


Although the P e o p l e ' s
Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) government has been adamant about not renegotiatingtheoilcontract signed with ExxonMobil, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat has criticised the People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) for failing to commit to renegotiate the agreement.
OnMonday,ShadowOil and Gas Minister and Opposition Member of P a r l i a m e n t ( M P ) , Shurwayne Holder in his presentation in the National Assembly on budget 2025 reiterated the PNCR's position to review the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), which was signed by the former Coalition government with theoilmajor “We will undertake a complete review of the Stabroek Block PSA. Again Mr Speaker, the PPP
renegotiatingtheoilcontract but when they took office, they deserted the Guyanese people,”MPHoldersaid. In response to Holder's comments, Minister Bharrat lambasted the Opposition MP for only committing to reviewingthedealandnotto renegotiatingit.
“I listened to the Honourable Sherwayne Holder, he never committed
to the renegotiation of the StabroekBlock.Hesaidthat we will review the PSA of theStabroekBlock,henever said that we are going to renegotiatetheagreementof the Stabroek Block,” MP Bharratstated.
H e accu s ed th e Opposition of attempting to hoodwink Guyanese with “fake promises ” The minister said, “We have listened to many speakers before speak glowingly of
the recommendations of the fakepromisesbutsometimes when we come to the house weneedtobehonest.”
TheStabroekBlockdeal waives all taxes from the oil companiesandcatersforthe taxestobepaidbyGuyana;it gives Guyana a 2% royalty on its rich resources, and agrees to the oil companies recovering 75% of investments before the remaining 25% is shared, with Guyana receiving
...spending US$2B on a project without financial, environmental studies is criminality at its worst- WPA
The expenditure by government on a US$2 billion Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project,intheabsenceoffeasibilityand environmental studies, amounts to criminalityatitsworst.
This is according to the Working People'sAlliance(WPA)whichsaidina statementonMondaythatthecontinued practice of government, of implementingmegaprojectsorseeking massive loans without the necessary feasibility studies and due diligence exercises is most reprehensible. The politicalpartyreferencedtheabsenceof aduediligencereportonKarpowership, acompanywithatroubledpast,littered with corruption allegations and court cases. On the GTE project, WPA highlighted that the United States ExportImport(USEXIM)Bank,which has provided a US$527 million loan to governmenthassaiditdidnotconducta feasibility study nor is it in the possessionofonefromtheGovernment
12.5%.This publication had also reported that the deal lacks a
Opposition MPs were in the last cabinet when the lopsided deal was signed withExxon.
He said, “You sat there
Agreement for the Stabroek Block was being discussed andagreed.
You sat there and you agreed to it, you agreed that theoilcompanywillnotpay any tax, you agreed to that, butyetwehavepoliticiansin the opposition who are tryingtoplayTomandJerry, catandmousegame.”
Moreover, President Irfaan Ali during his 2024 end-of-year press conference told the media that he has no interest in writing U S oil major, ExxonMobil to engage the company to renegotiate the PSA. PresidentAli's current stance contrasts with statements he made as the PPP/C presidential candidate.
Duringaninterviewwith the Guyanese Critic, Ali strongly criticized the PSA signed by the Coalition G o v e r n m e n t w i t h ExxonMobil.
He stated at the time,
“Wehavemadeitveryclear, andwecanneveragree,how could, how could, I don't think any Guyanese agree with this, no Guyanese except the government that isdefendingit.
We have made it very clear that we have to go towards, we're looking at these contract, renegotiating these contracts, looking at contractmanagementandall of these things, everything wehavetorelookat,because we have to ensure that our country does not get the wrongendofthestick.”
Ali's remarks back then indicated a willingness to “reviewandrenegotiate”the contract to secure better termsforGuyana.
H o w e v e r, s i n c e assuming office, his administrationhasshiftedto upholding the “sanctity of contract”.
The PPP/C has also consistentlydispelledclaims that they promised to renegotiate the Stabroek Block PSA, while in opposition.
On the other hand, this publicationhadreportedthat while PNCR LeaderAubrey Norton has promised to review the lopsided deal if his party is elected as the next government he has shied away from saying whether they will “renegotiate”thecontract.
According to the party, “This is shocking.Howcanagovernmentspend overUS$2billiononaprojectwithouta feasibility study, especially as it relates to the environmental impact? This is financialandenvironmentalcriminality atitsworst.”
duediligencestudydoesnotgethimoff the hook. Mr Jagdeo cannot convince usthathedoesnotknowthedifference betweenfeasibilityandduediligence.It is clear that there is more in the mortar than the pestle,” the political party reasoned.
TheWPAarguedthatnotonlyisthe government borrowing like a drunken sailor against Guyanese patrimony, but it is potentially putting the country at environmental risk. “Worse, the Vice Presidentwasfoundtobelyingwhenhe suggested that EXIM Bank did its own feasibility study His subsequent explanation, that he was referring to a
The WPA said that governance by deception and lying is worse than the DutchDisease.Assuch,thepartycalled ontheVPtocomecleanontheGas-toEnergy project. WPA said that the countrycannotcontinuetobegoverned in this manner Considering citizens' failure to rely on the administration to observe best practices, WPAsuggested thatthelegislationbeenactedtoensure suchkeystudiesareconducted,priorto the rollout of such major development initiatives. It said, “WPA calls on the National Assembly to consider legislation compelling the government to do feasibility and due diligence studiesforlargeprojects.”
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Years after the PPP/C Government embarked on the ambitious gas-to-energy project, Guyanese are stilling grapplingwiththefactthatkeyaspectsofthearrangements haveremainedhidden.
Just last week the US Exim Bank from which the Guyana Government borrowed US$527M to fund the projectdisclosedthatitdidnotconductanyfeasibilitystudy as was erroneously claimed by Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo. When he was confronted on the issue, he then claimedthatwhatthebankdidwasa“duediligencereport” which looked at technical feasibility and financial feasibility and was done by a company called Sargent and LundyforEXIMBankitself.
Thesecrecysurroundingthisprojectmustbeofconcernto every Guyanese As we have previously observed a project thathasbeentoutedtotheskyabouthowmuchgooditisgoing to deliver to Guyana, should not be the cause of so many anxieties,ortheheavyalarms,thatarenowpartandparcelof Jagdeo’spublicdefencesofit Buteverythingintheconduct ofthisnation’sbusinessissealedinsecrecy
Everything of substance, that have significant meanings andimplicationsfortheordinaryGuyanesemanandwoman, qualifiesforbeinghiddenawayfromtheattentionofcitizens highandlow.Thoughwehavewrittenaboutitbefore,secrecy in national governance is simply something that cannot be spoken of in passing, and then left alone. Secrecies, as practised by powerful political leaders, must be exposed at everyopportunity,whichiswhywespeakofitagaintoday.
TherearepartsintheconductofthebusinessoftheStatethat mustbekeptunderwraps,withonlyveryfewpeopleknowing Weunderstandthat,andsodomostreasonablepeople Butsome ofthepiecesofinformationthatarebeingwithheldunderthe tightestlockandkeybythePPPGovernmentfromtheeyesand minds of Guyanese do not fall into any such category For emphasis,werepeatthissimplepositionofours,becauseitisso far-reaching, so full of meaning: the information relative to someofthe developments in the handling of this country’s business do not qualify for marking as secret, or with the name of its little brother, confidential. The related information fits into the classification of what every Guyaneseneedstoknow
Ontheonehand,andfromtheperspectiveofcitizens,itis material enough to their well-being and the burdens of their presentandfuture’sexistence,thattheyhavearighttoknow; thisisnotasfavourfromleaders,butofwhatisdue While,on theotherhand,fromtheperspectivesofGovernment’sleaders, thereshouldbenothingthatisendangeringtothewelfareofthe nation,orsorevealingthatitmakesthiscountry’sinsideaffairs subjecttomanipulationsandpossiblycostlydisadvantages
There have been continuous issues by many from numerousquarterswithwhatisnothinglessthanacriminaloil contract,asexecutedbythepreviousCoalitionGovernment The current PPP/C Government came into office and promised(itdidmorethanthat,indeed,itsleaderscommitted repeatedly) to be open and on the table with future oil arrangementsandthesurroundingdetails Butnosoonerhad the words passed their lips, than they closed up shop, and transformed into stonewalls of tomblike silence The President, the Vice President, and the Minister of Natural ResourcesMinisterall,atdifferenttimesanddifferentforums, committed to information sharing Then, they turned right aroundandatetheirwords,asthoughtheyneversaidit,such never existed, and even if it did, it meant something else Something totally different, as in the opposite, namely, sharing became withholding, transparency converted into secrecyAndthisiswithafocusonoilonly
It is the same thick secrecy with so many other things thatarekeptawayfromGuyanese,asthoughtheyaredark documentsthatwillimperilthissociety Itisofexpensesthat citizenshavetopay,eitherintaxesleviedlater,orlesseroil profitsandlocalcontentprioritiesthatnevertrickledownto them. Secrecies like these are beyond explanation, lack foundation.Suchsecreciesarekillingus.
I would like to draw attention to the perception and treatment of women in oursociety
Recently, I had the opportunity to travel with a femalebusdriverforthefirst time,andIfeltcompelledto commendherforherskill.
With the number of vehiclesinourcountry,Iam gravely concerned for female drivers on our roadways Driving comes with unique challenges, particularly due to the recklessbehaviourofcertain motorists. To my surprise, a male passenger, who was considerablyolderthanIam, questionedmyneedtopraise the female driver, stating, “She is just doing a basic job.” At that moment, I engaged the male passenger and asked him to explain why he categorized her job asbasic.Hisjarringresponse was, “What you’re saying isn’t a big deal; she is just a woman.” I realized that this individual clearly does not value the roles women play in our society, which regrettably suffers from misogynyandsimilarbiases. Despite my efforts to help him appreciate the honour associated with this woman’s role, it was ultimately an exercise in futility
It is evident that both locally and in other parts of the world, particularly in certain Middle Eastern countriesandregionsofAsia such as India and Pakistan, women’s roles in society have been consistently
disregarded and devalued. There is a pervasive belief thatwomenshouldn’tpursue various male-dominated professions,andthismindset needstobechallenged.
