A happy Nicholas and Sasha Low-A-Chee on their wedding day.
AIETEUR Newly-wed NEWS couple found dead with bullet
Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly
Wednesday Edition January 05, 2022 - Vol. 15 No.01 Online: www.kaieteurnews.com Online Price $80 readership yesterday, 80,303
wounds in home
Hours after oil law passed,
Ashni Singh signed Order to start withdrawing Housing Ministry to spend US$7 million to 'patch' dumpsite road Two wanted for Guyana hits record high with 485 COVID-19 questioning in cases in one day hinterland killings - 2 fully vaccinated men are latest fatalities
Forceful passage of
NRF Bill breaches - OGGN
transparency standards
The protest continues for change to ExxonMobil’s contract.
Exploitative Exxon contract torturously unfair - Int'l Lawyer …is already making vast majority of Guyanese poorer, not richer …but the politicians always do well in countries that produce oil Now that they have legalized thievery of our oil money, get ready on Kaieteur to witness the spending bonanza that will take place.@11:00hrs Radio 99.1/99.5FM
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
Exploitative Exxon contract torturously unfair — Int’l Lawyer
…is already making vast majority of Guyanese poorer, not richer …but the politicians always do well in countries that produce oil The “exploitative” Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) that was signed between Guyana and three small offshore companies, Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL)—ExxonMobil Guyana—Hess Guyana Corporation and China National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC), is in fact already making the vast majority of Guyanese poorer, not richer. This was the conclusion expressed recently by international attorney-atlaw, Melinda Janki, who in a recent online interview on the Oil and Gas Network in Guyana, posited, “…oil is (already) making Guyana poorer, not richer, this isn’t simply my opinion; this is the market.” To this end, she was adamant that ExxonMobil and their partners are, “making money because they are exploiting the people of Guyana. That’s how it’s profitable (for them) but oil is making Guyana poorer and not richer.” She did posit, “a few will get rich” and cited as example, “politicians always do well in countries that are producing oil and that’s not a
controversial statement. Just look at any country that is producing oil and you will see that the politicians have done very well for themselves, Nigeria, Angola, Chad Cameroon, etc; so it is making the vast majority of Guyanese people poorer not richer.”
operations. Then out of what is left, they can claim up to 75 percent every month for their expenses, and you know all the arguments about whether the expenses are being audited, being accounted for properly and so on. Then what is left, let’s say roughly 25 percent;
“…under this deal, when you take everything into account, Guyana gets roughly 10 percent and Exxon and its two partners get 90 percent, if that isn’t exploitative, then I don’t know what is and I think it’s really important that people should understand that the oil sector is exploiting them,” Melinda Janki Qualifying her position further, Janki iterated, “the petroleum agreement in which the three oil companies, ExxonMobil, CNOOC and Hess, not the three big (parent) companies, we talking about three little offshore entities that have an agreement with the government of Guyana to take the oil.” Under that agreement, she said, “first of all they can take as much free oil as they say they need for the
that’s split. Guyana gets 12.5 percent of the oil.” Compounding the situation, Janki reminded that under the PSA, Guyana gets its oil. “Guyana does not get money, and then Guyana has to sell that on the open market, and as you know, Guyana has no experience in selling oil and has to hire someone to collect it, and to sell it, which is another cost, and then Guyana gets a two percent royalty.”
Additionally, because the government has agreed to pay the taxes for the oil companies, “if you look by the calculations done by the Institute of Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) you will see that, that actually takes Guyana’s share down to about 10 percent.” As such, she posits, “under this deal, when you take everything into account, Guyana gets roughly 10 percent and Exxon and its two partners get 90 percent. If that isn’t exploitative then I don’t know what is and I think it’s really important that people should understand that the oil sector is exploiting them.” According to Janki, Guyanese people must understand “this oil does not belong to the government. The government doesn’t own anything; all national assets belong to the people and the government is supposed to manage those assets to the benefit of everybody in the country irrespective of party affiliation, irrespective of age, gender, race, everything; it must benefit everybody equally and clearly they are not doing that job.”
International Lawyer, Melinda Janki Another area of exploitation, according to Janki, lies with the precontract cost, where the then Minister with responsibility for the sector, Raphael Trotman, “agreed that these oil companies could recover what he called, pre-contract costs.” To this end, the lawyer reminded “…I am unable to find any legal authority to allow him to do that.” As such, “we have a situation where the rule of law is being undermined by the petroleum sector and that is also exploitative; to have the financial exploitation in the contract. We have the economic exploitation because the oil - the petroleum - sector is going down. It’s got a limited lifespan and there is an enormous risk that Guyana will be left with stranded assets.” Stranded assets that the Guyanese people will have t o p a y f o r, “ n o t t h e government. Government has no money, the only money government has is what they take from Guyanese people in the form of taxes, duties and so on and what they get from managing natural resources in Guyana.” She used the occasion to quip, “when you see ministers running around handing out a $25,000 here and a $25,000 there, and behaving like they are these generous people, ministers are giving you money that they took from taxpayers. It’s not their money, because at the moment they are discriminating in favour of these foreign oil c o m p a n i e s a n d discriminating against the Guyanese people who are burdened with taxes while the oil companies don’t have to pay any taxes.” Qualifying her position further, that Guyana’s PSA with the oil companies is in
fact exploitative, Janki pointed to the IEEFA—a global energy think tank—where they said ExxonMobil’s corporate jewel off the coast of Guyana “is so loaded with provisions that shortchange the government that a leading industry consultant has called the contract one sided. And then they said if the Guyana contracts were not so torturously unfair it is doubtful that the project w o u l d b e s u ff i c i e n t l y profitable to warrant such significant investment.” She pointed too, to world market economists Joseph Stiglitz and Nick Stern who have been “telling us that this contract is really one sided against the people of Guyana. They are telling us it’s so unfair, they are telling us that actually Exxon couldn’t do this project unless they were exploiting the people of Guyana.” Elucidating further, she noted that at present in Guyana, “the oil money is pushing up prices. It means the cost of living is going up and oil production is d e s t r o y i n g p e o p l e ’s livelihoods; just ask the fishermen what happen to the fish. We are beginning now to look like Nigeria.” According to Janki, Nigerian fishermen sued ExxonMobil for compensation and in 2010 the senate committee on Environment and Ecology told ExxonMobil to compensate the Nigerian fishermen for the “ruin that the spills have brought to the community. Exxon hasn’t done it.” To this end, she said, “we have on the one hand we have no business case for doing this and on the other hand we have the beginnings now of the environmental destruction which carries a cost because the environment is very precious.”
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
Hours after oil law passed, Ashni Singh signed Order to start withdrawing
Dr. Ashni Singh, according to the Official Gazette’s publication of Friday December 31, 2021 - Old Year’s Day, the final day of the year - signed the Commencement Order No. 34 of 2021 bringing the new law into operation.
ne day after Head of State, President Irfaan Ali, signed into law the Natural Resource Fund Act, Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, signed the official Order, bringing the Act into operation. The contentious Natural Resource Fund Bill of 2021 was approved during a raucous session of the National Assembly on December 29, last. The President a few hours later ‘secretly’ assented to the Bill on December 30, while calling in the press, private sector and other stakeholders to witness the assent of a second Bill, the Local Content Bill, into law on December 31. On that day too, Dr. Singh, according to the O ff i c i a l G a z e t t e ’s publication of Friday December 31, 2021—Old
Year’s Day, the final day of the year—signed the Commencement Order No. 34 of 2021 bringing the new law into operation. According to the Commencement Order signed by Dr. Singh, “I appoint the 1st Day of January, 2022 as the date on which the Natural Resource Fund Act shall come into operation. The President, during the public assent of the Local Content Bill on that day, or in his New Year’s address to the nation, did not indicate the bringing into force of the NRF Act in order to access the funds therein currently standing at some US$534M. W i t h t h e Commencement Order, another hurdle has now been cleared for the government to utilise as much as 100 percent of the funds in the NRF, held in the New York Federal Reserve Bank. This obtains, even as opposition members
continue to publicly lament their perceived illegitimate passage of the Bill in the National Assembly, since the Mace—the symbol of the Speaker’s authority—was not present in its assigned position, nor were all members of the Government seated during the vote. This position was dispelled as inaccurate by Speaker of the National A s s e m b l y, M a n z o o r Nadir—who on the day the President signed the Bill into law—at an impromptu press engagement at the public buildings with the Clerk at his side, defended as lawful the passage of the NRF Bill. He argued his position saying, on his ascension to office, he had foreseen the need for a replica Mace, and it was made. He went on to explain that in Parliamentary and other Westminster systems of government, such as in the United Kingdom and Canada, “they have two
Maces.” To this end, the Speaker told media operatives, “we have two Maces also” and went on to explain that when he ascended to that office, he had set about exploring preparations for any likely occurrences to be had in the National Assembly. One such decision taken, according to Nadir, “was to have another Mace, in the event the traditional Mace could not be found to put in place whenever parliament sits; we have another Mace.” As such, he said it was the smaller Mace, the replica, that had been made, which was used during the session in question. According to Nadir, the Mace was in place “shortly before I put the question on the NRF.” He said too, “I called for members to take their seats, since MPs are only permitted, under the standing orders to vote from their seats in Parliament.” He was, as such, insistent that the two ingredients necessary for lawful passage of Bills were present — a Mace was in place and that the vote was taken while the government members were in their seats. The main opposition, the coalition A Partnership for
Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) subsequently called on the Speaker, to produce the list of Members of Parliament (MPs) who voted in favour of the new Natural Resource Fund Bill. In an interview with this publication, attorney-at-law and MP, Roysdale Forde, explained that the Speaker of the House has laid out the grounds for the passage of the Bill to be challenged
legally, during his own press conference last Thursday. Despite this position, the Bill has been assented to, a Commencement Order bringing into Force has been signed, and all have been published in the Official Gazette, meaning, each ingredient has been met for the new law to be used as passed, until a successful challenge can be made, either in the courts or the National Assembly.
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL-TEL: 624-6456 Editor: Sharmain Grainger Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Massive crime reduction would be most welcomed
ast year, the Region 4 Commander of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) said that there was a reduction in crime from the previous year (KN September 3). It is not just an ordinary reduction in serious crime, but a “massive” one, which the statistics, on the face of things, seem to reinforce. Yet, there is this continuing struggle to reconcile statistics with reality, and soothing statistics with the gnawing perception that the crime situation is not massively reduced in Region 4. Not reduced at all, but is going the other way, meaning that it is increasing and everywhere. The last thing we at this paper would want to do is to think that Region 4 Commander, Simon McBean, is a party to any kind of statistical slickness. We think too well of him, and he has not given any cause for us to be otherwise. But here he is with his figures, and here are Guyanese out there, and there is the greatest difficulty in bridging the gap that exist, and which plague us on a daily basis, if not on a moment-by-moment basis. Indeed, life in this country, including the vast Region 4 that the Commander oversees is this scary and individually imperiling. Region 4 is where the busyness is, the business transactions (money) are, and where the rewarding criminal action could be, and actually is. But, according to the GPF and Commander McBean, the numbers point to a reduction, and they are real. We should believe them. With all due respect to this senior police officer, we have trouble doing so. We are skeptical and, without putting any ideas in the heads of our fellow citizens, it is our belief that many Guyanese share our sense of doubt, the strong disbelief that is harboured. For sure, the numbers look lovely, but they don’t add up. They don’t have the strength of believability to them and worse, they do nothing to ease the feelings with which Guyanese live, not just in bustling Region 4, but throughout Guyana. There is this nagging sense that something is wrong, something could be missing, and as much as we want to accept what the GPF, through Commander McBean shared with us, we are hesitant, and stubbornly so. Now, since this reduction is all about numbers, we take a deep dive into them. First, it is that there were 206 robberies for the first eight months of last year. For clarity, the Commander was kind enough to share the four categories of robberies involved, which we now compress: with a gun, with other weapons, with aggravation, and with violence. However looked at, all four have some common elements, particularly force, and regardless of instrument in hand, including the bare hand itself. In essence, what the GPF has put before Guyanese all over, is that given that eight-month period (January-August) -243 days - there was less than one crime a day that fits any or all of those four categories. It would be interesting to learn what robberies, if any, are being excluded from this count. Also, given the robberies versus number of days elapsed, it could be said that Region 4 is safer than around the White House and Buckingham Palace. In case anyone thinks we are joking, we couldn’t be more serious. People at this paper were robbed recently by the ‘Big’ Market area, and that same teeming marketplace is a hotbed. One of the hottest of crimes seen and onlookers not saying anything; crime happening and citizens hurting. The Big Market area should be a robbery category all by itself, given the profusion of crime. This is not perception, but the reality of daily experience of commuters and shoppers. Moreover, when a period-by-period comparison is attempted, fearful citizens lived with a robbery rate last year that is cut by almost half. This is almost livable with, if only the numbers could be found to be embraceable. It seems that everybody has a firearm these days. Yet robberies involving those have declined significantly – a whopping 42 percent drop; or for every five such crimes in 2020. This is all good, but does it give Guyanese less grief? Speaking for ourselves: no!
