displaced from Gaza’s Khan Younis in four days, UN says Ruimveldt man for motorcycle charged for failing
Lethem man set on fire after row Brazilian brothers to keep gold records Bandits beat South
Govt.’s 6% proposed increase for teachers another slap in the face - PNCR
Christopher Ram (right) joins OGGN on the streets of New York to demand the government of Guyana represents Guyanese and not ExxonMobil's interests
Bar Association warns against threats to Judicial Officers
…says such action can result in imprisonment
TheBarCouncilof T h e B a r Association of Guyana on Wednesday warned against threats and personal attacks against judicial officers, especially onsocialmediaplatforms.
“TheBarCouncilofThe Bar Association in the premises wishes to remind and urge members of the public to exercise responsibility in making public statements touching
and concerning the administration of justice,
including judicial officers and thereby refrain from personal attacks, the use of threatening language which threaten the personal safety of judicial officers or otherwise and or making scandalous, inflammatory and unsubstantiated allegations against judicial officers,” the organisation statedinapressrelease.
According to the legal body, such persons can be found in contempt of court.
“While the Judiciary is not immune from public
expressions of concern and criticism, such right is not unfettered and must be exercisedwithintheambitof the law and governing legal principles; the breach of which could result in legal proceedings being instituted against such perpetrator(s) and where applicable p u n i s h a b l e b y imprisonment.”
Though President of the Bar Association, Attorneyat-Law Kamal Ramkarran said that the statement was not directed to a specific
person, it should be noted that it was made days after social media personality and talk show host Makhail Rodrigues better known as the “Guyanese Critic” expressed dissatisfaction with a recent judgment handed downtohim.
The High Court on July 18 ordered him to pay in excess of $52 million to businessman Nazar Mohamed and his son, Azruddin for defamation
followingadefaultjudgment rendered by Justice Nigel Niles. Rodrigues during one of his morning shows aired on Facebook expressed dissatisfaction by posting a photographofJusticeNiles.
override any guarantee, Jagdeo: New oil spill law to Exxon has with Guyana
The passage of the country's new oil spill legislation will override any guarantee or agreement ExxonMobil Guyana has relative to oil spills and the scope of coverage the company is liable for, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said on Thursday Jagdeo, during his Thursday,July25,2024press conference held at Freedom
House, Robb Street, Georgetown was asked his position on Exxon's statementthattheUS$2Boil spill guarantee can cater to impacts affecting Guyana, Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago.
“…If it's deployed immediatelyandyouhave50 barrels of oil spilled, they have insurance…they have the$2Bparentguaranteeand you have the assets of the companytorecoup.”
It was recently reported t h a t t h e P r o j e c t s En
d Regulatory Manager for ExxonMobil Guyana, Maria Skocik has assured that should there be an oil spill Guyana, Trinidad and Venezuelacanbeadequately compensated from the US$2Boilspillguarantee.
Skocik was asked to speak on the economic impacts a potential oil spill
In response, he said, “It mightbemorethanadequate but in any case that will be a moot issue once the law (Oil Spill Legislation) is passed becausethelawwilloverride any guarantee or any agreement.”
The Chief Policy maker in the oil sector said that whateverexistscurrentlywill become“redundant”.
“It is a question that will all become redundant, as soon as we pass the law that we are working on because the law would obligate ExxonandnotjustExxonbut any…including the shipping companies to take care of all theliabilitiesassociatedwith anyspill,thecostofcleanup as well as the economic damagesdone,”Jagdeosaid.
The Vice President opted nottospeculateonthesubject of an oil spill but reminded that ExxonMobil recently commissioned the country's firstcappingstack.
Acappingstackisaheavy pieceofmetalequipmentthat is placed over a blown out well.Itactsasaplug,thereby preventing further flow of
To get clarity, this publication asked, “So you are saying if an incident occurs, Guyana will get full coverage and also the affected countries like TrinidadorVenezuela?”
In response Skocik said, “Yes, it absolutely does. So again, in an off chance an incident does happen, there willbeaprocessforcomplete mitigation and mitigation of the area so there will be effortstocleaneverythingup and also support financially forpartiesthatareimpacted.”
The oil company often toutsitscapacitytotakecare
of an oil spill in the event such a disaster occurs in the 26,800 square kilometers
company, whenever faced withquestionsaboutthecost
of an oil spill, previously assured that it will not walk away from the country but will handle associated cleanupandcompensation.
However, the assurances
will have on Guyana and the Caribbean region, and whether the insurance in place will fully cover Guyana, as well as compensate the other countriesaffected.
“First and foremost, we are committed to safe operations, both personnel safetyandenvironment,soas Becky was mentioning, we aredoingeverythingpossible to ensure that no incidents happen. In the off chance they do occur, we have technical and financial capacitytobeabletorespond to those incidents,” the Exxonofficialsaid.
She explained that there are measures in place like insurances and there will be mechanisms activated to facilitatecleanup.
“So there are things like insurancesinplace,therewill be mechanisms for cleanup and for grievances and for business to submit claims. But again that being said in the way we design projects andthewayweoperatethem is we do everything possible to prevent incidents from
provided have been cast asidewiththeUS$2Boilspill Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement superseding all oral statements and prior writings.
The Ministry of Home Affairs is the umbrella over several vital agencies of the state. This ministry is responsible for security, safety, sensitive information gathering,andmore. Butattheministrylevelitself,thenin theGuyanaPoliceForce(GPF),thenewshasbeenlessthan comforting. In fact, in a steady trickle, it has been one embarrassing development after another, developments that leave a stain on the ministry and, when taken to its logicalextension,thegovernmenttoo.
Starting from the most recent eye-popping development, a deputycommissionerwentonleavetogivethefreestreinfora comprehensive investigation to be initiated into what took place at the Police Credit Union, especially concerning deposit(s) There is some uncertainty as to whether the assistant commissioner proceeded on leave as a preemptive step, or circumstances forced the hand of the police brass to dispatchhimwithalmostovernighthaste Regardlessofwhich itis,thisisnottothecreditoftheimageorthereputationofthe nation’sleadinglawenforcementinstitution Thealreadylow esteeminwhichtheGPFisheldcannothelpbuttakeahardhit Ifitwastheonlysituationofitskind,citizenswouldnothave muchgroundforalarm,simplygoonwiththeirroutines,andlet theGPFsortitstroublesout Concernmountsbecausethere wereotherworryinginstanceswherebothanotherseniorGPF officer,andahigh-rankingpublicservantfromtheMinistryof HomeAffairsweresubjecttowhatcanonlybedescribedas humiliating conditions at the hands of their counterparts overseas.
TheheadoftheMajorCrimesUnitoftheGPFwasdetained and questioned by US authorities at the John F Kennedy Airport,whichcausedsomeraisedeyebrowsinGuyana Itis unclearwhetherthatofficialpausewasforpurposesofsome friendlyconsultation,ornotsofriendlyinterrogationandfact finding TheincidentcouldbeasinnocentasCaesar’swife, and with nothing of substance, especially the illicit kind, capable of sticking to it Because the local environment, however, is so saturated with suspicions of law-breaking, endlessreportsaboutwrongdoinginhighplaces,andcovering up of serious malfeasances in still higher places, Guyanese cannotfinditinthemselvestolookuponmostdevelopments with an unjaundiced eye The worst is concluded in the quickesttime Theresultissomedamageisdone,andthemore that the GPF, or the government, endeavors to put the smoothestlipglossonwhatlooksbadandsmellsbad,themore thatthedisbeliefofcitizensbroadens
Before either of the two developments involving senior GPFofficersoccurred,therewasthematterofthePermanent SecretaryoftheMinistryofHomeAffairssubjecttodetaining andquestioningatJohnF KennedyAirport Tomakematters worse,hercellphonewasseized Theusualpatternsfollowed, whichwasablanketofsilencefirst,andwhenpubliccuriosity didnotwane,therewerebelatedassertionsthatalliswell,no oneshouldmakeamountainoutofamolehill,ofwhatwasa negligible, passing moment The unfortunate reality is that whatwasclaimednottobeofconcernhasturnedouttobea full-blowncrisisforthegovernment ThePShasresignedafter beingblacklisted,andtheUSGovernmenthasidentifiedwhat it has called a corruption network entangling government officials ApalliscastonboththeGPFandHomeAffairswhen public servants of such high ranks are probed, pushed, and pulledtothecarpetinamostunceremoniousmanner Security suffers and so does the country’s reputation, while the confidenceoflaw-abidingcitizensdropsstillfurther
The question on the minds of many citizens is how wide,deep,andhighthecorruptionnetworkinGuyanais. MostGuyanesewanttoknowtheanswer,whiletheydread learningtheworst.
The slippery slope of self-destruction
, Permitmetosharesome thoughts on a most distasteful episode in Guyanesehistory
ThereisanAfricanquote which states “When two brother fight, the stranger inherits their land”. This ancestral wisdom seems to have been not understood and will lead African Guyanesedowntheslippery slopeofself-destruction.
People of African Descent in Guyana and the Caribbean are surprised and angered at the deliberate attempttonegativelyimpact
ACDA’s 31st Annual Emancipation Day Event by theone-year-oldAssociation ofPeopleofAfricanDescent (APAD).Thisrelativelynew organization claims it is hosting its Emancipation Event in direct competition with ACDA, because it wants to bring unity to the African community This claimissopreposterousthat is offends the spirit and is surpassed only by the organization’s frontal dishonesty and lack of any formofintegrity
Offering a free simultaneous Emancipation Event just 30 yards away from ACDA’s familyoriented event to honor our African ancestors on this most sacred day is a willful act of disrespect to all Guyanese. Isn’t this act the same as if another group representing Indian culture hostinganeventnextdoorto
the Memorial Gardens where the Indian Arrival Committee annually has theircommemoration?
When self-respect is traded for financial or political gain on the most sacred day for People of African Descent in the global Diaspora, it reminds oneofFrantzFanon’sbooks entitled “Wretched of the Earth”.
When I think of Emancipation Day in Guyana, I think of not only African Descendants in Guyana, I think of our Indian, Portuguese and Chinese Indentured Descendants, I think of our Indigenous First Peoples, howwecometogetheratthe Guyana National Park to unite in honouring those enslaved Africans who fought and died for their freedom, our freedom. We come together to celebrate their final victory We come together with our children, grandchildren, our friends and family We come together, meeting new people, enjoying the sights and sounds, and buying treats and artefacts from local vendors who come from around Guyana to impart knowledge of a culturelostbutnotforgotten.
For the last 31 years, the African Cultural & Development Association (ACDA) has made these experiences and memories happen. Memories and experiences that cannot be
replaced by any price tag or lackofit.
It is difficult to read the minds and souls of those running an organization that willfully desecrates a sacred daybecauseallitwillleadto is ancestral karma and a slippery slope of selfmarginalization Here are somefacts.
Fact #1: APAD was formed by Shaun Allicock, the husband of Minister of Commerce, Oneidge Walrond. I know this to be truebecauseIwasinvitedto thefirstmeeting.
Fact 2#: APAD was launched in August 2023, a year ago, by Minister Kwame McKoy and MinisterOneidgeWalrond.
Fact#3:Theorganization claims it is funded from the pocketsofitsAfricanPartner organizations and that the Malteenoes ground, directly opposite ACDA’s Family Event, was the cheapest ground it could afford. This leads to the question of how they could afford Warrior King from Jamaica who is scheduled to perform at this freeevent.
ManyAfrican Guyanese have reached the conclusion thatAPAD has been created as competition to the International Decade of People of African Descent G u y a n a A s s e m b l y (IPADAG) and hence its name is so transparently registered. Of course, IPADAG’s recent conflict
with the government of Guyana was very public at the United Nations in New York and Geneva at events held by the Permanent ForumforPeopleofAfrican Descent.
Why this organization would target ACDA is anotherquestion.
Needlesstosay,veryfew i n d i v i d u a l s a n d organizationsinGuyanaand the Caribbean believe APAD’s story and that the event is to unifyAfricans in Guyana.
Is this the unity APAD members will teach their c h i l d r e n a n d grandchildren”?
ZoraNealeHurstononce said,“Ifyouaresilentabout your pain, they will kill you andsayyouenjoyedit”.
