Guyana to provide Grenada with security support following Hurricane Beryl
The Government of
following warnings of the Guyana (GoG) is on standby hurricane storm passing to provide Grenada with through most of the security support services, Caribbeancountries. following Hurricane Beryl
CAL noted that no which flattened sections of scheduled flights will the Caribbean Island on operate into/out of Trinidad Monday and Tobago and regionally
Prime Minister of through Port of Spain route Grenada, Dickon Mitchell from 9:00 PM - June 30 revealed that as a result of through 1:00 PM - July 1. Hurricane Beryl, Grenada

Affected passengers booked hadreportedextensivestorm on CAL during the time will surge, loss of roofs, be contacted and will be reb u i l d i n g s , l o s s o f accommodated and re-timed communication and no andrecoveryflights. electricity position to render, it will do (NADMA) was also in mobilising for our first The following flights Windward Islands, which
During a media briefing so.” contact with the Caribbean support mission, prioritizing havebeenretimed: Trinidad include Grenada, St.Vincent withGISGrenada,thePrime More importantly, Prime Disaster Emergency
Grenada for tomorrow to Guyana, Guyana to and the Grenadine Islands Minister explained that a Minister Mitchell revealed Management Agency morning today). Hurricane Toronto, Toronto to Guyana, andMartinique. discussion was held between that there has been constant (CDEMA).
Beryl is still very active in GuyanatoTrinidad,Trinidad T h
m e l y him and Guyana’s President communication with his He said, “We’ve already the region, and the coming to Jamaica, Jamaica to dangerous Category 4 storm Irfaan Ali, as it relates to the other colleagues within the shortlisted potential relief days will be crucial in Nassau, Nassau to Kingston, made landfall on Grenada’s provision of security other Caribbean region at a items that we may need if it determining its path and the Kingston to Trinidad, Carriacou Island with 150 supportservices p o l i t i c a l l e v e l H e comestothat.”
continued devastating Trin
“His (President Ali)’s underscored, “They are on President Ali, in a impact it could have. The O
, milesperhourwinds.
, It is reported by the NBC CommissionerofPoliceisin standby to provide any statement issued on Monday regional private sector and Trinidad to Miami, Miami to news, that Beryl is the first contact with our (Grenada) assistance that is required, said that as the Chairman of other agencies must be fully Trinidad, and Trinidad to Category 4 hurricane on Commissioner of Police,” whether it be a relief aid, CARICOM, he is closely mobilised to provide support FortLauderdale. record to form in the month MinisterMitchellsaid,while whetherit’swater,whetherit coordinating with all at this time. Our prayers and Meanwhile, NBC news ofJune.Thehurricaneisalso adding, “Guyana is the be support from a security affected countries in the thoughts are with the people reported on Monday that the earliest Category 4 on o u t g o i n g C h a i r o f andsafetystandpoint.” region. of the region.”Ali said in his Hurricane Beryl entered the record for the Atlantic CARICOM (Caribbean The Prime Minister “We have activated a full statement. southeastern Caribbean, hurricaneseason,beatingthe Community) and we expect noted that Grenada’s emergency response team On Sunday, Caribbean bringing “life-threatening previousrecordofHurricane that any assistance that we N a t i o n a l D i s a s t e r from Guyana to support all Airlines(CAL)wasforcedto winds and dangerous storm Dennis which formed July 8, ask for and it is in the Management Agency efforts. Currently, we are cancel several flights surge” to the southern 2005.

Prime Minister of Grenada, Dickon Mitchell
Hurricane Beryl strikes Grenada
Exxon’s breakeven point in Guyana is US$40 per barrel
- Phillip Rietema,Vice President of EMGL
In a recent episode of the Energy Perspectives Podcast, Phillip Rietema, Vice President and Business Service Manager at ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), discussed the company’s strategies to maintain a competitive edge amid volatile oilprices.
Rietema underscored the importance of efficiency and cost management in their deepwater projects in Guyana, highlighting the significance of achieving a low breakevenpriceforoil.
During the podcast, Rietema was asked about the breakeven spread for Exxon’s Stabroek Block projects which are currently producing over 640,000 barrels per day (bdp).

Phillip Rietema, Vice President and Business Service Manager at
Norton re-elected leader of PNCR, declared presidential candidate for 2025 elections
Aubrey Norton has been re-elected unopposed as the Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) during the party’s 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress, which concluded onSunday,June30,2024.
Norton, who has been at the helm of the PNCR, reaffirmed his leadership
amid a gathering of

approximately 1,300 delegates representing 218 groupsfromall10regionsas well as from NorthAmerica, and the United Kingdom to deliberate on the serious sectors of the Guyanese vision, and logistical support issuesaffectingthePartyand society, as well as the for the party’s work in thenation. p r o m o t i o n o f g o o d hinterland regions. One of
This year’s congress was governance and the creation the significant resolutions themed “Forming the next of a just and prosperous passed during the congress government: building a just, society.” was that the elected Party inclusive, and prosperous Norton also addressed Leader at the 22nd Biennial societyforall.” critical national issues such Delegates Congress will be
Addressing the price fluctuations,
ExxonMobil Guyana is the operator of the Stabroek Block with a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest and China National Offshore onthecostofsupplycurve. Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Petroleum “The projects here in Guyana, they GuyanaLimitedholds25%interest.Guyana compete internationally, they are some of has emerged as one of the fastest growing the best deepwater projects in the world,” economy in the world owed to the oil Rietemanoted. productionoffshore.
Considering the fluctuating oil prices in Rietema pointed out that these projects are recent years, ranging from as high as designedtowithstandmarketvolatility US$100 to as low as US$80 per barrel, He added, “You noted it went from Rietema acknowledged the inherent US$100 to US$80. In 2020, it was down to volatility of the oil market and the US$40.Sotheseprojects,theyallhavecosts challengesitposes. ofsupplyunder$40abarrel…asateamlook
“So in our industry, we talk a lot about tooptimizetheprojectswetryanddrivethat the costs of supply for projects,” Rietema downaslowaspossible.Again,everydollar stated. counts,everydollarmatters.”
In his address at the as national security, foreign the PNCR’s Presidential opening ceremony on June policy, and the necessity for Candidate for the next 28,Nortonlaidouthisvision biometrics and a clean General and Regional forGuyana,whichhetermed voters’ list for the next elections.
Heexplainedthattheoilandgasindustry Moreover, he explained that the is a very volatile market which results in company’saimistoimbueavaluefocusthat limited control over revenues by oil everydollarmatters. companies.
“Every week, we get together as a
As such, he noted that Exxon focus on leadership team and we talk about the value being as efficient as possible and having the thatwecreateandwehavesomethingcalled lowestcosts. value spotlights where we spotlight even
Rietema elaborated on the concept of savingofafewdollarsbutit’sreallytodrive breakeven, which refers to the average oil a culture where everyone takes price required to pay back the investment responsibility within the organization for and achieve a return He stated that valueandlooksforopportunitiestoincrease ExxonMobil aims to have the lowest cost value, we say every dollar counts,” Rietema projects, positioning them advantageously said.

a “CONTRACT WITH general election His This decision solidifies GUYANA.” He said, the emphasis on these areas, he Norton’s position as the party will, “put people first saidreflectstheparty’sfocus central figure leading the and will utilize the resources on ensuring a fair and secure party into the upcoming of Guyana to achieve the electoral process and elections. ultimate goal of providing a m a i n t a i n i n g r o b u s t The elections for other high quality of life to the internationalrelations. key party positions also took people of Guyana through The congress, spanning place during the congress. the direct and indirect three days, was not only a Shurwayne Holder was retransfer of resources to our platform for discussing the elected as Chairman, while people, to educate them, party’s internal matters but Vinceroy Jordan and support their mobilization of also served as a forum for Elizabeth Williams-Niles resources to work, and for addressing national issues. were re-elected as Vice investment with the aim of Delegates engaged in Chairpersons Elson Low alleviating and ultimately debates on the motions was elected Treasurer, and eradicating poverty while brought forth, which the counting of votes for the simultaneously resulting in included calls for racial fifteen-member Central the sustainable development unity, the implementation of Executive Committee is of all communities and Norton’s people-centered ongoing.

