Kaieteur News

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Govt. will not allow Exxon

… Jagdeo instructs oil minister to send technical representatives

Vessel drifts into Demerara Harbour Bridge with sleeping crew

Miner drowns in old mining pit

Man shows up at ex-girlfriend’s house one day

after being charged for cyberbullying her

Exxon says US$2 billion guarantee

Stepfather to be charged for allegedly burning 1-year-old can compensate Guyana, Trinidad and Venezuela in event of oil spill

The MV PrincessAnisa (Peter Salick)

Canadiancompanyeyesbigboostinstatus withacquisitionofgoldprojectinGuyana

Canadian firm - G Mining Ventures Corporation (GMIN) has eyes on becoming a mid-tier gold producer now that it has acquired theOkoWestgoldprojectwhichis located in Region Seven (CuyuniMazaruni).

Earlierthisyear,ReunionGold Corporation, also Canadian, announced that GMIN will be takingoveritsGuyana’sOkoWest project, as a result of an all-share deal valued at C$875 million (US$638million).

In a statement on July 15, both companiesannouncedthatthedeal was finalized by way of a court approved plan of arrangement under the Canada Business CorporationsAct.

“The Arrangement was overwhelmingly approved by GMIN shareholders as well as Reunion Gold security-holders at theirrespectiveannualgeneraland special meetings held on July 9, 2024, and was subsequently approved by the Ontario Superior CourtofJustice(CommercialList) onJuly11,2024,”thereleasesaid.

Louis-PierreGignac,President, ChiefExecutiveOfficer(CEO)and Director of GMIN stated that the Oko West project in Guyana will catapult the company as a leading intermediategoldproducer.

According to the statement,

The operations at the Oko West project

Gignacstated:“OkoWestwillplay an important role in realizing our vision of becoming a leading intermediategoldproducer,withits significantresourcebase,excellent expansionpotentialandlocationin a mining-friendly jurisdiction

With the close of the Oko West acquisition, I am excited to undertakemaximisingvalueofthis generationalasset.

Our team is uniquely positioned to accelerate value creation at Oko West, leveraging our deep Guiana Shield experience, expertise in project execution, and the tangible synergyfromtheanticipatednearterm free cash flow, established system, team and equipment at Tocantinzinho Iwouldliketotake

this opportunity to welcome Reunion Gold shareholders to the GMINfamily,andIlookforwardto continuing to create value for our existingandnewshareholders.”

On April 18, Reunion had announced the signing of an agreement with government and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), which paves the way for the exploration and development of the Oko West gold project located in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), Guyana. Under the terms of the MineralAgreement,ReunionGold is granted stable fiscal and operational conditions throughout theproject’slifespan.

Reunion has firmly set its eyes on reaching gold production at its

Oko West Gold Project by 2027. The company has an estimated 4.2 millionouncesofgold.InFebruary 2024, Reunion announced an updated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) containing a total of 4.3 M oz. of gold in Indicated Resourcesgrading2.05g/tand1.6 Moz.ofgoldinInferredResources grading 2.59 g/t. The February 2024 MRE includes an underground Resource containing 1.1Moz.ofgoldatagradeof3.12 g/tAuintheInferredcategory.

For his part, Rick Howes, President, CEO and Director of Reunion Gold, stated, “We are pleased with the completion of the business combination and look forward to following the advancement of the Oko West

project to production. I would like to recognize the Reunion Gold team’s effort and shareholders’ continued support allowing us to rapidly advance Oko West from discovery to development in just over three years. We are confident that Oko West will provide a key contribution to GMIN’s vision of becoming a leading intermediate gold producer and will benefit Guyanaandallstakeholders.”

The Canadian companies enteredintoadefinitiveagreement to combine the two companies, with hopes of setting the stage for the creation of a leading intermediate gold producer, particularly in the Guiana Shield region.

Under the agreement, a new entity“NewGMIN”wascreatedto hold and manage the two companies.Notably,thenumberof common shares issued by New GMIN to GMIN and Reunion shareholders will be equivalent to thecombinedcompanyundergoing a4-to-1shareconsolidation. In addition, Reunion shareholders will receive common shares in a newly created gold explorer (“Greenheart Gold” or “Spinco”) that will hold all of Reunion’s assets other than Oko West.NotablyGMINhasagreedto fundSpinCowithC$15million.

Govt. will not allow Exxon to run amok at public meetings

Amid growing concerns over the management of the oil industry here, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo saidthathisgovernmentwill not allow oil giant to run amok at the public consultations it kick-started on its seventh oil projectHammerheadonMonday He promised to instruct Natural ResourcesMinister,Vickram Bharrat to ensure the government is well represented, warning against the oil company misleading Guyanese among other things

However,instarkcontrast despite acknowledging the importanceoftheUStrilliondollar oil industry and how the resources if managed properly can transform the lives of citizens, no oppositionofficialshowedup at the first two public consultations and the main opposition party, People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) dismissed the importance of the forum, which it said it will not be attending Observers view their absence of the opposition’s representatives as an insult to Guyanese who expect their leaders to represent them at all levels especially on a matter as crucial as the


President, Bharrat Jagdeo

oil sector Exxon, the operator of the oil-rich Stabroek Block informed last week that the public scopingmeetingsaregeared towards providing information to the public on the project. The meetings commenced on Monday with two engagements with residents of RegionThreeat the Leonora Technical Institute, West Coast DemeraraandthenatUmana Yana in Georgetown Followingcriticismsfromits last round of public scoping sessions, Exxon increased thenumberofmeetingstobe heldinRegionFour

Three meetings are scheduled for the country’s mostpopulatedregion-oneat t h e U m a n a Ya n a ,

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat

Georgetown, another at the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) in Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara and another at the New Diamond/Grove Primary School,EastBankDemerara

Atotalof10meetingswillbe held during the 10-day consultation period Notably, theoilcompanyisalsosetto engagethehinterlandregion, withtwomeetingsscheduled f o r R e g i o n O n e Hammerhead is expected to add 120,000 to 180,000 barrels of oil per day

Public Relations Director of the PNCR, Sherwood Lowe

production capacity The Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel will be capable of storingapproximately14to2 million barrels of oil Thirdparty oil tankers will be scheduled to offload the oil from the FPSO, making the oilavailableforexporttothe internationalmarket Hammerheadislocatedin the south-central portion of the Stabroek Block, approximately 160 km from Georgetown Current plans includedrillingviadrillships


of the AFC and spokesperson on oil & gas, David Patterson

to produce oil using approximately 14 to 30 production and injection wells Productionisexpected tobeginin2029subjecttothe necessary regulatory approvals and operate for at least20years Todate,Exxon has obtained approval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza Phase One, Liza Phase Two, Payara,Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail The first three projects are already producing oil at a daily

estimated rate of 640,000 barrelsperday(bpd)

Speaking to Kaieteur NewsonTuesday,Jagdeowas asked about the absence of government officials at the first two meetings He enquired: “where will these meetings be held?” We shouldhavepeoplethere We can’t allow these people (ExxonMobil)torunamok I don’t know what they are going to say, they telling people all kinds of stupidness that they you know like some of the billboards that we had issues with” TheVPtheninformed this publication that he is going to “talk to Vickram Bharratto makesurethatwe are represented at every one of them” The Minister of Natural Resources was also contacted for a comment on the absence of his Ministry’s presence and he said “Technicalstaffwillattend” PNCRdismisses importanceofforum Meanwhile, asked about theirabsenceatthepublic


Kaieteur News

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The sham returns

ExxonMobilisonthemoveandfollowingitsusual blueprint. Thecompanyisseekingapprovalfor its seventh offshore oil project, Hammerhead, whichmeanspublicconsultationsareontheagenda. Tenof them are planned, with four of those for Region Four, Guyana's most heavily populated center Public consultationsforanyoilproject,particularlyoneashugeas Hammerhead,isagooddevelopment,couldmeanmuchfor Guyanese. Butthereisalimitation:publicconsultationsare only worth the name when the objectives are to inform Guyanese, share the full truths of the project, respect the concerns of those who attend these consultations, and be aboutwhatrepresentsagenuinepartnershipwithGuyanese wishingforthebestfromtheirmassiveoilpatrimony

To date, we regret to say that ExxonMobil's public consultationshavebeenmoreforashowandlittleelse. The public consultations put on by ExxonMobil have been a sham, a joke, an insult to the dignity of Guyanese. On the issueofprovidinginformationthathasmeaningforcitizens, ExxonMobilhasbeenastudyindisingenuousness.

Through what is left out in its sharing, what has been dodged, what has left Guyanese with more concerns and questions. ExxonMobilhasputupawallwherethewhole truths of past projects have been searched for, in that its public consultations were more instructive for what was avoidedthanwhatwasprovided.

Attendeesatdifferentpublicconsultationshostedbythe companyhaveheardthattheeconomicsofaprojectarenot withinthescopeofthepublicconsultations. Thenation'soil wealthandamongtheprimaryinterestsofGuyaneseisthe money and risks underlying the components of this long dreamed about, now evident patrimony Already ExxonMobil can speak with confidence about how many morehundredsofthousandsofbarrelstheHammerheadoil wells will add to Guyana's present staggering daily productiontotal.

Hammerhead is about five years away from going into operation, but ExxonMobil can share that estimate right now ButitrefusestorevealtoGuyanahowmanymorenew barrelsofoilhavebeendiscoveredsinceApril2022.Thisis thewealthofGuyaneseandthepeopleatExxonMobilhave stubbornlyrebuffedallappealstosharehowmuchnewoil hasbeenfoundinthelastsevendiscoveriesannounced.

The 10 public consultations for the seventh oil project, Hammerhead, would be the best forum for ExxonMobil to present to Guyanese what its studies indicate they should expectfromit.

Frankly, Guyanese have had it up to their throats with disgust in how the company has concealed the combined billionsofbarrelsfoundunderthisinsipidityaboutappraisal processandhowmuchtimetheytake. Thesameimpatience and disgust are obvious with both Guyana's and ExxonMobil's dissembling through insistence about 'focusing on monetizing' known offshore assets. Trickery comesindifferentshapesandforms,andhasmanynames, monetizingmeetsallthreeelements.

ExxonMobil is either about open sharing of information, and to the fullest extent possible, or these public consultations will end up being nothing but 10 additional farces that fool no one. We at this paper have solid basis for saying so, since its publisher was denied answerstopointedquestionsabouttheimpactsofoilspills. ExxonMobil was so brazen, that reporters from this paper have been prevented from raising questions about oil spill impacts,orgettingtheonesallowedanswered. Therecord of ExxonMobil in past public consultations is that when obfuscation fails, then questions have been completely blankedout.

The Toshao have lamented the fact that their concerns abouttheprotectedShellBeachareahavebeenignored. Oil spill modeling has indicated that Shell beach could be impactedbyaspill,yettheanxietiesofGuyana'sIndigenous havebeengivenshortthrift.

Drones vs aircraft for GuySuCO

DearEditor, There is a letter published in the Stabroek news of 7/19/24 by GuySuCo, regarding the stateofaffairsoftheaircraft department in GuySuCo The original letter was pennedbyoneCarlPersaud, whichImustadmit,Imissed, however,Isawenoughfrom GuySuCo'sresponsetoagree entirely with what Carl had said.

Editor,earlyin2022,I,as chairman of GuySuCo's operations committee, noting,themassiveamounts

of money they were spending to maintain the airstripsattheestatesandthe Ogleoperations,submitteda proposal to the board, to do away with the aircraft altogether, rent the hangar

out, and pursue the acquisition and deployment of drones, specifically the Industrial ARGAS T20 drones, to the Estates. I recommended the purchase of6drones,3forAlbion,two for Blairmont and one for Uitvlugt.

To the best of my recollection even back then, therewereseriouschargesof corruption at the aircraft department, and frankly, I

sawitascostingfartoomuch for a GuySuCo, which is being downsized The maintenance of the airstrips alone on each estate was horrendously expensive Speaking from memory believe that in 2022, the budgetedcostofaircraftand ancillary operations was upwardof160million.

E d i t o r , m y recommendation was supported by trials done in the South African sugar industry where drones were applying weed killers and specifically ripeners at far morecost-effectiveratesand withbetterresults,thaneven the helicopters which sprays huge amounts of water to large acreages and are very costly to operate. Editor, when you are bound by our rainfallandotherchallenges, if you have to wait to spray theselargeacreagestomake the aircraft operation more economicalwithlongerruns, youareforcedtoapplysome chemicalstoolateaccording to specific application criteria Remembering always that GuySuCo is using a far more primitive application machine, an airplanetravellingat70to80 MPH and not the far more

expensivebutmoreefficient crop-dustinghelicopter

The South Africa trials proved that cane ripeners sprayedbydroneswasmore effective and cheaper according to the results they were obtaining from even helicopters much less cropdustingairplanes.

Also Editor, Drones spray much less product, actually 15% less due to the slower and more precise application of the ultra-low volume spray applied less than 4-6 ft above the cane canopy, some of these chemicals are very expensive so 15% less is a very substantial saving per hectare, the drones can also fly around the fields individually, a much more precise way to apply the chemicals, the big Thrush C

GuySuCo uses, sprays across the fields as many as 20 fields at a time, but between the fields are the cross canals which are the canals which are used to transport the canes, the Thrush Commander sprays those very expensive chemicals into the canals as well as the fields wasting approximately another 10%

ofthechemicals,soatotalof 25% less per hectare. Also, over time, the government through its EPA had rightly declared all areas adjoining villages as no-fly zones, to protectthevillagersfromthe drift of such harmful products, but with drones, there would be no reason to applythisrule.Thetotalcost of purchasing the 6 drones was US$90,000 at $190G to $1US which GuySuCo uses to convert their US$ to Guyana $, it was G$17 million, one tenth of what theywereestimatingin2022 to maintain their aircrafts andairstrips.

Below is how the South African trial and its results aredescribed.

