Kaieteur News

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Second victim in Foulis gas-bottle explosion dies …husbandsuccumbsdays afterwifepassedaway Businessman jailed for assaulting cop

Buxton man shot at party

‘United front needed to fight for better oil deal’

Guyana’s oil reserves which

have grown significantly since first oil should be used as leverage when negotiating with oil major ExxonMobil to get more for the citizens, coleader of the Working People’sAlliance(WPA)Dr DavidHindshassaid.

At the party’s weekly

press conference on Monday, he was asked to

state his views on the government allowing the oil companies to walk away without paying US million yearlyintaxes,whichcanbe usedtoalleviatepovertyhere and pay off the country’s rapidlygrowingdebt.

Dr Hinds said the party believes that citizens should be getting more from the oil wealth. “The WPA, like all politicalpartiesandpatriotic organisations in the country,

would like to see more revenues coming to us from ExxonMobil and the oil companies. We are clearly not satisfied that we are gettingenoughfromtheseoil companies, and we are to

continuing to raise these issues, and to press these issues in the public domain, andthatourgovernment,this government, future government, find ways and

means of amicably sitting down with Exxon and the other companies and workingoutabetterdealfor our country. We do not favour a confrontation with Exxon,”Dr Hindssaid.

Co-Leader of the Working People’s Alliance,

Dr. David Hinds

Sun owner to ‘substantial’ damages

pay Prince Harry

(BBC NEWS) The publisher of the Sun newspaper has agreed to pay “substantial damages” and apologised to the Duke of Sussex to settle a long-running legal battle overclaimsofunlawfulintrusionintohislife.

Prince Harry alleged journalists and private investigators working for News Group Newspapers (NGN) used unlawful techniques to pry on his private life - and executivesthenallegedlycovereditup.NGN apologisedfor“seriousintrusion”bytheSun between 1996 and 2011, and admitted “incidentsofunlawfulactivity”werecarried out by private investigators working for the newspaper,inastatementreadoutincourt. It also apologised for distress it caused Harry through the “extensive coverage” and “seriousintrusion”intotheprivatelifeofhis late mother, Princess Diana The BBC understands the settlements to both Prince HarryandformerLabourdeputyleaderLord TomWatsonhavecostNGNmorethan£10m in pay outs and legal fees. In total NGN has spentupwardsof£1bnindamagesandcosts tothosewhoclaimtheirphoneswerehacked andtheirprivacyinvadedbytheNewsofthe WorldandtheSun.

When he launched his claim, the prince allegedthatmorethan200articlespublished by NGN between 1996 and 2011 contained information gathered by illegal means. He repeatedly said he wanted the case to go to trialsothathecouldget“accountability”for other alleged victims of unlawful newsgathering. NGN was “surprised by the serious approach by Prince Harry for settlement in recent days”, a source told the BBC.Asource close to the Duke of Sussex responded that the apology “provides all the insightyouneed”.Speakingoutsidecourton behalf of Prince Harry, his barrister David Sherborne described the settlement as a “monumental victory”, and said NGN had been “finally held to account for its illegal


LordWatson,meanwhile,hadallegedhis phone was targeted around the time he was investigating newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch while an MP, at the height of the phone-hacking scandal almost 15 years ago.

NGNalsoissuedanapologytoLordWatson for intrusion into his private life by those workingfortheNewsoftheWorld,including “being placed under surveillance” by journalistsandpeopleinstructedbythem.

NGN said in a statement its settlement “draws a line under the past” and “brings an end to this litigation” It added: “Lord Watson’s phone was not hacked in 2009-11 and had this gone to trial, NGN would have called evidence from telecoms experts to demonstratethathackingafter2007wasnigh on impossible due to security upgrades undertaken by telecoms companies ” The apology also covers incidents of unlawful activitiescarriedoutbyprivateinvestigators working for the Sun newspaper from 19962011, the statement said - but “not by journalists”.

The references to the Sun in the apology were key, as without it the prince would not havesettled.NGNhasalreadyapologisedfor unlawful practices at the now-defunct News of the World, but previously denied similar claims against the Sun - as well as Prince Harry’swiderallegationofacorporate-wide cover-up.

While it admitted no illegality, NGN acknowledgedinitsapologythatitsresponse to the arrests in 2006 of News of the World staff who hacked royal phones and those of celebrities-anditssubsequentactions-were “regrettable”.JournalistCliveGoodmanand Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator, were later jailed for intercepting voicemails on phonesbelongingtotheprinces’aides.After thesettlementwasannounced,LordWatson Continued on page 12

He said while the party d o e s n o t f a v o u r confrontations with investors coming into the country, they are holding to the view that every contract i s e l i g i b l e t o b e renegotiated, and therefore when it comes to the 2016 oildeal,itisalwaysapartof theiragendaandshouldalso be a part of the national a g e n d a t o h a v e a renegotiation of this contract “Therefore, the WPAwill continue to press, and support all struggles in thedirectionofrenegotiation to get more from Exxon,” Hindssaid.

Dr. Hinds told reporters thatwhiletheWPAdoesnot want to ‘holler at Exxon’, “we have reserves that we shoulduseasleverage…that we have built up… one we (theWPA)aresayingthatwe havemuchmoreoilreserves than the oil companies are telling us, and that the government is telling us WPA has said that we feel thatwehaveupto30billion barrels of oil The

government has put it less thanthat…” Hinds highlighted that there has been a back and forth recently as to exactly how much oil reserves the Stabroek Block currently holds. Nevertheless, “My point is that we should use theoilresourcethatwehave as leverage, as leverage to get more from the oil companies.” Additionally, hebelievesaunitedfronton the matter would be more effective as “we cannot speak on these matters as individual parties or individual organisations, we have to have a national approach to this question of getting more from the oil companies.” He deemed the

government’sapproachtosit atthetablewiththeoilgiant as “really nonsensical… the government should include the opposition It should include civil society organisations It should include experts and other individuals to sit in there. Exxon is going to behave differently, if when it looks across the table, it sees representatives from the majorpoliticalparties,minor political parties, civil societies, it sees a National Front ” Hence, Hinds said theWPAisreadyandwilling to throw its weight and that of its supporters behind any venturethatwillseecitizens benefitting more from Guyana’soilwealth.

Prince Harry


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Leadership crisis

Guyana is gearing up for elections and the various parties have confirmed who their presidential candidates willbe.Also,inthisseasonofelections,wehavejustseen Joe Biden riding into the sunset after decades of public service- culminating with being President of the United States.

It is often the case in the more developed countries, where after serving at the highest level, persons move ontaking up advisory posts or open up their library or a foundation to continue the work of strengthening governanceanddemocracyintheircountryorevenaround theworld.Guyanaatthemomentisfortunatetohaveatthis timefourlivingformerpresidents-oneofwhomservedtwo andahalfterms.HisnameisBharratJagdeo.Thelongyears of being in leadership at the highest level of the land has earnedhimthemoniker-chieffossil.

He has caused enough damage, and he has displayed thoseworryingqualitiesthatwarnthunderously:heisnota fit and proper person, or leader, or contributor where the stewardshipofthisoilwealthisconcerned. Wehavelostall confidence that anything that Jagdeo does will result in whatisgoodforGuyanese. Forhisfriendsandhandpicked cronies,hewilldohisbestandsucceed,butfortherestof Guyanese hoping for something beneficial from this oil sector,Mr Jagdeoisalostcause,aprecioushopewasted.

Almost every week without fail, we see and hear him takingusthroughsomeaspectofthesordidhistoryofthis nation.Ofcourse,mosttimeshegiveshisorhisparty’sside ofthestory,onlytobepickedupbytheoppositionandother sympathisers who would use the letter pages and other forumstoeithercorrecttheVPoraddtheirownspintothe never-ending debate. This nation longs for some political freshness,whichnecessitatesthelikesofJagdeoandother within the opposition to do like Biden and ride into the sunset.

ButthefailureofJagdeohowever,pointstothebroader problemwefaceinGuyana-thatispoliticalleadershipatall levels of the society. Most of our leaders are arrogant, untrustworthy,inefficientandcorruptandmoreoftenthan not,theybehaveandactlikedictators.Manylacktheskillset required for good governance, accountability and problem solving—qualities that are, for the most part, not endemicinourpoliticalculture.

Since the attainment of political independence in May 1966, successive political parties, namely the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the People’s National Congress (PNC) have in their own respective ways perfected the art of practicing divisive politics in order to winelections.Bothpartieshavecreatedapermanentdivide among the people along racial lines. But regrettably, they havebothfailedsofartoprovideeffectivegovernanceand despite a marked decrease in political violence over the years,thecountryisstillraciallydivided.Theeconomyis struggling and efforts to develop and diversify even with theadventofoilhavenotmaterialised.

The declared mission of our founding leaders was the acquisition of political independence which has been accomplished, therefore the mission of succeeding generations was to attain economic independence However,basedonthestateoftheeconomytoday,itisfair tosaythattheunanimousgradeforthisgenerationisan“F.” Sadly, no leader or party has so far been able to say with certitude that they have succeeded in developing and diversifying the economy If the economy is to make a quantum leap, our leaders must change the way they conductpoliticsandmanagetheeconomy Aftermorethan 50 years of independence, that mission has not been accomplished.

Our political leadership has been transactional, rather than transformative—a term coined by the American sociologist James V Downton to illustrate a marked difference between poor to average and excellent leadership Transactional leadership focuses on supervision,organization,andperformance.Itisapeculiar

Jagdeo says he “don’t know if it’s true” but still maliciously says it



Thereseemstobenoend tothedeviousnessofBharrat Jagdeo, a man who disgracefully delights in living in his world riddled with sleaze, sinking so low as to be engaging in maliciously defiling the credentials of those who are much intellectually grander than him, and who take him to task for his gross ineptitudeandlies.

In his habitual odious busing out of all and sundry who dare to ask questions or have a differing view to his, Jagdeo literally went lower than low into the sewer, questioningmyseniorityatthe USDepartmentoftheEnergy (USDOE) in his last Thursday’s so-called press conference which is now a festivaloffalsehoods

When asked a plain question that he couldn’t answer, the VPresorted to his deflection trick, maliciously denigratingmyseniorityatthe USDOE, saying that I only managed a small sewerage projectandwasnotatasenior level,ashesheepishlyadmitted twicethathe“don’tknowifit’s true” The fact is that the USDOE has never managed any sewerage project, and he knewhewaslyingwhenhesaid he“don’tknowifit’strue”;but lestweforgetthatheattempted the same stunt on former MinisterWinstonJordan,only for us to find out that the mischief making fella was so inept, that Mr Jordon had to writehispapersforhim,yethe dishonestly took full credit for it In order to set the record straight, I present herein, a snapshot of my tenure this one time, though it goes against by humble nature

Albouystown – two of the poorest communities in Guyana,butforcedtodoso, notsomuchasaresponseto amanasfargoneasJagdeo,

but to expose him for the deceiverandtricksterthathe isnowsoproudtobe.

Theirrefutablefactisthat because of the grounding received from the people of Guyana, I worked hard and earned ascendency to the highest level of the US Government as a member of Senior Executive Service (SES) Corps in the USDOE whereIservedformyfinal10 yearsbeforeretiringwiththe prestigious “Distinguished Service Award” defined as “an honour or decoration giventoindividualswhohave distinguished themselves through exceptional service tothenation”

The SES Corps is officially denoted as “The highest-ranking Executives equivalent to the Military Generals, who serve in key positions just below the top Presidential Appointees and who run the day-to-day operations of the US Civilian Government ” The Corps comprises the top 8,000 or 03% of the more than 3 million Government workforceandareonthesame salaryscaleasthePresidential Appointees. My SES certification and official military equivalency are shownbelow.

As imagined, just like the Army Generals, it is no ordinary feat to attain the levelofanSESwiththisvery rare opportunity coming in intervals of up to 10 years and as in my case, where only 20 out of 4,000+ applicants were selected, followed by a rigorous 2year training in running the government before being certified and sworn in Addedly,we,alongwithtop Executives of major companiesincludingExxon, were required to complete special training comprising twoweekseverysixmonths for two years at the prestigious MIT Sloan

Business School, focusing on how to keep the USA competitive following the 2008worldeconomiccrisis.

MITisNOMoscow! I served in several key positions involving paramount national consequences including Manager, Deputy Manager and Director, entrusted with the highest national security clearance to include: (i) Leadingtensofthousandsof workers, and billions of dollars in budgets far exceeding Guyana’s national budget, in executing the world’s largest environmental projects to decommission, dismantle,decontaminateand dispose of the nation’s old massive nuclear weapons c o m p l e x e s , w h i l e simultaneously developing newnucleartechnologies;(ii) Worked directly with Governors,FederalandState Legislators, Senators and Congressmen/Women, and Mayors, making key Government decisions including developing inputs to the national budgets; (iii) Co-managed the $6 Billion Environmental Program under the 2009 American Recovery Act (iii) Led our world-renowned national laboratoriesandUniversitiesin Technology Development; and (iv) Member of the Peer Review Board which evaluated and ranked the performances of SES Members

Moreover, (i) Led US delegations at international conferences and Committees such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, developing international standards, policies and processes, and training for member countries in Project Management,andchairedtwo major international conferences in Germany and Kazakhstan; (ii) Led transformation of Region 4 (Southern US) EPA and the

style of leadership in which leaders promote compliance through both rewards and punishments. Transactional leaders do not make changes, they tend to maintain the status quo. This type of leadership is effective in crisis and emergency situations, as well as for projectsthatneedtobecarriedoutinaspecificway

Transformative leadership is one in which leaders lead by example. Transformative leaders are excellent at communicating new ideas, good at balancing short-term and longterm goals, adept at building strong coalitions and establishing mutual trust. Most importantly,theyhaveintegrity,arehighlyintelligent,andtheyempathizewithothers.

