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Monday Edition

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July 23, 2012 - Vol. 5 No. 29

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Rohee dismisses call for his resignation p. 18

- says “My conscience is very clear on this matter…I will not run in a cupboard and hide”.

Essequibo man 14-yr-old dies Three Brazilians hangs self after at Splashmins’ perish after 'Draga' Fun Park killing wife sinks in Cuyuni p. 10

p. 8

p. 9

Dead: Travis Mangal

Teenager’s skull crushed by falling concrete stairway

p. 8

“Label us Revolutionaries … as Linden fires back at not APNU or AFC” NCN's “propaganda” spin p. 3

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Kaieteur News

Monday July 23, 2012

Monday July 23, 2012

Kaieteur News

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“Label us Revolutionaries not APNU or AFC” “If they want to label us, call us revolutionaries because that is who we are.” The words of Linden teacher Jason Figuero, as he delivered an emotional address to thousands of Lindeners at a rally on Saturday night. “It angers me that in our time of struggle and hardship, in our time of mourning the death of innocent protestors, the government propaganda machine NCN is labeling us as APNU and AFC supporters….We are first and f o r e m o s t Lindeners…..Lindeners of all different races, religious grouping and political persuasion.” Vanessa Kissoon, A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Member of Parliament, ably led the rally, the first after the killing of the three Lindeners. That rally heard prolific charges from the likes of Doctors Rupert Roopnarine and David Hinds, the two most senior ranking officials of the Working Peoples’ Alliance, as well as Trade Unionist Lincoln Lewis and Alliance for Change (AFC) Cathy Hughes, among others. Kissoon warned the Lindeners not to become their own enemies and to remain focused, saying “this is a people’s struggle…we are not here to break into anybody’s stores, or anything like that….we do not condone those types of action.” Kissoon was at the time making reference to the fact that during the course of Saturday evening, miscreants broke into the Digicel Store and it was looted. Kissoon reported to the rally that the perpetrators were caught by Lindeners and handed over to the police “We were very much pleased about that…It was our own people who were vigilant on the ground,” said Kissoon, who warned that such actions will not be condoned by the movement. The gathering was treated to an inspirational song title “don’t give up.” As the gathering prepared to listen to the young teacher Figuero, Kissoon used the opportunity to send a direct message to Head of State Donald Ramotar. This message she emphasized, is from the elected representative of the people of Linden in Parliament. “Let me tell you how they disrespectful,” Kissoon told the large crowd. “I want this message to get to him….Tell the President that the female representative in Parliament says, if he does not contact the Regional Chairman and let him know that he is coming to the Region…don’t come.”

… as Linden fires back at NCN’s “propaganda” spin

Linden teacher Jason Figuero addressing Saturday night’s rally. Reference was made to what was described as a “disrespectful act” perpetrated on the Regional Chairman by the Office of the President. According to reports there were attempts to arrange a meeting through a party supporter, “to pass a message to the Regional Chairman…that is disrespectful….that is total eye-pass,” lamented Kissoon. The Regional Chairman himself, no doubt left an impact on Lindeners at the culmination of the event but it was the young teacher who moved many to tears when he was given the opportunity to speak. “I stand here saddened but resolute in our struggle,” articulated Figuero as he declared that they were mourning the loss of their loved ones who were murdered by servants of the state. He said that he was pleased to see that all were united by a common vision in the struggle which is for a “better life for us in this Region…a Region that has been denied by this apartheid government for too long.” The teacher said that the struggle “has been strengthened,” which is evident in the thousands that are taking to the streets and

that the killing has only made the people more resolute in their demand. “It is symbolic…it symbolizes that we are standing up for ourselves,” said Figuero, adding that “the elected servants of government are not doing that for us…it symbolizes that we had enough.” The young man related in his message that the community is fed up of being marginalized and denied opportunities. The young man said that at the November 28 election, Linden voted for the leaders that they wanted but to date the ruling administration has demonstrated “that it is only interested in playing politics with the Region.” “This is our lives and our future,” said Figuero who was also adamant that “as a unified people we can demand from these elected servants…. I said servants’ because that is who they are…their fundamental role and responsibility is to give service to the people.” The teacher from the mining town reminded of a quote by a former US President Thomas Jefferson who had declared that “when the people fear their government there is tyranny but when the government fear the people there is

liberty.” The message was well received, evidenced by the vociferous chants of support as the teacher continued his clarion call “we are standing up for our rights…we are standing up against injustice, against this oppression and this tyrannical rule of government….against this miscarriage of justice.” The young man affirmed that the Linden Struggle has reached a decisive point, saying that the solutions required have to be delivered “rapidly and uninterrupted.” He warned that Lindeners cannot afford to continue to be mistreated, and reminded that “freedom is never voluntarily granted by the oppressor, but must be demanded by the oppressed…today we continue to say, no more.” In another well received

charge, the young teacher declared that Linden was tired of waiting on “this selfish government…..now is the time to intensify this struggle on all fronts.” He said that it would be a mistake to let up in the struggle and warned that the ‘generations to come would never forgive Lindeners for giving up the struggle’ and allowing the three dead persons to have their blood spilled in vain. “The eyes of the entire nation and the world are watching us…it is because we are the cradle of the revolution for this country.” Fiquero was adamant that Linden was too important a community to be continued to be denied. “Let me remind you that the innocent lives that were lost for us in this struggle for our rights, let us not let it fall in vain….let us not forget, for

they deserve for us not to relent.” At this point in time another reference was made to the government and police’s reaction to protest action in Tain, Berbice. “I call on my Indian families, my brothers and sisters and co-workers to stand up and say with us, ‘no more’….Today you must say with us, ‘no more’.” The cry of “no more” continued for some time. He said that injustice anywhere in Guyana is a threat to justice everywhere. Each speaker for the night insisted that there was no racial component to their movement.

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Kaieteur News

KAIETEUR NEWS Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: ADAM HARRIS Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Creating Peaceful Change After the Linden tragedy, few would deny that there is a widespread feeling of dissatisfaction – a feeling that things are just not right. Much of the dissatisfaction centres on the social structures around us – the political, social, economic and cultural structures that are no longer seen as delivering the goods. In the political realm, one side assures us that we have a severe case of “bad governance”. When the incumbents try to convince us that if we compare our situation with a few (specially) selected examples, things aren’t really so bad, they are merely conceding the accusation. One can always conjure up some other examples that prove the original charge. The reality, of course, is that we live in an imperfect world, and contrary to what some may tell us, whatever can be conceived cannot necessarily be achieved. We, as citizens of a republic, must educate ourselves as to the options that exist out there as far as governance goes and make our decisions on what may be feasibly implemented and what cannot based on our circumstances. Bad governance is a form of injustice that must be corrected; it is just that we must realise that we are part of the problem as well as part of the possible solution. Many of us have become intellectually lazy and allow too many of our leaders to do all our thinking for us. Good governance ultimately rests on a vigilant citizenry. There is talk of instituting “state” reform and “democratization”. State reform must involve more than just reorganization of the administrative system or the system of resource allocation as is presently being pushed by the ‘advocates of radical change”. Changes at this level will only be meaningful if they foster participatory nationbuilding processes. But are we the citizens prepared to become more involved with governance issues? Right now the system, for instance, dictates that the citizens of every community have the right to demand the details of any governmental project being implemented in that community and to monitor the execution of the same. Are we doing this? No; but we get all worked up when excesses are uncovered by a vigilant media such as this newspaper. One of the bulwarks of a viable democracy is the existence of a vibrant civil society that can act as a counterforce to an always potentially tyrannical government. If citizens balk at getting involved with governmental processes, why is it that they also balk at strengthening their own organisations? In Guyana, we desperately need a strengthening of civil society. Civil society involves various sectors, including the business world, trade unions, women’s groups, churches, and human rights activists. If we are alienated from the institutions and practices of governance, and public institutions are unable to solve social problems then we always have ourselves. Community relationships and civic life either should not be allowed to disintegrate. When civil society is absent or inactive, it is an open invitation to an oppressive regime. Strengthening community and civil society will certainly help to address persistent social problems such as destructive injustice, poverty and violence. Strong civil society can promote dialogue and reconciliation, foster good governance, and build peace across cultures. It can also foster the values of caring, tolerance, and cooperation, and encourage public discourse and broad participation in the construction of public policy. People who care about community are less likely to participate in mindless development and racial and economic segregation. Civil society can also play a positive role in dealing with dislocations in the economic arena - such as uneven economic development - that is a great source of tensions in our society. The educational and skill discrepancies that result in economic disadvantages to some unfortunate individuals can most efficiently be rectified by local, personalised programmes that are the forte of civil group activity. The message we are purveying is not that government does not have responsibility for better governance but that it will be up to us, the people, to initiate change in our own names. But not through violence.

Monday July 23, 2012

Letters... Where your views make the news

There has got to be a fair and lasting solution to the crisis in Linden DEAR EDITOR, There has got to be a fair and lasting solution to the current crisis in Linden. Guyana cannot afford a prolonged state of crisis and both the government and opposition must be committed to the creation of an enabling environment for the long term development of Linden. Against this backdrop I am of the view that all the stakeholders should agree to the following: (1) That the Minister of Home Affairs be terminated or at least reassigned to another portfolio. (2) That the demand for the Prime Minister to be removed be dropped and the PM retains his office (3) That the top three police officers on location on

Wednesday evening at Linden be sent on administrative leave with pay immediately until the final report of a Commission of Inquiry. (4) That a Commission of Inquiry under the joint auspices of the UN/OAS/ CARICOM Secretaries General be allocated 90 days from the date of its setting up to submt a report. This should be a full time Commission. (5) That President Ramotar, Granger and the leader of the AFC pay a joint visit to Linden within 96 hours to meet with the community and relatives of those killed. (6) That following this visit there be no further public demonstrations in Linden until the Commission of Inquiry completes its work. A

GDF presence will be maintained at Linden. (7) That an international pathologist undertakes the post mortem examinations and that the results be provided exclusively to the Commission of Inquiry whose work will not be the subject of any press coverage until the submission of its report. (8) That all parties accept the findings/ recommendations of the Commission and implement within 48 hours any recommendation with respect to action to be taken against any of the police involved in Wednesday’s shootings including criminal charges, dismissal from service, suspension or reinstatement. (9) That a Parliamentary Committee be set up to

receive at least 6 briefings/ updates from the Commission during the course of its 90day work. There shall be no briefings by the Commission to any other body or individual, including the President and the Leader of the Opposition. (10) The issue of the rate increase for electricity in Linden shall not be addressed until the completion of the work of the Commission of Inquiry which shall be 90 days with provision for one extension not to exceed 30 days. This 10 point plan provides, in my view, a basis for a secure and lasting peaceful environment in Linden, at least for the short to medium term. Wesley Kirton

Rohee must be held responsible DEAR EDITOR, I join with my colleagues and Comrades within the AFC in calling, at the minimum, for the resignation of Minister Rohee and their call for an independent commission that is international in nature to investigate the dastardly shooting to death of unarmed protesters. I write here to indicate pelucidly and unequivocally my absolute condemnation of the actions of sections of the police force that was involved in the shooting to death of the four persons and the injuring of so many in Linden. It is my belief that these killings have to be placed squarely at the feet of the Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee. Prior to these killings Rohee made public statements indicating the path he believes the police should traverse, that they should treat with such activities with a high degree of intolerance and that those involved should be dealt with “condignly”. Everyone in Guyana with any credible level of decency should stand in condemnation. Silence at this time is not a desirable nor acceptable position. We remember that it was this silence, this lack of condemnation that resulted in the rise of Hitler. It’s not “us” right now but it could be soon. The Present Cabal controlling the PPP is like chalk to cheese when compared to the PPP that we knew, the PPP of Jagan. Let’s not fool ourselves that this PPP cabal has the interest of the people in mind much less heart. In any event even if we are supporters of the PPP and feel it is the better party we

must still stand in condemnation of the particular murder of those who were killed in Linden. We, be we Indians, Africans, Mixed or of any other colour; we, be we Christians, Hindus, Moslems or otherwise should stand and let our voices be heard in absolute condemnation of this dastardly use of deadly force. I welcome Donald’s decision for an investigation but I believe that there should be no delay in setting out the terms of reference. I am sure the AG the learned Anil Nandlall can have it on his desk in a few days. It is my opinion and I call on His Excellency, the President, Donald Ramotar to immediately send the senior officers involved on leave on leave and at a minimum, the Home Affairs Minister should be sent on leave pending the

investigations. Frankly, His Excellency should send this “gentleman” packing. The president should demand his resignation with immediate effect. This kind of attitude and actions is unacceptable and should be unacceptable to anyone who wants to be regarded as having a democratic tradition. His Excellency needs to demonstrate his attitude to this kind of barbaric use of lethal force. He needs to take this opportunity to demonstrate that he is a president for all and that he retains at least some minimum level of humanity as demonstrated by that great Humanitarian Dr. Jagan. Members of the PPP, at a congress in Essequibo I called on the Party to hold the government accountable. I am now calling on the members and supporters of

the present government to hold it accountable. You cannot and must not allow them to get away with any and everything. You must not defend them at all cost. You have to stand up for what is right as this is the only way you can preserve the legacy of that great national leader Dr. Cheddi Jagan. Do not let him down. Condemn the murders and let your voices be heard in the call for the resignation of Rohee and for a full investigation into the killings. It’s them now. It can be anybody next time. I and my family extend our deepest sympathy to the relatives of those who were brutally gunned down in Linden. We must all remain vigilant until justice is not only meted out but seen to be, in a transparent manner. Rajendra Bissessar

Who is telling the truth, Sam Hinds or this pensioner? DEAR EDITOR, In the newspapers of today 22nd July 2012 there is a letter from a Linden pensioner captioned “I disagree with the concept that we should pay the same rate as Georgetown” From his letter I have determined the following 1. Sam Hinds says that the government pays 43 dollars per KWH to the entity which generates electricity at Linden on behalf of the Lindeneners 2. Sam Hinds says that the annual subsidy for electricity for the people of linden is G$3 billion. 3.Sam Hinds tells us that the consumption of the second tier of house hold electricity usage in the rest of the

country is around 150 KWH per month. 4. I saw Sam Hinds on TV telling the public that the cost of generating at linden is more like 80-90 cents per Kilowatt. 5. The retired Lindener says that whilst the entity is charging the government only 43 cents per KWH they made a huge profit on this generation in the past two years of 119 million G dollars. 6. The retired Lindener also tells us that if we in Georgetown are prepared to accept 40% losses due to the incompetence of GP&L and pay for it in our electrical bills without protest we are welcome to do so, but the Lindeners object to that scenario.

