new pilot boats to compliment and replace aged assets, and rehabilitated several vessels,”theministersaid.
He stated that in 2024 $9.3 billion was spent on rivertransportinfrastructure, which includes the rehabilitation of the MV Barima and MV Kimba, upgrades to the Leguan, Supenaam, and Wakenaam stellings, and the construction of navigational aids in the Demerara River andMoraPassage.
MinisterSinghdisclosed that the 2025 budget would support additional transformative projects Among these, he said, is the constructionofanewParika Ferry Stelling and Waterfront Development Project, which he explained willpositionthefacilityasa r e g i o n a l h u b f o r transportation and socioeconomicactivities.
He also stated that the allocation for river transport will also facilitate dredging of the Demerara River to ensure safe passage for larger ships and the removal of wrecks and obstructions from the Essequibo and
Demerararivers. Moreover,worksarealso expectedtobecompletedon the MV Makouria, MV Malali, MV Kanawan, and MV Sabanto. Additionally, the government plans to operationalise three new woodencargoboatstoserve the Pomeroon, Berbice, and Northwest channels, while upgrading the Goods Wharf and the Bartica, Kumaka, andPortKaitumastellings. SeaandRiverDefence
Meanwhile,forthisyear, $8 2 billion has been budgeted to continue strengthening the country’s seadefenceinfrastructure.
Dr Singh noted that the government has made significant strides in developingGuyana’scoastal resilience over the past four years He outlined key initiatives, including the construction of over 23,900 meters of new sea defence structures along Guyana’s coastline. Additionally, he said,“over1,200hectaresof mangroves were developed, combining ecological restoration with engineering techniques to deliver effective and sustainable coastalprotection.”
In 2024, the government spent $8 2 billion on upgrading and maintaining coastal resilience, with completed works in areas such as Bygeval, Cane Garden,Fairfield,Grove,La Resource, Springlands, Uitvlugt,andtheLeguanand WakenaamIslands.
Dr. Singh revealed that the same amount, $8.2 billion, has been budgeted for 2025 to further enhance these efforts, works will commence in areas such as Belladrum, Bengal, Den Amstel, Onderneeming and Zeelandia.
Each week, the more Bharrat Jagdeo speaks, the more the lines between party and government begin to dissolve like sugar in lukewarmtea.
The more he speaks, the more it leaves everyone scratching their heads, wondering if what they are watching is a government press conference, or a party meeting in disguise. The VicePresidentisamanwho strays boldly into territories where no partisan should tread.
Mattersofgovernmental administration, details that belongsquarelyintherealm o f g o v e r n m e n t accountability are openly paraded.
He seems not to have a grasp of what should be the content of a party press conferenceasdistinctfroma governmental press conference.
Somewhere in this confusion, the ghost of Forbes Burnham must be chuckling. For this is how paramountcybegins.
Itbeginsnotwithabang, but with the steady erosion ofinstitutionalboundaries.
The doctrine of party paramountcy under Burnham’sreignwasaslow, insidious process by which the institutions of State became subservient to the rulingparty It was orchestrated with precision,
culminatinginthemergerof the Ministry of National D e v e l o p m e n t a n d
MobilizationwiththeOffice of the General Secretary of the PNC Permanent
Secretaries were required to attend high-level party forums, and the machinery of government was repurposedforpartisanends.
The flag of the ruling party flew over theAppeal Court. Itwasatimewhenlineswere not merely blurred but e r a s e d , a n d t h e consequences were catastrophic.
Fast forward to today, andonecannothelpbutdraw eerieparallels.
The Vice President’s press conferences conflate party and government Details of government administration what was procured, what was delivered, and what was not—are being addressed at apartisanforum.
This is a breach of convention so brazen that one almost admires its audacity But admiration quickly gives way to alarm when one considers the implications.
Thisishowitstarts:with small, seemingly innocuous overlapsthatsnowballintoa full-blown usurpation of Statefunctionsbytheruling party
Onemightbetemptedto di smiss this as mere c onfusion—a case of the
Vice President wearing too many hats and occasionally forgetting which one he has on.Buttodosowouldbeto underestimate the gravity of thesituation.Thisisnotjust amatterofpoorjudgment;it is a creeping manifestation ofpartyparamountcy Itisa deliberate disregard for the divide between party and g o v e r n m e n t , a contemptuous blurring of lines that undermines the integrityofbothinstitutions.
Consider also the Vice President’s recent pronouncements about James Bond. With the confidence of a man who’s justdecipheredtheDaVinci Code, he asks why it would not be natural for Bond to want to come over to the PPP Now,anyonewitheven a cursory understanding of the situation knows that Bond’s endorsement of Irfaan Ali’s second term is not synonymous with an embrace of the PPP/C. Yet, intheVicePresident’smind, thesedistinctionsaretrivial. It is this same lack of discernmentthatallowshim to treat government matters as party business, and vice versa.
The conflation of party and government at these weekly press conferences has become so normalized that it is almost second nature.
The PPP’s Thursday’s press conferences, have morphed into
Dem boys seh dem see an advertisement fuh a twobedroom unfurnished house in a place wha dem call “lower-income area” fuh $120,000 a month rent. Now, de man who write de ad musta tek de ‘lower’fuh mean something else, because dat rent higherthandemoon.
Demsehifyuhwantlilmoreroomfuh yuh troubles, dem got a three-bedroom house in de ghetto fuh $170,000. Imagine dat! Imagine paying ghetto price, but yuh gettinghigh-classheadache.
Demboysstartfuhwonderhowdepoor manandhewifegonsurvive.Supposedem got no pickney, de rent still mean dem eatingsaltandriceeveryday Butlehwebe real—this is Guyana! Pickney does come, and when dem come, dem come with expenses.Andhowlongaordinaryworker canpaysuchhighrents.
If yuh working one ah dem minimumwage wuk, yuh better learn fuh fast. Dem boys check de maths—de average worker mekkinground$80,000amonth.Ifhewife wukking too, she might bring in de same. Now,dodecalculation.Derenttekhalfor more. Light bill tek de next quarter Water bill tek whatever lil drop lef back. Before yuh know it, yuh eating yuh dreams and
forums for governmental announcements and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e clarifications.
The media, ever eager forasoundbite,playsalong, asking questions that ought to be reserved for government press briefings. It is a theater of the absurd, whereeveryoneknowstheir linesbutnooneknowstheir roles.
The implications of this conflation can be farreaching.
When party and government become indistinguishable, the integrity of electoral processes is compromised. Governmental resources, meant to serve the public good, risk being repurposed forpartisangain.Outreaches and developmental projects takeonasinisterhue,astheir true motives become suspect.
The line between public service and political expediency can become so blurredthatonemaywonder
And yet, amidst this chaos, one cannot help but marvel at the sheer audacity of it all. It takes a special kind of confidence or perhaps delusion to operate with such blatant disregardforconvention.
But let us also not lose sight of the larger picture. This is not just about one man’s confusion or the peculiarities of his press conferences.
This is about the integrity of our democratic institutions and the principles that underpin them.
The conflation of party andgovernmentisaslippery slope, one that leads inexorably to the erosion of a
eventually, to abuse of p
t frightening of ways. It is a pathwehavewalkedbefore.
Thescarsofthatjourneyare stillfresh.
Andnuffofdemlandlordswickedbad. Demdon’tcareifyuheating.Demsehonce demgetdemmoney,yuhcoulddrinkbreeze and eat sunshine. One landlord even seh yuh could go live in de bedroom with yuh problems,hedon’tbusiness!
Dem boys seh is time fuh de govment step in and fix this thing. Bring in some proper tax laws and clamp down pon de profiteering. Why people renting a house and charging like dem building a whole housingscheme?Ifyuhhouseindeghetto anditfallingdown,yuhshouldabepaying tenants fuh stay there—not de other way round.Anddemboysgotanextidea.Ifyuh charging dem ridiculous rents, govment should tax yuh till yuh crying louder than yuh tenants. Dat gon mek dem think twice before dem put up dem mad prices. How many of dem wah collecting high rent payingtaxesonit?
Fuh now is de survival of de fittest. If yuh can’t afford rent, dem seh yuh better learn fuh “tolerate yuh mudda house,” becauseGuyanagettingtoastagewhereit cheaperfuhbuyanoldcarandliveinit. At leastdecardon’tchargerent—atleastnot asyet. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
But one must not blame theVicePresidentalone.The media plays along. They must be super-starved of information to allow themselves to be part of this charade.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Apartypressconference is not a stage for governmental declarations. But it may be a platform to criticize political rivals. It is a space for discourse, debate, and the articulation ofpartypositions. It is not for discussion and elaboration of details and reports on projects and governmental matters. Respecting that distinction avoids the pitfalls of paramountcy
WheneverVicePresident Jagdeo tells a straight story, hegivesmegroundstoagree with him. To do otherwise wouldnotbefoolish,butjust plainwrong.
