Israel orders Palestinians to leave Gaza City as Doha truce talks continue
Aljazeera - The Israeli military
loud explosion is heard, sending hasorderedallPalestinianstoleave peoplerunningforcover Gaza City and head south, as it
T he Israeli army orders all Palestinian civilians to leave Gaza City as it strikes the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) [Hatem Khaled/Reuters]
A Palestinian boy told Al pressesaheadwithafreshoffensive Jazeera he lost several relatives in across the north, south and central the attack. “We were sitting and a areaoftheGazaStripthathaskilled missile fell and destroyed dozens of people over the past 48 everything,” he said, sobbing. “I hours. lost my uncle, my cousins and my
Leafletsdroppedfromtheairon relatives.” Wednesday urged “everyone in
The UN Relief and Works
Theattackhasbeencondemned Gaza City” to leave and to take by world leaders and the Israeli “saferoutes”southtowardsDeirel- militaryhassaiditisinvestigating. Balahandaz-Zawayda.
Gaza’s Interior Ministry has Agency for Palestine Refugees called on residents in Gaza City to (UNRWA) said on X that tworefrain from following Israeli thirds of the schools it administers evacuation orders, saying the in the Gaza Strip, which have instructions are a part of the Israeli served as shelters for displaced army’s psychological warfare Palestinians since the war began, againstPalestinians. havebeenhit,killing524people.
The United Nations said the
“UN structures, schools and latest evacuations “will only fuel sheltersarenotatarget,”itsaid. mass suffering for Palestinian

OnWednesday,theIsraeliarmy families, many of whom have been also said it attacked fighters inside displacedmanytimes”.
“Let me also remind you that regrouping in various parts of Gaza comes a day after an Israeli air theheadquartersofUNRWA.
“The civilians must be there are no civil defence teams, nine months into the war The attackonal-AwdahSchoolkilledat In a visit to central Gaza on protected,” said UN Secretary- andthere’snoRedCross.Nooneis renewed ground assault started in least 30 people and wounded 53 Wednesday, Israel’s military chief, General Antonio Guterres’s there to evacuate those the city’s eastern Shujayea others, most of them women and Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, spokesman,StephaneDujarric. Palestinians,”shesaid. neighbourhood, but this week, children, according to Palestinian said forces were operating in
Reporting from Deir-el Balah, Israel issued the first formal tanks also moved to central and medics. different ways, in multiple parts of Al Jazeera’s Hind Khoudary said evacuation order for part of the city western districts, forcing tens of Exclusive footage from the the territory “to carry out a very that Palestinians in Gaza City – on June 27, and two more in the thousands of civilians to flee school, obtained by Al Jazeera, importantmission:pressure”. where Israeli attacks have followingdays. southwards. shows young Palestinians playing “We will continue operating to intensified – felt trapped and did The government says it is IsraelrampsupattacksinGaza football outside the school as bringhomethehostages,”Halevi notknowwheretogo. pursuing Hamas fighters who are The latest evacuation order dozens of people watch. Then a (Continued on page 18)

Guyana is an investors’ paradise
- Pres. Ali tells Caribbean Investment forum

The third installment of the investment opportunities is ripe for investment the Caribbean Investment that await in Guyana, the opportunities across the Forum (CIF) on Wednesday President said, “In every various sectors and the opened at the Arthur Chung single sector, we have forum provides the platform Conference Centre, outlined for you the to enable various public and Georgetown with Guyana’s investment opportunities private stakeholders to meet Head of State, President that exists here in andadvancethiscause.”
IrfaanAlichargingdelegates Guyana energy, wind, Meanwhile, Dr Barnette to take advantage of the hydro, solar, waste to energy in brief remarks pointed to plethoraofopportunitiesand operations, agriculture, the need for investment in incentivesofferedlocally forestry, manufacturing, areastoaddresstheRegion’s
In describing the mining, services, tourism, vulnerabilities, specifically investors’ paradise existing housing ” The President with regard to climate inGuyana,thePresidenttold admitted that there are change. “There is also room a packed to capacity challenges which must be for investment in technology conference hall that his confronted but strategies are adoption mechanisms, country is open to being developed to business information and investment. overcomethese. capacity building platforms, “Guyana is open to Also delivering remarks infrastructure development investment and has a very during the opening of the and innovations projects friendly investment three-day Caribbean and whether it is agriculture environment. Guyana offers Investment Forum were and food and nutrition generous and favourable Director of the Caribbean security, green economy fiscal investment incentives. Export Development transition or digitalization of Guyana is an open foreign Agency, Dr. Damie Sinanan, business, there is great scope currency market, low Secretary General of the f o r i n c r e a s i n g t h e inflation and a stable Caribbean Community participation of women and financial system,” the Head (CARICOM), Dr. Carla youth in new investment of State noted. Further to Barnett, the European projects,”sheurged. that,headded,“Investorsare Union’s Ambassador to This year’s three-day permitted to unbridled Guyana, Rene van Nes and Caribbean Investment repatriationoftheirprofits.” Head of Private Sector, Forum is being hosted under S t i l l f o c u s e d o n Caribbean Development the theme ‘Transforming convincing investors, Ali Bank,LisaHarding. Futures, Empowering pointed out that Guyana For his part, Dr Sinanan Growth’ The conference recently launched a Single e x p l a i n e d t h a t t h e will wind down on Friday Window Building platform conference symbolizes a following intense sessions toallowforswiftapprovalof remarkable shift in the on investment opportunities construction permits He Region’s collective intheRegion. explained, “The system was approach to securing the This year’s forum will bureaucratic,ithadleakages, vital investments required focus on three investment it was too subjected to for economic development sectors – sustainable human biases and human and diversification of the agriculture, green economy interference and we decided respective countries. He was transition and digitalisation that we are going to work on keentonote,“TheCaribbean ofbusinesses. a single window approval system. Two weeks ago we launched the single window approval system that is system based, that is rule based and that holds stakeholdersaccountable.”
The President was keen to note that if technicians failed to give responses within a specified timeline
t h e p r o j e c t w i l l automatically be deemed approved.
Turning his attention to

GECOM has no authority to remove Dr. Asha Kissoon from National Assembly
The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on Wednesdaymadeitclearthat it has no authority to remove the leader of The New Movement Party (TNM) Dr Asha Kissoon from the NationalAssembly

In a statement, GECOM in response to a letter published in the Wednesday July 10, 2024 edition of the Stabroek News headlined, “What is Asha Kissoon still accused Dr Kissoon of the three parties agreed to merge doing in Parliament?” said, New Liberty Movement the votes earned by them “In light of the most recent (TNM)ofrefusingtogiveup whichwassufficienttotakea newspaper publication, it her parliamentary seat as seat in the N
must be categorically stated agreed to in a Memorandum Assembly and to share that GECOM has absolutely of Understanding among occupation of the said seat in no authority to remove Dr ANUG, TNM and The proportion to the votes they Asha Kissoon from the Liberty and Justice Party eachsecured.
NationalAssembly (LJP)onMarch2,2020. “The result of the
“Article 156 of the In a statement issued to election was that LJP and Constitution of Guyana the media, ANUG said that ANUG, each with more than stipulates the conditions Dr Kissoon should have 2200 votes, would occupy under which a Member of relinquished her seat in the single seat won by the Parliament can be removed Parliament on behalf of her mergerforthemajorityofthe from the National Assembly party since November 2023 time, while TNM, with 244 and there is clearly no role in keeping with the MoU she votes, was entitled to occupy for GECOM in this regard,” signed. “Dr Asha Kissoon the seat for 91 days,” the GECOMstated. duly assumed the seat in statementsaid.
Further, the Commission Parliament on behalf of N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g , said too that the matter is TNM. If she intended to GECOM said that it has “actively being discussed at honour the commitment taken note of the public the level of the Commission made by her in the statementsonthesubjectand and the outcome will be M e m o r a n d u m o f reminded that it will publicized upon conclusion Understanding, Dr Kissoon continue to execute its ofthediscussions.” should have resigned that constitutional mandate In March, A New and seatinNovember2023.” within the framework of the United Guyana (ANUG) ANUGremindedthatthe law