So let’s do the math, three billion dollars @ 43 dollars per KWH is 69,767,442 KWH [sixty nine million seven hundred and sixty seven thousand four hundred and forty two kilowatt hours] the 2002 census tells us that in the municipality of linden there are 14,344 males and 15,158 females a total of around 29,500 people. If we use a low four persons per household and divide it by the 30,000 people living there we establish that there are approximately 7500 households in the Linden municipality. The Prime minister is therefore telling us that the Continued on page 5

Monday July 23, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news... Letters... Where your views make the news

Will Ramotar and Bouterse attend the Iran NAM Summit? DEAR EDITOR, The 16th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit will be held in Tehran, Iran from August 26 to 31. NAM is comprised of some 120 member states and 17 observer countries. Iran will assume the rotating presidency of the movement from Egypt for three years. Iran sent its deputy foreign minister to Guyana and Suriname a month ago to invite the leaders of those countries for the upcoming summit. Guyana historically has been a major participant in the NAM forum and was host to a NAM foreign minister meeting in 1972. Guyana attended all recent summits at the highest level- Colombia, South Africa, and Cuba. However, the Malaysia and Egypt summits were attended at the foreign minister level. Suriname, on the other hand, hasn’t taken NAM seriously like Guyana and hardly attended NAM Summits at the presidential level. Naturally, from this

pattern, one can’t expect for certain Ramotar or Bouterse’ presence in Tehran in August. They may also succumb to the US/Sunni Arab alliance’s pressure and stay home. This summit is going to be a unique one. Today, the United States has encircled Iran with massive military buildup in bases around Iran, in Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Qatar, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and in Turkmenistan. Besides that, the US and the EU at the request of Israel and due to the upcoming US national election, have put in place the most crippling sanctions any nation today face because of they believe that Iran wants assemble a nuclear bomb. So far there have been no proven facts that Iran wants to assemble a nuclear bomb and this is according to the United States and Israeli generals. The two countries have used their global clout to enforce harsh sanction on the Iranian nation. The United States is exerting tremendous pressure

Who is telling the truth... From page 4 people of Linden use 9302 KWH per year or 775.193 KWH per month, compared to the national second tier users average of 150 KWH per household. Now either this retired Lindener or Sam Hinds is not telling us the truth. In his letter this retired Lindener tells us that his retirement package “includes”150 KWH free electricity. If true this means that he is being deprived of his legitimate pension! There may therefore be legal consequences to this situation since if indeed free electricity was part of the compensation for living and working in Linden, then this government is reducing the income of these people perhaps illegally and the

people of Linden are being punished for not voting for the PPP in 2011. I will not mention what the outcome would be if the CCJ ultimately rules that this was legitimate compensation for Lindeners and the PPP executed three people for demonstrating to demand what was legally their right. This matter has got to go to court as a class action suit and to hell with any calls for a Commission of Enquiry. This on the surface means that our Prime Minister is a master of fiction. Now if he was writing cowboy books that would be OK, but he is discharging a public function on our behalf and he is obligated by his oath of office to tell us the truth. Tony Vieira

on world leaders not to attend this meeting and we will see the effect of this— whether or not Bouterse and Ramotar bow out of the NAM Summit this August. Another interesting development is the change of government in Egypt who holds the current NAM presidency. Egypt is set to hand over the presidency to Iran but the two countries do not have diplomatic ties and it’s uncertain that President Morsi will travel to Tehran. Indications are that Morsi wants to change the political landscape of the Middle East by initiating diplomatic ties with Tehran and attend the NAM summit, but Riyadh may not approve this. Iran ties with Guyana and Suriname have expanded to new levels. More recently, Iran donated 1.2 million dollars to Suriname’s agricultural sector. Bouterse and Ahmadinejad met earlier this year in Nicaragua. Suriname unlike Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad or Barbados is less dependent on the United States for financial assistance and

tourists, and there are strong indications that the left leaning president in Paramaribo will attend the NAM Summit in Iran. Georgetown may not want to publicize a visit of Ramotar to Iran, and hasn’t made a decision on the issue according to its Foreign Minister, Carolyn RodriguezBirkett. Ramotar might remain home, unless he makes this part of a larger Middle East tour. It is perceive that Guyana snubbed Ahmadinejad during his frequent visits to South America by not inviting him to Georgetown. The fact is the former president of Guyana, Bharat Jagdeo visited Iran at the invitation of the Iranian president in 2010 and with Ahmadinejadd so often in Venezuela, why not Guyana? As Guyana and Suriname push strong efforts to solicit investments from Gulf nations, they are also concern not to be perceived as too close to the Iranian Regime by the Sunni Gulf Kingdoms and to get involved in the Shia/Sunni rivalry and especially that both Guyana

and Suriname have significant Muslim populations. However, this should not prevent Ramotar and Bouterse from attending the NAM summit in Iran. There will be Arab countries attending the summit. Kuwait for one is appreciative of Iran’s condemnation of Saddam Hussein’s invasion of their country and realizes that Iran has been a good neighbour and does not want to see any conflict emerge in the Gulf. It is not in the interest of Sunni gulf regimes to confront Iran or even allow their land to be used by the

US to attack Iran. Such a move will ignite an uprising in the Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates where large amount of Shias live. To be expected in Iran are the presidents of South Africa, Sri Lanka, India, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua. India has confirmed Dr. Manmohan Singh’s long awaited visit to Iran after 11 years by an Indian president. Most Sunni Arab Regimes in the Persian Gulf region will stay home and send low level delegations. Ray Chickrie

Congrats to Jamal Thomas DEAR EDITOR, I wish to thank you for your free e-paper version of Kaiteur News. I am now able to follow the news in Guyana as well as the advertisements and notices in your paper, which are also sources of news and developments as well. One such notice that caught my eye was a congratulatory message to Jamal Alexander Thomas in your Saturday 21 July, 2012 edition. Jamal from Supply Primary School of Supply Mahaica gained a place at Queens College. I would like to congratulate Jamal. Well done young man! As a past student of Supply Primary School I am especially proud of his accomplishment and wish both him and Supply Primary further success. Candice Ramessar

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Linden killings… By Michael Jordan Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes said yesterday that any investigation into the Linden killings may already have been compromised if the incriminated ranks also collected forensic evidence from the scene. He likened this to “asking the cat to watch the milk,” while repeating calls by his party, the Alliance for Change (AFC) for “a credible, uncompromised, independent forensic investigation of the homicides.” “We have no doubt that the weapons used on Wednesday would have had to have been lodged…and hands should have been swabbed to confirm who fired weapons on the day,” Hughes said in a statement released to Kaieteur News. “If the ballistic evidence has been handed over to the police in Linden under the Command of the one of the principal suspects then the integrity of the evidence was in serious jeopardy. In other words, the prime suspects would have been handed the evidence which incriminated them in the crime, to keep and preserve for a trial which could result in their conviction. In local terms, we are asking the cat to watch the milk and expect it to be there when we are ready for it.” Police officials have been mum on whether policemen who were at the scene handed over their weapons to ascertain which ranks fired the deadly volley. It is also unclear whether their hands were swabbed for traces of

Kaieteur News

Monday July 23, 2012

AFC member fears implicated ranks may have handled evidence at scene gunpowder, or whether Crime Scene ranks travelled to Linden to retrieve spent shells and other evidence. Hughes is concerned that some of the evidence might be compromised long before August 2, the date that a Commission of Inquiry is to be established to investigate the shootings. The AFC believes that a preliminary investigation with international participants should precede the Commission of Inquiry to which both A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Government have agreed. Hughes has already sought the services of an international forensics expert

then the chances of a credible investigation would have been increased,” Hughes said in his statement. “Waiting until the victims have been buried, or worse, after the 2nd August 2012 to conduct any form of international forensic investigations is of marginal value. It is also an insult to the cries for justice by the families of the victims of the shooting. It is also an accepted scientific fact that the closer the recording of the statements of eye witnesses to an event the more likely the accuracy of their recollections. Attempting to take statements from

“If the ballistic evidence has been handed over to the police under the command of one of the principal suspects, then the integrity of the evidence was in serious jeopardy. In local terms, we asking the cat to watch the milk and expect it to be there when we are ready for it...” - Nigel Hughes to assist on behalf of the families of the victims. Commissioner of Police (ag) Leroy Brumell told journalists yesterday that the post mortem examinations will be done today and that his ranks would contact relatives of the slain men. However, up to 18:00 hrs yesterday relatives of the victims said that no one had contacted them. A retired police official had explained that while family members are allowed to view bodies for identification purposes, the pathologist decides who is allowed to view the post mortem. “If the services of international forensic experts were immediately engaged

eyewitnesses after they have discussed the incident with other persons who were present, is more likely to influence the accuracy of their recollection. “It is a fact that the further away from an incident one goes the more likely the chances are that the available evidence will be compromised.” According to Hughes, there has been “much talk” about the AFC’s position on making an international inquiry a precondition of any investigation into the shootings. According to the AFC member, some have seen the AFC’s stance as “one of grandstanding by the party and/or trying to outdo

APNU in Linden.” Hughes stated that there are two aspects to any inquiry into the Linden tragedy. “First and foremost, there should be a credible, uncompromised, independent forensic investigation of the homicides.” According to Hughes, there is no suggestion that anybody other than the Guyana Police Force had fired weapons on Wednesday last, “so there can be no dispute about who fired.” “The ballistics evidence which would be available on the spent shells, warheads and other fragments recovered from the bodies of the dead and wounded would indicate who fired the weapons which resulted in the death or injury to the victim. (This is) A most critical piece of evidence,” Hughes said. He added that police records should indicate the identity of the ranks who had the weapons which fired the bullets that killed and wounded the victims. “The preservation of critical evidence recovered from the bodies of the wounded prior to death and its isolation from possible contamination is of critical importance.” The Attorney noted that four years after international assistance was offered and refused in the Lindo Creek massacre, “we learnt last week of the police handing over the remains to the families of the deceased without any conclusion to the investigation. “It is interesting that the same officer who headed the police party in the Lindo Creek incident was in command of the policemen

A Linden resident displays a spent shell which he claimed was recovered from the scene of last Wednesday’s fatal shooting of protestors by the police. last Wednesday.” Hughes said that the second aspect of AFC’s request for an international inquiry will address the circumstances which resulted in the deaths of the Lindeners and the subsequent burning of property. Asked Saturday about his views on the police ranks handling forensic evidence in a case that implicates their colleagues, Opposition Leader Brigadier (rtd) David Granger said that such evidence gathering is the responsibility of the police. “The police have certain responsibilities. I don’t know if it is possible for any agency to replace the police. I know that the warheads were removed and are in possession of the hospital authorities. I don’t foresee that there will be a massive cover-up. I think that the nurses and others are prepared to give evidence.” Granger also revealed that he has asked residents to gather photographic evidence from the day of the tragedy. “As far as the actual crime scene is concerned, the police have to do that (collect

evidence).” However, Granger stated that the crime scene has already been “contaminated”, since he has seen photographs in the media of civilians with warheads that were allegedly retrieved from the scene of the shootings. And explaining why the AFC wants a fully international commission of inquiry, Hughes said that Guyana is a small community “and the chances of finding a Commissioner who will not be the subject of suspicions from one side or the other before the Commission is constituted are slim.” “The possibility of protracted arguments over the eligibility of persons to sit on the Commission is real and significant. This places the acceptance of the results of any such Commission in jeopardy long before the inquiry even begins. A Commission consisting only of international Commissioners under the auspices of a credible international body mitigates the arguments about local bias and interest in the outcome of the investigation.

Monday July 23, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Accident claimed life of policeman’s son

The overturned mini bus. An accident which occurred around noon at Lamaha and Camp Streets yesterday has claimed the life of one person while the other person is left nursing critical wounds at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Dead is 20 year old motorcyclist Alwin Carlos Thomas of Rabbit Walk, Eve Leary a former employee at Pegasus Hotel. His pillion rider Akeem Nelson survived the crash.