The straighter his story, the better the grounds for common understanding
The instance of the US Export Import (EXIM) bank and the interest rate it is charging Guyana for a loan relative to Wales Gas-toEnergy project stands as reference. EXIMischarging Guyana 4% for the US$527 million loan. Dr Jagdeo callsit‘verycompetitive.’ I agree with him, but with a little nudge as to how Guyana could have done better
The interest rates for EXIM’s loans are a blend of different elements. The US 10-Year Treasury Note serves as the main driver in determining EXIM’s rates. Currently, the benchmark US 10-Year Note is around 4.6%. Thus, at 4%, it could
besaidthatGuyanadidwell, gota‘verycompetitive’rate, as per Dr Jagdeo. Again, I amwithhim. WhereIbegin todiffereversoslightly,then some more, with the muchwatched vice president is how I think that Guyana couldhavedonebetter Ilay this scenario before fellow citizens,asbasedonamixof localrealities,andthebigger power picture involving outsidersoperatinghere. Forstarters,itisnosecret that the Americans are seriously concerned about the heavy Chinese presence in Guyana. Not so much Chinese people (small restaurants, one-family shops, and such), but Chinese State interests operating here in many areas, under different disguises, and with huge footprints Second, the Americans (EXIM) knew that if the US$527 million was not approved, then the Chinese were waiting in the wings, and given Jagdeo’s
uncomfortably close relationship with them, they were the number one fallbackloanoption. Jagdeo was purposely vague, but had hinted that Guyana has otherloanoptions,whenthe EXIM loan got stuck. He didn’thavetoyellthatitwas the Chinese, but there was that general understanding. Third,Iwouldassertthatthe EXIMloanapprovedwasfor the beginning of a greater American money (lending) andotherbusinesspresences inGuyana,whichmeansless of the Chinese. Not the beginning of the end for the Chinese since they have so much already sunk in the ground here, only a lesser presence, and then who knows where else and what next. To digress briefly, I havebeenclearbeforeonthe Chinese: I have difficulty with all these state commies (agents)flittingaroundhere, and looking out for Mother China. Note one piece of clarity already on the EXIM
loan. Guyanese know the interest rate that they are being charged by EXIM. Try digging that out of Vice President Jagdeo relative to Guyana’sloansfromChina.
Fourth, because of the three prior facts of life in Guyana,andthecompetition between the American and Chinese powers, Guyana was in a position to drive a hard bargain with EXIM on that 4% interest rate on the US$527 million loan Everybody around the Guyana loan application beforeEXIMandatthetable of deliberation were well aware about what was in play Since the Americans are so keen on ousting the Chinesefromhere,thenthat 4% interest rate had to be lower Guyanahasbeenheld to ransom, so it is simply returningthefavour Matters distilled to this: whowantedwhatmore. For sure, Guyana wanted a loan and the Americans were always the frontrunner from
the time of those hastily summoned meetings by secretary Antony J. Blinken and involving President IrfaanAliandVicePresident Jagdeo. Further, when an American firm CH-4 LindsaycaenteredtheWales gas-to-energy picture, my conclusion was that it was just a matter of time for the EXIM loan to be approved.
Guyana, knowing this, should have had its demand readyforpreferentialinterest rate treatment. That is, somewhere between a 33.5%rateontheEXIMloan.
I t h i n k t h a t , a l l circumstances considered, this country was wellpositioned to get that level. While 4% is solid, I think that Guyana rolled over too easily, when it had a chance to extract more. Since oil has been found here, no one has given Guyana any free passes. Visasdon’tcount.
My problem with all of thisisthatwhenGuyanafails to fix its own internal
political contradictions and challenges, it invites others tofillthebreach. Thereisa steep price for that dependency, which pols don’t pay, the Guyanese people pay Before I go, I note that original US$646 million loan app to EXIM endedupasUS$527million approved I am asking myselfwhetherthatUS$119 million differential was a built-in surcharge for PPP coffers. Nowimagineifthat loan app was before the Chinese, the odds are that it may not been US$119 million less, but that same amounthigher
As much as the Americans have their lousy, naked capitalist streaks, it is whyitisbettertodobusiness with them. Less secrecy, more openness As convenient.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
As of December 31, 2024, Guyana’s debt has climbed to nearly US$6 billion, standing at
US$5 993 billion This marks a significant increase from the US$4 5 billion recorded at the end of December 2023.The update was disclosed by the Senior Minister in the Office of the Presidentwithresponsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh, during his 2025 Budget speechonFridayafternoon.
Giving the updated figure of Total Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG) debt, the minister said, “Guyana’s total public and publicly guaranteed debt amounted to US$5 993 billion at the end of 2024, mainly on account of net inflows from our external anddomesticcreditors.”
Dr Singh explained that notwithstandingthePeople’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) government’s transformative development
agenda over the last four years, it has prioritized responsible management of Guyana’spublicdebt.
He elaborated that external PPG debt reached US$2.2billionbytheendof 2024, while domestic PPG debt rose to US$3.7 billion.
Comparing mid-year figures, external PPG debt stoodatUS$1.9billionasof June 2024, and domestic PPG debt was recorded at US$3.1 billion during the same period This underscores a notable increase in both categories during the latter half of the year Moreover, he said that over the last four years Guyana’s ratio of total PPG debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) dropped by over 20%.The minister said that the debt to GDP ratio was47.4%attheendof2020 andbytheendof2024,ithad reducedto24.3%.
MinisterSinghsaid,“this provides an indication of a marked indication in
Guyana’s capacity to maintainpublicdebtintothe future without the need for fiscaladjustment,andplaces Guyana in the position of having one of the lowest debts to GDP ratios worldwide…”
Heboastedthatthelatest available statistics rank Guyanaashavingthesecond lowest debt to GDP ratio within the Western Hemisphere.
Dr Singh also disclosed that the country’s debt
US$196.1 million up from US$177.5 million in 2023. Externaldebtserviceroseto US$124 9 million from US$101 million This increaseisontheaccountof increased payments to bilateral and multilateral creditors Domestic debt service contracted to US$71.2 million US dollars in 2024 from US$76 1 millionin2023.
MinisterSinghsaid,“this decline was due to the
Director of Youth in the Ministry of Culture,Youth and Sport and Pandit Suresh Singh was sworn in as a Member of Parliament (MP) during the 91st Sitting of theNationalAssemblyonFriday
Singh, a candidate from the People’s ProgressivePartyCivic(PPP/C)top-uplist, filled the seat of former government MP Dharamkumar Seeraj who is now Guyana’s HighCommissionertoIndia.
The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) confirmed Singh as the new MP onJanuary17.AccordingtotheDepartment of Public Information (DPI), Singh is a dedicated volunteer with a long history of serviceintheparty’syoutharm.
Newly sworn Member of Parliament, Suresh Singh
YouthandSport,SinghtaughtMathematics atthesecondarylevelfor11years.
SinghholdsaMasterofScienceDegree in Education (Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment) from Walden University; a Bachelor’sDegreeinEducation,majoringin MathematicsfromtheUniversityofGuyana and a Trained Teacher’s Certificate, majoring in Mathematics from the Cyril PotterCollegeofEducation(CPCE).
completion of repayments under an infamous government guaranteed bond issued by National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) in 2018 by the APNU + AFC government, but subsequently transferred to the books of the central government.”
Moreover, he also stated that in 2020, the ratio of public debt service to government revenue has fallen to 5.2% by the end of 2024.
Early 2024, the government got the green light to increase the ceilings on both domestic and externaldebt. Thedomestic public debt ceiling has been increased to $1.5 trillion, up from $750 billion from its last revision. Meanwhile, a new external borrowing ceiling of $1.5 trillion has been approved, after its last increaseto$900billion.This move was part of a broader financialstrategytoincrease thenation’scapacity,inorder to finance its $1.146 trillion 2024 budget, including several large-scale infrastructureprojects.
Kaieteur News had reported that Guyana’s total debt had risen sharply to US$5.063 billion by mid2024, according to the Ministry of Finance’s MidYearReport.
As of the end of June
expected continued inflows from both bilateral and multilateralsources.
Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr. Ashni Singh
2024, external PPG debt totaledUS$1,924.2million.
The ministry had stated thatthisincreaseisattributed to positive net flows from multilateralcreditorssuchas t h e Wo r l d B a n k ’s International Development
Association and the Caribbean Development Bank, as well as from bilateral creditors including China, Canada, India, and UKExportFinance.
Multilateral creditors hold the largest share of external PPG debt at 63.4%, followed by bilateral creditors at 35 1%, and private creditors at 1.5%.
Notably,thereportstatesthat the external PPG debt stock is projected to grow to US$2,832.3 million by the end of 2024, driven by
It was disclosed that external disbursements reachedUS$196.8millionin the first half of 2024, a 94 6% increase from the same period in the previous year This surge is largely due to increased funding from bilateral creditors, which amounted to US$157.9million,reflecting a 127.5% rise compared to the first half of 2023. Key projects funded include a socialprotectioninitiativeby Canada, the East Coast D e m e r a r a R o a d Improvement Project Phase 2, and the Regional Hospitals Project, financed byChina,alongwithseveral projects funded by the India EXIMBank.
Moreover,domesticPPG stoodatUS$3,139millionat the end of June reflecting some US$2,226.2 million in treasury bills based on the issuance of new fiscal instruments. Total PPG debt servicepaymentsforthefirst half of 2024 amounted to US$85.2 million, a 7.7% decrease compared to the same period in 2023. This decline is primarily due to a 33.3%reductionindomestic debt service payments, from US$42.2 million in the first half of 2023, to US$28.2 million in the first half of 2024.
