By Davina Bagot In this
regard, one of Jagdeo misleading
Jagdeo saying. As I said politicians have not only DNC’s objectives as a The Leader of the party Jagdeo eyes pass Guyanese allowed Exxon not to pay
T h e D e m o c r a t i c political party and during a brief telephone
people and his eyes will taxes, but refuse to ringNational Congress (DNC), government in waiting is to interview with Kaieteur continue to pass Guyanese fence the Stabroek Block officially launched in May ensure the lopsided 2016 News on Thursday argued people until we get rid of projects. 2018, is on a mission to oust Production Sharing that Vice President, Bharrat him.”
Presently, the leader of top political forces in Agreement (PSA) with U.S. Jagdeo, who manages the
When asked if he does the party is seeking the Guyana, to ensure prudent oil giant, ExxonMobil is country’s burgeoning not believe foreign investors support of Guyanese to join governance of the country scrapped. petroleum sector, has been should be granted incentives the group. The DNC is set to and its invaluable natural High on the party’s misleading the nation to attract investments in the hostitsfirstGeneralMeeting resources. agenda also is ending through his insistence that country, Sylvester explained of 202
Leaderoftheparty,Craig corruption in government the oil deal cannot be that while tax holidays are opportunities and prospects Sylvester is presently and “government-sponsored renegotiated. normal, Exxon has been to strengthen the Party as it scouring for passionate and poverty” as well as ensuring “Jagdeo has been selling allowedtohaveanunlimited p
patriotic citizens, like higher wages, pensions and us a lot of crap forever and tax holiday in the Stabroek upcoming elections. The himself, to challenge the investments in new business ever and ever and he will Blockdeal. General Meeting is to be People’s Progressive Party ideas,amongothers.Seelink continue telling us a lot of can be deterred if Guyana He reasoned, “The tax hosted at the National Civic (PPP/C), the People’s forparty’svisionforGuyana crapforeverandever.Jagdeo requests the companies to holiday is really just to Library Conference Room, National Congress Reform h e r e : and the PSA has made return to the bargaining encourage investors we on August 8, 2024, at (PNC/R) and even the https://issuu com/craigsgy/d Guyana the eye-pass of the table, this was merely an don’t have to give them any 13:00hrs. Alliance For Change (AFC) ocs/dnc brochure 2490e76 world where companies are excuse. Instead, the DNC incentive other than all of Doors closed to at the upcoming National 5f55786?fbclid=IwZXh0bg concerned because as I said Leader believes, “We are the this oil that we have out partnership with PPP/C, and Regional Elections, NhZW0CMTAAAR2RrnK there is no other country in only economy, the only there A lot of foreign PNC/R andAFC
likely to be held in v O J P s q - the world, no other government that actually did investors are actually When asked if his vision November2025. Qqsm4NRmgTz41nMupnu governmentintheworldthat that (waived all tax runningintoGuyanabecause for the country aligns with With just over a year 3Ydu8vbBUpbIfdOMxW6 would issue a contract to a payments) and so for Jagdeo they see Guyana as the next any of the popular political remaining to garner support EIqin4 aem Ac1U6l9g5gD company where that to turn around and tell us best thing where investment parties today and whether he andbuildtheparty,Sylvester -goxQWQqi8FPiM0U_zzKt companydoesn’thavetopay investor confidence is going isconcerned.” is open to partnering with told Kaieteur News it was kdtmo7HVMx GrU0e6Gcz anyincometaxes,”Sylvester to be shaken, nothing can He argued that anyone any of them, Sylvester said important for a new crop of DDBDKGu5Fme24reS0EU contended. shake investors’ confidence who understood the value of his doors are closed to the leaders to guide the nation wEFmZXchOXyZqu7Sp#g He explained that while with the amount of oil we the resources discovered Alliance For Change (AFC) downthepathofprosperity oogle_vignette the VP insists that investors haverightnow-nothing!” offshore would agree that it and the People’s National Shifting his attention to is “utter nonsense” for the CongressReform(PNC/R). the lack of ring-fencing, the company to be exempt from “Nigel Hughes has made party leader said, “They are payingtaxestothecountry the AFC an irrelevant party moving the profits from all The DNC Leader also in Guyana with his conflict ofthesewellsandpumpingit believes that the country of interest...the PNC, they into new projects...so don’t could be raking in billions haveabigblackmarkon worry too much about what more annually but the (Continued on page 3)
Ch a r t e r e d
FM that the company’s tax scampishness.” accepted by the incumbent Accountant and reportingisfraudulent. It should be noted that regime, Guyana to date has p r o m i n e n t “That is a complete not only is Exxon exempted lost over US$3B in tax
Attorney-at-Law, fraud. They do not pay taxes from paying taxes in payments from petroleum Christopher Ram has in Guyana; that’s a fraud and G u y a n a , b u t i t s companiesoperatinghere.
a c c u s e d o i l m a j o r, let me tell you why The subcontractorsaswell. Kaieteur News reported ExxonMobil of ‘scampish agreement says (at) Article The PSAstates atArticle that tax exemptions granted accounting practices’ in 15 4 of the Petroleum 15 1 that the Contractor between 2019 and 2021, Guyana as the company has Agreement says that at the (ExxonMobil Guyana according to previous been underreporting its end of the year, the oil Limited) as well as its Reports from the Auditor earnings from the lucrative companywillmakeupitstax affiliates shall not be General (AG), amount to a StabroekBlockoperations. returns (and) hand the subjectedtotax,value-added whoppingUS$2.3billion. Ramwhileappearingasa returnstotheMinister.” tax, excise tax, duty, fee, In 2019, Guyana lost guest on the Oil and Gas
Chartered Accountant and Attorney-at-Law, Christopher Ram
Areceipt is subsequently charge or impost in respect US$600 million in taxes and Governance Network’s issued to the operator, of income derived from in 2020 another US$685 (OGGN’s) weekly radio indicating that the respective petroleum operations, million;thiswasfollowedby programme ‘Oil Talk’ annual income tax was paid. property held or transactions US$1 B in tax exemptions in recently pointed out that The Chartered Accountant except as specified under the 2021 and US$541 million in while the company lists tax pointedoutthatthecompany agreement. 2022. The AG report for as expense on its financial then presents this certificate It goes on to state at 2023 has not yet been issued statement, it does not make to the United States of Article 15.4 that the sum but information from such payments to the $138,182,695,517 or does not pay taxes to the America and claims that equivalent to the taxes owed Exxon’s Annual Report governmentofGuyana. US$658M As such, the government of Guyana, in figure as a tax deduction on by the company will be paid indicates that Guyana lost Exxon’s 2023 Annual c o m p a n y r e p o r t e d accordance with the 2016 itstotaltaxliability by the Minister responsible US$658M in taxes from that
Report reflected an $614,599,677,509 or Production Sharing
To this end, Ram argued, for Petroleum to the companyalone. ‘operating profit before US$2 9B as its ‘total Agreement(PSA). “So there is no tax charge as Commissioner General of Taxes were also waived t a x a t i o n o f comprehensive income for He told viewers and represented by these theGRA. for the other Stabroek Block
$752,782,373,026 or theyear listeners of the radio financial statements It’s As a result of the deal partners, Hess and CNOOC US$3.6B and an income tax H o w e v e r, R
l signed by the former as well as the subcontractors
e x p e n s e o f contention is that Exxon Kaieteur Radio 99.1/ 99.5 skullduggeryandaccounting administration and now hiredbytheCo-Venturers.
Vice President (VP) Dr. theCaribbean. and share some of the noted that Guyana still has a Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday “…It’s disparaging of prosperity too. So that’s how responsibility to lend a said that Guyana will not be the Caribbean people to I see it evolving in the future
anATM for the Caribbean or think too that they would see as we go forward,” the vice neighbours in the Region anyone as a result of its us as an ATM,” Jagdeo said presidentsaid. when needed because they newfound oil wealth, but inhisresponsewhilemaking
While Jagdeo is open to too have assisted Guyana in investment from Guyana’s it clear that he does not his government allowing thepastespeciallyduringthe sisterstatesisstillwelcome. believetheCaribbeanpeople Caribbean nations to cash-in 2005flood.
The Vice President was are looking at Guyana this on some of Guyana’s oil
“…And then we have to responding to a question way wealth he noted that the be generous to people in our about whether he thinks “…I think they’re not. people of Guyana must region too and people who Guyana may one day be the They just want to, and they benefitfirst. suffer calamities around the ATM and financial capital of shouldbeableto,investhere
From page 2
them, they are out because they are complete liars and did a lot of stupidness with that agreement and this chap (Norton) is unwilling to make declarations where Exxon is concerned andthePNCandthePPParethesame.”
As such, he said he is open to partnerships with smaller politicalparties.
In an advertisement that appeared in this newspaper’s Thursday edition, the DNC urged citizens, “Your future, yourchildren’sfuture,yourmoneyisontheline!Ifwedon’t get this right now, we condemn ourselves to watching the PPP and PNC give our money to Exxon and company, and suffering under economic mismanagement and discrimination we have endured since independence! It’s a long road to November 2025, but it’s a road we can travel together Aswedidin2015,let’suniteandtellJagdeoandthe PPP(to)standdown!”
“You know I think we world,” Jagdeo said before have to ensure that our own lauding his previous people are prosperous first, government’s assistance to here in Guyana, wherever Haiti during its catastrophic they live -in the most remote 2010 earthquake when the parts of the country, every
Guyanese- that’s the first producingoil. orderofbusiness,”hesaid.
“We gave Haiti, in
He added too that proportion to our GDP, more money as yet, but later it’s trillion dollar budget. “The Guyana is presently not than any country in the going to get better”, the VP GYD $1.1 trillion budget making enough from its oil world,andwedidn’thaveoil reminded. that we have, less than 30% revenuetosplurgenow moneyatthattime,”hesaid.
To further enforce his is funded from all the oil
“We have to manage this According to Jagdeo point Jagdeo gave an money that we got for last wealth and we can’t splurge Guyanahadmadeadonation example of how much oil year.” now when we don’t have ofUS$1M. (Darren Hinds) money funded the 2024 Nevertheless, Jagdeo
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Guyanaisrightypresentedtotheworldasthecowthat givesandgives,withcalfaftercalfandanendlesssupplyof rich,sustainingmilk. ThisiswhatGuyana’soilhasbeenfor ExxonMobil,thecowthatcanalwaysbecountedontokeepon delivering Guyanaisanoilproducingmachinethatjustnever stopsrunning AseniormanatExxonMobilsaidsohimself, andhehasonlybeenheretwoyears Itisenoughtimeforhis brandofsuperlativedescriptionstobesharedwiththeworld
BeforePhilipReitema,ExxonMobilGuyana’sVicePresident andBusinessServicesManager,therewas“crownjewel”and “worldclassasset”and‘oneofakind’fromtopcompanypeople whowereunabletocontaintheirjoyattheirGuyanaprize
Mr Reitemajoinedthebuglersgoingatfullblast:“Onceina lifetime”andhewasnottalkingaboutanewfoundromancein his life promising eternal bliss. He was speaking of the probably incomparable profit opportunities for ExxonMobil from this country’s incredible oil wealth. Guyanese should be awash in the excitement of this ExxonMobil’sexecutive,butitcannotbewhensomanyof themarehungryandunhappy Theyaredeeplyresentfulof thehugeimbalance,thecorporatethuggerythatisnowsuch a conspicuous aspect of the Guyana-ExxonMobil royalty and profit formula and results. “WeexpectthattheGuyana projectsthatwearedoinginStabroekwillgodownasoneofthe greatestdeepwaterprojectsintheindustry’shistory” Allthe numbersfromearlierdiscoveries,andalltheexpertprojections looking ahead confirm that there is nothing compared to ExxonMobil’s Guyana oil conquest What else can it be but conquest,whatismoreaccurate,whenseniorcompanyofficials gleamwithsuchfervoroverGuyana’soil? Conquestisfurther emphasizedwhenknowledgeablepeopleinExxonMobilspeak withsuchconfidenceabout“oneofthegreatest”oilacreageof alltime,yetthereisapproximatelyhalfofthepeopleinGuyana, ataminimum,thatarescratchingaboutdaily,likechickens,in grass and brick and mud to get by. This is more than a disconnect between ExxonMobil’s Christmas Season of unendinggoodcheerandthegloomofGuyanesehard‘guava season’ conditions. Disconnect adds to the insult of Guyanese,itisadisaster,onethatisaidedandabettedbya corruptPPPCGovernmentandleaderswithneithernational sparknorpersonalself-respect. ThepeopleatExxonMobil areontopoftheworldaboutGuyana,andthecitizenswho own the wealth that the company is boasting about find themselves pushed to the bottom of the barrel. It is an economicbarrel,thebottomofwhichgrowsmorecrowded andmorethreadbare,witheachpassingday,asastrangling cost of living grips more tightly While ExxonMobil’s executivesareallsmilesbeforetheworld,Guyanesegrow moreimpatientandenragedathowthecompanyprofitsat theirexpense,ismockingthem.
In more ways than one, these investor-pleasing quotes andheadlinesfromseniorcompanyofficialsdomorethan mock Guyanese. The true oil owners are reminded of the criminal contract, which yokes them for generations, and at which they flail with intensifying intolerance Guyanese are remindedalsooftheembarrassingimpotenceofthosetheyput intoofficetorepresentthem,butwhohavesincesoldouttheir interests Theforeignersarefloatingonacloudofjoy;localsare crawlingontheirbellies Meanwhile,theirleadersaddtotheir disgust by standing alongside ExxonMobil and helping it to twisttheknifedeeperintothenation’sgut Thefirstpieceof evidence is how in a half and half partnership, ExxonMobil collectsmultiplesofwhatthiscountrygetsasitsshare Another is the secrecy that surrounds the billions in expenses that ExxonMobilclaimstohavespent,butwhichareoff-limits forGuyanesetosee. Inanybusinesspartnershipthatisrun in a clean and transparent manner, why would such concealment be even necessary? And why would the government of the Guyanese people partner with ExxonMobiltohidethatfromlocals?Undoubtedly,Guyana is a bonanza for ExxonMobil. What should have been a greatboontoGuyanesenowdepressesthem.
