Kaieteur News

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“Exxon deal cannot be reversed”

…urges Opposition to change their attitude towards Govt.'s development agenda

Government Chief Whip

a n d M i n i s t e r o f Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira, on Thursday stated that the d e a l s i g n e d w i t h

E x x o n M o b i l G u y a n a Limited (EMGL) for the p r o l i f i c S t a b r o e k B l o c k cannot be renegotiated at this time.

The minister made those comments during the 2025 budget debate. During her address, Minister Teixeira

criticised the Opposition noting that while they decry the lack of transparency, they were the ones who signed the PSA with Exxon in secrecy and kept it hidden. “One [the PSA] that has been criticised in the press all along but, you cannot at this time reverse it,” the Government Chief Whip said.

She continued, “This is hypocrisy at the highest level

and you [Opposition] come here to this House in this debate and you cry crocodile tears…caiman tears in this country.” T h

Agreement (PSA) signed in 2 0 1 6

criticised for giving the oil companies a tax-free ride, the high cost recovery rate and lack of ring-fencing provision. This has led to calls for renegotiation from various quarters. However,

A P N U + A F C administration, agrees for ExxonMobil and its partners, Hess and CNOOC to pay Guyana a 2% royalty on oil revenues, allows for the oil companies to recover 75% of the revenue to cover cost before the remaining goes to profit-sharing, and caters for Guyana to cover the oil

c o m p a n i e s ' t a x e s T h e contract has been widely

government has maintained that it will abide by the terms of the deal.

Moreover, in her address, Minister Teixeira urged the Opposition to adopt a more constructive approach to the country's development and accused the Opposition of o b s t r u c t i n g p

Guyana, there is progress…

r o a d s , b u i l d i n g s , h o u s e s going up, AirBnB going up, it is unbelievable,” she said.

The Chief Whip added that the 2025 budget is a testament to inclusive and p a r t i c i p a t o r y g o v e r n a n c e She stated, “The Opposition continues to suffer from myopia, shortsightedness.”

Minister Teixeira accused the APNU+AFC of stifling development and pointed to the Coalition past decision to b l o c k t h e A m a i l a F a l l s Hydropower Project which was introduced since 2011. Since returning to office in August 2020 the PPP/C vowed to revive the project, though it remains stalled. “They defeated it twice… vindictiveness and smallmindedness doesn't move a c o u n t r y f o r w a r d , d o e s n ' t help develop a country,” she said.

Additionally, the Chief

– Min. Teixeira tells National Assembly

W h i p s t r e s s e d t h e importance of infrastructure in nati

, moving goods and services q u i c k l y, m o v i n g p e o p l e quickly, that is wha

is i m p o r t a n

future of our country Why are you so blind, why can't y o u


The minister outline

that targeted infrastructure d

reducing inequalities. She


economic activity and the W

- E n e

g y project, which aims to slash electricity costs by 50%.

“As I said, APNU+AFC has to decide which side are you o n , p r o g r e s s i v e development, or are you going to continue… or do you want to continually be in this position of holding back the progress of our country, of being the spoilers… you are incapable of bringing up a critical support like what we did [in opposition],” she added.

Budget 2025 rife with slush funds for elections campaign - Volda Lawrence

With $2.3B in this year's B u d g e t a l l o c a t e d u n d e r broad headings, Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), Volda Lawrence is of the view that this year's fiscal plan is rife with slush funds.

She described the 2025

B u d g e t a s a n e l e c t i o n s

c a m p a i g n f u n d , l a c k i n g crucial measures to diversify the economy

During her contribution on Thursday to the budget debates, Lawrence a former Health Minister quoted a scripture from the Bible for MPs, Matthew 13:25 which says “but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.”

U s i n g t h i s a s t h e foundation of her speech, the Opposition Parliamentarian pointed out, “A perusal of the E s t i m a t e s b e g s m o r e question of this 2025 budget figures. Looking at two subheads- 'Other Goods & S e r v i c e s ' a n d ' O t h e r Operating Costs' the line items 6284 Others and 6294 respectively tell a grim story about Budget 2025.”

E l a b o r a t i n g o n h e r findings, she said that under the Ministry of Education programme 402, an increase o f $

, followed by a whopping $1B increase for programme 405. Additionally, Lawrence told the National Assembly that t

of over $2.3 billion?”

“Guyanese people need to wake up; wake up fellow Guy

ng attacked from within.

Here is my proof Mr. Speaker; this budget is an e

programme 131. To this end, the MP r e a s o n e d , “ M r S p e a k e r, what are these ministries doing to cause an increase under these broad line items

needed? Mr Speaker, this budget is rife with slush f

argued. Meanwhile, in turning

suggested that one way

reduce its dependence on the oil and

to note that this view is also shared by

Demerara River Bridge
Government Chief Whip and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: GLENN LALL-TEL: 624-6456

Editor: NIGEL WILLIAMS Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210



– the games politicians play

The 2025 budget debate is flushing government and opposition politicians out of their holes. Now that they sense that Guyanese fervently wish for renegotiation of the lopsided 2016 ExxonMobil-Guyana Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), local politicians are pointing fingers at each other They are hurrying to shout down one another to get on the record as having the stronger position on renegotiation of the ExxonMobil PSA that devastates Guyana's economic interests.The parliamentary spectacles are about who promised what, who said less, who have sat on their hands, and who have played the usual politicians' tricks with renegotiation of the vile PSA. Both the government and opposition sides are seeking to outdo the other with who has been louder in their condemnations of the PSA and who has been silently condoning it. Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat was all about who has not used, never gone near to, the word renegotiation. He has rightly questioned the opposition's commitment to renegotiation of the 2016 PSA (signed by it, and silent on it since), while it plays clever word games about where it stands.

Though Minister Bharrat is on solid grounds in flaying

government exposed. What he has engaged in is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. The truth of the matter is there has been no greater criticizer than the PPPC when it was in opposition pre-August 2020, and in the early days of its return to being the Guyana Government. It is part of universal political culture that politicians remember what they want, and discard what has the potential to cause them great upheaval. The PPPC as a political party and as a government is better than most at hypocrisy and deviousness, when such suits its ambitions. Minister Bharrat conveniently forgot that it was his own leaders, President Irfaan Ali and Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, who vied for the title of champion condemner of the ExxonMobil 2016 PSA. They found nothing right with it, had every reason to rip it apart and walk all over it, which was done. It is a position from which we at this publication have been committed to more than most in Guyana, and from which we have never deviated.

While the government and opposition spar with the word renegotiation that could change the entire dynamics of their relationship with ExxonMobil, this paper has not blinked nor muzzled itself. The Coalition APNU+AFC was listless and voiceless on the contract that it executed, and today it sidesteps where it really stands with renegotiation. The mere mention of the word (renegotiation) has caused it to shift from foot to foot, while promising what it would do if elected to run the country Like the way that the opposition is today, so is the PPPC Government. Both President Ali and Vice President Jagdeo don't want to hear the word renegotiation uttered in their presence. The president resembles a deer in the headlights, when renegotiation comes up, and the vice president swings from limb to limb, as though he is doing his best imitation of some forest creature at home in the trees.

The reality is there are few Guyanese politicians, if any at all, who have come out strongly and unambiguously about renegotiation of the ExxonMobil PSA. None has had the guts to stake their political visions, their political future, on renegotiation of the PSA that drains Guyana so continuously and so damagingly ExxonMobil collects most of the oil cash and boasts of Guyana being the biggest jewel in its crown. On the other hand, Guyana's main political parties and their leading spokespeople lose control of their bowels when renegotiation is called for, needed by the citizens of this country.A one-sided deal is a one-sided deal, and there are no two ways about that situation. Guyana is paying a heavy price for all the disadvantages embedded in the 2016 PSA that ExxonMobil used to strangle the hopes of Guyanese. All three major political parties, PPPC, PNCR, and AFC, should be speaking with one voice: renegotiate the 2016 oil contract. It must be renegotiated now, and nothing else will do.

The Fiscal Enactments (Amendment) Act 2024 allows for the aggressive depletion of the NRF

Dear Editor, After further research, CRG was able to find the Act

First Schedule of the Natural

allows for the aggressive


It should be noted that the Ministry of Finance has not placed the amendment with the NRF Act document on

their website. However, as

with the law Based on the new schedule most of the funds in the NRF will be

v i n g approximately $100M USD from the preceding year's deposits. It must also be noted that this Act was passed without substantial bipartisan support. Given the increases in the ceiling of the withdrawa

corresponding amounts, it is clear that the NRF will continue to underperform as an instrument for savings, f i n a n c i a l g r o w t h a n d sustainable development. It is unfortunate that a 2/3 majority vote rule in the House of Parliament was not used to make such a drastic and significant change to the First Schedule of the NRF Act.

T h u s , m a k i n g i t extremely important that the t i m e l y a n n u a l f i n

auditing of each Ministry's expenditures be carried out and reviewed to ensure that the annual funds provided by t h e b u d g e t p

properly accounted for A b u d g e t r e v i e w

should also be done quarterly and be required as an input i n


Best regards, Mr Jamil Changlee Chairman

Republicans of Guyana

Bring Uber to Guyana

Dear Editor, Guyana is ready for the Uber car service. It is available in Barbados and other nearby countries. Uber was in Trinidad at one time but later closed operations. The reasons are hazy but apparently centered around tax issues and low credit card u s e b y t h e p o p u l a t i o n Trinidad introduced its own e q u i v a l e n t c a l l e d T T Rideshare. Not sure how w e l l t h a t w o r k s T h e s e teething issues can easily be d e a l t w i t h b y G u y a n a ' s dynamic and 'out of the box'

leadership. Credit cards are available from several banks in Guyana.

Once you install the free Uber app and setup your account, you can use the app to request a ride to your destination.

This frees you from having to call a taxi service or stand on the road to hail a cab No money changes hands as the cost of the trip is charged to your card. Before you even enter the car, the app lets you know the name of the driver and his or her star rating, the make, model

and colour of the car, the plate number and the cost of the trip (to the dollar). The app also lets you see how far away from you the car is and the time it will take to get you. It even shows you the car approaching in real time. At the end of your trip, Uber emails you a confirmation of the charge and gives you the option of leaving a tip for the driver; again, charged to your card. You can also rate the driver and comment on your Uber experience. Uber d r i v e r s t a k e p r i d e i n maintaining clean, quiet and

scent free vehicles. Needless to say, prospective drivers s h o u l d b e r


This would be a boon for tourists (who are already familiar with Uber) and the public in general. It would

ment can use its influence to e n s u r e t h a t d r i

s a r e adequately compensated for their service.

Yours sincerely, Sieyf Shahabuddeen

Inhumane treatment towards staff at GECOM

Dear Editor, We write to express our serious concerns about the management practices of the C h i e f E l e c t i o n O f f i c e r (CEO) and Deputy Chief Election Officer (DCEO), which have badly affected staff morale and the overall work environment at our electoral office.

Since they assumed their positions, many employees have resigned, and those who remain feel demoralized and afraid to speak up for fear of being victimized. While these challenges exist at the head office level, these

organisation in all regions.

There is a growing sense o f u n f a i r n e s s i n t h e w o r k p l a c e C e r t a i n s t a ff receive special treatment, while others are disciplined unfairly

T h i s f a v o u r i t i s m h a s created mistrust among staff and is harming teamwork. It feels like those who are favoured can do no wrong, while others are targeted for minor mistakes.

The CEO and DCEO

seem overly focused on issuing memos for small i s s u e s ,

problems we face. No longer are issues discussed, instead only memos are issued.

Staff who are unable to defend themselves properly

added unnecessary stress and shifted focus away from our important responsibilities.

Their rigid approach to e

punctuality policies does not

circumstances of individual e

e accountability is important, this strict and one-size-fitsall method is driving many

page 6)

Animal Welfare must conduct further investigation into animal cruelty at L eguan

Dear Editor,

I was horrified when I saw the photos circulating w i t h f o u r d o g s b e i n g t r a n s p o r t e d w i t h a r o p e around their necks at the back of a police van. One of the four dogs in a photo posted, hung in the air with a rope tied around its neck. I had to cry What crime does an animal that is hungry and cannot work for a dollar to purchase a meal commit, when their prime instinct is to look for food nearby?

W h a t c r i m e d o e s a n a n i m a l c o m m i t w h e n hunting for a meal so that it does not die of starvation? They have an entirely different outlook.

S o , I a s k y o u , j u s t because you are a human, will you allow abuse and will you abuse the animals which

cannot exert their rights? The crime these dogs committed was the crime to exist in the same space as we do.

Just take a look at the condition of the dogs, their ribs piercing through their skin should say it all. These animals are not criminals that need to be apprehended. They're starved creatures And in question, reading the articles. Why did the police officers choose the four f r i e n d l i e s t s t r a y s t h a t approached them to "escort them elsewhere"?

What if these dogs were vicious? Would the officers still have taken it upon t h e m s e l v e s t o " r e l o c a t e " them?

I'm hoping in future, the judicial system reaches out to the appropriate people to do the job for them. There are s o m


And I urge Guyanese, let us continue to fight and speak for the voiceless.

I'd like to extend an invitation to the public on the 2nd of February, Sunday at 7 am. Join us to walk against Animal Cruelty initiated by the Pawsome Oasis Inc Rescue & Shelter Please wear purple, walk with your furry friends.

The assembly point is at the Umana Yana. I'm also curious to know if Leguan has any veterinarian services o r a n i m a l p

o t e c t i o n organisations? And if there is not, I'm pleading that we act on it.