Aubrey Norton
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL)
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
ExxonMobil and cost carousels
ThereisamethodtoExxonMobil’smeasuresrelativeto project expenses. It may seem like madness to the unlearned,buttheAmericanoilbehemothskillsatkeeping itsGuyanaoilpumpprimedarenevermoreobviouswithwhat isgoingonintheunbelievableoiltreasurestorehousethatisthe StabroekBlock WhenGuyanesethinkthattheyaremaking headway with tens of US billions in expenses repaid, ExxonMobilkeepstheconcertgoing Itisanotheroilproject put into the bucket for deficient Guyana which is severely incapacitated Thecompanyisnotonlystrikingitrich,almost withludicrousease,withoneunderwaterreservoirafteranother pursued Butitcouldn’taskforaweaker,morecowardlygang of national political leaders to partner with it and remove all localobstaclesthatstandinthewayofitsprogress
At the end of 2023, ExxonMobil has recovered about US$19B out of US$29B, it has spent/invested so far The recoveryorrepaymentofover65%ofExxonMobil’sinvestment ordinarily would be good reason for Guyanese to relish the thought of more oil money coming to them The 75% cost recoveryconditionfromthetopofoilrevenuesservesasahuge drainonthiscountry’spieceofthehalfandhalfprofit-sharing arrangement Now,insteadofamereUS$10Bamountduetobe recovered by ExxonMobil, a new project is in the works ExxonMobil knows how to keep the pot boiling with those multibillion US dollar oil projects rolling in with little spacing betweenthem Thewell-namedseventhproject,Hammerhead, is sure to drive a nail into the head of whatever thoughts Guyaneseentertainedaboutabiggerpaydayduetoalower amount owed to ExxonMobil. This is how this slick American oil company keeps its Guyana oil wheels wellgreased,sothatitsprofitsjustclimbingtonewerheights.
Presently,thecostoftheHammerheadprojecthasnotbeen releasedmayevenbestilltobefinalizedbythecompany Itis strangeforacompanywiththefinancialsmartsofanExxonMobil not to know with some degree of confidence how much HammerheadwillrequireittoinvestinGuyana Itcouldbethat ExxonMobilisplayingaroundwiththebillions,whiledeciding howmuchistoomuchtoslaponGuyana Weatthispublication takethispositionbecauseofthisso-calledAmericanoilpartner thatGuyanateamedupwith Evenacursoryglanceattherecord willshowthatmanyofitsactionshavenotbeeninspiringinterms ofhowmuchitiscommittedtohonestandtransparentdealings with Guyana Project expenses are one such area, audit findings another, the number of new barrels of oil discovered,thenumberofbarrelsofoilpumpeddaily(auditors stonewalled), and the company’s general contract dealings have all been found wanting Considering all this, what Guyanesehaveisnotatrustedoilpartner,butadangeroushigh seas pirate In the manner of the pirates of old, and if ExxonMobilhasitsway,Guyanawouldbeslashedandsavaged andtotallyseveredfromanyprofitableparticipationinitsoil patrimony ExxonMobilhasbeenthatbrutal,thatdepravedly indifferenttotheeconomicdamageithasbeen,andisdoing,in Guyana.
ThisHammerheadoilprojectsimplyhelpstheexpense ball to go on rolling, while ExxonMobil has an extended opportunity to kick Guyanese all over the place. The government of this country is so asinine, so whipped into shape by ExxonMobil that it continues to approve new oil projects while seriously handicapped in managing those that already exist Leaders in the PPP/C Government have themselvesadmittedrepeatedlythatGuyanaishamperedbyits capacity voids Yet, the same weak-kneed leaders have no problem with going through the motions with a questionable approvalprocessandhandingExxonMobiloneprojectafterthe otheronaplatter Thepoliticalgurusplaygameswiththemselves as if Guyana is making strides in reducing cost recovery obligations and building capacity, while the opposite is happening. There are too many projects running simultaneously;toofewGuyaneseeyesaremonitoringthe projects. And,whilethereisthismiragethatthebillionsin costobligationsarereduced,newbillionsareaddedleaving Guyanesehighanddry
Is Nigel Hughes the ExxonMobil candidate?
DEAREDITOR, I am compelled to express my profound concern regarding Nigel Hughes’s recent election as leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) and his refusal to immediately denounce ExxonMobil whileclearlyprioritizinghis personal business interests over the welfare of the Guyanesepeople.
M r H u g h e s ’ relationship with Exxon is notjustamereassociation, butit’saglaringconflictof interest. His law firm’s
office in Houston, Texas, the heart of Exxon’s operations, is a stark reminder of where his loyaltieslie.
He cannot, in good conscience, position himself as a presidential candidate for the people of G u y a n a w h i l e simultaneously serving Exxon’s interests, even at thisstage. These dual roles are fundamentally incompatible and betray the trust of the Guyanese electorate
Being embedded within
Exxon might offer Mr Hughes certain professional advantages,butthedemands of national leadership require an unyielding commitmenttothepeople. The national fight against exploitation by powerful foreign entities necessitates his full and undividedattention.
Divided loyalty is simplyunacceptable
The presidential aspirations of any candidate cannot coexist with the interests of an oil giantthathasitsownagenda.
The Controversies of Cricket in the
Politics and cricket, the ultimate but unavoidable combination,isnotaunique or unorthodox mix with drinks, but an unending conversation when Guyanese congregate to imbibe intoxicants, critique the critics and entertain the entertainers. The men’s ICC T20WorldCupTitlehasjust concluded in Barbados, but the fever follows the West Indies team as they tour England. Then, the cavalier type cricketers return to the WestIndiestosmashbatand ballforthe2024CPLgames as the Guyana Amazon Warriorswilldefendthetitle.
Asthecricketfinalwas playing out in the field, politics was having a field daywiththeAFCandPNC delivering yorkers and smashing aces as they defended the avoidance of paralyzing the game with bravadooverboredomand with the convenience of cancelling candidacy, comesintoplay
A walk over seems inevitableandbadweather is not to be blamed as the ground umpires do not have to resort to the third umpire to juggle, finagle orfumbleforaresult
It was hallelujah and bacchanal time for those castigated, chastised and criticized as “mentally lazy,” proved that their metal was made of steel, and, their mental stamina wasnotlatentbutlive,last S a t u r d a y a t t h e K e n s i
overspilled in Barbados to leave a lamentable and laughable hangover from patriots and patrons partying the whole night It was a nail-biting finish, s u s p e n s e p e r h a p s suspending the adrenalin and spectators crossing fingers as they hang on to the edge of their seats or stoodup,toonervoustobe
still and eyes glued to bowlerandbatter!
Perhaps, what will go down as ‘the catch of the year,’ may prove to provide the pivotal penultimate point, when S K Y ( S u r y a k u m a r Yadav), caught the ball by the rope, bowled by Hardik Panday who was defending 16 runs in the lastover SKYthrewittothe sky, jumped out of the boundary and back in to catch the ball again to dismissthedangerousDavid Miller from South Africa. Guyanese see everything through the lens of politics while using the race eyes, and, the nostrils to smell the scentofdiscrimination.
Did the sports world desire, depend and deserve the Indian and South African teams to end up in the finals so that, the insatiable crave of the bookies will influence the placement for high stakes in betting, winningorlosing?
It was déjà vu for Rohit Sharma and his side as they reminisced on Kapil Dev’s catch and the Indian players when, the underdog India, defeated two-time champion, Clive Lloyd’s WestIndiesteam,towinthe coveted 1983 World Cup Series played at Lord’s HavingwontwoODIWorld Cups, two T20 World Cups, and two ICC Champion Trophy titles, India has established herself as an alltime world leading contender and challenger in the game of cricket and can classify herself as ‘the’ and not‘a’cricketicon.
Founded by the Cricket Board of India in 2007, the IPL(IndianPremierLeague) has outgrown all other cricketseriesintheworldto be the most sought-after franchise series to play by cricketers throughout the world.
It is the most lucrative,
Mr Hughes must make a choice Will he prioritize the welfare of the Guyanese people, or will hecontinuetoserveExxon’s interests? The people of Guyana deserve a leader w h o s e l o y a l t y i s unequivocallytothem,free from the influence of powerfuloilcorporations.
Anything less is a betrayal of the public trust and an affront to the principles of good governance
lavish and luxurious series organized to attract all the best players internationally, to join their ten teams to display their skills in the game of Twenty20 format, while receiving handsome payments.
This has not failed to attract the green eyes of enviousness and, has even caused the interruption of some players failing to represent their respective country or team because of IPL commitment which holdsaspecialpriority Indiaisveryresourceful, having being blessed with a population of over a billion to choose her cricketers, her cup is never saturated with talent.
Her difficulty lies in choices.
Unlike the West Indies, choices are free and fair and nottaintedwithfavoritismor overlooking the obvious choice.WestIndianselection is garlanded with glorious uncertainties and decorated with questionable decisions.
There is always the aftermath of pointing fingers, resorting to the blame game and punching holes.
Attheendoftheday,it’s the game that suffers, some players’ talents are suppressedduetofrustration from being ignored and the prideofthefansisdented.
Though India is historically grounded in the principle of truth and nonviolence through Gandhi’s teachings and her rich ancestry of philosophy and religion, sports and entertainment have catapulted the nation from a less sedentary stage to migrate to more rigorous activity
Bollywood is now s y n o n y m o u s w i t h Hollywood Transforming from colonialism to c o m m e r c i a l i s m , a democracy fueled by capitalism, the servants
defeated their masters at their own game on their home turf in England in 1971.
India never looked back with their caps now feathered and blazed a trail featuring from Gavaskar to Tendulkar, Bedi to Bumrah, Kapil Dev to Dhoni, GangulytoGambir,Srikhant to Sewag, Kumble to Kohli and the melody is unstoppable and gets sweeter Calypso, soca and chutney,allrevereGavaskar, “theLittleMaster.”
How were the venues “fixed” for the ICC T20 2024? Barbados is also referred to as “Little England” but has a 300,000 population with less than 8,000 of Indian origin Was there a c o m p r o m i s i n g anticipation for a certain
having defeated Pakistan in 2022.
Although Guyana has lessthanamillionpeople, Trinidad and Jamaica have over a million each, with Trinidad having a high proportion of Indian descendants C
controversially political CARICOM Day is being
Monday in July in the Caribbean
y politics and economics, provide the necessary hat-trick for cricket to survive in the West Indies
Former CARICOM Chairwoman, Mia Mottley, recently noted that, “there must be space for all, regardless of who wins and wholoses”.
How ideal for politics andcricket!
Yoursrespectfully, JaiLall
Guyanese Court should take a cue from US Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Immunity
DEAREDITOR, The US Supreme Court handed down a landmark ruling on July 1st on Presidential or Chief Executivepower Theruling should be studied by Guyanese lawyers and our judicial system in Guyana –High Court, Appeal Court andCCJasthefinalcourt.As in other precedent setting cases,theUSSupremeCourt re-established itself as the arbiter of all legal disputes involving powers and as the institution that determines powersofthethreebranches of government (Executive, Legislative,andJudicial). Leavingoutthepartiesin

the case, the US Supreme
President – immunes the Chief Executive from prosecution for official acts and denies immunity for unofficial acts. The apex courtgavesomespecificsof what are official acts but largely has left it up to the lowercourttodecidewhatis an official and an unofficial act The litigant, Donald Trump, has been given immunity for many of the charges for which he was indicted and was awaiting trial for alleged criminal misconduct. His indictment has been remanded back to
ideological lines depending on the President who appointedthem.Democratic President appointed judges tend to render ruling that favors Democrats and
appointed judges render ruling that favors the Republicans.
The court ruled 6-3 in favour of Trump. All six judgeswhoruledinTrump’s favour were appointed by Republicans with Trump appointing three of them during his four years in office The other three

judges were appointed by a President who was a Democrat.
The ruling has been far reaching,demonstratingthat a court could restrict or expand the powers of a President. The main take away from the ruling is that the court decides on the
compositions of the court expanded powers of the Chief Executive while some
restricted the powers of the President. President George Bush Sr., for example, said he had line item veto on budgeting and by extension
legislation The Supreme Court disagreed and denied himthatpower
The Chief Executive of Guyana has enormous powers, more powerful
sovereign Some of the powers are contradictory
Lawyersshouldtestthe court especially on powers
exercised by the Chief Executive regardless of which party in office Judges should decide
Executive should have such extraordinary powers especially that the people were never given an opportunity to decide on thepowersofthePresident a
government Citizens and local governments should seek judicial intervention whenever they feel that their powers have been usurped The people and local governments (NDCs) should have maximum
Executive) should have leastpowers
Yourssincerely, VishnuBisram

Israel orders Palestinians to leave southern Gaza area after rocket fire
(BBC) - Palestinians have been fleeing in darknessafterIsraelordered large areas east of Khan Younistoevacuate.
The Israeli military has orderedPalestinianstoleave a wide sweep of land to the east of the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis after rockets were fired towards Israel.Peopleintheareafirst received audio messages tellingthemtoleave,before the Israeli military posted a messageinArabicrepeating thewarningtosocialmedia.
Witnesses say many peoplearealreadyfleeing.
It comes after about 20 rocketswerelaunchedinthe heaviest such attack in months, with a number intercepted and others landing in open areas with noinjuriesreported.
PalestinianIslamicJihad (PIJ) said it launched the barrageinresponsetoIsraeli “crimes” The latest evacuation order covers the area around the European hospital to the south-east of Khan Younis Staff has begun moving some key equipment to Nasser
hospitalinKhanYounisand somestaffandpatientshave alsoleft,localreportssay Elsewhere, fierce fightingcontinuedforafifth day in Shejaiya in the north ofGazaandanIsraelisoldier was killed in the southern Rafaharea.
On Sunday, Israel’s primeministersaiditstroops were engaged in a “difficult fight” across the entire Palestinianterritory
The Israeli military launched a campaign to destroy Hamas in response to an unprecedented attack on southern Israel on 7 October,duringwhichabout 1,200peoplewerekilledand 251 others were taken hostage. More than 37,900 people have been killed in Gaza since then, including 23 over the past 24 hours, according to the territory’s Hamas-runhealthministry
On Monday morning, sirens sounded in Israeli communities near the Gaza borderfence,manyofwhich have been evacuated since the7Octoberattack.
The Eshkol Regional Council later reported that

