Five-year-old among two killed in Israeli attacks amid Gaza ceasefire
...Israeli forces continue ceasefire violations as thousands of Palestinians try to return to their homes in northern Gaza

Five-year-old among two killed in Israeli attacks amid Gaza ceasefire
...Israeli forces continue ceasefire violations as thousands of Palestinians try to return to their homes in northern Gaza
...tells Parliament oil prices will decline but increased production will help Guyana
Introducing biometrics without legal - GECOM framework would be unconstitutional
Brutus wants High Cour t to quash PSC Tribunal would
Children break into car, steal bag of cigarettes …but country losing US-billions due to lopsided Exxon contract
Opposition MP presses Gov t . to give breakdown of oil money expenditure
Oil-rich Guyana gave $1M to ever y family
M i n i s t e r o f C u l t u r e , Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr believes that the time is ripe for Guyana to increase its debt portfolio to support the development of the country
Despite the downward projection for oil prices, the lawyer, who holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Oil and Gas Enterprise Management
f r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Aberdeen, reasoned that the
c o u n t r y ’ s i n c r e a s e d production of the resource
will offset any related risks
During his 35-minutelong contribution on Day Three of the 2025 Budget
D e b a t e i n t h e N a t i o n a l
A s s e m b l y , R a m s o n explained, “When we hear members of the other side speak about our debt, and we have spoken ad nauseam about the ratios, our ratios being the lowest in this
h e m i s p h e r e T h e f i r s t question that you have to ask really because I don’t want t o g e t i n t o t o o m u c h equations and analysis...are the schools, the roads, the bridges, the ports, the water
w e l l s , t h e c o m m u n i t y grounds, the gas to power project- are they needed?”
He is convinced that the answer to that question is yes. Secondly, the Minister noted that another pertinent question is “would it have been built had it not been for g o v e r n m e n t e x p e n d i t u r e ?
The answer is no because otherwise the market would have done it already ” “The third question is if
we had to make the decision to build it at some point and we had the money to do it or we had access to do it If the answer is yes, why are we waiting to do it? We must do it now,” Ramson urged To this end, the Minister said, “And if there is any time to take on debt, now is the time because even when oil prices decline, and they will decline at some point in the future, the fact is you have more (oil) projects coming on stream by 2030at least four more and it
level of production will offset the risk in the decline in oil prices ”
T h e M e m b e r o f Parliament told the House that Guyana is competing with other nations, making it important for Guyanese to d o u b l e d o w n o n infrastructure investment to improve the country for the future.
$100,000 bail on Monday when she appeared virtually at the Diamond/Grove Magistrates’ Court, to answer to a damage to property charge.
The accused, Shavel Jones, made her first court appearance before Principal Magistrate Leron Daly, where the charge was read to her Jones pleaded not guilty to the charge that stated she maliciously damaged items valued at $1,610,000 belonging to Colin Primus at Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD) on January 23, 2025.
The woman is scheduled to return to court on February 13, 2025 for reports and statements.
commodity prices
This year, oil price is expected to decline by 10 9% Consequently, even though the country’s daily rate of oil
have 31 lifts of profit oil from the three Floating Production S t o r a g e a n d O f f l o a d i n g vessels (FPSOs) producing currently, along with the One
“And if there is any time to take on debt, now is the time because even when oil pr ices decline, and they will decline at some point in the future, the f act is you have more (oil) projects coming on stream by 2030- at least f our more and it means that the increase level of production will of fset the r isk in the decline in oil pr ices.”
production is scheduled to increase, Guya
( P P P ) took office in 2020, the administration has grown the country’s debt by a massive US$4.2B.
Kaieteur News reported that in 2019, the country’s debt was US$1 8B; according to Annual Reports from the Bank of Guyana (BoG), the nation’s debt grew by 46 7% in 2020 to US$2 6B
In 2021, the debt surged to US$3.1B, and in 2022 this trend continued with the total stock of debt climbing to US$3.7B.
In 2023, debt increased further by 23 4% to US$4 5B while this grew to a massive US$6B at the end of 2024, as i n d i c a t e d b y F i n a n c e Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh.
M e a n w h i l e , t h e Opposition has constantly warned again
incurring more debt on the projected revenues from oil, given the v
anticipating less earnings from the sector, compared with that of 2024’s.
According to the finance minister, it is anticipated that there will be 246 lifts of profit oil from the Stabroek Block in 2 0 2 5 W i t h i n t h i s , Government is projected to
commissioned in the second half of the year
Be that as it may, Dr Singh pointed out, “With the average price of Brent crude expected to decline to an
petroleum revenue deposits
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: GLENN LALL-TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
The first clue that the PPP/C Government is terribly afraid of something is when its leading spokespeople put up a wall of silence. The second clue is when it retreats behind a veil of silence. The third clue that an issue raised has pierced the shell of the party and government is when the messengers are made examples of, attacked and mocked. The 2016 ExxonMobil Production Sharing Agreement (contract) had been violently taken apart by the PPP/C group when it was in opposition, and in the early days when the reins of government returned into its hands. Everything about it was wrong, and there were so many things that the returning PPP/C Government was going to make right with it.
We agree that there are many holes in the 2016 ExxonMobil contract. There is the increasing awareness that the same PPP/C Government that condemns the vile terms and conditions of the contract is also supporting its insulting provisions at the same time. Since this contract is the exclusive work of the previous APNU+AFC Coalition Government according to the PPP/C Government's top people, then it follows that the door is wide open for a full and credible investigation of it. What went on, who were the principal participants and decision makers, and what role did the then opposition PPP/C have, if any? Since the current PPP/C Government was so against the 2016 ExxonMobil contract, why is it favouring it so much today? What is the explanation or foundation for the change of heart of the PPP/C Government and its leadership relative to this contract that they so roundly cursed before?
A genuine investigation could drive a nail in the coffin of the PNC/R and AFC Opposition as viable, trustworthy political presences locally So why is the PPP/C Government dragging its feet on an investigation of the contract, given the advantages that may be had, most of which would be damaging to its chief political opponents? If the APNU+AFC's hands are the only ones tainted by involvement in the ExxonMobil contract, then neither the government nor the party nor Vice President Jagdeo has anything to be nervous about. Why even give the people who signed the contract so much as breathing room? The hesitancy of the government today makes no sense, and it paves the way for a number of unsettling questions.
Due to its claimed distance from the ExxonMobil contract, there should be nothing to fear So, why is the PPP/C Government acting as though it has much to be afraid of from an investigation of the 2016 ExxonMobil contract? Why not proceed, therefore, with energy and zeal to get to the bottom of what went on with the contract? The PPP/C has one of its best opportunities to vanquish its major political competition once and for all. The party of General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo is not one to let such a juicy, low hanging fruit go by without capitalising to the maximum on its presence. Hesitation looks suspicious, doesn't instil confidence.
The revelation in former Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman's book that there were secret consultations with the then PPP/C opposition for unanimous approval of tax waiver for ExxonMobil more than raises eyebrows. It begs the question about how deep the PPP/C Government is in this mess that calls itself a fair oil contract? Which political opposition, who in the leadership of such a group, could be comfortable playing such a double game? That is, tearing the contract apart one minute publicly, then sharing in secretly the next minute in efforts to unravel a tax waiver situation so that ExxonMobil can benefit.
It is political hypocrisy at its worst and the height of leadership irresponsibility and indifference to be for something (tax waiver) that would cost Guyanese hundreds of millions, if not billions of US dollars on a continuing basis. What did the PPP/C leadership stand to gain by making sure that it was part of such colluding action cobbled together under the cover of darkness? There is a good chance that in the answers to these questions are the reasons why Jagdeo and the PPP/C Government baulks at doing any investigation of the contract. Its own hair could catch afire.
Dear Editor,
The WPA welcomes the United Nation's launch of a Second Decade of the People of African Descent. We think this is a very progressive step by the world body, which launched the first decade in 2015. As the UN contended at that time, despite antidiscrimination legislation by
peoples across the globe continue to be victims of structural racism. It called on
malady The designation of a Second Decade suggests that the UN is not satisfied that
adequately addressed.
WPA feels that Guyana, which is a signatory to this U
miserably in this regard While the David Granger led C
t s obligation by granting an annual subvention to the local umbrella organization, International Decade of the People of African DecentGuyana (IDPADA-G), the succeeding PPP government almost immediately moved in the opposite direction. It withdrew the subvention on the unproven and downright false grounds that IDPADAG was misusing the funds. The government failed to separate its partisan politics from the larger responsibility
of the State of Guyana to honour and respect the right of its individual ethno-racial groups to recognition, justice a n d d e v e l o p m e n t a s mandated by the UN.
The PPP government, which coincided with the second half of the decade, appeared to be tone deaf on t h e m a t t e r I n s t a n c e s o f e x t r a j u d i c i
A f r i c a n G u y a n e s e m e n continued even as resistance
to government's
itrary a c q u i s i t i o n o f A f r i c a n Guyanese lands was met
with brute force by the police On the economic f r o n t , A f r i c a n G u y a n e s e workers, particularly those in the public sector, have been denied a living wage in the midst of the country's increased revenues from the o i l w i n d f a l l I n t h e meantime, the government turned a blind eye to the documented imbalance in t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f s t a t e resources to the country's ethnic groups, with African Guyanese lagging far behind
other groups Instead of working with IDPADA-G to realize the goals of the
d e c a d e , t h e g o v e r n m e n t sought to divide the African Guyanese community by s e t t i n g u p p a r a l l e l a n d competing groups with the overt blessings of the ruling party
The first UN designated D e c a d e , t h e r e f o r e e n d e d with no discernible shift in the status quo. In fact, the
government went to pains to c o n t e n d t h a t s t r u c t u r a l
d i s c r i m i n a t i o n a g a i n s t African Guyanese does not exist. This, in the face of documented evidence and historical truths about the consequences of slavery and c o l o n i a l i s m o n A f r i c a n Guyanese, who were the p r i m e v i c t i m s o f t h e s e inhumane systems.
W PA c o n d e m n s t h e
government for this gross insensitivity towards one of our major ethnic groups. We feel that the government's action coming from a ruling party whose composition and support base are derived from a competing ethnic group is ultimately unhelpful to national cohesion.
Demands of the Second Decade
Against this background, W PA u rg e s t h e A f r i c a n
G u y a n e s e c o m m u n i t y t o aggressively take steps to e n s u r e t h a t t h e S e c o n d Decade yields better results. Ultimately, as the African American freedom fighter, Fredrick Douglass warned, p o w e r c o n c e d e s n o t h i n g without a demand.
S e c o n d , w e c a l l o n African Guyanese and their o rg a n i s a t i o n s t o b e c o m e overtly political in their activism. Separating cultural activism from politics is f o o l h a r d y S l a v e r y , c o l o n i a l i s m a n d n e ocolonialism were first and foremost political in their orientations.
Third, WPA also calls on the government to honour its obligations to its darkest c i t i z e n s w h o h a v e disproportionately suffered as Guyana evolved.
Fourth, as the Second Decade begins, we demand a r e i n s t a t e m e n t o f t h e subvention to IDPADA-G. F i f t h , w e u r g e t h e government to immediately include African Guyanese h i s t o r y i n t h e s c h o o l curriculum.
Sixth, we call on the University of Guyana to begin work towards setting up an African and African Guyanese department at the University of Guyana.
Seventh, we call for the setting up of an African Guyanese task force with the e x p r e s s e d a i m o f recommending initiatives to the government s to break down the walls of structural discrimination and racism in Guyana.
Eighth, we demand that t h e g o v e r n m e n t b e g i n s forthwith a process of racial equity in the distribution of state resources.
WPA salutes IDPAD-G F i n a l l y, W PA s a l u t e s IDPADA-G for the sterling work it continues to do in the face of government hostility and urges the organization and its officers to stay the course. For us, IDPADA-G is o u r O rg a n i z a t i o n o f t h e Decade.
David Hinds Co-Leader, WPA
Dear Editor,
I find it bemusing yet quite disturbing that Mr Kit Nascimento accuses Leader of the Alliance for Change, Mr Nigel Hughes and Mr Aubrey Norton, Leader of
t h e O p p o s i
o n , o f “discrediting” GECOM “in anticipation of crying foul” post-elections 2025. Instead of addressing the legitimate concerns raised about the bloated voters list and the
deflect by attributing malice to the opposition. This tactic,
democratic imperative for scrutiny and accountability in election processes. It is apparent that while he seeks to cloak his commentary in t
o n e d analysis, his missive is little more than a desperate bid to m
n a Guyana that has long moved
beyond the narrow elitist confines he so evidently represents. His arguments, riddled with contradictions, unsubstantiated claims, and a transparent bias against those challenging the status quo, fail to withstand even the most cursory scrutiny.
