



De s p i t e commencing oil production in 2020, the Government of Guyana (GoG) has grown the country's debt by a significantUS$4.2Basatthe endofDecember2024.
In 2019, the country's debt was US$1 8B; according toAnnual Reports from the Bank of Guyana (BoG), the nation's debt grew by 46.7% in 2020 to US$2.6B.
In 2021, the debt surged toUS$3.1B,andin2022this trend continued with the total stock of debt climbing toUS$3.7B.
In 2023, debt increased further by 23 4% to US$4.5Bwhilethisgrewtoa massiveUS$6Battheendof 2024, as indicated by Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singhlastweek.
The Irfaan Ali-led administration has often touted the low GDP to debt service ratio, meaning that
the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) far outweighs the country's annual payment repayment onloans.
For instance, Dr Singh pointed out the country's progress over the past four yearsinthisregard.
He said, “Importantly, overthelast4years,theratio of total PPG (Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt) debt-to-GDP plummeted by more than 20 percentage points, from 47.4 percent at the end of 2020 to 24.3 percentattheendof2024.
This provides clear indication of a marked improvement in Guyana's capacity to maintain public debt into the future, without the need for fiscal adjustments, and places Guyana in the position of having one of the lowest d e b t - t o - G D P r a t i o s worldwide.
Indeed, the latest available statistics rank Guyanaashavingthesecond lowest debt-to-GDP ratio
within the Western Hemispherein2024.” It should be noted that
the country's growth is GDP, while largely reflective of exports from the petroleum sector, is not the real value that the country received fromthesector
In fact, only on Sunday Kaieteur News reported that exports from the oil and gas sector totalled US$18B while Guyana only received US$2.6B in 2024 in the Natural Resource Fund (NRF).
Previously, Advisor to the Opposition Leader on Economics, Elson Low said the nation may be slipping intoadebttrapthatcouldsee thecountryfailingtomeetits loan obligations should oil pricescollapse.
Low has a degree in Economics and Political Science from Amherst C o l l e g e , U S A a n d previously worked at Goldman Sachs and Co. He also has a certificate in antimoney laundering and anticorruption from the International Law Institute and was an investigator and policyresearcherattheState Assets Recovery Agency (SARA).
He reminded that Dr Ashni Singh informed the International Energy Conferencein2023thatwith the tripling of Guyana's economy, the country is now in a better position to take moreloans.
Low said, “This implies thatthereasonweareableto take on more debt is because of the oil sector As a result, our ability to repay these debts is dependent on the oil sector.”
Be that as it may, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo arguedotherwise.
TheOppositioncontends that the debt-to-GDP formula is a smokescreen and does not depict the g
y o f
h e administration's borrowing trend.
Low highlighted that since Guyana's GDP has
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The President Irfaan Ali administration last Friday unveiled its final budget for the five-year term.Trillions of dollarshavebeenexpendedthusfarandmorewillbespent thisyear Andevenasthepresidentpushesforreelection,itis worthremindingthatforagovernmentthatboastsofbeing transparent, it is astonishing that it has never held a postcabinetmediabriefingforoverfouryears.Notonlyhashis governmentdiscardedpost-cabinetbriefings,butitalsohas notreplaceditwithanystructuredforumtoupdatethemedia andthepublicabouttheworkingsoftheadministration. In addition to disclosing the number of contracts that the government gave its no-objection to, post-cabinet media briefings are important ways for the administration to communicatewiththepublicaboutitspoliciesandpriorities At themoment,whatthepublicisservedwitharerandomfacebook livesbyPresidentAliandtheinfamousweeklypoliticalpress conferencesbeinghostedbyVicePresidentBharratJagdeoatthe PPP/C’s headquarters- Freedom House As such, policies are rolledoutinanadhocmannerasthePresidentandVicePresident movefromvillagetovillage Billionsofdollarsincontractsare handedouttofirms-liketheHitsandJamsboyswithoutthe media being able to ask questions and programmes are launched with similar opaqueness. That’s not how a ‘transparent’governmentrunstheaffairsofacountry,butit hasbeenhappeningforoverfouryearsnowinGuyana
Since early 2021 President of the Guyana Press Association (GPA), Nazima Raghubir had raised the issue withgovernmenttoresumepost-Cabinetpressbriefingsand to have more frequent engagements with the press. At the time President Ali had acknowledged the call by the GPA presidentandexplainedthatthegovernmenthadbeenverybusy, andthatCabinethadbeenmeetingfrequently,multipletimesper week. He, however, had committed to resuming the postCabinetbriefingsandtohavemoreengagementswiththepress Thatwas2021,wearenowin2025andthebriefingshavenot resumed ThePPP/Cwhileinoppositionhadsaidmuchabout PresidentDavidGrangernotholdingmediaconferences,butat least every week without fail his government kept the media updated on important policy positions and decisions At the moment, the one forum where journalists can guarantee some responsetoburningquestionsistheweeklyFreedomHousecussdownshow,wherereportersandtheirmediahousesaredegraded and important questions about the affairs of this country are trivialised We have editorialised before on how suffocating thoseweeklybriefingsareandthattheycanhardlyberelied on to inform the nation about government policies and programmes.
The question therefore must be asked what is the PPPC Governmentafraidof,andwhatisitsleadersgoingtogreatlengths toconceal?Oilisthetalkofthetown;and,indeed,itcanbesaidthat Guyana is the fascination of the world, and features highly in conversationsoftheentireinvestmentcommunity Oilhastobe amongthebiggestthings,ifnotthebiggestonebyfar,onevery agendaofthecabinet Yet,thePPPCGovernmenthasnotheldany post-cabinetbriefingforfouryears
Instead,whatwefrequentlyseeisthePresidentandhis senior comrades scurrying over to the friendly arms of the privatemediaorhelplessstatemediaagencies.Thisdoesnot qualify as full-fledged post cabinet briefings. The same appliesintheevenmorenauseatingcircumstanceswhentop leaders and ministers seek the safe harbour of fawning, worshiping agents planted in private media. The President andhisvicepresidentshouldbeawarethatthosepretendersfor professional media practitioners do not count for anything in thoughtful, constructive, and respectable circles They should knowthatthosefly-by-nightpresencesinsultboththemandtheir governmentinthattheyregisterinacertaindiscreditablewayto them Guyaneseneedtoknowtheessencesofwhatgoesonin cabinetmeetingssincethereissomuchhappeningatthistime It cannot come in drips and drabs, and then through these side doors and backdoors, which make all Guyanese look foolish, withoutexception
I said last week that I intended to continue my contention that the most important social issue in Guyanatodayistheabsence ofgoodgovernance.
Little did I know that I would be handed a prime example of bad governance by the chairperson of p e r h a p s t h e m o s t consequential ‘independent’ body Herdecisionnottouse an improved biometrics systemforthe2025national and regional elections as requested by the political opposition is a shameful partisan political act by a supposedly independent body
Her reasoning that there is not sufficient time to implement biometrics when elections are slated for November 2025 runs counter to experience elsewhere. For example, in
2012,Ghana,acountryof25 million persons and 26,000 polling stations, took only 6 weeks to introduce a similar system The chairperson, whoisalreadyunderacloud for voting consistently with the government has more so failed to provide any independent professional view to support for her decision!
The most important problem facing us is not the Guyana/Venezuela border controversy per se; it is the lukewarm, semi-optimal, nationalresponsetoitthatis the result of the Peoples’ Progressive Party’s (PPP) effortstodivideandrule.Itis not the decades-long absence of permanent top judges that severely underminestheseparationof powers and the attempts to fix this problem within the present governance arrangements that are p
g constructed in favour of the ethnic leadership that is in thedrivingseat.
It is not the obvious waste of national resources focused on buying votes to stay in government rather than upon generational thinking and development that demands consensus PPP’s propagandists want Guyana to model itself on
Singapore, where an autocraticregimehasbeenin Government since the 1960s, but in a competitive democratic environment, generational development needs national consensus because, regardless of the number of resources at your disposal, projects are likely to be more costly and may take decades to come to fruition. It is not the blatant maldistribution of wealth that discriminates against
Africans and Amerindians and can only stop when the systemischangedandallthe major ethnic groups are constitutionallyplacedatthe decision-makingtable.
It is not the 2016 lopsided oil contract signed by APNU+AFC on which neither the government nor oppositioniswillingtomake a strong stand for renegotiation.
Interestingly, after discussing the legalities of contract renegotiation, MP JermaineFigueirahitthenail onthehead:‘Thequestionto be answered is: is there the political/national will to act, here in Guyana?’ (SN: 16/01/2025) And thus he begs the more fundamental question that underpins all thatissaidabove:whatisthe political/national will and doesitexistinGuyana?
Inhis‘TheSocial (Continuedonpage)
We must question why the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), through its Chair, ret’d Justice Claudette Singh, announced at the 11th hour the agency’s claimed inability to enable a biometric system for the upcoming elections when it knew about the importance of this act more than five yearsago.
And in the event GECOM thinks it is lost on thisnationthatitsintentmay not be honourable, the agency needs not forget that Guyanarecentlywasableto register citizens, 18-years and older, for the $100,000 one-offcashgrant.
The feat is proof of ability to get things done when the will exists and resources are made available.
G E C O M s h o u l d rememberthatweremember inlessthanafortnightitwas abletomakelawtodelivera Recount of the 2020 elections and the account that it has law-making authority, which was upheld by the courts, all the way to the Caribbean Court of Justice(CCJ).
GECOM needs not forget that it has the
responsibilitytoensurefree, fair and credible elections, and elections free from fear Two principal hindrances to this achievement are the Voters List and the need for biometricstovalidatevoters on a List that is more than two-thirds of the nation’s population. These concerns werealsosharedbylocaland internationalobserversatthe last elections, without exception.
G E C O M e n j o y s constitutional autonomy, and that autonomy does not mean inaction but discernment, wisdom and will to be responsive to the needsofthecitizens,address recommendations to improve the system and put before this nation a work plan, inclusive of a budget, togetitdone.
Guyana is not short of money or must find the money to get this exercise done.
The Claudette Singh-led GECOMmustanswertothis nation why it has not deliveredinaccordancewith itsmandateandexpectsusto accept this 11th hour arrogance that it is impotent toactwhentheimpotencyis of agency’s making
GECOM has ignored repeated calls, more than
fiveyearsago,toaddressthe anomalies in the electoral system in order to preserve theintegrityofthevote.
MayIremindMs.Singh, when she was appointed to the position, she could not havebeenunawareofpublic c o n c e r n s a n d documentationsofthecrises related to the conduct of electionsinGuyana.
Justice Singh is not unaware, according to the Constitution and Laws of Guyana, that it is GECOM who has to advise the Presidentwhenelectionscan be held based on the agency’sreadiness.
It is Justice Singh’s stewardshipofGECOMthat standsinquestionrightnow As chair of the commission hers was and remains the responsibility to deliver leadership.
The abrogation of this society should not tolerate foritrisksleadingthisnation down a path of further tensionanddivision,making itmoretenuousthedesireof the masses to live in peace and harmony, pursuing their aspiration of “One People OneNationOneDestiny.”
The existing Voters List is an abomination to this nation and the chair cannot beoblivioustothisnoractas
though her hands are tied whenunderthelawtheyare not. The Chair has both a moralandlegalobligationto defend and safeguard the sanctityofthevote.
GECOM’s Chair, ret’d Justice Claudette Singh, is being urged to return to the drawing board with a cleareyedviewofwhatherduties entailandtheobligationshe has to society This is a nationalnotapartisanissue. No chair must succumb to partisanship but must strive to uphold and discharge his or her duties under the law without fear, favour or ill will.
However,ifret’dJustice Singh recognises that she cannot discharge her duties and deliver based on national obligation she should do the decent thing and give way to someone else. Give this nation an opportunity to stitch the pieces together, move forward with assurance that the integrity of the vote will be safeguard and let chips fallwheretheymay
This is what the trade union movement fought for 99yearsago,andwearenot abouttowalkawaywithouta fight.
