Kaieteur News

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‘Guyana’s Stabroek Block is one in a lifetime, world class asset’ – Exxon’sVice President

The Stabroek Block

Phillip Reitema, Vice President and Business

Service Manager at ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has underscored the unique valueoftheStabroekBlock, which is located offshore Guyana.

ExxonMobil Guyana is the operator of the Stabroek Block with a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest and China National Offshore Oil Corporation

(CNOOC) Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25% interest Guyana has emergedasoneofthefastest growing economy in the world owed to the oil productionoffshore.

with this development cycle that Guyana is on in this small population,” Exxon’s VicePresidentsaid.

producing over 600,000 barrels a day, and oil produc

evenue produced as revenue to be sharedamongstthepeopleof Guyana and our shareholder group.”

During a recent interview on Energy Perspectives, Reitema was asked about how the Stabroek Block compares to other projects within Exxon’s portfolio. “Is there any that can compare in terms of the return on investments?”hewasasked. Reitema responded by statingthatExxonhasavery special opportunity here in Guyana.Hesaidtoothatthe Stabroek Block provides, “a uniqueopportunityforallof us at Exxon and in our industry to have a really special impact on the country.”

the country is, “truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to come.”

Reitema has been working in Guyana for the pasttwoyears.Heexplained that when he explains why he came to Guyana, he says

He explained that while the Stabroek Block developmentisunique,there are other successful projects in the oil and gas industry However, he noted some might not have been able to ramp up production as quickly as Exxon in the StabroekBlock.

“But it’s really that combinationofaworldclass asset, world class revenues

Further, he explained that the projects in Guyana compete internationally “They are some of the best deepwater projects in the world, we are very proud of them. I know our chairman has said something to the effect of we expect that the Guyana projects that we are doing in Stabroek will go down as one of the greatest deep-water projects in the industry’s history,” he added.

June 2024, marks 25 years since Exxon has been inGuyana.Reflectingonthe company’sjourney,Reitema explained that since first discovery in 2015, the company already has three projects producing oil from the Stabroek Block He added, “Today we are

“…then we have three other projects that are being developed, Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail,” Reitema noted. By the end of 2027, Exxon expect to have production capacity of over 1.3 million barrels per day (bpd).

The Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) signed in 2016 between Guyana and Exxon is the subject of ongoing debates Former M

Trotman, during his tenure under the APNU + AFC Coalition government between2015and2020,was theonewhosignedthedeal


Phillip Reitema, Vice President and Business Service Manager at ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL)

Kaieteur News

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Is the US Govt. testing the Guyana Govt.

In communications between countries, there are protocolsandprocedurestofollow. Things,suchasrequests for information, must go through specific channels. On the surfaceofit,thisiswhattheUSGovernmentisadheringtoin its dealings with the Government of Guyana. It is the matter that has ensnared three Guyanese now blacklisted under the umbrella of Specially Designated Nationals, as issued by the US Treasury Department’s subunit Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). What came out of OFAC was remarkable for its reachin Guyana,theswift responses itgeneratedfrom the highest levels of the PPP/C government, and the terse comments of the US Ambassador to Guyana, Ms. Nicole Theriot. Now the US government is directing the Guyana Government about the course of its next steps almost three weeks after the news of three blacklisted Guyanese made headlinenewsinthelocalenvironmentandotherplaces.

The sanction imposed on three Guyanese have already had their local consequences on the individuals named. One has resigned from her top public service job. The father and son duo have felt the negative impacts in different ways. A Cambio license has been yanked in a matter of a few days. Andtheson’sracingteamisnowbarredfromparticipatingin events related to that sport. Now the Guyana Government is asking for information related to the sanctioning of the three individuals, and the US Government is directing it to the US Justice Department. When the local responses and actions areaggregated,theyraiseseveraltrickyquestionsaboutwhat is happening. On what basis did the Guyana Government act so quickly against the three Guyanese? Was it solely on the sparse release from Treasury’s OFAC, with details now belatedly sought? How can this be considered due process forthenamedcitizens? Beforethat,whatdoesthissayabout Guyana’s sovereignty and the PPP/C Government being the first determinant of how our laws unfold and apply? Was what has been meted out to the senior public servant and two ofthiscountry’sleadingbusinessnames,drivenbywhatwas a tight release by OFAC, and little else? What else is there lefttoconclude? ConsideringthatthePPP/CGovernmentis now moving to gather further information to decide on its next steps against the three individuals? What the US has called a “network” of corruption, bribery and a suitcase of other serious allegations? Moreover, why has it taken the government this long to get on this matter and get as much informationfromtheUS?

Aside from these concerns and worrying questions, there seemstobeadisconnectbetweenthetwogovernments. Itis surprising that the Guyana Government has not moved on thismatterwithmoreurgency Surprisingalsoisthatsomeof theleadingplayersinthegovernmentherehavetohavetheir hands held, almost lectured, on where they must go for information that is needed. We appreciate that the US Government machinery is vast and complex, but surely the Attorney General should have known that matters of this dangerous nature must be directed at the US Justice Department, while also including OFAC in all communications. Also, the responsibilities of signatories to different mutual assistance pacts are defined with processes outlined Thislatestdevelopmentonlyinspiresmorequestions Which government is playing games in this situation, the US’ or Guyana’s? Are the relevant US authorities still harbouring significant doubts about the sincerity of its local counterpart? And how much it can be trusted with highly compartmentalized and sensitive information? What is the Guyana Government up to with this delay? Is it dragging its feetandbuyingtimesothatfriendswhoareintheUSnetcan take evasive measures? And, last, is the US Government watching keenly to detect what the PPP/C Government is really about on the corruption issue, possibly even setting it up? The credibility of the PPP/C Government where corruption is concerned is up in the air Because it is so widespread. Because leading government officials and their supporting network are not looked upon with confidence by theUS. Becauserealitynowchallengesthegovernmenthere tostepuporgetsteppedupon.

Is there a shortfall in Royalty and Profits in 2023?

DEAREDITOR, Guyana (ICAG), should that the difference of sold, as reported in the Bank Having received copies introduce a standardized G$23,549,242,396 was the of Guyana 2023 Annual of the 2023 Financial formatforthepresentationof amountpaidbyCNOOCand Report, will be included in Statements of ExxonMobil the oil companies’ financial Hess. Because of the lack of theanalysisbelow Guyana Limited (EMGL), statements For example, disaggregated royalty According

he Hess, and CNOOC, with only EMGL had an entry for information, the submitted published financial data by ownership rights in the r o y a l t y o f financial data for Hess and the three companies, a total company of 45 percent, 30 G$21,922,725,604, while CNOOCwillbecombinedin of G$2 69 trillion (or percent, and 25 percent, Hess and CNOOC did not the presentation below, US$12 9 Billion at an respectively, I decided to report separate entries for while the submitted EMGL exchange rate of US$1 = undertake a brief analysis of royalties. To overcome this financial information will be G$208.5) in total revenue t h e 2 0 2 3 f i n a n c i a l lackofinformation,the2023 presentedasaseparateentry was earned, with Hess and information. Annual Report for the It is also recommended that CNOOC’s total revenue

But before doing so, it is National Resource Fund all future financial reports of amounting to G$1.58 trillion important to state that the (NRF)reportedthatatotalof theConsortiummustinclude and EMGL’s total revenue Government, in consultation G$45,471,968,000 was the number of barrels of oil being G$1.11 trillion (Table with the Institute of received as royalties; and sold. As a result, the data of 1 below) Thetotalcostin Chartered Accountants of therefore, one can assume 141, 657,000 barrels of oil (Continued on page 5)

Our system is failing and fighting young people, 16 years old out of school, but cannot apply for house lot or own a business

DEAREDITOR, responsibleasagrownadult. not mature enough for the years of age) be allowed to Itistimethatgovernment Many need to understand very public sector to cater to apply for a house lot. Age officials and institution be thatthisagegroupofpersons them? When in fact many should not be a determining made aware of the struggles are school graduates and adults ages 18, 19 & 20 are factor that prevents CH&PA and fight that Guyanese some university students business owners or working from accepting application youths are facing, I would who work to improve their for enough money that from persons below the age like to say we are enduring lifestyle or simply to acquire allows them to qualify for a of twenty-one.Yes, it is time these struggles, but most university fees as their bank loan to pay for a that youths once graduated young people are either parents or guardian are property or car. I call on the from high school at the ages l e a v i n g G u y a n a o r unable to do so, I, myself relevant authority, including of 16 or 17 be allowed to contemplating on leaving. finished school at 16 years the newly appointed register a business or be Youths in Guyana are old, went straight to the

appointed a director on a graduating from high school University of Guyana and c

orm company, as many of these at the ages of 16 and 17 and startedworking. committee to investigate very youths own online yet institutional rules and How do you explain that these matters and to ensure selling businesses, hair or regulations do not cater to the law deems a 16-year-old that when the constitution is nail salon or even decor them. Tell me, how can it be ment

business among many other okfora16-or17-year-oldto consenting to have sex, but advantageously to young typesofbusinesses. become a mother or father, somehow the very law Guyanese. To the banking Yes! There are laws that but it is NOT ok for a 16- or deems that a 16-year-old is sector, you are not spared will be directly affected by 17-year-old to register a not equally as capable of from this article, why is it these changes, however, like business or apply for a house owning a business or that some banks allow a 16- time changes, laws must too. lot? applying for a house lot, or17-year-oldtoopenabank We have several 18- to 21-

Many may argue that a matter of fact, how do you account by him/herself year-oldpeoplethataremore 16- or 17-year-old is tellagrownadultages18,19 acceptingtheirsalariesinthe responsible, hardworking, constituted as a minor, & 20 that they are not in a bank but preventing them educated, experienced, and however, many need to position to apply for a house from acquiring anATM card dedicatedthanpersonsolder realise that a lot of 16- and lot because the system toaccesstheirmonies. Ayodele M Roache 17-year-old makes up the assumes that he/she has no Itistimethatyouthsonce (Former Councillors on workforce and are equally family responsibilities and is attaining the age of adult (18 Georgetown MCC)

A Boon for Farmers: Adventure Pump Station in Berbice Operational

DEAREDITOR, proper drainage of the main within the stipulated time T h e a g r i c u l t u r a l canals, mitigating the risk of

y community in the Black flooding and water logging commendable given the Bush Polder areas has a that can devastate farmlands initial doubts expressed by significant reason to andlivelihoods. naysayers. celebrate with the newly This improvement is Critics questioned the operationalAdventurePump expected to lead to increased project’s feasibility and its StationinBerbice. agricultural productivity and potentialimpact.