As citizens pay attention to the alarming position of t h e C h a i r o f G E C O M surrounding the issue of biometrics and the call for a c l e a n v o t e r s l i s t , t h e narrative of Nascimento so c l e a r l y m i r r o r s t h e P P P playbook that one is left in no doubt as to his allegiances. This is a similar tactic used by Jagdeo in the lead up to the 2020 election, and again now, claiming that the PPP already has this election in the bag, so that when the obviously flawed results are announced, there can be little argument. This assertion conveniently dismisses the well-documented history of electoral miscond
h i s t o r y M r N a s c i m e n t o should be acutely aware of, given his age and tenure under the Burnham regime. The gentleman's casual dismissal of the “bloated” voters list is perhaps the most g l a r i n g e x a m p l e o f h i s i n t
l l e c t u a l d i s h
n e s t y. While he acknowledges that the list contains names of deceased individuals and o v e r s e a s r e s i d e n t s , h e astonishingly suggests that t h i s p o s e s n o p r o b l e m because there is “no proof” of these individuals voting. The very existence of these names on the list creates the potential for abuse, and it is
t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f GECOM to ensure that such vulnerabilities are addressed proactively
F u r t h e r m o r e , h i s argument against biometric v o t i n g b a s e d o n t i m e constraints is both shortsighted and unconvincing.
T h e i n t r o d u c t i o n o f biometrics is not a novel or unattainable concept; it is a standard measure in modern
democracies to ensure the integrity of elections If G E C O M a n d t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n w e r e g e n u i n e l y c o m m i t t e d t o fairness, the process would have been initiated since they took office in 2020, well in advance of this year's election, instead of now hiding behi
excuses. It is for this reason among many other glaring discrepancies that the call
removal of Justice Claudette Singh as Chair Mr Nascimento leans heavily on the Private Sector C
( P S C ) statement, which he no doubt
GECOM, but
Guyanese politics. The PSC,
(Continued on page 6)
Dear Editor,
I a m w r i t i n g a s a concerned law student at the University of Guyana to shed light on an issue that h a s b e e n p l a g u i n g t h e student body, particularly within the Faculty of Law In January 2024, I completed the course Criminal Law II. To date, I have not received my grade, despite the fact that I have already received grades for other courses taken after this one. This
troubling, as it reflects
Law courses.
worse is the complete lack of
who voice their concerns are often ignored or given vague responses. Many of us have
clarification, only to be met
Even the Vice Chancellor, upon being informed of this issue, was unable to offer any resolution. The last time grades took this long to be
h e
x c
e provided was that there was "confusion with the mark sheet."
Shockingly, the same excuse is being offered yet again. How can we expect to gain respect and recognition
Dear Editor, I am advocating for an increase in
Parliament to five hundred thousand (G$500,000.00) monthly, from 2025.
The Guyana economy grew by 46% in 2024, and as an emerging and thriving oil and gas economy, we need to place a higher monetary value on the role of our Parliamentarians.
As we have seen in the past, the votes of Parliamentarians have a high price attached and their roles are becoming increasingly critical to good governance.
Additionally, very often there are
within the region when such issues continue to occur and
requiring lecturers to submit grades within a specified timeframe, but it is apparent that some lecturers are not adhering to these deadlines.
particularly for international students who come to the s
(Continued on page 6)
complaints about Parliamentarians not providing adequate support to their
communities and are not strong enough in advocating for good governance and a vibrant economy With a stipend of G$500,000.00, some Parliamentarians may also be in a better position to work full-time in providing representation to their constituencies and being involved in greater advocacy while contributing towards shaping the transformation of our society and economy to become sustainable, resilient, and secure.
A more substantial stipend will also
attract more young talent into the political arena. With an increase to G$500.000.00 stipend per month, from 2025, the annual cost will be G$390M annually Three hundred and ninety million Guyana dollars per year for s
economy that grew by 46% and a thriving oil and gas economy, is a small price to pay for stronger political leadership. President Ali, I sincerely h
seriously consider this call. I think that it is fair
Yours sincerely,
Citizen Audreyanna Thomas
Dear Editor, I write to express my heartfelt gratitude for the investments and unwavering s u p p o r t t h a t t h e administration has shown towards the sugar industry
As a proud sugar worker, I have witnessed first-hand the c
r industry, particularly in the East Canje area and your commitment to its revival has given us renewed hope.
The decision to invest in
factories, the reopening of
only provided us with stable employment but have also restored dignity and pride to
industry, ensuring its
safeguarding the livelihoods of workers like myself.
On behalf of my family and fellow workers, I extend our deepest gratitude for prioritizing our welfare and
We pledge our dedication
contributing to the success of this sector, knowing that we
stands by us.
the backbone of our communities.
Your efforts have not
Thank you for believing in us.
Yours faithfully, Sugar Worker
Dear Editor,
finger pointing and posturing from both sides of the aisle. A lack of objective discussion and the lack of real solution finding continue to plague the debate.
The Natural Resource discussion was particularly d i s a p p o i n t i n g w i t h n o emphasis placed on plans to grow the Natural Resource Fund, adding value-added p r o d u c t s a n d t h e establishment of future trade agreements. Both sides of the a
t approaches to governance.
With an emphasis being placed on hand outs and social programmes, while showing a lack of revenue
g e n e r a t i n g p r o j e c t s t o s u p p o r t t h e l o n g - t e r m viability of the programmes being implemented.
China has shown that
t h e y h a d t o s h i f t t h e i r a p p r o a c h t o v a l u e - a d d e d production and embrace the World Trade Organization to foster real growth. Yet in 2025 Guyanese politicians continue to focus on non-
r e v e n u e g e n e r a t i n g m e a s u r e s , w h i c h d e p l e t e resources without finding
additional means of fostering l o n g - t e r m s u s t a i n a b l e growth. In attempts to gain the popular vote, both sides of the House of Parliament p r e f e r t o p l a c e m
n e y directly in the hands of each citizen.
To s u s t a i n s u c h a n approach, they must also allow the government to earn m o n e y t o c a r r y o u t d e v e l o p m e n t p l a n s . Members of the House are avoiding taxation due to its unpopularity, which leaves earnings from the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) as the k e y s o u r c e o f f u n d i n g
T h e r e f o r e , m e a s u r e d
development is the only solution that will allow for the continued vote grabbing approach to be sustained. It will also help avoid the p i t f a l l s o f t h e e v e r s o common approach used by politicians who implement such socialist and communist measures that will endure during their time in office, but that will come to an abrupt end after the resources have been depleted. This usually occurs after they have left office. The pull of resources from the NRF can only be sustained by a rate of r
w i t h d r a w a l a m o u n t o r
depletion rate. A requirement that lacks achievement to date. The renegotiation of the Exxon PSA will provide the n
e d e d f l e x i
l i t y a n d sustainability for the current
discussion in Parliament has
thorough discussions around this urgent issue.
There is an opportunity to a d d o b
d constructive criticism, but a divided House continues to prohibit progress towards real solutions on important
make a commitment towards addressing what is important
exploitation. We do not need
need is
fair production
agreements for value added
management of the Natural Resource Fund. The budget debate must allow for an intellectual solution finding discussion in these key areas t h a t w i l l p r o v i d e opportunities for real long term economic growth.
Sincerely, Mr
Jamil Changlee
From page 4
p r o n o u n c e m e n t s , t h e r e f o r e , c a r r y l i t t l e weight in a discussion that demands neutrality and credibility
Perhaps the most telling aspect of Mr Nascimento's letter is its tone—a thinly veiled disdain for those who dare to challenge the
existing power dynamics His rhetoric
r e f l e c t s t h e l i n g e r i n g v e s t i g e s o f a n understandably colonial mindset, one that seeks to delegitimize the voices of ordinary Guyanese while elevating the perspectives of a select few This is not the language of democracy; it is the language of an elitist class desperately clinging to its waning influence.
It is worth noting that Mr Nascimento's political lineage rooted in the United F o r c e ' s c o a l i t i o n w i t h t h e P N C i n 1964—epitomizes his opportunistic alliances that have historically undermined genuine progress in Guyana. His current attempt to position himself as a defender of democracy is, therefore, not only ironic but deeply disingenuous.
H a v i n g a c t i v e l y f o l l o w e d e m e rg i n g political narratives over the decades, Mr Nascimento should be commended for his c o n t i n u e d e n g a g e m e n t i n t h e p u b l i c d i s c o u r s e H o w e v e r,
must be implemented for the upcoming elections
Dear Editor, Biometrics is not just an option for the upcoming elections; it is a necessity The urgency for electoral reform cannot be overstated, and it is time to demand action.
The People's Progressive Party (PPP), which has long accused the People's National Congress and A Partnership for National U n i t y a n d A l l i a n c e f o r C h a n g e (APNU+AFC) of rigging elections, must face its own contradictions.
Despite the PPP's history of election manipulation, including the infamous 2006 incident where Sam Hinds was dubiously awarded the AFC's seat with the support of
(GECOM), or its attempts to steal another seat in 2011 were it not for the vigilance of
Vincent Alexander, the PPP now finds convenient excuses to oppose biometrics
The hypocrisy is glaring. Under Bharrat
Surujballi-led GECOM, the PPP advocated for biometrics as a safeguard for credible elections. Today, under the same leadership but in government, the PPP claims there isn't e
This flip-flopping undermines any trust in their commitment to electoral transparency We must not allow these convenient excuses to derail progress.
As citizens who have lived through d e c a d
accusations of rigging, we must demand a definitive solution—biometrics.
i s n o
maintained through the regurgitation of outdated arguments or the perpetuation of class biases. Guyana is a nation on the cusp of transformation, driven by a new generation t h a
accountability over the tired narratives of the past.
Mr Nascimento's letter, far from being a compelling critique, serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for fresh perspectives and innovative solutions and should serve as a wake-up call to those who remain invested in the future of Guyana.
In conclusion, all utterances by those who attempt to undermine the legitimate concerns will be challenged, including those made by Nascimento as we must ensure that we respect and uphold the evolving demands of a modern democracy The people of Guyana deserve better than the petty squabbles and hollow rhetoric of yesteryear We deserve an electoral process that inspires confidence, not one mired in suspicion and inefficiency and blatant attempts at election fraud through flawed rhetoric.
Regards, Name withheld
Elections in Guyana have been a source of ethnic tension and division, harming our nation's fragile social harmony Biometrics can provide a critical guardrail to safeguard the principle of “one-man-one-vote” and eliminate duplicate voting.
The necessity is underscored by the glaring inaccuracies in the Voters List. From 718,000 registered voters in mid-2024, the Preliminary Voters List for January 2025 has swelled to 735,000. This is a nation with a population of approximately 780,000! To add insult to injury, the regime refuses to release the 2022 Census, further eroding public trust.
Biometrics is not uncharted territory Its success in eliminating voter fraud in other nations is well-documented. For Guyana, it is not a choice but a necessity GECOM has no excuse.
Under the Laws of Guyana, i
GECOM's responsibility to communicate the state of readiness for elections to the President before the electoral process is a
Chairperson of GECOM, holds significant power to make this happen.
The Courts' 2020 ruling under Order 60/2020 affirmed GECOM's authority to make and enforce rules for credible elections. GECOM must act decisively to implement biometrics or recommend the necessary legislative action to ensure it is in place.
The argument that biometrics cannot be implemented due to lack of funding is baseless. The 2025 Budget allocates $237 million for elections, a significant increase from the $100 million allocated in 2024. With an additional $137 million at its disposal, G E C
biometrics a reality If more funding is needed, the state must provide it.
This issue of biometrics has been on the agenda for over a decade. Justice Singh's tenure since 2019 gives her ample familiarity w
commissioners even submitted a motion in August 2022 to prioritise biometrics. Delays are inexcusable.
It is not just GECOM that must be held a c c o
Opposition must rise above partisan politics to deliver this critical reform. History offers a precedent: in 1990, President Desmond Hoyte and Opposition Leader Cheddi Jagan worked together to enact electoral reforms that strengthened integrity
A similar cooperative effort is needed now The time for excuses is over Biometrics must be implemented for the upcoming elections. The people of Guyana deserve a transparent and credible electoral process. The integrity of our democracy depends on it. Let us demand nothing less!
Lincoln Lewis
From page 5
s c h o l a r s h i p s I a m personally aware of cases where a couple students from the region nearly lost their scholarships because they were unable to fulfil reporting requirements to their respective ministries. Despite repeated attempts to s e e k a s s i s t a n c e f r o m u n i v e r s i t y p e r s o n
concrete action has been
taken to address the issue. This failure to uphold basic a
y undermines the university's c
jeopardizes the future of its students. More alarmingly, I fear that the region will begin to p e r c e i v e u s a s u n p r o f e s s i o n
school officially opens its doors. Through this letter, I u r g e t h e u n i v e r s i t y administration to investigate and resolve the systemic delays in grade submissions. I also call on the Ministry of
e university accountable for failing to uphold its policies. This matter is of utmost importance, and it deserves
l stakeholders I hope this
o m p t immediate action to prevent further harm to students' academic and professional futures. They need to do better!
Sincerely, Third Year Law
Opposition Member of P a r l i a m e n t ( M P ) a n d
S h a d o w M i n i s t e r o f
A g r i c u l t u r e , V i n c e r o y
J o r d a n , h a s c a l l e d t h e government’s bluff over its
t h r e a t t o s h a k e - u p t h e Guyana Sugar Corporation
( G u y S u C o ) o v e r p o o r management of the sector
In reference to President
I r f a a n A l i r e c e n t l y announcing that he has read t h e r i o t a c t t o t h e corporation’s management, Jordan said that this is the usual rant and rave of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) government.
