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Kaieteur News
Kaieteur News Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Guyana seems to be overspending on hydro project When the government announced the construction of a hydro electric facility once more there was excitement. Guyanese had long recognized that with hydroelectricity they would save money on imported fuel and would be able to fuel more projects that need electric power. Four decades ago, Guyana had embarked on a similar project. This time the falls was to be the Kumerau Falls in the Mazaruni. Feasibility studies had been done and as is being done today, Guyana began to use its own money to fund the road leading to the hydropower station. The road reached as far as Puruni, a few miles from the power station when circumstances conspired to bring the project to a halt. Venezuela was full into its claim to the Essequibo and petitioned the international community to withhold funding for any work in the disputed area. The World Bank heeded the Venezuelan request and the hydro project which began in 1973 ground to a halt. The hydro road is still in use because of the work in the goldfields. It has removed the need to travel by boat to some locations in the Middle Mazaruni. What is more, it is easier for large volume of fuel and large shipments of food to the various camps in the hinterland. At the time, bauxite was still bringing in money as a primary produce; the government saw the need to produce value added. The hydroelectric power was seen as the means through which bauxite could be converted to alumina, a product that would weigh less for shipping and earn more for the country. It turns out that bauxite is not a money spinner; that mining is now being done by foreign companies and the ships are not leaving in the numbers that they once did. Now four decades later Guyana is again pursuing the development of hydro power. One would have thought that the new developers would have pursued a project that had been surveyed and for which feasibility studies had been done. In fact, some of the infrastructure had been installed. A road had already been started and had reached deep into the interior. In some cases, bridges had already been fashioned. However, the government listened to a new idea that would be taking the project back to inception. A new site was identified and above all, aspects of the road would have been constructed through virgin forest. These developments did not worry the nation, at least not until the government seemed to have set out on a mission to spend money. The contract to construct the road was impossible and this was pointed out to the very people who awarded the contract. We could not see anyone constructing more than one hundred kilometers of road a lot of it through virgin forest in eight months. For the contractor, Makeshwar Fip Motilall, to agree to such a contract should have signaled such an agreement should have told a story. One should have readily understood that plans were in train for project extensions. Even the relatively low price of the road project would have signaled that the contractor was going to be granted cost over-runs. Now we have come to the stage where we have found that just about every aspect of the project seems to be overpriced. Economists and financial analysts are noticing that the local hydro project is the most expensive in the world. They are now analyzing the cost of other hydro projects and they are making some astonishing conclusions. Something must be wrong for so many people to arrive at the same conclusion about the cost and only the government is sticking to its guns. There have been other signals that all is not right. The government informed the nation that financial closure would have been made about a year ago. Suddenly, Guyana is in no hurry to cement the deal. We know that with each passing day the cost of a project rises. This does not seem to be of concern to Guyana.
Tuesday July 30, 2013
Letters... Where your views make the news
More Govt. expenditure is not synonymous with economic growth DEAR EDITOR, I have read with some concern the garbled comment attributed to me regarding the claim by the GBTI Chairman that the 2013 budget cuts have caused an economic slowdown in Guyana. I actually made three observations: First, economics is not law and there are direct, unequivocal links of the kind suggested by GBTI. The author of the report should have been more careful because the alleged link is specious. Secondly, the budget was approved at the end of April and the cuts applied overwhelmingly to capital projects. Little, if any of the funds in question was scheduled to be, and indeed would have been, spent before June 2013. So the causal link claimed is erroneous. Finally, the idea that increased Government expenditure means higher rates of economic growth has been around for a long time. It survives unchallenged in Guyana because the quality of public analysis on both financial and economic fronts is generally poor – witness Ministers and the current PSC chairman publicly arguing that a Value Added Tax is a ‘luxury tax’ of benefit to the poor, so the rates should not be reduced. Ordinary Guyanese would know that channa is not a luxury, neither are detergent, toilet soaps, cooking oil, etc. Any ‘O’ level GCE or CXC economics student would also know that such a declaration would result in exam failure. All the dictionaries of economics that could be consulted provide both a definition and examples of regressive taxes which are a heavier burden on the poor than on the rich. Even the local Indian Accountants’ publication confirms the truth of the claim. The case in point is budget cuts. Cutting the annual national budget and therefore Government expenditures will not necessarily reduce economic growth. Spending does not automatically enhance economic growth rates or change the growth path.
It should not require much thought to appreciate this point. An apt example is school feeding. In India, contaminated foodstuff killed a number of school children. Taken to the extreme, if every citizen was killed by the Government or state programme, would anyone in their right mind suggest that Government expenditure increased growth? If the Government spent all or part of the revenues it collects from us to import cattle which die and are left in the streets of GT with the usual garbage like the dead horse I saw in Hadfield Street recently (or even at the Mandela site) causing a cholera epidemic that kills off half the population of GT – apparently the publicly expressed hope of at least one former PPP Minister. The result would not be economic growth. But one does not need such an extreme example to make the point. Imagine that the only economic activity in the country was farming and the Government took money that farmers would use to build warehouses and buy pesticides to protect their vegetables. The Government uses the money it has collected to have a contractor build a wharf which promptly floats away, like that at Charity. That expenditure would not have contributed in any way to a higher rate of economic growth in the country! Why then would a Bank, the representative of the Chamber of Commerce and others be so mindless and definitive about higher government expenditure causing growth? Indeed, if any increase in Government expenditure causes growth, why would Governments sit and endure negative growth rates as Guyana did between 1997 and 2006? Why did the UK and the Japan ever experience negative economic growth? Are these Governments too stupid to tax citizens and to spend money? Obviously not! T h e e ff e c t o f G o v e r n m e n t expenditure depends on the quality of
the expenditure and the nature of the projects or the activities funded. Again, when Guyana experienced significant negative growth in the past was Government not spending money? Were there not new Government buildings going up? In that case it is not appropriate to equate new buildings with growth. Is the Skeldon sugar plant which was supposed to bring down the cost of exporting sugar, able to achieve its aims? Has GuySuCo not made a loss since that plant was built, have sugar production and exports not been below target since that time? Put simply, if a Government takes money from taxpayers and uses it to do something less efficiently or to fund a less important or more wasteful undertaking than the private individual would have done, the country would be worse off and higher growth would not automatically follow expenditure. This is the real heart of the issue. To say that a Government’s request for money would favourably affect growth is therefore really a joke, unless one is able to speak to the purpose of the expenditure. In a country where getting electricity connected takes longer than it would in most of the rest of the world, where paying taxes is more difficult than most places, where exporting is more costly than importing goods and where customs procedures are more cumbersome than elsewhere, more Government expenditure is not synonymous with economic growth. The nature of the expenditure matters. Furthermore, where Government spending may put legitimate enterprises out of business or at a disadvantage relative to illegal ones or where corruption channels business in the direction of corrupt and less efficient enterprises, the country would be better off with less Government spending. Simply spending more money than was spent last year is not the same as economic growth! Carl Greenidge
Propaganda will take centre stage at the PPP Congress DEAR EDITOR, Within a few days, the PPP will begin its long overdue party Congress which will focus on the observance of the 63rd anniversary of the party and its founding leader, Cheddi Jagan. This will take place in the midst of political turbulence and gridlock in Parliament that signaled the end of cooperation between the majority opposition parties and the minority PPP government. Instead of ending the gridlock, members of the cabal went on every TV station in Guyana to criticize the actions of the opposition. They staged a picket exercise outside Parliament Building against the opposition parties with about 65 persons whom they paid. It is the first time we have heard of a government picketing the opposition. Normally, it would be the opposition
that organizes protests/picket against governments. But his type of behaviour by the PPP is normal. N a t u r a l l y, w i t h t h e u s e o f propaganda and distortions, the party leadership will use the occasion to highlight their achievements; support their claim as being better managers of the economy; and favourably interpret their contribution to the unfolding of the epochal events in national development over the past two decades. Among other things, they will extol their leader for rescuing Guyana from the PNC in 1992. But with corruption and crime spreading like wildfire, many members and delegates do not support the inept way the party is running the country. They are well aware that their leaders are not doing enough to reduce or end corruption and crimes, create jobs, and improve the lives of those in
need. Some are even upset with the way the economic barons have forced Ralph Ramkarran out of the party. Ironically, as is the tradition of the PPP at its Congress, speaker after speaker will be handed a script praising Cheddi Jagan as the indisputable architect of our nation, who gave political leadership to the events of the ‘50s and ‘60s as part of a regional revolt against the inequities of the plantation system, the yoke of colonial oppression and the struggle for Universal Adult Suffrage, which gave every adult Guyanese the right to vote for the first time. At the same time, they will ignore all of the achievements of Forbes Burnham as a founding member of the PPP and who stood with Jagan to oppose colonialism and all the hindrances associated with it. Even after being in (Continued on page 8)
Tuesday July 30, 2013
Kaieteur News
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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news
DEAR EDITOR, In his column dated July 23, 2013, under the caption, “A woman I greatly admired has died, Goodbye”, Freddie Kissoon took issue with the idea that people, as racial or ethnic groupings, should subjectively recount their historical experiences. The woman in question was Helen Thomas, a feisty liberal journalist who incurred the wrath of several Republican Administrations for asking questions at White House press briefings that they would rather not answer. I surmise that in some ways Freddie perceived Helen Thomas as his journalistic role model, and to some extent, they shared similar experiences. She was ostracized by the Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush Republican Administrations, and pilloried constantly by right wing political pundits, not too unlike the experiences Freddie endures under a PPP administration. But to get back to the main point of this missive. Freddie Kissoon wrote, “Last Friday a Guyanese academic in the
presence of Dr. David Hinds and others told me that a race should write its own history if the truths of one’s race are to come out. I disagreed. After the meeting I told promising, young activist Norville Hinds that Africans, White people, East Indians writing their own history respectively may end up hiding the truths. Embellishments based on fiction may very well be included”. Freddie, in further expansion of his position, asserted that quote, “As a trained historian, I am contemptuous of Afrocentric, Euro-centric and other centric approaches to writing about the origins and contours of civilization. For me all of these centrics are historically weak”. So in one fell swoop, Freddie Kissoon arrogantly dismisses the efforts of the Anta Diops, the Ivan Vansertimas, the John Henrik Clarkes, the Walter Rodneys, all so-called Afro-centric Historians who courageously and by dint of arduous investigation and dedication, committed themselves to
dismissing the myth and racially conceived notions that People of African descent had no history other than that of beasts of burden, and were genetically and intellectually inferior. To say I am surprised at this kind of reasoning coming from someone who frequently chastizes others for ignoring the nuances, contexts and complexities of history and human social existence, would be an understatement. I mean, the argument being advanced by Freddie is eerily similar to that of right wing pundits and organizations in the US, put forth against the recognition of February as a month to recognize the contributions of Africans to the development of America and the world. On its face it appears balanced and plausible. However, when one considers what existed and still exists in the minds of many about black people, and what children of African descent had to accept as their origins from an educational and historical curriculum, specifically designed to
perpetuate the myth that they belonged to an inferior class of humans, then one feels compelled to painfully ask, can Freddie Kissoon really be so obtuse? For as the late and erudite African American Historian and Teacher John Henrik Clarke postulated, “Africa and its people are the most written about and the least understood of all of the world’s people. This condition started in the 15th and 16th Centuries with the beginning of the slave trade system. The Europeans not only colonialized the world, they began to colonialize information about the world and its people”. Freddie Kissoon arrogantly expresses abhorrence for the kind of information that truthfully and unapologetically answered essential questions about the history and experiences of people of African descent. I believe that Freddie Kissoon attended primary school during the same period me and my 12 brothers and sisters did in the
Wortmanville/Werk-en-rust Area of Georgetown. He went to St Mary’s, I believe, and we went to Smith Church Congregational. He, like all the children of Guyana, studied English History and learned about the glory of Britannia and its exploits. Freddie’s primary ancestry was linked to India, a group that entered Guyana culture intacto, albeit under labour and social conditions that were horrible. Those conditions, while in no way can be presented as equivalent to the experiences of Africans and the First Peoples of Guyana under the dehumanizing circumstances of slavery and coerced cultural disassociations, were, nonetheless, oppressive, discriminatory and brutal. For anyone to even suggest that there is some kind of equivalency in the Euro Centric recounting of history, and the corrections engaged in by African Scholars, represent an absurdity of gross proportions. Moreover, for this to be the perspective of someone
who presents himself as a repository of cultural universality and empathy is, to say the least, disquieting. Doctor John Henrik Clarke points out that “History is not everything, but a starting point. History is a clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of the day. It is a compass they use to find themselves on the map of human geography. It tells them where they are, but most importantly, what they must be”. If we were to accept Freddie’s argument that the recounting of human experiences from an African World View is unacceptable, we would be left with a map that positions the origin of people of African Descent as that of enslaves, with no civilized history or contributions worthy of note. We would be left with a linear compass that stratifies White Europeans at the extreme positive end of a human continuum, and black Africans at the opposite end. The descendants of the enslaved would have to (Continued on page 8)
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Kaieteur News
Tuesday July 30, 2013
More evidence that Guyana is overpaying for Amaila Hydro...
