Kaieteur News

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Oil production paused

at Liza 2 to hook up gas pipeline ...as project documents still to be made public

Taxi driver charged with murder of Venezuelan woman ...wasaccusedofkilling reputedwifein2008

Cop nabbed with 9.6 kg of ganja in car

Bids open to construct schools in Kurubrung, Pennak & Red Creek villages

Benn flays police over corruption ...promisesprobes,audits,reviews

Hot temperature from marine species

kill -ExxonMobilwarnsin thsummaryfor7 project

Haslyn Hodge
Evelyn Alfonzo Alves

Taxi driver charged with murder of Venezuelan woman


Haslyn Hodge, a taxi driver formerly based at a popular city hotel,wasremandedonTuesdayto prison for the murder of Venezuelan woman, Evelyn AlfonzoAlves.

Hodge of Prospect, East Bank Demerara, appeared at the Diamond Magistrates’ Court before Principal Magistrate Judy Latchman who read the indictable chargetohim.Hewasnotrequired to plea to the charge and was subsequently remanded. He is scheduled to return to court on August2,2024.

Reports are that Alves was foundshotdeadabackofDiamond, EastBankDemerara(EBD)onthe morning of Sunday July 7,2024. She was found on the road with a gunshot wound to her head. Initial reportsbyKaieteurNewsonAlves’ murder had revealed that she was last seen alive around 21:00hrs on SaturdayJuly6. Relativessaidthat she was having a few drinks with them when she received a call and left in a white car, a taxi that she regularlyuses.

Relatives further disclosed that

Remanded: Haslyn Hodge

Alves last made contact with a family member around 00:00 hrs. She reportedly told them that she was with her Guyanese boyfriend whomshehasbeendatingforsome time and did not seem in any distressbutsheneverreturnedthat evening. Early the following morning, her body was discovered lying face down in a pool of blood along a road in the New Diamond Housing Scheme. There was a

gunshot wound to the back of her head and her cellphone was found next to her body Police also recovereda9MMspentshellfrom thescene.

It did not take long for them to arrest the prime suspect. Kaieteur News understands from sources thatthecellphonefoundnexttoher bodyprovideddetectiveskeyclues whichledthemtohisarrest.Hodge isnostrangertothelawandhasin the past been accused of rape and even murdering his child mother, TameshsaRiddle,in2008.

Riddle was reportedly stifled with a pillow according to police. Hodge was charged with her murderjustdaysafterhewasfreed from a rape charge. He spent the nextfouryearsonremandbutwas freedin2012afterthejuryuphelda nocasesubmissionagainsthim.

Alves’murdercomesdaysafter this newspaper reported on the alleged rape and kidnapping of a woman.OnJuly13,2024,Kaieteur News had reported Danello was allegedly kidnapped, robbed, shot and left for dead by a taxi driver basedatapopularcityhotel.

Sheclaimedthatthecrimetook place on April 10, 2024 during a rainyevening.Danellosaidthaton thatnight,shehadplannedtoparty so she stacked on cash and left her home. Her first stop was at the popular hotel for dinner She then left the hotel in the taxi driver’s SUV ShetoldKaieteurNewsthatit was not the first time she travelled with the taxi driver because she frequentsthehotel.“Hewasalways neatly dressed and acted in a professional manner (translated from Spanish),” the woman said while relating that, she trusted the taxibaseatthehotelbecauseitwas likeanexecutiveservice.

OnApril 10, however, the taxi driver reportedly had other plans forDanello.Insteadoftakingherto her destination, he locked the woman in and drove her at gunpoint to a lonely area aback of Diamond where he robbed and tried to kill the Venezuelan national.

He reportedly held her at gunpoint and demanded that she hands over her purse and other valuables.Danelloclaimedthatshe

hadtoldhimtotakewhathewanted butspareherlife.Hetookthepurse whichhadherhousekeys,thecash, her ID card and some other documents along with her phone but according to the woman, it seemedasifhehadnointentionof letting her leave alive because he triedshootinghertothehead.

“El trata de dispararme, para matarme verdad, o sea, el me disparo verdad como dos tres cuatrovecesconlapistolaperono salio nada la pistola hizo (imitates the sound the gun made) (He tried to shoot me to kill me right he tried to shoot like two, three, four timesbutnothingcameout,thegun made (imitates the sound that the gun made)”, she told Kaieteur News

It could be that the gun had jammed but the woman said that shebelievedatthetimethatitdid

Continued on page 3

Dead Venezuelan woman, Evelyn Alfonzo Alves

- promises probes, audits reviews Bennflayspoliceovercorruption


Affairs, Robeson Benn on Tuesday called out the Guyana Police Force (GPF) o

bribery, and corruption and

investigations unto the allegedmalpractices.

Minister Benn spoke at the Guyana Police Force


Symposium, on Tuesday

morning where these issues wereraisedinhisaddressto attendees.“Thecoreissueis at the level of the quality of policing,”theministerstated during his address “Not quantity in terms of how many police are out there, butthequalityofpolicing.”

Benn acknowledged the diversity of the GPF’s training,whichhasincluded input from the UK, Canada, India, and China “The

questionisthequalityofour policemen and women,” the ministersaid.”

According to the Home Affairs Minister, the most pressing issue is concerning procurement practices and financial accounting within theGPF Hesaiddespitethe government’s efforts to addresstheseproblems,they have not received the necessary cooperation or response from the GPF


Frompage2 not have any bullets. Instead of letting her go, the suspect tried to strangle her with a belt.“Elagarroyquitolacorreaymeintento ahorcar y bueno dios me dio fuerza y pelee con el, le di unas patadas en las bolas (He held me and took off his belt and tried to stranglemebutGodgavemestrengthandI fought with him, I give him some kicks in theballs,”sherecounted).

While she fought for her life, she also receivedsomeblowstoherbody Themost painfulshesaidwastoherbreastsbecausea surgerywasperformedonthem.

During the fight for survival, the taxi driver reportedly lost a chain which he was wearingandforafewseconds,letgoofher tolookforit.Sherecalledthatheaskedher wherethechainwasanditwasthatmoment that she was able to escape his grip and exitedthecarintothepouringrain.

She recounted running a short distance away when the taxi driver told her that he wasgoingtokillherbecausesheknowshis faceandwhereheworks.Itwasatthispoint thatmanreportedlydrewhisgunagainand shotather

This time the gun went off and she ran forherlife.Sheclaimedthatatthetime,she did not know she was hit but it occurred to herthatshemightbeunabletoescapehim. “Yo me tire pa el monte (I threw myself in somebushes),”theVenezuelanwomansaid

assherecalledseeingthetaxidriverexiting the SUV with a torchlight and searching aroundthearea.

She reportedly remained still in the bushes until he re-entered the vehicle and left. She then got up and walked in the pouringrainuntilshemetamansellingata smallstandalongtheroad.Theresheasked for help but the man said he had no cell phone to give her a call but advised her to wait until the rain was over for him to take hertoahospital.

Fearful that he too might harm her, she continued to walk in the rain. Cars passed by,shesaid,butshewasreluctanttoaccept any help from the drivers. One man, however,stoppedandidentifiedhimselfasa policeman. “Y me llevo a la (Diamond) police station (and he carried me to the police station)”. She said that when she arrived there, she realized that the attempt on her life took place in close proximity to thepolicestation.

After seeing her condition, she was advised to go to a hospital. The policeman who picked her up took her to the closest hospital and she was admitted. There she learnt that a bullet entered one of her arms and was lodged in her back. Doctors were unabletoremovethewarhead.Shehadalso sustainedafracturedribfromtheblowsshe received. Detectives subsequently took a statementfromher

leadership The minister revealed that he has made numerous requests to the GPF leadership to address these issues, but has been m e t w i t h d e l a y s , undermining, and a “disregard of the things we wantyoutodo.”

“There is a significant problem,” Minister Benn declared, vowing to launch reviews, investigations, and audits into the GPF’s procurement processes and financialpractices.

He further added, “If money goes to places it should not go, it means that there is massive collusion and corruption. We want new accountable policing; we want new and improved and honest work done. We want to see that the paper trail is not fraudulent because we hear a lot of issues and I know there is a lot of turning back of invoices where you cannot verifywhatwassaidtohave occurred,occurred.


Addressing the issue of bribery within the Guyana Police Force (GPF), the minister stated that “if a policeman on the road decides to do right or left, and people left money, it’s a

Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn speaking at the GPF symposium

discredit to him and the Force in the public ”

Additionally, Minister Benn revealed that he has been m a k i n g s u d d e n , unannouncedvisitstopolice stations and fire stations, onlytofindthatstandardsof cleanliness and order often leavemuchtobedesired.

“Thepolicestationsmust bethemostwelcomingplace in the community,” the ministerstressed.

“The standards and the thingswewantforourselves at a personal level are those we should accord to the people that pay taxes,” he added.

Theminister’scriticisms extended to the conduct of policeofficers,callingforan end to disrespectful behaviour and the extortion of citizens, as he has receivedendlesscomplaints.

The minister also took aim at police commanders who allegedly flaunt their wealth.

MinisterBennremarked: And the police commanders and others who find themselvesinauthoritymust not think that arriving at the job that they need to award and reward themselves and to walk around with plenty gold and diamond around their neck and their fingers. If they have that, it means thattheyaremenwhocanbe bought, I can buy you becausethatiswhatyoulike and you flaunt it. It must stop.Itmuststop”.

Theministeremphasised that the government is committed to rooting out corruption within the GPF and restoring public trust in thenation’slawenforcement agency

“I want the disrespect to people to stop, at police stations. Police must speak properlyandpolitely Police, the station sergeants and others must make sure that the facilities are clean and well-kept and that they are functioning Police must help people, policemust not extort people”, Minister Bennasserted.

Kaieteur News


Editor:NIGELWILLIAMS Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210



The arrival of the capping stack facility is a good one, a boosttothemanagementofabigblowoutattheoffshoreoil operations. It should help to allay to some extent the anxietiesofGuyanese. Butisthepresenceofthatformidable lookingthree-headedcappingstackequipmenttheendofthe safety concerns of Guyanese? Shouldn't there be more of a comfortingbackup,theadditionalcontingencyprecautionof thatstillabsent,stillresisted,fullparentcompanyguarantee in the event of a catastrophic oil spill? It would be more appropriate, considering the magnitude of what is involved, whatcouldbetheconsequence,tostoptalkingaboutspilland startusingthewordblowout,asinanuncontrolledone.

Uncontrolledblowoutputstheissueinitsproperplace. It does justice to the anxieties of Guyanese, who are worried abouttheeconomicfalloutsandimpactsontheirlives. And uncontrolled blowout demands of ExxonMobil that it completes the circle of protection for Guyana by providing the missing and resisted full (unlimited) parent company guarantee in the event a disaster occurs at one of the company's offshore wells. It is imperative that the PPP/C Government'sleadershipboldlyworkstowringthenecessary full (unlimited) parent company guarantee from ExxonMobil. If thisAmerican oil superpower is a genuine partner of Guyana, then it would cease its self-serving objectionsandfurnishGuyanawithafullorunlimitedparent companyguarantee.

A capping stack in Guyana is a welcome development. Simply put, a capping stack helps in the control of an oil blowout. The capping stack business came into its own following the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that is estimated to run into well over US$100B in damages,andashighasUS$160Bpluswhenfullclosureis reached.Allthingsconsideredandgiventherunawaypaceat whichoilproductionisbreakingrecordsattheoffshorewells inGuyana,acappingstackisavitalpieceofthesafetymenu that should have been in place years ago. This protective equipmentshouldnothavetakensolongtoarrivehere,have beensuchastretchonthepatienceofGuyanese. Thedelay revealsthetruenatureoftheone-sidedrelationshipbetween ExxonMobil and Guyana in this fraud called a partnership. Aswell-receivedasitis,acappingstackisonlyonelevelin the layers of protection that should be. Robust risk management and mitigation measures are others, with consistent and conservative compliance relative to recommended production safety limits being an integral aspectofthosemeasures. Thesearenotjustonpaper,orpart of public lip service reassurances about risk and safety Theseareamongthecomponentsthatarefolloweddayinand dayout. Butasmuchastheyhavesignificantmeaning,there is a big hole in the kind of comprehensive oil blowout protection that Guyanese need.In addition to all the procedural, mechanical, and technical layers of protection thatExxonMobilhasinplace(andasdiligentlyfollowed),the backup financial element is conspicuously missing. It is so glaring as to be barbaric. US$2B would be a drop in the bucket should a big blowout occur offshore. ExxonMobil knowsthis,thePPP/CGovernmentknowsthis,andtheworld knowsthisalso. Allthemenandmachinery,allthepolicies andprocedures,couldstillnotbeenough. Guyaneseurgently need the type of economic cushion and comfort should a blowout calamity unfold at one of those pumps or productionssites120milesoffshore. Insuchcircumstances, 120 miles away would evaporate before Guyanese know it, witharealwhirlwindofablowoutbankruptingthiscountry forgenerations. ThepresentsoothingtalkfromExxonMobil and the PPP/C Government's leadership would mean nothing,stillleaveGuyanesestrandedandendangeredandon theirown.Therewouldbealong,drawn-outfightaboutwho wasgrosslynegligent,andhowmuchisfaircompensation,as determined by powerful ExxonMobil. Guyana as a nation would be fighting for its survival, with the deck stacked against it. As much as a capping stack protects, a full (unlimited) parent company financial guarantee has its own powerasthebestprotectionforGuyanaandGuyanese.