Guyana’s tourism industryhasalongwaytogo in developing a vibrant and attractive tourist sector As an Air bnb host, I recently had a guest from India who visited to see the cricket matches.
He recounted two horrible experiences at local casinos where different cashiers attempted to shortchange him. When he
p o i n t e d o u t t h e discrepancies, the staff becameupsetwithhim.
My guest, who has visited casinos worldwide, said he had never encounteredsuchdishonesty before.
Additionally, he noted that the casinos displayed signs indicating the minimumwagersforplaying atthetables.
However, when he
attempted to bet the minimum amount, he was toldhehadtowagerahigher amount. This was another first for him in his global casinoexperiences.
My guest described Guyana’s casinos as the worstintheworld,staffedby the most dishonest and disrespectful employees Moreover, he arrived in Guyanawithasenseoffear, hesitant to go anywhere without my accompaniment duetohearingthatGuyanais a dangerous place for tourists. These experiences paint Guyana as a dangerous and dishonestcountryintheeyes of tourists. For our tourism industrytothrive,significant improvements in safety, honesty, and hospitality are essential.
Sincerely, AnthonyPantlitz
, The ruling PPP controlled propaganda
newspaper, Guyana
Chronicle that does not publish opposing views, commented (June 30) that Nigel Hughes serving as leader of AFC is a “conflict of interest” that was also echoed in Stabroek News and Kaieteur News by Kit Nascimento(July03)“Nigel Hughes inescapable conflict of interest with Exxon” in simplyhisbeingalawyerof Exxon. Being a politician or politicalleaderofapartyand serving as a lawyer for a company or any entity does not in and of itself or themselvesbecome“conflict ofinterest”.
Accordingtoadefinition asobtainedfromtheinternet, aconflictofinterest“occurs when an individual’s personal interests – family, friendships, financial, or social factors – could compromise his or her judgment, decisions, or actions”onanymatter Asan illustration, if a lawyer has an interest in a matter and represents an opposing entity,itwillbeaconflictof interestashemaychampion the interests of one over the other
Inthelegalfield,conflict of interest is when a lawyer has interests in opposing sidesandsideswithoneside over the other An attorney mustzealouslyrepresentthe interests of client (s). He or shecan’trepresentbothsides withfairness.
Mr Hughes does not have a conflict of interest regarding Exxon. He stated publiclythatheisapersonal lawyerforExxon.Heisnota lawyerforthegovernmentor another entity doing business with Exxon. He is theleaderofAFC.Heisnota lawyerforAFCinanymatter relating to Exxon. Also, the
AFC does not have any business matterwith Exxon. Members of the AFC are members of parliament in the opposition. The oppositiondoesnothaveany business with Exxon. The ruling party, PPP, has business with Exxon; it formsthegovernmentandis innegotiationwithExxonon behalf of the people of Guyana. The PPP does not consult with the opposition on any matter relating to Exxon. Thus, not the PNCR or AFC or APNU has any conflict of interest with Exxon.
If Mr Hughes continues as a lawyer for Exxon were hetoserveinthegovernment as a Minister or President or any
considered as a conflict of interest.Hewillhavetogive up one position If Mr Hughes is only serving as a lawyer of Exxon and does n o t r e p r e s e n t t h e government, there is no conflict of interest An election is more than a year away and Mr Hughes has a long time to address this matter, should it become an issue the day after the election were he elected to office. I must make mention that the biggest conflict of interest of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana is the PPPgovernmentandatleast we must not forget the actions of the PPP government and Attorney General Hon.Anil Nandlall, SC decision to appeal the ruling of the court on ExxonMobil’s oil spill guarantee where that is deemedconflictofinterest.
The country commends Mr Hughes for his honesty andpublicdisclosurethathe is a lawyer for Exxon Members of the PPP government have not publicly disclosed their
conflicts of interest with Exxonandothercompanies. One minister is supplying Exxon with food supplies. Anotherissupplyingvarious other goods. Another is supplying services to oil companies One top government functionary is renting multiple properties to oil companies. His male partner, who runs a humungous media house, rents huge amounts of land on the East Bank to an oil company Another top functionary who owns multiple businesses operating underthenamesofothershave major businesses (providing logistics,taxiservices,rentals, etc ) with oil companies earning millions ofAmerican dollars a month The same functionary supplies chicken
to a major energy company, resultinginscarcityofchicken and doubling of price since 2020. A minister has a construction company that doesbusinesswithExxon
A member of the PPP Central Committee does business with businesses on environmental matters. The businessesthatfunctionaries of government and PPP are engaged with energy companies are illustrative examples of conflicts of interests, not Mr Hughes serving as a lawyer of Exxon The government f u n c t i o n a r i e s a r e compromising the public interests.
Pt. Ubraj Narine, JP, C O A F o r m e r S t a ff Sgt.(GDF),Mayor
DEAREDITOR, Iwritethislettertoraise averydisgusting,frustrating and annoying situation that has been occurring at the Demerara Harbour Bridge recently We know that the bridge management has beenimplementingadouble lane system to ease the traffic congestion. For quite sometimenow,Iknewthere are 2 sessions early in the morning (6:15Am and 7:20Am) and 2 in the afternoon (16:30 pm and 18:15pm). It seems like the Harbour Bridge has increased its double lane secessions to more than the regularknownschedule.
Last week, I had to go 2 times to the Cheddie Jagan InternationalAirport.Iplanned my journey early at a time (14:30)ofwhichIexpectedthe bridge traffic will be flowing normal. Lo and behold, a double lane session kicked in
and lasted for one and a half hours Similar situation happened again on the 3/7/2024 This can never be right and fair to the travelling publicandtobemorespecific, motorist Therearepeoplewho carefully plan their airport journeys Therearethosewho haveappointments,beitdoctor, job interview or other importantschedules Wemust neverforgetthosewhoplanto catchtheEssequibo,Barticaor Leguanferry
Having said all above, I believe the management of theHarbourBridgeneedsto establish clear and well publicize schedule of its double lane time so commuters can plan their livesanddailyactivitiesand to reduce the disgusting, frustrating and annoying inconveniences they sufferedonadailybasis.
Yourssincerely, C.Woolford.
, As the United Kingdom stands on the precipice of another critical election, the questionofwhoismorefitto be the next Prime Minister—Rishi Sunak or Sir Keir Starmer—deserves rigorous scrutiny Both candidates have had ample opportunity to showcase
t h e i r v i s i o n s a n d capabilities, but a closer examination reveals significant concerns about their suitability to lead the nation.
Rishi Sunak, currently serving as Chancellor of the Exchequer, has positioned himself as a competent steward of the economy However, beneath the polished image lies a troubling track record that raises serious questions about his fitness for the highestoffice.
Furthermore, the controversial decision to cut the £20 Universal Credit uplifthaspushedmillionsof vulnerable families deeper into poverty Such actions indicate a lack of empathy and understanding of the struggles faced by ordinary citizens.
Sunak’s approach to taxation is equally problematic.
His decisions to freeze income tax thresholds and raise National Insurance contributionshaveplacedan undue burden on workingclassfamilieswhileoffering
Sunak’s economic p o l i c i e s h a v e disproportionately favored the wealthy, exacerbating existinginequalities. His handling of the furlough scheme, while initially praised, left many self-employed and freelance workers without adequate support.
little relief to those in need. Additionally, his reluctance to adequately fund public servicessuchastheNHSand education undermines the very foundations of a fair andfunctioningsociety
These policies reveal a tendency to prioritize fiscal austerity over the welfare of thepopulace.
On the environmental front, Sunak’s commitment toaddressingclimatechange appearssuperficial.Whilehe has made pledges to reduce carbon emissions, his government’sinvestmentsin fossil fuel projects and reluctance to embrace comprehensive green policies suggest a lack of genuine commitment. In an era where environmental sustainability is paramount, Sunak’s lukewarm approach isdeeplyconcerning.
Sir Keir Starmer, the Leader of the Labour Party,
Much ado was made by thedelayedformalrulingof a judge. Now several days, afterbeinginformedrequest for information on the sanctioned trio must be addressed to the DoJ, this is still to be done. Why the foot dragging on a very importantmatter?
One columnist sums up theflurryofactionstakenas ‘cosmetic’ as, without informationfromthesource, no investigations can be initiatedtodeterminewhere the chips may fall and what appropriate disciplinary outcomestheremightbe. From all appearances, it is perceived, the need to get
the information is not being treated with urgency or instancy so critically and vitallyimportant. Therejustseemstobeno hurry or energy on this matterseveralweekson. In the meantime lives are on hold and integrities remain diminished.
presents himself as a principled and pragmatic alternative to the Conservative leadership However, his tenure as opposition leader has been markedbyinconsistencyand a failure to inspire confidenceamongvoters.
Starmer’s leadership has often appeared indecisive and reactive rather than proactive His failure to articulate a clear and compelling vision for the country has left many questioning his ability to lead.
The Labour Party’s internal divisions and frequent policy reversals under his leadership further undermine his credibility A leader who cannot unify his own party is unlikely to effectively govern the nation.
While Starmer has p r o p o s e d s e v e r a l progressive policies, including increased funding for public services and a Green New Deal, his ability to implement these ideas remainsdoubtful.
Hisapproachoftenlacks thepragmatismnecessaryto translate ambitious proposals into actionable plans.
Additionally,hisshifting stance on key issues such as Brexit and national security has led to accusations of o p p o r t u n i s m a n d inconsistency, which erodes publictrust.
Starmer’s electoral strategy has also been questionable. His focus on
regaining the trust of traditional Labour voters in the so-called “Red Wall” seats has come at the expense of broader appeal. This narrow focus risks alienating younger, urban voters and other key demographicsessentialfora Labourvictory
A Prime Minister must be able to build a broad coalition of support, somethingStarmerhasyetto demonstrate.
The upcoming election presents an opportunity for the UK to choose a leader who can address the myriad challengesfacingthenation.
Unfortunately, both Sunak andStarmerhavesignificant flawsthatcastdoubtontheir suitability for the role of PrimeMinister
S u n a k ’s e l i t i s t economic policies and l a c k o f g e n u i n e commitment to social and environmental issues make him an unsuitable choice for those who seek a fairer and more equitable society
H i s t e n u r e a s Chancellor has been characterizedbydecisions that benefit the affluent at the expense of the vulnerable,andthereislittle reason to believe his premiership would be any different.
Conversely, Starmer’s lack of a clear vision and inability to unify his party raise serious concerns about his leadership capabilities While his intentions may be noble, his
inconsistent approach and failure to inspire a broad base of support suggest he may struggle to lead the countryeffectively
In conclusion, the UK is at a crossroads, and the need for genuine, visionary leadership has neverbeengreater
The current election debate reveals that neither Rishi Sunak nor Sir Keir Starmer fully meets the criteriaforaPrimeMinister capableofguidingthenation through these turbulent times.
It is imperative that voters demand more from their leaders policies that prioritize social justice, economic equity, and environmental sustainability, and a leadership style that unites ratherthandivides.
As the election approaches, we must critically evaluate the candidates and hold them accountable for their recordsandpromises.
The future of the United Kingdom depends on choosing a leader who not only has the vision and capability to address the pressing issues of our time but also the integrity and empathy to represent all citizens.
Unfortunately, based on the current candidates’ performances,itappearsthat the search for such a leader mustcontinue.
Yourssincerely, WayneLyttle Journalist
Hamas has presented mediators with new ‘ideas’ on proposal for ceasefire and exchange of captives for prisoners.
Arenewedpushisunder way to end the bloodshed in Gaza as both Israel and Hamas speak to mediators about a long-stalled ceasefireplan.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told US President Joe Biden in a phone call on Thursday that Israel had decided to send a delegation to negotiate with Hamas but would end the war in Gaza only after “achieving all its objectives”, the prime minister’s office said in a statement.
That came after Hamas on Wednesday said it presented new “ideas” to Qatari,EgyptianandTurkish mediatorsonhowtoreacha ceasefire and captiveexchangedeal.
Meanwhile,aUSofficial told reporters in a call on ThursdaythatthePalestinian grouphadshifteditsposition on a potential deal, without elaborating.
“ W e ’ v e h a d a breakthrough,” said the official, who spoke on background and cautioned thatobstaclesstillremain.
Reporting fromAmman, Jordan,AlJazeera’sHamdah SalhutsaidthatIsraelimedia has widely reported that intelligence chief David BarneawouldtraveltoQatar foranewroundoftalks.
She added it was “still tooearlytosayexactlywhen thatmighthappen”.
“But all the signs are pointing to this perhaps
, meaning that there’s a good startingpointforbothsides,” Salhutsaid.
The development comes as Israel hammers southern Khan Younis – Gaza’s second-largest city – from w
Palestinianstoflee,killingat least seven people in an air raidnearitsmainhospital.
L o n g - s t a l l e d negotiations
With Gaza’s death toll surpassing 38,000 on Thursday and its inhabitants facing dire conditions, both Israel and Hamas are under increased international pressure to reach a truce –most recently based on a United Nations-backed plan outlinedbyBideninMay However, competing interpretations of that proposal,whichbreakdown the cessation of hostilities and exchange of captives into three stages, had brought negotiations to a standstill.
While the US insists Israel backs the plan, Netanyahu has repeatedly called it into question, promisingnottoendthewar until Hamas is “eradicated”. Hamaswantsacommitment that any agreement will end thewarforgood.
There has been little headway in negotiations since June 11 when Hamas said it was ready to “deal positively” with the
proposal, but made several “amendments” it described asminor
But in a sign talks are gaining new momentum, HamasonWednesdaysaidit isagaincommunicatingwith officials from Qatar, Egypt andTurkeywith“theaimof reachinganagreement”.