Jordan told the National
Assembly, on the third day of budget debates 2025, that the citizens of Guyana should take note of all that has happened after the PPP/Cled administration recruited several teams of experts to revive the industry, leaving a hefty price tag of millions if not billions of hard-earned taxpayers’ dollars.
He detailed a number of news articles published with g
“reading the riot act” to the management of the sugar company
“Sir, in August 2008 then P
read the riot act and I quote Kaieteur News 21st August 2008, “President Jagdeo has stressed that the government does not intend to subsidize loss-making entities at the expense of education and health in the country.” This same person then argued against his own words when we right-sized the industry Sad!” Jordan exclaimed.
He referenced a 2022 article published by Village Voice headlined, “President
GuySuCo No place for CEO at the table.” J
published on December 21, 2024, which stated that,
“President reads “riot act” to GuySuco’s top brass and warns “heads will roll”. That article said the President scolded the management of the loss-making and lowproducing sugar company even as the entity’s new investment plan was being c o n s i d e r e d b y t h e government.
“I’ve let them understand that we are very dissatisfied with the performance,” the president was quoted as saying.
Jordan told the National Assembly, “Mr Speaker, let me again make it clear no heads will roll, this is the usual rail and rant, and then no action Sir, the only heads that must roll at this t i m e a r e t h o s e o f t h e i n c o m p e t e n t P P P / C government starting first with the incompetent Hon Zulfikar Mustapha ”
The MP reasoned that the subject minister along with h i s c o m r a d e s i n t h e government should vacate office since after spending over $40B, the industry has failed to meet one target in five years. He said too that the government has also failed to reopen the Skeldon and the Demerara La Bonne
I n t e n t i o n e s t a t e s a s promised.
The shadow minister told the House that “the Minister will not tell us that his government has spent over $40 billion on GuySuCo since taking office and lost over $22 billion in 2021, $7.8 billion in 2022, $ 10.2 billion and in 2023, $4.7 billion.”
failures, Jordan assured that changes would be made to t h e s
government. He maintained that right-sizing was a step in the right direction.
“ We w i l
mechanical and electrical plan for both fields and factories. The next Coalition government will modernize all sugar factories and focus on sugar processing and p a c k a
n g , keeping the Gold brand on t
y supermarket across Guyana and further afield,” Jordan promised. He reminded that “In 1976, there were 11 sugar estates in Guyana. By 2015, when the Coalition took office, there were only six sugar estates. Mr Speaker the PPP/C closed five sugar estates between 1992 and 2015. They closed more than us!!!”
Meanwhile, the Minister o f A g r i c u l t u r e , s p e a k i n g immediately after Jordan told the National Assembly
’s reference to the production for 2024.
In response, he said,
“Over the last few years, at least over the last two years, we have seen the impact of c l i m a t e c h a n g e o n t h e i n d u s t r y ’s p e r f o r m a n c e
Although we have seen that, we have worked diligently to ensure that we take care of it. That is why we have seen low production, but I want to assure the member that what we are doing now, what GuySuCo is doing, already 4 0 % o f t h e l a
e cultivation land have been mechanized.”
Mustapha lay blame at t h
APNU+AFC administration for the state of the sugar industry
“ T h e y ( A P N U + A F C ) starved the corporation of funds that is why we have to spend $40B to rehabilitate the factories, to ensure that we have proper factories that can grind the cane. So, Mr S p
k e r , I a m v e r y optimistic like the team from GuySuCo, that we will make the target of 101,000 metric tonnes this year.”
It remains unknown
what President Ali t o l d t h e U S
Secretary of State during their recent discussion. But
o n e c a n o n l y h o p e h e reminded him of the United
States' culpability in the Venezuelan migrant crisis.
The bitter irony is that A m e r i c a h a s b e e n responsible for the migrant crisis. For years, the United States has waged economic a n d p o l
c i t i z e n s f
e e i n g b y t h e millions. Now, with its usual gall, the U.S. seeks to involve Guyana to "address" a crisis it not only exacerbated but orchestrated.
Diplomacy often requires courtesy, even toward those whose actions have wrought
m i s e r y u p o n m i l l i o n s P r e s i d e n t A l i , n o d o u b t , extended that courtesy to Secretary of State Marco Rubio.
But let us not mistake
d i p l o m a c y f o r d e f e r e n c e Guyana must be wary of the trap laid before it. The U.S. is not offering partnership to solve the migrant crisis; it is o u t s o u r c i n g r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for a disaster of its own making.
The seeds of Venezuela's e c o n o m i c t u r m o i l w e r e planted long before the fall in oil prices in 2014. Ever since Hugo Chávez rose to power, the United States had sought t o d e s t a b i l i z e Ve n e z u e l a Chávez's move to nationalize
k e y s e c t o r s o f t h e o i l industry a decision that aimed to wrest control from f o r e i g n c o r p o r a t i o n s a n d
r e d i s t r i b u t e w e a l t h w a s met with swift resistance.
The so-called strike by oil executives, which disrupted t h e c o u n t r y ' s l i f e l i n e industry, was no spontaneous act of dissent. It was part of a coordinated plan backed by Washington to undermine the Chávez government.
When that failed, the U.S. turned to more overt means of interference. A short-lived c o u p , a l m o s t l a u g h a b l y amateurish in its execution, saw Chávez briefly removed from power before loyalists reinstated him.
Yet, the U.S. did not r e l e n t U n d e r P r e s i d e n t
O b a m a , s a n c t i o n s b e g a n tightening their grip around Venezuela's economy These s a n c t i o n s , e x p a n d e d t o suffocating extremes under Donald Trump, were not merely punitive measures; they were calculated acts of economic warfare Senior U S o f f i c i a l s o p e n l y a c k n o w l e d g e d t h a t t h e sanctions would exacerbate Ve n e z u e l a ' s h u m a n i t a r i a n crisis, predicting a surge in migrants fleeing the country
For the United States to now approach Guyana with promises of cooperation on t h e m i g r a n t c r i s i s i s barefaced. Marco Rubio, has the temerity to present the U.S. as lending a helping hand to a problem it created. Guyana, with its surging GDP, thanks to newfound oil wealth, is being positioned as a convenient receptacle for d i s p l a c e d Ve n e z u e l a n s a buffer zone to prevent these migrants from making the p e r i l o u s j o u r n e y
o u g h Central America and Mexico
to reach the U.S.
The U.S. has no genuine i n t e r e s t i n r e s o l v i n g t h e migrant crisis. Its primary concern is to shield itself from the consequences of its own actions. By offloading t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o n t o Guyana, it seeks to divert a t t e n t i o n f r o
history of interference in
economic destabilization has b
President Ali must tread cautiously Guyana's recent economic windfall has made it a target for foreign powers with self-serving agendas. The U.S., under the guise of partnership, will attempt to exploit Guyana's resources and strategic position.
A c c e p t i n g A m e r i c a n overtures on the migrant crisis risks en
ngling in problems not of its making.
Guyana's priority must be to protect its own national i n t e r e s t s T h i s m e a n s resisting any arrangement that seeks to shift the burden of Venezuela's migrants onto its shoulders.
G u y a n a h a s i t s o w n d e v e l o p m e n t a l c h a l l e n g e s that demand urgent attention. D i v e
address a crisis engineered by the United States would be a disservice to the Guyanese people.
Accepting hundreds of t h o u s a n d s
m i c m i g r a n t s w i l l p l a c e a n unbearable strain on social services.
President Ali must also r e c o g n i z e t h e b r o a d e r implications of aligning too closely with Wa
The more roads we build, the more cars we getting
Dem boys seh we building plenty highway and bypass road. Every time one done, is plenty celebration and big-up speech.
But guess what? De traffic still deh same place, like a stubborn stain you can't scrub out. Yuh coulda swear all dem new road do is mek people buy car
Dem boys seh every time we mek a highway, more car coming in, and now every house got two or three car pon de driveway—or pon de parapet. Yuh deh long in traffic more than yuh deh at yuh work. If yuh late fuh work, tell dem is not yuh fault—tell dem is de highway fault.
De big joke, dem boys seh, is how we miss de chance fuh do something smart. Yuh see all dem land pon de side ah dem highway?
Dat shoulda been fuh light rail. Dem boys seh rail woulda bin fast, reliable, and cheap. One train coulda move more people
The U.S. has no permanent a l l i e s , o n l y p e r m a n e n t interests. Today, it seeks to use Guyana as a buffer state; tomorrow, it may turn its back when Guyana faces its own challenges, including from any new Venezuelan government that may be sympathetic to the US but wish wishes to get its hands on the Essequibo.
Instead of succumbing to U S p r e s s u r e , G
n destabilizing Venezuela. Let Secretary Rubio be reminded that the U.S. recognized an unelected political figure, Juan Guaidó, as Venezuela's president, all while decrying a l l e g e d e l e c t o r a l f r a u d without providing evidence. L e t h i m e x p l a i n h o w s
Venezuela's economy were
Venezuelan people.
p t U S "cooperation" on the migrant crisis is to allow the narrative to shift away from American c
Guyana must refuse to play this role.
Guyana must reject U.S. overtures on the migrant crisis and remind the world that the United States is no innocent bystander It is the
economic collapse and the principal cause of the migrant exodus. To engage with the U.S. on this issue without addressing its culpability is to betray one's conscience.
than all de minibus and taxi put together But instead, dem lands getting hand out like free sweetie to investors.
D e m g o n b u i l d m a l l , h o t e l a n d warehouse and bond pon dem land, and all dem gon do is mek more car pack up de road like sardine.
Dem boys seh, Guyana need to think long-term.
A light rail woulda save people time and money, and help dem who can't afford two or three car But no, we ain't doing dat. We l i k e s h o
Dem boys seh if we don't stop dis nonsense and plan better, one day it gon be faster to walk than drive. Imagine dat—new highway, plenty car, and people walking fuh reach faster. Dem boys seh we building highways where de traffic always waiting to welcome yuh. Talk half. Leff half.
expressed in this
those of the author and
The elect suffix is now
g o n e f r o m P r e s i d e n t
D o n a l d J T r u m p ’ s second incarnation as America’s chief executive. For some reason, I got the impression that he was
a l r e a d y p r e s i d e n t s i n c e t h e November results were in the bag. Certainly, he overshadowed the incumbent Uncle Joe Biden. What can I say about the new President
Tr u m p w i t h o u t v i o l a t i n g m y promise not to say a bad word about him in his first 100 days? I know, and unlike President Ali and other PPP Government luminaries, how to keep my word.
T r o o p s t o t h e b o r d e r i s absolutely necessary I agree. It was one of the policies of the Biden administration that gutted it. Look at what those let in were doing in places like New York. Look at how the whole immigration system was made into a monkey with a banana and a bag of nuts (and nutcases in the White House).
Declaring cartels and gangs as terrorist organizations is a step that took too long. Another plus for Mr. Trump. He is fulfilling promises and in tune with the raw emotions of his base.
If I have a negative thought to share about pardons for January 6 patriots known in some quarters as rioters, those will have to wait until early May
Let this be said from now, though: the Biden pardons of family and some others offsets whatever President Trump has in mind on that score. I think I will
applying to President Ali and Jagdeo as security in the event that I lose my cool and step out of line at some time in the future. What’s a little insurance among comrades?
orders lined up for his signature, the probability is high that there is something that somebody is not going to like. For me, Panama Canal and Greenland are for later contributions. So are tariffs on neighbours and the chatter about China and its perils.
My thoughts on the Communist Chinese need no introduction. So, there is much that me and Mr. MAGA may find common ground on, strange as that may seem. Stranger still is how politics makes for the strangest of bedfellows and fellow travellers.
Just so that the greenhorns and uninitiated get me straight: there are very few issues on which Mr Trump (old or new and improved) could coexist with; as the romance novelists are fond of saying, the chemistry is not just there.
There is not much of the many big things that mean something to me to galvanize a meeting of the minds.
But as I hasten to assure my f e l l o w G u y a n e s e a n d f e l l o w Americans (see how much a child of the universe I am!), the returning President Trump is entitled to the freedom of his first 100 days.
It is a traditional honeymoon offered to leaders, which should not be broken, regardless of who the o ff i c e h o l d e r i s , a n
r concerns there are about him. He must be given a chance, the freest room, to prove himself. Or to prove his detractors and naysayers (Guyana’s President Ali again) to have been on the money about him right from the start.
I will limit myself to saying that Americans have been yearning for a man on horseback since the halcyon years of Ronnie Reagan and Oliver North. Now they have
their strongman president. If I may be permitted the luxury, they got what they wished for in President Donald J. Trump.
Will he overstep and blow them up with himself to follow, that is the q
s t i o n o n
o n e ’s m i n d F r o m w e l l - w i s h e r t o w e l lcontented outsiders watch and wait with their fingers crossed and more than a little prayer to comfort them.