Kaieteur News understands that the collision occurred when motorcar number PPP 3163 struck motorcycle CG 3607 which Thomas was riding north along Camp Street. The impact flung Thomas from his motorcycle and he landed on the road several yards away. He was picked up in an unconscious state and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where

he was pronounced dead on arrival. His pillion rider, 23 year old Akeem Nelson who is said to have sustained injuries to numerous parts of his body, was admitted. Nelson’s belongings were reportedly stolen following the accident. This newspaper learnt that after the collision Nelson’s money and cell phone that fell from his person were taken by those who witnessed the mishap. Police have since

apprehended one suspect in relation to the accident. Nelson’s sister Michelle Gevon gave his address as lot 198 Thomas Street Kitty. She related that although she does not know the extent of her brother’s injuries she was given the impression that he was in a stable condition. Gevon said that her brother would usually play dominoes and football, adding that he might have been on his way to a recreational activity at the time of the accident. “At this point I don’t know what happening because he’s with the doctor. All we know is that he has head injuries, a fractured foot and cuts to his ears he was probably going and hangout when it happen.” The dead man’s father Edgar Thomas, a senior police officer attached to Police Headquarters, Eve Leary stated that his son had just left their home when he got the news of his accident. Kaieteur News understands that Thomas was the father of an 18month-old boy. The child’s mother was also rushed to hospital, subsequently, after hearing the dreadful news. “He only left about three minutes ago and his last words to us were that he was

Police remember 56 slain police ranks

Relatives of some of the ‘Fallen Heroes’ at yesterday’s wreath laying ceremony at Eve Leary. Yesterday, family, friends and colleagues of the 56 police ranks who were slain while serving the Guyana Police Force gathered at the Place of Fallen Heroes, Eve Leary where they remembered and honoured them. On the occasion, Acting Commissioner, Leroy Brumell, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, family and friends and other senior ranks laid wreaths at the site. Rohee in his remarks called on the serving ranks not the let the deaths of the ‘heroes’ go down in vain. Addressing the gathering, he said the sacrifice being made today is very little compared to what some of the fallen

ranks were forced to endure. “Our Police Force has stood the test of time as an organization that is vested with the legal authority to ensure that the peace and good order is maintained throughout the length and breadth of this country, and there have been very few instances where the Force failed to fulfill this responsibility.” He made a subtle reference to events currently taking place at Linden, which are placing the police force in an unenviable position. “Clouds are gathering in the south of our capital and the wind that is blowing the dark cloud is a wind of

challenge, wind of turbulence or potential turbulence but we know that the Force together with the administration has the will and tolerance and the patience and understating to deal with this wind.” Rohee added that the government will continue to provide all the resources necessary for the Force to execute its lawful duty. “In the same way that those that have fallen faced challenges when they were here, it’s the same way who follows in their footsteps will face similar challenges. Life is full of challenges and those of us who want to fulfill certain

responsibility must never run from the responsibility, we must never be seen as cowards, because those who lost their lives stood their ground in the defense of law and order, and those of us who are alive and serving we must take a page out of their book and in a similar fashion defend this noble organization.” Similar sentiments were expressed by Acting Commissioner Brumell. He told the gathering that for as longs as the Guyana Police Force stands, the fallen ranks will always be remembered and honoured. Brumell zeroed in on the 2002-2008 crime wave and thanked the government for the Joint Services which was able to bring back normalcy to the country. “The lives of those ranks give something to us and it caused us to be more security conscious, the ranks became more aware of what is going on around us. We vow that we do not want this to happen in Guyana again. If it comes back we are confident that the Joint Service will deal with the situation.” The Acting Commissioner said that the Police Force will not stand for the formation of gangs and stressed that his ranks will continue to deal professionally with these reports.

passing by the hospital with his friend. I don’t know what really transpired but we got the news at home. His child mother was also there and when she hear she took ill. The doctors say that she gone into shock,” a relative of the dead man told this newspaper. Meanwhile, another collision yesterday afternoon which occurred at the Durban and Smyth Streets junction between a minibus and a motorcar has left several persons, including a pregnant woman, nursing injuries. Kaieteur News was told that the minibus which was transporting passengers to Guyhoc Park was crossing

DEAD: Carlos Thomas Smyth Street when it smashed into a car and lost control. An eyewitness related that the minibus which was packed to its capacity, toppled three times and ended up on its side.

What is left of the motorcycle Thomas was riding.

Subscriber wins legal battle against GT&T - awarded $850,000 in damages Justice Rishi Persaud on Friday ruled against the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company, and awarded damages in excess of $850,000 to James Samuels who took the telecommunications giant to court after the disruption of his DSL service back in 2006. The case lasted for almost two months. James was represented by attorney at law P. Mohanlall, while GTT was represented by Miles Fitzpatrick SC and Mr. T. Jonas. In the instant matter the plaintiff James Samuel, had applied for and was provided with DSL internet services by the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company in 2006. The defendant held an exclusive license for national and international voice and data transmission under the telecommunication act of 1990. After the internet service was installed on the plaintiff’s computer, located at his residence in Georgetown, he subscribed to the voice over internet protocol service (VOIP) provided by the Vonage company in the US. The

service which Samuels subscribed to enables a subscriber to send and receive voice communication electronically over the internet by the use of a computer. The plaintiff wrote the defendant informing them of his intention to utilize the services. GT&T then replied to him advising that under the terms of his contract with them, he was prohibited from utilizing the DSL service for international telephone activities or for international telephony traffic bypass. Samuels according to court documents disregarded the advice proffered by the defendant and proceeded to utilize the DSL service provided by GT&T for VOIP activities. It was noted that upon the discovery of such activities GT&T blocked Samuels’s internet access, thereby disturbing the DSL service which was provided to his residence. GT&T contended that the disruption of the service was justified since the plaintiff was unlawfully operating an u n l i c e n s e d telecommunication service in Continued on page 18

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Teenager’s skull crushed 14-year-old perishes at by falling concrete stairway Splashmins’ Fun Park An Enterprise, East Coast Demerara family was plunged into a state of shock when a concrete stairway fell, crushing the skull of a 17year old boy yesterday morning. Travis Mangal, a former student of the Golden Grove Secondary School was standing under the solid internal concrete stairway of his cousin’s unfinished house at Coldingen when it came crashing down killing him almost instantly. It took relatives who were at the scene several minutes to pull his lifeless body from under the thick concrete slabs. Relatives blamed the poor work of a contractor for the mishap since there is evidence that the stairway was not properly supported. “Dis step can’t tek de weight and then is straight steel,” a relative who gave his name as Arnold told this

Dead: Travis Mangal newspaper, adding that the stairway was constructed about four weeks ago. Kaieteur News understands that Mangal, who was awaiting his results from this year’s CSEC examinations, would normally lend a hand at his cousin’s under-construction house at Coldingen on weekends.

Last weekend was no different. According to reports, he was standing under the recently constructed stairway awaiting the arrival of the contractor when it crashed down on him. A neighbour, who heard the sound of the crashing stairs, raised an alarm and one of Mangal’s relatives who was nearby went to see what had happened. He was shocked to see Mangal pinned under several thousand pounds of concrete. The man called for help but initially no one responded. It was not until the owner of the property arrived with the contractor that further assistance was sought and eventually the young man’s body was pulled from the rubble. “I was home lying down when his father come by me and say ‘leh we go over by (continued on page 18)

Fourteen-year-old Paramdev Nanan being taken to the ambulance moments before leaving the Diamond Diagnostic Centre.

A 14-year-old De Willem Secondary School Student, Kevin Ram, died at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre while receiving medical attention after he was pulled from the creek at the Splashmins’ Fun Park yesterday afternoon. Another lad identified as Paramdev Nanan who was also pulled from the water at the same creek is said to be in stable condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital. The two boys disappeared under the water at around 15:30 hours, moments after they had ventured out into the deeper part of the creek. According to an eyewitness, one of the boys first went into the water and as he went further out he encountered difficulties. The other boy saw him and tried to assist and he too experienced trouble in the deep water. Luckily, a life guard saw one of the boys splashing in

the water and quickly realized that he was in danger and together with another man who was on a jet ski went to his assistance. They were able to pull him to land where a nurse and a doctor who there at the time did routine resuscitation procedures that revived him. He was subsequently rushed to the Diamond Hospital where his condition was stabilized. But no one knew at the time that another boy had gone under. It was not until some said that another boy was missing that a search was carried out. Kevin Ram’s body was later pulled from the creek but by then it was too late. Nanan’s father Rakesh Nanan, who was in tears when he spoke to this newspaper, said he warned his son not to go into the water while himself and some friends went for a boat ride over to the EcoResort. “Me left he under the

benab and me say ‘boy, stay here don’t go back in de water’ and now look wha happen, look wha me do me own son,” a tearful Nanan lamented. The man added that his workplace had a family fun day and he thought it would be fun to take his eldest son for the walk. “When me wake up some of me friends call and tell me they going up and ah say man leh me carry he fuh de walk and look wha me do.” Meanwhile, Ram went to the fun park with his sister and her family for a regular creek outing. This publication was told that from birth the lad grew with his sister after his mother passed away. The sister who was at the hospital wept uncontrollably as medical officials broke the news of his death to her. “Me mine he from small. Me promise mommy I gon tek care ah he and look wha happen to he. Me carry he out and look wha happen.”

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No political will for national unity With the Congress of the PNCR now just days away, we can expect some amount of grandstanding and histrionics from those who are looking to impress at this event. Candidates will have to “big up” selves, in order to look good in front of delegates who will be expecting that the main opposition party will use its clout in parliament to provide real opposition to the government. Many out there are deluded by the idea that the combined opposition has a majority of one in the National Assembly. They cannot seem to reconcile this reality with the fact that legislative power is not executive power. As if to lend credibility to this delusion, tough talk at this time will be the name of the game, especially since there is political capital to be derived from such talk. Congress is an opportunity to marshal your membership and hype support for the party. As such, tough talk is not unusual at this time and the Congress may end up being a contest over who can talk the toughest. However, this tough talk goes against the grain of what is being called for: a government of national unity.

How can national unity be achieved in the language of confrontation? How can national unity be achieved when nothing is being done to reduce political acrimony, especially in the run-up to the elections. The PNCR has long claimed that it is interested in a government of national unity. It has long said that the PPP is going to be part of the composition of this government. In the past there was even a formula for such unity. Unfortunately the record of APNU and the PNCR since November 28 tells a different story. APNU has not been interested in political conciliation. APNU and the AFC have been keen to demonstrate the extent to which they can use their majority of one to frustrate executive action. Since November 28, the opposition has been the one who has been frustrating political consensus, instead of the government. They have been keen to show off their new found power of one, including slashing Budgets in a time when the economy is booming and when spending should be increased to further boost economic growth. APNU, of which the

PNCR is the major partner, has spurned political conciliation with the government. It also allowed narrow political considerations to get in the way of talks which were progressing quite satisfactory. As such, the track record of APNU and the PNCR leaves much to be desired. Only lip service is being given to political consensus and conciliation. In this regard, however, the government is not blameless. It too has made its own mistakes, terrible mistakes, especially in the way in treated the opposition when it came to discussion on the Budget. However, given the fact that the government has always been open to engagements and even went as far as answering all their questions and making public all the controversial agreements that were signed by the previous administration, the opposition should have seen the wisdom in being far more trustworthy. If the record is closely examined, the minority opposition under the previous administration made more progress than the present majority opposition has made with the present government. And this is despite the present

Dem boys seh

Nuff people gon go hungry Dem have people who does pay money fuh exercise; dem got those who does tek time off fuh go pun de seawall and run or walk. Everybody know that exercise does mek people healthy. Now dem Linden people forcing nuff people fuh exercise but de people ain’t like it. Dem boys seh that wha really happen is that Linden tek things back to de days of de porkknocker when dem had to walk and chop bush or use boat. Before that, people use to tek things fuh granted. Dem drive truck, dem dig up de road and complain when de

road get bad. Now people dig up de road fuh dem and dem ain’t got nobody to complain to. But dem boys seh that de Linden people vex wid de government and not wid dem miners. Dem should allow de miners to pass but one man seh that if Linden hungry then nuff people got fuh hungry. De people want Uncle Donald fuh meet wid dem but he done decide that he ain’t going nowhere till dem people behave demself. Who tell he fuh seh suh? De people seh that dem ain’t lil children fuh misbehave. But dem boys seh that if Uncle Donald don’t want to

go then he can send a representative. Benn ain’t going because de people done bun up one of he truck. He worried that dem might bun he next. Odinga ain’t going and Gail fuh sure don’t want to see another bauxite plant. Nobody ain’t volunteering suh de situation deh in stalemate. De whole situation shoulda end yesterday but de thing change. Now dem boys don’t know when de situation gun change. And de Linden people seh that if Uncle Donald think dem gun go hungry he got to think again. Talk half and brace youself fuh de other half.

government being far more open and willing to talk than the previous government. This says a great deal about the sort of politics that the combined opposition has been pursuing. While they urgently need to get their political compasses set in the right direction, things are not likely to improve soon. The present crisis in Linden unfortunately has come at an inopportune time when both of the main opposition parties are trying to outshine each other in the run up to their respective

congresses. For the PNCR, it also occurs at a time when there is contest for the leadership of the party. Interestingly, this time there are no primaries. Apparently, this aspect which was given so much prominence in the contest to choose a presidential candidate for the PNCR, has been suddenly forgotten. But the contestants were given an opportunity to make their case to the respective party groupings. Whatever the outcome, it is not likely that the stance

adopted by both APNU and the PNCR is going to change overnight. On the other hand, there will be the usual talk about national unity. But in practice not much success will be had because there is no real political will to push for national unity, not when the combined opposition continues to delude itself about its majority of one.