“We exchanged some ideas with the mediator brothers with the aim of stopping the aggression against our Palestinian people,” a Hamas statement said.
Netanyahu’s office and the Mossad intelligence service confirmed the new approach almost straight away
“The hostages deal mediators have conveyed to the negotiating team Hamas’s remarks on the outline Israel is
evaluating the remarks and will convey its reply to the mediators,” said an Israeli statement.
One source with knowledge of the talks, quoted by the AFP news agency, said Qatari and American efforts to “bridge theremaininggaps”between Israel and Hamas have gone on in the background for weeks.
‘Serious division’ in Israel RamiKhouri,afellowat the American University of Beirut, toldAl Jazeera news of the revived talks is hopeful but key sticking points remain – including whether the agreement will end the war “completely” and how many Palestinian
prisoners will go free in exchange for Israeli captives.
Political analyst Omar Baddarsaidthereis“serious division” between Israel’s military and political establishment over how to proceed.
Military leaders, he told Al Jazeera, realise there is “nopathtoabetterfuturefor Israeloutofthisentiremess, and that it is time to simply endthiswar”.
The country’s political leaders, however, “have absolutely no interest in doingthat”,hesaid.
There has been no truce in Gaza since November when Hamas released more than 100 captives during a six-weekpause.
Since then, Israel has expandeditsGazaoffensive, even waging a bloody ground invasion in the southernmost district of Rafah – where hundreds of thousands of civilians are trapped – against orders from the UN’s International CourtofJustice. Israel’s attacks in Gaza have killed a total of 38,011 people,mostlychildren,and wounded an additional 87,266 people since the war broke out, according to Palestinianofficials.
Hamas’s October 7, 2023,assaultonIsraelkilled atleast1,139people,mostly civilians, and seized 251 captives More than 100 abductees are still in Gaza withdozensbelieveddead.
Help & Shelter calls for ongoing sensitization of Sexual OffencesAct
, Withreferencetoaletter titled“Ourviewsonthedraft S e x u a l O f f e n c e s (Amendment) Bill” published in Stabroek News on June 25th, 2024, by Red Thread and others with whom we have partnered and networked over the years,Help&Shelterwishes t
c o m m e n t s a n d recommendations outlined in the letter and the detailed feedbackmatrixinaGoogle d o c u m e n t a t https://bit.ly/3xcxHZ3.
Wealsofullyendorsethe contentsoftheletterentitled ‘We are concerned that several parts of the current Sexual Offences Act
legislation are not adequately enforced’ by the sameauthors.
Our position is based upon our awareness of the many challenges faced by survivorsofsexualoffences,
particularly women and children and those who support the min ensuring justiceisreceivedforsexual violations. Help & Shelter recommends that when the Acthasbeenamended,itbe made available in a readerfriendly format and disseminated throughout all regions as there exists a significantlackofawareness oftheActanditsprovisions. There should also be ongoing sensitization at all levels given not only the lack of awareness on the part of the general populationbutignoranceof theprovisionsoftheActon the part of many who offer services and/or are in positions of trust, authority orinfluence
We encourage that as part of sensitization efforts it be robustly emphasized that the Sexual OffencesAct is the legislation that governs sexual offences in Guyana
and takes precedence over any rules or regulations governing specific nationalities.
Help & Shelter c o m m e n d s t h e government on its initiativetoamendtheAct and hopes that the recommendations made by concerned parties are addressedappropriately
We stand ready to lend our support in the full implementation of Sexual OffencesActforthebenefit ofallcitizensofGuyana.
Yoursfaithfully, JosephineWhitehead
The PPPC Govt. is in a hurry to stop gold smuggling
The PPPC Govt. should first stop the smuggling of its principles
Govt and party leaders must stop stretching out their hands
Govt and party leaders must also stop selling their favors
Gold smuggling can stop
But stop the deceiving and concealing
The PPPC Govt. and agents must stop sidestepping
Get serious about smuggling. Start governing.
Four days after the count.”
Peoples National Congress However, he said that the (PNCR) held its internal count for the CEC members elections, the party is still to required the examination of determine the votes for its approximately 1300 ballots, C e n t r a l E x e c u t i v e each bearing 59 candidates, Committee (CEC). The in order to determine which votes will be determined 15 of those 59 candidates from 1300 ballots which obtained the highest number were cast. This is according ofvotesacrossthoseballots. to a statement issued by the According to Alexander, PNCR’s Returning Officer, the duration of this exercise VincentAlexander while being quite time
Alexander in his consuming has also been statement noted that there i n f l u e n c e d b y t h e hasbeensomepublicanxiety CARICOM Day holiday and about the apparent delay of the availability of the the announcement of the u n a f f i l i a t e d b a l l o t results of the recently held attendants, only in the elections for the members of evenings. Notwithstanding, theCECofthePNCR. he said the count will be “This anxiety” he completed on July 4 and explained has over announcedtoday shadowed the fact that the Added to this Alexander results for the executive said that his firm VA & officers, namely the leader, Associates is proud to have C h a i r p e r s o n , Vi c e - been chosen to conduct the chairpersons and Treasurer PNCR internal elections for were promptly released after the second consecutive midnightonSunday occasion.
He noted that the PNCR “Weareevenmoreproud 2024 internal elections, of its transparent and open procedures and instructions conduct of the elections, in a p r o v i d e d f o r t h e country where elections are announcement of Results associated with notoriety,” “notlaterthan24hrsafterthe Alexanderstated.
In the United States, the spotlight is on President Joe Biden’s fitness for office, both physically and cognitively. Americans, particularly Democrats, are scrutinizing Biden’s performance during the first PresidentialDebate.
Some democrats and financiersoftheDemocratic Party are even calling for him to step down from the Presidential race This intense focus on leadership fitness is a crucial aspect of democraticvigilance.
However, a similar level of scrutiny seems absent in Guyana concerning Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’s behavior,particularlyduring h i s w e e k l y p r e s s conferences, which have become platforms for relentless attacks on the opposition and sections of themedia.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’s weekly press conferences have become a concerning spectacle. His persistent attacks on the oppositionandmediacritics reflect poorly on the government’s proclaimed commitment to democratic norms.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’s weekly press conferences have become a peculiarfixtureinGuyanese politics These events, ostensibly meant to inform t h e p u b l i c a b o u t governmental affairs, have morphed into lengthy
sessions where Jagdeo fixates on the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)andtheAllianceFor Change(AFC).
Yesterday’s opening statement lasted close to an hour It was mainly spent dissecting the justconcluded congresses of the PNCR and the AFC Jagdeo’s obsession with the opposition raises several questionsabouthispriorities andthetruepurposeofthese pressconferences.Itappears asifheisstillbehavingasif he is on the Opposition benches rather than being in government. His style is combative and divisive and can only antagonize the supporters of the opposition parties.
Jagdeo’s weekly rants serveasplatformsforhimto lambast the opposition, questiontheircredibilityand leadership. This behavior is unproductive. A press conference, by definition, should be a formal event where the government addresses pressing matters of public interest, not a weekly stage for attacks on theopposition.
The Vice President’s obsession with the PNCR andAFCispuzzling.If,ashe claims, the leadership of these parties lacks credibilityand poses no real threat to the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPPC), why does he spend so much time and energy
addressing them? This fixation suggests a deeper concern than is being admitted to. It suggests that despite their public assertions to the contrary, the, the PPPC feels genuinely threatened by the opposition.
Moreover, Jagdeo’s frequent tirades against the media, particularly Kaieteur News and Stabroek News, aretroubling.Afreepressis vital for a healthy democracy His antagonistic stance towards the media is not a sign of a healthy democracy at work, one where robust criticism is supposedtobewelcomed.
The leadership of the PPPC and the government must take a hard look at Jagdeo’s behavior His statements and body language during these press conferences need close scrutiny Is his obsession with the opposition and critics a sign of deeper insecurities within the government?Ishisapproach tohandlingdissentreflective of something more serious? A government confident in its legitimacy and public support should not feel threatened by opposition parties or critical media outlets.
Instead, it should welcomehealthydebateand constructive criticism, which are essential for the growth and development of any democratic society By
Conservative Party get a properlicking.Fromdetop comedetumble.Demboys sehBorisdidcomeinlikea whirlwind. Talk big, act big Brexit done and dusted, he seh. But de dust neversettle.
Pandemic come and Boris play haphazard Masks off, masks on. Rule fuh dem, rule fuh we PartiesinNumber10while people lock up in dey homes Dem boys seh, peoplenahforget.
Thencomedescandals. More scandals than a soap opera. Dem boy seh, how muchtimeyuhgon’seebig man in controverises. A man get caught with he pants down. And who can forget de wallpaper scandal? Gold wallpaper
butdepromiseswascheap. LizTrusstekover Dem boys seh, she last shorter thanarotiinahungryman hand Forty-five days Forty-five days of chaos. Economy crash Pound plummet. People’s savings evaporate.Shesehshewas tough but she melt like butterindesun. Then come Rishi Sunak. De man with de money More cuts, more misery Tax hike here, benefit cut there. Cost of living sky high and Rishi just there smiling like all good.
Meanwhile, dem backbenchers causing more trouble than a hurricane Infighting, backstabbing, plotting Demboysseh,moredrama than a Bollywood movie. De people get tired. Real tired.
Labour sit back and watch de show Dem nah even had to try Dem boys seh, de Conservatives doingLabourjobfuhdem. People vex, real vex. And when election come, dem decideenoughisenough. Dem boys seh, de ConservativePartydigdey own grave And now, Labour stepping in like a knight in shining armour But dem boys seh, watch out De wheel always turning.Whatgoesupmust comedown.
So now, we watch and see.DeUKgotanewboss. Butdemboysseh,demore tingschange,demoredem staydesame.Keepyuheye open. Politics is a funny thing And dem boys alwaysreadyfuhalaugh. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
contrast, Jagdeo’s approach is reminiscent of authoritarian tactics, where theoppositionisdemonized.
The present situation calls for responsible leadership within the PPPC and the government. Senior officials must recognize the potential damage Jagdeo’s behavior can inflict on the party’s image and the country’s political climate. They need to intervene and ens ure that pres s conferences return to their intendedpurpose:informing thepublicaboutgovernment actionsandpolicies.
The PPPC must also introspect and evaluate its strategies.Aretheyfostering a political culture that encourages dialogue and democratic engagement, or are they creating an environment of fear and
division? Leaders should remember that their actions set the tone for the entire country They have a responsibility to promote respect for differing opinions, and adherence to democraticprinciples.
This week journalists weresubjectedtotheabsurd spectacle of a proposed of a formal inquiry into an alleged conflict of interest between the Leader of the AFCandExxonMobil.Such aninquirywouldnotonlybe an insult to the intelligence ofthenationbutalsoawaste oftimeandresources.
The very notion of launching a formal investigation into what is fundamentally a matter of ethical judgment rather than criminal wrongdoing is ludicrous It reflects a troubling diversion from
pressing national issues This farcical proposition distracts from more important matters but also suggestspaniconthepartof Jagdeo.
