Exxon and partners walked away with $15.4B of US$18B
State makes application to access bank account Brutus’ salary is deposited in Sophia man confesses to robbing Chinese supermarket at Soesdyke allocated $68.1B for
Fire Service more fire stations, training in 2025
Man of unsound after attacking rank with scissors
mind shot by police Bandits zip gold customer’s $7M gold chain and band smith after snatching
Netanyahu says Israel has right to restart fighting in Gaza after ceasefire to plummet by 10.9% this year
Suspect, Orlando Scott
Brazilian miner charged with murder of colleague, remanded
AB r a z i l i a n national was charged on Friday with the murder of a miner when he appeared at the Bartica Magistrates’ Court.
The accused, Raimundo Dos Santos Coimbra called ‘Nigi’ made his first court appearance before Magistrate Teriq Mohamed, where the capital offence chargewasreadtohim.
He was not required to plead to the charge which said that he killed 37-yearoldOvidJames.
It is alleged that on November26,2024,atNine Miles Backdam, Honey Camp, Middle Mazaruni, Region Seven, Coimbra stabbed James during an argument.
Reports indicate that theirboss,AlisterCulpepper, a dredge owner, told police that they “washed down” on November 26, 2024, at around 16:00hrs After completing the process, he and all his workers left for HoneyCampLandingwhere they spent the evening
Jamesreportedlybecame intoxicated and his reputed wife, who is a cook employed with Culpepper, took him back to the mining camp.
When the duo arrived at the mining camp, Coimbra wassittingatatabledrinking HighWine.Jamesreportedly joinedhim.
“…they both started to argue as to who was their employer,” James’ wife
Exxon and partners walked
...while Guyana received US$2.6B
The Stabroek Block in 2024 generated a whopping US$18B in revenue, a 55.4% increase compared with the total export earnings of the sector in 2023, some US$11.6B.
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), the operator of the resource-rich acreage grabbedUS$15.4Bofthe2024revenuefrom oil, while Guyana’s Natural Resource Fund (NRF) received a meager US$2.6B during theperiod.
This information is contained in Budget 2025, which was presented to the National Assembly on Friday afternoon by Finance Minister,Dr AshniSingh.
President, EMGL, Alistair Routledge
“The Brazilian national then armed himself with a knife, walked up to the deceasedanddealthimastab to his lower abdomen,” policesaidinastatement.
James reportedly fell to the ground and remained motionless.Itisbelievedthat hebledtodeathbeforepolice arrived.
Coimbra was remanded to prison until February 28, 2025.
Some $800M has been allocated in the2025budgetto construct the Palmyra Cultural Market in Region Six.
Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh during his presentation of this year’s National Budget on Friday saidthattheprojectwillbea richeducationalandcultural hub to showcase the diversity and unity of “our people for families to enjoy andcelebrate.”
Kaieteur News reported that the Ministry of Public Workswentouttotenderlast year seeking proposals for theproject.
Five companies, including two local firms, had submitted bids in October to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) to design, build, and finance (DBF) the cultural market at Palmyra. Those bidders were Rockey & Son Construction, Hoosein Logistics & Supplies Inc , Ashoka in joint venture with Cube Construction, China CAMC Engineering Company
Limited, and China Road & Bridge Corporation in joint venturewithQingjianGroup CompanyLimited.
President Irfaan Ali announced the construction of the facility during the Emancipation celebration held at the NewAmsterdam TechnicalInstitutelastyear
Quoted in a Department of Public Information (DPI) article, the President said, “As we build the new stadium, and as we build facilitiesaroundthestadium, and as we build hotels, an importantpartofwhypeople willcometoRegionSixisto be part of this national culturalmarket.”
“Thiswillbeasymbolof the importance of culture in bridging gaps and bringing people together The importance of culture in economic and social revolution. The importance of culture in developing healthylifestyle [and]the importance of culture in celebrating the unity of our people and our country,” he added.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understandsthattheplanned culturalmarketprojectforms partofthe$3.6billionthatis budgeted to support the ongoing development of
culture and the arts in the country
Speaking on Culture and Arts,theSeniorMinistersaid that work has begun on the importance preparation of the design of a new state-ofthe-art museum and art gallery for which $1B is allocatedin2025.
He added that pertaining to music and the performing arts, last year upgrades were donetotheNationalCultural Centre, Guyana’s premier venueforculturaleventsand activities, which resulted in 92 productions being accommodated.
“With support and investment from our government, Guyana’s music and performing arts industry has grown and, in 2024,over360personswere engaged in national events throughouttheyear.Further, we constructed a recording studioinPortMourantwhich willbeoperationalisedinthe first quarter of 2025 and we will commence works on three additional studios in Regions 2, 3 and 10 to supportartistesandsubsidise the cost of recording music.
Tothisend,thesumof$97.3 million is budgeted,” the Minister announced on Friday
InhispresentationtotheHouse,Dr Singh reported, “Crude oil exports, which contributed US$18 billion to overall export earnings in 2024, increased by 55.4 percent, drivenlargelybyhighervolumes.”
In the meantime, he also provided an overview of the country’s earnings from the sector. He said, “Deposits into the NRF for the year 2024 amounted to US$2.6 billion. The Fund received US$2.2 billion in profit oil, US$557.5 million from Liza Destiny, US$869.2 million from Liza Unity and US$796.3 million from Prosperity With respecttoroyaltypayments,US$348million was received from the Stabroek Block operator.”
WithGuyanaonlyreceivingUS$2.6Bof the revenue generated in the Stabroek Block in2024,itthereforemeansthatExxonMobil baggedUS$15.4Bofthetotalincome.
Furthermore, using figures from this year’s Budget, it could be deduced that ExxonMobil recovered US$13.2B in cost, whileitearnedUS$2.2Binprofit.
In keeping with the terms of the 2016 Petroleum Agreement, the Contractor can deduct up to 75% of the oil produced each month to recover cost. The remaining 25
percent is then shared equally between the governmentandtheoilcompany.Thismeans that 12.5 percent of the revenue goes to Guyana,whilethesecond12.5percentprofit is shared with the company Exxon is then requiredtopaythecountrytwopercentfrom itssharetowardsroyalty
According to this year’s Budget, 225 million barrels of oil was produced from the three Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels (FPSOs) currently in operation. Notably, Guyana received 28 millionbarrelsofthetotaloilproduced.
Dr Singh said, “With an estimated production of 225.4 million barrels of crude oilin2024,theoilandgassectorexpandedby 57.7percentin2024.”
In the meantime, the petroleum sector is expectedto see furthergrowth in 2025, with 9.5%expansionestimated.
DPI - Guyana’s key constitutional bodies, including the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Ethnic Relations
Commission (ERC) and Rights Commissions will benefit from a further $18.9 billion investment to support their mandatesandoperations.
Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh made the disclosure on Friday as he presented the $1.38 trillion budget to the NationalAssembly
He affirmed that the government is committed to good governance in accordancewiththeConstitution,aswellas with protecting the separation of powers, building a responsive bureaucracy and providing resources to transform the daily livesofpeople.
“A core concept of oversight and transparency is the effective functioning of our Constitutional bodies. Since 2020, we have reconstituted key commissions and providedsubstantialfundingtosupporttheir mandates and operations including the
PublicProcurementCommission,thePublic and Police Service Commission and the Judicial Service Commission, the judiciary andtheAuditOffice,”hesaid.
Further, the Integrity Commission, which continues to receive strong governmentsupporttoenforcetheIntegrity CommissionAct,hasbeenallocatedthesum of $112.5 million in the 2025 budget to advanceitswork.
Work has commenced on drafting revisions of the Act aimed at improving mechanisms and penalties for noncompliance.
“Additionally, the 21-member Constitutional Reform Commission established in 2022 continues its work to review and propose amendments to the Constitution,and,tothisend,$218.9million is allocated in 2025,” the senior minister revealed.
The Commission is tasked with reviewing the Constitution of Guyana to provide for the current and future rights, duties, liabilities, and obligations of the Guyanesepeople.
Raimundo Dos Santos Coimbra called ‘Nigi’
Kaieteur News
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
A budget that disappoints and insults
IfthePPP/CGovernmentissittingbackandwaitingfor kudosonits2025budget,itisinaforalongwait. Therankand-file in Guyana’s population was expecting something tangiblethroughthoughtfulbudgetprovisions. Whatthey got, instead, was a budget that disappoints, then insults. Billions are thrown about willy-nilly, and there is still difficultyinfiguringoutthecoherencyinthisyear’sbudget. WhatcouldbesaidaboutanoverallpolicytogiveGuyanese reelingfromcost-of-livingpressuressignificantrelief?
The government keeps emphasizing how much it is spending for fuel relief, with this year’s number being $80B.Yet regular commuters are held hostage by the fare flexibilityofoperatorsinthepublictransportationsystem. This$80Binfuelsubsidythatisgoingtobemademuchado about vanishes when darkness steps in, or the crowds thicken,astherecentholidayseasonconfirmed. Forthose many commuters dependent on public transportation, the fuelsubsidyismoreoftheorygiventherealityofhavingto digdeeperintotheirthinly-linedpockets.
Intheagriculturalsector,$1BinVATistoberemoved, andover$73BisforDrainageandIrrigation. Thenumbers areimpressive,butthereisthedepressingconditionoffarm productsstayinghigh,orracingawayfromregularcitizens. Theroadandbridgesectorcontinuestobefedmoneyatan astronomicalrate,with$209.3Binthebudget. Inthethree most recent budgets, over a half trillion dollars have been for roads and bridges, but traffic congestion is still a daily headache. Further, the network of new or extended roads has done little to bring about the expected changes in the pricesoffarmproducts. Inviewofthebillionsborrowed, billions withdrawn from the Natural Resources Fund, and the billions in taxpayer dollars absorbed, the question is how much value for money are Guyanese getting. We wouldsaythatitisminimal,atbest.
Again,theeducationsectorbenefitsfromahugechunk ofthebudget-$175Btobeexact-andthegovernmentclaps itself on the back by talking of a world-class education system. ThewholeCabinetinthePPP/CGovernmentmay have fooled itself, but Guyanese know better Take away the cream of the crop, the CSEC and CAPE high performers, and thereafter the troubles and concerns multiply Thispublicschoolsystemisofsuchaworld-class standard that PPP/C Government ministers and its senior public servants settle for the confidence-inducing private school system for their children to attend. So, who is fooling whom with this empty talk about a “world-class” educationsystem?
InDr AshniSingh’sbudgetpresentationthatlastedfive hours and five minutes, he spoke of many things, but couldn’tfindaminutetoshareasentenceaboutminimum wage workers toiling for $60,147 monthly and dying by inches from that horror This confirms one of two things: the PPP/C Government is so deep in bed with the private sector that it turns a blind eye to the plight of Guyana’s minimumwageworkers. Or,itsolidifiesthebeliefthatthe private sector has a stranglehold on the government that minimum wage workers are sacrificed to the exploitations of their employers. Either way, this country’s minimum wage workers are caught in an economic vice that forces themtolivebytheirwitsandtheseatoftheirpants.
Relativetocost-of-livingeases,thedirectcontributions to money in hand involve an increase in the income tax threshold($30,000),adecreaseinthetaxratebyameagre 3%from28%to25%,andtaxreliefperchildperparentof $10,000. Cumulatively, these three measures put some additional dollars in Guyanese hands, but it is negligible whenspirallingpricesforbasicitemstransformthelivesof poor citizens into a waking nightmare. Pensions for the elderlyandNISrecipients,thosewhoarelargelydependent on these incomes, are sure to leave Guyanese more angry thanhappy,sodisappointingtheyare. Theprospectsarenot encouraging for Guyanese: there is so much money in the economyfromoilandloans,andstilltheyareallbutignored and treated most insultingly in the trickle of budget provisionsforthem.
The Pension increase:Acosmetic gesture in the face of harsh realities
DEAREDITOR, It is with deep disappointment that I pen this letter in response to the announcement by Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh, thattheoldagepensionwill increase from $36,000 to $41,000permonthinBudget 2025 While this may superficiallyseemlikeanact ofbenevolence,itis,intruth, a stark reminder of how disconnected policymakers are from the grim realities facedbyourseniorcitizens. This token increase is woefully inadequate in a nation where the cost of
skyrocket. Far from being a remedy, it exacerbates the indignity of old age by failing to address the systemic neglect that pensioners endure. Permit me to elucidate the key reasons why this measure is profoundlydisappointing:
1 Escalating cost of living: In an economy plagued by inflation, $41,000permonthisacruel mockery when basic commodities are priced beyondthereachofordinary citizens, le
2. The healthcare crisis: Elderly individuals face
escalating medical expenses duetochronicillnesses,with prescriptions, diagnostic
consuming their entire income.
3. Utility costs: With surging electricity tariffs, waterrates,andgasprices,a significant portion of the pension increase will vanish into paying bills, leaving littleforsurvival.
4 Food insecurity: Propernutritioniscriticalin old age, yet pensioners are forced to choose between eating balanced meals and payingforotheressentials.
5 Housing dilemmas: Pensioners who rent or own homes struggle with the relentless rise in rent, maintenance, and property taxes, further diminishing theirfinancialstability
6 Intergenerational dependence: Many elderly individuals find themselves supporting unemployed children or raising grandchildren,addinglayers of financial strain 7 Inflationary erosion: The $5,000 increase barely offsets the effects of inflation, rendering the gestureeconomically
Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox
Decolonising cuisine: Seven curry Pioneering a
, As is usual with almost any discussion in Guyana, the debate over “Seven Curry” has less to do with gastronomy than with politics.Frankly,asonewho has been writing about the historical peripheralization of Indian culture in Guyana – including its gustatory aspects – ever since my foray to “town” to write “A Levels” at Indians Trust Collegeoverfiftyyearsago, whenmylunchof“roti-andaloo choka wrap” was derided by some nonIndians,Iwasquiteproudof PresidentAliwhenherolled out“SevenCurry”atofficial statefunctions.
At long last not only were the beloved Indian Guyanese foods out of the closet but also the only way toenjoythemby“sanaying” (mixing with fingers) to ensure the complex, complementary flavours titillating one’s tastebuds. All left now is to “chatay” (to lick) the fingers to show appreciation to the hosts for their“finger-licking”feast!
The discussion raises several issues in relation to Pres Ali’s comments on “Seven Curry which, a c c o r d i n g t o o n e interlocutor, “have caused significant distress within the Indo-Guyanese Hindu community”. The first issue was Pres Ali’s claim that “ghee was unavailable to Hindus, implying they cooked their food primarily with water”, which “lack historical accuracy” I address this issue because it relatestothelargerquestion o f i d e n t i t y i n a hegemonized,post-colonial,
multiculturalsociety It would appear there r e m a i n s r e s i d u a l embarrassment in dealing with the conditions under which we left India and arrived in Guyana. Re. the former, when Indentureship began, India had been devasted economically and socially after a century British depredation The areasfromwhichmostofus originated, the then Bengal Presidency and United Presidency, were earliest and most pillaged. Famines had become endemic and even peasants with small plots of land were desperately poor and chose migrationtosurvive.Atbest their food was mere subsistence.
As George A. Grierson wrote in “District of Gaya”, (1893), from where my great-grandfather came in 1888,“Gheewasandremain an expensive item that would have been used sparingly by them. Food of an oleaginous kind (such as ghí, milk, oil) is almost wanting amongst the poorer classes. That it is necessary is shown by the universal craving exhibited for it.The richertheman,themoreoily food he uses The daylabourer’s use of oil is very small indeed, while the substantial cultivator or thriving artizan uses it and milkwithhisdailyfoodtoa greaterextent.”(p123)
When the Indentured labourers left for British Guiana – 95% North India v i a C a l c u t t a ; 5 % SouthernersviaMadras-the shippers concocted a diet as cheap as possible, yet genuflecting to their tastes.
As recorded by researcher Ashutosh Kumar, (Feeding the Girmitiya: Food and DrinkonIndenturedShipsto theSugarColonies,)ontheir months-long journey, the daily allowances for each adultwereasfollows:
“Rice, 20 oz; Daal (mixture)6ozforriceeater; 4ozforfloureater;flour,16 oz; oils/ ghee, 1 oz for rice eater and flour eater; potatoes;mustardoil,8drm; garlic, ½ drm; mustard seed (sarso), ½ drm; chillies, ½ drm; black pepper, 1½ drm; coriander seed, 2 drm; turmeric,4drm;tamarind,8 drm; salt, 8 drm; pumpkins oryams,1oz;potatoes,2oz - 5 oz and a live sheep weekly With the small quantity of oil/ghee supplied,thetraditionofthe poor peasants’ technique of chaunkayingor sautéingthe onions and spices in the small quantity of oil/ghee and then adding the vegetables or meat along with water to “boil down”, wasadopted”.
When they landed in Guyana, for one year, they wereall–Hindus,Muslims, Tamils - allocated the same amountof“rations”,thecost ofwhichwasdeductedfrom (Continuedonpage06)
, Guyanaisatthecuspofa transformative era, with rapid infrastructure
development driving economic growth and connectivity MinisterAshni Singh, in his recent budget remarks, highlights key projects reshaping the nation, such as the new Demerara Bridge, the new Berbice Bridge, the long-anticipated bridgeconnectingGuyanaand Suriname, and the Gas-toEnergy Project With these ambitious projects, some of which have already moved from feasibility to reality, the growing need to implement dronesandroboticsisevident, ushering in a new age of efficiencyandprecisionacross sectors
Accuracy is paramount in the initial stages of any infrastructure development. Drones equipped with LiDAR(LightDetectionand Ranging) sensors and highresolution cameras provide detailed topographical data, enabling engineers and architects to map terrain accurately. This data allows planners to visualise potential challenges, make informed decisions, and reduce costly surprises during construction This approach can increase
new era in infrastructure
productivity by ensuring the most optimised use of skills andresourcesasmoredatais gathered and processed than traditionalmethods.
Drones and robotics have revolutionisedconstructionby improving safety and efficiency With the deployment of unmanned technology, monitoring constructionsitesinrealtime, capturing progress from multiple angles, providing insightsthatensuretimeliness, andprintingfloorplanson-site to guide contractors in utility placement are all becoming commonplace. Drones can inspecthard-to-reachhazardous areas, eliminating the need for manualchecksthatcouldpose risks to workers and are time andresource-intensive These innovations increase productivity and maintain consistent quality, which is essential for structures expectedtolastdecades I n f r a s t r u c t u r e maintenance is just as critical as construction Drones with t
d ultrasonic sensors are
invaluable for detecting wear andtear,cracks,orweakpoints in bridges and roadways For thebridgeconnectingGuyana and Suriname, regular drone inspectionsshouldbeapartof the process to help identify earlysignsofstructuralissues, allowing for proactive maintenance and extending the lifespan of the infrastructure
AsGuyanatransforms,we mustcatapultourselvesintoa neweraofprogress Adopting drones and robotics would signal a commitment to modernity and innovation These technologies improve project efficiency and safety and allow Guyana to position itselfasaleaderinembracing cutting-edge solutions for sustainabledevelopment
The potential for drones and robotics is vast. By i n t e g r a t i n g t h e s e technologies, Guyana can build a future of progress, resilience,andinnovation. Regards, BrianSmith Dragonfly Drones and GeospatialSolutions
$191.4M pump station, pumps commissioned at Trafalgar, WCB
Minister ofAgriculture Zulfikar Mustapha, during the commissioning ceremony at Trafalgar Drainage Pump Station in West Coast Berbice.
The Ministry ofAgriculture on Saturday commissionedtherehabilitatedpumpstation at Trafalgar, West Coast Berbice (WCD) as well as a new 200 cubic feet per second (cusec)pumpandthreerehabilitatedpumps.
A press statement from the Ministry stated that the three pumps, 750 KVA generatorsandtherehabilitationworksatthe station were executed at a cost of $191,447,700.
“ThisnewpumpstationatTrafalgarwill directly benefit 13,000 acres of land, predominantly rice fields, and pastures for livestock, which have been the backbone of this region's agricultural output,” the Ministry of Agriculture said in the press statement.
Notably, the pump station is equipped
withfourelectricallydrivenpumps,twowith a capacity of 150 cusec and two with a capacity of 200 cusec allowing it to drain a total of 700 cusec (314,182 gallons per minute, US) This provides significant drainage relief to the Mahaica-MahaiconyAbary ((MMA) scheme and surrounding areas,accordingtotheAgricultureMinistry During the commissioning ceremony, Minister Mustapha said that “these types of investmentsbythegovernmentwillboostthe agricultural sector significantly in this area and enhance productivity.”He also said that in Budget 2025, the agriculture sector was allocated $104.6 billion, with $73.3 billion being allocated to further upgrade and expand the national drainage and irrigation networkacrossthecountry
Kaieteur M@ilbox
A young gentleman recently made a post on social media reflecting on the disparity in terms of development between GuyanaandSingapore.Both countries were poor when theygainedindependencein themid-60s.Iwassurprised, having glanced at the responses, that no one highlighted Singapore’s intensefocusoneducation.
I am no expert in developmenteconomics,nor am I a policy wonk Nevertheless, what I do know is that new roads and bridges, new schools, new hospitals and rapidly rising GDPpointtogrowthbutnot necessarily development
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) says “people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone”. To measure development, the UNDP deploys the Human Development Index (HDI). A key dimension of this index is a measure of the “mean of years of schooling for adults aged 25 years and more and expected years of schooling for children of schoolenteringage”.
InGuyana,wearefailing terribly with our thrust to educateourpeople.Thepass rate for English and Mathematics, at the 2024 National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) was 66 8% and 40 4%, respectively Asof2021,the secondary dropout rate was c i t e d a s 5 0 % (
https://guyanachronicle.com /2021/09/08/educationministry-zeroes-in-ons c h o o ldropouts/#:~:text=To%20ge t%20those%20in%20school s,truancy%20campaigns%2 C%20and%20sensitisation %20sessions ) The Ministry of Education (MOE) has not released updated information on the dropout rate, so I have no reason to believe the situation has improved. Of the 50% who survive secondary school, and write the CSEC exams, the pass rateforstudentsgainingfive subjects or more is 67%. However, if one were to insist on the inclusion of MathandEnglishinthefive subjects, the pass rate dips below 40% Over ten thousand students leave our schoolsystemannuallywith little or nothing to show for theirtimeinit.
True development in Guyana demands a transformationalapproachto education. Education must play its role in creating a Guyaneseidentity.Allofthe policy initiatives announced in recent times point to incrementalism. We need to returndropoutstotheschool system Vocational secondary schools may help in this regard Teacher training and retraining is critical.
A cadre of subject specialists should be prepared,throughatrainthe trainer programme, to travel from Point Playa to Aishalton to ensure that knowledge is effectively transferred The results
toutedbytheMOEareoften the effort of single teachers givinglessonstostudentsof numerous schools. This has gone on for too long. It may be necessary to recruit teachersfromoverseasasthe issueseemstobeoneofboth quantity and quality, if we are to deliver a high quality of education nationwide Many countries improved their education systems by recruiting Guyanese teachers.Thetimehascome forustoreversethatpattern. Better pay will be required fortherecruits,andthelocal patriots, who have kept the systemgoing.
I have said a lot and not yetsaidawordaboutmyreal concern, the GOAL project. This project will receive over G$4B in 2025. One applicant sought my advice on which university to choose I gave some superficial guidance I assumed that the university actually had the programme they were offering, they did not.Onceintheprogramme, the scholarship awardee experienced several cancelled classes and the addition of a “pre-Master’s” programme which extended time for completion from eighteen months to two years.All awardees suffered thatsamefate.