Patrick Yarde is misguided DEAR EDITOR, As the sun set on 2021, the GAWU’s attention was drawn to the message by Mr. Patrick Yarde, President/CEO of the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU). In his message, Mr. Yarde described State support to the sugar sector as “haphazard” contending they have not brought any returns to the Guyanese people. Maybe Mr. Yarde has forgotten that tens of thousands of Guyanese depend on the sugar industry for their well-being. Is it that the goodly gentleman is saying that any right-thinking Government should allow these Guyanese to live in poverty and destitution? We do not think Mr. Yarde had such intentions as in his message he charged that “[workers in Guyana… deserve to have the ability to sustain themselves and families…”. Shouldn’t sugar workers and their families and those who depend on the industry not have similar goals, Mr. Yarde? Or is it he says they should
be condemned to “…living in poverty like leaches and mendicants…”? Mr. Yarde, in his tirade against the sugar industry, speaks to profitability in the sector. Again, the gentleman makes the cardinal error of ignoring economic versus financial profitability. While indeed the sugar industry has been challenged to realize financial profitability, from an economic point of view it continues to record positive contributions. The recent ILO socio-economic study following the closure of sugar estates had starkly outlined the social and economic vacuum created by the closure. Certainly, any rightthinking individual should be able to discern the difference and reach rational conclusions. Of course, this situation is not unique to Guyana and as Mr. Yarde may know, given reported his regular visits, even the great USA provide massive support to its agricultural sector given its wider economic importance.
The GPSU leader, in his message, also exposes his ignorance of the sector as he speaks about production costs vis-à-vis world market prices. Had he been paying attention he would have been aware that GuySuCo is seeking to reorient itself by producing greater valueadded sugar which attracts better prices. Mr. Yarde would have also recognised GuySuCo recently informing that in spite of poor production it managed to reduce its losses. Clearly, the investment Mr. Yarde bemoans is beginning to pay dividends. Additionally, they are several other viable income streams which the industry could pursue. Finally, Mr. Yarde in concluding his castigation of the sugar industry alleges that Government support is linked to political considerations. To the best of our knowledge, the sugar industry comprises workers who probably support every
political organization in Guyana. However, Mr. Yarde parrots a statement that has been wildly made by other political personalities in a seeming attempt to stoke divisiveness in our country. As a long-standing trade unionist, we find such statements from the gentleman as highly irresponsible and deeply disturbing. At the end of the day, we are all Guyanese, and we should be our brothers and sisters keeper seeking to build one another rather than tearing down with harmful rhetoric and uninformed statements. We recognise that an important element to our nation’s success requires collaboration to ensure that all our boats rise simultaneously. To seek to advocate practices that spur inequity will not ensure a better Guyana for today and tomorrow. Yours faithfully, Seepaul Narine President GAWU
Benefits of space exploration DEAR EDITOR, While mankind in general is battling the COVID 19 pandemic, waging local wars, formulating policies to address climate change, contesting elections to win political power, exerting efforts to end hunger and malnutrition, challenged by the ever growing number migrants, and facing a myriad of economic and social problems at the national level, scientists in collaboration with astrophysicists, and astronomers in the USA, China and the European Union are developing and launching satellites, rockets and stations into outer space. In the midst of a vast sea of 689 million people living in poverty; 1.6 billion homeless; 811 million hungry and nearly 1 billion unemployed on planet earth, governments in 2020, spent US$423.8 billion in space programmes including solar system and outer space explorations, while US$357 billion was expended on commercial space activity including satellites for navigation, TV and imagery. Man’s interest and curiosity in the solar system and outer space resulted in the commencement in the late 1950’s of a race into outer space. The exploits are legend. Since then, apart from the generation of scientific knowledge and inspiration to people around the world, there has been numerous direct benefits from space exploration and commercial space activity. These include; improved fisheries manage-
ment, advances in farming equipment, faster communication, aerial mapping, introduction of the Global Positioning System (GPS), tracking weather patterns, environmental protection, better home appliances, introduction of the internet, including broadband coverage, e-banking and much more. Suffice it to say, developing countries too have benefited, one way or another from previous outer space exploits. According to a panel of distinguished Nobel prize scientists at a World Science Festival held late last year in the US, ‘Mankind can look forward to a very exciting period ahead; great things are coming... we are heading into the golden age of astronomy ‘ We are told that the search for life is the search for water on other planets. And the search continues to determine whether Earth is the only planet in the solar system where life exists. According to Natalie Batalha, Professor in astronomy and astrophysics at University of California Santa Cruz; “There are billions of earth like planets out there and since it took two billion years for life to be formed on planet Earth there are systems in our galaxy that took eleven to twelve billion years to be formed, thus the question; whether the Earth and its solar system is an anomaly and unique insofar as the existence of life is concerned.” Batalha went on to say; “We only know five percent of the universe.
Are we alone? It’s a question humans have asked for generations and the answer is central to determining our cosmic loneliness. Searching for life on other planets help us understand how much we appreciate life on planet earth and why we must protect it” said Batalha. The recent launch of the US$10 billion James Webb space telescope that took twenty-five years to build is to to be followed in 2027 by the Nancy Grace Roman space telescope. Ewine van Dishoeck, lead scientist for the James Webb telescope disclosed that; “The Nancy Grace space telescope will enhance mankind’s ability to peer into what scientists describe as ‘Dark Energy,’ a mysterious force that is causing the rate of expansion of our universe to accelerate over time rather than to slow down.” According to John Mather, Joint Nobel prize awardee and senior project scientist for the James Webb telescope; “The telescope will help us understand where we humans came from and whether we are alone. By taking pictures one million miles away from Earth, the telescope will help us see things we’ve never seen before’. January 29th is the date set for receiving the first pictures. In the meanwhile, Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos have helped accelerate the fast growing private space industry with their Space X, Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin spacecrafts respectively. Thus far, Musk
has launched 900 Broadband satellites and is aiming to build-out its Starlink broadband Internet system. He plans to build a self-sustaining colony on Mars. And Branson intends to expand his space tourism brand with his VSS Unity space plane in eleven countries with capabilities to send objects into orbit. Come to think of it, it appears that Guyana was way ahead in time when it decided to accommodate private space industry on its national territory. It is to be recalled that in 1999, Beal Aerospace Technologies, a privately-owned, US-based company, had agreed to invest US$50 million to establish a satellite launching site in the BarimaWaini region. Regrettably, the project was torpedoed, not so much because of Venezuela’s objection, but more-so, because of ‘competitive financial developments in the US space industry and after receiving unhelpful signals from the US State Department,’ according to BEAL. Five years later, the private space industry was not only legalized in the USA, it entered into partnership with government ushering in private space flights and launching of commercial satellites into space. Amazingly, individuals with deep pockets began booking seats on flights to outer space with tickets ranging from US$55 million per seat on SpaceX’s Crew Dragon to the International (Continued on page 6)
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
OiI and Gas Governance Network disappointed at approval of Natural Resource Fund Bill without stakeholders’consultation DEAR EDITOR The Oil and Gas Governance Network (OGGN) is extremely disappointed that the Government of Guyana has rushed through the passing of the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) Act without consultation with the parliamentary Opposition or other civil society stakeholders. For such an important bill described as the “mother of all bills,” that governs how the country’s oil revenue will be spent, a national consensus is essential versus the Government imposing its Act without involving national stakeholders and without parliamentary debate. A special petition to parliament asking to hold the Bill for further consultations with civil society was denied. Such a unilateral and triumphalist approach goes against the principles and standards of oil and natural resources-related international bodies of which Guyana is a member. With no bipartisan support, the Act will be an ongoing point of dissension, inimical to the Government’s “One Guyana” rhetoric. Guyana is a signatory of the56-member Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) -the global standard for the good governance of oil, gas and mineral resources. EITI has 7 standards. Standard 1.3 focuses on Civil Society engagement. In accordance with the civil society protocol, some requirements that must be adhered to by countries implementing the EITI include: Civil society must be fully, actively and effectively engaged in the EITI process; the government must ensure that there is an enabling environment for civil society participation with regard to relevant laws, regulations, and administrative rules as well as actual practice in implementation of the EITI; the fundamental rights of civil society … must be respected; the government must ensure that there are no obstacles to civil society participation in the EITI process; the government must refrain from actions which result in narrowing or restricting public debate in relation to implementation of the EITI. (See: https://eiti.org/document/eiti-standard-2019#r1-
Guyana is also a member of the Escazu Agreement which has high expectations for stakeholder involvement. The Escazu Agreement also known as the “Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean,” signed by 24 countries, was adopted in Escazú, Costa Rica, in 2018.Apart from the right to a ‘healthy environment,’ the agreement fosters the rights that are believed to be fundamental for sustainable development: access to information, public participation and justice in environmental matters. Environmental democracy is about the protection of human rights – the right to be heard, the right to have a say and the right to know about what happens to the place that you live in. Similarly, the “Santiago Principles” govern the operation of Natural Resource Funds also known as Sovereign Wealth Funds. The 24 “Santiago Principles” emerged from an International Working Group of Sovereign Wealth Funds -IWG- established at a meeting of countries with Sovereign Wealth Funds in 2008, in Santiago, Chile, facilitated by the International Monetary Fund – IMF. See: https:// www.ifswf.org/sites/default/ filessantiagoprinciples_0_0.pdf). Many of these principles called Generally Accepted Principles and Practices (GAPP), require clear rules and procedures, and public disclosure and transparency. In other oil countries, there has been much docu-
mentation of Oil corruption and abuses of Natural Resource Funds also called Sovereign Wealth Funds. Guyana must not become another statistic in this regard. (Steve Coll’s book, “Private Empire: Exxon Mobil and American Power,” has documented oil corruption and is a recommended reading). On Anti-Corruption Day, 2021, US Ambassador Lynch had advised, “We continue to look forward to the government’s initiatives to combat corruption, including Natural Resource Fund legislation that offers both transparency and clear oversight, and to a meaningful and inclusive process of stakeholder engagement. A strong anti-corruption stance now will show Guyanese citizens, and the rest of the world, that the government is committed to transparent institutions that utilize the country’s resources to the long-term benefit for all Guyanese”(SN, 8/ 12/2021; https:// gy.usembassy.gov/international-anti-corruption-daydecember-9-2021/). We hope Ambassador Lynch and the ABC/EU countries (America, Britain, Canada and the European Union) have taken notice that there has been no meaningful and inclusive process of stakeholder engagement in passing this railroaded Bill. The approved Act is missing many operational and procedural details and is likely to lead to built-in biases in future fund composition and stability. In the best interests of national unity and national consensus, OGGN (Continued on page 6)
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
Whatever obtains right now in Guyana, it is not a “Functional” democracy Dear Sir, The average citizen, preoccupied with Covid-19 and the day-to-day struggle, may very well wonder at all of the fuss over the recent passage of the Natural Resource Fund Bill. I have said, repeatedly, that the influx of oil funds represents a sustained stress test of Guyana’s fledgling democracy. The drafting, processing and passage of the Natural Resource Fund Bill 14 (of 2018) and the amended version (Bill 20 of 2021) show the limits of democracy in Guyana: we fell at every hurdle. To elaborate: 1: Conception and design: Despite advice from various august international institutions, the National Resource Fund (NRF) Bill No. 14 of 2018 seemed determined to concentrate power in the hands of the Finance Minister. The dangers of such an approach are evident: it puts the Minister effectively in control of the nation’s sovereign wealth fund. ( 2: Consultation: there was extensive consultation locally. However, this appeared to be
a largely cosmetic exercise as many of the flaws in the original bill were not modified. 3: Passage: The NRF Bill was tabled in the National Assembly on 15th November 2018, passed on 3rd January 2019 and assented to on 23rd January 2019. The APNUAFC Government fell on 21st December 2018. 4: Amendments: The Natural Resources Act (Amendment) Bill 20 of 2021 was tabled by the current administration in the run up to Christmas 2021. The amendments appear to concentrate of power in the hands of the President and to remove checks and balances to prevent rapid depletion of the fund. 5: Consultation before passage of the Natural Resources Act (Amendment) Bill 20 of 2021: there was no consultation. ( 6: Passage: the Natural Resources Act (Amendment) Bill 20 of 2021 was passed without debate or scrutiny by the National Assembly, without referral to the Natural Resources Parliamentary Select Committee for review and in apparent defiance of Article
13 of our Constitution. (( The ancillary antics of the Opposition (attempted removal of the mace - an act of singular Freudian significance worthy of a thesis) should not distract us from the essence of what has now happened (twice). Successive administrations, each with the slenderest of majorities, have deliberately sought to impose a deficient document on the populace. The former did so at a time when it had lost legitimacy in the eyes of many Guyanese. A few days ago, the current administration dispensed with democratic norms (consultation, debate, deliberations) in pursuit of the same goal. (This, in essence, is the significance of the Natural Resource Fund Bill. It is a litmus test of our democracy and our democratic process has been repeatedly subverted by both administrations. Whatever obtains right now in Guyana, it is not a functional democracy. Yours faithfully, Isabelle de Caires
Authorities need to rethink certain Covid-19 measures DEAR EDITOR With the massive surge in Covid-19 cases recently shouldn’t the authorities rethink certain measures in place, particularly the curfew period? All countries the world over are re-imple-
menting lock downs and other stringent measures to curb the spread of the disease, particularly in view of the Omicron variant. Regards Shamshun Mohamed
Benefits of space exploration... From page 4 Space Station; US$28 million per seat on Blue Origin’s New Shepard and $450,000 on Virgin Galactic’s Spaceship 2. All toll, bookings have increased from ten to 600 persons. And just in case it went unnoticed, China has no intentions of being left behind. It will launch six missions in 2022 to expand its Jiangong space station for long-term living. And its Long March 9
rocket is in the making for deep space investigation. A lunar research station is envisaged for moon landing in 2027, while three missions will be heading to the moon’s South Pole. While these outer space activities are rather esoteric and far removed from the rumble and tumble of our day to day lives, at the end of the day, the results of its investigation help us appreciate life
on planet earth and what must be done to protect it. Just as humanity can do amazing things to advance space exploration when they come together, in the same way humanity can come together to solve problems on Earth such as poverty, hunger, homelessness and unemployment as well as climate change. Yours faithfully, Clement J. Rohee
OiI and Gas Governance Network... From page 5 encourages the Government to convene national consultations and make appropriate amendments to its Act.