It is time for the PPPC and government leadership to address this issue. They need to sit down and have a serious chat with the Vice President as the Democratic Party leaders are doing with Biden.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
“Nigel Hughes says no patience with a lesser resembles anything that promise made to myself, and Exxon linkage, no law prevents him from preamble. In view of the possesses oneness about which I have registered matter how much that contains one word to representing Exxon while rancid and destructive post here. Itisasabsoluteasthis, publicly For emphasis, my soaring, sprawling guide on issues of this leadingAFC” (KN, July 03). March 2020 national with respect to all other vow would have been commercial opulence it extraordinary, this priceless, Iagree. Withoutlookingata elections developments, I Guyanese, who think violated because I believe represents, cannot compete, trust that is thrust into our singlelineonasinglepagein hadwashedmyhandsofever differently, and insist that thatCandidateNigelHughes cannot supersede, the call of unwilling hands, and of any single chapter of the voting again in another things are different to how I representedwhatisdifferent. acountry? Ofone’scountry, which we become the ready l a w s o f G u y a n a , I electoral contest in this conclude they are. And With that said and out of the wherefellowcitizenscryout trustees. Circumstances so wholeheartedly agree with country The announcement because in Mr Hughes, I way,Imoveon. from under the cruel dictate and this is where my brother, C A Nigel of Mr Hughes’ return to do believed there was that Term where Mr Hughes exploitative boot of Exxon Guyana is today. It is where Hughes. But I disagree with battle in the local political slightest of openings, the stands relative to his Exxon that grinds them into the 780,000 or 900,000 or him. Not just in passing and wars was welcomed, rarest of rare opportunities, relationship whatever muck and mud and pig 1,000,000 Guyanese are at superficially, but most reduced my resistance to to introduce change, even pleases. Cake and bake. manure of Guyana? For the this the most fateful of hours strenuously I regret that I voting again. Because I see succeed in changing in small Caviarandchampagne. Two edification of all Guyanese, in their threadlike, barren, find myself in this position; I and absorb how severely droplets the way things are. sweetness out of one bone. from Bharrat Jagdeo to grittyexistence. Thebiggest wouldhavepreferredthathis rupturedthissocietyis,inthe The substance of all this is Each one fits. But to Mr. IrfaanAli toAubrey Norton, prize imaginable in the
own position on his sum of its reciprocal that I would have changed Hughes this I say: surely, sir, whatisnextplacedsquareon universe is theirs. But it representation of Exxon is a n i m o s i t i e s a n d my stance and come out and the Exxon relationship the table is not about the isn’t. For there are those different. antagonisms. Because there voteforhim. Itisnot,never, cannot be this sacred, this spiritual (though it is). It is brigades and regiments of First, I seek a little is nothing that remotely easy for me to go back on a treasured? Surely, the about the cerebral at its Guyanese hungry and highest, the moral at its most destitute of spirit and incomparable. It is the call strength. Of all things, in of country (not votes, not thistimeofalltimes,theyare position). It is physical and there in this paradise that is it is visceral. It is why made so magnetic and Americans in the prime of magical by its prodigious oil their youth willingly leave bonanza. There is the proof Harvard and Wall Street, writteninthetearsfromtheir move from behind those pain that would not let go of grand bastions, and travel to the uninterrupted anguish, the tropical battlegrounds of with which they exist, still Khe Sanh and Da Nang and somehow survive. Is Nigel those dangerous artic Hughes reading, listening, mountainsofKandahar Itis actuallyhearing? why American Jews leave It is Candidate Nigel everything behind-loved Hughes’ right, his choice, to ones, practice, prosperityr e t a i n t h e E x x o n anddepartfromGrandArmy relationship, whether it is Plazaandlayitallontheline worth a penny, or a hundred on the Bar-Lev line, or the millionpoundssterling. Igo oneof1967. my way with these last few
In a word for all Guyana, questions. Thenwhatwould and none more so than my distinguish him, C.A. Nigel brother Nigel Hughes: when Hughes, from Dr Mohamed the cause is righteous, then Irfaan Ali, Dr. Bharrat there is nothing more Jagdeo, Dr Anil Nandlall, glorious than making the Dr Ashni Singh, Dr Aubrey supremesacrifice. Andwhat Norton? Oh, and one more, IaskofMr Hughesisnotthe Governor General and supreme sacrifice He Viceroy Dr Alistair should know this. What I Routledge? What would be ask of Mr Hughes, I stand the distinction with a readytogiveofmyself,have difference, no matter how beengiving. Ofthatletthere smallamorsel,thatseparates never be any doubt. Ask C.A. Nigel Hughes, Esq., Bharrat Jagdeo and his gang from those illustrious of sponsored and coddled doctors of funeral sciences, willing. the dignified undertaker
Ofcourse,thereisnolaw work that they do, which onthebooksthatholdsNigel buries the rights and grim Hughes to an obligation realities of multitudes upon where he must relinquish his multitudes of Guyanese? ties to Exxon. But there are Those who need the benefits those unwritten laws that are of this great oil wealth more inscribed on our hearts that thanmost. compel us to find the
In sharing this, the only wisdom,thatpropelordinary brother I may have left is the men and women to discover one that stares right back at the courage, and to be me from the mirror I am nonnegotiable on certain done. matters that are seen as so
(The views expressed in profound that they are this article are those of the sacrosanct. And because a u t h o r a n d d o n o t they are so sacrosanct, they necessarily reflect the are inviolable. There is no opinions and beliefs of this school that teaches things n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s like these. There is no affiliates.) library, however large it is,
The Guyana Fire Service
The Fire Service noted (GFS) on Thursday agreed too that its Emergency that a mud covered Hydrant Response Team did a good and porous hoses hindered jobtotransportacivilianand its ability to effectively a fire fighter to the Forth contain Monday’s fire that Wellington Hospital after claimed The life of one and one fainted and the other ravaged several buildings at started complaining of lower Bust Lot, West Coast backpain. Berbice (WCB), Region
Moreover, the GFS said Five. hascommittedtoconducting
“The complaints about a thorough review of its hoses with perforations and operation on Monday to delays in accessing an open
water source are taken reoccurrence. seriously,” stated the Fire
Service in a statement while
adding that while there were
two fire hydrants in the area procurement of new hoses butonlyonewasaccessible. andothercriticalfirefighting
The valves of the equipment, as well as dysfunctional hydrant were responsibility for the
“However,itisimportant itsdefence. f
G F S enhanced training for our blocked by mud, the GFS inaccessible hydrant,” the tonotethattherewasapower Additionally, the GFS explained. personnel,” the Fire Service said. GFSsaid. outage in the area at the time refuted claims made that the A relay system was said. At 18:03h on Monday “It is the duty of the However, while the Fire of the fire, which resulted in fire fighters and trucks reportedlysetupbetweenthe fire erupted in Bush Lot and Guyana Fire Service to Service accepted some insufficient water pressure, arrived late and noted that fire trucks using light pumps destroyed approximately inspect and ensure the responsible it made it clear further affecting the water notwithstanding the which accessed water from a five buildings. An insurance operability of fire hydrants, that it is not to be solely s u p p l y a n d o v e r a l l challengeswiththehydrants, nearbytrench. company was housed in the and we accept full blamed. operation,” the GFS said in its operation was executed “Three water tenders and bottom flat of a two-storey smoothly an ambulance, along with building that was destroyed
“Duetothemagnitudeof sixteen firefighters and three by the fire. Carl Persaud, a the fire, upon arrival, Emergency Medical mansaidtobeinhis50s,was firefighters opted to access a Technicians, were engaged trapped and burned alive in nearby open water source to in the firefighting operation the upper flat of the said facilitate continuous andresponse,”theGFSsaid. building.
The Miss India Guyana contestants vying for the f r o m t h e G l o b a l
“In 2018, Hashim and “Shivanie Latchman decades The success Pageant will this Sunday coveted title. The pageant Organisation of People of Melicia embarked on a made history by becoming continued into 2023 with crown a new Queen and organisers invited all Indian Origin (GOPIO) for transformative journey with thefirstGuyanesetosecure
celebrating seven-years as a Guyanese to join in his significant contributions the acquisition of their Top 5 position in Mrs. India contestant from Miss India pageantfranchiseinGuyana. celebrating Guyana’s rich to women’s empowerment second international Worldwide, paving the way Guyana pageant, Reanna Although the franchise has cultural heritage and witness andculturalexchange. franchise, heralding the for future achievements by Aarkhan securing a coveted been in operation for seven the crowning of the next Saran’s presence at launchoftheMiss,Mrs.,and Rashena Hanif, Kistal Top 5 placement in the Mrs years, Sunday will be the MissIndiaGuyana. Sunday’s coronation, Teen India pageants,” the Inshan, and Yashmini India Worldwide category fifth edition of the pageant T h e f o u n d e r o f according to Miss India organisers stated while Sarjoo, who further elevated and Netu Lall’s exceptional due to a two-year set-back Miss/Mrs /Teen India Guyana, underscores the recalling that the Miss India Guyana’s reputation on the performance earned her the during the COVID-19 Worldwide, Dharmatma global significance of the Guyana inaugural year had global stage of pageantry,” title of Miss Teen India Pandemic. Saran, will also be visiting event. set a precedent with statedtheMissIndiaGuyana Worldwide1stRunner-Up. This year’s competition, Guyana this weekend for the As the Miss India remarkabletriumphs. franchisesaid. “The pinnacle moment according to a statement coronation Guyana franchise prepares T h e y n
t It also reflected on its
issued by the Miss India Saran was recently for coronation day it participants of the inaugural perseverance during the Sukhdeo’shistoricwinasthe Guyana Franchise, promises h o n o r e d w i t h t h e reflectedonabriefhistoryof year Shoshanna Ramdeen COVID-19 Pandemic to second Guyanese to claim an exhilarating lineup of Community Service Award itsjourneyto2024. andShivanieLatchmanwere achieveevenmoresuccessin the prestigious Miss India successful in the first Miss whenit2022and2023aftera Worldwide title in 31 years, and Mrs. India categories, two-yearbreak. solidifying Hashim and respectively and one of them In 2022 Maya Persaud Melicia’s position as went on to represent Guyana became the third Guyanese trailblazers in global well in Mrs India to enter the Miss India pageantry,” Miss India Worldwide. Worldwide Top Five in three Guyanasaid.
Reuters - The final member has been chosen for a three-person arbitration panel meant to settle Exxon Mobil’s (XOM N), opens new tab claim against Chevron’s (CVX.N), opens new tab $53 billion purchase of Hess Corp (HES N), opens new tab, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
The panel’s formation would be a milestone in a long-delayed process that has cast uncertainty over the mega-merger, which both ChevronandHesshadhoped would close in the first half of2024.
Stabroek Block
“The appointment of the full arbitration panel is now being completed. We expect to learn more about the (proceedings) schedule in the coming weeks,” said one to one of the world’s biggest structure of the merger and appointed by May 17, of the people familiar with recent oil finds, with Hess language of the Guyana according to proxy adviser thematter and China’s CNOOC as partnershipagreement. Institutional Shareholder E x x o n f i l e d t h e partners. To form the three-person Services. arbitration claim with the Exxon asserts that the panel,eachsideappointsone Exxon CEO Darren International Chamber of acquisition of Hess Corp is arbitrator and then those two Woods has said he expected Commerce (ICC) in March, an attempt to circumvent its nominate the third, the dispute would slip into arguing that it has a right of right of first refusal over the according to the people 2025. first refusal over Hess’s prized asset in Guyana familiarwiththeprocess.
Chevron, Hess and assetsinGuyana. Chevron and Hess believe On May 9, Hess CEO Exxon on Tuesday declined Exxon operates all oil Exxon’s right of first refusal John Hess said he expected tocommentonatimelinefor production in Guyana, home does not apply due to the the final arbitrator would be aresolutiontothedispute.
Two bandits dressed in police uniforms and reportedly wearingskimasksonWednesdaynightrobbedtheManagerof Toucan Distributors Limited of $10M in cash as he was depositing in the vault of a city bank on Young Street, in Kingston,Georgetown.
The 65-year-old man Manager told the investigators that themenwerearmedwithpistolsandheldhimatgun-pointbut his company in a statementclaimedthat bandits who attacked himwerenotwearingmasksandwereclearlyidentifiable.
Investigators learnt that the victim left his workplace around 21:15 hrs in a black Land Cruiser vehicle (PKK 3700) withfivebagscontainingthecash.
When he arrived at the bank, he met with a GEB security Guard on duty who opened the gate and allowed him access insidetodepositthemoneyinthebank’svault.
The Manager claimed that while he was walking towards the vault he saw two motorcyclists approaching from behind hisvehicleandbecameconcerned.
However, when he noticed that they were dressed as ‘Policemen’ he paid them no mind and continued to walk towardsthevaultwiththemoneybagsinhishands.
Oneofthesuspects,heclaimedwalkedupbehindhimand pointed a gun to his head before grabbing the bags from his hand.Thesuspectthenjoinedtheothermotorcyclist,andthey made good their escape out of the bank’s compound in an unknowndirection.
The Police Force said that its detectives are in the process of reviewing Close Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV), as investigationscontinue.
Newly elected leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes on Thursday said that he welcomes any investigation into his relationship with oil giant ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL).
Hughes’ statement follows statements by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday that suggested that an investigation will be launched into Hughes’ relationshipwithhisclient.
Last week, Hughes made it clear that Exxon is a client of his law firm, Hughes, Fields and Stoby and opted not to answer questions related to the company during an interview with a mediaentity
Hughes wrote on his Facebook page, “I welcome any probe Mr Jagdeo wishes to initiate into any
relationship between Exxon thecountry and me. While you have the “Sometimes you have to probefeverincludeSu,Hong forego the private benefits, Kong and some other money basically when offshorelocations.” national interest calls you
Over the past few days, and in this case he was asked the issue of Hughes leading directly and he says no, only the AFC while maintaining if [he] become president [he] EMGL as a client at his law will do that, in the meantime firm – Hughes, Fields & [he]willworkforExxon…,” Stoby – has been the topic of Jagdeosaid. discussion whether his Moreover, Jagdeo stated professional life possess a that given that Hughes has conflict of interest with his come under scrutiny for politicalinterest. conflict of interest, the
Notably, Hughes has Government will be already acknowledged the watching what Exxon and its critics saying that while he is first-tiercontractorsdo. a Politically Exposed Person “This may necessitate a (PEP), there is no law that formal investigation into all prevents him from having these matters. I am making it the oil company as a client. clear today. There is a lot of However, he noted that politically exposed people, should he become President he [Hughes] is politically he will cut ties with the exposed as he pointed out, company his wife is a Member of
However, the Vice Parliament, but it was not an President shares a different issuebecausewedidn’twant view, calling Hughes to discriminate but what position “obscene” and change is that now he has “unethical.” gone to the AFC,” Jagdeo
“ it’s even more added.
obscene…I can’t convey the The Vice President feeling of revulsion that I underscored, “Now that we felt.Thisissomeoneaspiring are looking at this…let me to the highest office in the make it clear, that Exxon has country, who has just been alottoanswerbecauseNigel elected the leader of a Hughes, knowing him he party…”Jagdeostated. will not want to resign, Added to that, he said knowing him he would want that when running for office to collect the money and still it can sometime cost you be leader of the AFC and financially, choosing conflict of interest would not between personal gain and botherhimatall…”
Police have issued a wanted bulletin
for 27-year-old Kevin Abrams, also known as Alex Anthony, from Charity, Essequibo Coast, Region Two in connection with an allegation of rape which occurred in May 2023
Persons with any information regarding Abrams’ whereabouts are asked to contact the nearest policestation.
TheGuyanaPoliceForce (GPF) on Thursday issued a wantedbulletinforthreemen accused of Robbery Under Arms, Larceny, Break and Enter and Discharging a LoadedFirearm.
Marlon Vossey, Andrew Linton also known as ‘Andrew Solomon’ and Richard Arthur also known as ‘Richie’ are wanted for a numberofoffences.
Vossey, 24, is wanted for several offences, including S i m p l e L a r c e n y , Discharging a Loaded Linton of Ithaca, West Firearm,andBreakandEnter Bank Berbice (WBB) and andLarceny VosseyofNo.5 Arthur of Rosignol Village Village, West Coast Berbice are wanted in connection (WCB) was sentenced to with Robbery Under Arms. four (4) years in prison in Arthur, 22, is also wanted for 2021 for Robbery Under Simple Larceny and Larceny Arms and Possession of an of the person (pick illegalfirearm. pocketing).