Six months later, the universitystilldoesnothave themajorrequested,andhas offered awardees an option to change majors. Worse, upon enquiry, it was discovered that the university does not even offeraccesstoresearch
Oil not a factor on how people vote
DEAREDITOR, In the back-and-forth exchanges among various commentators on Exxon
renegotiation, and references to party politics, the oil contract and Exxon are not significant factors in how the electorate vote They will not induce people to vote for or against any party
The contract and Exxon are factors in the politics of the political parties, not the voters, and all sides are sensibly wooing the oil giant. That is good politics! But Exxon wisely has not gotten involved in the local politicsandisnotlikelynow totakesides.
No government, regardless of party in office, would want to alienate Exxon or other oil investors or break contracts or take other measures that would adversely affect investment. We need investment to continue the path of rapid development.
Thus, each party is playing its card silently and wisely so to encourage oil production and lure investors.
Yourssincerely, VishnuBisram
Decolonising cuisine: Seven curry...
Frompage05 their wages. They protested this imposition because they wanted to Budget their purchases and gradually the stricture was removed towards the end of indenture. To save money (wages for men was 24 cents daily and 16 cents for women throughout indentureship) they pinched their pennies andateevenmoreabstemiously Bythetime theycouldaffordbetter,theirtastewasseton thesimplespicesandcookingtechniqueinto
thepresent,whethersinglyorascomponents of Seven Curry”, and still remind them acrosstheworldof“home”.
Servingseveraldishesonleaves–Lotus inGuyana,SohariinTrinidad–invokesthe Indian nutritionally balanced Thaali Mauritius has a Tamil interpretation of “Sept-Cari:SevenCurry”,servedonbanana leaves.
Sincerely, RaviDev
Exxon believes it owns Guyana!
There was a period in this country’s history where Guyanese argued that a certain politician believe Guyana was left as his birthright.
Today that has changed with the presence of American oil giant, ExxonMobil. The company believes that because it was the first to discover oil and invest here that all the resources belong to them.
Not only should no other company benefit but Guyanese too should be grateful for the scraps they are receiving because of its investments.
Daily, citizens are waking up to the harsh realities and are becoming agitated.Will change come soon? This can only be determined by the masses.
Kazakhstan showed that renegotiation is possible
Bharrat Jagdeo is fond everyweekofcriticizingthe PNC/R as not having persons with the requisite experienceinpolicymaking. It is his way of saying that the leaders of the PNCR are inexperienced when it comes to managing a country.
Butonemustalsoquestion hisexperiencewhenitcomesto oil and gas He is after all overseeingasectoroverwhich hedidnothaveanyexperience prior to taking office in 2020 This renders Jagdeo’s claim aboutexperiencesterile
Had Jagdeo had the requisite experience he may have known about the case of Kazakhstanwhichrenegotiated its production sharing agreement which had been signed in 2001 with a consortium of oil companies, includingExxonMobil
K a z a k h s t a n h a s renegotiated contracts with oil companies multiple times Beginningin2007,itsoughtto increase its share of revenue from the giant Kashagan oil field after deeming the initial terms unfavourable Kazakhstan provides an instructive example of a countryrenegotiatingcontracts with oil companies to secure bettertermsforitscitizensand government
There are a number of similarities between the early inexperience of Kazakhstan and Guyana
For one, there was a large discovery TheKashaganoil field was one of the largest oil discoveries at the time. Located in the Caspian Sea, Kashagan has estimated reservesof13billionbarrels ofrecoverableoil,makingit asignificantresourceforthe country.
Second, the negotiating strength of Kazakhstan relativetotheoilcompanies was weak The newly independent country lacked the capital to develop its oil resourceseventhoughithad beenproducingoilunderthe Soviet Union Guyana found itself in the same positionofnotbeingableto match the negotiating expertise and experience of theoilcompanies.
Third, like in Guyana, theoriginalPSAwasheavily tilted in favour of the international consortium of oil companies Initially, inste
, Kazakhstan received equity intheventure.Costrecovery was set at 80%, dropping to 55%afterpayback.Profitoil was another rip-off with the oil companies initially creaming off 90% with a decliningslidingscalebased on a complicated factor relatedtorateofreturn. Like in Guyana, the consortium benefittedfromgeneroustax exemptions even though profitoilwastaxable.
While these terms
facilitated the initial development of Kashagan, theylaterbecameasourceof discontent for Kazakhstan. With improvements in the stabilityoftheeconomyand with the country gaining
resources, the government felt it could demand better terms. The increase in oil prices, public pressure and costoverrunsonoilprojects in the 2000s provided the g
leverage it needed to push forrenegotiation.
K a z a k h s t a n ’ s government employed a range of strategic measures torenegotiatethetermsofits agreem
Kashagan oil project consortium Recognizing the imbalance in the initial contract, the government applied regulatory pressure by imposing fines and penalties for project delays
violations. These measures weredesignedtocompelthe consortium to engage in discussions and address Kazakhstan’sconcerns.
Thegovernmentin2008 wasabletoincreasethestake of state oil company, KazMunay Gas in the Kashagan project from 8.33% to 16.81%. This movenotonlyenhancedthe government’s control over project operations but also
Dem boys seh dem don’t understand how a trillion-dollar budget could only spare $5,000 a month increase fuh pensioners. Is like yuh cook one big pot curry and when pensioners showup,yuhgivingdema spoonful rice and one lil’ piece chicken bone. Better canbedone,man.
Imagine,weindeeraof oil wealth, yet pensioners barely getting enough fuh buy lil’ milk and bread. Demsehdemoneydeh,but itmissinglikegoodsensein some politicians’ head
How much pensioners we got? 75,000, dem seh. But hold up! That sound like a stretch.Isbareoldpeoplein Guyana? Or some slick ones living overseas sneakingintodepot?
Demboyssehdemhear how some foreign-based folks tekkin advantage
Dem applying fuh Guyana passport, but when yuh see dem, dem jetting out wid dem foreign one. Smart move, but it means that
when de authorities check dem can’t prove that de people living overseas becausedemlocalpassport recordsnahshwdemleffde country
Butwhiledemsmart,it jukking poor Auntie Betty and Uncle Joe in de ribs.
Dem can’t get more pension because people who ain’t qualify fuh oldage pension find a way to getondepensionroll.
Onemansehistimefuh de authorities clean up de pension list. Start wid all who using dual passports like is two-sided tape. If yuh ain’t living here, yuh shouldn’t be collecting pension here. Simple as that. Do a house-to-house verification of a small, random sample of 1000 old-agepensioners
Dem boys seh if we tightenupdesystem,some ahdemwhomilkingdecow fromabroadgongetcutoff. And guess wah? De remainingpensionerscould get more money Maybe
secured a larger share of the profitsforthenation.
Simultaneously, the government demanded revisions to the fiscal terms of the agreement It negotiatedforahighershare of project revenues, particularly after costrecovery phases, while also securing higher royalty payments and stricter limits o n c o s t - r e c o v e r y allowances.
To b u t t
e s s i t s negotiating position, Kazakhstan hinted at the possibility of revoking the consortium’s licence, a move that demonstrated its resolve and readiness to pursue legal avenues if necessary Although such a step could have led to prolonged legal battles, it u n d e r s c o r e d t h e government’s commitment tosecuringafairerdeal.
The revised agreement increased the government’s share of oil revenues, particularly after the costrecovery phase, ensuring a more equitable distribution
of the project’s financial benefits. Additionally, the increased stake of KazMunayGas provided Kazakhstan with greater influence over project decisions and improved transparency in the consortium’soperations.
Beyond financial improvements, the renegotiation addressed broader economic and environmental priorities The consortium committed to using more local labour, goods, and services, which bolstered the domestic economy and created jobs
Environmentalconcernswere also addressed, with the companies agreeing to implement better practices to mitigate the ecological impactoftheproject.
Throughacombinationof strategic pressure, enhanced state involvement, and fiscal renegotiation, Kazakhstan demonstrated its ability to assert national interests in a complex, high-stakes negotiation, setting an example for resource-rich
nations facing similar challenges Kazakhstan’sexperience highlights that renegotiation is not only possible but can also yield significant benefits without deterring future investment. A key lessonforGuyanaisthatthe oil companies will not walk awayfromatreasurechest.
Like Kazakhstan, Guyana can leverage its growing expertise and public sentiment to demand better terms for its oil wealth.Butourleadersneed to show greater backbone instead of hiding behind excuses.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
demcouldevenmovefrom drinking sugar water to buyinglil’juicebox.
Oil money supposed to lift up everybody, not just de big ones who riding around in SUVs wid flashing lights. If we can’t take care ah we elderly, what kind ah society we building? De same people who help build de country struggling to afford lil’ dignity in dem golden years.
A pension of $41,000 might look like a lot but rightnowdempricesinthe market is oil economy prices.Aboxfoodwahused to cost $700 is now $1500. The pensioners cannot afforddat,andsomeofdem living with family who does dem hand over dem pension fuh help pay de householdexpenses.
Demboyssehitsimple: cutoutdecheaters,cleanup delist,andtreatpensioners like de national treasures dem be. Anything less is a disgrace.
A citizen was kind enough to draw my attention to the last sentence in a recent letter titled, “Simplistic is an apt description of the collective bleating for renegotiation” (SN January 15, 2025) from a seasoned public commentator He quoted: “Any attempt at it [renegotiation] would be a prescription for losing the election.” I am thankful for that rare moment of extraordinary frankness. Atalaterdate,Imaybe able to say confidently that rarer honesty in local political discourse has become commonplace. As localssay,mouthopen….
In my crude and rude way, I have written that the fear of renegotiation, the resistance to renegotiation, by the PPP Government has to do with its calculation of how power could be lost.
Thereisabeliefinthiscountry that democracy prevails and the people vote a government into office. The explorers deep below the sand conveniently forget to mention, give weight, to the Americans. How much they have impacted Guyanese elections How much they have never been lessthanuninvolvedintheoutcome of most, if not all, elections in this country,post1957tountilasrecent as2020.
The trend is expected to continue in 2025, which was what that veteran public political presence in this country openly admitted The belated public admissionsumsupto: Appeasethe Americans. Don’tcrossthem.
Thus,Iassert[asIalwayshave] that the issue is not about renegotiation. It is about the elections.
For emphasis, for the greatest unambiguity, what was laid bare before all Guyanese is that the supremacyofelectionsvictorywill always come before this dangerously threatening matter of renegotiationofthe2016Exxonoil contract. Theadmissioncouldnot havebeenclearer,starker Afterall the arguments about economic consequence to Exxon, the reputationofthisRepublic,andthe investor climate that could be poisoned because of renegotiation, the truth is now before all Guyanese. Elections success is whatmatters.
If even thinking about renegotiation represents elections self-defeat, then talking about it, pushingforittocometothetableof conversation rises to the level of political kiss of death for the People’sProgressiveParty Ihave
observedPresidentAliverballyand physically circle around renegotiation, as though it is some vicious, deranged pit-bull. I have said repeatedly to the Guyanese public that there is a man living in mortal dread of power being wrenched from his hands. I have listened sparsely to the Hon. Vice President, Dr Jagdeo, as he carefully selects his words, as though each one would cost him a fortune if renegotiation were to be made the lynchpin of the PPP Government’s endeavours Indeed, an irreplaceable political fortune would be lost. For a man who lusts after power with uncontrolled abandon, there is appreciation of the hard, irreconcilable conflict between renegotiationoftheExxoncontract and winning the 2025 elections.
And when the Hon Attorney
General, Dr.Anil Nandlall, climbs on any horse, beats a hasty path to the courts, by the side of Exxon against the Guyanese people’s interests (even their safety), then renegotiationisasgoodasdeadan issuewiththePPPGovernmentand itsleaders.
Thepeopleelectedtorepresent thepeoplefailtodosowithalltheir strength, and all the facilities at their disposal. But they are so craven that they want to hold onto topower,sothattheycanstandwith Exxon and run a shaft up the Guyanese people. In Guyana, elections are the alpha and omega of political existence, which is accepted as the norm. So, when renegotiation of an oil contract collides with the immovable superiority of elections, then the Guyanese electorate have the clearest idea of who is for their welfare Citizens are also enlightened about who is for those who tricked them in 2016, and continues to do in an endless array of secret ways. It is a tragic irony that the 2016 Exxon contract that the PPPitself once denounced as a ‘crime’ now stands consecrated in itsheart.
Elections make politicians sell their souls. Elections here incite men to shed their self-respect, discard their principles (such as those were). Elections have made menbarterinbloodandfire,which memory will not let forget Elections now inspire the PPP Governmentanditsleaderstodeal in a twisted manner with the greatest prize of Guyanese Elections degrade Guyanese precious oil patrimony to a distant secondplace,ifnotlower
Winning elections by any means and at all costs incentivize Guyana’s political leaders to sell a country Sincerenegotiationofthe Exxon contract must be sacrificed for political victory, then that must be.
Afterallthesophisticatedlegal interpretations and sleek political postures of the PPP Government, this is what renegotiation is all about, where it terminates on a journeythatneverwasgoingtoget started,anyway
They themselves said so, not I. ThedaythatImustbelikethis,earn a dollar this way, that is the day whenlifeisnotworthliving. Some are better than me at this: they can face the world living as they do. Renegotiation is about righting whatisunjust.
Renegotiation is the choice between living as a free country versusaslaveone.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
Netanyahu issues warning ahead of Gaza ceasefire
BBC- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his country is ready to resume the war against Hamas should talks for a second phase of the ceasefirefail.
Inatelevisedspeechjust hours before it was due to start on Sunday, Netanyahu stressed that the ceasefire was "temporary" and Israel reserved the right to resume strikesinGaza-andhadthe backing of US PresidentelectDonaldTrumptodoso.
Netanyahu also outlined whathecalledthesuccessof Israel's military campaign over the last 15 monthsincluding the killing of HamasleaderYahyaSinwar.
"We changed the face of theMiddleEast,"Netanyahu said, before adding that H a m a s w a s n o w "completelyalone".
Prior to Saturday's speech, Netanyahu said Israel would not implement the deal until it received the listofhostagestobereleased by Hamas."Israel will not tolerate violations of the agreement,"hesaid.Alonger listofthe33hostagesdueto be freed by Hamas has already been published by
Israeli media but not confirmed by officials.But Israeli authorities say they haveyettoreceivethenames of the three hostages due to b e r e l e a s e d o n
SundayMeanwhile Israel has continued air strikes on whattheysayareHamasand Islamic Jihad sites in Gazamore than 120 people have been killed since the deal was announced on Wednesday, Hamas officials say.Overthenextfewweeks, the 33 hostages are set to be released in exchange for 1,890 Palestinian prisoners.
Under terms of the agreement, Israel will also beginpullingbackitsforces from Gaza.The location at which the first hostages will be handed over is unclear.A senior Israeli military official said three reception points had been prepared near the border in northern, central,andsouthernGaza.
Previously, a source closetoHamastoldtheAFP news agency that the first threehostagestobereleased would be women Talks aboutthetermsofthesecond phaseoftheceasefireareset tostartonDay16ofthefirst phase and will focus on
achieving "a permanent end tothewar".
Details of the second phase of the deal are still uncertainbuttheexpectation is that remaining hostages, including men, would be freed at this stage as more
s detained in Israeli prisons are released There would also be a full withdrawal of IsraelitroopsfromGaza.Itis also understood that Hamas police-whowillbeunarmed unlessabsolutelynecessarywill manage the return of hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians to northernGaza.Thethirdand final stage will involve the reconstruction of Gazasomething which could take many years - and the return of any remaining hostages' bodies On Friday night, Israel'
nment approved the ceasefire and hostage release deal after hours of discussions Two far-right cabinet ministers voted against it, including national security minister ItamarBen-Gvir.Thedrawno
he agreement is also causing anxiety and division among the families of the hostages.
Palestinians in Gaza still face bombardment ahead of the ceasefire (Getty)
Some fear relatives will be abandoned in Gaza after the first phase is done On Saturdayevening,thousands of protesters gathered in Tel Aviv to demand the government ensures the release of further hostages byabidingbythefirstphase oftheceasefire.
GalAlkalay,amemberof the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, told Reuters news agency: "We couldhavesavedthelivesof 200 soldiers and more than 10hostages."Sheaddedthat p e o p l e h a d d i e d unnecessarily because the government "couldn't take a decision and waited for Trump".Earlier on Saturday, several people were woundedinastabbingattack neararestaurantInTelAviv, Israeli police said The attacker was reportedly shot
and killed at the scene by a civilian.Thesuspectcameto Tel Aviv "illegally" from Tulkarm in the occupied West Bank, Israeli media said There has been no respite for Palestinians on thegroundinGazasincethe ceasefire deal was announced on Wednesday night.The Palestinian health ministry said 123 peopleincluding dozens of women and children - have been killedinstrikessincethen.
On Saturday, Gaza's Hamas-run civil defence rescue agency said at least five members of one family werekilledwhenastrikehit their tent in Khan Yunis, in southernGaza,AFPreports.
The Israeli military launched a campaign to destroy Hamas - which is proscribed as a terrorist organisation by Israel, the US and others - in response to an unprecedented crossborder attack on 7 October 2023, in which about 1,200 people were killed and 251 takenhostage.
Around 46,899 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry. Most of the 2.3 million population has also been displaced, there is widespread destruction, and therearesevereshortagesof food, fuel, medicine and shelter due to a struggle to getaidtothoseinneed.
S i n c e T h u r s d a y afternoon, the Israeli military said it had struck 100 Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters who were among several "terror targets" hit across Gaza, according to the Reuters newsagency
Clean water coverage rises
to 62% in 2024; as $10B set aside for 16 new
water treatment plants in 2025
As clean water
c o v e r a g e increased over the last four years from 52% in 2020 to 62.3% in 2024, the government has budgeted $10 billionfortheinstallationof16 new water treatment plants in 2025.
Wales, Caledonia, Bachelor's Adventure, and Cummings Lodge will also see improved water quality, with a total of 139,872 beneficiaries from thesenewplants.
This will ensure that more residents have access to clean and safe drinking water This announcement was made by Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh during his budget presentation at the Arthur Chung Conference Center on Friday
Dr Singh highlighted the significant progress made in expanding clean water access, stating,“Governmentwasalso able to increase treated water coverage from 52 percent in 2020to62.3percentin2024.”
Minister Singh provided further details on the government's ongoing water infrastructure projects, noting that of the 12 existing water treatment plants along the coast, eight are already partially completed, with the remaining four set to be finished by the first quarter of 2025.
Healsoannouncedplansto advancetheconstructionof13 new water treatment plants, withsevenexpectedtobecome operational in the first quarter of2025.
The seven new plants slated for completion early in 2025 will serve several communities, including Onderneeming in Region 2, which will benefit 18,880
residents, and Parfait Harmony in Region 3, expected to serve 35,964 residents.
Other areas like Parika,
In addition to the new installations, upgrades are underwayfor12existingwater treatment plants, including those at Fellowship, Pouderoyen,andBetterHope.
Looking ahead, the MinistryofHousingandWater plans to target over 498,000 residents in 2025 due to construction of a new treatment plant at Hope, East CoastDemerara,andinstalling 16 water treatment plant at wellstationsincoastalareasin Guyana.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that there are approximately 54 water treatmentplantsinthecountry This was reported by Minister withintheMinistryofHousing andWater,SusanRodrigueson January3,2025attheMinistry of Housing and water end-ofyearpressconference.
In a recent development, the government signed a $12 billion contract for the construction of five more water treatment plants under thesecondphaseoftheCoastal Water Treatment Programme, which spans from 2021 to 2025. Rodriguesemphasizedthat by the end of 2025, treated water coverage is expected to rise to 90% with the completionoftheseprojects. These efforts demonstrate thegovernment'scommitment to improving the country's water infrastructure and ensuring that more residents have access to clean and safe drinkingwater
The Onderneeming Water Treatment Plant being constructed in Region Two
Actors performing traditional Chinese dance (photo from Chinese Embassy)
Young entrepreneur and owner of Crafty Selects, Kajol Goolghar
Dangela Evans Evans
Meet this week's beauty: The mesmerizing Dangela Evans. Dangela is a 26-year-old Guyanese model based in Bonfim, Brazil, who grew up in Lethem, Region Nine. This beauty is a health agent in the municipality of Bonfim. Dangela is an avid lover of nature, modelling, dancing and photography. Her favourite quote is: “She slept with wolves without fear, because the wolves knew there was a lion among them.”
(Credit: Reliable Graphic designs)
OAS Secretary General Election and renewed OAS Consensus
The upcoming election for the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States (OAS) on March 10, 2025, presents an opportunity to reshape the futureoftheinstitution.
The OAS has always been an organization where achieving broad consensus on contentious issues is difficult. In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on the ideological or national positions of some countries, which seek to use the OAS as a platform for advancing their own foreign policyobjectivesratherthan bridging divides and building consensus on difficultissues.
This situation has weakenedtheorganization’s ability to function as a unifying force in the hemisphere.TheOASneeds a new vision of how best it can serve the peoples of the Americas in addressing the shared and deep challenges that confront them. While
this vision must ultimately come from governments themselves, a SecretaryGeneral who can bring a healing touch is essential to thisprocess.
It is in this context that the 14 independent Caribbean Community (CARICOM)countrieshave decided to endorse Albert Ramdin, the Foreign MinisterofSuriname,forthe postofSecretary-Generalof the OAS at the election on March 10, 2025. Given the OAS’s current challenges, CARICOM’s decision to endorse Ramdin is both timelyandfitting. Itisimportanttonotethat in supporting Minister Ramdin, CARICOM countries are not seeking a dominant position in the OAS If he is elected, CARICOM envisions Minister Ramdin as a Secretary-General who reflects the consensus of all member states, not one who takes instructions from any single country or bloc The Western Hemisphere is at a
crossroads Issues such as climate change, migration, economic inequality, and threats to democratic governance demand coordinated and decisive action
CARICOM’s support is rooted in the belief that, at this time, Ramdin is the candidatewhopossessesthe most appropriate credentials fortherole.
CARICOM’strackrecord:at the last election for the post of Secretary-General, Antigua and Barbuda, along w
ries, nominated and supported a non-CARICOM national, Maria Fernanda Espinosa of Ecuador She was chosen by the majority of CARICOM countries not because of her nationality or gender, but because of her unparalleled experience, knowledge, fluency in all the languages of the Organization, and her visionfortheOrganization’s
future While Espinosa would be an excellent candidate even today, the lackofsupportfromherown country during the last election underscores the challenges of securing the election of a candidate despite their excellent qualifications.
Regrettably, for many governments, they either want their own chosen national candidate or a candidate who aligns with their national or ideological objectives, while the real criteria for the candidate should be knowledge of the OAS,avisionforhowitcan serve the collective interest of the member states, and how to overcome its financial and governance challenges to make it relevant to the changing times and the peoples of the Americas.
This is why CARICOM has settled on endorsing Ramdin. He has decades of experienceindiplomacyand governance, which, in this case, is bolstered by his 10year tenure as Assistant Secretary-General of the Organization.
Heknowsverywellwhat the pressing challenges are facing the Western Hemispheretoday
Thisknowledgehasbeen enhanced by his work as Sur
Minister, in which he has participated fully with Foreign Ministers of the Hemisphere.
Ramdin has already made it clear that, should he be elected as SecretaryGeneral, his key priorities wouldincludereformingthe OAS to address its financial
organization’s lack of sufficient financial support from its member states is a significant concern to all memberstates,includingthe U.S., which carries almost 50 per cent of the burden. Withoutadequatefundingto fulfil its mandates and deliver tangible benefits to the people of its member states, the OAS risks becoming little more than a debating fo
um that amplifies divisions rather thannarrowingthem.
