Aformer national horrific Friday afternoon and Malique Roberts from footballer and smash-up along the theminingtownofLinden. football coach Soesdyke-Linden Highway, It is unclear how many
and his 9-year- whileotherswereinjured. persons have been injured in old grandson were killed in a Dead are Carlyle Hunte the accident However, reports are that Hunte’s two othergrandchildrensurvived the accident and were rushed to the Mackenzie Hospital in Linden.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that Hunte, at the time of the accident, was driving a dark blue car and was reportedly heading to Linden from Georgetown. He was accompanied by his threegrandchildren.
The car he was driving reportedly collided with a lorry that was transporting logsfromLinden.
Videos of the aftermath showed the car’s engine along with other debris scatteredalongthehighway
Witnesses were heard saying that Hunte lost controlofthecarcausingitto crash into the lorry and then flipped several times along the highway before coming toahalt.
The videos showed that the car was completely destroyed while the front of thelorrywasdamaged.
It is unclear whether the driver of the lorry was injured.
At the gruesome scene, the loud wails of relatives wereheardasnewsspreadof theaccident.
The People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) iscallingontheGovernment of Guyana to investigate the allegations of gross mismanagement as well as reports of multiple infant deaths at the Suddie Public Hospital.
s conference on Friday, Opposition Member of Parliament and Shadow Minister of Health, Dr Karen Cummings said that, “The P
Opposition Member of Parliament, Dr. Karen Cummings
y Opposition is deeply concerned about the alleged gross mismanagement of the Suddie Public Hospital within the Paediatrics Severalnursesanddoctorsat Department at Public the hospital have reported Hospital Suddie The that there were no Neonatal Intensive Care was O b s t
o r allegedlydeemedunsafedue Gyneacologists (OBGYN) to m
ltiple neona
al ondutyforatleasttwoweeks (newborn) deaths,” she and as such, mothers and furtherstated. their babies were at risk of Dr Cummings said that a d v e r s e p r e g n a n c y the political opposition has o u t c o m e s B o t h been informed that there Gyneacologists were on were at least five deaths in leave.TheNeonatologisthas the month of June which since returned; however, the forced management to close Gynecology Department the unit She said that r e m a i n s w i t h o u t a information pertaining to the specialist.” deaths can be verified from Dr Cummings said too the hospital’s records that the Chief Medical department.
Officer had sent a General She added that, “At Doctor who was not present, the Paediatrician is specialized in the OBGYN also unavailable to manage field to manage the the department. For at least department and perform twoweeks,boththeneonatal surgeriesonthosemothers. and paediatric departments
“In the event of any were covered by a Cuban complications in surgery, doctor whom we understand what will be the course of is allegedly not licensed to action and who will take practice medicine in suchresponsibility?” Guyana.”
There are also concerns C i t i n g t h a t t h e on whether the new head of revelations were very department is qualified to disturbing, she noted that if performsurgeries. they were verified, they can
“Another issue of major haveseriousimplicationson concern highlighted lies (Continued on page 17)
Despite already taking misusing her position to precipitate actions that will and defrauded the Guyanese approval processes for action against Guyanese offer benefits, like putpeopleatrisk.” government of tax revenues weapons’ permits and billionaire Nazar Mohamed government contracts to the Moreover, President byunder-declaringtheirgold passports on behalf of and his son, Azruddin Mohameds. Irfaan Ali was already exports to Guyanese Mohamed’sEnterprise. Mohamed based on the R e c e n t l y , t h e questioned on what legal authorities.
While the department sanctions imposed by the government made its official basis the government “Between 2019 and only named and sanctioned U n i t e d S t a t e s , t h e requestfortheinformationin revoked the Mohameds 2023,Mohamed’sEnterprise Thomas, it was stated that Government of Guyana relationtotheallegations. Cambio licence some 48 omitted more than 10 other government officials (GoG)isnotexpectedtotake On Friday, Minister of hours after the sanctions thousand kilograms of gold are complicit for accepting any further action until Home Affairs, Robeson were announced, especially from import and export bribes and giving the suitable evidence is received Benn told reporters that the in light of the absence of declarations and avoided Mohamed’s favourable from the U.S. Treasury’s governmentwillnottakeany informationfromtheUS. paying more than US$50 treatment.“Inreturn,corrupt Office of Foreign Assets further action in the absence “The Bank of Guyana is million in duty taxes to the officials receive cash and Control(OFAC). oftheevidence. the regulatory agency in GovernmentofGuyana,”the gifts for incidents that are
On June 11, the OFAC He said, “We will make relation to the granting of USTreasuryalleged. overlooked Additionally, imposed sanctions on the decisions based on Cambio licence. They act Government official Mohamed’s Enterprise has Mohameds for a series of information that we based on their regulations Thomas has already been paid bribes to corrupt corruption – including gold have…We have to be careful and what is expected of sent on leave pending the Thomas misused her Guyanese government s m u g g l i n g a n d t h e to make practical responses them,”Alihadsaid. investigation.
position, while as PS for the officials to facilitate the Permanent Secretary (PS) to issues. It couldn’t be, in According to the OFAC, In exchange for cash Ministry of Home Affairs to award of government for the Ministry of Labour, any event, while reviews are the Mohameds allegedly payments and high-value influence the award of contracts,” the OFAC Mae Thomas for allegedly o n g o i n g , w e d o n ’ t evaded tax on gold exports gifts, it was stated that official contract bids and the alleged.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
ExxonMobil’s Guyana President Alistair Routledge continues to expand his already oversized local footprint. HehaserectedbillboardsatstrategicpointsinGuyanathat havedeceivedGuyaneseaboutwhatExxonMobilmeansfor them.Mr Routledgehadshownhisfaceincricketingevents, aninsulttolocalandregionalsportingculture. Itwouldnotbe anexaggerationtothinkthatMr.Routledgewouldhaveinhis upcoming schedule of activities to visit Guyana’s churches, mandirs, and mosques to sell the wonders of ExxonMobil to naïve Guyanese. There Guyanese operating on the sly marketing ExxonMobil to gullible Guyanese. In sum, the leading man from the biggest corporate exploiter of (and predatorin)Guyanaisdoingwhathewants,playingthegames thathewishes,withGuyanese Truthbetold,thereisnolimitto where Mr Routledge can go, what he can say, and what he makesithisbusinesstodo Notcontentwithcartingawaythe precious oil wealth of Guyana for a pittance, ExxonMobil’s PresidentRoutledgehasplungedintoGuyana’spolitics
According to Routledge, AFC Leader, Mr Nigel Hughes, has no conflict of interest, despite his attorneyclientrelationshipwithExxonMobil. Hugheshasanoffice inTexastofacilitateasmootherrepresentationofhisclient, ExxonMobil. Normally,suchrelationshipsposenoissue But Mr HughesisrunningforthehighestofficeinGuyana Itisa canofworms,andtheyarenotswimminginsyrup Concerns havebeenraisedinseveralquartersinGuyanaabouttheclash embodiedinthisspecificlegalrelationshipofHughes,whilehe is running for the top national leadership office Reasonable peopleandcommonsensecouldleadtooneconclusiononly: thereisaconflictofinterest Itlooksbad;itisbad Whetherin hisTexaslawoffice,orinhisGuyanaoffice,Mr Hughesand ExxonMobil’sexecutiveswouldbediscussingoil Guyanais oilandoilisGuyanapresently,andExxonMobilisinthemiddle ofboth,ifnotontop ButMr AlistairRoutledgeistellingthe world that there is no conflict The ExxonMobil Guyana Presidentissuretoknowmoreaboutoiloperationsthanmost Guyanese do, both the clean side and the dark side But no matter how much he flatters himself that he knows politics, especiallyGuyana’spolitics,allhedoesisfoolhimself
Of all the places in Guyana for Mr Routledge to go, he choosesitspolitics ThismanandthisAmericanoilcompany are so powerful that even the omnipotent Bharrat Jagdeo, Guyana’schiefpolicymakercannotlimithimastowhathedoes here, including that he removes those offending, misleading billboards Mr Routledgehasbeenashardassteelandpricklier than a porcupine on the issue of renegotiating the despicable 2016 Production SharingAgreement His company foisted thatrepugnanceuponanunsuspectingGuyana,throughthe incompetence of the APNU+AFC Coalition government. There will be no renegotiating of the 2016 contract, he thunders, and that is it, final. Notwithstanding that the contract has a clause which provides for any amendments (renegotiation, by another word) once all involved parties agreetosuchadevelopment.
Naturally,takingtheposition(noconflictofinterest)thathe doesisfavourabletoExxonMobil’sinterests Whatcouldbea better development in the local environment than to have the company’sGuyanesecounselsittinginStateHouseandcalling theshotsoneverything? Mr Routledgehaseitherexaggerated hisintelligence,orcontemptuouslydismissedthatofGuyanese This is inevitable when the government of the day meekly surrenders to an invading superpower like ExxonMobil Whennationalleadersexistinvirtualsubjectiontosomeone possessing the arrogance of Routledge. He empowers himselftotakeadeepdiveintodomesticmatters,withouta caretolocalsensitivities,withnonemoresensitivelypoised thannationalpolitics. Mr Routledgeisnowonrecordwith his“noconflictofinterest”creativity,whileMr Hugheshad hisownconcoctionwithanoilandgascommittee. Whathe wants Guyanese to believe is that he will divest himself of theimmenseoilportfolio. Thisismoreembarrassingthan hishilarious34-seatinnovationduringthelastelections. He represents ExxonMobil (counsel), he represents himself (ambitions). WhobestrepresentsGuyana’spatrimony?
DEAREDITOR, Ihavenotbeenawriterto yourlettercolumnsbutwith the sordid allegations of f
y allegedly involving Officers at the level of Assistant C
Guyana Police Force coupledwithwhatappearsto metobeablatantattemptto shield an Assistant Commissioner,Iamurgedto makeafewcommentsonthe releases from the Police Force.
Last week, we were told through social media and regular media houses that following these allegations, the top level of the Force wouldberotated.
