Pick-up driver dies in blaze after crash with truck at Bartica
to add $5.9M in debt to every household by the end of 2025 …highlights36%growthinnon-oileconomybetween2020and2024whiledebtgrewby253%
‘Stable environment key to development of oil, other sectors’ -saysGovt.committedtoICJprocessfor Guyana-Venezuelabordercontroversy
Speaker blocks Opposition Chief Whip from
Police officer, former GRA staff found guilty of computer forgery MP Duncan criticizes Govt.’s increased borrowing deport migrants as Pentagon readies more troops for border highlighting allegations of corruption by
Faizal Husman's burnt pick-up
Faizal Husman, also known as ‘Junior’
Speaker blocks Opposition Chief Whip
from highlighting allegations of corruption by VP Jagdeo, Ministers, Police Force
…citesStandingOrderspreventing repetition
A2 0 - m i n u t e
presentation by
Opposition Chief
Whip, Christopher Jones, faced frequent interruptions by Speaker oftheNationalAssembly,Manzoor Nadir,whointerjectedtoinformthe MemberofParliament(MP)thathe could not use words such as “loot, dealings and corruption” in the House.
Jones was at the time making hiscontributiononDayOneofthis year's Budget Debate when he ventured to highlight acts of corruptionbypublicofficers.
He said, “Today there are allegations, and I cannot use the wordcorruption,soIwillreplaceit with 'dishonest dealings.'” To this end, he was interrupted by the Speaker who informed him that he was forbidden from using those wordsaswell.
Instead, Jones said, “Today comrade Speaker, there are allegationsof'loot'inalmostevery government ministry and agency What is worse comrade Speaker, these allegations of loot have been levelledagainst…”
Before the Opposition Chief Whipcouldfinishhisstatement,he wasagaininterceptedbyNadirwho toldhimthat'loot'wasnotallowed intheHouse.
Another Opposition Parliamentarian could be heard shouting the word “runnings,” as
such Jones continued, “What is worse comrade Speaker, the allegations of 'runnings' have been levelled at Ministers of the
government. Allegations of their spouses, children and family members fronting shell companies thatareawardedcontracts.”
Stillnotpleasedwiththelineof commentary from the Opposition ChiefWhip,theSpeakersaid,“You are now imputing on honourable members.”
Jones, however, continued that thereareallegationsof'runnings'in the Guyana Police Force (GPF) at the most senior level, which is affecting the morale of the entire force.
He went on to point out that in 2021, Vice News released a documentary with allegations of 'runnings' (corruption) involving VicePresident,BharratJagdeo.
Nadir quickly muted Jones to inform him of yet another infraction. This time, the Speaker said, “There are Standing Orders with respect to imputing and also referencing, and I would not allow it….ThereisalsoaStandingOrder with respect to repetition and we have heard that over and over again.”
Seemingly determined to make his point, the Opposition MP told the NationalAssembly that during Guyana's appearance before the United Nations Human Rights Commission, UN Human Rights Committee Member, Laurence Helfer,pointedtotheallegationsof corruptionbytheVP
Helfersaid,“TheCommitteeis aware of public frustration, for example, the failure to investigate reports of corruption by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo The Committeealsonotesallegationsof
corruption in the Guyana Police ForceandtheJudiciary”.
Jones pointed out that in her response, Minister of Governance, Gail Teixeira, stated that “Allegations against the Vice President were never investigated because no police report was ever filed against him in the matter by anyone.”
To this end, Jones argued that Guyanese citizens are expected to report allegations of corruption involving ministers and senior government officials to the same Guyana Police Force that itself faces allegations of corruption at thehighestlevels.
UndemocraticParliament In an invited comment, the Opposition Chief Whip told Kaieteur News that what is happening in Guyana's Parliament flies in the face of Parliamentary democracy He explained, “When you speak with other jurisdictions andaskthem,wecan'tfindanother jurisdiction that restricts you from usingtheword'corruption'. Heexplainedthatthewordsand (Continuedonpage17)
MP Duncan criticises Govt.'s increased borrowing
…country's debt rose to US$6 billion by the end of 2024
Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) Sherod Duncan, onFriday,voicedhisconcernsover the Government of Guyana's borrowingpolicy
Giving his contributions to the 2025 Budget Debates, Duncan pointed to the alarming rise in public debt, and mismanagement of the country's resources. Duncan describedthe$1.382trillionbudget asacontinuationoffiscalpractices that have failed to deliver meaningful improvements in the livesofordinarycitizens.
“While the current administration touts Budget 2025 asthelargestbudgetever,wemust notbeswayedbymeresuperlatives or bewitched by enticing words. Instead, let's delve into the substance and assess whether this
budget truly serves the best interestsofallGuyaneseorifitisa continuation of fiscal habits that have not always yielded optimal results,”hesaid.
The MP raised concerns about Guyana's growing debt burden, citing data to highlight the troubling growth “Domestic public debt has increased significantly, from G$88.7 billion in2020toG$360.2billionin2021, and external debt now exceeds US$1.5 billion.This unsustainable trajectory poses risks for future generations,”Duncanstated.
As of December 31, 2024, Guyana's debt has climbed to nearly US$6 billion, standing at US$5.993 billion. This marks a significant increase from the US$4.5 billion recorded at the end
of December 2023 This was revealed by the Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh, during his 2025 Budget presentation.
External Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG) debt reached US$2.2billionbytheendof2024, while domestic PPG debt rose to US$3.7 billion.Early 2024, the government got the green light to increase the ceilings on both domesticandexternaldebt.
The domestic public debt ceiling has been increased to $1.5 trillion, up from $750 billion from itslastrevision.
Meanwhile, a new external borrowing ceiling of $1.5 trillion has been approved, after its last
increaseto$900billion.Thismove was part of a broader financial strategy to increase the nation's capacity, in order to finance its $1 146 trillion 2024 budget, including several large-scale infrastructureprojects.
Moreover, in his presentation MP Duncan accused the governmentofover-relianceonoil revenues while failing to diversify the economy or address critical issuesintraditionalsectors.
“The AFC has consistently voiced concerns over the management of Guyana's economy,particularlyinlightofits
Mismanagement of resources, overpriced infrastructure projects, and increasing national debt have been recurrent issues,” Duncan
explained.He also addressed the persistent cost of living crisis, stating, “Subsidies address symptoms, not root causes ” Duncanfurtherpointedtoalarming trends in the economy, including poor execution of infrastructure projects, high inflation, stagnant wages, and declining traditional industries.
Itshouldbenotedthatin2024, the gold industry grew by 0.5%.In conclusion, the Opposition MP describedthebudgetasanelectionyear document that prioritizes politicalgoalsovertheneedsofthe people.
WecongratulateministersinthePPP/CGovernmentfor thestrengthoftheirstomachs. Consideringthescornand dismissive manner in which their master, Vice President BharratJagdeo,treatsthem,theyarespecialpeople,made ofasbestos. WhenJagdeohassometrickynationalmatter thatistoohotforhimtohandle,hefindsaministertodump thatinhisorherlap. Aconstantstreamofembarrassments hasbeenthelotofmostministersfromanincreasinglyout of control and tyrannical Jagdeo, yet they pretend to be untroubled, as if that is the way it should be. There is a saying in Guyana: when a victim of domestic violence is accustomed to a constant daily battering, a thick constitution, kind of immunity, is developed. The blows are expected, and when they don’t come, the victim wonderswhenthehammerisgoingtodrop.
GeneralSecretaryofthePPPandVicePresidentoftheOil and Gas portfolio has helped Jagdeo deteriorate from borderlineparanoiaandangermanagementproblems Heis nowaleadergiventofitsofhysteriaandanuncontrollableurge to abuse even those who are supposed to be his friends Politicalcomradestheymaybe,someofmanyyears,othersof more recent presence, but none is spared being made into readilyvolunteeredpawnsattheconvenienceofJagdeoandhis caprices One of the latter is when he dodges from coming cleanwithGuyaneseonissuesofnationalsignificance What Jagdeodoesispushaministerintothefireandwatchthemget roastedbypublicscrutinyortheattentionsoftheindependent media.
Whenministersareshovedintomatterslikethe Wales gas-to-energy project, and they are clueless about what is going on, then they are made to look foolish before Guyanese. Coulditbethatthisformerheadofstate,now vice president, gets some kind of secret satisfaction from settinguphisownpeopleforafall? PrimeMinisterMark Phillips, a retired brigadier general and former Guyana Defence Force chief of staff, was given the dubious distinctionbyJagdeoofbeinglefttongue-tiedthreetimeson the issue of presenting the documents related to the Wales gas-to-energyproject PrimeMinisterPhillipsisthe1stVice PresidentinthePPP/CGovernment’srankings,buttherewas the2ndVicePresidentJagdeomakinghimlooklikeaclumsy schoolboybeforeallGuyana MinisterGailTeixeira,alongservinggovernmentloyalistthroughgoodtimesandbadalso came in for her share of Jagdeo’s less than straightforward standards She was made to look incompetent and, worse still,asthoughsheispartofsomehugeconspiracyinvolving acontinuingcoverupofwhatthegas-to-energyisallabout, withthedocumentsthatproveitsviabilityIfJagdeodoesnot think twice of subjecting a comrade of the standing of Gail Teixeira to ugly suspicion and undeserving disdain, then whatishecapableofheapingontheotherministers? What does he come up with to make them disgrace themselves before one national audience after the other? The case of the Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, representsastudyintheimpotenceofministers. Thereisa trail of evidence that confirms how they are muzzled and limited by Jagdeo from delivering on their portfolios. VickramBharratisthe‘subject’ministerinthevitaloiland gassector,withatleastsomerelatedresponsibilities. Yet, forallintentsandpurposes,andfromtherecord,Minister Bharratisnothingbutapuppet,onereducedtoashadowof himself. He is given thankless jobs, which Jagdeo either wantstokeepasecret,orhehassomeinsertedsometricky features in them that do not hold up under deep probing. MinisterBharratisleftintheunhealthysituationofhaving tokeephismouthshuttopleaseJagdeo,oropenitandrisk attractingthelashfromhimforrevealingtoomuch.
Like many other ministers in the PPP/C Government, MinisterBharratcanonlyspeakwhenheisallowedto,and fromascriptapprovedbyJagdeo. Ministershaveputdown theirheadsandshruggedoffJagdeo’shumiliations. They mustbemadeofsteelorsoftmud.
Hughes and Norton’s rhetoric that GECOM is not ready to host free and fair elections
DEAREDITOR, Both the leaders of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Mr Nigel Hughes, and, to a lesser extent, Mr Aubrey Norton of the People’s National Congress (PNC), continue to maintain their rhetoric of insisting that the G u y a n a E l e c t i o n s Commission (GECOM) are incapable of conducting a free and fair election, scheduled to take place this year, clearly with the intention of discrediting the administration of the electionsbyGECOM.
T h e y d o s o i n anticipationofcrying“foul”, should they lose the elections,whichismorethan likely, or, even worse, as an excusefornotcontestingthe elections and making public trouble.
It is also clear that nothing GECOM says or does will make any differencetomessrsHughes andNorton.
Both Hughes and Norton, but, with Hughes, the more belligerent of the two, are also insisting that GECOM scrap the voters list, that is, the National Register of Registrants (NRR), and hold house-tohouseregistrationtoproduce a new list and, as well, introduce the application of
biometrics for both the purpose of registration and casting the vote at the place ofpoll.
The contention of the opposition that the list is “bloated”, presuamable meaning that it has more names on it than it should, wouldbevalidonlywiththe presentationofevidencethat personsdeemedtobedeador not properly on the list had previously voted, or that individualpersonshadvoted more than once, none of which has there been any proof.
We know that the voters list includes a significant number of persons who are registeredtovote,wholived overseas, have died but remainonthelist,explaining the size of the list. So far, thereisnopracticalmeansof moving these persons from thelist
In the meantime, the Chair of GECOM, Justice Claudette Singh (Ret’d), quite recently made it clear that with regard to the arguments in favour of the introductionofbiometricsat the place of poll, “with less thanayeartogobeforethese elections, and given the number of tasks that would needtobedonebeforesucha system can be properly introduced, and all of the
work already required to prepare for General and Regional Elections, I am convinced that this is not feasible within the time presently available”. She is, o f c o u r s e , r i g h t Unfortunately,eventhemass identification, never mind distribution of the $100,000 to those entitled by the g o v e r n m e n t , h a s encountered persistent and unanticipatedchallenges.