As the saying goes, “A housedividedagainstitself (Continuedonpage35)
“ To o o f t e n t h e transformation of resource wealth into prosperity fails not because of a lack of the correct economic policies, but because of a weak
underlying system of governance.”
This is according to the
N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e
Governance Institute (NRGI)initssecondedition of the Natural Resource Charter. The document offers policy options and practical advice for governments, societies and the international community on how best to manage resource wealth Such guidance can ensure that resource-rich countries are not alone in facing these challenges, but rather that t h e y c a n d r a w o n accumulated experience to learnfromhistoryandavoid themistakesofthepast.
The Charter contains 12 precepts on how a country and its government might manage natural resources andexploresthefunctionsof extractivecompanies.
According to NRGI, a successful strategy for resource management not o n l y r e q u i r e s a n
understanding of the economics, but also an
a p p r e c i a t i o n f o r accountability, the structure a n d c a p a b i l i t y o f governmentinstitutions,and the relationship with civil society
It was keen to note that resource-rich countries have a great opportunity to harness their natural wealth for transformative and sustained prosperity; however, if mismanaged, resource extraction can impose severe costs on a country
“As stewards of their extractive resources, it is typically the responsibility of governments to manage those resources for current and future generations Effective and sustainable
resource management requires an inclusive and comprehensive national strategy,” the Institute
pointedout. To achieve this, it was explained that governments must make a series of key decisions that will affect different groups and set choices extending far into the future “To avoid making decisions in a piecemeal fashion and to build a shared sense of direction, governments should, in dialogue with stakeholders, use a national strategy process to guide extractive resource management decisions,” NRGIsaid.
Notably, this national strategy should take a longterm approach, recognizing t h e f a c t t h a t t h e transformation from wealth in the ground to wider societal benefits can take many years, and present many challenges and surprisesalongtheway.
In the meantime, this strategy is likely to be more successfulifitistheproduct of inclusive processes that are open and participatory For instance, the Institute explained that a debate in public will expose policy conflictsandinconsistencies sooner, constrain selfdealing and corruption, and render inevitable course correctionslessdisruptive.
Importantly, decision makers should seek to incorporate the inputs of other stakeholders, ranging f r o m g o v e r n m e n t departments, parliament, andcitizensdirectlyaffected byextraction,tocivilsociety more broadly, as well as the extractive companies and private sector businesses in general,NRGIsaid.
The Natural Resource Governance Institute is a non-profit organization that supportsinformed,inclusive decision-making about natural resources and the energytransition.
Businessman and publisher of the Kaieteur NewsGlennLall,onFriday, said he believes that Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo wasinvolvedineveryaspect of the oil deal signed with ExxonMobilin2016. Lall,viahisweeklyradio programme,‘TheGlennLall Show’saidthatalthoughthe Vice President continues to blame the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R)
Businessman and publisher of the Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall
solely for signing the deal while in government under the coalition umbrella, A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC), there was a unanimous parliamentarydecision.
“This isn’t speculation, uncle—this is facts. Jagdeo wasinvolvedineveryaspect of that deal Not just the taxes,buteverythingelsethe PNCsignedoffon. Andyet hestoodinParliamentwitha bold, dry, and brazen face, wagging his finger and accusing them of betraying thenation,”Lallstated.
OnThursday,atJagdeo’s last press conference, a Kaieteur News reporter asked, “Why did you and yourpartyjoinwiththePNC i n P a r l i a m e n t a n d unanimouslyapprovethetax waiverforExxonMobil?”
Former Minister of NaturalResources,underthe APNU+AFC government, Raphael Trotman in his book, From Destiny to P r o s p e r i t y stated, “Interestingly, I had been previouslyinformedthatthe LeaderoftheOppositionhad been “briefed” and would offer no objection, and further, that I should not elaborate too much on the specifics of the June 27 agreement (Exxon deal); except to note that it had been signed and to list some of the provisions This adviceIfollowed.”
Inresponse,Jagdeosaid, “Briefed by whom? Exxon? By the PNC? He didn’t say who.ThisisTrotmansaying somebody told him, a vagrantwalkedoffthestreet and said to Trotman, ‘You know, Jagdeo has been briefed, you don’t need to give the Guyanese people thisagreement.’”
Further, the Vice
President said, “You think if I had a deal withAPNU, all
important, but big oil has already shaken up the roots ofmanycountrieswhetherit be Nigeria, whether it be Ghana, whether it be Venezuela.”
He continued, “We have to be careful, therefore we have to work together Informingusearlyaboutthis Motion cannot and will not allow us to say no. How can we? First of all, you have a one-seat majority, secondly, we have been supportive of oil exploration and developmentforanumberof years…whatistheproblem? Whyistherethissecrecy?It makesusfeelfunny.”
these years, they wouldn’t have mentioned it; they would’ve shouted from the topoftheirvoices,takenout ads.”
Lall, responding to Jagdeo’s response said the Vice President was attempting to stray from the questionposed.
“But let me say this, it’s crystal clear from what R a p h a e l T r o t m a n said Jagdeo secretly met and agreed to hand ExxonMobil those tax waivers–whatyouthink? I believehedidthat.”
Jagdeo had referenced concernsraisedbyChairman oftheParliamentarySectoral Committee on Natural Resources, Odinga Lumumba,atthattimeabout a Motion being tabled and passed to give effect to an agreement the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) had neverseen.
Jagdeo said that the Motionratherthanacopyof the Petroleum Agreement, a one-page Order, was tabled intheHouseonAugust2016 foraffirmativeaction,which means the majority of Parliament can approve its passage.
Jagdeoexplainedthatthe Order was included on a Supplementary Order Paper fortheday Infact,heargued that Members of Parliament (MPs) only saw the document at 7:47pm that evening.
The debate subsequently commencedat 11:47 pm.To this end, Jagdeo said two MPsfromthePPPsidespoke on the Motion, including Lumumba, and Gail Teixeira.
According to Jagdeo, who quoted from the Hansard, Lumumba said: “…Iwasnotinformedabout thisMotionheretonight.We cannot carry on like this in this country big oil is
talking that they are gonna renegotiate every contract exceptforExxon.Theclause isthereveryclearlythatsays the only way you can get them to understand that you want them to renegotiate is by putting it in writing Whataretheyafraidoftoput itinwriting?”
ButJagdeo’sexplanation found no favour with Lall, whosaidtheno-objectionby the PPP, at the time, is what facilitated Exxon having the tax-free paradise they currently operate in. But despite, this the vice president seems to want to “rewrite what he and his partydid.”
“This is what we’re dealing with, people. When it suits their purpose or maybe their pockets—they bend backwards, forwards, and sideways to sell out this country and make great t h i n g s h a p p e n f o r ExxonMobil,” Lall told his radio listeners, while adding that the country’s political parties are allowing the oil giant to sell the country’s resources.
Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) requires the prior written consent of the Contractor for any a m e n d m e n t s , t h e Government of Guyana (GoG) has cowardly refused to engage the company in dialogue for better benefits forGuyanese.
Former Executive D i r e c t o r o f t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams, recently pointed out that the talks must commence at the request of government.
Hesaid,“WhyistheVice President (Bharrat Jagdeo) andthePresident(IrfaanAli) making excuses for not asking Exxon about renegotiation?Whatarethey scared about? They are
Article 32 of the PSA states, “Except as may be expressly provided herein, the Government shall not amend, modify, rescind, terminate, declare invalid or unenforceable, require renegotiation of, compel replacement or substitution, or otherwise seek to avoid, alter,orlimitthisAgreement without the prior written consentofContractor.”
To this end, Dr. Adams asked, “Is this the kind of leadership that we want in this country who is afraid to e v e n a p p r o a c h a n internationalcompanytoask for renegotiation for a better dealforitspeople?”
President Ali, during his e n d - o f - y e a r p r e s s conference, told Kaieteur News that he has no interest in writing to ExxonMobil to seek a renegotiation of the contract. Heexplained,“No, we don’t need an official response (from Exxon). We havemadeourpositionvery clear that future PSAs, and we have stuck to that and existing PSAs - the sanctity of contract, we respect that. You know this, we have discussed this, many times before.”
Meanwhile,whentheVP was asked to say whether Exxon formally indicated in writingthatitdoesnotagree to a renegotiation, he skilfully dodged the issue. Instead, he responded, “As I said before, we’re not dealing with the optics We’re dealing with substance If you want to dealwithoptics,youcanask this question to another party The AFC and the others can deal with optics. Theydidthatbefore.They’re the ones who signed the agreement Now, suddenly they think, ‘oh, we should renegotiatetheagreement.’”
Stakeholders have arguedthatduetothedrastic changes in the Stabroek Block, Guyana would be well within its right as a sovereign nation to demand greater benefits for its resources.In2016,whenthe agreementwithExxonMobil and its partners were made, the country’s oil reserves stoodatthreebillionbarrels. Continued on page 17
Fast forward to seven years later, the Stabroek Block is now estimated to hold more than 11.6 billion barrels of oil.
This means that the
reserves have almost
quadrupled while the country continues to receive a thin slice of the pie, with the oil companies enjoying over 85% of the revenue generated each month According to the 2016 PSA, Exxoncandeductupto75% of Guyana’s oil monthly to coveritsexpenses.
The remaining 25% is splitwithGuyanaequallyas profits, with the country earning an additional 2% from the contractor’s share asroyalty
Govt.eyeinganother US$1.5Bloanfrom USEXIMBank
The Government of Guyanaispreparedtoaccess an additional US$1.5 billion infinancingfromtheUnited States Export-Import (US EXIM) Bank, according to Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance, Dr AshniSingh.
This announcement was made during the signing ceremony of a US$527 million loan agreement with the US EXIM Bank for the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) projectonFriday
Highlighting the collaboration between Guyana and the Bank, Dr Singh described the relationship as entering a new phase of economic, trade, and commercial significance “This representsagoodexampleof what can be achieved, and we want to see much more business with EXIM We wanttoseebig,medium,and small-sizedprojects.Guyana is open for business…” Dr Singhremarked.
He added, “We want to see more American companies investing in Guyana,doingbusinesswith Guyana, and in Guyana EXIM has an important role inthis.”
Notably, the US EXIM Bank had committed a total of US$2 billion in financing for projects in Guyana, with US$527 million now allocatedtotheGTEproject. Dr Singh underscored the government’s readiness to utilize the remaining US$1 5 billion to further advance development initiatives.
“There is still US$1 5
billion and we are looking forward to taking up all of that loan,” Dr Singh stated, signalling the government’s intent to continue strengtheningitspartnership withtheUSEXIMBank.
Dr. Singh lauded the swift progress of the collaboration between Guyana and the US EXIM Bank.
He reflected on the journey since the initial M e m o r a n d u m o f Understanding (MoU) was signedin2022,whichsetthe stage for the US$2 billion financing arrangement “Moving from zero to half a billionintwoandahalfyears really is a remarkable achievement,”henoted.
In relation to the loan signed for the GTE project, Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo recently, during his weekly press conference at F r e e d o m H o u s e , Georgetown, explained that there is a fixed 4% annual interest rate on the loan whichwouldberepaidovera period of 15 years. He said the country will be required to make two annual payments on November 1 and May 1, commencing on May1,2031.
“The interest rate is 4% soifyoucalculateitoverthe period - but remember there are moratoriums and all of thatso,it’sa4%interestand you can calculate what the repayment would be over a time period It’s fixed at 4%…principal repayment is 3 0 s e m i - a n n u a l instalments…soit’s15years thereafter, ” the VP explained.
Notably, this publication had reported that Guyana’s total debt has risen sharply, exceeding US$5 billion by mid-2024, according to the Ministry of Finance’s MidYearReport.
As of June 2024, the country’s debt stood at US$5,063.3million,upfrom
Guyana has lost at least US$6 5B in oil revenue betweentheperiod2020and 2024, due to the lopsided termsofthe2016Production SharingAgreement(PSA).
This “conservative estimate”washighlightedby CharteredFinancialAnalyst, RennieParris,inhiscolumn published on Monday in Kaieteur News, ‘Talking DollarsandMakingSense’. P
a Bachelor’s in Finance and a Master’sinRealEstatefrom B a r u c h C o l l e g e , complemented by an MBA in Strategic Management fromTheWhartonSchoolat t h e U n i v
Pennsylvania. He holds the p
d F i n a n c i a
A n a l y s t designation, recognized globally as the highest qualification in the finance industry
His 18-year career spans some of the world’s leading financial institutions, includingS&PGlobalandJP Morgan. In his first column for 2025, the Analyst explored the terms of the 1999 Agreement and comparedittothe2016PSA signed by the previous administration.
Parris described the failure by the Coalition government to secure better termsforGuyaneseasoneof the most significant acts of incompetence in the country’s independent history “In my view, the 1999 agreement made sense for its time. Guyana was a high-risk exploration
country, and the terms reflected that. However, the 2016 agreement failed to adjust to Guyana’s new reality as a proven oil producer. The government had significant leverage to negotiate better terms but settledforanagreementthat leftbillionsonthetable,”the Analystexplained.
Forinstance,hesaid,had the government reduced the cost recovery cap to 60%, insisted on a signing bonus of US$800 million, implemented ring-fencing, demandeda5%royalty,and ensured the oil companies paid its own taxes, Guyana couldhavegainedatleastan additional US$6.5 billion in oil revenues between 2020 and2024.
Parris was keen to note, “If it weren’t for the 2016 petroleum agreement fiasco, the country would have received at least US$13 billion, double the amount earned during that period this conservative estimate highlights the lost opportunitytomaximizethe nation’s benefit from its resources.”
In an interview with this newspaper on Monday, the Chartered Financial Analyst contended that the country could have bargained for at least 25% instead of 14.5% of the revenue. He said the country’stakefromthefiscal pie could have been increased through the measures outlined by him. By capping cost recovery to 60%, the remaining 40% (profit oil) would be available to split with Guyana This means the country would have been receiving20%ofprofitsand 5% royalty, in addition to taxes from the Stabroek BlockCo-Venturers.
Parris, in his column, argued that despite the massive Liza discovery, the 2016 Petroleum Agreement retained many of the same
Maritime Administration Department (MARAD), the well site is situated approximately 109 97 nautical miles (203 66 kilometres) off the coast of Guyanaandcoversanareaof 0 29 square nautical miles (onesquarekilometre).
The MODU Noble Don Taylorwillbeengagedinthe drilling activities, which is scheduled to be completed on January 31, 2025. The Whiptail project was the sixth to be approved by the GovernmentofGuyana.
termsasthe1999agreement. While it introduced a 2% royalty and a signing bonus of just US$18 million, the Analyst noted that the core termsremainunchanged.
He said, “Everything changed in May 2015 when Exxon announceda massive oil discovery at the Liza-1 well in the Stabroek Block. With an estimated 700 million barrels of oil equivalent (BoE), Guyana’s risk profile transformed overnight The discovery proved that Guyana had oil in commercial quantities, significantly reducing the risk for future exploration andproduction.”
Be that as it may, the Coalitionacceptedtheterms widelycriticisedtodaywhile t h e i n c u m b e n t administrationhasrefusedto engage the contractor for a betterdeal.Accordingtothe analyst, “until political leaders acknowledge this mistake, apologise to the Guyanese people, make amends for this colossal error in judgement, they should not be trusted with public support If they continue to defend the 2016 agreement, it’s a sign that theyprioritiseotherinterests overthenation’swelfare.”
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) recently indicatedthatthecompanyis conducting developmental drillingoperationsattheWT (Whiptail) site within the Stabroek Block of Guyana’s ExclusiveEconomicZone. Developmental drilling is conducted subsequent to exploration drilling It is conducted to develop a field with proven reserves According to a Notice to Mariners, published by the
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the $12.7 b i l l i o n W h i p t a i l development will target an estimated resource base of more than 850 million barrels of oil and include up to 10 drill centres and 48 production and injection wells. The floating production, storage and offloading(FPSO)vesselfor Whiptail, which will be called Jaguar, is already underconstruction.
ExxonMobil also announced its Final Investment Decision (FID) for the project that is expected to produce approximately 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) by the endof2027.
While the operator prepares for the production of oil at this development, expected to start up in 2027, activitiesaresimultaneously ongoing for the Yellowtail project, Exxon’s fourth development.
Last week, it was reported that installation activities for Yellowtail are expected to be completed in June this year The FPSO ‘One Guyana’ will be the largest in Guyana to date. The vessel was designed to produce 250,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) compared with 220,000 bpd at the Payara project, operated by theProsperityFPSO.
Alistair Routledge in an interview with Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Energy Conference, Kiana Wilburg, said the company is looking forward tothearrivalofthevesselto a d d t o i t s a l r e a d y magnificent line-up of assets. Heexplainedthatthe FPSOisexpectedtoarrivein Guyanainthesecondquarter ofthisyearwithhook-upand commissioning for start-up slated for the fourth quarter ofthisyear Presently,Exxon is producing over 640,000 bpdfromthreeprojects. Todate,theoperatorhas Continued on page 18
Former Executive Director of the EPA, Dr. VincentAdams
Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh
Frompage17 beengrantedapprovalforsix deep-water developments in the Stabroek Block The company submitted an application to the Environmental Protection Agency last year for a
s e v e n t h p r o j e c t , Hammerhead There are already talks of an eight project on the horizon,
Longtail Exxon has revealed plans to increase Guyana’sdailyproductionto 1.7 million barrels daily by 2030.
BarAssociationcallsfor immediateappointment ofChancellorand ChiefJustice - ‘says nonappointment untenable and unacceptable’
ByShaniaWilliams President
of the Guyana Bar Association, Kamal Ramkarran, on Tuesday, called for the immediate appointment of Justice
Yonette CummingsEdwardsandRoxaneGeorge asthesubstantivechancellor of the judiciary and chief justicerespectively Hemadethecallsduring the opening of the LawYear 2025 at the Victoria Law
C o u r t S i n c e t h e constitutionalamendmentin 2001, Guyana has been without a substantive Chief Justice and Chancellor Former actingChancellorof the Judiciary and Justice of the Court of Appeal, Carl Singh, retired in 2017 after serving 12 years Justice
Yonette CummingsEdwards has been acting sincethen.
Similarly, Justice Ian ChangservedasactingChief Justice from 2010 to 2016 and was never confirmed Ramkarran during the ceremony,emphasisedthatit was time to bring an end to the prolonged uncertainty, calling the current situation “ u n t e n a b l e a n d
unacceptable ” “The situation is untenable and unacceptable, and it is not something we can continue tohavehappen,”Ramkarran declared.“Thereisnoreason that we should be here 20
years later without a Chancellor or Chief Justice. Thisissomethingthatshould notbeacceptedbyanyone.”
Ramkarran, a prominent advocateforjudicialreform, further asserted that both Cummings-Edwards and George have served with distinction and are wellqualified to be confirmed in the positions they currently
occupy “I certainly believe that the people who are performing the role of the Chancellor and CJ are the people who should be confirmed for the positions, anditshouldhappenassoon aspossible,”headded.
The issue, according to Ramkarran, lies in the constitutional provision in Article 127(1) of the Constitution, which requires the President to obtain the approval of the Opposition Leader before making such appointments This provision has led to a deadlock, as successive governments have struggled to reach an agreement with opposition leaders Ramkarran noted, “During that time, a child could have been born, completed school, and even gotten a degree it is a simple procedure.”
He also pointed out that Presidents of the Caribbean Court of Justice have publicly called for the confirmationofasubstantive Chancellor and Chief Justice, signalling the broader regional concern overthematter
Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton has already expressedformalsupportfor
The Liza One project is producing about 160,000 bpd, while Liza Two and Payara are producing about 250,000bpdeach.
Minister Bharrat noted that the Ministry will await the assessment by the EPA and the consultant before makingadecisiontoapprove theoptimizationrequest.
H e s a i d , “ T h e government is not against production We have said thatfromdayonebutitmust be done in a safe manner It must be done in a manner that will not cause any issue with equipment or with regardstotheenvironment.”
Arepresentation of Exxon’s subsea umbilicals, risers, and flowlines (SURF) equipment used for production activities.
t h e s u b s t a n t i v e appointmentsofCummingsEdwards and George, which is a necessary step in the constitutional process However, President Irfaan Ali and Attorney General Anil Nandlall have not providedanyexplanationfor thedelayinconfirmingthese appointments.As calls for a permanent resolution intensify, the future of the judicial leadership in Guyanaremainsuncertain.It isnowuptoPresidentIrfaan Ali and the Opposition Leader to come to an agreement, bringing an end to a situation that has plagued the country’s judicialsystemformorethan twodecades.
The Ministry of Natural Resources is currently reviewing an application made by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, the operator of the Stabroek Block,tofurtherincreasethe dailyrateofoilproductionat its second and third projects –LizaTwoandPayara.
This was revealed by subject Minister Vickram Bharrat during his end-ofyear press conference, hosted at the Guyana Forestry Commission’s Multicomplex Building, Kingston,Georgetown.
Optimization in the oil and gas sector refers to a process geared at enhancing oil recovery The company w o u l d a s s e s s t h e performance of the facilities forexistinglimitationsofthe installed equipment to determine how those could beimproved.
Minister Bharrat was joined, on Tuesday, by several senior officers at the head table, including
Commissioner of the GuyanaGeologyandMines, Newell Dennison, Director of the Local Content Secretariat, Dr Martin Pertab;PermanentSecretary of the Ministry, Joslyn McKenzie, and head of the G u y a n a F o r e s t r y Commission, Edward Goberdhan.
During his three-hour long media conference, MinisterBharratnotedthata request was received from Exxon to optimize production at the Liza Unity and Prosperity Floating
Production Storage and Offloadingvessels(FPSOs).
The Liza Unity operates the Liza Two project while Prosperityproducesoilfrom thePayaraproject.
According to the Minister,thegovernmenthas hired an independent consultant to assist in reviewing the application Additionally, he noted that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is also fully engaged in the process, since the noobjection would be tied to the environmental permit issuedbytheagency
He explained, “On our side to give final approval, we have contracted a thirdparty international consultant to look at this matter As soon as they would have concluded their report, we would be in a better position to either say n o o r y e s t o t h e optimization.”
The Minister did not say how much the company is looking to increase production by According to data on the Ministry’s website,Exxonisproducing approximately 660,000 barrelsofoilperday(bpd)at the three projects in operation.
Bharrat added that if the government is satisfied on those issues, it would then give its final decision. Presently, he said the Ministry is awaiting the technical report from the EPAandtheconsultant.
Back in May 2024, Exxonindicateditsintention tocarryoutmodificationson the Liza Two vessel to accelerate its daily oil production At that time, Exxon’s Country Manager, Alistair Routledge, said that when the FPSO goes offline in the third quarter of the year to facilitate the tie-in worksfortheGas-to-Energy project, the company will take advantage of the downtime to conduct maintenance and further debottleneckingactivities.
Berserkmanattacking personsshotdeadby police …pensioner who tried to subdue him dies after being stabbed, accidentally shot
Police shot and killed a mentally-ill man on Wednesday after he went berserk at Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara (ECD) stabbing two persons and injuringathird.
One of the persons he stabbed was killed while trying to restrain him from harmingmorepeople.Police identified the mentally-ill man as Roger Erwin Pierre better known as “Pants” and themanwhowaskilledashe wastryingtorestrainhimas Frederick “Terrence” Williams, 68, of Airy Hall, Mahaicony,ECD.
Police said that Pierre stabbed Williams multiple times. After they shot him dead and transported his body and a wounded Williamstothe Mahaicony Continued on page 36
French woman scammed out of $850,000 by AI
Brad Pitt, Actor reacts
YahooNews BradPitt has reacted to the claims made by a 53-year-old woman named Anne who alleged that she was deceived into thinking she was in a romantic relationshipwiththeactor
Sheendeduplosingmost of her life savings to the i m p o s t e r B r a d ’s spokesperson issued a statementtoE!Newssaying: “It’s awful that scammers take advantage of fans’ strong connection with celebrities, but this is an important reminder to not respondtounsolicitedonline outreach, especially from actors who have no social mediapresence.”