Sincerely, Darshanand Khusial Dr. Jerry Jailall for Oil and Gas Governance Network (www.OGGN.org)
T N U L B . . . T B N U T L N T B . U . L . L T B . N . U . N U T L N B . U . T . L N T U N B . N U . L U L LUNT. B . T . . T T N N B U B . U . L . L T B . B . . N . . . T U T L N N T U U L N L B U . B . . L . . . T B T . . N . N T U L N LU B U . . L N . T B U . . L N . T B U . . L N . T B U . . L N . NT LUNT...B NT...BLU N U L B . . B . U . . T L . N T B . . U N . L N T B U N . . L . U T L B . . N B . . . T U . L N T B U . . L . UN T B U . . L N . T B U . . L N . T B U . . L N . T B U . . L B U UN .BLUNT. . . L . T B . . N . T U . L N . T B U . . L N . T B U . . L N . T B U . . L N . T B U . . L N . T B U . . L N . LU ...BLUNT LUNT...B NT...BL T B U . . L N . T B BLU T...BLUN BLUNT... UNT...B . . L N . T B U . . L N . T B B U . . L N . T B U . . L N . T B U . . L N . T B BBLU T...BLUN BLUNT... ...BLU . T . N . N T T U L U L N L B U T...BLU U B . L . N . B T . . . N T U N N N L U U U B L . L B T LUNT.. UNT...B BL B Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
President Irfaan Ali has said that Guyana is slated to earn billions from oil and gas. He has assured too that some of that money will go towards improving the lives of ALL Guyanese. But can we really take the President at his word?
We at this publication certainly hope that the President is not merely looking to improve the lives of some by offering another $25K cash grant while handing out billions in contracts to others.
We need to see an even playing field; we need to see legitimate improvements in the lives of ALL Guyanese, only then, Mr. President, will we believe that your promise is not an empty one.
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Forceful passage of NRF Bill breaches transparency standards -OGGN T
he 'forceful' passage of the legislation governing the oil account is in breach of transparency standards and an international agreement Guyana adopted since 2018 that speaks to the inclusion of the public, and access to information – two key ingredients that were lacking when the Bill was passed in the National Assembly on December 29, 2021. This is according to the Oil and Gas Governance Network (OGGN), an agency founded by specialists across the globe and that has been keeping watch on Guyana's oil sector. The OGGN told reporters
that it is “extremely disappointed” that the Government rushed through the passage of such an important Bill which it even dared to describe as the “mother of all bills”. It said that Guyana is a signatory of the 56-member Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) – the global standard for the good governance of oil, gas and mineral resources - which has seven standards. Standard 1.3 focuses on Civil Society engagement. “In accordance with the civil society protocol, some requirements that must be adhered to by countries implementing the EITI include: Civil society must
be fully, actively and effectively engaged in the EITI process; the government must ensure that there is an enabling environment for civil society participation with regard to relevant laws, regulations, and administrative rules as well as actual practice in implementation of the EITI; the fundamental rights of civil society…must be respected; the government must ensure that there are no obstacles to civil society participation in the EITI process; the government must refrain from actions which result in narrowing or restricting public debate in relation to implementation of the EITI,” the specialists
The scene at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre when the NRF Bill was being read by Senio Minister with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh.
reasoned. More so, the oil network highlighted that Guyana is also a signatory of the Escazu Agreement, which has high
expectations for stakeholder involvement. The Escazu Agreement also known as the “Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean”, signed by 24 countries, was adopted in Escazú, Costa Rica, in 2018. In this regard, the OGGN pointed out that, “Apart from the right to a 'healthy environment', the agreement fosters the rights that are believed to be fundamental for sustainable development: access to information, public participation and justice in environmental matters.” “Environmental democracy is about the protection of human rights – the right to be heard, the right to have a say and the right to know about what happens to the place that you live in,” the
body contended. Similarly, the “Santiago Principles” govern the operation of Natural Resource Funds also known as Sovereign Wealth Funds. The 24 “Santiago Principles” emerged from an International Working Group of Sovereign Wealth Funds (IWG) established at a meeting of countries with Sovereign Wealth Funds in 2008, in Santiago, Chile, which was facilitated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Many of these principles called Generally Accepted Principles and Practices (GAPP) require clear rules and procedures, and public disclosure and transparency. “In other oil countries, there has been much documentation of Oil corruption and abuses of Natural Resource Funds also (Continued on page 19)
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
The AFC holds the key to Norton’s future Aubrey Norton has made a tactical mistake in running for the leadership of the PNC/ R, and succeeding, during the just-concluded Congress of the party. He appeared to have been pulled along by forces within his party whose main objective was to get rid of David Granger. The elections of the Congress may have been fair but it was not free. The elections were part of the continuum of the rebellion which broke out in the party following David Granger’s decision to accept the declaration by GECOM which awarded the elections to the PPP/C. Following Granger’s decision to abide by GECOM’s constitutional declaration and not to go along with those who felt that he should disregard the Constitution and remain in office, a rebellion broke out within the PNC/R. Granger’s decision to exclude almost the top leadership of the party from parliament fuelled further resentment and rebellion against him. But he clearly realised that the party had to look towards the future and the younger members had to be given the chance to represent the party in the National Assembly as part of the APNU+AFC. The rebellion intensified with allegations that a number of ad hoc regional assemblies of the party had expressed no-confidence in the then Leader of the party. What occurred during the elections at Congress was merely a finalisation of this internal mutiny within the party. The Leader’s address to Congress was not broadcast to the public as is usually done. Nor was the report by the General Secretary. In fact, the General Secretary had little to do with the elections.
Such rebellious conditions and the sidelining of the existing leadership do not lend themselves towards a free poll. The elections therefore represented the coup de grâce against Granger’s leadership. While the new leader won by a landslide, the mandate was weak. A large percentage of eligible delegates did not exercise their right to vote. Norton’s victory was therefore not backed by strong mandate. Despite winning the leadership of the party, Aubrey Norton is not the Leader of the Opposition. The PNCR/R did not contest the 2020 elections and therefore it is the APNU+AFC which is represented in the National Assembly. The Alliance for Change (AFC) has now become a decisive player in the parliamentary Opposition. The AFC holds the key to the survival of the Leader of the Opposition. There is reportedly a position paper presented to the leadership which recommends that the AFC break with the APNU. But this is easier said than done. The Coalition which was elected to the National Assembly is one comprising the APNU and the AFC. The APNU, for all intents and purposes, is really the PNC/R. The only other party which is represented in the National Assembly, under the umbrella of the APNU, is the Guyana Action Party. One of the “cardboard” parties, the Working People’s Alliance, has withdrawn from the APNU. For the AFC to withdraw from the Coalition at this stage would ensure that the parliamentary Opposition would in effect become the PNC/R. This would play into the hands of the existing leader-
ship at Congress Place since any withdrawal of the AFC, at this stage, would make it easier for the Leader of the Opposition to be constitutionally removed since the PNC/R would hold all the cards in the National Assembly. For the removal of the Leader of the Opposition, one-third of the Opposition members of the National Assembly have to indicate a loss of confidence in him. The Speaker has to then summon a meeting to determine whether the Leader of the Opposition should be removed. But it requires a vote of half of the opposition members for the Leader of the Opposition to be removed. It is in this context that the AFC’s support or non-support for the Leader of the Opposition becomes decisive. Even though the AFC does not hold a majority of the Opposition parliamentary seats, its numbers act as a potential safeguard to prevent the toppling of the present Leader of the Opposition. So long as the AFC remains in the APNU+AFC, the present leadership of the PNC/R will have to muster half of those 32 members in the National Assembly. And even so, there is no guarantee that the Head of the List, David Granger, will recommend Norton as a member of parliament. Norton’s failure to remove the Leader of the Opposition will backfire against him since there will continue to be two poles of power within the Opposition: one the Leader of the Opposition and the second, the Leader of the PNC/ R. Norton has played his cards too early. There is likely to be two more Congresses of the PNC/R before the elections of 2025.
Dem Boys Seh…
Yuh gat to frighten fuh go to de hospital now De Georgetown Public Hospital is now a COVID-19 hotspot. It report yesterday dat more dan 150 of de staff dem COVID-positive. Something did nah sound right about dose numbers. But later in de day we read bout 480 plus persons testing positive in 24 hours. Dat is a dread situation developing because fuh every 1,000 persons wah get infected 25 does die in Guyana. So we facing a dread situation. No matter wat de guvament say, if more dan 150 persons including doc-
tors get sick one time, it must affect de functioning of de hospital. Dere needs be to wan investigation as to wat went wrong dat dem had suh much positive cases. But de world also facing a similar crisis. Nuff airlines in de USA had to cancel flights because ah bad weather and dem staff getting sick with de COVID-19. A record number of people – more dan a million get infected with COVID in one day in de USA. And yuh know dat was only a matter of time before de same thing happen in Guyana. And it happen.
But wah gat dem boys worried is a report dat nuff children getting admitted to hospitals in de US with COVID. We cannot afford fuh dat happen hay because we gan face a crisis worse dan de 150 odd workers of de GPHC wah can’t wuk. So dem boys calling pun Guyanese to pull up dem socks and start doing de right thing. De guvament also gat to set a better example and stop organising all de public events wah tekking place. Talk half and hope fuh de best!
And unless Norton can assume full control of the parliamentary opposition he can find his influence and effect waning within his own party by the time 2024 comes
round. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
PNC election results - Part 4:
Harmon's harmonica never had harmony My point is that Aubrey Norton didn't win the election, Harmon lost. So why did Norton win? Because there were only two candidates and Harmon was seen as the bad guy in the competition. Delegates did not vote for Norton. They voted against Harmon. I am strongly contending that if there wasn't a terrible, mediocre, visionless, disappointing five years of Harmon as de facto president, he would have beaten Norton if the two had squared off while the PNC was in power. First, the trend in politics is that people do not believe putting back a leader who lost the government. It is just the way people feel about politics. The PPP lost by 4,500 votes in 2015 and Ramotar was the only reason. If there was an Anil Nandlall
or a Dr. Vindhya Persaud there could have been reclamation of those 4,500 votes. Mr. Ramotar was simply the wrong choice and it was natural for the PPP (as any other party around the world) to remove him from the hierarchy of the party). If Mr. Ramotar competes for a seat in the executive in the next PPP congress, he will be humiliated. Secondly, Mr. Harmon was seen by the delegates as a president (yes, countless numbers saw him as the de facto head of government) who failed to deliver not only to Black people but to Guyanese in general. If the big wigs in the PNC and AFC had decided to accept Mr. Jagdeo's choice for GECOM chairmanship, compensate sugar workers and call
election three months after the no confidence vote, it would have been a toss-up as to the outcome in 2020 I think Granger and Harmon were doomed just like how Ramotar was doomed after 2011. These two men from the army in the 1970s never tried to learn and understand politics. Granger was a West Indian political disaster and Harmon was seen as his side-kick. If you don't like the boss, you will hate the side kick too. The trouble with Harmon was that he lacked charisma was not a good talker, not a g o o d c h a r m e r, n o t a persuasive man. If you put Harmon and Anil Nandlall in a football field filled with people and ask them to serenade the audience as to why the world should stop eating meat, after Harmon
was finished you would like pork even more. Like his boss Granger, he was not an e ff e c t i v e We s t I n d i a n politician. It was and remains a fact that the PNC suffered one of the worst double whammies in recent memory of coalition politics. Harmon got blamed for being the favourite of a president that was resented. Harmon also got the blame from PNC constituencies for the absolute incompetence of the AFC. From 2015 to July 2020, Harmon's harmonica wasn't playing but he kept playing. It created a cacophonous hullabaloo instead of saccharine notes. After losing power, it was best to protégé someone to contest for the leader's post rather than running yourself. There is an equally potent second factor in the untergang of Harmon on December 18. He was seen as the only face in the gargantuan effort to sell the election results to the African community in Guyana.
That is a task Burnham did from t 1968 to 1980. Hoyte did it in 1985. They rigged election barefacedly and did not Frederick Kissoon p r o l o n g t h e wickedness. But h ey understand the African Harmon's harmonica took race in Guyana. That is five months to play the notes. pathetic nonsense. Each week, each month, the I keep writing over and h a r m o n i c a s o u n d l i k e over that Black leaders are someone using sandpaper on fooling African Guyanese a piece of old wood. who they think are pliable so After five months, there they can bend them and shape was a colossal amount of lies them into what forms they and deceptions that African want. Guyanese did not buy. The Harmon felt Black five months of election people would not see through explanations cost Harmon his lies that he sold them for the leader position of the five months. Surely, you are PNC. You simply cannot do dealing with modern people that to your supporters. They who are intelligent. Black will feel that you take them people know that Harmon for fools and you don't give a lied and that he and Granger damn about their dignity. and the AFC lost the election I think Harmon failed to battle. Next - Part 5: Norton read the nature of people, not in the saddle. only Black people but people (The views expressed in in general. He should not this article are those of the have run period! But here is a u t h o r a n d d o n o t where Black leaders fool necessarily reflect the themselves. They think only opinions of this newspaper.)