Guyana only receives 1.5 of total Revenue

DearEditor, Given that Guyana pays the taxes of the oil companies (EMGL, Hess, and CNOOC), and recognizing that Guyana should receive 14.5 percent of total revenue, the question which must be


percent of total revenue andthedetailsareinTable1 below Total Revenue for 2023 is G$2 36 trillion; and from this amount, a total of G$342 3 billion is the sum of royalty and t a x e s , w h i c h i s

Non-Owner Associate (NOA), can this be a fair deal? Additionally, recognizingthatthetaxgiveaway (G$306.8 billion) is larger than the profit share (G$295 1 billion); and acknowledging that the tax give-away is more than 6

should seek assistance from Trinidad and Tobago, and join the OECD Inclusive FrameworkonBaseErosion and Profit Shifting in which there over 145 countries, among which are several CARICOM countries (https://wwwoecd org/en/to


answered is the following: How much money will Guyana receive after the taxes have been deducted from Guyana'sshareoftotal revenue?

The answer to this questionisasfollows:Based on the 2023 Financial Statements of EMGL, Hess and CNOOC, and the c o n d i t i o n i n t h e Production Sharing Agreement (PSA)Article 15 4 (a), Guyana net-take of total revenue is not 14 5 percent, but 1 5

equivalent to 14.5 percent oftotalrevenue.

The total income tax for 2023isG$306.8billionor13 percent of total revenue Consequently, if Guyana is entitled to 14.5 percent of total revenue, but Guyana has to pay from its share of revenue the taxes of the company(13percentoftotal revenue),thenGuyana'snettake is only 1.5 percent of totalrevenue.

For a country that owns the non-renewable natural resourceandislabeledasthe

times the amount of the royalty, this outcome confirms the existence of a lopsided PSA that will not become more equitable withoutrenegotiations. Itisthereforecontended that renegotiations must include ring-fencing, as this will allow each project to have clearly defined revenues, costs and returns, andespeciallyatimelineand schedule for paying down the capital costs for each project.

Additionally, Guyana


GetthejobdoneGuyana, for 1 5 percent of total revenue is an indication of poor governance and serious mismanagement of a critical non-renewable r e s o u r c e A n d r e m e m b e r, f u t u r e generations will hold you accountable; and as such, action must be taken now to rectify this unnecessary burden ontheGuyanesepeople.

Public disagreement


Whatisandwhatisnota conflict-of-interest vs a politicallyexposedpersonin Guyana has sparked a new, sharpandcontentiouspublic controversy Mainstream media has published editorialsaswellastheviews of political leaders on the subject.Letterstotheeditors from commentators are also available.

Never mind it has been said before, for the sake of emphasisit'simportantthatit be repeated; The AntiMoney Laundering And CounteringTheFinancingof Terrorism Act 2009 ( as subsequently amended) defines'apoliticallyexposed person as follows: 'any individualwhoisorhasbeen entrusted with prominent publicfunctionsonbehalfof a state, including a Head of State or of government, senior politicians, senior government, judicial or

military officials, senior executives of state owned corporations, important politicalpartyofficials,anda person who is or has been entrusted with a prominent function by an international organization, at the level of senior management, including directors, deputy directorsandmembersofthe board or equivalent functions including family members or close associates of the politically exposed personwhetherthatpersonis resident in Guyana or not.' The law is unambiguous aboutwhoisandwhoisnota politically exposed person. I knowIamone.

As regards 'conflict of interest,'initsJune23,2024 edition, under the caption; Conflict of Interest

Explained: Types and Examples,' 'Investopedia' magazine, 'a comprehensive investing and finance dictionary to make finance

and investing easier to understand ' states; 'A conflict of interest occurs when an entity or individual becomes unreliable because of a clash between personal (or self-serving) interests and professional duties or responsibilities Such a conflict occurs when a company or person has a vested interest - such as money, status, knowledge, r e l a t i o n s h i p s , o r reputation—which puts into question whether their actions, judgment, or decision-making can be unbiased When such a situation arises, the party withtheconflictofinterestis usually asked to remove themselves, and it is often legallyrequiredofthem.'

Thecontroversyoverthe 'application of these two precepts in a Guyanese context arose in the light of public disagreements between the GOG, Nigel

Hughes and ExxonMobil While disagreements can be unpleasant, even offensive, theyareneverthelessvitalto Guyanese who are keen to know the positions held by the contenders Without publicationoftheexchanges between them we will remain in the dark as regard thecontendingperspectives. TheVPhasexpressedhis concern that there may very well be a conflict of interest as regard the relationship between the leader of the AFC and ExxonMobil and that that relationship may require an investigation into the real possibility that politically-exposedpersons can use their position of influence to sway business transactions. Said the VP; “We are watching what Exxonandtheotherswilldo, this may necessitate a formal investigation into all thesematters,”TheVPwent (Continuedonpage6)

UG tuition fees and debt write-off


Iamwritingtoyouinmy personalcapacity,asacitizen ofGuyana.Overthepastfew weeks, I have coordinated a petition which has been signedbyalmost200people, a petition which I hope that you will consider In simple terms, this petition asks that you reimburse those Guyanese who have paid in cash for their University of Guyana education or have already begun repaying their studentloans.

Of course, this comes on t h e b a c k o f y o u r government's announcement that it will write off some student debt for the University While this is a laudableeffort,asalongtime advocate of a tuition-free UniversityofGuyana,Ithink you can understand that I think it does not go far enough Nonetheless, on behalfofthemanyGuyanese who have faithfully paid for their education, I ask today for a small concession. I believeitisimportantthatwe reward patriotic Guyanese who have made great sacrifices not just to be educated but to pay for that education.

It is clear that imposing tuition fees at the University

is a contentious issue, but what has been lost in this debate is that many people havemadegreatsacrificesto pay for their education

Several of the people who have signed my petition did not want to go into debt, or considered it their duty to repay loans that they had taken out They are not fabulouslywealthypeople,as some might assume, but ordinary Guyanese who love their country It is unfair to write off debt for some Guyanesewhilenotrepaying those who paid for their education. I would therefore like to ask you to reflect on this government oversight andtoexpandthisdebtwriteoff program into one which offers reimbursements. This can fall under the existing criterialistedfordebtreliefif necessary and be done in phases if the costs prove substantial.Ultimately,thisis an unjust policy that it is in your power to correct, so I hopeyouwillactswiftlyand decisively Ilookforwardtoa change in your government's policy and thank you in advance,andonbehalfofthe many Guyanese who are askingforyourassistance.

Yoursfaithfully ElsonLow

Positions which did not follow constitutional provisions


It is posited that there is no appointment of Deputy Commissioner, acting or otherwise, in the argument concerning the difference in the position, being so referred to in the media, and carrying out the functions of theoffice,sinceprovisionsin the Constitution were not followed(SNJuly16).

Would it then follow the two top judicial positions, which also did not follow constitutionalprovisions,the holders of the positions are merely carrying out the functions of the respective office and should not be referred to or addressed accordingly?


Can any good things come out of Albouystown and Howes Street?


Thereisalotofnegative talk aboutAlbouystown and Howes Street, but did you know that one of the finest gentlemen lived in James StreetGeorgetownwasDoc. Green? They call him Doc. Mr Greenstartedhisfameat James and Bar Streets, Albouystown,withapopular drugstore,heintroducedthe first new penny bank for childreninGuyana.

Teaching them the importanceofsaving.Green designatedFridaysastheday for children to deposit a penny into the new penny bank He recorded their names and the dates in a book.Hehadauniquewayin askingthechildrenwhatthey were saving for – whether it was to buy bats, dolls, guns and sockets, or bicycles for Christmas At Christmas time, every cent saved was paid out to the children. Mr Green also reminded them what they had been saving for,somemayachievesome may not, but he encourages them to keep saving. Mr Green had a son, a “Little BlackBoy,”whoqualifiedto go to Queen's College from first form, which qualified himtobeaQCbabe.Inthose days, dark skinned boy children couldn't play in the schoolyard.

Doc Green then move to House Street, a place where nothinggoodwassaidabout it, however we had CommissionerofPolice,Mr CarlAustinoncelivedthere, another famous person was GuyanaandWestIndianfast bowler whose name was Colin Croft who played for both the West Indies and

Guyana Howes Street gained recognition for those men.Doc'slittlesonbecame Minister and later Prime Minister, name Hamilton Green. If you speak to Mr Green for five minutes, you will be surprised to know how in depth and knowledgeable he is in politics, and a great human being, but wait there is another hero from Howes Street who is unspoken about, his name is Gordon Braithwaite another QC boy from a first form level. His fame was football, Gordon started playing football in 1969 and by 1974, he was captain for Queen's College, after leaving school, he joined Pele Football, which wasoneoftheclubsplaying in the Georgetown Sub Association.

By September 1975, he was selected as a midfield player to represent Guyana in the Inter-Guianas under eighteen tournaments; later hemadehisseniordebutfor Pele FC in the Father Neils KOfinalasastartermidfield as his club went on to win Senior Trophy He made the national team and began coachinghisclub.

In 1976, he was converted to a central defenderandduetohisvery robust and athletic playing style, soon gained the name' The Ultimate Warrior' as a referencetoapopularmovie starring baldheaded Yul Brynnersincehewasalmost baldheadedhimself.Hebuilt h

representing Pele FC in the C O N C A C A F C l u b Championships in 1977 and

was outstanding as his team became the first ever Guyaneseclubtowinagame

in this prestigious competition Pele FC defeated Vootwaarts of Suriname in the first game played home in Guyana but was beaten in the return away leg being knocked out ongoalsaverage.

However,justafterthese games, he was called up for the Senior National squad and made his debut against Trinidad & Tobago on September 15 which was exactly 2 years after making his Youth National debut. Being19atthetime,hewent ontowinMan-of-the-Series inwhichheplayedasaright backinthe3games.Next,he was switched to the central defence in another 3-game series this time against Barbados and once again adjudged Man-of-theth Series. By the time his 20 BirthdaycameinNovember, he was an established National star By the end of theyear,hehadbeennamed Footballer-of-the-Year and wasalsonominatedRunnerup - Sportsman for 1977 losing out to Guyanese and West Indies legendary fast bowler, Colin Croft, who like the 'Ultimate Warrior' lived in Howes Street, Charlestownatthetime.

Gordon continued improving as a player and was outstanding once again in 1978 as Pele FC was one

again to set a record by becoming the first ever Guyaneseclubtoadvanceto the second round of the, s c o r i n g h i s f i r s t C O N C A C A F C l u b Championshipsbydefeating a club from Aruba 3-1 in Guyana,agameinwhichhe scored a penalty, then winning the return game in Arubaby2-0.

This return game has been heralded as his best evergamefortheclubasthe adverse conditions in that country where the pitch was ofsand,thebreezewas very strong and the home team used the breeze to good effect. However, with his reputation for jumping high andbeingthe'kingoftheair', Gordon was very effective andhasoftenadmittedsince that he never ever, before or after, had to head clear so many times in one game. Unfortunately, Pele FC was to falter once again to the same Suriname club in the second round. Later on in 1978, he toured Trinidad & Tobago and Barbados with the Senior National Team anddidverywellscoringhis first goal for the country against Trinidad & Tobago with a volley from a corner kick.