World average per megawatt US$2.32M; Guyana agrees to pay US5.1M At more than US$5M per megawatt, the Guyana Government is pushing ahead to construct a hydro power plant that is more than double the amount being used for plants being built around the world. The government is insisting that the project is economical, viable and sustainable. The most recent comparison was undertaken by Former Auditor General, Anand Goolsarran. He found that hydro power projects around the world are being built at an average of US$2.32M per megawatt, as against the US$5.1M per megawatt being proposed for the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Plant. The plant was initially proposed to be built by Makeswar ‘Fip’ Motilall’s Synergy Holdings Inc but when he couldn’t find a financial backer, he sold his license for US$12M to Sithe Global. In his comparison of the US$840M Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Plant, Goolsarran drew reference to the 147MW Plant proposed to be built in Pakistan at a cost of US$362M. This would mean that the Pakistani project is being built at a cost of US$2.46M per megawatt. Goolsarran pointed also to Nepal, where Spark
Hydro Power is set to commence construction of a 1 0 1 M W plant for US$186.2M This means that the plant is being built at US$1.84M per mega watt. In Guinea, Semafo Inc., a Canadian Gold Producer that mines in West Africa is building a 130MW plant on the Cogon River for US$230M. That translates to US$1.77M per mega watt. It was noted too that last month the Ugandan Government awarded a contract for a massive 600MW Hydro Electric Plant along with a transmission line for a total of US$1.65B. This translates to the cost per mega watt being US2.75M. In 2009 Benin’s state owned utilities company, Communaute Electrique Du Benin (CEB) a n d C h i n a Sinohydro inked a contract for the construction of a 147MW plant for US$366M or US$2.49M per mega watt. G o o l s a r r a n ’s comparisons also drew on the fact that in November 2010, Brazil inaugurated six hydro stations with a total capacity of 645MW in the Goias State These projects come with a total price tag of US$1.72B, working out to a per mega watt cost of US$2.66M. The former auditor general did caution that the cost structures in various
countries would vary depending on a variety of factors, “but the comparison does give us a general idea that Amaila Hydropower project may be significantly overpriced.” Goolsarran is among the latest to come out criticizing the project in its current form and suggests that it is not too late for the Government to reset the process to allow adequate time for parliamentarians and other stakeholders to seriously reflect on the Government’s proposal. According to the Former Auditor General, ever since the conceptualization of the project in 1997 the government did not see it fit to engage the National Assembly on the project despite its magnitude. “This is despite the fact that it is this body that has to pass the relevant legislation to approve funding for the project, including lifting the ceiling for the guarantee of loans” to cover the Power Purchase Agreement between the Guyana Power and Light
and the Amaila Falls Hydro Inc. Amaila Falls Hydro Inc is the special purchase company incorporated in Guyana to build the plant and facilitate the payments from GPL to Sithe Global. According to Goolsarran, it was only when the Government needed the support of the legislature that
disclosures were made on a confidential basis. “However, such disclosures raise more questions than answers and the action of the Combined Opposition in exercising caution and financial prudence appears quite justified.” According to Goolsarran it is perhaps that the
Government did not anticipate that it would have lost control of the National Assembly. He s a i d t h a t h a d Government maintained a majority in the House, the Hydro Electric Power Bill along with the motion to raise the debt ceiling would have gained easy passage.
Pakistan’s Hydro Project cannot be compared to the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Project - Govt In an article published by Kaieteur News yesterday, Opposition members Joseph Harmon and Khemraj Ramjattan presented a Pakistani hydro project as comparable to Amaila. In reality, the Pakistani project, called the Patrind Hydropower Project, could not be more different than Amaila. The result is yet another example of the Opposition trying to use apples-tooranges comparisons to purposely mislead the
Guyanese people. Here are the simple facts, which had the Opposition members bothered to research, might have steered them away from making such a blatantly incorrect comparison: 1) The cost of a transmission line is not included in the Pakistan project cost. For Amaila, this cost is approximately US$155 million 2) The cost of an access road is not included in the Pakistan project cost. This cost is estimated at approximately US$30 million for Amaila 3) The Pakistan project’s cost is actually estimated at US$436 million and not US$362 million as
presented by the Opposition members. This is based on an UNFCC project design document dated December 17, 2012, “the capital cost required for the Patrind Hydropower Project is currently estimated at US$436 million or approximately US$2.9 million per MW installed capacity.” 4) The UNFCC’s Secretariat has conducted thorough research on the project as part of registering it under one of its clean energy development mechanisms 5) The project is “low tech” when compared to Amaila. The Pakistani project uses simpler technology called run-of-river because of
its natural conditions. A runof-river hydro project is cheaper to construct than a normal hydro because it does not require the significant civil-engineering works such as the construction of an underground power tunnel, which is a sizable portion of construction costs. Amaila will have a three kilometer underground power tunnel from the reservoir to the turbines, whereas the physical conditions of the Pakistan project do not require such a tunnel. The cost of constructing the Amaila power tunnel and shaft is approximately US$56million. 6) In addition, because the Pakistan project is a (continued on page 21)
Tuesday July 30, 2013
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Kaieteur News
Tuesday July 30, 2013
Letters... Where your views make the news
FREDDIE DOES NOT... From page 5 accept a status of permanent inferiority, and be contented with whatever discriminatory and marginalizing social and economic conditions are imposed on them. Analogously, we would be that dalit/untouchable caste in every society, because every other group would be closer to the positive end of the human continuum than we were. For the edification of Freddie Kissoon there is a marked difference between the motivations that spurred the Eurocentric recounting of human history and that of African and other scholars and historians who engaged in correcting the myths and hubristically-conceived notions presented in the former. The former was borne out of a need to create a world where human attributes and intellectuality were linked to where a group was positioned on a continuum of race and colour. The latter was borne out of an imperative to correct those misconceptions that are responsible for, and provide rationale for, prejudice and discrimination against people of African
descent. The Eurocentric version of human history extols the contributions of Einstein, of the Greeks, of their contributions to human development and progress. It does not educate or enlighten on the fact that in an era of oppressive social, cultural and economic vicissitudes, Doctor Charles Drew, a black man, pioneered the process for storing blood plasma; a medical process essential in preserving human life on earth today. It does not educate and enlighten on the fact that the traffic lights, a system that regulate the flow of vehicular traffic across the world today, was invented by Garret T Morgan, a black man. It does not educate and enlighten about the hundreds of inventions and contributions made to the human society by people of African descent. It does not, educate and enlighten, even purely from a business accounting and profitability perspective, the monetary and economic value of the centuries of free labour that went into the early development of every single society in which African Slave labour was utilized.
Like Saint Francis of Assisi, these African historians and others went into their examinations with the conviction that there would be things they could not change, that there would be things that they could change, and with a clear understanding of the difference between the two. My charge to Freddie, whether he is of a mind to embrace it or not, is to festina lente, to hasten slowly as he proceeds to draw conclusions on issues that are far more complex and nuanced than the manner in which he chooses to present them. I am not arguing that only Africans should write or have opinions or perspectives on the experiences of Africans. I am asserting that if anyone assumes, as a starting point of examination, that the Eurocentric presentation of human history, and the process engaged in to correct that which was mischievously presented as a fact of a people’s history, culture and experiences, are twin seeds conceived in the same pod, then whatever conclusions they come to will be a product of that starting point. That is what I am saying. Keith Williams
Propaganda will take... From page 4 power for the past 21 years, the PPP continues to blame the Burnham regime for the problems facing Guyanese today, including the power outages, lack of potable water, the failing sugar industry, the collapse of UG and the poor health and educational services, among others. One can recall that it was only a few months ago when this party had the gall to say that most of the corrupt practices that are taking place today are done by those PNC members who are still working for the government. In short, the PPP diehards believe that they have done nothing wrong during the last two decades in power. This is a clear case of over-fatigue and mental meltdown of the cabal. It is predictable that they will attack their former com-
rades - Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan and Ralph Ramkarran - who left the PPP because its leaders refuse to deal with the scourge of corruption, illegal drugs etc. But we are left to speculate why they would ruin the sugar industry that thousands of their supporters depend on for a living and why they have abandoned the poor and the working class— the group Cheddi Jagan fought for all his life. We know that the PPP leaders will not accurately and honestly discuss their achievements at the Congress during the last 21 years-a period in which they failed to transform the country’s economy, improve the lives of the needy, end corruption, and reduce crime and drug trafficking. We also know that they will cuss-down the indepen-
dent media - Kaieteur News and Stabroek News, the opposition, and all those who have exposed and criticized their crooked and inept policies. Last but not least, we know that they will not discuss Jagdeo’s autocratic leadership style on the party-a style which ended democracy in the party; they will ignore wrongdoing, cuss-down opponents, all of which caused the likes of Khemraj Ramjattan, Moses Nagamootoo, Ralph Ramkarran and many others to leave the PPP. They will not discuss the marginalization of one ethnic group or how the party has been hijacked by the oligarchy. This is the type of propaganda, distortion and untruths that will take centre stage at the Congress. Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh
Tuesday July 30, 2013
Kaieteur News
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THOSE WHO CHALLENGE FOR LEADERSHIP MUST CONSIDER THE POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES IF THEY FAIL If you challenge for political leadership of a political party and you are overwhelmingly defeated, your political future is finished. The annals of history are littered with political casualties, those who dared to challenge for leadership without ever having any real chance of success. If you have a constituency or significant support within a party, you stand a chance of surviving after an unsuccessful challenge for leadership, only a chance. But if you bring only a reputation and no constituency to a party, inevitably if you make an unsuccessful challenge for political leadership you will eventually be put out to pasture. If on the other hand, you run a close race within the quest for leadership and are able to maintain your supportbase, you are likely to have a place around the round table until you are eventually made redundant. The PNCR is a party divided into two main camps. Within that party, PNCR, there have been close contests for the position of leader on two occasions and it is only because the race was close and the defeated candidate has significant support within the party that he has managed to survive within the leadership. Many years ago, Hamilton Green was a powerful figure within the PNC. But when he
opted not to go ahead with a challenge for the leadership, a process was commenced to sideline him from the party. This campaign came to head after the PNC defeat at the 1992 elections; the campaign against him commenced. Green was not selected to be on his party’s slate for the National Assembly. He was later expelled from the party. Hoyte was taking no chances. He was putting out to pasture someone who could have challenged him for leadership. He was practising real politics. It was major political gamble by Hoyte because Green was a powerful political figure with significant support within the party. But Hoyte took the gamble. He paid a huge price for it in the 1994 local government elections when Green took the most seats in the municipal election. In the end Hoyte prevailed and Green was expelled from the party for close twenty years. It was not until recently that he was restored to the membership of the party. With the passage of time, he no longer posed a threat to the leadership and therefore they could be charitable and accept him back into the party. Another political casualty was Vincent Alexander. He had decided to contest the leadership of the PNCR but this challenge
Dem boys seh ...
Guyanese smart like Bharrat Guyana got de smartest politicians in de world. Dem is people who got all de plans to tek de country forward but dem got to tek demself forward first. Now Guyana been good till Bharrat decide to put he smartness to de test. He announce de Amaila project. De man do de Maths and he find out that nuff people can mek nuff money. He set de project at one price but somebody tell he that de price too low. Wid he smartness he get a good price. Well dem boys seh that is that price that causing all de trouble. Everybody finding cheaper hydro and dem now asking fuh a new tender. Some people now believe that Guyana got de smartest people. Dem so smart that dem can mek people pay fuh wha dem do four hundred years later. Donald done seh that this project going through and de way he seh it like he either get instructions fuh continue wid de project or he get a share in de project. Whatever de case people got to pay. One man seh that all of dem who want de hydro at de high price should use dem inheritance. And nuff people inherit a good deal from dem mooma—de Treasury. Dem suck de treasury till it get dry and dem ain’t done yet. Dem ease off and that is why people seh that Guyana got de smartest people in de region. These people know when fuh thief and stop. But dem boys really what to know how come Guyana getting de most expensive hydro in de world. It had to be that dem who plan de project think that Guyanese stupid. Dem get a foreigner to come in after Fip mek he small piece. Now fuh doing nutten Fip gun get US$12 million. Well if Fip get that how much some of de planners get? Dem boys seh that de people smart and dem gun stop de project now suh that dem pickney and grand pickney ain’t saddle wid a debt that would mek man and woman walk wid dem foot open. Talk half and holler fuh thief.
never got underway and after there were concerns about the fairness of the process he pulled out. He has since removed himself from the leadership of the party, and for all intents and purposes may never again be counted amongst its future ranks. It is against this background that no great expectations must be had about the forthcoming Congress of the Peoples Progressive Party calling for the reinstatement of persons who had resigned from the party. That is not going to happen.
Mandela Avenue Shooting … Minibus driver Adrian Brandt yesterday alleged that he saw his front seat passenger, Lloyd Britton, hand over a ‘shine object’ to another commuter after he was shot during last Friday’s deadly confrontation on Mandela Avenue. But the Route 47 driver said he could not ascertain whether the ‘shine object’ was a firearm. He stated that a police rank who was with the now-dead Elvis Fernandes was the only person he saw shooting. Police have stated that Britton had shot Fernandes and was himself wounded by a police rank who had intervened. Britton has already denied shooting Fernandes. Kaieteur News was told that the shooting occurred after the owner of a car had accused Brandt of damaging his vehicle. Brandt said that he was driving along Mandela Avenue around 17:20 hrs when Fernandes, who was on a scooter and the owner of a silver car blocked his path. Brandt said that he knew both men, as well as Britton, who was in the front passenger seat of his bus. According to the minibus driver, the occupant of the car accused him (Brandt) of damaging his vehicle. “He say that I jam him earlier in the day when I was driving a 212, and I scratch his mirror.” According to Brandt, Fernandes, whom he knew, came to his defence. “Fernandes say that I does drive bus and it can’t be me.” He alleged that Lloyd Britton,
In the case of Ralph Ramkarran his political future is over. He made a bid to be the presidential candidate of his party but did not have the support to be successful and his bid flopped. That effectively ended his political career. It was always going to be difficult, considering the political culture of the PPP, for him to have survived in the leadership after that. He would have eventually been pushed out. But even if he was not, he would not have survived for long. He would
have been voted down at this Congress had he not opted to resign. This unfortunately is the reality of politics in Guyana. If you have a large enough constituency or strong support within a party you may survive an unsuccessful challenge but o n c e y o u throw your hat in the ring and lose overwhelmingly then you political days are numbered. This is the sad reality of politics in Guyana. The citizenry should not delude themselves into believing that
that a more liberal culture is being cultivated within the political parties in Guyana. It is not. It is always going to be hard for persons who have unsuccessfully challenged for leadership to remain with their party’s leadership for long and even when they do there will always be attempts to put them out to pasture.
Bus driver said wounded passenger had ‘shine’ object who was in the front seat, intervened, and the men began to threaten Britton, while Fernandes called the passenger a ‘thief.’ “He (Fernandes) say ‘you know this thiefin one...he snatch somebody chain and we was to kill he.” But the minibus operator said that a police patrol came on the scene and ordered the men to disperse. They also suggested that the owner of the car could file a report about the alleged accident. Brandt said that he then returned to the West Ruimveldt minibus park where he picked up passengers. However, he said that Britton remained in the minibus. Brandt said that he was driving east along Mandela Avenue when he observed the same car trailing him. He said that when he stopped to put off a passenger in the vicinity of the West Ruimveldt playground he heard the screeching of brakes. On looking into his rearview mirror, Brandt said that he saw three men emerge from the car. “One (a police rank) had a gun in hand, the driver had a long cutlass, and Fernandes, who had an ice-pick,” Brandt said. The minibus operator claimed that while Fernandes ran towards the conductor side of the bus, the driver of the car began to attack him with the cutlass. He also recalled that his passenger, Lloyd Britton, had exited the bus when the men emerged from the car. “The driver go to me and start
fire chops, and I pull back and brace on a passenger, and (then) I hear shots.” He said that he looked into his rearview mirror and saw the policeman shooting. Brandt said that his passengers began to scream and urge him to drive away, but then Britton clambered back into the vehicle and said “I get knock.” Brandt said that he saw the wounded Britton hand over “a shine object” to another passenger, while urging him to drive to the hospital. However, Brandt said that he dropped off the other passengers in Mandela Avenue and headed to the Ruimveldt
Police Station before taking the wounded man to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. Brandt said that police ranks at the GPHC questioned him for hours before releasing him. He said that the ranks confiscated his cell phone. A woman who was travelling in Brandt’s bus also said that the occupants of the car had attacked the minibus operators. She also said that she saw a man who identified himself as a police rank discharge at least three rounds. However, she was unable to say who shot Fernandes.