“Drones, with specialty spraying technology, were deployed for a recent sugarcane ripening trail in South Africa, showing an evident increase in the amount of sugar extracted fromthesecanes.Thismight signal a potential improvement in profit marginforthecanegrowers, whohavebeenincurringloss from the country's ailing sugar industry This June, in SeafieldFarm,locatedatthe (Continuedonpage5)

Reckless drivers and gross negligence

DearEditor, Medical technologist, Bibi Allie died on Monday when car, licensed plate numberPAF6330drivenby Neerag Sukdeo on the KiltearnPublicRoadaround 02:30hrscrashedintoacrane which, according to the police, was parked on the roadparapet.

However, residents disputethepolicereportand sayitwasparkedontheroad. Picturesofthesceneconfirm the statements by residents. Oneresidentonvideostated that one has to be close beforeonecanseethecrane. And if a person was not traversing regularly, then he wouldnotseethecraneuntil hewasclose.

He said the crane was there for about three weeks and there were no lights or reflectors to alert incoming vehicles.

Another such accident took place in Canal No. 2 where four youths died after hitting a parked garbage

disposal truck.According to reports, here again, there were no lights nor reflectors toalertdrivers.

It is alleged that in both cases,thedriverswereunder theinfluenceandgoingfast. Obviously, the speed would have been a contributing factor and the alcohol may have triggered the speeding, however many drive fast when not under influence. I wouldliketostatethatbeing under the influence of alcohol does not create the presumption that the driver was in the wrong. Drivers under the influence should bechargedwithDUIbutthe cause of the accident should be investigated separately.

Mr. Gobin Harbajan indicated that he, quite soberly was returning from Georgetown at around 22:30hrs and he nearly ran intothecrane.

In the cases mentioned, there is clearly the case of negligence,grossnegligence onthepartofthecontractors

PublicconsultationsareplannedforHammerheadinthe Region One area, and the hope is that what ExxonMobil shares there is not its regular absurd routines. For all these reasons, there is little confidence that the 10 public consultationslinedupfortheseventhoilprojectwillbemuch different. Wehopethattheyare,butlimitourexpectations, giventhisslipperyoilpartner,ExxonMobil,thatGuyanahas.

andthedriverofthegarbage truck. I am wondering if the contracts have any stipulation for safety measures.Thequestionhere also is the gross negligence ofthepolice.Acranewason theroadforthreeweekswith no lights and reflectors and thepolicedidnothing.

I will take this opportunity to appeal to especially young people, particularly young drivers, your speed and your alcohol consumptioncanresultinthe death of yourself and innocent people. You have nothing to prove to anyone. The roads and the vehicle can be dangerous tools if usedirresponsibly.

Nowletmeexpand,there is the issue of cows and horses on the roads. How many died how many more woulddie?Howmuchmore injuries and damage to vehicles?

Then there are the potholes on main road ways. They cause accidents and damage countless rims, but theauthoritiesdonotcareas they travel in big high-end vehicles that are bought and repaired by the taxpayers' money

The government and its ministers don't listen nor it seems the President. They

fly around the place, siren blasting,astheytraversethe roadways recklessly with drivers scrambling in panic to get out of their way Both partiesareguilty I appealed in more than oneletterinthepressforthe government to install traffic lights at the junction of the Canje road to no avail. It seems only Georgetown must have traffic lights.The people of Berbice, EssequiboandLindensuffer greatlyandarestressedwhen travellingontheroadwaysas therearenoguidelines.This is gross neglect. It's like the peopleofLinden,Essequibo and Berbice do not have rights. Like they do not pay taxes.And this neglect is by both parties. They know us whentheywantourvotesbut neglect us until the next electionsthentheycomeand tell us how they are better thantheotherparty Theydo not listen. For sixty years, they were there and they do notlisten.Wehavetousethe only weapon. We have, our votes.


R a j e n d r a N a u t h Bisessar

By opting out of the race, President Biden has demonstrated political maturity and statesmanship


President Joe Biden has opted out of the presidential race following mounting pressure by several leading Democrats, due mainlytoageconsideration.PresidentBiden atage81alreadyhasthedistinctionofbeing theoldestUSPresident.

It remains to be seen if Vice-President Kamala Harris who will most likely be the presidentialnominee can pull through with another victory for the Democratic Party Whatever the outcome, President Biden must be commended for placing the good of his party ahead of his own individual interest.

It is obvious that age is not in his favour andhisdecisiontostepasidedidnotcomeas asurprisetomany

Moreover, he has certainly made his contribution to his party and nation after serving for several decades at leadership levels culminating in his victory in the November2020presidentialelection.

By opting out of the presidential race, President Biden has demonstrated political maturity and statesmanship which no doubt willbethedefiningcharacteristicsofhislong andeventfulpoliticallife.

Drones vs aircraft for...


Midlands South region of KwaZulu-Natal, a new round of sugarcane harvest arrived. What made this harvest season special was that a commercial ripening trial was conducted for the first time to compare the efficacy of drone and helicopter. The areas ripened with drones had a small, yet significant 1% increase in recoverable value (RV), compared to those ripened with helicopter”.On the face of it, this hardly seems much better, but it was the cost of applying it to obtain 14% better sugar recovery,whichtomewasthemostimportant factor

I estimated the cost of application by drones to be one tenth of the cost by aircraft.Those drones also can actually map out the estate's cultivation and fitted with the correct cameras/filters, it can serve as a great crop observationtool,forexamplewhentheright lenses/filtersareused,itcanindicatewherein the fields canes are not growing well, and in addition, incredibly, give an idea of how many tonnes of cane per acre is in the field. These things can also be used for applying chemicals for weed control and even fertilizer I'm not even going to elaborate on their use in an industry as expansive as the GuySuCocanecultivations,forsecurity,etc.

Editor, there has always been some apprehension of using the back dam, black water with soil and other organic matter suspended/dissolved in it, as the carrier for the expensive weed control and insect chemicals and frankly even today, there is serious attention being given worldwide, about the quality of the water used to apply certainagro-chemicals,thewateraircraftand the workers use to spray currently, is conservancy water pumped from the nearest trench and contains a lot of impurities, also our black conservancy water, is very acidic andthishasalsobeencauseforconcern.But thewaterusedbydronesduetotheultra-low volumes being applied, can be carried in tanksintothecultivationfromthefactory,so artesian water can be used, thereby making sure that the chemicals being applied are at maximum effectiveness For whatever reason, the GuySuCo top management wanted to continue with their hopeless attachment to the past, and even though the board accepted and recommended that the drones be advertised for bids. It was never done.SoEditor,theoldadageseemstohave much merit, “where ignorance is bliss, it's follytobewise.”

President Ali and the PPP/C have demonstrated extraordinary leadership and vision over the past four years


As we approach August 2, 2024, marking four years of President Dr Irfaan Ali's administration,itisfittingto commend the President and his People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) for the unparalleled development thatGuyanahasexperienced sinceAugust2020.

UnderDr Ali'svisionary leadership, Guyana has undergone a remarkable transformation, with advancements evident in every facet of our nation. The 2020 elections were a critical juncture in our history.

President Ali and the PPP/C bravely led the fight to preserve our democracy, thwarting attempts by the APNU-AFC coalition to undermine the will of the people The struggle to ensure a free and fair election was arduous, but it highlighted the President's unwavering commitment to democratic principles and justice.

This dedication laid the foundationfortheprosperity andstabilitywenowenjoy

P r e s i d e n t A l i ' s leadership extends beyond national borders, making a significant impact in the Caribbean and on the global stage.

His proactive approach togovernanceisreflectedin his constant presence in communities across the nation. Whether in bustling

urban centres or the most remote villages, President Ali has made it a priority to connect with the masses, ensuring that development reaches every segment of society

This hands-on approach hasfosteredasenseofunity

and inclusiveness, epitomised by his One GuyanaInitiative.

One of the most commendable aspects of

President Ali's leadership is his focus on food security

By diversifying agriculture and implementing policies aimed at reducing the Caribbean's food import bill by 25% by 2025, he has positioned Guyana as a key player in regional food security

His administration's emphasis on sustainable agriculture not only enhances our economic security but also contributes significantly to the wellbeingoftheentireCaribbean region.

Furthermore, the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) 2030 is a testament to President Ali's commitment to sustainable development.

This strategy balances economic growth with environmental stewardship, ensuring that Guyana's naturalresourcesareutilised responsibly The prudent economic management under his administration has led to robust infrastructure

development, enhancing connectivity and boosting economic activities across thecountry

P r e s i d e n t A l i ' s dedication to the holistic development of Guyana is e v i

s administration's efforts to

, education, and social services.

Hispolicieshavecreated anenvironmentconduciveto investment and innovation, driving economic growth andimprovingthequalityof life for all Guyanese. In conclusion, President Dr. Irfaan Ali and the PPP/C have demonstrated extraordinaryleadershipand vision over the past four years.

Theirachievementshave set a high standard for g o v e r n a n c e

Guyanaabeaconofprogress intheCaribbean.

As we celebrate this m i l e s t o n e , l e t u s acknowledge and commend the President's tireless efforts to build a united, prosperous, and sustainable Guyana.

Yourstruly, AnsonPaul

Residents of Eccles New Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara (EBD) have complained that blocked culverts are causing floods in their neighbourhood.

The residents allege that the contractors building the Eccles DumpsiteRoadareresponsiblefor theinundatedcommunity

“The contractor that is doing

Blocked culverts causing floods at Eccles New Housing Scheme

thedumpsiteroadcurrentlyblock all the culverts in the Eccles Scheme around the dumpsite area,”oneresidentwhorequested anonymitysaid nother resident told Kaieteur News that, “this has result in floodingintheareasincethewater hasnowheretogo.”

KaieteurNewsunderstandsthat some of the culverts are indeed

Man shows up at ex-girlfriend’s house one day after being charged for cyberbullying her

A 33-year-old IT technician showed up at his ex-girlfriend's house and threatened her one day after appearing in court to answer twocybercrimechargescommitted againstthewoman.

Jeremy Smith appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court on Monday in relation to answer the illegalacquisitionofdataandusing a computer system to intimidate a person'scharges.

Smith pleaded not guilty and was released on $75,000 bail for eachoffence.

However, on Tuesday, the woman told this publication that Smith allegedly called her several times and threatened her Monday evening.

“He is still calling me. In his head,wearestilltogethersoislike I can't carry on with my normal life…Yesterday,hegotbailandhe was at my house last night”, the distressedwomanrecalled.

The woman said she immediately contacted the police to report the man's presence at her home.ShesaidSmithwasaskedto report to the police station on Tuesday at 09:00hrs, but failed to do so. The woman said she is fearfulforherlifeandsinceSmith seemsdeterminedtotormenther ItisallegedthatbetweenMarch 11 and May 6, 2023 at Meadow

Brook Gardens, Smith intentionally and without a lawful

excuse, acquired electronic data, being videos and photos from the ex-girlfriendWhatsAppmessages.

It is also alleged that Smith betweenMay27andJuly16,2024 at the same location, used a computer system to publish electronic data of his ex-girlfriend that was obscene, vulgar, profane, rude or indecent that caused emotionaldistresstoher

The couple reportedly were in an 'on-and-off' relationship for the pastyearandhalf.Thewomansaid that in December 2022, she filed a restrainingorderagainstSmith.

“The restraining order was for him to stay 500ft away from me, physical abuse and threatening language,”shesaid.

blocked in the area to facilitate the ongoing construction of the EcclesDumpsiteroad.

The blockage is t e m p o r a r y a n d according to reports, the contractors did no anticipatepersistentrainfall overthelastfewdays.

Meanwhile, this publication

eceived photographs of several yards flooded and some streets. Residents who own one-flat homes are sufferingthemost.

N otwithstanding, Kaieteur News understands that steps are being taken to remedythesituationfacedbythe dents of the Eccles New HousingScheme.



meetings Sherwood Lowe, PNCR CommunicationsChiefandCentral Executive member said: “Let me say this, we find these scoping meetings and public consultations mere formalities. We have seen no evidence where Exxon nor the government, has taken any considerations,anyconcernsofthe public in redesigning or modifying anydesignaspectoftheseprojects, and therefore as far as we are concerned, these public consultations (and) scoping are a meresham.”

Lowe is of the belief that, “Decisionshavebeenmadealready byExxon,bythegovernmentandas I said, we see no evidence of a willingnesstoadjusttotheconcerns of residents There are bigger issues, concerns and challenges with the projects other than asking questions.”

Saying that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not have any clout he questioned, “What is this all about? What are these public consultations all about? Are they for optics? Are theytocreateandillusion?Arethey to create the illusion that people matter?” Furthermore, he made it clear that his party is “not going to takepartinthat.Weareskepticalof the process and we have seen no evidence (that) these consultations lead to any significant change. So thatisinanutshellwherewestand.”


For his part, David Patterson, AFC'sChairmanandspokesperson on oil and gas in an invited comment said: “we normally…I

normally attend the very smaller onesbecausethebigpubliconesat theUmanaYanaeveryoneattends.I have always attended them but I think there is one in a really…I cannot remember which one I had earmarkedwheretherewillbevery fewpeoplesoyoucanhavethefloor to yourself.” “That is what we normallydo,becausewhenwegoto Umana Yana everyone wants to speak. The last time instead of goingtotheUmanaYana,Iwentto South Ruimveldt and it was very few people there but I was able to askallmyquestions.SoIdon'tgoto the (big) ones I go to get my answers.SoIwillbeatoneofthemI can'tremembertheoneImarked.It isnotonmydeskatthemomentbut Iwillbeatoneofthem.Iwillletyou knowwhichoneIwillbeat.”

In a letter to the editor which appeared in this newspaper on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, the writer Radeish David said Guyana is the bigshowoftheplunderingofitsoil, gold and other resource wealth.

“The plunderers along with their local enablers are doing their very best to distract Guyanese from watchingthisplunderingshow Just like foreign exploiters under the disguiseof“foreigninvestors”from all over the globe lining up for a piece of Guyana, sports and music entertainersfromallovertheglobe also want to come to entertain Guyanesewiththeirshows.”

