Unidentified woman found dead with gunshot wound in head
Despite Govt's real-time monitoring of production data from Exxon, public Guyana could face suspension,
still faced with delayed updates Former murder suspect knifed to death after motorcycle argument possible delisting from EITI for failing to update oil reserves Youths feared drowned while swimming at Unity Beach
Put our own meters on Exxon’s oil pumps!
Killed: Trevolta Mangal
Miss,Mrs&TeenIndiaGuyana2024crownedingrandstyleattheRamadaPrincessHotelRoraimaBallroom. The winners are Miss Teen India GuyanaTimran Dookna, Miss India Guyana - Diana Heralal and Mrs India Guyana- Devi Lim. (left to right) National Director Hashim Alli, Vice President of MIG Organization - Melicia Partab Alli, Miss Teen India Guyana- Timran Dookna, Miss India Guyana- Diana Heralal, Mrs India Guyana - Devi Lim, Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water - Honorable Susan Rodrigues and Mr Dharmatma Saran - Chairman of Miss, Mrs, Teen India Worldwide.
House to debate motion to empower PAC to summon witnesses for examination of public spending
The National Assembly is set to debate a critical motion, which aims to enhance the authority of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).
Themotion,presentedby A Partnership for National Unity, Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC), Member of Parliament (MP), Jermaine Figueira, who is also the Chairperson of the PAC, seeks to grant the committee the power to summon witnesses, a capacity it currentlylacks.
The PAC is a key parliamentary body responsible for examining howpublicfundsareutilized by the government and its various entities. Established under the Constitution of Guyana and guided by the Standing Orders of the NationalAssembly, the PAC scrutinizesaccountsshowing the appropriation of funds granted by the House for publicexpenditure.
It also reviews reports from the Auditor General, ensuring transparency and accountability in the management of public resources. The committee’s oversight extends to all centralandlocalgovernment bodies, state-controlled entities, and projects financed by foreign loans or grants, making it a crucial mechanism for maintaining fiscal discipline and preventing misuse of public funds.
The motion titled “Authority of the Public
Partnership for National Unity, Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC), Member of Parliament (MP), Jermaine Figueira
Accounts Committee to summon witnesses” seeks to havethePACbedeemedasa legislative body, in accordancetotheLegislative Bodies (Evidence) Act, Chapter 2 of 2012. The Act stipulates that a “legislative body” meaning-the Cabinet, any Special Select Committee of the National AssemblyoranyCommittee oftheNationalAssemblyare empowered by resolution of the Assembly to summon witnesses.
With the support of the Government of Guyana (GoG), the motion will be passed and the PAC will be empowered to summon witnesses when examining thespendingofpublicfunds.
Figueira underscored the necessity of the motion, citing challenges the PAC
faces. “The Committee for thepurposeofexaminingthe accounts of entities is required to invite persons to produce books, plans, or documents,toaidinthework oftheCommittee,”hesaid.
However, he noted, “on occasions, some persons are reluctanttoappearbeforethe Committee, thus affecting theworkoftheCommittee.”
The lack of summoning authority, he argued, hampers the committee’s effectiveness in scrutinizing theuseofpublicfunds.
The proposed resolution seeks to officially recognize thePACasalegislativebody undertheLegislativeBodies (Evidence) Act, thus empowering it to summon individuals and require the productionofrelevantbooks, plans,ordocumentstoaidin itsinvestigations.
“The Public Accounts Committeehasobservedthat it is not deemed a legislative body as defined in the Legislative Bodies (Evidence)Act,Chapter2of 2012 and is not empowered tosummonpersonstoappear before the Committee [The] Committee is desirous of summoning persons to appearbeforetheCommittee to explain the use of Public Funds during their tenure,” Figueiranoted.
If passed, this motion would significantly strengthen parliamentary oversight and the PAC’s a b i l i t y t o e n s u r e accountability in the use of publicfunds.
Power outage updates will be provided in real time from control center
- Jagdeo
Inthenearfutureafterall the upgrade works are completed on the Guyana PowerandLight(GPL)grid, the wait for reports from the outstations on outages will be eliminated. The updates are expected to be provided in real time and this will enable staff to be immediately dispatched to theareaaffected.
During his weekly press conference at the Freedom House on Robb Street last Thursday theVice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo said that, “We are upgrading the whole system, and these wouldbesmartgrids.Onthe line itself, you have a fibreoptic cable that will be connected to the control centre.”
The VP explained that with the new control center atEccles,“youwon’tneedto getareportwhenablackout takesplaceanywhereelse.In real-time, you can know from the control centre at Eccles wherever in the country…or on the interconnectedgrid,ifyouhavea power outage, you can d i s p a t c h p e o p l e immediately.”
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
Additionally, the center will also enable remote disconnections.
It was recently reported thattheGPLintendstospend approximately $200 million toupgradethenationalgrid.
The Vice President was at the time speaking at a press conference held at the Office of the President. He was asked to provide an
update on the additional 30MW of power the government intends to acquire in a similar arrangement with the
Turkish Powership –Karpowership – contracted bythegovernmenttosupply Guyana with some 36 megawatts of electricity for twoyears.
“So the existing system now we have to look at that withallthatnewpowerinthe place, (that) we have grid stability to transmit and distributethepower.Sothey havecomeupandtheyhave gone to tender for about $200M of work to upgrade the grid, put in more transformers,changeoutthe lines and stuff like that,” Jagdeosaid.
The Vice President explained that the updating of the national grid will ensurethatthecountryhasa more stable distribution system.
The Mohameds’ matter stands as a test of the authenticity of the PPPC Government. The father-son Mohamedcombomademultiplestunningheadlineslocally andelsewhere.Thegovernmentcanmanifesthowgenuine it is in pursuing matters wherever they lead, whoever is involved. Nextstepsmustincludeimplementingremedies that give Guyana a better reputation, some standing internationally
AslewofallegationshavebeendirectedattheMohameds bytheUSGovernment Itisclosetoamonthsincethejarring news broke of alleged wrongdoing and sanctions applied A senior public servant left in a hurry, while protesting her innocence about everything associated with her name The Mohamed have had their foreign exchange (moneychanger) businesshalted,andinvolvementinracingactivitiesstopped Onthe surface,theremaybetheimpressionthatthePPPCGovernmentis takingtheUSGovernment’sallegationsseriouslyandisonthemoveto doallthatitcantogetridoftheblotsonGuyana’sname Itmustdo sowithanodtoalltherightsandprocessesthatisduetothe Mohameds, while giving every confidence that it means business This has, however, come under question Almost three weeks after the US Government allegations burst on thescene,thegovernmentappearstobeengaginginaclear case of dawdling as if it is buying time, not sincerely committed to moving ahead with closing out this sorry chapterinGuyana. Theobjectivemaybetoletthematterbe obscured by the passage of time, and with other events consigningittothebackburner DevelopmentsfromtheUSside indicatethattheGuyanaGovernmentmustcommunicatewiththe DepartmentofJusticetogatherinformationandfillinthegapsthat exist Thisissothatcomprehensivefollowingthroughcould occurontheissuesoftaxevasion,goldsmuggling,bribery, corruption in government, and so on. If there is enough comingfromtheUS,andthereissomesolidnessfromwhat has been disclosed so far, court proceedings must commence,andmattersruntheirnaturalcourse. Thereare somehiccups,however,thatforsomereasonseemtoinhibit thetypeofurgencythatshouldaccompanytheMohameds’ allegations. In the early days of July, Attorney General Anil Nandlall revealed that required communications with the US JusticeDepartmenthadnotyethappenedbutwouldfollowbythe endofthatsamefirstweek
Thisisperplexing;giventhenatureoftheallegationsandthe stainstheyhaveputonthePPPCGovernment Foritspart,the governmentwasquicktomakepiousdeclarationsaboutrespect forlawandorderandworkingwiththeAmericans Meanwhile realityispointingintheotherdirection TheMohameds’matter hasnotbeenmovingalongfromGuyana’ssidewithpersuasive swiftness and energy if only to restore confidence in local institutionsandsystems Weatthispaperareoftheviewthatthe entireissueisstuckinakindofpoliticalandbureaucraticholding pattern Whythisissoisbaffling,andwesoundawarningnote Unlessthereisvigorandthehighestprinciplesatthelocallevel permeatingtheMohamedsdevelopments,itistakingunduerisks, whichcouldleadtosevereburning
A former Guyana auditor general, Anand Goolsarran, said that the actions taken here in response to the US allegations look ‘cosmetic ’ Whether that is a representation of the back story remains to be seen. But Guyanese can be sure of one thing. The US Government and its officials in Guyana are carefully and closely monitoring every action taken by the PPPC Government. To this date, they do not instill much confidence for the simple reason that doubts multiply, with more questions arising about the governments inexplicable stonewalling and slowing down when it should be speeding up. One of the alarming points raised by the US Government was its repeated use of ‘corruption by government officials’and a network spanning numerous instances of local lawbreaking. This should be concerning for any government, foritcouldensnarebothpoliticalpresencesaswellaspublic servants. TheballisintheGuyanaGovernment’ssideofthe field:itrunswithit,cannotaffordtostumbleoverit.
Guyana be aware of these dummy corporations
Withthepaceofprogress takingplaceinGuyanaatthe present moment, there has beenaninfluxofcompanies taking advantage of this lucrative business climate.
CARICOM’s Single Market andEconomy(CSME)these b
mushrooming all around,
businesses,foreigncurrency playsanimportantpartinthe importation among other necessary transactions of one’sbusiness.
Seeing foreign exchange issuchavitalnecessity,there is always a need for the international currency here in Guyana. What happens every so often is a depletion of those resources when the Bank of Guyana is called upontofillthevoid.
Now the question is
asked, how much of that foreign currency is invested here in Guyana, or how muchofthathardcurrencyis plowed back into the economy here? Are those corporations clamouring for currencies, legitimately owned or registered to do businesshereinthiscountry, or are they dummy corporations?
I believe some of them are in the latter group, dummy entities that are planted here to parasitically plunder our hard currency.
From firm evidence gathered, I am convinced that there are dummy businesses in our midst, that were deliberately set up to takeadvantageofourliberal foreign currency exchange, there is no question in my mindaboutthat!
Then it behooves us to believe that these entities masquerading here do not
have Guyana’s development atheart,theyaresimplyhere to plunder what we have fought so hard to buildup. For this reason, we need to become more alert to these developments taking place in our foreign currency market.
In this regard, The GRA needs to take a proactive role. The revenue authority needs to mount an investigation into the many corporations doing business here to ascertain legitimate ones, from those acting the roleofdummycorporations. Iamtalkingaboutthosewho were created to serve as a cover for other sinister activities such as using hard currency gleaned here, to foster the development of their investments in other countries; that is not allowed!
Dummy entities such as these, have the negative
effect of hemorrhaging our foreigncapital. Thiscannotbeallowedto continue, foreign currency bought in Guyana ought to be spent in Guyana or otherwise used for the furtherance of businesses here in Guyana, and there is nootherway
So, Guyana needs to have a firmer grip on its fiscal laws as it relates to “foreign companies” operating here, we need to become more conservative in the management of our finances.
When you look at the waythedevelopedcountries handles its finances and the stringentmethodsappliedto the operations of big companies, it shows how much we have to learn in meeting that goal. The time togetthereisnow!
U.S. and U.K. Governments urged to amend Maritime Laws to allow private security on cargo ships in high-risk zones
I am writing to express my deep concern and frustration over the current regulations that restrict cargo ships from hiring private security when traveling through high-risk maritime zones, specifically off the coasts of Libya, Niger, and Somalia The threat of piracy in these regions is not only a persistent menace but also a gravedangertointernational trade and the lives of those whooperatethesevessels.It is imperative that both the United States and United Kingdom governments amendtheirlawstoallowfor the proper protection of theseships.
The waters off Libya, Niger, and Somalia are notorious for pirate attacks. Despite international efforts to combat this scourge, piracy remains a significant threat Pirates in these regions are well-armed and organised, often outgunning the minimal security measuresthatcargoshipsare permitted Current regulations only allow one firearm aboard a cargo ship, a woefully inadequate defense against heavily armed pirates. This leaves crew members vulnerable
While the United States Coast Guard (USCG) and His Majesty’s Coastguard (HMCG) provide support, their resources are stretched thin. Deploying warships to escort cargo vessels through these danger zones is not a sustainable solution The response time for these warships to reach endangered ships can be extensive, often resulting in catastrophic outcomes before help arrives. This dependency on government assistance is both impractical and insufficient giventhescaleofthethreat.
