push to get production going it’s with Guyana’s President IrfaanAli, global jurisdictions, noting the because the Omai gold mine has emphasising the government’s government’s proactive role in been in the development stage for a enthusiastic support for mining fostering mining activities. She very, very long time and we would initiatives. remarked, “There’s very few like to see people moving from Ellingham stated, “He’s jurisdictions in the world, where proving reserves to actually (PresidentAli) got a lot on his plate you know you have a government the inferred category This Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo producinggold.” and you can imagine the offshore that’s kinda routing for you and represents a notable increase on Thursday said that he would Jagdeo explained that some oil business in Guyana is just wantingtoseeyouadvance.” compared to the previous resource “wholeheartedly support” any companies would raise funds to attracting so much foreign interest This publication had reported estimate conducted in October move by his government to push prove reserves and keep andforeigninvestment.” that the results from its first 2022, with indicated ounces seeing Canadian gold Company, Omai, announcing the amount of gold in However, Omai’s CEO stated Preliminary Economic Assessment a 4% uptick and inferred ounces intoproduction. thereserveswithoutgettingintothe that Guyana’s head-of-state still (PEA) for the Wenot Project experiencing a substantial 28% His response came after realproduction. finds time to stay updated on the revealed that the project is slated to surge. Kaieteur News on Thursday “It’s only when you when you company’s progress “But you yield over 142,000 ounces of gold Back in 2020, Omai re-entered reported that Omai’s President and get to the production stage that the know, they really value mining, annually over a 13-year mine life. Guyana’s mining industry The Chief Executive Officer, Elaine governmentgetsitsshareofroyalty they remember when Omai was in At its peak, production is company had said that their work Ellingham said that the Guyana and taxes because the large-scale production…so Omai in particular anticipated to soar to 184,000 completedthus far, has putthemon Government has been pushing the mines have to pay both the royalty has kind of a special place in the ounces in a single year, with a total tracktobecomethenextlarge-scale company to get into gold and taxes,” Jagdeo said before heartsandsouls,”Ellinghamstated. estimated production of 1,840,000 gold mine to open in Guyana. production. She reportedly made adding “So if there is any move by “Theyalwayswannaknowhow ouncesofpayablegold. Notably, by 2026, Omai and three the comments in March this year any part of the government to push Omai is doing and how soon it can On February 8, 2024, the other Canadian mining companies during an interview with Crux them into production then I will beinproductionsoweneedtoforge Company announced an updated are expected to start gold Investor, streamed on its YouTube support that wholeheartedly forward,”sheadded. Mineral Resources Estimate production in their respective Channel. because they have been at the The CEO noted that the (MRE) for the Omai Property. The mining projects in Guyana. This
On Thursday Kaieteur News developmentstageforalongtime”. Ministry of Natural Resources and combined estimates from the was revealed by Senior Minister asked the VP if the OMAI CEO’s Ellingham during the interview the Guyana Geology & Mines Wenot and Gilt Creek deposits within the Office of the President statementwas accurate.He replied, with Crux Investor- an analysis Commission (GGMC) are equally stands at 2.0 million ounces of gold with responsibility for Finance, Dr “I don’t like to comment on when platform that provides in-depth keen to see Omai back in grading at 2.15 g/t gold in the Ashni Singh during his 2024 Kaieteur News says what people insights on mining stocks and production soon and underscored indicated category and 2.3 million budgetestimatespresentation. have said. However, if there is any investments-highlightedameeting Guyana’s unique position among ouncesofgoldgradingat2.26g/tin
Guyanese must benefit government when the more from any new oil lopsided 2016 Production project being approved by Sharing Agreement (PSA) the Government of Guyana, was signed with oil giant ChairmanoftheAllianceFor ExxonMobil. Change (AFC) David Patterson said that, “The Patterson said on Friday at Alliance For Change is in the party’s weekly press favour of any revision for conference. any PSAwhich will be to the
Patterson was asked by benefit of the Guyanese Kaieteur News to state his public and we maintain that party’s position on the position. So, any revision government’s approval of that will be benefitting (our the seventh oil project with people), we will be key elements missing, supporting (it) and I have amongthem,ring-fencing. made this statement in “What we would like to parliament for every budget see, is a more equitable is the area in which we are since2020.” distribution of the proceeds working on in our policy in
of the AFC, David Patterson
The party has been from oil production Of hope to release it one by one, voicing its commitment to course, we are on record policy by policy in the renegotiateabetterdealfora sayingthatanydeal,anynew comingweeks.” number of years, and in deal, any renegotiation, that He announced that two 2021, Patterson had benefits (Guyanese) because weeks from now at his appearedinaninterviewona you can renegotiate party’s press conferences he, Kaieteur Radio programme somethingandyoudon’tend along with Dr Vincent ‘Guyana’s Oil and You’ up with the benefits,” he AdamsandDr ShameerAlly where he said that during the said. will be addressing the matter five years that the
Patterson said that any of the party’s oil and gas A P N U / A F C w a s i n discussion on the benefit of policy government, they did not get Guyanese stand to accrue T h e A F C h a s a chance to correct the will be of the interest to his continuously reaffirmed its lopsideddeal. party Hesaidwhiletheparty commitment to making Further, Patterson said accepts that the Production changes in the Guyana’s oil that should the People’s Sharing Agreement (PSA) contract should the party be Progressive Party (PPP) has deficiencies, whatever elected to Government. The government renegotiate the projects are approved, “we AFC was part of the A oil contract, then the AFC should get more benefits for Partnership for National will offer its “unconditional theGuyanesepublicandthat Unity (APNU) coalition support.”
Source:Xinhua maintaining global stability documentsonexchangesand BEIJING, July 18 h a s b e e n f u r t h e r cooperation between China (Xinhua) - The report on the demonstrated in the face of a and other countries and implementation progress of world intertwined with international organizations, theGlobalSecurityInitiative chaos. and have been praised by was released on Thursday, China established the m a n y i n t e r n a t i o n a l systematically reviewing the Center for Global Security celebrities and influential achievements accomplished Initiative Studies, which is media outlets, establishing since the initiative’s based on the China Institute an international consensus inception. of International Studies, to withglobalinfluence. In a written speech improve research in relevant T h e r e p o r t a l s o delivered at the Center for fields, serve the initiative’s recommends that all parties Global Security Initiative implementation, and engage in various forms of Studies’ launch ceremony contribute more to world dialogue and exchanges on and report release, Chinese peace and security, Wang global security concerns in Foreign Minister Wang Yi said. order to constantly enrich saidthatthereportwillassist According to the report, the concept and connotation all parties in better releasedbyChinaInstituteof of the Global Security understanding the practical International Studies and the Initiative significance and unique Center for Global Security All sides should explore value of the initiative as an Initiative Studies, the and expand bilateral and international public good in initiativehasreceivedsupport multilateral security thefieldofsecurity and appreciation from more cooperation, innovate Wang, also a member of than 100 countries as well as cooperation concepts and the Political Bureau of the international and regional methods, be committed to Communist Party of China organizations promoting peace talks on Central Committee, said the Theinitiativeanditscore international and regional importance of the Global concepts have been hotspot issues and uphold SecurityInitiativeintackling incorporated into more than true multilateralism, said the security challenges and 90 bilateral and multilateral report.
To be charged with murder:
Remanded for murder:
Murdered LGBTQ member,
accomplice was the lone shooter, was now in hot water, following the evidence that is against him which indicates that he also shotthevictim.
One of the suspects July11inthevicinityofKing firearms were used in allegedly involved in the Street and South Road, Anthony’s murder The murder of LGBTQ member, Georgetown. firearms whic
Shawn Simon also known as The shooting occurred at recovered by investigators ‘the Hopper’or ‘Coil Bottle’ about 02:00hrs while Simon, are P80 9mm Pistol and an was charged on Friday while a sex worker was standing in Elite Britain 9mm Pistol. his co-accused will be the company of another One of the three suspects in chargedonMonday,July22. when a heavily tinted silver custody reportedly told The defendant, Akeem vehicle drove up on Croal detectives that prior to the Gorgan Fraser of Meadow Street. killing, he took the firearms Brook Gardens appeared at Reports are that shots in a food box and handed theGeorgetownMagistrates’ werefiredfromthevehiclein them over to one of his Court before Magistrate the direction of the sex accomplices at a popular bar Faith McGusty He was not workers who attempted to onSouthRoad. required to plead to the escape.However,Simonwas Kaieteur News reported indictablecharge. hit in the region of his right that investigators on July 12, Fraser was remanded to armandcollapsed. 2024indicatedthatoneofthe prison until July 22, 2024. Simon was rushed to the suspects disclosed that the The co-accused was Georgetown Public Hospital driver of the heavily-tinted identified as 23-year-old Corporation (GPHC) where vehicle had an ongoing issue Shaggy Mohamed of East he was pronounced dead on withasexworker Ruimveldt, Georgetown is arrival. The suspect reportedly presently on remand at the Investigators disclosed told investigators that after Lusignan Prison for robbery on Thursday that one of the committing the act, he and anddidnotattendcourt. suspects who initially told the driver went to purchase Simon was shot dead on d e t e c t i v e s t h a t h i s food.
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
The news of prominent attorney-at-law, Nigel Hughes winning the leadership mantle for theAlliance For Change (AFC) brought limited reaction from the PPP General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo. He seemed bored by Hughes’s victory, as though it meant nothing to him or his party, was part of the usual routine that held no threat to power In contrast, from the time that the ExxonMobil Guyana President, Alistair Routledge publicly said there was no conflict in Hughes’s relationship with his company and his running for national leadership, Jagdeo has been beside himselfwithimpatience,anger,andopendisgust. Hehadto knowoftheHughes-ExxonMobilconnectionbutwasmuted intermsofanyfuriouscriticismwhentheGuyaneselawyer emerged from the AFC leadership race with a comfortable 70% of the votes cast. It was only when ExxonMobil’s Routledge made that unambiguous “no conflict of interest” statementthatthePPPGeneralSecretarycameoutlashing. We at this publication take the position that considering the caliber of leadership that Jagdeo has represented in his many years in office that he has much time or interest for issues like conflict of interest. The record is of a political leader who is a walking litany of conflict-of-interest circumstances,assuchhaveoccurredatdifferentpointsinhis oversight of government matters. They are so oft repeated andwellknownthathisconflictsofinteresthavebecomepart ofGuyana’spoliticallore. Itgoeswithoutsaying,however, that Hughes’s legal representation of ExxonMobil is somethingthatapoliticalcreaturelikeJagdeocouldnotletgo towaste. Hewouldbethefirsttoseizethemomentwhenit suits his purpose, if only to give him an edge in media exchangesand,moremeaningfully,ontheelectioncampaign trail. In cricketing terms, Hughes’s much discussed and disputedconflictofinterestisaranklonghopjustbeggingfor abigswipetoputsomeruns(points)onthescoreboard. But, tomakethepointclear,thisconflictofinterestofHughesis not what has Jagdeo going crazy Rather, it is the fact that Routledgeistheonewhosaidthereisnoneanddidsoinan unflinching and unequivocal manner Routledge is not a Guyanesepoliticalcommentatorwithsomerealorimagined partisan leaning. The reality is undeniable: Alistair Routledge is the trusted chief messenger of America’s corporateoilsuperpower,ExxonMobil. Thisistherealstory, this is the game changer, this is what the keen political instinctsinJagdeowarnathighvolumerepresentsaclearand presentdanger Beingthekindofmanheis,Jagdeocouldcare lessaboutconflictofinterest,sincehehasawarehousefullof them. The ExxonMobil factor is what has him reeling and ragingbeforeanyonewhowouldgivehimahearing.