In contemporary times, some men staunchly believe that women should be confined to the role of “caretakers of the home.” While this may work for some families, particularly inaffluentcultureswherethe man is the primary breadwinner, I believe womenshouldbefinancially empowered and liberated. This empowerment will enable them to be seen as assetstothedevelopmentof the home rather than liabilities. While there are instancesofwomenexcelling in Science, Technology, E n g i n e e r i n g , a n d Mathematics (STEM) fields, which are often considered male-dominated,Iwouldlike to see more women enter these fields to strike a better balanceinthegenderequality ratio Thenotionthatwomen shouldn’t become engineers, mechanics, bus drivers, or pilots must be dispelled, as times are changing, and our perceptions need to reflect thisreality
Let us consider why the United States of America, thelandofthefree,hasnever had a female president, only consecutive female vice presidents. Does this imply that the country believes women are not capable of holding the leadership role of president? On November 9, 2016, former U S Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton lost to Republican DonaldTrump, who was reelected in 2024 and took the oathofofficeonJanuary20, 2025.FormerVicePresident andAttorney General of the California Department of Justice, Kamala Harris, vied for the presidential leadership against Trump last year While many believed she might be the first African American to lead the country, this unfortunately did not materialize.
Many political scholars might conclude that the Democratic Party’s policies contributedtotheirfailurein the elections, highlighting inconsistenciesinkeyissues such as border regulations and the proliferation of illegal immigration in the country In the electoral college, Trump secured 312 votes while Harris received 226.Accordingtoadatabase from the latest exit polls, 42% of the male population voted for Harris, while 55% votedforTrump.
Notably 53 % of the female population voted for Harris while 45% voted for Trump Whilethisisjustan8 % gap, evidently must continue to challenge these perceptionsandadvocatefor theempowermentofwomen in all areas of society especially in the arena of politics.
In the case of Guyana, the Late Janet Rosenberg Jagan,O.E.brieflyservedas the first female president of the republic country from December 19, 1997 to August 11, 1999 under the
Guyana is open
People’s Progressive Party Civic(PPP/C).
While I won’t delve into the reasons for Jagan’s brief terminoffice,it’simportantto notethatsincethen,Guyana hasnothadanyotherfemale PresidentorPrimeMinister What does this indicate? While legal philomaths may argue that significant amendments to Guyana’s Westminster Constitution are necessary to allow for suchprovisions,thereisstill much work to be done in terms of inculcating in the psycheofmalesthatwomen toocanlead.Itwillberemiss nottoacknowledgeUniversity ofGuyana’scurrentPresident MadamTirishata Semple for her exemplary work. We all must throw our support behind her, especially our male counterparts, for the university to continue along a trajectory of success and prosperity
Roman Philosopher Senecabelievedthatwemust support each other “because weareallconnectedandhave asocialdutytohelpothers”. With that being said, it is time for us to support more women in leadership and encourage them to pursue male-dominant careers, instead of being intimidated bytheircapabilities. Why feel intimidated when you can do better and encourage other women to succeedaswell?
AntonioDey FinalYearStudent UniversityofGuyana Faculty of Social Sciences
President Donald Trump hasalreadyannouncedandis acting on his government’s ambition to pivot to increasing oil production in the USA. He has declared a National Energy Emergency geared toward opening up new drilling in Alaska and will approve the re-opening of the Keystone Project expanding the flows from Canada These two strategies will pour millions of new barrels of oil into American oil refineries at a much cheaper cost than the currentarrangements. His message is clear –E
ity is mandatory in this current world. His plan is geared to drive new job growth in the oil and gas sector to influence domestic prosperity while curbing local inflation. He aims to make America less dependent on Middle Eastern oil and increase supply on the market to overcome demand, thus loweringpricesatthepump. But more importantly, there will be no need to transport Middle East oil to America, when it can be “piped” from Canada and Alaska in increasing
amounts. Eliminationofthis transportation and handling costcanreducethecostatthe pumpbyapproximately10% according to a technical article I have read. That is less pressure on inflation since fuel is involved in almost every industry as a factor of production. If productioncostisreducedby just 5%, that can be passed on to the consumer with stablepricesorevenresultin a small decline. Isn’t this what the American voters and every citizen of this worldwant?
So,whilemanyofusare not pleased with Trump’s
language; his economics is worldclass.
We in Guyana should be gladsince,wearerightinthe middle of Donald Trump’s global ambition for the oil and gas sector Every drop of our oil has a welcoming market in the United States. Thus, we must commend both His Excellency President Ali and Vice PresidentJagdeoforreading thesituationcorrectly,unlike Colombia. Guyana is open and ready to work with the United States and President DonaldTrumpaspartners. Regards LisaAlly
I have not previously commented on Terrence Campbell’s recent forays in the media on the matter of the Natural Resource Fund (NRF), being of the view that Vice-President Bharrat Jagdeo has already and comprehensively addressed the issues Campbell has raised.
However, Campbell’s letter in the January 25th issue of the Stabroek News (SN)hasbeenbroughttomy notice, along with an article intheVillageVoiceNewsof thesameday Thereferences he makes to me in the said letter suggests that, after the thorough schooling he received from the VicePresident, Campbell now needs a face-saving or softlanding of some sorts. So, it appears he has now turned his gaze in my direction hoping for some form of engagement to salve his ego or, perhaps even better yet, no engagement at all Needlesstosay,thereislittle that I can add to what the Vice-President has already said.
Nevertheless, I will not deny Campbell the courtesy of this, my first and likely final,responsetosomeofthe specificissueshehasraised. First,hemakesthepointthat specific projects are identified as being financed by our climate revenue but that the same is not done in thecaseofouroilrevenue.
I will restate what the Vice-President has already said As a general rule, b a l k a n i s a t i o n ( o r h y p o t h e c a t i o n o r earmarking) of government revenue to finance specific government initiatives or projects is not considered recommended practice for a variety of reasons documented in a substantial literature that is readily a v a i l a b l e T h e recommended and vastly superior alternative is payment of all government revenues from all sources into a single consolidated fund from which all expenditureisappropriated. The entire constitutional and legal architecture for fiscal management in Guyana is clear on this question. The Constitution establishestheprinciplethat allrevenuesorothermoneys raisedorreceivedbyGuyana b e p a i d i n t o o n e
Consolidated Fund The Constitution also details the arrangements under which withdrawals may be made fromtheConsolidatedFund, includingtherequirementof anAppropriationActpassed byParliament.Keyelements
of Guyana’s fiscal management architecture have remained faithful to this constitutional principle,
Accountability Act, Cap 73:02, and the NRF Act 2021.
This brings us to the question of why specific projects are identified as being financed by our climate revenues The answertothisquestionis,in fact,quitesimple.Inaworld where climate financing arrangements are still very nascent,thisidentificationis necessary in order for Guyana to be able to earn these revenues In other words, Guyana needs to demonstrate that the revenues are being used to finance climate adaptation and mitigation expenditure. Hence, a practical and transparent solution is developed where the funds are deposited into the Consolidated Fund and appropriated back out to meet identified climate adaptation and mitigation init
ves, all fully incorporated into the national budget and
considered in the
parliamentary budgetary process.
The ultimate and preferred solution remains for all government revenues irrespective of source to be deposi
the Consolidated Fund and for all expenditure to be met by appropriations approved as part of the budgetary process. This is what is recommendedbygoodfiscal management practice and t h i s i s w h a t o u r constitutional and legal architecturecontemplates.
Second, Campbell criticises the Government’s levelofwithdrawalfromthe NRF, going so far as to describe it as ridiculous and excessive.
Campbell would be well advised to remind himself that the level of withdrawal from the Fund is a matter of law The NRFAct stipulates that the amount that may be withdrawninanyfiscalyear is approved annually by the NationalAssembly within a ceiling that is defined by a
transparent formula contained in the Act Irrespective of Campbell’s personal views on what the level of withdrawal should be, and ignoring for the moment the fact that he has volunteered absolutely no rigorous basis whatsoever for these views, the level of withdrawalisdeterminedby lawandisapprovedannually by a democratically elected Parliament, a matter I will returntoshortly
Finally, Campbell laments the absence of detailed reporting on how NRFfundsareallocated.
For the avoidance of doubt and an abundance of clarity,Iwillrestatewhathas already been said elsewhere and should by now be patently clear Once the NationalAssemblyapproves the amount to be withdrawn from the NRF in any fiscal year, that amount is transferred to the Consolidated Fund (typically in tranches over the course of the year),
which constitutes the fungible pool of fiscal resources available to finance the various policies, programmes, and projects reflected in the national budget.
The national budget is itselfconsideredindetailby the National Assembly through the appropriations process in the Committee of Supply Whenapproved,the national budget is implemented. After the end of the fiscal year, financial reports are produced, audited,andsubmittedtothe National Assembly to be examined in detail by the PublicAccountsCommittee.
Insummary,therefore,there isbothrobustexanteandex
post scrutiny of all sums appropriated from the Consolidated Fund. Beyond this, there are of course multiple other layers of scrutiny of the NRF, includingtherequirementto publish all receipts in the Official Gazette and report them to the National Assembly I promised above to return to the subject of the democratically elected Parliament.
I am advised that Campbellbrieflysignaledan interest in contesting for electedofficeasafounderof one of the newer political parties in 2018. Apparently, heresignedearlyin2019.If (Continuedonpage09)
, Recent political developments in Guyana have seen notable figures from the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC) publicly expressing support for the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and President I
Georgetown Mayor Patricia Chase-Green, for instance, has aligned herself with the PPP, participating in their activitiesandendorsingtheir initiatives. Similarly, James Bond, a prominent attorney and PNC member, and SelwynPieters–anoverseas based Guyanese attorney,
havemadepublicstatements that appear to support PPP policies and leadership. By virtueoftheirsilence,former PresidentGranger,hisrighthand, Joe Harmon, for Opposition Leader Robert Corbinandcountlessothers, whose activism has waned and whose silence and lack
of grassroots work, have becomeverytelling.
The most recent alleged defection is that of Geeta Chandan-Edmonds, General Secretary of the PNC According to a January 25, 2025 Stabroek Newspaper report on Ja General Secretary Geeta ChandanEdmond during the budget debatesremarked,“Isupport Progress, Peace, Prosperity, Commitment Her words spelt out the acronym PPPC I lend my full support to the positive budgetary measures of this budget…In the parliaments of recent decades, it is most unusual for an opposition MP to give full-throttle support to the budget.” This is a HUGE problem for the PNC, one that they will not beabletoovercomeandone which seems to signal that thepartyismismanagedand on life support. Will it survive and make it to the
2030 elections? It surely doesnotappearsoandifthe party does, it will limp to reachacrossthefinishline.
I do not know how the PNCaskscitizenstovotefor the party, claiming they are the better choice, yet the management of the party appears to be very compromised, as evidenced by the number of persons defecting and or publicly supporting the PPP and the continued revelations that thepartyhasbeeninfiltrated by operatives who seem to be providing detailed information to the PPP and working against the best interestofthePNC.