Leader of The New Movement party, Dr. Asha Kissoon
President Irfaan Ali
Kaieteur News
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Editor-In-Chief: NIGEL WILLIAMS Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
ExxonMobil must be recognized for its swiftness of hands with extracting decommissioning costs from Guyana for projects not yet operational. As quick as a pickpocket, US$177M is gone from Guyana’s oil monies and to the control of ExxonMobil. Given the sum involved for 2023 alone, to describe what the company and partners have executed with precision and skill as the work of a good pickpocket does not capture the essence of ExxonMobil’s planning, executing The haul of US$177M for decommissioning costs for a project still to stir into life matchesthehandiworkofabankrobber
When this US$177M extraction was first asked of Guyana’s chief oil spokesman, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo,hewasdisbelieving:“Ithinkitisnotaccurate.” He quicklycaughthimself,though“iftheprojecthasn’tstarted asyet,thenmyassumptionisthatyoucan’tdeductfromitfor decommissioning if it hasn’t been decommissioned as yet.” Therewasnothingtodefendorconcealthere,soJagdeohad nochoicebuttosaywhathesaid. WhenwillJagdeobetrue tohisresponsibilitiestoGuyanaandcalloutExxonMobilfor thekindofpartnerthatitistothiscountry Oneunworthyof trust, nor could be considered reliable when millions are involved,acorporategiantthatisagougerwithoutequal.
The US$177M should be held by Guyana in an escrow accountandearninterest. Evenatameager5%interestrate, the income would be US$8.85M annually, or close to two billionGuyanadollars. Thesearetheissuesthatthisnation’s chiefoilpolicymakershouldberaisinghellabout.However, heisnotgoingnearanythingthatwouldupsetthepeopleof thisschemerofanoilpartnerthatGuyanahas. ExxonMobil is taking out millions upon millions for decommissioning costsfarintothefuture,reducingGuyaneseprofitshare,and earninginterestfromGuyanesemoneytakenoutinadvance. ExxonMobil could be earning interest for its treasury from Guyana’sdecommissioningmoneylentorinvestedinother placeswithinitsglobalportfolio. OrtheAmericanoilwhale couldbeusingitsGuyana’sdecommissioningdeductionsas part of its ongoing investment billions in Guyana. Guyana paysinteresttoExxonMobilontheupfrontoilinvestmentsit makes here, which is really Guyana’s money recycled to those offshore oil projects. In addition to interest earnings, thereisstillthecream:thosehandsomereturnsfrominvested capital for ExxonMobil and its consortium operating in Guyana’s oil fields. There is a neatness to that smooth operator practice. Considering all this, a reasonable conclusion could be that Guyana has more than a corporate partnerofaspecialkindbyitsside. Guyanaisforcedtodeal withacorporateconartistofrareprowess. Meanwhile,Jagdeostillfeltthathehadtorunsomemore interference for ExxonMobil. The decommissioning costs takenbyExxonMobilaretocapthewellsuntiloilproduction starts was his rationale. By now, Guyana’s oil czar must knowthatdecommissioningoccursonlywhenanoilproject is done, viz., when oil production at a specific project is exhausted. This is what Guyana’s most knowledgeable oilman, Dr Vincent Adams, the former local EPA head, sharplyassertedindirectcontradictionofwhatJagdeocame up with to explain ExxonMobil’s early decommissioning deductions. Itis“asininetosayyouaredecommissioninga wellbeforeyoustartproducingfromit.” Eventothosewho know little about oil that makes perfect sense. Regarding whyGuyana’soilchieffeltthathehadtoopenhismouthand put his foot into it is something that we are still trying to figure out. Is Jagdeo now so committed to ExxonMobil’s sleights of hand that he has lost sight of where his duty to Guyana begins? Or we ask, is it that he is so deeply embedded in ExxonMobil’s bed that he just doesn’t care anymore?
Thebeginningandendofdecommissioningcostsisthat suchshouldbeheldbythehostnation. Eventhe55-member Commonwealth Group had come out very strongly in support of such action. Guyana (Jagdeo) is not listening, waveshishandatsuchrecommendations. Itisthegreenlight for ExxonMobil to keep on practicing its decommissioning shenanigans.
Jagdeo has no shame to be talking about anyone siding with Exxon against Guyana
I am witnessing with laughter mixed with concern, the uncontrolled tirade, panic, fearfulness, intimidation, and emotional distress exhibited by ourVP Jagdeo from the minute that eminent Attorney Nigel Hughes was elected to serve as the AFC Leader This Nigel syndrome is causing nightmaresrobbingthisman of his much-needed sleep and driving him wild and crazy, hunting down every media house to make a spectacleofhispetulance. Itwouldbeabsurdforme toevensuggestholdingbrief for arguably Guyana’s most heralded Attorney in Mr Hughes, already doing very well explaining himself to the people of Guyana, who, in a democracy, are the ones tojudgehimwiththeirvotes, andnotJagdeo!Butlet’snot forgetthatJagdeo’sKremlin indoctrinated estrangement to democraticprinciples and governance cannot be surprising. His fake re-birth to removal of MarxistLeninist ideology from his PPP’s constitution, won’t fooltheUnitedStatesorany others of the western world. Don’t think they forgot his party’s expulsion of former Minister and AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, for his strong advocacy to remove thisideology
Whileatit,whydidn’the apologize and withdraw the rude and unseemly verbal anti-American vitriol directed at the United States by his then Acting Foreign Affairs Minister, Priya Manickchand,whenshehad
to be loudly booed off the stage by the other nations’ Ambassadors, right in the USAmbassador’sresidence, and to booth, at the celebration of America’s IndependenceAnniversary–what an embarrassment!
T h a t s h o u l d h a v e disqualified anyone from beingaMinister Mr Jagdeo, inthesameveinofdropping your Marxist-Leninist ideology, we await your apology and withdrawal of the Manickchand’s antiAmericanoutrage.
Jagdeo’s churlishness aside,thisman’sboldnessto accuse anyone of taking the side of Exxon against Guyana’s interest is mindbogglingly shameless. He flourishes upon people not remembering his deeds because they are so many and so frequent that they bury each other from the news; so, let me remind them.
Isn’t this the same Jagdeo-led Government which is joined at the hip withExxonfightingfordear life against Guyana’s nationalinterestinappealing the overwhelming ruling of JudgeKissoon forunlimited parentcompanyguaranteeto protect our people, put in place by the Coalition! Parent company Exxon doesn’t sign any of the documents that are instead signed by its child company EMGL which carries the liabilities, but has no assets tocoveramajoroilspill,the likesoftheBPMacondospill costing $145 Billion USD; thus, would bankrupt Guyana and the Caribbean
Isn’t this the same Jagdeo-led Government which is joined at the hip with Exxon to go against Guyana’s interest when it permanently damages our environmentinremovingthe Coalition’s prohibition on gas flaring at the oil ships! The paltry fee for unlimited flaring is miniscule to the revenues made from not flaring, thus, an incentive to flare.Thismisdoingviolates t h e s a n c t i t y o f Environmental Impact Assessmentandinconsistent with the US international standards which call for the gas to be re-injected. The Flaredgascontainsover200 contaminants causing health effects, enhances climate change, and generates acid rain that falls back down, damagingouroceans,rivers, streams,soils,farms,houses, andautomobiles,etc.
Isn’t this the same Jagdeo-led Government which is joined at the hip with Exxon to go against Guyana’s interest by dumping billions of barrels of very hot, radioactive, toxic,andveryoilyproduced waterintotheocean,instead of re-injecting it in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h international standards and followingtherequirementof the Coalition! The resulting damages to the ocean, fishing,beachesandtourism industryintheCaribbeanare self-explanatory
Isn’t this the same Jagdeo-led Government joinedatthehipwithExxon to fight against Guyana’s interest by tripling the
Religious practitioners should be compensated
DEAREDITOR, Religion remains an integral component in the conductofourdailylivesfor
messenger remains very modest.Itispartofoursocial structure to integrate diving blessingsatimportantevents w
However, I
Coalition’srequiredcapping stackdeploymenttimetocap a well blowout from 3 to 9 days, thus allowing a potentialextrasixdaysofoil gushingintothesea!
Isn’tthisthesameJagdeo who has cowardly allowed Exxon propagandistic billboards to stand, though he openly agreed with yours truly that they are “misleading”tofalselyclaim that we are getting 52.5% of the oil revenues, when the truth is that we are only gettingameasly14.5%!
In many instances and in pa
ublic functions, they are being called upon to perform rites eitherintheeveningorearly mornings and even using theirowntransportationtobe attheoccasion.Basedonthe programmetoo,theyarealso compelled to be early given that prayers are among the firstofficialoffering.
e observedfortoolongthatour religious leaders and practitioners are not compensated for their sacrifice and spiritual initiation.
In such circumstance, there must be some semblance of sanctity to at least appreciate the commitmentofsuchactsand the connection that these personsalsoformthebasisof our social fabric and will h a v e n e e d s a n d responsibilitiesaswell. It is in this context therefore, I believe that they should be recognized and tangiblyrewarded. YoursFaithfully, ElroyStephney
Even more alarming, he has once again shone an unwelcomedspotlightonhis ownEPAman,Mr.Parsram, and thrown him under the bus, by denigrating the Liza 1 environmental permit describing it as the worst permitsignedbyyourstruly, wheninfact;itwassignedby Parsram 18 months before I even arrived at EPA Concernedly, he was correctedseveraltimesabout this falsity, including the KaieteurNewspublishingof the permit page with Parsram’s signature. Now we see why he has to keep remindingpeopleathispress conferences that he is not senile.Thatnotwithstanding, shouldn’t he be questioning his own judgement for rehiring Mr Parsram to head the EPA, after knowing that hesignedwhathedecriesas the“worstpermitever?Or,is he admitting what we all already know, that servility tohim,trumpscompetency Oh No! Some very bad breaking news - when it rains, it pours! Papa Routledge to whom the VP has been devoutly loyal against Guyana’s best interest, has cruelly ditched andscoldedhimthatthereis noconflict.Hisbossmanno doubt feels he has gotten all hewantedoutoftheVPwho hasbecomealiabilitybyhis behaviourandwillbebooted outofoffice.IfyouthinkMr Hughes has made him wild and crazy, buckle up for the days ahead from this double whammy! I ask the country tojoininprayingforourVP and hope he is being carefully monitored by his doctor
We all know how he is now fuming and looking for a way to get back at kingpin Routledge,so,herearemy (Continuedonpage6)
The youth must demand more from the opposition parties
I congratulate the three politicalparties,thePPP,the PNC, and the AFC for holding their respective congresses. This is good for Guyana’s democracy I trust that the other parties will do so within the next three months–namelyANUGand the other parties. Let us get these meetings out the way, identify the respective aspirants, and start the real discussions. This country needs to renew its democracyin2025andthere must be no delay GECOM and CEO Vishnu Persaud need to wake up and communicatewiththepublic ontheprocess.
Let me be transparent from the inception, if I were
living in Guyana and could vote, I would be voting for thePPPbecausetheyproject an image of competence, despite the grave weaknesses in the public financial systems in Guyana around good governance However, there is much room for improvement in how the PPP spends the taxpayer money and the politicians in power must take the lead on cleaning up t h e s e s k e l e t o n s Notwithstanding all that I have written, the opposition politicians also have a responsibility to keep them ontheirtoes.
But while I would have exercised a personal choice, I will never seek to impose my choice on anyone else.
Those who live in Guyana truly feel the impact of the cost of living crisis and it is their country and they must speak up. If I were living in Guyana, I would also want my opposition forces to study the big issues and approach them with a sense ofseriousness. Iamsorryto say,thatIamnotgettingthat from the opposition parties, they come across as disjointed, unaware of the critical issues with some serious conflict of issues challenges (let us reflect on NigelHughes).
Thebiggestdebatehasto betheeconomyandthecost of living in Guyana today But this debate is missing, save and except for than excellent column in the
StabroekNewsonthecostof living crisis. What we hear from the Vice President every week is a one-way conversation. In this oneway conversation, the Vice President buries serious good governance issues and wastes time on frivolous matters. Whilehemaythink this is good politics, his actions undermine democracy While I respect thecompetenceandabilities of the Vice President, in the Guyana scene, he can only continue along this path because the opposition seems unable to hold him accountable.
The economy is an outcome of what we do. Depending on how you governthepublicandprivate
AGM ofArchery Guyana Inc.
I am writing to provide clarification on the recent article published regarding theAnnualGeneralMeeting (AGM) of Archery Guyana Inc., as some crucial details were misrepresented or omitted.
F i r s t l y, i t w a s erroneously stated that “the Annual General Meeting of Archery Guyana Inc. was successfully held at the Georgetown Club, Camp Street on Friday last with Vidushi Persaud-McKinnon returning as president” However, there was no electionheldfortheposition of President at this AGM. She has been President of Archery Guyana since February, 2023 and will be there until their AGM in 2027.
Secondly,Iwouldliketo highlight discrepancies regarding the election process for other key positions.
While it was mentioned thatNicholasHingcontinues as Secretary-General and RobertSinghasTreasurer,it
isimportanttonotethatthese positionswerenotsubjected to elections at the AGM, despite migration of Mr NicholasHingfromGuyana duringlastyear Furthermore, regarding the nomination process, yours truly, Anand Mangra and Narda Mohamed, were initially nominated for positions but were subsequently disqualified due the lack of payment of fees by one of Archery Guyana’s members who nominatedus. This disqualification did notgiveusanopportunityto bevotedfor.
Hence, the inclusion of Narda Mohamed’s name as part of the list of less favoured by the electorate is i n c o r r e c t a n d misrepresentation.
Somememberswerealso unawareoftheavailabilityof proxy voting, which appeared to may have been selectively extended to
opportunity to authorize otherstovoteontheirbehalf.
Thislackoftransparency raises concerns about the fairness and inclusivity of theelectoralprocess.
Additionally, the pressureforsometopayfees and allowing others to functionwithoutpayingfees u n d e r s c o r e s t h e discrepancies and apparent double standards within the Federation;asitshouldhave been compulsory for all members to pay their fees before the deadline of February1stannually
Referring to the statement “While we have madestridestowardsgender parity,thereisstillworktobe done. I encourage more
women to step up and lead. Their involvement is crucial to the diverse and dynamic future of Archery Guyana.” as quoted in the Guyana Chronicle News, I call upon Archery Guyana to give more opportunities and create more avenues to includewomentofulfilltheir mandate.
As an advocate for transparency and fairness, I would not support misrepresentation nor stand for lack of democratic principles and equitable participation for all members.