The name ofAssistant Commissioner Brutus was mentioned to be removed from “Administration” and to take command of the Special Branch (note: he is not an acting Deputy Commissioner The Police Service Commission never appointed him)
Two other changes were announced I made a comment in Facebook that rotation of ranks was intended to expose those in junior positions who need exposure and training as they rise in the organization and that Officer’s rightful position was to be sent home, with or without payment, pending the outcome of the criminal investigation andanysubsequentcourse of action Special Branch
is not a dumping ground andistoosensitiveanarea to place an Officer facing a serious criminal investigation
This week, we are l e a r n i n g t h a t t h e
suspected Assistant
Commissioner was requesting permission to proceed on Annualised Vacation Leave or AVL (as we called it) with immediate effect “to f a c i l i t a t e a n investigation”
My understanding is t h a t t h e r e q u i s i t e permission was granted by the Commissioner through the prescribed procedure
I was left to wonder whether the Public
Service Commission (PSM) and the Police Service Commission were approached because AL would have been granted by PSM provided that the member of the Force had no disciplinary or other matter pending
Approval for AVL by
P S M t h r o u g h t h e Ministry of Home Affairs for Officers, Inspectors and Other Ranks always statedthatprohibition
The investigation surrounding the Assistant Commissioner would fall under ‘or other matter pending’.
Therefore, the correct procedure would have been to relieve the Officer of his responsibilitiesandsendhim
homeonleave. AVL is not available to him. How long would the investigation last, and what happens if the Officer’s leave expires before the c o n c l u s i o n o f t h e investigation, would he be allowed to resume duty? He might have accumulated leave for a very long period but that is another issue which PSM would have to address.
It becomes obvious that the administration of the Guyana Police Force seems to be employing twodifferentstandards
Deputy Commissioner Paul Williams was sent off the job shortly after the new administration took office No reason hasbeengivenneitherare w e a w a r e o f a n y infraction committed by him
I n t h e c a s e o f
Assistant Commissioner
Calvin Brutus, for months now, there were members of the Force
leaking information
a b o u t h i s a l l e g e d mismanagement of the Police Welfare Fund and the Police Credit Union, both previously and carefully managed by s u c c e s s i v e Commissioners of Police to ensure that the welfare of Other Ranks (ORs) could be addressed through loans from either facility
T h e P o l i c e
administration seemed to be both deaf and blind to what was taking place under their nostrils.
Today, following public exposure, Brutus is allowed to apply for AV L w h i l e u n d e r investigation for alleged financialimpropriety
I trust that better judgment prevails and that the proper agencies be consulted in order to effectively manage the Brutuscase
The question I must now ask is what is the reason for this apparent ‘soft peddling’ by the Force Administration with this Brutus case He should have been sent off the job since the Force made its first press release instead of giving him the option to apply forAVL Is Brutus alone in this
‘higher ups’? Only time will tell but my major
enable ORs to access
WinstonFelix, Retired Commissioner ofPolice
DEAREDITOR, O n W e d n e s d a y afternoon, the life of 14year-old Joel Adams was snuffed out, while attending a swimming programme at theAquaticCentre.
These days citizens can hardly have faith in official reports coming from the GovernmentMinistries.The focus of this letter points to the sanctity of all lives. The report from the responsible agency is the old, as we say, cock and bull story, and I hope that a proper and full inquiry would be conducted to ascertain the cause and
p e r s o n o r p e r s o n s responsible for this young man’s untimely death
The report states that there wasanurse-isthisnursean official part of the learn to swimprogramme?
Second, one must assume that protocol demandsacertainnumberof certified and therefore alert and competent lifeguards to manage the number of trainees in the pool at any giventime.
Ev er y lif eg u ar d everywhere is trained to perform CPR and First-Aid. Wasthisdonewhileawaiting
Dear Editor, it is unnecessaryformetogointo moredetails,savetosay,that if the above basics were not employed,wearelookingat a clear case of criminal negligence.
Of course, the postmortem should provide sufficient data for the authorities to proceed with. May I add this caveat, if the Government is persuaded andtheyshouldbe,toholda proper inquiry, the Terms of Reference should not prevent the person or Commission conducting the
inquiry to disallow them fromcallingasawitness,the responsible person (s), including the Minister to assist in the conduct of the inquiry
In our society, Ministers are like the ubiquitous Monarchs, taking credit for everyprojectdone. Alllives matter
Dear Editor, I hope that you and others will join in a requestorrathertodemanda full investigation into the death of this 14-year-old youngster.
HamiltonGreen Elder
DEAREDITOR, I am compelled to expressmydeepconcernand alarm regarding the potential candidacy of Mr Hughes for the highest office in the land As a citizen of Guyana, I am duty-bound to speak out against this individual’s campaign bid, given their questionable track record and lack of commitment to the well-beingofournation
Mr Hughes’ history of prioritizing personal interests over the nation’s progressisamatterofpublic record. His actions, or lack thereof, have contributed significantlytothecountry’s stagnation in the 21st century It is alarming to thinkthatsomeonewithsuch a history could be entrusted with the responsibility of leadingourcountry
One of the most egregious examples of his disregard for the rule of law and democratic principles was the decision to take the matter of the no-confidence motion to the courts which eventually ended at the highest court in the region, arguing that 33 is not the
majority of 65. This move was a blatant attempt to subvertthewillofthepeople and cling to power at all costs The international communitywasleftaghastat this brazen display of disregard for democratic norms, and our nation was left to suffer the consequences of this embarrassment.
Furthermore, his recent indication of “client first then country”isastarkreminderof hisself-servingagenda,which isantitheticaltotheprinciples ofpublicservice Thisattitude is a clear indication that he would prioritize personal interests over the welfare and interests of the nation and its people
Guyana is on track to becoming a global player, garnering international attention and investments In light of this, it is even more imperative that we reject Mr Hughes’bidforthepresidency oranypublicoffice Wecannot afford to go back to the dark daysofpoliticalmanipulation and stagnation We deserve a leader who will put the interests of Guyana and its
Americans have an important choice to make in November
DEAREDITOR, There have been lots of discussion regarding the suitability of President Joe Biden to run for office for a second term, especially following the recent televiseddebatewithformer PresidentDonaldTrump.
Biden for his part has shownnoinclinationtostep asideintherace.
It is my view that experience and content is more important than delivery I think President Bidenhasdoneagoodjobin his articulation of a vision fortheAmericanpeople.
My respectful view is that age should not be the overriding consideration. In any event, his political rival
doesnothaveanyparticular claim to youth nor experience.
The American people have an important choice to make this coming Novemberwhichcouldvery wellbeadefiningmomentin Americanpolitics.
people above their own personal ambitions We must learnfromthemistakesofthe pastandensurethatourleaders are held accountable for their actions As we approach future elections, it is crucial that we, as citizens, remain vigilant and informed about the character and track record of those seeking publicoffice.
We must not forget the lessons of the past and the harm that Mr Hughes’ actions have caused our nation. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that our elected representatives prioritize the greater good and work towards the betterment of our country, rather than pursuing personalinterests.
I urge your readers to exercise their democratic right and carefully consider the implications of electing Mr Hughes to any public office. It is our duty to protect the integrity of our democratic institutions and thewell-beingofournation.
DEAREDITOR, It was through a casual conversationwithafriendof mine who works at the nation’s largest referral hospital,GeorgetownPublic Hospital Corporation (GPHC) that I discovered that Doctors are issued a contractthatgivesaflatrate of $4000 for an “On-call shift”.
This is a shift that is activated either every 3 to 5 daysperweek,dependingon the department and the numberofavailabledoctors. This equates to an On-Call Medical Doctor working an additional16hoursperweek at minimum However, under the Labour Act, any hours of work beyond the legislated40hoursperweek (no more than 5 days) is required by law to be
The$4000for16hoursis equivalent to approximately G$250 per hour, which is belowwhatwouldhavebeen the hourly overtime rate using a doctor’s current salary I am of the view that this can create a steady pipeline for doctors to go into private practice and starve or critically affect the quality of care at our public healthinstitutions.
Maybe, the critics may say Doctors are not entitled toovertime,becauseoftheir seniority And if so, surely theallowanceamountcanbe revisited as the current arrangement seems unacceptable, illegal and quitefranklydisrespectfulto the people we entrust with saving our lives Surely, being away from their
families and working longer hours should be valued and compensateddifferently.
Medical Doctors have taken an oath to serve.They cannotprotestbutitdoesnot mean that they should be treatedlightly,ortheirrights trampledupon.
I am hopeful that the Minister of Health and the management of the nation’s largest referral hospital will takeboldstepsandadvocate for the improved well-being ofthenation’sdoctors.After all, we are and have always been a resource-rich nation. Of the $129.8 billion that was budgeted for the continued transformation of the health sector, let us not forget those who must deliverthecare.
Regards, CBS
- family offering $100,000 reward for his return
A 73-year-old man was reportedmissingonTuesday aftergoingonaroutinewalk and had not returned home sinceMondayafternoon.
The man is identified as Harpaul Dhanpaul also known as ‘Snapper’, a retired fisherman of Better Hope North, East Coast Demerara (ECD) His family is seeking urgent assistanceinlocatinghim.
Speaking with Kaieteur News, Dhanpaul’s daughter, Felicia said her father was last seen wearing grey short pants only He was not wearing any footwear at the time.
AccordingtoFelicia,her fathergoesonhisdailywalk in the afternoons around 16:00hrs to the seawall and returnshomeanhourlater
“He left home since Monday night and never returned home back,” she said.Thedaughterdisclosed that her father is generally healthy but sometimes forgetsthings.
The pensioner was reported missing at the SparendaamPolicestation.
Meanwhile, Felicia is offering a reward to anyone who can locate her father, “deadoralive”.Personswith information are being asked
Six-year-old Jeremiah Gustavewhowasshotinhis head on Tuesday at Charles Street, Charlestown remains on life support at the GeorgetownPublicHospital Corporation(GPHC).
