Kaieteur News

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Former KN Editor-in-Chief spared jail time for criticising Judge’s ruling

Judges are often the most malignedbecausetheycannottake tothepresswhentheyareattacked. Theyrarelygrantinterviews.

The result is that some members of the public level some ofthevilestcriticismsagainstthem when decisions do not go in their favour

Afew years ago,Adam Harris, then a reporter for Kaieteur News wascriticalofJusticeB.S.Royfor granting an order against an auto dealer who was in the court compound but was never called to have a say in defenceof the action againsthim.

The telephone rang after the publication. The clerk in Justice Roy’s court informed Harris that thejudgewantedtoseehim.There wasnomentionofanylegalaction. Harriswasunawareofwhatwasto follow

HewenttoJusticeRoy’scourt. Theclerkaskedhimtotakeaseat. Soon after the judge appeared and took his seat on the bench. Harris wasabouttofaceatrial.Hequeried the situation and the judge informed him that he was being cited for contempt. He informed

Former KN Editor-in-Chief, Adam Harris

Harris that he should get legal counselandreturnthenextday

The story made the press and reporterGeorgeBarclay,turnedup incourt.AlsoincourtwasKaieteur

News Publisher Glenn Lall. No sooner was the court opened than Justice Roy said that there should benoreportingoftheproceedings. Anybreachoftheorderwouldhave seen the reporter cited for contempt. There is no jury in a contempthearing. There is also no appeal. The

judge reigns supreme. In the end Harris was asked to publish an apologyorbecalledbacktocourt. He was represented by Attorney Khemraj Ramjattan Freddie Kissoon was almost subjected to a similarsituation.

The judge invited him to a meeting in the court but Kissoon, having been aware of the Harris matter, was advised to decline the invitation. He was advised to have the judge meet him in a neutral environment. The recent verbal assault of a judge caused raised eyebrows.Thejudgedidnothingin retaliation.

OnlylastweektheBarCouncil of The BarAssociation of Guyana warnedagainstthreatsandpersonal attacks against judicial officers, especially on social media platforms.

“The Bar Council of The Bar Association in the premises wishes to remind and urge members of the public to exercise responsibility in making public statements touching and concerning the administration of justice, including judicial officers and thereby refrain from personal

Retired Judge, BS Roy

attacks, the use of threatening language which threaten the personalsafetyofjudicialofficers or otherwise and or making scandalous, inflammatory and unsubstantiated allegations against judicial officers,” the organisation stated in a press release

According to the legal body, such persons can be found in contempt of court. “While the Judiciary is not immune from public expressions of concern and

criticism, such right is not unfettered and must be exercised within the ambit of the law and governing legal principles; the breach of which could result in legal proceedings being instituted against such perpetrator(s) and where applicable punishable by imprisonment.”

Though President of the Bar Association, Attorney-at-Law Kamal Ramkarran said that the statement was not directed to a specific person, it should be noted that it was made days after social media personality and talk show host Makhail Rodrigues better known as the “Guyanese Critic” expressed dissatisfaction with a recent judgment handed down to him.

The High Court on July 18 orderedhimtopayinexcessof$52 million to businessman Nazar Mohamed and his son, Azruddin for defamation following a default judgmentrenderedbyJusticeNigel Niles. Rodrigues during one of his morning shows aired on Facebook expressed dissatisfaction by posting a photograph of Justice Niles.

‘Probe into corruption in Guyana must start with Jagdeo’ - PNCR says

The main opposition party - Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) on Sunday said that investigations into corruption in Guyana must start with Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and his ruling PPP/CGovernment.

The PNCR said that Jagdeo’s sudden interest in ensuring corruption is investigated “is an attempt to appear concernedaboutcorruption,protecthimself and the corrupt PPP regime while shifting thefocusawayfromthemtopublicservants with the aim of browbeating the people of Guyana and make them believe the PPP regime is interested in fighting corruptionthey are not, they are the architects of, and complicitincorruption ”

On Monday March 19, US Candidate to the Human Rights Committee for the years 2023- 2026, Professor Laurence Helfer had grilledMinisterofGovernance,GailTeixeira at its 140th session, for answers on its shortcomingswhenitcomestotransparency and investigating allegations of corrupt practices.

In posing questions about alleged corruption in Guyana Helfer said that the humanrightscommitteeunderstandsthatthe currentGuyanaGovernmenthaddismantled the State Assets Recovery Agency (SARA) whenittookofficeandin2020,inresponseto concerns about its effectiveness and asked which agency is now responsible for recoveringstolenstateassets.

Hethenfollowedupbypointingoutthat the Human Rights Committee reiterates its

“request for information on measures to ensure prompt and effective investigations into allegations of corruption and the prosecution of perpetrators” before stating “Thecommitteeisawareofpublicfrustration regarding for example the failure to investigate reports of corruption by Vice PresidentBharratJagdeo”.

Helfer did not say what alleged corrupt practicesJagdeoisaccusedofbutTeixeirain herresponsespokeofaViceNewsarticlethat accusedhimofusingaChinesebusinessman, ZhiRongSuto“cashbribesforgovernment contracts”.

She said, “…there was no follow-up because there was no police report made by Vice News or anybody else and so police cannot investigate without some form of reportorcomplaint.” “However,theVPhas answeredthisissuepubliclyseveraltimesin the same media that has carried these reports”,Teixeiraadded.

In 2022, Jagdeo’s former friend and tenant,ZhiRongSuimplicatedhim(Jagdeo) inbriberyandcorruption.Suhaddisclosedto VICE News reporters posing as Chinese investors that Jagdeo took “cash bribes” for multimilliondollarcontractsandthathe(Su) was his middle man.VICE News on July 7, 2022 premiered a documentary with its findings. In the documentary, Jagdeo called Su “a good friend of ours” and his tenant during an interview with one of the VICE News’reporters.

AlocalgroupInstituteforActionAgainst Discrimination (IFAAD) had also formally

lodgedacomplaintagainstJagdeotoActing Police Commissioner, Clifton Hicken to investigate corruption allegations against Vice-President.

The police chief was written after the governmenttoldUnitedNations(UN)Human rights Committee CCPR that it never investigatedJagdeobecausenoofficialpolice reportwasmadeagainsthim Intheletteralso copied to the Director Public Prosecution, ShalimarAli Hack SC and signed by former Georgetown Mayor, Ubraj Narine, the organisation requested that a formal investigation be launched into allegations of corruptionmadeagainstJagdeobyViceNews

“The evidence presented in their report suggests that high level officials may be engaging in illicit activities, which must be thoroughly investigated to maintain public trustandupholdtheruleoflaw,”theIFAAD said while urging the Commissioner to ensure that the investigation be done

transparently and without any obstruction. The IFAAD added, “Once the investigation has been completed, we kindly request that you share all the findings with the public,” IFAAD said while calling on Hicken to take theappropriatelegalactioniftheallegations madeare“substantiated”withevidence.


Meanwhile, in its statement the PNCR said if Jagdeo and the PPPare serious about fightingthescourgeofcorruption,thenthey muststartwithanindependentinvestigation intotheallegationsofbriberyandcorruption againstJagdeothatweredisclosedintheVice Newsdocumentary

“Theymustrecognizethatindroppingthe 19 fraud charges against President Ali and thoseagainstotherformerministers,theyhave veryearlyinthistermsignaledtheGuyanese societythatcorruptionisacceptable”


Continued on page 8

Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Kaieteur News

24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


The chief policymaker

Two responses from Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo at his recent press conferences confirmed to us that he is the wrongmantobespearheadingGuyana’soilbusiness.

LastweekandtheweekbeforetheformerPresidentwas asked about the cost ExxonMobil is paying to lease the capping stack it brought into Guyana recently and how much it is paying to treat produced water at its operations offshore.

No doubt in the absence of full coverage insurance the capping is some comfort to Guyanese. But what was astounding is that Jagdeo who is Guyana’s chief policymakeronoilandgas-atitlewhichheguardsjealously said he does not know the cost to lease the equipment. In fact, he went on further to make light of the question posed bythisnewspaperaskingifheneedstoknoweveryexpense beingincurredbytheoilcompany.MaybetheVPforgotorit isnotimportanttohimthatGuyana’soilprofitshavetopay to lease the capping stack. Not knowing the cost exposes this country to exploitation and we have seen this already withthefindingsfromtheoilaudits.Exxonhasshownthatit canchargeusforthingsunrelatedtooilproduction.

A similar question was posed to him on how much Exxon is paying to treat the produced water from its oil production. Again Guyana’s chief policymaker on oil and gas said he does not know But this time he doubled down withhisnonsensesaying:“Theymaybeinflatingthesnacks wemightbebuyingatennisrollthereforIdon’tknowwhat a six pack of tennis roll what it cost now, might be $600 insteadof$350.Theymaybeinflatingthecostforthetennis roll. These have to be audited, they have to be audited. That’s the purpose of a post audit.” He added, “You think every day I am checking how much Exxon pays for treated water,nextweekyouwillaskmehowmuchtheyarepaying for snacks. I deal with policy issues so that would...like last week the capping stack you asked me. Oh Jagdeo doesn’t know how much Exxon pays for capping stack. It’s a subscription you could easily find out what the rate of the subscriptiontheypayat.Soit’sridiculousstatementstogive youheadlines.”

The costs to treat produced water and to lease a capping stackmustberunningintotensofmillionsofdollars,yetthe chiefpolicymakerdoesnotthinkthisisimportantforhimto know Never mind he keeps abreast with the most mundane of issues happening in the opposition camp; studies the editorials emanating from Stabroek News and articles from KaieteurNews.HecanspeakaboutcowmanureinBerbice, a culvert in Linden and who is blocking the road in Parika, but he does not know how much billions Guyana is paying toleaseacappingstackandtreatproducedwater

Mr Jagdeoistheworstpresencethatwecanthinkofthat should be allowed to be near this nation’s trillion-dollar oil andgassector Mr Jagdeomustnothaveanythingtodowith this sector going forward. He has caused enough damage, and he has displayed those worrying qualities that warn thunderously: he is not a fit and proper person, or leader, or contributor where the stewardship of this oil wealth is concerned.

Since it has to be said, we will take the bull by the horns and lead the charge. We have lost all confidence that anything that Jagdeo does will result in what is good for Guyanese. For his friends and handpicked cronies, he will dohisbestandsucceed,butfortherestofGuyanesehoping forsomethingbeneficialfromthisoilsector,Mr Jagdeoisa lostcause,aprecioushopewasted.

This is the essence of the man Jagdeo, and as harsh as this may come across, he has lost all claims for any considerationthatheisaleaderwhocanbetrusted.

A man of his experiences and exposures should know, and know very well, that the management of oil is not the managementofsugar

Though the latter has its challenges, it pales when compared to oil, and Mr Jagdeo as President and now Vice Presidenthasdoneincomparablypoorlywithsugar Itisthe poorest of recommendations for him to be put in charge of this national oil wealth. Considering all this, with Vice

Guyana must end diplomatic relations with Israel Territory.”

Guyana,toourcredit,has long had a principled

DEAREDITOR, violated Palestinian rights attacks, taken control of position on Palestine. We

The International Court under the International Palestine’s water and forced recognised Palestine as an of Justice (the Court) C o n v e n t i o n o n t h e Palestinianstopurchasetheir independent sovereign state recently gave its Advisory Elimination of all forms of own water from Israel at a in 2011. This is in keeping Opinion on the legal Racial Discrimination, the

with article 37 (external consequences of Israel’s International Covenant on confiscated and/or destroyed relations) of the Constitution occupation of Palestine Economic, Social and Palestinian property, caused whichsaysthattheState(us) Their opinion does not cover Cultural Rights and the environmental degradation, supports the “legitimate Israel’s current war against International Covenant on destroyed P

aspirations of other people P

Civil and Political Rights. agriculture, subjected

(including children) in the The Court makes it clear that Palestinians to Israeli independence and will Gaza Strip, in response to an Israel has breached military law, forcibly establish relations with all attackbywhattheCourtcalls customary international law transferredPalestiniansfrom states on the basis of “Hamas and other armed in relation to Palestinian th

pped sovereign equality, mutual groups”. South Africa has permanent sovereignty over Palestinians from accessing respect, inviolability of b r o u g h t s e p a r a t e Palestinian natural resources places of worship, and so on. frontiers, territorial integrity proceedings in the Court and the Palestinian right to This entire newspaper could of states, peaceful settlement againstIsraelforgenocide. self-determination,hasacted not print even a fraction of of disputes, non-intervention

TheCourt’slegalopinion contrary to the prohibition of Israel’s aggression towards in internal affairs, respect is that Israel’s occupation of the use of force and unarmed Palestinian for human rights and East Jerusalem, the West unlawfully annexed large civilians who merely want to fundamental freedoms, and Bank and Gaza (the partsoftheOPT, live peacefully in their own co-operation among States.” Occupied Palestinian The Court relied on country and not under ThePPP/Cgovernment’s Territory or OPT) is evidence from UN bodies foreignoccupation. recentclosenesstoIsraeland unlawful, that Israel must a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l TheCourt’slegalopinion their promotion of Israeli end its unlawful occupation commissions to find that concludes that, “All States interests in agriculture was, I as rapidly as possible, Israel has subjected are under an obligation not think, an error of judgement. immediately stop all Palestinian women and girls to recognise as legal the I do not believe the PPP/C settlement activities, to gender-based violence situation arising from the government intended to evacuate settlers from the through excessive use of unlawful presence of the d i m i n i s h G u y a n a ’s OPT, and make reparation force and abuse including State of Israel in the international standing or for the damage caused to all physical, psychological and O c c u p i e d P a l e s t i n e reduce our constitutionally PalestiniansintheOPT verbal abuse and sexual Territory and not to render mandatedcommitmenttothe The Court’s legal harassment, supported a i d o r a s s i s t a n c e i n fundamental rights of the analysis confirms that Israel s e t t l e r a t t a c k s o n maintaining the situation Palestinian people. But the has breached the Fourth Palestinians,intervenedwith created by the continued government must now cut Geneva Convention and the excessive force against presence of the State of Israel thosetieswithIsrael.The Hague Regulations, and Palestinians after settler in the Occupied Palestinian (Continued on page 5)

What will be the OAS and USA response to fraudulent election in Venezuela?