sectors and how you govern the interrelationship between these two sectors, youwillgetacertaintypeof economy The question to ask is, are all the Guyanese peoplebenefitingfairlyfrom theeconomicbountiesandif notwhynot?
What is clear is the oppos
PPP economic model The opposition has failed to articulate what they will do differently from the PPP if theyaretogainpower You cannot be a serious contenderfortheprizeifyou do not get these basics correct.
Let us start with the PPP’s Medium Term Fiscal Framework (MTFF). Does the PNC Elson Low or the AFC Nigel Hughes or ChristopherRamunderstand the elements of the PPP’s MTFF? If they do not then theyhavelosttheracebefore ithasevenstarted.
Does anyone in the oppositionknowwhyandon what projects the PPP spent $790 billion of the oil funds since August 2020? You cannotbetheleadopposition spokespersononfinanceand not know this sort of information. If you don’t, it means you are not doing your homework and not fit forpublicoffice. Whyisthis question not being asked in Parliament?
Does anyone in the opposition know that the PPP plans to spend $844 billion of the oil funds on projects between now and
the 2015 elections? Does anyone in the opposition know the name of the projects these funds are beingspentonandhowthese projects are going to improvethesocio-economic well-being of the man in the street?
Does anyone in the opposition know that the PPP plans to spend $1,855 billion of the oil funds on projectsforthenewplanned termafter2025? Nowthatis close to two trillion Guyana dollars.
That means $3.5 trillion Guyanadollarswillbespent between 2020 and 2030 by the PPP That is enough money to cover the land spacefromSherriffStreetto Enmore, 10 miles deep and 10feethigh. Visualizethat, please. The big question is, will Guyana get the best value for money from this spending? Thinkabout10% of that is stolen, by way of these inflated contracts, that is $350 billion Guyana dollars for a handful of mostly Indo-Guyanese men. Do you know how many Russian mercenaries those funds can buy to protect the PPPleaders? Dictatorship?
While we must respect the ambition of the PPP, a proper understanding of where all this money has gone and is going between 2020and2030ispertinentto thesafetyofourcountryand the opposition has to shape up now and deepen their understanding of this fiscal programanddowhateverit (Continuedonpage6)

N&S Mattai; a proud legacy of cultural entrepreneurship for more than seventy years
The year, 1851, marked theresumptionofindentured labourers to British Guiana and that lasted till 1917. It wasduringthistimethatthe parents of Nuckshed arrived inBritishGuianafromIndia as Indentured labourers— their only name given was Mattai.
Mattai and his wife [name unknown], gave birth to a son named Nuckshed, who was born in British Guiana. The entire family found their way to Uitvlugt Estate, West Coast Demerara The family eventually travelled to HagueBackdamWestCoast Demerara, where they used up all their savings to purchasearicemill,thisrice
millwasapromisingventure sincemanyricefarmerswere cultivating rice. Papa Mattai used all his savings on this venture that is where N&S Mattaiwasconceived.
For years, even after the passing of Nuckshed’s parents, the family’s legacy formed part of the foundationofIndiancultural entrepreneurshipinGuyana.
N&S Mattai was the first company in Guyana to import Indian foods, spiced pickles, seasoning, and snacks catering to the growing Indian national community, as well as the widerGuyanesepopulation.
Mattia’s continues to lead the market in this area.
In fact, on entering the new establishment,customersare

metwiththe‘SpiceMarket’, designed to resemble a time old market ‘souk’ It is brought to life by the aroma of various spices displayed against wooden shelves and jutebags.
It is this touch that reaffirms the family’s claim over their history and inherentculturalpride.
Officially launched in 1949, N&S Mattai & Companywaswiththeopen ofastallinStabroekMarket. This was a bold and risky move,butNuckshedandhis wife appreciated that great numbers of shoppers in the market meant greater opportunitiestodobusiness. StabroekMarketwasthe premiere shopping mall in BritishGuianainthosedays. Thefamilyworkedtirelessly to supply groceries to the shoppers. Their hard work paid off asthebusinesssteadilygrew The Mattais moved from owning one stall to having several stalls in Stabroek Market.
In the 1960s, Nuckshed was able to achieve his dream of owning his own store on Water Street, a location which was epitome

of the business community inBritishGuiana.
He purchased the buildinglocatedat4AWater &HopeStreets,whereN&S Mattai and Company still existstoday
However, it is important to note that though they had their store, the couple’s business remained rooted in the Stabroek Market for several years Nuckshed often managed seven stalls in Stabroek Market, while his wife Shamdayee managed the business in WaterStreet.
In the 1970s and 1980s Nuckshed and Shamdayeen Mattai along with many Guyanese faced incredible difficulty—fooditemswere eitherscarceorbanned.
I can testify to that, becausefrom1983,Istarted my own business as a trader between Trinidad and Guyana. As a result of the hardship, the couple made the decision to move with theirchildrentoCanada.
C o n t i n u i n g t h e calculated commercial drive forsuccess,duringthistime, the family still managed to run N&S Mattai and CompanyinGuyana.
Their son stayed in Guyanaformonthstorunthe storeonashiftsystem,while Nuckshed and Shamdayee regularly travelled to Guyana to ensure the business quality and service continued.
In 1994, soon after the passing of Nuckshed, his third son Harry retuned to Guyana with his wife Bharati and their three children, to run the business fulltime.
On returning to Guyana, Mr HarryMattaiwasableto demolish the existing building in Water Street and constructanewbuilding.
Over the years, additional stories have been addedtocreatetheextensive building that now sits on Water and Hope Streets Mattai’s –The Food Market standacrossfromit, isanod to continuity, a belief in progression and loyalty to a country that has provided a life for each if its generations But these buildings are just the beginning of many expansions to come in the nextfewyears.
Today,HarryandBharati Mattaiareproudtoaddtothe
success of the family legacy as N&S Mattai and Companycontinuestostand proudlyasatestamenttothe power or hard work, determination, and prayer Anyone who spends five minutes with Harry and Bharati can plainly witness thecontentmenttheyfeelby living the legacy and carrying on the family’s nameandtraditions.
As if mirroring family succession, Harry and Bharati’s son, Suraj has joinedthebusinessfulltime, bringing a sense of modernity and current technological trends, while their daughters, Indira and Kiran remain involved in an effort to market, create and buildonthefamilylegacy Taking pride in serving its customer base, N&S Mattai and Company has lastedoverthelast70years. From humble beginnings, thelegacyofN&SMattai& Companyhasgrownintothe premier ‘Food Marker’ in Guyana- and one of the oldest wholesaler and retailer of food products in thecountry
Sincerely, FrankDeAbreu
The youth must demand more...
Frompage5 takes to plug this leaking of public funds into private pockets.
The days of “dolly house” politics and opportunistic politics are over
The young people must demandfromtheopposition parties,thattheyeithershape up and hire and engage the
b e s t b r a i n s i n t o understanding the PPP Fiscal Plan for Guyana and carefully monitor it and ensure the people get value formoney
Lackoftransparencyand accountability on how these fundsarespentmeansmajor displacement of too many Guyanese from actively accessingrealopportunities.
Andwhatispolitics,ifnotto advocate for the small man andhelphimtofindhisreal voice?
Guyana must not be an elected aristocracy and the earlier the opposition wakes up, the better for all the peopleofGuyana.
Sincerely, RomeoSukhu, (AdjunctProfessor)
Jagdeo has no shame to be...
Frompage4 sage advice, not only to retaliate, but also, to regain somesortofcredibilityinthe eyesofhispeople.
Show repentance to the Guyanese people by (1) disenjoining his Government from Exxon in their appeal against Judge Kissoon’s ruling; (2) revoke the EPA permits and reinstate with theCoalition’srequirements forprohibitionofflaringand

dumping of produced water in the ocean; (3) revoke the permitsand reinstatewiththeCoalition’s requirement for the 3-day deployment of the capping stack instead of 9 days; (4) direct Exxon to tear down those disinformation billboards;and(5)apologize to the US Government for M a n i c k c h a n d ’ s embarrassingly repugnant anti-Americandiatribe.
One last request – Mr Jagdeo, please put my letter ontopofyourThursdaypile andread.
Sincerely, Dr.VincentAdams
It cannot be Bharrat Jagdeo having a problem with conflict of interest.
Jagdeo has never made that a concern before
Jagdeo has fought against Glenn Lall when he brought a tax case.
A tax case that could have opened the door for much good for Guyana.
Jagdeo battled against Guyanese bringing environmental cases.
He didn’t see any conflict of interest in his role as national leader.
Jagdeo has something big to lose
That’s why he now speaks about conflict of interest.
Attorney General submits request to U.S. Dept. of Treasury for information
on Mohameds’ sanctions
Attorney General Mohamed, Mohamed ( A G ) a n d EnterpriseandMaeThomas, Minister of as well as the designated
Legal Affairs, entities of Hadi’s World and Anil Nandlall, SC on Team Mohamed Racing Tuesday evening revealed Team.” that he has dispatched the The AG said, it is being requisite request to the alleged that these persons United States Department of are accused by the Office of the Treasury for information International Affairs of the on the sanctions imposed on Department of Justice, two Guyanese businessmen Criminal Division of and a senior government committing a number of official. criminal offences in

The Attorney General Guyana advised We will also Agreement between Guyana made the announcement “The Government of continue to pursue, through and the US, has been in d u r i n g h i s w e e k l y Guyana has already made it the appropriate channel, the contact with the American programme ‘Issues in the very clear that these grave
on authorities. News’. allegations of criminal
Moreover, United States
The U S Treasury’s conduct will be thoroughly Information Exchange Ambassador to Guyana, Office of Foreign Assets investigated by the relevant Agreement. This Agreement Nicole Theriot on June 14, Control (OFAC) imposed law enforcement agencies of provides for the exchange of 2024 on the sideline of an sanctions on Guyanese thestateandinthisregardwe information to administer event at the U.S. Embassy in billionaire Nazar Mohamed, hav
and enforce laws concerning Georgetown, said the his son Azruddin Mohamed
thetaxesspecifiedtherein,to sanctions, are the result of for a series of corruption – evidence etcetera that are in ass
the accurate over two and a half years of including gold smuggling the possession of the assessment and collection of investigations by U S and the Permanent Secretary Americanauthoritiesandwe taxes to prevent fiscal fraud authorities. (PS) for the Ministry of did so under the relevant and evasion, and to develop Ambassador Theriot Labour, Mae Thomas for Treaty,”heexplained. improved information highlightedthegravityofthe allegedly misusing her Previously, Dr. Ashni K. sources for tax matters,” Dr offenses that led to these position to offer benefits, Singh,SeniorMinisterinthe Singhsaid. sanctions. She stated, “We like government contracts to Office of the President with Following the sanctions reserve these types of theMohameds. Responsibility for Finance handed down by OFAC, Dr sanctions for gross levels of
On Tuesday theAG said, and the Public Service Singh and Commissioner corruption and human rights “As promised last week, I announced that the U S General of the Guyana abuses.” dispatchedundermyhandas informed the government Revenue Authority (GRA), Theriot went on to advised by the U S that th
r Godfrey Statia wrote to the explain that, “it’s a very high Department of Justice the information must be sent by U S authorities seeking bar,wedonotdothislightly requisite requests for Guyana’s Attorney General more information about the This is something that we information, statements, to the U.S. Department of sanctions. ensure that we have a evidence, depositions, Justice,whichwillthenwork Dr Singh wrote to the preponderance of evidence documents or other exhibits with OFAC to gather source U S Department of the before we’re ready to levy relating to the publication by documentationonthematter Treasury while the thesanctionsandwehadthat theUSTreasuryinrespectof “Our Government will Commissioner General in this case against the three the sanctions imposed on now submit the request under the ambit of the Tax individuals who were Nazar Mohamed, Azruddin following the process Information Exchange sanctioned.”