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Tuesday July 30, 2013
In writing about the amount of compensation the Commissioner of Inquiry (COI) awarded the relatives of three men shot to death last July in the Linden electricity hike protest, in a column of March 17, 2013 titled; “Kennard’s kennedya and Guyana’s guayacan,” I wrote the following; “Is it possible in today’s world for a man who once headed the judiciary in a CARICOM state to openly defend the award
of 40 thousand American dollars (five thousand American equivalent to one million Guyanese) as compensation for the lives of three citizens?” Two weeks before, on March 5, in another column with the caption; “Guyana: Metaphysical wasteland and parched terrain of empty nowhere,” on the same atrocity of the compensation, I made the following observation; “What is
irredeemable is the position of retired appeal Court judge Justice Claudette Singh and former Judiciary Chancellor, Cecil Kennard. The same former chancellor will preside in the next two weeks on a horse racing competition where the prize money is twenty million dollars. In the coming weeks, the dust will settle on the COI report, Justices Singh and Kennard will continue to enjoy their elevated status as retired justices.” I believe that horse race meetings in March did take place where the prize money was awesome. Now two weeks from now, Justice Kennard will be the main man at another such event cosponsored by Digicel. The phone company of course erred in teaming up with Justice Kennard to hold its expensive sports event on August 1, Emancipation Day. African rights organization protested to Digicel and the timing was shifted.. Digicel (an Irish Company, and the Irish like their horseracing) teams up with Justice Kennard’s outfit to hold a
sporting event, on the same day that the descendants of slavery celebrate the emancipation of their ancestors. The irony was that the three men shot to death at a protest were demonstrating for freedom and justice. Their relatives were given forty thousand American dollars among themselves as compensation, a sum no decent mind anywhere in the world would accept. One must be curious to know the total amount of prize money to be shared out at the upcoming horse racing thing You can be assured that no one, not even a solitary figure will be outside the gates with a placard. There is an eerie feeling in this land that the human practice of protest as a form of human rejection of violations and brutalities is no longer recognized by this nation. Are there bigger superstar names in the world today than the two singers, Jay Z and Beyonce? Do superstars join human rights citizens when they are protesting? The answer is yes; even superstars join demonstrations against injustices.
Jay Z and Beyonce left their comfortable life and participated in a march against the acquittal verdict for the man who shot the teenager Trayvon Martin to death in Florida. In the same context, one can ask if there is a greater musical icon in the world than Stevie Wonder. The singer has advocated a boycott of performances in Florida. One is tempted to ask if there should be a boycott of the upcoming horse-racing event. Dennis Atwell, a member of the protest movement, People’s Parliament, called me for my thoughts on his suggestion that there should be a picket in support of the Martin family. While I agreed with Dennis, I pointed out that in days’ time there would be the death anniversary of the three men who were gunned down in Linden and that is where our focus should be. As it turned out, only one stakeholder in the entire Guyana minus the Region Ten administration organized an event in commemoration of the killings. Red Thread held a candle light vigil on the
Frederick Kissoon same spot where the People’s Parliament was born. Of course Dennis was there. I counted about 20 persons. Three protestors were gunned down by what a Commission of Inquiry ruled was the work of the police. And outside of Region 10, in the entire territory of this country only 20 persons attended a candle light vigil in commemoration of the event. Let me end with a strong conviction that I will never ever change from. From colonial times through the present conjecture, that award of forty thousand dollars has to be one of the most callous and inhuman mistreatment of the State by its citizens. In today’s Guyana, you have to ask the question what will that family do with three million dollars. What future can that sum provide for them?
Tuesday July 30, 2013
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Internal Audit reveals rampant financial ...President ordered to pay irregularities within UGSS back more than $1million Following an internal audit of the University of Guyana Student Society (UGSS), several financial discrepancies have been uncovered. Some could see implicated UGSS members being denied their academic certifications if the financial state of affairs is not remedied. A Final Report of the Audit, dated July 10, 2013, sent to the student society states, “The Students’ Welfare Division would be advised to withhold the transcripts and certificates of the relevant students if they do not supply the required information and/or documents before the end of their tenure (end of academic year 2012/2013).” The audit was undertaken by the University’s Internal Audit Department and highlighted not only financial infractions on the part of elected President of the UGSS, Ganesh Mahipaul, but other members as well. Mahipaul, according to the report, had repaid a sum amounting to in excess of $1 million. The Report outlines that the UGSS at its Executive Council meeting of April 27, 2013 had identified the amount of $1,095,000 as
monies misappropriated by Mahipaul. An agreement was signed on May 14, 2013, between the UGSS Secretary, Adel Lily, and Mahipaul, indicating that the entire sum must be repaid by May 31, 2013. The inked agreement was witnessed by Assistant Registrar, Daniella King, and UG Internal Auditor, Quincy Bourne. It was outlined that on May 30, 2013, Mahipaul presented the Audit Department with a printout of the UGSS’ Republic Bank Limited bank account showing a deposit of the owed amount. A telephone call to the bank on June 11, 2013, confirmed that the said amount was deposited from the Anna Regina branch. However, according to the Audit Report, the contract of May 14, 2013, also provided for the repayment of additional sums which were determined by the audit process. As such it was observed that Mahipaul is required to pay an additional $125,720 and perhaps a further 265,000 depending on the submission of receipts and return of computer equipment. Mahipaul had reportedly removed the equipment and is therefore required to return same “in no less favourable state as
The suspended UGSS President, Ganesh Mahipaul when removed from the UGSS office,” states the Report. In light of the discovery that Mahipaul has “grossly misconducted” himself as a member of the student society and as president, the UGSS Executive Council in a correspondence dated June 24, 2013, revealed that a No Confidence Motion was moved against him. The missive, which was seen by this publication, states, “In accordance with
High court trial for Herstelling murder accused Ramsahoi Boodhoo, called ‘Baijie’ 43, of Lot 40 Herstelling Public Road, East Bank Demerara will face a Supreme Court Judge at the next sitting of the Demerara Criminal Assizes for the 2011 Murder of Eon Daniels. On Friday, Providence Magistrate Leron Daly ruled that there was sufficient evidence against Boodhoo for him to appear before a judge and jury at the high court. According to court documents, Boodhoo was engaged in a brawl with Daniels over a $500 cocaine
debt on May 8, 2011. The brawl ended brutally around 01:00 hr that day, with Daniels a drug addict, also from Herstelling, being knifed to death by Boodhoo whom he had allegedly owed. On the day in question, the two men were in front of a Hassan Street residence, where a birthday party was in progress, when the man again confronted Daniels. A fight then ensued. An eyewitness said that both men appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. He recalled that one of them was armed with a knife
while the other was brandishing a ‘pot-spoon’. Daniels, of Hassan Street, was reportedly slashed in the stomach while fighting on the roadway. He died about an hour later at the East Bank Demerara Regional Hospital (Diamond Diagnostic Center). His alleged killer fled the scene but was captured while hiding in the bushes in an area known as the Herstelling sea dam. On Friday, Magistrate Leron Daly found that the prosecution had proven its case beyond reasonable doubt, hence Boodhoo’s committal.
the constitutional provision of Article 20:ix, the Executive Council has passed a resolution via a unanimous vote of no confidence against you from further performing duties as president of UGSS by suspending you for the remaining part of the second semester of the academic year 2012/2013.” But Mahipaul is not the only UGSS member who has been implicated in the troubling financial affair. The report names the Secretary, Adel Lily, and Treasurer as the other financially culpable member. The three together are responsible for a total of $197,790, with Lily being solely liable for $97,790 of that amount. It was pointed out that the amount is seen as outstanding since they represent payments that require further information and/or documents in order to properly classify them.
The Report also drew reference to a number of other financial activities including “failed fundraisers” which were not properly accounted for. Alluding to the UGSS’ compliance, or rather the lack thereof, with its Constitution, the Report states that it was brought to the attention of the Audit Department that while a budget was submitted to the University’s Board of Governors or Finance and General Purpose (F&GP) Committee, it was not clear from the UGSS minutes whether the budget was approved by its Executive Council. Further, it was highlighted that since the Audit Department is not in possession of such a budget it was unclear whether an approved budget was submitted to the F&GP committee in accordance with Section 38(i)–(iv) of the UGSS Constitution. “Given the uncertainty of
the submission of an approved budget and the non-receipt of a copy by this office (Audit Department), it could not be determined whether actual expenses incurred, inter alia, were in accordance with the budget as prescribed by Section 38(v),” states the Report. Moreover, it was pointed out that preparation and adherence to the approved budget is a critical financial management tool which the UGSS must strive to properly utilise. The Audit examination spans the period October 2012 through April 2013. A point of emphasis in the Report is that the remaining or outstanding matters need to be addressed urgently by the relevant students. It was emphasised, too, that the resolution or results of these matters will be fully addressed during the final audit after the end of the current academic year.
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Kaieteur News
Tuesday July 30, 2013
Corrupt practices exposed at the Deeds Registry The Deeds Registry which is responsible for maintaining public records and documents pertaining to real estate deeds, including Transports, Powers of Attorney, Bills of Sale and all conveyance in respect or in relation to the sale of properties owned by Transport, is currently under serious micro management by the Registrar of Deeds, Azeena Baksh and the Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall. They are both determined to stamp out corruption within their agency. The Attorney General
- Employees caught giving bogus Transport documents stated that he has also instructed that every irregular act which appears suspicious must be immediately reported to the police irrespective of who is involved. He added, “I have spoken with the relevant officers of the Guyana Police Force and I have requested that every allegation of corruption from the Registry be thoroughly investigated and charges be instituted as quickly as possible where there is a basis for so doing.
“Over the last year and a half, several matters of corrupt practices were reported to the police. I will not relent until everyone understands that corruption will not be tolerated.” Moreover, the Registrar related one of the cases where corrupt practices were met with serious disciplinary and legal action after two employees were caught in the act of producing bogus Transport documents. The situation developed
after the death of Stanley Collymore who was the sole owner of two properties, Lots 197 & 198 Camp Street which are both vast in length and width. Collymore fathered four. Unfortunately, before he passed away, he failed to prepare a Will and as such the court had no choice but to allocate parts of the land evenly among his four children. Anthony and Vanessa Collymore were
subsequently deemed the administrators of the estate by the order of the court. Anthony Collymore, who was granted the eastern portion of 197 which had two buildings on it, sold his portion to Fiona Devonshire who subsequently sold her property and that, according to the Registrar, “is by the book, correct.” However, Baksh said that one of the beneficiaries under the estate told her that after she was literally begging
Anthony for the Transport to her property, he instructed her to go to the Registry for the documents. The woman went to the Registry and received the Transport but what was odd was that a businessman approached her about the property and he was in possession of a Transport as well. The Registrar indicated that they had no records of these two Transports; even the receipts issued to him were forged since there is no record of them. She said, “When we were made aware of this, the Attorney General was contacted and he advised that the police be called immediately. A sting operation was set up and two of my staff members were caught in the act of delivering a Transport.” Whilst detectives are still on the hunt for Collymore, the two young men await the charges to be laid against them and are currently reporting to the station. They have been sent home by the orders of the Registrar. She said that she is sympathetic with the businessman who paid “so much money and was not aware that he was in possession of a forged document.” Baksh also cited another instance of corrupt practices within the registry. In this instance, the matter involves a fraud involving a Lamaha Gardens property where someone purported to be the owner of the property and subsequently sold the building. Baksh said, “One of my staff was going through the Transport documents to verify the signatures etc. She then noticed that the owner issued a Power of Attorney in 1984 but his handwriting in other documents was different. What we were basically looking at was the signature on the affidavit and that on the Power of Attorney. Even at this stage, I said give the person the benefit of the doubt because one’s penmanship can change over the years. We then told the purchaser of the property to tell the vendor to come in with his passport because we just needed him to sign a document. The vendor turns up and we took his passport. Immigration was contacted to verify his particulars but they told us that it was a woman’s passport. He was subsequently arrested.” The Registrar said that this is a situation that has become too rampant. “We are (continued on page 24)
Tuesday July 30, 2013
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Tuesday July 30, 2013
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Cops release wounded man linked Who was the Mandela to Fuzzy’s General store murder Mandela Shooting…
Avenue shooter?