The 61-year-old actor does not have any verified accounts on major social media platforms, including TikTok, Instagram and X, formerlyknownasTwitter
In an interview with French news show “Sept a huit”,Anne explained: “I’m notusedtosocialmedia.And I didn’t really understand whatwashappeningtome.”
She claimed that the personpretendingtobeBrad initiated contact and they beganexchangingmessages, with the imposter even sending her love poems Anne remembered: “There are so few men who write youthiskindofthing.Iliked themanIwastalkingto.He knewhowtotalktowomen, it was always very well done.”
She stated that the fraudster told her he had been locked out of his bank accounts due to his divorce fromAngelinaJolie.
The fake Brad allegedly claimed he needed money for cancer treatments, even going as far as to send seemingly AI-generated hospitalphotos.
Billboard - Ahead of the launch of her ‘Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran’World Tour in February, Shakira’s hometown is honouring her with a special tribute at the annual CarnavaldeBarranquilla.
This year, the festival which kicks off March 1 has adopted the Colombian hitmaker’s iconic line “En Barranquilla se baila así,” from “Hips Don’t Lie,” as its official slogan
On Jan 11, fans in Barranquilla gathered at the Shakira statue where the official imagery for this year’s Carnaval was unveiled
“This tribute touches my heart as a Barranquilla native and fills me with pride,” Shakira said in a statement.
“It is an honor and a joy to be part of this in such a way. Since the day I was born, I have always felt incredi
Barranquilla, and I always will be
Because that’s what we do here celebratelife
And above all, we celebrate that we
know how to celebrate! Let’s spread this energy to the entire world! Long live the Carnival, long live Barranquilla, its culture,anditspeople
SZA is reflecting on her friendship with Mac Miller after the release of his posthumous album, Balloonerism
Billboard—-Reflecting on her friendship with Mac Millerafterthereleaseofhis posthumous album Balloonerism.
“I love my friend I miss myfriend,”SZAwroteonX. “Grateful he saw something in me before most and treated me w love from day 1. Wish he could see how right ab everything he truly was Please go stream
Balloonerism RIGHT NOW.”
M i l l e r ’s e s t a t e announcedinNovemberthat Balloonerism, his second posthumous album following 2020’s Circles, wouldbereleasedonJan.17 through Warner Records Miller passed away in 2018 atage26fromanaccidental drugoverdose.
Balloonerism is a 14track album that showcases Miller’s experimental approach,blendingneo-soul and jazz influences. SZA appears on the track “DJ’s Chord Organ,” alongside other guest features like Thundercat and Ashley All Day Following Miller’s death, SZA shared an emotional tribute on Instagram. “You were the first person I met when I moved here,” she wrote at the time. “U let me come
SZAperforms as she headlines the Pyramid Stage during day five of Glastonbury Festival 2024 at Worthy Farm, Pilton on June 30, 2024 in Glastonbury, England.
over everyday and be whoever I wanted. Showed upformeinwaysIcannever express or repay my gratitude is infinite I’ll neverletyoudiminmymind orspirit.”
SZArecentlysawachart resurgence as the deluxe edition of her 2022 album, SOS, reclaimed the No. 1 spot on the Billboard 200 in early January SOS Deluxe:
Lana, which features 15 additional tracks, earned 130,000 equivalent album unitsintheU.S.fortheweek ending Jan. 2, according to Luminate.
The album has now spent the most weeks at No. 1 for a hip-hop or R&B album by a woman since Whitney Houston’s selftitled album spent 14 weeks atopthechartin1986.
Actor Brad Pitt
Country Profile: Brunei
Malay, with English as a major second language Many Chinese speak southern varieties of Chinese, and many learn Mandarininschool.
Brunei’s population is predominantly Sunni Muslim, although the Chinese usually follow Bud
Christianity Some of the indigenous peoples are Christian, while others follow their own local religions.
Nearly two-thirds of the population of Brunei is classified officially as Malay This category, however, includes not only ethnic Malays but also a number of the indigenous peoples, namely the Dusun, Belait,Kedayan,Murut,and Bisaya (Bisayah). Chinese
B r u n e i i s a n independent Islamic sultanate on the northern coastoftheislandofBorneo in Southeast Asia It is bounded to the north by the South China Sea and on all other sides by the East Malaysian state of Sarawak, which also divides the state into two disconnected segments of unequal size.
The western segment is the larger of the two and contains the capital city of Bandar Seri Begawan
B r u n e i a c h i e v e d independence in 1984, having been a British protectoratesince1888.Itis a m e m b e r o f t h e Commonwealth and
ASEAN (Association of SoutheastAsianNations).
make up about one-tenth of the population The remainder of Brunei’s residents consists of other (non-Malay) indigenous peoples,suchastheIban(or SeaDayak);variouspeoples of SouthAsian descent; and temporary workers, primarily from Asia and Europe.
The official language is
Brunei’s economy is almost totally dependent on the exploitation of its vast reserves of petroleum and naturalgas.Althoughoiland gas revenues have allowed the state to give its citizens oneofthehighestpercapita incomes in Asia, they also have made the country dependent on a single commoditythatissubjectto market fluctuations In addition, Brunei must rely on imports for nearly all its manufactured goods and mostofitsfood.Inaneffort to ensure the country’s economic stability, the government has since the late 20th century striven to diversify the economy by developing other sectors, suchasagriculture,fisheries, tourism, and financial services.
Agriculture, fishing, and forestry
Agriculture, fishing, and forestry, once the mainstays of Brunei’s economy, declined in importance after the discovery of petroleum resources in the 1920s. By the end of the 20th century, these three activities accounted for just a tiny fraction of the gross domesticproduct(GDP)and
employed a comparably small segment of the workforce.
Recognizing a need to diversify the economy away from petroleum production as well as to reduce the country’s dependence on food imports, the government subsequently embarked on a program to develop the agricultural industry
Bytheearly21stcentury Brunei had become self-
sufficient in the production of poultry and eggs and was approachingself-sufficiency in vegetables Although locally grown rice still fell far short of domestic need, production had increased markedly Brunei is among the largestconsumersoffishper capita in the world. Fish importsreachedahighinthe mid-1990s. In an effort to curb imports, the government implemented
programs to stimulate local fisheries. Within a decade Brunei was producing more fish domestically than it imported. Overfishing has been a growing concern, however, despite the government’s emphasis on sustainable development Aquaculture has been encouraged in carefully selectedareas. With an aim of preservingthecountry’s (Continuedonpage35)
Emblem of Brunei
National flag of Brunei
Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei: Sultan OmarAli Saifuddien Mosque
Ulu Temburong National Park
Jame’Asr Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque
The Golden Lion Tamarin is part of small, endangered group of monkey species, native to South-eastern Brazil
With its silky orange mane and wideeyed glare, the golden lion tamarin might not seem out of place as a character in a Dr Seussbook.
The golden lion tamarin is a small, New World, monkey of the family Callitrichidae. Endemic to theAtlanticcoastalforestsof Brazil, the golden lion tamarin is an endangered species. The range for wild individuals is spread across four places along southeastern Brazil, with a recent census estimating 3,200 individuals left in the wild and a captive population maintaining about 490 individualsamong150zoos.
Lion tamarins, were described as “beautiful, simian-like cats similar to small lions,” by Antonio Pigafetta, one of the explorersonthefirstvoyage
t o s u c c e s s f u l l y
circumnavigate the Earth in 1519.
Half a millennium later, the golden lion tamarin has becomesomethingofalocal celebrity – featured on a Brazilianpostagestampand the country’s 20 real banknote.
Yet the species is under threat. Its native habitat, the Atlantic rainforest in the state of Rio de Janeiro, has beenreducedtojustover7% of its original size. Of that, 80% is highly fragmented, and most patches are too small to support healthy golden lion tamarin populations.
Alongside capture for the pet trade, this drove the species to the brink of extinction; by the 1970s, as few as 200 individuals remainedinthewild.
But through coordinated reintroduction programmes, vaccination efforts and initiatives to reconnect
fragmented habitats, the golden lion tamarin has startedtochartanimpressive comeback.
The IUCN changed its status from critically endangeredtoendangeredin 2003, and the most recent census estimated 4,800 wild individuals. In response to mounting concerns over the decline in numbers of the golden lion tamarin, Poço dasAntas,thefirstbiological reserve in Brazil, was created in 1974 to protect one of the species’ last remaining populations A second federal reserve, the União Biological Reserve, was created in 1998 and expandedin2017,triplingin size to almost 8,000 hectares. Several reserves have also been created on private land, with many landownersnowviewingthe presence of golden lion tamarins as a status symbol.
Japanese sound Artical Pride, and USA Kosmik Movements return to Guyana
TheArtical Pride representative at last year’s clash.
Japanese Sound SystemArticalPride
and American Sound Kosmik Movements are slated to return to Guyana for the much anticipated ‘Armageddon,’ soundclash.
The event, which is termed “The war of all musical wars” will be held on January 25th at the Guyana National Park Tarmac.
This electrifying event promises to be the ultimate showdownassixelitesound systems from around the globebattleforagrandprize of GY $1,000,000 and the prestigious title of “ChampionofSoundClash”
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)ofEmpireMediaInc, Eusi Davis, told The Waterfalls, he is immensely “proud to present this ground-breaking event that not only showcases the talent, and creativity within the sound clash community but also unites fans of
reggae,dancehall,andsound system culture in one unforgettablenight.”
He said: “Armageddon 2025representsthepinnacle ofoureffortstopromoteand elevate sound clash culture, while celebrating the diversityofinternationaland localtalent.”
The competition this year will be very stiff as it will see Artical Pride of Japan, Kosmik Movements with Diamond Sunshine from the USA, Spotlight SoundSystemfromGuyana, Slingerz Family from Guyana, Stonewall from Antigua and Ruffcut Sound SystemofJamaicavyingfor glory
Tocaterforearlycomers and to allow all patrons to enjoy the main event, the night kicks off at 7:00 PM with early juggling by One Voice, while the main clash begins at 10:00 PM Attendees can look forward toanintenseface-offasthese top-tiersoundsystemsbring
in keeping with this aim, they have Rockstone Tonic Wine as a Major Sponsor of Armageddon 2025, and Guinness as the Official Stoutoftheevent.
Others who would have made the event possible include Cole’s Screen Printers,MinistryofCulture Youth and Sport, ENet, and otherpartners.
Diamond Sunshine out of the US sound system Kosmik Movements, the only female MC in the sound clash.
their best to the battlefield. Additionally, there will be a Guinness halftime show by the incredible Notorious
Davis said that Empire Media Inc is dedicated and committed to delivering world class experiences and
Tickets for general admission are Gy$4,000 Patrons will be required to paymoreatthegate.
“This is more than just a competition – it’s a celebration of sound, passion, and culture. We inviteeveryonetojoinusfor this extraordinary event and witness history in the making. Don’t miss out on The War of All Wars!” the CEOurged.
For additional details abouttheevent,followthem o
@EmpireMediaInc or visit
m. Empire Media Inc. is a leading entertainment company dedicated to promoting and supporting
cultural and musical events across the Caribbean and beyond. Their mission is to c r e a t e m e m o r a b l e experiences that bring people together through the universallanguageofmusic.
'From Whence We Came – the Chinese Experience' ...pays
By Christal Yong
The National Cultural Centre came alive with excitement and interest as the much-anticipated skit, 'From Whence We Came –the Chinese Experience,' took centre stage on January 11, 2025.
This powerful performance not only commemorated the 172nd anniversary of the Chinese arrival in Guyana, but also offered a captivating journey through time, exploring
the history of Chinese immigrants who first set foot on theseshoresinthe1800s.
the Chinese community in Guyana.
The skit, the culmination of six months of hard work and dedication, explored the challenges and triumphs the
highlighting the resilience that
adversity The performance also servedasavividreminderofthe important role this group played in building the nation, inviting the audience to reflect on the sacrifices made and the cultural
Through d
ama, the audience was able to gain a deeper understanding of those struggles and the contributions that this ethnic group made to Guyana'sdevelopment.
A historical journey revisited
The story of the Chinese in Guyana dates back to 1851, whentherewasagrowingneed for workers on the sugar estates. At the time, bringing workers from China was expensive, but with the
tribute to Guyana's earliest settlers
LastSunday,The Waterfalls joined members of the audience at the National Cultural Centre they transportedintothe and the immense challenges the earliest settlers from this group faced.
From the long and treacherous journey across the seas to their struggles on the sugar plantations, the skit broughttolifetheresilienceand perseverance that helped shape
immigration, planters began looking to China as a source of labour.
The first group of Chinese immigrants arrived in 1853 after a harrowing 177-day voyage from China aboard the Lord Elgin Tragically,manyof
the passengers died during the journey due to poor conditions.
Despite the hardships, the Chinese immigrants were known for their resilience and hard work on the sugar estates. Theirjourney
(Continued on page 42)
An actor brings history to life with a Tai Chi performance.
Actors bringing to life the rich history and culture of the Chinese community.
Climate change, global warming, greenhouse gases, clean energy: what do these terms mean?
PATDIAL Fromtimeto time, consumers and other members of the public have suggested to us that we explain the terms ‘climate change’, ‘global warming’, ‘greenhouse gases’ and ‘clean energy’and how they impacteachother
We are asked to do such
explanations because althoughthetermsarewidely and regularly used in the media, their precise meaning remainsvagueandconfusing towidesectionsofthepublic
‘Climate’ and ‘weather’ are not the same Weather describes a short-term
h a p p e n i n g i n t h e Environment,asforexample, “It was rainy yesterday, but today it will be sunny”.
‘Climate’ on the other hand, describes a long-term
characteristic of the environment For example, “At some periods of the planet’shistory,freezingcold enveloped the earth while at others, there were much higher temperatures than we everexperiencetoday”
The climate the earth is
experiencingtodayhasbeen withusforseveralhundreds of years and the seasons.
Rainfall,dryperiods,floods, wind currents, hurricanes, tsunamis and so on, are predictable and human beings have been able to structure their lives on this predictability
For instance, farmers wouldknowwhentoplough their fields for planting without expecting sudden droughtsorfloodsorislands in the Caribbean would know which months to look outforhurricanes.
The planet is enveloped in an atmosphere of gases, mainly hydrogen and oxygenandsmalleramounts of carbon dioxide (C02) which blankets the earth fromthefullforceoftherays ofthesunsothatbythetime they actually penetrate the atmosphere and reach the Earth, they have become benign and life-sustaining. The gas which blankets the earth’satmosphereisCO2or carbon dioxide, which absorbs the heat and
ultravioletraysofthesun.If more carbon were to be added to the present layer, moreheatwouldbeabsorbed and the temperature of the earth would become hotter and more erratic, with some regions which were hot becoming cooler, and some areaswhichwereverydryor desert being subject to floods. Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas because it retains heat like the greenhouses used in agriculture, which receive theheatofthesun’sraysbut doesnotreleaseheat. Other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are methane, watervapourandnitroxide.
Up to the beginning of the18thcentury,theblanket of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere was stable but with the industrial revolution, which started around 1750, vast amounts of coal and fossil fuels were burnt to produce power, releasing millions of tons of carbon dioxide, thickening the layer of carbon dioxide already there, trapping more
of the heat from the sun’s rays, causing the earth’s temperature to become hotteranderratic.
Itisthisprocesswhichis termed ‘climate change’ This quickened climate change of the earth is thereforetheresultofhuman activity
Climate change, which the earth is beginning to experience, has already had marked damaging effects on human life and the environment.Ithasledtothe polar ice caps melting, causing the seas to rise, overwhelming low coastal regions and threatening to inundate and destroy small island states such as the Maldives.
Changes in the sea movements have resulted in phenomenalikeElNinoand LaNina,producingunexpected
floods and droughts, affecting farming and minimising food production resulting in food shortages Thenthereareforest fires which not only release large quantities of carbon dioxideintotheatmosphere,but destroy thousands of trees whichabsorbCO2andrelease oxygen
It has also led to the disruption and even destruction of human communities and migration and has also affected animal species in the wild causing many to die off and forcing survivors to try to migrate to farlesssuitablehabitats.
Thecountriesoftheworld - 195 of them - have all understood the dangers of climate change to themselves andthePlanetbutsincethese dangers are often not as pressing as immediate concerns, actions to confront
climate change have been dilatory Eventually,in2015, the Paris Agreement was ratifiedanditwasagreedthat nations should strive to limit globalwarmingto15%below pre-industriallevels
This is achievable by replacing some of the carbon emitters in use, for example, using electric poweredmotorcarsinstead of the fossil fuel cars and, most important, replacing fossil fuels with clean, renewable fuels The most important of the clean, renewable fuels are solar, hydro and wind, which producecheaperpower.
These are termed “clean” fuels because they leave no carbon footprint compared with fossil fuels which emit carbon dioxide, which is responsible for globalwarming.
GNBS IN FOCUS Standards ensures tyre quality and safety Conformance to National
As the number of vehicles on our r o a d w a y s increases annually, so does the demand for tyres, a commoditymonitoredbythe Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) for conformance to quality and labelling requirements, whichultimatelyensureuser safety
Sincetheinceptionofthe Product Compliance Programme in the mid1990s, the GNBS has been monitoring tyres based on therequirementsofavailable
national standards Currently, tyres imported and offered for sale are required to comply with the National Standards, GYS 194:2024Specificationsfor Pneumatic Tyres for
highway commercial vehicles and GYS 67: 2017 RequirementsforPneumatic passengercartyres.
GYS 67:2017 specifies therequirementsfornewand used pneumatic passenger car tyres, along with their
storage conditions. It does not apply to tyres for highway commercial vehicles.
This tyre standard addresses size and construction characteristics, and service description, which includes load index and speed categories. Tyre marking, choice of tyre sizes,storageconditionsand inspection and selection requirements are also specified in the document. Importantly, the standard statesthatnewtyresshallnot be more than two years old fromthedateofmanufacture at the time of importation into Guyana. It also states thattyresthataresixyearsor older shall not be sold or offeredforsaleinGuyana.
s Specifically, this standard outlines tyres designation
including dimensional and c
construction codes and s
n characteristics.Additionally, the standard provides guidance on the inspection and selection of new, rethreaded and used tyres and requirements for sampling and testing to determinequality Basedon theserequirements,tyresare examined by GNBS
Inspectors at ports of entry, bonds and sales outlets for labelling,qualityandstorage requirements. During 2024, Inspectors conducted 392 import inspections and 242 surveillance inspections for
inspections, 313,516 used tyres and 185,065 new tyres were examined. A total of 5,335hadtobedestroyedfor noncompliance. Conducting routine surveillance inspections of sales outlets and storage bonds remains one of the GNBS’s crucial activities to
prevent inappropriate storage, which can result in dryrotandotherdefectsover time. Deterioration can also result from exposure to c h e m i c a l s , h i g h temperatures, sunlight, etc., andthesearedetectedduring surveillancemonitoring.
Finally, importers and dealersoftyresarereminded to register with the GNBS for 2025. Registration is a crucial part of the Bureau’s monitoring process, which e n s u r e s c o n s u m e r protection For more information, kindly contact the GNBS on telephone numbers: 219-0065, 2190066or219-0069.
Country Profile: Brunei...
Frompage21 abundant forest cover, Brunei enacted legislation in the late 20th century to restrict logging. Plantation programs have been implemented to provide enough sawed wood for the localmarketonly Timberisnotexported.
The petroleum industry (including the manufacture of liquefied natural gas [LNG]) generates more than half of Brunei’sGDP,althoughitemploysaverysmallportionofthe labour force. Nearly all of the country’s petroleum and natural gas is produced from offshore fields located off its own western segment, and all but a small percentage of the production is exported, mostly to Asian countries. A local refinery supplies domestic needs; the country’s energy is generatedalmostentirelyfromfossilfuels.
Oil was first produced in 1929, while the natural gas industry was developed after the discovery in the 1960s of largedeposits.
Output of oil reached a peak in the late 1970s and subsequently was reduced in order to conserve reserves. Intensive exploitation of the country’s huge deposits of natural gas in the 1970s included the construction of a liquefactionplant,andLNGhassincebecomeamajorsource of Brunei’s export earnings. In addition to its hydrocarbon reserves, the country has rich deposits of white quartz sand thatremainedvirtuallyundevelopedintheearly21stcentury
OAS Secretary General...
Frompage15 cannot stand.” Ramdin has pledged to bring a renewed focusonsecuringresources, ensuring transparency in administration, and justifyingexpenditures.
Beyond all this, CARICOM countries, except Haiti, have been joining the OAS as active memberssince1967.
Haiti was a founding member in 1948. Despite this, and the fact that
CARICOM countries represent 44% of the OAS membership, the Caribbean has never held the position ofSecretary-General.
Minister Ramdin’s election would not only correct this inequity, but it would also be a recognition of the contribution that CARICOM countries have made to strengthening and developing the OAS Ramdin’s candidacy has been officially endorsed by
These endorsements reflect CARICOM’s united commitment to advancing strong and effective leadership within the OAS. It is a call to all member statestosupportacandidate who is qualified and also dedicated to the principles that underpin the organization.
The election of Ramdin would signal a commitment to equity, inclusivity, representation, and the revitalization of an institution that remains critical to the Western Hemisphere’s stability and progress.
(The writer is Antigua and Barbuda’sAmbassador to the US and the OAS. The views expressed are entirely his own. Responses and previous commentaries:www.sirr onaldsanders.com)
CARICOM Heads of Government during their 46th Regular Meeting in February 2024 and reaffirmed by the Council for Foreign and Community Relations (COFCOR) in May2024.
Frompage18 Hospital, they learnt that Willaims had also sustained gunshot wounds in addition the stab wounds. Williams died while receiving treatment.
Police said that a probe hassincebeenlaunchedinto the deaths of both men. The killings reportedly took place around 11:00hrs at Airy Hall, when Pierre, armed with a knife, went berserk at 09:30hours beginning at Huntley, Mahaicony
Police said he stabbed and wounded 63-year-old Laldat Tooknauth there before fleeing Tooknauth was taken to the Mahaicony
Corporation due to the severity of his wounds
Georgetown Public Hospital
Police later learnt around 10:30 hours that a knife-
wielding Pierre was at the Novar School Dam, causing panicinthevicinity
“A team of police ranks responded,” police stated, adding that “upon their arrival, they spotted the suspect on Dundee Public Road, brandishing the knife”. Officers tried to arrest him but he resisted them aggressively. Ranks resorted to shooting him in the foot, but it did not deter him.
A cell phone recorded video depicted the stand-off between police and the Pierre at a location. He was seentossingabottleandsand atthem,evenastheypointed theirweaponsathim.Police resortedtofiringshotsathim but he kept resisting The video even recorded the moment he was shot to the foot but he kept on moving.
“As he reached the neighbouringvillageofAiry Hall, bystanders attempted to persuade him to surrender,”policesaid.
He reportedly attacked thembyhurlingglassbottles and sand at them. “He then concealed the knife in his waistband, retrieved a steel rod from a nearby construction site and attacked a resident named Lambert Nunes, age 69 years, inflicting a wound to hislefthand,”addedpolice.
As police continued to pursue him, several locals, including Williams, tried to assist in restraining him. He reportedly joined other men in tackling Pierre to the ground Pierre, however, managedtoretrievetheknife from his waistband and overpowered Williams Police said he knelt over Williams repeatedly stabbinghimintheheadand tootherpartsofhisbody
“Witnessingthis, twoof theranksfiredmultipleshots atthesuspect,renderinghim motionless,” police said. It appears as though Williams mayalsohavebeenstruckby
T h e O f f i c e o f
Professional Responsibility isconductingaprobeintothe killings.
