Kaieteur News

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th in 7 project ...sayswillnotdischargewaterunlessit meetsrequirementofenvironmentalpermit

GCCI calls for independent probe into corruption in Police Force Man on $150k bail

for publishing nude pictures

of ex-girlfriend

Lula "scared" by Maduro rhetoric, urges respect for Venezuela election

Woman dies after speeding car crashes into crane

Dead: BibiAleahAli
The crashed motorcar
Jeremy Smith

Seven years later Reg. 7 RDC yet to recover

$2.3M in overpayment to contractors –PAChears

Seven years later, the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Seven is still to recover approximately $2.329 million in overpayments made to contractors for several projects done in the region.

This revelation was made during a meeting of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament which was held on Monday

PAC members on Monday afternoon were examining records

documented in the Auditor's General2019Report.

According to the report, the Regional Administration did not recover overpayments totalling $2.387M made in the years 2017 and2018.

Officials of the Regional Democratic Council of Region Seven during their appearance at the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) meeting on Monday

The report detailed that three 2017 projects: Maintenance of Duplex Living Quarter at Mongrippa Hill (balance outstanding $1 441million); Maintenance of Shed in Beach ViewNursery(balanceoutstanding $58,000); Maintenance of Bartica Secondary School (balance outstanding$564,000);anda2018 project Maintenance to Doctor's accommodation at the Regional Health Office, Bartica (balance outstanding $324,000), there were overpaymentsoutstanding.

Highlighting these findings yesterday was PAC member and Opposition MP, Ganesh Mahipaul who asked the REO if the money has since been refunded to the region.Respondingtothequestion, the current Regional Executive Officer (REO), Kerwin Ward told the PAC, “the maintenance of duplexlivingquarteratMongrippa Hill,wehaven'trecoveredanything from it but finally we managed to make contact with the contractor who resides somewhere in Linden now, we made contact and he promised to come in to have a discussiononthewayforward.”he continued:“themaintenanceofthe shed at Beach View Nursery, the

$58,000wasrefundedIhaveacopy of the receipt on me here. The maintenance of Bartica Secondary School (the) $564,000, we haven't gottenanyrefundonthatasyetbut we engaged the contract who promisedtodosomerefunds.”

He further revealed that as it relates to the maintenance of doctor's accommodation at the Regional Health Office where $324,000 is outstanding, the contractorhaspassedaway

Kaieteur News learned that the contractor that was executing worksontheduplexquarterwasFS Contracting; contractor for the Bartica School was Ward's Construction, while the contractor fortheRegionalHealthOfficewas

Chase Contracting, according to theREO.

With it being over five years with money still outstanding, PAC member and Minister of Public WorksJuanEdghillaskedtheREO when last he wrote to the contractors about making good on theiroverpayment.

“The last time we wrote is September 2023,” the REO responded. In his follow up, Edghillfurtherasked,“basedupon your understanding when there is anoverpaymentthatisoutstanding foralongtimethatthereverywell is a request for a write off, how do youdealwiththat?”

The REO yesterday informed theCommitteethatheisinprocess

of engaging the Finance Secretary, Sukrishnalall Pasha, pertaining to the project where the contractor is now deceased “to get his guidance on the way forward to get this writtenoff.”

The REO also informed the Committee that none of the contractors that he named has any current contract with the region. PAC member Gail Teixeira during themeetinghadsaidthatoneofthe contractors that was named is still gettingcontractsinthecountry,and asked the REO if they have since alerted the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) on delinquent contractors they have dealt with. “Andsecondlywhentheydobidin your region does the tender board know of their past of what they have done and not done and thereforeintheirbiddocumentthey supposed to put in whether they have outstanding works with different agencies including what maybecasesincourt…”

Teixeira reasoned In his response, Ward said that they do check the background of the contractors and “in terms of informing the national tender board,Iknowithasneverhappened beforebutwehaveputinplacenow foranycontractorswhodefault,we dulyinformtheNPTAB.”

ExxonM yet to decide how

to handle produced water th in 7 project

Global Projects Cost Engineering Manager for Exxon Guyana Rebecca Cvikota during the opening of the public consultations for Exxon's seventh project Hammerhead said that they would not be committing to any specific ways in which they will be handling the producedwater

Theofficialwasaskedby this publication if the company had plans to reinject the produced water fromtheprojectandifnotcan she say the effect it can have on rising sea levels if not reinjected. She said that, “Produced water has been a topic we have been heavily involved in working very closely with the EPA and MNR to do studies on and

assess and look at. So for Hammerhead we are still in the early phases I wouldn't commit to any specific ways in which we are going to handle the produced water What I will say now is the studies we are doing are informing those types of decisions and it is international practice to discharge produced water offshore.”Cvikotaexplained that the water is treated and they will not be discharging anywaterunlessitmeetsthe requirement of the environmental permit and is treated sufficiently. “That is part of our practices that's one of the things that we are monitoring very closely to ensure that we have safe operations,”sheadded.

Producedwaterisaliquid that is extracted during oil production activities It contains dissolved mineral salts, or may be mixed with organic compounds such as acids, waxes, and mineral oils. It may also be mixed with inorganic metals and byproducts or with trace amountsofheavymetalsand n

ring radioactivematerials,theUS DepartmentofEnergysaidin a research paper. It is also usually very

temperature, and can be deadlytomarineorganisms. Due to its toxicity, this substance is best re-injected into the wells, though this may be a costly exercise.

Exxon has sounded the warning before, in six EIAs

GCCI calls for independent probe into corruption, financial impropriety in Police Force

The Georgetown C h a m b e r o f Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Monday called for an independent investigation into the allegations of corruption and financial impropriety in the GuyanaPoliceForce(GPF).

In a statement to the media,theGCCIsaidthatitis repugnant that the officers who are empowered to maintain law and order are engaginginmalpractices.The body said too that such allegations bring into question the Force's credibilityandobjectivity.

“If the agents of the state who are responsible for maintaining stability and lawfulness are engaged in malfeasance,thentheycanno longerbetrustedtoupholdthe standardsthattheyoughttobe enforcing,” GCCI said in the statement.

GCCI added, “The GuyanaPoliceForcemustnot operate with impunity in fact,themembersoftheForce must be held at a higher degree of accountability Failuretoactcanbeviewedas assenting to corruption, and thiscanleadtoadescentinto lawlessness.”

Further, the GCCI emphasised the need for an impartial and independent

investigation to take place since the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU), tasked with investigating the matter, isanarmofthePoliceForce.

“These circumstances are abhorrent and untenable; therefore, the Chamber calls for it to be dealt with swiftly and for those found culpable to face the brunt of the law,” GCCIconcluded.

Earlier this month, Assistant Commissioner of Police,Calvin B r u t u s proceededonannualvacation leavefollowingallegationsof financialimpropriety.

The Police Force in a statement said that Brutus requested permission to take his leave to allow for an investigation into corruption allegations.

“ C o n s e q u e n t t o allegations of financial impropriety leveled against Deputy Commissioner (ag) CalvinBrutusonsocialmedia andestablishedmediahouses, Calvin Brutus has since requested permission to proceed on annualized vacation leave with immediate effect to facilitate an investigation in the best interest of the Guyana Police Force,” the statement said adding that the request was grantedbytheCommissioner ofPoliceCliftonHicken.

...sayswillnotdischargewaterunlessit meetsrequirementofenvironmentalpermit

for its previously sanctioned projects, of the dangers associated with the dumping of produced water into the ocean Produced water discharges from each of the projects vary For instance, thesixthproject–Whiptail–which will produce 250,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) will also produce 200,000 barrels of produced water daily which will be dumped intotheocean.

Recently, Kaieteur News reportedthattheForcedenied claims that a major shake-up among its top officials, including Brutus, was due to an ongoing investigation by the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) into its AdministrationDepartment.

Brutus,whowasincharge of Administration, was reassigned as Head of the Special Branch Unit at Brickdam, replacing Assistant Commissioner of Police Errol Watts. Assistant Commissioner Ravindradat Budhram has been appointed

Administration, while Watts has taken over Budhram's former role as Head of Operations.

Reports emerged that two senior officers were under investigation by SOCU However, the Police Force denied these allegations, clarifying that the rotation of o

“…Pleasenotethatthisisnot true.Thisreportismisleading and fake. Please be guided,” theForcestated.

Inasubsequentstatement on July 5, the Police Force explained that the recent shake-up was part of a modernization plan for the GuyanaPoliceForce.

acknowledged that discharges from the seventh project can potentially affect thequalityofwaterandharm marine species and wildlife. Thisinformationiscontained in the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA).Theregulator has since instructed the company to conduct a thorough Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to study the likely damage that can be done to the environment by the project. Thisstudywillalsohighlight measures to mitigate those harmfulimpacts.

our prior environmental impactassessment.”

Furthermore she said: “during the presentation we mentioned that facilities are approximately 200 kilometers offshore, so the minor impacts that are possible are limited to that geographic location. So we havenotseenanyincreasein impacts near shore in our studies.”

On the other hand, the fifth project Uaru which is being designed to produce 250,000 bpd will see the discharge or 300,000 bpd of producedwater Priortothe dumping of produced water offshore, it is treated on the FPSOs to ensure it aligns with the industry standards, asrequiredbytheEPA. The Permits granted to Exxon by the regulator requires the operator to treat the substance to ensure “oil content specification of produced water to be discharged does not exceed 42mg/lonadailybasisor29 mg/lonamonthlyaverage”.

Dr UlricTrotz during an interview with Kaieteur News earlier this year stressed the need for stringentmonitoringofthese discharges by the EPA. He said, “Any sort of contamination in a pristine marine environment that provides so much to our livelihoods, our fisher folk, so much to our own nutritional diet with our dependence on marine sources for protein, for an environment that supports marine life, you think about turtle nesting facilities on Shell Beach- anything that disturbs that environment is notinourinterest.” Exxon'sadmission

E x x o n M o b i l

According to the Project Summary seen by this newspaper, “The Project couldhavelocalisedimpacts tomarinewaterqualityinthe project development area from discharge of drill cuttings and from routine operational and hydrotesting discharges The Project could potentially impact marine water quality intheProjectareaofinterest (AOI) as a result of nonroutine, unplanned events (e.g., spill or release).” Drill cuttings and drill fluid dischargesduringthedrilling of development wells; effluent discharges from cooling water and produced water; hydro-testing discharges and non-routine, unplanned events such as a spill can result in the release of dangerous substances that canaffectmarinelife.Exxon said, “Increased total s u s p e n d e d s o l i d s concentrations, chemical concentrations, or temperatureinwatercolumn has a potential to affect marine water quality and marine habitat quality and affectwildlife.”


Meanwhile,onthevexed issue of the impacts of the project on the fishing industry, Projects Environmental and

Regulatory Manager for ExxonMobilGuyanaMariya Skocikwhenaskedaboutthis explainedthatovertheyears they“havedoneanumberof studies on fisheries in particular since 2018. Over like six years we visited a number of fishing landing sites and conducted several cycles of the study.Whatwe are seeing is consistent with

She also noted that if fisherfolk livelihoods are affected “there is an impact there would be a mechanism in place to submit those grievances and a process to follow through.” Executive D i r e c t o r o f t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Kemraj Parsramhadrevealedthatthe operator of the oil rich Stabroek Block has been feeding the regulator with informationrelativetotheoil concentration in the treated produced water being dischargeddaily Parsram while appearing as a guest on the Energy Perspectives Podcast shared the progress made by the agency over the past three years, especially in its oversight of the burgeoning petroleum industry Parsram notedthattheEPAlauncheda thirdwaterqualitysensorlate December 2023 to monitor the surface water According to him, “That is within our key surface waters and offshore as well. The plan is to put these sensors that measure the water quality or measure pollutants in water, in the surface water, in our rivers and we can actually at our offices or on our mobile phones we can actually see real time, what is the quality of those parameters – for example turbidity, temperature, ph, total dissolved solids- these are key parameters that indicate thehealthofour waters.”

Thissystem,hesaid,was fundedbytheGovernmentof Guyana (GoG) through budgetary allocations to the agency Presently, the sensorsarelocatedatBartica, the Demerara River and at Saxacalli; another sensor is to be placed at the Kaieteur National Park or at the Iwokrama Centre. Parsram said the deployment of the sensors will be expanded in thefuture.

Global Projects Cost Engineering Manager for Exxon Guyana, Rebecca Cvikota


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The dearth of leadership

In Guyana, we have a very serious problem with politicalleadershipatalllevelsofthesociety.Mostofour leadersarearrogant,untrustworthy,inefficientandcorrupt andmoreoftenthannot,theybehaveandactlikedictators. Many lack the skill-set required for good governance, accountabilityandproblemsolving—qualitiesthatare,for themostpart,notendemicinourpoliticalculture.