David said Guyanese will talk about cricket and music but not about Exxon's inflated bills, ringfencingoilprojects,orgettingmore royalties, profit share, and taxes from future oil projects along with

full parent company guarantee liability insurance for oil spills if theyoccur


Previously, Toshao of the Warapoka Village, Jaremy Boyal raised concerns over the manner in which Indigenous communitiesare engaged on oil and gas activities. Hesaidtherehasbeenaheavyfocus onmoneyandbenefitsofthesector, rather than educating the communities on the potential dangers they are exposed to as a resultoftheoffshoreactivities.

At a number of public consultations held in the past by ExxonMobil, the Toshao said he enquired about the Shell Beach protected area; however, his question has not been addressed. Oil spill modeling shows that this area can be affected by an oil spill; however,theToshaosaid,“Thathas not been on the agenda…many times, sometimes we would try to havewhatwouldbetheeffect,how are we playing a role if there is gonna be one, but again that is not something that we as villages are aware of.” According to him, “We just hear one side of the story that there is so much production, that there is so much millions that we canearninthenextfive,10,15,20 years and the rate of development plus we are one of the fastest growing economies in the world.” Evenonthecoast,Exxonhasfaced criticisms for failing to address critical issues on its operations. During public consultations on the sixthproject-Whiptail-inFebruary last year, several questions asked wereleftunanswered.

Jeremy Smith
Blocked culverts at Eccles New Housing Scheme
Flooded yards at Eccles

Guyanatobenefitfromadditionalfunding tosupportforestmanagementefforts

The Government of Guyana is set to benefit from additionalfundingunderthe EuropeanUnion(EU)Forest

Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA)withthesigningofan agreement between the EU and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture(IICA).

The signing of the agreementwaswitnessedon Monday by Natural ResourcesMinisterVickram Bharrat.

Accordingtoastatement issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the

agreement will see the provisionofadditionalfunds to assist with the implementation of the VPA.

It is expected that the first VPAimplementationlicence will be issued in 2026, a phasethatwillbefundedby theEU.

In November 2023, EU Ambassador to Guyana Rene Van Nes announced at the Joint Monitoring and Review Committee (JMRC) meeting that the EU would provide additional funds for theVPAimplementation.

Themainobjectiveofthe agreement is to improve compliance of the Guyana forest sector governance system with the EU Forest

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat (far left), during the signing of the agreement between the EU and IICA

agreement will also support capacities at the GFC and Forestsectorlevel.

Meanwhile, the EU supportisinadditiontoother supportgivenfortheFLEGT VPAprocesswhichincludes support for the Digitization of the Timber Legality AssuranceSystem.

The EU FLEGT is supportedbyanActionPlan that sets out a range of measures to address forest governance and law enforcement challenges in the sector Akey element of the FLEGT Action Plan is the VPA, a bila

al agreement between the EU and a timber-producing (partner)country

Law Governance and Trade (EU FLEGT) requirements i n c l u d i n g t h e implementation of the Guyana Timber Legality AssuranceSystem. The agreement also provides for strengthened participation and improved compliance of stakeholders in the VPA process. Enhanced information exchange for FLEGT compliance between the EU and Guyana partners and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the FLEGT VPA are also goals of the agreement Further, the

TheVPAsaimtosupport governance reform and strengthen enforcement activities in the partner countrieswithcommitments to improve transparency, accountability, legislative clarity and other aspects of governance.

Whenacountrybecomes a VPA Partner, it is empowered to issue FLEGT licences to exporters under national FLEGT Licensing SchemesbasedonaLegality AssuranceSystem(LAS).

This system ensures that onlylegallyproducedtimber products are exported to the EU.

Road accidents are now a national emergency

A gruesome accident on the Corentyne Public Road has left an eighteen-year-old girl dead and her boyfriend, another young person, seriouslyinjured.

The authorities will have to determine the proximate cause of the accident. This horrific incident raises severalissuesthatneedtobe addressed.

These issues should be tackled now to prevent further tragedies on our roads.

Almost seven months ago,thePresidentofGuyana

promised a national conversation on road safety

He pledged that this conversation would lead to a robust road safety and traffic managementplan.Newlaws, regulations, and technology were supposed to be part of thisplan.

H o w e v e r , t h i s conversation is yet to commence. The Opposition is justly concerned about the number of accidents on our roads.

Technology, new laws and regulations will help but enforcement is a problem.

The enforcement of traffic laws has become a cash cow

for corruption This undermines the potential impact of any new legislation.

The fatal accident at Kiltearn is one of many involving parked machinery and vehicles on our roads. The Corentyne Highway is poorly lit. This poor lighting makes parked machinery, vehicles, and even animals a significant risk. We must fix the poor lighting on our publicroads.

Importing more lights is

not the solution if visibility remains poor despite their presence. We need better lighting rather than simply more lighting. We also have toseriouslylimitthenumber of parked vehicles and machinery on our public roads.

The Corentyne Public Roadisamajoraccidentrisk.

In large sections, the verges of the public road are

cluttered with heavy machinery and vehicles

Trucks, draglines, excavators, harvesters, tractors, and other industrial and agricultural machinery

line the road The government needs to take strong action to limit the approval for such industrial machinery and vehicles on theroad'sverges.

For some, this may seem like a sign of progress

However, when such machineryencroachesonthe shoulders of the road, it constitutes a risk to life and limb. There needs to be a decisiontokeepthevergesof public roads clear This will be an unpopular decision, especially for the bourgeois class that supports the PPP Nonetheless, safety cannot be compromised by popularity

There also need to be regulations for heavy machinery left overnight on our roadways. This practice should be minimized. Any area where heavy machinery isleftshouldbewell-lit,with pre-warning signs on the approach to these obstructions.

It is obvious that the vehicle in which the girl and her boyfriend were traveling was speeding. Many young

peoplehavelosttheirlivesin accidents where speeding wastheproximatecause.The government should investigate the issuance of licences over the past five years. We need to determine whether these young people were properly certified to driveonthecountry'sroads.

Ifananalysisoffatalroad accidents finds that in the majority of cases, young people were the drivers and that speeding was the main cause,acasecanbemadefor extending the age at which someone can be granted a driver'slicence.

This will also be a controversial measure. But tough decisions have to be madeiflivesaretobesaved.

Technology should be leveraged to improve road safety This includes speed cameras, red light cameras, and other monitoring devices.

Occasional traffic campaigns are not enough. The government needs to take stringent measures to stem the high incidence of roadaccidentsandfatalities.

I m p r o v i n g r o a d infrastructure is essential This includes better lighting, clear road signs, and wellmaintained road surfaces Strict regulations should be implemented for roadside parking of heavy machinery andvehicles.Thereshouldbe designated areas for such parking,awayfromthemain road.

Special emphasis should beplacedoneducatingyoung drivers about road safety Start early by reintroducing road safety education in schools.

Have students take the



Hear dis one, dem boys seh! Some big brain come up with dis bright idea fuh mek twovoters'list.Onefuhdehpeoplewhodeh right hey in Guyana, and another fuh deh people who gone pon holiday, holistay, or plan fuh stay abroad permanent. Dem seh it goprotectagainstvoterfraud.

Imaginethis,youheadingtoTimehrifuh catch yuh flight. Deh immigration officer handyouaform,anddemwantknowifyou coming back or if you gone fuh good. Yuh gottadeciderightdehandden.Dependingon yourdecision,demgandecidewhichlistfuh putyuhin:residentornon-resident.

Wha happen if you change yuh mind? Sorry, no can do! You done sign yuh life away Yousehyoucomingback,butthenyou meetasweetladyinBarbadosanddecidefuh stay Or you seh you leaving fuh good, but yougethomesickandmissyuhmothercookup rice. Too bad, yuh name done on deh overseaslist.Demboyssehdisisarecipefuh confusion. Just imagine deh bureaucracy!

theory part of their driving tests in school, with grading handled by a certifying authority,notthepolice.

The process of issuing driver's licences to young driversshouldbethoroughly reviewed. Only those who meetstringentcriteriashould be granted licences The practicaldrivingtestsshould b e u n d e r t a k e n b y independent instructors and notbythepolice.

Improving the efficiency ofemergencyresponseteams is vital. Quick and effective

response to accidents can save lives. Emergency response teams should be increasedalongthecoast.

The government must move beyond occasional traffic campaigns Road safety should be treated as a continuous priority. By implementing stringent measures, we can reduce the high incidence of road accidentsandfatalities.

More paperwork than a lawyer office. Deh Elections Commission gon need a whole new department just fuh keep track. And what about deh poor immigration officer who gotta deal wid all dem lies and halftruths?Mansehhegoingfuhholiday,butwe all know he planning fuh hustle a lil something-somethingandextendhestay Plus, who gon decide if somebody staying abroad legal or illegal? Deh immigrationofficergonturndetectivenow? And wha if somebody get send back home? Demgonbestuckinnoman'sland.Andyuh know how some ah we love to change we mindmoreoftenthanwechangeweclothes. Dehcurrentsystemmightnotbeperfect, butdistwo-listtingsoundliketrouble.More confusion, more corruption, and more headache fuh everybody Dem boys seh, sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone. Tek yuh time and fix wha we got, insteadofcreatingmoreproblems. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.

The time for action is now Thetimeforpromisesis long gone. We owe it to the victimsofroadaccidentsand their families to make our roadssaferforeveryone.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the authoranddonotnecessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)


Ever heard about a rockandrollriot?

How about one not at 11 o’clock in the nocturnal hours when the blood is pumping and emotionsreachafeverpitch, but one o’clock in the afternoon, when the sun starts to imitate the Leaning TowerofPisa? Andifthatis startling,hereisthecloser:it is on Thursday afternoons, when the Bharrat Jagdeo’s Rock and Roll Train is live ontheair

Whoever was expecting abrunch,gotmorethanthey wanted:abrushwithdanger, and to reinforce the point aboutwhoisinchargeofthe band, a bunch of horse droppings straight on their Air Jordans or Ferragamo loafers.

Thanks to the brightest, most glamorous, Guyanese s i n g i n g , d a n c i n g , meandering political star, it is Thursday afternoon rock and roll mash for an hour or so.

It is sure as hell not Woodstock, but the air does get smoky It is less

of Tony Williams and the Platters “Smoke gets in Your Eyes” , and more reminiscent of the smoke that Bob Marley and the Wailers and his Rasta friends made a part of their musical repertoire, and their historical legend h a n d e d d o w n t o generations

If Thursday afternoon

with Jagdeo is not Woodstock,orCentralPark, then it sure can’t be the Royal Albert Hall or Madison Square Garden

Those places call for a certain level of class, and nobody with any luminosity about them would associate anything that is associated with Bharrat Jagdeo of scalingthatbar No matter how close to the ground it is lowered. Freedom House is for mob frenzy, never had and never willhaveanythingtodowith what is considered classy Toobourgeois. Reeking too much of capitalist luxuries and hedonisms. Upscale for the PPP and Guyanese of such

linkage is one of Jagdeo’s nowcopyrightedfirefights.

A one-man firefight is what oil has gravitated to, withJagdeobattlingwithhis backtothewallandfighting tosavetheworld.

So that no one walks away with any mistaken ideas, Jagdeo is fighting to save Exxon’s world from prying Guyanese minds. In someways,whenJagdeohas developed a full head of steam, I am sure that I hear echoes of the Mighty Sparrow’s‘blackupdeheye, bruiseupdehface…’

WithJagdeoinchargeof the show, his press conferenceshavebecomean acid rock version of rock around the clock and roll all overthefloor

If rocking around the clock is too much of Bill Haley and the Comets, then try rocking the house and bringing down the roof Those are Jagdeo’s preferences.

The media audience demands a simple song about oil from him, and that gets him going. Jagdeo

gyrates and does cartwheels across the floor like Mick Jagger of Rolling Stones fame,whocouldnotdancea steptosavehislife,orforthe next hit of cocaine to keep himgoing.

In all of this, Jagdeo somehow walks away with the good feeling that he has given his best rendition of that Swedish hitmaker group,Abba,andtheirsuper smash, “Dancing Queen.” SomeGuyaneseeitherdon’t have any eyesight, or they needatastetesttodetermine theirhearingstrength.

Being the irrepressible onearoundtheseparts,mayI suggest to my brother Bharrat that whenever the next hard oil question about oil or the Wales gas-toenergyprojectcomesupthat he starts singing the Foxx siblings’“Mockingbird”.

It is to reinforce to Guyanese how much he is playing with their minds, and taking them for a wild, downhillsleighride?

And in sun soaked, jagged edge, mud splattered Georgetown of all places.

For the slow in the head, there is no snow in Guyana, but when the conversation steerstooil,thereisJagdeo taking off on one of his regular around the world sleighrides. To round off matters, he ensures that he walks with his own PPPrearedreindeers.

Nevertheless, Thursday afternoons at Freedom House with Bharrat Jagdeo infullflowistheplacetobe, andadelighttoabsorb.

Itmaynotbean Evening attheImprov,butitwillhave to do. Neither is it Tony Orlando’s(Dawn)“Whatare y o u d o i n g S u n d a y afternoon” since nobody is gettingmarriedinanypark.

It is more appropriate to think along the lines of mudslinging, lip synching, and greasy pig wrestling by Jagdeoanditisalltoprotect the truths about oil (and Exxon)fromseeingthelight ofday

He shuffles, delivers an endlessstreamofpiffles,and when a truly tough question is directed his way, he starts tosniffle.

AlistairRoutledgedidn’t provide him with an answer for that last one. Since Jagdeo had received no script (music sheet) from Routledge, it is usually time for that William Bell chart buster “Bring the Curtain Down” to make its appearance.

Anyone from the media attending one of Jagdeo’s Thursday afternoon’s rock and roll jam sessions, or listening from a safe distance, had better be armoured in their full metal jacket. Itisheavymetaland heavy hitting. Sometimes I can help wondering, if there is heavy drinking as the prelude.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Vessel drifts into Demerara Harbour Bridge with sleeping crew

TheMVPrincessAnisa,avessel owned by INS Shipping, located at Good Intent, West Bank Demerara (WBD), drifted into the Demerara Harbour Bridge on Tuesday while the crew was asleep, resulting in major damages to the anchorage systems at spans 41-42 of the Bridge.