T h i s c r i t i c a l sustainability, offering a

However, the successful infrastructure, aimed at brighter future for the and timely completion of the enhancing the drainage farmingcommunity pump station stands as a system, promises to be a T h e s o o n t o b e rebuttal to these criticisms, game-changer for local commissioned by the showcasing the effective farmers who have long Minister of Agriculture, planning and execution

struggled with water Zulfikar Mustapha, the capabilities of the involved managementissues. pump station is more than stakeholders.

D e s p i t e i n i t i a l just an infrastructural In conclusion, the skepticism and criticism, project—it represents hope operationalAdventurePump the project has been andprogress. Station in Berbice is a completed within the Minister Mustapha’s significant milestone for the contractual time frame, involvement underscores BlackBushPolderareas. marking a noteworthy t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’ s Its benefits will extend achievement in the region’s commitment to supporting beyond immediate drainage agriculturaldevelopment the agricultural sector and solutions, fostering long-

The Adventure Pump addressingthecriticalneeds t e r m a g r i c u l t u r a l Station stands as a testament offarmers development and stability to resilience and forward- The commissioning As the farming community thinking. ceremonynotonlymarksthe looks forward to reaping the

With the capability to beginning of the pump advantages of this new significantly boost the station’s operational phase infrastructure, the project drainage system, it will but also highlights the serves as a reminder of what provide much-needed relief collaborative effort between can be achieved through to farmers who rely heavily thegovernmentandthelocal dedication and strategic o n e f f i c i e n t w a t e r community. planning. managementfortheircrops. The completion of the Sincerely, The station will ensure Adventure Pump Station Ron Fields

Guyanese owe a debt of gratitude to the Carter Centre

DEAREDITOR, The Centre, founded by r e s t o r a t i o n a n d

The visit of the Carter the late US President Jimmy consolidation of democratic Centre to Guyana on the Carter, has played a key role ruleinGuyana. invitation of the Guyana in the promotion and Following the restoration of Government is a welcome consolidation of democracy democracy in 1992, the development. and democratic rule in Centrewasalsoinstrumental

The Centre played a key severalothercountriesofthe in the mobilization of and critical role in the world. developmental assistance to restoration of democratic In his engagement with thecountry rule on October 5, 1992 after the team, President Dr The March 2020 General twenty-eight years of rigged Mohamed Irfaan Ali has and Regional elections have e l e c t i o n s a n d P N C given assurance of his demonstrated that our dictatorialrule. administration’s full democracyisstillfragileand With election due next c o m m i t m e n t t o t h e must not be taken for year, this pre-assessment democratic process, the rule granted. visit of the Centre is of law and respect for the Hence the importance of important in terms of willofthepeople. international observers of confidence building Guyanese owe a debt of whichtheCarterCentreisan measures in the electoral gratitudetotheCarterCentre importantcomponent. process. for the role it played in the HydarAlly

Is there a shortfall in Royalty and Profits in...

From page 4 about-this-us7-3b-cost- receipt to the companies for 2023 recorded in the recovery-audit-report/); and money the Government financial statements and also, the misuse of funds due never received. This is fraud linked with the sale of 141.7 to the absence of ring- and no government should million barrels of oil, is fencing. This cost will be be paying the taxes for any G$1.03 trillion; this yields further reduced when the company, as this is a horrible an average cost per barrel of capital cost has been repaid actagainstthesovereigntyof US$34 97 The average in full, once the appropriate Guyana. In other words, this selling price of a barrel of oil auditisundertaken,andthere outcome repudiates contract is US$91.09, assuming an is no spending on new sanctity, for companies exchange rate of US$1.00 = projectswiththeprofitsfrom cannot be bigger than G$208.50 for both the price theexistingoperations. countries. and cost for a barrel of oil in In the Natural Resource Equally distressing is the USdollars. Fund (NRF) Annual Report notion that the royalty paid Itisimportanttonotethat 2023, a sum of G$45 5 (G$45.5 billion) is less than the total cost (TC) of the oil billion in royalty payments the income tax of G$306.8 extracted and sold is only was deposited into the NRF billion (11.403 percent of 38 39 percent of total account. total revenue) that is owed to

r e v e n u e ( T C / T R = However, since royalty Guyana; and that Guyana is G$1 03Trillion/G$2 69 payments are based on 2 paying out of its oil earnings trillion), and not 75 percent percent of total revenue, the tosatisfyaclauseinthe2016 of total revenue (TR) as amount of royalty payments PSA. stated in the Production must be G$53 8 billion, In fact, the tax G$306.8 Sharing Agreement (PSA): given total revenue of billion, equivalent to US$ Total Cost (TC) = 75%TR; G $ 2 6 9 t r i l l i o n 1.47billionthatGuyanapays instead, the actual cost C o n s e q u e n t l y , a on behalf of the oil derived from the 2023 reconciliation exercise companies, is more than the financialStatementsis:TC= should be completed to totalvalueofexportsin2023 38.39TR. correct what appears to be a of US$1.15 billion from the

Consequently, the total significant shortfall in the combined export earnings profit after taxes in 2023 is royalty that Guyana should from sugar, rice, bauxite, G$1.66 trillion (US$7.95 havereceived. goldandtimber. billion), of which Guyana’s Asimilarexerciseshould Can you imagine what profit share at 50 percent be completed with the profit that these two baskets of isG$874.3 billion (US$3.98 share for Guyana, given the money- the true profit share, billion). profitamountrecordedinthe andthetaxesowed-candoto

According to the 2023 financial statements of the end the poverty and hunger NRFAnnualReport,Guyana companies. experienced by half of the only received US$1 39 The total taxes which Guyanesepopulation? b i l l i o n S h o u l d a should have been paid in That sum would also reconciliation exercise be 2 0 2 3 b y t h e reduce the need fo


government borrowing that Meanwhile, it is more billion, and this amount is will be the bitter inheritance than likely that the average 11 403 percent of total of future generations, if cost of a barrel of oil can be revenue of G$2.69 trillion c

less than US$34.97, given (Table 1) implemented. Guyana has to the findings by the auditors Unfortunately, and in stop being a ‘packoo’(pacu), oftheunauthorizedexpenses keeping with the 2016 PSA, the fish in Guyanese Creole in the recent audit report Guyana has this bizarre that identifies spinelessness. covering the period 2018- responsibility of paying the Policymakersmustact! 2 0 2 0 taxes from its share of oil Sincerely, (https://www stabroeknews revenue to the Guyana Dr C. Kenrick Hunte com/2023/12/24/opinion/let Revenue Authority; and Professor and Former ters/questions-abound- thereafter to issue a fake tax Ambassador

Stakeholders at opening ceremony of the Hope and Justice Centre.

Nearly 100 persons benefit from Hope and Justice Centre’s support services

Since its establishment in April this year, American Development Bank (IDB)’s the Hope and Justice Centre has provided Support for the Criminal Justice System support to nearly 100 individuals facing (SCJS)programme. variouschallengingcircumstances. A United Nations (UN) study revealed

This was announced by the Manager of that Guyana has a domestic violence rate of the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence 55 percent, indicating that one in every two Policy Unit, Dr Cona Husbands, during the women is affected, compared to one in every centre’sofficialopeningceremonyonFriday, threewomenglobally at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara in Region To combat the rising issue of genderFour Dr Husbands highlighted that the based violence, the “one-stop” operational centre has addressed a wide range of issues, model provides victims with comprehensive with 50 percent of cases involving domestic support services including counselling, legal violence, 30 percent concerning elder abuse, aid,andmedicaltreatment. and15percentrelatedtolegalmatterssuchas It also offers temporary accommodation landdisputesandrestrainingorders. basedontheseverityofthecases.

Additionally, the centre has collaborated Lusignan’sHopeandJusticeCentreisthe with the Child Protection Agency (CPA) to first of its kind, serving as a model for future addresschildcareissues. centres.

The centre’s counselling sessions, held This innovative approach will soon every Thursday, attract significant expand, with another centre slated to open in participation, with around 30 individuals Region Three, broadening the reach and attendingeachsession. impact of these essential services. The centre

Thefacilitywasconceptualisedthrougha is open from Monday to Friday, 08:00 to joint effort between the Ministry of Human 16:00 hours, offering free services to Services and Social Security, and the residents from Industry to Mahaica, Region Ministry of Legal Affairs, under the Inter- Five (DPI)

Guyanese and the First Presidential debate of 2024

DEAREDITOR, ineffective mental acuity perfo


ce on poll Guyanese Americans Anyone who follows and numbers, there does not watched the Presidential knows Biden’s entry and seemmuchmovementonthe d



st Thursday immersion in politics, would needle. One poll findings e v e n i

g G u y a n e s e tell you that he was among that was released the day Americans are divided the best Senators and Vice afterthedebatesaiditdidnot between the Republican President of the USA – very affect how they will vote. Trump and Democrat Biden, sharp, witty, brilliant in the H o w

n ’ s perhaps two to one in favour Senate and as a Presidential

of the latter There was no candidate not only in 2020 dropped one point while dispute among all of them but in his two earlier runs. Trump’s went up one point. and almost every non- The f

mong the Both had unfavourability of Guyanese American that Democrats is that if Biden some 59% going into the Trump won the debate loses, the races in down debate. Before the debate, Guyanese and others said positions for Congress, 27% of likely voters rated Biden under-performed and Governor, Assembly, and Bidenasgoodorexcellenton c a m e a c r o s s w e a k other positions could be

physically; it was a pathetic impacted The coat-tail president Following the display of mental acuity and effect could potentially hurt debate, that level dropped to physical strength while Democrats nationwide 20%.

