Kaieteur News

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Guyanesetobeupdatedoncurrent oilreservesinoneweek–VPJagdeo

Guyanese will be updated on the state of the country’s oil reserves in one week’s time after the government receives its second quarter report from ExxonMobil Guyana, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo disclosedonThursday

The Vice President was at the time responding to questions about the oil reserve posed by Kaieteur News He was asked: “Over the past two years, we have beenaskingforanupdateof thereservesandS&PGlobal had come out with an estimation of 18.7 billion barrels. Can you comment on this and if it is true, can you give a reason as to why the government hasn’t been updatingthepubliconthis?”

Inresponse,Jagdeosaid, “Sothelastreportwehad… remember I told you every quarter we get a report… I hopeyourecallthat…Sothe next report is due within a week,maybeoneweekfrom now so the last report at the levelofreservethatwegave you,”hesaid.

Jagdeoexplainedthatthe quarterly report is due a week from Thursday (last) and, “Let’s see if this one will update the reserve. So when we get the new report which is a requirement that the company has to fulfill, thatisquarterlyreportandit has to also in that report (will) speak about updating reserves,atthattime,wewill tell you what the figure is in theupdatedreport.”

American analytics companyS&PGlobalInc.in its May report said that Guyana’s oil reserves has increased to approximately 18 7 billion barrels of recoverable resources since 2015 The report was compiled by S&P Global Commodity Insights analystsFernandaMachado, Mariana Anjos and Jerry Jarvis.

“Injustnineyears,ithas established itself as the fifth largest [basin] in Latin America, while continuing togrow,”theanalystssaid. Productionisexpectedto peak in 2037 at 2.3 million

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

boe/d, with oil accounting for90%,theysaid.

“High-quality, lowemissions and cost-effective barrelshavealreadyreached European markets,” the analysts said. “Currently, all gas production is associated with oil and reinjected, but themarketedgasisexpected toincrease.”

Concerns have been raised about the lack of transparency about the country’s oil reserves. The Government of Guyana has failedtoregularlyupdatethe

public on the status of the reserves and how they are beingmanaged.

In April, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo explained that while the recent discoveries made by ExxonMobil are substantial, they do not represent a significant increase in the country’s overall oil reserves.

The last resource count, dated April 26, 2022, declared the recoverable resource for the Stabroek Blockatnearly11billionoil-

equivalent barrels Since then, Exxon announced eight discoveries, the Seabob-1 and Kiru-Kiru-1 wells, Sailfin-1, Yarrow-1, Fangtooth SE, Lancetfish-1, and Lancetfish-2 wells, along with the recently announced Bluefin discovery

It was revealed that the Lancetfish discovery, which was made in April 2023, averaged some 100 million tons, which is equivalent to 746 million barrels, according to the conversion formula of the Independent Petroleum Association of America.

The Vice President told reporters, “Right now, there is an assumption that the information is being withheld, that’s false I pointedouttoyouthatweget these reports every three months and the reports that we have state what the reservesareandthathasnot changed materially over the past maybe year or so, so that’s not withholding informationthatwehave.”

According to him, “Information about the reserves have been part of thatreportandit’saroundthe same 11 billion barrels. I’ve pointed out that a discovery doesn’t mean that you know the size of the reserve.Thattogettosizeof reserve, long after the discovery, you have to do appraisal, see the type of rock, a complex process before you get to the reserve.”

In contradiction to the VP’s words in May of this year Chairman of Wales Development Authority, AsgarAllysaidthatsome15 billion barrels of oil have already been discovered in theStabroekBlock.

This is despite Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo and ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) Country Manager, Alistair Routledge maintaining that thecountry’sresourceshave not significantly moved sincethelastupdatein2022 when it was at 11 billion barrels.

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456


Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


11B, 15B, or 18.7B, or much more

Guyana is sitting atop an offshore oil treasure house. The people exploring for and producing the oil have clammed up on how many new barrels of oil have been found in the last eight discoveries announced. The Guyanese in charge of the nation’s wealth is stricken with laryngitis:heflinchesfromeffortstospeak,hecan’tspeak, he doesn’t want to speak, about this treasure. Guyana’s oil wealth has become a shame, something to conceal, like a dreadful venereal disease (syphilis), or a family secret (incest). Who then can tell Guyanese, give them an estimate, of what their inheritance represents, how much treasuretheyhave?

ItisajoketostartwithExxonMobil’sCountryChief,Alistair RoutledgeandGuyana’soilheavyweight,BharratJagdeo Both menhavefastenedthemselvesto11Bbarrelsofoilasthetotal knownreserves Thepictureofdogstrappedinmatingseason shouldbeappropriate Roundandroundandbarelymovingare theextentsofwhatGuyaneseseeandhear,with11Bbarrelsof oilastheanchorthatweighsdown Neverhavemenbeenso close to such massive wealth, and never have they been so secretive, fearful, about how much of it there is Reports of discoveriesandtheestimatedamountsofnewoilusedtocome fast and furious, then something mysterious happened, has becomethestandard SinceApril2022,discoverieshavebeen announced, eight in all, and that was all At some level, somebodywiththepowerintheirhands,andknowledgeintheir heads, decided that a usual companion piece of information wouldbeheldback Heldbackmeansleftout,whichmeans kept secret Eight new discoveries in 27 months, and the people who own the oil wealth are kept in the dark about whetheritisatotalofonebillionbarrelsofnewoilorfour billion,or7.7billion,ormore. Isitoneofthosenumbers,or anumberthatisclosertotwice(orthrice)thecurrentstated totalnumberofprovenreserves,whichis11B?

To date, ExxonMobil’s Routledge has gone on a magic carpetride Hefloatsaround,beatsaboutthebush,andendsup inthesameplace:appraisalstaketime,couldbeyears Hewants GuyanesetobelievethatExxonMobiliscluelessofwhetherthe lasteightdiscoveriestotalonebarrelofnewoilisoronebillion ButGuyanaisaworldclassinvestmentandthecrownjewelin ExxonMobil’s tiara There is someone somewhere in ExxonMobil who believes that Guyanese are dunces The announcementsofpriordiscoverieshadtheirownsound,andit wasallmusic Wordssuchas‘exciting’and‘worldclass’were among the choice expressions uttered by the ExxonMobil-led consortium SinceApril2022,themusicstopped,andablanket ofsilenceblocksthesightofcitizens Guyana’sleadingoilman, Jagdeo,goesasExxonMobilgoes WhenRoutledgesolemnly speaks about appraisals, so does Jagdeo When the Country Head pushes ahead with monetization of proven oil assets, Jagdeo is right behind like a parrot echoing the same monetizationofassetsinhand Itisunacceptableandnothing butaslurforExxonMobilandRoutledgetothinkthatGuyanese are fools, with this obscenity about appraisals, time, and monetization WhenGuyana’soilheadJagdeotrieshisbestfor GuyanesetoswallowExxonMobil’scock-and-bullstoryabout appraisalsandmonetization,hetransformshimselfintoapuppy trained to react without hesitation, with blind devotion, to whateverthemastercommands.

A comrade of Jagdeo’s, a former Guyana Minister of Finance, a former Deputy Governor of Jamaica’s Central Bank,didhisownassessment,madehisownjudgment:4B barrels more for a total of 15B Twomonthsago,athreememberteamattachedtoS&PGlobalInc,ahighlyreputable analyticsentity,cameupwith77Bbarrelsofnewoiltobring the total reserves to 187B Earlier, CNOOC, the third member of the ExxonMobil consortium did its own calculationandreached746Mnewbarrelsfromonediscovery only ExxonMobil and Jagdeo stick to 11B Somebody is withholding need-to-know new oil discovery information Jagdeo came up with the senseless: it is substantial but not significant It could be Guyana’s oil wisdom, or a puppet parrotingExxonMobil’sslickness


What’s New? Masquerading African Guyanese!


Foryearsnow,acrossthe different political regimes (PNC and PPP), it has been the policy and practice to providegrantstotheAfrican Guyanese communities for the purpose of hosting activities or undertaking community projects in commemorationofthe1833

enslaved people of African descent and the abolition of enslavement, in the colony, in1834.

governmenthasaddedanew dimension and criterion to thistradition,intheformofa ceremony, a public optic moment, a mandatory attendance when those grantsarebeinghanded-out.

The grants were previously, routinely, disbursed through theAfrican Museum, which maintains the register of the communities/organizations which are entitled to the grants.


recipientsofthosegrants,in the Government’s ongoing propaganda campaign, to present itself as a caring

Guyanese,evenasitrefuses to recognize and consult w

d representativesofthepeople of African descent at the national, local and civil societylevels.

Worse yet, as the global community observes the United Nation’s (UN) declared decade for the

people of African descent, the Government of Guyana, a signatory to the UN’s resolution, which declared the decade, has sought to destroy the International Decade for the People of African Descent AssemblyGuyana (IDPADA-G), an African Guyanese umbrella organization established by the African Guyanese c

achievement,ofthegoalsof the decade, by defunding anddenigratingIDPADA-G, while establishing and f u n d i n g a


In doing so, the Government has also articulatedits disagreement with, and inapplicability, to Guyana, of, the resolve clauses of UN Declaration

which acknowledges “the efforts and initiatives undertaken by States to prohibit discrimination and segregation and to engender the full enjoyment of economic, social and cultural as well as civil and political rights”, but emphasizes “that despite efforts in this regard, millions of human beings continue to be victims of r a c i s m , r a c i a l discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, i n c l u d i n g t h e i r c o n t e m p o r a r y manifestations, some of whichtakeviolentforms.”

The Government has also reneged on the adherence to the objectives of the Decade, namely: “(a) Tostrengthennational, (Continuedonpage06)

Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox

Venezuela’s elections will not end well Death does not give a second chance


, Today, July 28, Venezuela votes. The date, chosen by the National Electoral Council (CNE), signalstheirorientation:itis the birth anniversary of Hugo Chavez, 61-year-old

Nicolas Maduro’s

predecessor, mentor, promulgator of the present Constitution;thenameofthe country (the Bolivarian Republic) and the guiding philosophy of the United Socialist Party he foundeddubbed“Chavismo”.

In similar moves by other state institutions loyal to Maduro, his most powerfulopponent,56-yearold Maria Corina Machado wasbannedfromcontesting theelectionsbytheSupreme Court, forcing the selection ofthevirtuallyunknown74year-old Edmondo

G o n z a l e s , a s h e r replacement Machado,

however, shared the platformwithhim.

M a c h a d o h a s complained that security forces hampered her m o b i l i t y w i t h roadblocks while also s e i z i n g s o u n d equipment. Dubbing the opposition, “fascists” Maduro declares constantly that they will reject the results that will show him winning and will unleash post-election violence. In oneofhisclosingrallies,he incitingly asked, “Who asked for the criminal s a n c t i o n s a g a i n s t Venezuela? Who asked for Venezuela to be invaded by theUSarmy?

Who brought the guarimba [violent street protests] to the whole country? Do you want a president of the extreme fascist right?”

At another rally, he declared ominously, “The destiny of Venezuela dependsonourvictory Ifwe wanttoavoidabloodbath,or a fratricidal civil war triggered by the fascists,

then we must guarantee the biggest electoral victory ever.” Brazil’s President Lula reacted vehemently to Maduro’s “bloodbath” prediction:“Igotfrightened with Maduro’s statement saying there will be a bloodbathifheloses.

When you lose, you go homeandgetreadytorunin another election.” Maduro mockinglyscoffedthatLula should “drink chamomile tea”.

The polls have been widelydivergentbutmostof them show the Opposition ahead by a large margin. However, it is widely suspected that the ChavistaledCNEwillmanipulatethe results of the elections to show Maduro winning and ofcourse,thiswillforcethe Oppositiontoprotest.

Venezuela has no exit polls. The Opposition plans to deploy some 90,000 “witnesses” at electoral centers but ominously, one CNE official said last week they are having difficulties inauthorizingthem.

Therearesupposedtobe public audits performed in randomly chosen voting machines after polls close and the Opposition has asked its supporters to witnessthese.

A c c o r d i n g t o Venezuelan authorities, there will be electoral observersfrom65countries, including the Carter Center, theUN,theAUandtheLatin American Council of ElectoralExperts(CEELA). CNEwithdrewitsinvitation to the EU, citing their sanctions policy against Venezuela.

It is widely believed the army, led by Vladmir Padrino Lopez, a Maduro ally,willplaythekeyrolein any post-elections dispute that descends into violence. Over the years, Maduro has cultivatedthe loyalty of this key institution through various stratagems. For its part, Opposition leader

Gonzales said hopefully, “Wearegoingtowinandwe are going to collect, and we trust that our Armed Forces will make our people’s will berespected.”

The US has committed itself to supporting democracyinVenezuelaand after judging the 2018 elections to be rigged in favour of Maduro, had imposed a wide range of sanctionsonthecountryand onspecificindividuals.

But with the failure of those policies to remove Maduro, they have since adopted a “hold me; loose me” attitude; vacillating betweenthreatswhileeasing sanctions to gain access to Venezuelan oil, which then provides a lifeline to Maduro.

During the campaign, nowacknowledgingthatone quarterofthepopulationhas fled, Maduro blamed Venezuela’s woes on the sanctionsandclaimsthatthe stratospheric inflation has been reduced and the economystabilized.

In my estimation, Maduro will lose the electionssinceevenmanyof theerstwhileChavistashave conceded that misguided and corruption have played an even greater role in the destruction of their country. Maduro, however, will not goquietlyintothenightand the US, even if it were not preoccupied with its own elections’ challenges, will not intervene directly Speaking anonymously, American officials opined noncommittally, “The US is prepared to calibrate our sanctions policy vis a vis eventsastheymayunfoldin Venezuela.”

As one Caricom PM predicted presciently during our own 2020 elections fracas, “This will not end well”andwecanbedragged in as a distraction during post-electionsviolence.



Overtheyears,hundreds ofletterswithsuggestionsto reduce the increasingly high trafficdeathsinGuyanahave been published in the national newspapers in the country As far back as December6,2010,anarticle by me captioned “A ComprehensiveApproachto deal with the Increasing TrafficFatalitiesinGuyana” waspublishedintheINTHE DIASPORA column of The S t a b r o e k N e w s . Unfortunately, both the PPP and the APNU+AFC coalition Governments have ignored the high traffic fatalities on the highways andstreetsofthecountry

For the past two years, the current Government has beengrapplingwithchanges to the traffic laws for more severe penalties for drivers who cause death by drunk driving and the installation of cameras on the roadways to catch speeding drivers. While these are positive steps,notonlyaretheyslow in being implemented but many loopholes will remain inthelaws,lawenforcement, and the judiciary From the colonial period and increasingly after Independence, the laws and law enforcement have favoured the rich, famous, and politically well connected.

Ontheroad,operatorsof motor vehicles should behave as if they own the vehicle, not as if they own theroad.Inthispiece,Iwish to focus attention on the operators of motor vehicles (drivers of motor vehicles and riders of motor cycles) andcallonthemtoliveupto their obligations and legal responsibilities for the privilege of operating their vehicles on the public thoroughfaresinthecountry More importantly, they should think self-interestyour own mortality You have one life only Death does not give a second

chance. In Ontario, Canada, where I live, a message is frequently displayed on the digital notice boards at intervals over the major highways. It reads “Speed Thrills and Kills”. This is a worthwhile reminder every time you are operating your vehicleontheroad.

Based on my reading of thedailypapers,itseemsthat themajorityofroadfatalities are caused by irresponsible drivers who are often males undertheageofforty,witha significant number being in their late teens or early twenties who are still living at home with parents, and likely driving their parents’ vehicles. These individuals often lose control of their own vehicle, killing themselves or causing the deaths of others. To older drivers with families, every time you think of speeding and/or drinking and driving, imagine this.You died in an accident that you caused; you are lying in a coffin at your funeral; your wife and children are crying and faintingoveryou.Isthatthe lasting memory you want to leave with them? And think too, how will they survive after you are gone. To the younger, unmarried drivers, imaginethesamescenewith your sibling and parents cryingandfaintingoveryou. Is that the kind of grief you want to inflict on them, especially your mom who mayneverrecoverfromyour tragicpassing?

I know my letter will make some readers

uncomfortable but if we wantseechange,wehaveto face reality When a person diesasaresultofavehicular accident, it is the immediate familyandclosefriends,not the Government or the police, that suffer the pain and anguish of loss. These are the individuals who should implore their loved ones to be responsible and safe drivers. In order to promote safe driving, I provide below a bit of basic informationwhichshouldbe helpfultodrivers.Veryoften speeding drivers are overconfident of their ability to bring a car to complete stop in case of a sudden emergency ahead, thereby often resulting in collision andfatalities.Factorssuchas roadandweatherconditions, quality of tires and brakes maintenance, and drivers experience and alertness are all important factors in bringing a car to complete stopandavoidanaccident.

T h e f o l l o w i n g information, extracted from t h e i n t e r n e t s i t e merityre.co.uk, informs on the processes involved and the distance travelled in order to bring a car to complete stop while travelingatvaryingspeeds.

“Stoppingdistanceisthe totalamountoftimeittakes


Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox

Urgent call to address public nuisance at J’s Sports Bar on Bent Street Complaintsaboutthe awardofcontracts

DEAREDITOR, I am writing to express my deep concern and frustration over the continuous public nuisance created by J’s Sports Bar on Bent Street, Wortmanville, G eorgeto w n . Th is establishmenthasbecomean unstoppable source of disturbance and danger to the residents and passersby, particularly during the early morninghours.

It has become a routine occurrenceforJ’sSportsBar to play excessively loud music well into the early hours of the morning, often between 3AM and 4 AM. This relentless noise pollution is not only disruptive to the peace and quiet of the neighbourhood but also poses a significant health risk to residents who aredeprivedoftheirrightto apeacefulnight’ssleep.Itis inconceivable that such disturbances are allowed to persist unabated, especially when there are clear regulationsinplacemeantto curbsuchbehaviour

Moreover, the large crowds that gather outside J’s Sports Bar create a

hazardous environment for vehicles attempting to navigate Bent Street. The sheer volume of people spillingontotheroadmakes it perilous for drivers, increasing the risk of accidents. This situation is exacerbated by the apparent reluctance of law enforcement to intervene.

Despite numerous complaints, the police seem to turn a blind eye to the ongoing violations at J’s Sports Bar, in stark contrast to their swift action against otherbarslocatedonOrange Walk, Bourda, Georgetown, which are consistently shut down at more reasonable hours.

The lack of enforcement and accountability at J’s Sports Bar not only underminespublicsafetybut also erodes the trust and confidence of the community in

ocal authorities. It is imperative that the relevant authorities takeimmediateanddecisive action to address this issue. Specific measures should include enforcing existing noise ordinances, ensuring the bar adheres to regulated

closing times, and maintaining a visible police presence to manage and disperse large crowds when necessary.

The residents of Wortmanville deserve the same level of consideration and protection as those in other parts of Georgetown. Allowing J’s Sports Bar to operate with impunity sends a message that our community’s well-being is secondary to the interests of a single establishment. It is high time for the authorities to demonstrate their commitmenttopublicsafety and community welfare by holding J’s Sports Bar accountableforitsactions.

I urge the local g o v e r n m e n t , l a w enforcement agencies, and community leaders to step up and address this pressing issue.Letusworktogetherto restore peace and safety to Bent Street and ensure that all residents can enjoy a decent quality of life, free from the incessant disruptions caused by J’s SportsBar

Sincerely, MarkDaivd




, In travelling around the country recently and currentlytoconductopinion polls,contractorsofallsizes (large, medium, small companies) bitterly complained about inability to get contracts Some applied(putinbids)multiple times without success Bidding for a contract is not cheap especially for small contractors.

They expended a lot of resources, consulting experts to assist with bid application preparation and also spending a lot money

forpurchasingformsandthe filingprocessitself.

Contractors and even NDCCouncillorsandChairs complained that a few contractors are rewarded withmosttenders,morethan what they could handle Some winning contractors are from the same family (husband, wife, children, uncles,aunts,andotherkins are all contractors); within a household, complainants claim, there may be several contractors operating under different company names. Those without contracts identify the families and

names of companies that havebeenrewardedmultiple contracts There is widespread anger The awarding of contracts has politicalimplicationsforthe incumbentparty

The Vice President has been made aware of the problemfrompartyactivists and complainants. He has promised and has taken actions,includingeffectinga transparent process and distributing contracts fairly to include those who were rejectedmultipletimes.

Yourstruly, VishnuBisram

Death does not give a second...

Frompage05 foryourvehicletostopfromthemomentyou first think about stopping to the second you cometoacompletehaltortakeyourfootoff thebrake.

Stopping distance is calculated using this formula:

ThinkingDistance+BrakingDistance= StoppingDistance”

Thetablebelowiscomputedfromfigures from the UK Highway Code for a car of around4metres(13.1ft)andreportedonthe internetsitenotedabove.


What’s New? Masquerading...

, regional, and international legal framewo

ks in accordance with the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and the International Convention on theEliminationofAllForms of Racial Discrimination, and to ensure their full and effectiveimplementation.”

Herein lies the challenges that have to be overcome

Frompage04 regional and international action and cooperation in relationtothefullenjoyment of economic, social, cultural, civic and political rights by people of African descent and their full participationinallaspectsof society; (b) To promote a greater knowledge of and respect for the diverse heritage, culture and contribution of people of African descent to the development of societies;” and “(c) To adopt and s

R e d r e s s i n g t h e historical wrongs that still affect the people ofAfrican descentcanonlyberealized if

ongs are acknowledged and the required institutional and legal changes effected along with the required equitable policies, programmesandprojects

The masquerading of the people of African descent, in the name of caring for them, is despicable


Cost for treating produced water to be revealed in Govt. audit - Jagdeo

Guyana’s chief policy answer for you. When you reporters.

with inorganic metals and is within our key surface average 29 milligrams per maker on oil and gas, Vice can tell me how much they He added, “You think byproducts or with trace waters and offshore as well. liter per month ” The President Bharrat Jagdeo on pay for snacks well maybe everydayIamcheckinghow amountsofheavymetalsand The plan is to put these Executive Director of the Thursday said that the cost I’d find out…every week I’d much Exxon pays for treated

sensors that measure the EPA went on to explain that for treating produced water have to find out now how water, next week you will radioactivematerials,theUS water quality or measure the sensors on the FPSOs t

ed by a much Routledge use to pay ask me how much they are Department of Energy said pollutants in water, in the then feed the information to government audit. The Vice for the taxi to come from the payingforsnacks.Idealwith in a research paper It is also surface water, in our rivers the EPA. “So we have a live President was at the time a i r p o r t d o w n t o policy issues so that usually very high in and we can actually at our platform at the EPA where addressing reporters at his Georgetown.” Jagdeo failed would...like last week the temperature, and can be offices or on our mobile we actually can see, minute weekly press conference to disclose how much capping stack you asked me. deadly to marine organisms. phones we can actually see by minute, the concentration held at Freedom House, ExxonMobil Guyana is Oh Jagdeo doesn’t know Due to its toxicity, this real time, what is the quality of oil in produced water,” he RobbStreet,Georgetown. paying to treat produced how much Exxon pays for substance is best re-injected of those parameters – for noted. Former Head of the Jagdeowasasked,“What water from the three oil capping stack It’s a into the wells, though this e x a m p l e t u r b i d i t y, EPA,Dr VincentAdamshad is the government’s projectsthatareinoperation. subscriptionyoucouldeasily maybeacostlyexercise. temperature, ph, total previously raised concerns preferred method for Exxon “They may be inflating find out what the rate of the ExecutiveDirectorofthe dissolved solids- these are regarding the concentration to deal with produced water the snacks we might be subscription they pay at. So Environmental Protection key parameters that indicate of oil in produced water andcanyousayhowmuchis buying a tennis roll there for it’s ridiculous statements to Agency (EPA), Kemraj thehealthofourwaters.” b

Produced water is a that the operator of the oil “Remember they (Exxon) that while the multi-national

d b y being spent to treat it I don’t know what a six pack giveyouheadlines.” Parsram recently revealed Parsram continued, ExxonMobil. He pointed out currently?” of tennis roll what it cost

In response, he said the now, might be $600 instead liquidthatisextractedduring richStabroekBlockhasbeen have to treat that produced corporation should be made government has “an audit of $350. They may be oil production activities. It feeding the regulator with water before they discharge to re-inject the produced process to see whether the inflating the cost for the contains dissolved mineral informationrelativetotheoil andtheyhavetobringtheoil water into the wells, the expenditureonactivitiesthat tennis roll. These have to be salts, or may be mixed with concentration in the treated in the water content in government has reversed the aredonewithinthecompany audited, they have to be organic compounds such as produced water being alignment with the World environmentalregulationsto that they meet international audited. That’s the purpose acids, waxes, and mineral dischargeddaily Bank IFC Standards, which allowthecompanytoinstead standards. So that is my of a post audit,” Jagdeo told oils. It may also be mixed According to him, “That is 49 mg per day or an dumpthiswasteoverboard.

