Kaieteur News

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Wild goose chase continues for Gas-to-Energy agreements ...MinisterTeixeira“unawaredocumentsare ready”andMinisterBharratsays“sendquestion”

Alleged Chinese gold smugglers busted with millions in cash, gun

Prime suspect in custody for murder of Venezuelan woman

Sales Rep. on $400k bail for cyber bullying India EXIM Bank approves

US$2.5 million loan for solar project at CJIA

Guyana now has one of 13 capping stacks available globally- Exxon Country Manager

No conflict of interest between ExxonM and AFC Leader -Routledge

Put our own meters on Exxon’s oil pumps!

Wild goose chase continues for Gas-to-Energy agreements

Thewild goose chase,initiated by Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo for Guyana to access key agreements inked between the government of Guyana and ExxonMobil for the US$2B Gasto-Energy(GTE)projectcontinued onMonday,astwoseniormembers of the government failed to say when these documents would be laidintheNationalAssembly.

Since 2022, the government signed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) with the Stabroek Coventures, ExxonMobil, Hess and CNOOC, that outlines the principles and conditions for the commercial and technical arrangementsofthedeal.TheGTE project includes a pipeline, to be built and financed by the Stabroek Block operator, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), while the other two components, a 300 megawattpowerplantandanatural gas liquid (NGL) facility is being constructed by the government of Guyana.

Three months ago, the VP duringhisweeklypressconference wasaskedbythisnewspaperwhen the agreements would be made publicwhenhesaid“maybesoon”.

In fact, the Chief Policymaker

... Minister


“unaware documents are ready” and Minister Bharrat says “send question”

fortheoilandgassectornotedthat the details of the agreement are already public knowledge

Accordingtohim,“Everythingthat you see in the agreement you know…we told you the priceUS$750 million; we told you the timeline for implementation; you know how many turbines and what’s the size of the turbines you know what the liquidatingdamagesare.”

Jagdeo therefore said, “Maybe soon, I don’t know I don’t know That’s for Gail Teixeira and the others” when asked when the agreements would be laid in Parliament.

DuringMonday’sSittingofthe National Assembly at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown, Kaieteur News caught up with Minister of Parliamentary Affairs

andGovernance,GailTeixeirawho explained,“Iamnotawarethatthe documentsareready.”

The Minister pointed out that there are “different channels” through which documents must passbeforeshepresentsthemtothe House, insisting “they have a time that they go before the House, it doesn’thappenautomatically.”

Notably, with the project expectedtobecompletednextyear,

Kaieteur News asked the Member of Parliament (MP) whether she believes there is a need for the publictoaccessthedocuments.

WhileTeixeirapointedoutthat theAccess to InformationAct was designed to allow access to public documents, with particular emphasis o

undertakings, she argued that the Law makes it clear when these documentscanbereleased.

According to her, “So, the law thatweadoptedundertheAccessto InformationActmakesitclearthat when things are being negotiated andcommercialundertakings,until a certain point, they’re not made public; because obviously you’re negotiating or you’re in positions where you’re adjusting cost price andthosetypesofthings.”

Consequently, the Minister explained, “You cannot expect informationsometimestobemade available where the negotiations haven’tfinishedandyoumaybe

Continued on page 16

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat
Minister of ParliamentaryAffairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira

No conflict of interest between ExxonM and AFC Leader–Routledge

Country Manager of

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), Alistair Routledge on Tuesday added his voice to the debateonwhetherthereisa conflict of interest with

Nigel Hughes, the company’s attorney being the new leader of the AllianceforChange(AFC)

On the sideline of an

event on Tuesday Routledge was asked, “Do you believe that given the factthatMr Hughesisnow the leader of a political party that it in any way poses any sort of conflict and his law firm’s relationshipwithExxon?”

EMGL’s Country Managerresponded,“That’s not the right question for today but what I will say is thatwecomplywithalllaws and regulations here and internationally so we don’t believewehaveanyconflict ofinterest[or]anyissues.”

Last Thursday, Hughes said that he welcomes any investigation into his relationship with oil giant

Nigel Hughes, Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC)

ExxonMobil. His comments followedstatementsbyVice President Bharrat Jagdeo who suggested that an investigation will be launched into Hughes’ relationship with his client, Exxon. Days before Hughes waselectedtoleadtheAFC, hemadeitclearthatExxonis a client of his law firm, Hughes, Fields and Stoby and opted not to answer questions related to the company during an interview with a media


Over the past two weeks days, the issue of Hughes leading the AFC while maintaining EMGL as a client at his law firm –Hughes, Fields & Stoby –possess a conflict of interest.

Notably, Hughes has already acknowledged the criticssayingthatwhileheis aPoliticallyExposedPerson (PEP), there is no law that prevents him from having the oil company as a client.

Country Manager of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), Alistair Routledge

However, he noted that should he become President he will cut ties with the company

However, the Vice President shares a different view, calling Hughes position “obscene” and “unethical.”

“ it’s even more obscene…Ican’tconveythe feeling of revulsion that I felt This is someone aspiringtothehighestoffice in the country, who has just been elected the leader of a


Added to that, he said that when running for office it can sometime cost you financially, choosing between personal gain and thecountry

“Sometimes you have to forego the private benefits, money basically when national interest calls you andinthiscasehewasasked directlyandhesaysno,only if[he]becomepresident[he] willdothat,inthemeantime [he]willworkforExxon…,”


Moreover, Jagdeo stated that given that Hughes has come under scrutiny for conflict of interest, the Government will be watchingwhatExxonandits first-tiercontractorsdo.

“This may necessitate a formal investigation into all thesematters.Iammakingit clear today There is a lot of politically exposed people, he [Hughes] is politically exposed as he pointed out, his wife is a Member of Parliament,butitwasnotan issuebecausewedidn’twant to discriminate but what change is that now he has gone to the AFC,” Jagdeo added.

The Vice President underscored, “Now that we are looking at this…let me makeitclear,thatExxonhas alottoanswerbecauseNigel Hughes, knowing him he will not want to resign, knowinghimhewouldwant tocollectthemoneyandstill be leader of the AFC and conflictofinterestwouldnot botherhimatall…”

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210


Tax scam or corporate scampishness

Thenormalcourseofeventsistopaytaxesthatareowed to the proper authorities, collect proof of payment (receipt) andmovealongtothenextitemofbusiness. Notaxespaid usuallymeansnoreceiptisissued. Isthereanycitizenofthis countrywhodidn'tpayacentoftaxes,personalorbusiness, that could show his or her face at the Guyana Revenue Authority and claim a receipt? Guyanese should have no difficulty with the answer to that, nor that there is the likelihoodof securitybeingcalledto show thecrackpotthe door

Yet what no taxpaying Guyana can do, ExxonMobil is able to pull off, with the active collaboration of the GovernmentofGuyana.

ExxonMobilnotbeingmadetopayitsfairshareoftaxes is an insult to begin with, and this strange business of the company being given a receipt is another wad of spittle runningdownGuyana'sface.

Article 15:1 of the 2016 Production SharingAgreement isclear:“thecontractor(ExxonMobilGuyana)aswellasits affiliatesshallnotbesubjectedtotaxes….” Accordingtothe same PSAthe bizarre then follows. TheMinister agrees in article15:4:“thatasumequivalenttothetaxassessed…will be paid by the Minister to the Commissioner General, Guyana RevenueAuthority on behalf of the contractor and that the sum of such will be considered income by the contractor…”

Simply stated, one arm of the Guyana Government is paying the hypothetical taxes owed by ExxonMobil to another arm of the government, and then presenting the company with a receipt that is considered income. It is hypotheticalbecauseExxonMobilisnotpayinganytaxesto Guyana, but now it has an official Guyana Government (GRA)taxreceipttouseintheUS,specificallytheIRS. In 2023 alone, and as extracted from the company's annual report, the imaginary tax expense was US$658M. In a country outraged and galvanized into action that would be moneycomingintoGuyana'scoffers,andnotthiscorporate congamethatisgoingonyearafteryearinplainsight.

Frankly,weatthispaperarestrugglingtocomeupwitha civil description of this whole income tax farce. It is a product of ExxonMobil's savviness, its unlimited cunning andresourcefulness. Ifitisnotacorporateconartisttreating itself,itisasleightofhand. ProminentGuyaneseattorneyat-lawandcharteredaccountant,ChrisRam,callstheentire setupas“acompletefraud.

It'sallskullduggeryandaccountingscampishness.” As much as we believe that those words are sharp and jarring, they still fall short in capturing the full essence of this diabolicaltaxconcoctionthatExxonMobilhasoneGuyana governmentafteranotherdelivering,withoutsomuchasany public resentment. Guyana's chief oil policymaker, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, who is usually very vocal with many matters is uncharacteristically silent about what is a total rigamarole. In Churchillian terms, this should be declared a felony perpetrated by predators and coated in treachery

When something of this sickening and dishonest character unfolds in broad daylight, how can ExxonMobil ever be seen by honest Guyanese as a trusted partner? The companystudiesforeveryopportunitytoleechGuyana,then pounces without a moment's hesitation. There is neither thoughtnorcareabouttheappearanceofwhatisnothingbut acostlywhite-collarscheme.

Pursuant to the contract, ExxonMobil does not have to pay taxes, but it is not satisfied with those generous circumstances. It had to engineer this crude and ugly tax arrangement involving creative receipts to extend its machinations from Guyana to America. How does any

A government department is not an attack agency that attempts to belittle its citizens

DearEditor, Reference is made to the letter submitted by the Ministry of Natural Resources(MNR)datedJuly 7, 2024 in reply to my letter on July 1, 2024. In their letter, MNR made the false claim, among other things, that the numbers I used to describe the Hess and NCOOC financial statement were pure fiction. While I appreciated that the MNR respondedtomyletter,Iwas, however, surprised that a Government Agency can engage in an ad hominem

have failed the Guyanese people.