This frontal attack on ACDA on Emancipation Day is a classless and unapologetic strategy to create disunity within the African Community on its mostsacredday
One wonders if they understandancestralkarma. Itwillfailbecauseofits lackofauthenticity
It dishonours our ancestors and is soulless, gutless and disrespectful to allGuyaneseseekingabetter country
Chairman of the Guyana Reparations Committee
Vice Chair, CARICOM ReparationsCommission
VP Jagdeo gives a glimmer of hope GTT has unfinished business at my home
DEAREDITOR, At his Thursday’s Press Conference,VPJagdeogave what is probably the most hopeful indication of the government’s intention to assert some control over
Exxon, rather than conceding to the company’s every request, whim and fancy
I am in New York to speak at an OGGN activity in which I will present the case that the PPP/C has sacrificed the country’s sovereignty to the notion that sanctity of contract of contract is an absolute principleoflaw Iwillargue thatitrequiresaveryspecial and limited set of circumstancesforsanctityof contract to ever trump
national sovereignty Even in the best of circumstances that would be a challenge, and certainly those circumstancesdonotexistin relation to what Jagdeo himself has described as a flawed 2016Agreement. To access the presentation live, p l e a s e g o t o www.oggn.org/event.
Mr Jagdeo’s actual words were: “So first of all, there is an assumption that there will be a seventh project. So, we will get the application soon and at that time, the government will determine through two permits, one the licence and then the environmental permit,howitwilldealwith alloftheseissues.”
Even as I revise my
Quickactiontofix damagedpatchofroad
DEAREDITOR, Sometimes, those of us on the eastern portion of LodgeHousingSchemeface the hazard of a badly damagedpatchofroadatthe corner of Eleazer Street and the north-south unnamed
street, opposite the playfield.
The state of this road was drawn to the attention of Hon. Bishop Juan Edghill. He acted with
alacrity and corrective works, including the sealing of that and connectingroadwayswhich began on Tuesday, July 23, 2024
W h a t e v e r t h e circumstances, we graciously express our thanks. We are grateful and on behalf of the community expressourthanks.
Sincerely HamiltonGreen
presentation to take account ofthisglimmerofhope,Mr Jagdeo would be well advised that the 2016 a
government, through the Minister of Petroleum, the power to set conditions under which a license is granted. Those conditions arenotlimitedtotechnicalor environmental matters but would also include ring
government’s take from the project which is a minimum that Guyanese have been pleadingfor
Mr Jagdeo must now show that his latest remarks are no smokescreen or idle threat.
DEAREDITOR, I am a subscriber/renter of telephone services for nearly 50 years now. There are two land lines at my home Some six weeks now, both phones have not beenworking
I sent a letter to the G T T C o m m e r c i a l Manager two weeks ago, but there has not been a response
I pay every bill that is sentsoIamcertainlynotin defaultofpayments
Another bother is the Blaze internet system I havebeenasubscriberfrom its inception It seems as though the local entity is hamstrunginthisarea
While resident in the US, I subscribed to Metro
PCS.This was a US$43 per
surpasses what we receive herebymiles.
Whatbothersmegreatly is the executive and corporate disdain that is dailyshowntousthepeople who subscribe to public utilities
It seems as though the
Commission does not exist or that the utilities have no regard for both the paying publicandtheCommission. I truly
t that publication of this missive will galvanize GTT into positiveaction.
Labour Minister discusses migrant workers’ welfare with PSC
Ms e p h
Hamilton on Thursday met with representatives of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) to discuss migrant workersandtheirwellbeing. The meeting was held at the PSC’s Waterloo Street, Georgetown. T
Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) Gweneth King, Head of the Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency (CRMA), Yolanda Grant, Chief Executive Officer of BIT, Richard MaughnandLegalOfficers, Alyea Williams and Ms Janelle Thomas. The PSC team included Chairman Komal Singh and members
Kit Nascimento and Charles Ogleamongothers.
Accordingtoastatement issued by the Labour Ministry, the meeting focused on fostering a partnership between the two entities to address the living and working conditions of migrant workers and to explore possible ventures to ensuretheirsafetyandwellbeing and establish a database that assesses and catalogs warehouse items storedparticularlyintheOil andGassub-contractors.
Importantly, this approach will allow the Ministry’s Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Department to do inspections to ensure companies comply with the safety standards outlined in theOSHAct.
Minister Hamilton said this approach is in keeping with his government’s manifesto promise to secure the rights and well-being of workers, empowering its citizens through skills training programmes, and boosting employment opportunities.
“Discussions also touched on forming a joint venture to monitor and inspect the construction sector to ensure safe and healthy workplace practices are conducted to minimize workplace accidents and fatalities, exploring an apprenticeshipnetworkwith the help of the Board of IndustrialTraining(BIT),as well as boosting the efforts of the Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency (CRMA) as it relates to
employment opportunities,” the ministry stated in the pressrelease.
According to the Ministry, Minister Hamilton referenced the progress achievedduringhistenurein the areas of training, workplace inspections and awareness sessions, access t o e m p l o y m e n t opportunities via the launch oftheNationalJobBankand educating workers about theirrights.
“Such achievements, he said, can reach new heights to reach their targeted audiencesbypartneringwith relevantstakeholderssuchas thePSC,”theministrysaid.
To this end, both the Ministry of Labour and the privatesectorhaveagreedto worktogethertoaddressthe mattershighlighted.
T&T faces egg shortage, price surge
Trinidad ExpressT R I N I D A D A N D TOBAGO is facing a shortage of eggs, coupled with an exorbitant price increase.Thisisattributedto adverse weather conditions hindering egg production, while retail
rs are potentially taking advantage ofthesituation.
President of the
AgriculturalSocietyofT&T Daryl Rampersad, in a telephone interview with Express, suggested that the price increase might be due to rising feed costs for
chickens. He explained via telephone: “We had two increasesinfeedcostswithin the last six months, and that would have contributed to theincreaseinprices.”
However, vice-president of the Association of T&T TableEggProducersDennis Ramsingh stated that there has been no official price increase among farmers and producers.
“There was no official increase in egg prices. Now, some producers may have increased, but the vast majorityofproducerswhich
are farmers—we have not increased our prices. Maybe the retailers have taken it upon themselves to increase,”Ramsinghsaid. Ramsinghaddedthatthe shortageisduetosupplynot meetingdemand.
He believes retailers are exploiting the situation “Farmers are not benefiting from this price increase,” he said.
Ramsingh said the shortage stems from two main factors: adverse weather conditions earlier this year (from February to
May) and the annual replacement of birds betweenMayandJune.
He explained that chickens typically need five monthstoproduceeggs,and this period of replacement, combined with the peak of the dry season, contributed totheshortage.
“There are strategic means by which we would be replacing those birds But every year around this time, the shortage begins, because of that replacing of birds, paired with the peakofthedryseason,”he said Ramsingh also shared that he has taken it upon himself to mitigate some of these natural causes on his farm to aid with the shortage
“We’re seeing a lot of extreme weather patterns and I don’t know how we’regoingtogoforward, but I have taken it upon myself I can’t say this for everybody to implement some means of tryingtocontroltheactual temperatures in the houses,”hesaid
He said this may be the best way to alleviate the effects of the adverse weatheronthebirds.
Additionally, Ramsingh noted that the previous influx of imported eggs, whichwerepricedlower,left local producers with little roomforcompetition.
The US is also experiencing an egg shortage due to Avian influenza, which primarily affectsbirds.
Govt.'s 6% proposed increase to teachers another slap in the face
The People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R) on Friday called the Ministry of Education's proposed six to seven per cent increase for teachers a slap in the face.Thepartyinastatementatits press conference said that the proposed increase is woefully insufficient.
Oneishard-pressedtoevencall 6-7% an increase, given that food and other types of inflation have reducedandwillcontinuetoreduce real or disposable income of teachers, public servants and other wage-earners.”
Holder further stated that, “No doubt, all fair-minded Guyanese join with our teachers in rejecting the insulting government proposal of 6 to 7% salary increase over the years2024to2026Guyanesemust notethatwhileJagdeoandthePPP
continue to sit on their hands and allow hundreds of billions of dollars to be embezzled through corruption in the procurement system, they have no shame in offering Guyana's teachers crumbs anddregs.ThisPPPgovernmentis unrivalled in its callousness and absurdness.”
The Parliamentarian said that, “We, as the next government, are already on record as promising teachers and other public servants muchhighersalaryincreases.
We are also on record as planning to ban the payment of income tax for low-to-medium income workers (by doubling to tripling the tax-free threshold) in both the private and public sectors.”
The Guyana Teachers' Union (GTU)hadproposeda39.5percent salaryincreaseforteachersin2024.
TS19 (35%) for 2024, and 30% indicative year 2025 and 2026 respectively.”
Furthermore, the Union had proposed that should there be a higher percentage given to Public Servants,thentheteachers/teacher
educators must get the benefit of thedifferences.
In the very detailed document, titled 'Proposed Memorandum of Agreement entered between the MinistryofEducationandtheGTU concerningtermsandconditionsof
employment for teachers/ teacher educatorsfortheyears2024-2026', theUnionisalsodemandingamong other things 100 University of Guyana scholarships per year, a clothing allowance of $40,000 and 300dutyfreeconcessionsformotor vehiclesupto2000cc.
Additionally, the GTU is proposing “That Teachers/Teacher EducatorswhoserveintheInterior andHinterland/RiverainAreasbe given two (2) years instead of (5) yearstoservetheirCPCEcontracts and in the case of University Graduates,theybegivenThree(3) points for promotional purposes having served four (4) consecutive years.”
The GTU called off the strike after being on strike for 75 days. The Union and the Ministry of Educationearlierthismonthagreed that the 2019-2023 multi-year proposal put forward by the Union will be shelved and the focus will now be placed on the 2024 and onwardsmulti-yearproposal.
Brazilian brothers charged for failing to keep gold records
Two Brazilian brothers were on Friday charged for failing to keeprecordsofthegoldtheybuy in Port Kaituma and Eyelash, NorthWest District, Region One andGeorgetown,RegionFour
The brothers, Orisvaldo De OliveiraMouraandSabastiaoDe Oliveira Moura were charged following investigations by the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU).
Orisvaldo De Oliveira Moura, according to police, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh, where the charge of 'Failure to Keep and ProduceaBooktoanOfficerof theBoardortoanotherperson authorized by the Board' was readtohim.
He pleaded not guilty and was placed on $100,000 bail The matter was transferred to Port Kaituma Magistrates' Court where hewillappearonAugust15,2024.
His brother Sabastiao De OliveiraMouraalsoappearedatthe Georgetown Magistrates' but before Principal Magistrate Faith Mc Gusty where the same charge was read to him. He also pleaded notguilty.
Sabastiao was granted $50,000 bail and is expected to return to courtinGeorgetownonAugust16, 2024.
Police said that according to SOCU's head, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Fazal Karimbaksh, the brothers have been operating under a registered
business that has three locations; oneinGeorgetown,oneinEyelash Backdam and one in Port Kaituma Water Front, North West District, RegionOne.
Reports indicate that all these locations were buying 'precious stones' without maintaining the requisiterecords,policesaid.
Ranks from SOCU, in collaboration with officials of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) conducted searchesontheirbusinesspremises and discovered a large quantity of goldandcash.
The brothers were unable to produce the relevant documents to prove their purchases so the ranks arrestedthemandconfiscatedallof theirgoldandcash.
Their arrest comes one month
after the Government instructed jewellers, goldsmiths and gold dealerstokeeprecordsofwhothey sellgoldto.
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat had made this knownduringameetingonJune19 last with the stakeholders at the Roraima Duke Lodge located in Kingston,Georgetown.
The minister was joined by the HeadoftheofGuyanaGeologyand Mines Commission (GGMC) Newell Dennison and the Guyana Gold Board's (GGB) General Manager,EondreneThompson.
During the discussion, Bharrat said,“Theotherthingthatweneed tointroducewithyoursystem,your collaboration,istheissueofpeople bringing gold to you” before adding,“Theremustbesomeform of record keeping, there must be
Hestressedthatrecordsmustbe kept for the importance of “traceability”.
AccordingtotheBharrat,some systems are already in place to ensurethatthisisdone.
“Ifthatbecomesacriterion,for your licence, then you have your records to show to GGMC”, he said. “You have to ensure that systemsareinplace,Icanonlyput systemsinplacetoensurethatyou complywiththelaw…Wehavethat system in place where you must havethatlogbooktoshowthatyou havereceivedx,y,z 1,2ounces of gold,” continued the Natural ResourcesMinister
The move to implement the record keeping system came after Vice-President Bharrat Jagdeo at oneofhisweeklypressconferences
said his government is
continuous decline in gold declarationovertheyears.
