Miner shot during shoot-out at Lethem, one arrested


Miner shot during shoot-out at Lethem, one arrested
Leader of the AFC, Nigel Hughes
Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes believes it is an insult to Guyanese for Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo to direct them to the United States Export Import (USEXIM) Bank to request studiesontheGas-to-Energy (GTE)project.
During a recent press conference,Hughessaid,“It is completely unacceptable for the Vice President to suggest that we must go to EXIM to get the feasibility study Thegovernmentofthe day, irrespective of
whichever government it is, must share with the population any feasibility study, economic or otherwise, for most projects but particularly for largescale projects so we repeat our demand for the production of the feasibility study and we think it is an insult to the people of Guyanatoinvitethemtoask EXIM.”
It would be recalled that VP Jagdeo when asked by this newspaper about the release of the studies said, “AskEXIMBankforit…”
...agreement on “life support”, fate of partnership to be determined by March 31 -NigelHughes
The A Partnership for NationalUnity(APNU)and AllianceForChange(AFC)
on Tuesday inked a M e m o r a n d u m o f Understanding (MoU) to explore the possibility of coalescingaheadofthe2025 Elections.
This was revealed by Leader of the AFC, Nigel Hughes,lastevening,during a hurriedly conducted virtualpressconference.
In his opening remarks, Hughes, the prominent attorney-at-law,stated,“The AFC remains committed to contestingtheseelectionson its own if necessary That is thepositionoftheparty We havebeenauthorizedbyour executive to enter into discussion with other parties.Webelievethatwith some parties, it is better to have documented the parameters of our engagement just so that we are all on the same page. However,thereisnochange in our commitment to enter into these elections on our own if necessary and any parties which will engage withusintheinterestofthe country.”
Whilejusthoursold,the lawyer said the agreement with the APNU was on life support.
According to him “trust and confidentiality” are key principles sacred to the AFC.
He explained, “The AFC’s position tonight is that there have been developmentswhichcaused us to pause. Now anything
Jagdeo had previously indicated that the Bank conducteditsownfeasibility and environmental studies beforearrivingatitsdecision to provide financing for the project.
The US-EXIM Bank, on December 26, announced that it has finalized a US$527M loan aid the construction of two gas plants at Wales, West Bank Demerara.
Meanwhile,Chairmanof the Party and former Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, pointed to the climbingcostoftheproject.
He said it was very u n l i k e l y t h a t t h e government’s commitment to reduce the cost of electricity by 50% would be realized,takingthepricetag of the project into consideration.
According to him, this
mayonlybelikelyif“Jagdeo them dig another hole to fill this hole” meaning that the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) would be subsidized by government to meet the targets.
Patterson pointed to the ongoingdisputebetweenthe Government of Guyana (GoG) and the GTE contractor that was hired to construct the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) facility and the 300-megawatt power plant.
He said, “There are two claims which is US$100 million so obviously, in theory, I do anticipate and I have said it before, that when you have claims in a construction project at the beginning, experience has said that nine times out of 10, those claims are successful ”
The former Minister reasoned that this was
expectedsincethecontractor wasrequiredtodoadditional worktogetthesitereadyfor theprojectactivities. According to him, “I anticipate that both claims will be successful, in the most part, so you have to tack that on to the US$871 million we will be paying back (to the US-EXIM Bank), added to the US$1B we will be paying back to Exxon, added to the sum that we are paying to the
distribution lines, added to that we have to add on the rental of the powership and these things like that; and then when you put down everything into the basket, then is when you will know exactly how much this projecthascostandtheway it’s going the price tag may wellpassUS$3B ”
In the meantime, the lawyer noted that the agreement is structured in twophases.“Thefirstphase willbeanexploratoryphase where we examine whether ornotitispossibleforusto collaborate in the national interest and present a joint team or a single team to contest the next elections,” hesaid.
Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton
that is on life support, the factthatitisonlifesupportI think holds out that there is always hope and promise that we will move from that position to one that is positive but of course, there is an equal possibility of a movement in a less than favourabledirection.”
Hughes was reluctant to say what conditions are likelytobemettorevivethe agreement from its current stateandtowardsacoalition for the 2025 Elections, citing a confidentiality clauseintheagreement.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that another section of the media reported on the contents of the MoU, which may not havebeenaccurate.
Hughes said the press conference was to “clarify matters that had surfaced during the course of the afternoon in relation to this agreement”, adding that the terms of the would be made
Hughes said that the second phase is dependent on whether the two sides successfully conclude the firstphase.
TheAFCLeadermadeit clear that Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton has not been decided on as leader of any possible coalition.
According to him, “There has to be a mechanism for identifying, assuming that it gets out of lifesupportandgetsbackon its feet, there has to be mechanisms and a process for identifying the leadership For us, that process has to be driven by scientific means. Polls and othercriteria.”
In the meantime, the lawyer noted that the two sides have both appointed respective negotiators. Due to the confidentiality clause in the agreement, he would only state that Jamaican, Olson Stewart, is representingtheAFC.
Hughes said that the AFC will seek to advance priorities and programmes heoutlinedpreviously Continuedonpage17
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There are a few things smaller than a man giving his word and then walking back on it, because doing so serves his interests. When he was on the campaign trail as presidential candidate, Mohamed Irfaan Ali made a commitment to Guyanese that he has now disowned. The 2016 ExxonMobil oil contract that he condemned in the strongestterms;henowhangsontofordearlife. Whenthe pendulumswingssoeasilyforacandidatethataspiredtobe anationalleaderandbecameone,thentrustinwhateverhe says falls apart. If something as important as the ExxonMobilcontractcouldbeusedsoslicklytogainfavour firstwithGuyana’selectorate,thenwiththeoilcompanies, thenthecredibilityofGuyana’sleadingcitizenshatters,has littlestanding.
“We have made it very clear, and we can never agree, how could... I don’t think any Guyanese agree with this, no Guyanese except the government that is defending it. We have made it very clear that we have to go towards, we’re looking at these contracts, renegotiating these contracts, looking at contract management and all of these things. Everything we have to relook at because we have to ensure thatourcountrydoesnotgetthewrongendofthestick.”
CandidateAlibefore,andPresidentAlinowpresenting two sides of a coin. Trusting Guyanese observe this when his postures and actions today as Guyana’s leader are weighed and matched against what he was so potent about before. Hemayprefertoeatthosewords,buttheyarehis, and they highlight the dreadful contradictions of the president. Theysetinneonlights,theweaknessandfearof the man who is supposed to be Guyana’s chief advocate, championwarrior
WithanoilwarriorlikePresidentAli,thatwarisalready lost. We believe that he never intended to fight, but was playingtheusualcheappoliticsthatfeaturessomuchinthe localenvironment. CandidateAlitoldGuyanesewhatthey wantedtohear,gavethemhope,thenheturnedhisbackon them,abandonedthemtocurryfavourwithasuperpoweroil company and its partners. From “we can never agree” to “we are honourable people.” Indeed, honour has its uses, comesinhandyinacrunch,nomattertheunknownnatureof it,thefullnessofitsexpanse,tothosewhosuddenlyclaimits mantle. The2016ExxonMobiloilcontractthathadnotone goodprovisiontorecommendittoCandidateIrfaanAli,now haseverythingtobedefendedbyhim.
If an ordinary citizen resists speak from both sides of their mouth on the same issue, it is imperative that a president not degrade to any lesser standard. When a president speaks from both sides of the mouth, he puts the presidency in the worst light. When a president leaves his people hanging, is proud to be among the chief backers of their exploiters, then he has surrendered any claim to selfrespect, relinquished whatever hold he had on his high office. Who is President Ali for with this great national bonanza? Why is he so much against what would be beneficial to Guyanese? The answers to those questions supportorsubtractfromhisfitnesstobeintheplacethathe sits.
The man who wanted to be the primary national leader was all thunder and lightning against the ExxonMobil contract. Today, he has imprisoned himself in a role that does not project even a single flicker of strength, of leadership boldness, in terms of renegotiation of that reprehensible corporate construction. When he was a candidate for president, Irfaan Ali was about all that was manlyinhowhewasgoingtotearthatodiousoilcontractto pieces. Now that he is President, Ali and with all the obligationsthatgowiththattitleandoffice,heisunashamed toshelterseamlesslyintheroleofahelplesschildwherethe ExxonMobilcontractisconcerned. ThisiswhatIrfaanAli has reduced the presidency to, diminished the instruments and power of the highest office in Guyana. The budget offers scant comfort to Guyanese poor, yet President Ali resistsrenegotiationformoreforthem.
The Working People’s Alliance (WPA) is not surprised that GECOM’s ChairhassidedwiththePPP commissioners to deny the use of biometrics at the upcoming general and regional elections. We see this decision as a fatal blow against free, fair, and credibleelectionsinGuyana ifitprevails.
Guyana would be enteringanelectionwhereby the outcome would be in questionevenbeforethefirst ballot is cast. This, for the WPA, is a sure recipe for disorder which could hang around the neck of the countryforalongtime.
As the Chair opined, there is no law which prevents GECOM from using biometrics at the election—a view that the opposition-nominated commissioners have long advanced She further contends that the use of fingerprints derived from
biometrics as the sole form of identification is unconstitutional.Thus,there is a need for legislation to facilitateitsimplementation.
WhileWPAwouldliketo hearajudicialreviewofthis ruling,wesupportamoveto the National Assembly to pass the necessary legislation in time for the pending election even as we await that review We still believe this is the best, fair and just route open to GECOM,evenwiththetime left before the election is constitutionallydue.
We note that after her legal explanation, the Chair seemstociteinadequatetime to facilitate legislation and the required logistics as the ultimatereasonforherruling against the use of the mechanism. WPA finds this utterly ridiculous from a chairperson who for over four years repeatedly denied a review of the last election and dragged her feet on the commission’s consideration
of the substantive matter of biometrics.TheChaircannot have it both ways; you cannot frustrate the process forfouryearsandthenargue itistoolatetoact.
WPA says emphatically that the delay in putting in place this necessary guardrail against electoral fraud, as detected by the recountofthe2020election, is solely the cause and responsibility of GECOM’s Chair and the PPP commissioners acting separately or together. In light of what amounts to deliberate and willful delay tactics by these actors,WPA cannot accept this ruling as the final say on the matter
We urge GECOM to immediately begin the processoutlinedbytheChair and amass the necessary resources needed for its speedyimplementation.
The choice presented by the Chair of a compromised election that meets the constitutional deadline
versus a credible election that may not meet that deadline is a false and dangerous choice.The remit of GECOM is to ultimately conductelectionsthatsatisfy the acid test of free and fair elections free from fear and intimidation and which are consistent with modern democratic norms and internationalbestpractices. Towards this end WPA callsontheJointOpposition to reject the Chair’s ruling and aggressively mobilise public opinion and action to pressure GECOM to reverse it. What is at stake is more than just a routine election; theverynationalcohesionof our nation is on the line. WPAsaysunequivocallythat there cannot be any credible election without, at a minimum biometrics, a credible voters list and an i m p a r t i a l G E C O M machinery
Working People’s Alliance
Disappointed 2025 Budget failed to fix NIS missing contributions for some people denied their rightful benefits
The 2025 budget while full of many election year goodieshasfailedtoprovide a solution for those people that NIS has bungled their contribution records which show fewer contributions thanwereactuallymadeand are being denied their monthlypensions.