As for me, I am minding my business and staying as far from President Trump as is humanly possible. I like most of the orders that he has passed to this point. The ones that I don’t agree with, will have to wait for later
As for Guyanese and President Trump, don’t look for this one to be a brownnoser or a groveller behind him of before respectively Just not in my nature, folks; and that is the way that it will stay I guarantee it.
There are many other willing Guyanese ready to fall down, rollover, and do a good job of being Lassie or Pansy. I wonder how they w
G u y a n e s e l i v i n g i l l e g a l l y i n America get hauled in and sent out o f A m e r i c a s t r a i g h t b a c k t o
Most of them were not only living illegally there, but were having a great time engaging in illegal stuff Give me your criminals, your losers, your ruffians and riffraff…. Oh well, I guess that if America has neither place nor patience for them, then Guyana must pick-up the slack, take them back.
What will be the lot of the Guyanese people with a new wave of deportees will be next on the agenda. The criminal one, with which the Guyana Police Force has its hands full, both on the inside and on the outside also.
Donald Trump has made a solid start to Making America Great Again. I can’t help but thinking about where that leaves Guyana. God bless America. May God not forget Guyana.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this newspaper.)
As the Government of Guyana (GoG) continues to refuse to provide a detailed breakdown on the use of resources from the oil and gas sector, the Opposition has called out the administration for what it believes is lawless and disrespectful.
Shadow Minister of Natural Resources, Shurwayne Holder, on
Day Two of the ongoing 2025 Budget debate, pointed out that the Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, accounted for every dollar spent from the money received from Norway through the Low
On the other hand, Holder
blatantly refused to account for the hundreds of billions of dollars
country’s oil account.
To this end, the Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) said, “Mr Speaker, they accounted to the Norwegians for their LCDS money but when it comes to our oil money,
the PPP continues to violate their own law which they brought to this v
y themselves in December 2021.” Holder reminded the National Assembly that the NRF Act makes it clear that all withdrawals from the Fund shall be deposited into the Consolidated Fund and shall be Continued on page 22
Guyana’s Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat has stated that the country would be bankrupt if it hands out GYD$1M to every family
His remark was in response to comments made by Opposition M
t ( M P )
Ronald Cox. Last Friday, during his 2025 budget debate presentation, MP Cox said, “Under an alternative government, we will see $1 million being given to every single family in this country Expanding the cash grant system to cover a large proportion of families.”
MP Cox’s suggestion of a cash handout to citizens is not new Last
announced a one-off cash grant of
However, due to several concerns raised the initiative was reformed into a $100,000 cash grant for
citizens 18 years and older This initiative which is still being rolled out is expected to cost $60 billion. W
believes that a $1 million cash grant to every family is possible, Minister Bharrat disagrees and states that Continued on page 18
E m b a t t l e d A s s i s t a n t
Commissioner of Police, Calvin Brutus, on Monday called on the High Court to quash all summons issued by the Tribunal established by Police Service Commission (PSC) to investigate him.
In a $100M lawsuit filed
a g a i n s t t h e P S C , t h e Attorney General and the Tribunal, Brutus said his constitutional rights have
b e e n b r e a c h e d m a k i n g specific reference to Articles 8, 38, 39, 40, 65, 122(A), 141, 144, 149 and 154 (A). These articles pertain to his protection under the law, due process, and the right to a fair trial.
The senior police officer is also asking the court to grant a permanent injunction
o r c o n s e r v a t o r y o r d e r preventing the Tribunal from i n v e s t i g a t i n g h
c o n s e r v a t o r y o r d e r preventing the Tribunal from d i s c h a rg i n g i t s m a n d a t e pending the hearing and determination of the extant criminal charges against him in all courts of law
On January 22, 2025 the PSC appointed a special tribunal to investigate a series of serious disciplinary charges Brutus. The Tribunal includes Assistant Solicitor General and Chairperson of the Tribunal Shoshanna Lall, Attorney Keoma Griffith and Seelall Persaud (former Commissioner of Police and present employee of the State).
Brutus was scheduled to appear before the Tribunal on the same day but failed to attend The PSC in the s t a t e m e n t o u t l i n e d t h a t Brutus was later summoned to appear on January 27; however, he did not attend the hearing.
T h e A s s i s t a n t Commissioner of Police said that the Tribunal established by the PSC has “no power to compel the attendance of any witness or party who at the time of his or her summons to attend is charged with a criminal offence born of the circumstances the Tribunal is charged with inquiring into.”
He argued that any such compulsion will be contrary to his right to a fair trial, equality of arms, due process and the protection of the law
Brutus, in his Fixed Date Application, has also asked the court to declare that the “ S t a t e o f G u y a n a h a s breached its duty to ensure t h a t e v e r y p e r s o n (specifically Calvin Brutus)
charged with a criminal offence is given a fair trial.”
He submitted that in his circumstance, the outcome
of him attending the Tribunal is lik
In his Affidavit, Brutus s a i d t h a t a t t e n d i n g t h e Tribunal could jeopardize his ongoing criminal case at t h e G e o r g e t o w n Magistrates’ Court. Brutus, who is facing over 240 criminal charges, claims the State is exposing him to self-incriminatory t e s t i m o n y , r i s k i n g c o m p u l s i o n a n d a d v e r s e sanctions.
In the affidavit filed by Brutus, it was argued that remaining absent from the hearings and protecting his job is preferable to risking a g u i l t y f i n d i n g b y t h e Tribunal, which could lead to his dismissal.
B r u t u s s t a t e d i n t h e affidavit that he was on 14 days sick leave and was n e v e r s u m m o n e d t o t h e Tribunal. “I learnt from the media by way of a Police Service Commission press release that I am to appear at the Tribunal on Monday January 27, 2025. I never received any such notice or summons,” Brutus said in the document.
The senior cop stated that h e w a s s e r v e d w i t h documents on January 17, 2 0 2 5 b y D e p u t y Commissioner Errol Watts. “One of the documents was a letter from the Police Service Commission notifying me that a Tribunal had been set up to try me for the offences of breach of discipline.”
He added, “I received a bundle attached to it which had identical documents and charges for the offences for which I am before the Court charged criminally in 261 charges.
A s a r e s u l t o f t h e institution’s alleged breach, B r u t u s ’ l a w y e r E u s i Anderson outlined several reasons for not attending the Tribunal hearings.
“The applicant sought n o t t o a t t e n d o r b e summoned to attend the Tribunal in so far as he r e m a i n s c h a r g e d f o r a criminal offence born of the factual circumstances the Tribunal is enquiring into his attendance and participation risk the jeopardy of giving a n s w e r s w h i c h c a n b e d e e m e d f a l s e b y t h e commissioners in their sole discretion, or in the extreme, his non-participation, by silence when present or absent altogether, can be c o n s t r u c t e d a s c o n t e m p t which is punishable by the commission, with an adverse finding that he is guilty of the o f f e n c e c h a r g e d a n d dismissed from the Guyana
P o l i c e F o r c e , ” A n d e r s o n explained.
G i v e n t h e s e c l a i m s , Brutus, through his attorneys Eusi Anderson and Darren Wade, argues that he is entitled to damages due to t h e e m o t i o n a l t r a u m a , anxiety, and distress caused by the State’s actions.
“All these consequences o f t h e b r e a c h w e r e foreseeable and within the realm of possibilities when State actors proceeded to issue the said summons to w i t n e s s , ” t h e d o c u m e n t stated.
Further, Anderson told Kaieteur News that his client would not appear at the PSC Tribunal.
“Brutus is not at the hearing, and he will never be present at the hearing,” the
lawyer said. M e a
with the situation: “I will not be the State’s whipping boy or poster boy as they seek to give the nation the false hope that they are fighting alleged corruption Such a fight would be more effective if it starts at Main Street and New Garden Street respectively There are procedures and steps to follow when taking certain actions, and the State s h o u l d e m b
c e t h o s e practices which are provided for in the Constitution. It is b e c a u s e o f t h e i r unwillingness to do so that I h a v e c h a l l e n g e d t h e configuration of the Tribunal which was established to target me.”
financing from the World Bank.
Education in its request for bids document stated that the World Bank is financing the
Capital through Education Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for the ‘Rehabilitation and
Secondary School’.
rehabilitating and upgrading the Hope Secondary School located on the East Coast of
reported that in August 2022 the government signed
agreement with the World Bank through that project title.
A screen grab of one of the children leaving the car
Two young children were caught on camera breaking into a parked car and stealing several items on Saturday at S e c t i o n ‘ K ’ C a m p b e l l v i l l e , Georgetown.
The incident was captured b y s u r v e i l l a n c e c a m e r a s positioned to the front of a house in the community where the car was parked.
The video circulating on Facebook showed the two boys a p p r o a c h i n g t h e v e h i c l e , initially emptyhanded. They stopped at the side of the car and entered the vehicle. After a few minutes, the children were seen leaving the car with a black plastic bag, allegedly containing items from the car
The owner of the vehicle
Terryann Tia Persaud, told Kaieteur News that the incident occurred 12:01hrs while she was in her home.
“The car was packed with grocery stuff for the interior but they were other things in the car The night the bus came to uplift the items, that is when we realized… when we opened the c a r t h a t e v e r y t h i n g w a s scattered all over The only thing we noticed that was gone so far was a bag of cigarettes which is very odd because you think kids would steal the grocery stuff,” Persaud said.
W h e n a s k e d h o w t h e children were able to enter the
car, Persaud stated that she was unsure, claiming that the car was alarmed and the windows on the car doors were up.
“My fiancé and I were trying to figure that out, the car was armed. When we went back to the car with the keys, the car went off and we saw that the passenger side door its slightly pushed in so we were wondering why was the door pushed in,” she told Kaieteur News
Kaieteur News understands that the children were observed
bicycles, allegedly surveying t h
returning to take the items from the car
around the street and parked the bicycle somewhere and went back to the car,” Persaud recalled.
According to Persaud, the children were known to her as they would ask her for money when they are around the area.
“We have seen these kids ride around the streets, we have given them money before, they would stop and ask for money and we were just shocked that it was them,” Persaud stated. So far, the couple has not reported the matter to the police because of the age of the children.
From page 14 such an initiative could leave the country’s bankrupt.
The minister said, “$1-milliondollar cash handout from the Honorable Cox, good luck my brother Apparently, you have no idea as to the revenue earnings of our country It would simply make our country bankrupt.”
Minister Bharrat told the House that the opposition MPs are making “fanciful recommendations and fake promises.” He noted too that if the government was to follow such a suggestion the country will be u n a b l e t o b u i l d o u t i t s infrastructure.
“We will be unable to do anything whether its infrastructure, whether it’s healthcare, whether its education or any other service. We will be a bankrupt country once we
Dalgety-Dean has won the Anthony N Sabga Award for her work with women, children and migrants, a release from the Ansa McAl on Monday said T
made in Port of Spain Monday
https://youtu be/BS3gL5im3ic ?feature=shared
Blossom Inc., offers services to protect women and children
therapy, forensic interviewing of witnesses and victims of violence for use in court, and
participate in the economy and society It operates eight centres in f
Dalgety-Dean will receive the
ceremony in Port of Spain on June 7.
Three other 2025 laureates announced Monday include jazz trumpeter Etienne Charles of T&T, e-comm
RenieGonzales also of T&T, a n
D r Simone Badal of Jamaica.
The Anthony N Sabga Awards, Caribbean Excellence has been in existence since 2005.
I t h a s a w a r d e d 6 6 Caribbean nationals with over $32 million in funding to support their work.
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , contact can be made with R o b e r
a r k e a t or 1-868-470-4871.
Guyanese activist, Ayodele Dalgety-Dean
follow your policy honourable Cox and the policy of the APNU+AFC,” he suggested.
Guyana’s Natural Resources Fund (NRF) received a total of US$2.5 billion for the year 2024. It s h o u l d b
government will be withdrawing about US$2 4 billion or $512 billion this year from the NRF to support its $1.3 trillion or US$6.6 billion 2025 National Budget. What Guyana is losing out on
This publication had reported that Guyana has lost at least US$6.5 billion in oil revenue between the period 2020 and 2024, due to the l o p s i d e d t e
Parris described the failure by the Coalition government to secure better terms for Guyanese as one of
y’s independent history
T h e S t a b r o e k B l o c k P S A waives all taxes from the oil companies and caters for the taxes to be paid by Guyana; it gives Guyana a 2% royalty on its rich resources, and agrees to the oil companies recovering 75% of investments before the remaining 2 5 % i s s h a
n a receiving 12.5%. This publication had also reported that the deal lacks a ring-fencing provision.
Parris said, had the government reduced the cost recovery cap to
60%, insisted on a signing bonus of U S $ 8 0 0 m i l l i o n , i m p l e m e n t e d ring-fenci
companies paid its own taxes, Guyana could have gained at least an additional US$6.5 billion in oil revenues between 2020 and 2024.
Moreover, a look at United S t a t e s o i l g i a n t , E x x o n M o b i l Corporation’s, first-ever disclosure of payments to host governments, it appears as though the company’s Guyanese subsidiary paid US$656 million in taxes to the Government of Guyana in 2023. However, the reality is that Exxon is not paying income taxes in Guyana The company has said that while it is subject to Guyana’s income tax laws, the taxes assessed on the company’s operation are paid by the government, rather than the company itself.