Allowing cargo ships to hire private security firms equipped to handle pirate threats is a practical and necessary measure. Private security teams are trained specifically for maritime defense and can offer immediateprotection.These professionals would be far more effective in deterring and neutralising pirate attacks than the current, inadequatemeasures.
Moreover, the presence of armed security on board would serve as a significant
deterrent to pirates Knowingthatashipiswelldefended would likely dissuade many would-be
attackers, reducing the frequency and severity of piracy incidents This proactive approach would notonlyprotectthecrewand cargo but also stabilise shippingroutes,ensuringthe continued flow of goods essentialtoglobaltrade.
T h e e c o n o m i c implications of piracy are profound Every year, millions of dollars are lost due to pirate attacks, with costs including ransom payments, stolen cargo, increased insurance premiums, and delays in shipping schedules. These costsultimatelytrickledown to consumers, affecting global markets and economies.Allowingprivate security on cargo ships would significantly reduce these economic burdens by preventing many attacks beforetheyoccur Furthermore, the human cost cannot be overlooked.
Crew members who fall victimtopiracyfaceextreme danger, often being taken hostage and subjected to violence and inhumane c o n d i t i o n s T h e psychological trauma experienced by these individuals is immense. By providing adequate security, wecanprotecttheseworkers
and ensure their safety and well-being.
Other nations have recognised the necessity of private security on cargo shipsandhaveadaptedtheir laws accordingly For instance, the Italian government allows for armed security personnel on its vessels, leading to a notable decrease in successful pirate attacks on Italian ships. It is high time thattheUnitedStatesandthe United Kingdom follow suit andupdatetheirregulations.
Both countries have the meansandtheresponsibility to lead by example in protecting maritime interests.
By permitting private security firms to operate on cargo ships, they can significantly enhance the safety of international shipping lanes and reduce the burden on their naval forces.
T h e s t r a t e g i c implications of permitting private security on cargo ships extend beyond mere defense. It would signal a strong commitment by the U.S.andUKgovernmentsto safeguardinternationaltrade routes, reinforcing their leadershipinglobal
PNCR contract with the People of Guyana Consider the negative effects betting and gambling shops have on communities
On Sunday June 30, 2024, the curtains came down on what can be describedasoneofthemost organized, democratic and transparent political party congresses in the history of Guyana. The 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress of the People’s National Congress Reform was an intense, high-energy affair, the likes of which Guyana has never witnessed. This was only possible because of impeccable planning and s m a r t g r a s s r o o t s mobilization.
The Congress featured many serious and memorable moments that have far-reaching national implications for all Guyanese. However, it was thePartyLeader’s‘Contract with the People of Guyana’ speech, which brought the delegates to their feet, in a standingovationthatwillgo down as one of the most impactful speeches of our times. It not only displayed the oratorical skills of Mr. Aubrey Compton Norton; it gave a glimpse into what Guyanese can look forward to in the near future... more thana‘goodlife’,morethan a ‘better life’, indeed, it promises Guyanese the chance to enjoy their ‘best l i f e ’ w h e n t h e PNCR/Coalition is returned to Government at the next General and Regional
Elections. The theme for the Congresswas,“Formingthe Next Government: Building a Just, Inclusive and ProsperousSocietyforAll.” It represents a public declaration that was encapsulated in the now historic, “Contract with the People of Guyana” speech. This seminal Congress speech was remarkable for itsclinicaldelineationofthe social, political and economic challenges facing Guyanese at this critical juncture of our history “Cometh the hour, Cometh the man;” Aubrey Compton Norton and the PNCR has crafted a development strategy that willcatapultallGuyaneseto their ‘best lives’ in the shortestpossibletime. The People Centered Development Strategy (PCDS) will be holistic in scope.
It prioritize
all Guyanese. This is how the PCDS was defined by Mr. Nortoninhisspeech,“Itputs people first and will utilize the resources of Guyana to achieve the ultimate goal of providing a high quality of life to the people of Guyana through the direct and indirecttransferofresources to our people, to educate them, support their mobilization of resources to work, and for investment
with the aim of alleviating and ultimately eradicating p o v e r t y w h i l e simultaneously resulting in thesustainabledevelopment of all communities and sectors of the Guyanese society, as well as the promotion of good governanceandthecreation of a just and prosperous society The PCDS will ensure that the needs of the people such as healthcare, housing, water, electricity, education, transportation, andothersocialservicesare guaranteed.
The New York PNCR Group is pleased to have joinedthescoresofdelegates from the Diaspora who travelled from the USA and Canadaattheirownexpense, toexperienceandparticipate meaningfully in this historic Congress We congratulate the newly elected Executive of the PNCR; Leader, Hon Aubrey Norton, M P ; Chairman, Mr Shurwayne Holder, MP; Treasurer, Mr Elson Lowe, Vice Chairs, ElizabethWilliams-Nilesand Mr.VinceroyJordan,M.P.,as well as the 15-member Central Executive Committee.Guyaneseareon thecuspofgreatnesswiththe newPNCR/Coalition Thisis your ticket to enjoying your best life, guaranteed under the “Contract with the PeopleofGuyana.”
Yourssincerely, NewYorkPNCRGroup
As a young father and concerned citizen, I would like to express my deep concern about the negative impacts that betting and gambling shops are having on communities across Guyana. My observations, both upon visiting these establishments and simply passing them by, led me to believe that they are contributing to a rise in crime,druguse,andeventhe currentlabourshortage.
The prevalence of betting shops, particularly theirabundanceandthehigh volume of customers they see on Mondays, the very beginningoftheworkweek, suggests that they may be drainingfinancesawayfrom
households and hindering productivity This, in turn, could be a contributing factor to the labour shortage currently being experienced inGuyana.
Furthermore, there is a growing worry that these establishmentsarefuellinga rise in crime. The allure of potentially winning quick money can lead some individuals to resort to desperate measures to fund their gambling habits. This cancreateadangerouscycle that not only harms the individual but also disrupts the peace and safety of our communities.
There is also a concern that these shops might be encouraging the use of drugs. The addictive nature
of both gambling and drugs can create a vicious cycle, with one feeding into the other
This can have a devastating impact on individuals, families, and societyasawhole. I would like to urge the authorities to consider the negative effects that betting and gambling shops are having on our communities. Iimplorethemtotakeaction to mitigate these problems, whether through stricter regulations, limitations on thenumberofsuchshops,or increased public awareness campaignsaboutthedangers ofgamblingasanaddiction.
confidence in the police force dwindles
The robbery of millions at a bank under the cover of police uniforms, and false statements being added and thenwithdrawnfromofficial police investigations removes all confidence in what is going on at police headquarters. A twelve story building for the police should nolongerbeonthecardsuntil theGPFcancleanuptheirranks and regain the public’s
confidence in their ability to prevent crime and corruption This is the same force, whose memberswerebeingbeatenin the streets and that are constantly being accused of taking bribes If the force doesn’t show that they are capable of catching the criminals amongst them, then they will continue to be disrespected on the road Law and order in the country is already in need of
improvement The GPF must firstwipeoutthecorruptionin theforce Onlythen,shouldwe consider strengthening the GPFwithatwelvestorystate of the art building To do so beforehand will only lead to increasing the strength of the criminalsamongstthem Withconcern, Mr.JamilChanglee Chairman
T h e C o o p e r a t i v e RepublicansofGuyana
Hurricane Beryl causes major setback to CARICOM’s plans to reduce food import bill – Pres. Ali
President Irfaan Ali, during a live statement on Sunday, said that Hurricane BerylhascausedamajorsetbackfortheRegion’splanto reduceitsfoodimportbillby 25%by2025.
In 2022, the heads of Government of CARICOM committed to reducing the Region’s large food import bill by 25% by 2025. The Guyanesepresidentistasked with the responsibility of agricultureandfoodsecurity in CARICOM and is spearheading the initiative. The goal is to be achieved through the implementation oftheCARICOMAgri-Food Systems Strategy, which prioritizes the production of crops and products that are
imported heavily in the Region.Beryl, an eventual category five hurricane, made landfall on Grenada’s Carriacou Island and has sincemovedthroughseveral islands in the Region, causing severe damage alongitspath,particularlyto t h e a g r i c u l t u r a l infrastructure.Thehurricane has severely impacted the islands of Grenada, St Vincent & the Grenadines, St.Lucia,Jamaica,Barbados and according to Ali, those countries were all showing great improvement in their agriculturalsectorsandwere ontargettoachievethe25% by2025goal.
“[Theinitialassessment] is heart wrenching because of
investment, the tremendous policy commitment and budget support that was placed in the agricultural sector since 2020, investment in infrastructure,
water system, technology, crop variety, farm support, f a
infrastructure,” Ali said before adding “many of these countries would have
lostallofthisinvestment,” Aliunderscoredtoo,that “not only is the initial investment or cost of damageconcerningtohimas leadheadonagriculture,but also the long term investment cost to rebuild theinfrastructureandtofind resources,torecapitalizethe farmers”
Despite the setback, Ali relatedthatmeasureswillbe taken to assist the affected islands. Some of the plans include mobilizing regional resources to assist governments and farmers in rebuilding their respective agriculturalsectors.
“There are some thoughts and some initial ideasthatI’vealreadyshared with some colleagues and
also the chair of the Ministerial Task Force for agriculture to see how we can quickly mobilize the necessary stakeholders and resources to address this tremendous setback that our 25%by2025actionplanhas been hit with by Beryl,” he explained.
The Guyanese president also plans to contact several international bodies for assistance to handle the issues Beryl has posed to food security and the agricultural industry in the Region.
“I’m also deeply concerned and will be makingthenecessarycallsin relation to FAO (Food and AgricultureOrganizationof (Continuedonpage09)
and U.K. Governments urged to amend...
maritime security This policy shift could enhance diplomatic relations with othernationsthatsharethese waters and face similar
piracy threats By collaborating with these countries to standardise private security regulations, aunifiedfrontagainstpiracy canbeestablished.
One of the main objections to allowing private security on cargo ships revolves around legal and regulatory concerns.
Critics argue that the presenceofarmedpersonnel could escalate conflicts and c o m p l i c a t e l e g a l
accountabilityintheeventof an incident. However, these concerns can be effectively managed through stringent regulationsandoversight. For instance, private securityfirmsmustadhereto strict guidelines regarding the use of force, ensuring that their actions are defensiveandproportionate.
A d d i t i o n a l l y , comprehensive training and certification programs for private security personnel can be implemented to ensure they operate within in
frameworks and maritime laws. The development of
clear, standardised rules of engagement, coupled with robust monitoring and reporting mechanisms, will mitigate the risks associated witharmedsecurityoncargo ships. Such measures will a l s o r e a s s u r e t h e international community that private security personnel are held to high standards of conduct and accountability
In addition to human security,theincorporationof advanced technology can furtherenhancethesafetyof cargo ships. Drones, surveillance systems, and automat
complement the efforts of private security teams
These technologies can provide early warnings of potential pirate threats, enabling preemptive actions that reduce the likelihood of successfulattacks.
Governments can supporttheadoptionofthese technologies by offering incentives or subsidies to shipping companies willing to invest in state-of-the-art security systems. By fostering innovation and the implementationofadvanced security measures, the maritime industry can stay aheadoftheevolvingtactics ofmodernpirates.
Allowing private securityoncargoshipsisnot just a security measure; it is alsoacost-effectivestrategy
The initial investment in private security teams and advanced technologies may seemsubstantial,butitpales in comparison to the economic losses incurred frompirateattacks.Reduced insurance premiums, fewer r a n s o m s , a n d t h e uninterrupted flow of goods will offset these costs over time.
Moreover, this policy could create a new sector withinthemaritimeindustry, providingjobsandeconomic opportunities for those trained in maritime security
The growth of this sector would not only enhance the overall security of international shipping lanes butalsocontributepositively totheeconomiesoftheU.S. andUK.
Examining case studies where private security has been successfully implemented can provide
valuable insights and reinforce the argument for policy change. The Italian model, as previously mentioned, serves as a pertinent example. Italian ships have experienced fewerpirateattackssincethe government allowed private security teams on board.