The Private Sector Commission (PSC) have issuedastatementinsupport of the GECOM Chair, pointingoutthat“thereisno constitutional or legal req
e introduction of biometric fingerprintingattheplaceof poll” and reminding that it “is presently only legally required at the time of registration”.
The Private Sector Statement goes on to emphasise that, during registration, biometric fingerprinting “is conducted with representatives from each political party present toverifyvoteridentity.
The Private Sector has stressed this point to underline the fact that there isnoneedwhatsoeverforthe application of biometric at the place of poll even if the Constitution were to be amendedtoprovideforit.
The fact is, that, in spite of all the attempts by the opposition parties to rig the results of the last election resulting, eventually, in a total recount of the votes, voting on election day at each polling place with the Statements of Poll (SOPs) signed off by the contesting parties and posted immediately at each polling place, attempts at rigging have not taken place at the polling places on election day
So, what must we conclude from the determinationofHughesand Norton to question the integrity and capability of GECOM to conduct a free and fair election, if not to excuse themselves and their parties for planning to undermine and disrupt the entire electoral process, rather than their risking contesting and losing a free andfairelection?
On completion of the process,thescannedmanual fingerprints are transformed into digital images and stored in a secured database which is then checked internationally for crossmatching to ensure againstduplication”.
Yourssincerely, KitNascimento
Disappointed in the management of the Ministry of Culture,Youth and Sport
Editor, over the last four years we have seen the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport fail the people of this nation immensely. Firstly,thisministryisbeing mismanagedbecauseoflack of leadership. To date, like many other ministries, we are seeing a total contempt for the citizens of our belovedGuyana. At the level of policies, we can safely say it’s nonexistent. During the 20152020 period, without adequate financial resources, we were able to provide youths who, for somereasonortheother,did not complete secondary school, were given the second chance that was so critical for their personal development. Skills training centres were opened to address the lack of skills of our youths; help them to become useful citizens and contributetonationbuilding. However,theMinistryunder the stewardship of Charles Ramson Jr., closed these
Our youths are left without a much-needed option to attain their full potential. Myheartgoesout to our youths, especially thoseintheAngoy’sAvenue area Piaget’s theory of cognitive development states that “learning was proceededbytheinterplayof a s s i m i l a t i o n a n d accommodation”, hence, I expected that, given the Minister’slevelofacademic attainment, he would have been at the level at which Piaget would have posited, unfortunately this aspect of cognitivedevelopmentisnot beingdemonstrated.
In the 2024 budget, programme 443 – YOUTH, $987,237,000 was allocated to youths Can the Government of Guyana, or the Ministry ofYouth, Sport & Culture, enlighten the citizensofGuyanaonwhere, and who the beneficiaries are, of the sum approved? Editor,wehaveseensignsof hopelessness among our youth.Thereisanincreasein
the use of Marijuana and alcohol among our youthful population, of both genders. We have seen an increase in teenage pregnancy, in large partbecausethereisalackof resources, whereby these young women do not see themselves as having much of a future.The truth should nowbetold,becauseoftheir vulnerable status the People’sProgressivePartyis now using the impoverished state of our youths, as a means of getting them to participate in “Party Work”, for a few crumbs. They are also promised measly contracts, valued at the least of rewards. Here again we hearthroughthemassmedia that we do not have citizens to fill the demands for labour Iguessifwehadused that same allocation for 2024, we could have had at least 1000 young people trained to fill the labour shortage,insteadofhostinga job fair in Trinidad & Tobago.
In 2024 this same Minister and Ministry got
under Programme 444Sports $937,351,000, not leaving out rollover projects from 2023. Editor, this Ministry has the most unfinished projects running foryears,asfarbackas2016. Mind you, this is taxpayers’ money The President in 2021 at an Emancipation Celebration in New Amsterdam, promised YOUTHS that the Burnham Park synthetic track would be completed by 2022, however, to date it is less than60%completed.Editors imagine this was a commitment given by the Head of State, today we are stillawaitingthecompletion ofthestandforspectators. This had started in 2022 and is yet to be completed. Imagine heavy winds blew and ripped off zinc sheets from it. As a sportsman, I believe injustice is being meted out to our Track and Field athletes and sports enthusiasts Based on a reliable source, a reputable companyprovidedmodern (Continuedonpage06)
Amused by those who dismiss support for Glenn andAzruddin
, One Deodatt Singh (Jan 8) ridiculed, jeered, and pokedfunatGlennLalland AzruddinMohamedfortheir popularity as per the findings of a survey conducted by well-known pollster Dr Vishnu Bisram (Jan 1). One is amused or bemused by such hateful
remarks against two prominentindividuals.
My own findings authenticate the credible Bisram poll that found political support for Azruddin and Glenn I travelled all over the coast andfoundenormoussupport forAzruddinandGlenn;that combination would take the countrybystorm.
Deodatt Singh (a fake name?) dismissed the poll. He described support for Azruddin and Glenn as “non-sense” and made snide, derisive comments about the duo. The two philanthropists are well knownfortheirkindnessand generosity and are seen as popular folk heroes among the poor and lower and middle class. Why this scathingattackontwoofthe country’s most generous philanthropists and caring, compassionate individuals? Is the government afraid of them?
Individuals are paid to attack anyone who could pose a threat to the ruling party and who makes objective comments critical ofthegovernment. DS(oris
it RS) has freedom of press to deride Glenn in Glenn’s own paper Yet, FK attacks Glenn ever since he parted with the paper GC and GT wouldneverallowfreepress tocritiquethegovernment.It is clear that Singh’s two bosses are deeply worried about Azruddin’s and Glenn’s entrance in politics. Unlike political crooks who steal state funds, Azruddin and Glenn use their own personal money to help others People genuinely likethem.
DS, who clearly never conducted a survey and seemingly jumped from party to party as paid propagandist, penned: “… for umpteenth times I ask who handles Bisram’s polls in Guyana …”. There is no
Deodatt Singh who previously asked that question. So clearly it is a fakeidentity
That question has nothingtodowithpollingin moderntimes.
A physical presence is not needed to manage or interview respondents in a survey. It exposes the ignorance of the writer.
E a r l i e r m i s s i v e s , presumably from the same fakenamedwriter,askedDr. Bisram for his phone number, website, his address, names and phone numbers of people polled, among other idiotic questions That is utter nonsense! A poll is a confidential exercise
Names of respondents are held in confidence. One is bemused by the polling ignoranceandutterstupidity ofthewriter Peoplerespond to questions expecting that their names and contacts wouldnotbeshared.
A n o t h e r a c t o f bemusementishisreference to voting numbers and percentages relating to past elections. Dr Bisram’s poll refers to current opinion findings that there is voter apathy or lack of interest in voting in 2025. I found similar responses with Azruddin leading others in the survey Singh counters thattherewasanincreasein the number of voters from 2006 to 2020 Current apathy has nothing to do withearliervoting.Isn’tthat responseasinine?
No need for Dr Bisram to pen a reply to amusing nonsense. An independent straw poll in December and early January, though not scientific, gave a gauge of support for Azruddin and other potential candidates. The poll found Azruddin aheadofIrfaan.
Another straw poll presumably conducted by the PPP also found support for Azruddin. A survey currentlybeingconducted (Continuedonpage06)
Nigel Hughes’claims of Dutch Disease demand evidence
DEAREDITOR, Nigel Hughes’ recent claimsthatGuyanaisatrisk of falling victim to Dutch Disease raise important questions about his understanding of the term and the reality of Guyana’s economy Dutch Disease, at itscore,describesasituation where the rapid growth of a resource-based sector, such asoil,leadstothestagnation of other areas of the economy particularly manufacturing and agriculture resulting in over-reliance on resource revenues This economic phenomenon often manifests through an appreciating currency that h a m p e r s e x p o r t competitiveness. However, the evidence clearly shows that Guyana is avoiding this economictrap.
Analysis of the 2024 Mid-Year Report and the 2025BudgetSpeechreveals that Guyana’s non-oil economy grew healthily Appendix A1 in the 2024 Mid-Year Report pegs 2023 growth for the agriculture,
fishing and forestry sectors as expanding by 6 9%
Likewise,themanufacturing sector expanded by 29.3%, while the services sector grewby10.9%.Overall,the non-oilGDPgrowthratefor 2023was12.3%.
The2025BudgetSpeech provides further evidence of t h e e c o n o m y ’ s diversification in 2024. The agriculture, fishing, and forestrysectorgrewby11%, with rice production increasing by 9 3% to 725,282metrictonnes.Corn and soya production surged by 154 8% and 129 2%, respectively,whilelivestock production rose by 24.6%.
Additionally, the bauxite industry rebounded with a 48 4% increase to 1 7 million metric tonnes, reversing years of decline under the PNCR/AFC administration The manufacturing sector is estimated to have expanded by 13.5%. Overall, the nonoilGDPgrowthratefor2024 was13.1%.
Mr Hughes’ claims of Dutch Disease demand
evidence.Thedatashowsan economy experiencing broad-based growth, with agriculture, manufacturing, services, and even bauxite mining thriving alongside the oil industry If Mr Hughes believes otherwise, whereishisevidence?What specific data or trends suggest that Guyana’s economy is stagnating or over-reliantonoil?
Further, Mr Hughes would do well to explain how consultation with the Opposition whose track record on economic management is far from stellar—wouldimprove
Amused by those who dismiss... Disappointed in the management...
Frompage05 puts Azruddin ahead of Irfaan. Clearly, the straw polls and the current poll validate Bisram’s scientific poll that found support for AzruddinandGlenn.
Why question Bisram’s poll if dissatisfied with the
findings? Why not conduct yourownpoll?Ifthereisno support for Azruddin and Glenn,thenwhypaywriters to attack them and the pollster?
I follow Dr Bisram’s poll over the last several decades. His is the only one that gave a snapshot of the mood of the electorate. I urge him to continue conducting polls to give the nation a guide on public views of political happeningsinthecountry
Yourstruly, ProfCharlesSugrim
Frompage04 designs for the bandstand, which were all rejected in favourofonefrom1838,and this is for both Linden and New Amsterdam. I think if Mr President and his Minster of Youth sports and culture have any interest in the development of young Guyanese,theywillaccount to the people of this nation and local communities,
regardless of their geographical location or their ethnicity Editor, imagine the Minister decidedtopavethetrackand leave the inner field incomplete! Based on reliablesourcestheMinister instructed the contractors to compete the asphalt on the track and leave the inner field.Isthisrational?
WhatIamseeing,isafailed projectforthepeopleofNew Amsterdam. These are the samepeoplewho,ironically, weresayingtous,duringthe LocalGovernmentElections Campaign, that they love us inNewAmsterdam.
Anewstadiumisbeingbuilt at Palmyra, and the work on that project outsprinted the Burnham Park synthetic track.
The inner field there is completed, with the grass already planted. Editor the second layer of the asphalt will commence in February 2025. I am waiting to see
how the inner field will be completed Now the synthetic material will be laidafter Thisalsowillpose challenges for longevity of the track The polyester material has a chemical knownasPolymers.Thereis alifespanfortheuseofthis material.
The Ministry purchased these materials over a year ago, that should be laid within six months after manufacturing.
Think about what will eventually happen! Money was allocated for the fencing, parking lot and additional grandstands prior to the 2020 elections.Today weareseeingatemporary,so called, fence with plastic bags and slabs. Is this the treatment and love for youthsinsports?
Editor, we hear of millions being spent on ground enhancement by this same ministry I will like these projects to be highlighted to the nation on theirstatus.InRegion#6,for example, I travelled from Mara to Crabwood Creek. I have not seen any new ground that young people can use, except the traditional cricket grounds.
All other community grounds are in a deplorable state and cannot be utilised by our youths by day or night.Itisevenworstacross
the region Despite the billions being allocated and boosted about at press conferences.