His mother, Keisha Gustave, told Kaieteur News that the lad underwent a secondsurgeryonThursdayas doctors try their best to stabilisehiscondition
The distraught mother told this publication that at the time of the incident, she heard sounds in the community, which she assumed were firecrackers. The woman was outside at her stall frying chips and chickenforhersonwhenshe heard the sounds coming from the bakery and soon realized that they were gunshots The boy was discovered shot moments later “I turned to take out something from the fridge and then I starting hearing him saying mommy, mommy, mommy, so I say mawn, just now you’ll get
your thing… but something tell me to turn around and when I turn, there’s when I seeheheaddownwithblood all over,” the distraught motherrecounted.
Keisha said she learnt thattheshotsweremeantfor amanbythenameof‘Crab’. He was standing near the bakery when the suspect arrived on a motorcycle and started firing shots The woman alleged that ‘Crab’ fired back shots in her directionandbelievesthatit wasabulletfromhisgunthat struckherchild.
Jeremiah was rushed to the hospital where he underwent emergency surgery on his arrival and was placed on a life support machine. His mother said that the doctors have given him 48 hours to show signs ofimprovement.
Keisha said that she was later told that the “doctors foundalotoftissues.”
“They find a lot of fluid andaportionofbloodclotto the side of his head, and
Area where the boy was shot
waterisdrainingoutfromhis head,”shetoldKaieteurNews whileadding,“Presently,right now,heisstillcritical Heain’t catchheselftosayhecoulddo anything on his own; he remainsunconscious Iamnot getting any response from him,”
Meanwhile,policearestill onthehuntforthesuspect(s) Accordingtotheirreports,the incident occurred at around 19:45hrs At that time, a man who was riding a black motorcycle approached the stallwithaguninhishand The rider reportedly fired four rounds in the direction of ‘Crab’, a man who was standing next to the mother andherchild,policesaid
‘Crab’ immediately fled the scene as the gunshots weredischargedbutthechild was struck. He fell on the g r o u n d a n d w a s subsequently picked up by hismotherandrushedtothe hospital. Police discovered two9mmshellsatthescene. Investigations are ongoing.
Is there a bigger reject in Guyana than Jagdeo?
His own people are abandoning him, getting ready to reject him again!
Is there a man who has recycled himself more than Jagdeo?
From minister to policymaker to oil leader…
Jagdeo has recycled himself more than old clothes!
But this is the man talking about rejects and the recycled!
Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs
Anil Nandlall SC announced onWednesday that restorative justiceunitswillbeestablishedthroughoutthecountry
The AG was at the time addressing judges, magistrates and other judicial officers on the second day of the Conference on Criminal Justice Reform at the Marriott HotelinKingston,Georgetown.
During the session, AG Nandlall underscored the importanceofthemechanisminconflictresolution.
He noted that restorative Justice is an alternative approach that seeks to repair harm by providing opportunitiesforthevictimandperpetratortocommunicate about and address their needs in the aftermath, in a way that promoteshealing,accountability,andunderstanding
According to Nandlall, although restorative justice is now being introduced formally into the legal systems of the Caribbean, “forms of dispute resolution mechanism existed withinourcommunitiesdatingbackseveralgenerations.”
“[They existed] in particular, in our rural communities. Inthesecommunities,theywerealwayscommunityleaders, most times the elders, who would mediate disputes and attempt to reconcile differences arising between persons in the communities. For example, in the Indo-Guyanese community, there was the Panchayat system which is a mechanismforthepeacefulsettlementofdisputes,inherited fromIndia.
A similar system existed in the Afro-Guyanese community with elders, religious leaders and community leaders presiding. The same has always obtained in the AmerindiancommunitieswiththeToshaoorvillagecaptain andacouncilofleadersorcouncillorsplayingthatrole,”the AGpointedout.
HenotedthattheGovernmenthasalreadytakenstepsto establish within the criminal justice system, units with ProbationDepartmentslocatedacrossthecountry
TheAGexplainedthattheProbationDepartmentsholda strategicplaceintheestablishmentoftherestorativejustice unitsince,thedepartmentsfallundertheMinistryofHuman Services. He explained that the Probation Departments enjoyafunctionalrelationshipwiththecourtsystemsacross thecountry,inparticular,theMagistrates’Court.
“In collaboration with that Ministry, I am in the process ofattachingaRestorativeJusticeUnitwithineachProbation Department situated across the length and breadth of Guyana…Each Probation Department will also offer restorative justice services. There are striking similarities between restorative justice and the services offered by probationofficers.SoIhopethattherewillbegreatsynergy inthedeliveryoftheseservices,”Nandlallannounced.
He continued: “Through our religious leaders and teachers, we plan to introduce forms of restorative justice into the school system... In the hinterland regions of our country, we have trainedToshaos who are the leaders in the Amerindian communities. We have also trained a cadre of trainers who are certified and qualified to continue these training programmes.” Admittedly however, the AG said there is a need for more public education and public awareness to promote the concept. “Those manning the legal system must also encourage the process,” Nandlall said. It is against this backdrop that the Legal Affairs Minister said that a number of training sessions to prepare the system in Guyana to administer and apply restorative justice have been held. The training targeted judges, magistrates, prosecutors, police officers, prison officers, probation officers and community leaders across all the RegionsofGuyana.
Intermsofimplementation,theAGassertedGuyanaisa vast country with the bulk of its population living along the coast. He noted however, a significant portion of the population also reside in far flung communities in our hinterlandregions.“Implementingrestorativejusticeacross the country is therefore a massive undertaking,” the AG outlined.
The Constitution serves as the supreme law of the land It outlines the fundamental principles and established precedents accordingtowhichastateis governed Any deviation from its stipulations is not only a legal infraction but also an affront to the democratic ideals it embodies.
In this context, it is shocking that someone who has served as President of Guyana for 12 years is not aware that it is mandatory underthelawsofGuyanafor theretobeaSecretarytothe Cabinet. The failure of the PPP/Cgovernmenttherefore to not appoint or have appointed a Secretary to the Cabinet represents a violationoftheConstitution ofGuyana.
Article 117 of the Constitution states as
follows:“(1)Thereshallbea Secretary to the Cabinet whose office shall be a public office (2) The Secretary to the Cabinet, whoshallhavechargeofthe Cabinet office, shall be responsible in accordance with such instructions as may be given him or her or her by the President, for arranging the business for, and keeping the minutes of, the Cabinet and for conveying the decisions of the Cabinet to the appropriate person or authorityandshallhavesuch other functions as the Presidentmaydirect. The language of the Constitution is clear It says there“shallbe”not“maybe” aSecretarytotheCabinet.
Since the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) assumed office in 2020, this position has
remained vacant The implications of this oversight are far-reaching. This failure also raises serious questions about the commitment of the current administration to upholding theConstitution.
When he was asked on Thursday last about the government’s nonappointment of both the SecretarytotheCabinetand of the Head of the Presidential Secretariat, VicePresidentJagdeogavea moststrangeanswer Hesaid that it is the President who hastodecideonthestructure oftheOfficeofthePresident and that there is nothing ‘magical’abouthavingthose posts.Thatlatterreferenceto nothing magical sounded much like if the Vice President was having a Bidenmoment.
The Vice President’s
Wha dis country come to? Imagine, people now resorting to tiefing dog food. Yes, yuh hear right. Not steak, not chicken, but dogfood.Andnoteventhe high-classdogfood,butde cheapest one yuh could find. De lowest grade. De kinda dog food yuh wouldn’t even give yuh neighbour’s bad-tempered pitbull.
Man walk up to a dog foodstand.Pickupapacket of dog food and walk off. De seller look confused. Now,yuhgottaaskyuhself, isdiswherewereach? Back in de day, tiefing was a serious ting. People would tief money, gold, even a man’s woman. But now,wetiefingdogfood.Is wha really happenin’? Is
De cost of living sky high Bread price up Vegetables,fruitsandmeat pricegoneup.Peoplecan’t afford to buy a lil piece a snapper fuh de pot. But when yuh see man tiefing dog food, yuh know things realbad.
De politicians dem in dem big house eatin’fancy meals. Meanwhile, people outside can’t afford a lil packabiscuit.Anddembig boys in dem big cars, driving pass de man who just tief a pack a dog food. Yuh think dem care? Not onebit.
De situation getting worse. People losing hope. De only ting dat keeping some people going is de laughter. And even dat
getting scarce. But when yuh see dem tiefing dog food, yuh gotta laugh. If not,yuhgoncry
We need change. We needleaderswhocare.Not justfuhdemself,butfuhde people. De real people. De people who can’t afford to buyalilpackadogfood.
So, Dem Boys seh, if yuh see somebody tiefing dog food, don’t laugh too hard Understand de struggle Understand de p a i n A n d m o s t importantly, understand dis:Guyananeedachange. A real change. Before we enduptiefingfromdedogs.
Dat’sallfuhnow.Keep safe. And keep yuh dog foodclose.Yuhneverknow whomightneeditnext. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
answer to the reporter’s question implied that both positionsweresubjecttothe discretion of the President. He is wrong of course. The post of the Head of the Presidential Secretariat may bediscretionarybutthepost ofCabinetSecretaryisnot.It is not up to the President to decide whether there should beaSecretarytotheCabinet; this is a mandatory and the positionisapublicoffice.
The Constitution does not grant the President the discretion to forgo the appointment of a Secretary totheCabinet.Thisposition is not optional; it is a mandatorypublicoffice.
The Vice President should recall his tenure as Presidentduringwhichtime there was a Secretary to the Cabinet.
Duringthattimealsothe thenSecretarytotheCabinet held regular, almost weekly, post-Cabinetpressbriefings. This too highlights the importanceoftherole.These briefings were a key aspect of informing the public about the decisions and deliber
government The current administration’s failure to appoint a Secretary to the Cabinetnotonlyviolatesthe Constitution but also deprives the public of essential insights into the workings of their government.
This situation cannot be allowed to persist The Constitution of Guyana is clear, and the government must act in accordance with itsprovisions.
The rule of law is the foundation of any democracy,andadherenceto the Constitution is nonnegotiable The President must explain this oversight and take immediate steps to rectify it by appointing a SecretarytotheCabinet.