18 rockets were launched towards areas it governs, according to the Jerusalem Post. Most landed in open areas, but one fell “in the area of Kibbutz Holit’s fence”, it said Another rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defencesystem,itadded.
The Times of Israel

reported that Monday’s barragewasthelargestfrom GazasinceJanuary,whenat least 25 rockets were launchedtowardsthecityof Netivot.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF)saidthelatestrocket-fire had come from the southern Khan Younis area and that its artilleryhadstruckthesources Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that artillery strikes on Monday killed one civilian and wounded several others in the town of Khuzaa, whichissouth-eastofthecityof KhanYounis
Israeli warplanes had also targetedastreetinShejaiya,in the east of Gaza City, and an area north of Nuseirat refugee camp,incentralGaza,itsaid Hamas’s military wing meanwhilesaiditsfightershad targetedtwoIsraelitankswith explosive devices in Shejaiya. TheIDFsaidinastatementthat its troops had “eliminated numerous terrorists in closequartersencountersandlocated large quantities of weapons” during raids in Shejaiya Air strikes had killed about 20 others and destroyed weapons manufacturing and storage facilitiesinthearea,itadded
A battle has raged there sinceThursday,whenIsraeli troops went back into the areafollowingwhattheIDF said was “intelligence indicating the presence of terrorists and terrorist infrastructure” Over the weekend, residents said the assault had left bodies lying in the street, while the IDF said two Israeli soldiers had been killed in combat in northernGaza.
The UN agency for Palestinian r
(Unrwa) said up to 80,000 people in Shejaiya and surrounding areas had been told by the IDF to evacuate
andheadsouth,butthatthey were bein
hed westwards because they could not pass through Israeli checkpoints in the WadiGazaarea.
“The Israeli army has completely destroyed the neighbourhood,” a woman from the neighbouring Tuffah district told BBC Arabic’s Gaza Lifeline programme “Along with others,Ifledasshellsrained down around us. We moved from one area to another until we managed to escape the neighbourhood But manyresidentsweretrapped and unable to leave,” she added.“We are experiencing hunger, fear, killing, displacement, and total destruction.”UNofficialssaid thehumanitariansituationwas becoming increasingly desperate for Palestinian civiliansinGaza
Palestinian fighters have regrouped in several northern areaswhichwerethefocusof the Israeli ground offensive in thefirstthreemonthsofthewar
Rafah has been the main focussinceearlyMay,andthe IDF believes it has now degraded the capabilities of three of the four Hamas battalionsinthecity
Some of the estimated 10,000peoplestillinthecity told Reuters news agency thatIsraelitankshadpushed further into western and central areas on Monday, a day after they reportedly moved to within 1km (0.6 miles) of the Mediterranean coast. The IDF meanwhile announced that one of its soldiers had been killed in combat in southern Gaza on Monday It provided no further details about the incident, but Hamas said earlier that its fighters had blown up a booby-trapped
house in Rafah after luring Israelitroopsintoit.
Inanotherdevelopmenton Monday, the head of al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City was releasedaftersevenmonthsin Israelicustody DrMohammad Abu Salmiya alleged that he was tortured in custody Israel deniesmistreatingdetainees
OnSunday,PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu told a cabinet meeting that Israeli forces were operating “everywhereintheGazaStrip” and killing “dozens of terrorists”everyday “Thisisa difficult fight that is being waged above ground, sometimes in hand-to-hand combat, and below ground as well,”hewarned
“We are committed to fightinguntilweachieveallof our objectives: eliminating Hamas, returning all of our hostages, ensuring that Gaza neveragainconstitutesathreat to Israel and returning our residents securely to their homes,” he added Unrwa’s directorofplanning,SamRose, told the BBC from Nuseirat camp that the humanitarian situation was becoming increasingly desperate for Gaza’s22millionpopulation, three quarters of which is displaced “People need water, people need healthcare. It’s getting hot here, it’s 35 degrees [Celsius], the stench of sewage, the lack of solid waste management facilities, the area is essentially becoming a dumping site [for rubbish],” hesaid.
“Fuel isn’t coming in in adequate quantities through the crossing points.Without that, incubators cannot work,thewaterwellscannot work Doing the most simple of things is a real struggleforeveryone.”
Palestinians have been fleeing in darkness after Israel ordered large areas east of Khan Younis to evacuate
Who’s for Guyana?
Ali and Jagdeo don’t want to talk about oil.
Norton wants to talk about oil on his terms (which are no terms at all).
Now newAFC leader, Nigel Hughes, will inform Guyanese where he is with oil if he is elected president.
Who is for Guyana?
Which leader is all about oil?
Who in Guyana is for Exxon, but possibly double-crossing Guyanese?
$32M in contracts awarded to upgrade kitchen, bridge at Amerindian Hostel
The much needed ofaconcreteaccessbridgeat This publication had upgrade and extension of the theresidencewasawardedto previously reported that the bridge and kitchen at the contractorIMSConstruction Committee of Supply of the Amerindian Residence on & Logistics Services to the National Assembly earlier Princes Street, Georgetown tuneof$18,979,015.
will be executed through the Whilethecontractforthe approximately $73 million Ministry of Amerindian extension of kitchen at the for repair and construction Affairs for approximately facility will be done byADL works to be executed at the $32million. Investmentfor$13,904,816. AmerindianResidence.
A c c o r d i n g t o Kaieteur News had As reported this year, information obtained from reported that these works
the National Procurement came as result of calls by allocated some $9 billion and Tender Administration residents of the hostel for a
Board(NPTAB)website,the section of the building to be development programmes contract for the construction rehabilitated. andprojects

Section of the Amerindian Hostel on Princes Street, Georgetown.

During the consideration this. to the roof, replacing of o
t Responding to the doors at the male and female Estimates for the Ministry of question, Minister Sukhai dorms, the dining hall door,
, said the budgeted allocation
Opposition Member of of$25millionwillseemajor washroom, repairs to the Parliament (MP), Dawn works being done at the female dorms front step, and Hastings-Williams had facility repairs to the floor on the asked the subject Minister, She went on to explain newwingamongothers. Pauline Sukhai whether that these works would There, it was mentioned there is any rehabilitative include electrical and too that some $48 million works slated for the plumbing maintenance, will go
Amerindian hostel. She also repainting of the internal construction of the concrete enquiredabouttheamountof building for both concrete bridge and the extension of money allocated towards andwoodensurfaces,repairs thekitchen.

Specious arguments are being made
A silly debate has emerged about whether the newly-elected Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) is in a conflict of interest because ExxonMobil is client of his firm. Some persons have sought disingenuouslytoimportthe definition of the politician being a politically-exposed persontoclaimthatthenew Leader of the AFC is in a conflictofinterest.
This is an absurd conflation or relationship.A personisnotnecessarilyina conflict of interest by virtue of being a politicallyexposed person Every Minister of the government is considered as being a politically exposed person but they are not necessarily in a conflict of interest by virtue of being politicallyexposedpersons.
Itisthespecificsituation that dictates whether a person is in a conflict of interest. The Leader of the AFC has pointed out that Exxonisaclientofhisfirm. Thus, when it comes to matters and decisions concerningExxon,itisclear that the Leader of the AFC willfindhimselfinaconflict ofinterest.Butthereisaway out of this: by excusing himself or by not participating in the decision concerningtheoilcompany
Many years ago, it was reported that a matter concerning the friend of a former President had come before Cabinet. The matter
concerned the privatization of a state enterprise. It was knownthatthePresidentand thepersontowhomtheasset was being sold were friend.
The then President said that heexcusedhimselffromthe deliberations. If he did so, it wouldhavebeenbecausehe recognized that he would have been in a conflict of interest in him participating in a decision that involved theinterestsofhisfriend.
In other words, it is specific situation that arises that places someone in a conflict of interest. Not by virtue of the person being a politically-exposed person or being known to the person.
It does seem however that we are in the season of fig leaf politics in which all manner of specious arguments are being used as ammunitionagainstpolitical rivals.
TheAFCleaderdoesnot hold a government office as yet.As such, at that level he is not in any potential conflictofinterest.Butifhe assumes a position in parliament, he could find himself in a potential conflict of interest if he attemptstospeakaboutorto i s s u e s i n v o l v i n g ExxonMobil.
The same principle applies in relation to his party’s position on issues that involve his client. In ordernottobeinaconflictof interest, he would be required to recuse himself
from any discussion, within his party, that relate to the interests of the oil companies.
This does place him at a major handicap The oil industry is the major economic sector in Guyana and is the main engine of economic growth. For any leader not to be able to be involvedineitherhisparty’s or government’s position on this sector, because of an e x i s t i n g b u s i n e s s relationship, is a handicap andonewhichthedelegates should have considered whennominatingcandidates forleadershipoftheAFC.
Butthedealisdoneand what one expects now is ethical conduct in the manner in which potential and actual conflicts of interestaredealtwith.There are laid down rules which apply, including as mentioned before, recusing oneself from consideration of matters which involve, both directly and indirectly, aclient.
The government is no paragon of virtue when it comes to conflicts of interest.Therewasaglaring instance which surfaced recently and which was publicized in the press. The matter even formed part of arguments in court, except that the argument should have been made after the actual conflict of interest situation arose rather than before.
De path not chosen
Yuhgottahavegutsfuh doderightthing.Butsome peopledoeschoosedeeasy road. Easy road does lead to nowhere good. Dat’s exactly wah de Pee N Cee and dem Coalition boys dem choose after March 2020 elections Five months ah pure chaos and confusion.
Anybody coulda stand up and the Pee N Cee Congress and and seh, “Look, we mess up. We sorry.”
But nah, dem nah do dat. Instead, dem hold on tightlikecrabtodeadfish. Democracygetthreatened.
De whole country
wasfoundtobeinaconflict of interest. It was ruled by the Court that the person shouldhaverecusedhimself fromthematter
A conflict of interest is inherently situational and occursataparticularpointin time. It is not a static or perpetual state but rather a condition that arises under specific circumstances where personal interests could or do potentially interfere with professional dutiesordecisions.
A potential conflict of interestexistswhenthereisa p
interestscouldinterferewith theirprofessionalorpolitical
responsibilitiesinthefuture. Potentialconflictsofinterest are based on hypothetical situations where a conflict might arise but has not yet materialized.
On the other hand, an actual conflict of interest occurs when an individual’s personal interests directly i
professional or political duties, impacting their objectivity or decisionmaking The conflict is present and affects the individual’s professional or political responsibilities at a specificpointintime.
Itisimportanttoseparate the arguments which have been speciously made