Regards LincolnLewis
Donald Trump will be sworninonJanuary20fora second time as President of America. Congrats to the 47th President who also servedas45th.
Guyana is relatively insignificant and low priorityintheforeignpolicy interests of USA, but Guyana’s huge reserves of oil will attract the attention ofWashington.
Trump plans to open up USA to drilling. Trump’s Drill, Baby, Drill campaign
p l e d g e w i l l h a v e implicationsforGuyana.
The term ‘drill, baby, drill’,referringtoincreasing oil exploration and production in USA which inevitably will impact price (downwards) for a barrel of oil.
In Guyana, with oil priceslikelytonosediveina couple of years when more oil enters the market, impacting revenues, the government should encourage Exxon and other oil companies to carry out the Trumpian mantra and rapidly increase production assoonaspracticable.
American companies and Guyana will benefit tremendously from increased production with enormous revenues at least in the short term. Price per barrel may drop, but with increased production, more revenueswillbeearned.
If Guyana does not up production, other countries (USA,Russia,SaudiArabia, etc.) will and capture the marketandGuyanawilllose opportunity for revenues critical for development
Also, with countries turning towindandsolarpowerand more turning to hydro power, demand for oil will fall in the next few years, significantly triggering lower prices that will have longertermimplicationsfor revenuesforGuyana.
With stubborn inflation, wars and conflicts around theworld,politicalissuesin anelectionyear,uncertainty attheborderwithVenezuela and President Trump’s expectedforeignpolicy,itis a no brainer that Guyana mustbeencouragedtoramp up production taking advantage of continuing demandforoil.
Government must encourage Exxon to up production beyond what is already planned. This will
lure other potential oil investors.
Investment creates high paying jobs and fill the coffers with money for various projects. Increased oilproductionwillalsolead to more revenues by way of royalties, profit sharing, taxes,etc.,forGuyana.
But Guyana faces challenges in increasing production. There has been conflict between or among advocateswhogiveprimacy to one over the others—the environment, business, oil drilling, and those in opposition to extracting the oil from under the ocean floor
Those who champion thelatterarenotrealisticand areinsignificantinnumbers; they are not reading the globalanalysisonoil,andin anyeventwillnotsucceedat stopping or even reducing oilproduction.
Thecountryisgoingfull steam ahead with oil productionandprogresswill not be stopped The oil industry will continue unabated till the fossil runs out Most Guyanese, including businesses, are supportive of “drill, baby, drill”, while also supportive of policies to protect the environment of harmful effectstiedtooilproduction. Producingmoreoildoesnot mean abandoning goals of clean air, clean coast, clean water and protecting flora andfauna.
Oil producers can do both, and technology today has led to cleaner production of oil and gas
by Exxon and oth
companies; and there are no recent adverse reports in Guyana that they are
efficient and less risky As the lone energy producer in Guyana, Exxon, as per several reports, has been taking maximum care to minimise and eliminate pollutants escaping into the environment.
encouraged to taking maximum measures to protect the environment during its operations and for working with local b
Government must not discourage, but encourage and work with all the oil companies to behave responsibly towards the environment and the country in terms of corporate welfare and training, hiring, local contentcontracts,etc
It is commonly known that Guyanese businesses and the public at large are major beneficiaries of the oil industry Exxon announced multi-billions p a i d a
content tied to the oil industry There must be negotiations for more local content and training formoreyoungsters
nt must avoid measures that will l e a d t o r e d u c
production of oil in
Guyana as such policy doesn’tdothecountryany good
The last thing Guyana wants now is to push c
countries that offer better
Undemocratic countries with authoritarian leaders who don’t care about r i g h t s a n d t h e environment will gladly accept oil companies to drill Other countries are not enforcing rules on the environment, but Guyana tries.
Guyana must not alienate oil companies to drive away investors. More production means more revenues and availability of funds for a boom in infrastructure building and construction. Trump’s Drill, baby,drillappliedinGuyana ultimatelywilltranslateinto abetterstandardofliving.
I w e l c o m e t h e
Government’s agreement thatthelistofbannedwords need to be reviewed- but it must happen before the upcomingbudgetdebates.
Recently, Government Chief Whip Gail Teixeira publicly acknowledged the need to review the list of bannedwordsintheNational Assembly, describing many of these prohibitions as archaicremnantsofcolonial traditions.
While I welcome Ms. Teixeira’s position, I am deeply concerned by the Speaker’s declaration on Fridaylast,thatheintendsto strictlyenforcethisoutdated list, even threatening Members of Parliament that violations will result in the lossofspeakingtime,should he need to intervene and request the withdrawal of prohibitedwords.
As we know, one such wordiscorruption. This hardline stance by theSpeakerrisksstiflingfree speech and reducing the efficacy of parliamentary debate at a critical juncture forournation.
G i v e n t h e government’s agreement, the word corruption must b e a l l o w e d i n parliamentary debates forthwith, not at some uncertain time in the future With the national budget debates fast approaching, the National Assembly must be a forum for addressing the real issues affecting our people, not a space where critical conversations are hamstrung by outdated and counterproductive restrictions.
Sincerely AmanzaWalton-Desir MemberofParliament
Kindly allow me to respond to Antonio Dey’s letter of 1-18-25 in the KN titled “We must not take the Venezuelan government for grantedasmoremischief is afoot”
ImustendorseMr Dey’s letter for a joint meeting of poli
in parliament to do a unified approach to the Venezuelan problem.
Apart from the Ministry ofForeignAffairsstatement
denouncing the Venezuelan government’ plan to elect a GovernorofEssequibothere has not been much proactive efforts by that Ministry.
Mr Dey is correct when hementionsthatVenezuelan
President Maduro has violated the Argyle Agreement of December 14th, 2023 and he cautions t h a t t h e G u y a n a government must not take Venezuelaforgranted
AFC member Beverly
Alert lamented that the Guyana government has not taken the Opposition and civic society into their confidence for a unitedapproachtoGuyana’s borderproblem.
T h i s m u s t b e corrected by the PPP/C government. All efforts to have a joint response t o V e n e z u e l a n aggression can only be to thebenefitofallGuyanese.
Respectfully SultanMohamed
Contract’, the 18th century influential Genevan philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau differentiated between ‘the general will’ and the ‘will of all’. While the ‘general will’ is concerned with a vision of the common good that everyonemustco-operateto achieve, the ‘will of all’ lookstoindividualandother private interests and is simplythesumofthem.The former can be compared to Mr Figueira’s‘nationalwill’ and the latter his ‘political will’, both of which liberal democratic regimes are expected to express and protect This is why ‘majority rule’, which usually tends towards the expression of private interests, is curtailed in liberalregimes.
Particularlyinethnically divided liberal democratic societies,the‘generalwill’is more difficult to attain and
even when it materialises is difficult to apply Thus, although there is an overwhelming acceptanceeven among the warring politicians-thatGuyanawas disadvantaged by the oil contractwithExxonandthat itshouldberenegotiated,the politicalcontextpreventsthe actual expression of this ‘generalwill’.
Putsimply,regardlessof what Guyanese want in relation to the contract, the practical expression of this ‘general will’ by way of ‘a united public political opinion’ to drive renegotiation does not exist in the current competitive politicalcontext. What is required is a consensually driven mechanism and twice former United States
President Jimmy Carter and his Center not only condemned the current political system but suggested and helped put in
place that consensually driven mechanism, the national development strategy (NDS), which amongotherthings,thepost Cheddi Jagan PPP in its drive for ethnic/political dominance refused to implement, causing Carter andhisCentertopackupand leaveGuyana.
Barbados is largely an ethnically homogeneous country that is less difficult to manage, and by most of the international social indicesIhavecomeupon,it isarguablythebestmanaged countryinCaricom.
Buteventheresuccessis rooted in a consensual mechanism: a social partnership agreement not unlike what Carter’s NDS couldhavedevelopedintoif the PPP was not bent upon domination.
In 1993, when Barbados
experienced rapidly declining foreign exchange reserves, a worsening
balance of payments
position, dramatic rises in unemployment and a high fiscal deficit, its government, employers and trade union representatives established a prices and incomes protocol that resulted in a social partners’ arrangement that is still in place today and contributes tothecountry’sdecadeslong exchange rate stability of B$2toUS$1.
The social partnership works towards developing a mechanism of effective leadership and to provide a platform for consultation, dialogue and collaboration to take place with different stakeholders to enhance the economic and social development of the country Itischaracterisedbythefact thatitisexpectedtofunction based on openness, accountability,transparency, the sharing of information andtrustamongpartners.
It is not a body that
operates on a timetable of convenienceorasatoolthat is controlled by any of the partners, as this would open thedoorformanipulationto takeplace.
The partnership allows for all stakeholders to promote dialogue, enables themtoworktogetherforthe good of the enterprise, and by extension, the good of employees.
Democratic principles underpin its work that is geared towards securing decentwork,safeconditions ofwork,livingwages,basic social security, gender equality and fair income distribution. It is concerned with better global governance and the universal application and enforcementofinternational labour standards such as collectivebargaining.
Theideaistoensurethat minimum international labour standards are o b s e r v e d
(https://barbadostodaybb/2 021/07/10/ btcolumn thesocial-partnership/).
In 1996, the ministry of labour proposed the introduction of a social partnership agreement in Guyanafollowingthemodel foundintheIrishRepublic’s 1987 programme for nationalrecovery.
B u t t h e s o c i a l disturbances that took place in the aftermath of the 1997 elections and the government’s response brought an end to the effort. In 1998, the Guyana Trude Union Council again raised theidea,butthePPPwasby now set towards political dominance and here we still are today with an inappropriate governance system that threatens collective and individual freedoms and the optimal use of the wealth we have fortuitouslycomeupon.
Sincerely Dr HenryJeffrey
Former Finance
Minister, Winston Jordan has described this year's $1.382 trillion fiscal plan as a “Disaster Budget,” or the People's Progressive Party's (PPP's)farewellplan.
While appearing as a guest on Sunday's Nation Watchprogramme,streamed onFacebookbythePeople's National Congress Reform, Jordan jabbed at the budget presentation made by Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh on Friday, under the theme 'Asecure, prosperous andsustainableGuyana'.
In laying the foundation
ofhisanalysis,Jordannoted, “This disaster, even by the PPP standards must be ringing in the ears of those who hold the reigns of that party Asoftoday(Sunday),I don't recall their greatest of cheerleaders- the private sector- I don't recall them coming out even with an initialstatement…andIdon't see that immediate reaction that they route with praising the government this Budgetisadisaster.”
Hepointedoutthatwhile the government boasts yearly of the largest budget, this is really unnecessary as
adjustments are imminent, usingonlyinflation.
Shifting his attention to the data included in this year's Budget, Jordan pointed out that there has been an increase in malnourished children in Guyana under the age of f i v e “ S e v e r e l y malnourished children in 2020was0.1;by2024when you got all of this money, between 2020 and 2025 adding in the latest Budget, the government would have spent $4 69 trillion, and between that period, the severely malnourished
children under five have deteriorated from 0.1 to 0.5 in2024,”heargued.
Similarly,Jordanpointed out that moderately malnourishedchildrenunder the age of five has almost tripled from 0.5 in 2020 to 1.4 in 2024. Referring to theseas“starkstatistics,”the former Member of Parliament (MP) reasoned that these conditions are not alien to certain African countries where war, corruption and inability to manage the economy is prominent; however, Guyana has been ranked the
f astest growing economy in theworld.
Jordan was keen to note that more structured initiatives are desperately neededtoaddresspovertyin Guyana, rather than the short-term interventions, such as the $100,000 cash grants being doled out by government. “The issue of povertywillnotbesolvedby short-term interventions The issue of poverty, at 48%...cannot be solved by a one-off cash grant; 48% poverty cannot be solved by an increase in the threshold from $100,000 to $130,000. Poverty cannot be attacked bysmallincreasesinold-age pension,” the former Ministerreasoned.
Whilethesemeasuresare “recognizable,”accordingto him, and perhaps needed as temporary reliefs, poverty must be addressed in longterm policies, structural reorientation of the economy, creation of more permanent highpayingjobs,substantial improvement in education and health and equitable distribution of income and resources.