Anotherconcernpertains to the intelligence-gathering capabilities of the PPP, particularly regarding the useofstateagenciessuchas theGuyanaPoliceForce,the Guyana Revenue Authority and external providers of intelligence gathering
services,inclusiveofprivate individuals and other governments like the Israeli andRussiangovernmentsas examples.
The convergence of a weakenedoppositionandthe public concern over intelligence operations by the ruling party are valid. These concerns are nothing new,infactthereseemstobe sufficient publicly available information from which persons can put “two and twotogether,
“ underscores the need forvigilanceinsafeguarding democratic principles in Guyana. Ensuring that state agencies operate impartially and that political competition remains vibrant are essential components of a healthy democracy Guyanese are in for a very bumpyrideforalongtimeto come.
Iwilljustremindpeople that Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago have oil, and havebeenproducingoiland gaslongbeforeGuyana. We see that even with oil and gas, the majority of the nation can still struggle to make ends meet, crime and violence can lead to governments declaring a state of emergency and you can have almost an entire nationlivinginpoverty Regards M.Anthony-Sealy
President Irfaan Ali has signaledhisparty'sintention to pursue a second gas-toenergy project should it be electedforasecondtermthis year
The president made this disclosure on Saturday during his address at the commissioning ceremony for the US$300MVreed-enHoop Shore Base Inc (VESHI).
“The second gas project in Berbice and the deepwater port in the next term, it's not whether it will happen, it must happen,” PresidentAlisaid.
He was defending his government's move to borrow US$500 million from the US EXIM Bank to help fund the over US$2billion Wales Gas-toEnergy (GtE) project when he revealed plans for a second “gas project in Berbice,RegionSix.
He argued that money borrowedfortheinvestment isnotarecurrentexpenditure or one that is going to the publicservants'wagebillbut one that will improve the
According to President Ali, the project, which is expected to produce some 300 – megawatt (MW) of power will help reduce the cost of production giving Guyana the edge on the exportmarket.
Ali said Guyana has to createopportunitiesforitself before announcing pans of buildingasecondgasproject and a deep-water port at Berbice.
“ These are key investment for the structural transformation for the development of our country,” the Head of State said before adding, “these are the key investments for the value creation that is necessaryforvaluecreation, first of all to generate build andkeepsustainablejobs.”
Meanwhile, as the government talks-up plans forasecondgasproject,itis yet to make public a market or financial feasibility study forthefirstone.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo along with ministers equally responsible for the
sector have failed to adequatelyanswerquestions relating to the feasibility studyfortheproject.
The Vice President has repeatedly said that the project is viable noting that the numbers are clear and thatafeasibilitystudyistoo technical for the public to understand.
In a bid to brush off the constant requests for the studies which he claimed were conducted by the United States Export Import (US EXIM) Bank for the controversial gas-to-energy project, Jagdeo directed citizens to ask the financial institutionforcopiesofthese documents.
I n a n o f f i c i a l correspondencetoagroupof citizens who subsequently filedarequest,theUSEXIM Bank explained on January 22, 2025 that it never conductedafeasibilitystudy fortheGas-to-Energy(GTE) project.
Deputy Chief Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officer, Lance Matthews, in his response to the citizens'
said, “We conducted a comprehensivesearchofthe files within the Office of Board Authorized Finance, E n g i n e e r i n g a n d Environment Division for records that would be responsive to your request. Thisisthecomponentwithin EXIM in which responsive records could reasonably be expectedtobefound.Please beadvisedwewereunableto locate or identify any responsiverecords,asEXIM did not conduct a feasibility study.”
However,onThursdayat his last press conference, Jagdeosaidthathenotedthe response from the Bank on socialmedia.
He then told reporters that his reference to a feasibilitystudydonebythe bank was in fact a due diligence report conducted by a consultant group, SargentandLundyonbehalf oftheEXIMBank.
“Now I have here a due diligencereportEXIMBank did,whichlooksattechnical feasibility and financial feasibilityanditwasdoneby
a company called Sargent and Lundy for EXIM Bank itself,”saidJagdeo.
AccordingtoJagdeo,the Consultant did a 197-page duediligencereportthatisin thehandsofgovernment,but this remains the property of theUSEXIMBanksincethe institution financed the study
Duringthequestion-andanswer segment, Kaieteur News attempted to question the VP on the GTE project when the former President becameannoyedandsaid,“I don't remember anything abouttheGas-to-Energyand
This newspaper even volunteered to refresh his memorybuthesaid,“Please don't.
If it's on Gas-to-Energy, I've dealt enough with that. It's done I'm not going anymore into this big charade.Youwritewhatyou havetowrite.Thestupidness that Kaieteur News writes and we (are) working on completing the project for thepeopleofthiscountry.”
As such, he urged the reporter, “Move on to the next question! No Gas-toEnergy anymore ” He explained that another reporter“testedhispatience” so “no more on that, move on!”
The government has repeatedlymarketedthegasto-energy project as the gateway to cheaper electricity and an end to the country's blackout crisis Notwithstanding, the demand for power has been rapidly increasing over the years.
The increasing demand has pushed the government to rent power from two powerships costing the countryhundredsofmillions ofUnitedStatesdollars.
Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) and ShadowMinisterofForeign Affairs, Amanza WaltonDesir on Monday called out the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) over its silence in the face of the recent acts of aggression by Venezuela.
The MP's comments come weeks after President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro on January 7, 2025 announced plans to elect a “Governor of the Guayana Esequiba”by“thepeopleof Guayana Esequiba ” The Guyana Government had said that th
agreementsmadebythetwo countries. Particularly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had said Maduro's plans “constitutes clear violations of theArgyleAgreement of December14,2023,andthe binding Order of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued on December 1, 2023 ” According to the ministry, this unilateral action disregards the spirit of the
ShadowMinister ofForeignAffairs, Amanza Walton-Desir
Argyle Agreement, undermines the agreed framework for dialogue and peaceful coexistence, and significantly escalates tensions between our nations The people of Guyana's Essequibo region areGuyanesenationalswho live in Guyana's sovereign territory
Meanwhile, in her presentation, the MP noted that while several sources have spoken out against the
act of aggression, one key partner has been missing –CARICOM. “After much fanfare over the now obviously dead Argyle Declaration, the voices of key CARICOM leaders are deafeningly silent! This silence is not just disappointing; it is dangerous It sends the wrong signal—not only to Venezuela but to the world—that aggression can be met with indifference,” sheasserted. Accordingtotheshadow Minister of ForeignAffairs: “what is also concerning is thesilenceofCARICOMits inaction undermines its credibility and fails to uphold the collective commitment to upholding the sovereignty of its member states ” “The Essequibo is not just a Guyanese issue; it is a C a r i b b e a n i s s u e CARICOM must step up, speak out, and demonstrate that it will not tolerate the violation of Guyana's sovereignty Anythinglessis an abdication of its (Continuedonpage16)
President Donald Trump’sinfamous mantra of “Drill Baby, Drill” has been resurrected with a vengeance. By promoting rapid fossil fuel production, Trump aims to make the United States the unparalleled energy superpower, driving down theglobalpriceofpetroleum intheprocess.
On the surface, this might seem like a boon for consumers, but beneath the surface lies a profound economic paradox. It is one that that not only threatens the U.S. but also Guyana,
where Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’s policies have been built on shaky assumptions that the world was moving towards Net Zero through a rapid transitiontorenewables.
Petroleum prices have long been long beholden to the dynamics of supply and demand Trump’s pledge to accelerate oil and gas production comes with the predictable consequence of flooding the market with supply Prices inevitably drop when production outpacesconsumption. For countries like Guyana, where oil revenue
contributed 30% of last year’s Budget, this spells trouble. Lower oil prices t
ed revenues, which in turn constrain future public spending. The government of Guyana thus could find itself in a fiscal quagmire when the tide turns against highoilprices.
In Guyana, Vice
PresidentBharratJagdeohas championed an aggressive exploitation strategy for the country’s oil reserves, claiming a “
w window” to capitalize on these resources before global demand wanes. This
media reports are to be believed, his resignation came shortly after APNU/AFC called for his businesses to be boycotted becausehehadtheaudacitytoassociatewith a political party other than theirs. By Campbell’s own admission, he had hitherto supported the PNC/APNU/AFC in every previousgeneralelection.Itisreportedthat, when APNU/AFC called for the boycott of hisbusinesses,heexpressedhishurtwiththe words“todayaknifewasstuckintomyback bymyownpeople”.
The world knows Campbell’s views on the NRF today On that, he has been very vocal. We are less apprised of his views on the signing bonus of US$18 million (Guyana’s very first receipt of oil revenue, incidentally) being diverted from the Consolidated Fund where it lawfully belonged given that it was received prior to enactment of legislation establishing the NRF
That diversion was perpetrated by those believedtobeCampbell’s“ownpeople”.We arealsolessawareofhisviewsonwhether33 isamajorityin65,alsothesubjectofcreative interpretation by those believed to be his “ownpeople”.Similarly,wearecluelessasto
his views on the constitutionally enshrined requirement for a government to resign and hold elections within three months of being defeated by a vote of no confidence, a fate that befell those believed to be his “own people”notsolongago.AsfarasIamaware, Campbell has been considerably less forthcoming on these and similar matters, withveryobviousimplicationsforhismoral authority
All of the above notwithstanding, I consider his withdrawal from competitive politicsmostregrettableandwouldurgehim to reconsider He would have been a most worthy opponent on the opposite benches. I might add that the confines of a closet politicianarefartoorestrictivefor,andmost unbecoming of, a man of his ability and evident affinity for the cut and thrust of competitivepolitics.Unlessanduntilheexits therelativecomfortandsafetyofthatcloset, regrettably, the slip that he believes is showingisentirelyhisown.
Dr AshniK.Singh,M.P
Senior Minister in the Office of the President
with Responsibility for Finance and the PublicService
Dem boys seh people putting boulders pun dem parapet like dem claiming gold mines. Big, big rocks dehalloverdeplace,likeif dem paving de way fuh MosestocrossdeRedSea. But hear nah, dem rocks causing nuff trouble, and onedaysomebodygonfall andknockdemhead,andit gon be a wake instead of a bake.
strategy rests on the assumptionthattheworld is pivoting decisively away from fossil fuels toward renewables Jagdeo has arguedthatGuyanamustact quickly to avoid being left with “stranded assets” in a post-oilfuture.