We have been reporting one ugly story after another almostdailyabouttheunevenandstranglingrelationshipthat adominantExxonMobilenjoysoverthiscountry’simmense oilwealth. InsteadofGuyana’schiefoilpolicymakergoing afterthisgreedyoilpartner,hehasbrushedasidetheexposés and abused and vilified in the most reprehensible ways this paper,itspublisher,andothers. Theuglyexposéshavebeen extremely costly for Guyanese. Yet the only reaction from chief oil policymaker Jagdeo has been to insult media questioners,andattackpatrioticGuyanesecommentators,in hiseffortstostiflethemintosilence,anddefendExxonMobil by any means, however outrageous such may be. When Guyana’soilinterestsaresabotagedbyExxonMobil,Jagdeo isonthecompany’sside. When,however,hisowninterests (hisholdonpoliticaloffice)arethreatened,evenExxonMobil comesinforitsshareoftheJagdeotreatment,viz.,acurseand akick.
ExxonMobil has done all that is disadvantageous to Guyana, and the man in charge of the oil sector has been a picture of serenity Getting Guyana’s own meters at the offshorepumpingstations,ring-fencingoilprojects,andeven something of major importance as obtaining a full parent companyguaranteeintheeventofanoilspillhaveallfound JagdeoinseparablyattachedtoExxonMobil’sside. Butwhen ExxonMobilintrudesintohispoliticalspace,Jagdeolosesit, transformsintoanout-of-controlanimal.
In a letter published in the July 16, 2024 edition of the Stabroek News, Joel Bhagwandin admitted to being under contract with Exxon Mobil Guyana (EMGL). Mr Bhagwandin over the past year has had numerous letters published in various newspapers such as the Stabroek News, Guyana Times, Guyana Standard, and Guyana Chronicle questioning the legitimacy of OGGN. Here isasamplelistofletters: 1) July 27th, 2023 Stabroek News - The legitimacyoftheOilandGas G
hly questionable 2) July 31, 2023 edition of Guyana Chronicle- OGGN Part 2: Is the OGGN adhering to the provisions of 501© (3)? 3) August 7th, 2023 in Guyana Standard-Bhagwandincalls on govt. to nolonger recognise OGGN as a legitimateorganization 4) March 23th, 2024 in Guyana Chronicle –
Orgasmicexcitementandthe construction of a political narrative(PartI) 5) March 27th, 2024 in Guyana Standard - OGGN continues to display gross level of ignorance on basic issues 6) March 28th, 2024 in Guyana Chronicle –OGGN’s brazen bogus behaviour Mr Bhagwandin
me to researching and writing theselettersthatpeddlefalse narratives about OGGN. As evidentfromthesequenceof sample letters, he was engaged in this activity over the past year The OGGN, and many readers of this newspaper would like to know, now that Mr Bhagwandinisfreefromhis Exxon Mobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)contract,if his EMGL contract was linked to his writing any or all the letters mentioned above.Anon-response from h i m w o u l d b e a s enlightening as a response. We would also like to note that our responses to
Bhagwandin’s letters in Guyana Chronicle and Guyana Times were not published.Hence,onehasto ask whether these newspapersarealsounderan EMGL contract? We thank Dr Gary Girdhari for supporting us when these attacksstarted,inhisletterto StabroekNewsonJuly28th, 2 0 2 3 , s e e https://www.stabroeknews.c om/2023/07/28/opinion/lett ers/oggn-is-a-bona-fidenon-profit-organizationwhose-members-areimpeccably-clean/.Hestated withrespecttoBhagwandin, “…people do stupid things sometimes! Some out of ignorance Some because they are told to do so, and fear that they may otherwise lose their jobs Some because they enjoy the ride on the gravy train. Some because they love to dance –dance to the fiddler’s tune.”
We at OGGN have been advocating for renegotiation of the lopsided Stabroek Block contract that favours Exxon and its oil partners.
Irrespective of the government in power, since the summer 2017, we have been making Guyanese and othersawareofalltheissues with the Stabroek Block contract,seewww.oggn.org. We will continue this work because Guyana deserves a fair deal. In fact, we would like to invite Mr Bhagwandin to our July 27th, 2024 event in New York City At this event, distinguished Guyanese intellects – Dr Vincent AdamsandChrisRam–will discuss why the Stabroek Block contract should be r e n e g o t i a t e d , s e e www.oggn.org/event.At the event, Mr Bhagwandin can meet our members and determine for himself if we arerealornot.
AlfredBhulai AndreBrandli KenrickHunte CharlesSugrim JoePersaud On behalf of OGGN a 501(c)(3)Organization www.oggn.org/about
The lies, deception and distortion continue
WhenIreadaletterinthe Kaieteur News captioned, ‘Failure of Agriculture’, I hadtolookatthedatesinceI thought that the letter writer would be describing what took place during the Coalition’s period in Government from 2015 to 2020, but I was aghast and stunned when I discovered that the letter writer was referring to the Agriculture s e c t o r u n d e r t h i s Government and under the stewardship of the most competent Agriculture Minister ever This letter is not only replete with f a l s e h o o d s a n d generalizations but is malicious and has no merit, even contain slanderous innuendos No one in a reasonable state of mind would conclude that there is a ‘failure in agriculture’ under this Government and whatismostdisappointingis thattheletterisdevoidofany dataorfactualinformationto substantiate the falsehood peddled. Simply using the word ‘evident’ does not provide any evidence I wouldlikethewritertorefer to the Bank of Guyana Report for the First Quarter of this year and therein he/shewillbeprovidedwith evidencethatriceproduction grew by 73.3 % to 192,269 metrictonscomparedtoone
yearearlier.Accordingtothe Report, ‘this performance is largely attributed to higher acreage cultivated (the writer claimed that land is abandoned), innovative technologies such as the use of drones and geographic informationsystem(GIS),as well as the high-yielding, bio-fortified, zinc enriched rice variety’ The writer claimed that ‘much land is not being planted’but if this statement is true then ‘productivity’ has increased a thousand-fold but according to him/her ‘productivity has declined everywhere’.
TheReportfurtherstated that the fishing industry has recorded a 52.4 percent in fish catches and 4.7 percent in shrimp output Sugar contracted by 46% mainly due to the prolonged dry weather condition (El Nino) whichaffectedthegrowthof thesugarcaneplants.
What the letter writer needs to understand is that agricultureisaffectedbythe vagaries of the weather Currently, there is a prolonged and extreme wet condition and even though the flood water will accumulate quickly, it will recedeinashortertimethan beforethankstothedrainage andirrigationinfrastructures whichtheGovernmentputin place It would be
elucidating for the writer to reflect on the 2021/2022 floods, the devastating drought in 2023 and yet again, the current La Nina phenomenonandcheckwhat theAgriculture Minister has done to ensure proper and timely drainage and irrigationasthecasemaybe and the financial and other assistance given to all farmers including livestock. This Government saved the AgricultureSector Furthermore, the writer seemed oblivious of the massive mechanized transformation taking place in the sugar industry - the transformation of the fields into machine friendly layouts and the investments in mechanized cane harvesters, etc. The positive results of these will be seen during the second crop this year and the following year will be even better The writer needs to keep abreast with the transformation takingplaceandtheplethora of new and non-traditional crops. The construction of the all-weather road at No. 58 Village creating a link to the Canje creek and which has opened up more than 50,000acresofnewlandsfor various types of crops seemed to elude the writer Thewriterclaimedthatsuch development is a ‘conduit’ for corruption. This sheer
baloney since these are tangible developments which even the blind could see. Ironically, he/she mentioned ‘pump stations’. Thewriterneedstodosome actualsitevisits.
It would seem that he/she cannot recall that the Coalition had bought 12 defective and undersized ‘fire pumps’ to be used in flood situations Neither could the writer recall the slashing of the Agriculture Budgetonanannualbasisin an attempt to destroy the Sectorwhichisperceivedas belonging to PPPsupporters nor can the writer recall that the Coalition had stated that agriculture is private business.
Agriculture was dying under an inept Minister and an equally incompetent Coalition Government Lastly, every public official has to submit financial statements of assets and liabilities to the Integrity Commission annually and it is the responsibility of this Commission to make the necessary findings and judgment Mr Editor, mischievous, deceptive and malicious statements have no place in our society and letterwritersshoulddosome fact checking before putting pentopaper
Yourssincerely, HaseefYusuf
Visits to the Guyana Consulate on 45th Street in Manhattan in June and July forservicewitnessedalarge numberofGuyaneseseeking a variety of services; people streamedinandout.
The staff was very professional, helpful, cooperative, and efficient. It delivered exceptional service; was told it has been thisway
The Consulate has been under intense pressure to deliveronservicesandithas done so wonderfully not onlyintheofficebutoutside as well in community outreachesonpublicevents.
It not only delivers on mundanepaperworkmatters that people seek but also
o r g a n i z e s p u b l i c
c o m m e m o r a t i o n s , celebrations of national days, visits of government people from Guyana, and communityinteractionswith Guyanese.
TheConsulate,underthe leadership of Ambassador Michael Brotherson, has
been carrying out programmes and activities
compatible with the President of Guyana’s “One Guyana”policy
The Consulate treats all groups and individuals, regardless of background, withdignity
Despite a few detractors criticizingAmb.
Brotherson, he remains veryfocusedandpro-active, takingconsularservicetothe people in communities all over the Northeast USA, in Brooklyn, Queens, Schenectady, New Jersey, amongotherplaces.
TheConsulateorganized outreachmakingiteasierfor peopletoaccessservicesuch
asfilingforbirthcertificates, Affidavits, Power of Attorney,Notaries,NIS,sale of property, among other services.
TheConsulateorganized flag hoisting ceremonies as well as celebrations for Guyana’s Independence and RepublicDays.
It planned events in Brooklyn and Queens in whichMinistersengagedthe Diaspora.
It is operationalizing the Guyana Diaspora job fair to be held at the LaGuardia Marriott on July 27. Local business people in Guyana h a v e j o i n e d w i t h government in sponsoring the fair with the intention of recruiting workers with competitive salaries in the skilled, technical, and professional fields to meet labour shortage in the country
The Private Sector estimates that some 100K workers are needed to meet demand.
Thejobfairisintendedto attract and recruit Guyanese toreturnhome.
The Consulate has also planned an Emancipation
Day Remembrance ceremony on July 31 at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn.
This is the third such annual remembrance ceremony
Emancipation is when slavery was abolished some 190yearsago.Slaverywasa dehumanizing system of (free)labour
The public is invited to the event that will feature speakersonthesubject.