DEAREDITOR, overwhelming electoral relations with USAfor along

Reference is drawn to fraud is the reaction from the time. Though they have had controversy has been lodged “Venezuela Election” (July OAS, ACS, Mercosur, other friendly relations with foraresolution.Madurosaid 28) People were voting South American and Latin Guyana under both the PPP he will not accept the ICJ’s Sunday July 28 as the article American regional bodies, and PNC administrations, ruling if it goes in Guyana’s was being penned. No doubt the EU, and the US and they have been in friendlier favor. A democratic election this was the biggest threat Canada. Sanctions are likely a r

n and toughest challenge to if there is widespread fraud. Venezuela than with Guyana administration in Miraflores Maduro’s hold on power. Off course, if President overthelastdecade.Theyare will also redound to benefits The country desperately Maduro is defeated, a not exactly Guyana’s friends for Guyana – the 50,000 wanted to vote out the possibility that is extremely as they once were, and Venezuelan economic Socialist government of the r e m o t e , t h e g l o b a l Guyana would be better off migrants will more than country that has been communitywillwelcomethe maintaining some distance likely return to their country undergoing the worst change in regime like what from them. Although they and properties left behind economiccrisisinitshistory, happened in Guyana in are allies of Venezuela, they easing the burden on our a scenario reminiscent of October1992. have not rein in Venezuela treasury and the social what took place in Guyana The international over its unjustified and welfaresystem. during the 1970s and 1980s. community is supportive of illegal claim to Guyana’s Guyana should not put The government is very democracy in Venezuela – territory Guyanaisbetteroff high hopes for a change in unpopular but it is unlikely free and fair elections realigning with USA by administration in Caracas. the election will be free and Maduro’s allies like Russia, entering into some kind of There is not likely to be any fair Thus, the likelihood of a China, Cuba, and Iran are security pact or alliance for seismic shift, meaning change in administration is backing him and by protection of territory from political change The virtually nil. Maduro will extension the outcome of an Venezuela’sthreats. question is what will be the hand himself another term of election in which Maduro is The Guyana government American response to sixyearsandduringthattime declared the winner Those andtheopposition,indeedall massive rigging and to any will continue to threaten countries are not known to Guyanese regardless of violence undertaken by the Guyana’sterritory have democratic credentials political persuasions, will regime. Sanctions will be be

President Jagdeo as the central figure, the only one in the discussion, in our oil, the time has come for PresidentAli to summon the courage and strength and to act. President Ali has one choice and action only at his fingertips. Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo must go. He must be kept as far awayaspossiblefromthistrillion-dollaroilandgassector

The unknown to any andhavenotbeeninfriendly welcome democracy in strengthened. Guyana must Venezuela, not that a be prepared, for her own democratic administration interests, to support any will give up its claim to action recommended by the Guyana’s Essequibo OAS (and USA) to protect territory A democratic thewillofthevoters. government is more likely to Yours truly, accept a ruling from the ICJ Vishnu Bisram

A most condescending approach to African orgs.

DEAREDITOR, US$17,500 as a government E s s e q u i b o f o r t h i s

Kindly allow me to write contribution for their event opportunity Pictures are an open letter to African that annually costs the taken with bountiful pride organizations about an organization approximately and displayed on Facebook annual “rite of passage” that US$150,000.Thiseventalso pages and national papers is most condescending and has a large number of unpaid showing wide smiles of humiliating to People of volunteers, and significant appreciation. I say to my African Descent in Guyana, costs for both the National AfricanBrothersandSisters, and no doubt the Caribbean Park, the Guyana Police stop this self-enslavement becauseonlyinGuyanadoes Force and private security and self-humiliation, which thisoccurs. Last year, ACDA featured is reminiscent of the Zoos in Emancipation Day is a Morgan Heritage from Belgium and France in the sacred day throughout the Jamaica, and has an 1950s that had Africans on Caribbean and the African international artiste every displayforEuropeanvisitors Diaspora. No other day is year ACDAusuallyreceives duringtheirWorldFairs. more sacred. But in Guyana, the largest grant and never Where is our dignity? African organizations are attends these ceremonies Think about our Ancestors, asked to send Emancipation OtherAfricangroupsreceive 473,000 of whom died Day proposals to the betweenU$500toUS2000. during 200 plus years of Ministry of Culture, which Toreceivethesefinancial enslavement, and who are then reviewed and grants,Africanorganizations cleared 15,000 square miles approved by the Minister of are asked to wear African of Guyana to make this Culture. clothing and to have at least country hospitable, under

TheAfrican Cultural and three members at an “Event” conditions described by the Development Association at the National Conference United Nations, as “the (ACDA) which has one of Center where the grants are greatest crime against the largest Emancipation received Some African humanity”.

Day Festival in the organisations travel from No other ethnic group in Caribbean,thisyearreceived West Berbice, some from Guyana is treated with this disdainandindifference.

Guyana must end...

From page 4

Court cited a UN Security Council Resolution that Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory have no legal validity and are a “flagrant violation under international law” and major obstacletoa“just, lasting and comprehensive peace.” Israelis undermining the international rule of law and threatening world peace. In its dealings with the Palestinian people, Israel is violating every principle of justice and equality that we believein. Israel’sillegaloccupationandillegalannexationof territory(includingtheGolanHeights)isthetriggerforwarin theMiddleEast.

The government must now base Guyana’s foreign policy on Article 37, the Court’s Advisory Opinion, Guyana’s commitment to international peace, and Guyana’s respect for and dependence on the international rule of law Thus, the government must break off diplomatic relations with Israel until such time as Israel has ceased its occupation of Palestine and paid full reparations in line with the Court’s Advisory Opinion. Thisisalegal,moralandpoliticalimperative.

Yours truly,

Melinda Janki

Largest Emancipation celebrations ever expected in Macedonia Joppa in Berbice this year

DEAREDITOR, Coast Berbice to Moleson Arrowhead, and depicting On Thursday August 1, Creek on the Corentyne and Guyanese culture, lifestyle, 2024, the Macedonia Joppa beyond. andheritage.Residentsofall Voluntary Committee Like in previous years, ages and from all walks of (MJVC), a registered non- this year’s Emancipation life, regardless of race, profitable organization, East celebration is expected to be religion, ethnicity or social Corentyne, Berbice will the largest and only status from the Macedonia celebrate 190 years of celebrationofitskindinEast Joppa villages comprised E m a n c i p a t i o n t o Corentyne. It will be an all- No. 35 and 36, Brighton, commemorate the abolition day gala family celebration Kiltearn, Eversham, Epsom, of slavery in Guyana and the starting at 10:00 AM with a Dingwall,No.41Bengaland end of years of brutalization, road march from Brighton No 43 will line both sides of dehumanization and the Village to Eversham Village the roadways to view the liberationofAfricanpeople. CommunityCenterPavilion, colorful display of costumes

Amerindians have a full monthofcelebrationsduring Amerindian Heritage Month in September Over G$100 billion has been provided to Amerindians through the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, an Amerindian Development Fund, LCDS carbon credits (G$4.78B) and weekly announcements of projects in the 204 different community that have government funded Community development Plans.Yet,thereisnoevent (Continued on page 6)

Theholidayissignificant where there will be a day of and the rich and stylish not just as a calendar event fun for all, especially for the outfits as the participants but as a new lease of life for children who will participate danced to the rhythm of the the Guyanese nation as we in several cultural, social, lively and customary Soca know it. It is a day of and educational activities music supplied by the remembrance, and an including the recital of region’s most popular DJ, opportunity to reflect on the poems,singingoffolksongs, SpanishEyes courageous efforts and playing of games and Emancipation is not only sacrifices of enslaved men dancingtoavarietyofsongs, about partying, eating, and women in the fight for and an education quiz drinking and dancing in the their freedom The competition on slavery and streets, all of which are part Macedonia Joppa Voluntary Emancipation. There will be of our culture and heritage.It Committee (MJVC) will drumming and African is also a celebration ofthe mark the occasion with the dancersandAfricandishesto freedom of enslaved largest celebrations ever highlightAfrica’s interesting Africans and a time for all seeninBerbice. tribal traditions and its Guyanese near and far to put Duringthelasttwoyears, vibrantcultures. aside their differences and Emancipation celebrations Most residents from the biases and join together to in Berbice were was Macedonia Joppa district celebrate as one people, one organized and sponsored by and elsewhere are expected nation The Macedonia MJVCgroup,anditwaswell to join the road march under Joppa Voluntary Committee attended on both occasions thethemeof“Upliftmentand invites all in the district and by the residents from across Perseverance.”The revelers elsewhere to join and the region and beyond. This will be decked out in a participate in the celebration year’s celebrations are dazzling array of colorful onThursdayAugust1,2024. expectedtoattractthousands African attire of red,black, Sincerely, of people in and out the yellow, white, and green, Dr Asquith Rose, MJVC region from as far as West representingthecolorsofthe Chair

I vehemently oppose naming a street in Guyana “Kaka


I appreciated reading Baytoram Ramharack’s historical account of Dattatreya Balkrushna Kalelkar, the Indian nationalist who visited British Guiana in 1958, and how his visitimpactedthesocialgeographyofPrashadNagar RamharackpointedoutthatHariprasadoriginallynameda street in Prashad Nagar “Kaka Street” out of respect and admirationforKalelkar,whowasreveredas“Kakasaheb,”but the name was never used. Ramharack suggests that the street name“Kaka”berestored.

IvehementlyopposenamingastreetinGuyana“Kaka.”In manylanguages,“Kaka”means“poop.”InGuyana,thisword is commonly used, especially by children. Kids often say, “I want to do kaka,” and adults may quip, “time for a kaka” (poop).

Insteadofusingthefirstpartofthename(Kaka),theentire moniker (“Kakasaheb”) should be used. If that name is too long, then the last part of the name, “Saheb,” could be used. (“Saheb” refers to someone “higher up” or a “respected person”).

Yours truly,

Devanand Bhagwan

A most condescending...

From page 5 where they are asked to assemble at one location, dressed in traditionalclothingandreceivetheirgrants.

Financial repair (economic justice) and “self-repair” are thetwonecessaryelementsofreparatoryjustice.Participating in this “magnificent masquerade” does nothing to our selfrepair Thisannual“circus”toreceivepettycashisaninsultto ourAfricanancestorsandanaffronttoourdecencyandshould betoallethnicgroupsinGuyana.Foroverfiveyearsnow,and almost every Thursday when the Guyana Reparations Committee (GRC) meets, I have been accused by my fellow African Guyanese of not addressing local African Guyanese issues of economic, and cultural marginalization As Chairman of the GRC and an elected Vice Chair of the Caricom Reparations Commission, I have remained loyal to the mandates of the Prime Ministerial Subcommittee on Reparationsandhaverefrainedfromwritingaboutlocalissues affecting Guyanese at home. I have purposefully ring-fenced theGRCfrombecominginvolvedinseverallocalissues.

Over the last two years, contrary to all previous PPP and APNU governments, the Guyana Reparations Committee has been politically treated as if it is a local African organization suchastheInternationalDecadeforPeopleofAfricanDescent Assembly-Guyana(IDPADA-G).

Whilst an official complaint has been made, the GRC will stick to our mandate unless forced not to. In closing, I hope President Mohamed Irfaan Ali puts a stop to this annual Emancipation affront to African dignity as this practice is an egregious display of ethnic marginalization and cultural blasphemy

Sincerely, Eric Phillips

Chair, Guyana Reparations Committee Vice Chair, Caricom Reparations Commission


DEAREDITOR, significant financing and hoping that the Republicans celebration of the 1998Good Leading is only one received sufficient support take government in the US Friday Agreement, the aspect of leadership: in the from delegates to the and reverse the policies of British government, political arena ensuring that forthcoming Congress of the the present Democratic believing that it would be your constituency is most Democratic party to make administration. But to be

adequately led is as if not her nomination as the party’s properly handled, Guyana- politicians to observe that more,important. presidential candidate at the typ

their kind of political

US President Joe Biden November 2024 elections a contravene elections cycles, difficulties can be solved if portrayedthisbroadernotion m

r m a l i t y . usually require a bipartisan only the political will of leadership a few days ago Furthermore, the outcome of approach that takes a long ex

when he accepted that his her recent discourse with the viewoftheproblem. parliamentary delegation to h

b l y Israeli prime minister Thus, notwithstanding attend that event. But their deteriorated to a point where indicates that although she is the international uproar and attendance bore no fruit and if he did not resign the aware of the complicated the Biden administration’s did not even lead to a immediate and possible nature of the US/Israeli expressed frustration with substantial public discourse future wellbeing of the problem,sheisalsowearyof the policy of the Israeli ontheissue. American and other peoples the atrocities Israel is government in Gaza, Israeli N

may be put in jeopardy and p

Prime Minister Benjamin institutional memory of the so endorsed his Vice- Palestinians. Netanyahu just addressed US and the West in general President Kamala Harris to T h e B i d e n joint session of Congress, has taught that finding an behissuccessor administration has taken

equitable solution with

exceptionally successful socio/political development bipartisanship was also political elites is not easy In presidency and deserved a of Guyana, and this is of demonstrated in Northern a situation much simpler secondtermandpraiseofhis g