Yet Trump’s policies have thrown a wrench into this narrative. Not only has he once again withdrawn from the Paris Agreement, but he has also doubled down on his commitment to fossilfuels.Intheprocesshe has dismissed the global push for renewable energy transitions By actively promoting policies to increase fossil fuel production in the United S
premise of Jagdeo’s depletion strategy. The “narrow window” Jagdeo citesseemsfarfromclosing. Instead, Trump’s actions suggest that the fossil fuel eramaybeprolonged,albeit with significant price volatility
In the United States, rapid drilling can lead to a glutinsupply Thiswillpush prices down While consumers may temporarily benefit from lower gasoline prices, the long-term consequences are less rosy Energy companies, in countries such as Guyana, facing financial pressure mayscalebackinvestments, lay off workers, and cut corners on safety and environmental standards. The ripple effects extend to
government’s take of oil revenues. This can result in budgetary shortfalls and constrained public spending on critical services such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.
Guyana risks walking thispath.Withitsnewfound oil wealth, the government hasembarkedonaspending spree, funding ambitious infrastructure projects and social programs These investments hinge on the assumption of sustained highoilprices.Shouldprices p l u m m e t d u e t o overproduction whether by the U.S., OPEC, or other major players Guyana’s fiscal house of cards could come tumbling down. The consequences for public services and economic stabilitywouldbedire.
Trump’s and Jagdeo’s policies highlight a stark incongruity Jagdeo’srushto exploit Guyana’s oil resources was premised on the belief that global momentum toward renewables would render fossil fuels obsolete. But Trump’s actions have underminedthislogic.
Jagdeo’s position now appears not just precarious but almost comical His insistence on sprinting to deplete Guyana’s oil reserves while ignoring the risks of price volatility and overdependence on a s i n g l e r e v e n u e stream seems illconceived considering Trump’s aggressive energy agenda. The narrative of a “narrow window” has been exposed as speculative at
best, leaving Guyana vulnerable to the whims of globalmarkets.
Trump’s energy policies have exposed the flaws in Jagdeo’s approach The “narrow window” narrative, already tenuous, now appears baseless in the face ofaprolongedfossilfuelera.
Guyana’s policymakers must adapt to this new reality, recognizing that the world’s energy future is far morecomplexanduncertain than Jagdeo’s rhetoric suggests.
When planning for a country’sfuture,economists such as Jagdeo, must take into consideration political factors–suchasachangein leadership in the United States as has happened with the re-election of Trump. Jagdeo’s misreading of “geopolitical smoke signs” highlightsthecostofrelying on speculative narratives rather than grounded analysis.
Sadly, it is not Jagdeo or his administration who will bear the burden of these errors but the ordinary Guyanese people. They will pay the price in unrealized revenues and shattered dreamsofprosperity (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Dem boys seh is pure selfishness causing this People don’t want nobody park in front dem property, sodemdecidefuhblockde wholenationfromusingde parapet. Is not dem private property! But Guyanese believeonceitinfrontdem property, it belong to dem. Dem treating de parapet likedecrownjewels.
Imagine you walking late at night, and you trip over one of dem boulders. Next thing, you waking up in de afterlife asking St.
Deotherday,amanseh he nearly run off de road trying to evade a donkey cart. He seh when he look, de parapet full up with boulders big like Mount Roraima. No space fuh swerve! He seh he rather deal with de cart than dem rocks, because at least de cart moving slow De rocks? Dem just sitting there waiting fuh kill somebody
Peter what time it is. And poor St. Peter looking at you like, “Is not even your timeyet!”
Dem boys seh de authorities need fuh tek action. Move dem rocks before dem start moving people to de hospital—or worse, to Le Repentir Cemetery Parapet is not fuh landscaping wid death traps. So,alldempeoplewho thinkdemdoingsomething smart wid dem boulders, tek warning. Dem boys seh,leavedeparapetalone, and let de public breathe easy.Afterall,asaferoadis betterthanastonyheart. Talkhalf.Leffhal
omething strange happened, while I was reflecting on Guyana's President Irfaan Ali and his tongue-tying, gut loosening, “sanctity of contract” passion. I found myself thinking of the former British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill. Lord arch imperialist, Mr blood, sweat, and tears How different are some men like those with unconquerable convictions,andthosedothe cha-cha-cha, swaying and sidestepping?
How adept on their feet couldsomeleadersbelikea combination of Rudolf Nureyev and master rapper, Snoop Dog. Yes, I know it makesforapeculiarpicture, a ballet dancer and a street rapper: England's Churchill andGuyana'sAli,theformer allfireandforkedlightning, the latter a whimper and a scamper and a dampener on
the hope of the Guyanese people.
Winston Churchill was all perspiration and inspiration in the face of Teutonicthunderbolts. “We shallfightonthebeaches,we shall fight on the landing grounds,weshallfightinthe fields and streets…in the hills, we shall never surrender.” Howglaringand bitter the contrast in President Mohamed Irfaan Ali; the only fight he has in him is that compulsive urge that sends him in hurried, stumblingflight.
“Sanctity of contract” is President Ali's masterpiece. His battery of lawyers searched and riffled through encyclopedias to put in his hand what takes shame off hisface.
It doesn't; no matter howmuchthepresidentmay believe that “sanctity of contract”giveshimasuitof
armor to wear, and a battle axe to pummel those Guyanese who say, sanctity of contract is a sellout.
That's his version of “we shall fight on the seas and oceans…and whatever the cost may be ” I congratulatePresidentAlion taking the safest, the most well barricaded area, from whichtowagewaronbehalf of the Guyanese people againstthehordesofoilmen and their allies. But, is he really?
If Churchill had thrown himself down at the feet of the rampaging German war machine, there would be no House of Commons, there would be no British Isles today, there would be no Commonwealth Group of countries. Therewouldhave beenGermancampswiththe MasterRacerisingtoitsfull height and slashing left and right at those deemed to be
undesirables and parasites, fitonlyforextinction.
Forsomereasonthatisa mysterytomethatPresident Aliandhiscompanyofselfenslaving comrades would find the idea of American slavery just as acceptable as theGermanonethatwentup inashesahundredyearsago.
For a man whose strides throughlifehasbeengraced with the distinctively slippery,itiswarmingtosee ExcellencyAli find stability in sanctity of contract Sanctity, sanctity, sanctity is nowthemantraandmagnum opusofGuyana'srathersilky president A Chinese silkworm is of no match to Guyana'sheadofstateinthe amountofcontractyarnsthat he produces. His head is filled with sanctity of contract, his eyes light up withsanctityofcontract,and hismouthoverflowswiththe rich liquids of sanctity of contract, like a happy child withabright,shinynewtoy The Americans in Guyana, like Mr Alistair Routledge, must be counting their blessings from whichever god they bow down before (money is a leading contender) I say this because sanctity, sanctity, sanctity has to be an eerie reminder of that fateful
Sunday morning in Decemberoverthere in once tranquil Hawaii. It was when the Japanese broke out and let loose with Tora, Tora,Tora. Whatwasaday thatwouldliveininfamyfor agenerationofAmericansis now that of the Guyanese people. Just as how the Japanese blindsided the Yankees at Pearl Harbor, so the Americans pass on the favourtoGuyanesewiththat 2016 Exxon oil contract. It iswhathassincegonedown in the sordid annals of oil as the worst concoction emerging from the mind of man since the building of those theaters of blood in Austria. UnlikeAmericans, Guyanese live with that notoriety for more than a day; it looks like many lifetimescurrently In this dark and dangerous milieu, Guyana's President Ali is more focused on flair and froth than on anything that has a spark of fight. Sanctity of contract is his weapon of choice. It is what he uses to broadside and bring down his own people; he is that most curious of guerilla fighters: one who lends his energies and muscle to bolster the enemy fortifications. For all of his blatantly racist tendencies, his imperialist instincts, Winston Churchill was politically savvy enough to knowwhowasallyandwho was an assassin waiting in ambush to lop his head off. Heknewhowtomarshalhis scarce assets, how to array them for the best results. Unfortunately, Excellency Ali's PhD didn't cover that kindofintricatesymmetry Now every time I hear that word sanctity I think of treachery Whentheechoof sanctity of contract comes intoearshot,Ishakemyhead at the infamy Exxon Pearl Harbored Guyana with that contractual monstrosity, just likeTojoandYamamotodid in their sneak attack. When Guyana needs a General DouglasMacArthur,ithasto be satisfied with Sergeant Bilko. (Theviewsexpressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
A stakeholder consultation held last year July for the proposed new building for the Cotton Field Secondary School. (Photocourtesy,RaghunauthDoodnauth/Facebook)
ThenewCottonFieldSecondarySchool inRegionTwowillbeconstructedatacostof $1.7 billion.The project which is being executed through the Ministry of Education was awarded by the National Procurement andTenderAdministrationBoard(NPTAB) office to contractor, Builders Hardware, GeneralSuppliesandConstruction.
Builders Hardware, General Supplies and Construction is no stranger to government projects in Region Two. The firmcontractoriscurrentlybuildingthenew Charity Market. Builders Hardware was among 10 firms that submitted bids for the secondaryschoolprojectandwasawardedit to a value of $1,798,137,760, NPTAB released.
Speaking with this publication on Monday, Regional Chairperson, Vilma DeSilva related, “The existing one is very old it's not feasible to repair Also the populationisincreasing.” KaieteurNewswasfurtherinformedthat
at present 650 students attend Cotton Field Secondary Thenewschoolbuildingwillbe constructed at the current location. Due to this, the students are expected to be accommodated at the Anna Regina Multilateral Secondary which is nearby and will be attending school through a shift system,DeSilvarelated.“We'realsolooking at a modern facility to improve the delivery of better education,” the Regional Chairpersonadded. Meanwhile,atherministry'srecentendof-year press conference, Minister of Education Priya Manickchand said that her government between 2020 and 2024 issued tenders for 37 secondary school projects acrossthecountry,someofwhichhavebeen completed while others are under construction. This year, with $175 billion budgeted for the education sector, approximately $36.2 billion is to build, rebuild, expand and improve education facilitiesacrossthecountry
It took weeks after a series of gas bottle explosions, and a 'shout out' from Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to awake from its slumber.
This key institution, tasked with ensuring the safety of Guyanese from incidents such as the explosions had to be shaken out of sleep by Jagdeo at a press conference who instructed that they should investigate the matter.
It is a shame that the EPA is now rushing to conduct investigations after several incidents and even the death of two people. What an embarrassment!
May 2025 will mark 10 years since Guyana is without an updated legislative and regulatory framework that is essential for the protection of the oil i n d u s t r y a g a i n s t mismanagement and corruption.
Oneofthekeyregulatory architectures that remains in limbo is the Petroleum Commission Bill that would pave the way for the appointment of an independentregulator Atthe beginning of its term, the People's Progressive Party Government described the Commission as a priority However, the IrfaanAli ledadministrationisintheirfifth yearandisstilltodeliveron thatpromise.