With the government
announcing that the University of Guyana (UG) is free from this month, an allocation of $13.1 billion hasbeenbudgetedtofinance theinstitution’soperations.
Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh told the National Assembly during the 2025 reading of the national budget that the university’sallocationispart of the $175 billion budgeted for the education sector this year
Dr Singhstatedthatwith university education being free, in excess of 11,000 current students and all new studentswillbenefit.
“This will relieve studentsofhavingtobearthe cost of university education at UG, whether by way of cash or student loan,” he mentioned.
Last year, $5.2 billion was allocated to UG However, with the abolition of tuition fees, this year, the government has allotted $13.1 billion to finance the university’s operations, representing a 160 per cent increasefromlastyear
Regarding the university also,theministersaidthatin making university education more accessible and affordable, his government hasbegunPhase1ofthedebt write-offprocessforpersons withoutstandingUGstudent loans.
“To date, $1.8 billion in loans were written off for over 2,700 persons, and we continue to urge persons to applyfortheirloanwriteoff sotheycanberelievedofthis historic obligation,” he informed.
Highlighting areas in which the $175 billion allocated to the education sector will be expended on, the minister said upgrading and expanding schools’ infrastructureispriority.
According to Dr. Singh,
w h e n t h e P e o p l e s
Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) returned to office in 2020, it was recognized that the education system faced significant shortage of spacesforstudentsacrossthe country and expansion and improvements were needed toteacherslivingquartersin thehinterland.
“Inthelastfouryears,in an effort to address these issues, we built, rebuilt, expanded and improved educational facilities countrywide,”herelated.
Providing a brief breakdown on some of the projects, the minister disclosed that over 30 new nursery schools were built, seven reconstructed, four extended while construction is ongoing for over 25 more newnurseryschools.
Similarly, over 15 new primary schools were built, nine reconstructed, 17 extended while construction is ongoing for 11 more new primaryschools.
At the secondary level, he detailed that construction of the Good Hope, We s t m i n s t e r a n d Yarrowkabra secondary schoolshavebeencompleted while five have been reconstructed. Construction ofover20secondaryschools isongoing.
With the aggressive projects,thefinanceminister said that more than 8,000 additional spaces have been created for the nation’s children.
Continuing the building of schools this year such as for Baitoon, Kako, La Bagatelle, Mibicuri and Rockstone nursery, Augsbury,Charity,Redcreek and 58 Miles primary, Jawalla, Kopinang, and Monkey Mountain just to name a few, the finance minister shared that $36.2 billionissetasidetoadvance theseprojects.
SpeakingontheNational BreakfastProgrammewhich
provided meals for Grade Three to Six pupils in the coastal regions, the minister said that over the last four years, $10 billion was spent on the programme, of which $4.9 billion was spent in 2024. This year, he said a further $5 5 billion is allocated to finance the programme.
As it relates to accessibility to textbooks andclassroomresources,Dr Singh announced that in 2025, almost $2 billion is allocated for reading and workbooks at the nursery level and to replenish textbooksattheprimaryand secondary levels, while $3 billion is allocated to continue the distribution of schoolgrantsin2025.
Regarding the Guyana OnlineAcademyofLearning (GOAL) which has since offered 29,758 scholarships for persons to pursue online studiesatseveraluniversities across the world, the government this year has allotted$4.4billion.
Similarly, rolling out the Guyana Coursera National Training programme, this year approximately $363 millionhasbeenbudgeted. Additionally,in2024,the Government launched the OneGuyanaDigitalprogram which is designed to train citizens in high demand ICT skills. The Senior Minister said on Friday in 2025, $1.8 billionisallocatedtosupport an additional 1,500 students underthisinitiative.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that under the Board of Industrial Training (BIT), approximately $2 billion was spent to train 12,768 persons over the last four years. This year, the government has allotted $677.5million.
Meanwhile,ontheTVET initiative, with $2.4 billion spent in 2024, a further $2.6 billionisallocatedtoexpand access to the training this year.
TheMinistryofHousing andWaterinGuyanaissetto receive a substantial allocation of $148.9 billion in the 2025 budget, marking a significant increase in investmentforinfrastructure and development in these sectors Finance Minister Ashni Singh made this announcement during his budget presentation at the Arthur Chung Conference CenteronFriday Singh highlighted that the housing ministry’s budget increased to 41.6% from 2020 to 2024. In the housing sector, a total of $112 6 billion has been allocated to continue
ongoing development projects Minister Singh h i g h l i g h t e d t h e transformative work in
housing, with new residential communities
being developed on
previously unused lands. Notable areas such as Diamond, La Parfaite Harmonie, and others, have been successfully converted i n t o t h r i v i n g neighbourhoods He said since the revitalisation of housing programmes in 2020, government has made significant progress, developing 85 new and upgraded housing areas, including Amelia’s Ward, Bel Air Park, and Charity “The entire housing sector has been revitalised, the dreamofhomeownershipis once again an attainable reality for all Guyanese families Key initiatives include: Development of 85 new and existing housing areas inclusive of Amelia’s Ward, Balthyock, Belle West, Charity, Cummings Lodge, De Endragt, La Bonne Intention, Lethem, Leonora, No 75 & 79 Villages, Sheildstown,
Success, Williamsburg and York,” Singh stated. Over 40,000 house lots have been allocated across these regions,andmorethan2,000
n constructedthroughtargeted
removed VAT (value added tax) on locally produced building materials to reduce costs and implemented measures to make home ownership more accessible, suchasincreasingtheceiling forlow-incomemortgages.
In2024,Singhnotedthat the government increased the housing loan ceiling to $30 million, making home ownership more attainable for a broader range of Guyanese families These aretheinitiativesthathelped to bring home ownership within the reach to every singleGuyanesefamily
With the sum of $78.5
The European Chamber of Commerce in GuyanaonFridayannouncedtheelectionof itsnewBoardofDirectorsfor2025withDr AlistaBishopbeingelectedasChair
Other members of the newly elected board include Joerg Niebelschultz, Vice Chair; Vasudeo Singh, Secretary/Treasurer and additional Board Members: Gregory Dean, Martin Cheong, Matthew Kendall, Martin Anez, Kerensa Gravesande-Bart and RichardDeNobrega.
In a press release, the Chamber of Commercesaidthatthe“distinguishedgroup of professionals possesses a wealth of experience and is committed to enhancing economiccollaborationbetweenEuropeand Guyana.”
Dr AlistaBishop,hasbeendescribedasa recognized leader in finance, entrepreneurship,andinternationaltrade.
“Dr Bishopbringsastrategicvisiontothe role, with a focus on fostering cross-border collaboration, advocating for sustainable economic practices, and creating valuable opportunities for both European and Guyanese businesses,” the Chamber of Commercesaid.
Newly elected Chair Dr Bishop said, “It isanhonortoleadtheEuropeanChamberof Commerce, as Chair Guyana is an essential playerintheglobaleconomiclandscape,and
billion expended in 2024, looking forward in 2025 Minister Singh emphasized upcoming plans to further develop the sector “We further allocate $112 6 billion for 2025 to continue development of new and existing housing areas, allocation of additional 25,000houselotswhichwill result in surpassing the 50,000 Manifesto promise, distribution of another 10,000 land titles and transports, and construction of1,000morehomes,”Singh stated.
seenimprovements,withthe government investing in both infrastructure and services to ensure better access.In2024,over22,000 people benefited from the drilling of new wells, and access to water in the hinterland regions rose dramatically from 46% in 2020to91%in2024,dueto thedrillingof130wells.
Looking forward to 2025, the government has earmarked $23.1 billion for the water sector, including $2.2 billion for new water supplysystemsinhinterland communities In addition, the construction of 30 new
I look forward to collaborating closely with our members and partners to unlock new opportunitiesforgrowthandcollaboration.”
Meanwhile, the European Chamber of Commerce said it is dedicated to supporting European businesses operating in Guyana and encouraging European investors to explore opportunities within this dynamic market.
“By joining the Chamber, members will have access to a range of benefits, including resourcesandinitiativesfocusedontradeand investment, health and education, and the promotion of inclusive and sustainable practices.
The Chamber is committed to fostering innovation and facilitating partnerships that enhance the business environment for both localandinternationalstakeholders.Thenew boardiseagertobuilduponthesuccessesof prior years while introducing new initiatives designed to meet the evolving needs of our members.”
TheChamberisinvitingallstakeholders, business leaders, and media representatives to engage with the new board as it works to achieveitsambitiousgoalsfor2025.
“Together, we can drive economic advancement and create a robust environment for European enterprises in Guyana,”thereleasesaid.
water treatment plants is underwaytofurtherimprove w
ty and
availability Abudgetof $10 billionhasbeenallocatedfor water quality initiatives, ensuring clean and safe water for all “In 2025, ongoing works on wells at Sophia and Timehri are scheduled to be completed andworksonnewwellswill commence at No. 47 and 58 Villages while ongoing works on T&D mains at areas including Bachelors Adventure, Cummingsburg, Friendship, Mon Repos, PouderoyenandTimehriare Continued on page 23
Thegovernmentof Guyana has allocated $209.3 billion in the 2025 national budget to continue with its plans to build and maintain the country’s roads and bridges.
Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and the Public Sector Dr Ashni Singh made the announcement on Friday during his presentation of this year’s $1.382 trillion budget.