Transformativeleaderstendtouserapportorinspirationtoengagefollowers. Theyare sincere,honest,accountable,transparent,courageousandconfidentandarewillingtomake sacrifices for the greater good of society.Theyhave a mindset to streamline things that no longerworkandwouldchangeexistingthoughts,techniquesandgoalsforbetterresultsand thegreatergood.Transformativeleadersmotivateworkersandmaximizetheircapabilityand capacityinordertomakethemproductiveanddecentcitizens.

Transformativeleadersareneededtodeveloptheeconomy,improvethelivingstandards ofthemassesandmakeGuyanaatrulyprosperousnationandnotonethatisembeddedina cultureofcorruption,crimeanddependency Ourcurrentleadersareled,theydonotlead. Regardless of their partisan ilk, they should revisit the life and work of those who had the foresighttoadmonishusaboutachievingeconomicindependence.

U S D O E L e g a c y Management Department i n t o a c q u i r i n g Congressionally approved H i g h P e r f o r m i n g Organizations (HPO) status, withoutwhich,theiractivities wouldhavebeenoutsourced; (iii)Developedandmanaged the USDOE STEM program at 10 Universities as the pipeline for engineering & science talent to the workforce;and(iv)Chairman oftheUSChapterofthepreeminent International A s s o c i a t i o n o f EnvironmentalProfessionals Before Joining the USDOE for an illustrious 30-year career, I served for six years with theAmerican Oil Company (AMOCO), now British Petroleum, as Senior Reservoir & Production Engineer with the notable accomplishment of leading pioneering work in enhanced oil recovery technology now being app

ed worldw

e Headlined by one international writer as “A Guyanese Engineering Giant”, I own a PhD, 2 MSs and a BS in Environmental, Petroleum, Geological and Civil Engineering, respectively,plusaDiplomain Leadership and Management fromMITSloan;thus,giving me the unique distinction of having high competencies in governance, and managerial andtechnicalleadershipinoil &gasandtheenvironment.

Theobviousconclusionis that Bharrat Jagdeo is arrogantly disrespectful of a great governance institution that has made the US the greatest country in the world, andhewouldneverqualifyfor such an honourable stature demandingdemocraticruleof l a w g o v e r n a n c e , incorruptibility, and competence,incontrasttohis authoritarian grooming in Moscow that is suffocating Guyana

This country would be better served if Jagdeo’s priorities included maintainingaminimumlevel of honesty and integrity, and educating himself about the complexitiesofoil,insteadof bluffing his way and attacking the knowledgeable to fool his flatterers that he belongs This man is now so pathologically driven that he has lost the last vestiges of self-respect Truth and facts are invaluable companions in this life. Jagdeo should try them sometime. He wouldbeabettermanforit.

Respectfully, Dr.VincentAdams

Budget 2025:ABlueprint for Regional Development and


The President of the RegionThreePrivateSector Inc (R3PSInc), Halim Khan, has lauded the 2025 NationalBudget,themed“A Secure, Prosperous, and Sustainable Guyana,” for its transformative vision and comprehensive approach to fostering economic growth andsocialequity

Khan highlighted the leadership and vision of President Dr Irfaan Ali,

e m p h a s i z i n g t h e government’s unwavering commitment to regional development. He noted that the significant allocations forinfrastructure,education, and small business support directlyaddresstheneedsof the private sector and local communities.

“The government has demonstrated a clear understanding of the needs of the private sector and the communities we serve,” Khanstated.“Investmentsin roads, bridges, and energy diversification will not only enhance connectivity but also stimulate commerce andcreatejobs.”

The budget’s focus on t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l infrastructure projects, including energy expansion

and transportation development, is set to benefit Region Three significantly Khan remarked, “The planned advancements in t r a n s p o r t a t i o n infrastructure, such as new highways and bridges, will reduce logistical barriers, enabling businesses in Region Three to access markets more efficiently Moreover, the Gas-toEnergyproject’spotentialto lower electricity costs can spur industrial growth and attractnewinvestments.”

Khan praised the government’s initiatives to support small businesses, including expanded access to credit and capacitybuilding programs for entrepreneurs He h i g h l i g h t e d t h e establishment of the Local Content App as a particularly innovative step. “This initiative is a game-

Economic Growth

changer By integrating small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) into high-growth sectors, the government is ensuring that thebenefitsofoureconomic transformation are widely distributed,”hesaid.

With over $52 billion allocatedtoeducation,Khan acknowledged the critical role of skills training and scholarships in empowering theworkforce.

The Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) has already transformed thousands of lives, and this continued investment will prepare our youth for emerging opportunities in sectors like technologyandoilandgas,” henoted.

As an advocate for sustainable development, Khan applauded the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) and its focus on climate adaptation projects. “Region Three has a vested interest in climate resilience, and initiatives like drainage systems and renewable energy projects a r e e s s e n t i a l f o r s a f e g u a r d i n g o u r communitiesandbusinesses from climate impacts,” he explained.

The manufacturing sector is poised for growth, thanks to investments in energy infrastructure and industrial facilities “The expansion of electricity infrastructure, including the Gas-to-Energy project, will address the longstanding issue of unreliable power supply Reliable and affordable energy is crucial for the growth of manufacturing, which can now expand into more value-added production,” Khanstated.

He also noted the potentialfortourismgrowth through investments in sustainable tourism infrastructure and marketing. “The focus on developing eco-tourism and improving access to key tourist sites will position Region Three as a premier destination,”hesaid. Khan underscored the importance of the budget’s

investments in the agriculture sector “With improved drainage and irrigation, farmers will be better equipped to handle unpredictable weather patterns caused by climate change.

Additionally, the focus on agro-processing will open new markets for our productsandincreasevalueadded opportunities,” he explained.

He further commended the government’s emphasis o n r e s e a r c h a n d development,particularlyin high-yield and climateresilient crop varieties “Budget 2025 ensures that the agricultural sector remains competitive and sustainable,”headded.

Khan concluded by emphasizing the need for collaboration between the private sector and government to ensure the successful implementation ofthebudget.

This budget reflects a vision of inclusivity and progress.

Asstakeholders,itisour responsibility to work together to achieve these goals and build a Guyana where prosperity is shared byall.”

To maximize the opportunities presented by Budget 2025, the Region Three Private Sector Inc. plans to host a series of forums to engage local businesses and residents Khanremainsoptimisticthat w i t h s t r a t e g i c implementation, the budget will lay the foundation for a thriving and sustainable future.


Region Three Private SectorInc.(R3PSInc)

GAWU welcomes budgetary support to the sugar industry


TheGuyanaAgricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) is pleased to express its support for Budget 2025, presented under the theme “A secure, prosperous, and sustainable Guyana.”

We believe this Budget is thoughtfully designed, with policies and programmes that have the potential for substantial positiveimpact.

We commend the multiple interventions specifically aimed at benefitingtheworkingclass.

Our Union is optimistic that these initiatives, in conjunction with previously implemented measures, will effectively address and help close the gaps within our society

As a key stakeholder in the sugar industry, we acknowledge the Budget’s allocationof$13.3billionto thesector

Thisongoinginvestment by the Dr Mohamed Irfaan

Ali Government is instrumental in revitalising the industry and addressing the challenges left by prior mismanagement While some gaps still need to be a d d r e s s e d , t h e Government’s support is strategicallyfocusedandhas the potential to unlock significant growth in the sector

The Budget outlines a strategic approach to land conversion that supports mechanised operations, an essential step in enhancing productivity

This initiative aligns with our Union’s earlier proposalstooptimiselabour resources and reduce work

efforts Although our suggestions were not adopted during the previous administration, it is encouraging to see that the c u r r e n t d i r e c t i o n acknowledges the potential benefits of such measures. We look forward to collaborating on concrete plansthatfurtherdevelopthe industry and maximise its capabilities.

We note investments in improving packaging capacity, a focus that the Union advanced during t h e p r e v i o u s administration. Directconsumption packaged sugars are in highdemand, astheyyieldsuperiormarket prices and present a key opportunity for increasing revenue. Unfortunately, the former Government’s decision to close the industry’s largest packaging plant at Enmore reversed progress.

Nowmorethanever,it is essential that we address this setback headon to revitalise the industry, ensuring that it harnesses its full potential forgrowthandsuccess.

Our union strongly notes that the criticism aimed at the industry’s support largely stems from the same anti-sugar advocates we have encountered time and time again

Their divisive rhetoric is unsurprising; it is a predictable tactic designed to provoke and manipulate publicopinion.

These sentiments reveal a shallow analysis and an anti-people, partisan mindset.

articulatedperfectlywhenhe emphasisedthattheindustry must not be viewed solely through a financial lens; we must consider the broader s o c i o - e c o n o m i c implications.

Many analysts and commentators emerging fromtheirivorytowershave willfully ignored these crucial factors. Even worse, they have twisted their arguments to fit their narratives when it suited them.

This behaviour speaks volumes about their principlesandvalues,which, frankly, appear to be nonexistent.

Support for the sugar industry is not an isolated case in Guyana; it is a common practice seen worldwide The criticism voiced by certain factions fails to hold up under scrutiny Werecognisethese unfounded claims for what they are an attempt at cheap, petty politics driven by a clear intention to deceive and misinform the public.

The GAWU is steadfast in its commitment to collaborate with all stakeholders to rejuvenate the sugar industry and bring about transformative change.

We acknowledge that various challenges demand focusedattentionandaction. United in our efforts, and with the proper support, we can guide the industry through these challenging timesandemergestronger


Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU)

ParentsandChildrenof Guyana,whatwouldyoudo?


Once upon a time lived threeguysnexttoeachother. They all had lots of mango trees. The first neighbour had fruit in abundance that waseasytogetto.

A stranger came and would buy from him, but theygotintoadisagreement andhestoppedbuyingfrom him

Hethenwenttothenext two guys who also had mango trees, but with less fruit that was a bit more difficulttogetto

Hearrangedtobuyfrom oneofthemforalowerprice and the other for a higher price. Another buyer heard of the arrangements and decidedtocometobuy

When he told the seller who was getting a lower price what was happening, the seller got upset, but didn’taskformorefromthe

first buyer Everyone in his house was upset that he didn’t confront the buyer whowasgivinghimalower pricethanhisneighbour.

They asked him why he didn’t confront the buyer. He said, “I don’t want to upset him and we already haveanagreement”

This puzzled his family, because there were other buyers who could also pick the fruit and give him a betterprice

Thefamilydidnotknow whattodo.Shouldtheystay with the buyer who was giving them the lower price for their mangoes, should theyaskthebuyertochange the agreement to match the higher price being received by their neighbour, or should they change the buyer and sell to the new buyer who was going to give them a better price?


Parents of Guyana, now imagine that the mangoes were our oil and the neighbours were Venezuela and Suriname. Venezuela was the first seller who fell out with the buyer and Suriname is the neighbour who got a better price Most oildealshavearoyaltyrange of10%to20% Guyanagets 2%. Should Guyana stay in the current agreement with Exxon,shouldwerenegotiate with Exxon or should we changetoanotherbuyersuch asBritishPetroleum?

Whatwouldyoudo?The choice we make as a GuyaneseFamilywillaffect ourFamily’sfuture.

The government must listen to the will of the Guyanese people and take action

Bestregards, Mr JamilChanglee

The PNC-led coalition did not take advantage of their chances


In a Sunday Stabroek article dated March 1, 2015, thethenPresidentMr David Grangertoldthenewspapers “Wehavesaidagovernment of national unity means exactly what it says, if APNU were to win 52% of thevotes,wecannotlockout 48% of the population Government of national unity means government of nationalunity,”. Wordsthat wereneverkept,somuchso that even the AFC was lockedoutbyandlargefrom the so-called six-party coalition Government between 2015 and 2020. History did not judge Mr DavidGrangerkindly Today, it appears that history is about to repeat itselfsincealltheingredients areinplaceforarepeatofthe sameoldscamgamewithits six-party coalition of five “wanna-bees” and the PNC. Isay“wanna-bees”sincethe WPA and all the strange personalitiesthatareturning up to join this phantom coalition cannot count collectively one hundred (100) supporters, to justify their existence. From my journeys around Guyana in December 2024 and listening to the voice of the people, even the AFC is expected to fall under a threshold of 2,000 supporters in 2025 because of their opportunistic political posturing over the years. The only political forceinGuyanathatwillpull morethan30seats,yetagain willbethePNCandthePPP with the PPP having the


If one is to trace back to the conceptual reasoning offered by the PNC on why the coalition arose, their narrative was grounded in a belief that the political landscape is legally supported by a “winner take all”doctrineandthiswasnot consistent with the national sentiment. The reasoning appearslogicalatfacevalue, since it confirms that the Constitution does not represent the will of the people but the will of whoeverisintherulingelite and thus marginalizes large blocks of Guyanese by the hundredsofthousands.

Theideabehindthe“bigtent” coalition of six parties was to do exactly what Mr Granger said, create “a government of national unity” to share government withalltheblocksthatarein thesociety Buttheevidence is now solidly established that it never happened because the APNU-AFC Governmentdidnotserveall the blocks of people in Guyana and was antiworking class. Rather than engenderingaframeworkof national unity, they created national disharmony What theoretically Guyana needs is a new system of governance that will unite our people around their shared interest in peaceful coexistence similar to the S u r i n a m e m o d e l Unfortunately, the people in Guyana and many former British colonies do not identifythemselvesinsucha manner

The APNU-AFC sought toconceiveinanAgreement (Cummingsburg Accord) a framework but the records will prove that such Agreements derive their authority from the entities that sign them; not the people Those political entities are not the nationstate from which the loyalties of the people are derived Therefore, the Cummingsburg Accord was animpositiononthepeople.