Since the attainment of political independence in May 1966, successive political parties, namely the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the People’s National Congress (PNC) have in their own respective ways perfected the art of practicing divisive politics in order to winelections.Bothpartieshavecreatedapermanentdivide among the people along racial lines. But regrettably, they havebothfailedsofartoprovideeffectivegovernanceand despite a marked decrease in political violence over the years,thecountryisstillraciallydivided.Theeconomyis struggling and efforts to develop and diversify it have not materialised.

The declared mission of our founding leaders was the acquisition of political independence which has been accomplished, therefore the mission of succeeding generations was to attain economic independence However,basedonthestateoftheeconomytoday,itisfair tosaythattheunanimousgradeforthisgenerationisan“F.” Sadly, no leader or party has so far been able to say with certitude that they have succeeded in developing and diversifying the economy If the economy is to make a quantum leap, our leaders must change the way they conductpoliticsandmanagetheeconomy Aftermorethan 50 years of independence, that mission has not been accomplished.

The failure to expand and diversify the economy has resulted in recurring problems of persistent poverty, particularly among the poor and the lower working class, comprisingmostlysinglemothersandtheirchildren.Ithas also resulted in high levels of crime, indiscipline, corruption,lawlessnessandageneralsenseofhopelessness amongyouths.Inthiscontext,ourpoliticalleadershiphas been transactional, rather than transformative—a term coined by theAmerican sociologist James V Downton to illustrateamarkeddifferencebetweenpoortoaverageand excellentleadership.

Transactional leadership focuses on supervision, organization, and performance. It is a peculiar style of leadership in which leaders promote compliance through both rewards and punishments. Transactional leaders do notmakechanges,theytendtomaintainthestatusquo.This type of leadership is effective in crisis and emergency situations,aswellasforprojectsthatneedtobecarriedout inaspecificway.Transformativeleadershipisoneinwhich leaders lead by example. Transformative leaders are excellent at communicating new ideas, good at balancing short-term and long-term goals, adept at building strong coalitionsandestablishingmutualtrust.Mostimportantly, they have integrity, are highly intelligent, and they empathizewithothers.

Transformative leaders tend to use rapport or inspiration to engage followers. They are sincere, honest, accountable,transparent,courageousandconfidentandare willing to make sacrifices for the greater good of society They have a mindset to streamline things that no longer workandwouldchangeexistingthoughts,techniquesand goalsforbetterresultsandthegreatergood.Transformative leaders motivate workers and maximize their capability andcapacityinordertomakethemproductiveanddecent citizens.Transformativeleadersareneededtodevelopthe economy, improve the living standards of the masses and makeGuyanaatrulyprosperousnationandnotonethatis embedded in a culture of corruption, crime and dependency Our current leaders are led, they do not lead. Regardlessoftheirpartisanilk,theyshouldrevisitthelife and work of those who had the foresight to admonish us aboutachievingeconomicindependence.

Maduro is taking steps to fraudulently manipulate the

DEAREDITOR, President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, is contesting elections in that countryduetobeheldonthe 28th of this month, that is, this coming Sunday, for a third time in office. All the independent reports from Venezuela indicate that he will lose a free and fair election but, already, Maduro is taking steps to fraudulently manipulate the elections and prevent the opposition leader Maria Corino Machado’s party from contesting by the fraudulent manipulation of theelectoralprocess.

Maduro,forinstance,has recentlyorderedthearrestof 24 of Machado’s campaign team,includingherpersonal bodyguard. In turn, the US government has intensified its pressure on the Maduro government to hold a free election or suffer the consequences of across-theboard sanctions on its oil industry exports re-imposed inApril. Nevertheless, the Reuters News Agency earlier this month reported t h a t “ t h e B i d e n administrationremainsopen

to dialogue with the Venezuelan government” after Maduro said that “he had agreed to restart direct talks” with the US government.

We know that Machado was earlier banned by Maduro’s government, upheld by the Venezuelan Supreme Court, who is now represented by a former Venezuelan Diplomat, Edmundo Gonzalez, to lead the opposition. We also knowfromastatementmade by US State Department spokesperson, Vadent Patel, thatbehindthescenestheUS government continues to leave the door open for Maduro to hold a free election. Patel is quoted as saying “we are clear-eyed that democratic change will not be easy and certainly requires a serious commitment” We also know that Maduro will not hold an election which will result in him being removed fromoffice.So,whatshould weexpectfromMaduro?

Maduro has not withdrawnnorbackeddown from the Resolution passed by the Venezuelan National


Assembly on 21st September,2023,callingfor a Referendum approving “thecreationoftheGuayana Esequiba State and that an a c c e l e r a t e d a n d comprehensive plan be developed for the present andfuturepopulationofthat territory” namely, the EssequiboregionofGuyana. This, in defiance of the provisional measures issued bytheInternationalCourtof Justice (ICJ) on 1st

December, ordering Venezuela to “refrain from taking any action which would modify the situation that currently prevails in the territoryindispute,whereby theCooperativeRepublicof Guyana administers and exercises control of that area”. The Referendum was also condemned by the Organisation of American States (OAS), the Commonwealth and CARICOM. When Maduro signed on to the Resolution passed by the Venezuelan National Assembly, his words were “sooner rather than later we will recover Venezuela’s right to Guayana Esequiba So I


Maduro was then, at the intervention of CARICOM and Community of Latin American and Caribbean States(CELAC),requiredto meet with President Irfaan Ali in St. Vincent and the Grenadines A meeting which led to the Joint Declaration of Argyle, bindingVenezuelatorefrain from threatening or the use of force against Guyana and binding Venezuela and Guyanatoactinaccordance with international law, including respecting the 1966GenevaAgreement. Maduro, however, had already violated the commitment he made at Argyle, including illegal overflights of Guyana, minor incursion of the Venezuelan military across the border, causing Guyana, on 9th April, to request a meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) which resulted in a statement from the Security Council urging both Venezuela and Guyana to respecttheirobligationsand complywiththeprovisional (Continuedonpage06)

The Caesars, The Citizens, and Entertainment Shows


The Roman Empire was oneofthemostsuccessfulin ancient history, through its military tactics, advanced science, economics, agriculture, education, construction, astrology, etc. Their leaders were called Caesars, the good Caesars were able to achieve all this greatness in their empire by consulting with their qualified senators, military leaders, and leaders among their citizens before making governingdecisions.

The subsequent bad Caesars began the decimation of the empire by becoming greedy and corrupt and directed the empire’s resources for their own personal lifestyle When the citizens began to show dissent, due to poor governance,Caesarcameup with the idea of building coliseums to host gladiator showstodistractthecitizens fromthepoorgovernanceof the Caesar. This tactic worked well for the poor governing Caesar, the citizens’ attention shifted to the gladiator shows and the dissenting voices against

Caesar were subdued However since the incompetent Caesars were no longer held accountable for poor governance, the R o m a n E m p i r e subsequently crumbled underthem.

In Guyana, the big show of the plundering of Guyana’soil,gold,andother resource wealth is ongoing. The plunderers along with theirlocalenablersaredoing their very best to distract Guyanese from watching this plundering show Just likeforeignexploitersunder the disguise of “foreign investors” from all over the globeliningupforapieceof Guyana, sports and music entertainersfromalloverthe globe also want to come to entertain Guyanese with theirshows.Thisisworking brilliantly for the sellout leaders as Guyanese only talkabouttheseshowsmore than the plundering of Guyana and not holding leaders accountable. And of course, who can leave out cricket?, cricket being Guyana’s flagship sport will a l w a y s b e i n t h e conversation now with a

twist as it now carries ExxonMobil’slogo.Justlike the Roman Caesars building coliseums for gladiator shows to distract dissent against them, the cricket stadium in Berbice is now a shout-out from the PPP and ExxonMobil of the progress Guyana is making since ExxonMobil came to Guyana, not the uplifting of Guyanesefrompovertyfrom their country’s oil wealth. Guyanese will talk about cricket and music but not about Exxon’s inflated bills, ring-fencing oil projects, or gettingmoreroyalties,profit share, and taxes from future oil projects along with full parent company guarantee liability insurance for oil spillsiftheyoccur Thereare also the propaganda shows called press conferences by thepoliticalpartiestryingto woo Guyanese votes for the next elections, all nonsense and nothing of substance from the speakers in this oil and resource-rich country, one would laugh at the comedy if the implications of these MPs plan for Guyana were not so detrimental to Guyana and


VP Jagdeo says his government is making plans to avoid the Dutch Disease orResourceCurse,hisplans do not include renegotiation ofoilandresourcecontracts, ringfencing,taxes,royalties, and auditing inflated bills, VP Jagdeo along with PresidentAlihoweverhavea super weapon against the Dutch Disease, which is producing cassava. The opposition says the number one enemy of Guyana is GEOCOM and its staff, not the foreigners with their local collaborators who are plunderingGuyana’soiland resources. Nothing is wrong withsportsandmusic,ithas always been part of Guyanese daily living, this however should be secondary to the primary issues Guyanese face daily likeaffordablefood,clothes, shelter, transportation, available clean water, reliable electricity, adequate healthcare, high-quality education, peace and security, strong and longlasting infrastructure and excellentconductand (Continuedonpage06)

Is Kamala Harris the “Trump” card for the Democrats?


, Will Kamala Harris in the Home of the Brave, be given the opportunity to break the ceiling glass and become the first female to preside over the United States of America? Is America, the Land of the Free, ready to be ruled by a woman,moreso,byaBlack woman,or,Asian?

Or, in the Land of Milk and Honey, will history repeat itself as Déjà vu for Donald Trump? Despite winning the popular vote in 2016 by almost 2.9 million votes, the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost to Donald Trump in the Electoral College Vote. Is America ready for a second stint of the ‘Mogul’ who instead,wantedacodename ‘Humble’?

All these eventualities became possible when President Joe Biden retracted his candidacy for the US Presidential 2024 election over the weekend and endorsed his Vice

President to be the Democratic presidential candidate.Willtheagingand feeble 81 year old 46th US president continue to serve out his full term, or, will he resign and allow Kamala Harris to become the next US President by way of default?

A precedent would be createdintheU.S.ofA.The “States” was known as Turtle Island and “Sleepy Joe” was changed to “Crooked Joe” by the

R e p u b l i c a n 2 0 2 4 presidential candidate, DonaldTrump. Biden, now considered too old to be selected, was once too young to serve. He was 29 years old when he won a US senate seat in 1972.

From being former President Barack Obama’s vicepresident,heweathered the storm to defeat the incumbent Donald Trump from holding a second presidential term in 2020.

Despitehisdisastrousdebate performance with Trump, Biden still outraised and outspent Trump in last month’s campaign President Biden raised US$64 million and spent US59 million to leave US$95 million in the bank. Trump managed to raise US$21 million while spending US$10 million to leave US$128 million at the endofJune.

The walls caved in as President Joe Biden’s loyalists and influential Democrats, namely, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and ChuckSchumer,doubtedhis viability and expressed frustration over the Democratic criticism in Biden’s ability to beat Trump. His slips, spills and stumbles did not help as his

age caught up with him and hewasunabletojogwithhis VP Recently, he proved positiveforCOVIDandhad to rest. Unable to briskly board Airforce 1, his physical declension showed as he slowly climbed the stairs. At a social event, he looked lost among dancing people and on another occasion, Barack Obama held his arm to lead him off thestage.

He even fumbled when he named Trump instead of Kamala Harris as his vice president, after calling Ukraine’s president “Putin” and quickly correcting himself.

Being a grown man who wanted to finish the job, he told Trump, “Make my day pal.”

The 77-year-old Donald Trumpisnotahappycamper with Biden out of the race. He now has to face a potentialKamalaHarris,the current seasoned VP, a brilliant attorney younger than him. He cannot side stepbypointingflawsatage and agility or ability. His

cognitive abilities are also questionable as he got the name of his own doctor wrong, seemed to think Obama was the current president and even mistook his arch Republican rival Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi.Trump,thefelon,has been convicted in the damaging Stormy Daniels case. President Biden told Trump, “You have the moralsofanalleycat.”

Republicans are shielding Donald Trump of any wrong doing on the January 6th 2021 attack on CapitolHill.Ironically,heis makingthisacornerstoneon hisbidtoreturntotheWhite House.

Five people died, many injured and some 1,200 people have been charged and many have been fined andsentencedtojail.

He promised to pardon them the first day he returns tooffice.

Jason Stanley, a philosophy professor at Yale, said in history the question comes up over and over again: “When a coup

against the democratic regime happens and it’s not punished, that is a very strongindicatoroftheendof the rule of law and the victory of that authoritarian movement,” said Stanley, theauthorof “How Fascism Works.”

T h e a t t e m p t e d assassination on Donald Trump has helped to

unify his party and reinvigorated him as he clenched his fists shouting, “Fight, fight, fight ”

At the Republican’s Convention, presidential candidate elect, Donald Trump, warned of his vision which includes harsher immigration laws, tougher stands on foreign adversaries and rallying against electric vehicles as he pledged to, “Drill,babydrill.”