The budget provides $100,000fornewbirths,but let down the older folks qualifying for pensions who are closer to death, because NIS bungled their contributionrecords.
My 90-year-old cousin was initially told by NIS he never worked at Bermine so they have no contributions forhim.
Later they said he had only 740 contributions, but NIS is missing one year of his contributions (about 40 contributions). My cousin had appealed to his ExcellencyPresidentAliand MinisterAshnibutheisstill waitingfortheirhelp.
The NIS General Manager cancelled appointments twice to meet with him When the President announced a $10 billion fix for NIS last year, wethoughttheywouldmake
some kind of provision for these special cases where contributions are missing because of incomplete recordsbyNIS.
My Cousin is not interestedinaone-timegrant as a solution, that’s why he has been holding out for 30 years for what he feels he is owed. He had paid his dues andnowhewantshisregular NISpension.
Werecallthenewsreport of the Zainul NIS case (See KN, Nov 29, 2023, “Justice Younge orders NIS to pay Toolsie Persaud Limited staffer; SN, November 29, 2023) acarpenterhas ,where won his case for pension, after taking the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) to courtinwhathasbeenhailed as a “landmark” ruling that pronounced on the obligationoftheNISandthe e m p l o y e r f o r t h e maintenanceofaccurateand completerecords.
The Court has further made it clear that NIS needs tobemorerobustinensuring that employers comply with the law regarding deduction and payment of NIS contributions on behalf of theiremployees.
NIS’contention was that
Shariff Zainul did not have the required number of contributions for the payment of old age pension, and was therefore entitled onlytoagrant.
High Court Judge Damone Younge found, however, that Zainul was entitled to be credited the 354 contributions for the period he contested—which h i s f o r m e r employer—Toolsie Persaud Limited(TPL)—hadsaidhe hadnotbeenemployed.
This pensioner’s win over the insurance scheme would not only be seen as a victory for him, but for countless other pensionable members whose complaints againsttheschemearealltoo similar
Justice Younge in her ruling, made it clear that an applicant should not be madetosufferforfailureon the part of NIS and employerstoreconciletheir records or to have an accurate record of the contributions made by an applicant orforthefailure of employers to pay over t h e i r e m p l o y e e s ’ contributions to the insurancescheme.
In fact, the Judge in no
uncertain terms blasted the NIS which she said has become “notorious” for inaccurate and incomplete contribution records which are ultimately unreliable. In the written ruling Justice Yonge asserted; “as the instant case pellucidly demonstrates, contribution Schedules can and sadly are often inaccurate or incomplete…Shecontinued, “it is most unfortunate that NIS contribution records in the possession of the Respondent [NIS] have become notorious for its unreliability” Mr President, there is still time for MinisterAshni tofixthisproblemofthatset ofpeopleforwhomNISsays they have 740-749 contributions but actually have more but NIS records are incomplete. If they have b e t w e e n 7 4 0 - 7 4 9 contributions, pro-rate their monthlypension. Do the right thing! And whileyouareatit,withdraw theappealoftheZainulcase. A w o r k i n g - c l a s s Governmentdoesnotpunish thepoor!
Sincerely, Dr.JerryJailall CivilSocietyAdvocate
The recent decision by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), under the leadership of Chairperson Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh, to forego the implementation of a biometric voting system for the 2025 general and regional elections is both perplexing and alarming This move not only undermines the integrity of ourelectoralprocessbutalso raisesseriousconcernsabout t h e c o m m i s s i o n ’s i m p a
commitment to democratic
AHistoryofInaction It is disconcerting that GECOMhashadampletime since the 2020 elections to explore and implement biometric solutions The introduction of such technology has been a topic of discussion for years, with various stakehol
s advocatingforitsadoptionto enhancethecredibilityofour elections. Despite this, the commission now cites a “tight timeframe” as the primary reason for its inability to implement biometricsfor theupcoming
elections This excuse is unacceptable and indicative of a lack of foresight and proactiveplanning.Asnoted by Demerara Waves, Justice Singh acknowledged that tasks such as stakeholder consultations, procurement of equipment, and staff training would be necessary for implementation, yet thesestepswerenotinitiated inatimelymanner Whendo youintendtostart?
The decision to reject b i o m e t r i c s a l i g n s conspicuously with the preferences of the ruling
With reference to the recentchangesintheIncome
Tax conditions for employees within Guyana, which were highlighted in the Budget 2025, I would
like to indicate an uncomfortable truth to the situation for certain private sector employees which are
covered under the “Conditions of Employment forCertainWorkersAct”.
With a gross minimum wage of $60,147 monthly, some private institutions, with whom I wish not to mention, are exploiting this mandate and only offer new
e m p l o y e e s t h e aforementioned amount as a starting salary for three m o n t h s a n d a f t e r confirmation this salary wouldincreaseto$75,000or $80,000.Withthe6thdayof workintheweek(assetforth in the act mentioned above) the employee gains on average 32 hours overtime per month then their
People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C). This alignment raises legitimate questions about the independence of GECOM under Justice Singh’s stewardship. From staffing appointments to critical decisions like this, there appears to be a pattern of actionsfavouringthePPP/C, thereby eroding public trust in the commission’s neutrality As reported by DemeraraWaves,opposition figures have expressed concerns about the commission’s decisions and their implications for electoralfairness.
IgnoringTechnological Advancements
In an era where technology plays a pivotal roleinensuringtransparency and efficiency, GECOM’s
reluctancetoadoptbiometric systems is regressive
Biometric identification has been successfully implemented in numerous democracies worldwide, significantly reducing instances of voter fraud and impersonation By dismissing this technology, GECOMisnotonlyignoring globalbestpracticesbutalso failing to address the legitimate concerns of the electorate regarding the accuracy and fairness of the votingprocess.
Given these troubling developments, it is imperativethatJusticeSingh reevaluates her position as Chairperson of GECOM
Her tenure has been marked by decisions that cast doubt on the commission’s
commitment to impartiality and transparency To restore public confidence, a leadership change may be necessary one that prioritizes the nation’s democratic health over partisaninterests.
The integrity of Guyana’selectoralprocessis paramount to the health of our democracy GECOM’s decision to reject biometric voting systems for the 2025 electionsisastepbackward, undermining efforts to ensure free, fair, and transparent elections. It is incumbent upon all stakeholders to hold the commissionaccountableand advocate for reforms that will strengthen our democraticinstitutions.
Of course, I understand that not all employers can allowtheirrecruitstobenefit from a salary of 130k gross, but now you have other benefits; the $50,000 OT allowance, the $10,000 per child allowance, that these employees will never have the advantage of benefiting from because their earning capacity is far too low Where is the equity? Why don’t we have more equitable salaries for both private and public sector employees?
Allvotesgarnerthesame significance, But, yet the minimum wage in the private sector is 40% less than the public sector (as mentionedbytheGovt “All public servants will be working for more than 100k grosspermonthattheendof 2025”).
I understand the public sector is above a certain standard and they would be able to benefit from the amendments but I wish
overtime amounts to $ 2 1 , 8 1 8 (80,000/176=454*1 5=681* 32=21,818).Nowtheirgross salary amounts to $101,818 ofwhichNISwillbe$5,701 sotheirNetwillbe$96,117. The figures above now bringtoquestion,whatisthe necessityforahigherceiling when the capacity for earning, which lies solely in the basic salary of the employee, is too low to benefit from the measures implemented.
public policy would cater more for the employees that are working around the clock, on shifts, employees thatmakewininganddining possible at night time, that keep casinos, hotels and cinemas operational and many other services that are provided through their employment.
Thishasbeenacryofthe private sector for some time now, ever since the minimumwagewasraisedin 2021, a significance of the length of exploitation we have endured I am imploring for a higher minimum wage for the private sector employees, so that even at a starting salary they can afford to be a little closer to the standard of livinginGuyana.
YoursTruly, J.Wong
Aninterestingdiscussion came up concerning the executive order recently signed by President Trump, where he ended birthright citizenship This order prevents illegal immigrants fromgivingbirthtochildren in the United States and the children automatically becoming U.S. citizens as a result. If allowed, it leads to theillegalimmigrantparents having a path to citizenship viatheirchild’ssponsorship. Thisdecisionbringsupa key question for the Government of Guyana How do we prevent illegal immigrants from an Enemy State like Venezuela from populating Essequibo in order to claim it as theirs in
the future? The example set by the President of the United States should be seriously examined and adopted. The Government of G u y a n a c a n m a k e arrangements with the VenezuelanEmbassytohave them issue Venezuelan certificates of birth for the children of the illegal immigrants.TheVenezuelan birth certificate should identify Caracas as their place of birth. Under no circumstancesshouldwethe people of Guyana and the Government of Guyana allow the illegal immigrants from Venezuela to populate our Essequibo by the birthingofchildrenofillegal immigrants.
CRG suggests that the Government of Guyana take a clear position on this matter. A position that safeguards our sovereignty and our national security Our care for others will not be diminished by such a policy If and when the illegal immigrants from an enemy state such as Venezuela prove their unquestionableloyaltytoour Nation, then and only then should a path to citizenship be allowed. This path to citizenship must include their perpetual renunciation of Venezuela’s claim to our Essequibo and their perpetual allegiance to Guyana.
High Court Justice Nareshwar Harnanan has ruledinfavouroftheGuyana Power and Light (GPL) awarding the company over $250millionforthedamage toitssubmarinecablebyThe Netherlands vessel Vlistdiep
According to the details outlined in the Statement of Claim, filed by attorneys representing GPL, Mr Devindra Kissoon and Ms. Natasha Vieira, the damage wascausedonNovember27, 2020, at approximately 07.08 hours, when the ship negligently dropped her anchor over the location of the submarine cable and continued to move into and along the Demerara River, causing her anchor to drag alongthebottomoftheriver wherebyitbecameentangled and broke the “69kv
After that, the Berbice Interconnected System shut down and thereby caused severe disruptions in the Demerara Interconnected System During these periods of interruptions, which lasted approximately twohours,atotalof136,083 customerswereaffected.
GPL, through its lawyers, contended that the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) had published admiralty chartswhich clearly showed the location of the 69kv submarine cable - and accordingly,theshipknewor ought to have known of the locationofthecableandthat its actions would have damagedit.
As such, GPL alleged thatduetothenegligenceof
the ship’s employees, it failed to anchor outside of the designated area marked on the MARAD admiralty maps. They also failed to secure the anchor securely duringshortpassages;failed toensurethattheanchorwas securedinadesignatedarea; failed to use correct navigation practices and passage planning to avoid the disruption of the 69kV submarine cable; failed to adhere to the Kingston to Vreed-en-Hoop notices to mariners warning of subsea cables and other underwater obstructions; failure to consult MARAD and/or heed MARAD notices concerning the position and condition of subsea cables; failuretoemployatugwhen proceeding up the communication channel
Inresponsetotheclaims, the company’s attorney, NigelHughesarguedthatthe casewasbadinlawandthat the ship was not responsible for the damage, but was under the control of a MARADthirdpartypilot.In their defence, the defendant claimed that the vessel remained anchored at the locationdirectedbythepilot and consistent with all applicable maritime regulations.