Three Brazilians perish after ‘Draga’ sinks in Cuyuni The bodies of three miners from a fiveman Brazilian crew were recovered late yesterday afternoon after their river mining vessel, a Draga C11, owned by one of their countrymen called ‘Shagga’ capsized and sank near the Tiger Island point, lower Warudi area, in the Cuyuni River, on Saturday Night. Reports indicate that the three persons, two male operators and the female cook, who are yet to be identified, were in separate rooms resting on the top deck of the” Draga” at the time of the incident. It is not clear what caused the mishap but according to reports, it happened very quickly since the other two operators who were on the bottom deck did not have sufficient time

to alert the others about what was happening. They only had enough time to swim to the safety of land nearby. They were forced to wait until around 7:30am yesterday before they were able to communicate with other Brazilians at Bartica about the tragedy. The Bartica Police were then notified. A team of Brazilians at Bartica then mobilized themselves and accompanied the police team to the area with a view of finding the missing miners before assessing the salvaging works of the machinery which sank in the river’s main channel. The area where the incident occurred is about one hour from Bartica via boat. (Edward. A Persaud)

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Monday July 23, 2012


Did you see clips of the Arab Spring in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and now in Syria? If you did, then strange sensations would have permeated your mind as you walked into Linden last Saturday. Right in front of your eyes were pictures, vivid photographs of the Arab Spring in a town in Guyana named Linden. At the time of writing, Linden is virtually cut off from Region Ten and the rest of Guyana. Entrances in and exits out of Linden are blocked by an unimaginable mountain of items that will tax your vocabulary to describe. Once it is a heavy and large object, it is used to envelope the town and to prevent incursions into Linden. The objects are placed there by protestors who man every roadblock in every part of Linden. To get into Linden and leave Linden, you have to be escorted by the protestors. They are an extremely disciplined bunch of people, dedicated to their cause and you will get them angry if you feel that you are in Guyana and therefore they can’t stop you. In their eyes are the burning flames of hurt and pain. They have put the

electricity hike cancellation a peg down on their agenda list and have elevated the demand for murder charges against officials they feel have killed innocent protestors. We arrived around 17.25 hours on Saturday. Dr. David Hinds, Lincoln Lewis and I along with two members of the bauxite union received a warm welcome that touched my soul and heart. In all sincerity and in all honesty, these are lovely people who felt that their fellow protestors should not have been gunned down so savagely by orders from high above. We had to park miles away. The roads are blocked. And we were escorted by the barricade protectors. There is no police presence. Maybe police and army can remove the oceans of obstacles but that will take days. It will be a Sisyphean task. There are not sufficient security personnel to do such a task. If they take the periphery, the protestors will wait until the security forces move into the bowels of the city to clear debris and will return to the periphery with their obstacles. When the security forces return to the periphery, the blockades will go up again

inside the city. One thing is certain, if the police show arrogance and disperse those peaceful crowds at the barricades and on the streets, it will be a terrible day for this country. My advice to the Government of Guyana is to back off. I just came from Linden. Those people are overfilled with the pain for their dead. Both APNU the AFC are accepted as genuine stakeholders. And Lindeners want their help. But these very Lindeners are going to be mad if the AFC and APNU do anything on the crisis at Linden without consulting them. I was there on Saturday night. I spoke at the meeting at Amelia’s Ward. I saw the determination shining brightly in the souls of these people and my advice to APNU andAFC is not to speak with the Government for even a second without consulting the people of Linden. If you do that, they will get angry with you. From what I saw on Saturday, it can be called the Republic of Linden. The people of Linden led by its dynamic (this guy is fiery and charismatic and can speak the language of protest) Regional Chairman, Sharma Solomon

and the Regional MP, Vanessa Kissoon are in an inflexible mood on a number of conditions. If I were to be asked for my analysis on what will happen, I would say peace and reconciliation is nowhere on the horizon if some demands are not immediately met. One is that there will not be even a minute of dialogue with President Ramotar if the electricity increase is not cancelled. Second, there will not be the acceptance of a simple transfer of officer Clifton Hicken. Third, there

has to be some sanction on Clement Rohee. This is my evaluation of the situation. It is anyone’s guess as to how it will play out because humans cannot predict the shape of the next day. I left Linden with complete love in my heart for the people there, given the love they showed and showered on all of us. I will leave you with a light moment. At Amelia’s Ward, I wanted to pee badly. I was escorted into the bush and when we were returning to the site of the meeting, someone

Frederick Kissoon shouted, “Y’all mek sure nothing happens to Freddie.” These were indeed our great Guyanese folks. Why did three of them have to die so senselessly?

Essequibo man hangs self after killing wife A 23-year-old man hanged himself after he killed his wife at Riverstown backdam on Sunday afternoon. The murdered woman is 22-year-old, Rohanie Tagewanttie, a/k “Vado”, formerly of Anna Regina Housing Scheme and of Riverstown Village, Essequibo Coast. Her husband’s name was given as Rabinandan Ramadohar a/k Ricky, 23. Tagewanttie’s sister Shalanie, a nurse, said that she learnt of her sister’s death some time after 14:30 hours yesterday. At the time of her death Tagewanttie was going to visit her son. The nurse said that her sister shared a rocky relationship with the young man who worked as a carpenter. She said that on Wednesday last, her sister and her husband had a

Rohanie Tegwanttie misunderstanding at the Anna Regina old market where he made death threats to her. She said that a report was subsequently made to the Anna Regina Police station but the young man evaded

the police. According to Shalanie, she was told that Tagewanttie, who was a saleswoman at Jaigobin’s Supermarket at Anna Regina and her husband, had a heated argument yesterday. Shalanie said that her sister was discovered buried face down in a trench. Kaieteur News understands that after killing his wife Ramadohar called her mother, Dalarie Tegwanttie, and told her, “I kill your daughter.” He was later found hanging from a mango tree. Yesterday’s killing was the first murder recorded on the Essequibo Coast for this year. The incident also reminded villagers of another gruesome killing that occurred in their community. Last year, a father gave his two young children poison before hanging himself.

Monday July 23, 2012

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CCTV footage of Linden killings believed destroyed in Secretariat Fire By Gary Eleazar A formal report of “Murder” has been lodged with Police authorities in Linden by the families of the three men who were killed on Wednesday last during protest action in the mining town. The report was lodged by families of the three persons killed on the advice of members of the Alliance For Change (AFC). Meanwhile the AFC team that visited the grieving community immediately set about taking statements from eyewitnesses. Among those statement's given was one that recounted one man taking off his white shirt and holding it up in the air indicating that someone was seriously hurt next to him and for the police to stop shooting. The injured man was one of the persons who subsequently died. There is also another equally disturbing account of how the “differently abled” teenager Selwyn

Boyea was killed. According to the eyewitnesses, police ranks were attempting to place the young man into a police vehicle when he ran away. He was allegedly shot while attempting to run and immediately slumped to the ground. But according to several of the statements issued on that particular shooting, at least one police rank stood over the injured teen on the ground and shot him dead. The AFC is seeking to secure as much evidence as possible in relation to the killings with a view to prosecution and to aid in the international inquiry. There are reports also that when the police invaded the bridge, all of the items save and except for two pieces of iron were thrown into the Demerara River. The items thrown overboard reportedly include bags of rice along with other ingredients with which several old women were using to prepare a meal.

These placards tell of the plight of Lindeners

... as formal murder report is lodged against Police

Fires raged in the streets of Linden Also thrown overboard reportedly by the police is a small generator which was used to power a stereo set that was on the Bridge. The stereo set reportedly worth over $1M was also thrown into the river. In addition to the AFC, several other high level

delegations travelled from the Capital to interact with Lindeners. They include a military envoy headed by Guyana Defence Force's Colonel Bruce Lovell; Assistant Commissioner of Police Gavin Primo, who has since assumed command of the

Division and Fire Chief Marlon Gentle. Colonel Lovell and his team met with Lindeners and one of the first requests he received was for the Army to replace the police in providing security in the area. Lovell was told that the

Lindeners prefer to have the soldiers provide security as they are more “humane.” Assistant Commissioner Primo was met with the revelation that up until late Saturday afternoon, the families of the dead were not contacted or even had a clue as to where the corpses were being kept. The new Commander immediately sought to remedy the situation. He learnt from the residents that they had no problem with most of the ranks who are station at linden and who were initially the scene before the arrival of re-enforcements from Georgetown. Fire Chief Marlon Gentle told this publication that the Fire Service has so far not been able to conduct an inquiry into the fire that razed the Linmine Secretariat. He said that initial reports suggest that the (continued on page 17)

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UNTIL THE COWS COME HOME Two peanuts walked into a bar and one was a salted. A sandwich walked into a bar. The bartender said, “Sorry, we don’t serve food in here.” A ham sandwich walked into a bar and began to order. The bartender interrupted him with, “We don’t serve ham sandwiches here.” The sandwich said, “That’s all right, I just wanted a beer.” A cow walked into a bar and when the bartender did not respond said loudly, “I said ‘Hey’ bartender.” Hay, however you pronounce it, is now passé for a bunch of French cows. If they walk into a bar, they will be staggering and will ask the bartender for some “Vin” not diesel but the real thing. In fact, a bunch of cows going into a wine bar might well be called a Cru. If they’re hopelessly middle-class they would be a Cru Bourgeois. The “back-story” as they call it now, or the meat of the thing, is that some farmers in the famous LanguedocRosselin wine-growing area of France, are now serving their cows wine to improve the quality of the meat. Discovery News reported that the idea came from the president of an association of wine, Jean-Charles Tastavy, who got the idea of plying the

cows with wine after hearing of studies in Spain and Canada that highlighted the merits of keeping animals happy to yield better meat. “For each animal, alcohol intake should be equivalent to the amount recommended by health authorities for a man, namely two or three glasses of wine a day. For cattle, it is 1 liter to 1 liter and half,” explains Tastavy. Laurent Pourcel, Michelin-starred chef, support the idea. He believes that farmers should not hesitate to produce this meat that has a “very special” texture — “beautiful, marbled, tender which caramelizes during cooking.” “She has a fine taste, very strong,” Pourcel added. “Allowed to go stale and relax, the better it is.” Pourcel has already convinced some of his confreres in a presentation made at his restaurant. “All the great Parisian restaurants will take,” predicted the chef, stressing that this meat is an outlet for farmers and growers in the region. The only downside to the wine-and-dine experiment is that the only thing more staggering than the cows is the price of a piece of

VINBOVIN (the name given to the special meat). Because two bottles of wine drive up the price by about US$18 per day, a kilo of the special beef (2.2 pounds) costs US$122. The famous Japanese “Kobe” beef, associated with the city of Kobe, is considered the most exclusive in the world and comes from some specially bred “kuroge Wagya” (black-hair) cattle. Each animal is pampered like a spoiled child. Their diets are strictly controlled but despite their aristocratic breeding they eschew wine for the plebian beer. During the final fattening process, these cattle are fed hefty quantities of “sake” (Japanese wine) and beer mash. Each animal gets a daily massage. The theory is that mellow, relaxed cows make good beef. Kobe Bryant is not so mellow about his name being used in this manner and is quite cut up about it. His beef, according to his lawyer Jeff Rundvlees is, “While we are aware the city of Kobe has been around longer than my client, Mr. Bryant has clearly become more famous and influential. I mean, just type ‘Kobe’ into Google and tell me what

Female pastor is Guyana’s latest centenarian By Abena Rockcliffe Saturday Dorothy Morris celebrated her 100th birthday. “Praises to the Great I am. He has blessed me tremendously,” said Morris as she reflected on her years. Morris who now resides at 152 Duncan Street, Newtown, said that she was a seamstress in her younger days but “more importantly, I was the first female priest at the African Methodist Episcopal.” The centenarian said that she was among the first to register marriages in Guyana. She spent her younger years “creating beautiful pieces and praising the Lord.” Morris whose maiden name was Stephen, said she never had any children of her own but acquired many along life’s journey. For her birthday, she enjoyed two church services in her honour. Around 7:00am, her church members and relatives all gathered at her home and “it was a lovely service.” Later in the day, some of her “grandchildren” held another service at her Queenstown home where she spent her marital years. Morris said that in her quite moments, “though I can’t remember all” she reflects on the happy

Dorothy Morris is an agile centenarian

moments throughout her life. “God has been kind to me.” “Not a thing isn’t wrong with me; I don’t have any ailments. I only have to change my spectacles from time to time,” Morris said proudly. Morris revealed that her husband died “quite a while back and I miss him.” She said that even though she doesn’t go to church anymore, the Minister visits every first Sunday to give her communion. Another aspect of yesterday’s celebration saw

Morris’s relatives making their contribution to Chase’s Home upon her request. Morris says that she still enjoys life. However when faced with the question if she would like to live another 10 years, the woman replied in the negative. She said that she thinks she has fulfilled her purpose on earth and is ready to join her Saviour. Asked about her message to the young, Morris said, “Know God; trust love and believe him with all your heart and even your troubles won’t harm you.

comes up first.” Rundvlees continued, “Kobe gets paid a lot of money by a lot of major companies to have his name associated with their products, and now this Japanese beef is reaping the benefits of all his hard work. I mean, if Gatorade had a flavor named Kobe and wasn’t paying him for it, we’d be suing them too.” According to the story (the authenticity of which is not as guaranteed as Kobe beef), Bryant is not demanding future compensation but instead feels that he should have the right to name the beef. When pressed for a possible alternate name he suggested, “I don’t know man. Maybe they should call it ‘Shaq’ beef since it’s really fatty.” I figure we in the Caribbean should start feeding our cows Barbados rum so that our beef could “Eclipse” the Japanese or the French. This rum diet might be particularly applicable to a situation that I have referred to several times before. Once upon a time in a village in Trinidad an old couple owned a bull and a cow. The cow produced a constant supply of milk which the old people sold and made enough money to live on. They then got the idea of buying a second cow so they could make twice the money and live even better – perhaps even a holiday in Canada.