This success can be attributed to well-regulated security practices and the deterrent effect of having armedpersonnelonships.
Another notable exampleistheuseofprivate securityintheIndianOcean. Several shipping companies operatinginthisregionhave reportedasignificantdecline in piracy incidents since employing private security firms. These success stories demonstrate that with the right regulations and support,privatesecuritycan effectively safeguard maritimeinterests.
To bring about the necessary changes, coordinated efforts and advocacy are required. Here are several policy recommendations for the U.S.andUKgovernmentsto consider:
1 Amend Existing Legislation–Updatelawsto allow the hiring of private securityfirmsbycargoships traveling through high-risk areas.
2. Establish Regulatory Frameworks–Developclear regulations and guidelines for the operation of private security teams on cargo ships, including rules of e n g a g e m e n t a n d accountabilitymeasures.
3. Promote International Collaboration – Work with other nations and
international organisations to create standardised practices for maritime security, ensuring a unified and effective approach to combatingpiracy
4 E n c o u r a g e Technological Innovation –Provide incentives for shippingcompaniestoadopt advanced security technologies, enhancing b o t h h u m a n a n d technological defenses againstpiracy.
5. Monitor and Evaluate – Implement robust monitoring and evaluation systems to assess the effectiveness of private security measures and make adjustmentsasneeded.
The threat of piracy in regionssuchasLibya,Niger, and Somalia demands a p r o a c t i v e a n d comprehensive response The current restrictions on private security for cargo ships are inadequate and place unnecessary risks on the maritime industry By amending laws to allow privatesecurity,theU.S.and UK governments can provide immediate and effective protection for ships, crew members, and cargo. This change is not onlyamatterofsecuritybut also an economic and humanitarianimperative.
The time for action is now It is essential to adapt our policies to meet the realities of the current maritime threat landscape. I urge the relevant authorities to prioritise this issue and take the necessary steps to protect our global maritime interests.
Sincerely, WayneLyttle
President of Guyana, Hon. Mohamed Irfaan Ali
Cardboard cutouts
Guyanese: who does that description fit best?
Are leaders nothing but cardboard cutouts?
Exxon has made them into dummies and mummies.
Stiff as a board and on Guyanese a big load.
Political leaders have become a running joke.
Messengers, protectors, subverters for Exxon, the company spoke.
Guyanese continue to trust And Guyanese will go bust!
AFC reaffirms commitment to changes in oil deal to benefit Guyanese
TheAllianceforChange (AFC) on Friday reaffirmed its commitment to making changes in the Guyana’s oil contract should the party be elected to Government, General Secretary David Pattersonsaid.
TheAFC was part of the A Partnership for National
Unity (APNU) coalition government when the lopsided 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) was signed with oil giant ExxonMobil.
At the party’s press conferenceheldattheCentre For Change building, Railway Embankment,
own, Patterson said that, “The Alliance For Change is in favorofanyrevisionforany PSA which will be to the benefit of the Guyanese public and we maintain that position.Soanyrevisionthat will be benefitting (our peopl
supporting (it) and I have made this statement in parliament for every budget since2020.”
The party has been voicing its commitment to renegotiate for a better deal foranumberofyears,andin 2021Pattersonhadappeared on an interview a Kaieteur R a d i o p r o g r a m m e ‘Guyana’s Oil and You’ wherehesaidthatduringthe
government they did not get a chance to correct the lopsideddeal.
Further, Patterson said that should the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) government intend to renegotiate the oil contract, then the AFC will offer its “unconditionalsupport.”
In October 2022, Kaieteur News reported that theAFC again made known its commitment to renegotiatethe2016oildeal andtostandwiththecurrent government to change the saiddealwithExxon.
Theparty’sChairperson, Catherine Hughes had explained that the group
believes renegotiating the agreement should not be approached in an isolated manner but the country’s leadersshouldholdhandson the matter.In response to a questionbythispublication, Hughes said, “the renegotiation of the contract should be considered in the same spirit with which we work together- Opposition and Government, we work together on issues that have to do with our border and as youknow,theborderdispute and this is where we’ve said quiteafewtimesthatweare willing to support the Government in going to ExxonasGuyana–aunified Guyana–tolookathow,we renegotiate.”
Former Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan had previously pointed out thatthewhopping10billion barrelincreaseinoilreserves intherichStabroekBlockis more than enough reason to get the oil company back to thetable.
“We have indicated, and Ipubliclyhaveindicatedthat yes, indeed (we can renegotiate) because we
General Secretary of the Alliance for Change, David Patterson.
understand the changed circumstancesbutmorethan that, the PPPwhen it was in Oppositionhadsaidthatour agreementwassorottenthat they will renegotiate. Did they fool all of us here? It would appear so because they have an obligation, a boundingdutytogonowand renegotiate with all that is happening,” Ramjattan told themedia.
He added that while the AFC has already made its position clear about changingthecontractdueto the changed circumstance, he does not believe that General Secretary of the PPP, Mr Bharrat Jagdeo would be willing to move in thisdirection.
From ‘rejects’ to ‘recycled’
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’s recently branded the Alliance For Change (AFC) as having “recycled”
p o l i t i c i a n s T h i s
characterization is particularly ironic given the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) history and its previous labeling of the original AFC leadership as political“rejects.”
At a recent press conference Jagdeo said of theAFC,“Thisisarecycled party, a party of recycled politicians. Not a single one of them is new and doesn’t havebaggage.”
Inhiseyes,theAFChas nowmorphedfromapartyof political rejects to one of having a recycled leadership. Athisnextpress conference, Jagdeo should explain how this transition from political rejects to recycled politicians took place.
Jagdeo seems to have overlooked the fact that it wasthesamepoliticalrejects that kicked his party out of office. It was because of the same ‘political rejects’ that his party was denied a parliamentary majority in
the2011elections. It was the same rejects that tabled a motion of noconfidence against the PPP 2011 government This forced the then President to shorten his term, dissolve parliament and call fresh electionsinMay2015.
In 2015, the AFC, with its coalition partner A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), managed to unseat the PPP, ending its 23-year dominance The very politicians Jagdeo dismissed as “rejects” were instrumental in this seismic shift. The AFC penetrated the PPP’s strongholds, especially in regions like West Coast Berbice. During the latter days of the 2015 campaign, the PPPC got word that their stranglehold on sugar workers were slipping and that many of these workers were now supporting theAFC. Jagdeo rushed up to West Coast Berbice to speak to these supporters.Theybluntlytold him that “boat done gone a falls,” signifying the change inallegiancefromthePPPto theAFC.
Jagdeo’s return to
politicsafterahiatus,which heclaimedwasforpursuing a lucrative international career,bringsanironictwist to his criticism. He, along with many of his colleagues whohadbeenonthepolitical sidelines in the Opposition, re-emerged to reclaim positionsofpowerin2020.
Thisraisesthequestion: howdoesJagdeodistinguish between his own return and that of theAFC leaders that he deems as being “recycled”? If the AFC leadership is to be deemed “recycled,”thenbythesame logic, many in the PPP, includingJagdeohimself,fit thisdescription.
Thenarrativeofpolitical recycling isn’t exclusive to any one party; it’s a pervasive issue across the political spectrum in Guyana.ThePPPhasalong history of bringing back experienced politicians who have previously served in various capacities. They did this often. One man walked out of a leadership meeting and was deemed to have resigned. Yet, they brought him back on the campaign platform when it suited
Hurricane Beryl causes major...
Frompage06 the United Nations), ECA (European Commission of Agriculture), and other institutions To help our farmers and to work with the region, because for sure,
therearesomechangesinthemethodology and changes in the approach to food production that we’ll have to take into considerationinthisbuild-backphase,”Ali said
Beware of dem sweet-talking politician
Dem boys seh, congratulations to de new hinterland beauty queen!
De whole country proud of she. She got de looks, de brains, an’ de charm. But dem boys got a lil’ advice forshe. Girl, watch out for dem predators in suits. Some of dempoliticiansain’tgotno shame. Dem like vultures, circling an’ waiting to swoop down on de innocent, especially youknow-who. Dem boys seh, staysharp,girl!
Dem politicans, dem smooth talkers. Dem come wid big promises and even bigger smiles. But behind dem fancy words, is bare deceit. Some of dem gat pockets deeper than de KaieteurFalls.Moneyain’t a problem for dem. But honesty? Dat a different story
Some a dem politicans, dem predators, especially you-know-who.Demknow how to prey on de vulnerable. Dem boys seh, be careful who yuh trust. Someademgotawaywith words, mekking yuh feel special. But is all a trap. Dem boys done see dis happentoomanytimes. Remember, girl, power attract all kinda people. Good an’bad. Some a dem justwanttobeclosetoyuh toshine.
Dem boys seh, keep dem at arm’s length. Don’t let dem get too close. Yuh reign as queen should be about uplifting others, not getting caught up in dem dirtypolitics.
Watch out for dem who come with gifts and promises Dem want
them The PPP is also notorious for poaching members or-ex-members from other political parties.
A key strategy of the PPP’s electoral playbook involves persuading individuals associated with opposition parties to either defect to their side or to publicly e
psychologically weaken the opposition By enticing notable figures from rival camps, the PPP aims to create a perception of an oppositionthatislosingkey personnel The PPPC therefore has its own policy topromotingrecycling.
ThePPPthereforeknows about recycling politicians. Instead therefore of casting aspersions on the AFC,
Jagdeomightbenefitfroma reflective look at his own party’s practices. The PPP’s all-powerful Executive Committee, for instance, is repletewithfiguresthathave beeninthepoliticalarenafor decades. These individuals, thoughexperienced,canalso be seen as part of the recycling process that JagdeocriticizesintheAFC.
But since Jagdeo is so concerned about recycled politicians,heshouldsetthe precedent.Bysteppingaside and allowing new leaders to emerge, he can demonstrate a commitment to political renewal This would not only silence critics who point to the PPP’s own recyclingbutalsostrengthen theparty’scredentials.
The PPP, with its long
history and significant influence,iswell-positioned to lead by example. Jagdeo claims he has been around politics since his teenage years and has been in governmentformorethan30 years. Is it not time that he calls its day and retires? Then he can add another ‘r’ to his political lexicon –“rejects”, “recycled” and “retired”.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
something in return. Dem boys know how dis story go. A lil favor here, a lil compromise there. Before yuhknowit,yuhcaughtina webyuhcan’tescape.Dem boys seh, keep yuh eyes openandyuhheartguarded. De vultures circling, waiting for yuh to slip, especially you-know-who.
Dem ready to take advantage.Butyuhsmarter thandem,girl. Useyuhdat strength to stay above dem tricks.
Dem boys wish yuh all debest.Shinebright,butbe wise.Remember,notalldat glittersisgold.Someadem politicans just want to dull yuhshine.
Butdemboysbelievein yuh. Yuh got dis. Stay true to yuhself and keep dem rascalsatbay Talkhalf.Leffhalf
Jagdeo as Captain Marvel
Big bhai Bharrat is a blast. I have always warned my fellow Guyanese: keep eyesgluedonhim.
Think of governance in thiscountryasifinLasVegas or patronizing one of those newly rising local casinos. The dealer must be watched like a hawk. In America, I was introduced to the 4-eyes principle. In Guyana, with big bhai Bharrat (J) citizens needthosefour,plusanother eight in the back of their heads. It is impressive the marvelouswaysinwhichthe mind of Guyana's Oil President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, works, what is created in impressionable minds Of utmost importance, though, is that his hands must be watched. Like one would study a cardsharp. Guyana'sCaptain Marvel, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo always has something up his sleeve. Notice how he now always wears a suit since returning to unchecked power? Hegavehimselfthe ability to conceal a whole pack of cards up his Armani sleeves. Hedoes,andforthe
local Captain Marvel, it is a thing of beauty Take this US$7.3 billion audit report
c o m p i l e d b y V H E Consulting, and there is Jagdeo clearing the air with his patented version of political Baygon. Instead of sanitizing the audit report story, he fumigate hee own self. LikeTonyWillamsand thePlatterscrooned,“Smoke getsinyoureyes.”