Trump was himself – very causing them to lose the In terms of the Guyanese dynamic in speech and Senate and denying a good factor on the outcome of the appeared physically strong. opportunity to recapture the November 5 elections, their Clearly, Biden did not show HouseofRepresentatives. vote only matters in the that he has the mental acuity Analysts, including this swing states like Georgia, and stamina to handle writer, felt Biden lost the Pennsylvania, and Florida. another four months of a debate but that Trump didn’t There are a handful of other grueling campaign that win.Nevertheless,Bidendid swing states like Michigan, requires traveling to not quelch doubts about his Wisconsin, Nevada, and different locations daily physical wellness to be Arizona but there are few Biden is 81 years old while President for another four Guyanesesettledthere.Most Trump is 78. Yet the very years whereas Trump did. It Guyanese live in New York next day, he demonstrated is not likely that Biden will where Biden leads by double alertness, cracked self- drop out. That is also the digits and in Florida where deprecating jokes, and view of several Guyanese. It Trump leads by a few showed a physical prowess is unchartered territory on percentage points. A few that was missing Thursday how to replace a Presidential other states close have close night. candidate (nominee) who races like Minnesota,

Rightafterthedebateand wins the nomination Virginia, and North Carolina continuing till now, a large democraticallyinsomefifty- where there is a sizeable number of Democrats, five contests opts to drop out Guyanese presence. Biden including almost every of the Presidential race leadscomfortablyinallthree Guyanese, are urging Biden Biden’s White House staff a

ugh he is

l to drop out of the race and his family seem to want campaigning in all of them. because of the demonstrated himtolabouron. Trump is targeting North physical weakness and In terms of the debate CarolinaandVirginiaandthe battleground states The Guyanese vote is divided in every state with Trump’s sharelargerintheSouththan intheNorth.Fourmonthsare a long way off to determine the winner But with last T h u r s d a y ’s d e b a t e performance,Trumpislikely toinchupinthepollsthough no Guyanese is convinced to swingfromBidentoTrump.

Yours truly, Vishnu Bisram

47thRegularMeetingof CARICOMHeadsof Governmentpostponed

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) on Monday postponed the 47th Regular Meeting of the CARICOM HeadsofGovernmentscheduledforGrenadafromJuly3-5

In a statement, the CARICOM Secretariat said the postponement follows Hurricane Beryl’s impending passagethroughtheRegion

“The primary focus of the Community is now on citizen safety and security Several Member States, including host nation Grenada, are now engaged in emergency preparations and planning to address the aftermath of the hurricane,” the Secretariat said while urgingallinthepathofthehurricanetotakeallnecessary protectivemeasures.

“TheCommunitystandsreadytosupportourMember States which will be affected by this dangerous hurricane,”CARICOMsaid

Too early to say if AFC will contest 2025 elections alone - Hughes

Newly elected leader of the Alliance For Change(AFC)NigelHughes believes it is too early to determine whether his party willcontestthe2025General and Regional Elections independentlyoraspartofa coalition with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). Hughes told reporters on Saturday at his party’s 8th National Conference held at theRevealedWordChristian Centre, William Street, Kitty

“I know that question

comes and it’s too early (to say). The first thing the Alliance For Change has to do is rebuild its strength. It hastoachieveheightsthatit has never previously achieved in terms of its electoral strength and when the time is right, we will makethatdecision,”Hughes said.

The AFC leader firmly stated that his party will not be forced into making that decisionatthispointsincehe feels that the time is not appropriate.

“The first thing we have

to do is, we actually have to conduct an examination of why we did so badly at the last elections and then take guidance from there,” he disclosed.

Hughes on Saturday securedalandslidevictoryto become leader of the AllianceForChange(AFC), out performing Sherod Duncan. Hughes, who is the first non-founding member ofthepartytobecomeleader, gained 149 votes, while Duncanreceived62.

While delivering the charge to the delegates and observers, Hughes urged the Party to undertake a comprehensive review of its performance in office to examine the missteps which lead to its loss of office in 2020 so that it can take the lessons from the past in crafting a pathway to the future.

“I am very humbled by this, seriously very, very humbled.Ibelievethatthere comes a time when the

ancestorssaytoyou,thisisit. I think that’s what happened here. I thank everybody; I just want everybody to also know that my competitors are no longer our competitors. I am inviting themtojoinmyteamtomake sure that they continue to promote the Alliance For Change,” Hughes told reporters after the announcementofhisvictory

Region6RDCdriverfreed ofdrugtraffickingcharge

A driver attached to Region Six’s Regional Democratic Council (RDC) was reportedly freed of drug trafficking chargesbroughtagainsthimin2022.

DexterNicholson,38,ofFirstStreet,EdinburghVillage, EastBankBerbice(EBB)wasfreedlastweekaftermakingan appearance at the Albion Magistrates’ Court before MagistratePeterHugh. HewasrepresentedbyAttorney-atLaw Senior Council Murseline Bacchus who argued in his submissionsthatprosecutiondidnothavesufficientevidence toconvicthisclient.


Police in December 2022 had accused Nicholson of traffickingmarijuanaaftertheyfoundalargequantityinared Nissan X-trail he was driving at the time. The vehicle belonged to the Health Department located at Courtland Village, Corentyne, Berbice and was carrying three passengerswhenpolicestoppedthedriveratroadblockset-up alongtheroadatNumber19Village,Corentyne,Berbice.

Attorney Bacchus maintained his client’s innocence notingthatthedrugscouldhavebeenplacedinthevehicleby anyoftheotherdriverswhousedthevehicleorpossiblybya passengerofthevehicle.


Frompage3 in2016withExxon.ThedealTrotmansignedwaivesalltaxes fromtheoilcompanies,givesGuyanaa2%royaltyonitsrich resources,andagreestotheoilcompaniesrecovering75%of investmentsbeforetheremaining25%isshared,withGuyana receiving12.5%.

The arrangement, with the lack of ring-fencing, sees Guyana paying for projects that are yet to commence productionactivities.Eachmonthbillsfromfutureproducing developments are added to the list of expenses to be costrecoveredbyExxon.

Additionally, the battle of the oil giants is currently unfolding between ExxonMobil Corporation and Chevron CorporationovertheStabroekBlocktodeterminewhogoes down in the history books as a participant in the one of the industry’smostsuccessfuldeep-waterdevelopments. HessCorporationhasagreedtosellallofthecompany’s sharestoChevron,throughaUS$53billiontransaction.This deal gives Chevron access to the Stabroek Block. As such, ExxonMobil and CNOOC filed for arbitration since the oil giant believes it has preemptive rights, which allow shareholdersaccesstostockbeforeitisofferedtoothers.

Newly elected leader of AFC, Nigel Hughes

How do you wish to be sent off?

With the rapid pace at long. I do not expect to live now an eyesore and a health Iamcertainlynowgiving coffin and does not require, which stem cell research is another fifty years and hazard. thoughttorequestingthatmy as is the case with burial, being conducted and the therefore, I do not expect

The city has to look for a earthly remains be cremated after care and maintenance.I encouraging results which anything would be able to be new cemetery. But where when I leave this world. I can be put in any cheap box tests have so far yielded, done to bring me back from will the land come from? certainly am not enamoured and my body placed on the within the next thirty years, the dead or to prevent me Thereisnolandinthecityto with the idea of my remains pyre to be burnt. My ashes unless some cataclysmic from falling victim to some establishanewcemeteryand being sealed in a concrete can be kept in an urn as a locked permanently in a event takes place, the global ofthemajorkillerdiseasesof therefore,wehaveaproblem tomb,withmyfamilyhaving reminder to my descendants coffin and placed in a sealed lifeexpectancywillsoar today onourhands. tovisitregularlytohelpkeep thatIexisted. tomb.ButIhavenotmadeup

This research holds out I expect to die and to be

With persons dying all thespotcleanandtidyandto No one has to leave my mind. I still wish to give great hope for medical buried. Well actually, I have the time, there will come a have to from time to time where they are living to more thought as to how I science and for ending not made up my mind as yet time in our history where come to pay their respects. come to Guyana to pay their wishtobesentoff. deaths due to some of the how I wish to go. I cannot burial grounds will have to WhenIamgone,Iamgone.I respects to me whenever my Whatever I decide, I will major medical conditions decideatthispointwhetherI be shifted further and further do not wish to be a bother to death anniversary comes write it down and give to my whichtodayafflictmankind. wish to be buried or outside the residential areas. anyone. around.Infact,myashescan lawyer for inclusion in my

Whoknowswemayeven cremated. I am still thinking And this of course will pose And this is why while I be taken wherever my Will. The rest is out of my reach the stage where aboutit. problems for planning and am not comfortable with the children wish them and control. By the way, how do persons will cease to die I may not have a choice development. idea of cremation; I am could even be divided youwishtobesentoff? from some of the major in the matter however At the Itwillalsoposeproblems thinking that perhaps this amongst them. I certainly

(The views expressed in illnesses which today rate at which the existing for families wishing to bury maybethebestoptionforthe value the thought of my this article are those of the accountfordeaths. burialgroundsinGuyanaare theirdead. disposal of my body It remains moving all around a u t h o

I certainly think that this beingoccupied,we willvery It seems clear to me that certainly will be cheaper in the world with my children. necessarily reflect the research will find a cure for soon come to a stage where more and more Guyanese thelongrun.Cremationdoes That is far more comforting opinions of this newspaper.) many diseases which are somecemeterieswillhaveto will have to opt for not require an expensive than the thought of being now incurable Perhaps beretired. cremation. Infact,Iamvery within the next hundred Space is already running surprised that given the years,scientistsmayevenbe outinLeRepentirCemetery condition of most of our able to bring back persons That burial ground, the burial grounds that we are fromthedead. largest in the country, should not having far more Idonotexpecttolivethat have long been retired. It is cremationsthesedays.

Death of 3-month-old baby...

Kaneville daycare was operating illegally - Human Service ministry

The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security on Saturday said that the daycare where three-month-old Kyre Nelson died was operating illegally because its Child Care Licencehadexpiredsince2020.

“The last documents issued to Mya’s Daycare for renewing the Child Care Licence was February 7, 2020,” the ministry stated before adding that checks made during post COVID-19revealedthatthefacilitywasclosed.

Its owner, a woman currently on vacation in the United States of America (USA), is a registered caregiver with the ChildCareandProtectionAgency(CP&A)buthadrepeatedly reportedthatthedaycarehasbeenclosedsince2020. “However,investigationsrevealedthatthewoman’s (Continued on page 18)

Dem Boys Seh...

Man nabbed with gun, ammo. in pants crotch

The gun and matching ammo. Stefan

Dead: Three-month-old Kyre Nelson

Disposable income turn disappearing income!

Dem boys seh the Waterfall paper only drop taxi used to be $400. Now some taxi ask one question: What the government drivers charging $800. All because is an oil plans to do with all this oil money? Simple economy And nuff of de wah charging di question,bigconfusion. moneywukkingprivatehire.