It is understood that concerned citizens are considering legal action to compel the government to fulfill this constitutional requirement. Such a move, thoughnecessary,shouldnot be required in a functioning democracy
The government should not have to be forced by the courts to adhere to the
Constitution;itshoulddoso willinglyandpromptly
T h e P P P / C administration has a duty to the people of Guyana to govern in accordance with thelaw
The failure to appoint a Secretary to the Cabinet is a breachofthisdutyandmust beaddressedimmediately
The President must provide a clear and honest explanationforthefailureto appoint a Secretary to the Cabinet. The eyes of the nation are on the President and his administration. It is time to act decisively and restore the integrity of the government by appointing a SecretarytotheCabinet.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
When I first heard that is, Jagdeo realizes that the Government into such a that threaten his hold on political leader recalled the PPP General Secretary, political tide has turned national monstrosity that he power The last word is that from under his national Dr Bharrat Jagdeo uttered against him. It originates left theAmericans no choice Bharrat was the biggest tombstone and recycled into the words “rejects and from the formidable North but to get rid of him reject in 2015 The the national government of gun and trying to cover his recycled” the initial reaction face of the most demanding Monstrosity was the word Americans had had enough the Guyanese people? It is once again exposed derriere wasthathewastalkingabout presence in this hemisphere. used by a top European of his guile and goofing off not President IrfaanAli It is bybrandingpoliticalarriviste himself He was not But being Jagdeo, and diplomat during his time on the job, while making an not anybody but at first Nigel Hughes and others as Realization came quickly despiteknowingthat“rejects here It wasn’t the infernal nuisance and rejected Bharrat Jagdeo in “rejectsandrecycled ’ Ithink that the good doctor was and recycled” is part of his American, Excellency Brent embarrassment of himself. 2015, and the now recycled that this time around, Jagdeo reaching into his political past and very much an Hardt, who had the rare Hisendlesslitanyofpostures BharratJagdeoin2020 Like knows that it is more than his scrapbook to deliver a integralaspectofhispresent, fortune (or misfortune, and actions that couldn’t add alotofpeople,theAmericans losing an election that is at trouncing blow at an old and he still had to derogate depending on how others up even in primary school fell for his promises on the stake He could be losing his
once fearsome political political opponents, not decide about these things) of mathdidhiminandsenthim f
freedom and all that he warhorse from the PNC, Mr caring that he showed how beingonthereceivingendof into the political wilderness. Guyana’s massive oil wealth, worked so hard for over the Aubrey Norton and a new desperateheis. a canine outburst in his Based on the history of and (this is the crucially years I am not overly and even more feared AFC I encourage my fellow official residence, believe it Guyana’s recent electoral determiningfactor)hissworn
leader who answers to the Guyanese to walk with me or not, and not from some politics,minusthelastcircus commitments to keep his leadershipinnovations,asthe handle of C A Nigel just a few short years back. inebriated PPP madmen, but season, Jagdeo stands as a recycled PPP squeaky clean Americans have a fondness Hughes, Esq There is It is not memory lane, it is two stone cold sober PPP reject, and whether he looks onthecorruptionfront Truth for individualism of a certain nothing honorary about his Jagdeo’s lane. There was women. It was a series of left or right, he cannot get be told, apparently the kind Just don’t let it be the academic parchment. Still, May 2015, and as much as it developments of not so away from that political recycled and reborn Jagdeo kind that involves going back Jagdeo is playing a game of was the rise of a onetime public vintage that marked imprisonment record. As fellvictimtoacoldfront,and on word given and making boomerang with “rejects and officerandgentlemannamed Jagdeo, the real power usual, I should be remiss in it was not the COVID 19 damn fools of the white men recycled” for both of those David Granger, it was also a behind the hobbled Donald my duty to an errant smaller virus (though the Americans and women on Duke Street words represent what could rejection of Bharrat Jagdeo. Ramotar presidency, for that brother if I do not set him [secretary Blinken] found and Foggy Bottom, take off his head. Being the TherealityisthatJagdeohad same label that he now straight: he should not be ways to use that one against Washington,DC savvypoliticalanimalthathe transformed his PPP affixestopoliticalopponents talking about rejects. For him) The recycled Jagdeo Sad to say, Jagdeo may when he points a finger at wassostrickenthathelostall not know it, but he should others, an excavator of his his will and energy to run a havebeenaprophet. Rejects detritus is dug up and clean ship and keep his own and recycled once again dumped on his increasingly nose clean The Yankees points right at his profusely creasedskull. were even kind enough to sweating head. Uneasy is O n t h e i s s u e o f send him a news agency to that now unsteady, anxiety- “recycled”, Dr Jagdeo is alert him that he had to clean riddencrown. wrongagain Ifhewereareal up his act and make good on (The views expressed in doctor, he would starve for his pre-2020 elections oaths this article are those of the lackofpayingpatients,solow But temptation is a hard a u t h o r a n d d o n o t would be his professional weakness for many people to necessarily reflect the reputation Who is the best beat So, it is back to square opinions of this newspaper.) exampleinGuyanatodayofa one, with Jagdeo jumping the
After failing to complete the Bamia Primary
School on four occasions, St8ment Investment Inc , the contractor has been given an additional eight weeks to complete the construction of the $346M school in Region 10. This is according to information provided by Deron Adams, Regional Chairman of Region 10 on Friday
The construction of the school was scheduled for completionattheendofJune after missing several deadlines Adams told Kaieteur News that a meeting was held earlier in the week with a consultant working with the Regional Administration who is monitoringtheproject.
According to the Chairman, from information provided by the consultant, contract. towards completing the
However, the contractor the “contractor said he will E x p r e s s i n g h i s school. was unable to finish the finishin6-8weeks”. dissatisfaction with the This publication had project,andwas givena new
A d a m s t o l d t h i s slothfulness of the project, reported that the contract for deadline of November 2023 publication that should the Adams said it is hoped that the school was signed in to complete the works. That contractor fail to complete the school could be November 2021 with deadline also passed and the the school, no more completed soonest so as to St8ment Investment worksappearedtohavebeen extensionswillbegranted. eliminate the challenges St8mentInvestmentInc.was stalled. “If it’s not finish in that students from the Bamia incorporated in March of
D u r i n g t h e time, liquidation will start communityarefacing. 2021 and its principals are Consideration of the 2024 fromthelastduedate,which “The issue is that Rawle Ferguson and Kerwin Budget, the Minister of was the end of June 2024,” because of the distance, Bollers of Hits and Jams Education was asked by the headded. children have to walk from Entertainment along with members of the Opposition Kaieteur News had theBamiaareaallthewayto Aubrey ‘Shanghai’ Major to provide a status update on reported that the school Amelia’s Ward Primary; it is and Kashif Muhammed of the school, to which she project was expected to be a challenge for them. The the Kashif and Shanghai announced that the school completed inApril this year, delay of this school is footballtournament. will be completed for April but at the time, works were bringing more hardship on At the time of the 1,2024. only 75 percent completed. them,”heexpressed. signing, the project was Kaieteur News was St8mentInvestmentInc.was Earlier this year, $127 expected to be completed informed that as of June, formed some six months million was approved by the within 20 months, that being works were at 88 percent prior to being handed the National Assembly to go completedbyJuly2023. completed.
Three persons have been saw the same car come arrested in connection with around back going up south the murder of 28-year-old road,” she stated in the post. Shawn Simon Anthony The transwoman related that called ‘Coil Bottle’, a she approached the vehicle commercial sex worker who thrice; however, the car was shot early Thursday reportedly drove forward morning in the vicinity of every time and then speeded King Street and South Road, offbeforereturning. Georgetown. The sex worker recalled The shooting occurred at that when the vehicle about 02:00h while Simon r e t u r n e d , A n t h o n y was standing in the company approached it. “When Coil ofanothersexworkerwhena Bottle (Anthony) meet near heavily tinted silver vehicle the car, I saw the car window drove up on Croal Street. go down and gun shots was Reports are that shots were firing,” ‘Unruly Lilwattie’ fired from the vehicle in the stated. direction of the sex workers She continued, “I hold who attempted to escape. my head and start run up the However, Simon was hit in road towards ‘Pretty’ the region of his right arm (another sex worker)…I was andcollapsed. shock,traumatizedandIwas He was rushed to the screamingtomybest.” Georgetown Public Hospital The woman stated that Corporation (GPHC) where she ran to the Brickdam he was pronounced dead on Police Station, where a arrival Investigators police report was filed disclosed on Friday that one Police arrived on the scene of the suspects indicated that and found Anthony face the driver of the heavily down in a pile of blood. tinted vehicle identified only Detectives recovered a 9mm as ‘Shaggy’ had an ongoing spentshellatthescene. issue with a sex worker The The body is at the suspect reportedly told Memorial Gardens funeral investigators that after home, awaiting a postcommitting the act, he and mortemexamination(PME). ‘Shaggy’ went to purchase M e a n w h i l e , t h e food. ‘Unruly Lilwattie’, the Managing Director of the sex worker who with Society Against Sexual Anthony at the time of the Orientation Discrimination shooting posted on her (SASOD) Guyana, Joel Facebook page that she, Simpson, is calling for a Anthony and friends were swift, thorough and bias-free conductingbusinessonKing investigation. StreetandSouthRoad. “I think we (LGBT At the completion of the community) are all business, ‘Unruly Lilwattie’ devastated at the shocking who identifies as a news because it was transwoman, said that unexpected and a gruesome Anthony was standing on murder that at this stage, the King Street with her when motive of the murder is not she observed a dark silver known, it’s obvious that it tintedvehicledrivingaround was targeted but we don’t thearea. know why, I think the “Me (Unruly Lilwattie) communities are devastated, and Coil Bottle (Anthony) shockedandsaddenedbythe was standing there (and) I news,”Simpsonexpressed.