When the Minister with responsibility for Finance has to visit grounds and make on the spot decisions concerning community playgrounds,thissignalsthe level of sadness of affairs surrounding youths under thecurrentMinistryofYouth Sports&Culture.
Just a gentle reminder that Guyana successfully hosted the CBC Under 16 Basketball Competition at the Cliff Anderson Sport Hall,anditwasratedasone of the best tournaments under a transformed Environment Thanks to NigelHindsandtheNational Sports Commission, under ChristopherJones. We the citizens deserve better, for our youths to develop their latent talents. The Minister needs to develop policies which are geared towards developing our youths, until they reach theirfullpotential.
Billions are spent, and we deserve better! Better than the smallislands of our sister Caribbean States which only depend on the sun,sandandsea!
Yourssincerely, KirkFraser (Deputy Mayor, New Amsterdam)
Determine root cause of high teacher absenteeism – Coretta McDonald
General Secretary of the Guyana Teachers' Union (GTU), Coretta McDonald hascalledontheMinistryof Education to determine the root cause of high teacher absenteeism.
McDonald, in an interview with Kaieteur News on Friday, was respondingtoastatementby Minister of Education Priya ManickchandonWednesday that disclosed the levels of teacherabsenteeism.
Manickchand, who was speaking at an event at the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE), disclosed that teacher absenteeism has been recordedat30to40percent daily
The minister pointed out that even schools with 100 percenttrainedteachershave not seen corresponding improvements in student outcomeswhilecallingfora "cleansing" of the education system. Notwithstanding, the minister pointed to personal challenges, like maternity leave, as contributing factors.
“Then we have syllabus is not being completed, we havepasspapersthatyouare notgivingtoyourchildren.I mean the system has to be better than that because for us accountability doesn't mean what Ashni Singh (MinisterofFinance)usesit to mean, he talks about money,”Manickchandsaid.
She continued, “That's not what I am talking about for us, accountability means the difference between a child thriving as an adult and a child struggling in a labour- intensive type of job where people can treat them poorly because they don't even know their rights, they can'treadthem.”
However, McDonald described the figure as alarming and said that the Ministry's response shows a lack of planning and understanding of the root causesbehindtheissue.
“If teachers are absent then you have to go to the rootcauseoftheproblem,if absenteeism is a problem you have to go to the root cause of the problem and many, many times if you
were to go to the root of the problem, then you will recognizethattheproblemis with the Ministry of Education themselves,” she toldKaieteurNews
She argued that absenteeismcannotbesolely blamed on teachers and stressed that the Ministry must take responsibility for
contributetothehighrateof absenteeism.
McDonald specifically pointed to unsafe school environments as a major factor She mentioned the recentissueoftheinfestation of pigeons at the Charlestown Secondary School,whichhadcreatedan uncomfortable and unsanitary environment for teachers.
She relayed, “If teachers are not comfortable in their places of work, then they will not attend work.” She also raised concerns about the overall state of school facilities, including unsafe buildings, lack of resources, and inadequate amenities likeelectricityandwater
“You have schools
where, electricity is a problem, water is a problem andsotheseareallissuesor factors that will create teachers' absenteeism. You going to schools, you have unruly children to deal with andyoucan'tdisciplinethem that'sanotherconcernandso they are several factors that would amount to teachers being absent from sch ols,”
o McDonaldsaid.
Shefurthercriticizedthe Education Ministry for not addressing these issues in a constructive manner “The big stick approach won't solve anything,” she said, arguing that the ministry should be working closely with teachers to find solutions rather than assigningblame.
McDonald proposed placing teachers closer to their communities to alleviate transportation issues, improving school safety, and providing necessary resources to reduce stress and improve
Furthermore, the GTU General Secretary also highlighted the importance ofunderstandingthediverse challenges teachers face, such as long commutes, personal issues, and the pressures of managing large classrooms.
“So, when you want to throw all the blames on teachers that teachers going to school and they don't teach the classes, classes are left unattended,
how do you teach a class whenyoudon'thaveenough text books? How do you teachaclasswhenthereisn't enough light? How do you teachaclasswhenthereisn't enoughfurniture?Youarein a crowded space, ” McDonaldargued. Sheconcludedbycalling on the Ministry to be more proactive in addressing the root causes of absenteeism, stressingthatteachersneeda supportive environment to succeed.
Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, The UWI ViceChancellor and Chair, CARICOM Reparations Commission (CRC) has w e l c o m e d t h e recommendation from J a m a i c a ' s M a r o o n community to establish a new institute to research, document and share the rich history, culture and contribution of Maroon and Indigenouspeople.
Accordingtoastatement issued by the CARICOM Secretariat in Guyana, the CRCChairsharedthiswitha large gathering at the opening of the historic symposium on Maroons, heldatTheUWIWestIndies Regional Headquarters, on January9,2025.
The Maroon Institute would lead a collaborative research, advocacy and policy agenda with the Marooncommunitiesandbe positioned as a regional and global centre for Indigenous and Maroon knowledge, cultureandhistory
“The UWI has a moral duty to facilitate not just resilience but the opportunity for the Jamaica Maroonstothrive,andthatis exactly what we will do,” ProfessorBecklessaid.
Studies should be
established The most preciousthingthatevercame out of the Caribbean is the Maroons Everywhere there was slavery, there was marronage. This University is an expression of marronage today ”
He further d
“Everything we need to knowaboutthefuturecanbe found in the study of our past There can be no discussion about the future of this Region without the M a r o o n s M a r o o n philosophy, politics and ideology must be at the centre.WeareallMaroons.”
“I have been looking forward to seeing Maroon StudiesatTheUWI,itisfull time.Itisinaccordancewith The UWI mission statement which includes uplifting culture, and the University should have Maroon people comingintospeak,”asserted Gaamaa Gloria Simms, Maroon Women's Network Chair
TheSymposiumwaspart of an initiative by the CARICOM Reparations Commission (CRC) to increase advocacy for Reparatory Justice and the rights of the Maroons and other indigenous groups This was highlighted by Dr Hilary Brown, Programme
Manager, Culture and Community Development, CARICOMSecretariat(who officially opened the proceedings).
“TheMaroonsareamong the indigenous people of the Region who are due reparatoryjusticeandhavea right to development. Their issues, concerns and rights must be respected and amplifiedwithintheregional movement for reparatory justice,”statedDr Brown. MaroonChiefsandother representatives from the communitiesofAccompong, Mooretown, Flagstaff, Scotts Hall and Charles Town, as well as other experts, attended the Symposium, themed “The Maroons of Jamaica: Our Legacies, Telling Our Own Truths.”
Theeventwasorganized b y t h e C A R I C O M Reparations Commission in collaboration with the UWI Centre for Reparation Research, the Maroon communities of Jamaica, A I D O N e t w o r k International, the Global African Diaspora Kingdom and Omanye Royal Kingdom.
Itamplifiedtheauthentic voices of the Maroon Colonels and Chiefs, telling (Continuedonpage9)
In one of the most impassioned pleas ever made,anevangelicalBishop Rev Mariann Edgar Budde begged President Donald Trump, “In the name of our God,Iaskyoutohavemercy upon the people in our country who are scared now.” She said, “There are gay,lesbianandtransgender children, and Democratic and Republican and independent families, some whofearfortheirlives.”
She also made a plea on behalf of undocumented immigrants. She said, “And the people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals They may not be citizens or h a v e t h e p r o p e r documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are notcriminals.”
Sheadded,“Iaskyouto have mercy, Mr President, onthoseinourcommunities — these children fear that their parents will be taken away,” she said. “And that you help those that are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own
lands find compassion and welcomehere.”
Ifyouhavenotlistenedto what Bishop Rev Mariann EdgarBuddesaidtoPresident Trump,youshoulddosonow It was an evocative and emotionalappeal Ifherwords donottugatyourheartstrings, thenyouhaveeitherhardened your soul or lost sight of the directioninwhichyourmoral compassispointing.
BishopBudde’spleafinds relevance here in Guyana, where a different stage is set butthestakesarejustashigh Andso,inspiredandmovedby herappeal,Itoomakeaplea I make it now to the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and the Alliance for Change(AFC)
Isaytothesetwoleading Opposition parties, “In the nameofoursharedhumanity and in the interest of our belovedcountry,Iaskyouto undergo a democratic conversion Have mercy upon the people of Guyana, who, after decades of waiting for betterment deserve to live without fear
The people of Guyana deserveafuturefreeoftheir votes being devalued. They deserve a Guyana where theirfutureisnotmortgaged totheambitionsofafew
There are mothers and fathersinvillagesacrossthis nation, who while eking out aliving,prayforadaywhen their children can aspire to more than they had. There are young people in urban centers, brimming with potential but disillusioned by a system that has repeatedly betrayed their trust. There are elders who have witnessed this country stumble under the weight of itshistory,yearningforhope in their lifetime These
Opposition that respects democracy as not just a procedural necessity but as the part of our country’s political system and its developmentalframework.
The resources are now here. Oil, agriculture, gold, and timber—the wealth of our nation is no longer a dream deferred but a tangiblerealitywaitingtobe harnessed. Yet, development requires more than oil revenues; it demands a framework of democratic governance Without democracy our resources will become a curse, breeding corruption, deepening inequality, and igniting unrest Unless you, the
New Institute of Maroon and Indigenous...
Frompage8 their historical stories and truths, dispelling mythsandmisconceptionsandstrengthening their unity and reconciliation efforts, which wasonfulldisplayattheSymposium.
Meanwhile, the CARICOM Secretariat saidthatthesymposiumendedonahighnote with a commitment to commence work on establishing the Institute for Maroon and
Indigenous Studies, which will be informed bytheprioritiesidentifiedbytheMaroonsin theSymposium. The Institute will have branches in the Maroon communities for collaboration and inclusivity Therewasalsoacommitmentto advancing the discussion on constitutional reform and the inclusivity of Indigenous peopleintheprocess.
Debrickpricehigh, delabourpricehigher!
Dem boys seh is one ting fuh go an buy sand, cement,anbrick.Isanodda tingfuhpaydemmanwho supposetouseit.Demboys
hear how people c o m p l a i n i n ’ d a t construction worker price now higher than de MarriottHotel.Deexcuse?
Butdemboysgoteyes. De price been going up long before labour get short. Before dis, it had mansittin’downwholeday under mango tree waitin’ fuh wuk.You ask dem fuh throw a lil plaster pon de wall? Dem charging like demgotmaster’sdegreein plastering. Now dat de oil moneyflowin’,demtellin’
people, “Pay me more or watch yuh house stay foundationalone!”
Dem boys seh some of dem construction worker worse than gold miner. De more yuh beg, de more de price climbin’. One man sehhepayfuhamasonfuh buildhefence,butdefence tek so long, de mason end upaddinghechildrentode contract.
And dem boys know howitdoesgo.Yuhpayfuh labour, den yuh still got to provide de tools, de lunch, an de rum.Yuh paying fuh dewuk,butyuhfeelin’like
yuh sponsoring a constructioncarnival. Dem boys seh people startlearningtradenowfuh
Opposition, commit unequivocallytodemocracy, you will not only endanger the country’s future but consign yourselves to history’sharshjudgment.
InGuyana,wehavetens ofthousandswhofearnotfor their lives but for their livelihoods. Fear has been a toolofpoliticsinourlandfor toolong.Iknowthatyoutoo have fears fears of marginalization, of being locked out, of being left behind Itistimetodismantle that weapon of fear and committobuildingbridgesof trustinstead
To you, the PNCR and AFC, I say this: Put the sordid electoral past behind you. Enough of the excuses and the clever manoeuvring that undermine the democratic process. Decide nowwhetheryouarewilling to be champions of democracy or remain chained to the legacy of electoralmanipulation.
Without democracy, the
country’s resource allocation will remain the preserve of the powerful, disconnectedfromtheneeds of the people Without democracy, the benefits of ournewfoundwealthwillbe exported to foreign lands. Locallyitwillpoolatthetop, leaving the majority to scramble for crumbs Withoutdemocracy,Guyana will remain trapped in the cycles of distrust, division anddisillusionment.