Hughes argued that the rising tide effected a change in the direction of the defendant’s vessel whereupon the defendant notified the assigned and designated pilot of the change in circumstances The designated pilot assumed the command controlofthevesselandwas at all material times in command and control of the vessel Any damage as alleged by the claimant was not occasioned as a result of negligence and or any act of omissionofthedefendant.
In his oral ruling, Justice Harnanan found that a submarine cable running along the river floor of the Demerara River, owned by GPL, was damaged by the anchorofthedefendantship, avesselsailingundertheflag ofTheNetherlands.
He noted among other things, that the MARAD officers established that if there was proper lookout it would have immediately been noticed and the master needed to take appropriate action.
“The evidence by the Claimant establishes on balance of problem that the shipdidnotsatisfythisduty Nor did it have the proper navigational charts. In the circumstances, the Court found the ship negligent in nottakingreasonablecareto avoid the underwater cable, severing the cable and resulting in substantial loss and damage to GPL,” the Judgesaid.
Guyana is likely to enter threenewProductionSharing Agreements (PSAs) in the first half of this year, with successful bidders in the country’sinauguraloilblocks auction
This was revealed by Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh on Friday, during his 2025 Budget presentation in theNationalAssembly
The announcement comes more than one year, four months after bids were
opened at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB)for14ofGuyana’s offshoreoilblocks
Bids were opened on September 10, 2023 where it was disclosed that six companiessubmittedbidsfor eightoftheblocks
To this end, Dr Singh said, “Delivering on our commitment of ensuring all oil blocks are competitively tendered and aligned with
globalbestpractices,Guyana held its first licensing round in 2023 Among the eight shortlistedblocks,threePSAs will be finalised and signed in the first half of 2025, while the remaining bidders are engaging Government with finalisation also expectedthisyear.”
During the Ministry of Natural Resources end-ofyear press conference on January 14, Permanent Secretary, Joslyn McKenzie
explained that companies which indicated acceptance ofthePSAhavebeenaskedto makethefinalsubmissionof documents, including financial statements as well as legal and regulatory documents.
He said that the Ministry was in the final stages of the review. McKenzie also pointed out that there were a number of consortiums, as such reviews will be conducted for each of the parties
is no challenge with those companies relative to the submissionsmade”
Thegovernmenthassince passed the Petroleum Activities Law and has finalized the new Model Production Sharing Agreements that will govern future awards of deepwater and shallow water concessions
Kaieteur News had reportedthatelevenoftheoil blocksonauctionarelocated in the shallow area and three are in the deepwater zone
Canadian mining company Omai Gold Mines last week launched its 2025 drilling program, building on the success of its 2024 exploration efforts at one of its mining depositsinGuyana.
Omai holds a 100% interest in the gold project,whichencompassestwogolddeposits: the shear-hosted Wenot Deposit and the adjacent intrusive-hosted Gilt Creek Deposit In 2024, the company unveiled an enhanced MineralResourceEstimate(MRE)foritsgold project located in Region Seven (CuyuniMazaruni)Guyanaandhasplanstoupdateits2 millionouncesgoldestimatethisyear
In a January 21, 2025 update, the company said that the 2025 program is expectedtocontinueuntilMarch.Omaisaid thatitaimstodeliveranupdatedMREbythe second quarter of the year and a revised PreliminaryEconomicAssessment(PEA)by thethirdquarterof2025.
The company’s 2024 drilling program achieved record-breaking results, including anexceptionalinterceptof4.48g/tgoldover 57.0minhole24ODD-092–whichisthebest inOmai’shistory
Elaine Ellingham, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO), said, “Wenot
Importantly, each area is governed by separate PSAs They range between 1000 square kilometres to 3000 square kilometres with the majorityofthembeingclose to2000squarekilometres.
Theoilcompanieswillbe expected to pay a 10 percent royalty and a 10 percent corporate tax to the governmentofGuyana Inthe meantime, the cost recovery willbecappedat65percentin agivenyear,whileprofitswill be shared 50/50 between the parties
continues to deliver very strong drill results and in particular we are encouraged by the continuity of mineralization and increasing gradeswithveryimpressivewidthsatdepth. We believe these will support our goal of furtherexpandingtheWenotresource.”
“Inadditiontoourgoalofexpandingthe proposed Wenot open pit in this upcoming PEA, we are also working to include the second deposit at Omai, the Gilt Creek intrusion-hosted deposit that could significantly expand the mine plan.The Gilt Creek deposit would be an underground miningscenariowiththisdepositstartingata depth of only 300m below surface. The Company’sfirstdrillholeintoGiltCreekwas completedinDecember(1,148m),andassay results are expected in a few weeks,” Ellinghamadded.
Currently, there are several other Canadian mining companies involved in Guyana’s mining industry, particularly gold mining Reunion Gold now G Mining Ventures, newly-formed Canadian mining company Greenheart Gold Corporation and G2GoldfieldsInc.areintheexplorationand developmentphase,theyareexpectedtostart goldproductionbytheendof2026or2027.
The government’s decision to go ahead with the universalhealthcarevoucher scheme is a brazen and indefensible act that deserves nothing less than scorn and outright rejection. AnnouncedlastOctoberand now finding its way into the 2025 Budget, this program represents a barefaced transfer of G$5 billion to private healthcare providers undertheguiseofimproving access to healthcare for children. It is a policy that reeks of misplacedpriorities and betrays the very public healthcare system the government claims to be buildingandexpanding.
Infact,notonlydoesthe government lay claim to improvingdiagnostictestsin public healthcare facilities. Therefore, how can the government which offers free health care, now turn around and provide a voucher which ostensibly can only be used at private institutions.
This is not the first time the administration has unveiled a measure cloaked inpopulistappealbutriddled withcontradictions.Justlast year, the government paraded its grand vision of modernized public
healthcare 12 new hospitals, upgraded regional healthcenters,andexpanded diagnostic capabilities. Yet, instead of bolstering these promises with the resources needed to make them a reality, the government has opted for a policy that
undermines public healthcare while fattening the coffers of private providers.
The universal healthcare voucher program offers G$10,000 per person for diagnostic tests at private healthcare facilities This maysoundbenevolentonthe surface, but the reality is far moresinister
Public hospitals and clinicsalreadyprovidethese tests for free. Why, then, is the government funnelling moneyintoprivatefacilities?
Theanswerisclear:thisisa calculatedmovetosubsidize private healthcare providers underthepretenceofhelping thegeneralpopulation.
Theschemewillchannel G$5 billion of taxpayers’
money into private hands—fundsthatcouldand should have been used to improve the public healthcaresystem.
Thiscolumnhadexposed and condemned this matter last October, soon after it was announced Yet the governmenthasthetemerity to go ahead. And you know why?Becausetherewereno other criticisms made of it’ themeasureinexplicablyjust slidundertheradarofpublic concerns.
Public hospitals in Guyana are in dire need of resources Diagnostic equipment is outdated or nonexistent in many facilities, and shortages of essential medicines and trained staff are chronic issues. That additional G$5 billion injection into the public system could have done wonders by makingquality diagnostic services available to all citizens, not just those who can afford private care. Instead, this money will prop up private entities that already profit
fromtheinadequaciesofthe publicsector
Thecontradictionsinthe government’s approach are glaring If the public healthcare system is indeed on a path to modernization, why divert resources to private providers? Why not usethisG$5billiontoequip public hospitals with stateof-the-art diagnostic tools, train more healthcare workers, and improve service delivery? The voucher program signals a
healthcare initiatives and raises serious questions about its commitment to publicwelfare.
A more rational policy would have been to enhance diagnostic capabilities within public hospitals and clinics, reserving private sector engagement for specialized cases This would have ensured that taxpayer money is used efficiently and that public healthcare infrastructure is strengthened rather than undermined Instead, the voucher scheme forces
privatizing a critical aspect ofhealthcaredelivery
The irony is bitter The government’s rhetoric about improving public healthcare is rendered hollow by its actions.Iftheadministration trulybelievedinthepotential ofthepublicsystem,itwould beinvestingeverydollarinto making public hospitals the firstchoiceforallGuyanese. Instead, it has chosen a path
providers while leaving publichospitalstolanguish.
Dem boys seh cricket in dis country tekking more hits dan a tuk-tuk on de East Bank road. Fuh months now we had bright sunshine, de kind ah weather perfect fuh cricket. But wha dem Cricket Board boys decide?Twoli’ltrialmatches.Notthree,not four, not even two-and-a-half. Just two! It mek you wonder if dem think cricket is a lotteryanddeteamdoespickitself.
Dem boys seh if you blink, you miss de trial matches. Young players who been sweating and dreaming fuh years? Dem get bowl out before dem even tek guard. It’s a travesty,man!
Wha dem boys seh last year? Was not muchdifferent.It’slikedemtreatingcricket like one ah dem old cassette players—press repeat and leh it play de same tune every year.
Guyanacricketneedarealshake-up,not demliltwo-matchwindowdressing.Whade Board doing all dem months we had sunshine? Too little first division and other seniorcricketbeingplayed.Wegoingintoa majortournamentandweplayersrustyfrom
This policy is not just wrong; it is a betrayal. It betraysthepublichealthcare workers who toil under challenging conditions, the families who rely on public services, and the taxpayers who deserve to see their money used to build a stronger, fairer healthcare system.Itisabetrayalofthe government’s own promises and a stark indicator of misplacedpriorities.
Citizens should be alarmed by this creeping privatization of healthcare.
The voucher scheme sets a
dangerous precedent: a shift of public resources into private hands, a weakening of public services, and a growing reliance on private entities to fulfill roles that should be the domain of the state.Thisisatrendthatmust beresisted.
The universal healthcare voucher scheme is not just badpolicy;itisanaffrontto the principles of equity and justice. It is a decision that should outrage every Guyanese who believes in the importance of a strong, accessible public healthcare system.
Let us wait and see how Jagdeo will defend this one at his
ekly press conference this Thursday! Orperhapshewillevadethis uncomfortablereality
(The views expressed in this article are those of the
necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
lack of match practice. Meanwhile, de young cricketers looking in from outside, likeschoolpickneywaitingfuhalatebus.
Demgetrobbythelackofopportunities to make runs and tek wickets to impress de selectors.Imagineyoudreamingbig,hoping fuh a chance fuh mek de national team, and dem turn up wid a two-match trails. Is not cricket dem playing—dis is a game of musicalchairs,anddemusicdonebeforede youthevenreachdefield.
Dem boys seh cricket in Guyana need more than an overhaul. It need somebody wid vision and organization. It need more cricket to be played so as to give players a chanceandtofindthebest. Ifcricketwasa crop, dem boys seh Guyana done harvest it badandleavedefieldbarren.
Butdon’tworry.Nextyear,demguhstill call two trial matches, pick almost de same team,andactlikedeydoingweafavor.Until den,demboyssehdemyoungplayersbettah start playing dominoes. At least dey might getpickfuhsomething. Talkhalf.Leffhalf
IfIcomeacrossagainthosetwo wordsnowpoliticallyfashionable,I swear that I will lead a picketing exercise or march in front of the OfficeofthePresident. Imayeven movetoinciteGuyanesetoventure intounknownworlds. Worldclass.