Jordan said it was impossible to address poverty with a $5B cost of living allocation that has nowincreasedto$7B.
Touching briefly on infrastructure, the former Finance Minister said government will continue with its trend which commenced in 2020 where the biggest budget is announced each year with the bulk targeting infrastructure that is poorly executed,withmostprojects
not derived from
infrastructural plan. “They have never put out a transportation plan,” the former Minister argued, as he cited
announcementtoconstructa permanent bridge across the BerbiceRiver Health
Meanwhile,onthehealth sector,Jordantoldviewersof the programme that while government was proud to announce a $10,000 health voucher to offset the cost of medical tests for each citizen, it was an indictment on its claim to be modernizingthesector
He explained, “They run out even in the Budget speech and claim how they are getting 12 new hospitals plus a women and children hospital, plus another one at West Demerara- brand newanotheroneatSuddie-brand new…all these brand new hospitals with their state-ofthe-art equipment and you are introducing in 2025, an election year, another voucher, because that is another in a series of
government has announced
An argument between two brothers has resulted in one being chopped to death and the other in police custody Dead is 34-year-old Akeem Prince, of Victoria Village, East Coast Demerara. The deceased brother, Kareem Prince, age 28, also of Victoria Village, hasbeenarrested.
The police reported that the brothers lived in the same house. Information so far has revealed that on Sunday morning there was an argument between the brothers, which led to Kareem fatally chopping Akeem in his head. The incident occurred between 04:00hrs and 06:30hrs at theirhomeinVictoria.
Mentalillnessisareality we often acknowledge in passingbutseldomconfront with the seriousness it deserves. The events of the past few days—a violent rampage in Mahaicony that left two dead, one critically injured,andanotherincident involving a man damaging property while armed with s c i s s o r s i n Georgetown—lay bare the urgent need for a more profound understanding of mentalhealth.
These incidents are not merely isolated tragedies. They are symptoms of a national ailment that demands attention, compassion, and, above all, education. Public education about mental illness is not a luxury Itisanecessity
The first step to addressing any problem is, understandingit.Andmental health is no exception. Too often, individuals with mental illnesses are reduced to caricatures of danger or instability We recall, with shudders, the haunting memory of Baby Arthur’s rampage in 1994, but we seldom ask what led to such a tragic culmination. What interventions were missed? Whatsignswentunnoticed? What societal failures allowed a person in crisis to spiralintoviolence?
The truth is that most individuals with mental illness are not violent. They live quietly among us, often struggling in silence. They are our neighbors, friends, family members, and colleaguesatwork.
The tragedy lies in our collective ignorance, which fosters fear rather than understanding and alienates those who most need our support Education can c h a n g e t h i s B y demystifyingmentalillness, we can replace fear with empathy and stigma with solidarity Schools could incorporate lessons on recognising the signs of mentaldistressandfostering emo
Community centers could host workshops on how to support loved ones struggling with mental healt
Employers could provide trainingtoidentifyandassist employees who might be grapplingwithdepressionor anxiety Such initiatives would not only empower individuals to seek help but also create an environment where help is readily available.
Greater awareness can save lives. In the case of the schizophrenic man in Mahaicony, it is worth considering whether earlier interventions might have prevented the escalation to violence Schizophrenia, like many mental illnesses, is treatable with proper medicationandsupport.Yet, fortoomany,theseresources remain out of reach—not b e c a u s e t h e y a r e unavailable, but because the stigma attached to mental illness prevents individuals from seeking them By normalizing conversations about mental health, we can encourage those affected to
come forward before their struggles reach a breaking point.
Education must also extend to law enforcement andfirstresponders,whoare often the first point of contact in crises involving mentally ill individuals. Deescalation training, coupled with a better understanding of mental health conditions, can equip officers to handle such situations more effectively and humanely The events in Mahaicony
and the Ministry of Educa
underscoretheneedforsuch training. The use of lethal force or physical restraint should be a last resort, not a default response With proper education, officers can better assess risks and e
interventions, potentially savinglivesonallsides. However, education alone is not a panacea. It must be accompanied by
th infrastructure Access to affordable, high-quality mental health care must be part of any serious effort to address this issue In Guyana, as in many parts of the world, such access is woefully inadequate. Rural areas, in particular, suffer from a dearth of mental health professionals and facilities. Expanding these services is imperative. Public education is the bridge that will connect those in need with the help available.
We must also recognize that mental illness is not a
One day, de teacher tell de class, “Leh me hearwhaty’allfamily reallyneed.”
Lil girl jump up first. She seh, “Miss, we need more money Me daddy wukking hard, but he does leave before I wake up and come home late. If we had lil more money, we could spend more time together.”
De teacher nearly start crying and tell she, “Thank you,dear.”
Nextboyseh,“Miss,all we missing is me big brother.Hegoneindebush fuh look fuh gold, and we ain’t hear from he. Me mother does sit by de
windoweverydaywaiting. Miss, we need he back bad ” De teacher start wipingsheeyesnow
De class going round, one after de other, everybody talking ‘bout w h a t d e m f a m i l y need money, love, or somebodywhomissing.De teacher heart breaking piecebypiece. Then she reach Lil David. She bracing for trouble, but she ask anyway, “David, what about you? What your familyneed?”
Lil David get up quickquick and seh, “Miss, me family don’t need a thing.”
monolith. Conditions range fromanxietyanddepression
to bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and beyond, each requiring different approaches and treatments. Public education campaigns should reflect this diversity For instance, while the Mahaicony incident involved violence, it is crucial to stress that such cases are the exception, not the rule. Most people with mental illnesses pose no threat to others and are far more likely to be victims than perpetrators of violence.
Perhaps the most insidious aspect of mental illness is its invisibility Unlike a broken leg, mental health struggles often leave no visible mark This invisibility can lead to misjudgment, even by those closest to the affected individual. A parent may dismissachild’swithdrawal as teenage moodiness. A spouse may interpret a
partner’s irritability as personal rejection. Without e d u c a t i o n , t h e s e misinterp
misunderstanding and isolation By learning to recognise the less obvious signs of mental distress, we can intervene earlier and moreeffectively Itistemptingtoviewthe eventsofthepastfewdaysas aberrations, isolated acts of chaos in an otherwise orderlysociety Buttodoso wouldbetomissthebroader lesson they offer These incidents are not merely about individual failures; they are about systemic ones They highlight the gaps in our understanding, the holes in our safety nets, and the pressing need for a societalshiftinhowweview andaddressmentalhealth.
Thepathforwardisclear We must invest in public education campaigns that reach every corner of our nation,fromurbancentersto
remote villages. We must train our educators, law enforcement officers, and healthcare providers to recognise and respond to mental health challenges We must build a mental health care system that is accessible to all, regardless of geography or income. And above all, we must foster a culture of empathy, whereseekinghelpisseenas a strength, not a weakness. Mentalillnessisnotafailing ofcharacter;itisacondition of being human By educating ourselves and eachother,wecantransform fear into understanding, stigma into support, and tragedyintohope.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Deteachervex.Sheseh, “David, how you mean so? Everybody else seh what dem family need, and you telling me y’all don’t need anything?”
Davidjumpbackupand seh, “Well, Miss, last night we deh watching TV, and meh big sister come home crying She bawl out, ‘Daddy, don’t be vex, but I pregnant!’
Me daddy slap he knee hardandholler,“Thatisall we neede. But, at least we gangetde$100,000wahde governmentoffering”
Deteacherfaint. Talkhalf.Leffhalf
The 2025 budget is callousness in numbers; it skewersGuyana'sexpectant, needy,impoverished. Itisa hatchet budget; one that drives a hatchet into whatever hopes the poor peopleinGuyanaharbored. Its theme “A secure, prosperous, and sustainable Guyanaissolameastobea shame. Secure, prosperous, and sustainable for whom?
When Guyanese couldn't shareintherichnessofGDP at43.6%(or46.3%),whatis
this year and the next going to look like, feel, at 10.6% growth? I shudder, want to scream for what awaits Guyaneseatthelowerrungs ofthelocaleconomicladder Budget presenter, Dr AshniSinghrightlysaidthat
“we don't have enough people”. What he wrongly omitted was that there is enough to go around so that every Guyanese can experience what it is to live in a country with a top 10 GDP figure; one that currently produces 650,000 barrelsofoildaily,andisset to reach 674,000 a day duringthisyear
The budget increased by $236billion,andallIreadof is an increase of GY$5,000 for 76,000 pensioners; an additionalUS$25monthlyto cope with a laughable, contemptible 5 6% food inflation construction Inflation stats in Guyana must be the work of some dementedgenius.
How will pensioners manage from month to month with an increase that is nothing but heinous in a countrylikethis,considering all its gaudy economic numbers?
Numbers are bandied aboutinthebillionscasually, and the US$25 increase is what pensioners must live with, and shoved to the side to manage. Look at how much the government has done.
Look at how much it cares: $55,000 for schoolchildren, which is $4,583 monthly boost for parents Is the PPP Governmentthisdepravedly indifferenttothestrugglesof Guyanese parents and pensioners? Itsoundslikea big, caring package, that $55,000 per child. But is it when put before a seller, lived with when prices of basic consumables soar and soar?
What was already just beyond the fingertips at full stretch now becomes totally outofreach. Witheconomic growth projected to slow to the relatively pedestrian 10.6%,theliningmaybethat prices may have to follow suit so that goods can be turnedover
Dr Singh can be pardoned for being excited about the measly 3% decrease in the income tax rate,andfreepay(noincome
tax) on the first $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 o f overtime, or a second job How much of a difference does that make? And why in a country with the extraordinary statistics that Guyana enjoys, must any Guyanese be forced to plough the roads and fields of work in a second job? Perhaps,thatisanadmission of how hard-pressed Guyanese are to manage their homes with some dignity, some needed provisions.
As a swift aside, things are so tight in this country that even million-dollar-amonth ministers have to hustle through side businesses to keep their heads above water Indeed, things are that tough, that even ministers and top public servants must engage insidejobs.
Lucrativeones,Ishould add. Money begets money, andinvastquantitiesforthe PPPplutocracy Iplantoget around to those budget provisions the next time around “A secure, prosperous, and sustainable Guyana” reveals who that budget theme really addresses.
The increase in the tax threshold by $30,000 signifiesanextra$7,500per month (25% rate) in the pay of active workers at the $130,000 level. Plus, there is the $10,000 per child tax relief (tax credit or monthly deduction)?) Randomly using an average of two children under 18 per parent/family provides a total of $5,000 more per month in the pockets of Guyanese earners, if I am treatingthiscorrectly
Togivecreditwhereitis due to the government, active workers did better than mainly homebound pensioners.
When that $7,500 monthlytaxbump(threshold increase) and $5,000 tax relief for two children are added to the $4,583 schoolchildren caring provision, Guyanese
w orkersandparentsarebetter off by $17,083 more every 30 days. In effect, the 2025 prospering and sustainable budget means GY$569 (US$2.64) a day more for Guyanese workers and parents. Itisreliefthatgoes alongway
I acknowledge the NIS, health tests, and newborn cash grant provisions in the budget. The government maycongratulateitselfabout being generous and helpful, which is likely to encounter fiercedisagreement.
For my part, I point out to the less than universal application of those budget reliefmeasures. Againstthis backdrop, Minister Singh indicated that up to US$2.5 billion could be withdrawn from the Oil Fund this year The PPP Government is planning to withdrawn the equivalent of GY$500 billion(US$1:GY$200)and bymyroughfirstcount,less than10%orGY$50billionis earmarked for much-needed relief in the hands of strugglingcitizens.
Myconclusionisthatthe PPP Government was very resourceful in coming up withwaystoskimpongiving Guyanese real relief. By dealinginandhighlightinga few billions for this, and a few just-as-paltry-billions for that, the government unveiled a budgetary farce that it was doing much for battered citizens Regardless of the way in which I look at this 2025 budget,Irecoil.