At the meeting, the natural resources minister reminded the stakeholders that the decline began after 2016.
While he told the stakeholders, that extreme weather conditions might havecontributedtolowgold production in recent years, J
He had issued a stern warning that all those involved in the smuggling and under-declaring of gold will face the full brunt of the law oncetheyarecaught.
So far a six-month long undercover probe by SOCU has managed to bring down a Chinese gold smuggling ring operating in Guyana.
Priortothat,twowomenanda man were busted at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport on Tuesday June 4 with US$560,000 (G
) gold disguisedassilverplatedjewellery. Thoseindividualswerecharged with the offence of Exporting Gold without a Licence – in contravention of Section 8 of the Guyana Gold Board Act, Chapter 66:01,contrarytosection23(a)of the said Guyana Gold Board Act, Chapter 66:01 and are out on $600,000baileach.
Charged Brazilian brothers, (Left) Orisvaldo De Oliveira Moura and Sabastiao De Oliveira Moura
A strong case for a limited state of emergency in relation to crime
Afrighteningsituationis developing The law enforcement agencies have been seized a number of illegal weapons, including handgunsandrifles.
Oneyearbeforeregional and general elections are due, questions are being asked as to the purposes for which these illegal weapons have been procured. Is a drug-warinthemaking?Are we on the doorsteps of a spiraling crime wave? Is
there any political connection in relation to theserecentseizures?
In recent times, Guyana hasfacedasurgeincriminal activity that threatens not only the safety of our citizensbutalsothestability o f o u r e c o n o m i c environment.As crime rates
climbandpublicconfidence wanes,itbecomesnecessary to explore stricter and stronger measures to restore orderandsecurity
One such measure, proven ef
ve in neighboring Trinidad, is the declarationofalimitedstate of emergency (SOE) in relation to crime. By examining the successful implementationofanSOEin Trinidad, we can build a comp
ng case for adopting a similar approach in our own country, emphasizing its benefits for both public safety and economicstability
Trinidad and Tobago, like many nations in the region, has grappled with high crime rates for years. That country has displaced
Guyana as the crime capital of the English-speaking Caribbean.
In2011,theTrinidadian government declared a limitedstateofemergencyin response to escalating violence, gang activity, and drug-related crimes The results were significant and offered valuable lessons for our crime-fighting strategies. The most immediate and noticeable impact of the SOE in Trinidad was a marked reduction in crime rates
According to the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, the period of the SOE saw a significant decline in murders, robberies, and other violent crimes. This dropincriminalactivitywas attributed to the increased
Guyana is a cult of promises
DemBoyssehGuyana isnowofficiallyacult,and no, we ain’t talking about the one with the matching robes and secret handshakes. We’re talking aboutthekindwhereevery week is one set of preaching, and the leaders got us all singing de same oldtune.Youknowdeone: “Thingswillgetbetter;just wait!” Sounds familiar, eh? We hearing that tune foralmost60yearsnow
Every week, de “elders” gather in front of denationliketheyholding a Sunday service. Except thatsomeofdemdoeshold it on Thursdays and Fridays. Dem preaching about plans for progress, development, and prosperity But let me tell yuh, if promises were
dollars, we woulda been billionaires by now! De only thing multiplying in Guyana is de number of empty stomachs, while de so-called leaders keep promising we manna from heaven.
And don’t forget de followers! Dem people is liketruebelieversinacult, hanging on every word.
“Dis time, it’s gonna be different!” Dem hear de same message, de same tone,anddesamepromises every week, yet somehow dem still find a way to believe.It’slikedeleaders got a spell on dem. “You will get a job, a better life, and de best roads... just keepwaiting!”
While dem waiting, de leaderslivehighondehog, dem words flying high
promising us paradise on de ground. But when you lookaround,allyouseeisa whole heap of talk. Nuff sweettalk!
Dem Boys seh it’s like a never-ending cycle of cult activity: make dem believe,keepdemhopeful, and when dem start to question, just change de subject!
So let’s get real, Guyana! We can’t be part of this cult anymore. We need to wake up and demand real change instead of drinking de Kool-Aid of empty promises.It’stimewestop waiting for de future and start creating it ourselves, because de only thing that seems to be coming is de nextsermon!
police presence, curfews, and the ability to detain suspects without immediate charges, which disrupted criminal networks and deterredpotentialoffenders.
During the SOE, both businesses and citizens reported feeling safer The enhancedsecuritymeasures, including more frequent patrols and stricter enforcementoflaws,created an environment where people could go about their dailyliveswithlessfear
Contrarytoconcernsthat an SOE might negatively impact economic activity, Trinidad’s experience demonstrated the opposite. Businesses continued to operate, and in some cases, saw improved conditions due to the heightened security Investment confidence remained stable, as the SOE signaled the government’s commitment to tackling crime and creating a safer business environment. In fact, some businesses reported increased customer traffic during the SOE, as people felt more secure shopping andengagingincommercial activities.
Given the positive outcomes observed in Trinidad, it is worth considering how a similar strategycouldbeeffectively
implemented in our own country to address our uniquechallenges.
Alimited SOE does not mean a blanket imposition across the entire nation
Instead, it should be strategicallyappliedtohighcrime areas where law enforcement can make the most impact. By focusing resources on hotspots of criminal activity, we can achieve a concentrated and effectivereductionincrime.
For an SOE to be successful, it is crucial to have clear objectives and transparent communication with the public The governmentmustoutlinethe specific goals of the SOE, such as reducing gang violence, curbing drug trafficking and illegal guns and improving overall publicsafety
Humanrightsbodieswill have concerns However, while an SOE grants law enforcement additional powers, it is essential to ensure that these powers are exercised responsibly and withintheboundsofthelaw Safeguards must be in place toprotectcitizens’rightsand preventabusesofpower
The declaration of a limitedstateofemergencyin relation to crime is a powerful tool that, if implemented strategically
and responsibly, can yield significant benefits for our nation The positive experience of Trinidad and Tobagodemonstratesthatan SOE can effectively reduce crime,enhancepublicsafety, and maintain economic stability By learning from their example and tailoring the approach to our specific needs, we can create a safer environmentforcitizensand businessesalike.
The benefits of a limited SOE extend beyond immediate crime reduction and public safety By taking decisive action against crime,thegovernmentsends a strong message that it is committed to creating a securee nvironment for all citizens. This commitment can enhance the country’s international reputation, attracting foreign investment and boosting tourism Additionally, a successfulSOEcanserveas a foundation for long-term crimepreventionstrategies.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Trump is Jagdeo's lifeline
President Joe Biden
s h o u l d g o
gracefully to
pasture. If he is as is today, thereisnotellinghowhewill beayearfromnow Theodds of better are remote to nonexistent, even staying the same are uphill. Former president Donald Trump was hanging by a thread, but the attempt on his life has made himunbeatable. Ifeverthere wasarallyingpointandcry,it camefromthatshooting. My thinking is that even with a Joe Biden at 100%, it would havebeenacliffhanger,anda possibly worse repetition of
t h e J a n u a r y 6 uprising/insurrection/coup, starting Election Day in November
As bad as his condition is currently, Biden being out is badforAmerica. Itisalsobad newsforGuyana. Well,PNC, AFC, and the non-Jagdeo Guyana.
The pattern of recent developments indicates that Washington is sick of him, havehadenoughofheandhis cabals of a certain kind of people. Those waylaid in their journeys. Taking stock of where Washington is, it doesnotleavemuchtoeither
the intellect or imagination,
Guyanese have had their fill of El Supremo Jagdeo. It is notonlyhowmanyGuyanese recoil at the mere mention of thenameJagdeo,butthecross section of them, and the extent of their distaste for his handiworks.
With a halfway decent (and that is what it has been) Biden White House, there have still been strong signals from the Treasury Department and a series of interactions at JFK International involving Guyanese nationals. Instead
of asking what's up, the interpretation here is that the game is up. I take that thickening, strengthening thread and point to that peculiar position of Exxon, one that was deliberately delivered publicly for maximumimpact. Itrangthe ears of PPP strongman Jagdeo. To his credit, he immediately recognized that 'noconflictofinterest'posture forwhatitis:athreat,nothing but a political threat of unsettlingproportions. It was why he came out primedforafight(tosaywar wouldnotbefarfetched),and
then doubled down by sending out his attack squad. To tighten all this into a sentence,theAmericanshave had it to up there with an ethics-busting, human rights busting, media busting, standards busting, law bustingPPPGovernmentand itsgangofrevilers,swindlers, and destabilizers. Yes, I said destabilizers, and for solid reasons.
Indeed, the oil is 160 kilometersfromtheshoreline. But its entire supporting downstream infrastructure is landbased.
Unhappy people are resentful people
unpredictable people. And when there are unpredictable people around, that is not a welcome undercurrent for investorconfidence. Investor confidence is not limited to thefinancingpackage.
Whenthefullpackageon the ground upsets investor confidence that is bad governance, and bad for business. More expansively and pointedly, it is bad for Americaninterests.
Now, as befuddled and d i s j o i n t e d , e v e n discombobulated, as Joe Biden and his people have been, there is still the whole machinery of the US Government that has its eyes andearsfinelytuned,itsmind sharplyfocused.
OFAC is one example; federal authorities in various agencies having some relationship to domestic and global policing are others. The squeeze is being applied on Guyana, specifically on thePPPGovernment. Achill, it is called in diplomatic parlance.
When Jagdeo rushed out to ring Alistair Routledge's bell, he didn't help either his standing or that of the PPP.I thinkthattheUSGovernment is on the move, and Jagdeo recognized that the PPP is being moved around on the American chessboard of assets. Now I am going to givethesteeringwheelahard
urn, I encourage my fellowGuyanesetothink.
Surging AFC Field Marshal Nigel Hughes headed into Leonora, of all places for his grounding and greetingroadshow Theman issoconfidentthathetookthe team that he did, and I don't meanthecoloroftheuniform only I am impressed by that exampleofstandingonstrong ground. Earlierintheday,the media unveiled PNC boss Aubrey Norton speaking a different language: open to the coalition idea. Say that again! From not considering at one time to be open to considering What's behind this? I sense some powerful force working behind the curtain. Now this is going to set Jagdeo's teeth on edge, for I am sure that, though it is only late July, he seeswhatIseeandhearwhatI hear The only saving grace now is the all-but-guaranteed Trump coronation come November To put a ribbon onit,heisboththeirresistible force and immovable object inone.
I think that is why Big Politico honcho Jagdeo has not overpowered his opponentsbycallinganearly election. He has the machinery in place. The combined opposition, especiallyMr.Hughes,isstill developingmomentumonthe ground, building its organization Short and sweet: Jagdeo is betting on Trump and hoping for the best, which is why all that Guyanese hear is 2025. I wouldn't get carried away by late2025.
Last, I wouldn't give the opposition calendar or road mileage. Thatis,unlessthere are, that many dirty tracks to cover
(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Lethem man set on fire after row
A24-year-old man from Tabatinga, Lethem, Region Nine is nursing burns about his body after he was set on fire by someone he had an argumentwithlastSaturday Reports are that the victim, Elton Khan, who remains hospitalized was
consuming alcohol at a club when an argument started between him and other attendees at the club. The argument escalated into a fight, leaving some persons injured.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that after the
fight, Khan remained in the club and continued to consume alcohol until he passed out, outside of the building.
It is allegedthat the men involvedinthefightreturned anddousedthesleepingman with a liquid substance and sethimonfire.
The victim was rescued and taken to the Lethem Regional Hospital but was later transferred to another hospital in neighbouring Brazil.
Man, 47, drowns at Orealla
s a l e s m a n
r e p o r t e d l y
drowned on Tuesday after he slippedandfellfromaboatin Orealla Village, Corentyne River,Berbice,RegionSix.
Dead is Paul Bahadur of Canje, Berbice. Reports are thatBahadurlefthishomefor OreallaonSaturdaywiththree othersalesmentosellpotsand otherkitchenutensils.
OnTuesday,July232024, around 07:30 hrs, the three salesmen went to the Orealla boat stelling to leave their
utensils on the passenger boat forBerbicebeforeproceeding overtothevillageofSiparuta.