ExxonMobil Guyana did not have to pay over GYD$197 billion in taxes to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) for the years 2022 and 2023 [$138B in 2023, $59B in 2022], as the taxes were paid by the Government in keeping with the PSA.
While there have been calls for the Stabroek Block contract to be r e n e g o t i a t e d , t h e P e o p l e ’ s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) government has been adamant about not renegotiating the oil contract. The PPP position is that it will abide by the sanctity of contract and not seek to renegotiate the deal. For their part, the People’s N a t i o n a l C
n g r e s s R e
r m (PNCR) has promised that their next government will “review” the deal.
...but Exxon still on course to pump 1.3 million barrels per day from operations in Guyana by 2030
( R E U T E R S ) - W a l l Street expects U.S. oil and gas companies to keep a lid on spending in 2025 and
y President Donald Trump to "drill, baby, drill."
Big Oil begins reporting fourth-quarter results this week, and outlooks for the
coming year should reflect
investor expectations. The industry has pushed in recent years to drive down costs and increase production by
drilling many new wells. Producers also must contend
Govt. spending billions
on education but there is no value for money
– Coretta McDonald
Opposition Member of P a r l i a m e n t ( M P ) a n d
General Secretary of the Guyana Teachers' Union (GTU) Coretta McDonald on Tuesday said that the g o v
education sector but there is still no value for money
T h e O p p o s i t i o n M P made these remarks during her contribution to the 2025 budget debates which are being held at the National Assembly
M c D o n a l d s a i d t h e education sector, “is in such a mess” and that the lavish spending does not address the many challenges.
“ W h e n y o u l o o k a t pages 52 Section B to page 57 (The Budget Speech), we see the problem, and that is why the sector is in such a mess. In this budget, Sir, the cash is being splashed, but there is no indication of
whether the investments over the past years have d e l i v e r e d e x p e c t e d outcomes. A billion here and a billion there, a school here and a school there, sir, but
t h e r e i s n o h o l i s t i c evaluation of what occurs after the school is opened,” McDonald argued.
S h e s t a t e d t h a t t h e b u d g e t o n c e a g a i n confirmed to teachers that their work is not valued. She explained that with monies allocated to improve and e n h a n c e s c h o o l s , classrooms, yet teachers and learners still continue to face hardship.
“As I speak, sir, teachers
are working in horrible conditions all across this country And we've seen it. We've heard of it The pigeons at several schools, the conditions in Bush Lot Secondary where a beam
with lower global oil prices
demand rebound runs its
economy struggles.
Benchmark Brent crude (BZ=F, BZT=F) oil prices are projected to average $74 per barrel in 2025, down from $81 in 2024, according
y Information Administration.
U S exploration and production s
companies to target up to 5% production growth this year, and flat to slightly lower
expenditures.The exception i s E x x o n M
fell on a parent, the pit latrines. Sir, in this day, we are still having our children in crowded classrooms. In this day, sir, we are still having teachers who cannot have access to learning m a t e r i a l s i n o r d e r t o perform their task,” the MP said providing examples.
S h e c o n t i n u e d : “ S i r, teachers have to perform in classrooms with mosquitoes buzzing around their ears, sir, teachers have to spend extra money to purchase i n s e c t r e p e l l e n t s S i r , teachers are in classrooms risking their lives every day, opening the doors of a draw with a snake inside. Sir, if you were to visit some of these schools, you would be a p p a l l e d a t w h a t i s happening.” McDonald told the House that the country's e d u c a t i o n s e c t o r i s “ i n serious trouble”.
“Sir, I cannot support this budget allocation as it s t a n d s i n a n e c o n o m y undergoing unprecedented transformation,” she added while noting that the 2025 budget represents a failure to protect workers, ensure safe workplaces, “failure to account accuracy to the people of Guyana, a failure to our children, a failure to secure and sustain”.
M e a n w h i l e , i n h e r presentation to the National A s s e m b l y, M i n i s t e r o f E d u c a t i o n P r i y a Manickchand who defended her sector and partly boasted o f h e r g o v e r n m e n t ' s achievements not only in the education, but other sectors.
S h e s a i d t h a t t h e budgetary allocations being made by her government since taking office in 2020 addressed and continues to address the many challenges that her party met.
Thummel, senior portfolio manager at Tortoise Capital. "However, less regulation w
increase drilling activity if c
h levels that are too high."
Chevron, which reports results on Friday, is expected to grow production by about 3% this year and in the midsingle digit percentage in 2026, said Barclays analysts
company has followed
( X O M ) , which plans a large increase in production. The largest U.S. oil company intends to m
production in the Permian, the top U.S. shale field, and pump 1.3 million barrels per d
operations in Guyana by 2030.
“We expect most oil and
, moving out of a phase of heavy investment in new p
t s , a n d i s n o w g e n e r a t i n g c a s h , s a i d analysts from RBC Capital Markets in a note. Chevron c o u l d a l s o a n n o u n c e a dividend increase of at least 5% over the previous year, Thummel added, as dividend increases have been between 6% to 8% previously Chevron is expected to report $3.87 billion in profit,
according to data compiled by LSEG, which would be a decline from $6.45 billion in the year-ago quarter Exxon
expected to report $6 85 billion in profit, down from $9.96 billion in the same q
month that lower oil refining profits and weakness across its business would reduce earnings by about $1 75 billion compared to the third quarter.An arbitration panel w
Hess - a purchase that would give Chevron a rival stake in G
Exxon has claimed a contractual right to buy Hess' stake in the field. Producer ConocoPhillips could also grow oil and gas production
percentage this year to focus o
shareholders, Barclays said. The company, in December,
completed its $22.5 billion b
e r Marathon Oil, which had been under a Federal Trade Commission review This c o u l d ,
c o
d i n g t o Scotiabank analysts, swing its performance up. Occidental, meanwhile, is expected to report $730.9 million in adjusted profit for the fourth quarter, up from $710 million in the same quarter last year The oil p r o d u c e r c l o s e d i t s acquisition of CrownRock in August and its capex this year is expected to total $7.44 billion, up from $6.9 billion last year, Barclays s a
y, R
James analysts expect the company to choose free cash flow over growth after its acquisition o f E n d e a v o r P r o f
expected to come in at $977 m
$ 8 5 4 million in the same quarter last year Production growth is expected to be flat with lesser spending in 2025, they added.
survivors have received life-
Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) as part of a historic collaboration b
, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (BAPRASS) and the Caribbean Association of Plastic, Reconstructive & A e s t
The surgeries occurred from January 24 to 27, 2025.
The hospital, at a press c o n f
o n Tu e s d a y, disclosed that the four-day m
of fiv
surgeons from the United K i n g d o m ( U K ) a n d t h e Caribbean, who performed a d v a n c e d b r e a s t reconstruction surgeries at no cost to the patients. The procedures were part of a broader initiative to enhance surgical care and training in Guyana, while providing critical support to breast cancer survivors.
D u r i n g t h e p r e s s conference held at the GPHC R e s e a r c h C e n t r e , N e w Market Street, Georgetown, D r. R o b b i e R a m b a r r a n ,
The medical team which performed the breast reconstruction surgeries.
C h i e f E x e c u t i v e O ff i c e r ( C E O ) e x p r e s s e d d e e p appreciation for the team's efforts.
“I must say this, they (the doctors) are here on their own expenses and we are t r u l y g r a t e f u l f o r t h e i r services and the Guyanese patients at the Georgetown Hospital are very grateful to the team for taking their personal time, (to come),” he said.
D r . S h a i l e n d r a R a j k u m a r, H e a d o f t h e
Department of Surgery at GPHC, emphasized that the m i s s i o n w e n t b e y o n d surgery, focusing also on building local capacity He added, “This is the first time that such a team was put together in any part of the Caribbean where we had, a team coming for o n e c a u s e , t h e
in Guyana.” T
that the surgeries included advanced techniques such
TRAM flaps, DIEP flaps, and Latissimus Dorsi flaps, with each procedure lasting a
patients, all breast cancer survivors, had previously
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Opposition Member of Parliament, (MP) Amanza Walton-Desir has called out the Government over the lack of adequate diplomatic representation abroad.
During her contribution to the budget debates on Monday, Walton-Desir, the Shadow Minister Foreign Affairs called on the government to explain their policy for overseas representation. “The minister should have been able to tell this House how his Government will ensure that Guyana is represented by a professional cadre of diplomats. He should be able to tell this House what plans are in place to train and
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appoint younger career diplomats in our embassies in Brasilia, Caracas, Paramaribo and Washington. I am by no means against older persons and I welcome all hands on deck in this endeavour, but certainly we must have a plan to ensure continuity and competence,” the opposition MP said.She pointed out that Guyana remains severely underrepresented in Africa with one diplomatic mission in South Africa when Venezuela has close to 20. “I heard the minister's boast that this year Guyana will be hosting a retreat of the African Group,
I look forward to announcements of Guyana's enhanced presence on the African Continent coming out of this retreat. And hopefully, Nigerians and other African nationals will have an easier time obtaining visas on arrival here instead of being turned back at the airport and that African students studying here will have their student visas renewed without the hassle that often places their studies in jeopardy.” Walton-Desir said.
“I would ask the honourable minister of $10 billion he is asking for…how much of that is the govern-
ment going to invest in recruiting and training younger entrants into the field, what are the arrangements in place to mentor the next generation of Guyanese diplomats?” “I suspect that the reality is very little, because at their core the PPP/C has always seen diplomatic assignments as jobs for their cronies…as rewards for favours done, never mind the national interest…This is classic PPP/C when it comes to our representation overseas-Placing Patrons in Prestigious Capitals and Promising Posts to Party Connections,” Walton-Desir added.
From page 21 time BAPRASS had extended its efforts to the Caribbean.“Some of the doctors here are now learning …these operations. They have done a lot of it on this trip already - we have a model (a microscope) and now for training that they will start using,” he said.
The doctor explained that the microscope is expected to arrive in Guyana in a few days and will complement the ongoing breast reconstruction surgeries.
Meanwhile, 61-year-old Leonie Walton Barton, one of the beneficiaries of the surgery, shared her journey at the press conference.She said, “I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020. I did the surgery early 2021 and during my follow-up process, I was told by Dr. Gooding about the plan to reconstruct the breast. She referred me and the journey there was (my) patience paid off because I am very happy with the results thanks to the doctors, (and) the team.”
An emotional 56-year-old Ranrattia
Conhay from Region Two, also expressed her gratitude. “I (was) diagnosed (with cancer) since 2001, and I did surgery and in 2023. I did chemo… and I feel like my life is done because I don't have a breast and I can't go nowhere and then I do the breast surgery, the reconstruction of the breast and I am so happy because I can go anywhere and I must thank the team.”In addition to the breast reconstruction surgeries, the team performed facial reconstructive surgery on a 14-year-old girl who was severely injured in a boat accident two months ago. Despite complications requiring follow-up, the surgery - an anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap procedure with bone graft - was successful and the girl is recovering well. By the end of the mission, four patients had been discharged, with five remaining under observation. GPHC hopes that this mission will open the door to future collaborations aimed at improving access to advanced reconstructive surgery throughout Guyana and the wider Caribbean Region.
From page 12 used only to finance national development priorities and/ or essential projects that are directly related to ameliorating the effects of a major natural disaster To this end, Holder reiterated calls from the Opposition for government to state projects and programmes being funded through oil revenue.Previously, the Chief Policymaker for the oil and gas sector, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo explained that it would be difficult to show how the resources garnered from the sector are utilized. He reasoned, “How do you balkanize revenue coming into the budget? (It) becomes a very difficult thing to do. So, where the transparency is done - transparency is that every cent s pent from oil money, from non-oil revenue and from borrowing, has to be appropriated by the National Assembly through a Budgetary Appropriation Process, whether it is the original Budget or through Supplementary Budgets which then form an appropriation act or a supplementary appropriation act, which itemizes all of the expenditure of the state and how much is going to be spent…”
This explanation attracted criticism from both the
Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes and former Finance Minister, Winston Jordan who argued that in the absence of transparency, the NRF has become a slush fund for the government. Jagdeo, however, said that providing a breakdown of how the resources are used is not a legal requirement of the Natural Resource Fund Act of 2021.To this end, he noted that government would only identify projects funded by oil money which was withdrawn for emergency purposes.
He explained, “Outside of this annual withdrawal which is captured by a ceiling now
and formula…government can draw down money for one specific additional purpose that’s in case we have a national emergency for example a major flood disaster or a tsunami…in that case there is no ceiling but you can’t go and say, ‘Oh, I’m forecasting’. You have to give the projects and the specific use of the Fund if you trigger that provision of the law.”
He pointed out that that provision was never triggered. “So that’s the only case where you have to detail the expenditure made from the oil revenue to have the withdrawal done,” Jagdeo said.