“I always wanted to see Toronto!” the old lady said. Alas and alack, their dream of a vacation turned into a nightmare as no milk was forthcoming from the new cow. They then went to the village holy man, hoping for assistance. The old farmer explained the position, “Pundit,” he said, “this new cow is trouble. When the bull come behind she, the cow move forward. When he come by she side, she jump away. Whatever the bull do she move away from him.” The Pundit who had listened silently nodding his head sagely said, “That cow from Penal nah?” Penal is a small village in South Trinidad. The couple was

mystified. “Pundit, you is a genius. You really wise. How you know that the cow from Penal.” This time the Pundit shook his head sadly, very sadly and said, “Because my wife from Penal.” The post-script to the story is that the couple then decided to go to the veterinarian, a Barbadian, for help. Knowing his rums well he immediately knew what to prescribe. He said without a moment’s hesitation, “This definitely is a case for Cockspur.” *Tony Deyal was last seen trying to figure out the riddle, “What does the Invisible Man drink?” Evaporated milk.

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Monday July 23, 2012

Transitional House calling for more government support - says appeals to Social Services Ministry being ignored

Representative from N/A Int’l, Avia Lindie presenting the much needed items to Adams. By Leon Suseran The head of Transitional House in New Amsterdam is appealing to the government and its related agencies for more assistance. Transitional House, situated at Lot 31 Queenstown, Greater New Amsterdam, is a shelter for abuse victims as well as substance abuse victims. It was established a few years ago by recovering- addict, Mr. Eskar Adams. Adams stated that he has issued numerous calls to the Ministry of Social Services as

well as the Minister herself but these have been falling on deaf ears. His comments came as he was receiving a quantity of items from the online organisation, New Amsterdamers International, a body which assists with various needs that may arise in the town. Efforts to obtain a comment from Minister Webster proved futile. Adams expressed his gratitude for the group’s timely donation and for doing “what the Ministry (of

Human Services and Social Security) has failed to do”. “We made many requests to the Ministries pertaining to our abuse victims...one of the thing is, we have individuals coming and an influx of persons who suffered from domestic abuse and we don’t have the place to put them and they are sleeping on mats on the ground and with their children and so forth.” Adams stated that the Ministry claimed that “there is nothing they could have

done… That was last year [2011] so we kept on…The stakeholders in our community were a little reluctant.” Today, he noted, Transitional House has assisted 42 victims of domestic abuse. The donation of three bunk beds by the New Amsterdamers International will add to the three the House already has. With the television donated, the House intends to show relevant programmes and

move away from the computer screen which they were forced to use in the interim. “I am really proud of N/A International, a communityservice group with people who live abroad and who really bind together and actually made this project work.” One of the things he is indeed proud of is the collaboration with Ms. Batson and Mr. Veal and the rest of the N/A Int’l group. “We as a community stand strong to take back N/ A and take this community to a different height.” Transitional House was first started at Essex Street in the town in 2009. The House started off with drug rehabilitation and reintegration of addicts into the society “through the collaboration with Help and Shelter, with the In-School, Out- School and the domestic violence counseling. We started to get an influx of persons that seek to transition or breakaway from the abuse and my thing is, and I am really directing this to our Minister, we need more action and sustainability.” Adams added that the programme being offered at the facility is bridging the gap for individuals and he stressed that the environment is a safe one for abused victims. “The abuser cannot come inside these gates. We are

very well protected and we take care of them and help them to get jobs and their children go to school and we feed them; it is a living programme.” He stated that he spoke to Minister Jennifer Webster “personally” and “she has called me on one of the cases that were referred to us through Pandit Suresh Sugrim and she asked me to bring my files (to her office) and sit down and make an appointment with her Secretary. I did so on numerous occasions, even showed up at her office but could not reach with her.” “When she comes to Berbice, we would like tangible support. Talking is one thing, supporting the individuals is where it is at.” At present, there is a dire need for food items at the institution. “We have to feed these individuals. We are not funded by anyone or organization.” Avia Lindie, local representative of N/A Int’l made the simple donation of the three bunk beds, a flatscreen TV, a laptop computer as well as a multi-media projector. She said that Adams made a request due to constraints he was experiencing at the House, “and he doesn’t have much support from the government...so we thought it would be good to support him”. A clothing drive is also being pursued by the group.

Business community hugely affected by protest - PSC - access in and out of Linden difficult The Private Sector Commission (PSC) is calling on relevant parties to have meaningful talks on returning Linden to normalcy, taking into consideration the adverse social and economic impacts the unrest there has on the community and the country as a whole. The protest in the mining town, which on Wednesday last originally targeted electricity rates increase, has now taken into account the killing of three residentsSelwyn Boyea, Ron Somerset, and Allen Lewis- by ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF). Access in and out of Linden either from Georgetown or the Linden to Lethem trail is being impeded by protestors, who have blocked the roadways. Minibuses working from Linden and Mahdia are unable to travel to Georgetown. Hire cars located at the Linden Bus Park in the city are being used by passengers to go to the

mining town- but they could only go as far as Ameila’s Ward. However, some city hire car drivers are also affected since most of their passengers come from Linden and Mahdia. Trucks heading to the interior are forced to use river transport. This too is problematic since they have been stalled at Parika Stelling. The boat to transport them to Bartica will not be working until Tuesday. Truck drivers are peeved that Government did not put provisions in place given the hassle of travelling through Linden. A representative of the PSC stated that the protest is having a huge impact on the business community as large, medium and small businesses are closed. A major concern is that productive hours are being lost, especially in the bauxite industry. “Large supermarkets are closed while some corner shop operators who have been selling through the “side

window” are running low on stocks,” a Linden resident said late yesterday afternoon. According to the representative, the gold mining industry is affected with its sustenance being threatened. The sector depends on Linden for fuel and food but with the closure of the road, gas stations and supermarkets, essential commodities are running low.

This could see reduced operations in the mining industry, the representative stated. It was noted that this situation is not isolated to Linden, since businesses in the city that supply various materials to the industry are also affected. According to the representative, the situation in Linden needs to be

resolved quickly so that normalcy would be restored. The Commission engaged President Donald Ramotar, Leader of the Opposition, David Granger, APNU Member of Parliament Vanessa Kissoon and Region 10 Chairman, Sharma Solomon to discuss the way forward for Linden. In all the chaos, the representative said the

Commission believes there are honest intentions. Speaking on the electricity rate increase that sparked the protest, the representative said it is a management issue where proper public awareness was needed. However, the loss of lives, has changed the landscape of the issue and overshadowed the initial reason for the protest.

Linden remains a ghost town.

Monday July 23, 2012

Kaieteur News

NTN CHANNEL 18/ CABLE 69 0500h - Sign on with the Mahamrtunjaya Mantra 0515h - Meditation 0530h - Queenstown Masjid Presents Quran This Morning 0600h - R. Gossai General Store Presents Shiva Bhajans 0615h - Jettoo’s Lumber Yard Presents Shiva Bhajans 0630h - Muneshwar Limited Presents Shiva Bhajans 0645h - Double Standard Taxi Presents Shiva Bhajans 0700h - RRT Enterprise Presents Shiva Bhajans 0715h - M & M Snackette Presents Raja Yoga Discourses 0730h - Dr. Balwant Singh’s Hospital Inc Presents Shiva Bhajans 0745h - The Family of The Late Leila & David Persaud Presents Shiva Bhajans 0800h - Timehri Maha Kali Shakti Devi Mandir Presents Shiva Bhajans

0815h - NTN This Morning Live with Reyaz Husein 0930h - Indian Soap - Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 1000h - Indian Soap - Rab Se Sohna Isshq 1030h - Indian Soap - Pavitra Rishta 1100h - Indian Soap:- Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuyien 1130h - Indian Soap:- Punar Viivaah 1200h - DVD Movie:SACHAA JHUTHA (Eng: Sub:) *ing Rajesh Khanna & Mumtaz 1500h - FRINGE 1600h - Drying Tears Live with Pastor Edson 1630h - Devotional Time 1700h - Cartoons 1745h - Ganesh Parts Presents - BHAGAVAD GITA ( Discourses in English) - Serial 1815h - Birthday Greetings / Anniversary / Congratulations / Death Announcements

& In Memoriam 1830h - HARE KRISHNA TODAY 1900h - Ricks & Sari Presents Bed Time Songs Live with Joel 2000h - Health in Focus 2030h - Indian Soap - Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 2100h - Indian Soap - Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 2130h - Indian Soap - Pavitra Rishta 2200h - Indian Soap - Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuyien 2230h -.Sign off with the Gayantri Mantra DTV CHANNEL 8 08:55 hrs. Sign On 09:00 hrs. Live! With Kelly 10:00 hrs. House 11:00 hrs. The View 12:00 hrs. World News 12:30 hrs. The Young and the Restless 13:30 hrs. The Bold and the Beautiful 14:00 hrs. The Talk

15:00 hrs. Boy Meets World 16:00 hrs. Beverly Hills, 90210 17:00 hrs. MacGyver 18:00 hrs. World News 18:30 hrs. Nightly News 19:00 hrs. Greetings and Announcements 20:00 hrs. Channel 8 News 20:30 hrs. DTV’s Summer Movie Fest 23:00 hrs. Sign Off MTV CHANNEL 14/ CABLE 65 05:30 Teleview Ramadan 06:00 Islamic Perspective 06:30 The Diary 07:00 DAY BREAK ( live) 08:00 Dabi’s Musical Hour 08:30 Avon Video & DVD: Avatar 09:00 Avatar continues 09:15 Top Notch Music Break 09:30 Caribbean Temptation music break 10:00 Amanda’s music break 10:30 Double day Music break 11:00 H. Persaud music hour 11:30 Salvation Message with Pastor Kelvin 11:45 The View

Page 17

12:00 MTV Ramadan Series 12 30 The Young and The Restless 13:30 Days of our lives 14:00 Good Afternoon America 15:00 General Hospital 16:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 17:00 Birthdays & other Greetings 17:15 Death Announcements/ In Memoriam 17:30 Al Jazeera news 17:50 Slim Jet infomercial 18:00 Aracari Resort Hour 19:00 Fire fest Update 19:30 News Update 20:30 Getting it Right 21:30 English Movie: Eraser 23:00 News Update 23:30 English movie: Eraser continues NCN CHANNEL 11 02:00 – NCN Late Edition (R/ B) 02:30 – Late Nite with GINA 03:00 – Movie 05:00 – Inspiration 05:30 – Newtown Gospel

06:00 – NCN News (R/B) 06:30 – CIOG Ramadan Prog. 07:00 – Guyana Today 08:00 – Weekly Digest 08:30 – Law Enforcement & you 09:00 – Stop the Suffering 09:30 – Cartoons 10:00 – CCTV 11:00 – History 12:00 – CNN 12:30 – NCN Newsbreak 12:35 – Kala Milan 13:05 – Movie 16:00 – Cartoons 17:00 – Anderson 18:00 – NCN News Magazine – Live 18:30 – Pulse Beat 19:00 – Al Jazeera 19:30 – Feature 20:00 – 3d/daily millions/play de dream/lotto draw 20:05 – NCLO Presents 21:05 – We Linkin 21:35 – Excellence Dazzell Show 22:05 – NCN Late Edition News 22:35 – Caribbean Newsline 23:00 – Movie

CCTV footage of Linden killings ... Monday July 23, 2012 ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) You will do well in social settings, and new and interesting individuals may spark a romantic curiosity. Your fight for those less fortunate is not likely to end in sweet victory. You will have excellent ideas for changing or renovating your home. TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) Use your inventiveness to find solutions. Overindulgence could lead to problems with digestion. Escapist tendencies may lead to overindulgence. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Try not to take others for granted. Tempers could get out of hand today. You are best to work at home, clearing up overdue projects. Dream a little today. CANCER (June 22-July 22) Do not sign contracts or get involved in any uncertain financial deals. Conflicts over joint finances are likely. You may find travel to be most rewarding. LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Do what you can to help them but don't neglect your own family. Work quietly behind the scenes for best results. Spend time getting to know each other. VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Involvement in fitness clubs will be conducive to engaging romantic connections. Try not to get backed into corners. Rethink your motives and make the necessary changes to yourself.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) New interests are preoccupying your time. They didn't fully understand what was expected. Erratic behavior may confuse others, and mood swings may result in isolation. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Get involved in physical activities that will stimulate you. You will be extremely sensual; take precautions and don't take any risks. A day at the beach may satisfy the whole family. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 Dec. 21) Consider applying for a job in another part of the world. Deal with the needs of children and get into groups that deal with self awareness. Get help to finish a project if you need it. CAPRICORN (Dec 22.Jan. 20) Do not overspend on entertainment. Travel will be exciting. Try to deal with the problems of those less fortunate; however, don't allow them to make unreasonable demands. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Go out with friends and avoid the situation on the home front. You may feel a need to make changes to your legal documents. However, you must not neglect your family. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Opportunities to meet new lovers will come through pleasure trips or social events. Unexpected bills will leave you a little short.

From page 11 building may have been attacked. Gentle indicated that the ranks have seen shards of glass but it could not be ascertained if Molotov Cocktails (Channa Bomb) were used. Gentle said that as soon as some normalcy is returned to the region, the Fire Service will be in a position to better ascertain the cause of the blaze. The fire at the Linmine Secretariat on the night of the shooting has reportedly destroyed a significant amount of video evidence also. There are at least two Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras that have been mounted to monitor the toll booth area for the Bridge. That was the area where the police approached the protestors and opened fire. These recordings however were housed in the burnt out Secretariat building. Following the two massive rallies held in the region on Saturday Night the streets across the Community remained barricaded with fires

littering the roadway. The Kara Kara Bridge was thoroughly blocked as is every other major road in the area. Lindeners on Sunday morning awoke to a similar scene as the debris that had

been cleared in the wee hours of the morning were replaced and again set alight. Lindeners vowed to continue the struggle with the blockades expected to reach Bamia out on the Soesdyke Linden Highway.