Is somebody kidding me? If worldclassisamediadecision,and not an expansion of PPP propaganda,thenanapologyisdue To His Excellency, Dr Ali, Vice President Dr Jagdeo, and Budget MasterMinister,Dr Singh.
To get to the bottom of this budget exaggeration, another rank politicalabomination,whatisworld classinGuyanatoday? Again,what has been world class in the domesticenvironment,otherthana handful of its people attracting global recognition for their stellar achievementsinvariousfields?
Yet from the media coverage, particularlySN’s ofthe2025budget presentation, I read of “$29 billion to modernize revenue administration to develop a worldclasstaxsystem.”
With respect to Commissioner General of Taxes, Godfrey Statia, Guyana is a universe away from a “worldclass”taxsystem Iftheuse ofthosetwowordswerepartofDr
Singh’s verbal hijinks during the budget delivery, he should know better,thatheonlyopenshimselfto more ridicule than any single individualshouldattract.
Next, I read in the Budget Highlights section of SN underAir Transport of $7 billion “to commence construction of a new world class 150,000 square foot terminalbuildingatCJIA.”
Has somebody in the PPP Government’sbudgetteamlostit,is experimentingwithwordsasifthey are illicit chemicals? As someone who has passed through hundreds ofairportsoveraperiodofdecades, I should know a world class terminalwhenIseeone.
TheCJIAhasmadesomestrides, butonlyafterlongdelaysandlarger infusionsofcash Theresultshave notbeenworldclass in spite of the extra time and extra taxpayer dollarsoftheGuyanesepeoplethat weresplurged.
Whoever has been hitting the bottle extra hard over in the PPP kingdom should ease up and seek counseling Isaythis,becauseonly the highly inebriated is capable of coming up with a construction of “world class” in the context of the CJIA.
As a proud and un-bowing Guyanese,fewthingswouldgiveme greater pleasure than to agree that world class is what there is and goingtobeattheCJIA. Dr.Cheddi Jaganwouldlikethat,buthaslong given up on his political descendants keeping his flame going.
Then,anewonesneakedintothe 2025 budget narrative There was this blurb: “to advance Government’svisionof[thereitwas again] free world class education forallGuyanese.”
Itisrathersneakyandshameless to insert “world class” to underline thePPPGovernment’scommitment to education through the $175 billion set aside for that sensitive sector Oh my God! Like the electricity grid, billions upon billions have been poured into the public education realm and what Guyanahasgottenforit,butasour tasteandrisinglevelsofanger
Hundreds of billions for improved literacy and numeracy, andIinviteallreasonablecitizensto check for themselves where the children are. Thegovernment and its mandarins may believe that success in 20 or 25 subjects at one sitting of the CSEC examinations
stakes a claim for a “world class” educationsystem. Ihatetodothis, but quite a few people in this country are burying their heads in the sand, and are clever enough to remainstuckthere. Whenwillthis trashtalkingstop? Whenwillthere be that honest talk that has a close relationshiptoreality,andwhichis ahallmarkofcleangovernance?
SinceIgotallriledupwithworld classthisandworldclassthat,Iwent scouring the Budget Highlights segmentofSNpagestoascertainif “world class” reappeared under that $88 billion for cheap and reliable electricity (watch that one closely,people)andcameupshort.
Not one to be easily deterred, especially when dealing with the twisted and demented, I went lookingunderthehealthsector,only todiscoverthatthegovernmentgot cute. The Government settled for therathertamesounding“dramatic expansion and improvement in the coverage of the public health care system.”
For $1432 billion from the budget,thereshouldhavebeenmore bang for each dollar That is, the “world class” health system that PresidentAlimakeshimselfsound andlookfunnywhenheusesthose
twowords. Ifthepublichealthcare system which has received over a trilliondollarsinthelastfewyears hasdroppedfrom“worldclass”the governmentshouldsaywhy I note the budget provision of that $10,000 universal health voucher to every Guyanese to help finance basic tests? Why is that necessary when the public health systemisreportedly“worldclass”? and why when senior government people rush to the US for medical treatment, including maternity needs? Aside from what $10,000 could buy for a basic health test, it means that the public system cannot deliver, so sick citizens are beingsubsidizedtogoelsewhere.
Towrapthisup,Iwouldlovefor any sector in Guyana to be world class But,please,let’sstopmaking idiots of ourselves with this joke aboutworldclass. It’ssoflatthatit nevergetsofftheground.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper)
Alliance For Change (AFC) leader Nigel Hughes has delivered a scathing critique of the government’s 2025 Budget describing it as prioritizing infrastructure over the basic needs ofthepopulation.
Last Friday, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh presented a $1.382 trillion budget for 2025, a 20 6% increase comparedtoBudget2024.
Hughes argued that the government’s focus on capital works, such as roads and bridges, fails to address the fundamental challenges faced by ordinary citizens.
“Wecan’teattheroadsandthe bridges This year’s proposed budgethasplacedlessemphasison health and education as a share of the national budget than it has on infrastructure. The focus of the
government is on capital works, like roads and bridges which we can’teat,”Hughessuggested.
The AFC leader criticized the government’s approach to public procurement, describing it as a transfer of wealth to a few private hands, while the rest of the population receives “small cash handouts” that he claimed are insufficient to create meaningful wealth.
Headded,“Insteadofspending money to bring the state hospitals up to world class standards, the budget is giving you money to spendatprivatehealthinstitutions. Theirprioritiesareclear.”
Hughessaidtoothatbillionsin contracts are being given to “friends, family and favourites”.
He also lamented the lack of investment in public healthcare, accusing the government of prioritizing private health institutions over upgrading state
The AFC leader labelled Budget 2025 as a plan designed to “make the rich even more outrageously rich while keeping the poor people continuously dependentonhandouts.”
Hughes called for a complete rethinkofthebudget,arguingthatit perpetuates inequality transferring wealthtoaprivilegedfew
“We cannot in 2025 allow this level of transfer of wealth to a small,alreadyridiculouslywealthy set of friends, family, favourites and flatters while the rest of the societylooksonandstruggleswith thehighcostofliving,”hesaid.
Moreover, he underscored that the income from Guyana’s oil resources belongs to all citizens equally and called for greater
opportunities for growth and upliftment.Hehighlightedthehigh migrationrate.
Hughes also urged the government to remember the contributions of ordinary citizens who have sustained the country, ratherthanfavouringsome.
Similarly, Leader of the Opposition Aubrey Norton dismissed the government’s $1382 trillion2025budget,describingitas a“bigbudget”thatwillbring“little benefit”tothepeopleofGuyana
Norton shared his criticisms during an interview with News Source, following Finance Minister Dr AshniSingh’spresentationofthe budgetintheNationalAssemblyon Fridayevening
Norton also criticized the government’s tax policies, calling them “self-contradictory” and inadequateforaddressingtheneeds of lower-income earners He pointed to the unchangedVATrate asamissedopportunityforbroader relief.
Norton called the $1.3 trillion budget“garbage,”claimingitlacks proper planning and prudent management of Guyana’s oil resources.
One of Norton’s key critiques centered on the increase of the income tax threshold to $130,000, which he argued does not benefit the “small man.” According to Norton, “You just said the minimum wage… is $130,000, which means there is no relief for thesmallmanbecauseheisalready at the threshold or below the threshold. So, the measure doesn’t applytothesmallman.”
Schoolganghadthreatened boytotellteacherhefell afterbrutally
A school gang, on Friday last, allegedly threatened a 14-year-old boy to tell a teacher that he had fallen and hit his head, after they had reportedly beaten him in the washroom at the West Demerara Secondary School. The victim has been identified as Kelvin Fraser, whoisathirdformstudent.
In an interview with this publication, Fraser shared that he wasattackedbyagroupof17boys intheschool’swashroomataround 10:20h. He relayed that after the attack, two of the boys had threatenedtostabhimifhedidnot tell the teacher that he had fallen andhithishead.
The teen explained that the attack stemmed from an issue where his phone was stolen. He statedthattwicehisphonehadbeen stolenattheschool.
“The next time a phone went missingandmoreandmorepeople telling giving me hints that he (theallegedmastermindbehindthe gangattack)gotthephone.Sonow
The stitch the teen received after being beaten by the 17 boys.
it’s like a rumour going about that hehaveit,”hesaid.
The teen explained that as a result,theattackerbecameenraged andwaitedforhimwhenhewentto thewashroom.
“IgotothewashroombecauseI wanted to use it, before using it I noticedthatkids(thegroupofboys) comingdownandtheylooklike a big crowd. So, then, I didn’t take heed of it. When I reach in the washroom everybody pushed me throughtheback,”Fraserrelayed.
Followingthepush,Fraserwas allegedly attacked by the 17 boys, whoreportedlystruckhimabouthis bodyrepeatedly “He(attacker)cuff me straight downwards by my eye and blood started to pitching up everywhere. Then everybody just startrushingoutthewashroom,”he explained.
Thereafter, the attacker allegedlysenttwoofhisclassmates to Fraser informing him that he musttellteachersthathehadfallen.
Continued on page 18
A 39-year-old taxi driver and former memberoftheGuyanaPoliceForce(GPF)is currently in police custody after multiple reports were made against him for allegedly defraudingindividuals.
David Singh, a resident of Lot 1246 EcclesNewScheme,EastBankDemerara,is accused of fraudulently claiming to have connectionswiththeMinistryofHousingand promising to secure house lots for victims in exchangeformoney
According to police, “Singh’s alleged modus operandi involved obtaining money under false pretence by purporting that he couldacquirehouselotsforhisvictimsfrom theMinistryofHousing.”
People have also alleged that Singh used the names of ministry officials and even policeofficersduringhisscamstointimidate and manipulate his victims. Singh is no strangertothelaw
He currently faces two similar charges before the courts, with new allegations emerging that he allegedly defrauded additionalindividuals.TheGPFisurgingany other victims who may have been defrauded by Singh to come forward and report the incidentsattheBrickdamPoliceStation.
Inresponsetothearrest,personsonsocial media,particularlythosefamiliarwithSingh, have expressed their frustrations. Sohab Ahmad Gafoor commented on the police’s Facebook post, saying, “He rob people, he wholelifesincehewaspolice,tookmoneyto dodriverslicencesandrobbedthem,bullying peopleontheroadformoney Lowlife,time
reach up with him, put him away for a long time.”
Another Facebook user, Colin Gill, added, “Boi, you not gonna done with this ting.”
The investigation into Singh’s alleged fraudulentactivitiesisongoingasauthorities continuetoencourageanyadditionalvictims tostepforward.
commissioned the newly reconstructed $35,700,000 ProvidenceNurserySchoolat Herstelling, East Bank
The Caribbean Court of Justice(CCJ)hasdismissed an application for special leavetoappealadecisionintheCourt of Appeal of Guyana of Andy Duke versus the Ship MT Tradewind Passion, which crashed into the Demerara Harbour Bridge on 1st December,2022.