The oil that was discovered offshore will not waitforustogetourhousein order The forces of global capital are not patient, nor are they compassionate. If we do not establish a solid democratic framework now, we risk becoming another resource-rich nation undone by its inability to govern itselfwisely Thepowerisin your hands to choose a differentpath.Itisapaththat willnotbeeasy;itrequiresa willingness to face uncomfortable truths. But it
istheonlypaththatleadstoa future where all Guyanese can prosper The alternative istocontinuedowntheroad of division and discord, where the wealth of the nation benefits the few and the dreams of the many are deferredindefinitely
So I ask you, the PNCR andtheAFC,inthenameof our shared humanity, in the name of our people, and in thenameofGuyana’sfuture:
“If you cannot commit to democracy,stayclearofthis year’s elections Let democracyreign!”
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
fix up dem own house. Why?Becauseifyuhkeep waitin’ pon dis kinda labour,yuhmighthaffitek outmortgagejustfuhbuild afrontstep.
But here de ting: de labour shortage is real, but dem boys seh de greed shortage is nowhere in sight. One man seh if de labour price go higher, he gon start building house widimaginationalone.
Dem boys seh Guyana turning into de land of opportunity, but only fuh dem who holding de trowel.Derestahwegotta start praying fuh cheaper days or learn how to mix mortar! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
Twilight of the generals
Something is wreaking havoc with the respiratory systemsofatinyminorityin Guyana's population. I am recommendingthatthelocal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) don its hazmat suits, get on the job, andconductthepropertests. All public offices occupied by current and previous members of the Officer Corps of the Guyana Defense Force should be prioritized for visits, so that ordinary Guyanese can obtain an understanding of what is infecting our former army men. The higher they were in the national army, andthehighertheofficeheld incivilianlife,thethickerthe problems they seem to encounter With breathing. Withwalkingastraightline. Withcomingupwithaclean and convincing story about things in which they are involved,havesomelevelof responsibility
Less than half a decade ago, there was His Excellency David Arthur Granger The cold winds blew in from the north and
knocked his house down. But he stood still like HoratioNelsononthebridge ofHMSVictoryandrefused to recognize his mortal predicament. Unlike Vice Admiral Nelson, Brigadier General (ret'd) Granger should think twice about saying, “Thank God, I did myduty.”
There is conspicuous gallantry in the line of duty, and then there comes that time to take a walk Oftentimes, one can stay, likethatunnamedboy,onthe burning deck too long. In the time of David Granger, he had his circle of colonels andwhathaveyou,andthey all indicated some strain of the air impacting their thinking.
There have been other generals, who in their post Guyana army days have limped through life, as though they are suffering fromoldwarwoundsgained in heroic battle. The higher they go in civilian life, the more knotted their minds and troubled their passage; there is always more than a
strong whiff of the tantalizing about their presences. It could be from what's in the rich ground of Guyana. It could be what comesoutfromunderthesea and ends up in New York, before it takes a boat and docks at Port Georgetown, Guyana. Did they, or didn't they? Are they the genuine article,oraretheyphantoms withspeciallyassignedroles in the local political operas? Operasthatarepartcomedy, many more parts tragedy Thus, they end up flitting from crisis to caricature, which doesn't come with a uniform, but does have an additional medal or two waiting for loyal service. It would be better if no one asked service to and for whom.
Now, there is the latest incarnation from the long, murky twilight of Guyana's generals. ThereisBrigadier General (ret'd) Mark Anthony Phillips, Prime s Minister and 1 Vice President of Guyana. Most respectfully I assure everyone,Iask:whatkindof
armywasherunningaschief of staff? Using his prime ministerialportfolioandthat of responsibility for the controversial, kiss-of-thedevil, Wales Gas-to-Energy project as the standard, something is terribly amiss. Not once, not twice, but thrice, Prime Minister Phillips has failed to step forwardanddeliverashedid promise.
MarkAnthonyPhillipsis not just the prime minister; thisofficerandgentlemanis a former general of the nationalarmy WhenIthink of those three lapses, failures, deficits, I am tempted to catch the next plane out of here for fear of Nicolas Maduro and his conquistadoresheldincheck by my fellow Americans. ThankGodthatIstillhavea fewfriends.
Well, at least, I hope so, considering the target practiceIhavemadeofthem from time to time. But if Prime Minister Mark Anthony Phillips was operatinginthesamesloppy andslipperymannerasChief
of Staff, then this country could have been more than under theseawall. Itwouldbe speaking Spanish with Venezuelanaccent.
What happened to friends, Guyan
, countrymen, Prime Minister Mark Anthony Phillips? How quickly hast thou forgotten us, abandoned us, and left us to our own devices.
And over something as simple and small as that US$2 billion gas-to-energy plant and the papers for it.
What would be the predicament of Guyanese if it was for something much bigger? Somethinglikethat multibillion (Yankee)
Natural Resource Fund, my liege? Ah,moregeneralsin themix.
Here I was taking comfort in the fact that the army can make men out of mud, and Brigadier General Mark Anthony Phillips had togoandmakemyhandfall. Like London Bridge, it has been falling ever since. For twosheetsofpapertobelaid
before parliament, Prime Minister Phillips found himself doing his best imitation of listing two sheetstothewind.
What have they done to Guyana's generals, my esteemed generals? To where have all the real generalsgone? Therewasa timewhenGuyana'snational army was all spit and polish and substance. From all indications, the last two are away without leave (AWOL), with the spit all that remains. There is still hopeforthereisDr Zhivago in barracks. Then, I just remembered in the nick of time,hewasin The Night of the Generals also. As they say,MayGodblessGuyana. Igiveup.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Govt. to add $5.9M in debt to every household by the end of 2025
With the People's Progressive Party (PPP) administration increasing Guyana's debt from
US$1.698 billion in 2019 to US$7 637 billion, as projected in this year's Budget,eachhouseholdwill have a debt of $5.9M over their heads, incurred by the governmentoverafive-year period.
This was pointed out by Shadow Finance Minister, JurethaFernandesonFriday, during her contribution to this year's Budget Debate in theNationalAssembly
T a s k e d w i t h commencing the five-day debate in Parliament, being convened at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara, the Alliance For Change (AFC) Member of Parliament (MP) shared comprehensive views on government policies and the performanceoftheeconomy between2020and2024.She comparedthePPP'stenureto the Coalition's five years in office, between the period 2015to2020.
Focusing heavily on the government's debt policy, t h e O p p o s i t i o n Parliamentarian argued that the increasing debt is being used to further enrich the wealthy while, leaving the poortohelppaythebill.
Shesaid,“Overthisterm o f g o v e r n m e n t mismanagement, the PPP has increased Guyana's public debt from US$1.698 billion in 2019 to US$7.637 billionprojectedfor2025,an increaseofUS$5.939billion orGYD$1.24trillion.”
For greater clarity to Guyanese, the shadow Finance Minister reasoned, “From2020to2025thePPP added a debt burden of GYD$5.9 million to every household in Guyana- $5.9 millionisnosmallamountto the struggling families who a
ng paycheck to paycheck; $5.9 million should have been used to take people from below the poverty line and providingthemwithadecent standard of living But instead, the increasing debt is being used to further enrich the wealthy while leaving the poor to help pay
She told the House that while 57% of Guyana's population cannot afford anything beyond the most basic essentials of life, government has saddled those very individuals, struggling to survive in poverty, with $5.9 million de
newspaper,thatsheusedthe information in the most recent census, completed in 2012, which states 210,000 householdswererecorded.
Turning her attention to t
Domestic Product (GDP) anditsclimbingdebt,theMP noted that Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh presented a comparison of debt-to-GDP, using non-oil GDP during the coalition's tenure and compared it to oil included GDP under the current administration. Referring to this as “disingenuous” Fernandes requested the House for indulgence on a comparison of Guyana's debt-to-nonoilGDP.
She explained, “Mr. Speaker, examining non-oil
GDP is crucial for prudent economic management because it provides a more accurate picture of a country's economic diversification and longterm sustainability, especially for oil-rich nations like Guyana, as it excludes the volatile (Continuedonpage17)
ShadowFinanceMinister, Juretha Fernandes
Strengthen security sector, deploy advanced surveillance technology at border
Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) Geeta
Chandan-Edmond, on Friday, proposed additional measures to further strengthen the security sector, on the first day of BudgetDebates2025.
TheMPtoldtheNational Assembly that she is passionate about security governance, and while the security forces have dedicatedly served the country, with the swiftly evolving nature of global crime, it is necessary to reform the security systems, toolsandstrategies.
Delving into the threats faced today, ChandanEdmond said that “Among the challenges we face are cyber security threats, transnational organized crime and our geographical locationmakesusvulnerable to trafficking in persons, narcotics, arms, etcetera,
financial crimes With increasedcapitalinflows,we may see a rise in money laundering, tax evasion and illicit financial flows, terrorism and extremism, domesticcrime.”
In order to effectively addressthechallengesfaced in the security sector, she is proposing that the government partners with addit
internationally, to be able to adapt best practices which w
infrastructure. They should also invest in cyber security t r a i n i n g f o r l a w enforcement, which will aid in further strengthening the border.The Opposition MP said the government should also look to, “Deploy additional advanced surveillance technology at key border points to detect illegal activities, continue to c o l l a b o r a t e w i t h neighbouring countries to
enhanceintelligencesharing mechanism, increase the presence and resources of theGuyanaPoliceForceand the Guyana Police Force, Defence Force in border regions, transition to intelligence-ledpolicing.”
Further, she said they should ensure that the country'ssecurityequipment is modernized and reach globalstandardsandquality, whichwillhelptostrengthen Guyana's participation in international security
organizations. The Opposition MP urged the government to enter into more, and also strengthen, bilateral and multilateral agreements with other countriesandagenciestoaid in the combating of crime, and to seek financial aid whereneeded.
“Bolstertheresourcesof the FIU (Financial Intelligence Unit), ensure full compliance with
standards set by the FinancialActionTaskForce, foster stronger police communityrelationstobuild trust, expand programmes that will address youth unemployment and education to reduce crime, additional public awareness campaigns on emerging t h r e a t s c r a f t a comprehensive, forward looking national security strategy, establish a broadbased National Security Counciltocoordinateefforts between law enforcement and intelligence agencies and policymakers,” are additional measures she h i g h l i g h t e d f o r consideration.
value of accountability, transparency and human rights are upheld, while “independent oversight mechanisms must be strengthened to monitor the performance of security agencies and prevent abuses of power As the people's representative, we in this Housemustensurethatthese initiatives receive the necessary budgetary allocation and legislative support. We must prioritize investments in security as a foundation for sustainable growthandprosperity.”
for training to address the multi-faceted challenges constantly faced by law enforcement, “while several ranks b
pecialized ove
Pick-up driver dies in blaze after crash with truck at Bartica
ABarticamanhadafierydeathonFriday after he crashed head-on into a truck, along theRegionSeventrail.
Thedeadmanwasidentifiedas45-yearold Faizal Husman, also known as “Junior”, of Four Miles, Potaro Road, Region Seven. Police said that Husman met his tragic demise around 06:45 hours at Eight Miles, alsoknownasTeperu,Bartica.
Husman's vehicle was reportedly transporting barrels of fuel in its tray at the time of the crash and they reportedly exploded on impact Kaieteur News understands that Husman might have been headingtoItabali.PolicesaidthatHusman's pick-up and the truck were heading in opposite directions along the trail when tragedystruck.
“ThedriverofthePickuplostcontroland collided head-on with the lorry (Tuck). Husman's vehicle burst into flames as it flipped into a corner along the trail trapping him ”The driver of the truck and his passengersalsosustainedinjuries.Oneofthe passengers, identified, as Venish Sunnchan, sustained a fractured right foot. Kaieteur Newsreceivedacellphonerecordedvideoof public-spirited citizens assisting in rushing him and other injured persons to the Bartica Hospital.A wrecked truck was seen in the middleofthetrailwithHusman'spick-upin thebackground,engulfedinflames.Burning debriswerescatteredacrosstheroadassome persons were seen scampering to safety as loudpoppingsoundswerestillcomingfrom the burning pick-up. “The Guyana Fire Service(GFS)wassummonedandonarrival, the firemen extinguished the fire,” Police said. Videos of Husman's charred remains wereseenbeingremoved,inthepresenceof Police,fromhisburntvehicle.Followingthe news of his tragic demise, his friends and loved ones flooded theirWhatsApp statuses and Facebook pages with tributes, “RIP Junior”. Theydescribedhimasa“beautifulsoul”.