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Guyana hits record high with 485 COVID-19 cases in one day -2 fully vaccinated men are latest fatalities G
uyana has recorded 485 new COVID-19 cases—the highest number to be recorded in a day, Health Minister, Dr. Frank A n t h o n y, r e v e a l e d yesterday. Even as Guyana hits a record in daily COVID-19 infections, the US has recorded more than one million new COVID-19 cases on Monday alone. The figure comes even as officials in the US warn that the peak of a fast-spreading Omicron surge is still to come. A record 1,080,211 cases were reported in the US on Monday – the highest oneday tally of new cases anywhere in the world - the Johns Hopkins University announced. The Omicron variant accounts for the majority of cases in the US. The top US pandemic advisor Anthony Fauci has said the country is facing “almost a vertical increase” in cases. He said the peak may be weeks away.
In Guyana, Health M i n i s t e r D r. A n t h o n y addressed concerns over the spread during an update yesterday. A c c o r d i n g t o D r. Anthony, the country's massive surge in the rate of infection is a cause for concern. He noted that, “In the last 24 hours we had (recorded) 485 new cases, so our active cases are now 1,824, so that's a big jump. It's probably the highest total we've had in a day and maybe these numbers would even go further.” A breakdown of the new infection per region, according to the Ministry daily dashboard, revealed that Region One has a single new case, Region Two has 134, Region Three has 36, Region Four has 320, Region Five has three, Region Six has 62, Region Seven has one, Region Nine has 20 and Region 10 has 28. Kaieteur News understands that as it relates to the active cases 1,138 are in Region Four, 272 in
Health Minister, Dr. Frank Anthony.
Region Six, 148 in Region Three, 41 in Region Two, 78 in Region Nine and 74 in
Region 10. In addition, the Ministry recorded two more deaths as
a result of the virus. The number of deaths takes the toll from the pandemic to 1058 fatalities. According to the Health Ministry the deaths are of two fully vaccinated men – a 60-yearold from Region Four and a 38-year-old from Region Six. Dr. Anthony had previously revealed that based on the rate the virus is being spread it is highly likely that the contagious Omicron variant has entered Guyana. He also noted that this trend is expected to continue as this variant is “highly contagious” and doubles every four days or so. Dr. Anthony noted that the ministry is awaiting the test results because, the
samples have been collected but they have not been processed as yet to confirm Guyana's status as it relates to the omicron variant. In the meantime, the Health Minister said that on the East Bank of Demerara at Diamond, 43 people are infected, 33 at Providence, 20 in Grove, and 17 at Herstelling. On the East Coast, he revealed 17 infections were recorded in Non Pareil, 49 in Kitty, 36 in Sophia, 35 in Lodge, and 27 in La Penitence. The Minister said that there are cases in all the wards. “…In other Regions, New Amsterdam recorded 66 cases, Lethem 45, Bartica 21 and Wismar 26. Right (Continued on page 19)
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
GNBS records successful year in verification, product monitoring services P r
With a plethora of substandard electrical fittings and appliances flooding the market, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS), during 2021, seized close to 50,000 pieces of such items. In its year-in-review press statement, the organisation said 26,300 pieces of electrical fittings and equipment and 21,923 electrical appliances were placed on hold or destroyed as they did not satisfy the labelling and/or quality requirements, outlined in their respective national standards In addition to these, the list included 1,596 pieces of
furniture, 10,426 toys, 418 gas stoves, 8,084 pieces of PVC pipes, 43,665 pairs of footwear, 200 rolls of textiles and 5,040 safety helmets. Based on its inspections, a total of 5,514 nonconforming tyres were rejected and destroyed at the time of examination, to avoid subsequent use. For some of the items placed on hold, some importers and dealers took the necessary corrective actions and these were subsequently released by the GNBS for sale. During the past year, 4,583 inspections were conducted for tyres, furniture, cellular phones,
a n d e l e c t r i c a l fittings/equipment, garments, furniture, toys and other items, the GNBS noted. This was an increase from the 3,843 inspections conducted in 2020. Notably, the GNBS commenced the verification of breathalysers in 2021, resulting in 10 instruments being verified for the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and other private entities. In October, the Bureau also launched its Speed Guns verification service. Apart from its verification services, the GNBS continued to monitor the 17 categories of products under its purview. The
oduct Compliance Department conducted inspections at ports-of-entry, warehouses, manufacturers' premises and sale outlets to ensure products imported and locally manufactured comply with the mandatory national standards. Last year too, a total of 483 importers, 667 dealers and 17
manufacturers registered with the GNBS. The organisation explained that it also established its Oil and Gas Department during 2021 to be able to fulfill its measurement role in the sector. Anticipating the arrival of the second FPSO, newly employed Inspectors were trained to take up roles in the new Department, as it continued to be fully involved in monitoring the verification of custody transfer metres on the first FPSO offshore. When it comes to weighing equipment, during 2021, a total of 44,501 measuring devices were verified which included 8,515 scales compared to 5,653 in 2020, 15,292
masses compared to 11,450 in 2020, and 19,129 electricity metres, as compared to a total of 27,554 devices in 2020. In addition, with 187 weighbridge scales used in the Rice, Sugar, Transportation and retail sectors verified in 2021, there was a significant increase when compared to the 146 weighbridges verified in 2020, the GNBS reported. Further, 105 moisture metres used by millers to determine the moisture content of paddy supplied by farmers were verified in 2021, as compared with 59 in 2020. For volumetric measurements, in 2021 the (Continued on page 22)
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
$42M Vlissengen Road walkway almost completed The Ministry of Public Works (MoPW) is close to wrapping up its $42 million walkway project at Vlissengen Road, Georgetown. M a n a g e r Traffic/Safety/Maintenance, Kester Hinds in an invited comment explained that the project is geared towards improving the safety of pedestrians and developing a space that would foster healthy activities for residents in the area. The project area spans the Kitty Roundabout to Barr Street, along Vlissengen Road. A total of 600 metres in length has been outfitted with concrete drains on both sides, while the three metres wide walkway has also been concreted. The works were executed by Vieira 66
Logistics, and commenced in July 2021. According to Hinds, the first phase of the project catered for the construction of the walkway and installation of lights, even though the lighting attracted a different contract sum. A n o t h e r c o m p a n y, SkyTech International, was awarded a $9.5 million contract to provide street lights to the area. Additionally, guardrails are to be installed at some sections for added protection to persons who will be walking or riding on the pathway. The Traffic, Safety and Maintenance Manager added that the Ministry is seeking to add another phase of the project, which will then extend the walkway from
Barr to Lamaha Streets, Georgetown. This phase will also cater for benches to be supplied to the area as well. Hinds told this newspaper yesterday that the project is about 95 percent completed and is on schedule for its January 12, 2022 completion data. Last year, the Ministry also undertook similar projects to develop walkways, also in the capital city. In February 2021, Public Works Minister, Juan Edghill inspected ongoing works at Carmichael, Waterloo and Albert Streets. Making specific reference to the Albert Street upgrade works, Minister Edghill said the area is one which is heavily traversed by pedestrians, which is why the
The almost completed project on Vlissengen Road.
initiative is aimed at getting people off the road and onto the sidewalks. He explained, “…we are making it safe for pedestrians to be able to traverse. When you have an uneven pave, people can stumble and fall. When you have a pave that
can't accommodate a wheelchair or a person using a cane, it makes it difficult for them to be able to move, so we are advancing that kind of service to all the people of Guyana, while we seek to ensure there is road and traffic safety.”
In keeping with the safety goal, Minister Edghill outlined that the height of the walkway was designed to prevent flooding and the next move will be to improve drainage to further curb the flooding issues in Georgetown.
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Newly-wed couple found dead with bullet wounds in home Residents of Sarah Johanna, a village located on the East Bank Demerara (EBD), were left in a state of shock yesterday after the bodies of a newly-wed couple were found dead in their home. Their bodies bore bullet wounds. The couple has been identified as Nicholas and Sasha Low-AChee, ages 25 and 26, respectively. Their remains were discovered by one of Nicholas’ uncle sometime after 07:00hrs. The uncle had reportedly gone to pay the couple a visit. He revealed that he called out for them but got no response. As a result, he said he decided to enter the one-flat concrete home, since the door was opened. He was left in a state of shock after seeing the lifeless bodies of his nephew, a farmer, and his young wife. Police were alerted and ranks were sent to the location. Crime scene experts, after examining the bodies, noted that they bore gunshot wounds. A gun was also found in the same room with their remains. Detectives suspect that it might be the weapon used to kill both of them. It is also believed that it might be a case of a murder-suicide. H o w e v e r, t o b e c e r t a i n ,
The house in which the bodies were found. investigators will have to swab both the victims’ hands for gun powder residue to determine if it was one of them that fired the gun. Curious neighbours gathered around the home to witness the detectives at work but were also left in disbelief at the news. According to some of them, the couple was last seen alive on Sunday at which time everything seemed okay. They said
that they heard no arguments between the two and neither did they hear any gunshots or loud explosion coming from their home. Relatives of Nicholas were also finding it difficult to believe that it might be a case of murder-suicide. In fact, one of his cousins said that Nicholas and Sasha were seeing each other for about two years and decided to tie the knot in August of
A happy Nicholas and Sasha Low-A-Chee on their wedding day. last year. “Nicholas is a very quiet individual and he is always smiling, even if he is going through problems he would still smile and would rarely relate them to us,” the cousin told Kaieteur News. As a result of his personality, the dead man’s relatives were not aware if the couple had any marital problems.
Another uncle described Sasha as one who blended in well with the family. “They seemed happy together. Sasha is a girl that loved to have fun. She is outgoing and was never a bad person,” he said. As investigation continues, family members are hopeful that answers will be provided as to how the couple met their gruesome demise.
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Two wanted for questioning in hinterland killings Wanted in connection with two hinterland murders, Kurtland Damon called “Carto”. The Guyana Police Force (GPF) yesterday issued a wanted bulletin for two miners in connection with a double homicide that
occurred on Christmas Eve night, along a trail at the Nassando Backdam, Region One, North West District. One of the miners has been identified as Kurtland Damon called “Carto” of Pomeroon, Region Two and Friendship, East Bank Demerara (EBD). The other wanted man is Thomas Kyte, also known as “Taco”, of Matthews Ridge, Region One. Police believe that they might have knowledge about the deaths of Sherwin
Goddett, 29, and Shawn France, 21, who were brutally stabbed to death sometime after 22:30hrs on December 24, 2021, while they were heading to their mining camps from the Nassano Backdam Landing. Detectives believe that Damon and Kyte might have attacked and killed the two men because they allegedly stabbed Damon’s son earlier that evening during a brawl at a bar on the landing. Based on investigations conducted by police,
Goddett and France were workers on a small scale mining operation based in the area. Their boss had closed off the operation on December 23, 2021 for the holidays and paid them off before leaving the backdam. With their gold in hand, Goddett and France decided to visit the landing the following day (December 24) around 11:00hrs to celebrate. They reportedly purchased rum at the bar and began imbibing there.
According to police, later in the evening France got into an argument with the bartender over a bottle of champagne. The argument reportedly became heated and France broke the champagne bottle. Other persons in the shop intervened and a fight broke out between France and the other patrons. R e p o r t s f r o m eyewitnesses revealed that France armed himself with a scissors and began to fend off the individuals. Among
Thomas Kyte also wanted in connection with two hinterland murders. the patrons was Damon’s son. Eyewitnesses identified him to police as Devor Stohl Continued on page 21
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
G/T Council still to comply with several orders to prevent vending in front Regent Street stores The Georgetown (G/T) Mayor and City Council (M&CC) is yet to comply with mandamuses (court orders) that outline the prohibition of vending in front of Regent Street stores. To w n C l e r k ( A g ) Candace Nelson told Kaieteur News that over the years, the Council has received several court orders to stop persons from vending in front of stores located on Regent Street but the body has not really acted on any of them. Nelson said until recently, little to no efforts was made by the Council to stop vending in front of affected stores in spite of court orders directing them to do so. The Town Clerk explained that the recent judgment which was handed down in favour of Shamdas Kirpalani is a classic example. According to her, the Kirpalanis, who operate out of their 107 Regent Street, Lacytown, Georgetown store, had taken the G/T Council to Court before. She explained that this case was the second case that the store owners brought against the
Shamdas Kirpalani store on Regent Street.