The Vee Pee rush to hold a press But listen, de Vee Pee and Fine Ants conference. He start talking bout how much Ministry still talking bout disposable disposable income the government pump income. The more they preach, the higher into the economy He talk about $89B the cost of living rising. Rich getting richer, increase in the wages bill. He forget fuh seh poorcan’tcatchabreak. how much more workers dem paying. He Dem boys seh, who really feeling this alsofuhget todeducttaxesandNIS. disposable income? Not the common man. Fine Ants Ministry jump in too, long Dem struggling to keep dem heads above statement bout disposable income. It list water Disposable income? More like every conceivable measure dem implement, disappearingincome. even dem one off cash grant and school So while the Vee Pee and Fine Ants grant.Allthisbecauseonemanaskbouthow Ministry talk big, dem boys watching prices the people gan benefit from the oil money soar The gap between rich and poor? Wider Butdemboyssehisnotjustaboutdisposable thantheDemeraraRiver income. Is about how fast that income get Preach all yuh want, but dem boys know disposed of. Faster than the garbage in the the truth. The more they talk, the harder life city getforthelittleman. Prices rising like hot air balloon. Short Talk half. Leff half.

A 24-year-old man was nabbed early of ammunition — which was discovered in Sunday morning with an unlicensed gun at hispantscrotch,”thepolicesaid. Red Dragon Night Club, Robb Street, Edwards was asked whether he is a Georgetown. licensed firearm holder, he replied in the

According to police, ranks acting on negative. He was arrested and taken to the information intercepted Stefan Edwards, an BrickdamPoliceStation. unemployed resident of Albouystown at the The firearm and the matching rounds of nightclub. live ammunition were marked in his

“Asearchwascarriedoutonhispersonby presence, placed in an evidence bag and oneoftheranksandEdwardswasfoundtobe lodgedatthestationwiththesergeantforsafe in possession of a 9mm pistol with a keeping. magazine containing seven matching rounds Edwardsremainsinpolicecustody



Guyana needs robust campaign financing laws Laws without loopholes Laws that mean business. The Hon.Attorney General, Mohabir Nandlall, SC knows this, and much more. He must move with all the energy and acumen and urgencythathecansummon.

Abill,alaw,aneweraof applying tight campaign financing law(s) across the board. Isaytohellwiththe OppositionPNCandAFCif they will not get fully onboard. Not just onboard, butfullyso.

AndifthePPP/Cwithall the power and drive at its fingertips, as manifested so consistently, cannot bring itselftodoso,thenmayitbe damned to answer to the Americans and fail miserably at it. I start with scripture and ask pardon of


“Theloveofmoneyisthe root of all evils.” Straight from the Bible, and it is not money It is the love of money That insatiable greed, that uncontrollable compulsion, like a terribly and dangerously hung-over binge drinker Are you still reading and absorbing, Mr Nandlall? The government must be done with the schemes and stratagems re: campaignfinancing

Get a law that has teeth.

In a cash intensive society, campaignfinancingisoneof the killers of clean governance. Itistheeasiest matter for anyone who can afford it in this country to slip a hundred million, or a halfbillion,intothehandsof apoliticalparty

For Guyanese who think that GY$500 million is a

staggeringsum,knowthis:it is not for those who give suchsums(orclosetothem, ormorethanthat). Itiswhat comes back from a victorious government and leaders who are deeply indebted due to financing favours extended before, during, and after elections. In any campaign/political financing law that has meaning; there must be limits and no secrets. Full disclosure and buttressed by full documentation

Records kept by givers and recordsbyreceivers. Aflaw is recognized right away: howtoaccountforunderthe table,cashtransactions,dark moneydonations. Men with bags, trusted couriers with suitcases, of cash. It is that kind of society in Guyana, and it is not changing anytime soon. This is what fuels political parties during elections, helps them to propagandize and proselytize TV messagesareexpensive,and soalsoarewhatmustbepaid to foot soldiers and fence sitters.

Or those in the opposition that must be bought to secure either electoraltriumphoraspecial kind of bureaucratic partnership. Everthinkwhy, outside of the mass of politicians, why the public service at very high levels has earned such a dubious reputation, an ugly distinction that many in the

public domain suspect, but only those in government know

After elections is crucial for donors and financiers. The bigger ones anticipate the biggest rewards. They get it by truckloads, and those rewards are part of a vicious and destructive cycle. Acycleisacircle,and itworkslikethis.

The campaign financiers give big and get the biggest plums The people’s (budgeted) money is channeled via contracts to campaignfinanciers,evenif such contracts must be forced to favour them. Criteria and conditions can take a hike, be damned.

There are all those unanswered and unsettled questions about the tender board, the procurement watchdogs,andthewaythat business is executed Guyanese read about those who get public work contractsthattheyshouldn’t have.

Lost in the shuffle are those who failed to win a contract, though they qualified. Icontendthatthis is how campaign financing corrupts the tender award process, when the inexplicable happens, and when leading political stars pass those hot potatoes to others to run with the fallouts.

Itispartofthegamethat c o m m e n c e s w i t h campaign/p

financing. Estimates that have no basis. Winningbidsthatmock honesty and principled duty

Then, the flow of politicalkickbacksthatkeep the circle of corruption going,andwhichbeganwith campaign financing. From givertotaker


l leadership taking to government giving to successful recipient returning a portion of what feeds the machine, the beast. Again, I say it:

campaign financing, political donating, is a leading component in the culture of corruption that consumes this country and itstaxpayingcitizens

What starts out, or is naively interpreted, as featheringone’snestismuch more treacherous and costly than what is held as a standard commercial practice. Despite its layers of laws, checks and balances, and company of honest watchdogs, even a mightysocietyastheUnited Stateshasitschallengeswith campaign/political financing,anditisawayless cash-centered country Guyana as it is presently, therefore, is open territory for the worst excesses of campaign/political financing.

Myunderstandingisthat both major political parties havetheirideasofwhatstrict

campaign financing law(s) shouldlooklike. Itstandsto reason why that is so. Take away the easy millions (hundreds of such) and the television and podium must be foregone for the muddy streets and distant villages. It is heavy going with much foot slogging, tireless handshaking and appealing and selling oneself In person.

Richcampaignfinancing and overflowing party coffers allow outsourcing, media spinning and

deceiving, and little leadership accounting Guyana needs to get some basics in place: limits Disclosure. Documentation. Penalties for violators. For bothdonorsandreceivers.

AllofGuyana’spolitical leaders need to stop talking through their noses (or their back ends) and start giving honesty a try Start with a clean and comprehensive political financing law Thenenforceittothefullest. Campaign financing: do something, let it be the real thing.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Exxon praises 2016 contract for enabling investments; confident terms will remain stable

The favourable terms extended to ExxonMobil in 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) has been widely criticized by independent specialists, but for the American oil giant, thecontractisviewedaskey to unlocking investments andprofitsforshareholders.

Asdemandsgrowlouder for the country to benefit

f r o m a f a i r d e a l , ExxonMobil has shut down potential talks to reopen discussionsinthisregard.In fact,thecompanybelievesit isimportantthatthecontract remains stable for profits to continueflowing.

Theagreementstipulates that Exxon can deduct up to 75% of monthly revenue

towardstherepaymentofits investments. The remaining 25% is split equally with Guyana as profits The companyalsopaysameagre 2% royalty on all petroleum producedandsold.

Vice President and Business Service Manager of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), Phillip Rietemawhileappearingina new episode of the Energy Perspectives Podcast, aired on Sunday, said he was confident that the terms of thecontractwillnotchange. Inresponsetoaquestion

on the company’s investments to date in Guyana, Rietema noted it was first important to highlight the driving factor

oftheseinvestments. He explained, “We have a production sharing contract, it’s very common in the upstream oil and gas industry where as a contractor group, you bring your technological capabilities and your investment dollars to a country and then the host government allows you to explore for and ultimately develop the resources; and so, our Stabroek Block contract again originally signed in 1999 has enabled allofthisinvestment.”

EMGL’s Vice President noted that the company and its partners - Hess and CNOOC - as of December 2023 invested some $6


“Underthecontract,you make those investments and you incur those costs and then we are paid back overtime from the production revenues to date, we’ve recovered around US$20B of the US$30Bsoournetcashflow is still negative and it will continue to be so because we’ve committed through the six projects that we’ve talked about plus gas-toenergy to invest up to US$55B in this projects and we’re still exploring, we’re still looking to increase and add to additional projects in thefuture,”hepointedout.

To this end, the official was keen to note, “The

Vice President and Business Service Manager of

contract itself is really enabling al

his investment and this reinvestment…In the last few years, we’ve had profitable operations, we’ve had earnings and as an investor that’s what you hope for but we’remorethanre-investing

those earnings into new projects and we’re committed to the long term hereinGuyana.”

When asked how different the company’s investments would be had thePSAnotextendedsuch


ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), Phillip Rietema



Olmac in collaboration with Specialist Medical Outreach Team (SMOT), a nongovernmentalorganisationonSaturdayhosted a medical outreach and blood drive at the OlmacMedicalHubGuyana,Vreen-en-Hoop

The event, which started at 08:00hrs and concludedat16:30hrsofferedbloodpressure andbloodsugartesting,optometry,dentistry, physiotherapy, and pharmacy services as wellasablooddrive.

The SMOTteam, which was established inJune2023,comprisesyoungprofessionals, including nurses, doctors, optometrists, physiotherapists, dentists, gynecologists, pediatricians, and pharmacists who work acrossthecountryprovidingcaretothosein need.

Duringthemedicaloutreach,coordinator CalvinRobertssaid,“Ourservices,orrather our mission focuses on providing health services to the unprivileged communities or those communities that are far-fetched or a lessaccessibletohealthcareservices.”

HeexplainedthatSMOTfocusesmainly toprovidemedicalhealthcareservicesandto network,whetheritiswithgovernmentalora profitinstitutions.

Meanwhile, Founder of Olmac Medical Hub Guyana, Dr Phillip McPherson, who spent33yearsintheUnitedStatesofAmerica perfecting his medical skills, said that the

medicaloutreachishiswayofgivingbackto thecommunity

He said, “the outreach, is to give back to the community making healthcare accessible, where patients can be treated.”

The Olmac Medical Hub founder said it has alwaysbeenhisdesiretogivebacktoGuyana and to provide quality medical service to citizens.