Chandan-Edmond also commended the Guyana Police Force (GPF) for demonstrating some commitment to working to improveitslawenforcement capabilities, road safety and professionalismviawhatshe termed as “extensive” trainingprogrammesandthe acquisitionofresources.
The MP highlighted that there have been significant budgetary allocations for training in this regard; however, believes that an allocation of $250M annually should go towards prioritizing “modern policing and capacity building.”
courses, a greater emphasis oncascadingthisknowledge to broader police units is essential to maximize its impact The consistent allocationofroughlyaround [$250 million] annually for training indicates a prioritization but, Mister Speaker, underutilization raises questions about efficient planning and execution.”
Chandan-Edmond also told the National Assembly that modernization of the security system must also e n s u r e t h a t w h e n implementing measures, the
While noting that Guyana's economic growth is a beacon of hope, she cautioned that it can also make it a target for sophisticated crimes. If the measures that were highlightedareadopted,they canensurethatGuyanadoes not only meet the international security standards, but it can put the countryasregionalleaderin relation to safeguarding its citizensandinterests.
“I urge all members of the House to come together insupportoftheseproposals, recognizing that security is the cornerstone of peace, progress and prosperity Let us ensure that every Guyanese could live and thrive in a safe and secure nation,” the Member of Parliamentsaid.
NTC contracts consultant to develop draft of Free, Prior & Informed consent guidelines for Indigenous peoples
The National Toshaos Council (NTC) announced that it has contracted a consultanttodevelopaDraft Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) Guidelines for stakeholder engagement withIndigenousPeoplesand Local Communities (IPLCs).
In a statement released on Friday, the NTC shared that the consultant, Christell Chesney, through her services will implement Phase 1 of this critical projectaimedatestablishing acomprehensiveframework to ensure meaningful engagement with IPLCs in alignment with national policies and international bestpractices.
“The consultancy will focus on mapping the processesrequiredtoadhere toFPICprinciplesasagreed upon by IPLCs and enshrined in national strategies, including the
Constitution of Guyana and the Amerindian Act of 2006,”theNTCreported.
The agency noted that these efforts will also draw on g
, includingtheUnitedNations DeclarationontheRightsof I
(UNDRIP), International La
conventions, and other humanrightsframeworks. It should be noted that
the principle of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent is central to protecting the rightsofIndigenousPeoples and Local Communities by ensuring their full and informed participation in decisions affecting their lands,resources,andcultural heritage.
The Toshaos Council relayed that the guidelines willserveasacriticaltoolfor (Continuedonpage18)
Chairman of the National Toshaos Council (NTC),Derrick John and consultant Christell Chesney (NTC Photo)
– Foreign Minister Todd
‘Stable environment key to development of oil, other sectors’
- says
Govt. committed to ICJ process for Guyana-Venezuela border controversy case, to meet with Suriname on border issue
By Renay Sambach
During the first day of the 2025 Budget Debate, Minister of Foreign Affairs
a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l Cooperation, Hugh Todd, stressed the vital role of diplomacy in fostering a stable environment for the development of critical industries, particularly the hydrocarbonssector
Theminister'scomments comeinlightoftheGuyanaVe n e z u e l a b o r d e r controversy case that is
currently before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Venezuela has long-claimed Guyana's mineral resource rich Essequibo region, which is more than one-third of the country
M i n i s t e r T o d d
underscored that the government remains cognizantofthefactthatfor Guyana's economic prospects to be fully realized, its relations with
bordering countries must be carefully managed
“Especially those which harbour ambitions to the very territory we need to develop,”hesaid.
The minister added, “Guyana's diplomacy would therefore be at the forefront of the efforts aimed at ensuring a positive and stable environment for the development of critical industries, including the hydrocarbon and related sectors, during this year and the next few years, as we seek to move our country forward in this regard, in fulfilment of the mandate to p
rial integrity.”
Notably, American oil giant, ExxonMobil
CorporationChiefExecutive Officer (CEO), Darren Woodshadmadeitclearthat the company is unfazed by the territorial controversy between Guyana and Venezuela. During an interview at the CERAWeek
by S&P Global in 2024, Woods asserted that the border controversy won't hinder the oil giant's activities in the region, particularly in the Stabroek Block which is estimated to hold 11.6 billion barrels of oil.
In his address, Minister Todd outlined the Foreign Ministry's role in executing PresidentIrfaanAli'sforeign policy mandate, which includes the protection of Guyana's sovereignty and territorialintegrity
He detailed a threeprongedapproachtoaddress Venezuela's claims to Guyana's territory: lobbying for international support, advancing the case before theICJ,andsensitisinglocal a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l communitiesonthecase.
“Inrelationtotheclaims by Venezuela, there are systematicapproachesmade toindividualstatesaswellas c
organizations and bodies, including CARICOM, the
Agri. Ministry to complete agro-processing facility as $800M allocated to subsector
The Ministry of Agriculture intends to complete one ago-processing facility this year with the aim of improving and increasing the country's agro-processing sector
Thesubsectorwasallocated$800Minthe 2025 National Budget to continue its development.
“In2025,oneadditionalagro-processing facility will be completed. In addition to the agri-business hub at La Bonne Intention, another will be established at Bartica while an additional 242 farmers and agroprocessors are expected to benefit from relatedtraining.Further,Governmentwillbe designing an expanded Guyana Shop to showcase products under the Made In Guyanabrand,while12GuyanaShopspaces will be added to create 93 such spaces at shops across the country,” Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, told the National Assemblyduringhisbudgetpresentation.
Dr. Singh told the House that the agroprocessingsectorhaslongbeenanuntapped opportunity in Guyana and this was mostly because of constraints on the cost of production,whichwasdrivenbyelectricity However,thishasbeenchangingandwill change faster once the electricity pricing issueisresolved.
“The private sector has been raising the bar, including several SMEs who produce world class products and are now able to
MinisterofFinance, Dr. Ashni Singh
access markets. Government has supported investments in value-chain development, from farming to market expansion for our agricultural produce and products,” the Ministersaid.Hefurtherexplainedthatthese interventions have resulted in 869 new products being introduced into the market, overthelastfouryears,attheGuyanaShopas well as given access to new regional and internationalmarkets.
Last year, at Crabwood Creek, another agro-processingfacilitywascompleted.This broughtthetotalnumberoffacilitiesaround the country to 15, benefitting over 150 persons. Additionally, a packaging facility and nine solar drying facilities were also operationalised with 190 farmers and agroprocessorsbeingtrained.
Commonwealth, United Nations Security Council, andtheOAS,tonameafew,” Toddexplained. Hesaidthoseeffortsaim to garner support for Guyana's sovereignty and territorialintegrity
Moreover, the minister underscored Guyana's commitment to the ICJ proceedings.
“On December 9, 2024 GuyanasubmittedtotheICJ its final written brief on the meritsinthecaseagainstthe Bolivian Republic of Venezuela. Venezuela will have the opportunity to respond to Guyana's reply with its rejoinder due on the 8th of August this year, the court will, in due course, set adatefortheoralhearings,” MinisterToddsaid. Todd reiterated that the Government of Guyana welcomes Venezuela's participation in the legal process.
Moreover, on Guyana's relations with Suriname, Minister Todd highlighted ongoing efforts to address unresolved border issues through the accumulation and analysis of historical documents. Preparations are alsounderwayforameeting of the Guyana-Suriname Border Commission this year
“We reaffirmed the commitment of our two countriestopursuethegreed initiatives within the strategic dialog and CooperationPlatform,orthe SDCP, several issues of mutual benefit to both sides
Notably, Minister Todd underscored the importance of keeping the public and diplomatic corps informed about Guyana's border strategy
“The ministry will continue to employ several multimedia avenues to disseminate information on Guyana's borders. In this regard, our diplomats, both at home and abroad, are continually briefed on the strategy of the government and the role they play in carrying out this strategy,” hesaid.
‘It wasn't me, but somebody got to take the blame’
– painter nabbed with ganja tells court
A 48-year-old painter was remanded to prison on Wednesday after being caught with 371 grams of marijuana.
Quincy Lawrence Gonzales, of Lot 14, R e p u b l i c D r i v e , Beterverwagting,EastCoast Demerara,waschargedwith possession of narcotics with the intent to traffic. The charge stems from an incident on January 21, 2025, along Water Street in Georgetown.
Appearing before Chief Magistrate (Ag) Faith McGustyattheGeorgetown
Magistrates' Court, Gonzales pleaded not guilty totheoffence.
During the proceedings, Gonzales explained his version of events. "I was shopping at the market and thePolicejustblammedinto me," he told the court. He claimed that while shopping for goods, he noticed the Police running toward him, whichpromptedhimtoflee. He further explained that a bag found on the ground by the officers was mistakenly believed to belong to him. Gonzalesdeniedowningthe
marijuana or the bag, asserting that he was not carrying it at the time of his arrest.
The prosecution, however, opposed bail, highlighting the serious natureoftheoffenceandthe significant quantity of marijuana found They argued that Gonzales was seen with the bag in his possession and presented evidence suggesting his involvement in a trafficking operation.
According to the prosecution, Police had receivedatip-offregardinga man dressed in a black top andbrownpantstraffickinga largeamountofmarijuanain theWaterStreetarea.Acting on this information, officers located Gonzales, who was seen running from the scene withablackhaversack.After a brief chase, Gonzales was apprehended, and the bag was found to contain marijuana.
Magistrate McGusty questioned Gonzales about any prior issues with the officers involved in his arrest, to which he denied havingany.Whenaskedwhy
Quincy Lawrence Gonzales
he thought someone would wanttoframehim,Gonzales responded, “Somebody gottataketheblame.” As such, Gonzales was remanded to prison as Magistrate McGusty denied bail. He is scheduled to returntocourtonFebruary7, 2025,forareportandfurther statements regarding the case.
Hugh Todd
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Between:- Petition No. FD1062 (ALI) JAVID FIAUD -and- (ALI) INDIRA nee CECIL Petitioner/Applicant Respondent TO: INDIRA ALI nee CECIL
Formerly of Lot 86 4t Strat, Winsor Forest West Coast DemeraraTAKE NOTICE that on the 30th day of July, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by JAVID FIAUD ALI, the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 12th day of December, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition and Application, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Monday the 10th day of March, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Priscilla Chandra-Hanif in person. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry Dated the 16th day of December, 2024.
Address Unknown
Respondent TAKE NOTICE that on the 5th day of December, 2024 an Application Relating to Child was filed against you by ELVON ANDRE ARCHER, the Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 6th day of January, 2025, the Applicant was directed to effect service of her Application on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Application together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Application, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Application, you must file a Reply to Application Relating to Child, and/or Statement of Arrangements for child (Forms are available at the Registry) in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the matter is fixed for Directions Hearing on Wednesday the 12th day of March, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Fidela Corbin-Lincoln Meeting ID: 882 1097 6231 and password: Court12.IN DEFAULT of your filing a Reply to Application Relating to Child, Statement of Arrangements for Children and/or Notice of Intention toDefend the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting Custody
The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm onFridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 15th day of January, 2025
2024-HC-DEM-CIV-FD-877 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISION Petition No. FD-877 Between:PANDAY (MELISIA) nee RAJCOOMAR Petitioner / Applicant -and- PANDAY (DAYANAND) Respondent TO: DAYANAND PANDAY Formerly of Lot 77 Mon Desir Clay Brick Road, Canal Number 2®West Bank Demerara.TAKE NOTICE that on the 25th day of June, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by MELISIA PANDAY nee RAJCOOMAR, the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 8th day of November, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in Guyana and on the world wide web.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition and Application, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the
date of the final publication of this NoticeTAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 30th day of January, 2025 at 9:30 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via zoom meeting ID: 882 1097 6231 and password: Court12 IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 13th day of November, 2024
Petition No. FD-1328
TAKE NOTICE that on the 3d day of October, 2024 an Application Relating to Children was filed against you by AMRITA DEVI KAMPTA, the Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER
TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 13th day of January, 2025, the Applicant was directed to effect service of her Application on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the KAIETEUR NEWS, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the World Wide Web AND FURTHER TAKE
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorneyat-Law at the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara
Govt. to address backlog of housing applications countrywide – Min. Rodrigues
Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues on Friday said that plans are on track this year to address all the housing applications across the country.