The conclusion from the above can translate to the APNU-AFC six-party coalition suffering from a permanent crisis of legitimacy In the end, the real political party in that coalition (the PNC) had to assertitselfveryearlyinMr Granger’s term by using its constitutional authority to advance whatever little was done in that Government. The real power rested with Mr David Granger and it revealeditselfwithindaysof the APNU-AFC coalition winning power in 2015 History will be written that Mr Moses Nagamootoo may have fit the bill of a rubberstamp, if there is anything like a political rubberstamp.

Today in 2025, I have been informed by sources close to Mr Mohamed Azharuddin, that he has made a decision about his 2025 position and certainly, it will not be in the political a r e n a F r o m a l l appearances,“Azzoisout”.I have also been told that the PNCisassertingitsauthority (Continuedonpage16)


A usurper

What should have been a period of smooth governance and political stability under the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) is now marred by the overreach of a man who seems more intent on proving his indispensability than respecting the boundaries of his role.

Bharrat Jagdeo, the failed two-term president, whose official portfolio now as vice president includes overseeing the environment, finance, and natural resources, has fashioned himself into a one-man band, opining on every conceivable matter of national importance.

Whether it’s foreign policy, economic strategy, or the government’s legislative agenda, Jagdeo’s voice consistently precedes that of President Ali’s. His tendency to act as the government’s de facto spokesperson was glaringly evident when, he sought to pronounce on calls for a referendum on the oil contract and also recently gave timelines as to when elections could be held. This brazen pre-emption exposes a deeper crisis of leadership: one in which the presidency, the highest office in the land, appears less authoritative than the vice presidency.

Poverty does not come with a lifetime warranty

Wh e n t h e

n a t i o n a l

discussion segues to poverty reduction, it resurrects the age-old debate of state intervention versus personal initiative. It’stheclassicstoryofDavid versus Goliath, only here David is the man or woman who makes a conscious decision to lift themselves out of poverty; and Goliath is… well, those who sit and wait in the hope that the government will lend a helpinghand.

The premise that state intervention is the magic potion for poverty, the golden wand that turns salt and rice into a four-course meal is a recipe for disappointment Tempting as it is to believe this narrative, the evidence remindsusthathistorytellsa different tale State intervention has often been about as effective as the present West Indies cricket team.

T h i n k b a c k t o cooperative socialism, that grand experiment in collective impoverishment.

Back then, the state intervened so vigorously in people’s lives that it practically came home for

dinner. Food? Freedom to buy what you wanted? A distant dream People learned two vital survival skills: how to stand in line for hours and how to make dowithlittle.

Buthere’sthepunchline. Despite the state’s best efforts to keep everyone equally poor, many Guyanese climbed out of poverty anyway How did they do it? By refusing to acceptthattheirlivesshould be defined by the whims of state planners with questionable arithmetic skills.Thosewhowereable, packed their bags and headed for greener pastures or at

pastures where the grass wasn’t rationed. And those who stayed behind hustled and clawed their way to a better life. It wasn’t pretty, butitworked.

Fast forward to today, andtheargumentstillrages: should the state intervene more, or should people simplytakemattersintotheir own hands? Let’s be clear—we’re not saying the state shouldn’t play a role. After all, someone has to build the roads that connect villages and the schools that churn out future politicians

who will promise to fix them. But to rely solely on state intervention to end poverty is like expecting a mango tree to bear apples ambitious, but doomed.

You see, poverty is stubborn. It’s structural and cyclical but it does not have to come with a lifetime warr

y It is not deterministic. Just because yourgrandparentshadtosell produce, from the kitchen garden, on the roadside to make ends meet doesn’t mean you’re destined to do the same. Guyanese history is full of stories of people who rose above their circumstances, armed with nothing more than sheer willpower These are the unsung heroes who remind us that poverty need not be ourfate.

Guyanese are the q u i n t e s s e n t i a l entrepreneurs.Armedwitha fewcakesandgoodiesbaked in a kitchen oven and a bicycle or a little roadside stand, this individual can transform a one-bedroom s

franchises Did the state help? Perhaps indirectly, by notnoticingtheabsenceofa vending license But the



Dem boys seh

every year when Budget time come round, is like a b i g m a s q u e r a d e

Everybody got dem opinion. Some people seh deBudgettoosmall,others sehittoobig,andafewseh itgotmoreholesthanSwiss cheese.Butdemboyswant to ask a question nobody ain’t asking: Why we fighting over Budget money when we shoulda been fighting fuh more oil moneyindefirstplace?

You see, Guyana deh like a man who buy a mansion but only afford to furnish one room De Budget big, yes, but last yearwasonly30%ofitwas comingfromoilmoney De rest?Borrow,tax,andpray And pray hard, because when dem oil money dry up—or when de people demrealizeweain’tgetting enough from de lopsided contract—we gon still be

here scratching we head andwonderingwhyderoof stillleakingandderoadstill got pothole big enough to swallowcow

Dem boys seh we love distraction Instead of asking why Exxon taking all de meat and leaving we wid de bone, we here arguingabouthowdebone shouldbecooked.Yuhever hearsuchmadness?

DeoildealwahGuyana signisdeworstindeworld, dem boys seh. Some seh it signwiddedevil,othersseh it sign wid blindfolds on. But de truth is, we sign it, and now we stuck wid it unless we renegotiate.And yuh think anybody serious bout renegotiation? Nah!

Dem big ones telling we, “Oh, we can’t scare away de investors ” But dem boys seh, how come Trinidad renegotiating? How come Suriname renegotiating? Is dem oil sweeterthanweown?


opportunity in every obstacle and profit in every pothole.

Now, imagine if every citizen embraced this mindset. Instead of waiting forthegovernmenttorescue them, they’d start rescuing themselves. It’s not about abandoninghopeinthestate; it’s about realizing that the state is not your fairy godmother It’s more like thatrelativewhopromisesto helpyoumovebutshowsup late and forgets the truck. Useful? Occasionally Reliable?Notsomuch.

And let’s not forget the international perspective Many countries have lifted themselves out of poverty without relying solely on state intervention South Korea, Singapore, even India—these nations didn’t wait for handouts; they took charge of their destinies. Guyanese people, too, have that potential If our foreparentscouldendurethe backbreaking labor of plantationsandstillfindtime

to save for their children’s futures, what excuse do we have?Ofcourse,thisisnotto minimizetheroleofthestate in addressing systemic issues like education, h e a l t h c a r e , a n d infrastructure These are areas where state intervention is not just helpfulbutessential.Butthe idea that the state alone can lift an entire population out of poverty is a fantasy best lefttoelectionmanifestos.

The state provides the framework, the safety net, and the occasional cash grant. But the heavy lifting hastocomefromindividuals whorefusetoacceptpoverty as their destiny It’s about mindset, determination, and yes, a little bit of luck though even luck tends to favor those who workhard.

And yet here we are, Guyanese people, fighting overdecrumbs.DeBudget is not de problem. It’s like puttingplasteronasoreand expecting de sore to heal. Untilwefixdesourceofde sore de lopsided oil deal—we gon always be playingcatch-up. Dem boys seh de real issueispriorities.Insteadof demanding accountability from dem leaders and pressing fuh a better deal, we prefer to cuss over lil thingslikeoldagepensions or which road getting fix first. Imagine arguing over which chicken bone sweeter when yuh coulda beeneatingsteakifdedeal was right. Dem boys seh, “Wakeupandsmelldeoil!” De Budget is de symptom. De bad oil deal is de disease. And until we cure it, we gon always be stuck in this cycle, thinking we richbutlivingpoor Talkhalf.Leffhalf

After all, Guyana is a l a n d o f u n t a p p e d potential both in its resourcesanditspeople.The question is not whether the state will step in to save us. The question is whether we will step up to save ourselves. And if history is any guide, the answer is a resoundingyes.

So go ahead, take that firststep.Startthatbusiness, learn that skill, chase that dream, get a job – there are plentyavailablenow Thatis how most of us lifted ourselvesoutofdeprivation. And when you succeed—as so many Guyanese have before you—don’t forget to thank the state Not for liftingyououtofpoverty,but forteachingyouthevalueof doingityourself.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

If you’re waiting for the state to solve all your problems,youmightaswell be waiting for a Guyanese minibustosticktothespeed limit It’s not going to happen.Butifyou’rewilling to hustle and take risks, there’s no limit to what you canachieve.


Lift corruption ban-nice try Ms. Amanza

Sorry, Ms. Amanza. As theysayatmedicalfacilities, dead on arrival. In fact, I wouldgofurtherandsaythat beforetheinkwastryonthe paper, that word corruption

was going nowhere Certainly, not back in the lexicon of the parliament of thepeople.

Not a day passes in this country, when chatter about c o r r u p t i o n ( P P P Government corruption) is not winging its way far and wide across these 83,000 squares. It is more than about corruption in government quarters; it is of how much and whose hands aredirtierthanapigthatjust hadamudbath. Thepeople are raging about corruption, butinthehouseofthepeople (parliament), corruption lives in sounds of silence. Who has so much to fear, so muchtokeepfromthepublic eye and ear? Is this a backward, upside down, shallow grave country or what?

The Hon Speaker of the House banned the word corruption I am not

surprised. For there was a man with a rare gift, two of them in fact. First, he sees wicked genies crawling out of the walls of parliament, and then he hears different voices talking in his head.

The Speaker doesn’t answer to the likes of Ms. Amanza Walton-Desir,MP He answers to those voices whispering in his head, which are wired to Robb Street and Vlissingen Roadandwhereverelselocal moversandshakersare. Ms. Amanza ought to have known better: corruption to be put back among the allowable words in parliament has no standing withtheSpeaker Ifso,thenwhatwouldbe next? Roguesandruffians,a den of thieves, a parliament of, ah, street hustlers?

Unprincipled and unsavory? IfIhadmyway,Iwouldadd subversives and sellouts, betrayers and barterers

Think the 2016 Exxon oil contract, which is now the birth certificate and Exxon good behavior certificate of almost all in the PPPside of

the aisle. Often, I wonder aboutthePNCsideofit,too. Parliament should have been the blue-ribbon standard bearer of manners anddecoruminthiscountry It ought to have been the showcase of intellectual flights and oratorical lightning What is parliament today under the guiding hands and invisible hands that run this country? I bow in recognition of the sinecure nature of the Speaker of the House role. He is gatekeeper and dog watcher

Guesswhoarethedogs? Here’s a hint: from the actions of the man in the chargeofthehouse,theyare not the bad boys and rude boys and stiletto-heeled femmesinthePPP Whatthe parliament is today resembles the false peace of the graveyard, the hollow civilityoflawmakers,andan abandonedhousepretending tohavelegitresidentsinside. Parliament is a reflection of Thursday afternoons. If no comportment and no class then and there, then what to

expect that in parliament? Corruption of the mind and the mouth is part of the corruption involving the people’smoney

Nice try, though, Ms. Amanza. Talkaboutsneaky But the Speaker is too slick to be caught off-guard by suchanimblemove. Recall from earlier: he doesn’t speak to PNC people and their motions and papers (and prayers). Imagine if corruptionisgivenclearance to weave its way back into parliament What other businesswouldtherebetime to talk about? There is corruption surrounding oil management.

There is corruption involved up to its nasty eyeballs in government (PPP) spending. There is corruptioncomingoutofthe pores of one PPP member after another in the once honourablehouse,exceptfor atiny,iffyfew

Thebudgetcomingupon theagendaforthisweekhas its share of corruptions. I point to some of the nongovernment people who

have a significant say in it. When was the last time anyone of them (any one of them) was a participant in something with a sliver of honestyinit?

The Speaker of the Housewouldneedahundred gavels and mallets to keep order should he make the mistake of allowing corruptiontotakeitsrightful seatinparliament.

Thatis,attheheadofthe maintable. Thisisthegrim realityofGuyanatoday Ina country riddled like Swiss cheese with corruption, that is the most unwelcome of feared words, and must be blocked from entering through the portals of parliament.

Is this a country, or a cartoon version of one?

Does Guyana have a real parliament where there is serious debate on the issues (including chronic corruption)? Or is the National Assembly of the Guyanese people a shadow bottled in a shell made of straw It is largely the graceful handiwork of the

Speaker If anyone thought that he was sluggish as to how things should be in the National Assembly, they needtorelearntheiralphabet and2timestable.

The Speaker may not be ofmanythings,butheknows how bread gets buttered in thiscountry

Meanwhile, there was the surprise of Minister Texeira siding with Ms Walton-Desir on corruption and its parliamentary ban. Minister Texeira rarely speaks on her own, or is out of step with the PPP leadership. What could be behind her strange stance? Clearly,amysterypresently

Thisisafantasycountry: the word corruption banned inside the hallowed halls of parliament. Maybe burning bedsareclosertohome.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

OP:ED TheCaribbean’sEducationSystem:

When students across the CaribbeanreceivedtheirCaribbean Examinations Council results last summer, a concerning picture emerged: only 4 9 percent of students close to 200,000 students for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate exams passed five or more subjects, including Mathematics and English. Particularly alarming is the low success rate in Mathematics, with just 36 percent of students passing that subject in 2024.

Parents and educators are expressing frustration over low passrates:“Thecumulativeeffects of years of poor educational outcomes are deeply concerning, especially given the wellestablished links between education and negative societal impactssuchascrime,”saidPaulaAnne Moore, spokesperson for the Group of Concerned Parents in Barbados and the Caribbean Coalition for Exam Redress, as reported by Barbados Today This raises important questions about the root causes of the educational challenges in the Caribbean and what steps can be taken to address them.