OnMonday,ShadowOil and Gas Minister and Opposition Member of P a r l i a m e n t ( M P ) , Shurwayne Holder, criticised Guyana's chief
The APNU+AFC Petroleum Commission Bill that died with the last Parliament
policymaker on oil and gas, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharratforbackpedallingon their promise to establish a PetroleumCommission.
Holder made these remarks during the ongoing budgetdebateintheNational Assembly Heoutlinedthatif elected as the next government, theAPNU will use its comprehensive set of policies, strategies and principles to guide their management of the oil and gassector
The Opposition MP promisedthatwithin90days of taking Office, the P N C R / A P N U Administration will put together a distinguished Advisory Team of professionals to advise the Government on the upstream, midstream, and downstream planning, d e v e l o p m e n t a n d administration of Guyana's Oil&Gassector
Comfortable with hands onoilmoney
Switchinghisfocusfrom whattheOppositionplansto do, Holder highlighted what the People's Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) government failed to do.
“The PPP has betrayed the trustoftheGuyanesepeople on this matter In opposition and even in the first few months after 2020, both the Minister of Natural Resources and Vice President promised to set up the Petroleum Commission, but after becoming comfortable and with hands ontheoilmoney,theyturned theirbackonthepeople,”he stated.
Further,hestatedthatthe n e x t P N C R / A P N U Administration will review the existing drafts of the Petroleum Commission Legislation and restructure as necessary to finalise the establishment of the regulatorybody
A P e t r o l e u m Commission is a regulatory bodywhichisestablishedby agovernmenttooverseeand manage the exploration, d e v e l o p m e n t , a n d production of petroleum resources within its jurisdiction.
It ensures compliance with laws and regulations, manages licences and
reported as saying that the body would be set up in six months. Attorney General, Anil Nandlall had told the media in 2021, that the Natural Resource Ministry's legaldepartment,alongwith the Chief Parliamentary Counsel attached to his office, were working on the document to facilitate the change which the new Governmentwanted.
Similarly, Natural Resources Minister Bharrat in March 2021 stated that withinamatterofweeks,the independent regulator, which the government promisedtoestablishforthe oil sector would be in place. In fact, the Minister Bharrat was also quoted on the Guyana Basins Summit website as saying that the Commission is needed so it can “manage this emerging sector without political interference.”
In 2022, the Vice President reiterated Government's plans to have theCommissioninplace.
Vice President Jagdeo went from stating that the Commissionwouldbesetup within months to claiming that the Commission is not necessary
At anAugust 2024 press conference, Jagdeo said, “There is no magic with a P e t r o l e u m Commission…There is no magic, we have given our agenciesthetoolstomanage thesector.”
AttorneyGeneraland MinisterofLegalAffairs, Anil Nandlall, SC
permits, and often plays a role in promoting sustainable and efficient utilization of petroleum resources.
The APNU+AFC Coalition government left behind a Draft Petroleum Commission Bill that was tabled on May 8, 2017, by then Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman The PPP Government had promised to make necessary changed totheBilltopavethewayfor the establishment of the Commission.
In August 2020, Vice President Jagdeo was
MinisterBharrathasalso changedhistune. Heargued that the establishment of a Petroleum Commission at this time could slow down the rapid developments in thesector.
The minister said, “The Petroleum Commission will basically be doing what we are doing at the Petroleum Unit at the Ministry of Natural Resources. I don't think we will be doing anythingdifferentfromwhat wearedoingnow.”
“Acommissionlikethat mightbeslowerindecisionm a k i n g t h a n t h e policymakers making decisionwithregardstohow weadvancethissectortaking into consideration that we havealimitedtimeframeand aclosingwindowsowehave tolookattheadvantagesand d i s a d v a n t a g e s o f everything,”Bharratsaid.
Inanefforttomodernise and streamline services, the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA)onMondaylaunched a new app called 'Padna,' designed to make managing taxes, licences and other vital documents more efficient and less timeconsumingfortaxpayers.
The app aims to serve as a comprehensive tool for taxpayers, allowing them to access and manage important information easily, such as tax returns, vehicle documents, and
licences, all from the convenience of their mobile devices.
Duringthelaunchheldat GRA headquarters, located atCampStreet,Georgetown, the Head of Information Technology(IT),SeseJones said that the app is like havinga“personalfriend”at GRA, offering users a userfriendly experience in naviga
One of the standout features of the app is its abilitytosimplifydocument
The Guyana Revenue Authority staff during the launch of 'Padna'
explained that instead of
dealing with physical certificates, users can now
accesselectronicversionsof critical documents, such as Tax payer Identification Number (TIN) certificates anddriver'slicences.
“We will be working with our stakeholders, banks, national institutions, any one of the ministries… thatyouwillhavetopresent a document issue by GRA, usually a TIN certificate, licence or any of those things, we want that experience to be an electronic experience for you,”hesaid.
TheheadofITexplained that the ministries or different institutes will be allowed to instantly verify
documents presented via a secureQuickResponse(QR) code system The code contains all the necessary details for any document issued by GRA, reducing errors and making it easier for users to fulfill their obligations quickly and correctly
Another feature set to make tax filing easier is the
n preparation via QR code scanning. When user's now scan their 7B slip, Padna automatically pulls the relevant information to file tax returns, helping eliminate common mistakes and misunderstandings that often arise during the process.
He asserted, “This is whereanumberoftaxpayers
misunderstanding on what they need to do. Tax can be intimidating and we want to take away that burden from you.” In addition to these tools,theappalsoincludesa vehicle tax calculator that helps users determine the taxes on popular vehicles being imported into the country, making it more straightforward for car owners to comply with regulations Moreover, Jonesmentionedthattheapp is expected to evolve with additional features being introduced throughout the year.
A significant update scheduledforlaterin2025is the integration of mobile payment platfo
, beginning with Mobile MoneyGuyana(MMG). Meanwhile, the Deputy Commissioner General, Hema Khan said that GRA understands the importance of accessibility and are dedicated to exploring new solutions that simplify taxrelated processes She reiteratedthatGRA'sgoalis toensurethateverytaxpayer is fully informed about their obligations. She said, 'We alsothrivetodeliverservices on time and dedicated to provide service within the timeline set out in our standard operating (time)… ensuring that your experiencewithusisalways timely.”
The Opposition has whipped the People's Progressive Party (PPP) government for its managementoftheresources fromtheoilandgassector.
Opposition Chief Whip, ChristopherJonesduringhis contribution to the 2025 Budget Debate said, “Mr Speaker, over the past four years, the PPP has treated Guyana'soilrevenueslikean ATM.”
JonestoldtheHousethat sincetheadministrationtook office, it made 20 withdrawals from the national treasury to support six Budgets and 14 supplementary allocations, totalingover$4.9trillion.
Since 2022, government has deducted approximately US$3.2B, as at the end of December2024.
Despite the enormous spending by government overtheperiod,theMember of Parliament (MP) argued that Guyanese are left asking, “What has changed forus?”
Jones said, “Each year, we are told that 'this is our year'andthateverybudgetis 'The People's Budget'. Yet, thepromisesinthesebudgets are nothing more than fleeting illusions visions that will never be attained
Pointingtothebenefitsto public servants under the PPP'
e compared to the Coalition's four years in office, Jones notedthatwithoutoilmoney, the previous administration increasedwagesandsalaries by 77% whereas with oil revenue, the PPP only gave public servants a 35% increase.
He described this as, “typical greed from the PPP government” highlighting theunbearablecostofliving. In addition to this, the
Opposition Parliamentarian contended that the access to clean water is inconsistent; roads and bridges are poorly constructed; health centers lack medication; and electricity failures are frequent.
“In the abundance of water, the people are still thirsty,” Jones told the House, pointing to the “smelly and dirty” water runningthroughtaps.
In concluding his 35minute presentation, the Opposition Chief Whip argued that the 2025 Budget isnotoneforthepeople,but rather a blueprint for the enrichment of a few “It is a betrayal of the trust and hopes of the Guyanese people—a farce, a pretense, and a shameful transfer of wealth from the many to the privilegedfew Thepeopleof this nation deserve better,” Jonesquipped.
This year's Budget, as presented by Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh is set as $1.382 trillion. The Natural Resource Fund (NRF)isexpectedtoprovide US$2 5B or $512 4B to s u p p o r t n a t i o n a l development priorities. This willtakethetotalwithdrawal and anticipated use of oil moneytoUS$5.7B.
TheGuyanaPoliceForce(GPF)overthe past week, from January 19 to 25, 2025 has recorded 2794 traffic violations, with numerous errant road users either ticketed summoned,orformallychargedforarangeof offences.
Police reported that a total of 322 tickets were issued for exceeding the speed limit. Additionally, 145 drivers were charged with failingtowearseatbelts.Elevendriverswere charged for driving Under the Influence of alcohol (DUI). There were 299 cases of the illegal use of tinted glass and a total of 190 motorcyclists were ticketed for not wearing safetyhelmets.
Furthermore,24motorlorrydriverswere chargedforfaultypackingoftheirloads,with some incidents involving spilled mud and building waste along Heroes Highway and Rupert Craig Highway In terms of lighting violations, 28 vehicles were found to have inadequate front lighting, and 79 cases involvedrearlightingviolations,particularly trailers and lorries transporting construction materials, sea-bound containers, and aggregate. Lastly, 76 vehicles were charged forbreachingtheconditionoftheirprescribed fitness.To this end, police asserted that in every enforcement effort, which is complemented by traffic education, officers wear fully operable body cameras to ensure
Some vehicles that were stopped during the enforcement exercise
professional service delivery and capture important footage of both officers and motorists, benefiting all parties involved.
“Persons who make unsubstantiated reports against ranks are notified that the body pack cameraswillbeutilisedandfootageextracted to ensure a fair process, which demands unbiased,accuratereports,”policesaidinthe report.
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Estimates of tourism sector revenue for 2024 reached approximately $13.6 billion Guyana dollars, according to Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond.
Minister Walrond was, at the time, delivering her presentation on Day 2 of the Budget Debates in Parliament on Monday. She emphasised the sector’s growth and its significant contribution to employment, with nearly 22,000 people directly or indirectly working in hospitality across the country.
Minister Walrond highlighted the increasing confidence of the private sector in tourism investments. “For hotels, we have seen more than $35 billion of investment; lodges have seen $21 million dollars in investment resorts $200 million, local airlines $600 million, malls $12 billion with a total investment by the private sector of almost $50 billion,” she said.