Page 18

Kaieteur News

Teenager’s skull crushed... From page 8 scheme’ he hear a step fall down pon Travis. So I get up immediately and I drive over. When I come over I see Travis fold up under this step. A few friends help we prize up dis step and we pull he out,” Arnold said. Owner of the unfinished house Tony Khrishna, a cousin of the dead man, said that he began construction of the property in March. He said that yesterday he was on his way to the property with the contractor when he received a telephone call from his brother who was already there. “When I come, the step was still there, so we had to gather people to remove the step from off him. I was told that he (Travis) was cleaning up here for us to work today and the step fall down,” Khrishna said.

He laid the blame squarely at the feet of his contractor. “It is substandard work, yeah, because you can see the steel at the bottom instead of the middle. And if the contractor had put something to support the step, that could have helped. I really feel disappointed,” Khrishna stated. He said that the contractor who was at the scene yesterday morning and saw what happened has since disappeared. He told this newspaper that in light of the tragedy he will sell the unfinished property. “I will just shut everything down and sell it out. I will never live here, trust me,” he stated. A post mortem examina t i o n w i l l b e performed on Mangal’s body today to confirm the cause of his death.

(From page 19)

VEHICLES FOR SALE Quantum Auto. In stock Toyota Premio, Allion, Spacio, Fielders and Raums Fully loaded 624-7684,617-2378

LAND FOR SALE 1 ½ acre, 48ftx1300ft V/Hoop Call: 627-9351

Lexus IS200,Honda CR-V Both fully loaded PKK series, price negotiable Safraz 6747576, 633-5062 GX110 Toyota Mark 2 PJJ Series Call Owner 644-6608

Transported land at Soesdyke access to both river & public road Call:2615146,261-5020,675-1671 2 house lots at Blakenburg Public road W.C .D, 38 x 150 ,39 x 150 ,$18M each call:658-0132

MASSAGE American style massage service Call: 609-4036 Massage Therapy..!! You come to us or we come to you Call:622-6256

VACANCY Be part of our world class customer care team.Call:2200401-3 or Email: recruitment Guyana @qualfon.com One driver salesman, must have lorry on licence Call: 220-1500,614-4626 Lot 605 Diamond New Scheme 4th Street, general maid to live in & live out Age 35-40 Call:642-0176 Aracari Resort, maintenance staff able body, security, experience cook, Apply in person or call:264-3312,2642946 Vacancy for plant shop attendant 18-28 years. Hard working! Call:648-1821 Apply with written application, two references & police clearance, Manager NS Trucking & grocery supplies Call:227-7350

FOR RENT 1 shop located at 66 Broad street Charlestown between Russel & Adelaite , call:6617527, 225-8305 FABS RENTAL, cars & jeeps rental call:6006890 or email fabsrental@yahoo.com Upper-flat in New road, Vreed-En-Hoop $40,000- 3 bedrooms, unfurnished, complete set up. Call: 2274764 1 Bedroom apartment single or couple Christian person located Queenstown Call:619-1307, 227-2154 CAR RENTAL Progressive auto rental, cars from $4,000 per day. Call: 6435122, 656-0087, www.progressiveautorental.com Premio,110Corolla.Call:679-7139 Al’s Car pick up, canter rental Call:698-7807

Monday July 23, 2012

Rohee dismisses call for his resignation Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee, has admitted to having a strategy/briefing session with the Commissioner of Police (ag) Leroy Brummel and then Commander of the E&F Division, Clifton Hickens, among others, on the day before the shooting in Linden. He explained that he wanted a briefing on what the Police would have been gearing for, on the day of the protest and their approach in dealing with the day’s activities. The Minister with oversight for the Guyana Police Force said that he was given “all assurances” that no live rounds would have been be used on the day of the planned protest. The Minister was at the time giving a ‘Situation Update’ which was televised live on the National Communications Network (NCN) last night. The Minister vehemently denied making any contact with the Commander during the lead up to the fracas, which has since left three dead and dozens injured. He was adamant that his communications on the day of the protest and subsequent shooting was with the Commissioner. Rohee sought to explain that it would have been impossible for him to even connect with Hicken via radio, as the equipment simply could not do this. He spoke of the different frequencies used by the Guyana Police Force’s radio network and said that it was

- says “My conscience is very clear on this matter…I will not run in a cupboard and hide” impossible for him to connect with Hicken “on the radio.” Police followed rules… The Minister said that based on the video footage of the incident that he has seen thus far, the police “up to a point,” were following the Standard Operating Procedures set out. The Minister in expanding the SOPs for police engagement with the protestors said, that firstly, a banner must be drawn up, instructing the crowd to disperse. This was clearly done as there is video footage showing two police ranks donning a banner with the instruction “disperse or we will open fire.” The Minister said that the Commander, according to the rules of engagement is then required to “use a loudhailer” to read out a declaration. According to the Minister, up until the shooting of the tear-gas, the actions of the police appear to be in accordance with the SOPs. From this point where the shots are heard according to the Minister, the video footage gets vague and he is unable to determine what transpired at that point in time. Asked about the use of force, the Minister said the question is better suited for an expert in the law enforcement field, but from as “a lay person” he suggested that the force used, should be

Hire car driver dies in Coverden collision T h e c o u n t r y ’s r o a d fatality figure increased further when Dodston Jacobs of Haslington, East Coast Demerara was killed after his car collided with two other vehicles on the Coverden Public Road, shortly after 20:00 hours last night. According to an eyewitness, Jacobs was driving a white Toyota Carina bearing license plate number HB 9259. He was heading north when he slammed into a “blue car” which was going in the opposite direction. His vehicle then suffered

a “blowout” and slammed into a yellow ‘Airport taxi’ driven by 43-year-old Timothy Ramdas of Lot 33 Kuru Kururu, Linden Soesdyke Highway. Ramdas’ father told Kaieteur News that his son was heading home at the time of the incident. And while he did not know much, he said his son is nursing wounds at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre. The eyewitness commented that Ramdas was conscious and his condition did not appear too serious before he was taken to the hospital.

commensurate with the “activities that is taking place.” The Minister was adamant that he in no way, form or fashion had anything to do with the shooting and that further, he had a “clear conscience on the matter.” “He is the one that has to exercise the judgment,” said Rohee in reference to Senior Superintendent Clifton Hicken. The Minister said that it was Commander Hicken who was empowered to make the decision of what level of force to use against the Lindeners on Wednesday last. The Minister said that he is certain that the then E&F Commander would have had a host of factors to consider before making a decision on the level of force. He suggested that he as Minister would not be in a position to pronounce on whether Commander Hicken felt that the lives of his ranks were under threat, “because a justification has to be given for the use of force….but I wouldn’t want to speculate at this point I time…I was not on the ground, I don’t know what was operating in the Commander’s head. Asked about Hicken’s removal from Commanding the E&F Division, Rohee said that it was merely Standing Operating Procedure at work. “In a situation like that where people are killed, it is necessary that you extricate from the theater of operation the person or persons who were in association…That is a Standard Operational Procedure,” he declared. The Minister explained that “events moved so quickly” and by the time he had gotten around to the matter, there had already been arranged meetings with a presidential and opposition delegation. The matter was raised and according to Rohee dealt with within 24 hours.

The Minister of Home Affairs announced that Assistant Commissioner of Police Gavin Primo has since replaced Hicken in the E&F Division. Hicken has since been transferred to Police Headquarters, according to Rohee. Asked about calls for the removal of the Commander from the Police Force entirely, the Minister said that this was not something that he could even do. Rohee said that as Minister, he cannot remove Hickens as he is a Gazzetted Officer and his removal from the Force has to be dealt with at the level of the Police Service Commission Responding to calls for his resignation as Home Affairs Minister, Rohee said that he will stand by the words of the President. “I stand by what the President said...I wasn’t there, I didn’t given any instructions oral or otherwise.” The Minister said that he was rather pleased to see the police issue a release clarifying that the operation at Linden had no political directives. “We don’t have security of tenure,” said Rohee, as he reaffirmed that he serves under Ramotar and “I will stand firmly behind his statement.” Rohee repeated the section of his Oath of Office related to serving the people without fear or favour, prejudice or ill will and said that he is going to continue to serve as Minister as long as Ramotar will have him. “My conscience is very clear on this matter…I will not run in a cupboard and hide. The Minister was said that he is prepared to face a Commission of Inquiry adding that “I have a clear conscience…when I go before the Commission I will have a clear conscience.” He said that the Commission will decide and he will “let the chips fall where they may.”

Subscriber wins legal.... From page 7 contravention of the provisions of the “telecommunications act of 1990”. Samuels then moved to the courts seeking an injunction against the telecommunication company, restraining them or its servant, agents from interfering with his use of the DSL service for the VOIP service as an accessory to the internet service available to users in Guyana and aboard. Further, Samuels in his legal proceedings declared that there was a breach of contract executed between him and the defendant (GT&T) for the provision of DSL service for his premises. Samuels was seeking damages in excess of $1,000,000 (one million) for the breach of contract whereby he said he suffered loss and damage because of the disruption. Several issues arose for consideration in this action. The main thrust of the defendant’s case is that the plaintiff was in breach of the DSL contract he entered with them. Samuels contended that he merely signed an application form for the provision of the DSL service and was not provided with a written contract setting out the terms and conditions of such service at the time he made the application. Justice Persaud in his decision stated that having regard to all the inconvenience, the appropriate award would be $850,000.

Monday July 23, 2012

Kaieteur News


WANTED 1 Domestic worker must know to cook Mon-Sat 7:00am-3:00pm $15,000 30-45 yrs 628-6160 or 227-8998 (Richie) Experience driver apply Hack’s Halaal in person with written application. 5 Commerce Street Live in/live out babysitter/ domestic. Call: 225-0188, 225-6070 Experienced Sales Representatives, Apply Wieting & Richter Limited 1 Baby sitter to work in the interior Call:697-1513 EXCAVATOR OPERATOR, MECHANIC (PERKINS & BEDFORD),TRUCK DRIVER (MODEL M & TM) CONTACT: 223-5273-4. Porters to work at grocery stall Stabroek Market Call:226-9800, Experience is an asset. 1 Watch man,1 Yard man Please Call:223-5273-4 Larry/ Leanand Taxi Drivers Call:2253234,614-8022 One live in maid and live out Call:668-3985,253-3149,2643355-56 Experience roti/puri cooks, pastry makers, curry cooks, counter servers & cleaners. Apply Hacks’s Halaal 5 Commerce Street. Security/Watchman, call 225-6070,225-0188 Refrigeration A/C ,washer technician,231-0655,6838734

SALON Make up courses, artist trained & certified in Trinidad: 660-5257,647-1773 Cosmetology Classes & Small Classes from as low as $4,000.Learn in our peaceful & happy environment Call: 226-9448 Summer special from July 16-August 31 in C o s m e t o l o g y, N a i l s & Make-up Call Abby 2161950,666-5241,619-7603 LEARN TO DRIVE Soman & Sons Driving School,First Federation Building Call:225-4858,6445166,622-2872,615-0964

American pool table 2770578

PROPERTY FOR SALE 1-3 bedroom house,going business spot (newly renovate), Bloomfield Public Road,Berbice Call: 690-6520, 642-0110 Charlestown $ 12M,East Bank $12M, Albertown $30M, Section K $28M call Diana 227-2256, 626-9382 Property for sale at South Ruimveldt, Lamaha Spring Call:695-6090

TO LET Furnished executive two bedroom suite in Diamond. Ideal for foreigners. Call:6092466 Fully furnished short term apartments, Eccles. Call:6797139 Diamond $80,000,Albertown US$750,Campbellville US$1250,Nandy Park US$1800 call Diana,2272256,626-9382

One business property Brickery Public Road, East Bank Demerara call:660-8128 Property @ Covent Garden $9.5M Negotiable Call:2653227,651-8931 Mon Repos $21M, Samatha Point $3.5M, Business property Church Street US$600,000, Business property Hairuni, Linden Highway $30M Steve 6995490 Agricola $21M, McDoom Public Road double lot property $40M, Shell Road Kitty $55M Steve 699-5490

40x30 space in Greater Georgetown call:613-0448

WANTED Drivers with Lorry Licence, Apply Wieting & Richter Limited. East Coast GUYOIL (day & night) pump attendants, sales girls, Managers, house keepers, Office assistants call: 684-2838, 647-9313 Responsible hire car drivers call:231-7475 Domestic & Nanny, call: 6777123. Between: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM 1 general maid from within the East Bank area. Call:6268003, 227-8529 Excavator operator to work in mining area Call:649-5812

Anchorseal Call:BR&T Paint Store 265-3541,695-4785 Champion pure breed rottweilers pups, parents imported, grandparents are International Champions from dog show Arena Call: 685-2584 John Dickinson Exercise Books (Large Quantity) wholesale only Call:6191105,622-3766 1-DOOSAN EXCAVATOR, 1-290 DAYOU EXCAVATOR, IN E X C E L L E N T CONDITION, CAN BE INSPECTED AT ITABALLI CONTACT:223-5273-4. V8 Titan 2005 4 wheel drive automatic $3.5M Call Gary :275-0028 Dell computers complete with 17 & 19 inch LCD from $50,000 Future Tech 231-2206 1 Bobcat & trailor Call:6460101 Ducklings ( French & Peeking ), call:658-0497 One 15 Hp Yamaha long foot Call: 689-5254 or 643-0332 Brandnew American made Crosely 10.5 cu ft Refridgerator for sale $75,000.697-5677 Custom printed paper cups Call:231-8819,613-5645 1 Crown Amp Macro Tech 5000 2VZ,1 RMX QSC 1450 Call: 614-1398 Large bobcat skid steer 3000 lbs capacity $3.8M Call Gary 275-0028