What do Declining Pass Rates Reveal?

DataConcerns: ALackofComparability

Oneofthebiggestchallengesin understanding the quality of education in the Caribbean is the lack of globally comparable data. Unlikeotherregions,theCaribbean does not consistently participate in international benchmarking

assessments, such as the Programme for International StudentAssessment (PISA). Highstakesregionalexamsimplemented by the Caribbean Examinations Council,providesomeinsightsinto learning outcomes but not all studentstaketheseexamsandsome studentsprepareforthemoutsideof school, given the exams’ importance for students’education trajectories As such, these assessments do not provide globally comparable snapshots of education system performance, as PISAandsimilarassessmentsdo. When the region engages in benchmarkingexercises,theresults highlight significant gaps. In the 2015 PISA assessment, out of 79 countries, Trinidad and Tobago ranked 53rd in reading, 59th in Math,and52ndinScience.Jamaica ranked 61st in reading, 62nd in Math,and59thinSciencein2022. These rankings are around the average for Latin American countries; however, Latin America’stopperformerslag3to5

years behind the OECD average, with students in the Caribbean muchfurtherbehind.


The data point to a larger, systemic problem: a crisis in foundational learning in the Caribbean. Foundational learning involves basic literacy, numeracy, and transferable skills, which are the building blocks for a life of learning In many Caribbean countries, students leave primary school without mastering these skills, which hampers their ability to succeed in secondary education and beyond. The implications of thiscrisisarefar-reaching.Without a strong foundation in basic skills,

students are unable to acquire higher-order competencies required for more complex critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity—skills that are essential in today’s knowledge-based economy This has a direct impact on economic growth and development, as a poorly educated workforce is less productive, less innovative, and less able to competeinaglobalisedworld.

InequalityinAccess toQualityEducation

Adding to the challenge is the persistent issue of inequality in access to quality education. Many students attend schools that are

challenges such as overcrowding, underqualified or demotivated teachers, and often, significant levels of violence. In Guyana, the shortageofavailablespacesforced s

accommodated in primary schools—referredtoasprimarytop d

management information systems and finding solutions to retain

Partnerships are also critical, and regional entities such as the Caribbean Community and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States Commission have a strong roletoplay The World Bank is actively supporting these efforts, including by gathering evidence for building consensus on the strengths and challengesofCaribbeaneducation Continued on page 15

y hinderingthelearningexperience. This inequality perpetuates cycles of poverty and limits social mobility Those who attend elite schools are more likely to perform wellinnationalexams,gainaccess to tertiary education, and secure well-paying jobs. In contrast, the majority struggle to pass exams, limiting their opportunities for advancement. WhatNeedstoBeDone? Governments across the Caribbean are already prioritizing education; implementing reforms to improve access, enhance teaching quality, and upgrade school infrastructure However, achieving better outcomes will require a paradigm shift in Caribbean education systems, includingenhancedalignmentwith the global agenda for transforming education Efforts should be directed toward addressing inequalityandensuringaminimum level of quality for all students; a stronger emphasis on foundational learning; increasing resilience and adaptability of education systems; strengthening digital education,

7 construction firms shortlisted for New Christiansburg shor

Seven construction companies from both local and overseas are now vying for the contract to construct the New Christiansburg Multilateral School in Region10.

The project being undertaken by the Ministry ofEducationisbeingfunded through a World Bank loan.

The Education Ministry in December2024hadissueda tenderrequestingbidsforthe project.

Theseventhatsubmitted their technical and financial proposals to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) recently are:

G u r d e v M a h a d e o Contracting Services, Shandong High-Speed Dejian Group Limited (China), Nabi Construction Inc., R. Bassoo & Sons Construction Company, BK International Inc , Sheriff Construction Inc , and Powerchina Jiangxi Electric

Power Construction CompanyLimited(China).

In January 2024, the ministryhadissuedaninitial tender titled ‘invitation for prequalification’ for the project which is different from the recent ‘request for bids’.

Itshouldbenotedthatan i n v i t a t i o n f o r prequalification is used to initially assess potential bidders to determine if they meet basic qualification to participate in the bidding process, while request for bids deals with the qualified bidders submitting detailed proposalsfortheproject.

In its tender document, the ministry stated that Guyana had received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the ‘Guyana Strengthening Human Capital through Education Project ’ The agency intends to apply part of the proceeds toward

payments under the contract for the ‘Construction of the New Christianburg MultilateralSchool.’

This publication had reported that the plans to build a new school for the Christianburg students were madeinOctober2023when Minister of Education Priya Manickchand visited Linden The minister revealed the plans after a parentraisedconcernsabout thecurrentstructurehousing the secondary school. This newspaper learnt that the current structure – the Christianburg/Wismar Secondary School will be reconstructedandnamedthe New Christianburg Multilateral.

BackinAugust2023,the government had signed a US$44 million loan agreement with the World Bank.

The project focuses on the expansion of access to quality education at the secondary level and improving technical and vocational training (TVET). Theprojectwillalsosupport the piloting and national rollout of a new curriculum for Grades Seven to Nine and finance textbooks for Grades Seven to Eleven. It w i l l a l s o s e e t h e developmentofanewTVET sector policy for 2022-2030 and improve the delivery of TVET at secondary and post-secondary institutions. Twoothersecondaryschools have been built through funding by the World Bank. Those schools are the Good HopeSecondarySchooland the Westminster Secondary School. At her ministry’s end-of-year press conference, Minister Manickchand mentioned that in Region 10, the ministry is building a secondaryschoolatWairuni, whiletheHururuSchoolwas recentlycompleted.

Businessman jailed for assaulting cop

Thirty-seven-year-oldbusinessmanfromLimaHousing Scheme,EssequiboCoast,hasbeensentencedtoonemonth imprisonmentforassaultingapoliceman.

Jairam Bissessar, was charged withAssaulting a Peace Officer, contrary to Section 28(b) of the Summary JurisdictionOffencesAct,Chapter8:02.

The incident occurred on January 2, 2025, at Lima Housing Scheme, Essequibo Coast, when he allegedly assaulted Police Corporal Hakim Atkins, stationed at the Anti-Crime Patrol Divisional Headquarters in Anna Regina

ThecasewasheardbeforeMagistrateTamiekaClarkeat theSuddieMagistrate’sCourt,whereBissessarwasabsent. An ex parte trial was conducted in his absence, and MagistrateClarkefoundBissessarguiltyofthecharge.

As a result, Bissessar was sentenced to one month imprisonment. Following the trial, Bissessar was arrested andplacedincustody

Multilateral School project

The Christianburg/Wismar Secondary School in Region 10

Schoolboys suspended over bullying, fighting at Westminster school

A13-year-old boy has claimed that after being bullied for one week, he was allegedly cornered by two of his schoolmates and beaten in the washroom of the Westminster, SecondarySchool,WestBankDemeraralastweek.

However, he and one of the boys have since been suspendedfromschoolovertheincident.

The teen said that the incident occurred on Friday last, between 12:30h and 13:00h. During an interview with this publication, the boy related that prior to the incident for one week, he had endured bullying from boys, who are older than him. The teen told this publication that for the week he experienced,“bullyingandtouching.Likehe(thebully)come up to me and touch me on my leg inappropriately.” This reportedlymadehimuncomfortable.

Headded,“SothisFriday(January17,2025),Iwasfedup, I was tired and I said that I will fight him and end the problem butwhenIwentintothewashroom,aboyfollowbehindme.”

Subsequently,afightensuedbetweenthem,wheretheteen was attacked by the two boys. The attackers allegedly hit him in his head, which resulted in severe injuries to his right eye. “Then after a boy opened the washroom door and I run out, I run till to the office, sitting down with a teacher to assist me,” the teen said. He was subsequently taken to the hospital for treatmentbyhismotherwhowassummonedbyteachers.

Speakingwith Kaieteur News,themotherofthechildsaid shewaslividwhenshearrivedattheschoollastweekandsaw the condition of her son’s eye. She also voiced her dissatisfaction with how the situation was handled by the teachers,particularlyregardingtheirfailuretotakehersonfor medicalattention.

She explained that from the school, she visited the Ministry of Education’s office located in Vreen-en-Hoop, where she lodged a complaint of the incident. Thereafter, she went to the West Demerara Regional Hospital, where her son wastreatedforhisinjuries.

Furthermore,shestatedthatonTuesday,personnelfrom Continued on page 14

New standard for service at community health centres and schools coming

President Irfaan Ali and some of his other ministers during the meeting with the regional officials

President Dr Irfaan Ali said that a new minimum standard for quality of serviceatcommunityhealthcentresand schools has been agreed upon and will soonbeimplementednationwide. He made the announcement following discussions with Regional Executive Officers, Regional Health Officers and Regional Education Officers from the respective Administrative Regions at the Office of the President on Tuesday “What we really sought to achieve today was findingtheformulathatwillfixexisting issues, inefficiencies in the system,

whether it’s the small issues like washroom sanitation, the issues within health centres, health outposts, schools, orwhethertherewerestructuralissues,” Ali is quoted in an Office of the Presidentpressreleaseassaying. He said the idea is to ease the bureaucratic burden on ordinary Guyanese by amplifying the Government’s response This would be translated into more proactive measures, greater service, and more flexibility in delivery Anexampleisallowingpatients tohaverefillsforthreemonthsinsteadof onemonth ThePresidentalsonotedthat

his vision for systemic changes is to make service delivery more peoplecentred and people-oriented He asserted that part of the vision is to reduce the cost of accessing Government services. Following the discussions, all programme heads were givenclearmandatesonthetasksahead for implementing the new strategies. Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh and several other ministers of the Government also attended the day-long event.


From page 3 told reporters: “I wish they had left my family alone.Today, I’m glad they have finallyacceptedresponsibility.”

Describing the snooping by NGN staff as “industrial in scale”, he said its owner Rupert Murdoch should offer “a personal apology” to Prince Harry, as well as any others affected Lord Watsonaddedthatthelegalteambehind the case would pass a dossier to the MetropolitanPolice.

AMetspokespersonsaiditnotedthe outcome of the case, adding that there were “no active police investigations into allegations of phone hacking or related matters” By agreeing to a settlement, NGN has avoided eight weeks of slowly revealed allegations. Now the court will not test the claims that senior executives deliberately obstructed justice by deleting emails and taking part in a cover up of

evidence. This is “strongly denied” by NGN. And there will not be damaging headlines about press intrusion into the royal family and the heart of government.

Former editor of the Sun, Kelvin MacKenzie, said it would have been “massively damaging” had the company’s chief executive Rebekah Brooksbeenforcedtogiveevidenceata trial. Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s The World at One programme, he said he was“astonished”byNGN’sadmissions in its statement. “There was always going to come a day like this, and [Prince] Harry’s pursued it. [NGN] are on the back foot and there is probably nothingelsetheycoulddo.”

CultureSecretaryLisaNandysaidit was “a significant day and a big relief” for the two claimants. She told The World At One she did not believe a second-stageLevesoninquiryintopress

practices was “fit for purpose”, but said familiesfromtheHackedOffcampaign group were preparing a “thorough briefing”aboutthechangestheybelieve are required. She said the government had to work with the families and the mediatomakesure“westrikethatright balance and we protect a free and fair press”.

Harry was 12 when his mother, the Princess of Wales, was killed in a car crash in a Paris tunnel while being followed by paparazzi He has suggested tabloid newspapers played a role in her death. Last year he said the tabloid press had been “central” to the breakdown of his relationship with the restoftheRoyalFamily

He has also settled a case against Mirror Group Newspapers alleging the publishers had gathered information on him in unlawful ways from 1996 to 2010.

The injury the 13-year-old student received to his eye.

Canadian gold company expected to produce 353,000 ounces of gold annually

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh said that the Oko West Gold Project

underscores the vast potential of Guyana’s untappedmineralresources.

The Oko West Project is currently considered an “advanced-stageexploration project,” and requires an initial capital investment of US$936 million. The Oko West project is expected to produce 353,000 ounces of gold annually from both open pit and underground mining. Theproject,owned by Canadian company G MiningVentures(GMIN),is projected to recover 4.5 million ounces of gold over 12.7 years, according to its Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) released inSeptember2024.

Dr Singh noted that this large-scale development reflects the increasing interest in and potential of Guyana’s mineral sector

“This project underscores the vast potential of Guyana’s untapped mineral wealth,”hestated.

The minister added that

Minister of Finance

Dr. Ashni Singh

exploration efforts and advancements in other areas withlarge-scalepotentialare also underway, further reinforcing Guyana’s position as an emerging leader in natural resource development.

G Mining Ventures recently announced its progressontheproject,with early construction work scheduledtobeginthisyear Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) g

m Environmental Permit (IEP) paving the way for early c

The Oko West Mine

and internal roads, airstrip, permanent camp facility, water and sewage treatment plants and power generation andcommunicationtower

This publication had reported that the company planstoestablishanewport of entry wharf and staging area near Itabali on the Cuyuni River to support operations for its Oko West Gold Project located in Region Seven (CuyuniMazaruni).

Thefacilitywillincludea wharf, laydown area, and accommodations for workers,witha40-bedcamp planned for the site. Materials and fuel required for the pre-operation and operation phases will be deliveredtothislanding.

EPA’s approval follows GMIN’s submis

e Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Oko


According to GMIN the IEP, which is valid for one year, along with the “No Objection” letter from the G u y a n a F o r e s t r y Commission,allowsthemto initiate early construction activities sooner than expectedinQ1of2025.