Police shoot wanted man in Albouystown

PoliceonFridaynightshotamanwanted Investigatorssaidthatthesoldier,Private for questioning in relation to a murder, in Ezekiel Subhan, told them that he was at Albouystown,Georgetown. home with his common-law wife when he

The wanted man, 36-year-old Quacy heard someone knocking at his door and Jamal Craig, was shot in his buttocks around calling out for “inside”. He looked outside 22:45hrs after he engaged police in a high- from his front door and was reportedly speed chase. Craig has been on the run for confronted by a man telling to him evict the almostayearnow. property.

Reports are that police ranks on “The man claimed that he bought the motorcycles caught up with him in the house from his (Subhan’s) great-uncle. vicinity of the Pegasus Hotel on Seawall However, Subhan told the man that he was Road, Kingston, Georgetown. He was at the not going anywhere and that he should get time driving a black Toyota Allion car His the police involved since he did not come wife was with him at the time when ranks with a document of ownership for the stopped the car and told them that he was property,”policesaid. wanted for questioning in relation to the His response led to an argument and six murder of Dexter Hersham on August 11, other men reportedly exited a black pick-up 2023. vehicle,GLL7950,parkedonthestreetclose

Aftercautioninghim,policesearchedthe toSubhan’shouseandenteredtheyard. car and then instructed him to drive his The soldier claimed that the men were vehicle to the Ruimveldt Police Station. A aggressiveandrushedathim. rank went with and his wife in the car while By this time, a crowd had gathered to twoothersfollowedbehindonmotorcycles. witness the commotion and among them On arrival in front of the Ruimveldt wereHershamandCorwyneAbraham,a38PoliceStation,Craigmadeasuddenleftturn year-oldtaxidriverfromCharlestown. and drove off at a fast rate intoYarrow Dam, While they watched on, a fight ensued causingthemotorcyclerankstogivechase. between the soldier and the men. One of the “Craigdrovetoapointwherethevehicle men reportedly pulled out a handgun and could not go further, stopped the car, exited firedoffthreerounds. the vehicle and began to run in an eastern Horsham and Abraham were hit and the direction,” police stated before adding that menretreatedtotheirpick-upanddroveoff. hejumpedseveralfencestoescape. The victims were taken to the Policewarnedhimbuthedidnotstopand Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, jumpedintoatrenchtoeludethembutoneof where Dexter Hersham was pronounced theranksshothimtothebuttocks. dead. He had reportedly sustained a gunshot The wounded man was unable to escape wound to the back Abraham was and was held by police. He was taken to the hospitalized too but later discharged hospital where he was admitted under police followingtreatment. guard. The suspects were reportedly followed Craig is wanted for questioning in by an eyewitness in her vehicle after they relation to the shooting death of Dexter drove off and she managed to record the Hersham in 2023. Hersham was killed while licenceplatenumber another was injured while they were Thatinformationwaspassedontopolice spectators of a property dispute among a andtheyfoundthecarabandonedinayardat group of men in a pick-up and a soldier at Aubrey Barker Road and National Avenue, WestRuimveldt,Georgetown. SouthRuimveldt,Georgetown.

Trucks, heavy-laden vehicles restricted from using small community streets

DPI - In a move to maintain tranquillity perverted and the appetite for wealth is within residential areas, trucks, articulated, greaterthantheirabilitytoworkandearn,”he and heavy-laden vehicles are now restricted affirmed.

fromtraversingnarrowcommunitystreets. Consequently, Garnett, Duncan, and Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Dennis Streets will remain access roads, Edghill, announced this measure during a while other streets in the area will be meeting with councillors and residents of restrictedtoheavyvehicles.

Lamaha Gardens on Friday while addressing The Guyana Police Force (GPF) will theirconcernsabouttrafficdisruptions. patroltheseareastoensurecompliance.

“The ministry will put up signs that ‘no Minister Edghill also appealed to truck heavy vehicles, trucks, and articulated owners and operators to stop avoiding traffic vehicles to go through the small community lights by diverting through residential areas streets.’ We will reduce the speed limit and likeSheriffStreet. signs to that effect will be put up in He emphasised the need for better conjunction with the Guyana Police Force,” judgmentandconsideration.

MinisterEdghillannounced. “Avoid using community roads as He disclosed that these new regulations diversionstobeattraffic,escapetrafficlights, wouldbeofficiallygazettedsoon. and shortcuts whether day or night. You are Responding to a suggestion to restrict damaging the roads and affecting the health, access for residents of Sophia through peace, and well-being of citizens with the Dennis, Garnett, and Duncan Streets, the noise,”heurged.

minister deemed it unreasonable and The minister noted that the effectiveness offensive. ofthesemeasureswouldbereviewedwithina

“Thissuggestionwasnotlimitedtotrucks month to assess their impact on community and articulated vehicles, but extended to all relief. Meanwhile, Minister Edghill reported traffic.The language that was used is that the that Lot Two of the ongoing Conversation thieves were coming from Sophia which I Tree Road project is progressing well, with found offensive. We should not stigmatise a works advancing from Conversation Tree community because someone from the West to Sheriff Street. “He [contractor] is community would have had a brush from the acceleratinghiswork,itiswelladvancedand law Thieves do not live in special places, we want to get that completed in the shortest thieves live everywhere where the mind is possibletime,”theministerremarked.

Dennis Street upgrade

The resource extraction model

Guyana’s economic developmenthashistorically reliedontheextractionofits a b u n d a n t n a t u r a l resources bauxite, gold, timber, and now oil. This model of development, slavishly followed by both the PNCR and the PPP/C governments has resulted in an economy heavily dominated by foreign multinationals.

Chinese companies now control the bauxite industry following the withdrawal of RUSAL,theRussianowned multinational Foreign entities also dominate gold mining, often flipping their interests in our resources without having to seek the approval of governments and without any known demand for them to pay capital gains on the profits generated from flipping the rights to our wealth Manganeseextractionisalso inforeignhands.Andtimber used to be dominated by the Chinese and other Asian firms.

Despite significant foreign investment and resource extraction, Guyana remains one of the poorest countries in the region, with more than half of its population living below the revised poverty line. This paradox raises a critical question: Has the resource extraction model truly benefited our economy, or have we given up too much fortoolittleinreturn?

One of the main issues withthecurrentmodelisthe generous concessions

concessions often include tax holidays, duty-free imports, and minimal r

significantly reduce the financial benefits to the State.Whiletheseincentives are meant to attract foreign investment,theyoftenresult inanetlossforthecountry Foreign companies’ d

o significant capital flight

Profits generated from resourceextractionareoften repatriated to the home

multinationals, contributing to a phenomenon known as capital flight. This outflow of capital means that the wealth generated from Guyana’s natural resources does not stay within the country to stimulate economic growth and development Instead, it e n r i c h e s f o r e i g n shareholders.

Thelackoftransparency in the operations of foreign multinationals further exacerbates the problem. It is often unclear whether these companies pay the appropriate taxes, including capitalgainstaxeswhenthey flip their interests in Guyana’s resources The opaque nature of these transactions makes it difficult for the government and the public to hold these companies accountable This lack of accountability allows foreign companiesto exploit Guyana’s resources with minimal oversight,

reducing the potential benefits to the local economy

The environmental impact of resource extraction is another significant concern. Mining andloggingoperationsoften result in deforestation, soil

erosion, and water contamination, leading to long-term environmental

degradation These environmental costs are rarely factored into the economic calculus of resource extraction. Local communities bear the brunt of these environmental impacts, facing health risks and loss of livelihoods. The s o c i a l c o s t s o f environmental degradation, combinedwiththeeconomic exploitation by foreign companies,resultinadouble long-term burden on the localpopulation.

The Omai cyanide spill of 1995 stands as one of Guyana’s most devastating environmental disasters When a tailings dam at the Omai Gold Mines Limited, operated by a Canadian company, ruptured, over fourbillionlitersofcyanidelaced waste surged into the OmaiandEssequiboRivers. This catastrophe poisoned thewatersupply,decimating aquatic life and severely impacting the livelihoods of riverine communities. The spill’s immediate aftermath saw widespread health

concerns, with the government imposing a temporary ban on the use of river water Despite the


De Building Expo coming!

Dem boys seh de Building Expo coming up big, big. De govament officials doing a walk-through. Dem checking how de booths looking. Thousands gon come fuh dream bout dem fancy homes. Homes dem might never afford. Prices too high. Building materials cost an arm and a leg. Butdeshowmustgoon!

Demboyshopedeofficialstekaliltime and check dem toilets at de National Stadium. De toilets in a state, man. Atrocious condition. Need major works. Dem boys nah sure when last anybody cleandem.

Isashame,really Howcomewecyan’t maintain a simple toilet? Every time dem boys go stadium, de toilets looking worse and worse. De place smell like a latrine. Visitors gon faint before dem reach dem fancybooths.

Dem boys seh it’s like we forget about debasics.Webusywidbigplansandfancy expos. But de small things like toilets get leftbehind.

So, de officials walking around, pointing fingers, making plans. Dem boys

significant ecological and human toll, the incident highlighted the grave risks associated with large-scale goldmining.

Proponents of the resource extraction model often argue that it creates jobs and stimulates economicgrowth.However, the reality is that the jobs created by these industries are often low-paying and temporary Foreign companies frequently bring in their own skilled labor, reducing opportunities for local employment The promise of job creation thus rings hollow for many Guyanese, who find themselves excluded from the economic benefits of resourceextraction.

In other countries, the resource extraction model has frequently resulted in significant negative impacts on the development of various countries. Nigeria’s vast oil revenues have not

translated into economic development or improved living standards due to economic instability, c o r r u p t i o n , a n d environmental degradation. Venezuela, despite its immense oil wealth, has experienced economic collapseduetoover-reliance

on oil exports The Democratic Republic of the Congo’s rich mineral resources have fueled conflict and exploitation, resulting in human rights abuses and environmental destruction. In Papua New Guinea, foreign-dominated mining has caused severe environmental damage and social upheaval without equitableeconomicbenefits. Peru’s mining boom has led to social conflict and environmental harm, with local communities suffering without seeing proportional benefits These examples highlight how the resource extraction often leads to

y, environmental degradation, and


, undermining sustainable development.


ource extraction model, as it stands,hasalsonotdelivered the promised economic b e n e f i t s Ye t o u r governmentscontinuealong this ill-gotten path of development, clueless as to how to grow an economy other than through inviting multinationalstoplunderour resources.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

sehtekaminute,checkdetoilets.Fixdem up.Afterall,isdesmallthingsdatdoesmek abigdifference.

Ifdemboyscoulddreamonedreamfuh deExpo,itwouldn’tbebighousesorhigh prices. It would be clean toilets. Dat way, nobody gon walk away holding dem nose. And who knows? Maybe one day we gon learn to keep our public places clean. But fuh now, dem boys just hoping somebody listen.

DemboyssehifaNo.2holdyuh,yuhin real trouble. Imagine yuh at de Building Expo, all dressed up and excited, when nature call. Yuh rush to de stadium toilets onlytofinddeminastate.Yuhbetterpray fuh a miracle. ‘Cause once yuh enter dem toilets, yuh might never come back out de same. Yuh might come out traumatized, holding yuh belly and wishing yuh stay home.

BuildingExpogonbegrand.Butclean toilets gon mek it even better Dem boys seh, let’s start small and mek a big difference. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.




The more Vice President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo fight against the tide, the lower his pants drop. His slipisshowing,anditisnota half-slip, but the whole damnthing.

The more his people try to wage war against me, the more desperate he looks. I have a word of advice for brother Jagdeo: find some honest‘wukfuhdahcabinet ministah’ and he posse. I wrote in broad daylight on Tuesday last that the PPP Government is a vast nationalcriminalenterprise. Stinging nettles and Singin’ Sitars, and it was not Balsara The PPP Government-sponsored Live in Guyana, operating out of Brigadier Mark Phillip’sOfficeofthePrime Minister came out with its own crime concoction, but overnight. Yes, that’s the PPP Government under BharratJagdeo,acreatureof darkness, witches swooping around on broomsticks during nocturnal hours

Yes, Prime Minister Phillips, Live in Guyana is

reportedtohaverootsinthe hood right under the OPM roof. With all the respect due to the retired brigadier and now semi-retired PM, I only deal with Dr. Jagdeo.

‘Is nah all ah wee gat ah daktahfuhahbruddah.’ He is heavy, but I must carry him.

LiveinGuyanasaysthat men drop bags of money to me. Please come again, fellas. What next will the PPP gang concoct and fabricate? Drug buying, drug selling, drug smuggling?

This is what the PPP

G o v e r n m e n t h a s deteriorated to: a rank criminal organization through and through. One nobody of a citizen writing and speaking about oil and Jagdeo’s comrades working overtime to criminalize. A warningshouldbetimely,is necessary: the Americans are watching, absorbing everything There is corruption in the PPP with the people’s money There is corruption in the PPP Government with morals and ethics, anything that

relates to values and principles. The PPP, as a government and a party, tried all manner of heinous assaults before. I am still standing, still going along. This is how a democracy works, according to Jagdeo and his PPP Those who criticize the programme must be demonized Whateverisrequired,justdo it. Man,Icoulduseacouple bags of money Do come again.

Walk with a bigger bag and bigger banknotes this time. And a camera and a recorder Walk with those other brothers of mine: the Honourable Attorney General Mohabir Anil N a n d l a l l a n d

h e Commissioner of Police, Mr Clifton Hicken. Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum (whereishethesedays?)has an open invitation from me. They all can help me to count the cash. Here it is that I am prioritizing poor Guyanese people and their cost-of-livingstruggles,and the PPP Government make meintoapriorityforspecial attention and honourable

mention. Iloveit. Iwonder if what Live in Guyana is doing from under the bed is partofhishiddenmessageto hissupporterstogoonsocial media and attack PPP (his) critics. Bringiton,buster. Long ago, a Chinese sage once said that the longest journey starts with the first thought; as first stepsgo,thereisnonebetter All that it takes is one Guyanese Firster, one first writer,onefirstspeaker,and leaders like Dr Bharrat JagdeoandDr IrfaanAliare left breathless, helpless That’s never my intention. My objective is to speak straight, walk straight, and livestraight. If my reward is a bag of money, as Live in Guyana informsme,thenbeassured thatIamwaitingatmygate to collect, commissioner or no commissioner, Dr Nandlall or no Nandlall. Is this what the PPP Government has degraded to, exposes its nakedness? When Jagdeo trousers tumble, and his half-slip is fullyrevealed,thenitmeans thathedidnotlisten,prefers

to go down the same road Here is something for PresidentAli andformerpresidentJagdeo to mull over: I can tell Excellency Nicole D. Theriot what I think of America in the harshest terms and still walk into the A m e r i c a n Embassy/Consulate. Orany American airport without fear Dr Jagdeo:thatiswhat it means to be anAmerican. Men and women have died so that I can have that privilege,anditisonethatis cherished. So, I speak my mindandwritewhatIthink, asIseethings. Whycan’tI do the same using my Guyanese bloodlines, Dr Ali, Dr Jagdeo? My blood is available for the betterment of the Guyanese people.

The PPP Government can drink it. It is sure to make all its members (plotters and revilers) cleaner than they have ever been in their lives, ever imaginedtheycouldbe. Whatistheproblemwith mewritingsothattheworld knows the corruptions with

this oil patrimony of the people, Dr Jagdeo? I am addressing Dr Bharrat Jagdeo and no one else. Today,itisthesameBharrat Jagdeo now moving slowly butinexorablytowhatI(and others) have been saying, writing, pleading for, all along with this oil wealth, thisExxonpartner(more on this soon). And what is the reward: a syphilis infested outfitcalledLiveinGuyana from deep in the PPP swamp showingitsfaceand presentingitslatestfakeries. Whenagovernmentcanfear one citizen, and a few more menandwomen,thatisnota governmentofthepeople. It is a government of goons. Before one and all, I pronounce the PPP Government a GESTAPO group,aNAZIorganization, Guyana’s Third Reich. It hasmanyFuhrers.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)



Jagdeo’s press conferences were always a big farce…

Now he and his press conferences have become the biggest laughingstocks!

Jagdeo groping for a way out from one dark place, then another.

He is looking more frazzled, more furious!

He is sounding like a man squeezed from all sides, shrinking down…

The dark record of some men lives with them not after them.



Guyana’soilreserves increaseto18.7B barrels–S&PGlobal …Govt.yettoupdate country

American analytics companyS&PGlobalInc.in its May report said that Guyana’s oil reserves has increased to approximately 18 7 billion barrels of recoverable resources since 2015.

Thereportwascompiled by S&P Global Commodity Insights analysts Fernanda Machado, Mariana Anjos andJerryJarvis.

“Injustnineyears,ithas established itself as the fifth largest [basin] in Latin America, while continuing togrow,”theanalystssaid.

Productionisexpectedto peak in 2037 at 2.3 million boe/d, with oil accounting for90%,theysaid.

“High-quality, lowemissions and cost-effective barrelshavealreadyreached European markets,” the analysts said. “Currently, all gas production is associated with oil and reinjected, but themarketedgasisexpected toincrease.”

Concerns have been raised about the lack of transparency about the country’s oil reserves. The Government of Guyana has failedtoregularlyupdatethe public on the status of the reserves and how they are beingmanaged.

In April, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo explained that while the recent discoveries made by ExxonMobil are substantial, they do not represent a significant increase in the country’s overall oil reserves.

The last resource count, dated April 26, 2022, declared the recoverable resource for the Stabroek Blockatnearly11billionoilequivalent barrels Since then,Exxonannouncedeight discoveries, the Seabob-1 and Kiru-Kiru-1 wells, Sailfin-1, Yarrow-1, Fangtooth SE, Lancetfish-1, and Lancetfish-2 wells, along with the recently announced Bluefin discovery

It was revealed that the Lancetfish discovery, which was made in April 2023, averaged some 100 million tons, which is equivalent to 746 million barrels, according to the conversion formula of the Independent Petroleum Association of


The Vice President told reporters, “Right now, there is an assumption that the information is being withheld, that’s false I pointedouttoyouthatweget these reports every three months and the reports that we have state what the reserves are and that has not changed materially over the past maybe year or so, so that’s not withholding informationthatwehave.”

According to him, “Information about the reserves have been part of thatreportandit’saroundthe same 11 billion barrels. I’ve pointed out that a discovery doesn’t mean that you know the size of the reserve.

That to get to size of reserve, long after the discovery, you have to do appraisal, see the type of rock, a complex process before you get to the reserve.”

In contradiction to the VP’s words in May of this year Chairman of Wales Development Authority, AsgarAllysaidthatsome15 billion barrels of oil have already been discovered in theStabroekBlock.

This is despite Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo and ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) Country Manager, Alistair Routledge maintaining that thecountry’sresourceshave not significantly moved sincethelastupdatein2022 when it was at 11 billion barrels.

The Former Finance MinisterandFormerDeputy Governor of the Bank of JamaicarepresentedGuyana at the Jamaica Stock Exchange Conference held back in January During an interview at the conference hemadethedisclosureofan additional4billionbarrelsof oilbeingdiscovered.

“As of this point in time wedon’tknowthefullextent of the oil deposits but it’s huge and I could explain whatthatmeans.It’saboutI would say they have identified at least 15 billion barrels of oil in the (Stabroek) Block. So at this point in time, I would say Exxon has identified about 25to35%ofthat,”Allywho isaneconomiststated.

Draftoilspilllegislation maybeopenforscrutiny bylocalstakeholders–VP Jagdeo

Stakeholders may have anopportunitytoreviewthe government of Guyana’s

Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo

draft oil spill legislation, Vice President Bharrat

President was at the time speaking with reporters at his weekly press conference held at the Freedom House, RobbStreet,Georgetown.

Notwithstanding,Jagdeo said the likelihood of oil companies being able to comment on the draft Oil SpillActisslim.

The draft legislation aimed at ensuring the country is protected during the transportation of crude oilisexpectedtobetabledin the National Assembly before the House goes to recess.

“It may be tough to pass it because we may not have the requisite period for notice but I think we have enough time to table it. I expressed that concern, we don’t want to also rush it through the parliament becausetheothersidewould say that we are rushing it through the parliament but we would have enough time totableit,”hesaid.

TheVPfurtherexplained that while the oil companies would love to have the chance to comment on the draft legislation since they have restrictions on how theyoperateinthesector

“Well Exxon would love to give comments on this; I thinktheyprobablysentthat question to Oil. Now and your editor asked you to do that, but we may solicit…I amnotsurethatwewillopen this one up for comments, especially from the oil and gas companies because they don’twantlegislationofthis nature Maybe (we will) open it only for comments from the locals,” the VP added.

This draft legislation is expected to address key concerns surrounding oil spills and will play a crucial role in the country’s oil industry With the government aiming to table

this legislation before the parliamentary recess, it signifies a significant step t o w a r d s e n s u r i n g environmental protection andsafetywithinthesector

Previously, the Vice President said, the new Oil Spill law will protect Guyana from “all sorts of liabilities”.

He explained, “We have been working to have legislation in place, and those will come probably before the next recess to coverallsortsofliabilities.A lawinplaceliketheyhavein the US and some other countriesthatwillcoveralso transportation because we have more crude being transported in our jurisdiction so it’s not just liabilities of the oil companies but transport companies, etcetera and that’s been in the works a long time so that we can protectthiscountry.”

Last week, Kaieteur News reported that the oil spill legislation is still on Government’sagendabefore the Parliamentary recess. Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, GailTeixeirainaninterview withKaieteurNewssaidthat there are a number of bills the government intends to p a s s b e f o r e t h e parliamentaryrecess.

“Therearesomethatwill have to layover to October and we’ll have to make judgments based on the urgencyortherequirements. The oil spill one is one that has many interests and so I’m sure that once it’s ready andithaspassedtheCabinet reviewanditfulfillswhatwe want it to, then it will be tabled,”Teixeirasaid.


Exxonwarnsflaringand emissionsfrom7thproject willtaketollonGuyanese health

ExxonMobil’s seventh

deepwater development in

contributetohealthconcerns in humans and wildlife exposed to certain activities relativetotheproject.

Thecompanyissuedthis warning in its Project Summary submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), made public onJuly15.Accordingtothe document seen by this newspaper, “Air emissions resulting from the project have the potential to affect ambient air quality in the project area on a localized basis and to contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.”

Activities from the project including flaring of associated natural gas; power generation; other marine vessel and support aircraftcombustion;fugitive emissions from crude oil storage and offloading and miscellaneous fuel combustion so

, including incineration, deck cranes, and emergency generatorsamongotherscan affect the air quality and climate.

To this end, the documentstates,“Localized, increased concentrations of criteriapollutantsinambient aircouldcontributetohealth concernsinexposedhumans and wildlife. Combustion of hydrocarbons from project activitiescouldcontributeto GHGemissions.”

Notably, Exxon also cautioned in its Project Summary that the increased demand for limited emergency and health services in Guyana, and a slight increased risk of communicable disease transmission could potentially result from project activities and influence community health andwellbeing.

According to the oil company, “Introduction of limited levels of foreign specialized labor could

potentially have community health and wellbeing impacts. The development could potentially impact community health and wellbeingintheProjectAOI (Area of Influence) due to onshore traffic, social interaction, or as a result of non-routine, unplanned events (e g , spill or release).”