recently Bybeingelectedas a leader of a political party, theelectedpersonbecomesa politically-exposed person. Butthisfactinitselfdoesnot automatically place the individual in a conflict of interest.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the a
not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Dem boys seh, when yuh mess up, yuh gat fuh apologize. But dem boys from Pee N Cee, dem play deaf and dumb. Dem nah want fuh hear Dem nah wantfuhtalk.Dempretend like everything nice and sweet. But de people nah stupid. De people see de truth. De people feel de pain.
Distance yuh self from de wrong? Dat woulda
watchin’ , waitin’ , wonderin’ wah gon happen But dem boys from Pee N Cee, dem nah budge. Dem stand firm in dewrong. Imagine if somebody stand up in front ah de Congress and seh, “We shame. We disgrace we self.Wedisgraceweparty We disgrace Guyana.” Dat woulda been a hero right deh. But nah, nobody ain’t daredodat.Dempreferfuh play hide and seek wid de truth.
been de right thing. But dem boys choose fuh stay close, close like skin on bone Five months ah nonsense, five months ah torment.Alldemhadtodo was seh, “We sorry We wrong.”
Demboysseh,heronah born,heromade.Andindat five months, we ain’t see no hero. We see people whocaremore‘boutpower than principle. More ‘bout positionthanpride.DePee N Cee had de chance fuh make things right. Dem had de chance fuh stand tall. But dem choose fuh crawl. Sometimes yuh gotta stand up even if yuh standin’ alone. Sometimes yuhgottaadmityuhwrong, evenifithurt. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.

President Ali - help on the way
It is my difficult duty to from their own cavalier Dr President, compliments landsfacedown. Indogturd, find it in himself to bring His Excellency, putdown of others, and that of the English: If a cat could of all offensive things. How humble himself and President Dr Mohamed tone deaf streak that trips lookataking… President Ali responded to submit. Remember:even IrfaanAlibacktoearth. theirfeet. I acknowledge that it is a that question spoke so much catcouldlookataking. Ora

H e h a s g o t t e n Stretching to my full strange one to put before a about what is rank and self-styled emperor given to consider to be pushovers, comfortable, even more than height, and with every president, especially one offensive anywhere, is preening pomposity Or a parasites, and even punks. a shade haughty, riding confidence that right is on whonowthinksofhimselfin indefensible. presidentmadeofputty On further consideration, I astride Guyanese, as though my side, a humble word of kinglike proportions A It stands at the heights Like putty combined withdrawpunks. he is Julius Caesar and some counsel is placed at the young reporter asks a and is impregnable, no with the environment and But once an inquiry is colossus. president’sfeet. question of an almost as matter whatever raucous elements,thereisahardedge raised respectfully, then it is Colossicrumble,oftenin My counsel is built on a young head of state, and the representations either His to Guyana’s head of state. imperative that the national their own lifetimes. It is a truth held sacred by latterloseshishead. Excellencyorhisplatoonsof Uneasy lies the crown on his leader responds with product of their own countless millions down He trips over his feet panting sycophants care to head. Why is that so, Mr. identicalrespect,ifnotmore. arrogance, with an assist through the years. Here it is, through verbal excess and submit. President Ali must President?

Why more? Because a What dark secrets are president is held to that harboured, must be highest of standards: he containedthereasamatterof governsforthepeople,atthe life and death. Even with behest and pleasure of the lashing out at the tender, people Notwithstanding vulnerable. how whimsical appearing in President Ali should the eyes of the president. Or know that parents are hauled discomfiting, according to into ignominy for going the calculations of that overboard with young leader offspring when they are
President Ali may found unpredictable, consider his elevation to his
, a n d high office as ranking him uncontrollable. alongside supreme deities.
In the times that we live, Such would be the level of spare the rod and spoil the the piteous state to which he child went out the window has condemned himself. I from 40 storeys up take the pain of sharing with President Ali is guilty of President Ali that the treating himself, after first presidencyisnot,andshould having spoiled himself. If a notdegrade,tothepugilistic, catcouldlookatking… as beautiful as that sweet After this third rendition, scienceis. it is time that sublime
And even that savage English saying involving a sport does have the feline be revealed. It has its constraints of its rules. Self- own native wisdom, its discipline must rule the day unchallengeable standing even when goaded into For the edification of frenziedfury
Guyana’s bristling, bustling, I think that President and brawling man at the Ali’s recent royal tumble helm. indicated that that vital self-
Oh,andalsoforthepeace discipline fostered by self- of mind of Guyanese going control is the farthest about their business in rustic consideration in his runaway faraway paths, in humble mind. hamletsandchiccapitals.
Please, sir, do not let the
When a cat could look at trappings of office obscure akingthatrightisinviolable, the demands of impeccable and if it clashes with the oversight. divine rights of the man who
Tothedignityofcitizens. would make himself a king
To the dereliction of self- (Irfaan Ali) and actually regard To the present believes that he is God come t r a n q u i l i t y a n d down to Guyana (President uncontroversialposterity Ali), then the right of that cat
If President Ali is to ask a question takes consumed by only listening precedence. to his own voice, and
In human terms, and probablyotheronescrawling since Excellency loves to aboutinnoisycompetitionin serenade the world that his overcrowded head, then Guyana is a democracy [and the help that I extend to him not a monarchy], a peasant is never going to be enough. can ask a question of the Professionals are more president, regardless of who apropos. theheadmanis.
For the last time: if a cat
A pauper can dare to could look at king, then it is table a question of a the insanity of unwisdom to president, no matter how the kick it without cause, commander-in-chief may be withoutthinking. fullofhimself.
(The views expressed in President Ali may have this article are those of the difficulty with this, but the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t right to ask questions of an necessarily reflect the elected Chief Executive is opinions of this newspaper.) also due to citizens he may

Sod turned to construct $208 million Monkey Mountain Secondary School
Minister of Education,
The ministry reported current Grade Six children Priya Manickchand on that currently, students from be educated in the Monday turned the sod to these communities have had community pending the commence the construction
completionoftheschool. ofthe$208,282,809Monkey
s A resident from the Mountain Secondary School secondary education, often community expressed, inRegionEight. facing logistical challenges “Now that we will have a
Kaieteur News reported duetothelimitedavailability brand-new secondary school that in June, the National ofschoolsintheregion. constructed right in our Procurement and Tender
The Minister further village, our children will be Administration Board made mention of the holistic able to get educatedfrom the (NPTAB) officeawarded the approach of the project, nursery level right up to $208 million contract to K’s mentioning that alongside secondary and I can speak Trucking & Construction theschool,provisionswillbe for most parents when I say
made for a teachers’quarters that we can now die happily competitivebiddingprocess. to accommodate staff, given seeing the development of
The ministry in a release the remote location of our village.” Kaieteur News said that the project is part of Monkey Mountain This had reported on Sunday that a broader effort by the measure aims to attract and the NPTAB awarded $407.6 government to expand retain qualified educators, million in contracts for the
construction of Monkey educationacrossthecountry, delivery of quality education Mountain and Kopinang aligning with its goal to tostudentsinthearea. Secondary Schools in achieve universal secondary K a
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand (pink hat) and other officials on Monday turning the sod to commence the construction of Monkey Mountain Secondary School. (Photo courtesy, MoE)

w s RegionEight. educationby2025. understands that residents of As reported previously,
The Monkey Mountain M o n k e y M o u n t a i n the ministry has embarked Secondary School when exp
on an aggressive programme completed is expected to gratitude, anticipation and to ensure that the nation’s
TarukaandTusseneng. ministry shared that training the importance of the new cater to the educational appreciation for the new children have access to The project includes also of teachers is currently school, stating that it will needs of students from the school and the relief it will secondary education by provisions of facilities such ongoing and more teachers alleviate the burden on communities of Monkey bring to their families. It was
Mountain, Taruka and
were identified to begin
Information Technology lab, training for the secondary
reported too that the secondary schools across the
Tusseneng The complex residents chose to let their country and a library— ensuring that level.
will also have a teachers’ students have access to
During the simple sod accommodating an average quarter and a small modern learning resources turning ceremony, Minister 250
dormitory for the children of upon completion The Manickchand highlighted students.

CDEMA and regional and international partners to assist countries affected by Hurricane Beryl
The Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency Coordinating Unit (CDEMA CU) released a statement on Monday announcing their commitment to assisting its participating states threatened by Hurricane Beryl. Beryl is the regions’ first major hurricane of 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, with active hurricane warnings continue to be in effect for Barbados, St. Lucia, Grenada, St. VincentandtheGrenadinesandTrinidadandTobago.
In response to the threat posed by Hurricane Beryl, the press release stated that, “CDEMA activated its Regional CoordinationPlanonJune29,2024,willcontinuetomonitor the progress of Hurricane Beryl and remains committed to supportingitsparticipatingStatesduringthistime,”
Thedecisiontocoordinateaplanandassistthestateswas made following a meeting by the Caribbean Development Partners Group (CDPG), which convened over 166 representatives from local, regional, and international agencies. Plans were discussed in preparation for the Categoryfourwindstorm.
The meeting was co-chaired by CDEMA’s Executive Director, Elizabeth Riley, and the United Nations Resident CoordinatorforBarbadosandtheEasternCaribbean,Simon Springett. The meeting also saw the participation of key stakeholders, including Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell of Grenada, as well as National Disaster Coordinators and Ministers who provided updates on the activation of National Emergency Operation Centers, logistics, communications, and relief and response to the levelofimpacts.
The participating states include Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, SaintLucia,St.VincentandGrenadines,Suriname,Trinidad andTobago,TurksandCaicosIslands,VirginIslands.
GPF kicks off 185 anniversary with customary church service

The Guyana Police Force, on Monday a Guyanese assumed command. Since then, kicked off a month long of activities to the Force’s anniversary has been h celebrate its 185 anniversary with its commemorated with a church service traditional Drum Head Church Service. The featuring a unique activity known as padding service was held at the Police Officers’Mess of the drums. The tradition involves an Annexe, Police Headquarters, Eve Leary, elaborate display of drills and the precise Georgetown. arrangement of several musical drums on the
During his address, Deputy ground.
Commissioner Calvin Brutus said that, Subsequently, there were prayers from a “Some person who are here for the first time number of ministers and those in attendance were seeking directions, but, we are still here were led into an intense hour of worship and inGuyana.Whatwearedoingismodernizing praise by a number of worship leaders and the Force and under the strategic pillar of accompanied by the police band. There was infrastructure,werealizethisfacility.” also a sermon and several rounds of prayers
Giving a little history about the offered. institution, he said on July 1, 1839 the then In closing, Brutus thanked all those in British Guiana Police Force was established attendance for coming and being a part of the in colonial British Guiana. Its leadership first anniversary activity, wishing them well consistedofmilitaryofficersuntil1969when fortheotherstocome.
Fire ravages several buildings in Bush Lot, ECD
A fire of unknown origin on Monday evening destroyed approximately five buildingsatBushLot,WestCoastBerbice.
A preliminary report from the Guyana FireServiceisthatfirefighterswerealertedof thefireatapproximately18:03hrsonMonday night.
“Theblazehasaffectedfivebuildingsand is being tackled by twenty firefighters, who have the fire surrounded with Water Tender #90 from Onverwagt, Water Tender #106 from Mahaica, and Water Tender #74 from NewAmsterdam,”theFireServicereported.
Kaieteur News understands that among the buildings on fire was the Nalico Nafico Insurancebuilding.