Big Boss Bharrat was asked a question about whether the full VHE Consulting report was online He is the only National President of Oil who comforts himself with answering a question with a question of his own. This is how Q & A got a bad name and is now renamed Q & Q byme. Iftheyweretodothat intheWhiteHouse,everyday would be a Jan 6 uprising.
Jagdeo should be in Jerusalem and not Georgetown, for only rabbis answer a question with anotherquestion. Ifthatwas howtheworldoperated,then Christopher Columbus would still be drinking vino
with the stevedores in some darkened dockyard dive in Genoa or Castile. When asked whether it was the whole report, Jagdeo asked KN who deh geh that idea fromdahisnahso? Ithought that a man of such grandeur would know better Journalists and publications do not surrender their sources. People from the Wall Street Journal and the NewYork Timesstood their ground and refused to divulge what I call protected information.
I recall the huge furor over the leaks by Daniel Ellsberg of what came to be known as the Pentagon Papers. Surely, Big bhai Bharratknowsofthis. Then again, his readings were confined to the Communist Manifestoandmorerecently, the US Department of the T r e a s u r y O F A C publications Like the teachers' strike, there is this stalemate: KN names its source,andJagdeonamesthe released audit report as complete or incomplete ThisiswhyIloveGuyana:a
thrill a minute, and with laughter as the best cash handout. I will take that medicine every day I warn my fellow Guyanese: take people like Bharrat Jagdeo seriously, and there is the greatriskofgoingcrazy Not me, buddy I just laff at he andhowhelousesupsimple things.
When things start out tangled (full or not full audit reports), then they have to stay tangled, so that people getmoretangledup. Itisthe PPPGovernmentWay Jesus Christ! (sorry for the blasphemy),Isthisacountry or a vast criminal conspiracy?
This banna Bharrat Jagdeo is very good, ah duz tell ayuh. He said that there is a separate management report. Ah, so that is the answer to this mystery I havemyownquestiontoask of Jagdeo: Skipper, by any chance, is that management
report all of 40 pages? Ho,ho,ho!andonebottle of Demerara Rum. Talk about gyrations and transformations, and Jagdeo is it. Now he is talking like super spook James Bond from His Majesty's Secret Service: For Guyanese Eyes Only IsdisdesameJagdeo? What game is he playing now?
Alistair Routledge knows more about this country than Jagdeo and President Ali (and the cabinet) combined But there is Guyana's Captain Marvel and oil mastermind, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, pretendingathidingtheVHE auditreport,themanagement part, from Exxon. Who is kidding whom here? The Americans have a different word than kidding; it begins with an 's'. These are the games that leaders like Jagdeo play, which cause themtoengageinallmanner of gyrating, cavorting, gamboling, and dancing on theirheads,intheireffortsto elude that grim stalker It goes by the name of truth,
and sometimes justice, and other times the straight and narrow way As an aside, if anyGuyaneseisperplexedas to why I persist with calling Jagdeo,Dr.Jagdeo,thereare two reasons. I do not allow anyone to out-courtesy me, not even when such is not deserving.
The last is that since Guyana's Captain Marvel, Bharrat Jagdeo is so overjoyed when he is addressed as 'doctor', how can I call myself a believer and not deliver joy to a brother? Especially one whose life is as barren as a brickonPlanetUranus. Full audit, separate management report, and there was Big Bhai Bharrat sashaying beforetheGuyanesepeople. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
The Government of Guyana (GoG) now has real-time monitoringofproductionactivities ongoing in the prolific Stabroek Block, by oil giant, ExxonMobil. Despite this new development however, as announced on Thursday by Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo, the public continues to face delays in accessingthisinformation.
Two years ago, in August, following intense pressure by transparency activists for the release of production data by the company, the Ministry of Natural Resources directed this newspaper to the Petroleum Management Programme’s Data Centre, where Exxon’s production data was updatedmonthly
Notably,thewebsiteoffersdata regarding the number of barrels produced at the Liza One and Liza Two, Payara projects in the StabroekBlock,aswellasthedaily reported injected gas, flared gas and gas used for fuel. It also gives an overview on the Brent Crude prices and the amount of water producedandinjected.
E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d transparency activists have been relentlessly stressing the need for such data to be shared with the publicandmoreso,beupdatedina timely fashion to avoid altering of
information.Thesekey production data are critical to stakeholders to keep the government and the operator of the Stabroek Block accountable.
The data on the portal, presented on graphs- which no doubt poses a challenge to the ordinary citizen to interpret- are often updated belatedly each
month. This newspaper has been highlightingthedelayedsharingof information by the Ministry for severalmonthsnow Notably, citizens expected that with daily reports now being accessedbytheMinistry,thepublic would have access to more timely information on the sector as well. Thishoweverhasnotbeenthecase.
On Sunday, Kaieteur News reviewedtheproductiondataonthe website to ascertain whether there would be greater efficiency in reporting by the Ministry to keep the public informed; however, it
information has not been updated sinceMay31,2024. It was Vice President, Bharrat
Jagdeo who announced on Thursday, during his weekly press engagement at Freedom House Georgetown that the government now has real-time access to Exxon’s production data, which is updatedevery10minutes. He said the operator of the StabroekBlocknowhasa (Continuedonpage16)
Guyana could face suspension, possible delisting from EITI for failing to update oil reserves
Guyana, a member of the ExtractiveIndustriesTransparency Initiative (EITI) since 2017, can face suspension and even delisting fromthebodyforfailingtodisclose data on the country’s oil, gas or mineralreserves.
EITI is a global standard that promotestheopenandaccountable managementofoil,gasandmineral resources in member states Guyana became the 53rd EITI implementing country on 25th October,2017.
The country is therefore expected to abide by the requirements and standards
tably, Requirement Three which is specific to exploration and production activities states that implementing countries and companies are expected to “disclosedataonproveneconomic oil, gas or mineral reserves, where available.”
Meanwhile, further research conductedbythisnewspaperfound that the country can be suspended for failing to meet these requirements and principles of the EITI.
Article 8.1 states, “Where it is manifestly clear that a significant aspect of the EITI Principles and EITIRequirementsarenotadhered tobyanimplementingcountry,the EITI Board will suspend or delist thecountry.”
Where the EITI Board is concerned that adherence to the EITI Principles and EITI Requirements is compromised, it may task the EITI International Secretariat with gathering informationaboutthesituationand
submitting a report to the EITI Board.
Suspensionofanimplementing countryisatemporarymechanism. The EITI Board shall set a time limitfortheimplementingcountry to address breaches of the EITI Standard. During the period of suspension, the country will have the status “suspended” If the matterisresolvedtothesatisfaction of the EITI Board by the deadline, the country’s status and level of progress will be reinstated, however,ifthematterhasnotbeen resolved to the satisfaction of the EITI Board by the deadline, the EITIBoardwilldelistthecountry
Guyana was suspended temporarilybytheEITIBoardon1 February2023forfailingtopublish its2020EITIReport.Followingthe publication of the report on June 30, 2023, the Secretariat informed thatthesuspensionhadbeenlifted.
A new suspension could however be looming as the governmenthaskeptcitizensinthe dark regarding the oil reserves in the Stabroek Block, although the operator, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has been conducting appraisal activity to determine the value of its discoveries.
The last resource estimate in 2022 of the Stabroek Block determined that the country had approximately11billionbarrelsof recoverable oil reserves Since then, however, Exxon has announced an additional eight discoveries.
President Irfaan Ali during a pressconferencelastmonthatState House, Georgetown was asked by Kaieteur News to comment on the
perceived lack of transparency in the management of the petroleum sectorbyhisgovernment.
In response, the Head of State
Unidentifiedwomanfounddead withgunshotwoundinhead
An unidentified woman was early Sunday morning found dead, in New Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerarawithagunshot woundinthebackofher head.
Police investigations revealed that workers from a construction company made the discovery They were at the time in vehicles heading to the scheme to refuel their company’s excavator
According to the police, as the men were proceedingeastalongthe road, leading into the scheme they saw the body of a woman lying f
Detectives said that the
explained, “I can’t respond to perception, what facts are you bringing?Ifyouaresaying,thereis lack of transparency where is the lackoftransparency?”Notably,the President did not allow Kaieteur News to cite specific examples but he noted that he does not need to address matters relating to the sector since the VP answers questionsweeklyinthatregard.
After Ali pointed to the enactment of a new Petroleum ActivitiesActtogovernthesector, the passage of the Local Content legislation, as well as the new Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) crafted by his government, Kaieteur News alerted the Head of State that the country is still in the dark on the interest rates being charged while there has also been no update to the Stabroek Block reserves in two years The President however maintained, “I don’t know that there’s a lack of transparency Ican’tagreewithyouandIcan say to you that all the revenue we have received is published according to law and there is remedy in the legislation if those revenuesarenotpublished.”
Meanwhile, the Head of State noted that work was ongoing to update the country’s reserves and when information in that regard
becomesavailable,itwillbeshared publicly Hesaid,“Nowintermsof the finds and the commercial viability, that is ongoing work and as the information becomes available, whatever information is therethatbecomesavailablewillbe sharedpublicly Youcanrestassure wehavenointerestinnotrevealing the reserves that we have because we want more persons to be attracted.”
While the President has committedtorevealingtheupdated reserves,asthiswouldbeinthebest interest of the country, the governmenthasrefusedtoprovide the public with recent data in that regardalthoughExxonhaspublicly revealed that appraisal activities are ongoing to determine the viability of the resources that have beendiscoveredtodate.
The last resource estimate in 2022 of the Stabroek Block determined that the country had approximately11billionbarrelsof recoverable oil reserves Since then, however, Exxon has announced an additional eight discoveries. Stakeholders believe thatthegovernmentisdeliberately withholding the updated oil reserves from the public as this wouldleadtomorepublicpressure for a renegotiation of the 2016 oil dealwithExxon.
Illegal connection caused fire that destroyed East Ruimveldt houses
Two houses were destroyed and one damaged on Saturday morning after a connection of illegal wires resulted in a fire along East Ruimveldt Squatting Area, Georgetown This is accordingtotheGuyanaFire Service(GFS).
The GFS also confirmed that the inferno engulfed a one-flat wooden building owned and occupied by 39year-old Brandon Britton. Despite firefighters’ efforts to extinguish the fire, the building and its contents were completely destroyed, renderingBrittonhomeless.
“The purported cause of the fire was identified as a slack connection of illegal wiring, which resulted in arcing and sparking, subsequentlyignitingnearby combustible materials” the fireservicereported.
Additionally, the GFS said that the fire spread to a neighboring one-flat wooden building owned by Ruby Francis, 39, who lives there with her family of eight. Due to radiated heat, the entire western external wall of the building was destroyed.
On Saturday, the GFS reportedthattheyreceiveda call about the fire around 11:11hrs. Firefighter units reportedly arrived on the scene at 11:13hrs and the first water jets were deployedat11:14hrs.
Notably, responding to the call were Water Tender #95,WaterTender#118,and WaterTender#18,carryinga totalof6,443litersofwater, along with thirteen firefighters.
Firefighting efforts included one jet working fromWT#118’stanksupply, one jet from WC#18’s tank supply, and one jet from WT#95’s tank supply Light Pumps #A07 and #A16 also contributed by utilizing an open water source to extinguishthefire.
Given the cause of the fire,theGuyanaFireService continuestowarncitizensto desist from using illegal connections for electricity “These connections present a serious risk to both lives andpropertiessincetheycan result in fires or electrocutions,” the fire servicehasemphasized.
Former murder suspect knifed to death after motorcycle argument
Aformermurdersuspect, Trevolta Mangal, also known as ‘Troy’ was on Saturday evening knifed to death on Park Street, Enterprise East Coast Demerara (ECD) following an argument over a motorcycle.
Police in a release said thatthe25-year-oldlabourer from 110 Ghandi street Enterprise, ECD was killed around 19:00 hrs Investigators believe that he was killed by three male suspects.
Investigators learnt that Mangalhadlefthismother’s home around 17:00hrs. He waslaterseensittingoutside abaronParkStreet,sipping on a beer Minutes later, he wasdeadman.
According to police, Mangal went to the bar around 18:30 hrs He reportedly purchased a beer and sat outside the bar Ten minutes later, the three suspects entered the bar and went to a pool table.
Detectives learnt that the s
The police said that the
Killed: Trevolta Mangal
menwereplayingagameof pool when the bartender reportedly heard Mangal arguing with one of the suspects over a motorcycle. Shortly after, the suspects left, heading West on Park Street,andMangalfollowed them.