It must be noted that ExxonMobil in another section of the Project Summaryoutlinedanumber of measures that will be employed to avoid these impacts.Amongitsplansare measures to minimize nonroutine flaring during compression trips and maintenance. Flaring refers to the burning of gas associated with oil production. The safest but least cost effective option is for the gas to be re-injected into the wells Another measurethatwillbetakenby Exxon is the installation of waste heat recovery units (WHRUs) on turbine generators, where feasible, to reduce the demand of more power generation or firedheaters,thusdecreasing fuelgasconsumption.

Exxonalsosaiditwould “optimize gas turbine maintenance to ensure that gas turbines are not overhauled more often than needed, and also to ensure overhauls are completed at the right time, in alignment w i t h o t h e r F P S O maintenance activities to reducetheneedtoflare.” Meanwhile, to address the impacts on community healthandwellbeing,theoil company committed to the implementation of a community safety program for potentially impacted schools and neighborhoods to increase awareness and minimize potential for community impacts due to vehicleincidents.

The Hammerhead developmentwillproduce


Unique Daycare and Nursery hosts 12th Preschool Graduation


Unique’s Daycare, Preschool and Nursery school hosted its 12 Preschool Graduation in addition to its 2nd Nursery Graduation ceremony at Palm Court BanquetHallonFridaylast.Therewere25 graduates from the preschool and 14


graduates from the level two class of the Nurseryschool.

The ceremony included four special invitees and one guest speaker including DirectorIvorThompsonofKiskadeeKids Daycare and Playgroup, Harpy Eagle

NurseryandPrimary;BiancaCummings, President of Unique DayCare, Preschool andNursery,Mr KennethPearsonViceof the School and Miss Cloyette Sparman, a teacher of La Parfaite Harmonie Primary School.

According to the School’s Director, Taneka Sanchara, Tafari

Jarad, the 2023 Nursery Valedictorian, came to sash both the Nurseryandpreschoolvaledictorians thisyear

“This year, the Preschool Valedictorian is Arianna Khan, and ourNurseryyeartwoValedictorianis Ronaiah Duncan. This Graduation was the best of all and we are truly thankful to the parents who made it possible,”theDirectorsaid.

Graduates of Unique Unique Daycare, Preschool and Nursery level two class.

Sand Creek Secondary School to undergo $69M in upgrades

The Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Nine is currently seeking a contractor to execute upgrades at the Sand Creek Secondary School located in theSouthCentralRupununi.

This is according to an invitation for bids issued by the RDC recently which stated that works are

e s t i m a t e d t o c o s t $69,901,013.

Theprojectwillformpart of the $5.8 billion budgetary allocationtheregionreceived fromthisyear’sbudget.

At a press conference earlier this year, Minister of E d u c a t i o n , P r i y a Manickchand said that the tender process for the rehabilitation of schools acrossthecountryisongoing. She said every effort is being made by the government to ensure the nation’s children

are in a comfortable environment.

“In addition to building new schools what we are doing currently is repairing schools The President has madeitclearthathedoesnot want any school to be without functioning

washrooms and plumbing, electricity,agoodroofwhere there is no leaking and [repairing] the dilapidated looking buildings So across the country right now, the Ministry of Education is attempting to go out and receivebidsfortherepairsof all schools, nursery, primary and secondary,” Minister Manickchand had told reporters

In addition to the Sand Creek School project, the RDC is seeking bids for the construction of 21 apartment living quarters at various hospitalsintheRegion.Itwas detailedthatsevenapartments will be constructed at the Aishalton District Hospital. That project is estimated to cost$45million.

Seven more are planned for Lethem and are estimated to cost $40 million, while another seven are to be built for the district hospital at Annai at an estimated cost of $53million.

Thebidsaresettobeopen on July 30, 2024 at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB)office.

The Sand Creek Secondary School in Region Nine.


At e a m o f

Guyanesemedia workers are in Chinatolearnofthenation’s great advancements in the areas of technology, infrastructure, agriculture and manufacturing among others. The visit is intended to not only help raise awareness of the modern environment and techniques being used in China but to promote strategic partnerships between the twostates.

The eight-member delegation arrived in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on July 21 and is scheduled to visit major development zones including the Shandong p r o v i n c e a n d t h e municipalities of Shanghai and Beijing. Editor-in-Chief

of the Guyana Times, Tusika Martin is leading the delegation with the assistance of Senior J

National Communications Network(NCN).

Kaieteur News Journalists, Davina Bagot and Renay Sambach are also participating in the tour, along with Marcelle Thomas of the Stabroek News, Vishani Ragobeer and Yusuf Ali of the Newsroom and Vahnu Manickchand from the GuyanaTimes.

Overthelastfewdays, the local delegation met with officials from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who not only offered a warm welcome but extended invitations for future partnerships

g e a r e d t o w a r d s modernizing the media landscape in Guyana and collaboration with the localprivatesector

The visiting team has so far toured the Shandong Radio and Television Station, one of the front-runners among China’s provincial-level broadcasters, Anshanghu Village and Yuquanwa Rural Complex where modern technology is being utilized for largescale agriculture production and CIMC Raffles Group, an offshore technology group that specializes in the construction of Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels, drilling platforms and modern marinefishcages

T h e v i s i t i n g delegation also had the opportunity to visit a number of historical and

rich cultural sites in China, including the Baotu Spring in Jinan, the Chinese New YearPaintingsMuseumand the scenic Penglai Pavilion in Jiaodong Peninsula, renownedforitsmysterious fairy legends and unique localflavours

In the next few days, the mediaworkersarescheduled tovisittheMemorialHallof the First National Congress of the Communist Party of ChinaandattendtheRegular Press Conference. Guyana andChinaforgedrelationsin June27,1972.

The more than 50 years long bilateral relationship has paved the way for several major projects to be fundedinGuyanasincethen, includingthenewDemerara RiverBridgepresentlyunder construction.

InJulylastyear,Guyana’s Head of State, President Irfaan Ali met with China’s President, Xi Jinping in Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province in southwest China Guyana’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that during the meeting,PresidentAli,inhis remarks, reiterated that Guyanafirmlyadherestothe one-China principle, noting that China has played an important role in the economic and social development of Guyana and the Caribbean region, not onlybysharingitsexperience but also providing valuable assistance in developing infrastructure, connectivity, healthcareandotherareas

Meanwhile,PresidentXi said that China and Guyana should be good friends who trustandcountoneachother, and both countries should share opportunities, meet challenges,seekcooperation and promote development together

Media workers from Guyana during a visit to the Changle Musical Instrument Industry Development Centre shared a light moment with Chinese officials

Doodmattie ‘Riri’ Marks

Meetthe absolutelyravishingDoodmattie‘Riri’

Marks,theownerofRihanna’sBeautySalon. This week’sbelleisextremelypassionateaboutbeautyandwellness,andhas dedicatedmuchofhertimetohelpwomenlookandfeelgoodaboutthemselves.

Asabeautician,Ririprovidestop-notchhaircare,makeup,beautyandfashion consultancy Apartfromherwork,Ririhasakeeninterest,music,paintingandfashion. Sheshared,“Ihaveadeepadmirationforwomen,especiallythosewhotakegoodcareof themselvesandIlovehelpingmyclientstofeelconfidentandbeautiful.”

Asaprimarygoal,Ririhopestoexpandherbeautybusinessandhelptoempowercountlessother womentofulfilldreamsbyhelpingthemtoboosttheirconfidencebybeauty.Herfavourite quoteis “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Shades of Ebony: an intriguing debut novel by Brooklyn-based, Guyanese writer, Selwyn Collins

Shade of Ebony is an intriguing debut novel from the unorthodox mind of Brooklyn-based, Guyanese writer, Selwyn Collins, which explores an array of themes related to blackness, womanhood, and tragedy. It isaworkthatiscomplexina particularly enjoyable way, asitutilizesitscharactersand concepts to project certain themes onto the reader and progress the storyline and narrative. This complexity may be indicative of the writer’s own multifaceted nature, as he writes not only from the perspective of a writer/author/poet, but also of a motivational speaker, philanthropist, coach, entrepreneur, and media host; these experiences are all relevant and add something valuable to the novel.

Collins, a former student of both Queen’s College and The Bishops’ High School, wasoneofthepioneersofcoeducation in Guyana. While his time at those institutions, especially the latter, cultivated in him a sense of determination and pride, these skills were not applied tothewritingprofessionuntil muchlaterinlife.

Nevertheless,heexplains that literature played an importantroleinhislifefrom very early on; there was no television at the time, so children at the time would read and discuss what they read, and that would be their entertainment. For Collins, that hobby served as a “gateway to adventure”, and

follows Jacques Bouvard, as he navigates the dark and twistedrealitythatheisfaced with when he discovers the true circumstances behind the death of his wife. On his searchforjusticeforhiswife, Bou

threatening interactions, attempts to tread the waters ofnewlove–withtheex-wife of his brother, at that, and

es involved in something much more impactfulthanhecouldhave imagined.

An aspect of the novel thatisnotablyinterestingand powerful is the MaKofa organisation, which is essentially a holist

he lived vicariously through thebooks,heread.

Writing, however, was a completely different beast, onethatheneverimaginedhe could do or master when he was a child. It wasn’t until 1996 that he says he began writing poetry, to overwhelmingly positive reviews from friends and family He recalls writing a poem called “I Am” and reading it to his mother in 2001,andhowimpressedshe was by it. At this point, he stillwasnottrulyfocusedon writing,ashewasverymuch occupied with the ebbs and flows of life for the time being. Nevertheless, 2001 is theyearthat Shade of Ebony initiallycametobe.

In the time between its conception and release, however, Collins released two motivational books, The eartHeart Knows and The eartHeart Knows Who You Are. As an individual who is very much in touch with his spirituality and has a strong relationship with God, as wellasaskilledwriter,works of this kind align well with his general purpose and directioninlife.

Shade of Ebony was originallyreleasedinAugust of last year, is an episodic form to an email audience, and Collins strategy was to stop releasing episodes at aboutthehalfwaypointofthe book and then release a completenovelincludingthe otherhalf.Thatnovel,which was released last year, is the firstinstallationinthe Shade of Ebony trilogy The novel

paragraph, it will draw them in. Collins did not write this novel with the intention of havinghisreaderbeplagued by boredom and resort to skimming through the text; rather,heaimstomakethem fullyimmersedinthewords, concepts, and ideas to the pointthattheyforgettheyare even reading. This is what writing, at its core, is about for him, and Shade of Ebony embodiesthatfully Shade of Ebony is available on all major online platforms such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads, in both paperbackanddigitalforms.

c empowerment programme for young, black women. Thisisaveryuniqueconcept that adds another layer of nuance and diversity to the storyline,andprogressesone of the major themes of the novel, the empowerment of blackwomen.

All the elements of the novelcometogethertocreate an experience for the reader, in which every sentence and

Atthemoment,Collinsis engaged with a number of initiatives, including Brand YOUth Global Inc , the platform for entrepreneurs thathefoundedintheinterest of developing mindsets and transforming lives for the better Regardless of the packed schedule he has due to his many roles, he promises that the next volumeintheShadeofEbony trilogy is forthcoming, as he iscurrentlyworkingonit.

Brooklyn-based, Guyanese writer, Selwyn Collins


Making Sense! Today, structure is beneficial for

we’re exploring the steps to raising capital, as it allows

register your business in fortheissuanceofshares. and not already in

Guyana, whether you’re Why Register checking the Deeds and

, guarantees for loans with starting a sole proprietorship or Incorporate Commercial Registries least 18 years old and in maternity, and old-age interest rates as low as 6%, oracorporation. Your Business? Authority(DCRA)database. soundmind.Formoredetails pensions. upto$30,000,000. We’ll also cover the R e g


3. Business Incubators: importance of becoming incorporating your business Registration Form: Include https://dcra gov gy/incorpor 1. Avoid Legal Issues: Facilities that provide compliant with the Guyana in Guyana provides details like the business ating-a-company/. Compliance helps avoid workspace, mentorship, and Revenue Authority (GRA) numerousbenefits: name, nature, and principal

2. Submit Application: f i n e s a n d l e g a l networkingopportunities. and the National Insurance 1. Legal Recognition: It location. File these documents at the complications. 4 Entrepreneurship Scheme (NIS), and how the gives your business a legal 3.SubmittheFormand DCRAwithanincorporation 2. Employee Benefits: Awareness and Training: Small Business Bureau identity, allowing you to Pay Fees: Submit the form feeof$60,000. NIS registration provides Sessions and workshops to (SBB) can assist registered enter into contracts, open along with a processing fee

3. Obtain Certificate of essential benefits to your help you develop your businesses. bank accounts, and protect of $6,000 at the DCRA Incorporation: The process employees, enhancing job businessskills. Understanding Sole yourbusinessname. office. You will receive your typicallytakesthreeworking satisfactionandretention. By following these steps Proprietorship and 2. Liability Protection: business name certificate days,afterwhichyoureceive 3 Business Growth: and becoming GRAand NIS Corporations For corporations, it offers a within three working yourcompanycertificate. Compliance enhances your compliant, you’re not only Sole proprietorship is a shield against personal days.For more details visit Becoming GRA business’s credibility, aiding legally protecting your business structure where an liability, protecting your https://dcra gov gy/business and NIS Compliant in customer and investor businessbutalsosettingitup individual owns and runs the personalassets. -name/. Guyana Revenue trust. for success The Small business.It’sstraightforward 3 Credibility and 4. RenewAnnually:The

: 4 A c c e s s t o Business Bureau offers to establish and manage, Trust: A registered business registrationmustberenewed Businesses must register Opportunities: Compliance additional support to help making it ideal for small- enjoys greater credibility, every year, with a renewal withtheGRAtoobtainaTax is often a prerequisite for your business thrive in scale operations. However, which can help attract feeof$2,500. Identification Number government contracts, Guyana. Feel free to reach theownerispersonallyliable customers, suppliers, and Steps to (TIN). This registration is

a t for all business debts and investors. Incorporate a Company crucial for tax purposes, obtainingloans. talkingdollarsgy@gmail.c obligations. 4. Access to Financial 1. Requirements: This including filing returns and SupportfromtheSmall om with your thoughts, C

d includes the Articles of paying taxes like income tax BusinessBureau(SBB) questions, and stories.Until separate legal entities from businesses can access loans, Incorporation, Notice of andVAT The SBB provides then, keep refining your their owners, offering grants, and other financial Directors, Consent to Act as National Insurance invaluable support to plans—your entrepreneurial benefits like limited liability services,oftenunavailableto Direc


Cold remedies: What works, what

doesn’t, what can’t hurt

There’s no cure for help coughs in adults and

Relieve pain decongestant plus a pain thecommoncold. children who are older than A d u l t s c a n t a k e reliever If you also take a But what about age 1. Try it in warm tea or acetaminophen (Tylenol, pain reliever, taking a

cold remedies lemonwater others), ibuprofen (Advil, decongestant with a pain that claim to make you feel Add cool moisture to the MotrinIB,others)oraspirin. reliever could cause betterfaster?Findoutwhat’s air A cool-mist vaporizer or Do not give children or problems. Read the labels of effective—andwhat’snot. humidifier can add moisture teenagersaspirin. cold medicines to make sure Coldremediesarealmost to your home Moisture Aspirin has been linked you’re not taking too much as common as the common might help ease stuffiness. to Reye’s syndrome, a rare ofanymedicine. cold. But do they work? Change the water daily life-threatening condition, in Cold remedies that don’t Nothing can cure a cold, Clean the unit as the maker children or teenagers who work which is caused by germs instructs. havethefluorchickenpox. The list of cold remedies calledviruses. Soothe a sore throat For treatment of fever or that don’t give relief is long.

Butsomeremediesmight If you have a sore throat, pain, consider giving your Some of the more common help ease your symptoms using a saltwater gargle can child infants’ or children’s onesinclude: Know that these medicines Zinc andkeepyoufromfeelingso relieve it for a while. Put 1/4 versions of medicines Medicines called may not help much and may Some studies show that bad. to 1/2 teaspoon salt in an 8- available without a antibiotics havesideeffects. zinc lozenges or syrup may

Here’s a look at some ounceglassofwarmwater prescription. Examples are These attack germs Cold remedies prevent a cold or shorten common cold remedies and Children younger than 6 acetaminophen (Tylenol, called bacteria. But they’re with mixed study results symptoms Other studies what’sknownaboutthem. years most likely can’t others) or ibuprofen (Advil, no help against cold viruses. In spite of ongoing show zinc doesn’t help. Zinc Cold remedies that work gargle. Motrin,others).Thesecanbe Don’t ask your healthcare studies, the scientists still can have harmful side

If you catch a cold, You also can try ice used as a safer alternative to professional for antibiotics don’t know whether some effects. The U.S. Food and expect to be sick for 1 to 2 chips, sore throat sprays, aspirin. for a cold or use old cold remedies, such as Drug Administration has weeks. That doesn’t mean lozenges or hard candy Take Try cold and cough antibiotics you have. You vitamin C and zinc, work. advised against using you have to feel awful. The carewhengivinglozengesor medicines won’t get well faster And Here’swhatstudiesshow: productswithzincyouputin following might help you hard candy to children For adults and children using antibiotics when you Vitamin C your nose. They can cause feelbetter: because they can choke on a g e 5 a n d o l d e r , don’t need them adds to the Taking vitamin C has not you to lose your sense of

Drink plenty of fluids. them. d e c o n g e s t a n t s , seriousandgrowingproblem been shown to help prevent smell Talk with your Water, juice, clear broth or Don’t give lozenges or antihistamines and pain of germs that can resist colds. healthcare professional warm lemon water with hard candy to children relievers available without a antibiotics. But some studies have beforeusingzinc. honey helps loosen youngerthan6years. prescriptionmighteasesome Cold and cough medicines found that taking vitamin C Take care of yourself stuffiness,calledcongestion. Ease stuffiness symptoms. But they won’t in young children before cold symptoms start Although colds go away These also help prevent Saline nasal drops and prevent a cold or shorten Coldandcoughmedicine may shorten how long on their own, they can make losing too much fluid, called sprays you can get without a how long it lasts. And most you can get without a symptomslast. you feel awful. You might dehydration Don’t drink prescription can help relieve havesomesideeffects. prescription can harm Vitamin C may help want to try the latest remedy alcohol, coffee and sodas stuffiness. Experts agree that these children. Do not give any people at high risk of colds But the best relief comes with caffeine They can For infants, experts shouldn’t be given to cough and cold medicines to because they’re often in from taking care of yourself. makedehydrationworse. suggest putting a few saline younger children. Using too childrenunderage4years. contact with the viruses that Rest, drink fluids and keep Rest. Your body needs drops into one nostril. Then much of these medicines or Talk with your child’s cause colds. For instance, the air around you moist. resttoheal. use a bulb syringe to gently not using them the right way healthcare professional children who go to group Remember to wash your Sip warm liquids. Many suck out that nostril. To do can cause serious damage. before giving any medicines child care during the winter handsoftensoyoudon’tgive cultures use warm liquids, this,squeezethebulb,gently Talk with your child’s to children ages 4 to 6 years. areathighrisk. yourcoldtoothers. such as chicken soup, tea or place the syringe tip in the healthcare professional warm apple juice, for colds. nostril about 1/4 to 1/2 inch beforegivinganymedicines. Warm liquids might ease (about 6 to 12 millimeters), Take medicines only as stuffiness by increasing andslowlyreleasethebulb. the label says. Some cold mucusflow You can use saline nasal remedies have mixed Try honey Honey may spraysinolderchildren. ingredients, such as a

Josh Danielz; the talented upcoming Guyanese soca, dancehall artiste

Josh Danielz, is an hoping they will appreciate with another friend in YouTube, with 6 1K emerging talent in the soca andenjoyit. writing music. The singer followers, and on TikTok

and dancehall scene, He expressed gratitude told The Waterfalls that he with 17,000 followers, propelled by his passion for for the support he has finds joy in playing with where he shares his music music and the desire to make receivedthusfar,addingthat words and painting vivid and relatable content. He has a lasting impact, looking to he aspires to follow in the picturesthroughmusic. also collaborated with other make waves on the local footsteps of renowned The singer said that prominent Guyanese music scene With his dancehall artists like Vybz music allows him to explore dancehall and soca artists, determination, dedication, Kartel and Alkaline, even as places he has never such as BEDEYAH and and unique style of he strives to establish physically been to, using his BNick. storytelling, he is poised to himselfintheindustry imagination as a powerful His song “Conductor,” carve his path in the music Danielz’ upbringing was tool. The artiste told this featuring Stiffy Stiff, gained industry, captivating marked by difficulties, publication that he cherishes 121K views on YouTube, audiencesalongtheway requiring him to hustle for the opportunity to tell his and the music video, filmed

The Waterfalls recently everything he earned. He own story or share someone in Stabroek Market, featured hadtheprivilegeofspeaking was raised by his mother, else’sthroughhismusic. locals. with Danielz, who he shared Natasha Daniels, whom he Furthermore, Danielz The song captures insights about his work and looksuptoandcreditsforhis passionately expressed his aspects of the culture He also brings in listeners to get up and dance. challenges as a budding accomplishments. Growing desire for his music to evoke surrounding conductors and comedicaspectsinhismusic When asked for advice for artiste in the local music up as the second oldest a powerful response from bus rides in Guyana, wherehismusicvideoforhis upcoming artistes, the singer industry among his six siblings, the listeners, igniting an resonating with the song “Business” showing emphasizes the importance

The singer told this singer attended Vryheid’s irresistibleurgetogetupand audience. Within one of his someone peeking through of self-belief and hard work. p u b l i c a t i o n d r a w s Lust Primary School, Lazer dance. captivating songs, Danielz someone’s window doing H e e m p h a s i z e s t h e inspiration from his close- EdgeAcademicCollege,and Tothisend,hismusichas delves into a relatable and just about anything to mind significance of both hard knit family and friends, with pursued studies at a garnered quite a significant familiar topic that strikes a their business. His videos work and smart work in his cousin, Lisa Punch, a Technical Institute. Initially following from platforms chord with many Guyanese: and songs have a comedic achievingsuccess. well-known Guyanese workingasanelectrician,his like YouTube and TikTok, the lively and dynamic aspectthatalotofpeoplecan He highlights the need to singer, having a significant passion for music led him to where he showcases his interactions between bus enjoy. reach out to people and influence on his musical embark on a music career music and shares comedic conductors and passengers. His latest album, “Space actively promote one’s journey. while residing in the United videos. He started posting His songs often relate to or Jam,” features five songs music. In his words, “People

D e s p i t e f a c i n g States. his songs on YouTube since depict stories that Guyanese that blend soca and will always say believe in challenges as an upcoming At the start his musical 2019 and has grown his canconnectwith. dancehall, exuding his yourself, of course, you artiste,suchasalackoflocal journey, he said that it was following significantly, with The artiste’s music pays groovy and unique sound. should believe in yourself support and exposure, the hisbestfriend,Rodwell,who 344k views on his videos homagetopartsofGuyanese Tracks like “Jam Different,” and have faith in yourself, singerremainsdeterminedto began remixing songs with since. Danielz’ has gained a culture, his love for soca and “Space,” “Culture,” and but you got to do the work share his music with people, him. He later collaborated significant following on dancing. “Drinking Again” inspire too.”

Josh Danielz; the talented upcoming Guyanese soca, dancehall artiste.