VPJagdeoexposing Cabinetcolleaguesto publicridiculeand embarrassment …as he continues to duck key documents on gas-to-energy project - Glenn Lall
Social commentator and businessman, Glenn Lall, hascalledoutVicePresident Bharrat Jagdeo for refusing to release key documents of the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project, insisting that the m a g n
national scrutiny, which the PPP/C administration has beenresisting.
US$527 million loan agreement with the United States Export-Import (US EXIM)Bankfortheproject, which will support the constructionofaNaturalGas Liquids(NGL)facilityanda 300-megawatt power plant. Gaswillbetransportedfrom the offshore Stabroek Block Liza oilfield via a 12-inch pipeline to the project site, where 50 million cubic feet ofgaswillbeconvertedinto power daily According to Jagdeo, the project is expected to cut electricity costsnationwideby50%.
However, since the conceptualisation of the project, the administration has been reluctant to release the agreements despite several requests from citizens and even the opposition Recently, Jagdeo explained that there isafixed4%annualinterest rate on the US$527M loan, whichwouldberepaidovera period of 15 years. He said the country will be required to make two annual payments on November 1 and May 1, commencing
“The interest rate is 4% soifyoucalculateitoverthe period- butrememberthere are moratoriums and all of thatso,it’sa4%interestand you can calculate what the repayment would be over a time period. It’s fixed at 4%…principal repayment is 3 0 s e m i - a n n u a l instalments…soit’s15years thereafter, ” the VP explained.
PlungingGuyana intodebt
However, speaking in one of his recent social commentaries,Lallobserved that the government was plunging the country into freshdebtandwasnotbeing transparent with citizens Speaking directly about Jagdeo,whomanagestheoil and gas sector, Lall said the formerpresidenthasclaimed theprojectwillcutelectricity bills by half but to this day, he has not provided any prooftobackthisup.
“Sinceheannouncedthis project, the call has been clear: make the documents public and show the nation the evidence. He has been asked repeatedly by the opposition, the media, and even myself—but instead of releasing that document, he keeps on playing games and dodging the nation,” said Lall,astaunchadvocatefora better oil deal with ExxonMobil.
Lallrecalledthatin2022, after relentless calls for transparency about the project,Jagdeoandhisteam held a press briefing with editors and media house owners. “Whathappennext would shock all of you. At that meeting, we were bluntly told not to record what they were about to tell us Yes, you heard me right no recording at a press briefing meant to inform the nation about this US$2 billion project Imaginethat–abriefingof Continued on page 37
BusinessmanandSocial commentator,GlennLall
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
Prime Minister, Mark Phillips Government Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira
NaturalResources Minister,VickramBharrat
Frompage36 thecountry’smostexpensive project since independence, the media was barred from documentingwhatwastobe said What kind of transparency is this?” Lall asked.
The businessman detailed that following incessant calls by the media and other stakeholders for answers and the release of theagreementssignedforthe project, Jagdeo first sent
reporters to Natural
Resources Minister, Vickram Bharrat, who told thenationthatthedocuments couldnotyetbereleased.
“Imagine this project racing full steam ahead, but thedocumentstojustifyit,is still not ready for us to see.
The Opposition formally requested that this critical document be lodged in Parliament where it rightfully belongs, for scrutiny and accountability. Yet,tothisveryday,justlike themediaandtherestofthe Guyanese public, the entire Parliament is still waiting to seethatdocument.”
Lall recounted that Jagdeowasagainconfronted about the Opposition’s demand to make the project document available in Parliamentatwhichpointhe told reporters to go to Government’s Chief Whip, GailTeixeira,sincesheisthe personresponsibleforlaying
such documents in Parliament. However, when Teixeira was confronted on the issue, she told the reporters she knew nothing about it and directed the mediatothePrimeMinister,
saying he is the man responsibleforthatsector
Recently, at his end-ofyear press conference, when the Prime Minister was questioned,hisresponsewas that it was better for Jagdeo torespond,sincehehasbeen the one addressing all matters related to the Wales project.
“Round and round it
goes a game of hot potatoeswithaUS$2billion project at stake Jagdeo circus of passing the buck
should make every Guyanese stop and think aboutthelevelofrespectthis manhasforusandthefuture of this country,” Lall said. Jagdeo was again asked about the release of key documents last week at his news conference at which point he directed this media house to ask the US Exim Bank.
“It is clear he doesn’t
Table showing receipts of petroleum revenues paid into the NRF during the fourth quarter of 2024
want anybody to ask him anything about the Wales project.Askyourselfpeople: Is that a leader? Is that someone we can trust with our future? Is this a man committed to informing the people, or is he bent on deceiving us at every level? You be the judge.You know what is more troubling here people,ishowheisdragging members of his own cabinet and senior government officialstomakefoolsoutof themselves, just so that they can keep their jobs and stay in office These people, supposed to be leaders in their own right, are reduced to puppets, forced to endure public embarrassment while toeing the line of Jagdeo’s evil and twisted agenda,” Lallcommented.
Only last week this newspaper reported that morethanadozenGuyanese and two organisations have requested the United States Export Import (US EXIM) Bank to share documents relatingtotheGTEprojectit has provided a US$527M loantosupport.
In a statement to the media,thecitizensElizabeth Deane-Hughes, Danuta Radzik, Alfred Bhulai, Vincent Adams, Andre Brandli, Vanda Radzik, Janette Bulkan, George Jaikaran, Karen de Souza, F r e d r i c k C o l l i n s , Darshanand Khusial, Susan Collymore, Halima Khan, Joy Marcus and Wintress White explained that the requestwasmadeonJanuary 10,2025.
(OGGN) as well as the Transparency Institute Guyana Inc (TIGI) also attached their signatures to the letter It was explained that the request is now awaiting the Bank’s reply to issue a processing number for a response from the Freedom of InformationAct (FOIA) Unit within the EXIMBank’ssystem.
According to the statement, “Earlier in their interactions with EXIM Bank, members of Civil Society in Guyana were given the reference number 202500055F on their third attempt to obtain loan applicationdocuments.”
Additionally,thecitizens pointedoutthattheyarealso awaiting information from US-EXIM Bank on their
requestforotherdocuments. They had requested any feasibility study for the Wales location; any feasibility study for the use ofassociatedgas,perArticle 12 of the Petroleum Sharing Agreement 2016; any Gas Utilization Plan and any other document relating to theproject.
GuyanaearnedUS$2.5B fromoillastyear
Guyana’s Natural Resource Fund (NRF), the country’s oil account, received a total of US$2,505,193,036 for the year2024.
A c c o r d i n g t o a Government Notice, the fundsreceivedfortheperiod October 1, 2024 to
December 31, 2024 totalled US$605,193,037.
The fourth quarter receipt includes seven paymentsforprofitoil,anda single royalty payment It was reported that in the first quarterof2024,theNRFwas paid US$604M This was followed by a US$778M payment in the second quarter and US$582.8M in thethirdquarter
Recently, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat,revealedthatatotal of 225 million barrels of oil were produced for the year 2024. Notably, Guyana only received 28 lifts, or 28 million barrels of oil produced by ExxonMobil duringtheperiod.
Last year, the sum of US$1.5B in oil revenue was approved for withdrawal in the NationalAssembly, with widespread criticisms about the lack of transparency in government’s spending of revenue earned from the oil sector
Section 16.2 of the NRF
Act states that, “All withdrawals from the Fund shall be deposited into the ConsolidatedFundandshall be used only to finance: (a) national development priorities including any initiative aimed at realizing aninclusivegreeneconomy, and(b)essentialprojectsthat are directly related to ameliorating the effect of a majornaturaldisaster.”
Be that as it may, the government has not highlighted any national development priority or essential project funded through this source of income In fact, major development priorities and
essential projects such as roads,hospitals,andthenew DemeraraRiverCrossingare being funded through loan agreements A loan to support the Gas-to-Energy project was also approved latelastyear
In the meantime, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, who manages the Petroleum sector,saidshowinghowthe revenue from oil is spent wouldbedifficult.
He reasoned, “How do you balkanize revenue coming into the budget? (It) becomes a very difficult thing to do. So, where the transparency is done, transparency is that every cent spent from oil money, from non-oil revenue and from borrowing, has to be appropriatedbytheNational Assembly through a Budgetary Appropriation Process, whether it is the original Budget or through Supplementary Budgets which then form an appropriation act or a s u p p l e m e n t a r y appropriation act, which itemizes all of the expenditure of the state and how much is going to be spent…”
The Government of Guyana cannot legally extend CGX and Frontera’s exploration licence for the Corentyne Block, and as a resultcandonothingtoassist thejointventure,Ministerof Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat,saidonTuesday Duringhisministry’s Continued on page 38
e n d - o f - y e a r p r e s s conference,MinisterBharrat statedthatthejointventure’s licence, along with an extension previously granted,hascometoanend. Consequently,theCorentyne Block now reverts to State control.
Hesaid,“Withregardsto CGX, the position remains the same.There’s no change to position, with regards to how we dealing or handling theCGXmatter…”
Minister Bharrat stated that the government has applied the same system to all companies in similar situations.“So,it’sthesame, it’s the same way we deal with all companies, and not to say that we are treating one company separate or differentfromtheother.The same system that was used for Repsol the same system wasactuallyusedwithCGX, withtheexplorationlicence, the block obviously goes back to the State, there is no cost recovery from that, becausetheydidnotmoveto production,”heexplained.
Bharrat reminded that CGXwasgrantedadditional time for appraisal following their discovery notification. However, this extension has also expired, leaving the government with no legal basisforfurtheraction.
He added, “That has expired too, so there is nothing legally that we can do with regards to any further extension or that matter.”
Last month, CGX in a statement noted that the JV remains committed to the potentialdevelopmentofthe Corentyne Block as supportedbytheJV’srecent discoveries at Kawa-1 and Wei-1.
It was stated that the last communication the JV had with the government was on September 25, 2024. However, the companies said they had not received any formal communications from the Government of Guyana regarding the status ofthelicence.
“The JV is firmly of the view that the Corentyne BlockPetroleumAgreement
remains in place,” CGX and Frontera said. It was further stated, “The JV recognizes that recent comments from certainGovernmentofficials have created confusion amongststakeholders,which have materially affected the JV and caused substantial harm to the JV’s efforts to develop the Corentyne Block.”
As such, the companies sentthelettertogovernment activating the 60-day period a negotiation with the hopes of an amiable solution. The Minister clarified, “There is no dispute, that’s the first thing, there is no dispute between government and CGX.” In addressing the State’s engagement with CGX, Minister Bharrat said there had been discussions prior to the expiration of the licence.
“But there were engagements then…we met with them, we had an engagement with them then andtheyunderstoodfullythe position of our government because there is no way legally that you can extend
beyond the appraisal period,”headded.
He suggested that CGX wouldeitherhavetoreapply like some companies have, or wait until there is another bidround.
“It’s either you (CGX) take the step as Repsol to reapplyoryouwaituntilthe bidroundandyoubidforthe block if it is available but there is no other legal provision,”theMinistersaid.
Govt.unveils$1.382 trillionBudgetfor2025 …projects 9.5% growth in oil sector, 10.6% in economy
Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr. Ashni Singh, on Friday, presented a $1.382 trillion budget for 2025 in the NationalAssembly, a 20.6% increasecomparedtoBudget 2024.
This year’s fiscal plan
was presented under the theme‘Asecure,prosperous andsustainableGuyana’.
During his uninterrupted five hour-long presentation in the dome of the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, the Minister explained that Central Government’s overallspendingisprojected to increase by 16 per cent in 2025.
According to Dr Singh, “This is on account of an accelerated implementation of critical investment projects and programmes includingtheNewDemerara River Crossing, six regional hospitals, and progressing works on major highways including New Amsterdam and [the] continuation of Heroes Highway to Busby Damjusttonameafew.”
This means capital expenditure is projected to increase by $91.6 billion while non-interest current spending will increase this year by $87.2 billion when comparedtothe2024level.
Thefinanceministeralso providedadetailedoverview of the performance of the economyin2024.
Notably, the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) again recorded double-digitgrowthlastyear for a fifth consecutive year, since 2020 The country’s GDPrecorded43.6%growth in 2024, with the non-oil economy also recording growthof13.1%.
This growth was reflectiveofstrongoiloutput aswellasgrowthintherice, other crops, and bauxite production, along with expansion in other mining and quarrying as well as in theconstructionandservices sectors.
Meanwhile, GDP is projected to grow by 10.6% this year, with growth in the non-oil sector projected at 13.8%for2025.
With respect to the performanceoftheoilsector in2024,Dr Singhnotedthat 225millionbarrelsofoilwas produced from the three Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels (FPSOs) currently in operation. Notably, Guyana received 28 million barrels of the total oil produced. To this end, deposits in the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) increased from US$1.6 billion in 2023 to US$2.6billionin2024.
He said, “…the oil and gas sector expanded by 57.7 per cent in 2024. Growth in the sector was driven primarily by the ramp up in
productionontheProsperity – Guyana’s third FPSO –which started producing oil inNovember2023.”
It would be recalled that just under US$1 6B was approved in the House for spending on national development priorities in 2024.
By the end of 2024, the NRFhadaclosingbalanceof US$3 1B Shifting his attention to projections for 2025, Minister Singh said it is anticipated that there will be246liftsofprofitoilfrom the Stabroek Block. Of this, Government is projected to have 31 lifts of profit oil from the three FPSOs producing currently, along with the One Guyana FPSO which is expected to be commissioned in the second half of the year. Each lift is equivalent to one million barrelsofoil.
Withtheaveragepriceof Brent crude expected to decline to an average of US$71 9 per barrel, Government’s petroleum revenue deposits are projected to be 2.6% lower thanin2024.
Tothisend,Government is projected to earn an estimated US$2.2 billion in profit oil and US$340 6 millioninroyalties. Inkeepingwiththe2024 petroleum deposits, an estimatedUS$2.5billioncan be withdrawn from the NRF and transferred to the Consolidated Fund to s u p p o r t n a t i o n a l development priorities in thisyear’sBudget.
Toeasethecostofliving, government has committed to reducing the cost of electricity by 50% this year, uponcompletionoftheGasto-Energy project.
Additionally, Dr Singh explained, “As part of our Government’s commitment toreducingthecostofliving and improving connectivity for all Guyanese, I wish to reaffirm that, upon completion of the new Demerara River Bridge, slated for the second half of the year, bridge tolls will be abolished for all types of vehicles.”
Thispolicywillapplynot only to commuters at the Demerara River Bridge, but also to commuters utilising theBerbiceRiverBridgeand the Wismar Bridge The removal of these tolls will result in savings to the benefit of over 50,000 daily commuters,amountingtoan estimated$3.5billion
Continued on page 39
Frompage38 annually Additionally, the finance minister noted that Government willmaintainazeropercentexcise taxonpetroleumproductstoshield the Guyanese from the full impact ofhighfuelcosts.
Government will also continue its part-time job programme, introduced in 2022 Since its inception, this initiative has injectedover$600millionmonthly in additional household income into these communities. Building on this success, this programme will continue into 2025 with a furtherallocationof$11billion.
GECOMChairsaysnoto biometrics …cites tight time frame for implementation before elections
Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh has ruledouttheuseofbiometricsatthe 2025 elections. The decision was made at a meeting with
Commissioners at the GECOM Headquarters in Kingston on Friday
Members of the joint political opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) have beenlobbyingforuseofabiometric data system at this year’s General andRegionalElections.
While GECOM did not release a statement on the decision, People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Commissioner Sase Gunraj told Kaieteur News that Justice Singh found that while biometrics is feasible, it cannot be implemented in time for the 2025 elections.
KaieteurNewsunderstandsthat in making her determination, Justice Singh considered a number of factors that would need to be in place before introducing biometrics; these include public consultation on the use of the system as well as training of GECOM staff on the use of the biometricequipment.
Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh
Meanwhile, in response to decision, AFC Memb
of Parliament (MP), David Patterson inaFacebookpastpostopinedthat the decision was one for the electorate.
“What one would have expected was that the Chairperson wouldhaveinstructedtheCEOand his team to prepare a programme for implementation, and share it with all stakeholders, after review,
the decision on how to proceed couldbemadecollectively
If important decisions were allowedtobediscussedfullyinthe publicspace,manyofthecriticisms (pros or cons) would be avoided,” Pattersonsaid.
Earlierthisyear,theoppositionled People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) renewed its calls for GECOM to put in place biometrics systems for this year’s GeneralandRegionalelections.
“Letusimmediatelyremindthe nation of two facts: (i) this study wasconductedduetothepersistent demands by the Oppositionnominated members of the commission, and (ii) the study concluded that the use of biometrics technology in Guyana would provide more robust protection and safeguards against voter impersonation, multiple v o t i n g , a n d e l e c t o r a l manipulation,” Norton told a news conference.
The study further concluded that such technology would
increase accuracy as well as data security and efficiency in the system.
“What more do we need to hear? As the joint Opposition stated when the study was submitted last November: “We express our preparedness to lend support to all the necessary stages toarriveatthisoutcome,including enacting constitutional and statutory changes, if necessary We believe that the technical and other concerns the CEO has identified in his report do not amount to insurmountable or irresolvableissues.Westandready to engage in all necessary discussions at the GECOM level, the parliamentary level, and/or at theinter-partyleveltoresolvethese concerns to the satisfaction of all stakeholders, including the Guyanesepeople.”
Norton had called on GECOM to urgently advance the process to ensure the use of fingerprint biometricsbecomesarealityforthe 2025elections.
In the quaint village of Green Hollow, nestled between rolling hills and ancient forests, lived a young girl named Lily She had a special gift for music and spent her days playing her violin under the big oak tree in her backyard. The villagers often said that her music could make flowers bloomandbirdssing.
One day, as Lily practiced her favorite song,amysteriousfogrolledintothevillage, shrouding everything in a shimmering mist. Thefogwasunlikeanyother,glowingwitha soft, ethereal light. Lily continued to play, her music weaving through the mist, and as she played, she noticed something unusual: thefogseemedtobeswirlinginrhythmwith hermelodies.
Curious, Lily followed the fog as it seemed to dance and guide her toward the edge of the forest. As she ventured deeper intothewoods,shefoundherselfinahidden glade surrounded by ancient trees and wildflowers.At the center of the glade was a large, glittering stone, and beside it sat a majestic dragon with emerald-green scales thatshimmeredinthelight.
The dragon's eyes were closed, and it seemed to be listening intently to Lily's music. “Hello?” Lily called out gently The dragon opened its eyes, which sparkled like stars.Ithadagentleandwiseexpression,not at all like the fierce dragons from the fairy tales.
“Welcome, little one,” the dragon said in a deep, soothing voice. “I am Eldrin, the guardian of the Enchanted Glade Your musichasawokenmefromalongslumber I
have been waiting for someone with a pure heart to helpme.”
Lily was amazed but also a bit nervous. “Whatdoyouneedhelpwith?”sheasked.
Eldrin sighed, and the mist around the glade thickened “Long ago, a powerful enchantress cursed me to sleep until someone could play the Dragon's Song—a melody that only the purest of hearts can perform.Thesonghasthepowertobreakthe curseandrestoreharmonytoourland.”
Lily's eyes widened. “I've never heard of theDragon'sSongbefore.Canyouteachitto me?”
Eldrin nodded “The song is hidden within the forest's magic. You must find three magical notes: the Note of the Forest, the Note of the Sky, and the Note of the Earth. Each note is guarded by a creature of theforest,andyoumustsolvetheirriddlesto obtainthem.”
With determination, Lily set out to find the magical notes. The first stop was the Forest of Whispers, where the Note of the Forest was said to be hidden. The forest was (Continued on page 41)
· CrayolaModelMagic
· CrayolaScissors
·CrayolaScribbleScrubbiePets& Markers
· CraftKnife
· CrayolaMarkers
· CrayolaNo-RunSchoolGlue
· BeverageCarriers
· Toothpick
1 Cut a cup holder out of the first beverage carrier, and four holes out of the second beveragecarrier
2 Mix brown, white, and yellow Crayola WashablePainttocreateasand-likecolour
3 Paint the bottom side of the beverage carrierandthesinglecup.Letdry1-2hours.
4 Paint the wells around the cups of the beveragecarrierbluetocreateamoat.Letdry
5 With a brown Crayola Marker, draw window and bridge details along the beverage carrierandonthesinglecup.
6 Create a castle tower by molding white CrayolaModel Magic into a small cylinder shape(paint tan and let dry), and red CrayolaModel Magic into a cone shape. Place the cone on top of the cylinder
7 Stick a toothpick into the tip of the redcone.
8 Stack the single cup on top of the beveragecarrier,followedbythemodelmagic tower.
9 Colour your favourite Scribble Scrubbie and make them at home inyoursandcastle!
F o r m a triangular flag out of blue CrayolaModel M a g i c a n d attach to the top of the toothpick. Let dry 1-2 hours.
The Truth is always the Best
by Uncle Roy
There are times when it happens That I have to tell others About something that has happened To myself or a sister or brother
This thing that I have to tell Can make me look bad or good, And I have to make up my mind To tell a lie or the truth as I should.
Then I must always remember That the truth is at all times the best, As, whenever I cheat and tell a lie, It will always end in a big mess.
We know that honesty is the best policy In all the things we do and say, So tell the truth at all times, And you will always be in the right way
it an ongoing effort to strive to adopt the essential values in your life
Here are some further qualities that youneedtoconsiderinthiseffort:-
Contentment, Dedication, Dependability, Devotion, Education, Freedom, Gracefulness, Gratitude, Sense of Humour, Constant Improvement, Inquisitiveness, Integrity, Leadership, Perfection in my Habits, Responsibility, Satisfaction, Serenity, Sincerity, Setting Standards, Tenderness, Thoughtfulness, Trustworthiness, Understanding, Upliftment of Self and Others. Some questions you may ask to help you in thiseffortare:-
Whichofthesevaluesareexpressed inyourlifealready?
rom page 40 alive with the sounds of rustling leaves and chirping birds. Lily followed the gentle rustling sounds until she found a wise old owl perched on a branch “Greetings, wise owl,” Lily said.“IamsearchingfortheNoteofthe Forest.Canyouhelpme?”
The owl blinked its large, golden eyes. “To find the Note of the Forest, you must solve this riddle: I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me What am I?”Lily thought for a moment and then smiled. “It'sfire!”shesaid.Theowlnoddedand fluttereditswings,revealingaglowing, green leaf “You have answered correctly Here is the Note of the Forest.”Lily thanked the owl and continued her journey to the highest peak in the land to find the Note of the
How have these values influenced your life?Which values still need to be expressedinsomeway?
Onceyouareclearaboutthevalues you treasure most, you will start to notice how your life is moving towards positive change. Make a list of all possible changes you could make to better express these values in your life. Try to incorporate one of these changes at regular intervals. As you make the effort to align your personality with the values you most desire, you will find that you will begin to create a solid relationship with yourself and others, and start taking steps in the right direction. Whenourlifebecomesa
Sky As she climbed, she met a friendly falconsoaringinthesky.“Hello,falcon. I need the Note of the Sky Can you assist me?” Lily asked The falcon flapped its wings and said, “To find the Note of the Sky, you must answer this riddle:Iflywithoutwings.Icrywithout eyes. Wherever I go, darkness flies. What am I?”Lily thought again and exclaimed, “It's a cloud!”The falcon nodded in approval and dropped a shimmering blue feather “You have found the Note of the Sky.”With two notes in hand, Lily made her way to the heart of the Earth, where the final note washidden.Shemetawisetortoisenear a crystal-clear pond.“I seek the Note of the Earth,” Lily said. “Can you help me?”