Trump once described climate change as a “hoax” and said that, “he will take America out of the 2015 ParisAgreement to combat climate change and support greater use of

declining fossil fuels suchascoal ”

Kamala Harris, a product of an Indian mother and Jamaican father, is yet to be fully e n d o r s e d b y t h e DemocraticParty

The ‘ugly truth’ is that, being far younger than Trump, she is a breath of fresh air and a sigh of relief for the younger generation She will appeal to the colored population and her “stance” on border policy may influence the Spanish community

Being of a mixed descent, she will reach out to the colored population Trump is known as a flirtatious woman grabber, his attack on women, shady business deals and other negativities Women overall, may be more sympatheticwithHarris Is Kamala Harris the “Trump” card for the Democrats?

Yoursrespectfully, JaiLall

Maduro is taking steps to fraudulently...

Frompage04 measures issued by the ICJ andcommendingtheArgyle Declaration requiring both countries to resolve any differences in accordance with international law and theUnitedNationalCharter

While all of this has effectively given pause to Maduro pursuing further

aggression against Guyana, he now faces the choiceofeitherconducting a free and fair election and being thrown out of power with all of its probable unpleasant consequences forhimortheimpositionof severe sanctions by the US

government denying Venezuela access to its

majormarketforthesaleof its oil and the financial implications thereof

Neither is an acceptable choiceforMaduro

He is, in fact, in an increasingly desperate situation of his own making and desperate people are pronetodesperateaction.

Our government is well aware of this fact which is why Vice

President Bharrat Jagdeo

on 16th May, 2024, announced the fact that our gov

d “no

d a


he relevant partners, both of amultilateralandbilateral natureaboutthecontinued attempts by Venezuela to

(military) at our border in a threatening posture” and that “we are very vigilant; while watching the development; we have been working with our alliesonthismatterandour primary preoccupation is the retention of our territorial integrity and sovereignty”

It is not by accident, in fact, it is with specific intent, that just this week the Senior Director for Western Hemis


Erickson, reaffirmed the US support for Guyana in the border controversy

with Venezuela and, of considerable interest, is the fact the Erickson pointedly said that he was speaking on a directive from US President Joe Bidenhimself Earlier in April in a phone call with President Ali, the US Principal Deputy National Security Advisor, John Finer, had also underlined the US’s “unwavering support for Guyana’s sovereignty in light of threats from neighbouring Venezuela” InFebruary,Finerhadpaid a one day visit to Guyana, accompanied by Juan Gonzalez, the National Security Council’s Senior

Director for the Western Hemisphere

Question is, given the clear and unequivocal message from the US government and equally strong messages coming from the newly elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom along with the fact that Maduro signed on to the Argyle Agreement in the presence of most of the CARICOM Heads of Government, Brazilian President Lula’s Special Advisor and Personal Envoy, the Chef de Cabinet of the Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Security

Council, the Minister of ForeignAffairsofColumbia andViceMinisterofForeign Affairs of Honduras at the Declaration of Argyle, would a desperate Maduro daretoattempttoimposehis government’s declared intention to formally annex the Essequibo region by militarymeans?

We shall know in a matter of days, unless, of course, Maduro decides to cancelordeferanelectionhe cannot win fairly One thing is certain, we must be prepared to the fullest extent possible for any eventuality

Yourssincerely, KitNascimento


Frompage04 accountability from those in leadershippositions.

All these things are within Guyanese grasp if only they can put aside shows for a moment and fight for their rightful share of their own country’s wealth.Countriesthatleadin advanced sports and music programmes also take care of the primary issues for their citizens, fully well knowing there are also careers to be made from sportsandmusic.

How can Guyanese partake in sports and music with hungry bellies along while not being able to purchase tickets, food, or


The Finance Minister of the previous government has now become a tax expert on podcast shows explaining howtaxesareimportantfora country since the sanctioning of Mohamed’s Enterprises for tax evasion, however, he has yet to say w h y h e w a i v e d ExxonMobil’s taxes since taxes are so important for Guyana.

Guyana’s local oil Caesarsayshecouldalways leaveGuyanapoliticsanddo privatebusiness,butGuyana politicsiswherehebelongs, apparently he didn’t give away enough of Guyana’s 83000 square miles as

president, so he is back to finish the job, he called this give away “attracting foreign investment”, all Guyanese get from this “foreign investment” is debt andpoverty

The VP also says his government is managing inflation better than most countries, yet he is only leaderthatmanagesinflation with taking on debt and giving tax concessions to foreign oil and resource companies while the opposition plans to manage inflation does not include more money from Guyana’s oilandresources.

Guyana’s foreign Caesar Alistair Rutledge doesn’t

wanttoupdateGuyaneseon new oil finds, he seems to have also convinced his minions in parliament to keepthissecretaswell,fully well knowing new oil finds will unleash the forbidden word“renegotiation”.

Instead,CaesarRutledge just like the Roman Caesars building coliseums to distract their citizens, went to Berbice to promote ExxonMobil’s heavenly gift to Guyanese, a cricket stadium built most likely by Guyanese own oil money or debtonGuyanesebacks.

Withallthishappening, all the MPs regardless of their political party who representtheirconstituents

stay silent, they fully well know whether their parties winorlose,mostwillremain as MPs with their salaries, pension, and perks, so they don’t want to be fired by their party leadership for bringing up critical issues aboutoilandresources.

Whenever you hear these Guyanese MPs speak, it’s so much bewildering nonsense, only calling the name of God can give one some sanctity

The shows that distract Guyanese from the plundering of their country’s wealth continue, like TV shows for those lucky to have TV and

electricity,theclownshows by the political parties continue, and Guyanese are already enthusiastic about the next big concert which is already being advertised, there Guyanese will wine and gyrate to performing artists while the foreigners wine and gyrate carrying away the Guyana’s wealth It is time Guyanese become enthusiastic about shows that expose the plundering of their country, like the Glenn Lall Show and other shows with similar content, and take the necessary actionrequiredtosavetheir countryandthemselves



Raiding of the oil fund

Some laws of Guyana have huge holes

These laws could have a 747-jet fly through them

The holes and loopholes are that massive

There is no law to disclose extension of oil blocks

There is no law to penalize those who raid the Oil Fund

But there are laws to watch every move that Guyanese make.

New UNAIDS report:

says AIDS epidemic in Caribbean can end in six years

...but leaders must boost resources to prevent new infections

Anew report released by UNAIDS shows the world is at a criticalmoment that will determine whether world

leaders meet their commitmenttoendAIDSasa publichealththreatby2030.

The report, 'The Urgency

o f N o w : A I D S a t a Crossroads', brings together new data and case studies which demonstrate that the decisions and policy choices taken by world leaders this year will decide the fate of millionsoflivesandwhether

the world's deadliest pandemic is overcome, UNAIDS said in a press release. It said while the end ofAIDS is within our grasp, thedatashowtheworldisoff track. Of the 39.9 million people living with HIV globally,9.3million,nearlya quarter,arenotreceivinglifes a v i n g t r e a t m e n t Consequently, a person dies from AIDS-related causes everyminute.

In the Caribbean, there hasbeensubstantialprogress against HIV since 2010, but

the reduction in the annual number of new HIV infectionssloweddownover thepastfiveyears.Attheend of 2023, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica, the larger countries in the region, accountedforalmost90%of new infections—with Haiti alone accounting for more than one third (38%) of new HIV infections. People from keypopulationsandtheirsex partnerscontinuedtoaccount for 47% of new infectionsin 2022.

The report finds that if leaders take the bold actions needed now to ensure sufficient and sustainable resourcing and protect everyone's human rights, the numberofpeoplelivingwith HIV worldwide, requiring life-long treatment, will settleataround29millionby 2050 but if they take the wrong path, the number of people who will need lifelong support will rise to 46 million (compared to 39.9 millionin2023).

“World leaders pledged toendtheAIDSpandemicas a public health threat by 2030, and they can uphold theirpromise,butonlyifthey ensurethattheHIVresponse hastheresourcesitneedsand that the human rights of everyoneareprotected,”said UNAIDS Exe

ve Director, Winnie Byanyima.

“Leaderscansavemillionsof lives,preventmillionsofnew HIV infections, and ensure that everyone living with HIV can live healthy, full lives.”

continued to expand in the Caribbean, but significant challenges remain as it relates to late diagnosis and enrollingandkeepingpeople livingwithHIVincare.

At the end of 2023, an estimated 85% of people living with HIV knew their status, 70% of all people living with HIV were on treatment, and 61% of all people living with HIVwere virally suppressed The

percentage of people living with HIV who were on treatment and virally suppressedrosefrom79%in 2018 to 87% in 2023 Treatmentcoveragewas78% among women (aged 15+ years) and 65% among men (aged 15+ years). Paediatric treatment coverage, at 39%, was, however, much lower than adult treatment coverage in 2023 and late diagnosis of advanced HIV disease (AIDS) remains a significant challenge in the region. The expansion of peopleaccessingtreatmentis a landmark public health achievement that has seen AIDS-related deaths in the Caribbean fall by 57% since 2010 but a worrying increasehasbeenreportedin Belize, Cuba, Guyana, and Suriname

“Prioritising targeted interventions, communityled responses, and integration to leave no one behind; bolstering treatment

accessibility and retention in care; advocating for legal reforms; and challenging harmful gender and other social norms will go a long way to address the root causes of risk and vulnerabilityofpeopleliving with, and most affected by, HIV,” said UNAIDS MultiCountry Director for the Caribbean, Dr Richard Amenyah. “There is a great

w i t h communities and enhance the role of civil society to reach vulnerable and at-risk groups that are hard to reach with HIV services or find it difficult, for whatever reason, to engage our health facilities.”

The Urgency of Now: AIDS at a Crossroads,shows thatdecisionstakenthisyear will determine if global targets are met, AIDS is ended as a public health threat by 2030, and a sustainable HIV response is

b u i l t T h

p o r t demonstrates that HIV prevention and treatment services will only reach people if human rights are upheld,ifunfairlawsagainst women and against marginalized communities are scrapped, and if discrimination and violence aretackledheadon.

“Like the title of the report tells us, we are at a crossroads. We can take the roadthatcontinuestopunish peopleforwhotheyare,who they love, how they work, and that is the road through whichwecanneverendaids as a public health thread”, says Luisa Cabal, UNAIDS Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean.

“Or we can choose the road of rights protections, of respecting others, of followingthescienceandthe evidence.Thisistheroadthat has led to reductions in new infections and to healthy lives.”

The Guyana Police Force has been called upon to step up its law enforcement efforts to bring down escalating crime ef

AFC urges street protests against rising crime ...calls on Govt. to spend more to tackle gun violence

Amid an escalation in criminal activities here with almost daily murders and robberies, the Alliance For Change(AFC)hascalledon citizenstotaketothestreets demanding betterment from leaders. The party said too that the country needs a moral reckoning and that citizensdonotdeservetodie suddenly and violently by bullets.

TheAFC'sstatementwas m a d e a g a i n s t t h e background of the killing of Jairam Ramkishun, 69 of

Westminster Housing

Scheme West Bank Demerarawhowasshotand killed on Sunday when bandits invaded his home.

“Only recently, Evelyn Alves was shot dead in the head, execution style, at

Diamond East Bank Demerara. The AFC offers

its condolences to the bereaved families of these murder victims but asserts thatweallmustbeoutraged when such shootings and killings occur, especially with the regularity within recent times.” “We seem to have become numbed to it all. We, however, should take to the press, social media, and streets demandingthatGovernment and our law enforcement actors diagnose carefully why this increase in shootingsandkillingsforits reduction if not its elimination.”

TheAFCsaiditisaware that much work was done under the Citizen Security and Strengthening Programme and the British Security Sector Reform P r o g r a m m e ”Implementation of the

r e c o m m e n d a

i o n s undoubtedly has ceased or have been shelved. To be sustainably successful in reducing gun violence, the enforcement actors, primarilytheGuyanaPolice Force (GPF), must craft appropriate evidence-based and community-informed solutions. The Government and the enforcement actors involvedmusthaveahandle on who is committing the violence, where they are committingit,andwhy,”the partysaidinitsstatement. According to the AFC the well-known tools to identify that small cohort of especially young men most likely to shoot or be shot must be employed. “Crime mapping to identify where t h e h o t s p o t s a r e concentrated must be (Continuedonpage16)

Freedom demands vigilance

As Guyanese prepare to celebrate Emancipation, we are reminded of the hardfoughtstrugglesforfreedom fromslavery

Yet, the irony is stark: thousands of Guyanese

appeared willing to surrender their freedom by supporting those who attempted to rig the March 2020 general and regional elections or by remaining silentduringtheattempt.

