Kaieteur News

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Guyana’s oil reserves increase to 18.7 Billion barrels - S&P Global

American analytics company S&P Global Inc. in its May report said that Guyana’s oil reserves has increased to approximately 18.7 billion barrels of recoverable

- Govt. yet to update country

PetroleumAssociationofAmerica. discoveredintheStabroekBlock. resourcessince2015.

The Vice President told This is despite Vice President

The report was compiled by reporters, “Right now, there is an (VP)

S&P Global Commodity Insights assumption that the information is ExxonMobil Guyana Limited analysts Fernanda Machado, being withheld, that’s false I (EMGL)CountryManager,Alistair MarianaAnjosandJerryJarvis. pointed out to you that we get these Routledge maintaining that the

“In just nine years, it has reports every three months and the country’s resources have not established itself as the fifth largest reports that we have state what the significantly moved since the last [basin] in Latin America, while reserves are and that has not update in 2022 when it was at 11 continuing to grow,” the analysts changed materially over the past billionbarrels. said. maybe year or so, so that’s not The Former Finance Minister

Accordingtohim,“Information Guyana at the Jamaica Stock

Production is expected to peak withholding information that we and Former Deputy Governor of in 2037 at 2.3 million boe/d, with have.” the Bank of Jamaica represented oilaccountingfor90%,theysaid.

“High-quality, low-emissions aboutthereserveshavebeenpartof Exchange Conference held back in and cost-effective barrels have that report and it’s around the same January During an interview at the already reached European InApril,Vice President Bharrat discoveries,theSeabob-1andKiru- 11 billion barrels. I’ve pointed out conference he made the disclosure markets,” the analysts said Jagdeo explained that while the Kiru-1 wells, Sailfin-1, Yarrow-1, that…a discovery doesn’t mean of an additional 4 billion barrels of “Currently, all gas production is recent discoveries made by Fangtooth SE, Lancetfish-1, and that you know the size of the oilbeingdiscovered. associated with oil and reinjected, ExxonMobil are substantial, they Lancetfish-2 wells, along with the reserve. That to get to size of “As of this point in time we but the marketed gas is expected to do not represent a significant recently announced Bluefin reserve, long after the discovery, don’t know the full extent of the oil increase.” increase in the country’s overall oil discovery you have to do appraisal, see the deposits but it’s huge and I could Concerns have been raised reserves. It was revealed that the type of rock, a complex process explainwhatthatmeans.It’saboutI about the lack of transparency The last resource count, dated Lancetfish discovery, which was beforeyougettothereserve.” would say they have identified at about the country’s oil reserves. April 26, 2022, declared the madeinApril2023,averagedsome In contradiction to the VP’s least 15 billion barrels of oil in the The Government of Guyana has recoverable resource for the 100 million tons, which is wordsinMayofthisyearChairman (Stabroek)Block.Soatthispointin failedtoregularlyupdatethepublic Stabroek Block at nearly 11 billion equivalent to 746 million barrels, of Wales Development Authority, time, I would say Exxon has on the status of the reserves and oil-equivalent barrels. Since then, according to the conversion AsgarAllysaidthatsome15billion identified about 25 to 35% of that,” howtheyarebeingmanaged. Exxon announced eight formula of the Independent barrels of oil have already been Allywhoisaneconomiststated.

3 alleged gold smugglers among 4 charged with money laundering

Three persons who were in June arrested for alleged gold smuggling are among four charged on Friday for laundering money

The four money laundering suspects, 58-year-old Saffee Ahmad called ‘Chillo’, 52-year-old Shameena Ahamad, 33year-old Ashiana Salamalay, all of 38 Roraima Scheme, Versailles, West Bank Demerara (WBD) and 44-year-old Ian Jacobis, of 749 Plantation Best, WBD appeared at the Diamond Magistrates’ Court and were all charged separately withtheoffencesofMoneyLaundering.

ThechargeswerereadtothembyMagistrateSunilScarce. They were not required to plea and were all granted $500,000 each, with the condition that Saffee Ahmad- one of the defendants-reportstoSpecialOrganisedCrimeUnit(SOCU) onthelastFridayofeverymonth.

The defendants are expected to return to Court on July, 30, 2024.

Police said that on June 3, 2024, Customs Officers of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) seized several pieces of goldjewelleryfromShameenaAhmadandAshianaSalamalay -both of whom are US citizens-and Ian Jacobis, while on duty attheCheddiJaganInternationalAirport(CJIA)Timehri,East BankDemerara(EBD).

They were at the time attempting to leave Guyana on an outboundAmericanAirlinesflightforNewYork,USA.

It is being alleged that that the trio were attempting to smuggleoutsome240ouncesofpuregolddisguisedassilverplated jewellery without having the necessary permits and declarationtoCustomsOfficials.

The gold they were nabbed with was valued at over US$560,000(GYD$117,001,604).

The two men and women were on June 6 charged for gold smuggling and were granted $600,000 bail each. Police said that after they were arrested, a parallel money laundering investigation was conducted by SOCU, resulting in the three andafourthsuspectbeingchargedonFriday.

Saffee Ahmad Ashiana Salamaly
Shameena Ahamad
Ian Jacobis

Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456


Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210



The seventh offshore oil project aptly named, Hammerhead, can be another hard blow to the head of Guyanese. From the fisherfolk who operate on the high seastotheconsumingpublicthathastodowithlesswhile paying more. This seventh oil project can be seventh heaven, it doesn’t have to be a seventh circle of hell for citizens. Once ExxonMobil takes note of what its Environmental ImpactAssessments (EIA) have cautioned andrespondslikeatruepartnerofGuyana,thingscouldbe positive. Whenproducedwaterisreleasedoverboarddaily in the hundreds of thousands of gallons, there is the high probabilitythatmarinespecieswilldwindle,eventuallydie. ExxonMobil’sownProjectSummaryforHammerheadis clear: “The Project could have localised impacts to marine waterqualityintheprojectdevelopmentareafromdischargeof drill cuttings and from routine operational and hydrotesting discharges TheProjectcouldpotentiallyimpactmarinewater qualityintheProjectareaofinterest(AOI)asaresultofnonroutine,unplannedevents(eg,spillorrelease)”Inlayman’s language, when dangerous substances, some liquids, trace amounts of some heavy metals, and naturally radioactive matter, are released into Guyana’s waters around the Hammerheadoperationalarea,theresultcanbedamagingto marine water quality, marine habitats and life, and wildlife Fisherfolks have borne the brunt of the impacts of these discharges of chemicals and other material at differing temperatures Longertimesatsea,skimpiercatch,costliertrips, andlesserreturnsfortheirhardanddangerouswork Thefish consuming population of Guyana has noticed the scarcity in quantityoffishavailablewhencomparedtoprevioustimes,and thelowerquality(sizeandsoforth) Guyanesepaymoreforthe fishthattheygetand,aswithmanyotherissuesofimportance elsewhereinthelocalenvironment,theygrinandbear,keeping theirdisappointmentsandresentmentsbottledupinside Fisherfolkandtheirfamiliesnowknowwhatitistolive with continuing economic squeezes. Their once lucrative business,passeddownfromgenerationtogeneration,isno longerarewardingpropositionasbefore. Thesmallgroup ofhelperswhoassembledailytoprepnewlycaughtfishfor shoppers at the wharves has also encountered a disruption and decline in their level of business. The need for their unskilled but necessary labor has declined. The small shopkeepers and vendors who sell food as part of their businesscompeteforwhateverquantitiescomesinwiththe boats,areforcedtodealwithhigherprices,whichtheypass ontotheircustomersoffishandbread,orfishcake,orother finishedfoodproductswithfishatthecenter Withprices higherandahardcostoflivingenvironmentalreadyatrial, vendors face new realities. For example, not selling out theirday’sfishofferingsasquickly,orallofthem,duetothe higherpricesthattheymustchargetomakeadecentprofit. Previous customers hunt for a more affordable non-fish snackormeal.

Tosomeextent,allthathasbeenoutlinedabovehavebeen editorialized on more than one occasion. An encouraging reaction,anhonestonethatseekstoaddresstheissue,from the government and policy planners is still to come. ExxonMobilknowswhatoneoptionistoreducetheamount ofharmfulmaterialthatispumpedoverboard EIAsthatthe company commissioned before for the six prior oil projects haveidentifiedreinjectingofthehot,toxicmaterialsintothe wells Forsure,itcostsmoney,butthatshouldnotbeallthat matterstothecompanyinthemarchofprogressandtherush forprofits TheGovernmentofGuyanahasavestedinterest inworkingwithExxonMobiltotampdowntosomeextent, themoresignificantthebetter,theamountofproducedwater that is dumped into our waters The interests of the fishing sectorandothersegmentsofGuyana’spopulationareunder severepressure Currently,hundredsofthousandsofgallons ofharmfulsubstancesdailyendupoverboardfromthewells inoperations Wedonotthinkthatthismustbeanall-or-none situation, and that some combination of reinjection and the amounts pumped overboard would be better for Guyanese strugglingwithnegativeoilimpacts

Regime change inAmerica


, T h e a t t e m p t e d assassination of Donald Trump’s made his nominationfourdayslateras theRepublicancandidatefor theUSNovemberelectiona formalitybutalsopractically assureshimofasecondterm a s P r e s i d e n t ; notwithstanding who the Democrats select to oppose him.Mostforeignobservers seeTrumpasablowhardand a buffoon, completely at odds with the typical “American leader” However, what we are witnessing is not just a new type ofAmerican leader but a signal of a complete remake of the paradigm of what“America”isallabout. Some of the intellectuals c a l l i n g f o r t h i s transformation explicitly calls it “regime change”.

They use the word in its original meaning from political science: “a form of government or the set of rules, cultural or social norms,etc.,thatregulatethe operationofagovernmentor institution and its interactionswithsociety.”

ThemanTrumpselected as his VP candidate – Ohio SenatorJDVance,explained Trump’s appeal back in 2016,afterthesuccessofhis NY Times bestseller “Hillbilly Elegy”, when he was actually anti-Trump “Thisiswhere,tome,there’s a lot of ignorance around “Teflon Don ” No one seems to understand why conventional blunders do nothing to Trump. But in a lotofways,whatelitesseeas blunders people back home s e e a s s o m e o n e who–finally–conducts

themselves in a relatable way Heshootsfromthehip; he’s not constantly afraid of offendingsomeone;he’llget angry about politics; he’ll callsomeonealiarorafraud.

Thisishowalotofpeoplein the white working class actually talk about politics, and even many elites recognize how refreshing and entertaining it can be!

Soit’snotreallyablunderas much as it is a rich, privileged Wharton grad connecting to people back homethroughstyleandtone.

Viewed like this, all the talk about“politicalcorrectness” isn’t about any specific substantivepoint,asmuchas it is a way of expanding the scope of acceptable behavior.”

JD Vance is descended from “po’ white” Hillbillies who moved to Middletown,

a small town in Ohio. This became part of the “Rust Belt” when, following the pro-business Republican conservative Nixon’s rapprochement with China , businesses moved their manufacturing to that country in their drive for profits, leaving social and economic devastation in its wake. Fighting the liberal paradigm introduced by Roosevelt to escape the Great Depression, the conservatives had become their mirror image. By the 1980’s and Reagan, the Republicans were “neoliberals”.

In the 2016 words of Vance, “The two political parties have offered essentially nothing to these people for a few decades. FromtheLeft,theygetsome (Continuedonpage06)

Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox

More Skeldon shenanagans Acall to deepen ties with Washington

DEAREDITOR, I refer to a letter written by one Bagwandin and published by the Kaieteur news of 11th July 2024. Bagwindin’s letter, for whateverreason,isseriously flawedonmanylevels.

When I met Mr Jagdeo with my father in 1999 at Hermansen house, and we told him that expanding Skeldon was probably not a good plan, he told us that GodfreyDaSilva,thenhead of Go Invest, I think, had informed him that it was a solidinvestment.

Editor,ifMr Jagdeohad toldDaSilvathathewanted toputtheSkeldonfactoryon Mars, he probably would haveproducedastudytosay it’s OK. They decided to expand Skeldon BEFORE the alleged feasibility was done by Booker Tate, I say alleged, because I never heard of any feasibility, and neitherhasanyoneelseatthe then highest levels of management of that corporationwhoIconsulted. It was a political/ego decision and not one based solely on economics. Since then, not much has changed with the PPP. Except they continue to introduce bad plans, executed VERY poorly into practice, examples, of bad plans are Amelia and the gas to shore project, poor practice operations GWI, GPL, GuySuCO,Police,areonlya fewexamples.

I must stress again that the Booker Tate which Hoyte retained to manage GuySuCo in 1989, was not the same company which engineered the Skeldon Project, the Booker Tate Hoytehired,wasfoundedin 1988fromanamalgamation of two companies, Booker Agriculture International

a n d Ta t e & Ly l e

Agribusiness, two companies which knew Guyana and indeed the Caribbean sugar cane conditions well, since they bothhadvastinvestmentsin the Caribbean sugar industry

Unfortunately, this company was acquired in 2017 by Bosch Holdings. Under this new South African company with people, who did not understand the Guyana situation weather, soils etc., and retained by a government, which was asleepatthewheelasusual, destroyed the Skeldon cultivation even before the expansion actually started,

since the water from the 10,000 acre planned expansion area of the Manarabursi swamp, was allowed to drain into the existing Skeldon cultivation withouttakingthenecessary stepstoexpandthedrainage system into the Courantyne river! As a result, Skeldon, which had the best producing cane fields in the industry, started producing sugarcanewhichhadworse qualitythanUitvlughtEstate due to water logging, since the extra water from the expansion area, flooded the existing cultivation for two tothreeyears.

You can’t put amateurs to manage national enterprises.

Editor, Jagdeo’s regime presidedoverthedestruction of the Guyana 400-year-old the sugar industry, just as they are destroying the oil industry, which we never had any track-record of managing in our history, prompting one to ask again, why have we not hired competent companies from abroadtohelpus?WhyisDr Adams not in place to serve the country? These people cannot even manage the electricity supply to this country; we the citizens are

paying more and are receivinglessreliablepower thanalmostanywhereelsein theworld.

All of this is due to bad decision making, and the PPP refusing to take constructive criticism as an indication of concern by citizensandnotanuisanceor affront must stop! Not once in all the years that these horrible decisions were madekeepingusas,whatthe world bank labelled, a Heavily Indebted Poor Country [HIPC] the only otheroneinthishemisphere was Haiti, did the PPP ever take advice from its opposition or concerned citizens and the media, I sat inthatParliamentfrom2006 to 2010 and budget after budget was presented each one with hundreds if not thousandsofpages,andIam not aware that even one number was changed through the intervention of the opposition, which numbered more that 48% of the seats in the Parliament. Surely something is wrong withthatpicture.

The Bosch Company which took over the management of GuySuCo fromBookerTate,werenot (Continuedonpage06)


, In the face of shared regional threat posed by Venezuela, it is in Guyana’s interest to strengthen cooperationwithandbuilda bilateral alliance with America – to strengthen trade, investment and securityaswellasenterinto a defence pact The Diaspora praises USA for substantive military and financial assistance to Guyana and for increased economic ties. The Guyana government is commended for bolstering ties with Washington Trade and investment between the two countries has expanded significantly over the last few years – American importation of oil and Guyana’s use of American servicesintheenergysector But there is enormous potentialformoretradeinoil and gas and in other sectors aswellasforamilitarytieup against Venezuela’s aggression Guyana must b u i l d o n o n g o i n g developments in order to take economic cooperation to its full potential while

democratic powers from the east.

The US underlined Venezuela’s aggression against Guyana and the security threat posed to its neighbours and to the USA by millions of migrants e

mic deprivation The United States recognizes the threat

posed by Venezuela, especially that it is in alliance with non-regional powers t

American interests. The US also recognizes the strategic importance of Guyana, as Venezuela’s neighbour, to regional security With the challenges the USA face in the region from hostile governments and external powers from the east threatening America’s interests,Washington would welcome overtures from Georgetown to enter into an alliance The government and civil society, including the Diaspora, need to work together to bolster the resilience of Guyana as it faces hybrid threats from


T h e O A S a n d CARICOM reaffirmed unwavering support for Guyana from the threats of Venezuela. But if attacked, regional powers may not take actions. Only the USA has the capacity and wherewithal to deter threats against Guyana Only AmericacandefendGuyana if Venezuela attacks or invades, making a military pactcriticalforsurvival. Thus,thethreatposedby Venezuela makes American support for Guyana more relevantthanever

The US repeatedly announcedthatitisstrongly committed to strengthening efforts to ensure a secure, stable, and prosperous Guyana and Caribbean r e g i o n , w i t h t h e implementation of the US strategyonVenezuelabeing (Continuedonpage09)


Pig in the bag airstrip handed over

It is puzzling: the rehabilitated airstrip at Paruina, was handed over to the Ministry on one day (April 15 2024), but a joint sitevisitwithrepresentatives from the Ministry and contractor was conducted

More Skeldon shenanagans...

several days later

(demerarawavesJuly20). Soithastobeaskedjust whatwashandedovertothe Ministryandjustwhatdidit take over? A pig in bag airstrip? Why wasn’t the inspection visit done before taking over the defective airstrip? Somebodymustbe held to account for this nonsense.

Frompage5 qualified for that job,

Even though the contractorwasorderedtofix the defects, I agree there should be some form of sanctions.


Regime change inAmerica...


smug condescension, an exasperation that the white working class votes against their economic interests because of social issues. To me, this condescension is a big part of Trump’s appeal. He’s the one politician who actively fights elite sensibilities, whether they’regoodorbad.

“FromtheRight,they’ve gotten the basic Republican policy platform of tax cuts, free trade, deregulation, and paeans to the noble businessman and economic growth. Trump’s candidacy is music to their ears. He criticizes the factories shippingjobsoverseas. His apocalyptic tone matches their lived experiences on the ground. He seems to love to annoy the elites, which is something a lot of

people wish they could do butcan’tbecausetheylacka platform ” Businessmen shippingjobsabroadarenot heroes.

Vanceisheavilyinfluenced by political Theorist Patrick Deneen of Notre Dame, who sees liberalism itself as the problem Hearguedinhis2018 book,Why Liberalism Failed, that“liberalregimespromised their citizens equality, selfgovernment and material prosperity,butinpractice,they gave rise to staggering inequality, crushing dependence on corporations andgovernmentbureaucracies andthewholesaledegradation ofthenaturalenvironment At the same time, liberalism’s incessant drive to expand individual freedom had eroded the non-liberal institutions — the nuclear family, local communities,

and religious organizations that kept liberalism’s impulse toward atomization incheck.”

Vance is regarded as Trump’s successor who will not only “drain the swamp” but repopulate it with likeminded individuals who espousetheirNewleftvalues dubbed “common-good conservatism” Theirvisionis encapsulated in the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025”, which proposes a wholesale firing of bureaucrats and replacing them with likeminded New Left adherents Economically,they re

ect f

ee m

ket fundamentalism, combat corporate monopolies, limit immigration and foreign policy wise, rejects America astheglobalpoliceman.

Sincerely, RaviDev

b e i n g t o t a l l y

unfamiliar with our unique and challenging bad weather and soil

situations, and the government of the time and its incompetent GuySuCo managers, were unabletoseeit,oraddressit, until faced with complete disaster

The new Skeldon factory however was a different problem, the board at that time wanted to buy the new Skeldon factory from W a l c h a n d n a g a r Industries Ltd an Indian company which had by that time already built 40 plus 300 ton per hour sugar mills worldwide, they were also an original equipment manufacturing company, it was them which the board ofthecorporation wantedto supplyandbuildthefactory, but it was Mr Jagdeo who overruled them and decided to go with the Chinese contractor who had no proper background in such constructions, and it was clear from the start,

according to my sources, thatpartsofthefactorywere obtained from different manufacturers, since pipe sizesetc.hadtobemodified to allow the various components to fit together resulting in the disaster whichfollowed.

Editor it was a total no brainer

One can only draw t h e m o s t a d v e r s e inferences as to why the Chinese were given preference

At one time I heard Mr Jagdeo say that he is not too concerned with the future of the Bauxite industry,aslongasnoone expects him to dip into the consolidatedfundtohelpit,I heard that statement personally, and am prepared to swear to it in court, but since the sugar industry is their political support base, they persevere in showing that they want to keep it alive,buttheworkersarenot benefittingfromthemassive monetaryinterventions,they are.

T h e s e r i o u s allegations that the opposition [Mostly AfroGuyanese] want to close the sugar industry which they consider to be too much of a massive drain on our national resources is grosslymisplaced.

Mr Editor, it is also my honest opinion that much of the money thrown at GuySuCo does not reach the workers’ pocket

The more money they plough into that entity the richerthecontractorsandthe politicians get, and not the workers or the people of Guyana.

I appreciate that Mr Jagdeo is under much stress at the moment due to pressure from the local Media especially the KN, and apparently all of the PPP are rushing in to misdirect the public to p r o t e c t h i m f r o m responsibility, since at this time, this one man, who is now posing as an oil Czar, is mainly responsible for the demise of the Guyana sugar industry, and seriously calls into question his competence to manage anything, especially an oil industry and especially since these incompetent corrupt people refuse to retain competent external management agents to help the people of Guyana tomanagetheirOilsector.




Public consultations for the seventh oil project begins tomorrow.

Guyanese should attend, if only to absorb for themselves if Exxon’s farces are unchanged.

Raise questions about risks and impacts of a spill.Ask about more money.

Let Exxon’s people hide.

Force Guyanese sell outs by Exxon’s side to show their true colours.

Let them block questions. Get it on the record.

More projects, more deceptions, more concealments, more tricks from Exxon.

Don’t expect more from public consultations.

The PPPC Government is part of the game.


Draft oil spill legislation may be open for scrutiny by local stakeholders - Jagdeo

Stakeholders may have companies being able to time to table it. I expressed operateinthesector an opportunity to review the comment on the draft Oil that concern, we don’t want “Well Exxon would love government of Guyana’s SpillActisslim. to also rush it through the to give comments on this; I draft oil spill legislation, The draft legislation parliament because the other think they probably sent that Vice President Bharrat aimed at ensuring the side would say that we are question to Oil. Now and


osed on country is protected during rushing it through the your editor asked you to do Thursday. the transportation of crude parliament but we would that, but we may solicit…I

The Vice President was oilisexpectedtobetabledin haveenoughtimetotableit,” amnotsurethatwewillopen at the time speaking with the National Assembly hesaid. this one up for comments, reporters at his weekly press before the House goes to TheVPfurtherexplained especially from the oil and conference held at the recess. that while the oil companies gas companies because they Freedom House, Robb “Itmaybetoughtopassit would love to have the don’t want legislation of this Street,Georgetown. becausewemaynothavethe chance to comment on the nature Maybe (we will) Notwithstanding, Jagdeo requisite period for notice draft legislation since they open it only for comments said the likelihood of oil but I think we have enough haverestrictionsonhowthey from the locals,” the VP added. liabilit

This draft legislation is companies but transport expected to address key companies, etcetera and concerns surrounding oil that’s been in the works a spills and will play a crucial long time so that we can role in the country’s oil protectthiscountry.”

i n d u s t r y Wi t h t h e Last week, Kaieteur government aiming to table News reported that the oil this legislation before the spill legislation is still on parliamentary recess, it Government’sagendabefore signifies a significant step the Parliamentary recess t o w a r d s e n s u r i n g Minister of Parliamentary environmental protection Affairs and Governance, andsafetywithinthesector Gail Teixeira in an interview

Previously, the Vice withKaieteurNewssaidthat President said, the new Oil thereareanumberofbillsthe SpilllawwillprotectGuyana government intends to pass from“allsortsofliabilities”. before the parliamentary He explained, “We have recess. been working to have “Therearesomethatwill legislation in place, and have to layover to October those will come probably and we’ll have to make before the next recess to judgments based on the coverallsortsofliabilities.A urgency or the requirements. lawinplaceliketheyhavein The oil spill one is one that the US and some other has many interests and so countries that will cover also I’m sure that once it’s ready transportation because we and it has passed the Cabinet have more crude being reviewanditfulfillswhatwe t r a n s p o r t e d i n o u r want it to, then it will be jurisdiction so it’s not just tabled,”Teixeirasaid.

Civil Society Activist Ramon Gaskin has died

Civil Society Activist Ramon Gaskin died on Saturday following a period of illness. He was 82-yearsold.

News of his death has been met with messages of c o n d o l e n c e s f r o m politicians, businessmen, lawyers and other prominent figures.

Attorney-at-Law, Sase Gunraj described him as an individual who was “Feisty” until the time of his death. Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo via his official the power of a single Facebook Page extended individual to hold leaders condolences to the friends accountable”. andfamilyoftheactivistand “Gaskin, or Rambo as he formerPresidentialadvisor was affectionately called, Meanwhile, the Alliance was known for his for Change (AFC) said that outspokenness and strong the news of Gaskin’s death opinions,” the AFC said has caused the party to whileadding“Hewasan “reflectonrecenthistoryand (Continued on page 14) Civil Society Activist, Ramon Gaskin

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo

Trump tells thousands at Michigan rally he ‘took a bullet for democracy’

Duringacampaignevent attended by thousands of enthusiastic supporters, Donald Trump cast last week’s assassination attempt, where he was shot in the ear, as an act of sacrifice.