As investigations continue into Friday’s shooting on Mandela Avenue which left a West Ruimveldt man dead, questions are still unanswered as to who fired the fatal shot. A source close to the investigation said that the minibus driver who is local singer is currently in police custody assisting with further investigations. However, when asked if the weapon used in the murder was recovered from the scene the source said that according to investigators a weapon was recovered but it is unclear who fired the fatal shot. When asked about the description of the gun, the source declined to identify the weapon used. The source added that the investigators are still trying to ascertain who was the shooter involved in Friday’s incident. The questions still unanswered by the police are what was the officer doing in the motor car at the scene of the shooting? Why is it that he alone as a police was in the presence of five other men armed with cutlasses? What led the force to believe that the injured young man discharged a firearm and the whereabouts of the officer involved. These questions when asked to a number of officials of the Guyana Police Force were all declined. A source said that the police officer involved in the shooting is attached the Criminal Investigations Department (CID). It is unclear if the incident was of an undercover nature. Meanwhile, another eyewitness who was in a car
behind the vehicle which stopped the minibus on Mandela Avenue said that he heard the sound a man shouting ‘pull over’! “He said ‘police’ and ordered the bus driver to pull over but the bus man try to drive away and people in the bus start shout and tell he pull over,” the eyewitness said. He added that a few minutes later the car took a daring turn and overtook the vehicle; where after he heard three gun shots. “It was mass confusion people run in front of traffic all kinda thing to get away from the gunfire,” the man said. He added that about four men armed with cutlasses quickly fled the scene while two men were on the ground; one of them, he said, was already dead. An associate of the minibus driver told Kaieteur News that the now dead man had threatened to “dun he dance” earlier in the day of the shooting. “I been in town the day and this youth man come up to Rasta man and tell he ah gun done yuh dance and the two had an argument,” the eyewitness said. The eyewitness added that after the confrontation, the man then left the Stabroek Market area and fled in a motorcar. “I left shock because this man come up to Rasta man in a sudden rage so I asked him if he alright but he didn’t say nothing”, the man said. He added that later in the afternoon, “Rasta man” was seen on his phone on a number of occasions. The associate said that based on reports he received, the two
men had an altercation over a broken rear view mirror which was supposed to be repaired by the bus driver. “I hear them man said he had an accident earlier in the day with the man and bruck off the man mirror and drive away so the men them come looking for he”, the eyewitness said. On the other hand, a relative of Lloyd Britton who remains under close arrest in the High Dependency Unit (HDU) of the Georgetown Public Hospital said that the 20 year-old is recovering well but still complains about pains in the wounded area of his body. Kaieteur News understands that the police constable who was in the car alleged that a passenger in the front seat of the bus shot Fernandes and that he then shot the passenger, identified as Lloyd Britton. H o w e v e r, B r i t t o n i s alleging that he was unarmed when the rank shot him. The shooting occurred shortly after a minor accident which involved the two vehicles. According to reports, a police patrol had advised the men to report the accident. However, the owner of the car, accompanied by Fernandes and a police rank, reportedly went in search of the bus driver and eventually caught up with them on Mandela Avenue. It is alleged that the owner of the vehicle, who was armed with a cutlass, attempted to attack the driver while Fernandes attacked the conductor and was subsequently shot.
After linking him to the botched heist at Fuzzy’s General Store in which customer Heron Dennis was killed, police have released wounded robbery suspect Dwayne Simon from custody. A police spokesperson told Kaieteur News yesterday that 29-year-old Simon has been released on station bail and that investigations are continuing. There have been conflicting reports as to how Dennis and Simon were shot during the July 15 robbery attempt. Police had stated that Simon was accidentally wounded when he and two other men held Dennis and two other customers at gunpoint in the Arapaima Street, Guyhoc Gardens store. A police release had stated that Simon, of Mc Doom, East Bank Demerara, and two other men, one of whom had a firearm, held up Heron Dennis and two other customers in the store. Police had stated that the customers retaliated and
consider the financing for the project below a competitive margin of 4.75 per cent... If same project would have to be financed based on local sponsors and no Certified Emission Reduction revenue, the MLBs would not have agreed on such terms given the risk profile of the country and local sponsors.” 8) Longevity - the power generating equipment of the Pakistan project is expected to last for 30 years. Amaila’s equipment on the other hand is expected to last 50 years, and if well maintained with proper major maintenance overhauls, 75 to 100 years. Obviously, longer lasting equipment will command a premium. Aside from taking into
consideration the facts specific to the two projects, the Opposition members failed to, purposely or not, reveal to their audience the large difference in the settings in which these two projects are being developed. Pakistan currently has 21 hydropower plants that are providing energy to its national grid. As a result, Pakistan has extensive experience in building and operating hydros, giving that country certain advantages, such as in-country expertise, ongoing relationships with hydro developers, etc. In 2011, Pakistan had a total hydro installed capacity of 6,720 MW. Guyana on the other hand
Dwayne Simon
began throwing missiles at the perpetrators, whereupon the armed man began discharging rounds indiscriminately, shooting 36year-old Dennis in the neck, while wounding Dwayne Simon in his back and right foot. The release had stated that Simon’s accomplices managed to escape, while Simon was hospitalized under guard. But Kaieteur News
understands that police also received reports that Dennis was accidentally shot when someone in the shop opened fire at the bandits. The injured Simon had told Kaieteur News that he had gone to the shop to but a phone card and was shot by one of three men who were fleeing the scene. Simon, an ex-soldier, was charged in December 2009 with armed robbery.
Justice for 2012 Boxing Day robbery victim Relatives of a 56-year-old female shopkeeper from Kuru Kuru, Soesdyke/Linden Highway, are breathing sighs of relief given that the man who attacked and robbed her has been jailed for three years. On Friday last, Magistrate Leron Daly of the Providence Magistrate’s court sentenced Rennes Gordon to three years for the December 26, 2012 robbery with violence charge. The victim was Eileen Gibson. During the trial, Police prosecutor Sergeant Shellon Daniels called several
Pakistan’s Hydro Project cannot be ... From page 6 run-of-river project, it has a small reservoir—56 hectares vs. Amaila’s reservoir of 2,330 hectares—a metric that clearly shows the complete difference in hydro-dam type of the two projects and why they should not be compared. We will not try to estimate the increased cost for clearing the larger reservoir, although this is obviously a factor for the cost comparison 7) The Pakistan project benefits from concessional financing. According to the aforementioned UNFCC project design document, “the fact that the financing for such huge projects in Pakistan is difficult is evident as the multilateral banks (MLBs) are willing to
Heron Dennis
is in the process of developing its first hydro. This is the first time Guyana is able to tap its large water resource to deliver power to its citizens. However, the Opposition seems to be pulling out all stops to try to prevent this, even if it means distorting the facts and telling the public that they should continue to wait for hydropower by presenting false comparisons. It is terribly ironic that the Opposition is making a case for the Guyanese public to wait for hydro by presenting a misleading comparison to a hydro in Pakistan, a country which has had over 100 MW of installed hydro capacity since 1958. The public cannot fall for that.
witnesses to the stand including the victim’s son in law, who lives close by. Gibson’s relatives had afterward appealed for justice in the wake of the attack because the woman lives alone and her attacker was likely to strike again. Gordon had pretended to be a customer, before he robbed the woman and fled the scene with $14,000. During the attack, the shopkeeper was knocked into a semi-conscious state. According to reports, the accused had lured Gibson out of her shop while pretending that he wanted an item from a glass case. After knocking the woman out, Gordon subsequently, entered the shop and emptied the drawers of all the money. The shopkeeper pretended to be
dead after the robber struck her. Relatives had reported that after the woman pretended to be dead, the man picked up her body and placed it on his shoulder and was heading to the gate behind the house to dump the body. But on the way, the woman pretended that she did not know what happened and decided to say thanks to the man for picking her up when she fell down…the man replied: ‘right now I confused.” The man then put Gibson down, and she then fled into the shop, bolted the doors and screamed for help. This prompted neighbours to come out but by then the thief had fled. When captured by the police the suspect claimed that Gibson had collapsed near her shop and that he had placed the woman in a chair.
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Tuesday July 30, 2013
Tuesday July 30, 2013
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Kerry seeks ‘reasonable compromises’ in Israeli-Palestinian talks (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called yesterday for Israel and the Palestinians to make “reasonable compromises” for peace as he prepared to preside over their first direct negotiations in nearly three years. “It is no secret this is a difficult process. If it were easy, it would have happened a long time ago,” Kerry said with his newly named envoy for Israeli-Palestinian peace, former U.S. ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk, at his side. “Many difficult choices lie ahead for the negotiators and for the leaders as we seek reasonable compromises on tough, complicated, emotional, and symbolic issues,” Kerry added. In a sign of the challenges, the parties differed in public about the agenda for the talks, with an Israeli official saying all issues would be discussed simultaneously and a Palestinian official saying they would start with borders and security.
The United States is seeking to broker an agreement on a “two-state solution” in which Israel would exist peacefully alongside a new Palestinian state created in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, lands occupied by the Israelis since a 1967 war. The major issues that need to be resolved to bring an end to more than six decades of conflict include borders, the future of Jewish settlements on the West Bank, the fate of Palestinian refugees and the status of Jerusalem. The resumption of peace talks is an achievement for Kerry, who made six trips to the region in the past four months to coax the two sides to the table. Many analysts are skeptical about the chances of reaching a peace deal, in part because of internal divisions among the Palestinians and the Israelis. The talks, slated to last nine months, were set to begin at the State Department over an iftar dinner - the evening
meal at which Muslims break their daily Ramadan fast - at 8 p.m. yesterday, U.S. officials said. They are due to continue today, when Kerry is expected to make an announcement on the next steps. In a statement, President Barack Obama urged both sides to negotiate in good faith and said “the United States stands ready to support them throughout these negotiations.” The talks will be conducted by senior aides to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - Israel’s Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Yitzhak Molcho - and to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas represented by Saeb Erekat and Mohammed Ishtyeh. ‘MISSION IMPOSSIBLE’ Even Indyk, who has previously served as the top U.S. diplomat for the Middle East and twice as U.S. ambassador to Israel, noted that when Kerry began his efforts this year almost no one thought he would succeed in
Two Swiss trains collide, 35 injured, driver feared dead
Rescue workers are seen at the site of a head-on collision between two trains near Granges-pres-Marnand, near Payerne in western Switzerland. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse (Reuters) - Two trains collided head-on in Switzerland yesterday evening, injuring about 35 people, five seriously, police said. The driver of one of the trains was still unaccounted for and thought to be inside the wreckage, at Granges-prèsMarnand in the canton of Vaud, police spokesman Jean-Christophe Sauterel
said. “These are regional trains. The speeds are a little lower and even if one deeply regrets the likely loss of life of one person as well as five serious injuries, the situation could have been much more catastrophic,” Sauterel said. He said it was too early to try to ascertain the cause of the crash. One of the injured was
taken by helicopter to Lausanne. Others were treated on the spot by paramedics or taken to hospital by ambulance. About 40 people were on the two trains, one of which was heading to Lausanne, the other was going to Payerne. Seventy-nine people were killed in a train crash in Spain last week, one of the worst in decades.
reviving the negotiations. “You took up the challenge when most people thought you were on a mission impossible,” Indyk said. Abbas and Netanyahu may have enormous difficulty convincing their own people to accept the compromises needed for peace, Middle East expert Rob Danin of the Council on Foreign Relations think tank wrote on Monday. He added that “both sides will be negotiating, not only with each other across a table, but also with their own people back home.” Resuming talks is unpopular among Abbas’s supporters in his Fatah movement and the umbrella Palestine Liberation Organization, he said, let alone with the Islamist Hamas group that rules the Gaza Strip and has condemned the effort. “Netanyahu’s domestic situation is also difficult,” Danin added, saying some of his coalition partners oppose the creation of a Palestinian state and he may have to
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) greets Martin Indyk at the State Department in Washington. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas follow some of his predecessors in leaving the Likud party in order to make concessions. Indyk is a veteran of U.S. efforts to resolve the conflict. He was a senior official in former President Bill Clinton’s administration, which oversaw a failed summit in 2000 after which violence erupted in Israel and the Palestinian territories. The last direct negotiations collapsed in late 2010 over Israel’s construction of Jewish
settlements on occupied land it seized in a 1967 Middle East war. Previous attempts to resolve the conflict have sought to tackle easier disputes first and defer the most emotional ones like the fate of Jerusalem and Palestinian refugees. This time, “all of the issues that are at the core of a permanent accord will be negotiated simultaneously,” Silvan Shalom, a member of Netanyahu’s cabinet and rightist Likud party, told Israel’s Army Radio.
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Kaieteur News
VACANCY Office Assistant @ EcclesCall:233-2546 One Upholster & two JoinersCall:219-1342/610-7005 WANTED Live In Live Out Babysitter Domestic - Call: 225-6070 Wallaba Round Posts Makers- Call: 683-2575/ 218-3399 Office Clerk: CXC English/ Mathematics- Call:225-0188/ 225-6070 Urgently wanted one large yard space to do mechanic work- Call:639-3134 One live-in domestic. Call 617-1679 Two Experience carpenter/ masonry: One Welder Fabricator-Contact the Office @ 265-3586 Four experienced Welder/ Fabricator- Call:676-7226/ 613-7006
WANTED 2 Cooks needed to work in Trinidad- Call:621-9828 or 698-8367 1 Family to work on Farm in Trinidad- Call:621-9828 or 698-8367
24 Hour East Coast Guyoil needs night pump attendants, salesgirl & office assistantCall:688-9611/684-2838 Refrigeration, A/C Technician. Call 231-0655/ 683-8734
Live in Maid/ Domestic, must know to cook: Age 25-40 years- Call:671-9715
Male & Female Sales manager & drivers @ #7 Bakery, W.C.B. Call 3302399/623-5920
Wanted two male wash bay attendants 18-25 years to work in GeorgetownCall:227-5169
Drivers for (Corentyne) & 1 Accountant (Rosignal), RA Soda Factory. Call 330-2399/ 623-5920
Maid & Internet WorkerCall:231-8421/223-9725
1 Apprentice Mechanic for Bedford lorries: Living accommodation providedCall:228-5655/628-1756
Able bodied Male to work in Water store located in G/TCall: 678-1234
One experienced shop assistant to work in InteriorCall: 666-6836
Minibus driver for contract, living in Georgetown- Please Call:675-3093
Domestic & Handyman to clean yard. Call 227-5500/ 227-2027
City Taxi Service: Contract Cars Needed- Call:6601100
One Handy Boy to work around yard in InteriorCall:666-6836
Dispatchers and one cleanerCall:644-2819 (Between the hours of 8:00am-4:00pm)
Live in waitress; must be honest & courteous. $50,000 monthly, accommodation free. Tel 610-5043
1 Gas Asselstine welder: No Equipment needed: Living accommodation free call:628-1756/228-5655
Sewing machine operators with factory experience. Call 626-2629.