Celine Dion dazzles Olympics after four-year health absence

(BBC) as the “queen of power Dion.” Her appearance had Celine Dion has returned ballads”, has been having been hotly anticipated, with to the stage for the first time therapy to “rebuild” her crowds of fans waiting since revealing a serious voice, she told the BBC in outsideherhotelinthecityin health condition, delivering June. recentdays.

a typical powerhouse On Friday, her delivery Dion has a big following performance at the Paris of Edith Piaf’s classic in France. Her 1995 album O l y m p i c s o p e n i n g L’Hymne à l’Amour gave D’eux is the best-selling ceremony encouraging signs that the French-language album of The Canadian superstar treatmentisworking. alltime.Friday’sappearance had been rumoured to be She was accompanied by was the second time that singing a duet with Lady a pianist on the first level of Dion, known for hits Gaga, but instead went solo the Eiffel Tower, beneath including My Heart Will Go on the Eiffel Tower to bring giant illuminated Olympic OnandIt’sAllComingBack the four-hour event to a rings. to Me Now, had participated stirringclimax. CanadianPrimeMinister in an Olympic opening It was Dion’s first live Justin Trudeau said that she ceremony, after Atlanta performance in four years, “is a Canadian icon, an 1996. And her comeback residencyinLasVegas. She already holds the SPS in a film called I Am: and came a year and a half incredible talent, and she performance came six “We have been working

Celine Dion, whichAmazon aftersherevealedadiagnosis overcame a lot to be there months after a surprise so hard to put this show successful residency of all Prime Video said on of Stiff Person Syndrome tonight”. appearance to present an together - because I’m timeontheLasVegasstrip. Thursday, had become its (SPS). He added: “Celine, it’s awardattheGrammys. back,” she told the BBC in

SPSisarareneurological great to see you singing Shehasalsoteasedanew June.

discussed her struggles with documentaryever. disorder that causes muscles again.” to spasm and can be Italian singer Laura debilitating. It also affected Pausini wrote: “My hands her distinctive, forceful were shaking and my eyes voice. were crying as I listened and The 56-year-old, known saw my beloved Celine

Celine Dion performed on the first level of the Eiffel Tower

Interesting Creatures... The Shoebill

National Geographic - looking bird looming until tend to the eggs and young. isgoingdown.

Depending on your it’s too late The birds This includes incubating and As land is cleared for perspective, a shoebill either practice a hunting technique turning eggs, and cooling pasture, habitat loss is a has the same goofy charm as called “collapsing,” which themwithwatertheybringto major threat, and sometimes the long-lost dodo or it looks involves lunging or falling the nest in their large bills. cattle will trample on nests. like it might go on the attack forwardontheirprey Hatching occurs in about a Agricultural burning and any moment. What makes Shoebills are in a family month. Chicks have bluish- pollution from the oil the aptly named shoebill so all their own, though they gray down covering their industry and tanneries also unique is its foot-long bill were once classified as bodies and a lighter colored

that resembles a Dutch clog. storks. They do share traits bill.Onlyonechicktypically Shoebills are hunted as food Tan with brown splotches, with storks and herons, like survivestofledge. insomeplaces,andinothers, it’s five inches wide and has the long necks and legs Conservation they’re hunted because sharpedgesandasharphook characteristic of wading The International Union they’re considered a bad on the end. Its specialized birds, though their closest for the Conservation of omen. bill allows the shoebill to relativesarethepelicans. Nature estimates that there

grab large prey, including Though they’re mainly are only between 3,300 and https://www nationalgeogra lungfish, tilapia, eels, and silent, shoebills sometimes 5,300 adult shoebills left in phic com/animals/birds/fact snakes. It even snacks on engage in bill-clattering, a theworld,andthepopulation s/shoebill baby crocodiles and Nile soundmadeasagreetingand monitorlizards. during nesting. They keep At first glance, shoebills cool with a technique called don’tseemliketheycouldbe gular fluttering vibrating ambush predators. Reaching the throat muscles to up to five feet tall with an dissipate heat. Chicks eight-foot wingspan, sometimes make hiccup-like shoebills have yellow eyes, soundswhenthey’rehungry. gray feathers, white bellies, Reproduction and a small feathered crest Shoebills reach maturity on the back of their heads. atthreetofouryearsold,and They also have long, thin b r e e d i n g p a i r s a r e legs with large feet that are monogamous. These birds ideal for walking on the are very solitary in nature, vegetation in the freshwater though, and even mating marshes and swamps they pairs will feed at opposite inhabit in East Africa, from sides of their territory Ethiopia and South Sudan to Breedingpairsbuildnestson Zambia. water or on floating Shoebills can stay vegetation, and can be up to motionless for hours, so eight feet wide. Females lay when a hapless lungfish an average of two eggs at the comes up for air, it might not endoftherainyseason. notice this lethal prehistoric- As co-parents, both birds

ESCAPÉ BOOK CLUB: a journey of sisterhood and growth

As Escapé Book Club

activities outside of our regular encouragement and assistance, I

m a r k s i t s t h i r d gatherings.These activities include wouldn’t be able to fully indulge in anniversary, founder, dining at local restaurants, visiting thethingsIlove.OnthedaysIhave

entrepreneur and new each other’s homes, and going on book club activities, he takes care mom, Sameerah Mohamed-Ferouz trips. “Whether we’re exploring ofourbabygirl,understandinghow reflected on its journey; one of new cuisines, enjoying a cozy important it is for me to have time sisterhood and growth. She noted evening at someone’s home, or for myself ” Mohamed-Ferouz that what began as a personal embarking on a fun trip, these added. endeavour blossomed into a activitiesenrichourexperienceand Beside their social activities, thriving community of female strengthen our friendships members of the Escapé Book Club readersandfriendsinGuyana. Through our book club, members have indulged in many charitable

The young property manager, not only indulge in their love of events because she believes in who was born and raised in New reading but also find a supportive giving back to the community So York, recalled that she migrated to community where they can relax, far, the club had organized several Guyana in March 2020, right at the recharge, and reconnect with philanthropic events such as their heightoftheCOVID-19pandemic. themselves,” the heartfelt founder main event; the annual holiday gift While living in the USA, the explained. drives, where the club raises businesswoman led a very social Meanwhile, the club has also purchases gifts for children and life where she was involved in helped the new mom. She noted create care packages for them in several activities such as dancing, that motherhood has also low-income communities, schools, cheerleading, a sorority and other influenced her club activities and orphanages; and the business clubs.Assuch,shenotedthatitwas

Recognizing the need for fellow clothing drives aimed at providing a challenge for her to adapt to new moms to connect and share girls with appropriate attire for job lifeatadifferentcountry experiences,theclubhasdecidedto interviewsafterfinishingschool. She explained that it was plan play dates for all the children She added that the club’s latest challenging because “most of my and babies of the book club charitable event was the Ramadan friendships are formed in school, members. This, she shared, will Iftar Fundraiser, where she and fitting in was a struggle since I provide fun and interactive expressed that they raised over wasn’tfromhere.” experienceforthechildrenandalso US$3,000 to support Masjids

It was through this challenge strengthen the bonds among the across Guyana. She further added that the businesswoman thought of clubhasprovidedherwithvaluable She expressed that she has set women. that the club will be planning a breakthrough. Mohamed-Ferouz leadership and organizational out to be a unique book club that Mohamed-Ferouz explained another fundraiser, which will decided she wanted to start a book experience. does not concern reading only, but that the overall motherhood focusonpromotingliteracy club, since she loved reading and Mohamed-Ferouz said that other engaging and bonding experience has enriched her life in Looking forward, Mohamedknew there must be other women from a handful of members, the activities such as networking, numerous ways. She expressed Ferouz revealed that in 2025, she whosharedherpassion. Theyoung clubhasgrownsignificantly philanthropic initiatives, social that, “It has taught me the value of will be conducting a health and businesswoman had developed the Describing the book club as a, gatherings,workshops,community support and balance, and it has wellness retreat to provide idea for the Escapé (pronounced “homeawayfromhome,”shenoted service projects, and fundraising brought new dimensions to my members with a dedicated time and Es-ca-pay) Book Club, created in that it has evolved into a sisterhood events. relationships and activities. I’m space to focus on improving their June2021. sincethen.

Members also participate in grateful for the love and overall well-being. She explained

She said, “Over the past three Mohammed-Ferouz’sgoalisto fitness and wellness activities, understanding of my husband, and that the retreat will offer a holistic years, our group has grown create a safe space among her retreats and trips, themed events, I’m excited about the new approach to health, combining significantly, and I am incredibly members where they can escape andmore.

opportunities and experiences that physical, mental, and emotional proud of our accomplishments. into a book together. The founder She also highlighted that there comewithbeingamomandabook wellness activities. Additionally, Leading a group of women with explained “I did not want to be a would be group discussions on clubmember.” she also plans to collaborate with diverse ages, personalities, and typical book club, I wanted more mental health, the environment, With her unwavering support local authors to support and opinions has been a profoundly than that. I wanted us to have no positivity,lifestyle,andmore. from her husband, she is able to promoteGuyanesewriters. enriching experience. It has taught limit to what we do. Therefore, we The founder noted that the continue participating in the book To further expand her me several valuable lessons, are a sisterhood of readers who meetings help her, and other club

“I’m able to continue sisterhood, Mohammed Ferouz has particularly in the areas of active engage in a wide range of activities members to step away from the participating in my activities sharedwiththispublicationthatshe listening and openness to new that encourage community, demands and stresses of reality In largely due to my amazing and will be accepting new members to ideas.” personal growth, and social addition to the monthly meetings, supportive husband. He is truly out accommodate at least 15-20 new The founder said that the book responsibility.” the club would organize various of this world Without his members.

Founder of Escapé Book Club: Sameerah Mohamed Ferouz
Founder of the Escapé book club reflected on the journey of sisterhood and growth.

The Weeknd previews the final chapter of his musical trilogy

previews the final chapter of his musical trilogy

(Billboard) in the form of a little boy, The Weeknd is preparing hinting at some sort of the final album of his rebirth. If you suffer from personal trilogy, after ‘After epilepsy and want to watch Hours’ and ‘Dawn FM’. In the teaser, beware of the first the last few days, Abel fewseconds. Tesfaye has released two The song continues the teasers, one of themshowing synthpop style that The new music, and has Weeknd has adopted in his announced a “one-off” show lasttworeleases.Thesnippet in Brazil where we will isalsopresentedwithaquote surelyreceivenewsaboutthe from Nietzsche, which goes newalbum. likethis:“Whenyougazefor Last night, the Canadian a long time into an abyss, the superstar released a abyssalsogazesintoyou.” cinematic teaser for his This comes after the upcomingproject,whichstill singer announced a concert hasnoreleasedateorofficial in São Paulo, which will name. feature a “never-before-seen Runningfortwominutes, production.” The artist also the clip includes a snippet of indicated that the show will anewsongthatsomefansare have “three chapters,” suggesting is titled ‘Hold indicatingapossibledebutof Your Heart’ and shows Abel newlivemusic

RnB singer: The Weeknd


For some years now, CARICOM countries have been expressing their commitment to the elimination of the US$6. Billion food imports but not much had been achieved until Guyana,toavoidbeing affected by the Dutch Disease by being too dependent on Oil revenues, and at the same time by its commitment of eliminating theUS$6.billionperannum food import bill, embarked upon an Agricultural Revolution:Newcropssuch as soya, maize, millet and tropical wheat were introduced; livestockpoultry, cows and sheepwere upgraded by import of foreign breeds; prawns and fish like tilapia were cultivated in ponds in addition to deep sea fishing; and Sugar and Rice cultivation began to be scientifically modernized withariseinproductionand productivity and upgrading of Honey production was also part of thisAgricultural push.Guyanaisconfidentof achievingthe25%reduction of the food import bill of US$6. Billion by the end of 2025.

Expertise from Cuba were enlisted to help in developing the Honey IndustrywithNARI,whileat the same time the Ministry quietly gave some stimulus at the local level by giving training in apiary management to interested vill


sometimes donating hives. Recently,towardstheendof June, for instance, President Dr Irfaan Ali visited St. Cuthbert’s Mission and donated 25 hives and arranged for training of the persons who will man them.

The Honey Industry is fostered both as an import substitution and also to improve the nutrition and health standards of the population.

Itmaybeappositetosay a word of the history of honey to remind of its ancient provenance and so underscore its complete usefulnessandsafety

Thefirstextantrecordof Honey production was from a Stone Age painting in the Cuevas de Arana in Spain some8000yearsago. It was widely used in Egyptian Civilization as a foodandmedicamentandto embalmthemummiesandit is part of the Ayurvedic pharmacopeia dating 4000 years ago. It is also used in religiousceremonies.

H o n e y i s a n t iinflammatory; antioxidant; antimicrobial; antiseptic; antibacterial and boosts the immune system. When thesequalitiesarebroughtto bearonthevariousorgansof the body and on various diseases, the curative nature ofHoneybecomesevident.

Belowwementionsome of ailments or conditions in which Honey has been helpful: Heals cuts and wounds; helps relieve coughs, colds and

bronchitis; aids digestion; treatmentofburnswithgood results; improves brain function and memory; reduces arthritis symptoms; aids in cancer prevention, inhibits cancer cell growth; helps to manage diabetes, controls blood sugar; promotes heart healthlowersLDL.

There are two types one could get on the market - Raw honey which is the honey which exists in the hive and is the same as ‘pure honey’ and pasteurized honey that is honey which has been subjected to heat Most of the local honeys at present sold in the supermarkets, though labelled as “pure Honey” have been diluted with syrups such as corn syrup and the buyer is not aware ofthis

Consumers could obtain pure raw honey directly from any of the many amateur producers who have one or two hives

The one large producer is the Rajkimar family from Berbice who have been in business since the 1940’s and their honey is regarded as pure and of good quality and could be obtained from the better supermarkets Consumersshouldalsobe on the alert for Fake Honey which is mostly imported and sold in the supermarkets

Fake Honey is

Genuine pure honey would become more readily availableandbeincreasingly

usedasafoodanddrugasthe honey industry begins its rapidexpansion.

formulated with syrups which simulate the taste ofhoney



Didyouknowthat many home fires start with small ignition sources like matches? Ensuring safety and quality in everyday products like matches, is of paramount concern for consumers and regulatory bodies alike. The Guyana


National Bureau of Standards(GNBS)monitors

dance wi


he requirementsoftheNational Standard – GYS 28:2006 –‘Specification for Safety

Matches, ’ to ensure conformance. This is a regionalStandardwhichwas adoptedfromCARICOMto safeguard users and ensure the reliable performance of safetymatches.

The National Standard definesamatchasaproduct comprisingofasplintwitha headwhichwillignitewhen struck against a friction surface.Thesplintpartofthe matchismadeofacardboard orwoodencombustiblestick which provide support during combustion and fuel its continued burning. The

document specifies the requi


s for the performance, sampling, packaging, and labelling of this product while also prescribing the criteria for thepurchaseofmatchsplints fromsuppliers.

Safety matches, commonly used in households and various industries, pose significant risks if not manufactured to precise specifications. Poor quality matches can lead to accidentalfires,injuries,and other hazardous incidents. As such, it is crucial that all safety matches conform to the requirements of the NationalStandard.

Importantly,thestandard specifies that matches shall ignite without delay and no more than one shall fail to ignitewhenstruck.Itfurther statesthatnomorethanfive percent (5%) of the match heads shall explode or drop hot ash during ignition or show breakage. Also, the flame shall transfer from headtosplinttoatleastonethirdofitslength. As it relates to match

boxes,theNationalStandard pointed out that they should be of good workmanship free from: damage such as crushed, broken or torn containers, loosely fitted boxesandtwistedorswollen boxes exposing match heads In addition, the friction surface shall be uniformlydistributedending atleast2mmfromeachedge oftheshortersideofthebox.

Adherence to these comprehensiveguidelinesis essential for manufacturers to produce safety matches that are both effective and safe for use by consumers.

UsingtheNationalStandard, the GNBS inspects safety matches for labelling including N a m e o f t h e manufacturer, importer or distributor, country of origin, average number of matches per box and cautionary warning indicating precautions that mayneedtobetaken;“Close box before striking” and “KEEP OUT OF REACH

O F C H I L D R E N ” Inspectors of the Product

Compliance Department conduct regular monitoring and inspection of safety matches at sales outlet and onimportation.

Users of the product are also encouraged to inspect the product properly and look for adherence to the labellingrequirementswhen

purchasingsafetymatchesto ensure they are choosing products that prioritise their safety

The GNBS remains committed to upholding the safety and quality standards of products Importers, manufacturers and distributors of safety

matches are encouraged to acquire a copy of the National Standard to further enhance their commitment toquality

For further information, please contact the GNBS on telephone numbers: 2190065, 219-0066 or WhatsApp:692-4627

FromPage12 between120,000to180,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd).

The project is located in the south central portion of the S t a b r o e k B l o c k , approximately 160 km from Georgetown. Current plans include drilling via drill ships to produce oil using approximately 14 to 30 production and injection

wells Production is expected to begin in 2029 subject to the necessary regulatory approvals and operateforatleast20years.

Manshotdeadwhile fightingoffbandits

A 6 9 - y e a r - o l d construction worker was shot dead early Sunday morning when bandits invaded his Westminster HousingScheme,WestBank Demerarahome.

D e a d i s J a i r a m Ramkishun.Reportsarethat three men armed with a gun and dressed in hoodies invaded Ramkishun’s home around 01:30hrs where he lived with his family, his wifeandtheirtwosons.The victim’swifetoldpolicethat thebanditshadenteredtheir bedroomandwokethemup.

“They then demanded that she hands over cash and jewellery, during which one of the men dealt her several

lashes about her head with thegun,”policesaid.

Ramkishun reportedly engaged the bandits in a scuffle. One of his sons identified was home at the time and rushed into the bedroom to help his father fight them off and together, they managed to force them out of the house. The son however was reportedly stabbedintheprocess.

Police said that he sustainedastabwoundinthe regionofhisleftsiderib.As the bandits exited their home, Ramkishun armed himself with a cutlass and attempted to further chase the men out of his yard but the next thing his wife remembersisaloudgunshot.

Shefollowedbehindonlyto find her husband lying dead in a pool of blood. The woman notified a family friend immediately and that individual called in the police.

Police investigations revealedthatthebanditshad onlymanagedtoescapewith two iPhones. Police also found a 9MM spent shell, a black haversack and two hats Investigations are ongoing.


ExxonMyettodecidehow tohandleproducedwater in7thproject …sayswillnotdischarge waterunlessitmeets requirementof environmentalpermit

Global Projects Cost Engineering Manager for Exxon Guyana Rebecca Cvikota during the opening of the public consultations for Exxon’s seventh project Hammerhead said that they would not be committing to any specific ways in which they will be handling the producedwater

Theofficialwasaskedby this publication if the company had plans to reinject the produced water from the project and if not can she say the effect it can have on rising sea levels if notreinjected.

She said that, “Produced water has been a topic we have been heavily involved inworkingverycloselywith the EPA and MNR to do studies on and assess and lookat.

So for Hammerhead we are still in the early phases I wouldn’t commit to any specific ways in which we are going to handle the produced water What I will saynowisthestudiesweare doing are informing those types of decisions and it is international practice to discharge produced water offshore.”Cvikotaexplained that the water is treated and they will not be discharging anywaterunlessitmeetsthe requirement of the environmental permit and is treatedsufficiently

“That is part of our practices that’s one of the things that we are monitoring very closely to ensure that we have safe operations,”sheadded.

Produced water is a liquid that is extracted during oil production activities It contains dissolved mineral salts, or may be mixed with organic compounds such as acids,

livelihoods, our fisher folk, so much to our own nutritional diet with our dependence on marine sources for protein, for an environment that supports marine life, you think about turtle nesting facilities on Shell Beach- anything that disturbs that environment is notinourinterest.”


E x x o n M o b i l acknowledged that discharges from the seventh projectcanpotentiallyaffect thequalityofwaterandharm marine species and wildlife.

waxes, and mineral oils. It may also be mixed with inorganic metals and byproducts or with trace amountsofheavymetalsand naturally-occurring radioactivematerials,theUS Department of Energy said inaresearchpaper.Itisalso usually very high in temperature, and can be deadlytomarineorganisms.

Due to its toxicity, this substance is best re-injected into the wells, though this may be a costly exercise. Exxon has sounded the warning before, in six EIAs foritspreviouslysanctioned projects, of the dangers associatedwiththedumping of produced water into the ocean.

P r o d u c e d w a t e r discharges from each of the projects vary For instance, thesixthproject–Whiptail–which will produce 250,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) will also produce 200,000 barrels of produced water daily which will be dumped intotheocean.

On the other hand, the fifth project Uaru which is being designed to produce 250,000 bpd will see the discharge or 300,000 bpd of producedwater.

Prior to the dumping of producedwateroffshore,itis treated on the FPSOs to ensure it aligns with the industry standards, as requiredbytheEPA.

The Permits granted to Exxon by the regulator requirestheoperatortotreat the substance to ensure “oil content specification of produced water to be discharged does not exceed 42mg/lonadailybasisor29 mg/lonamonthlyaverage”.

Dr UlricTrotzduringan interview with Kaieteur News earlier this year stressed the need for stringentmonitoringofthese discharges by the EPA. He said, “Any sort of contamination in a pristine marine environment that provides so much to our

s u s p e n d e d s o l i d s concentrations, chemical concentrations, or temperatureinwatercolumn has a potential to affect marine water quality and marine habitat quality and affectwildlife.”


Meanwhile,onthevexed issue of the impacts of the project on the fishing industry, Projects Env

This information is contained in the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The regulator has since instructed the company to conduct a thorough Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to study thelikelydamagethatcanbe done to the environment by the project. This study will also highlight measures to mitigate those harmful impacts.

According to the Project Summary seen by this newspaper, “The Project couldhavelocalisedimpacts tomarinewaterqualityinthe project development area from discharge of drill cuttings and from routine operational and hydrotestingdischarges.

The Project could potentially impact marine water quality in the Project area of interest (AOI) as a result of non-routine, unplanned events (e.g., spill or release).” Drill cuttings and drill fluid discharges during the drilling of development wells; effluent discharges from cooling water and produced water; hydro-testingdischargesand non-routine, unplanned events such as a spill can result in the release of dangerous substances that canaffectmarinelife.Exxon said, “Increased total

Regulatory Manager for ExxonMobilGuyanaMariya Skocik when asked about this explained that over the years, they “have done a number of studies on fisheries in particular since 2018.

Over like six years we visited a number of fishing landing sites and conducted several cycles of the study What we are seeing is consistent with our prior environmental impact assessment.”

Furthermore, she said: “during the presentation we mentioned that facilities are approximately 200 kilometers offshore, so the minor impacts that are possible are limited to that geographic location. So we havenotseenanyincreasein impacts near shore in our studies.”

She also noted that if fisherfolk livelihoods are affected “there is an impact therewouldbeamechanism in place to submit those grievances and a process to follow through.” Executive

D i r e c t o r o f t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Kemraj Parsram had revealed that the operator of the oil rich Stabroek Block has been feeding the regulator with information relative to the oil concentration in the treated produced water beingdischargeddaily

Parsramwhileappearing as a guest on the Energy Perspectives Podcast shared the progress made by the

agency over the past three years, especially in its oversight of the burgeoning petroleum industry Parsram noted that the EPAlaunched a third water quality sensor late December 2023 to monitor the surface water According to him, “That is within our key surface waters and offshore as well. The plan is to put these sensors that measure the water quality or measure pollutants in water, in the surface water, in our rivers and we can actually at our offices or on our mobile phones we can actually see realtime,whatisthequality of those parameters – for example turbidity, temperature, ph, total dissolved solids- these are key parameters that indicate thehealthofour waters.”

Thissystem,hesaid,was funded by the Government of Guyana (GoG) through budgetary allocations to the agency Presently, the sensors are located at Bartica, the Demerara River and at Saxacalli; another sensor is to be placed at the Kaieteur National Park or at the Iwokrama Centre Parsramsaidthedeployment of the sensors will be expandedinthefuture.

AFCurgesstreetprotests againstrisingcrime –callsonGovt.tospend moretotacklegun violence

Amid an escalation in criminal activities here with almost daily murders and robberies, the Alliance For Change(AFC)hascalledon citizens to take to the streets demanding betterment from leaders. The party said too that the country needs a moral reckoning and that citizensdonotdeservetodie suddenly and violently by bullets.TheAFC’sstatement was made against the backgroundofthekillingof (Continuedonpage43)

Shot dead during home invasion, Jairam Ramkishun
Global Projects Cost Engineering Manager for Exxon Guyana, Rebecca Cvikota
The Guyana Police Force has been called upon to step up its law enforcement efforts to bring down escalating crime


Jairam Ramkishun, 69 of

Westminster Housing

Scheme West Bank Demerarawhowasshotand killed on Sunday when bandits invaded his home.