Myfirsttakeisthatthisis a budget that takes a hatchet to the heads of hurting Guyanese. Dr Ashni Singh would have done better to read that budget to himself only Thenweep. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
In Dr. Ashni Singh's budget presentation last Friday that lasted five hours and five minutes, he spoke of many things, but couldn't find a minute to share a sentence about minimum wage workers in the private sector toiling for $60,147 monthly and dying by inches from that horror.
This confirms one of two things: the PPP/C Government is so deep in bed with the private sector that it turns a blind eye to the plight of Guyana's minimum wage workers. Or, it solidifies the belief that the private sector has a stranglehold on the government that minimum wage workers are sacrificed to the exploitations of their employers.
Either way, this country's minimum wage workers in the private sector are caught in an economic vice that forces them to live by their wits and the seat of their pants.
Bauxite, stone, and sand production surged in 2024, drivingsignificantgrowthin Guyana's mining and quarrying sector, even as diamond and manganese
output saw declines, according to Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh during his Budget 2025 presentationonFriday
In 2024, the mining and quarrying sector expanded by 55.9%, driven by strong performances in bauxite miningandtheothermining subsector According to Dr Singh,whilethisgrowthwas primarily driven by the oil andgassectorandassociated support services, other
s u b s e c t o r s a l s o demonstrated strong performance.
Bauxite mining grew by 48 4%, with the Linden operation seeing a remarkable 384 5% increase “Reflective of Government's supportive policies and increased investment in the sector, bauxite mining is estimated to have grown by 48 4 percent in 2024, with latest data reflecting 1.7 million metric tonnes of bauxite
production,upfrom523,742 metric tonnes produced in 2023,”Dr Singhreported.
He explained that the operationalisation of the Metallurgical Bauxite (MAZ)projectinRegion10 contributed significantly to thisgrowth.Outputfromthe larger producer in Linden increased by an impressive 384.5%to1.5millionmetric tonnes However, the operator in Bonasika faced challenges, with production falling from 207,321 metric tonnes in 2023 to 173,970 metrictonneslastyear
He noted that currently two bauxite companies employ over 1,000 persons, with approximately 950 beingGuyanesenationals.
Theministeradded,“We also continue to examine optionsfortheresumptionof operations in the Berbice River
W i t h a l l t h e s e developments, the bauxite sectorispoisedtoresumeits place as a major contributor to our economy, and as a major employer in bauxite producing communities, setting the stage for the reemergence of these
communities as major hubs of economic and social activity.”
“Stone declarations and sandextractionareestimated tohavegrownby80.4%and 48.5%, respectively, driven b y d e m a n d f r o m construction activity in the public and private sectors,” theministersaid.
Sand production surged, with 67 permit holders collectively producing over 12 million tonnes in 2024, a substantial jump from less than 700,000 tonnes produced by 18 operators in 2020 He noted, “This
upward trajectory is expected to continue in 2025, as more operators begin utilising their sand pits.“
Stone production followedasimilartrajectory, with operational quarries increasing from six in 2020 to 16 by 2024, propelling output to over 3.3 million tonnes Minister Singh underscored, “Investments in modern mining and transport equipment and additional barging capacity, aswellasthemaintenanceof around-the-clock operations at mining pits and quarries,
are set to further support the expansion and meet the growing needs of the market.”
To this end, the minister noted that the increase recorded in the bauxite, stone and sand sub sectors morethanoffsetthedeclines of 17% and 7.2% observed for diamond declarations and manganese production, respectively, in 2024 In relation to manganese, the minister noted that Guyana exportedmanganesein2022 for the first time in 54 years andresidinginover300new jobs “Production will
continue as long as the resourceremainsadequateto sustain a viable and competitive operation,” he added.
MinisterSinghnotedthat for2025,theminingsectoris projected to grow by 10%. Headded,“Additionally,the other mining and quarrying subsector is anticipated to continue its strong performance this year, with projected growth of 29.8 percent. This reflects robust growth continuing in infrastructure investment through the PSIP, combined with intensified activity in privatesectorconstruction.“ Notably, bauxite mining expected to expand by 70.1%, largely driven by a 167 3% increase in production from Linden Additionally, the minister also revealed that non-oil exportearningsroseby16% to US$1.8 billion, bolstered by significant increases in gold, rice, and bauxite exports Together, these three commodities contributed US$1.3 billion. Bauxite alone recorded a 19.2% increase in export value.
Aurora mining operation in Guyana (Source: Zijin)
Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd, a Chinese state-owned mining giant operating in Guyana through its subsidiary Aurora Gold Mine (AGM), reported a 32.3% increase in declarations, reaching 144,593 ounces of gold produced in 2024. This was disclosed by Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, during hisBudget2025presentationinthe NationalAssemblyonFriday
In 2023, Zijin recorded higher declarations by 7.8% to 109,358.4 troy ounces. The company had made some US$185 million from its operations in Guyana that year Withinthefirstsixmonthsof2024, AGM produced 1,949 kilograms (over 68,000 ounces) of gold.This informationwasrevealedinZijin's interim half-year report on its globaloperations.
TheBankofGuyana2024HalfYear report had stated that AGM's gold declaration within the first 6 months of the year had increased due to continued favourable performance in their underground miningoperations.
He disclosed that the Guyana Gold Board's purchases grew by 53 7% to 134,213 ounces,
Overall Guyana's 2024 gold production saw a modest increase of 1,954 ounces in 2024, from 432,113ouncesin2023to434,067 ouncesin2024.
Minister Singh said, “Despite facing tremendous challenges in the first half of 2024, the gold mining industry turned around to record growth of 0.5% last year, with total gold declarations amounting to 434,067 ounces in 2024.”
Minister Singh said, “At the large-scale end of the industry, the sole current operator at Aurora continues to meet and exceed projections,employingdirectlyand indirectly over 1,500 Guyanese nationals,comparedto862in2020. Workisalsoongoingonthefurther build out of their underground mine, while extraction has already commenced.”
declarations from licensed dealerships by 34% to 155,261 ounces. Notably, despite the small rise in production, the total gold revenue for 2024 reached an impressive US$989 9 million, markingaUS$180millionincrease overthepreviousyear Thiscanbe attributed to high gold prices that wererecordedlastyear
“Theaveragepriceofgoldalso increased,growingby22.9percent to US$2,387.7 per troy ounce, suppo
uncertainty,” the minister said Non-oilexportearningsgrewby16
percent to US$1.8 billion, with notable increases in gold, rice and bauxiteexports.Theseincreasedby 22 4%, 20 4% and 19 2%, respectively, together contributing US$1.3 billion to total non-oil earnings. Importantly, the growth in non-oil earnings was supported by both increased volumes and favourableprices.
Currently, AGM boasts a recoveryrateashighas95%,while small and medium-scale miners' recoveryratesarebelow50%.The government has stated that it is actively working with smaller miners to bridge the gap and improveefficiency
Dr Singh said, “The small and medium scale gold mining
subsector has been showing strong signs of recovery, although problems persist. These include incidents of under-declaration and smuggl
Heightened surveillanceandintelligence-based policing have made significant inroads into arresting these problems,andthesectorisshowing someimprovementasaresult.”
Additional efforts to regulate the sector and ensure these problems are contained include, mobile purchasing by the GGB, increased compliance and enforcement activities and greater use of ICT applications to monitor mines operations, Dr. Singh explained He also outlined (Continuedonpage15)
The firearm and cash that were seized
Ataxidriverandawelder have been arrested in connection with an illegal firearm and ammunition recovered, during a police operation at Crabwood Creek, Corentyne Berbice, onSaturday
Thoseincustodyare:37year-old taxi driver Ronald Raghunandan, of Lot 61 Crabwood Creek, and 25year-old welder Niranjan Romel Siriram, of Lot 163 Albert Street, #79 Village, Corentyne. According to the police, the operation was conducted between 10:00 and11:000hoursonSaturday morning. It involved ranks from the Fields and Covert Operations Section, supported by a detective sergeant from the #51 Police Station in Corentyne, Berbice.
During the operation, police intercepted Raghunandan while driving motor car HD 5184. Upon noticing the officers, Raghunandan fled, discardingablackobjectinto nearby bushes.The item was retrieved and identified as a
9mm pistol with seven .32 c a l i b e r r o u n d s o f ammunition When questioned, Raghunandan claimed, “Julie sent me a pictureofthegun,andIwent to Mohan Supermarket and pickeditupfromaman.”
Furtherinvestigationsled to the arrest of Siriram, who disclosed that he had been contacted by Mohan, the son of the supermarket owner, and asked to collect a package. He told the police that upon arrival at the supermarkethewashandeda box by a man on a motorcycle, which he subsequently gave to Raghunandan Police recovered the firearm and ammunition, along with $59,950 in cash found on Siriram Additionally, expired currency from Suriname, Brazil, and the Cayman Islands were confiscated. Both suspects are currently in custody as police continue efforts to locate Mohan, Julie, and the man on the motorcycle. Investigations remain ongoing.
B a s m a t t i e
Ganpat, who sustained severe burns after her gas bottle exploded earlier this month at their Fifth Street Foulis, East Coast Demerara residence, died on Sunday morning at the Georgetown Public Hospital.
Ganpat and her common-law partner, 58year-oldManuSukhu,were both admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation on January 4, 2024, the day of the incident Ganpat sustained burns to 80% of her body, while Sukhu suffered 68% burns in the incident.
Kaieteur News was on Sunday informed by Ganpat's daughter, Sandyha Goolram that her mother had passed away. “Mommy passed away this morning,” the daughter related. She relatedthatshehadreceived
a call from the hospital on Sunday stating that Ganpat passed away around 6:45hrs.
However, Goolram notedthatthedoctorhadnot yet disclosed the official cause of death, which she expected to learn by Monday
Overcome with grief, Goolram shared her shock andsorrow “Itshockedme, and all... since I woke up, I've just been sitting in this chair
Itain'teasy,I'mstressing and crying right now,” she said Reflecting on her mother's most recent condition, she added, “on Saturday when I went, the urine in the bag turned reddish.
So, the kidney was giving up. Like the organs couldn'thandlethepressure anymore.” Goolram also expressed that her mother appearedswollen,saying,“I lookedatherandsaid,'God,
The firearm found
Police have detained two men following the discovery of a firearm during an operation in Tucville, Georgetown Saturdaynight.
Around 11:00 hours on Saturday police officers, acting on information, conducted a mobile patrol in the area between Perry and Samaan Streets. Upon arrival, they heard two explosions, which sounded like gunshots and observed three men running east along the street. The ranks g a v e c h a s e a n d apprehended one of the individuals, identified as 31-year-old vendor Darwin Bennons of Meadowbrook Housing Scheme Police said Bennons was found withaSigSauer9mmpistol in his possession The magazine of the weapon contained no ammunition. When questioned, Bennons admittedhedidnotpossess a firearm license, and was subsequently arrested, cautioned, and informed of theoffence. During a search of the
youknowbest...ifshehasto gotorest,lethergo.'Iknew shewasgoing.”
Goolram, the eldest of Ganpat's three daughters, revealed the emotional toll oflosingbothparentswithin fiveyears.
Shesharedthatwithher mother's burial ahead and the responsibility of repairing her mother's home, she will face severe financialstrain.“It'sjustme and my two younger sisters,”Goolramsaid.
Since the incident, Goolrammentionedthatthe gas company, Massy Gas, had not reached out to offer any assistance or compensation.
“They ain't even reach outbacktowe,forhelpwith compen
tion. Now mommyisdead,andwestill have to fix up back the house,ismommyanddaddy backbone.Daddydonedead already, and now mommy gone,”Goolramsaid.
recounted receiving a messageonJanuary4,2024, about a house fire and her mother being burned. Upon arriving at the scene, she found extensive damage to the roof, lower flat, and kitchen. Goolram believes theexplosionwascausedby agasleakfromaMassyGas cylinder, as her mother had smelled gas before lighting thestove.
“Somebody told me theyweresmellingthegas... but she still went ahead to lightthestove,”shesaid.