Live in waitress to work at a bar- Call:672-5860/604-6832
New 2 bedrooms Cottage at 11th street Paradise: $40,000 per month- Call:614-1723
1 Nail Technician and 3 Barbers: Address: 1 Smyth & Durban St, Werk-en-Rust: Call: 674-8555
Fully furnished Vacation home with all amenitiesCall during working hours227-1218
Night & day Jet men and cook needed- Call:684-6356 (11:00am to 1:00pm and 4:00pm to 6:00pm)
Diamond $35,000-$40,000; Kitty $65,000; Bel-Air US$750; Brickdam US$5000. Call Diana @ 227-2256/6269382
Attractive live in waitress. Call 327-0252/674-4665
One experienced Carpenter/ Mason to work at New Hope, E.B.D- Call:266-2711/6094594
One general worker (House Keeping) Shift system and one handyboy at Land of Canaan, E.B.D- Call:266-5243-5
One live-in or live out maidcall:668-3985/264-3355/6837936
TO LET Fully furnished short term apartments @ Eccles call: 679-7139 Pelican Inn Hotel Restaurant & Bar: Self-contained rooms with A/C, 49 Hadfield Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. Call 592-231-6322 Furnished two bedrooms apartment in Linden for short term local & overseas guestsCall:444-4704/614-4415 Harmonie Inn: Apartments fully furnished, airconditioned apartments: $5000 per night- Call:6680306/602-8769/694-7817
Furnished executive one or two bedrooms suite in Diamond. Ideal for foreigners. Call 609-2466
Bartenders, waitress at least 2 years experience and food handlers certificate: Security with reference & police clearance- Call:616-2902
MASSAGE LEARN TO DRIVE Soman & Sons Driving School , First Federation Building Call 225-4858, 6445166,622-2872,615-0964
Eddie’s Auto Parts: Just arrive Japanese used partsCall:227-2835
2007 R1 MotorcycleCall:623-4045/689-4864
Zack’s Lumber Yard Georgetown: Millcut form board $115 per BM, Softwood & H/wood $180 per BM- Call:687-5361/674-0013
500 Ton Cargo Ship with Contract- call: 687-6174
Tibetan Pups for sale 6 weeks- Call:645-1208
Spare for washing machine, microwaves, fridges, stoves, timers, gearbox, pumps, etc call: 225-9032, 647-2943
Pure Breed Pitbull Pups for sale- Contact Johnny @ tele: 628-9884
1 Cummins diesel nt-285HP & 1 Rolls Royce Perkins 330HP- Call:654-6167 Empty Fuel Drums. Contact Nicky @ 226-7948/697-9610 or 646-6000
Uni-float Pontoon 56’×21’, 27 Pieces. Interested persons please contact 667-2934 1 Pontoon, dimension 200×50×12, 1-500 Ton cargo vessel haul both as is where is- Call:623-4045/689-4864 1- 215 BLC Excavator, 1 German double steel wheel roller, 1 low bed (hauler & trailer)- call:681-2995/6471615 853 Bobcat & Massey Ferguson Tractor: Reasonably Priced, No time wasters. Call 442-4325/667-5292
American Style massage services- Call:678-7499 The Gent’s Spa: Let beautiful sophisticated masseuse pamper you: New masseuse available- Call:657-5979
1-2007 Honda Rincon 680cc 4×4 in excellent condition. 11- Lengths of 6"×50’ canvas fire hose- Call:654-6167 Ducklings- Call:617-9300 1 Honda Fit with Rims, Spoiler, Kit, PMM 4223 series: Immaculate condition $1,600,000 Neg. Sofa SetCall:618-5140
Order Now!! Any parts for Timberjack/ Clarke Ranger Skidder, Rubber track for mini excavator etc. Call:613-6795
House Plans, estimates and construction- Contact T.Boodhoo 625-9883 / 675-9296
One used Caterpillar forklift & two 3500 watt Hundai generator- Call:613-6795/2655921 2 RCF 18 inch speaker, 2 solar panel & 1- 1,5000 watts Generic Generator- Call:6239679/624-6531 Pitbull Pups for saleCall:223-9497
Makita Jackhammer (brand new)- call:653-1822
Wall dividers, Cabinets, Sofas, Beds & WardrobeCall:219-3732 (After 5pm)
Dell laptops & desktops complete computers from $55,000 Futuretech call: 231-2206 Pure Rottweiler Pups. Call 220-6879 One complete Snapper Boat. Any reasonable offer considered. Call 611-9297
Timber Harvester Sawmill just arrived from U.S.A with setter, sharpener and extended frame- Call:2612553/625-4393 Potted Plants, antiques and brass-Call:673-5882 Mix breed pups, Rottweiler and German Shepherd: Both male and female- Call:222-0410
SERVICES Permanent & Visitors Visa Applications, Professional Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building Call:225-6496,6626045,223-8115 Repairs, sales & spares air conditioning, m i c r o w a v e s , washer, fridges & stoves. Ultra Cool. Call: 225-9032, 647-2943
1 CAT Engine 3164 & 1 JCB Back Hoe: Needs transmission onlyContact:691-1161/ 670-7235
1- 20HP Mercury outboard engine. Call: 651-4699 or 686-0895
CAKES & PASTRIES Courses for: Bridal accessories, Cake decoration, Floral arrangements, Cake & Pastry-contact Sharon:6728768/223-3303/612-4193
1 Apple desktop computer, 1 Epson printer, 1 Whirpool Dryer & 1 baby swing. Call 662-6045
2 Perkins 6 cylinders engines: Offers in the region of $650,000 each consideredCall Stephen 666-3080
1 live in domestic from the interior- Call:644-8290 Wanted to work in New Salon: Barbers, Hairdressers, Nail Technicians & Tattoo Artist- Contact:644-5362
1- 48’ Fishing Boat- Call:6120200/ 602-6477
General domestic, must be able to cook: Age 25-45 yearsCall:226-1877/641-3687
Experienced Drivers & Contract Cars needed for taxi service. Call 699-1522
Asphalt Roofing Shingles, pig feed, duck feed & shrimp meal- Call:266-2711/609-4594
Bond Supervisor (over 35yrs) & Data Entry Clerk (over 25yrs) @ Survival Shopping Complex 173 Sheriff St. Call:227-5286-90
One female/ male to sell Ice Cream Cones. Call 613-3091
Experienced Roti/Puri cooks, Pastry Makers, Curry Cooks, Cleaners & Handy boy. Apply@ Hack’s Halaal, 5 Commerce St.
Tuesday July 30, 2013
We repair fridge, freezer, AC, washer, dryer. Call:2310655, 683-8734 Omar Repairs to Fridge, Freezer, AC, Washers, Stoves: Call 683-1312,627-3206 (Nick) ONLINE SHOPPING ZERO COMMISSION, WEEKLY SHIPMENTS,AFFORDABLE RATES, FREE PRIVATE MAILBOX.CALL: 2315789, 225-9030 WE FILL OUT VISA FORMS:USA, UK & CANADA & CREDIT CARD SERVICES CALL: 231-5789
SONY PLAYSTATION (250GB) + 2 games. Also gamediscs for PS2, PS3, XBox360- Call:609-8132/6728569 (Max) 150KW Genset, 12" Moulder, 7 Head Moulder, Resaw & Crosscut Saw- Call:616-5595 Electric Snow Cone machines- Call:266-2711/6094594 S & N Mining Inc. Large Quantity Of Virgin Mining Mercury: Best In Guyana: $14,500LB, Wholesale Negotiable- Contact Carol: 649-8505 DRESSMAKING Classes in Designing and Sewing. Call Sharmela (Canadian-Trained) @ 6410784/626-2629 FOR SALE/RENT American Pool TableCall:277-0578
EDUCATIONAL Advance Diploma in Computer Technology for students completed CSEC 2013. Register now @ MicroGraphics Technology, Vreed-En-Hoop. Call 2643057 Summer Computer Classes. Ages 5-13, starting at $6,500 and up @ MicroGraphics Technology, Vreed-EnHoop. Call 264-3057 Enroll now for certificate in nursing practices: Home nursing, Geriatric nursing child care- Call:692-2063/ 613-0803/685-9095 (Continued on page 27)
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Tuesday July 30, 2013
Tuesday July 30, 2013
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Two-week emancipation activities for COFONA Under the theme “From resistance to emancipation towards empowerment” the Council of Friends of New Amsterdam (COFONA) will be celebrating emancipation activities with the New Amsterdam 2013 Commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the 1763 Berbice Slave revolt and the 175 th anniversary of emancipation. President of COFONA, Dr. Leonard Lewis, said that during the two plus weeks of activities from July 28 to August, 11, 2013 there will be community service and empowerment speeches. There will be speeches on “Slavery’s Psychological Impact: Modern Day Manifestations” with panelists: Dr. Alvin Thompson; Ms. Esther Stanford-Xosei and Ms. Paulette Henry. He said the Ministry of Culture will be participating in the event in setting up exhibitions and displays at the New Amsterdam Multilateral School. Last Friday, the first 20 trees were planted by youths of the New Amsterdam Drum Corps. Two trees were planted in honour of two literary stalwarts of New Amsterdam, Edgar
Mittelholzer and Sir Wilson Harris. “The number of years between 1763 and 2013 (is 250) and so we will be planting one tree for each year…”250 years ago, the slaves in Canje and in the Berbice River revolted and that is what led us to today when we are free. We asked the youths to take part in this activity because we would like them to understand the significant part they have played in the past and roles they can play in the future.” Lewis noted. Some of COFONA events includes: On July 31 there will be a Panel Presentation which speaks of “Preserving and Promoting Afro-Guyanese Cultural Legacies,” On August 2, Mission Chapel Congregational Church Annual Concert; On August 3 a Symposium in Buxton “Emancipation Celebration in Buxton,” on August 5 a Panel Presentation under the theme “Education: Challenges of Educating for the 21st Century in Guyana” at the Berbice High School, on August 9 a Stage Production by Leon Saul of Berbice Uprising and Poems for Cuffy’s Children amongst other activities. Dr Lewis added that on August 4, the organisation
PM on Albouystown baby inconclusive mother released Police have released the Albouystown mother whose baby’s deposing remains were found behind her home last Tuesday. A police official said that a postmortem was performed yesterday but the cause of death was undetermined. The mother had reportedly stated that she was six months pregnant and that the baby was stillborn. She reportedly has eight other children and was not attending a clinic.
The baby’s decomposing remains were found last Tuesday night on a septic tank behind the woman’s Victoria Street, Albouystown home. Neighbours were alerted to the presence of the corpse after a dog dragged a rotting hand out of the septic tank. This newspaper was told that the mother made a report to the police after learning that residents had found the remains.
will be recognizing 250 groups and entities that have made an impact from 1763. He said this year is a special year for people of African descent and Guyanese as a whole. Some of the other activities include panel presentations on the rebellion, morning services, workshops and fun days. Several renowned persons have indicated their intention to attend. They include historian Alvin Thomas, as well as Dr. Vibert Cambridge, who will be writing a book about the history of music in Guyana. He will showcase the significance of music from New Amsterdam. Dr. Ewart Thomas from Stanford University will also host a series of discussions on education, anger management, domestic violence and substance abuse. There will be a medical outreach programme and a Day of Community Service involving the visiting foreigners and residents of New Amsterdam. The Council of Friends of New Amsterdam (COFONA) is a broad-based collaborative initiative that networks with individuals, associations, businesses and governmental agencies for the educational, social and economic development of New Amsterdam.
One bedroom apartment @ ‘B’ Field Sophia. Call 661-3801
Charlestown corner property with business potential $40M- Call:673-5882
1 Bedroom Howes Street, Charlestown: Very clean & grilled $30,000- call:226-2856/ 604-1788
1-Going Business Property at Bloomfield Public Road, Berbice. Tel 690-6520/642-0110
BUSINESS PROPERTY, suitable for supermarket, hardware store, restaurant etc. W.C.D public roadCall:609-8132/672-8569 Newly constructed apartments, with & without A/C; Parking & security available, LBI East Coast. Call 628-8008/603-0000 1 Business location ideal for Doctor’s Clinic/ Pharmacy/ any other business. Upper flat 3 bedrooms & 1 Taxi BaseCall:223-9727/673-0373
House lot for sale: Friendship EBD & drafting of house plans call:223-0733, 223-0730 CAR RENTAL Aidan’s Car Rental & PickupCall: 645-7981/ 698-7807 Progressive Auto Rental cars from $4000 per day. Call 643-5122, 225-8711; email www. progressive autorental. com
2- Acres cultivated, 2-1 Acres cultivated, 7 Acres cultivated, citrus, house, fish pond, storage at Parika. Call 226-7968 House lots 50’×118’ New Hope, E.B.D: Serious enquires only. No prices on phone- Call:266-2711/6094594
West Bank $18.5M; Diamond $40M; Campbellville $30M; Bel-Air $55M. Call Diana @ 227-2256/626-9382
1 Nissan Frontier 4×4 fully loaded, GPP series: Immaculate conditionContact:697-1849/227-4856
100ft×45ft 2-storey building located at Bourda Market area. Call 626-7765
Sale! Axio: TV, DVD $3.1M Neg: Pre-order Premio $2.5M Neg- Call: 655-3400 1 Leyland DAF 60 single axle & dump- Call:613-6615/ 216-1315 2 Ford F150: Price $4.5M & $3.5M- Call: 643-5249 / 2654979
Suriname Tours: August 1st4th, Shopping Dolphins Butterfly Gardens, Book early. Call 639-2663/644-0185/ 665-5171/227-8290 Suriname Carifesta S u m m e r To u r : A u g u s t 15th-20th & August 22nd27th; Casino & Site seeing; Book early. Call 639-2663/644-0185/6655171/227-8290 Santa Mission & Capoeylake 1st & 4th August- Call Joy 218-1285/ 649-9059/692-3114, Sean 657-0825
Now Offering Nail Course $10,000- Call:604-3002 Natural beauty salon & spa: Grove Market Street EBD tele:265-4138,652-5800 specialized in everything for women & children
1 Toyota Raum 2000 model, late PPP series $1.850MCall:626-9590 1 Toyota Land-cruiser Prado PMM series- call:225-0188/ 225-6070 1-F150 (Ford) in Excellent Condition, 1-AA 60 Carina. Tel 690-6520/642-0110 One Mitsubishi Canter, GRR-5201- 15ft tray. Call 254-0247/613-2150 Stanley’s Auto Sales: New models Raum $2,150,000; Spacio $2,350,000; Premio $2.6M: Unregistered: Call Now @ 264-2644 or 641-6516 Cheapest- Premio, Spacio, Hilux, Stick Gear Buses- Call: 616-7635 1 Toyota Harrier $3M: Excellent conditionCall:231-7831 205 Mercedes Benz C180 compressor: PPP series: Navy Blue- Call:613-5955
SALON Make Up Courses, Artist Trained & Certified in Trinidad. Call: 660-5257, 647-1773
2- 2007 Toyota Avensis. Call 698-0674 1 Hilux Surf: Excellent condition: Price $1.5 millionCall:697-1849
LAND FOR SALE At Blankenburg W.C.D: 50ft×350ft- Tel: 265-6019, 696-3505, 261-6501, 718-7571106, 718-629-5141
One three-bedroom house and land located at Better Success, Essequibo Coast. Call 268-2481
3 Bedrooms house to rent US$2200 per month: Located in Lamaha Gardens- Call:6165415
3 Acres land @ Parika Main Dam, Farm Land- Contact: 617-4837/650-0402
Premio, Vitz call: 679-7139
2 Storey concrete house at Charlotte St. next to Office of the President: Asking $32MCall:614-0335/626-0017
(From page 24)
One G-Touring Wagon: HB series. Call 674-8982 First Class Auto: Allion, Premio, Spacio, IST, Axio, 212, Fielder, Verossa & AllexCall:609-8188/602-6307 Unregistered Nissan Bluebird Sylphy: Fully loaded, 17" rims- Call:6929252 2003 Allion PRR series: Equip with alarm, HID, back up camera $2.5M- Call:667-0338
1 Toyota AT170, AT192, AT212, Ceres, Vitz, EP 71 Starlet, Hilux Pickup Solid DEF. Call 644-5096/697-1453 New Raum, Premio, Fielder, Alex and Vitz: Never registered- call:269-0432/ 686-0323 1 Enclosed Canter Truck for sale $650,00 Neg- Call:6760455 Raum 04, Nav $2.4M: Fielder Nav, SP $2.5M: Spacio 03 $2.4M- Call:609-8989/6165595 Axio Special- 2007, TV/DVD & Reverse Camera $2.950MCall:617-2891 Toyota Altezza, PNN, tiptronic. Call 622-0108
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Kaieteur News
Tuesday July 30, 2013
Call to repeal archaic laws Voter struck by AG’s security VIENNA – The Viennabased International Press Institute (IPI) yesterday appealed to Caribbean governments to follow through on commitments to repel archaic criminal defamation laws in their respective countries. Representatives from the IPI and the Association of Caribbean Media Workers (ACM), the region’s umbrella media organisation, visited five Caribbean countries in April. The three-week visit to
Antigua and Barbuda, Guyana, Suriname, the Dominican Republic, and Trinidad and Tobago allowed for discussions with representatives of government, law enforcement, media, and civil society as part of the campaign to decriminalize defamation in the Caribbean. “In four of the five countries that IPI visited, top government leaders expressed agreement that journalists should not face prison for doing their job and that criminal defamation laws do not belong in a modern democracy,” said IPI Executive Director Alison Bethel McKenzie. “While we would have liked a similarly concrete statement from the government
of Guyana, we are encouraged that officials there have decided to review the issue.” The IPI statement said that in Trinidad and Tobago, Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar at a news conference announced that a bill partially decriminalizing defamation would be sent to Parliament, while in the Dominican Republic, government announced plans to replace the country’s authoritarianera press law with a modern statute that would include the elimination of all prison sentences for defamation. The IPI statement said that Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer committed to repealing criminal defamation before the end of his current term.
