While ExxonMobil is yet to decide how it will be handling the produced water from its seventh project- Hammerhead, the two major opposition political parties-
basis or 29 mg/l on a monthly several FPSO’s in operation, there People’s National Congress average”. might be as many as a dozen in Reform (PNC/R) and the Alliance
Opposition divided time.” for Change are on different wave
On Tuesday this publication Hefurtherexplainedthat,“This lengthsontheissue. reached out to the Chairman of the meansthatanypolicywhichallows
Producedwaterisaliquidthatis AFC and the party’s spokesperson for dumping could in the long term extracted during oil production on the oil and gas industry David result in several times as much activities. It contains dissolved Patterson and economist and water being dumped This mineralsalts,ormaybemixedwith advisor to the PNCR on the sector cumulative effect needs to be organic compounds such as acids, Elson Lowe to get their party’s studied but the best thing is for waxes,andmineraloils.Itmayalso positiononthewaytheoilgiantnot water to simply be reinjected into bemixedwithinorganicmetalsand committing to specific ways in wells.” byproducts or with trace amounts which they will be handling the Patterson said that, “The of heavy metals and naturally- 250,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) producedwater international standard is t0 treat it environment and the marine occurringradioactivematerials,the willalsoproduce200,000barrelsof While the PNC is all for andretreatituntilthereis0.01parts ecosystem. “The motion that I US Department of Energy said in a produced water daily which will be reinjection of the produced water of100ofanycontaminantsinit.So brought to Parliament of course it research paper It is also usually dumped into the ocean. On the back into the reservoir the AFC is obviously that is something that we was defeated by the PPP requires very high in temperature, and can other hand, the fifth project Uaru calling for the oil company to would want to do. We want Exxon them to do what the international bedeadlytomarineorganisms. which is being designed to produce adheres to international best and they do this everywhere else standardssay Soobviouslywewill Due to its toxicity, this 250,000 bpd will see the discharge practices and treat the produced and it’s nothing unique to Guyana. want them to do it here in Guyana substance is best re-injected into or 300,000 bpd of produced water wateruntilthereis0.01partsof100 Anywhere else that they have to because it has a long term the wells, though this may be a Prior to the dumping of produced of any contaminants in it. Low told abidebytheinternationalstandards detrimental effect on your costlyexercise.Exxonhassounded water offshore, it is treated on the this publication that, “we believe thisiswhattheydo.” ecosystem. So obviously we would the warning before, in six EIAs for FPSOs to ensure it aligns with the that all water should be reinjected He explained that he had want that to be done which we’ve its previously sanctioned projects, industry standards, as required by into wells It is important to brought a motion bef0re the broughtamotionandunfortunately of the dangers associated with the the EPA. The Permits granted to minimise the environmental effect Parliament to address the issue of the PPP with their majority dumpingofproducedwaterintothe Exxon by the regulator requires the of offshore operations for each the disposal of waste water. He defeated the motion but we still ocean. Produced water discharges operator to treat the substance to project but we must also be aware highlighted that it is very hot and stickatthat,”headded. from each of the projects vary. For ensure “oil content specification of of the cumulative effect of a policy had around 200 contaminants in it Global Projects Cost instance, the sixth project – produced water to be discharged of allowing contaminated water to which over a period of time can EngineeringManagerforExxon Whiptail – which will produce does not exceed 42 mg/l on a daily be dumped offshore as not only are bring detrimental effects to the (Continued on page 9)
The Ministry of According to the single project financed from funds. The purpose of F i n a n c e o n Ministry, the transfer brings thisrevenuestreamtodate. Guyana’s Natural Resource
W e d n e s d a y t h e a c c u m u l a t e d Section 16.2 of the NRF Fund is to ensure there is
e v e n i n g withdrawals to date in 2024 Act explains that, “All prudent management of the announced yet another to US $850 million withdrawals from the Fund nation’s oil earnings for the withdrawal from the Natural equivalent to (G$ 176.72 shall be deposited into the present and future benefit of ResourcesFund(NRF). billion within the total of the Consolidated Fund and shall the people by ensuring that
In a statement, the U S $ 1 , 5 8 6 , 1 5 0 , 3 3 1 be used only to finance: (a) volatility in natural resource Ministry of Finance said in ( e q u i v a l e n t t o national development
revenues does not lead to keeping with the approval, G$329,885,563,088) priorities including any volatile public spending the Government of Guyana approvedin2024. initiative aimed at realizing With little transparency hasmadeitsthirdtransferfor Earlier this year, reports an inclusive green economy, regarding the use of 2024, totaling US $300 indicated that the final and(b)essentialprojectsthat Guyana’s oil wealth, Sanzillo had pointed out that Meanwhile, the GoG million (equivalent to withdrawal from the Natural are directly related to International Financial the government has not been previously said that money G$62.394 billion) from the Resource Fund for the year ameliorating the effect of a Analysts worry that the prioritising saving the funds from the oil account is NRF on July 22, 2024 to the 2 0 2 3 , a m o u n t e d t o majornaturaldisaster.” revenue may not be used to generated from the industry transferred directly to the ConsolidatedFund.
US$152.1 million (G$31.6 Government has not develop the country and like Norway but has instead consolidated fund which The Ministry explained billion). identified what are the improve the lives of its poor embarked on a massive blends the various revenue inthereleasethatthemoveis This took the total “national development citizens. infrastructural and energy streams. in keeping with the Natural transfers for the year 2023 to priorities” being funded by For instance, Director of development scheme which This means that the Resources Fund (NRF) Act US$1.002 billion (G$208.9 the oil revenue This is Financial Analysis at the may very well benefit its government is therefore 2021, as amended by the billion) as approved in the particularly concerning as Institut
Energy partner, ExxonMobil more unable to say what specific F i s c a l E n a c t m e n t s National Assembly The the legislation features no Economics and Financial than the citizens in the projects were funded by (Amendment) Act 2024, fund was operationalised in penalties for misuse of the Analysis (IEEFA), Tom country thoseearnings. when parliamentary 2022.
approval was granted for US The NRF Act sets $1,586,150,331 (equivalent specific guidelines for the toG$329,885,563,088)tobe use of the funds; however, withdrawn from the NRF in there has been no indication 2024. from government as to a
The Ministry of Home Affair on Tuesday disclosed that an officer in the Guyana Fire Service was allegedly caughtsmugglingrum.
According to the ministry, the officer, Clayton Pantlitz was intercepted by police on Thursday July 18 along the Melanie Public Road, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
TTuesday during
During a search of his vehicle the ranks found a quantity of illegal rum that included 24 bottles of Hennessy, 24 JohnnyWalker Black Labels, 10 Johnny Walker Gold Labels, 12 and Offence No 36 at Fireballs, 48 Absolute SectionG,aswellasGuyana vodka, and 12 Cîroc Vodka. Fire Service Disciplinary He was arrested and first Regulation 54, Paragraphs takentotheGuyanaRevenue 42 and 44”, the ministry Authority (GRA) Bond to stated. lodge the smuggled rum, The ministry said that thence to the Brickdam such behaviours which P o l i c e S t a t i o n f o r undermine public trust and processing. confidence and the agencies
Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn
The ministry said that its that fall under its purview Minister, Robeson Benn is will not be condoned. “A dissatisfiedwiththeofficer’s reminder was issued to all conduct He reportedly members of the disciplined described it “as unbecoming services under the ministry’s andadiscredittotheGuyana purview to adhere strictly to FireService”. their oath of office, standing
“He stated such actions order and the organisational will not be tolerated by the rules,andregulations,noting Ministry of HomeAffairs, as that failure to do so will theyrepresentadirectbreach result in disciplinary action” of Public Service Rules F02 theministrysaid.
forensic examination,” the
TheAlliance For Change his weekly episode of Issues (AFC) earlier this week in the News said that the called on citizens to take to ranks of the Guyana Police the streets demanding Force (GPF) are constantly
e being trained but the governmentandthepolicein Government of Guyana is thefightagainstcrime. uncomfortable with the
Thepartysaidtoothatthe levels of crime and violence country needs a moral seeninthecountry reckoning and that citizens
“We are constantly do not deserve to die training our police officers, suddenly and violently by tomakethembetterqualified bullets. and better suited to deal with
Attorney General Anil Nandlall
TheAFC’sstatementwas crime and criminality in the madeagainstthebackground country. More forensic Traffic offences he said by way of legislation, so that of the killing of Jairam approaches to investigations will be attracting a higher cameras are going to be R a m k i s h u n , 6 9 o f are being pursued,” Nandlall penalty since in Guyana located along the way at Westminster Housing told listeners of his facebook there continues to be an strategic points of our major S
n k show unacceptable rate of road roadways, and will video Demerara who was shot and
He further stated that, fatalitiesandthegovernment recordtransactionsrelatedto killed on Sunday when “the Government is not has been passing a menu of speeding and failure to wear banditsinvadedhishome. comfortable with the level of statutoryprovisionsintended seatbelts.”
The AFC said it believes crime and violence in the to address this matter “We There will also be that budgetary allocations society and that is no secret. have introduced the offense amendments to address for a better security for all Wehaverepeatedlyaccepted of motor manslaughter, we penalties under the Road Guyanamustbestructuredto that fact and we are have introduced a regime of Traffic Act and public target especially this assiduously working to disqualifications of driver’s awareness on how to use the increase in gun crimes address the situation ” license,wehaveintroduceda roadways. “Devoting additional Nandlall highlighted that regime that addresses Similarly in relation to resources to curb gun thereisanumberofpiecesof drunken driving, driving in a offences involving violence, violence and murders is legislation that the comprehensiveway,”theAG robbery, breaking and affordable by any budgetary government will be passing explained. entering, burglary and standard, especially if “but legislations are not, the The AG further stated robberyunderarms,Nandlall compared to the costs of the singular remedy that can that the government has said the penalty provisions loss of lives and limbs, the comprehensively and introduced a regime of arebeingreviewed. medical costs, the criminal successfully address this statutory provisions to He said the forensic justice costs, lost earnings, problem. We have to have a address the question of laboratory has been the reduced quality of life multi-faceted approach, so selling of intoxicating liquor equipped with “a skill set of and so many consequential wewilltaketotheparliament to drivers and persons highly qualified personnel costs of the violence. But shortly a bill that will suspected to be drivers that who have been recruited theremustbefundsallocated increase penalties for “Onlyatthelastsittingofthe from overseas. “We have specifically for this purpose: different categories of Parliament we have now modern equipment and reduction of shooting and offences.” introduced a camera system we are acquiring more to killing.”
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo only changes his mind andhistunewhensuchsuithisambitionsandhispurposes. Hewasallforring-fencingbefore,andenragedathowmuch theCoalitionAPNU+AFCgaveawaywithnoring-fencing ofGuyana’soffshoreoilprojects.
Loud was the cry of theVice President when he was in Opposition,buttodaywhenheisingovernment,hereverse himself on ring-fencing, as he tries very smartly to sword fencehiswaywithwordsoutofthetightcornerhecreated forhimself.
“They[Coalition]cameintooffice–threebillionbarrels ofprovenreservesandtheygaveupzeroroyalties,notaxes, noring-fencing.”ThatwastheoldJagdeoonfireoverhow thepreviousgovernmentsoldouttheGuyanesepeople,and hewasright. Butthatwasthen,andthisisnow,wherethere is a new Jagdeo, who trots out his new position on ringfencing:“Thinkinginpolicymakingismuchmorecomplex, it’s never a linear way- oh ring-fencing can save all the money in the world; ring-fencing could lead now too to us having nothing in the future.” In Jagdeo’s new inspiration, ring-fencingofprojects(thesamethingoverwhichhehad taken the Coalition to task), would cost this country in the longrun.