After entering the arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan, withcoverfrommanySecret Serviceagents,Trumpspoke about the shooting, noting Democratsoftenaccusehim of being a threat to democracy

“Last week, I took a bullet for democracy,” he said. “What did I do against democracy?”

The prominent white bandaging he wore during the Republican convention had been replaced by a discreetflesh-tonedplaster

Tr u m p w a s n o t scheduled to address the crowd until 17:00 EST (22:00BST)inhisfirstrally with new running-mate JD Vance, but people began camping out in a queue as earlyasthenightbefore.

By 13:00 EST, a line stretched for about three miles (4.8km) outside the 12,000-person Van Del Arena.

Many of those at Saturday’s event in the battleground state of Michigan told the BBC that the assassination attempt, which also killed an audience member and wounded two others, would not stop them from showing support for the Republican

presidential nominee. Some said they came because of theshooting.

Unlike the rally in Pennsylvania, the Grand Rapids event was held indoors, allowing security officers to carefully monitor who entered and to cut off threatsfromoutsidetherally.

In his speech, Trump thanked the “thousands and thousands” of people who came to see him “almost exactly” a week after the assassinationattempt.

“I stand before you only by the grace of almighty God,” he said, repeating his belief that divine interventionsavedhimfrom beingkilled.

WendyandSteveUpcott of Clarkston, Michigan, were among the thousands who drove from all over the state to see him, many reassured by the increased security

Thecouplesaidtheir26year-old daughter begged them not to attend the rally two hours from home, fearingfortheirsafetyinthe wake of the assassination attempt.Buttheyfeltobliged to come after the shooting lastweekend.

“The chances of it happening again just one week to the day later is unlikely,”saidMsUpcott.

The Upcotts and many othersinGrandRapidswere decked out in red Make America Great Again caps, along with cowboy hats, shirts and full outfits

resembling the American flag. T-shirts with Trump’s mugshotwereforsale.

Laura Schultz said she thought about her safety Saturdaymorningbeforeshe decidedtocometotheevent withafriend.

“You can’t let fear stop you,”shesaid.

Other rally-goers, including several young a d u l t s , s a i d t h e assassination attempt pushed them to attend the Michiganrally

It was the first Trump

campaign event for Donald, a 24 year old from Grand Rapids who wore a shirt with the viral image of Trump pumping hisfistafterbeingshot.

“This is the first event

after the attempted assassination I think it’s probably going to be the most important rally,” saidDonald,whodeclinedto sharehislastname.

Donald said he had no fears for his own safety, because of the hundreds of police officers, including some on horseback

But others said they remainedscaredforTrump.

“It should be a concern formostAmericansthatheis still not safe,” Ms Upcott said.

“He needs to be very careful,”saidMsSchultz.

Other supporters expressed outrage at the US Secret Service over the incidentlastweek.

Acall to deepen ties with Washington...



Thus, Guyana needs a defence cooperation pact to defend Guyana’s territory againstthreats. It will bring important security and economic benefitstoourpartnership.

Strengthening military ties will inevitably result in

an increase in trade. This will improve the economy, raise income, help to boost GDP while eliminating poverty This would help the c o u

requirements (such as high income and low poverty rates) for accession to the U.S.

Visa Waiver Program so thatGuyanesecanvisitUSA without need for a prearranged stamped visa and withoutrestrictions.



Yourssincerely, VishnuBisram

Trump entered the arena to loud cheers



Any Guyanese whoharborsthe idea that this country has maxed out on dividingitself,hasitwrong. Idonotexcludemyselffrom thosewhosolapsed.

A search for the usual suspects, as drawn from the pages of history, identifies religious division, cultural division, class division, cosmopolitan versus countryside division, political division and, of course, the all-purpose and ever-present racial division. Taken singly, they provoke different levels of alarm; when combined; on the

otherhand,theresultbrings head spins, already frail spiritstoshrinkfurther

As if there are not divisions that cripple this country, there is the newest, great divide in Guyana: the GREAT GUYANESE OIL DIVIDE.

Justwhenonemorewas the last thing that Guyanese needed, that is exactly what theygot.

The Guyana Oil Divide has its close comrades assembled on one side, and its aggressive adversaries parked on the other. Because most Guyanese know less than they should

about this national oil inheritance and treasure, they are not in the best position to justify why they haveafootintheoilcamp.

Orwhytheyshouldlook at the surrounding oil circumstances and take a stand against what gains increasing dominance

Most Guyanese know next to nothing about oil technical(s), oil dynamics, oil operations, oil sales and marketing, oil prices, oil supply, oil volatility and, naturally, oil politics, as thesearearbitrarilyselected fromahostofcomponents. If Guyanese don’t know

what they have (the grandness of it), then how cantheybehowtheyare(the positions taken) and where they are (how much better theyshouldbe).

The result is the sorrow of a growing human and nationaltragedy

How many barrels currently (c’mon, Mr Routledge)? Whatshouldit already have meant, must mean now (NOW) for the men and women of Guyana (tellthem,Dr J)?

Thewholeoilstoryinall itsrichtapestry. It’sokayto batterthePNCandAFCfor their ignominious gift to

Guyanese. But the sum of President Ali’s and VP Jagdeo’s efforts on this national wealth cannot stop there. Either or both must tell the Guyanese people that this is what the oil represents in its undistilled excellence and magnificence; and this is whattheywilllayontheline toget. Allofthemselves,all thetime.

It is my regret to report the bad news: neither of the two national leaders-great national leaders [please don’taskmycriteriaforhow I arrived there]-have put heart and soul, power and vigor, behind getting for Guyanese what should rightfullybetheirs.

F a i r n e s s w o u l d characterize such. Justness wouldtoo.

By any standard, American or Guyanese, such fairness and justness would deliver what belongs to every Guyanese head, be it bronzed or braided or bedeviledbyageorbarber’s blade.

To my regret, Drs. Ali and Jagdeo have both displayed a marked squeamishness at the sight ofblood,evenwhenitisnot shed. So, they refuse to fightExxon.

They fight Guyanese Guyanesewhostandupand speak-up about their rank cowardice to confront the Caucasians.

How the sons of those mountains ended up in America is not a subject for today

Thesetwoextraordinary Guyanese macho men, (macho oilmen, I may add) gather their forces, identify their local tormentors, and seetheirdogsfree.

Ever see rabid yellow dawgs?

Those are the kind that Ali and Jagdeo sic on those who press for more from Exxon from this oil legacy bequeathed to them by upstairs.

This is where the nastiness and brutishness and rattishness (local Creole) takeover and transform the great national oil wealth into the Newest GreatGuyanaDivide.

The Great Guyana Oil Divide is killing Guyanese.

Before it destroys Guyanese,itdissipatestheir energies and spirit It devastates their hopes and aspirations.

Then, it divides them again, one against the other. To be about getting more fromthisglitteringoiljewel (I copy Mr. Woods and Mr. Routledge’s words and postures[whoamItodiffer with these oil masters?]) is to be anti-Exxon. To be anti-Exxonistobeanti-PPP Tobeanti-PPPistobeantiJagdeo.

And, out of belated respect,tobeanti-Ali. How is that (or those) for a divide? To be for what is rightonthisoilistobeantir u l i n g p a r t y , antigovernment, and to take this matter to its ugly extreme, to be anti a certain race.

This oil has mutated beyond divide and conquer It is to divide first and then destroy It is ceaseand desist; or else…. Orbe ready to join the ranks of the deceased. Trust me, Guyana is well along that road, and it will come to that day, if not today, then in some extendedtomorrow It might be humorous or ludicrous,butthathasnever stoppedme.

Delivering what leaders (Ali, Jagdeo, and others) consider as outrageous and let loose their lovelies to defineastraitorousdoesnot mattertomeintheleast.

Amid this acrimonious divide,andantithisandanti that(asalleged)whoarethe ones that are pro Guyana? Pro the Guyanese people? Prothepoorpeople?

Pro oil justice for all? There would be no better expressions of what is proPPP, pro-PNC, pro-AFC, andprothebiggestCinthis country: Citizens Guyanese of every extraction, without any subtraction:therainbow,the neighborshere.

InsteadoftheNewGreat Guyana Oil Divide, I recommend that energies andintellectandpassionsbe devotedtowhatcouldbethe Great Guyanese Oil Springtide,OilUpside.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)



Cappingstackdoes notdissolveneedfor unlimitedparentcompany guaranteeforoilspills–Opposition

The arrival of a capping stack in-country to respond toablownoutwellduringoil production activities does not dissolve the need for an unlimited parent company guarantee to ensure the countryisnotlefttofootthe costs associated with such a disaster

Highlighting this point during the Leader of the Opposition’s weekly press conference on Friday was Economist and Oil and Gas spokesperson for the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R), Elson Low

In an invited comment, hetoldKaieteurNewsthatit is always important to have safety equipment to be able to respond to a spill, however, these tools cannot be solely depended on to protectthecountry

Low explained, “It is always of course useful that we have additional safety equipment here in the event ofanoilspill;however,there have been instances in the pastwheresafetyequipment hasnotbeenabletofunction effectively.”

Hecontinued,“Oilspills are notoriously difficult to contain quickly, you would have seen with the Deep Water Horizon spill that there was a failure in fact of the equipment that they brought to cap that well and thatfailureofequipmentled to a prolonging of the oil spill.”

To this end, the Oppositionmadeitclearthat while the additional equipment will be useful, it is no substitute for an unlimited parent company guarantee and appropriate oilspillinsurance.

He said, “It (the capping stack) is no substitute for a parent company guarantee andappropriateinsuranceso we need to continue to push for that and we need to bear in mind that these kinds of safety equipment while useful do not in any way guaranteethatthecountryis insulated all together from anoilspill.”

Exxon on Monday commissioned the country’s firstcappingstack,oneof13 availablegloballyandoneof onlytwoinLatinAmerica. A capping stack is a

heavy piece of metal equipment that is placed overablownoutwell.Itacts asaplug,therebypreventing f u r t h e r f l o w o f hydrocarbons.

Presently, Guyana has a US$2B oil spill guarantee that was lodged by the operator of the Stabroek Block, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) and partners,HessandCNOOC. Appeal Court Judge, Justice Rishi Persaud had ordered ExxonMobil Guyana to lodge a US$2B parent and/or affiliate company guarantee as a condition to a stay of executiongrantedonalower court’s order That order, originally issued by High Court Judge, Justice Sandil Kissoon called for an unlimited parent company guarantee to be provided to the Environmental ProtectionAgency(EPA)by June 10 or the Liza Phase OneProjectPermitwouldbe suspended.

The Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement was lodged by the Stabroek Block partners on June 9, 2023,followinganappealof the ruling by the EPA and Exxon. The government has also applied to join the mattertofightagainstfulloil spill coverage for the country

ExxonMobil, the operator of the Stabroek Block, holds a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana

gas, the Government of Guyanaremainstightlipped, a clear violation of citizens’ right to access to information.

This was recently highlighted by civil society activist, Elizabeth Hughes, who noted that she received neitheranacknowledgement nor response from government regarding her latestrequestforkeyproject details.

The activist was keen to note,“Withouttherequested information we, the citizens of Guyana do not know the life of the oil fields and its associated gas. Is there a time gap between the life of thefieldsandthelifespanof theGTEproject?”

Hughes told Kaieteur News that since 2022, she has written in excess of 200 letters in pursuit of information related to the project;however,todateshe hasnotreceivedany

andtherearenoupdatedpre or feasibility studies since theadventofCOVID19and the Ukraine war which have skyrocketedworldprices.”

member is remunerated “in respect of their office as the Minister (of Finance) may determinefromtimetotime” accordingtotheNRFAct.

T h e I n v e s t m e n t Committee is chaired by Chartered Banker, Ms Shaleeza Shaw Other appointees include Executive Director of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( G C C I ) , R i c h a r d Rambarran, Attorney-atLaw, Michael Munroe, Mr Lauris Hukumchand and more recently, Mr Terrence Campbell (Opposition nominee and) and Mr GaneshSugrim.

Exploration Ltd. holds 30% in

t and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds25%interest.EachCoVenturer has contributed to the US$2B guarantee, relative to its participating interest in the Stabroek Block.JamestownInsurance Company Limited is the Guarantor for Hess; while CNOOC Limited, a companyorganizedinHong Kong and Exxon Equity Holding Company is the Guarantor for CNOOC and Exxon,respectively

Presently, more than 640,000 barrels per day is being produced from three projects in the Stabroek Block. Notably, all three Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels are producing above the original design capacity, sparking safety concerns among stakeho

ders, especially as the country does not have the unlimited oil spill guarantee from the parentcompany

HumanRightsbreaches inregulatoryprocessfor Gas-to-Energyproject willbesubmittedtoUS EXIMBank–Civil SocietyActivist

One month after requesting the production forecastfortheLizaOneand Liza Two projects in the Stabroek Block, which will supply the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project with natural

Consequently, she said, “These are human rights violations in addition to the non- adherence to our legislation these human rights violations will be highlighted in submissions to (US) EXIM Bank during this30-dayperiodtorequest information, submit information, express complaints and concerns or other.”

The government had applied to the United States Export Import (US EXIM) Bank in 2023 for a US$646 million loan to support the construction of the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) facility andthe300-megawattpower plant US oil major, ExxonMobil is constructing the pipeline to transport the gas to the facility from the two Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels The country’s application for the loan is still pending approval.

In February this year, Hughes as well as other activists in Guyana told the Inter-AmericanCommission on Human Rights (IACHR) that the Government of Guyana, ExxonMobil and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hasbeenviolatingthehuman rights of citizens in Guyana duringtheexploitationofoil andgas.

Hugheswhofocusedher presentation on the GTE project explained to the Commission, “The GTE project in the making in its current format since 2020 lacks a feasibility study for the Wales location with its 25km of onshore pipeline,

She pointed out that the human rights of citizens werebeingbreachedasthere has been a lack of consultation,lackoftheright to free, prior and informed consent, failure to provide adequate information, lack ofaccesstoanyinformation and non-disclosure of deals fortheproject.

In her interview with Kaieteur News, the activist said government is still to clarify whether the two projects will wind down oil production activities before the end of the commercial lifeoftheGTEproject.

To this end, Hughes noted that without the release of the commercial agreements which government continue to dodge,citizenswillbeleftin the dark on this factor that can further drive up the cost oftheventure.


Oppositionquestions purposeofNRF InvestmentCommitteeas Gov’tplanstowithdraw 98%ofearnings

Why pay an investment committee, if there are no fundstobeinvested?Thisis the conundrum the Opposition is faced with presently,astheGovernment of Guyana has effected changes to the rules of the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) – the country’s oil account–toallowfor98%of theearningstobewithdrawn thisyear

T h e I n v e s t m e n t Committee is essentially a board of seven members –including two specialists without voting powers. This Committee is tasked with advising the Board of Directors on the Investment Mandate, according to the NRF Act of 2021. Each

During the 83rd Sitting of the 12th Parliament last MondayattheArthurChung Conference Centre, Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara the 2023 Annual Report of the NRF was presented to the National Assembly by Minister with responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr


A key highlight of the document was the interest accumulated by the fund in 2023.

According to the document seen by this newspaper, “Net return generated by the Fund totaled G$18,105.25 million (US$86.84 million) for the year 2023, a substantial i n c r e a s e o f 3 9 6 % (G$14,455.17 / US$69.33 million) over the previous year’s level on account of higher interest rates on overnight deposits during 2023.”

The Natural Resource Fund account is held at the Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork.

DuringtheLeaderofthe Opposition’s weekly press conference on Friday, spokespersononoilandgas, Elson Low questioned the role of the NRF Investment Committee since he pointed outthatthestagehasbeenset


The capping stack that is now in the country
Civil SocietyActivist, Elizabeth Hughes
Opposition spokesperson on Oil and Gas, Elson Low

Frompage12 for98%oftheearningstobe withdrawn by government, leaving a meagre sum for possible investments or savings.

Heexplained,“Whilewe are seeing reports come out of the NRF, the real devil is in the details in a sense

because we have a government which has of course changed the rules of the NRF (Act) so that a vast majorityofresources–98% of resources can be withdrawn.”

Low added, “That is alarming and it means that we are not going to have a substantialNRFforthenext several years at least unless of course they come and change the rules again and makeiteveneasierforthem toaccessmorefunds.”

The economist observed that the Opposition’s nominee for the Investment

Committee was only recently appointed by government, some one year after the candidate was proposed. To this end, Low said this “is to us an indicationthattheyarefully well aware that they are goingtouseallthefundsthat areintheNRFandifyouare going to use all the funds why have an investment committee in the first place?”

The economist was keen to note that the NRF accumulated US$86M in interest last year, a “substantial sum” which the Opposition believes could have been used to pay increases to public servants.

Contrary to that however, Low said “we are going to see the plundering of the sovereignwealthfund…the government has been hesitanttospeakatallabout the interest because they intend to empty that sovereignwealthfundandif we are going to empty the sovereign wealth fund then you not gonna want to talk about the interest that is earned if you leave some of themoneythere.”

The new formula approved in February this year stipulates 100% withdrawalofthefirstUS$1 billion received last year, 95% of the second US$1 billion, 90% of the third US$1 billion, 85% of the fourth US$1 billion, 50% of the fifth US$1 billion, and 10% of amounts over US$5 billioncanbewithdrawn.

According to the 2023 NRF Annual Report, the Fund up to the end of 2023 receiveddepositstothetune ofUS$1.9B,ofwhichatotal

ofUS$1.6Bwaswithdrawn. According to the document, at the end of 2023, the Fund’s total deposits since the first oil paymentonMarch11,2020, a m o u n t e d t o

US$1,868,994,023 55 At the same time, it was report

US$1,609,776,819 at the endofDecember2023.

Primesuspectin custodyformurder ofVenezuelanwoman –Believedtobetaxi driverinvolvedin kidnapping,shooting ofanother

Investigators on Sunday told Kaieteur News that the primesuspectincustodyfor the murder of Evelyn AlfonzoAlvesalsoknownas Fabiana Betancourt is believedtobethetrustedtaxi driver involved in the alleged kidnapping, robbing and attempted murder of another Venezuelan woman, DianaDanello,threemonths ago.

Alves was found shot deadabackofDiamond,East Bank Demerara (EBD) on the morning of Sunday July 7. Afewdaysafterthenews of her murder made headlines, Danello came forward publicly with her story. Danello had said that she could have suffered the same fate during a rainy nightonApril10afterataxi driverbasedatapopularcity hotel allegedly kidnapped, robbed, shot and left her for dead aback of Diamond too. The bullet from that night’s incidentisstilllodgedinher body Anx-rayshowedthatit is in a region close to her spine.

Danello is alleging that she had chosen to flee Guyana after detectives did notshowmuchinterestinher case after providing them with what she deemed sufficient information to arrest the suspect. With the

taxi driver still at large, Danelloclaimedthatshedid notstickaroundbecauseshe was fearful that the suspect couldreturntokillher Investigatorsinresponse toherclaimssaidthatsheleft Guyana after she was dischargedfromthehospital, t h e r e b y s t a l l i n g investigations.“Sherecently told detectives that she would return to Guyana to follow up with her case”, investigators told Kaieteur NewsonSaturday

In an update on Sunday, investigatorsdidnotdisclose why they believe that the man in custody for Alves might be involved in Danello’scasetoo.

They did however confirm with Kaieteur that the suspect in Alves case is

Murdered: Evelyn AlfonzoAlves


Initial reports by Kaieteur News on Alves’ murderhadrevealedthatshe was last seen alive around 21:00hrsonSaturdayJuly6. Relatives said that she was havingafewdrinkswithher them when she received a callandleftinawhitecar,a taxithatsheregularlyuses.

Relatives further disclosed that Alves last made contact with a family member around 00:00 hrs. She reportedly told a family member that she was with her Guyanese boyfriend whom she has been dating for some time and did not seem in any distress but she


Early the following morning, her body was discovered lying face down in a pool of blood along a road in the New Diamond HousingScheme.Therewas agunshotwoundtotheback of her head and her cell phonewasfoundnexttoher body Policealsorecovereda 9MM spent-shell from the scene.Itdidnottakelongfor them to arrest the prime suspect.

A few days later, Kaieteur News reported Danello’s story and asked hertorecountthehorrorthat shemiraculouslysurvived.

Danello said that on that night she had planned to party so she stacked on cash and left her home. Her first stopwasatthepopularhotel for dinner She then left the hotel in the taxi driver’s SUV

She told Kaieteur News that it was not the first time she travelled with the taxi driverbecauseshefrequents thehotel.

“He was always neatly dressed and acted in a professional manner (translated from Spanish),” the woman said while relating that, she trusted the taxibaseatthehotelbecause it was like an executive service.

On April 10, however, the taxi driver reportedly turned into a monster Instead of taking her to her destination, he locked the woman in and drove her at gunpoint to a lonely area aback of Diamond and turnedoffhiscarlights.

Upon their arrival there, he reportedly held her at gunpointanddemandedthat she hand over her purse and other valuables Danello claimedthatshehadtoldhim to take what he wants but spareherlife.

He took the purse which hadherhousekeys,thecash, her ID card and some other documents along with her phone but according to the woman, it seemed as if he had no intention of letting her leave alive because he tried shooting her in the head.

“El trata de dispararme, para matarme verdad, o sea, el me disparo verdad como dos tres cuatro veces con la pistola pero no salio nada la pistola hizo (imitates the sound the gun made) (He tried to shoot me to kill me right hetriedtoshootlike two, three, four times but nothing came out, the gun made (imitates the sound thatthegunmade)”,shetold KaieteurNews.

It could be that the gun had jammed but the woman said that she believed at the time that it did not have any bullets.

Instead of letting her go, the suspect tried to strangle herwithabelt.

“El agarró y quitó la correaymeintentó ahorcar ybuenoDiosmediofuerzay peleé con el, le di unas patadasenlasbolas(Heheld me and took off his belt and tried to strangle me but God gave me strength and I fought with him, I give him somekicksintheballs,”she recounted).

While she fought for her life, she also received some blowstoherbody Themost painful she said was to her breasts because a surgery wasperformedonthem.

During the fight for survival, the taxi driver reportedlylostachainwhich hewaswearingandforafew seconds,letgoofhertolook for it. She recalled that he asked her where the chain was and it was that moment that she was able to escape his grip and exited the car intothepouringrain.

She recounted running a short distance away when thetaxidrivertoldherthathe wasgoingtokillherbecause she knows his face and whereheworks.

It was at this point that manreportedlydrewhisgun again and shot at her This timethegunwentoffandshe ranforherlife.

She claimed that at the time, she did not know she washitbutitoccurredtoher that she might be unable to escapehim.

“Yometirepaelmonte(I threw myself in some bushes),” the Venezuelan woman said as she recalled seeingthetaxidriverexiting the SUV with a torchlight and searching around the area.

She reportedly remained stillinthebushesuntilhere-

entered the vehicle and left. She then got up and walked in the pouring rain until she met a man selling at a small standalongtheroad.

There she asked for help but the man said he had no cell phone to give her a call but advised her to wait until the rain was over for him to takehertoahospital.

Fearfulthathetoomight harm her, she continued to walkintherain.Carspassed by, she said, but she was reluctant to accept any help from the drivers. One man, however, stopped and identified himself as a policeman.

“Y me llevó a la (Diamond) police station (and he carried me to the policestation)”.Shesaidthat when she arrived there, she realized that the attempt on her life took place in close proximity to the police station.

After seeing her condition,shewasadvisedto go to a hospital The policeman who picked her up took her to the closest hospital and she was admitted.

There she learnt that a bullet entered one of her arms and was lodged in her back.Doctorswereunableto remove the warhead. She had also sustained a fractured rib from the blows she received Detectives subsequently took a statementfromher


Golddeclarationdipped infirstquarterof2024–BankofGuyana

The Bank of Guyana (BoG) has reported that the country’s gold declaration decreased within the first threemonthsof2024.

AccordingtotheCentral Bank, the declaration fell to 89,845.8troyounces,when (Continuedonpage40)

Govt. consults with East, West Ruimveldt residents on Cemetery Road Project


- The Ministry of the time period for frustrate the people of East Public Works is working completion of the project andWestRuimveldt.Wewill assiduously to ease the beingextendedtwice. have to take over the project

f r u s t r a t i o n b e i n g Minister of Public and we will finish Cemetery experienced by residents of Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, Road,” the public works East and West Ruimveldt, during a recent community ministerrobustlystressed. Georgetown as it pertains to meeting with residents of The last deadline for the theCemeteryRoadProject. Roxanne Burnham Gardens project was then given as

The project is currently a n d s u r r o u n d i n g March 31, 2024. However, being executed by Avinash communities of South the contractor continued to Construction and Metal Georgetown, noted that he fail at progressing works on Works, which has failed will soon be consulting with the road, citing persistent several times to make the Attorney General on the rainfall. progressontheroad. wayforward.