Kind regards, Ms. Saaya Prasad

A glimpse of the Health Sector: Budget 2025

Dear editor,

This year started off right with a whopping allocation of $143.2B in Budget 2025 for the health sector I would say that this will be a continuation of progress that has started since 2020. We have seen the tremendous progress that the Ministry of Health has produced from the development of new

p o l i c i e s t o t h e m a s s infrastructural development. We have seen how many persons have been accessing

q u a l i t y d e c e n t r a l i z e d

h e a l t h c a r e w h i c h n e v e r existed before. I am excited f o r w h a t B u d g e t 2 0 2 5 promises to bring to the table.

Last week, I listened to many Opposition members in their budget presentations

q u e s t i o n i n g w h y t h e government is investing in building new hospitals.

Mr Norton in his press conference sometime last week even said, “they are

b u i l d i n g h o s p i t a l s f o r corruption purposes”.

A n d I t h o u g h t t h a t perhaps if we really cared a b o u t p e o p l e a n d t h e i r wellbeing that we would w a n t t o s u p p o r t t h e expansion of health care for people instead of placing “Wild West” accusations. As a citizen, I believe that the

c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e s e

h o s p i t a l s s h o u l d b e applauded since health care services are mandatory and should be considered as a major priority for people.

With the number of patients t h a t r e q u i r e s m e d i c a l attention at the Guyana

Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

The patient load will be reduced significantly since more persons will have access to quality health care in a well-cared-for manner and most importantly with the growing population and expansion of the housing sector this will be greatly needed.

Imagine what relief this will bring in regard to the referral rate and to the p e o p l e o f M o r u c a , Kamarang, Kato, Lethem & New Amsterdam and these are just a few I admire the way in which the government is prioritizing the health and education sectors since these two are paramount for our w e l l - b e i n g a n d g r o w t h

According to the budget estimates, last year $5B alone was allocation to the component of infrastructure - u p g r a d e t o h e a l t h infrastructure and this year $ 6 3 B w a s a l l o c a t e d t o rehabilitate and construct new health posts across the hinterlands. I am always happy to hear of projects b e i n g e x e c u t e d i n t h e hinterlands because I see the n e e d f o r f u r t h e r a d v a n c e m e n t s f o r o u r I n d i g e n o u s b r o t h e r s a n d sisters to have access to these.

Another key component I look forward to is drugs

and medical supplies. If we were to conduct a macro analysis of the supply of drugs line item 6221 of Volume 1 of the budget estimates, we would see that i n 2 0 1 9 $ 4 9 B w a s expended. Fast forward to 2024, $19B was expended and now this year-2025, the allocation is $22.4B.

This has seen a 357.1% increase from 2019 to 2025. The supply of drugs is slated to be more efficient with the provision of 5 new drugs bonds catered for in budget 2

Medical supplies.

T h i s r e f l e c t s a government's commitment that cares for people while advancing the health sector I am impressed with what I saw in Volume 3 of t h e b u d g e t u n

t h e component - One Health Programme which received an allocation of $230M for t h e p r o v i s i o n o f m u l

sectoral health surveillance s


This means that we can

monitoring, early detection


diagnostic capabilities and



m e a s u r e s s h o w h o w proactive the minister of health Dr Frank Anthony is as it relates


Let us not forget the m e d i c a l t r e a t m e n t component of the Ministry of Health. In 2019, $220M w a s e x p e n d e d t o o f f e r assistance to 684 persons. In 2024, $1.4B was expended w h i c h b e n e f i t t e d 2 6 5 3 persons. In 2025, 2.5B is being allocated to support this programme and that is a magnificent increase from 2019 to 2025.

The Ministry of HealthD i s a b i l i t y a n d R e h a b i l i t a t i v e S e r v i c e s

P r o g r a m m e f r o m 2 0 2 1 -

prothesis. With an allocation of $293M in Budget 2025 this programme is expected to thrive and offer continued support to the Guyanese people that needs it.

Following Dr Frank's continued commitment in the health sector

These are just some of the allocations that should see a stronger health system, i m

outcomes and which will lead to better preventative measures and treatment of diseases in keeping with the g

healthcare to all of Guyana. This is a good sign and hope for all of Guy


Regards, Sachin Persaud


Dear Editor, T

PPP/C are very slim if history is a guide. After PNC/R strongman Hamilton Green was expelled by Desmond Hoyte, Green proceeded to form the Good and Green for G u y a n a ( G G G ) H e contested the Georgetown municipal elections against his former PNC party and won 12 seats, with Hoyte's PNC/R getting 10 seats and the PPP winning 8 seats. Dr C h e d d i J

However, Hoyte was not only adamantly opposed to the idea but harboured a deep, personal hostility to Dr Jagan.

Despite Hoyte's hostility, the PPP was still able in 1994 to reach an agreement with the PNC for sharing the l e

y Council. After the election results, Dr Jagan met with G r e e

rotation of Mayors for the three-year period – First year GGG, Second year PNC and Third year PPP

But when the turn came for Philomena Sahoy-Shury of the PPP to take up her position as Mayor, the PNC reneged. The PNC did not want to share governance at the City Council level. How w

governance at the national level?

Respectfully, Sultan Mohamed

OP-ED: Food Security and Climate Resilience:

An Essential Link for the Future

( A s s i

General and FAO Regional


2 0 2 4 underscores an undeniable reality: Latin America and the Caribbean is at a critical juncture in its fight against hunger and malnutrition

While hunger in the region

has decreased over the past t w o y e a r s f r o m 4 5 3 million people in 2021 to 41 million in 2023—progress remains uneven and fragile. The situation is particularly c o n c e r n i n g i n s o m e

s u b r e g i o n s , s u c h a s t h e Caribbean, where the hunger rate has risen from 15.4% to 17.2%.

T h e C O V I D - 1 9 pandemic left deep scars, e x a c e r b a t i n g e x i s t i n g structural inequalities and weakening food production and distribution systems

A d d i n g t o t h i s a r e t h e

d e v a s t a t i n g i m p a c t s o f c l i m a t e v a r i a b i l i t y a n d extreme events—droughts, storms, and floods that now affect 74% of countries in the region with increasing frequency

T h e s e p e r s i s t e n t challenges not only reduce agricultural productivity but also drive-up food prices, l i m i t a v a i l a b i l i t y , a n d compromise the stability of a g r i f o o d s y s t e m s . Vulnerable populations bear

t h e b r u n t o f t h e s e disruptions.

Food security is closely linked to climate resilience.

To ensure a hunger-free future, it is essential to

p r o m o t e s u s t a i n a b l e agricultural practices that integrate nutritious foods into healthy diets, improve productivity, and mitigate environmental impacts.

This includes fostering c l i m a t e - r e s i l i e n t c r o p s , adopting clean technologies, a n d p r o t e c t i n g n a t u r a l resources. At the same time, social protection programs m u s t e n s u r e a c c e s s t o nutritious food, especially during crises.

T h e o n g o i n g transformation in the region,

while still facing significant

c h a l l e n g e s , h a s demonstrated, over recent years, a strong commitment

t o c o l l a b o r a t i v e e f f o r t s aimed at achieving more

sustainable and coherent outcomes.

There are tangible and e n c o u r a g i n g s i g n s t h a t

g o v e r n m e n t s i n L a t i n

America and the Caribbean have embraced the fight against hunger and poverty

a s a n u n a v o i d a b l e

p r i o r i t y a n u r g e n t n e c e s s i t y t h a t c a l l s f o r

concrete actions to ensure

s u s t a i n a b l e d e v e l o p m e n t Hunger is incompatible with p e a c e , d e v e l o p m e n t , productivity, and, of course, sustainability

T h e F o o d S e c u r i t y, N u t r i t i o n , a n d H u n g e r E r a d i c a t i o n P l a n o f t h e

C o m m u n i t y o f L a t i n

American and Caribbean

States (CELAC FSN Plan 2030) is a milestone It provides a valuable platform f o r c o o r d i n a t i n g e ff o r t s , s h a r i n g k n o w l e d g e , a n d d e v e l o p i n g c o m m o n strategies.

The upcoming Meeting of Agriculture Ministers of CELAC 2025, to be held in Comayagua, Honduras, in early February, represents an opportunity to solidify these commitments and advance t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f policies and actions that strengthen food security and improve nutrition across the region.

H o w e v e r, g o v e r n m e n t efforts alone are insufficient

without the participation and contributions of multiple sectors. The fight against h u n g e r r e q u i r e s a c o m p r e

that considers not only food a

accessibility, utilization, and s t a



among actors is and will remain essential to building m

agrifood systems.

Latin America and the C

implications for the region and globally

The fight against hunger has become a race against time. Yet, this region has demonstrated its potential to

resilience, prosperity, and


Its contribution is key to ensuring a more just and sustainable future for all.

As Assistant DirectorGeneral and FAO Regional

America and the Caribbean, I have had the privilege of being part of this journey

However, this work does not belong to one individual or

collective effort—a chance for each of us to contribute to a world free of inequality,



Inhumane treatment towards...

From page 4

example, getting time off has become a major issue, with p

p p l i

d unfairly and harshly.Basic workplace needs, such as

breaking the rules. Many staff feel disrespected and undervalued. Even during the Christmas party, staff w

transportation arrangements nor allowances for leaving work early

As a result, many did not attend.

s i m

l k t o t h e compound in Kingston is likened to a garbage dump. Staff complaints are ignored, and those who speak up risk being targeted. Meanwhile,


C o n c e r n e d S t a f f Members

To make matters worse, the CEO himself did not show up After three years in office, he has yet to hold a meeting with all staff. This lack of engagement makes us feel disconnected and unimportant. Gossiping is also a growing problem, with rumours and tattling seeming to be rewarded. We urge the Commissioners and C h a i r m a n t o i n v e s t i g a t e these troubling issues and take steps to improve the management of our office. It is time for changes that p r o m o t e b a s i c h u m a n respect, and a positive work e n v i r o n m e n t f o r a l l employees.

Norton slams Govt. heavy reliance on oil fund for 2025 Budget amid declining oil prices

…says taking out over 90% from fund is reckless


Aubrey Norton has voiced

h i s c o n c e

n s a b o u


o withdraw over 90% of oil revenues from the Natural Resources Fund (NRF) to finance the 2025 Budget –particularly in light of an expected decline in oil prices this year

Minister of Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh disclosed

Guyana's daily production is

country will see a decrease in earnings from the sector, as

The government intends to withdraw about US$2.4 billion (G$512 billion) from

oil price is likely to come down He explained that global oil supply is expected to surpass demand this year, leading to a 10.9% drop in prices to around US$71.9 per barrel.

During his presentation on the final day of the 2025

e government's over-reliance on oil revenues could have


consequences “To spend 95% of the income in the NRF is criminal, dangerous, and may have already placed u s a t r i s k d u e t o t h e overdependence on oil and t h e l a c k o f s i g n i f i c a n t improvement in the non-oil sectors,” Norton contended. He stressed that despite the continuous flow of oil revenues since 2020, the administration has failed to adequately develop the nonoil sectors, which he said is k e y t o t h e n a t i o n ' s sustainable future. “In 2020, oil resources began to flow, a n d t h e r e f o r e t h e r e

r e a d e q u a t e r e s o u r c e s f o


It is critical, therefore, for significant attention to be paid to the non-oil sectors since it is the non-oil sector that is the future of Guyana and should be developed in a s t r u c t u r e d w a y , ” h e explained.


spending, arguing that their

minister says that he intends

balance between short-term imperatives and long-term considerations.

The present approach of the government is a clear indication that their sole focus is spending out the m o n e y a s f a s t a s t h e y could…he cannot be talking about short- and long-term balance when they changed the law to be able to take out 95% of the revenue accrued from oil,” he stated.

d amend the law to prevent mismanagement and ensure that oil revenues benefit the broad


e also securing savings for future generations. “We will change the law to ensure oil resources are not plundered and misused, and that those r e

y managed and invested to transform the non-oil sector,

times when oil price is low, as is now imminent,” Norton claimed.


described the government's 2

favouring a select few while

puts wealth in the hands of a few, the PPP elites…this budget gives little or nothing to the small man, it is selfcontradictory, the numbers

reality behind the

actual figures, it is a slush fund and a recipe for illegal enrichment,” Norton stated.

In addition, Norton said t h a t t h e n e x t P e o p l e ' s National Congress/ Reform (PNC/R) government will amend the NRF law He said h

Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton

Show us the numbers!

The government through its superior management of the economy says that it has bestowed upon us brace yourselves—sixty thousand jobs! Yes, you heard it right. Not six. Not sixty Sixty thousand. It's practically a biblical miracle, like feeding five thousand people with two loaves of bread—except, in this case, there's no bread, no fish, and no one knows w h e r e t h e f i v e t h o u s a n d people are.

B e c a u s e h e r e ' s t h e thing—where are these jobs? Who has them? Has anyone actually counted the new jobs created? The government is saying, Trust us. We have the jobs. But this isn't a poker game; it's an economy We need proof, not a politician's unsubstantiated word.

Let's start with something

Evidence. A scrap of paper, a

proves these jobs exist. But

n o N o t e v e n N I S

registrations to give us a clue.

T h e L a b o u r F o r c e Survey, that handy little thing that tells us how many people

a r e w o r k i n g , h a s b e e n missing in action since the third quarter of 2021. That's nearly three years without an update!

Now, I don't know about y o u , b u t w h e n I l o s e something—say, my keys—I at least go looking for them. But the government? No

s u c h l u c k E i t h e r t h e y misplaced the data, or it never existed to begin with. And honestly, I'm not sure which is worse.