Scenes from Monday’s Church Service.
Scenes from the fire at Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice.
(Photo courtesy, Latchmin Azeez)

Diletta Doretti is newly appointed World Bank Group Representative for Guyana

As of Monday July 1, 2024, Diletta Doretti is the newly appointedWorldBankGroupRepresentativeforGuyana.
The appointment is aimed at unifying country level leadership across the institution in order to facilitate better support for the country’s public and private sector priorities. This was disclosed by the World Bank via a statement on Monday
The newly created position is to provide a single point of contactforfullaccesstothefullbreadthofWorldBankGroup productsandservicesandwillenhancetheinstitutions’ability to address global challenges, and drive development with speed,efficiency,andimpact.
“OurgoalistoincreaseoperationsinGuyanaandhavinga unified leadership to partner with the government and the private sector will ensure that we can deliver impactful results,”saidDoretti.
“We are exploring key sectors including agribusiness, tourism, education, access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as transportation and logisticsinfrastructure.”
The World Bank Group is working in Guyana to advance human capital having a particular focus on education and strengthening climate resilience to flood risk management. Since Doretti, previously led the engagement of the World Bank Group with Guyana’s public sector it is only fitting that she will now be responsible for deepening and managing the partnershipwithGuyaneseauthoritiesandtheprivatesector Doretti will also be developing integrated solutions that spanbothsectorstoensuretheeffectiveimplementationofthe WorldBankGroup’sengagementframeworkinGuyana.
The World Bank said that, “Since joining in 2002, Doretti has held various positions at the World Bank, including as Senior Private Sector Development Specialist for the World BankWestAfricaregion,basedinMali.
She has extensive World Bank experience, including country engagements and developing strategies for private sectordevelopment,entrepreneurship,andinnovation.”
The introduction of joint country representation is an important step towards building a strongerWorld Bank Group Guyanaisoneof21WorldBankGroupofficestransitioningtoa single World Bank Group Country Manager or Resident Representative for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
Havingaboldvisiontocreateaworldfreeofpovertyona livable plant, the World Bank provides in over 100 countries financing,advice,andinnovativesolutionsthatimprovelives by creating jobs, strengthening economic growth, and confronting the most urgent global development challenges. TheWorldBankGroupisoneofthelargestsourcesoffunding andknowledgefordevelopingcountries.
It consists of the World Bank, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA); the International Finance Corporation (IFC); the Multilateral Investment GuaranteeAgency (MIGA); and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). For more information, please visit www worldbank org , www.miga.org,andwww.ifc.org.
Newly appointed World Bank Group Representative for Guyana, Diletta Doretti
Reg. 9 teen killed by drinking buddy
An18-year-oldfarmermethisdemiseon was stabbed in the view of their 12-year-old Sunday afternoon, after he was allegedly siblingandanotherrelative. stabbedintheregionofhischestwithaknife “Well I (King’s sister) was home and I by his drinking buddy The murder occurred receivedacallfrommychildfatherthatJoao at Aranaputa Valley, North Rupununi, died,” the sister said, whilst adding that her Region Nine. The dead teen has been smallerbrotherwascrying.Sherevealedthat identified as Joao King, a resident of upon arrival on the crime scene, she saw AranaputaValley,NorthRupununi. King’s body on the ground, with a crowd
Duringaninterviewwith Kaieteur News, aroundhim. a 25-year-old sister of the deceased, [no “He (King) was just lying there, with a name provided] related that her brother was stab[wound]onhischest,”thesistersaid. stabbed sometime between 17:15hrs and Thereafter, she said the suspect 18:00hrs, while he was by his neighbour attempted to flee the scene, however was imbibingalcoholwiththesuspect. apprehended, and is currently in police Whilst the reason for the argument is custody The grieving sister noted that her unknown, King’s sister highlighted that an brother’s death was unexpected and left the argument started, which resulted in the familyinastateofshock. suspect arming himself with a knife and Meanwhile, a senior police officer stabbingKingonceintheregionofhischest. confirmed that investigations into the matter
The woman also claimed that the teen arecurrentlyongoing.
Govt. to pay for supermarket space for local agro products - Pres. Ali
President Irfaan Ali has forlocalentrepreneurs. Additionally, the said that his government’s P r e s i d e n t A l i government will actively p l a n t o p u r c h a s e e m p h a s i z e d t h e investinsecuringshelfspace supermarket shelf space for government’s dedication to and branding opportunities local agro-products both supporting the agricultural on international and regional internationally and industry and harnessing its platforms This strategic regionally fullpotential. approach aims to enhance
President Ali made this He stated, “There has t h e v i s i b i l i t y a n d announcement during the been no time like this, where accessibility of local G u y a n a M a r k e t i n g we have invested so much in products to a broader Cooperation (GMC) Annual agriculture and in realizing consumerbase. Awardceremony,lastweek. the full potential of President Ali noted the
During his feature agriculture. This sector has importance of maintaining address, President Ali enormous potential to create high-quality standards and underscored that the entrepreneurs and to create increasing production to government is committed to business.” To achieve this match the investment made enhancing brand visibility objective, the President by the government He and ensuring that locally stated that the government asserted that, “We are ready produced goods occupy intends to incentivize local to make that investment, but prominent positions in supermarketstoprominently that investment must be supermarkets. He noted that display locally sourced matched with our readiness this significant step aims to products, ensuring they are to up our quality, up our boost the agricultural sector not placed to the back production, and to be and maximize its potential shelvesinsupermarkets. sustainableatit.”

Teen driver hospitalised following two-car collision

18-year-old, Rondell Robinson

silver/grey Toyota Allion in GPHC where he remains, the vicinity of the Massy with injuries to his head and Stores Mini supermarket arm.The 18-year-old is alive Rondell Robinson, an which left both vehicles butstillunconscious. 18-year-old mechanic from badlydamaged. The individual that took Bachelor’s Adventure, East The driver of the Allion, theyoungmantothehospital Coast Demerara, was rushed with licence plate ‘PTT also made sure to hand over to the Georgetown Public 1444’, along with any his untouched personal Hospital by a public-spirited passengers that may have belongings, including citizen after colliding with been accompanying him, money and jewellery, at the another driver along the fled the scene of the incident hospital, but left before Felicity Public Road immediately, and is still at Robinson’s family arrived. between 22:00hrs and large. It is alleged by the Unfortunately, the Toyota 23:00hrsonSundaynight. familyofRobinsonthatthere Carina was stripped of T h e d r i v e r a n d were several empty alcohol several parts by the time the passengers of the other containers in the rear family visited the scene of vehicle are said to have fled passengerareaoftheAllion. theincident. thescene.
According to his family, An investigation is Robinsonwasdrivinghis a passerby rescued an currently underway at the silver/grey Toyota Carina unconscious Robinson from Sparendaam Police Station; ‘212’ along the highway his wrecked vehicle shortly however,detailsareyettobe when he was involved in a after the incident occurred released by the Guyana head-on collision with a and escorted him to the PoliceForce.

The empty alcohol bottles found in the grey Toyota Allion.

Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call: (592) 610-6650.
Porter to work in warehouse and Canter driver. Experience is an asset, attractive salary. Call: 673-7373.
Night Watchman needed. Call: 648-4108/ 614-7567.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
Two Canter driver, Must have a valid driver's license and at least 2 years experience. Call: 644-7088 / 6247248.
Single male seeks a live in Domestic partner, ages 1838, light housework, salary: $60,000. Call: 603-9085.

Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) A/C rooms from $75 usd/$40 usd day rate WIFI, secure parking & poolside. Contact: 264-29469 / www.aracariresort.com

We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport & i130 application forms. Call: 6267040.

Fully furnished 4 bedrooms apartment @ Campbellville Georgetown. Hot & cold water , AC, Remote gated. Call: 624-74736.
Ecuador capital struck by magnitude 4.2 quake
Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.
Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. Call: 645-8443
Sand truck Driver needed, Sand pit to Eccles. $5,000 per trip, plus monthly incentives. Call: 621-5282.
One Pedicurists for home service in East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Land dredge Workers, Jet men & cook. Contact: 6883844.
Male Janitorial Workers, Handymen, Housekeeper and Canter Driver with lorry license needed. Call/ WhatsApp: 609-2220. Email: square1solutions@outlook.com

Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music & food. Contact: 264-2946-9.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Canter truck, great for mobile vending, 2019 December, RHD with 54,500 KM. Arrived in Guyana December 2023. Contact: 676-5051.
1-3rd floor concrete building, 3200 sq ft. Call: 2239677/ 677-3467 8am-4:30 pm.
One Vacant plot of land at 9 Railway & Sandy Babb street Kitty, 5000 square ft, Corporate use. Call: 6198101.

3 Bedroom flat house in Tuschen & High income property in Providence. Call: 644-9333 / +1 (917)771-5202.

QUITO, Ecuador (AFP)—
A magnitude 4.2 earthquake shook Ecuador’s capital Quito on Monday, cutting off power in some neighbourhoods but causing no immediate casualties or significant damage, the country’s geophysics agency announced.
The epicentre of the quake, which struck at a depth of nine kilometres (5.6 miles), was located 8.49 km from Quito, the geophysics institute said on social media net-

work X.
Residents ran out of their homes into the streets when the tremor struck just after midnight local time, footage released by Ecuador’s emergency services department showed. Some neighbourhoods of the capital Quito were plunged into an electricity blackout, Quito mayor Pabel Munoz said in a post on X.
“The airport, metro, landfills, water production plants and landfills” suffered no sig-
nificant damage, he added.
Quito residents said on social media that they felt strong shaking and some reported cracked walls.
The quake was also felt strongly in at least two provinces neighbouring Pichincha, where the capital is located, according to the Geophysical Institute.
Fifteen people were killed when a strong 6.5 magnitude earthquake hit Ecuador’s southwestern border region with Peru in March 2023.