The minister gave the assurance on the first day of the 2025 Budget Debate at the 92nd Sitting of the National
where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Application together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Application, you must file a Reply to Appliention Relating to Child, an Answer and/or Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry) in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within (35) thirty-five days from the date of the second and final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the Application is refixed for Directions Hearing on Wednesday the 12 day of March, 2025 at 9:45 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via zoom Meeting ID: 8821097 6231 and Passcode: Court 12 IN DEFAULT of your filing a Reply to Application Relating to Child, Statement of Arrangements for Children and/or Notice of Intention toDefend the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting Custody.
The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm onFridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 15th day of January, 2025
Assembly, which is being held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.
Speaking about the housing sector and plans moving forward, the minister stated, “We plan to address all of the applications in Regions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, and significantly reduce the pending applications for Region 4, we are already planning phase two we are already moving on to planning for 2026, and 2027 of how we will deliver another 30,000 house lots to the pending applicants, so the young people can look forward to that.”
Kaieteur News reported recently that at the ministry’s end-of-year press conference, subject Minister Collin Croal announced that the ministry reached the saturation point for available lands in several regions, noting ongoing efforts are being made to acquire additional lands.
Rodrigues’ statement comes after she told the National Assembly that since the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) administration came into office, through the Housing Ministry they have since distributed some 41,000 house lots in the country.
Out of that figure, she mentioned that 18,000 are young women, while within the last four years over 20,000 young people between the ages of 21 and 35 now own their own homes or land.
steel and cement subsidies to families for them to start building their homes. We have built already 129 core homes where beneficiaries have only paid $100,000 and they have a core home that they can start to build their lives with. Our target is to build 298 of these.”
Through their Home Improvement Subsidies, she mentioned that they have already distributed 798 subsidies for people to improve their existing homes.
According to the minister, it is through these initiatives and programmes that the country’s construction sector increased by some 30.8 percent, while mortgages and real estate loans grow by 71.9% over the last four years.
Providing statistics on the housing sector, the minister related that through their housing construction drive, some 2,000 homes have already been completed across low-income brackets.
Notably, she explained, “we’ve provided over 1,600
While her remarks on the housing sector comes after she boasted of her government’s achievements in office contrary to that of the former APNU/ AFC administration, Rodrigues noted that it is a culmination of all of these programs, policies, projects in all of the sectors, that her government plans on addressing poverty, unemployment and inequality in the country.
Govt. to add $5.9M in debt to every household...
From page 7 fluctuations in oil prices which can significantly skew overall GDP figures, giving a false impression of economic health when heavily relying on oil related activities.”
According to Fernandes, using the non-oil GDP indicates the strength of the economy beyond the petroleum sector and highlights the development of other industries, signifying a more resilient economic base.
To this end, she pointed out, “From 2020 to 2024 the non-oil economy of Guyana
grew 36% in total. In that same period the stock of public debt grew by a staggering 253%.”
The Shadow Finance Minister said this relates to a 7% growth in debt for every 1% growth in the economy.
Fernandes continued, “To put this into context, in the period 2015 to 2019 Guyana’s GDP grew by 19%. In that same period total public debt grew by a tiny 14%. For every 1% growth in GDP the coalition increased debt by just 0.7%. Not even a full percent.” The Opposition MP ex-
plained that government has increased the national debt by a massive 18 times as much as the coalition government; spent $2.1 trillion more than the coalition did but only delivered 17% more growth than the coalition did.
She concluded that when the PPP is audited on their management of debt to GDP, it is clear that it has drastically increased the debt burden while failing to achieve economic growth above the coalition non-oil tenure.
To this end, Fernandes told the National Assembly,
“We are living in a country with a budget of $1.382 trillion in 2025, this country is not void of financial resources this country is void of competent leadership. This country is void of a government that prioritises its people over its private business ventures. We are living in a country in which the government operates against its own people, as Economic Gangsters.”
This year, government has indicated that $350B in loans will be used to finance the $1.382 trillion Budget.
Speaker blocks Opposition Chief Whip...
From page 3 phrases restricted are prohibited from being used on another MP. For instance, he said, “I can’t say that Minister X, or Minister Y is corrupt because that is referring to an individual…but when you are referring to corruption, you are talking about corruption in public office.”
Jones pointed out that he is not allowed to reference an anti-corruption forum hosted by government last year nor can MPs quote or read an article that contains the word ‘corruption’.
Additionally, the Chief Whip flagged that he was prevented from using words in the House which are not listed as ‘Unparliamentary’.
To this end, he concluded, “so it literally is on the spur, depending on what mind the Speaker is in, he determines after consulting with himself that this word or that word is ‘unparliamentary’ or wouldn’t be allowed.” (See below for terms considered unparliamentary.)
Moreover, he noted that this act mostly affects members of the Opposition. Dead committees
Meanwhile, the Opposition Chief Whip utilized the last five minutes of his time highlighting the crucial role of Parliamentary committees in a functioning democratic system.
He explained, “They enhance efficiency, accountabil-
ity, and transparency by facilitating in-depth investigation of issues, policies, and legislation—tasks that cannot be thoroughly addressed during regular parliamentary sessions due to time constraints.”
To this end, he flagged the dwindling meetings of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) under this administration. Jones pointed out that in 2021, the PAC met 25 times; in 2022, it met 21 times; in 2023, only 11 times; and by 2024, only nine meetings were held.
He was keen to note that this was a result of a resolution piloted by Minister Teixeira, and passed by a one seat majority.
Similarly, Jones contended, “Nothing better can be said of the other committees of the Parliament.” According to him, the Constitutional Reform Committee chaired by the Attorney General, Anil Nandlall S.C., never held a single meeting in 2023 and met once in 2024.
On the other hand, the Opposition MP highlighted that the Foreign Relations Committee for year 2024 held only one meeting, amidst the present danger to the country’s sovereignty.
Meanwhile, the parliamentary oversight committee on the security sector chaired by Prime Minister Mark Phillips has not held a single meeting since 2021.
Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues
US military aircraft deport migrants as Pentagon readies more troops for border
WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) - U.S. military
C-17 aircraft began flying detained migrants out of the countryonFriday,following orders from President Donald Trump, as the Pentagon prepared to send more troops to the southern border, including from the Army’s elite 82nd Airborne division.
Two U S military aircraft, each carrying about 80 migrants, flew from the U.S. to Guatemala, a U.S. officialtoldReuters.
“Guatemala and the UnitedStatesarecommitted to putting an end to illegal migration and strengthening bordersecurity Startingwith two flights today,” the State Departmentsaid.
In the past, U.S. military aircraft have been used to relocate individuals from one country to another, like during the U.S. withdrawal fromAfghanistanin2021.
Thiswasthefirsttimein recent memory that U.S.
AUnited States flag is seen near the El Paso airport as Guatemalan migrants, mostly shackled, are being transported to a plane to be expelled from the United States to their country of origin by agents of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Border Patrol agents, at the El Paso airport, Texas, U.S., June 13, 2024. REUTERS/Jose Luis Gonzalez/File Photo
military aircraft were being used to fly migrants out of theU.S.,oneofficialsaid. Trump in his first day in
office declared illegal immigration a national emergency, tasking the U.S. military with aiding border
security,issuingabroadban on asylum, and taking steps to restrict citizenship for children born on American
His Jan. 20 executive order instructed the Pentagon to send as many troopsasnecessarytoobtain “complete operational control of the southern borderoftheUnitedStates.”
“Deportation flights have begun,” White House spokesperson Karoline LeavittsaidonapostonX.
The Pentagon has said that the U.S. military would provide flights for the deportations of more than 5,000 immigrants held by U.S. authorities in El Paso, Texas, and San Diego, California.
Earlier this week, the Trump administration said the U.S. military would be sending 1,500 additional active-duty troops to the borderwithMexico.
U S officials told Reutersthatthemilitarywas preparing to send a second waveoftroopstotheborder withMexicoasearlyasnext week, which would likely
includetroopsfromthe82nd Airborne.
The official said the additional troops could numberinthethousandsbut a formal decision had not beenmade.
Troops from the 82nd Airborne Division are usuallypreparedtodeployat shortnoticeforcrisesaround the world, typically in conflict zones rather than to theU.S.borderwithMexico.
Reuters reported this week that there had been informal discussions about sending as many as 10,000 troops over time, though a final figure had not been determined and troop numbers would depend on several factors, including impactonmilitaryreadiness.
During his first term, Republican Trump ordered 5,200 troops to help secure the border with Mexico Democratic former
deployed active-duty troops totheborderaswell.
Amused by those who dismiss support for Glenn andAzruddin...
Frompage05 these outcomes. Would the AFC recommend cutting investments in agriculture that are revitalizing rural livelihoods? Or would they reduce allocations for private sector-led construction and services that are connecting communitiesanddrivingeconomic activity? Moreover, Mr Hughes should clarify what his solution to
Dutch Disease entails. Does he suggest halting oil production and forfeiting the revenues that are funding this transformative growth? Does he propose abandoning the gas-to-energy project that will slash electricity
costs for households and businesses?
These are not rhetorical questions but genuine ones that
require answers. If Mr Hughes believes his critique is valid, he must engage with the data and provide evidence for his claims. Otherwise, his warnings about Dutch Disease amount to little morethanpoliticalposturing.
The truth is Guyana is navigating its resource boom with vision and strategy, ensuring that all sectors of the economy benefit
Govt to relocate 15 tombs at Grove, EBD to facilitate pump construction
The Ministry of Health, on Friday, announcedthat15tombsattheGoldenGrove Burial Ground, located at Lot 1 Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD) will be relocated to facilitatetheconstructionofpumps. In a public notice, the Ministry said that the removal and relocation of the tombs are due to the construction of pumps used to increase the drainage capacity in the Diamond/Grovearea.
Accordingtothenotice,thetombs,which aresituatedinthesouthwesternsectionofthe burialground,mustberelocatedduetotheir current positions and the structural damage thathasbeenidentifieduponinspection. Further,relativesandfamilymembersof thoseinterredintheaffectedareasareurged to get in touch with the Grove/Diamond Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) forfurtherdetails.Theyareaskedtoprovide relevant information regarding the deceased to ensure a smooth and respectful relocation process. For more information or to discuss the relocation process, affected parties can contact the Grove/Diamond NDC at 2652256/57ortheCentralBoard-Healthat2268158. Contact can also be made via email at secretarycentralboardhealth@gmail.com
NTC contracts consultant to develop...
aligning stakeholder engagement practices with these principles, fostering trust, respect, and collaboration between
IPLCs and external stakeholders.
Part of the contract, the consultancy is expected to carry out under the overall supervision of the NTC and an FPIC Working Group,
and that no one is left behind. The thriving non-oil economy, as evidenced in the 2024 Mid-Year Report and the 2025 Budget Speech,reflectssoundpoliciesand a forward-looking approach to development.
Mr Hughes’ remarks, unfortunately, fail to engage with therealityofthesituation.Thedata is unequivocal: Guyana is thriving
because of balanced growth, prudent economic management, and transformative investments in areas like housing, which are creating wealth and improving lives If Mr Hughes believes otherwise, let him provide the evidence and explain which data pointstoDutchDiseaseandwhy
The Ministry of Health on Friday announced that the National Public Health Reference Laboratory (NPHRL) has been accredited as a National Influenza Centre (NIC) by the Pan American Health Organisation/World Health O r g a n i s a t i o n (PAHO/WHO).
Accordingtotherelease, theconsultantwillemploya multi-pronged approach, including desk reviews, workshops, and other stakeholderengagements,to identify best practices and develop acceptable procedures for effective engagement with IPLCs throughout the life cycle of projects,plans,orinitiatives. With this project having
w h i c h i n c l u d e s representatives from the NTC, government agencies, andIndigenousNGOs.
two phases, the NTC informedthatitiscommitted to ensuring its successful completion and looks forward to the active p
“Together, we can establish a framework that upholds the rights and dignity of Guyana’s Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities,” the agencyadded.