vehicle near polling station 27,000 go to the polls in Chaguanas West by-election
Primnath Rampaul lies on the road after being struck by a vehicle
Attorney General Anand Ramlogan has confirmed that it was a member of his security detail that hit pedestrian, Premnath Rampaul, 56, near the Felicity Presbyterian School polling station in the midst of yesterday’s Chaguanas West by-election. Moments before the incident occurred, several Government ministers, including Ramlogan, Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal being driven by Chaguanas Mayor Orlando Nagessar and Food Production Minister Devant Maharaj were seen driving along Main Road, Felicity. The incident happened early yesterday. By noon, Independent Liberal Party (ILP) activist and broadcaster Inshan Ishmael had called a press conference to show video footage to refute Attorney General Anand Ramlogan’s allegation that he (Ishmael) was in pursuit of a vehicle that ran over the foot of the Chaguanas West voter. One of Ramlogan’s security vehicles- a Prado with registration plates 9879 ran over the man’s foot breaking his ankle - and the vehicle did not stop. Ishmael together with ILP attorney Anna Deonarine and ILP activist Sunil Ramjitsingh called a p r e s s c o n f e r e n c e a t the Bamboo offices of the Islamic Broadcasting Network (IBN) which Ishmael heads, to show video clips and voice their concerns of irregularities
in the election. Ishmael claimed that he was told that persons were attempting to influence and intimidate voters in the Chaguanas West constituency and that he went to the area to investigate. “I decided for myself to go and see what’s happening”, said Ishmael. Ishmael showed the media video clips which he filmed. In the second clip, she showed a Toyota Prado, which Ishmael said was a security detail vehicle of the Attorney General. “While filming and looking for more ministers I followed it (the Toyota Prado) into a back street. This maxi was in tow with the AG and his escorts,” said Ishmael. He said he was driving behind a white 15-seater bus, and the AG’s security vehicle was ahead of them. Ishmael said at one point the security detail vehicle stopped and a man approached his vehicle. “Out came a gentleman and he asked me why I am following them. I said I am with the media. I am behind the white maxi, not the AG’s escort”, said Ishmael. He said the man left and returned to his vehicle. They resumed driving and upon reaching Cacandee Road “all of a sudden lights went on in the vehicle and it started to speed up. Notice my distance. The AG’s vehicle left and gone”,
Ishamel said. “What the AG said it is 100 per cent lies and this clip proves that”, said Ishmael. Rampaul, 56, of Cacandee Road, was taken to the Chaguanas District Health Facility by paramedics who arrived on the scene together interim ILP leader Jack Warner. Warner told the media that he was too upset to say anything at the time and did not want to say anything he might regret but told the crowd that Rampaul’s blood “was shed by a Minister” “would not go unpaid”, whatever the outcome of the election. “Win lose or draw, come what may the blood this morning would not go unpaid. No Government should want to win that badly that you break the law to do it, that you lie to do it, that you injure to do it,” he said. Rampaul was treated at hospital and discharged, The Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) was expecting 27,045 voters to visit the 14 polling stations yesterday for the byelection. While the single seat is being contested by five groups, several political pundits say the battle is a one-on-one between the United National Congress (UNC), with candidate Khadijah Ameen, and the Independent Liberal Party (ILP), led by former UNC chairman and MP for the area, Jack Warner.
Tuesday July 30, 2013
MTV CHANNEL 14/ CABLE 65 05:30hrs - Dharma Kai Awaz: The Voice of Dharma 06:00hrs - Islamic Perspective 06:30hrs - News Update 07:00hrs - DAYBREAK 08:00hrs - Dabi’s musical 08:30hrs - Avon Video & DVD: Avatar 09:00hrs - BBC World News 09:15hrs - Top Notch Music Break 09:30hrs - Caribbean Temptation Music Mix 10:00hrs - Amanda’s music break 10:30hrs - Comfort Sleep Musical 11:00hrs - Teleview Ramadan 11:30hrs - CNN News 12:00hrs - Weekly Digest 12:30hrs - The Young and
Kaieteur News
The Restless 13:30hrs - Days of Our Lives 14:00hrs - General Hospital 15:00hrs - Katie Couric Show 16:00hrs - The Bold and The beautiful 16:30hrs - Cartoons 17:00hrs - Birthday & other greetings 17:15hrs - Death Announcements/ In Memoriam 17:30hrs - Sitcom 18:00hrs - Pulse Beat: Presentation of Ministry of Health 18:30hrs - Ma Ke Mahema 19:00hrs - Focus on GRA 19:30hrs - News Update 20:30hrs - DJ Stress Quiz 21:30hrs - El Dorado Shines 22:00hrs - English Movie: The Unbroken 23:00hrs - News update 23:30hrs - English Movie:
The Unbroken continues Sign Off DTV CHANNEL 8 08:25 hrs. Sign On 08:30 hrs. This Morning 09:00 hrs. Live! With Kelly and Michael 10:00 hrs. Roseanne 11:00 hrs. The View 12:00 hrs. Prime News 12:30 hrs. The Young and the Restless 13:30 hrs. The Bold and the Beautiful 14:00 hrs. The Talk 15:00 hrs. Criminal Minds 17:00 hrs. Charmed 18:00 hrs. World News 18:30 hrs. Nightly News 19:00 hrs. Greetings and Announcements 20:00 hrs. Alliance on the Move 21:00 hrs. DTV’s Summer Movie Fest 23:00 hrs. Sign Off
Tuesday July 30, 2013 ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 19): Although you may be a lot more comfortable with your public life, you need to spend more time on your private one. Family members and household responsibilities want more of your time and company. ************************************** TAURUS (APR 20 - MAY 20): It’s always been difficult you for you to venture out of your comfort zone, but try today. Let an older, more experienced person take you under their wing. ************************************** GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 20): Finances could be a little tight right now, which makes you tense. Rather than focusing on what you don’t have, concentrate on what you’ve got. ************************************** CANCER (JUN 21 - JUL 22): Don’t be so quick to trust somebody who appeals to your soft side. While this person may be persuasive, she also might be a little flaky, too. You’re better off relying on your own strengths today. ************************************** LEO (JUL 23 - AUG 22): The responsibilities of daily life are starting to weigh you down. You’ve got to find a little relief. Yoga, meditation, or nature walks will keep stress at bay. Work looks promising, but a job is no substitute for a fulfilling personal life. ************************************** VIRGO (AUG 23 - SEP 22): You’ve set ambitious goals, but you’re not sure if you can actually achieve them. In the past, you’ve chosen the safe path. Now you’re eager for a little adventure. Take this opportunity to go on a trip or retrain.
LIBRA (SEP 23 - OCT 22): Acquiring creature comforts has always been a big priority for you. Recently, though, you’ve noticed expensive purchases haven’t dulled that emotional ache inside. Fulfilling personal relationships can provide the contentment you seek. ************************************** SCORPIO (OCT 23 NOV 21): You may not have answers to questions that are being posed to you. This is incredibly embarrassing. Instead of getting defensive, admit your ignorance. Ask your employer to get you some training. ************************************** SAGITTARIUS (NOV 22 - DEC 21): As far as your sex life is concerned; it could be a lot better. You’ve always been a very physical person, and when you’re not able to act on your desires, you become irritable. ************************************** CAPRICORN (DEC 22 JAN 19): It feels as though you’re giving everything and getting nothing in return with a close relationship. Before you lash out at your partner, consider whether you’ve turned away from help in the past. ************************************** AQUARIUS (JAN 20 FEB 18): Resist the urge to isolate from colleagues, especially if a project becomes fraught with complications. It’s important to exercise teamwork skills now. ************************************** PISCES (FEB 19 - MAR 20): Friends are putting a lot of pressure on you, and you’re not responding favourably. If you need a little more space, just say so. There’s no need to get defensive.
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Christian Benitez: Former... From page 36 in El Jaish’s 2-0 win against Qatar Sports Club in the Sheikh Jassem Cup. His new club, who signed Benitez on 6 July, confirmed the news a few hours later. Their statement said: “The club would like to offer its sincere condolences to the family of the player. “Benitez had recently joined the club from Club America for three seasons. The player participated for the first time with the team during yesterday’s match against Qatar Sports Club in the Sheikh Jassem Cup without complaining of any health problems. “His sudden departure is a big shock for each member of the technical and administrative staff. He was a player that over the short period he was here was regarded for his high moral character.” Birmingham will mark the player ’s death ahead of Saturday’s Championship match against Watford at St Andrew’s. The club said: “The thoughts of all associated with the club are with Chucho’s family and friends at this very sad time. “The Ecuador international was an immensely popular character during his time at the club.” Former Republic of Ireland midfielder Lee Carsley, who was a team-mate of
Benitez at Birmingham, told BBC Sport: “It’s devastating news for his family and I’m sure Birmingham City will want to pay their respects. “I remember he had outstanding ability, was very quick and was a bit of a free spirit. “He had a big personality and he burst on to the scene when he came on at Old Trafford [as a substitute against Manchester United in August 2009] and caused lots of problems. His ability and goalscoring ability - was there to see. “But he didn’t really fulfil his potential at Birmingham it was difficult because of the way Birmingham played. “He was a popular player in the changing room, he got a
grasp of the Brummie accent quite quickly and he was popular with everyone. It is sad to lose anyone like this.” Benitez’s former Birmingham team-mate Craig Gardner, now at Sunderland, tweeted: “Cannot believe Christian Benitez has died. “I had the pleasure to play with him. He was a top bloke. My thoughts go out to his family.” Benitez scored four goals in 36 appearances during his time in England and came to prominence during the 2006 World Cup in Germany. The son of Ermen Benitez, one of Ecuador’s all-time leading goalscorers, Benitez left Santos Laguna for Club America, another Mexican side, in 2011.