During an inspection

The contractor continues “I am saying it here loud earlier in the year, Minister to move at a slow pace, and clear; we will not allow Edghill had noted that if the

The Cemetery Road Project under construction.

adjusted time period, then it the thoroughfare will be Edghillpromised. which has so far resulted in that contractor to continue to road is not completed by the would be terminated and officiallycompleted. Currently, the road is given to a contractor of the “By September when being used as a two-lane ministry’s Special Project school reopens, four lanes of roadway Upon completion Unit. traffic must be flowing in of the four-lane, the road is

As such, he has since Cemetery Road. And that is expected to decrease the assured the residents that the commitment that we are traffic woes that occur within the next two months, giving to you,” Minister duringpeakhours.

Civil Society Activist Ramon...

From page 8

ExxonMobil Guyana accountable when it activistandprotagonistunlikeanyother.” comes to protecting the country’s Gaskin, according to the AFC, fearlessly environment, and making sure that the challenged the Government and Opposition Guyanesepeoplegetfairshareofitresources. alike to do better to improve the lives of He had warned in a Kaieteur News 2023 Guyanese. report that secrecy of contracts-oil and

“Not afraid to speak or write what was on mining- can endanger Guyana’s pockets. He his mind, Gaskin became a household name had also called for the government to as an advocate for ordinary working class thoroughly audit ExxonMobil’s expenses. Guyanese.Hewillbemissed,”AFCsaid. Gaskin had filed an appeal with the

In recent years, Gaskin played a key role Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) over in advocating for the Government to be absence of environmental permits for transparent with its management of the oil Exxon partners - a case which was later andgassector dismissed.

He also clamored for a better oil deal and KaieteurNewsextendsitscondolencesto fought to hold the oil companies, especially thefamilyandfriendsofRamonGaskin.

Mayor of Mahdia, Eslyn Hussain and Marketing Manager of Fantasy Sports, Diana Persaud along with the residents of Mahdia at the commissioning ceremony

Fantasy Sports commissions $70M children's park and outdoor gym

Fantasy Sports on Wednesday commissioned a $70M

state-of-the-art children's park and outdoor gym in Mahdia,Regioneight.Accordingtoastatementissued by the entity, the facility is aimed at expanding recreational activities in the community and to promote active and healthy lifestyles.

The park and outdoor gym, which began in March 2024, is situatedattheOvalCommunityGroundinMahdia.Theprojectis collaboration between the private sector and the government of Guyana

The park, which is designed with a focus on inclusivity and sustainability features state-of-the-art playground equipment. Adjacenttothepark,theoutdoorgymprovidesarangeoffitness equipment tailored to both children and adults, encouraging physicalactivityandhealthylivingamongresidents.

At the opening ceremony, the facility was officially handed overtotheMayorofMahdia,EslynHussain.

Marketing Manager of Fantasy Sports, Diana Persaud said, "We are thrilled to contribute this transformative project to the vibrant community of Mahdia…This park and outdoor gym are designed not only to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for children to play and learn but also to promote wellness and communityengagementforyearstocome."

Persaudsaidtoothatthe“projectalignswithFantasySports broader corporate social responsibility initiatives, aimed at making meaningful contributions to the communities where we operate.”

Fantasy Sports is the Community arm of Cabana Marketing Inc. Cabana believes in Community and intends to build more PlayandExerciseparks.

Diana Heralal Diana Heralal

Thisweek'sbeautyisthe captivatingDianaHeralal, thenewlycrownedMiss IndiaGuyana2024.Diana describesherselfasaresilient StoreManageratPayless Guyana.The26-year-oldis theyoungestManagerinthe Caribbeanforthebrand. BesideherworkatPayless, Dianaisaprofessional makeupartistandavisionary entrepreneurwhobelieves inclosingthegapsand providingequalopportunities. Whensheisnotfocusingon hercareerorbusiness,you canoftenfindDiana exploringnewplacesasshe hasapassionfortraveland diversity.Herfavoritequote is"Don'ttrytosqueezeinto aglassslipper.Instead, shattertheglassceiling -PriyankaChopra”

A new culinary odyssey in Guyana expands horizons:

In a recent interview with Waterfalls Magazine, the management of PF Chang’s unveiled the motivations and aspirations behind its venture into the burgeoning Guyanese culinary landscape.

Located in the heart of Georgetown,PFChang’sispoised to become a beacon of Asianinspired dining, blending tradition with innovation to captivate local palatesandculturesalike.

Exploring the genesis of PF Chang’s arrival in Guyana, CEO Clairmont Cummings highlighted a synergy of factors that propelled thisdecision.“Wewereinspiredby acombinationoffactors,primarily market opportunity,” he noted. Guyana’s rapid economic growth and evolving dining preferences created an ideal backdrop for PF Chang’s renowned Asian cuisine

and casual dining concept




l franchisee Corum, emphasized PF Chang’s global brand strength, synonymous with quality and authenticity, as pivotal in resonatingwithGuyanesediners.



Cummings proudly showcased the “Emperor’s Delight,” a local favorite unavailable elsewhere This distinctive dish melds traditional South Asian dessert gulab jamun with ice cream, nuts, tamarind, and a fusion of cultural delights, embodying PF Chang’s commitment to blending global influenceswithlocalflavors.

Maintaining PF Chang’s culinary authenticity amidst cultural nuances of Guyana was pivotal Cummings highlighted rigorous training protocols upheld

by Corum, including intensive sessions in Mexico for leadership and chefs. These efforts ensure consistency in taste and service globally, reinforcing PF Chang’s reputation for authenti it d quality in every dish Georgetown.

PF Chang’s Guyanese root partnerships wi suppliers,sourcing produce and o essentials loca

economy but also enhances menu

offerings into P Chang’s dive

culinaryrepertoire. Beyond its gastronomic offerings, PF Chang’s actively engages with the Guyanese c

empowerment and cultural integration.

In essence, the restaurant’s arrivalinGeorgetownmarksmore thanaculinarydebut—itsignifiesa it nt to celebrating embracing local and setting new in the art of dining in As diners flock to ence PF Chang’s ue blend of global flavors and local charm, the restaurant remains steadfastinitspromise to deliver excellence, onedishatatime.

employmen t opportunities, and CSR initiatives.Theircollaborationwith localPRfirmOgle&Stoneforthe restaurant’slaunchunderscoresPF Chang’s commitment to local

The Waterfalls spoke with Fayoka Creary, General Manager of PF Chang’s Guyana and shewasabletorespond some of most pressing questions. Here some of the answers provided What inspired Chang’s to open a restaurantinGuyana? Wewereinspired a combination of tors, primarily market opportunity u y a n a i s dergoing rapid nomic growth development, spurring a burgeoning st in diverse culinary experiences. PF with its renowned ed cuisine and concept, seemed at this particular time.

Corum is a locally founded company, majority owned by Guyanese living in Guyana and raisingtheirfamilyhere.OurCEO,

Aprivate dining room at PF Chang’s Georgetown
The delicious Pad Thai
Dim Sum by PF Chang’s
By Renay Sambach

Talking Dollars & Making Sense Talking Dollars & Making Sense

Transforming Your Business Idea into a Viable Business - Part 2

Welcome back to expectations. For example, costs. In Guyana, keeping a Talking Dollars & Making Full Service Laundromat close eye on costs and Sense! In the second part of focuses on efficient laundry finding efficient, costour series on transforming services, marketing through effective solutions is crucial. your business idea into a s

For example, Harper’s Fast viable one, we’ll focus on maintaining high customer FoodShopmanagescostsby creating a robust business servicestandards. optimizing supply purchases model. This is crucial for Key Partnerships andreducingwaste. understanding how your

Business Model Canvas company creates, delivers, companies or individuals Use the Business Model and captures value. Let’s that can help you succeed. C

divein! Thiscouldincludesuppliers,

Creating a Robust


capital. In Guyana, consider distributors, marketing visualize and develop your Business Model community needs For Customer Relationships local resources and talents. partners, or technology business model. It helps you C

Define how you will For instance, Tamara’s Full providers In Guyana, map out key elements in a business model is vital for Distillers Limited (DDL) interact with customers to Service Laundromat relies building strong relationships structured format, making it long-term success It segments its customers into build and maintain on high-quality washing with local businesses and easier to see the connections r e q u i r e s a d e e p alcoholic and non-alcoholic relationships. This can range machines, skilled staff, and a community leaders can and ensure nothing is understanding of your target beverage consumers, food from personalized customer well-located facility to serve enhance your credibility and overlooked. market and customer needs product consumers, service to automated self- busy professionals and reach. For instance, Food for By building a robust through detailed research. A wholesalers and retail service options. In Guyana, familiesefficiently. the Poor Guyana partners business model, you set the strong value proposition distributors. Tailoring your personal relationships and KeyActivities with local businesses and foundation for a successful must be clearly articulated, approach to each segment community engagement are Outline the most international donors to business in Guyana. Feel addressing both functional maximizes relevance and vital. Consider community important activities needed supporttheirinitiatives. free to reach out at and emotional benefits of impact. events, and excellent after- to deliver your value Cost Structure talkingdollarsgy@gmail c your product or service. Key Value Proposition salesservice. proposition. These could be Detail the costs involved om with your thoughts, activities and resources Your value proposition Harper’s Fast Food Shop production,marketing,sales, in operating your business. questions,andstories. should be identified and should be tailored to each in B

This includes fixed and Until then, keep refining managed efficiently to

customer loyalty through activities Ensure these variable costs, such as rent, and planning – your d

y Customize your message to excellent service and activities align with your

ng entrepreneurial journey is offerings Establishing highlight the most relevant communityengagement. business goals and customer expenses, and production justbeginning!

benefits for each group. For Revenue Streams

gh instance, Ramchand Auto Identify how your personalized interactions Spares offers reliable, high- business will make money and exceptional service is quality auto parts for vehicle This could include direct essential In addition, owners, emphasizing sales, subscription fees, selecting the most effective convenience and reliability advertising, or service

distribution channels for their customers at charges. Ensure your pricing ensures that your product or competitiveprices. strategy reflects local service reaches your target Channels economic conditions and audience effectively, Determine how you will customer willingness to pay maximizing revenue and reach and deliver value to Diversifying your revenue market impact. Here are key your customers. This could streams can provide stability components to consider, include physical locations, and growth opportunities. with real-life Guyanese onlineplatforms,andmobile For example, Island Breeze examples to illustrate each services In Guyana, Eco-Toursgeneratesrevenue point. consider the best ways to t h r o u g h t o u r f e e s , Customer Segments connect with your audience. partnerships with local I d e n t i f y i n g a n d For example, Pure and Fresh hotels, and selling ecounderstanding your different Foods uses both a physical friendlyproducts. customer groups is vital. storefront and local delivery Key Resources Consider demographics, to reach health-conscious List the essential assets psychographics, and consumers. They leverage required to make your behavior patterns In p o p u l a r l o c a l business model work. This Guyana, you might segment communication channels, includes physical assets, customers by urban versus such as WhatsApp, for intellectual property, human rural areas, different income marketing and other resources, and financial

Miss Universe Guyana welcomes its first set of mothers

Since its inception, the Miss advocacy opportunity it presents. model mother I aspire to be a advocating for the protection of never too late to follow your Universe Pageant has followed a However, it wasn’t until the beauty and tourism ambassador, womenandchildren’srights. dreams.” strictsetofcriteria,oftenexcluding international organization lifted

y, a A piece of advice, “You’re The candidate reflects on her mothers and married women from restrictions, that I was able to jump

never too old or too late! Despite empowering journey with the participating However, a back into the ring. I believe the empowering young women in challenges, believe in your support of the Miss Universe groundbreaking change was made representative must exhibit beauty, Guyana and globally Using my superpowers and talents to achieve Guyana Organization. Balancing last year when Miss Universe grace,andareadinesstoflyourflag voice for good, I have raised funds greatness. Pageantry is more than a rehearsals, family, and a job has announced that there would no high on the international stage, and implemented projects with crown; it’s a platform to inspire been a challenge, but she embraces longer be an age limit and that especiallyatthisjuncturewherethe sustainableimpact,aimingtocreate change Embrace the journey, eachmomentwithprideandjoy mothersandmarriedwomenwould globe has its eyes on us, as the a better world for future amplify your voice, and live your She encourages other women, bewelcomedtocompete. fastest growing economy in the generations.” dreams now.” She continues to especially mothers, to follow their

As such, for the first time ever, world!”Kingexplainedthatbeinga She was crowned Miss Guyana work diligently towards the Miss dreams and not let stereotypes or the Miss Universe Guyana (MUG) mother is a blessing and while she World in 2009, representing Universe competition in Mexico, criticism hold them back. Despite has welcomed four out of its ten gets to share every special moment Guyana in London, South Africa, aiming to make history with a facing scrutiny for her decision to delegates who are mothers, with with her son and she wants to give and Abu Dhabi. Placing in the top mother placing in the final. As a participate in the pageant as a one of them even being pregnant. him the best life any mom can give 20 for Guyana in the Talent Fast first-time Neonatal Intensive Care mother,shebelievesininnerbeauty The shift has sparked interest and their child, she also wants to share Track Competition, she sang Etta Unit (NICU) mother, Radix has and breaking barriers for future intrigue in the pageant community herpassionsandachievementswith James’ “At Last.” After competing been raising awareness through generations. She is honored to be and beyond. The Waterfalls caught theyoungster. internationallyandregionallyatthe various media platforms in Guyana one of the four mothers gracing the up with the trailblazing contestants “As someone who has MissCaribbeanWorldPageant,she and online, she shares her story of stage in Guyana, defying toheartheirstoriesandgaininsight participated in 10 pageants, and pursued her Master of Science hope and survival. This mom loves expectations and showcasing her into what inspired them to take on won five titles while representing DegreeinGlobalStudies. raising funds for NICU care trueself. thechallenge. G u y a n a r e g i o n a l l y a n d

Furthering the work of the S4 packages and also teaches women She hopes to gain knowledge The delegate representing internationally, I firsthand know it foundation to empower those infant CPR and plans to improve and wisdom to inspire other Berbice and mother of one, is never easy preparing for a title. affected by domestic violence, she NICUwaitingareas. women, showing resilience in the Faydeha King told the Waterfalls However, I am always committed took a break. With the goal of Her dream is to create family face of adversity and being a that so far her experience in this to the task at hand and have found representing Guyana on the global room spaces in hospitals beaconofhopeforothers. pageant has been rejuvenating, as joy in striking a balance while I stage,shebelievesshepossessesall nationwide, providing support and If crowned Miss Universe since her reveal she has received prepare for MUG. My daily the qualities required in a queen. hope for families on their NICU Guyana 2024, “I will first visit my tremendous support from Guyana, routine begins with connecting Advocatingforgenderequalityand journey as the next Miss Guyana village and introduce myself to and that in itself fuels her drive.As with God, and trusting my plans women’s rights, she aims to be a Universe 2024 Indranie them allowing the villagers and it with every pageant, there are into hands. It also includes a global spokeswoman for the Miss Codrington also popularly known citizenstogettoknowmeandwhat challenges, King travels twice mindful eating, physical exercise, UniverseOrganization.Sheaimsto as “Arianna Vee” is another proud my visions are as their global weekly from Skeldon Berbice to onehourofreading,drinkinglotsof break barriers as a human rights mother in this year’s competition. ambassador but also ensure that the Georgetown to train, and is in the water and minding my own advocate. Radix has served as a 5K She was ecstatic to be interviewed citizensexpresstheirneedssoIcan process of securing additional business,”shestated. Ambassador for the Miles for by this magazine andeagertoshare be able to help resolve problems sponsorship.However,shesaidthat She expressed that she is Moms event, raising awareness for her thoughts and what the journey and help raise awareness on issues she wouldn’t trade this experience grateful for the opportunities that healthy choices. Radix volunteered has been like for her She had a thatneedstobeaddressed.Iwantto foranything. have come her way and she is with the Guyana Cancer childhood dream of competing in raise funds for the underprivileged

“I have major plans especially determined to make the most of Foundation, hosting a luncheon for Miss Universe Guyana, inspired by especially women who needs a with my platform project however them. womencancersurvivors. watching the pageant with her pushstartintheirendeavors.Iwant it has not been the easiest road with Another contestant Imarah Additionally, she participated mother to be more knowledgeable about the support needed. Thankfully the Radix in her interview told the in a medical outreach programme, Codringtontoldthispublication the underlying issues that is MinistryofAgricultureandNAREI Waterfalls that, “Since childhood, I providing much-needed care and that, “As a mother I have affecting growth and development has recently joined forces to donate have been captivated by the Miss blood donations to residents in committed my entire life towards then work each region and across seeds, seedlings and plants to my World & Miss Universe Pageants, need.As a volunteer teacher for the my family and children putting my thecountry.” project“Iplant”lendinghandtomy inspired by women like Catriona President’s One Guyana Initiative, dreams aside. It is indeed a dream The competition is on and with vision of a more sustainable Grey, Pia Wurtzbach, Harnaaz Radix donated school supplies and come true to be give such an the new rules, it will be interesting future,”thecontestantsaid. Sandhu, and Sheynnis Palacios. taught literacy classes and also opportunity I am honored to grace to see these mothers working the Shetoldthispublicationthat,“I They have motivated me to be a represented Guyana at a national thestageasasinglemotherofthree stage, ready to encourage and have always had a keen interest in voice for change in my community, consultation on draft amendments and domestic abuse survivor to inspireothers.Getthoseticketsand the MUG platform, because of the following in the footsteps of my to the sexual offences act, inspire women like myself that it is maythebestdelegatewin!

Faydeha King
Indranie Codrington
Imarah Radix


Albania, country in the4thcenturyCEtheywere southern Europe, located in ruled by the Byzantine the western part of the Empire After suffering Balkan Peninsula on the centuries of invasion by Strait of Otranto, the Visigoths, Huns, Bulgars,

foreigners, the Albanian commenced to close all Union, and the International southern entrance to the and Slavs, the Albanians vocabulary has adopted places of worship (churches, Monetary Fund By the AdriaticSea.Thecapitalcity were finally conquered by many words from the Latin, mosques, and zâwiyahs), middle of that decade, isTirana(Tiranë). the Ottoman Turks in the Greek, Turkish, Italian, and confiscatetheirproperty,and Albania boasted the fastest-

Albanians refer to 15th century Ottoman rule Slavic tongues. There are ban religious observances. growing economy on the t h e m s e l v e s a s cutoffAlbaniafromWestern two principal dialects: Geg, For the whole of its 45 years continent, but, as one of shqiptarë often taken to civilization for more than spoken north of the of absolute rule, the party Europe’s poorest countries, mean “sons of eagles,” four centuries, but in the late Shkumbin River, and Tosk, engaged in large-scale it was still considered less though it may well refer to 19th century the country spoken in the south. Geg persecution of believers developed. “those associated with the began to remove itself from dialects are also spoken in Only in 1990, when freedom Cultural life shqip (i e , Albanian) Ottoman influence and to

Serbia, Montenegro, of worship was restored, did Cultural development in language” and to their rediscover old affinities and

Kosovo, and North churches and mosques begin Albania was handicapped by country as Shqipëria. They common interests with the Macedonia, and Tosk reopening. more than four decades of g e n e r a l l y c o n s i d e r West. dialects, though somewhat Economy ofAlbania communist rule The t h e m s e l v e s t o b e Ethnic groups archaic as a result of Before 1991 the ruling government imposed strict descendants of the ancient Albania has one of the centuries of separation from communistpartydirectedthe censorship on the press, Illyrians, who lived in m o s t h o m o g e n e o u s their place of origin in country’s entire economy publications, and the central Europe and migrated populations in Europe, with Albania,areprominentinthe through a series of five-year perf




southward to the territory of non-Albanians accounting Albanian communities of plans. All means of succeeding governments Albania at the beginning of for less than one-tenth of the Greece and Italy. Although production were under state havemadeaconsciouseffort the Bronze Age, about 2000 total population. The largest there are variations even control,agriculturewasfully to encourage and preserve BCE. They have lived in minorities are Vlachs; independent spirit and within these two dialects, collectivized, industry was the country’s rich folklife. relative isolation and Greeks, concentrated mainly fighting abilities, they Albanians can understand nationalized, and private Albania is known for its obscurity through most of in the southeast; and traditionally opposed

one another with no enterprise was strictly traditions of hospitality, their difficult history, in part Macedonians, living along outside authority, whether difficulty forbidden In addition, a whicharebasedonthe kanun becauseoftheruggedterrain theeasternborder that of foreign invaders or Religion provision of the constitution (“code”), a set of unwritten of their mountainous land The two main subgroups that of the Albanian central

Asalegacyofnearlyfive prohibited the government laws devised in the 15th but also because of a of Albanians are the Gegs government. centuries of Ottoman rule, from seeking foreign aid, c e n t u r y b y P r i n c e complex of historical, (Ghegs) in the north and the Languages ofAlbania Albania is a predominantly accepting loans, or allowing LekëDukagjin, an Albanian cultural,andsocialfactors. Tosks in the south. The Albanian language, Muslim country However, foreign investment, which feudal lord The kanun Becauseofitslocationon Differences between the two called shqip or shqipe by as a result of the rigid contributed to Albania’s governs all social relations, the Adriatic and Ionian seas, g r o u p s w e r e q u i t e Albanians, is of interest to enforcement of atheism reputation as isolationist. In including those involving Albania has long served as a pronounced before World linguists because, as a during the communist the post-communist period, marriage, death, family, and bridgehead for various WarII. descendant of the extinct regime, today most economic decision making religion Some Albanians nations and empires seeking Until the communist Illyrian tongue, it is the only Albanians are adherents of was decentralized, and still follow its customary conquest abroad. In the 2nd takeover in 1944, Albanian surviving member of its religious groups in name restrictions on private trade laws, including the right to century BCE the Illyrians politics were dominated by branch of the Indo-European only and practice largely were lifted Foreign avenge a killing; gjakmarrje were conquered by the the more numerous Gegs. language family Influenced secularlifestyles.In1967the investment was pronounced (“blood feuds”) were known Romans,andfromtheendof Renowned for their by centuries of rule by communist party officially by the mid-1990s, with to occur in parts of northern proclaimed Albania an assistance coming from the Albania into the 21st atheistic country and United States, the European century

Flag of Albania
Berat Castle
Albanian Coast of Arms
Albanian Food

First Black ‘Bachelorette’ Rachel Lindsay

Loses Big In Bryan Abasolo Divorce: Must Pay Ex $13K In Monthly Spousal Support

Well damn! a few hours after meeting

R a c h e l Lindsaybackin2017.

Central District on May 1, as a media personality

Abasolo, demanded skyrocketed.”

Lindsay is Sadly happily ever after emergency spousal support Awkward indeed

sufferingabig wasn’t in the cards for the and that Lindsay, 39, pay at Lindsay struck back and loss in her ongoing divorce couple. Four years after the least $75,000 for his legal slammed Abasolo for from ex BryanAbasolo. The pair tied the knot in August fees. He also confirmed that misrepresenting his finances first black “Bachelorette” 2019, Abasolo filed for he and his estranged wife and essentially asking for has been ordered to pay her divorce. were still living together but morethanhedeserved. estranged husband $13,257 In January, the 44-year-


uation “His requests for spousal monthly in temporary old chiropractor issued a “awkward.” support and $75,000 in spousalsupport. statement on his Instagram

“Rachel and I are professional fees are not According to court account announcing the cohabiting in our Family supported by competent documents obtained by Us break-up. Residence, but neither of us evidence and far exceed the Weekly, within the next 60 Rachel Lindsay Bryan wants to continue to live actual marital lifestyle and days Lindsay, in addition to Abasolo fell on love on together Our current living his need,” Lindsay stated in the spousal support, must s e a s o n 1 3 o f t h e situation is very awkward courtdocumentsobtainedby also pay $15,000 for her “Bachelorette ” Source: and strained,” Abasolo said People. “[He] appears to be estranged husband’s RodrigoVarela/Getty inthedocumentsobtainedby inflating his expenses, the attorney’s fees and $5,000 “ I f y o u ’ v e b e e n People. “I want to move out lion’s share of which Rachel for forensic expert expenses. following me for a while, of our Family Residence as pays on his behalf, as they Even worse, a judge may you know I don’t like to put soon as possible, but relate to her house which he also rule that she will be my personal affairs on social Lindsay, whom shares no alleged. “Approximately 30 maintaining our standard of refusestovacate.” r e s p o n s i b l e t o p a y media and like to keep a safe children with Abasolo, minutes after he left the living is not financially Despite the mess, retroactivespousalsupport. space for our family,” the revealed she found out about house, he sent me a text feasibleatthistime.” Lindsay seems to be Lindsay,39,andAbasolo statementthathassincebeen her impending divorce via message that simply read “I placed my career as a remaining in positive spirits. seemed destined to be taken down read “After text. ‘Hey I just wanted to let chiropractoronholdtomove Just three days ago the togetherafterfindingloveon more than 4 years of “Earlier that day, Bryan you know that I officially twice for Rachel’s career,” former on-air correspondent season 13 of the hit ABC marriage, Rachel and I have and I had a conversation in filed.’” the docs read. “These moves for Extra posted images of reality television series madethedifficultdecisionto my kitchen during which he Thingsthengotmessier were detrimental to my herself all smiles in a sunny Abasolo famously received partwaysandstartanew.” failed to mention that he had In court documents filed chiropractic business, while locale,captioningtheimages thefirstimpressionroseonly In June court docs filed for divorce,” Lindsay in Los Angeles Court’s Rachel’sincomeandsuccess “sunset+reset.”