AUnitedNationshuman rights working group says former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has been arbitrarily imprisoned in violation of international law
In an opinion issued on Monday, the Geneva-based UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention said the “appropriate remedy would be to release Mr Khan immediatelyandaccordhim an enforceable right to compensation and other reparations, in accordance withinternationallaw”.
“[The] working group concludes that his detention had no legal basis and appears to have been intended to disqualify him from running for political office.Thus,fromtheoutset, that prosecution was not grounded in law and was reportedly instrumentalised for a political purpose,” the UN working group said in theopinion,whichwasdated March 25 but only made publiconMonday
Video Duration 01 minutes39seconds01:39
The group, made up of five independent experts, whose opinions are not binding but carry reputational weight, said Khan’slegalwoeswerepart of a “much larger campaign of repression” against him and his Pakistan Tehree-e-
Khan’s supporters chant slogans during a protest against the Election Commission of Pakistan, in Karachi [File: Fareed Khan/AP]

Itsaidthatintheleadup tothe2024generalelections, members of Khan’s party were arrested and tortured and their rallies were disrupted. It also alleged “widespread fraud on electionday,stealingdozens ofparliamentaryseats”.
commented on the opinion yet. The country’s election
commission denies the February elections were rigged.
Since his removal as primeministerinApril2022, Khan, 71, has been entangled in more than 200 legal cases and imprisoned since August last year He calls the cases politically motivated and orchestrated by his political enemies to keephimfrompower.
In April this year, a Pakistani high court suspended Khan and his wife’s 14-year prison sentences in a corruption case. Khan also had another 10-year sentence for treason overturnedthismonth.
ButheremainsinAdiala jail, south of the capital Islamabad, over the illegal marriageconviction.
Rana Sanaullah, an adviser to Prime Minister
Shehbaz Sharif, last week said“thegovernmentwilltry tokeephimlockedupforas long as possible”, according totheAFPnewsagency
Analysts say Pakistan’s powerfulmilitary,whichhas ruled directly for decades and wields immense power, is likely behind the slew of cases.Khanwasoustedbya parliamentary noconfidence vote after falling out with the top generals
whohadoncebackedhim. He then waged an unprecedented campaign againstthemandaccusedtop army officers of conspiring inanassassinationattemptin which he was shot during a political rally in November 2022. The military rejected theallegation.
Khan’s brief arrest in May 2023 sparked nationwide unrest, which in turn prompted a sweeping crackdown against his PTI partyanditsseniorleaders.
PTI candidates were forced to stand as independentsintheFebruary general elections, although candidates loyal to PTI still secured more seats than any otherparty
However,theywerekept from power by a broad coalition of parties considered loyal to the military
On Friday, Pakistan’s lower house of parliament denounced a United States’ congressionalresolutionthat called for an independent investigation into allegations that Pakistan’s elections this year were rigged. Though Pakistan’s governmentexpressedanger over the US resolution, Khan’spartyhailedit,saying itsvictoryintheelectionwas converted into a defeat by the country’s election commission
Tax hike protests in Kenya killed at least 39 people, says rights watchdog
(Aljazeera.com) At least 39peoplehavebeenkilledin recent anti-government protests in Kenya, says the national rights watchdog, as activists gear up for a new roundofproteststhisweek.
The toll, announced on Monday by the Kenya National Commission on HumanRights(KNCHR),is almost double the figure previously disclosed by the government for those killed while demonstrating against a raft of unpopular tax increasesthathavenowbeen withdrawn.
KNCHR records indicate 39 people have died and 361 havebeeninjured“inrelationto the protests countrywide”, the state-funded body said in a statement, adding that the figures covered the period fromJune18toJuly1.
Itaddedthattherehadbeen 32 cases of “enforced or involuntary disappearances” and627arrestsofprotesters
Largely peaceful anti-tax

rallies – led by mostly young Gen-Z protesters – descended intoshockingscenesofdeadly violence last Tuesday when lawmakers passed the contentiouslegislation.
After the vote was announced, crowds ransacked the parliament complex in centralNairobianditwaspartly set ablaze as police fired live bulletsatprotesters
It is the most serious crisis to confront the government of President William Ruto since he took office in September 2022 following a deeply divisive election in a nation often considered a beacon of stability in a turbulent region In a televised interview on Sunday, Ruto said that 19 people had died
in the protests, but insisted that he did not have “blood onmyhands”andpledgedan investigationintothedeaths.
TheKNCHR“continuesto condemninthestrongestterms possible the unwarranted violence and force that was inflictedonprotesters,medical personnel, lawyers, journalists and on safe spaces such as churches, medical emergency
centres and ambulances,” the rightsbodysaid “Wemaintain that the force used against the protesters was excessive and disproportionate.”
Thewatchdogalsosaidit “strongly condemns the violent and shocking acts of lawlessness that was exhibited by some of the protesters” including the parliament and other governmentbuildings.
Fresh protests have been called by activists starting from Tuesday despite Ruto announcinglastweekthathe would not sign into law the bill containing the tax hikes
Leaflets have been posted on social media with the hashtags “Occupy Everywhere”, “Ruto must go” and “Reject Budgeted Corruption”.
Kenya’s cash-strapped
government had said previously that the tax increases were necessary to service the massive public
debt of some 10 trillion shillings ($78bn), equal to roughly 70 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) The International MonetaryFundhasurgedthe country to implement fiscal reforms in order to access crucial funding from the Washington, DC-based lender. Ruto had already rolled back some tax measuresaftertheprotests began, prompting the treasury to warn of a gaping budget shortfall of 200 billion shillings ($1 6bn)
In Sunday’s interview, Ruto had warned that the government would have to borrow heavily following the decision to scrap the financebill.
Analysts say the president’sU-turnonthetax laws has left him severely weakeneddomesticallywith hisadministrationdividedin its response and his opponentsrejuvenated.
Protesters scatter as police spray water canon during a protest in downtown Nairobi [File: Brian Inganga/AP]

Girmay first black African to win Tour de France stage
BBC Sport - Biniam Girmay made history as the first black African to win a Tour de France stage as MarkCavendishwasheldup byalatecrashontheruninto Turin.
In a reduced sprint finish, Eritrea’s Girmay powered to victory, with Colombia’s Fernando Gaviria and Belgium’s Arnaud de Lie in second andthird
All the pre-race talk
had been around whether Cavendish could claim a record 35th stage win, but acrashjustover2kmfrom the line on the 230 8km route from Piacenza left many riders - including the Manxman - out of position
Meanwhile, Richard Carapaz became the first Ecuadorian to wear the yellow jersey based on accumulated finishing positions over the first
three stages, with Tadej P o g a c a r , R e m c o Evenepoel and Jonas Vingegaard also on the same time as the EF Education-EasyPost rider
emotionalGirmay, 24 - who won his first Grand Tour stage at the Giro d’Italia in 20

“I would say thanks to God for everything, for giving me all the strength andsupport,”Girmaysaid.
“SinceIstartedcyclingI was never dreaming to be partoftheTourdeFrancebut nowIcan’tbelieveit.Iwant to say thank you to my family, my wife, Eritrea and Africa.
“Wemustbeproud.Now we are part of the big races andhavesuccess.Nowisour moment, now is our time. ThisforallAfrica”
Tuesday July 02, 2024
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult ta
u t
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour f
y lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
(Ecu/EF E
EasyPost) 15hrs 20mins 18secs
2 Tad
(Slo/UAE Team Emirates) 9hrs53mins30secs
3 Remco Evenepoel (Bel/Soudal-Quick-Step) Sametime
4 Jonas Vingegaard (Den/Visma-LeaseaBike) “
4 Richard Carapaz (E
Cavendish and his Astana-Qazaqstan teammates were on the right side of the road as riders jostled for position in the closing stagesoftheraceandthe39year-old said he was just happy to emerge unscathed, having crashed out of the race12monthsagoonstage eight.
“Something was going to happen,” Cavendish said “You could feel it but you didn’t know where or when. I heard it happening ahead so you’re on the brakes, you skid and you waitforsomebodytohityou frombehind.
“Thankfully we were OK and I don’t think anyone was seriously hurt. You don’t want anybody to crash but I don’t think anyonewasseriouslyhurtso that’s very good news. We didn’t sprint but we’re safe andthat’sthemainthing.”
Today, the race heads into the Alps as the Tour takes in the mighty Col du Galibieronthemountainous
139 6km route from PinerolotoValloire.
1 Biniam Girmay (Eri/Intermarche-Wanty) 5hrs26mins48secs
2 Fernando Gaviria (Col/Movistar)Sametime
3 Arnaud de Lie (Bel/LottoDstny)“
4 Mads Pedersen (Den/Lidl-Trek)“
5 Dylan Groenewegen (Ned/Jayco-AlUla)“
6 Phil Bauhaus (Ger/Bahrain Victorious) “
7 Fabio Jakobsen (Ned/DSM-firmenichPostNL)“
8 Davide Ballerini (ITA/Astana-Qazaqstan)“
9 Sam Bennett (Ire/Decathlon-AG2R La Mondiale)“
10. Bryan Coquard (Fra/Cofidis)“ General classification afterstagethree
1 Richard Carapaz
6 P
(Spa/Bahrain Victorious) +21secs
7 Guillaume Martin (Fra/Cofidis)Sametime
8 E g a n B e r n a l (Col/IneosGrenadiers)“
9. Jai Hindley (Aus/Red BullBora-Hansgrohe)
10 Aleksandr Vlasov

Gauff breezes into Wimbledon second round as rivals fall
AFP - Coco Gauff breezedintotheWimbledon secondroundyesterdaywith a straight-sets victory over US compatriot Caroline Dolehide after seeing two potential semi-final rivals exitthetournament.
Second seed and US Open championGauff came through 6-1, 6-2 in just 64 minutes on Centre Court, avoiding a repeat of 12 months ago, when she was dumpedoutinthefirstround by fellow American Sofia Kenin.
Earlier yesterday, thirdranked Australian Open champion Aryna Sabalenka withdrew from the tournament with a shoulder injury
Eighth-seeded Zheng Qinwenwasknockedoutby

New Zealand qualifier Lulu Sun.
Both women were in Gauff’s side of the draw andpotentialopponentsin thelastfour
“Wimbledon is the place where I believed that the dream was possible,”saidGauff,who
made her breakthrough at the tournament in 2019 whenshereachedthefourth round as a 15-year-old qualifier
“I’ve played on a lot of big courts but every time I play here I feel even more nervous evenmorethan inaGrandSlamfinal ”
Paolini, Sakkari and Kasatkina make strong starts
BBC Sport - French Open runner-up Jasmine Paolini, ninth seed Maria Sakkari and Eastbourne champion Daria Kasatkina were among the early winners in the first round of the women’s singles on day oneatWimbledon.
Seventh seed Paolini, who lost to world number one Iga Swiatek at Roland Garroslastmonth,hadgone out in the first round on her three previous visits to SW19.
However, the 28-yearoldItalianwasacomfortable 7-5 6-3 winner over Spain’s SaraSorribesTormo.
Sakkari defeated world number 119 McCartney Kessler of the United States 6-36-1oncourt12.