The tortoise replied with a riddle: “I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water What am I?”Lilythoughtcarefullyandanswered, “It'samap!”
Thetortoisesmiledandhandedhera small, golden pebble. “You have found
true expression of our values, we make our greatest contribution to the world. We feel inspired, eager to live every day, and at peace with ourselves knowing that we are fulfilling our greatest potential. This gives us the courage and confidence to live a life of meaning and purpose. To truly fulfil this purpose, we need to make a conscious commitment to our loftiest ideals, elevating our thoughts, words and actions to a higher, more enlightened level, and secondly to move beyond ourselves and contribute to others, so that we leave this world a significantly better place than when we camehere.
the Note of the Earth.”With all three notesinherpossession,Lilyreturnedto Eldrin. The dragon's eyes glowed with joy as Lily played the Dragon's Song, using the magical notes. The melody resonated through the glade, lifting the curseandrestoringtheland'sharmony Eldrin stretched his wings and roared a triumphant roar, and the enchanted mist began to clear “Thank you,braveLily,”Eldrinsaid.“Youhave not only freed me but also restored balance to our world The Dragon's Songwillalwaysbeapartofyounow.” Lily smiled, feeling proud and happy She returned to Green Hollow with a new sense of wonder and adventure, knowing that magic and friendship were always just around the
We fill your year with blessings
by Oswald Gunraj
October is the time when Libra is celebrated,
Hello there! My name is January, I commence the New Year with wishes to make you happy; After me comes my sister February, Filled with Valentine love and sometimes as extra day to party; Look out for March, he approaches very fast, In this new year, he makes you forget the ills of the past; Then comes brotherApril, that guy is very nice, His time is to fly kites, which reminds of the Resurrection of Christ; The month of May consists of many holidays, With Labour,Arrival and Independence days; June and July are when life is in spring, As we marry our cupids in big fancy weddings; To be followed by the school break ofAugust, When we feel games and vacations are a must; Then come the final Big Four; With Thanksgiving, Halloween and a whole lot more; The first of this quadruplet is September, We go back to school with so much to remember; October is the time when Libra is celebrated, He is the balance for which we all waited; Next the cold wind starts to blow in November, Bringing on the jolliest month of December I and my siblings complete the year of seasons, You can now see why we are all famous for different reasons. when
Just as how you accrue physical value by working out, you add spiritual value to your life by making the effort to adopt good principles.
E a c h digit from 19 o c c u r s once within each row, column, and j i g s a w block. The n u m b e r s outside the grid indicate the sum of the outer 3 digits in that r o w o r column, on thatside. There is only one solution.
Your brain and body can
only handle feeling
o v e r w o r k e d a n d overwhelmedforsolong.
If you consistently experience high levels of stresswithouttakingstepsto manage or reduce it, exhaustion eventually takes over leaving you emotionally and physically burnedout.
Key signs of burnout include: forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating; diminished pride in your work; losing sight of yourself and your goals; difficulty maintaining relationships and being present with loved ones; frustration and irritability w i t h c o - w o r k e r s ; unexplained muscle tension, pain,fatigue,andinsomnia.
Estimates suggest anywhere between 4 and 7
You may begin to feel lessmotivatedsinceitseems likenothingyoudomatters. Since burnout happens gradually, you might not n o t i c e s y m p t o m s immediately But once it takeshold,itcanaffectyour ability to function across all aspectsoflife.
per cent of the working public may experience burnout, though workers in certain fields, such as healthcare, tend to experience burnout at much higherrates.
Burnout can have a farreaching impact, often: negatively affecting work performance keeping you from enjoying hobbies and timewithfamily,orrelaxing outside of work increasing risk for health concerns, including cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, depression,andsuicide.
Taking action to address
burnout is essential, since it generally only gets worse. The next 10 steps can help yougetstartedontheroadto recovery BetterHelp is an onlineservicecreatedtohelp youwithyourmentalhealth. Sign up and find support for your mental health from a licensed therapist. It’s tough to make changes when you don’t know exactly what needs to change, but exploring contributing factorsorsourcesofstressin yourlifecanhelp.
Burnout often relates to jobandprofessionaltriggers, like the stress of an increasingly demanding job.
But you could also experience burnout when: having a rigorous academic schedule, dealing with relationship problems, especially ones that seem to circle with no resolution, caringforalovedonewitha serious or chronic health condition, trying to do too much on your own also createsanidealenvironment forburnouttofester
“Say you’re a single parent with a full-time job, tryingtotakeonlineclasses, andkeepupwithfriendsand lovedonesatthesametime.
Three different timeconsuming projects keeping you working long hours, week after week? “Those with a lot of ambition to succeed in their careers are tempted to do it all,”
Sueskind says. But this can backfire when you end up withnoenergyforanything.
Instead, try accepting thatdoingitallisn’trealistic, and ask your supervisor to reassign one project or add someoneelsetoyourteam.
Overwhelmedwithwork and personal commitments but still can’t bring yourself to turn down requests from lovedones?
“Those with peoplepleasing tendencies often take on too much to avoid letting anyone down,”
Ifyou’realreadyrunning outofhoursinthedayforthe thingsyouabsolutelyneedto do, adding more tasks will only add more frustration andstress.
Evaluate your existing commitments and consider cancelling or rescheduling a few The immediate relief thisbringsmaysurpriseyou.
Ifyoufeelunsureofhow to begin sorting through the
causes of burnout, and lookingforwaystoeaseyour stress, that’s normal Burnout can become so overwhelming that determining how to address itstillseemsexhausting.It’s alsohardtoidentifypotential solutions when you feel completelyspent.
Involvingatrustedloved one can help you feel supported and less alone. Friends, family members, and partners can help you brainstorm possible solutions.
They’re close enough to your life to have some understandingofwhatworks foryoubutstillhaveenough distance to consider the situationwithsomeclarity Opening up to people about the distress you’re experiencing can take some courage, especially when youworry,they’llseeyouas incapable or lazy. But struggling through burnout alone can make overcoming itmoredifficult.
And you never know, your loved ones may have experienced burnout themselves and could have some valuable insight to share.
‘From Whence We Came – the Chinese...
continued with more ships arriving over the years, and the community gradually grew Familieswereformed,andtheirdescendants became an integral part of Guyana’s cultural fabric.
Theskitservedasapoignantreminderof these historical events, with actors bringing the past to life and helping the audience understand the Chinese community’s significantroleinshapingmodernGuyana.
A play to remember: GEMS Theatre’s vision
Whiletheskitwasaneducationaltribute, itwasalsoapreviewofalarger,moredetailed production set to debut in 2025. The fulllength play, “The Chinese Experience”, promises to be a monumental historical drama that traces the journey of the Chinese community in British Guiana from their arrival to the present day The play is based on extensive research by Scott Ting-A-Kee, with an adaptation by acclaimed playwright Harold Bascom, who is known for his impactfulworkinGuyana’stheatrescene.
The production is directed by Ayanna Waddell,agraduateoftheNationalSchoolof Theatre Arts and Drama, with stage management by Esther Hamer Waddell and Hamer,bothtalentedartistsintheirownright, workedtirelesslytobringthishistoricalstory tothestage.Thecastfeaturesadiversegroup oftalentedactorsportrayingkeyfiguresfrom theChineseexperienceinGuyana,including MarkKazim,MayAnnChung,MiriamLam, David Hackett, Nathaniel Powers, Dwayne Hackett,andothers.
Together,theybringthestoriesofChinese immigrants to life in a powerful and educationalway
The production was staged by GEMS Theatre Productions, led by producer and creatorGemMadhoo-Nascimento.Thisplay ispartofasix-productionhistoricalseriesset
torunfrom2025to2026.Theconceptforthe production was conceived over 12 years ago in collaboration with Marjorie Ting-A-Kee Kirkpatrick, and the play is dedicated to her memory
The Chinese Experience is being presented in collaboration with the Chinese Embassy and the Chinese Business Association, ensuring that the play remains an authentic and heartfelt tribute to the Chinesecommunity
The Chinese Experience production is morethanjustaplayit’sawaytohonourthe past while educating future generations.The performance at the National Cultural Centre was a reminder of the importance of remembering history and sharing those stories with the younger generations. The Chinese immigrants who arrived in Guyana facedimmensechallenges,buttheirstrength and perseverance helped build the country intowhatitistoday
For the people of Guyana, especially youngeraudiences,theskitserveasawayto connect with the past and understand the diverse cultural heritage that makes the country unique. As the story of the Chinese experience continues to be shared through performances like these, the legacy of those early immigrants will live on, ensuring their contributions to Guyana’s history are never forgotten.
Asthecurtainsclosedontheevent,itwas notedthattheskitisnotjustaperformanceit was a tribute to resilience and history that shaped both the present and the future.With GEMS Theatre’s dedication and the collaboration of numerous talented individuals, the Chinese Experience continues to highlight the importance of honouringthepastandpreservingthestories thatdefinesus.
(Source: Guyana News and Information)
Lorry driver, porter busted with 35,650 grams of cannabis
on Friday after they were caught with 35,650 grams of marijuana when police intercepted the lorry, which they were travelinginontheGrovePublic Road, East Bank Demerara (EBD).
The suspects have been identifiedas30-year-oldHakeen Anfeenee,adriverand 28-yearold Venezuelan national,
Rivas Laya Jose Angel, a porter
Police reported that the vehicle,whichisownedbyFabra EnterpriseInc.fromLethemwas interceptedaround19:00h.
“The police team informed the driver (Anfeenee) that they were in receipt of information that he had arms, ammunition, and drugs in his possession,” police said in a report to the press.
The firearm, ammunition, and foreign currency that was found during the raid.
Duo nabbed with illegal gun, ammo, and foreign currency
and 37, were f o u n d o n Saturdaywithanunlicensed firearm, ammunition, and a quantityofforeigncurrency during a police raid at CrabwoodCreek,Berbice.
Police reported that the firearm found was a 9MM pistol, along with seven (7) 32 calibre rounds of ammunition.
The men were arrested and are assisting with investigations.
A search was carried out on his person, the vehicle and the porter
During the search, police discoveredtwobulkybagsatthe backofthetruck.
The bags contained four parcels of leaves, seeds, and stemssuspectedtobecannabis.
Subsequently, the driver and the porter were both
allegation of Possession
cautioned and arrested.
The men and the narcotics weretakentoapolicestation.
Thecannabiswasweighedin thepresenceofthemen.
The cannabis was sealed, marked, and lodged with the officer-in-charge of the Grove Police Station. The men remain incustodyandareassistingwith theinvestigation.
HakeenAnfeenee (left) and Rivas Laya JoseAngel, along with the narcotics that were found.
Thereisnodoubtthatwhenthe Covid-19pandemichitourcountry back in 2020, it negatively impacted the lives of many Not onlythat,butitchangedthewayof life for people in ways they had neverimagined.
Nevertheless, some persons were able to capitalise on the downtime being shut-in brought and put into action their dreams of becomingentrepreneurs.
Twenty-six-year-old Kajol Goolghar is one such person. In June 2021, she established 'Crafty Selects' which is an online-based arts and craft venture. Crafty Selectsprovidescustomizedtokens and personalized gifts for various events, including weddings, corporate events and small businesses. Most of the items are made with resin, and range from custom tumblers, mugs, and plaquesamongothers.
Reminiscing on how it all started, Goolghar, in an exclusive interviewwithTheWaterfalls,said
that after completing her secondary education in 2015, she embarked on a teaching career From 2017024, she taught at the secondarylevelinapublicschool intheprivatesector
The businesswoman recalled, “In the year 2021, after giving much thought, I took the risk of starting a small business with no prior experience working, with epoxy resin art. Throughout my first few months, I overcame the many difficulties that epoxy resin presented. Between the years of 2021and2024,Imanagedtogrow and expand my small business all whilstteachingfulltime.”
Culminating many years of hard work and perseverance in January 2024, Goolghar noted that her craft finally allowed her to realize her dream of becoming a full-time entrepreneur Reflecting on the decision she made in 2021, the young entrepreneur said, “For me it was a moment to reflect on whatmytrueaspirationwasandan opportunitytoopenmybusiness.”
Goolghar noted that from the beginning, the support and encouragement from her family has been “a driving force…. My partnerinparticular,whoalsoowns and operates his own business, called The Mancavegy, has played
a crucial role in motivating me to expandandgrowmybusiness.”
Additionally,shenotedthatthe support from customers has been very impactful as their loyalty and feedback were instrumental in shaping her business. Giving us a glimpseatsomeofthebehind-thescenechallenges,Goolgharrelayed that working with resin requires precision,patienceandcreativity
“Intheearlystages,Ispentalot of time perfecting the techniquesdealingwithissuessuchasbubbles, curing time and ensuring the final products met my standards,” she added.
Another challenge she pointed out, was finding reliable suppliers of high-quality resin, moulds and
pigments that were both durable andsafe.
Acceptingthatthereoughttobe challenging and good times when operating a small business, the youngwomansaidmovingforward herprimaryobjectiveistobecome a trusted, go-to brand for personalised and sustainable event favours that add meaning and creativitytoanyoccasion.
Goolghar shared that young entrepreneurs drive economic growth by creating businesses that generate jobs and stimulate economic activity “[Young entrepreneurs]tendtodevelopnew ideas,productsandservicesthatare either problem solving or improve existin
entrepreneurs,wealsoserveasrole models, inspiring others to take risks, pursue their passions and create a positive change,” she highlighted.
Asked what she thinks can be done locally to help develop small businesses across the country, Goolghar said that it requires a collab
ffort from individuals, governments and organizations. She suggested that this can be achieved by more organizedlocalbusinessexposand networking events. “Offer cash grants or low interest loans from
g programmes on marketing, digital skills and customer service and even help businesses build an online presence through websites or social media platforms,” she said.Lookingforyourowncreative personalised items? Contact Gool
m: @crafty_selects.gy or via Email: @craftyslects@gmail.com.
Young entrepreneur and owner of Crafty Selects, Kajol Goolghar
While Guyana waits for the “bigger bone” in the future, or a larger share of profitsfromtheoilproduced in the Stabroek Block by ExxonMobil, the impending transition to cleaner energy sources and consequent oversupply of the commodityhasbegunhitting at its price In 2025, although Guyana’s daily production is expected to climb, the country will see a decreaseinearningsfromthe sector,asoilpriceislikelyto come down by 10.9%. This was explained by Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh during the presentation of this year’s Budget at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal, East
Coast Demerara on Friday afternoon He said, “Oil prices contracted by 2 3 percent to average US$80.7 perbarrelin2024,primarily due to slowing global demand, particularly in China.” The Minister was keentonotethatthistrendis expected to continue this year as “crude oil prices are forecasted to decline by a further 10 9 percent to US$71.9 per barrel, with global supply expected to exceeddemand.”
This is particularly troubling for Guyana, since policymakers have refused to implement a ring-fencing provision, to ensure the country benefits early on from the wealth generated.
Not only has Guyana been urged multiple times by various international financial institutions to do so,butitisalsonotforbidden by the 2016 Production SharingAgreement(PSA)to implementthismechanism.
Aring-fencing provision would ensure that after the cost of an oil project is paid off, Guyana would receive 50%oftheprofitsgenerated by that development, after the operational expense is covered.
In this manner, the country’s take from oil production would increase significantly Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo previously explained that Guyana wouldnotbeimplementinga
Govt. budgets $7.2B for Amerindian Affairs in 2025
The Ministry of Amerindian Affairs has been allocated $7.2B in the 2025 national budget,MinisterofFinance,Dr AshniSingh saidonFriday
During his budget presentation, the minister disclosed that this year’s sum does not include the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) carbon credit transfer.This publication understands that in last year’s budget,thesectorwasallocated$9billion.
Speaking on the projects and programmes, the money is intended to cater for this year, he stated that “We have placed particular emphasis on critical areas including infrastructural development, creation of job opportunities, improving and enhancing social services and strengthening therightsofAmerindians.”
Tothisend,asitrelatestothelandtitling programme, a sum of $650 million is budgetedin2025tocontinuethisprogramme. According to the minister, since assuming office and the resuscitating the programme, an additional 15 villages have been demarcated and 10 of them received their certificateoftitles,whichheaddedbenefitted more than 16,000 of residents in those communities Another programme, the Community Support Officers (CSOs) programme was also reintroduced and upon itsreturnover2,700personsacrossmorethan 220Amerindianvillageshavebenefitted.He noted that with $1.2 billion spent in 2024 towardsthisprogramme,asumof$1.5billion isbudgetedin2025tocontinuethisinitiative. This publication understands that a large chunkofthe$7.2Ballocationwillgotowards the Amerindian Development Fund and PresidentialGrants,ofwhich$5Bisbudgeted forin2025.
Dr SinghsaidonFridaythatsinceAugust 2020 and not including the LCDS revenues, hisgovernmentinvestedover$19.9Bthrough Amerindian Development Fund and Presidential Grants, which is aimed at fosteringeconomic,eco-tourism,agricultural and infrastructural development of Amerindiancommunities.
In 2024, he mentioned that $4.6B were
“Mr Speaker, as indicated earlier, under theLCDS2030,wecommittedtotransferto Amerindian Villages 15 percent of the proceeds of the sale of our carbon credits to finance the implementation of Village Sustainability Plans (VSPs). In 2023, we transferred 15 percent and, in 2024, 26.5 percent, which resulted in over $9.5B being transferred to date. A further transfer is expectedfromourcarboncreditsearningsin 2025,”heannounced.
Meanwhile, with regards to the National Toshaos Council (NTC), he disclosed that a sum of $150 million is budgeted in 2025 to continuesupportingtheconference.
Further, the Senior Minister said that approximately $350 million have been investedtodateintheHinterlandScholarship Programme which allows for more than 600 studentstopursuehighereducationatcoastal institutions.
Withover$93millionspentlastyear,this year another $127 million is budgeted to benefitmorethan800students.
ItwasreportedinthemediathatPresident IrfaanAli had hosted the hinterland students in December just before they leave for the Christmas holiday Addressing them at the State House, he announced that plans are underway to have their dormitory building, which is located at Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown,upgraded.
ring-fencingprovision,since the country is focused on repaying the investment cost, allowing it to benefit from a “bigger bone” in the future.
He said, “We admitted that we are foregoing revenuenowinexchangefor massive future income because its going into new projects that will increase production and so even with the same share of the 50/50 plus the two percent royalty that the future income, because of the bigger scale will be massive in Guyana’s case and we are deliberately foregoing that in this period for that purpose and then trying to grab this bone now could cause you to lose all the bones, the bigger bones toointhefuture.”
Government believes that ring-fencing new projects could hinder the development of the resources discovered in the StabroekBlock.
The country, which started oil production in 2019,andiseagertodevelop its resources, must however be mindful of the global trends that can impact the nation.Infact,aWorldBank Report released last year warned that an oil glut may lead to a substantial drop in globalprices.
“Nextyear,theglobaloil supplyisexpectedtoexceed demandbyanaverageof1.2 million barrels per day,” the
WorldBankstated. Itwasnotedthatthescale ofthisoversupplyisdifficult to overstate; these numbers have only been exceeded twiceinhistory,in1998and 2020.Asaresult,abarrelof oil could cost less than US$60 within the next six years. This therefore raised doubts about Jagdeo’s projections of substantial futurerevenue.
Projectionsfor oilsectorin2025
AccordingtotheFinance Minister,itisanticipatedthat there will be 246 lifts of profit oil from the Stabroek Block in 2025. Within this, Government is projected to have 31 lifts of profit oil from the three Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels (FPSOs) producing currently, along
with the One Guyana FPSO which is expected to be commissioned in the second halfoftheyear
Be that as it may, Dr Singhpointedout,“Withthe averagepriceofBrentcrude expected to decline to an average of US$71 9 per barrel, Government’s petroleum revenue deposits are projected to be 2 6 percent lower than in 2024. Government is projected to earn an estimated US$2.2 billion in profit oil and US$340 6 million in royalties.”
In 2024, an average 225 4 million barrels of crudeoilwasproduced,with the sector recording 57.7% growth that year With the price of oil averaging, US$80.7 per barrel in 2024, Guyana earned US$2 6B fromoilproduction.
Fire Service allocated $68.1 billion for more fire stations, training in 2025
The Guyana Fire
Service (GFS) h a s b e e n allocated$68.1billionofthe $108.9 billion allocated to the security sector in the 2025 national budget, Finance Minister Dr Ashni SinghannouncedonFriday
Dr Singh told the National Assembly that the government’s aim is “to build a GFS that is well equipped, well trained, and responsive to the requirements of their importantmandate.Assuch, effortsweremadetoexpand the GFS’s capacity and a d e q u a t e l y b o o s t firefightingoperations.”
For 2025, the Fire Service will see seven fire stations being completed at
Charity, Onderneeming, Parika, West Ruimveldt, Mahaicony, Soesdyke and Wisroc while one will be built at Tarlogie The allotted sum also caters for theconstructionofasatellite station at the Timehri Aerodome.
The Finance Minister alsosaidthat“asumof$30 millionwillbebudgetedfor the training of 400 ranks in basic recruitment and emergency technician courses in order to prepare ranks with the requisite skills to respond to fire threats.”
Minister Singh boasted that in the last four years under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), fire stations were
completed at Eccles, Ogle, Leonora, and Wales. The Central Fire Station was r
congested Stabroek Market a
Late year’s allocation allowed the Fire Service to service over 400 fire hydrants, as well as the procurement of 440 fire hydrants of which 288 have been installed and the remainder will be installed thisyear
Ninety-six ranks were trained in 2024, at a sum of $11.6million.
The minister said that Government intends to significantly upgrade the transport and equipment fleetoftheGFS.
Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh
Minister ofAmerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai
State makes application to access bank account Brutus’
salary is deposited in
Prosecutors on Friday filed an application seeking access to embattled Assistant Commissioner of Police(ACP)CalvinBrutus’ Demerara Bank account recordsaspartofanongoing investigation into his allegedfinancialcrimes.
Brutus, who is facing 250 charges related to financial misconduct, appearedattheGeorgetown Magistrates’ Court before Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty for further hearingsonthecase.
During the court proceedings, Prosecutor DavidBrathwaiterequested abanker’sbookorderunder Section 12 of the Evidence Act to obtain copies of financial documents from one of Brutus’ accounts Brathwaite argued that this informationwasessentialto proving the elements of the financial crimes for which Brutushasbeencharged.He emphasized that obtaining suchrecordsisaroutinestep insimilarcases.
However, defence attorneys Dominick Bess and EusiAnderson strongly opposed the application Bess contended that the prosecution’s interpretation of the Evidence Act was flawed, arguing that the requesteddocumentsdidnot fall within the Act’s definition of a “banker’s book,”whichincludesitems likecheques.
Further, Anderson presented a letter in court thatheclaimedwasfromthe Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), addressedtotheheadofthe Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) Anderson told the court that the DPP
had concluded that a suspicious transaction
report(STR)generatedfrom Brutus’ financial activities did not meet the threshold forcriminalcharges.
“ T h e S T R w a s submitted by the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU),” Andersonexplained,adding thattheState’sfailuretoact on the DPP’s decision invalidated their current application. “This application forces the court to improperly assist the prosecution in their pursuit of evidence they never had to begin with,” Anderson stated.
Anderson accused SOCU of “fishing for evidence where none existed” and described the prosecution’s application as “embarrassing” and “dead on arrival ” He urged the court to reject the request, warning that granting it could set a dangerous precedent for the misuse of thecourt’sauthority
The defence continued to argue that the letter was central to their opposition. Anderson also clarified that the account in question was Brutus’ salary account, not one of the frozen accounts linkedtothecase.