Speaking on transport infrastructureprojectsacross the country, the Senior Minister boasted that since his government returned to office in August 2020, several new roads were constructed including the new Heroes Highway, the MochatoDiamondinterlink road,theSchoonordtoCrane four-lane road and alternate bypass roads through DiamondandGrove.
“Madam Speaker, over 4000dilapidatedcommunity roadsandmuddydamshave been converted into durable concreteorasphaltsurfaces. Madam Speaker in 2024, $160.6billionwasexpended toimproveroadconnectivity across the country,” he said inhispresentation.
Dr Singh noted that $5billionwillbeallocatedto
the construction of the CorentyneRiverBridge.
“Discussions are ongoing for a partnership with the Government of Suriname,whichwillseethe construction of a 1,100 meters bridge across the Corentyne River connecting Guyana and Suriname,” he saidyesterday
Further, he said that $15 5billion has been budgeted for the Palmyra to Moleson Creek highway project while another $5billion has been budgeted for the construction of the newBerbiceRiverBridge.
During his presentation also, the Senior Minister explained that the prequalification process for the project was completed in 2024 and procurement will becompletedearlythisyear
Additionally, the government has set aside
The new $15.1 billion Schoonord to Crane four-lane road in Region Three that was commissioned last year.
$17.5 billion to continue works on the Railway Embankment from Sheriff Street to Orange Nassau which continues all the way totheMahaicaRiverBridge.
“The New Demerara RiverBridge,$20.2billionis budgeted to complete that bridge, and that bridge will be opened before the end of 2025. TheParikatoGoshen Road, the Good Success to Timehri road, the Ogle to Eccles highway, the DiamondtoBusbyDam,the Linden to Soesdyke highway, the Linden to Soesdyke Highway Madam Speaker, for which a sum of $9 billion is budgeted in 2025,”hedisclosed.
As it relates to the new Wismar Bridge in Region 10, the government has budgeted $2 5 billion to advance works. The Linden to Mabura Road which has
been under construction for over two years has an allocation of $12.9 billion budgeted.
Speaking on community roads,Dr Singhnotedthatin 2024, $74Billion was expended and in 2025 a further $53.2 billion will be spentoncommunityroads.
M e a n w h i l e , o n hinterlandroadsgovernment has allocated $9 billion for 2025. Last year, $6.4billion was allocated for the projects.
“MadamSpeaker,atotal of $209.3 billion have been allocated in 2025 to further develop our road and bridge infrastructure,” Dr Singh toldtheNationalAssembly Kaieteur News had reported that in 2024, the government had budgeted $204.1billionforbridgeand road works across the country
Despite billions of dollars being continuously pumped into the sugar industry; there is no sweet celebration as the sector recorded a 21.8% for last year This was disclosed by Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh, during his budget presentationonFriday
Minister Singh told the National Assembly that the Guyana Sugar Corporation GUYSUCO produced a mere 47,130tonsofsugarin2024,blamingthispoorproductionon El Nino compounded with labour shortages across the industrythroughouttheyear
Itisimportanttonotethatthecorporationonceagaindid notmeetlastyear’stargetssetforeitherofitscrops.
On October 29, 2024, this publication reported that the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) said it is deeply concerned over the current trend of sugar production.
AsofOctober26,2024,theGuyanaSugarCorporationInc (GuySuCo) produced 24,711 tonnes of sugar, representing just39percentofits63,276-tonnetarget.Asmuchas60per cent of the cropping period had been exhausted at the time GAWUissuedthestatement.
In the statement, GAWU said from its perspective, “the industry’s sad situation cannot be delinked from the management of its cultivation and agricultural operations. AccordingtoGAWU,beforethecommencementofthecrop, the Union drew GuySuCo’s attention to several important issuesthatrequiredintervention.“Itappearsthatourconcerns were brushed aside. Recently, we have expressed concern about the production rate and trajectory. It seems that those charged with agricultural management in the industry have, for reason/s best known to themselves, chosen to turn a Nelson’sEye.”
GAWU said it appears that rather than addressing their difficulties in a complete and frank manner; the GuySuCo agricultural leadership is preparing to deploy rationales and justificationstoobfuscate“toexcusetheirpoorperformance.”
Latelastyear,MinisterofAgricultureZulfikarMustapha threatenedashakeupinmanagementifthepoorperformance persists.
He told reporters at a news conference that government will be very stringent as they want to ensure that GuySuCo performsthewayitshould.“…Inthenewyear,we’llseesome changes in management of GuySuCo at various estates they are already contemplating to move managers. Some managers will come out of the system. So they themselves, withoutourintervention…theythemselveshavelookedtosee toassignpeopleintheareathattheycanperformbetter,”the Ministersaid.
Voicing his displeasure in the way the corporation has beenperforming,MustapharemindedthatPresidentIrfaanAli said a few days ago that the riot act was read to the management of GuySuCo. The Minister did however, admit thatthereweresomedifficultiesthataffectedproduction.
“…We know that there was a serious drought issue that affectthegrowthofcane.Buthehasmadeitveryclearthatif the target for 2025, first crop, (and) the second crop is not achieved, then (we) will take drastic action. We will take drastic action to ensure that we deal with it…We want to ensurethattheyreducetheircostofproduction,theyachieve their targets. That is why we have technical support. We are providing technical support also for them,” Minister Mustaphaexplained.
President Irfaan Ali, during an interview with reporters had said that he is aware of the challenges facing the corporation.PresidentAlisaidthemanagementisalsoaware oftheirunderperformance.However,hesaid,failuretomeet specifictargetswillresultindecisivemanagerialactions.
“We sat down with them [and] they brought together an investment plan that is needed to keep the factory efficient. Wehavesupportedthatinvestmentplan[and]Ihavemadeit very clear that if the target for 2025 (first and second crop target) is not met, then heads will roll,” President Ali was quoted saying in a Department of Public Information press release.
Chairperson of the G u y a n a E l e c t i o n s Commission (GECOM) Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singhhasruledouttheuseof biometrics at the 2025 elections. The decision was made at a meeting with Commissioners at the GECOM Headquarters in KingstononFriday Members of the joint political opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) have been lobbying for use ofabiometricdatasystemat this year’s General and RegionalElections.
While GECOM did not release a statement on the decision, People’s Progressive Party Civic
(PPP/C)CommissionerSase Gunraj told Kaieteur News thatJusticeSinghfoundthat while biometrics is feasible, it cannot be implemented in timeforthe2025elections.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that in making her determination, Justice Singh considered a number offactorsthatwouldneedto be in place before introducing biometrics; these include public consultationontheuseofthe systemaswellastrainingof GECOM staff on the use of thebiometricequipment. Meanwhile, in response todecision,AFCMemberof Parliament (MP), David PattersoninaFacebookpast postopinedthatthedecision wasonefortheelectorate.
“What one would have expected was that the Chairperson would have instructed the CEO and his teamtoprepareaprogramme for implementation, and shareitwithallstakeholders, after review, the decision on how to proceed could be madecollectively If important decisions wereallowedtobediscussed fully in the public space, many of the criticisms (pros or cons) would be avoided,” Pattersonsaid.
Earlier this year, the opposition-led People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)reneweditscallsfor GECOM to put in place biometrics systems for this year’sGeneralandRegional elections.
“Let us immediately remind the nation of two facts: (i) this study was conducted due to the persistent demands by the Opposition-nominated membersofthecommission, and (ii) the study concluded that the use of biometrics technologyinGuyanawould provide more robust protection and safeguards against voter impersonation, multiple voting, and electoral manipulation,” Norton told a news conference.
The study furth
technology would increase accuracy as well as data securityandefficiencyinthe system.
“What more do we need to hear? As the joint Opposition stated when the study was submitted last November: “We express our preparednesstolendsupport toallthenecessarystagesto
arrive at this outcome, inc
constitutional and statutory changes, if necessary We believethatthetechnicaland other concerns the CEO has identifiedinhisreportdonot amounttoinsurmountableor irresolvableissues.Westand ready to engage in all necessary discussions at the GECOM
parliamentary level, and/or at the inter-party level to resolvetheseconcernstothe satisfaction of all stakeholders, including the Guyanesepeople.” Norton had called on GECOM to urgently advance the process to ensure the use of fingerprint biometricsbecomesareality forthe2025elections.
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2024-HC-DEM-CIV-FD- 1350
Petition No. FD-1350
DHANRAM Petitioner / Applicant -and(GRIFFITH) LANCELOT VERNON Respondent
TO: LANCELOT VERNON GRIFFITH Formerly of Lot 108 Fourth Street, Windsor Forest West Coast Demerara.
TAKE NOTICE that on the 3rd day of October, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by DEOMATTIE GRIFFITH nee DHANRAM, the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 13th day of November, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2)consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara
where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition and Application, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Friday the 31st day of January, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Priscilla Chandra-Hanif in person.