“Only recently, Evelyn Alves was shot dead in the head, execution style, at

Diamond East Bank Demerara. The AFC offers its condolences to the bereaved families of these murder victims but asserts thatweallmustbeoutraged when such shootings and killings occur, especially with the regularity within recent times.” “We seem to have become numbed to it all. We, however, should take to the press, social media, and streets demandingthatGovernment and our law enforcement actors diagnose carefully why this increase in shootingsandkillingsforits reduction if not its elimination.”

TheAFCsaiditisaware that much work was done under the Citizen Security

and Strengthening Programme and the British Security Sector Reform

P r o g r a m m e

“Implementation of the r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s undoubtedly has ceased or have been shelved. To be sustainably successful in reducing gun violence, the enforcement actors, primarily the Guyana Police Force (GPF), must craft appropriate evidence-based and community-informed solutions. The Government and the enforcement actors involvedmusthaveahandle on who is committing the violence, where they are committingit,andwhy,”the partysaidinitsstatement.

According to the AFC the well-known tools to identify that small cohort of especially young men most likely to shoot or be shot must be employed. “Crime mapping to identify where thehotspotsareconcentrated must be scrupulously done and shared with the public, alongwiththedisaggregated weekly statistics of serious crimes.Governmentandthe Police must combine data and human intelligence to understand the dynamics of thishigh-endlethalviolence withanemphasistodiscover the proximate and root causes.”

TheAFCsaiditbelieves that budgetary allocations for a better security for all Guyana must be structured to target especially this increase in gun crimes

“Devoting additional resources to curb gun violence and murders is affordable by any budgetary standard, especially if compared to the costs of the loss of lives and limbs, the medical costs, the criminal justice costs, lost earnings, the reduced quality of life and so many consequential costs of the violence. But theremustbefundsallocated specificallyforthispurpose: reduction of shooting and killing.”

The AFC said police force and the Ministry of Home Affairs must thereafter provide progress reports showing that the monies are being spent on the people, places and behaviours that have been identifiedasdrivingthisgun violence. Sadly, our GPF these days, especially some members of the Officer Corps, seem to be far removed from these core functions and progressive activities.Asanationwewill beworseoffforit,”theAFC statementconcluded.


Govt.willnotallowExxon torunamokatpublic meeting …Jagdeoinstructsoil ministertosend representatives;while PNCRdismissesits importance

Amid growing concerns over the management of the oil industry here, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo saidthathisgovernmentwill not allow oil giant to run amok at the public consultations it kick-started on its seventh oil projectHammerhead on Monday He promised to instruct Natural Resources Minister, Vickram Bharrat to ensure the government is well represented,warningagainst the oil company misleading Guyanese among other things.


acknowledging the importance of the US trillion-dollar oil industry and how the resources if managed properly can transform the lives of citizens, no opposition officialshowedupatthefirst twopublicconsultationsand the main opposition party, People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) dismissed theimportanceoftheforum, which it said it will not be attending.

Observers view their

absence of the opposition’s representatives as an insult to Guyanese who expect their leaders to represent them at all levels especially on a matter as crucial as the oil sector Exxon, the operator of the oil-rich Stabroek Block informed last week that the public scopingmeetingsaregeared towards providing information to the public on the project. The meetings commenced on Monday with two engagements with residentsof RegionThreeat the Leonora Technical Institute, West Coast DemeraraandthenatUmana Yana in Georgetown Followingcriticismsfromits last round of public scoping sessions, Exxon increased thenumberofmeetingstobe heldinRegionFour

Three meetings are scheduled for the country’s mostpopulatedregion–one at the Umana Yana, Georgetown, another at the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) in Mon Repos,EastCoastDemerara and another at the New Diamond/Grove Primary School, East Bank Demerara. A total of 10 meetingswillbeheldduring the 10-day consultation period Notably, the oil company is also set to engage the hinterland region, with two meetings scheduled for Region One. Hammerhead is expected to add 120,000 to 180,000 barrels of oil per day production capacity The Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel will be capable of storingapproximately1.4to 2 million barrels of oil Third-party oil tankers will be scheduled to offload the oil from the FPSO, making theoilavailableforexportto theinternationalmarket.

Hammerhead is located in the south-central portion of the Stabroek Block, approximately 160 km from Georgetown. Current plans include drilling via drill ships to produce oil using approximately 14 to 30 production and injection wells. Production is expected to begin in 2029 subject to the necessary regulatory approvals and operate for at least 20 years. Todate,Exxonhasobtained approval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza PhaseOne,LizaPhaseTwo, Payara,Yellowtail,Uaruand Whiptail The first three projects are already

producing oil at a daily estimated rate of 640,000 barrelsperday(bpd).

Speaking to Kaieteur News on Tuesday, Jagdeo wasaskedabouttheabsence of government officials at the first two meetings. He enquired: “where will these meetings be held?” We shouldhavepeoplethere.We can’t allow these people (ExxonMobil)torunamok.I don’t know what they are going to say, they telling people all kinds of stupidness…that they…you know like some of the billboardsthatwehadissues with ” The VP then informed this publication that he is going to “talk to Vickram Bharrat to make sure that we are represented at every one of them.” The Minister of Natural

Resources was also contacted for a comment on theabsenceofhisMinistry’s presence and he said “Technicalstaffwillattend.”

PNCRdismisses importanceofforum

Meanwhile, asked about their absence at the public meetings Sherwood Lowe, PNCR Communications ChiefandCentralExecutive member said: “Let me say this, we find these scoping meetings and public consultations mere formalities.Wehaveseenno evidence where Exxon nor the government, has taken any considerations, any concerns of the public in redesigning or modifying any design aspect of these projects,andthereforeasfar as we are concerned, these public consultations (and) scopingareameresham.”

Loweisofthebeliefthat, “Decisions have been made already by Exxon, by the governmentandasIsaid,we see no evidence of a

willingness to adjust to the concerns of residents. There are bigger issues, concerns and challenges with the projects other than asking questions.”

Saying that the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)doesnothave any clout he questioned, “Whatisthisallabout?What a r e t h e s e p u b l i c consultationsallabout? Are they for optics? Are they to createandillusion?Arethey to create the illusion that p e o p l e m a t t e r ? ”

Furthermore, he made it clear that his party is “not goingtotakepartinthat.We are skeptical of the process and we have seen no evidence (that) these consultations lead to any significantchange.Sothatis in a nutshell where we stand.”

AFCtoattend smallmeetings

For his part, David Patterson, AFC’s Chairman andspokespersononoiland gas in an invited comment said: “we normally I normally attend the very smalleronesbecausethebig public ones at the Umana Yana everyone attends. I have always attended them but I think there is one in a really…I cannot remember which one I had earmarked wheretherewillbeveryfew people so you can have the floor to yourself.” “That is what we normally do, because when we go to UmanaYanaeveryonewants to speak The last time instead of going to the UmanaYana,IwenttoSouth Ruimveldt and it was very few people there but I was abletoaskallmyquestions. SoIdon’tgotothe(big)ones I go to get my answers. So I willbeatoneofthemIcan’t remember the one I marked.

It is not on my desk at the moment but I will be at one of them. I will let you know whichoneIwillbeat.”

In a letter to the editor which appeared in this newspaper on Tuesday, July 23,2024,thewriterRadeish DavidsaidGuyanaisthebig showoftheplunderingofits oil, gold and other resource wealth “The plunderers along with their local enablersaredoingtheirvery best to distract Guyanese from watching this plundering show Just like foreign exploiters under the disguise of “foreign investors” from all over the globeliningupforapieceof Guyana, sports and music entertainersfromalloverthe globe also want to come to entertain Guyanese with theirshows.”

David said Guyanese will talk about cricket and musicbutnotaboutExxon’s inflated bills, ring-fencing oil projects, or getting more royalties, profit share, and taxesfromfutureoilprojects along with full parent company guarantee liability insuranceforoilspillsifthey occur

Noplanto educatecitizens

Previously,Toshaoofthe Warapoka Village, Jaremy Boyal raised concerns over the manner in which Indigenous communities are engaged on oil and gas activities. He said there has beenaheavyfocusonmoney and benefits of the sector, rather than educating the communitiesonthepotential dangers they are exposed to as a result of the offshore activities.

At a number of public consultationsheldinthepast by ExxonMobil, the Toshao saidheenquiredaboutthe (Continuedonpage44)

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo during a press conference


Shell Beach protected area; however, his question has notbeenaddressed.

Oil spill modeling shows thatthisareacanbeaffected by an oil spill; however, the Toshao said, “That has not been on the agenda…many times, sometimes we would trytohavewhatwouldbethe effect,howareweplayinga roleifthereisgonnabeone, but again that is not something that we as villages are aware of ”

According to him, “We just hearonesideofthestorythat thereissomuchproduction, thatthereissomuchmillions that we can earn in the next five,10,15,20yearsandthe rateofdevelopmentpluswe are one of the fastest growing economies in the world.”

Evenonthecoast,Exxonhas facedcriticismsforfailingto address critical issues on its operations. During public consultations on the sixth project – Whiptail- in February last year, several questions asked were left unanswered.

ExxonsaysUS$2B guaranteecancompensate Guyana,Trinidadand Venezuelainevent ofoilspill

ExxonMobil Guyana’s Projects Environmental and Regulatory Manager, Maria Skocik has assured that should there be an oil spill Guyana, Trinidad and Venezuelacanbeadequately compensated from the US$2Boilspillguarantee.

Skocik was asked to speak on the economic impacts a potential oil spill willhaveonGuyanaandthe Caribbean region, and whether the insurance in place will fully cover Guyana, as well as compensate the other countriesaffected.

“First and foremost, we are committed to safe operations, both personnel safety and environment, so as Becky was mentioning, we are doing everything possible to ensure that no incidents happen. In the off chance they do occur, we have technical and financial capacity to be able to respond to those incidents,” theExxonofficialsaid.

She explained that there are measures in place like insurances and there will be mechanisms activated to facilitatecleanup.

“So there are things like insurances in place, there will be mechanisms for cleanup and for grievances

and for business to submit claims.

Butagainthatbeingsaid in the way we design projects and the way we operate them is we do everything possible to prevent incidents from happening,”shestated.

To get clarity, this publication asked, “So you are saying if an incident occurs, Guyana will get full coverage and also the affected countries like TrinidadorVenezuela?”

In response Skocik said, “Yes, it absolutely does. So again, in an off chance an incident does happen, there will be a process for complete mitigation and mitigation of the area so there will be efforts to clean everything up and also support financially for partiesthatareimpacted.”

The oil company often toutsitscapacitytotakecare of an oil spill in the event such a disaster occurs in the 26,800 square kilometers StabroekBlock.

The company, whenever faced with questions about the cost of an oil spill, previously assured that it willnotwalkawayfromthe country but will handle associated cleanup and compensation.

However, the assurances provided have been cast aside with the US$2B oil

spill Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement

superseding all oral

statements and prior writings.

In fact, the agreement, enteredintobytheExecutive D i r e c t o r o f t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Kemraj Parsram, explicitly outlines US$2B as the maximum amounttobeprovidedbythe Stabroek Block partners collectively

According to the document, “This Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement constitutes the entire a g r e e m e n t a n d understanding of the parties

with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all oral statements and prior writings with respect thereto; provided that for certainty,itisacknowledged by the Beneficiary and the Guarantor that this Guarantee and Indemnity Agreementisnotintendedto anddoesnotamendanyterm or provision of the PetroleumAgreement.”

Before the Government of Guyana (GoG) touches a penny from the US$2B oil spill guarantee provided by ExxonMobil, Hess and CNOOC, the country will firstberequiredtowriteeach of the three guarantors informing of the company’s failure to meet its legal financialobligations.

The Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement lodged by the Stabroek Block partners on June 9, 2023 makes it explicit, “In order for the Beneficiary (GoG) to exercise its rights under this Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement, the Beneficiary must provide to the Guarantor at the Guarantor’saddressstatedin Section 4.4, written notice, signed by an authorized r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f Beneficiary (the “Notice”), of EEPGL’s Default of the E n v i r o n m e n t a l Obligation…”

The notice to the guarantor must detail the environmental obligation(s) that is (are) purported to have been defaulted on, including the legal basis giving rise to the environmentalobligation(s) in question; how Exxon failed to satisfy the applicable Environmental Obligation(s)andtheunpaid amount for which the companyisliablefor

Additionally, the government under the agreement must also notify the guarantor that the oil companies have been advised of its intent to draw theguarantee.

At a number of its

scopingmeetingsfornewoil projects, the company also faced questions from the public on the safety of its operationsandtheeconomic impactofsuchanevent.


Govt.takesoutUS$300M morefromoilfund

The Ministry of Finance on Wednesday evening announced yet another withdrawalfromtheNatural ResourcesFund(NRF).

In a statement, the Ministry of Finance said in keeping with the approval, the Government of Guyana hasmadeitsthirdtransferfor

withdrawals to date in 2024

to US $850 million equivalent to (G$ 176.72 billionwithinthetotalofthe US $1,586,150,331 ( e q u i v a l e n t t o G$329,8

) approvedin2024.

Earlier this year, reports indicated that the final withdrawalfromtheNatural Resource Fund for the year 2023, amounted to US$152.1 million (G$31.6 billion). This took the total transfersfortheyear2023to US$1.002 billion (G$208.9 billion) as approved in the National Assembly The fund was operationalised in 2022.

The NRF Act sets specific guidelines for the use of the funds; however, there has been no indication from government as to a single project financed from thisrevenuestreamtodate.

Section 16.2 of the NRF Act explains that, “All withdrawals from the Fund shall be deposited into the ConsolidatedFundandshall be used only to finance: (a) national development priorities including any initiative aimed at realizing aninclusivegreeneconomy, and(b)essentialprojectsthat are directly related to ameliorating the effect of a majornaturaldisaster.”

International Financial Analysts worry that the revenue may not be used to develop the country and improvethelivesofitspoor citizens.

For instance, Director of Financial Analysis at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), Tom Sanzillohadpointedoutthat thegovernmenthasnotbeen prioritising saving the funds generated from the industry like Norway but has instead embarked on a massive infrastructural and energy development scheme which may very well benefit its partner, ExxonMobil more than the citizens in the country

Meanwhile, the GoG previously said that money from the oil account is transferred directly to the consolidated fund which blends the various revenue streams.Thismeansthatthe government is therefore unable to say what specific projects were funded by thoseearnings.

Govt.uneasywithlevels ofcrime,violencein Guyana–Nandlall

The Attorney General Anil Nandlall on Tuesday duringhisweeklyepisodeof Issues in the News said that the ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) are constantly being trained but the Government of Guyana is uncomfortable with the levels of crime and violence seeninthecountry

“We are constantly training our police officers, to make them better qualifiedandbettersuitedto deal with crime and criminality in the country. Moreforensicapproachesto investigations are being pursued,” Nandlall told listeners of his facebook show

2024, totaling US $300 million (equivalent to G$62.394 billion) from the NRFonJuly22,2024tothe ConsolidatedFund.

The Ministry explained inthereleasethatthemoveis in keeping with the Natural Resources Fund (NRF) Act 2021, as amended by the Fiscal Enactments (Amendment) Act 2024, when parliamentary approvalwasgrantedforUS $1,586,150,331 (equivalent toG$329,885,563,088)tobe withdrawn from the NRF in 2024.

According to the Ministry, the transfer brings

Government has not identified what are the “national development priorities” being funded by theoilrevenue.

This is particularly concerningasthelegislation features no penalties for misuseofthefunds.

ThepurposeofGuyana’s Natural Resource Fund is to ensure there is prudent management of the nation’s oil earnings for the present and future benefit of the people by ensuring that volatility in natural resource revenues does not lead to volatile public spending With little transparency regarding the use of Guyana’s oil wealth,

He further stated that, “the Government is not comfortablewiththelevelof crime and violence in the society and that is no secret. Wehaverepeatedlyaccepted that fact and we are assiduously working to address the situation ” Nandlall highlighted that thereisanumberofpiecesof legislation that the government will be passing “but legislations are not, the singular remedy that can comprehensively and successfully address this problem.

Wehavetohaveamultifacetedapproach,sowewill taketothe


Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh

Frompage44 parliamentshortlyabillthat will increase penalties for different categories of offences.”

Traffic offences he said will be attracting a higher penalty since in Guyana there continues to be an unacceptable rate of road fatalitiesandthegovernment has been passing a menu of statutory provisions intended to address this matter “Wehaveintroduced the offense of motor manslaughter, we have introduced a regime of disqualifications of driver’s license, we have introduced a regime that addresses drunkendriving,drivingina comprehensive way,” the AGexplained.

The AG further stated that the government has introduced a regime of statutory provisions to address the question of sellingofintoxicatingliquor to drivers and persons suspected to be drivers “Onlyatthelastsittingofthe Parliament we have introduced a camera system bywayoflegislation,sothat cameras are going to be located along the way at strategicpointsofourmajor roadways, and will video recordtransactionsrelatedto speedingandfailuretowear seatbelts.”

There will also be amendments to address penalties under the Road Traffic Act and public awarenessonhowtousethe roadways.

Similarly in relation to offencesinvolvingviolence, robbery, breaking and entering, burglary and robberyunderarms,Nandlall said the penalty provisions are being reviewed. He said the forensic laboratory has been equipped with “a skill set of highly qualified personnel that who have been recruited from overseas. “We have now modern equipment and we are acquiring more to equip the lab as we move into forensic examination,” the AGboasted.

TheAllianceForChange (AFC) earlier this week called on citizens to take to the streets demanding betterment from the governmentandthepolicein thefightagainstcrime. The party said too that the country needs a moral reckoning and that citizens do not deserve to die suddenly and violently by bullets.TheAFC’sstatement was made against the background of the killing of Jairam Ramkishun, 69 of


and Minister of Legal Affairs,Anil Nandlall, S.C.

k Demerarawhowasshotand killed on Sunday when banditsinvadedhishome.

TheAFCsaiditbelieves that budgetary allocations for a better security for all Guyana must be structured to target especially this increase in gun crimes “Devoting additional resources to curb gun violence and murders is affordable by any budgetary standard, especially if compared to the costs of the loss of lives and limbs, the medical costs, the criminal justice costs, lost earnings, the reduced quality of life and so many consequential costs of the violence. But theremustbefundsallocated specificallyforthispurpose: reduction of shooting and killing.”


‘NoguaranteeExxon willhave7thproject’ …VPJagdeosays Governmenttodecide whetherprojectsumwill beaddedtocostbank

There is no guarantee that ExxonMobil will be allowed to go ahead with its s e v e n t h p r o j e c t Hammerhead. At least this much was gleaned from statementsmadebytheVice President Bharrat Jagdeo during his weekly press conference on Thursday at Freedom House on Robb Street.

Jagdeowasaskedbythis publication, “In relation to produced water from Hammerhead Exxon’s 7th project that is supposed to start up in 2029, the opposition seems to be on two different ends of the spectrum with how the company should be dealing with produced water. We havethePNC,theyareallfor reinjection,whiletheAFCis all for treatment The company is yet to decide

how they will handle this. Can you say what is government’s position on how Exxon should handle produced water from this project?”

The VP stated, “So first ofall,thereisanassumption that there will be a seventh project. So we will get the application soon and at that time, the government will determine through two permits, one the licence and then the environmental permit,howitwilldealwith alloftheseissues.”

He boasted that the administration has made the permitsforpreviousprojects public unlike the previous administration and they will bedealingwithanyissuesas they arise. Jagdeo added: “Exxon still has to demonstrate that they will submit all the documents needed for us to assess whethertherequirementsare met. On the seventh project, we are yet to determine whetherwewantthatonthe cost bank now ahead of any clarityofhowwearemoving with the monetization of the Gas Project. So those issues will be determined next week.”

ExxonMobil has commenced public consultationsfortheseventh projectHammerhead.Itwas at the first meeting on Mondaythatitwasdisclosed by Global Projects Cost Engineering Manager for Exxon Guyana Rebecca Cvikota that the company is yet to decide what specific methods would be used to address the produced water from this project, but they were already presenting plans to the public on how they plan to go about production and what the capacity of the Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO) willbe.

Produced water is a liquid that is extracted during oil production activities It contains dissolved mineral salts, or may be mixed with organic compounds such as acids, waxes, and mineral oils. It may also be mixed with inorganic metals and byproducts or with trace amountsofheavymetalsand naturally-occurring radioactivematerials,theUS Department of Energy said inaresearchpaper.Itisalso usually very high in temperature, and can be deadlytomarineorganisms. Due to its toxicity, this substance is best re-injected into the wells, though this may be a costly exercise.

Exxon has sounded the warning before, in six EIAs foritspreviouslysanctioned projects, of the dangers associatedwiththedumping of produced water into the ocean Produced water discharges from each of the projects vary For instance, thesixthproject–Whiptail–which will produce 250,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) will also produce 200,000 barrels of produced water daily which will be dumped intotheocean.

The Exxon official was asked by this publication if the company had plans to reinject the produced water from the project and if not, can she say the effect it can have on rising sea levels if notreinjected.Shesaidthat, “Produced water has been a topic we have been heavily involved in working very closely with the EPA and MNR to do studies on and assess and look at. So, for Hammerhead, we are still in the early phases, I wouldn’t committoanyspecificways in which we are going to handle the produced water What I will say now is the studies we are doing are informing those types of decisions and it is international practice to discharge produced water offshore.”

Cvikota explained that the water is treated and they will not be discharging any water unless it meets the requirement of the environmental permit and is treated sufficiently. “That is part of our practices that’s oneofthethingsthatweare monitoring very closely to ensure that we have safe operations,”sheadded.


ExxonMobil has acknowledged that discharges from the seventh projectcanpotentiallyaffect thequalityofwaterandharm marine species and wildlife.

This information is contained in the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to the Project Summary seen by this newspaper, “The Project couldhavelocalisedimpacts

tomarinewaterqualityinthe project development area from discharge of drill cuttings and from routine operational and hydrotesting discharges The Project could potentially impact marine water quality intheProjectareaofinterest (AOI) as a result of nonroutine, unplanned events (e.g.,spillorrelease).”

Drill cuttings and drill fluid discharges during the drilling of development wells; effluent discharges from cooling water and produced water; hydrotesting discharges and nonroutine, unplanned events such as a spill can result in the release of dangerous substances that can affect marine life Exxon said, “Increased total suspended solids concentrations, chemical concentrations, or temperatureinwatercolumn has a potential to affect marine water quality and marine habitat quality and affectwildlife.”

JagdeosaysoldOmai hasnotreturnedto Guyana,despite companypresident says“weareback”

VicePresidentBharratin an effort to defend his government’s decision to grant approval for Omai Gold Mines to reenter Guyana said that the companyhereatthemoment is not the old one. However, Elaine Ellingham, President and Chief Executive Officer of Omai said that it is the


On August 19, 1995, a man-made environmental disaster had occurred in the Omai River in Guyana; the walls of an earthen tailings pond,constructedtocontain cyanide utilised in the goldmining industry became breached. More than 400 million gallons of cyanidelaced material spilled into the Omai River and subsequently, into the Essequibo, the country’s largestriver

The spill resulted in severe environmental, ecological, social, economic and political consequences f o r t h e G u y a n e s e community The local and international media, government, politicians and environmental groups were actively involved in the matter Due to local outcry and international outrage, gold-mining operations in the region were suspended for several months. During the crisis, former President CheddiJaganhaddeclareda stretch of 50 contaminated milesoftheEssequiboRiver asanenvironmentaldisaster zone. While concentrations of cyanide of two parts per million (ppm) are fatal, the slag along the Omai River values reached 28 ppm during that disaster. A government-mandated Commission of Enquiry investigated the matter and made recommendations. Nevertheless, gold-mining operations resumed fully at thespillsitebyMarchofthe following year The mining company eventually shut down its operations in 2005 anditsholdingspassedfrom Cambior Resources to IAMGOLD before they made it into the hands of Mahdia Gold Corporation (MGC).

From1993,thecompany commenced actual extraction of gold, and during their 24-year run, the companyextractedsome3.7 million ounces of gold, but onlypaidfivepercentofthat in royalties to Guyana. Had thetermsoftheircontractfor the lucrative gold mine entailedmorebenefitsfor (Continuedonpage46)

Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo
Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo and Elaine Ellingham, President and CEO of Omai Gold Mines.