The cost to repair the damages stands at $5.5M, Minister of Public Works,JuanEdghilldisclosed.

According to the captain and crew, the vessel, which was loaded with rice, had dropped anchor at 12:00amatVersaillesandthecrew hadgonetorest.

General Manager, Wayne Watson told Kaieteur News that the vessel drifted into the bridge at approximately 04:00hrs, while preparations were being made for retraction. He said that staff of the HarbourBridgeobservedthevessel


Meanwhile, in a statement, the Public Works Minister said that he was informed that the collision resulted in major damages to the anchoragesystematspans41-42of the bridge, including damage to anchor chains, wire ropes, chords bolts, and minor abrasions to pontoons41.2and42.1.

Despite the collision, there was nohalttovehiculartraffictransiting theDemeraraHarbourBridge.

Further, Minister Edghill disclosed that the owner of the vessel will be held accountable and isexpectedtoprovidecompensation for all damages incurred as a result of the vessel drifting into the DemeraraHarbourBridge.

Works to remedy the situation commenced immediately and are estimated to be completed within twodays.

The MV Princess Anisa

NamibiatorivalGuyanaasworld’snewestoiland gashotspotfollowingmassiveoffshorediscoveries

(Bloomberg) – Off a busypierinNamibia’smain portofWalvisBay,theseeds of an economic boom are beingplanted.

As workers heave fish from boats, or unload cargoes of sulfur and Congolesecopper,amassive cylindrical drilling segment ishauledbyextendedtrailer to a storage area. Between

minerals and imported

shippers,onelotisfillingup with modern oil-exploration equipment.

Once all the drill

segments have been collected, they’ll be loaded on a rig and linked together toprobeforoildeepbeneath the sea floor at the behest of companies including TotalEnergies SE, whose exploration success may be about to transform the fortunes of this country in southwesternAfrica.

The French oil giant, along with London-based Shell Plc and Portugal’s Galp Energia SGPS SA, has made big discoveries beneath the Atlantic Ocean about 180 miles offshore Namibia.

Since the start of 2022, multiple wells drilled have hit oil around 80% of the t i m e – a n e a r l y unprecedented success rate. That’s causing a bit of a frenzy — from the bustle in WalvisBaythat’ssupporting multiple offshore drilling rigs,toboardroomsinTexas and California as other oil majorsseekafootholdinthe hottestnewoilprovince.

“We are preparing the country to be an energy hub for the region” that could potentially double or triple the size of the economy, Maggy Shino, Namibia’s petroleum commissioner, told a conference in the capital Windhoek “The volume of activity that we are expecting in Namibia goingforwardin2025,2026, 2027 until production is massive.”

It’s still early days for Namibia, and none of the discoveriesinitswatershave yet been declared commercially viable But TotalEnergies aims to a p p r o v e i t s f i r s t development at the Venus field later this year, and Chief Executive Officer Patrick Pouyanne has said the African country could one day enjoy a boom like that underway on the other side of the Atlantic in Guyana.

That Latin American country became the world’s fastest-growing economy following major discoveries ledbyExxonMobilCorp.Its production is seen climbing as high as 1.5 MMbpd by 2029, just 10 years after the adventofitsoilindustry

Such a rapid pace of development would be welcome in Namibia, where officials have voiced concerns about whether the oil discoveries could come onstreamtoolateforaworld that’s aiming for net zero carbon emissions by midcentury

It would also transform the nation’s economy, potentiallydoublingGDPby 2040 and boosting the statureofacountrythatwas largely controlled by South Africafordecadesbeforeits independence.

Pouyanne envisions that one day as many as seven floating production vessels, eachwithacapacityofabout 180,000 bpd, could operate in Namibia’s Orange basin alone. But first, the country haslotsofworktodogetting thesupportinginfrastructure inplace.

Namibia will require “a hugeinfrastructurebuildout, all sorts of expansions, to develop these projects and support them through their lifecycle,”saidIanThom,an analyst at Wood Mackenzie Ltd.

The consultant is currently reviewing its estimate for the country’s recoverable resources, whichhadpreviouslybeen7 Bboe, but needs to be updated following Galp’s discoveries.

Namibia is starting to investintheinfrastructureto support drilling Stateowned Namport is drawing up plans to service both the oil industry as well as planned green hydrogen projects, with over $2 1 billion in upgrades at its ports.

Walvis Bay already has

an established ship-repair industry that provides explorers with fabrication, welding and assembly services, Namport CEO

Andrew Kanime said in an interview Avessel operated by Houston-based oils e r v i c e s c o m p a n y Halliburton Co., called the

Stim Star Angola, recently took up one of the floating docks at the port to offer repairs to oil-services equipment.Atanotherberth, the company is setting up a mobile plant making liquid mud — a crucial fluid for drillingoperations.

Halliburton plans to employandtrainNamibians toworkatthefacility,which i s s t i l l a w a i t i n g environmental approval. Its U.S.rivalBakerHughesCo. willalsobuildamudplant.

The smaller port of Luderitz, located further alongthecoastandcloserto the discoveries, is only a baseforTotalEnergiesatthis point,Kanimesaid.

One day, that harbour is planned to play a larger role

in supporting drilling activity for other companies too, he said. The growing presenceoftheoilindustryis also evident outside of the ports.

Workers sporting the bluecoverallsofoil-services giantSLBformedalineata hotel breakfast buffet in the center of Walvis Bay A delegation from Galp scheduled a visit with Governor of Erongo Region NevilleAndre to discuss the openingofacompanyoffice inthesametown.

He said he’s also met with representatives from Chevron Corp Andre is l o o k i n g a t l o c a l infrastructure that needs to beupgradedincludingroads


An offshore worker checking stock

WPA warns against snap elections WP without clean voters’ list, biometrics

The Working People’s Alliance has warned against any snap elections by the ruling PPP/C saying such a movewithoutimplementing biometrics, constitutional reform, a clean voters’ list, and considerations for power sharing poses an existential threat to democracy and political advancement of working people in Guyana. As such, the party said there is need for greater vigilance and broadoppositionunityinthe short-term to challenge the PPPregime,onthestreetsif necessary

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the WPA said that there are strong indicators the PPP is planning to call early elections, noting that there are several evidential factorscurrentlyinfluencing the political landscape whichinitsanalysisindicate the PPP could call elections as early as November 2024

y 2 0 2 5 “jeopardising Guyanese working class unity and democracy.”

“Thefirstarisesfromthe growing set of incidents indicating that the US federal government has

intensifieditspressureonthe PPP administration due to increasing corruption levels involving known PPP supporters, members, and government functionaries Thisexternalpressurecanbe a potential “push” factor contributing to the possibility of early elections.”

Secondly,theWPAsaid the government has unusually issued invitations to the European Union, the Carter Center, and other entities to monitor elections that are not constitutionally due for more than a year in November or December 2025. This move suggests a strategic preparation for an early election, the WPA noted.

Thirdly,“webelievethe regime is evaluating the belief that the opposition is currently disorganised and incapable of mounting strong and effective challenges to the PPP’s governance This further supports the likelihood of early elections The perceived weakness in the opposition is seen as an opportunity for the government to consolidate itspowerwithoutsignificant resistance.”

According to the WPA, anearly,snapelectionwould allow the government to delay the introduction and

use of biometrics and the amendment to the constitutionforanewvoters’ list These measures are crucial for ensuring a level playing field and credible electionresults.

“The PPP is unlikely to concede to these changes easilybutmayusethetiming oftheelectionstoavoidtheir implementation.”

Additionally, the WPA said the Information Technology (IT) Manager who removed the server from the computer used in thevotetabulationprocessat the2020electionsandkeptit in his possession for several hours raising questions about electoral fraud partial to the PPP, is today, the functioning Deputy Chief ElectionsOfficer(DCEO).

“This development raises tremendous concerns about the integrity of the election process and the potential for tampering with election data favourable to thePPPinanearlyelection.”

The WPA said that it notes that within the G u y a n a E l e c t i o n s Commission (GECOM), decisions are made on a 4-3 basis, with the Chair and threePPPCommissionerson one side and the three other Commissionersontheother The split highlights the contentious nature of election oversight and the

potential for partisan decision-making.

“The combination of these factors points to a strategic move by the PPP government to call for early elections, leveraging the current political climate to its advantage. The WPA believes this presents short- and long-term dangers for democracy, ConstitutionalReformand power sharing. By calling earlyelections,thePPPmay bypasscrucialconstitutional reforms needed to ensure a fairandtransparentelectoral process Delaying or avoiding the reforms can entrench systemic electoral intransigence, making it harder to achieve meaningful changes that protect democratic principles and working peoples interests in the long run.”

The party warns that a g o v e r n m e n t t h a t consolidates power without significant opposition can undermine democratic checksandbalances,leading to an erosion of democratic n o r m s a n d t h e marginalization of alternative political voices.

“The WPA emphasises the needforvigilanceandbroad opposition unity in the short term to challenge the PPP regime, on the streets if necessary


Frompage13 and the airport, as well as training opportunities.

“Oilandgasishugeintermsofasector,” hesaid.“It’snewtousasacountryintermsof operation.”

Global interest. Namibia’s rapidly rising oil potential is starting to draw serious international interest, and potentially some multibillion-dollardeals.

Namibia was mentioned even more than Guyana by executives on oil company earnings calls last quarter, according to data compiledbyBloomberg.

OPEC Secretary-General Haitham AlGhais has expressed “excitement” over a potentialpartnershipwiththecountry,which couldonedayeclipsetheproductionofmany of the group’s African members, such as LibyaorAlgeria.

Galp is looking to sell a portion of its oil

discovery,whichitestimatescouldcontainas much as 10 Bbbl and be worth about $20 billion. Exxon Mobil and Shell were among energy giants evaluating bids for the stake, accordingtopeoplefamiliarwiththematter

In April, Chevron took an operating interestin the PEL82 offshore block located north of the other major discoveries. bp Plc andEniSpA,throughtheirAzuleEnergyjoint venture,acquiredaholdingonemonthlaterin PEL85,whichisclosertotherecentoilfinds.

TotalEnergiesalsoincreaseditsstakethis year in the field where it made the Venus discovery It’slikelythatlargecompanieslike these will eventually come to dominate Namibia’s nascent offshore industry, accordingtoWoodMackenzie’sThom.

“Theriskandthecomplexityofoperating in deep water, the expense of a well, means thatyou’relookingatthebiggestplayerswith thedeepestpocketsthatcandrill,”hesaid.

Voters queued at polling stations back in the March 2020 elections

Chinese Medical Team making big impact in healthcare in Guyana

The 19th China Medical operatingteamherebelieves thatsincecomingtoGuyana, they have made significant strides in boosting healthcare delivery and continues to admire the growth of their local counterparts as they continuetoaidinthegrowth oftheirlocalcounterpartsin thefield.

The team on Monday opened what is dubbed Surgery Week at the Georgetown Public Hospital. The event will run until Friday and Guyanese can access a range of medical services by the team.

The SurgeryWeek event is a concentrated demonstration of the medicalexpertiseofthe19th China Medical Team, showcasing the cooperative achievements between the Chinese and Guyanese doctors. It also allows for Guyanese to know more about the Chinese doctors,

Dr Zhao Changyong, the head of the China Medical Team told Kaieteur News in an interview He said the Chinese medical teams over the years have brought ad v an ced med ical technology to Guyana and the spirit of fearlessness of hardshipandawillingnessto

sacrifice. He said with the establishment of numerous clinical centres and the application of many new technologies in practice, the healthcare level of Guyana has been significantly elevated.

Dr.Zhaoisalsoageneral surgeon with 23 years of clinical experience. He told the Kaieteur News that he is good at laparoscopic surgery, especially in hepatobiliaryand pancreatic surgery Serving as a consultant forTeam 1 of the Department of General Surgery of Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Dr Zhao is committed to leading his team in Guyana to treat critically ill patients in emergency situations.These cases include severe liver trauma shock patients, stab wounds to the head of the pancreas, portal vein penetrating injuries and abdominal aorta stab wounds, among others, saving the lives of many patients who were near death.Herelatedthathehas successfully performed Whipple surgery several times, which is the most difficult surgery in general surgery


He recalled a pancreatic cancer patient from Linden wastoldthathecouldnotbe operated on and ended up at his clinic. Dr Zhao said he successfully completed the operationforthepatientwho thankedhimandhisteamfor their hard work. “When the patient left the hospital, he felt that he became a lucky personaftermeetingmeand said the Chinese medical team was a gift from God to him,’Dr Zhaorelated.

Dr.Zhaosaidtoothathe promotes super-minimally invasive surgery, reducing the trauma of Laparoscopic

cholecystectomy and laparoscopic appendectomy to the lowest possible level, with scars barely visible. Noting that he often selflessly shares his medical experience with Guyanese colleagues, focusing on training four local doctors, Dr.Zhaosaidheisnotonlya medicalexpertinChina,but also an expert in medical quali


Chinese doctors sharing information with a patient during the surgery week exercise

specialised HBP surgical equipment, demonstrating

perioperative management

standardising clinical paths and surgical quality control, Dr. Zhao believes he has contributed significantly to the development of GPHC’s hepatobiliaryand pancreatic surgery capabilities. He said theestablishmentofGPHC’s

hepatobiliaryand pancreatic surgery division marks the first subspecialty in general surgery in Guyana, which will undoubtedly enhance the entire country’s diagnostic and treatment levels in hepatobiliary and pancreaticdiseases.

HistoryofChina MedicalTeam Meanwhile, giving a briefhistoryoftheChinese Continuedonpage22

Dr. Zhao Changyong, Head of the 19th China Medical Team
A young woman interacts with some of the Chinese doctors

Exxon says US$2 billion guarantee can compensate Guyana, Trinidad and Venezuela in event of oil spill

ExxonMobilGuyana’sProjects Environmental and Regulatory Manager,MariaSkocikhasassured that should there be an oil spill Guyana, Trinidad and Venezuela

can be adequately compensated fromtheUS$2Boilspillguarantee.