The Ministry in a statement said that the NPHRL has now officially become a member of the G l o b a l I n f l u e n z a Surveillance and Response System (GISRS), a critical international network dedicatedtomonitoringand responding to influenza outbreaksworldwide.
“As part of GISRS, the NPHRL will play an integral role in the global surveillance network that monitors the evolution of influenza viruses worldwide,” the statement from the Ministry explained.
“This ensures that public health responses are timely,evidence-based,and effective in mitigating the risks posed by these viruses,”theministrysaid.
This accreditation represents a significant milestone in the country's ongoing efforts to strengthen its capacity to detect,monitor,andrespond to influenza and other viral threats. According to the Ministry, the recognition not only highlights the NPHRL'sexpertisebutalso enhances Guyana's ability to contribute to global healthsecurity
"This accreditation u n d e r s c o r e s t h e commitment and expertise of the NPHRL in safeguardingpublichealth," theMinistryadded.
As a part of its new responsibilities,theNPHRL will collaborate with international health authorities, contributing to g l o b a l i n f l u e n z a surveillance and outbreak management.
Thiswillalsoensurethat Guyana remains aligned with the best practices in viral surveillance, data sharing,andinfluenzastrain monitoring.
The WHO's GISRS continuously monitors influenza activity around the world, conducts risk assessments, and offers recommendationsforpublic health responses. With the NPHRL's inclusion in this network, Guyana will have a direct role in sharing vital data and insights, assisting in vaccine development, a n d i m p r o v i n g preparedness and response strategies.
Apolice officer and a former staff of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) were, on Friday, found guilty of computerrelatedforgerybyMagistrate Annette Singh at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court.
The accused were identified as Winston Small (police officer) and Reguel Jack(formerGRAstaff).
Police, in a statement, said that Magistrate Singh sentenced Small to six (6) months imprisonment while Jack was fined $100,000, which is to be paid within two(2)weeks.Shouldhebe indefault,hewouldfacesix (6)monthsimprisonment.
n investigation conducted by SOCU revealed that in Octobe
2021, Sm
ll arranged with Shaquan Caesar,aminibusconductor, who was working with Antoney Salaman Jacobs, a busdriver,thathecouldgeta driver's licence for him for $83,000,”thePolicesaid.
CaesarwastoldbySmall that he could use Antoney's driver's licence and that he wouldgetsomeonefromthe GRA to change the photograph.
As such, the conductor reportedly obtained a photograph of the bus driver's licence, and the duo went to a clerk at Maraj
A 21-year-old handyman employed at Distribution Services Limited (DSL) Cash and Carry in Ruimveldt, Georgetown, was spared a larceny charge after allegedly stealingacolleague'sphone.
Isaiah Barrington of 602 'D' Field, Sophia, Greater Georgetown,wasaccusedofstealinganiPhone13,valuedat $285,000,fromOneshaGreaves,onJanuary20,2025.
BarringtonappearedbeforeActingChiefMagistrateFaith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court, where he pleadednotguiltytothecharge.
The prosecution objected to bail, citing Barrington's admission to the theft and his expressed remorse. Greaves confirmedincourtthatthephonehadbeenrecoveredbythe Police.
She explained that although Barrington initially denied takingthephone,securityfootageshowedhimpickingitup. After being questioned by Police, Barrington confessed and handedoverthephonetoinvestigators.
WhenaskedbyMagistrateMcGustywhethershewished toproceedwiththematter,Greavesdeclined,statingthatshe only wanted her phone returned. “I know he's young, and I hope he learns from this. Everyone makes mistakes, and I hopehedoesn'tmakethesameonceagain,”shesaid.
BarringtonappearedvisiblyrelievedbyGreaves'decision to discontinue the case and expressed gratitude for her leniency.Healsoapologizedpublicly,promisingnottorepeat his mistake. “I am sorry for stealing your phone, and it will neverhappenagain,”hesaid.
Magistrate McGusty, while acknowledging Barrington's youth,cautionedhimaboutthepotentialconsequencesofhis actions. “If you have sticky fingers, no one will want to employ you,” she warned, noting that even though the case wasbeingdropped,itwouldremainapermanentmarkonhis workrecord.
She advised Barrington to avoid further trouble, urging him to “keep your hands to yourself” and to learn from his mistake. Ultimately, Barrington was freed, but with a stern reminderofthelastingimpactofhisactions.
Building, Georgetown, and stated that Caesar [the bus conductor] is Antoney
Salaman Jacobs [the bus driver].
Reportedly, the men told
theClerkthatCaesarlosthis driver's licence and his identification card and requestedanaffidavittotake to GRA to process his driver'slicence.
After the document was obtained, Small took Caesar to GRA with the affidavit where Jack, a GRA Lodgment Clerk, took Caesar's photograph via the LicenceRevenueProcessing System (LRPS) and processed a driver's licence for him in the name of Antoney Salaman Jacobs withJacobs'sdriver'slicence details.
The Magistrate found that the elements for the offence of computer-related forgery were properly established and both Small andJackwerefoundguilty The matter was prosecuted by Attorney-atlaw and Prosecutor David Brathwaite, Prosecutor Aaron Daniels, and Prosecutor Neville Jeffers from the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU). Small was represented by Attorney-at-law Clyde Forde, while Jack was represented by Attorney-atlawRonaldDaniels.
SportsMax - After producing some stellar performances in 2024, it comes as no surprise that
West Indies’ Hayley Matthews and Sherfane Rutherford were named in theICCWomen’sandMen’s ODI Teams of the Year, respectively
The announcement marked the beginning of the
ICC Awards 2024, which willunveilwinnersacross12 individual categories over fivedays.
Matthews’ inclusion in theICCWomen’sODITeam of the Year underscores her status as one of the premier all-rounders in the game.
The 26-year-old dazzled in 2024 with 469 runs at an impressive average of 78.16
andcontributedwiththeball, takingninewickets.
Her consistency and ability to perform under pressure have made her an invaluable asset to the West IndiesWomen’steam.
Positioned at No. 4 in a formidable batting lineup, Matthews joins other standout players like South Africa’s Laura Wolvaardt,
who captains the side, and India’s Smriti Mandhana
The ICC Voting Academy recognizedMatthewsforher abilitytochangegameswith bothbatandball,ahallmark ofherexceptionalseason.
Meanwhile, Rutherford, anothershiningstarfromthe Caribbean, secured his spot intheICCMen’sODITeam of the Year Rutherford’s exploitswiththebatsawhim average over 106, scoring 425runsinjust11innings.
Saturday January 25, 2025
You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Aries Your persuasivemannerandgentle nudges are just enough to get peoplewhereyouwantthem.
When faced with ten entrees onthemenu,itmightbehard for you to choose just one. Feelfreetoordertwoormore, Ta u r u s D o n ' t l e t indecisiveness slow you down.Atthesametime.
Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act onthem,Gemini.Nooneelse is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take mattersintoyourownhands.
If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them nomind,Cancer Youhavethe righttoliveyourlifeanyway youwantto.
Reachforthepotofgoldatthe end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closerthanyouthink.Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals.
Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think aboutwhatitisthatyouwant most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to howfaryoucango.
Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra.
opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm.Followthemusic.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Today is an excellent day for you,oneinwhichyou'llfinda great deal of strength in your emotions, Sagittarius Trust that your instincts are serving youwell.
Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Capricorn. Don't feel like you needtomakesenseofitall.In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Mixyourrealitywithabit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allowyourfeettocomeoffthe ground for a little while. Give yourselfarest.Takesometime to meditate and clear your mindofyourdailyworries.
Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor Dreamasbigasyour mindallows.
ICCWomen’sODITeam of the Year: Smriti Mandhana (Ind), Laura Wolvaardt(SA)(c),Chamari Athapaththu (SL), Hayley Matthews (WI), Marizanne Kapp (SA), Ash Gardner (Aus), Annabel Sutherland (Aus), Amy Jones (Eng) (wk), Deepti Sharma (Ind), Sophie Ecclestone (Eng), KateCross(Eng)
Men’s ODI Team of the Year: Saim Ayub (Pak), Rahmanullah Gurbaz (Afg), Pathum Nissanka (SL), Kusal Mendis (SL) (wk), Charith Asalanka (SL) (c), Sherfane Rutherford (WI), Azmatullah Omarzai (Afg), Wanindu Hasaranga (SL), Shaheen Shah Afridi (Pak), Haris Rauf (Pak), AM Ghazanfar(Afg)
His ability to deliver impactful performances, often under challenging circumstances, made him a key figure for the West Indies.
The 26-year-old’s contributionsextendbeyond his batting prowess, as his all-round capabilities have bolsteredhisteam’sbalance.
He joins a star-studded lineup featuring Sri Lanka’s Charith Asalanka, who captains the team, and Pakistan’s pace duo of Shaheen Shah Afridi and HarisRauf.
Unsurprisingly, no Caribbean player made the cutfortheICCTestTeamof the Year, which was dominated by England players.
The ICC Teams of the Year were selected by an independentpanelofcricket media experts, the ICC Voting Academy, based on players’statisticsandoverall impact in international cricket during the calendar year The awards process also involved over 1 5 million global fans who participated in a 12-day voting period on the ICC’s officialwebsite.
Next to be announced is the Men’s and Women’s T20ITeamsoftheYear The week will culminate in the presentation of the prestigious Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy for ICC Men’s Cricketer of the Year and the Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy for ICC Women’s Cricketer of the Year
ICC Men’sTestTeam of the Year: Yashasvi Jaiswal (Ind), Ben Duckett (Eng), Kane Williamson (NZ), Joe Root (Eng), Harry Brook (Eng), Kamindu Mendis (SL), Jamie Smith (Eng) (wk), Ravindra Jadeja (Ind), PatCummins(Aus)(c),Matt Henry(NZ),JaspritBumrah (Ind)
Bounty/Antonio’s Grill One Day Season Opener set for tomorrow -A celebration of outdoor hockey in Guyana
The Bounty-
Antonio’s Grill
One Day Hockey tournament is the flagship eventforoutdoorhockey in Guyana, marking the start ofthenewseason.
This exciting season opener is scheduled for
tomorrow, Sunday, January 26 at the Guyana
National Stadium, Providence featuring a d a y f i l l e d w i t h competitive matches and communityfestivities.
Guyana Hockey Board (GHB) President Philip Fernandes noted, “Bounty Farm LTD and Antonio’s Grill have been dedicated
sponsorsforthistournament for several years, and the board is very grateful for their continued interest in supportingthesport.”
The One Day event will highlight both male and female teams from the prominenthockeyclubsin Guyana
The competition will use a seven-a-side format, a shortened version of the game, which promises to deliver fast-paced and thrillingaction.
Two games will be played simultaneously on opposite fields, enhancing to the excitement of playersandspectators.
The tournament will kick off at 9 am and continue into the evening, concluding in the grand finale for both male and femaleteams.
In addition to the club teams, the Guyana Hockey Board (GHB) recently held a three-day trial for U21 Boys and Girls
From these trials, twenty-seven boys and twenty-three girls were s
training until the final teamsarechosen.
According to GHB Head, the U21 boys will compete as two teams in
Aglimpse of what to expect this Sunday at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence.
the season opener to s
, compete against former
national players, and help selectors narrow down theroster
The U21 boys are scheduled to compete in the Qualifiers for the
Junior Pan American Challenge, taking place from March 9-16, 2025, in Barbados Meanwhile, the U21 girls will prepare for the Qualifiers for the CAC Games, scheduled for May 4-11, 2025, in Mexico. Thedaypromisestobea
vibrant celebration for the hockey community, with family, friends, and spectatorsgatheringtoenjoy scintillatingmatches.
As is customary every year,theGHBwillalsohost its first fundraiser of the year,featuringaBBQsaleat theevent.
Statistician Charwayne Walker expresses appreciation for former footballer Birdette Marshall
St a t i s t i c i a n
C h a r w a y n e
Wa l k e r h a s expressed appreciation for former national footballer Birdette Marshall and his contribution to the sport during his playing days for then British Guiana and Guyana. Marshall,whohas served this country with distinction,iscurrentlyblind and has been down on his fortunes, living in challenging conditions Walker is hopeful that somethingcouldbedonefor this son of the soil, Birdette Marshall.