Rachel Linsay and her now ex husband Byran Abasolo.

Spice Unveils ‘Mirror 25’ Album Cover

On Good Morning America

S o u r c e : journey in the industry, from sophomore project, that she’s eyeing a (DancehallMag) a young adult to the Emancipated. collaboration with Beyoncé Queen of Dancehall Grammy-nominatedstarthat Afterovertwodecadesin inthefuture. Spice unveiled the cover for shehasbecome. the game, the singer, whose The announcement of herthirdalbum—Mirror25– “I’m kinda reflecting on realnameisGraceHamilton, Spice’s album release date on ABC’s Good Morning all the things that I’ve also shared that she had comes soon after the release Americatoday managed to overcome,” she learned valuable lessons of her first controversial She also announced that said “You know, being in along the way that she single,2085Teafollowedby

the 25-track project, the business for 25 years, wishes she had known her lead single, Round executively produced by it’s an ever-growing sooner Round, featuring 12-time Spice via Spice Official business it’s a male “I probably would’ve Grammy Award-nominated E n t e r t a i n m e n t a n d dominated business To be toldherthatpeoplearegoing rapperBustaRhymes. distributed through Empire, there for 25 years, I know to come at you, do not Spice has had four issetforreleaseonAugust9, that I’ve there’s a lot of answer ‘cause I answer them albums on the Billboard 2024. things that I’ve overcome a lot. I probably would’ve Reggae Albums chart, As the title suggests, the Just looking at it, and told her that because my including her sophomore album’s cover shows Spice looking at myself in the younger self didn’t know studio project, Emancipated standing on an elevated future where do I go from that being the Queen of (2022), which peaked at No. platform and fiercely here I’ve done so many Dancehall is gonna come 7, and her Grammylooking into the mirror Of things; so many accolades, withsomuchweightonyour nominated debut album, The singer’s Captured Albums chart, while her So course, she’s in different so I’m just kinda reflecting shoulders. I never expected 10(2021), which peaked at Mixtape (2018) had peaked Mi Like EP(2014) peaked at shadesofblue. on everything that I to be as big as I am, so, I No.6. at No. 1 on the Reggae No.14.

During her GMA3 overcame ” probably would’ve prepared interview, Spice revealed Mirror25comesafterher her for moments like these,” that Mirror 25 will provide debut, Grammy-nominated she said during this insight into her 25-year album Ten and her morning’s interview, adding

Dancehall artiste Spice

Shenseea Distributes Care and Relief Packages to Hurricane BerylVictims in Jamaica

Source: (BET) distributed tarpaulins and food packages to ThecategoryfourstormstruckJamaicaas over 300 residents. She also spoke with the it brought fierce winds and heavy rain after families affected by the hurricane, offering killing at least seven people and causing words of encouragement, solidarity, and significant damage in the southeast solace. Shenseea took this action with the Caribbean. Shenseea is giving back to her help of her son, Rajeiro Lee, Major native land. Over the weekend, the dancehall Marketing, Honey Bun Ja, Lasco iCool singer arrived in her hometown of St. Water, Grace Foods, Digicel, LP Azar, and Elizabeth,Jamaica,tohelpthoseimpactedby StoplightWholesale. Hurricane Beryl. Last Wednesday (July 3), “Mylast48hours[have]beenwholesome the category four storm struck Jamaica as it as I prepared and distributed care [and] relief brought fierce winds and heavy rain after packages to my home parish that has been killing at least seven people and causing drastically affected by #HurricaneBeryl. I’m significant damage in the southeast so grateful God put me in a position to take Caribbean, according to reports Prime care of my people! Big thanks to my team Minister Andrew Holness revealed that @romeichentertainment for executing the nearly500residentswereplacedinshelters. vision… Always!” Shenseea captioned an The “Good Comfort” hitmaker Instagrampost.

Singer Shenseea


Th e s a f e t y,

accuracy and reliability of tankerwagonsarecrucialfor transporting bulk fuel from terminalstogasstationsand o t h e r c u s t o m e r s countrywide.

To ensure the highest standards are met, it is imperative that all tanker wagons be verified by the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) in accordance with the 1981 Weights and Measures

Act Further, as the National Measurement Institute (NMI), the GNBS

is responsible for maintaining and enforcing measurement standards that safeguardthepublic,protect the environment, and promotefair-tradepractices.

Owners of these vehicles are encouraged to obtain a copy of the National Standard – GYS

5 1 2 - 2 0 1 6 –“Requirements for the transport of petroleum and petroleum products by road tanker wagons” fromtheGNBS.

According to the document,atankerwagonis defined as a composite unit consisting of a propelling motorandcabtogetherwith oneormoretanksfixedtoa chassis such that bulk transportation of petroleum canbedone.

Tankerwagonstransport petroleum products including gasoline, diesel and kerosene from the main bulk fuel terminals to gas stationsandothercustomers countrywide.

These tankers are either

owned by the main distributors of fuel or by private fuel dealers, including proprietors of gas stations.

In the first half of 2024, the GNBS successfully verifiedatotalof126tanker wagonsandhascommenced verification for the second halfoftheyear

Thesetankerwagonsare verified initially when imported into Guyana and subsequently done on a yearly basis to facilitate the renewaloflicensesfromthe Guyana Energy Agency (GEA).

GNBS Inspectors and

Weights and Measures

O f f i c e r s c o n d u c t verification of Road Tanker Wagons (RTWs)to determine the carrying v o l u m e o f e a c h compartment.

Notably, compartments should not retain more than two litres of fuel when drained.

Checksarealsomadeto the integrity of internal and externalvalves.

An accident that alters the tanker wagons’ volume or fixtures also requires verification.

T h e N a t i o n a l Standard requires the GNBS to inspect and retest the tanker before use if it has dents, corrosion or leakages, has been in an accident, has been out of servicefor over a year, or has not been usedsafely

The specification requires internal inspection, lining inspection, pressure, leakage and thickness test requirements.

T h e N a t i o n a l

Standard also covers general safety and accident-reduction design

Safety equipment i n c l u d i n g f i r e extinguishers, warning signs, placards, and illumination are listed Additionally, due to the flammability of the m a t e r i a l s b e i n g transported, tanker wagon operators must receive first aidandfirefightingtraining on loading and offloading. Further, a contingency plan isalsorequired.

Owners and operators of RTWs should acquire a copy of this National Standard and take the necessary steps to meet its requirements to limit the risk of verification andinspectionfailure.

T h e y a r e a l s o encouraged to regularly inspect and maintain their equipment to ensure safety, environmental preservation, regulatory compliance, and publictrust.

For further information, pleasecontacttheGNBSon telephone numbers: 2190065, 219-0066 or WhatsApp:692-4627

Understanding the different Germs that can infect us

Emergency Medicine Specialist

We are all prone to getting infections.There are so many different infections that are caused by various germs Doctors treat infections according to the type of germ that’s causing the infection. Some people think that antibiotics can cure all infections. This is not the case. Today I will expand on the different classes of germs so that you can understand why antibioticsarenotalwaysthe solution.


Therearemanydifferent types of bacteria. Some are helpful and protective to humans Some flourish naturally in our bodiesparticularlyintheboweland vagina - and help to protect the body from infections. However, infections with certain bacteria can cause serious illnesses such as meningitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.Abacterial infectionmaybetreatedwith a course of antibiotic medication.


These are smaller and different to bacteria. Many differenttypesexist.Mostof the common ‘minor’ illnesses are caused by viruses. For example, colds, coughs, sore throats, chickenpox and some other rashes. Viral infections are much more common than bacterial and fungal infections. For many, viral infections there are no effective antiviral medicines, (unlike antibiotics for bacteria) that can cure the viral infection altogether Fortunately, the immune system in the body usually fights off most viral infectionswithinafewdays. Taking ‘symptomatic’ treatments for a high fever, such as panadol and/or ibuprofen, resting and drinking plenty water are usually all that needs to be donetogetbetter

There are some antiviral medicines that are used for

certain infections - such as antiretroviral medicines used to treat HIV They usuallyworkbystoppingthe virus from multiplying and so‘control’thevirusandthe infectionthatitcauses.


Manytypesoffungiexist and cause problems in humans, animals and plants. Fungalinfectionscommonly affect the skin and nails in humans. They can cause ringworm, athlete’s foot, other localized skin rashes andinfectionsinandaround nails Modern creams usually work well to clear a local fungal rash quickly However,nailinfectionscan be rather stubborn and may need long-term treatment. Mostfungiarefree-livingin the environment and few of these are capable of causing infection in an otherwise healthy person However, they can cause serious infections in patients with weakenedimmunesystems. Parasites

A parasite is a type of germthatneedstoliveonor inanotherlivingbeing(host) to survive. It gets its food from its host. Parasites are u s u a l l y f o u n d i n contaminated water or food. They can also get into the body by insect bites or by sexual contact Parasitic infectionsaremorecommon in tropical countries like Guyana. They are more typicallyseeninpeoplewho have weakened immune systems (for example, those with HIV or those people taking chemotherapy for types of cancer). Examples of diseases caused by parasites are malaria, amoebic dysentery and giardia Threadworms, hookworms and tapeworms arealsoparasites. How can antibiotics help?

Antibiotics are not a ‘cure all’ for infections

Antibiotics will only clear infections caused by germs such as bacteria and some parasites. They do not work whenaninfectioniscaused


STEMGuyana launches groundbreaking AI Tutor to help with close gaps caused by Covid-19 learning loss

STEMGuyana has u n v e i l e d a groundbreaking ArtificialIntelligence

(AI) tutor, set to transform the educational landscape for grades 1 to 10 acrossGuyana.ThisAItutor isembeddedasanadvanced feature within the IDB Lab

sponsored software, enhancing the learning pod

after-school tutoring

programme initially developed to mitigate educational disruptions caused by the COVID pandemic.

The newly upgraded AI tutor is designed to align with the Ministry of Education’s curriculum for Kindergarten to 12th grade learners.Itoffersinnovative features such as reading lessons aloud, integrating

tutorial videos, and

providing real-time

feedback to student questions along with an embedded quiz-correction feature The AI upgrade furtherenhanceslearningby offering corrections and detailed explanations at a grade-appropriate level, facilitating a truly customized educational experience.

S T E M G u y a n a ’s Director, Karen Abrams, e m p h a s i z e d t h e transformative potential of

the AI tutor, stating, “Our goal is to scale high quality tutoring identified across all of our programmes for childrenandparentsmanyof whom are struggling with literacy challenges. This AI tutor is a technological advancementandasourceof hope. It aims to extend the capabilities of excellent teachers by providing consistent, high-quality educational support, enabling students to learn at their own pace, anytime, anywhere.”

Pilot Testing and ProgrammeRollout

Before its official rollout, the AI tutor will

undergo rigorous testing withsixgroupsoflearnersto assess its impact on student engagement and academic outcomes.Thistestingphase is crucial for fine-tuning the systemtoensureitmeetsthe diverse needs of Guyanese learners. The effectiveness of the Learning pod AI tutoring assistant is also the subject of a University of F l o r i d a E d - T e c h dissertation.

Following a successful testing phase scheduled for the summer of 2024, STEMGuyanawill extend access to theAI tutor across allLearningPodsandSTEM clubs nationwide, making

Understanding the different...

Frompage38 by viruses, fungi or yeasts. As mentioned, most common infections are caused by viruseswhenanantibioticwillnotbeofuse. Even if you have a bacterial infection, the immune system can clear most bacterial infections.Thismeansthatantibioticsarenot needed for minor infections. However, you doneedantibioticsifyouhavecertainserious infections caused by bacteria, such as meningitis,pneumoniaorkidneyinfections. In these situations, antibiotics are often lifesaving.


Antibiotics are not without problems. Thisiswhyitisnotusuallygoodpracticeto take antibiotics ‘just in case’an infection is bacterial,buttotakethemonlywhentheyare reallyneeded.Forexample:

·Antibiotics can cause side-effects such as allergies, diarrhea, rashes and nausea. Side-effects are quite common. Most sideeffectsarenotserious,butsomepeoplehave died from a severe allergic reaction to an antibiotic.

·Antibioticscankilloffnormal‘defence’ bacteriawhichliveinthebowelandvagina.

This may then allow other infections - for example,thrush-todevelop.

· Overuse of antibiotics has led to some bacteria mutating and becoming resistant to some antibiotics which may then not work whenreallyneeded.Themoreantibioticsare used, the greater the problem of antibiotic resistance.

· When antibiotics are appropriately prescribed, it is important to take them as directedonyourprescriptionandtocomplete thefullcourseoftreatment.Thatoftenmeans continuingtotaketheantibioticsasdirected when you feel better Failing to finish a course of treatment or failing to take the antibiotics as prescribed, can actually result inthegrowthofresistantantibiotics.

·Someantibioticsmayinteractwithother medicinesthatyoumighttake.

This may cause reactions, or reduce the effectiveness of one or other of the treatments.

Your doctor is best at knowing what infection you have and what to treat it with. Donotuseantibioticsbyyourself.Thereare risksandlongtermconsequencesassociated withthisriskypractice.

t h i s c u t t i n g - e d g e educationaltoolavailableto every student, regardless of geographical location

AccordingtoKarenAbrams, “it will be like any student, anywherehavingaccesstoa highly trained, top quality personalteacher Itistrulya


committed to enhancing STEM education across

focusing on underserved communities Through

organizations like the IDB L

technology solutions, STEMGuyana seeks to empowerthenextgeneration of leaders and thinkers who will drive forward the nation’sdevelopment.

STEMGuyana’s Director, KarenAbrams

Frompage13 comparedtothesameperiod last year. It was stated that the dip in the gold declaration was mainly due to lower declarations from small- and medium-scale miners by 24.2 %. It was explained that the lower declaration is as a result of prolonged dry weather which made access to water limited in many mining areas.

Notably, it was stated that the sole large-scale operator,Aurora Gold Mine Inc.(AGM),ZijinMining’s, recorded an increase in declarationsby5.2%,which resulted from continued favourable performance in their underground mining operations.

In Guyana’s gold industry, there has been a noticeable decline in declarations over the past several years Kaieteur Newshadreportedthatfrom 2019 to 2023, gold declarations dropped by approximately 209,000 troy ounces, according to the BOG annual reports. With Guyana’s gold declarations dropping by approximately 209,000troyouncesoverthe past five years, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo expressed the Government of Guyana’s concern about this trend. He had warned thatstrictpenaltieswouldbe imposed on those found guilty of under-reporting gold declarations to evade taxes and royalties. Jagdeo said at one of his previous press conferences, “We are still very concerned about what is happening in the market,” adding, “We believe that there are people that are not selling to the Gold Board to avoid taxes and we believe at that time thatitwasorganisedandthat itwashavinganimpact.”

Chinesenationalwanted formoneylaundering, otherseriouscrimes

The Special Organised CrimeUnit(SOCU)through the Guyana Police Force (GPF) on Monday issued a wanted bulletin for a 45year-old Chinese national who is wanted for questioning in relation to money laundering and other serious related offences in Guyana. The wanted man has been identified as Zhenjian Fang. The wanted bulletin stated that his last known address was at Lot 47 New Road, Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara (WCD)

The police are urging the public if seen or anyone has information on the whereabouts of Fang to contactSOCUon225-3079, 225-3084, or the nearest policestation.

Meanwhile, the bulletin comesoneweekafterpolice said that it had dismantled a transnational criminal group operating in Guyana after busting three Chinese nationals with millions of dollarsincashandanillegal gun.Thetrio(twomenanda woman)wasarrestedaround 12:40honTuesdayJuly9ata cityhotelfollowinganinteragency intelligence operation. The suspects are allegedly involved in gold smuggling and other illegal activities. During the operation, police were able to confiscate GY$39M in cash and one unlicensed 9MM pistol loaded with 15 matchingrounds.


Oilproductionpaused atLizaTwotohookup gaspipeline …asprojectdocuments stilltobemadepublic

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)haspaused oil production at the country’s second Floating Production Storage and Offloading(FPSO)vesselin theStabroekBlock,theLiza Unity, to facilitate the tie-in of infrastructure to transport gasonshore.

The Government of Guyana (GoG) plans to utilize about 50 million standard cubic feet (MSCFD) of gas per day to generate 300 megawatts of electricity to power the national grid. Gas will be piped to shore from two projects, the Liza One and LizaTwo.

E x x o n M o b i l i s constructing the 12-inch pipeline that will run approximately 220 kilometers from the FPSOs offshore to the Wales Development Site, West Bank Demera

a The company’s Media Advisor, Kwesi Isles on Monday told Kaieteur News in an invited comment that works on the Liza Unity vessel commenced since the first weekinJuly

Hesaidthatthecompany wasnearingcompletionwith the tie-in activities on that F P S O N o t a b l y , ExxonMobil was expected to conduct further debottlenecking on the Liza UnityFPSOduringtheshutdown period to allow for further ramping up of production. Isles could not confirm whether these activities were ongoing or completed.

The Media Advisor would only say, “The activities scheduled for the shutdown are progressing according to plan, and we aim to restart production soon.”

Upon completion of the works on the Liza Unity FPSO, Exxon will conduct similarworkstohookupthe pipelineontheLizaDestiny platform.

Each vessel was expected to shut down productionactivitiesfortwo weeks to facilitate tie-in of thepipeline.

EMGL’s GTE Project Manager, Friedrich Krispin previously explained the process to Kaieteur News. “Wearestartingthatprocess at the beginning of July,

that’s a process that takes about a couple weeks per FPSOandthere’saperiodin betweenthatyouaremoving all of your equipment from oneFPSOtotheother Inthe meantime, we are also buildingsubseastructureson the bottom of the FPSOs where all these two lines connect together and connect onto the pipeline that’s gonna bring the gas onshore,”hesaid.

The offshore works, according to Krispin is expected to be completed in the first half ofAugust. The Project Manager said oil production will continue for

most of the connection phase,howeverthefacilities will be shut down for about 10days.

“What happens is, you take some time to kind of bring down production and thenthere’saperiod,ashort period,usuallyabout10days per FPSO where you are completelydown,”hesaid.

While Exxon progresses with the construction of the pipeline, the Government of Guyana is yet to make key documentspublic,relativeto the massive gas project beingdeveloped.

Notably,theGTEproject is Guyana’s single largest financial project ever pursued in the country’s history Despite this however, the project does not have a feasibility study which demonstrates how viabletheinitiativeis.

The pipeline is expected to cost the country some US$1B but to date, there is no Final Investment Decision in that regard Additionally, the Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) facility andpowerplantareexpected tocostanotherUS$759M.

G o v e r n m e n t i s upgrading the transmission

and distribution network to support the project and has b e e n t a s k e d w i t h compensating citizens along the pipeline route for their lands. A new control center tomanagethepowerproject is also to be constructed, increasingthecostofthegas project.

Despite efforts by the Opposition and media for agreements relative to the GTEprojecttobelaidinthe National Assembly, government continues to delay the release of the documents sparking further concernsabouttheproject.

Hottemperaturefrom dischargescankillmarine species–Exxonwarnsin summaryfor7thproject

Discharges from the seventh project being pursued by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) in the Stabroek BlockHammerheadcanpotentially affect the quality of water andharmmarinespeciesand wildlife.

This information is contained in the Project Summarysubmittedby (Continuedonpage41)

Wanted: Zhenjian Fang
Guyana’s second FPSO, the Liza Unity
Map showing the location of the Hammerhead project offshore Guyana

Frompage40 Exxon to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The regulator has since instructed the company to conduct a thorough Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to study thelikelydamagethatcanbe done to the environment by the project. This study will also highlight measures to mitigate those harmful impacts.

According to the Project Summary seen by this newspaper, “The Project couldhavelocalisedimpacts tomarinewaterqualityinthe project development area from discharge of drill cuttings and from routine operationalandhydrotesting discharges The Project could potentially impact marine water quality in the Projectareaofinterest(AOI) as a result of non-routine, unplanned events (e.g., spill orrelease).”

Drill cuttings and drill fluid discharges during the drilling of development wells; effluent discharges from cooling water and p r o d u c e d w a t e r ; hydrotesting discharges and non-routine, unplanned events such as a spill can result in the release of dangerous substances that canaffectmarinelife.Exxon said, “Increased total

s u s p e n d e d s o l i d s concentrations, chemical concentrations, or temperatureinwatercolumn has a potential to affect marine water quality and marine habitat quality and affectwildlife.”

Produced water is a liquid that is extracted during oil production activities. It contains dissolved mineral salts, or may be mixed with organic compounds such as acids, waxes, and mineral oils. It may also be mixed with inorganic metals and byproducts or with trace amountsofheavymetalsand naturally-occurring radioactivematerials,theUS Department of Energy said inaresearchpaper.Itisalso usually very high in temperature, and can be deadlytomarineorganisms. Due to its toxicity, this substance is best re-injected into the wells, though this may be a costly exercise.

Exxon has sounded the warning before, in six EIAs foritspreviouslysanctioned projects, of the dangers associatedwiththedumping of produced water into the ocean Produced water discharges from each of the projectsvary

For instance, the sixth project – Whiptail – which willproduce250,000barrels ofoilperday(bpd)willalso produce 200,000 barrels of produced water daily which will be dumped into the ocean.

On the other hand, the fifth project Uaru which is being designed to produce 250,000 bpd will see the discharge or 300,000 bpd of producedwater Priortothe dumping of produced water offshore, it is treated on the FPSOs to ensure it aligns with the industry standards, asrequiredbytheEPA. The PermitsgrantedtoExxonby the regulator requires the operator to treat the substance to ensure “oil content specification of produced water to be discharged does not exceed 42mg/lonadailybasisor29 mg/lonamonthlyaverage”.

Dr UlricTrotzduringan interview with Kaieteur News earlier this year stressed the need for stringentmonitoringofthese discharges by the EPA. He said, “Any sort of contamination in a pristine marine environment that provides so much to our livelihoods, our fisher folk, so much to our own nutritional diet with our dependence on marine sources for protein, for an environment that supports marine life, you think about turtle nesting facilities on Shell Beach- anything that disturbs that environment is notinourinterest.”

To this end, Dr Trotz explained, “If there are internationalregulationsthat stipulate that what is being injected into our marine environment basically complies with international practice and in no way undermines the integrity of our marine eco-system then that’s alright.” He, however, pointed out that key to the safety of the environment is monitoring the discharges. “Dowehaveinplacethesort of capacity to monitor what Exxon tells us they are doing? So that’s important and that’s why the EPA is such an important organization.Idon’tknowif they have the capacity basically to do this sort of monitoringthatweneedtoif we are to ascertain that international standards are being more or less followed bytheoilandgasindustryin Guyana,”Dr Trotzsaid.

The Scientist urged that the EPA must ensure regulations demand that the oilandgasindustryoperates in accordance with

international law To this end, he cautioned, “They needtoensurethattheydon’t depart from that cause the general practice basically is thattheycutcornersbecause they are in a country that can’t monitor and that we have to take everything so we need to develop the capacity to monitor and to ensure that whatever the oil and gas industry says that theyaredoing,that’sthefact and that we are not being shortchanged.”


OmaiPresidentsays Guyanaoneoffew countrieseagerforearly startofgoldproduction

Elaine Elling


ief Executive Officer (CEO) of Omai Gold Mines, said that theGuyanaGovernmenthas been pushing them along to getintogoldproduction.

Ellingham made the comments during an interviewbackinMarchthis year with Crux Investor and streamed on their YouTube Channel.CruxInvestorisan analysis platform that providesin-depthinsightson

mining stocks and investments They offer expert analysis on various commodities, development stages, and global mining projects, empowering investors to make informed decisions This year, the Canadian company announced significant milestones with its project, located in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) Omai holds a 100% interest in the gold project, which encompasses two gold deposits: the shear-hosted Wenot Deposit and the adjacent intrusive-hosted GiltCreekDeposit.


During the interview, Ellingham highlighted a meeting with Guyana’s Pr

p h a s i s

h e government’s enthusiastic support for mining initiatives.Ellinghamstated, “He’s (President Ali) got a lot on his plate and you can imagine the offshore oil business in Guyana is just attracting so much foreign interest and foreign investment.”