Sixty thousand jobs. That should leave a mark, right? A dent in the unemployment rate, a spike in labour force

p a r t i c i p a t i o n s o m e t h i n g

But no, the numbers are playing hard to get.

L e t ' s r

S e p t

d a t 14.5%. Not great, but in fairness, the country was still fi

fastest growing in the world, and yet—we still have no

unemployment rate is. The Budget 2025? Silent. The Ministry of Labour? Mute. The Bureau of Statistics? P

n there's the World Bank. Ah yes, that pesky institution with its inconvenient data. Their records show that, as of the end of 2023, the labour force was 291,050 people. Compare that to 2018, when it was 306,347. You see the problem? If 60,000 jobs were created, why is the labour

immigrants in the country Is it migration of our nationals? Where did all the workers go? Were they abducted by aliens? Recruited for a secret government project? Retired to a tropical island funded by oil money that nobody else seems to have access to? Something doesn't add up.

N o w , m a y b e j u s t maybe—these 60,000 jobs

Budget 2025 rife with slush funds...

From page 3 this sector. Lawrence explained, “I refer to financing, concessions for those who wish to invest in cosmetics, rice base products –noodles, snacks or flour; floor tiles from our wood, or various types of tiles from our clay or aluminum just to name a few.”

The MP noted that while Minister Singh highlighted growth in the manufacturing s e c t o r b y 1 3 % i n 2 0 2 4 a n d o t h e r manufacturing increased by 15.7%, this growth was driven by non-metallic and fabricated metal products linked to the

petroleum industry. She went on to point out that $527.4 M$ was pumped into the agro-processing sector in 2024, however, Guyanese are not aware of the total value of the products processed a

Furthermore, the former Minister reminded that Dr Singh in 2024 told the House that there were two large investments totaling 250,000 hectares for production and value added in the forestry sector, yet in the 2025 Budget there was no mention of this “great investment”.


Police and bicycles

Dem boys seh some of dem police in Guyana done lose dem marbles this time. Instead of chasing down real criminals or tackling the daily chaos on the roadways, dem boys seh the police now playing “Bicycle Patrol.”

Yes, you hear right! They pulling in bicycles left, right, and center for “various defects,” including not having brakes. But wait nah, dem boys seh if we gon talk about brakes, half the police vehicles on the road need to be pulled in too. Some of dem police cars does sound like they running on prayers and duct tape, and others does drive like they forget brakes even exist.

But nah, is the poor pedal cyclists who getting ticket.

Dem boys seh this is the ultimate case of misplaced priorities. Instead of going after the big fish—like the drivers who treat cycle lanes like their personal parking lot or the ones who tint dem windows darker than midnight—the police decide to harass the man on the bicycle who just trying to get home safe before some speeding car or bus run him off the road.

Dem boys seh the cyclists barely have


they're replacement jobs. You know, one person leaves, another takes their place.

l chairs. But the government isn't clarifying.

One person even claimed that 60,000 jobs were created in housing alone. Housing! What is this—Egypt in the time of the Pharaohs? Are we building pyramids? Are there that many houses going up? Because last time I checked, cement is expensive, and c o n t r a c t o r s s t i l l h a v e a shortage of skilled workers.

B u t a g a i n , n o verification. No labour force survey No nothing.

Here's the thing about e m p l o y m e n t i t ' s measurable. It's not a ghost. It's not an urban legend. It's not Bigfoot. People either have jobs or they don't, and there'

Unless, of course, you're deliberately hiding it. Why the secrecy? What's b e i n

government really had the numbers, wouldn't they be shoving them in our faces, silencing critics once and for all? Instead, all we get are v

empty boasts, and an eerie silence from the institutions tha

tracking this.


Something. But there's no NIS registration surge. No labour force increase. No published surveys. Without an increase in the labour force, creating 60,000 jobs w o u l d

y z e r o unemployment. Because by September 2021, there was almost 42,000 unemployed persons.

A government should be

slogan It isn't

campaign jingle. It isn't a rumor whispered. It's real people, real salaries, real w o

k A

t h e government can prove that these 60,000 jobs are more than just a figment of their imagination, skepticism is the only reasonable response. So, dear leaders, show us the numbers. Until then, we remain unconvinced.


o b s ? Prove it.

(The views expressed in this article are those of


space to ride as it is, with cars and trucks squeezing them off the road like they invisible. But instead of fixing that, the police decide to make life harder for the little man. Priorities, people, priorities!

Dem boys seh if the police really want to do something useful, they should start with the drivers who does overtake in the cycle lanes like they in a Fast & Furious movie. Or how about them drivers who park in the cycle lanes like it's a private garage? And don't even get dem boys started on the tinted vehicles.

Dem boys seh some of them cars so dark, you can't tell if the driver is a human or a shadow

Dem boys seh this country gat plenty laugh, but sometimes the joke does get old. Instead of wasting time on bicycles, the police should focus on the real issues that make the roads unsafe for everyone.

But hey, dem boys seh maybe this is all part of a bigger plan. Next thing you know, they'll be pulling in donkeys for not having headlights. Only in Guyana, folks. Only in Guyana.

Talk half. Leff half.


Drill, baby, drill – brick walls and politics

Drill, baby, drill, is a phrase with wildfire heat to it. On the surface, more p r o d u c t i o n m e a n s m o r e supply, which means lower prices. Is that really so?

The first hang-up is that oil has to be found. And in commercial quantities.

And that could take years. And when found, if at all, released into the market when the price is right. And there is also that delicate

balance between demand and supply Ah, supply and oversupply, there is a little devil in the latter

The mighty Saudis are no longer novices in the oil game, the hustles.

They would have to be foolish to stand to attention and salute while the oil market is flooded with drill, baby, drill results.

The record of recent history is of how adept the S a u d i s h a v e b e c o m e a t calibrating and fine-tuning (and whatever else goes into the tightrope walking) of their own oil taps.

They turn them ever so

s l i g h t l y i n t h e o t h e r direction. If the Saudis want to get real nasty by opening their spigots wide, they can put some people out of b u

running for the sidelines. Those are Americans, the s m

p r o d u c

a m bloody murder when oil prices tumble below certain levels.

One level feared is about US$50 a barrel. So, whether

A l a s k a o r t h e G u l f o f America/Mexico, this drill, baby, drill is a good rap lyric, but has more of swing music to it. It sounds good, invites dancing along, and then c o m e s t h a t b u m m e r : whoever it is, he or she

s u d d e n l y c o m e

dancing by themselves on an empty dance floor

I n t o t h i s l o v e l y amphitheater jumped that wisest of wise Guyanese, one Dr Bharrat Jagdeo When he speaks, world oil market prices bow to his dictates. Believe it or not, there are many people in

Guyanese who are of that thinking.

M r J a g d e o t o o k t h e position that money going into Guyana's New York Oil Fund could be as scarce as snow in the Sahara during a drought.

How did the wise one of Guyana arrive at that rather precarious position and so rapidly?

B e c a u s e i t i s m y p r i n c i p l e d f r i e n d , D r Jagdeo, a man inseparable from Hippocratic and other oaths, my second question was what could he have up his sleeve at this time, at this early hour?

I will help my fellow citizens who know the score, but don't want to say for fear of retribution.

Yeah, it is that kind of PPP Government, and that kind of Jagdeo.

Less money in the Oil Fund means less would be there to be eyed for taking out and holding close to the bosom.

What is more cherished in Guyana today by the likes of the illustrious Mohamed I.

Ali and Ashni K. Singh than “ n a t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t priorities?” Frankly, it is how all three words earned a terrible reputation in this city Naturally, Bharrat E. J a g d e o i s a n a u t o m a t i c addition to that luminous political leadership duet But those Guyanese who focus on money and national development priorities miss the boat.

Again. Because when oil doctor Jagdeo speaks of the specter of less cash into the nation's oil stash in New Yo r k , h e i s s i g n a l i n g something else. Get ready, folks.

When Guyana's leading oil authority, Dr Petroleum Commission Jagdeo races to the front of the line and hollers that there is the 'probability of less money into the Oil Fund next year' he is doing the responsible thing by informing expectant G u y a n e s e n o t t o e x p e c t anything.

If someone said no cash grant in 2026, I recognize a student and an intellect. No cash grants because not even

bhai Bharrat would be so i g n o b l

e m o r e billions to facilitate payouts to needy citizens.

Admittedly, it is a hard


Government because cash g

enriching self-help during the deliberately drawn out and complicated distribution process. At least, I think so.

I will have to check with A

Manzoor Nadir) to find out if that is still allowed. That is, thinking on one's own and for oneself.

The bottom line is that Guyanese could be out of luck and out of cash relief t r a n s f u s i o n s c o m e 2 0 2 6

Note cash transfusions and not infusions.

It should relay how bad things are with almost half of the Guyanese population.

Candidly, I think that Mr

Jagdeo is a combination of S c

, Shylock from Shakespeare, and Midas from wherever I forgot.

He is unhappy that Guyanese got the recent $100,000 cash grant (I give him a pass on the $25,000 COVID-19 setup). So, he put his foot down: probably less oil money in 2026 due to drill, baby, drill.

Not only what the Oil Fund suffocate from lack of r

n , s o would pummeled Guyanese wondering if they are living in an oil rich country, or a leadership poor one. Me, I figured out that riddle a while back. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this newspaper.)

Dr. Asha Kissoon throws full suppor t

National Assembly during presentation behind Budget 2025

…as fellow Opposition MPs storm out

De p u t y S p e a k e r and Opposition

M e m b e r o f

Parliament (MP) Dr Asha Kissoon, who represents The New Movement (TNM) and Joinder party list in the N

$1.3 trillion Budget.

Dr Kissoon in her budget presentation on Thursday was greeted with disdain by h e r f e l l o w o p p o s i t i o n parliamentarians when she rose to contribute to Day Four of the 2025 budget debates.

T h e c o n t r o v e r s i a l parliamentarian has refused to give up her seat in the National Assembly as was agreed in a Memorandum of understanding signed by A New and United Guyana ( A N U G ) , T N M a n d t h e

Liberty and Justice Party ( L J P ) B y w a y o f t h e agreement, Dr Kissoon who also serves as the Deputy Speaker should have given up her seat since November 2023.

As Dr Kissoon began her presentation, her colleagues on the opposition side of the House left the parliament chamber

“ T h e o p p o s i t i o n h a s r

h i s house is witnessing a pot

calling the kettle black

T h e s e a r e t h e s a m e colleagues who squatted in government for five months

a f t e r t h e n o c o n f i d e n c e motion was passed so they are free to do whatever they want to do,” she said.

Dr Kissoon spoke boldly of her support for this year's budget noting that despite being an opposition MP she is an independent thinker

“It is so unheard of that a member of the opposition c o u l d a g r e e w i t h government on something in the budget. Are there no longer free thinkers who exists in the opposition? Is it s o u n h e a r d o f t h a t a government could present a budget to us and we agree with what's in it, we need to do better!” she remarked.

A d d i t i o n a l l y, K i s s o o n criticized the opposition for accusing the government of awarding state contracts to “ f r i e n d s , f a m i l i e s a n d favourites”.

“ T h e r e h a v e b e e n hundreds, if not thousands of contracts given in different ministries in government, and these are persons who have worked hard and put their bids in regardless of which party they have voted for Now they are being v i c t i m i z e d b y o u r o p p o s i

Pensioner choked to death in East Canje

A 7 7 - y e a r - o l d m a n i d e n t i f i e d a s Pooshandeo Rambaran, was choked to death on Thursday at Canje, Berbice, police said.

According to police at around 10:30hrs on Thursday, they received an anonymous phone call, where a man reported that he saw another man choking an individual on the roadway “A police rank responded to the report and proceeded to Lot 13 Goed Bananen Land, East Canje, Berbice, where

he found Pooshandeo Rambaran, a 77-yearold pensioner, lying motionless,” the police said.

Rambaran was picked up and taken to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, where he was pronounced dead by a doctor on duty

The suspect Ramjit Ranlall, a security guard of Adelphi Village East Canje Berbice was arrested. He remains in police custody assisting with the investigations.

them of being favourites of government and that's the only reason why they are doing work in our country, to build our own nation with

taxpayers' dollars. I would like to recognize that this is

should not victimize our

family but by the hard work they are doing,” Dr Kissoon stated.

Deputy Speaker, Dr. Asha Kissoon

‘23 nurses to ever y 10,000 patients in Guyana’ -

D e s p i t e a b u d g e t a r y

a l l o c a t i o n o f o v e r $ 1 4 3

b i l l i o n , G u y a n a ' s h e a l t h sector continues to suffer wanton waste and lack of

c r i t i c a l r e s o u r c e s w i t h

Shadow Health Minister, Dr Karen Cummings describing it as an expensive band-aid to a sector that is in crisis.

S p e a k i n g d u r i n g t h e

b u d g e t d e b a t e s , D r

Cummings described the budget as offering no real

answers, just empty slogans and recycled promises. The former Health Minister gave statistics which reflected the g

providers in the system.

“Mr Spe

get 2025 boasts of a prosperous a n d s u s t a i

G u y a n a …instead it has delivered insecurity for the working

Dr. Karen Cummings tells Parliament health sector in crisis

already at the top This budget is being sold as a step forward but the reality it is an expensive band-aid on a

“Budget 2025 is a highp r i c

d i l l u s i o n T h e government boasts that $143 billion will be poured into the health sector but citizens are yet to reap the benefits, many often show up to see the doctors and have to wait

hours sometimes days for basic medical treatment…”

S h e n o t e d t h a t t h e administration has allowed nurses to leave the country because of their refusal to pay nurses a livable wage. “The spiteful and reckless conduct of the government with its refusal to pay nurses a livable wage has now left every citizen depending on few nurses for healthcare and the remaining nurses seeking second jobs. It is not surprising yet it's worrisome the data show we now have an average 23 nurses for every 10,000.”