Ireland: after the presidency than Palestine, once the achievementshascomefrom Guyanese Indeed, the of Democratic President Bill parties in Northern Ireland many quarters and was governance problem in C

decided to negotiate, it still briefly outlined by his Guyana, which is not President George W Bush took former US Senator predecessor,PresidentBarak dissimilar to that which pursued the implementation George Mitchell almost 2 Obama, as follows: ‘He Biden faces in Israel where of the Good Friday years to complete the helped end the pandemic, the Zionists and Palestinians Agreement, and when process, and it almost ended created millions of jobs, are unable to compromise on problems arose, a special in failure Indeed, it lowered the cost of the governance of the envoy from the Donald concluded without the prescription drugs, passed political space Also, in Trump administration was support of one of the the first major piece of gun 1980, Joe Biden was one of dispatched to warn against strongest protestant political safetylegislationin30years, group of senators who any British exit from the groups The Democratic made the biggest investment lobbied for greater US European Union that might Unionist Party of the Rev to address climate change in diplomatic involvement in endangertheAgreement. Ian Paisley stood out against history, and fought to ensure theNorthernIrelandconflict, Note too that for it, but ultimately decided to the rights of working people which was even more whatever reason it was the continueitsopposition‘from to organize for fair wages politically similar to West, led by the Donald withintheAgreement’. and benefits. Internationally, Guyana. Biden used his seat Trump’s administration, that Vice-President Kamala he restored America’s on the Senate Foreign engineered the removal of Harris was the point person standing in the world, Relations Committee to help the APNU+AFC coalition when Guyana’s president revitalized NATO, and pressure the Clinton government in 2020. It was and vice-president were mobilized the world to stand administration to commit also under the Trump ‘invited’ to Washington in up against Russian resources to broker the 1998 administration that the 2022 for a dressing down, aggressioninUkraine.’ Good Friday Agreement, USAID 2021 Report, which andsheencouragedDr Alito Biden said that he will which brought an end to the called upon the government establish more inclusive, spend the remaining few confrontation between and the political elites to end equitable, governance months of this presidency Protestants and Catholics in the winner-takes-all system Unfortunately,itappearsthat fulfilling his presidential which some 3,700 lives had and introduce a more the Guyana delegation has agenda, but as matters beenlost. inclusive government, was interpreted this to mean that presently stand, it appears Joe Biden has; therefore, commissioned Upon it should more blatantly use that VP Harris must now an in-depth knowledge of coming to government, in state resources, to destroy confront a few thorny Guyana-type political issues 2 0 2 1 , t h e B i d e n African institutions to force electoral problems, such as and one must hope that he administration maintained their adherence! The Biden t h e n a t i o n a l uses a portion of the thisdemand. administrationhascontinued immigrant/border issue and remaining time of his The Western interest and to cajole the regime in the the Israeli-Hamas war in presidency to entrench this understanding of what is d i r e c t i o n o f g o o d Gaza. But Biden’s choice legacy as it relates to taking place in Guyana has governance and inclusivity; appears to be sound for Guyana The autocratic been long standing. During fromforcingsomerethinkof Harris has already raised oligarchy of the PPP is the 10th anniversary (Continued on page 16)

Three months later…


The Government of Guyana is yet to provide the nation with an update on the auditsintermsofthespecificpenaltiestheoil companies will face for misusing Guyana’s oilprofits,threemonthsaftertheyweremade public.

TheKaieteurNewsreportedonApril14th of this year that after a campaign by the newspaperthatlastedoverafewmonthsthe governmentfinallyreleasedtheauditreports to the public. Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo at his Thursday April 11th press conferencetoldthemediathatthereportsare available online via the Ministry of Natural Resourceswebsite.

Sincetheirreleasethereportswhichcover the years 1999-2017 and 2018-2020 respectively,severalcasesofinflatedcostsand gross misuse of the oil funds were unearthed bytheauditorsandhighlightedbythemedia

On Thursday at his weekly press conferencetheVPwasaskedbythemediaif there were any updates in relation to the

auditsthathecouldprovidetothepublic.He questioned “Audit findings? No. I am not reporting on audit findings here. I will not reportonauditfindings.”

TheKaieteurNewshasbeenleadingcalls fortheauditreportstobereleased,alongwith members of civil society, as well as the political Opposition. Stakeholders are of the belief that the government was hiding the corruptactionsoftheoilcompaniesthatwere exposedintheauditreportsdonebyaBritish firm,IHSMarkitfollowedbythesecondaudit conductedbyVHEConsultingforareviewof US$1.6BandUS$7.3B,respectively

Notably, the first audit report recommended that the Government of Guyana (GoG) disallow US$214M in costs being claimed by Exxon for the misuse of Guyana’s oil profits and failure to justify expenses. Meanwhile, the report by VHE Consulting-Ramdihal&HaynesInc;Eclisar Financial; and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc- also highlighted a number

‘Probe into corruption in...

Frompage3 cannot be selective in who they investigate andprosecute.“Allmustbeequalbeforethe law and therefore the many serious allegations against the PPP regime, their families, friends and favorites must be investigated and where there have been breaches of the law, they must face the full forceofthelaw.”

“Letitbemadeveryclear,webelievethat the senior police officers and other public servants, private citizens and all involved in corruption must be investigated and prosecuted once they are found to have violatedthelaw Whatweareobjectingto,is the regime protecting its elite, families, friends and favorites while farcically going afterpublicservantstoshiftfocusawayfrom the PPP regime which is extremely corrupt, complicit in corruption and created the conditionsforcorruptiontoengulftheentire Guyanesesociety.”

Onlylastweekspeakingonthesubjectof alleged corruption in the Guyana Police Force Jagdeo assured that there will be no cover-up in the probe into the alleged financial impropriety and other acts of corruption by officers. The investigations will be conducted by the Special Organised


The Vice President said that it is his government that has depoliticised the Force and assures that an impartial investigation willbeconducted.Itisimportanttonotethat SOCU is an arm of the GPF The announcement that SOCU will head the investigation into the corruption allegations against members of the Force sparked much discussion as pundits believe that the situationmirrorstheproverbialcatandmilk.

Since the surfacing of allegations of financial impropriety within the GPF, three senior officers were reassigned while Assistant Police Commissioner Calvin Brutus, one of the reassigned, requested annualleavetofacilitateaninvestigationinto thecorruptionallegations.

“Iseethatinsomecasestheywantexternal agencies to investigate, to undermine local institutions. We have depoliticized SOCU. SOCU doesn’t go after political opponents now,theygoaftercriminalmatters Thatused to happen under APNU, it was politicized SOCU is an agency dedicated to this sort of investigation therewillbenocoverup And it’s shameful that some people would try to underminethesameinstitutionsthatweareall tryingtobuild,”hesaid

of areas where the oil company misused the country’s oil revenues Government has since indicated that it will be heading to arbitrationoverthequestionableUS$214M sum,sincetheoperatorisrefusingtoaccept theauditfindings

In the meantime, the process is still ongoing between the Guyana Revenue Authority(GRA)andExxononthefindingsof the second audit. It is important to note that some of the major expenses racked up ExxonMobil between the period 2018 and 2020 are not included in the second audit report, completed by the local consortium, VHE Consulting The key data missing from theauditreportishoweverdetailedinthefirst report done by an international firm, IHS Markit.ThatfirmwashiredbytheCoalition government to audit the company’s 19992017expenseswhichtotaledUS$1.6B.

While Financial Analyst and Certified Accountant,FloydHaynesconfirmedduring a radio interview with the Kaieteur News that, “We have detailed schedules of all of thosethings.WhatIcantellyouisthatthose were some areas that we looked at keenly –drilling, mud, all those types (expenses), helicopters and we benchmarked them againstindustrystandards.”

These are not present in the report that is availableonline,andamemberoftheteamhad confirmed with this publication that the numberofpagesonlineandwhatwashanded overdonotaddup Thishasledtoquestionas


Jagdeo was asked about this and he maintainedthatthefullreportforthesecond audit conducted by local consortium VHE Consulting was published online, despite auditors said that around 40 pages of the originaldocumentaremissing.Heexplained that, “The auditors said to me…I asked the Ministry of Natural Resources, did you put up the whole report that you received from the auditors? They said to me, yes we uploadedthefullreport ”

Jagdeowentontosaythathewasinformed that the management report was a separate document and the auditors advised that it be keptoutofExxon’seyes

“They said the management report is separate,wegotaletterfromtheauditors,we were told by the auditors and then we got a letter to confirm it Ensure that ExxonMobil doesnotseeit That’sit SotheytoldmeandI believedthemmorethantheKaieteurNewsso if you can’t identify the person who told you thatI’mnotrespondingtoit Let’smoveon” However sources close to the process explainedthatapproximately40pagesofthe audit report have not been included in the document that was made public by the government.ThesourcetoldKaieteurNews, “The audit team submitted a detailed report of approximately 170 pages, including a manager’s report to the Ministry.” The document available online however consists of135pages.

Exxoninksanothercarbon capturedealwithCFIndustries

Exxon last week sealed itsfourthcarboncaptureand storage deal, this time with ammonia producer CF Industries.

Under the deal, Exxon will capture and store half a million tons of carbon dioxidefromaCFIndustries facility in Mississippi, starting in 2028. The deal will enable CF Industries to reduce emissions from the site by 50%, the supermajor said. The deal, which is the fourth CCS contract for

Exxon and the second such dealwithCFIndustries,will bring the total amount of carbon dioxide it would be capturing and storing to 5.5 million tons annually

“That’s equivalent to replacing about 2 million gasoline-powered cars with electric vehicles, which is morethanthetotalEVssold intheUnitedStatesin2023,” Exxonsaid.

The company placed its biggestbetoncarboncapture last year when it acquired

DenburyResourcesforclose to US$5 billion. The target company owned and operated a pipeline network for transporting carbon dioxide.

Besides that acquisition, Exxon has also signed three moredealsforcarboncapture and storage, one with CF Industries,onewithindustrial gas makers Linde, and one with steelmaker Nucor. Earlier this year Exxon also said it had teamed up with Shell to develop carbon capture and storage solutions forSingapore

Carbon capture and storageistheobviouschoice for many oil producers who want to reduce their carbon footprint or help others reduce theirs. Investment, however, needs to expand considerably under net-zero scenarios.

Earlier this year, Wood Mackenzie projected that CCSinvestmentwouldreach close to US$200 billion by 2034,bringingintoexistence a capture capacity of 440 million tons annually and a storage capacity of 664 milliontonsannually Halfof that investment would go towards expanding capture, with the other half split betweenthetransportationof C O 2 a n d s t o r a g e

From land to sea, Guyana’s

wealth is being given away for free

Guyanaisanationrichin government, has criticized Guyana’s mineral wealth demanding fairer deals that successive governments natural resources, from its this agreement, highlighting These companies are prioritize the nation’s have preached about local bountiful land and mineral how it effectively places the allowed to freely repatriate interests. value-added and its benefits resources to its vast offshore controlofavaluablenational their earnings, taking It’s time to address this but have done previous little oil reserves. Which other asset into the hands of substantial profits out of the imbalance and ensure that to add value to our natural country in the Caribbean has foreign corporations. This country The case of OMAI, Guyana’s resources benefit resources. A prime example fencing with each other over so much agricultural land imbalance of power and where gold was exported its people first and foremost is in the bauxite sector with crumbs,thepartiesshouldbe along with gold, bauxite, profit is unacceptable for a without significant local

To address these issues, the more than 50-year singing in tandem for better timber, diamonds, oil and nation striving for economic benefit, highlights the Guyana must adopt a more promise of a smelter which t e r m s

naturalgas? independenceandgrowth. systemic issues in how assertive stance in managing hasnevermaterialized. multinationals A united

However, the stark The fisheries sector in Guyana’s natural resources its natural resources. This Investing in domestic front can more effectively reality is that while the G

e s aremanaged. involves, at the minimum, industries, such as fisheries advocate for the interests of country is blessed with these significant threats from The go

ment’s renegotiating existing and mineral processing, can the nation and its people, resources, the benefits are p o t

i g n policies have allowed these agreements to secure better create jobs and stimulate ensuring that the wealth disproportionately skewed exploitation. A few years foreign entities to cream off terms, such as higher economic growth. By generated from natural

n ago, there was a proposal for the country’s mineral wealth royalties and a more retaining more of the value resources is used to benefit investors. This exploitation Chinese involvement in whilethelocaleconomysees equitable profit-sharing generatedfromitsresources, allGuyanese. leaves Guyanese citizens offshore fishing. Had this minimal returns. This not arrangementintheoilsector. Guyana can build a more (The views expressed in with a mere fraction of the materialized, it would have only depletes the nation’s The government must sustainable and prosperous this article are those of the wealth generated from their devastated the local fisheries resources but also hinders its implement policies that economy a

ownlandandwaters. sector The type of vessels potential for sustainable ensure local value addition Political parties must set necessarily reflect the The most glaring proposed would have economicdevelopment. and limit the repatriation of aside their differences and opinions and beliefs of this example of this exploitation harvested and processed fish While these exploitative

work together for the

, where directly on board, bypassing practices continue, local companies For too long common good. Instead of affiliates.) Guyana’s oil reserves have any value-added processes p

been effectively pawned off onshore. This would have embroiled in disputes over t

oil stripped local fishermen of who benefits from the companies Under the their livelihoods and limited proceeds of oil current Production Sharing prevented the domestic revenues. Instead of uniting Agreement (PSA), the economy from benefiting to demand better terms and country receives a meagre from the processing and sale greater benefits for the 2% in royalties and a 50% offishproducts. country, they are squabbling profit share, which is This proposal epitomizes over crumbs. This internal calculated after the the extreme of the resource division is a greater tragedy deduction of expenses extraction model, where than the exploitation itself. It Theseexpensesarecappedat foreign entities extract raw distracts from the urgent 75%oftherevenue,meaning materials with little to no n

that in reality, Guyana only benefit to the local economy agreements and ensure that receives about 14.5 cents out Itisaclearindicationofhow Guyana secures a larger of every dollar of oil Guyana’s resources are at shareofthewealthgenerated produced. This arrangement risk of being exploited for fromitsresources. ishighlyfavourabletotheoil the benefit of others, rather T h e c o n s e n t t o companies, leaving the than being utilized to foster exploitation, coupled with nation with minimal returns domestic growth and infighting, means that fromitsownresources. prosperity Guyana is not only being Moreover, the PSA On land, the situation is exploited but is also grants oil companies similarly dire Australian, complicit in its own excessive control over the Canadian, and Chinese exploitation The focus utilizationofnaturalgas.The companies are actively should shift from internal previousopposition,nowthe involved in the extraction of disputes to a united front

Dem Boys Seh...