ThisfliesinthefaceofwhatthePPPCGovernment,as pushedbyhim,ischargingaheadwith,throughhigherand higherlevelsofproduction,whenoilpricesareoverUS$80 a barrel. It was Jagdeo and the president who have repeatedly said words to the effect that Guyana has to produce more oil now, and take advantage of current circumstances still favoring fossil fuels. Given the situation,astrongargumentcouldbemadetoring-fencepresent oilprojects,becausetherevenuesaretheretoabsorblegitimate expensespertainingtothoseprojects,asproperlyaudited,with cleanerandbettermonetarybenefitsforGuyana Duetoprices beingwheretheyare,andExxonMobilrampingupproduction with increasing regularity, ring-fencing helps to contain expenseswheretheybelong,whichiswithinthesilothatiseach project, with no expense spillover (carry forward) to future projects Noring-fencingisaninvitationforExxonMobiltoplay games with billions in expenses, with much disputed, as differentauditsarenowbringingtolight
Currently,Guyaneseinthenationaleconomicbasement arehurtingandneedreliefnow Theoilmoneyisflowingin one direction only, i.e., to ExxonMobil and its people. Ordinary Guyanese outside of the PPPC Government’s favored circle haven’t had a real taste of what it is to be amongthetopoilproducersintheworld.ThisisasJagdeois todaytalkingupthefutureashisovernightjustificationfor noring-fencing. Itisalameone,andheknowsit,butstill persistswithwhathasbecomehisworld-classcunningness. Jagdeo knows that though fossil fuels still have some life, it is under constant pressure as the energy source of choice. Jagdeo also knows that oil prices can be up and down, and that there are periods of prolonged slump, or reduced demand due to economic conditions. Jagdeo knows that new oil discoveries around the world, or a revolutionary technology that powerfully competes with fossil fuels, could change the profit projection picture for Guyana because prices could come under sustained pressure. For all the above reasons, it makes sense for Guyanatoring-fenceitsoilprojects,andtograbitsfairand rightfulshareofoilproceeds. Nottoring-fence,istobean activepartytoExxonMobilenrichingitselfattheexpenseof the Guyanese people. Thisfeedsintothedemandforalloil expensestobedisclosed,sothatGuyanesehavetheclearestidea ofwhattheyarepayingfor,andthatitisaccurateandnotpadded, andthatitisthiscountry’sandnotfromsomewhereelse. Ringfencing must be accompanied by the fullest disclosure of expenses,asauditresultsarenowteachingthiscountry. Ringfencing serves as a needed discipline for ExxonMobil, gives Guyanese some confidence, and puts money in their pockets now,allbeingequal Beinghungryandlivinginpovertyshould notwaitforreliefuntilthenextdecade
English essayist William Hazlitt describes envy as “a littleness of soul, which cannot see beyond a certain point, and if it does not occupy the whole space, feelsitselfexcluded”.
Recent weeks and months have unveiled such envy beyond measure, in relation to the nation’s top lawenforcementofficer Itis unprecedented.Itistimethis nonsensestops.
The efforts to bring this decent gentleman to his kneeshavebeenunrelenting. Theclearindicationsarethat there are individuals in his immediate orbit who are intent on leaving him dispirited and broken. I am compelled to comment on these shameful attempts to publiclylynchhim.
Since Clifton Hicken
e of Commissioner of Police, his stated mission has been to transform the force to a wholly professional entity Anyone who doubts the efficacy of his methods would be pulling wool over their eyes Commissioner Hicken has been the most prominent proponent of contemporary-style policing. He understands its importance in realizing and main tain in g s af er neighbourhoods The
strategic plan is being implemented to a ‘T’, and hascreatedanatmosphereof academic advancement and professionalism among the membersoftheforce.
Capacity-building has been a primary focus. The need to “get with the programme” has seen great improvementintheattitudes oftheambitiousranks.There is purpose to their everyday activities, and great anticipation for the future. The country as a whole will ultimately benefit from this methodologybeingproperly i m p l e m e n t e d a n d maintained. Like any other Police Force or institution where discipline is paramount,therewillalways be challenges. Those can be addressed objectively and skillfully
That being said, mechanisms are in place to investigate allegations againstanyone,regardlessof their position in the Guyana Police Force. There will be scepticism, but for the most part there is accountability and transparency That is why the worrying trend that burgeonedimmediatelyafter aninvestigationcommenced on a high-ranking senior officerissooffsetting.
The plethora of misinformation, innuendo, vitriol, mud-slinging is
disturbing to say the least. And vicious character assassinations are being carried out with impunity against the Commissioner who can only act on that whichisbroughtbeforehim. Hecannotpre-judge.
Careful analysis would’ve shown that the letterinrelationtotheCrime Chief was leaked.The Head ofSOCUcameinforhisfair share Strangely enough, there was no mention from SocialMediainfluencersand commentatorsaboutthenew hierarchy inAdministration. Maybeitistoonew;butthat wouldbeforanotherday
In my humble opinion, members of the public such as myself should not be misguided, or I daresay blinded,bywhatiscurrently prevailing.Itmustnotbelost in the thick fog of envy and jealousy that Commissioner Hicken’s main focus has been, and I know still is, to develop capacity in the force, and appropriately prepare the impressionable youth – our leaders of tomorrow Iwanttotelltheamiable Commissioner that frankly he needs to get off his rear end–wherehehasobviously assumed the moral high ground for way too long –and bring litigation against those who have incessantly
defamed him, besmirched his good name, and tried to breakhisprogressivespirit.
Commissioner Hicken is notbeingcastasaparagonof virtuein this missive, but he has proven himself to be a role model. Thus my advice to him is to not rest on his laurels, while allowing the envious and jealous around himtocontinue,uninhibited, feedingthefrenzyofhatred.
There will always be bitter fights to be Commissioner; that has reached new depths during Mr Hicken’s tenure. It has gone so far that political parties have joined the misinformation campaign –accusing him of ownership of property that belongs to the government, and receiving benefits from same. Again, the public is urged make their individual assessments, and not be unduly influenced by partisan politics within and outsideoftheGuyanaPolice Force.
The law-abiding policemen and women deserve better It is grossly unfairtopaintallandsundry with the same brush. We must support the Force, for the benefit of our evergrowing communities and thecountryatlarge.
YoursFaithfully, SherwinCrandon
Well known social commentator Mr. Ravi Dev stated in a recent newspaper letter that the PPPC has an option to call snap elections in Guyana. His rationale is the perception that the PNCR and the AFC are in disarray prior to and following their recent party congress Even if these parties are in some internal trouble, the PPPC, in my opinion, would not be tempted to call snap elections.
The PPPC had several months of interaction with Guyanese before the 2020 elections to develop a manifesto, which they declared as a “covenant” with the people In that manifesto whose theme was “Our Plan for Prosperity,” they stated: “We all want a society which is free, prosp
competitive and which serves every Guyanese
equitable ” In the 2020 manifesto the PPPC made several promises such as to allocate 50,000 house lots, create 50,000 new jobs, reduceVATonseveralitems like education and health, andre-openofsugarestates.
The PPPC wants to ensure that the range and scope of promises are fully realized.Theydonotwantto disappointthepeoplefornot being able to fulfill their promises, as did the APNU+AFC coalition A snap election would derail the remaining estimated 10% of promises such as cheaper and reliable energy; blending fossil fuel with ethanol to reduce carbon impact; creating an International Center of Excellence for Biological Diversity;andconstitutional reform.Itwouldalsostallthe momentum of the country’s rapid development thrust which had an initial setback due to 2 years of Covid-19 diversion.
ThePPPCalsowantsto enhance its “trust” with the electors, and one way to achievethisistofulfillallof their manifesto promises. Theyhaveevengonebeyond the manifesto promises, for example, to build 3,435 homes and several schools.
ThePPPCpledgedto“build, renovate, and rehabilitate” schools.Theyhaveexceeded all reasonable expectations: they have already scheduled 22 secondary and 6 primary schools for construction during their term in office. Not to mention the grant of ($(G) 600,000 (or $US 2,884) per year for patients on dialysis treatment, while continuingtobuildtrust.
Racial discrimination has been a major political tool of the opposition and they have had the PPPC on the defensive on occasions. However, when the PPPC began to provide ethnic breakdown of house lots, scholarships, jobs, skills training, etc., the opposition
has switched focus onto corruption, which has been receiving heightened national attention since the revelation of alleged gold smuggling by 3 Guyanese; thedismantlingofaChinese goldsmugglingring;andthe massive corruption at police
thoroughly investigated and prosecuted to restore confidence to the Guyanese people. The PPPC needs to finish the job A snap electionwouldbeviewedas adistraction.
While the PPPC has enough evidence (data) of fairness in the allocation of resources, the opposition still finds that race discrimination has political traction for them They would not give up this as a political tool in their seeminglylimitedarsenal.
Whiletheresultsofthe 2023 local government electionshowthatissuesare (Continuedonpage06)
DEAREDITOR, Does changing or rather exchangingtheleadershipof the AFC obliterate all the wrong doings of that Party? Despite the numerous ‘wrong turns’ they have made?
ThenewAFCleaderand his team are on the road
smiling, laughing, handshaking, invoking and sometimes gyrating to Bollywood songs trying instill into the minds of its
lost supporters and Guyanese at large that there isindeed‘change’butthisis a vain effort to hoodwink them yet again. Since 2005 theAFCwas‘Unlockingthe potentialofGuyana’andthe mantra now is ‘Better must come’, how can this be possible when the AFC squandered each and every opportunity to be independent and work for the good on the people of Guyana. The goal was and stillisto‘kick’outthePPP/C from Government and to sharethe‘spoils’.
In order to achieve this they joined forces with the PNC in Parliament prior to 2015 to destabilize by rejecting everything which the PPP/C Government presented therein by the PPP/C Government resultinginaNoConfidence Motion which consequently led to an early General Election in 2015. However, this alliance did not end there,castingallpretensions andfoundingprinciplesinto the garbage bin and they
joined with the PNC on Valentine’s Day 2015 in a ‘marriage of convenience’ whichdestroyedtheirpublic image forever, ‘rebranding’ to regain its identity (Cathy Hughes at AFC’s 7th Conference) to market the AFCwillnotwork.Thedead cannot be invoked and the soul is already locked away ineternaldamnation.
The PNC has a history of betrayals of smaller parties, liketheUFin1964butinthe caseoftheAFCtheyclungon for dear life despite being kicked around by the PNC
But it was not a case of only beingsubservienttothePNC, the AFC became the PNCthere was no distinction and the AFC sang merrily along Together they violated the Constitution, they raided the Treasury, they enriched themselves and family, they co-operated on spurious and costlyandwastefullitigations, theybankruptedthecountry, destroyed all the socioeconomicgainsmadebythe PPP/C Government, and thentocrownitoff,together they attempted to rig the 2020 General Elections together.Guyanesebeganto reminisce the dark days of thePNCfrom1964to1992.
It must be recalled that the late Ramon Gaskin had said in 2015 that, ‘I noticed that in the coalition talks, theywereonlytalkingabout whogetswhatandwhatgoes to whom I am very disappointed with that, because in the entire discussions, all they could
have said was that this goes to that person, he gets that, she gets this and nothing is said about the needs of the Guyanesepeople.’Headded that, ‘they should have first worked out a program for what is to be good for Guyana…you are preaching that you want the good of Guyana then show that…in my opinion they did it the wrongwayaround.’
Despite vowing not to coalesce with the PNC, the AFCanditsleadersknowthat theyneedtopiggybackonthe PNC to be relevant Despite Hughes’ rhetoric about ‘reimaging’ and Cathy’s ‘rebranding’ and once again ‘ofwhatisinthebestinterest of the country’ the AFC is cognizant of the fact that the AFC no longer commands therespectofthepeoplewho walked away These will neverreturn Thosefewwho remained in the AFC were andarediehardPNCsothey arecomfortablyensconcedat h o m e T h e l o c a l Government Elections in 2018 provided the proof. Andonceagainitwasabout distributing the ‘spoils’‘who gets what’. This time around it will be chaos unparalleled. Who will be the Presidential candidate? Who will be the Prime Ministerial candidate? How willtheseatsbeshared?
The AFC will again coalescewiththePNCinthe end before the 2025 Elections.
The Region Thre
(R3PSInc) stands in strong supportoftheGuyanaPolice Force(GPF)andtheSpecial Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) as they undertake crucial investigations into allegationsofcorruptionand financialimpropriety
It is essential to recognize that the integrity and efficiency of our law enforcement agencies are vital to maintaining law and orderinourcountry
The current internal efforts by the GPF and SOCU to address these s e r i o u s c o n c
t t o transparency,accountability, andjustice.
WebelievethattheGPF andSOCUhavethecapacity and the mandate to conduct thorough and unbiased investigations, holding any and all individuals accountablefortheiractions. It is through these r i g o r o u s i n t e r n a l mechanisms that we can ensure that any misconduct
is identified and rectified, thereby strengthening the public’s trust in our law enforcementinstitutions.