Notably, pre-production activities, including the development of the wharf and terminal, are slated to begininSeptember2025and conclude by December 2026.

The company noted that these activities include the construction of a barge landing facility, main access

It was also reported that the company stated that an airstripwillbeconstructedin Continued on page 16

$296 million to construct secondary school, teachers’ quarters at Karrau

The secondary school building that the government intends to construct in Karrau Village, Lower Mazaruni, RegionSevenwillbedoneatacostof$213million.

ThisisaccordingtoinformationprovidedbytheNational Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) through which the project was awarded. The school project which is being executed through the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development will be complemented by a teachers’living quarters which was also awardedbytheagencyatacostof$82million.

BasedonNPTABinformation,theschoolwillbebuiltby contractor Troy Dainty Construction for $213,938,305.9, while the living quarters will be constructed by Prored Resources for $82,900,000. Together the contracts bring the total to $296 million. Karrau, anAmerindian Village, which has approximately over 500 residents, is located in Lower Mazaruni and is some five minutes away from Bartica via boat.Thevillagehasaprimaryandanurseryschoolhousedin one building and would see the secondary aged students travellingtoneighbouringBarticatoattendschool.

Speakingabouttheplannedschoolforhisvillage,Toshao Shane Cornelius related to this publication that Karrau is regarded as one of the fastest growing communities so establishing a secondary there could have a transformative impact on the community Expounding further, he said that thisnewschoolwillimproveaccesstoeducation.“Currently, studentsofKarrauandneighbouringcommunitiestravellong distances to reach the nearest secondary school, which is costly,time-consuming,andunsafe.Alocalsecondaryschool would eliminate these barriers, making education more accessible and ensuring students can attend regularly,” he noted. He stated that the school can enhance academic performance, noting that with easier access, students would havemoretimeandenergytofocusontheirstudies.

Among other transformative impacts, the Toshao related thattheschoolwouldreducedropoutrates,provideeconomic growthandjobcreationandimprovehealthandsafetyamong children.Corneliusisoftheviewthatdifficultyofaccessing secondary education often leads to higher dropout rates in remotecommunities.Byprovidingaschoolwithinthevillage, students are more likely to continue their education, and it increasesthelikelihoodofcompletingsecondaryschool.

“A secondary school in Karrau Village could serve as a cornerstone for the community’s social, economic, and culturaldevelopment,shapingabrighterfuturefortheyoung peopleinandaroundKarrau,”ToshaoCorneliusexpressed. This publication had reported that when completed, the secondaryschoolwillnotonlybenefitKarraubutBatavia,and nearbycommunities.KarrauSecondaryisamongthefournew secondaryschoolsthatarebeingconstructedinRegionSeven. TheothersincludePhillipai,Jawalla,andIssano.Government budgeted$175billionfortheeducationsector,ofwhich$36.2 billion is set aside for the construction, rehabilitation and maintenanceofschoolsacrossthecountry



theMinistryofEducationvisitedtheschooltoinvestigatethe matter Thewomanmentionedthatbothhersonandoneofthe attackersweresuspended.Additionally,itwasnotedthatthe attacker’sparentswouldpayhalfofthemedicalbillsincurred forherson’streatment.

“I want the Education Ministry to look into it so it wouldn’t affect anybody else children…the mother said. “I justwantthem(EducationMinistry)putthingsinplaceeither them get police outpost to do more and look in more to the schoolthings,theschoolaspectandseehowtheycanresolve thisbullyingandthisgangsandallthesethingsthatgoingon.”

Last Friday also 14-year-old Kelvin Fraser, a student of WestDemeraraSecondarywasallegedlybeatenbyagroupof 17boysintheschool’swashroom.Hesustainedinjuriesabout hisface.Fraserwasalsothreatenedbytheattackers,totellthe teacherhefellandhithishead,orelsehewillbestabbed.

The issue was brought to light and is being dealt with by the Welfare Department, Ministry of Education, as the

Karrau village in Region Seven. (Photo courtesy, Karrau Village/Facebook)


The pigeon-infested Charlestown Secondary

School has reopened following suspension of classes by the Education Ministry after students and teachers had complained aboutthesituation.

Classes at the school resumed on Wednesday Kaieteur News was told that a contingency plan was put inplacetoaccommodatetwo levels of students per day, until the issue with the pigeonsisfullyresolved.On Wednesday, students of Grade 11 and eight were arranged for classes, while the other levels were taught online.

Ateacher who asked not to be named told Kaieteur News that the students are housed in “The lower flat andtheeasternsectionofthe school where the science laboratories are ” It was highlightedthattheMinistry of Education fumigated the area to remove the pigeons; however, some are still lingering around the school. Additionally, work is set to beginonblockingallventsto prevent pigeons from enteringtheschoolbuilding.

Kaieteur News reported that on January 3, 2025 a pregnantcleanerwaspecked in her left eye while on duty by the pigeons. She was immediately placed on


medical leave. This incident highlighted the dangers under the teaching and ancillary staff as well as the students were faced with daily, with some teachers evenreportingthesymptoms of illnesses linked to exposure to pigeon droppings While on the scene on January 14, 2025, Kaieteur News hadobserved a flock of pigeons gathered around the school, with teachers and students standing outside the building.

Further, teachers and students alike had reported longstanding issues with the pigeons, which had taken over several classrooms, particularly on the upper flooroftheschool.

The classrooms at the time when this newspaper visited were littered with pigeon droppings and nests, creating an unhygienic and unsafe environment for both students and staff. “When youlookaround,youwillsee what is happening. This has been going on for years, but it’s getting worse , ” a teacher at the school had expressed.

Cliffon Johnson, another schoolteacherhadexplained that despite previous attempts to control the pigeonpopulation,including the installation of mesh

barriers, the problem persisted.“Overtenyears(it has been happening), we can’t pinpoint which year it started but over the years, it kept continuing. Yes, yes, they(MinistryofEducation) came;theyputupsomemesh butitmadenosensebecause the pigeons going through the mesh,” Johnson said.

“Right now, it’s mating season, coccidiosis is in the air, because those pigeons are carrying the coccidiosis virus, the mere fact that people scratching is coccidiosis Most of the classrooms in the upper flat are affected,” another teacher had said. At the school on January 14, 2025, a few students recalled pigeon dung use to be on their desks. “So if you don’t watch where you sitting, it used to be on your clothes…”

TheCaribbean’sEducation System:WhatdoDeclining PassRatesReveal?

Frompage15 systems and by providing evidence-based recommendations for reform. For example, Education Public Expenditure Reviews completedinJamaicaandBelizeandongoing in Barbados, provide a comprehensive analysis of the efficiency and equity of education spending, benchmarking the country’s performance against regional and global standards. The Public Expenditure Review in Jamaica laid the analytical groundwork for the Jamaica Education Project. The project, launched in 2023 is helping Jamaica improve teaching methods, u p g r a d e s e c o n d a r y s c h o o l facilities—including the construction of a new school to accommodate 2,400 students from underserved communities and

enhance education management information systemsforbetterdecision-making.

InGuyana,theWorldBankissupporting theexpansionofaccesstoqualitysecondary education and enhancing technical and vocational training to meet labor market needs.

WiththeBank’ssupport,Guyananowhas three new secondary schools equipped with state-of-the-art technology The recently completed Good Hope and Westminster Secondary Schools have added 1,800 new spacesforstudents,ensuringbetteraccessto quality education. Caribbean countries can make significant strides in improving the quality of education, ensuring Caribbean children have the future they deserve – one filledwithopportunitiesandbrightprospects.

The flock of pigeons that was at the school during the pigeon infestation


Kitchen Assistant needed Tel: 676-5534 / 709-8131 Famous Flavour Restaurant.

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Wanted workers on a sheep farm. Telephone : 679-7552.

WANTED 1 female companion relationship /possible marriage. Spending money $200,000 monthly.

WhatsApp picture/info to 736-3293

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4,600 per day: $5,400 per night. Workers paid weekly. Call: 611-7839 (GTT)/ 6370983 (digi).

One handyman to work in the interior. Call: 677-0869 / 664-0844.

One housemaid to work in Providence area four(4) days per week. 624-8591.

Wanted- Fish processor in Ruimveldt Georgetown. Call : 682-5002.

Cash crop labourer $7,000 per day. Call : 679-7552.

Wanted waitress to work in a bar & Live-in, must have an I.D and be 18 years or older. Call / Whatsapp- 6591930

1-diesel mechanic for heavy duty machines. Contact #652-0251/650-0402.


For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918

One Nissan Double cab pickup, fully off road setup ; -5 Million Negotiable. Call: 626-8919 / 661-3030.

Kenworth Hauler Truck. Contact : 223-5273 / 6689880.

65-210 DAF Box Truck.Contact : 223-5273 / 668-9880.

DAF 6x6 with Dump.Contact : 223-5273 / 668-9880.

Toyota Mark 2.Contact : 223-5273 / 668-9880.

Printing equipment & (Xerox) Photocopier. Contact : 233-2725 / 233-2439.

General Domestic , cook , iron, clean house ECT. Apply Keyfood Mc Doom village next to the post office $6000 daily, 3day work

Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence Call 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Male cleaner for Eccles Call 615-9132 or 645-8443

Vacancy for carpenter & masons $8,000 - $12,000 per day & Labourer $5,000$8,000 per day. Call 650-1394 / 692-7110.

General Workers, shift 7-3,310 & 10-7. Sound secondary education / 3 cxc subjects. Salary $110,000 Monthly. Whatsapp 668-0306 / 6557405 .

Vacancy for bodywork guy Must know to fill & buff. Monday to Saturday. 36k60 k per week depends on skills. Call: 644-0833.

Desk staff, Handyman/ Licensed driver,Receptionist, Supervisor , Room attendant. 233 South Road Lacytown. 225-0198.

One experienced driver to make purchase in Georgetown, Persons interested. contact : 701-4000

Vacancy at Dyna's Embroidery & Screenprints: We are hring Sales Representatives. Tel# 226-2621.

Vacancy at Dyna's Embroidery & Screenprints: We are hring Factory Workers. Tel# 226-2621.

One Security officer. Tele : 623-2728 / 619-0898.

Skilled/ Semi- skilled mechanic $6,000 - $10,000 per day depending on skills. Contact : 671-8122 / 6551807.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Female cleaner for Eccles office. Call : 615-9132 / 6458443.

One clerk for TSI Eccles office English 1, Maths 2. Call : 615-9132 or email application to techserigy@yahoo.com

Vacancy at Dyna's Embroidery & Screenprints: We are a hiring Driver. Tel# 226-2621.

Six-year-old shot in head recovering slowly

…as one suspect freed, other further remanded

Six-year-old Jeremiah Gustave, who is recovering from a gunshot wound to his head, was once again admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation for emergency surgery. This update was shared


Two & Three bedroom Luxury apartments $2500 USD long term rental, Campbellville Georgetown. 682-2585/ 712-8641.

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Spacious downstairs apartment in Mon Repos E.C.D, With bedroom, living & Kitchen, single person 30 years old. Call : 728-4053/ 234-0965.


Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Electrical Items Repairs. Whatsapp : 659-5664.


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1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.

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by his mother, Keisha Gustave during a court hearing concerning one of the suspects in the case, Odel Garnette, at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday. During the hearing, Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty asked for an update on the child’s condition. According to Keisha, Jeremiah was admitted to the hospital on New Year’s Day for the surgery and was discharged ten days later. However, she mentioned that his recovery has been slow.

In relation to Garnette, prosecution revealed that partial disclosure had been made, and they requested a further hearing on January 24, 2025, at which video footage of the incident will be presented. As a result, Garnette, who is charged with the attempted murder of Jeremiah, was remanded into police custody.

After the court hearing, speaking with Kaieteur News, Keisha explained Jeremiah’s condition. “ The VP (ventriculoperitoneal) shunt (a small plastic tube that helps drain extra cerebrospinal fluid from the brain) that they put in him was showing, so he had to do another surgery.” She shared that al-

Further remanded: Odel Garnette

though her son shows slight movements in his toes and head, he remains unable to speak. Keisha also revealed the financial strain the family is experiencing due to the ongoing medical treatment. “You have to catch a taxi because everywhere he has to go, you have to catch a taxi. Everything is money, every minute you have to go and buy things for him,” she said.

With Jeremiah’s birthday approaching on January 29, Keisha noted that her son is still out of the school system and currently undergoing therapy.

Garnette, also known as “Crab,” and another suspect Marlon Wilburg, also known as ‘Mice Man are accused of shooting Jeremiah in the head on July 9, 2024, at Charles Street, Charlestown, Georgetown.

It was reported that in October 2024, the case against Wilburg was withdrawn. During that hearing, police prosecutor informed the court that the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) had instructed the case be dropped, though no reason was provided. As a result, Wilburg, who had been remanded to prison on July 29, 2024, was released. Reports indicate that Jeremiah, a student at Smith’s Memorial Primary School, was sitting at his mother’s food stall when an altercation escalated, resulting in the shooting. He was quickly transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, where he has undergone multiple surgeries.

Buxton man dies after being shot at party

A man identified as Orlando also known as “Wuk Wile” died on Tuesday while receiving treatment for gunshot wounds he sustained at a party in Buxton East Coast Demerara (ECD).

Relatives confirmed his demise and Kaieteur News has been able to confirm the

shooting. Details are sketchy about the circumstances that led to the shooting and up to press time police were yet to respond to questions from reporters. Kaieteur News understands, however, that the shooting, might have stemmed from an old grievance. A cellphone recorded

video of a wounded Orlando was seen by this media house. Persons holding him up in their arms, as they tried to keep him from falling unconscious.

He was taken to a city hospital where he died days later, while receiving treatment.