From page 16
The project will support the piloting and national rollout of a new curriculum for Grades Seven to Nine and finance textbooks for Grades Seven to Eleven. It will also see the development of a new TVET sector policy for 2022-2030 and improve the delivery of TVET at secondary and post-secondary institutions. At the recent sod-turning ceremony for the Kaneville Secondary School, Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, in a live broad-
cast on her Facebook page disclosed that Hope Secondary will be rehabilitated and extended and will be equipped with facilities it did not have before. “On the East Coast we don’t need a new school, a new secondary school that is, we just opened, two years ago, the Good Hope Secondary but we are also expanding the Hope Secondary, extending as well as rehabilitating, and Annandale Secondary and putting in facilities they did not have before,” she disclosed.
Th e G u y a n a
E l e c t i o n s C o m m i s s i o n (GECOM) on Tuesday said that the use of biometrics at the place of polls for the u p c o m i n g G e n e r a l a n d Regional Elections requires
a l e g i s l a t i v e f r a m e w o r k failing which it would be unconstitutional.
In a statement GECOM inter alia explained that a l a c k o f l e g i s l a t i v e framework to support the use of such technology during a national election is one of the m a i n r e a s o n s w h y biometrics will not be used.
I n t h e l e n g t h y p r e s s release, the commission said that it has taken note of the c o n s t a n t p u b l i c a t i o n o f opposing perspectives in the media over the past week,
o v e r C h a i r p e r s o n o f Commission, Justice (ret'd) Claudette Singh's decision not to allow the use of biometrics at this year's e l e c t i o n s d u e t o t h e u n r e a l i s t i c t i m e l i n e s f o r implementing the system.
According to GECOM, t h e d i s c u s s i o n o n t h e introduction of biometrics is
c e n t e r e d o n a m o t i o n circulated by Commissioner
V i n c e n t A l e x a n d e r o n November 22, 2023.
GECOM said the motion for the introduction of such technology was premised on
a l l e g a t i o n s o f v o t e r impersonation at places of poll and that such a feature could serve as an additional mechanism for enhancing the system of identifying voters on Election Day
Subsequently, GECOM
MA C O R P o n M o n d a y celebrated the graduation of the 17th cohort of its Trainee Technician Programme at its MACORP
d e n c e , E
Bank Demerara (EBD). This six-month intensive training programme is now offered at no cost to the trainees who are then offered employment at MACORP
T h e
i s geared to provide trainees with a combination of hands-
m instruction, and mentorship, from experts in se in Heavy Equipment Maintenance and E
Generation. S
became a prominent agenda i t e m a t t h e s t a t u t o r y meetings of the Commission and it was during those deliberations that the Chief Election Officer (CEO), Mr Vishnu Persaud, was tasked w
introduction of electronic fingerprinting at registration and b
identification of voters on Election Day
biometrics fingerprinting in o t h e r c o
, a n
g h l i g h t e d m u l t i p l e
technical, legislative and administrative concerns.
However, according to the Commission, it has been noted that there are multiple reports in the public sphere that appear to be examining such an important matter in isolation by only attributing prominence to the benefits of the use of biometrics without due consideration of the l e g a l h u r d l e a n d t h e c h a l l e n g e s t h a t c a n b e experienced.
As such, GECOM said while the CEO's feasibility
s t u d y a c k n o w l e d g e d t h e
b e n e f i t s o f b i o m e t r i c
f i n g e r p r i n t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , t h e r e w e r e s e v e r a l challenges highlighted.
A m o n g t h e b e n e f i t s highlighted includes a high l e v e l o f s e c u r i t y , a s biometrics are unique to each individual, making it d i f f i c u l t f o r f r a u d u l e n t a c t i v i t i e s s u c h a s
impersonation or multiple voting to occur The use of biometrics also offers a more accurate method of voter identification compared to traditional methods like ID cards or signatures, thereby reducing the chances of e r r o
process, guarding against electoral fraud.
biometric fingerprints can
leading to faster and more efficient voting.
However, there are also
reliability and accuracy of biometric systems have been questioned due to factors
connectivity, power outages, hardware malfunctions, and
technical issues have led to delays in the voting process and raised concerns about the effectiveness of using
Inclusivity issues were also raised regarding the use
elderly, manual labourers, or individuals with disabilities, m
accurately scanned due to
GECOM said this raises
c o n c e r n s a b o u t
d i s e n f r a n c h i s e m e n t a n d unequal access to voting rights Legal and ethical concern particularly since questions have been raised a b o u t t h e l e g a l i t y o f
c o l l e c t i n g a n d s t o r i n g biometric data on a massive scale without robust data protection laws in place. There are also additionally ethical dilemmas that could arise concerning consent, t r a n s p a r e n c y , a n d accountability in handling voter biometrics.
C o n c e r n s w e r e a l s o raised about false positives or negatives, which could l e a d t o v o t e r d i s e n f r a n c h i s e m e n t o r fraudulent activities if not properly addressed.
“ I n f r a s t r u c t u r e challenges due to vast size and diverse population could p o s e i n f r a s t r u c t u r e
c h a l l e n g e s f o r t h e widespread implementation
o f b i o m e t r i c v o t e r identification.”
Further, the Commission
said that “Remote areas often lacked the necessary i n f r a s t r u c t u r e t o s u p p o r t
b i o m e t r i c t e c h n o l o g y , making it difficult to ensure u n i v e r s a l a c c e s s t o t h i s
v o t i n g m e t h o d L i m i t e d
access to electricity and internet connectivity in some a r e a s h i n d e r e d t h e effectiveness of the system.”
Operational challenges of implementing biometric technology for voting could
a l s o p o s e a c h a l l e n g e Training election officials, maintaining equipment, and ensuring smooth operations
on election days require
significant resources and
coordination GECOM said in its statement, while noting that the feasibility study also outlined cost implications, inadequate voter education, allegations of manipulation, resistance by political parties a n d p u b l i c t r u s t a s challenges.
N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g t h e benefits and challenges of b i o m e t r i c t e c h n o l o g y , GECOM said that within the context of Guyana, there is n o l e g a l p r o v i s i o n a n d t h e r e f o r e , a n y s u c h introduction at the place of p o l l w o u l d b e unconstitutional since it will impose additional conditions on a person's right to vote.
“It was therefore against this backdrop and having considered the deliberations at the Commission that the Chairman decided that even i f G E C O M w e r e t o implement biometrics as a s u p p l e m e n t a r y t o o l t o identify persons, this will still require legislation since such a system would impose an additional requirement on voters and would therefore be unconstitutional.”
continued commitment to Guyana's development.”
Mr German Consuegra,
General Manager, addressed t h e g r a d u a t e s w i t h a n inspiring charge: “Today marks the first day of the rest of your careers. The sky is the limit. Y o u ' v e g a i n e d t h e knowledge – now make it happen! It's my dream that in
20 years, one of you will be the CEO of this company
This programme is part of our social responsibility, and w
opportunities for learning and development that give back to society.”
Mr Consuegra told the graduates that MACORP is committed to providing the best value to its clients and is continuously embarking on initiatives that build capacity a n d c a p a b i l i t y a n d challenged to graduates to s t r i v e f o
programme transformed his career: “The expert instructors brought their knowledge and e
necessary to cater fully for it; procurement of equipment
biometrics in the registration process and at the place of poll; training of staff on the
Commission education on the introduction of these systems and how they are to be used to aid in registration and in voting.
Against this backdrop, the Commission said it is n
s a
y f o
a l l stakeholders to be reminded that GECOM must operate within the constitutional and legislative provisions while ensuring that no voter is denied his/her constitutional right to vote.
A c c o r d i n g t o t h e s t a t e m e n t , t h e C h a i r m a n explained her decision that n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g t h e challenges of biometrics, it would be unrealistic for GECOM to be ready for the u p c o m i n g e l e c t i o n s considering all the things that would be required such a s : h o l d i n g s t a k e h o l d e r consultations to determine whether GECOM should i n t r o d u c e b i o m e t r i c s ; consulting with stakeholders including the government a n d t h e p a r l i a m e n t a r y political parties to determine whether it is even possible to d o s o n o w ; c o n s i d e r i n g things like costs and any l e g i s l a t i v e a m e n d m
collaborative and supportive learning environment that helped us grow.” Meanwhile. Mr. Neilson
highlighted the diversity of the group and the historic milestone they achieved
“By removing financial barriers, we are creating
individuals to thrive in their careers,” he said.
...Israeli forces continue ceasefire violations as thousands of Palestinians try to return to their homes in northern Gaza
A l J a z e e r a - T w o P a l e s t i n i a n s , i n c l u d i n g a child, have been killed and many wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza amid an
a g r e e d c e a s e f i r e , a s t h o u s a n d s o f p e o p l e continued to return to the northern part of the besieged enclave.
F i v e - y e a r - o l d N a d i a Mohammed al-Amoudi was killed and three people were wounded after the Israeli army shelled a horse cart late on Monday in al-Jisr, west of the Nuseirat refugee camp, t h e Wa f a n e w s a g e n c y reported.
Separately, Wafa also reported that a Palestinian man was killed and several people wounded after Israeli forces bombed a bulldozer as it was attempting to remove a vehicle stuck in Nuseirat.
These mark the latest i n c i d e n t s o f d i s p l a c e d Palestinians being attacked as they try to return to their h o m e s i n t h e w a r - t o r n
coastal enclave amid an
o n g o i n g t h r e e - s t a g e ceasefire agreement signed between Hamas and Israel, which went into effect on January 19.
The Israeli army said in a statement an aircraft “fired to repel suspicious vehicles” in central Gaza that were moving north in an area that is “not approved for passage according to the agreement”. The statement added that Israeli forces also fired on a Palestinian man in north Gaza who “posed a threat to them”.
Since the ceasefire began
o n J a n u a r y 1 9 , s e v e r a l violations by the Israeli army have been reported in Gaza.
Last week, heavy fire from Israeli tanks around the Karem Abu Salem crossing, known as Kerem Shalom to I s r a e l i s , e a s t o f G a z a ' s southern city of Rafah, was also reported.
I n a d d i t i o n , I s r a e l i g u n f i r e a l s o w o u n d e d a fisherman near the coast and an Israeli drone wounded another civilian inside Gaza.
Return to northern Gaza continues T
Vehicles queue up along the Salah al-Din Street in Nuseirat, January 27, 2025. [Eyad Baba/AFP]
make their way back to northern Gaza after Israeli forces opened the Netzarim C o r r i d o r o n M o n d a y following a two-day delay
G a z a ' s G o v e r n m e n t Media Office said “more
t h a n 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 d i s p l a c e d ” have crossed from southern Gaza into the north.
“Welcome to Gaza,” read a n e w l y e r e c t e d b a n n e r hanging above a dirt road in front of a collapsed building in Gaza City.
“This is the happiest day of my life,” said Lamees alIwady, a 22-year-old who returned to Gaza City after b e i n g d i s p l a c e d s e v e r a l times. “I feel as though my soul and life have returned to me. We will rebuild our homes, even if it's with mud and sand.”
A l J a z e e r a ' s H a n i Mahmoud, reporting from Salah al-Din Street in Gaza, said people continued to pour into the north for a second straight day, waiting in “very long queues” for hours, despite knowing the devastation that awaits them.
“ P e o p l e w h o a l r e a d y crossed to the north had a l r e a d y i n f o r m e d t h e i r family members and people
they know here that they are going back to a wasteland,”
M a h m o u d r e p o r t e d “ I t doesn't have anything left at all it doesn't have any basic necessities to sustain their life there.”
N e v e r t h e l e s s , s o m e Palestinians remained in a defiant mood, with one man returning north saying he
was determined to rebuild his home “brick by brick, wall by wall”.
“I am returning home, I know my home has been flattened, I am grieving the loved ones I lost but we are telling the whole world: We are holding steadfast to our home soil, to our homeland,” he told Al Jazeera.
returning to northern Gaza said: “I have been waiting in this long queue since the early hours of the morning. We are all here trying to get b
people waiting, it will take hours only to get a loaf of
Palestinians returning to northern Gaza came face to face with the extent of destruction wrought by more than a year of war Gaza's Government Media Office s a i d 1 3 5 , 0 0 0 t e n t s a n d caravans are needed in Gaza City and the north to shelter returning
Caribbean Airlines flight inbound to the Piarco International Airport
on Monday In a video captured by a passenger aboard the ART-72-600 twin turboprop aircraft, the cabin crew can be heard repeatedly calling on passengers to
(Trinidad Express) – Emergency landing of CAL flight
“brace” meaning to keep their heads down and hands over their heads as the plane descended into Trinidad. The cries of children can be heard. The plane landed safely at around 10.05p.m.Caribbean Airlines issued a statement overnight, acknowledging the incident and stating that the plane had been taken out of service “to facilitate inspection”.
No reason was given for the emergency landing being declared. Last Wednesday, a similar aircraft was being inspected by the crew at the ANR Robinson International Airport in Tobago, when it was discovered that one of the wheels on the front landing gear was missing. That plane was taken out of service.