Thedamagetothehouse is estimated to exceed one million dollars, with Goolram noting that renovations had been completed only a year ago. Currently, the family is focused on organising Ganpat'sfuneralandhasyet to decide whether to pursue legal action against the gas company
$4.4B budgeted for Govt’s
The government will o f f e r 9 , 0 0 0 m o r e scholarships through the Guyana Online Academy of L e a r n i n g ( G O A L ) programme for Guyanese to attendvariousuniversities.
area, police arrested an 18year-old labourer also of Meadowbrook. The police officersconductedsearches at their residences but nothing illegal was found. Bothsuspectsweretakento theEastLaPenitencePolice Station, where the firearm w a s p r o c e s s e d Investigators dusted the weapon for fingerprints but reportedly found none. It wasthenmarked,sealedina transparent evidence bag and lodged to be sent for ballistic analysis The suspects remain in custody asinvestigationscontinue.
Atotalof$4.4billionwill besetasidethisyeartooffset the initiative Senior Minister in the Office of the
Frompage8 over the last three years that are tenable at private hospitals.”
Moreover, he highlighted moretroublingstatisticsinthe health sector Reading from theBudgethepointedoutthat the crude birth rate per 1000 in2020was20whilein2024 itisstillastaggering19.5.
With regard to the crude death rate per 1000, he said this was 6.1 in 2020 and 7.6 2024, with 8.7 recorded in 2023.
To this end, Jordan argued,“Inallthismoneythat youhavespentbetween2020 and 2024 more babies are dying! More babies are dying…allyourvouchersand sooncan'tsavethesebabies.”
Perhaps equally troubling was the loss of nurses in the public health sector Still reading from the Budget, Jordan said, “This is the numberofnursesper10,000in2020itwas27.6butin2024
Presidentwithresponsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr. Ashni Singh, made the announcement during the 2025 budget presentation in the National AssemblyFridaylast.
Sinceitsinception,some 29,758 scholarships were granted to Guyanese applicants, allowing them to
it is 21.8. We are losing our nurses while you (are) building12newhospitals.”
Ontheotherhand,Jordan blasted government's $100,000newborncashgrant scheme, discounting the announcement as an “insult”. Hesaid,“Itisaninsultifyou aregoingtosuggesttomethat I gonna give you a one-off (grant)…who is gonna take careofthebabyaftertheoneoff$100,000?”
Herecalledthatunderthe Burnham administration, cereals were provided through health centres for babies.Assuchhearguedthe needforgovernmenttocrafta comprehensive social security safety net. Jordan suggested that this should include, “A revamped NIS, paying quality benefits; a legallyinstitutedcashtransfer programme that will incorporate the cash transfer and the Because We Care Grantandothers…”
pursue academic studies in various disciplines with GOAL's international and local institutions. Over 21,000 women have benefitted from this innovative programme, representing 72 per cent of total awardees since its commencement.
Of this amount, over 6,000 women were granted a scholarship in 2024, with another 6,750 expected to be awarded thisyear Dr Singhfurther revealed that over 8,000 persons have graduated f r o m t h e G O A L programme, following the successful completion of theiracademicstudies.
Interested individuals can access a wide range of programmes at various levels, including vocational certificates, undergraduate diplomas and degrees, postgraduate diplomas, master's degrees, and doctoraldegrees.
The government has partnered with accredited local and international academic institutions to a d m i n i s t e r t h e s e programmes, including the University of West Indies (UWI) and the University of South California, among others For additional informationonhowtoapply, p e r s o n s c a n v i s i t https://goal.edu.gy/.(DPI)
measurestoincentivizecomplianceanddeclarationstothe Gold Board while endorsing advanced chemical leaching technologies to enable small-scale miners to extract gold moreeconomicallyfromlow-gradedeposits.
Looking ahead, the gold mining sector is projected to experiencea17.2%growththisyear
Minister highlighted these projections, saying, “The gold mining subsector is expected to expand further, to growthisyearby17.2percent.Regardinggoldmining,this stronger position is expected to be driven by higher projected declarations from theAurora gold mine and the small and medium-scale miners, alongside an increase in Gold Board purchases, aggregating to a target of approximately501,000ounces.”
The Central Bank had said in its report that small and mediumscaleminers'declarationsdeclinedwithinthefirst halfof2024asaresultofdryweatherandinotherinstances heavyrainfall.
Kitchen Assistant needed Tel: 676-5534 / 709-8131 Famous Flavour Restaurant.
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The Guyana Prison Service was allocated $6.2B of the $108.9 allotted to the security sector for infrastructural development, the further development of key programmes and training.
Notably the allocated sum is $100M less than last year. This was announced by the Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh on Friday during his budget presentation to the National Assembly.
The minister said in “In 2025, a further 1,600 inmates will benefit from academic, behavioural modification, technical and vocational training which will cater to the diverse needs of inmates to support efforts geared towards a successful transition into society.
Further, 400 officers will be exposed to training in prison management techniques to enhance their skills in security, rehabilitation, and inmate management all at a budgeted sum of $140.2 million.”
He boasted to the house that since assuming office the government was on a reformation mission including improvements in infrastructure, comprehensive education and training programmes for officers and inmates alike and heightened safety and security measures for security personnel.
“In an effort to improve systems management, physical infrastructure and living conditions, we have invested heavily in upgrading all correctional facilities and desig-
Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.
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gets$ 6.2B in this year’s budget
nated the Lusignan Prison as the primary correctional facility in Guyana,” Minister Singh said.
Critical infrastructural gaps were addressed at the Lusignan Prisons through the reconstruction of the prison, a vocational school, trade shops, and a number of other facilities.
“Completion of the Mazaruni Prison also saw significant investments over the period which included its reconstruction, and the completion and rehabilitation of quarters and other facilities. We
have also advanced several key infrastructural upgrades at the New Amsterdam Prison through the completion of officers’ living quarters, sports club, infirmary annex, kitchen, vocational school and storage and training facilities,” he added.
Dr. Singh highlighted that his government is committed to providing the opportunities to facilitate successful inmate rehabilitation with the implementation of programmes that are impactful enough to decrease recidivism rates while simulta-
neously improving the overall function of the prison system.
In this regard, over 4,000 inmates have been trained in various disciplines and over 1,600 prison officers received training in prison management over the past four years.
“Further, in 2024, a total of 820 inmates have completed training in anger management, family reconciliation and literacy among others while 385 ranks completed training in prison management at a sum of $108.8 million,” the minister said.
Seventy-eight-year-old pensioner and former Guyana National Service member Berenda Bowman and her husband John Bowman are the latest recipients of a new home, compliments of the Men on Mission.
The elated couple received the keys to their new two-bedroom South Ruimveldt abode in a simple ceremony on Saturday.
Bowman told the Department of Public Information (DPI) that previously, they lived in a cramped wooden makeshift home. However, given the multiple health issues both husband and wife faced, this arrangement was extremely uncomfortable.
A concerned neighbour suggested that they seek help from the Men on Mission, and according to Bowman, this was the catalyst for a life-changing intervention.
“She said that they assist people, but I didn’t really know how to ask them for help. She said she’d write to them to see if I could get through, and I was so happy when they called because I couldn’t afford to do this myself,” Bowman divulged.
Her husband John Bowman was equally overwhelmed and relieved at this compassionate gesture by the Men on Mission. “This initiative is very helpful to those who are not in a position to build their own home or rebuild a new home. I hope that this initiative will con-
tinue as long as the PPP/C remains in government,” he said.
Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Public Affairs, Kwame McCoy oversaw the joyous occasion.
He said that unwavering support for vulnerable groups is a cornerstone of the PPP/C government’s philosophy. “Government is about working for people and ensuring that the welfare of the people is taken care of and in such a way that exemplifies and put on display compassion, love, empathy, [and] sympathy,” he said.
This compassion and love is made even more prevalent against the backdrop of the recently announced $1.138 trillion national budget, which includes an increase in the old-age pension from $36,000 to $41,000 per month. This measure will benefit over 76,000 pensioners and place an additional $4.5 billion of
disposable income in their hands.
“This represents the commitment we made when we campaigned across this country that we would double old age pension. And we said it in such a way that we ensure that we did not let people down and we stick to our promise,” Minister McCoy reminded.
He said that the Men on Mission, which was conceptualised by President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali in 2022 was meant to represent the character of this government. The initiative aims to provide a platform for the nation’s men to bring about positive change in society. Through a range of community projects, including cleanups, youth mentorship programmes and health outreaches, the Men on Mission supports those in need while equipping young men with the skills needed to become role models. (DPI)
GEORGETOWN, Guyana, (CMC) – The Caribbean Community (Caricom) on Sunday expressed “its profound gratitude” to the outgoing Biden administration after it gaveaposthumouspardonto Jamaica’s national hero, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, after many years of campaigning.
In a statement, Caricom chairman and Barbados
Prime Minister Mia Mottley, said “this longawaited exoneration” to Garvey, a distinguished civil rights activist, PanAfricanist leader, “is testamenttotheunwavering advocacy of Caricom leaders, both individually and collectively, along with countless members of the d i a s p o r a , f o r t h e rectification of the unjust conviction of an ardent advocate for the rights and liberties of individuals of Africandescent
“Caricom extends its heartfelt congratulations to his son, Julius Garvey, and othermembersofhisfamily,
aswellastotheGovernment and People of Jamaica, and allwhohonortheremarkable legacy of this extraordinary sonofourregion. His life and work continue to inspire and influence both within and beyond the Caribbean,” Mottleysaid.
Earlier, Jamaica welcomed the pardon with Prime Minister Andrew Holness hailing the announcement as a “proud andhistoricday”forJamaica andthatitwasthe“firststep towards total exoneration”.
“As Prime Minister, I considerthisclemencyafirst step toward the total e x o n e r a t i o n a n d expungement of this historical injustice,” he added. Opposition Leader, Mark Golden called the exoneration of Garvey a correction of a historic wrong stemming from “an illegal, intelligence-led
operation” aimed at crippling Garvey’s
U n i v e r s a l N e g
o Improvement Association (UNIA). “President Biden’s
( T R I N I D A D
EXPRESS) Jamaica’s first national hero, Marcus Garvey, on Sunday received a posthumous pardon from U.S.PresidentJoeBiden.
action acknowledges the profoundimpactthatGarvey hadinshapingthenarratives of freedom, equality, and justice,” Golding said GoldensaidGarvey’slegacy continuestoemboldensocial justice movements across Africa and the diaspora while inspiring a new generationofPan-Africanist advocates.
In 2018, Jamaica passed The National Heroes and Other Freedom Fighters (Absolution from Criminal Liability in Respect of Specified Acts) Act, which cleared the records of Jamaica’s National Heroes and freedom fighters who were wrongfully accused and convicted during their struggleforfreedom.
“This legislative action reflects Jamaica’s unwavering commitment to preserving the honor and legacy of those who fought for justice and equality” Holness said while urging Jamaicans to recommit to Garvey’s vision of unity, progressandempowerment.
As one of his last acts in
office, Biden, on Sunday announced that the late civil rightsleaderwasoneoffive people to receive a Presidentialpardon.
The decision on Sunday from the outgoing Democratic leader follows sustained advocacy from several US lawmakers, including Democratic Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke, who chairs the Congressional Black Caucus.
Clarke, the daughter of Jamaican immigrants and Brooklyn representative, had led multiple calls for Garvey’s exoneration, arguingtheconvictionwasa result of governmental misconduct aimed at discrediting the influential civilrightsleader.
This posthumous pardon comes 101 years after Garvey was convicted of mail-fraud in 1923 in a case marred by prosecutorial and governmental misconduct Hewassentencedto5-years imprisonment – a sentence that was commuted by US PresidentCalvinCoolidgein
1927. Garvey is credited as the first man to organise a mass movement among African-
G e n e v a – A groundbreaking new study, “Governanceandresilience
as entry points for transforming food systems in the countdown to 2030”, published today in Nature Food, presents the first comprehensive analysis of change since 2000 in key foodsystemindicators.