‘I was kidnapped, robbed, shot and left for dead’ by taxi
AVenezuelan woman on woman’s back in a region beforeaddingthateverytime Wednesday recounted close to her spine. Danello she asked for an update, the throwing herself into some was reportedly robbed of investigators would tell her bushes aback of Diamond, $300,000cashandaniPhone that they are still verifying to East Bank Demerara (EBD) 15ProMaxbythetaxidriver see if the information she on a rainy night after a taxi shetrusted. gavethemcheckedout. driver based at a popular city The matter was reported “They (the detectives) hotel allegedly kidnapped, at the Diamond Police were more concerned about robbed, shot and left her for Station but the suspect was my personal life, about what dead. never arrested and remains I was doing and who I was
Thewoman,identifiedas onthejobatthecityhotel. with at the hotel and even 29-year-oldDianaDanello,a “I gave them his number, tried to blackmail me. They mother of one said that the a photo of his car and even asked me questions that had gruesome attempt on her life thelocationofhisworkplace nothing to do with the case took place during the and the location where I last (translated from Spanish),” evening hours of April 10. tracked my iPhone and told the Venezuelan woman Although three months has them that the hotel have alleged. passed, the bullet is still cameras that could show As a result, the woman lodgedinthewoman’sbody them when he picked me up said was forced to flee
The other injuries she sustained during the
An x-ray seen by from the hotel but they did Guyana and return to the trauma each day The story said that night she had Kaieteur News shows that nothing (translated from Venezuela because she was woman said it was best for According to Danello, planned to party so she the bullet is lodged in the Spanish),” the woman said fearfulforherlifeandrelives hertoleaveGuyanasincethe although Alves’ murderer stacked on cash and left her suspect is free and could might not be same man who home. Her first stop was at possibly locate her and try to tried to kill her in April, she the popular hotel where she killher believes staying silent could met an acquaintance for
However, after reading result in the loss of life for dinner She then left the the news, that Evelyn Alves other women in vulnerable hotel in the taxi driver’s better known as Fabiana situations. SUV
Betancourt, a Venezuelan Recounting the She told Kaieteur News woman was found shot dead night ofApril 10 that it was not the first time on Sunday at Diamond, she Asked to recount the shetravelledwiththetaxi decided to publicise her events of April 10, Danello (Continued on page 18)
Minister of Natural separate picture of his day Resources, Vickram Bharrat and he captioned the on Friday denied allegations photos,” Best wishes to my thathewasquestionedbythe father for a speedy United States (US) Federal recovery...you have always Agents,onarrivalattheJohn been a fighter and our F K e n n e d y ( J F K ) strength. Special thanks to InternationalAirport. the US Authorities for the News of Minister kind courtesies and Bharrat’s alleged detention professionalism.” by the U S authorities
Meanwhile, Minister surfacedonsocialmediaand Bharrat through his attorney, quickly spread. Contact was Sanjeev Datadin has written made to the minister who toWoolfordcallingonhimto directed this publication to a “issue a clear, unqualified Demerara Waves article and unconditional apology whichquotedhimasdenying and retraction in a form, the allegations and stating manner and terms to be that “it was courtesies being agreed on or before the 14th extended to expedite “The reports are not true July2024at2p.m.” clearing. I was not detained and I spoke about it at the Further, the attorney said orinterrogated”. PoliceAward Ceremony this that having regard to “the Bharrat told Demerara morning. My information is gravity of the false Waves that he traveled to that it is not true alright. I allegations and the audience New York for an emergency have gone to the United to which you circulated your because his father was States and I have been Facebook post, my client is hospitalized. In the article, accompanied by protocol clearly entitled to substantial he described the Facebook peopleandsecuritypeopleas c o m p e n s a t i o n a n d post made by veteran MinisterofHomeAffairs.So reasonable legal costs, in journalist Enrico Woolford I don’t know what additiontoanapology.” as“mischievous”. arrangement they have in The letter further stated The Minister did not place but it has clearly been that, “Consequently, in directlyrespondtoanyofthe identified as not being a true addition to a draft of a clear questions posed by this characterization,”Bennsaid. and unqualified apology, I newspaper The Home Affairs am obliged to ask you to Similarly, Minister of Minister who appeared submit your proposal as to Parliamentary Affairs and agitatedbythequestionsaid, damages and costs. Failing a Governance Gail Teixeira “As far as I am concerned, satisfactory reply by the date referred the Kaieteur News that is the end of the matter and time stipulated above, I to the aforementioned unless there is something am instructed to issue a legal article. Further, contact was elsethatyouhavealright.” proceeding against you made with Home Affairs A few hours after personally In the meantime, Minister, Roberson Benn Woolford’s post, Bharrat my client reserves all his who told this newspaper that posted to his Facebook page rights.Irecommendthat,itis Minister Bharrat was not a picture of himself outside a in your best interest to seek interrogated by the U S hospital, as well as one of legaladviceinrelationtothis authorities but was extended himself and his mother correspondence and to be courtesy. outside the hospital and a guidedbythatadvice.”
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat
he country’s first oil for by the government. The data approved the award of Block S4, a but unable to reach an agreement blocks auction has been will however be shared with the shallow water portion, to with the government for various deemedan“unmitigated Ministry of Natural Resources and TotalEnergies EP Guyana B.V. in prospects should be engaged to
disaster”bythePeople’s other related agencies while consortium with Qatar Energy identify acceptable variances to the National Congress Reform interested oil companies will be International E&P LLC and terms of agreement that would (PNC/R). requiredtopayfortheinformation. Petronas E&P Overseas SDN allowworktoproceed.
During a press conference Seismic surveys can provide BHD.
“Further, rather than the hosted by the Office of the crucial information on subsurface Government said it is still in Minister having authority to Opposition Leader on Friday, the rock layers. It involves emitting negotiations with the other bidders approve operational budgets, we PNC/R’sspokesmanonoilandgas, acoustic waves, recording their on the terms of the new Production stress once more the importance of Elson Low pointed out that the reflections and measuring their Sharing Agreement (PSA), while a robust Petroleum Commission government just announced characteristics Through this others have been unable to pay the whichcanoperateatalargeenough seismicstudieswillbeconductedin technology, oil and gas companies respectivesigningbonuses. scale, and great enough level of theunawardedblocks. gainvaluableinsightsintopotential A minimum signing bonus of expertise, to ensure the smooth Low was keen to note that the reserves.
US$10 million is required for the function of the industry,” the revelation by Vice President, To this end, the Opposition oilblockslocatedinshallowwaters Opposition spokesman on oil and BharratJagdeoduringhisThursday argued that seismic studies would and US$20 million for the oil gassaid. press conference came after have allowed bidders to access blocksinthedeeperwater
Opposition spokesman on oil and gas, Elson Low
He argued, “The PPP and government hurriedly launched the much more detailed information Low believes the sizing of the Jagdeo must not be allowed to treat country’s maiden bid round last abouteachblock. blocks, coupled with government’s Guyana’sremainingoilblocks,and year in the absence of seismic As such, Low told reporters, lack of capacity to approve budgets any acreage which is relinquished
Consequently,Lownoted,“The studies. “ T h e r e w a s t h e r e f o r e for the oil companies and the fiscal in the future, as personal property result of this is that the Cabinet has
Last week, the VP revealed, understandable surprise when the terms in the new PSAhave resulted This attitude has set any oil struggled to finalize agreements “We have gone out for an government decided to push inthe“hit-or-miss”intheauction. production in these blocks back by with companies to begin work on expression of interest for 3D- forward with the auction without H e s a i d , “ W i t h o u t several years and as a result, may theseblocks.” seismic studies. We went (at) the the needed studies. Now, like a comprehensive seismic studies and cost the country billions of dollars
The Opposition believes that a last auction without any 3D- childwhorantoplaywithoutdoing large enough blocks to allow in deferred revenue at best and thorough review of any oil block seismic so we didn’t had much data his homework, Jagdeo has to go companies access to more than one investor interest altogether at that may be auctioned in the future fortheareas.Sowhenyouhaveless right back to conduct the very type of oil prospect, as has been the worst.” must be conducted, in concert with data, people don’t put in great bids seismicstudiesheneglected.” convention with Guyana’s oil
Low was keen to note that there seismicstudiestoensuretheblocks because they don’t know what is Guyana’s maiden auction blocks, these strict terms were may be billions of barrels of oil in are proportioned accurately to there,theycan’tinterpretthedata.” launched in December 2022 bound to turn investors away from the remaining offshore oil acreage attractinvestment. Jagdeo said 3D-seismic may be featured 14 blocks but only eight the start, and lead to endless which underscores the crucial need
Meanwhile, Low also opined conducted for the unallocated received bids. In May this year, VP negotiations with those who were for the country’s national assets to thatcompanieswhichareinterested areas;however,thiswillnotbepaid Jagdeo announced that Cabinet braveenoughtostaythecourse.” bemanagedprudently
Mobile Money Guyana (MMG), on Friday said, it is set to transform the business landscape with its seamless API integration for digital payments As businesses increasingly rely on online transactions, MMG’s API offers a secure, fast, and convenient solution for merchants and web developers.
Mark Singh, CEO of MMG, said, “By integrating fraud and building trust businesses to tailor the with MMG, businesses can betweenbusinessesandtheir payment experience to
e n s u r e i m m e d i a t e customers. By tapping into match their needs and transaction processing, MMG’s extensive network customerpreferences. which improves cash flow ofusers,businessescanopen Monitoring and support and operational efficiency their services to a wider are available around the Additionally, the integration audience, increasing their clock, ensuring optimal enables a smoother, quicker customerbase,”saidSingh. performance and prompt checkout process, reducing MMG’s API is designed resolution of any issues. cart abandonment and for straightforward Businesses can also leverage increasingconversionrates.” implementation, allowing MMG’s analytics and Singh said customers businesses to get up and reporting tools to gain will benefit from broader running with minimal insightsintopaymenttrends, payment options as they can development time With customer behaviour, and pay using their mobile access to comprehensive transaction history, which wallets, enhancing their documentation, SDKs, and caninformstrategicbusiness c o n v e n i e n c e a n d developer resources, the decisions. satisfaction. integration process is MMGsaiditisthefirstin
“MMG’s robust security smooth and efficient. The Guyana to offer a local protocols ensure safe and APIalsoofferscustomizable payment processor for securetransactions,reducing payment solutions, enabling digitalpayments.
With less than a month remaining before the National Assembly goes into recess, the Government of Guyana is still aiming to pass a key piece of legislation, an Oil SpillAct, to ensure the country is protected during the transportationofcrudeoil.
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira in an interview with Kaieteur News earlier this week explained that the draft Bill is with the Attorney General and LegalAffairs Minister, Anil Nandlall S.C as the objective is to present it to the House before the ParliamentaryrecessonAugust10.