Now to the question at hand. In my letter of July1, 2024, I posed a question on whethertherewasashortfall in Royalty and Profits in 2023? In analyzing this question, I reported the combined financial data derived from the published 2023 Income and Expense StatementsforbothHessand NCOOC. And in order to target the main issue, I have copied the 2023 Income and Expense Statement for NCOOCintheTablebelow

attack, claiming that the numbers I used were pure fiction.

Just to remind those responsible for the MNR, a government department is not an attack agency that attempts to belittle its citizens; instead, among the maindutiesofagovernment Ministry/Agency is the task of providing timely and accurate information; and answering questions posed by the public If this important task cannot be achieved, it should be obvious that Guyana will be going nowhere very fast, as itscriticalinstitutionswould

In the 2023 Financial Statement above, it has a Revenue Net Sales of

two amounts (US$318,652 and US$329,782), quite surprisingly, have the same description (see red above); and when these two same amounts are added together (US$318,652 plus US$329,782),they sumtoa total referred to as net income after tax equal to US$648,434 With no explanation for the US$329,782, which is an addition to the inflow of funds from somewhere, I added it to the inflow revenue stream and did the c

notincomeearnedin2023?I didsomeadditionalresearch and in an article by Chris R a m (https://www.oggn.org/2024 /06/21/stabroeks-juniorpartner-cnooc-makes-g3557-mn-us1-7-billlion-onshare-capital-of-us200000yes-two-hundred-thousanddollars/), I observed the following: First, the net income of NCOOC in 2022 was US$329,782 (see the table below). Second, this sameamountisshownasan inflow into the 2023

statement.Inthetablebelow, the results provide the same b o t t o m l i n e o f US$648,434,000,000.

financial statement from the 2022 financial statement, yielding the total we have seen before of US$648,434, once it is added to US$318, 652(seebelow).

US$513,764; it has anet income/ (loss) and comprehensive income /(loss) for the year equal to US$318,652; thereafter, thereisamysteriousamount of US$329,782 that appears fromnowhereandisreferred to as: net income/ (loss) and comprehensive income /(loss) for the year These

national government consent to be a party to this tax masquerade,tomaintainthischarade?

WherearetheleadersinthePPPCGovernmentwhoare alwaysreadyforashowdownandthrowdownwithGuyanese atthedropofapin? Whyaretheysofeebleinfindingways either to work around this embarrassment, or to denounce it and carry a relentless fight against it? It is what any governmentconcernedaboutitsdignitywouldembarkupon. Itisthewaythatleaderswithanyself-respectwouldbe,and notrestuntilthistaxabominationiseradicated.

Given the circumstances above,itisonthisbasisthatI raised the question of a shortfall in Royalty and Profits in 2023, as the US$392,782 has not been explained in the financial statement.

Incidentally, the MNR made a comment about the difference between the combined revenues being US$1 58 trillion and US$1.25 trillion. Just for clarification, the difference between the two amounts is related to the unexplained US$392,782,000,000 (Table 3) It is unbelievable that MNRmissedthis.

Thefinalquestionwhich must be answered is what is t h e o r i g i n o f t h e US$329,782,000,000,ifitIs

This transfer of income betweenyearsintheincomeexpense statement is most improper, for net income in oneyearisnevertransferred into the financial statement of the next year Instead, net income is included in the 2022 balance sheet of the same year in which it is earned.

NeitherHessnorEMGL has engaged in this kind of presentation, and this must stop.

Youwouldalsonotethat in the NCOOC financial report, there is no entry showing the amount of royalty that Guyana should receive This is also improper In my letter of (Continuedonpage6)

Corruption undermines the very fabric of governance and erodes public trust


The recent headline in theGuyanaChronicle6July, 2024, “Dr Jagdeo flags Hughes’attempt to redefine ‘conflict of interest” deserves a critical response. While Dr Jagdeo raises p o i n t s a b o u t t h e interpretation of conflict of interest, it is imperative to broaden this discussion beyondsemanticstoaddress the profound issue of corruption within his own PPP government. Because VP Bharrat Jagdeo always defined corruption in his PPPgovernment,Iquote“let the people come forward with the evidence,” how foolish!! The question to Bharrat Jagdeo is where is his evidence now on Mr Hughes?VP Bharrat Jagdeo administration turns a blind eye to corruption within its ranks cannot be dismissed lightly Allegations of ministers and Permanent Secretaries engaging in activities ranging from owning construction companies, logistics service provider to the oil companies, apartment buildings, chicken business, fire arm deals, stone, quarries, cement deal, housing deals, land deals, gold mining deals, private security cut back, shipping out large sum of US dollars and buying properties in family names, among other

transgressions, the PPP government is highly corrupt,theUnitedStatesof America needs to sanction those Ministers, Permanent Secretaries and other governmentalofficials.

PPP govern

shouldn’t even make mention of corruption when Ministers and Permanent Secretaries are in the seat of corruptionatalllevels.

Corruption is not merely a mo

ng; it undermines the very fabric of governance and erodes publictrust.Theaccusations of ministers and other governmental officials enriching themselves through public office strike at the heart of democratic principlesandfairness.

Calls for international intervention, such as sanctions from the United States, will reflect the seriousness of these

frustration of the Guyanese people. While external pressures can serve as a catalyst for accountability, the primary responsibility lieswithourowninstitutions toupholdtheruleoflawand ensure transparency in governance.

Efforts should be made to strengthen our anticorruption framework, including robust oversight m

Civil society organizations, medi

utlets, and concerned citizens play a crucialroleinholdingpublic officials accountable and must be supported in their efforts to uncover and exposewrongdoing.

The corruption within the PPP government is

addressed with the utmost urgency by United States.

The future of Guyana’s democracy hinges on our ability to confront and root out corruption decisively (whichistheMafiaCircleof the PPP government). This momentdemandsleadership that prioritizes the public interest above personal gain and ensures that justice prevails. By closing, I will say “the Fed looking fu yall!!”

Pt.Ubraj Narine, JP, COA

F o r m e r S t a f f

Sgt.(GDF),Mayor CityofGeorgetown

We must stop accepting lies for truth

DearEditor, Neither Bharrat Jagdeo northePeople’sProgressive Party (PPP) fought for debt writeofffromtheParisClub or Trinidad and Tobago (T&T). The fight for debt write off was a crusade carriedoutbythetradeunion movement and civil society acrosstheworld.

T h e s e b o d i e s participated at various international events such as the People’s Forum which washeldinJapan,Venezuela andBrazil.Thisforumdrew participation from Asia, E u r o p e a n d n o ngovernmental organizations acrosstheworld.

Yours truly was part of the International Trades Union Confederation that participatedintheParisClub meetings. Let me make this very clear: governments do not go to the Paris Club to negotiatedebtwriteoff.The country’s papers are sent to theParisClub.TheClubwill doitsreviewthenmeetwith t h e c o u n t r y ’ s representative(s) At that meeting the country is informedofthesumtheClub

will write off and any other benefits.

On the debt write off withT&T,thatcountrytook apositiontosupportGuyana as a sister CARICOM nation.Itwastheviewofthe T&T Government that notwithstanding Guyana’s challenges to pay for the procurement of oil, the country would be provided the resource given its importance to turning the wheels of production,

alleviating economic hardship, and helping the Guyanese people stay at home and develop their country

Supporting Guyana took into consideration outward migration that could have placed undue pressure on other countries’ social structuressuchaseducation, h e a l t h , h o u s i n g , transportation.

ThesenseofCARICOM camaraderie that operated back then, unfortunately today replaced by selfserving interest, influenced debt write off initiatives by T&TPrimeMinisterDr Eric Williams and later Prime

Minister Basdeo Panday Panday came from the bowels of the trade union and saw the necessity of writing off debts that were incurred through the influenceofasocialcause. Statements oft repeated by Jagdeo that he and the PPP negotiated debt write off inherited from the People’s National Congress administrationisuntrue.

On the issue of establishing a system of government where every Guyanese can feel he or she is an equal participating memberandbeneficiary,the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) played a pivotal role to move the nation towards inclusive government The GTUC, mindfulofthecallsbymany sectionsofsociety,including thePPP,presentedaPaperto theConstituentAssemblyin 1979 to change the government structure GTUC proposed the party with the highest votes holds thepresidencyandtheprime minister goes to the party with the second highest (Continuedonpage6)

Poor condition of main access bridge at Good Hope, Mahaica, ECD


I wish to draw your attentiontothepoorcondition of the main access bridge at GoodHope,Mahaicalocated on the Eastern end leading towardsthemainroad.

The bridge is fast deteriorating and it is posing life threatening challenges as there is a hole on one side of the bridge and a very deep trenchbelowsame.

There is an influx of trafficontheroadsleadingup to the bridge due to/ the

expansion of the road on the western end which is very concerninganddangerousfor all those who access the bridge.

The bridge rattles as vehiclestraverseonsameand it is only a matter of time beforethebridgecollapses.

I hope that the bridge is fixed immediately so as to avoid any type of casualty.

Below is a picture of the bridge.

Yoursfaithfully, NeelamRamcharitar

We must stop accepting lies for truth

Frompage5 votes Dr Cheddi Jagan, Honorary President of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) and Opposition Leader constantly referred to the GTUC’s proposal as the necessary political solution for the parties to work together and build Guyana.

Guyana got a new constitution in 1980 but Jagan still championed GTUC’s 1979 proposal WhenJaganascendedtothe presidency in October1992, shortlyafterhesaidthe1980 Constitution was not the problem but the holder of

theofficeandhowheorshe manages.

In 1999 Guyana went through constitutional reform and revamped the political objective of the society by establishing a political system of “inclusionary democracy” asspeltoutinArticle13.

Today the PPP is stomping on the very principle it clamoured for wheninoppositionwhichis now made explicit in the constitution.

Back then the party led society to think it was committed to a political solution that would leave now behind or be made to

A government department is...