While the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has called for an independent investigation, we maintain thattheGPFandSOCUmust be allowed to carry out their duties without undue interference.
The expertise and d
paramount to achieving a fair and just outcome
Supporting the GPF and SOCU in their endeavors is essential for reinforcing the rule of law and ensuring that justice prevails It is important to note that if instances of corruption are found within the GPF, it does n
e organization.
The GPF has robust systems and protocols in place to address any issues of misconduct.
casting undue suspicion on the many hardworking and honest officers who serve our country with dedicationandhonor
The existence of these mechanisms within the GPF underscores the institution’s commitment to upholding the highest standards of i n t e g r i t y
n d professionalism.
The R3PSInc urges all
e investigative process and to supportourlawenforcement agencies as they work diligently to uphold the higheststandardsofintegrity andaccountability
Together,wecanfostera culture of transparency and lawfulness that will benefit allcitizensofGuyana.
HalimKhan Head of the Region Three Private Sector Inc. (R3PSInc)
These systems are designed to identify, investigate, and correct
A26-year-old man from Berbice on Wednesday was sentenced to 18-months in prison for the damaging of thewindscreenandwindows of a BMWcar last Saturday night.
Mahandra Deepchand stood before Magistrate
Faith McGusty at Georgetown Magistrates’ Court #1 to answer to the allegations leveled against him The incident in question happened on Saturday, July 20, 2024, at New Haven, Bel Air, Georgetown where
Deepchand is accused of unlawfully and maliciously damaging a BMW vehicle owned by Ian Jagon. The damage included the vehicle’s windscreenvaluedat$400,000 and a window valued at $150,000 As per the victim’s account, Jagon said he had
If Granger was given two terms all Guyanese would have been living in peace
None of the atrocities happening now happened under him. Such was the freedomfortheBlackyouth and all Guyanese that I am forced to recall a viral footage of a Black youth vehemently telling a policeman to “doan get Lawliss!” The youth was worked up, angry and animated He was not bullied,beatenuporshotby the police. Freedom, equal rights and justice had returned to Guyana in less than three years of David Arthur Granger as President oftheCooperativeRepublic ofGuyana.
Ialsorecallthehundreds of thousands converged on thecapitalofGeorgetownto see that righteous man inaugurated as president And also the images of the old,weak,crippled,junkies, Indians, Amerindians and Africans turning out in their hunderds of thousands to voteforhim.
I think back of when Malcolm X led a March in theUSandBlackandWhite marched with him The
support for him was so powerful that the white police and the US governmentsaidsuchaman waspowerfullydangerousto their wicked rule. We know what happened to Malcolm Xlateron.
When President David Grangerwasdeposedbythe USTrump administration in favour of the Ali/Jagdeo regime, the first thing happenedwasthegruesome, beastly and sacrificial killingsoftheHenryBoys.It was no coincidence. From the freedom of the Black youthtostanduptoinjustice and tell the police to don’t get “Lawliss” to the brutal slaughteroftheHenryBoys isadirectmessagetoagreat leader that Black people, wherever they are must not besofreeandempowered.
President Granger saw thewarningandwhatwasto come, which would have been atrocities worse than the Henry boys and on a catastrophic scale He stepped aside quietly and abortedittosavehispeople. WhattheUSandthePPPdid next was to taunt and
provoke him; they took a PPP whipped water boy, Brigadier Phillips and made him Prime Minister Yes, they were saying we can take your strongest and finest and make them our slaves Granger remained dignified, humbled and silent. He is a student of Burnhamandunderstoodthe time and circumstances he wasfacedwith.
All Guyanese know that had Granger been given two termsallGuyanesewouldbe living in peace and enjoying the nation’s patrimony It is forustolifthimupagainand give him the opportunity to finish what he started We would be doing him a disservice if we didn’t He never interfered with the demon Jagdeo after he was desposed because he is a disciplined man and a principledleader Godknows whatwillhappenswiftlyand quietly to the devil if we reelectDavidArthurGranger
parked his vehicle, licensed under PRR 5969, within his premises,leavingitunattended Around 20:30h that evening, he heard a loud knocking sound coming from outside JagonsawDeepchandinside thecarhittingthewindscreen with a glass bottle causing it to be shattered The accused then hit one of the car’s windows causing it to be shatteredaswell
The victim contacted the policewhocameandarrested theaccusedwhoattemptedto escape He was told of the allegation, cautioned and a r r e s t e d F u r t h e r investigationswerecarriedout and he was charged with the present offense Additionally, he was charged with simple larceny which alleged that he stole $15,000 in cash from Jagon
Deepchandpleadedguilty to both charges during the court proceedings He also offeredtopayforthedamage to the vehicle, stating that his familyoverseaswillhelphim pay However,Deepchandhas no fixed place of abode and told the magistrate that he often stays in hotels and washes cars Regarding the simple larceny charge, Deepchand was fined $20,000 and if he failed to pay the fine, he would have to spend two months in prison. In relation to the malicious damaging of propertyhewassentencedto 18monthsinprison.
Mahandra Deepchand at the Georgetown Magistrates’Court
To whom should they turn?
DEAREDITOR, Many serious issues have been raised by the public Ministers have intervened,yetnoresolution has been reached and things arenotgettingdone.
Parents are losing their children and those involved in helping provide no
answers.Supplierscomplain about the lack of payment yet the payment doesn’t arrive.Whoshouldtheyturn to?
If the Ministries and the Ministers cannot get things donethenwhocan?
People are losing patience with the lack of accountability and the ever present royal run around. The government is looking moreincompetentbytheday andelectionsarejustaround thecorner
Thegovernmentneedsto getitsacttogether
Sincerely, Mr.JamilChanglee
Frompage04 becomingmoreimportantto voters, both the PPPC and PNCRalsoknowthatraceis still the main determinant in political preferences Despite the mediocre performance of the APNU+AFC coalition (sending home 7,000 sugar workers) they lost the 2020 elections by less than 3% of votes cast, while the PPPC won a majority by less than 1%.
W i t h s i g n i f i c a n t demographic changes in the population, the electoral process has become more
competitive. Whether the opposition forces share this position is unclear as they continue to push for executive power sharing. The PPPC knows that “trust” is an essential politicalcapitalthatmustbe earned but knows equally that it would take time to buildandsustainit. They would therefore utilizetheremainderoftheir term to continue building trust by taking government to the people, revitalizing neighborhoods, enhancing social and physical infrastructure,crackdownon corruption, and fulfilling their remaining promises. They know that trust could also earn them traditional PNCRcrossovervotes. Theywouldnottakeany risktocallasnapelectionbut continuetoworkhardtowin people’strustandultimately theirvotes.
They would therefore utilize their remaining time in office to build, build, and build. A snap election is anathematotheirvisionand electoralstrategy
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo only changes his mind and his tune when such suit his ambitions and his purposes. He was all for ring-fencing before, and enraged at how much the Coalition APNU+AFC gave away with no ring-fencing of Guyana’s offshore oil projects.
Loud was the cry of the Vice President when he was in Opposition, but today when he is in government,he reverses himself on ring-fencing, as he tries very smartly to sword fence his way with words out of the tight corner he created for himself
In light of an increase in said in the Region of the To address the uptick in care workers, particularly diagnostic capabilities “to PAHO continues to work whooping cough (pertussis) Americas, since 2012, when cases, in its alert PAHO those working in maternity improve the reporting and with countries of the cases globally and in some whooping cough cases recommends that countries wards, as well as for characterization of pertussis Americas and partners to countries of the Americas, reached 72,328, there has ensure vaccination coverage pregnantwomen.ThePAHO outbreaks in the region.” strengthen immunization the Pan American Health been a progressive annual of all three doses of DTP is alert also calls on countries Suspected cases should be programs and support the Organization (PAHO) has decrease in the number of higher than 95% in children to strengthen surveillance to kept separate from infants
issued an epidemiological cases reported, dropping to and “should analyze
ensure that each pertussis and young children until
alert, calling on countries to 3283 in 2022. But in 2024, vaccination coverage in outbreak is “carefully patients have received coverage, as well as to strengthen surveillance and cases have risen in several children1yearoldandunder investigated to improve antibiotics for at least five strengthen the infrastructure ensure constant monitoring countries, including Brazil, 5 years of age, with a special understanding of the days Treatment with of national immunization of vaccination coverage in Mexico,Peru,andtheUnited emphasis on identifying epidemiology of the disease
programs and improve children.Whoopingcoughis States The reported population groups with low in the region of the
a highly contagious increaseincasesislikelydue coverage.”
laboratory surveillance to respiratory infection caused to a significant decline in
Young leaders highlighted the “substantial youth mainstreaming and “Together, let us build from across the challenges” facing the m e
y o u t h partnerships that empower Caribbean have region’s youth, including participation in decision- our youth, harness their
called for more u
potential, and ensure resources to be allocated to u
Vaccination is also Countries should also recommended to shorten the detectoutbreaksandrespond by the bacterium Bordetella coverage of the diphtheria, recommended for health strengthen their laboratory period of transmissibility immediately pertussis It is easily tetanus, and pertussis transmitted from person to vaccines (DTP), mainly person through coughing during the period of the and sneezing and is a major COVID-19 pandemic In cause of illness and death 2021, coverage of the first among children. If treated and third doses of this early, antibiotics can help vaccine in the region of the prevent severe symptoms. Americas reached a 20-year Globally, between 2010 and low at 87% and 81% 2019, an average of 170,000 respectively Coverage data cases of whooping cough from 2023 shows a recovery were reported each year, o f 9 0 % a n d 8 8 % with a significant decline respectively, with variations observed during the both between and within COVID-19 pandemic countries.
However, in the Europe Symptoms of whooping region of the World Health cough usually appear 7 to 10 Organization, a significant days after infection. They increase in cases was include mild fever, runny recorded during the second nose and a dry cough half of 2023, and during the followed by a whoopingfirstmonthsof2024. sound when coughing In a press release PAHO (givingthediseaseitsname).
, sustainability, training inclusive and resilient youth development and educational disparities, lack programmes, mental health prosperity for everyone in programmes and projects of access to quality holistic resources, and more. “We theCaribbean.” focusedonthedemographic, health services, crime, continue to contribute to all Themed Empowered which constitutes more than violence, and systemic areas of national and Youth–PartnersinResilient 60% of the region’s inequities. regional development, Prosperity, the Youth FIRE population.
These issues hinder inclusive of new areas in the P
This compelling call to young people’s ability to
action was delivered by adaptandmitigatesocialand economies… [and] to be at consultations, capacity members of the Future e c o n o m i c b a r r i e r s , the forefront of innovative building, and personal Leaders Network (FLN), a threatening the future of the entrepreneurship and development opportunities. group of young leaders and Caribbean. industry,” the statement These activities were innovators from the
The young leaders read. While acknowledging designed to foster economic Caribbean Development shared powerful insights on CDB’s efforts to support i n c l
Bank’s (CDB) member economic empowerment, youth engagement, FLN sustainable practices, and countries, during the recent sustainable practices, and members emphasised the createamorepeacefulfuture Youth FIRE Forum. The community resilience. They s i g n i f i c a n c e o f fortheCaribbean. F o r u m m a r k e d t h e presented 13 action points s
bility, good The Youth FIRE Forum culmination of the Bank’s covering a wide range of governance, transparency, w
multi-faceted 2023-2024 areas including meaningful and equality of opportunity knowledge-sharing events YouthFIREProgramme. consultation, strengthening for young people in the hostedbytheCDBatits54th According to a press partnerships, dedicated region They pointed to Annual Meeting which was release by the bank, during funding and resources, partnerships as the key to held in June in Ottawa, the forum, FLN members economic empowerment, movingforward. Canada.
Some94percentof persons living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in Guyana are aware of their status, but only 72 per cent of those are on treatment.
Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony, emphasised on Tuesday that more will soon be done to address the
key population that continues to bear the disproportionate burden of HIV infection. He made the
statement during the National Judges’ Forum on HIV, Human Rights and the Law,attheMarriottHotelin Kingston, Georgetown. The health minister stated that more forums will be held to discuss better strategies to help these persons According to him, there is a great discrepancy between persons who know their status and those who are on Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART).
ART is the treatment of people infected with HIV using anti-HIV drugs
According to the Pan A m e r i c a n H e a l t h Organisation (PAHO), the standard treatment consists of a combination of drugs (often called “highly active antiretroviral therapy” or HAART) that suppress HIV replication. “InGuyana,we have 94 per cent of the persons living with HIV knowing their status. But of those who know their status 72percentareontreatment. And of those who are on treatment, 87 per cent are virally suppressed,” the healthministerdisclosed.