“The number of hospital beds in Guyana to determine the strength of healthcare delivery and the number of healthcare providers. The country had an average of 42 beds per 10,000 population i n t h e p e r i o d o f 2 0 0 02002…There was decline from 2004; in 2004, there was a dramatic decline to 25 beds per 10,000 people. And after spending almost $400 billion on the health sector, 36 beds per 10,000 persons,” Dr Cummings revealed.

S h e c o n t i n u e d “ T h e healthcare system is in a crisis; in recent times, there are persons who did not s u s t a i n l i f e t h r e a t e n i n g

injuries that would have succumbed to their injuries following treatment. It is due

assets and providers…”

Dr Cummings noted that a working public healthcare system is the hallmark of a t h r i v i n g e c o n o m y “ M r. Speaker, it is no secret that primary healthcare must be the pillar of the nation's health strategy and should take center stage of universal h e a l


In our public healthcare system today, persons turn up at public health facilities to seek medical care, only to be told, here is some money or a voucher to go seek care a t a p o p u l a r p r i v a t e institution.”

“Yet the government is proudly allocating $28.1B f o r d r u g s a n d m e d i c a l supplies. Yet the Auditor G e n e r a l R e p o r t t e l l s a damning story of billions paid up front to contractors yet nearly $1 billion worth of m e d i c a l s u p p l i e s r e m a i n undelivered …this is not just inefficiency, it is reckless m a n a g e m e n t , ” D r Cummings added.

T h e f o r m e r H e a l t h Minister said that if the

Government were interested in addressing the gaps in the healthcare, they would have taken steps to improve it.

“The government approach to healthcare is like patching potholes while ignoring the r o a d b


nationwide screening, early


a m m e s and community-based health workers let us stop treating t h

preventing diseases.”

Turning her attention to overall budgetary sum of $1.38 trillion, the Opposition M P s a

o boast that Guyana has the fastest growing economy, its citizens a


“There are little or no qualitative and quantitative cha


citizens, ” Dr Cummings said.

‘Budget short on investment in people’ – Cathy Hughes

A l t h o u g h a p p l a u d i n g some of the measures in g o v e r n m e n t ' s $ 1 3 t r i l l i o n budget Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), Cathy Hughes said the financial p l a n i s h e a v y o n infrastructure and short on investments in the people of the country


contributions to the budget debates on Thursday at the National Assembly being held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.

“We are a mature nation and I applaud some of the principles of the measures in b u d g e t 2 0 2 5 A n y programme that attempts to share more of the people's wealth with the citizenry I

support but as we are now making GY$65 million an hour from our oil and gas

h e measures to ease the cost of living are absent from this budget,” Hughes stated.

Highlighting that budget 2025 may be building all the “fancy” bridges and roads, she expressed however that i

monies in the pockets where it is needed more.”

“Where is the peoplecentered approach? Where is

and the

responsibility to carry as many of our people as it is possible to a better life,” the MP related.

“Everyone in this House knows this, and hundreds of thousands of

(Continued on page 22)

Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), Cathy Hughes

67 killed after jet hits helicopter in Washington DC

WA S H I N G TO N , J a n

3 0 ( R e u t e r s ) - U S authorities said on Thursday it was not yet clear why a regional jet crashed into a U.S. Army helicopter at a Washington airport, killing 67 people in the deadliest U.S. air disaster in more than 20 years.

President Donald Trump

s a i d , w i t h o u t p r o v i d i n g

e v i d e n c e , t h a t f e d e r a l diversity efforts could have been a factor, reiterating a theme that has become a

focus of his presidency

R i g h t s g r o u p s a n d Democrats accused him of politicizing the disaster The investigation into the crash, opens new tab in the nation's capital has just begun.

The American Airlines

B o m b a r d i e r c a r r y i n g 6 0 passengers and four crew members collided with the

A r m y B l a c k H a w k helicopter and crashed into the Potomac River as it prepared to land at Reagan

W a s h i n g t o n N a t i o n a l Airport on Wednesday.

The names of all the victims have not yet been released, but they included a number of promising young figure skaters and people

from Kansas, where the flight originated. U . S . T r a n s p o r t a t i o

Secretary Sean Duffy said both aircraft had been flying standard flight patterns and

"Everything was routine up to the point of the accident," Vi

a r y airport is located just

Safety Board investigators

said they were just beginning their work and would have a preliminary report within 30 days.

They said they had not yet recovered the "black boxes" on the aircraft that record flight data.

"This is an all hands on deck event," chair Jennifer H o m e n d y t o l d a p r e s s conference. At the White House, Trump criticized the h e l i c

a f f i c controllers were to blame. "We do not know what led to

Emergency workers recovering debris from the Potomac River in the aftermath of the collision between American Eagle flight 5342 and a Black Hawk helicopter, on Jan 30. PHOTO: REUTERS

this crash, but we have some very strong opinions and ideas," he said.

Radio communications

approach jet and ordered it to change course.

However, a shortage of air traffic controllers in the United States in recent years has spurred safety concerns.

, controllers work mandatory overtime and six-day work weeks to cover shortages.

Administration has about 3,000 fewer controllers than it says it needs. The New York Times reported that a

found that a controller at the airport was handling both helicopter and plane traffic at the time of the crash, though those jobs typically are split up.


Airspace is frequently crowded in the U.S. capital r e g i o n , h o m e t o t h r

facilities, and officials have raised concerns about busy runways at Reagan National Airport. There have been several near-miss incidents


sparked alarm, including a near-collision in May 2024. T

Democratic predecessor Joe Biden of lowering hiring standards and suggested the

push could have weakened its capabilities.

Asked if the crash was caused by diversity hiring, he said: "It just could have been.”

provided any proof to back these assertions, and there is no evidence that efforts to make the federal workforce

Trump has moved quickly to q

y initiatives since taking office on Jan. 20, drawing criticism from rights advocates who f

k progress the United States has made to overcome its (Continued on page 22)

Linden man wanted for abducting ex-lover

T h r e e m o n t h s a f t e r allegedly abducting his 37y

Guyana Police Force (GPF) on Thursday has issued a wanted bulletin for a 31year-old man.

The wanted man has been identified as, Ronald Balgobin, a taxi driver of Linden.

Balgobin is accused of abducting and threatening Basmattie 'Penny' Basant, a housewife of Annadale, East C


e g e d l y abducted on October 27, 2024, at Annadale, ECD.

'Penny Basant' said that she w

e relationship with Balgobin. She claimed that on the day s h e w

accomplices forcibly took her from her Annadale home.

"They took me naked as I was born just with my bath towel," the woman said in her Facebook post.

She said Balgobin drove her to the Linden Soesdyke H i g h w a y w h e r e s h e managed to escape after a police patrol passed and she

screamed for help.

"He let go of my hand and I ran towards the patrol like a mad woman with no underwear no bras just his short pants and a top no f o o t w e a r T h e f e a r a n d trauma keep (s) replaying to me every day, I am unable to be myself since then," the housewife alleged.

Basant said that she was subsequently placed in a safe shelter but left because her c o n d i t i o n w a s n o t improving. She alleged that she suffered physical and emotional abuse at the hands of Balgobin noting that she

was controlled and isolated from family and friends.

"I am still very fearful for my LIFE because my ex did mention that he doesn't want to go to prison on live feed social media!!!

He also always tells me that if he can't have me, no other man can have me," she expressed.

Basant said she often time attempted to escape but her ex-lover would threaten her

Wanted: Ronald Balgobin

" W h e n w i l l I g e t JUSTICE (?) and why (has) the relevant authorities not doing anything about this situation? Will I be another murder victim?" the woman

questioned on her social media platform.

whereabouts to contact them on telephone numbers 2271149, 225-8196, 227-1611, 2 6 8 - 2 3 2 8 / 2 6 8 - 2 3 2 9 , 2 2 63405, 225-6978, 333-3876, 225-8196 or visit the nearest police station.

Balgobin's last known

7 5 8 Cinderella City, Linden, and Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara.

Man killed after concrete slab collapsed on him

The aftermath of the accident

Ragunandan Singh, called ‘Roy’

A 47-year-old labourer was killed on Thursday morning after a concrete slab fell and pinned him while he was breaking concrete at an abandoned building at Crabwood Creek, East Berbice Corentyne. Dead is Ragunandan Singh, called 'Roy,' who resided at Lot 40 Grant 1803, Crabwood Creek. The accident occurred at about 08:30h. The deceased's mother, 78year-old Eliza Dhanmattie called 'Liza' told ranks that Singh resided with her. She reportedly stated that at 06:30h on Thursday, he left home for work and at about 08:30h, she was informed that he was breaking bricks from an abandoned house, a task he regularly undertook to crush and sell for use in neighbourhood yard construction.

"It is suspected that while breaking a concrete wall, a solid piece of the concrete floor, approximately 10 feet by 12 feet in size, collapsed and pinned him to the ground. As a result, he sustained multiple severe injuries, causing his body to be extensively broken," police reported. Thereafter, upon ranks arrival, Singh's body was discovered motionless, slumped over with the described piece of concrete on top of him.

The body was transported subsequently to the Skeldon Public Hospital, where it was examined by Dr Azeez, who pronounced Singh dead on arrival. The body is currently at the Skeldon Public Hospital Mortuary, awaiting a post-mortem examination. The investigations are ongoing. Meanwhile, Singh's neighbour described him as being a very helpful and friendly person."

EPA begins 3-day audit of Massy Gas Products following gas cylinder explosions


which have been linked to Massy Gas Products, the


Agency (EPA) has launched a comprehensive three-day audit of the entity Massy Gas Products has



explosions were linked to gas cylinders supplied by the

company has repeatedly said that it is not at fault for the


said that the audit, which began on January 29, 2025 , is aimed at assessing the company's compliance with environmental regulations, particularly regarding the

cylinders. The audit will involve a detailed review of

and safety practices.

conduct a thorough review of the facility's records and documentation, examine its

manufacturing and bottling processes, and assess the

d distribution of its products. The audit will also evaluate

environmental management practices, and adherence to permit conditions to ensure public and environmental

focused on assessing the facility's manufacturing and

(Continued on page 22)

EPA officers conducting a review of Massy Gas Products

16-yr-old girl killed by 40-yr-old lover at Baramita


committed on Janelly David, a

Barama Line, Baramita in t h e N

n d Thursday in the village.

Police are looking for the suspect Eon Moore, age 40, w h o r e p o

y f l e d t h e scene on an ATV in the direction of Five-Star back

dam, NWD.

According to a police press release ranks from Baramita Police Station in R e g i o n O n e a n d M e d i c Edghilo of Baramita Cottage Hospital visited the scene at about 11:00hrs Thursday

It was observed that the scene is a makeshift camp measuring about 12 x 18 feet in length and width.

P o l i c e e x a m i n e d t h e body and observed that the teen was lying motionless face-up in a hammock. She was clad in a peach-coloured top and a pair of black short pants.

R a n k s c h e c k e d t h e victim's body and observed marks of violence around her right eye, and what appeared to be swelling at the back of her head.

Enquiries disclosed that the victim and suspect are known to each other, and they shared a common law relationship and were living together up to the time of David's death.

According to the police release, on Wednesday at about 18:30 hrs, a 31-yearold cook whose camp is about fifteen feet from the couple's camp at Baramita,

said she had seen the couple together

She said at the time David appeared to be in good spirits Subsequently, t

cook left her camp and went to Central Baramita and she returned at about 10:30hrs Thursday when she saw the s u s p e c t p a c k i n g h i s belongings on a Red Suzuki

All Terrain Vehicle (ATV).

T h e c o o k s a i d s h e enquired about David and Moore responded: "She's sleeping in her hammock".

T h e C o o k s a i d s h e

d David lying motionless with visible marks of violence on her face.

At that time, the suspect took off on the AVT and made good his escape. A report was made to Baramita Police Station.

The teen's body was escorted to Baramita Cottage Hospital and was certified dead on arrival by the Medic. A m a n h u n t i s p r e s e n t l y ongoing for the suspect as investigations continue.

Prime suspect in the murder of Baramita teen Eon Moore aka Coolie

Mexico asks Google Maps not to rename Gulf of Mexico

( B B C N E W S ) M e x i c a n

President Claudia Sheinbaum has written a letter to Google asking the firm to reconsider its decision to rename the Gulf of Mexico.

US President Donald Trump signed an executive order requiring the body of water - which is bordered by the US, Cuba and Mexico - be renamed the Gulf of America in his first week in office. But it will only appear on Google Maps with the new name for people based in the US - elsewhere in the

world it will retain its current name, which has been used for hundreds of years.

T h e r e i s n o i n t e r n a t i o n a l

organisation responsible for the naming of bodies of water But Mexico argues the U.S. cannot legally change the Gulf's name b e c a u s e t h e U n i t

d N

o n s Convention on the Law of the Sea dictates that an individual country's sovereign territory only extends up to 12 nautical miles out from the coastline.

"[The name change] could only correspond to the 12 nautical miles away from the coastlines of the U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A

Sheinbaum said. Google has not yet responded to the BBC's request for comment. But in a statement on social media on Monday it said: "We have a longstanding practice of applying name changes when they have been updated in official government sources." It will also rename Mount Denali as Mount McKinley in the US, following

another order from Trump. "When o f f i c i a

n countries, Maps users see their official local name," it said.