Gunmen snatch $2M chain from Albouystown man
A 29-year-old Albouystown, Georgetown man was on Tuesday night robbed of a $2M gold and diamond chain by two gunmen. The victim, Hudson Thompson, was sitting in front of a shop located on James Street,Albouystown on his mobilephoneatthetimeoftherobbery
Police said that Thompson was approached by two men on a black motorcycle. The pillion rider dismounted, pulled outahandgunfromhis pants,anddemandedthatThompson hand over his chain. Thompson attempted to resist but the armed gunman fired a round in his direction, snatched the chainandstruckhimontheforeheadwiththegun.
The two perpetrators then made good their escape on the motorcycle,headingeastalongJamesStreet.
Authorities have questioned individuals in the area and recoveredaspent9mmspentshellfromthescene.
Six-year-old boy shot in head in Charlestown
…admitted to GPHC in ‘serious condition’
A6-year-oldboywasonTuesdayshotintheheadandisin a serious condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).The child was shot while standing with his 39-year-old mother at her food stall located on the eastern sideofCharlesStreet,Charlestown,Georgetown.
Reports are that the incident occurred at about 19:45h.At that time, a man who was riding a black motorcycle approached the stall with a gun in his hand. The rider reportedly fired four rounds in the direction of ‘Crab’, a man whowasstandingnexttothemotherandherchild.
‘Crab’ immediately fled the scene as the gunshots were discharged but the child was struck. He fell on the ground and was subsequently picked up by his mother and rushed to the hospital.Meanwhile,policediscoveredtwo9mmshellsatthe scene. Efforts are being made to locate ‘Crab’and the suspect asinvestigationscontinue.
Boy, 14, dies
after back flicking at Aquatic Centre
A 14-year-old student of the Sophia Care Centre, locatedonDennisStreetdied on Tuesday after he backflipped into a pool at the National Aquatic Centre, Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara(ECD).
The teen, Joel Adams, was attending a swimming programme at the Aquatic Centre at the time of the incident.

Reports are that the saw when Adams backincidentoccurredat15:05h. flicked into the pool. The Policeinareportsaidthat coach related that the life Adams, who left the Care guard jumped in the pool to Centre with a group of rescue Adams. He was then children around 13:30hrs, attended to by a nurse who ventured off to the Aquatic wasonstandby Centre for a swimming An ambulance was programme. summoned, and Adams was
Khemwatti Dasrat, a rushed to the Georgetown caretaker, told ranks that at Public Hospital Cooperation about14:55hrs,sheheardthe (GPHC), where he was whistle blow at the Aquatic pronounced dead on arrival. Centreforthechildrentoexit His body is at the GPHC thepool,towhichtheydid. mortuary awaiting a PostThereafter, one of the M
swim coaches reportedly (PME).
Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, SC
Dead: Joel Adams
What goes for Peter must also go for Paul
During the initial weeks President’s residence significant instances where made public and include other allegations that may of the new People’s During the conversation, the conflicts of interest or other clear mechanisms for the arise. Progressive Party/Civic Vice President was recorded ethical concerns have been public to file complaints The citizens of Guyana (PPPC) administration, a as saying, “No, no, no. I am a l l e g e d i n v
g regarding breaches of deserve a government that very small contract was not getting involved in government officials. These conduct. There should be operates with the highest awarded to a family member business. You will get the concerns while denied could
ethical standards Only of the Minister heading a support. Su is my friend; he benefit from an impartial
particular Ministry This gets all the support. He deals inquiry as to whether any independentlyinvestigated. investigations and clear, incident immediately raised with all the agreements. I improper conduct was The public should enforceable guidelines can ethicalgovernance. concerns about a potential don’t.Idon’t.” involved. therefore support the Vice

(The views expressed in conflict of interest This Despitehisdenialsofany A
s President’s suggestion for a objective As such, all this article are those of the Minister indicated that he improper relationship with Conference, the General formal inquiry into conflict- Guyanese should seize this
was not involved in the his tenant, questions persist Secretary of the PPP, of-interest allegations opportunity to advocate for necessarily reflect the process of awarding or regarding the meaning of his expressedthepossibilityofa However, any such inquiry comprehensiveinquiriesand opinions and beliefs of this influencing the award of the remarks about Su and the launching a formal inquiry must be comprehensive. It the implementation of a
contract nature of the support into conflict-of-interest should encompass the six Code of Conduct that will affiliates.)
In another instance, a provided.
concerns surrounding the cases cited before, and any serve as a benchmark for reporterfromStabroekNews This newspaper has new Leader of the Alliance contacted a Minister receivedreportsallegingthat for Change (AFC) The regarding a private company aseniorpoliticaloperativein GeneralSecretaryofthePPP with which the Minister was the government is believed is also the Second Vice previously involved prior to to have been purchasing President of Guyana and becoming a member of the land, through his father, in therefore it is assumed that government. The reporter areas earmarked for major the government may be wanted some answers to infrastructural development. serious about launching the questions about documents Allegations have surfaced inquiry that were said to have been about the possibility of Suchaninquirywouldbe d r o p p e d - o ff a t t h e inside information having a significant step towards newspaper The Stabroek i n f l u e n c e d t h e s e maintaining the integrity of News apparently wanted to investments.
determine whether the Another, yet to be However, to ensure fairness Minister continued to confirmed report is that and transparency, it is perform duties for the another senior political important that the suggested companywhileservinginhis operative is connected to a inquiry also extends to official capacity as a construction firm that similar allegations of Minister receives contracts from the conflicts of interest within Following this inquiry, Ministry in which the senior thecurrentgovernment. police turned up at the political operative works. If The cases highlighted newspaper’s office to so, this represents a conflict
question the reporter about ofinterest.
the source of the documents. Then there is a matter
The Minister denied any that should be of concern to investigation. It is also high involvement in the police the government Civil time that a formal Code of action. society activists have raised Conduct be developed for The second Vice serious concerns regarding government ministers. The President found himself at alleged conflicts of interest previous administration the center of controversy involving individuals within under President Granger had following an undercover t h e E n v i r o n m e n t a l instituted such a Code, and investigative operation by A s s e s s m e n t B o a r d , its reinstatement, with Vice News. The operation particularly regarding a im
involved an agent posing as major government project greatly benefit the current an investor, who managed to currentlyunderway administration. secure a meeting at the Vice These six cases represent Such a Code should be
Dem Boys Seh...
The Recycle Man
Donald Trump call de North Korean popping up in more here there and leader “The Rocket Man.” But right here in everywhere. Every time you turn round, he Guyana, we gat we own “Recycle Man.” inanewposition.Islikeafamilybusiness. This man been recycling heself for nearly Then there is Mr. Accent. Recycle Man three decades. Like an Eveready battery, he meksureMr Accentalwaysgataplaceatde keep going and going, from one cycle to de table,nomatterdesetting. next. De man gat more roles than a smart Recycle Man is a true magician. He mek phone. He gat more portfolios than a Wall skepticsbelieveinhismethods.Heconvince Streetbroker de public dat recycled is revolutionary Recycle Man ain’t just recycling heself. Maybe it is. Who else can turn political He recycling plenty people too. Old and recyclingintoanartform? retired? No problem. Recycle Man find wuk Once you in Recycle Man good books, fuh you. Can’t perform? No worry.You still forget about retirement. You could circulate gettingpromote. allaroundtillfowlcockgetteeth.Ageisjust Look at Mr. Been-There-Done-That. a number when you part of de recycle crew. Recycle man giving he another chance to be You might start in one place and end up in there again. Why? Cause Recycle Man another,butyoualwaysfindaspot. believe in recycling de past to shape de In de end, Recycle Man perfecting future. Who needs fresh ideas when you can recycling.BiguptoRecycleMan,deheroof recycledeoldones? sustainable governance Long may he And what about Mrs. Worn-Out-Shoes? continuetorepurpose,reuse,andrecycle. She still walking. Recycle Man seh she got In a world full of disposable leaders, is “experience.”Afterall,nothingsehprogress nice to have one who understand de value of like dusting off old policies and calling dem second,third,fourthandfifthchances. new Now we got Mr All-in-the-Family He Talk half. Leff half

Part I: Nigel Hughes has Bharrat Jagdeo running for cover, sacred sick

IhaveneverseenBharrat Jagdeo has never been his insatiable lust for power, comeback. Recycled, he low trickle, all but pushed Jagdeo running so scared. chargeduponadevelopment hispeculiarjoyswithmoney, said. This from a politician those assaults onto the Indeed,anyleaderthathasso in Guyana, as this Nigel his passionate rages against who recycled himself from backburner of his volcanic many clouds and shadows Hughes one. Not even the the PNC, couldn’t do, elected president to self- rages. Jagdeo went on a had to do with C.A. Nigel hanging over him would be PPP’s return to power, for he Hughesdid. Nothingandno selected president (during rampage against Hughes, Hughes Clearly, the running scared as the impact knew where things stood one like Nigel Hughes have the Donald Ramotar reign), and it was to mask his fears. presence of Hughes in the ofNigelHughes’sleadership with the Yanks, and the sent such a jolt of high to self-appointed president He turns and there is Hughes political equation is causing presenceregisters. Jagdeois groundswell of Guyanese voltage electricity into (the Irfaan Ali regime) -an existential threat. He Jagdeo to have fits, even vulnerableonsomanyfronts support in his corner Not Bharrat Jagdeo’s sensitive Jagdeo appoints and anoints listens and there is Hughes expelling bodily fluids thatscaredonlyscratchesthe even with the PPP Congress nerve ends and has his face himself as the president
surface: he is transfixed by results, which were subject tensing, his lips trembling, operating from the shadows existence. What is it that uncontrollably It is not so darkfearsandterrifiedbythe to his dictates, and a and his words tumbling out (oftenwithoutacareforeven NigelHughesrepresentsthat much what Routledge said, recordthathecan’tshake,no foregone conclusion, in a torrent, like a koker that that),recyclinghimselflikea makes Jagdeo hang himself but on whose behalf, he said matter how hard he tries. anyhow Notevenoilmoney can’tclose. high-speed dishwasher or in full public view? Jagdeo, it. All Guyanese should Though intended in the and loan money flooding W h e n t h e A F C washingmachine,andhehas the once all-conquering is know by now that when kindest manner to Jagdeo, I into Guyana, have made leadership results came out, the spleen to speak about now Jagdeo the blustering Alistair Routledge speaks, thinkheismorethanrunning Jagdeo so wired up and so Jagdeo ran out immediately whoisrecycled. when the name Nigel he does not do that on his sacred. Jagdeo is running much like a tightly coiled to deliver his verdict: I say it so that it is clear: Hughes makes the rounds. own. Routledge speaks for mad. jack-in-theboxfigure. What politicians making a

given how much Jagdeo has Jagdeo the haughty is now more than CEO Darren extended and extended his Jagdeo the hollow when Woods: he speaks for political life. He has done Hughesisheldhighbymany Exxon’s board of directors, more than recycle himself. potential Guyanese voters, possibly their heavyweight He has become a whole including that growing shareholders, to make a used-tire and vulcanizing sectionofdisillusionedinhis thorough job of this. I am shop with himself as the sole owncamp. asking myself if Mr proprietor, uber operator, But there is another Routledge (see how dutiful I andonlycustomer Recycled development of major canbe)didnotalsospeakfor was the first indication of his significance that confirms America. early nervousness. Ask him thepetrifiedstatethatJagdeo Time for the final bell on a soft question about oil or can’t help but manifest this episode. Jagdeo is in a gas, and he becomes a Exxon’s Alistair Routledge world of trouble with spinning wheel. Up and came out into the public Hughes in the political down, and around and arenaandlaiddownExxon’s milieu. Nigel Hughes is around: what is more judgment:theNigelHughes- Bharrat Jagdeo’s worst representative of what is Exxon relationship does not nightmare. recycled than such a reality, represent a conflict of I t
what has become this interest(look out for more on happ
leader’s standard? Press him this in Part II). Who tell he d
with a hard question about fuh she suh! Fire and Despite my differences with corruption and he runs out of brimstone poured out of a Mr Hughes, when Jagdeo is airquickly Isthatnotanold rattled Jagdeo. Though he reduced to this quivering, bicycle tube that has to be should have seen that one sputtering, defensive state, patched up, and recycled to coming, being the slick as a he [Hughes] and I are on the get another hop-and-drop stick character that he is, samepage. yardoutofit? Jagdeo immediately went on (The views expressed in Jagdeo was so distraught the warpath. Exxon has it this article are those of the about the appearance of wrong. It is the first time in a u t h o r a n d d o n o t Nigel Hughes that he memory that Jagdeo has said necessarily reflect the reduced his weekly tirades a negative word, took an opinions and beliefs of this against KN and his opposing posture, against n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s tormentor, Glenn Lall, to a Routledge and Exxon, and it affiliates.)