However, Omai’s CEO stated that Guyana’s headof-state still finds time to stay updated on the company’s progress. “But you know they really value mining, they remember when Omai was in production so Omai in particular has kind of a special place in the hearts and souls,” Ellingham stated. “They always wanna knowhowOmaiisdoingand how soon it can be in production so we need to forgeforward,”sheadded.

She added that the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Guyana G eology & M ines Commission (GGMC) are equally keen to see Omai back in production soon. Ellingham underscored Guyana’s unique position among global jurisdictions, noting the government’s proactive role in fostering mining activities She remarked,“There’sveryfew jurisdictions in the world, where you know you have a government that’s kinda routing for you and wanting toseeyouadvance.”

This publication had reportedthattheresultsfrom its first Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA)fortheWenotProject revealed that the project is slated to yield over 142,000 ouncesofgoldannuallyover a 13-year mine life. At its peak, production is anticipated to soar to

184,000 ounces in a single year, with a total estimated production of 1,840,000 ouncesofpayablegold.

OnFebruary8,2024,the Company announced an updated Mineral Resources Estimate (MRE) for the Omai Property The combinedestimatesfromthe Wenot and Gilt Creek depositsstandsat2.0million ounces of gold grading at 2.15g/tgoldintheindicated category and 2.3 million ounces of gold grading at 2.26 g/t in the inferred category. This represents a notable increase compared to the previous resource estimate conducted in October 2022, with indicated ounces seeing a 4% uptick and inferred ounces experiencing a substantial28%surge.

Back in 2020, Omai reentered Guyana’s mining industry The company had said that their work completed thus far, has put themontracktobecomethe nextlarge-scalegoldmineto openinGuyana.Notably,by 2026, Omai and three other Canadianminingcompanies are expected to start gold production in their respectiveminingprojectsin Guyana. This was revealed by Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh during his 2024 budget estimatespresentation.

Worldinvestingmore incleanenergy–IEA2024report …ascountrieswean offfossilfuels

The world is now investing twice as much in clean energy compared to fossil fuels, a new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) has


The IEA in its World Energy Investment 2024 report, released in June, explainedthatglobalenergy investment is set to exceed US$3 trillion for the first time in 2024, with US$2 trilliongoingtocleanenergy t e c h n o l o g i e s a n d infrastructure.

According to the document, “Investment in cleanenergyhasaccelerated since2020,andspendingon renewable power, grids and storage is now higher than total spending on oil, gas, andcoal.”

TheInternationalEnergy Agency said as the era of cheap borrowing comes to an end, certain kinds of investment are being held back by higher financing costs, however, the impact on project economics has been partially offset by easing supply chain pressuresandfallingprices.

Thereducedcostofsolar power in recent years contributed to these investments “Solar panel costshavedecreasedby30% over the last two years, and prices for minerals and metals crucial for energy transitions have also dropped sharply, especially the metals required for batteries,”theWorldEnergy Investment 2024 report stated.

This year, clean energy investments are set to approachUS$320billion,up by more 50% since 2020. The gains primarily come from higher investments in renewable power, now representing half of all powersectorinvestments.

According to the report, “Progress in India, Brazil, parts of Southeast Asia and Africa reflects new policy initiatives,well-managed (Continuedonpage42)

Elaine Ellingham, President and CEO of Omai Gold Mines.
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo during a press conference


public tenders, and i m p r o v e d g r i d

i n f r a s t r u c t u r e ”

Additionally, Africa’s clean energy investments in 2024, at over US$40 billion, are nearlydoublethosein2020.

Bethatasitmay,theIEA pointed out that more needs to be done in this regard since in most cases, this growth comes from a very low base and many of the least-developed economies are being left behind with

several facing acute problems servicing high levelsofdebt.

Despite the massive reductioninthecostforsolar power generation, the Government of Guyana is pushing ahead with its plan to construct a US$2B Gasto-Energy project in the absence of a feasibility study That project is expected to provide the national grid with 300 megawatts (MW) of electricity

The administration has been challenged in the past to prove the gas project a

more feasible option compared to gas but has failed to do so. In fact, the argument put forth by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is that solar cannot provide a stablesourceofelectricity

Aw a r d w i n n i n g international Lawyer, Melinda Janki in a letter to the United States Export Import (US-EXIM) Bank in April this year flagged government’s failure to publish coherent and convincing financial analysis to support the business case for the gas project.

In her April 25, 2024, letter to the President of the US-EXIM Bank, Reta Jo Lewis, Janki indicated that the financial institution might wish to obtain this information before further

c o n s i d e r i n g t h e government’s loan application.

It was reported in April 2023thattheGoGappliedto the US-EXIM Bank for a US$646M loan to fund a naturalgas-firedpowerplant and natural gas liquids plant to be constructed by contractor CH4-Lindsayca. Theplants,tobeconstructed at Wales, West Bank Demerara are part of the GTE project, which also includes a pipeline being built by ExxonMobil GuyanaLimitedtotransport the gas from offshore to the site.

TheUS-EXIMBankhas not yet approved Guyana’s

application for the loan and issaidtobeintheconcluding phase of its independent analysis of the project. “The cost of this Project will be borne by the Guyanese public because the governmentwillhavetotake moneyfromthepublicpurse or use public assets such as oil in order to pay ExxonMobilGuyanaandthe other contractors. Similarly, any loan from Exim Bank will have to be paid back from public money,” the Lawyerreasoned.

To this end, she explained that the people of Guyana are therefore entitled to see that the proposed gas project is financially viable before the governmentseekstoborrow money to proceed She argued, “It is not sufficient for the government to make promises Economic development is not a matter of wishful thinking

Economic development requires robust economic analysisoftheglobalenergy market. The proposed projectwilllockGuyanainto gasatatimewhenthefossil fuel industry is in decline andislikelytoleaveGuyana with stranded assets and an adverse impact on Guyana’s economy.”


ExxonMobiltohost10 daysofpublicmeetings on7thoilproject –asAmerindians,other Guyaneseraiseconcerns overlimitedtime,lackof information

Previously accused of conducting farcical engagements with the public,ExxonMobilisagain set to host another round of consultations, commencing next week, on its seventh proposed deepwater project, Hammerhead.

In a notice appearing in Kaieteur News’ Thursday edition, the operator of the oil rich Stabroek Block informed that the public scopingmeetingsaregeared towards providing information to the public on theproject.

On July 22, Exxon will commence its public engagements with residents of Region Three at the Leonora Technical Institute, West Coast Demerara from 10am.

Following criticisms from its last round of public scoping sessions, Exxon increased the number of meetings to be held in RegionFour

Three meetings are scheduled for the country’s most populated region- one at the Umana Yana, Georgetown, another at the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) in Mon Repos,EastCoastDemerara and another at the New Diamond/Grove Primary School, East Bank Demerara.

A total of 10 meetings will be held during the 10dayconsultationperiod. Notably,theoilcompany is also set to engage the hinterland region, with two meetings scheduled for RegionOne.

Previously,Toshaoofthe Warapoka Village, Jaremy Boyal raised concerns over the manner in which Indigenouscommunitiesare engaged on oil and gas activities. He said there has been a heavy focus on money and benefits of the sector, rather than educating the communities on the potential dangers they are exposed to as a result of the offshoreactivities.

At a number of public consultationsheldinthepast by ExxonMobil, the Toshao said he enquired about the Shell Beach protected area; however, his question has notbeenaddressed. Oilspill modeling shows that this areacanbeaffectedbyanoil spill; however, the Toshao said, “That has not been on the agenda many times, sometimes we would try to have what would be the effect,howareweplayinga roleifthereisgonnabeone, but again that is not something that we as villagesareawareof.”

According to him, “We justhearonesideofthestory that there is so much production, that there is so much millions that we can earn in the next five, 10, 15, 20 years and the rate of developmentplusweareone of the fastest growing economiesintheworld.”

Evenonthecoast,Exxon has faced criticisms for

failing to address critical issues on its operations

During public consultations on the sixth projectWhiptail- in February last year,severalquestionsasked wereleftunanswered.

Importantly, a critical subject raised during the meetingatUmanaYanawas insurance for the sixth project The Projects Manager for ExxonMobil Guyana, Anthony Jackson saidhewasnotabletogivea response but knows that the company will not leave if thereisanoilspillincident.

M e a n w h i l e , t h e moderator of one of the sessions, Alex Graham had directed officials from the company not to respond to questionsraisedbyKaieteur News, since he found it irrelevant to the specific project Those questions pertained to the options for use of excess gas from the project and the insurance policyinplaceforoilspills.

At another session, held inLeonora,thisnewspaper’s senior journalist was preventedfrominterrogating ExxonMobil officials on a series of issues since she challenged them on misleadingthepubliconthe impactsoftheproject.

Thelynchingofhardcore questions was evident again at the Mahaicony Training InstitutewhenKNPublisher, Glenn Lall was denied a response to his question on cumulativeprojectimpacts.


Hanmerhead is expected to add 120,000 to 180,000 barrels of oil per day production capacity The Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel will be capable of storingapproximately1.4to 2 million barrels of oil Third-party oil tankers will be scheduled to offload the oil from the FPSO, making theoilavailableforexportto theinternationalmarket.

Hammerhead is located in the south-central portion of the Stabroek Block,

approximately 160 km from Georgetown. Current plans include drilling via drill ships to produce oil using approximately 14 to 30 production and injection wells Production is expected to begin in 2029 subject to the necessary regulatory approvals and operate for at least 20 years.

Todate,Exxonhasobtained approval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza PhaseOne,LizaPhaseTwo, Payara,Yellowtail,Uaruand Whiptail. The first three projects are already producing oil at a daily estimated rate of 640,000 barrelsperday(bpd).

Courtorders ‘GuyaneseCritic’topay Mohameds$52Mfor defamation …Judgealsoimposes permanentinjunction, restraininghimandhis newsoutfitfromrepeating defamatorystatements

Socialmediapersonality, Mikhail Rodrigues also known as the ‘Guyanese Critic’ has been ordered to payinexcessof$52million to businessman Nazar Mohamed and his son, Azruddinfordefamation.

A default judgment rendered by Justice Nigel Niles on Monday also permanently bars Rodrigues and his company ‘They Break News’ from taking any further defamatory actions.

The court found Rodrigues guilty of defaming the Mohameds on multiple occasions in February and March 2024 during his online talk show The Judge detailed punitive damages were awarded for these dates totaling to the sumof$22,500,000.00each to the Mohameds The breakdown of the damages wasgivenas$7.5millionfor defamation on February 17th, $7.5 million on March

1st,andanother$7.5million onMarch14th.

Further punitive damages were awarded against Rodrigues and his company in the sum of $3,500,000 00 for defamation committed on 17th February, 2024, 1st March, 2024 and 14th March, 2024 made and broadcast on the social mediaplatformFacebookby Rodrigues.

It was further ordered that the $22,500,000.00 bearsaninterestattherateof 6%perannumfromthedate of filing to the date of judgment and thereafter It was further ordered that a permanentinjunctionbeand isherebygrantedagainstthe Defendants, restraining the Defendants whether by themselves, their servants and/or agents whosoever from uttering, repeating, posting, pri

, reproducing,broadcastingor otherwise disseminating either by video, audio broadcast, print, social media or by other electronic means the offending words, utterances.

Back in March through their lawyers Poonai and Poonai, the Mohameds had filed a lawsuit against Rodrigues claiming in excessof$100millioneach. According to the court filings, the social media commentator used his programme ‘Morning Live with the Critic’ to defame businessmen Nazar and Azruddin Mohamed It pointedoutthatonFebruary 17, 2024 and up to present, Rodrigues defamed the Mohameds through Facebookprogammeswhere he publicly uttered and broadcasted several untrue and defamatory statements aboutthebusinessmen. According to the filings, the statements and accusations against the Mohameds are patently untruewithoutjustification, (Continuedonpage43)

From left to right: Nazar and his sonAzruddin Mohamed and Mikhail Rodrigues also known as the ‘Guyanese Critic’

Frompage42 misleading, defamatory and have caused injury and significant harm to Nazar and his son Azruddin, their good name, reputation and lowered their name in the minds of right-thinking members of society Prior to the lawsuit, Poonai and Poonaihadwrittenaletterto Rodrigues demanding that he cease and desist from making or repeating the defamatory statements he publicized against the M o h a m e d s o n h i s programme or at any public forum. The lawyer’s letters said. “In your broadcast, youintroduceyourselfasthe realest thing. Despite this, it seemsyouhaveapropensity for disseminating blatantly untrue, libelous and fictitious statements without lawful basis or justification that in their natural and ordinary meaning and by way of innuendo, are defamatory to my client and his reputation ” It continued:“Furtheryouhold yourself out as a Critic, yet none of your statements are valid or constructive criticism at all. Simply put, none of your statements are real, no matter the decibel youspeakandtheamountof times you repeat or the amount of vitriol and hate youheapuponmyclient,his sonandfamily.”Further,the lawyers demanded that Rodrigues immediately removes or retracts the statements by offering his unqualified apology to the Mohameds The letter demanded that Rodrigues paid the businessmen in excessof$200million. The socialmediapersonalityhad howeverrefusedtoaccedeto the demands of the Mohamedsanditresultedin alawsuit.

‘Guyanesemustgetmore fromanynewoilproject’


Guyanese must benefit more from any new oil project being approved by the Government of Guyana, ChairmanoftheAllianceFor Change (AFC) David Patterson said on Friday at the party’s weekly press conference.

Patterson was asked by Kaieteur News to state his party’s position on the government’s approval of the seventh oil project with

key elements missing, amongthem,ring-fencing.

“What we would like to see, is a more equitable distribution of the proceeds from oil production Of course, we are on record sayingthatanydeal,anynew deal, any renegotiation, that benefits(Guyanese)because you can renegotiate somethingandyoudon’tend up with the benefits,” he said. Patterson said that any discussion on the benefit of Guyanese stand to accrue will be of the interest to his party

He said while the party accepts that the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) has deficiencies, whatever projects are approved, “we should get more benefits for theGuyanesepublicandthat is the area in which we are working on in our policy in hopetoreleaseitonebyone, policy by policy in the comingweeks.”

He announced that two weeks from now at his party’spressconferenceshe, along with Dr Vincent AdamsandDr ShameerAlly willbeaddressingthematter of the party’s oil and gas policy

T h e A F C h a s continuously reaffirmed its commitment to making changes in the Guyana’s oil contract should the party be elected to Government. The AFC was part of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) coalition government when the lopsided 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) was signed with oil giant ExxonMobil.

Patterson said that, “The Alliance For Change is in favour of any revision for anyPSAwhichwillbetothe benefit of the Guyanese public and we maintain that position. So, any revision that will be benefitting (our people), we will be supporting (it) and I have made this statement in parliament for every budget since2020.”

The party has been voicing its commitment to renegotiateabetterdealfora number of years, and in 2021, Patterson had appearedinaninterviewona Kaieteur Radio programme ‘Guyana’s Oil and You’ wherehesaidthatduringthe five years that the APNU/AFC was in government,theydidnotget

a chance to correct the lopsideddeal.

Further, Patterson said that should the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government renegotiate the oil contract, then the AFC will offer its “unconditional support.”

VPJagdeosupports pushingOmaitobegin goldproduction

Vice President Bharrat JagdeoonThursdaysaidthat he would “wholeheartedly support” any move by his government to push Canadian gold Company, Omai,intoproduction.

His response came after Kaieteur News on Thursday reported that Omai’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Elaine Ellingham said that the Guyana Government has beenpushingthecompanyto getintogoldproduction.She reportedly made the commentsinMarchthisyear during an interview with Crux Investor, streamed on itsYouTubeChannel.

On Thursday Kaieteur News asked the VP if the OMAICEO’sstatementwas accurate.Hereplied,“Idon’t like to comment on when Kaieteur News says what peoplehavesaid. However, if there is any push to get production going it’s becausetheOmaigoldmine hasbeeninthedevelopment stage for a very, very long timeandwewouldliketosee peoplemovingfromproving reserves to actually producinggold.”

Jagdeo explained that somecompanieswouldraise funds to prove reserves and keepannouncingtheamount of gold in the reserves without getting into the real production.

“It’s only when you when you get to the production stage that the government gets its share of royaltyandtaxesbecausethe large-scale mines have to pay both the royalty and taxes,” Jagdeo said before adding “So if there is any move by any part of the government to push them into production then I will support that wholeheartedly becausetheyhavebeenatthe development stage for a longtime”.

Ellingham during the

interview with Crux

Investor- an analysis platform that provides indepth insights on mining stocks and investments –highlighted a meeting with Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali, emphasising the government’s enthusiastic support for mining initiatives.

Ellingham stated, “He’s (President Ali) got a lot on his plate and you can imagine the offshore oil business in Guyana is just attracting so much foreign interest and foreign investment.”

However, Omai’s CEO stated that Guyana’s headof-state still finds time to stay updated on the company’s progress. “But you know, they really value mining, they remember when Omai was in production so Omai in particular has kind of a special place in the hearts and souls,” Ellingham stated.

“They always wanna knowhowOmaiisdoingand how soon it can be in production so we need to forgeforward,”sheadded.

The CEO noted that the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Guyana G eo lo g y & M in es Commission (GGMC) are equally keen to see Omai backinproductionsoonand

underscored Guyana’s unique position among global jurisdictions, noting the government’s proactive role in fostering mining activities. She remarked, “There’s very few jurisdictions in the world, where you know you have a government that’s kinda routing for you and wanting toseeyouadvance.”

This publication had reportedthattheresultsfrom its first Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA)fortheWenotProject revealed that the project is slated to yield over 142,000 ouncesofgoldannuallyover a 13-year mine life. At its peak, production is anticipated to soar to 184,000 ounces in a single year, with a total estimated production of 1,840,000 ouncesofpayablegold.

OnFebruary8,2024,the Company announced an updated Mineral Resources Estimate (MRE) for the Omai Property The combinedestimatesfromthe Wenot and Gilt Creek depositsstandsat2.0million ounces of gold grading at 2.15g/tgoldintheindicated category and 2.3 million ounces of gold grading at 2 26 g/t in the inferred category This represents a notable increase compared to the previous resource estimate conducted in

October 2022, with indicated ounces seeing a 4% uptick and inferred ounces experiencing a substantial28%surge. Back in 2020, Omai reentered Guyana’s mining industry The company had said that their work completed thus far, has put themontracktobecomethe nextlarge-scalegoldmineto openinGuyana.Notably,by 2026, Omai and three other Canadianminingcompanies are expected to start gold production in their respectiveminingprojectsin Guyana. This was revealed by Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh during his 2024 budget estimatespresentation.

Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo


Chapter One: Sarglop's Thick & Slurpy Ramen Noodles


To be precise, it happened in somewhere between a picosecond and a second. If you had tried to say the words “Sarglop's RamenNoodles”inthetime ittooktohappen,itwouldbe over before you finished taking the little breath that humanstakebeforetheystart speaking. Not even the “s” from “Sarglop's” would be

heard, and anyone wondering what you were going to say would be left with no choice but to guess. Even if, by some cosmic coincidence, they guessed that you had been about to say the name of a noodle, they would have almost no chance of knowing which one, and would probably guess a less thick and less slurpynoodlethanSarglop's.

So, to tell you about it

s l o w l y w o u l d b e inappropriate, given the shocking speed at which it occurred.

In fact, Aggomalda's Universal Ratio, which states that the length of a story may not exceed ten timesthelengthoftheevent it is describing, dictates that there can be no build up at all Therefore, at this moment,Ican'ttellyouwhy a personal assistant was in space. I cannot even explain how he came to be eating a tuna fish sandwich that wasn'tmeantforhim.

I know you're used to being told a great many things in books, written in long sentences with many details, but it simply wouldn'tberight,givenhow quickly it happened, to say anythingbutthis:

One moment Jackson Ficklewastakingthesecond bite of a tuna fish sandwich, and the next he was pulled insideablackhole.

Of course, it's true that I could go back and tell you

moreabouthimnow,having described the speedy event speedily,butIthinkyouwill find that when black holes are involved, the best way backwards is forwards. And as you now know, a black hole is exactly where Jackson found himself after just one-and-a-half bites of someone else's tuna fish sandwich He was still chewing when he noticed that his ROC (Roving Observational Craft) was now somewhere that neither he,norI,candescribetoyou. And it is important to note that while I chose not to describeJacksonandhowhe got here in the first place, I am not now choosing to not describe his black hole (which would one day be named 'Jackson Hole' after him)becauseIdonotwishto do so, but because it cannot be described Black holes are, in fact, impossible to describe The official Universal University of the Universe's list of things that cannot be described is exactly five items long, and black holes are number two on that list. *At the time of thiswriting,asixthitem,the

considered for the list, but hasnotyetbeenaccepted. So, to try to describe what Jackson saw and felt inside the black hole would beawasteoftime.Instead,I can only share with you the one thing that Jackson remembersclearlyaboutthe experience and insists upon tothisday:whenhecameout theothersidehehadthetaste of peppermint in his mouth. And, given that he had been eating a tuna fish sandwich, whichisontheoppositeside oftheUUofU'sspectrumof tastes, you can imagine the drastic nature of his short journey. When he arrived safely through the black hole,Jackson,whohadyetto say a single word since the time that you learned of his existence, continued to say nothing. If he did speak you could assume that at this time, he would have said something peppermint related, but assumptions have a way of getting you intotrouble,asyouwilllearn in Chapter 12 (a chapter whosenoodlesarepaperthin and can hardly be slurped at all).





Startbycolouringyoursugar,ifdesired.It only takes a TINY bit of food colouring! Remember,onceyouaddthecoconutoil,the colourwillappeardarkerandmoresaturated than the sugar does. For this batch, I added three drops of food colouring to one cup of sugar, and stirred until they were completely combined.

Stir the coconut oil and the pineapple fragrance into the sugar, and your scrub is readytouse–easypeasy!Feelfreetoaddabit moresugarorcoconutoilifyoupreferadrier orrunnierconsistencytoyourscrub.

Thegamesweplayaresomuchfun, WhenmyfriendsandIallmeet, Cricket,football,hopscotchandskipping, Theymakeourlivessosweet.

Play Fair

ButtherearetimeswhenIfind Somechildrendon'tplaysofair, fair Theypushandhityouwhentheylose, Andsometimesevenpullyourhair



Playhardtowin,butalwaysplayfair, Andyouwillenjoythemallthetime. hard

Note: if your coconut oil is solid (at temperatures below 76 degrees), you can warm it in the microwave until it becomes a liquidforeasiermixing!

Thissugarscrubissuretobeyournewest favourite beauty product, and it makes a fantastic (and inexpensive!) homemade gift ideaaswell!


Keep on with the effort to improve yourself in the time you now have available

Here are some additional tips to work oninthenextperiod:

1. Try to improve your work in some way every single day, even in the smallestmanner

Littlebylittlethiswhile show great progress over time in the ways we deal with.

2. Try to get up early everyday Youwillfindthat by doing this you will not only feel better physically and emotionally, but your day will become more and more sufficient for all the thingsyouhavetodo.

3.Whetheryoupractisea religion or not, remember that you can do much more withthehelpofGod.

Take some time for prayer every day, and your life will become more fulfilledandproductive.

4. Eat the right foods, so that your body is properly nourishedwithallitrequires to grow and perform its functions more efficiently Teenagers tend to like fatty foods,aswhatyougetinfast f o o d s , w h i c h a d d unnecessary weight to your

body, block proper digestion,donorincludethe foods that will help you to grow in a healthy manner, andretardbrainfunction.

5.Actinsuchawayasto be an example to those who maybelookinguptoyou. I am sure you can identify younger persons in y o u r f a m i l y a n d neighbourhood, and some related to you or your friends, who are looking to youforsomeguidance. If in no other way, you can just be an example in proper behaviour to them, andthiscangoalongwayin helping them, as well as get to add more value to your ownlife.

6. Smile at strangers, be polite to everyone, respect your elders and generally develop a cheerful disposition.

You can never tell when someone you meet on the streetwillhavetohelpyouin somewayatsomelatertime.

Even without this, courtesyandahappyattitude will get you liked by everyone and make you develop a good mood

UncleRoyisagainappealingtoourreaderstomakea contributiontothiscolumnbyeithergivingafeedback onwhatispublished,askingforsomehelpwithsome personal problem, offering some advice to fellow teenagers,orsharingthenewsofwhatishappeningin his/her community Please send your contribution to roypaul2002@yahoo.com

always. Itwouldbesplendidif you

A Place For Me

Thereisaspecialplaceinlife, thatneedsmyhumbleskill, AcertainjobI'mmeanttodo, whichnooneelsecanfulfil.

Thetimewillbedemanding, andthepayisnottoogood, AndyetIwouldn'tchangeit foramoment--evenifIcould.

Thereisaspecialplaceinlife, agoalImustattain, AdreamthatImustfollow, becauseIwon'tbebackagain.

ThereisamarkthatImustleave, howeversmallitseemstobe, Alegacyofloveforthose whofollowafterme.

Thereisaspecialplaceinlife, thatonlyImayshare, Alittlepaththatbearsmyname, awaitingmesomewhere.