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Tuesday July 30, 2013
Tuesday July 30, 2013
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CALEDONIA AIA ON = = = Letter to the Sports Editor = = = TOUR OF COLOMBIA Phantom DCB continues to - preparing for CONCACAF Champions League
Caledonia in Colombia Bogota, Colombia Morvant/Laventille based TT Pro-League side Caledonia AIA is heightening preparations for their 2013-14 CONCACAF Champions League. With Caledonia AIA facing Mexican giants Deportivo Toluca FC in the opening game of the 2013/14 CONCACAF Champions League, the Morvant/ Laventille based football club headed to Colombia in preparation for the high Altitude expected in the Central American Country. The contingent led by cofounder and Technical
Director Jamaal Shabazz, will over the next ten days, prepare with rigorous training and adjusting to the altitude since the Eastern Stallions made it clear that they are not just participating. Twenty-four clubs drawn from within the CONCACAF Region will compete; they have been placed into eight groups comprising three teams each. Goal Keepers: Glenroy Samuel, Shemel Louison Defenders: Kareem Joseph, Nuru Muhammad, Akeem Thomas, Aubrey David, Nical Stephens, Jamaal
Smith, Keiron Mathews, Marcus Ambrose Midfield: Akim Amstrong, Densill Theobald, Stephan David, Nathen Lewis, Abdalla Phillips, Aaron Lester, Kevon Bettelmy, Noel Williams, Miguel Romero Forwards: Jamal Gay, Andre Tousaint, Keyon Edwards, Jullian Wade Jr. Staff: Jamaal Shabazz – Manager/Head Coach, Jerry Moe – Asst Coach/Trainer, Rajeesh Latchoo – Assistant Coach, Steve Federick – Goalkeeper Coach, Donna Marie Wicham – Physio Jimmy Roach – Equipment Manager
Virgin “all aboard” with the Caribbean Premier League! CPL - Organisers of the Limacol Caribbean Premier League (LCPL) T20 Tournament are pleased to announce Virgin as a tournament partner for the inaugural event as well as a founding team sponsor for the Antigua Hawksbills franchise team. Virgin, together with Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Holidays and Virgin Media will support the competition which starts in just a few days on 30 July 2013. The partnership covers the league’s six competing franchises as well as making Virgin Atlantic the official airline of the LCPL. Virgin’s efforts will also be very focused on the Antigua Hawksbills, coached by West Indies cricket legend Sir Vivian Richards, and offering a host of competitions and prizes to help raise the excitement level even further. Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group said: “With cricket fever in full swing, I am delighted to announce Virgin as an official
partner of the Antigua Hawksbills in this year’s new Limacol Caribbean Premier League. Twenty20 cricket is always an exciting competition – but in the Caribbean it will surely be the greatest party in sport.( I’m looking forward to heading over to Antigua to watch the game against the Barbados Tridents on 13th August. It will be a great opportunity to catch up with Sir Viv and it will be one of the last chances to see the great Ricky Ponting bat, alongside some top West Indies talents like Marlon Samuels and Kieron Powell. The carnival atmosphere in the stadium has to be seen to be believed and we are planning a few special Virgin touches to ensure the party goes on long into the night, long after the game is over.” CEO of the Limacol Caribbean Premier League Damien O’Donohoe added: “We are thrilled that Sir Richard and the team at Virgin are going to be involved with the League and Antigua Hawksbills this year. We have
always said LCPL would be the party everyone wants to be at as we look to create a unique Caribbean experience both on and off the pitch. Virgin will add significantly to that experience and we are excited about the impact our partnership will have for LCPL across the world.” Ajmal Khan, Chairman of Verus International and founder of the LCPL agreed. “This is further good news for the League as it prepares for the first match on 30th July. It is fantastic to have Virgin involved. It is a great endorsement in terms of what we have created with LCPL and no one understands marketing better than Virgin, so we are delighted to be working with all the group companies in delivering some novel and creative ideas that will benefit the local fans and players.” LCPL organisers say Virgin has much in store for fans, the details of which will be announced soon. The inaugural Limacol CPL T20 tournaments bowls off on 30 July in Barbados
cause disruption and chaos
DEAR EDITOR, The letter carried in a section of the Media on Saturday 27 July 2013 under the caption “DCB rebukes insolent East Coast Cricket Board” supports the position which we have consistently taken, that the present Demerara Cricket Board (DCB) is a phantom Board without the moral and legal authority to govern cricket in Demerara. We have asked the question several times and even solicited the assistance of the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) as to who are the members of the DCB Executives and also when they were elected and by whom. There has been no response and the names remain a closely-guarded secret. This is the very first time since the formation of the DCB in 1991 that the Executives of the DCB stubbornly refuse to identify themselves to their constituent members, the Minister of Sport, the media, the public and even the WICB. The names of all the Executive Members of the Berbice Cricket Board and the Essequibo Cricket Board are known to all Guyana. This is probably their way of protecting themselves from a period of confinement in the Georgetown prisons. Justice Madame Daine Insanally had in January 2013 issued an injunction preventing persons including Raj Singh, Anand Sanasie, Drubahadur, Chetram Singh and Ramsay Ali from holding elections of the DCB. Any identifiable person would be charged and placed before the court for contempt. This phantom DCB, evidently controlled by Raj Singh and Anand Sanasie, cannot even identify the name of the Administrator in the subject letter. Both Raj Singh and Anand Sanasie are presently under a dark cloud. Raj Singh is being investigated by the police for lying to the Parliamentary SubCommittee in an attempt to misdirect the work of that body, while Anand Sanasie is before the court on charges of contempt and perjury for lying in court documents. The illegalities by Raj Singh and Anand Sanasie are orchestrated for them to maintain a stranglehold on Demerara and Guyana cricket and yet this phantom DCB has the audacity to question the credibility of the East Coast Cricket Board (ECCB). The ECCB is a properly constituted Board whose Executives are all known to the public. No one from the ECCB Executive is before the court for any charge and throughout this sordid episode in Demerara cricket, the ECCB has respected all court orders and the rule of law. The ECCB has been diligently occupied in the pursuit of promoting and developing cricket on the East Coast. We have played competitions at all levels over the years up to and including 2013. Our many sponsors include Rockaway Auto Sales, Elizabeth Styles, Comfort Manufacturing, Singhfamcorp, B.K. International, NIDECA Investments, Globe Manufacturing, Ansa Mc Al (Carib Beer T20) B.M. Soat, President Cup and two new ones are expected later this year. All our clubs on the East Coast are involved in and are benefitting from the competitions and also from the Annual Cricket Academy. However, the DCB over the past few years has failed attract new sponsors. The two (2) weak Associations that presently make up the DCB, that is the West Demerara Cricket Association (WDCA) and the East Bank Demerara Cricket Association (EBDCA), do not play any cricket competitions, have
absolutely no sponsors nor cricket development programmes and have contributed to the chaos and confusion in Demerara cricket by supporting the phantom DCB. It is important to note that Raj Singh and Anand Sanasie are the very persons who are firmly in charge of EBDCA and WDCA. It is extraordinary for the phantom DCB to suggest that it is representing cricket in Demerara when the two energized, productive and structured Associations, the ECCB and the Georgetown Cricket Association (GCA) have both rejected the current DCB. It was the ECCB and the GCA that took the illegal DCB to court and won an injunction in January, 2013 preventing the holding of DCB elections. Raj Singh and Anand Sanasie are nevertheless hell bent on creating division in our cricket. It is disrespectful and audacious of the elusive DCB to suggest that the Hon. Dr. Frank Anthony has recognized this phantom DCB and the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB). The Government of Guyana (GoG) is on record as stating that it does not recognise that DCB nor the GCB and ipso facto has been dealing directly with the WICB. The GoG had earlier instituted contempt charges against the purported Executives of the GCB and even had cause to search their homes. It is the Government’s stated position of their non-recognition of the so-called DCB and the GCB that has precipitated the Parliamentary process to sanitize cricket, legislate cricket and hold fresh elections. The phantom DCB’s charge that the ECCB threatened some clubs away from their meeting is ludicrous since our professional management style, our sense of responsibility and respect for the rule of law combined with our excellent relationship with our clubs would not permit us to engage in such behavior. It is the phantom DCB that has embarked on a crusade of intimidation against clubs, players and parents who do not support their illegal reign and have even excluded deserving players from teams and withheld funds from certain clubs. It is hypocritical for this illegal DCB to say that it supports the cricket controversy being addressed in the court of law when they have engaged in some very unsavory acts to subvert both the court and the Parliamentary processes including the submission of forged documents. In conclusion, we wish to restate that the present DCB is an illegal body and decidedly does not have support. Further we look forward to the conclusion of the Parliamentary process so that fresh and legitimate elections can be held for both the DCB and the GCB. Thereafter, and with proper and legal Boards in place we can proceed to the promotion and development of our beloved national game. East Coast Cricket Board
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Tuesday July 30, 2013
Strong contingent of junior hockey players from Barbados arrive
GT&T/GHB C’bbean Kids Hockey Festival A strong contingent of junior hockey players from one of Barbados’ prestigious schools Combermere, which is also referred to as the ‘University of Waterford’, arrived in Guyana yesterday afternoon to participate in the GT&T/Guyana Hockey Board Caribbean Kids Festival. The touring squad, which is comprised of boys and girls predominantly between the ages of 14-15 years, will engage teams from host Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago in both the indoor and outdoor formats of the sport. Yesterday, shortly after arrival, the touring party met with GT&T’s representatives including Sales, Marketing & Public Relations Director Roma Narayan Singh and Public Relations Officer Alison Parker in the Canteen,
at the Company’s Head Office on Hadfield Street. Kaieteur Sport took the opportunity to get brief remarks from senior officials of the Party in relation to the general purpose of the tour. Manager Hallam Gittens in his remarks said the school has a rich history of involvement in the sport which according to him dates back over 65 years during which time it has been usual for students to go on tours and participate in competition, giving as examples recent tours to England and Argentina. He added that senior officials usually “put their heads together” to decide which destination they would like the kids to experience and this time around they chose to come and familiarise
themselves with Guyana’s culture and diversity whilst playing hockey. Responding to the question of how popular the sport is back home, Gittens, who admitted that he has never been directly involved in hockey, said as far as he knows the game is very big in Barbados and well organised with past players holding the view that they have a treasured sense of responsibility to give back to the game. He stated that the young players also see it from a holistic developmental aspect and an important step in fostering personal maturity and camaraderie within the team. He, however, admitted that the group of players are relatively new and are basically eager for the experience.
Deputy Headmistress June Browne, who is also part of the team and someone who played the game previously, said the tour is always anticipated because every time the children tour they usually return stronger, especially in team spirit and camaraderie. She said the sport is holding its own back on the island and even endorsed the point made by Gittens of former players who feel a sense of responsibility to give back even after leaving school. Cher King, whose has the responsibility of being the Head Coach is a former
national Captain and student of the institution and has a wealth of experience playing at the highest level. King is a recipient of a scholarship to University of Massachusetts in the USA where she majored in Environmental Science has been coaching at the school for the past six years and expressed happiness of being associated with the school and players. “I’m taking over cognizant of the strong history of the school’s involvement in hockey which dates back as far as 1948 and I know that being at the helm
is a huge responsibility, but it is a challenge I’m willing to undertake.” Perhaps, the most influential individual in the visiting contingent is former Head of the Barbados Defence Force Colonel Deighton Maynard. Maynard, who is also involved in Education, disclosed that the visit is not the first for him, having played the sport with the likes of former Guyana national players Cecil ‘Skip’ Roberts and Chris Fernandes. The Festival is set to start tomorrow with the outdoor segment, at the GCC ground.
Usain Bolt accepts Mo Farah challenge to race for charity Mo Farah and Usain Bolt strike each others’ poses at London 2012 (PA)
LONDON (Reuters) Olympic sprint champion Usain Bolt has accepted a challenge from Britain’s Olympic middle distance champion Mo Farah to race f o r c h a r i t y, s a y i n g h e would be prepared to meet over 600 meters. Farah, who won gold at the 5,000 and 10,000 meters at the London Olympics last year was the star turn of the Games along with Jamaican sprinter Bolt, who won the 100 and 200 meters. “It would be great to do a distance where people vote in - proper athletics fans - on what distance they think is most s u i t a b l e , ” Farah told Sky Sports. He then turned to the
camera and said: “Are you up for that? Come on, you’ve got to do it.” In a separate interview, Bolt was shown the footage and replied he would be prepared to take on the challenge. “That sounds fun,” he said. “It’s going to be hard but it’s charity so it’s all about fun and enjoyment. “I’m up for anything, for anything’s possible.” Bolt, who holds the world records at 100m and 200m, said running 1,500m would be out of the question. “It’s way too far,” he said. “600 for sure I can try because I’ve done 600 meters in training, but not 1,500 meters.” Farah, the Somalia-born 30-year-old who grew up in
London, has lightning pace over the final stretch and has recently experimented with shorter distances, setting a European 1500m record of 3:28.81 this summer. Farah laid down the challenge to the Jamaican sprinter after running a personal best of 7 minutes 36.85 seconds in the 3000 meters at the London Anniversary Games at the weekend. One intriguing aspect of the race would be how the taller, more powerful Bolt would cope with the early stages of the longer distance and if he would have the acceleration to match Farah’s finish after running 500 meters.
Tuesday July 30, 2013
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Guyana, US Youth Basketball -Dryden punches game ends in brawl American for shoving him been reprieve for the Under17 drubbing it received at the hands of the Americans. The US side beat YBG U-17 team 76-49 in the first game. The US U-17 team played intelligent and fundamental basketball as the Guyanese players succumbed to the intense defensive pressure and superior offensive skills of theAmericans. The Guyanese had a hot start that included a number of threes. However, as soon
The Under-17 US team pose for a photo opportunity following their blow out win against Guyana Sunday night at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall. By Edison Jefford Maybe if Travin Dryden was aware of his ambassadorial role, first for the Christianburg/Wismar Multilateral School, which successfully defended its Digicel Schools’ Football title Sunday night and second for Guyana’s Youth Basketball team, he would have reacted differently. Instead, the talented young athlete sunk Guyana’s representative youth team
into controversy in an exchange game against the United States of America at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall when he punched one of the Americans in the nose after visibly being shoved. The incident brought a great and spectacular evening of competitive basketball to an abrupt end after a fight broke out between the Guyanese and Americans. The game was officially cancelled with 40.9 seconds left on the
clock and with Guyana leading 79-49 in Youth Basketball Guyana (YBG) collaborative effort with Partners in Christ. Dryden had represented Christianburg/Wismar Multi in multiple sport disciplines, with football and basketball is superior skills. He is not known for such behavior and had recently led his side to the semi-finals of the National Schools’ Basketball Festival. At the cancellation of the
game, Nikkoloi Smith had 16 points for Guyana, while Akeem Kanhai, who entertained with a simple one-handed dunk in the final minutes of the game, shared the next best individual score for Guyana, 12 points, with Jermaine Slater. Kyhiem Chaplin had 21 points for the Americans, who shook hands with the Guyanese after the cancellation in a show of sportsmanship. An eventual win for Guyana would have
as the visitors had a good feel of the environment, it was game time; the Guyanese slowly cooled and mellowed under pressure, which led to stagnant offence eventually. Chaplin had 18 points in the U-17 encounter while Joshua Chester had 15 points and Jovanni Moreno 14 points to help with the win. No Guyanese player reached double figures, which was testament of their offensive meltdown.
9th Regan Rodrigues Memorial on this Sunday on West Dem.