Farm resident nabbed with gun and ammo
A 22-year-old man was Reports are that police motorcycle when it was on Tuesday arrested by ranks from the Providence observed that the duo police for illegal possession Policestationwereondutyat jumped off the motorcycle ofafirearmandammunition. around 14:09hrs At that and ran in different
The man was arrested time, they observed two directions. after he was seen acting males on a motorcycle in the
One of the men ran suspiciously and suddenly vicinityofFarm,EBD. towards the public road ran into a clump of bushes The rider, upon seeing while the other ran into a where he threw a black the law enforcement officers clumpofbushes. object while attempting to attempted to escape. The During the chase, police escapefromthepolice. ranks followed the observed the pillion rider throwing a black object into thebushesjustbeforehewas caught.

Firearm and magazine with ammunition retrieved.
2dead,1criticalafter choppingatParika
A chopping incident at St. Lawrence, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) on Wednesday has left two brothers dead and another man hospitalized at the Leonora Cottage Hospital.
Police identified the dead brothers as Marvin and Ellis Joseph ages 17 and 30 respectively of Parika Facade, East Bank Essequibo (EBE). Hospitalized is Ryan Fredericks, a 25-year-old miner from Pomeroon, Essequibo Coast, Region Two. Police disclosed that around 15:00 h on Tuesday, Fredericks disembarked a minibus and was headingtohisaunt’shousewhentheJosephbrothersarmed withcutlassesattackedhim.ReportsarethatFrederickswas entering his aunt’s yard when the brothers, who were in a canter truck, saw him. The duo jumped out of the truck and rushed towards Fredericks and started chopping him about his body Fredericks reportedly escaped by running into his aunt’syardbutthebrotherspursuedhim.
To elude them he jumped through his aunt’s glass louverswindowonthelowerflatofherhome.Hecollapsed inside of the house while one of the brothers, Marvin retreated but collapsed on his way out of the yard with chop wounds to his abdomen. The other brother Ellis was also seenbleedingfromchopwoundstoo.
It is unclear how they received chop wounds but police suspect that they might have accidently chopped each other whileattemptingtobutcherFredericks.
The three men were taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital where Fredericks was admitted for a huge chop woundonhisbackandsmallcutsabouthisbody Oneofthe brothers, Ellis died while receiving treatment and Marvin waspronounceddeadonarrival. Investigationsareongoing.
The object was received, and revealed to be a 9mm firearm, along with a magazine of five matching 9mm
The man was arrested and placed into custody at the Providence Police Station. Inves

Aggressively pursue reforms to meet the evolving needs of the Criminal Justice System
President Irfaan Ali on
Wednesday urged members of the legal
fraternity to aggressively pursue reforms to meet the evolving needs of the regulatory frameworks of the criminal justice system.
The Head of State was at the timeaddressingjudges,magistrates and other judicial officers from Guyana and the Caribbean at the inaugural legal Conference on C r i m i n a l J u s t i c e
Reform Advancing the Needham’sPointDeclaration.
The conference hosted at the Marriott Hotel, Kingston, Georgetown was organised by the Government of Guyana, through the Attorney General’s Chambers andtheMinistryofLegalAffairs,in partnership with the Caribbean Court of Justice’s (CCJ) Academy
Some attendees at the inaugural legal Conference on Criminal Justice Reform-Advancing the Needham’s Point Declaration.
– Pres. Ali tells legal fraternity

President Irfaan Ali at the opening of the inaugural legal Conference on Criminal Justice Reform.
According to the Attorney of Law and funded by the Inter- General,legislationmustbecrafted American Development Bank continuous legal education for humble opinion, must focus on the causesofcrimeandfosteramodern to contextually and resiliently (IDB). The initiative aims to lawyers, magistrates and judges to emerging issues, and maybe andefficientjusticelandscape. confront the identified conduct that acceleratejusticereforminGuyana beup-to-datewithglobaltrends. through an accreditation process He underscored that a strong is offensive to the law and which to meet the evolving needs of the The President noted that in this d e s i g n s h o r t e x e c u t i v e legal system upholds these resultsinsocialdisorder country’s legal and regulatory era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), programmes that give our lawyers principles, which in turn, weaken Meanwhile, Commonwealth framework. the Regional Judiciary appears to and judges specialized training, criminalactivity Secretary-General, Baroness Stakeholders in attendance be lagging behind, and must, and specialized certification, “The criminal network and Patricia Scotland expressed strong included legislators, government therefore, put the requisite systems maybe international certification enterprise feed off certain things. If supportforGuyana’sjusticesystem officials, judges from the CCJ , in place to catch-up with global too on key issues and challenges there is political instability, if the reform. Baroness Scotland, who national and regional judicial technologicaladvances. thatwearefacingnow,andwewill rule of law does not exist, if society was appointed a Queens Council in officers, academics, law students, Itwasagainstthisbackdropthat face in the future,” President Ali operates in an undemocratic 1991andhasservedastheAttorney civil society representatives and heTheCaribbeanCourtofJustice’s said environment, criminality feeds off GeneralofEnglandandWales,said experts from international (CCJ’s) Academy for Law, The Head of State also called ofthat,”heexplained. she was pleased to support the organisations.
PresidentAli said, can play an even for the collaboration of the various Meanwhile, Attorney General country’sreformagenda. In his address, President Ali greaterroleinthisregard. institutions to build resilient legal and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil “Justice is at the very heart of underscored the need for the “But that academy, in my systems that will tackle the root Nandlallfocusedontheimportance ensuringthatwehaveasocietythat of combining legal minds and is not only enabling but equitable. resource to achieve a collective We are charged to deliver justice, goal. particularly for the poor, the

He said, “The importance of marginalised, the silenced and the fora such as these cannot be over- vulnerable. We can use the law as a emphasised They bring together weapon against injustice and wield the maker of the law, the it with skill whilst empowering the interpreter of the law, the enforcer next generation,” she said in a of the law, the practitioner of the statement. lawandofcoursethesubjectofthe Baroness Scotland continued: law, in a singular engagement to “B y gather ing r egion al c r i t i c a l l y a n a l y s e a n d stakeholders and approaching the scientifically examine the law and planning process in a consultative itsapplication ” and collaborative manner, shows a The Attorney General posited commitment to accessible and that the engagement of the equitable justice I salute the “different and disparate Government of Guyana for taking functionaries will ineluctably lend this bold step with this conference toacross-fertilisationofideasanda and look forward to sharing in the synthesis of experience that must discussions.Additionally, my team impel to the formulation of a and I will be assessing how we can criminal justice reform strategy, support these efforts going adept and adroit enough, to tackle forward.” the monster of crime facing the TheCommonwealthSecretariat Region”. supports its member countries by
As a result, he said that providing technical assistance and “Remedial measures must be developing model laws, templates implemented with alacrity” and and toolkits that can be customised that “Legislators must swiftly tosuittheirspecificneeds. dispense with anachronistic By doing so, the organisation legislation and replace them with harnesses the expertise and modern ones that will bring into experienceofsomeofits2.5billion force new legal processes, some, Commonwealth citizens to already tried and tested in many strengthen access to justice and partsoftheworld.” promotesustainabledevelopment.
Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill at the community meeting.

Govt. to spend close to $200M to upgrade roads in South Georgetown

Table showing roads to be rehabilitated and the associated costs.
The Government of Guyana (GoG), through the Ministry of Public Works’ Special Projects Unit (SPU), intends to spend approximately $176,184,987 to rehabilitate 10 roads within the communities of Rasville and Roxanne Burnham GardensinsouthGeorgetown.
This is according to the Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill, who made the announcement during a community meeting at Well Site, Roxanne Burnham Gardens, Georgetown on Tuesday Minister Edghill revealed that rehabilitationworksshouldbecompletedinSeptember
The SPU is scheduled to mobilize in the areas within the next10daystobegintheinfrastructuralworks.
According to the SPU site analysis, the 10 roads slated for rehabilitation are Cane View Avenue, Marigold Street, Wren Avenue, Ponsettia Lane, Correia Lane, Jasmaine Lane, Daisy Road, Bogina Lane, Orealla Avenue and Rassville Road Network.
The SPU reported that on March 15, 2024, a comprehensive site visit was made to Roxanne Burnham Gardens and Rassville. During the site visit, it was observed that a significant portion of the community roads in Roxanne Burnham Gardens and Rassville, have deteriorated considerably
“Majority of the roads in these areas are rigid pavement (concrete roads). The concrete surface of these roads has shown signs of extensive wearing resulting from aging. In some cases, sectional failure characterized by cracked and broken concrete surfaces which formed depressions and potholeswereevident,”theSPUsiteanalysisreported.
The scope of works were tailored specifically to the situationinthecommunities.
Taking this into account, to address roads with failed sections,full-depthreconstructionisrecommended,followed by the placement of a 50 mm (2 inches) thick asphaltic concrete finish surface. For areas experiencing surface raveling,completeoverlaywith50mm(2inches)ofasphaltic concrete is deemed necessary The total length of roads requiring rehabilitation was assessed to be approximately 4090 meters, with varying widths ranging from 3.5 meters to 5.00meters.
Nevertheless, during the community visit, Minister Edghill emphasized the government’s commitment to developingthecommunities.
“Before school reopens in September, with the pace at which we work at the ministry through the Special Projects Unit,ifwedon’tcompleteeverything,wewillbemorethan90 percent substantially completed of all the roads that we want todohere,”MinisterEdghillsaid.
Additionally, he also mentioned that his team would work on creating a more aesthetically pleasing vending environment for both vendors and their customers, further improvingthelivesofthosesellingontheroadcorners.
The minister urged the residents to cooperate with the contractors during the process and highlighted that there would be small contracts available for residents to clean and improvethedrainagesystems.
“When we do infrastructural development in a community,thepeopleinthecommunitymustbenefitfrom
(Continued on page 16)

Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call: (592) 610-6650.
Two canter Driver, Must have a valid driver's license and at least 2 years experience. Call: 644-7088 / 624-7248.
Housekeeper in Georgetown area for cleaning, cooking laundry & supervising 10 year old. Call/ WhatsApp: 643-4203.
Handyman to work five days weekly from 7am-12 noon in Campbellville. Call: 621-5140.
Diesel Mechanic to work in the Interior, interested persons can contact: 701-4000 between 8 am-4pm.
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1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
Canter truck, great for mobile vending, 2019 December, RHD with 54,500 KM. Arrived in Guyana December 2023. Contact: 676-5051.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

RENTAL Car for rent. For more information Call: 671-7931 / 6216613.
Guyana to double legally protected areas within 18 months - Pres. Ali says at 2024 Concordia Amazonas Summit
Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.
Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.
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Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. Call: 645-8443
One Pedicurists for home service in East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Live-in Housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, USA. Free room and boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.
Experienced Journalists needed at BVI News agency. Email: adsvino@gmail.com or WhatsApp: 1-284-4428000.
Chainsaw Operators and Labourers needed for wood concession. Call: 633-6030.
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Experienced Accounts Clerk with Quickbooks knowledge apply @ Survival Shopping Complex, Sheriff St. Call: 6092995,survivalhumanresources2 @gmail.com
Supermarket PM Cashiers required @ Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff ST. Tel: 609-2995, Email: survivalhumanresources2@ gmail.com
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President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday pledged to double Guyana’s legally protected areas within 18 months to achieve the nation’s goal to protect 30 per cent of the country by 2030 as stated in the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).
The Head of State made this commitment during a meeting with a diverse consortium of leaders on Guyana’s sustainability and climate agenda, at the opening of the 2024 Concordia Amazonas Summit. The second edition of the Summit was opened at the Baganara Island Resort on the Essequibo River brought together leaders from different sectors and industries related to the Amazon rainforest and its wellbeing/future.