Frompage45 Guyana, the country would havereapedinbillionsofUS dollars. In addition to this, thecompanybenefittedfrom a slew of tax, fuel and v e h i c u l a r concessions totaling to millions of Guyanese

d o l l a r s

This wasn’t the only sweetheart deal that Omai GoldMinesreaped–intheir contract was a clause which protected it against any future laws. In other words, not even Parliament could reduce the benefits which wereduetoOmaiunderthat agreement However, because of the steep drop of gold prices in 2005, Omai decided that it was time for them to close up shop. The company had to stay on for threemoreyearstofulfillits obligations as these related to ensuring that the site was environmentally safe given the wide scale use of cyanide.


In light of the foregoing, Jagdeowasaskedathisnews conferenceonThursdaywhy did his government accept thecompanythathadcaused suchmajordisasterhereand what steps were taken to reconcile the relationship between Omai and Guyana. In response, Jagdeo said, “Well, it’s two different companies; now it’s two different companies So, theyhavenotreturned;Omai has not returned It’s a different company, different ownership very different ownership”. Theyremember whenOmaiwashere

However, Ellingham back in March during an interviewwithCruxInvestor that was streamed on their Yo u Tu b e C h a n n e l highlighted a meeting with President Irfaan Ali, e m p h a s i s i n g t h e government’s enthusiastic support for mining initiatives.Ellinghamstated, “He’s (President Ali) got a lot on his plate and you can imagine the offshore oil business in Guyana is just attracting so much foreign interest and foreign investment ” However, Omai’s CEO stated that Guyana’s head-of-state still findstimetostayupdatedon the company’s progress

“But you know, they really value mining, they remember when Omai was in production…so Omai in particular has kind of a special place in the hearts and souls,” Ellingham stated. “They always wanna knowhowOmaiisdoingand

how soon it can be in production so we need to forge forward,” she added. She added that the Ministry ofNaturalResourcesandthe Guyana Geology & Mines Commission (GGMC) are equally keen to see Omai back in production soon. Ellingham underscored Guyana’s unique position among global jurisdictions, noting the government’s proactive role in fostering mining activities She remarked,“There’sveryfew jurisdictions in the world, where you know you have a government that’s kinda routing for you and wanting toseeyouadvance.”


Additionally, despite Jagdeo’sdenialofthereturn of the company, in October 2020,theMinisterofNatural Resources, Vickram Bharrat revealed that Omai Gold MinesLimited(OGML)had signaled their intentions to return to Guyana. In adding to this, Minister Bharrat had shared that OGML intends on recoiling to their old worksite in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) Many government officials had and have hailed the return of OGML. Even with these touted investments, Kaieteur News had reminded that Guyanese must not forget that for over two decades, Omai Gold Mines exploited Guyana, its resources and has caused severeenvironmentdamage. Nonetheless, Minister Bharrat, in 2020 maintained that OGML will go through all of the necessary regulations to ensure that Guyana does not suffer anotherloss.

This year, the Canadian company announced significant milestones with itsproject,locatedinRegion Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) Omai holds a 100% interest in the gold project, which encompasses two gold deposits: the shear-hosted Wenot Deposit and the adjacent intrusive-hosted GiltCreekDeposit.

OnFebruary8,2024,the Company announced an updated Mineral Resources Estimate (MRE) for the Omai Property The combinedestimatesfromthe Wenot and Gilt Creek depositsstandsat2.0million ounces of gold grading at 2.15g/tgoldintheindicated category and 2.3 million ounces of gold grading at 2 26 g/t in the inferred category This represents a notable increase compared to the previous resource estimate conducted in

October 2022, with indicated ounces seeing a 4% uptick and inferred ounces experiencing a substantial28%surge.


RegionalAgri-insurance programmelaunched tosafeguardfarmers fromthreats

T h e C a r i b b e a n Community(CARICOM)in collaboration with Lynch Caribbean Brokers out of

Barbados on Friday launched the Regional Economical Agri-Insurance Programme (REAP) which is set to provide agricultural insurance for farmers and fisherfolk in the Region, particularlyinthefaceofthe impactofclimatechangeon theagriculturesector.

The launch of the programme was held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre and was attended by President Irfaan Ali, Minister of Agriculture and Head of the CARICOM Special Ministerial Task Force on Food Production and Food Security, Zulfikar Mustapha; Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, F i s h e r i e s , R u r a l Transformation, Industry and Labour of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Saboto Caesar; CARICOM AssistantSecretary-General, Economic Integration,

I n n o v a t i o n a n d Development, Mr Joseph CoxandManagingDirector, Lynch Caribbean Brokers, Mr Damien Bowen among otherofficials.TheRegional Economical Agri-Insurance

Programme (REAP) according to CARICOM, offers insurance products thatprovidedirectpayoutsto cover production costs and business interruptions

REAP’s objective is to ensure financial resilience, bolster food security, and promote healthier dietary habits across the Region, which align with the key deliverables of the Caribbean Community’s Special Ministerial Task Force on Food Production andFoodSecurity

The programme in its initial phase presently consist of nine nations including Guyana, Barbados, Dominica, St Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It is anticipated by August that four more nationswilljoinbringingthe totalto12.

CARICOM’s Assistant Secretary- General in his

opening remarks said that the programme marks the introduction of a private sector driven agriculture incentives insurance initiativefortheRegion.

Heapplaudedthenations and the Ministerial Task ForceonFoodandNutrition Securityfortheirpioneering participation in this initial phase and for their dedication to identifying suitable agriculture insurance schemes which is a crucial objective of the 25 by25initiative.Vision25,is a commitment made by the heads of Government of CARICOM to reduce the Region’s large food import billby25percentby2025.

Noting that this programme is a significant milestone in the Region’s development, Mr Cox shared that CARICOM memberstatesareamongthe mostvulnerablesmallisland developing states whose agricultural sectors remain highly exposed to the effect ofclimatechange.

“Changes in weather patterns, heavier rain falls and harsher dry seasons among others continue to havedisastrouseffectsonthe agricultural sector output and productivity If the advent of hurricane Beryl hastaughtusanythingisthat we must have recovery and resilienceplansinplacethat can respond to the natural disastersandcounterbalance GDPlosses and the obvious negative impact on the economicallivelihoodofthe people of our region,” he explained.

Further, he noted that agricultural insurance plays avitalrolefortheCaribbean community member states by providing protection against the unpredictable and devastating impacts of climate change on agriculture as the Caribbean faces more frequent and severe weather related events. The insurance will also safeguard farmers’

livelihood and ensure food securityforthepeopleofthe Region.

“The Region’s initiative aims to enhance food sovereignty and economic resiliencebyadaptingtoand mitigating against these impacts Agricultural insurance programmes are essentialtoenablingfarmers to invest in sustainable resilientpracticesmitigating climate related risks and facilitating quick recovery from natural disasters,” he furtherpointedout.

Speaking about the programme yesterday, Managing Director of Lynch, Mr Bowen mentioned that the discussionindevelopingthe programmebeganin2023at the Caribbean Week of Agriculture held in Bahamas.

He said that every territory involved has identified an insurance companythatwillplayarole inthisprocess.

“So there are at least three to four leading insurance companies across the Caribbean who are partnering with REAP REAP is indeed an all inclusive model Our purpose is to firstly protect and propel vision 25 by 25 from its major threat which isclimatechange,”headded.

“Weareheretodrivethe de-risk transfer from the public sector to the private sector, we are here to propel small holder farmers and fisherfolks with scalability to even include large operators. The reality is that agri-insurance premium globally are typically out of the reach or out of the reach ofyouraveragesmallholder farmerandacrosstheregion especially in the OECS [Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States] their farming community is comprise of a large preponderance of small holderfarmers.Sothereality is our focal point initially

washowwecanprovidethis level of protection,” he furtherexplained.

Meanwhile, President Ali lauded the initiative while noting that while it is important to proceed in this direction, it is equally important to look at the sustainability and resilience of the Region’s agriculture sector

He shared that variables such as research and development, data and science collection that are lacking in the Region, integration of technology in agriculture, financial instrument and human resource capability are all important in building out sustainability and resilience inthesector

“Today is a significant moment, when we started this journey just to find an insurance product that was interestedinevenlookingat theissuewasdifficult.Sowe have now at least work that has started what I would encouraged, now that you haveformalizedaproduct,to now open the wings and to invitethroughouttheregions all the other brokers, all the other insurance companies who can be a part of this so that we cover the entire regionandthenwecaneven have further work on reducing the cost and making the accessibility easier,” the Head of State said.

The REAP initiative t a rg e t s t h r e e k e y beneficiaries which are crop farmers, livestock farmers and fisherfolks and provide coverageininstancessuchas drought, pest, excess rain, flood, wind and also covers fisheryinterruption.

In rolling out this programme, Lynch Brokers has partnered with Guy Carpenter, a leading reinsurance broker, and Raincoat, a leading insure tech firm and the intergovernmental CARICOM agencies.

President IrfaanAli alongside Managing Director, Lynch Caribbean Brokers, Mr. Damien Bowen (left) and CARICOMAssistant Secretary-General, Economic Integration, Innovation and Development, Mr. Joseph Cox (right) at the launch of the ‘REAP’initiative.

The African tradition is bigondanceandrituals to invoke the spirit of theancestorsandseekguidanceon the way forward. Soiree is a festivalthatmarksliberationfrom the harsh life the colonizers imposedonourancestors.

August 1st is Emancipation Day in Guyana, which signifies thefreedomofslavesfromthelife oftheplantation,therighttoearna wageandownsmallplotsofland.

After emancipation, the former slaves worked hard and accumulatedasumofmoneyfrom theirpooledwagestobeginninga seriesofbuyoutsoftheplantations theyworkedon.

Hopetown Village, West

Coast Berbice which is considered the home of Soiree was one of a string of villages bought

AccordingtoArleneMunroin her piece titled, “Places of Significant African Presence in Guyana, The African Villages” Hopetown was bought on October 12th, 1840 by the Blair Brothersand49otherproprietors including Pompey Joseph and JacobWilsonfor$2,000

Traditional soiree involves ring games, cumfa dancing and drumming. Some persons may also take part in the singing of traditional songs and chanting to entice and awaken the ancestral spirits.

Over the last decade or two, soireehastakenonamoderntwist to combine both traditional and modernaspectstoincludeallages inthefestivities.

On July 31st each year, Hope Townislitupfromtheweehours of the morning and there is drummingtoawakenthevillagers andthosesurroundingit.

There is bustling in many households as everyone is trying to get ready for the day’s festivities. There are meals to be cooked, outfits to be ironed and stallstobeassembled.

The drummers tighten their drumskinstoensureeachonewill bedoingwhatitissupposedtodo and sounding the way it should. Folksingersareheardhummingor belting to makes sure their vocals are in order and the dancers rehearse their choreographies to ensuretheyareinsync.

On the modern side of things, DJ’s and selectors are setting up, strappingonandtuningmusicsets toensurethattheyareloudenough todrownoutthesurroundingones

Soiree: The African tradition that lives on

to keep each section of the crowd contained. Each popular sound system has its own fan base and wouldbesetupatintervalstocater tothepatrons.

In all of this bustle and hustle, the ranks of the Guyana Police Forcearepresenttokeepthepeace. Even though things may have taken a more modern turn, there is stillgreatrespectforthetraditional aspectasitisonlywitnessedoncea year and is quite a spectacle especially for the elderly folks.

Quiteoftenifnotalways,thereisa story telling segment where old Africantalesaretoldtopassdown knowledgeoffolkloreaswellasto teachthemaboutthejourneyofour ancestors from their home to slavery

Guyana is a country of six ethnicities and soiree plays a vital role in keeping culture alive. Head down to Hopetown Village, West Coast Berbice on July 31 to experiencealittleofsliceofAfrica, foryourself.

Ariana Blaize is Miss Universe Guyana 2024

In an ultimatebattle of beauty, elegance,and poise,Ariana Blaize emerged as the radiant queen of the Miss Universe Guyana 2024 Pageant.The prestigious event, held on July 26 at the Marriott Hotel, witnessed eleven delegates competing in a head-to-head contest for the crown. Amidst the glitz and glamour, Blaize a GuyaneseAmerican and a mental health advocate shone as the crowned jewel, captivating the audience and judges alike with her exceptional st performance. The1 runner-uppositionwasawardedtoMissBerbice - Faydeha King; a crowd favourite. She is the first delegate from Guyanatoplaceinthetop20ofaninternationalbeautypageant(Miss Earth). She is also one of the first mothers to enter the competition. King was awarded the majority of points as best dress which scored 25% of the competition. During the evening gown segment, she looked radiant in an ocean blue sparkling dress which flowed gracefullyasshewalks. Theaudiencechantinghernameandcheered for her throughout the entire pageant. Filipino and Guyanese model, TVpresenter,anddigitalmarketingcreator,FarahSattaursecuredthe nd position of 2 runner-up. Throughout the competition, she embodied grace and beauty She wore a show stopping beige feathered gown that glistens every time she walks the stage. In an invited comment, shedescribedthepageantasan“unexpectedevent”.

The final phase of the competition unfolded through various segments including swimwear, evening gown, and question and answer,showcasingtheconfidence,passion,anddeterminationofthe contestants. The other delegates were also recognized for their performances.Among the top six finalists were Katifa Lester - Miss Demerara Mahaica, the first pregnant woman to participate in the pageant, and Misha Caleb - Miss Nabaclis, and Shyla Murray - Miss Bartica. The newly crowned, Miss Universe Guyana is a student majoringinnursingwithaminorininternationalbusinessaffairs.The night was one of triumph for her as she clinched not only the coveted title of Miss Universe Guyana but also garnered accolades for her swimwear Shegarneredtopscoresforfitness,healthandconfidence whileshestruttedherstuffontherunway

Herstarshonebrighterduringtheeveningsegmentembracingher sparkling golden and silver dress along with her radiant smile. Audience cheered for the beauty Following the competition, the young woman shared with this publication, “I feel very grateful and very excited to represent Guyana at the Miss Universe, I worked extremelyhardtogetheresoIamveryappreciativetothejudgesthat have given me the chance to represent Guyana and I know that I am goingtomakeusproud.”

The Queen expressed however that preparing for the pageant was nerve-racking yet an amazing experience. She noted further that the pageant committee welcomed the delegates with open arms and that madeherfeelatease.Lookingforward,Ms.Blaizewillnowrepresent Guyana at the 73rd Miss Universe competition this upcoming November in Mexico. She anticipates bringing home the crown and puttingGuyanaonthemapinthisregard.Sheremarked,“IthinkIcan definitely put Guyana on the map and give us the recognition that we deserve.Weareaverycompetitivecountryandwehadsomebeautiful womenthatalreadyrepresentedthecountrysoIhavebigshoestofill but I am very excited to take on this journey and finally give my countrywhattheytrulydeservewhichistowinMissUniverse”.

The judging panel for the pageant included, Head Judge, Katherina Roshana, Stacey Dos Santos-Rahaman, Kurt Campbell, JovanWilson,andJenniferLloyd.

Reg. 5 hosts 13th Edition of Miss Emancipation…

The young women of Region Emancipation Season, Soiree was Five have for the past thirteen years, the sole event within the Hopetown been given the opportunity to Community ” To enhance the experiencepageantryfromacultural celebration of Emancipation, Jones aspect. Trainer and coordinator of told The Waterfalls “I decided to the pageant, Tonya Jones, she gave initiatetheannualhostingoftheMs. took this publication down memory Emancipation Region Five pageant, lanetothefirsteditionofthepageant aimingtocreateavibrantplatformto andthereasonitwascreated. showcase and celebrate African

The pageant which had its heritage”. The pageant’s primary inaugural edition in 2012 is the aim is to raise awareness among brainchild of Emerson Benjamin youngpeopleontherichnessandthe also known as ‘Bling Dawg’and his significance of the African culture team, who recognised that there was and the importance of knowing your the need for an African cultural roots. It also seeks to educate and pageant in the village of Hopetown, inspire, and empower the youth by Berbice. Since this was one of the highlighting the historical and plantations purchased by former cultural contributions of African slavesandgrowingup,thepromoter descendants. Jones explained that told this publication that he felt that each year a different theme is the village had the right to carefully selected to reflect various experiencetheculturetoitsfullest. aspects of the African culture and

He explained that “The idea for heritage. This year’s theme is “The the pageant was inspired by the Journey:FromWhenceWeCame.” observation thatAfrican culture was In keeping with the theme, not observed at its fullest in the delegates are expected to focus on village of Hopetown. During the the journey and struggles of the

Name: Chante McPherson Age: 19 years old

Representing: Union Village Platform: The journey from slavery to emancipation in Belize

Name: Felisa Daguiar Age:18 years old

Representing: Lichfield Village Platform: Slavery in the country, Barbados

The journey from whence we came


Name: Deonca Mitchell Age:20 years old

Representing: Belladrum Village Platform: The Journey of Slavery to emancipation in the country of Jamaica

Name: Christal Welch Age:19 years old

Representing: Hopetown Village

Platform: Slavery and Emancipation in Suriname

training and support provided to the

ancestors and the fights that enabled delegates,havecontinuallyevolved, theracetobewhatitistoday ensuring a high standard of cultural

The selection of delegates is representationandentertainment. limited to the Region Five area

Leading up to the coronation exclusively and they have to also night, delegates undergo training meet the criteria the committee has and make a number of public set to be considered. They must appearances.Delegatesareinvolved demonstrate not just an in one photo shoot and video shoot understanding but also an session.Thesephotosandvideosare appreciation of the African culture, usedtopromotethepageantthrough as well as their ability to represent flyers, ticket, posters and airing on thevaluesandspiritofthepageant. the television; additionally, they are

Since its inception in 2012, the involved in radio interviews and Ms Emancipation Region Five NCN live programmes to interact pageant has seen significant growth withviewerstogiveupdates. and improvement It has now

This year’s pageant will see five become a major highlight of the young women of African heritage Emancipation Season in Hopetown. vying for the crown. Organizers The pageant has expanded its reach, have promised a packed, fun filled attracting more participants and a andeducationaleveningastheladies wideraudienceeachyear will compete in the talent, evening

Thecommunityinvolvementhas gown and question and answer definitely contributed to the segments to accumulate the most pageant’s success. Additionally, the points and hopefully secure the quality and diversity of the themes, crown. as well as the comprehensive

Name: Cassia Duncan Age:17 years old
Central Mahaicony Platform: Slavery in the Country, Guyana

EmancipationVillageonMainStreet: A vibrant showcase of African Culture

heritageofAfricanculture,inviting legacy of emancipation and visitors to immerse themselves in a showcase the vibrancy of African

As the vibrant Emancipation tapestryoftraditionsandhistory culture. The event encapsulates a Village returns to Main Street for Emancipation Village on Main fusion of art, music, crafts, and 2024, the heart of cultural Street serves as a symbolic community spirit, embodying the celebration beats stronger than gatheringplacewhereechoesofthe essenceofunityandremembrance. ever This annual event is a past harmonize with the present, Am

testament to the resilience and rich offering a platform to honour the attractions at the Emancipation Village are the exquisite creations born from the marriage of natural elements and artistic vision. Shells

from the sea, once discarded treasures, find new life as intricate designs adorning bottles that are repurposed into lamps. Sea glass, polished by the waves, is transformed into stunning ornaments that catch the light and cast colourful patterns across the surroundings.

Wood, a material deeply rooted in tradition and symbolism, is meticulously carved and molded into chains, bands, and necklaces thattellstoriesofcraftsmanship (Continued on page 58)

Crafts made from sea glass and shells.
A vendor setting up his exhibit at Main Street.
Leather crafts
Jewellery made from various beads, shells and seeds.
Valerie Arthur, a first timer at the Emancipation Village.

Israeli attacks kill more than 50 Palestinians across Gaza

Aljazeera-Morethan50 people have been killed in Israeli attacks in central and southern Gaza, with one air raid hitting a school where thousands of displaced people were sheltering, according to Palestinian officials.

At least 30 people were killed in an Israeli attack on Khadija School in Deir elBalah, central Gaza, the Palestinian Health Ministry saidonSaturday

Fifteen children and eight women were among those killed in the attack on the school in Deir el-Balah, Gaza’s Government Media Office said, and more than 100peoplewerewounded.

The Israeli military said inastatementithadtargeted a “Hamas command and control centre inside the Khadijaschoolcompoundin centralGaza”.

The statement said the school was being used to launchattacksagainsttroops and as a weapons cache and that it warned civilians beforetheraid.


At Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir el-Balah, ambulances raced wounded Palestinians intothemedicalfacilityafter the Israeli military attack on KhadijaSchool.Someofthe wounded also arrived on

Fifteen children and eight women were among those killed in an attack on Khadija School in Deir el-Balah.

foot, their clothes stained withblood.

Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting fromAlAqsa Hospital, described “a state of chaos inside the hospitalasdoctorsaretrying to provide wounded Palestinians with essential medicalcare”.

“The situation is absolutely dire; everyone in

the hospital has suffered critical injuries. They are receiving treatment on the floor,inalldepartments,and all beds are over their capacity.”

Hamas, the Palestinian groupthatgovernsGaza,has said the “massacre at Khadija School is a crime that confirms the Israeli enemy’s estrangement from

all human values and its defianceofalllawsofwar.”

“We call on the internationalcommunityand the United Nations to break thepolicyofsilenceandtake stepstoforcetheoccupation tostopitscrimes,”itsaid.

At least 39,258 people have been killed and more than 90,000 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza since

October, according to Palestinian officials. Israel launched the war after the October7Hamas-ledattacks on southern Israel killed at least 1,139 people, according to an Al Jazeera tally based on Israeli statistics, and about 250 peopleweretakencaptive.

The attack on the school on Saturday came after at

least23peoplewerekilledin Israeli attacks on Khan YounisinsouthernGaza,the ministrysaid.

Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud, reporting from Gaza, said the attacks on Khan Younis were reported to have been conducted before evacuation order leafletsweredropped,phone calls were made, and text messagesweresentfromthe Israeli military to Palestiniansinthearea.

Approximately 170 peoplehavebeenkilled“and hundreds wounded” in an Israeli operation in Khan Younis since Monday, Gaza’s civil defence agency said.

The United Nations humanitarianagencysaidon Friday that more than 180,000 people had been displacedintheKhanYounis area between Monday and Thursday, after the Israeli military on Monday issued evacuationordersforpartsof the southern city, including an are


UN agencies have condemned Israel’s displacement of Gaza’s civilian population and military attacks on areas previously declared as humanitariansafezones.

GTU will not accept Govt.’s proposed salary increases

The Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) on Saturday

said that while the government of Guyana through the Ministry of Educationhasproposedasix and seven percent salary increase for teachers, the Union has not agreed to the proposal or signed an agreement regarding the proposed multi-year package.

In a statement issued on the Union’s Facebook page, the body that represents teachers said, “The GTU wishes to advise that no agreement has been reached orsignedrelatingtoamultiyear package for teachers. Contrary to the percentages incirculation,theUnionhas notandwillnotaccept.”

Further, the GTU said that it will update its members on Monday about the progress made after the

last two days of discussions between the Ministry of EducationandtheUnion. The GTU’s statements comes two days after it was reported by online news

outlet News Source that the Government of Guyana has madeaninitialproposalofa 7% salary increase for teachers for this year with a further6%increasefor2025

and another 6% increase for 2026.

According to the report, the counter proposal by the Government follows the submitted proposal of the Guyana Teachers’ Union, which is seeking a 39.5% salary increase for this year with an additional 30% increaseforeachoftheyears 2025and2026.

The office of the Opposition leader has since issuedastatementcallingon all fair-minded Guyanese join with teachers in rejecting the insulting governmentproposalof6to 7% salary increase over the years2024to2026.

The statement said “It is another slap on the face of teachers One is hardpressedtoevencall6-7%an increase,giventhatfoodand othertypesofinflationhave reducedandwillcontinueto

reduce real or disposable income of teachers, public servants and other wageearners.”

“Guyanese must note that while Jagdeo and the PPP continue to sit on their handsandallowhundredsof billions of dollars to be

procurement system, they have no shame in offering Guyana’s teachers crumbs and dregs,” the statement added.

On Thursday, following afive-hourmeetingbetween thetwosides,thenewsoutlet reported President of the GTU,MarkLyte,saidwhile thereissomeprogressbeing madeinsomeareas,thetwo sides have agreed not to divulge details of the meetingatthistime.