Regrettably, detractors arequestioningthemotifand intention behind organizing the remembrance ceremony on the evils of slavery But othergroupsarepraisingthe consulate and Ambassador Brotherson for this worthy and overdue initiative Clearly, the critics are wrong. Commemorating an
emancipation, and of indentureship,iswelcomed. The Consulate is commend
Amb. Brotherson has a reputation of working well withallincludingcriticsand detractors and supporters of allpoliticalparties.
He has shown a willingness and capacity to reach across and work with people of all backgrounds andpoliticalaffiliations.
Mostimportantly,hehas shownhimselftobehumble, helpful,engaging,andgoing out of his way to assist Guyanese who face serious challenges when seeking government service from greaterNewYorkarea.
The service provided by the Consulate is greatly appreciated.
Yourstruly, VishnuBisram
It is good to be home in my native land Guyana, to once again breathe the clean tropical air of this carbon sink, rainforest country It is a truly nostalgic and healthful experience to be here.
We are blessed to be in this part of God’s Earth and to experience these natural giftsthatwesometimestake for granted; Guyana is God BlessedCountry.
Iamalsodelightedtosee the lush greenery pervading the countryside, the rice and vegetable crops that have recently being bathed by the rain.
Thelushgreengrowthis a welcoming relief from the long period of dryness experiencedinpriormonths, whichtellsusthatourfuture development in the agriculturalsectorisgood.
I say kudos to Minister Mustapha and his agricultural team for their hard work in drainage and irrigation as well as the injection of valuable inputs intothesector
Wenowtakealookatthe massive infrastructural developmenttakingplaceall over this country; there are those that have been completedalready,aswellas ongoingworks.
Completed projects such as the Heroes, and many of the internal community roads.
Soon to be completed infrastructure are the Demerara Harbour Bridge,
TheAmailaFalls,TheFourLane Highways and other interconnected major thoroughfares.
In addition, energy generation, water, and telecommunication all leads toasustaineddevelopmental trajectory, as this country movesforward.
Passing through Georgetown, there is the samesightsandsounds,Iam talking about the stench that comes from rotting smelly garbageheaps.
These small hillocks of g a r b a g e a r e t h e characteristic sights and accompanying smells that greets you whenever you enterthecapitalcity
Mayor Mentore is a representation of one of those groups that is demanding that central government pump more monies into the city with
nothing tangible to show in return, meantime the putrefactionrisestothehigh heavens.
On the political front, Government has to battle with a plethora of accusations of corruption bothathomeandabroad.
The Opposition has jumped on these allegations with great enthusiasm, making every accusation a headlinenewsitem.
The government, in its effort at transparency and accountability, has mounted its out investigations, while requesting external help on others.Wewilldefinitelyget answers at the end of this patch.
Someofthepointsraised in this letter, will be dealt with in a detail manner in a subsequentarticle.
Clearly, the electoral season is well on way, even though VP Jagdeo insists that elections will not be scheduled until November 2025;morethanayearaway But in our political system, the government has the option of calling “snap” elections at their discretion, once they comply with the regulations for electoral preparedness. Some believe the VP’s claim might be a feint to catch the opposition off guard. Several reasons have been offered for early elections,themainonebeing the claimed disarray in the PNC camp following their
just-concluded Congress, where Aubrey Norton was reelectedasitsleader There were trenchant criticisms of the internal elections arrangements that led to Norton’s two challengers RoysdaleFordeandAmanza Walton-Desir dropping out of the race and not even showingupattheCongress.
The AFC’s credibility had suffered tremendously duringtheirstintinthe20152020 coalition government withthePNC.Theyarenow in a rebuilding and rebranding phase following their Conference in which Nigel Hughes was elected leader and RaphaelTrotman
Another reason is the disagreement over these major Opposition parties’ electoral strategy after their coalitionwasdissolvedwith t h e e n d o f t h e i r CummingsburgAccord.The WPA, which has never achieved electoral relevance afterreceivingonlyahighof 2% of the votes in 1992 but helped broker the 2011 APNU formation with the PNC and three other paper parties, has again pushed a widercoalition.
They have proposed this coalition – in which they have arrogated a place for themselves as the African
Guyanese “intellectuals” and Black Nationalists –select a pre-elections “consensual” leader, who would be their presidential candidate because of our constitutional prohibition of post-electionscoalitions.
There appears to be a wide assumption that Nigel Hughes would be best qualified to fill that position and this has precipitated a wide debate in the opposition on the role of class in African Guyanese leadershipingeneral,andthe PNCinparticular
When the PNC was formed, the League of Coloured People (LCP), led by John Carter, represented the presumptions of Mixed Guyanese middle class and their United Democratic Party (UDP) was one of the founding blocs African Guyanese like Burnham could aspire to this class by their education, speech and
other social capital, including “marrying up” in colour Nigel epitomizes the present Mixed Guyanese middle class and Norton, African Guyanese. Norton, however,rejectedthenotion of anyone being parachuted into the Opposition’s presidential candidate’s position:“Idon’tbelievethat we should just take the hard work we do and give it to anybodywhojustflyoffofa tree top, land on the ground and say you must be the presidential candidate.” He opined that as the largest bloc in any opposition grouping, any “consensual presidentialcandidate”must comefromthePNC.
The last major source of uncertainty in strategy is over mobilisation tactics.
The WPA “intellectuals” reject the PPP’s approach, which is to now more explicitly court African Guyanesevoterstoaugment
their traditional support in the Indian Guyanese community, as “slave catchers”. They, of course, arereferringtothehistorical role of those who captured Africans and sold them into slavery to the Europeans. They refer to African Guyanese who join or work with the PPP as “house slaves” These are very odious comparisons and does not bode well for a nationaloutlook.Itprovokes theretortthatanyattemptof theAfrican-basedopposition PPPand nowAFC to attract IndianGuyanesevoterstobe give them the title of “Arkatis”.
T h e s e w e r e t h e individuals who promised prospective Indentured labourers in India that they weregoingtoa“landofmilk and honey”. The game plan up to now as adumbrated by Dr David Hinds, who has also announced that he is availabletobeanopposition “consensual candidate”, if for the PNC to garner the African Guyanese votes as theyhavetraditionallydone; theAFC with Nigel Hughes as leader and Raphael as general Secretary the Mixed voters and the WPA with himself, the Black nationalistvoters. Theydonotcontemplate – as does the PPP with African Guyanese voters –persuading many Indian Guyanese to vote for the Oppositionbutwilltakeany brought in by ordinary executives like Mahipal (PNC)andRamjattan(AFC) as “gravy”. This is a very divisivestrategyforanation with Indian Guyanese constituting 39% of the populace.
Regards, RaviDev
First it was sanctity of contracts. Next came the excuse that renegotiation would chase investors.
Exxon itself has admitted that it would not turn away from the wealth discovered in Guyana easily, but Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has pulled another excuse from his bag!
Momentum!Any changes to the contract could kill the momentum he claims.
When will our nation and people enjoy its resources blessed by the creator, or was this blessing only intended to fatten the pockets of oil companies?
TheUnitedStates(U.S.)GovernmentthroughtheUnited States Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Guyana, donated 20,000 malaria rapid diagnostic teststotheGuyanaNationalMalariaProgram.Thedonation isinresponsetoamalariatestkitshortageinthecountryand willgreatlystrengthenthecountry’smalariaresponse.
Inastatementtothemedia,theU.S. EmbassyinGuyana said that U.S. Ambassador Nicole D. Theriot reiterated the U.S. government’s commitment to partnering with Guyana in developmental projects. “This donation supports the GovernmentofGuyana’svisionofaMalariaFreeGuyanaby 2030,”shesaid.
Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony thanked the United States for this donation, stating, “The Ministry of Health expresses its heartfelt appreciation to the GovernmentoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica,foritsgenerous donation of 20,000 malaria rapid diagnostic kits. The kits will significantly enhance our capacity to promptly and precisely diagnose malaria in many rural communities across Guyana and will safeguard the well-being of our citizens. Wearethankfulfortheongoingpartnership,which hasassistedGuyanatremendouslyovertheyears.”
ThekitsareintendedforRegions1,7,8,9,and10,which accountformorethan95percentofGuyana’smalariacases. Since 2016, the United States Government has been helping Guyanafightmalariathroughitsregionalmalariaprogramin collaboration with partners such as PAHO and the USAID BreakthroughActionteam.
Some notable achievements to date include mapping out areas with high malaria rates, distributing 3,000 bed nets to those most vulnerable, enhancing malaria management in Regions 7 and 8, and facilitating a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Health, government entities,andminingassociations.
The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Friday said that it firmly supports the Guyana PoliceForce’s(GPF)campaignagainsttheuseofillegalsirens andemergencylightsbyunauthroisedpersons.
In a statement, the Chamber of Commerce said it supports the “campaign launched by Traffic Chief, Senior Superintendent Mahendra Singh against the use of illegal sirens and emergency lights by unauthorised persons. Emergency lights and sirens are prescribed for use by the Guyana Fire Service, the Guyana Police Force, and ambulances; however, recently, there has been increase in private vehicles bearing these equipment for the purpose of bypassingareaswithcongestedtraffic.”
Thebody’sstatementfollowsanincreaseinthenumberof private vehicles using sirens and emergency lights on the roadwayswiththeaimofbypassingtraffic.Thecountry’slaws only allow for the Police, Fire Service and ambulances to use thesirensandflashinglights.
In 2022, President Irfaan Ali had instructed Police Commissioner (ag) Clifton Hicken to clampdown on the unauthoriseduseofthesirensandflashinglights.
Meanwhile, the GCCI said too that the move by unauthorised persons to use illegal sirens and emergency lights “pose a risk to road users as they can cause confusion, anduseofsamebydriversnottrainedindefensivedrivingcan resultinaccidents.”
“WiththegrowingnumberofroadfatalitiesinGuyana,the GCCI applauds these measures being taken by the Traffic Department to curb these practices. Addressing this issue requires a concerted effort that also addresses access to these items. As such, it is crucial that conditionalities be placed on theirimportation,”theChamberofCommercesaid.
Further, the GCCI urged the “CustomsAuthority to place restrictions on the import of lights and sirens, limiting access strictlytotheagenciesauthorisedtousesame.” TheChamber also emphasised the importance of responsible use of the roadwaysbyallmotoristsandpedestrians.
In his most recent press conference, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo waxed lyrically about the steps his government has taken to mitigate the rising cost of living. Yet, ironically his government’s inflation numbers do not suggest that suchacrisisexists.
But as we know the inflationnumbersinGuyana bearnoresemblancetoprice movements in the economy ItisjustleftforJagdeotoone day announce that Guyana’s inflation is negative, a feat that is not beyond the government.
Despiteoutliningaseries of measures which his government took to cushion the cost of living, the facts remain incontrovertible: the
cost of living continues to rise at an alarming rate, leaving the poor in precarious position. The costoflivingisevenhurting themiddleclass.
Jagdeo wants us to believe that without those measures, the situation would be worse. Well, it is worse as it is now and this shows that the measures his government adopted have notworked.