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the divorce The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed dated the 19th day of November,2024
NOTICE that a Fixed Date Application was filed on the 7th October 2024 in the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Guyana at Georgetown, Demerara on the Supreme Court of Guyana Electronic Litigation Portal by Jonelle Thomas in which the said Applicant claims
a) Judgment in the sum of $2,207,878 (two million two hundred and seven thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight dollars) being monies expended by the Applicant towards construction of the house on Lot 477 Block 22 Wismar, Linden.
b) Interest pursuant to the Law Reform Miscellaneous Provisions Act Cap 6:02
c) Costs;
d) Such further or other Orders the Court deems just; TAKE NOTICE that JONELLE THOMAS., has filed the attached proceedings on the Supreme Court of Guyana Electronic Litigation Portal. The authorization code to access these proceedings for the Respondent is VjpJDt AND TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this action you must forthwith after the final publication of this notice, prepare an Affidavit in Defence in Form 10C prescribed in the Civil Procedure Rules 2016 and you or your Attorneyat-Law must access the case through the Electronic Litigation Portal, and file an Affidavit of defence utilising the authorisation code on the Electronic Litigation Portal not later than 4 days before the date fixed for hearing of the application, and you or your attorney-at-law must appear at the hearing. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you fail to file such Affidavit and or if you fail to appear at the hearing, final judgment may be given against you notwithstanding your absence. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this matter stands adjourned before the Honourable Madam Chief Justice Roxane George, S.C to 2025/03/21 at 9:15 am via Zoom. dated: 30th December,2024
2024-HC-DEM-CIV-FD-1062 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISION Between:- Petition No. FD1062(ALI) JAVID FIAUD -and- (ALI) INDIRA nee CECIL Petitioner/Applicant Respondent TO: INDIRA ALI nee CECIL.Formerly of Lot 86 4t Strat, Winsor Forest West Coast Demerara
TAKE NOTICE that on the 30th day of July, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by JAVID FIAUD ALI, the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 12th day of December, 2024, the Petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition and Application, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Monday the 10th day of March, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Priscilla Chandra-Hanif in person. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry Dated the 16th day of December, 2024.
STILFONTEIN, South Africa. (AP) — Dozens of men sat and lay together in small caves, some so shallow they couldn’t stand up. The air was wet and stuffy, and wracking coughs echoed in the confined space.
Bodieswrappedinfabric and twine were set aside in rows nearby. Bad odors permeated everything, so it washardtodistinguishwhat smellswerecomingfromthe dead versus the unwashed bodiesorthedamprock.
The miners were emaciatedfromlackoffood, which was hard to come by since police cracked down on their illegal mining and for a time halted the supply deliveries.
Usually the men would eatmeat,bread,andporridge cookedovercampstovesrun by propane, but all of these hadrunout.Withnomining work to distract them, they smoked cigarettes and marijuana for a while, when theystillhadit.
The description, from a miner and from cellphone videos sent to the surface earlier this month, sheds some light on the horror hundreds of men suffered deep underground in an abandoned mine in South Africa, after a police operation cut off food and supplies to “smoke them out” because they were digging illegally for gold.
The videos were released publicly by a group representingtheminers.
Policefinallylauncheda rescue effort earlier this week,undercourtorder,and said no one was left underground Dozens of bodieswerepulledoutandat least87confirmeddead.
Theminer,whospoketo The Associated Press on condition of anonymity out
of fear of reprisals, said he surfaced on Christmas Day after entering the shaft in July, spending months underground where he experiencedextremehunger and saw many of his fellow diggers dying from starvationandillnesses.
Heisoneofnearly2,000 illegal miners who have surfaced from the mine near thetownofStilfonteinsince Augustlastyearwhenpolice targeted it as part of an operationthataimstotackle thewidespreadillicitmining trade. The trade bled the South African economy of more than $3 billion last year, according to the mines minister
At the worst of times, said the miner, they ate rough salt, the only thing leftovertostanchthehunger
“I felt like I have some bad luck because I had only been underground for two weeks when the operation started. That is when things started going bad, we stopped receiving food and we lost contact with the outside world, that could only mean that the police have arrived and probably arrested or scared off the
South Africa, Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2025. (AP Photo/ Themba Hadebe)
people lowering the food,” he said. The miner said the months that followed were horrendous.“BySeptember, things were really bad People started getting hungry, they started getting sick,somestarteddying.We started having dead bodies. There is nothing worse than seeing somebody die and there is nothing you can do aboutit,”hesaid.
Theminer,a40-year-old fatherofsixchildren,exited the mine in December through a separate shaft that had steel stairs It is extremely difficult to navigate, and he bruised his handsbadlyonhiswayout.
“As we were climbing out, we saw dead bodies of other guys who had attempted to exit the same way Othershadfallendown, others were full corpses but therewerealsolotsofbones, almostlikeskeletons.It’snot easy to exit there, many people died trying to do that,”hesaid.
Sowhydotheminersgo into this subterranean purgatoryinthefirstplace?
Itmostlycomesdownto money Illegalminingisone of the biggest sources of
$148.9B to boost housing,
Frompage13 scheduledtobecompleted,”Singhstated. Additionally, in 2025, works will commence on wells in several areas including Baramita, Eyelash, Issano, Itabali, Kabakaburi and Red Hill, with the completion of works on water distribution systemsatCariaCaria,Hobodiah,Monkey Mountain, St.Anselm andTassawini. New water supply systems are also slated for Arsawa, Barabina, Kangaruma, Karrau, Pennak,Phillipai,ThomasHillandTobago Hillforwhichatotalsumof$2.2billionhas beenallocatedin2025.
The government is also launching an ambitious initiative to tackle the country’s solid waste management challenges. In 2025, $13.2 billion has been allocated for upgrades to recycling centers, the
establishment of new sanitary landfills in regions2,3,4,5,6,9,and10,andcontinued upgrades to existing sites in Port Kaituma, andotherareas.
The government will also procure and distribute waste management equipment, including compactors, compactor machines, trucks, and bins, strategically located throughout communities to support the national waste management effort
With a combined budget of $148 9 billion for housing, water, and sanitation in 2025, finance minister emphasized that these investments are expected to have a significant impact on quality of life, particularly in rural and hinterland areas, and further contribute to the country’s sustainabledevelopment
came out of the Stilfontein minelastyear
Mmastona Mbizana, a community member of Khumo township, told The AssociatedPressthattwoof her sons were involved in illegal mining because of unemploymentandpoverty
Her 22-year-old son was arrested after coming out of the mine during the police operation in December and iscurrentlyoutonbail.
income for poor households intownshipslocatednearan estimated 6,100 disused mines around the country whereillegalminingisrife.
The miner said he was told he could earn about $5,300forworkingforafew weeks to a month in one of the country’s deepest gold mines, where there are no longer any official operations.It’sahugesumin South Africa, which has deep inequality and one of the highest unemployment ratesintheworld.
Manyotherminerscome looking for work from neighboring countries like Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Lesotho,MalawiandCongo, and children are sometimes roped in. There were 13 children among those who
“I heard from somebody in the neighborhood that he had gone underground. His father died last year and he was not even here for the funeral because he was underground for months They say they are doing it becauseofthesituationhere at home, things are tough,” saidMbizana.
Mbizana’s other son, Lucky, was arrested at the sameminewhileworkingas a runner on the surface sending food and other suppliesdowntotheminers. Walkingoncrutches,hesaid he had been convicted for involvement in illegal mining.
“Out of the blue the police came, firing rubber bullets and teargas The teargasblindedmeandIfell, brokemylegandcollapsed,” hesaid.
Lucky said he used to make $424 a month for lowering food and other parcels into the shaft daily, including tinned vegetables
and fish, loaves of brown bread, porridge, meat, cigarettesandliquor Activists blame the South African government for the loss of lives that occurred at Stilfontein, saying authorities should haveactedearlier H o w e v e r , t h e government has maintained that while the deaths were a tragedy, illegal mining is a criminal activity that is detrimental to the country’s economy Illegal mining in South Africa is known to cause far-reaching problems for nearby communities, including violent crime and destruction of community infrastructure.
Community members also speak of hearing gun battlesbetweenrivalmining groups. “The people who must take responsibility for the deaths that have happenedherearethosewho are benefitting from illegal mining,” Mines Minister Gwede Mantashe said in Stilfonteinthisweek.
According to South African Police Minister Senzo Mchunu, authorities are investigating the entire value chain of illegal mining, including who the mainbeneficiariesare.
“Where these products go is a subject of our investigation, ” said Mchunu, adding illegal mining is “robbing South Africaofalotofmoney.”
Days after the cyberbullying case against Detective Sergeant, Dion Bascom brought by businessman Azruddin Mohamedwasdismissed,he was found guilty of cyberbullying his colleagues.
Bascomwasfoundguilty o f c y b e r b u
n g Superintendent of Police Mitchell Ceasar and another colleague, Sergeant Kester Cosbert, when the matter was called at the Viglance Magistrates’ Court on Friday
On August 11, 2022 he was charged for allegedly using a computer system to transmitelectronicdatawith intenttohumiliate,harassor cause substantial emotional distress to Superintendent Ceasar and Sergeant Cosbert.
He had reportedly
Detective Sergeant Dion Bascom
accused them in a Facebook live of accepting bribes to cover-up the Ricardo F
investigation. Bascom was found guilty of both offences. H
probation report to be done beforesentencing. The court granted the request and the sentencing was adjourned to February
17, 2025, police said in a statementonFriday
Bascom had also implicated Mohamed in the said case and was slapped with a similar charge. The case was dismissed after the prosecutionfailedtoprovide sufficient evidence to convicthim.