HighlightingthatARTis available for free at various clinics, Minister Anthony pointed out that one of the mainissuesforthegapisdue to the stigma and discrimination that is attachedtoHIV Meanwhile, MinisterAnthony explained that “One of the things that
we are doing right now to address this problem is to make sure we can offer care atanyhealthcentre…Weare training primary healthcare physicianstobeabletooffer thistypeofcare.”
If these persons have complications, the minister advised the healthcare physicians to refer them to the more specialised clinics for advanced treatment Turning his attention to the Caribbean’s statistics, Dr Anthony recounted that the prevalence of HIV in the Caribbean was at 1.2 per cent at the end of 2023.The prevalence was shown amongkeypopulationssuch as transgender individuals which was recorded as 39.4 percent.
“For men who have sex with men, it was 11.8 per cent.Forpeopleinprison,it was at 3.6 per cent, and amongsexworkers,itwasat 2.6 per cent,” Dr Anthony recounted.(DPI)
Opposition divided on how Exxon should...
Guyana Rebecca Cvikota during the opening of the public consultations for Exxon’s seventh project Hammerhead said that they would not be committing to any specific ways in which they will be handling the producedwater
The official was asked by this publication if the company had plans to reinject the produced water from the project and if not can she say the effect it can have on rising sea levels if notreinjected. She said that, “Produced water has been a topic we have been heavily involved inworkingverycloselywith the EPA and MNR to do studies on and assess and lookat.SoforHammerhead we are still in the early phasesIwouldn’tcommitto any specific ways in which we are going to handle the producedwater. What I will say now is the studies we are doing are informing those types of decisions and it is international practice to discharge produced water offshore.”
Cvikota explained that the wateristreatedandtheywill notbedischarginganywater
unless it meets the requirement of the
environmental permit and is treated sufficiently “That is part of our practices that’s oneofthethingsthatweare monitoring very closely to ensure that we have safe operations,”sheadded.
Scientist Dr Ulric Trotz during an interview with Kaieteur News earlier this year stressed the need for stringent monitoring of these discharges by the EPA He said, “Any sort of contamination in a p r i s
provides so much to our livelihoods, our fisher folk, so much to our own nutritional diet with our dependence on marine sources for protein, for an e n v i r o n m e n t t h a t supports marine life, you think about turtle nesting facilities on Shell Beachanything that disturbs that environment is not in ourinterest.”
ExxonMobil has acknowledg
seventh project can potentially affect the quality of water and harm
marine species and
w i l d l i f e T h i s information is contained in the Project Summary
submitted by Exxon to
al ProtectionAgency(EPA)
According to the Project Summary seen by this newspaper, “The Project could have localised impacts to marine water quality in the project development area from discharge of drill cuttings a n d f r o m r o u t i n e operational and hydrotestingdischarges
The Project could potentially impact marine water quality in the Project area of interest (AOI) as a result of non-routine, unplanned events (e.g., spill orrelease).”
Drill cuttings and drill fluid discharges during the drilling of development wells; effluent discharges from cooling water and produced water; hydrotesting discharges and nonroutine, unplanned events such as a spill can result in the release of dangerous substances that can affect marinelife.
Exxon said, “Increased total suspended solids concentrations, chemical concentrations, or temperatureinwatercolumn has a potential to affect marine water quality and marine habitat quality and affectwildlife.”a
It was African American President Bharrat Jagdeo are against corruption than two like the PPP and a national PPP set may laugh and ask Country and Western singer, now working up a sweat of the bigger hollow barrels government (the PPP again) what’s the point, what Charley Pride, who sang against corruption. Men in Guyana, regardless of
mileage could be had from ‘Snakescrawlatnight’. This whousedtomakeallsortsof whattheissueis. darkness is a 24/7 situation? that. Noise nuisance is being Guyana, they crawl in excuses, worked full-time to The Americans spoke What about an entity where
blessed with official seal of broaddaylightalso. Straight beat away those raising a and the two Guyanese Brave dark people (not the color of countrywide from what I Untouchables, aka sacred out of Robb Street (Freedom stink about the corruption hearts run amok. There will their skin) with dark desires hear, despite a hodgepodge cows. But now these two House), and slither from devilinthiscountry,arenow be laws. Hear, hear! There and dark deeds to match are of on and off interventions. glorious sons of Guyana, wherever else the leaders in raising hell about this will be tightening. Bravo. theorderoftheday? The perps are mainly PPP Irfaan Ali and Bharrat the PPP Government make national pestilence and how There will be hell to pay Butthereisthisarmythat folks, and even in Region Jagdeo are prattling away their nests. Corruption has much they are committed to Now that is a revelation. now declares war against Three, President Ali’s past about what they are going to been a common theme in doing something about it. Time to take these delicious corruption My fellow and present neighborhood. do to clean house relative to Guyana under different PPP Somethinghere,morethings pronouncements of Masters Guyanese, if nothing else, They have the resources to what the Yanks put on the Governments, but when over there, and everything A l i a n d J a g d e o i n please get some sense. The take care of business the table. The table was there raised in the public domain, that they can do. Abad odor perspective. Even a place as war against corruption that quickandeasyway before and there was similar such has been dealt with is smelled. I go back to sanctifiedastheVaticanCity Masters Ali and Jagdeo are They do, and protective stuffonit. contemptuously, given the something that I have been has had its share of depraved now bubbling over with is a institutions take another hit The difference today is back of the hand. Where is saying in the public domain andcorruptofficers. phony war There are for lack of effort, for thattheAmericansspokeofa theevidence,wastherefrain. for decades: it is one thing to So, why not Guyana? financial corruptions, then collusion,andforcorruption. “network” It is more Leadershedged,theydenied, mislead and misuse Indian Going a step or two farther there are other kinds of The louder and longer the sprawling, and it reaches they dissembled, and they and African and Amerindian east, there is Teheran, and in corruption. music, the richer the trail of high, very high, into the PPP erected walls to shield what Guyanese and make jokes of the heart of what is held out Let me help a little: evidence. Government. Ayuh kno dat was going on. As Guyanese them. It is quite another as a theocracy, with
l c
n The regular villagers and deh duz seh in Guyana: two say, ‘moon duz run till day kettle of fish (make that allegations of corruption Corruption did not just residents elsewhere pay the teef maan is wha mek gawd ketch am.’ It is the creole foolishness) to attempt to do flourishing. parachute from across the price. Those responsible are laff. If I had the stash, I equivalent of the arc of thesamethingwiththewhite There are reports that Pacific Ocean like the left alone, and everyone would readily give a million history is long, but it bends people. God is distracted, his Covid-19 virus. It was here takes a break until the next toseeAmericanAmbassador towards justice. Look at My fellow Guyanese, presence is needed all the time, with the daywhenitisbacktotheear- Theriot’s face, while these them now and listen to them just look at how Dr. Ali and elsewhere. If in places as warnings, the intelligence, bustingbusinesspractice. two great pretenders in the today Dr. Jagdeo are besides spiritually refined as those andthepleasallmultiplying. If that can’t be fixed due PPP play their games and Guyana’s two most themselves with one dance two that the dirty c word has Corruption under the PPP to political connections, singtheirsongs. esteemed citizens, men after another Today, they a foundation and can be a Government (previous and police reach, and the power Something tells me that knowledge in the ways of own,operate,andcontrolthe problem, then what about present) has grown from of good old-fashion cash on Her Excellency is not local political corruption, anti-corruptiondancefloor unholy, deep state Guyana? strength to strength. Now it the barrel, then how can this laughing Regarding President IrfaanAli andVice There is no voice more What about a political party is a beast, but there are the PPP as a party and as a President Irfaan Ali and VP local beauties (Ali and government pretend at Jagdeo, Tony Williams and Jagdeo) talking up a storm making a dent in the bigger, the Platters they are not. about taming it. Somebody meatier, self-enriching They fool nobody Maybe thinks that I am going senile, things that savage Guyana? on something else. But not or mistaking the Guyanese Like corruption surrounding on their new anticorruption people for illiterates, and not that murder on Main Street? religionanddrive. understanding a word of the Like tax evasion? Like (The views expressed in English Language. Or able money laundering? Like this article are those of the to interpret the environment. gold smuggling, and other a u t h o r a n d d o n o t I peek at the ordinary in smuggling? Like public necessarily reflect the Guyaneselife. procurement? opinions and beliefs of this Noise nuisance it is R
s called. Some in the smart noisemakers have been affiliates.)
Aworkshop to help
Caribbean Gender-
“In Guyana we are promoting
the integration of the agri-business
inputs to access plans, which are will work closely with local prepare Guyana to roll able to produce better technologies Ministries of Agriculture, farmer out the Canada-funded tosupportthevaluechain. organizations, gender bureaus,
community-based agro-processing Agriculture and Food programme sector and we are looking at a centers to transform and upgrade washeldonWednesdayatRegency
The Food A
Representative of Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Dr. Gillian Smith
management or sustainable land they are market-driven using
these value chains ensuring that HotelinGeorgetown.
e management practices, proper use relevant data and facilitate publicOrganization of the United Nations of data, and strengthening data private sector partnerships The (FAO) sub-regional office for the managementsothatwecanuseitto project will also increase the use of Caribbean and the Government of make strong and decisive policies climate-smart technologies, Canada have signed a grant decisions,” the FAO representative innovations, and practices by agreement to implement the said. agricultural stakeholders to make programme. She continued, “We have been more data-driven decisions and The project which is being working as well a lot in advocate for the expansion of more funded by Canada to the tune of fisheries...all towards increasing inclusive, gender-responsive CAD$ 10M will be implemented the use, the efficient use of the climate-resilient value chains by FAO in collaboration with the resources of the country as well as Speakingatthemedialaunch,High various ministries agriculture to ensure that at the end of day, Commissioner of Canada to acrosstheregion. organisations to ensure equal farmers, the fishers and the augmenting domestic food Barbados and the Eastern
Deputy Director and Head of Cooperation at the High Commission of Canada, Adam Loyer
It is geared to foster country accesstocapacitybuilding,training producers are maximizing their production through climate smart Caribbean, Lilian Chatterjee had ownership and to strengthen the activities and develop knowledge potential in what they can produce agricultural practices and reduce shared that “Canada recognises the linkage between farmers, agro- productsthatwillenhancelearning. andearn…” dependencyonfoodimports.” disproportionate impact of food processors and public policies/ Climate smart tools and Deputy Director and Head of Meanwhile, Kaieteur News and input price inflation, supply interventions at national and technologies will also be Cooperation at the High reported that on June 3, 2024 the chain disruptions, and climate regionallevels. introduced to improve the Commission of Canada, Adam GCAF Caribbean project was changeintheCaribbean,whichhas
The project also aims to efficiencies in production, and Loyer during the workshop officially launched at the United exacerbated pre-existing food promote and encourage the use of agro-processing. Market linkages highlighted the significant damage Nations House in Barbados. The insecurity Women are powerful climate-smart technologies in will be fostered through done to agriculture, food security, four- year project (2024-2028) will agents of change that can actively viable agricultural value chains in community fairs and forums for and livelihoods of many farmers be implemented by FAO in Belize, contribute to achieving sustainable Guyana, Belize, Grenada, farmers and processors to connect acrosstheregionintheaftermathof the Commonwealth of Dominica, and resilient agri-food systems. Dominica, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, to buyers both nationally and Hurricane Beryl. “As such we Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Empowering women and closing SurinameandSaintVincentandthe regionally commend President Irfaan Ali’s Lucia, Saint Vincent and the gender gaps in agri-food systems is Grenadines. During the workshop Dr. swift efforts to bring together GrenadinesandSuriname. key to deliver on the Sustainable Additionally, the project G i l l i a n S m i t h , a FA O relevant CARICOM (Caribbean First announced by Prime Development Goals This new focuses on climate change, youth Representative i
s Minister Justin Trudeau during the project will complement Canada’s and gender issues so as to build expressed her appreciation of following the damage caused by Canada-CARICOM Summit in other efforts to strengthen capacity so that all value chain working along with the HurricaneBeryl.”