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sustainability and financial inclusion are the core themes of the summit, which began on July 9 and will conclude on July 13. The President gave a detailed presentation on Guyana’s current and planned environmental framework, speaking at length about forest loss and reforestation in relation to biodiversity.
“We are aligning ourselves to climate goals, and this is where our commitment to the 30 per cent by 2030 is in that, we are fully committed with that as part of the LCDS. In terms of gazetted area, by the first quarter in 2026 latest, we will be doubling that gazetted percentage of protected area that will constitute biodiversity areas,” Ali said.
According to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, approximately 9 per cent of Guyana is under protected and/or conservation status.
The Guyanese leader emphasized the need for a collective approach to ensuring climate, food, and energy security, saying “climate, energy, and food security must be a joint and shared agenda, we believe that you cannot speak about biodiversity and protecting the forests without speaking about food sustainability, energy sustainability because they are important components of the model.”
“We live in a world where people have needs and wants, so in building out the model we must acknowledge those needs and wants,” the President said.
President Ali also spoke about the country’s energy and climate future, in the context of the country’s burgeoning oil and gas sector.
“One thing is for sure, newer technology and more resources are going into alternative energy so by 2050
the composition of the global energy mix is going to be very different. Whether it will be 30 per cent coming from petroleum, 25 per cent or 35 per cent, but for sure, petroleum will still be in the mix long after 2050,” he said, speaking to the ongoing changes to the world’s energy framework.
He continued, pointing out “the real question is how would the world determine who produces that 30 per cent or that 35 per cent, and if climate is the biggest factor, it will be who can produce it in the least climate damaging environment, so we are keeping our eyes wide open, and that is why our strategy is very clear.”
The Guyanese leader also informed that Guyana is well equipped to contribute to that 30 per cent, due to the ability of its vast rainforest to extract carbon from the atmosphere.
“For every FPSO offshore, it [produces] about two million tonnes of carbon and throughout ten FPSOs, that’s twenty million tonnes of carbon annually. The rainforest sequestrates 155 million tonnes of carbon [per year]. So even operating at 10 FPSOs, we are well ahead— 20 million tonnes versus 155 million tonnes,” he said. Additionally, both President Ali and former Colombian president, Ivan Duque informed of plans for Guyana to become a member of the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) in the near future.
“We are actively looking at joining CAF that is actually on the table,” Ali said.
Govt. to spend close to $200M to...
From page 15 the work that is being done…We are taking development to the people, we are serious about what we are doing,” Minister Edghill said. Furthermore, M inister Edghill said that through the ministry’s Main Access Roads Programme, Cane View Street in South Ruimveldt Gardens will be
transformed into a main access road to accommodate traffic flowing along the Heroes Highway.
Meanwhile, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hugh Todd, who also accompanied the Public Works Minister, told the residents that the government has an inclusive agenda that benefits everyone.
“We are here to serve you and look after your interest. At the end of the day, it is for us to make your issues our priority. We will not leave any community behind,” the minister assured. He also encouraged residents to take advantage of all governmental programmes available to them.

President Irfaan Ali during his presentation at the opening of the Concordia Amazonas Summit.
Govt. to spend $66 million to rehabilitate Parika Stelling
The Ministry of Public Works through its Transport and Harbours Department is expected to spend approximately $66,282,550, to execute rehabilitative works on the Parika FerryStellinginRegionThree.
During a recent reading of bids at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, it was revealed that five contractors have submitted bids for the works and they have all tendered below the engineer's$66M.
The contractors are Wild Oats Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Gryphon Engineering Inc., Nexxgen Investments, M. Sukhai Contracting Service, and S. Maraj ContractingService.
At an event in May, President Irfaan Ali told reporters that the Parika Stelling would be upgraded to accommodate the Caribbean ferry service that would link Guyana, BarbadosandTrinidad&Tobago.
The Parika Stelling, which borders the Essequibo River, does not only serve as a passenger loading and offloading area, but is also a waterfront where farmers take their producefromthehinterlandtosell.
Transport and Harbour Department
Rehabilitation of Parika Ferry Stelling.

Guyana EnergyAgency (GEA)
Supply and Delivery of 44 StandAlone Solar Street Lamps for the GEA.

Provision of Security Services for GEAin Six Lots.

Ministry of Local Govt. and Regional Development Construction of waste stabilization ponds at Haags Bosch Sanitary Landfill.

Rehabilitation ofAdministrative Buildings at Haags Bosch Sanitary Landfill.

Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation Rental of Building space for the relocation of the Campbellville Health Centre.
Supply and Delivery of Supplemental Pharmaceuticals.

Guyana Livestock DevelopmentAuthority (GLDA) Construction of feedlot at GLDAFARM.

Dr. Leslie Ramsammy presents Letters of Credence to UNOG’s Director General

New Permanent Representative of Guyana to the UNOG, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, presents his Letters of Credence to UNOG Director General, Ms. Tatiana Valovaya.
Dr Leslie S Ramsammy, Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) on Wednesday presented his Letters of Credence to theDirectorGeneraloftheUNOG,Ms.TatianaValovaya.
Dr Ramsammy,whowasappointedtothepositioninMay, replaces H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, who was appointed totheofficein2020.
AccordingtoastatementissuedbythePermanentMission of Guyana to the UNOG, the Letters of Credence affirm Dr Ramsammy’spowertorepresenttheGovernmentofGuyana.
DuringabriefmeetingafterthepresentationoftheLetters ofCredence,Dr RamsammyspokeofGuyana’spriorityareas which include climate change, food and nutrition security, energysecurityandsustainabledevelopment.
Meanwhile,onsustainabledevelopmentDirectorGeneral Valovaya noted that the UN, under the Building Bridges Initiative and Bio-planet is collaborating on initiatives to whichGuyanawouldbewelcometojoinin.
th Ms. Valovaya also noted that each year on May 25 , the UNOG, in collaboration with the Permanent Missions of Slovenia and Switzerland, and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Geneva Office organizes a World Bee Day Celebration, and Guyana may wish to consider joining 2025’scelebration.
Dr. Ramsammy agreed to take up the invitation, noting that Guyana has commenced work on establishing a honey bank.
Additionally, Permanent Representative Ramsammy thankedMs.Valovayaforthemeetingandpledgedhissupport andcommitmenttocontinueGuyana’sstrongcooperationand collaboration with the UN in working to achieve the sustainabledevelopmentgoals.

Though Joe Biden says he’s staying in presidential race, top Democrats express doubts
(CBS) - Nearly two weeks after a disastrous debate, President Joe Biden remains adamant that he’s staying in the race amid circling doubts and reserved expressions of support from membersofhisparty
He said this week in a letter to congressional Democrats he’s “firmly committed” to running, but some Democrats in CongressarestillsayingMr Bidenfacesadecisionabout continuing his campaign, suggestingthathisfutureon the ticket remains an open question.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, when asked Wednesday morning whether Mr Biden has her support to lead the ticket, deferred to Mr. Biden, saying that “it’s up to the president” to decide if he’s goingtorun.
“We’re all encouraging him to make that decision,” she said on MSNBC “Because time is running short.” The response fell
short of a ringing
endorsement for the president’s reelection bid, thoughPelosicomplimented thepresidentonhisspeechat an event marking the 75th anniversary of NATO on Tuesdaynight,sayinghewas “absolutely spectacular ” And she touted his record and standing within the Democraticcaucus.
“He’s beloved, he is respected and people want him to make that decision,”
Pelosi said, adding that “I want him to do whatever he decidestodo.”
Pelosi told CBS News later Wednesday morning that “there are some misrepresentationsofwhatI have said,” noting that she “never said he should reconsider his decision ” And a spokesperson for Pelosi reiterated in a statement that “Speaker Pelosi fully supports whatever President Biden decidestodo.”
Late Wednesday, Sen Peter Welch of Vermont became the first Senate Democrattopubliclycallon Mr Biden to withdraw from therace.
In an op-ed in the Washington Post, Welch wrote that while he admires the president, “We cannot unsee President Biden’s d i s a s t r o u s d e b a t e performance We cannot ignore or dismiss the valid questions raised since that night.” “I understand why President Biden wants to run He saved us from Donald Trump once and wants to do it again. But he needstoreassesswhetherhe isthebestcandidatetodoso.
In my view, he is not,” he continued. “For the good of the country, I’m calling on PresidentBidentowithdraw fromtherace.”
Meanwhile, Sen MichaelBennetofColorado on Tuesday night expressed doubt that the president will be able to beat former

President Donald Trump in November, in some of the most critical comments made publicly by a Senate Democratintheaftermathof thedebate.
“Donald Trump is on track, I think, to win this election,andmaybewinitby a landslide, and take with him the Senate and the House,” Bennet said on CNN, though he stopped shortofcallingonMr Biden to step aside. The Colorado Democrat pointed to where the president stands in polls at this point, as compared to where he stood against Trump at this time in 2020, as well as where Hillary ClintonstoodagainstTrump in 2016, saying “this race is on a trajectory that is very worrisome ” Explaining why he isn’t calling on the president to step aside, Bennet said that “we’re all here this week, to have this discussion, to have this debate, ” about the