July 1, 2024, I suggested that the Government, in consultation with the Institute of CharteredAccountants of Guyana (ICAG), should introduce a standardized formatforthepresentationoftheoilcompanies'financial statements.

TheMNR should be focused on getting this task completed as quickly as possible, as accurate records that conform with the appropriate accounting standards will have a significant impact on the most important non-renewable natural resource sector in Guyana. Get the job done MNR, beprofessional!

Sincerely Dr.C.KenrickHunte ProfessorandFormerAmbassador.

feel excluded. We continue to bear witness to so many other deceptions, the most prominent being the oil contact, and continuous denial of the constitutional right to free education from nursery to university as outlinedinArticle27.

In opposition, Jagdeo claimed the oil contract is bad and the APNU+AFC coalition government sold the people out to the oil giant. His party in the 2020 Elections campaigned on a prom


Today, not only is the contract not re-negotiated buttheGuyanesepeopleare

being denied equitable participation and benefit of the oil money Students continue to be saddled with huge loans and in some casescaveatstoreceivefree education w

the constitutionneverstipulated it and the country can more than afford providing free educationforitschildren.

We must stop accepting lies for truth from the Ja


, trampling of rights and freedoms, and exclusion f

, management and benefit of thenationalpatrimony

Yourstruly, LincolnLewis

The main access bridge at Good Hope


US$2.5Mloanfor solarplantatCJIA - project to supply 80% of airport’s energy needs

A US$2.5M line of credit has been made availabletotheGovernment of Guyana (GoG) by the Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) to facilitatetheconstructionof a solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).

The agreement was signed on February 29 of this year, but took effect on June24.

Thelineofcreditwillbe s u p p o r t e d b y t h e Government of India, and will allow the Government of Guyana to access funds, as well as goods and services from the South Asiansuperpower

According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the terms of the agreementstatethat“goods, works and services of the value of at least 75 per cent ofthecontractpriceshallbe supplied by the seller from India, and the remaining 25 per cent of goods and servicesmaybeprocuredby

the seller for the purpose of the eligible contract from outsideIndia.”

Theproposedsolarplant project, which is yet to be tendered, will provide support for the energy requirements of the CJIA and aid sustainability efforts.

“The 3 megawatt solar photovoltaic (PV) project, whenitstartsoperation,can supply about 4.5 million unitsofelectricityannually, whichisabout80percentof the annual electricity consumption of CJIA. The proposed solar PV power project has the potential of mitigating around 72,000 Metric tonnes of CO2eq over its lifetime operation,” saidGuyanaEnergyAgency CEO,MahenderSharma.

The RBI statement said thatthelastdateforfundsto be withdrawn from the line of credit is 48 months after the scheduled completion date of the project According to Sharma, the project is expected to be completedin24months.

Chinese gold

PoliceonTuesdaysaidthatithasdismantledatransnational criminalgroupoperatinginGuyanaafterbustingthreeChinese nationalswithmillionsofdollarsincashandanillegalgun.

The trio – two men and a woman- were arrested around 12:40h on Tuesday at a city hotel following an inter-agency intelligenceoperation.

Thesuspectsareallegedlyinvolvedingoldsmugglingand otherillegalactivities.Duringtheoperationpolicewereableto confiscate GY$39M in cash and one unlicensed 9MM pistol loadedwith15matchingrounds.



TheGuyanaPoliceForce (GPF) on Tuesday announced that a suspect is incustodyfortherobberyof the Toucan Distributors Limited Manager at a city bankonJuly3.

Some $10M was stolen but police were only able to recover$1M.

Further, police said that the suspect in company did not act alone. Efforts are being made to arrest the others.

…Police recover$10M

Reports are that two bandits dressed in police uniforms and reportedly wearing ski masks on Wednesdaynightrobbedthe Manager of Toucan Distributors Limited of $10M in cash as he was depositingitinthevaultofa citybankonYoungStreet,in Kingston,Georgetown.

The 65-year-old man m a n a g e r t o l d t h e investigators that the men were armed with pistols and heldhimatgun-pointbuthis company in a statement claimed that bandits who

attacked him were not wearing masks and were clearlyidentifiable.

Investigators learnt that thevictimlefthisworkplace around 21:15 hrs in a black Land Cruiser vehicle (PKK 3700) with five bags containingthecash.

When he arrived at the bank, he met with a GEB security Guard on duty who openedthegateandallowed him access inside to deposit the money in the bank’s vault.

The Manager claimed that while he was walking

towardsthevaulthesawtwo motorcyclists approaching from behind his vehicle and becameconcerned.

However, when he noticed that they were dressed as ‘Policemen’ he paid them no mind and continued to walk towards the vault with the money bagsinhishands.

One of the suspects, he claimed walked up behind him and pointed a gun at his head before grabbing the bags from his hand. The suspectthenjoinedtheother motorcyclist, and they made good their escape out of the bank’s compound in an unknowndirection.

'Unimaginable' destruction after strike on Gaza camp

Casualties from the strike have been brought to Nasser hospital in Khan Younis

BBC - At least 29 Palestinianshavebeenkilled and dozens wounded in an Israeli air strike on a camp for displaced people outside a school in southern Gaza, hospitalofficialssay Gaza'sHamas-runhealth ministry said the strike had hit next to the gate of alAwda school in the town of Abasanal-Kabira,eastofthe cityofKhanYounis.

The Israeli military said it had used "precise munition" to target a "terrorist from Hamas' military wing" who, it said, had taken part in the 7 OctoberattackonIsrael.

It said it was "looking intothereportsthatcivilians were harmed" "adjacent" to al-Awda school, which houses displaced people from the eastern villages of KhanYounis.

The incident comes a week after the Israeli military ordered civilians to evacuate Abasan al-Kabira and other areas of eastern Khan Younis, prompting tensofthousandstoflee.

The BBC has spoken to witnesses who said the area was teeming with displaced people at the time, and who recounted the bloody aftermathingraphicdetail.

The attack resulted in widespread destruction and the deaths of women and children.

Body parts were scattered across the site and manypeoplestayingintents outside the school were also injured.

Ayman Al-Dahma, 21, toldtheBBCtherehadbeen as many as 3,000 people packed into the area at the time,whichhesaidhouseda

market and residential buildings.

Describing the number o f c a s u a l t i e s a s “unimaginable”, he said he hadseenpeoplewhoselimbs had been severed by the blast.

He continued: “They saiditwasasafeplace-that there were water and food, there were schools and everything Suddenly a rocket comes down on you and all the people around you.”

Mohamed Awadeh

AnzehtoldtheBBCthearea had been busy with people and market traders “going about their normal lives” whenthestrikehit.

H e c o n t i n u e d : “Suddenly, while we were sitting, there was a sound. It went dark… I was feeding mylittlechild.

“I don't know what happened. Suddenly, I took him and started running… and while I was running, I saw blood coming down frommyleg.”

H e d e s c r i b e d a “terrifying” scene and said he had witnessed body parts strewnacrossthestreet.

Iqram Sallout said there had been no prior warning a strike could be imminent in the area, which he told the BBC had been filled with people forced from their homesbytheconflict.

“There are many displaced people - you couldn't even walk in the streets, there were many tents and people, including youngpeople”.

He added: “The injuries we saw were severe, even amongyoungchildren.”

One video showed more

than a dozen dead and seriously wounded people, including several children, on the floor of a local hospital.

OnesourceattheNasser hospital, where the injured fromAbasanal-Kabirawere taken,saidtheyexpectedthe numberofdeadtoincrease.

This is the fourth attack on or near to schools sheltering displaced people inthepastfourdays.

The Israeli military said it had carried out the first three strikes because Hamas politicians, police officers andfighterswereusingthem asbases:

On Saturday, 16 people were killed in a strike on a UN-run school in the urban Nuseirat refugee camp, in central Gaza, which was home to about 2,000 displaced people, according to the Hamas-run health ministry

On Sunday a strike on a church-run school in Gaza City killed a senior Hamas government official and three other people, local sourcessaid.

On Monday night, several people were reportedly wounded in a strike on another UN-run schoolinNuseirat.

The Israeli military launchedacampaigninGaza to destroy the Hamas group in response to an unprecedented attack on southernIsraelon7October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 251 othersweretakenhostage.

Morethan38,240people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry


It has been a hard year

Themidyearmarkprompted some stocktaking. Call it a bitofsoulsearching,aspeck of recalibrating, and with a dollopofalong-lostinstinct thrownintothemixtoround thingsoff. Weallhavebeen coming down too hard on BharratJagdeo. See!NowI have the attention of every Guyanese. Itistimetoshow a little sympathy for an embattled citizen, who is also a brother It is an indicationofhowlowIhave tumbled, how deep I must dig;butfamilyisstillfamily Allthisisoverdue,ifonlyfor peace in the valley of Guyana, Exxon, and PradoVille.

All Guyanese are encouraged to massage this in their minds. Dr Jagdeo doesn’t have it easy, as Guyanaisnotabedofroses foranationalpoliticianwith

theweightoftheworld(and a superpower) on his head. As part of my new learning curveandcapacitybuilding, I start over and correct my mistak

: it is two superpowers.

T h e f i r s t i s i n Washington,DC;thesecond is in cowboy country, Spring,Texas. Yahoo!How Jagdeodealswithallofthis, considering his other duties is more than a miracle. The manisGuyana’smessiah,an oil saint, an oil prophet, and an oil missionary all rolled intoone. So,whyisJagdeo beingharassedbymultitudes of Guyanese including his own who have lost faith in him, no longer trust him as muchasbefore?