Celebrating freedom while consenting to the erosion of our democratic

rights is not only

contradictory but a dangerous precedent. It is one that threatens the very essenceofourdemocracy

The most fundamental civil and political right in anydemocracyistherightto

elect a government of one’s choice and, by implication, to lawfully and peacefully remove through the ballot those who are elected Without this right, citizens are left at the mercy of unelected politicians, surrenderingtherighttohold their leaders accountable

This core principle ensures that the power remains with the people, fostering a system where leaders serve at the discretion of their electorate.

While we may fervently desirethevictoryoftheparty we support, this aspiration cannot come at the expense of the sovereign right to respecttheoverallwillofthe people. To undermine this principleistojeopardisethe very foundation of our

democratic system, replacing the collective voice of the citizenry with theambitionsofaselectfew Theintegrityofourelectoral process guarantees that everycitizen’svoiceisheard and that the government reflects the genuine choice of the populace, a right that must be preserved above all politicalambitions.

Theeventsthatunfolded between March and August 2020 were a painful reminder of how fragile our democracy can be The freedom to choose a government of our choice, and by implication, to remove that government through elections, was nearly forfeited, potentially permanently Watching these events transpire was a


“Trade Plates Tekkin Ova”

Dem boys seh

wegotonebig, big problem

pon we road Is like everybody and dem grandmothernowdrivinga motor car wid dem trade plate. Yuh tink is a style, likedehtrynamekafashion statementorsomething.

Trade plates supposed to be fuh de dealership people. When dem dealers gettin dem cars from de wharf, de trade plate suppose to cover dem to drive it to de showroom. Is like a temporary passport fuhdecar,notagreencard fuh dem to roam wild pon deroad.

But nah, yuh see dem trade plates everywhere! Is like Christmas come early andeverybodygettinonein dem stocking Even de motorcycles getting in pon

de act. Dem riders zipping through de traffic like dem inarace,andallyuhseeing isdetradeplateflashby One time, dem boys follow one car with trade plate to see where it going.

Decarparkupinfrontahde driver house. Next day, same car, same trade plate, park up at de supermarket. Is like de plate tek up residencepondecar

Demboyssehthiscan’t continue.

De authorities need fuh step up dem game. Who issuing these trade plates like dem is sweets? De systemgettingabuseworse thanachickeninafoxden.

Andwhiledemboysmight enjoy a good joke, dis one nahfunny

Time fuh de authorities to regularize dis ting. Mek suredetradeplatesonlyfuh

dem dealer people and not everybody and dem dog. If yuhwantdriveacarponde road,registeritproper.Pay yuh taxes, get yuh license plate and drive like a lawabidingcitizen.

Dem boys seh, if yuh catch a man pon de road widtradeplateandhimnah dealer, he must answer whetherhedoingatestrun.

Andifyuhseeamotorcycle wid trade plate, dem boys seh dat bike need fuh get i m p o u n d e d f u h impersonating a car. Since when motor bikes need tradeplates?

So, authorities, do yuh wuk. Mek sure trade plates go back to de right use and not de right abuse. Cause right now, dis trade plate thing looking like one big trade-off.


stark warning of how quickly democratic f r e e d o m s c a n b e compromised.

Evenifsomeindividuals didnotvaluethisright,they shouldhavebeenconcerned about the economic implicationsofundermining democracy Historyprovides a clear lesson: under the dictatorship from 19681992, Guyana’s economy flat-lined,andunimaginable hardships were visited upon the people During this period, many Guyanese fled the country in search of better opportunities, escaping the dire economic conditions and lack of prospects. The scars of that era are still visible, and the country is yet to fully recover from the dismal period of economic stagnationandrepression.

Democracy is not just about casting a vote; it is about ensuring that every vote counts and that the collective will of the people isrespected.Whenweallow electoral processes to be subverted, we are complicit in the erosion of our freedoms Supporting or remaining silent in the face ofattemptstorigelectionsis akintoendorsingthetheftof ourdemocraticrights.Itisa betrayal of the sacrifices made by those who fought for our freedom and a step backward into the darkness

of dictatorship. The right to elect our leaders and to remove them through the ballot is what separates a democracy from a dictatorship It is a mechanism that ensures leaders are accountable to the people and that power is notconcentratedinthehands of a few When this right is threatened, the entire democratic structure is at risk A democracy that cannot guarantee free and fairelectionsisademocracy in name only The period from 1968 to 1992 in Guyanaisatestamenttothis, as the country’s economy suffered greatly under undemocratic rule The legacy of that period continues to affect us, and we must learn from history to avoid repeating its mistakes.

As we celebrate Emancipation, let us not forget that true freedom encompasses more than just the abolition of physical bondage. It includes the freedom to choose our leaders and to hold them accountable It is about ensuringthatourdemocratic processes are respected and that the will of the people prevails.Thosewhoattempt to subvert these processes are enemies of democracy, and by supporting or remaining silent about their actions, we become

complicitintheirschemes. Freedom is not just a historical concept; it is a living, breathing reality that must be defended and nurtured It

participation from every citizen. We cannot take our democratic rights for granted, nor can we allow them to be eroded by those whoseektoclingtopowerat any cost. The struggle for freedomisongoing,anditis our responsibility to ensure thatthesacrificesofthepast werenotinvain.Celebrating Emancipation wh

e allowing our democratic rightstobecompromisedisa hollow gesture True celebration comes from reaffirmingourcommitment to democracy and holding ourselves and our leaders accountable It is about standing up against any attempt to undermine our electoral processes and ensuring that the right to choose our leaders is preserved.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

The PPP: crime wave, criminal enterprise or national criminal institution

The question is simple, and it concerns the PPP as a groupandthesittingnational government.

It is one that all Guyanese,regardlessoftheir political persuasion or religiousbeliefs,mustfaceas matters of sheer patriotic duty, a duty to their conscience, and the selfrespect owed to themselves.

Now for the question: is the People's Progressive Party (PPP) a crime wave, or a criminal enterprise, or national criminal institution?

Thereisappreciationthatthe choices involve three evils. It may be convenient to the blindfolded, muzzled, and stone-earedtonegotiatewith themselves for the lesser of the three, but sooner than later, reality must be faced. Therealityisrightnow

A crime is about some form of wrongdoing: some passable and pardonable, others serious and with impacts to match. A crime wave is a series of crimes in q u i c k s u c c e s s i o n

Considering perceptions, reports, and anecdotes in the local environment, it cannot be accurately said that the PPP,ascurrentlyconstituted, isacrimewave.

A wave has highs and lows; the crests are followed by valleys, no matter the series of waves, the duration ofthem.

Then that crime wave dies down, goes away.

Conclusion: a crime wave hasanending.

No Guyanese with a sense of what stands as lawful practices, governance integrity, and leadership

principles, could honesty assert that the crimes of the PPP-as a party, as individual contributors, as a leadership custom-have eased off and stopped.

Thelitanyofwhite-collar crimescommitted,theblooda n d - b o n e s c r i m e s perpetrated or covered up, has not peaked and then fallen off, in the manner that evenmountainouswavesdo. It is ongoing, intensifying in strength, expanding in the broadness of its reach Frightening,itis.

A criminal enterprise draws closer to what today's PPP is at the core of its existence, the power of its practices A criminal enterprise is still competing with other underworld entities that are about grabbing every big dollar

development that stirs interest As a practical matter, a criminal enterprise, like a ghetto gang, is one of several.

WhereisthePPP'scrime criminal competition? Who stands as next in line, is anywhereclose?

Nowforaprimeronhow thistakesshape,whatmakes the criminals in the PPP drool, wet themselves in anticipation. Budgets are a reliable source of criminal prospectsunfolding.

arrangements must be made to capitalize on the poor man'staxdollar

Contractshavecushions made of extra hundreds of m

additional thievery Crony

capitalism is about buttering the bread of political benefactors. More crudely, backscratching begets backscratching. To put this in perspective, the PNC was terrible and deplorable in its time. But even at its dreadful worst, there is no comparison to today's PPP The millions were smaller The projects werefewer

The openings were narrower The perps were sloppier The supporting networks (institutional and political)wereslimmer

Lookatahandfulofwhat makes the news nowadays, how the crime opportunities proliferate.

It could be a bridge, an old hotel, a new hotel, an energy project, an overseas junket, a lease, a real estate development, a land deal, a natural resources award, or any number of public works projects, and the opportunity forthecommissionofacrime isnotedandseized.

Which other group in Guyana is, who else is there, encroaching on the criminal turf of the PPP and its criminal perps? Name any upstartpresencethatdaresto interfere (try a ting) for a piece of the criminal action now monopolised by the party?

B y p r o c e s s o f elimination, by default, crime wave is snuffed out, and a criminal enterprise doesnotdojustice,relativeto the near total stranglehold that Freedom House has on white-collar (and other) crimes in Guyana. PPP crimes are more than born andbredinthecapital.

Theyarealsoregionalin the roots planted, the rotted treesexisting.

Move from village to village, and PPP crimes flourish,thepartycabalsand criminals prosper Go from town to country, and it is more of the same crimes: money, more money, always something wrong, missing a link, smelling bad, not addingup.

From heartland to hinterland, and tentacles of PPPcrimesreachdeep,brook nointrusion. IfthePPPisnot a national criminal institution,thenthereisnone otherthatqualifies.

Toprovidehowtherotis riotous, a revealing aside is helpful. A PPP faithful is back in the fold. He is a straightarrow Heisaknown

commodity for pedigree, loyalty, and honesty But he is looked upon with suspicion,lockedout. Why? Hewillbewatcher,objector, andtroublemakerbecauseof hisqualities.

He will see too much, agitate,resist. So,hisplaceis outside. Hemightaswellbe PNC, but is not, never will be.

This is the ugly, dirty story of putridity that is the PPPoftoday Pauseandtake note of Guyana as it stands now under PPP dominance anditscriminalcontrivances. State institutions are tottering,orallbutcollapsed. The judiciary is an apology, other than for a few who are competent, conscientious, and wise in law and justice. Real justice, not the party's brandofit.

The security forces are compromised, a tool of PPP m a l e v o l e n c e a n d oppressions Instead of protecting law-abiding citizens, protective agencies put their highest priority towardstheprotectionofthe interestsandambitionsofthe PPPcriminallegion(s). Civil societyislargelyinfiltrated,a wetrag,aconsciencelessand characterless body, other than for a few intrepid women and a small cadre of spiritedmalevoices. Onand on, the national blight proliferates Commercial mercenariesthroughout.

So, what is left to resist the steamroller effect of a PPP crime juggernaut running downhill at increasingacceleration? The independent media, a threeleggedtripodstandingforthe timebeing.

It has been subject to ferocious assaults, slanders, and other revulsions from politicalreprobates.

ThisiswhereGuyanais. This is what is left. In sum, this is what the PPP is all about.

MyfellowGuyanese,and to any interestedAmericans, I present the People's Progressive Party, a national criminal institution, beyond compare.

(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

No bail for ganja-trafficking soldiers

Remanded: Colvis Sam (right) and Adisa Higgins (left)

Two sergeants of the Guyana DefenceForce(GDF)wereonMonday remanded to prison after they were jointlychargedwithpossessionof154 lbs.ofmarijuanainaservicevehicle.

Forty two-year-old GDF Staff Sergeant Adisa Higgins from Linden and 31-year-old GDF Sergeant Colvis Sam from Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara (ECD) appeared at the Diamond Magistrates' Court before

Magistrate Sunil Scarce who read the chargetohim.

Bothmenpleadednotguiltytothe charge.

Attorney-at-law Bernard Da Silva representedHigginswhileAttorney-atlaw Patrice Henry represented Sam. Bothattorneysmadeanapplicationfor bail, however, the Prosecutor objected to bail due to the seriousness and prevalenceoftheoffence.

Magistrate Scarce refused bail and the ranks are scheduled to return to court on August 12, 2024 for disclosures. Sam and Higgins were on the July 18, busted with 154 lbs. of marijuanainaservicevehiclealongthe Coverden Public Road, East Bank Demerara (EBD) during a joint intelligence-led police operation conducted by ranks from Special BranchandRegionalDivision4'B'.

ChineseTravelAgent allegedlyinvolvedin agoldsmugglingring on$400,000bail

The 30-year-old Chinese Travel agent who was allegedly involved in a gold smuggling ring was on Monday placed on $400,000 bail for possession of an i


Thewoman,YingXinSu, anemployeeofMuneshwer's Travel Service made her second court appearance before Magistrate Dylon Bess at the Diamond Magistrates'Court.

Attorney B

d DaSilva who represented Su deniedthathisclientwaspart ofagoldsmugglingringand told the court that his client was not in possession of the saidfirearmandammunition.

Magistrate Bess released Su on $250,000 bail for firearm possession and $150,000 bail for possession of ammunition. Further, the magistrate instructed that Su reports to the Criminal Investigations Department Headquarters on the first Mondayofeverymonth. Sheisscheduledtoreturn to court on August 9 and 11 fortrial.