The application was filed on 19th December, 2024. The reasons for the Court’s decision were issued on 20th January 2025. The applicant, Andy Duke,whowasinjuredwhileworking onthedocksintowhichtherespondent shipcollided,hadobtainedawarrantof arrestforthevessel.
Following the execution of the warrant, the respondent obtained the vessel’s release by providing security
in the form of a letter of undertaking.
The High Court ordered the vessel’s release on bail upon lodging the letter ofundertaking.Theapplicantappealed this decision to the Full Court, which wasdismissed.
Onthehearingofanapplicationfor leavetoappealtotheCourtofAppeal, that Court refused to grant leave to appeal, finding no merit in the arguments to challenge the High Court’s decision to accept a letter of undertaking as security for the release of the ship. Thereafter, the applicant sought special leave to appeal to the CCJ.
Theapplicationwasdismissed.The CCJ emphasised that it would only intervene in cases where the Court of Appeal has refused to grant leave to
appeal itself when the decision results inagrossmiscarriageofjustice.
In this instance, the CCJ found no potential miscarriage of justice or egregious error of law warranting its intervention as the proposed appeal was academic, the application was non-compliant with the Caribbean
Jurisdiction) Rules 2024, and the applicant intended to argue issues that wereirrelevanttotheapplication.
The matter was determined by Justices Anderson, Barrow, and Burgess. Ms. Jamela Ali SC, Mr Sanjeev J. Datadin, Mr Ganesh Hira, andMr SamuelGlasgowappearedfor the applicant and Mr Kamal Ramkarran appeared for the respondent.
Demerara (EBD) The rehabilitatedschoolcatersfor 120children
In a press release issued on Tuesday, the Minister of E d u c a t i o n , P r i y a Manickchand said that the works on the school was completedinfourmonthsand is the 61st nursery school constructed between 2021 and2024
Theschool,whichwillbe supported by 12 fully trained teachers, will provide a modern and nurturing learning environment for the children
“Thenewlyreconstructed Providence Nursery School stands as a testament to the Ministry’s commitment to improvingthequalityofearly childhood education in Guyana. With 61 nursery schools built between 2021 and 2024, the Ministry has demonstrateditsdedicationto creating learning spaces that inspire curiosity, foster creativity, and empower children for a lifetime of success,” the ministry reported.
Speaking at the simple ceremony, Minister Manickchandemphasizedthe ministry’s dedication to building a strong foundation for Guyana’s youngest learners
She highlighted also that althoughnurseryeducationis notmandatoryinGuyana,the country boasts the highest nursery enrolment rate in the CommonwealthCaribbean
The minister outlined the Ministry’s Literacy Department’sinitiativeaimed atensuringeverychildacross
the country achieves ageappropriate literacy and numeracy skills by Grade Four Thismeansthatchildren would leave nursery school with the ability to read, understand, and apply their literacy and numeracy skills effectively, regardless of theirgeographiclocation.
AssistantChiefEducation Officer (ACEO) for Nursery Education,DevendraPersaud spoke of the critical role of early childhood education in shaping the future of young learners He said, “As we all know,nurseryeducationisthe foundation for a child’s academic and personal growth Children’s early childhood experiences shape the adults they will become, and the skills they acquire during this time will carry them through their entire lives”
The ministry has employed a robust approach toprovideequitableaccessto qualityeducationatalllevels
Meanwhile, Kaieteur News had reported that the education ministry spent approximately $315 billion
on the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of schools across the country between theyears2020and2024
At the ministry’s end-ofyear-press conference, held earlier this month, it was disclosed by minister Manickchandthat$13billion wasspentontheconstruction of new school buildings, $7 billion on reconstruction works, $8B on major extensionsand$2Bonmajor rehabilitationworks
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The Court of Appeal, on Tuesday, rejected the State’s application to stay an order by Justice Sandil Kissoon whichmandatedthemtocontinue deductions and remittance of the Guyana Teachers’Union’s(GTU)dues.
The State had made an application to stay Justice Kissoon’s order which mandated the continuation of deductions of union dues and theirremittancetotheGTU.
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On Tuesday, Justice of Appeal Dawn Gregory highlighted that the GTU would suffer undue prejudice if the stay were granted, stating thatthebalanceofjusticelies in favour of the Union.
Justice Kissoon initially granted an interim conservatory order on February 22, 2024.Thisorderrestrainedthe Government of Guyana from ceasing the deduction of union dues from the wages andsalariesofGTUmembers and required their remittance to the Union due to a strike.
The judge made the ordersatthefirsthearingofthe case, filed by the GTU, to challenge the Government’s decision to deduct pay from the salaries of striking teachers and also blocking the administration from moving ahead with a decision to discontinue the deduction of union dues until the determination of the full case the GTU brought against the government.
The order was made absolute by the same Judge on April17,2024,whentheCourt delivereditsruling.However, despitetheseclearjudicialdirectives last April, the State
failedtodeductandremitthe union dues as instructed.
TheHighCourtwasnotified of the State’s failure to remit teachers’ dues to GTU despiteacourtorderinstructingtheMinistryofEducation to maintain the status quo.
Back then, President of theGTU,Dr.MarkLyte,duringalivestreambroadcastvia the GTU’s Facebook page disclosed that there is a breach of the Court order on the part of the Ministry of Education. The GTU President explained that the agencyhasnotbeenremitting dues despite a conservatory order that is in place.
Asaresult,theGTUPresident said he hopes that the officersresponsiblefordefying the order face the consequences for doing so.
“I hope the Judge takes a firm stance on this because asagovernmentyouhavethe responsibility to uphold the law What the Judge has asked is that they let the status quo remain the same and so, somebody has got to answerforcontemptofCourtfor noduesbeingremittedinany region in Guyana for the months of March and Febru-
ary, despite the court order,” Lyte said.
In response to the ruling, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) in a statementmadeanindication that justice has been served. The PNCR noted that the blatant disregard of the law in full public view demonstrated by the PPP/C is simply saying that the PPP/C believes that they are the law orthattheyareabovethelaw, which is contrary to how democratic governments operate.
The Party called for the act not be taken lightly. “The PNCR,therefore,joinswithall law-respecting Guyanese locallyandabroadtocongratulateagaintheGuyanaTeachers’ Union, its membership and legal team on a victory that is well deserved, and a significant milestone for Labour.”
The PNCR said too that, “We must note too that despite the clear judicial directives,thePPP/CGovernment has continued to ignore the order, thus refusing to reinstate the deduction and remittance of the dues to the Union.”
The Government of Guyana, through the Guyana MiningSchoolandTechnical Training Centre (GMSTCI), hassignedaMemorandumof Understanding (MOU) with GMIN Ventures Guyana Inc. (GMIN) to launch an Industrial Attachment Programme aimedatpreparingskilledprofessionals for Guyana’s expanding mining sector
The Ministry of Natural Resources, in a press release, said that the programme will provide participants with hands-on experience at GMIN’sOkoWestProjectsite inRegionSeven.
It includes Occupational Safety and Health training, mentorshipfromexperts,and access to modern facilities. GMSTCI will select eligible students, oversee their OSH certification,andpromotethe initiative.T
heattachmentswilllastat least six weeks, with extensions based on performance and project needs.
Minister of Natural Re-
sources, Vickram Bharrat, commended the collaboration. “This collaboration between the Guyana Mining SchoolandGMINreflectsthe shared vision of strengtheningGuyana’sminingindustry througheducationandcapacity building. By investing in ouryouth,wearesecuringthe future of the sector and ensuring its sustainability for generationstocome,”hesaid.
The Minister also highlightedtheminingsector’sremarkable growth in 2024, driven by increased investments, supportive government policies, and rising global demand for minerals. Infrastructure improvements, such as better road access to hinterlandregions,andtaxexemptionsonheavymachinery havefurthersupportedexpansion in the sector
VaughnFelixofGMSTCI underscoredtheimpactofthe partnership, stating, “This partnership not only enhances the career prospects of our students but also strengthensGuyana’smining sector by fostering a skilled and resilient workforce. The hands-on experience gained throughthiscollaborationwill beinvaluablefortheirprofessional growth.”
The signing ceremony took place at GMIN’s corporate office in the Pegasus Suites and Corporate Centre, Kingston.Inattendancewere GMIN’s Communications Specialist,StacyCarmichael; HR Associate, Hosha Ramjattan-Persaud; and Geologist from the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, Joanne Nelson.
GMIN’s Country Manager,BjornJeune,outlinedthe company’scommitmenttolocal capacity building. “This initiativereflectsGMIN’sdedication to empowering Guyanese youth through practical learning and skills development.Byaligningour resources with the expertise ofGMSTCI,weaimtocreate a pipeline of competent professionalswhowillcontribute to the success of our operations and the broader mining industry,” he stated.
miner from
Ta b a t i n g a ,
Lethem,ishospitalizedafter being shot during a violent incident on Monday in CentralRupununi,Region9.
The injured man, identified as Dornell Thomson, was shot during a confrontationata“hotspot” area in Tabatinga, between 10:00 and 11:00 hrs. police said.
TheGuyanaPoliceForce (GPF) reported that a group of four known men were standingatthe“hotspot”.
“Shortlyafter,threemen, including Thomson, approached the group on motorcycles. The men were reportedlyapproachedbythe suspect (a known character) whowasaccompaniedbyan unknown male on a
motorcycle, along with someone fitting the description of the nowinjured man, Dornell Thomson,whowasalsoona motorcycle,”policesaid.
Several gunshots were heard after the initial approach, but police have not yet been able to determine who fired the shots.Followingthegunfire, Thomson sought medical treatment at the Lethem Regional Hospital for gunshot wounds to his back and right arm. His condition is considered stable, and he remainsunderpoliceguard.
Detectives responded to the scene, where they recovered six 9mm spent shells.Onesuspect,whowas riding a motorcycle was arrested and had his hands swabbed for gun powder
residue Additionally, Thomsonandtwoothermen who were in the area at the time were also swabbed for gunpowderresidue.
A 31-year-old vendor wasplacedon$150,000bail on Tuesday when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’Courttoanswer an illegal possession of a firearmcharge.
Darwin Bennons, a resident of Meadowbrook Housing Scheme, was accused of possessing a Sig Sauer P365 9mm pistol on the Guyhoc Access Road, Georgetown,withoutavalid firearmlicence.
Bennons, appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty who read the charge to him. He pleaded not guilty and told the court that he was disarming a man who attempted to rob him at the timeofthisarrest.
Policesaidthatataround 23:00hrsonSaturday,police officers on mobile patrol receivedinformationthatled them to the Tucville area, between Perry and Saman Streets.
There, the officers heard two loud explosions, which sounded like gunshots, and saw three men running east along the street. The police reportedly pursued the men and apprehended Bennons, who was found with a Sig Sauer9mmpistolinhisright hand The firearm was seized, and the magazine wasejected,revealingthatit wasempty Bennons was asked if he
Remanded: Felix Marks
A 19-year-old mechanic from Aranaputa Valley, NorthRupununi,wasremandedtoprison,onTuesday, afterbeingchargedwithstealingcattleandahorse.
The accused, Felix Marks, also known as ‘Chubby’, was arrested on January 18, 2025, and charged with six counts of larceny of cattle and one countoflarcenyofahorse.HeappearedattheLethem Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Omadatt Chandan,whoreadthechargestohim.