Skocik was asked to speak on the economic impacts a potential oil spill will have on Guyana and

the Caribbean region, and whether the insurance in place will fully cover Guyana, as well as compensate the other countries affected.

“First and foremost, we are committedto safe operations,both personnel safety and environment, so as Becky was mentioning, we are doing everything possible to

ensurethatnoincidentshappen.In the off chance they do occur, we have technical and financial capacity to be able to respond to thoseincidents,”theExxonofficial said.

She explained that there are measures in place like insurances and there will be mechanisms activatedtofacilitatecleanup.

“So there are things like insurances in place, there will be mechanisms for cleanup and for grievances and for business to submit claims. But again that being said in the way we design projects and the way we operate themiswedoeverythingpossible to prevent incidents from happening,”shestated.

To get clarity, this publication asked, “So you are saying if an incident occurs, Guyana will get fullcoverageandalsotheaffected countries like Trinidad or Venezuela?”

InresponseSkociksaid,“Yes, itabsolutelydoes.Soagain,inan off chance an incident does happen,therewillbeaprocessfor comp

ete mitiga

on and mitigationoftheareasotherewill be efforts to clean everything up and also support financially for partiesthatareimpacted.”

Theoilcompanyoftentoutsits capacitytotakecareofanoilspill intheeventsuchadisasteroccurs in the 26,800 square kilometers Stabroek Block. The company, whenever faced with questions about the cost of an oil spill, previously assured that it will not walk away from the country but willhandleassociatedcleanupand compensation.

However, the assurances providedhavebeencastasidewith theUS$2BoilspillGuaranteeand Indemnity Agreement superseding all oral statements andpriorwritings.

Infact,theagreement,entered into by the Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Kemraj Parsram, explicitly outlines US$2B as the maximum amount to be provided by the Stabroek Block partners collectively

According to the document, “This Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all oral statements and prior writings withrespectthereto;providedthat for certainty, it is acknowledged by the Beneficiary and the GuarantorthatthisGuaranteeand Indemnity Agreement is not intended to and does not amend any term or provision of the PetroleumAgreement.”

Before the Government of Guyana (GoG) touches a penny from the US$2B oil spill g

d by ExxonMobil, Hess and CNOOC, thecountrywillfirstberequiredto writeeachofthethreeguarantors

Continued on page 17

16 transformers for Gas-to-Energy, GPL enhancement projects in Guyana

Sixteen transformers that are important to the much-anticipated and discussed Gas-to-Energy project and the Guyana Power and Light Enhancement Project were delivered to Guyana via the BBC Echo Vessel that was moored at Muneshwers Shipping, John Fernandes Ltd. and Guyana Shore BaseInc.terminals.

Two of the transformers weighed 241 metric tons –representingtheheaviestcargoever tobemanagedinthecountry

The gas-to-energy project aims to utilize the natural gas from the LizaoilfieldintheStabroekBlock, managed by ExxonMobil, to assist in satisfying the nation’s energy needs. An integrated natural gas liquids(NGL)extractionplantanda 300-megawatt combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant are being constructed at Wales, West Bank Demerara to facilitate this. Thisprojectisbeingundertakenby an American partnership of companies,LINDSAYCA/CH4.

The BBC Echo Vessel at the Muneshwers Shipping Terminal.

One of the 241 metric ton transformers being moved from the JFL Terminal on Water Street to its Inland Terminal on Mandela Avenue.

G u y a n a S h o r e B a s e Incorporated (GYSBI), which was involved in the offloading process for the cargo was integrally involved in managingthepipesforthepipelinethatisset to bring the gas onshore from the offshore production site. The company has also been involvedinmuchofthepreparatoryworksfor the project, engaging with both ExxonMobil andLINDSAYCA/CH4intheprocess.

Seven of the sixteen transformers are set tobeinstalledatthegas-to-energyprojectsite in Wales, and those were transported to GuyanabyBiddleInc.,afterwhichtheywere offloaded by GYSBI and Sammy Multilift Services Guyana Inc. at GYSBI’s Houston facility They are being stored at the GYSBI Industrial Estate at McDoom while awaiting transittotheprojectsite.

Nine of the transformers, including the two241metrictonunits,willbeusedforthe creationofnewsub-stationsthatwillsupport thenaturalgasliquidsplantinWales.

These nine transformers were sourced fromKalpataruPowerTransmissionLimited, andtransportedtoGuyanawiththeassistance of Boltcargo India. Cranes Guyana Inc., whichisasubsidiaryofMuneshwersLimited, and John Fernandes Limited (JFL), was awarded the contract for the management of


MuneshwersLimitedoffloadedsixofthe transformers, as well as other miscellaneous cargo,whileJFLhandledthedischargeofthe remaining three, including the two 241 ton units.

The two massive units were then transportedtoJFL’sInlandTerminalbyDaco HeavyLiftforstorage.ParagonTransportand Lifting Services, Sammy Multilift Services Guyana Inc., and RSD Cargo Transit Inc. transported the other seven transformers, as wellas244accessories.

The entire process of offloading, transporting, and storing the cargo took a whopping five days, and 3,300 hours of labour to pull off, as well as assistance from Guyana Power and Light, the Guyana Telephone Telegraph Company (GTT), and theGuyanaPoliceForce.

It is worth noting that it took about 12 hourstotransportjustoneofthe241-tonunits from Water Street to the JFLstorage facility onMandelaAvenue.

Ninety-six percent of the 260 staff members that conducted and managed the projectwereGuyanese.

Exxon says US$2 billion guarantee can...

Frompage16 informingofthecompany’sfailuretomeetits legalfinancialobligations.

TheGuaranteeandIndemnityAgreement lodged by the Stabroek Block partners on June 9, 2023 makes it explicit, “In order for the Beneficiary (GoG) to exercise its rights under this Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement, the Beneficiary must provide to the Guarantor at the Guarantor’s address statedinSection4.4,writtennotice,signedby an authorized representative of Beneficiary (the “Notice”), of EEPGL’s Default of the EnvironmentalObligation…”

Thenoticetotheguarantormustdetailthe environmental obligation(s) that is (are) purported to have been defaulted on, including the legal basis giving rise to the environmentalobligation(s)inquestion;how Exxon failed to satisfy the applicable Environmental Obligation(s) and the unpaid amountforwhichthecompanyisliablefor Additionally, the government under the agreementmustalsonotifytheguarantorthat the oil companies have been advised of its intenttodrawtheguarantee.

Atanumberofitsscopingmeetingsfornew oilprojects,thecompanyalsofacedquestions from the public on the safety of its operations andtheeconomicimpactofsuchanevent

Stepfather to be charged for allegedly burning 1-year-old

Amanisexpectedtobe charged today for allegedly burning and badly beating hisone-year-oldstepson.

The suspect reportedly resides in East La Penitence, Georgetown and is said to be living with the child's18-year-oldmother

Policedisclosedthatthe man was arrested on Monday and is expected to appear at the Georgetown Magistrates'Courttoday

According to reports, the man allegedly burned thechildandbeathimwitha mop stick in addition to other forms of physical abuse. Videos have been circulating on the media of the abuse meted out to the child One showed the child's mother being forced tocutthebaby's'hairandin another, the suspect was seen roughly poking the child's neck with a mop stick and blood coming from his mouth. A third video showed severe burns about the child's lower body

Meanwhile, in March, the child was reportedly admitted to the hospital whereheunderwentsurgery for the burns. He remains a patientatacityhospital.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the child's mother and stepfather have been in a relationship for about 10 months and she is currently pregnant The man reportedly also repeatedly abused the child'smother


Childcare and Protection Agency(CPA)reportedthat theyareactiveonthecase.

Activist and former

Broomes visited the East Ruimveldt location on Tuesday In an invited comment,shetold Kaieteur News that the mother and the 1-year-old child were living under deplorable conditions. The teen has since been removed from thelocation.

$133M worth of

cheques found at Region One RDC without supporting documentation during COVID-19

The absence of adequate staffing due to the COVID-19 pandemicmayhaveresultedin333 chequesbeingplacedinasafeatthe Regional Democratic Council (RDC) in Region One, BarimaWaini with no supporting documents. The 333 cheques amountedto$133.9million.

ThiswasrevealedatthePublic Accounts Committee (PAC) on Monday during a review of the Region'sspendingpracticesforthe years2019-2020.

The questions were raised by MinisterofPublicWorksandPAC member,JuanEdghill,whosought clarity on the Audit Office's investigation into the discovery of the 333 cheques that were written withoutanypaperwork.

He noted that the cheques missing payment vouchers, and other important documents were foundwhentheAuditOfficevisited theRegioninJanuary2020–some twomonthsbeforetheGeneraland RegionalElections.

“The cheques are cut in people names but how did we get those names?Wedon'thavevouchers,we don't have requisition; how did we get those names tell us about the system.Helpustounderstandwhat happened?”Edghillenquired.

In response, the Regional Executive Officer (REO) for Region One, Sewchand (only name) said “I can't say what

happened then but I can say now that no cheques will be issued without a voucher and the necessarysupportingdocument...”

Sewchand however disclosed that most of the cheques which totaled$133.9millionwerecashed andpaidout.

Hesaid,“Only11chequeswere refundedtoConsolidatedFundand the balance of the cheques was already in the final stages so they wereprocessedandpaidout.”

Edghill pressed the official further on the issue of the missing documentation,andthereasonwhy the documents were missing in the first place, but Audit Director, Gitanjali Singh disclosed that the documentation for the cheques were subsequently located in the followingyear(2021).

As a result, PAC member Ganesh Mahipaul explained that while Edghill's concerns may be legitimate, there were certain

elements that must be taken in consideration.

“For instance, the Regional office may have been at the time operatingwithjustessentialstaffas a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The year, 2020 was also an election year when we had the changing of the guard and so forth So this may have contributedtothedocumentsbeing misplaced… If the documents are

missingattheleveloftheRegional Office,itusuallycanbeverifiedat the Ministry of Finance… cheques a r e p r o c e s s e d w i t h documentation,”Mahipaulsaid.

Meanwhile, the Audit Director explained that while the previous Regional Executive Officer did respond at the time the audit was conducted; satisfactory answers and the missing documents were notprovidedatthetime. Shenoted that it wasn't until the next year whentheyvisitedtheRegionagain, thatdocumentationwasfound.

The Audit Director disclosed further that her office verified that someofthechequeshadbeenpaid over and others returned to the Consolidated Fund, in this subsequentvisit.

Singh revealed, “In 2021, the Audit Office went into the region. And when they went into the Region, they found all the documentation to satisfy these 333 cheques. I'd have to say we found the cheques were paid They weren'tinthesafeanymore.”

She continued, “In terms of all the documentation satisfying the requirements,Iwouldn'tbeableto say at this time. To pay a cheque, you would have had to have the voucher for it to be signed. We wouldnothavegonebackanddone 100percentverification,onaprior year, if we're doing the current year.”

The 1-year-old baby boy nursing burns at a city hospital.
The house where the child was abused
nd(2 left): REO Region One, Sewchand responds to questions about the missing documents


Two canter Driver, Must have a valid driver's license and at least 2 years experience. Call: 644-7088 / 624-7248.

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Judges' forum discusses HIV patients access to justice, equality

A National Judges' Forum on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Human Rights, and the Law was convened on Tuesday to enhance the judicial system for individuals living with HIV.

The goal of the one-day seminar is to ensure individuals living with HIV have access to fair justice and equality before the law.

The judicial system's role in the lives of these individuals and other key populations were discussed.

During the opening cer-


4 bedrooms house at Lamaha Gardens, $2,800 USD. All amenities provided along with parking, long term only! Call: 679-2966.

emony at the Marriott Hotel in Kingston, Georgetown, Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony said forums like these are important and bring together stakeholders to combat the stigma and discrimination against HIV/AIDS within society.

“We need to have a more progressive environment if we are going to reduce stigma and discrimination…As a judicial forum, you can think

about ways and means of how we can make some of our laws more progressive and reduce the obstacles to care,” the minister stated.The health minister encouraged the legal professionals to understand the health system and not only look at the stigma from a judicial perspective.

“I think it is important that as judicial officers, you understand some of these things that are happening and

work with the public health programmes and other persons who are interested in making the environment more wholesome for people living with HIV/AIDS,” Dr. Anthony said.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of the Judiciary (ag), Justice Yonette CummingsEdwards noted that the exercise will add to the knowledge of judicial officers, (Continuned on page 24)


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956. VEHICLES FOR

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Chinese Medical Team making big impact

From page 15 doctors’ involvement in Guyana Dr. Zhao said at the invitation of the Government of Guyana, the first China Medical Team arrived in Guyana on July 30, 1993, and was warmly welcomed by then Heath Minister, Gail Teixeira and later a cordial reception from then President Dr. Cheddi Jagan. “This marked the beginning of China’s first medical cooperation project with a government in South America. Over the past 31 years, the Chinese government has sent 19 medical teams and 279 experts to Guyana. Both sides have made significant progress and development in clinical medical exchanges and cooperation, medical education and training, public health, and other aspects, Dr. Zhao related.

He said the 19th China Medical Team of which he is the head arrived in Guyana in September 2023, replacing the 18th team and commencing their work in the country. The 14 medical experts of the 19th Chinese medical team closely cooperated with their counterparts in Guyana’s health sector at GPHC and Linden Hospital, treating nearly 13,000 patients and performing over 2,000 surgeries and surgical guidance.

“During their rest periods, the team organised 14 free medical outreaches, extending medical services to the remote Amerindian villages

“at their doorstep,” benefiting more than 3,400 people. In response to the Ministry of Health’s requirement, the China Medical Team donated cervical cancer screening equipment and collaborated with the Guyanese government to launch the Guyana Cervical Cancer Screening Project.

Upon invitation from the Ministry of Health, they also trained sample collectors and screening test doctors,” Dr. Zhao said.