Dr McPherson told Kaieteur News that OlmacMedicalHubGuyanaprovidesurgent care/ primary care, dialysis center, stroke rehabilitation center, pharmacy, dental care, woundanddiabeticfootcarecenter,podiatry care, Continuing Medical Education (CME) trainingcenter,x-ray,ultrasoundandclinical laboratory

Furthermore, Revin Chandrobose, a pharmacist said, “Our outreach has a pharmacy department, we bring our own medications so that when patients come and they see the doctor they can always receive theirmedication.”

Chandorose, along with the Pharmacy technician Dolly Softley, described Saturday’s outreach as one that is “Offering healthcare services to patients, who don’t haveaccesstoit.”

More than 100 citizens have benefited from free medication and medical treatment duringSaturday’soutreach.

Small Miners Association to meet with Minister Bharrat over suspension of dredge operations in Port Kaituma

The Small MinersAssociation of Guyana Incorporated(SMAGI)hassaidthatitplansto meet with the Minister of Natural Resources VickramBharratinwakeofadisputethatleft severalminingoperationsinEclipseFallsPort KaitumaRegionOnesuspended

The meeting is part of a plan to brief Minister Bharrat on an agreement made between the miners, Community Development Council (CDC) and the NeighbourhoodDemocraticCouncil(NDC).

According to SMAGI, an agreement has been brokered between the miners and the settlers in order to bring an end to the suspension in the operations, with a multilateral resolution being arrived at, involving the miners and shop owners, the chairpersonoftheCDC,Ms SunitaHenry,and anNDCrepresentative,Mr DavidFlores

The operations of approximately twenty dredgesandtenshopsweresuspendedbythe Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC)almostamonthagoduetothedispute betweentheminersandthearea’sCDC

Speaking to this publication about the

origins of the dispute, SMAGI Chairman David Daniels said: “It was alleged that the miners were paying [the former] CDC chairperson. Now after there was a report madetoGGMCthatnoroyaltieswerepaidto him or being paid on the said land, that’s when they came in, so when we did our investigation—well,youknowtherearebad actors on both sides— to what I understand, there are some miners who were not paying and they were some who I believe, I’m assuming,thatdidpay;andwhenMs.Sunita Henry was elected the new chairperson, no royaltieswerepaidtoher,sothat’swhenthe issuearosethattheminersarenotcomplying with the order of paying the ten percent tributeforworkingonthesaidland.”

He said these conditions are what prompted the GGMC to halt the mining operations. According to Mr Daniels, since then, a meeting has been held with all the involvedparties.

The meeting was moderated by SMAGI, andanagreementhasbeenreached,whichis

Continued on page 16

Volunteers who participated in Saturday’s medical outreach
SMAGI Chairman David Daniels meets with Eclipse Falls miners and shop owners

Norton poised to return as PNCR Leader


OppositionLeader Aubrey Norton was up until closetomidnightonSunday well poised to be re-elected to the post of Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform(PNCR).

According to Congress Administrator Sherwin Benjamin, Norton secured over 1000 votes off the ballotscast.

“It is anticipated the incumbent leader has been re-elected as well as the incumbent Chairman, Mr SherwinHolder,ElsonLowe waselectedasnewtreasurer. The count is on the way for ViceChairpersons. Itisalso anticipated that the incumbentwillbere-elected Mrs Elizabeth Williams –Niles and Mr Vinceroy Jordanwillretaintheirpost.”

Ondaybeforethestartof the Congress two of Norton’s main contenders RoysdaleFordeandAmanda


Walton-Desir suspended their campaigns to become leader of the PNCR citing irregularities.

Forde and WaltonDesir’s withdrawal from the race for leadership followed the resignation of Dawn Hastings-Williamsresigned from her post as GeneralSecretary of the party citing lack of accountability and transparency within the party.Asherresignationtook effectfromJune24,2024.

T h e C o n g r e s s Administrator also told Kaieteur News that 15 members of the Central Executive Committee will bedeclaredbymidnight.

The preliminary figures were provided hours after the party closed its polls for the official delegates’ elections at the 22nd BiennialCongress.

Benjamin explained that Sunday’spollsopenedat10: 00 am closed at 8:38 pm, as


HenotedthattheSophia Georgetown Headquarters ofthePNCRwasabuzzwith activity up until Sunday nightaspartysupportersand patrons anxiously awaited the declaration of the preliminary results of its internalelections.

PNCR member, Mervyn Williams who provided an updateontheprocessviathe party’s official Facebook pageearlierSundaysaidthat Party’s Returning Officer, Vincent Alexander has committed to releasing preliminary results by midnight. H

followingtheannouncement of the results “A 24-hour windowismadeavailableso that all questions regarding thevotewillbeaddressedby the candidates with the Returning Officer…There would be no recount,” Williamsadded.

In an invited comment with Kaieteur News, the PNCR executive member explained that the voting

process went smoothly for themostpart.

“Wehadlittletonoissue given the magnitude of voters we were placed to hand…”

He noted that there was significant participation by supporters from across the regionsandDiaspora.

“Wehadoverathousand people come to Congress place today to cast their ballots. They are anxiously

awaiting the declaration of theresultstoseewhowillbe placedintheleadershiproles totakethePNCRinthenext Regional and General Elections,”Williamssaid. Williamsassuredthatby midnight, the Returning Officer would be in a positiontoannouncethenew leadership.

However, up until press time, the official declarationswerenotmade.

PNCR members cast their votes on Sunday (PNCR photo)


Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call: (592) 610-6650.

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Close to $2B being invested to boost potable water access in Region Two

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Sand truck Driver needed, Sand pit to Eccles. $5,000 per trip, plus monthly incentives. Call: 621-5282.

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Canter truck, great for mobile vending, 2019 December, RHD with 54,500 KM. Arrived in Guyana December 2023. Contact: 676-5051.

DPI - The government is investing a minimum of $2 billion to boost treated water coverage in Region Two, demonstrating the government’s mandate to provide potable water to every household by 2025.

This was underscored by Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, during a site inspection of the Onderneeming water treatment plant, on Friday.

He was accompanied by Regional Chairperson Vilma DaSilva along with other officials.

“Now, more than ever, we are injecting [funds] in the water sector…We are investing a minimum of $2 billion on a new treatment plant that is currently being constructed at Onderneeming and the well that is being drilled there,” he underlined.

The government is investing heavily in the construction of water treatment plants and potable wells to ensure that 90

Fully furnished 4 bedrooms apartment @ Campbellville Georgetown. Hot & cold water , AC, Remote gated. Call: 624-74736.

1-3rd floor concrete building, 3200 sq ft. Call: 2239677/ 677-3467 8am-4:30 pm.

One Vacant plot of land at 9 Railway & Sandy Babb street Kitty, 5000 square ft, Corporate use. Call: 6198101.

3 Bedroom flat house in Tuschen & High income property in Providence. Call: 644-9333 / +1 (917)771-5202.

percent of the coastland has access to treated water, by the end of 2025.

Already, 75 percent of the works have been completed on the $1.18 billion treatment plant. When completed, it will service more than 4,000 households from Supenaam to Taymouth Manor.

“We have also been investing in new transmission mains. We are drilling a number of wells. We are upgrading our system and the new main lines. We have about $977 million that is being invested here in

this region,” Minister Croal disclosed.

Also, construction works are set to commence before year-end on a new treatment plant at Maria’s Delight, to service residents from Charity to Queenstown.

The government is also committed to ensuring that every household along the Pomeroon River benefits from potable water access. This will be made possible by the drilling of 10 additional wells by the end of this year.

Works are advancing on

a new well at Marlborough as about 80 percent of the works have been completed.

Currently, a well is being drilled at Karawab by the Guyana Water Incorporated’s (GWI) team.

Other areas to benefit from the drilling of new wells include St. Monica, Bethany, Dredge Creek, Siriki, Kabakaburi, and Wakapau.

Two wells valued at $22.5 million were recently commissioned in the communities of Hackney and Friendship.

Exxon praises 2016 contract for enabling...

From page 11 favourable terms, Rietema instead shifted viewers’ attention to the importance of the agreement remaining stable.

According to him, “We expect to be operating here in Guyana for decades and so it’s very important that the contract terms stay stable during that period to enable all

this investment and that’s certainly been the case. We’ve been confident with that.” EMGL’s Vice President went on to describe how changes to fiscal regimes in other jurisdictions as well as amendments to tax laws have made it difficult for companies to invest. He therefore lauded the Stabroek Block PSA for “doing what it set out to do,

which is to bring a foreign investor like us in here”.

Rietema added, “The contract incentivizes us to keep investing and keep exploring so that we can find all the commercially available resources and together with Guyana, we can develop those for the benefit of Guyana and for all stakeholders.”

Small Miners Association to meet with Minister...

From page 12 now awaiting the briefing of the Minister of Natural Resources in order to see the desired result, which is the resumption of mining operations in the area.

Deputy Commissioner of the GGMC, Mr. Jacques Foster, has since confirmed that he is aware of the issue and has been made aware of the recent agreement. However, since his agency is one of enforcement, the Ministry of Natural Resources will have the final say in the matter.

“The previous arrangement about who did pay and didn’t pay, the whole situation will be squashed. They arrived at this new agreement that [whoever] is seeking permission to operate on the said land, now they will be paying the CDC of Eclipse Falls, and the miners agreed that they are willing to pay and they would pay. The

chairperson for the CDC at Eclipse Falls, the NDC representative from Port Kaituma, and the vice chair [of the CDC], they all came, and I had discussions with all three parties, including the miners, and ever ybody in unison agreed and the miners agreed to pay the ten percent tribute and we would forward all the information to the relevant authorities, that is the Ministry of Natural Resources, GGMC.

Ms. Sunita Henry, she forwarded that information also to the Minister of Amerindian Affairs to update them on the situation,” said Daniels, speaking about the details of the eventual resolution.

Importantly, SMAGI stated that the miners further agreed that all gold mined within the area will be sold directly to the Guyana Gold Board. This and the other

terms of the agreement will be discussed with Minister Bharrat.

Daniels affirmed that as important as it is to get the mining operations back up and running, his agency is committed to respecting and preserving the lands and livelihood of the Indigenous people in the area.

“What is most important to us in this case, is the Indigenous community, that their rights are protected, because as much as we represent small miners, we also represent the rights of our Indigenous brothers and sisters, we want to ensure that if mining activities are taking place on CDC land or land controlled by the village council, that the royalties are paid to that particular village council so that the council can use that revenue to develop their community,” he said in a video statement released by SMAGI.

An aerial view of Onderneeming water treatment plant.

‘Shut down illegal mining, shops if you want to stop

gold smuggling’ - GGDMA urges Govt.