We would all do well to giveagood,uncomplaining, teddy bear of a guy a break, given the burden of his responsibilities, and this is

only scratching the surface. He is due the decency from us; and for those who have difficulty mustering even that,thenatleasttryforsome humanity. Believeme,Iam trying,butnotmakingmuch progress. I am not given, likeotherGuyanese,towalk withmyhandsfoldedbehind my back, while walking backwards before anybody: president, vice president, ambassador

Nowtogetagoodgripon the great responsibilities of statethatBharratJagdeohas in his hands, consider the following. He is the 2nd Vice President of Guyana. How is that for humility fromaformerpresident,that heyieldednotoneoffice,but stepped down two slots in service of God, country, motherhood,andapplepie. I willgivehimcountry,buthis servicetoGodisupintheair,

since he has unselfishly volunteered to take up that divine standing and calling. Motherhood is a touchy subject,soIpleadforapass.

On apple pie, those who thought red, white, and blue are on the money. It is Exxon, and that is what Jagdeo nibbles, quibbles, and dribbles about around the edges. It could be said that he is not greedy, simply aconservationist,anoilone. InadditiontoVicePresident, superman Bharrat Jagdeo is chief policymaker, chief minister, chief magistrate, chiefpublicrelationsofficer, and chief PPP Government cook and bottle washer Re the latter, he is a delegator: check with the technical people.

Andpeoplesaidthatthis mandoesn’thaveanyskills. Whataninsult! Whatnerve! What a trashy set of people are hauled into Jagdeo’s orbit. Tobecareful,Iamnot referring to the people from North America and Western Europe that Jagdeo deals with after they have passed through his filter and gatekeeper, the man who came back from his hurried flight to Florida. See why I am so spellbound by this country…

If there are some who

believe that I have covered the range of Dr Bharrat Jagdeo’s duties and the tasks in his hands, be assured that I am now getting into a groove. Think of this: England used to have a Queen Mother. Not to be outdone Guyana’s PPPgotJagdeotofunctionin the equivalent role of President-groomer

And for those who said that dear old England also had a Dowager Queen, Guyana raised the bar on itself and decided to get a CounselorPresident. Isthat de facto, or what? Please don’t push me to embarrass myself by forcing me to embarrass others No names. Nowfortheicingon thecake. Exxoncamefrom America and transformed a noble Guyanese into an Exxon Whisperer He has secretsthatmakeviciouspit bulls turn into curious pussycats. MyGod! Allthis trouble to subvert the oil promise and make the Guyanese people near to it transform into domestic terrorists.

Finally,Ihaverepeatedly told my American friends (no name dropping, please) that Guyana is a great country What I have not said until now is that Dr

Bharrat Jagdeo is the greatest. The greatest at what is the question, and I am not saying anything Nevertheless, I remind everyone,keepinglookingat his portfolio of oil and gas, leadership gas, media gas, and other kinds of gas that would revolutionize the fossil fuel world, if only Jagdeo would part with his secrets.

There it is: proof of how mellow I have become and plan to maintain for the rest of this year It is my halfyear resolution, my belated Lentensacrifice,andmygift toallGuyana,mostofallDr Bharrat Jagdeo. He does have a full ward to run. No wonder this country has become one big, national lunaticasylum. Noticehow shaky I am, and it’s not age. I just promised to behave myself,thenwentandbroke my vows. I should be a politicalleader (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

ProcurementCommissionreceived10complaints ontheawardofprojectsbetweenJuly2023-2024

Within a year of having been newly constituted, the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) reported that it has received 10 complaints/ requests for investigations alleging certain irregularitiesrelatingtocontractsawarded through the National Procurement and TenderAdministrationBoard(NPTAB).

This is according to information publishedinthePPCAnnualReport-July 2022toJuly2023,whichwasonMonday tabledintheNationalAssembly

Accordingtothedocument,duringthat period 1,593 tenders were opened which saw1,558contractsbeingawardedbythe NPTAB, 10 of which the PPC received complaints for This, according to PPC represents 1% (low ratio) of the total numberofcontractsthatwereawarded.

Itwasstatedinthedocumentthatoutof the10complaints,theyhavecompletedthe investigations into four The remainder is still being investigated. These complaints were filed by contractors and Member of Parliament, David Patterson who filed three.

The Commission reported that of the six contracts that were still being investigated, the National Drainage and IrrigationAuthority(NDIA)wasflaggedfor maintenance and servicing of fixed and mobilepumps(lots1to4).

The Public Procurement Commission Annual Report – July 2022 to July 2023

AccordingtotheCommission,thenature ofthecompliantwasarequestforareviewof thetenderevaluationonthegroundthat“The complaintwasthelowestbidderintwoofthe fourlots.”

A contractor requested a review of the tenderevaluationrelativetoanNDIAproject onthegroundthat“Thewinningbidderdoes nothavethegeneralorspecificexperiencein accordancewiththebiddingdocuments.”

Anothercomplaintwasfiledrelatingtoa Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA), four-lane highway from Eccles to Great Diamond project. The PPC reported

that a “request for an investigation to ascertain how the alleged debarred contractor, V Dalip Enterprise, was awardedacontractandthatthenecessary actions be taken against the entities and individualsassociatedwiththeaward.”

The document detailed that for a Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Nine project, a request for investigationwasfiled“toascertainhow theallegeddebarredcontractor,V Dalip Enterprise, was awarded a contract and that the necessary actions be taken against the entities and individuals associatedwiththeaward.”

PPC said they had received a complaint with a Ministry of Local Government and Regional Democratic project relative to the Bamia Primary Schoolcontract.TheCommissionstated that a request for a review of the tender evaluation was made on the ground that “The technical requirements of the bid documents required the successful bidder to have successfully completed projects of a similar nature and size within the last three years. The winning bidder,St8tmentInvestmentInc.having been established in March 2021, does not meettheaforementionedrequirement.”

Further, PPC reported that under the Ministry of Home Affairs, they received a complaintregardingasupplyanddeliveryto Guyana Prison Serviceproject(Lots 1 to 5). Requestforinvestigationwhichwasfiledby a contractor was on the grounds that “Bid document stated the qualification criteria to

beontheleastcostperitem.Thepriceofthe winningbidderforfouritemswashigherthan thatofthecomplainant.”

Having received the complaints, the Commission in its Report stated that there were challenges in conducting some of the investigations to which recommendations weremadeforittoberesolved.

According to the Report, “Access to information also proved challenges as there were delays in the submission of the tender proceedings to the Commission It is proposed that steps be taken to establish a standard operating procedure within procuring entities and tender boards for the submissionofinformationtothecommission tofacilitateinvestigations.”

The PPC added that the “absence of a statutorily prescribed process for investigations particularly under Article 212AA(i) and (j) leads to uncertainty in the steps to be taken. It is proposed that legislation be enacted to enable these provisions.

The PPC is the body which exercises a majorregulatoryandoversightroleinpublic procurement and the awarding of government contracts. The PPC monitors publicprocurementbygovernmenttoensure the principles of fairness, equity, value for money, and competition is upheld and to ensure that the procedures of public procurementareexecutedinaccordancewith thelawsofGuyana.

The Commission is currently being chaired by former President of the Guyana BarAssociation,PaulineChase.


Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call: (592) 610-6650.

Night Watchman needed. Call: 648-4108/ 614-7567.

Two canter Driver, Must have a valid driver's license and at least 2 years experience. Call: 644-7088 / 624-7248.

One Housekeeper/ Cook needed twice weekly. Preferable from the East Bank. Call: 609-1434.

Housekeeper in Georgetown area for cleaning, cooking laundry & supervising 10 year old. Call/ WhatsApp: 643-4203.

Diesel Mechanic to work in the Interior, interested persons can contact: 701-4000 between 8 am-4pm. Handyman to work five days weekly from 7am-12 noon in Campbellville. Call: 621-5140.

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1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

Canter truck, great for mobile vending, 2019 December, RHD with 54,500 KM. Arrived in Guyana December 2023. Contact: 676-5051.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

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Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.

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Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. Call: 645-8443

One Pedicurists for home service in East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Live-in Housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, USA. Free room and boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.

Experienced Journalists needed at BVI News agency. Email: adsvino@gmail.com or WhatsApp: 1-284-4428000.

Chainsaw Operators and Labourers needed for wood concession. Call: 633-6030.

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Supermarket PM Cashiers required @ Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff ST. Tel: 609-2995, Email: survivalhumanresources2@ gmail.com

Vacancy for Receptionist and Hotel Attendant at Hick's Ville Hotel. Email: info @vegeworld.net or Call: 2310951/ 231-0952.

German shepherd mix with Husky available. Call : 6480111.

2 Howo cement mixer truck for sale, $20 M for both. Call: 652-0251/650-0402/2604018.

Shot robbery suspect remanded

A 29-year-old suspect, who was shot during a robbery on June 30, was on Tuesday remanded to prison when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.

The accused, Raheem Benn, was charged with Robbery Under Arms committed on Dominick Kassim at Irving and Forshaw Streets Georgetown.

Benn, being in the company of another and armed with a knife robbed Kassim of an Apple Iphone 11 phone valued $150,000.

On Tuesday, Benn of Lot 23 Meadow Brook Housing Scheme, Georgetown appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty who read the charge to him. Benn pleaded not guilty.

According to facts, at around 19:45 hrs, Kassim (the victim) was standing outside his premises at Irving and Forshaw streets, supervising some work being done. He was armed with a licensed firearm during that time.

He then observed a motorcycle approaching him. The motorcycle stopped alongside Kassim. Benn, being the pillion rider, approached Kassim, while being armed with a knife and dealt several stabs at him.

Benn then took Kassim’s phone from his hand and attempted to run to the waiting motorcycle. The rider of the motorcycle then attempted to pull something from his waist. This prompted Kassim to use


Double lot at 344 A&B Middle Street, North Cummingsburg, Georgetown. Call: 927-6035603/ 592-693-9494.

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his firearm. He discharged three rounds in the duo’s direction. Benn was shot and the rider immediately dropped the motorcycle and fled the scene.

A report was made to the police, who responded and arrived at the scene. Benn was then escorted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was admitted as a patient.