*UK election exit poll forecasts Labour majority of 170
*Keir Starmer predicted to be Britain’s next prime minister
*Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives forecast to win fewest seats in party’s history
*Nigel Farage’s right-wing populist Reform UK forecast to win 13 seats
*Scotland’s pro-independence SNPseen losing dozens of seats
LONDON, July 4
(Reuters)-KeirStarmerwill be Britain’s next prime minister with his Labour Party set to win a massive majority in a parliamentary election, an exit poll on Thursday indicated, forecasting Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives would suffer historiclosses.
Centre-left Labour was on course to capture 410 of the 650 seats in parliament, an astonishing reversal of fortunesfromfiveyearsago when it suffered its worst performancesince1935.
The result would give Labouramajorityof170and would bring the curtain down on 14 years of increasingly tumultuous C o n s e r v a t i v e - l e d government.
“To everyone who has campaigned for Labour in this election, to everyone who voted for us and put their trust in our changed Labour Party - thank you,” StarmersaidonX.
Sunak’s party were forecast to only win 131 seats, the worst electoral performanceinitshistory,as voters punished them for a cost-of-living crisis, and years of instability and in-
fightingwhichhasseenfive different prime ministers since the Brexit vote of 2016.
The centrist Liberal Democratswerepredictedto capture 61 seats while the right-wing populist Reform UK party, headed by Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage who had pledged to destroy the Conservative party, was forecasttowin13.
The prediction for Reform was far better than expected, and the party comfortably took second place behind Labour in the firsttwoseatstodeclaretheir results, pushing the Conservatives into third place.
“Much of the damage to the Conservative Party tonight is being done by Reform, even if it is the Labour Party that proves to be the beneficiary,” John Curtice, Britain’s most respected pollster told the BBC.
However, the exit poll suggests overall British voters have shifted support to the centre-left, unlike in France where Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party made historic gains in an election last
It was not just the Conservatives whose vote was predicted to have collapsed The pro-
independence Scottish National Party was forecast towinonly10seats,itsworst showing since 2010, after a period of turmoil which has seentwoleadersquitinlittle overayear
In the last six UK elections, only one exit poll has got the outcome wrong. Official results will follow overthenextfewhours.
“If this exit poll is correct,thenthisisahistoric defeat for the Conservative Party, one of the most resilient forces that have we haveseeninBritishpolitical history,” Keiran Pedley, research director at Ipsos, which carried out the exit poll,toldReuters.
“It looked like the Conservativesweregoingto beinpowerfor10yearsand ithasallfallenapart.”
S u n a k s t u n n e d Westminsterandmanyinhis own party by calling the election earlier than he needed to in May with the Conservatives trailing Labourbysome20pointsin
He had hoped that the gap would narrow as had traditionallybeenthecasein British elections, but the deficithasfailedtobudgein afairlydisastrouscampaign. It started badly with him getting drenched by rain outsideDowningStreetashe announced the vote, before aides and Conservative candidates became caught up in a gambling scandal over suspicious bets placed onthedateoftheelection.
Sunak’s early departure f r o m D - D a y commemorative events in FrancetodoaTVinterview angered veterans, and even those within his own party saiditraisedquestionsabout hispoliticalacumen.
If the exit poll proves right, it represents an
incredible turnaround for Starmer and Labour, which critics and supporters said was facing an existential crisis just three years ago whenitappearedtohavelost its way after its 2019 drubbing.
Butaseriesofscandalsmost notably revelations of parties in Downing Street during COVID lockdownsundermined then prime minister Boris Johnson and its commanding poll leads evaporated.
LizTruss’disastroussixweek premiership, which followed Johnson being forcedoutattheendof2022, cemented the decline, and Sunak was unable to make any dent in Labour’s now commandingpolllead.
“We deserved to lose.
The Conservative Party just
appearsexhaustedandoutof ideas,” Ed Costello, the chairman of the Grassroots Conservatives organisation, which represents rank-andfilemembers,toldReuters.
“”But it is not all Rishi Sunak’s fault. It is Boris Johnson and Liz Truss that haveledthepartytodisaster Rishi Sunak is just the fall guy.”
While polls have suggested that there is no greatenthusiasmforLabour leader Starmer, his simple message that it was time for change appears to have resonatedwithvoters.
However, the predicted Labour result would not quitematchtherecordlevels achieved by the party under TonyBlairin1997and2001 whenthepartycaptured418 and412seatsrespectively
GENEVA, July 4 (Reuters)China on Thursday rejected Western-led recommendations for human-rights reforms including callsforgreaterfreedomsinHong KongandforUyghursinXinjiang, butacceptedothersfromallies,as it sought to defend its record at a U.N.meeting.
The U N Human Rights CouncilsessioninGenevacapsoff areviewprocessinwhichBeijing has strived to fend off criticism followinga2022U.N. reportwhichsaidthedetention of Uyghurs and other Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region may constitute crimes against
humanity China denies any abuses.
The council’s president, Omar Zniber, said China had accepted nearly 70% of the more than 400 reform recommendations it receivedaspartoftheU.N.review
“Progressanddevelopmenton humanrightsisachievedinChina with each passing day,” China’s ambassador, Chen Xu, told the meeting, alongside a large delegation of Chinese diplomats andofficials.
He said it rejected recommendations that were “politically motivated based on disinformation, ideologically
biased or interfering in China’s traditional sovereignty” and condemned what he called an attemptto“smearandattack”it.
YetChina’scriticssayitshigh acceptancerateismisleading,with oneWesterndiplomatallegingthe countryhad“stackedthedeck”by investing political capital in quellingcriticism.
Reuters previously reported that China had lobbied nonWestern countries to praise its record by asking them to make “constructiverecommendations.”
British ambassador Simon Manleycomplainedtothecouncil that China had rejected each and
everyoneofitsrecommendations, including a call for an end to persecutions of Uyghurs and for the Hong Kong security law to be repealed.
U S Human Rights Ambassador Michèle Taylor also voiceddisappointmentatwhatshe called China’s refusal to take action.
“China’s abuses constitute a r e j e c t i o n o f U N a s s e s s m e n t s a n d recommendations and violate or undermine international commitments,” she said Other countries were more upbeat, including Russia’s envoy who
praised China’s “constructive approach” and Gambia’s envoy wholaudedthecountry’sprogress.
TheU N review of China is not unique and all countries undergo the process every few years at the council - the only intergovernmental body designed to protect human rightsworldwide
An attempt to hold a debate about the U N High Commissioner’s China report was voted down by mostly non-Western members later in 2022 - a result seen as a diplomaticvictoryforBeijing
BBC - US President Joe Biden has admitted he “screwed up” in last week’s debate against Donald Trump, but has vowed to fight on in the election race and moved to reassure key allies.
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He told a Wisconsin radio station he made a “mistake” with his stumbling performance, but urged voters to instead judge him on his time in the White House.
On Wednesday, as reports suggested he was weighing his future, he worked to calm senior Democrats including state governors and campaign staff.
“I’m the nominee of the Democratic Party. No one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving,” he said in a call to the broader campaign, a source told BBC News.
Mr Biden was joined on the call by Vice-President Kamala Harris, who reiterated her support.
Speculation has mounted over whether she could replace the president as the
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party’s candidate ahead of the November election.
A fundraising email sent after the call by the BidenHarris campaign was also bullish. “Let me say this as clearly and simply as I can: I’m running,” Mr Biden said.
Questions have been swirling around whether the 81-year-old will continue with his campaign following a debate marked by verbal blanks and a weak voice.
It sparked concern in Democratic circles around his fitness for office and his ability to win the election.
Pressure on Mr Biden to drop out has only grown as more polls suggest his Republican rival’s lead has widened.
A New York Times poll conducted after the debate, which was published on Wednesday, suggested Trump was now holding his biggest lead yet at six points.
And a separate poll published by the BBC’s US partner CBS News suggested Trump has a three-point lead over Mr Biden in the crucial battleground states.
The damaging polling for Mr Biden has been compounded by some Democratic donors and lawmakers publicly calling on the president to stand aside.
Among them are Ramesh Kapur, an Indian-American industrialist based in Massachusetts, who has organised fundraisers for Democrats since 1988.
“I think it’s time for him to pass the torch,” Mr Kapur told the BBC. “I know he has the drive, but you can’t fight Mother Nature.”
And two Democrats in Congress also called for a change at the top of the party’s ticket.
The second, Representative Raul Grijalva of Arizona, told the New York Times it was time for Democrats to “look elsewhere”.
comments made by Trump indicated he could be switching his attention to attacking Ms Harris.
In footage obtained by the Daily Beast - and shared online by Trump himself - he can be seen in a golf cart pouring scorn on Mr Biden, whom he describes as “broken down”.
He suggests that Ms Harris would be “better”, though still “pathetic”.
The vice-president gave an immediate interview on CNN after the debate, projecting calm as she expressed full support for the president.
Despite this, the White House and the Biden campaign have vehemently denied reports he is actively weighing his future and say he is committed to defeating Trump for a second time on 5 November.
The New York Times and CNN reported on Wednesday that Mr Biden had told an unnamed ally he was aware his re-election bid was in danger.
His forthcoming appearances - including an ABC News interview and a Friday rally in Wisconsin - were hugely important to his campaign, he reportedly said.
A spokesperson rejected the reports as “absolutely false”, shortly before White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said reports that he may drop out were untrue.
Among the senior Democrats Mr Biden met on Wednesday was a group of 20 state governors from around the country, including California’s Gavin Newsom and Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer. Both have been tipped as potential replacements if Mr Biden were to stand aside.
“The president has always had our backs, we’re going to have his back as well,” Maryland Governor Wes Moore told reporters after the meeting.
CBS confirmed reports that Mr Biden told governors that he needs to get more sleep and curtail public events and meetings that stretch after 20:00, according to a participant in the meeting.
Should Mr Biden step down, Ms Harris is still considered the most likely replacement. The 59-year-old has been hampered by poor approval ratings, but her support has increased among Democrats since the BidenTrump debate.
Amid the speculation,
“She has always been mindful to be a good partner to the president,” her former communications director Jamal Simmons told BBC News.
“The people who ultimately will make the decision about who the nominee should be mostly are people who are pledged to him. Her best role is to be a partner to him.”
A source close to Ms Harris said nothing had changed and she would continue to campaign for the president. Members of the Democratic National Committee are charged with voting to officially make President Biden the party’s nominee at the August convention, putting him on the ballot nationwide.
One member, who has spoken to other delegates and requested anonymity to speak frankly about sensitive discussions, told the BBC that the nomination should go to VicePresident Harris if Mr Biden opted not to run.
“If we open up the convention, it will cause pure chaos that will hurt us in November,” they said.
A report by the Washington Post, meanwhile, said Mr Biden and his team recognised that he must demonstrate his fitness for office in the coming days.
He has planned trips to Wisconsin and Philadelphia later in the week, and is due to appear on ABC News on Friday for his first televised interview since the debate.
His full interview with Wisconsin’s Civic Media is also due to be published on Thursday.
While acknowledging that he had “screwed up” with his performance, he told the station: “That’s 90 minutes on stage.
Look at what I’ve done in 3.5 years.”
SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil’s Federal Police have indicted former President Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association in connection with undeclared diamonds the far-right leader received fromSaudiArabiaduringhis timeinoffice,accordingtoa source with knowledge of theaccusations.
A second source confirmedtheindictment, although not for which specific crimes Both
officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t
authorized to speak publicly
Brazil’s Supreme Court has yet to receive the police report with the indictment. Once it does, the country’s prosecutorgeneral, Paulo Gonet, w i l l a n a l y z e t h e document and decide whether to file charges and force Bolsonaro to standtrial
T h e i n d i c t m e n t dramatically raises the stakes in a series of investigations into the d
opponents but denounced as political persecution byhissupporters Bolsonaro and his lawyers have denied any wrongdoing related to the case, as well as the slew of investigations facing theformerpresident
T h o s e i n c l u d e allegedlyorderinganaide to manipulate public health records to falsify h i s C O V I D - 1 9 vaccination certificate, for which he was already indicted, as well as involvement in inciting an uprising in capital Brasilia on Jan 8, 2023 that sought to oust his successorfrompower.
Last year, Federal Police accused Bolsonaro of attempting to sneak in d i a m o n
h $3 million and selling two luxurywatches
This photo provided by Brazil’s Federal Revenue Department shows jewlery, part of an investigation into gifts received by ex- President Jair Bolsonaro during his term, seized by customs authorities at Guarulhos International Airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the week of March 24, 2023. (Brazil’s Federal Revenue Department via AP, file)
Police said in August that Bolsonaro received cash from the nearly $70,000saleoftwoluxury watches he received as gifts from Saudi Arabia Brazil requires its citizens arriving by plane from abroad to declare goods
worth more than $1,000 and, for any amount above that exemption, pay a tax equal to 50% of their value
The jewelry would have been exempt from tax had it beenagiftfromSaudiArabia to Brazil, but not Bolsonaro’s to keep for himself.
Rather, it would have been added to the presidentialcollection.
The investigation
showed tha
of Bolsonaro’s top aides, Mauro Cid, in June 2022 sold a Rolex watch and a Patek Philippe watch to a store in the U S for a total $68,000
They were gifted by S a u d i A r a b i a ’ s government in 2019. Cid later signed a plea bargain with authorities and confirmeditall.
Bolsonaro retains staunch allegiance among his political base, as shownbyanoutpouringof support in February, when an estimated 185,000 people clogged Sao Paulo’s main boulevard to
protest what the former president calls political persecution.
Hiscritics,particularly members of his rival PresidentLuizInácioLula da Silva’s political party, have cheered every advance of investigations and repeatedly called for hisarrest
Last year, Brazil’s top electoral court ruled that Bolsonaro abused his presidential powers during his 2022 reelection bid, which rendered him ineligible for any electionsuntil2030
The case focused on a meeting during which B o l s o n a r o u s e d government staffers, the state television channel and the presidential palace in Brasilia to tell foreign ambassadors that the country’s electronic votingsystemwasrigged Bolsonaro is expected to meet Argentinia
President Javier Milei this weekend at a conservative conference in Balneario Camboriu, in Brazil’s south
BBC - Hundreds of thousands of homes in Jamaica remain without power in the wake of HurricaneBeryl.