Walker wrote: Birdette Marshall is probably one
of the only National
goalkeepers to stand between the uprights for both British Guiana and Guyana.
This outstanding son of the soil, who is now
blind, is more than deserving of a National Award.
Birdette Marshall made his international debut for the then British Guiana September of 1962 against the Reggie Haynes ledBarbadosNationalTeam at the Georgetown Football Ground.
Birdette, who was goalkeeping for the Northern rangers in the Hood League competition, performed brilliantly in his
debutinternationalseriesbut startedoutonthelosingside. Barbadoswonthefivetest series by three games totwo
All the matches were contestedattheGeorgetown FootballClubGround. His next international assignment was in July 1963toBarbados. He recalled that series clearly because the British GuianaTeam, led by MauriceMoore,hadtotravel byboatbothwaysduetothe airport being shut down becauseofriotsinthecolony atthattime.
Birdette’s 1963 international campaign
concluded against the touring Rio Negro Team fromBrazil.Hiscourageand brilliance between the uprights enabled British Guiana to draw that series oneall.
T h e f o l l o w i n g year, 1964, Birdette had his most torrid time as a goalkeeper for
British Guiana against Trinidad led by Sedley Joseph BritishGuianalost the first test by six goals to one and if it was not for Birdette’s brilliance the victory margin could have beenwider
B i r d e t t e remembers the name
Two months later September 1965 Birdette was the man controlling the British Guiana Defence in goal when the Monty Hope led team defeated Barbados three games to one in a five-test series at the Georgetown Football Club Ground. The 1966 controversies in
Barbados, Birdette recalls the incident that led to the banning of coach Joseph (Reds) Perreira
Birdette said that captainMontyHope,Hubert
A n d y A l e o n g t h e Trinidad’s winger who tormented the British Guiana Defence by scoring four goals at GCC Bourda.
Trinidad went on to win the five-test seriesfournil
The next year, 1965, Birdette was replaced as B r i t i s h G u y a n a goalkeeper by Maurice Hicks when the land of many waters andTrinidad drew oneallinatwo-match seriesatGCCBourda.
He returned to the international scene when the Monty Hope British Guiana Team toured
Braithwaite, Gerald Francisco, coach Reds Perreira and several other team members were banned afterreturningtoGuyanafor disagreements in Barbados w i t h t h e t e a m ’ s management.
After Guyana gained independence in May 1966 Birdette Marshall was the first goalkeeper to play under the Golden Arrowhead against Suriname at the GCC Bourda.
Although Guyana lost that series Birdette’s performance was second to none.
Birdette was the captain andgoalkeeperwhenSantos Football Club won its first seniorfirstdivisiontitle,the Hood League trophy in
1969. Birdette played his last international series against the touring South Tr i n i d a d Te a m i n October1967.
BritishGuianawonthose encounters by two games to nil.
The million-dollar question still asked by Guyanese football fans is why Birdette Marshall was omitted from Guyana’s National Team that was ignominiously defeated by thetouringEnglishamateurs sixteen nil in their two friendly internationals in August 1969 at the GCC Bourda.
Birdette recalled the pain of watching from the pavilion Guyana’s Rookie goalkeepers Clive Harrisson and Michael Hampden conceding eight goals each in the two-game series.
For his contribution to the land of many w a t e r s f o o t b a l l development 1960 to 1980 as a player then coach, who is now blind, a medal of service is more than deserving.
International Tours
1963 Barbados
1965 Trinidad 1966 Barbados
He was Guyana’s runner-up footballer of the year 1967
Birdette Marshall pulling off a spectacular save.
BCB U15 LCSS Alumni Association inter zone U15 Competition begins today in Berbice
The Berbice Cricket Board
(BCB) U15 cricket activities continue from this week when play begins with the LCSS Alumni Association inter zoneunder15Competition.
For the first time five teams will compete in the competition which commence today, Saturday 25th January with three matches.
The five teams are West B e r b i c e , N e w Amsterdam/Canje/East Bank Berbice, Lower Corentyne, Upper Corentyne and for the first timeaPresidentX1.
The competition will be played on a round robin basis and the first-round
fixturesareasfollows: Upper Corentyne will play the President’s X1 at the Skeldon Community Centre. New AmsterdamCanje/East Bank Berbice will be at home to West Berbice in their game at the Rose Hall Community Centre East Canje. Lower Corentyne has drawn the Bye. Round two games are slated for Sunday 26th will seethePresidentX1hosting West Berbice at the Rose Hall Community Centre in EastCanje. The second match will be between Lower Corentyne and the New Amsterdam/Canje/East Bank team at the Port Mourantground.
Upper Corentyne has drawnthebye.
Fixturesforroundsthree slated for February 1st, roundfourFebruary2ndand five scheduled for February 8thwillbepublishedduring thecomingweek.
The BCB is informing that the under15 inter-club rules will apply wherever applicableandteamsnamed firstarethehost.
The team with the most points at the end of the competitionwillbedeclared thewinner
Attheconclusionofthis competition a squad will be selectedtogointotrainingin preparation for the Inter County U15 cricket competition. (Samuel Whyte)
SinnerbeatsShelton tosetupZverev finalinMelbourne
BBC Sport - Jannik Sinner will face Alexander Zverev in the Australian Open final after the defending champion saw off Ben Shelton in straight setsinMelbourne.
World number one Sinner recorded a 7-6 (7-2) 6-2 6-2 victory over American Shelton on Rod Laver Arena - the stage where he claimed his first majortitle12monthsago.
Earlier yesterday, an injured Novak Djokovic was forced to retire after losing the first set against worldnumbertwoZverev
Zverev,stillbiddingfor a first major title after losing his previous two finals,nowfacesadaunting task against the in-form SinnerinSunday’sfinal.
“We’vehadsometough matches in the past Anythingcanhappen,”said Sinner,whohaslostfourof his six meetings with Zverev
The women’s final between two-time defending championAryna Sabalenka and Madison Keys takes place today, Saturday Reigning US
Open champion Sinner is the youngest man to reach multiple Australian Open finals since Jim Courier in 1993.
Italy’s Sinner has been near-unbeatable in the past 12 months and will go into the final on a 20-match winning streak, having not lostamatchsince2October lastyear
Shelton, bidding to reach his first major final, made a confident start by breaking Sinner in the first gameofthematch-butthat was an advantage the 21st seed surrendered three gameslaterafteraseriesof unforcederrors.
Shelton,22,brokeagain fora6-5leadandservedfor the set but squandered two set points as Sinner dug in toforceatie-break.
Sinner took control from then on, reeling off five straight points to close out the breaker before quickly going up a double breakofserveinthesecond.
The daunting prospect of needing to come back fromtwosetsdownagainst the top seed did not discourage Shelton from
entertaining and engaging thecrowd.
The American reset admirably to force three break points early in the third set. But, after they wentuntaken,Sinnerstruck what proved to be the decisive blow in game five to extinguish Shelton’s hopes of an unlikely fightback.
Despite appearing to limpfollowinganawkward landing, Sinner closed out five straight games to secure victory in two hours 36minutes.
“There was a lot of tension and I had some slight cramps,” Sinner said afterwards.
“These matches can go very long. Three sets in two-and-a-half hours is quite some time, so I’m happytofinishitinthree.”
Sinner’s Australian Open title defence comes against the backdrop of his ongoingdopingcase,which willbeheardattheCourtof Arbitration for Sport from 16 April, with the World Anti-Doping Agency seeking a ban of between oneandtwoyears.
Future of West Indies Cricket to take centre stage at CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
Cricket — the present and thefuture—willbehighon
t h e a g e n d a w h e n
CARICOM Heads of
Government meet in Barbados on February 19 to 21 for their 48th Regular Meeting The high-level assembly is expected to be held at theWyndham Grand on the southeastern coast of theisland.
Heads of Government willdiscussseveralpressing issues for the Community, thegloriousgamewhichhas brought global glory to this region will again be in the spotlight as we aim to find solutions to the many challengeswhichwefaceon andoffthefield.
Cricket West Indies (CWI) is expected to send a
delegation to the meeting.
The likely heads will be President Dr Kishore Shallow;andChrisDehring, highly regarded Jamaica administrator, who will take up the position of CEO. He takesupthepostonFebruary 1 and will be based at the headquarters at Coolidge CricketGroundinAntigua.
CWI has found itself in severalpublicspatswiththe B a r b a d o s C r i c k e t Association and the Guyana Cricket Board over governancereform.Thereis alsotheongoingdebateover the conclusion of last year’s men’sregionallimitedovers tournament — where both Barbados and Jamaica captainsdidnotspinthetoss.
Theprospectofrelegationto a lower tier in Test cricket
has been mooted in international cricket circles. CWIhasyettomakeapublic statementonthematterbutit isexpectedtobediscussedat theCARICOMmeeting.
On the field, the West Indies senior men’s and women’s teams continue to struggle.
Themen’sTestteamare bottom of the table in the I C C W o r l d T e s t Championship while the women will be required to compete at the qualifiers tournamenttoearnaberthat theWorld Cup in India later thisyear
Other hot topics in use: Food and nutrition security, climate change and the climate finance agenda; the ongoingchallengesinHaiti; security issues; digital
Former Upper Demerara Football Administrator and Coach to be buried today in Linden
One of Linden’s f o r e m o s t
f o o t b a l l administrators and businessman, 66-year-old Patrick Dey, who is popularly known P Dey, whodiedlastMonday,isto be laid to rest today in Linden.
PDey,wasatthetimeof his death, the Second Vice President of the Upper DemeraraFootball Association (UDFA) and President of the Amelia’s Ward Panthers FootballClub.
P Dey played football for the Mackenzie YMCA FC during the 1970s and early 1980s before he turned to coaching and at one time the coach of the Mackenzie Sports Club Lions.
Following that he took to coaching youths in the UpperDemeraraandserved as coach of several UDFA youth teams and the Amelia’s Ward United FC which at one time became UDFA Senior League winners.
During to his love for football, PDey then turned to coaching youths in Amelia’s Ward and was instrumental in the formationofAmelia’sWard Panthers FC and was PresidentandCoach.
Patrick Dey
United States-based former Senior National defender Monty Mentore, who was a member of the Mackenzie YMCA, which included such other national players like Neville ‘Zipper’ Johnson, Dennis Solomon, Vibert ‘Bartica’ Defreitas, Bonny ‘Oiler’ Anthony and Ken O’Donaghue, becoming Senior National Club Champions during the 1970s, remembered the fallenfootballstalwart. He paid P-Dey this tribute: “P Dey was on the YMCA squad in the 1970s that played the home and away games against Suriname’s top Club Robinhood in the
West Indies Cricket - the present and the future - will be high on the agenda when CARICOM Heads of Government meet in Barbados on February 19 to 21.
resilience; external relations matters and the CARICOM SingleMarketandEconomy (CSME). Other issues such asmaritimeandairtransport and reparations will also occupy the attention of the leaders over the two-day period.
CONCACAF Club tournament.Hedidn’tmake the traveling team, the year was 1976, but he was a promising left winger At that time as you know, the competitionwasverytough to make YMCA starting team, but later in his career he played a few games as a starter,butgenerallyhewas agreatpersononandoffthe field.”
His remains will be at his home inAmelia’s Ward at11.00amandtakentothe Linden Foundation Secondary School where thefuneralservicewillbeat 12 00 noon, following which, his burial will be at theBamiaCemeteryonthe LindenHighway
Hayley Matthews and and
Hikers and GBTI GCC Women’s teams are set to ignite the Bounty/Antonio’s Grill One Day thriller.
Jannik Sinner’sAustralian Open win last year made him the youngest Melbourne men’s champion since Novak Djokovic in 2008. [Getty Images]
Sinner beats Shelton to set up Zverev final in Melbourne - A celebration of outdoor hockey in Guyana
Future of West Indies Cricket to take centre stage at
Indies’Hayley Matthews and Sherfane Rutherford named in the ICC Women’s and Men’s ODI Teams of theYear, respectively.