Food prices have surged
al concessions to importers.
The real question remains:
has the gove
ment conducted any surveillance or surveys to establish whetherthesebenefitsithas offered to importers have
The increase in the cost offoodinGuyanaisaddedto be by limited production capacities Despite being endowed with fertile land and favourable agricultural conditions;Guyanadoesnot produce food on the scale necessary to drive prices down.
The government has been making a lot of noise aboutbeingself-sufficientin poultry production This ought to have reduced the cost of such products on the market. The contrary has happened; prices have increased. It is cheaper to import chicken from Brazil, even with the high tariffs, than to buy it locally But in order to protect the local p
DemboyssehifyuhevervisitGuyana and yuh ain’t hear somebody complainin’, yuhprobablydeaf.Wedoescomplain‘bout everything,likewegettin’payfuhdoit.Is like we invent de art of complaining.And lemmetellyuh,wegoodatit!
Tek de weather fuh example. Every single day, without fail, somebody gon’ seh,“Dissuntoohot,bai!”Likedesunjust decide fuh turn up de heat jus’fuh annoy dem. And when de rain come, is a whole newchorus.“Disraingon’flooddewhole place!” Dey predictin’ flood like dem is meteorologist.
Butletderainstopfuhcoupledays,and yuhhear,“Disdroughtgon’killweall!”We always find somethin’ to fuss ‘bout, no matterdeweather
Anddecostofliving?Datisdemother of all complaints. “Yuh see de price ah plantain?”Datquestionechothroughevery market.Inflation,taxes,depriceahsugar–all perfect excuse fuh a good ol’ gripe session. And dem electricity bills? Dem boys seh de amount ah energy we spend
complainin’, we coulda power de whole country!
When it come to friends and relations, nobodysafe.“Mecousinalwaysborrowin’ money and never payin’ back or dat neighbour, she think she better than everybody else.” We find comfort in complainin’ ‘bout we own people. Is not personal;istradition.
Complainingishowwebond,man.It’s de grease dat keep de wheels of social interaction turnin’. We might not agree on politics,cricket,orwhomekdebestcookuprice,butweallcomplainin’‘boutdehigh prices in de market and de roads wah just build over In dat shared misery, we find joy
So next time yuh in Guyana, join de party Complain‘boutdeweather,grumble ‘bout de prices, and mutter ‘bout yuh friends. It’s de Guyanese way And if we ever stop complainin’, we might just start appreciatin’ things. And where de fun in dat?
e government will not allow the mass importation of chickenfromBrazil.
The cost-of-living crisis is far more complex than Jagdeo portrays. It is not merelyaboutanoverheating economy or higher demand. It is about an economic structure that permits sellers to hold consumers at their mercy, increasing prices at their whim and expecting consumerstopay
Additionally, it involves apolicyofurbanchangethat see business propping up here there and everywhere and which drives up residentialrents.Thispushes ordinary citizens to the brink As one person remarked,rentsarenow,the RightHonourable,Mr Rent.
The lack of zoning often results in higher living costs forordinarycitizens.
As businesses flock to urbanandevennewhousing schemes, rent prices soar Guyanashouldhaveguarded against this phenomenon The increase in residential r e n t s c o n t r i b u t e s significantly to the cost-oflivingcrisis.
Guyana’stransformation into an oil economy has brought both opportunities andchallenges.Theinfluxof oil revenue has led to
increased public and private spending, driving demand and, consequently, prices.
However,theperceptionthat an oil-rich economy can sustain higher prices has led to inflationary pressures
Businesses, anticipating higher consumer spending power, raise prices, creating a cycle of inflation that erodespurchasingpower
In an oil-driven economy, there is the perception that consumers have the ability to pay oil economy prices. This perception has allowed business to increases prices.
Inotherwords,youliveinan oil economy and you are capable of paying more
Therefore,higherpriceswill be charged because Guyana is supposed to be a highincomecountry
The public has been clamoring for higher wages. But this will not solve the problem because increasing incomes will only lead to a spiraling cycle of rising prices.
A s w a g e s r i s e , businesses tend to increase pricesfurther
The notion that increasing wages will solve the cost-of-living crisis is simplisticandflawed.While higher wages can improve individual purchasing
power, they often lead to price inflation. This is why Jagdeo’s talk about increasing disposable incomes cannot be taken seriously. Businesses, facinghigherlabourcostsas a result of having to pay workers more, pass these costs onto consumers, negating the benefits of wageincreases.
This vicious cycle can only be broken through structural changes that address the root causes of highlivingcosts.Attheheart ofthecrisisliesaneconomic structure that favours sellers overconsumers.
This power imbalance allows businesses to set prices with little regard for consumer welfare Addressing the cost-ofliving crisis requires systemicchangesintheway the economy operates. But that is outside of the ideological interests of the government.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
The news is bad all America. To be specific, some form of continuity. Godknowswhere. Whatever One by one, they are getting around. First, the tourist American airports on high TherearenoPNCvagabonds, the real Big Boss upstairs is reeled in, just like the trade in America is going to alert, and federal officials notoneoftheminasparkling sure to know, he is not overloaded nets that were take a beating. This means with their electronic sniffer field of candidates. That returning my calls and saying dragged to shore by the recommendation is for CEO that free and lavish business dogs to hound, pound, and honour belongs to the PPP to where these men and Apostle Peter. Let there be Darren Woods and CFO spending will be down. build a bigger and bigger and, as usual, the party is so women of rare standing and light, and in all the world, Katryn Mikells to come to There is no greater joy in mound of Guyanese first damned greedy, that it has a rarer principle are taken for there was light. However, Guyana for oil discussions. some circles then spending cornered, then bitten. The virtual monopoly on the the loving attention of US when God said let there be Other Americans from the what the bankers call OPM. operativewordiscorruption. unwavering stare of federal officers As they say light, what came to light was S
For the sluggish of mind, To this point, the names American officials They in America, don’t play dead all these PPP big fish now Departments, who are OPM stands for other and faces have been range from human walkers with the feds; it is advisable doing their best to slide and desirous of having friendly people’s money Think conspicuous for who is p r o v i d i n g c l o s e nottomesswiththebest But glide past Uncle Sam fireside chats with ranking taxpayers. Consider what missing in the gallery of companionship along that arrogance inside of the PPP country without setting foot Guyanese political figures goes on in Guyana. Then interrupted, escorted, long walk, (consider it to be only served to fuel the into it. “De Yankee nah gah could come here. After all, follow matters and the trail questioned, relieved, the equivalent of that last ignorance and petulance that fuh sank shun them, dem as is said in Ole Araby, of bodies now piling up in debriefed, and released to mile), from aircraft door to are now so prevalent in the sank shun demself.” Bypass Mohamed didn’t go to the party and most of its people John F Kennedy is now the mountains, the mountains There are none harder of standard instructions came to Mohamed. That is hearing, more deficient in delivered from Freedom for the lovely party people, learning than the very senior House, PPP Government whosaythatIhavenousefor onesinthePPP ministries, and other His Excellency Now I just Once again, that truism agencies of the Guyana caught myself and apologize snatched from the dark, Banana Republic to all for lapsing: I forgot the US dangerous sea has its own preferred travel agents. For Treasury and Justice majesticapplication Itender thosewhowantthebusiness, Departments, whose officers so that all Guyanese can or to stay in business, the should be in line for a warm remember:afishrotsfromthe most recommended course and hospitable reception head Ifthereisnohead,then of action is to ask no from the PPP Government the heart follows in quick questions. No matter the on behalf of the Guyanese order,andbeforelongthereis trouble, extra expense, of people. Like I always warn no hoof to stand It is why routing flights through people: yuh can run but yuh thereisthissprawlingblanket Panama City and Asunción, ‘caant’hide. TheAmericans ofhysteriainPPPland:whois just do not do anywhere near got bite; can arrange to get next? Who will be fingered damn Miami nor Houston G. who they want to extradite and targeted for the kind Bush Intercontinental from the Guyanese attentions of the American Airport. Regardinghowthis corruption network. The guillotine? enormous oil business is third and final option with
First, the Americans had going to keep growing from this feared American a problem with catfish where it is today, and the touchdown reception is a coming out of Guyana. It self-banonUStravelthatthe funny one. Appeal to Nigel was the subtlest of Yankee corrupt (and vulnerable) in HughestogotoHoustonand cautionary notes, but, as all the PPP Government have r e p r e s e n t t h e P P P Guyanese know well by imposed on themselves, Government on oil there. now, subtlety is tapestry that there are only three options His visa is guaranteed not to is wasted on the PPP There left to sort out this unholy berevoked. Howisthatfora is no eye for beauty; say the politicaldisaster conflict of interest, a word obscenity and they are The first is for President political one, not a around like a pack of jackals Ali be the point man on oil professional one. Yeah, I drawn to a carcass. Catfish and other vital matters of know, sometimes I am too banning was the precursor State in America My muchofasmartAlek. for targeting and banning reasoning is the essence of (The views expressed in other fish coming out of practicality itself, as airtight this article are those of the Guyana. For locals with as a Samsonite briefcase of a u t h o r a n d d o n o t enquiring minds, it is the big dynamite. President Ali has necessarily reflect the fishinGuyana. PPPbigfish. immunity The second opinions of this newspaper.)
Head of the Cardiology Summit on September 27, th D e p a r t m e n t a t t h e 2024, and on the 29 of Georgetown Public Hospital September which is World Corporation (GPHC), Dr Heart Day, they will host for Mahendra Carpen on Friday thefirsttimeSOCAHeart5k revealed that over the last and10kwalk/run. five years, the hospital has
Speaking at the event, seen an alarming increase of MinisterofHealth,Dr Frank heart problems affecting the Anthony welcomed the younger population in the programme noting that the country importance of bringing Dr Carpen made the awareness about the heart disclosure at the launch of disease and other illnesses. ‘Strengthening Our He said “while we have been Cardiovascular Advocacy’ looking at some of the (SOCA) Heart Health diseases, we recognize that Project, an initiative we have been looking at the spearheadedbyalocalgroup Hestatedthatthisstateof disease among other illness di
Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony alongside Head of the Cardiology Department at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Dr. Mahendra Carpen; Founder of STRIDE592, Jervis (centre) and heart survivor Anastacia DaSilva at the launch of ‘SOCA Heart Project’.