Thecategoryfourstormone of the most powerful to ever hit the country - swept along the island’s southern coast on Wednesday night, bringingmorethan12hours ofheavyrain.
Officials and residents are assessing the damage after an island-wide curfew wasliftedearlyonThursday
Beryl, which has now weakenedtoacategorythree storm, is headed for Mexico and the Cayman Islands. It left a trail of devastation acrosstheCaribbean,killing atleast10people.
St Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada and Venezuela reported three deaths each, while one persondiedinJamaica.
The storm destroyed almost every home on two small islands in St Vincent and the Grenadines, MayreauandUnion.
Here in the capital, Kingston, while the winds
were extremely strong, they weren’t the hurricane gusts that were expected. But the hoursofheavyrainareareal concern, especially on farmlandwherefloodinghas beenreported.
One resident of a rural farming community told the Reuters news agency: “It’s terrible. Everything’s gone.
I’m in my house and I’m scared.”“It’sadisaster,”said AmoyWellington,wholives in the southern parish of St Elizabeth.
On Wednesday night I wasabletogooutsidebriefly to move my car away from overhangingtrees.
Afull-length mirror was lying next to the car - it had
Rain lashed Jamaica for 12 hours
probably blown off someone’s balcony, a reminder that unexpected objects suddenly become missilesinwindsthatstrong.
Jamaican energy
providerJPSsaidthat65%or about 400,000 of its customers - were without poweronThursdaymorning.
The hurricane has
devastatingblow”topartsof theisland,saidtheMPforSt ElizabethSouthWestern.
Posting on X, Floyd Green s
id in his constituency “significant numbers of roofs [have been]lost,housesdestroyed, trees uprooted, light poles downed,almostallroadsare impassable.”
King Charles III, who is also monarch in several Caribbean nations, said on T h u r s d a y h e w a s “profoundly saddened to learn of the dreadful destruction” left by HurricaneBeryl. The UN has unlocked $4m (£3 1m) from its emergency response fund to helptherecoveryinJamaica, Grenada and Saint Vincent andtheGrenadines.
Prime Minister Andrew Holness thanked “first responders, essential services, security forces and good Samaritans who have assistedothersinthistimeof crisis”onhisXaccount.
Beryl became the the earliest category five Atlantichurricaneinrecords goingbackaround100years - thought to be as a result of warmer sea surface temperatures.
The storm shocked meteorologistsathowfastit intensified - taking just 42 hours to go from a tropical depression to a major hurricane.
The work of the pointed out that efforts to year ago the commissioners General, Anil Nandlall, who “I was a delegate of the conduct its affairs, and to Constitutional bring about constitutional were appointed and retired is also a member of the CRC President tasked with a ensure that the members of R e f o r m reform had already faced Justice Carl Singh was explained that while he
the Commission were
C o m m i s s i o n notable delays for over a appointed the chairman,” cannot speak to the reasons Excellency to constitute the appointedandtooktheiroath (CRC) is yet to begin its decade. Mahipauladded. for the delays, he can only Commission, to make the of office. I have discharged work, three months after “Infact,it[constitutional According to the dispose confidence in the seat of the Commission those functions,” the members took their oaths of reform]wasonthemanifesto Opposition MP, at the time efforts being made to ensure available, to furnish and Attorney General said on his office before President of both the People that the appointment was that constitutional reforms equip the seat of the weekly programme Issues in Irfaan Ali Opposition Progressive Party Civic and madebyPresidentIrfaanAli, becomesareality Commission so that it can theNews. MemberofParliament(MP), was also in the manifesto of the commissioners were Ganesh Mahipaul revealed APNU AFC [A Partnership given the impression that the in a Facebook post on forNationalUnity+Alliance work of the commissioner Tuesday that since swearing for Change] Party You wouldstartsoon. in, Commissioners on the would recall that the APNU Giventhedelaysandlack CRChavenotmet. AFCbegansomeworkalong of explanation to the Mahipaul, who is also a the lines of constitutional commissioners for the commissioner on the CRC, reform while in office with delays,Mahipaulopinedthat told Kaieteur News in a the then Prime Minister the Government may not be subsequent invited comment Mo
thatnotonlyhastheCRCnot Mahipaulsaid.
met but its members have Giving a timeline of seriously beenleftinthedarkaboutthe efforts to bring about the “I reached out to the reasonforthedelays. constitutional change, Chairman for an explanation He noted: “Since, we Mahipaul noted that after for the delays but to no took office to now there has several failed attempts, in avail…However, I am of the been no meeting, no email, 2022 legislation was finally opinion that the government no form of communication passed in the National is equally culpable for not w h a t s o e v e r t o t h e Assembly for the formation taking steps to ensure the commissioners to tell us of this Constitutional commissionisfunctioning.” what is going on so we are at ReformCommission. He continued: “The a loss to know where we The law also mandated PPP/C may proffer that there stand…” the commissioners to go is a Chairman to the
During the interview, ahead begin the process of Commission and the Mahipaul emphasized that constitutional reform Chairmanhastoactbutatthe the work of the CRC should H o w e v e r, t h e C R C end of the day, the Chairman be handled with more commissioner noted that a is a creature of the President alacrity given its importance year elapsed before work b y v i r t u e o f h i s in addressing fundamental towards putting together the appointment So the rights, Indigenous Peoples’ constitutional reform situation begs the question rights, electoral reforms, and commissionstarted. how important really is bolstering integrity in public “There was no move constitutional reform to the office. tow ar ds app ointin g government.”
The Opposition MP commissioners. However a Meanwhile, Attorney
The 48-year-old vendor Goodings, successfully innocence, and that he is not and church caretaker who secured $250,000 bail for aflightrisk. wascaughtwithcocaineand eachcharge.
M e a n w h i l e , t h e cannabis in April was on Thelawyertoldthecourt Prosecutor disclosed that on Thursday placed on that at the time of the the date and time in $500,000bail. incident her client was question, Browne was
The accused, Sheldon exiting a church with four standing across from his Browne of Lot 64 Cross other members when police home. The police escorted Street, Werk-en-Rust, approached him, inquiring him over to his house and Georgetown, appeared in about a person of interest. conducted a search in his court to answer to two Browne, only knowing the presence.Duringthesearch, possession of narcotics individual by a nickname, police found several charges. was apprehended and taken cardboard boxes mounted
HewasarrestedonApril intocustody on each other which 26, 2024, afterhe was found The attorney said too revealed a portion of in possession of 2,943 that at her client’s first cannabisandcocaine. gramsofcannabisand2,301 appearancebeforethecourt; Afterhearingbothsides, gramsofcocaine. it was during an ‘Eye in the Magistrate McGusty
After spending over a Sky’ operation when her granted Browne bail on month on remand, Browne client was accused condition that he reports to was finally granted bail on However, the police the Brickdam Police Station Thursday presented no footage as everyotherFriday
During his second court evidence. Matter was adjourned appearance before Principal Inlightofthis,Goodings andheisscheduledtoreturn Magistrate Faith Mc Gusty argued for bail noting the onJuly24,2024.
own absence of video footage, Browne was charged M
urt, that her client lives with with drug trafficking in Browne’s lawyer, Stacy relatives,hasproclaimedhis 2015.
SportsMax-WestIndies battling legend and former Test captain Brian Lara is optimisticthattheCaribbean side’sinexperiencedbattling line up can stand tall to the demands as much will be required of them in the Three-Test series against England, which bowls of nextWednesday In fact, Lara pointed out that a technical and tactical
approach will be integral to West Indies chances, especiallygiventhestrength of England’s line up, coupled with their aggressive approach and home conditions at Lord’s, whichtheywillrelish.
With that in mind, Lara believesthebestwaytodefend against the opponent’s strengthsistotakeanattacking approach in the field “I think
more important is how the bowlersandthecaptainhandle itinthefieldbecausewehaveto stay positive We have to stay aggressiveinterms of having attacking fields, having players in attacking positions, because the way they (England) bat, England are going to have you pushing players out on the boundary – which is what theywant,”Larasaidduring
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
Today you're likely focused on sex, romance, and committed relationships. The planetaryenergiessurrounding love are promising, Aries. If you're in a relationship, you and your partner could make plans.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makes it very difficult for you to join us in the great communal river that we're alltryingtonavigate,Virgo Youprefertotravelsolo
Libra, you should be looking be
ng especiallypositive,warm,and loving-attractingpeopleofall kinds to you Your selfconfidence, optimism, and determination should peak overthenextfewdays.
Creative inspiration could come from deep within today, Scorpio. Visions, dreamsanything that excites your imagination-couldbringideas fornewprojects.
Group activities prove beneficial on several levels, Sagittarius. You might project powerful warmth and love for all life You're feeling especiallyoptimisticaboutthe future.
Youmightfindyourselfinthe publiceyeatsomepointtoday, Capricorn. This is fine since you're looking and feeling great.You'relikelierthanusual to project warmth and friendlinesstoothers.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)If you've considered a careerinpublishing,Aquarius, thisisthetimetogoforit.It's alsoagreatdaytoenrollinlaw school, an advanced degree program,oranyfieldofhigher education.
Your dreams could be vivid, pleasant, and full of informationtohelpyoumakea decision. New and exciting contacts could come into your life today, Pisces, possibly provinghelpfulinshowingyou waystoincreaseyourincome.
a recent interview with Sky Sports. “You push your deep cover back or your third man back, your deep backward square back, it creates opportunities for them to get singles – four, five singles an over is actually great scoring We’vegottobeverytechnical andtacticalintermsofhowwe approachthisseries,”headded UnlikeEngland,whohas upped their game in Test cricket to what has been labelled ‘Bazball’ under Head coach Brendon McCullum and captain Ben Stokes,WestIndieshasbeen quitetheopposite.
England’s alteration has resultedinthemnowplayingan attractive brand of aggressive cricket, particularly with the bat West Indies, on the other hand, have been more traditional, and Lara is of the view that the regional sideshouldremain on the same path, instead of attempt to adopt England’s style of play “I don’t think first of all, as a batting team, that(aggression)isourstyle, whichactuallyisalittlebitof anegative Ifyou’regoingto come up against a side that’s scoringatfiveandsixrunsan overandyou’rejustgoingto score at 25, three runs an over,thatinitselfisaskingfor trouble,”Larareasoned
“England is playing a style of cricket that is difficult to beat them, coming from behind. We’ve got to get them out cheaplyinthefirstinningsto stay in front of the game. If you get behind England –with the pace they play the game at – it’s impossible to get back into the game,” he noted.
Despite the loss of Kemar Roach to a knee injury, Lara, 55, said he is more concerned about the batting
“I’m not worried too much about Kemar Roach missing out or the bowling attack. I think the bowling
attack is pretty formidable,” hedeclared.
“I think the batting is where the experience is lacking. They’re trying, the battersaretrying,butit’sthe
experience have they had in English conditions. So I’m hoping we can pull through in that department,” Lara ended.
ESPNcricinfo -
Thousands thronged Mumbai’sMarineDrive,and the Wankhede Stadium was at full capacity yesterday evening, in anticipation of the Indian team’s open-top bus parade and felicitation for winning the T20 World
Cup. The team’s arrival in Mumbai from Delhi was delayed, though, and their busparadeinSouthMumbai was further delayed by the massive crowds, which causedlogisticalchallenges. Eventually the parade got underway two hours behind
schedule, but neither the chaos of the jam-packed roads nor the rain proved deterrentstothefans.
“The two-hour open-bus parade, which was delayed by two hours, started from the National Centre for Perform
ing Arts (NCPA) in Nariman Point at 7.30pm and went till the Wankhede Stadium,” PTI reported
“The distance is covered usuallyinfiveminutesbutit tookmorethananhourasthe players savoured the evening.
Playing at Norfinch venue in North York, Toronto, the right-handed Sukhwa clobbered 16 sixes and seven fours during his stunning, 59-ball stay at the crease. Apollo Sports Club piled up a gigantic 366-7 from the 40-overs while Northumberland County replied with only 142 in the 21stover Sukhwa, a former Guyanayouthcricketer,also shared an enterprising, 199run stand with Rajkimar Budhram who recorded a century (105) as well Budhrambattedwithagreat degree of aggression too knocking nine sixes and six boundaries while Travis Mohamed contributed 48 towards the back-end of the innings.
Left-arm seamer Abdul
Razaq Qasmi bowled brilliantly in the context of things to finish with 3-25 fromthreeovers.
When Northumberland County batted, Kamil Polal made21and20fromskipper Ross May as off-break bowler Tony Ramdass snatched5-20offfivesteady oversonaresponsivepitch.
Apollo Sports Club had won the toss and they opted to bat. The decision was vindicated with that mammothtotal.
The action was scheduled to continue the next day with a bunch of matches at various venues across the Greater Toronto Area.
ThevictorytakesApollo Sports Club to number 1 on the points standing. Nine teamsareparticipating.
“Thesquadlandedinthe city a little after 5pm local time. As per the itinerary shared by officials, a twohour open-bus parade [was scheduled] from 5pm to 7pm. However, it was learnt that the team could only leave New Delhi by 3.42pm.” Delhi to Mumbai is usually a 2-hour, 10minuteflight.
The team had arrived in Delhi from Bridgetown, Barbados, at 6am, having flown in on a charter flight. They had had to stay put in the West Indies for longer than expected because of Hurricane Beryl, which had forcedairportsclosed.
After arriving in Delhi, theteamwastransferredtoa hotelandlaterinthemorning met India Prime Minister Narendra Modi for breakfast.