At around 19:00 hrs., eyewitnessesrecalledseeing the three suspects running from a southern direction and chasing Mangal. They (Continued onpage16)
The fire blazing through the East Ruimveldt home
Senior citizens surviving on meager pensions while cost of living continues to rise
Wh i l e t h e effects of the high cost of living can be felt in every section of society, the struggles are especially felt on the nation’s most vulnerable; the poor and the elderly KaieteurNewscaughtup with several old pensioners who spoke about the impact that the high cost of living has on their quality of life. Many of them survive on a little more than $36,000 old pension package which the State grants them a monthly basis.
Juliana Joseph, 81, a retired teacher related: “I think the cost of living is very high and think something must be done to reduceit…. Ireallyfeelthat wecoulddowithsomething more For a person is depending on $36,000, (I) can’t survive on that, it cannot last a week. The government needs to do somekindofpricecontrolso that price is not fixed on the fantasies of those market people to protect the
vulnerable people. We are a country getting oil money and all sorts of things, thereforeitshouldbeevident with the people, we must benefitfromthat.”
Joy Couchman, 73, a former Ministry of Public Worksemployee:“Itisvery inadequateformebutIgotto try by God’s grace because there is nothing I can do
about it. It is very small to me.Iamsolelydependenton thepensionmoney Ihaveto pay rates and taxes some months; I pay and some months, I don’t because I have to eat, I have to buy toiletries for myself. I have togotothehospital….Right now,Idon’tevenhavegasto cook and get something to eat.Igottogobuyabottleof
gasandactuallyafterbuying that money done. I wish the government could raise the moneymore;itwillbealittle betterforme.”
Anthony Clark, 74, retiredpoliceman:“Ifindit a hard time with the money we are receiving now, becauseifyouaren’tcareful, ifyougointhemarketandif you don’t write a list and go with that list and show yourself, you in trouble.All the years you’re working, them say you suppose to save for when old age meet, youcan’tonlydependonold age pension, but when you working you can’t even get tosavenothingthatwhyyou end up in this predicament whenyoureacholdage.I’m aretiredpolice,costofliving is so high...and they need to give pensioners more benefit,becauseinallofour life as big people, you contributing to the country someway,somehow.”
Veira Smith, 80, teacher:“Ihavelearntfrom since I was a child that you tryandstretchwhateverthat you have and when you stretchitandyoudon’thave anymore,youdowithoutbut doing without is your business.WhatIamtryingto sayisthatthemoneyissmall but I’m thankful for it. In terms of providing for my
basic necessities, I am not really managing and you havetostudyaboutsavinga little money in case you get sick. By the time first week, youcollectpensionitfinish. AssoonasIgetmymoneyI try to buy my goods, you sacrifice your stomach sometimes. In the 70’s things were very cheap… You can’t go lavish these days. I need that money to takecareofmyhealth.”
BrianVansluytman,66, former seaman: “The cost of living is not compatible with the money we are receiving I have other resources to sustain me I resignfromseaworkandso on, it was not something, I choose to look forward to...But for the people that solely depending on the pension money, it can be a challenge.Youcouldseethe strain…Intermsofbillsand basicnecessitiesIimagineit isreallydifficultsometimes. People looking forward for the money but by the time theygetit,withthebillsand everything sometime before the month finish, money done.“
Phillip Bourne, 76:
“No, the pension is not enough for me, my problem isthefood,foodpriceshave increased but apart from food prices that have
increased I can cope. I am not coping well but I am surviving…Ieatthreemeals adayandIpaymybills.“
Patricia Parks, 84: “Well it is not good enough at all, because as soon you getyourmoney,andgointhe supermarket, all the money just finish. I have light to pay;Ihaveotherlittlethings to do, I trying to build my houserightnow,ithard,and itreallyhard.”
Lolita Lewis, 62: “Well Iamasinglepersonanditis affecting me a lot a lot, …because the money cant last you a month, you know you got to eat, you got to wear,yougahdrink,it’svery hard.
I will like to ask the government just like how they giving the school children a grant, why can’t everymonthpensionersgeta grant. We get all this oil money,helpmenah.”
George Persaud, 68: “Everything going up, all over, so we got to accept….Everything going up;everyday!”
Patricia [only name given]84:“Terrible(Costof living), I have to be contented, it is not easy but we got to trust God, it is not easy but we got to trust God andbethankfulforwhatever Icando.”
Anthony Clark
Joy Couchman
Patricia Parks
Phillip Bourne
‘We trust our union’
- teachers on GTU decision to alter period for negotiation of salaries
A number of teachers across the scope of Guyana have voiced their surprise at the outcome of the conciliationprocesswiththe Ministry of Education and the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) but have stated that they trust the Union in whateveractionitdecidesto take.
On Friday the Education Ministry announced the conciliationtalkshavecome to an end and they had conceded to an agreement betweentheministryandthe GTU that the multi-year agreementwillgofrom2024 onwards instead of the most recent GTU proposal of 2019-2023. The decision came after some 70 days of strikeledbytheGTUCA.As a result, this publication reachedouttoafewteachers
to have their view on the situation.
Abiva Cort, at teacher at PresidentsCollegesaidthat, “My professional view is thatmostofthemembership wouldhavebeenondifferent zoomcallsanditwassettled that the agreement will go aheadandwehavetoaccept thefactthatwecannotstrike indefinitely.”
The teacher however said that he feels that, “If government is put in our position they cannot live on what we are struggling to liveon.”
Miss Chantelle [only namegiven]agreedwiththe GTUsayingthat,“Iftheyare trying to come to an agreement, I don’t see why wecannotreturntoourpost, however I do not think that teachers should return back
to work, if the GTU and the ministry cannot come to a common ground, by the end oftheweek.”
She stressed that there was no point in having teachersprepareaclassroom iftheywouldnotbeinuseof
it, as the government seems to be pushing for E-learning to be introduced as soon as possible.
The teacher lamented, “Additionally there is no point in preparing a classroomyouarenotgoing
touseandthegovernmentis blatantly saying they do not care about teachers since they are introducing Eschoolingtheycaneasilyuse the few teachers who are willing to sit back and accept.”
PrimotoldKaieteurNewsthathelockedhiscarwiththe items inside and parked on Middle Street, between Carmichael and Waterloo Streets, Georgetown and went to attend his father-in-law’s funeral. He said that he later sent somebodytothecartocollecttheiPadtostreamthefuneral, whentheydiscoveredthatthebackpassengerwindowonthe leftofthevehiclewasbrokenandtheitemsweremissing. An alarm was raised and Primo later discovered the items were missingwhenhewenttothevehicle. Hesaidthatthiswasat around13:20hrs.
The items are three MacBooks, an iPad and a focusrite interface.TheDJtoldthispublicationthatthestolenitemsare estimatedatapproximately$502,000.
Adistressed Primo said, “…All my work gone there.”A policereportwasfiledandinvestigationsareongoing.
Randy Mingo who has been vocal from day one of the strike explained that he spoke with the [union rep] when they signed to call off the strike Mingo noted “They
Teachers had taken to the streets during the strike calling for better pay
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Youths feared drowned while swimming at Unity Beach ...Min. Benn leads large search party
The Ministry of Home Affairs said late last night that a search operation was underway for two youths who disappeared while swimming at Unity Beach, Mahaica, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
Feared dead are Navin Seenauth 20, and Daniel Boodram,17, both residents of Unity Village.
Reports are that Seenauth, Boodram, and another friend, Joshua Deonarine,17, went swimming at the Unity beach on Sunday afternoon.
Deonarine recalled that the water was inshore with heavy waves upon their arrival. Despite the conditions, they proceeded to swim.
According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, “Deonarine, who cannot swim, exited the water after approximately half
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an hour since the water was about chest height”
After getting dressed, he reportedly noticed that his friends were no longer visible in the water.
He searched for them but
Residents of Unity Village ECD formed a large search team to find the missing youths who are feared to have drowned
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to no avail and subsequently returned to the village to raise an alarm.
The ministry said that, in a united effort to locate the missing youths, a search party was immediately formed and is actively ongoing.
Members of the Community are participating in the search operation which involves the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force Coast Guard.
Despite Govt.’s real-time monitoring...
From page 10 dashboard which is monitored by the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC).
In addition to production data, Jagdeo said government now also has access to Exxon’s drilling activities in the Stabroek Block.
Previously, VP Jagdeo had expressed discontent
with the delayed production updates being provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources to the public.
Last November, Jagdeo issued a directive to the Ministry of Natural Resources to address the issues with the website.
His call for action came after multiple reports by this newspaper about the pressing need to ensure transparency and reliable information sharing on the oil sector. The
failure by the Ministry of Natural Resources to update the website defeats the purpose of the portal to keep Guyanese informed on the exploitation of the oil and gas resources and further brings the government’s commitment to transparency into question, at a time when citizens question the “incestuous relationship” between the oil companies and government.
Former murder suspect knifed to death...
From page 13 eventually caught up with him and a scuffle ensued between them but Mangal managed to escape his attackers. He then ran east through Forbes Street, Enterprise back towards the bar as the three suspects continue to chase him.
Police said that after Mangal arrived at the bar, he stood in front on the road and called out to the bartender before collapsing to the
ground and losing consciousness. The suspects then fled the scene.
The injured man was later picked up by a police mobile anti-crime patrol and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was pronounced dead on arrival. An examination of his body revealed that he had a single stab wound in his chest.
In 2020 Mangal was among two persons remanded
for allegedly murdering Rudendra Persaud in Non Pariel ECD.
The allegations were Mangal in the company of others, invaded a wedding party where the victim was struck in his head with a piece of wood and later succumbed to his injuries.
He was charged but never convicted of the crime.
The suspects in his stabbing remain on the run.
‘We trust our union’...
From page 15 if the government foregoes the previous years they were looking at, the proposal that they are putting into the 20242026 proposal is going to be somewhat huge enough to compensate for those years…That’s my understanding what I gathered from them.”
“At this moment I am just waiting to see where we go from here with this. They are saying that the negotiation is going to start immediately, at this moment I don’t know what to think,” He stated.
Martin Samaroo, another vocal teacher from
Essequibo told this publication that to his “understanding this is a negotiation process, so I trust the union 100% because they have a track record of doing things the right way.”
Samaroo “ In addition to that we should remember that since the process is going to begin, official negotiations on the next 2024-2026 the proposal that GTU is going to submit to them for the benefit and discussion of benefits for teachers.”
The reason, why I can say that is because if the process fails at that time we can go to another step, and if it reaches to arbitration you might find teachers’ salaries even doubled with a fair understanding of how the arbitration process goes.”
Hence, the educator said he has no qualms whatsoever with the GTU agreeing to have them done afresh and to include some of the demands that they would have been making from 2019-2023.
He is of the view that the new proposal is “going to include a lot of the demands that would not have been met in the 2019-2023 agreement but it is going to be in the 2024 agreement.
Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music
Home Affairs Minister Robeson Benn led the search party for the missing Unity youths who are feared to have drowned
Biden seeks boost in Pennsylvania as calls for him to step aside mount
H A R R I S B U R G , Pennsylvania, July 7 (Reuters) - An embattled U.S. President Joe Biden faced escalating pressure from fellow Democrats worriedabouthiscandidacy on Sunday, concerns he worked to ease with campaign stops in the battleground state of Pennsylvania.
Biden,81,facesgrowing callstoendhisreelectionbid after a halting performance in a June 27 debate with Republican Donald Trump, 78, raised questions about his ability to do the job for another four years. He has vowed to stay in the race, dismissing calls for him to drop out as “nonsense” in a fundraising email on Saturday.
On Sunday, the Democratic president receivedawarmwelcomeat a Black church in Philadelphia and later traveledtothePennsylvania state capital, Harrisburg, for an event with union members.Blackvotersarea
critical part of Biden’s base of support and recent public opinion polling has shown their support for him softening.
On a leadership call on Sunday called by House DemocraticLeaderHakeem Jeffries, some House Democrats said that Biden should step aside as presidential candidate, a source familiar with the discussionstoldReuters.