October 2023, the regional project agricultural entrepreneurship and actors benefit from increased Government of Guyana and the L o y e r a d d e d , “ W e will contribute to improving the food systems in the region, notably market access and increased Government of Canada on the (Government of Canada) support livelihoods of women and youth in the CA$19.8 million Sustainable incomes. Importantly, the project is project. Dr Smith explained that CARICOM ambitions to increase climate-resilient agriculture value Agriculture in the Caribbean slated to prioritise the needs of the FAO has been working on resilience of their food systems to chains in the Caribbean. Through project and our support to Compete youths, women and producer upgrading strategies, by providing disasters and to other shocks by the Canada-funded project, FAO Caribbean”.
The family of Rajendra ‘Chris’ According to an alleged Jaichand, a 34-year-old man from eyewitness account relayed by the Hillfoot, Soesdyke, East Bank family, Jaichand was proceeding Demerara who was killed in a hit- west along the East Bank Public and-run accident last Saturday is Road, in the vicinity of the pleading for eyewitnesses to come Soesdyke/Linden Highway forward so that justice can be Junction when a vehicle, described served for the death of their loved only as a ‘dark grey cruiser’, one. attempted to overtake his motorcycle The vehicle was met with oncoming traffic during this attempt, and swerved into Jaichand’s motorcycle, causing him to
The helmet Jaichand was wearing at the time of the incident
The deceased, Rajendra Jaichand, aka ‘Chris’
Jaichand’s mangled motorcycle.
eyewitnesses, but nobody wants to leaves to mourn his wife and their lose control and colliding stepforwardbecausewewenttothe children, who he had supported with the guardrail around a spot and we spoke to some people through his employment as a koker and then flung off the but nobody wants to say anything,” carpenter. His relatives told motorcycle and into the said Kimi Kallicharren, the wife of Kaieteur News that they are hoping doorofthekoker gray cruiser’, pulled over for a thedeceased. to receive any assistance possible He suffered injuries to moment,beforefleeingthescenein Efforts were made by this withthematter Oneoftherelatives his head due to it coming the direction of Georgetown publication to contact the explained: “two things in one we into contact with ‘long Unfortunately, the family says that Madewini Traffic Outpost and the come here for: seek any assistance spikes’ on the koker none of the eyewitnesses to the Timehri Police Station for for [Jaichand’s wife] and she three apparatus. Thedriverofthe incident is willing to reveal their comments on the status of an children them and also to see if other vehicle, which is identities or communicate with law investigation however, those anybody from the public that saw described only as a ‘dark enforcement “There were effortswereunsuccessful.Jaichand anythingcouldcomeforward.”
With over $500 million set aside to construct secondary schools at Jawalla in Region Seven,Waramuri in Region One and Orealla in Region Six, the government through the Ministry of Education will be spending an additional $32,940,925tosupervisetheseprojects.
ThisisaccordingtoinformationpublishedontheNational Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) website, which revealed that the ministry had tendered for a brief review of designs and estimated cost and provide supervision services for the construction of the school buildings.
It was revealed by NPTAB that the contract slated for the Jawalla Secondary School project was awarded to Kalitech Inc. to the tune of $12,700,000, a contract was awarded to Sizwe Jackson Consultancy Service for $10,565,925 for the Waramuri school project, and Caribbean Engineering Management Consultant Inc. was awarded a $ 9,675,000 for theOreallaschoolproject.
This publication reported that in June, Minister of Education Priya Manickchand turned the sod to commence theconstructionofJawallaSecondary Theschoolisbeing (Continued on page 16)
One thousand six hundred and forty-four lots in 13 squatting areas in several regions have been regularised to date, benefittinghundreds of households between2020 and 2023.
Some 228 lots were regularised in Charity in Region Two. In Region Three, 44 lots were regularised in GreenwichPark,17inDeKinderen,48inTuschenRailway, 82 in Uitvlugt/Stewartville, 64 in Vergenogen Railway, 86 inVergenogenSouthAcme,and46inGoodHopeRailway Meanwhile, in Region Four, the government certified 321 lots in Bachelor’s Adventure [Bare Root], 44 in Block CHChateauMargot,and76inAnnandaleRailway In Region Ten, 155 lots were made legal in Block E Christianburg and Blueberry, Hill Wismar, and 433 lots in Conception,FitzHope-ParcelThreetoParcel435Amelia’s Ward Phase Four Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal underscored that the regularisation of squatting areas is an ongoing process undertaken by the government since August2020.
“We are in various regions.We have some areas that wehaverecordedintermsofthesquatting…Wehavean ongoing exercise for the removal of persons on the river dam along the Demerara River,” the housing and water minister explained. He made the remarks during a recent episode of ‘Guyana Dialogue.’ As squatting persists, Minister Croal maintained that no new squatting areas will berecognised.
“But there have been some small pockets that we have noticed popped up that we had to address…We havebeenmonitoringtheareaswherewehavesquatting that we can minimise,” he added. He made mention of the seven displaced families, due to an incident, from Sarah Johanna, on the East Bank of Demerara, who were relocated.
Additionally, the government is working tirelessly to secure permanent housing for the families. Furthermore, an engagement was hosted last Monday with the residents of Zeelugt,EastBankEssequibo,inRegionThree,sincethese personshavetoberelocated.
This, he said, will ensure they are provided with a sustainable living environment, aimed at enhancing their standard of living. For this year alone, eight squatting areas have been earmarked for regularisation in Regions Three and Four, benefitting 479 households. These areas include 16 lots in Philadelphia Railway, 18 lots in Barnwell Railway, 34 lots in De Willem, and 71 lots in Vergenoegen/TuscheninRegionThree.Meanwhile,51lots will be regularised in De Endragt Railway, 52 Lots in Vigilance/Bladen Hall/Strathspey Railway, 15 lots in BeterverwagtingRailway,and222lotsinMocha/Arcadiain RegionFour (DPI)
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand (6th left) in June at the sod turning ceremony for the Waramuri Secondary School.
The Government of Guyana through the office of Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall SC has moved to seek a stay of execution of Justice Sandil Kissoon’s order which compels the State to continue to deduct and remit on behalf of teachers dues to the Guyana Teachers’Union(GTU).
This was revealed by Nandlall during an airing of hisprogramme“Issuesinthe News” on Tuesday evening. According to the AG, the government has moved to in the year, the Government challenge “the narrow of Guyana had threatened to aspect” of the case which discontinue deducting union was filed over threats made dues from teachers and by the government to deduct remittingsametotheGTU-a salariesofteacherswhowere decision seen by many as on strike action back in union-busting.
February “We have filed a Back then in a media notice of Appeal and we are release the Ministry of awaiting directions from the Education (MoE) had Court of Appeal with regard indicated that it had written to the notice. However, we to the GTU to indicate that have also filed a stay of the Government of Guyana execution in relation to the will no longer perform the narrow issue which “kind task of being an agent restrained the government for the collection of union from ceasing to collect the dues which are remitted to union dues and transmitting the GTU.” According to the ittounion…Thatapplication ministry the decision was in will be heard on Wednesday accordance with the ruling 7th day of August 2024 at by the Honourable Chief 11:00 am at the Court of Justice Ian Chang in the case
A p p e a l , ” N a n d l a l l of Guyana Public Service explained. Union versus Nanda Gopaul Faced with strike action (number 584W/2000byunderpaidteachersearlier Demerara).
A53-year-old taxi driver of South Ruimvedlt Gardens on Wednesdaywaschargedwithlarcenywhenheappearedatthe Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Faith McGusty Gregory Howes also known as Bumpy Face is accused of snatching two gold chains from Susie Lee. The allegationsagainstHowesarethatonSaturday,July20,2024, on Water Street, Georgetown he stole a gold and diamond chainvaluedat$175,000alongwithadoubleheartgoldchain worth $75,000, both belonging to Lee. The total value of the stolenitemsamountedto$250,000.
According to the facts Lee, was walking along Water Street near Stabroek Market, southbound, with her chains around her neck when Howes, allegedly approached her from behind and swiftly snatched her chains. The incident was reportedlycapturedonanearbyCCTVcamera.
The subsequent day, July 21, 2024, while at La Penitence Market, approximately 30 feet away from Ruimvedlt Police Station,LeeidentifiedHowesattherearofapolicevehicle,in custodyatthetime.Leealertedthepolice,pointinghimasthe individual who had snatched her chain the day prior Consequently,Howeswasdetainedandformallychargedwith larcenyfromtheperson.Duringthecourtproceedings,Howes pleaded not guilty to the larceny charge. He has prior matters atthecourtofasimilarnature.Itwasdisclosedincourtthathe had been released from prison just in April. The prosecution objected to bail due to the seriousness and prevalence of the offense. Bail was refused and Howes is remanded to prison untilhisnextcourtdateonAugust7,2024.
Scotiabankhasexpanded Scotiabank offers two
its digital offerings, using its solutions from which clients
proprietary application can choose the option that
technology, which can help works best for them: clients commented,accordingtothe clients elevate their retail can utilise Scotiabank’s release. shoppingexperiencethrough proprietary application for
Scotiabank said it self-checkout, cashless full integration of services- continues to make progress kiosks. merchant acquiring services, against its digital agenda,
In a press release the including the applicable noting that recently the bank said clients can now technology for processing Scotia Caribbean App – a acceptandprocesspayments the card payments or the redesigned and enhanced throughself-checkandkiosk Bankcanpartnerwithathird way to bank 24/7 from services “This payment party Fintech to provide the
solution provides clients acquiringservices. launched It boasts of
f- “Thisnewofferingforms enhanced security and sufficient technology that part of our commitment to accessibility features that no allows their fund collections providing clients secure, fast other bank in the local to be credited to accounts and more convenient marketoffers-biometricsign in24hours. Scotiabank is the solutions through innovative in, through fingerprint and only bank locally to have use of technology We are facerecognition. invested in its proprietary pleased to be able to provide This, the bank said came digitalapplication.” clientswithafullyconnected ontheheelsofupgradestoits
The bank said self- payment ecosystem to online banking platformcheckout kiosks offer speed quickly reconcile payments Scotia OnLine. The Bank is and convenience and allow and streamline information also incorporating digital shoppers an enhanced reporting. Furthermore, this advancements into its ATM shopping experience by adoption of technology
scanning and bagging their redefines the Guyana upgrades coming soon, items themselves, bypassing shopping experience in along with an expanded traditional cashier lines and bringingfaster,betterservice ATM footprint, the press reducingwaitingtimes. t o t h o s e w h o w a n t releaseconcluded.
Gafoor, Country Manager, Scotiabank Guyana uses the self- checkout kiosks at a local supermarket.
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A fright broke out at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday after a 24-year-old man was remanded to prison for attempting to commit murder on a one-year-old boy.
The accused, Shawn Davidson a construction worker of North East Squatting Area, Georgetown appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty who read the charge to him. The charge read that on July 17, 2024 at his mentioned residence, unlawfully and maliciously wounded Seddon DeFreitas with intent to murder him. Davidson was not required to plea to the offence.
According police reports, at around 16:00hrs on the mentioned date, Davidson, DeFreitas and the child’s mother were at home. During that time Davidson told the baby’s mother to call the child father and tell him to collect the child or else he will kill him (the baby). The mother called the father and did as she was told, but the father replied that he cannot come for the child and ended the call.
Davidson became annoyed, took a lighter and set fire to the pants DeFreitas was wearing at the time. As a result the baby received burns to his right inner and outer
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thighs. The woman tried to extinguish the fire and pleaded with Davidson to stop. However, the stepfather continued by placing a mop stick on the baby’s neck and applied pressure until the baby started to spit blood. He later made the mother cut the hair off of the baby’s head. Davidson recorded the abuse, stating that he will send the video to the baby’s father and said that he will continue to assault the child until the father comes for his son. The mother fearful for her life did not report the matter to the police. However, public-spirited persons heard what happened and brought the mother and baby to the police station on July 19 where an official report was made. The baby was admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he is listed as critical. Davidson was arrested on July 20 by public-spirited persons and was handed over to the police. He was told of the
offence levelled against him and was later charged with the present offence. During court proceedings an unrepresented Davidson denied the allegations against him. He told the court “It was not like that, me and the child mother had it out and she had she son in she hand. I fire a punch at she and she was frying bake at the time. I tek the pot spoon and beat she. The spoon hit the child and he get bun and the pan fall off the stove and hit the child.” Prosecutor Quincy Lacon objected to bail. He reminded the court that the offence was committed on a one-year-old child. Lacon also told the court that there is video footages of Davidson assaulting the child and due to the severity of the injuries sustained ,the baby was admitted to the hospital and listed as critical. Bail was refused and the accused is scheduled to return to court on August 14,2024. Additionally, Davidson faced another
charge stating that on July 19,2024 in Georgetown while being in the company of another and armed with a gun robbed Ayesha Glenn of several pieces of gold jewellery an iphone and cash amounting to $577,000.Police reported that during the robbery, Davidson took the woman’s four-year-old daughter and placed a gun to the child’s head. He claimed that he would shoot the child if the woman refuses to hand over her valuables. The woman being fearful for her life handed over her valuables and retrieved her child. Davidson pleaded not guilty to the charge, but was remanded. Meanwhile, as Davidson exited the prisoners chute a fight ensued between relatives in the court compound. Family members of both the child’s mother and Davidson along with publicspirited people protested outside the court urging that Davidson face the full brunt of the law.