Marks was not required to enter a plea and was remandedtoprison.
The case has been adjourned to March 11, 2025, forareport.
These include a balanced budget that addresses the transfer of wealth, among others. He was reluctant to share further detailstoavoidprejudicingthediscussions.
In keeping with the agreement signed, thetwopartieshaveaMarch31deadlineto determinethefateofacoalitionaheadofthis year’selection.
The AFC, under the stewardship of former Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, had decided not to renew the Cummingsburg Accord- the binding agreement with the APNU-in2023uponitsexpiration.
possessed a firearm licence, towhichheresponded“no.”
He was then arrested and cautioned Police also arrested another man, RonaldGilbert,atthescene. A search of their homes did not uncover any illegal items.Themenweretakento theEastLaPenitencePolice Station along with the suspected firearm, which was dusted for fingerprints, butnonewerefound.
Meanwhile, in court, the vendor’s attorney, Dominic Bess requested reasonable bail for his client, emphasizing that Bennons had no prior convictions.
BessexplainedthatBennons had been trying to protect himself when he disarmed theman,identifiedasSimon Ifill, who was attempting to robhim.
According to Bess, “My client informed me that on Saturday he was in the Tucville area when a Simon Ifill attempted to rob him of his gold chain Ifill dischargedtworoundsinhis directionandduringascuffle hewouldhavedisarmedIfill of the said firearm and almost immediately after disarming Mr. Ifill, the policewasintheareaandhe handed over the said firearm.”
Bess further noted that Bennons was an easy target fortherobberyduetolimited mobilityinhisleftarm.
H o w e v e r , t h e prosecution objected to bail, citingBennons’priorcharge for a similar offence. The prosecution also highlighted theseriousnessofthecrime.
After hearing both sides, MagistrateMcGustygranted Bennons $150,000 bail noting that Bennons did not flee when the police arrived and voluntarily handed over thefirearm.
Additionally, Bennons was ordered to report to the East La Penitence Police Station as a condition of his bail. He is scheduled to return to court on February 12forfurtherreports.
At that time, Ramjattan explained, “We had a partnership agreement that indicated terms of withdrawal within three years to fiveyears,andwehavesowithdrawnonthe thirdyear Itisnotasplit.Wewillstillremain cordialandcourteousandhaveengagements because we know that, indeed, that is necessaryforaunitedoppositionagainstthis verycorruptPPPgovernment.”
He said it was on December 28, 2022,
that he met with Norton to relay the party’s decisiontowithdrawfromtheAPNU.
On February 14, 2015, the AFC signed the CummingsburgAccord with theAPNU, binding the two political parties as a Coalition.
They later defeated the PPP at the 2015 elections held in May that year Since then, the Coalition has stood together but not withoutitsinternalhiccups.
Though most of these are kept quiet by the members, Ramjattan hinted before that the two sides had a misunderstanding over theRegionFourViceChairmanpositionthat ledtoitsdecisiontoleavetheAPNU. It must be noted too that the tension betweentheAPNUandAFCsparkedwhena member of the Alliance For Change, Charrandass Persaud, turned against the Coalition and voted in favour of a ‘No Confidence’ Motion that was filed against thethengovernmentinDecember2018.This led to the historic over turn of the Coalition government.
(Reuters) - On foot or riding rickshaws, many Palestinians exhausted by war in Gaza began returningtotheruinsoftheirhomes on the third day of a ceasefire betweenIsraelandHamas,shocked bytotaldestruction.
ThetrucetookeffectonSunday after15monthsofconflictwiththe handoverofthefirstthreehostages heldbyHamasandthereleaseof90 PalestiniansfromIsraelijails.
Now attention is shifting to the rebuilding of the coastal enclave, which the Israeli military has reducedtovasttractsofrubbleinits campaign to wipe out Hamas in retaliation for the militant group’s Oct.7,2023attackonIsrael.
Some Gazans could not even recognise where they once lived and turned their back on shattered neighbourhoods to return to tents where they have sheltered for the pastseveralmonths.
Others began to clear debris to trytomovebacktothewreckageof theirhomes.
“Wearecleaningthehouse,and removingtherubble,soweareable toreturnhome.Thosearethequilts, pillows, nothing was left at the house,” said Palestinian woman Walaa El-Err, pointing to her destroyed belongings at her bombed-out home in Nuseirat, a decades-old refugee camp in centralGaza.
Shesaidthefeelingofreturning to her neighbourhood was “indescribable”. She said she’d stayed up all night on Saturday waiting for the truce to take effect
the next day But the optimism surroundingnewsofaceasefirehas faded.“WhenIwentintothecamp, Itearedup,asourcampwasnotlike that, it was the best. When we left allthetowers(and)homeswerestill untouched, and none of the neighbours had been killed,” she lamented.
In Gaza City in the enclave’s north, Abla, a mother of three children, waited for a few hours to makesurethetruceheldonSunday before heading to her home in the Tel Al-Hawa suburb, demolished by Israeli bombardments and groundoffensives.
The scene was “horrific” she said, as the seven-floor building had been levelled, “smashed like a piece of biscuit”. “I heard the area was hit hard and the house could havebeengone,butIwasdrivenby both doubt and hope that it could havebeensaved,”shetoldReuters viaachatapp.
“What I found wasn’t just a house, it is the box of memories, whereIhadmychildren,celebrated their birthday parties, made them food, and taught them their first wordsandmoves,”shesaid.
Some set up tents next to the rubble of their houses, or moved into wrecked homes, wondering whenreconstructionwouldbegin.
A United Nations damage assessment released this month showed that clearing over 50 million tonnes of rubble left in the aftermath of Israel’s bombardment could take 21 years and cost up to $1.2billion.
the debris is believed to be contaminated with asbestos, as some of Gaza’s devastated refugee camps,builtupintocitiessincethe 1940s, are known to have been constructedwiththematerial.
Gaza health authorities say at least 47,000 people have been killed in the conflict, with the rubblelikelyholdingtheremainsof thousandsmore.
A U N Development Programme reports says that development in Gaza has been set backsevendecadesbythewar
“They (Gazans) are able to returnhome....It’sabitofastretch of the imagination, I would say, to call it homes, because mostly, particularly in the north, it’s mountains of rubble that they find. So they need help with that,” Jens
Palestinians search for the graves and bodies of loved ones at Shejaia cemetery, which had been flattened by Israeli tanks and bulldozers during the war, following a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, in Gaza City, January 20, 2025.
REUTERS/Dawoud Abu Alkas
Laerke, spokesperson for the U.N. office for the Coordination of Humanitarianaffairs,toldaGeneva pressbriefingonTuesday DIGGINGFORBODIES
Palestinian rescue workers continuedthesearchforremainsof Gazans buried under the wreckage of their houses and along the roadsides, locating at least 150 bodies since the truce went into effect, according to the Gaza civil emergencyservice.
Shocking images of decayed bodies spread on social media. At Shejaia cemetery, which had been flattened by Israeli tanks and bulldozers in previous months, several men dug up the ground searching for the graves of their relatives.
“I have been searching and looking for my father’s grave, my brother’s grave and my brother’s wife’sgrave,andIcan’tfindthem,” Atef Jundiya, said at the cemetery inGazaCity
“Imean,wearerelievedbythe ceasefire, but at the same time, we are still searching for our martyrs and searching for our graves and can’t find them,” Jundiya told Reuters.
The civil emergency service estimatesthat10,000bodiesremain under the rubble, calling for heavy machinery and earth-moving vehicles to help in the extraction process, which officials expect to lastforseveralmonths.
The boys allegedly told Fraser that if he complained, they would stabhim. Assuch,afearfulFraser, along with the two boys, went to the office where he told teachers thathehadfallen.
Followingthis,hewastakento the West Demerara Regional Hospital at Vreed-en-Hoop
However, after Fraser had been kept waiting for treatment for some time, his grandmother, Meranda Blair, took him to a private clinic. On examining him, thedoctorsaidtheinjurycouldnot havebeenfromafall,butahit.
“Anyways,Itrycoveringupall the time but he (the doctor) keep saying that how it’s not a fall; it’s notafall.SoImadeupasceneof how everything happened,” the teentoldKaieteurNews.
He continued, “After mommy (grandmother)hearthatthiscould haveneverbeenafallthishadtobe a hit… she went and told the teacherstoinvestigate.”
The teachers investigated the matter,whichledtothedisclosure ofthebrutalattackFraserendured. Moreover, Blair told Kaieteur News that the bullying had been ongoing, with Fraser previously
returning home with a black and blueeye.
Shetoldthispublication,“Last year, he came home with a black and blue eye, big bloodshot eye andtellmethatitwasaballthathit himinhiseyes.”
The woman explained that in the first week after the reopening of school, Fraser once again came homewithinjuriestohisforehead. “I use to tell him he needs to take his time because he always say it wasanaccident,”shesaid.
Despite the abuse, Fraser, did notmissschool. “Hedoeswellin school,andhedidn’twanttomove but now he welcomingthe idea of moving,” Blair told Kaieteur News.
OnMonday,Fraserwenttothe school where he identified seven oftheattackers. Thefamilyisnow awaitingafullinvestigation.Blair mentionedthatthepoliceareready to act, but they are waiting for the Schools’ Welfare Department to completetheirinvestigation.Blair saidthatshewillhirealawyerand pursuethematterfurther
Meanwhile, Kaieteur News’ attemptstoobtainacommentfrom the Ministry of Education on the matterprovedfutile.
the rehabilitation and extension of the US$192 million East Coast of Demerara (ECD) Road Project (Phase II) is set for October 31, 2025.
This is according to Head of the Ministry of Public Works, Work Services Group (WSG), Ron Rahaman who provided a statusupdateontheprojectathis ministry’s recent press conference.
According to Rahaman, the physicalelementof the projectis 44percentcompleted.
“They (contractor) have completed in terms of asphalt works 13.9 percent, sand filling and sub-base 30 percent, 50 percent of the bridges have been completed, 60 percent of the HopeCanalBridgeiscompleted, 50 percent of all culvert works have been completed, and relocationofutilitiesis35percent completed,”Rahamansaid.
Thispublicationreportedthat PhaseTwooftheprojectincludes the extension of the Railway Embankment Road into four lanes from Sheriff Street to Orange Nassau, extension of the main East Coast Roadway from Orange Nassau to Mahaica, as well as rehabilitation of the existing ECD road from Belfield to Orange Nassau, which will allowforadditionallanes.
Explainingtheprojectfurther, Rahaman shared that the East Coast road upgrade entails 40.35km of roadway between SheriffStreetandOrangeNassau.
Of that 40.35km, he said that 30.85kmwillbeafour-laneroad.
“So, from Belfield to Orange Nassau on the existing roadway willbeatwolanesupgrade,from Sheriff Street to Enmore on the RailwayEmbankmentisgoingto be four lanes, Enmore to Orange Nassau on the railway would be four lanes, Orange Nassau to Mahaica along the existing roadway will be four lanes,” the ministryofficialstated.
The Government of Guyana and the People’s Republic of ChinainDecember2022signeda Framework Concessional Loan AgreementtothetuneofUS$192 million to finance Phase II of the EastCoastRoadProject.