Dem boys seh in America, de Vee Pee anthem. does normally stay in de background. He or De Prezzy? He just there, looking on, she does stay in the shadows of de Prezzy, smiling, and nodding and shaking hands. notmakingmuchnoise.Playingasupportive Maybe he too polite. Maybe he too nice. Or cast. maybehejusttiredoftryingtogetawordin. But not in Guyana. No, no, no! In Every time he open he mouth, de Vee Pee Guyana, we got a Vee Pee who does steal de done talk. Done explain. Who knows, spotlight.Heshiningbright,brighterthande probablyevendonedecide. Presidenthimself. Demboysseh,it’slikewatchingamagic Every Thursday yuh turn on de TV and show De Vee Pee does make de President de radio, there he is. Talking ‘bout oil. disappear Talking ‘bout gas. Talking ‘bout gold. Poof! Gone! All yuh see is de Vee Pee Talking about de Opposition. Talking about waving he wand, making promises, and anyandeverything. giving assurances. He everywhere. In de Like he’s de official mouthpiece of de markets,indeschools,eveninyuhdreams. government. Sometimes, he even talking But dem boys seh, one day de Prezzy go ‘bout things he ain’t got no business talking wake up. He go exercise he authority And ‘bout. Yuh does wonder if he sleep with a when that day come, de Vee Pee go have to microphoneunderhepillow takeaseat.Untilthen,wejustgottoenjoyde People start to ask: who is de plate and show who is de spoon? Who really running de Demboysseh,inGuyana,wealwaysgot show? De Prezzy or de Vee Pee? Dem boys something to laugh about.And right now, de seh, it look like de Vee Pee running a one- biggestjokeistryingtofigureoutwhoreally man band. He beating de drum, blowing de runningdekitchen.Isitdeplateordespoon? trumpet, and even singing de national Talk half. Leff half.


Really, Mr Hughes?

Look at all this trouble that he has caused with his announcement Nigel Hughesdecidedtodiphistoe into politics, and Bharrat Jagdeo fell on his head with his hysterics. Had Hughes stayed in his profession, Jagdeowouldhavestayedon the same page with Exxon. Now legal professional Hughes has professional politicalprevaricatorJagdeo changing his tune, dancing on his head, and singing the BluestoExxon.

When Hughes came back, Jagdeo jumped right backinhisface:recycledand rejects. I had no problem; par for the Guyana political

course, and good for the fun ofit. Guyaneseneedalittle excitement to spice things up When Alistair

Routledge,Exxon’semperor in Guyana came out and stuckhisnoseintoGuyana’s politics, then the koker door collapsed into a heap Exxon doesn’t have a problemwithanyconflictof interest with its Guyana counsel,C.A.NigelHughes, and his running for the presidencyofGuyana. Did he actually say that, didMr. Routledge dare? Oh yes, he did, and that is what s e n t J a g d e o i n t o convulsions. He has never been the same since. To repeat what I said earlier:

Nigel Hughes mek Jagdeo dodah. Thatis,turnagainst Exxonandbeatthedaylights out of the company at every turnthathegets.

What GHK Lall, Glenn Lall, Harrilal, Mack Lall, and all the other Lalls in GuyanacouldnotgetJagdeo todo,NigelHughesreturned to the fray, barely said a word,andJagdeowasdriven to extremes of dementia, paranoia, and paralytica. I urge all Guyanese, especially those in the PPP band of comrades, to study the reaction of Jagdeo to Routledge(Mr.noconflictof interest),andallhowthreeof thoseextremesnowapplyto him.

ThenewHughes-created Jagdeo developed dementia inahurry Dr Jagdeoforgot how he always stood by Exxon’s side through thunder and lightning, even whenGuyaneseinterestshad to be pushed into a corner andcoveredoverwithaslab of stone. The now new and reborn Jagdeo has difficulty breathing, has problems keeping himself under control, whenever the name of Exxon comes up in a conversation.

He fugget how Alistair (no conflict) Routledge was his best friend, his most treasured American partner and fellow traveler with whatever they cooked up

together,thendished out to the Guyanese people. Of all the people in the PPP Government, Jagdeo now sees jumbies and banshees and perversities in everythingthatExxondoes.

For the longest while, a handful of Guyanese have been telling Jagdeo that Exxon’spublicconsultations areacomedyandmoreofthe company’s dirty trickery dumped on Guyanese, making total fools of them. Jagdeo did nothing; in fact, he attacked and abused any Guyanese who had the audacitytoassertthatExxon is a hooker, i.e., performing tricks on the hopeful and gullible people of this country

Today,thenewJagdeois working himself up in a righteous rage: somebody from the government must beatthepublicconsultations toholdthecompany’sfeetto thefire. Toelaborate:Exxon mustbecarefullywatchedso thatitdoesnotengageinany hanky-panky that misleads naïvelocals. Imaginethatit is Jagdeo saying suh: all but accusing Exxon of taking advantage of Guyanese, takingthemforaride.

The phrase Guyana’s biggest oilman used was “all kinds of stupidness” and it wasinthecontextofExxon’s public consultations I like this change in Jagdeo, showing the Yanks who is bossaroundhere ButImust put this on the table also: whoeveristheobeahmanor woman that Nigel Hughes using,Iwantanintroduction Iain’tdealinwidnochuchno moh, ah dealin with Nigel peeple; dem peeple gat powah Look wha deh gah Jagdeodoing

As I welcome my prodigal brother Bharrat Jagdeo back into the Guyanese fold, I hope it is not short-lived, that he backslides into Exxon’s corner Still,itiswarmingto seethattheparanoiathatwas so characteristic of him, as hurled against Guyanese he found aggressive and too

offensive, is now aimed at Exxon.

If anyone had said to me that “no conflict of interest” would have brought about this change in Jagdeo, I would have all kinds of doubts. Overnight he has gone from Exxon’s oil chumtoGuyana’soilchamp. He keeps this up and I am coming out of my voting pastureandvotingfordebig maan. Sorry,Nigel. Whereas Jagdeo was the picture of paralytica when Exxonwasthesubject,heis now a raging bull. Say Exxonandheseesred. Itis not PPPred, but how Exxon (Routledge’s) no conflict of interest made his elections prospectsdeaderthandead.

The bossman and badman cuss man now shakes off his paralysis and swings hooks and right crosses and left uppercuts, andakneeortwointhegroin to get his messages across. Those dreadful, full-ofwickednessbillboardsbythe companyarenowaneyesore and redeye for the man of a thousand tongues. Careful, brotherJagdeo:don’ttaakto dempeeplesuhhaad,bass. Remember,investorsare spookypeople,spookeasily That was not coined by me but is rightfully owned by Bharrat Jagdeo. Whatever the presence of Nigel Hughes means, wherever it leads,Iamgladhecameout ofthepoliticalcloset.

I am glad my good American friend, Alistair Routledge also came out of the shadows (no conflict, folks) Look at the difference those made in Jagdeo. Itisworthamillion laffs and it is all thanks to Nigel Hughes fuh mekking Jagdeododah.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

IDB urges more private sector involvement in tackling housing crisis in Caribbean

MEXICO CITY — The I n t e r - A m e r i c a n Development Bank (IDB) Group has proposed six structural reforms to reduce the housing deficit in Latin America and the Caribbean, with special attention to vulnerable and low-income populations.

During the 3rd Housing Forum2024,heldinMexico City, public and private sector officials analyzed innovative measures and

t h e i r e f f e c t i v e implementationtoguarantee access to housing for the region’smostdisadvantaged groups.

An estimated 45% of householdsinLatinAmerica and the Caribbean do not have decent housing To reduce this gap, the IDB Group is proposing key

reforms, including improving governance and regulatory frameworks to encourage private sector participation in the production and financing of affordable housing. Scarce access to financing for the most vulnerable sectors is leavingmanyfamiliesoutof the housing credit system. Therefore, two of the suggested reforms seek to diversify subsidy schemes and design innovative financial products that facilitate access to housing forthesesectors.

The set of six reforms recommended by the IDB GroupattheHousingForum

2024 also includes promoting business intelligence in the sector to improve housing deficit management alongside national statistics institutes; fostering innovation in construction systems and materialstoreducecostsand adapttoclimatechange;and improving knowledge dissemination together with keyactorsinthesector

“Lack of decent housing is one of the clearest manifestations of poverty, and reducing poverty is one oftheIDBGroup’sstrategic goals,”saidTatianaGallego, Chief of the IDB’s Housing and Urban Development Division. “That’s why we work actively with governmentsintheregionto offer solutions that promote private sector participation andmakeitpossibletoclose the housing deficit in a way thatisinclusiveandresilient toclimatechange.”

The IDB Group’s proposed reforms are the result of studies on the housing sector situation conducted with national

governments in several countries in the region.

These studies consist of an exhaustive analysis of the

sector’svaluechaininorder to identify weaknesses and define corrective measures. Morethan300relevantLAC

housing sector actors were interviewedforthereport.

Sofar,suchstudieshave b

Venezuelan Diaspora in Guyana rally for change of Govt. in home country

The Venezuelan Diaspora in Guyana has taken to the streets in show of support for their fellow citizens participating in the national electoral process across their homecountry

Venezuelans voted Sunday in a highly consequential presidential election in which the country’s longtime strongman,NicolasMaduro,facesoneofhisgreatestpolitical opponents, Edmundo González, a former diplomat who has thebackingofacoalitionofoppositionparties.

Madurohasbeenpresidentsincethedeathofhismentor, Hugo Chávez, in 2013 - is running for a third consecutive term. Assuch,HundredsofVenezuelansassembledoutside the Venezuelan Embassy on Thomas Street Georgetown for hoursonSunday,wavingtheirflags,honkingtheircarhorns andchantingloudlyinSpanish“tueresmillave,votaporti, vota por mi, vota por la libertad de Venezuela” which is translatedtomean “VoteForMe,VoteForYou.Youarethe Key…FreedomofVenezuela!”

A spokesperson for the group explained that the Venezuelan Diaspora in Guyana is calling for change of governmentfromtheMaduroledregime. “Theyarebasically calling for an end to the oppressive Maduro-led regime and are calling on all the citizens back home to vote for the freedomofallVenezuelans.”

Seminar on borders, sovereignty billed for tomorrow

TheCentreforInternationalandBorderStudies(CIBS), a recently- established organization comprising of a group ofacademics,professionalsandpractitionersfromGuyana, the Caribbean, Latin America, the United States, Asia and Africa, has organised a seminar on the theme “Borders, Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity in the Caribbean and Beyond ”

The hybrid event will take place on Tuesday 30th July, 2024from9:30amattheHerdmanstonLodge,LamahaStreet, Georgetown,CIBSsaidinarelease.

Representatives from Guyana, Belize, Brazil, Barbados, Mexico and Nigeria will make presentations which will be followedbyadiscussionsession.

This is the first in a series of events which will be organizedbytheCentreforInternationalandBorderStudies on contemporary issues related to the current global geopoliticalandeconomicenvironment.

TheCIBSwishestocordiallyinviteyoutoprovidemedia coverage of this event. Further details can be obtained from Dr.MarkKirtonatTele#:668-6653orrmkirton@gmail.com.

Speaker unsure when questions on safety of Exxon’s ramped up oil production would be addressed in Parliament

Asquestionscontinueto swirl over the breaching of safe operating limits of the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)

vessels currently in operation, Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir is unsure when the matter would be addressedintheHouse.

Alliance For Change

(AFC) Member of Parliament (MP), David Patterson had submitted questions on July 8, 2024 to be addressed by Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo; however the questions were not included on the Order Paper for next Wednesday’s sitting.

In an invited comment, Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs explained that there is a 21 days criteria between when the notice with regard to a questionispublishedandthe date in which it makes the orderpaper

Isaacs noted therefore that since the question did notmeetthe21dayscriteria, itwasnotplacedontheorder paper for Wednesday, July 31, 2024. He said it will likely make the next date before Parliament goes into recessonAugust10. “There are two sittings before the parliament goes into recess. July 31 being one of those dates,Ibelievethequestions canmaketheorderpaperfor thenextscheduledsittingbut the decision ultimately lies with the Speaker...” Isaacs said When contacted, Speaker of the National Assembly Manzoor Nadir howevertoldKaieteurNews that he is not sure when the questions will be dealt with.

“I can’t say for sure that it will be dealt with before the [parliamentary] recess,” Nadirsaidbriefly The National Assembly is expected to go on recess onAugust10.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permits for Liza Destiny, Liza Unity and Prosperity approved the safe operating limits for the Floating

Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels at 120,000 bpd (Liza Destiny) and 220,000 bpd (Liza Unity and Prosperity) but the company has been

granted approval to push oil production beyond the safe operating limits outlined in the Environmental Impact Assessments(EIAs)foreach of the three projects currentlyproducingoil.

Exxon Mobil Guyana had announced that of February2024,LizaDestiny wasproducing160,000bpd, LizaUnity,250,000bpdand Prosperity 230,000 bpd

Additionally, the company has stated “that production increases never occur without strict reviews, risk assessments, and that all of those are being reviewed by the Government and the EPA”.However,theconcern being raised is chiefly that since Exxon is operating above the approved safety limits, its operations may leadtoanoilspill.

As such, Patterson’s is seekingcopiesofdocuments of the technical and environmental assessments onoilproductioninGuyana.

His question reads “Can the Honourable VicePresident provide the National Assembly with copies of documents submitted by ExxonMobil detailing the technical and environmental assessments undertaken to justify the increased production above the previously approved Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permit limits?”

Additionally, the Opposition MP noted that the company reported “that production increases never occurwithoutstrictreviews, riskassessments,andthatall of those are being reviewed by the Government and the EPA”.

Assuch,heisaskingthe VicePresidenttoprovidethe National Assembly with copies of the revised Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which permits approving the increaseddailyproduction.