“As the fans ran in all directions inthestandsamid a heavy burst of rain, several pairs of footwear got left behindintherush
“Whilethewait[wenton], rain kept pelting down with breaksbutitcouldnotforcethe fans off their seats in the stadium” Eventually the team arrived at the stadium around 930pm, and speeches from captain Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli, Jasprit Bumrah and coachRahulDravidfollowed Therewasalsoalapofhonour India had won their first WorldCup-ODIorT20-in 13yearswhentheysnatched a thriller against South Africa by seven runs in Bridgetown on Saturday Sincethen,Rohit,Kohliand Ravindra Jadeja have announcedtheywillnotplay another T20I, while this WorldCupwasalsoDravid’s last assignment with the team.
The evening was reserved to meet and celebratewithfans,butwith the thousands packing the route to the stadium, and eveningshowersinMumbai adding to the logistical complications, there was a long delay before any celebrations could kick off. Eventually, the gates were closedattheWankhede,with the stadium at capacity, and intermittent but heavy showers followed PTI reported: “As the gates closed amid intermittent rain, extreme humidity and chaos of several thousand people arriving in the vicinity, those [who found] places inside Wankhede remainedfixedtotheirseats even if there was scarcity of foodandwater.
AFP - Novak Djokovic came through a testing Wimbledon workout to stay on course for a recordequalling eighth men’s title yesterday as Andy Murray prepared to launch his emotionalfarewell.
Jessica Pegula became the highest-ranked player to exit the tournament so far, dumped out by China’s Wang Xinyu in the second round but women’s top seed IgaSwiatekcruisedthrough.
Seven-time champion Djokovic did not have it all his own way against British wildcardJacobFearnleybut came through 6-3, 6-4, 5-7, 7-5 in a match lasting three hours.
It appeared to be business as usual for the Serbian as he coasted into a two-setleadonCentreCourt
but the 277th-ranked Fearn
ey broke his illustriousopponenttwicein the third set to reduce the deficit.
Fearnley, playing in his firstGrandSlam,carvedout twobreakpointsinthesixth game of the fourth set but missed his chance and Djokovic broke in the 11th game before serving out for thewin.
“Ididn’thaveachanceto see him play, ” said
Djokovic,37.“Actuallytwo days ago, I saw him for the firsttime
“Obviously there’s always an element of surpriseandwithhimhaving nothingtolose.”
“Most of the British players grow up being exposed to grass courts, quicksurfaces,sotheyknow exactly how to play It’s a very windy day, very challengingconditionsandI thought he served very well.”
Djokovic,whoisplaying withprotectionafterarecent kneeoperation,isseekingto equal Roger Federer’s record of eight Wimbledon men’stitlesandisaimingfor a record 25th Grand Slam title.-PegulaoustedFifth-ranked Pegula wentdown6-4,6-7(7/9),61 to China’s Wang Xinyu, who celebrated her first win againstatop-10player
The American battled backafterlosingthefirstset, saving a match point in the second-set tie-break, before levellingthematch.
ButChina’s42nd-ranked Wangracedintoa5-0leadin the decider and sealed the deal.
Wang, 22, said: “Couple ofdaysagoIwasaskingmy coach, ‘When will this
“Jessicawasreallytough toplayongrass.Herballwas superlowandI’mjustreally happyIwonintheend.”
Wang will face Harriet Dart, who defeated NottinghamchampionKatie Boulter in an all-British clashforaspotinthelast16.
smoothlyintothethirdround at the expense of Croatia’s Petra Martic, racking up a 21ststraightwin.
Asinglebreakineachset was enough to give the 23year-old,whohasneverbeen past the quarter-finals at Wimbledon, a 6-4, 6-3 victory
All eyes will be on Centre Court in the evening when Murray launches his Wimbledon farewell alongside his brother Jamie inthemen’sdoubles.
Murray,thechampionin 2013 and 2016, was desperate for one last crack at the singles but ran out of time after recent surgery to removeaspinalcyst.
TheBritishformerworld numberonestillhasachance to wave goodbye to his adoring fans in both the men’s doubles and mixed doubles as he treads the turf forafinaltime,19yearsafter
“I’mhopingmaybefora bitofclosure.Ijustwantthe opportunitytoplayonemore time out there, hopefully on Centre Court, and feel that buzz,” the 37-year-old said before the tournament started.
Murray is a three-time Grand Slam singles championbuthasforminthe doubles — teaming up with JamietohelpBritainwinthe 2015DavisCup.
The Murrays will face Australian pair Rinky Hijikata and John Peers on
The Telegraph - Harriet Dart turned tears of despair into joy as she moved into the third round at Wimbledonforthefirsttime in five years after stunning Katie Boulter in an entertaining all-British tussle.
The British No 2 fought fromasetdowntoclaimher firstwinoverhercompatriot in the last four attempts, eventuallysealinga4-6,6-1, 7-6(10-8)winafterfighting back in a thrilling final set tie-break.
In a match that was at times low on quality – the pair coughed up a total of 110 unforced errors –Boulter was four points away from victory after going6-2upinthetiebreak. But Dart, who became visiblyemotionaljustasshe thought the match was slipping away, dug deep to produce one of the biggest winsofhercareer.
Thursday, with the decibel countexpectedtosoar
Andy Murray is also scheduled to play mixed doubles with British compatriot and former US Open champion Emma Raducanu.
Elsewhereondayfourof Wimbledon, two-time finalist Ons Jabeur beat US q u a l i f i e r R o b i n Montgomery in straight sets while Elena Rybakina, the 2022 women’s champion, finished strongly to beat G e r m a n y ’s L a u r a Siegemund6-3,3-6,6-3.
On the men’s side, 10th seed Grigor Dimitrov came back from two sets down to beat China’s Shang Juncheng while Swiss veteran Stan Wawrinka exited at the hands of Gael Monfils.
Poland’s Hubert Hurkacz, seen as an outside tipforthetitle,wasforcedto quithissecond-roundmatch against Arthur Fils with a kneeinjury.
French Open runner-up Alexander Zverev, the Wimbledon fourth seed, is lastonthelistonCourtOne.
CorporateLimited,DeSinco Trading, Ricks and Sari, AgroIndustries,AnsaMcAl, King’s Jewelry World, Metro Office Supplies and BountyFarm.
The Rose Hall Town YouthandSportsClubwas founded in 1990 by three time Commonwealth Youth Service Awardee, the Saint Francis Xavier Youth Club and is the only
Youth and Sports club in Guyana to have ever receivedanationalaward. It has won 121 cricket tournaments and produced 123 players for Berbice andGuyanacombined For this year, ten of its members have so far gained national selection at different levels, while ten of its players have played at the international level.
“I knew it was going to be a really tough battle; we onlyplayedeachotherafew weeks ago I wear my
DartandBoultershareda frosty meeting at last month’s Nottingham Open when the former took issue over a line call en route to fallingshortagainstBoulter, but there was no repeat of such drama in a competitive encounter that had a business-like feel from start tofinish.
emotions on my sleeve,” said Dart. “My head to head is absolutely woeful against her, but even though I was down in that tiebreak I thought, ‘Let’s give it everythingI’vegot.’”
Some of Guyana’s top horses will be onshowatthePort Mourant Turf Club horse racemeetonSundayJuly14. Guyana’s champion horse Spankhurst, arch-rival Stolen Money, and the boss lady, Bossalina are among the high-profile horses confirmed.
Accordingtoorganizers, Guyana Cup defending champion, Easy Time may alsocompleteastar-studded roster for the Port Mourant Turf Club CARICOM race meet.
TheJuly14racewillbe the final competitive race before the highly anticipatedGuyanaCupon August 11 at Rising Sun, which is organized by the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred RacingCommittee
All eyes will be on the feature event, as fans will have insights about how the horses will fair at this year’sGuyanaCup
The provisional programme set out for Port Mourant race meet has eightracesonthecardsand close to 10 million dollars
in cash and prizes will be upgrabs
Thefeatureracewillbe open to all horses running at an approximate distance of 1350 metres, where the top horse will bag
The three-year-old Guyana and West Indies bred horses will run at 1350 metres and the top horse will be rewarded $500,000 Horses in the H & Lower will run at 1500 metres and the top horse willbeawardedG$400,000.
Otherracesonthecards include the E class non earner last start & F and lower, the two-year-old Guyana bred, the J & lower, the L Open, and the J/K/L maiden.
All races will run under the guidance of the Guyana Horse Racing Authority Rules, and races are subject tochange.
Horses would need to showproofofvaccinationat timeofentry
The organisers are askingforhorsestoproperly be entered through way of entriesform.
Entries close on July 8, 2024.
Contact for entries are Dennis on 640 6396, Fazal on 611 1141, Buju on 6 5 8 7 6 3 7 , Shazeena/Rose/Vanessa on 322-0789,andGinjoon618
will return to competitive racing.
7278. F o r a d d i t i o n a l information or queries contact should be made via Ginjoon6187278.Alltwoyear-old horses will need to present a vet certificate (verifydateofentry).
In the finishing straightaway, Philipsen deviatedfromhisline,boxing in Wout van Aert on the barrier VanAertlookedtobe in contention for the victory butfinishedsixthafterhaving tousehisbrakestopreventa crash Groenewegen, the recent Dutch national road race champion, is now the third winner of the three differentsprintstagessofar
“I’msoproudofhowwe did today and hopefully we can do it again, ” Groenewegen said shortly after his victory With just oneclimbnearthebeginning ofthe101.6-mileroutefrom Mâcon to Dijon through the
Burgundy wine region of France, Stage 6 was among the flattest days of the 2024 TourdeFrance,whichsetup the riders perfectly for the e n s u i n g s p r i n t finish Intermarché-Wanty’s Biniam Girmay, who leads the contest for the green jersey(pointsclassification), managed a runner-up finish after making history as the firstEritreanandBlackrider towinaTourdeFrancestage onMonday
“At the start of the Tour the green jersey was not an objective, now it’s 100%,”
Girmay said Meanwhile, British sprinter Mark Cavendish finished in 20th
place after his recordbreaking35thcareerTourde F r a n c e s t a g e w i n Wednesday Slovenia /Ls TadejPogaèarofUAETeam Emirates continues to lead the general classification standings and will wear the yellow jersey again tomorrow The top 10 general classification contenders remain unchangedafterStage6,but the first individual time trial stage Friday offers an opportunity to shake up the leaderboard.
Here’s a full look at the 2024 Tour de France standings after six days of racing..
The chaotic dash to the Stage 6 finish line was so
close that neither Groenewegen (Jayco Alula) nor second-place finisher
Philipsen (AlpecinDeceuninck) appeared to
USA TODAY - The sprinters yet again stole the show at the 2024 Tour de F r a n c e a s D y l a n Groenewegen won his sixth career Tour de France stage while Jasper Philipsen, who crossedthelinesecond,was relegated for deviating from his line in a classic sprint finishyesterday
know who had secured the wininthemomentsafterthe race.Althoughraceofficials initially counted Philipsen’s second-place finish, they later discounted it after reviewing Philipsen’s position during the race’s finalmeters.
The 2024 GCF
Junior Chess Championship Qualifiers, sponsored by MOOMILK,willbeginthis Saturday, July 6th to 9th, 2024 The seven-round competitionwillbeplayedat the Guyana National Stadium, Providence, East BankDemerara.
The 2024 MOO MILK Junior Chess Qualifiers is being staged to canvass the top ten junior players to compete for the title of National Junior Chess Champion in the upcoming Nationals. The 2023 Junior Champion Keron Sandiford willnotbedefendinghistitle as he is no longer a junior player since he has passed the age limit. The Open chess competition is expected to deliver the strongest ever field of male and female junior competitorsinGuyana,with thelikesofKyleCouchman, current National U14 and U16 title holder, Sachin Pitamber, former National Junior Champion, Ricardo Narine, Alexander Zhang, NicholasZhang,AditiJoshi,
the reigning U14 Girls
Champion, Maliha RajkumartheU16Girlstitle holder, Italy Ton-Chung, Ciel Clement and Treskolé Archibald are all considered strongcontendersfortop-ten finishes.
Other younger players, KataleyaSam,theU12Girls title holder, and Jeremy Cole, the U12 Open winner, arealsoexpectedtoperform splendidly This tournament hasseenanincreaseinjunior participation in chess, with almostfiftyregistrantssofar The Guyana Chess Federation is pleased to see the number of schools represented this year, namely, Queen’s College, Marian Academy, St Joseph’s High, Mae’s School, Saint Stanislaus College, New Amsterdam Special Needs School, New Guyana School, the School of the Nations, Dolphin Secondary and Westminster Secondary The Qualifiers tournamentwillbeplayedin theSwissformatwithatime control of 90 minutes plus 30-second increments after the first move. Two games
will be played each day at 9 am and 2 pm, with the final matchonJuly9th.
The event is open to players under 20 years as of January 1st, 2024. It will be the first time ten or more FIDE-rated junior players will compete to make the Junior Nationals. President of the GCF, Anand Raghunauth,whoalsositsat the helm of the Chess in Schools program, noted that the quality of play has significantly increased among the much younger players due to the extensive training and coaching availabletotheyouths.
Local coaches Anthony Drayton, Roberto Neto, and Davion Mars have been teaching players for several years, while International Master Atanu Lahiri has continuedtoprovidecoaching to top-tier performers such as Kyle Couchman, Sachin Pitamber,andAditiJoshi
The Guyana Chess Federation wishes to thank DeSinco and their brand MOO MILK, for their generous support towards the 2024 National Junior
Championship tournaments. DeSinco has been a proud sponsor of junior chess in Guyana for several years, and the GCF is thankful for the continued partnership.
Thetopelevenboardswillbe l i v e - s t r e a m e
livechesscloud.com.Tokeep u
chessresults.com for results andpairings. For more information, please visit the GCF’s website: guyanachess gy, and follow us on Facebook andInstagram.
BBC Sport - Jannik Sinner was the winner of an epic Italian showdown on Centre Court as he defeated Matteo Berrettini to reach the third round at Wimbledon.