He was later charged.

Meanwhile, an unrepresented Benn explained to the court that on the mentioned date he was on a drinking spree around the Stabroek market area and subsequently left with the motorbike to party on the Seawall.

On his way, he entered Irving and Forshaw Streets to inspect the motorcycle after it was making strange noises. He then saw someone run-

ning in his direction that was armed with a firearm and discharged several rounds and shot him in his back.

Benn denied stealing the phone and said he was wrongfully shot. “I don’t thief and dem thing My Worship… this man shoot me wrongfully in the back,” the weeping defendant told the court.

Notwithstanding Benn’s statement to the court, Prosecutor Quincy Lacon objected to bail due the seriousness and prevalence of the offence. He also told the court that Benn was charged with previous offences of similar nature.

The court was also informed that Kassim’s phone was retrieved.

Bail was denied and Benn is scheduled to return to court on July 16, 2024 for statements.

Prime suspect in custody for murder of Venezuelan woman

Police have arrested the prime suspect in the murder of Evelyn Alfonzo Alves, the Venezuelan woman who was found dead with a gunshot wound in the back of her head.

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told Kaieteur News that “a suspect is in custody and that is all we can disclose at this moment”.

Alves was found dead early Sunday morning in New Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara (ECD). Detectives discovered a gunshot wound at the back of the woman’s head.

Relatives told Kaieteur News that she was last seen alive around 21:00hrs on Saturday. They said that she re-

ceived a call and left in a white car, a taxi that she regularly used.

Relatives further disclosed that Alves last made contact with a family member around 00:00 hrs. She reportedly told a family member that she was with her Guyanese boyfriend whom she has been dating for some time.

Kaieteur news understands that the couple were going through a rough patch in their relationship. The woman was reportedly preparing to travel but her boyfriend was not in agreement and this caused some turbulence in their relationship. Investigations are ongoing .

Sales Rep on $400k bail for cyber bullying

A 35-year-old Sales Representative was on Tuesday placed on $400,000 bail for cyber-bullying when she appeared at the Diamond/ Golden Grove Magistrates’ Court.

Carletta Blake was charged with two counts of ‘Using a Computer System to

Humiliate a Person’, Contrary to Section 19(5) (a) of the Cybercrime Act 2018.

Blake appeared before Magistrate Dylon Bess who read the charge to her. She pleaded not guilty.

The accused is scheduled to return to court on July 23,2024 .


Wild goose chase continues for Gas-to-Energy...

From page 2 aware too that in any project sometimes there is review or redesign or re-scoping, based on a variety of factors.”

She said that this concept may be applied to the oil and gas sector as it has in the past with a number of construction projects undertaken by the government.

Meanwhile, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat when approached to provide a comment on the release of the agreements at the ACCC on Monday said he was busy and would take the question later.

After this newspaper insisted that he provided a comment, the Minister requested that the question be sent to him.

Kaieteur News forwarded the question to

the Minister, however it appears he blocked the reporter, as the message remained undelivered, as well as those previously sent to him since June 13, 2024. Several attempts made by the Opposition in the National Assembly to access the agreements and key documents relative to the country’s single largest infrastructure project have been unsuccessful. MP Catherine Hughes had complained last year that questions submitted by her were not allowed by Speaker of the House, Manzoor Nadir since these issues were addressed by Head of the GTE Taskforce, Winston Brassington when Guyana hosted its Energy Conference in 2023. This was the fourth attempt by the Opposition seeking details surrounding the controversial GTE project.

Remanded: Raheem Benn
Dead: Evelyn Alfonzo Alves

House approves Bill to abandon Preliminary Inquiry

OnMondayevening,the National Assembly approved the Criminal Law P r o c e d u r e ( P a p e r Committals) Bill 2024, which will abolish the traditional lengthy preliminaryinquiries(PIs).

TheBillprovidesforthe elimination of PIs and the substitution thereof with paper committals, which involves reviewing the evidence and arguments presented by both the prosecution and the defence in written form, rather than conducting an in-person hearing.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, SC, who presentedtheBillremarked, “This Bill aims to

completely eliminate traditional oral preliminary inquiriesinGuyana.”

The enactment of the Bill is anticipated to bring significant changes to

Guyana'slegalsystem. The Attorney General's Chambers drafted the Bill with the aim of making the criminaljusticesystemmore efficient. Under the new system, the magistrate will review the written submissions and make a determination based on the available evidence The paper committal process saves time and resources by eliminating the need for witnesstestimonyandcrossexamination during the preliminary inquiry stage. This will inevitably save judicial time, reduce the backlog of criminal cases and reduce the prison populationonremand.

In his address, Nandlall explained that the Bill replaces the conventional PIs with a paper committal system which is deemed more efficient as it involves reviewing evidence and arguments submitted in

written form from both sides, without the necessity of witnesses attending court togivetestimonies.

In the Magistrate's Court, PIs for serious offenses like murder can extendtothreetofouryears. During this time, the state bears the cost while the accused remains on remand until they are either committed to stand trial beforeajudgeandjuryorthe caseisdischarged.

The paper committal will shorten that time bringing more efficiency to thejudiciary

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, SC

Mom jailed for attempting to smuggle SIM card in toothpaste for imprisoned son

“The main purpose of this Bill is to bring efficiency,proficiency[and] expediency We have laboured with what is now clearlyanoutmodedprocess for nearly six decades… I don't think that anyone can arguethatthetimeforpaper committal is [not] long overdue,” the Attorney Generalsaid.

Nandlallunderscorethat the Bill will bring Guyana on par with jurisdictions acrosstheCaribbeanandthe Commonwealth that have already abolished the use of preliminaryinquiry

4-hourroadsurveillancecameras nowbackedbylaw

DPI - Traffic management will receive a significant boost with the passage of the amendments to the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, which took place Monday evening in theNationalAssembly

The amendments, which bring the utilisation of 24-hour surveillance cameras on major roadways into law, aimstohelppoliceidentifydriverswho violate speed limits and refuse to wear seatbeltswhiledriving.

Theroadintelligentcamerasystem will be fitted onto traffic lights to supporttheimplementationofthisnew law Thesystemwillbemanagedbythe GuyanaPoliceForce.

Photographs will then be taken of vehicles that violate speeding and seatbeltlaws.

Thereafter,thephotoandanoticeof the fine will be sent to the vehicle

– Speeding, seatbelt violations to be tackled by new legislation

owner's mobile phone number and subsequently mailed to the owner's address.

Championing the passage of the bill, Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn underscored that this type of legislation is necessary as Guyana continues to see transformationaldevelopment.

The minister also pointed out that overthepastfewyears,therehavebeen hundreds of deaths owing to road accidents. In 2023 alone, some 175 persons lost their lives in road accidents.

“We have noticed generally…the growth and development of our country Along with this growth and development, along with the investment in our roads [and] an increaseinvehiclesontheroad,westill strugglewithroadtrafficaccidentsand

Truckdriveron$2.7M bailforpossessionof marijuana

A41-year-oldtruckdriverof NewAmsterdam,Berbicewason Tuesdaygranted$2,700,000bail after he was found with 9.25 kilogramsofmarijuana.

The defendant, Reaaz Bacchus appeared before Magistrate Delon Bess at the Diamond/Grove Magistrates' Court where he pleaded not guilty to the Possession of Narcoticscharge.

The matter has been adjournedtoJuly29,2024.


Thenewlawsareexpectedtoplaya critical role in acting as a deterrent to speeding and the violation of other traffic laws.Meanwhile, Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill commendedthebillwhichhesaidwill bolster the state's ability to enforce trafficlawsacrossthecountry.

“This is a straightforward piece of legislation that will strengthen our enforcement of our road laws and ensure that we get better compliance,” hesaid.

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport,CharlesRamsonJr,andAttorney General and Minister of LegalAffairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC, also registered their support for the amendments.

Thebillalsoenjoyedthesupportof OppositionMembersofParliament.

Nude man found unresponsive in Carifesta Avenue trench dies at GPHC

The unidentified man who was found nude and motionless on Monday in a trench on Carifesta Avenue, Georgetown has died, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) reported.Police said that at 18:45h, ranks from the Brickdam Police Station were contacted about the discovery of the motionless man. The emergency team fromtheGeorgetownPublicHospitalCorporation(GPHC) alongwithadoctorweresummoned.Uponarrival,theteam observedamaleofAfricandescentlyingunresponsiveon theroad.Efforts toresuscitatehimwereunsuccessful.He was rushed to the GPHC where he was pronounced dead whilereceivingtreatment.Policesaidnomarksofviolence wereobservedontheman’sbody Hisbodywastakentothe morguewhereitawaitsapostmortemexamination. Investigationsareongoing.

A55-year-oldwomanwas on Tuesday sentenced to 30 days in prison when she appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court The accused,IngridMaryThomas attempted to smuggle a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card in a tube of toothpaste for her son who is imprisoned.

Thomas appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGustywherethechargeof attempting to supply prohibited articles to a prisoner was read to her She pleadedguilty

The charge stated that on Monday at the Prison Headquarters, Brickdam, Georgetown around 10:20hrs Thomas visited the Prison Headquarters located on Brickdam, Georgetown to deliver a cartoon box with sanitaryitemstobesenttoher son Bevon Thomas.Bevon is servingafive-yearsentenceat the Mazaruni Prison for FeloniousWounding. While at the location, prisonofficialscutopenedthe tube of toothpaste that was inside of the cartoon box and discovered a Digicel SIM Card concealed therein. The womanwastoldoftheoffence andarrested.

Delon Jones at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court

Mason remanded for attempting to rob cop

A29-year-oldmasonfrom the'B'FieldSophiaSquatting Area was on Tuesday remanded to prison on an attemptedrobberycharge.