AFC Member of Parliament (MP), David Patterson

Man shot dead by police


Police are investigating the shootingdeathofGordonSancho,a 26-year-old unemployed man from theGoedverwagtingsquattingarea, East Coast Demerara, which occurredatabout00:30hrsSunday at‘C’FieldCummingsLodge.

Policeinareleasesaidenquiries disclosed that ranks from the Alberttown Police Station were on mobile patrol duty in a police

vehicle when they responded to a report about the discharging of a loadedfirearmwithintent.

The report was made by a 15year-oldstudentandher34-year-old mother,asecurityguardemployedat aprivatesecurityservice.Theranks proceeded to Section ‘C’ Field, Cummings Lodge, in the company ofthepersonswhomadethereport, where Sancho was pointed out to

them. On seeing the ranks, Sancho tookoutahandgunfromthewaistof hispantsanddischargedtworounds intheranks’direction,forcingthem totakecover

Oneoftheranksdischargedtwo rounds in the direction of Sancho, who ran a short distance in an easterly direction on ‘C’ Field Cummings Lodge road and then

collapsedontheground. Police found a 380 pistol and three (3) live rounds of 380 ammunition next to where he was lying. Sancho was immediately picked up and escorted to the GeorgetownPublicHospitalbythe ranks, where he was seen and

examined by a doctor on duty and later died while receiving medical treatment.

The body of the deceased is currently at the GPHC mortuary, awaiting a post-mortem examination Investigations are ongoing

Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips cutting the ribbon with residents of Sebai, Matarkai Sub-district, Region One to commission the Solar Photovoltaic Mini-Grid System in the community

Over$45Minsolarmini-grids commissionedtoboost powersupplyinRegionOne

Two Solar Photovoltaic Mini-Grid Systems totaling over $45 million were commissioned in the communities of Sebai and Canal Bank in the Matarkai Sub-district of Region One onFriday

The system at Sebai is valued at $26.472 million and consists of 19 kilowatts of solar arrays and 38 kilowatts of battery power The system is expected to benefit approximately 600 residents.

Additionally, the grid at CanalBank,costing$19.285 million, comprises of 12 kilowattsofsolararrays,and a battery power of 35 kilowatts. It will drastically improvethelivesofthe1200 residents During the commissioning ceremony, Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips noted that the grids will further advance the government’s objective of bridging the energy divide within the remote and hinterland areas, while simultaneously promotingdevelopment.

“Today,wearehanding oversolarsystems that are linked directly to renewable energy. Energy i s i m p o r t a n t f o r development and for the economic growth of Guyana. It is also important for improving the quality of life for all Guyanese,” the prime ministerstated.

With the systems connected directly to public buildings such as schools, healthcentresvillageoffices, and other key facilities, Prime Minister Phillips encouraged the residents to take advantage of the available electrical power. He noted that it would improve the efficiency of

telemedicine within the health centres and aid in the timely submission of assignments for those attending school and undergoingtertiarystudies.

“You,theresidentsnow have the solar system in which you will benefit from.So,electricityshould no longer be an issue for you. We want you to use it a n d t h e i n t e r n e t connectivity as well, to improve your livelihood,” the prime minister urged. Also present was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), Dr Mahender Sharma who noted that the systems are a derivative of t h e L o w C a r b o n Development Strategy (LCDS).

AccordingtotheCEO,it iscrucialtomaximisetheuse of the sun, forest and biodiversity to leverage the services so that they can providecleanandrenewable energy for the benefit of all. This, he noted, is exactly what the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS)does.

“So, the Low Carbon Development Strategy provides a framework to decarbonise our energy, to stop using diesel and gasoline, and so on. So, this solar power grid that we are commissioning today uses absolutely no fossil fuel, it uses the energy from the sun,”Dr Sharmaexplained. Heurgedtheresidentsto save energy and take extreme care of the system, andnottoconnectadditional orunnecessaryequipmentto the grid. “You need to make sure that you don’t overload it.Itisdesignedforacertain number of buildings, for a certainnumberofappliances

56 Region Three families receive land titles

Fifty Six families in Region Three have received their Certificates of Title, affording them legal ownershipoftheirlands

This significant milestone resulted from a commitment made by President Dr MohamedIrfaanAliduringan outreach in the region a few weeks ago The beneficiaries are from the communities of Barnwell, Good Hope, Philadelphia,andDeWilliem During the handover ceremony Sunday morning, President Ali highlighted the importanceandopportunities that come with legal land possession

President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali handing over a Certificate of Land Title to a Barnwell resident

in those buildings, a certain numberoflights,fans,anda certain number of generators,” the CEO advised To ensure the maintenance of the system, theCEOsaidthattheyarein the process of employing a resident in each of the two communities to ensure that the grid is properly secured and functions as it should. These individuals will receiveastipendandwillbe able to improve their skills bywayoftrainingonthejob in the weeks and months to come.(DPI)

“You have that opportunitytoholdyourtitle andsaytoyourchildrenthat you now have all the paperwork and legal possessionofyourland.You will now also be able to use this very important asset to get loans to improve your homes, expand your business, and build prosperity for your family,” The president emphasised.

President Ali reaffirmed the PPP/C Government’s commitment to delivering on its promises to the people of RegionThree,asithasforall Guyanese He also noted that the government is currently examining Greenwich Park North, Anna Catherina Sea Wall, and Acme Housing Scheme to conduct a similar exercise.

“We are going to work with those persons to have them repositioned so that they too can own their own homesandhavetheabilityto make a prosperous and resilient life for themselves and their families,” he emphasised

Thepresidentstressedthat providing land to citizens is about ensuring proper infrastructure, drainage, accesstoelectricity,andwater toleadamoreprosperousand enhancedlife “Todayisaday that you will never forget, andIwantyoutoenjoythis moment knowing that you have a government that will fully back you every day,everyyear,everyhour, every minute, every second,”hedeclared.

Speaking with the Department of Public

Information (DPI),Kumari

intervention, noting she had been waiting 32 years for her title

Another beneficiary, Ninwattie Ally, expressed greatjoyinreceivinghertitle “IamsohappybecauseIhave waitedverylongforthistitle Thankyoutotheministerand the president,” she expressed Roopnarine Singh shared sim

, highlightingthatithadbeena longtimecoming.

Meanwhile, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal,said“Youaresecuring the future of your children by ensuring you have ownershipofthisspacethat youareoccupying.”Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar, also deliveredremarks (DPI)


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More workers than ever are losing the fight against heat stress

GENEVA (ILO News) – A new report from the International Labour Organization (ILO), Heat at work: Implications for safety and health, warns that more workers are being exposed to heat stress worldwide.

The new data reveals that regions previously unaccustomed to extreme heat will face increased risks, while workers in alre ady hot climates will confront ever more dangerous conditions.

Heat stress is an invisible and silent killer that can quickly cause illness, heatstroke or even death. Over time it can also lead to serious heart, lung and kidney problems for workers, the study underlines.

Overall, the report indicates that workers in Africa, the Arab states and Asia and the Pacific are most often exposed to excessive heat.

In these regions, 92.9 per cent, 83.6 per cent and 74.7 per cent of the workforce are affected, respectively. The figures are above the global average of 71 per cent, according to the most recent figures available (2020).

The fastest changing working conditions are seen in Europe and Central Asia, says the report. From 2000 to 2020 the region recorded the largest increase in excessive heat exposure, with the proportion of workers


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affected rising by 17.3 per cent, almost double the global average increase.

Meanwhile, the Americas and Europe and Central Asia are witnessing the largest rise in workplace injuries from heat stress since the year 2000, with increases of 33.3 per cent and 16.4 per cent respectively.

This is possibly due to hotter temperatures in regions where workers are unaccustomed to heat, the report notes.

The report estimates that 4,200 workers globally lost their lives to heatwaves in 2020. In total, 231 million workers were exposed to heatwaves in 2020, marking a 66 per increase from 2000.

Nonetheless, the report stresses that nine out of ten workers globally were exposed to excessive heat outside of a heatwave and eight in ten occupational injuries from extreme heat happened outside of heatwaves.

Excessive heat is creating unprecedented challenges for workers worldwide yearround, and not only during periods of intense heatwaves.

“As the world continues to grapple with rising temperatures, we must protect workers from heat stress year-

round. Excessive heat is creating unprecedented challenges for workers worldwide year-round, and not only during periods of intense heatwaves, said ILO Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo.

Improved safety and health measures to prevent injuries from excessive heat in the workplace could save up to US$361 billion globally –in lost income and medical treatment expenses – as the heat stress crisis accelerates, affecting global regions differently, emphasizes the study.

The ILO estimates show that low- and middle-income economies, in particular, are the most affected, as the costs of injuries from excessive heat in the workplace can reach around 1.5 per cent of national GDP.

“This is a human rights issues, a workers’ rights issue, and an economic issue, and middle-income economies are bearing the biggest brunt. We need yearround heat action plans and legislation to protect workers, and stronger global collaboration among experts to harmonize heat stress assessments and interventions at work,”

added Houngbo. The impact of heat on workers worldwide is fast becoming a global issue, and one that requires action. “If there is one thing that unites our divided world, it’s that we’re all increasingly feeling the heat. Earth is becoming hotter and more dangerous for everyone, everywhere. We must rise to the challenge of rising temperatures – and step up protections for workers, grounded in human rights,” explained the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres.

The ILO report looks at legislative measures in 21 countries worldwide to find common features that can guide the creation of effective workplace heat safety plans. It also describes the key concepts of a safety and health management system to protect workers from heatrelated illnesses and injuries.

The findings build on a previous report, published in April this year, which indicated that climate change was creating a “cocktail” of serious health hazards for an estimated 2.4 billion workers who are exposed to excessive heat.

The April report indicated that excessive heat alone causes 22.85 million occupational injuries and the loss of 18,970 lives each year.

IDB urges more private sector...

From page 11 and Trinidad and Tobago. Some countries are already implementing structural reforms based on IDB Group recommendations.

These include Panama, which is analyzing the introduction of changes in its housing and leasing laws, and Brazil, which is working on improvement products and developing a national housing supply and demand platform. Meanwhile, Ecuador is promoting housing loans with cooperatives and Peru has implemented a Sustainable Urban Development Act.

The Housing Forum 2024 was attended by 11 housing ministers and deputy ministers from Latin America and the Caribbean, U.S. government authorities and relevant actors from Europe and Canada. The event was also attended by mayors from the region, national housing agencies, development banks, builders, private banks, microfinance companies and institutional investors. All of them agreed on the need to find disruptive measures to better address the housing deficit in a highly urbanized region – 82% of the

population resides in cities –and vulnerable to climate change. Changes in demographics and household composition, with more single-parent and female-headed families, are additional challenges that exacerbate the housing deficit and the need for inclusive solutions. The 3rd Housing Forum 2024 was organized in collaboration with Mexico’s Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU) and the National Workers’ Housing Fund Institute (Infonavit).


From page 6 public service pay to visibly indicating where corruption and mismanagement are located. The PPP’s current meanderings about there being no ‘snap elections’ and the creation of a new voters list that was recommended by the European Union observer mission and the Caricom recount team after the 2020 elections, appear to fall under this rubric.

‘At the heart of the new era of geopolitical competition is a struggle over the role and influence of democracy in the international order’ (Foreign Affairs Magazine June 2021).Regardless of the auto-

cratic tendencies the PPP may have detected in Trump’s behaviour, this competition will not be going away and will continue to resonate in one’s neighbourhood. Those who require positive change in Guyana must not squander the current opportunities. They must mobilise to ensure that the outcomes of the present context -existing support regimes, constitutional and electoral reforms processes, etc. -result ina fundamentally positive change to the way in which Guyanese are governed. A June 2021 Foreign Affairs article ‘The Emerging Biden Doctrine’ ar-

gues that the doctrine ‘focuses the United States on a truly grand strategy of fortifying the democratic world against the most serious set of threats it has confronted in generations.’

Coming to the end of President Donald Trump’s term, in February 2019 Brookings published an article that contextualized this point of view well. ‘At the heart of the new era of geopolitical competition is a struggle over the role and influence of democracy in the international order.

Sincerely, Dr. Henry Jeffrey

Nayelli school
cosmetology is n ow enrolling

T&T oil company makes ‘indicative’ bid for Trinity Exploration

(TRINIDAD GUARDIAN) On May 1, the boards of Trinity Exploration and Production and Touchstone Exploration announced that they had reached agreement for TouchstonetoacquireallofTrinity’sshares.

Intheagreement,Touchstone,whichisheadquarteredin Calgary, would acquire 100 per cent of Trinity, a company whose parent is based in the United Kingdom, resulting in one small, independent oil company operating in T&T acquiringanothersimilarcompany

ButonJuly17,theTrinityboardreceivedanunsolicited, conditional, non-binding, indicative proposal from Lease Operators, a private company incorporated in T&T and ownedbytheBrashfamilyandrunbyCharlesBrashandhis sonAnthony.

The Lease Operators proposal, which is for all of Trinity’sshares,isacashoffer,withthepriceof68.05pence per Trinity share. That valued the oil company at £26.5 million (about US$34.18 million) on Wednesday, when Trinity announced the interest of the T&T company The Touchstone offer for Trinity is an all-share offer The agreement was to be effected by a court-sanctioned scheme of arrangement and was to be executed by Trinity shareholders receiving 1.5 new Touchstone shares for each Trinityshareheld.

InthenewsreleaseonMay1announcingtheacquisition, Touchstonesaid:“Underthetermsoftheacquisition,Trinity shareholders will, in aggregate, receive approximately 58,341,102 new Touchstone shares. Immediately following completionoftheacquisition,Trinityshareholderswillown approximately 19.9 per cent. of the share capital of the combined group (based on the existing issued common share capital of Touchstone and the fully diluted ordinary sharecapitalofTrinityasatApril30,2024.”