According to one of the salesmen Bahadur had been drinking and was drunk when he decided to board the boat. He recalled that as Bahabur was about to jump onto the boat he slipped and fell overboard.
Hewasnotseenagainuntil a search party fished his body fromtheCorentyneRiverlater thatafternoon. I
Construction worker remanded over Break and Enter and Larceny charge
A construction worker was on Thursday charged with Break and Enter and Larceny and remanded to prisonwhenheappearedat the Diamond Magistrates' Court.
The accused, Navindra NauthofDiamondHousing
Scheme, East Bank Demerara (EBD) appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchmanwherethecharge was read to him. Nauth pleadednotguilty
Nauth entered Ryan Niranjan's Grove Housing
Scheme home and allegedly stole $80,000, one gold ring valued at $150,000, one haversack valuedat$6000,twodecks of'YugiYo'cardsvaluedat
Nauth is scheduled to return tocourtonAugust9,2024. Navindra Nauth
$130,000, two Brazilian gold chains valued at $30,000 (total valueof$396,000).
No cover-up in GPF corruption probe–Jagdeo
…says PPP/C has depoliticised SOCU
Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo
on Thursday assured that there will be no cover-upintheprobeintothe allegedfinancialimpropriety and other acts of corruption by officers of the Guyana PoliceForce(GPF). Jagdeo was at the time speaking at his weekly press conference held at Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown.
Theinvestigationswillbe conducted by the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU). The Vice President saidthatitishisgovernment that has depoliticized the Force and assures that an
impartial investigation will be conducted. It is important to note that SOCU is an arm oftheGPF
The announcement that SOCU will head the investigation into the corruption allegations againstmembersoftheForce sparked much discussion as pundits believe that the situation mirrors the proverbialcatandmilk.
Since the surfacing of allegations of financial impropriety within the GPF, three senior officers were reassigned while Assistant Police Commissioner Calvin Brutus,oneofthereassigned, requested annual leave to facilitate an investigation into the corruption allegations.
“Iseethatinsomecases they want external agencies to investigate, to undermine local institutions. We have depoliticized SOCU. SOCU doesn't go after political opponentsnow,theygoafter criminal matters. That used
to happen under APNU, it was politicized. SOCU is an agency dedicated to this sort of investigation— there will benocoverup. And it's shameful that some people would try to undermine the same institutions that we are all tryingtobuild,”hesaid. Jagdeo'scommentscome just over a week after Home Affairs Minister, Robeson Benn, made a blistering addresstothemembersofthe Force at its 185th Anniversary Symposium The Minister bemoaned the rampant corruption within theForce.
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
Former table tennis player on $1.3M bail
for possession of guns, ammo and drugs
Former table tennis
player Edinho Lewis was on Friday placed on $1,350,000 bail when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court before Principal MagistrateFaithMcGusty Lewis was initially
remandedtoprisonforillegal possession of an illegal Ak47 rifle, a Glock pistol, ammunition and drugscocaineandmarijuana. Theaccused,aresidentof 26 Da Silva Street, Kitty, Georgetownwasrepresented byattorneyBernardDaSilva
who requested bail on the groundsthatLewiswasnotin possession of the apartment in which the illegal items were found, from May 25 to June8,2024.
Further, the attorney told thecourtthathisclienthasno pending or previous charges andisnotaflightrisk.
DaSilvawasgrantedbail on condition that he lodges hispassportandreporttothe Brickdam Police Station on thelastFridayinthemonth.
Lewis is scheduled to return to court on August 9, 2024forreportsandfixture.
During Lewis' first court appearanceonJune11before
Magistrate Sherdel IsaacsMarcus,hewasslappedwith fivechargesincludingillegal possession of a firearm,
ammunition and the illegal possession of narcotics for thepurposeoftrafficking.
It was alleged that Lewis on June 8, 2024 at his Da SilvaStreetapartmenthadin his possession 544.5 grams ofcannabisforthepurposeof trafficking, 107 grams of cocaine for the purpose of
trafficking, possession of components of firearms, which includes AR-15 magazines, one AK-47 magazine, three Glock magazines,withoutbeingthe
holder of a firearm licence enforcedatthetime. He also had in his possession one AK-47 Rifle and one Glock 26 Pistol withoutbeingtheholderofa firearm licence. Police also found 830 rounds of 7.62 ammunition, four live .223 ammunition, nine live 9mm ammunition, two live .32 ammunition.
Bandits beat South Ruimveldt man for motorcycle
Twobanditsarmed with a gun and a knife on Friday reportedly beat a 21-yearold man for his Lindy Scooter on Congress Drive, S
reportedly attacked in his yard at around 02:00 hrs. He recalled that he had just gotten home and was opening his door when the bandits dragged him down his stairs, beat him-up and
Speaking with Kaieteur News,thevictimsaidthathe noticed the men while he was entering Congress Drivetogettohishomebut had no clue that they were
“Iseethemwhileriding in and they were walking out,” the victim said. He only became suspicious after he rode into his yard.
“By time I jump off me bikethetwoofthemalready inside de street (a pathway leading to his house)”
The men then started asking him questions
“They ask me if my mother at home and a tell them no. Then them ask me for a call and I tell them I don'thavenocredit,”hetold K
proceededtoenterhishome but the bandits attacked, relieved him of his key and r
his motorcycle. A report was
If anyone sees or has information about the victim'smotorcycletheycan call telephone numbers, 692-7206, 630-7823, 6903869 or report it to the nearest police station
C o m m u n i t y (CARICOM) in collaboration with Lynch Caribbean Brokers out of BarbadosonFridaylaunched the Regional Economical Agri-Insurance Programme (REAP) which is set to
provide agricultural insurance for farmers and fisherfolk in the Region, particularlyinthefaceofthe impact of climate change on theagriculturesector
The launch of the programme was held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre and was attended by PresidentIrfaanAli,Minister of Agriculture and Head of the CARICOM Special Ministerial Task Force on Food Production and Food Security, Zulfikar Mustapha; Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation,Industryand LabourofSt.Vincentandthe Grenadines, Saboto Caesar;
CARICOM Assistant
Secretary-General, Economic Integration,
I n n o v a t i o n a n d Development, Mr Joseph Cox and Managing Director, Lynch Caribbean Brokers, Mr Damien Bowen among otherofficials.
T h e R e g i o n a l Economical Agri-Insurance
Programme (REAP) according to CARICOM, offersinsuranceproductsthat provide direct payouts to cover production costs and business interruptions
REAP'sobjectiveistoensure financial resilience, bolster food security, and promote healthier dietary habits across the Region, which
align with the key deliverablesoftheCaribbean Community's Special Ministerial Task Force on Food Production and Food Security
The programme in its initialphasepresentlyconsist of nine nations including Guyana, Barbados, Dominica, St Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It is anticipated by August that four more nations will joinbringingthetotalto12.
CARICOM's Assistant Secretary- General in his openingremarkssaidthatthe programme marks the introduction of a private sector driven agriculture incentives insurance initiativefortheRegion.
Heapplaudedthenations and the Ministerial Task Force on Food and Nutrition Security for their pioneering participation in this initial phaseandfortheirdedication to identifying suitable agriculture insurance schemes which is a crucial objective of the 25 by 25 initiative.
Vision 25, is a commitment made by the heads of Government of CARICOM to reduce the Region's large food import billby25percentby2025.
Noting that this programme is a significant milestone in the Region's development, Mr Cox shared that CARICOM memberstatesareamongthe most vulnerable small island developing states whose agricultural sectors remain highly exposed to the effect ofclimatechange.
“Changes in weather patterns, heavier rain falls and harsher dry seasons among others continue to havedisastrouseffectsonthe agriculturalsectoroutputand productivity If the advent of hurricaneBerylhastaughtus anythingisthatwemusthave recoveryandresilienceplans in place that can respond to the natural disasters and counterbalance GDP losses and the obvious negative impact on the economical livelihood of the people of ourregion,”heexplained.
Further, he noted that agriculturalinsuranceplaysa vital role for the Caribbean communitymemberstatesby providing protection against the unpredictable and devastating impacts of climate change on agriculture as the Caribbean faces more frequent and severe weather related events.
The insurance will also safeguardfarmers'livelihood and ensure food security for thepeopleoftheRegion.
“The Region's initiative aims to enhance food sovereignty and economic resiliencebyadaptingtoand mitigating against these impacts Agricultural insurance programmes are essential to enabling farmers to invest in sustainable resilient practices mitigating climate related risks and facilitating quick recovery from natural disasters,” he furtherpointedout.
Speaking about the programme yesterday, ManagingDirectorofLynch, Mr Bowen mentioned that the discussion in developing
the programme began in 2023 at the Caribbean Week of Agriculture held in Bahamas.
He said that every territory involved has identified an insurance companythatwillplayarole inthisprocess.
“Sothereareatleastthree to four leading insurance companies across the Caribbean who are partnering with REAP REAP is indeed an all inclusive model Our purpose is to firstly protect and propel vision 25 by 25 fromitsmajorthreatwhichis climatechange,”headded.
“We are here to drive the de-risk transfer from the public sector to the private sector, we are here to propel small holder farmers and fisherfolkswithscalabilityto evenincludelargeoperators. The reality is that agriinsurance premium globally aretypicallyoutofthereach or out of the reach of your average small holder farmer and across the region especially in the OECS [Organisation of Eastern
Caribbean States] their farming community is comprise of a large preponderance of small holderfarmers.
Sotherealityisourfocal point initially was how we can provide this level of protection,” he further explained.
Meanwhile,PresidentAli lauded the initiative while noting that while it is important to proceed in this direction, it is equally important to look at the sustainability and resilience of the Region's agriculture sector
He shared that variables such as research and development, data and science collection that are lacking in the Region, integration of technology in agriculture, financial instrument and human resource capability are all important in building out sustainability and resilience inthesector
“Today is a significant moment, when we started this journey just to find an insurance product that was
interested in even looking at theissuewasdifficult.Sowe have now at least work that has started what I would encouraged, now that you haveformalizedaproduct,to now open the wings and to invitethroughouttheregions all the other brokers, all the other insurance companies who can be a part of this so that we cover the entire region and then we can even have further work on reducingthecostandmaking the accessibility easier,” the HeadofStatesaid.
The REAP initiative t a r g e t s t h r e e k e y beneficiaries which are crop farmers, livestock farmers and fisherfolks and provide coverageininstancessuchas drought, pest, excess rain, flood, wind and also covers fisheryinterruption.
In rolling out this programme, Lynch Brokers has partnered with Guy Carpenter, a leading reinsurance broker, and Raincoat, a leading insure tech firm and the intergovernmental CARICOM agencies.
President Irfaan Ali alongside Managing Director, Lynch Caribbean Brokers, Mr. Damien Bowen (left) and CARICOM Assistant Secretary-General, Economic Integration, Innovation and Development, Mr. Joseph Cox (right) at the launch of the 'REAP' initiative.
A 52-year-old United States (U.S.) citizen was on Thursday granted $800,000 bail when he appeared at the Diamond Magistrates' Court to answer to a goldsmugglingcharge.
The accused, Ivan Anthony Scipio, whose local residence is on D'Urban Street, Georgetown appeared at the Diamond Magistrates' Court before Magistrate Judy Latchman to answer the charge which alleges that he attempted to smuggle $6,787,569 worth of gold out of Guyana.Scipiopleadednotguilty tothecharge.
He was arrested on July 3 while he was attempting to leave Guyanaonanoutboundflightfor New York. Reports are that he was carrying several pieces of jewelleryandrawgoldatthetime of his arrest. The man failed to make a customs declaration and produce licences to export the gold.
As a result, Detectives from the Narcotics Branch of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) along with officers from the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), seizedthegoldjewelleryandraw goldfromScipio.
Investigations revealed that Scipio has been allegedly involvedinothergoldsmuggling activities.Policesaidthatthereis a link showing that he allegedly made several exports previously butwasnotcaught.
Scipio was granted $800,000 bail with the condition that he reports to the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) on the last Fridayofeverymonth. He is scheduled to return to courtonAugust19.
Ivan Anthony Scipio
Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.
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Live-in Housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, USA. Free room and boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.
Vacancy for Receptionist and Hotel Attendant at Hick's Ville Hotel. Email: info @vegeworld.net or Call: 2310951/ 231-0952.