The Guyana Gold and seize their equipment, they would Diamond Miners return to work the very next day as Association (GGDMA) ifnothinghappened.

on Saturday posited that GGDMA said it has been if the government of Guyana wants repeatedly calling on the GGMC to tostopgoldsmuggling,itmuststart step-up its enforcement of the laws by clamping down on illegal over the last ten years and added mining, illegal shops (commonly that government also needs to known as bush-shops) and the clamp down on illegal landings unregulated gold trade in the (areas where locals would set-up country’sgoldminingdistrict. small bush shops to earn) if it is “Illegal mining, illegal shops, reallyseriousaboutclampingdown and the unregulated trading of gold ongoldsmuggling. within the interior are the pillars “In the past, there were a upon which the illicit gold number of gazetted areas in the smuggling enterprises survive,” interior where trade could take statedtheGGDMA. place, now it is common practice

The Association blamed the for persons to set up itinerant main regulatory body of the Gold trading posts (aka, “landings”) at Sector, the Guyana Geology and will”,theminingbodystatedbefore Mines Commission (GGMC) for explaining that it has led to many allowing the illegalities to flourish beingset-upandnotbeingproperly over the years because of its lax regulated. enforcement. “ illegal gold buyers set up

GGDMAsaid, “Over the years, shop and buy directly from turning a blind eye to repeat unethical miners who are willing offenders and merely slapping to sell their production for higher them on the wrists has fostered a prices, free of any paper trail,

A landing in one of Guyana’s mining district.

culture of unabashed lawlessness” without paying any royalties or “It is time the government also owners and mining operators who, government to investigate public before adding “Illegal operators taxes,” GGDMA said while engages its financial agencies such despite having massive operations, servants who allegedly take bribes openly disregard the orders of the adding that “These landings are as the FIU (Financial Intelligence do not declare any significant and turn a blind eye to the illegal GGMC and brazenly make violent also hubs for human trafficking, Unit) and SOCU (Special amounts of gold” the mining body activities taking place in Guyana’s threats against anyone trying to the sale of illegal drugs and Organised Crime Unit), to stated. goldminingsector standintheirway”. weapons”

The mining body said that there GGDMA believes that if the are no real consequences for illegal government shuts down these miners because when the illegal activities in the mining authorities shut them down and areas, then definitely the gold

AccelerateHer launches weekend boot camp to propel womenowned businesses

The Centre for Local Business government policies and Development launched its opportunities. She stated, ”I am AccelerateHer programme with a hoping that at the end of this year, weekend boot camp, welcoming a we can have it so that we can see n e w c o h o r t o f f e m a l e the strides women are consistently entrepreneursonFridayevening. making in every sphere of our

The programme received over country.” 80 applications this year, with 25 The two-day boot camp will candidates successfully facilitate peer and mentor shortlisted. interactions, business pitch

AccelerateHer aims to practice, and the development of empower female business owners, businessmodelcanvases. operators, and managers across Former participant turned diverse industries by providing mentor and Sure Gig Inc. CEO one-on-one mentoring and a Filisha Duke shared insights from supportive peer-learning herjourneywiththeprogramme. environment.

“Focus on your goal, what is it

Minister of Human Services that you want for your company, and Social Security Dr Vindhya where you see yourself in the next Persaud expressed her enthusiasm twoyears,year,nextfiveyearsand for women seizing growth bring your ‘A’ game because we opportunities during the launch. will be paying attention,” she “Make use of those opportunities encouraged. andseethemgrow,mushroominto Additional presentations were things beyond their imagination given by the President of the and expectation and become way Women’s Chamber of Commerce more than a number or statistic in and Industry Guyana, Rowena Guyana,”theministeremphasised. Elliot and the Director of the Highlighting Guyana’s gender Centre for Local Business and indexriseby18placesin2022,Dr Development Dr Natasha GaskinPersaud attributed this progress to Peters. (DPI)

declarationwillincrease. investigate these many shop GGDMA also called on the

Several Palestinians killed as Israeli forces pound southern, northern Gaza

Residents continue to flee Rafah in the south and Shujayea in the north as Israeli tanks

push deeper into both areas.

Aljazeera - At least six days. For those who remain, “our flat was targeted. Medical sources no substitute for victory in the war While the offensive focused on Palestinians have been killed in lives have become hell”, said 50- we’ve talked to say at least 15 againstHamas. Gaza, in the Israeli-occupied West Gaza’s southern city of Rafah, year-oldresidentSihamal-Shawa. peoplehavebeenkilledtodayinthe “We are committed to fighting Bank, one man was killed and five according to the Palestine Red She told the AFP news agency north after people’s homes were until we achieve all of our were wounded in an Israeli strike Crescent Society (PRCS), and that people were trapped as strikes directly hit by artillery shells,”Abu objectives: Eliminating Hamas, near the city of Tulkarem, several homes have been destroyed couldhappen“anywhere”and“itis Azzoum said. He noted that in returning all of our hostages, according to the Palestinian health as Israeli forces pushed deeper into difficult to get out of the Rafah, there was a continuation of ensuring that Gaza never again ministry. the city and pressed further into neighbourhoodunderfire”. “indiscriminate Israeli attacks as constitutes a threat to Israel and The armed wing of Hamas and ShujayeainnorthernGaza. “Wedonotknowwheretogoto residentsfleefortheirlives”. returning our residents securely to the allied Palestinian Islamic Jihad Israeli tanks, which re-entered protectourselves,”shesaid. “In the al-Mawasi district – their homes in the south and the reported fierce fighting in both Shujayeafourdaysago,firedshells Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu declared a ‘safe zone’ by Israel’s north,”hesaid. Shujayea and Rafah, saying their towards several houses, leaving Azzoum, reporting from Deir el- military – they’ve been setting fire ‘Empty shells’ fighters had fired antitank rockets families trapped inside and unable Balah, said residents who managed to makeshift tent camps where Senior Hamas official Osama and mortar bombs against Israeli toleave,residentssaid. to flee the neighbourhood say the displaced Palestinians have been Hamdan meanwhile said there’s forcesoperatingthere.

The United Nations Office for scaleofdestructionis“massive”. sheltering,”headded. been no progress in ceasefire talks. Arab mediators’efforts, backed the Coordination of Humanitarian He said the central areas of Speaking at a weekly cabinet He said on Saturday that the by the United States, have stalled. Affairs (OCHA) estimated that Gaza City have also been meeting on Sunday, Israeli Prime Palestinian group is still ready to Hamas says any deal must end the “60,000 to 80,000 people were “pounded”byIsraeliforces. Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussanytruceproposalthatends offensive and bring a full Israeli displaced” from Shujayea in recent “In the past hour, a residential repeated his stance that there was thenearlynine-monthassault. withdrawal from Gaza. Israel says it will accept only temporary pauses in the fighting until Hamas, which has governed Gaza since 2007,iseradicated.

Kaneville daycare was operating illegally - Human...

From page 9 continue.

The teachers reportedly that she took him to the day care granddaughter opened a child care Reports are that Nelson was washed the blood from the baby’s around 08:00hrs on Friday and facility illegally on the 2nd of found motionless around 12:00hrs face in the kitchen area and tried passed him over to one of the January 2024 unknown to the withhisheadfacedownonapillow revivinghimbuttonoavail. teachersbeforeleavingforwork.

Child Care and Protection inside of a cradle by one of the two

The child’s mother was then Thatteacherconfirmedthatshe Agency,”theministrystatedbefore teachers on duty at the day care. informed and he was rushed to the did receive the child alive and fed adding that no documentation or The teacher was reportedly Diamond Diagnostic Hospital him some porridge around assessment was ever made for the preparing the other children at the where he was pronounced dead on 09:00hrs. “illegal facility by the Child Care day care to go home when she arrival. At around 11:00hrs, she placed and Protection Agency’s Early noticed Nelson’s lifeless body An Areportwasmadetothepolice him to lie down in the cradle and Childhood Development Services alarm was raised and the other and an investigation has been left him to attend to another child. Unit”. teacherondutypickedtheinfantup launched into the circumstances It was about an hour later when the

Police have since arrested the and noticed that he was bleeding surroundingthechild’sdeath. teacher discovered the child granddaughter as investigations fromhisnostrils.

The baby’s mother told police motionless.

The Palestinian health ministry said 43 bodies of slain Palestinians arrived at hospitals in the last 24hour reporting period. At least 111 otherswerewounded.

Israel’s offensive has so far killed at least 37,877 people, according to the Gaza health ministry, and has left the heavily built-upcoastalenclaveinruins.

Israeli tanks pushed deeper into several districts in the east, west and centre of Rafah, near the border with Egypt, on Sunday, and medics said six people had been killed in an Israeli strike on a house in Shaboura, in the heart of thecity

Six bodies from the Zurub family were transferred to Nasser Hospital in the nearby city of Khan Younis, where dozens of relatives paidtheirrespects.

Residents said the Israeli army hadtorchedtheAl-Awdamosquein thecentreofRafah,oneofthecity’s bestknown.

Israel has said its military operations in Rafah are aimed at eradicating the last armed battalionsofHamas.Itcontinuesto severely restrict the entry of muchneeded humanitarian aid, medicine,andfuelintotheenclave, whichisonthevergeoffamine.

The United Nations and other relief agencies have voiced alarm over the dire humanitarian crisis and the threat of starvation that the assault and Israeli siege have brought for Gaza’s 2.4 million people.

“Everything is rubble,” said Louise Wateridge from the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), speaking Friday from the city of KhanYounis.

“There’s no water there, there’s no sanitation, there’s no food. And now,peoplearelivingbackinthese buildingsthatareemptyshells.”

West Indies Academy conclude Tour of Ireland

(CWI) - The Academy Auguste topping the scoring Humphreys 5-57, Curtis began day four of the contest charts with 182 runs Campher 3-12) & 268 all out 93 runs short of making the (Alleyne) and 180 runs off 73 3 overs (Ackeem hostschaseatarget. (Auguste) with high scores Auguste 93, Carlon BowenThe visiting side were of 93 and averages of 45 Tuckett 41, KadeemAlleyne bowled out for 268 in 73.3 acrosstheseries. 38, Matthew Humphreys 5overs, with the Irish just All-Rounder Johann 44) requiring 28 runs to Laynestoodoutwiththeball Emerging Ireland 441 all completea2-0seriessweep. taking 10 wickets, with best out off 112.5 overs (Andrew West Indies Academy bowlingfiguresof5-39. Balbirnie88,FionnHand79, gained valuable 4-day Full Scores 2nd 4-Day: Andy McBrine 64, Paul experience with a number of West Indies Academy 200 Stirling 32, Teddy Bishop 2players having stand out off 56 overs (Teddy Bishop 35, Nyeem Young 2-55, performances for the 69, Nyeem Young 29, Jewel Kelvin Pittman 2-65, Joshua Maroon. Andrew 27, Ackeem Bishop 2-72) & 30-0 off 3.5

Monday July 01, 2024


Don't let things stagnate, Aries. It's time to take action. In everything you do today, see how far you can go as opposed to how deep. Cover a widerangeoftopics.