president’s prospects, though he added that the White House has “done nothing” to demonstrate a plan to win the election followingthedebate.
The comments come after congressional Democrats met on Tuesday, following a July 4 holiday recess that kept them out of Washingtonsincethedebate last month House Democrats met Tuesday morning for what one member described as a “listeningsession.”
And Senate Democrats held a lengthy meeting Tuesday afternoon that left some touting unity within the caucus, though most remained tight-lipped about the details of the meeting. Neithermeetingappearedto yield a path forward for the party On Wednesday evening, Rep Earl Blumenauer of Oregon became the ninth House Democrattopubliclycallon Mr Biden to exit the race, writinginastatementthathe hoped Mr Biden and first ladyJillBidenhad“cometo the conclusion that I and othershave:PresidentBiden should not be the Democratic presidential nominee.”Particularlyinthe Senate, Democrats have adopted a wait-and-see approach, with no Senate Democrats having publicly called for the president to stepaside.Instead,anumber ofDemocrats,likeSen.Patty MurrayofWashington,have outlinedthattheywanttosee more from the president, saying he “must do more to demonstrate he can campaign strong enough to beatDonaldTrump.”
Amid the calls for the White House to do more to
reassure the party, Senate Democrats are set to hold a special caucus lunch meetingonThursday,where they will hear from senior advisors to the president Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti, along with Biden
Campaign Chair Jen O’Malley Dillon, a Senate Democratic leadership aide toldCBSNews.
Outside of the Capitol, another admission about the president’s ability to serve another term made waves late Tuesday, when a video surfacedfromTMZshowing ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos saying about the president that “I don’tthinkhecanservefour m o r e y e a r s ” Stephanopoulos conducted the first interview of the presidentlastweeksincehis debate about the path forward.Then,actorGeorge Clooney, who hosted a fundraiser for the Biden campaign just last month, penned an op-ed released Wednesday calling on Mr Bidentostepaside.
“It’sdevastatingtosayit, buttheJoeBidenIwaswith three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not the Joe ‘big F-ing deal’ Biden of 2010.Hewasn’teventheJoe Biden of 2020. He was the samemanweallwitnessedat the debate,” Clooney wrote, adding that “our party leadersneedtostoptellingus that51millionpeopledidn’t seewhatwejustsaw.”
Clooney said Democrats have “a very exciting bench,”whilemakingapush to hear from possible replacements like Maryland Gov Wes Moore, Vice President Kamala Harris, Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer and California
Gov GavinNewsom,among others. And he urged that “the scary stories that we’re beingtoldaboutwhatwould happen next are simply not true,”arguingthatthemoney “intheBiden-Harriscoffers” could go toward the Democratic ticket more broadly
The actor urged top Democrats in Congress to ask the president to voluntarily step aside, claiming that the party is “not going to win in November with this president,” while arguing thatcontroloftheHouseand Senate are also threatened. Henotedthat“everysenator and congress member and governor” that he’s spoken with in private agrees, “irrespective of what he or sheissayingpublicly.”
The developments come as top Democrats have continued to back the president, albeit with reserved statements of support House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries reiteratedhissupportforthe president this week, saying, “I made clear publicly the day after the debate that I support President Joe Biden and the Democratic ticket. My position has not changed.” After Tuesday’s meeting, Jeffries told reporters that members had an opportunity to express themselves, and “those discussions will continue throughoutthebalanceofthe week.”
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, repeatedly asked about the president’s ability to serve another four years during a weekly news conference following the Senate meeting, simply said “I’mwithJoe.”
Israel orders Palestinians to leave...
said. At least 38,295 people have been killed and 88,241 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza since October, according to Palestinian officials. Gaza’s Ministry of Health said on Wednesday that 52 Palestinians were killed and 208 injured in the previous24hours.
Israellauncheditswaron Gaza after Hamas led an attack on southern Israel, killing at least 1,139 people, according to an Al Jazeera tally based on Israeli statistics, and seized about 250 others as hostages,
dozens of whom remain in captivityinGaza. Progressinceasefire talks?
The stepped-up Israeli military activity comes as United States, Egyptian and Qatari mediators met with Israeli officials in Qatar’s capital, Doha, for talks seeking a long-elusive ceasefire deal and an exchangeofcaptivesheldby Hamas for Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. Hamas officials have raised concerns that heavy Israeli strikes in recent days along the length of the territory
couldderailthenegotiations. Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas, said on Monday that Israel’s escalating assault has threatened talks at a crucial time and could bring negotiations “back to square one”. Hamas, however, still wants international mediators to guarantee that trucetalksinDohaconclude with a permanent ceasefire. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted he will not agree to anydealforcingIsraeltostop itscampaigninGazawithout eliminatingHamas.
President Joe Biden

Netherlands fans attack England supporters
BBC Sport - Five people game” but there were some moving inside, before Astatement from the UK England fans in bars and Netherlands.” suffered minor injuries after groupsofsupportersdeemed further fighting breaks out Football Policing Unit read: attemptingtostealflags. The Dutch FA said England fans were attacked a“risk”. with objects thrown at and “We are aware of some “We are also aware that 110,000theNetherlandsfans b
n fromwithinthebar
in addition to the tens of have travelled to Dortmund, supporters in Dortmund Germany working alongside A man called Leo, who circulating of disorder in thousands of Dutch fans compared to 40,000 from before yesterday’s Euro local police for the game, works at the bar, told the Dortmund. theretoenjoythegame,there England. 2024 semi-final, according which kicked off at 20:00 BBC: “At first it was two or “It appears that there are groups of risk supporters The winners of the game toUKpolice. BST three people I tried to have been several instances who have travelled to will play Spain in Sunday’s Police said a group of A video has emerged on separate them but then it got of Dutch fans attacking Dortmund
lands fans social media appearing to too heated and everything attacked England fans in show a group of fans flewaround. bars and attempted to steal throwing chairs towards a “It’sreallyupsetting.” flags bar, including a man visibly Leo added that the bar’s They said that the inaDutchfootballshirt. TV was damaged in the majority of the Netherlands People are then seen incident so they are now fans were there to “enjoy the shielding themselves and unabletoshowthegame.

Thursday July 11, 2024
If people insist on having thingstheirownway,letthem, Aries. Fighting isn't going to do any good. This kind of reaction will only cause more tension between you and the otherpersoninvolved.
Suddenly you've found your energy again. Your engine is oiled up and ready to go, Taurus. Put yourself in high gear and don't let anything standinyourway
You may be a bit daunted by thefrenzyofenergypresentin the air today. Try not to get thrown off balance by others who may be more abrasive than usual. Use this as a time ofreleaseforyourself.
Don't be surprised if unexpected actions from others give your heart a jolt today, Cancer You could find that a strong force of erratic energy affects your emotions. It's working to stir things up quiteabit.
It's time to implement the plans you fostered as a result of internal processes over the past few days, Leo. Hop in the driver's seat and take control. As you do, you may need to erectabitofamentalbarrier
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Your mood should be quite good today, Virgo. Generally, you'll find that people will react to your tendency to take thelead.Keepinmindthatthis also indicates that they'll probably be more likely to fightback.
Be a little braver than usual today, Libra. Take some risks and show others that you have the strength to accomplish anything. There is a lively, anxious feeling to the day that couldmakeyourestless.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You may have the spark that wants to light things today, Scorpio. Indeed, there's a fastpaced tendency to the day that isrightupyourally Youshould be able to accomplish quite a bitundertheprevailingtrends.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Interactionwithothersmaynot beespeciallysatisfyingforyou today, Sagittarius. You could getthefeelingthatotherpeople don'treallycareasmuchasyou thoughttheydid.Keepinmind that everyone is doing the best theycan.
The clouds have finally lifted, and you should be able to see clearly again, Capricorn. The fire is burning red hot and you'llfindpeoplelikelytostick up for themselves more than usual.Youshoulddothesame.
Yourslowandsteadyapproach may need a sharp kick in the pants today, Aquarius. Don't withholdyouropinions.Thisis a time to get it all out on the table, despite the tension that it maycause.
Try to seek freedom and new experiences today, Pisces.This is an important time for you to spreadyourwingsandexplore. Keepinmindthatsomethingor someone may be working to restrainyouemotionally
om the final.
Windies crumble on day one as debutant...
From page 25 bat,lostBenDuckett(three), yorker from Seales, as West your sleeves up and come whoknickedaJaydenSeales Indies briefly harboured back on day two and try and delivery to da Silva hopes of clawing their way work your way back into the However,Crawley,whorode back into the contest, but match We have seven his luck, and Pope quickly Root and Brook kept them at wickets to get first of all and steadied things as both bay for the remainder of the thenhopefullywecanbatfor scored at a decent tempo, day a day or two and see where before the latter was trapped Sealeshas2-31sofar wegofromthere,”headded. infrontbyHolder Scores: England 189 for sleeves up and come Crawley’s luck ran out 3 (Crawley 76, Pope 57) lead back on day two and try and soon after and he was West Indies 121 (Atkinson 7work your way back into the removed by an inswinging 45) by 68 runs. match We have seven wickets to get first of all and thenhopefullywecanbatfor a day or two and see where wegofromthere,”headded.
After losing their top order in the opening session with just 44 runs on the board, Hodge and Athanaze attemptedtorebuildtheWest Indies inning from 61-3 at lunch, but having already inflicted the wound, Atkinson duly obliged and finishedwhathestarted.
Louis, the first player to represent West Indies from St Kitts and Nevis, showed promise in a 34-run opening stand with captain Kraigg Brathwaite. Both seemed set for a positive knock before Brathwaite (six) dragged a wide delivery fromAtkinson onto the stumps, while Jamaican Kirk McKenzie lasted only 14 deliveries, as he too was sent back by Atkinsonforasolitaryrun.
Louis then followed, as heedgedonefromEngland’s captain Ben Stokes, which Harry Brook collected low downatthirdslip.
WhenAthanaze edged to Joe Root, it sparked a typical West Indies collapse, as Jason Holder and Joshua da Silvacameandwentwithout scoring, while Hodge served up a catch off Chris Woakes to Ollie Pope, who took it in dazzlingfashion.
Alzarri Joseph attempted a counter as he slashed four boundaries in a nine-ball cameo, before he became Atkinson’s sixth victim, and Shamar Joseph (zero), the seamer’sseventh.Motiethen contributed 14 runs to push the visitors past the 120-run mark, as James Anderson, playing in his final Test series, accounted for Jayden Seales.
England in their turn at

Clinical Rybakina into Wimbledon semi-finals
BBC Sport - Former champion Rybakina carried her is striking the ball that big, The 31st seed had not advanced thesecond,lettingoutahugeroaras Elena Rybakina cruised into the momentum through to the second everything goes in. Serve goes past the last eight of a Grand Slam Krejcikova netted and a topsyWimbledon semi-finals with a set, immediately breaking with a reallyquick.Lotsofaces.It’stough since triumphing at the French turvysetfollowed. clinical win over Elina Svitolina on deepforehandintothecorner todoanything.” Openin2021. Hitting erratic forehands, CentreCourt. She broke again at 4-2 and Rybakina has hit the joint-most “It’s an unbelievable moment Ostapenko continued to wrestle Kazakhstan’s Rybakina was a servedoutforthematchtoreachthe aces at this year’s tournament, tied that I’m experiencing right now in throughherservicegames. level above Svitolina in a 6-3 6-2 last four of a Grand Slam for the on 31 with New Zealand qualifier my tennis career,” Krejcikova After saving three break points victory that took just 62 minutes, first time since she reached the Lulu Sun, and is the only former said enroutetoa4-1lead,sheconceded and will play in the last four for the AustralianOpenfinalin2023. winnerleftinthewomen’sdraw “There have been many doubts twice to help her opponent nudge first time since she won the The result ended Svitolina’s Krejcikova battles past from inside but also from the ahead. competitionin2022. run, with the Ukrainian unable to Ostapenko outside world, but I’m super happy However, Krejcikova became The25-year-oldwillfaceCzech repeat her semi-final appearance of Krejcikova started the 2024 that I never give up and that I’m tense when attempting to serve out Barbora Krejcikova, who battled lastyear season as the world number 10, but standing here right now and that I the match and a nervy double fault past Jelena Ostapenko on Court Svitolina, 29, said she “tried she has been hampered by a back qualifiedtobeinthesemi-finals.” brought her big-hitting opponent One to reach the last four at everything in her power” to injury and illness, causing her to Apart from a double fault in her level. Wimbledonforthefirsttime. advance but felt she was unable to slipto32ndintherankings. first service game, Krejcikova was Krejcikova, cheered on by the Rybakina and Svitolina traded matchRybakina’saggressivestyle. But a 6-4 7-6 (7-4) win to move clinical on her serve and a single Court One crowd, asserted control breaks in the opening games of an “It’svery,verydifficultbecause past fellow Roland Garros break at 1-1 was enough for her to in the tie-break before raising her initially even first set, with the I feel like I’m in a good form,” she champion Ostapenko marks an clinchtheopeningset. hands outstretched in celebration Ukrainian then dropping serve to added. impressive return to form for the But Ostapenko, a notorious after sealing a semi-final spot on lovewhentrailing4-3.
“Of course, when the opponent 28-year-old. slow starter, struck the first blow in hersecondmatchpoint.

Royals and Flames record opening wins in team 13 U-23 Basketball Ricardo Peters blasts 186 not out for Pegasus in ORSCA T20 competition
Former Guyana youth cricketer Ricardo Peters continued his relentless batting performance in Canada having registered threeconsecutivecenturies.
On Sunday at Great Lake venue in Brampton, the right-handed sensational opener Peters hammered 22 effortless sixes and7foursduringhis78-ballfireworks.
On the back of his historical innings, Pegasustalliedupamammoth241-7fromthe 20-overs while Challengers replied with 118 alloutoff17-overs.
Peters last three innings are: 136*, 102 and 186*. On this occasion, the Essequibian got support from Keyon Sinclair who made 21 as Naresh Persaud took 3-27 from three overs.