Representatives Jerrold Nadler, Adam Smith, Mark Takano and Joe Morelle, senior House Democrats who sit on the Judiciary, Armed Services, Veterans
Affairs and House Administration committees, were among those who calledonBidentostepaside, accordingtomediareports.
D e m o c
hat Vice President Kamala Harris, seen as the likeliest candidatetoreplaceBidenin the Nov 5 election were he to bow out, could perform well.
The coming week is
U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a church service at Mt Airy Church of God In Christ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S., July 7, 2024. REUTERS/Nathan Howard
crucial, Democratic Senator Chris Murphy said on CNN’s“StateoftheUnion.” Heencouragedthepresident to hold a town hall or news conference to convince voters he is “the old Joe Biden.”
“The president needs to do more,” Murphy said. “I do think the clock is ticking.”
Democratic U S
RepresentativeAdam Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Biden needs to moveswiftlytoputconcerns torest.
e added that he believed Harris “could win overwhelmingly, but before we get into a decision about who else it should be, the president needs to make a decision about whether it’s him.”
Asked in Harrisburg whether the Democratic Partywasbehindhim,Biden toldreporters“yes.”
In Philadelphia, churchgoers at the Mt Airy Church of God in Christ gave Biden a rousing welcome Bishop Louis Feltonpraisedhimas“aman ofvisionandintegrity.”
The bishop, referring to Biden’s Republican challenger without naming him, chided those who “make an issue of the president - that he is c o n d i t i o n e d w i t h stammering and not being ableatcertaintimestobring forth words - while another person lies fluidly and you neverchallengehislies.”
“Never count Joseph out,”Feltonthundered.“Go, Joseph,youcanmakeit.”
Biden addressed the congregation for a little more than six minutes, saying, “We must unite America again. That’s what I’mgoingtodo.”
Carla Greene, a resident of Philadelphia, said she hopedBidenfeltthesupport, adding,“webelieveheisthe manforthejob.”
In a Friday interview withABCNews,Bidensaid only the “Lord Almighty” could persuade him to drop out, dismissing the prospect that Democratic leaders couldjoinforcestotrytotalk himintostandingdown.
A Democratic National Committee member from Florida, Alan Clendenin, joined calls urging Biden to stepasideonSunday
“Joe Biden will be rememberedbyhistoriansas one of the finest presidents inAmericanhistory,butthis election is about the next four years, not the last three andahalf,”Clendeninsaid.
TheDNChassteadfastly supported Biden since his debate stumbles so any defections could suggest a deepeningofthecrisis.DNC ChairJaimeHarrisonsaidon Sunday that Biden remains the party’s nominee. “The primaryisover,”hesaid.
Elizabeth — A small closet in a St Elizabeth couple’s bedroom was the only place they could find refuge last Wednesday, pulling on the husband’s neckties to keep the door shut as Category 4
Hurricane Beryl pummelled Jamaica’s south coast with savage winds and heavy rain.According to Everton and Josephine Martin, they wereforcedtousethecloset as a shield when the roof of their house in Bellevue, southern St Elizabeth, was rippedoff,exposingthemto thecatastrophicwinds.
“I thought that the walls ofthebuildingwerecoming down; it was like a strong man grabbed something and was shaking everything out of it. I heard when the roof startedtogiveway,”Everton Martin told the Jamaica ObserveronFriday
“We were inside the house during the hurricane andwehadtostickourselves away in a maybe three feet byfourfeetclosetuntilthere was a little calm in the storm,” he said while demonstrating how he and
his wife held the neckties to keep the closet door from opening.
Heexplainedthatduring a lull in the wind and rain their neighbour came, got them out, and took them to his house. However, when the hurricane activity resumed, they moved to another house “and that is where we stayed for the night,”hesaid.
Although shaken by the ordeal Martin expressed gratitudethatheandhiswife madeitthroughthestorm.
“I still give thanks to God, because we are alive and yes, we are here sitting down,”hesaid,tearswelling inhiseyes.
“Inallofthiswehaveto give thanks, because our lives have been spared, and oncethereislifethenweare able to rebuild or to do something else to get along with our lives,” he said then made an appeal to the Governmentforassistance.
“Weneedsomehelp,Mr Prime Minister This is the time that you need to come and help us. I am looking at about $5 million worth of
damage.Ican’tmanageiton my own. I need some help, pleasehelpus,”hesaidthen brokedownintears.
Acrosstheroadfromthe Martins’ house, Byron Duff
showed the Sunday Observera40-footcontainer that was moved about 10 metres by the hurricane’s winds. “It was never at this location, it was over on that propertythereandthebreeze took it from there and put it right in the middle of the roadhere.
Thishurricanemusthave come with some crane, it is nothing that we have ever experienced before,” said Duff.Hesaidthedevastation inthecommunitywasworse thanthatcausedbyCategory 3 Hurricane Gilbert in 1988 and Category 4 Hurricane Ivanin2004.
“This was nothing normal. It is the first time I ever experienced this [much damage]. We go through Ivan,wegothroughGilbert, andthisisnothingcompared to Gilbert or Ivan I experienced both of them and this is something extraordinary,” he said, adding that he
Everton and Josephine Martin show the small closet in which they sought refuge from Hurricane Beryl’s fierce winds last Wednesday. (Photo: Karl Mclarty)
Netanyahu says Israel must fight until war goals met
(Reuters) - Any Gaza ceasefire deal must allow Israel to resume fighting until its objectives are met, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday, as talks over a U.S. plan aimed at ending the ninemonth-old war were expectedtorestart.
Five days after Hamas accepted a key part of the plan, two officials from the Palestinian militant group said the group was awaiting Israel’s response to its latest proposal.
Advertisement Scroll to continue Netanyahu was
scheduled to hold consultations late on Sunday onthenextstepsinnegotiating the three-phase plan that was presented in May by US President Joe Biden and is being mediated by Qatar and Egypt It aims to end the war and free around 120 Israeli hostagesbeingheldinGaza
Hamashasdroppedakey demand that Israel first commit to a permanent ceasefirebeforeitwouldsign anagreement Instead,itsaidit would allow negotiations to achieve that throughout the six-weekfirstphase,aHamas source told Reuters on Saturday on condition of anonymity
But Netanyahu said he insisted the deal must not prevent Israel from resuming fighting until its
war objectives are met
Those goals were defined at the start of the war as dismantlingHamas’military and governing capabilities, as well as returning the hostages. “The plan that has been agreed to by Israel and which has been welcomed by President Biden will allow Israel to return hostages without infringing ontheotherobjectivesofthe war,”Netanyahusaid.
The deal, he said, must also prohibit weapons smuggling to Hamas via the Gaza-Egyptborderandshould not allow for thousands of armed militants to return to northernGaza US Central Intelligence Agency Director William Burns is to meet with the Qatariprimeministerandthe Israeli and Egyptian intelligence chiefs on Wednesday in Doha, said a source familiar with the issue who asked not to be furtheridentified Burns is also expected to visitCairothisweek,alongwith anIsraelidelegation,Egypt’sAl Qahera News TV reported on Sunday, citing a high-ranking source Therewasnoletupin fighting inside Gaza, where late on Sunday the Israeli military renewed orders for residents and displaced families in several districts in Gaza City to leave their homes. Some residents said
they were surprised by the sounds of tank shells and gunfire from Israeli drones, assomemanagedtofleeand othersweretrappedathome.
“Thisisthesixthtimewe have been displaced, we don’tknowwhereweshould go. To be honest, I don’t know I have a three-storey buildingandnowitwashit,I just got the news,” a displacedwomanwhoasked not to be identified told Reuters in Gaza City “My husbandisanamputeeandhe is stuck in Shejaiya We have heardnonewsabouthim,”she said Palestinian health officialslatersaidanIsraeliair strikeonahouseinJabaliaon thenorthernedgeoftheGaza Strip had killed at least 10 people, with many wounded and others still missing The new talks follow months of failed attempts to reach a ceasefire in stop-start negotiationsthatseveraltimes lednowhereafterWashington said a deal was close A Palestinianofficialclosetothe talks said the proposal could lead to a framework agreement if embraced by Israelandwouldendthewar
“We have left our response with the mediators and are waiting to hear the occupation’s response,” one of the two Hamas officials toldReuters,askingnottobe identified Another Palestinian official with
An Israeli soldier operates during a ground operation in the southern Gaza Strip, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, July 3, 2024. Ohad Zwigenberg/Pool via REUTERS Purchase Licensing Rights
knowledge of the ceasefire deliberationssaidIsraelwas in talks with the Qataris and thataresponsewasexpected withindays.
InIsrael,protesterstookto thestreetsacrossthecountryto pressthegovernmenttoagree to the Gaza ceasefire deal, which would bring back hostages still being held in Gaza Theyblockedrush-hour traffic at major intersections across the country, picketed politicians’housesandbriefly setfiretotyresonthemainTel Aviv-Jerusalem highway beforepoliceclearedtheway In Gaza, Palestinian health officialssaidatleast15people werekilledinIsraelistrikes.
Among them were Ehab Al-Ghussein, the Hamasappointed deputy minister of labour whose wife and
children were killed in May, andthreeotherpeoplekilledin astrikeatachurch-runschool in western Gaza City sheltering families, Hamas media and the Civil EmergencyServicesaid
The Israeli military said that after it took steps to minimisetheriskofcivilians beingharmedthere,itstruck militantshidingintheschool and a nearby weaponmaking facility In central andnorthernareasofRafah, onthesouthernGazaborder with Egypt, Israeli tanks deepened their raids. Health officials there said they had recovered three bodies of PalestinianskilledbyIsraeli fire.TheIsraelimilitarysaid its forces had killed 30 PalestiniangunmeninRafah in the past day, and that one of its soldiers was killed in
combat In Shejaia, an easternsuburbofGazaCity, the military said its forces had killed several gunmen and located weapons and explosives. It published a drone video showing gunmen, some appearing to be wounded or dead, in a house. Reuters could not immediately verify the video The conflict was triggered on Oct. 7 when fighters led by Hamas, which controlled Gaza, attacked southern Israel, killing 1,200 people and taking around 250 hostages, accordingtoIsraelifigures.
More than 38,000 Palestinianshavebeenkilled in Israel’s military onslaught, according to Gazahealthofficials,andthe coastal enclave has largely beenreducedtorubble.
Beryl expected to make landfall in Texas as a hurricane
of Beryl to land in about 12 hours, just before dawn in between Corpus Christi and Galveston, Texas, near Matagorda.
Tropical storm-force winds extend out 115 miles from the center and should be reaching the coast in the next couple of hours. Storm surge is already being experiencedacrosstheTexas coastline,withtidesrunning 1-2 feet above normal tide levels. These levels will increase significantly as the stormapproachesovernight. Thestormsurgeforecasthas increased slightly on the high-end,withupto7feetof surgeexpectedbetweenPort O’Conner and San Luis Pass, including all of MatagordaBay
Here’s more from the NHC’slatestupdate:
•Astorm surge warning is in effect for the north entrance of the Padre Island NationalSeashoretoSabine Pass, including Corpus ChristiBay,MatagordaBay, andGalvestonBay
•Ahurricane warning is in effect for the Texas coast from Baffin Bay northward toSanLuisPass
•Ahurricanewatchisin effect for the Texas coast north of San Luis Pass to GalvestonIsland
• A tropical storm warning is in effect for the Texas coast south of Baffin Bay to the mouth of the Rio Grande and the Texas coast north of San Luis Pass to SabinePass
Meanwhile, authorities arepreparingalongtheGulf Coast to help the public
• Emergency managers are cautioning residents to beawarepoweroutagesare expected in the areas affectedbythestorm
• Multiple counties along the Gulf Coast have issuedevacuationordersfor residents in low-lying areas
• Galveston is closing all city facilities on Monday, asking only essential city employees to reporttowork.
•Houstonispre-staging crews in areas prone to
Hurricane Beryl devastated St. Vincent and the Grenadines (BBC Photo) V
Cricket West Indies (CWI) proudly recognized twoofitslongstandingboard directorsfortheirexemplary service at a prestigious reception held in Barbados onFriday,June28,2024,the eve of the ICC Men’s T20 WorldCup.