In August 1978, Gordon left for the US on a full scholarship to Clemson Universitywherequiteafew Guyanese players had gone (Continuedonpage6)

Public disagreement

Frompage4 on to say; “… there is a possibility that ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) can fund the AFC campaign under the pretense of legal services, given that the oil company is a client of Hughes'lawfirm.”

And as if 'thickening the plot', Exxon's Alistair Routledgecameoutpublicly contradicting the VPstating; Nigel Hughes-Exxon relationship does not represent a conflict of interest.

“There is no conflict of interest between Hughes being one of Exxon's attorneys and him being leaderoftheAFC.”

By jumping into the debate Routledge took the controversy to another level. In the circumstances, all should 'fasten their safety belts' and look forward to a morevigorousbackandforth between the economist, the

lawyerandthespokesperson about conflict of interest versus politically exposed persons.

Whileopendisagreement is associated with personal animus, stress and futility, partly because of the many toxic issues involved, what thepublicwantsatthispoint in time is to hear from all sides their arguments on the matter through verbal shorthand,sotospeak,untila kernelofthetruthemerges.

Inpolitics,itisdifficultto argue politely or dutifully.

Guyanese enjoy verbal

themselves into every battle as in this case where both sides feel convinced of their ownground.

As a consequence, they engage in a bruising public war of words before the matter is settled to the satisfaction of one or the other

Nowadays,inthecontext of Guyanese real politics, it has become increasingly difficult to argue without 'biases',suchasthetendency to pick a side and stick to it rather than weighing evidence for different views dispassionatelyandavoiding

g transformed into sullen resentment.Inthemidstofall this, it has become the norm for one party to throw up a hypothesis while the other is to either knock it down or 'killit.'

In the meantime, as the controversy rages, let's keep ouryoureyesandearsonthe c u r r e n t G O G /

A F C / E x x o n M o b i l exchanges, looking out especially for what is obvious and what is not, bearinginmind;'moreissaid by what is not said than by whatissaid.'

Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee

Can any good things come out of...

Frompage5 years before him Whilst there, he excelledacademicallymakingtheAcademic Dean's List with a 3.5 out of 4 grade point rd ratioashegotdistinctionsina3 yearSpanish nd course and a 2 year French course as he pursuedhisstudieswithSpanishashismajor andFrenchhisminorduetohisintentiontobe alinguist.Onthefootballfront,hewasnamed to the All–Atlantic Coast Conference First Team of 3 selected annually while being the onlyFreshmantomakethefirstteam.

However, due to a cultural change in his life,hebecameadevotedandspiritualRasta andlefttheUSthenreturnedhomeinAugust 1979. He however resumed his playing and coachingcareerandwasonceagaincalledup to play for the country In 1980, he represented Guyana in the 1982 World Cup Qualifying Preliminaries being made Vice CaptainasGuyanadefeatedGrenadaby5–2 rd athomewithhimscoringapenaltyinthe33 minute after Guyana had been down by 2 goalsafteronly17minutesofplay Thistime, he was once again playing as a midfielder GuyanawonthereturngameinGrenadaand advanced to the second round. Once again, Guyana would be knocked out of a major tournamentbySuriname.

In1983,aftera2-yearperiodinwhichthe country did not play any international football,hisprowessatclublevelandwiththe National team earned him another personal trophy,Footballer-of-the-Year,1983.

He was named Captain of the Senior NationalTeamin1984andcontinuedassuch until early 1985 after which he began to concentrate fully on coach and became Founder/Coach of YSM Beacon FC in September1,1985.Theclubwouldplayinthe GeorgetownSecondDivisionattheonsetand despite being promoted in the first year was demotedbacktotheSecondafteroneyear

However,afterthisBeaconFCbecamea consistent mid-table club in the Georgetown First Division After Dominating youth football in Georgetown from 1987, many of

the youths were elevated to the higher level and the Seniors squad won its first major trophy,theDemicoLeague,in1995andalso becamethefirstteamnotfromLindentowin theprestigiousKashif&ShanghaiKOforthe 1995editionplayedonJanuary1,1996.Inthe later Tournament, Gordon won one of many BestCoachaccoladesoverhislongcareer

In1991,hegothisfirstjobasaNational CoachtakingchargeoftheSeniorsquadand took them to fourth place in the Shell Caribbean Cup Finals held in Jamaica. In doingso,hebecamethefirstGuyaneseCoach inprobablydecadestoknockSurinameoutof tournament by winning our leg of the Qualifying competition to advance to the finalsinJamaica.

In 1992, when he coached the Senior National Team in the 1994 World Cup Qualifying Preliminaries, he became probably the first Caribbean player to play –1980, Captain – 1984 and Coach – 1992 his countryinthecompetition.

In 1996, he took charge of the National Under 16 squad which was outplayed by Suriname and Netherlands Antilles in a 3team Tournament; however, many of the players went on to excel for the country at higher youth levels and the Senior squad duringaperiod1998to2022.

Notwithstanding all I have said about Gordon Braithwaite, there are a few players who Gordon Braithwaite knew nothing of, andtheyarenomorethan30yearsold.They areBrownandSolomonofOsoroNorthwest District and Gregory Richardson {Jackie Chan) that the Ultimate Warrior made no contributiontotheirsuccessbutcoachDennis Hunt(Chow)Coach.


I would like to ask Mr Hamilton Green andMr RalphRamkarrantowriteahistoryof politicsinGuyanafrom1940todate.Iknow this will help a lot of young people who are interestedinthefacts.

Yourstruly FrankDeAbreu


Mabaruma in Region

One will soon have its own Deeds and Commercial Registry office, providing crucial services to residents forthefirsttime.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC, made the announcement during an outreach on Monday “Thisisapromise made by His Excellency, President Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli, when he visited here on the last occasion,” henoted.

The minister said the Deeds and Commercial Registry is a very crucial element of the country’s commercial and legal architecture The registry acts as a central hub for crucial information related to property ownership and some business activities

“Thisservicehasneverbeen extended to this region before. This is the first time inGuyanathattheDeedsand Commercial Registry is having or will be having a presence here We will establish an office here permanently,” the AG emphasised.

Thismeanstheresidents willnolongerhavetotravel to Georgetown or the Essequibo Coast to access these services The new office will be established within the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) building, allowing residents to register businesses, file property deeds, and access ownershiprecords–without leaving Mabaruma The undertaking will save residentstimeandmoney It willalsostreamlinebusiness processes and potentially attract new entrepreneurs to the region. The government

also plans to open offices in townships countrywide, including Bartica (Region Seven), Mahdia (Region Eight), Lethem (Region Nine), and Linden (Region Ten).

Minister Nandlall’s announcementwasmetwith great relief and excitement. ForClaudetteWong,thenew office will ease the burdens of many who may have financialconstraintsandasa result, would not be able to travel to Georgetown to accesstheseservices.

“It is good because [some of us] don’t have that money all the time to go to Georgetownandcomeback. I am glad that they are bringing it here because it would be very convenient for the people here in Mabaruma,” she told the Department of Public Information (DPI). Another

resident, Yonette Linguise alsoexpressedexcitementat the announcement, lamenting, “It’s a very good idea to bring them here becausewewouldn’thaveto travel to Georgetown, and we could get it done right hereintheRegion.”

Like Linguise, Lloyd Cameronbelievesthatthisis a step in the right direction for Region One. He added that the move will also expand economic growth there. “This is something [we have] been looking for, for a long time. It will help because people wouldn’t have to go to renew their papers and documents in town…Havingitnearbywill begoodanditwillalsobring revenue, ” Cameron revealed.

A Hosororo resident, Mary Brown said that she knew very little about

registering her business

before the Attorney General’s outreach

Accordingtoher,anofficein t h e r e g i o n w o u l d significantlyhelptoeducate the public on the services offered by the Deeds and Commercial Registry “I think it’s a good idea because,likeme,therearea lot of persons who have to come from very far and remote areas, so it will be beneficialforustobeableto come right here to Mabaruma, and it will help personstoknowmoreabout theregistration,”sheopined. Additionally, residents can look forward to even greater ease in conducting business with the upcoming implementation of card payments through the Guyana Bank for Trade and I


y highlighted, these combined

l revolutionise how business isconductedinRegionOne.

“Thegovernment,ledby President Ali would have promised the people that they would bridge the gap between the coast and the hinterland regions. With the Deeds and Commercial Registry coming to the Region, and now that GBTI is envisioning bringing the cashless payment system here,thatwouldbeamovein the right direction for the people of Region One,” the Chairmansaid. These announcements reflect the government’s commitment to bringing essential services closer to thepeople.(DPI)

A resident receives assistance during the outreach spearhead by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC, in Mabaruma on Monday

Open Letter to the Guyana Press Association

ThisOpenLetterisbeing written because of grave concern about the state of press freedom in our nation and particularly in the context of the weekly press conferences hosted by the People's Progressive Party (PPP). These events have, regrettably,transformedinto platforms for partisan attacks and propaganda, undermining the very essence of what a press conferenceshouldrepresent.

On the other side of the political divide, the Opposition parties are also using weekly press conferences in order to get their political message across This begs the question as to why they are forced to do so when there are so many media houses –private and government – in thelocalmedialandscape.

It is necessary now that t h e G u y a n a P r e s s Association (GPA) takes a stand on this matter and provides guidance to its members on their role and responsibilities in such settings.

Press conferences are traditionally meant to be forums where government officialsandpoliticalparties can communicate important information to the public through the media. Press conferences should be spaces for the dissemination of factual, unbiased information.

However, the weekly pressconferencesconducted by the PPP have deviated significantly from this purpose Instead of providing valuable insights into governmental affairs, these events have become sessions for "busing out" opposition parties and serving the propaganda needsoftherulingparty

The media, in attending these conferences, have unwittingly become a captive audience for this weekly diatribe. Journalists find themselves in the unenviablepositionofbeing presentmerelytobeusedas conduitsforpartisanattacks.

This is not only an abuse of press freedom but also a disservicetothepublic,who rely on the media for impartial and accurate information.

The media's coverage of these press conferences often focuses more on the responsestoquestionsposed byjournalistsratherthanthe opening statements made. Thisshiftinfocusindicatesa departure from the intended purposeoftheseevents.

The GPA has an obligation to provide clear guidance to its membership onhowtodealwiththesesocalled 'press conferences'. The GPA should begin by issuing an instruction reaffirming the fundamental


p u r p o s e o f p r e s s conferences They should advisetheirmembershipthat these events are meant to facilitate the flow of information, enabling journalists to ask pertinent questions and hold officials accountable They should not be used as platforms for partisanbickering.

The GPA should remind journalists that they have a duty to report the news accurately and without bias. Itisshockingtoseetheonesidednessofthestatemedia.

All the governments, including the APNU+AFC government, have been guiltyofthistransgression.

It is understandable that journalistsattendthesepress conferences because they havelimitedopportunitiesto question government officials.

However, the GPA should advocate for more structured and respectful forumswherejournalistscan ask questions without being subjected to or contributing to political grandstanding or eventopersonalinsults.

The Guyana Press Association is fully aware that certain journalists from Kaieteur News have frequently been at the receiving end of harsh tongue-lashings during the PPPpress conferences. This hostile environment has led to some of them signaling

De Teachers' Union know how to


a grand request

Y'allrememberdescenefromdemovie “Coming toAmerica” when Semmi, played byArsenioHall,walkintodetelegraphoffice and ask de Telegraph Lady fuh send a telegram. De lady look pon de paper, raise she eyebrow, and ask if he really want fuh send dis message.Semmi ask, “Why? Wha wrong?”Deladystartreadoutdemessage.

“To His Majesty, King Jaffe Joffer, The Royal Palace, Zamunda. Sire,Akeem and I deplete we funds. Kindly send 300,000 Americandollarsimmediately,asweindire straits.Yourhumbleservant,Sem-i.”

Semmijumpinquick,“Semmi.” Deladyseh,“Semmi.”

Semmi think lil bit and seh, “Should I mekit400,000?”

De lady ask, “You think that'd be enough?”


Deladyseh,“Aslongasyouasking,why notgofuhacoolmillion?”

Semmiask,“Youdonotthinkthatwould betoomuch?”