Town Clerk (Ag), Candace Nelson
Council. “This order was to basically compel the Council to remove the vendors since the first court order was not fully complied with…” Nelson said, adding that the Council has several other court orders from other Regent Street stores over the same issue. The Town Clerk had nonetheless denied that the
M&CC had not tried as far as possible to ensure there were no encumbrances on the pavement in store fronts. Nelson explained in an affidavit in response to the Kirpalani case, that the M&CC tried as far as possible to ensure there were no encumbrances on the pavement and streets in front of the property. She claimed that the
M&CC had taken “practical measures” on a periodic basis to remove vendors from in front of the building. She also claimed that the Town Clerk’s office issued periodic instructions to the
City Constabulary to take action against the vendors and that ranks have been going to the area when resources and personnel are available. Nelson denied the claim that the situation had led to a loss of customers for the business and noted that the applicants had shown no evidence of financial loss. Last December, High
Court Judge Simone MorrisRamlall had ordered the Town Clerk to instruct the Constabulary of the City of Georgetown to prohibit pavement vending in front of the Shamdas Kirplani store located at 107 Regent Street, Lacytown, Georgetown. Kanayalal and Meera Kirpalani – the transported owners of the Regent Street property – filed judicial review proceedings against the Town Clerk of the City of Georgetown to have it prevent any person or persons from vending on the pavement in front of the store. According to the Kirpalanis, the encumbrance of the pavement and road by vendors has, over the years, affected their business. They said that vendors trespass on their property by placing or hanging items on the grillwork of their building and/or by bracing the southern walls of the Continued on page 18
Soldier on the run for chopping peacemaker
Summons out for bowman who threatened to kill union president T h e L e o n o r a Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday issued a summons for the bowman who used a minister’s name to threaten the life of a union president on December 16, last. He has been identified as Ron Baptiste, aka “Big Life”. Baptiste was scheduled to attend court yesterday to face a threatening language charge. He, however, did not show up and the court decided to issue a summon for him to attend court on February 7, 2021. The man who plies his trade as a bowman on speedboats that travel from Parika to Bartica, Region Seven, is being accused of threatening to kill the President of the National Mines Worker Union of Guyana (NMWUG), Sherwin Downer. According to the allegation, Baptist told Downer that he was given orders by a serving government minister to kill him. The threat was allegedly made at the Parika Stelling in the presence of a police officer. Downer had told
The GDF rank known as “Mad Max”, who allegedly chopped Smith.
Union President, Sherwin Downer
Ron Baptiste, the bowman accused of threatening to kill a union president.
Kaieteur News that it was the third time he was threatened by the individual. The union president claimed that Batiste had related that he was taken to the minister’s residence located in Pradoville on the East Coast of Demerara by two prominent businessmen of Bartica. There they reportedly had a meeting with the minister during which the minister allegedly ordered Baptiste to kill Downer. Downer said that upon hearing this, he became worried and contacted the
minister immediately. He shared their WhatsApp conversation with this media house and in the messages exchanged the government official denied knowing Baptiste and advised the union president to report the matter to police. On December 16, 2021 a report was lodge against Baptiste at the Parika Police Station located in Region Three. He was later arrested on December 31, 2021 but was subsequently released on station bail to facilitate an investigation.
A rank of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) is now running from the law after he chopped a peacemaker on Sunday last for intervening in a fight he had with another man. The chopping incident took place during the evening hours in an Amerindian village called Moraikobai, located along t h e M a h a i c o n y R i v e r, Region Five. Villagers there identified the soldier as “Mad Max” and the man he chopped as Daniel Smith, 18. A c c o r d i n g t o information reaching this newspaper, the rank and some of his acquaintances were imbibing when a fight broke out between him and one of Smith’s friend.
An injured Daniel Smith, being treated by villagers before he was transported to the hospital. The rank armed himself with a cutlass and Smith reportedly intervened to part them but ended up being chopped to the head
and face. He fell and the rank escaped. Smith was rushed to a city hospital for medical attention.
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Probe launched into death of newborn baby at N/A Hospital The New Amsterdam Hospital.
The New Amsterdam Hospital has launched a probe into the death of a newborn baby. This is according to the hospital’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Bob Ramnauth. Ramnauth told Kaieteur News that officials have since met with the mother of the infant and her relatives and are expected to meet with them again today (Wednesday, 5th January, 2022). Alliyah Rambarran, 21, of No.72 Village, Upper Corentyne, Berbice lost her baby girl on January 1, 2021 during delivery at the hospital. The baby was laid to rest yesterday. According to the woman, she visited the clinic on Thursday, December 30, 2021 and based on what the nurses told her, she was 40 weeks pregnant. She said all appeared to be normal during that clinic visit. However, the following day (December 31) she began experiencing some discomfort and decided that
she would head to the hospital. When she arrived, the doctor examined her and determined that she was only 3 centimetres (cm) dilated. As such she was told to go home and return the next day. The woman said that she explained that she had traveled all the way from No.72 Village and that it would prove difficult for her if she goes into labour. Around noon, she said, they decided to admit her. Later on that day, the woman said that she began experiencing some labour pains. The next day, on the morning of January 1, 2022, she said that she was checked again by a doctor and by then she had dilated to 4cm. It wasn’t until around noon that she was examined again and, by then, she was 7cm dilated. She was then taken to the delivery room. It was revealed that labour was induced sometime around 14:00hrs and the process of delivery
started about an hour or two later. However, Rambarran said during delivery there were complications. She said that when the baby’s head came out, the shoulders got stuck in the vaginal passage. She added that the
doctors and nurses took a while (about 30 minutes) to deliver the baby and when that was done she did not hear any crying. She said she became worried and shortly after the nurse came to her and informed her that the
baby did not make it. Rambarran said the medical staff told her that her baby’s head was high and that the baby was big. “I think if they did an ultrasound when they admitted me they would
know that the baby was big and they would have given me a C-section but what I go through, I wasn’t pleased,” the woman said. The death of the infant marks the first such death for the region for this year.
MOE receives donation of PPEs for schools
G/T Council still to... From page 17 property. As a result of pavement vending, the Kirpalanis stated that their customers cannot park in front of the store. “Because of the congestion on the pavement, it attracts pick-pocketing of customers who come to the [store] and also members of the public who are walking on the pavement. There are at times loud speaking and the use of obscenity by some vendors,” they said. Through Senior Counsel K.A. Juman-Yassin, the Kirpalanis noted that there are on occasions selling of illegal substances such as marijuana as a result of the sellers using the congestion as a cover. They added that unless vending in front of their store is stopped, they will continue to be inconvenienced and suffer financially losses as potential customers avoid the store because of the pavement/roadside vendors. In her ruling, Justice Morris-Ramlall held that the Mayor and City Councillors of Georgetown had certain statutory duties under the Municipal and District Councils Act of 28:01 as it relates to regulating vending in the capital city. As such, the Judge granted the orders requested by the Kirpalanis. In effect, the orders compel the Town Clerk to instruct and/or order the City Constabulary to prevent any person or persons from carrying or placing any receptacles or other articles on the pavement which incommode the store owner’s property and/or other persons in the use of the pavement in front of the building which houses the store. The Town Clerk was also ordered to pay $100,000 in costs to the Kirpalanis by January 15, 2022.
Senior representative of Sewa International, Mr. Yashpaul Seownarine hands over the items to the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Mr. Alfred King as organisation member Sorojini Mohobir looks on. The Ministry of Education yesterday received a quantity of COVID-19 personal protective equipment from Sewa International Guyana. According to a release issued by the Ministry, some 80,719 face shields, 24,190 KN95 masks, 126,500 disposable masks, 2,600 surgical gowns and over 6,240 face goggles were among the items donated. Senior representative of Sewa International, Mr. Ya s h p a u l S e o w n a r i n e handed over the items to the
M i n i s t r y ’s P e r m a n e n t Secretary, Mr. Alfred King at the Book Distribution Unit, Evans and Lyng Streets, Charlestown, Georgetown. Mr. King expressed gratitude on behalf of the Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand and the Ministry for the timely donation. In brief remarks, he stated that the items will complement the efforts the Ministry is making to ensure students, teachers and other staff are safe as schools reopen.
“We want to make sure that all schools are given enough protective gears so that the learners, teachers and cleaners can be protected while they deliver education.” The Ministry noted in its release that distribution of the items will start in hinterland schools before being moved to the coast and Georgetown. “Most of our schools in and around Georgetown and in other regions, we’ve already given some amount of protective gears. So, this
will complement what is needed in the school system, at least for maybe the longterm replacing what is already here in the system, but we would have already provided a whole lot and this will help, ensuring we can place replacements.” Meanwhile, the Sewa representative said as a youth organisation, the donation is important as it supports the effort to ensure students receive an education while being protected against COVID19.
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
Forceful passage of NRF Bill breaches From page 8 called Sovereign Wealth Funds. Guyana must not become another statistic in this regard,” the network urged. It said that the petition in Parliament asking to hold the Bill for further consultations with civil society was a “unilateral” and “triumphalist” approach that goes against the principles and standards of oil and natural resources-
related international bodies. In fact, OGGN noted that with no bipartisan support, the Act will be an ongoing point of dissension, inimical to the Government's “One Guyana” rhetoric. The network said too, “The approved Act is missing many operational and procedural details and is likely to lead to built-in biases in future fund composition and stability. In
the best interests of national unity and national consensus, OGGN encourages the Government to convene national consultations and make appropriate amendments to its Act.” Given that United States Ambassador to Guyana, Sarah-Ann Lynch would have advised, “We continue to look forward to the government's initiatives to
Guyana hits record high with 485... From page 11 now, we have 64 persons in the [COVID] hospital. Over the last 24 hours I think we had about 10 persons that came into the different hospitals. We currently have 36 new persons at the Ocean View Hospital, with eight of those persons in the ICU and a few of those persons are intubated. All of them are receiving oxygen but I think two of them are intubated,” Dr. Anthony said. As it relates to vaccination numbers, the Minister said this largely remains the same, but with a slight increase in first dose uptake which now stands at
80.3 percent of the adult population while boosters' uptake has also improved. “Boosters have been going up incrementally, so today, we are at 12,306, booster doses but we still have a long way to go because of the persons who would have received their second dose. This is just a very small portion of that so we still have a very long way to go in ensuring that more people get their booster doses,” the health minister said. D r. A n t h o n y a l s o revealed that a number of staff from the GPHC have tested positive for the virus
and are being closely monitored. “There are a number of persons who have tested positive, both doctors and medical staff. We have been constantly monitoring and we have taken mitigation measures so it has not had a big impact so far on service delivery, but if more and more people get sick, well then obviously it's going to have an impact,” Dr. Anthony said. He noted that most of those affected are either asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic and are expected to return to work shortly.
combat corruption, including the Natural Resource Fund legislation that offers both transparency and clear oversight, and to a meaningful and inclusive process of stakeholder engagement.” A strong anticorruption stance now will show Guyanese citizens, and the rest of the world, that the government is committed to transparent institutions that utilise the country's resources to the long-term benefit for all Guyanese,” the oil network added. It went on to express optimism
that the Ambassador for the US and the other ABC/EU countries have taken note of the railroading done by the administration in passing the Bill, since there has been no meaningful and inclusive process of stakeholder engagement. The NRF Bill was first tabled in the National Assembly on December 16, 2021. It came up for debate in the House on December 29, 2021 thereby giving opposition parliamentarians a mere 13 days to scrutinise the document.
Shadow Oil and Gas Minister and Opposition MP, David Patterson had related to this newspaper that at least three months would have been needed to properly study the Bill. Nevertheless, one week ago, the Bill was effectively passed in Parliament according to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir. Meanwhile, the Parliamentary Opposition is still reviewing grounds to legally challenge the passing of the Bill.
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Four additional coconut nurseries established in 2021
As part of the government's efforts to decentralise the availability of quality planting materials for the coconut industry, in 2021 the Ministry of Agriculture's Hope Coconut Industries Limited (HCIL), formally known as Hope Estate, was able to successfully establish four additional coconut seedling nurseries. These nurseries were established in Wakenaam, Leguan, Canal Number Two, and Benab (Corentyne), according to a release issued yesterday by the Agriculture M i n s t ir y . W h e n t h e government took office back in August of 2020, it made known its goal to develop Guyana's coconut industry by making planting material more available to farmers and other persons desirous of establishing coconut plantations across the country. In 2020, as part of the government's emergency budget, two nurseries were also established at Charity
A coconut nursery. (Photo Credit: Guyana Chronicle)
on the Essequibo Coast and the other at Kairuni on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway, with the capacity to produce 25,000 additional seedlings per year.With the establishment of these four additional seedling nurseries, HCIL now has the capacity to produce approximately 48,000 quality coconut seedlings
per annum. While speaking on the sector's performance over the past year, Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha, said that the additional facilities would enable HCIL to provide more quality seedlings to farmers, thus improving the industry's production capabilities.
- HCIL seedling production capacity now 48,000 per annum - coconut and coconut byproducts export rakes in $2.5B
“Now that we have these additional nurseries established, we are in a better position to provide the kind of planting materials needed to improve Guyana's coconut industry. This year Hope Estate was able to produce over 33,000 seedlings, which represents a significant improvement when compared to last year
when only 4,905 seedlings were produced. This shows that the investments being made by the government are resulting in the kinds of transformative outcomes we need to drive the sector forward,” Minister Mustapha said.HCIL's endof-year report also indicated that some 115 new farmers began planting, with 1,845 acres of new coconut acreage being cultivated. HCIL also collaborated with the National Agriculture Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) and was able to coordinate the establishment of additional farmers' groups, thus making addressing farmers' issues as well as the distribution of inputs more effective. To date, the Ministry reported, there are 50 established farmers' groups in Regions Two,
Three, Four, Five, Six, and 10. Exports In 2021, Guyana exported over $2.5 billion worth of coconut and coconut byproducts. This represents a $600 million increase when compared to the $1.9 billion that was exported in 2020. Of that amount, virgin coconut oil exports stood at some $685 million while export earnings from dry coconut totalled some $1.8 billion. Following rice and sugar, coconut is Guyana's third most exported agricultural commodity. With the global demand for coconut and coconut byproducts projected to increase significantly over the next five years, Guyana is expected to benefit from its fair share of the global market.