Mexican America S h e i n b a u m h a s c r i t i c i s e d Google's decision, saying the firm should not respond to "the mandate of a country" to change the name of "an international sea". But she seemed to poke fun at Trump's m

additional renaming decisions. "By

the way, we are also going to ask for Mexican America to appear on the

consider renaming North America as "América Mexicana" in the country "He says that he will call it

previously said when Trump signed the executive order "For us it is still the Gulf of Mexico, and for the entire world it is still the Gulf of Mexico."

Brebnor says WASA not serving Tobago well

( T R I N I D A D

G U A R D I A N ) Te n s i o n s flared at the Water and Sewage Authority's (WASA)

G o l d s b o r o u g h W a t e r Treatment Plant sod-turning


House of Assembly's (THA)

Deputy Chief Secretary Dr Faith Brebnor (previously B.Yisrael) criticised the state entity and Government over the island's water issues. She also raised concerns over the THA's exclusion from key ministry events on the island.

C a b i n e t m e m b e r s present Ayanna WebsterRoy, Pennelope Beckles and Marvin Gonzales—quickly



supply What was supposed to be a routine sod-turning


showdown in front of invited guests and residents, with no one holding back on their criticisms.

Brebnor first called out the Government, saying, “I sincerely hope that this kind of collaboration—one where I am invited to be a part of the c e l e b r a t i o n i s n o t j u s t happening because we were forced to do it.” Shifting her attention to Public Utilities

M i n i s t e r G o n z a l e s , s h e added, “In other words, M i n i s


She then raised issues

a b o u t w a t e r a v a i l a b i l i t y across the island, even in a r e a s w i t h m o d e r n infrastructure. “I get the calls all the time from people who

... clashes with Cabinet members at plant sod turning

WASA, it's three days now, we haven't gotten water.' The challenge is not just for r e s i d

n t s ;

n d s t o farmers who are in the area, since Goldsborough is the food basket of Tobago.” Her remarks, however, triggered a forceful response from the Cabinet members present.

T o b a g o E a s t M P Webster-Roy abandoned her prepared speech to fire back.

“My very honourable colleague from the THA also mentioned parts of the THA Act of 1996, but I wish that same passion would have been shared when we were debating the two autonomy bills,” Webster-Roy said in reference to the Constitution (Amendment) (Tobago SelfGovernment) Bill, 2020 that was defeated in Parliament i n D e c e m b e r P l a n n i n g Minister Beckles-Robinson

THA deputy Chief Secretary Dr Faith Brebnor, from left, Tobago East MP Ayanna Webster-Roy, Planning and Development Minister Pennelope Beckles, Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales and Tobago West MP Shamfa Cudjoe-Lewis turn the sod at the Goldsborough Water Treatment Plant in Tobago yesterday

“ T h e c o l l a b o r a

o n always existed I was a f o r m e

P u b l i c U

i e s Minister, and in 2002, there was a shortage of water in

also defended Government's efforts to fix the water crisis in Tobago “Things will never be perfect because very often the impression is given that all the money is spent in Trinidad. Come to Arima, and they will not say so. Go to Lopinot, and they will not say so,” BecklesRobinson said.


import water from Trinidad. During 2002-2004, former

London made the request, a

allocated from the ministry (Continued on page 23)


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67 killed after jet hits helicopter in Washington

From page 15 history of discrimination.

“The President has made his decision to put politics over people abundantly clear as he uses the highest office in the land to sow hatred rooted in falsehoods instead of providing us with the leadership we need and deserve,” Derrick Johnson, president of the NAACP civil rights group, said in a statement.

Trump cited FAA policies stating that physical and mental disabilities would not on their own disqualify applicants from a controller ’s position. Those policies were in place throughout Trump’s initial 2017-2021 White House term, according to aides to Biden’s transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg. Buttigieg called Trump’s remarks despicable. “As families grieve, Trump should be leading, not lying,” he said on social media.


Trump’s remarks con-

trasted sharply with those of other officials, who said there was no immediate indication why the crash took place.

American Airlines (AAL.O), opens new tab CEO Robert Isom said the pilot of the American Eagle Flight 5342 had about six years of flying experience. The Bombardier CRJ-700 jet was operated by PSA Airlines, a regional subsidiary

Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth said the helicopter was flown by a “fairly experienced crew” of three soldiers who were wearing night-vision goggles on an annual training flight.

Officials said they were grounding other flights from the Army unit involved in the crash and would reevaluate training exercises in the region.


Air traffic control recordings appear to capture the final attempted communications with the helicopter, call

sign PAT25, before it collided with the jet. “PAT25, do you have a CRJ in sight? PAT25, pass behind the CRJ,” an air traffic controller says at 8:47 p.m. ET (0147 GMT) on Wednesday, according to a recording on liveatc.net. Seconds later, another aircraft calls in to air traffic control, saying, “Tower, did you see that?” - apparently referring to the crash. An air traffic controller then redirects planes heading to runway 33 to go around.

“I just saw a fireball and then it was just gone. I haven’t seen anything since they hit the river,” an air traffic controller says. Webcam video of the crash showed the collision and an explosion lighting up the night sky.

It was the deadliest U.S. air disaster since November 2001, when an American Airlines jet crashed after departing from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, killing all 260 people on

board and five people on the ground. Reagan National’s main runway is the busiest in the United States, with over 800 daily takeoffs and landings.

The National Transportation Safety Board has investigated nine accidents or incidents at the airport this century, including two that were fatal, records show.

The airport is only two miles from the White House and half a mile from the Pentagon, where 189 people died when Al Qaeda hijackers crashed American Airlines flight 77 on Sept. 11, 2001.

U.S. Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia said he had long been concerned about the busy airspace, where civilian and military aircraft must navigate the unique security concerns of the U.S. capital. “I’ve been praying that there wouldn’t be something like last night but kind of dreading in my heart that there would be,” he told reporters.

Dr. Asha Kissoon thr ows full suppor t

From page 11 development as an oil producing economy. One of her key proposals was the creation of a specialized fund to support citizens in need of medical services abroad, eliminating the need for fundraising campaigns. She also recommended reducing the minimum age for applying for government loans from 21 to 18 and introducing interest-free loans for first-time landowners.

“I’m aware that this is an issue that has been debated many times, but young people should have the right to invest in their future early and contribute to national development. To make this a reality the government could consider introducing interest free loans for first time landowners backed by state guarantees and further subsidized land pricing for youth applicants,” Dr. Kissoon said.


Two & Three bedroom Luxury apartments $2500 USD long term rental, Campbellville Georgetown. 682-2585/ 712-8641.

Apartment to rent situated in Republic park area. Hot & cold water, air condition & Parking available. Tele : 7244668.

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Additionally, she called for greater scrutiny of contractors responsible for poor quality infrastructural work.

“We cannot have contractors doing work that is not up to par for the Guyanese people. Attention must be paid to the quality of work being laid out, ensure that we get what we paid for [and] ensure that contractors are held accountable and complete qual-

ity work for the people of Guyana,” the opposition MP urged. On the issue of the high cost-of-living, Dr Kissoon suggested that the government further subsidizes fuel prices, noting that “Reducing fuel costs will create a ripple effect”, lowering transportation costs and the price of goods. She also advocated for expanding the school feeding programs to reduce the fi-

nancial burden on families, stating, “I believe in Guyana that we can afford this for all grades, and all schools.”

Dr. Kissoon also urged the government to support the hemp industry and to establish a public veterinarian clinic while advocating for increased attention and financial support for commissions tasked with protecting the country’s wildlife.

EPA begins 3-day audit of Massy Gas...

From page 17

procedures used in gas cylinder production, testing, and filling. Additionally, the agency reviewed operational practices to verify adherence to regulatory requirements and best practices for handling liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), nitrogen and oxygen.

Further, the EPA recommended safety tips to consumers to prevent future incidents. “Use the correct type of regulator for their gas cylinders to prevent leaks and ensure safe operation. Avoid storing gas bottles in unventilated cupboards or enclosed spaces. If gas cylinders are kept indoors, proper ventilation must be maintained to reduce the risk of gas accumulation and potential hazards.”

The Agency has committed to providing additional updates on the three-day audit.

On January 24, 2025, representatives from

the EPA, the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), the Guyana Fire Service, and the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS), met to discuss a coordinated action plan in response to the recent gas cylinder explosions.

The agencies agreed on several first steps to address the ongoing crisis, including continuing inspections and investigations of relevant facilities and components. They also committed to sharing their findings, which will be reviewed to develop a comprehensive action plan.

This plan will include safety measures for suppliers, vendors, and consumers.

The meeting followed Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’s public call for a thorough investigation into the recent gas cylinder explosions which resulted in the death of two persons.

‘Budget short on investment in people’

From page 14 families feel it every day. It is against this background that I say…. $ 1.382 trillion yes is the largest budget ever but this budget highlights that largest isn’t always best,” she expressed.

Elaborating on this, the MP told the National Assembly, with the national discussions estimating that the minimum wage should be between $100,000 and $150,000 a pension of $41,000 “just does not cut it.” The MP continued, “…the cries from persons in our commu-

nities who have been struck off the public assistance list is of concern. Worse yet, that in this Dubai-rich economy we have only allocated a $3000 increase. And what does $3000 do?” According to Hughes, the increases in the income tax threshold, adjustments on personal income tax and the modest reduction in the VAT rate are great but all have little impact on the lowest of income earners in Guyana and that it reinforces the expansion of those that have.

US lists 1.4 million foreign nationals to be deported...

Nearly 1,200 deportees from T&T targeted

A total of 1,197 Trinidad and Tobago nationals are reportedly among the 1.4 million foreign nationals listed for deportation from the United States.

T h i s f i g u r e , a m o n g others for several countries, i s c o n t a i n e d i n a n unconfirmed document from the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) which has been widely circulated on social media in the past week. The document, dated November 24, 2024, states there were 1,445,549 foreign nationals on ICE's nondetained docket with final orders of removal.

Fox News reported on the document on December 11, 2024.

The top four countries with the highest number of n a t i o n a l s l i s t e d f o r deportation are: Mexico—252,044 Guatemala—253,413 Honduras—261,651 El Salvador—203,822. In the English-speaking Caribbean region, Jamaica and Guyana have the highest number of people to be deported. The following is a b r e a k d o w n o f s o m e

countries in this region on the list:

T r i n i d a d a n d Tobago—1,197 Barbados—151

A n t i g u a a n d Barbuda—110 Bahamas—426 Grenada—149 Guyana—1,236 Jamaica—5,120 St Lucia—202 St Vincent and the Grenadines—127 Suriname—137

O t h e r s i g n i f i c a n t numbers include: Venezuelans—22,749

D o m i n i c a n Republic—12,699 Haiti—32,363. Deportation protection

According to Fox News, t h e n u m b e r o f i l l e g a l i m m i g r a n t s o n t h e n o ndetained docket has surged from 3.7 million in fiscal 2021 to nearly 4.8 million in fiscal 2022, and more than seven million in fiscal 2023. While many individuals in t h i s c a t e g o r y a r e r e c e n t arrivals, others have lived in the US for decades. ICE said in an accompanying note that it cannot provide case-

s p e c i f i c r e a s o n s f o r d e p o r t a t i o n s H o w e v e r , several factors may prevent

Brebnor says WASA ...

From page 21 to drill wells in Tobago, and that is why there isn't the shortage of water now as compared to then.”

B u t i t w a s P u b l i c Utilities Minister Gonzales who made it clear he has never been invited to any THA events by the new administration. He charged, “I'm not about that. I'm a big man, I have work to do. I'm not about making an issue over who gets an invitation, w h o d o e s n ' t I ' m a b o u t serving the people who put me in office, and when election comes, they're not g o i n g t o d e t e r m i n e m y political future by who I invite or who I didn't invite.”

H e c a l l e d o n Tobagonians not to tolerate politicians who try to score points off the issue.

“Watch them carefully, h o w t h e y c o n d u c t themselves when you put your trust in them, ask them to account for what they have done, especially those who promised to fix things a n d a r e o n l y f i x i n g themselves.”

H e c o n d e m n e d Brebnor's comments, saying h i s m i n i s t r y h a s s e n t invitations to events that

removal, including pending appeals, alternative forms of deportation protection, and inclusion in alternatives to detention programmes.

“ N o n - c i t i z e n s m a y pursue a form of relief or protection from removal, which may include asylum, withholding of removal, or p r o t e c t i o n u n d e r t h e Convention Against Torture. If a non-citizen is granted any form of relief from removal, ICE is unable to effectuate the removal,” the note said.

The document further says that the US government believes every country has an obligation to accept the return of its citizens and nationals deemed ineligible to remain in the United States. Lack of cooperation from foreign governments can delay or inhibit the removal process. Countries

are expected to confirm the citizenship of individuals s u s p e c t e d t o b e t h e i r n a t i o n a l s , i s s u e t r

l documents promptly, and a c c e p t t h e i r r e t u r n v i a scheduled commercial or charter flights.

The document said that currently, ICE considers 15 countries uncooperative in a c c e p t i n g d e p o r t e e s , including Bhutan, Burma, Cuba, Democratic Republic o f t h e C o n g o , E r i t r e a , Ethiopia, Hong Kong, India, I r a n , L a o s , P a k i s t a n , People's Republic of China, R u s s i a , S o m a l i a , a n d Venezuela. Additionally, 11 countries, including Jamaica and St Lucia, are classified a s “ a t r i s k o f n o ncompliance”.