From page 13 constructed by Sheriff Construction Inc. to the tune of $231 million.
The school which will cater for up to 250 students, when completed, will be equipped with facilities including Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Information Technology laboratories, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) laboratories, a Home Economics room, library space, teachers’ quarters, spacious classrooms and a small dormitory just to name a few.
Last month also, the min-
ister and her team travelled to Region One to participate in the sod turning ceremony for the new Waramuri Secondary School. This $326,598,400 project is being executed by contractor Trevon David Construction Services. The school is said to be completed by March 2025 and would accommodate some 350 students.
As it relates to the Orealla Secondary School project, at the opening of tenders at the NPTAB earlier this year it was revealed that the contract is estimated to cost $214 million. No contractor has been publicly announced for this project as yet. However, this publication reported that Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh when announcing plans to residents last year said that the government will build a secondary school in Orealla Village. He noted that the project would ensure that the number of children traveling to the coast to receive an education would be minimised. This publication reported that the various school projects falls under the Education Ministry’s $74.7 billion allocation this year.
Awoman and her
father suffered burns during a fire on Wednesday that destroyed their two-storey wooden and concrete home on Third Avenue and Sixth Street, Bartica Region Seven. The victims have been identified as: Dawn Hopkinson and Albert Hopkinson a senior citizen better known as Uncle “ M a j o r ” D e t a i l s surrounding the fire are sketchy at this time but Kaieteur News understands that the fire started around 13:00hrs.
Photosandvideosseen by this mediahouse showed that the entire top flat of the building was engulfed in flames.
A man who appeared before Magistrate Faith McGustyattheGeorgetown Magistrates’ Court#1 on Wednesday initially asked themagistratefortwoweeks imprisonment for a larceny chargeonlytobehandedtwo yearsinstead.
The defendant, Anthony Bartholomew faced allegations of larceny from Gracelyn Edmondson, involving the theft of a gold chain valued at $70,000 and two gold rings valued at $125,000.Theaccused,who did not have any prior connection to the victim, encountered Edmondson on July22,2024,asshelefther residence with the mentionedarticles,traveling to Georgetown to conduct business.
When she was on Hadfield Street in Georgetown, the accused approachedandsnatchedthe chain from her neck and forcibly took the ring from herrighthand.Bartholomew was subsequently arrested on July 23, 2024. The chain was retrieved and lodged with the police. In court, Bartholomewpleadedguilty with an explanation, telling
Anthony Bartholomew at the Georgetown Magistrates’Court
the magistrate that he just wanted “a little time to rest up.” He also claimed, “I didn’treallygofosnatchthe
lady chain.” However, the magistrate sentenced him to two years in prison for the offense.
Neighbours reportedly rushed to help and some Barticians complained of slow response from the membersoftheGuyanaFire Service(GFS)there.
ItisunclearifDawnand her father had to be rescued fromtheburninghouseorif they managed to escape on theirown.However,bothof them had to be taken to the BarticaRegionalHospital. Dawnsustainedburnsto her face hands and other parts of her body She appeared to be in stable conditionbutherdadlooked critical.
Albertsustainedburnsto hishands,feetandalmosthis entire torso. Investigations areongoing.
Kenya’s President William Ruto has appointed four members of the main oppositionpartyaspartofa new cabinet as protests continue to rock the East Africannation.
Ruto announced the nominees in an address to the nation on Wednesday Thepresidenthadpromised to appoint a new “broadbased” cabinet in response to continuing nationwide protests that have threatened his hold on power.
The announcement came two weeks after Ruto scrapped the previous cabinet as the protests, prompted by planned tax hikes,swelled.
A clampdown by the authorities helped raise the number of people killed to more than 50, with hundreds more wounded. The opposition figures appointed to the new cabinetarealliesofpolitical veteran Raila Odinga, whom Ruto defeated in electionsin2022.
John Mbadi Ngo’ongo will lead the finance ministry and James Opiyo Wandayiwasnamedenergy
minister “I commend the leadership of diverse organisations for their encouragingresponsetomy outreach to consult on forming a broad-based government,” Ruto said in theaddressfromhisofficial residence.
“Their willingness to set aside partisan positions andinterestsinordertojoin a visionary partnership for the radical transformation of Kenya is a historic gestureoftheirpatriotism.”
However, the majority of the 20 appointees announced so far were members of the disbanded cabinet,andreportssuggest thishasangeredsome.
The nominations must next be approved by parliament, both chambers of which are controlled, with a slim majority, by alliesofRuto.
Despite Ruto’s hope that a new cabinet, and the inclusion of opposition figures, would help defuse anger, significant scepticismremains.
They said a deal between the rival camps would only perpetuate a tradition of leaders coopting the opposition with jobs and perks while the population sees no benefits
The protests have been mostly organised online andhavestoodoutfortheir broad mobilisation of Kenyans across ethnic and r e g i o n a l l i n e s . Demonstrators have condemned the entire political class as corrupt and called for far-reaching
Last week, coalition alliesofOdinga’spartyhad indicated that they would not participate in a unity government It is still unclear how they will react tothenominations.
Ruto said he would announce the final two nominations to the new cabinetsoon.
He also said he would propose amendments to anticorruption and public procurementlaws.
The mostly young protesterswhohavelargely led the demonstrations, which already forced Ruto to withdraw the tax hikes, havevoicedoppositiontoa unitygovernment.
More than 150,000 people have fled the Gazan city of Khan Younis since Monday, two UN agencies have said
(BBC NEWS) More than 150,000 people have fled the Gazan city of Khan Younis since Monday, two UNagencieshavesaid.
Khan Younis, which is situated in the south of the Gaza Strip, has been the focus of a new Israeli military offensive which it says is aimed at combating “efforts by Hamas to reassemble its forces there”.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issued an evacuation order for eastern parts of Khan Younis on Monday It also reduced the size of the designated al-Mawasi humanitarian zone, which it claimed was being used by Hamas fighters to carry out “terrorist activity and rocket fire”.
At least 80 Palestinians have been killed in the area since the Israeli operation began, according to figures from Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry An official from UNRWA - the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees - told t h e B B C ’s To d a y programmethatanestimated 150,000 people had fled KhanYounis since Monday,
when the latest evacuation orderwasannounced.“Over 80% of the Gaza Strip has
designatedasno-gozonesby the Israeli military,” Louise Wateridgesaid.
On Tuesday, tanks were seen pushing deep into the Bani Suhaila district, with operations also taking place in the area of AlQarara Some residents attempted to flee to displacement camps in the eastern parts of Khan Younis, whilst others crammed into hospitals to seekrefuge.
Rabah Abdul Ghafour, 37, a resident of Bani Suhaila, took shelter at Nasser Hospital. “I have been displaced 12 times since7October,”hetoldthe BBC. “We lived the hardest nightofourlives.Thesound ofexplosionsandgunfiredid notstopforamoment.Itwas as if the war had started yesterday.”
Rawan Al-Brim, 22, from Al-Qarara, arrived at Nasser Hospital with her husband and mother-in-law onMonday “Wesleptinthe
outeryardwithoutamattress orablanket.Myfour-monthold daughter was born during the war My breast milkhasdriedupandIcan’t find any milk to satisfy her hunger My baby screams from hunger all night,” she said. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)saiditalsoassessed that150,000peoplehadfled Khan Younis by monitoring population movements on theground.Itsaidthatmany people were “trapped in the
evacuation area,” including “people with reduced mobility and family members supporting them.”
“We’re seeing people movingtoDeiral-Balahand western Khan Younis. Both of these areas are already extremely overcrowded,” MsWateridgetoldtheBBC. “They’ve got limited shelters and limited services available. They can barely accommodate the people who are already in these areas.”
In a statement, the Israel DefenseForces(IDF)saidit
had been operating “in the Khan Younis area over the past 24 hours” and had “el
“dismantling terrorist infrastructure” Israel’s offensive comes as The World Health Organization said it was “extremely worried” about the possibility of an outbreak of the highly infectious polio virus in Gaza after traces were found in wastewater Israel launched a campaign inGazatodestroyHamasin r e s p o n s e t o a n
unprecedented attack on southernIsraelon7October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 251 others were taken hostage. More than 39,000 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory’s health ministry, whose figures do not differentiate between civiliansandcombatants.
More than 150,000 people have fled the Gazan city of Khan Younis since Monday, two UN agencies havesaid
(BBC NEWS) The gunman who targeted DonaldTrumpatacampaign rally earlier this month researched the assassination of John F Kennedy in the days before the shooting, FBI Director Christopher Wrayhassaid.
Mr Wray testified on Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee about the 13 July shooting at the Butler, Pennsylvania, campaign. A bullet grazed Trump’s right ear and the attackleftonerallyaudience memberdeadandtwoothers badlywounded.
The gunman also used a firearm with a “collapsible stock”, likely making it easier to conceal, Mr. Wray said.Inhisopeningremarks, the FBI director called the
attempted assassination of Trump “an attack on our democracy and our democratic process”. “We will not and do not tolerate political violence of any kind,especiallyadespicable account of this magnitude,” hetoldlawmakers.
Mr Wray said that on 6 July - a week before the shooting - the gunman searched“howfarawaywas Oswald from Kennedy” online and registered for the Trump rally Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed President Kennedy in 1963.
The FBI head said on Tuesdaythattheagencystill does not have a motive for theassassinationattemptbut the gunman appears to have become “very focused” on Trump a week before the
shooting. Investigators also found the gunman had conductedsearchesfornews articles about other public figures. Mr Wray said the shooter fired at least eight shots Officials recovered eight cartridges on the roof where the gunman, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, was located. Crooks, was killed by a counter sniper duringtheincident.TheARstyle rifle used in the shooting had a collapsible stock, which can make a weaponshorterandeasierto transport.
Thefirstpeopletoseethe gunman with a rifle did so when he was already on the rooffromwherehefired,Mr. Wraysaid.
He added that a local
officerobservedthegunman seconds before he fired shots Investigators are working to determine whetherCrookstookthegun onto the roof or if it was placedthereinadvance.
The FBI director also confirmed that the gunman flew a drone over the rally about two hours before the shooting. Additionally, the FBI found three “relatively crude” explosive devicesone in the gunman’s home and two others in his car These devices were capable of being detonated remotely and the gunman had a transmitter,Mr.Wraysaid.It did not appear as if the Crooks would have been able to detonate them from the roof where he was perched at the time of the
The investigation also revealedthegunmanwentto a shooting range, where he fired an AR-style rifle, the daybeforetherally TheFBI believes it to be the same weapon used in the assassination attempt. Mr Wray said there is no evidence that the gunman planned the attack with others.
Investigators are exploring a number of Crooks’ digital devices, he said, adding that the shooter meets the description of a “loner”andhadfewcontacts inhisphone.Uponsearching his home, officials found about14firearmsassociated withhimandhisfamily.The FBI is handling the criminal investigation into the
attempted assassination and MrWraytoldthecommittee the agency will “leave no stoneunturned”.
“Themenandwomenof the FBI will continue to work tirelessly to get to the bottom of what happened,” he said Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned from her position on Tuesday after testifying before a different congressional committee earlierthisweek.
She faced calls from both Democrats and Republicans to step down after the contentious hearing, during which lawmakers became increasingly frustrated after she refused to answer questions about the attemptedassassination.