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance,
She said, “We have quite a lot of Bills to trytobringbeforewegointorecessandthatis HousecanpushtheBillthroughoneSittingif oneofthemthatisstillindraftbutisnotready there is an urgency to do so, as the Standing yetforParliament.” Orderspermitthis.
Asked whether the law could still be Government has been accused in the past passed before the recess, Teixeira explained, ofrushingthroughkeypiecesoflegislationto “Yeah,wehaveanumberofBills,wehaveto manage the burgeoning petroleum sector. In pass before recess. There are some that will 2021, the government moved to the National have to layover to October and we’ll have to Assembly on December 16 to table the make judgments based on the urgency or the National Resources Fund (NRF) Bill to requirements.The oil spill one is one that has managethecountry’soilmoney many interests and so I’m sure that once it’s That Bill was later debated and passed in ready and it has passed the Cabinet review the House on December 29. The government anditfulfillswhatwewantitto,thenitwillbe ignoredcallsfortheBilltobesenttoaspecial tabled.” selectcommitteetoscrutinizeandrefinethe Moreover, she made it clear that the (Continued on page 17)
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In the matter of Parcel 1307, being portion of provisional Parcel 273 Plantation Friendship, Land Registration Block No. XXVIII, Zone: East Bank Demerara, in the County of Demerara, Guyana, containing an area of 0.1617 of an acre, as shown on a plan conducted by Chandi Mahipaul, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated the 9th day of July, 2015 and recorded in the Guyana of Lands and Surveys Commission on the 10th day of July, 2015 and numbered 62079. -and- In the matter of an Application by JAIRAM BABICHAND and BISSOONDAI DEVI PERSAUD.
First ) Second ) PUBLICATIONThird )
Jairam Babichand and Bissoondai Devi Persaud both of Lot 31 Friendship, East Bank, Guyana, has presented a Petition for Declaration of Title to the property described in the Schedule hereto. Any person intending to oppose the said petition must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first Publication of this Notice File in the Registry of Court in the City of Georgetown Demerara, Notice of his Opposition and An Affidavit or Affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy thereof upon the said Jairam Babichand and Bissoondai Devi Persaud. Georgetown, Demerara
This 22nd day of May, 2024
“Parcel 1307, being portion of provisional. Parcel 273 Plantation Friendship, Land Registration Block No. XXVIII, Zone: East Bank Demerara, in the County of Demerara, Guyana, containing an area of 0.1617 of an acre, as shown on a plan conducted by Chandi Mahipaul, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated the 9th day of July, 2015 and recorded in the Guyana of Lands and Surveys Commission on the 10th day of July, 2015 and numbered 62079”
The address for service of the Petitioner is at the Chambers of Mr. Donavon A. Rangiah, Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioner of and whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana.
NOTICE that on the 7th day of March, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by SHERRYANN YOLANDA DRAKES nee JOSEPH the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 14th day of June, 2024 the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Guyana and on the Worldwide Web (Online).
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorneyat-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is refixed for Directions Hearing on Friday the 4th day of October, 2024 at 9:15 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge via Zoom Meeting ID: 845 1426 6584 and Password: 786 445.
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High
Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is
Dated the 21st day of June, 2024.
2024-HC-DEM-CIV-FD-469 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISION PETITION NO. FD-469 BETWEEN: MOOTOO (SHIVANIE, DEVI) nee JAIRAM Petitioner -and-MOOTOO (MOHAN) Respondent TO: MOHAN MOOTOO Formerly of Lot 2 Cummings Lodge, East Coast Demerara. TAKE NOTICE that on the 26th day of March, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by SHIVANIE DEVI MOOTOO nee JAIRAM the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 20th day of June, 2024, the Petitioner was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Stabroek News, a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Guyana AND FURTHER TAKE
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown. Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are javailable at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is extended for Directions Hearing to Wednesday the 2nd day of October, 2024 at 11:30 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge via Zoom Meeting ID: 845 1426 6584 and Password: 786 445.
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 25th day of June, 2024.
Formerly of Second Street, Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo, Guyana.
TAKE NOTICE that on the 25th day of April, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by NANDI BARKER nee ODINGA the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 19th day of June, 2024 the Petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around the Republic of Guyana.
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Friday September 27th, 2024 at 1:15 pm before the Honourable Madam Chief Justice Roxane George via Zoom (Please contact the Chief Justice Chambers either by email at victorialawcourts@gmail.com or by telephone at 592-2256823 or 226-7947 extension 223/306) IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and
DPI - Fifty ranks of the Guyana Defence Force will soon be deployed to Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines under the leadership of Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Dale De Mendonca to aid in recovery efforts, following Hurricane Beryl. The troops are expected to leave as early as Sunday, July 14, and will join the eight ranks already deployed in the area of operation.
President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, during his address to the troops at Base Camp Ayanganna on Friday, urged them to execute their duties in the spirit of unity, pride, and service.
“Today, you are a representation of what the Guyana Defence Force is all about. Service to nation, service to
people, and making a difference, and that difference is a positive difference,” he said.
The troops will be tasked with rebuilding key infrastructure so that government resources and services such as health and education can be returned to meet citizen’s needs.
Building materials and other infrastructural support equipment have also been sent ahead to advance efforts in both Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
“I know the prime minister and people of Grenada are eagerly awaiting your arrival…Guyana was the first deployment to arrive in Grenada, and that support…[has] continued from then to now,” he underscored.
The president explained that Guyana’s greatest assets
are its people, who will be used to bring about positive change.
He urged the departing squad to seize the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of those in the CARICOM sister states.
The Commander-in-Chief told the troops, “Today, you take with you the love, pride, and rich tradition of what makes us Guyanese, strength of character, and a sense of purpose as you help assist the nation within CARICOM to rebuild.”
Meanwhile, Chief of Defence Staff, Brigadier Omar Khan, reminded of President Ali’s mandate that the GDF be trained not only to be soldiers, but to rebuild homes, lives and communities.
“We expect that you will play a very critical and important role as you execute your
rebuilding process. Your mission is just that. With several shuttles moving from Guyana to Grenada, the moment is now to celebrate your service as you embark on this particular mission,” Brigadier Khan said.
Hurricane Beryl has made history as the first Category four storm to form in the Atlantic Ocean in June. Hours after making landfall on Carriacou Island in Grenada on Monday, July 1, Hurricane Beryl strengthened into a Category five storm, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.
President Ali has been serious about supporting the affected countries and has coordinated a swift response which saw several shipments of essential items being dispatched to Guyana’s sister states.
From page 2 the patients and their wellbeing at the hospital and the general accessibility to proper health care by the public. Guyana’s health system boasts five levels of health care which range from the health posts, health centres, district hospitals, regional hospitals, and the referral hospital,
Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). This system is also decentralized as decision-making is spread throughout the ten Administrative Regions which allows for less bureaucracy, but rather a more efficient and better health care system delivery for better health outcomes.
“We, therefore, call on the Minister of Health
to immediately launch an investigation into this matter and to quickly make public its findings along with all corrective measures taken.
We proffer that if the trend of neonatal deaths continue, Guyana may fall short of reaching the Sustainable Development Goal 2030 of having at most (least) 12 deaths per 1000
live births.
We will continue to demand and agitate for a robust and committed workforce, the acquisition of adequate drugs and medical supplies based on patient intake, and good leadership and management for the providers and users of the health facility,” Dr. Cummings said.
From page 15 proposed law. This led to the famous ‘Mace’ episode in the National Assembly that later triggered a Court matter on the validity of the passage of the Act.
The new Oil Spill Law according to Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo will cover Guyana from “all sorts of liabilities”. He explained, “We have been working to have legislation in place, and those will come probably before the
8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 27th day of June, 2024.
next recess to cover all sorts of liabilities.
A law in place like they have in the US and some other countries that will cover also transportation because we have more crude being transported in our jurisdiction so it’s not just liabilities of the oil companies but transport companies, etcetera and that’s been in the works a long time so that we can protect this country.”
The updated Petroleum Activities Act passed in the National Assembly in August last year does not address such events.
Presently, Guyana is producing more than 640,000 barrels of oil per day in the prolific Stabroek Block, operated by US oil major, ExxonMobil.
Aljazeera-Thebodiesof dozens of Palestinians have been retrieved from the Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood after Israeli forces withdrew from parts of Gaza City, Palestinian rescue workers havesaid.
“The Gaza civil defence teams moved in to rescue survivors They found dozens killed. Most of those killed are families, women, and children. Some bodies wereeatenbydogs,”Gaza’s civil defence spokesperson Mahmoud Basal said on Friday “At least 60 bodies were counted. Some bodies were buried on the spot. Others were taken to nearby hospitals.”
Israeliforceshadentered theneighbourhoodthisweek after ordering civilians to evacuateonMonday
“Many bodies are still undertherubble.
The Israeli forces are stationed nearby and the rescueeffortsareinterrupted regularly,”Basalsaid.
The discovery has come after Israeli forces withdrew from Gaza City’s Shujayea
neighbourhood On Thursday, Basal said civil defence teams recovered dozensofbodiesfromthere,
as well, adding that the neighbourhood has become u n i n h a b i t a b l e
“Documented testimonies” have been taken that Israeli forces opened fire on r e s i d e n t s i n t h e neighbourhood despite being located on designated evacuationroutes,hesaid.
Home to more than a quarter of Gaza’s residents before the war, Gaza City was largely razed to the ground in late 2023, but hundreds of thousands of Palestinians had returned to homes in the ruins before Israel once again ordered themtoleave.
Hamas, the Palestinian group that governs Gaza, accused Israeli forces of “atrocities” and called for international accountability
In a statement, the group accusedIsraelofcommitting “heinous abuses” in Gaza City
“The atrocities revealed aftertheterroristoccupation army’s withdrawal from Tal al-Hawa in southwest Gaza City, after days of incursion and intense bombing that targeted all aspects of life, are war crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing,” Hamassaid.
It called on the UN and international community to takeimmediatestepstoenda “war of extermination” that Israel is waging against Palestinians.
As Israeli forces step up attacksinGaza’snorth,they have also continued targeting areas in the besiegedenclave’ssouth.