When Challengers batted, Persaud victoriousunit. returned with the bat to make a fighting 39
Ricardo Peters
Two more matches were played last night Tappin put in 12. Jennis Benjamin netted 11 in theTeam 13 organised Under23 basketball points and Leon Benjamin with seven for the championship which is being played at the Jets.
Amelia’s Ward Hard Court featuring home Game two was between Block 22Flames side Amelia’s Ward Jets against Block 22 and Central Mackenzie Kings with the Flames and Retrieve Raiders and Victory Flames romping home comfortable winners ValleyRoyals. bya57-30score-line.
However, in what was the first set of For the winners, Jonathan Clarke had a matches on Sunday after the opening night’s game high 19 points, with Leron Joseph 17 double header was rained out,Amelia’sWard and Jumane Reynolds 12 contributing to the Jets could not sustain their third quarter win.
momentum and folded to lose that game 42- Tyreese Arthur and Jemol Semple each 39 as their best players were Collin Phillips, netted eight points as Jeron Watson got five who led them with 13 points, and Kobe forthelosers.
and 2-20 respectively delivering for the
The round-robin segment is slated to and 20 each from Anil Ablacksingh and continue on Sunday with a number of RobinPersaud.
Sinclair and Adrian Sukhwa claimed 2-3
‘Keep Your Five Alive’ Futsal
Back Circle, Gold is Money headline opening night
Heavyweights Back Adonis praised fans for
Meanwhile, there will be Circle, Gold is Money, Bent their support over the years a Ladies competition StreetandLeopoldStreetare and promised them exciting featuring teams such as the among the teams scheduled and pulsating action every Guyana Defence Force, the toappearonopeningnightof nightofthetournament. Guyana Police Force, Fruta the10thEditionofthe‘Keep “Every night will be end Conquerors and West Side Your Five Alive’ Futsal to end action and as the Ballersamongothers. Competitionsettobeplayed, teams and fans know, you The winning team will attheNationalGymnasium. can only advance when you receive $300,000, while The competition, which win so in order to be part of second, third and fourth kicks off tomorrow night themoney,teamsneedtowin place finishers cart off with six exciting matches, toprogress,”Adonissaid. $150,000, $75,000 and will see teams battle for over T h e f i x t u r e s f o r $32,500respectively $2million in prize monies tomorrow night are as It was also mentioned and trophies, while the follows: Northeast La that the Ministry of Culture, femalesegmentisalsoslated Penitence take onAlexander Youth & Sport, one of the to provide financial rewards Village and this will be main sponsor on board, will forthewinningteams. followed by the clash be offering every winning The winning team in the between Showstoppers and team on each playing night men’s competition will cart Kitty Hustlers, while $20,000 as part of their off $1million, while runner- California Square tackle agreement with the up, third and fourth place T e a m C r u e l f r o m Organiser Additionally,one finishers will take home Beterverwagting shortly lucky fan will ride off with a $500,000, $250,000 and after Gold is Money then motorcycle, compliments of $125,000respectively square off against Bent RockAutoTrans.
According to Organiser Street,beforeLeopoldStreet The other playing dates Kevin Adonis, most of the play host to Linden’s are July 19 and 26,August 2, top teams from Georgetown, YMCA. Back Circle and 9and16withthefinalsetfor Linden and West Demerara Order and Discipline bring Aug 26, all at the same willbevyingfortophonours thecurtainsdownonthefirst venue. Starting time each and this he stated is in nightofaction. nightis19:00hrs. keeping with his vision to make the tenth edition the biggest one in the event’s history “Bringing together the best exponents in this version of the game was always the game plan and when you factor in the significance of the occasion it was unthinkablenot to invite the bestteams to give our loyal fans a real treat for thisspecialcelebration.”

2024 GCB U17 Inter-county 50-Over tournament…
The opening round of wicket-keeper batsman Friday, with Essequibo Ground. Lusignan Ground Vikash Wilkinson (VC), Fraser, Darwin Joseph, the 2024 Guyana Cricket Vikash Wilkinson, spinner battling the Select XI at will meanwhile host the Marcel Nandu, Arvin Nicholas Lovell, Shazim Board (GCB) Inter-county Dave Mohabir, batsman Queen’sCollegeGround. battlebetweenDemeraraand Sukanand, Munesh Outar, Mohamed,HaroldDemattos U17 50-Over tournament Adrian Hetmyer among Saturday’s second round SelectXI. ShamarApple,ArunGainda, C
bowls off today with other future stars will be 2 on Saturday, will feature Berbice U17 team: Udesh Seetaram, Johnathan Persaud, Manager-Terry Demerara and Berbice looking to represent their Essequibo and Demerara Rampersaud Ramnauth Mentore, Dhanesh Persaud, Newton locking horns at Everest respective county teams, playing QC Ground while (V/C), Vishal Williams, Dave Mohabir, Patrice GCB Select XI- Navin Ground with the winner being Berbice battles the Select XI Razam Koobeer, Afraz Ali Fraser, Saif Ragbeer, B
Top caliber players like crownedU17champs. overatLusignanGround. Budhoo (Captain), Adrian Emmanuel Fraser, Joshua Dindyal (V/C), Shoaib o
m a n Round 1 bowls off today The third round on Hetmyer, Romesh Bharrat, Kissundial. Gafoor, Zandon Rose, Parmeshwar Ram, youth with Berbice playing Monday bowls off with an Romario Ramdehol, Justin Coach-Quasen Nedd, Romario Bholo, Sohail spinner Jathniel Nurse, all- DemeraraatEverest. encounter between Berbice D
Mohamed, Arif Khan rounder Bhomesh Lall, Action continues on and Essequibo at Everest Ramcharran, Thierry Henry Ramgobin (Captain) Shahid Hanif, (W/K), Micah Amsterdam, Essequibo U17 team - Jayden Dowlin, Adil Ali, Oka

Fransis Gurahoo, Renaldo Mervin Forde, Suresh WhartonandZamuelFelix Jeffery, Justin Dowlin, Sugrim, Dennis Crossman, M
Bhomesh Lall, Jathniel Darius Pearson, Zaheer Benjamin, Coach- Leslie Nurse, Govin Persaud, Ramkisoon Solomon Navindra Sankar, Eron M
Demerara U17 team - Benjamin, Travil Evans, Ramgobin, Coach-Ameer Parmeshwar Ram (Captain), Aston Simmons, Andres Rahaman
Argentina 2-0 Canada: Alvarez and Messi send La Albiceleste to Copa final
SportsMax - Julian Alvarez and Lionel Canada’s efforts in pulling a goal back Messi secured Argentina’s passage to the were dented when captain Davies was forced Copa America final following a 2-0 victory offwithaninjurywith20minutesremaining, overCanadaattheMetLifeStadium. but continued to push for a way back into the
The defending champions weathered an contest. early storm and took the lead through TaniOluwaseyicametheclosestforJesse Alvarez’sninthinternationalgoalinthe22nd Marsch’s side, heading narrowly wide of minute. Martinez’s goal as Argentina saw out the Messi put the game beyond Canada’s triumph as they edge close to a recordgrasp early in the second half, turning home breaking16thCopaAmericatitle. Enzo Fernandez’s goal-bound effort from Alvarez the man of the closerange. moment forArgentina
Argentina will face the winner of Alvarez has made a name for being a big tomorrow’s semi-final clash between game player for Manchester City, and that Uruguay and Colombia in Miami this form has seemingly transpired to weekend. internationallevelforLionelScaloni’sside.
Canada started immediately on the front His ninth international goal saw him foot, startling their opponents early on as become the fourth player to score in both the Jacob Shaffelburg was presented with two Copa America and World Cup semi-finals, opportunities, but unable to test Emiliano alongsideMessi,RomarioandDiegoForlan. Martinezonbothoccasions.
With Messi expected to call time on his
Largely a passenger in the opening 10 international career following the conclusion minutes, Messi was given his first sight of ofthetournament,Alvarez goal but could not find the target with his But the Argentina captain continued to effortfromoutsidethearea. showcase his class on the international stage,
Despite La Albiceleste’s lacklustre with Canada the 38th different opponent opening, a moment of individual quality MessihasscoredagainstwhileplayingforLa sparkedthecontestintolife. Albiceleste - his 21st different opposition in Rodrigo De Paul was allowed time deep competitiveoutings. in midfield, picking out the run of Alvarez Canada’s fairytale before taking a touch and prodding the ball Copa run comes to an end beyond Maxime Crepeau for his second goal Having already faced Argentina in the ofthetournament-hisfirstalsocameagainst group stages of the competition, Marsch was Canadaintheiropeninggroupgame. under no illusion about the size of the task in Argentina’s grip tightened on the contest front of him and can be proud of his side’s and they almost doubled their lead when an efforts against the defending Copa America uncharacteristicmistake byAlphonso Davies chances.Butagain,theirwastefulnessinfront wasalmostpunishedbyAngelDiMaria,with of goal proved costly and, against the best Messigoingcloseagainbeforetheinterval. teams, it is something you are unable to get LionelScaloni’ssidewouldincreasetheir awaywith. lead six minutes into the second half, with Having managed nine shots during the Messi netting his 109th international goal game, Canada mustered just two on target. afterturninghomeinsidethearea,whichwas Fiveofthoseeffortsalsocamefrominsidethe eventually given following aVAR review for areaandfailedtotroubleMartinez. offside. Alvarez almost doubled his tally While their tournament may be over, following an exquisite pass from Di Maria, Marsch has solid foundations to build on for onlytoseehiseffortrepelledbyCrepeauwith the future with the 2026 World Cup now the thegoalathismercy goalforCanada.

Windies crumble on day one as debutant Atkinson snares 7-45 to put England in charge of opening Test
SportsMax - ThechancesofWestIndiesbetteringEngland in their three-match Test series were always slim, and yesterday’s opening day of the first encounter at Lord’s again justifiedwhythehostareoverwhelminglyfavoured.
No doubt the Caribbean side went into the contest confident that they can secure aTest series win in England for thefirsttimesince1988,buttheirbattingdisplaywasafarcry fromateamhopingtoachievethatfeat.
They collapsed from 88-3 to 121 all out, as England’s attack, led by debutant GusAtkinson, was quick, vicious and leftWestIndiesinatailspinwithnoresponsetotheonslaught.
Debutant Mikyle Louis (27),AlickAthanaze (23), Kavem Hodge(24),AlzarriJoseph(17),andGudakeshMotie,withan unbeaten 14, were the only scores in double figures.Atkinson bagged 7-45, the second best by an England bowler on Test debutbehindDominicCork.
Englandinresponsewere189-3atclose,astheyopenedup a 68-run lead courtesy of half-centuries from Zak Crawley (76)andOlliePope(57).JoeRoot,on15,andHarryBrook,on 25,willresumebattingonThursday’ssecondday.
West Indies assistant coach JimmyAdams narrowed their opening day performance to England’s quality bowling and inexperiencebattingfromhisteam.
“I think it was fairly bowling friendly conditions, and added to that England exploited the conditions really well. Theyhadqualityswingandtheydidn’tgiveusmuchfreedom, and maybe a little bit of experience on our part as well. So I thinkacombinationofthoseissues,”Adamssaidinapost-day conference.
Despite their current position, Adams remains optimistic his men can get back into the contest, provided they apply themselvesaccordingly
“AllofEngland’sbowlersareworldclass,sowecantry(to comeback), but it is going to be difficult. But this is what Test cricketisallabout,youhaveabadday,youthinkaboutit,roll
(Continued on page 21)

Jason Holder ecstatic after getting rid of Ollie Pope. (Getty Images)