diseaseby2027andlauncha clinical aspect of it but many - S T R I D E 5 9 2 i n affair is because people are b u t t h e i r s o c c u r
pressure,badcholesterolthat $5 million research and of these things are really collaboration with the n o t a w a r e o f t h e i r approximatelytenyearslater theyjustdidn’tknowaboutit community engagement lifestyle diseases, and it’s Ministry of Health, the underlining health problems than Guyana’s population before.” funds. really how people living Caribbean Heart Institute and “these are very simple andhenotedthatthe10years In lauding the launch of Founder of STRIDE592 theirlives.” and the GPHC’s Cardiology things that we might take for makesalotofdifference. the SOCAHeart Project, Dr
e According to the Health Department. granted (for example) what He noted that the goal to Carpen expressed that this Programme, Onika Jervis on Minister, having fast food in Dr Carpentoldattendees is your blood sugar, what is shift the prevalence of the takes the activity component F
that since his return to your blood pressure, what is disease from the young age of cardiovascular health to a cardiovascular deaths is the contribute to getting sick, Guyana some 12 years ago your cholesterol level, your group to a much older age different level because not leadingcauseofdeathsinthe and so this is why an and during his practice of height to weight ratio, your group is because when it onlydoesitmakepersonlose world and about 20 million education programme is cardiovascular medicine, activitylevel,”hesaid. happens in the 30s and 40s, weight and feel good about people die across the globe important so it teach people there has been a shift in the Dr Carpen disclosed those are when people are themselves but it has each year, for Guyana she how to practice a healthy age group for serious further that “within the last really hitting their
tremendous impact on all of noted, the country is leading lifestyle. cardiovasculardisease. five years or so we started productive strides in the things that contribute to the Caribbean Diaspora in “We don’t want more “When I first came back, seeing younger and younger building a family or getting cardiovascularhealth. cardiovasculardeaths. young people to get sick theheartattackpatientswere people coming into the intotheircareers. About SOCAHeart Taking this into account, because one thing is to intheir50sand60s.Monday, hospitalwithheartattackand “ T h o s e a r e v e r y
Project Jervis said that is why this operate on them; the other I did a procedure on a 24- some of them have very troubling time to have The SOCAHeart Project heartprojectwaslaunchedin thingisthecost.It’scostinga year-old, the change in age massive heart attack, serious medical conditions,” which was launched at the participation with the lot of money when people of g r o u p f o r s e r i o u s serious, some unfortunately headded.
WindJammer Hotel in Kitty, Ministry to get those a younger age are coming cardiovascular disease is die. But it’s an alarming Another concern Dr Georgetown is a three-year numbers down. “Over the into the hospital with heart astounding, the time period observation that younger Carpen told this publication national pilot programme new weeks, we are going to disease so this is something of just 12 years of practice, people are having heart isthat“weseemtobehaving with a bold yet realistic goal b e e d u c a t i n g t h e thatwewanttoprevent.Now we have moved the needle to attack.” an increase in the number of to mobilize 90,000 people to
s a b
u t we want people to live long a much younger population. AccordingtotheHeadof people who are coming into adopt the daily practice of cardiovascular disease and life and the only way we can So it’s a very common Cardiology, research shows hospitals without any known moving, thereby mitigating wellness and how we can do that is that we need to get routinenowtoseethe30and that people in North underlining conditions the prevalence of non- livebetter,”shementioned. people to adopt a lifestyle 40-year-olds coming into America, Europe and in before, but when you check communicablediseasessuch Jervis said also that in that allows them to live a hospitals with a heart other countries have heart them out in the hospital, a as stroke, hypertension, rolling out this initiative, healthier life,” the minister attack,”heexplained. attacks, strokes, kidney number of them have diabetes, and cardiovascular there will be a SOCA Heart informed.
An11-year-oldboyfromRegion9diedonThursdayafter falling from a horse and being dragged some 500 meters throughthesavannahbyarope.
Dead is Cansius Constance of Hiowa Village, Central Rupununi.
According to initial investigations, the incident occurred around11:00hrsonThursday ReportsarethatConstancewas ridingthehorsewitharopebutwithoutasaddlewhenhefell.
After falling, the lad’s left foot became entangled in the rope causing the anxious horse to drag him approximately 500metersthroughtheSavannahbeforestopping.
The boy’s 18-year-old sister found him shortly after and attemptedtohelp,buthewasmotionless.
A doctor from the area was summoned and Constance was pronounced dead on the scene. Police were alerted, and uponarrival,examinedthechildandobservedseveralbruises on the entire body due to him being dragged for a long distance.
Constance’sbodywastransportedtotheLethemHospital mortuarywhereitawaitsapostmortemexamination. Investigationsareongoing.
Participants during the Farfan and Mendes training. (Farfan and Mendes Limited photo)
Farfan and Mendes practices and introduce new and its numerous benefits, L i m i t e d ( F M L ) i n technologies to increase greenhouse and shade house collaboration with the productionandproductivity technologies and their USAID funded Caribbean The training was management, effective Agricultural Productivity facilitated by Latchman irrigation systems, pest and Improvement Activity Bissoondyal, Agriculture diseasemanagement,andthe ( C A P A ) t r a i n e d Business Development importance of recordapproximately 30 farmers Officer at Farfan and keeping. and agriculture students Mendes. Further, participants also from across the country in “The training aligned delved into micro-farming various climate-smart with FML’s sustainability and precision agriculture agricultureandtechnologies. goals, and interest in technologies “These The training was done with furthering climate smart sessions equipped the support from the National agriculture and as well as farmersandstudentswiththe Agriculture Research and CAPA’s objectives of knowledge and tools ExtensionInstitute(NARIE) improving the productivity necessary to implement and the Guyana School of and marketability of sustainable and efficient Agriculture(GSA). smallholder farmers,” the agricultural practices, According to a statement statementsaid. supporting national goals of issued by FML, the primary The programme covered improved agriculture for goal of the session was to essential topics such as economic prosperity and train farmers in best climate-smart agriculture foodsecurity,”FMLsaid.
President Irfaan Ali (top left) in a virtual meeting with founder of Space X and Tesla, tech giant Elon Musk (bottom).
President Irfaan Ali on Friday held a opportunities that exist in the respective meeting with the founder of Space X and sectors.
Tesla,techgiantElonMuskvirtuallyfromthe Musk congratulated President Ali on the Office of the President on Shiv Chanderpaul impressive rate of progress and development Drive,astatementfromhisofficesaid. inGuyana.Hesaidthathisteamwillexamine According to the President’s office, anypotentialopportunities. discussions focused on the advancement of Director of Presidential Affairs, Mrs. Guyana’s economy, particularly in the areas Marcia Nadir-Sharma was also part of the of innovation and technology, and the meeting.
‘Know the law: Police cannot stop, search vehicles without reasonable suspicion’ - Attorney
Traffic ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) are being urged to familiarize themselves with the laws of Guyana, preferablySection18ofthePoliceAct.
Attorney Chevy Devonish, who is also a lecturer at the University of Guyana, underscored the importance of the policeunderstandingthattheymusthavereasonablesuspicion beforestoppingvehicles.
Devonish was at the time speaking during a panel th discussion help in celebration of the GPF’s 185 anniversary held at the Police Officers’ Mess Annexe, Eve Leary, Georgetown.
Themed ‘Strategy for identifying and combating traffic incidents and accidents inclusive of punitive laws as a deterrent’, the discussion included National Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) advisor, DarrylAkeung, Vice Chancellor of the University of Guyana (UG), Dr Paloma Mohamed, Senior Superintendent of Police, Mahendra Singh and Chairman of National Road Safety Council,EarlLambert.
Devonish said often time the police is not properly aware ofhowtoproperlyexecutehisorhermandate.
“…Unfortunately, we have had an experience and circumstances where we lost cases particularly because persons(ranks)whowereinthepositiontoenforcethelawdid notknowthelawandthereforeexercisingpowerstheydidnot have,”theattorneysaid.
Devonish recounted his experience with police ranks that stoppedhimduringanoperation,withoutindicatingreason.
“I want to say first and foremost, there is no traffic rank who should be on the road engaging in stops, search, seizures of any vehicles if they have not at least seen Section 18 of the PoliceAct,”theAttorneysaid.
DevonishexplainedthatSection18ofthePoliceActstates that any member of the Force may stop, search and detain any aircraft, vessel or vehicle which there shall be reason to suspect anything stolen, unlawfully obtained, or that any person, suspected of having committed any indictable offence,maybefound.
Further, a member of the Force may also stop, search and detainanypersonwhomaybereasonablysuspectedofhaving or conveying in any manner anything stolen or unlawfully obtained.
Devonish said on one of the occasions, he was stopped by police, he asked the officer about the operation to which the rankreportedlysaid,“Iisapolice,don’tquestionthepolice.”
Theattorneysaidwhilethelawallowsforthestoppingand searching of vehicles, aircraft and vessels, it is mandatory for therankstostatetheirreason(s)ofsuspicion.
Devonish hypothetically said, “If I am driving down the roadwithablackvehicleandyouhaveawhatisreferredtoas an… operation going on, you know random stops and search, and you know a police officer stops me, and ask me to search myvehiclebecauseisjustaneventtheyarehaving…Ithinka campaign. They just want to search my vehicle, what is the basis of that search? Is there a basis? Is there a suspicion in there,anywhere?No.”HeremindedthatifRanksfailto
(Continued on page 17)
A 5 3 - y e a r - o l d businessman was fined $20,000 on Friday and seven days community service when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer a possession ofnarcoticscharge.
The accused, Linden Hodge appeared before Magistrate Faith McGusty where he told the court, “I thought that you were entitled to an ounce of it (weed)inthiscountry.”
On July 18, at about 19:00h, ranks from the Brickdam Impact Base were on patrol on Sheriff Street in the vicinity of Duncan Street Hodge was charged for the when they observed Hodge offence. driving a motorcar bearing Meanwhile,when Hodge registration number PMM appearedincourt,hepleaded 4415jumpingthetrafficlight guilty with explanation. He at the corner of the said told the magistrate that he location. has been using ganja for a Hewasstopped.Asranks number of years. He told the approached him, Hodge court that he thought persons reportedly appeared nervous whoareclassifiedas“Rasta” and suspicious.The ranks on are allowed to have ganja in patrol conducted a search of theirpossession. his person and found one Magistrate McGusty bulky black bag on his left then asked Hodge whether sidewaist. he identified as a Rastafarian
The bag contained a to which he answered in the quantity of leaves, seeds and affirmative. The magistrate stems suspected to be fined Hodge and sentenced cannabis. him to 7 days of community
The content of the bag service, failing which he was weighed and amounted would be sentenced to 6 to 29 grams of cannabis. weeksinjail.
A40-year-oldfarmerwasfounddeadonThursdayatFly Hill,RegionNinefollowinganargumentoverstolencows. DeadisChardsonErnestofFlyHill,NorthRupununi. Ernest and his 47-year-old uncle reportedly had an argumentoverthecows.
Reports are that on July 17, Ernest, the suspect and the suspect’s 57-year-old brother and the victim’s 22-year-old nephew were consuming alcohol at a street corner near their homesatFlyHill.
According to police, at about 02:00h, the following day, Ernest’s nephew reported hearing a loud argument between the victim and two brothers. The brothers accused Ernest of stealingtheircows.
The victim reportedly left the drinking spot and went home. At about 02:30hrs, Ernest sat on a bench outside his home. About an hour later, his nephew was awakened by calls from his uncle for help. Upon checking, he saw Ernest on the ground and the suspect walking away from the scene withaknifeinhishand.
Ernest’s nephew took the knife from the suspect but the suspectmadegoodhisescape.
The victim’s body was taken to the Lethem Regional Hospital mortuary, and a post-mortem examination is pending.