ThereisahandthatImusthold, awordthatImustsay, AsmilethatImustgive fortherearetearstoblowaway

Thereisaspecialplaceinlife thatIwasmeanttofill, Asunnyspotwhereflowersgrow, uponawindyhill.

There'salwaysatomorrow andthebestisyettobe, Andsomewhereinthisworld, Iknowthereisaplaceforme.

The finished puzzle should be filled with Xs, Os, and Is Rows, columns, and diagonals should never contain three-in-arow of any one symbol. Each row and column shouldcontainanequal number of each symbol. Thereisauniquesolution.

Solutions to last week’s

Improvement of yourself is a process that should be ongoing throughout your life.

How to Shape Your Eyebrows like a Pro!

EverymakeupartistIhaveeverspokentosayseyebrows arethemostimportantfacialfeature.Allanglesofthefaceare determinedbythebrows:theycanlifttheeyes;narrowor widentheface.Whiletherearealotofopportunitieshere,itis importanttoletyournaturalshapebeyourguide.Itis probablyclosetooptimalforyourfaceandanythingtoo drasticcanlookunnatural.Herearesometechniquesfromour teamoffabulousmakeupartisteducators.


Theinneredgeofthebrowshouldlineupwiththeoutside ofthecorrespondingnostril(A).

Thehighestpointofthearchshouldbejustattheouter edgeoftheeyeball.(B)

Theouterbrowshouldtaperofftoapointthatintersects withanimaginarylinedrawnfromtheouternostrilpastthe outeredgeoftheeye(C),andyouthoughtgeometrywouldn't beusefullaterinlife!Itsoundscomplicatedbutjustfollow thedrawing.


Youcanliftanexperiencedeyewithstrategiceyebrow shaping!Withanexperiencedeye,thelidhasatendencytobe heavy.Extendingthebrowdowntothe"D"linecandragthe liddownandmaketheeyeslooktired.Instead,tryfeathering thebrowupwardandoutfromthearchtojustabovetheouter corneroftheeye(E).Pleasekeepitnatural,wedon'twantto createwingshere!

Tominimizethecurveofaroundface,directtheouter thirdofthebrowtowardsthetopoftheear

Ifthefaceissquare,directittowardthemiddleoftheear Thishelpsbalancetheface.

Ifthefaceislong,keepthebrowmorestraightacross, directingitabovetheear

Anovalfacealreadylooksbalanced,buttoenhancethis harmony,youcandirecttheouterthirdtowardstheearlobe. EyebrowMakeup

Nomatterhowfullandperhapsevenunrulyyour eyebrowsare(hello!),alittleeyebrowmakeupworkswonders foryourlook.Attheveryleastgroomthem.Everymorning whenyoudoyourmakeup,runaDeluxeSpoolieBrush throughthem(itworksmuchbetterthananoldtoothbrush, believeme,Ihavetriedthemboth).

Abitofeyebrowwaxwillholdtheminplacebeautifully Mostbrowshavesomethinplacesthatneedtobefilledin. TrythebrowpowdersinourGreatShapeEyebrowKit,any appropriateshadeofPurePressedEyeShadoworyourshade inourRetractableBrowPencils.Combthebrowsdownand applythecolordirectlytothesparsepatchesontheskin.Ifthe browneedslengthening,applythecolorwithlightfeathery strokes.Browscanbecoloredandheldinplaceinonestep withPureBrowBrowGels.Lightlystrokethewandintothe hairs,usingalittleatatime.SmoothwithyourDeluxe SpoolieBrush. ProBrowTips

Ifyouwanttopreviewanewbrowlookbeforeyou committoplucking,useWhiteorTaupeEyePencil (dependingonyourskintone)tocolorovertheplacesyou intendtopluckout.Bewareofoverplucking,astoo-thin browscanactuallyageyou(gasp)!Nobody'seyebrowsare totallysymmetrical.Becarefulofusingstencils,astheycan makeyourbrowslookunnatural.

Thehairandbrowcolorshouldmatchprettyclosely PureBrowGelscanchangethecolorofyourbrowsifyou want.Whenmyblondesistergoesverystrawberry,she reachesforAuburn;ortrytheBittyBrowKitinBlonde. Forsilver-hairedlovelies,tryLongestLashThickening andLengtheningMascarainSlateGreyonyourbrows.Orif youpreferpowder,trySlateBrownPurePressedEyeShadow Nowthatyou'redonewithyoureyebrows,learnhowto flawlesslyapplyeyeshadow.Sotellme,please!How importantisbrowmaintenancetoyou?DoyouDIYordoyou havethemshapedprofessionally?Doyouweareyebrow makeup?Pencilorpowder?

Competition 2024 slated November Mr. India Guyana

The Mr India Guyana competition, celebrating its third year, is slated for Novemberandpromisestobeamilestone event. For the first time, the competition will be hosted independently, reflecting its growing popularity and significance. Unlike previous years where it was blended with the Miss, Mrs., and Teen India Guyana competitions, Mr India Guyana will now have its own exclusive nightofcompetition.

Thisyear'seventisopentosinglemen aged18to30,markinganextensionofthe age category to encourage more participants. This new age range is designed to provide opportunities for a broader spectrum of young men to showcase their talents and advocate for important issues Applications are currently open and will close on August 10th.

The Mr. India Guyana competition has evolved into a prestigious national pageant,distinctfromtheMiss,Mrs.,and TeenIndiaWorldwideumbrella.Founded by Guyanese franchise holder Hashim Alli, the competition was established to provide a platform for young men of Indian origin to advocate for various issuesandpromoteculturalheritage.

Thispageantaimstohighlighttherich cultural traditions and the contemporary talents of Indian-descended Guyanese, offering a unique platform for personal andprofessionalgrowth.

The last two pageants have been resounding successes, with Mario

Moonsammy crowned as the first Mr India Guyana and Anthony Singh as the mostrecenttitleholder

Their journeys have inspired many youngmeninGuyana,demonstratingthe impact and reach of this esteemed competition.

Participants will compete in several segments, including health and fitness, talent, evening attire, ethnic attire, introduction,andthefinalquestionround. Thesesegmentsaredesignedtoshowcase thecontestants'versatility,culturalpride, andadvocacyskills.

Each segment is crafted to challenge and highlight the unique attributes and capabilitiesofthecontestants,ensuringa well-roundedanddynamiccompetition.

This year's Mr. India Guyana competition promises to be an exciting and inspiring event. We encourage all eligible young men to seize this opportunity to shine, advocate for important causes, and celebrate their heritageonanationalstage.Theplatform not only elevates personal profiles but also serves as a beacon for cultural advocacy and leadership among young men.

Join us in November for a night of culture, talent, and excellence as we celebratethethirdanniversaryoftheMr IndiaGuyanacompetition.Thislandmark event is set to be a grand celebration of heritage,talent,andadvocacy,promising an unforgettable experience for participantsandspectatorsalike.

Mr. India Guyana 2023 winners
Seamlessly blending her medical expertise with an entrepreneurship to offer a unique service…

Dr. Mareshah Yorrick-Dos Santos

FounderoftheSynergyWeightLossCentreandMedicalSpa, isa'SpecialPerson’

About five years ago, just before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Dr Mareshah Yorrick-Dos

Santos embarked on an entrepreneurial journey to offer Guyaneseauniqueservicewhich includes medical care and spa treatments.

She named the venture Synergy Weight Loss Centre and Medical Spa, in honour of her workasamedicalprofessionalas wellasherincredibleweightloss journey Today, the weight loss centre and spa which located at

treated medically and come out feeling refreshed, renewed and goodaboutthemselves...Iwanted it to be under the same roof,” the doctorsaid.

She explained that having worked as a doctor for the past decade and struggled with her health almost her entire life, I understand the importance of not justbeinghealthybutlookingand feelinggood.

“I struggled with my weight almost all my life. Growing up, I was always a chubby girl, it messed with my confidence so I understand what people with

up in a lower middle class Guyanese household. Her family offourincludedherparents,Brian and Michelle Yorrick and her youngerbrotherBrianYorrickJnr

She said that as a child, she had a very contented life, where her parents prioritized faith and education.

“For my parents, having a relationship with God was first

that I embarked onagovernment scholarship to study medicine in Cuba My inspiration to study medicine came from my grandm

r whowasabreast cancer survivor.

“My ultimate goal is in enhance my patients' overall well-being and aesthetic appearance through a combination of medical and spa treatments...”

and then ensuring your academic was in top order was next… My mombeingadisciplinarian,Ihad no choice but to perform to the best of my ability,” Dr YorrickDosSantosexplained. Sheadded nonetheless that she did have her fairshareofacademicchallenges.

She shared, “I had an interesting journey through high school since my parents never

After that a friend of my family encouraged me to pursue medicine...”

She asserted, “After having my grandma that had breast cancer suffered so much…I was likeIneedtohelpmygrandmaso I decide to launch out into the field.”Consequently,Dr YorrickDos Santos' path to becoming a medical doctor was paved with


Equipped with government scholarship to study medicine at Victoria de Giron de Ciencias Medicas in Cuba, the then young aspirant doctor read for medical degreeandlater,shegraduatedin 2014.


Armedwithasolidfoundation (Continuedonpage57)

Lot 540 Aubrey Barker Road, South Ruimveldt caters to the needs of scores of people on a weeklybasis.

“We cater for individuals seeking non-surgical aesthetic enhancements,thoseinterestedin skin care, wellness seekers, postprocedure patients, post-partum mommies, or those struggling to keep weight off. Our goal is to enhancethehealthaswellastheir overallappearance.”

Dr Yorrick -Dos Santos told The Waterfalls that she was looking for a way to offer Guyaneseaservicethatcateredto their health as well as their physicalaesthetics.

“My focus is holistic health solutions so I wanted to offer a service where people can be

similar issues go through and I haveequippedmyselftohelp.”

Against this backdrop, this week'sSpecialPersonseamlessly blends compassionate care, with her medical expertise to enable her clients to become the best versions of themselves Her efforts are guided by a profound commitment to enhancing lives through integrated healthcare solutions.

Asadedicatedmedicaldoctor and businesswoman, Dr YorrickDos Santos understands of her clientele needs. She has done enough research to understand their aesthetic need and cater for themthroughheruniqueapproach tomedicalandspatreatments.


Dr Yorrick-Dos Santos grew

allowed me to settle for less. When I passed common entrance,IgotSt.John'sCollege but after First Form, I was pushed to attend the Central High School and as if that was not enough as my grades improved, I was pushed even further…by my parents to move to St. Joseph High school in ThirdForm.”

“I decided to stay there because I was tired of moving... So, I wrote CXC there and after

Dr. Mareshah Yorrick-Dos Santos Santos
Alist of treatments offered by Synergy Weight Loss Centre and Medical Spa
Dr Yorrick-Dos Santos weight loss journey has inspired a new level of confidence
Dr Yorrick Dos Santos shows before and after weight lost

Guyanese carnival band, NOMADS to make debut at Brooklyn’s Labour Day parade

Gu y a n e s e carnival band, NOMADS to make debut at Brooklyn's LabourDayparade

Marlon Jacobs, an entertainment visionary hailing from Guyana, has unveiled his latest project: NOMADS, a vibrant and eclecticcarnivalbandsetto make its inaugural debut at the 2024 Labor Day Parade in Brooklyn, New York. This launch marks a groundbreaking moment for Guyanese culture and carnival enthusiasts worldwide.

InthespiritofGuyanese ingenuity, Jacobs has since employed the talents of a few Guyanese designers to curate three dynamic sections for the band; Omorfia, Crème De La CrèmeandIndulgence.

Each section comes alive with the vibrancy of Caribbean culture and had the audience well engaged attheJuly6thlaunch!

Theentertainerhaslong beenatoweringfigureinthe entertainment industry, known for his dynamic events not just in Guyana, but also for the Guyanese diaspora in Brooklyn, London, and across the Caribbean.

His ingenuity and prowess have now culminated in NOMADS, a band that promises to set a new standard for carnival celebrations.

AsthefirstGuyaneseto launchsuchaninitiativefor brand Guyana, Jacobs' achievement is a monumentalsourceofpride andinspiration.

The diverse group of individualsisatestamentto the idea that carnival celebrations can take place anywhere, uniting people from all walks of life to share and experience the


Jacobs' NOMADS embodies the spirit of carnival, showcasing the ultimatecollaborativeeffort to create an unforgettable experience. According to the brand, regardless of your origin, this band will evoke a sense of nostalgia akintoparadingwithaband fromyourhometown.

"NOMADS is about

more than just a parade; it's about bringing people together, celebrating our diverse backgrounds, and creating a shared revelry experience that resonates d e e p l y w i t h o u r masqueraders,"saidJacobs. "Iinviteeveryonetojoin us and be part of this incredible journey, and showcase vibes, the Guyaneseway!”

The NOMADS band invites carnival enthusiasts tosignupandbepartofthis historicdebut!

Participants can expect an extraordinary array of costumes, music, and camaraderie that will make the 2024 Labor Day Parade

a n u n f o r g e t t a b l e experience For more information and to register for the Nomads carnival band, please visit the w e b s i t e wwwfreedomfamilyent co mor contact Marlon Jacobs on(646)266-0399.

Celebrate the spirit of carnival with NOMADS andexperiencethemagicof unity, diversity, and pure joy

About Freedom Entertainment

With a rich history of success across Guyana, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Caribbean, Freedom Entertainment continues to revolutionize the entertainment industry and push the boundaries of creativity and community engagement.

Marlon Jacobs is an entertainment visionary from Guyana with a stellar track record in promoting and producing high-energy events His work has significantly influenced the entertainmentlandscapesin Guyana,Brooklyn,London, and the Caribbean, solidifyinghisreputationas a trailblazer and cultural ambassador

F r e e d o m Entertainment, led by MarlonJacobs,isapremier entertainment company renowned for its dynamic events and innovative projects.

Govt. seeking contractor, supervisor for IDB funded Kamarang Hospital project

Themovetobuilda noted site visit will be technical assistance in the expanding the capacity of

state-of-the-art conducted on Friday,August s

strategic hospitals, by strengthening key logistic, (

h o s p i t a l i n 9, 2024 at 11:00 hours at the administrative, financial extending coverage of management, and support A

Kamarang, an Kamarang. planning, acquisition,

processesandinputs. Hospital (NARH) and the Amerindian Village in The designing and

consultation, and patient The project is also Linden Hospital Complex Region Seven, is underway building of the hospital is management, technical management services,

(LHC), as well as four as the Government of expected to be opened on development and project inclusive of the country’s infrastructure improvement District Hospitals located in Guyana (GoG) through the September 19, 2024 at the

hinterlands, through digital and expansion in seven the hinterland (Moruca, Ministry of Health is now National Procurement and administrative areas to health; and by increasing the priority hospitals, namely Kamarang, Kato, and seeking a contractor and a Tender Administration support the Health Care efficiency of the public the Georgetown Public Lethem). supervisorfortheproject. Board(NPTAB)office. Network Strengthening in

This is according to two Meanwhile, in a separate Guyanaproject. tender documents published document, the ministry

on the Department of Public noted that part of the

e proceeds will also go Kamarang Hospital is recently towards engaging the expected to provide services

The first document said services of a consulting firm ofalevelfourhospital. the government is seeking tooverseetheproject. The hospital project bidders for the design and The document states that which forms parts of the building of the Kamarang consultancy is expected to government’s vision of Hospital The document commence in November providing a world-class stated that the Guyana 2024andshouldcontinuefor healthcare to the citizens is Government has received approximately 48 months. set to offer services such as financing from the Inter- Theadvertisementexplained X—rays, CT scans, testing, American Development that the consultant, once and ultrasound among Bank (IDB) toward the cost selected, is expected to others. of the ‘Health Care Network execute services such as It was reported that the Strengthening in Guyana’, supervising the design US$97 million loan Guyana and intends to apply part of process including ensuring secured in 2022 will be used the proceeds towards the relevant construction to improve the health of the project. permits are obtained by the Guyanese population

The document informed Construction Company, through increased access, that bidding will be overseeing civil works and quality, and efficiency of conducted through the equipment installation healthservicesbyimproving International Competitive n e c e s s a r y f o r t h e health outcomes associated Bidding (ICB) procedures constructionofthehospital. w i t h l o w a n d h i g h specified in the IDB policies In this regard, the complexityprocedures. forprocurement.Itshouldbe consulting firm will provide This will be done by

Link Show returns to the National Cultural Centre

Some of the actors of Link Show 37.

Theannualsatiricalstageshow,knownas younger actors including Mark Lukethe ‘Link Show’ will return to the National Edwards, Michael Ignatius, Sean Thompson, Cultural Centre (NCC) from Friday July 26 Kwasi Ace Edmondson, Rovindrapersaud, andwillconcludeonJuly28,2024forits37th Paul Budnah, Kevin kellman, Stephen year Mohammed, Brandon Singh, Gerard Gilkes, Therewereseveralsetbackstothehosting Sonia Yarde, Simone Dowding, Le Tisha da of the show particularly during the COVID- Silva, Oneilka Bacchus, Tchaiko Rodney, 19period. Latiefa Agard, Makini Thompson, Aliyah Link Show 37 will look at the many davidandChristelMangra. political situations and personalities in the Link Show 37 is produced by Gem country The show promises much laughter Madhoo and Ron Robinson who is also and entertainment of a high standard. It has directingtheproduction.Theproductionof drawn together a team of experienced and (Continued on page 53)

that are placed along the Heroes Highway.

Govt. to purchase 100,000 street lights for nationwide installation - Min Edghill

The government will soon be procuring the streetlights, a steady power supply is some 100,000 street lights which will be needed to keep them working. That supply, installed across the country to enhance however, is not available in some of the communities and improve the livelihoods of communities. residents. Nevertheless, it will soon become

This was disclosed by Minister of Public available with the current gas-to-energy Works, Bishop Juan Edghill during a recent projectthatisquicklymovingtocompletion. community outreach to Roxanne Burnham “A massive streetlight programme Gardens,SouthGeorgetown. throughout the length and breadth of Guyana

The minister said that his ministry has is coming in a wave but it also has to be tied since put out a public tender to purchase the with us getting additional power to the grid,” streetlights. theministersaid.

“We have put out a public tender to buy Minister Edghill said that the streetlights 100,000 streetlights. As a matter of fact, the willalsocomeinhandytocomplementlights tender document has been prepared and we thathavetrafficcamerasattachedtothem. arejustcheckingallthefineprintandthenwe The public works ministry is urging willbelaunchingit,”MinisterEdghillstated. residentstotakecareofthelights,sinceithas Henotedthattheprojectisexpectedtobe been observed that many were destroyed by rolledoutwithinthenextfewmonths. persons within the villages where they have

The minister added that to accommodate beeninstalled. (DPI)

Another Chinese woman allegedly involved in a gold smuggling ring charged with overstaying time in Guyana

A n o t h e r C h i n e s e woman, 34-year-old Zhong JinZiang,suspectedofbeing involvedinagoldsmuggling ring was on Thursday charged for over-staying her timeinGuyana.

Police said that she is employed as a customer r e p r

Muneshwers Travel Service and was arrested on July 15 during the course of an investigation into a major money laundering and gold smuggling operation in the country

Charged for overstaying her time in Guyana, Zhong Jin Ziang.

Charged with the illegal possession of firearm and ammunition, Ying Xin Su.

Ziang appeared at the G r o v e / D i a m o n d Magistrates’ Court before ongoing investigation by the unlicensed firearm with Magistrate Judy Latchman Special Organised Crime matching bullets. Ying Xin and pleaded not guilty to the Unit (SOCU) into money Suwaslaterchargedwiththe offence. She was placed on laundering and gold illegal possession of the $60,000 bail and the case smuggling operations within firearm and the bullets while was transferred to the and out of Guyana, allegedly the two Chinese men remain Georgetown Magistrates’ byChineseNationals. underinvestigation. Courtwheresheisscheduled “During the course of the A wanted bulletin was to appear on August 14, investigation,itwasrevealed also issued by police for 2024. that Zhong Jin Ziang entered another Chinese man Police said she was Guyana from Suriname on identified as, Zhenjian Fang arrested following an 7th September 2023, and on of 47 New Road, Vreed-enher arrival at the Eugene F. Hoop, West Coast Demerara Correia InternationalAirport (WCD). According to the Ogle, she was issued a bulletin, he is wanted for visitor’svisaandgrantedone questioning in relation to month stay in the country,” money laundering and policesaid related serious offences in The woman, however, Guyana.

s t a r t e d w o r k i n g a t Meanwhile ViceMuneshwer’s Travel Service President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo and overstayed her time in during his weekly press Guyana. conference on Thursday

Zhong Jin Ziang is the revealed that a six-monthsecond Chinese arrested long undercover probe has after police managed to broughtdownaChinese-run dismantle a transnational gold smuggling gang. He criminal network in Guyana said that the ring has been reportedly involved in gold illegally shipping out smuggling and other illegal G u y a n a ’s g o l d v i a activities. neighbouringSuriname.

The first woman, Ying TheVPaddedtoothatthe Xin Su, a 30- a travel agent undercover operations have and also an employee found that the Chinese Muneshwer’s Travel Service nationals caught were was arrested along with two operatingoutofhotels. Chinese men -one of them “Wanted bulletins have identified as Yang Su, her been issued for many of driver - onTuesday, July 9 at them” Jagdeo said while acityhotel. adding “We believe that it

During the bust police was a form of money confiscated some $39M in laundering but also gold cashfromthemalongwithan smuggling”.


Queen’s College NY Alumni to host

7th Summer Math camp in Guyana

Th e Q u e e n ’ s parentstofutureslinkedwith C o l l e g e o f mathematics, including, but Guyana Alumni not limited to, careers as

A s s o c i a t i o n mathematicians, math (NY), Inc. (“QCAANY”) is educa

ch hosting its 7thQueen’s s

College Summer Math s

, Institute (“QCSMI”) from technologists, economists or July 22nd, 2024, through businessleaders. July 31st, 2024, at the Two field trips are Queen’s College Campus in planned as complementary Georgetown. activities and are integral to The QCSMI will run the QCSMI experience Monday through Friday Thesefieldtripsareintended from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, to demonstrate the use of with daily lunch and snacks, mathematical principles in T-Shirtsandothergiveaways real-world scenarios and, provided at no cost to the especially, how these participatingstudents. principlesareusedinthetwo The target group of this main industries driving the enrichment programme is Guyana economy – Energy raising ninth and tenth grade a n d A g r i c u l t u r e

create the first computer lab extra-curricular knowledge financial support to chess

students from Queen’s Additionally, the students at Queens College in the late have been held regularly teams and scouts teams QCAANY’s mission is to College and several will benefit from discourses 1990s and continues to since2014. travelling abroad, are also contribute significantly to Guyanese high schools, with local professionals in collaborate with other Recognition of the recent QCAANY initiatives. the advancement and includingTheBishops’High STEM-based disciplines Queen’s College alumni importance of Arts, Music Together with its members, improvement of education at School, St Rose’s High aboutSTEMcareeroptions. chapters to provide material a n d S p o r t s i n t h e QCAANY has also been Queens College and in School, Richard Ishmael T h i s y e a r , t h e support to the laboratory, as development of well- activelyinvolvedinassisting Guyana For more Secondary School and programme will be led by necessary rounded students has led in the refurbishment of the information about the TutorialHighSchool. m a t h e m a t i c i a n , D r. M o r e r e c e n t l y , QCAANY to increasingly schoolsportsfield,including Queen’s College Summer

The QCSMI aims to Cleveland Waddell, Queen’s QCAANY has focused on focus on the revitalization of raising funds for the Math Institute, or to support sustainably implement a College alumnus and Ph.D. funding enrichment these programmes at Queens rebuilding of the pavilion QCAANY’s mission, please developmentallyappropriate in Applied Mathematics programmes for students College. and construction of a c o n t a c t u s a t and culturally resonant from North Carolina State Student conferences

Establishing a Robotics covered stand on the sports nychapter@qcguyanaalumn middle school learning University Dr Waddell will providing students with club and providing robust field. ny.org. environment that engages be supported by Camp Guyanese students in a Administrators Dr Karen c o g n i t i v e l y r i c h Cole-Onaifo and Jonathan mathematics learning Subrian, Esq , QCAANY experience that affirms and Secretary and Vicealigns with their cultural and President, respectively, Ms. social identities and places Dianne Henry, Queen’s them securely on pathways College teacher, and other to STEM (Science, volunteersandfriends. Technology, Engineering Thisyear’sprogrammeis and Math) excellence. The made possible through programme combines fundraising and generous significant mathematical sponsorships of friends of content with a setting that QCAANY In addition to the encourages a sense of QCSMI programme, discovery and excitement QCAANY has consistently about mathematics through supported science-oriented problem solving and student’s programmes and exploration. activitiesatQueensCollege.