Well, dem boys seh de Teachers Union tek a page from Semmi book. Dem demand 39.5% increase fuh 2024 and another 35% fuh2025and2026.Plus,demwantawhole heap a benefits. Dem acting like dem negotiatingfuharoyaltreasury,notrealistic


ImaginedeUnionPresidentgoinfrontde governmentandseh,“Wedepletewefunds. Kindly send us 39.5% more fuh 2024.” De governmentscratchdemheadandseh,“Wha bout 2025 and 2026?” De Union seh, “Oh, 35%eachyearwoulddo.”

Degovernmentask,“Youthinkthat'dbe enough?”

DeUnionthinklilbitandseh,“Youright. Wewantmorebenefitstoo.”

Dendemdecide,“Aslongasweasking, whynotgofuhacoolmillionasanadditional cashgrant?”

De government seh, “You do not think thatwouldbetoomuch?”


Dem boys seh dis negotiation sounding like a comedy show Dem teachers deserve better pay, but dis kinda demand mek de taxpayers sweat like dem running marathon in midday sun. While dem Union fuh teachers chanting fuh millions, de rest a we wonderingifdemreallythinkdegovernment printing money Dem boys seh, we understand teachers need fuh live comfortable, but dis negotiation starting to sound like Semmi in de telegraph office. Maybe dem need fuh ask demself, “You do notthinkthatwouldbetoomuch?” Talkhalf.Leffhalf.

theirunwillingnesstoendure suchabuse,resultingintheir decision to refuse to attend these events. The Guyana Press Association should intervene and ensure that all media personnel can perform their duties without fearofintimidationorverbal assault.

The GPA must to take a definitive stance on whether the weekly PPP press conferences constitute an abuse of press freedom.The GPAshouldalsoconsiderthe broaderimplicationsofthese events on the media Allowing the media to be conscripted into what amounts to weekly tantrums and platforms for political attacks on rivals does not serve the interests of the public or the principles of journalism.

Given the noticeable imbalance in state media coverage, the Guyana Press Association may want to advise that greater attention be given to the positions of the Opposition parties, particularly during parliamentary debates Ensuring that diverse viewpoints are represented will help create a more balanced and informed publicdiscourse. Media operatives should be encouraged, also, to venture beyond their offices and actively seek out news and views from various sources, rather than simply relying on government releases By engaging directly with communities and diverse stakeholders, journalists can provide richer, more comprehensive

coverage that truly reflects thepulseofthenation.

The Guyana Press Association to address this pressing issue with the seriousness it deserves. By providingclearguidanceand support to journalists, the GPA can help ensure that press conferences return to their rightful purpose: informing the public and h o l d i n g o f f i c i a l s accountable.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)


Yes, that’s right. A spotted zebra, it is, and it is policymaking Bharrat Jagdeo style. He should have been a tailor or a dancer, and thoughnoteither,heisverygoodat both.


the snakes and ladders policymaking standard of Jagdeo bhaiismychallenge. Ithinkthatin thenextlife,Iamgoingtotakeup pole vaulting or bungee jumping instead of commentating on matters that are none of my business. In keeping with the snake and ladder illustration, I roll thediceandhopeforthebest.

Thebigman’smainpolicyisto avoid talking about oil at all costs. Ifhehastoshoutatpeoplewhoare part of his policy maneuvering, an extension of his crafty camouflaging.

When shouting doesn’t work, then a good old-school dose of vitriol (“busing down and cussin down”)isjustthetonic. Ithinkitis a healthy policy Why open one’s mouth and display the utter ignorance, confirming the lowest jokes of the wags waiting to pounce.

Whydisplayapairofgumsand getonthebadsideofExxon? Say as little as possible (that has been

answered already, and I am a busy man).

Fair enough, but busy doing what,chiefJagdeo? Whateveritis, it cannot be, has not been, about what is favorable to Guyana’s interests Thus, the chief policymaker’s standing mantra: keeplipszipped,andkeepjob. Itis a solid policy; self-serving, for sure,butitisoilmanagementthatis thesubjectunderreview

When any Guyanese see the equivalent of what Friar Bharrat is doing with the nation’s oil wealth and calling it policymaking, there will be warm reception over here. Half-assed answers, non-answers, apologies for answers, farces for answers,arenotanswers.

But these are what now make up the bulk of what the Vice President of Oil calls answers and the cornerstones of his oil policy articulations and positions. It is tantamounttosomeonepossessing the winning ticket in some big money sweepstakes or recordbreaking Powerball prize and keepingitinsidehispilloworinhis shoe.

What good does that do for anyone? The ticketholder and winner The sponsoring company And the impatiently waiting army

of family and long-lost friends. Still,IamwiththeVPonthispolicy of silence and dissembling of his, for make a speech and before long the money is done and gone, and there is neither family nor friends lingering around. Here is where I stand. Oil policy built on fear can never be fair for the Guyanese people.

Fair for the PPP and Jagdeo’s hold on power, but never fair for local prosperity The more that Jagdeo displays his fright, the less thingsarerightforGuyanese. That is not policy, it is life as based on reality

Jagdeo gives away his hand whenheslamshisfistsdownonthe conference table in public Procurement laws must not be broken by every Tom, Dick, and Harry, and anybody who violates standing procedures must have the book thrown at them It is Guyana’s chief policymaker at his loudestbest,afigureofinspiration, a leader of vision, a man without consideration for condition or comrade.

Asusual,itismythanklessjob to take a big bucket of ice-cold waterandthrowitonbothJagdeo’s head and those products of his curiouslymisarrangedmind. First,

the screaming, foot stamping, pretending at standards Jagdeo was the one from last month and last week. This week is another story, and it is the real Jagdeo showingwhohereallyis,andwhat heisallabout.

Somebody said, here is a test case, Mr Policymaker, and it is an open and shut case. A billion dollars of tender board mistakes, a song and dance from the performing giraffe that answers to the name of Public Procurement Commission,andthereisabatchof emptycellsreservedforjustsucha development waiting at Lusignan andMazaruni.

Whereashewashappytocreate asceneaboutpolicyandprocedural violations before with procurement, the best that he is capable of doing now is split the scene.

He splits hairs, he searches for ways to keep snowflakes frozen in the midday sun, and he huffs and puffs to make the haze from smoking guns die a quick death. Here is my conclusion to all this confoundednonsense. Thisisnota genuine policymaker in action. It is Bharrat Jagdeo the rickety fabricator and prevaricator doing his danse macabre and making

himself look and sound more bizarrebythemoment. Oneweek heisaboutlawandorder;thenext week he is about chaos and confusion Chief national policymaker or chief national performerandjester?

No honest Guyanese taxpayer wantstohearawordoutofthebig man from bamboozle city about who should have done what but didn’t. Everycitizenthathassome principle about him or her is interested in one thing and one thing only: what is Guyana’s chief policymakergenuinelygoingtodo to fix procurement frauds (and foreignoiltricks).

Itallboilsdowntoonedarkbut still brightly revealing place: say one thing and do another That is thebestpolicyandifanyGuyanese see any little honesty in that, then Godbless.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Hot temperature from discharges can kill marine species

Discharges from the seventhprojectbeingpursued by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) in the S t a b r o e k B l o c kHammerhead can potentially affectthequalityofwaterand harm marine species and wildlife

This information is contained in the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The regulator has since instructed the company to conduct a thorough Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to study thelikelydamagethatcanbe done to the environment by the project This study will also highlight measures to mitigate those harmful impacts

According to the Project Summary seen by this newspaper, “The Project could have localised impacts tomarinewaterqualityinthe project development area from discharge of drill cuttings and from routine operational and hydrotesting

discharges TheProjectcould potentially impact marine water quality in the Project area of interest (AOI) as a result of non-routine, unplanned events (e.g., spill orrelease)” Drill cuttings and drill fluid discharges during the drillingofdevelopmentwells; effluent discharges from cooling water and produced water; hydrotesting discharges and non-routine, unplanned events such as a spillcanresultinthereleaseof dangeroussubstancesthatcan affectmarinelife Exxonsaid, “Increased total suspended solids concentrations, chemical concentrations, or temperature in water column has a potential to affect marine water quality and marine habitat quality and affectwildlife” Producedwaterisaliquid that is extracted during oil production activities It contains dissolved mineral salts, or may be mixed with organic compounds such as acids, waxes, and mineral oils Itmayalsobemixedwith

byproducts or with trace amountsofheavymetalsand

g radioactive materials, the US DepartmentofEnergysaidin a research paper It is also usually very high in temperature, and can be deadlytomarineorganisms

Due to its toxicity, this substance is best re-injected into the wells, though this may be a costly exercise Exxon has sounded the warning before, in six EIAs for its previously sanctioned projects, of the dangers associated with the dumping of produced water into the ocean Produced water discharges from each of the projectsvary

For instance, the sixth project – Whiptail - which will produce 250,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) will also produce 200,000 barrels of produced water daily which will be dumped into the ocean

On the other hand, the fifthprojectUaruwhichis Continuedonpage15

Map showing the location of the Hammerhead project offshore Guyana
Guyana Georgetown
Stabroek PAYARA

Govt. forced to terminate several contracts due to delays - Edghill

The Ministry of Public WorkssaidthatonTuesdayit

terminated several infrastructure contracts owing to delays in the completionoftheworks

The contracts were incomplete and the timeline for the projects had ended



livelihoods and the country’s landscape,areleasefromthe Department of Public Informationstated Duringan inspection on Tuesday, Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill decided to terminate the projects on the spotintheEssequiboIslandsWestDemeraradistrict “Asa Ministry, we have to take

Cop nabbed with 9.6 kg of ganja in car

A 29-year-old police officer was, on Monday, nabbed with 9.6 kg of marijuana during an intelligence-led operation carriedoutbypoliceranks on the Garden of Eden Public Road, East Bank Demerara.

Officers from Special Branch and Regional Police Division 4B intercepted a whiteToyota Premio,licenceplatePYY 4027, on the public road and searched both the vehicleandthedriver,who turned out to be a member oftheForcehimself.

The constable admitted to being in possession of narcotics, after which ranks proceeded to search the vehicle and found two bulky, plastic-wrapped parcels in a cardboard box; the parcels contained leaves, stems, and seeds of

The narcotics found in the policeman’s vehicle.

thecannabisplant. According to the police report, the constable stayed silentwhilebeingcautioned anddetained.Heremainsin police custody as an investigation is in progress.

The cannabis, which was weighed9.6kgwasmarked, sealed, and lodged, they said.

Police hunt teens who jump woman’s yard, steal puppies

Captured CCTV footage of the teens stealing the puppies

Police are currently searching for three teenagers, who were caught on Closed CircuitTelevision (CCTV) footage, stealing five husky puppies on Sunday from a private residenceinMeadowbrookGardens,Georgetown.

Forty-three-year-old Vivica Allen, the owner of the puppiesrelatedto Kaieteur News thattheincidentoccurred around 12:27h.Allen said the approximate cost of the five huskypuppieswere$600,000.

Allenrelatedthattheywerethreeteens,twowhoentered theyard,andonethatwasonstandbyoutside. Accordingtoa CCTVfootage seen by this publication, the two teens were seen picking up the puppies and placing them into a haversack.Afterthepuppieswereinthebag,oneoftheteens pickedupthebagandtheduoranoutoftheyard.

ApolicereportwasfiledattheEastLaPenitencePolice Station. Investigationcontinues.

The incomplete bridge at connecting

responsibility for the inconvenience and the difficulty that you are facing…The intent was that we should have brought relief to you by building the road because whenweembarkonaroad project,itistoimprovethe lives of people but to the contrary, it would aware that we would have made life more difficult,” the


One significant project affected is the Bendorff to MaripaAccess Road, valued at $55 million awarded to JP General Construction and Services on August 2, 2023

The six-month contract involvedconstructinga1000metre road However, the contractorcompletedonly45 percent of the work, prompting the minister to

terminate it “We have to workwithprinciple.So,you are no longer on this project,” Minister Edghill declared.Asimilar situation occurred with the rehabilitation of a bridge connecting Zeelugt North andTuschenNorth,andFirst Cross Street (SH), Aracari, facingsignificantdelays.