Jones makes history as first Jamaican to sign for U.S. professional volleyball league
SportsMax - In a groundbreaking move for Jamaican volleyball, Aiko Jones has signed a professional contract with the Atlanta Vibe, becoming the first Jamaican-born player to join the Volleyball Pro League in the United States Jones, a 6-foot-2 opposite hitter, has had an outstandingcollegiatecareer at the University of Louisville in Kentucky and issettomakehermarkinthe professionalarena.
The Atlanta Vibe, a professional indoor volleyball teambasedinAtlanta,Georgia, competesintheProVolleyball Federation
Theybegantheirjourney in the league’s inaugural 2024 season and play their home games at Gas South Arena in nearby Duluth Jones’additiontotheteamis expected to bolster their roster, bringing her extensive experience and dynamicplayingstyletothe professionallevel.
Jones, born on August 12, 1999, in Kingston, Jamaica, attended Wolmers Girls’ School where she excelled not only in volleyball but also in athletics,particularlyinfield events.
Hervolleyballjourneyis a continuation of a family legacy, as her parents, broadcaster Paula-Anne

Porter-Jones and Dr Thaon Jon Jones, also excelled in the sport “Playing professional volleyball had been a goal of mine since I stepped foot on that court at Marescaux Road. Signing this contract is just another steptowardsthatgoal.
TheworkcontinuesandI amreadytocontinuetogive my all, ” she told
Sportsmax.TV She first hinted at the developmentonsocialmedia “What are the odds I signed myfirstprofessionalcontract inthesamestadiumIstoodin front of #CardNation for the firsttime?”JonespostedonX onSunday Duringhertenure withtheLouisvilleCardinals, Jones developed into a formidableforceonthecourt In 2023, she earned AVCA All-East Region honors and was named to the All-ACC SecondTeam
Playing in 112 sets, she
Aiko Jones
recorded 249 kills with a hitting percentage of .260, along with 15 assists, 27 aces, 147 digs, and 86 blocks Her season-high performance included 13 killsagainstFloridaState. The previous year, Jones was a key player for the Cardinals, being named to the Final Four All-Tournament team, the All-Louisville Regionalteam,theAVCAFirstTeam All-East Region team, and the All-ACC First Team She played in all 119 sets, amassing300killswitha 268 hittingpercentage
She led the team with 44 aces and contributed significantly on defense with 108totalblocks,scoringatotal of 401 points for the season Jones is currently pursuing her master’s degree in communications,continuing to balance her academic pursuits with her athletic career
The 28-year-old said: “I’vebeenstrugglingalittle bitinGrandSlamsinthelast couple of tournaments, you know, with first-round losses. So that was in my mind.
“But I feel like today I wasbraveandstrongenough tojustovercomethatfear.”
Itwasawelcomevictory for the world number nine from Greece, who had been knocked out in the first round on five of her six previousGrandSlamsingles appearances.
Russian 14th seed Kasatkina dropped only threegamesina6-36-0win over Zhang Shuai of China and cou
e Lily Miyazaki in the second round, if the British player beats world number 73 Tamara Korpatsch of GermanylateronMonday US Open champion
Coco Gauff is scheduled to play third on Centre Court against fellow American CarolineDolehide,butthird seedArynaSabalenka-who was also due to play on Monday - has pulled out of the tournament with a shoulderinjury.

Osaka wins on first Wimbledon appearance since 2019
BBC Sport - Naomi Osaka said it “feels like a dream” as she made a winning return on her first appearance at Wimbledon forfiveyears.
The four-time Grand Slam champion came through 6-1 1-6 6-4 against DianeParryoncourttwo.
Japan’s Osaka returned to the tour in 2024 after givingbirthtoherfirstchild, daughterShai,ayearago.
The 26-year-old, who is now ranked 113rd in the world, was injured in 2022 and also missed the 2021 tournament while taking time off to deal with mental healthissues.
Competing as a wildcard, Osaka raced through the opening set in just 22 minutes, firing a series of winners past French21-year-oldParry Her level dropped in the

second set, though, as Parry quickly levelled and the worldnumber53twicewent a break up in the deciding set. But Osaka, who has never been beyond the third roundatSW19,foughtback andthreedoublefaultsinthe final game from Parry provedherdownfall.
“I’m reallyexcitedto be here and it’s funny, Wimbledon was the first
tournament I watched after pregnancy and my daughter’s turning one tomorrowso,I’mreallyglad tostillbehere,”saidOsaka.
“I wish I could say I enjoyeditallthetimebutmy heart was racing a lot. But, you know, I feel like these are the type of matches that youkindofhavetoplayjust in order to ease into the tournament.”
Naomi Osaka is making her fourth appearance in the main draw at Wimbledon. (Reuters)
Quick work: Coco Gauff celebrates winning against Caroline Dolehide. (Glyn KIRK)
Jasmine Paolini won a singles match at Wimbledon for the first time in her career. (PA Media)
U.S. Olympic Trials: Sha’Carri Richardson falls short short of qualifying
Yahoo SportsEUGENE, Ore.
Sha’Carri Richardson knew shewasbeaten.
The American sprinting sensation throttled down as she approached the finish line, conceding that she didn’t have enough energy lefttochasedownanyofthe threewomeninfrontofher Gabby Thomas proved the class of the highly anticipated women’s 200meter final at the U.S. OlympicTrials,comfortably claimingfirstplaceinatime of 21.81 seconds. Brittany Brown and McKenzie Long also punched their tickets to Paris on Saturday by finishing second and third, respectively
Richardson settled for fourth place in 22 16 seconds, dashing her hopes ofattemptingasprintdouble in Paris later this summer She already established herself as a favorite for Olympic gold in the women’s 100 when she dominated that event during the opening weekend of Trials.
As Thomas, Brown and Long shared a joyous hug aftercrossingthefinishline,
for Paris in women’s 200
Richardson was gracious in defeat.Sheplasteredasmile on her face and clapped for h e r P a r i s - b o u n d countrywomen.
How does Richardson feel about focusing only on the100inParis?Didherlegs get heavy on Saturday after running three rounds of the 100 and three rounds of the 200ineightdays?
Only Richardson knows those answers. She did not talktoreportersonSaturday just like she hasn’t throughoutOlympicTrials. It was no surprise to see Thomas claim victory inthewomen’s200
That race has long beenherspecialty Thomas won bronze at the Tokyo Olympics in the 200 and upgraded to silver at last year’s world championships. Then she chose not to run the 400 last weekend at Trials to make sure her legs were fresh for hersignaturerace.
“Sitting out the first part of Trials took a lot of discipline and patience so that I can run a really good 200,” Thomas said “It was really, really hard for me to watch those

400s I was here in Eugene, just kind of training through it. But I think ultimately it was the rightdecision.”
That Richardson was also unable to catch Brown and Long qualifies asabiggershock
The 100 may be Richardson’s best race, but she won a bronze in t h e 2 0 0 a t w o r l d championships last
summer Her time in Saturday’s final was slower thanthesub-22-secondraces sheproducedintheOlympic
Trials first round and semifinals.
Brown and Long both ran fast enough that Richardson would have needed to be at her best to overtake either of them Long said she dug deep over the last 60 meters
and kept reminding herself, “Don’t break yourformnomatterwhat.”
When Long crossed the finish line, it was a bittersweet moment for the recent Ole Miss grad Sweet because it meant she had qualified for

Bitterbecauseherlate mom wasn’t there to witnessit.
Long’s mother died unexpectedly of a heart
attack at 45 right before the track season started Long has run in memory of her mother eversince
“Crossing that line, knowing that I’m an Olympian now, is so surreal, ” Long said, fighting back tears “I know my mom is smiling from cheek to cheek, I
know she’s proud of me That’s all I could ever want.”
Among those who had an inkling that Long would make the Olympic team wasThomas.Shesaid she had a dream on Friday night that she and Long wouldfinishtopthree.
Told that Long would have liked to have known ahead of time, Thomas laughed
Said the 200 meters champion with a smile, “I didn’t want to jinx anything ”
JAAA prepares contingency plans ahead of Hurricane Beryl to protect Olympic athletes’ training programmes
Sportsmax - With
Hurricane Beryl barreling
towards Jamaica and expected to make landfall later this week, the Jamaica Athletic Administrative
Association (JAAA) is proactively looking at ways to mitigate potential disruptions to the training programmes of Olympic athletes.
The athletes, who secured their spots on Jamaica’s team for the 2024 ParisOlympicsjustthispast weekend, face the looming threat of the hurricane’s
strong winds, which exceed 100 kph. These conditions could lead to blockages on roadways and significant damage to training sites, hamperingtheathletes’final

preparations for the global competition,whichkicksoff injustoverthreeweeks.
JAAAVicePresidentIan F o r b e s s p o k e t o Sportsmax TV about the association’s plans to address any significant disruptions caused by the hurricane. “One has to try forecast and plan ahead as best as possible,” Forbes said.
“A lot of that would possibly be done on a case-by-case basis, so in terms of contingencies, we have facilities Once they are accessible, they will be allowed full access, the main one being the NationalStadium forthelocalsandevensome of the overseas athletes who might, for want of a better term, be trapped here because of the inclement weather So certainly, full accesswouldbegranted.”
Forbes also mentioned other potential sites that
“There are some other sites that could be called upon to facilitate, for ex
mple, GC Foster College, possibly UWI,
, Calabar, and Kingston College, those places withsyntheticsurfaces.”
within the JAAA are still in the preliminary stages, with a meeting scheduled soon to address all these issuescomprehensively
“We are going to be meeting in a little while so all those issues will be
s added The association’s contingency measures are geared towards providing the best possible support to the nation’s athletes as theygearupforoneofthe most significant sporting eventsintheworld.
With Hurricane Beryl barreling towards Jamaica, the Jamaica Athletic Administrative Association (JAAA) Is proactively looking at ways to mitigate potential disruptions to the training programmes of Olympic athletes.
Gabby Thomas competes in the 200m at the US Trials.
Gabby Thomas won the 200m.
Belgium-born Antum Naqvi receives maiden Zimbabwe call-up
ESPNcricinfo - Batter
Antum Naqvi has received his maiden call-up for Zimbabwe for the fivematch T20I series against India in Harare His inclusion, however, is subject to confirmation of hiscitizenshipstatus.
Zimbabwe recalled allrounders Wessly Madhevere and Brandon Mavutafortheseriesafterthey completed their suspension fordruguse Experiencedfast bowler Tendai Chatara, who lastplayedtheT20WorldCup AfricaQualifier,alsofounda spot after being left out of theseriesagainstIrelandand Bangladesh.
Mainstays Craig Ervine, SeanWilliamsandRyanBurl, aswellasJoylordGumbieand Ainsley Ndlovu, were all dropped The five players werepartofZimbabwe’smost recent T20I assignment - an away series in Bangladesh whichtheylost4-1
Naqvi, 25, rose to prominenceatthestartofthe year, when he became the first player to score a triple century for any Zimbabwe team in representative cricket He scored an unbeaten 300 for Mid West Rhinos in the Logan Cup, and also captained them in just his second year in domestic cricket in Zimbabwe A top-order