In response, Prosecutor
Brathwaite dismissed the relevance of the DPP’s letter, asserting that it pertained to earlier allegations and did not preclude the State from seeking additional financial records. Braithwaitefurther argued that the DPP’s findings were specific to earlier allegations and does not prevent the State from pursuing new records to strengthenitscase.
Brathwaite also cited legal precedents where courts had granted similar applications in financial crime cases, stressing that such orders are neither unusual nor improper He further emphasized the importance of obtaining the requested records to ensure justice in a case involving millionsofdollarsinalleged financialmisconduct.
Afterhearingbothsides, MagistrateMcGustydidnot rule on the application, but instead instructed the prosecution to provide specific details about the account in question at the next hearing scheduled for January 31 at 11:00 hrs Both sides were also directed to submit relevant authoritiesaheadofthenext session.
The legal proceedings against Brutus began in October 2024 with 30 charges, including misconductinpublicoffice, larceny, and money laundering, for which he was granted $6 2 million bail. In November 2024, an additional 201 charges brought the total to 231, leading to a bail increase to $16.25million.Thecharges stem from a SOCU investigation into alleged financial crimes involving theGuyanaPoliceForce.
$430M budgeted for rice sector outside of fertilizer support
Outside of fertilizer support, the rice growing sector can expect an allocation of $430Mfromthe2025nationalbudget.
Minister of Finance Dr.Ashni Singh told the NationalAssembly on Friday that for last year,thesectorsawwhathetermsasa‘strong expansion’ of an estimated 9.3%, with the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) reporting rice production at 725,282 metric tonnes,comparedwith653,706metrictonnes ayearprior
The sector’s performance was widely attributed“tobetteryields,whichimprovedto 6.6metrictonnesperhectarein2024from6.3 metric tonnes per hectare in 2023, with some producing regions having yields averaging above7metrictonnesperhectare.”
The minister said that, “In 2025, investments will expand storage capacity at No. 56 Seed Facility and extend precision agriculture technology to farmers, including specialised broadcast equipment to improve efficiencyincropmanagement.
Not including fertiliser support, the government contributed an amount of $524 million to the industry in 2024 and has budgeted$430.9millionfor2025.”
Based on the performance last year, it is expected that the sector will continue on its’ upwardpath,andshouldgrowbyanadditional 12.4%thisyear
The industry’s target for 2025 is 840,000 metrictonnes,andthisissupportedby“aramp upinacreagecultivated,andcontinuedfocus on deploying new and more productive
varieties, and enhancing research and development,”hesaid.
The industry has done well despite the mid-year report for 2024 revealing that the Guyana Rice Development Board (GDRB) hasestimated$4billioninlossesfrompaddy bugs,asaresultofhighertemperaturesatthe endofthefirstcropof2024asreportedbythis publicationonSeptember04lastyear
The$4billionlossGRDBestimatedwasa result of 10-25 percent paddy bug infestation inpaddydeliveredtomills.
“Thiswasalarmingwhencomparedtoan estimatedinfestation10percentin2023,”the report said while highlighting that climate change has been a major factor given the increasingglobaltemperatures.
Theagriculturesector,whichaccountsfor about 23 percent of the non-oil Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is most prone to climate related risks; however, key industries haveinvestedtoexpandproductiontoremain viable.
“In rice, we are advancing research in climate-smartvarietiestorespondtodrought, floodandsalineconditions,”thereportstated. Globally, the challenges for rice production vary from insects, pests, diseases and weeds, which increased due to the shift of precipitationandtemperature.
The government noted in the report that chemicaloptionsarebeinguseduntilresearch and development of appropriate biocontrol agents are completed for application during thesecondcrop.
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) was allotted$2Bfromthe$108.9billionallocated to the security sector in the 2025 national budgettoexpanditsfleetofvehicles.
This was announced on Friday by the Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh during his budget presentation to the National Assembly
Dr Singh told the House “we have managedtoimproveouremergencyresponse time and maintain a police presence in riveraincommunitieswith the acquisitionof 27boatsand21outboardengines.Tofurther expand the Force’s transport fleet, an additional$2billionisbudgetedin2025.”
The Force will also benefit from an additional $4 7 billion, which has been allocated to bridge its infrastructural needs. This will include $1.7 billion towards the constructionoftheBrickdamPoliceStation.
Another $1 billion is budgeted towards the construction and completion of police stations and outposts at Imbotero, Bonasika, Leguan, San Souci, Albertown, Beterverwagting, East La Penitence, Kitty, Mahaica, Mahaicony, Weldaad, Orealla, Ekereku, Paramakatoi,Annai, Lethem, Ituni andKwakwani.
Further, $597 million was allocated to advance works on a modern police training academy campus at Dora, as well as the completion of the headquarters for Regional Division Six, Criminal Investigation Department(CID),SpecialConstabularyand theTacticalServicesUnit.
Another$314millionisallocatedforthe rehabilitation of police stations at Mabura, Timehri,Turkeyen, andMoraPoint,andthe
upgrading of North Ruimveldt Outpost and theHighwayPatrolBase.
Also there will be 45 additional community policing group established at a price tag of $156.6 million, while “1,700 ranks are projected to undergo training in specialised areas which include crime scene management, cybersecurity, forensic video analysis, among others at a budgeted sum of $250millionin2025,”theministersaid.
Under the “Safe Country Initiative” last year,theForcespentatotalof$2.2billionon over400IntelligentVideoSurveillance(IVS) sites were completed in priority areas in Regions2,3,4,5,6and10,howeverin2025, the allocation has been increased to $6.2 billion for the continuance of the initiative whichwillinclude320IVSsites.
Fortraining,theForcewasallocated$250 millionthesameaslastyear However,itwill be training in excess of 1,700 ranks in areas such as crime scene management, cybersecurity, and forensic video analysis, accordingtotheminister
“In 2025, the Force will actively seek to enhance its training programmes through collaborations with the New York Police Department and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police These formalised arrangements will focus on specialised traininginareassuchascommunitypolicing strategies, gender-based violence response and homicide investigations to elevate the professional expertise and operational effectivenessofranks,”hetoldtheHouse.
This brings the total budgeted allocation fortheGuyanaPoliceForcetoasumof$34.4 billion.
EmbattledAssistant Commander, Calvin Brutus
Thousands gather in Washington to protest Trump inauguration
(Reuters) - Thousands of people gathered in
Washington on Saturday to protest President-elect
D o n a l d T r u m p ’ s inauguration,asactivistsfor women’s rights, racial justice and other causes rallied against incoming policies they say will threaten their constitutional
r i g h t s d u r i n g t h e Republican’ssecondterm.
Some in the crowd wore thepinkhatsthatmarkedthe much-larger protest against Trump’sfirstinaugurationin 2017. They wound through downtownamidalightrain, past the White House and toward the Lincoln MemorialalongtheNational Mall for the “People’s March.”
Protests against Trump’s inaugurationaresmallerthis time,inpartbecausetheU.S. women’s rights movement seems more fractured to many activists after Trump defeated Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris in November. Organizers predicted 50,000 would attend, while local police expected about 25,000. More than 300 other marches were planned nationwide.
Reproductive rights groups joined activists for civilrights,theenvironment and other causes in organizingthemarchagainst Trump. He is preparing to
take office on Monday, having lost his first reelection bid in 2020 to President Joe Biden, a Democrat.
In both of his victories, Trump defeated candidates who each would have been the first female U S president: Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Harris last year This time, Trump won all seven battleground states to secure the Electoral College needed for the presidency, and carried the popular vote in a first for Republicans in twodecades.
Trump has vowed to make sweeping changes on day one, from immigration raids to dismantling parts of thefederalgovernment.
“A lot of people are disillusioned,” said Olivia Hoffman, 26, who works at the California-based Young Women’s Freedom Center, w h i c h s u p p o r t s impoverished women and transgender youth, and traveled with her mother to marchinthenation’scapital. “A lot of people feel like we’ve been fighting for the samethingsforsolong.”
Saturday’s march attracted a wide range of causes from immigration and democracy to climate changeandtheGazawar At leastoneprotestercalledout
Trump’s pressure on Canada, carrying a sign that read “We are not your 51st state.”
Theprotestswerelargely peaceful amid heightened security as police cars, with sirenson,drovenearby
One protester in a red MAGA hat who emerged near the front of the march wasledawaybyauthorities, and anti-abortion activists displayed graphic posters near the crowd’s final gatheringspot.
Vendors hawked buttons thatsaid#MeTooand“Love
Protest against Donald Trump, Washington, D.C., January 18, 2025. REUTERS/Amanda Perobelli
trumps hate,” and sold People’s March flags for $10. Demonstrators carried posters that read “Feminists v Fascists”and“Peopleover politics.”
MiniTimmaraju,CEOof the advocacy group Reproductive Freedom for All, praised the crowd’s gathering “in the face of what’s going to be some reallyhorribleextremism.”
W i t h T r u m p ’ s Republicansalsocontrolling
Congress and conservatives leading the U.S. Supreme Court, it is unclear how activists or Democrats can counterTrump’splans.
“I’mgladIcanseesome people here are hopeful,” said Nancy Robinson, a 65year-old retired printing and tech specialist from Maryland. “That’s not me. I thinkwe’redoomed.”
Other protests are planned over the weekend, including on Inauguration
Day, which falls on Martin Luther King Jr Day Civil rights leaders say they will rally and continue to mobilize under Trump’s administration.
“It’swarmingthatpeople still care,” said Preethi Murthy, 28, who is based in Washington and works in globalhealth.
“We have to show that we’rebiggerinnumbersand we’re not going to back down.”
More than 60 killed in Nigeria tanker explosion
The death toll likely to go up in the latest tanker explosion in Africa’s largest economy amid rising fuel cost. ‘Heartbreaking’:
Aljazeera - At least 60 peoplehavebeenkilledand moreinjuredinafueltanker explosion in the Dikko area of Niger State in northern Nigeria, according to local authorities.
Kumar Tsukwam, a sectorcommanderforNiger StatewiththeFederalRoad Safety Corps (FRSC), said on Saturday that people rushed to scoop up the spilledpetrolafterthetruck overturned.
“The tanker burst into flames, engulfing another
tanker,” he said in a statement.
“Most of the victims were burnt beyond recognition,” Tsukwam said.“Weareatthesceneto clear things up,” he said, adding that firefighters had managedtoputoutthefire.
Mohammed Bago, the Niger governor, confirmed the incident in a statement and said that many people are believed to have perished in a huge fire caused by the tanker explosion.
incident as “worrisome, h
Such accidents have becomecommoninAfrica’s largest oil producer, killing dozens of people in the country grappling with its worstcostoflivingcrisisin ageneration.
The price of petrol in Nigeria has soared more than 400 percent since President Bola Tinubu
scrapped a decades-old subsidy when he came into officeinMay2023.Thishas led many to risk their lives torecoverfuelduringtanker truckaccidents.
In October 2024, more than150peoplewerekilled after a nearly identical incident took place in the Jigawa State also located in northernNigeria.
About 100 other people were also injured in that incident, with a growing crowd approaching an overturnedtankertopickup
fuelthattheycouldthensell in the black market. Many of the victims were buried together in a large funeral organisedbytheauthorities.
In September of the same year, another 59 people were killed in Niger State after a fuel tanker collided with a truck carrying passengers and cattle.
After the October incident,NigerianPresident Tinubu reaffirmed the government’s commitment toreviewingandenhancing
fuel transportation safety protocols He also said police would strengthen measures to prevent further a
increased patrols, stricter enforcement of safety regulations, and other h i g h w a y s a f e t y mechanisms.
Authorities have also beenengagedinaneffortto fightthetheftofoil,having improved their security measures including adding gunboats on important waterways.
In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.
Guyanesehavebeenonaroyal runaround to get a glimpse of the Gas-to-Energy project documents since 2022 This controversial project, blanketed in secrecy, is intended to cut electricity costs by 50%, according to the man in chargeofthepetroleumsector,Vice PresidentBharratJagdeo.
Natural Resources Minister VickramBharratwasquestionedin Parliament, since 2022, about the agreement with ExxonMobil when hesaiditcouldnotyetbereleased.
Jagdeo, when subsequently questioned about the documents, instructed reporters to speak with Minister Gail Teixeira since the agreements were to be laid in Parliament.
Teixeira,whenconfronted,said she knew nothing about this and asked the media to question Prime Minister Mark Phillips about it sincehebearsresponsibilityforthe energysector
The Prime Minister, when asked at his end-of-year press conference, said he prefers VP
WelcomebacktoTalking Dollars&MakingSense
Today, we’re diving into the highlights of Guyana’s 2025 Budget Speech, titled “A Secure, Prosperous, and Sustainable Guyana.” This article offers a quickoverviewofkeyelementsof the budget and a breakdown of what it means for the average Guyanese citizen and the broader economy Let’sgetintoit.
Capital Expenditure: Bigger Budgets, Same Old Challenges
2025 Budget Surge: The government increased capital expenditureby$92billion,setting the2025allocationat$738billion, despite ongoing deficiencies in projectexecution.
Quantity Over Quality: The focus remains on increasing budgets without addressing the need for improved quality and efficiencyinspending.
OutdatedManagementTactics: Instead of adopting strategic financial management, the government relies on the ineffective “buse-out” approach, leavinghumancapitaldeficiencies unresolved.
Tax Reforms: Marginal Gains, MissedOpportunities
Relief for Workers: The 30% increase in the tax threshold to $130,000 and reduction of the personaltaxratefrom28%to25% provide marginal benefits to the workingclass.
Broader Tax Base Needed: Effective tax reforms require
Jagdeotorespondsincehehasbeen addressing matters relating to the project. Jagdeo has now said that persons should reach out to the United States EXIM Bank for a copyofthestudiesconducted.
If this project is as feasible and environmentally sa
government claims, why is there hesitation to make the documents public?
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has been attacking the press every week. Perhaps he should take a moment to reflect on history The press, as our editorial pointed out last week, has always been the watchdogofdemocracy Itisarole that predates Jagdeo’s tenure and will outlast it. Attacking the press may provide a fleeting sense of triumph, but it’s a losing battle in thelongrun.Thetruth,astheysay, has a stubborn way of emerging—even if it must claw its way through a barrage of insults andevasions.
Fornow,wecanonlymarvelat the irony. Jagdeo’s attempts to respondtocriticismhaveamplified
it. His disdain for dissent has galvanizedit.Ifthisishisstrategy, one can only hope he keeps at it. After all, nothing vindicates the pressquitelikeapoliticianproving themright.
Onerealitythathangsoverthis 5-year-oldoilproducingcountryis of hungry Guyanese Those condemnedtoexistonthemargins, the gullible and impoverished who only now see through the deceptions of leaders. This must not be in a country producing 650,000 barrels of oil daily. This must change now, or the next five yearswillbeworse. Leadersmust work to get rid of the repulsive ExxonMobilcontract,orGuyanese move to get rid of them legitimately
Last week, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo would have believedthatwhenhewasleaderof the opposition, he signed off blindly to back the then Coalition Government in passing a law that
He said at the time of backing the passage of the bill in Parliament, he had not seen the lopsided contract, which the Coalition Government had already signedwiththeUSoilmajor
Imagine tax waivers involving billions of US dollars were put before then Jagdeo and he quickly, seamlessly, was onboard immediately The first thing to be said is that the clever political operatorthatisJagdeodoesn’trush intosituationsordecisionswithhis eyesclosedandhishandstied.Heis notamantobehurried,butonewho functions according to his own calculations.
There was a big calculation in that tax waiver pushed under his nose by the Coalition. Had he refusedtogiveithisfullbacking,so that there was unanimous parliamentary approval of the waivers, the word would have leaked straight back to ExxonMobil.
The clearest message would have been sent about what Jagdeo wasallaboutandwhichsideofthe oil fence he stood. To refuse to back the tax waivers would have
increasedinvestmentinincometax enforcement, ensuring more taxpayers are brought into the system.
PathtoMeaningfulTaxCuts:A broader tax base would enable the governmenttofurtherincreasethe tax threshold and reduce both personal and business income tax rates.
PrivateSectorontheRise:The 2025 Budget showcases the expansion of Guyana’s private sector, signaling economic progress.
Inclusive Growth Questioned: The true inclusive growth remains unclear without detailed data segmentation.
SMEs vs. Large Businesses: Disaggregating economic data to distinguish between small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and large corporations is crucial to understandingwhotrulybenefits.
Capital Expenditure: Bigger Budgets,SameOldChallenges
The 2025 Budget has reached an unprecedented size, totaling $1 4 trillion, marking a 17% increase compared to the $1.2 trillionbudgetof2024.Thebudget allocates a record-breaking $738 billion to capital expenditure, a bold move aimed at transforming infrastructure across the country Projects range from improving transportation networks to upgrading educational and healthcare facilities. Yet, despite theloftynumbers,thesameissues from previous years remain unresolved: delays, inefficiencies, and questionable quality in execution.
One glaring problem is the government’s reliance on a “buseou
y reprimanding contractors – as a solution for poor project performance. This approach fails toaddresstheunderlyingissuesof
left him in a bad place with ExxonMobil,andthepeopleinthat companydonotforget.
The hypocrisy of Bharrat Jagdeo knows no bounds
Yesterdayathisweeklypresscussference he ranted and raved about how AFC Leader, Nigel Hughes, wasfindingtimetobeinterviewed by Rickford Burke and others he describedas“extremists.”
It is rich that Jagdeo would speak about Hughes aligning with Burke and others, when he as vice president, has been ignoring the entire state media to sit down for hours-long interviews with one of the most despicable local characters- who masquerades as a reporter Thisnewspaperwouldnot even dignify the clown to mention hisnamehere.
Which self-respecting leader would sit down to be interviewed byafoul-mouthedandincompetent man except Jagdeo, who is now trying to talk down Hughes’ interviews with Burke and others? Itisaclassiccaseofthepotcalling thekettleblack.
government has reinstated this critical policy, providing funding to the University of Guyana and technical and vocational institutions. This change makes highereducationaccessibletoall,a welcome step that could empower more citizens to pursue opportunities previously out of reach.
While this policy shift is commendable, it must be accompaniedbyincreasedfunding fortheseinstitutions.
capacity and expertise. Instead, a strategic Build, Borrow, Buy (BBB) framework could pave the way for sustainable progress. By hiring global talent - buy, leveraging expert consultantsborrow, and using world class experts to develop local talentbuild,thegovernmentcancreatea foundation for better project managementandexecution.
The urgency to fix these systemic issues is heightened as Guyana’s infrastructure ambitions grow AccordingtotheIMFPublic Investment Management Assessment (PIMA), 41% of all capital expenditures are wasted due to inefficiencies, highlighting the critical need for structural reforms to prevent further waste and maximize the impact of these investments.
After removing free tertiary education three decades ago, the
By hiring world-class instructorsandenhancingresearch and development initiatives, the University of Guyana and other institutions can enhance its global profile and deliver impactful education. Free education is not just a cost but an investment in humancapitalthatwillyieldlongtermsocioeconomicbenefits. TaxReforms:Marginal Gains,MissedOpportunities Tax changes in the 2025 Budget aim to bring relief to workers by increasing the income tax threshold to $130,000 and lowering the lower-end tax rate to 25%.Thesemeasuresareexpected to provide modest financial relief for the working class, but the benefits could have been much greater if a more comprehensive approachwastaken.
Guyana’s tax system remains heavily dependent on a narrow base By strengthening tax enforcement and incorporating moretaxpayers,thegovernment
Continued on page 51
could generate additional revenue to fund larger tax cuts.Forinstance,raisingthe minimum wage for public servantstoalignwiththetax threshold would benefit employees without children and would give all public
servant parents the opportunity to benefit from the monthly child tax
e x e m p t i o n I n t h e subsequent budget, the monthly tax threshold should be raised to between $160,000 to $200,000 Similarly, introducing a child tax credit for lowincomefamilieswhoworkin the private sector and make less than the tax threshold would directly address financialstrainonthosewho needitmost.
A broader tax base coupled with efficient spending could allow for more significant reductions inpersonalandcorporatetax rates, spurring economic growth.
Guyana’s private sector continues to expand, driven by increasing investments andopportunities.Whilethis is a promising sign of economic progress, it raises questions about who truly benefits from this growth
distinguishing the performance of small and
medium enterprises (SMEs) versus large corporations, the narrative of inclusive g r o w t h r e m a i n s unconvincing.
SMEs are crucial for
c resilience and local job creation However, many SMEs face barriers such as limited access to financing andregulatoryhurdles.
Transparent reporting and data segmentation would enable policymakers to craft better interventions, ensuring that the private sectorthrivesequitably
BorrowingandResource Management
A key element of the 2025 Budget is its heavy reliance on the National Resource Fund (NRF). The gove
withdraw the full US$2 5 billion allowed this year, bringingtotalwithdrawalsto approximately 62% of the fund’s inflows since its inception.
WhiletheNRFprovides vitalfinancialresources,this level of spending raises q u e s t i o n s a b o u t sustainability
T h e N R F w a s established to ensure that Guyana’soilwealthbenefits both present and future generations However, spending such a substantial portion of its inflows within afewyearsrisksdepletinga crucial safety net. Without
e challenges if oil revenues decline or if economic
Borrowing, when used prudently, can drive longterm economic growth by
capital, and technology. However, inefficiencies in spending and project executiondilutethepotential benefits.
The government must prioritize projects with high socioeconomic returns and
oversight mechanisms Investments in human capital development can deliversustainablegrowth.
Asoftheendof2025,the national debt is projected to beUS$7.6billion.Therapid accumulation of national debt – up 4.3 times since 2020 – further underscores the need for a disciplined approac
iscal management Guyana’s oil wealth is a unique opportunity, but its benefits canonlyberealizedthrough strategicandefficientuse.
The 2025 Budget illustrates the government’s vision with significant spending in infrastructure, tax initiatives and one-off measures.
However, execution and efficiencychallengesremain starklyevident.
Notably,onthebackdrop of an election year, the growth rate for non-interest expenditures has outpaced that of capital expenditures for the first time in this government’s 4 ½ year tenure.
This shift reflects measures such as
$100,000 one-off cash grant for Guyanese adults and the $10 billion one-off grant for senior citizens who do not qualifyforold-agepensions. While these programmes provide immediate relief, theyhighlighttheincreasing focus on short-term measures rather than longterm, transformative investments.
With oil wealth serving a s a c a t a l y s t f o r development, this is Guyana’smomenttobuilda prosperous and inclusive future. Success will require bold decision-making, accountability, and a focus onempoweringallcitizens–especially those who are mostvulnerable.
Let’s continue this conversation Share your t h o u g h t s a t talkingdollarsgy@gmail co m.Inthesubsequentarticles, I w i l l l a y - o u t m y comprehensive national development plan for inclusivegrowth
Bandits zip-tie goldsmith after snatching customer’s $7M gold chain and band
Two men armed
with a gun on Saturday zip-tied a goldsmith after they entered his shop at Peter’s Hall, East Bank Demerara (EBD)androbbedhimofhis 12-karat gold chain and pendant along with a 12karat gold band he was makingforacustomer
The total weight of the stolen jewellery is 700 penny-weight.
The robbery reportedly tookplacearound17:00hrs.
Police said that the goldsmith was in his shop working on the customer’s gold jewellery to give it to them later in the evening whenthebanditsattacked
“ O n e o f t h e suspects”, according to the police, tied the victim’s hands and foot with zipties and placed him under the table before stealing thejewellery. They then escapedinawhitecar.
Investigations are ongoing.
Contractor shot after gunmen demand extortion money
Acontractor was shot in the leg yesterday when gunmen entered a site in Arima where workers were clearing a river and demanded extortion money, threatening to halt work unlessitwaspaid.