Minister Edghill assured residents that immediate

measures are being taken “I am committing to you that thisworkwillbecompleted within a few months. Whoeverit is contracted to itwillnotbe6months.They will have to work day and night to complete it,” the ministerpromised Ashortlist of contractors will be providedbytheendoftheday to ensure prompt completion ofthesevitalprojects

Zeelugt North and Tuschen North

Guyana urged to take advantage of model law used in fighting financial crimes

Secretary-General (SG) of the Commonwealth, Baroness Patricia Scotland KC

Guyanahasbeenurgedtotapintoanewmodellawthatis gearedtowardsclosingthegapsthatenablefinancialcrimes

The new legal mechanism was highlighted by SecretaryGeneral (SG) of the Commonwealth, Baroness Patricia Scotland KC, on Thursday when she spoke at Guyana’s inauguralConferenceonCriminalJusticeReform–Advancing theNeedham’sPointDeclarationheldattheMarriottHotelin Kingston,Georgetown

TheconferenceispartoftheInter-AmericanDevelopment Bank (IDB)-funded Support for the Criminal Justice System (SCJS) project in Guyana During her address, SG Scotland spoke of a new model law was recently launched to help countries regulate the rapidly growing virtual assets industry, whichisworthbillionsofdollarsglobally

This model law takes a principled approach to regulating virtualassetsinlinewithinternationalstandardssetoutbythe Financial Action Task Force According to the Secretary General,thelawwillhelpmemberstatescloselegislativegaps that enable money laundering and financing of terrorism for organised crime “Indeed, our ability to understand, master, and harness new technologies will determine our success as wedeliverreform,”sheadded.

ThispointwasfurtheremphasisedbytheSecretaryGeneral, asshenotedthattheCommonwealthissettinganewstandard for the use of AI in government and throughout society “Effective use of AI can create remarkable improvements in drafting and analysis in contracts, in translation, in video and audio analysis, in caseload management, and in courtroom automation. Itcancatapulttheprocessandadministrationof justice out of the physical constraints of the courtroom and into our communities,” she said. One of the key themes emerging from the conference was the importance of harnessing technology and artificial intelligence to boost operationswithinthejusticesector

MeanwhiletheCommonwealthSGassuredthesecretariat’s continuoussupportandactivepartnershipastheregionworksto maintain stable and resilient democracies “The story of the legalprofessiontracesbacktoancientGreeceandRomebutit fallstousheretodayinthisroomtowritethenextchapter,to deliverthepromiseofthecharterwhichguidesus,todeliver theessentialprotectionofourpeoplethroughtheruleoflaw, through the assurance of limited accountable and effective government,”shesaid.TheSGencouragedthelegalfraternity to seize this responsibility and expressed hope that the conference would present a roadmap to fostering transformationinthecriminaljusticesystem.

“Wehavethecollectiveopportunitytoreallybethepathway fortherestoftheworld TheCommonwealthneedsyouracuity The Caribbean needs your acuity, your wisdom, and your courage, “the SG said SG Scotland had previously expressed her support for Guyana’s reform agenda She emphasized the importance of justice in building an equitable society, particularlyforthepoor,marginalised,andvulnerable.

ShepraisedtheGovernmentofGuyanaforitscommitment to accessible and equitable justice through a consultative and collaborative approach, and expressed her anticipation for the discussionsattheconference Scotlandalsomentionedthather

Continued on page 15

DataGapshinderingmeasurementofculturaland creativeindustriesimpactonCaribbeandevelopment

Inadequacies in data collection have been identified by experts as a significant deterrent to measuring the true importanceandimpactofthe cultural and creative industries (CCI) on Caribbean economies, a sector valued at more than US$1trillionglobally

T h e C a r i b b e a n Development Bank (CDB) highlightedtheCCIasdrivers of sustainable development and resilience in the Region during the recent seminar

Imagineering: Using CreativeIndustryResearchto Devise Development Strategies

Dr Marisa Henderson, Chief of the Geneva-based

Creative Economy ProgrammeatUNTradeand Development (UNCTAD) sharedrecentresearchwhich showed that total exports of creative services worldwide reachedrecordlevelsofUS$

14 trillion in 2022 – almost double that of exports of creative goods at about US$ 713billion.

Despite these impressive figures, Dr Henderson acknowledged that the existingdatalikely“doesnot fullyreflecttheimportanceof these industries, because we have not been collecting [enoughof]thedatatodate” Dr Deborah Hickling Gordon, a cultural economy consultant, lecturer, and coordinator of the Bachelor in Cultural and Creative Industries at The University of the West Indies, emphasised the scarcity of data as one of the two greatest threats to the development of Caribbean culturaleconomies.

“Thetruthofthematteris, ifwecan’t–andifwewon’t–measure, map, or define the Caribbean cultural economy, we will be unable to adequately plan for its

development It’s really as simpleandascomplicatedas that,” said Dr. Hickling Gordon.

Noting the scarcity of political will as the other big threat, Dr. Hickling Gordon advocated for educating Caribbean populations about the importance of their

culturaleconomies “Manyof themstillseeitasjustsinging anddancing,butafestivalisa source of economic growth because of the gaiety and excitement that it brings. So there needs to be a clearer understanding that there is value in gaiety and excitement.”

CDB’s Cultural and Creative Industries Innovation Fund (CIIF)

project attempts to address data infrastructure gaps by training statisticians in data collectionandanalysis.Chief Executive Officer of international development policy consultancy Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc and CIIF team member, Dr Marsha Simone Cadogan, pointed out that protecting the intellectual property rights of creators is also


“If we’re going to incentivise creators to create andtoproducecontentthat’s valued in society, it needs to be adequately protected.” Imagineering: Using CreativeIndustryResearchto Devise Development Strategies was held in June during CDB’s 54th Annual Meeting in Ottawa, Canada, andonline



being designed to produce 250,000 bpd will seethedischargeor300,000bpdofproduced water Prior to the dumping of produced water offshore, it is treated on the FPSOs to ensureitalignswiththeindustrystandards,as requiredbytheEPA. ThePermitsgrantedto Exxon by the regulator requires the operator to treat the substance to ensure “oil content specification of produced water to be dischargeddoesnotexceed42mg/lonadaily basisor29mg/lonamonthlyaverage”.

Dr Ulric Trotz during an interview with Kaieteur News earlier this year stressed the need for stringent monitoring of these dischargesbytheEPA. Hesaid,“Anysortof contamination in a pristine marine environment that provides so much to our livelihoods, our fisher folk, so much to our own nutritional diet with our dependence on marine sources for protein, for an environment that supports marine life, you think about turtle nesting facilities on Shell Beach- anything that disturbs that environmentisnotinourinterest.”

Tothisend,Dr Trotzexplained,“Ifthere areinternationalregulationsthatstipulatethat what is being injected into our marine

environment basically complies with international practice and in no way undermines the integrity of our marine ecosystem then that’s alright.” He, however, pointed out that key to the safety of the environment is monitoring the discharges.

“Do we have in place the sort of capacity to monitor what Exxon tells us they are doing? Sothat’simportantandthat’swhytheEPAis suchanimportantorganization.Idon’tknow if they have the capacity basically to do this sortofmonitoringthatweneedtoifweareto ascertain that international standards are beingmoreorlessfollowedbytheoilandgas industryinGuyana,”Dr Trotzsaid.

The Scientist urged that the EPA must ensureregulationsdemandthattheoilandgas industry operates in accordance with international law To this end, he cautioned, “They need to ensure that they don’t depart fromthatcausethegeneralpracticebasically is that they cut corners because they are in a countrythatcan’tmonitorandthatwehaveto take everything so we need to develop the capacity to monitor and to ensure that whatever the oil and gas industry says that theyaredoing,that’sthefactandthatweare notbeingshortchanged.”



team would be assessing additional ways to supporttheseeffortsgoingforward.

“Justice is at the very heart of ensuring that we have a society that is not only enabling but equitable. We are charged to deliver justice, particularly for the poor, the marginalized, the silenced, and the vulnerable.We can use the law as a weapon againstinjusticeandwielditwithskillwhilst empowering the next generation,” Scotland hadreflected.

The two-day conference, a collaboration between the Attorney General’s Chambers and Ministry of Legal Affairs, and the

Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) Academy for Law, brought together regional and international figures within the legal fraternity for discussions on various topics within the criminal justice framework, including eliminating case backlogs, sentencingguidelines,restorativejustice,and pleabargaining.

Thelandmarkeventaimedtobuildonthe progress made during the CCJAcademy for Law’s 7th Biennial Conference held in October 2023, where the Needham’s Point Declaration was adopted outlining 39 recommendations for creating a modern and efficientcriminaljusticesystem.

Participants at the Data Gaps Hindering Measurement of Cultural and Creative Industries Impact on Caribbean Development


Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call: (592) 610-6650.

Two canter Driver, Must have a valid driver's license and at least 2 years experience. Call: 644-7088 / 624-7248.

Housekeeper in Georgetown area for cleaning, cooking laundry & supervising 10 year old. Call/ WhatsApp: 643-4203.

Diesel Mechanic to work in the Interior, interested persons can contact: 701-4000 between 8 am-4pm.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.

Cook, Kitchen Assistant and male Helper needed. Call: 603-1278/ 665-5074.

Live in Nanny wanted overseas, ages 18-45 years. Must have a valid visa & travel documents. WhatsApp: +1682-209-9561.

One general domestic to work 2 days per week in Campbellville. Telephone: 624-7436.

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1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

Canter truck, great for mobile vending, 2019 December, RHD with 54,500 KM. Arrived in Guyana December 2023. Contact: 676-5051.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.


Studio apartment, $10,000 per week with 1 month down payment. Call: 645-1933.

Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.

Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.

One Pedicurists for home service in East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Live-in Housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, USA. Free room and boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.

Supermarket Packers, porters and Bond clerk AM & PM needed @ Survival Shopping Complex, Sheriff St. Call: 6092995,survivalhumanresources2 @gmail.com

Experienced Accounts Clerk with Quickbooks knowledge apply @ Survival Shopping Complex, Sheriff St. Call: 6092995,survivalhumanresources2 @gmail.com

Supermarket PM Cashiers required @ Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff ST. Tel: 609-2995, Email: survivalhumanresources2@ gmail.com

Vacancy for Receptionist and Hotel Attendant at Hick's Ville Hotel. Email: info @vegeworld.net or Call: 2310951/ 231-0952.

Sand truck Driver needed, Sand pit to Eccles. $5,000 per trip. Call: 621-5282.

Lorry /Canter Driver in G/ Town or East Bank. Must have lorry license, $135,000 monthly. Call/ WhatsApp: 609-2220.

Live-out Nanny/ housekeeper, $27,000 per week Mon-Sat at Providence. Call/ WhatsApp: 609-2220.

Now hiring: Executive Secretary, Project Engineer & Accounts Clerk, To apply send application via Whatsapp: 638-5303/ 638-1111.

Cafe Sol located at North Road is hiring an assistant Cook 2 pm- 8pm. Contact: 6028067 / 634-8644.

Josel Educational institute seeks to employ a qualified science teacher. Email: joseleducation@yahoo.com or call: 226-7868 / 678-0652.


Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) A/C rooms from $75 usd/$40 usd day rate WIFI, secure parking & poolside. Contact: 264-29469 / www.aracariresort.com


FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly . Call 225-9082.


4 bedrooms house at Lamaha Gardens, $2,800 USD. All amenities provided along with parking, long term only! Call: 679-2966.

1 Ground floor for rent 2640 sq in Farm E.B.D for any type business. Tele: 223-9677 call 8 am-4 pm


Car for rent. For more information Call: 671-7931 / 6216613.

Thief steals cake mixer, utensils, other items from café

An alleged thief on Friday last was caught on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) footage stealing a variety of items from a soon to open café, at Water and New Market Streets, Georgetown.

The incident occurred between 12:35h and 13:30h at Lot 8 Water and New Market

Streets, Georgetown, while the lights were turned off in the café. The items stolen were; a cake mixer, utensils, kitchen aid, power sound, smoke machine, Light-emitting diodes (LED) lights, measuring tape, a bag of nails, and glass cleaner.

The 25-year-old owner of

the café related that the café is set to open in September. According to the CCTV footage seen by this publication, the shirtless suspect searched the place for other items. He was also seen carrying the cake mixer, placing it in a corner with all of the other stolen items.

STEMGuyana testing groundbreaking AI tutor

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport & i130 application forms. Call: 6267040.