This Phase will cater also for theconstructionof48bridgesand 22 culverts and another Bridge acrosstheHopeCanal.
Kaieteur News had reported that China Railway First Group Co. Limited secured the contract for the works following the nationalbiddingprocessin2022. The widening of the ECD highway began under the APNU+AFC government when worksonthefirstphasestartedin 2017 and was completed in 2020 bythesamecontractor
This publication understands that plans to have the East Coast corridor upgraded is aimed at easing traffic congestion and decreasingcommutetime.
Works ongoing on the East Coast of Demerara
New West Cricket Club of Calgary, Alberta, Canada issettotourGuyanaforthree 25-over matches beginning onThursday,January29.
New West Cricket Club will open their tour against Trophy Stall Masters underlights at the Demerara Cricket Club, Queenstown, Georgetown.
Two days later they will collide with Guyana Police
Force veterans at the Police Sports Club ground, Eve Leary before meeting North Soesdyke Cricket team on February 2 at the famous Bourda ground also in the CapitalCity
According to Captain andCanada-basedGuyanese PrakashGanpat,hisboysare thrilled to be in South America and ready to compete.
He stated that New West Cricket Club was formed in 2014 by himself and his younger brother Adit Ganpat.
New West Cricket Club had tours of Florida (USA) twicein2016and2023with success and Prakash Ganpat i
challenges in Guyana but theyarereadytocompete.
He stated that the team
regularly participated in
You'vealwaysbeeninterested in the arts, and now you want to explore that interest on a deeper level. A visit to a museum isn't likely to do the trick. Instead, why not enroll in a class or sign up for a lectureseries?
Errands seem to rule the day Youspendmostofitinthecar, running hither and yon. Don't besurprisedifyourunintoan oldfriendyouhaven'tseenina while.
The planetary configuration makes you likely to reap the benefitsofallyourhardwork. Thelittlewindfallyoureceive is nice, to be sure, but don't thinkofallofitasfunmoney.
Keep your mind on the present.Asmuchasyou'dlike to be somewhere else, your daydreaming is getting out of hand.Ifyou'resincereinyour desire to explore other lands, beginsomeresearch.
There's passion in the air today You can feel it. The feelingissostrongthattheair almostpulsates.Whatareyou going to do about it?Ifyou're inaromanticrelationship,plan anintimateeveningtogether
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Has the opposite sex always beensoattractive?Todaythey seemespeciallyso,Virgo,and capture your attention right and left One person, in particular, you've always considered a platonic friend, but today seems interested in youromantically
Yourpoiseandgraciousnature serveyouwellnow,Libra.The best thing you can do today is spend time around other people. Go to a party or other socialgatheringtonight.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Creativity and romance are a good combination, Scorpio, andtodaybothareintopform. Why not get out the good stationeryandcraftalovenote that will set that special someone'sheartaflutter?
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Is a bit of redecorating in order?Thisisaperfecttimeto spruce up your home. Rather thanrushintoaprojectthatyou might later regret, Sagittarius, it'sbettertospendthedaywith colorandfabricswatches.
Youhavethecreativeabilityto makearealgoofyourmusicor writing Whynotputittobetter use?Are you afraid to take the risk?Todayyoumaybeinspired to rise above your fear as you read a book that moves you to wanttocreateoneofyourown
Prosperity isn't just around the corner - it's here, Aquarius. Your finances are looking better than ever Don't rely on this money, however The wholepointofawindfallisthat it'sunexpected,andthuscanbe usedforluxuries.
You've never looked better, Pisces. As a result, people are drawn to you and you have an unusually large circle of friends. This is fun but time consuming,aseveryoneseems towantapieceofyou.
CANOC President calls for...
boxingassociations,Josephsaid,shouldengageindialogue, formalliances,andparticipateactivelyinglobaldiscussions aboutthesport’sfuture.
The exclusion of boxing from the Olympics would not onlybealossforthesportbutalsoamissedopportunityfor theCaribbeantoshowcaseitstalentandresilience.
It is imperative, according to Joseph, that the region’s leaders act decisively, ensuring that boxing remains a cornerstone of the Olympic movement and that the Caribbeancontinuestoproducechampionswhoinspirethe world.
tournaments since its formation.
mentioned that New West CricketClubwillcontinueto have future tours including DallasandaroundCanada.
He took the opportunity to thank his fellow players fortheircommitmenttobein Guyana. He informed that the players are all over-40 but are confident they will produce some good performances.
Some reputable players in the host-country will be representing their respective teams as well while Deputy Commissioner for the Guyana Police Force Ravindradat Budram will also be coming out for the cops.
The New West Cricket Club team reads: Prakash Ganpat (Captain), Brian Goodridge, Navin Bachan, Ranjeet Gaekwad, Adit Ganpat,WasimNaqshbandi, Kiran Meduri, Deoraj Dalchand, Rajesh Khatri, Bhupen Savla, Raunaq Mathura, Trevor Defreitas andVishnuRamjeet.
CWI President Shallow urges BCA, GCB to use special meeting to voice concerns as decision on governance reform
SportsMax - Cricket WestIndies(CWI)president Dr Kishore Shallow has emphasized that a special meeting scheduled for next month represents a critical opportunityfortheBarbados Cricket Association (BCA) and the Guyana Cricket Board(GCB)topresenttheir viewsongovernancereform.
However, Shallow has made it clear that the regional body intends to move forward with or withouttheirinput.
“This time, I can state with a measure of certitude thatwearegoingtoproceed and progress with governance reform at that special meeting,” Shallow
saidduringanappearanceon WESNTVlastFriday
The BCA and GCB’s absence from a December 6 meeting to vote on the W e h b y Report recommendations made by Jamaican business m o g u l D o n Wehby resulted in the meetingbeingadjourneddue
toalackofquorum. Despite this, Shallow remains committed to advancing the reform process.
“Governancereformhas been on the table for well overtwoyears,andwehave had meetings with shareholders and other stakeholders So,therehave been opportunities to discuss th
tter,” Shallowshared “However, this special meeting gives them another platform where they can come and present their case and convince the other shareholders to understand and appreciate their positions.Iurgethem—andI have done so directly, and now I want to urge them publicly to come and attend the meeting and discuss the matters,” he added.
TheBCAandGCBhave called for discussions to review how the CWI president and vice-president are selected, including proposingarotationalpolicy for the presidency But Shallow dismissed the idea as “nonsensical” and unlikely to reduce the “politicsincricket.”
“It(therotationproposal) hasn’t been in any way processed properly and ventilated. In fact, when the suggestion was discussed at the Governance Committee level,itwasrejected.Andwe discussed it also at the CWI level, and there too it was rejected, because there is no meaningful way of how this thing will work,” Shallow argued. That said, he questioned the practicality of implementingsuchasystem, particularlyhow a rotational
Frompage26 all-important tournament. Defending champions Harpy Eagles will bowl off their campaign against the Barbados Pride on January 29 at Guyana National Stadium, Providence.
Guyana Harpy Eagles 2025 Four-Day Squad: Kemol Savory (Captain), Matthew Nandu (Vice-Captain), Tagenarine Chanderpaul, Raymond Perez, Kevlon Anderson, Ronaldo Ali Mohamed, Junior Sinclair, Veerasammy Permaul, Antony Adams, Nial Smith, Isai Thorne,RichieLooknauthandThaddeusLovell.
presidency would function without introducing additional layers of political maneuvering.
“One of the excuses given for proposing this approach is to reduce the politics in cricket. How are yougoingtoreduceitwhen, nationally, you are going to beelectingacandidatetobe president?”Shallowasked.
Using the BCA as an example, Shallow pointed out the politics inherent in recentelectionswherethree members of the board, including the incumbent president, contested for the top position along with his vice-president and secretary.
“What politics are you trying to get around? And that is why I said it is an excuse,”henoted.
Still, Shallow reiterated his commitment to inclusivity and urged the BCA and GCB to seize the opportunityprovidedbynext month’smeeting.
“The special meeting will provide the perfect platformforyoutocomeand lay out your case... come to themeetinganddiscuss.One thingthatiscertainundermy leadership is an inclusive approach. Everyone gets a voice and an opportunity to voice their opinion,” Shallowdeclared.
The fate of boxing as an Olympic sport is hanging in the balance, with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) signalling itsintenttoexcludethesport from the 2028 Los Angeles Games, as the potential removal stems from a series
of controversies and
governance issues surrounding the sport’s globaladministration.
For the Caribbean, a region with a rich history of Olympic success in boxing, Keith Joseph, president of theCaribbeanAssociationof N a t i o n a l O l y m p i c Committees (CANOC), believes this presents both a challengeandanopportunity to unite and make its voice heard.
He called on amateur boxing’s officials and administrators in the Caribbean to “wake up” and “takeaction.”
Boxing has long been a staple of the Olympic Games, however, the sport’s
governing body, the
International Boxing Association(IBA),hasfaced allegations of corruption, mismanagement, and questionableofficiating.
These issues prompted the IOC to step in, stripping the IBA of its recognition and taking over the administration of boxing at the 2020 Tokyo Games and 2024ParisGames.
T h e I O C ’ s dissatisfactionculminatedin its announcement that boxing could be excluded fromthe2028Gamesunless significant reforms are undertaken.
In response, a new organization,WorldBoxing, has emerged, seeking to replace the IBA as the globally recognised governingbodyforthesport.
WorldBoxing’sgoalisto gain IOC recognition and secureboxing’splaceinLos Angeles. Despite this, the Caribbean has remained largely silent on the matter,
with many national federations adopting a waitand-seeapproachwithsome officials arguing that the
region’s passive stance risks side-lining the Caribbean fromcriticaldecisionsabout thesport’sfuture.
The Caribbean’s contributions to Olympic boxing are remarkable, with several athletes achieving historicsuccessontheworld stage.
These medallists include: Lennox Lewis (Jamaica/Canada) – Gold medallist in the super heavyweight division at the 1988 Seoul Olympics (competed for Canada but borninJamaica).
Howard Davis Jr. (USA, Caribbean roots) – Gold medallist in the lightweight division at the 1976 Montreal Olympics, with deep familial ties to the Caribbean.
Michael Paris – Bronze m e d a l l i s t i n t h e bantamweightdivisionatthe 1980 Olympics in Moscow Paris is also holds Guyana’s onlyOlympicmedal.
Felix Savón (Cuba) – A three-time gold medallist (1992 Barcelona, 1996 Atlanta,2000Sydney)inthe
heavyweight division, cementinghisplaceasoneof thesport’sall-timegreats.
Teófilo Stevenson (Cuba) – Another Cuban legend,Stevensonwonthree consecutive gold medals (1972 Munich, 1976 Montreal, 1980 Moscow) in theheavyweightdivision.
RobertoBalado(Cuba)–Gold medallist in the super heavyweight division at the 1992BarcelonaOlympics.
JoelCasamayor(Cuba)–Gold medallist in the bantamweightdivisionatthe 1992BarcelonaOlympics.
Ariel Hernández (Cuba) –Two-timegoldmedallistin the middleweight division (1992 Barcelona, 1996 Atlanta).
These athletes have not only brought pride to the
Caribbean b
highlighted the region’s potential to compete and excelontheglobalstage.