Full cooperation with the US

The Express yesterday s o u g h t c o m m e n t s f r o m

s e v e r a l G o v e r n m e n t

officials, including outgoing Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, Minister of Foreign and Caricom Aff airs Dr Amery Browne, National Security Minister Fitzgerald H i n d s , M i n i s t e r i n t h e M i n i s t r y o f N a t i o n a l Security Keith Scotland and incoming prime minister Stuart Young, but there was no response up to last night.


Ministry's Communications Unit said they were “hard at w

enquiry but did not provide a statement.


quoted by Loop News as saying while he had received no official communication r e g

deportation list, Trinidad and T o b a g

c o n t i n u e s t o cooperate fully with the US government on migration issues.

“Trinidad and Tobago continues to fully cooperate with the United States of America on issues related to migration, and this includes our ongoing cooperation in the receipt and management o f d e p o r t a t i o n s o

nationals from the United States.

were never acknowledged or attended by THA executives.

“I will forgive her (Brebnor) because, perhaps, she wasn't a w a r e t h a t o n m a n y o c c a s i o n s w h e n w e c o m m i s s i o n e d b o o s t e r stations and infrastructure, the secretary responsible for u t i l i t i e s ( S e c r e t a r y I a n Pollard) refused to attend.”

He also said the delivery of water to citizens should not be politicised, telling the audience, “Any minister or politician that gets involved in the politicisation of water is one that is undeserving of y o u

d representation.”

Gonzales, like Beckles, said Tobago's water situation is better today than it was y e a r s a g o H e d e n i e d excluding the THA from activities, saying recently the Chief Secretary was a guest speaker at a recent event in Charlotteville. He said his ministry had already poured $

improving Tobago's water supply and plans to take that

treatment plant is expected to cost approximately $50 million.



Brazil and Jamaica sign cooperation agreement

( J A M A I C A O B S E R V E R )

Jamaica and Brazil have committed to deepening their bilateral relationship with the signing of a new cooperation programme.

The agreement underscores the countries' shared goals of advancing

g academic exchange, and improving

enhancing collaboration in key sectors such as sports, healthcare, education and energy transition.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Kamina Johnson Smith, in her remarks at the signing ceremony held recently at the

leadership in the renewable energy sector, which she noted, serves as an inspiration for Jamaica's own energy goals. “Brazil achieved more than 80 per cent renewables in their energy mix, an inspiration to the world. Clearly, as Jamaica moves towards its goal of 50 per cent by 2030, cooperation with a country like Brazil will only lend impetus to our achievements in this regard,” she said.

Brazil's Foreign Minister, Mauro Vi e i r a ,

commitment to strengthening ties with

opportunity for further collaboration, particularly in the areas of student mobility and cooperation between the countries' universities.

Smith said that the countries have been

Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission to Haiti, which Brazil has played

key role in facilitating.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. Kamina Johnson Smith (left), exchanges greetings with Brazil's Foreign Minister, His Excellency Mauro Vieira, just before a recent bilateral meeting at the Ministry's downtown Kingston headquarters.

Nations Security Council in 2024, the

resolution to support the mission.

“We have been discussing the possibilities of the MSS transitioning into a peacekeeping operation for predictability of funding and other support from the United Nations (UN) system, and this is of great importance for Haiti's return to peace, stability, and

prosperity of its people,” Johnson Smith said. The signing of the cooperation programme marks a significant step in

Eight Israeli and Thai hostages released from Gaza

( B B C N E W S ) E i g h t

m o r e h o s t a g e s h e l d b y Hamas in Gaza have been released amid chaotic scenes as part of the ceasefire deal with Israel.

Three Israelis and five Thai nationals were handed over to the Red Cross by

H a m a s b e f o r e b e i n g transferred to Israeli forces and taken to Israel. A total of 110 Palestinians were later released from Israeli prisons,

i n c l u d i n g 3 2 w i t h l i f e sentences and 30 minors.

I s r a e l d e l a y e d t h e i r release in response to the w a y t h e h o s t a g e s w e r e treated as they were handed

over Thursday's releases mean 15 hostages have been freed since the ceasefire

came into effect on 19

January Eighty-two are still being held. Israeli soldier Agam Berger, 20, was the f i r s t t o b e r e l e a s e d o n Thursday - led by masked gunmen through a scene of rubble in a stage-managed event in Jabalia, in the north of Gaza. Crowds of civilians were kept back by armed H a m a s f i g h t e r s a s s h e appeared on a platform and w a s g i v e n a c e r t i f i c a t e , before being passed to the Red Cross.

She was one of seven women from an unarmed unit of observers who were

kidnapped on 7 October 2023, and the last remaining i n G a z a I n Te l Av i v ' s Hostages Square

watching on a big screen cheered. "I'm thrilled... to see her face, to see her going back to her family It's exciting," Yahel Oren, who served in the same unit as Ms Berger a decade ago, told the BBC.

Photos released by the Israeli military showed her hugging four other young women from the unit who

the BBC. There were chants of Sinwar's name and for Hamas, he said.

A woman in the crowd said she was "proud of G a z a ' s m e n a n d G a z a ' s resistance".

I n Te l Av i v, p e o p l e watched anxiously, as they held Israeli flags and photos of the hostages. In addition t o M s B e r g e r , I s r a e l i civilians Arbel Yehud, 29, and Gadi Moses, 80, and Thai agricultural workers Pongsak Thaenna, Sathian

S u w a n n a k h a m , Wa t c h a r a Sriaoun, Bannawat Seathao and Surasak Lamnao were freed.

yet to be released. The postponement was the latest hitch to hit the d e l i c a t e a n d c o m p l e x reciprocal steps which Israel and Hamas have committed to under the terms of the ceasefire. Israel delayed by two days allowing hundreds of thousands of displaced P

northern Gaza after Hamas failed to include Arbel Yehud in the previous round of h

5 January Two hundred and fifty-one people were taken c

attacked Israel on 7 October 2023, killing about 1,200 people. The attack triggered a war which has devastated Gaza. I

were released in the previous exchange on Saturday In a statement, her family said they could now "begin the healing process" but that "the recovery will not be c o m p l e t e u n t i l a l l t h e h

filming with mobile phones, before being handed over to the Red Cross in waiting vehicles.


About two hours later, in Khan Younis in the south of G a z a , t h e s e v e n o t h e r hostages were brought out amid chaotic scenes. They were led by armed fighters through crowds of cheering spectators, many

Panama's president says there will be no negotiation about ownership of canal

PA N A M A C I T Y ( A P ) P a n a m a

President José Raúl Mulino said Thursday there will be no negotiation with the United States over ownership of the Panama Canal, and he hopes U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio's upcoming visit will allow them to focus on shared interests including migration and combating drug trafficking.

Being the destination for the first overseas visit by the top U.S. diplomat would have been big for Panama in any case, but Rubio comes as the emissary of U.S. President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly suggested the U.S. retake the Panama Canal.

On the day of his inauguration, Trump claimed that U.S. ships were being “severely overcharged and not treated fairly in any way, shape or form,” noting that “above all, China is operating the Panama Canal.” He had previously said the U.S. could demand the canal be returned.

Mulino tried to downplay the tension at his weekly press conference Thursday He

Cargo ships wait to transit the Panama Canal in Panama City, on June 28, 2024.

(AP Photo/Matias Delacroix, File)

spoke of wanting to clarify confusion about China's role in the canal — a Hong Kong consortium manages ports at both ends, but Panama controls the canal – and blamed a predecessor for the long-term concession made for control of the ports. “It's impossible, I can't negotiate,” Mulino said when asked about returning the canal to U.S. control.

“That is done. The canal belongs to Panama.”

The United States built the canal in the early 1900s as it looked for ways to facilitate the transit of commercial and military vessels between its coasts. Washington relinquished control of the waterway to Panama on Dec. 31, 1999, under a treaty signed in 1977 by President Jimmy Carter “The only thing that I want is to clear all the garbage from the path, clean the table and be able to speak with the United States and very frankly” about issues including immigration, security and the fight against drug trafficking, Mulino said. Rubio is scheduled to meet with Mulino Sunday and visit the canal.

I t t o o k p l a c e symbolically in front of the r e m a i n s o f t h e h o m ebombed by Israel - of late Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, the architect of the 7 October attacks. Sinwar was killed by Israeli troops in Rafah in October 2024."There was a lot of chaos, there was a lot of pushing," a journalist who covered the handover told

I n a s i g n o f t h e p r e c a r i o u s n e s s o f t h e ceasefire, the release of the prisoners was paused by I s r a e l u n t i l i t r e c e i v e d assurances that the scenes w h i c h a c c o m p a n i e d t h e release of the hostages in Khan Younis would not be r e p e a t e d I s r a e l i P r i m e M i n i s t

inconceivable brutality of t h


The prime minster's office later said it had since received from mediators "a commitment that a safe exit will be guaranteed for our hostages"

47,460 Palestinians in the territory, according to Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry


ranging from those serving long sentences for bombings

charge - had been released under the ceasefire. Most

occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, while about 70 of the most serious


Hamas confirms death of militar y chief Deif

(BBC NEWS) Hamas has confirmed that its military chief, Mohammed Deif, has been killed.

Israel's military said it had killed Deif in July last year, but Hamas had not confirmed this until now Israel says Deif was one of the figures responsible for planning the 7 October attacks in southern Israel in which 1,200 people were killed and 251 taken hostage. Deif was widely seen as the secondranking Hamas official in Gaza, behind Yahya Sinwar, the group's leader in the territory, who was also killed by Israeli forces last year.

Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) last year issued an arrest warrant for Deif, alongside Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu and former defence minister Yoav Gallant.

Deif was known to have helped engineer the construction of tunnels that have allowed Hamas fighters to enter Israel from Gaza.

He was also credited with designing Hamas's signature weapon, the Qassam rocket. In its statement on Thursday, Hamas also announced the death of deputy military c

announced Issa's death in March last year

Issa was the deputy commander of Hamas's military wing and was considered one of Israel's most-wanted men. The

European Union, which placed the Hamas leader on its terrorist blacklist, linked him directly to the 7 October attack.

The latest war was triggered when Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October 2023. Israel's 15-month military offensive killed

territory, according to Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry.

A ceasefire between Hamas and Israel came into effect on 19 January. A total of 15 Israeli hostages have been freed since then. So far, 400 Palestinian prisoners - ranging from those serving long sentences for bombings and other attacks to teenagers held without charge - have been released. Most have returned to the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, while about 70 of the most serious offenders have been deported.

Mohammed Deif was killed in an Israeli air strike in the Gaza Strip

Opposition’s plans would cost countr y $800 billion

…without roads, schools, provisions for health - finance minister

In bringing the curtains down on the five-day Budget

D e b a t e i n t h e N a t i o n a l

A s s e m b l y o n T h u r s d a y evening, Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh challenged Guyanese to calculate the measures promised by the Opposition, questioning the feasibility of such proposals.

In his over two hours long defence of the 2025 Budget, he presented on January 17, Dr Singh argued

t h a t t h e O p p o s i t i o n h a s painted imaginary dreams and measures, which he is sure will no longer fool Guyanese.

He urged the National Assembly and Guyanese tuned in to the live broadcast to join him in calculating the c o s t o f t h e i n i t i a t i v e s proposed by the group which includes $400,000 tax-free threshold monthly to cost $34B; the $100,000 cash grant for 600,000 adults will cost $60B annually or $120B if done twice annually; $25B for University of Guyana (UG) fees; $50,000 monthly to 14,000 students at UG and the technical institutes will cost another $8.4B.

For the re-imbursement of UG loans $1B; water subsidies will cost about $11B; free electricity up to $10,000 per month will amount to $27.6B; to pay $100,000 per month in old age pensions would cost

$ 9 1 2 B

$ 2 8 3 5 B ; t o

r e a s e minimum wage to $200,000 monthly another $43.2B will be required along with $20B for direct cost of living measures and $3B for small business bureau and $50B to a development bank; $100B t o w a r d s r e n t - t o - o w n programme; GPL allocation

$ 2 0 0 B t

$40,000 monthly payment another $28.8B.

To this end, he pointed out that the estimate of these measures amount to $799Balmost one trillion-dollars. Dr Singh was keen to note t h a t t h e



Opposition do not include any infrastructural plans for n e w s c h

police stations, water wells or allocations for drugs or m

The Andrews Supermarket on Robb Street, Georgetown

Bandits remove safes, cash registers in Andrews Supermarket break-in

Supermarket on Robb and Light Streets, Georgetown carting off with an undisclosed sum of cash and other items.

Police in a press release said that the robbery occurred between 22:00hrs Wednesday and 07:45hrs Thursday by persons unknown. According to the 34-year-old store manager, at about 22:00hrs Wednesday night, he was the last person to leave the building and he secured it by the means provided and went home.

At about 07:45hrs Thursday, he returned to the supermarket and discovered the door to the storage bond located on the lower flat of the building was opened. Upon checking, he discovered that the roof leading to the storage bond was cut open. He then made checks in the building and observed the cash registers in the supermarket on the ground floor were damaged and an undisclosed sum of cash removed. He made further checks on the second floor and observed the Money Gram office was ransacked and two metal safes containing an undisclosed amount of cash which were secured in the said office were missing. Several persons in the area were questioned as investigations continue.

health institutions. He said, “The fictitious, f

announced, the whimsical and fanciful dream that they h

delusion that they are living, the malarkey that they have b e e n s p i n

, t h o s e measures alone- mind you they ain't build a school yet...they ain't build a single hospital yet...”

The Finance Minister continued, “They hold the Guyanese people in grave contempt. They believe up to now that they can come and spin any yarn, they can spin any tale, they can tell any

story, they can make any promise and they believe that we would believe it, the G u y a n e s e p e o p l e w o u l d believe it and go and vote for them.”