2 Howo cement mixer truck for sale, $20 M for both. Call: 652-0251/650-0402/2604018.

Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music & food. Contact:264-2946-9

- aims to revolutionise delivery of education across regions enhances learning by offering corrections and detailed explanations at a grade-appropriate level, facilitating a truly customized educational experience.

STEMGuyana has launched what it deemed a groundbreaking AI Tutor to revolutionise the delivery of high-quality education for its learning pod students across the regions of Guyana.

The AI tutor is embedded as an advanced feature within the IDB Lab sponsored software, enhancing the Learning Pod after-school tutoring programme initially developed to mitigate educational disruptions caused by the COVID pandemic. In a press release, STEMGuyana said the newly upgraded AI tutor is designed to align with the Ministry of Education’s curriculum for K –12th grade learners. It offers innovative features such as reading lessons aloud, integrating tutorial videos, and providing real-time feedback to student questions along with an embedded quiz-correction feature. The AI upgrade further

STEMGuyana’s Director, Karen Abrams, emphasized the transformative potential of the AI tutor, stating, “Our goal is to scale high quality tutoring identified across all of our programs for children and parents many of whom are struggling with literacy challenges. This AI tutor is a technological advancement and a source of hope. It aims to extend the capabilities of excellent teachers by providing consistent, high-quality educational support, enabling students to learn at their own pace, anytime, anywhere.”

Pilot Testing and Program Rollout

Before its official rollout, the AI tutor will undergo rigorous testing with six groups

of learners to assess its impact on student engagement and academic outcomes. This testing phase is crucial for fine-tuning the system to ensure it meets the diverse needs of Guyanese learners. The effectiveness of the Learning pod AI tutoring assistant is also the subject of a University of Florida EdTech dissertation.

Following a successful testing phase scheduled for the summer of 2024, STEMGuyana will extend access to the AI tutor across all Learning Pods and STEM clubs nationwide, making this cutting-edge educational tool available to every student, regardless of geographical location. According to Karen Abrams, “it will be like any student, anywhere having access to a highly trained, top quality personal teacher. It is truly a ground-breaking development.

PEN PAL Indian male seeking female for serious relationship. Call:7345204.

Bids open to construct schools in Kurubrung, Pennak & Red Creek villages

RemoteAmerindian villages such as Kurubrung, Pennak & Red Creek in Region Eight are set to get primary school buildingsthisyear

The projects which are being executed through the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Eight were opened recently at the National Procurement and Tender


Bidder AmountTendered






















Bidder Amount Tendered

Hardat Ramlagan Construction Services


Prored Resources

Feroze Khan & Son Enterprise

AdministrationBoard(NPTAB)officewhereitwasrevealed thateachprojectisestimatedtocost$25million.Overseven contractorshaveappliedforthecontracts.

KaieteurNewsunderstandsthattheseprojectswouldform partofthe$3.5billionthatwasallocatedtotheRegionfrom thisyear'sbudget.


Bidder Amount Tendered

Feroze Khan & Son Enterprise

TW Construction Services

Jemcorp Engineering & Imports

$23 325 000



Charles Ramlagan Contracting Services

Prored Resources


James Contracting Enterprise

Engineer’ s Estimate







Bidder AmountTendered








Jemcorp Engineering & Imports $21,925,000

TW Construction Services


James Contracting Enterpris e $20,925,000

Charles Ramlagan Contracting Service


Engineer’s Estimate $25,000,000


$455,602,280( includelocaltaxes)


$101,995,800( includelocaltaxes)


Constructionofofficer'slivingquarters, phasetwoatKamarang,Region7.



R MoeConstructionGeneralServices&Supplies




Mason on $100k bail for attempting to rob cop

Delon Jones, a



d mason was grantedbailonTuesdayon a charge of attempting to robapolicecorporal.

Jones of 'B' Field Sophia Squatting Area appeared virtually at the Georgetown Magistrate's Court before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty where he was released on $100,000bail.

During Jones's first courtappearanceonJuly9, 2024,hepleadednotguilty tothecharge.

The prosecutor had objected to bail, citing the serious nature and prevalence of the offence, as well as the existence of CCTV footage of the incident.

Out of that, approximately $2 billion was set aside for educationdeliveryinthePotaro/Siparuniarea. Belowarethecompaniesandtheirbids: Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development – Regional Democratic Council of Region Eight.

Consultancyfortopographic,geotechnicaland hydrogeologicalstudiesforsanitarylandfillsites.

Bidder AmountTendered

GYProcurement&EngineeringServicesInc TechnicalandFinancialpro posalssubmitted

GREngineeringCo TechnicalandFinancialproposalssubmitted

CB&AssociatesInc TechnicalandFinancialproposalssubmitted


BriefReviewofdesignsandconstructioncostand supervisionservicesfortheconstructionofMonkey MountainSecondarySchool.



CB& AssociatesInc.(100)











Briefreviewofdesignsandconstructioncost, supervisionservicesfortheconstructionofPhillipai SecondarySchool,RegionNo.7.

Bidder AmountTendered

StructuralEngineering&DesignServices(100) $28,223,750(includelocaltaxes)

CB&AssociatesI nc (100) $44,737,020(includelocaltaxes)

Briefreviewofdesignsandconstructioncost,supervision servicesfortheconstructionofMicobieSecondarySchool.

Bidder AmountTendered

StructuralEngineering&DesignServices(100) $24,427,000(includelocaltaxes)

CB&AssociatesInc(100) $40,553,840(includelocaltaxes)

However, when he made his second court appearance, bail was granted due to insufficient evidencecapturedonvideo footage. He is scheduled to returntocourtonAugust9, 2024 for statements Reports revealed that on July 6, 2024, at around 23:20pm,CorporalLennox Daniels, who was on duty and armed with a licensed firearm, was stationed on Orange Walk, Bourda, Georgetown when he observedJonesandanother individualonamotorcycle. Jones, who was the pillion rider, immediately dismountedthemotorcycle and pulled out a pair of scissors, pointing them at Corporal Daniels and demanding that he hands over his belongings In response,CorporalDaniels backed away and drew his firearm, pointing it at Jones.

This caused Jones to freeze, while his accomplice rode away, successfullyescaping.

Bandaged Trump gets rapturous welcome at Republican convention

(BBC NEWS) With a bandage strapped over one ear, Donald Trump made a triumphant return to the public eye on Monday evening at the Republican National Convention, receiving a rapturous welcome from thousands of supporters two days after an attempt on his life The former president entered the convention arena in Milwaukeewithafistraised and to the strains of a live performance of “God Bless the USA”. He then slowly walked through cheering crowds of delegates - some with tears in their eyesbefore greeting key political allies and members of his family,includingthreeofhis children, but not his wife Melania At moments, the audience pumped their fists andcalledout“Fight!Fight! Fight!” – echoing Trump's cry after a bullet grazed his earatarallyinPennsylvania onSaturday TheRepublican nominee for November's presidential contest is riding a wave of political momentum.TheDemocratic Party has been questioning 81-year-old Joe Biden's candidacy following a poor debate performance last month, while Trump's team has celebrated recent legal victories At the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, the former president listened to about an hour of speeches while sitting next to his running mate and vicepresidential candidate Ohio Senator JD Vance, whose place on the ticket for November's election was announced only hours before.Trumpdidnotmakea speechbutattimesappeared

moved by the crowd of thousands. He bowed his headinprayer,andmouthed several times: “Thank you, everybody”. Supporters and Republican delegates had been waiting for hours for the former president's appearance, which was not officially listed on the schedulefortheopeningday of the convention, but was widely expected Among Monday's range of other speakersweretheheadofthe TeamsterslabourunionSean O'Brien,whosaidhewasnot endorsing any specific party but praised Trump as being "tough" and willing to hear critical voices The conference also heard from an ex-Trump critic, the model and rapper Amber Rose, who described her politicaljourneytowardsthe ex-president She added: "Trumpsupportersdon'tcare ifyou'reblack,white,gayor straight-it'salllove."


Donald Trump's appearancewasthehighlight ofaneventfulfirstdayofthe Republican gathering in Wisconsin, one of six battleground states that will decidetheelection.

Before the convention officially opened, news broke that a federal judge had dismissed criminal charges against Trump for stashing more than 300 classified documents at his Florida resort after his first term in office Aileen Cannon,aTrumpappointee, ruled that special prosecutor Jack Smith was unlawfully appointedtohisroleanddid not have the authority to bring a 37-count indictment againsttheformerpresident.

Itwasanothervictoryfor the Republican candidate, who now faces no prospect of another criminal trial before Americans go to the polls on 5 November Soon aftertheconventionopened, nearly 2,500 Republican delegates formally nominated Trump as their presidential candidate duringarollcallvote.

Vance picked as runningmate

In a break with recent tradition,Trumpwaiteduntil the convention to announce Mr Vance as his vicepresidential pick, and revealed his choice on his Truth Social network on Monday afternoon The Ohio senator and author of best-selling memoir Hillbilly Elegy reportedly heard he was selected just minutes before the announcement.

He smiled and looked slightlyinaweashewalked intothecrowdalongwithhis wife Usha, and chatted with thethrongsofdelegateswho

surrounded him. “Of the three [contenders] on the shortlist, I don't think you couldhavedonebetter,”said GregSimpson,aRepublican delegate who lives not far from Vance's childhood homeinMiddletown,Ohio.

ButDemocratsindicated theywouldmakeanissueof Mr Vance's anti-abortion viewsandconnectionstobig tech during his career as a venture capitalist

Democratic President Joe Biden said in a message posted on X that Mr Vance “talks a big game about working people” but would raise taxes on ordinary Americans while cutting taxesontherich.Speakingto reportershecalledMrVance “a clone of Trump”. The president also sat for an interview with NBC News, saying it was a mistake to have said it's "time to put Trump in the bullseye" during a call with donors daysbeforehispoliticalrival wasnearlykilled.

But he blamed his

40Palestinianskilledby2 IsraeliattacksinGaza

July 16 (Xinhua) -- At least 40 Palestinians were killed in two attacks by the IsraeliarmyintheGazaStriponTuesday,the Hamas-runmediaofficesaidinastatement.

One attack in the UN-affiliated Al-Razi SchoolintheNuseiratrefugeecampincentral Gaza killed 23 Palestinians, with 73 others injured,thestatementsaid.

The Israeli airstrike, not preceded by any warning, caused partial destruction of the school, according to local sources and eyewitnesses.

The other attack in the al-Mawasi area of KhanYounisinthesouthernGazaStripkilled 17 Palestinians and injured 26 others, the mediaofficesaid.

Security sources told Xinhua that the targeted place housed hundreds of displaced families in tents.The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement on Tuesday that based on precise intelligence, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) struck "terrorists" who were operating in a UNRWAschool in the area of Nuseirat.The IAF also struck a company commander in the Islamic Jihad's Naval Unit inwesternKhanYounis,itadded.

Israel has been launching a large-scale offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip to retaliateagainstaHamasrampagethroughthe southernIsraeliborderonOct.7,2023,during which about 1,200 people were killed and morethan200weretakenhostage.

opponent for ratcheting up political rhetoric for his denials of the 2020 election result, promises to pardon the rioters who attacked the Capitol on 6 January 2021 and for joking about a serious assault on the husband of Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi As Trump remains in Milwaukee and prepares to deliver his closing night convention speech on Thursday night, Mr Biden has resumed his election campaign, flying to Las Vegasforeventsafterabrief pauseinralliesfollowingthe attack.

Economic theme overshadowed by rally attack

The first day of the convention was filled with speeches from Republican officials and ordinary supportersselectedtobolster the day's theme, the economy Bobby Bartels, a unionleaderfromNewYork, told the crowd: “Out of controlinflationissqueezing

budgets and both violent crime and drug epidemics arepushingpeopleoutofour cities, all while Democrats donothing.”

“That's why this union Democrat will be voting Trump,” he said. But the assassination attempt was still fresh in the minds of delegates who had assembled from across the US and its territories “Saturday scared me,” said FloridadelegateJoeMullins said. “We'd be in a whole differentworldifnotforhalf an inch. I had tears in my eyes,andIhaven'tcriedlike thatsinceIlostmymother.” South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, who was one of the names on Trump's vicepresidential shortlist, told the crowd: "If you didn't believe in miracles before Saturday, you better be believing right now." "On Saturday, the devil came to Pennsylvaniawitharifle,but anAmericanliongotbackup onhisfeetandheroared,”he said.