In Khan Younis, an Israeli air raid killed at least four aid workers from UK humanitarian organisation Al-KhairFoundation.
They were “targeted in a distributionpointwherethey were preparing to distribute aid in Khan Younis,” Al Jazeera’s Hind Khoudary, reporting from Deir elBalah,said.
“Al-Khair Foundation hasbeenworkingintheGaza Stripsincedayone,tryingto provide people with food assistance, and with a lot of other commodities, and we lostanotherfouraidworkers today,”Khoudarysaid.
This is not the first time that Israeli forces have targetedaidworkers.
In April, seven people working with the United States-based NGO World Central Kitchen (WCK)
‘I was kidnapped, robbed,
Frompage13 driverbecauseshefrequents thehotel.
“He was always neatly dressed and acted in a professional manner (translated from Spanish),” the woman said while relating that, she trusted the taxibaseatthehotelbecause it was like an executive service.
On April 10, however, the taxi driver reportedly turned into a monster Instead of taking her to her destination, he locked the womaninanddrovehertoa lonely area aback of Diamond and turned off his carlights.
Upon their arrival there, he reportedly held her at gunpointanddemandedthat she hand over her purse and othervaluables.
Danelloclaimedthatshe hadtoldhimtotakewhathe wantsbutspareherlife.
Home to more than a quarter of Gaza’s residents before the war, Gaza City was largely razed to the ground in late 2023 [Omar Al-Qatta/AFP]
were killed in an Israeli air raidinGaza.
At the time, Israel’s militarysaidtheattackonthe WCK team’s convoy was a “gravemistake”andpledged toprotectaidworkers.
Mediatorsarestilltrying toreachaceasefiredealthat wouldfreeIsraelicaptivesin return for Palestinians jailed byIsrael.
On Friday, a senior HamasofficialblamedIsrael
for a failure to build on the momentumcreatedwhenthe groupdroppedakeydemand in the US-drafted ceasefire offeraweekagotoclearthe wayforadeal.
“Israel hasn’t given a clear stance over Hamas proposal,” the official, who asked not to be named, told the Reuters news agency, accusing Israel of “stalling andwastingtime”.
Israeli Prime Minister
BenjaminNetanyahusaidon Thursday he remained committed to the Gaza ceasefire framework and accused Hamas of making demandsthatcontradictedit, without saying what those demandswere.
Two Egyptian sources said on Thursday that talks had made progress but security arrangements and ceasefire guarantees were stillbeingworkedon.
kicks in the balls,” she recounted.
“El trata de dispararme, para matarme verdad, o sea, el me disparo verdad como dos tres cuatro veces con la pistola pero no salio nada la pistola hizo (imitates the sound the gun made) (He tried to shoot me to kill me right he tried shoot like two, three, four times but nothing came out, the gun made (imitates the sound thatthegunmade)”,shetold KaieteurNews
It could be that the gun had jammed but the woman said that she believed at the time that it did not have any bullets.
Instead of letting her go, the suspect tried to strangle herwithabelt.
“El agarro y quito la correaymeintentoahorcary bueno dios me dio fuerza y pelee con el, le di unas patadasenlasbolas(Heheld andtookoffhisbeltandtried tostranglemebutGodgave me strength and I fought with him, I give him some
He took the purse which hadherhousekeys,thecash, her ID card and some other documents along with her phone but according to the woman, it seemed as if he had no intention of letting herleavealive.
While she fought for her life, she also received some blowstoherbody Themost painful she said was to her breasts because a surgery wasperformedonthem.
During the fight for survival, the taxi driver reportedlylostachainwhich hewaswearingandforafew seconds,letgoofhertolook forit.
She recalled that he asked her where the chain was and it was that moment that she was able to escape his grip and exited the car intothepouringrain.
She recounted running a shortdistanceawayandthen turning back to confront the suspect.
The woman reportedly told the taxi driver that she knowshisfaceandwherehe works and that he won’t get awaywiththecrime.
It was at this point that manreportedlydrewhisgun again and shot at her This timethegunwentoffandshe ranforherlife.
She claimed that at the time, she did not know she washitbutitoccurredtoher that she might be unable to escapehim.
“Yometirepaelmonte(I threw myself in some bushes),” the Venezuelan woman said as she recalled seeingthetaxidriverexiting the SUV with a torchlight and searching around the area.
She reportedly remained stillinthebushesuntilhereentered the vehicle and left. She then got up and walked in the pouring rain until she met a man selling at a small standalongtheroad.
There she asked for help but the man said he had no cell phone to give her a call but advised her to wait until the rain was over for him to takehertoahospital.
Fearfulthathetoomight harm her, she continued to walkintherain.Carspassed by, she said, but she was reluctant to accept any help from the drivers. One man, however, stopped and identified himself as a policeman.
“Y me llevo a la (Diamond) police station (and he carried me to the police station)”. She said that when she arrived there, she realized that the attempt onherlifetookplaceinclose proximity to the police station.
After seeing her condition, she was advised togotoahospital.
The policeman who pickedheruptookhertothe closest hospital and she was admitted.
There she learnt that a bullet entered one of her arms and was lodged in her back.
Doctors were unable to remove the warhead.
Detectives subsequently tookastatementfromher.
Tired of the run-around and fearful for her life, Danello returned to Venezuela.
Kaieteur News contacted the police for an update but calls and WhatsApp messages went unanswered. However, this publication confirmed that the suspect, asidentifiedbyDanello,was indeed still working at the city hotel but did not show upforworkfortwodays.His co-workers said they do not knowwhereheis.
The SUV he reportedly usedonthenighttoallegedly kidnap and rob the Venezuelanwomanwasseen parkedinthehotel’sparking lot.
Coincidently,thesuspect disappearedshortlyafterthe Venezuelan woman made a Facebook post about her story
Callstohismobilephone were forwarded to his voicemail.
When she was well enoughtobedischarged,she returned to the Diamond Police Station to give an official statement She recalled that the police did all the preliminary investigations and had even taken her back to the scene but days passed and it s e e m e d a s i f t h e investigatorswerenolonger interestedinthecase.
Guyana Cricket Board
condolences to family and friendsofthelateMr.David Leon Stewart, former Guyana1stClassall-rounder of the late 60’s; who sadly passedawayonJuly3,2024. Stewart, who was born 21 July 1942, played six 1st Class matches for his country during the period of 1968-69and1969-70.
Born during Guyana’s British Colonial era, Stewart’s career bowled off at the then British Guiana Cricket Club (BGCC), later renamed the Guyana Sports Club(GSC).
During the Shell Shield era, Guyana was arguably one of the toughest sides in themixandStewartbrought some right-arm off-break
spin bowling, which complementedhisspotinthe middle-orderasabatsman.
The right-hander, who endedwithatotalof243runs also scored two First-Class class half-centuries; with a topknockof72duringhis6 gamespan.
Healsobagged7wickets during this short time, with figuresof3-30beinghisbest matchreturns.
Guyana GCB CEO Mr ClaudeRaphael,whoplayed abitofdomesticcricketwith late Mr Lewis, hailed his former teammate and friend for his passion towards cricket as well as his contributionstothelegacyof Guyana’scricket.
RaphaelalongwithGCB president Bissoondyal Singh, Secretary Ronald Williams and other executives sent their condolences to the family, friendsandCricketfraternity following the passing of theircomrade.
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.
Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.
If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.
If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.
You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a h a r d l o o k a t y o u r accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.
Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone
Frompage23 throughout the competition. A win will be worth three points, a draw earning one pointandnopointsforaloss.
Matcheswillspaneighty minutesintotal,dividedinto twoforty-minutehalves.
Following the first round,thetoptwoteamswill advance to the final, while the third and fourth-placed teams will competefor their respectivestandings.
Thetournamentkicksoff with Point Fortin Youth FootballAcademy going up against Tinto’s Sporting Academy at 3:00 p.m., followed by Guyana Jaguar facing Guyana Panther at 5:00p.m.
On July 17, Point Fortin Youth Football Academy willmeetGuyanaPantherat 3:00p m , while Guyana Jaguar takes on Tinto’s Sporting Academy at 5:00 p.m.
Moving to July 19, Guyana Panther will clash with Tinto’s Sporting Academy at 3:00p m , followed by Point Fortin Youth Football Academy against Guyana Jaguar at 18:005:00p.m.
On July 21st, the final match day, the third place playoff will be at 16:00 hrs andthe Championship game at 18:00hrs.
GFF President Wayne Forde added that “our boys from the ATC programme have already proven themselves on the national stage. This inaugural cup adds another layer, offering them a valuable opportunity to compete against their counterparts from Trinidad and Tobago, who, like our players, aspire to future international success in
seniorcompetition.”“Ihave every confidence that our two teams will proudly represent their nation on home soil.” Launched in February 2017, the ATC programme provides a structured pathway for players to progress seamlessly from grassroots to national teams across various age categories Tailored to accommodate boys and girls aged five to seventeen, the programme operates through academies within the Federation’s nine
I t h a s a l r e a d y contributedtothesuccessof junior national teams and national youth tournaments, such as the recently concluded Blue Water Shipping Under-15 Girls’ National Secondary School Championship and the Namilco Thunderbolt Flour Power Under-17 National AcademyPlayoff. Football enthusiasts are urgedtorallybehindGuyana during the inaugural Youth AcademyCup.
Pugnacious righthanded opening
batsman Patrick
Rooplall slammed a magnificent, unbeaten 148 to help Sunshine whipAces CricketClubby9wicketsin one of the 2024 Ontario
Round-Arm Softball Cricket Association
(ORSCA)/Imran Ali Real Estate test format semifinalslastSaturday
Playing at Robert Lee Public School ground in
Brampton, Rooplall clobbered 22 sixes and a four as Sunshine reached 200 in their first innings
Facing a lead of 108, Aces Cricket Club scored 138 in their second innings leaving Sunshine to get a modest 31 from the 12overs.Inthe12-oversper-aside, Sunshine caressed the targetinthesecondover Sunshine will play Pegasus today, Saturday, at the 407/Dixie ground in Mississauga in the championship game. In the other semi-final fixture, Pegasus defeated Brampton Gladiators also on Saturday gone at Hanover ground, Brampton.
trophies at stake.