Now hiring: Executive Secretary, Project Engineer & Accounts Clerk, To apply send application via Whatsapp: 638-5303/ 638-1111.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
circulated in and around Guyana and on the worldwide web (Online).
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
Petitioner/Applicant-and(PATTERSON) NAVIN
Last Known Address
Kururu Squatting Area, Linden Highway. TAKE
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Josel Educational institute seeks to employ a qualified science teacher. Email: joseleducation@yahoo.com or call: 226-7868 / 678-0652. Painter needed. For more information Call: 615-9132.
Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443
Exists for welder and fabricator. Apply in person at Splashmins Resort Soesdyke, Linden highway.
Experienced cook & kitchen assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.
Vacancy for one hauler driver to work private hauler at wharf. Contact: 611-7088 for more info.
Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th,2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport & i130 application forms. Call: 6267040.
Petition No. FD-793
-V-Petitioner/Applicant (RAMDIN) UDIT
Respondent UDIT RAMDIN
Formerly of Lot 868 Block D, Bath Settlement West Coast BerbiceTAKE NOTICE that on Wednesday the 31st day of May, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by KAMINI RAMDIN nee AMARNAUTH the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 13th day of June, 2024 the Petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the KAIETEUR NEWS, a daily newspaper printed, published and
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 3rd day of October, 2024 at 8:30am before the Honourable Mr. Justice Nareshwar Harnanan in Court 9.
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.
The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00amto 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 8th day of July, 2024
NOTICE that on the 6th day of June, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by LONETTE LATOYA PATTERSON nee BRANDT the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in 100 Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 3rd day of July, 2024, the Petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Guyana of General circulation in Guyana.
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.AND
FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Tuesday the 17th day of September, 2024 at 1:25 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via Zoom Meeting ID: 882-1097 6231 and Password: Court12.IN
DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, includingThe Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 11th day of July, 2024.
APPLICATION FOR MONEY LENDER'S CERTIFICATE PURSUANT TO SECTION 4 OF THE MONEY LENDERS ACT““1, VALERIE ELIZABETH PERSAUD of lot 59 Hope West, Enmore, East Coast Demerara, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Magistrate of the GEORGETOWN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT for a Certificate under the Money Lenders' Act, authorizing the grant to me of a Money Lender's Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender under the title of VALRICE PAWN SHOP of lot 59 Hope West, Enmore, East Coast Demerara, NOTICE of any objections to the application should be sent forthwith to the CLERK OF COURT OF THE GEORGETOWN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT and a copy of any such notice should be sent to the subscriber, VALERIE ELIZABETH PERSAUD of lot 59 Hope West, Enmore, East Coast Demerara,
Sworn to at Georgetown, Demerara, This 22nd day of July, 2024
More than 180,000 dIsplaced from Gaza’s Khan Younis in four days, UN says
Aljazeera - More than 180,000 Palestinians have fled bombardment around the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis in four days, theUnitedNationshassaid.
Recent “intensified hostilities” in the Khan Younis area, more than nine months into the Israeli war, have fuelled “new waves of internaldisplacementacross Gaza” , said the UN humanitarianagencyOCHA onFriday Itsaidthat“about 182,000 people” have been displaced from central and eastern Khan Younis between Monday and Thursday, while “hundreds of other people remain stranded in eastern Khan Younis”.
The Israeli military on Monday issued evacuation orders for parts of the southerncity,announcingits forces would “forcefully operate” there, including in anareapreviouslydeclareda safehumanitarianzone.
Earlier, an Al Jazeera team in Deir el-Balah reported that at least 18
people were killed in Israeli airraidsonKhanYounis.
Al Jazeera’s Hind Khoudary, reporting from Deir el-Balah in central Gaza, reported that people injured in the attacks could not be reached “because the Israeli military did not give them time to evacuate after orderingtheevacuation”.
“Peoplewhomanagedto evacuate are on the streets; they did not have time to gathertheirbelongings,”she said.
“Theyaresufferingfrom the heat, the diseases spreading, and the poor hygienic conditions causing skin rashes and other issues,”Khoudarynoted.
Two more deaths were reported in Gaza City in the north and one death in the Nuseiratrefugeecampinthe centre of the enclave, according to Al Jazeera’s teamontheground.
Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum in Deir el-Balah
reported that Israeli warplanes also bombed the eastern areas of the Bureij
‘About 182,000 people’ displaced from central and eastern Khan Younis from Monday – Thursday, UN OCHA says.
Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, March 25, 2024 [Andrew Kelly/Reuters]
refugee camp in central Gaza.
Israel’smilitarysaidina statementthattroopsbattled Palestinian fighters in Khan Younis and destroyed tunnels and other infrastructure,astheysought to suppress small units that have continued to hit troops withmortarfire.
The military said troops had killed about 100 Palestinian fighters since
Israeli troops began their latest operation in Khan Younis on Monday, which continued as pressure mountedforadealtohaltthe fighting. It said seven small units that had been firing mortarsatthetroopswerehit in an air raid, while further south,inRafah,fourfighters werealsokilledinairraids.
A Telegram channel operatedbythearmedwings ofHamasandIslamicJihad,
the two main armed groups in Gaza, said fighters had been waging fierce battles with Israeli troops east of Khan Younis with machineguns, mortars and antitankweapons.
The UN Security Council ‘has failed’: Mansour Later on Friday, Palestine’sUNenvoyRiyad Mansour slammed the UN Security Council (UNSC) for failing to secure a ceasefireandbringanendto Israel’s nine-month-old war ontheGazaStrip.
“We have collectively failed This council has failed,” the Palestinian envoy said during a special council session on the humanitarian response in Gaza. “We can continue counting aid trucks and speaking of routes and imagining alternatives, but theonlytruemeasureofour success is our ability to alleviate human suffering –and the suffering of Palestinians is Israel’s goal anddesire,”Mansoursaid.
Israeli UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan began his address to the UNSC by retelling the story of his family’sexterminationatthe hands of the Nazis. “To this timeofunfathomablehatred, werefertoas‘neveragain’,” he said. “Yet, never again happenedagain.”
Erdan said this time, the perpetratorsoftheOctober7 attackswere“HamasNazis” who had the objective of exterminatingtheJews.
“We will defend ourselves from those who seek to annihilate us,” he said.At least 39,175 people have been killed and 90,403 injured in Israel’s war on Gaza, according to Palestinianauthorities.
The death toll in Israel from the Hamas-led attacks on October 7 is estimated at 1,139,withdozensofpeople stillheldcaptiveinGaza.
“Whateversolutionsyou come up with, [Israel] will continue ensuring they fail until it is forced to change course And the first, indispensable step is an immediateceasefire.”
administration will “calibrate” its sanctions policy towards Venezuela depending on how the highstakeselectionunfoldsinthe OPEC nation on Sunday, U.S.officialssaid,signaling that Washington could ease
punitive measures if President Nicolas Maduro holdsafairvote.
But the U S also put Maduroonnoticethatifhe claims victory without providing proof, it would “call into question” whether the international community should accept theoutcome
Maduro is seeking his third term as leader of Venezuela, which is under heavyU S sanctions
His challenger, opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez, has attracted significant support
Senior U S officials said on Friday they were closely watching the final lead-uptotheelection
Washingtonrelaxedbut then reinstated sanctions on Venezuela’s vital oil industry in recent months after it said Maduro’s government failed to comply with an electoral deal guaranteeing an inclusivedemocraticvote
The officials, briefing reporters on condition of anonymity, said they would not prejudge the outcome, but expressed concern about possible politicalrepression
They also warned Venezuela’s military, which has long supported Maduro, not to “put its thumb on the scale” by interferingintheprocess.
“The United States is prepared to calibrate our sanctions policy vis a vis events as they may unfold in Venezuela,” one U.S. officialsaid.
The opposition and some independent observers have questioned whether the vote will be fair, saying decisions by electoral authorities and the arrests of some opposition campaign staff are meant to create obstacles
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro delivers a speech on the opening day of the presidential election campaign, in Caracas, Venezuela. July 4, 2024. REUTERS/Maxwell Briceno/File Photo
“As we look at the post-electoral period, we will continue to evaluate and update our sanctions policyasrequiredbasedon ourforeignpolicygoals.”
The officials declined to cite any specific U S stepsbutstressedthatsince t h e V e n e z u e l a n presidential inauguration is not scheduled until January the response
would likely play out over thesecondhalfoftheyear.
Asked if Washington could drop criminal charges against Maduro to help negotiate a postelection exit, one official said if he loses, the U S could “consider measures that would facilitate a peaceful transition of power” Theofficialdeclinedto
One official said it was “deeply concerning” that Maduro’s government had limited the number of internationalobservers.
The official specifically u rg e d Ve n e z u e l a n authorities to reconsider a decision to bar a plane carrying regional expresidents from flying from Panama to Caracas, saying theirpresencewasneededto provide assurances the e l e c t i o n “ w i l l b e representative of the will of Venezuelanvoters.”
Venezuela’s transport ministry said its airspace wasoperatingnormally Gonzalez, a veteran former diplomat, inherited theoppositionmantlefrom Maria Corina Machado, w h o e n j o y s w i d e popularity and won the oppositionprimarybutwas barred from holding public office.
Maduro, a Socialist whose 2018 reelection was rejected by most Western governments as a sham,
has said Venezuela has the world’s most transparent electoralsystem Maduro has presided overaneconomiccollapse, the migration of about a thirdofthepopulation,and a sharp deterioration in diplomatic relations, crowned by sanctions that have crippled an alreadystrugglingoilindustry Gonzalez, 74, is known for his calm demeanor and his promises that change could bring home many migrants
A n a l y s t s h a v e suggested that a Maduro re-electionorpost-election upheaval could spur more Venezuelans to leave the country and head for the U S -Mexicoborder
With immigration already a hot-button issue intheU S presidential campaign, that could create new problems for Vice President Kamala Harris, who is seen as the likely Democratic nominee after President Joe Biden ended his re-election bid on Sunday
Concacaf Under-15 Girls’Championship
WFA President Andrea Johnson
Women’s Football
Association (WFA)
President Andrea Johnson says the eighteen-player squad representing Guyana in the upcoming Concacaf
U n d e r - 1 5 G i r l s ’ Championship is wellrounded and equipped with the skills to make a strong impression at the regional
c o m p e t i t i o n T h e tournament, taking place in Aruba,featurestwenty-eight youth teams from across the Caribbean, with matches scheduled from August 5 to 11. Guyana is placed in League C, Group G, alongside Anguilla, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and the Aruba All Stars.
Theiropeninggameissetfor August 5 at 9 a m in OranjestadagainstAnguilla.
The junior national team has nine locally based p l a y e r s a n d n i n e internationalyouthplayers.
Mostofthelocalplayers recently participated in the inaugural Guyana Football Federation-Blue Water
Shipping Girls’ Under-15
Secondary School Championship. A total of forty-six girls, including standout performers from the hinterland regions, were in camp from July 10, working closely with the coachingstaffinpreparation fortheselectionprocess.
WFA President Johnson noted that the selection process was challenging, as the players demonstrated highskilllevels.
Saturday July 27, 2024
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
Today you're likely focused on sex, romance, and committed relationships. The planetaryenergiessurrounding love are promising, Aries. If you're in a relationship, you and your partner could make plans.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet wi
u profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makes it very difficult for you to join us in the great communal river that we're alltryingtonavigate,Virgo Youprefertotravelsolo
Libra, you should be looking
ng especiallypositive,warm,and loving-attractingpeopleofall kinds to you Your selfconfidence, optimism, and determination should peak overthenextfewdays.
Creative inspiration could come from deep within today, Scorpio. Visions, dreamsanything that excites your imagination-couldbringideas fornewprojects.
Group activities prove beneficial on several levels, Sagittarius. You might project powerful warmth and love for all life You're feeling especiallyoptimisticaboutthe future.
Youmightfindyourselfinthe publiceyeatsomepointtoday, Capricorn. This is fine since you're looking and feeling great.You'relikelierthanusual to project warmth and friendlinesstoothers.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)If you've considered a careerinpublishing,Aquarius, thisisthetimetogoforit.It's alsoagreatdaytoenrollinlaw school, an advanced degree program,oranyfieldofhigher education.
Your dreams could be vivid, pleasant, and full of informationtohelpyoumakea decision. New and exciting contacts could come into your life today, Pisces, possibly provinghelpfulinshowingyou waystoincreaseyourincome.