Apartments, call:667-1549 Newly built apartment on the West Coast Demerara Call:698-6496

One industrial electrician, one electrical rewinder: 6925175, 263-5488 One experienced fitter/ machinist please call 6246391,222-2475 Excavator operators, mechanics & service men to work in the interior. Contact 226-9768, 629-0037 Male wanted to work in an interior location, age 22-30, salary $70,000 Call:622-8520 Labourers and Porters, Apply Wieting & Richter Limited. Driver for contract with minibus licence Call:675-3093 Two honest washbay attendants to work. For immediate employment Call:227-5169 Lorry drivers to work labourlorry at Enmore and L.B.I Estate. Call: 628-1756, 228-5655

Courses in cake decoration, pastry making & cookery, tel: 670-0798. Wedding dresses for sale & rental. FOR SALE/RENT

FOR SALE 1 225 KVA Generator, 1 Hiace Canter, Premio, 3 light towers, car batteries Call:6242000

EDUCATIONAL Princeton College Summer Classes,Primary/Secondary School,Students Age 618,CXC Adults Classes,Affordable Fees Call:690-5008,611-3793 Filling Canadian & US visa or inquiries, call: 225-4091/ 617-5777/612-5860 between 9AM-5PM,MondaySaturday SUMMER CLASSES:Come learn to do tips,hand design,make up and poised $10,000 Call:226-9448,6287880 Learn Spanish Easy Call:6731232 Imperial College-Jan / June CXC 2013. Full time/Lessons /Adults classes. Payment packages & discounts available. Call: 683-5742, 2277627

Spares for washer, microwaves, fridges, stovetimers, gear boxes, pumps , etc. contact 225-9032, 6472943 Kia sportage 2002 cow milage $2M, Call Gary :2750028 Foreign use engines 55-332 Cummings, 6 Bt call Anil:615-3023 Games for PS2 $900, PSP $ 900, PS3 $2600, Xbox 360 $ 2600, call:672-2566, 265-3231 Honda gas tank along with starting cord assemble, call: 627-7835 New shipment 2.5 ton pallet jacks Call:614-8564 Blowout Sale on all 2700 & 3100 PSI Honda Powered Pressure Washers Call:6148564 Toyota Starlet EP71 Call:6482075 Cement Mixer ,just imported, one small Canadian made electrical cement mixer, price US$900, call John:225-2455

Page 19

SERVICES Permanent &Visitors Visa Applications Professional Immigration Consultant Sabita - Room E-4 Maraj Building 225-6496/ 223-8115/662-6045. We refill HP cartridges for $1800 Call: 650-7699 We repair fridge, freezer, AC, washer, dryer Call:2310655,683-8734 Omar

VEHICLES FOR SALE 2007 Toyota Ractis $2.7M, 2004 Mazda RX8 $2.8M, Never Registered Call:617-2891 Toyota Hilux pick-up, solid DEF, 4X4 long base, diesel, excellent condition Call: 6230243 Unregistered 2005 Raum $2,400,000,1999 Raum $1,950,000,2005 Tacoma Isuzu Truck $2,400,000 solid Deff pickup Call:227-1737

Repairs, sales & spares, air conditioning, microwaves, washer, fridges & stoves. Ultra Cool:225-9032, 647-2943

1 Toyota Pick up V6. Call: 642-4779

HOUSE PLAN DRAFTING FOR ONLY $10,000 CALL:694-9843 Done to any kind satellite dishes,Amazonous FTA Boxes, CW800S, AZEVOL receivers call:609-7363, 683-7167

Nissan Wingroad Wagon, Toyota Runx; 612-2522, 6455893

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Page 20

Kaieteur News

Humphrey ousts defending GBTI Open Champion Gentle & Sukra have epic battle

Carol Humphrey

Shawna Gentle

The women stole the show on Saturday at the GBTI Open as Berbician Carol Humphrey first ousted defending champion Aruna Ramrattan in straight sets, while Shawna Gentle edged Krystal Sukra in what was the best match of the tournament so far in the other Ladies semi-final match. In the first semi-final, veteran Humphrey exacted some revenge for last year’s loss to Ramrattan as she won in straight sets 6-1 6-4. An out of sorts Ramrattan could not find a way to compete with Humphrey in the first set as the veteran came out firing with a 5-0 lead before closing it off 6-1 . Ramrattan showed some fight in the second set as she cut down on the errors and prolonged points against the tiring Humphrey, but Humphrey always stayed a step ahead and pulled off the win to book her place in the Finals. The second semi-final match saw a slugfest between the number one seed Shawna Gentle and fellow junior Krystal Sukra as they put on a high quality performance, with Sukra in particular hitting a lot of forehand winners as she took the first set 6-4. Gentle displayed grit as she successfully counterattacked and made Sukra have to hit many shots to win a point as the pair went toe to toe in their battle. Gentle forced a deciding set when she fought back from 3-1 to take the second set 6-4. In the final set, it was all about who wanted it more and both players gave it their all as they repeatedly went for broke on their groundstrokes with the occasional approach to net. In the end Gentle was able to secure the critical break to go ahead 5-3 and despite

saving 4 match points, Sukra was not able to recover and lost 6-3. The pair will meet again in the Girl’s 18 finals, while Gentle will take on Humphrey in the Ladies finals. In the Men’s 45 Doubles, Omar Persaud/ Godfrey Lowden booked their place in the finals against Carlos Adams/Wayne Alphonso when they defeated the Russian pair of Victor Devchanko/V Permyakov 6-2 6-2 in an entertaining match, while Leyland Leacock/ Barckoy Gilbert advanced to the Men’s Double finals with an easy 6-2 6-0 win over Benedict Sukra/Khalif Gobin. In the Novice category Seweon McGarrell posted wins over Celeste Bradford and Vini Aaron to book a place in the finals where he was to take on Russian Victor Devchanko who defeated David Dewar 6-3. RESULTS FOR SATURDAY 21ST JULY 2012 Novice Quarter Final - Seweon McGarrell defeated C Bradford 6-3 Novice Semi Final - Victor Demchanko defeated Aubrey Dewar 6-3 Novice Semi Final - Seweon McGarrell defeated Vini Aaron 6-0 Ladies Semi-Final - Carol Humphrey defeated Aruna Ramrattan (2) 6-1 6-4 Ladies Semi-Final - Shawna Gentle (1) defeated Krystal Sukra 4-6 6-3 6-3 Men’s Doubles - Leyland Leacock/Gilbert Barckoy defeated Benedict Sukra/Khalif Gobin 6-2 6-0 Men’s 45 Doubles - Godfrey Lowden/ Omar Persaud defeated Victor Devchanko/V Permyakov 6-2 6-2.

Wiggins becomes Britain’s first Tour de... From back page consolidated his overall lead with an awe-inspiring performance in the individual time trial on stage nine before Team Sky rode defensively in the mountains. Only Froome appeared to be able to unsettle Wiggins, but the Kenyan-born rider was ordered by Team Sky to stay put after accelerating in the ascent to La Toussuire in the Alps. Froome was again close to giving in to temptation in the Pyrenees, when he repeatedly gained a few meters on Wiggins in the climb to Peyragudes, urging his team leader to follow the

pace with conspicuous hand gestures. Wiggins refused to be drawn into controversy, but sports director Sean Yates later acknowledged he had asked Froome not to move away from his team mate. Wiggins, however, set the record straight in the final time trial on Saturday when he won with a 1:16 advantage over Froome, who had expressed his frustration in the media at having to bow to his fellow Briton and risk his own Tour chances. Froome may be given his opportunity to lead next year. Belgium-born Wiggins in

contrast showed his dedication to the team when he led Cavendish to a massive sprint finish in the 18th stage and on the finale. Finishing one and two in the Tour and boasting the world champion was unimaginable for British cycling fans just a few years ago, when road cycling was viewed as a minority sport. Britain’s Team Sky only came into being three years ago. “The whole country wants to say well done, brilliant, the perfect backdrop and start to the Olympics,” British Prime Minister David Cameron said.

Monday July 23, 2012

England flounder after Amla’s record-breaking triple AFP – LONDON: A triple century by Hashim Amla and four strikes by South Africa’s bowlers had England reeling on the fourth day of the first Test match at the Oval on Sunday. Amla made 311 not out as South Africa made 637 for two declared; a first innings lead of 252. England were 102 for four at the close, needing another 150 runs to avoid an innings defeat. Amla and Jacques Kallis (182 not out) batted with relentless concentration and skill as they put on an unbeaten 377 for the third wicket, a record for any wicket in matches between England and South Africa. Whereas England had taken only one wicket in more than 13 hours of play between the early dismissal of Alviro Petersen on Friday and the tourists’ declaration at tea on Sunday, the hosts were almost immediately in trouble in their second innings. First innings centurymaker Alastair Cook was caught behind off Vernon Philander off the eighth ball of the innings without scoring — the third

opening batsman in the match to be dismissed for a duck. Dale Steyn then produced a superb away swinger to have Jonathan Trott caught behind. Kevin Pietersen played some bold strokes, hitting three boundaries in an innings of 16 before he played down the wrong line against Morne Morkel and had his middle stump knocked out of the ground. England captain Andrew Strauss battled for more than two hours, making 27, before he topedged a sweep against legspinner Imran Tahir and was caught at square leg. Ian Bell and Ravi Bopara batted out the day but will resume on Monday with England still needing a big effort to avoid defeat in the first match of a threematch series. Amla had earlier become the first South African to hit a Test triple century. The country’s previous highest score was 278 not out by AB de Villiers against Pakistan in Abu Dhabi in 2010-11. He batted for a total of 13 hours and nine minutes, facing 529 balls and hitting 35 fours, and gave only

one difficult chance, to Strauss at slip off Ravi Bopara on Friday afternoon, when he was on 40. England set ultradefensive fields but could not halt the flow of runs. With Amla on 299, England captain Andrew Strauss brought the field up to stop a single but the batsman played a rare lofted drive for four over cover off Tim Bresnan to earn a prolonged standing ovation from the crowd. Kallis reached his 43rd Test century in measured style off 227 balls but then went on the attack as South Africa took the match far beyond England’s reach. At the declaration he had faced 326 balls and hit 23 fours and a six. Although it was Kallis’s eighth century against England, it was only his second in four tours of the country. Amla reached his double century off 392 balls and needed only another 123 deliveries to reach 300 with his 35th boundary. Scores: England 385 and 102 for 4 (Bell 14*, Bopara 15*) trail South Africa 637 for 2 dec (Amla 311*, Kallis 182*) lead by 150 runs.

Five Guyanese advance to finals at... From back page Caribbean title in the Boys U15 final. This year Joseph found himself peering down the eyes of defeat after losing the first two games 9/11, 8/11 in the three-best-of-five encounter. But that must have been the motivation that the 15-year-old fourth form Christ Church student needed as won he the next two games 11/8, 11/2 to even the match and force a fifth game. Joseph gave his coach and teammates a scare of cardiac arrest proportions once again as Patrick pulled away late in the fifth and got game ball at 10/7. Once again Joseph stared adversity in the face, held his composure and won five consecutive points (12/10) to progress to the finals. Last year ’s girls U15 runner up Larissa Wiltshire returned to the final in that category once again this year after overpowering Trinidad and Tobago Faith Gillezeau 11/ 4, 11/8, 11/4. The Queen’s College student is the number one seed in the category which was won by her older sister Akeila last year. Larissa Wiltshire will have to defeat two-time junior

CASA champion Alyssa Mullings of Jamaica to claim her maiden title. Mullings, the Jamaican national U15 champion defeated Guyanese under 15 champion Taylor Fernandes 11/8, 11/2, 11/9 in the semi-final. Under 15 campaigners Benjamin Mekdeci and Patrick Fraser both lost their semi-final encounters and will play each other for third place. After some inspiring play in the first two rounds, Rebecca Low was eliminated from the Girls U13 semi-final. National U19 champion Jason Ray-Khalil was also eliminated in the U19 semifinal by Noah Browne, who had defeated Steven Xavier in the quarter finals. JUNIOR CASA DAY 2 RESULTS Girls Under 13 Rebecca Low Lost To Amanda Haywood 2 - 11, 2 11, 3 – 11 Girls Under 15 Larissa Wiltshire Beat Faith Gillezeau 11 - 4, 11 - 8, 11 - 4 Taylor Fernandes Lost To Alyssa Mullings8 - 11, 2 - 11, 9 - 11 Boys Under 15 Patrick Fraser Lost To Julian Jervis 11 - 13, 3 - 11, 1 11

Benjamin Mekdeci Lost To Jason Doyle 12 14, 5 - 11, 3 - 11 Girls Under 17 Victoria Arjoon Beat Mary Mahfood 8 - 11, 11 - 8, 11 - 4, 11 - 3 Akeila Wiltshire Lost To Charlotte Knaggs 11 - 13, 8 11, 8 - 11 Boys Under 17 Nyron Joseph Beat Nku Patrick 9 - 11, 8 - 11, 11 - 8, 11 - 2, 12 - 10 Jean Claude Jeffrey Lost To D’vario Thompson 11 - 8, 8 - 11, 5 - 11, 8 - 11 Boys Under 19 Jason Ray Khalil Lost To Noah Browne 2 - 11, 10 - 12, 8 - 11 Girls Under 19 Mary Fung A Fat Beat Kristina Myren 11 - 3, 11 - 1, 11 - 6 Ashley DeGroot Beat Eilidh Bridgeman 11 - 8, 6 - 11, 12 - 10, 11 - 3 Boys Under 13 Plate Shomari Wiltshire Lost To Shemane Griffith 11 - 9, 4 - 11, 11 - 4, 8 - 11, 9 - 11 Boys Under 19 Plate Steven Xavier Beat Josh Mahfood 9 - 11, 11 - 2, 11 - 9, 13 - 15, 11 - 7 Girls Under 17 Plate Gabrielle Fraser Won By Default Against Gylla McKenzie

Monday July 23, 2012

Kaieteur News

HRC host successful Fitness Walk

Participants going through some stretches led by Fitness Instructor Curtis McKenzie at the National Park yesterday. With the aim of adding their bit to the national call for Guyanese to adopt healthy lifestyles, the Hugh Ross Classic Committee yesterday held a fitness walk around the outer circuit of the National Park to encourage their fellow to maintain such a positive attitude towards remaining healthy. Led by Hugh Ross and Banks DIH Non Alcoholic Brand Manager Clayton McKenzie, the dozens of participants decked out in their Malta Supreme tee shirts stated that they enjoyed the early morning walk which started at the National Park saw them going East along Thomas Lands, North into J.B Singh H i g h w a y, We s t i n t o Carifesta Avenue, South

into Camp Street, East into Lamaha Street, North into Albert Street ending at the starting point. Popular Fitness Instructor Curtis McKenzie then took the participants through some light stretches, a session which they also enjoyed. Also among the group yesterday was Popular TV News Anchor and Manager of Capitol News, Enrico Woolford who complimented Banks DIH and the organisers for bringing off the event which he said was refreshing. Clayton McKenzie and Ross and thanked all those who turned out for the walk and encouraged them to continue along a similar vein. Attention will now turn

towards the finals of the 3rd Hugh Ross Classic Body Building and Fitness Show set for the National Cultural Centre on Saturday with muscle flexing time set for 19:00hrs. The best male and female athletes in Guyana drawn from the Ancient County of Berbice, West Demerara, East Bank Demerara, Linden and Georgetown will be seeking to first win their respective categories then stake their claim to win the overall crown; the male winners clashing for that accolade and bragging rights. Tickets are already on sale at the National Cultural Centre, Buddy’s Gym and Fitness Planet at $2500, $2000 and $1000.