Garvey, who was conferred with the Order of theNationalHeroinJamaica in1969,influencedMalcolm X and other civil rights leaders. He was convicted of mail fraud in the 1920s Congressional leaders in the United States had pushedforBidentopardon Garvey, with supporters arguing that Garvey’s conviction was politically motivated and an effort to silence the increasingly popular leader who spoke ofracialpride
After Garvey was convicted, he was deported to Jamaica, wherehewasborn He died in 1940 There is a statue of Garvey in San Fernando The Rev Martin Luther King Jr said of Garvey: “He was the first man, on a mass scale and level” to give millions of Black people “a sense of dignity and destiny”
Lawrence Haddad, Executive Director of GAIN, said, “This new report reveals a mix of encouraging advancements and concerning setbacks, underscoringtheurgencyof accelerating food systems transformation As this report shows, tradeoffs are inevitable between food system goals such as jobs, climate, nutrition, food security and resilience. But with stronger governance and better data these tradeoffs can be mitigated and even flipped into synergies.Thisreporthelps us to understand how to do thisandaccelerateprogress towards the Sustainable D
The peer-reviewed research was conducted by the Food Systems Countdown Initiative (FSCI), a collaboration of leading experts and organizations, coordinated by Columbia University, Cornell University, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the Global Alliance f
The resulting report tracks 50 food systems indicators across the world, organized into five themes: 1) diets, nutrition, and health; 2) environment, natural resources, and production; 3) livelihoods, poverty, and equity; 4) resilience; and 5) governance.
• Encouraging progress inresilienceandnutrition Twentyofthe42metrics analyzed over time have
improved, and notable achievements include significant increases in accesstosafewaterandthe availability of vegetables. Conservation of plant and animal genetic resources hasalsorisen,bolsteringthe resilienceoffoodsystemsto climate shocks and other disruptions.
• Emerging concerns: Food price volatility and government accountability decline
Seven indicators show significant decline, including increased food price volatility, worsening government accountability, and decreased civil society participation.
These shifts suggest challenges in maintaining stability and policy coherence amid global crises.
• Interactions drive complexoutcomes
Mario Herrero, Professor and Director of theFoodSystems&Global Change Program, Cornell University, said, “This report sheds light on the waysdifferentareasoffood systems are related and interact, which is critical in understanding how we can focus our efforts to maximize synergies, manage trade-offs, and avoid unintended consequences.”
The report identifies governance and resilience as pivotal leverage points f o r f o o d s y s t e m transformation. Targeted improvements in these areas could catalyze positive changes across otherindicators,amplifying globalprogress.
The report highlights how changes in one area, such as governance or diet quality, affect other areas, emphasizing the need for coordinated, cross-sectoral approaches. Case studies fromEthiopia,Mexico,and the Netherlands illustrate the local relevance of these dynamics.
President-elect, Donald Trump
(BBC NEWS) Donald Trump loves a show and he likestosurprisepeople.
And as he returns to the White House, the world is waiting to see if Trump 2.0 will really be a more disciplined and effective version of its previous, chaotic,incarnation.
But even before he steps backintotheOvalOffice,the single biggest difference between now and the start of hisfirsttermeightyearsagois justhowboldhefeels Talking to people around Trump, the confidence is unmissable He has the GOP in lockstep, the business community falling over themselves to donate moneytohisinaugurationand anoppositionthatisexhausted andlargelyquiet Theelection was actually quite close, but you wouldn’t know it from Maga world They feel vindicated and want to move fast to get things done, to hit back against the incoming president’s enemies and to changeAmerica Theybelieve the country backs Trump’s disdain of “woke” agendas, mainstream media and global elites
And the agenda reflects this From the mass deportation of migrants and pardons for Capitol rioters, to punitive trade tariffs on America’sneighboursandan end to birthright citizenship,
there’s a lot of fundamental change being promised and hecouldannouncemuchofit ondayone.
The effect would be dizzying-andthatisthepoint The team that Trump will be bringingintotheWhiteHouse reflectsthatbrashness Goneis the president who seemed in awe of hierarchies and establishmentcredentials
Takehispicksforsecretary ofdefence
In 2016 Donald Trump chose Jim Mattis to lead the Pentagon,almostfawningover the longtime general “who everyone loves” He hailed Mattis as “a man of character andintegrity”(Twoyearslater Mattis would quit amid very public differences of opinion andTrumpwouldcallhim“the world’s most overrated general”)
Fastforwardto2024and Trump has picked a very different defence secretary: Pete Hegseth is a TV host with a military background but no significant management experience, who seems to have survived his Senate confirmation hearings despite multiple accusations of sexual abuse and drunkenness Trump isn’t out to impress anyone thistime,andtheRepublican Party seems to have no ability or interest in providing checks and
balances on his instincts. Trump standing by Hegseth as scandal swirled was seemingly a test for Republican lawmakers Would they dare to defy Trump? They didn’t. So, for the moment there is unitybut look below the surface andthere’slessharmony,and with it the prospect of more chaos.
Trump’s cabinet is a team of people with surprisingly different views who may not alwaysplaywelltogether His picktorunhealthcare,Robert F KennedyJr isapro-choice former Democrat at a time when many Republican lawmakers want to restrict abortion access The nominee for Treasury Secretary, Scott Bessent, embodies old school Republican economic values andcomesfromWallStreetvia a stint working for the liberal financier George Soros But Trump’s Vice-President - JD Vance-isapopulistwhosays “wearedonecateringtoWall St”There is Elon Musk with his deregulation agenda serving alongside a Labor Secretarynomineewhoisprounion and pro-worker safety regulations
Trump’s pick for Secretary of State, Marco Rubioisintheconventional, hawkish Republican mode. HehascalledVladimirPutin a “thug” and a “gangster.”
MeanwhileTrump’spickfor director of national intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard, whohasbeensympatheticto America’s adversaries, includingRussiaandSyria’s now-deposed leader Bashar al-Assad and was described to me by a Trump ally as a peace-nik, “the Jimmy Carter”ofthegroup. Allies of the incoming president argue this unconventionalmixofviews is what makes Trump different, and exciting. A former Trump adviser told me that the uniformity of opinions in previous Democratic administrations was like “a bunch of parrots.”Thewhole point of Trump’s second term, this advisersaid,istoshakeupa stultified system of government.
Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin famously credited AbrahamLincolnforcreatinga cabinetthatconsistedofateam
of his rivals In Trump’s case, this incoming administration feels more like a court than a Republic The courtiers have their divergent views and disagreements with each other andtheyhavetogetascloseas possibletothemaninthecenter ofitallfortheiragendatowin out They know Trump’s reputationforagreeingwiththe lastpersonwhohashisearand in the first term White House, officials vied to be thatinfluentialperson.When thatfailed,theyoftenleaked to the press in a bid to get theiropinionsheard.
With so many competing opinions, there could be even moreleaksthistime,despitethe besteffortsofthenewchiefof staff, Susie Wiles And so the key question for this administration is whether this surprisinglyeclecticgroupwill be able to hash things out and producethebestpossibleresult Orifthecabinetwillbelikea middle school brawl of eager
students battling and obstructingeachotherinabidto be teacher’s pet with no clear principlestoguidethem
The lack of cohesion already on display has some a n a l y s t s a l a r m e d , particularly on national security “There is no consensus in the new administration when it comes to how China is viewed,” says Richard Haass, who worked in the Bush administration and is now president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations “One can anticipate ongoing struggles over American policy and more than a little inconsistency.”
Fornow,Trump’sdesires reign supreme But the president knows that in two short years America will holdmidtermCongressional e l e c t i o n s a n d t h e conversationwillshiftfastto thefuture.
(BBC NEWS) TikTok is resuming services to its 170 million users in US after President-electDonaldTrumpsaid hewouldissueanexecutiveorder togivetheappareprievewhenhe takesofficeonMonday
On Saturday evening, the Chinese-owned app stopped working forAmerican users, after a law banning it on national security grounds came into effect. Trump, who had previously backed a ban of the platform, promised on Sunday to delay implementation of the law and allow more time for a deal to be made.TikTokthensaidthatitwas in the process of “restoring service”.
Soon after, the app started working again and a popup message to its millions of users thanked Trump by name. In a statement, the company thanked the incoming president for
“providing the necessary clarity and assurance” and said it would workwithTrump“onalong-term solution that keeps TikTok in the UnitedStates”.TikTokCEOShou Chew is expected to attend Trump’s inauguration Monday
Posting on Truth Social, a social media platform he owns, Trump said on Sunday: “I’m asking companies not to let TikTok stay dark! I will issue an executive order on Monday to extend the period of time before the law’s prohibitionstakeeffect,sothatwe can make a deal to protect our nationalsecurity.”
TikTok’s parent company, Bytedance, previously ignored a law requiring it to sell its US operationstoavoidaban.Thelaw was upheld by Supreme Court on Friday and went into effect on Sunday It is unclear what legal authorityTrumpwillhavetodelay theimplementationofalawthatis
already in effect. But it expected that his government will not enforce the ban if he issues an executiveorder
It’s an about-face from his previous position Trump had backedaTikTokban,buthasmore recently professed a “warm spot” for the app, touting the billions of views he says his videos attracted on the platform during last year’s presidentialcampaign.Foritspart, President Joe Biden’s administration had already said thatitwouldnotenforcethelawin its last hours in office and instead allowtheprocesstoplayoutunder t h e i n c o m i n g Tr u m p administration.
But TikTok had pulled its services anyway on Saturday evening, before the swift restoration of access on Sunday The short-form video platform is wildly popular among its many millions of US users. It has also
proved a valuable tool for American political campaigns to reach younger voters. Under the law passed last April, the US version of the app had to be removedfromappstoresandwebhosting services if its Chinese owner ByteDance did not sell its USoperations.
TikTok had argued before the Supreme Court that the law violated free speech protections foritsusersinthecountry. The law was passed with support from both Republicans and Democrats in Congress and was upheld unanimously by SupremeCourtjusticesearlierthis week. Theissueexposesariftona key national security issues between the president-elect and members of his own party His pickforSecretaryofState,Marco Rubio, had vocally supported the ban “TikTok extended the ChineseCommunistParty’spower
andinfluenceintoourownnation, rightunderournoses,”hesaidlast April. But he seemed to defer to the president-elect when a journalist asked if he supported Trump’seffortstorestoretheban.
“If I’m confirmed as secretary ofState,I’llworkforthepresident,” hetoldPunchbowlmedialastweek
AfterTrumpintervenedonSunday morning, Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Tom Cotton, a RepublicansenatorfromArkansas, broke with Trump by saying that anycompanythathelpsTikTokstay online would be breaking the law
“Any company that hosts, distributes, services, or otherwise facilitates communist-controlled TikTok could face hundreds of billions of dollars of ruinous liability under the law, not just from DOJ, but also under securities law, shareholder lawsuits, and state AGs,” he wroteonsocialmedia
( A L J A Z E E R A )
Celebrations have erupted across the Gaza Strip after a much-awaited ceasefire came into effect following 15monthsofwarthatturned much of the coastal Palestinian enclave to rubble.
The ceasefire came into effect at 11:15am local time (09:15 GMT) on Sunday after Hamas handed over a list of three female captives
teams chanting and raising victory signs. Al Jazeera's Hani Mahmoud, reporting from outside Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir elBalah, said there were “no violations reported since the ceasefiretookeffect”.
“There have been no morebombs,nomorefighter jets,andnomoredrones.The only sound of gunfire we hear is from celebrations in the streets – gunshots and
Al Jazeera's Mahmoud reported that in the hospital courtyard where he was reporting from, Palestinian families had started to dismantle their tents and head back to their homes theywereforcedtoevacuate due to relentless Israeli bombings. “What we are witnessing here is families excitedly gathering their
to be released as part of the deal to Israel through mediators “My joy is beyondmeasure,”saidGaza resident Om Salah. “From the moment they announced the ceasefire, I quickly packedallmythingsbecause IamreadytogotoGazaCity My children are extremely happy to go and see our families, relatives and our lands,”shetoldAlJazeera.
“Here, we are always scaredandworried,butback homewewillbeveryhappy, andjoywillcomebacktoour lives.” “Hopefully, the Israelis will not violate it [ceasefire] in the next few days,”hetoldAlJazeera.He saidallhewantedtodonow was complete his education.