The objectives of the Since 2000, through its QCSMI are to: Attract high Vernley Ward Bursary, school students in Guyana to QCAANY has awarded mathematicalsciencesandto scholarships to 1st and 2nd motivate them to excel in the year students enrolled at the subject areas; introduce high University of Guyana who school students and their h a v e d i s t i n g u i s h e d parents to the notion of themselves in chemistry mathematics as theory; and whileatQueensCollege. sensitize students and their QCAANY helped to

Link Show returns to the...

From page 53

this year’s edition of the satirical show was made possible with the support of KFC, Silvies Industrial Solutions, Camilles Academy, KSM Investments, Puran

Brothers, Beepats, Beharrys, Sterling Products, Maggies Catering, Germans Restaurant, Readymix Concrete, RRT, NT ComputeacandImpressions.

BrandedtheKFCLinkShow37,itpromisestobethebest production yet. The NCC will open its doors at 8.00p.m on Friday July 26 and it will run nightly until Sunday, July 28 .TicketsareavailableattheNationalCulturalCentreandcost $2,000;$3,000and$4,000.

On the last night of the show one lucky person will win a freetickettoNewYorkcomplimentsofMuneshwersTravel.

The Queen’s College of Guyana Alumni Association (NY), Inc. (“QCAANY”) is hosting its 7thQueen’s College Summer Math camp.

Twenty-Four women among graduates of Scotiabank's youth development initiative

Queens College Auditorium contractors, out of school youth, international building standards as it can save home owners money, andgaveherabetterunderstanding wasahiveofactivitieslastSunday, business professionals and home and guidelines, and included and upskill local carpenters and ofhowconstructionworks.' as100personsincluding24women owners. projectmanagementandhealthand contractors.

Justin Thompson, Senior graduated from the Construction Shazeem Baljit a young safety Lecturers were drawn from The Construction Technology Managerin Scotiabank's Country Technology and Disaster Risk contractor said he found the course TrinidadandTobago. Training (CTT) introduced Management Office who delivered Reduction Training, a youth 'helpful, particularly the lectures Dason Anthony,a first-time participants to theoretical and remarks on behalf of Scotiabank development initiative funded by and practical on roofing and home owner said he was p

f Guyana said that the initiative was Scotiabank Guyana and facilitated plastering ' He said despite dissatisfied with the quality of c

funded through the Scotia Rise by Habitat for Humanity Trinidad 'knowing some of the theory, the w

understanding structural and

andTobago(HHTT). course taught him the right way of contractors. The training, he said, architectural drawing sand GY$3.875,000. He said the bank is Thetrainingprogramme,which doingthework.' gavehimabetterunderstandingof, concretetechnology committed to investing in the targetedyouthsbetweentheagesof Jennifer Massiah, the National a n d

, Neishauna Harnarain, a young development of the young people 16 – 30 years, received more than Director for HHTT while construction.

business consultant who of Guyana and to the promotion of two hundred applications from expressing appreciation to According to Anthony more specializesinmanagementsystems economic resilience and increased across the country Those who Scotiabank Guyana explained that people, including contractors, said the course 'gave her hands on access to opportunities to create a graduated included young it exposed the students to should participate in such courses experience, was very informative moreinclusiveworld.

Man shot dead at Land of Canaan bar

A 49-year-old man identified as Sherwin Hamilton on Saturday morning was shot dead while exiting a bar at Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara(EBD).

Police said the shooting tookplacearound03:00hrs.

The bar’s security guard reportedlytoldinvestigators that, at around 02:30 hrs. Hamilton and his shooter hadaheatedargumentinthe bar

Theguardreportedlyput made good his escape on a the suspect out of the bar XRmotorcycle.

because he was the Hamilton fell to the aggressor ground and a 25-year-old At around 03:00hrs, the nurse who was at the bar DJ turned off the music and rendered first aid assistance told the patrons that it was by tying the injured leg with time to leave the bar The avest. patrons complied and began H a m i l t o n w a s exiting through a western subsequently picked up by door his wife and taken to the Hamilton exited at the Diamond Diagnostic same time. However, the Centre, where he was suspect reportedly waited pronounceddeadonarrival. outside of the bar for the Investigators reportedly victim. According to processed the area, and a eyewitnesses, as soon as 9mm spent shell was found Hamilton existed the abouttwentyfeetawayfrom building the suspect shot the Bar’s Entrance. him in the upper thigh and Investigationsareongoing.

Dead: Sherwin Hamilton

GWI to spend $19M for water supply project in

During a recent opening of tenders at the National Procurement and

Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office it was revealed that the Guyana Water Inc is

Below are the companies and their bids: MinistryofHomeAffairs Procurementoffirefighting kitsfortheGuyanaFireService.

GuyanaWaterInc. Watersupplyandimprovement projectinRegionEight.


planning to spend approximately $19 million on a water supply and improvement project in

RegionEight. At the opening, it was disclosed that eight contractors have bid for theproject It was reported in the m e d i a t h a t t h e government plans on having every hinterland community have access to potable water by the endof2025

Supplyandinstallationof250mmmain fromNorthRuimveldttoCummings LodgeWaterTreatmentPlant.

GuyanaPowerandLight SupplyofmaterialsfortherelocationofHVand LVnetworkfromFriendshiptoGardenofEden. Supplyanddeliveryoflinehardware.

MinistryofAgriculture Consultancyserviceforthefinalevaluation oftheSustainableAgricultureDevelopment.

GuyanaSugarCorporation Supplyanddeliveryofherbicide.

SupplyanddeliveryofChainSteelfor #5milldockgangatAlbionEstate.
oftarcoalfor#5 milldockgangatAlbionEstate.


Two canter Driver, Must have a valid driver's license and at least 2 years experience. Call: 644-7088 / 624-7248.

Looking for a live in Caregiver to care for an elderly disabled person, ages 50-60 years. Call: 694-1044.

Puri Maker and Kitchen helper. Call Rabbie: 648-8279.

Experienced male Cooks wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Experienced Welder / Fabricator wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575. Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 611-7839.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.


FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly . Call 225-9082.

Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th,2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 226-2124.

2 Howo cement mixer truck for sale, $20 M for both. Call: 652-0251/650-0402/2604018.

Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.

Live-in Housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, USA. Free room and boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.

Vacancy for Receptionist and Hotel Attendant at Hick's Ville Hotel. Email: info @vegeworld.net or Call: 2310951/ 231-0952.

Sand truck Driver needed, Sand pit to Eccles. $5,000 per trip. Call: 621-5282.

Now hiring: Executive Secretary, Project Engineer & Accounts Clerk, To apply send application via Whatsapp: 638-5303/ 638-1111.

Cafe Sol located at North Road is hiring an assistant Cook, 2 pm- 8pm. For more information Contact: 6028067 / 634-8644.

Josel Educational institute seeks to employ a qualified science teacher. Email: joseleducation@yahoo.com or call: 226-7868 / 678-0652.

One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.

Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Painter needed. For more information Call: 615-9132.

Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443


4 bedrooms house at Lamaha Gardens, $2,800 USD. All amenities provided along with parking, long term only! Call: 679-2966.

One apartment for rent at Mon Repos E.C.D, Market street. Call: 614-0005/ 6024105.

1 Ground floor for rent 2640 sq in Farm E.B.D for any type business. Tele: 223-9677, call 8 am-4 pm.

PF Chang’s expands horizons: A new culinary...

From page 19 Clairmont Cummings was drawn to PF Chang’s as a franchisee because of its strong brand presence and reputation worldwide.

2. Are there any menu items exclusive to the Guyana location?


Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) A/C rooms from $75 usd/$40 usd day rate WIFI, secure parking & poolside. Contact: 264-29469 / www.aracariresort.com


Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music & food. Contact:264-2946-9


Indian male seeking female for serious relationship. Call:734-5204.

One mature Afro-Guyanese male is interested in a single business minded and adventurous female. Call/text : 662-2018.


Studio apartment, $10,000 per week with 1 month down payment. Call: 645-1933.


Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport & i130 application forms. Call: 6267040.

Certainly, one thing about P.F. Chang’s is that the company offers region-specific dishes or adaptations based on local tastes and ingredients. One of our favourite local dishes that is only available in Guyana is the Emperor’s Delight, a must have, which combines the traditional South Asian dessert, gulab jamun, with ice cream, nuts, tamarind, and a fusion of cultural delights.

3.ow does PF Chang’s ensure the authenticity of its Asian cuisine in a new market like Guyana?

Ensuring authenticity is at the core of PF Chang’s commitment to delivering an exceptional dining experience. Additionally, adhering to brand standards is something that Corum pays strong attention to.

We achieve this through a meticulous process that begins with rigorous training. Our leadership team all had the opportunity to undergo two months of training in Mexico where they learned the culture, skills, and standard operating procedures of the brand. The chefs all undergo intensive training to ensure they replicate the exact flavors and textures that guests expect from PF Chang’s, whether they are dining in Guyana or any other part of the world.

4.hat efforts have been made to incorporate local ingredients or flavors into the menu?

All of our fresh produce is sourced locally. We have been deliberate in sourcing high-quality local ingredients that maintain the integrity of our dishes. Guyana produces an abundance of fresh fruits, herbs, and vegetables which we use in our kitchen daily. We rely tremendously on our local suppliers as we would not be able to create our delightful cuisine without these partnerships.

5. How has the response been from customers in Guyana so far?

The response from customers in Guyana has been overwhelmingly positive. We continue to receive wonderful feedback. Customers frequently express their appreciation for our beautiful, Asian-themed ambiance, prompt and attentive service, diverse menu options and overall quality of the dining experience.

We are excited to continue serving the Guyanese community and look forward to expanding our presence here.

6. Are there plans to expand to other regions within Guyana?

At this time, in terms of Guyana, we are focused on Georgetown. We are however in the early stages of developing our next location in Kingston Jamaica.

7. What cultural considerations did PF Chang’s take

into account when adapting to the Guyanese market?

We took several cultural considerations into account. Our local derivative of Chinese cuisine is an integral part of Guyana’s food culture so we believe that P.F. Chang’s cuisine, while not claiming to be completely Chinese, resonates with the local palette and preferences and is a timely and excellent addition to the local culinary scene.

PF Chang’s includes a wide range of Asian cuisine influences and incorporates flavors, ingredients, and spice levels that appeal to local tastes.

There is a sense of familiarity, but also a new, unique, and exciting twist. Our menu offerings also enrich the dining experience by celebrating and embracing cultural diversity, while offering a welcoming and beautiful space for families of several generations, and friends to gather over a meal and to celebrate special occasions.

8. How does the dining experience at PF Chang’s compare to other international locations?

While maintaining PF Chang’s signature Chineseinspired cuisine, the menu in Guyana has been adapted to incorporate local flavors and ingredients that resonate with Guyanese palates. This ensures a familiar yet distinctive dining experience.

9. Can you describe any unique aspects of the Guyana location that set it apart from other PF Chang’s restaurants?

Fun fact, Guyana’s iconic P.F. Chang’s horse statue is one the biggest in the world! Our horse travelled all the way from our CARICOM sister country Jamaica, where it was created.

10. How does PF Chang’s engage with the local community in Guyana, beyond its restaurant operations?

Our commitment to engaging with the local community in Guyana extends beyond our restaurant operations. Our restaurant launch was magnificently handled and executed by local PR firm, Ogle & Stone.

All of the coordinators, vendors, and most of the talented performers were local. Also, as we currently do with our other restaurants, we aim to make a positive impact through employment opportunities, training, sponsorships, CSR activities, and our strong, valuable partnerships with local suppliers.

11. What lessons has PF Chang’s learned from opening in Guyana that may influence future international expansions?

We’ve learned to navigate supply chain complexities that should make our next build-out more efficient.

12. What challenges has PF Chang’s faced in estab-

lishing itself in the Guyanese market, and how have these been addressed?

Finding skilled labor initially posed a challenge.

To address this, we implemented robust training programs to upskill local hires in culinary techniques, service standards, and operational procedures.

We continue to consistently train, engage, and motivate our team. Engaging and retaining talented staff is crucial, and can only be achieved by creating a positive work environment, offering competitive wages, and providing opportunities for career growth.

13.How has the recruitment and training process been for local staff?

The recruitment and training process at PF Chang’s in Guyana was fundamental to equipping local staff with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to deliver exceptional service.

The mentorship from veterans in the field has undoubtedly enriched their career paths and contributed to the overall success of PF Chang’s in the region.

The training continues to cover all aspects of hospitality, culinary skills, and beverage service. This includes hands-on training sessions, workshops, and ongoing mentorship.

14.What local partnerships or suppliers have PF Chang’s engaged with in Guyana?

P.F. Chang’s Guyana has partnered with a variety of local suppliers in Guyana to ensure a seamless adaptation to the market.

We have showcased the unique advantages of our local tourism product by sending the members of the overseas training team to various parts of Guyana’s interior to experience the country’s natural beauty.

Other partnerships include sourcing poultry and vegetables locally to maintain freshness of our product and support local agriculture. Additionally, we have partnered with local suppliers for seafood, beverages, spices, linens, boxes, design and printing, cleaning services, IT management, maintenance, and a wide range of other services, thereby contributing to and supporting the local economy.

15. How does PF Chang’s plan to differentiate itself from other dining options in Guyana?

P.F Chang’s s aims to carve out a niche in the Guyanese dining scene, offering a compelling alternative to existing options and attracting a diverse customer base seeking distinctive Asian cuisine with a strong emphasis on customer service, unique menu offerings, ambience and atmosphere.

‘Impunity must end’: World reacts to ICJ ruling against Israeli


Aljazeera - International reaction has poured in since a ruling by the top United Nations court that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territory is unlawful and should swiftly be brought to anend.

Palestinianofficialshave hailed the International Court of Justice ruling as a “watershedmoment”intheir decades-long fight for justice Israel quickly condemned Friday’s decision, while its top ally the United States criticised the ruling on Saturday after initialsilence.

While nonbinding, the advisory ruling by the 15 judges found that Israel has no right to sovereignty over the occupied territory, has violated international laws againstacquiringterritoryby force and is blocking Palestinians’ right to selfdetermination.

It further determined countriesareobligatednotto “render aid or assistance in maintaining” Israel’s presenceintheterritory

Here’showtheworldhas reacted:


The government of Prime Minister Anthony Albanesesaiditrespectsthe ICJ’s “role in upholding international law and the rules-basedorder”.

“Wewanttoseeconcrete stepstakenbyIsraeltocease theexpansionofsettlements to respond to extremist

activity,” the government said in a statement, adding that it was still “carefully consideringthedetail”ofthe ruling.


Minister of Foreign AffairsHadjaLahbibsaidin a social media post: “Belgium will always stand up for the respect of internationallaw.”


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the ruling “reinforces the need for a two-state solution, with an independentandviablestate of Palestine living side by sidewithIsrael,inpeaceand security, within the 1967 borders, which include the Gaza Strip and the West Bank,withEastJerusalemas itscapital”.


The Ministry of Foreign AffairscalledontheUNand its member states to “take appropriatemeasurestostop the crimes being committed in the Gaza Strip and guaranteePalestine’srightto self-determination”.

Bolivia cut ties with Israelintheearlydaysofthe war and later became the firstLatinAmericancountry to back a separate genocide case brought against Israel bySouthAfricaattheICJ.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on Israel to endtheoccupationpromptly, halt any new settlement activities and evacuate all existingsettlements.

Several countries call on international community to pressure Israel in wake of ‘watershed’ opinion by top UN court.

The ministry also urged international parties “to respect and implement the ICJ’s advisory opinion, assist the Palestinian people in exercising their right to self-determinationand work to end the humanitarian sufferingtheyendure”.


The Ministry of Foreign AffairssaidtheICJrulingis “clear”.

“Continued Israeli occupationoftheWestBank and East Jerusalem is unlawful and so are its settlementactivities.Iceland calls on Israel to cease all activity that violates internationallaw,”itsaid.


The administration of President Joe Biden, which often stresses the “rulesbased order”, criticised the r u l i

acknowledging that Israeli


“We are concerned that the breadth of the court’s opinion will complicate effortstoresolvetheconflict and bring about an urgently neededjustandlastingpeace withtwostateslivingsideby side in peace and security,” the US Department of State told the Reuters news agency


The Southeast Asian country said the ruling “addressed the aspiration of Indonesiaandtherestofthe international community in

delivering justice for the Palestinians”.

“Indonesia calls on the UN General Assembly and theSecurityCounciltomeet the request of the court by considering appropriate meansandnecessarystepsto end Israel’s unlawful presence in Palestine,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.


Foreign Minister

Michael Martin said he will workwithpartnersintheEU and UN “to see how we can now bring to bear this authoritative opinion by the court to end Israel’s illegal presence” in the occupied Palestinian



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the ICJ ruling “reflects the high provisions of international law that mustberespected”.

It reiterated Qatar’s “firm position on the justice of the Palestinian cause and the moral imperative to support the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people”.


Minister of Foreign Affairs Ayman Sadadi said: “Israel’simpunitymustend. Its war crimes must be stopped. Israel must be held accountable.”


The Gulf country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the international community to carry out its

“legal, political and moral duties to achieve the aspirations of the brotherly Palestinian people to establish their independent state and to stop the aggressionagainstGaza”.


T h e E u r o p e a n principality’s mission to the UN said the ICJ “puts the ruleoflawatthecentreofthe settlement of international disputes”.

“We look forward to working with all States on the basis of the [ruling], in particular to ensure the full application of the right to self-determination,” it said onX.


The Southeast Asian

country hailed the “landmarkruling”.

“Malaysia calls on all states to compel Israel to abidebytherulingoftheICJ and immediately end their support to Israel in continuing its illegal occupation of Palestine,” it said.

Norway Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide calledtheICJruling“crystal clear”.

“Israeli policies and practices are to be considered annexation of large parts of the Occupied PalestinianTerritory,andare in violation of international law,”hewroteonX.


Madrid said the ruling “includes important

pronouncements on the illegality of the Israeli occupationofthePalestinian territories and on settlements, among other aspects”.

“The government urges theUNandtheinternational community to take into c o n s i d e r a t i o n t h e conclusionsofthereportand to adopt appropriate measures in this regard,” it said.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on Israel “to comply with its duties and obligations under internationallaw”aslaidout intheICJ’sopinion.


M i n i s t e r o f InternationalRelationsand Cooperation Ronald Lamola said the ruling “affirms South Africa’s long-standing position that the occupation by Israel of Palestinianterritoryremains unlawfulunderinternational law”.

“There is now an additional legal obligation for all states to end complicity in Israel’s illegal actions and to act to ensure respect for internationallaw,”hesaidin astatement.

United Kingdom

The newly formed Labour government said it “respectstheindependence of the ICJ” and is considering the ruling before making an official response

Founder of the Synergy Weight Loss Centre and Medical...

Frompage59 in General Medicine, Dr Yorrick-Dos Santos furthered her expertise by completing a postgraduate programme in Pediatric Nutrition from Boston University School of Medicine. After about five year of practising medicine, the doctor was inspired by herownweightlossjourney to start her business

“Growingup,Iwasalwaysa chubbygirlsoIgrewupwith friends who were very skinny and when you hit puberty,thereisalotofpeer pressure…I was there being tauntednowandagaintrying to what they would call ‘fit in’.” She explained that determination to look and feel better drove her to lose over 40 pounds in less than fivemonths.

“Myweightlossjourney was birthed with the use of

diet. I had low carb, high protein, vitamin therapy from my knowledge in medicine and basic lifestyle changes and then after that theuseofLipoCavitationto contour the midsection. All non-surgical treatments weredoneonmebymyself.I wasmyownguineapig.”

Shethenstartedherown healthjourneywithonlydiet and with the knowledge she has in the medical field correlates with her ability to live a healthy lifestyle and overalllosingweight. Her transformation was noticed by close friends and relative who encourage her toprovideaservicetoothers, andsoshedid.

Today, her commitment to holistic health solutions led her to establish Synergy Weight Loss Centre and Medical Spa, a testament to her vision of helping individuals regain

Dr Yorrick-Dos Santos while administering care to one of her clients at the Synergy Weight Loss Centre and Medical Spa.

confidenceintheirbodies. LIFE’SREWARDS

Beyond her thriving career, Dr. Yorrick-Dos Santoscherishesherrolesas a mother, wife, and friend.

“My mom is what they would call in the Christian world, a ‘prayer warrior’ Her prayers really keep me ” She expressed that being a businesswoman comeswithmanychallenges but her husband and father are constantly motivating hertokeepgoing.

However, she noted her clients are the ones who encourage her the most, “the smile on their faces, the feeling of satisfaction after a session and every referral are motivation to pushharder.”

Reflecting on her journey,thedoctorsaysshe views each day as an

She acknowledges the challenges of balancing her professional endeavours with family life but emphasizes the importance of quality time with loved ones. Her unwavering support system comprises of her husband, Andrew Dos Santos, her parents, and clients. This serves as a cornerstoneofherresilience andmotivation.

opportunityforgrowthand improvement Her weight loss journey stands as a testament to her dedication to personal wellness, resonating deeply in her professionalendeavours.

In essence, Dr YorrickDos Santos’story is one of resilience, compassion, a n d u n w a v e r i n g determination, inspiring those around her to aspire for greater heights in health andwellness.

Looking ahead, she said, she envisions her businesses as a leading educational hub in medical and cosmetic treatments in Guyana

Driven by the smiles of satisfaction from her clients and fueled by her relentless pursuit of quality, Dr Yorrick-Dos Santos aspires tocontinuouslyinnovateand inspire those around her to reachtheirwellnessgoals.

Israel kills dozens as it steps up Gaza bombardment

CAIRO, July 20

(Reuters) - Israeli forces poundedseveralareasacross the Gaza Strip on Saturday, killing at least 30 Palestinians, according to health officials, as tanks advanced deeper into westernandnorthernRafah.

Among those killed on Saturday were local journalist Mohammad Abu Jasser, his wife, and two children, in an Israeli strike on their house in the northernGazaStrip,amedic said.

Gaza’s Hamas-run government media office said Abu Jasser’s death raised to 161 the number of Palestinian media personnel killed by Israeli fire since Oct7.

Israeli military strikes across Gaza killed 37 Palestinians in the past 24 hours and destroyed several houses.InAl-Nuseiratcamp in central Gaza Strip, an air strike on a multi-floor building, wounded several people, including two local journalists, rescue workers said.

In Rafah, where Israel saiditaimedtodismantlethe last battalions of Hamas’ armed wing, residents said tanks advanced deeper into northernareasofthecityand took control of a hilltop in the west, amid fierce gun battles with Hamas-led fighters.

An explosion occurs following an Israeli air strike on a residential building, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip, July 20, 2024. REUTERS/Omar Naaman

The army said troops continued operations in Rafah, eliminating many gunmenoverthepastdayin the area of TelAl-Sultan on the western side of the city InCentralGaza,themilitary said it conducted raids on militants’infrastructure.

The military also said it hit a structure used by

Palestinian militants in Deir Al-Balah in central Gaza Strip, saying gunmen were o p e r a t i n g f r o m a humanitarian area, and accused Gaza militants of exploiting civilian structure and population for military purposes, an allegation Hamas and other groups rejectasfalsetojustifysuch

China bridge collapse kills at least 11 after floods

BBC-Atleast11people have died and more than 30 are missing after a highway bridge partially collapsed during torrential rains in northwestChina.

Thebridgeoverariverin Shaanxi province’s Shangluo city collapsed on Fridaynightduetoasudden downpour and flash floods, theprovincialauthoritysaid.

Rescue teams have recovered several vehicles that fell into the river, with efforts still underway accordingtoauthorities.

Chinese President Xi

Jinping has urged an “all out” effort to find those still missing.

The 11 dead were found in five cars that were pulled fromtheriverbelow It is thought 20 more vehicles plunged into the water, according to state media.

Video and images from Xinhua news agency shows a partially submerged section of the bridge with heavy river waters rushing aroundit.

According to Xinhua, officials sent 736

firefighters, 18 boats and 32 dronestothescene.

On Friday, at least five people were killed in flooding and mudslides in anotherpartoftheprovince.

Large parts of northern andcentralChinahavebeen battered since Tuesday by rains that have caused flooding and significant damage.

State media reported at least five people died and eight were missing after the rains sparked flooding and mudslidesinShaanxi’sBaoji city


Aceasefire effort led by QatarandEgyptandbacked by the United States has so far failed due to disputes between the combatants, whoblameeachotherforthe impasse.

Israelvowedtoeradicate Hamas after its fighters killed1,200peopleandtook

morethan250hostageinan Oct. 7 attack, according to Israelitallies.Atleast38,919 Palestinianshavebeenkilled in Israel’s retaliatory offensive since then, Gaza healthauthoritiessay

OnTuesday,Israelsaidit had eliminated half the leadership of Hamas’ military wing and killed or

captured about 14,000 fighterssincethestartofthe war

Israel says 326 of its soldiers have been killed in Gaza.

Hamas does not release casualty figures and said Israelexaggeratesitsreports to give the impression of a “fakevictory”.