According to the CANOC president, the Caribbean’s boxing federations have historically facedchallengesduetotheir smaller size and limited
overshadowed by wealthier
He stated that this has restricted the region’s opportunities to qualify for
The closure of the
difficulties, leaving member
nations without a unified platformtoadvocatefortheir interests.
Headded,thatnow,more than ever, Caribbean boxing federations must come together to address the ongoingcrisis.Collaborative effortsareessentialtoensure that the region’s voice is heardinshapingthefutureof thesport.Silenceisnolonger an option, especially when decisions being made today will impact generations of athletestocome.
As multisport games’ organizers and international bodies navigate the complexities of boxing’s governance, the Caribbean must seize this moment to rally its resources and assert itsinfluence.National Continued on page 23
By Samuel Whyte
Rain had a major say in scheduled matchesoftheBerbiceCricketBoard(BCB) DrAmarnauthDukhiinterclubU15oneday twoinningscricketcompetitioninBerbice.
Results of some matches played showed thatAlbionCCCwononfirstinningsagainst Rose Town Youth and Sports Club (RHTYSC)andPortMourantCC.
Albion Community Centre (ACC) won onfirstinningsagainstRoseHallTownYouth andSportsClub(RHTYSC)‘A’inthetopof
InthegamewhichwasplayedatthePort MourantCommunityCentreGround,Albion batted first and was bowled out for 146 in 34.4 overs with Nathaniel Ramsammy 61, SaidJumratty36andRovinLalbehari16.
Bowling for RHTYSC U15 A’, Dinesh Singh picked up four wickets, Balraj Narine took three while Rafel Mckenzie chipped in withone.
InreplyRHTYSCU15werebundledout for66in20.1overs.
Bowling for Albion CC, Nathaniel
Ramsammy took four wickets, Rovin Lalbehari snared 3 while Yuvraj Goberdhan took one. There was no play in the second Innings due to heavy rainfall. Albion was awardedfirstinningspoints.
Results of another game sawAlbion CC winningfirstinningsagainstPortMourantin the rain affected game which was played at the Port Mourant ground. Port Mourant CC battedfirstandweredismissedfor123in38.1 overswithAsgarallyNabbiescoring41.
Leading the bowling for ACCC, Rajesh Singh was the main wrecker with 5 for 15. There was one wicket each for Rovin LalbehariandYuvrajGoberdhan.AlbionCC were on 133 for 4 in 27 overs when rain stoppedPlaywithRajeshSinghunbeatenon 32, Rovin Lalbehari not out on 25, while SahidGajnabiscored18andDanielJohnson 16.BowlingForPortMourantAkashAgagoo had two wickets while Sumit Samaroo took one.
In another game, RHTYSC “B’ lost to Kennard Memorial CC(KMCC) on first innings. RHTYSC ‘B’ first batted first and werebowledoutfor80.
BowlingforKMCCG.Latchmanwasthe destroyer with 6-18 while there were two wicketseachforLRazackandS.Ragnauth. Inreply,KMCCdeclaredtheirinningsat 81-9withSRagnauthreturningtomake28.
Bowling for RHTYSC, Lacruse picked upthreewickets,whilethereweretwoapiece forY
DarveshandP.Jerry RHYSC’B”intheirsecondinningstrying to make a match of the game, declared at 83 for8.
Bowling for KMCC Latchman and H. Rampersaud picked up three wickets each whileS.Ragnauthtooktwo.
KMCCintheirsecondinningsneeding83 for victory were 50 for 7 when time ran out withS.Ragnauthleadingthefighton29not out.
Wicket-keeper batsman Kemol Savory wasnamednewGuyanaHarpyEagles4-Day captain as official Guyana Harpy Eagles squad for the 2025 edition of the Cricket We
The 13-member team will be captained bySavoryandpromisesanexcitingmixture of experience and youth as they’ll aim to defendtheirCWIRegionalfour-daytittle.
Supporting Savory will be Matthew Nandu as vice-captain with seasoned campaigners such as Tagenarine Chanderpaul and Veerasammy Permaul bringingvaluableexperience.
Meanwhile, rising stars like Junior Sinclair, Isai Thorne and Thaddeus Lovell
will add fresh talent and energy to the lineup.
In addition the GCB has named five standbyplayers.
Standby Players: Sachin Singh, Rampertab Ramnauth, Zeynul Ramsammy, Jonathan van Lange, Gulcharran Chulai, SylusTyndallandRiyadLatif.
TheSquadwillbeunderthewatchfuleye of Head Coach Ryan Hercules and includes his deputy Garvin Nedd, manager Albert Clements,PhysiotherapistMarvinScottand Strength and Conditioning coach Jaryl Moore.
The GCB extends its best wishes to the squad,coachesandsupportstaffaheadofthe Continued on page 24
Archery Guyana (AG) proudly hosted the 2024 National Indoor Recurve Open on January 18-19, 2025, at the Cyril Potter College of Education Auditorium, Turkeyen
Campus, East Coast Demerara.
This highly anticipated event brought together archers from across the nation to compete in an atmosphere charged with excitement, camaraderie, and high-performance standards.
C o n t i n u i n g i t s trailblazing efforts, Archery Guyanaensuredthepresence
o f a p r o f e s s i o n a l physiotherapist to provide vital support to athletes Physiotherapist Stowell Barry, a skilled practitioner with a passion for sports therapy, was on-site to deliver tailored treatments that enhanced athlete performance and reduced injuryrisks.
This initiative, now a hallmark of Archery Nationals, was made p
invaluable collaboration of Ms. Vanessa Wickham, the
National Sports Clinic, and Dr Ariane Mangar from the MinistryofHealth. Archery Guyana once again raised the bar by streaming the competition liveandutilisingtheglobally recognised IANSEO software for real-time scoring This ensured immediate updates for athletes, coaches, and fans, adding to the electrifying atmosphereoftheevent. The comp
showcased the talent and
- Boodhoo dominates ladies’ leg to capture Gold
The gold medal match betweenveteranarcherSean Duncan and newcomer Lucas Chung was the highlight of the event Chung,competinginhisfirst national competition, held his nerve to tie with Duncan in regulation rounds. The tension peaked as the match went to a one-arrow shootoff,whereChung’sprecision securedhimthegoldmedal.
while President Vidushi
IntheWomen’scategory, Roshini Boodhoo delivered a commanding performance toclaimthegoldmedal,with Karin Toppin earning silver in a spirited showing by the femalearchers.
Inthemen’scategory,the bronze medal match captivated spectators as Jeewanram Persaud faced off against the 2024 Barebowgoldmedallist.Ina tightly contested battle, Jeewanram emerged victorious, solidifying his placeonthepodium.
The energy at the Cyril Potter College of Education Auditorium was electric, with spectators cheering enthusiastically for every shot.
The camaraderie among athletes, officials, and fans created an unforgettable experience Director of Shooting,RyanMcKinnon’s leadership and the dedication of competition officials, including
Chairperson of Judges Robert Singh and Judges Saeed Karim and Vidushi Persaud-McKinnon,ensured theevent’ssuccess.
At the presentation ceremony, McKinnon delivered closing remarks,
stakeholders, including:
Honourable Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sport, Charles Ramson Director of Sport, Mr Steve Ninvalle, N
President Godfrey Munroe and Executive Committee, Mr Samuel Arjoon of Guyana Beverages Inc (Oasis Water), Ms. Vanessa Wickham, the National Sports Clinic, Dr Ariane Mangar, Ministry of Health, Physiotherapist Stowell Barry and Members of the media
Special thanks were extended to Principal Mrs. NoellaJosephandMr Alque Stanley for the use of the Cyril Potter College Auditorium, a venue that contributed significantly to theevent’ssuccess.
Looking ahead, Archery Guyana is excited to announce the upcoming Youth Open, scheduled for February 8-9, 2025 at the NationalGymnasium.
·Silver:SeanDuncan Bronze:Jeewanram Persaud
Women’sResult:s Gold:Roshini Boodhoo
The Guyana boys and girl’s Under21 hockey teams have recently been included
to participate in the upcoming PAHF Junior Challenge being staged in Bridgetown, Barbados from 9thto16thMarch,2025.
The Challenge is an importantoneonthehockey calendarasitqualifiesteams for the second ever Junior Pan American Games scheduled for 9th to 22nd
August in Asuncion, Paraguay
Morethan3,800athletes are expected to compete at those games across 31 sports.
Along with the host country, Paraguay, which receivesanautomaticspotin the Junior Pan Am Games, top nations Argentina, Canada,ChileandUSAhave already qualified for the Games.
In addition, Mexico for theboysandUruguayforthe girls have also qualified by being among the highest placed finishers in the 2024
P A H F J u n i o r Championships which was heldinCanada.
Wi t h t w o s p o t s remainingineacheight-team
Hockey players being instructed during a training session.
competition, Guyana must emergeasoneofthetoptwo finishers to secure a spot in the Junior Pan American Games.
Theboysareexpectedto be competing against hosts Barbados,Brazil,Trinidad& Tobago, Guatemala and Venezuela. Of these teams, Guyana has only recently competedwithBarbadosand Brazil, finishing above both teamsinthe2023JuniorPan AmericanChampionships.
The Guyanese girls are expected to compete against
Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, Guatemala, Puerto Rico and Mexico. Guyana got the better of Barbados two years ago but have not facedanyoftheothernations before.
Selectionforbothsquads were recently concluded with 27 boys and 23 girls selectedtotrainbeforebeing narrowed to a final 16 players each in early February
Theboys’squadwilllean heavily on the experience of the eight players who were
partofthelastjuniornational team that placed 5th at the 2023 junior Pan Am Championships.
The girls, meanwhile, will benefit from four overseas-based players with international experience in SarahKalutky,Madisonand Georgiana Fernandes and Charlia Webb and locally based Kirsten Gomes and ClayzaBobb.
The full squads selected areasfollows: BOYS
Shaquon Favorite, Kallel Ferreira, David Massiah, Simeon Moore, Yonnick Norton, Jose Rodrigues, Nkosi Saul, Quinn Tobin, Daniel Woolford, Darious
Alleyne, Clay Bobb, KeelandCummings,Oswald Fraser,NavidHussain,Javid Hussain, Jabari Lovell, Robert Marcus, Naresh Mohadeo, Jabez Walters, Baraka Garnett, John Dias, Grant Fernandes, Anthony Harry,Alex Peniston, Lucas Sargeant and Vladimir Woodroffe
Kadence Belony, Rebecca Bento, Africo Blackman, Clayza Bobb, Solana Crumb-Ewing, Georgiana Fernandes, MadisonFernandes,Rebecca Ferreira, Hadassah Fraser, Sueann Fraser, Kirsten Gomes, Kendra Gordon, TrinityGreaves,SarahHarry, Tinashe Henry, Sarah Klautky, Sara Matthias, Hannah Percival, Keitanna Percival, Makaylah Poole, AmeriahSahadeo,Kazaquah Uzzi,CharliaWebb
CWIPresidentShallowurges BCA,GCBtousespecialmeeting tovoiceconcernsasdecisionon governancereforminevitable
to ‘take action’ …asboxingfacesremovalfrom2028Olympics