T h e c e r e m o n y celebrated the remarkable contributions of CWI Directors,Mr EnochLewis, President of Leeward Island Cricket Board, and Mr Conde Riley, President of
B a r b a d o s C r i c k e t Association. Mr Enoch Lewis has dedicated over 18 years to CWI,whileMr CondeRiley hascommittedmorethan15 years to the organization. Both men have played pivotal roles in the development and success of West Indies cricket The awards were presented by Dr Kishore Shallow, President of Cricket West Indies, and Mr Azim Bassarath,Vice President of
CricketWestIndies. Dr Shallow praised the awardees, stating, “Mr. Lewis and Mr Riley have shown unwavering dedication and leadership within Cricket West Indies. Their contributions have been instrumental across regional cricket from junior to senior levels, and we are honoured to recognize their service. The task of service in public life is not an easy one; it requires immense commitment, sacrifices,
integrity, and a passion for making a difference Directors Lewis and Riley have embodied these qualities throughout their tenure.”
Theeventwasgracedby t h e p r e s e n c e o f distinguished guests, includingthePrimeMinister of Barbados, Hon Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Hon. Philip J. Pierre, Prime Minister of Antigua & Barbuda, Hon. GastonBrowne,Presidentof theCooperativeRepublicof Guyana, H.E Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli, and Chairman of the International Cricket Council, Mr Greg Barclay (CWI)
Monday July 08, 2024
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
ly, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
Johnny Grave: West Indies’ Covid tour..
Frompage23 T20 team, have really got thoseplayersfocused.”
Now the attention turns to the Test series against England,startingwithafirst Test at Lord’s - a venue that West Indies haven’t frequentedsince2017.
“It’s probably the pinnacle Test series that we play, it’s the barometer of how the team are developing,” Grave said “We’re coming off a high, obviously it’s a long gap sincethatamazingdayatthe Gabba, and for a number of the players this will be the first time they’ve ever playedatLord’s.
“They’re playing for the Richards-Botham Trophy, the ultimate example of friendship and camaraderie between England and West Indies. So being here it’s always special, but I think for our players to hopefully announce
Conde Riley (left) and Enoch Lewis after receiving their service awards (Photo: Shalina Joy)
West Ham sign Wolves defender Kilman for £40m
(BBCSport)-WestHam have completed the signing of Wolves captain Max Kilmanfor£40monasevenyearcontract.
The defender is reunited with Hammers manager Julen Lopetegui, who made him skipper while head coachatMolineux.
Wolves rejected West Ham’s opening bid of £25m but accepted the improved offer for the player they signedfromMaidenheadfor £40,000in2018.
The National League side are also due to bank a 10%sell-onof£4mfromthe deal.
“AssoonasIwasaware oftheinterestfromtheclub, it was an opportunity I was keentopursue,soIcouldn’t bemoredelightedtobehere.
“I really enjoyed working with Julen during histimeatWolves.
He’s a top-class coach and someone I learned a lot from, and I am confident I willcontinuetoimproveasa
p l a y e r u n d
s managementhere.” Kilman made 151 appearances for Wolves, scoring three goals, since making his debut in May 2019. HejoinsgoalkeeperWes Foderingham and Brazilian winger Luis Guilherme as summer signings at London Stadium.
Wolvessportingdirector Matt Hobbs, who signed Kilman in his previous
position as chief scout, said his departure was a “bittersweet moment” but a “deal that worked for everybody”.
Hobbs said: “He’s someoneyoucan’thelpbut root for I don’t know anyone at the club who wouldhaveanegativeword abouthim.
“Maybe people will realise what he did on the pitch more now he’s left thanwhenhewashere ”
Olise joins Bayern from Palace on five-year deal
(BBC Sport) - Bayern Munich have signed winger Michael Olise from Crystal Palaceonafive-yeardealfor a fee in the region of 60m euros(£50.7m).
The22-year-oldEnglishborn France Under-21 f o r w a r d m a d e 9 0 appearances in all competitions over three seasonswithPalace.
He joined the Eagles from Reading for £8m in July2021.
Chelsea and Newcastle United registered their interest in Olise earlier this summer but the winger has chosentomovetoGermany, where he will work under Bayern’s new manager VincentKompany
“I’m very happy to now beplayingforsuchabigclub - it’s a great challenge and that’s exactly what I was lookingfor,”saidOlise.
“I want to prove myself atthislevelandplaymypart in ensuring we win as many titles as possible in the coming years.” Olise scored 10 goals in 19 Premier League appearances as Palace finished 10th in the tablelastseason.
He has been selected in the France squad for the Olympics that start in Paris
later this month. “We are hugely proud of what Michael has achieved at CrystalPalace,aclubwhere hehasdevelopedgreatlyasa player,” said Eagles chairmanSteveParish.
“Werespecthisdesireto further test himself at the highest level of world football.”Bayernarealsoset to complete the signing of Fulham’s Joao Palhinha in a dealworth£42mplus£4min add-ons The 28-year-old
Portugal midfielder was close to joining Bayern last summerbutadealcollapsed ondeadlineday England defender Eric Dier has also joined the B u n d e s l i g a c l u b permanently after playing for them on loan from Tottenham Hotspur since January Bayern’s11-yearholdon the German title was ended by Bayer Leverkusen last season.
Wimbledon: Raducanu knocked out of Wimbledon by qualifier Sun
(BBC Sport) - Emma
Raducanu is out of Wimbledon after being hampered by injury in the deciding set of her fourthround match against New ZealandqualifierLuluSun.
Raducanu had levelled thematchandregainedsome confidence after a stunning performance from an inspiredSun.
Then Raducanu slipped on the baseline in the first gameofthethirdset.
The 2021 US Open championstayeddownonthe grass and shook her head before getting back to her feet Thegamewasstoppedat 15-30 on Raducanu’s serve and she received treatmenton her leg and back - while laid out on the court.Aroar of encouragement greeted Raducanu when it became clear she would carry on. However, she gingerly lost serveimmediatelyandcould
notrecoverthebreak. Her movement during points improved, despite clasping her back between games,butwasbrokenagain for 5-2 and could not take either of two break points beforeSunservedoutonher secondmatchpoint
It means the world number 135 missed out on reaching the Wimbledon quarter-finalsforthefirsttime in her career, while there are no British players left in the singles draws at the All England Club. Gauff’s Wimbledon woes continue in Navarro defeat Coco Gauff became the latest high-profile seed to suffer a shock exit in the women’s singlesatWimbledonasshe lost to fellow American EmmaNavarro.Secondseed Gauff was the highestranked player remaining, following Iga Swiatek’s surprise defeat by Yulia Putintseva on Saturday But the20-year-oldfollowedthe worldnumberoneoutofthe
Rybakina and Jasmine Paolini, who is seeded seventh Wimbledon has beenGauff’stoughestGrand Slam to crack having never gonepastthefourthround.
She has made it to the semi-finalsoftheAustralian Open and Roland Garros, whileshewonherfirstmajor atlastyear’sUSOpen.
Navarro will play Italian Paolini, who is also into the Wimbledonlasteightforthe first time after a tearful Madison Keys retired with an injury in the deciding set of their match. Alcaraz into last eight as ‘high level’ overcomes Humbert Carlos Alcaraz inched a step closer todefendinghisWimbledon title with a hard-fought victoryoverUgoHumbert.
The 21-year-old Spaniard held off a late charge from 16th seed Humbert to win 6-3 6-4 1-6 7-5 and move into the last eight at Sw19 It took Alcaraz’s winning streak at GrandSlamsto11following
hisFrenchOpentriumphlast month. “I feel great playing today, I think I played a reallyhighlevel,”hesaid.
“Playingaleftie,Itrynot tothinkaboutitandplaymy own game ”Alcaraz will next face American 12th seed Tommy Paul, the Queen’s Club champion, who defeated Spain’s RobertoBautistaAgut6-276(7-3)6-2.
Meanwhile, world number one Jannik Sinner defeatedAmerican14thseed BenShelton6-26-47-6(119).Shelton,whowoninfive sets in his first three rounds, had four set points in the third-set tie-break. Sinner, 22, will play Daniil Medvedev next after the Russianfifthseedbenefitted from Grigor Dimitrov’s early retirement with a leg injury
The Bulgarian 10th seed took a medical timeout beforedeciding,at5-3down in the first set, not to continue.
just two top-10 players remaining in the women’s draw - fourth seed Elena
Emma Navarro of the U.S. in action during her fourth round match against Coco Gauff (Reuters)
Max Kilman (Getty Images)
Michael Olise played half of Crystal Palace’s Premier League matches last season as he was hampered with a hamstring injury (Getty Images)
Hamilton wins British GP for ninth time
(BBC Sport)Lewis Hamilton won a race-long fight with Max Verstappen and Lando Norris at a gripping, wet-dry British Grand Prix to take his first victory sinceDecember2021.
Hamilton had just enoughtoholdoffalate c h a r g e f r o m Verstappen’s Red Bull to take his 104th career win, and his ninth at home to become the record-holder for victories at a single circuit Verstappen, who had struggled for pacethroughmuchofa racethatwashitbytwo separateperiodsofrain, came alive in the closing laps to take second place from Norris, who grabbed thefinalpositiononthe podium.
Hamilton, who was driving in his last British GP for Mercedes before his move to Ferrari next year, appeared to be in tearsinthecarashetold his team: “This means somuchtome,”asthey congratulated him over theradio.
“This one means a lot to us all,” his e n g i n e e r P e t e r Bonnington said “I love you, Bono,” Hamiltonreplied.
Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff described the win as “a fairytale” for them and Hamilton Norris’ team-mate Oscar Piastri,whowasalsoin the lead fight for the first half of the race, tookfourthplaceahead of Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz. Classic race for
Hamilton’s comeback win In front of a crowd of 164,000 people cheering the British drivers - and especially Hamilton-totherafters despite the inclement weather,thetopdrivers andthreeleadingteams put on a superb show throughout Mercedes drivers George Russell andLewisHamiltonled the early laps after locking out the front row of the grid for the team, whileVerstappen passed Norris around theoutsideofTurnFour on the opening lap to runthird.
ButtheRedBulldid not initially show its usuallyformidablerace pace and Norris was able to reclaim third place on lap 15 with a pass into Stowe corner Piastri followed the
Britonthroughtwolaps later just as the first shower of rain started, bringingtheMcLarens, who had chosen a higher-downforce setup than Mercedes and Red Bull, into their own. Hamilton made the first move, though, passing Russell into Stoweonlap18.
Afew corners later, both Mercedes drivers slidoffthetrackatTurn Twoatthestartoflap19 astheywrestledforgrip on the slippery track and Norris pounced, passing Russell atTurn Four before closing on Hamilton and passing him atTurn One on lap 20.
Piastri moved up intosecondbehindhim and the McLarens ran one-twoforfivelapsas thetrackbegantodry
Johnny Grave: West Indies’ Covid tour showed Big Three need strong opponents
Johnny Grave, the chief executive of Cricket West Indies, hopes that memories oftheteam’sbio-securetour ofEnglandin2020willhelp to advance the narrative aboutTestcricket’srevenueshare model, in the wake of his remarks earlier this year that the current system is “completelybroken”.
Speaking at Lord’s during MCC’s inaugural World Cricket Connects symposium - a gathering of many of the sport’s most influential players, administrators and media representatives - Grave expressedhishopethatWest Indies would once again prove a competitive force, just as they were in winning thefirstTestofthe2020tour in Southampton, as well as each of their last two home series against England, in 2019and2022.
But,hesaid,inthewake of CWI’s reported outlay of US$2 million to fulfil their tour of Australia in January and February, the onus was on cricket’s Big ThreeIndia,EnglandandAustralia - to find a better means of propping up the economies ofthesport’slessfinancially secure nations, rather than justsendingtheirownteams on endless overseas tours,
from which the host boards are able to replenish their coffers.
“Wedon’tgetanymoney at all from the Australian market, or from that tour, so it’s a double-whammy,”
Grave said, in the wake of a Test tour on which West Indies again exceeded expectations with their thrillingseries-levellingwin attheGabbainJanuary
“There are a number of measures to ensure this competitive balance, and ensurethatthethreeformats thrive. I think the easiest thing to do is say, well, this format doesn’t make money or isn’t sustainable in this marketorthatcountry,butif thegameworkstogetherand has a collective mindset, there is plenty of money to goaroundtoensurethegame canthrive.”