She also noted the expansion of Guyana’s room stock between 2020 and 2024, with the addition of four new hotels and 561 rooms, including facilities in Regions 2, 6, 7, and 10. “When you include ancillary services, almost 22,000 people are employed in the hospitality sector, and this employment follows the more than 1500 jobs that were created during the construction phase of the various new facilities,” she noted while pointing out that the PPP/C Government has exceeded its promise of 50,000 jobs.
Minister Walrond reflected on criticisms surrounding the government’s Expressions of Interest for internationally branded hotels, noting the sharp in-
crease in demand. By 2023, occupancy in the business segment had reached 83%, and grew by a further 5% in 2024, with similar increases in smaller segments of the hospitality sector.
She directly addressed comments made by Opposition MP Juretha Fernandes, who denigrated jobs in the hospitality sector as “washing hotel sheets and mopping hotel floors” and suggested that Guyanese cannot afford to stay in local hotels.
“They come to this house disparaging jobs which offer steady employment, offer opportunities for advancement, as well as inclusion in the social safety net through the National Insurance Scheme,” she said.
Minister Walrond also dismissed opposition claims that the current government’s achievements are solely due to greater resources from oil revenue. “Before 2015, without even the prospect of oil resources, within the fiscal space available, the PPP government found the money to pay cash grants of $15,000 per year to school children. The APNU/AFC came into office, riding the wave of the first oil discovery in 2015 and took that grant away,” she pointed out.
In addressing statements that the budget does not consider small businesses and ordinary Guyanese, Minister Walrond spoke of the over 2000 small contractors across the country, who benefitted from approximately $27 Billion in contracts to upgrade and enhance infrastructure in their communities.
“Many of these people are first-time contractors, and absent our deliberate policy of facilitation and community empowerment, they would
not have had the opportunities that they do today,” she stressed.
She underscored the government’s investments in small business and industrial development, reporting that $3 billion has been allocated to support small businesses in Regions 2, 3, 4, and 10. The Onderneeming Industrial Estate is now 95% complete and scheduled for rollout in early 2025, offering 90 business plots. Meanwhile, progress continues at the York Industrial Estate in Region 10, also slated for completion in 2025. Minister Walrond noted the transformation of the Belvedere and Lethem Incubator Centres, which were once mere shells, in 2020. Today, these state-of-the-art agro-processing facilities are providing tangible benefits to the agro-processing sector in Regions 6 and 9. She also highlighted the global recognition Guyana has received through numerous travel awards, coupled with improved air connectivity due to multiple airlines entering the market and launching new routes. “Our coordinated and purposeful work has resulted in visitor arrivals setting an all-time record of 371,272 in the year 2024. This is more than 4 times the level of 82,000 recorded in 2020. It exceeds by over 16 percent last year’s record-setting performance of 319,000,” she stated. Minister Walrond described the numerous comments by the opposition as hollow, contrasting them with the government’s tangible achievements across the tourism, business and other sectors. (DPI)
From page 8 responsibility,” she stated. Lax approach to migration The shadow foreign affairs minister also criticised the government over its lax approach in formulating and implementing a national foreign policy which will cater to issues such as migration. “It is crucial that we address the challenges posed by our porous borders which continue to expose us to significant risks that could undermine our national security, territorial integrity, and social cohesion,” she insisted.
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One Nissan Double cab pickup, fully off road setup ; -5 Million Negotiable. Call: 626-8919 / 661-3030.
One flat bottom boat 23 ft length - 5 ft width 2 1/2 ft depth brand new. Contact : 670-3912.
Alluding to a Stabroek News article which quoted the Minister with responsibility for immigration Robeson Benn saying that it is anticipated that the migrant population will increase in the coming months,” Walton –Desir said that to date, the government is unable to provide a realistic estimate of the number of Venezuelan migrants in the country. “The reason is clear… They simply do not know. It is obvious that the PPP government
has lost control over the migrant situation resulting in grave risk to our country’s security and sovereignty.”
Walton-Desir stressed “to mitigate these risks and protect the integrity of our nation, we must immediately establish a mandatory migrant registration system.”
Further, she suggested that the refugees and migrants must only be granted temporary status, until they can return to their homelands, with a clear and explicit prohibition against voting rights.
“Guyanese citizenship must remain a privilege, not a pathway to manipulation or longterm instability. You travel the length and breadth of this country and the people of Guyana will tell you their deep concern at the abysmal handling of the migrant crisis here and the lack of government policy to address this burning issue but this is the PPP/ C –Postponing Practical Policy Continuously and Placing Politics over People’s Concerns,” added WaltonDesir.
Further emphasising on the need for a migration policy, the MP said that such a policy is essential for protecting local opportunities, preserving cultural identity, and ensuring sustainable growth. “We in the Parliamentary opposition have been unequivocal in our call. We are on record making a number of recommendations to the PPP/C government including the full mobilization of our diplomatic apparatus to secure continued international support, emphasising the justness of our cause and the rightness of our claim,” she explained. Walton-Desir pointed out that the Opposition side of the house had called for the establishment of a Border Security Commission and the establishment of a Foreign Relations Council. “Mr. Speaker Our calls, including for the convening of regular meetings of the Foreign Relations Sectoral Committee of this National Assembly, continue to fall on deaf ears…We are reiterating them,” the MP said.
During the recent
opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office it was revealed that several AmerindianVillageslocated inRegionSevenwillreceive water supply systems through the Guyana Water Inc.(GWI).
Accordingtothetender i n f o r m a t i o n , t h e communities identified are 72 Miles, Issano, Batavia, Itaballi, Karrau, and Kartabo in the Lower Mazaruni
These projects are estimated to cost $104 5 million according to figures provided by GWI’s engineer
Below are the companies and their bids:
GuyanaNationalBureauofStandards ProcurementofCourierServicesforGNBS.
GuyanaSugarCorporation Supply&DeliveryofQuicklimefortheIndustry
InstallationofWaterSupplySystem in72Miles&Issano,Region7.
InstallationofWaterSupplySysteminBatavia &Itaballi,LowerMazaruni,Region
InstallationofWaterSupplySysteminKarrau &Kartabo,LowerMazaruni,Region7.
US stocks dropped sharply Monday - and chipmaker Nvidia lost nearly US$600 billion in market value
(CNN) — US stocks droppedsharplyMonday— and chipmaker Nvidia lost nearly$600billioninmarket value — after a surprise advancementfromaChinese artificial intelligence
company, DeepSeek, threatened the aura of invincibility surrounding America’s technology industry
DeepSeek, a one-yearold startup, revealed a stunning capability last week: It presented a ChatGPT-like AI model called R1, which has all the familiar abilities, operating at a fraction of the cost of OpenAI’s, Google’s or Meta’s popular AI models.
The company said it had spent just $5.6 million on computingpowerforitsbase model, compared with the hundreds of millions or billions of dollars US companiesspendontheirAI technologies.
That sent shockwaves
through markets, in particularthetechsector,on Monday
The tech-heavy Nasdaq plunged by 3.1% and the broader S&P 500 fell 1.5%.
The Dow, boosted by health
care and consumer companiesthatcouldbehurt byAI,wasup289points,or about 0.7% higher Stock market losses were far deeper at the beginning of theday
Meta last week said it would spend upward of $65 billion this year on AI development. Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, last year said the AI industry would
need trillions of dollars in investment to support the development of in-demand chips needed to power the electricity-hungry data centers that run the sector’s complexmodels.
Marc Andreessen, a supporter of President DonaldTrumpandoneofthe world’s leading tech investors, called DeepSeek “one of the most amazing a n d i m p r e s s i v e breakthroughs I’ve ever seen,”inapostonX.
T h e s t u n n i n g
achievement from a relatively unknown AI startup becomes even more shocking when considering that the United States for years has worked to restrict thesupplyofhigh-powerAI chips to China, citing national security concerns. That means DeepSeek was able to achieve its low-cost model on under-poweredAI chips.
Techstockstumble UStechstocksgot hammeredMonday.
Nvidia (NVDA), the leadingsupplierofAIchips, fell nearly 17% and lost $588 8 billion in market value — by far the most marketvalueastockhasever lost in a single day, more than doubling the previous recordof$240billionsetby Metanearlythreeyearsago.
For perspective, Nvidia lost more in market value Monday than all but 13 companies are worth period.Nvidiabegantheday asthemostvaluablepublicly traded stock on the market —over$3.4trillion—after
itssharesmorethandoubled ineachofthepasttwoyears. It ended the day in third place behind Apple and Microsoft.
Meta (META) and Alphabet (GOOGL), Google’s parent company, were also down sharply NvidiacompetitorsMarvell, Broadcom, Micron and TSMC all fell sharply, too. Oracle (ORCL), Vertiv, Constellation, NuScale and otherenergyanddatacenter companiestumbled.
That dragged down the broader stock market, becausetechstocksmakeup a significant chunk of the market — tech constitutes about 45% of the S&P 500, according to Keith Lerner, analystatTruist.
“The bottom line is the USoutperformancehasbeen driven by tech and the lead that US companies have in AI,”Lernersaid.
“The DeepSeek model rolloutisleadinginvestorsto question the lead that US companies have and how much is being spent and whether that spending will lead to profits (or overspending).”
This week kicks off a series of tech companies reporting earnings, so their response to the DeepSeek stunner could lead to
tumultuous market movements in the days and weekstocome.
In the meantime, investors are taking a closer look at Chinese AI companies.
“ C h i n e s e t e c h companies, including new
entrants like DeepSeek, are trading at significant discountsduetogeopolitical concerns and weaker global demand,” said Charu Chanana, chief investment
strategist at Saxo
“DeepSeek’s rise could spark renewed investor interest in undervalued Chinese AI companies, providing an alternative growthstory.”
Amassiverotationoutof AIbets
The news also sparked a huge change in investments in non-technology companiesonWallStreet.
Energy companies had been traded up significantly higher in recent years because of the massive amounts of electricity needed to power AI data centers But they all plummeted Monday
Constellation Energy (CEG), the company behind the planned revival of the Three Mile Island nuclear plant for powering AI, fell 21% Monday. Competitors
like Vistra (VST) fell 28% andGEVernova(GEV)was down21%.
Futures for natural gas, used to power electricity generators, tumbled 5.9%. Oilfellmorethan2%.
Bitcoinandother cryptocurrenciesalso tumbled.
One achievement, albeit agobsmackingone,maynot be enough to counter years of progress in American AI leadership. And a massive customer shift to a Chinese startup is unlikely So the market selloff may be a bit overdone or perhaps investorswerelookingforan excuse to sell. “Time will telliftheDeepSeekthreatis real — the race is on as to what technology works and howthebigWesternplayers will respond and evolve,” said Michael Block, market strategist at Third Seven Capital.