Canadian gold company expected...

From page 13 the project area. It was explained that while a number of alternative locations were considered, in the end it was decided that the airstrip will be located to the south of the mine infrastructure and close to the pit/processing plant.

“The airstrip will be designed to accommodate airplanes up to the size of a Twin-Otter or Caravan and will be approximately 850 meters long. The airstrip will be used for the export of gold, personnel transport, and health and safety emergencies during all phases of the

Project,” it was stated. When operational, it was stated that the flights will occur during daylight hours, as the airstrip will not be lit. “The airstrip will be unpaved and constructed from laterite. The airstrip will be oriented northeast-southwest, as required by prevailing winds,” the document states.

Moreover, GMIN is aiming to produce approximately 5 million ounces of gold over 14 to 16 years. In July 2024, GMIN bought Reunion Gold, another Canadian company for some US$638 million–through this transaction

GMIN acquired Reunion’s flagship Oko West Mine. The Mineral Resource Estimation (MRE) dated 26th February, 2024 is 4.27 million ounces of gold in indicated resources and 1.60 million ounces of gold in inferred resources.

According to the EIA, “planned production of approximately five million ounces of gold over 14 to 16 years from the processing of an estimated 65 to 70 million tons of ore, creating 280 to 350 million tons of waste rock and 65 to 70 million tons of tailings.”

The PNC-led coalition did not take...

From page 06 again that it must have the Presidential Candidate in the Coalition which means one of the other five baby parties will have the Prime Ministerial Candidate slot. This does not bode well for Mr. Nigel Hughes, because how will it look for a Guyanese of African descent as the Presidential Candidate coming from the PNC and Mr. Nigel Hughes another Guyanese of African descent

being touted as the Prime Minister candidate of the PNC led coalition? That is an electionlosing proposition. In the final analysis, while there may be a Cummingburg Accord Part Deux, it is clear it cannot influence confidence from the people since it will be seen as a repeat of the same old failed model. The Guyanese people may very well remain unconvinced since it can come across as an act of des-

peration against a well-oiled PPP machinery that will be implementing a $1.3 trillion budget. What is even worse is that this PNC-led coalition, when given the chance in 2015 to manage the country, failed at governing the country competently and thus there can only be one conclusion and one winner from this situation in 2025. Go figure!


Freed: Marlon Wilburg


he Ministry of THealth is seeking firms to supply a quantity of stationery supplies. Thiswasrevealedatthe National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) during the

Below are the companies and their bids:

CentralHousing&PlanningAuthority ProcurementofElectricalLine HardwareMaterialsLots1-5.

recentopeningofbids. It was revealed that 30 companies have applied for thecontract. Notably, the Ministry went out to tender seeking

MinistryofHealth Supply&DeliveryofStationery SuppliesforProgramme1-8.

the supply and delivery of Field Materials for its programmes.

Supply&DeliveryofFieldMaterials forProgramme1-8Lots1-4.

Sophia man wanted for raping child
Ewart George

West Bank braces for rising violence ‘Thebattlefieldisabouttoshift’:

(ALJAZEERA) When the Gaza ceasefire was announced on January 15, Palestinians in the occupied West Bank were overjoyed that Israel’s devastating war on the besieged enclave wouldfinallyend.

However, Israeli state violence has quickly escalated across the West Bankinwhatlocalmonitors and analysts describe as an apparentattempttoformally annex more land The sudden uptick in settler attacks and Israeli military operations has frightened Palestinians in the occupied territory, who believe they could now face the same kindofviolencemetedoutto their countrymen and women in Gaza. Israel has killed more than 46,900 PalestiniansinGazasinceits warstartedontheenclavein October2023.

“Wewatchedagenocide unfoldinGazafor14months andnobodyintheworlddid anythingtostopitandsome people here think we’ll suffer a similar fate,” said ShadyAbdullah,ajournalist and human rights activist from Tulkarem “We all know we fear that the situation could get much worse here in the West Bank,” hetoldAlJazeera.


Hours after the Gaza ceasefire began on January 19, Israel began erecting dozens of new checkpoints in the West Bank to prevent Palestinians from gathering and celebrating the release of political prisoners, who were let go in a swap for Israeli captives held by Hamas as part of the deal. The checkpoints also prohibited farmers from reachingtheirfarmlandsand sealed civilians in entire cities,suchasinHebronand Bethlehem.

Mourners carry the body of Ahmad Nimer al-Shaib after he was killed during an Israeli military operation in Jenin, in the West Bank village of Bruqin, Wednesday, January 22, 2025 [Majdi Mohammed/AP Photo]

Israeli settlers then began expanding illegal outposts in the West Bank and attacking Palestinian villages. Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank a r e i l l e g a l u n d e r international law, and many of the haphazardly constructed outposts are even illegal under Israeli law, although often little is done to remove them, and many later become f o r m a l i s e d “ T h e implications of the violence is that it leads to direct or associateddisplacementand thatfallsinlinewithIsrael’s objective of preventing any Palestinian state on their land,” said Tahani Mustafa, anexpertonIsrael-Palestine with International Crisis Group.

In addition, the Israeli army announced plans to carryoutmajoroperationsin

theWestBank,whichbegan on January 21 with a major incursion into Jenin camp, ostensibly to root out armed groups. Israeli raids on the West Bank predated the war on Gaza, but scaled up in violence and intensity with the onset of the war “The settler violence and incursions we are seeing is an indicator of where we are heading now,” Mustafa toldAlJazeera. Trade-off?

The uptick in violence has led some to believe that new United States President DonaldTrumpmadeatradeoff with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to pause the war on Gaza in exchange for steppingupaggressioninthe WestBank.“Theceasefirein Gaza – which looks more like a humanitarian pause and “trade of hostages and prisoners” – comes with a price Israel never ever relinquishes anything withoutapricetobepaidand I think we are seeing that in theWestBank,giventhesort of [officials] the Trump administration is composed of,”Mustafa

Trump has not indicated thatthereisanykindofdeal withNetanyahutoallowhim to increase violence in the West Bank, but he has also refused to commit to a twostate solution, and has nominated several figures who are opposed to Palestinian statehood to prominent positions in his

administration The potential for an increased crackdown on Palestinian fightersintheWestBank,as well as the growth of illegal settlements and even potential annexation, appearstohaveincentivised Israel’s far-right Finance MinisterBezalelSmotrichto remain in Netanyahu’s frail coalition,ratherthanpullout andcollapsethegovernment as a way to protest the ceasefire in Gaza. Under Smotrich, Israel has quietly confiscatedmorelandinthe WestBankoverthelastyear thanithasinthelast20years combined, according to Peace Now, an Israeli nonprofit monitoring land grabs.

Both Smotrich and the broader settler movement have long viewed the occupied West Bank as an integral part of “greater Israel”, and refer to the territory as Judea and Samaria.

Smotrich’s rapid annexationoftheWestBank went largely unnoticed due to the much larger crisis in Gaza, where, in addition to the mass killing of Palestinians, nearly the entire pre-war population of 2 3 million people were uprootedanddisplaced.


Palestinians across the occupied West Bank now saythatsettlersarestepping up attacks in coordination with the Israeli army to confiscate and seize more

“Theydon’tevencareabout God’slaw.”


In early December, armedgroupsinJeninbegan clashingwiththePalestinian Authority (PA), an administration created as a result of the 1993 Oslo Accords.Theaccordsjumpstarted a now-defunct peace process that ostensibly aimed to establish a Palestinian state across the o

Jerusalem as its capital. A key element of the Oslo Accords was tasking the PA with rooting out and disarming armed groups as part of its security coordinationwithIsrael.

But as hopes for statehood faded and Israel entrenched its occupation, a number of neighbourhood armed groups loosely connec

land.OnJanuary20,settlers violently attacked two villagesinthenorthernWest Bank, Funduq and Jinasfut, as well as villages further south in Masafer Yatta and aroundRamallah.

The settlers set homes and cars ablaze and beat up Palestinians under the full protection and watchful eye of the Israeli army, according to local rights groups. However, the head of the Israeli army’s Central Command, General Avi Bluth, said in a statement that any “violent riot harms security and the army will not allow it”. The attacks came during Trump’s inaugurationasUSpresident –inoneofhisfirstactionsas president he reversed sanctions on groups and individuals who the US had previously deemed part of the “extremist settler movement”.

“Theaimofthesettlersis known, ” said Abbas Milhem, the executive director of the Palestinian FarmersUnion.

“They want to transfer Palestinians outside of the West Bank and annex the land to Israel and impose Israeli law ” Ghassan Aleeyan,aPalestinianliving in Bethlehem, expressed his frustration to Al Jazeera.

“What these people are doing is illegal, but they d o n ’ t c a r e a b o u t international law, or Palestinian law or Israeli law,” he told Al Jazeera.

h the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, HamasandevenFatah–the factionincontrolofthePA–emerged in Palestinian campsacrosstheWestBank. With the PAunable to crush the armed groups in Jenin camp, Israel launched a major operation on January 21, which has already killed atleast10people. Local monitors told Al Jazeera that Israel is justifyingitsoperationunder the guise of buttressing Israel’s security and ensuring that another October 7-style assault does not occur, even though the armed groups in the West Bankarefarlesscapableand organised than Hamas in Gaza. “We believe Israel’s plan is to attack the north of the West Bank in the same wayitdidduringthesecond Intifada when it invaded Palestinian camps,” said Murad Jadallah, a human rightsmonitorwithal-Haq,a Palestinianrightsgroup.

Israel previously occupiedtheJenincampfor 10 days in 2002, destroying about 400 houses and displacingaboutaquarterof the residents during the second Intifada in 2002, according to the UN Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA). Mustafa, from the ICG, believes Israel will conductmoreincursionsand major military operations across the West Bank in the comingdaysinanattemptto crushallformsofresistance. “The battlefield is about to shift from Gaza to the West Bank,”shesaid.

PSC praises Govt. for ‘impactful’

$1.3 trillion budget

The Private Sector

Commission ( P S C ) h a s applauded the government’s $1.382 trillion 2025 Budget calling it “forward-thinking andimpactful.”

The 2025 budget was presented last Friday by SeniorMinisterintheOffice of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service. This year’s budget is a 20 6% increasecomparedtoBudget 2024.

In a statement, PSC stated that the policies outlined by Minister Singh reflectaclearcommitmentto fostering inclusive growth, reducing inequality, and

creating an enabling environment for businesses tothrive.“Thebudget,witha total expenditure of $1.382 trillion, is a testament to the government’s dedication to ensuring that the benefits of Guyana’s unprecedented economic growth are shared

equitably among all citizens,” the private sector bodysaid.

PSC underscored that it is heartened by the government’s targeted measures to sustain the momentum of the country’s economy which received a 43.6% increase in Gross Domestic Product and growth in non-oil sector in 2024.

“The Commission recognizes the profound impact of the government’s fiscalreformsonthelivesof Guyanese people The significant increase in the

personal income tax

threshold from $100,000 to $130,000 monthly, coupled with a reduction in the first tax band from 28% to 25%, will increase disposable incomes for families and stimulate domestic spending,”itwasnoted.

PSC stated that the introduction of non-taxable thresholds for overtime earnings and secondary employment income u n d e r s c o r e s t h e government’s understanding of the realities faced by the workingpopulation.

“Social measures such as the increase in old-age pensions, public assistance, and the Because We Care grantreflectthegovernment’s deep commitment to improving the standard of living for vulnerable groups These initiatives, coupled with the abolition of bridge tolls, will alleviate financial burdens on families while promoting greater mobility and economic participation,” itwasstated

PSCsaiditisencouraged by the government’s efforts to maintain macroeconomic stability, address inflation, and invest in resilient infrastructure, which are critical to fostering a strong andsustainableeconomy.

The Commission underscored that the continuation of measures to contain freight costs reflects a pragmatic approach to shielding businesses and consumers from external shocks, ensuring economic resilience Moreover, in

relation to the business community PSA welcomed the removal of VAT on critical inputs such as agricultural machinery and backup generators The Commission explained that these measures not only reduce operating costs for key industries but also align with efforts to diversify the economy and strengthen non-oil sectors such as


The government was com

accelerated depreciation provisions for poultry farmers’investments.

PSC called it a proactive approach to support food security and boosting the agro-processingsector

“Budget2025willenable continuous private sector

innovation, create jobs, and build a strong, sustainable economy that benefits all stakeholders,” it was added. PSC is looking forward to working with policymakers to ensure the successful implementation of the initiatives outlined and committed to advocate for further policies that enhance

competitiveness and social well-being.

Nandlall again vows to appeal GTU dues deduction case

Weeks after President Irfaan Ali had stopped him from appealing a court case, Attorney General Anil Nandlall is back at it again, this time promising that the government will be appealingtherulingmadeby Appeal Court Justice Dawn Gregory where she refused theState’sapplicationtostay a High Court order which mandated them to continue deductionsandremittanceof the GuyanaTeachers’Union (GTU)dues.

The State had made an application to stay Justice Sandil Kissoon’s order which mandated the continuation of deductions of union dues and their remittancetotheGTU.

On Tuesday, Justice of Appeal Dawn Gregory highlighted that the GTU would suffer undue prejudice if the stay was granted, stating that the balance of justice lies in favour of the Union In response to the decision, the Attorney General told viewers of his programme ‘Issues in the News’ on Tuesday night that the Guyana Government will be appealing the decision. Noting that the GTU is the only union that enjoys this arrangement, Nandlall argued that the Government is not obligated to do so by virtueoftheprecedencethat was set in a previous case

involvingtheGuyanaPublic ServiceUnion(GPSU).