Grave cited India’s ongoing T20I series in Zimbabwe,featuringanewlook team led by Shubman Gill, only days after their victoryintheT20WorldCup inBarbados,asproofthatthe BCCI “cannot do more for the world game” in a pure playingcapacity.Instead,he welcomed the suggestion voiced last year by Richard Gould,hiscounterpartatthe ECB, that the time may be
coming for touring teams to be paid a fee for fulfilling theiroverseasengagements.
“Do we need to play morecontextual,meaningful cricket? Absolutely,” Grave said. “But I think Richard’s point around being open to sharingrevenueisamassive positive, because when we are talking about sharing revenuewearetalkingabout threecountries.
Ben Stokes and Jason Holder hold microphones as they talk into a remote televisionbroadcastcamera, firstday,firstTest,Englandv West Indies, Ageas Bowl, Southampton,July8,2020
“One country cannot play any more cricket,
cannotdomorefortheworld game than they are doing, and that’s the BCCI Englandhavebeenfantastic, they have toured us pretty much every year, bar a few, since 2017. Is there more they could do for us? Not really So at that point you havetolookatthemodeland the finances, and for leaders of the ECB, Australia and India to be even talking aboutit,Itakeitasapositive indication of a shift in mindset that needs to happen ” England’s vulnerability to the fragmenting international game was made abundantly clear in the Covid-blighted summerof2020,whenWest
Indies were instrumental in “keeping the lights on”, in the words of the then-ECB chief executive Tom Harrison.
Byagreeingtoplaytheir threescheduledTestsbehind closed doors and in biosecure environments at Old Trafford and Southampton, WestIndieshelpedfulfilthe ECB’s contractual obligation to Sky Sports, with each Test valued in the regionof£20million.Thisin turn helped mitigate the ECB’slossesthatstillended up being in the region of £100million.
“I think what Covid proved was that you can’t play against yourselves, and that you need to have opposition,” Grave said.
“The better that opposition is,andthemorebalancedthe game is, the better the product is, because then there’sgenuinejeopardy.
“In Covid everyone had to come together The fact that we were coming here and generating no revenue was irrelevant We were trying to save the game, because none of us knew whether the game as we knew it would ever happen again.” West Indies’ Test tour comes just weeks after the
completionoftheT20World Cup in the Caribbean Despite the hosts falling shortofthesemi-finalsafter atightlosstoSouthAfricain St Lucia, the sense of t o g e t h e r n e s s a n d expectation was palpable from a set of big-name players whose greatest financial opportunities still come on the T20 franchise circuit, but whose restored faith in CWI has been a notableaspectofGrave’sera aschiefexecutive.
“We’ve had to find balance, which was initially struck by speaking to the players in a respectful way and creating two windows, in the IPL and the CPL,” Gravesaid.
“We then tried to have balance and flexibility with our players in how we schedule bilateral cricketwe rarely play over that Christmas and New Year periodbecauseit’simportant forourplayerstobeathome with their families - while we’ve also tried to create windows for them to go to other leagues where the calendarhasallowedit.
“Soit’sallaboutbalance. And at the moment Darren Sammy and Rovman Powell,theleadersofour
Chief Executive of Cricket West Indies, Johnny Grave
It’ll be the last home race win with his Mercedes team (Reuters)
West Indies upbeat ahead of England test
Alick Athanaze and Joshua Da Silva warmed up for higher intensity battles in the coming weekswithunbeatenhalfcenturies that were the highlightsforWestIndies before the opening match on their Tour of England against the First-Class Counties Select XI ended inadrawonJuly5.
Athanaze was not out on 66 and Da Silva was not out on 51 when West Indies declared their secondinningson196for fiveattherescheduledtea break on the rain-spoilt final day of the three-day matchattheKentCounty CricketGround.
The Counties Select XIwere30fortwointheir second innings when stumpsweredrawninthe match for the final time after they were set an improbable target of 163 to win in the final session ofplay
Uncapped pacer
Jeremiah Louis, who replaced injured Kemar Roach in the West Indies squadforthetour,thengot opener Harry Singh caught behind for a 12ball duck, and Johann Layne, a member of the Cricket West Indies Academysquadreturning to the Caribbean from their Tour of Ireland, got Jamal Richards caught behind for six before the two teams decided it was futiletocontinue.
“Barring a bit of adverse weather, we have managed to get a lot of solid cricket played over the last three days, so we are generally happy with whathashappenedonthe tour so far,” West Indies assistant coach, Jimmy AdamstoldCWIMedia.
“What we would have wanted to get from the time spent out in the middle, we have gotten. The weather has been kindtous,weknowthatit couldgetalittlebitrough (inEngland),butallinall, we are very happy with what the weather has allowed and the facilities we have been given, and what the guys have been
able to produce.” West Indies now head to the BritishcapitalofLondon, where they will continue preparations ahead of the first Test against hosts England, starting on July 10 at the so-called home ofthesport,Lord’s.
“I think it is important thatthey(thebatsmen)get as much ‘live’practice as theycaninconditionsthat a lot of them are not familiar with,” Adams added. “I would say that irrespective of anywhere they have travelled outside of the Caribbean, a lot of them have not toured England before –some have – but a lot of the batters haven’t, so (this tour match) was an opportunity for them to get as acquainted with conditions as possible before they run into the international opposition, andIthinktheyhavedone itprettywell.”
Earlier, Athanaze and Da Silva shared 91 –unbroken – for the sixth wicket after there was no playbeforelunchwiththe visitors set to continue from their overnight total of57fortwo.
Opener Mikyle Louis made 28 and was one of three wickets that the West Indies lost in the span of half-hour when play started 2-1/2 hours
later than scheduled because of adverse weather, and they were 105forfive.
But Athanaze led the resistance for the Caribbean side during two-and-a-half hours at the crease in which time hestruck11foursfrom99 balls, and Da Silva struck half-dozen fours from 69 balls in an hour-and-ahalf.
Athanaze reached his 50 from 62 balls when he clipped pacer Jamal Richards through backwardsquarelegfora single.
DaSilvaarrivedatthe landmark from 68 balls when he pulled offspinner Farham Ahmed, younger brother of England teenaged legspinner Rehan Ahmed, through mid-wicket for his final boundary before the declaration came duringtherescheduledtea break.
Adams said the Caribbean side will be looking to build on the knowledge they gained from the tour match and draw on their experience from this past January of winning a Test in Australiaforthefirsttime inalmostthreedecadesto offer a competitive front toEngland.
“It’s a really good
West Indies’Kavem Hodge cuts off the back foot against the First Class County Select XI at Beckenham (Alamy Live News)
group in terms of their ability and their willingness to learn,” he said.“Someofthemwent toAustraliaafewmonths backandtheyshowedthis capacity to learn very quickly, and I am hoping thatthiscontinues.
“As a coach you cannotaskformore.They work hard, they learn quickly, and what we can do is to give them a little heads up about what to expect both in terms of conditionsandknowledge abouttheopposition.”
Adamssaid:“Wewant to build on it (the win in Australia).Ican’tspeakto whatishappeningoutside oftheteamoraround,but fromateamperspective,it was a great fillip for us. Certainly, when you have a young group, you are keen to bed down a lot of things.
“Some of them are early in their careers, and results like that can help the teaching process because it reinforces and movesthingsfromtheory to reality It then means that, maybe, instead of having to teach, you can remindbecausetheyhave been there and nothing really is a substitute for havingbeeninabattleand comeoutontheotherside intact, so hopefully we can add to that going forward.”ThesecondTest oftheseriesstartsonJuly 18 at Trent Bridge in Nottingham,andthethird Test starts on July 26 at E d g b a s t o n i n B i r m i n g h a m (Beckenham)
Ram’s magical 151 leads WDCA to 217-run win over UDCA
West Demerara Cricket
Association (WDCA) surged to a commanding 217-run win over Upper
D emer ar a C r ick et Association (UDCA) as actioncontinuedinthelatest roundofDCBU17cricketat Everest.
Ram, the national youth opener, racked up a breathtaking, boundaryfilled 151 and bagged three wickets to cap off a brilliant match.
B a t s m a n A r v i n Sukanand scored 46 runs as he helped steady WDCA’s batting, along with Udesh Seetaramwrappedupagood gamewith33runsasWDCA posted271-6in35overs.
Abrilliant spell of seam from Shahid Haniff yielded 4 wickets as UDCA were moweddownforapaltry54 in28.1overs.
Action continued over the weekend with more rounds.
Shamar Joseph eyes Lord’s five-for vs England
(Newsday TT) - WEST
INDIES fast bowler Shamar Joseph intends to write his name in the honour roll at Lord’s Cricket Ground in London when the regional side battle England in the first match of a three-Test seriesonJuly10.
The rookie pacer, 24, shot to fame last January with a devastating spell of fast bowling to dismantle hosts Australia in a huge upset win in Adelaide Joseph, who only started playing professional cricket in 2023, rocked the Aussies with seven wickets for 64 runs to bowl the Windies to anunlikelywininthesecond Test.Theseriesended1-1.
Although still learning hiscraft,Josephisnotshyto set high standards for himself.
In an interview on Sunday, Joseph said he plans to repeat his heroics and etch his name in Lord’s history with a five-wickethaul
The Lord’s honours board commemorates batsmen who have scored centuries at the famous ground as well as bowlers with five-wicket or tenwickethaulsinTestsoronedaymatches.
Joseph told reporters on July 7, “I will put my namethereforsure ” The Guyanese is eager
to get the ball in his hands and take advantage of what is expected to be b o w l e r - f r i e n d l y conditions
“I’m actually excited to be here Being at Lord’s, (it’s a dream) to play at this ground England is known for good fast-bowling (conditions) and swing andallthat ”
He said his confidence remains on high despite playing just two Tests in hiscareer
“That’s the only way for me I feel like being confident and having the backing of teammates that believe in you (gives me strength).
(SportsMax) - Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago both secured victories in round two of the 2024 CWI Women’s Rising Stars Under-19 T20 Tournament in Trinidad & Tobago on Saturday
At the Diego Martin Sporting Complex, leaders Guyanasecuredadominant 81-runwinoverJamaica
Guyana made 133-7 from their 20 overs after winningthetoss
Naomi Barkoye led the way with 46 off 34 balls while captain Realeanna Grimmond made 31 off 30 ballsinsupport
AbigailBrycetook3-22 fromfouroversforJamaica
Danielle Manns then starred with 4-15 from her four overs to help bundle out the Jamaicans for a paltry 52 in just 15 2 overs
Nyia Latchman took 28 from 3.2 overs while Trisha Hardat took 2-11 fromtwoovers.
At the Sir Frank Worrell Memorial Ground in St Augustine, hosts
Naomi Barkoye
He said the vibe in the Windies camp remains positive since drawing that Test series Down Under
“From since the last tour in Australia, we maintain that energy We keep that positive mindset and energy, that is an importantpartinourgame.”
With England legend Jimmy Anderson set to play his final Test match, Joseph hailed the prowess oftheevergreen41yearold, but said a fairytale ending is notinhisscript.
“He’s such an amazing player, someone that I look up to He has a lot of wickets at this level. I would wanna ruin that farewell.”
J o s e p h s a i d h e enjoyed looking at matches at Lord’s –especially the Ashes –and seeing quicks such as Australian Mitchell Starc and Englishman Jofra Archer impress “That’s something that I wanna comeoutanddoalso.”
He said adapting quickly to the conditions iscrucial
The Windies drew a
three-day warm-up match against a First-Class CountiesSelectXI,which ended July 5, at Kent Kent County Cricket Ground, Beckenham.
Joseph did not arrive in England in time for the warm-up but is expected to be in the 11 to face England in the opening match.
The second Test bowls off from July 18-22 with the third Test scheduled forJuly26-30
The Leewards, after winning the toss, were restricted to just 82-8 from their 20 overs
Captain Jahzara
Claxton made a patient 42* off 64 balls to lead the L
against 2-15 off four o
T&T then made a
Trinidad & Tobago defeated the Leeward Islandsbyfourwickets
, needing 19 4 overs to reach 83-6
mara Ramnath led the way with 35 against 2-19 from four overs from KimberleyAnthony.
The match between Barbados and the Windward Islands at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy ended in a no result
Shamar Joseph
Guyana continues to gain momentum with consecutive wins
West Indies upbeat ahead of England test
The West Indies face England in the opening match on July 10