“Markets had gotten too complacentonthebeginning oftheTrump2.0eraandmay
have been looking for an excuse to pull back — and they got a great one here.” The industry is also taking thecompanyatitswordthat thecostwassolow Noone is really disputing it, but the market freak-out hinges on the truthfulness of a single and relatively unknown company Although the cost-saving achievement may be significant, the R1 model is a ChatGPT competitor – a consumerfocused large-language model.
Ithasn’tyetprovenitcan handle some of the massively ambitious AI capabilities for industries that – for now – still require tremendous infrastructure investments.
“Thankstoitsrichtalent and capital base, the US remains the most promising ‘home turf’ from which we expect to see the emergence of the first self-improving AI,” said Giuseppe Sette, president of AI market researchfirmReflexivity.
(BBC NEWS) Israel says eight of the remaining 26 hostages due to be released by Hamas during the first phase of the Gaza ceasefiredealaredead.
Governmentspokesman DavidMencertoldreporters thatIsraelhadreceivedalist from the Palestinian armed group overnight that providedinformationonthe status of the hostages. “The list from Hamas matches Israel’sintelligence,soIcan share with you that... eight have been killed by Hamas,” he said, without namingthem.“Thefamilies have been informed of the
Seven women have already been freed alive in exchangeformorethan290 Palestinianprisonersheldin Israeli jails since the ceasefire began on 19 January On Sunday night, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office announced Hamas hadagreedtoreleasefemale civilian Arbel Yehud, femalesoldierAgamBerger and one other hostage on Thursday
Three additional hostages would be released bythegrouponSaturday,he said. The Israeli military
launched a campaign to destroy Hamas in response to an unprecedented crossborder attack on 7 October 2023, in which about 1,200 people were killed and 251 weretakenhostage.
More than 47,310 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according totheterritory’sHamas-run healthministry
Israel says 87 of the hostages remain in captivity, 34 of whom are presumeddead.Inaddition, there are three Israelis who were abducted before the war, one of whom is dead. One of the hostages who
Israel says should be releasedinthefirstphaseis Or Levy, 34, who was attending the Nova music festivalwithhiswifeEynav on 7 October 2023. The couple,whosesonAlmogis nowthreeyearsold,fledtoa roadside bomb shelter after Hamas gunmen attacked. Eynav was killed inside the shelter while Or was kidnappedandtakenbackto Gaza.
OvertheweekendinTel Aviv’sHostageSquare,Or’s brother Michael told the BBC that waiting to hear about the statuses of the remaining 26 hostages was
like being plunged into “a reality the devil himself invented and part of an evil reality show that Hamas is enjoying”.
He also said he had receivednoindicationabout whenOrwouldbefreedand there would be what he describedas“anenddateto this nightmare” Michael also said he feared that Hamas could yet delay his brother’s release “We cannot just be calm and hopeforthebest.Wehaveto keep going. And until he’s here, I won’t believe it actuallyhappened.”
On Saturday, following
the release of four female Israelisoldiersinthesecond exchange of the ceasefire, the Israeli military’s spokesman said it was “extremely concerned” about the welfare of three hostages – Shiri Bibas, 33, and her two young sons, Kfir, two, and Ariel, five.
Hamas claimed in November 2023 that they hadbeenkilledinanIsraeli air strike However, the Israeli military has not confirmed their deaths and the Israeli government has insisted they are among the 33 hostages handed over in thefirstphase.
Former Minister of Public Security Khemraj RamjattantoldtheHouseon Monday that in light of Guyana's oil economy, the Ve n e z u e l a b o r d e r controversy and also cyber security threats government shouldplacegreaterfocuson specialised training for members of the armed forces.
He was at the time addressing the National Assemblyduringdebateson the 2025 national budget.
The Opposition Member of Parliament said that while looking at infrastructural developments in the sector the human resource aspect must be paid attention to as well. He said that “this budget on the security allocates250milliontotrain, I think it is 1700 security personnel in crime scene management, forensic analysis and cyber security and this provision is necessary, but it is also a
provision that requires what the recommendations that have come from the Kum report Specialised career pathways for certain personnel inside of that PoliceForce,sowecanhave units therein that can know very profoundly, matters regarding cyber security, matters regarding crime scene management and so on,” Ramjattan a lawyer by professionsaid.
He said while it is understandabletotrainranks of the Guyana Police Force in the elementary levels of crime scene management, it wouldbeunwisetonothave “asetofpolicemenwhoyou can rely on in relation to certain pathways, especially in the context of the new crimes that the Caribbean report has indicated will h a p p e n i n a n o i l economy…”
He argued that although there is $250M set aside for training, there is no
Robeson Benn on Monday told the National Assembly that the drug trafficking situation here is putting tremendous pressure on the securitysector
Duringthedebatesonthe 2025 National Budget the minister told the House that therehasbeenanincreaseof transnational crime but it is not directly related to Guyana, instead it is a result ofthedrugtrade.“Wearenot the marketplace for the drugs. We are transit points, and the fact that the drug trafficking activity and the criminalitybringtremendous pressures in relation to the security sphere We will continue to fight We're puttingmoremoneyintothis effort,andweareworkingat continuingtobringdownthe planes and to make the necessary seizures to deal withthisnefariousbusiness,” Minister Benn told the House.
Speaking on narcotic seizures by the Guyana Police Force, in 2024, Benn said there were 1463 seizures, 581 reports, 1379 cases and 77 convictions. Trafficking in Persons (TIP) saw 31 reports and six cases being made. “The Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit made thesignificantseizureofover 4000 kilograms of cocaine seen in our country over the
provision for performance metricstiedtooutcomesand this was a key aspect highlighted in a report done under the previous administrationinconnection with the British Security SectorReform.
“What we in Guyana suffer, and I tell you, indeed we I saw it for myself as Public Security Minister, that we do not do these performancemetrics,sothat you can know that this is a policemanthatisdoingwell, or this is a unit that is doing
wellasagainstwhatwewant of them, and then the longterm Professional Development Framework well, that ties in to the specialized career pathways that I'm talking about,” he said.Accordingtotheformer minister, a bigger chunk of money allocated to the security sector needed to be spent on the specialised aspectofthesector.“Andas aresultofnotdoingsuchthe government would have failedthecountrytoprovide it with a skilled, motivated
workforce,whichisrequired for a modern security framework that can effectively address the m o d e r n s e c u r i t y challenges,”Ramjattansaid. Hesaidtoothatthereisa need and the government should ensure that resources are properly allocated to addressthesecurityneedsat the coastal and hinterland regions, noting that while it is a good thing to have a state-of-the-art facility at Brickdam, it is also necessarytohavethesameat
the hinterland and coastal areas.“Iwanttoindicatetoo that we must not leave the hinterlandareawhereweare goingtohavesecurityissues especially in Essequibo, to leave it critically under served.ThisisaOneGuyana in accordance with the President and One Guyana means not putting all the money in Georgetown n e c e s s a r i l y a n d marginalising the regions under the guise of development,” Ramjattan said.
MinisterofHomeAffairs, Robeson Benn
years, the Guyana Police Force, the Guyana Police Force also seized after discovering particular types of submersible vessels, three vessels, which were being intended for use for drug trafficking…”Bennsaid.
While there have been concerns in relation to the crime rate in the country, Benn said over the last few years “we have had a reduction in serious crimes by 12.2%.” Referencing the comments of Former
Minister Khemraj Ramjattan on domestic violence
Minister Benn said that last year they recorded 1535 reports of domestic violence of which 911 cases were made and there were 167 convictions, which is an increasefrom2023.
Th e G u y a n a
T e n n i s
Association (GTA) commends the Government of Guyana (GOG) for its significant increase in funding to the sports sector in the 2025 National budget This unprecedented increase will further enhance sports infrastructure in urban and ruralGuyanaandalsocreate pathways for the requisite
training regimens and certification of athletes and coaches to improve their talents.
Over the last four years, the GTA has cultivated a strong partnership with the N a t i o n a l S p o r t s Commission,theMinistryof Culture, Youth and Sport, and by extension the Government of Guyana This collaboration has resulted in significant
improvements, inter alia, modern tennis facilities, a 500% increase in prize money for players, and the
National Tennis Academy T
s Academy(NTA)initiativeis fullyfundedbytheNational Sports Commission, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, and by extension the Government of Guyana andallowsplayerstoreceive
free training from certified coaches.
The NTAnot only eases the financial burden on parents.Italsohighlightsthe integral role of sport in addressing various social issues and is available to recreationalandcompetitive players.
The 2025 budget allocation represents a positive, progressive, and continuous stride by the GOG toward bridging societal gaps through organised sport which f o s t e r s c o h e s i o n , camaraderie, discipline, and long-termfriendships.
Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher
The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.
There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.
Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.
Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.
Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.
Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor
Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.
Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,
The GTA looks forward toadvancingourestablished synergies in 2025 with the N a t i o n a l S p o r t s Commission,theMinistryof Culture, Youth, and Sport, and the Government of Guyana to further develop the skillset and knowledge ofourplayersandcoaches.
SportsMax - Jomel Warricandeliveredamatchwinning performance with the ball as the West Indies secured a resounding 120run victory over hosts PakistaninMultan,levelling the two-Test series 1-1 Warrican’s five-wicket haul in the second innings, combinedwithcontributions from his fellow spinners, sawPakistanbowledoutfor 133 from their overnight score of 76-4 unravelling within just over an hour on DayThree.
The victory marked the West Indies’ first win on Pakistan soil since 1990, with Warrican’s standout performance in the series underscoring his dominance intheconditions.Hisfigures
of5-27inthesecondinnings broughthisseriestallyto19 wickets, as the West Indies outclassed Pakistan on a turningtrack.
Pakistan began the day under immense pressure, needing 178 runs to secure victory with just six wickets inhand.
Any hopes of a miraculous chase were quickly dashed when Kevin Sinclair, three balls into the day,luredSaudShakeelinto edging to first slip. In the very next over, Warrican trapped nightwatchman Kashif Ali lbw, leaving Pakistanreelingat78-6. Mohammad Rizwan and Salman Agha mounted the only semblance of resistance, forging a 39-run
partnership for the seventh wicket. The duo dug in, attempting to blunt theWest Indies’ spin trio, but the relentless pressure was unrelenting.Warricanstruck again, getting one to keep lowandtrapAghalbwaftera defiantstand.
WithAgha gone, the tail was exposed, and Warrican wasted no time. He bowled Rizwan, Pakistan’s last recognized batter, with a delivery that snuck through thebat-padgapandshattered thestumps.