The businessman also withdrew a multi-milliondollar defamation lawsuit againstBascom.
L e a d e r o f t h e
Opposition, Aubrey Norton,
has dismissed the government’s$1.382trillion 2025budget,describingitas a“bigbudget”thatwillbring “little benefit” to the people ofGuyana.
Norton shared his criticisms during an
interviewwithNewsSource, following Finance Minister
Dr Ashni Singh’s presentationofthebudgetin the National Assembly on Fridayevening.
Nortonalsocriticizedthe government’s tax policies, calling them “selfcontradictory” and inadequate for addressing the needs of lower-income earners. He pointed to the unchanged VAT rate as a missed opportunity for broaderrelief.
“If this government was serious about using tax measurestohelpeveryone… theaverageGuyanesewould have benefited more if they had brought the VAT down from 14% to 10% because whatthatmeansisthatevery Guyanese who going out thereandpurchase,theywill be spending less because theyarepayinglessVAT,”he explained.
The Opposition Leader alsocriticizedtheannounced one-off $100,000 cash grant for women with newborn
One of Norton’s key critiques centered on the increase of the income tax thresholdto$130,000,which he argued does not benefit the “small man.” According toNorton,“Youjustsaidthe minimum wage is $130,000, which means thereisnoreliefforthesmall manbecauseheisalreadyat the threshold or below the threshold. So, the measure doesn’t apply to the small man.”
babies, arguing it falls short of addressing the real costs ofraisingachild.
“I don’t know if they know the hospital bill they pay Idon’tknowiftheyhave anideawhatitcoststostarta child.$100,000isnothingof consequence, and if they go to a private hospital, the $100,000 done get knocked out,”Nortonsaid.Hefurther criticizedthegovernmentfor
Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh on Friday announced this year’s Budget at $1.382 billion, with $9 billion allocated to addressthecostofliving. In his five-hour long presentation, Dr Singhpointedtoasuiteofmeasuresthatwill cost the treasury over $90B, not including the impact of the electricity tariff adjustmentandtheremovaloftheexcisetax onfuel.
-Introductionof$10,000healthvouchertoaidinfinancinghealthtests -One-offgrantof$100,000foreverynewbornbabyborninGuyanatoaGuyanese mother.
-$10BinjectiontoNIStoassistthoseaged60andabovewhohavenotmetthe750 minimumcontributionstoreceiveoldagepensions.
-RemovalofVATontheimportationofmachineryusedintheagriculturesectorandon automatedpoultrypensandveterinarysupplies.
-Increasingthe‘BecauseWeCare’CashGrantfrom$40,000to$50,000and$5,000 uniformvoucherperchild.
-First$50,000forovertimeworkerstobenon-taxablemonthly Thiswillalsoapplyto anindividual’ssecondjob,ifitexists.
theyain’tgonbepayingany taxes. So, who this measure isfor?”heasked.
AccordingtoNorton,the government’s failure to increase wages significantly underminesitstaxmeasures.
H e r e i t e r a t e d t h e
Opposition’s position that wages should have been raisedtoatleast$200,000to make such measures meaningful.
failing to explain the intended impact of such measures. “Tell us what it is intended to do, how it is going to impact the society You didn’t say anything aboutthat,”headded.
Moreover, Norton expressed skepticism about other tax deductions, including the additional $10,000 per child tax deduction. He argued that suchmeasuresdonotbenefit those with lower incomes. “Now that is not applicable tothesmallman,becausethe threshold is $130,000 and
“If you give people a livable income, then they would have a high income, andthensomeofthemwould have applied. But… that is why I said my main focus would have been to reduce VAT,increasetheincometax threshold more, and then more people would have benefited,”Nortonsaid.
On the old-age pension increase,Nortondidnothold back, calling it “a joke.” He criticized Finance Minister Singh for presenting the increase as substantial, stating, “Old Age Pension moved from $36,000 to $41,000, which is an increase of $5,000 That cannothelppensioners.”
Norton accused Singh of usingpercentagestohidethe incompetence of the government’sspending.
“He sought to hide the incompetence… using percentage.Thatisoneofthe first things he did,” Norton argued. He also questioned the government’s priorities, pointing to construction projects that lack adequate planning for staffing and resources.
“You are announcing how many schools you are building You are announcing how many hospitals you are building, but you’re not telling us where you’re getting the nurses, the doctors, and the teachers to staff them, because they are presently understaffed,” Norton said. He also accused the government of using such projects as avenues for wastageandcorruption.
Norton called the $1.3 trillion budget “garbage,” claiming it lacks proper planning and prudent managementofGuyana’soil resources.
( B B C S p o r t )Manchester City striker
Erling Haaland has signed a newlong-termdealwiththe clubthatwillkeephimatthe Etihaduntil2034.
The Norwegian joined City from Dortmund in 2022 and has scored 111 goals in 126 games for the clubsince
The striker’s previous deal, which reportedly included a release clause, had been due to expire in
Haaland’s new deal would see the striker remain with City until his 34th birthday should he stay at the club until its expiry in nine-and-a-half years’time.
T h e l e n g t h o f
Haaland’s deal is the longest in the Premier League, eclipsing the nine-year deal Cole Palme
“I am really happy to havesignedmynewcontract and to be able to look forward to spending even moretimeatthisgreatclub,” saidHaaland.
“Manchester City is a special club, full of fantastic people with amazing supporters and i t ’ s t h e t y p e o f environment that helps bring the best out of everybody.
“I also want to thank
[ m a n a g e r ] P e p [Guardiola], his coaching staff, my team-mates and everyone at the club as they have all helped me so much in the past coupleofyears ”
Txiki Begiristain, City’s director of football, said: “The fact he [Haaland] is sig
commitment to him as a player and his love for the club.”
Youshouldenjoytheintense energy of today, Aries. The mud is finally beginning to clearaway Exposethetruthin every issue and get ready for the gremlins that may be unearthed.
Todaymarksthebeginningof a new cycle for you, Taurus. Collect and consolidate your recent ideas and focus them outwardly The time is right foryoutoact.
Take a cold shower to jumpstart yourself today, Gemini. It'sfineifyoulazearoundabit in the morning, but by evening, you should be working at full capacity. You will be called into action whetheryouwanttobeornot.
Today may start out sluggish foryou,Cancer,butbytheend of the day the energy will move fast and furious. Your thoughts will be buzzing around your head like bees aroundahive.
Enjoythecalmmorning,Leo, because things are going to getcrazierandmoreenergetic as the day goes on. Emotions willrunhigh,andpeoplewill be more opinionated than usual.
You will experience an intense amount of energy today,Virgo.Yourdreamstate willbemoreactivethanusual, and you will find that people aredrawntoyoulikemothsto light.
It's time to get up and get moving, Libra You have tremendous ideas and vision forthefuture.Youhaveallthe informationyouneed.Nowall youhavetodoisact.Stepupto the plate and hit one over the fence.
Theearlypartofthedaymight find you sluggish and indecisive, Scorpio, but later youshouldbepsychedupand ready to go. Today marks the beginning of a new period in which you should set your ideasinmotion.
Today's energies will get progressively more intense as the day goes on In the morning, you may be in an easygoing, dreamy state, Sagittarius.
For the past several weeks you've felt like you've been dragging your heels, Capricorn Decisions may have been hard to make and people may have seemed wishy-washy.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) The morning might find you sitting like a stick in the mud, Aquarius. People might begettingdownonyoufornot contributing, but tell them to bepatient.Youwillberaringto gobynightfall.
PISCES(Feb.19–Mar 20)
Things are moving your way, Pisces.As the day progresses, you will find that the energy intensifies.Conflictsmayarise nearsundown,butdon'tworry aboutittoomuch.
Erling Haaland (Getty Images)
(BBC Sport) - Belgium head coach Domenico Tedesco has been sacked after less than two years in charge.
The Italian-German had been under pressure following a series of disappointing results, with hissidewinningjusttwoof theirpast10games
Tedesco’s last match in charge saw Belgium slump to a 1-0 Nations League defeat against Israel in November and meant the Red Devils finished third intheirgroup
In a statement, the Belgian FA said the national team “did not perform as we hoped” in the Nations League and at Euro 2024, where they lost to France at the last-16 stage
Tedesco was appointed in February 2023, taking overfromRobertoMartinez following the 2022 World CupinQatar
The39-year-old’stenure started brightly with a 13game unbeaten run, but the Euro2024performancewas aletdown.
Early on in his reign he fell out with Real Madrid goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois, with the 32-yearoldlatersayinghewouldnot playforBelgiumagainwhile Tedescoremainedincharge.
Tedesco then failed to show up for the 2026 World Cup qualifying draw in December, prompting speculation he wouldbeleavinghisrole.
On Friday, Tedesco described his tenure as “a beautiful journey” which is “unfortunately coming toanend”
“This team is still at the beginning of its development and will cause a sensation in the coming years,” added Tedesco.
“I wish the players, the great employees of the federation and the fans all the best from the bottom ofmyheart ”
Belgian media have speculated in recent days about a possible successor, including a return for Thierry Henry, who served as Martinez’s assistant for a spell.