Donald Trump appears with vice presidential candidate JD Vance (Right), during the Republican National Convention on Monday. (AP/PTI)

Oil production paused at Liza 2 to hookup gas pipeline ...asprojectdocumentsstilltobemadepublic

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has pausedoilproductionat the country’s second Floating ProductionStorageandOffloading (FPSO) vessel in the Stabroek Block, the Liza Unity, to facilitate the tie-in of infrastructure to transportgasonshore.

The Government of Guyana (GoG) plans to utilize about 50 million standard cubic feet (MSCFD) of gas per day to generate 300 megawatts of electricity to power the national grid. Gas will be piped to shore fromtwoprojects,theLizaOneand LizaTwo.

ExxonMobilisconstructingthe 12-inch pipeline that will run approximately 220 kilometers from the FPSOs offshore to the Wales Development Site, West Bank Demerara. The company’s Media Advisor, Kwesi Isles on Monday told Kaieteur News in an invitedcommentthatworksonthe Liza Unity vessel commenced sincethefirstweekinJuly He said that the company was nearing completion with the tie-in activities on that FPSO. Notably, ExxonMobil was expected to

conductfurtherdebottleneckingon the Liza Unity FPSO during the shut-down period to allow for further ramping up of production. Isles could not confirm whether these activities were ongoing or completed.

TheMediaAdvisorwouldonly say, “The activities scheduled for the shutdown are progressing according to plan, and we aim to restartproductionsoon.”

Upon completion of the works on the Liza Unity FPSO, Exxon willconductsimilarworkstohook upthepipelineontheLizaDestiny platform.

Each vessel was expected to shutdownproductionactivitiesfor twoweekstofacilitatetie-inofthe pipeline.

EMGL’sGTEProjectManager, Friedrich Krispin previously explained the process to Kaieteur News.“Wearestartingthatprocess at the beginning of July, that’s a process that takes about a couple weeks per FPSO and there’s a period in between that you are movingallofyourequipmentfrom one FPSO to the other In the meantime, we are also building subsea structures on the bottom of

theFPSOswhereallthesetwolines connect together and connect onto the pipeline that’s gonna bring the gasonshore,”hesaid.

The offshore works, according to Krispin is expected to be completed in the first half of August. The Project Manager said oil production will continue for most of the connection phase, however the facilities will be shut downforabout10days.

“What happens is, you take some time to kind of bring down production and then there’s a period, a short period, usually about10daysperFPSOwhereyou arecompletelydown,”hesaid.

While Exxon progresses with

Guyana’s second FPSO, the

theconstructionofthepipeline,the Government of Guyana is yet to make key documents public, relative to the massive gas project beingdeveloped.

Notably, the GTE project is Guyana’s single largest financial project ever pursued in the country’s history Despite this however,theprojectdoesnothave a feasibility study which demonstrates how viable the initiativeis.

Thepipelineisexpectedtocost the country some US$1B but to date, there is no Final Investment

Decision in that regard Additionally, the Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) facility and power

plant are expected to cost another US$759M.

Government is upgrading the transmission and distribution network to support the project and hasbeentaskedwithcompensating citizensalongthepipelineroutefor theirlands.Anewcontrolcenterto managethepowerprojectisalsoto be constructed, increasing the cost ofthegasproject.

Despite efforts by the Opposition and media for agreements relative to the GTE project to be laid in the National Assembly, government continues to delay the release of the documents sparking further concernsabouttheproject.

The Port Mourant Turf Club track stood firm despite heavy rainfall.

Port Mourant Turf Club track stood out despite inclement weather

…Guyana Cup preparations moving apace

The Port Mourant Turf Club CARICOM horse race meetwashailedasuccesson Sunday last. Despite heavy rainfallduringtheMay-June season,andhoursbeforethe start of the race, the track stoodfirm.

Fans turned out in high numbersandweretreatedto a spectacular show with high-quality horse racing action. Credit was given to the KP Jagdeo Racing Stables, who worked overtime to maintain a solid track.

According to an official from the Jagdeo Racing Stables, work on the Port Mourant track commenced sinceinDecember2023.

“Firstly, I would like to thankthepatronsforcoming outdespitetherain.Wehave been doing a lot of work on thetrackfromsincelatelast year We are reaping the successnow Theywerealot of rainfall during the MayJuneseason,andwehadalot ofrainontheeveoftherace.

Alotofpeoplewasuncertain whether they would be

races, but the track held up good. That was because of thepreparation.”

“Guyana Cup is the pinnacle of horse racing in Guyana. Everyone always turn out, and I would like to thank the fans in advance. Without fans, we cannot



Important communications regarding finances could come today, Aries, and it might be fortuitous if you followuponthemrightaway


Your sensual side is likely to show itself today, Taurus. You might find yourself viewing young folks in tight jeans more appreciatively thanyouusuallydo.


Ingenious techniques for growing your money could come your way today, Gemini.Whileyouaren'tone tojumpintoanything,you're certainly likely to give these ideasseriousthought.


Today you're likely to be in justtherightplaceattheright timetomeettherightperson. You're overdue for a lucky break and probably not expectingit.


You might wake up this morning, look in the mirror, anddecidethatyouhatewhat you see even though you probablylookfine.


Today you could find yourself seeking selfknowledge through

relationships, Virgo, especially through assisting thoseyoulove.

Someone is troubled and needsyourhelp.

have racing, and I want to thank them in advance for supporting Guyana Cup,” theofficialstated.

Easy Time won at the most recent race, and the champion horse will be aimingtodefendhisGuyana Cup title on August 11 at

Rising Sun Turf Club. The th16 running of the Guyana Cup is oraganized by the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing and more than 40 million Guyana dollars in cash being paid out, and the tophorseforthefeaturerace willberewardedawhopping sumof$11,625,000. Last year's Guyana Cup saw a total purse of $24 million across all races, while the top horse in the feature event won $10 million.


Do you have a romantic evening planned for tonight, Libra?Ifso,it'slikelytoturn out to be all you'd hoped for You'll be especially attractive,andyournaturally warm and loving nature will beveryapparent.


You could feel restless and anxioustogetoutintheopen for a while today, Scorpio, but mundane tasks could forceyoutopostponeit.


Atsomepointduringtheday you might find yourself involved in a project that piquesyourinterestfarmore than usual. You could throw yourself more deeply into it thanisnecessarynow


Capricorn,areyouhopingto accomplishagoalthatyou've been working toward for a long time? Don't let delays cause you to fear that it will neverhappen.

It may be difficult to stay grounded today with all the information flying around and the emotions roiling in yourheart.

Socialresponsibilitiesmight appeartobehittingyouallat once. Everyone you know seemstocraveyourcompany As a naturally polite and sociallyastuteperson.

AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) PISCES(Feb.19–Mar.20)

Accordingtoorganizers, the 2024 Guyana Cup will certainly be the biggest, and the day will be packed with side attractions. The firstever fun park is set to ignite the Rising Sun Turf Club, where kids will witness a parading bar on spot, and multiplestageswillbesetup acrossthevenue.

Tenracesarelistedonthe provisional programme, and entries will open from July 27andcloseonAugust3.No late entries will be accepted atthisyear'sGuyanaCup.

With this year's Guyana Cup purse being the biggest in the Caribbean, horses from various countries will be compelled to travel to Guyana and battle for supremacy

Inadditiontothefeature event, which will run at approximately 1800 metres, other races on the provisionalcardinclude:the 1600-metre derby, 1000metre Sprint Classic, the 1000-metre two-year-old, 1000-metre F1 class, the 1600-metre H1 class, the 1400-metre J & Lower, 1400-metre K Class, 1400metre L Class and 1400metrenon-earners.

Frompage25 congratulated the winner andalsothankedall22teams for their participation Bacchus, another Canadabased Guyanese expressed hisgratitudetoImranAlifor his continued support in sponsoringanotheredition. He further thanked the t

Ramnarine and Trevor Chakala while he shared similarsentimentstoCricket

Windies women's skipper Matthews retained by WBBL outfit Melbourne Renegades

SportsMax - West

Indies women's skipper

Australia's Women's Big

Bash League (WBBL) after she secured a contract extension with Melbourne Renegades ahead of the October 27 to December 1 tournament.

ItwillbeMatthews'third season with the Renegades, who initially contracted the Windies star ahead of WBBL|08 then selected her with pick No.3 in last year's inaugural overseas player draft.

Byvirtueofselectingthe world-class all-rounder, Renegades became the fourth club to lock in an overseas signing ahead of theWBBL|10draftunderthe new signing provisions introducedbytheleaguethis year

The 26-year-old led the club in the absence of injured captain Sophie Molineux last season, but it was a tournament the Renegades would rather forgetafterwinningjusttwo games and finishing at the bottomofthetable.

Matthews' performances withtheballwereonebright spot of that campaign, and she finished as their equalleadingwickettakerwith14 scalpsforheroff-spin,while she scored 255 runs at a strikerateof114.34.

“I'm super excited to be back with the girls; I'm

confident I can play a massiverolewithintheteam and help put up some really good performances and hopefully lead us to a finals series. The main thing I can appreciate about this club is thewaytheybringmeinand make me feel so welcome. I canstepbackintowhatfeels like a massive family,” Matthewssaid.

"We haven't achieved whatwe'vewantedtothelast couple of years, but with somekeymembersbackand somenewadditionscooking upaswell,I'mconfidentwe cangooutthereandputitall together One of the biggest things for me, after not havingthebestseasonswith the Renegades in my first two years, I definitely feel like I want to go out there andgivetheclubalotmore,” sheadded.

M a t t h e w s w i l l strengthen a Renegades battingline-upthatisalsoset to welcome back captain Sophie Molineux this summer, after the Australia all-rounder missed the entiretyoflastseasonasshe recovered from a ruptured

ACL The absence of Molineuxandfellowinjured Australian star Tayla Vlaeminck was a major factor in the Renegades' struggles last season, while

their high-profile overseas trio of Matthews, Harmanpreet Kaur and Tammy Beaumont did not reachtheheightsexpectedof themwiththebat.

“It hampered us not having our full squad togetherforeitherofthetwo years I've been there; just having Sophie around the group again is going to be suchaplus,”Matthewssaid.

“Isawwhatshewasable to do at the WPL, the way she was able to go out there and express herself and just be free. We're super excited to have her back at the Renegades and hopefully doing even better,” she noted.

Matthews,whohasbeen signed under the league's new multi-year, pre-draft contract provision, will also join an enviable Renegades spin brigade, with her offspin complementing Molineux's left-arm orthodox and Georgia Wareham'sleg-spin.Thetrio ofinternationalstars,willbe accompanied by rising offspinnerEllaHayward.

TheRenegadespre-draft signing of Matthews means theypartwiththeirPlatinum selection (pick No 3), leaving picks 11, 22, and 27 forthedraftsettobeheldin September

SportsMax - Three-time Olympic 100m champion Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce has pulled out of the 100m at the Spitzen Leichathletik meetinginLuzern,Switzerlandyesterday Fraser-Pryce was set to compete on the Europeancircuitforthefirsttimesince2023but pulled out of the race after feeling some discomfortduringherwarm-up.

Yesterday'sracewould'vebeenFraser-Pryce's lastracebeforetheParisOlympics.

Shehascompetedinonlyfour100mracesthis seasonwiththreeofthosecomingattheJamaican NationalChampionshipsfromJune27-30where sheran10.94forthirdinthefinaltobookherspot attheOlympics.

Hayley Matthews (Cricket.au)
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce

Despite challenges, athletes happy with performance in Peru

...Attention now shifts to World U20 Championships

Athletes Malachi

A u s t i n , A t h a l e y a h Hinckson, and Tianna Springer are thrilled with their performances at the recently concluded South A m e r i c a n U 2 0 Championship in Athletics, heldinLima,Peru.

Thetrio,alongwiththeir coach Kenisha Headley, returned to Guyana yesterdayaftercompetingin the 46th edition of the championships, a marquee eventontheSouthAmerican Athletics Confederation (CONSUDATLE)calendar

Both Austin (400m) and Hinckson (women's 100m) secured gold medals in their respective events, while Springer earned bronze in thewomen's400m.

Hinckson's medal is particularly historic, as it marks the first for Guyana since the championship beganin1959.