Gudakesh Motie then claimed the wicket of Noman Ali, and Warrican fittingly finished things off, inducing Sajid Khan to drag theballontohisstumps.
The victory was built on
a collective effort, with the spinners leading the way Gudakesh Motie and Kevin Sinclair complemented Warrican’s efforts, sharing eight wickets in Pakistan’s secondinnings.
Their accuracy and abilitytoexploittheturning conditions left Pakistan’s batterswithnoanswers
Earlier in the match, the West Indies had set up their victorywithasolidsecondinnings total of 244, led by Kraigg Brathwaite’s fighting half-century and contributions from Tevin Imlach and the lower order Pakistan,chasing254,never found their footing against the West Indies’spin attack,
folding well short of the target. W a r r i c a n ’ s performance, highlighted by his now-iconic thighthumping celebration after sealing the victory, epitomizedtheWestIndies’ dominance.
Heendedtheserieswith 19 wickets for just 85 runs which earned him Player of theSeries Reflecting on his success with bat and ball during the series, Warrican remarked:“Ibackmygame plan, once the ball is in my zone, I back myself to clear the boundary I trust my defence as well, and my abilitytorotatethestrike.”
On his bowling: “Just the variation of pace and hittingthesamelengthover andover Consistencyisthe keytoeverythingIdo ”
For Warrican and his teammates, this triumph will remain a moment to savour, a historic achievement that ended a 33-year drought in Pakistan
Scores: West Indies 166 (Motie 55, Warrican 36, Noman 6-41) and 244 (Brathwaite 52, Imlach 35, Sajid 4-76, Noman 4-80) beat Pakistan 154 (Rizwan 49, Warrican 4-43, Motie 349) and 133 (Babar 31, Warrican 5-27, Sinclair 361)by120runs.
T h e G B T I G C C Women’s and Pepsi Hikers Men’s teams claimed championship victories in the Bounty/Antonio’s Grill
O n e - D a y H o c k e y Tournament contested on Sunday at the National Stadium in Providence GBTI GCC defeated Saints 3-0, with Princessa Wilkie nettingtwicetoleadherteam to the 2025 Women’s title. Meanwhile, Pepsi Hikers skillfully overcame Old Forts Hockey Club (OFHC) Top Form by the same scoreline to capture the Men’schampionshipdespite persistentrainfall.
National U21 players, Jabari Lovell (center) on the attack against Bounty GCC Men’s team on Sunday Men’
Adominantperformance by GBTI GCC Women saw them to title victory The GBTI GCC ladies set the toneforthetournamentfrom the opening match, beating Hikers 2-0 Hikers then suffered a second setback, losing 1-0 to YMCA Old Forts. GCC solidified their spot in the knockout stages with an impressive 4-2 win over YMCA Old Fort Women.
Heading into the semifinals, GBTI GCC emerged as clear favourites after two convincing victories. They faced Hikers, who struggled to find their rhythm
followingtwoearlierlosses. GabriellaXavier’sbrilliance proved decisive as GCC secureda2-0wintoadvance to the championship match. Meanwhile, in the other semi-final, Saints Ladies defeatedYMCAOld Fort 20, with goals from Africo BlackmanandSolanaCrumEwingintheeighthand11th minutes, setting up a final showdown against the undefeatedGCCWomen. In the championship match (Women), Princessa Wilkie stole the spotlight, scoring two clinical goals in the fifth and 16th minutes after Gabriella Xavier had
given GCC an early lead in the second minute. GCC outplayed Saints to lift the 2025 title Xavier’s exceptional performance earned her the tournament’s Most Valuable Player (MVP) award, while Saints’ Sarah Harry was recognized astheBestGoalkeeper
The one-day tournament witnessed a thrilling Men’s Segment despite Rain Though the heavy rain fall, theMen’sdivisiondelivered intense action. Divided into Group‘A’andGroup‘B’,the competition quickly narrowed down to the final four: OFHC Top Form, National Green, Bounty GCC,andPepsiHikers.Top
Form secured semi-final qualification with wins over National Black and SHC U17s, along with a draw against Pepsi Hikers National Green earned their spot with a draw against OFHCYoungGunnersanda narrow 2-1 loss to Bounty GCC, the only unbeaten teamheadingintothesemis.
In the semi-finals, Warren Williams’ 17thminute goal sealed OFHC TopForm’splaceinthefinal with a 1-0 victory over National Green. In the other semi-final clash, Pepsi Hikers clicked into a winning gear, defeating BountyGCC2-0toadvance intothefinal.
The final between Pepsi HikersandOFHCTopForm did not disappoint. Jamarj A
occasion, scoring in the fourth and sixth minutes to give Hikers an early advantage. Andrew Stuart added a goal in the fifth minute,securingadominant 3-0 victory as Top Form failed to trouble the
Bounty/Antonio’s Grill
Men’s H
However, it was OFHC’s Paul D’Andrade who was named Best Goalkeeper, while National Green’s Yonnick Norton earned MVPhonours.
TheGuyanaMixed Martial Arts
F e d e r a t i o n
( G Y M M A F ) wholeheartedly commends the Government of Guyana onitsvisionaryallocationof G$8 billion to the sports sector in the 2025 National Budget, as announced by Senior Minister within the Ministry of Finance, Honourable Dr Ashni Singh.
This remarkable 42.5%
increase in funding u n d e r s c o r e s t h e government’s unwavering dedication to transforming the sporting landscape in Guyana.
This historic investment is a bold step toward strengtheningthefoundation of sports development acrossthecountry
From grassroots initiatives to amateur
c o m p e t i t i o n s a n d professional platforms, this budget provides the resources necessary to advance local, regional, and international sports development.
“GYMMAF is inspired by the Honourable Minister
ofCulture,YouthandSport, Charles Ramson Jr., whose dynamic leadership continues to drive the
d opportunities We also extend our gratitude to Director of Sport, Mr Steve Ninvalle, whose tireless efforts and strategic vision havecreatedanenvironment where athletes from all disciplines can thrive,” said presidentGavinSingh.
The combined efforts havelaidthegroundworkfor the continued growth of Guyana’s sporting communityandelevatedour nation’s presence on the internationalstage.
The increased funding presents an unparalleled opportunity to expand the reach of mixed martial arts (MMA)inGuyana,building on the momentum achieved inrecentyears.
With this allocation, the Federation can further develop our grassroots programstointroduceMMA to communities across the country, enhance training facilitiesforourathletes,and provide the necessary
GYMMAF president Gavin Singh and his executive team lauded the recent budget move by the government which further adds to the development of sports.
resources for them to compete regionally and internationally
“Our vision is clear, to not only nurture local talent butalsoestablishGuyanaas a hub for MMA in the Caribbeanandbeyond.With the support of this transformative budget, we aim to host regional and international competitions, bringing global attention to our athletes while showcasing Guyana as a
premier destination for sportstourism.”
This historic investment allows the reinforcement commitment to excellence andinclusivitywhilepaving the way for long-term sustainability in sports development.
According to Singh, the Federationremainssteadfast in our efforts to strengthen partnerships with key stakeholders, enhance athle
pathways, and ensure that every athlete, from aspiring youth to seasoned professionals, has access to the resources needed to excel.
“The G$8 billion allocation is not just an investmentinsports;itisan investment in the dreams and aspirations of every Guyaneseathlete
It is a testament to the belief that sports can unite communities, empower
individuals, and place Guyanafirmlyontheglobal map as a nation of excellence and resilience,” Singhadded GYMMAFstandsready to play its part in this transformative journey and l o o k s f o r w a r d t o collaborating with the government, corporate partners, and other sporting federations to create a legacy of success for all disciplines.
The Guyana
O l y m p i c
Association (GOA),asakeystakeholder in the development of sports, believes that the Government’s 2025 budget allocation to the Sports Sector, demonstrates the high priority and c o m m i t m e n t t h e government has placed on investinginakeysectorfor human resource and nationaldevelopment.
This investment highlights a logical, comprehensive,conceptual, progressive, and strategic approach to investment in the sports sector, which is e v i d e n t w i t h t h e construction of critical sportsfacilitiesnationwide. These investments also contribute significantly to h u m a n r e s o u r c e progression by enhancing the expertise of athletes, coaches,andadministrators as outlined in some of the budget estimates for the sector Equity of resource
disbursement to National Associations/Federations augurs well for the longterm development of sports in Guyana and instills critical pillars to c
ourathletestorealizetheir potential and talent with improved frameworks for talent identification,
ecosystems Such ecosystems place sports
at the forefront of national development
w h i l e l a y i n g t h e foundations for Guyana tobecomeaglobalsports destinationinthefuture Additionally, it allows
d e t e c t i o n , a n d development with the u l t i m a t e g o a l o f d e v e l o p i n g h i
performance athletes, coaches, systems, and methods
o transforming the sporting landscape is also evident and outlined in the great partnership the Guyana
Olympic Association and National Governing bodies share with the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and the National Sports
C o m m i s s i o n O u r collaboration on projects has resulted in gradual improvement to systems, s t r u c t u r e s , a n d synchronization of key e l e m e n t s i n t h e
development of our strategicplanandvision.
The value of this partnership is outlined in the GOA’s strategic plan
for 2025- 2034 and beyond, which is being developed with external sports experts and local sports associations to improve the coaching and administrative frameworks inGuyana.
The Guyana Olympic Association is pleased withthisyear’sallocation to the sports sector and thankstheGovernmentof G u y a n a f o r i t s commitment to investing in the sector as a key stakeholder
The Foreign Link
Darts Club ( F L D C ) contested its inaugural Pro and Novice Darts Tournament on Saturday at M’s Lounge and Bar, Ogle, East Bank Demerara, delivering a night of highquality darts and intense competition.
National champion Sudesh Fitzgerald, together with Bryan James emerged victorious in the Team’s event, while FLDC’s own Christopher Lochan stole the spotlight in the Singles category, claiming the covetedfirst-placeprize.
Fitzgerald, known for his dominance in the sport, teamed up with rising star Bryan James to defeat the duoofSherwynGreeneand Nishan Mohamed, capturing the Team’s divisional title in style,
carting off w
h the impressive first place prize andchampionshiptrophy
While in the Singles event, Christopher Lochan provedunstoppable.Lochan notonlysecuredthetopspot but also earned accolades forhittingthemost180sand completing the shortest match of the evening Sherwyn Greene put up a valiantfightbuthadtosettle for second place. Greene, however, left his mark by recording the highest checkoutofthetournament.
The tournament was made possible through the generous support of Krystal Clear Water Store, Dr Terrence Joseph, and the FLDC committee. With the success of this event, the club is already gearing up for its second tournament, scheduled for the last weekendinFebruary