Meanwhile, during Su's firstcourtappearanceonJuly 12, 2024 at the Diamond Magistrates' Court she pleaded not guilty to the possession of arms and ammunitioncharges.Shewas remanded.


A35-year-old taxi driver was granted $55,000 bail on Friday, when he appeared at the Suddie Magistrates' Court to answer to several charges including assaulting a peace officer, resisting a peace officer, disorderly behaviour and threateninglanguage.

It is alleged that on June 26, 2024 Jitendra Balijodah, a resident of Onderneeming/ Sand Pit, Essequibo Coast, Region Two committed the offences.

Balijodah made his first court appearance before Magistrate Tamieka Clarke at the Suddie Magistrates' Court where the charges were read to him. He pleaded notguilty.

Alleged suspect of gold smuggling ring released on bail: Ying Xin Su

2024, Su had a 9mm Glock pistol and 14 9mm rounds of ammunition in her possession. She is not the holderofafirearmlicence. She was arrested along with two Chinese men - one ofthemidentifiedasYangSu, herdriver–onthesaiddateat a city hotel They were arrestedafterpolicemanaged to dismantle a transnational criminal network in Guyana reportedly involved in gold smuggling and other illegal activities.

During the bust, police confiscated some $39M in cashfromthemalongwithan unlicensed firearm with matching bullets. Ying Xin Suwaslaterchargedwiththe

(Continued on page 16)

He was placed on $35,000 bail for assaulting and resisting the peace officer and $10,000 each for the use of threatening language and disorderly behaviorcharges. The court case has been adjournedtoAugust9,2024for disclosureandstatements.

Jitendra Balijodah

IT Technician on $150k bail for publishing nude pictures of ex-girlfriend

A 33-year-old IT

Technician was on Monday placedon$150,000bailwhen he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates'

Court to answer two cybercrimechargesrelativeto acquiring and posting nude photographsandvideosofhis ex-girlfriend.

The accused, Jeremy Smith of Lot 139 Meadow Brook Gardens, Georgetown appeared before Magistrate CliveNurse.

Smith was charged with illegalacquisitionofdata.Itis alleged that between March 11 and May 6, 2023 at Meadow Brook Gardens, Smith intentionally and without a lawful excuse, acquired electronic data, beingvideosandphotosfrom Denise Alexis' WhatsApp messages.

Smith was also charged with the offence of using a

computer system to intimidate a person It is alleged that Smith between May 27 and July 16 2024 at the same location, used a computer system to publish electronic data of his exgirlfriend that was obscene, vulgar, profane, rude or indecent that caused emotionaldistresstoAlexis.

He pleaded not guilty to bothcharges.

Attorney-at-law Eusi Anderson who represented Smith requested reasonable bail for his client. Anderson told the Court that Smith has

nopriorantecedents,isnotat flight risk and is not a danger tothepublic.

Anderson also told the court that Smith has a Protection Order against Alexis.Andersonallegedthat Alexis used threatening languageandassaultedSmith in 2023 and as a result, he soughttheProtectionOrder

The Prosecutor did not object to bail but requested that Smith reports to the Criminal Investigation Department Headquarters everyFriday

Bail was granted in the sum of $75,000 for each offence.

Smith is scheduled to return to court onAugust 23, 2024 for statements and fixtures.

Lula"scared"byMaduro rhetoric,urgesrespect forVenezuelaelection


(Reuters) - Brazilian

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Monday urged Venezuela's government to respect the result of next Sunday's presidential election, saying he was "scared" by incumbent president Nicolas Maduro's threat of a bloodbath if he loses.

The vote pits Maduro againstoppositioncandidate EdmundoGonzalez."Ihave told Maduro that the only chance for Venezuela to returntonormalityistohave a widely respected electoral

The needed upgrade to the farm-to-market access road that residents of Buxton / Friendship on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD) had raised with the Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha in June will be done to the tune of $94,975,000.

This is according to informationprovidedonthe National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) website whichstatedthatcontractor - Colin Talbot Contracting Service Inc who was awardedthecontractwillbe constructing an all-weather roadintheBuxtonarea.

It was reported that during a meeting with the minister, the farmers in the area said that there was a vestedinterestinagriculture and that the village has the potentialtodomore.

They told the minister that farm access was an

issue. While responding to the concerns raised by the residents, Minister Mustapha said that the MinistryofAgriculturewill rehabilitate the Buxton Middle Walk farm-tomarketaccessroad.Thisisa project being executed

through the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) “We cannotdoallofthefarm-tomarketroadsnow

This afternoon I'll c o m m i t t h a t t h e Government of Guyana through the Ministry of

Agriculture will do the Buxton Middle Walk farmto-market road Those works will commence within a month. We'll also give four mechanical tillers to be used by farmers from the Buxton/Friendship area,”hesaid.

internationalnewsagencies. "I was scared by Maduro's remarks that Venezuela could face bloodshed if he loses," Lula said. "Maduro needstolearnthatwhenyou win, you stay; when you lose,youleave."

Lula said Brazil will send two members of its electoral justice service to observetheelection,aswell as his top foreign policy advisor, former foreign ministerCelsoAmorim.

"I will see if the lower house of Congress and the Senate can also send people to follow the election," he added.

Bailed: Jeremy Smith
Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha during his meeting with residents of Buxton, ECD back in June.

Second defendant charged with murder of sex worker

Theremanded, Shaggy Mohammed

The second suspect accused of the murder of Shawn Simon, also known as 'the Hopper' or 'Coil Bottle', has been charged and remanded after he appeared in courtonMonday

Thedefendant,23-year-old Shaggy Mohammed appeared attheGeorgetownMagistrates' Court #1 before Magistrate Faith McGusty where the indictable charge was read to him Mohammed has been charged jointly with Akeem Fraser with the murder of Simon.

Fraserwaschargedwiththe same offense on Friday, but Mohammedwasnotpresentat thetime.

Both men have been remanded to prison and Mohammed is scheduled to return to court on August 12, 2024 for reports and statements. Simon was shot dead on July 11 in the vicinity ofKingStreetandSouthRoad, Georgetown.

The shooting occurred at about 02:00hrs while Simon wasstandinginthecompanyof another when a heavily tinted silver vehicle drove up on Croal Street. Reports are that shots were fired from the vehicle in the direction of the sex workers who attempted to escape. However, Simon was hitintheregionofhisrightarm andcollapsed.

Simon was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation(GPHC)wherehe was pronounced dead on arrival.

GWI's CEO Shaik Baksh inspects water treatment plant operated by the Kwakwani Utilities Incorporated

$35M sanitation and water supply networks project in Kwakwani progressing well

Th e $ 3 5 M

sanitation and water supply networks project in Kwakwani, Region 10 are progressingwell,theGuyana Water Incorporated (GWI) saidonMonday “With regards to sanitation, the (Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management+ Guyana Project) CReW project is almost 75% completed in Kwakwani with activities such as the clearing of blockages in the more than 70-year-old sewerage network, upgrades to damaged chambers, repairs and/or construction of seven septic tanks and adding of tertiary treatment to remove pathogens and

nutrients from the waste,” the water company said in a pressrelease.

The GWI said that it is advancing interventions to ensure better water distribution and sanitation systemsinKwakwani,where more than 7000 persons would benefit from the improvedservices.

GWI's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Shaik Baksh ledatechnicalteamonasite assessmentinthecommunity over the weekend where he inspectedthewatertreatment plant and storage facilities andhelddiscussionswiththe Kwakwani Utilities Incorporated(KUI).

The team also visited several areas where GWI is leading infrastructural

upgrades to the sanitation network as part of the CaribbeanRegionalFundfor Wastewater Management+ Guyana Project (CReW+). ApproximatelyGY$35 million is being invested in Kwakwani under this project.

KUI, a subsidiary of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited, is responsible for managing Kwakwani's main utility services including waterandsanitation.

KUI's General Manager Winston Rozario and staff updated the GWI personnel on challenges with water supply and distribution including blockages in the systemthatcontributetolow (Continuedonpage16)

Gov’t procuring 100,000 street lights for nationwide installation - Min Edghill


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Live in nanny wanted overseas, Ages 18-45 years. Must have a valid visa & travel documents. Whatsapp: + 1682-209-9561.

Puri Maker and Kitchen helper. Call Rabbie: 648-8279.

Experienced male Cooks wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Experienced Welder / Fabricator wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.

Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music & food. Contact:264-2946-9 ENTERTAINMENT

Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) A/C rooms from $75 usd/$40 usd day rate WIFI, secure parking & poolside. Contact: 264-29469 / www.aracariresort.com

2 Howo cement mixer truck for sale, $20 M for both. Call: 652-0251/650-0402/2604018.

Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.

Live-in Housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, USA. Free room and boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.

Vacancy for Receptionist and Hotel Attendant at Hick's Ville Hotel. Email: info @vegeworld.net or Call: 2310951/ 231-0952.

Sand truck Driver needed, Sand pit to Eccles. $5,000 per trip. Call: 621-5282.

Now hiring: Executive Secretary, Project Engineer & Accounts Clerk, To apply send application via Whatsapp: 638-5303/ 638-1111.

Cafe Sol located at North Road is hiring an assistant Cook, 2 pm- 8pm. For more information Contact: 6028067 / 634-8644.

Josel Educational institute seeks to employ a qualified science teacher. Email: joseleducation@yahoo.com or call: 226-7868 / 678-0652.

One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.

Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Painter needed. For more information Call: 615-9132.

Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443

Exists for welder and fabricator. Apply in person at Splashmins Resort Soesdyke, Linden highway.


FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly . Call 225-9082.

courses beginning September 9th,2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.


4 bedrooms house at Lamaha Gardens, $2,800 USD. All amenities provided along with parking, long term only! Call: 679-2966.

1 Ground floor for rent 2640 sq in Farm E.B.D for any type business. Tele: 223-9677, call 8 am-4 pm.


Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

One mature Afro-Guyanese male is interested in a single business minded and adventurous female. Call/text : 662-2018.


Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport & i130 application forms. Call: 6267040.

he government will soon be procuring some 100,000 street lights which will be installed across the country to enhance communities and improve the livelihoods of residents.

This was disclosed by Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill during a recent community outreach to Roxanne Burnham Gardens, South Georgetown.

The minister said that his ministry has since put out a

public tender to purchase the streetlights. “We have put out a public tender to buy 100,000 streetlights.

As a matter of fact, the tender document has been prepared and we are just checking all the fine print and then we will be launching it,”

Minister Edghill stated. He noted that the project is expected to be rolled out within the next few months.

“A massive streetlight programme throughout the length and breadth of Guyana

is coming in a wave but it also has to be tied with us getting additional power to the grid,” the minister said.

Minister Edghill said that the streetlights will also come in handy to complement lights that have traffic cameras attached to them.

The public works ministry is urging residents to take care of the lights, since it has been observed that many were destroyed by persons within the villages where they have been installed. (DPI)

AFC urges street protests against rising crime...

From page 8 scrupulously done and shared with the public, along with the disaggregated weekly statistics of serious crimes.

Government and the Police must combine data and human intelligence to understand the dynamics of this high-end lethal violence with an emphasis to discover the proximate and root causes.”

The AFC said it believes that budgetary allocations for a better security for all Guyana must be structured to target especially this increase

in gun crimes.

“Devoting additional resources to curb gun violence and murders is affordable by any budgetary standard, especially if compared to the costs of the loss of lives and limbs, the medical costs, the criminal justice costs, lost earnings, the reduced quality of life and so many consequential costs of the violence. But there must be funds allocated specifically for this purpose: reduction of shooting and killing.”

The AFC said police force and the Ministry of Home

Affairs must thereafter provide progress reports showing that the monies are being spent on the people, places and behaviours that have been identified as driving this gun violence.

Sadly, our GPF these days, especially some members of the Officer Corps, seem to be far removed from these core functions and progressive activities.

As a nation we will be worse off for it,” the AFC statement concluded.

$35M sanitation and water supply...

From page 15 water levels in some areas. Currently, water is supplied to residents for three hours in the morning and another three during the afternoon. KUI requested GWI’s support to improve these services.

Mr. Baksh noted his satisfaction with the existing water treatment and storage system, the environmental upkeep of the facilities and the existence of a good water source, which are key for continued service. He assured

that GWI, based on its evaluation, will develop an improvement programme to support Kwakwani’s water quality and supply.

However, Mr. Baksh emphasized the need for data on the distribution network so GWI’s technical personnel can comprehensively evaluate the needs and identify solutions.

Data is required on production, storage and consumption.

The GWI and KUI teams agreed that there is need for

greater public awareness on water conservation and storage especially since the community is supplied with nonrevenue water.

Additionally, the project will support the community’s secondary school to upgrade its waste-to-energy facility enabling the students to continue using pig manure to produce cooking gas for their home economics classes. The project is awarded to local contractor, Sachia Jones Construction and Supplies Services of Kwakwani.