(SportsMax) - A second consecutive big score from ShaiHopewasn’tenoughto prevent the Dubai Capitals from going down by five wickets to the Sharjah Warriorz in International leagueT20(ILT20)actionat the Dubai International CricketStadiumonFriday
The West Indies ODI captain followed up his 101 from the last game with 83* today as the Capitals posted 201-5 from their 20 overs afterlosingthetoss.
Hope’s knock came off 52 balls and included three foursandsixsixes.
He was well supported byWest IndiesT20I skipper Rovman Powell who made 28 off 15 balls including three sixes while captain SikandarRazamade27.
Captain Tim Southee was the best bowler on the day for theWarriorz with 235fromhisfourovers.
Sharjahthenneededonly 18.1 overs to reach 202-5 thankstosomebrutalhitting f r o m S r i L a n k a n powerhouse Avishka Fernando.
Batting at number three, Fernando hit 81 off just 27 balls, smashing the Capitals bowlingtoallparts.
He brought up his fifty offjust16balls,thefastestin ILT20 history, and hit six foursandeightsixesintotal.
Johnson Charles provided good support with a 19-ball 37 while Luke
WellsandJasonRoyhit31* and26,respectively Dushmantha Chameera bowledwellfortheCapitals inthemidstoftheonslaught with3-30inhisfourovers.
(The Cricketer) - It has becomea21stcentury-talent drain.
The presence in the England team of Barbadosborn/heritage/connection players, from Test debutant sensation Jacob Bethell to Jofra Archer, Chris Jordan and Phil Salt, is a failure of theBarbadoscricketsystem.
The other regions of the
West Indies cricket ecosystem in the south (Trinidad & Guyana), north (Jamaica) and Windward and Leeward Islands, have nosuchproblem.
Due to the history of Windrush and the British Empire, English sports teams are going to have players of immigrant backgrounds.
England’s modern white-ball success since 2015 has been in part thanks to players with heritage in Ireland, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, PakistanandSouthAfrica.
But when it comes to Barbados, the ECB and the counties need to be asked one simple question and be implored to make a systemic change to bring sporting balance to thissituation:Whyhavethey been so focused on scouting theislandfortalent?
West Indies have been in decline since 1995, and during that time, few Barbados players have been key components to
theWestIndiesteamsacross formats.
Thisisincomparisonto thelegendsBarbadosgaveto West Indies cricket, from 1950s into the 1970s and 1980s glory years: Joel Garner, Gordon Greenidge, Charlie Griffith, Wes Hall, Desmond Haynes, Malcolm Marshall, Garry Sobers, Clyde Walcott and Everton Weekes to name just a few It’sbeenamassivedrop-off.
T h e o n l y n o n -
Barbados/Caribbean players who have used their British passport to play in England during the 21st century areGareth Breese and Chesney Hughes.
However, these guys got to England on their own strength rather than any specific targeting by E C B a n d E n g l i s h
U15 Inter Club Competition continues today
Dr Amarnauth
Dukhi U15
O n e - D a y Cricket Competition continues in Berbice with severalmatchestoday
The match schedule
will see
(RHCC) playing Mount Sanai CC at the Rose Hall C
y C
In another game, Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club (RHTYSC)B and Kennard Memorial will play at the Bush Lot FarmGround.
The big game for this round will see top teams, RoseHallTownYouthand Sports Club (RHTYSC) A and Albion Community
Centre clash at the Port Mount Community Centre Ground.
The competition is being played on a one-day 2-innings format, with the firstinningbeinglimitedto 50overs.
All matches will begin at09:00hrs.
Dr Amarnauth Dukhi, whohailsfromCorentyne, BerbiceisoneofGuyana’s most qualified resident Neurosurgeon He is a philanthropist, an ardent cricket fan and a cricket enthusiast.
He has already contributed tremendously to Sport and community development activities in the County (Samuel Whyte)
counties for players in JamaicaorLeewardIslands.
I was part of the CWI Media team during the 2019 Cricket World Cup w
Rhianna visited the West Indies team
The lovely story of Combermere being a school having Jordan, Carlos Brathwaite and Rihanna as alumni emerged
This has been used as an ultimate example of Barbados schools’ notoriety
While Bethell was making waves during England’s recent whiteball Caribbean tour, the story of his school, Harrison College, was highlighted
ButtherearemanynonBarbados Caribbean schools who have a similar
legacy of producing alumni of similar ilk in
sports, music, culture and politics Trinidad & Tobago has Queen’s Royal College; Jamaica Calabar High School; Guyana Queens College; and Antigua All Saints Secondary School Why haven’t English counties gone into any of these schools?
B a r b a d o s ’ o w n Brathwaite individual performances in the 2016 T20 World Cup final will always be legendary However, those Daren Sammy-led championshipwinning teams from 2012–2016 were heavily dominated by Trinidad and Jamaicanplayers.
Sammy as coach is now trying to revive the modern T20 set-up, and has a new generation of Guyana players to go with the traditional T20 talent out ofTrinidad and Jamaica
The reality, though, is that Barbados hasn’t produced a West Indies T20 superstar in the team’s best format, to justify the modern era of English raiding of the island as Caribbean modern hotbed for talent.
What the ECB needs to do is end the archaic rule, which categorises English-born county players ‘overseas’if they want to play for another country.
The English Football Association does not have sucharule,hencewhy the Jamaica National Football team, now coached by Steve McClaren, has the ability to scout England for Jamaicanheritageplayers.
They include Mikhail Antonio,BobbyReid,Ethan Pinnock, Demari Gray, Mason Holgate, Isaac Hayden,andAnmariBell.
They remain registered aslocalplayersdespitetheir nationalityswitch.
For cricket this would m e a n C a r i b b e a nheritage black English county players like Daniel Bell-Drummond, Emilio Gay, Josh de Caires and Keith Barker could play for their c o u n t i e s a s n o noverseas, and be available forWestIndies.
The other societal factor atplayhereisinthemodern immigration trends of West Indians for sport, education andlifereasons.
Citizens from Barbados
are more likely to move to the UK compared to other Caribbean nationals who go totheUSAandCanada.
Also, in all England bilateral tours in the Caribbean post 2009, England always plays in Barbados and have not played a single Test or ODI in Jamaica, Trinidad & TobagoandGuyana.
This a massive turn of events considering England historically from 1930 to 2009 always playedinthesenations
The financial reasons for CWI to always host England games in Barbados, the island English players and fans are most fond of, is understandable in the ICC system where West Indies only makes money from England and India tours. However, England doesn’t have this specific venue preferential venue treatment anywhereelseintheworld.
Firstly, Cricket West Indies needs to swat away the recent disrespectful comments by former ICC chairman Greg Barclay suggesting the team should disband.
Then it needs to confront the Barbados cricket authorities to clarify what they are doing to stop this talent drain
Colin Benjamin is a current CONCACAF venue press officer and was West Indies communications officerfrom2019-2023
(SportsMax) - Jaydon Hibbert’s world U20 triple jump record of 17.75m has been ratified by World Athletics.
The Jamaican athlete, who turns 20 today, improved his own world U20 record with that performance at the Racers Grand Prix in Kingston on June1,2024.
The previous ratified
record was the leap of 17.66m Hibbert achieved in MonacoonJuly21,2023. His series in Kingston included an opening leap of 16.45m.
He improved to 17.14m in the second round and 17.30m in the third round before he soared out to a meeting record and world U20 record of 17.75m (0.7m/s) in the fourth and finalround.
“I was satisfied with the thirdandfourthjumpsofthe series,”hesaid.
“Ifeelsplendid.Iwanted to jump 17.70m, so 17.75m isabonus.”
After that 17.75m jump on home soil, Hibbert went on to finish fourth in the Olympic final in Paris, soaring 17.61m, just three centimetres off the bronze medal-winningmark.
His result in Kingston placed Hibbert third on the world top list for 2024 behind only Olympic medallists Jordan Alejandro Diaz Fortun and Pedro Pichardo.
Hibbert’s achievements in 2024 also earned him a nominationforMen’sRising Star at the World Athletics Awards.
Rampertab Ramnauth and Ushardeva Balgobin scoredsolidfiftiesaspartof day three’s action in the second and final Guyana
Harpy Eagles 4-Day practice match which continued at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence.
After racking up 472 in the 1st innings, Nial Smith XI ended day 3 on 302-6, thankstoRamnauthstroking 72 with 11 fours and Balgobin, who hit similar boundariesinhisscoreof73 notout.
Youth batsman Adrian Hetmyerpushedin20while Aryan Persaud (34) and burly all-rounder Jonathan Van Lange will look to add tohisovernightscoreof34*.
Young spinning allrounder,RomarioRamdheol led the Kemol Savory XI bowling, with brilliant
returns of 4-64 with support coming from spinners Ashmead Nedd (1-31) and fast-bowler Isai Thorne (151) After resuming with RamnauthandSachinSingh (8) both yet still to score, Savory XI bowlers made a few timely inroads as they sought to contain the lead from ballooning out of control.
Ramnauth and Persaud tried to keep the middle togetherbeforethelatterwas eventually bowled by Ramdheol, who bagged the keyoppositionwickets.
Balgobin found a few partners in Hetmyer,Adrian Sukwah (12) and Afraz Ali Budhu (11) but none stuck around. After his dismissal, Van Lange consolidated as he capitalized on his form withthebat.