SouthAfricanpoliceuncover multi-milliondollarmethlab

JOHANNESBURG, July 20 (Reuters) - South African police have uncovered an industrial scale meth manufacturing lab in one of the country’s biggesteverdrugbustsand arrested four suspects including two Mexicans, theysaidonSaturday

The laboratory was discovered on a farm in Groblersdal, a small town in Limpopo province, the police said in a statement

They found large quantities of chemicals u s e d i n t h e manufacturing of illicit drugs including acetone and crystal meth, with an estimated street value of 2 billion rand ($109 5 million), the statementsaid.

“What makes this different from other

f Mexican citizens,” said K a t l e g o M o g a l e , national spokesperson for the Hawks, an elite police unit which took part in the raid

“It means that our taskhasjustbecomevery d


It is not clear whether th

were manufacturing drugs to distribute within the countryorelsewhere,she said

South Africa is a

international trade links, and also a growing market for synthetic drugs, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

Methamphetamine trafficking in particular is on the rise in Africa, the U N agency said in its 2023 World Drug Report

W h i l s t t h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n continues, the arrested suspects will make their first court appearance on Monday on charges of manufacturing, dealing and possession of illicit drugs,thepolicestatement said.

($1 = 18 2698 rand)


Incaseyouhaven’theard,pleasebeinformedthataspartofourcontinued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our Publisher, Dr Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about ongoing indecenciesinourlandthatshouldmatter,notonlytousatthispublication, buttheentirenation.


WhyisJagdeo soAnxious?

Jagdeo is biting his fingernails–nervousheis!

Jagdeo is chewing his lips-awreckhehasbecome!

Jagdeo is fearful – a sleeplessshadowheisnow!

Jagdeo is on the ropes –and he is hanging by a thread.

Jagdeo now has a problem with Exxon – he is thatsuicidal.

Somebody had better keepaneyeonhim…

Hecouldloseitandtake mattersinhisownhands!

He is in misery and is lookingforawaytoendit!


Criminalneighbour andagoodfence

Guyanese know that if they have a criminal neighbour, then they need the best fence possible Exxon is not a good neighbour; it is the worst of roguish partners. We need robust ring-fencing, and we musthaveit.


WhatabouttheSu-gate investigations?

Vice President has been trying to distract Guyanese with his obsession with NigelHughes.Guyaneseare notbuyingintohistricks.

He is the biggest defenderofExxonMobilyet he is complaining about Hughes conflict of interest. Jagdeo even announced that hewillinvestigatethematter of Hughes’s law firm being on a retainer contract with ExxonMobil.

J a g d e o s h o u l d investigate or cause the police to investigate the allegations raised by Chinese businessman, Su Zhi Rong that he accepts bribes to assist Chinese businessmen to gain lucrative public sector projects. He should also tell thenationwhothebeneficial owners of the Kaieteur and Canje oil blocks are Scrutiny of Hughes might suit Jagdeo’s political games, but investigations into Su-gate and those oil blockswillbenefitGuyana.



Dr Asha Kissoon never reallycaughttheattentionof this newspaper even when she was elected deputy speaker of the National

Assembly There is something about phony people we tend to discern early at this newspaper; Jagdeobeingthechiefofthe phonycitizensofthisland. If in good faith, Kissoon agreedwiththejoinderparty that her time in the National Assembly would be three months,itiscriminalthatshe has the gall to be still squatting there despite the protest by ANUG and other parties. She is such a shameless doctor- a bad example of a young politician. What bothers us herealsoisthatsheissucha useless Member of Parliament- it begs the question what really is she holding on to the seat for? WiththePPPjustenjoyinga oneseatmajority-Kissoon’s vote is pivotal to give them the two-seat edge. We have to agree with Vincent Alexander that her prolonged, unwelcome stay in the House is being aided andabettedbythePPP


InvestigateJagdeo forallegationsofbribery andcorruption!

Backin2022,allegations of corruption and bribery wereleveledagainstasenior member of governmentformer Head of State, BharratJagdeo.

It was a Vice News

Documentary by two undercover reporters in Guyana who learnt through Jagdeo’s friend ‘Su’that the Vice President is allegedly fingered in collecting bribes tofacilitateChinesebusiness inGuyana.

Of more consequence however, Jagdeo’s friend washeardsayingthathealso collectedhugebribesforthe

oil sector as well. To date, there has been no investigation conducted while the VP remains in office at the helm of our resources With the country’s maiden bid round presently ongoing, these revelations, though mere accusations for now are troubling and could spell disasterforourfuture.

An independent investigation should be conducted to ease the discomfort experienced by patriotic Guyanese A President that is concerned about transparency and accountability would never hesitate to order such a probe, especially if he is confident in the leadership appointedbyhim.



Oil giant, ExxonMobil has announced its intention tocommencepublicscoping

m e e t i n g o n i t s Environmental Impact Assessment for its seventh project. The meetings will commence on Monday, July 22andwillrununtilJuly31, 2024 The public consul

ns that ExxonMobil has put on to dateforthepreviousprojects havebeenreallymoreabout public limitation, even publicdistortions.

What is damning is that these orchestrations and

m a n i p u l a t i o n s o f

ExxonMobil under the flag of public consultations have been executed with the full backing of the Government of Guyana. Guyanese have beenshortchangedagainand again, kept in the dark, and then given a smooth pat on the head, with the unspoken adviceof‘gohomeandleave these things alone.’ Some Guyanese, however, will havenothingtodowithsuch corporatebalms.

It is why earlier public c o n s u l t a t i o n s b y ExxonMobil have come in

for scathing criticisms from local observers, with positions such as ‘joke’ or ‘farce’ or ‘smokescreen’ expressedopenly



First it was sanctity of contracts.

Next came the excuse that renegotiation would chaseinvestors.

Exxonitselfhasadmitted that it would not turn away from the wealth discovered in Guyana easily, but Vice PresidentBharratJagdeohas pulled another excuse from hisbag!

Momentum! Any changestothecontractcould kill the momentum he claims.

Whenwillournationand people enjoy its resources blessedbythecreator,orwas thisblessingonlyintendedto fatten the pockets of oil companies?

Football fraternity at home and abroad mourns passing of former national player

One week ago, former national football player Carlyle Hunte aged 58, and his grandson, nine year-old Malique Roberts, were killed when his car was involved in an accident on the Linden Soesdyke Highway His sudden passinghassentshockwaves at home and abroad as several former football

players and officials zeroed in on this loss to football locally Among those touched by Hunte’s death was Technical Director of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Brian Joseph, who played under histutelageduringthe1990s when they were teammates at Milerock FC out of Linden.

“I remember spending

many, many years playing with him, being under his leadership, both as a senior playerandasacaptain.Heis one of the few who I am proud of that has made the transition from playing at a high level and being on the national team, representing the nation and then after investingallthoseyearsasa player, giving in the latter years of his life giving back

asacoach,”TDJosephsaid Further Joseph explained: “It’stragicthewayhedied,my strongest condolences to his family.Iknowhispersonality alonewouldtellyouwhattype of family man he was. Very committed years to his wife, they did that business until it became kind of a household nameinLinden,synonymous withpastriesetc soIamproud ofwhathewasabletoachieve whilehewasalive NowIhope thathisrelatives,hisfamily,his friends would celebrate him forjustbeingawonderfulguy who enjoyed life and was a blessingtobearound”

Sunday July 21, 2024


Today you will have all the energy you need to deal with long-term family problems. Indeed, you'll probably clash with some of your relatives. But this situation won't cause anyseriousissues.


You enjoy caring for others andyouinterveneregularlyin their lives to guide them. Ironically, today you're the one who needs advice. You'll probably need to get away from it all in order to get a clearviewofyourownlife.


We all have to make compromises in order to live in contemporary society.You may have strong beliefs, but it's difficult to combine your idealsandasociallife.


You'vealwaysfelttheneedto free yourself from society You need to feel independent at any cost. You may need to face certain relationship problemsatthistime.


You may feel annoyed about the attitude of some of your groupoffriends.Unlikethese people, you're very openmindedandyoucandealwith situations as they arise Indeed, you have a natural ability to adapt to every situation.


Today, Virgo, you'll be submerged under a lot of emotions. In a way, you'll be revisiting your childhood

Youmaybeveryedgy Thisis agooddispositioninwhichto analyzeyourlife.


You really know how to seduce,Libra.Thereisaspark inside of you that spreads naturally to those around you. You have a big reservoir of sensitivity and emotion that couldgrowtoday

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

You're a very active person, Scorpio, but today you'll probably be disappointed. If you ask those around you to help with your activities, they most likely won't understand yourneeds.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Nothing much is happening today, yet you seem worried and tense. You'll have to use this day to your advantage. Think about your life. You'll also think about the needs of yourrelativesintheyears.


You often need to thrive on personal emotions.Today will benoexceptiontotherule.For instance, you could try to captivate the attention of peopleyouadmire.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) You shouldn't try to fight the feelings that run through you today Don't even try to rationalize them These feelingsareprobablyrelatedto emotions dating back to your childhood You shouldn't avoidoranalyzethem.


You'll be lost in your thoughts today, analyzing your life and relationships.You'll be asking yourself if your existence is meeting your standards. You will ponder what to expect from the future and from the peoplearoundyou.

competitions After he coached Milerock, he branchedofftocoachWinners Connection and won competitions as a coach. He thenjoinedtheLindenRealest Masters which won a


Upper Demerara Football Association(UDFA)president Wainwright Bethune said, “It is a very emotional moment forme

I remember during the daysofusplayingfootball,he actually used to play for Milerock and I was with Botafagoandasanopponent, heusedtolookatmeandsay BethuneyouknowIthinkyou could be a much better footballer if you played defense, those days I used to play strike. And I never listened to him until the latter days of my football career when he started coaching Winners Connection, I was a defender then, and he always saidtomeyouseenow,ifinthe youngerdays,youhadlistened to me you would have gone furtherinyourfootballcareer Andhewasrightbecause,you know, I was a much better defenderthanastriker”

The UDFA boss said: “I wouldliketosendoutsincere condolences to his wife, his children, siblings, and all relatives, this is on behalf of myself,familyandtheUDFA Also, condolences to the Huntes, the Fields andd his entirefamily”OutoftheTurks and Caicos, former football coach in the mining town, Rawle Gill, when reached said: “The victories, defeats and shared moments became thetapestryofalifewelllived Determination is the cornerstone of achievements, hewasverydeterminedanda great leader He made his teammates see what they can be,ratherthanwhattheyare A humblechampion Hisimpact was everlasting, leaving a markontheheartsandminds ofthosehetouched”

England-based former national player and coach duringtheperiodofthe1990s, Ivan Persaud, noted, “Only a few days ago I texted him to

seehowheisdoing Itriedmy best to keep in touch with all theplayerstoseehowtheyare doing Thisisasadperiodfor me, and I know for all the players of Milerock, we lost our “big man.” To his family and friends, I would like to givemydeepestsympathyand mayhissoulrestinpeace.”

The last unit that Carlyle Hunte represented was the Linden Realest Masters Organisation Presidentofthat body Garfield ‘Snooks’ Shepherdsaid:“Hewasavery good football player, played withtheMilerockFCandwon a lot of trophies and

Kayode McKinnon of Topp XX FC, presently living in the United States, remembered Hunte playing back in the days. “As a young footballer coming up inLinden,Iwouldsneakmy way into Mackenzie Sports Clubtowatchtheolderboys. Ithoughttheywereamazing because of the passion and ambition. I am grateful to have witnessed Carlyle play inthosefixtures.Mygreatest memory will forever be the humilityandtherespectthat C a r l y l e a l w a y s demonstrated That is something that all of us shouldstrivetobe.”

The country’s Premier Basketball League returns next month

…One Guyana Basketball League officially launched

GABAhead Jermaine Slater (standing) speaking from the head table at the launch of the 2024 Premier League

Following the success of its inaugural season, the One Guyana Premier Basketball League is set to make an even bigger splash with its second edition, scheduled for mid-August.

The Ministry of Culture, Yo u t h a n d S p o r t s (MCY&S), in collaboration with the Georgetown Amateur Basketball Association (GABA), officiallylaunchedtheevent at the National Gymnasium onFriday

The launch event was a well-attended affair, featuring both familiar and new faces. Key attendees included GABA President Jermaine Slater, Director and Assistant Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle and Franklin Wilson, and the league’s concept creator, Minister of CY&S, Charles RamsonJr

In its first season, the Kitty/Campbellville Ravens

emerged victorious, securing the championship titleandagrandprizeofone million dollars after an i n t e n s e s e r i e s o f approximately52games.

The upcoming season promises to be even more competitive and structured.

MinisterCharlesRamsonJr highlighted that the initial tournament featured sixteen formidableteamscompeting over a seven-month period.

This year, the league has been streamlined to include 10 teams, with the inclusion of the Mambas Basketball team.

With a revamped sponsorship structure, each team will be paired with a sponsor, enhancing the league’s appeal and brand. M i n i s t e r R a m s o n emphasized the ministry’s commitmenttoelevatingthe l e a g u e t o a m o r e professional level, where teamswillcompetenotonly fortrophiesandprizemoney butalsotoearnalivingfrom theirpassion.

“Inclusion in the league should not be taken for granted,” Minister Ramson stated Automatic qualification will no longer guarantee a spot. Teams’ preparation, organization, andexecutionwillbeclosely scrutinized, as many teams are eager to join the league. “Strong teams will always beatteamswithstarplayers. Withthismindset,theleague is set to build a stronger brand and a more attractive competition,” Minister Ramsonadded.

T h e G A B A , i n collaborationwithMCY&S, is gearing up to launch another exciting edition of the premier first-division league in mid-August. The official date will be announced in a forthcoming publication.

2024 Kares One Guyana T10 Blast launch… Tournament officially launched, with exciting 2nd edition bowling off summer of cricket

Thesecondeditionofthe KaresOneGuyanaT10Blast was officially launched yesterday, with millions up for grabs and newer teams vyingforthisyear’scrown.

Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle, Chairman of the NationalSportsCommission

Kashif Mohammed, Minister of Sports Charles Ramson Jr and others were among those present at yesterday’s launch at the RS53RestoBarandLounge, AmazoniaMall.

The tournament bowls off fromAugust 3rd with 32 teams vying for supremacy and title with individual prizes being up for grabs, courtesyofthetournament’s widearrayofsponsors.

Winning team will pocket $1.5M while the runners- up bags $500K along with other monetary prizesforotherfinalists.The finals trophy which was unveiled during the launch wasexpertlycraftedfromsix species of trees, including Cabacalli, Purple Heart and others

Minister of Culture

Youth and Sports Charles

RamsonJr duringhisfeature

session believed the tournament had potential to exceed its national status,

becoming a regional/global globaleventasitprogresses.

T h e M i n i s t e r commended His Excellency

President Dr Irfaan Ali for his support of the tournament.

Ramson added that the T10 event will be the marquee event on the sports

Steven Jacobs, NSC Chairman Kashif Mohammed, Minister of Sports Charles Ramson Jr,Assistant Director of Sports Christy Campbell and Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle DemeraraMutual,

SuperBet Guyana, Metro Office &

C o m p u t e r Supplies, and Demerara

Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited were the latest corporate entities to supportthesecondeditionof the Kares One Guyana T10 TapeballBlast.

32ofthetopteamsinthe countrywillbattleatvenues in Georgetown and East CoastDemeraranextmonth.

At recent handing-over ceremonies, representatives

from the companies expressed delight in supporting the tournament,

given it reaches the communities and families and offers a “bottom-up

a p p r o a c h ” t o t h e developmentofcricket.

In addition to noting their corporate social

responsibility, the companies noted that they were impressed with the quality of the 2023 tournament.

The stakes are higher thanever,withalargerprize pool this year The winning team will take home a whopping G$1 5 million, with G$500,000 and G$250,000 going to the runner-up and losing semifinalists,respectively

The tournament opens onAugust3withmatchesat the Police Sports Club, Queen’s College Ground, andLusignanSportsClub. The round of 16 follows the opening day with matches at Police and Lusignan.

calendar He added that identifying community grounds specifically for Tape-ball cricket across the countrywillbedesignatedin thefuture.

Themovewillensurethe continued growth of Tapeball cricket, with venues beingavailablefor365days,

Matches will be played at9:00AM,11:00AM,1:00 PM, and 3:00 PM on both days.

The eight remaining teams will battle at the Enmore Community Centre onAugust11foraspotinthe semi-finals and final, which willbeheldonAugust25at theNationalStadium.

Kares Engineering, Banks DIH, Star Rentals, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, Montra Restaurant & Lounge, Building Expo 2024, Premier Insurance, ENet, Avinash Contracting and Scrap Metal Inc., Trophy Stal

53 RestoBar & Lounge, Jacobs Jewellery&PawnShop,and First Change Builders Inc. General Marine, Samaroo

Boutique are the other sponsorsonboardthusfar

potentially Holistically,theMinister and by extension the Government of Guyana, has pledged continued support of the event and Sports in general, lauding organizers for their initiatives and f o o t p r i n t i n t h e revolutionizing of T10 in


Master of Ceremonies, JohnRamsinghgavearecap of last year’s campaign and the overall success of the tournament, with a brief video package of last year’s editionbeingshown.

Jacobs said the tournamentwasimportantto the development of Sports, adding that outside of the entertainment factor, the competition provides an opportunity to cricketers who can showcase their skillsandtalent.

HesaidchiefSelectorof Cricket in Guyana, Ramnaresh Sarwan has encouraged players to transition from Tape Ball to hard-ball challenging organizers to incorporate regional and overseas squads, with corporate Guyanahavingthechanceto ownateamoftheirchoice.

Romario Samaroo of FL Sport gave insight into buildingtheT10brandwhile outlining a number of endeavors for the future of the tournament. He thanked President Ali and the government, sponsors, teamsand fans aheadof this year’sspectacle.

Action bowls off from August 3 with games at Queen’s College Ground, Lusignan Ground and Eve LearyGround.

FormerGuyanaandWest Indiesyouthall-rounderand one of the tournament’s sponsors,StevenJacobssaid hewasprivilegedtobeatthe second edition launch of the tournament.

Duckett, Brook hand England solid advantage over West Indies

(Cricinfo) - Halfcenturiestothreeoftheirtop five allowed England to wrest back control of the second Test after West Indies’ spirited lower-order resistance had given the tourists a narrow firstinnings lead on an enthrallingthirddayatTrent Bridge.

Twin fifties from Ben DuckettandOlliePope-the biggest contributors in England’s first inningssteadied the hosts after the loss of Zak Crawley just ten balls into their second innings, a 119-run partnership for the second wicket overhauling West Indies’ 41-run lead and pullingthem86ahead.

Then fifty to Harry Brook during another century stand for Englandworth 108 so far with Joe Root - left West Indies frustrated.At stumps on day three, Brook was unbeaten on 71 and Root was 37 not out.

Crawley, dismissed for a duck in the first innings, managed 3 in the second before his freak run-out at the non-striker’s end Duckett drove heartily back towards the bowler Jayden Seales,whothrustoutahand onhisfollowthroughandthe ball deflected off his fingers as Crawley was backing up, his bat still in the air when thestumpswerebroken.

Duckett raised his second fifty of the match in 55ballswithatrioofsweeps off consecutive deliveries in front of square off Kevin Sinclair, top-edged through fine leg and then behind square to add to his quickfire71inthefirstinnings.

The day’s overcast conditions grew heavier at tea with a very light rain shower sweeping through around the scheduled resumption.Pope,England’s top-scorerinthefirstinnings with121,broughtuphisfifty


soonaftertheintervalwitha singleoffAlzarriJoseph,but immediately after the misshapenballwasreplaced, the same bowler lured Pope intoadrive,theoutsideedge sailingtoSinclairatgully

Alzarri Joseph then pinned Duckett lbw with a toe-crusherofaninswinging yorker, the batter failing to overturn a straightforward dismissal on DRS, and Englandwentfrom127for1 to140for3.

Brook and Root steadied things again, though

Brook was hit in the midriff by one that nipped back from Alzarri Joseph, butpulledthenextforfour through midwicket to movewithinoneboundary of his half-century; and he got there punching the first ball of A

arri Joseph’s next over to the boundary through wide long-off Brook raised the century

partnership with back-toback fours through the cordon off Seales, who was clearly fuming at the end of the over When Brook and Rootstrodeoffthefieldafter thenextover,theyhadevery reasontolookpleased.

Earlier, Joshua Da Silva’sresolutehalf-century, and Shamar Joseph’s bighitting cameo from No. 11 took West Indies into the lead Da Silva remained unbeaten on 82, having added fifty runs to his overnight score, when Shamar Joseph fell on the finalballofanextendedfirst session for 33 off 27 balls, the pair putting on 71 runs off78forthetenthwicket.

Chris Woakes found plenty of swing to lead the bowling for England with three wickets for the day, including two in as many balls,tofinishwith4for84.

West Indies would have been thrilled with an i m p r o v e d b a t t i n g performance, led by a century for Kavem Hodge, and Alick Athanaze’s 82 on the second day, which gave themsomehopeoflevelling the series after an innings defeatatLord’s.

But after further encouragement with Crawley’s dismissal, they may be disappointed with theirfailuretocapitalise.

Englandbowledjustone over with the second new ball on Friday evening, but under far cloudier skies, it took just 15 deliveries on Saturday morning for Woakes to break through, Jason Holder prodding at one outside off stump and getting caught behind Sinclair survived a run-out chance when Pope’s shy at the stumps from short cover went wide, but he was gone soonafter,thankstoBrook’s lightning reflexes at gully, offGusAtkinson.

Alzarri Joseph was put down by Ben Stokes, running in from cover, on 7, offthebowlingofAtkinson, but Woakes claimed two wickets in as many balls when he had Alzarri Joseph chasing a wide one outside off stump and feathering behind to Jamie Smith, and then bowled Seales for a first-ballduck.

JoshuaDaSilvasmashed JoeRootfor4,4,4,6inone over, England vs West Indies, 2nd Men’s Test,

Alzarri Joseph trapped Ben Duckett with a pinpointYorker (Getty Images)

Nottingham, 3rd day, July 20,2024

Shamar Joseph survived the hat-trick ball to support Da Silva, who had taken it slowly through the first 90 minutes of the day but brought up his fifty in emphatic style, using Mark Wood’spacetoguidetheball over the fence at deep extra cover

DaSilvatookanothersix off Wood over deep third to move West Indies past the 400-mark, then Shamar Joseph drew his side level with England’s first-innings 416 by thrashing Atkinson forsixinfrontofsquare.

Hesentbrokenrooftiles raining on to spectators

sittinginthestandsbelowat backward square leg next, and threaded four through fine leg to take 16 off the over

Da Silva amassed 18 runs off one Joe Root over with three consecutive fours followed by a heave over long-on for six, his third maximumoftheinnings. Wood, who had left the field late on day two suffering cramp after a lightningfastfour-overspell in the morning followed by ten more overs of hard, fast graft, snared the wicket that had eluded him when Shamar Joseph sent a leadingedgehightomid-on, Atkinsonsnafflingthecatch.

Joshua Da Silva’s steady knock took West Indies towards parity (PAImages via Getty Images)

Guinness‘GreatestoftheStreets’ West/East Bank Demerara...

Defending champ Ballers Empire to battle Jetty Gunners in the final

Defending champion

Ballerz Empire will battle first-time finalist Jetty Gunners for the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ West/East Bank Demerara

crown on July 26th, following semifinal wins on Saturdayevening.

H o s t e d a t t h e

Pouderoyen Tarmac, the Ballerz Empire bested Cayenne Massive 3-0

Solomon Austin recorded the only conversion of the firsthalfashefoundtheback ofthenetinthethirdminute.

Dorwin George then sealed the outcome as he recorded a ‘Guinness Goal (GG) [a goal scored in the finalthreeminutescountsas two]inthe38thminute.

They will now oppose Jetty Gunners, who squeakedpastthethree-time championShowstoppers2-1 on penalty kicks in the second semifinal fixture after regulation and extra timeendedscoreless.

S h o w s t o p p e r s commenced the shootout in the form of Dexroy Adams, who converted Jermin Junior then equalised for Jetty Gunners as he calmly slottedhome.

Showstoppersthenfailed to convert from the distance asStephonJupiterrolledhis effortwideofthelowerright corner Jetty Gunners would then capitalise on their opponent’sfailuretosealthe win as Kevin Cummings scored.

The losing teams will contest the third-place playoff.



Ballerz Empire-3 vs CayenneMassive-0


Dorwin George-GG38th


Showstoppers-0vs.Jetty Gunners-0

Jetty Gunners won 2-1 onpenaltykicks

Sports 2024 Kares One Guyana T10 Blast launch…

Tournament officially launched, with exciting 2nd edition bowling off summer of cricket

The country’s Premier Basketball League returns next month


Minister of CultureYouth and Sports Ramson Jr (center) poses with a few players, organizers alongside other Government officials during yesterday’s Kares One Guyana T10 Blast launch at the RS53 RestoBar and Lounge
Minister of Sports, Charles Ramson, Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle,Assistant DoS Franklin Wilson, GABAHead Jermaine Slater and technical staff share photo with representative from teams at the launch

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