“Both sides committed tonotreleasingdetailsonthe

discussions, butI wouldsay for the most part, our discussion today went very well,andyoucanseethatthe members are hopeful, optimistic that in the shortterm, we will have a signed agreement,” the GTU Presidentsaid.

However, Lyte declined toofferanycommentonthe Government’s proposal, indicating that during the course of today’s negotiations, there were a numberoffinancialandnonfinancial matters that were notsettled.

“The proposal put forwardbytheMinistry,like I said, several areas they have to go back and get, becausewhentheyproposed certain things, the Union might have said, we don’t quite agree with this and those are being reviewed,” hesaid.

An injured Palestinian man covers his face atAl-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, in the aftermath of an Israeli attack in Deir el-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, July 27, 2024 [RamadanAbed/Reuters]


Jackson Fickle was unsurewhattodo. Histhreeyearsofservice as the Personal Assistant to the Non-Personal Assistant to the ExecutiveAssistant to thePresidentofEarthhadnot prepared him for this

situation It had only prepared him for scheduling trips and ordering light food and beverages, neither of which applied here. Still, he had always considered himselfluckytohavelanded the job at all, since he is o v e r w h e l m i n g uncomfortable with being interviewed, and sweats through his underclothes, overclothes, and any accessories he may be wearing. It just so happened that his interview with the Non-Personal Assistant to theExecutiveAssistanttothe President was on a cold January morning, and the heat in the White House's West Wing had stopped working. The frigid winter air prevented him from sweating through his outermost layer, a winter parkawithafur-linedhood. Givenhislackofrelevant experience, Jackson decided to sit back and watch as his ROCwaspulledthroughthe enormous metal teeth of the Byzong Warship's landing bay Oftentimesinhisyoung life, Jackson had found that when he was confused, outmatched,orotherwiseata disadvantage,thebestcourse ofactionwasnoactionatall.

Unbreakable Fogelmite Locks

He found that this worked most of the time (if he had been trained in data evaluation he would had found that it worked exactly 89.9% of the time, but the PersonalAssistant to a NonPersonal Assistant to an Executive Assistant is not oft

reas, attempting a bold action workedmuchlessfrequently (24.59%ofthetime,infact), as he had learned, in part, when standing up to his elementaryschoolbully,Arn Brule, in defense of a young girl by the name of Marlet.

But, you need not remember their names for another fourteenchapters.

As the cable drew the ROC to rest into the landing bay,Jacksonstoodfasttohis planofdoingnothing.When the Byzong Ship Attendant came to the door and asked Jacksontoopenit,hedidnot move When two more Byzong crew members knockedonthewindowsand motioned for him to turn the latchandopenup,heneither spokenorshookhishead.He did absolutely nothing. For the entire ten minutes that it took them to pry open the door, Jackson did hardly morethanblink.Bythetime theypulledhimoutandstood him up before the Boss of Ships, everyoneintheentire landing bay was angry, exceptJackson. The Ship Attendant

handedtheBossofShipsthe remainder of the tuna fish sandwichandnodded.

“That's a beautiful jumpsuit you're wearing Why didn't you open up and let my crew aboard?!' the Bossasked.

“Iwasn'tsurewhattodo. So, I did nothing.” Jackson replied, in the pleasant, yet slightlyshakyvoicethatyou didnotknowhehaduntilthis moment.

“Brilliantshoes,”saidthe Ship Attendant. “You know you could have saved us a whole lot of time if you had justopenedup.”

“I'm terribly sorry,” said Jackson.“It'sjustthatIdon't quite understand what's happened.Canyoutellme… whereamI?”

The Boss of Ships paced in front of Jackson with a scowl.

“First you delay our mission,andnowyourefuse tocomplimentus?Youmust be the worst prisoner we've everhad!”

“Prisoner?” Jackson

repeated in disbelief

Suddenlyherememberedhis Year8courseofIntergalactic Species, in which he had done exceptionally well. He had learned that Byzongs usedtobeconsideredoneof the most advanced civilizations in the universe until their former leader made a series of poor and increasingly ill-advised wagers with their planet's (Continuedonpage55)

Gardenstonesareagreat way to use pretty tiles and embellishments you may have around the house and create a unique piece of outdoor artwork at the same time!



Gardenstonesareagreat way to use pretty tiles and embellishments you may have around the house and create a unique piece of outdoor artwork at the same time!

CraftingTime1hourhr 1dayd

Total Time1day d 1hour hr

Age Group: Adult Crafts,KidsCrafts

ProjectType:Summer Supplies


* Mold for Stone shape old pie tin, round plastic container, plastic flower pot saucers, something that is strongbutflexible Embellishments for stone design: shells tile pieces, sea glass, beads, smallstones,glitter,buttons Outdoor Mod Podge sealeroptional Crafttools



* Bucket or plastic bowl formixingmortar





1.Traceyourmoldshape on the scrap paper using the pencil.

2 Figure out your

My country Garden Stepping Stones

Guyanaissuchabeautifulplace, Withsomanythingstosee, IcannotwaituntilI'molder, Andcantravelaroundthecountry

Iwanttoseethemanypeople Wholiveincountryandtown, Onthecoastlandandintheinterior, Inestatesandvillagesthatabound.

Thentherearethebeautifulbirds, Andanimalslargeandsmall, Denseforestsandwidesavannahs, Highmountainsandwaterfalls.

Itmakesmesoproudandhappy Toknowmycountryissorich Ofsomanythingsbeautifulandgreat, Toseeitallismygreatestwish.

design by laying out your embellishmentsonthescrap paper

3 Once you have finalizedyourdesign,mixup the mortar following the manufacturer's directions Tap the side of the mold to get any air bubbles out. Let the mortar “set” in the mold long enough so you can g e n t l y p u s h y o u r embellishments into the material. I'd mix up enough materialsoyouhaveabouta 1-11/2”thickstone.

4 A d d y o u r embellishments to the mortarbytakingthemoffthe scrap paper, following the designyoumade,andgently pressing the pieces into the “material”.Somemortarsset more quickly than others so be sure to check all your mixing directions so you know that ahead of time.
 Note: You can also “draw” designs into the mortar as it sets - use your pencil! Test first in a corner andleaveatleasta1"border around the edges. Drawing too close to the edge can causecracking.

5. Once all your embellishments are placed, let the entire piece dry

thoroughly in a warm dry place. 24 hours is a safe bet although some may be dry beforethen.

6 Once dry, carefully pop the stones out of the molds and if needed, use a little sandpaper (do this outside) to take any rough edgesoff.

7.Thisstepisoptionalas theconcretewillholdupfine outside. But if you like you can coat your stones with a layer of Outdoor formula ModPodge.


Use your phone to takeapictureafterarranging yourdesignsinstep#2.That wayyoucanreferbacktothe photoinadditiontousingthe template. This is helpful if you have any mishaps, like accidentally bumping the template and moving your designs. DO NOTwash any mortar down your sink! Scrape unused mortar into a plastic bag and throw away Use a hose or a bucket of water outside to wash hands andtools.

If you are working with young kids, you should premix the mortar Follow the manufacturer's mixing directions.

Youcanmakeabunchof stones from a 10 pound containerofquicksetmortar, making this a great group project (like summer camp or scouts, or even with the elderly!).

Use embellishments you have on hand and look in your recycle bin for plastic containers you can use as molds.

If anyone has sensitive skin,I'drecommendwearing plastic gloves as the mortar maydryskin.

Use your imagination! An old plastic ice cube tray would make 12 perfect stepping stones in a fairy garden(I'donlypourtheseto 1/2"thickduetotheirsize)!

Save molds to use again tomakemorestones!Donot use molds again for making/storingfood.


Continue with these tips which you can use to make the best of yourself and what you are doing

1.Trytodotherightthingalways, even though it may mean some cost to you. Knowingyoutakepainstofollow your conscience will make you feel worthy, and inspire you to do the same always. You may not always see immediate results when you push yourself to act right, but be sure that whenever you follow your conscience goodwillfollowatsometime.

2. Always try to put forward your best every time. Thepeople who have succeeded in the greatest manner are those who pushed themselves to not accept anything less than the best they couldgivetoanysituation.

Letexcellencebecomeahabit,and youwillbesurprisedhowmuchyoucan

do. You will also earn the respect of thosewithwhomyouassociate.

3.Strivetobehappy Peopleoften feelthat,becausethereisnothingreally exciting happening to them, then they cannot enjoy life. The fact is that real enjoyment of life does not come from thrillsorextraordinaryevents. Onecan derive the greatest pleasures from the simple things around at any time – a walkinone'sneighbourhood,observing thetrees,thebirdsandanimals,eventhe people going about their everyday tasks. Alivelyconversationaboutwhat is in the news, or about what is happeninginone'sownlife,canbejust as uplifting. The list can be endless if youtaxyourownmindtocomeupwith


4. Be content with what you have. Eachofusatanygiventimemusthave what is needed to make us happy if we only appreciate it and do not lust over what other people possess. Your own health and talents, the love of your family,howyouarebeingsuccessfulat whatyouaredoing,allthesecanmake you feel contented. Happiness is a choice, and you can be happy in any circumstances if you have a contented mind. Itwouldbeofgreaterbenefitif you can cut these out every week and keep them in a place where you can readily access them. Reading them regularly can help to impress them in yourmind.

SOLAR ChapterTwo:Argall's

Frompage54 fortunes. Jackson seemed to remember that at a certain point the leader, Supreme Chancellor Plaggis, had become so desperate to win back his losses, that he bet the Jargons that he could tunnel through the center of his planet and come out the other side Given the astronomical odds against him, it was calculated that winning the bet would have made him the richest person

i n t h e u n i v e r s e

Unfortunately for the Byzongs, he disappeared below ground with little


more than a motorized shovel and was never heard from again The Byzongs lost not just their leader, but 80% of their wealth and resources, and have been struggling to recover ever since. He also recalled that Byzong culture demanded thateachconversationbegin withacomplimentfromboth parties No exceptions Jackson sought to fix his mistakeimmediately “What I mean to say…” he corrected. “Is that this is very impressive for a Byzongship.”

The Boss of Ships

UncleRoyisagainappealingtoourreaderstomakea contributiontothiscolumnbyeithergivingafeedback onwhatispublished,askingforsomehelpwithsome personal problem, offering some advice to fellow teenagers,orsharingthenewsofwhatishappeningin his/her community Please send your contribution to roypaul2002@yahoo.com

scowled at Jackson with crossed arms. “Take him to theInquisitionPyramid”.

Jackson had taken anotherYear8coursenamed “Methods & Manners”, in which he did exceptionally poorly Had he done moderately poorly, or even surprisingly poorly instead, he would have recognized that his compliment was what is traditionally considered “backhanded” (meaning not much of a compliment at all) And Byzongs, experienced in these kinds of things, do not take kindly to backhanded compliments.

Two guards strode forward and grabbed Jacksonbythearms.

“Excellent physique Now come with us,” they saidinunison,throwingona pair of handcuffs. As they draggedhimaway,therewas littlechanceofescape,since these handcuffs had been outfitted with an Argall Unbreakable Fogelmite lock, built to last for a

The finished puzzle will contain a loop made of horizontal/vertical line segments that connects all the white andblackcircles.Thelinegoingthrua whitecirclemustbestraight.However, there must be at least one corner made on the dot immediate preceding or immediately following the white circle(oronbothdots).

thousand years, and special ordered for this occasion by the Byzong general herself. After the click of his wellcrafted handcuffs, Jackson heardonlytheloudclanging oftheguards'bootsescorting himdownalonghall. Had he thought more aboutit,Jacksonmighthave wanted to look around and glean whatever he could about the ship and the crew ashewasledthroughthehull of the ship He heard Byzongs hurrying along on eithersideintoroomswhose useshecouldhardlyfathom. Andifhe had lookedup,just fivesecondsafterleavingthe loading bay, he would have had a clear view into a sunken room filled with the finest Byzong scientists of their generation. He would have seen the hologram of a large machine pointed at a model of Earth, and he may have understood, to some degree, the gravity of his situation.Instead,committed to his plan of doing nothing, Jacksondidn'tlookupatall.

The line going thru a black circle mustturnacornerontheblackcircle. Both of the lines emanating from this cornerneedtogostraight throughthenextdotbeforemaking anymoreturns.

Never Give Up!

Theysaynevergiveup,nevergivein, Keepfightingthatfight,sothedevildoesn'twin; Throughthehurtandthepain,thesorrowandtheshame, Alwaysrememberthattomorrowisneverthesame.

Holdonbravelytoyourhopesanddreams, Foryourfearsarealwayslessthantheyseem, Sotoallofthosewhofeelliketheyarelosingthefight, Andtothosewhofeellikethereisnohopeinsight, Remembertotakeamomenttolookatthesky, Forthere'ssomethinguptherebiggerthanyouandI.

Despitethebleakcloudsandthepouringrain, YouandIknowthatthesunstillremains; Itwillshineagainjustlikeitdoeseveryday, Andallthedrearydarknesswillfadeaway; Soholdyourheadhighandfeelthewarmth, Itwillremindyouofwhatyouaretrulyworth.

Balloon& GiftStudio

is needed and what is being underserved or what people need and they are not r getting enough of and that's when you have to fit in, that's where your importance come in because people actually need your service or your products.”

If you have ever

came across Malli Enchanted Balloon and GiftStudiowhengettingsomeone that unique gift packages, then it safetosayyouhavegoodtaste.

BecauseMalliEnchantedwas birthed by a young talented mother, Omallia Thorington who hadaknackforallthingsartsand crafts for as long as she can remember and she puts her heart into anything she does. Currently employedattheGuyanaRevenue Authority (GRA), Thorington initially started her business venturemid-2020.

Inanexclusiveinterviewwith The Waterfalls, she recalled at first her business was Malli Enchanted where she was selling lingerie, but in November that

hemovedawayfromthatand started offering gift boxes andbasketstoworkplacesfor theirChristmasevents.

Deciding that creating the gift boxes was something she loves doing, shortly after she arted adding balloon arrangement to the list, and not just any balloon packages but “enchanted” ones which tend to leave a lasting impression on the recipient Malli Enchanted BalloonandGiftStudiowhichisa registered business is basically a creativegiftstorewhichgivesyou the option to go with the balloon arrangements or a simple gift package.

Whenaskedwhatinspiredher to start the gift item business, Thorington said it is through her initial lingerie business that motivated her The entrepreneur recalled that back in 2020, her friends used to ask her to prepare giftpackagesforthem.

“I used to come up with the idea to put in a body spray or a chocolate or a rose or something to just make up the gift so that I would say was sort of a motivationalongwith.

OnedayIjustsawapostwith somemengiftboxesandtheboys were just sharing this thing and theywerelike,theywouldlikefor somebody to give them something like this etcetera and that motivated me,” she told this magazine.

Tobetterhercraft,Thorington explained that she would watch YouTubevideoswhereshewould learn about the different techniquesyoucanuseinmaking the arrangements and also the balloonsmarquees.

Having been in business for some years now, the young

woman expressed that supportforherworkhasbeen good and encouraging “I don't have any complains

about Guyanese people supporting me and paying the pricethatIwouldcallbecauseyou knowit'scraftandittakestimeso I don't have anything negative to sayeverythinghasitsownmarket and I already figured what is my market; I stick to that,” she related.

openupherownstorefrontand it is something in the making already

Speaking about the challenging part of her business journey, she disclosed that it has beenjugglingherbusiness,work, studies and most importantly being a mother a one-year-old. She added that currently she is in her second year pursing a degree in Supply Chain and Logistics at theUniversityofGuyana.

She confessed that though it can be challenging at times, she assured that she still makes it her dutytomeethercustomers'needs. It is with this, Thorington said whileherbusinessisgrowing,she

is opened to anyone or persons who are willing to assist her with theoperationsofherbusiness.

“I'malsolookingforsomeone orpersons,youngpeoplewhoare willingtomaybelearnthecraftor already know that they like craft thatwouldliketoworkalongwith me because it really gets hard on me and I would really like to delegate or to have assistance in certainways,”shestated.

Nonetheless, she is proud of her journey, the young woman detailedthatherlong-termgoalis to expand her brand. She said in the near future, she wants to start doing party décor and décors for weddingandotherspecialevents. Importantly, she is looking to

Meanwhile, when asked what her view is on the role of small business owners in our country, she commented that they contribute in their own way towards the development of our nation.

She continued, “as a young entrepreneur or someone looking to get into business, the first step youneedtodoislookaroundand see what is needed and what is beingunderservedorwhatpeople need and they are not really gettingenoughofandthat'swhen you have to fit in, that's where yourimportancecomeinbecause peopleactuallyneedyourservice oryourproducts.”

For persons interested in placing an order to Malli Enchanted Balloon and Gift Studio, you can find them on FacebookandInstagramunder theirbusinessname.

Young Entrepreneur, Omallia Thorington
Packages Malli Enchanted Balloon and Gift Studio has to offer

60 contractors vying to build Regional Food Hub

The Ministry of Agr

National Drainage and IrrigationAuthority(NDIA) willsoonbeginconstruction of the Regional Food Hub along the Soesdyke-Linden Highway

Sixty contractors have since applied for the contract, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) revealed recently during the opening of tenders.

Phase two of the project entails the construction of the foundation and external worksforthefoodhub.The project is estimated to cost $625,205,400. The project began last year with phase one costing some $187 million. For phase two, the g

estimates that it would cost $625 million for the

foundation and external works.

The NDIA will oversee the project which aims at supportingGuyana’srolein enhancing the Caribbean’s agriculture through the RegionalFoodHub.

Last year, Minister of Ag

Mustapha disclosed the government’s plan to establishtheRegionalFood Hub, at an event that was attendedbythePresidentof the Islamic Development Bank, Dr Mohammed Sulaiman.

“We want this Guyana heretobethefoodhub.The primary production hub of the Caribbean so that we


Constructionoffoundationandexternalworks forfoodhubSoesdyke-LindenHighway

couldsupplytheCaribbean. What we have, our colleaguesintheCaribbean, don’t have. We have arable flatlandandabundantfresh water. Now with the investment coming on board,wecanmodernizethe infrastructure, and start ramping up of the productions,” the minister stated.

Minister Mustapha had underscored that Guyana is lookingtoplayaleadrolein reducing the Caribbean’s foodimportbillby2025.He notedthatGuyanawillwork withtheStateofRoraimain Brazil to form a partnership in the development of the Hub.

Moreover, Senior MinisterwithintheOfficeof the President Dr Ashni Singh said the government

hasbeenindiscussionswith the Prime Minister of Barbados about sourcing inputsfromNorthernBrazil and transporting them through Guyana to Barbadosandviceversa.

“We see the Regional Food Hub as very much a regional initiative as a piece of infrastructure that will contribute to a more efficient market for agriculturalproducts,across the entire Caribbean and Northern South America,” Dr Singhhadsaid.

He noted that this will alsogiverisetothegrowing logisticsindustryinGuyana movinggoods,services,and people. The project will be partly funded by the government.

B e l o w a r e t h e companiesandtheirbids:

Teen remanded for hiding murder suspect

An 18-year-old m a n w a s remanded on Fridayforallegedlyhidinga man accused of murdering Sherwin Hamilton called “Nastyman”.

The teen identified as Jobo Keion Singh was chargedwithaccessoryafter the fact of murder He a p p e a r e d a t t h e Diamond/Golden Grove Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Sunil Scarce. He was not required to plea to thechargeandisexpectedto returntocourtonAugust16.

Meanwhile, police are still looking for the murder suspect who allegedly shot and killed Hamilton last Saturday

Hamilton was killed around 03:00hrs that day whileexitingabaratLandof Canaan, East Bank Demerara(EBD).

The bar’s security guard reportedly told investigators that, at around 02:30 hrs. Hamilton and his shooter hadaheatedargumentinthe bar

Theguardreportedlyput the suspect out of the bar because he was the aggressor

At around 03:00hrs, the DJ turned off the music and told the patrons that it was time to leave the bar The patrons complied and began exiting through a western door Hamilton exited at the same time. However, the suspect reportedly waited outside of the bar for the victim According to eyewitnesses, as soon as Hamilton existed the buildingthesuspectshothim in the upper thigh and made good his escape on a XR motorcycle.

Hamilton fell to the ground and a 25-year-old nurse who was at the bar rendered first aid assistance bytyingtheinjuredlegwith avest.

H a m i l t o n w a s subsequently picked up by his wife and taken to the DiamondDiagnosticCentre, where he was pronounced deadonarrival.

Dead: Sherwin Hamilton


Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.

Live chicken to buy & one handy man or all rounded $5000 daily. Call 708-4374 / 617-4662.

Chainsaw operator and experienced Jet + Marack men to work in the interior. Tel: 6772385.

Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music & food. Contact:264-2946-9

Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) A/C rooms from $75 usd/$40 usd day rate WIFI, secure parking & poolside. Contact: 264-29469 / www.aracariresort.com

Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.

Live-in Housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, USA. Free room and boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.

Vacancy for Receptionist and Hotel Attendant at Hick's Ville Hotel. Email: info @vegeworld.net or Call: 2310951/ 231-0952.

Now hiring: Executive Secretary, Project Engineer & Accounts Clerk, To apply send application via Whatsapp: 638-5303/ 638-1111.

Josel Educational institute seeks to employ a qualified science teacher. Email: joseleducation@yahoo.com or call: 226-7868 / 678-0652.

One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.

Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Painter needed. For more information Call: 615-9132.

Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443

Exists for welder and fabricator. Apply in person at Splashmins Resort Soesdyke, Linden highway.

Emancipation Village on Main Street: A vibrant...

From page 52 and heritage. The use of the Tree of Life and cedar in jewellery-making not only showcases the beauty of nature but also honours the spiritual significance these materials hold in Caribbean culture.

Voices from the People

One of the voices that resonate through the bustling streets of the Emancipation Village is that of Deji Adereni, a Nigerian national who finds solace and inspiration in the celebration. Speaking with The Waterfalls, he expressed how the exhibits on Main Street feel like a “home away from home,” a testament to the enduring resilience of African heritage that transcends geographical boundaries.

The Waterfalls had the honour of engaging in conversation with Adereni at the


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.


Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Emancipation Village. He shared that many persons from Africa attend the Emancipation Village to immerse themselves in its cultural richness. When questioned about his feelings regarding witnessing a part of his heritage thriving in a distant land, he articulated, “It shows the resilience of African culture.” Reflecting on the passage of time and the enduring nature of their traditions despite centuries of separation, he remarked, “Look at the years, how long ago they had been transported to this side of the world and our culture still withstands after a hundred of years”.

He recounted a poignant moment in Victoria Village where the rhythmic beats of drums and the melodic chanting in Yoruba, his native language, resonated with him deeply. He described the experience as immensely moving, emphasizing the power and significance of witnessing his cultural heritage being celebrated so vibrantly in a place far from its origins.

Tamara Forrester, a native of Jamaica now residing in Guyana, eloquently detailed the essence of her exhibit. Crafting jewellery from a variety of woods, including the symbolic Tree of Life, holds profound spiritual and personal significance for her.

Utilizing pressed cedar in her creations, she affectionately refers to her pieces as “wearable art,” underscoring the intricate beauty and elegance of her work.

When probed about her perceptions of Emancipation, Forrester shared a nuanced perspective. To her, Emancipation signifies a pivotal moment marked by increased agency and choice, rather than a sudden attainment of absolute freedom.

larly on young individuals grappling with self-identity in a world rife with conflicting narratives of inadequacy. By immersing themselves in traditions and symbols that exude a sense of regality and pride, she noted how these experiences kindle curiosity and self-exploration.

Encouraging a deeper engagement with one’s cultural roots, she underscored how embracing heritage fosters a sense of intrigue and inspires individuals to delve into their own narratives, fostering a journey of self-discovery and appreciation.

Emancipation Day is not a celebration confined to a specific group—it is a jubilation of freedom and heritage that transcends racial and cultural divides. The use of headwraps, the crafting of wooden jewellery from natural elements, the pulsating rhythms of drums, and the vibrant expression through African prints and styles all come together to create a tapestry of cultural unity and celebration.