Kaieteur News WANTED One male able bodied clerk. Tel:231-2029/616-5954. Motor Lorry drivers needed and Porters. Tel:627-1835/ 626-4691. A cook for family of three,light house keeping.Tel:654-8839.
1 Mercedes Benz GL450 in excellent condition & low milage interested persons can make contact Tel#625-5136
One bedroom apartment with bathroom & living rooms, Cummingslodge E.C.D. Call: 222-0404 or 673-2467, whatsapp 516-805-2048.
Massey Ferguson 283 $2.3M,Massey Ferguson 165 $1.7M,Massey Ferguson 135 $1.1M,Pick-up trucks: Ford F150 $1M,Ford Ranger $800,000. #682-5230/6154414. 2001 Toyota Mark 2 in excellent condition,low mileage & clean interior. Call:617-8424.
Repairs and servicing, refridgerator, treadmill, washing machine, stove, pressure pump, filtration system dryer, deepfryer etc 694-9733
PROPERTY FOR SALE Flat 3 bedroom properties, locationHaslington, Tuschen,Underneeming, Parfaite Harmony other locations available.Tel:223-6035/ 673-6210.
Shepsky(German Shepherd and Husky Mix) for sale.For more info contact:684-7333. Pure breed German Shepherd Pups(quality bloodline) black & tan.Contact:6659140. Temperature guns with 9V battery.Price $5,000.Call:6247155.
1 helper needed,10 yrs experience. Tel:693-6508.
WANTED Manager.Call Indian Henna 671-5759/657-6979. Looking for honest & reliable person for light work and to look after person,live in work age 40 up.Tel:231-4933. Wanted Machinist.Tel:2235273/621-5907.
Vegetarian Gardens Accounts Clerk & Porter. Tel:6400673,231-0951,227-7714,2233448,email: info@vgiworld. com. KitchenAssistant, Babysitter, Housekeeper & Sales person,must have secondary education.Call:6595559.
SERVICES Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Graphics design, advertisements, Wedding arch rentals. Tel: 626-7040
Receptionist at Hick's Ville Hotel.Tel:640-0673,2310951,227-7714,223-3448, email:info@vgiworld.com.
Buildsmart Construction & Supplies Inc experienced drivers/expeditors to work in G/Town. Licenced for car/ van/lorry:geraldoralphonso @gmail. com or 669-0855. Buildsmart construction & supplies Inc. Needs admin, clerks and secrateries to work at office in G/Town: geraldoralphonso @gmail. com or 669-0855. Buildsmart Construction & Supplies Inc is seeking qualified accountants to work at officeinG/Town: geraldoralphonso @gmail. com or 669-0855. Civil Engineer with 3 yrs experience, office assistant with experience. Send resume tovandv contracting @ hotmail.com or call/ whatsapp 664-5270.
Vreed-En-Hoop 2 Bedroom, Kitchen, Living room, Granite counter top, Security Cameras, Fully Grilled, A/C, Family Preferred,$30,000 monthly. #682-5230/615-4414
Female domestic maid wanted for housekeeping : $3500 daily. Male Labourer: $4000; Skilled Labourer: $5000 daily. Vreed-En-Hoop #682-5230/615-4414.
General domestic to work in PetersHall area,age 20 to 50 years.Tel:609-3259/226-9485. One salesman,able bodied porters.Experience in writing bills,stocktaking & cashing. Keyfood Trading,Mc Doom village. Accountant/Office Manager.Vat, PAYE,NIS, maintain accounting needs. Tel:223-6035/673-6210. Experienced cashier,counter server,roti/puri cook, cleaners & pastry maker.Apply at Hack's Halaal,5 Commerce St. Vacancy for two experienced Pastry Maker @ Humphrey's Bakery & Farm Products,38 Ketly St Charlestown.Tel:2257864/227-8607. One clerk for TSI Eccles Office,English & Maths grade 1 or 2.Call:615-9132 or email application to tech serigy@yahoo.com. Maid to cook and clean for East Bank areaa.Call:6159132. Vacancy exist for carpenters, porters and apprentice. Contact:624-9506,624-9504,2255818. Pump Attendant/Cashier, shifts (6am-2pm & 2pm10pm).Shell Station Providence E.B.D, email: Shell ramsburg@gmai.com. Minibus Drivers & Taxi Drivers. Tel:225-3234/628-1183. Vacancy exist for 2 office staff with CXC subjects and 1 cleaner at Plantation Ruimveldt.Contact:223-7165/ 625-2573. Driver/Office Assistant.Call or email: 223-4172, elite protectionservicesgy@gmail.com.
Wednesday January 05, 2022
GNBS records successful year in verification... trywide as compared to 1,722 in 2020, 328 bulk metres at fuel terminals as compared to 270 in 2020, 67 storage tanks as compared to 30 in 2020, and 131 tanker wagons compared to 114 in 2020. These devices were verified PENPAL for Rubis, GUYOIL, Make seeks female,ages 18- Sol Guyana and other private 35 ,for relationship.Call:- 695- companies countrywide to ensure measurement 0331. accuracy and conformance to African Guyanese male safety requirements. seeks a loving female comThe Bureau also recorded panion( 30 and above) to live a significant increase in surwith. Call:603-9085.
From page 13 GNBS verified 1,989 petrol pumps at gas-stations coun-
veillance inspections, which it said are done to ensure vendors and shopkeepers are using approved measuring devices. A total of 5,719 premises were visited countrywide as compared to 1,217 in 2020. The visits, which were conducted by Inspectors and Weights and Measures Officers, resulted in 895 scales, 74 masses, one measure and one moisture metre being seized and removed.
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
Housing Ministry to spend US$7M to 'patch' dumpsite road The Ministry of Housing and Water will soon be commencing works on the Eccles landfill (dumpsite) road at an estimated cost of $1,440,561,573 (US$7M). During the opening of the project at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) of fice on Thursday, five construction companies applied to execute the works. The road which has been divided into three lots: Lot 1, is estimated to cost some $555,212,515, Lot 2, is Ministry of Education Consultancy services for the construction of building – the Bishop's High School.
Consultancy services for the construction of building – Queen's College.
Consultancy services for the construction of building - St. Stanislaus College.
National Communication Network - Provision of transportation services.
estimated to cost some $454,690,258 and Lot 3, is estimated to cost some $430,658,800. Last week, the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA), which is the procuring entity for this project, opened some $25 billion in projects for infrastructural development works for communities in Regions, Two, Three, Four, Nine and 10. The CH&PA falls under the purview of the Ministry of Housing and Water which is headed by Minister, Consultancy services for construction of building - St. Joseph High School.
Protected Areas Commission Provision of audit services: Guyana Protected Area Commission System Project Phase 3.
Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) Construction of Eccles landfill road.
Collin Croal.Bids were also opened for the supply of steel sheet piles for the construction of the dumpsite road. Meanwhile, at the opening of tenders yesterday, the NPTAB received 18 bids for consultancy services for the construction of four school buildings. These schools are the Bishop's High School, Queen's College, St. Joseph High and St. Stanislaus College. Below are the companies and their bids: Supply of steel sheet piles for the construction of Eccles landfill road.
Security guard on $50K bail for wounding construction worker Daniel Balkarran, a 29year-old security guard of L o t 3 9 B l o c k 4 Ta i n , Corentyne, Berbice, was on Monday charged at the Whim Magistrate's Court for the offence of Felonious Wounding. Balkarran was arrested on December, 30, 2021 for allegedly wounding Harrinarine Rampergesh, a 40-year-old construction worker who resides at Clifton Settlement, Corentyne, Berbice. According to police, the charge was laid under Section 57(a) of the Criminal Law (Offences) Act Chapter 8:01. Balkarran appeared before Magistrate Alex
Charged, Daniel Balkarran Moore where the charge was read to him. He was not required to plea. He was placed on $50,000 bail and the matter was adjourned to March, 28, 2022 for report.
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Two wanted for questioning… From page 16 and said that France stabbed him to his abdomen. Realising that the brawl was becoming deadly, one of the patrons, a licenced firearm holder, decided to discharge a round in the air. The fighting stopped and France and his co-worker, Goddett, left for their camp
while a critically injured Stohl was rushed out of the backdam for medical attention at the Port Kaituma Hospital located a mile away. Police learnt that as Stohl was being rushed out of the area, France and Goddett were ambushed and killed before reaching their campsite.
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
NBA roundup: Blazers outduel Hawks despite Trae Young’s 56 (Reuters) - Anfernee Simons scored a career-high 43 points and matched his career best of nine 3-pointers to help the Portland Trail Blazers post a 136-131 shootout win over the visiting Atlanta Hawks on Monday night. Atlanta star Trae Young scored a career-best 56 points and also had 14 assists but couldn’t prevent the Hawks from losing for the 10th time in 14 games. Norman Powell scored 26 points and Nassir Little added 22 as Portland snapped a fourgame slide and won for just the fourth time in the past 18 games. Jusuf Nurkic had 21 points and 12 rebounds for the Trail Blazers after missing three games due to being in the COVID-19 protocol. Clint Capela scored 22
points on 10-of-10 shooting and added 11 rebounds for the Hawks. Kevin Huerter scored 18 points and played 37 minutes in his return after missing six games due to COVID-19 protocol. 76ers 133, Rockets 113 Joel Embiid had 31 points, 15 rebounds and 10 assists to lift Philadelphia to a victory at home over Houston. It was the third career triple-double for Embiid. Furkan Korkmaz added 24 points and a career-high 11 rebounds for the 76ers, who won their fourth in a row. The 76ers played without Tyrese Maxey, Matisse Thybulle and head coach Doc Rivers as they were held out in the league’s health and safety protocol. Garrison Mathews led the Rockets
with 23 points. Houston has lost eight straight games. Wizards 124, Hornets 121 Bradley Beal and Kyle Kuzma made big plays down the stretch as Washington pulled out a victory against visiting Charlotte. Washington came back from a double-digit deficit in the second half, scoring nine consecutive points to grab a seven-point lead in the final minute. Kuzma had 36 points and 14 rebounds and Beal posted 35 points, while Daniel Gafford supplied 15 points and 11 rebounds. Gordon Hayward’s 27 points, Terry Rozier’s 25 and Miles Bridges’ 23 were tops for the Hornets. Pistons 115, Bucks 106 Saddiq Bey set a career high with 34 points as Detroit
Wednesday Junuary 5, 2022 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) Writing may be one of your main focuses for today, Aries. You have a lot of information to impart to anyone who might be interested in what you have to say. TAURUS(Apr.20–May20) Professional interests continue to expand, Taurus, and you're managing to keep very busy. Your income is rising, and you could be achieving a certain prominence in your field. . GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Travel in the company of a close companion might be looming over the horizon, Gemini. In fact, you might be leaving pretty soon, and you're probably growing excited. CANCER (June 21–July 22) An unexpected lucky break could come your way today, Cancer - something you would never have expected in a hundred years. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) If you aren't currently romantically involved, Leo, today you could meet someone who shows a lot of promise. Work might be involved in some way, and it's also possible that this person has been living in your neighborhood for a long time. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Some kind of unexpected shakeup could take place today, Virgo, and you could find yourself suddenly being offered more money or responsibilities.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Today you might attend at least one festive social occasion, Libra, and therefore you may meet some very interesting people in unusual professions, such as film or TV. SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Your level of health and physical well-being is likely to be very high, Scorpio, and thus you're probably glowing. As a result, you might find that those around you pay more attention to what you're saying than they usually do. SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) You might be feeling especially adventurous today, Sagittarius. The same old streets and buildings in the same old town might suddenly seem to be closing in on you. CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) An intense dream or vision could result in a spiritual breakthrough of some kind, Capricorn, and you might spend much of the day in a bit of a daze, trying to make sense of it. AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) You're apt to be in a very joyous mood today, Aquarius, and it's going to show on your face. PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) Today you might host a gathering of people interested in psychic or metaphysical matters, Pisces. A very special guest could give a talk or lead a discussion group.
defeated host Milwaukee to win back-to-back games for the first time this season. Bey also notched eight rebounds and four assists with 12-of-22 shooting and eight 3-pointers to lead the Pistons to their third road win of the 2021-22 campaign. Bey now has eclipsed the 20point mark in eight of his last nine games. Josh Jackson added 24 points off the bench, and Cade Cunningham had 19 along with seven assists. Giannis Antetokounmpo led the Bucks with 31 points, 10 rebounds and seven assists on 11-of-21 shooting. Jrue Holiday had 29 points, and Bobby Portis contributed 12 to go with his 14 rebounds. Khris Middleton chipped in 10 points after
missing the last game due to personal reasons. Jazz 115, Pelicans 104 Donovan Mitchell scored 15 of his 29 points in the fourth quarter as visiting Utah held off New Orleans. Mike Conley added 22 points, Bojan Bogdanovic scored 21, Jordan Clarkson had 14 and Rudy Gobert had 10 points and 17 rebounds for the Jazz. Jonas Valanciunas returned from a one-game absence while he was in the league’s health and safety protocol to lead the Pelicans with 25 points. Josh Hart added 15, Nickeil AlexanderWalker scored 13, and Devonte’ Graham and Herbert Jones had 11 each. In other action: Grizzlies 118, Nets 104
Bulls 102, Magic 98 Mavericks 103, Nuggets
Timberwolves 122, Clippers 104 Warriors 115, Heat 108 (Field Level Media)
All of the venues.. From page 32 important organised sport is and events like this are important for Guyana. I remember going to see West Indies play when I was really young and dreaming of playing for the West Indies and that is why, as a Country it was important for us to put in the effort to keep the games in Guyana. So thankfully, all of the maintenance work at the grounds are 99 percent completed. All the changing rooms, stands, pavilion, infrastructure in relation to drainage is done. Right now we want to keep everything the way that it needs to be along with implementing the respective agencies so that they are allowed to do their work,”concluded Minister Ramson who informed that teams have already slated to come into Guyana. After their series against young South Africa, West Indies will travel to Guyana from St Vincent where that series is being played.