Chinese Travel Agent allegedly involved...

From page 12 illegal possession of the firearm and the bullets while the two Chinese men remain under investigation.

Additionally, another Chinese woman, 34-year-old Zhong Jin Ziang, suspected of being involved in the said gold smuggling ring was granted bail for over-staying her time in Guyana.

According to police, she is also a customer represen-

tative at Muneshwers Travel Service and was arrested on July 15 during the course of an investigation into a major money laundering and gold smuggling operation in the country.

Ziang appeared at the Grove/Diamond Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Judy Latchman and pleaded not guilty to the offence. She was placed on $60,000 bail and the case was transferred to the

Georgetown Magistrates’ Court where she is scheduled to appear on August 14, 2024. A wanted bulletin was also issued by police for another Chinese man identified as, Zhenjian Fang of 47 New Road, Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara (WCD). According to the bulletin, he is wanted for questioning in relation to money laundering and related serious offences in Guyana.

Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology

$14.9M intended for X-ray room at Pakera Hospital

built malaria office and storage

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on Monday learned that a $14.9M contract awarded to build an X-ray room and laboratory at the Pakera District Hospital in Region One, instead built a malaria office and storage space, according to the Region’s Regional Executive Officer (REO),Mr Seewchand.

The PAC members on Monday were reviewing the Auditor General’s 2019 Reportforthatregion,where it was documented that “A contract for the construction ofanX-rayRoom/Labatthe PakeraDistrictHospitalwas awarded in the sum of $14.890M in 2018.As at 31 December 2018 payments totalling $13 401M were made.Aphysical inspection in May 2019 revealed that the works were incomplete and the site was abandoned. In addition, there were no materialsonsite.”

Attention to the matter

was brought by PAC member Dr Vishwa D.B. Mahadeo, who asked for an update from the REO regardingtheproject.

In response to the questions, Mr Seewchand, who became the REO in March 2024, informed that the building had since been completed; however, the intended specifications and requirementswerenotmet.

“Iwasadvisedthatitwas completed, not with the original scope of work, meaning the x-ray, but the infrastructure was physicallycompletedforuse of malaria and storage,” Seewchandsaid.

Dr Mahadeoaskedwhat factors led to the cost of the project remaining the same, though the initial specifications, which would havejustifiedthatcost,were notmet.Healsoarguedthat, since the x-ray and lab were not built, the project was, in fact,notcomplete.

Over 3 million die each year from drugs, alcohol ...men make up the majority

A new report from the WorldHealthOrganisation (WHO) highlights that 2.6 million deaths per year wereattributabletoalcohol consumption, accounting for 4.7% of all deaths, and 0 6 million deaths to psychoactive drug use Notably, 2 million of alcohol and 0.4 million of drug-attributable deaths wereamongmen.

WHO’s Global status report on alcohol and health and treatment of substance use disorders provides a comprehensive update based on 2019 data onthepublichealthimpact ofalcoholanddruguseand situation with alcohol consumptionandtreatment of substance use disorders worldwide The report shows an estimated 400 million people lived with alcohol use disorders globally Of this, 209 million people lived with alcoholdependence.

“Substance use severely harms individual health, increasing the risk ofchronicdiseases,mental health conditions, and tragically resulting in millions of preventable deathseveryyear.Itplaces aheavyburdenonfamilies

Region One’s Regional Executive Officer (REO), Mr. Seewchand addresses the Committee

– PAC hears


“You budget to build an x-rayandalabandthesame money now you provide offices. How do we balance thosetwo?Andadditionally, the people in Pakera still don’t have the services, so we got to look at getting themtheservices,”hesaid.

The contract for these works was initially tendered in2018,whichmeansthatit has been about six years since the people of Pakera District were promised the upgradestothehospital.

Additionally,Ministerof Public Works and PAC member Juan Edghill

unable to provide an answer immediately but offered to returntotheCommitteewith theinformation. Assuch,Chairmanofthe PAC, Jermaine Figueira, requested that the REO present a response to Minister Edghill’s question totheCommitteewithintwo weeks.


Opposition MP and PAC member Ganesh Mahipaul,

Engineer, Ricardo Phillips about the specifications of the original project and whether (and how) there wereanychangestoit.

“To build a healthier, more equitable society, we must urgently commit to bold actions that reduce the negative health and social consequences of alcohol consumption and make treatmentforsubstanceuse disorders accessible and affordable.”

The report highlights the urgent need to accelerate actions globally towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 3.5 by 2030 by reducing alcohol and drug consumption and improvingaccesstoquality treatmentforsubstanceuse disorders.

The report highlights thatdespitesomereduction inthealcohol-relateddeath ratessince2010,theoverall number of deaths due to alcohol consumption remains unacceptably high and amounts to 2.6 million in 2019, with the highest numbers in the European Region and the African region.Thedeathratesdue toalcoholconsumptionper litre of alcohol consumed are highest in low-income countries and lowest in high-incomecountries.

and communities, increasing exposure to accidents, injuries, and violence,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General

“Building an x-ray carries additional expense, you have got to [install lead in] the wall or the wall has got to be very thick, concrete,solidcast.Sowhat was the difference that you had to use up this money?” heinquired.

Further, Dr Mahadeo made it clear that those whomtheprojectintendedto benefit have not benefitted since the x-ray facility and

e execution of the project, stating,“Eveniftherewasan error in design and the money cannot be enough to buildthat,aredesignstillhas tobeapproved.Myquestion is who approved the redesign?”

Mr Seewchand was

Phillips informed the Committee that he only assumed his role on July 1, 2023, and as such, was not directly involved with the project.Theengineersaidhe preferred not to make assumptions about the methods employed by the RegionalEngineerin2018.

Man on $700,000 bail for allegedly robbing Manager of $18M

A27-year-old man was on M o n d a y chargedwithRobberyUnder Arms (RUA) and placed on $700,000 bail when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before MagistrateCliveNurse.

NegusLamazonoflot51 Durban Street Lodge, Georgetown is accused of r

Manager at a city bank on July3.

According to the charge, Lamazon, while in the company of others and armed with a gun, robbed Faizal Shaw, the Toucan Distributors Manager of $18,242,070.

He pleaded not guilty to thecharge.

Lamazon’s attorney Joel Rossbeggedthecourtforhis client to be released on reasonable bail. Ross told the court that Lamazon was charged once in 2021 for a similaroffence.

The Prosecutor objected to bail due the seriousness and prevalence of the offence.

Notwithstanding, $700,000 bail was granted and Lamazon was required

to lodge his passport and report to the Brickdam Police Station on the last Fridayofeverymonth. Theaccusedisscheduled

to return to court onAugust 19fordisclosures. It was reported that on July3,twobanditsdressedin police uniforms and

reportedly wearing ski masks, robbed Shaw of millions in cash as he was depositingitintoavaultata citybank.

Investigators learnt that thevictimlefthisworkplace around 21:15 hrs. in a black Land Cruiser vehicle (PKK 3700) with five bags containingthecash.

When he arrived at the bank, he met with a GEB security Guard on duty who openedthegateandallowed him access inside to deposit themoney

The Manager claimed that while he was walking towardsthevaulthesawtwo motorcyclists approaching frombehindhisvehicle.

He said the men were dressed as policemen so he didnotpaymuchattentionto them.

Hecontinuedwalkingto the vault with the money bagsinhishands.

However, one of the suspects, reportedly walked upbehindhimandpointeda gun at his head before grabbing the bags from his hand The suspect then j o i n e d t h e o t h e r motorcyclist, and escaped out of the bank’s compound inanunknowndirection.

On bail: Negus Lamazon

World leaders react to Biden’s exit from the 2024 US presidential race

(CNN) Messages of gratitudeandsupportforUS President Joe Biden poured in following his stunning announcement Sunday that he is exiting the 2024 presidential race and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as the next Democraticnominee.

Itwasthesecondseismic momentinUSpoliticsinjust over a week, following the assassinationattemptagainst former president Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally on July 13, which saw global leaders rally around him as the Republican nominee.

Pressurehadmountedon Biden to pull out of the race

since his disastrous performance at the CNN presidential debate last month, and on Sunday, he confirmed he would remain a one-term president, promptingafloodoftributes from US allies who thanked him for his leadership British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who met with Biden this month in Washington,saidherespects the president’s decision and looks forward to working togetherfortheremainderof histerm. “Iknowthat,ashe

has done throughout his remarkable career, he will have made his decision basedonwhathebelievesis best for the American people,” Starmer wrote on X.

CanadianPrimeMinister Justin Trudeau thanked Biden for being a “true friend”tohiscountry

“He’s a great man, and everythinghedoesisguided by his love for his country,” hesaidonX.

In a news conference, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Biden deserves to be recognized for “once again not putting himself forward first, but giving his first consideration to being what hebelievesisintheinterests of the United States of America, as he has done his wholepubliclife.”

“President Biden has dedicated his life to public service, and that is something that deserves muchrespect,”NewZealand Prime Minister Christopher LuxonsaidonX.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked Biden for his “unwavering support” in his country’s war against

Russia, which the US has backed with weapons, military aid and diplomatic support, despite backlash fromRepublicans.

“Many strong decisions have been made in recent years and they will be remembered as bold steps taken by President Biden in response to challenging times,” Zelensky said on X.

“Wewillalwaysbethankful for President Biden’s leadership ” Meanwhile, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow was “not too surprised” by Biden’swithdrawal.

“In recent years, what has been happening in the United States has taught us not to be surprised by anything,” Peskov told reportersMonday

“This topic should concern American voters, but not us,” he said, adding that “what is very important for us is the future of Russian-Americanrelations, which are now experiencing theworstperiodinhistory.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that, whoever wins the US presidential election, Israel willremain“anirreplaceable ally” for Washington in the


Speaking on Monday fromthetarmacofTelAviv’s BenGurionAirportaheadof boarding a flight to the US, Netanyahu said his trip was an opportunity to thank Biden “for the things he did forthestateofIsrael,bothin thewarandduringhisyears of service as a senator, as vice president and as president.”

President Isaac Herzog described Biden as a “true ally of the Jewish people,” while Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said the US president’s “steadfast backing, especially during the war, has been invaluable,” both in posts to X.

Bidenhasbeenoneofthe biggestsupportersofIsrael’s war in Gaza since Hamas’ October7attacks.Buthehas increasingly clashed with N e t a n y a h u o v e r

humanitarian aid and the mounting civilian death toll oftheconflict.

Irish Taoiseach Simon HarriscalledBiden“aproud American with an Irish soul,” and thanked him for his “global leadership” and “friendship.” Other leaders commended Biden for makingwhatmusthavebeen a tough decision to drop out oftherace.

“MyfriendJoeBidenhas achieved a lot: for his country, for Europe, for the world,” German chancellor OlafScholzwroteonX.“His decision not to run again deservesrespect.”

Speaking at a rally

Sunday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Biden made the “correct” decision and put his family and health first. Hewishedhim“healthanda longlife.”

Polish Prime Minister

DonaldTuskwroteonXthat Biden had made difficult decisions “thanks to which Poland, America and the world are safer, and democracystronger.”

“I know you were d

n announcing your final decision Probably the

, ” Tusk said Leaders in South Korea and Japan said they would not comment about domestic politics in the US but emphasized the need to continue to work with the WhiteHouse.

Both nations have a mutual defense treaty with the United States and Biden was a major promoter of deepening ties between allies in Asia, in part to counter t h e g r o w i n g assertiveness of China

70 killed, over 200 wounded as Israel launches fresh attacks on Khan Younis

Anew Israeli military

on eastern

at least 70 Palestinians and injured more than 200,accordingtohealthofficials

Theattackbytanks,aircraftandartillery came just minutes after the Israeli military ordered the evacuation of areas in Khan Younis that the Palestinian Civil Defence saysaffectsmorethan400,000people. UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini has

calledforaccountabilityafterIsrael'smilitary attacked a “clearly marked” UN convoy travelling to Gaza City in “coordination” withIsraeliauthorities.

At least 39,006 people have been killed and 89,818 injured in 'Israels war on Gaza. The death toll in Israel from Hamas-led attacks on October 7 is estimated at 1,139, with dozens of people still held captive in Gaza.

Khan Younis in southern Gaza has killed

The new home donated to Sandra Hendricks

Elderly woman gets home from MoM

A70-year-old woman, Sandra Hendricks received a brand-new house on Sunday through the government's Men on a Mission (MoM) initiative.The woman had acquired a plot of land at Farm, East Bank Demerara some seven years ago, but had doubts that a building would ever be erected there, especiallysinceshehasgottenolder “Icalled the Office of the President and as soon as I calledayoungwomananswered.ThenIwas athomeonedayandthesemencameandsaid thattheywerefromMoM.Fromthatprocess, theycamebackagain,andwearehereatthis house today,” an elated Hendricks told the media.She lives with her family members in DiamondontheEastBankofDemerara.And, accordingtoher,thelivingconditionthereis not good for her age. The woman said she alreadystartedpackingherbelongings,asshe isexcitedtomoveintothenewhouse.“Ifeel wonderful, I am blessed. And I thank PresidentDr.IrfaanAlifortheMoMinitiative because I could never see this happening on myown.Thisisawonderfulinitiativethatthe president is doing,” the elderly woman expressed.