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Call: 652-0251/650-0402/2604018.
2024 NO.53 DEMERARA IN THE LAND COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREDECLARATION OF TITLEIn the matter of Parcel 1307, being portion of provisional Parcel 273 Plantation Friendship, Land Registration Block No. XXVIII, Zone: East Bank Demerara, in the County of Demerara, Guyana, containing an area of 0.1617 of an acre, as shown on a plan conducted by Chandi Mahipaul, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated the 9th day of July, 2015 and recorded in the Guyana of Lands and Surveys Commission on the 10th day of July, 2015 and numbered 62079.
-and- In the matter of an Application by JAIRAM BABICHAND and BISSOONDAI DEVI PERSAUD.First )Second ) PUBLICATIONThird ) Jairam Babichand and Bissoondai Devi Persaud both of Lot 31 Friendship, East Bank, Guyana, has presented a Petition for Declaration of Title to the property described in the Schedule hereto. Any person intending to oppose the said petition must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first Publication of this Notice File in the Registry of Court in the City of Georgetown Demerara, Notice of his Opposition and An Affidavit or Affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy thereof upon the said Jairam Babichand and Bissoondai Devi Persaud. Georgetown, Demerara
This 22nd day of May, 2024
“Parcel 1307, being portion of provisional. Parcel 273 Plantation Friendship, Land Registration Block No. XXVIII, Zone: East Bank Demerara, in the County of Demerara, Guyana, containing an area of 0.1617 of an acre, as shown on a plan conducted by Chandi Mahipaul, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated the 9th day of July, 2015 and recorded in the Guyana of Lands and Surveys Commission on the 10th day of July, 2015 and numbered 62079”MEMO RANDUMThe address for service of the Petitioner is at the Chambers of Mr. Donavon A. Rangiah, Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioner of and whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana.
-and-MOOTOO (MOHAN) RespondentTO: MOHAN MOOTOO Formerly of Lot 2 Cummings Lodge, East Coast Demerara.
TAKE NOTICE that on the 26th day of March, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by SHIVANIE DEVI MOOTOO nee JAIRAM the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE
NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 20th day of June, 2024, the Petitioner was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Stabroek News, a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Guyana.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown. Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowled gement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is extended for Directions Hearing on Wednesday the 2nd day of October, 2024 at 11:30 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge via Zoom Meeting ID: 845 1426 6584 and Password: 786 445.
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any
Order it considers appropriate, including The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 25th day of June, 2024.
Formerly of Second Street, Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo, Guyana. TAKE NOTICE that on the 25th day of April, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by NANDI BARKER nee ODINGA the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE
NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 19th day of June, 2024 the Petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around the Republic of Guyana.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Friday September 27th, 2024 at 1:15 pm before the Honourable Madam Chief Justice Roxane George via Zoom (Please contact the Chief Justice Chambers either by email at victorialawcourts@gmail.com or by telephone at 592-2256823 or 226-7947 extension 223/306) IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowle dgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the27th day of June, 2024.
-VPetitioner/Applicant (RAMDIN) UDIT RespondentUDIT
RAMDIN Formerly of Lot 868 Block D, Bath Settlement West Coast Berbice TAKE NOTICE that on Wednesday the 31st day of May, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by KAMINI RAMDIN nee AMARNAUTH the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 13th day of June, 2024 the Petitioner / Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the KAIETEUR NEWS, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the worldwide web (Online).AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 3rd day of October, 2024 at 8:30am before the Honourable Mr. Justice Nareshwar Harnanan in Court 9. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between
8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00amto 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 8th day of July, 2024
PATTERSON Respondent Last Known Address Kururu Squatting Area, Linden Highway.
TAKE NOTICE that on the 6th day of June, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by LONETTE LATOYA
PATTERSON nee BRANDT the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in 100 Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE
NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 3rd day of July, 2024, the Petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Guyana of General circulation in Guyana.
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division
A robbery suspect, on Friday, escaped from police custody before his court appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’
of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the publication of this Notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Tuesday the 17th day of September, 2024 at 1:25 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via Zoom Meeting ID: 882-1097 6231 and Password: Court12.
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, includingThe Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 11th day of July, 2024.
The escapee, identified as Simon Ifill of Lot 198 Mandela Avenue, Georgetown was expected to appear virtually from Timehri Police Station before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty to answer a Robbery Under Arms (RUA) charge.
Ifill, along with two others, reportedly robbed a taxi driver on July 10, 2024.
However, when the matter was called, Ifill was not present at court. While waiting for the suspect’s appearance, the court was notified that he had escaped. The court was also informed that Ifill was being investigated for a series of robberies on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD).
Further, the escapee also has pending matters at the Diamond Magistrates’ Court.
Kaieteur News understands that police from the Timehri Police Station were transporting Ifill to the Diamond Magistrates’ Court and in the process, he escaped along the East Bank.
As a result, Magistrate McGusty issued an arrest warrant for Ifill and adjourned the matter to August 19, 2024.
Meanwhile, the second suspect in the robbery, Shawn Harry of James Street Alberttown, appeared in court. Harry pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to three years and six months in jail.
The third suspect, is currently unknown to police.
Reports are that on July 12 on Plum Street, South Sophia, Georgetown, Ifill, Harry and an unidentified male, while being armed with a firearm robbed Joshua
Babb of one gold chain valued $120,000 and $50,000 cash.
According to the facts presented in court, at around 22:30hrs on July 12, Babb was on his way to pick up customers at D’Urban Street. On his arrival, he picked up Harry and Ifill along with a female and another male. The female was dropped off at Plaisance, ECD while the unknown male requested to be dropped off at Mercy Wing Road, Plum Park, South Sophia.
Babb arrived at the said location when the unknown male came out of the vehicle and dealt several blows to his right eye with a firearm. As a result, he attained serious injuries.
Harry and Ifill, who were seated in the back seat of the car took away the victim’s valuables and escaped with the unknown male. Babb reported the matter to the police. Meanwhile, on July 16 at 22:00hrs while the victim was dropping off a customer at Sussex and Laing Street, Charlestown, he saw Harry, Ifill and the unknown male in a Superbet shop nearby. He went to the Brickdam Police Station and informed the police. They went back to the location but only saw Harry and Ifill. Harry was arrested and taken to the Ruimveldt Police Station, while Ifill was transported to the Timehri Police Station due to his pending matters at the Diamond Magistrates’ Court. Harry was told of the allegation, cautioned and admitted under video recording that he was present at the time the victim was attacked.
From page 14
provide reasons for the search or the basis of suspicion, should a case be taken to court, the case is likely to be dismissed.
“What happens, the person is arrested and they are charged and they go to the Magistrates’ Court and the matter is dismissed, why is it dismissed? Because you (the Rank) had no lawful authority to stop the person, which means that you had no lawful authority to arrest the person, which means you had no lawful authority to detain the person,” Devonish said.
This usually results in the Police Force being sued.
“They sue us (the police) for unlawful arrest, they sue us for unlawful detention, they sue us for malicious prosecution...They sue us for the violation for their fundamental rights and they get a nice $200,000, $300,000, $400, 000,” Devonish said.
The attorney said that over time, the police have grown accustomed to telling persons to drive to the police station.
“You can arrest with words alone, drive to station, stay in the corner, and while you in the corner you (the police) gone back on the road and you stop other vehicles and this man is here for 15-20 minutes…That is detention and what happens, (the matter) goes to the court, we (the police) get lash, law suit…or the person doesn’t listen and you charge them for resisting arrest, disorderly behaviours, but they all fail, or obstructing a police officer in the lawful execution of his duties, but it was not lawful because you (police) did not have reasonable suspicion, that is the condition,” Devonish explained.
Activists say ICJ’s
Al Jazeera - Activists andlegalexpertsintheWest Bank say Friday’s ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which has found that Israel’s occupationofthePalestinian territories is unlawful, will do little to improve life for Palestinians.
Other states must now apply collective pressure on Israel to end its rule over Gaza and the West Bank, including annexed East Jerusalem, if the situation thereistochange,theysay
The world’s highest court concluded on Friday –with12-3judgesinfavour–that Israel is forcibly displacing Palestinians from their lands, exploiting water sources, annexing large swaths of the occupied territory “by force” and is violating the right of Palestinians to “selfdetermination”.
The ICJ also ruled that Israel must stop all building of settlements in the West B a n k a n d s h o u l d compensate Palestinians for human rights violations in
The ruling is a nonbinding advisory opinion, which was sought by the United Nations General Assembly in 2022, seeking to clarify the legal implications of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank.
TheICJcalledontheUN – especially the Security
Assembly–totakeactionto bring Israel’s unlawful occupationtoa“rapid”end.
However, Zainah elHaroun, the spokesperson for Al-Haq, a Palestinian nonprofitorganisationbased in the West Bank that monitors human rights violations,saidpreviousICJ rulingshavenotledtoglobal
She referenced the ICJ’s 2004 advisory opinion that found Israel’s separation wall and settlements on occupied Palestinian land illegal.
Settlements have not only remained in the West Banksincetheruling,butthe number of Israeli settlers living there has also risen
WASHINGTON, July 19 (Reuters)
- President Joe Biden vowed on Friday to continuehiscampaignforreelectionevenasmorefellow Democrats in Congress urged him to end his floundering campaign, fearing that it could cost the party dearly in the Nov 5 election.Morethanonein10 congressional Democrats have now publicly called on the 81-year-old incumbent — who is isolating at his Delaware home with a case of COVID — to drop out following a disastrous June debate against Republican Donald Trump that raised questions about Biden’s ability to win or to carry out his duties for another four years. Biden remained defiant, saying he would resume
“Ilookforwardtogetting back on the campaign trail next week to continue exposing the threat of Donald Trump’s Project 2025 agenda while making the case for my own record andthevisionthatIhavefor America,” he said in a statement, referring to a policy plan developed by Trump’sconservativeallies.
The divide among Democrats stood in sharp contrast to the scenes that played out this week at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where former party rivals united around Trump, who accepted the Republican nomination in a rambling speech that featured his familiar mix of grievance andbombast.
So far, 32 of the 264 DemocratsinCongresshave openly called for Biden to end his campaign, while other senior Democratic leaders have pushed him behind the scenes to do so, according to sources and mediareports.
D e m o c r a t s a r e increasinglyworriedabouta Republican sweep in the Nov 5 election that could leave Trump and his allies not only in charge of the White House but also with majorities in both chambers of Congress “Your candidacy is on a trajectory to lose theWhite House and potentially impact crucial House and Senate races down ballot. It is for these reasonsthatIurgeyoutostep aside,”wroteRepresentative Zoe Lofgren, one of at least
nine Democratic lawmakers to call on Biden to drop out onFriday Lofgrenisaclose ally of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, one of the most influential Democrats. Pelosi has not publicly called on Biden to drop out but has privately told him he cannot win, according to a White House source speaking on conditionofanonymity
After weeks of insisting he will remain in the race, sources say Biden is now taking calls to step aside seriously, and multiple Democraticofficialsthinkan exit is a matter of time. A Democratic group called Pass the Torch said it would run TV ads on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” one of Biden’s favorite shows, urginghimtodropout.
from 250,000 in 1993 to morethan700,000in2023.