“There have been loads of dreamsdestroyedduringthis genocide.”
Gaza's health workers and rescuers were also seen celebrating in the streets. Videos shared online, and verified by Al Jazeera, showedseveralcivildefence
ve been frequent,” he said. Before the ceasefire came into effect,Israeliforceskilledat least 19 more Palestinians and wounded dozens of othersonSunday,takingthe total death toll in the 15month genocide to nearly 47,000 Palestinian and rights groups say the actual number could be much higher
At least 1,139 people were killed in Israel during the Hamas-led attacks on October 7, 2023, and about 250 were taken captive. Al Jazeera's Hind Khoudary, reportingfromKhanYounis, said Palestinians from the southern city of Rafah described the destruction caused by Israel there as “massive”. “They did not even realise where their neighbourhoods were,” she said. “Nevertheless, people are very happy You see everyone smiling, you see everyonechanting,andmost of the Palestinians are saying:'Wemadeitaliveout
Displaced Palestinians share sweets as they return to Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip [Eyad Baba/AFP]
reported returning home only to find the scale of destruction makes it hard to even put up a temporary shelter
Mahmoud Anwar Abu-
Salem, a displaced Palestinian from northern Gaza, has spoken to Al Jazeera following his return to his area after spending three months in Gaza City's Shati refugee camp. “The house, the whole thing, was reduced to rubble Fifty members of my family will live in the streets,” he said, explaining that before the
war, the five-floor building housedmanyofhisrelatives. “Schools have also been destroyed.Thereisnolifeat all,”Abu Salem said. “Even themosquewastargetedand destroyed.Itisevendifficult tosetupatenthere.”
Nour Saqqa, a displaced Palestinian woman from Gaza City, said she feels an “overwhelming mixture of emotions”.
“Wehaven'tbeenableto feelcompletelyrelieved,not only because of how stressful these 15 months havebeen,butalsoduetothe
ceasefireitself–thefactthat ithasbeenfragmentedrather than announced and implemented all at once,” Saqqa told Al Jazeera in Rafah. Saqqa said the fact she and other Palestinians from Gaza City are still not allowed to return to their homes in the first phase of the ceasefire is causing the population “even more psychological stress”. “We areconstantlylivingthrough this uncertainty and anxiety that even this relief is not completelyfull.”
belongings – whatever they managed to collect during their stay at the hospital. Thereissomuchexcitement on their faces as they leave thehospitalgates,”headded.
Anwar, a displaced Palestinian man living in Khan Younis who did not give his last name, said he hoped to return to Rafah despitereportsthathishome hadbeendestroyed.
“IwillgothereandIwill see to find a place where I can set up a tent to live with my eight-member family,” hetoldAlJazeera.“Ineedto gobacktomycity.Ineedto go back to where I was born.”
Anwar said the months of war were like a “nightmare” “It was literallyanightmare,asifwe [were]dreamingandthenwe gotupagain,”Anwarsaid. Hesaidheandhisfamily lived in flimsy tents without enough food or water, and that prices for goods were “scarily high” Other displaced people have
(Cricinfo) - Defending champions India started their Under-19 Women’s World Cup campaign with a bang,routingWestIndiesfor just 44 before scripting a nine-wicket win. This came just hours after Sri Lanka had skittled Malaysia for 23 earlieronSunday
Inthesecondgameofthe day, India’s bowlers cashed in on their decision to bowl
firstbytroublingWestIndies with swing and spin. Fast bowler VJ Joshitha handed them a double-blow when she trapped Samara Ramnath in front and on the next ball had Naijanni Cumberbatch caught at slip toasuperbdivingcatchfrom SanikaChalke.
When left-arm spinners
Aayushi Shukla and
Parunika Sisodia struck in
consecutiveoverstoremove JahzaraClaxtonandBrianna Harricharan respectively for ducks, West Indies were 17 for 4 after 5.1 overs. Three run outs in as many overs added to their woes, and 39 for7soonbecame44allout as Shukla and Sisodia wrapped things up. Sisodia finished with 3 for 7 while Joshitha and Shukla picked uptwoeach.
India lost only Gongadi Trisha, for 4, in the modest chase as G Kamalini and Chalkefinishedthingsoffin 4.2overs.
Hosts Malaysia were shot out for just 23 in their maiden Under-19 Women’s T20 World Cup appearance by Sri Lanka, who completed a 139-run win in thefirstofthetwogameson Sunday,inKualaLumpur
You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Aries Your persuasivemannerandgentle nudges are just enough to get peoplewhereyouwantthem.
When faced with ten entrees onthemenu,itmightbehard for you to choose just one. Feelfreetoordertwoormore, Ta u r u s D o n ' t l e t indecisiveness slow you down.Atthesametime.
Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act onthem,Gemini.Nooneelse is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take mattersintoyourownhands.
If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them nomind,Cancer Youhavethe righttoliveyourlifeanyway youwantto.
Reachforthepotofgoldatthe end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closerthanyouthink.Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals.
Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think aboutwhatitisthatyouwant most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to howfaryoucango.
Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra. T
e's a
edible opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm.Followthemusic.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Today is an excellent day for you,oneinwhichyou'llfinda great deal of strength in your emotions, Sagittarius Trust that your instincts are serving youwell.
Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Capricorn. Don't feel like you needtomakesenseofitall.In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb.
18)Mixyourrealitywithabit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allowyourfeettocomeoffthe ground for a little while. Give yourselfarest.Takesometime to meditate and clear your mindofyourdailyworries.
Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor Dreamasbigasyour mindallows.
Put in to bat, Sri Lanka rode on quick knocks from opener Sanjana Kavindi (30 off 13) and No. 3 Dahami Sanethma (55 off 52) to score 52 in the powerplay before Sanethma led the innings even as wickets fell at the other end, including twointhe17thover Cameos fromHiruniHansika(28off 21) and Shashini Gimhani (13 off 7) powered them to 162.
In reply, Malaysia lasted 14.1 overs as left-arm spinner Chamodi Praboda struck twice in the second overtoreducethehoststo2 for 3. Manudi Nanayakkara and Limansa Thilakarathna took two wickets each as no Malaysia batter reached double-figures and six were dismissed for ducks Praboda finished with figuresof4-2-5-3.
(BBC Sport) - Rishabh Pant is set to be named captain of Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) ahead of IPL 2025.Pantbecamethemost expensive player in the IPL attheNovember2024mega auction, bought by LSG for INR 27 crore (US$ 3.21 millionapprox.).
India wicketkeeperbatter KL Rahul led LSG
for their first three seasons (from 2022); the franchise made the playoffs in their first two years, though they failed to make the final on either occasion
The 2024 season was forgettable as they finished seventh on the
table For Pant, this is the secondfranchisewherehe willbecaptain
It was captaincy which was the sticking point for Pant at Delhi Capitals (DC); he opted to head back into the auction after failed talks with DC, who wanted to retain him but were not necessarily committed to having him lead.
Ahead of the auction, LSGretainedfiveplayers: Nicholas Pooran, Ravi Bishnoi, Mayank Yadav, AyushBadoniandMohsin Khan
However,theywereon the lookout for an Indian player who could replace
Rahul as captain Pant, along with Shreyas Iyer wereontopoftheirlist At the auction, they initially won a fierce bidding contest with SRH to bag Pant at INR 20 75 crore and then raised that to 27 crore to stub out the rightto-match challenge from DC.
P a n t , w h o represented DC from 2016, took over their captain
from IPL 2021 and was in charge all through except for the 2023 season, when he was out injured after his life-threatening car crashinDecember2022. Pant will have the
batters David Miller, M
Aiden Markram, and Indian seamers Akash Deep and Avesh Khan, among others, in the revamped LSG squad Pooran, Marsh, Markram and Miller were potential left-field captaincy options as well after the auction concluded.
Pant will now work closely with head coach Justin Langer, whom he interacted with on and off on the sidelines of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy in Australia, and new team mentor Zaheer Khan
(BBC Sport) - Novak Djokovic set up a mouthwatering Australian Open quarter-final against Carlos Alcaraz with a convincing victoryoverJiriLehecka.
Djokovic continued his bid for a record 25th Grand Slamtitlewitha6-36-47-6 (7-4) win against the Czech 24thseed.
He will face Alcaraz in the last eight after the Spaniard progressed when British number one Jack Draper retired with a hip injuryearlieronSunday Alcaraz has beaten Djokovic in the past two Wimbledon finals, but the Serbgotthebetterofthe21year-old to win gold at the Paris Olympics last summer -Djokovic’sself-proclaimed “ b i g g e s t s p o r t i n g achievement”.
Djokovic was booed by the crowd as Lehecka threatened to force a fourth
set, and the 11-time
Australian Open champion was quick to leave Rod LaverArenaafterhisvictory
Speaking in a news conference afterwards, Djokovic clarified his reasons for swerving the usual on-court interview withfour-timemajorwinner JimCourier
Hereferredtotheactions of Channel 9 newsreader Tony Jones, who shouted “Novak, he’s overrated, Novak’s a has-been, Novak kick him out” towards Djokovic fans while live on cameraonFriday
During his third-round win over Tomas Machac, Djokovic appeared exhausted at times and neededamedicaltimeout.
He looked fresher a g a i n s t M a c h a c ’s compatriot,takingcontrolof the opening two sets and stopping Lehecka from
Djokovic has reached the quarter-finals of the Australian Open for a 15th time (Getty Images)
earning a break point for more than an hour and 40 minutes.
When Lehecka broke back at the start of the third, an agitated Djokovic shouted towards his teamwhich includes his former rival Andy Murray - before
complaining about noise fromthestandswhilehewas trying to serve But the seventhseedusedthecrowd to his advantage in the tiebreak,conductingthemafter hitting a sublime backhand passandcuppinghisearafter adeftvolleybroughtuptwo
Elsewhere, second seed AlexanderZverevovercame a mid-match blip to move into the last eight with a 6-1 2-6 6-3 6-2 victory over France’sUgoHumbert.
Zverev, a runner-up at last year’s Roland Garros and the 2020 US Open, has now reached the quarterfinal of a Grand Slam on 14 occasions but he has yet to liftamaidenmajortrophy
The German will face American 12th seedTommy Paul, who needed just 87 minutes to wrap up a confident 6-1 6-1 6-1 win against Spain’s Alejandro DavidovichFokina.
Gauff fights back to join Sabalenkainquarters
Coco Gauff fought from a set down to beat Belinda Bencic and join defending champion Aryna Sabalenka in the Australian Open quarter-finals.TheAmerican
thirdseedwasnotatherbest but outlasted Switzerland’s Bencic5-76-26-1.
Earlier, Sabalenka breezed past Russian 17year-oldMirraAndreevaina 6-16-2victory
Gauff’s victory in 34 degree heat - the hottest day of the tournament so farextended the 20-year-old’s winningrunto11matches.
Belarusian top seed Sabalenka, 26, meanwhile, remainsoncourseforathird straightAustralianOpentitle after wrapping up her win over Andreeva in just 62 minutes on Rod Laver Arena. It was the two-time champion’s 18th win in a row at Melbourne Park, and setsupaquarter-finalagainst another Russian, Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova.
Should they both win their quarter-finals, Sabalenka and Gauff will meetinthesemi-finals.
(Reuters) - The Houston Rockets dispatched the Portland Trail Blazers on Saturdayinafashionthathas become commonplace in their surprising breakout campaign.
TheRocketswonforthe sixthtimeinsevengamesby seizingcontrolinthesecond half of a 125-103 road victory in advance of backto-backhomegamesstarting Monday against the Detroit Pistons.
Alperen Sengun and Jalen Green, who both signed extensions in the offseason before their fourth seasons in the NBA, again co-authored thetriumph
Sengun produced 23 points, 15 rebounds and six assists while Green added 26 points and five rebounds.
Green and Sengun havefoundasimultaneous rhythm of late for the ascendant Rockets, whose 683 winning percentage at the halfway mark of the scheduleistheirbestsince Houston went 65-17 in 2017-18andadvancedtothe Western Conference Finals.