Meanwhile,MinisterwithintheOfficeof the Prime Minister with responsibility for PublicAffairs,KwameMcCoy,spear-headed

Sandra Hendricks, proud owner of a new house

thehandingoverexercise.Heemphasisedthe government's responsibility to better the livelihoods of all citizens, especially those that are vulnerable. “We have been delivering and we have been meeting the needs of people, fulfilling aspirations, and bringingjoytofaces,andfamiliesandthat ishowitoughttobe,”theministerstressed. The MoM initiative is a brainchild of President Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli. Since its launch,ithasbroughttremendousbenefitsto scores of residents. The undertaking also servesasamentorshipprogrammeforyouths across the country Fire Chief (ag), Gregory Wickham, and MoM's Executive Committee members were also present during the handingoverceremony.(DPI)

Corentyne woman dies after speeding car crashes into crane

An eighteen-yearold woman was killed in an accident on the Kiltearn Public Road in Corentyne earlyMondaymorningwhen the driver of the car she was in lost control of the vehicle and slammed into a crane thatwasparkedontheroad.

Dead is Bibi Aleah Ali. According to police reports, the accident took place around 02:10hrs The motorcar licensed under registration number PAF 6330 was driven by 24 year old Niraz Sukdeo, a medical technologist from Lancaster Village. Ali, Sukdeo's wife was also a medical technologist.

Initial inves i i revealed that the car traveling northbound at a high rate speed when the driver lost control of the vehicle.

Thecarthen collided with a crane parked on theparapetalong thewesternsideof theroad.Asaresult the vehicle ended in a canal on the eastern side The impact of the collision resulted in Ali being ejected from the vehicle and landing in the canal. Both Sukdeo and his

The crashed motorcar that Sukdeo and Ali were in

Hospital and Skeldon Public Hospital respectively Bibi Aleah Aliwaspronounceddead on arrival at the Skeldon ublic Hospital, while Sukdeo was admitted to the namayah Memorial Hospitalincriticalcondition, suffering from multiple injuries. Investigations into the tragic incident are ongoing.

Dead: Bibi Aleah Ali


The Guyana Cycling Federation (GCF) yesterday announced the successful completion of the Road Cycling Training Camp, held at the Union Cycliste

Internationale (UCI) Continental Development Satellite in Couva, Trinidad andTobago,fromJune30to July 8. This camp aimed to enhance the skills and performance of emerging cyclistsintheregion.

Three talented cyclists fromGuyanaparticipatedin

thecamp:AlexanderLeung, Sidwell Sandy, and Aaron Newton They underwent intensive training sessions designed to improve endurance, speed, and tactical understanding of road cycling, all under the guidanceoftopUCIcoaches andexperts.

Alexander Leung, known for his remarkable endurance and consistency, focused on improving his long-distance riding capabilities and race

strategies. Aaron Newton, with his explosive sprinting ability, worked on optimizing his sprint finishes and overall speed. Sidwell Sandy, an emerging talent, concentrated on building strength and enhancing his climbing techniques.

The UCI Continental Development Satellite provided a world-class training environment, equipped with state-of-theart facilities and resources.

The camp featured a variety of tr

including endurance training, speed workouts, tactical sessions, technical skills, and nutrition and recovery.

The athletes also engaged in knowledgesharing sessions, learning from experienced coaches and interacting with fellow cyclists from different countries.Theseinteractions offeredvaluableinsightsand fosteredcamaraderieamong theparticipants.

Tuesday July 23, 2024


Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely


Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.


You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday


Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.


Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.


You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently


Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some

Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t

y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay


Haveyoubeenreviewingyour f

mily h

y lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.


Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.

Frompage24 set to face the Jaguar’s for theinauguraltrophy

On Sunday, a thrilling Cup final ignited the NTC turf. The Guyana Panther

Academy eventually clinched the GFF-Star RentalYouthAcademy Cup title with a 4-3 win on penalty kicks after a 1-1 draw with the Guyana Jaguars in the final. The matchbeganwithascoreless first25minutes.

The GCF has extended heartfelt gratitude to Wayne DeAbreu of the Continental Cycling Club and the UCI Continental Development Satellite for hosting the camp and providing an excep


The federation is confident that the skills and knowledge gained by Sidwell Sandy, Alexander Leung, and Aaron Newton will significantly contribute to their future success in competitive cycling, both in andoutsideofGuyana.

NeciazBakshthenbroke the deadlock in the 30th minute of the game, giving t

Academyamuch-needed10 lead. The Guyana Jaguars equalized inside the first minute of stoppage time, with Rondell Peton scoring in the 40+1 minute pushing thescoreto1-1.Bothteams’ defences held firm during thesecondhalf,leadingtoa penalty shootout where the Guyana Panther Academy emerged victorious, lifting the GFF Youth Academy title. Head coach, Trevon Lythcottwasdelightedtosee his guys clinching the title. Histacticaltraininghaspaid

Frompage26 most consistent opening batsmen in Division One Cricket in Georgetown. He represented Demerara once at the Senior Inter County levelagainstBerbiceatAlbion inaonedayfinalin1987

The same year he helped PoliceSportsClubtothe1987 Bristol Cup Championship although he was called to trialsonseveraloccasionshe failed to gain a First Class CAP.Hiscontributiontothe game of cricket at MackenzieorEveLearywas invaluable. ‘Riggers’played hislastinningsonthe11-072024.


He was one of several players from the Mining Town that represented Guyana at the Under19 Level following in the footsteps of the iconic and charismatic Mentor Dr. Vincent Adams who was the trail Blazer from 1966, 1968, 1969 and Senior National Team1969 Theothers:

Kenneth Sarabo 1972


Keith Farley 1975 – 1976

Guyana Benson & Hedges

Godfrey Edwards 1977 St

off nicely, holding Guyana Jaguar to 1-1 draw in the final.

In a brief presentation ceremony held by the GFF, Technical Director Bryan Joseph said that; he is pleased with the level of football we have witnessed over the four days of play These four teams have delivered some fantastic football over the past few days.

“The primary objective of the competition is to provideyoungmenwiththe opportunity to grow competitively and prepare themforfutureinternational tournaments. The cup has also enhanced partnerships with academies in Trinidad and Tobago, focusing on creating more opportunities for our youth teams to compete against others across the Caribbean,” said Josephinapost-tournament interview “We’ve seen someexcellentfootballfrom our future Golden Jaguars, who have represented our country admirably We’re proud of all their efforts,” Josephadded.

Mark Anthony Rigby aka ‘Riggers’ Mackenzie and Police Sports Club mourns the passing of

ThecricketingFraternity intheminingtownofLinden andthePolice’sSportsClub is saddened with the sudden passing of former National under19 Batsman Anthony ‘Riggers’ Rigby Rigby, who hails from Linden,

represented the Guyana National Under19 Cricket Team in the Benson and H

This photo from the Guyana Chronicle of August 10, 1979 shows Anthony Rigby (2nd right) in the Guyana team for the Benson & Hedges tournament that year in Trinidad. 3rd right is Roger Harper with Ray Joseph at right.

Tournament at home in 1979. He was 12th man the followingyearJanuary1980 when Guyana led by Orin Samuelsengagedthetouring English Under19 Team in a ThreedayMatchatBourda. Fellow Lindener Eion Duncanwasgiventhenodin front of the flambouyant Rigby Rigby regained his

spot on the National Under19 Team when the Roger Harper led team toured Barbados in July 1980 for the Benson & Hedges Tournament He represented Mackenzie, led by former West Indies star Batsman Basil Butcher in CaseCupCricketfrom1980 to 1983. An innings of 105

playing for Mackenzie against the Lawmen in Septemberof1983atPolice Head Quarters caught the attentionofPaulSlowewho encouragedRigbytojointhe GuyanaPoliceForce.

The next Season, 1984, Rigby never disappointed Sloweandwasoneofthe (Continuedonpage23)

KFC Elite League Season Six

Slingerz FC dominate Ann’s Grove United FC with 11-0 win, Western Tigers defeat Monedderlust to rise in standings

Slingerz Football Club secured another resounding 11-0 victory, this time against Ann’s Grove United Football Club on Saturday, bringing their total goals to sixty-eight, currently the highestinRoundTwoofthe KFCEliteLeagueSeasonix.

Meanwhile, Western Tigers Football Club

t r i u m p h e d o v e r Monedderlust Football Club 4-1, also on July 20, advancing one place to fourth position in the points table.SlingerzFC,currently second in the points table, delighted their fans with a goalscoringspreethatbegan with Kemar Beckford’s spectacularstrikeinthe11th minute of their match at the GFF National Training Centre in Providence, East BankDemerara.

Beckford went on to score two more goals in the 24th and 78th minutes

Daniel Ross added to the tally with goals in the 21st and 54th minutes, while Marcus Tudor found the net inthe40thand51stminutes.

Andrew Murray contributed with goals in the 90th and 90+2ndminutes.


match, Samuel Garnett scored twice in the 20th and 33rdminutes,whileMichael Pieaddedthefinaltwogoals inthe55thand72ndminutes.

Tyrone Delph netted his team’s only goal in the 80th minute, but Western Tigers FC tightened their defence and prevented any further scoringopportunities.

In the latest standings, there have been no changes in the top three positions of the league. Guyana Defence Force FC continues to lead comfortably with forty points, boasting thirteen wins and one draw, along withanimpressivegoaltally ofsixty-one.

Slingerz FC from West Demerara maintains second place with thirty-eight points, secured from eleven wins, two draws, and a total of sixty-nine goals scored.

Guyana Police Force FC holds third place with twenty-eight points, having played thirteen matches, winning nine, drawing one, andlosingthree.

Meanwhile, Western Tigers FC secured a crucial three points on Sunday, movinguponespottofourth position with twenty-four

points. They have recorded eight wins and seven losses, scoringforty-sevengoals. Santos FC has moved down to fifth place, also on twenty-four points from eight wins and six losses, withthirty-onegoalsscored. Den Amstel FC holds sixth place with eighteen points, comprising five wins, three draws,andsevenlosses.

Fruta Conquerors FC follows closely in seventh place, accumulating sixteen points from five wins, one draw, and eight losses, with Monedderlust FC in eighth position with twelve points, resulting from three wins, threedraws,andeightlosses.

Ann’s Grove United FC occupies ninth spot with eleven points, having won three matches, drawn two, andlostten.Atthebottomof the table, Buxton United FC remains in tenth place with one point secured from a solitary draw and sixteen losses.Upcomingfixtureson July 25: Guyana Police Force FC will go head-tohead with Monedderlust FC at 6:30 p.m., followed by Slingerz FC against Den AmstelFCat9:00p.m.atthe NTC.

World Chess Day sees over 50 Players participating

at the GCF one-day event

FM Anthony Drayton, Micaiah Enoe claim respective Open Blitz and Rapid titles

The Guyana Chess

F e d e r a t i o n ( G C F ) , i n collaboration with the GambitGroup,hostedaoneof-a-kind chess event marking the celebration of FIDE’s (the International ChessFederation)centenary onSaturday,July20th.

Talented players of the local chess world moved pieces to commemorate the 100th year of FIDE and WorldChessDayinthetwo tournaments, Rapid and Blitz in an official attempt for FIDE to gain entry into theGuinnessWorldRecords of the most chess games playedin24hours.

Hosted at the School of the Nations, the event saw the return of many dormant players who gave the returning headliners a good fight The Open Blitz tournamentwasabattlefield only for the best, with FM Anthony Drayton emerging victorious, snatching the $30,000 cash prize. Keron Sandiford won $20,000 for the second place prize, and veteran player Rai Sharma

claimedthe$10,000forthird place.

The Rapid tournament for unrated players was all about the rising stars

Fourteen-year-old Micaiah EnoefromMarianAcademy, not only took first place but also won the under-16 award, pocketing the prize


purse Newcomer to the chess scene, Prince Dunn secured second, while thirteen-year-old, Alek Ubaldo Singh, also from Marian Academy, bagged third place in conjunction with both under-12 and under-14awards.

Ten-year-old Javier

50-Over Trials…

Budhoo XI stroll to easy win after all round contributions -Keyplayershitform

The Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) trials ended yesterday with an Afraz Budhoo XI victory,butmoreimportantlyamuch-needed warm up for U-17 stars ahead of the upcomingRegionaltournament.

Parmeshwar Ram’s XI took first strike butcouldonlymuster105-6fromtherevised 35overs-per-side.

Carrying his form over from the InterAssociation tournament, wicket-keeper batsman Vishal Wilkinson led his team’s battingchargewith31.