“Due to the girls’ performances, selecting the final squad was a challenging task for the coaching staff Our encampment focused on delivering high-quality training, teambuilding activities, and fostering camaraderie among players fromacrossGuyana.”
“We have selected a well-roundedteam,andIam confident that Guyana will perform admirably,” Johnsonshared.
Additionally, she explained that two players will be accompanying the team as part of their developmental process, g a i n i n g v a l u a b l e international exposure However, they will not take partinanyofthematches.
The fifth edition of the regional competition will a l s o b e h o s t e d simultaneously in Costa Rica and Trinidad and Tobago.
All three venues will feature a group stage followed by a knockout stage, with each league crowningitsownchampion.
GFF President Wayne Forde added, “This is the core purpose behind the launch of the GFF-Blue Water Shipping Girls’ Under-15 Championship We have successfully established a registry of the top youth girls from across Guyana to represent the country on the international stage.”
“They are the future of football, and based on their performance in the tournament, I have absolute confidence in the squad and wish them all the best,” he shared.
The tournament was last held in 2022 in Tampa, FL, USA, where twenty teams competed.
SelectedTeam Goalkeepers:
1 Jasmine SolomonRoss
4 Kuleni SpringerWilliams
12.AriannaChin Forwards:
Devair 14.ErinPeneux 15.MariahWoolford
Chatta DevelopmentalPlayers:
KFC Elite League Season Six...
Slingerz FC stumble to 1-1 draw with Den Amstel; GPF
Slingerz Football Club endured a frustrating 1-1 draw against Den Amstel Football Club on Thursday night, allowing the defending champions, Guyana Defence Force Football Club, to seize a clearthree-pointleadforthe first time this season in the KFC Elite League’s sixth edition.
The June 25 Round Two fixtures, held at the vibrant Guyana Football Federation National Training Centre in
Providence, East Bank Demerara, also saw Guyana Police Force Football Club secure a 3-0 victory over Monedderlust Football Club,reinforcingtheirthirdplaceposition.
In the final match of the evening, Slingerz FC’s AndrewMurrayconverteda penaltyinthe39thminuteto give his team a first-half lead.
However, Den Amstel FC responded with a stunning goal from Delano
Mentore in the 57th minute, levellingthescore.
Despite several promising opportunities for bothsidesinthelatterstages, neither team managed to breakthedeadlock,resulting inashareofthepoints.
This draw marks SlingerzFC’sthirdstalemate oftheseason,followingtheir earlier draw against Monedderlust FC, who lost to Guyana Police Force FC earlierintheevening.
In the night’s opener, Guyana Police Force FC dominated their match, with Neron Barrow netting a hat-
trick with goals in the 54th, 69th,and78thminutes.
In the latest KFC Elite League standings, Guyana DefenceForceFCcontinues to dominate at the top with forty points, thanks to thirteen wins, a single draw, andaformidablegoaltallyof sixty-one.
Slingerz FC is holding strong in second place with thirty-seven points, bolstered by eleven victories, three draws, and a totalofseventygoalsscored. GuyanaPoliceForceFCsits in third with thirty-one points from ten wins, one
Western Tigers FC occupies fourth position with twenty-four points, following eight wins and seven losses. Santos FC is just behind with the same points total but with eight wins, six losses and thirtyonegoalsscored.
DenAmstelFCisinsixth place with nineteen points, which includes five wins, fourdrawsandsevenlosses.
Fruta Conquerors FC is seventh with sixteen points, earned from five wins, one draw,andeightlosses,while Monedderlust FC is eighth
withtwelvepoints,achieved through three wins, three drawsandninelosses.
Ann’s Grove United FC holdsninthplacewitheleven points from three wins, two drawsandtenlosses.
Buxton United FC remains in tenth place with justonepoint,comingfroma single draw and sixteen losses.
July27actionkicksoffat 6:30 p.m. with Santos FC facing off against Buxton United FC, followed by Ann’s Grove FC taking on Fruta Conqueror FC at 9:00 p.m.
USA, World Cup holders Spain win women’s Olympic football openers
AFP - Reigning Ballon
d’OrAitanaBonmatiscored one goal and helped create another as World Cup holdersSpainbeatJapan2-1 in their first game of the women’s Olympic football tournament on Thursday, while record four-time gold medallists the United States beatZambia3-0.
Spain are making their Olympic women’s football debutattheParisGamesbut are leading contenders to win gold after their World CuptriumphinAustraliaand NewZealandlastyear
They fell behind against Japan in Group C in the western French city of Nantes to Aoba Fujino’s superb early free-kick, but Bonmati soon equalised as she rounded the goalkeeper toscoremidwaythroughthe firsthalf.Spainthengrabbed the winner in the 74th
minute when Mariona Caldenteyexchangedpasses with Bonmati before firing in. With 12 teams split into threegroupsoffour,thereis margin for error as the two best third-placed sides will advance to the quarterfinals.
That will provide some comfort for Japan, silver medallistsatLondon2012.
A strong Spain starting XI featured seven players who were in the line-up for last year’s World Cup final winoverEnglandinSydney, plus Alexia Putellas, the two-time former Ballon d’Orwinner
Inthesamesection,twotime silver medallists Brazil
beat Nigeria 1-0 in
Bordeaux Former world player of the year Marta, in hersixthOlympicsattheage of 38, had an effort disallowedforoffsidebefore
setting up Gabi Nunes for theonlygoallateinthefirst half.
-SwansondoubleThe USA have come to the Games with a young squadbutwithhighhopesof success under new coach EmmaHayes. They were comfortable winners against Zambia in Nice but should have triumphed by a greater margin after netting three timesinthefirsthalfagainst opponents who had a player sentoffbeforethebreak.
Trinity Rodman and Mallory Swanson both hit the woodwork before Rodman daughter of former NBA superstar Dennis Rodman — scored on 17 minutes with a lovely turnandfinishinthebox. Swanson made it 2-0 on 24 minutes when she controlled Lindsey Horan’s
pass and finished, and she netted again just a minute later, this time rounding the goalkeepertoslotin.
Zambia’s Pauline Zulu was left in tears as she was sent off following a VAR review shortly before the break for a foul on Sophia Smith. However, the USA could not add any more goalswiththeextraplayer
Also in Group B, 2016 gold medallists Germany outclassed Australia, winning 3-0 in Marseille with Marina Hegering and Lea Schueller both scoring headers before Jule Brand wrappedupthevictory
The USA and Germany meeteachotherinMarseille on Sunday - Canada shrug offspyingscandalFrance survived a wobbletobeatColombia3-2 in Lyon, where there were plenty of empty seats to
Marie-AntoinetteKatoto scored twice in the first half either side of a Kenza Dali strike as France appeared to be cruising However, Catalina Usme pulled one backfromapenaltyearlyin the second half and substitute Manuela Pavi further reduced the deficit before a red card for Mayra Ramirez ended Colombian hopesofsnatchingapoint.
In the same Group A, r e i g n i n g O l y m p i c champions Canada shrugged off a spying scandal to claim a 2-1 win over New Zealand in SaintEtienne. Mackenzie Barry gave New Zealand the lead before a sparse crowd at the StadeGeoffroy-Guichard.
Arsenal’s Cloe Lacasse levelled in first-half stoppage time for Canada, who beat Sweden on
penalties in the final in Tokyo three years ago Evelyne Viens then fired in the winner 11 minutes from time.Canada’sbuild-uphad been overshadowed after an assistant coach and an analystweresenthomefrom the Olympics on the eve of the game. The analyst, 43year-old Joey Lombardi, was also given a suspended eight-monthprisonsentence forflyingadroneoveraNew Zealandtrainingsessionthis weekinSaint-Etienne.
Head coach Bev Priestman apologised and took no part in the game against New Zealand, feeling it would not be appropriate.
“As a Canadian, these are not our values. We are not cheats,” said defender Vanessa Gilles, who described the episode as a “humiliation”.
Guyana Police Force secured a 3-0 victory over Monedderlust.
Slingerz had to endure a frustrating 1-1 draw against Den Amstel.
Wiltshire/Country Boy Promotions dominoes set for August 1 at Parika
Community Center ground
Mark Wiltshire and Countryboypromotionswill be hosting an Emancipation day dominoes competition on August 1 at Parika CommunityCenterground.
Entrance fee is $15,000, while $200,000 has been added to the prizes (in the pot). Thetournamentwillbe played on a four-game, six –sitting,twoinoneoutbasis, and teams are asked to registersoonest.
Thefirstplacetrophyhas been sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Youth andSport.
Teams can contact Wiltshire on 659-8672 for registration.
Biles ready to unveil unique uneven bars skill at Paris Olympics
AFP - US gymnastics greatSimoneBilesisaiming to have a sixth unique skill named for her, a new move on the uneven bars that she will unveil at the Paris Olympics.
The International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) said yesterday that Biles had submitted the originalskilltothetechnical committee. If she completes it successfully during the Games it would be the sixth skill named for Biles and give her one on every apparatus.Shehastwoskills named for her on vault, two eponymous tumbling skills on floor exercise and one balancebeamdismount.
FIGdescribedtheskillas “a clear hip circle forward with 1 1/2 turns to handstand”, saying it was a
variationonaskillfirstdone by Canadian Wilhelm Weiler
The move would see her circle her body below one bar, rising back into a handstand and then pirouetting 1 1/2 times before stopping in the handstand The federation said Biles is likely to do the newskillatthebeginningof herunevenbarsroutine.
If Biles completes the skill,she’llbetheonlyactive female gymnast to have at leastoneskillnamedforher onallfourapparatuses.
Skills are named for the firstgymnastwhodoesthem successfully at a major internationalmeet.
Biles, the winner of four gold medals in Rio de Janeiro whose Tokyo Olympicswascutshortbya
debilitating bout of the “twisties,” launches her PariscampaigninSundayin thewomen’squalifications.
Nellie Kim, a five-time Olympic gold medallist for the former Soviet Union, is the woman with the most eponymous skills, with sevennamedforher Other women aiming to have original elements named for them in Paris included Brazilian Rebeca Andrade,whohassubmitted a Yurchenko triple twisting vault. Lieke Wevers and Naomi Visser of the Netherlands will both attemptatripleturnwithone legheldhorizontallyonfloor exercise.
If the two teammates both complete the move the element will bear both their names.
Guyana’s ‘exquisite’ look shines bright in Paris
The 33rd Olympiad is officiallyonthewayinParis, France, where Guyana will join athletes and officials from 206 countries, all with oneintention–tobecomean Olympicmedallistandmore so,anOlympicChampion.
As the nation steps onto the global stage, five dedicated athletes look to cement their legacy in Guyana’s sports folklore, aiming to add to the country’s lone Olympic medalwonbyboxerMichael Parisin1980.
A Storied Olympic History
Guyana’s Olympic journeybeganin1948when the nation, then known as British Guiana, made its debutattheLondonGames.
Althoughtheearlyyears saw limited success, the indomitable spirit of Guyanese athletes shone through.
Guyana’s Olympic achievementscamein1980, whenMichaelParisclinched a bronze medal in boxing, etching his name in history asthenation’sfirstandonly Olympicmedalist.
A glorious opening ceremony
The opening ceremony inPariswasnothingshortof breath-taking.
The iconic Eiffel Tower andtheSeineRiverprovided a stunning backdrop as athletesparadedthroughthe heartofthecity,showcasing theirnationalpride.
Theeventwasablendof tradition and modernity, celebrating the diverse cultures and talents of the world.
Amidst this grand spectacle, the Guyanese contingentstoodout,notjust for their athletic prowess, butalsofortheirimpeccable style.
A blend of tradition and elegance
Guyana’s athletes and officials made a bold statement with their exquisite outfits at the openingceremony
The team donned elegantly tailored suits, accented with unique designs that paid homage to the country’s rich cultural heritage.
The colo
Golden Arrowhead were tastefully incorporated, symbolizing the nation’s lushforests,mineralwealth, zealforfreedom,endurance, andrivers.
Their striking ensemble was a significant departure from previous Olympic appearances, reflecting a renewed sense of pride and unity
Athletes poised to make history
Leading the charge is tabletennisstalwartChelsea
Edghill, who has already etched her name in the annalsofGuyanesesports.
Edghill,asaflagbearerat the opening ceremony alongside sprinter Emanuel Archibald, embodies the spirit of perseverance and excellence.