You might feel like you've come out of the dark and into the light today, Taurus. A weight has been lifted, but there's still a great deal of emotional drama that needs to workitselfout.


Take a break from your steady climbtodayandhavealookat theworldaroundyou,Gemini. Enjoyanightoutwithfriends, if possible, and take an active roleintheconversation.


Pay attention to the news today, Cancer Be sure to check not just the mainstream news but also the offbeat independent publications and websites. Question what you hearandread.


Today is a great day to go out and get things done, Leo. You might find that you're a bit indecisive, but don't sweat it. Don't feel like you have to make any great commitments. You'll do fine jumping around fromlilypadtolilypad.

VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)

The name of the game for you today is action, Virgo. The air seems to get clearer, and it feels as if a weight has been lifted off you. You might notice a sudden burst of physical energy urging you to get out and go for a long bike ride.


Take some of that knowledge you've picked up and processed over the past few weeks and spread it around, Libra. It's time to put your communicationskillstowork.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Your physical stamina is apt to be quite strong today, Scorpio. You should consider working outtoreleasesomeofthatpentup energy Engage in a sport or something that involves s t r a t e g y a n d g o o d coordination.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Take a break from the seriousness that has prevailed over the past couple days, Sagittarius. You'll find that upbeat conversations are the way to navigate through today'swaters.


You may have been looking forward to communicating or spending time with the people you care about today if possible, but circumstances beyond your control throw some unexpected obstacles in yourway


Yoursolidfootingmaybecome a bit unstable today, but don't worry about it. Be a little more flexible and release your tightfistedgriponthesituation. Infuse a bit of laughter and playfulnessintothings.


There's no excuse for laziness today!Makesureyougetoutof bed before the day ends.You'll find that the more action you take, the happier you'll be. Express your thoughts to the peoplearoundyou.

These included Kadeem Auguste 26, Matthew overs.

Russell wins


From page 22

lap62.Norrisattackedonthe outside and Verstappen moved back towards him as theyapproachedthecorner

The two cars touched, and both suffered puncturesVerstappen on the left rear and Norris on the right rear and that was the end of their chancesofvictory

Verstappen managed to get around to the pits without too much damage as his tyre stayed intact, but Norris’tyre flailed on the rim and tore his rear body work apart and McLaren were forced to retirethecar

Verstappen scoffed at the 10-second penalty he was given for the incident but formerF1driverJackAitken, commentating for BBC Radio 5 Live, said: “It’s very clear to me that Verstappen oversteppedthemark.

Hewaspushingthelimits and it’s very clear from the rules by the book he was reactingtoolate.

Finishing fifth means Verstappen still extends his championship lead, which is now 81 points over Norris heading into next weekend’s BritishGrandPrix.

Emerging Ireland completed a 10-wicket victory over West Indies Academy in the second match. (Photo: CWI)

Russell wins Austrian GP after late Norris-Verstappen collision

(BBC Sport) - George retirement. advantage.

Russell won the Austrian It was a controversial Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz Grand Prix after a collision climax to a battle over took the final podium between Max Verstappen several laps as each position ahead of Mercedes’ and Lando Norris while they complainedabouttheother’s Lewis Hamilton, who werefightingforthelead. driving. finished fourth despite a Verstappen was given a Russell’s win was five-second penalty for 10-second penalty for Mercedes’ first since the crossing the white line on pit causing a collision with 2022 Brazilian Grand Prix. entryforhisfirststop. Norris after he moved over He was under pressure from Verstappen crossed the on the McLaren driver while McLaren’s Oscar Piastri in line in fifth place, and held it Norris was trying to pass. the final laps but was able to despite his penalty because The Briton was forced into maintain his winning NicoHulkenberg’sHaaswas

23.7secondsbehind. withintwolaps. What happened between They fought hard for Norris and Verstappen? several laps Norris

Verstappen had appeared complained that Verstappen to be cruising to victory with made an illegal move under a seven-second lead over braking when he attacked at Norris before his final pit TurnThreeonlap55,with15 stop, even though the to go. Norris then passed the McLarenhadbeenclosingin Red Bull into Turn Three on on the Red Bull and the lap 59, only to run off the w o r l d c h a m p i o n track on the exit, which complaining his tyres were earned him a five-second losinggripinthefinallapsof penalty for abusing track thatstint. limitsbecausehehadalready

But a slow stop for been given a black-andVerstappen as both pitted white flag for the same together for their final stops, offence. andthechoicebyRedBullto After another close run fit a set of medium tyres through Turns Three and which had three laps of use Four, Norris then came on on them while Norris had a the radio to say Verstappen new set, set up a grandstand was repeatedly moving finish. u n d e r b r a k i n g a n d Verstappen and Norris responding to his attacks in rejoined the track with the ways that are not allowed. McLaren just 1.7secs behind Thecriticalmomentcameon andtheBritonwasonhistail (Continued on page 19)

Villa midfielder Luiz joins Juventus

in £42.35m deal

(BBC Sport) - Italian side Juventus have completed the £42 35m (50million Euros) signing of Aston Villa midfielderDouglasLuiz.

The Brazilian, 26, has signed a five-year deal with the SerieAclubtoendhisstayatVillaPark.

Luiz, who has been capped 15 times by his country, scored22goalsin204appearancesforVilla,whosignedhim fromManchesterCityin2019.

The midfielder is currently in the United States with Brazil’s national side at the Copa America, where he completedhisJuventusmedical.

“I’m really happy to be a Bianconero,” said Luiz in a videoonsocialmedia.

“Ican’twaittoplayintheAllianzStadium.Seeyousoon andForzaJuve!”

Luizscoredninegoalsin35PremierLeaguematcheslast termasVillaqualifiedfortheChampionsLeagueforthefirst timebyfinishingfourth.

But Villa’s pressing need to comply with Profit and Sustainability Rules (PSR) meant they had to cash in on one oftheirkeyplayers.

PSR rules permit losses of up to £105m over three years forPremierLeagueclubs.

Villa have already sold midfielder Tim Iroegbunam, 21, to Everton for a reported £9m, while Chelsea have completed a £19m move for their 18-year-old attacking midfielderOmariKellyman.

Mercedes’ George Russell crosses the line to win the Austrian Grand Prix. (Reuters)

West Indies Tour of England 2024…


( B B C S p o r t ) -

Nottinghamshire fast bowler


Pennington, 25, moved to Dillon Pennington and Surrey

N o t t i n g h a m s h i r e f r o m wicketkeeper Jamie Smith have Worcestershire prior to this season earned their first Test call-ups as and has taken 29 wickets in seven part of England’s squad to play matchesthiscampaign. WestIndiesnextmonth. Bashir’s selection suggests he

Uncapped Surrey fast bowler has overtaken Leach as England’s GusAtkinson, who was on the Test first-choice spinner, despite having tourofIndiaearlierthisyearbutdid to leave their county on loan for notplay,isalsoincluded. Worcestershire because Leach has

Shoaib Bashir has been picked beenpreferred. as England’s spinner instead of

Leach, who also missed the Somersetteam-mateJackLeach. 2023 Ashes with a back stress

All-rounder Chris Woakes is fracture,injuredhiskneeinthefirst included in a Test squad for the Test in India and was ruled out of first time since last summer’s theremainderofthetour Ashes Bashir came in for the second

A split image of Dillon Pennington (left) and Jamie Smith

England squad for first two

The first Test begins on 10 July Test and took 17 wickets in three at Lord’s and will be James matches,includingtwofive-wicket Anderson’s final Test before his hauls. internationalretirement.

This squad, minus Anderson, Tests: Ben Stokes (captain), James also covers the secondTest atTrent there is no place for Sussex seamer As expected, Ben Foakes and Smith has scored 507 runs at Anderson, Gus Atkinson, Shoaib Bridgefrom18July. OllieRobinson. Jonny Bairstow have both been an average of 50.70 in the County Bashir, Harry Brook, Zak Crawley,

The third Test at Edgbaston Mark Wood has also been left overlooked in favour of highly Championship this year, but only Ben Duckett, Dan Lawrence, startson26July out,althoughhehasbeenpartofthe rated 23-year-old Smith, who two of those matches have been Dillon Pennington, Ollie Pope, Durham’s Matthew Potts is the England T20 World Cup squad in played two one-day internationals as wicketkeeper, with Surrey Matthew Potts, Joe Root, Jamie other pace bowler picked, meaning theCaribbean. againstIrelandlastyear preferring Foakes with the Smith,ChrisWoakes.

Kohli, Rohit and Jadeja retire from T20 internationals

(BBC Sport) - India legends On former captain Kohli, Rohit be available for India in Tests and Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma and said: “He’s been a champion player one-dayinternationals. Ravindra Jadeja have retired from without a doubt. We all know what Kohli had endured a difficult T20 internationals following their he has done for us. “At some point World Cup, with only 75 runs in WorldCuptriumphinBarbados. everyone has to say goodbye to the seven innings before his important Kohli was man of the match for game and Virat was very clear that knock in the final lifted India to his 76 and Rohit became the first thisiswhathewantedtodo.” 176-7. India captain to lift a World Cup Jadeja, 35, wrote on Instagram South Africa needed only 30 since 2011 following the on Sunday: “Like a steadfast horse runs from the final five overs, but captivating seven-run defeat of galloping with pride, I’ve always they wilted in the face of some South Africa. Rohit, 37, and 35- given my best for my country and superb India death bowling, and year-old Kohli are number one and will continue to do so in other Suryakumar Yadav’s all-time great two respectively on the all-time list formats. “Winning the T20 World catchtoremoveDavidMillerinthe ofT20internationalrun-scorers. Cup was a dream come true, a 20th over effectively sealed the “I’ve loved every moment of pinnacle of my T20 international match. this,”saidRohit.“IstartedmyIndia career Thank you for the Clearly emotional on receiving career playing this format. This is memories, the cheers, and the his player-of-the-match award, WorldCupIwasgoingtoplay Indiawon. what I wanted. I wanted to win the unwaveringsupport.” Kohli said: “This is my last T20

“Iwantedtomakethemostofit. India’s last World Cup success cupandsaythankyou.”