SportsMax - Deandra
Dottin and captain Hayley
M a t t h e w s d e l i v e r e d dazzling performances to power West Indies Women to a dominant eight-wicket
victory over Bangladesh Women in the opening T20I at Warner Park on Monday
Dottin showcased her trademark power-hitting as she blasted an unbeaten 51 off just 22 balls, including s e v e n t o w
e innings with an unbeaten 60 off 54 deliveries as the home s
d e c h a s e d d o w n Bangladesh's 144 for three
e They finished on 145 for two in 16.5 overs.
The chase began with Matthews and opener Qiana Joseph putting on a strong 6 3 - r u n s t a n d J o s e p h contributed a brisk 29 from 21 balls before she went caught by Sharmin Akter off Fahima Khatun in the eighth over S h e m a i n e C a m p b e l l e (three) followed soon after, as she became Khatun's second scalp to leave West Indies at 73 for two in the 11th over
However, Bangladesh's hope for a collapse would not materialise as Dottin e n t e r e d t h e f r a y a n d transformed the match into a spectacle. She unleashed her fireworks in the 13th over when she hammered Rabeya
Khan for three massive sixes in an over that yielded 20 runs.The carnage continued as Dottin slog-swept Shorna Akter for another six, after w
h e d Khatun and Fariha Islam for more towering blows. Her final two sixes off Islam brought up her halfcentury in just 21 balls with West Indies on the brink of vict
y sealed the win in the 17th over when she drove Sultana Khatun to deep midwicket for a single. H e r 1 6 t h T 2 0 I h a l f -
seven boundaries, provided the perfect foil to Dottin's
bowling by the West Indies
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19
A financial windfall might come your way, Aries. This may not be a lottery win or s u r p r i s e i n h e r i t a n c e I t ' s probably something you've worked hard for, but more than you expected.
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
You're probably feeling full o f e n e r g y, Ta u r u s , a n d looking for an outlet for it aside from the usual jog or workout A hike along a scenic path would be just the thing
GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
Your subconscious mind is a c t i v e t o d a y , G e m i n i , p e r h a p s r e l e a s i n g o l d t r a u m a s f r o m t h e p a s t Memories from long ago could pour into your mind as t h o u g h f l o o d g a t e s w e r e opened.
CANCER (June 21–July 22)
You tend to be an adventurous soul by nature, Cancer Today the desire to do something you've never done before could be overwhelming
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
If you've been thinking about studying astrology, Leo, this is the day to do it Even if you already know the field, you might decide to branch out into a newer or more radical aspect.
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
Your innate sense of adventure is active today, Virgo. Travel is on your mind You and some friends may kick around ideas for an unconventional trip.
restricted Bangladesh to 144 for three, despite a late surge that saw the visitors add 52 runs in the final five overs.
Captain Nigar Sultana Joty led the charge with an unbeaten 53 off 40 balls, laced with five fours and two sixes. She received support from Sharmin Akter, who scored 37 off 41 balls, and S o b h a n a M o s t a r y, w h o chipped in with 22 off 21.
The victory gives West Indies Women a 1-0 lead in the series and sets the tone for the remaining matches, scheduled for Wednesday and Friday
From page 32 N
From page 33
local talent, and foster national pride. Initiatives like these exemplify the potential of sports to inspire and uplift Guyanese society While the GY$8 billion allocation provides a significant boost, Singh emphasized the need for additional resources to support Guyana's national basketball teams.
"Competing on the international stage requires extensive resources for training, travel, and facilities. We urge corporate sponsors, stakeholders, and well-wishers to join us in supporting our athletes," he added.The GBF reiterated its commitment to
basketball, ensuring the sport thrives at every level—from grassroots initiatives to international competitions.The recordbreaking budget allocation symbolizes the dawn of a transformative era for sports in Guyana, the GBF said, where with a clear focus on development, inclusivity, and global competitiveness, the government and sporting organizations are poised to create a brighter future for Guyana's athletes and communities.
“This is an exciting time for sports in Guyana," Singh remarked. "Together, we can seize the opportunities presented by this historic budget and build a legacy of excellence for generations to come.”
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
Career matters may involve some touchy circumstances t h a t r e q
You're in the right frame of mind to come up with them.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)
A burst of physical energy might have you spending hours working out today, Sagittarius. You might decide to try a new and ambitious exercise program.
SAGIT (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
A burst of physical energy might have you spending hours working out today, Sagittarius. You might decide to try a new and ambitious exercise program.
CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
ambitious, creative project of some kind, Capricorn? You might have so much to do that you decide to take on a partner, if you haven't already
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
The desire to improve your
today, Aquarius.
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
Much of your day may be spent running around your n e i g h b o r h o o d , P i s c e s , perhaps in the company of your partner You may have a lot of errands to run, or perhaps you're just antsy and unwilling to spend the day
Maya Buerger got a fourtimer for El Salvador in 30th, 36th, 54th, and 81st, while
, Abigail Salgado (40th), and Angelie Alvarenga (48th) got the others.
In the feature contest, Allison Mayorga (second), Linda Galindo (32nd), and Waleska Franco (88th) got the job done for Guatemala, while Jeandrelys Alexandre (15th) pulled one goal back for Curaçao.
From page 29
H e a d o f t h e G C B , M r Bissoondyal Singh, has noted that already there have been numerous positive results in n
investment. Mr Singh pointed to the many male and female
West Indies in both the white ball and red ball formats of the
cricketers engaged in franchise cricket around the world. He added that cricketers were now
moving apace to develop the game at Aishalton in Rupununi all of which point to the allinclusive changing landscape of cricket in Guyana. The GCB Head reminded that Dr Irfaan
millions of dollars worth of full cricket kits to young male and female cricketers from all ten
ceremony held at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre in August 2024.
including and especially His Excellency Dr Irfaan Ali and
Minister of Culture, Youth and
S p o r t s M a x - C r i c k e t West Indies (CWI) extended their congratulations to the West Indies Test team on their remarkable 120-run victory against Pakistan in Multan, marking the team's first Test win on Pakistan soil since 1990. L
performance from left-arm spinner Jomel Warrican, the C
throughout the match.
The Bajan took a recordequaling 19 wickets in the two-Test series and made a vital 36 runs in the first innings of the second Test. C
Kishore Shallow, hailed the momentous achievement.
determination, and fighting spirit that define West Indies cricket. I extend my heartfelt
players, coaching staff, and management for this historic
CWI extended congratulations to the West Indies Test team on their remarkable 120-run victory against Pakistan in Multan.
commendation must go to
which was pivotal to this
aggressive leadership surely is worthy of recognition,” he said.
President Shallow also
Head Coach Andre Coley, for whom this was his final tour
“Andre Coley has played a significant role in West Indies cricket, and we are deeply grateful for his hard work, leadership, and the
contributions he has made as Red Ball Head Coach during his tenure,” Shallow added.
underscores the progress of We
inspiration for fans across the Caribbean and the global cricket community
Varun Chakravarthy wheels away after taking a wicket. (Associated Press)
BBC Sport - England produced a strong bowling performance to beat India by 26 runs in Rajkot and keep the T20 series alive.
Having lost the opening two matches of the fivematch series, England had to win the third T20 to avoid
d e f e a t a t t h e e a r l i e s t opportunity
Ben Duckett struck a 28ball 51 and Liam Livingstone
a commanding 3-0 victory
reached 83-1 in the ninth over
But the innings turned in India's favour when Buttler was judged caught behind on review for 24, and Duckett holed out to mid-wicket off the bowling of Axar Patel in the following over
Chakravarthy, with the legspinner bowling superbly to take 5-24 as England lost 860.
Overton, who took 3-24, was the pick of five England bowlers who took wickets. H
marshalled the second half of I n d
sluggish 40 from 35 failed to swing the match back in the hosts' favour
When he was caught by B
hit fives sixes in his 43 from 21 as England made what appeared to be a below-par 171-9 on a decent surface.
But a superb display from their bowling line-up kept India behind the rate and the home side fell well short of their target as they finished on 145-9.
Having been put into bat, Duckett helped the tourists
Overton the match was over as a contest, and England closed out the win to still have a chance of a series victory
The fourth match of the series is in Pune on Friday (13:30 GMT).
Scores: England 177 for 9 (Duckett 51, Varun 5-24) beat India 145 for 9 (Hardik 40, Overton 3-24) by 26 runs.
The Gyana cricket Board
( G C B ) e x t e n d s
c o n g r a t u l a t i o n t o t h e
continue in partnership with t h e G o v
n m e n t T h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f n e w stadiums and mega upgrades of others throughout the counties will ensure that l o c a l , r e g i o n a l a n d international cricket could b e p l a y e d i n a m
e x p a n s i v e s c a l e w i t h i n communities across Guyana
His Excellency .Dr Irfaan Ali
G o v e r n m e n t o f G u y a n a (GoG) on the presentation of the momentous 2025 budget of $1.3 trillion including the i m p r e s s i v e a n d unprecedented amount of $8B (up from $4.6B in 2024) allocated for the continued d e v e l o p m e n t o f s p o r t s across the length and breadth
o f G u y a n a W i t h t h a t significant figure assigned for sports, Government has once again demonstrated its c o m m i t m e n t t o b o t h s t r u c t u r a l a n d h u m a n r e s o u r c e d e v e l o p m e n t within the sports arena.
The GCB is particularly pleased with this bonanza for sports as the exponential p r o g
attracting young people to our national game. H
Irfaan Ali, as a passionate cricket fan, continues to lead by example and his initiative to have a dedicated state of
constructed at Good Hope, East Coast Demerara is a further indication of His
Guyana to be the polestar of cricket in the region. That the academy will be headed by
legend Sir Clive Lloyd is indicative of the emphasis being placed on its cricket development strategy by His Excellency In an invited comment (Continued on page 25)
SportsMax - Trinidad and Tobago and Puerto Rico were among the teams that opened the Concacaf Women's U-17 Qualifiers on a winning note as they blanked St Vincent and the Grenadines and US Virgin Islands 3-0 and 5-0,
r e s p e c t i v e l y, i n l o p s i d e d Group A and B encounters on Monday.Puerto Rico proved too good for St Vincent and the Grenadines in the first game of the new format at Estadio Centroamericano in Mayagüez.
Gabriella Garnett started the goal count in the third minute with a left-footed shot in the penalty area. She then secured her brace in the seventh minute with a leftfoot shot from outside the
area. Selymar Centeno added the third in the 21st with a right-footed hit from the right side of the area.
Bermuda above the Cayman Islands in the other Group A contest at the same venue.
idge bro
handsome victory over US Virgin Islands Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva.
scoring with a left-footed shot in the 27th, with a second coming two minutes l
S h
completed the hat-trick in the 60th with a shot from a distance, while the fourth was a volley in the 66th.
Guyana, who got their goal f
(56th) at Estadio Olímpico
Turks and Caicos Islands 9-0 in the feature contest of the Group C double-header B
Trinidad and Tobago players celebrate a goal.
deadlock in the 44th on an assist by Milan GibbonsThomas. She later pounced on a loose ball in the area and fired home in the 53rd to seal the win.Over in Group B, Orielle Martin registered a four-timer that piloted host Trinidad and Tobago to a
N i k i t a G o s i n e t u c k e d away a right-footed strike in time added to cap the win and s e n d t h
Honduras' goals.
Meanwhile, in Group C, Yaiselis López (44th) and Aneilis Calvo (64th) saw Cuba to a 2-1 win over
Onodera (38th, 54th) and Shaday Mow (79th, 86th) led the way for Panama, with Analía Arosemena (third), Kelly Zapata (30th), Thelma Montenegro (68th), Xianna Ye e ( 7 7
a c y Montenegro (90+1) getting the others.
Elsewhere, El Salvador were also 9-0 winners over Anguilla, while Guatemala s
Curacao in the Group D
(Continued on page 29)
SportsMax - West Indies women closed out their ICC U19 Women's T20 World Cup campaign just as they began it—with a loss—as they suffered a 10-wicket defeat to Bangladesh in their final Super Six encounter in Kuala Lumpur on Monday
Rain delayed the start of the match, which was reduced to 13 overs per side, but Bangladesh's disciplined bowling display restricted the West Indies batting line up to a meagre 54-6 and set the stage for a straightforward run chase.
Bangladesh openers Fahomida Choya and Juairiya Ferdous ensured there were no hiccups, as they comfortably overhauled the modest target of 55 in just under nine overs.
Despite the convincing victory, Bangladesh finished third in Super Six Group One, missing out on a semi-final berth, as India and Australia advanced instead.
West Indies batters were stifled from the outset as Bangladesh's bowlers only allowed a mere 12 runs in the four-over powerplay Nishita Akter Nishi was the chief architect of the collapse, with three wickets for 11 runs.
She removed captain Samara Ramnath for a duck, Asabi Callendar for 11, and Jahzara Claxton, also for a duck, in quick succession.
Anisa Akter Soba also played a key role, with two wickets for eight runs, including the vital wicket of Brianna Harricharan (three.) Jannatul Maoua chipped in with a wicket as well, as she dismissed Naijanni Cumberbatch, who made 13.
Amrita Ramtahal offered some resistance at the backend of the innings with an unbeaten 16.
Bangladesh's openers Fahomida Choya and Juairiya Ferdous exploited some sloppy West Indies fielding early on to take 11 runs from the opening over and from there, made light work of the target. Both batters found the boundary with ease and maintained control throughout the chase.