He said too that the China Medical Team also serves as an ambassador of friendship, participating in a variety of local activities during their spare time to experience the charm of diverse cultures and forging friendships. From page 15

doctors’ involvement in Guyana Dr. Zhao said at the invitation of the Government of Guyana, the first China Medical Team arrived in Guyana on July 30, 1993, and was warmly welcomed by then Heath Minister, Gail Teixeira and later a cordial reception from then President Dr. Cheddi Jagan.

“This marked the beginning of China’s first medical cooperation project with a government in South America. Over the past 31 years, the Chinese government has sent 19 medical teams and 279 experts to Guyana. Both sides have made significant progress and development in clinical medical exchanges

and cooperation, medical education and training, public health, and other aspects, Dr. Zhao related.

He said the 19th China Medical Team of which he is the head arrived in Guyana in September 2023, replacing the 18th team and commencing their work in the country. The 14 medical experts of the 19th Chinese medical team closely cooperated with their counterparts in Guyana’s health sector at GPHC and Linden Hospital, treating nearly 13,000 patients and performing over 2,000 surgeries and surgical guidance.

“During their rest periods, the team organised 14 free medical outreaches, extending medical services to the remote Amerindian villages “at their doorstep,” benefiting more than 3,400 people. In response to the Ministry of Health’s requirement, the China Medical Team donated cervical cancer screening equipment and collaborated with the Guyanese government to launch the Guyana Cervical Cancer Screening Project. Upon invitation from the Ministry of Health, they also trained sample collectors and screening test doctors,” Dr. Zhao said.

He said too that the China Medical Team also serves as an ambassador of friendship, participating in a variety of local activities during their spare time to experience the charm of diverse cultures and forging friendships.

Some of the judicial officers who were present at the forum

24 out of 28 contractors bid below engineer's estimate of $705M to construct Chesney pump station

Twenty-fouroutofthe28contractors,whohaveappliedto constructthepumpstationforChesneyVillageinRegionSix, have submitted bids lower than the government engineer's estimateof$705,657,350.

TheprojectwhichisbeingundertakenbytheMinistryof Agriculture through the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) was opened recently at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office. It was revealed that the 24 contractors bid between $509 million and $705.3million for the project, while the other four contractors bid between $766 million and $859



















































Kaieteur News was previously informed by Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha that the pump station would bethefirstofitskindintheChesneycommunity.Theminister statedthatAlbionwhichisneighbouringChesneyhasapump station operated by GuySuCo and would normally benefit Chesney.

“This (Chesney pump station) would complement the system(Albionpumpstation)becausethewaterdrainsfrom bothways,”heexplained.

It was reported in the media that the pump station for

Chesneyispartofseveralprojectstheministryislookingto getunderwaythisyear In2024,worksaresaidtoadvanceon pumpstationsatCharity,Cottage,Cozier,JimboGrove,and LetterKenny,withadditionalinvestmentsplannedforpump stationsatChesney,Farm,GroveSouth,andLittleDiamond. Allthiswillformpartofthe$10billionwhichwasapproved forNDIAfromthenationalbudgetearlierthisyear.

Kaieteur News understands that some 19 pump stations areunderconstructionacrossthecountryandareexpectedto beoperationalisedbymid-2025.


Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill has assured that the $475millionCemeteryRoad project will be completed withintwoweeks.

Speaking with the Department of Public Information (DPI) on Tuesday,theministersaidno further delays will be tolerated.

“We have to get this projectcompletedasIwould have committed to the people.Iamtakingpersonal responsibility for it and withintwoweeks,weshould havetheprojectcompleted,” the Public Works Minister


Due to excessive delays, the ministry executed a seriesofreviewsfromFriday to Monday, to determine the way forward and accelerate theproject.

As a result, two subcontractors, nominated and approved by the ministry were added to support the contractor, Avinash Construction and Metal WorksCompany

The minister highlighted that one sub-contractor will complete the bridge at CemeteryRoadandPrincess Street while the other will widen the culvert at Sussex Street.

Avinash Construction will pave the carriageway between Middle Road and Sussex Street and begin site clean-up.

Thecompanyhasagreed to a 'Programme of Execution' and will pay the sub-contractors for their work.

The government has pursued liquidated damages fromtheleadcontractorafter he failed twice to complete theroad.

Initially, the project was expected to be completed in July 2023, but the deadline was extended to January 2024.Itwaslaterextendedto theendofMarch.

Currently, only 70 percent of the project is finished.

When completed, the four-lane carriageway will significantly alleviate traffic congestion and serve as a connecting route to Mandela, and even the East BankofDemerara.

In addition, the project includes enhancing Independence Boulevard, which has been extended into three lanes with a new recreational promenade Thisinitiativealignswiththe government's vision for community development andthemodernisationofthe capitalcity (DPI)

US Secret Service boss resigns over Trump shooting failures

(BBCNEWS)USSecret Service director Kim Cheatle has resigned from her position as head of the agency following the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

Ms Cheatle testified for nearly six hours during a contentiou

e committee hearing on M

frustrated when she refused to answer questions about the shooting at Trump's campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania earlier this month.

"As your Director, I take full responsibility for the security lapse," she said in her resignation letter on Tuesday Both Democrats and Republicans had called for her to step down. In the letter to staff, Ms Cheatle said she has always "put the needsoftheagencyfirst"and itis“withaheavyheart”that shemadeherdecision.“The

scrutiny over the last week has been intense and will continue to remain as our operational tempo increases,”shesaid.

“I do not want my calls for resignation to be a distraction from the great work each and every one of you do towards our vital mission ” President Joe Bidensaidinastatementthat he's grateful for her decades of public service "The independentreviewtogetto thebottomofwhathappened on July 13 continues, and I lookforwardtoassessingits conclusions. We all know what happened that day can neverhappenagain,"hesaid.

Mr Biden said he will appointanewdirectorsoon.

The president appointed Ms Cheatle to head the Secret Service in 2022. She had previouslyserved27yearsat the agency in various roles.

The shooting at the 13 July rally left one audience memberdeadandtwoothers wounded.Abulletgrazedthe

US Secret Service Director, Kim Cheatle

former president's ear "The Biden/HarrisAdministration did not properly protect me, and I was forced to take a bullet for Democracy,"

Trump posted on his social media platform in response to the news of her resignation.

Lawmakers questioned Ms Cheatle about security preparations ahead of Trump's campaign rally during the tense House Oversight Committee hearing on Monday Ms

Cheatle took responsibility for the security lapses, but pushed back on calls to resign She called the shooting "the most significant operational failure at the Secret Service indecades".

Witnesses reported seeing a suspicious mansuspect Thomas Matthew Crooks - with a rifle on a rooftop at the rally minutes before shots were fired Crooks was killed by a counter sniper shortly after Ms Cheatle didn't offer lawmakers any new information on how Crooks was able to access the roof where he was perched and why Trump was allowed to takethestage.

After the hearing, the leading Republican and Democrat from the committee - James Comer and Jamie Raskin - sent a lettertoMsCheatlethatlaid out their belief that she shouldstepdown.MrComer saidMsCheatle“instilledno

$51M Western Hogg Island Primary School project completed

The $51M Western Hogg Island Primary School. (Photo, Public Relations RDC#3)

The reconstruction of the Western HoggIslandPrimarySchoolbuildingin RegionThree,whichbeganearlierthis year,isnowfinallycompleted.

This is according to information published on the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Three's Public Relations Facebook page on Tuesday Itwaspreviouslypublished by the National Procurement and TenderAdministrationBoard(NPTAB) that on December 28, 2023 a $51,509,920contractwasawardedtoI Khan Contracting Services to execute theproject.

The foundation works started in Februaryandwereongoingforthenew 30 × 80 ft. structure constructed from concrete and timber The new one-

storeystructurenowcompletedissetto accommodatesixclasses.

Kaieteur News learned that the previous school, dating back to 1976, underwent renovations only once duringitslifespan.

“With the new school underway, there's a sense of optimism for enhanced educational facilities and opportunities for the community Residents believe that a brand-new schoolwillprovidetheirchildrenwitha more conducive lear


Moreover,RDCanticipatesthatthe newschoolinfrastructurewillallowfor ahigherstandardofeducationthatwill benefit not only their children but also theentirecommunity

confidence” during the hearing that she can fulfill the Secret Service's protectivemission.

“ T h e O v e r s i g h t Committee's hearing resultedinDirectorCheatle's resignationandtherewillbe more accountability to come,”hesaidinastatement posted on X, formerly

Twitter Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson called her resignation “overdue” and said he is "gladshedidtherightthing". "Nowwehavetopickupthe pieces, we have to rebuild the American people's faith and trust in the Secret Service,"hetoldreporterson Tuesday

Miner drowns in old mining pit

A miner known as “Ten Pound”drownedonTuesday in an old mining pit at St. Elizabeth Backdam, Potaro, RegionEight.

Police identified him as Shamar Roberts, 22, of Melanie North, East Coast Demerara (ECD). He and a 26-year-old co-worker were reportedlyfloatingadrumof fuelacrosstheinundatedold pit to their worksite when tragedy struck around 09:00 hrs. Theco-worker recalled that as they both arrived to the middle of the pit, he saw

Roberts moved off from the drum and took a different direction while struggling to stayabovethewater.

The co-worker said he reached out to help him but Roberts went under and failedtoresurface. He (the co-workers) alertedothersandtheybegan to search for the pitman. Roberts body was later recovered around 14:20hrs thatafternoon.

His remains are at the Mahdia District Hospital' Mortuary

ManwantedbyCANUfor AR-15rifles,cocaineturnsself-in

Radesh Raghobar, the man wanted by the Customs AntiNarcotics Unit (CANU) for questioning in relation to the illegal possession guns, ammunition and cocaine among otherthingsturnedhimselfintoCANUonMonday

The CANU issued a wanted bulletin for Raghobar on Saturday after ranks found twoAR-15 rifles, two matching magazines,255.56roundsofammunition,one7.62roundof ammunition, one bulletproof vest hidden in black garbage bagand2.3kgofcocaineinhishomeonFriday

Frompage22 enablingthemtobetterapply thelawandstandardstothose

Thisnewfacilitywillprovideasafe learning environment and reduce the needforlongcommutes.

Thecompletionoftheschoolmarks a significant milestone as it would be accommodating over fifty students whenoperational.

Meanwhile, in another post, the Regional Administration announced that the extension to the Bagotville PrimarySchoolisnowcompleted.

This publication had reported last year July, the RegionalAdministration signed a $49,815,907 contract with contractor Hoosein Logistics and Suppliesforthatproject.

The construction of the two-storey teaching block will accommodate approximately150students.

persons living with HIV/AIDS. She added that Guyana and the Caribbean's constitutions have always workedtoprotectandcreatea safe space for persons with varyingdiseases,viruses,and disabilities. “The delivery of justicetoeveryoneinGuyana must accompany those constitutional imperatives Equalityoftreatmentforallis integraltoourroleasjudicial officers,”JusticeCummingsEdwards posited.Also, present were Guyana's Chief Justice (ag) Justice Roxane George,HighCourtJudgeof Trinidad and Tobago Justice Avason Quinlan Williams, andUNDPRepresentativeof Guyana and Suriname, Gerardo Noto. The officials posited that the forum would drive the equity needed in today's judicial society for

persons living with underliningconditions.

According to Noto, the seminar is a form of encouragementforpersonsto seek additional help if diagnosedwiththevirus.The evidence is clear, the more protective in enabling the legalandpolicyenvironment of a country, the lower the HIV prevalence,” the UNDP representativesaid.

The Judicial Institute of Guyana, the Judicial Education Institute of TrinidadandTobago,andthe UnitedNationsDevelopment Programme (UNDP) collaborated to organise the forum. It sets the pace for another meeting slated for later this year, where additional discussions on the role of the judicial system in the protection of persons livingwithHIVandotherkey populations will be discussed.(DPI)

Alexander Zverev and Arthur Fils in heated exchange over underarm serve at Hamburg Open

I n d e p e n d e n tAlexander Zverev and Arthur Fils played out a tense, dramatic final at the Hamburg Open as the two clashed after an attempted underarm serve from the Frenchman.

Zverev,whoistheworld No 4 and was born in Hamburg,wasattemptingto winback-to-backtitlesinhis homecity,butfellbehindto the 20-year-old Frenchman inthefirstset.

He fought back to win the second set 6-3, but the controversial moment came in the deciding set, with the scorestiedat5-5.Filsfound himself a break point down, and played a disguised underarm serve that landed out.

Although it didn't win the Frenchman the point, Zverev was angered and the home crowd booed Fils. At the changeover, the pair shared a few words, with Zverev allegedly accusing Fils of having “no respect”, and the umpire had to separatetheplayers.

The Frenchman worked thecrowdbypointingtohis ear, shrugging and shaking his head, and he went on to winthefinalset7-6aftera71 tiebreak, lifting his first ATP500title.

After the final point, the pair exchanged a frosty handshake,withFilslooking bemused as an irritated Zverev barely made eye contact, muttered some words to himself and then

proceeded to share a few argumentative words with the umpire Nevertheless, things seemed to have calmeddownbythetimethe trophywaspresentedtoFils, withbothplayerssmilingas

defended his actions shortly afterwinning,sayingthathe “did everything to win this match”.“I got cramps at 5-5 in the third. I'm cramping, trying underarm serves because I cannot serve”, he said. W

Hamburg caps off a good few weeks for Fils – who willbeoneofthemainhome hopes as the Olympics beginslaterthismonth–the



Informationisapttocomein erratic bursts today, Aries. You'llfindthatagreatdealof nonverbal communication is revealed and you should listennotonlywithyourears.


An unexpected opportunity to take a short trip could present itself today, Taurus. Hoponthatboatortrainand seewhereitgoes.Ifyouhave norealreasontotravel,make oneup.


If you aren't paying close attention today, Gemini, you might miss what's said Important information is being relayed quickly, so don'tmissoutontheaction.


Actively express your thoughts today, Cancer. You'llfindthatagreatdealof information needs to be exchanged.


Youmaybefeelingalittlebit lost in the dust today, Leo. Somehow what you're thinking and feeling isn't exactlycoordinatingwiththe currentconversation.