He said the Opposition may have been able to pull that off before but this was a timely reminder of their true nature.

To this end, he told the House that the PPP is proud of what it has delivered over the past five years through c o n s u l t a t i o n w i t h stakeholders. He said that while the main criticism of the budget is that it has nothing for people, the fact remains that all Guyanese

Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh during his contribution to the 2025 Budget Debate

workers will benefit from the next tax threshold and health voucher among the other initiatives outlined in the fiscal plan.

B u d g e t 2 0 2 5 , a s presented by Dr Singh is set at $1.382 trillion. It was presented under the theme 'A

sustainable Guyana'. With the completion of the Budget Debates at the Arthur Chung

Consideration of Estimates over the next four days, commencing today (Friday) at 10:00am.

Friday January 31, 2025

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19

I f y o u ' v e g i v e n u p o n something you've lost, Aries, you might get a real surprise tonight when a dream sheds light on where you might find it.

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)

A business or romantic partner might be in a foul mood and not very likely to tell you why, Taurus. It won't be all that easy to deal with, but it probably doesn't relate to any trouble between you.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

Have you been exercising beyond your fitness level, Gemini? If you have, you're probably feeling very tired, sore, and out of sorts. Take it easy today, even if you don't want to.

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

A goal you've recently been on the verge of attaining may s u d d e n l y h i t u n e x p e c t e d setbacks, Cancer However major or minor they are.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

You could be introduced to a new person today Leo. He or she may be someone who will play a very important role in your life at one point.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

Is there a secret you're obsessed with unveiling, Virgo? Something strange could be going on in your neighborhood, or it might be an intellectual puzzle

W h a t e v e r i t i s , y o u ' r e determined to discover

Sir Clyde Walcott: the captain...

From page 29

h o m e t e a m , B a r b a d o s , needed 240 to win on the

, managing only 176-4 before time ran out.

Despite the draw, British Guiana's total of 20 points was enough to secure the title, with Barbados finishing as runners-up on 18 points. K

included star batsmen Joe Solomon and Basil Butcher, who combined for 654 runs

in the tournament. Solomon f

highest run-scorer of the series. Other crucial players were Collin Wiltshire, Rohan Kanhai, I. Persaud, Edwin M


standout performances came from batsmen Conrad Hunte and Robin Bynoe.



Solomon led British Guiana's

Solomon amassing 357 runs across three matches. On the

bowling front, Lance Gibbs took 11 wickets, while Rohan Kanhai delivered a stellar innings of 108.

How the 1964 Tournament unfolded

Game 1: British Guiana

batted first at GCC Bourda, posting an impressive 446 all out. Trinidad and Tobago, in response, managed only 309, trailing by 137 runs.


second innings at 238-5,

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)


humanitarian subjects you've b

changed your value system, perhaps subtly, Libra.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

A temporary separation from a love partner might have you in a very gloomy mood, Scorpio. Attempts to reach your friend by phone might prove fruitless.

SAGIT (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

Expect to be frantic if you h a v e t o t

r e o f something that's time critical today, Sagittarius. People and situations aren't in your favor.

CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Generally you avoid politics in any group you belong to, Capricorn, but today you might get caught up in the fray in order to support a friend.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

Changes you're making at home might necessitate your p


e waiting for a guest whose plane got delayed.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

Are you involved in a search through every store for a particular item, Pisces? You might be looking for a long time. The object you need won't be found at the local m a l l S e c o n d h a n d s h o

obscure boutiques, antique stores outside town.

Tobago held firm at 187-5 as time expired on February 14, 1964.

Game 2: British Guiana vs. Jamaica (Victory by an

Guiana posted 346 all out. In response, Jamaica crumbled for 143 in their first innings. Forced to follow on, Jamaica managed only 143 again, as spinners Gibbs and Persaud

Guiana a dominant innings victory

Game 3: British Guiana vs. Barbados (Draw – Title Secured). Needing only a draw to secure the title, then British Guiana side faced Barbados in the final match a

K e n s i n g t o n O v a l Barbados batted first and posted 270.

British Guiana responded with 265 before declaring at 2 4 4 - 5 i n t h e i r s e

innings. Barbados, chasing 240 for victory, could only reach 176-4 before the match e

Guiana's triumphant title win before a packed crowd.

A Legacy that Lives On

The heroics of Sir Clyde Walcott and his team remain

Caribbean cricket history T

9 6 4 marked the beginning of British Guiana's cricketing dominance, paving the way for future generations.

As Guyana Harpy Eagles n

championship, they do so with the legacy of Walcott and his men as a guiding light.

This year's regional firstclass championship promises another thrilling chapter in the historic rivalry between G u y

Cricket fans eagerly await to

y (standing captain) and his team rise to the challenge, drawing inspiration from the legendary feats of the past. (Charwayne Walker)

Everest CC extends best wishes to Looknauth on First Class debut

Richie Looknauth is the latest player from Everest Cricket Club (ECC) to be selected to play Regional First-Class cricket. The right arm off-spinner received his cap on the opening morning of the match - Guyana Harpy Eagles against Barbados Pride in Cricket West Indies 4Day Championship 2025.

The 25-year-old who played two List A matches for the Harpy Eagles back in 2023 in Trinidad and Tobago struck with the fifth he bowled at the familiar Providence track when he trapped Kevin Wickham Leg Before Wicket for three just after lunch on the opening day Looknauth's long standing

teammate and Vice President of Everest Cricket C l u b , D w a y n e A d a m s o ff e r e d w o r d s o f congratulations on behalf of the club. “Congrats on your selection. Your hard work and dedication are paying off. We at Everest are proud of your accomplishment. Continue to shine and make a name for yourself,” Adams stated.

Looknauth, the West Coast of Demerara resident, has been a member of ECC since the age of 14 and also represented Guyana from 2013 to 2017 at the Regional U-15, U-17 and U19 levels.

By the end of the opening day, Looknauth had announced himself in the red-ball format with figures of 17-2-69-4 to help bowl out the visitors for 346.


inter zone under15 cricket competition continues today, Saturday and Sunday across Berbice

Community Centre in East Canje.

The second match will be between Lower Corentyne a n d t h e N e w

A m s t e r d a m

today, Friday, Saturday and Sunday across Berbice.

F o l l o w i n g t h e interruption by rain of the first round of matches of The B

( B C B ) U 1 5 c r i c k e t competition. the BCB will this week play three rounds of matches. The competition which involves five teams namely West Berbice, New

Corentyne, Upper Corentyne and a President X1selection will see play in second, third and fourth matches. This was after first round matches were pushed back to Sunday Round two games will now be played today, Friday 3 1 s t a n d w i l l s e e t h e President X1 hosting West Berbice at the Rose Hall

Mourant ground.

U p p e r C o

drawn the bye.

Round three matches will be played on Saturday 1st February and will see West


g L o w e r Corentyne at the Cotton Tree Ground.

The second match will see Upper Corentyne playing New Amsterdam/Canje/ East Bank Berbice at the Skeldon Community Centre Ground.

T h

selection drew the bye.


Round four matches are set for Sunday 2nd February w i t h N e w

President's X1 at The Rose Hall Community Centre.

The other game will be between Upper Corentyne

and Lower Corentyne at the Skeldon CC ground.

Central Corentyne drew the bye.

Round five matches are s e t f o r S

y 8 t h February


President's X1 vs Lower Corentyne at the Rose Hall Community Centre Ground.

While Upper Corentyne will be at home to West Berbice at the Skeldon CC G

Bank Berbice has drawn the bye.

The BCB is informing that the under15 inter-club rules will apply wherever applicable and teams named first are the host. The team with the most points at the end of the competition will be declared the winner At the conclusion of this competition a squad will be


Project “Cricket Gear for young and promising cricketers in Guyana”, benefits once again from Charandas Persaud

Charandas Persaud, former Guyana High Commissioner to India and former Member of Parliament, has once again showed his love for cricket and confidence in this joint initiative between Anil Beharry of Guyana and Kishan Das of the USA. The attorney at law, a Guyanese by birth and Canadian citizen, donated four cricket bats, twelve red cricket balls and two pairs of batting gloves. Persaud's total contributions to this project are nine cricket bats, twenty-four red balls and two pairs of batting gloves.

He stated that he is impressed with the reach of this initiative, reaching to young and aspiring cricketers, male and female, across the length and breadth of Guyana. We take this opportunity to thank the Berbician for his continued support.

This project is pleased to be part of the development of young cricketers in Guyana. Our aim is to keep them off the streets and get them actively involved in sports, cricket in particular

T o t a l c r i c k e t r e l a t e d i t e m s received/purchased so far: $460,000 in cash, thirteen colored cricket uniforms, one set of stumps, two trophies, thirty two pairs of cricket shoes, thirty seven pairs of batting pads, forty six cricket bats, forty pairs of batting gloves, twenty eight thigh pads, three pairs of wicket keeping pads, six arm guards, two chest pads, two boxes, thirteen gear bags, thirteen bat rubbers, six helmets, one fiber glass bat, one pair of floppy hat, fourteen boxes and four of white cricket balls, thirteen boxes of red cricket balls, one bat cone and twenty eight footballs.

In addition to the above, gear with value of over $600,000 was donated by Sheik


keeper/batsman. All cash collected is being used to purchase cricket gear requested and not available at the time.

Cricket related items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana Skills, d

characteristics of the recipients.

Talent spotting is being done across the country and club leaders also assist to identify same. Progressive and well managed cricket clubs with a youth program, will also benefit.

Distribution will continue.

Anyone interested to contribute can contact Anil Beharry on 623 6875 or Kishan Das on 1 718 664 0896.

“It's an awesome feeling”-Joseph pleased after career-best 63 in second T20I against Bangladesh Women

SportsMax - Player of the match Qiana Joseph was at her destructive best to lead the West Indies Women to a series win over Bangladesh Women on Wednesday

The aggressive left hander made a career best 63 as the hosts secured a 2-0 T20I series lead with a 106-run win at Warner Park in St. Kitts.Joseph's knock came off just 36 balls and included nine fours and two sixes.

“It's an awesome feeling,” the St. Lucian said in an interview after the game describing her feeling after the innings.

This was her second fifty in the format. Her first came against England at last year's ICC Women's T20 World Cup where the West

Player of the match Qiana Joseph was at her destructive best to lead the West Indies Women to a series win over Bangladesh. was

Indies got to the semi-finals.

Joseph's intent was clear from ball one when she struck Fariha Trisna over mid off for a one-bounce four

“Before going to the middle, I just went with the mentality to beat ball, play the ball on the merit and just express myself and enjoy myself out there,” she said.

“It was a great batting pitch, the ball was coming on to the bat quite nicely I ended up just playing through the line of the ball,” she added.

Joseph will be hoping her good form can continue in the final game of the series on Friday

2025 CWI Regional 4-Day Championships Round 1…GHE vs. BP Day 2 at Providence


y (95*), Anderson (87*) centur y stand bails

Harpy Eagles out of danger

Cracking half-centuries from new Guyana Harpy

E a g l e s C a p t a i n K e m o l

- Champs trail by 31 runs heading into Day 3

S a v o r y a n d K e v l o n Anderson swung momentum in favor of the Champs, as Barbados Pride enter day three with tons of work to do when play continues at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence. Guyana resumed Day 2

revived the innings.


keeping the Pride to 346 all out in their 1st innings. When play ended, Harpy Eagles were perched nicely on 315-3 after 87 overs, 31 runs behind, after a masterful 1 7 9 p a

e Eagles for the first time, will resume on 95 as he seeks his first ton as skipper, punching 14 fours and a six to control the latter part of the innings.


lent ideal support with his knock of 87 off 125 balls to

go along with his 14 fours, which will be the catalyst for Guyana's resurgence on day 3. O

Chanderpaul (40) and ViceC

(36) alongside number 3 b

d Perez (46), had solid starts for the


to convert their starts into big 1st innings scores. Mixed conditions aided the Bajan bowlers for a time,

a s l e g - s p i n n e r J a v e d Leacock (1-45), off-spinner Chaim Holder (1-68) and fast-bowler Jair McAllister (1-58) tried to keep their franchise in the game.

W h e n t h e m o r n i n g


Nandu added 61 for the opening stand as the pair composed themselves on the second ahead of a tricky chase.

After the pacers failed to m a k e i n r o a d s , H o l d e r ' s introduction with some spin p r o v i d e d a m u c h - n e e d e d breakthrough for Barbados, as Nandu lofted a delivery

b a c k t o H o l d e r w h o completed a brilliant catch off his own bowling.

A c o n f i d e n t - l o o k i n g Perez found the ropes on a few occasions as he and a set Chanderpaul saw the Eagles to 92-1 after 27 overs, still trailing by a hefty 254 runs; by the time lunch arrived.

Play resumed with the Champs needing a strong afternoon session from a s e t t l e d C h a n d e r p a u l a n d

P e r e z , w h o c o n s

d with some good running between the wickets as well a s p i c k


Chanderpaul then found himself out-foxed by the g u i l e o f L e a c

o snapped up an easy return catch to remove the Windies Test opener

Perez, four shy of what w


y, edged a bustling McAllister into the gloves of wicketkeeper Demetrius Richards.

With two set batsmen back in the pavilion, Harpy Eagles skipper Savory and

joined forces in the middle to anchor the innings.


d identical attacking strokeplay saw the two Guyanese enter double figures. The duo

which put the Bajans under immense pressure during the final afternoon session.