The Academy of Contemporary... From page 31 taking the herd of humanity to safe and secure ground, must do so with vision, heart and compassion, ensuring a perfunctory mantra of doing right to all manner of persons, unreservedly.” Is it such a terrible thing to wish good things to everyone without exception, do good things and try to be good to all, regardless of suasion or even mindless affinity, these were some of the undertaking done by our beloved brother, let not his work and vision be left undone. Maybe for once, we will be forced into submission, to care and be compassionate, forgiving and considerate to each other, not in transient fashion but with bountiful permanence and affirmation; to look beyond ourselves, inextricably caught up as we are, in this unending tsunami of social and economic dysfunction. Solutions abound but consider this one, the release noted. The A.C.M.A of Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago wishes to extend its condolences to Sensei Garfield Newton’s family, The Black Hawks Martial arts School, The Beharry Group of Companies and, the people of Guyana for the loss of one of its greats.
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Osaka opens her season with a win over Cornet in Melbourne MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — Naomi Osaka is back in a place where she’s won two of her four Grand Slam singles titles and she’s feeling good vibes after some time off trying to rediscover her love for the game. The Australian Open champion opened her 2022 season with a 6-4, 3-6, 6-3 win over Alize Cornet on Tuesday in one of the Summer Set of tournaments in Melbourne. Osaka was returning to Rod Laver Arena for the first time since winning the Aus-
tralian Open title in February. It was also her first tour-level match since a third-round loss to Leylah Fernandez at the U.S. Open in September. After that loss, Osaka said: “I honestly don’t know when I’m going to play my next tennis match.” She also took time off earlier last year, a mental health break that began when she withdrew from the French Open before her secondround match. She also sat out Wimbledon, then returned for the Tokyo Olympics, where
she lit the cauldron during the opening ceremony. After her opening win in Melbourne, Osaka said she’d set herself one major goal for this year: to enjoy the game. “I’m the type of person that cared a little bit too much about the results and the rankings and I need to find a way to enjoy the game again because that’s the reason I played the game in the first place,” she said. After taking time to hang out with friends and family, she said she slowly started to
regain the feeling of love for the game. “It’s not like it ever completely went away but it got overshadowed by a lot of emotions that I was feeling just by constantly playing year after year,” Osaka said. Osaka was up a set and a break before Cornet went on a five-game roll to force the match into a third set. The former No. 1-ranked Osaka got just over 38% of her first serves into play, had eight double-faults and 57 unforced errors, but countered that
with 51 winners. She faced only three break points. “I feel like I made a lot of unforced errors today,” the top-seeded Osaka said, “but I expected that because it is the first match and I was really nervous.” Travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic mean there’s a crammed schedule of events Down Under before the Australian Open starts on Jan. 17. There are three events being played this week in Melbourne as part of Tennis Australia’s Summer Set of tournaments — two WTA tournaments and one ATP. In Adelaide, there is a joint ATP and WTA tournament this week. The ATP Cup is being played in Sydney. Jessica Pegula, the top seed in the other women’s Summer Set tournament in Melbourne, lost to IrinaCamelia Begu 7-6 (6), 6-3 in the first round. Pegula, who reached the quarterfinals at last year’s Australian Open, led 5-3 and had set points before Begu rallied for victory.
In the men’s tournament in Melbourne, Facundo Bagnis beat former No. 1 Andy Murray 6-3, 5-7, 6-3, saving 11 of 13 break points. He will next play third-seeded Grigor Dimitrov. Murray, a five-time finalist at the Australian Open, received a wild-card entry to play at the season’s opening major. In Adelaide, 2020 French Open champion Iga Swiatek opened her Adelaide International title defense with a 6-3, 6-3 win over Daria Saville, who was known as Daria Gavrilova before her recent marriage. In earlier matches, American teenager Coco Gauff beat Ulrikke Eikeri of Norway 6-2, 6-1 to set up a second-round match against top-ranked Ash Barty, 2020 Australian Open champion Sofia Kenin beat Lucia Bronzetti 7-5, 7-5, and Anastasia Gasanova beat eighth-seeded Elina Svitolina 5-7, 6-4, 6-3. Two-time Australian Open winner Victoria Azarenka ousted fourth-seeded Paula Badosa 6-
GCB makes name change to national senior team The Guyana Cricket Board (GCB), in an official release yesterday, informed about the change of name to the national senior cricket team. The release noted that the, ‘GCB wishes to inform the general public that it was brought to its attention that the current name of the Guyana Regional Franchise Cricket Team, the Guyana Amazon Jaguars, has caused some level of confusion with the Caribbean Premier League Franchise Team, the Guyana Amazon Warriors. For the sake of clarity and to avoid any further and unnecessary confusion, GCB
has made a decision to rename the Guyana Regional Franchise Cricket Team. The new name is ‘GUYANA HARPY EAGLES’.
IBA renews anti-doping... From page 29 Through its work with many sports, the ITA has shown the usefulness of bringing in independent experts to help ensure sporting integrity. At IBA, we are committed to this approach. It is our duty to protect our athletes and reinforce the values of clean sport in boxing. Continuing our work with the ITA will ensure we do exactly that,” said IBA President Umar Kremlev. Benjamin Cohen, ITA Director General shared: “By entrusting the full range of its anti-doping programme to us at the ITA, we hope in turn
that we can enable IBA to focus fully on its core mission of developing boxing, in a transparent manner, worthy of wider trust. We look forward to continuing to provide IBA and boxers with our expertise and are fully committed to supporting IBA in its fight against doping.” IBA will continue its work towards a better future for boxing and boxers in the New Year, following a roadmap to potential IOC reinstatement in 2023. Competitions that will fall under the renewed ITA partnership will include the IBA World Boxing Championships.
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
Novak Djokovic granted medical exemption for COVID-19 jab to play in Australian Open The Telegraph - Novak Djokovic has announced that he will be travelling to Australia on a medical exemption - which must logically suggest that he, unlike the vast majority of his rivals, remains unvaccinated against Covid. The unexpected news emerged via Djokovic’s own social media channels on Tuesday morning. “I’ve spent fantastic quality time with my loved ones over the Christmas break,” he wrote in his latest post, “and today I’m heading Down Under with an exemption permission. Let’s go 2022!” While Djokovic’s tone was triumphant, he is likely to experience a chilly welcome in Melbourne - a city which has taken a tough line on lockdowns. No ordinary member of the public is allowed into Melbourne Park - the venue for the upcoming Australian Open - without evidence of vaccination, so a debate will naturally ensue over preferential treatment. Some will surely quote James Merlino, the deputy state premier for Victoria, who said last month that “Medical exemptions are just that - it’s not a loophole for privileged tennis players.” This issue is likely to rumble on throughout the coming month, and indeed the coming season, given that the Australian Open is unlikely to be the last tournament to insist on vaccinations or carefully scrutinised exemptions. Other players who have
undergone vaccination in order to make the flight to Melbourne will also surely feel aggrieved. Speaking after Great Britain’s loss to Canada in the ATP Cup yesterday, Jamie Murray said “I think if it was me that wasn’t vaccinated, I wouldn’t be getting an exemption.” Australia’s Alex de Minaur also entered the debate, saying: “I just think it’s just very interesting, that’s all I’m going to say. But, hey, it is what it is... I heard there were other cases as well, they got exemptions, so I hope they will all fit the criteria.” As of last week, 95 of the world’s top 100 men had been vaccinated, according to figures released by the Association of the Tennis Professionals. Djokovic - who has long been a high-profile vaccine sceptic - is thus far the only player known to have received a medical exemption. While Djokovic may well experience barracking from the Australian fans, Tennis Australia can also expect to be criticised. Yet the decision was not taken by them; rather, there are two independent panels with responsibility for granting exemptions. Shortly after Djokovic’s announcement, Tennis Australia released a statement underlining this point. “A medical exemption ... was granted following a rigorous review process involving two separate independent panels
of medical experts,” the statement said. “One of those was the Independent Medical Exemption Review Panel appointed by the Victorian Department of Health. They assessed all applications to see if they met the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) guidelines.” An ATAGI briefing document released in November stated that the four main reasons for granting an exemption were a) an acute medical condition, b) Covid infection within the last six months, c) an adverse reaction to a previous vaccine, or d) “If the vaccinee is a risk to themselves or others during the vaccination process ... This may involve a range of individuals with underlying developmental or mental health disorders”. While Djokovic has previously announced that he contracted Covid during the Adria Tour event that he organised in the summer of 2020, he is not known to have suffered any further bouts. Still, one possible explanation for this strange scenario would seem to be that he has picked up another mild dose of Covid since his 2021 season ended a month ago. The two-time Australian Open quarter-finalist Tennys Sandgren was reported to have declined to travel to Melbourne this year because of the vaccination policy. Sandgren told the New York Times that he had not applied
IBA renews anti-doping partnership with the International Testing Agency
The agreement being signed by Benjamin Cohen, ITA Director General and IBA President Umar Kremlev. The International Boxing Association (IBA) has signalled its continued commitment to sporting integrity in 2022 and beyond, by renewing its partnership with the International Testing Agency (ITA) for three years. The agreement includes IBA outsourcing all anti-doping activities to the ITA, including testing, intelligence gathering, test distribution
planning, education and Therapeutic Use Exemption handling, as well as result management and the handling of anti-doping rule violations. The full scope of the new agreement now also covers in-competition testing, longterm sample storage, intelligence & investigations, source handling and the administration of the Reveal platform, in strict adherence
to the World Anti-Doping Code and the World AntiDoping Agency’s (WADA’s) International Standards. The partnership agreement was previously signed in 2016, following the Rio 2016 Olympic boxing tournament, and has brought great progress and transparency to IBA anti-doping efforts in the years since. (Continued on page 28)
for an exemption as none of the clauses applied to him. Whatever the backlash to Djokovic’s announcement off the court, the world No1 must now be installed as the heavy
favourite to win the Australian Open, and thus move ahead of his great rivals Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal with 21 major titles. Federer is absent pending
recovery from his long-standing knee issues and may never be seen in a competitive event again. Nadal is in Melbourne, but is making his comeback from a
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
GCA extends condolences to family of former Cricket
Administrator Sherlock Atwell The GCA is extending its sincere condolences to the family of the late Past President of the GCA, Mr. Sherlock Atwell, who passed away re-
cently. Neil Barry, President of the Georgetown Cricket Association stated in a release: Sherlock Atwell served
Guyana’s cricket in many capacities: First, as a player representing Essequibo; and the Demerara Cricket Club (DCC),
Then as President of the GCA for five consecutive terms where he was instrumental in implementing many initiatives that have contributed to the vibrancy of the Association and the sustainability of cricket in the city of Georgetown. Further, he served with distinction as the President of the Demerara Cricket Club (DCC) where he was instrumental in sustaining the image of DCC as a premier cricket club in Guyana and the producer of quality cricketers at both the junior and senior levels. Additionally, his love, enthusiasm, and commitment to the sport of cricket were sought-after commodities by the Guyana Cricket Board which they utilized in areas such as grounds curator during Test and First-class matches, liaison officer for teams visiting Guyana, and as assistant manager to the West Indies team.
The late Sherlock Atwell The entire cricket fraternity in Guyana certainly owes a debt of gratitude to Sherlock
Atwell and his family. May his soul rest in peace.
Romelu Lukaku apologises and returns to Chelsea squad, Thomas Tuchel confirms
Romelu Lukaku apologised and returns to Chelsea squad BBC Sport - Romelu Lukaku has apologised and will return to the Chelsea squad for today’s Carabao Cup semi-final first leg against Tottenham, manager Thomas Tuchel says. Lukaku was dropped for Sunday’s Premier League draw with Liverpool after comments he made in an interview recorded three weeks ago. The pair had a “calm” meeting on Monday about the striker returning. “He apologised and is back in the squad for today’s training,” Tuchel said. “We have given it time to look back on. For me, the most important thing was to understand - and clearly understand - it was not intentional. He did not do this intentionally to create this kind of noise in front of a big game.” In an interview recorded
in December, Chelsea’s club record £97.5m signing said he was “not happy” with his bitpart role under Tuchel and that he would like to return to Inter Milan in the near future. Before Sunday’s game against Liverpool, Tuchel said he had left the 28-yearold out of the squad to “protect the preparation”. Tuchel added: “Even before, when he seemed to be, in his opinion, ready to play after his injury from the start and we thought he needed to readapt to the intensity a little bit more, there was never the slightest behaviour against the team. “So, it was the very first time that he felt in this way. It’s very important to stay calm and understand it’s not as big as maybe people want it to be.” Lukaku has scored
seven goals in 18 appearances since he rejoined Chelsea from Italian champions Inter Milan last August. Tuchel said Lukaku is “aware of what he has created”, adding that the striker “feels the responsibility to clean up the mess”. The manager added: “He is still our player and we have good, good reasons to make him play for us and convince him to fight hard.” Lukaku has also been hampered by injury and illness since returning to Stamford Bridge and, at times, was left out of the starting line-up even when fit. However, he has had a recent upturn in form, scoring in his past two Premier League appearances, after discussions about his role with Tuchel.