Touchstone also disclosed in the news release announcing the agreement between the boards that the acquisition represents an implied value for Trinity of approximately US$30.1 million, based on the closing Touchstone share price as ofApril 30, 2024, the day before the transaction was announced. In the last week of June, Trinity announced that all the shareholder, regulatory and anti-trust conditions—the sale of 100 per cent of Trinity required the approval of T&T’s Fair Trading Commission—hadbeenreceived.

The shares of Trinity and Touchstone both trade on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM), which is a subsegmentoftheLondonStockExchange(LSE).

In its filing on Wednesday, Trinity said the Lease Operatorsofferof£26.5millionrepresentsapremiumof:

•41.8percenttotheclosingpriceofaTrinityshareof48 pence on 24 July 2024 (being the date of this announcement);

•89.0percenttotheunaffectedpriceofaTrinityshareof 36 pence (being the closing price onApril 30, 2024, the last businessdaypriortotheannouncementoftheacquisition);

•71.0percenttothevolume-weightedaveragepriceofa Trinity share of 39.8 pence for the three-month period ending April 30, 2024 (being the last business day prior to theannouncementoftheacquisition);and

• 39.6 per cent. to the implied value of a Trinity share pursuant to the acquisition based on the closing price of a Touchstoneshareof32.5penceonJuly24,2024(beingdate ofthisannouncement).

According to the Trinity filing, the Lease Operators proposal states that the making of a binding offer is conditional upon, among other things, the completion of satisfactory confirmatory due diligence on Trinity by Lease Operators and a unanimous recommendation from the board. “Lease Operators has informed the (Trinity) board that the pre-condition relating to its recommendation is not waivable but the pre-condition relating to due diligence is waivable,”accordingtoTrinity’sfilingonWednesday

Contacted for comment on Friday, Lease Operators CEO,Anthony Brash, said he could not discuss any matters concerning the project. The Brash family also owns Well Services Petroleum Company Ltd, which was originally incorporatedasWellServicesLtdin1967.

Well Services has performed drilling services for every oilcompanythathasoperatedinTrinidad,commencingwith TexacoTrinidadandcontinuingwithTrinidad-Tesoro,Shell Trinidad,Trintoc,Trintopec,Amoco/BP,Petrotrin,Trinmar, Repsol,andallindependentleaseandfarmoutoperators.

2 more soldiers nabbed trafficking

Some of the marijuana that was seized.

Two Guyana Defence Johnson, a 24-year-old Force (GDF) ranks in Lance Corporal attached to uniform were intercepted BaseCampStephensonanda and nabbed with 316 lbs. of resident of Timehri, EBD, narcotics during another was sitting in the front escorted to the East La charge. successful intelligence-led passengerseat. Penitence Police station, Attorney-at-law Bernard Police operation by Special They were both fully along with the bus and the DaSilvarepresentedHiggins Branchandotherranks. dressed in their uniform suspected cannabis which, while Attorney-at-law

At about 21:20 hrs. last Police informed them as to when weighed, amounted to Patrice Henry represented night (Saturday), acting on whytheywerestoppedbased 316 pounds. The soldiers Sam.Bothattorneysmadean information received, the on intel (information remain in custody as applicationforbail,however, Ranks from Special Branch received) that they were investigations continue. This the Prosecutor objected to and other ranks went to trafficking in narcotics latest drug bust by the Police bail due to the seriousness Mandela Avenue, in the Police then carried out a came in the wake of another and prevalence of the vicinity of Space Gym search of the vehicle, in the similar bust last week, where offence. Magistrate Scarce (behind the botanical presence of the two GDF two GDF ranks - Staff refusedbailandtheranksare garden), where they ranks, and found forty-nine Sergeant Adisa Higgins and scheduled to return to court intercepteda Route 42 motor (49) large bulky parcels SergeantClovisSam—were on August 12, 2024 for bus (#BTT 27), which was wrapped with transparent nabbed with 154 lbs. of disclosures Sam and proceeding south along plasticonthebusseats. Narcotics (Cannabis). The Higgins were on the July 18, Mandela Avenue. The bus is Policeopenedtheparcels sergeants were jointly busted with 154 lbs of owned and was driven at the in their presence and found charged with possession of marijuana in a service time by Edward Mc thattheycontainedaquantity 154 lbs. of marijuana in a vehicle along the Coverden Calmont, a 40-year-old of leaves, seeds, and stems service vehicle. They had Public Road, East Bank Corporal of the Guyana suspected to be cannabis. appeared at the Diamond Demerara (EBD) during a Defence Force, attached to Theyweretoldoftheoffence Magistrates’ Court before joint intelligence-led police Camp Ayanganna and a committed, arrested and Magistrate Sunil Scarce who operation conducted by resident of Kaneville, EBD. cautioned. read the charge to him. Both ranks from Special Branch Another GDF rank, John The GDF ranks were men pleaded not guilty to the andRegionalDivision4’B’.

Govt. invested over $1.9 billion in Mangroves Restoration - NAREI head

The government has Growth), 13 (Climate invested over 1 9 billion Action), and 15 (Life on dollars in the restoration of Land). mangroves and enhancing Mangrove conservation the coastal resilience of the efforts help to combat inhabited areas that are climate change, support belowsealevel. livelihoods, enhance

This is according to biodiversity, and strengthen Jagnarine Singh, Chief the resilience of our coastal ExecutiveOfficerofNational z o n e s M a n g r o v e Agriculture Research, conservation efforts in Extension Institute (NAREI), Guyana holds significant as he addressed persons p r o m i s e f o r l o c a l gatheredonFridaylastforthe community While offering addition, the exhibition communities. The Ministry National Mangroves remarks, Singh said that the featured materials intended of Agriculture will be Exhibition The event was government is committed to to educate the public on the providing support to build held as part of this year’s protecting the environment importance of mangroves the capacity of local celebration of International and sustainable mangrove and a mangrove pledge wall communities to meet the Mangrove Day under the use The efforts of the w a s d i s p l a y e d f o r local demand for honey and theme ‘safeguarding our government will continue to participants to share honey products. Currently, coastal guardians for create a resilient economy remarks. local apiculturists produce tomorrow’ The Office of the “Theseeffortshaveledtothe Guyana’s mangrove approximately 4,000 gallons First LadyAryaAli, Ministry restoration of over 500 r e s t

o n e f f o r t s of honey annually, while the of Agriculture’s National hectaresofmangrovesacross significantly contribute to demand is estimated at Agriculture Research, more than 35 sites in regions several Susta

e 15,000 gallons This gap Extension Institute (NAREI) 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This year Development Goals (SDGs). presents an opportunity for in collaboration with the alone, an additional 275 By restoring over 500 expanding local production. Environmental Management million dollars has been hectares of mangroves, By establishing more hives C o n s u l t a n t s ( E M C ) allocated for restoration Guyana supports SDG 14, in mangrove areas, Foundation, partnered to host projects in regions 2 and 5”, which focuses on the communities can leverage theone-dayevent henoted. sustainable management of thisecologicalnichetoboost It occurred on the The event also included oceans and coasts This

Kingston seawalls and therevealofanewmangrove initiative also aligns with

featured contributions from sign aimed at enhancing the SDGs 1 (No Poverty), 2 environmental sustainability government agencies and importance of sustaining (Zero Hunger), 8 (Decent and economic resilience members of the diplomatic existing mangroves In Work


Two soldiers were nabbed with ganja.
The Mangrove sign at Kingston Sea-walls. unveiling of the

‘Hezbollah will pay the price’

...Israel says after blaming it for attacks on soccer field that killed 12 children

(CNN) Israel vowed notprovidefurtherdetailson Hezbollah will “pay the the location or the number of price” after blaming the thepositionsinvolved. Lebanese militant group for Israel’s initial overnight a rocket attack in the Israeli- response appeared to stop occupied Golan Heights that short of the kind of attack killed 12 children, touching that would launch an all-out off fears once again that an war, but it gave rise to an all-out war would envelop incredibly tense day in the theregion. region. Iran on Sunday

Hezbollah says it “firmly warned Israel against “any denies” it was behind the new adventures” aimed at strike, the deadliest to hit Lebanon, in a statement Israel or Israeli-controlled issued by foreign ministry territory since the October 7 spokesperson Nasser attacks. Kanaani.

Druze elders and mourners surround the coffins of 10 of the children

Israeli warplanes The statement said Israel conducted airstrikes against “does not have the minimum Hezbollah targets “deep moral authority to comment inside Lebanese territory” and judge about the incident and along the border that happened in Majdal overnight Sunday, according Shams area, and the claims to a statement from the of this regime against others militaryonSundaymorning. Benjamin Netanyahu’s killedhadIsraelicitizenship. October 7, and those the Golan Heights from willnotbeheardeither.” It was not immediately office. Hundreds of mourners lined exchanges have become LebanonandSyria. Israel Prime Minister clear whether there were any The children killed in the streets on Sunday for a increasingly vola

Trevor Ball, a former US Benjamin Netanyahu cut casualtiesfromthosestrikes. strike had been playing on a f u



s i o n sparking fears on several Army explosive ordnance short by several hours his Andonavisittothetown soccer field, according to a honouring the victims of the occasions that Israel’s war disposal technician, told visit to the United States and of Majdal Shams near the list from Israel’s Ministry of strike People dressed in with Hamas in Gaza would CNN Sunday that weapon returned to Israel and is Syrian and Lebanese ForeignAffairsandresidents black sang as white coffins spiral into a conflict on fragments at the scene h o l d i n g a s e c u r i t y borders, where the rocket who spoke to CNN. US were carried to a funeral multiple fronts across the indicated the rocket was assessment meeting with attack left children and Secretary of State Antony home, with others carrying Middle East While fired by Hezbollah or cabinet ministers and senior teenagers dead on Saturday, Blinken on Sunday backed flowerwreaths. Hezbollah admitted striking another militant group. Ball securityofficers. Israel’s Defense Minister Israel’s assessment, saying Israeli opposition leader the Golan Heights on said that based on the The prime minister said Yoav Gallant pledged a “everyindication”suggested Yair Lapid spoke at the Saturday, it rejected available evidence, he ruled he was “shocked” by the heavy response. “Hezbollah the strike was a rocket fired funeral, saying “the children responsibility for the attack outthepossibilityoftheblast attack. “I can say that the is responsible for this and byHezbollah. who died on that football onMajdalShams. having been caused by an State of Israel will not be they will pay the price,” Some 20,000 Druze field could have been any of “We confirm that the Israeli interceptor missile, silent about this. We will not Gallantsaid. Arabs live in the Golan our children.Therefore, they Islamic Resistance has no such as those fired by the put this off the agenda,” he In an earlier statement Heights,anareaIsraelseized are indeed the children of connection to the incident Iron Dome air defense said. from his office, he added: from Syria in 1967 during each of us. These are our whatsoever and firmly system. Hezbollah’sheadof Egypt’s foreign minister “We will hit the enemy the Six-Day War and children.” But a number of denies all false claims in this media relations unit, on Sunday warned “of the hard.” annexedin1981.Considered residents berated far-right regard,” a statement read. Mohammad Afif, told CNN dangers of opening a new

The Saturday attacks on occupied territory under Israeli minister Bezalel Analysing footage of the onSundaythemilitantgroup war front in Lebanon.” It

called on “influential forces “

lved international law and UN Smotrich at the event, explosion and the aftermath, wa

l crowding the finance experts told CNN the blast mobilization,” and had

projectiles” crossing from resolutions, the area is also minister and demanding he and damage were consistent vacated some military posts community to intervene

i home to about 25,000 Israeli

with the types of munitions as a result of Israel’s immediately” to prevent a territory, in a barrage Israel’s Jewish settlers. Most Druze eventually ushered away by fired at northern Israel and airstrikes overnight. He did drawn-outconflict. military quickly blamed on there identify as Syrian and security the Iran-backed militant haverejectedoffersofIsraeli Fears of wider war spread group. citizenship. Israel and Hezbollah

It killed 12 children and The Regional Council of have been trading rocket fire left 44 people injured, Majdal Shams said Sunday on a near-daily basis since according to Prime Minister that none of the 12 children Hamas’ attacks on Israel on

USlaunchesprogrammedisrupt naturecrimesintheAmazon

BELEM, Brazil (Reuters) - U S balance of the Amazon rainforest, the TreasurySecretaryJanetYellenlaunchedon livelihoods of local communities, and Saturday a new effort with Amazon basin nationaleconomiesintheregion. governments to disrupt illicit finance that The Amazon Region Initiative Against fuels nature crimes, including illegal Illicit Finance will seek to boost training, harvestingoftreesandotherplants,minerals cooperation and information-sharing to andwildlife. enable law enforcement and finance

Yellensaidtheinitiativeaimstoincrease agencies to pursue money-laundering cooperation among finance ministries, law- investigationsagainsttransnationalcriminal enforcement agencies and other entities organizations,drugcartelsandothergroups. from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, The U.S. and Brazil will organize a regional Peru, Suriname and the United States, to meeting in coming months to set priorities improve training to detect illicit finance for the group and the Treasury will organize networksoperatingintheregion. “follow-the-money” training sessions to The efforts could lead to sanctions on boostinvestigators’capabilities,Yellensaid. groups responsible, cutting them off from The U.S. Treasury will also pursue joint the dollar-based financial system, Yellen investigations with participating countries said in announcing the collaboration in against groups behind nature crimes. Yellen Belem, Brazil’s Amazon gateway city that said theTreasury has “no illusions about the will host the COP 30 climate conference in challenge facing us. There is much more 2025.“Globally,naturecrimesareestimated work to do.” “But bolstering coordination to generate proceeds in the hundreds of between the United States and our regional billions of dollars annually and often entail partners will help protect the integrity of the misusing and abusing the U.S. financial international financial system, while also system,” Yellen said, adding that such targeting a major threat to biodiversity,” she trafficking is upsetting the ecological added.

killed in Saturday’s strike. Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images

Nigerian boxer fails drugs test at Olympics

(BBC Sport) - Nigerian on Monday in the 60kg Ahead of Paris 2024, b o x e r C y n t h i a lightweightdivision. there were concerns

Ogunsemilore is out of the TheBBChasreachedout Nigerian athletes might not Paris 2024 Olympics after to the Nigerian Olympic be allowed to compete under being provisionally Committeeforaresponse. their own flag due to suspended for a failed drugs Ogunsemilore’s result allegations made by the test. meansNigeriahavenow had World Anti-Doping Agency

The 22-year-old, who athletes suspended for (Wada) that the country’s won gold at the African doping violations at two own anti-doping agency is Games in Accra earlier this successive Olympics non-compliant with Wada year and a bronze medal at following sprinter Blessing regulations. the 2022 Commonwealth Okagbare’s positive test Nigeria’s National AntiGames in Birmingham, threeyearsagoinTokyo. Doping Committee denies t

d p o s i

Monday July 29, 2024


You're a dreamer, Aries Everyone loves you for it, but today the planetary aspects urge practicality There are personal issues to resolve, and it does no good to have your headintheclouds.