The Rockets already have more wins (28) this season than they did in the three
seasons before last year’s .500finish.
Despite their success and position as the second seed in the West, the Rockets crave more Houston remains a topfive defense in the NBA with the play of Green and Sengun stabilizing an offense that has thrived in fitsandspurts.
Consistency has been the buzzword for the Rockets throughout the first half, and that hasn’t changedasthesecondhalf kicksoff
“Good, but we want more,” Rockets coach Ime Udoka said “(We) feel there’s another level that we can take it to Defensively it hasn’t been greatlately
Ithinkwe’vehadsome slippage there Offensively we’re still finding our way There’s some things we can improveat.
‘I’m super happy I’m proud And is difficult to putwordsonbecauseit’sa b i g m o m e n t a n d everything
“We’re doing some of the benchmarks that we tried to do at the start of the season, which are offensive rebounds and
transition (points), being at the top of the league in those categories But (we) can still get a lot better It’s consistency that’s been the message to our team the wholeyear.”
The Pistons are in a relatively similar frame of mind Despite a 125-121 loss to the Phoenix Suns on Saturday, their second defeatinarow,thePistons remain at 500 after winning seven of eight games before their back-tobacklosses.
Detroit last qualified for the postseason in 2018-19, when the Pistons finished 41-41 Over the five subsequent seasons, the Pistons’ high-water mark for wins was 23 in 2021-22 Detroit is currentlyeighthintheEast.
Fourth-year guard Cade Cunningham primarily is responsible for the Pistons’ emergence this season, with averages of 24.3 points, 6.5 rebounds and 9.4 assists per game.
He had 20 points, six rebounds and 11 assists — halfofthePistons’total—in the loss to the Suns, and his per-game assists average is more than double that of closestteammateJadenIvey,
who is sidelined with a brokenleg.
TobiasHarris’2.5assists per game currently ranks second among the available Pistons.
Seeking better offensive distribution is a focal point forthePistons.
“It’s just got to be ball movement,” Pistons coach J.B. Bickerstaff said. “We
keep talking about the diversity in our offense and just doing the next, right thing. That’s one of the things that we continue to workon.”
( B B C S p o r t )ManchesterCitylookedlike their old selves as they recordedthebiggestPremier Leaguewinoftheseasonby thrashingstrugglingIpswich at Portman Road to move backintothetopfour
After letting slip a twogoal lead to draw 2-2 with Brentford in their last Premier League outing, Pep Guardiola’s side returned to winning ways in emphatic fashion.
Phil Foden was particularly excellent as he scored twice and assisted anotherofthesixgoals,with hisdoublecominginthefirst half.
TheEnglandforwardgot his first goal of the game when he deftly controlled Kevin de Bruyne’s 28thminute cross inside the box beforesweepingtheballin.
City added another just three minutes later through MateoKovacic’scrispstrike from the edge of the box, with Foden providing the assist, before he grabbed a thirdtwominutesbeforethe break.
DeBruynewasagainthe provider as he picked out
Fodeninsidetheboxandhis low shot squirmed under ChristianWaltonandintothe net Manchester City endured a dreadful run of form towards the end of last yearandtheirplayerslooked determined to remind doubtersoftheirabilitywith ahigh-scoringwin.
Jeremy Doku got their
Frompage23 became ever more variable, Pakistan’s batters werefindingithardwork. Kamran Ghulam had hung around until then, but some extra turn from Warrican drew his outside edge to give Warrican his firstfive-wickethaulinTest cricket. West Indies began to burrow into the tail as Warrican grew in confidence. He varied his pacetotrapNomaninfront of the stumps as he tried a reverse sweep, before makingitsevenwhenSajid miscued a slog and got an edgetobackwardpoint. Theninthwicketdidnot
Warrican’s account, but it may as well have. Agha prodded one to him on the off side and hared off for a single, butWarrican picked up cleanly and hit the stumps direct, catching Khurram Shahzad well out ofhiscrease.
Theinningswrappedup whenAgha tried to go over the top against Motie, only to find long-off, and Pakistan were all out for 157.
On a surface like this, and with the spinners Pakistan have, though, it was still, by some distance, morethanenough.
fourth goal shortly after the break, darting into the box before his low drive was deflected into the net, and Erling Haaland - fresh from signing a new nine-and-ahalf-year deal at the clubmade it 5-0 just before the hour mark, driving in from Doku’spassafteranIpswich mistakeattheback.
Substitute James McAtee rounded off the resounding victory with a delightful looping header fromKovacic’scross.
The victory means Manchester City are fourth on 38 points, while Ipswich remain in the bottom three with16points.
Everton beat Spurs to
Everton started the road to recovery under returning manager David Moyes and piled more pressure on his
impressive victory at GoodisonPark.
Spurs were shambolic forlongperiodsastheywere overrun by a resurgent Everton, who had won only three Premier League matchesthisseason-scoring 15goals-beforethisgame.
Everton deservedly led 3-0 at the interval, then survivedalateSpursrevival asthescorelinewasgivenan appearance that did not reflect the difference betweenthesides.
With the stakes high for bothteams,Evertonbrushed Spurs aside in the opening period,buildingtheplatform for a win that condemned Postecoglou’s men to a seventh defeat in their past 10leaguegames.
Dominic Calvert-Lewin ended a barren Premier League scoring sequence stretchingbacktoSeptember -andlasting1,288minutes-
whenheturnedArchieGray twice in the area before leaving Spurs keeper Antonin Kinsky wrongfootedwithasmartfinish.
Son Heung-min was denied twice by Jordan Pickford but it was Everton, unrecognisable from the goal-shy team seen previously this season, who added a second on the halfhour when Iliman Ndiaye twisted Radu Dragusin inside out before firing high pastKinsky Everton compounded Spurs’ misery in first-half stoppage time when Gray turnedintohisownnetafter James Tarkowski’s header took a touch off CalvertLewin.
Spurs, as they had to do, improvedafterthebreakand pulled a goal back through Dejan Kulusevski’s clever loftedfinishwith13minutes left, with former Everton striker Richarlison increasing the nerves by bundling home in injury time.
Butthehostsheldoutfor a deserved win on a day to savour for the returning Moyes.
(BBC Sport) - Kylian Mbappe scored twice as Real Madrid came from behind to beat Las Palmas andgotopofLaLiga.
Fabio Silva’s closerangeeffortgavethevisitors a surprise lead but Mbappe levelled from the penalty spot after Sandro Ramirez fouledRodrygo.
Brahim Diaz slotted homefromLucasVazquez’s pass to give Real the lead before an exquisite finish from Mbappe, who guided the ball into the net for his 12th league goal of the campaign, put Carlo Ancelotti’s side in complete controlatthebreak.
Rodrygo slotted in Fran Garcia’s cutback in the 57th minute as Real’s dominance continued aftertheinterval
Las Palmas’ half-time substitute Benito Ramirez was then sent off after a video assistant review of his studs up lunge into the midriff of Vazquez upgradedtheinitialyellow card to a red. The result
Mbappe had a third goal ruled out for offside (Getty Images)
means Real are top of the table, two points clear of Atletico Madrid, who lost against Leganes on Saturday
(Cricinfo)-Well,howdo you sum that up?Amadcap twosessionsofcricketonthe thirddaysaw17wicketsfall. Pakistan lost seven for 48, with Jomel Warrican registering the third-best figures for a visiting bowler in Pakistan. And yet, with half an hour to go for tea, Pakistan’s spinners had wrapped up a 127-run victory,skittlingWestIndies out for 123 in 36.3 overs to go1-0upintheseries.Sajid KhanandAbrarAhmedwere the chief architects, taking nine of West Indies’ ten wickets as the visitors’ challenge appeared to melt awayalongwiththesolidity oftheplayingstrip.
WestIndieshadabout15 overs to face before lunch, andPakistanjustaboutmade victorysafeinthistime.The visitors began with positive intent, having realised that poking and prodding would get them nowhere. It saw them through the first four overs, but as Sajid said yesterday,thestrategywasto attack with the ball and defend with the field Brathwaite employed the slogsweeptogoodeffectso
Jomel Warrican took his career-best 7 for 32 (AFP/Getty Images)
Pakistanhadafielderatdeep midwicket, and it was him thattheopenerpickedoutto give Pakistan their first breakthrough. With prodigious turn around, especially to the right-hander off the footmarks, the stumps were alwaysinplay,andithelped SajidcleanupMikyleLouis
andKavemHodgetoreduce West Indies to 37 for 4. Noman Ali, who had surprisingly not opened the bowling from the other end, came into the attack and picked up a wicket on the stroke of lunch when Justin Greaves missed a sweep laden with risk in front of middlestump.
TherewasplentyofWest Indian resistance in the first hour after lunch, most notably from Alick Athanaze, whose halfcentury - West Indies’ only such contribution all Testjust about kept them alive. AlongsideTevinImlachfirst and then Kevin Sinclair, Athanazeworkedtogivethe
Pakistan spinners as little as possible. They ditched the belligerentshot-making,and for the first time all Test, Sajid and Noman briefly didn’tlooklikeahugethreat.
But the momentum shifted once more when Shan Masood turned to Abrar Ahmed. The slightly different challenge his
legspinposessawabeautyto dismiss Imlach, the ball drifting in and ripping away to take his outside edge. He would also break the next partnership, thanks to some variable bounce and a splendiddivingcatchatfirst slip from Salman Agha, before Agha took the regulat
n catch the following ball to send GudakeshMotieonhisway
By now, West Indies’ res
Athanaze missed a straight one from Sajid to leave Pakistan one away, and Abrar put a bow on proceedingsastheshotWest Indies played often to try to cope on this surface - the high-risk reverse sweepcarriedontothestumps.
The omens for this kind of day were there. It began with Pakistan’s best player of spin, Saud Shakeel, falling off the first delivery when he clipped one into short midwicket’s hands Warricanfolloweditupwith the wicket of Rizwan the following over, and on a pitchwheregripandturn
The second day of the Terence Ali National Open Boxing Championship unfolded with a series of exhilarating matchups on Saturday at the National Gymnasium. Despite a few no-shows, the night was packed with electrifying moments that kept fans on theedgeoftheirseats.
Among the standout victors were Junior Madray, Romel George, Kurt M a h a s e , E m a n u e l Sandiford, Kenisha Klass, Joel Williamson, Zonoah Lyttle, Dwayne July, and Aluko Bess, all of whom
showcased skill and determination to move closertoglory.
The evening’s bouts came to an early conclusion as gym mates Aluko Bess and Dwayne July secured
effortless wins in the 86kg (Cruiserweight) division, thanks to walkovers by Hulman Bovell (Police) and Jaquan Milo (GDF), respectively
However, the remaining action in the Elite category more than made up for the absences.
Zonoah Lyttle of the Vergenoegen Boxing Gym delivered an impressive performance in the
Welterweight (67kg) semifinal, outpointing DamonFranceoftheGDFto book his spot in the final. Meanwhile,JoelWilliamson of the Rose Hall Town Jammers advanced to the Light Welterweight (63kg) final after Nickel Witter (GDF) retired from their bout near the end of the secondround.Despitebeing sent to the canvas twice in
, Williamson’s precise jabs proved decisive as Witter failed to return for the third, handing Williamson the victory
Kenisha Klass, a rising starfromthePaceandPower Boxing Gym, continued her d o m i n a n
h e Schoolgirls category Klass controlled her bout against Destiny Humphrey from start to finish, though Humphrey mounted a spirited comeback in the middlerounds.
In the decisive third round, Klass showcased her superior technique, landing more punches and sealing a well-earnedwin.
In other Schoolboys matchups, Junior Madray andRomelGeorgedelivered exciting victories in the 3133kgand40-42kgdivisions,
of the 63.5 kg Light
respectively, earning their spots in Sunday’s finals Kurt Mahase of the New
defeating Lennox Lawrence oftheAndrewLewisBoxing Gym.
AlickAthanaze was the only West Indies batter to score a fifty in the match (PCB)