Access granted Jamaica Observer BIRMINGHAM, England – The way has been cleared for greater co-operation between the Jamaican media contingent and the management for the track and field team here preparing for the Olympic Games that get underway later this week. Yesterday morning team leader Donald Quarrie, men’s team manager Ludlow Watts, and female team manager Merlene ‘Terry’ Hamilton, met with members of the media and ironed out the impasse created earlier when reporters were denied access to either the team or the officials. The meeting was at Lucas

House at the University of Birmingham where the athletes are housed for the two week camp. Quarrie, who fielded questions on the technical aspects of the camp, said they were “happy to meet with the media” in what was a relaxed atmosphere lasting nearly an hour, 20 minutes or so of which was just informal chat about track and field. Members of the Jamaican media who had arrived here since Tuesday were not allowed access to the training facilities which saw increased security as the week went on, causing some amount of friction between both groups.

Donald Quarrie Yesterday morning, after about three days of calling back and forth between both camps, Quarrie called the Observer team to set up a meeting at Lucas House.

Page 21

German GP: Fernando Alonso wins tense race at Hockenheim Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso beat Red Bull’s Sebastian Vettel and McLaren’s Jenson Button in a close fight to win the German Grand Prix. The Spaniard became the only man to win three times so far this season. He drove a controlled race and stayed just far enough ahead of his pursuers to maintain the lead. Button climbed up from sixth on the grid to pass Vettel at the second pit stops but was re-passed with two laps to go. However, the Englishman was promoted to second place after race stewards gave Vettel a 20-second penalty for his overtake of Button on the penultimate lap. Lewis Hamilton retired with gearbox damage after running well down the field following an early puncture. But he will not incur any penalty for a gearbox change because of his retirement. The result extends Alonso’s championship lead to 34 points ahead of Red Bull’s Mark Webber who had a low-key race to eighth place, never showing any real pace. Alonso said: “It was tough, not an easy race. Maybe we were not the quickest in dry conditions but we were competitive and it was enough to maintain the lead. “Great strategy calls from the team to keep me ahead through the pit stops. I knew it would be a long race to the end, with Jenson putting pressure. “But the car was feeling good on top speed and traction and that was enough to keep the lead into Turn 6, and after that overtaking is not so easy.” The only consolation for Hamilton on the occasion of his 100th grand prix was that

Ferrari Formula One driver Fernando Alonso of Spain holds a bottle of champagne after winning the German F1 Grand Prix the McLaren showed encouraging pace following a major performance upgrade. At one stage, Hamilton unlapped himself on Vettel although not Alonso - as he attempted vainly to recover from his early set-back. A move which angered the double world champion. Alonso was never very far in front but was always able to stay just far enough ahead of first Vettel and then Button to ensure they could not use their DRS overtaking aids to pass him into the hairpin at Turn 6. It led to a tense grand prix in which the identity of the winner was always in doubt until Alonso took the chequered flag. The Ferrari made a lightening start from pole position and although Vettel quickly closed up the initial gap Alonso had built on the first lap, the Spaniard was able to pull clear before their first pit stops to ensure he held the lead into the second stint. Meanwhile, Button was fighting past Hulkenberg and then Schumacher, to move quietly into third place. Vettel emerged from his first pit stop five seconds ahead of Button

but the McLaren closed remorselessly on the Red Bull and passed the German by making his second stop a lap earlier. Vettel emerged from the pits to find Button on his outside on the run to Turn 2, and the McLaren easily took the position. Button was rarely more than a second behind Alonso from then until the end of the race but the Ferrari driver was always in control and in the closing laps he stretched away as Button began to lose grip in his rear tyres. Rather than try to take the lead, Button had to spend the closing laps fighting off a late challenge from Vettel, who passed him at the Turn 6 hairpin on the penultimate lap. Raikkonen provided some exciting racing as he moved up from 10th on the grid. On the way, Raikkonen engaged in top-class racing with Mercedes driver Michael Schumacher and the Force Indias of Nico Hulkenberg and Paul di Resta. Schumacher finished seventh behind Sauber drivers Kamui Kobayashi and Sergio Perez. Hulkenberg and Di Resta took the final points positions in ninth and 10th.

GETTING SHARP! Sprint phenom... From page 22 However, it soon became evident that Bolt was suffering from an injury, which forced his coach Glen Mills to withdraw him from the Diamond League meet in Monaco, which was held last Friday. Bolt’s outstanding world records stand at 9.58 seconds for the 100m and 19.19 seconds for the 200 metres. M e a n w h i l e , representatives of Bolt and training partner Blake have both shot down suggestions that the Olympic champion has asked to train on his own. Norman Peart, Bolt’s manager, and Cubie Seegobin, Blake’s agent, have both poured cold water on suggestions that there might be a rift between the two protagonists for the

sprint crown at the London Olympic Games which start next week in London. Reports surfaced earlier this week that Bolt had asked to train by himself at the University of Birmingham Munrow track and field complex. The Jamaican team has been training behind heavy security at the recently re-laid university track. Peart, however, told the Jamaica Observer in a telephone interview from Kingston on Friday night that the suggestions are “rubbish”, as he had spoken to the athlete only hours before and there were no problems with his relationship with his teammates or Racers training partner.

Saturday Seegobin, who was in Birmingham, echoed Peart’s sentiments, adding that such a rumour is “garbage”. “You guys have no idea how close these two athletes are and people would be surprised,” Seegobin told the Sunday Observer. Meanwhile, impeccable sources told the Sunday Observer that reports of a hip injury to sprint relay pool member Schillonie Calvert were not true. The source said Calvert, who was fifth in the 100m at the National Trials and is making her first Olympic team, participated in relay practice Saturday morning, training with the men’s team and was running at full blast without any discomfort.

Page 22

Kaieteur News

Pleasant interaction as World renowned bodybuilder, Hugh Ross, hosts interactive night

Mr. Ross (3rd right) smiles broadly while posing with members of the weightlifting and bodybuilding fraternity. It isn’t often that Guyanese can ‘chuck’ a chest in the air and proudly hail local stalwarts. Indeed, there have been quite a few, most notably in the boxing arena when Andrew ‘Sixhead’ Lewis distinguished himself among his peers several years ago with a knockout victory over James Page that earned him the WBA welterweight belt.

During this time, Hugh Arlington Ross, a local bodybuilder of world renown was practicing his trade and procuring prestigious honours for Guyana. Among his many accolades is the coveted 2010 Mr. Universe Masters title which he claimed in London, England, out-posing a field of 33 competitors. There were many more titles but despite

his meritorious feats, Mr. Ross lived modestly and is regarded as a ‘people’s person.’ Last Saturday evening, Ross acted as host to dozens of his colleagues and specially invited guests at a reception at the OMG, Sheriff Street, Campbellville. The occasion was graced by several notable members of the weightlifting and

bodybuilding fraternity. Guests were met and greeted at the door by Ross whose charming personality brightened the forum. It was indeed a pleasant evening and most of the attendees felt honoured to be in the presence of such a notable sports personality who ensured that his presence did not dwarf his guests.

Hackett wins Trophy Stall Golf tourney

Monday July 23, 2012

Shillingford takes 5 in draw ST JOHN’S, Antigua – The three-day match between the WICB President’s XI and New Zealand at the Vivian Richards Cricket Ground yesterday ended in a draw even though New Zealand were out played as they fought for survival in the face of excellent bowling by Shane Shillingford, who took five wickets. After being bowled out for 149 in their first innings, then watching the WI President’s XI posting 326 in reply, New Zealand were in trouble during their reply being 181 for 8 at the end as they hung on. Brendon McCullum with 51 led the Kiwis fight as Shillingford took 5-77 to put the tourists in a spot of bother. The Kiwis will now turn their attention on the first Test starting Wednesday and will be concerned about their batting in the face of the Windies bowling. Kemar Roach took four wickets in the first innings and will be a force to be reckoned with. While Shillingford is not included in the team for this Test, the troublesome Sunil

Shane Shillingford Narine is present and is expected to pose some problems.

GETTING SHARP! Sprint phenom Bolt on track ahead of Games Officials rubbish Blake-Bolt rivalry

Troy Cadogan, Dave Mohamed, Brian Hackett (winner), Lakeram Ramsundar, Mighty Raja and Rawl Moore during the presentation ceremony. The inclement weather failed to dampen the spirit of local golfers as they battled in the Trophy Stall Medal Play golf tournament at the Lusignan Golf Club Saturday. Former President Brian Hackett emerged winner with a net 65 from a gross 91 playing off 26 handicap. He edged out Troy Cadogan on a countback after the latter ended also on net 65 ending with gross 93 playing off 28 handicap.

Third place finisher was Lakeram Ramsundar who recorded a net 66 from a gross 77 playing off 11 handicap. Nearest to the pin was Nasir “Mighty Raja” Khan. Club Captain Rawl Moore thanked the players for braving the inclement weather to participate in the tournament. The Tournament was sponsored by Trophy Stall of Bourda Market whose managing director Ramesh Sunich was lauded for his continued support to the Lusignan Golf Club.

The Open 2012: Ernie Els wins as Adam Scott crumbles BBC Sport - Ernie Els clinched his second Open title after long-time leader Adam Scott spectacularly imploded at Royal Lytham & St Annes. The 42-year-old South African birdied the 18th to end seven under as Australia’s Scott bogeyed the last four holes to come second by one shot. Els, who began the day six shots adrift, clinched his fourth major title and first since winning the 2002 Open at Muirfield. The 1994 and 1997 US

Open champion carded 68 to the 75 of Scott, who had led since the sixth hole on Saturday. The 32-year-old Scott was four shots clear on the 15th tee and needed to hole from 10ft on the last to force a play-off. “I am just numb at the moment, I feel for Adam Scott, he is a great friend of mine,” said Els, who picked up £900,000 in prize money. “We both wanted to win so badly, but I really feel for him. That is the nature of the beast, that is why we are out here. “It was my time. I was hoping

at best a play-off. A lot of people never thought I would win but I started believing this year, getting a lot of help from my family and the professionals around me.” Tiger Woods threatened at times but a triple-bogey via a greenside bunker at the parfour sixth and three straight bogeys from the 13th sank his chances of a 15th major and first since the 2008 US Open. The 36-year-old carded a three-over 73 to end tied third at three under alongside playing partner and fellow American Brandt Snedeker

(74). Graeme McDowell, the 2010 US Open champion, was playing in the final group for a second straight major but again struggled to engage the leader. The Northern Irishman took 75 to tie for fifth at two under with England’s world number one Luke Donald, who climbed up the leaderboard with a 69. Scott’s capitulation must rank worse than Rory McIlroy’s Masters meltdown in 2011 and up there with Jean van de Velde’s final-hole drama at Carnoustie in 1999.

Jamaica Observer BIRMINGHAM, England — Aspirants for Usain Bolt’s 100-metre title at the London Olympic Games should be nervous. In fact, very nervous. Information coming out of the Jamaican camp here is that the world record-holder and Beijing Olympics sprint double gold medallist has been training well and is looking sharp. “This is not the same Bolt we saw in Kingston,” a source, who wished not to be identified, told the Sunday Observer Saturday. “He has been working hard and is looking really focused on his

work.” The marquee Men’s 100m final will be run on August 5, the day before Jamaica celebrates its 50th year of independence. Bolt suffered shocking successive defeats in the 100m and 200m sprints at the hands of Racers Track Club teammate and Daegu World Championships 100-metre winner Yohan Blake at the Jamaica National Championships (Trials) at the back end of June. Blake won the 100m in 9.75 seconds and the 200m in 19.80 seconds, both worldleading times this season. Continued on page 21

Yohan Blake (left) and Usain Bolt

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