Archibald is set to competeinthemen’s100m, aiming to showcase his blisteringspeedonthetrack. Archibald’s journey from local competitions to the grandOlympicstageisfilled with historical medals, winningGuyana’sfirstCAC 100mGoldandbronzeatthe PanAmGames.
In swimming, Raekwon Noel and Aleka Persaud representGuyana’shopesin thepool.
Noel, who holds five national records will make hisOlympicdebut.
Persaud, the youngestever Olympian from Guyana,willcompeteinthe
Aliyah Abrams, making her th
experience and resilience to the team. Competing in the women’s 400m, Abrams aimstobuildonherprevious performances and leave a lastinglegacy
The Guyana Olympic Association (GOA) is well represented at the Paris Games, with key officials participating in various high-levelmeetings.
President Godfrey Munroe, Secretary General Vi d u s h i P e r s
u dMcKinnon, Vice President Steve Ninvalle, and Vice President Cristy Campbell areallinParisatmeetingsof the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Commonwealth Games Federation, Panam Sports, ODESUR, and other significant gatherings,
ensuring that Guyana’s voice is heard on the global stage.
As Guyana’s athletes step into the arenas, pools, and tracks of Paris, they carry the hopes and dreams ofanentirenation.
Their journey is not just aboutpersonalglorybutalso about inspiring future generations of Guyanese athletes.
The vibrant spirit and unwavering determination oftheseathletesembodythe true essence of the Olympic Games.
In Paris, the world watches as Guyana’s best strive for excellence, unity, and a place in history
Whether they return with medals or not, their participation itself is a victory, a celebration of the human spirit, and a testament to the power of sports to bring nations together.
Four-time Olympic gold medallist Simone Biles trains on uneven bars in the run-up to the Paris Games. (Loic VENANCE)
Mark Wiltshire and a representative of Country Boy Promotions with the first place trophy.
Mackenzie Sports Club players
among others, remember Anthony ‘Antac’ Rigby as he is laid to rest
As final respects were given to former Guyana Under19 batter, Anthony ‘Antac’ Rigby yesterday at theSandy’sFuneralHomein Georgetown, before he was laidtorestattheLeRepentir Cemetery, a number of former Mackenzie Sports Club cricketers turned up as well as former National captain Roger Harper, while othercolleaguessenttributes onhispassing.
United States-based former fast bowler Aubrey Quamina recalled: “We all played for MSC late 79’s to early 80’s. Riggers was an accomplished batsman who showedhistalentatanearly age.Infact,hestartedtoplay for first division (Case Cup) cricket at the tender age of 16. However,hedidwelland played for the Guyana Under19teamwherehemet his good friend Gus Logie whoplayedforTrinidad,and went on to play test cricket fortheWestIndies.”
Another United StatesbasedformerMSCcricketer LouisChapmansaid:“Ifirst met Antac in a schools’ Under12gameorganizedby thelateEustaceJohnson.He playedthenasanoffspinner
who bowled us out and won thematchforhisschool.We wentontoplayUnder14,16 and 19 cricket teams, for UpperDemerara,andduring that period he moved from being our off spinner to b e c o m e o u r m o s t accomplished batsman and eventually played youth cricket for Guyana. After MSC was demoted to 2nd division cricket, Northcote Cup,hewenttoGeorgetown tocontinuehisriseincricket playing for one of the premierteamsinthecountry, Police.”
BasilButcherJr another colleague at MSC, who is also based in the United States, when contacted offered: “There was a funny incident back in 1976 when Mackenzie Sports Club was playing GSC in a Case Cup match.Riggerscameintobat when Croft was bowling, and Croft didn’t come as hard at Riggers, saying he wasalilboy Riggersplayed twotopshelfshots,andCroft saidthisisnahnolilboyand gave him a short one and knockedRiggersdown.
I think Riggers was very talentedbutdidnotputinthe required work to be the best that he could be despite my
Dad’s insistence that he do so.Irememberedatpractice with Quamina, Edwards, Grenville and Haley et al firingonthebasketballcourt no one looked more comfortable than Riggers. As we called him way back, Antac,RestinPeace.”
Former Guyana left arm pacer Godfrey Edward’s remembered Rigby saying, “He was one of the most
talentedbatsmenLindenhas ever produced. He was the Carl Hooper of Linden, technically sound but never usedtomaketheruns.”
”A very outstanding player playing all the shots, ashedoeschoosethewrong balltoplaysomeofhisshots. So talented he could hit the ballanywhere,anytime.
A very talented batsman and a likeable person, He
wasthebestfriendyoucould havegotten.”
Former national pacer Orin Gordon, who now residesinLinden,saidhegot to know Rigby in the 1980s and he was one of the cricketers who was always fun loving and one who you would gravitate to. “While wedidnotplayforthesame club, we played national trials together and he and
Sydney Matthews were always the live wires. He wasamemberoftheGuyana Youth team to Barbados in 1981 where he acquitted himself well. He may not have gone on to play for the Senior team, but he was a valued member of the cricketingfraternity.” Rigby’sremainswaslaid to rest at the LeRepentir Cemetery.
West Indies grab three late wickets on day one as third Test against England in the balance
SportsMax - England
lost three wickets in a dramatic end to day one of the third Test against West Indies, leaving them in a precarious position after restricting the tourists for 282.
Gus Atkinson finished with figures of 4-67, while Chris Woakes took 3-69 for England,asonlyafinesixthwicket stand from Jason Holder and Joshua Da Silva saved West Indies from beingbowledoutforamuch
But England, chasing a 3-0 series whitewash, let their dominant position slip when taking up the bat for the final 35 minutes, Zak Crawley (18), Ben Duckett (3)andMarkWood(0)being dispatchedasbowlerJayden Sealesdroppedthemto38-3.
Windies skipper Kraigg Brathwaitewonthetossand chosetobat,leadinghisside to a solid start before a spell ofthreewicketsinfiveovers beforelunchputEnglandon top.
Atkinson accounted for MikyleLouis(26)andAlick Athanaze (2) on either side of Wood sending stumps flyingwithafulldeliveryto dismiss Kirk McKenize for 12.
Brathwaite’sknockof61 wasbroughttoahaltshortly aftertheactionresumed,the captain gloving Wood’s legside ball to Jamie Smith as thetouristsslidfrom76-0to 115-5in45balls.
(49)thenshared108todrag the Windies towards a respectable total, but things looked bleak for them when the latter feathered Woakes’ ballthroughtoSmith.
Having gone 30 overs without a wicket, England neededjust14moretopolish off the tail, the highlight being a terrific diving catch from Joe Root to send Gudakesh Motie (8) packing.
England were given just overhalfanhourwiththebat tocapyesterday’saction,but any hopes of a serene finish weresoondashed.
Holdermadetwoterrific catches off Seales’bowling, the first from Crawley’s thick outside edge and the secondtodismissWoodfora duck, either side of Alzarri Joseph’s cracking delivery accountingforDuckett.
That spell ensured what had been a good day for the hosts ended on a sour note, with the Windies sure to target quick wickets when
Kraigg Brathwaite survived a few testing moments against the short ball. (Getty Images)
Data Debrief: Atkinson andSealesdominate
Thisseriesbeganwithall thefocusonJamesAnderson as England’s greatest-ever bowler bowed out at Lord’s, but Atkinson has taken centre-stage since making hisTestdebutintheopening match and now has 20 wickets through five innings.
That is eight more than West Indies’ Jayden Seales, the next-most prolific
bowler in this series, has managed.
Sealeswasdeterminedto have an impact on day one, though, and his two wickets atthedeathhavesetthestage for a far more competitive match than those England won at Lord’s and Trent Bridge.
Former cricketers giving farewell yesterday outside Sandy’s Funeral Home. Among them, third from left, Eion Duncan, Roger Harper, Orin Gordon and Godfrey Edwards.
Jason Holder brings out the lap sweep. (AFP/Getty Images)
Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Trafficking Persons launches 592TIP ball competition competition
The Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons on Wednesday last officially launched the 592TIP ball competition at the Ministry of Human
Services and Social Security’s Cornhill Street boardroom.
At the launch, Romario Samaroo of the Ministry’s SpecialProjectsDepartment related that the competition
willfeatureatleast18teams across three categories in a five-a-side affair The 10minute match will see two m a t c h e s p l a y e d simultaneouslyonJuly28th, at the Police Sports Ground, EveLearyfrom13.00hours.
The winning team from each category will cart off with $100,000 while the runners-up will take home $60,000 in the straight knockoutcompetition.
Organizers and participating representatives pose for a photo with
features as part of the Task Force’smonthofactivitiesas July is World Trafficking in PersonsMonth.Attheevent, the Counter-Trafficking in Persons Unit will have a booth set up to sensitise the public on matters on this topic,”hesaid.
Joel Gibson of the Probation department highlighted that there will be a running substitution
and the game will not stop for this action Admission isfree
Gibson indicated that all
anticipates a day of highly competitive action The fixtures will be released shortly
Among the teams competing for the grand prize and bragging rights
are Sophia Unstoppable, Plum Park Warriors, Sparta Boss, Progressive Warriors, E Field Dynamic Ballers, Tucville Terrace, Back Circle B, Sophia B, CPCE Eagles, Festival City, A Field Warriors, Street Vibe, Herstelling Raiders, North Ruimveldt, Policing, Canal #1, Bosco Boys, Fruta Conquerors and ShowStoppers.
Classy halfcenturies from M a h e n d r a Dindyal and Rampertab Ramnauth, coupled with clinical bowling helped table-leaders Guyana maintain their perfect win record versus arch rivals
Trinidad & Tobago yesterday, at Cumberland PlayingField.
Ramnauth maintained his form with a classy 65 with 7 fours, while Dindyal stroked 51 off 64 with four boundaries as Guyana posted another formidable totalin223-8.
O p e n e r R o m e o Deonarain (30) and allrounder Thaddeus Lovell (25) helped add to the total, as the duo of Andrew Rambaran and Fareez Ali both captured 3 wickets apiece for Trinidad and Tobago. When rain arrived, Trinidad andTobago were 5 wickets down for 117 runs after 35 overs. Inroads were created by Krsna Singh (331) who was the wrecker with 3 quick wickets; including top-scorers Justin Jagessar(27),KyleRamdoo (22)andLukeAli(14). In the end T&T were steamrolled for 134-runs in
42.5 overs. Medium-pacer Jonathan Van Lange bagged magicalfiguresof4-8while left-arm spinner Golcharran Chulaisnared2-16.
Earlier in the day, Deonarain and Ramnauth put on 85 for the opening stand as Guyana scored another200-plustotal Dindyalthenpickedup from where the opening pair left off, as he finally
milestoneafterafewgood scores
In-form all-rounders Van Lange (13) hung a
ound w
l smashed a quartet of fours before Rambaran and Ali cleaned up the Guyanese tail
Round 4 bowls off tomorrow, Sunday with GuyanaplayingBarbados.
Guyana and its community
BeharryandCompanyLtd, G-Boats Inc and KFC
Guyana will bring the curtains down on another successful NSBF season withthestagingoftheHigh School All Star Games tomorrow, Sunday, 28th July, at the National Gymnasium starting from 5pm.The event is a unique opportunity for the best high school players to showcase their talent and skills with a little more freedom and without the
expectations. Itisalsohopedthatthis event would equally showcasethedeepbenchof coaches dedicating their time and talent to school basketballdevelopment. And finally we want to celebrate this incredible
brandandthegreatpartners thathaveenabledustoadd value to the grassroots youth infrastructure and community for the past seventeenyears.
ThisyearAllStarevent willalsofeature:
- Several Special Awards
- Live performance of theNationalAnthem
- Special Halftime Performance
A release from the organisers stated, ‘This year’s NSBF and High School All-Star are made
sponsors and friendsEdward B.Beharry Ltd, GBoats Inc., KFC Guyana and California to Guyana Basketball Foundation, to whom we are extremely grateful.’
Rampertab Ramnauth
Mavendra Dindyal and Jonathan Van Lange
From left: Romario Samaroo (Special Projects), Daniella David (CounterTrafficking in Persons Unit) and Joel Gibson (Probation Department).
GBI partners with GFF to host 2nd Edition of Koolkidz Summer Festival Summer
Guyana Beverage Inc. (GBI) has renewed its partnershipwiththeGuyana Football Federation (GFF) for another year to host the second edition of the Koolkidz Summer Festival. The festival is scheduled to commence on Saturday, August 3, with activities planned for every Saturday throughout the month of August.