Much has happened recently, Taurus. Have you allowed enough time to process it? It's likely that big changes are brewingathomeorwork.


You've made progress these past few weeks, especially where your temper is concerned, Gemini. It has taken some effort, but it does seem that you can overcome your tendency to speak before thinking.


This is likely to be an intense day, Cancer Family and friends may seem testy, so you're advised to stay out of theirway Don'tworry-itisn't anything you've done. It's the planetaryenergy


This isn't the most cheerful time,becauseimportantissues are rearing their heads again and forcing you to address them.You'drathernot,butyou can't wish them away The time has come to deal with themonceandforall.

VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)

Don't try to force anything or anyone right now, Virgo You'll find that today's elements are just as stubborn as you are. Today's planetary configurations will force you to finally start to turn your dreamsintoreality


You're incredibly productive, with good business sense, Libra. However, lately you may have felt dissatisfied with where you are in life. As you look around, you might wish you had more possessions to showforallyourhardwork.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

You have a keen analytical mind that has served you well in business.Alas, Scorpio, this characteristic doesn't always serveyouwellinyourpersonal life. It's likely that someone close has bristled from your lackofempathy

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

This is the beginning of an exciting period in your love life, Sagittarius Your relationship with a significant other may have been in a rut lately, but that's about to change. Both of you are ready forsomethingbig.


You have a passionate nature, Capricorn Sometimes it's difficult for you when other people don't share your exuberance.Thisisagoodtime totonethingsdownanotch.


This is going to be a rather intense day On the positive side, you'll accomplish a lot. On the less positive side, you maybeexhaustedbytheendof the day You're advised to try andpaceyourself.


Today it's important that you make your own decisions and stick with them, Pisces. Much as you prefer to depend on others, your judgment really is best.


o r O k a g b a r e w a s the charge and the case is furosemide, a banned subsequently banned for 11 currently being examined by substance that is classed as a years for the use of human the Court of Arbitration of diureticandmaskingagent. growthhormone. Sport.

The out-of-competition sample was collected by the InternationalTestingAgency (ITA)on25Julyonbehalfof the International Olympic Committee.

Ogunsemilorecanappeal the result but any decision will not come in time for what would have been her Olympic debut fight against ShihYiWuofChineseTaipei

Commissioner of Police gives...

From page 27

Titans – Lusignan at 15:30h; The United Crew v Bartica Bulls – QC pitch three at 15:30h.

T h e c o m p e t i t i o n promises to be fierce, and a larger prize pool will entice the 32 participating teams. The champions will receive G$1 5 million, while the runners-up will receive G$500,000.

Players will vie for the titles of Most Runs, Most Wickets, and Player of the Final Each winner will receive a Smart TV and a $75,000 cash prize, all compliments of Regal Stationery

Assuria Insurance is not holding back either, offering a motorbike and $85,000 to theMostValuablePlayer

The Kares One Guyana T10 Blast enjoys the support of Kares Engineering, Banks DIH Limited, Star Rentals, Ministry of Culture, Youth andSport,MontraRestaurant and Lounge, SuperBet, Demerara Mutual, ETS, Metro Office and Computer Supplies, Jacobs’ Jewellery, First Change Builders Inc, KFC Guyana, Building Expo 2024, Giftland OfficeMax, Sankar’s Auto Works, ENet, Avinash Contracting and Scrap Metal Inc., Trophy S t a l l , A N S A M c A L Distribution, Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, RS53 RestoBar andLounge,GeneralMarine, Samaroo Investments, and Coel’sBoutique.

Cynthia Ogunsemilore (right) won a bronze medal competing for Nigeria at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.

Muhammad spoils Manchester party

(BBC Sport) - The 2021 bout between Edwards and Muhammad led to hostility which simmered during fight week, with the American saying he “hated” Edwards and accusinghimofrefusingtograntarematch.

Muhammad, who went into the bout with Edwards unbeaten in 10 fights, has played the role of villain throughout fight week, embracing boos with a cheeky grin and teasing fans about England’s Euro 2024 final defeat by Spain.

The heavy boos continued for Muhammad - the loudest ofthenight-ashemadehiswalkout,dancingandjokingwith histeam.

Edwards, who went into the bout as the current longestreigningtitleholderintheUFC,lookedfocusedashewalked to the octagon, shadowboxing and muttering words of encouragementtohimself.

Following a roaring introduction which saw the crowd copying announcer Bruce Buffer word for word as he presented Edwards, Muhammad threw cold water on the atmospherebysecuringatakedownearlyinthefight.

Edwards had great success defending the wrestling of Kamaru Usman and Colby Covington in previous title defences, but Muhammad showed he would pose different problems by out-grappling Edwards, throughout the first round.

TheAmericancontinuedtohavetheupperhand,expertly mixinguphisjabsandtakedownattempts,as“Rocky”chants fromthefansfailedtogalvanisetheBirminghamfighter

The third round saw the shift in momentum Edwards needed as he secured a takedown of his own, before gaining back control of Muhammad and attempting a rear-naked choke,whichwaswelldefended.

But Muhammad would gain the upper hand again in the fourth, pressuring Edwards with jabs against the cage before landing another takedown and controlling the champion on thegrounduntilthefinalround.

Sensing Edwards needed a spectacular finish, like he did againstUsmanin2022towinthetitle,thecrowdtriedtospur the Briton on as the pair locked eyes before the bell rang for thefinalfiveminutes.

But like he had for the majority of the fight, Muhammad secured another takedown before controlling the action on theground,promptingswathesoffanstogetupandleavethe arena,knowingEdwardswasdestinedfordefeat.

“It sounds like all of the people booing have got a lot of tears coming out of their eyes. I’ve got my family in here. God first, always.This fight is for my family, my people and forPalestine,”saidMuhammad.

“Igotthebestteamintheworld,westudytothecore,we get better We’ve got the best strikers, these guys are killers. You might not know their names, but we’ve got a real championinChicagonow

“I’mBelalMuhammad.I’mmyownman.Nowtheworld seesit,they’vegottorespectit.”

Edwards, who suffered his first defeat since losing to Kamaru Usman in 2015, then suggested he would like to returntoactionbeforetheendoftheyear

“One more this year, November or December I’m ready togo,”hesaid.

Russell’s disqualification means Hamilton is the first driver other than Max Verstappen to win two races this season (Getty Images)

Hamilton given win in Belgium as Russell disqualified

(BBC Sport) - Lewis exactly on the minimum off a seven-time champion Bull’s Verstappen and the Hamiltoninheritedvictoryin weight limit for car and on tyres that were 15 laps second McLaren of Lando the Belgian Grand Prix after drivercombined. fresherforfivelapsattheend Norris. Mercedes team-mateGeorge But stewards found the offtherace. The three spent the final Russell was disqualified two car had not been fully Hamilton was closing in four laps nose to tail but and a half hours after taking drained of fuel and when it atnearlyasecondalapinthe Leclerc managed to hold his anunlikelywinonthetrack. was, its weight was just final laps but, as so many rivalsatbay Russell pulled off an 796.5kg. othe


s found, Behind Norris, Ferrari’s unusual one-stop strategy Mercedes boss Toto overtaking was harder than Carlos Sainz passed Red and held off Hamilton’s Wolff said: “We have to take expected and he could never Bull’s Sergio Perez with five attackintheclosinglaps. our disqualification on the quite get close enough to laps to go to raise further But after the race his car chin. “We have clearly made challenge.As Russell battled questions about Perez’s was found to be 1 5kg a mistake and need to ensure to hold off Hamilton in the future. underweight, with his team that we learn from it. To lose final two or three laps, Red Bull are expected to admitting to “a genuine aone-twofinishisfrustrating McLaren’s Piastri closed in make a decision as to error”. That saw Hamilton and we can only apologise to on the Mercedes to set up a whether to drop him for the promoted to a victory that George who drove such a grandstand finish, and the rest of the season over the hadlookedlikelyformuchof strongrace. three cars crossed the line forthcoming summer breakthe race - after he took the “Lewis was the fastest nosetotail. just two months after the lead from Ferrari’s Charles guy on the two-stop strategy Seven seconds behind Mexican signed a new twoLeclerconthesecondlap. andisadeservingwinner.” them,Ferrari’sLeclerc-who yearcontract.

OscarPiastriismovedup Russell had appeared to had been passed by Piastri And dropping from to second, with Leclerc third have pulled off a remarkable with nine laps to go around secondonthegridtofinishat andMaxVerstappenfourth. victory from sixth on the the outside of the Les thebackofthetopfourteams

Russell’scarwasinitially grid, calling the strategy Combes chicane, spent the will have done Perez no weighed at 798kg, which is himselffromthecar,fending closing laps fending off Red favours.


(BBC Sport) - Rafael

round with a simple success Nadal set up a tantalising over Australia’s Matt Ebden second-round contest with onSaturday old foe Novak Djokovic at He and Nadal are two of Paris 2024 after coming the greatest players of all-

Olympicssinglesmatch. combined 46 Grand Slam

Spain’s Nadal, 38, had singlestitles-tipped24-22in cast doubt on whether he Djokovic’s favour - and set would even be able to play countless records which may against Hungary’s Marton neverbebroken. Fucsovics because of a thigh

Nadal hinted last year injury that 2024 might be his final

But the 2008 gold season on the tour and, medallist had enough to see although he has since rowed offFucsovicsina6-14-66-4 back somewhat, it still win. remains to be seen how long

Nadal, playing at the any fears about his physical demonstrated throughout his hewillcontinueafteraseries scene of his record 14 men’s state,althoughhewasunable career ofinjuryproblemsinthepast singles titles, returned to to keep up that level in the Nadal goes on to face twoyears. Court Philippe Chatrier less second. Djokovic later this week as Djokovic is a year than 24 hours after he played With his thigh heavily the pair extend their younger but still contesting alongside Carlos Alcaraz in strapped, Nadal fought back enduring rivalry to a 60th the sport’s most prestigious themen’sdoubles. in the decider and scrapped meeting prizes and bidding for the

A superb first set against through to victory with the Serbia’s Djokovic, 37, one thing which still eludes Fucsovics initially allayed trademark tenacity which he advanced to the second him-Olympicgold.

Rafael Nadal. (Getty Images)
Muhammad was relentlessly booed through the fight. (Getty Images)

2024 CWI Men’s Rising Stars U19 50-Over Championship…

Bajans hand


first loss by 9 wickets

Barbados broke the undefeated streak of Guyana yesterday, handing the table leaders a 9 wicket loss after a brilliantall-roundperformanceatArnosValePlayingField.

In a low-scoring affair, batting first, Guyana were shot down for a tournament low 58 all out in 33.4 overs, thanks to sublime bowling from the Bajan trio of Kyron King (3-7), ZishanMotara(3-16)andNathanSealey(3-6)).

Opener, Rampertab Ramnauth, top scored with 15 with MavendraDindyal11beingtheonlyotherdoublefigurescore forGuyana.

Barbadosmadelightworkofthechase,rompingto61-1in just 7.5 overs. After losing opener Kyle Jordan (8) to lone Guyanese wicket-taker Johnathan Van Lange (1-26), Zion Brathwaite (28*) and Joshua Morris (23*) beat off the remainingrunswithrelativeease.

GuyanawilllooktoreboundonTuesdayversusWindward Islands.

Olympic chiefs ‘sorry’ opening ceremony caused offence

(BBC Sport) - OlympicGamesorganisershavesaidthey are“sorry”thatscenesinFriday’sopeningceremonycaused offence.

A banquet sequence featuring drag artists in particular came in for criticism from Christian groups, who felt it parodiedLeonardodaVinci’spainting‘TheLastSupper’. That famous 15th Century work depicts a key biblical scene.

The Catholic Church in France was among critics, saying the ceremony featured “scenes of derision and mockeryofChristianity”.

A US telecommunications company, C Spire, said it wouldbepullingitsadvertisingaroundtheOlympicGames after being “shocked by the mockery of the Last Supper duringtheopeningceremonies”.

The ceremony’s artistic director, Thomas Jolly, said there was no intention to “mock or denigrate anyone” and explained the scene in question was designed to reference pagangods.

“Clearlytherewasneveranintentiontoshowdisrespect to any religious group,” Paris 2024 spokeswoman Anne DescampstoldreportersonSunday

“Onthecontrary,IthinkThomasJollydidtrytointendto celebrate community tolerance. We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offence, we of coursearereallysorry.”

JollytoldFrenchbroadcasterBFM:“Theideawastodo abigpaganpartylinkedtothegodsofOlympus.

“You’ll never find in my work any desire to mock or denigrate anyone. I wanted a ceremony that brings people together, that reconciles, but also a ceremony that affirms ourRepublicanvaluesofliberty,equalityandfraternity.”

Biles dazzles on Olympic gymnastics return

(BBC Sport) - Simone Biles dazzled on her Olympics return as the world’s most decorated gymnast showed she was back to her best three years aftersufferingthe‘twisties’.

The American, who has 37 world and Olympic medals, pulled out of several events at the Tokyo Games with the disorientating mental block, and many wondered if she would compete again. But after a two-year break she came back and set her sights on Paris.