“TheGovernmentisnow being saddled with a responsibility and a duty now in law to collect Union dues and pay it over to the union from members of the union that is the union’s business How can you compel a government to do thatandIthoughtthatthelaw was clear, since this matter was earlier settled in the Nanda Gopaul case ” Nandlallsaid.

He continued “You can’t compelmetodoyouafavour unless the law creates an obligation The act that you’recompellingmusthave legal underpinning. There mustbesomedutycreatedin lawbeforeacourtoflawcan compel the performance of thatduty.Thegovernmentis now being saddled with a responsibility and a duty now, in law, to collect union

dues and pay it over to the union from the members of theunion.That’stheunion’s business.”

Just recently President Irfaan Ali stopped Nandlall fromappealingacourtaward of $24M for the slaying of Quindon Bacchus by a policeman over two years ago.Nandlallhadarguedthat the court’s decision, which washandeddownbyJustice Nigel Niles, was flawed and that the government would beappealingit. However,Vice President BharratJagdeo,speakingata press conference said that once the President got wind oftheplan,heaskedtheAG to stop. “The President was made aware of the ongoing efforts by the Attorney General’s Chambers and instructed that the appeal should not proceed. Instead, the compensation must be paid,”Jagdeotoldreporters. Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

Second victim in Foulis gas-bottle explosion dies

The second victim in a gas bottle-related explosionatFoulis,EastCoastDemerara,58year-old Manu Sukhu, succumbed at the GeorgetownPublicHospitalonWednesdaythree days after his wife, Basmattie Ganpat, whowasalsoavictimoftheexplosiondied.

Sukhu’s foster daughter, Sandyha Goolram, shared the tragic news with Kaieteur News onWednesdayafternoon.She explainedthatearlierintheday,hospitalstaff had informed her to prepare for Sukhu’s imminent passing. They reportedly told her, “Heain’tgetmoretimeleft.”Thefamilywas laternotifiedat17:45hrsthathehaddied.

Both Sukhu and his wife, Ganpat, succumbedtosevereburnssustainedinagas bottle explosion on January 4, 2025, at their Fifth Street home in Foulis, East Coast Demerara.Goolram,whowasatthehospital, also mentioned that she had gone to retrieve her mother’s post-mortem results, which revealed that Ganpat died from infected burns.

Ganpat, 55, and Sukhu, 58, were both admitted to the hospital on the day of the incident.Ganpatsufferedburnsto80%ofher body,whileSukhusustainedburnsto68%of his body Goolram expressed the profound

grief her family is facing, stating, “I’m crying, crying, crying. I don’t know what to do, I’m very hurt right now.” She also mentioned,“Iwentrunningaroundalldayto prepare for mommy’s funeral for Saturday and now I hear this news too; it’s very heartbreaking…He(Sukhu)binlikeshebad, mymotherwasastar.”

Describing the explosion, Goolram recalled receiving a message about a house fire and her mother being burned. Upon arriving at the scene, she saw extensive damage to the roof, lower flat, and kitchen. Goolram believes the explosion was caused by a gas leak from a Massy Gas cylinder, as her mother had smelled gas before lighting the stove. “Somebody told me they were smellingthegas…butshestillwentaheadto lightthestove,”shesaid.

The damage to the house is estimated to exceed one million dollars, and Goolram pointed out that renovations had been completedonlyayearago.Asthefamilynow focuses on organizing the funerals for both Ganpat and Sukhu, they have yet to decide whethertopursuelegalactionagainstthegas company Asofnow,thegascompanyhasnot reachedouttothefamily

Slingerz players excited about Shabazz possibility

Players at Slingerz Football Club are


possibility of Jamaal Shabazzsigningfortheclub. Several of the club’s key players were eager to vent their eagerness for the deal tohappen.

Slingerz midfielder

Curtez Kellman explained. “It’s a great feeling to have theopportunitytoreconnect withCoachShabazz. It’sjustwhatweneedat Slingerz heading into a new season I think he will drive the players to achieve their personal and team goals.”


outstanding Elite League season last year and becameafixtureasastarter on the Guyana National team.

Reflecting on his time under Shabazz in the National team, Kellman said, “Working with Coach Shabazz helped me to be more versatile and open to

playing more than one position,”heshared.

Echoing similar sentiments is Slingerz utilityplayerLeoLovell

Lovellwhowonahouse lot as MVP of the One Guyana Presidents Cup in 2023 was mainly an attackingmidfielder.

Shabazz converted him into a wingback for the Golden Jaguars and he also became a fixture on the Guyana National team

Thursday January 23, 2025


Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher


The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.


There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.


Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.


Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.


Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.


Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor


Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.


Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,

Speaking on his transformation Lovell stated, “Coach Shabazz played a pivotal role in me becoming a more versatileplayer.”

”He even sent me to do medical tests to detect certaindeficienciesinmy energylevels

His attention to those details improved both my energy levels and understanding of the game ”

Slingerz FC skipper and goalkeeper Akel

Clarke feels that acquisition of Shabazz is ideal for the club’s vision

”Coach Shabazz is abou

player on and off the field

He wants to know what you eat, what you want to achieve in life

H e i n s i s t s o n u s b e c o m i n g m o r e responsibleyoungmen

”He connects well with the players, yet he is very demanding and insists on discipline and commitment, ” stated Clarke

“Even while I am playing now, he is pushing me to seek my coaching license and encourages me to think about life after football ”

T h e v e t e r a n goalkeeper also felt Shabazz’ presence will be beneficial to the entire league and not just Slingerz

“His knowledge and experience will also help build the league into something far better than it is currently.

Since he is never afraid of giving his views on how to improve Guyana’s football ”

IBA president, CEO makes ‘clarion call’ to President Trump


Inanextraordinaryletter addressed to U.S. President DonaldTrump,International Boxing Association (IBA)

President Umar Kremlev and Secretary General and CEO Chris Roberts OBE, issued an impassioned call for intervention and collaboration to secure the future of boxing in the OlympicGames.

Their message shines a spotlight on the perilous

state of the sport’s relationship with the International Olympic Committee(IOC)andraises broader questions about governance, equity, and the sanctity of Olympic traditions.

Boxing’sinclusioninthe Olympics dates back to 1904, making it one of the cornerstone sports of the modernGames.

Over the years, it has produced legends like Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, and Vasiliy Lomachenko,andinthecase of Guyana, Michael Parris, who not only holds the country’s only Olympic Medal, but his bronze at the 1980 games stands as the only medal in boxing at the Olympics for the EnglishspeakingCaribbean.

The aforementioned boxers, and many others Olympic achievements cemented their places in history Yet, despite its storied legacy, boxing faces a grim reality; it may be excluded from the 2028 Los AngelesOlympics.

Thisdecisionstemsfrom a protracted standoff between the IOC and the IBA. At the heart of the dispute are allegations of m i s m a n a g e m e n t , governance failures, and issues of fairness in officiating.

The IOC suspended the IBAin2019,citingconcerns about transparency and financialintegrity

Thesuspensionledtothe IOC taking over the organization of boxing events for the Tokyo 2020 and Paris 2024 Olympics, leaving the sport’s governing body in a precariousposition.

For the IBA, the stakes couldn’tbehigher Losing its Olympic status could irreparably damage the sport’s global standing and deprive young athletes of their ultimate dream.

In their letter, Kremlev and Roberts acknowledge Trump’sstoriedhistorywith boxing as a promoter and venue host during the 1980s and 1990s, as they appealto his understanding of the sport’s cultural and economic significance, emphasizing its unique ability to inspire and unite peopleworldwide.

The IBA’s leaders also commend Trump’s support for maintaining fairness in sports, particularly his stanceontheparticipationof transgender athletes in


They argue that boxing, as a sport rooted in equality and meritocracy, requires clear and enforceable international regulations to protectitsintegrity

Their appeal aligns with their broader critique of the IOC, which they accuse of prioritizingpoliticalagendas overathletes’interests.

Boxing’s contribution to the Olympics extends far beyond the ring. According todatafromtheIOC,boxing consistently ranks among the most-watched sports during the Games, drawing millions of viewers worldwide. Its appeal spans c o n t i n e n t s a n d demographics, making it a vital component of the Olympicbrand.

Moreover, the sport has been a springboard for countless athletes from u n d e r p r i v i l e g e d backgrounds,offeringapath to glory and financial stability

For many nations, particularly in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast

IBA CEO and General Secretary, Chris Roberts

Asia, Olympic boxing representsarareopportunity to shine on the global stage. The potential exclusion of boxing from the LA28 O l y m p i c s w o u l d disproportionately affect these regions, undermining the Olympic ideal of universality

The IBA’s letter underscores the need for reform within the Olympic movement. They call for a restructuring of the IOC, highlighting issues such as financial mismanagement, low-quality medals, and politicalinterference.

Kremlev and Roberts a r g u e t h a t t h e s e shortcomings have eroded trust in the Olympic brand andjeopardizeditsfuture.

To address these challenges, the IBA has implemented measures to enhance transparency and accountability These include a substantial prize money fund for athletes and a commitment to ensuring that all earnings are distributed equitably among boxers, coaches, and


TheIBAalsotakespride in providing medals of g e n u i n e q u a l i t y, symbolizing the hard work andsacrificesofitsathletes.

TheIBA’spleatoTrump is part of a broader effort to secure boxing’s place in the LA28 Olympics They express hope that new leadership within the IOC, expected to take office in March, will bring about meaningfulchange.

The IBA envisions a revitalized Olympic movement that prioritizes athletes’ interests, fosters inclusivity, and promotes sportsasatoolforpeace.

Theletteralsohighlights the potential benefits of hosting the IBA World Boxing Championships in the United States, a move thatcouldreigniteAmerican interestinamateurboxing.

The last time this event was held in the U.S. was in 2007,inChicago.Bringingit backcouldserveasacatalyst for the sport’s growth and showcase its enduring appealtoAmericanfans.

As the clock ticks down to the LA28 Olympics, the fate of boxing hangs in the balance.

The IBA’s letter to Trump is a clarion call for unity and action, urging stakeholders to put aside political differences and worktogethertopreservethe sport’sOlympiclegacy

For millions of boxing enthusiasts and aspiring athletes, the stakes couldn’t be higher The exclusion of boxing from the Olympics wouldbeadevastatingblow to a sport that has given so muchtotheworld.

AsKremlevandRoberts eloquently put it, “The athletes should be at the forefront of any sports organization, and their interests should always prevail.”

In the end, the battle to save Olympic boxing is aboutmorethanjustasport. It’s about preserving a tradition that embodies the values of perseverance, fairness, and global unity The world is watching, and thetimetoactisnow

GBA commends government of budget allocation for sports, notes its significance

The Guyana Boxing Association (GBA) has

commended the government for their historic allotment of approximately $8B towards the development of the sportssector

The allocation, which is the largest ever in the history of the nation, was announced by Senior Minister within the Ministry of Finance, Honourable Dr Ashni Singh, on Friday at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre in


The sum, which is a 73.9% or $3.4B increase on the previous allocationof$4.6B,willaffordthe continued development of the sports ecosystem under the administration of the Honourable Minister of Sports, Charles RamsonJr

This significant investment shows the government’s strong commitment to the expansion and advancement of sports in our country,andwethinkitwillhavea

significant and favourable effect onboxing’sandathletes’futuresin general.

With this budget increase, the GBA has the wonde

ul opportunity to reach more communities, grow our programmes,andmakeevenmore investments in our athletes’ growth. In addition to helping our boxers perform better on the national and international scene, we think that this dedication will benefitourcountryasawhole.

In the end, sports can teach resilience, discipline, and teamwork qualities that carry over from the ring into every part oflife.Essentially,thegovernment is promoting a more vibrant and healthy society by bolstering the sportingecosystem. This shows a profound appreciation for the role that sport plays in our society and will help the boxing community tremendously, enabling us to achievegreaterthings.

The GBA is dedicated to collaboratingwiththegovernment to guarantee that these resources are distributed efficiently, and we want to emphasise our steadfast commitment to fostering and improving the abilities of our boxers and establishing an atmosphere in which they can flourish. The value of sports is demonstrated by this budget increase,whichwethinkisahuge step forward for our nation’s sportingfuture.

IBA president, Umar Kremlev

Karishma Ramharack urges better batting execution as Windies Women eye decisive ODI victory


off-spinner Karishma Ramharack has emphasized the need for the team’s batters to focus on proper executionastheypreparefor the series-deciding third ODIagainstBangladesh.

The Caribbean side will belookingtoreboundaftera disappointing 60-run defeat in the second match at Warner Park on Tuesday, whichsawBangladeshlevel thethree-matchseries1-1.

Despite Ramharack’s career-best figures of 4-33

helping to restrict Bangladeshto184,theWest Indies batting lineup faltered, as they mustered only124inresponse.

The clinical bowling effort from the visitors exposed vulnerabilities in the Windies’ batting approach, something Ramharack is keen to see

addressed in Friday’s final encounter

“It’salwaysgoodtobein thewickets.I’mreallyhappy togetcareer-bestfigures,but Iwouldhavelikedtowinthe g a m e o b v i o u s l y, ”

Ramharack said in a postgameinterview,pointingtoa lack of application at the creaseasakeyissue.

“I guess we didn’t apply ourselvesinthemiddle.

We lost wickets in clusters, and that really put the team under pressure,” sheadmitted.

Ramharack believes the solution lies in spending more time at the crease and stickingtothefundamentals.

“AsIsaidbefore,wejust need to apply ourselves and spendtimeatthewicket.We need to sit down and think about the way we go about ourbatting,applyourselves, and come out and execute,”


Despite the loss, Ramharack noted some positives, particularly from the team’s bowling unit and t h e l o w e r - o r d e r contributions.