Reports are that Delon Jones attempted to rob a police corporal. He appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court before MagistrateFaithMcGusty

The incident occurred on Saturday, July 6, 2024, at around 23:20 pm. Corporal Lennox Daniels, who was on duty and armed with a licensed firearm, was stationed on Orange Walk, Bourda,Georgetownwhenhe observed Jones and another individualonamotorcycle.

Jones,whowasthepillion rider, immediately dismounted the waiting

motorcycle and pulled out a pairofscissors,pointingthem at Corporal Daniels and demanding that he hand over hisbelongings. In response, Corporal Daniels backed away and drewhisfirearm,pointingitat Jones. This caused Jones to freeze, while his accomplice rode away, successfully escaping Jones was subsequently arrested and takentotheAlbertownPolice Station Jones pleaded not guilty to the charge The prosecutor objected to bail, citing the serious nature and prevalence of the offense, as wellastheexistenceofCCTV footageoftheincident. Joneswasremandedandis set to return to court on July 16,2024.

Ingrid Mary Thomas
The accused, Reaaz Bacchus

Govt. hosts anti-corruption workshop for accounting officers, other technical staff


he Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance on Tuesday hostedaworkshoponethical behaviour in the public service.

The workshop hosted under the theme "Promoting Integrity and Effectiveness in Public Bodies and Authorities Responsible for Preventing Corruption," formed part of a discussion toward developing best practices for tackling corruption within the public service.

The meeting which was held at the Savannah Suites of the Pegasus Hotel in Kingston is also part of the Government's ongoing

efforts to strengthen Guyana's anti-corruption frameworkthroughthework

of the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance.

Addressing participants of the one-day workshop which included Permanent Secretaries and Regional Executive Officers (REOs), Procurement Officers, and other high ranking technical

persons within the government agencies, Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs, Gail Teixeira said the discussion is necessary to equip key officers within the public service with the information

needed to address corruption- related issues such as preventing and managing conflicts of interest, detecting and handling corruption and

unethical practices, ethics in auditing, and enhancing ethicsinpublicprocurement.

“Attheseworkshopsand programmerswearedealing with questions like what is corruption? How do reduce prevent it? Do the laws manuals guidelines are they sufficient or are there other areas like training and so forth”Teixeirasaid.

She added: “The discussion focused on developing the capacity of public officials to eliminate instances of corruption. It was held under the theme 'Promoting integrity and effectiveness in public

bodies and authorities responsible for preventing corruption.”

TheMinisteremphasised the need for anti-corruption mechanism to be in place so that high-ranking public

servants are held accountable as they manage their affairs. This she said willleadtogoodgovernance andeffectivemanagementof thesystems.

“When you're a

politician [and] if you want tobeelected,youhavetobe accountable to the people… that goes for permanent secretaries who hold power, aswellasregionalexecutive officers, overseers at the local government level, Toshaos at the Amerindian villagecouncillevel,andthe treasurers of that level,” the minister pointed out adding that part of the discussion is aimed at identifying

mechanisms to prevent the abuse of public funds and strengthen State institutions so they can function more effectively

S h e n o t e d t h a t individualsinthesepositions have a moral obligation to ensure that citizens receive valueforthemoney

“We are now looking at how we develop capacity, what are the kind of training we need to do to makesurethateverypublic servant who is at the highest level knows very well what the rules are…and [these are ones] that does not condone corruption, ” Minister Teixeiraemphasized.

The Minister reminded participants of the importanceofabidingbythe tenets of the Integrity Commission. She noted that

the government is working on amending the Integrity Commission law to ensure that these individuals report as required and within the specifiedtimeframe.

“Wehavetonowreacha poin

government, as a public service, that we are holding ourselvestohighstandards,” the Parliamentary and GovernanceAffairsMinister stated.

USAID'S Deputy Administrator in Guyana for talks to strengthen local and regional partnerships

TheUnitedStates(U.S.) Agency for International Development's (USAID) Deputy Administrator, IsobelColemanisonatwoday visit to Guyana to meet with senior officials of the GovernmentofGuyanaand the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

The US Embassy in Guyana said that Ms Coleman's visit to Guyana serves to reaffirm USAID's “strong partnership with Guyanaandcommitmentto suppo

economic development, democraticgovernance,and climate adaptation and resilience in the Caribbean region.”

The envoy's meeting with senior government officials and CARICOM officials reaffirms USAIDs commitment to partnering under the U.S. - Caribbean Partnership to Address the ClimateCrisis 2030 (PACC 2030) The Deputy Administrator will also meet with civil society leaders to reiterate the need for their engagement with the government and hear their views on citizens' involvement in local governance.

“Additionally, the Deputy Administrator will

participate in a roundtable discussion with Guyanese business leaders and U.S. government counterparts to examine trade, labor needs, and investment challenges, as well as opportunities in the region,” the statement said.Further, Ms. Coleman will provide keynote remarks at the Caribbean Investment Forum, highlighting USAID's support for small- and medium-sized enterprises and reiterating the need for private sector investment to build inclusive and sustainable economic growth,” the statement issuedbytheEmbassysaid. The Forum will take placefromJuly10-12atthe Arthur Chung Conference Centre.

A section of the anti-corruption workshop hosted at the Pegasus Savannah Suites on Tuesday
Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs, Gail Teixeira
USAID Deputy Administrator, Isobel Coleman

Guyana now has one of 13 capping stacks available globally-ExxonCountryManager

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)onMonday commissioned the country’s first capping stack, one of 13 available globally and one of onlytwoinLatinAmerica

Acappingstackisaheavy pieceofmetalequipmentthat is placed over a blown out well Itactsasaplug,thereby preventing further flow of hydrocarbons Country Manager, Alistair Routledge during a simple ceremony hosted at the Guyana Shore Base Inc (GYSBI), Houston, East Bank Demerara noted that the arrival of the equipment underscores the scaleofGuyana’sblossoming oilandgassector

Guyana began producing oil in December 2019 at the Liza One Project The Liza Two development later came on stream in February 2022, followed by the Payara project in November 2023. Thecountryisnowproducing over640,000barrelsofoilper day(bopd)atthreeprojectsin theStabroekBlock

The cost of the capping stack was not revealed, despitequestionsbeingposed to EMGL’s President. He explained, “I don’t have that number at hand but it’s a subscription service so what happens is (Oil Spill Response Limited) ORSL operatesthis,theymaintainit, they keep it ready for deploymentandthenwepaya subscriptionfee,basedonthe wellswearedrilling.”

The capping stack was designed and built by Trendsetter Engineering- a company that has been involved in the design and development of most of the cappingstacksavailable

It is owned by Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL), an industry-funded, not-forprofit cooperative that responds to oil spills As part of its subscription service with OSRL, EMGL will be able to access the capping stack in record time from the GYSBI location The company will also have access to OSRL’s fleet of capping stacks across the globe. The capping stack, now in country, measures 22 feet,threeinches(height)and weighs 93,000 pounds (42 metric tonnes) The Air Freightable Capping Stack (AFCS) has a pressure rating of 15,000 pounds per square inch; a flow rate of zero to 330,000barrelsofoilperday (bopd) and depth rating of 12,500feet(3,800meters)

According to Exxon’s Country Manager, “For ExxonMobil,safetyisourtop

priority Dayinanddayoutour teams are laser focused on preventing an instance of any size from ever happening, however in the unlikely event an instance should occur, we have state of the art response capabilitiesincountryandthe financialresourcestomeetany cleanuprequirements”

Hesaidthecappingstack was just one example of the in-country technology capability Routledge also noted that frequent oil spill exercisesareoftenconducted atGYSBI Thecappingstack willnowplayanintegralpart inthoseactivitiesaccordingto him Further, he pointed out, “We are bringing the very highest of standards of facilities and equipment to Guyana, given the unique scaleoftheoperationandthe commitmentandpartnership wehavewiththepeopleand countryofGuyana.”

Thecappingstackwillbe stored at GYSBI in Houston, butwilllaterbeshiftedtothe Vreed-en-Hoop Shore Base, upon the facility’s completion “Until then, our aimistoensurethatwenever actually have to deploy it,” Routledge said Notably, otheroilproducingstatesand companies can subscribe to Guyana’s in-country capping stack When asked about the costfactorforotheroperators andcountriestobesubscribed to the service, the EMGL presidenttoldreporters,“The

more that participates, the more that we spread that cost” On the other hand, he said that with the capping stacknowincountry,thetime for the equipment to be deployedhasbeenreduced

Meanwhile, Head of the OilandGasDepartmentatthe Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA), Joel Gravesande in an invited comment told reporters that the arrival of the capping stack stems from a requirement outlined in the Yellowtail development

Permit Gravesandewaskeen tonotethatExxonisnotonly required to have a capping stack in-country, but also maintain subscription to at leastoneother

“Eventhoughtheyhavea capping stack in-country to respond, and it can only cap one well, they are also requiredtohavesubscriptions to other capping stacks they arealsorequiredtoensurethat its maintained in Guyana in keepingwithinternationalbest standards”

Additionally, the Head of the EPA’s Oil and Gas Department noted that the agency recently included a new provision in the Permits for oil response simulations ThisenablesnotonlytheEPA butotherrelevantstakeholders suchasthegovernmentandthe Civil Defence Commission (CDC) to be prepared in the eventofanoilspill.

Representatives from ExxonMobil, EPA and GYSBI with the capping stack


eases to comfortable

100m victory at Gyulai Istvan Memorial in Hungary

SportsMax - Jamaican National champion and 100m world leader Kishane Thompson once again showed himself to be the man to beat at the Paris Olympics later this summer withanimpressivevictoryat theGyulaiIstvanMemorial, a World Athletics Continental Tour-Gold meet in Szekesfehervar, Hungary on Tuesday.Thompson, who ranapersonalbestandworld leading 9.77 to claim his maiden National 100m title on June 28, got his usual brilliant start to find himself comfortably ahead of the field at the halfway point of theraceonTuesday

When he got to about 70m, Thompson eased up and looked left and right beforecrossingthelineinan impressive9.91.