Police on Wednesday seized a with a magazine containing magazine containing 40 9mm total of 28 high-powered firearms fourteen 9mm rounds of rounds of ammunition, one FN-45 during an intelligence-led ammunition, one Polimore-80 pistol and two magazines operation on Sandy Babb Street 9mm pistol without serial number containing 38 45 rounds of Kitty,Georgetown. with a magazine containing eight ammunition, one Smith and
The raid was reportedly 9mm rounds of ammunition, one Wesson 9mm pistol with a conducted around 05:30 hrs. at the Spring Field Armory 45 pistol magazine, one Berretta 9mm pistol home of Eon Fagundes a 47-year- along with four magazines- one of with a magazine, one Spring Field old clothes vendor and relative of them containing five live 45 Hellcat 9mm pistol with a murdered gold dealer, Ricardo rounds of ammunition and a Bravo magazine, one Canik 9mm pistol Fagundes. gunholster with a magazine, one Glock 43
One of the suspects being investigated, Eon
However, when they reportedly and a magazine and one Glock 45
Police in a statement said that “Fagundeswasaskedifheisthe pistol with a magazine, Five Glock “…A total of 28 handguns and holder of a firearm license to carry 19 pistols along with nine high-powered rifles, along with a the saidfirearmsandhesaid‘no’”, Magazines and 21 9mm rounds of cacheofammunition,werefound”. Policestated.Hewascautionedand ammunition, Seven Glock 40 Atotal of six persons (All relatives arrested immediately The ranks pistols and ten magazines with 18 of the murdered gold dealer) thenreportedlyproceededtosearch .40 rounds of ammunition, two including Eon Fagundes were all the house but found nothing else Glock 17 9mm pistols and two arrested for questioning, police illegalinside. magazines, one Glock 9mm pistol said.
As ranks reportedly entered the decided to search a black Nissan pistolandonemagazine.
Fagundes was asked who the yard they saw Eon Fagundes Juke vehicle, PVV 6472 parked The ranks also found a cache of
owner of the car was and he exiting the door of a flat wooden opposite the house, they found ammunition and these include 75 ammunition along and 15 allegedly told them that he was house in the yard with bag in his more guns and ammunition in a 12-guage cartridges, 456 223 magazines. using the car but it belonged to right hand. Police said that the suitcase, a golf bag and haversack.
Following the discovery of the “hisdaughterandchild-mother” rankswereinpossessionofasearch Police said they found; OneAM
weapons and bullets, Eon Investigationscontinue. warrant, so they stopped him and rifle along with two magazines searched the bag Inside they containing 61 .223 ammunition, reportedly found a Sig Sauer Rifle two Ruger-57 9mm pistols and one
The guns seized during the Sandy Babb Street, Kitty raid.
SportsMax - Despite two crushing defeats to England so far in their
ongoing ICC Test Championship three-match series, West Indies players remain on the up, at least where the ICC Men’s Test rankingsareconcerned.
C a p t a i n K r a i g g Brathwaite leads the charge onthebattingranking,ashe moved up two slots to 40th
position,followingscoresof 48and47inthesecondTest, which West Indies lost by 241 runs. They lost the first Test by an innings and 114 runs and will try to avoid a whitewashinthefinalTestin Edgbaston starting on Friday
Joshua de Silva was rewardedforhisfirstinnings score of 82 in that match, as
he jumped seven places to 61st, while Jason Holder’s 27and37sawhiminchedup two places to 70th. Kavem Hodge’s 120, which was his maidenTestcentury,pushed himintothetop80.
The Dominican batsman moved 21 places up to 75th, one spot behind Kyle Mayers, who, despite being out of action, remains in 74th. Alick Athanaze held firmin77th,whilediscarded JermaineBlackwood(50th), Tagenarine Chanderpaul (83rd),RostonChase(86th), and Kirk McKenzie (100) are the other Caribbean batsmeninthetop100.
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family his
ory lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
On the bowling chart, new-ball bowlers Alzarri Joseph and Jayden Seales made the only notable improvements to their rankings. Joseph moved up two places to 33rd after finishingwithfivewicketsin thematch,andSealesmoved up 10 places from 44th to 34thwithsixwickets.
Meanwhile, England batter Harry Brook has achieved a career-best third position after notching a centuryinthesecondTest.
Brook, who scored 36 and 109 in Nottingham, advanced four places, while his teammates Ben Duckett and Ollie Pope have also madesignificantgainsinthe latest weekly update to the men’s rankings, which are carried out on Wednesdays acrossformats.
Left-handed opener Duckett has progressed six places to 16th position after notchingscoresof71and76, while Player of the Match Pope has advanced from 29th to 21st with scores of 121and51.
Chris Woakes is back intothetop20ofthebowling rankings for the first time since September 2021, after
Booed Argentina snatch draw...
Frompage25 fromManchesterCity—to firein.
Also in Group C are Egypt and the Dominican Republic.
The pick of yesterday’s later games saw hosts France face the United StatesinMarseilleinGroup A, with Thierry Henry’s teamhopingtowinamedal despite failing in their attempts to enrol the servicesofKylianMbappe.
he finished with four for 84 and two for 28 in the match, while spinner Shoaib Bashir hasadvanced18slotsto53rd position after he took his thirdfive-wickethaulinjust hisfifthTest.
In the ICC World Test Championship standings, England are placed in sixth place, while West Indies are ninth, as per the percentage points that determine qualification.
West Coast
Wa r r i o r s triumphed
over Tri County Cricket Club by 104 runs in their latest match on Sunday at Beach 68 where action continuedinthisyear’sNew York National Cricket League (NYNCL) 30-over competition.
West Coast Warriors justifiedtheirdecisiontobat first after tallying up a sufficient253-7fromthe30oversandthendismissedTri County CC for 149 in the 22ndover Kevin Christian struck a flamboyant, 29-ball 61 to lead the way forWest Coast Warriors. Christian belted four sixes and similar numberoffourswhilehegot good support from Brandon Cabosewhoalsoregistereda half-century (55). Cabose, like Christian, batted with equal belligerence having knocked four sixes and two foursfrom31balls.
Saffeek Deonarine and Guyana under-19 player
Jonathan Rampersaud chipped in with 33 and 21 respectively
Mahendra Maynard and Michael Baker grabbed two wickets apiece bowling for Tri County CC on a responsivesurface.
Maynard displayed his all-round capability by making 58, the principal scorerforTriCountyCC.He hammered eight fours and a sixwhileFazalGobinadded 47runs.
Right-arm seamer Javed Saffeek produced an outstanding performance claiming 5-27 from his maximumsixovers.Cabose certainly enjoyed a terrific gamewithtwowicketsfrom 3.3 off-break overs having conceded 19 runs to supplement his batting contribution.
KenlyAdams also in the wicket-column but he went for 49 off five overs and
accountedfortwovictims. Cabose was named player-of-the-match for his all-roundbrilliance.
Meanwhile, in their previous two matches, West Coast Warriors were victorious.
They defeated BellHills Stallions Cricket Club by a thrillingtwo-wicketmargin.
BellHills batted first and made 114-9 off 30-overs while West Coast Warriors replied with 120-8 with 69 ballstospares.
T h e B e r b i c i a n
Rampersaud spearheaded thechasewitharesponsible, unbeaten 75 laced with five effortlesssixesandsixfours.
And in the other fixture, the victory was more convincing by a 30-run marginagainstG.T Fire.
West Coast Warriors compiled a challenging 224 all out from 20-overs while G.T.Firerespondedwith194 allout,too,inthe29thover.
Youghestir Bachan hit a
top-score of 47 for West Coast Warriors and 41 from Christian. Rampersaud was among the runs with 36 and identical score from VaickeshDhaniram.
When G.T Fire batted, Errol Velaidum stroked a fighting 35. Cabose bagged 3-35 from his six overs and Adamspickingup2-32(5.5) todomostofthedamagefor WestCoastWarriors.
The action is set to continue this Sunday with anotherseriesofmatches.
ForWestCoastWarriors, theyarecurrentlyleadingthe pointsstandingwith17after recording seven wins and only suffering a solitary defeat.
T e n t e a m s a r e participating in their Group B.
RangersandWhimBoys alsohave17pointseachbut they played 12 games and had two loses. West Coast Warriors edged them out by betternet-run-rate.
Guyana Defence Force FootballClubCaptain,Colin Nelson,saidhissideiseager to kick off in this year’s Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Club Shield tournament, commencing tomorrowinCuracao.
TheGDFteamlandedin Willemstad on Tuesday and is now honing their preparations for their match against Grenades FC, the reigning champions of Antigua and Barbuda’s PremierDivision,scheduled for5:00pm.
“We expect good, competitive football. We’ve been preparing for this tournament for quite some time and I think you can expect high-quality football coming from the Guyana Defence Force,” Nelson said.
The GFF Elite League Championshadqualifiedfor the 2018 Caribbean Club Shield but were unable to participate.
However, following their victory in the last GFF Elite League season, GDF FC secured their spot once again in the tournament, whichbeganin2018.
The GDF will compete for the coveted CFU Club Shield trophy
It’s a do-or-die scenario for the GDF in this knockout format competition, whereavictoryfortheCamp
AyangannasideonFridayin the preliminary round will setthemupagainstSVReal RinconfromBonaireonJuly 28.
Currently leading the GFF Elite League, the GDF holds a two-point advantage over rivals S l i n g e r z F C a n d maintains an undefeated recordacross14matches.
Their only setback is a scoreless draw against Slingerz FC, who are also undefeated and have notched up the highest goaltallyintheleaguesofar (69), boasting a superior goal difference (+62) over GDFafter14games.
“We want to execute some of the things we’ve been doing for the past few years. I mean, it’s a knockout tournament and we know the importance of every game and we want to bring that intensity But there’s nothing different from the way we play,” Nelsonadded.
Established six years ago, the Caribbean Club Shield aims primarily to promote p
e Caribbean
Participation is open to semi-professional and amateur teams currently holding championship titles in their respective domestic leagues.
Asked about playing against professional clubs, especially coming from an amateur GFF Elite League, the
These are some seasonedteams
They’ve been here before and done well; we respect them, but we want to impose ourselves, our styleofplayer
We want to show the outside world what we have to offer to this tournament, ” Nelson pointedout.
The GDF defender said his side is “not fearful of any of these teams.
We have seasoned players that played in Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and other leagues out of Guyana So we want to impose ourselves and showcase our style (of play).”
Starting this year, the Caribbean Club Shield will be fully organized
andmanagedbytheCFU Concacaf has shifted responsibility for the tournament, providing support for its execution while the CFU assumes complete organizational controlmovingforward
Under the terms of the agreement between the two football bodies, the tournament will be rebranded as the CFU Club Shield and will grant qualification to two clubs for the Concacaf CaribbeanCup.
The tournament format includes up to 16 clubs divided into four groupsoffour
The winners of each group advance to the semifinals, with the finalists earning coveted spots in the Concacaf Caribbean Cup and subsequently qualifying f o r t h e C o n c a c a f ChampionsCup
Lastyear,SVRobinhood of Suriname clinched both the Caribbean Club Shield and the Caribbean Cup, cementingtheirstatusasthe most successful team in the Shield’s history with two titles.
A nine member team including six pugilists and threeofficialsdepartedlocal shorestodayforSt.Luciato compete in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Invitational Boxing Championship, which is penciledfortheVigieSports Complex in Castries from July26-28.
The 2024 OECS
Championship will showcasethebestCaribbean youth, novice, junior, and eliteboxers.Thetournament will see over 120 visiting delegates participating at thisyear’schampionship.
Theroster,whichwillbe supervisedbynationalcoach Lennox Daniels, comprises of two Elite boxers Abiola Jackman, (Heavyweight) and Alesha Jackman, (Middleweight), as well as
weight, Shakquain James, Junior Bantamweight Angelina Rogers, and Schoolboys
R y a n R o g e r s (Bantamweight), and Junior Madray(31–33kg).
Meanwhile, Lawrence Assanah and Germain Craig will accompany the team to
serveasrefereesandjudges, respectively
“Preparation has been good; they have been trainingforaperiodoftime. I would say the preparation has been 95%. They were training twice a day at the Andrew ‘Six Head’ Lewis gym,” said GBA Technical
P r o b e d o n t h e importance of the event given that the Caribbean Schoolboys Championships are slated for August, Poole declared, “This tournament is part of the preparation for the Caribbean Schoolboys Tournament, and it will
allow us to see the level of some of our fighters and where they are and where theyneedtobeforthatevent.
It’sveryimportantbecauseit provides international exposure. My expectation is thateveryoneshoulddowell attheevent.”