“These rulings mean nothingifthirdstatesandthe internationalcommunityfail to hold Israel accountable,” shetoldAlJazeera.
“The ICJ has ruled that Israel’s occupation is unlawful and must end immediately Third states mustensurethefullandtotal realisationofthePalestinian people to self-determination and sanction Israel’s illegal occupation, which breaches international law,” she added.
Littletocelebrate Palestinian activists in the West Bank said they cannot celebrate the ICJ’s ruling when the situation acrosstheoccupiedterritory isworsethaneverbefore.
TheycitedIsrael’swarin Gaza, which has killed at least 38,848 Palestinians –the vast majority of them civilians – and has rendered the enclave uninhabitable.
Gaza is also witnessing an outbreak of diseases such as polio and cholera while nearly the entire population is struggling to survive food shortages brought on by Israel’ssiegeoftheenclave.
Israel’s war on Gaza followed Hamas-led attacks on military outposts and communities in southern IsraelonOctober7,inwhich 1,139peoplewerekilledand 251 taken captive The global attention – and shock –overIsrael’swareversince hasdistractedattentionfrom its settlement expansion in the West Bank, observers said. “A year ago, a ruling like this would have been great. We all would have thoughtthiswasagreatstep forward,” said Tasame Ramadan, a human rights activist from the West Bank city of Nablus. “But right now, the priority is a permanent ceasefire [in Gaza] and an end to the occupation ” Mohamad Alwan, a Palestinian rights activist monitoring settler attacks in the West Bank, expressedasimilarwariness about what the ruling will meanontheground.Hesaid that while he recognises the
ruling hurts Israel’s image abroad, there is no way for thecourttoapplyorenforce it.
In addition, Alwan said he is pessimistic about whether states will take actionagainstIsraelafterthe ruling. He cited perceived indifference to the ICJ’s binding order in January, in which the court called on Israel to scale up aid and prevent further harm to civilians in Gaza after concludingthat“therightsof Palestinians were at risk” under the Genocide Convention.
“In my opinion, this decision will have no immediate impact on the situation on the ground,” he toldAlJazeera.
“However, in the long run, there might be an impact. The world has seen now how Israel kills people and kills children, and their views are changing about Israelanditsoccupation.”
‘Nakba is where it all started’ Palestinian activists stressed that the ICJ’s advisory ruling on Friday must be understood in the context of the Nakba, or “Catastrophe”, of 1948 when Zionist militias expelled about 750,000 Palestiniansfromtheirlands tocreatethestateofIsrael.
D i a n a B u t t u , a Palestinianlegalexpert,said she wished the ICJ had referenced the Nakba to highlightthehistoricpattern of Israel’s behaviour in the occupied territory “While I’m happy about the outcome of this case, I also think that this focus just on the West Bank and Gaza ignoresthebiggerpictureof the origins of this situation andthewaysinwhichIsrael was created, which was through the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians,” Buttu told AlJazeera.Shecriticisedthe Palestinian Authority (PA), which governs large swaths of the West Bank and represents the Palestinian people internationally, for how the issue of IsraelPalestineistypicallyframed by and within the global community
Op p o s i t i o n party Congress passed a whether his party would be do is rebuild its strength. It said. “The first thing we have Leader Aubrey motion saying in clear terms contesting the elections has to achieve heights that it The AFC leader firmly to do is, we actually have to
N o r t o n o n that the leader of the PNC independently has never previously stated that his party will not conduct an examination of
Friday said that will be the presidential “I know that question achieved in terms of its be forced into making that why we did so badly at the he is open to collating with candidate.” comes and it’s too early (to electoral strength and when decisionatthispointsincehe last elections and then take the Alliance For Change LeaderoftheAFC,Nigel say). The first thing the the time is right, we will feels that the time is not guidance from there,” he (AFC) for the 2025 General Hughes was recently asked Alliance For Change has to make that decision,” Hughes appropriate. disclosed. and Regional Elections
Norton was at the time speaking at the People’s National Congress’ weekly press conference held at CongressPlace,Sophia
“All forces of the Opposition will be critical in dealing with and removing thePPPfromoffice.Ibelieve Nigel Hughes is a welcomed addition The AFC was always there and will continue to be there. Nigel is the new leader of the AFC, I think he is a welcome addition, my honest hope is
that we will pursue coalition politics and unseat the PPP,” Nortonwhoisalsotheleader ofthePNC.
Norton said too that his party is exploring all the opposition elements “We are not disclosing them now but they are prominent citizens in this society that will appear on the PNC list that is part of the coalition, because we do believe that there is need for a broadbased movement to unseat thePPP.”
The Opposition Leader said that discussions have been had and stakeholders are committed to removing the current administration fromgovernmentsince“they are not operating in the interest of the people of Guyana and we believe that coalition politics will be criticalindoingthat.”
Meanwhile, on the issue of the presidential candidate representing the opposition at next year’s elections Norton reminded that “The question of the presidential candidacy was determined by the party’s Congress. Our
SportsMax - Several including 2019 world
Caribbean athletics stars, champion Dina Asher-
You're anxious to take action, Aries, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Be careful about acting too hastily It's important that you and your loved one be on the samepagefirst.
It may feel as if something or someone is trying to keep you from moving ahead with your ambitious goals and aggressivenature,Taurus.
You're apt to feel more talkative than usual, Gemini. There are many times when you may shrink from a situation in disgust or perhaps boredom. You're usually anxious to move from one sceneandgetonwiththenext.
You may be anxious to try an uncharted path that speaks to your sense of risk and adventure It's important to temper these actions with realisticplanning You'remuch more likely to get a flat tire whenyoudon'tcarryaspare.
Other people are likely to be anxious to get up and moving with their plans, Leo. It might be better for you to hang back a bit and see how things pan outbeforeyoutakeaction.Let others go across the river first tolearnthebestway
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Your heart has been active, and you're probably feeling the need to take charge of a certainrelationship.Insteadof beingtoohastyinyourpursuit of this romance, you should probablydomoreplanning.
There is solid grounding to youremotionsrightnowthatis helping you stabilize your sensitive feelings, Libra. As you become more attuned to your internal needs, you may discover that recent actions in romanceandlovemaynothave beenparticularlyappropriate.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Your relationships are going well from an intellectual perspective, Scorpio, but from an emotional one, you might feelliketheyaren'tasfulfilling asyou'dlike.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Concentrate on nurturing your needs right now instead of trying to accommodate the needs of others, Sagittarius. There is a difficult tension that arises when you try to comfort someone who really doesn't wanttobecomforted.
Thingsmayrollalongnicelyin love and romance and then suddenly run into a snag, Capricorn. Perhaps you failed to recognize an important birthdayoranniversary
Here's a reminder that it's OK to be you. You may feel more centered than usual, which encourages you to stand up for yourself and say the things you must to people who need to hearthem.
You may have that awful feeling that you really need to getdowntoworkyetsomething seemstostandsquareintheway of progress Perhaps you feel like you're at a four-way stop withthreeothercars
including Ackeem Blake, Smith, Ireland’s Rhasidat Kaczmarek, world indoor Rushell Clayton, Julien Adeleke, and European silver medallist Lieke Alfred, Nickisha Pryce, and silvermedallistDaryllNeita. Klaver, and Britain’s Amber Natoya Goule-Topping, are This race is set to be one of Anning. set to finalize their Olympic thehighlightsofthemeet. Meanwhile, Goulepreparations at the highly Clayton will take on the Toppin,theJamaicanrecordanticipatedDiamondLeague women’s 400m hurdles, holderinthewomen’s800m, meeting in London today, competing alongside fellow will compete against world Saturday,July20. Jamaican Shiann Salmon andOlympicsilvermedallist Blakewillcompeteinthe against a strong line-up led Keely Hodgkinson, who has men’s 100m event, facing by world champion Femke been undefeated this year world 100m and 200m Bol, who recently set a new The line-up includes world champion Noah Lyles, who European record of 50.95. indoor silver medallist last raced at the US Olympic USA’s Shamier Little is also Jemma Reekie, Olympic Trials, clinching both titles. among the competitors, 1500m silver medallist He will also face Botswana’s promising a thrilling race as Laura Muir, and 2019 world versatile sprinter Letsile they all look to sharpen their championHalimahNakaayi. Tebogo,whofinishedsecond formaheadoftheOlympics. As these Caribbean stars to Lyles in both events at last Pryce, who set a national and other top athletes from y e a r ’ s W o r l d record of 48.89 in winning around the world compete in Championships Other the NCAA title, will make London, fans can expect an notable entrants include her Diamond League debut exciting preview of the world bronze medallist in the women’s 400m. She performances to come at the Zharnel Hughes, South will be challenged by ParisOlympics. Africa’s Akani Simbine, and Britain’sJeremiahAzu.
Alfred from Saint Lucia will compete in the women’s 200m, going up against worldleaderGabbyThomas, fresh off her US Trials win with a time of 21.78. Alfred willfaceastar-studdedfield,
I n a d i s p l a y o f Preme Pooran achieved gold in their respective individual Kata category Maya Balram emerged This successful start for exceptional talent and remarkablesuccessatthe4th categories, showcasing their with an impressive score of victorious, earning the top
Guyanese Diagaku (IKD) World Cup, skills on an international 19.1points.
podium spot with 18 7 highlights the strength and martial artists Keenan whichcommencedonFriday stage. His performance set a points. potential of these young Beaton,MayaBalram,Ethan at the National Gymnasium.
Keenan Beaton clinched high standard for the Balram’s victory was martial artists. Their sterling Khan, Karesa Prashad, and Each competitor secured gold in the men’s 20-39
d closely contested by fellow performances have not only underscored his prowess in G
brought pride to their thediscipline. Samara Hunter, who secured country but have also set the I
l’s 5-7 18.1 points to take second tone for the rest of the individual Kata category, place. competition.
Janique Alexander of Trinidad and Tobago showing off her Kata Technique in the Purple Belt division.