The tradition of using beads and natural materials to create jewellery in African cultures dates back centuries, embodying a rich history of artistry, symbolism, and cultural significance.

Beadwork has been an integral part of African heritage, with each bead often carrying symbolic meanings tied to status, spirituality, or cultural identity. These intricate adornments were not merely decorative but held deep significance within various African societies.

Africans utilized a diverse array of materials sourced from nature to craft their jewellery.

communication, with certain patterns conveying specific messages or affiliations within the community. Jewellery was also worn during important ceremonies and rites of passage to signify transitions or achievements.

Different regions across Africa developed distinct styles of beadwork and jewellery-making, each with its own techniques and aesthetic preferences.

For example, the Maasai tribe of East Africa is renowned for their intricate beadwork, using vibrant colours and geometric patterns to create visually striking pieces. In West Africa, the Yoruba people are known for their use of beads in traditional ceremonies and attire.

Local businesses like Heart-Core, Divine Roots, and Craft in Action showcase the diversity and creativity that thrive within the Emancipation Village, offering visitors a glimpse into the rich tapestry of African culture and heritage.

The history of Emancipation Day in Guyana is a testament to the enduring spirit of a people who refused to be broken by the chains of slavery. From the dark days of exploitation and oppression emerged a community that stood together, fought for their freedom, and forged a new path towards prosperity and unity.

The legacy of emancipation lives on in the vibrant displays and lively celebrations that mark Emancipation Day in Guyana.

Experienced cook & kitchen assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.

50 lbs 5 inch Nylon seine complete with cord-lead and float, never used. Contact : 6703912.

2 Howo cement mixer truck for sale, $20 M for both. Call: 652-0251/650-0402/2604018. FOR RENT

4 bedrooms house at Lamaha Gardens, $2,800 USD. All amenities provided along with parking, long term only! Call: 679-2966.

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1 Ground floor 2640 square feet approve by nyc for business & residence form E.B.D. Call:629-3834/223-9677.

Vacancy for one hauler driver to work private hauler at wharf. Contact: 611-7088 for more info.


Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th,2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.


Bus tour to Suriname. 3 Nights & 4 days holiday, from Tuesday 6th August to Friday 9th. Contact : 650-3686.


Land for sale 80x60 at Hadfield street. Contact: 6677659 / 649-8159.

Reflecting on the significance of Emancipation Day, she contrasted the embrace of African culture in Guyana with the absence of a similar holiday in Jamaica, highlighting the specificity and personal resonance of the celebration.

Forrester emphasized the empowering effect of such cultural observances, particu-

Beads were made from a variety of substances including glass, clay, bone, ivory, shells, seeds, and metals. Each material held its own symbolism, with some beads believed to possess protective qualities or to convey messages through their colours and patterns.

The designs and patterns of African jewellery often reflected the wearer’s social status, tribe, or spiritual beliefs. Beadwork was a means of

It is a time to reflect on the trials and triumphs of the past, to honour the resilience and determination of those who came before, and to celebrate the cultural richness and diversity that define the essence of Emancipation Village on Main Street.

As the rhythmic beats of drums and the chanting of Yoruba words fill the air once again, the Emancipation Village stands as a living testament to the enduring legacy of a people who have persevered through adversity and emerged stronger, united in their celebration of freedom, culture, and heritage.


Incaseyouhaven’theard,pleasebeinformedthataspartofourcontinued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our Publisher, Dr Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about ongoing indecenciesinourlandthatshouldmatter,notonlytousatthispublication, buttheentirenation.



Public consultations for theseventhoilprojectbegin tomorrow Guyanese should attend, if only to absorb for themselvesifExxon’sfarces areunchanged.

Raise questions about risks and impacts of a spill. Askaboutmoremoney


ForceGuyanesesellouts byExxon’ssidetoshowtheir truecolours.

Let them block questions Get it on the record.

More projects, more d e c e p t i o n s , m o r e concealment, more tricks fromExxon.

Don’t expect more from publicconsultations.

The PPPC Government



Exxoncontract andthePPP

It has been called barefacedandlopsided!

Ithasbeencalledtwisted andone-sided!

The PPP in Opposition calledthecontractacurse!

The PPP in Gov’t now curses this who call it a curse!WhosesideisthePPP Gov’ton?

Whose chamber is VP Jagdeoin?



Some laws of Guyana havehugeholes

These laws could have a 747-jetflythroughthem

The holes and loopholes arethatmassive

There is no law to disclose extension of oil blocks

There is no law to penalize those who raid the OilFund

But there are laws to watch every move that Guyanesemake.



On Monday, Exxon Mobilkick-starteditspublic consultations on the seventh oilprojectwithtwosessions: one held in Georgetown and the other at Leonora, West CoastDemerara. We attended both and regret to say they have been more for a show and little else.

The public consultations

havebeenasham,ajoke,an insult to the dignity of Guyanese.

Ontheissueofproviding information that has meaning for citizens, ExxonMobil has been a studyindisingenuousness.

Through what is left out initssharing,whathasbeen dodged, what has left Guyanese with more concernsandquestions.



Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo only changes his mindandhistunewhensuch suit his ambitions and his purposes. He was all for ring-fencing before, and enraged at how much the Coalition APNU/AFC have awaywithnoring-fencingof Guyana’s offshore oil projects.

Loud was the cry of the Vice President when he was in Opposition, but today whenheisingovernment,he reverses himself on ringfencing, as he tries very smartly to sword fence the

way with words out of the tight corner, he created for himself.


PNCRmisplaced priorities

The main opposition, PNCR,formostofthisweek, spent their time spreading misinformation about a property being used by the GuyanaPoliceForcetostore derelict vehicles on the Soesdyke-LindenHighway

The political party produced drone shots of the propertyastheytriedtolink it to the Commissioner of Police(Acting).

We call it misplaced priority because with the myriad of problems in this country, for the main opposition to dedicate all that time spreading lies if unbelievable.

The PNCR has been most inept in holding the PPP/C government accountable and provide oversight of the oil and gas sector, which the government has been mismanaging.

Running behind some flimsystoryaboutstorageof derelict vehicles aptly describes how flimsy their leadership as the main opposition has been like a derelictionofduty


IsJagdeoserious,orishe settingupsomebody?

Jagdeo said that the governmentwillsendpeople to Exxon’s public consultations.

Government will send reps to hear what “stupidness” Exxon is sharing.

At the Mon Repos consultations, there was no government presence in sight. Was a government listeningpresenceanotherof Jagdeo’sbluff?

Or is he setting up Minister Bharrat for blows later?

Is Jagdeo really sour at Exxon?

Or is this another of Jagdeo’stricks?

Banks DIH commissions US$13M automotive facility

Ba n k s D I H

Limited on

F r i d a y commissioned a US$13M Banks Automotive & Services Inc. at Ruimvelft, Georgetown.

The auto dealership is housedinthecompany’ssix storeyparkingfacility Banks DIH Limited’s

Engineering Services Director,MohamedHussain revealed that Banks Automotive & Services Inc. isnowtheofficialdealerfor SWM vehicles, Daikin Air

Conditioning units, UniCarriers Forklift trucks, Shineray vans and buses, Sportrak tyres, and Keeway motorcycles.

Hussain recalled that during the period of

construction for the automotive dealership facility, the company suffered many constraints which included, shortage of labour,heavyrainfallandthe COVID-19pandemicwhich resulted in the project being put on hold for about eight months.

Nevertheless, Hussain dubbed Banks Automotive

andServicesIncasthefuture in transportation and alternative energy, as it relatestoElectricalVehicles (EV).

“Wehavealreadyplaced one in order, like I said before and that is coming with a mobile charging package, and what is necessary,” Engineering ServicesDirectorsaid.

Hussain explained that requests were made to GuyanaPowerandLightfor the installation of charging ports, so the EV can be utilized.

He said, “President (President IrfaanAli) is just remindingusthatEVhasno taxes. With regards to EV systems, Banks DIH has installed 500 kilowatts of poweratourrestaurantsand our branches throughout the country.”

Meanwhile, President Irfaan Ali said the local private sector has the potential to harness Electric V e h i c l e s ( E V s ) manufacturingforeconomic growth and sustainability, particularly since Guyana boasts a carbon-negative


Accordingtotheheadof state,thevisionofEVsgoes beyond transportation; it aims to cultivate a sense of responsibility while prioritising environmental transportation.

PresidentAlisaidthereis immense potential and encouraged the local private sectorandbankstoleverage their influence, expertise, and financial resources to engage with manufacturers tocreateadomesticbrand.

Byhighlightingaccessto markets with over 300 million people and existing trade agreements, they can encourage manufacturers to investinthismarket,hesaid.

“This is the type of thinking that will build new businesses, and this is the type of thinking that will broaden and create the opportunities that will position Guyana in a better placeglobally

AndthatiswhereIthink we should collectivelywork towards a-right positioning ofBrandGuyana,”President Aliunderscored.

Further, President Ali

Unveiling of Banks DIH Limited’s subsidiary company— BanksAutomotive and Services Inc plaque (DPI)

said that the government is investing in a national platform network of charging stations to support thedevelopmentofthelocal electricvehiclemarket.

“We are hoping that everyone will embrace this policy of the government, with zero tax on EVs,” he stressed, noting that the landscape is drastically transforming. President Ali continued: “It was very important that Banks DIH founditselfinapositionina

changingphysicallandscape ofourcountrybecauseofthe genesis of the company, becauseoftheintegrationof the company in our country, and this modern building is anexampletoallofus…that Banks DIH is thinking into thefutureandhascommitted itself to the modernisation and expansion of Guyana and our economy” The 2


building was constructed by Kares Engineering Company Limited and is

detectors, alarms, fire suppressors systems, fire pumpandtwolandingfalls.

The fire pump has the capacity of 500 gallons per minutes; while the landings falls are to ensure safety shouldanaccidentoccur

Further, it was also disclosed that the parking facility will allow for 350 Banks DIH employees to park their vehicles free of cost.

Windies in familiar spot of bother as England overcome nervy start to take control of second Test

SportsMax - Jamie Smith led the way as Englandtookcontrolonday twooftheirthirdTestagainst WestIndiesatEdgbaston.

The wicket-keeperbatter hit an impressive 95 off109balls,fallingjustshy ofhismaidencenturyinonly histhirdTest.

Chasing the Windies’ first-innings total of 282, England made a nervy start with the early wickets of

Ollie Pope (10) and Harry Brook(two)leavingthemat 54-5.

Joe Root (87) and Ben Stokes (54) settled the hosts down with a 115-run stand, while Smith’s near-century and 62 from Chris Woakes helpedthemtoatotalof376, a94-runadvantage.

West Indies’ response was immediately halted as Woakes claimed skipper Kraigg Braithwaite for a

duckinthefirstover Kirk McKenzie (eight) then fell to Gus Atkinson, while opener Mikyle Louis was fortunate to see Stokes drop a simple catch as the visitors reached stumps on 33-2.

Louis, on 18, and Alick Athanaze, on five, will resume batting on Sunday’s thirddaywiththeCaribbean side 61 runs behind, and eight wickets intact to

Jamie Smith was bowled five runs short of his maiden Test century. (Darren Staples/Getty Images)


Sunday July 28, 2024


Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely


Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.


You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday


Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.


Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.


You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently


Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some

Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t

y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay



ly, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.


Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.

DataDebrief:Rootroars pastLara Root delivered another impressive batting display for England. Although he was fortunate not to be dismissedinthesecondover, as replays showed he would have been given out had the Windies reviewed an lbw appeal.

Nevertheless, he fully capitalised with his 87 taking him past 12,000 Test runs, making him only the secondEnglandplayertodo soafterAlastairCook.

Although a 33rd Test century narrowly eluded him,RootdidleapfrogBrian Lara into seventh place on theall-timeleadingTestrunscorerslist.

Scores: West Indies 282 and 33 for 2 (Louis 18*, Athanaze 5*, Woakes 1-8, Atkinson1-16)trailEngland 376 (Smith 95, Root 87, Woakes62,Stokes54)by61 runs.

GNBS win Public Service domino competition

GNBS won the S p o r t s Ambassador trophy in the Public Service domino competition, which wasplayedattheGPSUHall onFridayevening.

In the final GNBS won with 34 games, from GWI with 43 games and GGMC with34.

GNBS claimed the Sports Ambassador trophy along with a cash incentive, while the second and third placeteamsallreceivedcash incentives.

GOAPC Secretary, Ms Lorraine Tracey, handed overthewinningtrophyand cash incentive to the GNBS captainRondellHenryatthe conclusion of the competition.

The competition was organised by the GOAPC and coordinated by James ‘Uprising’ Lewis who said that the next competition is alreadysetforthelastFriday in September, 2024, at the samevenue.

China takes first gold medal of the Paris Games

Yahoo Sports -Apair of teenagers claimed the first gold medal awarded at the ParisOlympics.

Huang Yuting, 17, and Sheng Lihao, 19, upheld the Chinese shooting team’s history of success, defeating Korea’s Hajun Park and Jihyeon Keum 16-12 in Saturday morning’s 10meter air rifle mixed team goldmedalmatch.

TheKoreanteamrallied froma14-8deficitandhada chance to level the match in the 14th round. Yuting and Lihao instead responded with their highest score of the match in the final round to earn both available points and close out the victory It was no surprise to see the Chineseduotakegoldatthe Chateauroux Shooting Center

Yuting and Lihao have partnered together throughout this Olympic

cycle and cruised to a 16-2 victory in the gold medal match at last year’s world championships. Kazakhstan’s Alexandra Le and Islam Satpayev secured the last spot on the podium Saturday, pulling away from Germany’s top teamtoearna17-5victoryin thebronzemedalmatch.The victory earned Kazakhstan itsfirstshootingmedalatan Olympicsin28years.

Three years ago in Tokyo, Americans Mary Carolynn Tucker and Lucas Kozeniesky earned a silver medal in the 10-meter air rifle mixed event, but this time the U.S. did not come close to duplicating that result Tucker and new partner Rylan William Kissell placed 13th in qualifying on Saturday morning,whileIvanRoeand SagenMaddalenasettledfor 18th.

Deandra Dottin comes...


including Cricket West IndiesPresident,Dr Kishore Shallow, I am pleased to informyouthatIameagerto returntothegamethatIlove, and contribute my utmost to the West Indies women’s teamacrossallformats,with immediateeffect,”shesaid.

She continued, “I am confidentthatmyexperience, maturity, and skills will add value to the team as it has done in the past, and I am prepared to furnish my best efforts in every match and trainingsessiontoensurethe team’s winning trajectory in international cricket

Moreover, I am enthusiastic about mentoring younger players and contributing to the overall development of women’s cricket in our region ”CWI Director of Cricket, Miles Bascombe, welcomed Dottin’s return, acknowledging her talent and potential impact on the team.“Deandraisaplayerof

and experience. We are pleased with her decision to return to international cricket and be eligible for selection Thereis no doubt that she could add significant value to the West IndiesWomen’steams,”hesaid. Dottin, who will lead the Trinbago Knight Riders women’s team for the third consecutive year in the upcoming WCPL tournament, last played for West Indies in 2022 She has played 270 internationalmatchesacrossthe ODIandT20Iformats In2010, she scored the first Women’s T20IcenturyLastmonth,MCC awarded Dottin with Honorary LifeMembershipoftheclub West Indies Women will haveacampinAugust2024. The players will also be engaged in the CPL next month.

The next international assignment will be the T20 World Cup in Bangladesh from October 2-19 later this year

China’s Sheng Lihao competes in the shooting 10m Air Rifle Mixed Team Gold Medal during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games at Chateauroux Shooting Centre. (Photo byAlain Jocard/Getty Images)
GOAPC Secretary Ms Lorraine Tracey hands over the winning trophy and cash incentive to the GNBS captain Rondell Henry as team members look on.

GMR&SC Drag Wars 3 set for August 4 set

TheGuyanaMotor Racing and

Sports Club

(GMR&SC) International Drag racing event, dubbed Drag Wars 3 has been announcedforAugust3-4.

The club, earlier this

week announced to competitors that the event

will see ‘dial-in’ (Qualifying) done on Saturday and strictly knockoutrunsonSunday According to the Club, Saturday (August 3) will be usedasqualifyingdayforall competitors with the slower class of cars (16-12 second) getting things started from 10:00hrsto13:00hrs.

Followingthat,thefaster machines (11 second to unlimited) will have their momentinthesun.


Meanwhile, at a recent competitor briefing, the decision was taken to shorten the racing distance from the full quarter mile (1320ft) to 1000ft, owing to ongoing upgrades at the track.

The GMR&SC was hoping to complete a new, flat surface for drag racing running in the opposite directions but inclement weather had stalled any further progress in that

regard. According to the club, the area under construction poses no imminent threat to drag racing but essentially means that the braking distance of the cars after the quarter mile has been shortenedbycloseto600ft. Thismeansthatthefaster cars while under normal circumstanceswouldbeable

construction area; any malfunction in equipment (parachute or brakes) would not have the buffer to stop before the area under construction.

I n t e r n a t i o n a l competition

Meanwhile, the club has also confirmed that they are in the process of garnering

Noel sets new 400m Freestyle National Record in Paris

- Edghill misses out in Prelims



Edghill and swimmer

Raekwon Noel exited their respective competitions at the Paris Olympics yesterday, despite putting in fineperformances.

Edghill lost her

Preliminary Round

Women’s single match 1-4 against Cameroon’s Sarah Hanffou,whileNoel,though finishingsecondinHeatOne ofthemen’s400mFreestyle with a time of 4:02.29, did not advance to the next roundofcompetition.

Edghillgotofftoashaky startinhermatchasshefell 6-11inthefirstgame. However, she bounced backtowinthesecondgame 11-9 But Hanffou then regained control, winning the next three games 11-9, 11-3,and11-8. Hanffou, competing in

her third Olympic Games, first represented Cameroon at the London Games in 2012andagainattheTokyo Olympics.

She advanced to the Round-of-64, where she is set to face World No. 13 ChengI-Ching.

This was Edghill’s s e c o n d O l y m p i c appearance, having previously competed at the Tokyo Olympics, where she made history as the first female player from the English-speakingCaribbean to participate in the Games since Table Tennis was introduced in 1988 at the SeoulOlympics. InParis,shewastheonly player from the EnglishspeakingCaribbean.

Meanwhile, despite missingoutonaplaceinthe next round of the Men’s 400m freestyle, Noel

managed to reset the country’s national record in theevent.

His time of 4:02 29 surpassed his previous record of 4:03 57 set at the CARIFTA Swimming ChampionshipsinCuracao lastyear

Noel holds five national records in swimming

Next up for Guyana in the pool is Aleka Persaud, who will compete in the women’s100mfreestyleat 6:39AMonJuly30

Persaud became the country’s youngest-ever Olympian when she competed at the Tokyo Games,andisalsoGuyana’s nationalrecordholderinthe women’s 100m freestyle, with a time of 1:00 67, achievedatlastyear’sWorld Championships in Fukuoka, Japan.

International action is set to ignite South Dakota onAugust 4th.

internationalcompetitionfor thelocalswithaTrinidadian team already en-route to Guyana.

The team will be led by Sheldon Bissessar and his railcar along returning crowd favorite ‘The Fish Van’.

Suriname has also indicatedthatateamwillbe there to represent their

interests on a weekend where more than 100 competitors are expected on show The GMR&SC had reached out to Barbados which had confirmed until hurricane Beryl hit the island,thosecompetitorsnot beingabletodoanyworkto theircarsandthusmissedthe shippingdate.

Tickets for the August 4 event are set at 3000 dollars for adults and 2000 dollars forKidsandwillbepre-sold fromnextweek. Patrons desirous of enteringthevenueontheday are asked to use the Airport route.

After the event, spectatorswillbeallowedto meetandgreetthedrivers.

YBG High School All-Star Basketball Weekend kicks off today

Th e m u c hanticipatedYouth

B a s k e t b a l l Guyana(YBG)HighSchool All-Star Weekend kicks today at the National Gymnasium.

Fans are in for a treat with thrilling matchups in the Girls Under-18, Boys Under-14, and Boys Under18categories.

Building on the success of the National School Basketball Festival 2024, thiseventshowcasesthetopperformingathletesfromthe recentfestival.

IntheGirlsU18division, standout players such as Junelly Paddy, Akeela Campbell, Kenesha Fraser, Brianna Benjamin, and RonayaGrantaresettotake thecourt.

The Boys U14 division will feature stars like Jaren Boucher, Kemol Pickering, Kyle Reid, Shaquan Messiah, Terron Mohabir, Ramario Wolfe, and Darren Dublin Meanwhile, the Boys U18 division boasts talents such as I-Grade Oudkerk, Tyrese Bancroft, Brandon Mc Koy, andCarmeloManSonHing, amongothers.

Organizers Chris Bowman and his team have planned an exciting halftime show to add flair to the competition and provide entertainment for the crowd There will also be gate prizes and appreciation giveaways, making admission an easy choiceforattendees.

The event aims to raise funds for the YBG S t u d e n t A t h l e t e s S c h o l a r s h i p , encouraging everyone to come out and support these future basketball stars

Ballers Empire retain West Dem’ Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ title

The victorious Ballerz Empire side receives their prizes after successfully defending their Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ West/East Bank Demerara title.

In what was a rematch from the previous year’s final,holdersBallerzEmpire successfully defended their Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ West/East Bank Demerara title, defeating three-time winner Showstoppers 2-0 at the PouderoyenTarmac.

The contest, which was witnessed by an enormous crowd, was settled in the extra time interval after regulation time failed to produceawinner

This All-Star event has been expertly coordinated byYBGandmadepossible through the generous support of Edward B Bharry Limited under the Chico Brand, KFC Guyana,andG-Boats

Nicholas MacArthur proved to be the difference onthenightasherecordeda ‘Guinness Goal’ (GG) [a goalscoredinthefinalthree minutes of normal time or thefinaltwominutesofextra time counts as two] in the 48thminute.

With the win, Ballerz Empire walked away with $ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d t h e championship trophy They

also earned an automatic berth to the national championship. On the other hand, Showstoppers pocketed $300,000 and the runners-upaccolade.

Meanwhile, Cayenne Massive defeated the PouderoyenBrothers1-0on penalty kicks after regulation time ended scoreless in the third-place playoff.

Due to the outcome, Cayenne Massive walked awaywith$150,000andthe corresponding accolade, while the Pouderoyen Brotherspocketed$100,000 andtherespectivetrophy

The Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ season, will now move into the Bartica leg, which is pencilled for August 24th–25th Meanwhile, the national championshipwillbestaged atthePouderoyenTarmacon September6th.

We salute Guyana’s Olympic Games trailblazers

The 2024 Olympic Gamesopenedon Friday in Paris France and Kaieteur Sports would like to salute the first everathletesthatrepresented the land of many waters at theseprestigiousgamesback in the year 1948 in London, England.

Thephotoattached,from the then Guyana Graphic newspaper, shows the trio that attended those games. From left: Charles ‘Bush’ Thompson, Laddie Lewis andAlphonsoCorreira.

(Thanks to Sports Historian Charwayne Walker for providing this information.)

That illustrious group were cyclist Laddie Lewis, weightlifter Alphonso CorreiraandCharles ‘Bush’ Thompson,sprinter

Scenes from the recently concluded Inter-Secondary School’s NSBF 2024.
NSBF logo 2024
First Olympians Guyana Graphic

Deandra Dottin comes out of international retirement

SportsMax - Cricket

West Indies (CWI) announced yesterday that Deandra Dottin has decided tocomeoutofretirementand will be available for selection to represent the West Indies Women’s international cricket team onceagain.

In a heartfelt letter to CWI, Dottin expressed her enthusiasm to return to the game.

“Representing West Indies in international cricket has always been a matter of great pride and

passion for me After a period of reflection and thoughtful dialogue with various parties within CricketWestIndies, (Continuedonpage62)

Deandra Dottin last played for the West Indies in 2022.


freestyle record in Paris.

in Paris

Noel sets new 400m Freestyle National Record

- Edghill misses out in Prelims

Tournament MVP

will receive a pair of football turfs from Colours Boutique. Ballers

Swimmer Raekwon Noel sets a new National 400m
Chelsea Edghill in action during her Women’s Singles preliminary round clash with Cameroon’s Sarah Hanffou.

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