All-rounder Shamar Apple played a usefulhandashesupportedwith22,capping offatoughbattinginningsforRamsXI.

Budhoo’s XI bowling was equally divided among; Darwin Joseph, Aston Simmons,JaydenDowlin,NavendraSankar, Justin Doobay and Munesh Outar who each took a wicket. In reply, Budhoo’s XI ended with a modest 110 all out 35 overs. Thierry Henry led with 25, while Devon Walton 22 chippedinwith22. Wickets went to Danesh Persaud who snared 2-8 and Marcel Nandu who returned 2-9.

SpinnersArunGaindaandJathnielNurse along with Udesh Seetaram and Nicholas Lovellfinishedwithawicketapiece.

Davenand copped the Best Under-10award.

The success of the tournamentisduetothehard work of FIDE Arbiter John Lee of the GCF, with the vital assistance from National Arbiter Odit Rodrigues, Gambit Group founder Oluwadare

Oyeyipo, and Ethan Lee.

The vigilant oversight of Marcia Lee, GCF’s Secretary ensured the smoothrunningoftheevent.

The tournament drew a crowd of over 50 participants of all ages and skill levels. It was a melting pot of new talents from St.

Joseph’s High School, Bishops High, Dolphin Secondary, and St. Winifred Schools, along with some familiar faces making a grandreturn.

The GCF has inspired a new generation of chess enthusiasts,settingthestage forfuturesuccesses.

FIDE stepped up plans foritscentenaryanniversary ( 1 9 2 4 - 2 0 2 4 ) b y collaborating with member federations globally to promote the most chess games played worldwide in 24 hours and to secure an entryintotheGuinnessBook ofWorldRecordswhichwas achieved hours before the deadline.

Certificates from FIDE, signed by President Arkady Dvorkovich, were presented to the participants of the FIDE100 Rapid and Blitz tournaments.

Meanwhile, yesterday, FIDE announced that a total score of 5.4 million chess games were played (up to 8pm CEST) in 24 hours, making it a new Guinness WorldRecordstitle.

GDF FC ready to battle Grenades at CFU Club Shield



The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Football Club is gearing up for action this Friday as they participate in this year’s Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Caribbean Club Shield ChampionshipinCuracao.

Previously, the GFF Elite League Champions qualified for the 2018 Caribbean Club Shield but wereunabletoparticipate.

However, following their victory in the last GFF Elite League season, GDF FC secured their spot once again in the tournament, whichbeganin2018.

On Friday at 5:30 pm, GDF will face Grenades, champions of Antigua and Barbuda’sPremierDivision, whereavictoryinthismatch is crucial for their advancement.

Should GDF FC win in the preliminary round, they will face SV Real Rincon fromBonaireonJuly28.

The GDF currently lead the GFF Elite League,

advantage over rivals SlingerzFCandmaintaining an undefeated record in 14 matches.Theironlyblemish is an entertaining scoreless draw against Slingerz FC, who are also unbeaten and have scored the most goals in the league so far (69), boasting a better goal difference than GDF (+62) in14gamesplayed.

Fruta Conquerors, threetime champions of the GFF’s premier league, were the first team to participate in the Caribbean Club Shield, competing in the 2019 editionhostedinCuracao.

Starting this year, the Caribbean Club Shield will be fullyorganizedandmanagedby the CFU Concacaf has shiftedresponsibilityforthe tournament, providing support for its execution while the CFU assumes complete organizational controlmovingforward.

Under the terms of the agreement between the two fo

rebranded as the CFU Club Shield and will grant qualificationtotwoclubsfor the Concacaf Caribbean Cup. Established six years ago, the Caribbean Club Shield aims primarily to pro


Participation is open to semi-professionalandamateur teams currently holding championship titles in their respective domestic leagues. The tournament format includesupto16clubsdivided into four groups of four The winnersofeachgroupadvance to the semifinals, with the finalists earning coveted spots intheConcacafCaribbeanCup andsubsequentlyqualifyingfor theConcacafChampionsCup Last year, SVRobinhood of Suriname clinched both the Caribbean Club Shield and

, cementingtheirstatusasthe most successful team in the Shield’s history with two titles.

FM Anthony Drayton (Blitz) - Caption: FM Anthony Drayton (left) receives the ‘Open Blitz’ first place prize from GCF Secretary Marcia Lee.
Micaiah Enoe (Rapid) - Micaiah Enoe won first place in the Rapid category.
Shamar Apple
Afraz Budhoo

Barbados crowned champions of CWI Rising

Stars Men’s U-19 2-Day Championship

SportsMax - Barbados

have been crowned championsofthe2024CWI Rising Stars Men’s 2-Day Championship after a draw with defending champions JamaicainthefinalatArnos Vale Playing Field from Saturday-Sunday

Barbados batted first on Saturday after being put in by the Jamaicans and made 200-9 declared off 62 4 oversintheirfirstinnings.

Raneico Smith led the way with 50 off 57 balls including seven fours and a six batting at number nine after the Jamaicans had Barbados reeling at 79-5 in the26thoveratonepoint.

Captain Nathan Sealy also provided some important runs with 29

Barbados have been crowned champions of the 2024 CWI Rising Stars Men’s 2-Day Championship. (BCA Cricket)

against 3-61 off 19 overs from Tamarie Redwood and identical figures of 2-39 off 10 overs, each, from Jevone WynterandMichaelClarke.

Jamaica, in their reply, reached 72-2 off 24 overs at stumps on day one, trailing by 128 runs with Steven Wedderburn and Matthew Morganatthecreaseon39* and28*,respectively

Thefirstoverofdaytwo sawWedderburnfallwithout addingtohisovernightscore and that signaled the beginning of the end for the Jamaicans.

The wickets of Morgan (33), Trevaun Williams (2) and captain Brian Barnes (16) followed soon after as theyeventuallyreached1278 off 43 overs before

declaring to try and force a resultoutofthegame.

Off-spinner Saurav Worrell was the pick of the Barbadian bowlers with 324 from his 10 overs while Jatario Prescod also took threewickets.

Barbados then batted smartly in their second innings,eventuallyreaching 172-2 in 57 overs before proceedings drew to a close withthemaschampions.

OpenersKyleJordanand Joshua Morris made 62 and 52,respectively.

FullScores: Barbados U-19s 200-9 declared off 62.4 overs (Raneico Smith 50, Nathan Sealy29,TamarieRedwood 3-61, Michael Clarke 2-39, JevoneWynter2-39)&172-

2 off 57 overs (Kyle Jordan 62,JoshuaMorris52,Joshua Dorne 29*, Zion Brathwaite 22*)

Jamaica U-19s 128-8 declared off 43 overs (Steven Wedderburn 39, MatthewMorgan33,Saurav Worrell 3-24, Jatario Prescod 3-51, Raneico Smith2-16)

Teams will now turn their attention to the CWI Rising Stars Men’s 50-Over Championships starting today,Tuesday.

Defending champions JamaicawillfaceGuyanaat Arnos Vale. The Leeward Islands will faceTrinidad & Tobago at Sion Hill while Barbados takes on the Windward Islands at Park Hill.

Guyana Panther lift GFF Youth

Academy Cup title

-Topples Guyana Jaguar 4-3 on penalties

sponsoredGuyanaFootball Federation(GFF)Under-16 Youth Academy Cup, whichkickedoffonJuly16 at the National Training C


Sunday with

Academy lifting the inauguraltitle

showcased remarkable performances from future stars representing both TrinidadandTobagoandthe hostnation,Guyana

The Point Fortin Youth Football Academy who achieved one win against Tinto Sporting Academy, drew with the Guyana Panther Academy, and suffered a loss to the Guyana Jaguars While Tinto Sports Academy ended their campaign with losses to both Point Fortin Youth Football Academy and the Guyana Jaguars, in addition to a forfeited match against the Guyana PantherAcademy

The semi-final match was intense, the Guyana Jaguarssecureda2-0victory against Point Fortin Youth Football Academy, earning their spot in the final However, with a five-point standing,theGuyanaPanther Youthteamwere (Continuedonpage23)

The Guyana Jaguar Academy went to the final undefeated, securing two wins against the visiting teams and a draw with the Guyana Panther Academy, while the Guyana Panther Academy recorded two draws; one coming against PointFortinYouthFootball Academy, along with a walkover against Tinto SportsAcademy

Cambridge Jaguars win CPSCL Rapid 100 final against VP Boys

Cambridge Jaguars emerged victorious in the 2024 Canadian Premier Softball Cricket League (CPSCL) Rapid 100 final against VP Boys last Saturday at the Andrew McCandless ground in Brampton,Ontario.

Choosing to bat first, CambridgeJaguarsroaredto an adequate 93-6 from the allocation of 10-overs while VPBoysrespondedwith836attheexpirationofthe10overs,losingby10runs.

Garfield Benjamin topscored for VP Boys with a fighting 27 that contained three sixes. They had a flying start with Guyanese softball cricketer Chien Gittensscoring19butafew quick wickets left them in shamble.

Young Kyle Karran was superb with the ball grabbing 3-9 from his maximum two overs Gleefully,itwashat-trickfor Karran!

He got excellent support from Amar Singh who snatched 2-18 in his two overs as well. Singh, like Karran, displayed good control and delivered with accuracy.Earlier,Cambridge Jaguars lost three huge wickets in quick time leaving the innings tottering at 30-3 Former Berbice Under-19 cricketer Riaz Kadir, their most prolific

batsman for 8 while highprofile player Patrick Rooplall perished for 7 and Keon Sinclair, the talented all-rounder, only added 5 runs.

However, Captain and ex-Guyana youth player Hemnarine Chattergoon

batted with usual responsibility to reinvogate the innings slamming 22 which turned out to be pivotal The right-handed batsman Chattergoon clobberedthreesixesandgot handy support from Vijay Jhappan who accumulated 19 runs without losing his wicket.Gittens, the dynamic all-rounder, grabbed 2-3 from two frugal overs in operationforVPBoys.

Karran was named the MostValuablePlayerforhis historical bowling performance. He received a trophy while one each was given to Jaguars and VP Boys Meanwhile, on the same day, Jaguars also defeatedAmazonMastersto crowntheT10champions.

Kyle Karran

Guyanese complete phase one of UKSCA strength and conditioning program

Th e U n i t e d

K i n g d o m

Strength and Conditioning Association (UKSCA) wrapped up its strength and conditioning programyesterdayatInSync Therapeutics located in Providence, East Bank Demerara.


professional body representing Strength and Conditioning practitioners intheUnitedKingdom.

The programme ended yesterday as Guyanese attendees completed the Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach (ASCC)programme.

It entailed robust certification valued across the highest levels of the sportingworldandinpublic spheres for bringing a science-based standard to strength and conditioning coaching.


While the course has been notably difficult to pass, once completed, participantswillbeequipped with a certification that has beensoughtafterbysomeof themostelitecoachesinthe world.

The Course was facilitatedbyMartinGallyer and Dr John Jakeman

Martin Gallyer, both specialists in optimizing athletic development, e n h a n c i n g s p o r t performance, and reducing injuries through expertise in S&C.

Dr Jakeman is the current Faculty Head of Quality and Validations for the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, at Oxford BrookesUniversity

M e a n w h i l e , t h e Guyanese participants gained a unique opportunity to share their expertise with

A highly sought after certification,theprogramme involved an expansive educational criteria with rigid standardized practical testing for in-person coaching. It also focuses on evidence-based modules revolvingaroundthescience o

Participants gather after completing the practical elements of the course with Dr. John Jakeman (seated in black) and Martin Gallyer (Seated in red).

the local and international population, as they will be globally recognized and listed on the UKSCA’s platform as accredited coaches.

With the theoretical

GCB sends condolences to family, friends of former cricketer

Mark Anthony Rigby

The Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) has extended its condolences to the family and friends as well as the cricket community, following the passing of former youth player Mark Anthony Rigby Rigby,whowasborninMarchof1961, playedyouthcricketforGuyanaduringthe 70’s He also represented Police Sports Clubforanumberofyears Hisson,former U15 all-rounder Mark Rigby Jr, was also active in the sport back in the 2000’s Mr Rigbywasalsoaverygoodfriendofformer WestIndiesplayerGusLogie

Mr Rigby passed away earlier this month and the GCB would like to acknowledge along with the cricket fraternity, and extend support to his family and friends in this time of bereavement.

c o u r s e n o w o v e r, participantswillneedtonow

complete other technical elements that should allow them to graduate by the

Mark Anthony Rigby


Guyana Panther lift GFF Youth Academy Cup title

Elite League champions must win to advance to round-of-16 of CWI Rising Stars Men’s U-19 2-Day Championship

WorldChessDayseesover50Players participatingattheGCFone-dayevent

FM Anthony Drayton, Micaiah Enoe claim respective Open Blitz and Rapid titles

The Guyana Defence Force Football Club

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