The world number one needed three tie-breaks to triumph 7-6 (7-3) 7-6 (7-4) 2-6 7-7 (7-4) in a closelycontested encounter that endedjust27minutesbefore theAllEnglandClub’s23:00 BSTcurfew
A Wimbledon finalist in 2021, Berrettini had been Italy’s leadingmanin tennis foralongtime.
But there has been a changing of the guard, with 22-year-oldSinner’ssuccess in recent years propelling him ahead of his Davis Cup team-mate.
“We are very good friends, we play Davis Cup together, sometimes we practise together,” Sinner said.
“It is very tough we had tofaceinthesecondroundof such an important tournament.” Berrettini, 28, was the
world number nine when he became Italy’s first men’s singles finalist at Wimbledonthreeyearsago.
Sincethenhehasslipped down the rankings to 59th, with injury problems causing him to miss this year’s Australian Open and RolandGarros.
However, against Australian Open champion Sinner he showed his big servehasstayedput-hitting 28acestohisopponent’s10.
ItwastheyoungerItalian who took control of the opening two tie-breaks before Berrettini, roared on by the crowd, stormed throughthethirdset.
But Sinner recovered from his brief blip, going toe-to-toe throughout the fourth before taking charge of another tie-break to close out the victory after three hoursand42minutes.
“Today was a very high level match, I think we both played really well,” Sinner added.
“It’s quite late so thanks forstaying.”
Sinner will play Serbia’s
Miomir Kecmanovic, who defeated Dutch 27th seed TallonGriekspoor
Earlier, defending Wimbledon champion Carlos Alcaraz entertained fans on Court One with a stunning victory over Australia’s Aleksandar Vukic.
Alcaraz and Vukic played out a thrilling topsyturvy opening set before the Spaniard took control and wrappedupa7-6(7-5)6-262victory
The 21-year-old is attempting to win back-toback major titles after
Jannik Sinner won his match at Wimbledon. (Getty Images)
triumphing at the French Openlastmonth.
“I’m really happy about my performance today,” Alcarazsaid.
“Thefirstsetwasthekey for me to pull out all the nerves.Itwasreallyclose.”
The three-time major winner will face American 29th seed Frances Tiafoe, whohedefeatedinthesemifinals en route to his US Openvictoryin2022.
“Weplayedareallygood match in the US Open. I know that he is a really talented player, he is even tougher here on grass with
“It’s going to be a really difficult match for me but I’m ready to take that challenge, I’m ready to play areallyhighleveloftennis.”
Tiafoe made it into the third round with a 7-6 (7-5) 6-16-3winagainstCroatia’s BornaCoric.
Medvedevfightsbackin gruellingwin
E l s e w h e r e o n Wednesday, Daniil Medvedevfoughtbackfrom a set and a break down to defeatFrenchmanAlexandre Muller
The Russian fifth seed won 6-7 7-6 (7-4) 6-4 7-5 after three hours and 28 minutesonCentreCourt.
“It was never easy but I managedtostaysolid,stayin thematch,trytofightback,” said28-year-oldMedvedev
“I’m definitely happy with the win - I should have playedmuchbetterbutwhen you win, there is the next roundtodobetter.”
Medvedev, who reached the semi-finals at Wimbledon last year, will faceGermany’sJan-Lennard
Eighth seed Casper Ruud fell to a 6-4 7-5 6-7 (1-7) 6-3 defeat by world number 94 Fabio Fognini ofItaly
It is the third year in a row that Norway’s Ruud, who prefers clay and hardcourt surfaces to grass, has lost in the second round at Wimbledon
Frenchman Gael Monfilsistwogamesaway from the third round after he took a 7-6 (7-5) 6-4 5-5 lead over three-time Grand Slam winner Stan Wawrinka before play was suspendedbecauseoffading light.
American 12th seed Tommy Paul was taken the distance by world number 147 Otto Virtanen before the Queen’s champion claimeda4-66-35-77-564winoncourtthree. Meanwhile, Thanasi Kokkinakis of Australia saved four match points on hiswaytoa4-65-77-6(119) 6-4 6-4 victory against 17th seed Felix AugerAliassime.
Day three of the Y o u t h
Basketball Guyana National Schools Basketball Festival saw the quarterfinalists in the Boys’ Under-18 division being decidedonTuesday
T h e N a t i o n a l Gymnasium buzzed with excitement as Linden Technical Institute (LTI), Mackenzie High, New Amsterdam Multilateral Secondary (NAMSS), Saint Stanislaus College (Saints), Government Technical Institute (GTI), President’s College (PC), and The Bishops’ High School secured wins, advancing to theknockoutstage.
The day began with Linden Technical Institute edging out Vryman Ervin in a thrilling opener. Despite Vryman Ervin’s Oudkerk’s impressive performance of 21 points and 12 rebounds, LTIclincheda41-37victory. Stephen George was pivotal for LTI, achieving a doubledoublewith15pointsand19 rebounds, while Julian Gordon and Tehmel Tyrell eachadded9points.
HighSchoolroundedoutthe quarterfinalists Saints triumphed over Berbice High School 46-34, led by DanielChisholm’s12points and18rebounds.
GTI defeated YMG Academy 27-20, with Yisrael Yeeknohyah standing out with 10 points and 10 rebounds The Bishops’ High School secured a 36-26 victory against Skeldon Line Path, thanks to Colwyn Stephens’ 14 points and 8 rebounds, andKyreuButters’7points.
Mackenzie High School (MHS)followedwithasolid 31-23winovertheSchoolof theNations.Inalow-scoring game, Vladimir Dasilva and Isaiah Cameron led MHS, withDasilvascoring5points and Cameron contributing 7 pointsand7rebounds. New Amste
Georgetown Secondary in the third match Samuel Welcome excelled with 12 points and 5 rebounds,
Multilateral Secondary
Hamiltonwith11pointsand 6 rebounds, and Tyrese Arthur adding 9 points,
culminating in a 45-21 victoryforNAMSS.
President’s College entered the quarterfinals with high confidence after a commanding 27-point
prowesswasondisplaywith 14 rebounds and 9 points, while Raymond Paul added 11pointsand5rebounds.
us, Government Technical Institute, and The Bishops’
The tournament continues today with exciting quarterfinal matchupsstartingat2:00pm attheNationalGymnasium. The event is sponsored by Edward B. Beharry Ltd andG-BoatsGuyana. Today’s quarterfinals l i n e u p i n c l u d e s ; Government Technical Institute taking on Linden Technical Institute in match #1, then Kwakwani Secondary will come up against Mackenzie High, followed by The Bishops’ High and New Amsterdam Multilateral clash in match #3 and President College versus Saint Stanislaus Collegeinthefinalmatchof theday
ST JOHN’S, Antigua –Cricket West Indies (CWI)
has announced with gratitude the conclusion of Dr The Most Honorable Desmond Haynes’and Mrs. Ann Browne-John’s tenures as Lead Selectors, effective June30th,2024.Dr Haynes, who was appointed to the role in January 2022, and Mrs Browne-John, appointed in October 2019, have both made significant contributions to the organization during their tenures.
Their insights and commitment have been invaluable to our cricketing endeavors.”
While Dr Haynes and Mrs. Browne-John will no longer serve as Lead Selectors, Cricket West Indies is confident that their contributions in other areas to the sport will not waiver and will seek to utilize their expertise.
CWI will continue the quest for excellence in the selection system with ongoing restructuring efforts, including the implementation of new and improved processes
Cricket West Indies Director of Cricket, Mr Miles Bascombe, expressed appreciation for their services,stating,“Weextend our heartfelt thanks to Dr Haynes and Mrs. BrowneJohn for their dedicated service as Lead Selectors.
Bascombeelaboratedonthe newdirections,stating,“We are committed to selection system that reflect the current needs of our cricketing landscape which will give us the best chance to identify and develop talentacrossalllevels.
The new system will have an increased focus on scouting, depth charting, alignment with cricket strategy, and h u m a n
decisions were taken
considerations by the Cricket Development and PerformanceCommittee ” Dr Haynes’ and Mrs Browne-John’s tenures as
Lead Selectors have been m a r k e d b y t h e i r unwavering dedication to the sport and their deep u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f cricketingdynamics.
West Indies teams h a v e s h o w n improvements in the ICC rankings forboth Menand Women under their l e a d e r s h i p C W I acknowledges the pivotal roles that both individuals
anticipated that the new system will take effect following ratification at the upcoming CWI Board of Directors meeting that will take place later this month
Th e 2 0 2 4
Boy’s and Girl’s School Under-15 Football Championship is set for an exhilaratingfinishtomorrow (Saturday)attheMinistryof Education ground. In the Boy’s Finale, Dolphin Secondary will face off against Chase’s Academic Foundation, while the talented President’s College Girls aim to dethrone the well-oiled Waramuri Top unit.
Race for title awaits you! Will Akeel Younge and company see Chase’s Academic Foundation to another title or will Dolphin Secondary thwart their chances?
Over the past seven weeks, the fifth annual ExxonMobil-sponsored event has delivered thrilling moments, from hat-tricks andnail-bitingfinishestothe defending Boy’s champions being knocked out in the quarterfinalstage.
The tournament has firmly established itself as the most exciting U14 Football competition in the country,showcasingloadsof emergingtalents.
The Girls division has arguably been the most entertaining segment of this spectacle Defending
champions Waramuri Primary Top boast an unbeaten record as they moveintothefinal.
Despite a challenging semi-final clash against a strong Bartica side and their top goal scorer Erika Harris not finding the net, they managed a 2-1 win against Santa Rosa to secure their spotinthefinal.
President’s College, on theotherhand,hasprovento be a top contender with an impressive 8-0 victory over New Amsterdam Girls in
earlier rounds. Reyanna Gounga will also be looking to add to her goal tally, currently standing at eight. Harriswillalsobelookingto add to her 10 goals in the competition. In the Boy’s division, both Dolphin Secondary and Chase’s AcademicFoundationhave played exceptionally well, entering the finals undefeated Chase, however, had a draw in the earlier rounds a g a i n s t L e o n o r a Secondary The question
Waramuri Primary Top will be looking to defend their title a President’s College on Saturday
remains: will Dolphin’s Christian Sam, Tyler
Abrams, and Gowan Adams lead their team to victory, or will Chase’s Akeel Younge and Mark Glasgow deny them the 2024title?Thestageisset; come witness the action from2:00pm
Meanwhile, separate third-place playoffs betweenBarticaSecondary and Santa Rosa Secondary (Girls) and South Ruimveldt and Leonora Secondary (Boys) will also
set the stage for the epic finale
The tournament, sponsored by ExxonMobil with support from DDL/Pepsi,StenaDrilling, and MVP Sports, is sanctioned by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports The action is set to unfold tomorrow (Saturday, July 6) at the Ministry of Education ground, with the crowning of the champions taking centerstage
The Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club, Guyana’s leadingYouth and Sports organization, from the8thofJulywillbehosting its 34th annual cricket Academy at the area H ground in Rose Hall Town. The club has been hosting the Academy since its formation in 1990 and this year’s edition is expected to bethelargestofitskind.
Club secretary Hilbert Foster stated that the main objectives of the annual cricketAcademyaretomold the players into all round cricketerscapableofplaying atthehighestlevel,toinstill in them the importance of discipline and education, to correct technical flaws in their game, educate youths on the history of the game and to get youths to understand the history and traditionofthegame.
The former president of the Berbice Cricket Board stated that, the Rose Hall TownYouthandSportsClub success over the years has
been the result of getting a constantflowofhighquality playersintheclubstructure. The Academy would be headed by Level 3 coach WinstonSmithwithabattery of coaches including Floyd Benjamin and Eon Hooper Classesstartat9:00amdaily and snacks will be provided for 120 students present at the Academy This year editionisbeingsponsoredby Bakewell and Guyana BeverageCompany(Busta).
Cricket manager
Rabindranath Kissoonlall statedthat,theclubhasputa lot of investment in this year’s Academy and it strives to maintain its repetitionasahighproducer of players for Berbice and Guyana The club has invested heavily to obtain a mobile grass cutter to maintainthegroundwhileit has also obtained several pieces of new equipment including a 32 inch by 8 inches matting for batting practice on the concrete pitch,100feetpracticenet,a
modern catching practice equipment and four new Kiddies cricket kits among others. Kissoonlall noted that the club strongly believes in preparing its youthforsuccessfuture.
Head coach Winston Smith disclosed that he comprehensive two week of intense training and coaching programme has been specially prepared for theAcademy Additionally, lectures would be done on a wide range of topics including drug abuse, peer pressure, history of cricket, captaincy and leadership, traditionofthegame,roleof sports ambassador and laws ofthegame.
Practice matches would alsobeplayeddailybetween different age groups: Under 11, Under 13, Under 15, Under 17 and Under 19. Smith is urging young femalestojointheAcademy and learn how to play the game.
The RHTYSC has the reputation of having
Guyana’s only full-time female cricket team and the club is looking to attract more members for the Rose Hall Town Metro female team. Among the females produced by the club are Shamine Campbell, Erva G
Millington,ShabikiGajnabi, Melanie Henry, Trisha Hardat, Mariam Samaroo, Diane Prahalad and Uma Matadin.
The RHTYSC would reward the cricketer of the 2024 cricket Academy with over 300,000 dollars worth ofprizesincludedanelectric bike, one electronic tablet, a lazy boy, designer watch, Kings Jewelry world gold medallion, design clothing, cricket gears, household equipment and school materials Awards would also be given to the best batsman, best bowler, most discipline, best attendance, most cooperative and most improved member of the Academy Additionally a
total of all about ten cycles and four electronic tablets would be shared out while every attendee at the Academy who successfully completes the attendance rate of 90% will receive a school bag and educational material. This year’s Academy is
Bakewell, the Guyana Beverage Company and T&Rconstructioncompany A number of the clubs friends have supported with gifts and prizes including John Lewis Styles, The Gift Center,HASnacks (Continuedonpage29)