The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) is set to launch its first-ever Youth Academy Cup on July 16, which will feature the nation’s top Under16 boys facing off against two youth academies from Trinidad andTobago.
Guyana will field two
teams – Guyana Jaguar and Panther – with players selected from the Academy Training Centre (ATC) programme and the Under16 National Team to competeagainstPointFortin Youth Football Academy and Tinto’s Sporting Academy
Matches will be held at the Federation’s National Training Centre in Providence, East Bank DemerarauntilJuly21.
GFF Technical Director Bryan Joseph said the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) has endorsed the participationoftheTTyouth Academies, with teams expectedtoarriveinGuyana onJuly15th.
“Overthepastfewyears, we have struggled to have our youth players play international games within these shores We have always travelled abroad to play the CONCACAF and CFU youth tournaments.As a consequence, we really have not afforded our local fans the opportunity to see our next generation of players This inaugural tournament offers that opportunity
We want to make this a successfultournamentsowe can build to accommodate more international teams fromtheregion.Wewillalso looktopossiblyexpandinto other age groups,” Joseph stated.
Atotalofeightgamesare scheduled,promisingfansan intense and competitive tournament spanning six days.
Victory Valley Royals and Block 22 Flames recorded wins as the second day in the round robin segmentoftheKevin‘2Feet’ JosephandTeam13planned
Under-23 basketball tournamentforclubteamsin L i n d e n c o n t i n u e d Wednesday night at the Amelia’sWardHardCourt.
Gameonewentdownnto thewireandtheFlameswon for their second straight victoryedgingtheirwaypast Amelia’s Ward Jets 46-45 after the scores were level, 13-13 when the first quarter endedandathalftimeasthey doubledthescoretolead,2619,whenthefirsthalfended Maintaining a grip on the
gamewastheFlamesasthey began the final quarter leading38-30beforetheJets madeagoodrunonlytolose by one point, 46-45, to the Flames Goodteamworkwas the order of the day for the Flames who were led by Royden Fraser with 12 points and received support from Kester Albert and Jonathan Clarke who had eight points apiece and JumaneReynoldschippedin withseven.
Stephan George led all scorers with 16 and Leon Benjamin 11 for the Jets team.
Game two was one whereVictoryValleyRoyals coastedtoa75-61,winover
Retrieve Raiders with Emmanuel LaRose leading theirchargewith23pointsas Kobe Tappin got 22 and Rakin McDonald netted nine.
In the losing cause Shemar Savoury had 15 points for Raiders as John Anthonyscored10andNeil Marks(Jr.)gotnine.
Tonight (Saturday) two morematcheswillbeplayed at the tournament venue in Amelia’s Ward and game one at 6.30pm is between home team Amelia’s Ward Jets and Central Mackenzie Kings and the second at 8.30pm featuring Block 22
Flames and Retrieve Raiders.
SportsMax - James Anderson took a wicket in hisfinalTestasEnglandbeat theWestIndiesbyaninnings and114runsyesterday
Theseamerwasgivenan emotionalguardofhonourat the start of the day before getting the opening wicket, butitwasGusAtkinsonwho capped an impressive debut bytakingthefinalthree.
England needed four wicketstowinaftertheWest
Indiesfinisheddaytwowith 79-6, and Anderson took little time to take his 704th and final wicket in his Test cricketcareerbybowlingout JoshuaDaSilva. Atkinson then took two more in quick succession to keep the pressure on, with only Gudakesh Motie (31) able to reach double figures as West Indies struggled to gainanymomentum.
the stars for Anderson to complete the win as Motie
chipped one back defensively, but he dropped itfromcloserangeafteronly reachingoutonehand.
With the final ball
b e f o r e w h a t w a s supposed to be a break, Atkinson got his 12th wicket of the Test, with Ben Duckett catching Jayden Seales at the boundary as the debutant
finished with 5-61 to go with his first innings of 7-45 Data Debrief: A legend bows out
Theendofaneraisupon us as Anderson bids an emotionalfarewell.
After taking one wicket in the first innings, he followed it up with three moreinthesecond,finishing with 704 in the longest format with 123 of those havingcomeatLord’s.
But Atkinson has provided hope for the future after a stellar debut which saw him finish on 12-106 over the three days - he is the first England bowler to claim 10+ wickets on debut in a home testsince1946.
He is also just the 19th maleplayertotakea10-fer on Test match debut, with his figures the fourth-best anyone has managed in theirfirstmatch
Scores: England 371 (Crawley 76, Smith 70, Root 68, Pope 57, Brook 50, Seales 4-77) beat West Indies121(Atkinson7-45) and 136 (Atkinson 5-61, Anderson 3-32) by an inningsand114runs.
Gus Atkinson picked up 12 wickets on his Test debut. (PAImages via Getty Images) (PA
Reigning Guyana Cup Champion Easy Time will be at the starting gate on Sunday, July 14 at the Port Mourant Turf Club. The high-profile horse from the Master Z Racing Stables was in full preparation modethisweekattheBush Lot racetrack in West Berbice.
According to jockey Colin Ross, Easy Time needssomeracetimebefore the Guyana Cup which is slated for August 11 at RisingSunTurfClub.
“He is not 100 percent, butwehaveafewdaysmore days(tofinetune),soweare workingonhim.”
Ross, who was the champion jockey for 2023, said his primary goal is to win. He said he will put his best foot forward to return towinningways.
“With the Guyana Cup coming up, I will push harder Theywillbealotof peoplecomingouttoseethe racesandtheprizemoneyis bigger I am pushing my bodytocomeoutontop.”
“Since 2024 started I have been doing good, but not so good (as I did last year), but from now to the end of the year, I will try to pushmyselftodobetterfor the last half of the year,” Rossexplained.
Sunday’s races meet at Port Mourant will be the final competitive preparation ahead of GuyanaCup,andallthetop horses will be out to domin
Spankhurst, Guyana Cup winnerfor2023,EasyTime, arch-rival Stolen Money, Jessica’sPride,andtheboss lady, Bossalina are among the high-profile horses confirmedforJuly14.
The provisional programme set out for the PortMourantracemeethas eightracesonthecards,and closetoG$10Mincashand prizeswillbeupgrabs.The feature race will be open to all horses running at an approximate distance of 1350 metres, where the top horsewillbagG$1.5M.
The three-year-old
Guyana and West Indiesbredhorseswillrunat1350 metres, and the top horse will be rewarded G$500,000.HorsesintheH & Lower will run at 1500 metres, and the top horse willbeawardedG$400,000. Other races on the cards include the E Class non earner last start & F and lower, the two-year-old Guyana-bred,theJ&lower, the L Open, and the J/K/L maiden.
All races will be run under the guidance of the Guyana Horse Racing Authority Rules, and races are subject to change Horseswouldneedtoshow proofofvaccinationattime ofentry EntriesfortheJuly 14 horse race meet closed onJuly8,2024.
The Port Mourant Turf Clubhorseracemeet,which was originally listed on the 2024 calendar as the CARICOM meet, is sponsored by AJM, KP J a g d e o G e n e r a l Contractors, Old Broom Lounge, Jumbo Jet Auto Sales,andCrownVibes.
Fifth-place Fruta
C o n q u e r o r s Football Club (FC) continue to struggle in the upper tier of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF)KFC Elite League Season
Six,sufferinganotherdefeat inaroundtwomatchagainst
seventh-place Den Amstel FC Meanwhile, league leaders Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Football Club impressed with a 7-0 rout of East Coast’s Buxton United FC.
The league resumed on ThursdayeveningattheGFF
National Training Centre after a brief pause. GDF FC did not disappoint, delivering exactly what the crowdcametosee.
National midfielder Kelsey Benjamin gave GDF the start they needed in the 28th minute, skillfully directing a well-placed pass into the net Obuhci Benjamin quickly followed up with an excellent finish just two minutes later, pushingthescoreto2-0.
GDF continued to dominate, with Kelsey scoring his second goal of the contest in the 35th minute. Kelsey completed his hat-trick with a magnificent strike just before halftime, increasing G D F ’ s l e a d t o a commanding4-0.
Buxton United showed some resistance early in the second half, but Lennox Young breached their defence again in the 76th minute.Atthispoint,Buxton had given up all hope, and Delroy Fraser and Shemar Scott added to their woes
Rain ruined yesterday’s match between Essequibo and the Select XI at Queen’s College.
with individual goals in the 86th and 87th minutes, respectively, securing a 7-0 victory for GDF FC. With this win, GDF maintained theirunbeatenrun,achieving their12thwinintheleague. Over in the other round twofixtures,AndreHector’s second-half brilliance led
Den Amstel FC to a 1-0 victory over Fruta ConquerorsFC.
The match was evenly matched in the first half, ending goalless as both goalkeepers made no mistakes.
Mother Nature s p o i l e d yesterday’s continuation of the GCB U17 50-Over Inter-county opening round at Queen’s CollegeGround.
EssequiboandtheSelect XI had their potential fun
ruined due to heavy overnightandearlymorning showerswhichleftthevenue waterlogged.
As a result, focus shifts to the second round which
gets underway today with likely a double-header, weatherpermitting. At Lusignan Ground all systems are a go for action today between the in-form Berbicians who will be looking to keep their streak aliveagainstatalentedSelect XI In town, Demerara will look to rebound against Essequibo at Queen’s College Ground; a game solelyreliantontheweather
Berbice warming up with a strongwinoverDemeraraat Everest Players like Romario Ramdehol, Afraz Budhoo, Romesh Bharrat and Micah Amsterdam will be keen on continuing their formfortheAncientCounty Meanwhile, Demerara stars in Vikash Wilkinson, Emmanuel Lewis, Dhanesh PersaudandArunGaindahit formandcouldlooktouseit as part of their comeback winstrategytoday
In the second half, Den Amstel looked more attacking, with Hector searchingforanopportunity tostrike.
He found his chance 13 minutesintothesecondhalf, netting the lone goal of the matchandsecuringa1-0win for Den Amstel. Season Six of the GFF Elite League is sponsoredbyKFC.