All-round Shepherd named man of the match as MI Emirates defeat Abu Dhabi Knight Riders by 28 runs

SportsMax - Romario Shepherd had an excellent all-round performance to lead MI Emiratestoa28-runwinovertheAbuDhabi Knight Riders in International League T20 (ILT20)actionattheZayedCricketStadium onTuesday Shepherdtook2-14fromhistwooversto helprestricttheKnightRidersto158-9from their20oversinpursuitof187forvictory AndreRussellledthewayfortheKnight Riders with 37* off 23 balls but some slow battingfromthetoporderleftthebig-hitting all-rounderwithtoomuchtodointheend.

Opener Andries Gous was the next highest scorer with a run-a-ball 34. Alzarri Joseph also picked up two wickets while conceding33inhisfourovers.

Earlier, the Emirates made 186-6 after being put in to bat by Knight Riders captain

Sunil Narine. Captain Nicholas Pooran led thewaywitha26-ball49includingfivefours andtwosixesbutitwasShepherdwhostole theshowlateintheinningswith38*offjust 13ballsinclusiveoffourfoursandthreesixes to propel the Emirates to what turned out to beawinningtotal.

Opener Muhammad Waseem also made 38off35balls.JasonHoldertook2-38from hisfourovers.

Summarizedscores: MI Emirates 186-6 from 20 overs (Nicholas Pooran 49, Romario Shepherd 38*, Muhammad Waseem 38, Jason Holder 2-38)

AbuDhabiKnightRiders158-9from20 overs(AndreRussell37*,AndriesGous34, Romario Shepherd 2-14, Alzarri Joseph 233).

Fraser made a good impression with the bat.

“We had some bowling targets as a group, and we wereabletohitthosetargets. I think the way [Aaliyah] AlleyneandCherry[CherryAnn Fraser] batted are good signs for us as a batting group. But again, we just havetolookatwherewefell short and come back,” she noted.

With the ICC Women’s World Cup qualifiers fast approaching, Ramharack underscored the importance ofbouncingbackstronglyin thefinalODI.

“Looking ahead to the qualifiers, we really want to know who we’re going to play against, and obviously

Bangladeshhasashotatthat (automatic qualification). So, we’re going to come hardernextgamesothatit’s a bit easier for us,” the Trinidadiandeclared.

West Indies off-spinner
Karishma Ramharack
Romario Shepherd

Thaddeus Lovell is the latest to benefit from Project “Cricket Gear Thaddeus for young and promising cricketers in Guyana” and

Twenty-year old

a l l r o u n d e r, ThaddeusLovell, the latest selectee on the Guyana Senior Cricket Team for the 2025 Regional Tournament, benefited from one pair of cricket shoes, compliments of this joint initiative between Anil Beharry of Guyana and KishanDasoftheUSA.The former Leonora Secondary School student, represented his country at the Under15 and 17 levels. Lovell is a member of the famous Georgetown Cricket Club, the home of outstanding cric


ers such as

Ramnaresh Sarwan, the c

n of selectors of the Guyana Cricket Board and Carl Hooper Young Lovell was delighted on his selection andwasverythankfulforthe token We tak

his opportunitytowishthehardh

d batsman and right arm fast bowler, good luck in his future This project is pleased to be part of the development of young cricketers in Guyana. Our aim is to keep them off the streetsandgetthemactively involvedinsports,cricketin particular

To date, ninety-three

young players, male and female, from all three counties of Guyana have benefiteddirectlyfromcash, seven gear bags, two trophies, four arm guards, thirty-threebats,fourboxes, sixhelmets,thirty-fivepairs ofcricketshoes,twenty-one pairs of batting pads, twenty-four thigh pads, one batgrip,thirty-sevenpairsof batting gloves, one pair of wicketkeeping pads and threepairsofwicketkeeping gloves Many others benefitedindirectly Inaddition,severalclubs and other players have benefited from various donations.

Raymon Reifer tipped to lead Barbados Pride in opening four-day clash against Harpy Eagles


Raymon Reifer is expected to lead Barbados Pride in their opening Cricket West Indies (CWI) four-day match against Guyana HarpyEagles.

The relevation came from chairman of selectors, Hendy Broomes, on the Mason & Guest radio show in Bridgetown on Tuesday night.

However, the Barbados Cricket Association (BCA) is yet to issue the formal public statement on the captaincy

Broomes also stated that Kevin Wickham, the highly touted top-order batsman, will be vice-captain for the match, scheduled for January 29, at the Guyana NationalStadium.

It is understood that Reifer, 33, will serve as a stand-in for that encounter until Kraigg Brathwaite returnsfromtheWestIndies ongoingtourofPakistan.

For Reifer, it signals a “homecoming” of sorts, as

he previously played for Guyana in the franchise era when they were multiple times winners under the captaincyofLeonJohnson.

The aggressive lefthander brings a wealth of experiencetothejob.

He has played 100 firstclass matches, including 8 Tests for West Indies—the

last being against India 18 monthsago.

Following the opening clash against the Harpy Eagles, the Pride will return home for the second encounter a day-night fixture using the pink ball against West Indies Academy at the historic KensingtonOval.

Cricket related items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana. Skills, discipline and education are important characteristics of the recipients.

Talent spotting is being done across the country and club leaders also assist to identify same. Progressive and well managed cricket clubs with a youth programme, will also benefit.

Anyone interested to contribute can contact Anil Beharry on 623 6875 or Kishan Das on 1 718 664 0896.

National B/Ball team departs for Suriname today - Stanton Rose Jr to captain team at ‘Nations Cup’


The Guyana senior national basketball team departed for Paramaribo, Suriname,todaytocompete in the highly anticipated Nation’s Cup basketball tournament which will see theGuyaneseballersfacing off against Suriname and Grenada at the Ismay Van WilgenSportsHall.

The team, led by Head Coach Adrian Hooper and Assistant Coach Marlon Rodrigues, will be c a p t a i n e d b y t h e exceptional point guard Stanton Rose Jr., who has etched his name in Guyana’s basketball history.

Rose,astandoutplayer for the Kwakwani Untouchables, famously guided Guyana to their first-ever Caribbean Basketball Confederation (CBC) Championship title

in 2018, where his leadership on the court andabilitytoriseinclutch moments were pivotal in that historic conquest, which, coincidentally,

also took place in Suriname

This year’s roster reflectsablendofseasoned

talent and promising newcomers. Joining Rose are Domair Gladstone (Kwakwani Untouchables), Orlan Glasgow and Harold Adams (Royals), Travis Belgrave and Zian Gray (Eagles), Nikkoloi Smith (Ravens), Denzil Ross (Eagles), Shane Webster andOquaceyShortt(Colts), Jermaine Slater (Kobras), and Kimol Grimmond (KwakwaniUntouchables).

Ross and Grimmond will make their senior national team debuts, having previously represented Guyana at the youthlevel.

C o a c h H o o p e r acknowledged the challenges of preparing the team within a limited timeframe, particularly due t o s o m e p l a y e r s ’ commitments outside the jurisdiction.

Tuesday marked the first and only full-squad scrimmage, but Hooper expressed satisfaction with the team’s chemistry and intensityduringthesession.

“Despite the short time we’vehadtoworktogether, I’m confident that this squadiscapableofwinning thetournament.

The players showed tremendous potential duringourscrimmage,andI know they’ll elevate their gamewhenthecompetition starts,”Hooperremarked.

Theteam’sfirsttestwill come on Friday evening against the host nation, Suriname.

Hooper is eagerly anticipating the challenge andbelieveshisplayersare ready to rise to the occasion

“We understand the stakesandtheenvironment we’re stepping into, but this group has the skill, determination,andunityto getthejobdone,”hesaid.

Guyana Basketball Federation (GBF) President Michael Singh extendedhisbestwishesto the team, emphasizing that their participation in the Nation’s Cup is part of a broaderstrategyfor2025.

“This tournament is a stepping stone as we prepare for the CBC Championship.

There’s much more to come, and I’m confident in this team’s ability to representGuyanawithpride and determination,” Singh stated.

At left, Lovell receives his donation from Ganesh Persaud, a representative of the project.
Raymon Reifer

Saints Hockey Club shines at VHC

Int’l Indoor Tourney

in Trinidad

Forthethirdyearin succession Saints

Hockey Club (SHC)traveledtoTrinidad& Tobago to compete in the Ventures Hockey Club

International Indoor Tournament, from January

9-12, 2025 Having competed for the first time on foreign soil in 2024, the SHC women’s team, which included six teenagers, showed remarkable improvement.

Despite losing their first match to TT Police Service 1-3, the Saints women dominated the second half but were unable to convert their opportunities They bounced back in their next match to put away UWI Lions 3-0, but their most notable performance was against the tournament’s eventualwinners,Paragonin theirfinalgroupmatch.

The Saints women played phenomenal, fast paced hockey against a side littered with senior national players, losing by the narrowestofmargins1-2.St. Stanislaus College forth former Makaylah Poole was

SHC’s outstanding performerscoringfourofher team’sfivegoals.

Things seemed to be going their way in the first match of the early exchanges, with the SHC defence standing firm against the high energy attacks of TTDF. The difference this time was that theSHCcounterattacksand penalty corners they created were smothered by the TTDFgoalkeeperasthefirst halfended0-0.

SHC had numerous goal scoring opportunities in the second half, but time and time again the TTDF Goalkeeper was up to the challenge. Near the end of the second half a bit of individual brilliance by the TTDF forward Caleb Guiseppi slipped the ball under the SHC advancing goalkeeper to take the 1-0 lead,whichtheywouldhold

It was the Saints men; however, who were thetalk–of-the-tournament, aftertheytoppedtheirgroup ongoaldifferencewithwins against UWI Lions 7-0, Fatima 4-1 & TT Defence Force 4-1. Their only group stage loss come at the hands of Malvern 0-1. The Saints menthendefeatedTTPolice Service 4-3 in the Semifinal to set up a rematch with TT DefenceForce(TTDF)inthe final.

till the end. SHC’s Baraka Garnett was the club’s top scorer with 5 goals and OshazaySavoryreceivedthe best defender award of the tournament.

Meanwhile,inaninvited commentheadcoachofSHC Robert Fernandes said, “I thought the women showed

remarkable improvement compared to last year, they were competitive in every match despite being the youngest team here, all credit goes to their coach Tivesarid Garnett, who is provingtobeoneofthemost outstanding young coaches in Guyana The boys

displayed exceptional discipline in defence and it reflected in the stats, aside from the semifinal match, they conceded less than a goal a match throughout the tournament. With that type of defence they’ll be competitive in every match as they showed I was

disappointed that we didn’t convert our opportunities in the final because we did create enough to win. We will have to regroup and work on our finishing for next year, but all in all both teams showed improvement o v e r l a s t y e a r ’ s performance.”

Athletes secure qualifying standards for 2025 CARIFTA Games at Barbados January Classic in St. Michael

SportsMax - Several athletes produced standout performancesacrossvarious age categories and achieved qualifying standards for the 2025 CARIFTA Games in Trinidad & Tobago at the Barbados January Classic heldattheUsainBoltSports Complex in St. Michael on Saturday

The Saturday event featured fierce competition in men’s, women’s, Under17, Under-15, and Under-13 trackandfieldevents.

AaronMorrisoftheElite Distance Programme impressed in the 400m, clocking 48.20 seconds to winthemen’scategory Morris, who was among seven Barbadian athletes already booking their places for the 2025 CARIFTA Games, finished ahead of teammate Brandon Hinds, who ran a time of 48.44 seconds.

Several Barbadian athletes turned in good performances to achieve qualifying standards for the 2025 CARIFTA Games set for Trinidad & Tobago.

Distance athlete Luke McIntyre also achieved the CARIFTA qualifying standardinthe5000m.

The field events saw JaydenWalcottqualifyinthe boys’ shot put while Aaron Massiah and Teon Haynes booked spots in the triple

jump and long jump, respectively

Shania Mottley and Kiami Rae-Oford secured spotsinthegirls’highjump.

Shomari ShepherdRollinswonthemen’ssprint double,winningthe100min 10.78secondsandthe200m

in21.72seconds. Inthe1500mopenraces, Matthieu Clarke from the Elite Distance Programme led the men’s field with a time of 4:14 05, while Ashlyn Simmons, also from Elite Distance, took the women’stitlein5:02.24.

The Under-17 category saw standout performances fromKeliaBethamofTalons Club, who won the girls’ 400m in 58.28, and Zachary Wall from Quantum Leap, who triumphed in the boys’ 400m with a time of 50.51 seconds.

Brendan Gill of Pacers Track Club excelled in the boys’ 3000m, finishing in 10:05 93 while Alec Simmons from the Elite Distance Programme clinched the boys’ 1500m withatimeof4:43.79. In

15 category, Darran Skeete of EliteDistancewontheboys’ 400m in 56 70 seconds, followed by Brent Lashley of Quantum Leap, who finishedin56.88.

Taylor-RaiWigginsfrom QuantumLeapwonthegirls’ 200m in 26 70 seconds, while Pete Vassell of Talons impressedintheboys’100m, finishingin12.63seconds.

Kanu Robertson of Talons Club won the boys’ 200m with a time of 24.94 seconds.

In the girls’100m dash, Wiggins claimed another gold, finishing in 13 05 seconds.

Saints Hockey Club Boys team impress at Trinidad’s VHC International Indoor Tournament.

Saints Hockey Club shines at VHC Int’l

Indoor Tourney in

- Stanton Rose Jr to captain team at ‘Nations Cup’
Stanton Rose Jr will captain Guyana’s team in Suriname.
Curtez Kellman
Akel Clarke

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