In an interview with Kaieteur News, Headley noted that given the team arrived in Peru just before the championship; Guyana has much to be proud of r e g a r d i n g t h e i r performances.

Headley also mentioned that while the Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) had initially named 13 athletes for the event, financial constraints limited theselectiontojustthree.

“We faced a lot of challenges.

Our biggest challenge in Peruwasthealtitudeandthe breathing, as well as the climatic conditions because itwascoldandcloudy,sothe athletes had difficulty

staying warm. So yes, the challenges were many, but the team spirit was high, everyone was supporting eachother,”Headleysaid.

She pointed out that, “The athletes expressed disappointment that they didn'truntheirPersonalBest times, because they all anticipated that they were goingtoPerutodowell,butI explained to them that the gold medals in itself is an accomplishment because they're now the South American Champion and medalist in their various events, especially coming from a climate where its hot and humid to one that is extremelycold…beproudof yourself is what I've been tellingthem(theathletes).”

Meanwhile, Hinckson, whobecamethefirstfemale fromGuyanatowina100m gold at the championship, stated, “I feel great, it's a greatfeeling,knowingthatI put in all the work, because beforethecompetitionIhad a slight injury before the competition. Also, in the competition I was in a lot of painandwascold,duetothe weather, but I was able to pushthroughallofitandjust forcedononething.”

Hinckson won the women's 100m in 11 76

seconds, surpassing

Colombia's Maturana Camila(11.85s)andBrazil's Vanessa Dos Santos (11.86s),whofinishedthird.

“I'm so proud of myself, and right now, I'm just focused on the World U20 Championship,” Hinckson said.

Last year, Springer set a new championship record withatimeof53.53seconds, breakingBrazil'sBárbarade

Oliveira's 2009 record of 53.44secondsinSãoPaulo.

This time, however, Springer had to settle for third place, finishing with a time of 55 12 seconds, behindBrazil'sJuliaRibeiro (54 32s) and Colombia's CastroNahomy(54.87s).

The 16-year-old SpringertoldKaieteurNews that competing in Peru was one of the toughest experiences of her budding trackandfieldcareer

T h e Y o u t h Commonwealth and double CARIFTA Games 400m championpointedout,“Ijust feltlikemybodywasseizing up from the cold and that's why I couldn't perform as I wouldlike,becauseIfeltlike Iwasrunninghard.

Sothat'sthereasonwhyI ranthatsortoftime.”

Springer's time of 52.31 seconds, her Personal Best, clocked at the CARIFTA GamesinMarchonherway to Gold, is the third fastest time for an U18 athlete and 14thfastestattheU20level.

Malachi Austin, the Youth Commonwealth Games400msilvermedalist and U20 CARIFTA Champion, though proud of his achievement, wasn't too pleased with his time of 47.21 seconds which earned him gold ahead of Colombia's Ian Reasco (47 69s) and Brazil's ViniciusGaleno(48.29s).

It was the 17-year-old's f i r s t t i m e a t t h e championship, telling Kaieteur News, “It wasn't what I thought it would be. Theweatherwasn'tidealfor runningbecauseit'scold.

It took me some time to get warm, but it was good overall.I'mnotpleasedwith

Kelon and Mervin balancing books and...


have gotten the news of which school I was rewarded at the NGSA award. He said attending the academy has improved his ball handlingandshootingskills.Hesaysthathis ability to learn fast will give him the edge aboveallothersashepursueshisdreams.

Thehardworkingandwellspoken,Kelon who also enjoys spending time with his family says that, finding out my scores at NGSAwastrulyamazing,"Afterenteringmy credentialstotheNGSAresultsplatformand being awarded The Bishops' High School, I was taken aback and felt ecstatic," he declared.

“Though it was a bit challenging at first, afterafewdays,Iadaptedtothechange,and improved my endurance and stamina. I am definitely enjoying the opportunity,” Kelon whispered.

In the future, Kelon hopes to become an


“I also ran with a fear because at the Aliann Pompey Invitational I sustainedahamstringinjury, so yea, I was fearful of gettinginjured.Butthanksto my coach (Julian Edmonds) Iwasabletoreboundanddid enough to come to Peru to wingold,”Austinsaid.

Looking ahead, the

athletes will focus on the World Athletics U20 Championships, scheduled for August 27–31 in Lima, Peru.Kadecia Baird remains the only athlete from Guyana to medal at the WorldU20Championships, finishing second in the women's 400m in 2012 whentheeventtookplacein Barcelona,Spain.

aeronautical engineer, in the event that basketball doesn't pay off. I envisioned myself as becoming the best aeronautical engineer the country has ever seen. I would haveaccumulatedatotalof493.4marksatthe NGSA,”heconscientiousstated.

Before ending the interview, I asked youngKelon:Whatwasthedrivingforcefor his achievements? The smart bloke responded,"MytrustinGodandsupportfrom my parents and teachers. I'm also a critical thinker and quite competitive, so I strive for excellence."

Inaworldwheredreamsoftenseemoutof reach,KelonandMervinstandastestamentto the power of dedication, hard work as they made the teachers at the Seven Days AdventistEducationalFacilityproud.

In my opinion, the future looks brighter than ever for these two rising stars from the NationalSportsAcademy

Tianna Springer grabbed bronze in the women's 400m in Lima, Peru.

Rising Stars:

At just eleven years old, Kelon Shanks and Mervin Hannays, two talents from the National Sports Academy, have excelled both academically and athletically Their impressive performances in the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) exams highlighttheirdetermination to succeed on and off the basketballcourt.

Kelon, skilled in both football and basketball, and

Kelon and Mervin balancing books and Basketball

Mervin, a promising freethrow shooter, balance rigorous training with academicsattheMinistryof Culture, Youth and Sports Academy Located at the National Gymnasium

Outdoor court, the academy nurtures young talents like Kelon and Mervin, providing an ideal environment for their growth.

Coach Jermaine Greene praised the academy's growth and the boys'

dedication,expressinghopes for them to compete in local tournaments and potentially represent their country “I would like to see many youngsters like Kelon and Mervin Since they first came I saw potential, commitment and the desires to learn in those two kids. KelonandMervinexemplify the spirit of dedication and perseverance. Kelon a hard worker, Mervin enjoys perfectinggiventask.Iknow theyarerelativelyyoungbut

Mervin Hannays cueing his shots during Friday's drill session at the National Sports Academy programme.

I wish to see them going on to play in local tournament, and even to represent their country,”Greenelamented.

When we (Kaieteur News) got a chance sit with the two lads, both boys attributedtheirsuccesstothe unwavering support of their coaches, teachers, and families.

Kelon, with a gleam in his eye, expressed his desire to one day wear the national Basketball team jersey, envisioning himself dribbling past point guards and knocking down threepointersthatinspireanation.

Mervin on the other hand, equally determined and also have dreams of representing his country on

the court, where he hopes to delivermanymatch-winning performances and make his markinthesport. In addition to their athletic achievements, both boys have maintained excellent academic records, showcasing their ability to manage their time effectively and prioritize their goals. Their success in the NGSAexaminations has landed Kelon at The Bishop'sHighSchool,while Mervin will be outfitted among the Saints Stanislaus College students, next school term. The journey at the National Academy has truly been satisfying, according to the two youngsters, opening up new

opportunities for them as they prepare for a next chapter (Secondary education).

Looking ahead, Kelon and Mervin remain focused on their dual ambitions: achieving excellence in academics and sports. As they continue to hone their skills under the guidance of experienced coaches and educators, their journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring young athletes acrossthecountry

Mervin, who enjoys spending time with his friends, has dreams of becominganaccountantand playing in the NBA, shared that,itwasagreatfeelingto (Continuedonpage23)

Grimmond, Schultz, Munisar named in Guyana Amazon Warriors Women's team

The full squads for the 2024 Massy Women's Caribbean Premier League have been confirmed following completion of the draft.Thethreeteamswillplayfrom21to29 AugustattheBrianLaraCricketAcademyin Trinidad.

The reigning champions, the Barbados Royals, have drafted two players who were with their squad in 2023, wicket-keeper RashadaWilliamsandexcitingbatterTrishan Holder They welcome Shabika Gajnabi, CherryAnn Fraser and Djenaba Joseph who were all with the Guyana Amazon Warriors last year. They have also drafted local all-

The Guyana Amazon Warriors have a very strong Guyanese core after drafting former West Indies under 19s captain Ashmini Munisar, Sheneta Grimmond, Realeanna Grimmond, Kaysia Schultz and Nyia Latchmann.

They also welcome Jamaican seam b o w l e r K a t e W i l m o t t The Trinbago Knight Riders have drafted threeplayerswhowerepartoftheirsquadin 2023, with Kyshona Knight, Anisa Mohammed and Shunelle Sawh all back for this year'sWCPL. Thenewcomers for 2024 will be Jannillea Glasgow and Chedean NationwhowerewiththeRoyalsin2023.

Shemar Britton
Guyana Amazon Warriors Women's team

Pegasus team strikes a pose after the game with their trophies.

Kares One Guyana T10 cricket tournament...

Water Beverages Manager Colin King presents a ceremonial cheque to Romario Samaroo of FL Sport.

Pegasus beat Sunshine to win ORSCA/Imran Ali test-format trophy

Pegasus beat Sunshine by 7 runs to win the 2024 OntarioRound-ArmSoftball

Cricket Association (ORSCA)/Imran Ali Real Estate sponsored test-format trophy last Saturday in Mississauga.

Several Guyanese cricketers produced some good performances to help Pegasus dethrone Sunshine intheprocess.

Sunshinewasset137for victory from the allotted 120-overs,wereleftat129-8 whentheoversexpired.

Canada-based Guyanese

and skipper Anil Mahadeo hit 50 from 19 balls to give thechasegreatimpetus.

Scores in the match: Pegasus 95-8 (12-overs) and 96-7 (12); Sunshine 55-9 (12)and129-8(12).

Former Guyana youth player Ricardo Peters made 22 and took two wickets for Pegasus while fellow EssequibianPatrickRooplall scored24forSunshine.

Sunshine had won the tossandelectedtobowl.

InPegasus'finalinnings, Richie Shivrathan made 27 while ex-Guyana Under-19

cricketerAdrian Sukhwa hit 26.The winning team receivedatrophyalongwith therunners-upsideandMost Valuable Player Keon Sinclair.

Dillon Heyliger, who also featured for his birth countryGuyanaattheyouth level, was also on show representing the victorious side Heyliger recently played for Canada at the International Cricket CouncilT20WorldCup.

Meanwhile, President of the ORSCA Mitch Bacchus (Continuedonpage21)

Banks DIH returns as official beverage sponsor for 2024 edition

Beverage giants Banks DIH Limited have reaffirmed their commitment to the Kares One GuyanaT10Tapeball Blast by returning as the tournament's official sponsor.GTBeerwillagainbetheofficial beer, while Rainforest Water will keep playersandfanshydrated.BanksDIHhas also hinted at giveaways featuring other productsfromtheirextensiverange.

ColinKing,WaterBeveragesManager at Banks DIH, expressed the company's excitement about partnering with the tournament again "We believe in supportingtheseinitiatives,"Kingsaid.

"Last year's event was electric, and we're hopefulthisyearwillbeevenbigger."Kingalso expressedhisdesiretoseethetournamentgrow into a regional event, providing a platform for players to showcase their talent and potentially earn spots on national teams.The Kares One Guyana T10 Blast promises to be a thrilling spectaclewithaknockoutformatandalucrative prizepool.

The tournament will commence on August 3.Those who win will return to DCC and PSC thenextdayfortheroundof16.Matchesonboth daysarescheduledfor09:00h,11:00h,13:00h (Continuedonpage22)

Despite challenges, athletes


...Attention now shifts to World U20 Championships


Rising Stars: Kelon and Mervin balancing books and Basketball

National SportsAcademy students Mervin Hannays (left) and Kelon Shanks have secured themselves' spots at leading city high schools following exemplary performances at NGSA.
MalachiAustin fantastic season continues, winning the S/AU20 Championships inAthletics 400m.
Athaleyah Hinckson captured a historic 100m gold at the S/AU20 Championships inAthletics.
Grimmond,Schultz,Munisar namedinGuyanaAmazon WarriorsWomen'steam
Ashmini Munisar
Kaysia Schultz
Realeanna Grimmond (Getty Images)

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