2 0 2 3 W o r l d Championship silver medallistLetsileTebogoran a season's best 9 99 in second while SouthAfrica's

Akani Simbine ran 10.01 in third In the Women's equivalent, runner-up at the

Clayton, ran 11.06 to finish second behind American TamariDaviswhoran11.00. Krystal Sloley ran 11.15 for third.



You'reapttotrendabitmore onthewildsidetoday,Aries. There's a wave of powerful energy working to give strengthtoyouregoandselfconfidence.


A good tactic for you today would be to convert your fears into motivation for positive action There's a great deal of energy at your disposal, Taurus, so don't wasteit


You're likely to face conflicting reports today, Gemini. Information may be tainted with emotion, so be careful about going with the choice that shouts the loudest.


You may be seduced by fantastic promises that offer wonderfulthingsandfanciful rewards But beware of anything with lots of bells andwhistles,Cancer


People are apt to be quite emotional when it comes to the appearance they wish to project today, Leo, so be carefulwhereyoustep.


Virgo, don't be surprised if some of your fantasies and dreamsareputontrialtoday by a harsh force that cuts right to the truth of the matter

Louis set for debut; Holder, Seales back as West Indies XI named for first England

SportsMax - Mikyle Louis will open alongside Captain Kraigg Brathwaite for the WestIndiesinthefirstTestagainstEnglandset to start today, Wednesday, at Lord's.Louis, the 23-year-old,comesintotheteamonthebackof abrilliantseasonfortheLeewardIslandsinthe 2024 West Indies Championship where he scored 682 runs in 14 innings at an average of 49.Heiscomingoffafirstinningshalf-century in their warm-up game against the County SelectXIlastweek.

Retaining their places in the order are Kirk McKenzie at three,AlickAthanaze at four and Kavem Hodge at five.McKenzie andAthanaze scoredthreehalf-centuriesbetweentheminthe warm-upfixturelastweekwhileHodgescoreda brillianthundredsoallthreearecomingintothe


first Test in some good formAlso making their return to theWest Indies test team after missing the Australia series in December are former Captain Jason Holder and young pacer Jayden Seales.

Both Holder and Seales recently enjoyed successful County Championship stints for Wo r c e s t e r s h i r e a n d S u s s e x , respectivelyGudakesh Motie will be the lone spinnerintheXIwhileHolderandSealeswillbe joined in the pace attack byAlzarri and Shamar JosephJosh a Da Silva also retains his place behind the stumpsThe full XI is as follows: Kraigg Brathwaite (C), Mikyle Louis, Kirk McKenzie,AlickAthanaze,KavemHodge,Jason Holder, Joshua Da Silva, Gudakesh Motie, JaydenSeales,AlzarriJoseph,ShamarJoseph

For the people: Holder, Seales eye Test series...


You've reached

emotionally climactic point right now, Libra, and you could find some harsh oppositioncomingatyoufor noapparentreason.


Be careful not to be too cavalier today, Scorpio. It would be wise to adopt a more serious tone than you normallywould.


You have the sensitivity to pickuponwhat'sgoingonin every situation today, Sagittarius. What you're apt tofindarepowerfulemotions coming into conflict with extremelystrongopinions.


Thefantasyworldthatyou've builtforyourselfisapleasure to behold, Capricorn. People frolicinyourworldandhave a grand time. Your presence delights people with pleasure.


It may be difficult to stay grounded today with all the information flying around and the emotions roiling in yourheart.


You may get pushed around by two very powerful camps today, Pisces. Since you're the kind, diplomatic, and sensitive one, you make the perfect target for more abrasiveandopinionated.

Frompage23 thisyear,asreasontobelieve. Thatserieswhichended11, gave rise to fast bowling sensationShamarJoseph,who took seven wickets to secure an eight-run win for West Indies–theirhaulfirstTestwin in Australia since 1997 “I think the guys took a lot from that Test victory in Australia and for the group, we've been doing some positive things overthelastcoupleofmonths and as a young side, the main thing is to keep learning,” Holder said.“We'll be faced with different challenges here

inEnglandanditisamatterof learning from them and being betterthenextday

What we have in the dressing room is some special talent and it is just a matter of playingsomesolidcricketand just believing,” he reasoned Having opted out of that AustraliaseriestofocusonT20 opportunities, Holder expressed his delight at being backinthefold“Formeitgave me a renewed energy to come backtothegroupandtrytobea part of something special again. I'm just happy that I've been able to still get the body

upandgoingandbeingupfor the challenge here. I missed Testcricket.

ThisismyfirstTestmatch in a long time, so I'm looking forward to it,” Holder shared.“We'rejustheretoplay a good competitive series and we're coming out to win this series. For me it's not about Jimmy[Anderson]withalldue respect. For me it's about my contribution to the team and making sure each and every oneisonpointatthestartofthe first Test match and let's play somesolidcricket.Everything else around it is secondary in mymind,”heended.


Frompage25 varied weather conditions in Guyana, VR golf ensures uninterrupted training opportunities throughout the year.The introduction of the MetaQuest2 system will enableNexgenGolfAcademy to reach new heights in golf education, providing students with cutting-edge tools to improve their skills This initiativeissettocreateanew wave of interest and participation in golf among Guyanese youth, fostering talent and passion for the sport.GGA president Aleem Hussain,saidtheNexgenGolf Academyanditsmembersare enthusiastic about the p a r t n e r s h i p " T h i s collaborationwithVanOordis agame-changerforus.”

“The VR golf system will allow us to bring high-quality training to students across the country, regardless of their location.Weareexcitedtosee the impact this technology will have on the development ofgolfinGuyana."VanOord's contribution marks a significant step towards modernizing sports education in Guyana and reflects the company's commitment to supporting local communities and initiatives A Dutch Marine contracting company, Van Oord specializes in dredging, infrastructure and offshoreenergy

Kishane Thompson ran 9.91 to win the Men's 100m at the Gyulai Istvan Memorial in Hungary on Tuesday

Alfred takes 200m win at Gyulai Istvan Memorial as Jackson pulls up

Julien Alfred secured a win in the 200m, while Shericka Jackson pulled up with what appeared to be a cramp.

injured; Gardiner prevails in 400m

SportsMax - 2022 Commonwealth Games silver medallist Julien Alfred secured a win in the 200m at the Gyulai Istvan Memorial, a World Athletics Continental Tour-Gold meet in Szekesfehervar,Hungaryyesterday

TheSt.Lucian2023BowermanAward winnerranasolidfirst100minlaneseven, a lane outside two-time World 200m championSherickaJackson.

What seemed to be a titanic clash between the two to see who would come

outontopendeddrasticallyas,withabout30m left in the race, Jackson pulled up with what appeared to be a cramp, paving the way for an easy win for Alfred in 22.16.Great Britain's DaryllNeitaranaseason'sbest22.36insecond while Jamaican Lanae-Tava Thomas ran 22.54 inthird.IntheMen'sonelapeventGardinerran hisusualevenlypacedracetotaketopspotina

Championships runner-up Sean Bailey ran a season's best 44.64 in second while South AfricanLythePillayran45.24forthird.

Revised schedule and format set for CWI Rising Stars Men's Under-19 Championship

ST. JOHN'S,Antigua - CricketWest Indies(CWI)RisingStarsMen'sUnder-19 Championship, initially set to commence on July 2, with a three-day competition preceding a 50-over tournament, has undergone significant changes due to Hurricane Beryl's passage earlier this week. The hurricane affected regions includinghostcountrySt.Vincentandthe Grenadines, necessitating a delay and a subsequent alteration in the tournament's format.

ThetournamentwillnowbeginonJuly 11inSt.VincentandtheGrenadines.The updatedformatwillfeaturefourroundsof two-day matches and five rounds of 50over matches Despite these modifications, the tournament will still conclude on July 31 as initially planned, ensuring teams have a balance of match time to develop their skills and adequate timeforrecoverybetweenmatches.

Cricket West Indies Director of Cricket, Miles Bascombe, stated,

"Following an assessment by our Cricket Department, I am pleased to confirm that the pitchesandoutfieldsareinexcellentcondition. Additionally,electricityandwaterserviceshave been fully restored at all venues and accommodationfacilities."

The Barbados, Leeward Islands, Jamaica, and Guyana teams are scheduled to arrive Monday,July8.TheTrinidadandTobagoteam will arrive on Wednesday, July 10 The WindwardIslandsteamisalreadypresentinSt. Vincent Bascombe also commended all stakeholdersfortheireffortinreorganizingand readying the tournament under challenging circumstances."Iwanttoextendmygratitudeto everyone involved in the quick and efficient reorganization of the championship Your dedication has ensured we can proceed as planned. I also commend the players for their patienceandunderstandingduringthisperiod.” Bascombesaid.

The revised schedule is as follows and will bestreamedviatheofficialWINDIESYouTube channel:

For the people: Holder, Seales eye Test series victory against England to lift Caribbean's spirit after Beryl's wake

SportsMax - Allrounder Jason Holder and seamer Jayden Seales are both optimistic that West Indies can deliver an efficient performance to not only better England in their three-match Test series, but more importantly, to offer

setback as motivation to demonstrate the resilience and determination of Caribbeanpeople.

Holder,whoreflectedon WestIndies'previoustourof England during the Covid19 pandemic in 2020, believes the first step to

some semblance of upliftment to the Caribbean, which was recently brushed byHurricaneBeryl.

Grenada, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, St VincentandtheGrenadines, andJamaicaarejustafewof the islands that faced the wrath of Beryl, and West Indies players are using the

doing their part in assisting to overcome these tough times,istoputtheirbestfoot forward in the series, which bowls off at Lord's on Wednesday

“The buzz around the T20 World Cup and the successoftherecentpasthas definitely revived the cricketinglivesofthepeople

GFF-KFC Elite League continues tomorrow with thrilling double header Fruta Conquerors to tackle Den Amstel, while Buxton United face off GDF FC

As Season Six of the Guyana Football Federation (GDF)-KFC Elite Football League heats up, fans are eagerly anticipating a thrilling double header between Fruta Conquerors Football Club (FC) and Den AmstelFC,whileintheother match we will see Buxton United FC going up against frontrunner Guyana Defence ForceFC.