Wednesday January 05, 2022
Kaieteur News
Windies U-19s draw Series 2-2 with South Africa U-19s after 19 run win in St. Vincent SportsMax - The Youth One-Day-International series between West Indies Under19s and South Africa Under19s ended in a 2-2 draw after the Caribbean outfit secured a 19-run win in the fourth and final match at Arnos Vale on Monday. For the fourth game in a row, West Indies U19 captain
Ackeem Auguste won the toss, this time choosing to bat first. In another disappointing batting display, West Indies U19s could only manage 126 all out in 35 overs. Teddy Bishop top scored with 43 and Rivaldo Clarke added 30, against 4-11 from leg-spinner Dewald Brevis
and two wickets each from pacers Matthew Boast and Aphiwe Mnyanda. South Africa U19s were then skittled out for 107 in 23.5 overs to go down by 19 runs. Mnyanda top-scored with 20 while Boast (11) and Valentine Kitime (13) were the only other batsmen to get double figures against 3-34
West Indies Under-19s and South Africa Under-19s ended their series in a 2-2 draw.
Jamaica ends 2021 on a high in Men’s Bobsled SportsMax - Jamaica’s four-man Bobsled team ended 2021 on a high after securing a medal at the North American Cup in Lake Placid, New York. The team consisting of Shanwayne Stephens, Ashley Watson, Rolando Reid, and Matthew Wekpe got a time of 1:52.87 to finish seventh overall in the FourMan Bobsled on December 20. Stephens and Watson also teamed up to finish seventh overall in the Two-Man
Bobsled with a time of 1:55.70 on December 15. Watson, who is also completing his Master’s degree in Physiotherapy, reacted to the achievement on his Instagram page. “Great way to end our last races of the year with my first ever medal in Bobsleigh. It’s been a long, hard emotional first half of the season. It has been worth the three-plus months graft to have an opportunity to reach the Olympic Games,” he said. Watson also expressed
gratitude to the support staff for the team. “I’m very proud of the team and hugely thankful for the sponsors, coaches, physio, and people working behind the scenes,” he added. He says the team will take some time to rest before resuming the season next year. “Now to go home for a short period to rest before the second half of the season and hopefully the Olympics,” Watson said.
Jamaica’s four-man Bobsled team.
off eight overs from pacer Johann Layne, 3-23 off six overs from medium-pacer McKenny Clarke, and 3-14 off 2.5 overs from left-arm spinner Jaden Carmichael.
Both teams will now turn their attention to the start of the ICC Men’s Under-19 Cricket World Cup on January 14th in the Caribbean. West Indies U19s will play
Australia U19s in their first game at Providence in Guyana on January 14th while South Africa U19s will square off against India U19s at the same venue a day later.
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
All of the venues in Guyana 99 percent ready for U-19 WC Government hosting the cricket, GCB playing supporting role By Sean Devers The ICC U-19 Cricket World Cup was first staged in Australia in 1988 and come January 14, 2022, the fourteenth Edition of this Event
will commence at the Providence Stadium with West Indies facing off with inaugural winners Australia. Four matches are scheduled for Guyana and will be
played at Providence and Everest in the City on January 14 & 15. On January 14 West Indies battle Australia at Providence and Sri Lanka face
Scotland at Everest, while the next day Ireland play Uganda at Everest and India oppose South Africa at Providence. The final will be played at the Sir Vivian Richards Sta-
dium in Antigua on February 5. West Indies are in Group ‘D’ along with Australia, Sri Lanka and Scotland. While matches in the ICC Men’s World Cup was staged at Providence in 2007, the Men’s T20 in 2010 and the Women’s T20 in 2018, this is first time that an U-19 World Cup will staged in the West Indies and Guyana. In 2016, under the Captaincy of Guyanese Shimron Hetmyer, West Indies won its only U-19 World Cup in Bangladesh. According to Guyana’s Minister of Culture, Youth & Sport Charles Ramson Jr, the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) is a part of Local Organising Committee (LOC) which is headed by Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle. “We have organised the LOC based on the respective stake holders. Most of it is Government related but the GCB has an overarching role because it’s really the Government that’s hosting the cricket but we also know that they are important in relation to organisation and have a lot of internal capacity that they can rely on in relation to leadership. So they are playing a supportive role,” explained Minister Ramson. The Minister informed that they were several criteria that had to be met for Guyana’s bid to be successful. “Most of it is non-financial in the sense that we were responsible for giving the commitment in terms of being a host that doesn’t come with a cost for them (ICC). And in return…while it is not a direct significant revenue earner for the Government, it’s significant revenue earner for the Country. So we quantified that and said is this important for us to make a bid and internally I made an announcement that we had calculated that we expected to generate about US$3 million worth of revenue coming directly to the Country and excludes all the other spin off effects. When we submitted our bid it was the ability to host in relation to Hotels, Transportation, Security, Covid precautions…mostly along those lines, and the commitment that we would give tax concessions and wavers when they are bringing in their equipment. Those are the main things, but we also get some non-financial benefits like advertising at the International level because the games will be broadcast-
ing internationally from here so we get to advertise our Guyanese products to the world,” continued the Minister. Ramson, a former left arm spinner at division one level for Everest, also spoke about the challenges faced. “During the two weeks of December was a really challenging time for us because of adverse weather conditions. We knew that the rainy season was in December but it was the severity of the rain which caused a worry. So we had to redirect a lot of our energies towards keeping the facilities at a certain level of maintenance,” said Minister Ramson who also played in the West Indies Lawyer’s team as an all-rounder. Minister Ramson added that additional pumping out of water from the grounds while clearing and doing all the renovations work because there were multiple inspections from the ICC and CWI. “At one point it was getting a bit iffy in whether we were going to remain a host Country. Internally I did not want to raise any unnecessary concerns with the public but internally we were putting in all the efforts. I am very happy with what I am seeing from the leadership of all of the committees for the various grounds as they all pulled their weight,” added the Minister. Apart from Guyana’s lone International Cricket venue, Bourda, who hosted Test and ODI cricket up to 2006, Everest and Enmore (which both hosted First-Class cricket) are the venues identified as match and practice facilities. CWI are the ICC representatives here and updating them on what is going on in terms of the condition of the grounds. However, the ICC is expected shortly. “I had a lot of Cabinet support from the various Ministries and from the President himself because we know how important cricket is for Guyana and for the young people for that event to be here to create the ignition for dreams to be crystalized. When they think about what they can do for a future, cricket is an organised sport. It is an important part of who young people become and some of us here entered careers that are related to sports and came from a background of playing sports. I know personally how (Continued on page 27)
Kaieteur News
Wednesday January 05, 2022
The Academy of Contemporary Martial Arts remembers Newton The Academy of Contemporary Martial Arts has paid tribute the late Sensei Garfield Newton who passed away recently after he was shot during a robbery at Albouystown. A release from the academy stated that they have lost another lantern of peace and harmony, a unifying and influential force that made a critical and progressive impact in the upbringing of the young as well the old in the form of Martial Arts. “By him demolishing, the wrong doing that violated the fundamental tenets of human dignity, respect and equality and for such he was understandably been called ‘Sensei Garfield locally and regionally’, the release stated. “We at the A.C.M.A in Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, found it very disheartening and not at all easy to bear the loss of a soul that saves and salvages
the human spirit especially in the manner that he was taken away. The sheer magnanimity of the loss is made more apparent by the Martial arts vacuous, uninspiring and sometimes autocratic leadership subsisting in many areas.” “The desperate need and call for real compassion and humane consideration in governance are widespread and apparent in all societies as people desperately seek to find genuine sources of comfort, inspiration and hope, of which Sensei Garfield had demonstrated.” Master Dellon Hyman shared many years of joy, competition, along with a great friendship with Garfield and it’s hard to figure out who had the edge on whom, but it’s clear that Sensei Garfield has won the hearts of the Nation and that of the Region and Master Dellon has lost a great friend. A.C.M.A Chief Instructor Grand Master
Andre Murray of Trinidad and Tobago, the home of Sensei Garfield whenever he is in Trinidad, now sees an empty room, and a full eye of water. “We must all remember that enlightenment and wisdom are not the exclusive domain of the selected, the appointed, the elected and the privileged and more often than not, are never found in the corridors of power and spheres of influence.” “Solutions to life’s problems are found everywhere and anywhere and no one person is the repository of all wisdom. Listening and hearing must become the forte of those who wish to lead and be real servants of the people. Intellect continues to be in retreat from the guidance of the heart and the wisdom of the conscience. Therefore, individual, collective and institutional leadership taking the herd of humanity
Boland retains spot in Australia lineup for 4th Ashes test SYDNEY (AP) — Scott Boland has retained his spot in Australia’s bowling attack for the fourth Ashes test after his starring role on debut in the series-deciding victory over England last week. Boland took six wickets for seven runs as England collapsed in the second innings to be all out for 68 in Melbourne, allowing Australia to retain the Ashes with two matches to spare. Any debate about Boland’s spot in the starting XI ended when veteran pace bowler Josh Hazlewood was ruled out for a third consecutive match because of a side strain. Australia made one injury enforced change for the fourth test starting Wednesday at the Sydney Cricket Ground, with Usman Khawaja replacing middle-order batter Travis Head. Khawaja’s return for the first time since 2019 comes after Head was ruled out following a positive COVID-19 test. E n g l a n d ’s c o r o n a v i r u s concerns have mainly been off the field, with head coach Chris Silverwood among the support staff in isolation in Melbourne and missing the Sydney match. Assistant coach Graham Thorpe, who will guide the squad in Silverwood’s absence, recalled 35year-old paceman Stuart Broad in the only change to England’s lineup. Broad missed selection for
Australia’s Scott Boland, second right, bowls to England’s Ollie Robinson on the third day of their cricket test match in Melbourne, Australia, Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2021. (AP Photo/Asanka Brendon Ratnayake) the first and third tests but returned to replace Ollie Robinson, who leads the team with nine wickets in this series but has been sidelined with a shoulder problem. Australia’s pace bowling stocks are strong, with skipper Pat Cummins and Mitchell Starc getting good support across the last two tests from Boland in Melbourne and from Richardson and Michael Neser in Adelaide, as
well as allrounder Cameron Green. After inspecting the SCG pitch, Cummins opted against bringing in Mitch Swepson as a second spinner to work with Nathan Lyon. “You need that disciplined stump to stump bowler. That’s what Scott brings to the table,” Cummins said. “It’s no secret. If Josh Hazlewood was available he was going to play. (But) it would have been a real
shame to see Scotty not play this week after his efforts last week. I’m really glad he gets another crack out here.” Thorpe said Broad and star allrounder Ben Stokes, who is yet to hit top form since returning in Australia from a prolonged break, were like a “couple of caged tigers” ahead of the Sydney match as England tries to end a run of 13 Ashes tests in Australia without a
win. “Getting the guys into the right frame of mind is very important,” Thorpe said. “They’ll want to put in a performance for themselves and, collectively, for the team.” As well as the isolation of coaching staff and other pandemicrelated restrictions in Australia, England’s difficult tour has included a nine-wicket loss in Brisbane, a 275-run loss in the daynight test in Adelaide and the thumping innings and 14-run defeat in the Boxing Day test. “Preparations have been tough .... obviously had distractions of COVID off the field as well, which have been challenging to say the least,” Thorpe said. “But we haven’t played good enough cricket when we’ve been out in the middle, either. “So from that point of view, we’ve got an opportunity this week ... to actually put in a really good performance.” Lineups: Australia: David Warner, Marcus Harris, Marnus Labuschagne, Steve Smith, Usman Khawaja, Cameron Green, Alex Carey, Pat Cummins (captain), Mitchell Starc, Nathan Lyon, Scott Boland.England: Haseeb Hameed, Zak Crawley, Dawid Malan, Joe Root (captain), Ben Stokes, Jonny Bairstow, Jos Buttler, Mark Wood, Jack Leach, Stuart Broad, Jimmy Anderson.
Minister Ramson inspects Guyana’s lone International Cricket venue, the Providence Stadium.
All of the venues in Guyana 99% ready for U-19 WC Government hosting the cricket, GCB playing supporting role
Novak Djokovic granted medical exemption for COVID-19 jab to play in Australian Open Novak Djokovic at the airport – (Instagram: Novak Djokovic)
Naomi Osaka of Japan plays a forehand during her singles match against Alize Cornet of France at Summer Set tennis tournament ahead of the Australian Open in Melbourne, Australia, Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022. (AP Photo/Hamish Blair)
Osaka opens her season with a win over Cornet in Melbourne