Simone Biles of United States in action on the uneven bars. (Reuters)

She had won more world medals since Tokyo, on to top the standings in the individual finals to focus on introduced last year It was introduced a new skill and all-around qualifying with hermentalhealth. not as good as the one she looked sharp in training, but threesub-divisionstogo. Her warm-up drew had stuck earlier in the week no-one really knew what to When her bars dismount excitement from fans as if it intrainingbutstillearnedher expect when she entered the marked the end of her work was the real thing, while the ahuge15.800. BercyArenatoaneruptionof for the day, it was then that it photographers’ cameras Coach Cecile Landi told cheers,withA-listcelebrities was clear what this had wentintooverdrive. reporters Biles had “just a in the stands and a global meant to her as the joy swept Butshewasnotfazed-or littlepaininhercalf”. television audience of herfaceandshewavedatthe atleast,notthatwesaw There was a ripple of millions. crowd before hugging her She delivered her excitement as the American

Butwesoonfoundout. team-mates. acrobatic skills on the 10cm- approachedtheunevenbars-

An acrobatic beam The 27-year-old will wide apparatus with was she about to become the routine came before an have to wait until later in the confidence, nailed a onlyactivegymnasttohavea energetic floor programme day to find out which finals delightful triple spin and a skill named after her on that featured one of the five shehasmadebutatthisstage complex twisting dismount every apparatus, a sort of skills named after her Then it is looking good for team, toscore14.733. gymnastics skills grand she delivered her big Biles II all-around, vault, floor and She opened her floor slam? vault but decided not to beam. routine with her eponymous But she played it safer attempt the new skill she is Hottest ticket in town Biles II - a triple-twisting with a routine that scored planningonunevenbars. Sub-division two of double somersault - and 14.433, which will probably

She scored a total of women’s gymnastics while she stepped out of the not be enough to book a spot 59.566 to top the all-around qualifying was the hottest floorarea,itdidnotmatteras inthatapparatusfinal. standings with three sub- ticket in town, with rapper the performance was packed She is still very likely to divisions still to go. It is hard Snoop Dogg, actor Tom with so many high-value have other opportunities in to see that changing - that Cruise, Vogue editor Anna skillsitscored14.600. the team and all-around score would have won the Wintour and singer Ariana She paused afterwards to finals to try that new skill l a s t t h r e e W o r l d Grande among those at the sitonastep,raisingconcerns though. Championships. arenatowatchBiles. her left ankle might be Just another reason why

It was not all smooth, It seemed fitting that bothering her, and she she will have left many though, as she required Biles began her day on beam crawled along the runway people feeling excited for strapping on her calf before - the last apparatus on which afterawarm-upvault. what might come next from herfloorroutine.Sheseemed shecompetedatTokyo2020, But she was soon her at these Games as seeks in discomfort afterwards, taking an emotional bronze powering down it to perform to add to her seven Olympic limping a little, but still went after skipping her other the Biles II, which she medals.

Giftland Officemax pledges $100,000 to support 592TIP Ball Competition

Giftland Officemax, a exciting five-a-side format. The competition will prominent supporter of The action kicks off on July culminate with the top team community and social 28,2024,atthePoliceSports ineachcategorytakinghome causes, has thrown its Ground, Eve Leary, starting $100,000, while the runnerssupport by making a from 13:00 hours. In each upwillreceive$60,000.This generous contribution of 10-minutematch,twogames straight knockout format $100,000 to the 592TIP Ball w i l l b e p

Competition, organized by simultaneously, ensuring an excitement and fierce theMinisterialTaskForceon exhilarating experience for competition. TraffickinginPersons. bothplayersandspectators. Ta

n The competition will not Corbin, Coordinator of the underscores Giftland’s only offer thrilling football Counter-Trafficking in commitment to supporting matches but also provide a Persons Unit, expressed her significant initiatives aimed platform to raise awareness gratitude for Giftland’s at raising awareness and about human trafficking. As support: “We are deeply c o m b a t i n g h u m a n part of the Ministerial Task thankful to Giftland for their trafficking Notably, the Forc


ng generous contribution to the competition will be played activities in recognition of 592TIP Ball Competition. with high quality balls sold WorldTraffickinginPersons Their support not only exclusively by the retail Month, the Counter- enriches the competition but giants The 592TIP Ball Trafficking in Persons Unit also amplifies our efforts to Competition is set to be a will be present with a booth raiseawarenessabouthuman dynamic showcase of talent to educate and sensitize the trafficking. This partnership and teamwork, featuring at publiconthiscrucialissue. isatestamenttothepowerof least 18 teams across three Among the teams community engagement in competitive categories in an competing for the coveted the fight against this global titles and significant prizes issue.”

are Sophia Unstoppable, Giftland’s sponsorship Plum Park Warriors, Sparta highlights its dedication to Boss, Progressive Warriors, n o t o n l y f o s t e r i n g E Field Dynamic Ballers, community engagement Tucville Terrace, Back through sports but also Circle B, Sophia B, CPCE supporting vital causes that Eagles,FestivalCity,AField impact society The 592TIP Warriors, Street Vibe, Ball Competition represents Herstelling Raiders, North a unique intersection of Ruimveldt, Policing, Canal athleticism and advocacy, # 1 , B o s c o B o y s , offering a powerful platform FrutaConquerors and Show to address and combat Stoppers. humantrafficking.

Guyana finishes second at OECS Boxing C/ships in St. Lucia

Guyana’s nine-member team of boxers that attended the recently concluded St. Lucia Boxing Association (SLBA) Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Boxing Championships at theVigie Sports Complex in Castries did welltofinishsecondintheInvitationalCategory

Atallyof14points,decoratedwithfourgoldmedalsand twosilvermedalswasenoughforGuyanatoclaimedsecond place ahead of Barbados (13 points), who finished with 2 goldmedalsandequalamountofsilvermedalsandabronze medal.

Topping the category in the two-day tournament was Trinidad and Tobago with a massive 33 points. They acquired 10 gold medals and two silver medals in an impressiveperformance.

Additionally, Guyana’s Ryan Rogers was adjudged the Best Junior Boxer while his female teammate, Abiola JackmanwasnamedBestFemaleBoxer

The other specials awards were: Best Schoolboy –Shawn Ramnath (Trinidad & Tobago), Best Youth Boxer –John Didier (St. Lucia), Best Male Boxer, Micheal Fidole (Martinique)andBestdressedTeam-St.Lucia.

In the main championships, St. Lucia won with a whopping 50 points (10 Gold Medals, 10 Silver Medals), Grenada was second with 18 points (9 Silver Medals) and Martinique finished third with 14 points (2 Gold Medals, 2 SilverMedals,1BronzeMedal).

The 2024 OECS Invitational Boxing Championships, staged on July 26 and 27, was held in accordance with International standards, under the IBA approved regulations.

Giftland Officemax’s Pawankumar Kumkaran presents the company’s sponsorship to Marina Thomas of the Counter-Trafficking in Persons Unit, Ministry of Human Services and Social Security. (right)

England sweep series 3-0 after Wood finishes off Windies resistance

Commissioner of Police gives support to Kares One Guyana T10

Mark Wood is mobbed by his team-mates after claiming a five-wicket haul (Getty Images)

(ESPN Cricinfo) - Mark Wood’s breathtaking postlunchspellnettedhimafivewicket haul and put England on the brink of another comprehensive victory over West Indies, which they sealed inside three days at Edgbaston. Whereas his relentless rockets at Trent Bridge had jaws on the floor but yielded just two wickets for the match, his mastery of a reverse-swinging ball in the hour after lunch accounted for all five remaining West Indies wickets for 19 runs in the space of 39 balls. Wood whohadalreadyclaimedtwo for Alick Athanaze, who ended with 5 for 40 from 14 wickets for the day - to good managed to add ten runs for overs, his fifth five-wicket effectintheafternoon. the day, including a four off haul in Tests, to add to his 2 With West Indies five Wood through third slip, for52fromWestIndies’first wickets down and just 57 whereBrookgothishandsto innings. runs ahead, Joshua Da Silva it but couldn’t hold what

The burst obliterated the hadn’t moved off his lunch- would have been a efforts of Mikyle Louis and time score of 2 when he was spectacular catch. Five balls Kavem Hodge, who both rapped on the pad by a after the reprieve, Bashir scored half-centuries, as reverse-swinging yorker clippedAthanaze’s front pad West Indies were left with a delivered at 90mph, umpire with a ball that slid under his paltry81-runlead. Adrian Holstock unmoved attemptedsweep.

The run-chase was by Wood’s emphatic appeal Hodge gave West Indies perfectly poised for England and the batter surviving cause for optimism based on to Bazball their way to England’s review on his century at Trent Bride victory, especially with Ben umpire’s call. But Da Silva and he delivered with his Stokes opening in place Zak added just three more runs second Test fifty He struck Crawley, who had left the when Wood had him back-to-back fours off ground for scans after irrefutablyoutwithafullball Wood, one swung through injuring his finger while moving in past the bat to midwicketandtheotherwith fielding Stokes struck a strike low on the back leg in abeautifuldrive. staggering 57 off 28 balls as linewithmiddlestump. Louis brought up his he and Ben Duckett, with 25 A short while later, half-century with a slogoff 16, mowed down the Wood’s reversing yorker swept six off Bashir and he target in 7.2 overs without ripped out Alzarri Joseph’s helped himself to another lossfora3-0seriessweep. middle stump and West maximum off Bashir’s next England reached fifty off Indies were 162 for 7 with over, clearing the boundary just 26 balls, equalling their Englandscentingvictory atlong-off. team record posted at Trent It was sound justification

WhileStokeswasgetting Bridge. On this occasion, for Stokes keeping Wood on the ball to reverse swing, he Stokes scored 41 of those for a rare sixth over on the got Louis fending at one that runs Duckett, seemingly trot and the move paid huge pitched on a length outside tired of playing the dividends with three wickets off stump and edging to supporting role after he was fallingintheover Crawleyatsecondslip. keytothefastest-fiftyrecord Wood struck first ball to Crawley was in the same in Nottingham, struck four remove West Indies’ position when he dropped boundaries in one Jason remaining recognised batter, Holder, on 12 at the time, off Holderover Hodge getting a thick edge Stokes, injuring his finger in Stokes, meanwhile, on a late-reversing rocket to the process, but Atkinson notched the fastest Test fifty be caught behind by Jamie removedHolderattheendof for an England batter and Smith. the next over with an jointthird-fastestoverall,off Then Wood sent Jayden inswinger that struck the just 24 balls, and hit the Seales’ off stump tumbling front knee roll, the batter’s winning runs, swinging a for a three-ball duck to review failing when ballwaist-high full-toss from continue the procession, tracking ruled it was Kraigg Brathwaite for six which he ended with another umpire’s call on hitting leg through backward square- late reverse-swinging stump. leg, emphasising the one- delivery which Shamar England 376 (Smith 95, sided nature of the series JosephedgedtoHarryBrook Root 87, Woakes 62, Stokes despite some encouraging atsecondslip. 54,AJoseph4-122,Seales3passages of fight from West Louis and Hodge had 79)and87for0(Stokes57*, Indies. steadiedWestIndiesfrom53 Duckett 25*) beat West It was Stokes who had for 3 with a 72-run stand off Indies 282 (Brathwaite 61, initially got the ball 78 balls for the fourth Holder 59, Atkinson 4-67, reversing in the morning wicket. Woakes 3-69) and 175 session and he deployed They came together after (Louis 57, Hodge 55, Wood Wood and Gus Atkinson - ShoaibBashirhadaccounted 5-40)bytenwickets

Commissioner of Police (ag) Clifton Hicken has committed to participating yet again in the second season of the Kares One Guyana T10 Tapeball Blast and ensuring the venues are safespacesforfamilies.

The second installment of the pulsating tournament bowls off on August 3 at the PoliceSportsClub,Lusignan Community Centre Ground, and Queen’s College Ground, where the best 32 Tapeball teams in Guyana will be on show in a straight knock-outcontest.

In 2023, the Commission held the gloves behind the stumpsduringtheCricketfor Charity Match, which PresidentDr IrfaanAliledat theNationalStadium.

That match returns on families and enjoy the QC pitch one at 11:30h; August 25, along with the festivities of this community Renegades Cricket Club v finals of the main draw at the sport,”FLSportexpressed. Tarmac Titans – PSC at Stadium. Other match days will be 11:30h; Eccles All-Stars v

InaSundaypressrelease, the Round of 16 onAugust 4 Eastsyde – QC pitch three at the organisers expressed at the Police Sports Club and 11:30h; Titans All-Stars v immense gratitude for the Lusignan, while the quarter- Stripling Warriors – PSC at supportoftheCommissioner finals return to the Enmore 1 3 : 3 0 h ; P R E M I E R and, by extension, the Community Centre Ground Insurance v Min. Housing –GuyanaPoliceForce. onAugust11. QC pitch one at 13:30h;

“Based on feedback, we Matches on August 3: Moruca Super Giants v Lil had no security issues on the MS-13 All-Stars v Team Rams – QC pitch three at field or play We certainly Corruption – QC Pitch 1 at 13:30h; The Guards v aim to replicate such again, 09:30h; Upsetters v GPL Inc Mahaica Super Strikers –and the support of the – QC Pitch three at 09:30h; 13:30h at Lusignan; Green Guyana Police Force and Montra Jaguars v Falcons XI Scorpions v Avinash Allprivate security firms is – PSC at 09:30h; Street Stars – QC pitch one at critical in that endeavor Ballerz v Village Rams – 15:30h; Brooklyn Youth There is no entrance fee Lusignan at 09:30h; EC Strikers v Cotton Tree Die attached to these venues, so Express v Mahdia – Hard – PSC at 15:30h; we always encourage people Lusignan at 11:30h; DiamondGunnersvTG to come out with their Soesdyke XI v Airport XI – (Continued on page 23)

Commissioner of Police (ag) Clifton Hicken (left) and Romario Samaroo of FL Sport

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