The GFF National TrainingCentregroundisset to ignite tomorrow (July 11) from 6:30 hours with two exciting clashes. First on the agenda, Fruta Conquerors will take on Den Amstel. Known for their aggressive play and tactical prowess, Fruta Conquerors will be looking to secure a vital win tostrengthentheirpositionin theleague.

DenAmstel, on the other hand, is determined to prove their mettle and climb the rankings. With both teams eyeing victory, this match promises to be a captivating showdown of skill and

intheCaribbean.Ithinkany b i t o f s p a r k a n d encouragement we can give them will be through our performances and that is what we pledged as a group to try and make them as proud as possible in these toughtimes,”Holdersaid.

“Socomingbackherein England four years later, we're just looking to take it onestepfurther Wewonone Test match last time out of

three.Yeah,twowillbealot better on this trip,” the Barbadiannoted.

“Ithinkit'stimesomeone breakstheshacklesandthere isnobettertimethannowfor us to come here and beat England, I think that will be an absolute great feat I believeineveryindividualin thisgroup,”headded.


“We are not doing it for ourselves.Wearedoingitfor

the people back home who support us. They have been hit by the hurricane so drastically We will try our best to make them feel a sense of pride, ” the T


Though West Indies will enter the series determined to retain the RichardsBotham Trophy, which they secured via a hard-fought 10victoryoverEnglandinthe

Caribbeantwoyearsago,the odds are firmly stocked against them, as the Caribbeansidehasnotwona Test series in England since 1988.

But, Holder, who is returning to the Test team after almost a year, pointed to their recent performances in the longest format, particularly, their historic win againstAustralia earlier (Continuedonpage21)


Meanwhile in the second fixture, Buxton United will face the formidable Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Buxton United, a resilient unit, are set to challenge the disciplined and physically robust GDF team GDF, known for their strong defence and efficient gameplay, will aim to maintain their dominance in theleague.

Winnerofthetournament issettowalkawaywitha2.5 million first place prize. The tournamentisalsosponsored byKFCGuyana.

Jason Holder (left) and Jayden Seales.


Chelsea Edghill and top male athlete Shemar Britton solidified their status as elite table tennis players over the weekend, capturing top honours in the senior divisions at the Edge Sports Management (ESM) KFC Summer Showdown Table Tennis Tournament on

Britton, Edghill shine at ESM-KFC Summer Showdown

Moore and Billingy cop respective U19 titles

the third set, Edghill maintainedhercomposureto win 11-8 and sealed her victory with an 11-6 win in thefourthset.

hailed as a grand success, with senior competitors vying for a $250,000 grand prize for the first time in the sport'shistory

defeating Colin Wong 4-3.

Sunday Theeventconcluded withanexhilaratingfinaleat OlympicHouse,Lilliendaal.

In the senior women's final,Edghilltriumphedover Trinidad andTobago's Imani Edwardsinfourstraightsets.

LocalstarEdghilldominated the first two sets with scores of11-4and11-5.

Despite facing strong resistance from Edwards in

Meanwhile, Britton showcasedhisprowessinthe Senior Men's division, defeating fellow Guyanese Elishaba Johnson in a thrilling4-1match.

Britton secured the first set 11-6, but Johnson fought backtowinthesecondset118. However, Britton swiftly took control, winning the nextthreesets11-3,11-5,and 11-6 to claim the overall victory

The tournament was

The action on display over the three days of competition was worth the prizemoney

In a generous act, Olympian Chelsea Edghill donated her tournament winnings to the Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA).

The Under-19 male final was a nail-biting affair, extending to seven matches before Malachi Moore emerged victorious,

Moore set the tone by winning the first set 12-10, but Wong responded by taking the second set 15-13.

The two continued to trade victories, with Moore winning the third set 12-10 and Wong taking the fourth set11-8.

Moore won the fifth set 11-8, and Wong leveled the match by winning the sixth set15-13.Ultimately,Moore prevailed in the seventh set 14-12toclinchthetitle.

IntheUnder-19women's final, Thuraia Thomas and Jasmine Billingy battled in a five-game showdown, with Billingyemergingvictorious 3-2.

Billingywonthefirsttwo sets 11-4 and 11-9, but Thomas fought back to take thenexttwosets11-8and119. Billingy secured the final set13-11toclaimtheUnder19women'stitle.

Malachi Moore added to hisachievementsintheU-19 category by winning the boys'Under-15titlewitha30 victory over Travis Lyken, dominating with scores of 11-2,11-1,and11-1.

The tournament was sponsored by KFC, ANSA McAL under its Lucozade brand, and Star Party Rentals, with support from the National Sports Commission (NSC), GTTA, andGOA.

Guyana pulled off a daring win y e s t e r d a y, sneaking past a brave Leeward Islands by 2-runs after some clinical bowling prevailed during the latest roundofWomenRisingStars T20championships.

At the Diego Martin Sporting Complex Ground, TrinidadandTobago,opener NaomiBarkoye(17),skipper Realeanna Grimmond (15) and wicket-keeper Denellie Lindee (14) took Guyana to 94-5after20oversended.

Leewards bowled well, withCaptainJahzaraClaxton (2-26) leading the bowling with Kimberly Anthony (123), Gabrielle Harrylall (11 2 ) a n d S a i n v a n i Kambalapalli(1-8),chipping in.

Looking for a win, Leewardstoiledbutfellshort as they were bowled out for 92followingathriller.

Claxton almost singlehandedly won the match for

Leewards, scoring an unbeaten 52 with a pair of fours and a pair of sixes. Kimberly Anthony struck twofoursinher11asGuyana did well to keep the other batsmen under double figure scores.

The magic of spinners TrishaHardat(3-9)andNiya Latchman (3-12) coupled with solid returns from Crystal Durant (2-27), powered Guyana to another emphaticwin.

LatchmanandHardatput Leewards in a sleeper hold, leaving Claxton in search of partnersastheylookedtogun downthe90-oddruntarget.

L e e w a r d s w e r e eventuallysixdownafterthe half-way stage, thanks to additionalblowsfromHardat and Durant, who eventually helped steamroll their opponents on their way towards victory in the final over.

Guyana plays Windward Islandstomorrow,Thursday

Olympian Chelsea Edghill
Shemar Britton

VanOordPartnerswithGGA/Nexgen GolfAcademytoIntroduceVirtual RealityGolftoGuyaneseStudents

Van Oord, a leading global marine contractor, teamed up with the Guyana

G o l f A s s o c i a t i o n

(GGA)/Nexgen Golf Academy, to introduce virtual reality (VR) golf to studentsinGuyana.

T h e i n n o v a t i v e collaboration aims to revolutionize golf training and development in the country, making the sport more accessible to young enthusiasts William Lems, Procurement and Logistics Manager for Van Oord, shared his personal connection to this initiative duringTuesday's meet at the WoolfordAvenuelocation.

"I was fortunate to have Aleem Hussain as my coach during my stay in Guyana and was amazed at how easilyhetaughtmethegame. After seeing the incredible work he is doing with the developmentofthegamefor the youth of Guyana, our company felt that by contributing the virtual reality equipment, we could play a small part in this wonderful journey," said Lems The MetaQuest2 virtual reality golf system, knownforitsimmersiveand interactive experience, will significantly enhance the capabilities of Nexgen Golf

Procurement and Logistics Manager for Van Oord William Lems and GGA president Aleem Hussain will be teeing off a virtual reality golf programme for children in Guyana.

Academy This state-of-the-art technology will allow for comprehensive training sessions in remote areas where access to large golf grounds is limited Additionally,consideringthe (Continuedonpage21)

Petra's Student Volunteers presented with Certificates of Participation

Followingtheconclusion of the Petra Organisation –ExxonMobilBoys'andGirls' Under-14 Football Championships, five outstanding young women were awarded Student Volunteer Certificates for their exceptional service throughout the seven-week tournament.

The recipients were Ms. Tanesha Turney, Ms. Jada Jackman,Ms.AzeliaAdonis, Mr Antwone Adonis, and Ms.DaniellaWilliams.

T h e s e a w a r d e e s dedicated their time and effort to ensure the tournamentransmoothlyand safely Their volunteer roles included team preparation anddistributionofteamlists, tabulation and release of match statistics/results, promoting environmental awarenessandmaintaininga litter-free environment, ensuring safety compliance at the venue, distributing uniforms to teams, and capturing photos of goal scorers for records and media.

The fifth edition of the ExxonMobilBoys'andGirls' Football tournament concluded on July 6th with finals for both the boys and girls, as well as third-place playoffs.

During the tournament's presentationceremony,these five students were honoured with Ce

es of Participation in recognition of their dedicated volunteer support. The certificates were presented by Ms. TwanaMcCalmont,Physical

EducationandSportsOfficer from the Ministry of Education(MoE)AlliedArts Unit.The support from the student volunteers aligns with the Ministry of Education's five priority areas, which emphasize that studentsmustparticipateina sport, learn a foreign language, play a musical instrument, be exposed to technical vocational training (TVET), and engage in voluntary services before graduating.

Student Volunteers that were presented with Certificate includes: (from left) Ms. Tanesha Turney, Ms. Jada Jackman, Ms. Azelia Adonis, Mr Antwone Adonis and Ms. Daniella Williams.

Niya Latchman and Trisha Hardat bagged three wickets

The West Indies team got the chance to meet King Charles.
Shamar Joseph prepares to bowl in the nets. (Getty Images)
Mikyle Louis will make his Test debut against England today (Getty Images)

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