The action continues today
(SportsMax) - West Indies Under-19 Women’s captainSamaraRamnathhas made her intentions clear ahead of her team’s campaignattheICCUnder19 Women’s T20 World Cup, as she sets a bold tone for how they aim to play in Malaysia.
Ramnath’s side, drawn in GroupA, are set to open their account on Sunday against defending champions India, with action against Sri Lanka andhostMalaysiatofollowon January 21 and 23, respectively The Caribbean side has so far contested two warm-up games in which they betteredNepalbyninerunsbut faced a reality check against NewZealandinamassive79runloss
Itiswiththatinmindthat Ramnath has called for her teamtobefearless,whilealso findingwaystoimprovetheir game as they seek to surpass t h e i r S u p e r - S i x accomplishment from the 2023 edition “Our team objectivesaretoplayfearless,
disciplined cricket and represent our region with pride,” Ramnath declared in anICCinterview “Wewould also like to bring home the trophytoourregionandmake the people of our respective countries proud Most importantly, it’s all about growing and improving as individuals as well as finding waystoimproveourgameasa team,”sheadded The 17-year-old’s comments came during the highly anticipated Captains’ Day, where leaders from the 16 competing teams gathered to celebrate the tournament’s kickoff and reflect on their aspirations for the global showpiece
The tournament, set to bowloffonSaturday,willsee teams from five continents in action,markingamilestonein internationalwomen’scricket
The excitement among the captains was palpable, with many describing the opportunity as a dream come true Nur Dania Syuhada, captain of host nation
Malaysia,sharedherpridein representing her country: “Representing Malaysia at the U19 Women’s T20 Wo r l d C u p i s a n unparalleledopportunityfor ustoshowcaseourtalenton an international stage. The entire cricket family in Malaysia is excited to see young talents represent the country and generate immense national pride,” shesaid.
India’s Niki Prasad, who takesoverfromShafaliVerma, outlined her team’s clear goal “Theobjectiveisveryclear to win this tournament and successfully defend the title
which India won in the previous edition,” Prasad noted. Sri Lanka captain Manudi Nanayakkara noted her team’s recent exposure tointernationalcompetition
“We have done our homeworkBeforecominghere, weplayedafewgamesagainst Bangladesh U19, which adds muscletoourpreparations,”she stated.Australia’s captain Lucy Hamilton highlighted herteam’seffortstoadaptto differentenvironments.
“Thisyear,thegirlshave competedintwodifferenttriseries in Sri Lanka and Brisbane This was a great opportunity to develop as a
team and prepare us for Malaysia,”Hamiltonshared New Zealand’s Tash Wakelin emphasized the importanceofgrowth “If we can all leave the tournamentknowingwegave it our all, gained valuable experience, and strengthened our motivation to play at the highest level, we can feel a strongsenseofachievement,” Wakelinsaid.
DebutantteamslikeNigeria, Samoa, and Nepal bring fresh energy to the competition Nigeria’s captain, Lucky Piety Ebosetale,expressedherpridein representinghercountry “Our ultimate aim is to make our
countryproudandleavealasting legacy in the tournament,” Ebosetale declared Samoa’s Avetia Fetu Mapu echoed similar sentiments “This is a dreamcometrue,notonlyforme butforeveryplayeronourteam RepresentingSamoaatthislevel is a huge honour and a responsibility we take seriously,”shebeamed.
Nepal’s Puja Mahato reflected on her team’s rigorous preparation.
“We’ve had intense training sessions, worked on our weaknesses, and fine-tuned our game plans. It’s been a wild ride, but we’re ready,” Mahatonoted.
(ESPNCricinfo)-HalfcenturiesfromSaudShakeel and Mohammad Rizwan wrestled momentum back for Pakistan after Jayden Seales’ triple-strike had put WestIndiesintheboxseatin Multan. On a surface tailormadeforspin,itwasthefast bowler who proved the pick
ofthebunch,exploitingpace andslightseammovementto send debutant Mohammad Hurraira, Kamran Ghulam and Babar Azam back for single figures. Pakistan had, atthatpoint,beenreducedto 46 for 4, with West Indies looming ominously over the tail.Butagrittyunbeaten97-
run rearguard for the fifth wicket, from Rizwan and Shakeel, thwarted the visitorsfortherestoftheday, toensurePakistanwouldend the day with a semblance of control.
After the start was delayedbyfourhoursowing to heavy fog that enveloped
theground,Pakistanwonthe toss and batted first in hazy conditions with the floodlights on throughout the course of the day LeftarmspinnerGudakeshMotie bowled the first ball, an indication of how both sides perceived the pitch upon which each played three
specialist spinners. Motie got rid of Pakistan captain Shan Masood early on, squeezing him down to the debutantwicketkeeperTevin Imlachontheonside,butfor the rest of the hour, it was Seales’show
He had been sniffing rightfromtheoutset,andgot his reward when Hurraira hunghisbatoutandedgedto the keeper It was followed up by a beauty to remove Kamran Ghulam, who had just dispatched an outswinger to the boundary The next ball, he attempted to shoulder arms but it seamed back into him wickedly, rapping the thigh, with Hawk-Eye showing it would have clipped the top ofoff.
The big fish came soon after,anotherglorioususeof the seam. Seales hit a hard length which Babar looked toparryintotheoffside,but itshapedawayjustenoughto kisstheoutsideedgethrough to Imlach Babar would review,but,likeGhulam,he wouldnotbereprieved.
Theinningsthreatenedto fall apart at that point, but Saud Shakeel, seasoned on surfaces like these, restored some order to proceedings for Pakistan. The sting was taken out of the quicks and the spinners negotiated deftly, while Mohammad Rizwanattheotherendkept hisconcentrationlevelsupas
West Indies continued to prowl.
There was a notable acceleration from the pair after tea, right from when Shakeelgottohiskneesand swept Kevin Sinclair for four
Itwasashotthatbrought the pair bounty through the session, giving them a releaseshotastheballbegan to rip. The next six overs produced seven boundaries with Rizwan the chief aggressor, brave enough to use his feet to spin and ensuring the strike kept tickingover
There remained plenty forthevisitorstogetexcited about.Anumberofballsbeat the outside edge by a whisker,andShakeelpopped one up dangerously close to shortmidwicketjustshyofa half-century
But when he got there, and Rizwan followed up soon after, the milestones werebothwell-deserved.
By now, the light had been deteriorating consistently, and midway throughKraiggBrathwaite’s first over, the light-metre came out, and the players wentoff.
By then, Pakistan were arguably the happier side, having been dragged by RizwanandShakeeltowards aratherlessperilousposition than they found themselves inafterthefirsthour
Sabalenka is aiming to become just the seventh player to claim a third straight Australian Open women’s singles title (Getty Images)
(BBC Sport) - Britain’s Jack Draper fought through his third successive five-set epic at the Australian Open to tee up a blockbuster meeting with Spanish superstar Carlos Alcaraz in thefourthround.
Draper, seeded 15th, won6-42-65-77-6(7-5)76 (10-8) against home hope AleksandarVukicinanother late-nightthriller
The British number one had already quelled a partisanAustraliancrowd with a comeback win over Thanasi Kokkinakis on Wednesday - and showed more of his monster mentality two dayslater
Draper, 23, led by a break in the decider beforeVukic - who belied his ranking of 86th in the world - refused to wilt and forced a match tiebreak
AthroatyroarfromDraper signalledhisdelight–andrelief
–atcomingthroughinalmost four hours just before 1am local time.Draper,whoisthe only Briton left in the men’s singles,willlooktoend21year-old third seed Alcaraz’s bid to complete a career Grand Slam on Sunday
Draper’s childhood rival Jacob Fearnley, who has enjoyed a meteoric rise since turning professional in April, was beaten by German second seed Alexander ZverevearlieronFriday
Emma Raducanu is the only Briton left in the women’s singles and plays secondseedIgaSwiatekon Saturday Sabalenka ‘pushes to the limit’ to progress
Earlier on Friday, top seed Aryna Sabalenka continued her bid for a third consecutive Australian Open title with victo
The 26-year-old
Belarusian was made to work for her 7-6 (7-5) 6-4 win on Rod Laver Arena but secured victory in two hours and six minutes to progress to the fourthround
There were 11 breaks of serve in a match of rapidly shifting momentum at MelbournePark.
“That was a great battle,” said Sabalenka “ S h e p l a y e d unbelievable tennis It was really tough to play against her today.
“I’m just super happy that I was able to just stay in the game and I was able to push myself, honestly, to the limit to get this win ” Despite three tough matches, Sabalenka progresses to the second week at MelbourneParkhavingnot dropped a set and with a 30th victory in 31 matches in hard-court Slams since the start of 2023 Sabalenka will face 17-year-old 14th seed MirraAndreevainthenext round, who earned a hardfought 6-2 1-6 6-2 victory o v e r P o l a n d ’ s Magdalena Frech
Gauff claimed a more straightforward victory, moving past 30th seed
The world number three, who reached the s e m i - f i n a l s i n Melbourne last year, improved as the match went, stamping out unforced errors as she c l i n c h e d t h r e e successive breaks at the start of the second set
American seventh seed Jessica Pegula became the latesttop-10playertofallas shewentdown7-6(7-3)6-1 toSerbia’sOlgaDanilovic.