Guyana suffered a horrid Barbadosposted201-9in King was the x-factor, an aggressive hand as he the remaining runs before after the huge loss of Van 9-wicket loss to the their first innings after snatching up 5-40 while took advantage of bowlers looking to set a new target Lnage who was caught and relentless Bajans, who Jatario Prescod stroked 75 Raniceo Smith lent support frombothends. withafewsessionsleftinthe bowled by the spinner completed an outright win with Guyana left-arm with 3-16; spells which The pair brought up their day’splay. Motara andViera who fell to Thursday when action spinner Golcharran Chulai, forced Guyana into a tough half-century partnership as By tea, Guyana were Brathwaite, as the lowercontinued in the Regional starring with 5 first innings positionbattingagain. Guyana eventually cleared 124-5, suffering setbacks ordereventuallyfell. U192-DayTournament. wickets alongside fast- Guyana’s second innings Batting again Barbados bowler Isai Thorne who was a bit more lively despite eased themselves to 81-1 in bagged3scalps. losing Rampertab Ramnauth just 13 overs with opener Only two Guyanese (14) and Captain Mavindra Zion Brathwaite (34*) and batsmen, Shahid Viera who Dindyal (18) just as they Joshua Dorne (24*) piloting has been the team’s looked to get settled, during aneasychase. anchorman over the past few the Prescod/King opening Guyana were bowled out games and now leading with spell. in their second innings for 36, along with all-rounder Viera and Van Lange 184 after Jonathan Van ThaddeusLovellwhoscored then sought to commence Lange (48) and Thaddeus 25, managed to get going as repairs as Guyana faced a Lovell (35) gave them hope, Guyana were shot down for slight deficit during the time with Nathan Sealy grabbing 90inthe1stinnings. intheafternoonsession,with 3wicketsforBarbados. Bajan fast-bowler Kyron the latter especially playing
The ExxonMobil feature athletes in the under- of four runners, two males Guyana Youth 16, under-20, and “Open” and two females, each cover Relay Festival, age categories, with finals 400 meters in this relay
hosted by A ensuring a day filled with event. Record Chance Inc (ARC), thrillingcompetitionforboth The order for this is set to be an exciting day of participantsandspectators. inaugural edition will be left athletic competition, E a c h o f t h e a g e open to the school’s emphasizing teamwork and categories U16 and U20 will discretion Open athletes sportsmanshipamongyoung be eligible to compete in the will compete in the events athletes. followingrelayevents:Inthe such as 100m, 800m, The event is scheduled 4x100m Relay, each team 4x100m Relay, and Mixed for tomorrow (July 21) at the consists of four runners, and 4x400mRelay National Track & Field each runner covers 100 The festival will feature Centre (NT&FC) in meters before passing the
Leonora, West Coast batontothenextrunner Demerara, and Essequibo, Demerara, action sprints off The 4x200m Relay, m
from10:00a.m. similar to the 4x100m relay, attractions, including S p o n s o r e d b y but each runner covers 200
ExxonMobil Guyana, the meters before passing the p
event highlights the baton. excitement.Megaprizeswill company’s commitment to The 4x400m Relay, also be awarded to the top youth development and teams of four runners each performers across the community engagement in cover 400 meters in this differentevents. the nation. Their support has longer relay event, requiring “ARecord Chance Inc is been crucial in providing both speed and endurance. thrilled to host this festival, resources and opportunities Sprint Medley Relay: 200m, which brings together young excellence,” said the
dedication to fostering the for young athletes to excel in 200m, 400m, 800m legs athletes from across Guyana organisers. memorablemoments.” growth and development of trackandfieldevents. complete the relay, while in to compete in a spirit of “We look forward to
The one-day festival will Mixed 4x400m Relay, teams
The Cue SportsAssociation of Guyana (CSAG) is set to hostitspremier8-BallPoolevent,dubbedtheNationalTeam Championships.This highly anticipated tournament cues off on July 26th and run through August 18th, with all games takingplaceonweekends.
The tournament will be conducted under WPA Rules (Ball in Hand), ensuring a high standard of play The organizing committee is encouraging interested teams to register promptly as space is limited. Each competing team will consist of seven players, with five players participating ineachmatch.
A captain’s meeting is scheduled for later this week to draw the tournament bracket. For more information or to registeryourteam,contactCSAGviaWhatsAppat+592640 2222. The competition will be hosted at four vibrant venues, including Sunil & Son Pool Bar (Mahaica), Butchers Chill Spot (Sheriff Street), Suraj Sports Bar (Meten-Meer-Zorg), andJasonPoolBar(SouthRuimveldtGardens).
Fans can look forward to seeing their favourite teams battle it out for the championship title and a first-place prize of$700,000,alongwithachampionshiptrophy Thesecondplace team will receive $500,000, while the third and fourth placeteamswillshare$300,000.
TheeventisproudlysponsoredbyIvanoffVodka,andthe entryfeeissetat$30,000.
young athletes in Guyana.
sponsorship reflects their Admissionisfreeforall.
After two thrilling d a y s o f competition in
the inaugural Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Under-16 Youth Academy Cup, the Guyana Jaguar Academy and Trinidad’s Point Fortin Academy have climbed to thetopofthetable.
Guyana JaguarAcademy boasts a 4-point goal differenceaftertwomatches, having scored all four goals against TTO Academy Thursday at the GFF National Training Centre Similarly, Point Fortin Academy also secured a 4pointgoaldifference,despite anil-alldrawagainstGuyana Panther heading into the penultimate day of the tournament.
Guyana Jaguar Academy defenders keeping Trinidad and Tobago Academy players under close guard during yesterday’s match at NTC.
the lead to 2-0 in the 11th the second half, Tyrell all our opportunities We
The opening match on minute with a brilliant Stapletonaddedanothergoal need to move the ball better day two saw a disappointing strike forTTOAcademy, making it against TTO Academy and draw for Guyana Panther Shaquan David further 4-2. go back to the drawing against Point Fortin. Both increased the lead to 3-0 just However, the Jaguars board for our next game,” teams displayed strong four minutes later Jaden tightened their defence, Lythcottsaid performances but failed to Harristhenscoredastunning closing the game with a 4-2 The tournament, a GFF score, ending the game at 0- goal in the 24th minute, victory, marking their first initiative, aims to bring 0. pushing the game further out winofthetournament. together the best Under-16
In the other fixture, ofTrinidad’sreachwitha4-0 I n a p o s t - m a t c h male players during the Trinidad Academy faced a lead. interview, Guyana Panther summerbreak. formidable Guyana Jaguar Trinidad and Tobago head coach Trevon Lythcott President Wayne Forde unit. The Jaguars applied A
made a special effort to early pressure, leading to an comeback in the 29th minute disappointment despite the include two overseas teams own-goal by Trinidad, with Ezikiel Ramialsingh d r a w “ I t w a s a to enhance the competition. giving Guyana an early 1-0 scoring, reducing the deficit disappointing effort by the The tournament is supported lead. to4-1byhalftime. guys Ithinkweshouldhave by Star Rental and SQ Quancy Fraser extended In the opening minute of won the game had we taken Apparel.
Kraigg Brathwaite played a big part in West Indies’ positive start. (Getty Images)
SportsMax - Spirited the22ndover,caughtatshort Hodge went on to bring efforts from Kavem Hodge leg by Ollie Pope off the up an excellent maiden Test and Alick Athanaze led an bowling of first Test hero tonofhisownwithabrilliant excellentWestIndianbatting Gus Atkinson for a well- straight drive for four off performance on day two of played 48, his highest score Wood. the second Test against since a 75 in July 2023 His hundred came off England at Trent Bridge against India in Port-of- 143 balls and included 17 yesterday Spain. fours. He was eventually
Replying to England’s Then, on the stroke of dismissed by Chris Woakes 416 all out on day one, the lunch, McKenzie played an in the 75th over for 120 off West Indians reached 351-5 ill-advised shot off the 171balls. off84oversatstumpsonday bowling of Bashir to fall for “It was important we put two, trailing their English 11andleavethetourists84-3 our heads down and took counterpartsbyjust65runs. inthe25thover some info from the England O p e n e r s K r a i g g The post-lunch session first innings,” Hodge told Brathwaite and Mikyle then saw the Dominican pair Sky Sports at the end of the Louis got proceedings off to of Hodge and Athanaze day a good start for the West brilliantly navigating some “We made use of a good Indies with a 53-run opening probing bowling from the batting track It feels partnership despite a testing hosts. amazing[tomakeacentury], spell of bowling from Mark Hodge did have one it is always good to Wood which saw him record reprieve when he was contribute to the team, a delivery at 97.1 miles per dropped by Joe Root off the especially coming off the hour bowlingofWoodinthe42nd first Test when we didn’t do Thatpartnershipendedin over sowellasabattingunit. the 15th over when Louis The pair carried on to put On the partnership with went caught off the bowling on 175 for the fourth wicket Athanaze,headded:“Facing of off-spinner Shoaib Bashir b e f o r e A t h a n a z e [Mark] Wood, it is not every for21. unfortunately fell 18 runs day you face a guy who
The skipper and new shy of a well-deserved bowls every single ball over batsman Kirk McKenzie put maiden Test hundred off the 90 miles per hour It was on a further 25 before bowling of England captain really important we got Brathwaite was next to go in BenStokesinthe62ndover through that period as it would have been really difficult for a new batter to startagainstthat.”
The not out batsmen at the crease at stumps were Joshua Da Silva on 32* and Jason Holder on 23*. The pair have, so far, put on 46 forthesixthwicket.
Shoaib Bashir was England’s most successful bowleronthedaywith2-100 from23overs.
Full Scores: England 416 all out off 88.3 overs (Ollie Pope 121, Ben Duckett 71, Ben Stokes 69, Alzarri Joseph 3-98, Kavem Hodge 2-44, Kevin Sinclair 2-73,JaydenSeales2-90). West Indies 351-5 off 84 overs (Kavem Hodge 120, Alick Athanaze 82, Kraigg Brathwaite 48, Shoaib Bashir2-100).
The Guyana Chess Federation’s eightmember contingent, participating in the Pan American Youth Championships XXXIV in Orlando,Florida,isholdingitsownamongits internationalcounterparts.
Afterfiveroundsofplay,SachinPitamber isin15thplacewith3pointsintheU14Open, while Kyle Couchman is in 17th place in the U16 Open with 2 5 points Couchman defeatedFMNathanYan,FIDErated2200in round one, and Jamaica’s Zuberi Edwards, 1642inroundfour a valuable opportunity for our younger
In round five, Couchman earned a half players to experience their first international point after he drew with Trinidad’s Kael competition.
Samuel Bisnauth, whom he had defeated last It allows them to test their skills against year in the CAC Youth Chess Festival. Aditi players from other countries and learn from Joshi, competing in the Girls U14, is on 1.5 their opponents The heavily contested points after defeating Sara Vasquez and tournament has mostly FIDE-rated players in Tsahai Clarke from Panama and Jamaica, each category. Three rounds remain for each respectively category represented by the Guyanese Joshiearnedahalfpointafterdrawingher juniors. game with Keytleen Troya from Panama. Participating in these international events Jeremy Cole, competing in the U12 Open, is allows our players to put their training into on1.5pointsafterhewonagainstUSA’sPolo practice and gain exposure to diverse playing DavilaandadrawwithJulianRaschfromthe styles Although many countries and Cayman Islands. Kataleya Sam is on two languages are represented in the Pan Am points, with a victory overAruba’sAaradhya Chess Championship, chess remains a ManchaniintheU12Girlscategory universal language, to which each player can Saura Ruplall is on 1.5 points after a bye relate,regardlessofgeographicbackground. and a draw with Costa Rica’s Elena Mayorga The United States Chess Federation has inroundfiveintheU10Girl’scategory organized the event in partnership with the Maliha Rajkumar, playing in the U16 Confederation of Chess for theAmericas, the Girls, and Vir Narine, competing in the U10 International Chess Federation (FIDE), and Open, are both on 1 point.This tournament is theRosenShingleCreekplayingvenue.