After reaching their halfcenturies, both Savory and Anderson would push closer

milestones, which will likely come today during what should be an important day 3 of action.

Day 3's play continues today from 10:00h, weather permitting. (Clifton Ross)

Berbice Cricket Board names squad for senior female Inter County 50over and T20 tournaments

The Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) has named a strong 16 player squad to participate in the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) senior female Inter County 50over and T20 cricket competitions.

The competition begins on Monday 3rd February with all matches slated to be played in Demerara.

The team will be captained by the experience Guyana and West Indies senior Wicketkeeper batter Shemaine Campbell. She will have as her deputy fellow West Indies player Ashmini Munisar

The squad will also include senior West Indies players Shabiki Gajnabi and Shenetta Grimmond while West Indies Under19 players Tricia Hardat and Daniella Manns are also included.The rest of the team is Katana Mentore, Realeanna Grimmond, Sherika Campbell, Plaffiana Millington, Reneta Ramdeo, Jada Fraser, Tia Isaacs, Crystal Durant and Danielle Hicks.

The BCB has also named 11 standbys to keep training there are Kianna Leach, Danielle Lindee, Devani Rikram, Danielle Lindee, Saradha Ramnauth, Tina Ganie, Tameka George, Krishena Rengasanmy, Olisha Peters, D. Jagmohan and L. D'Anrade.

The team will be managed by seasoned executive Angela Hanif. The experience campaigner Winston Smith is the coach. Berbice is the defending 50overs champion. (Samuel Whyte)

Sir Clyde Walcott: the captain who led British Guiana to glory

As t h e G u y a n a

H a r p y E a g l e s began their title defence in the West Indies Regional First-Class Cricket

C h a m p i o n s h i p l a s t

We d n e s d a y a g a i n s t a r c h -

rivals Barbados Pride at Providence, the iconic rivalry

e v o k e d m e m o r i e s o f a historic triumph. The clash brings us back to the 1963-64

regional firs t-clas s s eries t r i u m p h , w h e r e B r i t i s h

G u i a n a , u n d e r t h e stewardship of the late Sir Clyde Walcott, secured their first regional title.

Statistician Charwayne Walker notes: It is my delight to highlight an incredible achievement that took place 61 years ago, as the local team now seeks yet another

c h a m p i o n s h i p . L e d b y Barbadian Sir Clyde Walcott, B r i t i s h G u i a n a e m

g e d v i c t o

s i n t h e 1 9 6 4 regional fi

st-class series, finishing ahead of Barbados with a total of 20 points from the three-match tournament.

A historic Victory

On February 19, 1964,

B r i t i s h G u i a n a f a c e d a formidable Barbados team in the final leg of the series.

The Barbados team that lost the 1961 championship led by the late sir Everton Weekes.

British Guiana 1961 led by sir Clyde Walcott also won the regional first class championship.

Though the match ended in a draw, the local side secured their maiden Caribbean title

i n a f o u r - t e r r i t o r y competition that included

J a m a i c a , T r i n i d a d a n d


General Sir Richard Luyt. Walcott, a native of St. Michael, Barbados, was a

#5 batsman known for his prolific runscoring across all formats. He had an illustrious firstclass career, spanning over two decades from 1942 to 1 9 6 4 , r e p r e s e n t i n g b o t h B r i t i s h G u i a n a a n d Barbados. He also played for teams such as Sir FMM Worrell's XI, The Rest XI, West Indians (Youth), West Indies XI, Commonwealth XI, and the West Indies Test team.

r e m a r k a b l e A c r o s s 1 4 6 matches, he accumulated 11,820 runs, including 40 centuries and 54 fifties, with a career-best score of 314 not out. Additionally, he proved himself a handy bowler, claiming 35 wickets at an economy rate of 2.22, with best figures of 5-41.

Wa l c o t t r e p r e s e n t e d

British Guiana from 1955 to 1964, featuring in 16 firstclass matches and leading the team to their first regional t i t l e b e f o r e r e t i r i n g H e passed away at the age of 80 on August 26, 2006, leaving b

generations of cricketers.

Reflecting on the 1963-64 Triumph


their famous victory over B

themselves in battle with their old rivals.


competition's inception in 1965-66, looks to continue its dominance.

Johnson etched his name in Guyanese cricket history as the most successful skipper, w

regional titles. Notably, in the past decade alone, the Harpy

championship seven times, solidifying their reputation as the most formidable side in Caribbean cricket.

Looking back at the 1964 regional first-class, British Guiana posted 265 in their first innings and declared at 244-5 in their second. The

(Continued on page 25)

D u r i n g h i s t e n u r e i n international cricket, Walcott represented the West Indies in 44 Test matches between 1944 and 1960. He amassed 3,798 runs in 74 innings, including 15 centuries and 14 half-centuries, with a highest score of 220. His impressive s t r i k e r a t e o f 5 6 6 8 showcased his aggressive yet controlled batting prowess. In first-class cricket, his statistics were even more

The three W's in British Guiana in 1961.

SL crumble af ter Khawaja and Inglis setup mammoth Australia total

ESPNcricinfo - Usman

K h a w a j a ' s m a i d e n Te s t double century and a rapid ton from debutant Josh Inglis decimated a flagging Sri




Australia's innings on 654 for

' s attack breathed life into a slow Galle surface late on day two.

6 midway through the final session, Sri Lanka's top order fell apart and they lost three wickets inside the opening 10 overs. Sri Lanka reached 44 for 3 when rain ended the

day's play prematurely with Australia enjoying a firm grip on the first Test.

Exhausted after spending 1 5 4

, openers Oshada Fernando

were dismissed within the

Josh Inglis became the third Australian after Michael Clarke and Shaun Marsh to score a debut Test ton in Asia. (Getty Images)

Usman Khawaja brought up his maiden Test double-century. (Getty Images)

first five overs.

W i t h M i t c h e l l S t a r c selected as Australia's only frontline quick, there was intrigue over who would share the new ball with him. Left-arm spinner Matthew Kuhnemann, playing in his first Test match in almost two years, was an inspired choice and claimed Fernando lbw for 7 in his first over Bowling from around the wicket, Kuhnemann trapped him on the flap of his front pad as Fernando reviewed in v a i n K u h n e m a n n w a s mightily pleased when the decision was upheld having made a speedy recovery from a thumb injury sustained in a BBL match on January 16.

Sri Lanka slid further

when Karunaratne edged a s h o r t - o f - a - l e n g

v e r y from Starc to gully, where s u b s t i

McSweeney completed a catch on the juggle having desperately turned around a

bobbled over his head.

Having had little to do in

Lyon completed Australia's near perfect day with the wicket of Angelo Mathews, who was brilliantly caught by a diving Travis Head at short leg. A


winning a favourable toss and batting first on a slow s u r

humidity as they amassed t h e i r

against Sri Lanka.

Khawaja finished with 232 off 352 balls and fell early in the second session dominated by Inglis, who became the first Australian debutant to score a Test century since Adam Vogeshis Western Australia coachin 2015.

E n g l a n d - b o r n I n g l i s reached his century off just 90 balls and he jumped high before punching the air with his proud parents visibly emotional in the terraces. He joined Michael Clarke and Shaun Marsh as Australian c e n t u r y - m a k e r s o n Te s t debut in Asia.

Scores: Sri Lanka 44 for 3 (Kamindu 13*, Chandimal 9*, Lyon 1-7) trail Australia 654 for 6 dec (Khawaja 232, Smith 141, Inglis 102, Head 5 7 , Va n d e r s a y 3 - 1 8 2 , Jayasuriya 3-193) by 610 runs.

Slingerz FC assembles powerhouse squad for GFF Elite

League dominance

With the goal of claiming this season's Guyana Football F e d e r a t i o n ( G F F ) E l i t e League title and elevating their standing on the regional

and international football stage, Slingerz Football Club has made a bold statement by securing key signings and announcing a new leadership direction.

The most significant of

t h e s e m o v e s i s t h e

a p p o i n t m e n t o f f o r m e r Guyana national team coach, Jamaal Shabazz, as the club's new Technical Director and Head Coach.

F o u n d e d i n 2 0 1 3 , S l i n g e r z F C h a s r a p i d l y positioned itself as one of Guyana's premier football clubs, and went on to win the inaugural GFF Elite League.

The club's journey to the top was briefly interrupted w h e n t h e y w e r e controversially suspended by the GFF in 2017, but since their return, Slingerz FC has been relentless in its pursuit of dominance.

Last season, they finished as runners-up behind Guyana Defence Force (GDF) FC,

d e s p i t e r e m a i n i n g undefeated throughout the campaign.

Determined to rectify that shortfall, the club has made decisive moves to solidify its future at the pinnacle of local and regional football.

S p e a k i n g a t a p r e s s conference at the National Racquet Centre Conference Room, Slingerz FC president Javed Ali emphasized the c l u b ' s c o m m i t m e n t t o excellence.

“At Slingerz FC, we are committed to building a team that not only excels on the field but also embodies the values of hard work, unity, and resilience,” Ali stated.

Introducing Shabazz as the new head coach, Ali expressed confidence in his ability to transform the team, stating that, “With years of e x p e r t i s e a n d l e a d e r s h i p ,

- Shabazz named head Coach, Kelsey Benjamin joins from GDF FC

C o a c h S h a b a z z h a s demonstrated an incredible ability to inspire players, develop talent, and deliver results. We are confident that under his guidance, Slingerz FC will reach new heights and make our supporters p roud.”

S h a b a z z , a w e l lrespected figure in Caribbean football, recently resigned as head coach of the Golden Jaguars, Guyana's national team.

His decision to take the reins at Slingerz FC, he revealed, was a carefully considered move, one that he p r i o r

national team offers across the region.

“Winning the league is my top priority,” Shabazz declared, “but beyond that, I want to build a brand with Slingerz that will be the hallmark of football in the Caribbean.”

In addition to bolstering their coaching staff, Slingerz FC has strengthened their squad with major signings.

Among the most exciting a c q u i s i t i o n s i s K e l s e y Benjamin, a dynamic talent who has won back-to-back league titles with GDF FC.

“ K e l s e y ' s r e m a r k a b l e skill set and determination on

the field make him a valuable addition to our team,” Ali said.

Benjamin, embracing the challenge ahead, remarked,

Slingerz FC, just as I did with GDF FC.”

Another major addition is f


T h e 2 5 - y e a r - o l d defender, who has played in the USL Championship and t h e C a n a d i a n P r e m i e r League, also featured twice f o r t h e G o l d e n J a g u a r s against Trinidad and Tobago last year

“Terique brings a wealth of international experience, and we are excited to see him showcase his talents here at Slingerz,” Ali noted.

The club also welcomes back Jamaican midfielder K e m a r B e c k f o r d , w h o returns from Humble Lions FC in Jamaica.

Red Force

batters shine under lights in dominant start

Cephas Cooper hit 80 for the Trinidad and Tobago Red Force.

SportsMax - Trinidad and Tobago Red Force made an emphatic start to their West Indies Championship campaign, as four batsmen notched up half-centuries on the opening day of their day/night contest against Combined Campuses and Colleges (CCC) at t h e B r i a n L a r a C r i c k e t A c a d e m y o n


Vikash Mohan (66) and Cephas Cooper (80) laid a solid foundation with a 139-run opening partnership, while Jyd Goolie, on 76, and veteran Jason Mohammed, on 75, built on that platform with an unbroken 144-run stand to propel Red Force to an imposing 303-2 at stumps.The day began with frustration as persistent showers washed out the morning and afternoon sessions. However, when play finally got underway, Red Force wasted little time asserting their dominance under the lights.

Cooper was the more aggressive of the two openers, as he struck 13 fours and a six in his steady 140-ball knock, while Mohan played a more measured 132-ball innings in which he found the boundary eight times. Their stand set the stage for what promises to be a formidable first-innings total.

CCC found some relief when Damel Evelyn removed Cooper, and five overs later, Mohan was dismissed by Akeem Jordan with the score at 159-2. However, any hopes of a collapse were quickly quashed as Goolie and Mohammed took charge.

Goolie played with confidence as he stroked 11 boundaries, while Mohammed, ever the dependable middle-order batsman, struck 10 fours of his own. Their partnership ensured that Red Force ended the day firmly in control, with the pair poised to pile on more runs when play resumed yesterday

Beckford, no stranger to Slingerz, is expected to bring his trademark energy and playmaking ability to the team once again. W

d c

a c h , Slingerz FC has sent a clear message, they are ready to reclaim their spot as the dominant force in Guyanese football.

“ Wi t h t h e s e e x c i t i n g additions to our club, both in leadership and talent, we are setting our sights on a future f i l l e d w i t h p r o m i s e a n d potential. On behalf of the

Club, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to Coach

Jamaal Shabazz, our new players, and, of course, our a m a z i n g s u p p o r t e r s w h o make everything possible. Together, let us aim for greatness. One Slingerz!” Ali stated.

W i t h a s t r e n g t h e n e d squad and a resolute vision, Slingerz FC, according to the club's president, Javed Ali, is primed for an exhilarating season ahead, with their sights firmly set on lifting the GFF Elite League trophy, once again, and making their m a r k b e y o n d G u y a n a ' s

Terique Mohammed will join Slingerz FC

Slingerz FC assembles powerhouse squad for GFF Elite League dominance

- Shabazz named head Coach, Kelsey Benjamin joins from GDF FC

Kemol Savory,
WELCOME! Coach Jamaal Shabazz (right) officially being welcomed to Slingerz FC by the club's president, Javed Ali.
Former GDF FC forward, Kelsey Benjamin, joins Slingerz FC
Kevlon Anderson

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