Your thinking is clear and sharp,Virgo,andyourmental awareness keen. You should use it to head toward new, forward-thinking projects Don't waste your time beatingaroundthebush.

result is the latest in a disappointing few weeks on the court for Zverev, who was beaten by American Taylor Fritz in the last 16 at Wimbledon.



Eccles All-Stars, Flacons XI, GPL Inc., Green Scorpions Cricket Club, Lil Rams, Mahaica Super Strikers, Mahdia (Movements Family), Ministry of Housing and Water – One Guyana, Montra Jaguars, Moruca Super Giants, MS-13 AllStars, PREMIER Insurance, Renegades Cricket Club, Soesdyke XI, Street Ballerz, Stripling Warriors, Tarmac Titans, Team Corruption, TG Titans, The United Crew, The Guards,TitansAll-Stars,Upsetters,andVillageRams.

The Kares One Guyana T10 Blast enjoys the support of Kares Engineering, Banks DIH Limited, Star Rentals, MinistryofCulture,YouthandSport,MontraRestaurantand Lounge,SuperBet,DemeraraMutual,ETS,MetroOfficeand Computer Supplies, Building Expo 2024, Premier Insurance, ENet,AvinashContractingandScrapMetalInc.,TrophyStall, ANSA McAL Distribution, RS53 RestoBar and Lounge, JacobsJewellery,FirstChangeBuildersInc.,GeneralMarine, SamarooInvestments,andCoel'sBoutique.

RHT NAMILCO Thunderbolt...


competitions RHTYSC Cricket Manager, Robby Kissoonlall, hailed the hard work of the cricketers in obtaining necessary items and urged the youths who receive bicycles, cricket gear, school bags and electronic tablets to takepropercareofthem.


You're apt to come up with some new, radical thoughts today, Libra, which you shouldfeelfreetosharewith o t h e r s T h e r e a r e opportunitiesaroundthatyou shouldgrabholdof.


Today is a terrific day to express your thoughts, Scorpio You'll find your mind especially clear and ready to tackle any mental issuethatcomesyourway


Someone may challenge your mental capabilities today, Sagittarius. Your natural tendency might be to take the information, mull it overforawhile,.


Unexpected information may be coming at you today from out of the blue, Capricorn. You'll find that thisinformationisextremely important.


Don't be so nosy about others'affairstoday,Aquarius If you were meant to be included in the conversation, you'dhavebeeninvited.


Other people could have some seriously opposing opinions about how things should be done. Be prepared for battle, Pisces, because others are likely to have sharp.tongues.

The Rose Hall Town NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour First Division team is the most dominant team in Berbice and is currently being led by national player Clinton Pestano.PlayerssuchasKevin Sinclair, Kevlon Anderson, Eon Hooper, Silas Tyndall, Junior Sinclair, Shamine Campbell, Shabiki Gajnabi, Sheneta Grimmond, Jonathan Rampersaud, Jeremy Sandia, Matthew Pottaya, Jason Sinclair, Ramzan Koobir, Troy Matheson and Keith Simpson are all current members of the team.TheRHTYSCsince1992 has won a total of 121 tournaments at all levels and has produced 123 players for Berbice and Guyana Additionally seventeen of its membershavegainedselection to theWest Indies teams or the UnitedStatesseniorteam.Basil Butcher, a product of Port Mourant Cricket Club, played 44 test matches for the West Indies scoring 3104 runs at an average of 43.11 with seven centuriesand16halfcenturies. He was named Wisden cricketer of the year in 1970 and later served as a selector BasilButcherwasinductedasa honorary member of the RHTYSC in 1996 and also received the club highest award, the Dolphin Award of Excellence.

East Bank clubs...


TimehriPanthers.”Inresponse to what they deem "egregious misconduct," Timehri United FC,AgricolaRedTriangle,and Soesdyke Falcons FC have decided to suspend their participation in the competition until the issue is resolved by the GFF“We demand an immediate intervention and a thorough investigation by the GFF into this matter Furthermore, we call for immediate elections within the EBFA as it is abundantly clear that the current executive, under Mr Angoy's compromised and self-serving leadership, is incapable of managing the federation's affairs impartially and effectively,” the clubs stated.Theyconsiderthisissue criticalforfootballontheEast Bank of Demerara and are hopeful that the GFF will promptly and definitively act to restore integrity, fairness, andtrustintheAssociation.

Jockeys bringing 'A' game for Guyana Cup

Local,regionaland international jockeys are th gearing up for the 16 running of the Guyana Cup on August 11 at the Rising Sun Turf Club, West Coast Berbice. This year's Guyana Cupwillbethebiggestevent ever, with more than 40 million dollars in cash and prizes. The feature race will pay a whopping sum of G$11,625,000 This lucrative event has attracted jockeys from near and far, and they are eager to bring their'A'game.

Colin Ross, who is arguably Guyana's number one jockey, and was the champion jockey for 2023, said his primary goal is to win. He said he will put his bestfootforwardtoreturnto winningways.

“With the Guyana Cup coming up, I will push harder They will be a lot of peoplecomingouttoseethe racesandtheprizemoneyis bigger I am pushing my body to come out on top. Since 2024 started I have been doing good, but not so good (as I did last year), but from now to the end of the year,Iwilltrytopushmyself todobetterforthelasthalfof


Meanwhile, Trinidadian jockey Rico Hernandez th describedthe16 runningof the Guyana Cup as a special one, and he is hoping to left his mark comeAugust 11 at RisingSun.

“This Guyana Cup occasion is very special.We aretakingourtime,building theconfidencethatweneed, and making sure the horses areinorderandhappygoing into the Guyana Cup. As a jockey the goal is always to win, but we must get the horses with good abilities, and we must prove that we are capable, ” jockey Hernandezexplained.

JockeyRonaldoAppadu, another top jockey in Guyana, said he is looking forwardforthebest.

“Iamworkingveryhard to be champion jockey, so I thinkIwilltakeitthisyear I have a lot of haters, so I put them aside, and I worked hard on the job to get improvement, so I am thankful for that,” Appadu said.

Last year's Guyana Cup saw a total purse of G$24 million across all races, while the top horse in the feature event was paid out

Jockey Colin Ross and connections with the Master Z Racing Stables will be hoping to see Easy Time defend his Guyana Cup.

G$10 million. This year's GuyanaCupasanincreasein prizemoneyofclosetoG$16 milliondollars.

The 2024 Guyana Cup willcertainlybethebiggest, and the day will be packed withsideattractions.

Thefirst-everfunparkis set to ignite the Rising Sun Turf Club, where children will witness a parading bar

on spot, and multiple stages will be set up across the venue.

The fun park and the horse racing combined will providetheperfectrecipefor afun-filleddayfortheentire family. “This is something Guyana has never witnessed,”Mohamedsaid.

Ten races will be on the Guyana Cup card, and

entries have already been open. Entries will close on August 3 and no late entries willbeacceptedatthisyear's GuyanaCup.

With this year's Guyana Cup purse being the biggest in the Caribbean, horses from various countries will be compelled to travel to Guyana and battle for supremacy.

Inadditiontothefeature event, which will run at approximately1,800meters, other races on the provisional card include the 1,600m Derby, 1000m Sprint Classic, 1000m Twoyear-old, 1000m F1 class, 1600mH1class,1400mJ& Lower, 1400m K Class, 1400m L Class and 1400m Non-earners.

West Demerara Cricket Association wins historical DCB Under17

Inter-Association 50-overs tournament

PresidentoftheWestDemerara Cricket Association (WDCA) Azeem'Troy'Khanrecentlypraised his team following their success at theDemeraraCricketBoard(DCB) Inter-Association Under-17 tournament,addingthatmorework will be done to ensure continued success of players from that demographic.

Khan pointed out that coming outofthetournament,hewaselated for the individual and collective success which is slowly being restored at the WDCA. “Coming outofthetournamentI'mdelighted withWestDemeraraandwherewe have managed to take the board in twoyears.Atonepointtherewasno tournaments like U15 or U17, I'm excited because I don't think we have won in the last 15 years. Not only are we winning but we've got players competing at the county levels,”Khanexplained.

With a roughly a handful of players in the county teams, Khan said the likes ofWest Dem skipper and Guyana national youth opener

Parmeshwar Ram, who had almost 200 runs in the tournament; along with talents like Arvin Suknanad and Udesh Seetaram could easily be the franchise players for their associationaswellaskeyplayersin theGuyananationalyouthteams.

Jermaine Maxwell, WDCA headcoachalsofoundfavourfrom his president, who acknowledged his amazing work and the success hehasbrought.

TheWDCAheadalsohintedat the U19 upcoming tournaments as the next stage for his players to furtherdevelopandshowcasetheir talents, adding that the WDCA's policyisgearedtowardsputtingthe players and the association itself, well ahead of scheduling as it relatestooverallexpansion.

Khan believed that the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) has been doing a good job in ensuring that theyouthcricketstructureisafocal pointofdevelopment,asitensures thatmoreyoungsterscanrepresent theirzones,clubs,associationsand eventuallytheircountry

West Demerara Cricket Association continues grow under president Troy Khan, Coach Jermaine Maxwell alongside national opener and captain Parmeshwar Ram.

Hesaidhavingplayerscompete inhigherdivisionsisessential,asit helps to develop the players and their crafts at a much faster rate. Khan added that a player like Ram

president lauded his players and team for their win but more importantly, being optimistic that all,ifnotsomeofhisplayersmake thefinalcuttorepresentGuyana.

Youths pose after receiving Y school bags from the Basil Butcher Trust.

RHT NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour cricket team host annual Basil Butcher Memorial Trust Programme

NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour

FirstDivisionandunder21teamon Friday last staged the year 2024 Basil Butcher Memorial Trust Programme. The team with the guidanceofthemanagementofthe Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Clubhasbeenhostingthememorial programme in memory of the late Basil Butcher the former West Indies middle order batsman who diedinDecember2019afteralong illness.

RHTYSC Secretary, Hilbert st Foster,statedthatthe1 editionwas held in 2020 with the full blessing of Mr Butcher's wife Pamela and family Over the last four years the trustprogrammehasassisteddozen ofyouthsacrosstheancientcounty With a wide variety of items including bicycles, electronic

tablets, educational material, uniforms,householditems,kitchen utensil,footwear,cricketgearsand sportsequipment.

Foster stated that the former West Indies batting maestro was very close to the club as its president Keith Foster was his eldestchildandhewasclosetothe club for over 25 years before his illness Butcher personally sponsoredtheBasilButchercricket development programme for many years and assisted many youth cricketersinBerbicewithpersonal cricket gear including West Indies middle order batsman Shimron Hetmyer, Sean Perriera, Shemaine Campbell, Assad Fudadin and Clinton Pestano among numerous others.

Butcher also assisted by offering his service as a mentor to

JettyGunnersdisqualified fromGuinnessChampionship forfieldingIneligiblePlayer

Jetty Gunners have been officially disqualified from the Guinness 'Greatest of the Streets' West/East Bank Demerara Championship after an investigation revealed they fielded an ineligible player during their semifinal against Showstoppers.

Theinvestigation,prompted byanofficialverbalandwritten protest from Showstoppers, followed the match, which ended 2-1 in favor of Jetty Gunners via penalty kicks. It was discovered that Jetty Gunners had fielded Andrew MurrayJr.,anineligibleplayer, despitepriorwarningsfromthe coordinators. The player was present in uniform on the team bench.

According to tournament rules, "fielding an ineligible player, including on the team bench, results in automatic disqualification of the guilty team regardless of the match


Tournament coordinator Travis Bess stated, "This year's Guinness 'Greatest of the Streets' West/East Bank edition finals will be contested between defending champions Ballerz Empire and Showstoppers. ShowstoppersprotestedagainstJetty Gunnersonthegroundsofhavingan ineligible player in uniform on the bench during their semifinal match. The rules clearly state that fielding anyineligibleplayer,includingonthe team bench, leads to automatic disqualification."

Bess added, "Before the second semifinal match, coordinators informedbothteamsthatMr Andrew Murray couldn't participate. As a result, Showstoppers will advance to the final against Ballerz Empire, scheduled for Saturday at the PouderoyenTarmac."

Additionally, Cayenne Massive and the winner of the Pouderoyen Brothers vs. Epic Touch Family matchwillcompeteinthethird-place playoff.

members of the club and also supportedotherprogrammesofthe RHTYSC including annual award ceremony, Say yes/Say no campaign, Christmas charity programme and the annual cricket Academy

Foster, who is also the former president of the Berbice Cricket Board, stated that the NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour teams in 2024 wouldbesharingout25bicyclesto youths and some institutions like the Mayor and Town Council of RoseHall.Theteamswouldalsobe handing over cricket gear to promising club members,12 electronic tablets to outstanding students, food hampers to the less fortunatewhilehundredsofschool bags with educational material would be handed out to students preparingforsecondaryschool.

The NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour First Division team in September would also undertake a th series of activities to mark the 54 anniversaryofRoseHallbecoming th a Township on the 20 of September 1990. The activities would be held under the theme 'simplythebest'andwouldinclude

Two youth cricketers pose with cricket gear received from Demerara Bank.

a cross country race, 10/10 cricket match,fitnesswalk,saynotodrugs March, food hampers for 54 families,medicaloutreach,evening of music and educational competitions for school children suchasessayandposter (Continuedonpage29)

RHTYSC members donate bicycle to Rose Hall Town Council Security Department.

West Indies U-19 Women bowlers shine to level USA T20 Series at 1-1 in T&T

SportsMax-HostsWest Indies produced a dominant displayofbowlingtotietheir five-match Women's T20 Series against the USA 1-1 on Monday at the Sir Frank

WorrellMemorialGroundin St Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago.

The USA won the opening fixture on Saturday by 37 runs. Batting first, the


RituSinghmade29,and captainAnika Kolan 22, but the visitors were helped mightily by their hosts with 25extras.

West Indies produced a dominant display of bowling to tie their five-match Women's T20 Series against the USA 1-1.

Selena Ross took a tidy 3-12 to lead the bowling attack with her left-arm medium pace while rightarm medium pacer Jahzara Claxtontook3-20.