The announcement was made yesterday during a brieflauncheventheldatthe GFF Secretariat building in Section K, Campbellville. GFFPresidentWayneForde welcomed the collaboration with GBI, under the Koolkidz brand, to host another grassroots summer programme.Buildingonthe success of the 2022 edition, the GFF aims to attract an even larger number of
participants this year, following the enthusiastic responsereceivedduringthe inauguralevent.
The 2024 edition of the Koolkidz Summer Festival will take place outdoors at theNationalTrainingCentre in Providence. Participants will have the opportunity to learn fundamental football skills, including kicking, passing, and dribbling Additionally, the festival will engage participants in understanding the rules and lawsofthesport.Amini-cup tournamentisalsoscheduled for this year’s participants,
General Manager of GBI, Samuel Arjune speaking at the yesterday’s launch, urged parents and guardians to make a special effort to send their children toparticipateinthisexciting footballfestival.
“This initiative aligns perfectly with GBI’s corporate responsibility,” Arjune stated. “We at GBI
Paris get Olympic Games under way with stylish opening ceremony
SportsMax - Paris kicked off the 2024 Olympic Games by making history with the firstopeningceremonytobeheldoutsideon arainynightinFrance.
It is the first time in 100 years that the GameshavebeenheldintheFrenchcapital, anddespitetheconstantshowers,thousands of Olympians from the 205 delegations celebrated as they travelled down the River Seineonboatsandbarges.Duringthenearly four-hour sprawling ceremony, spectators weretreatedtoperformancesbyLadyGaga, Aya Nakamura and Celine Dion as the city showed off the story of France while commemoratingOlympichistory
On a tour of the city, Paris’ most wellknownlandmarks,includingtheLouvreand NotreDameCathedral,wereonshowasfans packed in around the parade route to get a glimpse of the showcase. The Olympic flag
wasdeliveredtotheEiffelTowerontheback of a mechanical horse travelling down the river, while a masked individual carried the torchacrossthecity Anincrediblelightshow ontheTowerthenrestartedthetorchrelay,as Zinedine Zidane reappeared to hand it to two-timegoldmedallistRafaelNadal.
TheSpaniard,withthehelpoffellowtennis icon Serena Williams, American sprinter Carl LewisandRomaniangymnastNadiaComaneci carriedthetorchbackdowntheriveronitswayto thecauldron SomeofFrance’sbestOlympians helpedcarryittherestofthewaybeforejudoka TeddyRinerandsprinterMarie-JosePereclitthe flameinthehotairballooncauldron,whichrose highabovetheParisiansky,toofficiallymarkthe startoftheGames
More than 10,500 athletes will compete across 32 sports at the Games, which will closeonAugust11.
S. Jagmohan Construction...
sawtotalprizemoneyof$24 million being expended across all races, while the horse that won the feature eventwasrewardedwith$10 million.
Accordingtoorganizers, the 2024 Guyana Cup Meet would certainly be the biggest, and the day will be packedwithsideattractions.
Club, where kids would witness a parading bar on spot,andmultiplestageswill be set up across the venue. Moreover, fans will be treated to the biggest DJ soundclash. Tenracesarelistedonthe provisional programme, and entries have already been open. Entries will close on August 3 and no late entries would be accepted at this year’sGuyanaCup.
believe strongly that sports contribute directly to the proper development of our human resources. Besides learning or enhancing one’s skills, football teaches us discipline, teamwork, selfawareness, and good camaraderie.
It also creates lasting friendships and fosters lifelong partnerships. With this, we are pleased to be a part of this initiative for yet another year as we strive to
developouryouthacrossthe differentcommunities.”
GFF President Wayne Forde expressed his gratitude for the continued partnership with GBI, emphasizing the importance of such collaborations in p r o m o t i n g y o u t h developmentthroughsports.
As the Koolkidz Summer Festival gears up for its second edition, both GFF and GBI are committed to providingafun,educational,
andenrichingexperiencefor allparticipants.
Parents and guardians are encouraged to register theirchildrenforthisunique opportunity to learn and grow through football According to GFF head, the festival promises to be an exciting and memorable event for all involved, fosteringaloveforthesport and nurturing the next generation of football talent inGuyana.
Grenades FC drop GDF FC out of CFU Club Shield
- GFF Elite League Champs defeated 6-2 in Curacao
The Guyana Defence Force(GDF)participationin this year’s Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Club
S h i e l d e n d e d disappointingly last evening inCuracao,witha6–2lossto Antigua and Barbuda’s GrenadesFootballClub.
Inadditiontothefeature event, which would be contested over 1800 metres, other races on the provisionalcardinclude:the 1600-metre derby, 1000metre Sprint Classic, the 1000-metre two-year-old, 1000-metre F1 class, the 1600-metre H1 class, the 1400-metre J & Lower, 1400-metre K Class, 1400metre L Class, and 1400metrenon-earners.
While Coach Joseph ‘Bill’ Wilson and his team make their way to the V.C. Bird International Airport, GrenadesFCwilladvanceto the Round-of 16-to face SV Real Rincon in Bonaire on Sunday. The GDF FC, making their debut at the CFU Club tournament, had hoped to leave the reigning champions of Antigua and Barbuda’s Premier Division in their dust, but things didn’tgoaccordingtoplan.
After a level score at halftime (1-1), Guyana’s Elite League champions managed to convert another goalbutconcededfive.
The GDF FC had qualified for the 2018 Caribbean Club Shield but wereunabletoparticipate.
However,followingtheir victory in the last GFF Elite
League season, GDF FC securedtheirspotonceagain in the tournament, which began in 2018. Currently leading the GFF Elite League, the GDF holds a one-point advantage over rivals Slingerz FC and maintains an undefeated record across 14 matches. Their only setback is a scoreless draw against
SlingerzFC. Establishedsix years ago, the Caribbean Club Shield aims primarily to promote professional football across the Caribbean. Participation is open to semi-professional and amateur teams currently holding championship titles in their respective domestic leagues.(RawleToney)
GFF President Wayne Forde speaking at yesterday launching.
GFF President Wayne Forde (Left) receiving sponsorship from Guyana Beverage Inc. General Manager, Samuel Arjune.
Edghill and Noel first Guyanese athletes in action in Paris
Table tennis stalwart Chelsea Edghill and swimmer Raekwon Noel will be the first Guyanese athletes in action at the Paris Olympics, competing in today’s preliminary round of the women’s singles at the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles.
Edghill, who served as a flagbearer at yesterday’s opening ceremony alongside sprinter Emanuel Archibald, will face Cameroon’sSarahHanffouat9:00 am Edghill’s opponent is competing in her third Olympic Games, having first represented CameroonattheLondonGamesin 2012 and then at the Tokyo Olympics.
A win for either player will advance them to the Round of 64, wheretheywillfacetheWorldNo. 13rankedChengI-Ching.
Edghill also carried the flag at the opening ceremony for the last Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. She is the only player, male or female, from the English-speaking Caribbean competing in table tennis at the Paris Games In Japan, she became the first female player from the EnglishspeakingCaribbeantofeatureatthe Olympics since Table Tennis was added to the games in 1988 (Seoul Games).
Edghill will begin her competition tomorrow (Saturday) in the preliminary round of the women’ssinglesagainst
AttheTokyoOlympics,Edghill became the first Guyanese and the only female player from the English-speaking region to qualify fortheOlympicssincetabletennis was added to the list of disciplines in1988.
Edghill had an impressive showing at the Tokyo Games, captivating Guyana and the Caribbean region when she defeated two-time Olympian Sally YeeofFiji4-1(11-5,4-11,11-3,116, 11-8) in a commanding debut performance in the preliminary round. She progressed to the main drawbutlosttoSouthKorea’sShin Yu-bin in the Women’s Singles at the Tokyo Olympic Games, with
Edghill’s ‘Wild Card’selection for the Paris Olympics came as a surprise to the country’s highestrankedtabletennisplayer
TheOlympicsrunfromJuly26 toAugust 10 and are considered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many athletes, but for Edghill, this willbehersecondexperience.
Edghillnarrowlymissedouton qualifying during her Olympic quest in a seven-game thriller against Estella Crespo of Cuba at the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Americas Pan American qualification event, held fromMay14-18inLima,Peru.
However, the International OlympicCommittee(IOC)andthe ITTF offered Edghill the only female Tripartite Commission Invitationspot,makinghertheonly player from the English-speaking Caribbean to qualify for the Paris OlympicGames.
Meanwhile,inswimming,Noel will make his Olympic debut at 5:00 am today in the men’s 400m freestyle at the Paris La Défense Arena.
Noel has left his mark on the sport of swimming in Guyana and holds five national records, including the 400m freestyle, after clocking four minutes and 3.57 seconds(4:03.57)attheCARIFTA Swimming Championships in Curacao last year On July 30, Aleka Persaud will compete in the women’s 100m freestyle at 6:39
am.Persaud,whowasthecountry’s youngest-ever Olympian after competing at the Tokyo Games, is Guyana’s national record holder in thewomen’s100mfreestylewitha time of one minute and 0 67 seconds(1:00.67),setatlastyear’s WorldChampionshipsinFukuoka, Japan.
Aliyah Abrams will make her
Committee’s (IOC) flagship event when she lines up in the women’s 400m at the Stade de France on August 5. EmanuelArchibald will compete in the men’s 100m on August3.
S. Jagmohan Construction & General Supplies Inc. on board for Guyana Cup
The 16th edition of the highly anticipated Guyana Cup is set to take place on August 11 at the Rising Sun TurfClubontheWestCoast ofBerbice.Thisblockbuster event promises to be a thrilling event for horse racingenthusiastsacrossthe region.
This year, the event is proud to welcome S Jagmohan Construction & General Supplies Inc. as a dedicatedsponsor
S J a g m o h a n Construction & General SuppliesInc.isrenownedas one of the leading construction companies in Guyana, specializing in prestressed concrete projects.Underthevisionary leadership of CEO Suresh Jagmohan, the company has demonstrated a strong
commitment to supporting the local community and contributing to the advancement of various sectorsinthecountry
For many years, S Jagmohan Construction & General Supplies Inc. has beenavaluedsponsorofthe Jumbo-Jet Thoroughbred
Racing Committee, s h o w c a s i n g t h e i r unwavering support for the growth and development of horse racing in Guyana CEO Suresh Jagmohan expressedhisadmirationfor the rapid progress of the sport in the country, acknowledging the committee’s vision of elevating horse racing in Guyana to international standards.
“I admire the rapid development of the sport in
Guyana. The committee has a vision to become recognized and align with the rest of the world, and to become the central hub for
horse racing in South America. This vision will create jobs for hundreds of thousands of our Guyanese directly and indirectly So,
congratulations to the Committee,” said CEO SureshJagmohan.
T h e J u m b o - J e t
Thoroughbred Racing Committeeisdeeplygrateful tohaveacommittedsponsor l i k e S J a g m o h a n Construction & General Supplies Inc. on board for the Guyana Cup Their support not only enhances the quality of the event but a l s o c o n t r i b u t e s significantly to the overall growth and sustainability of horseracinginGuyana.
As the Guyana Cup continues to gain prominence and attract a wider audience, the partnership between S Jagmohan Construction & General Supplies Inc. and theJumbo-JetThoroughbred RacingCommitteeservesas
a testament to the shared vision of fostering excellenceandinnovationin theworldofhorseracing. The upcoming Guyana Cup promises to be a spectacular showcase of talent, speed, and excitement, thanks to the invaluable support of sponsors like S. Jagmohan Construction & General Supplies Inc. Together, they are paving the way for a brightfutureforhorseracing in Guyana and beyond. The 16th running of the Guyana Cup will have 10 races, and morethan40milliondollars incashandprizeswillbeup forgrabs.Thewinninghorse of the feature race would be rewarded with a whopping sumof$11,625,000. Lastyear’sGuyanaCup (Continuedonpage32)
Swimmer Raekwon Noel will compete in the Men’s 400m freestyle in Paris.
Chelsea Edghill (right) and her coach Idi Lewis at the Paris Olympics.
Team Guyana at Paris Olympics
The dramatic conclusion saw the Olympic flame lit and then rise above the city of Paris.
Alights show at the Eiffel Tower was one of the highlights. (Rex Features)