Despite some tighter bowling midway through the innings, the West Indies could not find a breakthrough, as Ferdous and Choya were unbeaten on 25 and 14, respectively The other 16 runs were extras.
The defeat caps a disappointing campaign for the West Indies, who struggled for consistency throughout the tournament, while Bangladesh departs with their heads held high.
The Guyana Basketball
F e d e r a t i o n ( G B F ) h a s commended the Government of Guyana for its historic $8B allocation to the sports sector in the 2025 National Budget. The announcement, made by Senior Minister within the
2 5 % increase from the previous y
e administration's commitment
The GY$8 billion budget marks a pivotal moment for sports in Guyana, Michael Singh, president of the GBF stated, adding that it signals a n e
i n v e s t m e n t a i m e d a t e n h a n c i n g s p o r t s i n f r a s t r u c t u r e , y o u t h development programs, and opportunities for athletes to compete on regional and international stages.
The increased funding is e x p e c t e
The squash community is abuzz with anticipation as
Guyana's position on the global sports map.
a p p r e c i
t h
g o v e r n m e n t ' s e f f o r t s , highlighting the potential of t h e i n v e s t m e n t t o c r e a t e lasting impact.
"This allocation reflects the government's vision for an inclusive and modern s p o r t s c u l t u r e I t i s a significant step forward for s p o r t s d e v e l o p m e n t i n G u y a n a , p
basketball, as it enables us to expand grassroots programs, improve infrastructure, and p r o v i d
athletes to shine on bigger stages," Singh stated.
T h e G B F c o m m e n d e d Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr., and Director of Sport, S t e v e N i n v a l l e , f o r t h e i r leadership and dedication in c h a m p i o n i n g s p o r t s development, pointing out that their collaboration with sports organizations like the G B F h a s l a i d a s t r o n g foundation for a brighter f u t u r e O n e s u c h collaboration is the ongoing O n e G u y a n a P r e m i e r Basketball League, which tipped off in November 2024 and runs through May 2025. The league continues to unite communities, showcase (Continued on page 29)
s B C Q S
i o n s h i p prepares to serve off on local
8, 2025, at the Georgetown Club courts. This highly anticipated event, now in its fifth year, will bring together some of the finest veteran squash players from across the Caribbean for four days of intense competition.
T h e t o u r n a m e n t , organised by Sanjay Amin, D i r e c t o r o f B C Q S International, has become a staple in the regional squash
p talent from territories such
Trinidad and Tobago, St. Vincent and the Grenadines,
i o u s a g e categories, including Men's Over 30, Over 45, Over 55, Over 65, and Women's Over 35, showcasing their skill and endurance in one of the most physically demanding sports.
L a s t y e a r ' s ch
Barbadian players Shawn Simpson, Dean Straker, and Don Benn dominating the Men's Over 30, O-45 and O5 5
Guyanese players also made their mark, with Joseph 'Jo Jo' Mekdeci clinching the Men's Over 65 title and Lydia Fraser securing the Women's Over 35 crown.
This year, Team Guyana is determined to claim an even greater share of the accolades, but they will face stiff competition from the Bajans, who are aiming to continue their dominance in the tournament.
Sanjay Amin, who also competed in last year's Over 55 category, expressed his enthusiasm for the event, stating, “The tournament was a great success, and supporting Masters Squash
2024 Flashback! Guyanese Joseph Mekdeci (right) receiving his first-place prize.
BCQS International Director, Sanjay Amin
welcoming, is
highlight for Caribbean Masters players.
It's competitive, fun, and a g
t y f o r veterans to show they still have what it takes to play this athletic sport.”
Local squash enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the
clashes that are sure to unfold on the courts. With p
region vying for glory, the
deliver high-octane action and unforgettable moments. Action is set to begin on
participating players to be released in a subsequent edition.
De f e n d i n g
c h a m p i o n s G u y a n a H a r p y Eagles look to prey on the visiting Barbados Pride come today, when Round 1 of the 2025 CWI Regional 4-Day Championships bowl off at t h e G u y a n a N a t i o n a l Stadium, Providence.
The return of Regional action in Guyana will be highlighted by the home team eyeing their first win of the season when they host the Pride in what is expected to be an intense Day Game, in the f i r s t o f f o u r g a m e s a t Providence.
Although the team will be missing a few key pieces to international duties like Tevin I m l a c h , K e v i n S i n c l a i r , R o m a r i o S h e p h e r d , Gudakesh Motie and others, the current core will be tasked with keeping the champs in a c o m m a n d i n g p o s i t i o n ; a t least until the first four rounds in Guyana are completed.
With a new skipper in Kemol Savory, Guyana will be keen on seeing what their
n e w
l o o k t e a m c a n d o , especially with a few seniors, yet still young players in the mix.
Matthew Nandu will cocaptain the ship while batting will revolve around openers
Ta g e n e r i a n e C h a n d e r p a u l and Raymond Perez, with support c
, R
A l i m o h a m e d a n d J u n i o r Sinclair
Sinclair and Alimohamed hammered hundreds in the w a r m - u p g a m e s a t Providence, while their form with the ball will be an addition to the options.
Alimohamed, Isai Thorne
a n d n e w m a n T h a d d e u s Lovell will control the fastbowling department for the champs.
While veteran spinner and
Kemol Savory will have his first run as Captain for the Guyana Harpy Eagles 4-Day team.
leading 4-Day wicket taker in the Caribbean, Veerasammy
Permaul, Anthony Adams and Richie Looknauth along with Sinclair will provide enough wizardry in the slowbowling department.
Former Guyana Harpy
E a g l e s p l a y e r a n d P r i d e
Captain Raymon Reifer will lead his country's franchise against a team he has helped win a number of the 6 titles.
Reifer will play a crucial r o l e i n b o t h d e p a r t m e n t s w h i l e K e v i n W i c k h a m , Zachary McCaksie, Leniko Boucher, Jair McAllister and others will look to steady the batting unit.
B a r b a d o s s h o u l d a l s o look to fancy themselves with the ball, given their talents
a l o n g s i d e t h e s k i p p e r ,
C h e m a r H o l d e r, M a t t h e w Forde to name a few Guyana will need to get off to a strong start on their h o m e t u r f a g a i n s t a formidable opponent, while the home conditions should h e l p s w a y t h i n g s i n t h e champs' favor, as they seek to draw first blood in their first assignment of the season.
Match is expected to start at 10:00h.
Barbados Pride Squad: R a y m o n R e i f e r ( c a p t a i n ) , Leniko Boucher, Jonathan
D r a k e s , M a t t h e w F o r d e ,
C h a i m H o l d e r , C h e m a r
H o l d e r , M a t t h e
Richards, Ramon Simmonds, Kevin Wickham Guyana Harpy Eagles S
(Captain), Matthew Nandu (
Ronaldo Alimohamed, Junior S
SportsMax - Johnson Charles hit a belligerent 71 to help the Sharjah Warriorz defeat the Dubai Capitals by nine wickets in International League T20 (ILT20) action at the Dubai I
Tuesday Charles' knock came off just 33 balls and included three fours and eight massive sixes as the Warriorz needed just 11.5 overs to overhaul a target of 132, reaching 135-1.Tom Kohler-Cadmore played an excellent hand in the chase as well with 54* off 32 deliveries as he and Charles put on 123 for the first wicket.Earlier, the Capitals were restricted to 131-9 from their 20 overs thanks to some tight bowling from the Warriorz after they won the toss and chose to field.
Shai hope led the way at the top of the order with 45 but it came off 52 balls, putting the rest of the batsmen in
a tough position in the back end.
Rossington made 37 off 23 balls while Rovman Powell, batting at number eight, made 32* off 16 deliveries including three fours and two sixes.
Rohan Mustafa took 2-12 off three overs while Adam Zampa supported with 2-28 from his four overs for the Warriorz.
Despite remaining at the bottom of the table, this win ended a streak of four
straight losses for the Warriorz and sees them move level on points with the Gulf Giants on six points, two behind the Capitals in third.
Summarized scores:
Dubai Capitals 131-9 off 20 overs
(Shai Hope 45, Adam Rossington 37, Rovman Powell 32*, Rohan Mustafa 221, Adam Zampa 2-28) Sharjah Warriorz 135-1 off 20 o v e r s ( J o h n s o n C h a r l e s 7 1 , To m Kohler-Cadmore 54*).
M E L B O U R N E , A u s t r a l i a ( A P )
Australian Open women's champion Madison Keys returned to her career-best ranking on Monday and joins three other American women in the WTA top 10, w h i l e m e n ' s c h a m p i o n Jannik Sinner maintained his significant lead atop the ATP list.
K e y s w o n h e r f i r s t Grand Slam title with a three-set victory over the t o p - r a n k e d A r y n a Sabalenka on Saturday to move from No. 14 and match her career-high at No. 7.
K e y s j o i n s f e l l o w Americans Coco Gauff (No. 3), Jessica Pegula (No. 6) and Emma Navarro, who slipped one place to No. 9, in the women's top 10.
S a b a l e n k a , w h o w a s attempting to achieve a rare three-peat of the Australian Open title remains at No. 1, and Iga Swiatek stays at No. 2 after her loss to Keys in a thrilling semifinal.
Olympic gold medalist Z h e n g Q i n w e n d r o p p e d three places to No. 8, while former No. 2 Paola Badosa
the women's singles final at the Australian Open tennis championship in Melbourne, Australia, Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
G u y a n e s e b o x e r s Shakquain James and Abiola
J a c k m a n d e l i v e r e d s t e l l a r performances at the Trinidad and Tobago National Boxing
C h a m p i o n s h i p s , h e l d l a s
S o u t h e r n Regional Indoor Sports Arena in Pleasantville.
The event, which attracted top fighters from across the r
Trinidad and Tobago Boxing Association's roadmap to the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics.
G u y a n a B o x i n g Association (GBA) president,
, e x p r e s s e d immense pride in the duo, w
Both fighters, Ninvalle said, seized the opportunity to s
nd further establish themselves as regional contenders.
Competing in the elite division for the first time, James transitioned seamlessly f
boxing career
The young welterweight displayed his maturity and skill in the ring, overpowering Trinidadian opponent Nervin Boy who failed to come out for the second round.
James's sharp technique, speed, and composure were o
Jackman, another rising star from Guyana, continued her impressive run in the heavyweight division. In a c l o s e l y c o n t e s t e d b o u t , Jackman edged out Amanda George with a hard-fought 3-2 victory
Her relentless drive and strategic execution earned her
Hockey Head, Philip Fernandes pleased with Budget allocation
The Guyana Hockey Board is extremely pleased with the sports sector funding presented in the 2025 National Budget by the Honourable Dr Ashni Singh, Senior Minister within the Ministry of Finance. This substantial increase of some 42.5% demonstrates a commitment to the development of sport and as a result, to the lives of all of our citizens, from the most competitive to those engaging in recreational activities to maintain good health.
In recent times, the Ministry of Sport has been making significant changes to the sports landscape, especially in terms of the widespread improvements to facilities across Guyana and development of new spaces where sport can now be enjoyed.
This budget projects more than a continuation of these beneficial projects as it also shows a commitment to the capacity building projects that the Ministry has been spearheading through the core sports initiative, the national junior academies, athlete and coaching sponsorship and the staging of high-profile international sporting events. Recently the Ministry of Sport, through these development initiatives, established a playing area for hockey with lights that will boost the sport at the junior, club and national levels.
The Guyana Hockey Board is now particularly excited by the number of multi-sport facilities being projected for communities all around the country, which allow hockey and many other sports to broaden their base of players and move closer to having these sports played throughout the country
With this budget allocation, the government of Guyana has signalled its intent to support the sports sector and provide the best opportunities for our young athletes to succeed. The Guyana hockey board has welcomed the challenge to play its part in using these opportunities to develop the sport at all levels.
the win and cemented her
highlighting the significance of such regional exposure for Guyanese boxers.
Abiola have done us proud.
underscore the talent we have in Guyana and the importance of exposing our fighters to
Ninvalle said.
He further noted that the GBA remains committed to providing more opportunities for its athletes to compete on
W h i l e c e l e b r a t i n g t h e achievements of James and J a c k m a n , N i n v a l l e a l s o highlighted the GBA's efforts to develop the next generation of boxing talent.
The association is gearing up for the first installment of the 2025 Pepsi/Michael Paris N a t i o n a l U 1 6 Championships, set to take place at the Andrew 'SixH e a d ' L e w i s G y m i n Albouystown.
Reflecting on the success o f l a s t y e a r ' s i n i t i a t i v e , Ninvalle remarked, "In 2024, w e h o s t e d 1 6 U 1 6 tournaments, all sponsored by P e p s i T h e s e t o u r n a m e n t s were instrumental in fostering young talent and keeping the sport alive at the grassroots level, and this year, we're l o o k i n g t o h o s t e v e n more.”Ninvalle reiterated that 2025 promises to be an even busier year for the GBA, with ambitious plans to solidify G u y a n a a s t h e b r e e d i n g ground for the Caribbean's best boxing talent.
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