In the West Indian response, only Samara Ramnath (28) and Brianna Harrichan(20)gottodouble figures, as the home team washeldto69-9.

On Monday, the USA

chosetobatfirstoncemore It was


ely differentstoryfromthefirst game as this time they were bundled out for just 65 in 18.1overs.

Only Kolan (10) and Sasha Vallabhaneni (22) got notablescores.

West Indies made quick workoftheirreply,reaching 69-2injust13.1overs.

The Bajan duo of NaiJanni Cumberbatch and Asabi Callender led the charge with 27* and 20, respectively

The third match of the seriesistoday,Wednesdayat thesamevenue.

Rosswasbackamongthe wickets,taking2-8fromher three overs, including a maiden. Kenika Cassar (217)andTrishaHardat(2-18) alsobowledwell.

East Bank clubs halt participation in EBFA tournament

- Cite alleged egregious misconduct by EBFA president

The Agricola Red T r i a n g l e , S o e s d y k e Falcons,HerstellingRaiders, St Cuthbert's FC, and Timehri United Football Clubarerefusingtocontinue participating in the East Bank Football Association (EBFA)league.

Their decision comes after OreinAngoy, president of the GFF affiliate, allegedly unilaterally overturned a decision made collectivelybythemembers.

Inaletteraddressedtothe Guyana Football Federation (GFF), the aforementioned clubs highlighted that the league stage of the competition concluded on July 14, where Timehri United FC, Swan FC, Soesdyke Falcons, and Agricola Red Triangle FC, advanced to the knockout stage.

But, with Swan FC, unable to participate in the semifinals and officially withdrew two days ago and the clubs argue that according to standard football practice, the

opposing team (Agricola Red Triangle FC in this case) should automatically advancetothefinal.

Theletterfurthernoted thatameetingwasconvened on Thursday evening (July 18) at 7:30 PM with representativesfromtheEast Bank teams and despite a clear majority decision—6 votes to 1, with Swan FC abstaining Agricola Red Triangle, Soesdyke Falcons, Timehri United, Herstelling Raiders, St. Cuthbert's FC, and the coach of Timehri PanthersagreedthatTimehri Panthers should not replace Swan FC in the knockout stage.

However, according to the clubs, Angoy arbitrarily overturned the collective decision by declaring that TimehriPanthers,ateamthat did not qualify for the knockout stage, would replaceSwanFC.

“This action flagrantly disregarded the rules sanctioned by the Guyana Football Federation (GFF),” theClubsmaintained.

“This decision reeks of

biasandadeliberateattempt to manipulate the competition in favour of the Timehri Panthers. Such an act is not only unethical but also a direct violation of the principles that uphold the spiritoffootball.

It is an affront to every teamthathasworkedhardto earn their place through fair competition,” the clubs said intheirlettertotheGFF

The clubs further added,

“Mr Angoy claimed that his decision was based on his research and advice given to him.

However,whenmembers of the East Bank teams requested the origin and nature of this research, he refused to share any details. This lack of transparency only adds to our suspicion thatthisdecisionisrootedin biasandadeliberateattempt to manipulate the competition in favor of the


Riverside Cricket Club whip New England by 150 runs in Connecticut Cricket League tourney

ARamdhial inspired defending champions Riverside Cricket Club to a comprehensive, 150-run run win over New England Cricket Club last Saturday in the continuation of the 2024 Connecticut Cricket League 40-over Division1tournament.

PlayingatRiversidePark, the veteran Ramdhial struck an attractive 92 to help Riverside Cricket Club rattle upaformidable245alloutoff 38-overs.

He then returned with his left-armorthodoxspintograb 3-27 from seven impressive overs as Connecticut Cricket ClubdismissedNewEngland CricketClubforapartly95in the31stover

Only Amit Warambe offered some resistance against Riverside Cricket Clubwith21.

New England Cricket Club struggled to find momentumintheirchaseand from a precarious position at 41-5,theyneverrecovered.

Ramdhial was admirably supported by 19-year-old and left-arm orthodox spinner Guarav Ramesh who claimed 3-35 off his seven tidy overs while another off-break bowler and Berbician Kumar Joseph took 2-23 in his 5.4 overs.

Earlier, Riverside Cricket Club was invited to take first strike and they fully capitalizedontheopportunity tobatfirst.

Ramdhialstartedhisshow at number 4 after an early wobble by his team at 3-21. He took up the responsibility with the bat striking six sixes andthreefoursduringhis57ballexhibition.

He and Junior McKenzie revived the innings with a steady,155-runfourth-wicket stand. McKenzie contributed an impressive 67, an innings contained five sixes and two fours.

The fluent Ramdhial also found another reliable partner Adil Sardar and they two stitched together 54 runs for the fifthwicket Sardar made a fiery 37 which including three nonchalant sixes and

three fours from just 20 deliveries.

Seamer Nikhilesh Reddy was the most outstanding bowler for New England CricketClubbybagging4-32 off seven overs while Amit WarambeandAbdurRahman nabbedtwowicketsapieceon aresponsivepitch.

Meanwhile, skipper of RiversideCricketClubNaisul

Hussain congratulated Ramdhial for his player-ofthe-match performance and thanked his team for their continuedcommitmentonthe field.

He, a former Albion Cricket Club player, stated that Riverside Cricket Club reaching the playoff segment forfourconsecutiveyearsisa testamenttothehard-working team.

He also expressed confidence of them making it tothesemi-finalstageaswell.

A c c o r d i n g t o batsman Hussain, once Riverside Cricket Club could reach at the semifinal, it will be a pathway for keepingpossessionofthetitle forthreestraightyears.

A g a i n h e a c k n o w l e d g e d t h e tremendous work by the enti

believes they are going to be the victorious teamin2024.

The playoff is slated to beginonSaturday

GiftlandandSankar’sAutoWorks boostKaresOneGuyanaT10Blast

The Kares One Guyana T10Tapeball Blast, kicking off on August 3rd, has receivedafurtherboostwith Giftland OfficeMax and Sankar's Auto Works joiningthelistofsponsors.

Giftland OfficeMax is offering a 10% discount (excluding gym equipment and sale items) to any team member (player or official) who visits their store wearing or presenting their teamjersey

Additionally, fans can purchase exclusive tournament merchandise only at Giftland. This offer runs until the tournament concludesonAugust25th.

Roy Beepat, Chairman of the Giftland Group, expressed his enthusiasm for the tournament's "One Guyana" theme, stating, "I am in love with the One Guyana...full praise to the President. The One Guyana concept signifies unity, and that'simportant.WeareOne Guyana, and I love the message."

He further emphasized Giftland's commitment to supporting activities that promote community development.

More so, Sankar's Auto Works, established in 1993 and recent Valvoline Brand Ambassador Shimron Hetmyer's sponsor, adds

their name to the growing list of supporters, dem


commitment to the popular sport of tapeball cricket in Guyana.

The competition promises to be fierce with the stakes rising for the 32 participating teams This year's edition boasts a bigger prize pool, with G$1.5 million awarded to the champions, G$500,000

to the runners-up, and G$250,000 consolation prizes for losing semifinalists.

Openingmatcheswillbe held on August 3 at the PoliceSportsClub,Queen's College Ground, and LusignanSportsClub.

The Round of 16 at Police Sports Club and LusignanonAugust4.

Thequarterfinalswillbe played on August 11th at

Enmore, culminating in the finals and a Cricket for Charity match at the NationalStadiumonAugust 25th.


includes: Airport XI, Avinash All-Stars, Bartica Bulls, Brooklyn Youth Strikers, Cotton Tree Die Hard, Diamond Gunners, Eastsyde, EC Express, (Continuedonpage29)

Navin Sankar of Sankar's Auto Works (right) and John Ramsingh of FL Sport.
Hemendra Ramdhial

Norman Madhoo wins 2024 CDLC Event #2 Qualifier in Jamaica

Guyanese darts

star Norman "The

S t o r m " M a d h o o

emerged as the champion of the 2024 Championship Darts

Latin American Caribbean (CDLC) Event #2 Championship Qualifier on Sunday at

The Montego Bay Conference Centre in

Jamaica. Entering the 2024 championship, Madhoo was at the top of the 2023 CDLC Tour points' standings, with fellow countryman Sudesh Fitzgeraldinthesecondspot.

During Event #2 Qualifier, Madhoo showcased his skill, winning36outof49matches, including a thrilling final whereheclinchedthetitleby

winning three consecutive legs in a deciding match againstFitzgerald.

Fitzgerald also performed admirably in both CDLCeventssofar,finishing as a semifinalist in Event #1 and securing an impressive runner-upfinishinEvent#2.

In the 2024 rankings, Madhoo is currently trailing the#1seedRashadSweeting,

having amassed 22 points with 53 wins and 19 losses. This performance brings Madhoo one step closer to securingaspotintheWorldof DartsChampionship.

During a post-match interview in Jamaica, Madhoo attributed his success in the final to his determination. "Sudesh had meformostofthecontest,but

the dynamic of the match changed when I hit the 120, shifting things in my favour From there, my confidence increased, and I went on to win the next three rounds," Madhooexplained. Both Madhoo and Fitzgerald currently sit atop theCDLCTwoYearOrderof Merit, guaranteeing their participationinfuturespecial events.

Looking ahead, Norman Madhoo aims to deliver more

id performances in Chile, with thehopeofsecuringaspotat the Wor


Foreign Link Darts Club player, Norman Madhoo

Championship Meanwhile, theCDLCQualifier:Events3 and 4 are scheduled for OctoberinChile.

The duo, Madhoo and Fitzgerald also send special thanks to sponsors; Regency Suites Hotel (Guyana), GuyDrones,ChrisAuto&AC Mechanics,ClubDartCentral (USA),Suit&TieDartsUSA (Barbados), Lucas Mirach (Germany Dart Board), Cuesoul (Dart Equipment) and Foreign Link Dart Club for their unwavering efforts t


Joseph/Team13 U-23 Basketball resumes tonight with two more matches Kings and Royals record latest wins

The Kevin '2Feet' Joseph andTeam13plannedUnder23 basketball tournament which involves the five affiliated clubs to the Linden Amateur Basketball Association (LABA) will resume tonight (Wednesday) with two more matchesattheAmelia'sWard HardCourtinLinden.

R a i n a n d t h e unavailability of the playing venue over the past weekend caused a push back in the preliminaryroundwhichisto determine the four teams to playinthesemifinals.

Clubs contesting are Retrieve Raiders, Block 22 Flames, Victory Valley Royals, Central Mackenzie Kings and Block 22 Flames and in the latest round of matches played, Kings and Royals registered wins last Monday

Tonightat6.30pmCentral Mackenzie Kings will face homesideAmelia'sWardJets, while in the other game at

8.30pm Block 22 Flames are up against Retrieve Raiders andBlock22Flames.

Central Mackenzie Kings scored an exciting 62-53 win over Retrieve Raiders after trailing8-17,29-34and38-44 but were able to rally past theirrivalstowin62-53.

That come-back victory was hinged on an excellent team display by the Kings where three players recorder morethan10points.

Jemol Semple was their topscorerwith17pointsashe was ably supported by Jaren Watson13andTyreeseArthur 11.OncemorefortheRaiders theirmainscorerwasShemar Savoury who led the way netting27points.

Victory Valley Royals then continued their winning streakwithaneasy57-34win overBlock22Flames.

For the Royals, Kobe Tappin got their top score of 27gamepointsandImmanuel LaRose13points.

Autism Awareness and fitness Walk held by Rotary Club of New Amsterdam

The Rotary Club of New Amsterdam (RCNA) successfulorganisedafitness and awareness walk in recognition of persons suffering with Autism over the weekend The activity, which was held primarily to bring awareness to the disorder, was held in New Amsterdam. It got underway at approximately 7am from LeisureInnHotelatMainand Theatre Ally and culminated at31Stanleytown.

The participants included members of the rotary club, their partners in service, family,friendsandotherwellwishers.The Guest Speaker was Dr Vanessa Henry, Medical Superintendent of The New Amsterdam Hospital. She spoke about Autism and what it is. She mentioned things that can be donetoassistpeoplewiththe disorder and efforts being made to assist those with the condition.

Dr Henry congratulated the RCNA for all they have being doing and continue to do.Shealsothankedthemfor their efforts in bringing awarenesstotheillness.

Also speaking was Club

President Keine Reid, who thanked those in attendance including members and friends of the club in coming out and supporting the activity

Healsooutlinedanumber of activities that the RCNA has undertaken and is embarking on to make the livesofresidentsbetter

Before undertaking the walk participants were engaged in fitness exercises andawarmupsession.

Autismspectrumdisorder (ASD)isabroadtermusedto d

disorders. It refers to a group of conditions characterized by difficulty in social functioning and repetitive behaviors or stereotyped interests. Children with ASD possess a complex condition

development. With the right

individuals with autism can learn critical skills and

wellbeing. At the end of the activity participantswereservedwith breakfast and snacks (SamuelWhyte)

Five wickets from

Mavindra Dindyal coupled with some solid batting support from Rampertab Ramnauth guided Guyana pasttheJamaicansby15-runs yesterday

Guyana made 175 all out in 49.5 overs, a score which provedtobegoodenoughfor avictory

Opener Ramnauth struck 45 with 5 fours, while Thaddeus Lovell (23), Riyad Latiff (25) and Isai Thorne (21) lent support down the order

TheJamaicanduoofOdel Samuels (4-19) and Tamarie Redwood (3-31) were the primarywickettakers.

Chulai then wreaked havoc with the ball, bagging 2-29 but it was Dindyal who was the equalizer for Guyana withamatchhaulof5-24.

Jamaicawererestrictedto 162-10in34.1oversdespitea fighting half-century from

Captain Brian



Barnes (59)
openerAdrianWeir(35). Guyana play Leewards
Mavendra Dindyal
Members of the Rotary Club and others after the walk.
Participants during the walk.



Romario Samaroo of FLSport (right) and Roy Beepat, Chairman of the Giftland Group, signify the partnership.
Jockeys will have their eyes on the big prize at Guyana Cup.

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