Meanwhile, GBA
President Steve Ninvalle informed local media that: while the tournament is another step towards exposing local talent, it is alsobeingusedtosupportSt. Lucia’s president David ‘Shakes’Christopher.
“Guyanaisnotpartofthe OECSbutIseeitasmyduty to support Mr. Christopher whohasalwaysreturnedthe favourwhenGuyanahosting international events In addition, our objective for tournamentsofthisnatureis
the exposure of emerging talents in a competitive international environment,” Ninvallesaid.
“Moreover,theexposure of females to the rigours of international competition is a major emphasis and priority for the association. Webelievethatthewomen’s arm, given the documented challenges that are faced with their initial participation and sustained continuance, requires and is aided by this approach in providing international exposure,”Ninvalleadded.
T h e O E C S Championship is slated to feature participation from several nations, several of whom will feature in the prestigious Caribbean Schoolboys and Junior ChampionshipsinGuyana.
Spain beat Uzbekistan 2-1 in Paris.
AFP - Cristian Medina scored the equaliser in the 16th added minute as Argentina came from two down to draw 2-2 with Morocco in a hostile atmosphere on the opening day of men’s Olympic football yesterday, while SpainedgedUzbekistan2-1.
Argentina are looking to win men’s football gold for thethirdtimeaftersuccessin 2004 and 2008, but Javier Mascherano’s side came within seconds of defeat in Saint-Etienne.
Theywerebooedasthey emerged onto the pitch and during the national anthems bythecrowd,themajorityof whom were supporting Morocco.
Thatwelcomecameafter Argentina players were filmed singing racist chants followingtheirvictoryinthe recentCopaAmerica.
Argentina trailed 2-0 in the Group B game to a Soufiane Rahimi brace but pulled one back through Giuliano Simeone before Medina finished off a crazy moverightatthedeath.
Morocco captain Achraf Hakimi, the Paris SaintGermain full-back who is one of the biggest names featuring in the tournament, setupRahimifortheopener
at the end of a fine move in first-halfstoppagetime.
The reigning African Under-23 champions doubled their lead six minutes into the second half fromthepenaltyspot,UAEbased forward Rahimi stroking in the spot-kick after Ilias Akhomach was broughtdown.
Argentina coach Mascherano, who starred in the teams that won gold in Athens and Beijing, had at one point hoped to persuade Lionel Messi to feature among the three permitted overageplayers in his squad otherwise limited to those under23.
Messi opted not to come to the Paris Games, and the biggest names in their side here were Manchester City striker Julian Alvarez and captain Nicolas Otamendi, theBenficadefender Simeone, son of former Argentina star Diego, came offthebenchtopulloneback midway through the second half, and Medina saved a pointinthe106thminute.
Otamendi’s shot was turned onto the bar by the goalkeeper and Bruno Amione headed the followup off the woodwork, but Medinawasonhandtomake itthirdtimeluckyandsecure
a draw As Argentina celebrated, projectiles including bottles and plastic cups rained down from the stands, and several spectators entered the pitch, with the referee promptly blowingforfull-time.Group B rivals Iraq and Ukraine meetlaterinLyon.
-GomezmakesamendsSilver medallists in Tokyothreeyearsago,Spain were made to work hard to
beat Uzbekistan in their Group C opener at the Parc desPrincesinParis.
FIFA president Gianni Infantino was among the spectators watching a Spain side featuring two members of their Euro 2024-winning squad in Alex Baena and Fermin Lopez. Spain went ahead just before the halfhour mark when Sergio Gomez’s free-kick was helpedonbyAbelRuiztothe
Uzbekistan had chances and drew level from the penalty spotinfirst-halfaddedtime.
Pau Cubarsi was penalised for a foul in the boxfollowingaVARreview and Uzbekistan captain Eldor Shomurodov, the Roma forward, converted the penalty Cubarsi, the 17year-old Barcelona prodigy, had been booked early on
and did not reappear for the second half. Spain got a penalty of their own for a foul on Aimar Oroz, but Gomez’s kick was saved by goalkeeper Abduvohid Nematov However, Gomez madeupforthatbygrabbing whatprovedtobethewinner justafterthehour
JuanMirandacuttheball back for Gomez — who has justjoinedRealSociedad
Former national U-19 batter Mark Anthony Rigby succumbed to a stroke on July 11, 2024 after celebratinghis63rdbirthday onMarch14,2024.
His funeral will take place tomorrow at the LeRepentir cemetery after viewing of the body at Sandy’s Funeral Parlour from 1pm. The Service will bedonefrom2-3pm.
A wake is planned for tonight at the Police Sports Club Eve Leary from 7pm. Rigby represented Police in three-day First Division cricketuntilthelate1990s.
Rigby, an elegant righthander represented at Guyanainthe1979and1980 BATRegionalyouthseries.
One of Guyana’s matches in the 1980 tournamentwasplayedatthe Mackenzie Sports Club groundinLinden.
It was during that youth tournament when ‘Riggers’ first met ‘Gus’ Logie who represented Trinidad and Tobago. Similar in stature and style the pair became
close friends and Rigby got thenickname‘GusLogie. Rigby played at the first divisionlevelforMackenzie Sportswhereheplayedwith thelateBasilButcher Rigby then joined the Guyana Police Force and played there for the rest of his first division career for police; scoring the last of his centuries against GYO in
DemeraraagainstBerbicein the 1987 One-Day InterCountyfinalatAlbion.
recovered somewhat from hisfirst‘Stroke’visitedGCC earlierthisyear
Rigbylastplayedcricket in March 2016 at Bourda when a benefit game was
women’sfootballchampions Canada were left in turmoil yesterday after English coach Bev Priestman withdrew from their opening match against New Zealand and two staff members were sent home amid a spying scandal Canadian Olympic chiefs apologised after a member of team staff was detainedbyFrenchauthorities overallegationsthattheyused adronetorecordNewZealand trainingontwooccasions
The Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) issued a statement late on Tuesday night which acknowledged that “a non-accredited member of the Canada Soccer support team was
detained by F
authorities” following a complaint by New Zealand Football.Canada,whoarethe
c champions in women’s football, face New Zealand in a group match in the
Olympic tournament in St Etienne on Thursday, with Priestman voluntarily standingdownandtwoother
membersofstaffsenthome. Priestman said in a statement:“Onbehalfofour entire team, I first and foremost want to apologise to the players and staff at NewZealandFootballandto theplayersonTeamCanada. This does not represent the values that our team stands for “I am ultimately responsibleforconductinour programme.Accordingly, to emphasise our team’s commitment to integrity, I have decided to voluntarily withdraw from coaching the match on Thursday “In the spirit of accountability, I do thiswiththeinterestsofboth teams in mind and to ensure everyone feels that the sportsmanship of this game isupheld.”
The COC said Joseph Lombardi, who it said was “an unaccredited analyst with Canada Soccer” was
being removed from the team and sent home immediately, along with JasmineMander,anassistant coach to whom Lombardi reports.TheCOCaddedthat it was in contact with the International Olympic CommitteeandFifa.
In its initial statement, the COC said it stood for “fair play” and that it was “shocked and disappointed” bytheallegations.
“We offer our heartfelt apologies to New Zealand Football, to all the players affected, and to the New Z e a l a n d O l y m p i c Committee ” The New Zealand Olympic Committee said that it was “deeply shockedanddisappointed”by the situation “Team support members immediately reportedtheincidenttopolice, leading to the drone operator, who has been identified as a support staff member of the wider Canadian women’s footballteam,tobedetained,” astatementsaid.“TheNZOC has formally lodged the incidentwiththeIOCintegrity unitandhasaskedCanadafor afullreviewTeamCanadahas issued an apology and is i n v e s t i g a t i n g t h e circumstancessurroundingthe incident” French security forcesatParis2024sitesare intercepting an average of six drones every day, according to French Prime MinisterGabrielAttal. Attalsaidthatthedrones were often operated by tourists wanting to take pictures. “That’s why it’s important to remind people oftherules–there’sabanon flying drones, ” he said.“Systemsareinplaceto allow us to very quickly intercept (drones) and arrest theiroperators.”
T h e N S C / M C Y S i n collaboration with the GTTA, CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Ltd, Teach Them Young Table Tennis programme has commenced at the National Gymnasium and accordingtoNationalTableTennis
coach Linden Johnson this is his 21styearforthisprogramme.
Chelsea Edghill in her own words 18 years ago on July 10, 2006, “I attended this programme (Teach They Young). Today, I am preparingtocompeteatmySecond
Olympic Games.”The programme commences Monday and will run untilAugust22,from10amto2pm MondaytoFriday
Coach Linden Johnson (left) instructs some of the youngsters on hand for the sessions.
ThisTableTennistrainingcamp is for beginners and intermediate players to learn the fundamentals and correct techniques and is for playersbothBoys&Girlsage6to 16 years old. Parents can send their child/children to this programme as they could be yet another child starting his or her Olympic preparation. This is the onlyRacketSportinGuyanawitha twotimesOlympian. Parentscanalsobeapartofthis programme on Wednesdays from 5:30 pm and Sundays from 3:30 pm. For more information call telephone621-7630.
SportsMax - Fast
bowler Jeremiah Louis has been ruled out of the final Test between West Indies and England due to a hamstring injury, Cricket
West Indies (CWI) announcedinastatement.In response, the visitors have opted for a like-for-like replacement, bringing Akeem Jordan into the squad.
Louis, who did not featureinthefirsttwoTests, sustained the injury during the second Test at Trent Bridge.Hewillstaywiththe squad to receive further treatment Meanwhile, Jordan, who was playing cricketintheUKatthetime of his call-up, has already joined the squad and participated in yesterday’s training session at Edgbaston. Jordanisyettomakehis
Test debut but has made a markin19first-classgames, taking67wicketssince2022 at an average of 24.10. His impressive performances include two five-wicket hauls, with a best innings haulof5for44. The West Indies squad already includes seambowling options likeAlzarri Joseph, Shamar Joseph, Jayden Seales, and allrounder Jason Holder Despite their efforts, the
visitors are currently 2-0 down in the series, having lost the Richards-Botham Trophy with one game still togo.TheWestIndiesfaced heavydefeatsatLord’sbyan innings and 114 runs, and at TrentBridgeby241runslast week.
The third Test is set to commence on Friday, July 26, at Edgbaston, where the WestIndieswillbehopingto salvage some pride and end theseriesonapositivenote.
2024 CWI Rising Stars U-19 50-Over tournament…Guyana vs. Leeward Islands
Dindyal 7-24, Van Lange 77 power Guyana
LeewardIslandsuffered a 122-run mauling at the hands of Guyana, thanks mainlytothecombined,allround efforts of Captain Mavendra Dindyal and Jonathan Van Lange at the ParkHillField,St.Vincent.
Guyana posted a daunting 249-8 thanks to a string of knocks led byVan Langewhopunched77with seven fours and 3 sixes. HelpcamefromRampertab Ramnauth (41), Captain Dindyal (39) and a boundaryless 23 from RiyadLatiff.
Fast-bowler Matthew Miller grabbed 3-46 for Leewards, who had a great startbutimplodedintheend thanks to Dindyal’s mindboggling spell, which produced 4 wickets
including a hat-trick off his first over The Guyana skipper followed up his 5ferintheopeninggamewith one of the best returns in RegionalU19cricket,7-24.
L e e w a r d s w e r e restricted to 127 all out despite a blistering knock fromT’yanickHonore,who clobbered 5 sixes and 3 fours in his 45-ball 56. Van Lange grabbed 2-19 as he too completed a brilliant game. When Guyana batted first, Dindyal and Ramnauth added 80 for the opening stand,asbothbatsmenlooked extremelycomfortableinthe middle After the loss of his brother Rampersaud for 4, Rampertab and his captain then put Guyana in the driver’s seat with their half-
After persistent bowling, the partnership was broken but by then Guyana’s team 100 was up in the 25th over, despitelosingtheirtwomain batsmen Guyana’s150came at the end of the 37th over withVanLangecontinuingto playhisshotsashecreptinto the40’s Van Lange’s 50 soon came off 65 balls with Guyana looking to stretch their total with less than 10 overs remaining. The allrounder cut loose with a flurry of boundaries before gifting his wicket away as Thaddeus Lovell (12) and Andrew Lim (19) played usefulknocks.
ActioncontinuesFriday with Guyana battling arch rivalsTrinidad&Tobago.