According to police reports, around 9 am on Friday, two men were at a worksite located near the Devon Factory on the Churchill Roosevelt Highway inArima, clearing a river, when two gunmen approachedandannounceda robbery
The contractor was robbed of a Samsung A21
cellphone and $500, while theothermanwasrobbedof a Samsung A04 cellphone and$45.
The gunmen then told the contractor that they could not continue working atthesiteunlessmoneywas paid. One of the gunmen then shot the contractor in hisrightleg.
The gunmen fled through some nearby bushes.
Thecontractorwastaken to Arima Hospital and later transferred to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex for further treatment.
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Sophia man confesses to robbing the Chinese supermarket at Soesdyke
One of the suspects seen in a recent viral video robbing a Chinese supermarket at Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara (EBD), reportedly confessed to the crime on Saturday.
Police identified the man as 27-year-old Orlando Scott, a construction worker of Lot E Cummings Park Sophia, Greater Georgetown. Investigators said that they were able to obtain the confession from Scott during a “video and audio” recorded interview with him at the EBD police headquarters.
Scott is accused of being one of the gunmen who invaded the C&H Supermarket at Soesdyke on December 18 last year, robbing its owners, a customer, and a security guard. Police identified the
The robbery was caught on security cameras. Kaieteur News was able to obtain footage that went viral on the internet. Two gunmen were
seen invading the building and holding customers at gunpoint as they ransacked the cash register and grabbed a woman’s handbag. A secu-
Man of unsound mind shot by police after attacking rank with scissors
Aman of unsound mind was hospital ized on Friday after he was shot by a member of the Guyana Police Force (GPF).
Reports are that the man, identified only as Delroy, attacked a police officer with a pair of scissors in the vicinity of Church Street, Georgetown.
Prior to the shooting, Delroy reportedly damaged the front windscreen of a white Toyota Land Cruiser,
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with registration number PWW 1578, property of the Ministry of Education.
Police reported that the driver of the vehicle, 32-yearold Ansaar Hussein, an employee at the Ministry of Education, stated that the incident occurred on Thursday at approximately 23:45 hours on North Road and Oronoque Street, Bourda, Georgetown. Hussein reportedly told ranks he was driving the vehicle heading west on North Road and he stopped at North Road and Oronoque Street to allow another vehicle to pass, when he heard a shattering sound on the vehicle’s windscreen.
Subsequently, upon checking the vehicle, he observed that the front windscreen was shattered.
Thereafter, he saw the suspect who was armed with a wood and a pair of scissors in his hands. As a result, he drove away, fearful that Delroy would harm him.
On Friday, around 01:30h, ranks that were on mobile patrol on Church Street were approached by several persons who told them what transpired. Following that, they visited the scene where the suspect was seen.
However, upon seeing police, Delroy reportedly jumped into a nearby trench on Church Street. “The ranks told him to come out of the trench which he did. After he came out of the trench, he ran up to one of the ranks and attempted to stab him with the scissors,” police reported.
Despite being instructed by
police to desist from the violent behaviour, the suspect allegedly continued to advance to the rank in a “menacing manner” while the officer dodged his attacks.
“Realising that his (rank) life was in danger, the armed rank drew his service firearm and discharged a round at the suspect, which hit him in his right upper thigh,” police said. Thereafter, the suspect fell to the ground and ranks managed to subdue him. The pair of scissors was recovered. Following that, Delroy was escorted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), where he is receiving treatment under police guard. His condition is listed as stable. The investigations are ongoing.
Value for money audit of GOAL Project...
From page 06 databases to GOAL a wardees. Senior local and regional educators, at the tertiary level, have expressed concern, privately to me, that the project, launched in 2021 (https://goal.edu.gy/aboutus/::text=Launched%20in%20 2021%2C%20the%20Guya na,to%20have%20an%20 educated%20workforce ) has been able to produce such astounding results.
The awardees must have been the crème de la crème of students for 378 of them to have earned PhDs in three years. ( https:// www.inewsguyana.com/ over-5000-guyanese-earnmasters-degrees-throughgoal-378-secure-phds/ ).
These numbers raise serious questions about the quality of education received.
Unsurprisingly, there have been questions about Jain University which seems to be one of the key providers in the GOAL Project ( https:// m.economictimes.com/industry/services/education/timefor-rethink-for-christ-jainvarsities-as-they-score-b/ articleshow/50197508.cms ). In addition to the billions being spent on the GOAL Project, its graduates will benefit from recently announced “qualification allowances” even though, in some cases, these degrees may not be worth the paper they are written on.
Editor, the Minister of Education is on record as be-
ing concerned with value for money at UG. I would suggest the GOAL project as the first stop for an audit.
Singapore used external institutions to educate its citizenry. It also hired top-notch lecturers from overseas to develop its universities into world class educational institutions.
The urgency of our development project requires the use of external institutions, and the recruitment of firstclass lecturers for UG and other tertiary institutions. In the meantime, I am calling for an audit of the GOAL Project which may very well show that, as currently constituted, it is not fit for purpose.
Sincerely, Terrence Campbell
150 Acre coconut estate Lower Pomeroon Transport.
victims as Yuan Qiao Lin, Ren Quan Zhang, Seeta Singh, and Jason Chetram.
guard was seen trying to summon help quietly, but one of the men grabbed him before he could have made that call.
Gunmen robbing the supermarket on December 18, 2024
Suspect in Soesdyke Supermarket robbery, Orlando Scott
Guyanese Swimming star... Ashby, Inverary, Lewis among winners on Friday
TerrenceAli National Open concludes today
The Guyana Boxing Association (GBA) kicked offits2025calendarwiththe Terrence Ali National Open BoxingChampionshipatthe National Gymnasium on Fridayevening.
Theeventbeganwithsix entertaining bouts, marking the GBA’s first flagship tournament since the passing of former Technical Director, Terrence Poole
The opening night of the three-day championship deliveredanexcitingstart.
The evening featured two schoolboy bouts, with gym mates IsiahAshby and Kevin Johnson, both representing the Andrew Lewis Boxing Gym, securingthefirstvictoriesin front of an enthusiastic crowd In the opening match,a46kg(PinWeight) clash, Ashby faced Josh Chester The two young
pugilists traded punches energetically, but Ashby’s superior footwork gave him the upper hand. The bout lasted only 90 seconds, as Chesterfailedtoreturntothe ring,handingAshbyanearly victory and positioning him asastrongcontenderforthe Schoolboygoldmedal.
The second match saw Kevin Johnson dominate Sevilen Austin of the Pace and Power Boxing Gym in
the 50 kg (Flyweight) division Johnson’s swift and powerful strikes overwhelmed Austin, ending the bout in just 90 seconds into the round, earning Johnson a decisive victoryonthefirstnight.
A closely contested 57 kg (Featherweight) bout between Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Boxing Gym
teammates Melroy McPherson and Joshua Thomas kept the crowd on edge Both fighters displayed impressive skill and determination at the Elite level, providing a masterclassinboxing.
Sunday January 19, 2025
While other people may be confused and distressed, you'reactuallytheonewithall the answers, Aries. Indeed, you're best equipped to deal with the difficult situations thatarelikelytoariseonaday likethis.
Bepassionateaboutthething you love the most, Taurus. Instead of trying to eat every singlethingatthebuffettable, justpickoneortwoitemsthat youlikethebestandeatthem withgreatenjoyment.
You may feel like a skipping record, Gemini. You've been scratchedandmistreated,and now you continue to repeat the same thing over and over untilyou'vedrivenyourpoint home.
There could be some tough forces questioning your most cherisheddreams,Cancer Be careful about confronting someone who wants to poke holesinyouridealism.
You'reinauniquepositionto understand all sides of the issues, Leo. While this is apt to give you a tremendous advantageoverthosewhostill have their heads stuck in the sand.
You may be feeling rather anxious, Virgo. Perhaps you haveabigdatecomingupand your mind is buzzing with how to make the best impression. Remember that theharderyoutry
Thiscouldbeoneofthosedays inwhichyoufeellikeyoujust can'tgetanythingright,Libra. In an effort to appease other people, you may think you have to make some adjustmentsthatmakeyoufeel uneasy
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You may feel a need to add some fantasy to your daily routinetoday,Scorpio.Doyou have someone in mind you'd like Cupid's arrow to strike? Well,don'trelyonacherubto doyourworkforyou.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Yourpsychicsenseisapttobe keenasyoufillyourmindwith fancifulscenarios,Sagittarius. These pictures in your head aren't as farfetched as you mightthink.
You may be having a difficult time getting your opinions across to others, Capricorn. For some, your ideas may seem too self-centered. For others, you may come across asinsensitivetothesituation.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Theemotionalswingsthat youcouldfeeltodaymightput a damper on your fantasy world, Aquarius. Remember that it's up to you to nurture thesedreams.
Peoplearoundyouareapttobe touchy, Pisces, so be careful how you interact with them. You'll find that they can see beyond any sort of facade and easily detect dissention within the ranks. Be honest about youropinion.
The match hung in the balanceuntilthethirdround, when Thomas landed a series of effective punches that secured him a splitdecision victory Coach Poole would have been proud of the growth and talent exhibited by these fighters.
I n t h e 6 7 k g (Welterweight) division, hard-hitting Colin Lewis faced gym mate Shemar Sooklall. Lewis’s counterpunches and powerful ironhooks proved too much for Sooklall, who appeared o v e r w h e l m e d a n d abandoned the contest moments before the end of the first round. This easy victory advanced Lewis to the next stage of the competition.
Travis Inverary of the ForgottenYouthFoundation (FYF) Boxing Gym showcased his potential in t h e 7 1 k g ( L i g h t Middleweight) contest, defeating Alex Butcher of GDFonpoints.
Inverary’s performance highlighted his growing dominance in this weight class, building anticipation for his upcoming bouts leadingintoSunday’sfinale.
The night concluded with a Cruiserweight bout between GDF gym mates Omari Bentham and Aluko Bess Bess delivered a decisive blow that left Bentham unable to recover during an eight-count, resulting in Bentham abandoningthecontest.
This gave Bess his first Cruiserweight win of the 2025season.
The action continued yesterday with more thrilling matchups, and detailed coverage of those bouts will be featured in a subsequentedition.
Frompage58 relationships with his students, and everyone loveshim.We’reabletotalk about things I’m interested in: sports, scores, the latest footballteam,allofthat. Plans, Goals, Dreams Well, I want to make it the 2028 Summer Olympics in LosAngeles,California But swimmingwon’tbeforever I actually am fluent in both SpanishandPortuguese,soI think I want to start a sports agency, and possibly tie in some kind of language tutoring Beyond the pool, Tyrrellismakingthemostof his academic journey at Oneonta He particularly thrivesinProfessorKathleen Dwyer’s Public Speaking course, which he describes as more of an “open panel discussion”thanatraditional classroom
The diversity of perspectives from students across different majors has enriched his learning experience
Hisenthusiasmextendsto Sports Management classes withProfessorMattHazzard, where his passion for sports analysis and current events
Lookingahead,Tyrrell’s ambitions span both athletic andprofessionalrealms His sights are set on the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles,buthisvisionextends beyondcompetitiveswimming ArmedwithfluencyinSpanish and Portuguese, he plans to leveragehislinguisticskillsand sports expertise to establish a sports agency, potentially incorporating language tutoring services It’s a unique combination that reflects Tyrrell’s diverse talentsandhisunderstanding ofsports’globalnature
Frombreakingrecordsin the pool to building a foundation for an innovative careerinsportsmanagement, Tyrrell exemplifies the modern student-athlete: accomplished,adaptable,and ambitious His journey from the Caribbean to SUNY Oneontacontinuestoinspire, proving that sometimes the most unexpected turns can lead to the most promising pathsforward
(Editor’s note: This article was first carried on SUNY Oneonta’s web page)
Runsfest ends in draw as players await final selection ahead of CWI Regional 4-Day Championships
All-rounder Junior Sinclair struck a brilliant century with a few scalps under his belt to finish as the MVPof the final Guyana Harpy Eagles 4-Day practice match at Providence.
The Guyana Harpy Eagles wrapped up their finalfour-daypracticematch at Providence, following a few days of intense cricket with final squad selection looming.
The duo of Junior Sinclair and Ronaldo Alimohamed broke the backs of the Kemol Savory
XI, with a pair of centuries whichtookNialSmithXIto 472inthefirstinnings. Savoryscoredavital76* a l o n g s i d e Z e y n u l
Ramsammy(75)whichtook their XI to 319 in reply
However, some collective bowling from the likes of Sinclair and Veerasammy Permaul enabled the Smith
A fighting pair of fifties from opener Rampertab Ramnauth (72) and Ushardeva Balgobin (76) bought some time for their teamalongwithJohnnyVan Lange who struck a useful 45.
Permaulthenenteredhis bagoftrickstocapture4-48 with help from Sinclair who chipped in with two more wickets to go along with his 1stinnings125.
Only Raymond Perez (37), Richie Looknauth (20) and Shamar Yearwood (19) putupafightfortheSavory XI during the second innings, which ended on 125-7 when the draw was declared yesterday afternoon.
Players will now look to selectors who will likely name the full Harpy Eagles squad ahead of the January 29 start to the Tournament, which gets underway with the defending champs Guyana facing Barbados at the Guyana National Stadium,Providence.
Berbice Cricket Board female trial match set for today at BHS
The Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) continuestopreparefortheupcomingfemale inter county cricket competition Following thecompletionoftwodaysofpracticesessions forthefemalecricketerswhichwasheldatthe RoseHallCommunityCentre(RHCC)inEast Canje, the BCB senior selection committee has named a squad of 30 players for further preparation Theplayerswillengageinaoneday trial match today, Sunday at the Berbice HighSchoolGround
Following that game, a squad will be selected to continue training to represent BerbiceintheupcomingGuyanaCricketBoard
The preparations are for theT20 and 50 overs cricketcompetitionsrespectively
These competitions are slated to begin on the 29th January 2025 The 50 overs game beginsat12:hrs Berbiceisexpectedtonamea strong squad despite they will be without a number of their star female players including seniorandU19players Theseniorplayerswho aretouringwiththeWestIndiesareShemaine Campbelle, Shabika Gajnabi and Ashmini Munisar While U19 players Trisha Hardat andDaniellaMannsarewiththeWestIndies femaleU19squad.(SamuelWhyte)
Spartans Dominoes Club/Travis Sargeant
birth anniversary tournament will be held today at Girl Guides pavilion starting at 13:00hrs.
The tournament has been
s a n c t i o n e d b y t h e
Georgetown Dominoes Association and the top three
teams will take home
trophies, cash prizes and medals, while the first to fifth place male and female teams, and male and female MVPs in the finals will also given prizes
There will be an additional $250,000addedtotheprizemoney Entrancefeeis$15,000.
Windies crumble to spin as Pakistan seize control with 202-run lead in Multan
SportsMax-WestIndies fellpredictablytoPakistan’s spinners, as they collapsed for137inlessthanasession on day two of the opening Test at the Multan Cricket StadiumonSaturday
Noman Ali (5-39) and Sajid Khan (4-65) expectedly combined for a spin-bowling clinic, as they shared nine wickets to give Pakistanacommandinggrip on the match, which they nowleadby202runs.
After bowling down the Caribbean side, Pakistan, whoposted230intheirfirst
innings, added to the 93-run lead with intent in their second innings, led by Shan Masood’swell-crafted52.
The captain was run out in a mix-up, while Jomel
Warrican dismissed
Muhammad Hurraira (29) andBabarAzam(5)toleave Pakistanat109-3bystumps. Kamran Ghulam, on nine, and Saud Shakeel, on two, willresumeondaythree.
West Indies had no answer to the relentless accuracy and sharp turn of Ali and Khan, who bowled all but 14 deliveries in the
innings. Only a defiant 46run last-wicket partnership betweenJomelWarrican(31 not out) and Jayden Seales (22) spared them further embarrassment, as it pushed theirtotalpast100.
They were in disarray at 68-8 before the tail-end resistance, in which
Warrican and Seales provided brief fireworks, including several cleanly struck sixes Seales was eventually deceived by a googly from Abrar Ahmed, whoclaimedthefinalwicket as Mohammad Rizwan
Priortothat,Khansetthe tone early as he dismantled the West Indies top order withfourwicketsinhisfirst three overs. He accounted for captain Kraigg Brathwaite (11), Mikyle Louis (one), Keacy Carty (zero), and Kavem Hodge (four) with consummate ease.
Alijoinedthefraywitha rippingdeliverythatclipped JustinGreaves’offstumpfor four to set the stage for his seventh five-wicket haul in Testcricket.
His other scalps were Alick Athanaze (six), debutantTevinImlach(six), Kevin Sinclair (11), and Gudakesh Motie (19), as West Indies struggled to eitherdefendorattack,with a few batsmen even dragging the ball onto their stumps in a desperate attempt to counter the spinners.
Earlier, the day began withWestIndiestakingfour wickets for 13 runs that triggered a Pakistan
collapse from their overnight score of 143-4 Shakeel (84) and Rizwan (71), who resumed on 56 and 51, respectively, added to their fifth-wicket stand, which eventually ended at 141beforetheslidebegan. Sinclair lured Shakeel into edging one to slip, and Warrican exploited the turn to dismiss Salman Agha (two) and contribute to the chaos
A mix-up between Rizwan and Noman Ali (zero)resultedinthelatter’s
run-out, while Rizwan himself fell to a reverse sweep following a sharp review SajidKhan(18)and Khurram Shahzad (seven) added 25 late runs to take Pakistanto230 Warrican finished with 3-69andSeales3-27.
Scores: Pakistan 230 (Shakeel 84, Rizwan 71, Seales 3-27) and 109 for 3 (Masood 52, Hurraira 29, Warrican 2-17) lead West Indies 137 (Warrican 31*, Noman 5-39, Sajid 4-65) by 202runs.
Guyanese Swimming star makes waves at SUNY Oneonta after mid-season transfer
In a remarkable display of resilience and athletic excellence,(Guyaneseborn) Trinidad and Tobago native Delroy Tyrrell has emerged as a dominant force in SUNYOneonta’sswimming programme. In his debut season, he broke pool records and earned multiple SUNYAC Men’s Swimmer oftheWeekhonors.
Tyrrell, a professional swimmer and Junior Sports Ambassador to Guyana found himself at a crossroads when The College of Saint Rose in Albany announced its closure in 2024. Despite receiving offers from institutions nationwide, a fortuitous connection with a formercompetitorledhimto SUNYOneonta’sdoorstep.
“The transition could have been devastating for any athlete, but Tyrrell has turned it into a triumph,” said Oneonta swim coach Chris Schuler, whose leadership played a pivotal role in attracting the Caribbean standout to the programme.
The Sport Management
major has wasted no time making his mark, particularly at December’s Cortland Snow Flurries Invite, where he shattered p o o l r e c o r d s a n d demonstrated why he was a coveted recruit His international experience, including competing in the 2022 Pan American Age Group games, has brought a new level of excellence to O n e o n t a ’ s s w i m programme.
“I can’t imagine a better group of friends than I have right now,” says Tyrrell, whose journey from Trinidad to Oneonta reflects the increasingly global natureofcollegiateathletics. When not attending classes, he maintains a rigorous training schedule between the pool and gym, building uponaswimmingcareerthat began in Guyana before flourishing in Trinidad and Tobago.
Despitethechallengesof being an international student-athlete, including transportation and currency differences, Tyrrell has found strong support throughOneonta’sOfficeof
Global Education and his teammates.Hisdualpassion for sports and business led him to pursue Sports Management, a field he believesoffers“alotofopen doors.”
As the 2026 graduate continues to break records and collect accolades, his success story serves as a testamenttotheresilienceof student-athletes and the inclusive environment at SUNY Oneonta. With multiple SUNYAC Swimmer of the Week honorsalreadyunderhisbelt thisseason,Tyrrell’sjourney from the Caribbean to centralNewYorkisproving tobemorethanjustachange of lanes – it’s a leap toward excellence.
Favorite Classes? Public
Speaking with Kathleen Dwyer It didn’t feel like a typicalclassroom;itfeltlike we were in an open panel discussion. I enjoyed being in class with other majors, like political science, and learning from them. I also loved a Sports Management class I took with Matt Hazzard.Hehasgreat
Shan Masood was adept against spin bowling. (AFP/Getty Images)
Ninvalle and Sports Commission applaud budgetary allocation for sports
Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle andtheNational Sports Commission (NSC)
h a v e l a u d e d t h e Government’s historic allocation of $8B for the sports sector in this year’s budget even as he commendedthegovernment for presenting a budget that covers all faucets of Guyaneselife.
The NSC Director
noted in comments yesterday, that serious
d e v e l o p m e n t w i l l
continue under the g u i d a n c e o f t h e Honourable Minister of Sports Charles Ramson Jr as plans for a modern sportsculturematerialize
On Friday, in the 2025
N a t i o n a l B u d g e t presentation at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre in Lilliendaal, Senior
Minister within the Ministry of Finance, Honourable Dr Ashni Singh, announced the largest ever allotment for the sector to the tune of $8B,whichisanincreaseof $4 6B, or approximately 42 5%, from last year’s allocation.
The completion of the stadium in Palmyra, located in Region #6, as w e l l a s t h e commencement of a new arena in Crane in Region #3, are some of the major
projects that will be undertaken during this budgetarycycle
S i m i l a r l y , multipurpose facilities at Anna Regina, Bayroc, Mackenzie, and New Amsterdam will also be completed, and the construction of sports halls of a similar nature in L e o n o r a , L e t h e m , Mabaruma, Mahdia, and Mongrippa Hill are also settobegin
Director of Sports
Steve Ninvalle said, “ E v e n t h o u g h w e r e c
s e t h a t development is a difficult process, obtaining the necessary resources is a significant part of that process, and we can declare with confidence that our country is making great strides toward achievingthisgoal
A historic turning point has been marked by the government’s recently announced budget, which includesanunprecedented allocation towards sports d e v e l o p m e n t a n d demonstrates a deep commitment to promoting sportsatalllevels ”
According to Ninvalle, “This budget is more than just a financial figure; it is a strong declaration of p u r p o s e a n d a n unmistakable recognition of the transformational
potential of sports by the government
The substantial increaseinfundingwillbe
distributed among numerous projects From modern training facilities
for top athletes to refurbished community
f i e l d s a n d e a s i l y accessible recreational areas for all residents, we can expect a significant improvement in sports
facilities across the country
Regardless of their location or background,
Ninvalle further expounded, “In addition to the purely physical component, the budget highlights how vital it is to identify and develop talent.
To guarantee that no potential champion is left
behind, committed programmes that emphasise developing young talent,
offering specialised coaching, and providing extensive support systems willbeimplemented.
The development of a steady stream of athletes capable of representing our country with pride on the international scene will be greatly aided by these programmes Investing in our country’s futureisthegoal
Youth empowerment, national pride, an
sporting greatness that
generations are the main goals ”
He further pointed out, “Ultimately, this budget demonstrates a vision that transcends
For coaches, aspiring athletes, and anyone who believes that sports can change lives, it is a ray of hope.
investment shows a deep understanding of how important a robust sports sector is to the country’s
development in
This is more than just a budget; it is a gamechanger for our country’s sports future, and it appears to be a more promising one than it has everbeen ”
aspiring athletes will have the necessary platform to refine their skills thanks to
Steve Ninvalle, Director of Sports
Warrican took three wickets in the first innings, before hitting 31* with the bat. (PCB)
Windies crumble to spin as Pakistan seize control with 202-run lead
Day 3 of the 2025 TerrenceAli Open promises to pit the best of the best…Action billed for today at the Gymnasium.