All three men will continue to game playing for India, my last Andthiswasouraim.Wewantedto in any format came in the 50-over liftthecup. versionin2011.

“I’mreallygratefulIwasableto They have lost two finals in the getthejobdonefortheteamwhenit past year: the World Test matteredthemost.” Championship final to Australia at Kohli ends with 4,188 runs The Oval last summer, then the 50from 125 T20 internationals, just over final on home soil in behind Rohit’s tally of 4,231 Ahmedabad to the same opponents Rohit’s159capsisalsothemostfor inNovember any man and his five centuries is “It was very emotional, I also a record, shared with wanted this badly,” said Rohit. “I Australia’sGlennMaxwell. was very desperate for this in my Left-arm spinning all-rounder life so I’m happy we crossed the Jadeja has made 74 T20 linethistime.

international appearances, taking “This has to be the greatest 54 wickets at an average of 29.85 time, only because how of and scoring 515 runs at a strike rate desperatelyIwantedtowinthis. of127.16.

“All the runs that I’ve scored in Rohit and Bangladesh all- all these years, it does matter, but rounder Shakib Al Hasan are the I’m not big on stats and all of that. only men to feature in every T20 Winning games for India, winning World Cup, the first edition of trophies for India, that is what I which was held in 2007, which lookforwardtoallthetime.”

Rohit Sharma (right) and Virat Kholi celebrate their 2024 T20 World Cup win. (Getty Images)
Ravindra Jadeja. (Getty Images)

GFF-Blue Water Shipping NSC U15 Football C/ship…

St. Ignatius pips Waramuri Top to be crowned Champions

St. Ignatius lifted the 2024 receiving a loose ball, crossed in title of the Guyana fromtheright-wingintothepenalty Football Federation area, Chatta executed a brilliant

(GFF)/Blue Water finish to put Waramuri one goal Shipping National Secondary ahead.

Schools Girls Under15 Football A couple minutes later, Chatta Championship,followingapenalty affected another goal as Bartica shootout victory against Waramuri suffered more misfortunes with her Top in the final on Sunday evening corner being deflected off a at the National Training Centre in standing defender, ultimately Providence. endingupinthebackofBarticanet;

Following a nil-all score at giving Waramuri a handsome lead regulation time, the match headed and solidifying their place in the into a dreaded penalty shootout final. On the other side of the pitch, where the eventual champion held StIgnatiusplayedverywelltokeep theirnervestoprevail3–2. off Santa Rosa’s strikers but the Earlier in the day, Waramuri weight of the match shifted when Top asserted a 2-0 lead in the first the eventual champions penetrated half of the first semi final matchup Santa Rosa’s net giving them a involving Batica Secondary, which fighting chance in their quest to the endedasthefull-timescore. final.

Top scorer Veronica Chatta With a 1-0 lead in the first half, opened the scoring for Waramuri St Ignatius cruised to victory in the early into the contest with a superb second half as the opposition failed

Allia Henry’s (10) close-range shot sent Waramuri Top into the GFF/Blue Water Shipping U15 finale.

Defenders dominated the matchups with no further goals culminating with Waramuri and St left-footer from close range; after toaffectagoal.

second half in both semi finals being scored in either game; Ignatiussettingupanail-biter

Royals win Nigel Hinds/LABA Senior C/Ship

With a punishing fourthquarter display, Victory Valley Royals outplayed the home side Amelia’s Ward Jets to crown themselves winners of the Nigel Hinds/Linden Amateur Basketball Association (LABA) Champions with a 76-62 victory while Block

Victory Valley Royals’ Orlan Glasgow (with ball) on the move against his Amelia’s Ward defender during the final.

22 Flames scored a scintillating overtime 58-57 winoverRetrieveRaiderson Saturday night at the Amelia’s Ward Hard Court infrontofagreatfollowing. Royals, the nation’s top clubshowedpoiseandgritin the face of a 30-14 deficit, ownedbytheJetsinthethird quarter, as they came within three points of the country’s top-rankedclub,trailing,5962, and the likely chances of takinghomethebacon,inthe form of a whopping when the third period closed M c C a m m o n - B a r k e r Cadogan, who shouldered $400,000 incentive and out. However, the Royals presented prizes to the the Jets coming back into trophy Butthiswasnottobe would stick to their guns second, third and fourth contention with eight of his as Royals showed what they with the heart of a champion place finishers Other eventual10pointscomingin were worth in the final and rallied their way at the sponsors for this tournament thethirdquarter session to turn on the heat, expense of the Jets who ran were Gary Stephens and In the other third-place outscoringtheJets,14-5,and out of fuel, to capture James Brusche, both playoff game, Block 22 cantering home winners, 76- another title. For the Royals, residingintheUnitedStates, Flames played well to halt 63, asYannickTappin netted Harold Adams and Yannick along with Aubrey Major Retrieve Raiders in seven of his 17 points of the Tappin both had 17 points andthe20/20Bar overtime, 58-57, after the game,inthelastquarter while Orlan Glasgow and Jets got $200,000 and a scores were leveled on 55 at Royals had taken a 16-7, Keifer Tappin each trophy for second, Flames theendofregulationplay first quarter lead and things registered 11 for the $100,000 and a trophy and Jonathan Clarke scored looked ominous when the champions, who had an Raiders $50,000 and a 18 points and Cleon Johnson top club led at half-time, 48- unblemished record in this trophy 13 as Shawn Cameron 29. title run. Nigel Hinds of Once again Quincy chippedinwithsevenforthe

But the Jets’ Quincy Hinds Financial Services Easton was the Jets’ best third-placewinners. EastonandDennisNiles(Jr.) Group - the tournament’s player with 15 points but Raiders’ best players were determined to give the mainsponsor,wasonhandto fouledoutinthefinalquarter were Shemar Savoury with home fans something to present the top prizes to the while Dennis Niles, who 19 points, Neil Marks (Jr.) cheer ab

ut as they winners, as President of the gave the Jets some hope got w

h 10 an

n recovered to trail 59-62 L A B A M r s . D a w n 12 points and Shannon Montrose8.

ExxonMobil Boys’ and Girls’ Football Tournament heats up today with semifinals action

ExxonMobil Boys’and Girls’Football Tournament heats up today with semifinals action. The race for championship glory,whichbeganthispastweekend,intensifiestomorrowat theMinistryofEducationground.

The Petra-organised fifth annual ExxonMobil Boys’ and Girls’U-14FootballTournamentreachesthesemi-finalstage, promisingthrillingaction.

As it stands in the girls’ division, the formidable Bartica Girls,boastinganunblemishedstreak,faceastrongWaramuri side both teams are without any losses in the tournament. Meanwhile, the dominant Santa Rosa Girls will aim to thwart thetalentedPresident’sCollegeunitfromadvancingfurtherin thecompetition.

The matches are set and the players are ready to give us someexcitinggamestoday

The boys’ division will showcase two high-octane semifinal showdowns between the top U14 football school teams in the nation. Defending champions Bartica Secondary received a knockout punch by the hands of a good-playing Leonoraside.Consideredunderdogs,LeonoraSecondarywill tackleawell-balancedChase’sAcademicFoundationteamfor a chance to secure a spot in the final. South Ruimveldt and Dolphin Secondary have been playing some good football overthepastsixweeks;theyaresettobattleeachotherforthe otherspotintheBoys’final.

These four semi-finals will determine the two teams in each division that will compete for championship glory this upcomingweekend,culminatinginthegrandfinaleonJuly6. Fanscanexpectanexcitingfinishtothistournament.Tucville Girls, New Amsterdam Girls, Charity Girls and Marian Academy Girls will also be on show today Matches between Bushlot Boys and West Minster Boys, and Bartica Boys and Wismar Christianburg Boys will complete the lineup of matchesfortheday

This tournament is made possible by ExxonMobil with supportfromStenaDrillingandMVPSports.Itisapprovedby the Ministry of Education and endorsed by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, and coordinated by the Petra Organisation.Kick-offisnoon(12:00hrs).

Easy Time will return to defend his Guyana Cup title on August 11.

Guyana Cup 2024 to be the biggest horse competitionwillbehostedthisyear race event ever; more than 40 million to be The fun park and the horse racing paid combinedwillprovidetheperfectrecipefora

The Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing fun-filled day for the entire family “This is Committeewillcontinuetorewritehistoryin something Guyana has never witnessed,” Guyana’s horse racing when the 2024 JuniorMohamedsaid. Guyana Cup race meet runs off onAugust 11 While the side attractions will be major, atRisingSunTurfClub. the horse racing itself promises to be

This year’s Guyana Cup, which will be exhilarating with defending champion Easy the 16th running of the event, will see more Time coming back for more glory More than G$40 million dollars in cash to be paid horses are imported across various stables, out,andthetophorseforthefeatureracewill and two new horse owners will make their be rewarded a whooping sum of G$ entryatthisyear’sGuyanaCup. 11,625,000. Last year’s Guyana Cup saw a Ten races are listed on the provisional total purse of G$24 million across all races, programandentrieswillopenonJuly27,and while the top horse in the feature event was close on August 3. No late entries will be paidoutG$10million. acceptedatthisyear’sGuyanaCup.

The 2024 Guyana Cup will certainly be With this year’s Guyana Cup purse being the biggest, and the day will be packed with the biggest in the Caribbean, horses from side attractions. The first ever fun-park is set various countries will be compelled to travel toignitetheRisingSunTurfClub,wherekids toGuyanaandbattleforsupremacy will witness a parading bar on the spot and Inadditiontothefeatureeventwhichwill multiple stages will be set up across the runatapproximately1800meters,otherraces venue. on the provisional card include the 1600-

Guyana’s most influential horse racing metre derby, 1000-metre Sprint classic, the promoter, Nasrudeen Mohamed Junior, is 1000-metre two-year-old, 1000-metre F1 urging fans to come out in their numbers. class, the 1600 meters H1 class, the 1400 Despite there being an absence of the usual meter J & Lower, 1400 meter K Class, 1400 after-show entertainment, the biggest DJ meterLClass1400meternon-earners.

Guyana Cup 2024…

Total purse increased by over $16 million

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