Antum Naqvi: from Belgium to Zimbabwe, via Australia. (Zimbabwe Cricket)
batter, Naqvi boasts of a strikerateof146.80inseven T20matches.Hewasbornin Brussels, Belgium to Pakistani parents, and moved toAustralia when he was four, where he earned a commercial airline pilot’s license. He put his aviation career on hold, as per BBC Sport,topursuecricket. Zimbabwefailedtomake thecutforthejust-concluded T20 World Cup 2024, and are aiming to re-build under new head coach Justin Sammons. The intention is reflected in the average age of the squad to face India27. Captain Sikandar Raza,
38, is the most experienced player in the squad with 86 T20Is, and allrounder Luke Jongweisthesecondwith63 T20Iappearances. Zimbabwe squad for the men’s T20I series against India: Sikandar Raza (captain), Faraz Akram, Brian Bennett, Johnathan Campbell, Tendai Chatara, Luke Jongwe, Innocent Kaia, Clive Madande, Wessly Madhevere, Tadiwanashe Marumani, Wellington Masakadza, Brandon Mavuta, Blessing Muzarabani, Dion Myers, Antum Naqvi, Richard Ngarava,MiltonShumba
National Schools Basketball Festival (NSBF) 2024 off to a blazing start
The National Schools Basketball Festival (NSBF) 2024 commenced with electrifying action on Sunday at the National Gymnasium. Bishops’High andSaintStanislaussecured semifinal victories in the Boys U14 category, while Queen’s College narrowly defeatedMarianAcademyin theGirlsU14division.
The 2024 Festival bounced off with two Boys U14 matches, The Bishops’ High School from Georgetown dominated Berbice’sSkeldonLinePath (SLP)witharesounding46point victory Kemol Pickering was the standout performer,scoring18points and grabbing 8 rebounds.
India’s women break multiple records in astonishing Test match against South Africa
CNN - So astonishing was the first innings of the TestbetweenIndia’swomen and South Africa’s women that multiple new entries needed to be made into cricket’srecordbooksbythe time India had declared on theseconddayofplay
In posting 603 for six beforedeclaringinChennai, Indiascoredthehighesttotal in women’s Test cricket and became the first to surpass the 600-mark in first-class cricket, according ESPN’s cricinfo.
The opening day’s 525 for 4 was the most runs scored by any team, men or women, in a day’s play of Test cricket, and the first 500-plus total on day one in women’sTestcricket.
Shafali Verma was the standout performer in an unforgettable start to the one-off encounter, scoring 205 for the fastest double century in women’s Test history.Shealsobecamethe firstwomantohitmorethan 200 runs in a day in a Test matchand,aged20yearsand 152 days, the secondyoungest woman to score a Testdouble-century
Her partnership of 292 runs with Smriti Mandhana

is the highest opening stand in women’s Test cricket
Another partnership, between Harmanpreet Kaur a n d R i c h a G h o s h accumulated 143 runs, the highest fifth-wicket stand in women’sTests.
“Today, the ball was coming on well and my scoresinthelastthreeODIs pushed me to just think one thing, that I shouldn’t get out and I should play
through the day,” Shafali said,percricinfo.
“Sotheideawastoback my strengths, take some time, and find a way to stay atthewicket ” In response, South Africa were still behind India’smammothtotalafter posting 266 runs in its first innings and reaching 232/2 initssecondinningsonday three with play still ongoing
Windies Masters in the running to host O40s & O60s World Cups
performance against a weakerWestDemeraraside. MarianAcademyoutplayed their opponents, emerging victors with a 34-23 win, thankstoMarionFiedtkou’s impressive 21 points and 6 steals.
The Girls U14 category featured a close contest between Queen’s College and Marian Academy, with QCsecuringa12-10victory Ricelle Fowler played a crucialrole,scoring8points to help QC squeeze pass Marianby2points.
The action continued with two gripping Boy’s U18 matches Marian Academy’s U18 Boys team came strong against West Demerara, after a painful loss in the previous U14 encounter Marian however
Aman Daniels and Malik Williamscontributed12and 8 points, respectively, leading Bishops’ to a commanding 51-7 win over SLP In another Boys U14 matchup, Saint Stanislaus edged pass School of the Nations in a tightly contestedgame,winning1715. Josiah Lee and Joel Cutting were pivotal for Saints,scoring9and3points respectively
Thefinalgameoftheday saw Skeldon Line Path’s U18 boy’s team triumph over St. Rose’s High with a score of 33-27 Key contributorsincludedDavon Davis with 10 points and 7 steals, Keeshan Gajraj with 9pointsand7rebounds,and Isaac Rogers with 8 points and8rebounds.
The 2024 NSBF is sponsored by Edward B. Beharry Limited and GBoatsGuyana.
The festival continues daily from 2:00 PM at the NationalGymnasium.
Masters Association (CWIMA)hasbeenselected as a potential host for the O40sandO60sWorldCups bytheInternationalMasters Council (IMC) Once successful, the tournaments are scheduled to take place in the West Indies in 2025 and 2026. In recent years, various age-group World Cups have been held in different countries across the globe, serving as a platform to promote the masters’game and enhance the economic prospects of the host nations through sportstourism.Recognizing the potential benefits,
CWIMA is considering hosting the tournaments in Guyana, Trinidad, or Barbados, or a combination of these locations for different zones. With the submission deadline set for July 14th, 2024, CWIMA hasreachedouttotheHeads of State, Sports, and Tourism Ministers in these countries to express their interest in hosting the prestigiousevents. While Barbados has shown significant interest, responses are still pending fromtheotherpotentialhost nations.
Having successfully organized two mini-World
CupsinBarbados,including the BIG MAN CRICKET O50sCARIBBEANCUPin November 2022 (8 countries)and the O60s BMC CARIBBEAN CUP inJanuary/February2023(6 countries), CWIMA has demonstrated its ability to host multi-nation tournaments with the support of local tourism authorities. There is a sense of optimism that the West Indies will be awarded the hosting rights for both World Cups, as CWIMA continues to champion the expansion of the game withintheregion.

Abhishek Chinnappa. (Getty Images)
ExxonMobil 5th Annual Boys’ & Girls’ Schools U14 Football Championship
Chase sinks Leonora Sec' 3-2, as Williams brace PC into Girls final
The mouth-watering semi-finalsactionatthefifth edition of the ExxonMobil Boys’ and Girls’ Under-14 Football Championship concluded yesterday at the Ministry of Education ground Chase Academic Foundation will face
Kimora Williams double (goal) sends PC in Exxon Mobil Girl’s final.
Dolphin Secondary in the Boys’ Final after securing exciting victories against Leonora Secondary and SouthRuimveldtSecondary, respectively. Defending
champions Waramuri
Primary Top narrowly defeated Bartica Secondary

inthefirstsemi-finalmatch, while President’s College edged out Santa Rosa to meet Waramuri in the Girls’ final.
Waramuri Top (Girls) managed to fend off a tough Bartica side 1-0 within the first few minutes of extra timeafteragoallessdrawin regular time during the first semi-final. The match was level at 0-0 by the end of regulation, with both teams struggling to break the deadlock With the stalemate, a seven-minute extra time was granted, during which Shenessa Thomas capitalized, scoring thesolegoalofthecontestto give Waramuri a one-goal lead.Waramurithenswitched to a defensive stance, maintaining a clean sheet to secure their spot in the 2024 final
ABoys’semi-final clash followed,Chase’sAcademic Foundation staged a
PAK stars Azam Khan, Saim Ayub denied NOC for CPL after disastrous T20 World Cup 2024

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has stopped cricketers Azam Khan and Saim Ayub from playing in the Caribbean Premier League (CPL). PCB has strengthened its stance on theNoObjectionCertificate (NOC) policy following Pakistan’s early exit from the T20 World Cup cohosted by the US and the WestIndies.
The policy restricts
contracted players from participating in more than two overseas leagues per yeartomanagetheworkload of players and prioritize national duty. Earlier, when leg-spinner Usama Mir was told he had exhausted his quota of two leagues, he argued that since he is not currentlypartofthePakistan team, he should be allowed toplayinEngland. However, he was told thatthisdecisionwasnotfor
him to make but for the board. The decision, which rests solely with the PCB, underscores the board’s determination to retain control over players’ participationininternational leagues. PCB officials have informed the cricket boards and franchises conducting T20leaguesaboutthisstand and warned them against including Pakistani players without the NOC issued by thePCB.(Cricket.One)

Chase’s midfielder receiving a cross during semifinals clash with Leonora Secondary.
sensational 3-2 comeback victory to eliminate a fatigued Leonora side in the first of two semi-final encounters. The two teams had met earlier in the group stages,endingthatmatchina draw Facing elimination, Leonora applied early pressure, but Chase AF intensifiedtheireffortsinthe second half after conceding two early goals. Chase’s AkeelYoungegavehisteam hope in the 21st minute, bringing the score to 2-1 beforeJadenTasherfiredinthe equalizer seven minutes later
Mark Glasgow delivered a brilliantstrikefromthecenter ofthepitch,securingalate3-2 lead in the 43rd minute As time dwindled, Leonora
couldn’t muster a scoring opportunity,ultimatelyfalling 3-2toChaseAcademic
The second Girls’ semifinal went in favour of President’s College PC demonstrated superior play againstSantaRosa AsKimora Williamsdelivereda matchwinning performance, scoring twice to lead her team to a 2-1 victory and advance to the final Meanwhile, Dolphin
Secondary (Boys) will now face Chase’s Academic Foundationforthe2024title after narrowly defeating South Ruimveldt in yesterday’ssemi-final.
TylerAbrams emerged as the star of the match with his precise strike in the 43rd
minute, giving Dolphin an early lead and securing their advancementtothefinal. In other matches of the day, Tucville Girls defeated New Amsterdam Girls 1-0, Charity Girls triumphed over Marian Academy 5-4, and Bush Lot Boys lost to West MinsterBoys2-1. Withthefinalistsdecided, the tournament is set for a climactic conclusion this comingSaturday(July6)atthe samevenue Thetournament issponsoredbyExxonMobil with support from DDL/Pepsi, Stena Drilling, and MVP Sports, and is sanctioned by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Youth, andSports.
Edward B Beharry supports Tennis team
HoursbeforetheGuyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA)miniandcadetteam departed Guyana for the CRTTF championships scheduled for Dominica Republic, GTTASecretary / National Coach Linden Johnson and Sports Officer A.Munroeacquiredsupport fortheplayers.
Thedonationcameinthe form of school supplies complements of Edward B Beharry&CompanyLtd.
At the National Gymnasium,CoachJohnson thanked the Sponsors and said the donation was a timely one for the students who will be using the back packs to travel to the championship.
The championships serveofffromJuly1-7.

Christian Singh (eight) of Edward B Beharry & Company Ltd hands over the packages to Linden Johnson. (ASTP)
PAK Stars Azam Khan & Saim Ayub Denied NOC For CPLAfter Disastrous T20 World Cup 2024.

Biniam Girmay also won a stage at the Giro d’Italia in 2022. (Getty Images)

Waramuri Top prevailed over Bartica to advance in 2024 final.