Hollywood Glamour Comes to CPL, Mark Wahlberg on Board with Barbados
Mark Wahlberg and Ajmal Khan
PL - Caribbean Premier League cricket officials have announced that American actor Mark Wahlberg has taken an equity interest in the Barbados Tridents team. “I’m excited to be a part of the Limacol Caribbean Premier League because I know cricket is huge in the Caribbean and a rich part of the region’s heritage,” said Wahlberg. “Sports and entertainment are a powerful combination, and the LCPL
will appeal to a huge audience worldwide. Thanks to my dear friend Ajmal Khan who introduced me to Barbados and the LCPL, I am a cricket fan now.” Wahlberg said he was also attracted to the youth development aspect of the LCPL which benefits the entire community as young men are encouraged to pursue their passions, stay focused and plan for their futures. Ajmal Khan, Chairman of Verus International and Founder of the LCPL voiced
his agreement. “Having Mark involved with the Limacol CPL is quite a coup for us. He brings a global celebrity appeal, which adds to the party atmosphere, and anticipation that is already building in these final days before the tournament begins. Having him as an ambassador of the greatest party in sport will indeed draw the attention of current and new cricket fans across the world, and we look forward to embracing a whole new generation of cricket fans in the U.S. thanks to Mark.” “We are thrilled that Mark has taken an equity interest in one of the Limacol CPL teams,” said Limacol CPL Chief Executive Officer Damien O’Donohoe. “He is keen to promote the tournament in any way possible, and his fame and
influence will definitely raise the profile of the tournament, and bring awareness of the game to an audience that traditionally has no connection with cricket. We’re excited to see the many ways in which this partnership will benefit both Mark and the LCPL.” Wa h l b e r g ’s n e w e s t movie, 2 Guns, where he stars alongside Denzel Washington, comes out on 2nd August. He is also known for his starring roles in films such as Boogie Nights, Planet of the Apes, The Departed, The Fighter and Ted, and has been the executive producer of several successful TV series including Entourage and Boardwalk Empire. The inaugural Limacol Caribbean Premier League starts on 30 July in Barbados and concludes on 24 August in Trinidad.
FLASHBACK! Robin Persaud cruises to the finish line last year.
h e M a i n thoroughfare on the West Demerara will again be the centre of attraction on Sunday when the 9th annual Regan Rodrigues Memorial 50mile cycle road race comes off, sponsored by Ricks & Sari Agro Industries Limited. Defending champion, Robin Persaud is expected to line up against his fellow peers in what is anticipated to be another exciting duel. Race time is 08:00hrs from the Wales Police Station on the West Bank of Demerara, proceeding to Bushy Park on the East Bank of Essequibo before returning to the Demerara Harbor Bridge for the finish. The usual categories apart from the open (juniors,
veterans, mountain bike, female and veteran over-60) will be contested. The first six overall will be rewarded along with the top three in the other categories and the top over60. Eight prime prizes will be up for the taking. The Late Regan Rodrigues who was called to higher service on August 4, 2004, was a former President of the Guyana Cycle Federation, President of the Carlton Wheelers Cycle Club, a former Motor Racing Driver and Sport’s Enthusiast. A new junior champion will emerge since Raynauth Jeffrey, last year’s winner, has now graduated to the senior ranks. Naiomi Singh won for females while Walter Isaacs took the Over-60 trophy.
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Tuesday July 30, 2013
Elijah Brijadar wins GBTI cycle race in Berbice
It’s a girl!!! FUTURE WORLD CHAMP? Alfred portrays the kind of joy only mothers could understand as she lovingly gazes at the new addition to her family. Also in photo is her son, Cameron, and her mother, Ingrid
Shondell ‘Mystery Lady’ Alfred delivers bouncing baby girl - WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP HOPE?
pproximately eight months ago, Women World Boxing Council (WIBC) bantamweight champion, Shondell ‘Mystery Lady’ Alfred journeyed to Mexico City, Mexico to engage Mexican, Zulina Muñoz for the World Boxing Council (WBC) female Super/flyweight title. Her confidence was high and she had given all assurance that she would have ‘brought home the bacon.’ Her ambitions crumbled when she was diagnosed pregnant and the bout had to be cancelled. Alfred was denied the world title, but yesterday morning received a prize that may be considered just as delectable when she delivered a 7 ½ lbs baby girl at the Maternity ward of the Public Hospital Georgetown. Kaieteur Sport paid a visit to the world champion at the medical institution and found her surrounded by family members, in a bubbly and relaxed mood. She revealed that her daughter was born just around 12:15hrs yesterday morning with absolutely no complications. Alfred said that she is thankful to the almighty for piloting her through her pregnancy and the deliverance of her baby girl. She also said that she has been advised by medical practitioners that she may be able to resume her boxing career within three months and she would plan to commence
training as soon as she receives the all clear from medical experts. At the time of the aborted bout, Alfred was rated #8 by the WBC but had to shelve all boxing activity even as her future in the sport hung in the balance. President of the Guyana Boxing Board of Control, Peter Abdool had been instrumental in procuring the fight for Alfred and despite the grim prognosis, had sought to represent her cause at the WBC conference in Cancun, Mexico, late last year. That apart, Alfred’s coaches, Joseph Murray and Sebert Blake had accompanied her to Mexico and had said that her reputation had preceded her and she had created a stir in Mexico. The coaches also said that despite the disappointment experienced by Alfred’s inability to keep her ring date, the promoters extended benevolence and paid her a part of her purse. Discussing Alfred’s future, Joseph Murray said that President of the WBC, Jose Suleiman, has indicated that Alfred will retain her rating (#8 in the super/flyweight division) until her issue is sorted out. With luck, the ‘Mystery Lady’ should be back in the ring later this year and better yet, she might just manage to clinch the title which has slipped through her grasp approximately ten months ago.
oung and upcoming cyclist, Elijah Brijadar, just off writing his CSEC examinations, showed that his studies has not affected his performance on the road when he out hustled his more season opponents to ride away with the eight annual GBTI 50-mile road race held on Sunday from Corriverton to Adventure and back. The race, which was organised by the Flying Ace Cycle Club (FACC) and began in front of The Bank’s Corriverton branch, saw Brijadar winning in a tight four man sprint home in a time of two hours, twelve minutes and thirty one seconds (2:12:31). It was not easy going, as the race which was opened to Barbicans only, saw competition from two clubs with the riders from the Trojan Cycling Club joining the FACC riders in a battle for supremacy. Ray Millington of The FACC, just off from some disciplinary matters after mending fences with club officials, was out to show his opponents that his lay off did not affect his performance as he broke away immediately after the riders were sent on their way. Minutes later he was followed by the young brigade of Brijadar, Brian Harris and Triston Kamal. The trio had their own battle as they worked hard, catching up with the leader some 12 miles after. From there on it
was a ding dong battle all the way. Meanwhile, the chasing pack, that included top cyclists and defending champion Dwight Holder along with multiple times winner Neil Reece, were playing cat and mouse game at the back. By the time they got into top gear the front riders were out of reach. Millington by then was churning up the road with Brijadar, Harris and Kamal in hot pursuit. As the cyclists raced towards the finish line it was Brijadar of the FACC who proved supreme as he nosed ahead to win form his club mate Millington with Harris of Trojan slightly behind and Kamal of FACC fourth. It was an equally interesting battle for the fifth and sixth spots as Holder was able to edge out Reece and Keith Griffith in a blinding finish. Millington’s dominance in the early part of the race paid off as he raced away with all 10 prime point prizes on offer. Brijadar was also the first junior to cross the line with Kamal second. The only female to take part in the event was Christian Matherson, while in the BMX category Allista Griffith rode home ahead of Safraz Komal. Officials of the bank were on hand to start the race and distribute the prizes. The event was coordinated by Coach Randolph Roberts. (Samuel Whyte)
Brijadar receives his winning accolades from a rep. of the bank as other riders and officials look on.
USA win Gold Cup
CHICAGO (AP) — Brek Shea scored less than a minute after entering the game as a second-half substitute, giving the United States a 1-0 victory over Panama in the Gold Cup final Sunday. It is the fifth Gold Cup title for the Americans, but their first since 2007. The victory also extended the Americans’ winning streak to a record 11 games. US coach Jurgen Klinsmann was forced to watch the game from a luxury box after being suspended
for his tirade over the officiating in the semifinals, and the Americans took some time getting on track in his absence. They eventually settled in, but couldn’t finish off any of their chances. Enter Shea. He replaced Joe Corona in the 68th minute and, 44 seconds later, pounced on a scuffed shot by Landon Donovan for the goal. Despite ceding much of the possessions to the home team, Panama were able to neutralize the U.S. for the majority of the match even without
injured defender Felipe Baloy. That all changed in the 69th minute,whentheactiveLandon Donovan set up the game-winner for Shea. It was a most rewarding tournament for Donovan, who took a four-month sabbatical around the start of the year but has played himself back into form and the good graces of Klinsmann. Donovan finished the Gold Cup with five goals to tie team mate Chris Wondolowski and Panama’s Gabriel Torres for the tournament lead.
USA’s Brek Shea scores the winning goal in the Gold Cup final. At right is Landon Donovan. (PHOTO: AP)
Tuesday July 30, 2013
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GASP annual Emancipation Day CPL Sponsorship tournament on this Thursday Programme Sells Out
Moen Gafoor
hen scrabble p l a y e r s convened for the National Open Championship, the first after the conclusion of the Nationals, some two weeks ago, in what was considered a very close contest, Leon Belony had chalked up 6 points and a positive spread of 376 to clinch the premiere
prize while Moen Gafoor was relegated to the second place position after notching up 5 points and a positive spread of 806. Wayne Cave had played hard and closed off the podium spots after scoring 4 points and a positive spread of 107. The word formers would once again be in action when GASP stages the annual Emancipation Day competition Thursday August 1 next in the pavilion of the Malteenoes Sports Club, Thomas lands and the rivalry is anticipated to be just as intense. The tournament will be two tiered with players ranked 1700 and above playing in Class A category while the other group will be contested among those players ranked below 1700. The ratings have recently been released and the
Leon Belony players would be aware of their respective groups. Registration period commences at 09:45hrs while the tournament gets underway at 10:00hrs sharp. As usual, those players arriving early will enjoy a $200 discount from the registration fee of $700; latecomers will not enjoy this concession.
Sean DeSouza wins Banks DIH Premium Cues title
The top three players winner- Sean DeSouza (second right front row) Rameshwar Seeraj and Colin Carr display their prizes along with representatives of Banks DIH Limited and supporters.
ean DeSouza of McDoom, East Bank Demerara was crowned champion of the inaugural Banks DIH Limited sponsored “ P r e m i u m C u e s Showdown” National pools tournament which ended Sunday at Stabroek Sports Bar on Brickdam. De Souza who was also the East Bank Demerara zone champion played consistently throughout the national finals to be declared winner, beating into second position Rameshwar Seeraj
of East Coast Demerara. Third place went to C o l i n C a r r o f We s t Demerara. De Souza, Seeraj, Carr and Brijmohan Ramsahai of Essequibo contested the semi-finals before Ramsahai was eliminated. The playoffs attracted the top three players from seven zones namely - West Demerara, Essequibo, Linden, Berbice, East Bank Demerara, East Coast Demerara and Georgetown. De Souza secured the first prize of $125,000 and
the Premium Beer Pools Championship trophy with the Seeraj securing $70,000, while Carr collected $35,000. Tournament Coordinator Anthony Xavier said over 200 matches were played on Sunday before the winner was declared. Banks Beer/Premium Beer Manager Brian ChooHen said the tournament was an overwhelming success and he thanked all the participants and supporters for participating in the biggest pools tournament in Guyana.
Jamie Stewart (R) with Ramnaresh Sarwan and El Dorado sponsor Sharda Veeren-Chand
ith the recent announcemen t s o f partnerships with Busta Soft Drinks and Virgin Airlines, the Limacol Caribbean Premier League has a full set of Commercial Partners for its inaugural season. The League has signed Limacol, Digicel, Guardian Group, Courts, El Dorado Rum, Scotiabank, SM Jaleel (Busta), Ericsson and Virgin Airlines as League Sponsors. CPL CEO Damien O’Donohoe remarked, “The level of support from the corporate community in the Caribbean and elsewhere has been overwhelming and we thank all our Partners for helping to make this massive undertaking possible. Without the support of our Partners, Governments and the fans, a venture of this scale and ambition is simply not possible, and we look forward to a very long and successful relationship with all those who have been with
us at the beginning.” West Indies T20 and St Lucia Zouks Captain Darren Sammy added, “The Limacol CPL is extremely important for West Indies cricket and for the playing community here and the level of support from sponsors has just been phenomenal. On behalf of the players I’d like to thank all the Partners for their support, and express the wish that it continue long into the future.” The LCPL has a group of Central League Partners, with each Franchise team also having its own sponsorship programme. Jamie Stewart, Commercial Director of CPL and CEO of Sports Marketing Agency Commune, said “CPL embarked on this process only nine weeks ago, and the support from our Partners in that short time has been absolutely fantastic. What is
especially heartening is that leading Caribbean brands dominate the programme. To date we have only been able to talk to them about a vision, an idea, and we thank them for sharing the vision for an event that can be a ‘game-changer’ for the Caribbean. I’d like to also give thanks and acknowledgement to colleague Pete Russell for his tremendous efforts and camaraderie over the past few weeks as we have collectively travelled the length and breadth of the Caribbean. We look forward with all Partners to the vision becoming a reality on Tuesday evening, and to the transformative potential of the idea that is LCPL coming to life.” The Limacol Caribbean Premier League kicks off today, 30 July in Barbados with an opening ceremony followed by the first match between the Barbados Tridents and St Lucia Zouks.
Ryan Crawford Memorial Turf Club, Port Mourant Turf Club express appreciation
he executives and members and the Ryan Crawford Memorial Turf Club and Sports Facilities (RCMTC&SF) and the Port Mourant Turf Club (PMTC) would like to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all the below sponsors, the members of the public and the various media houses in Guyana who contributed in one way or the other in making their joint one day horserace meet which was held on Sunday 21st July 2013 at the Port Mourant Turf Club, Corentyne Berbice a success. The members of the management Committee would like to say a big thank you to Banks DIH Limited, Omai Transportation, Trophy Stall of Bourda Market, Toolsie Persaud Limited, South Land Incorporated,
Dequan Shipping, Sharon Incorporated, Mohamed Raheem and Sons, Desmond Sears, Mrs Naljit and family, Dr Dwight Walrond, Balram Shane General Store, Friends of Port Mourant, Bobby and Indranie Misir, R and C Poonai and Delmur Shipping Company, Sunil Teekaram, Fazal Yunas Construction, Crown Spot Lemonade, Krishna Auto Sales, Terrence Laljit, Fiesta Guinness Bar Rose Hall Town and Attorney at Law Tajenarine Ramroop among others including all the members of the RCMTC&SF and the PMTC. The organizers would once again like to thank all for their unstinted support and look forward for their continued patronage on their next race meet. (Samuel Whyte)
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Kaieteur News
Mission accomplished, Jamaica U-20 girls advance in CFU tourney Jamaica Observer - It’s mission accomplished for Vin Blaine and his under-20 Reggae Girls after they clipped Cuba 2-1 to top Group Four of the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Women’s tournament. By virtue of the victory the Reggae Girls advanced to the final round of the tournament set for October. Jamaica finished with maximum nine points from three games ahead of Cuba with six points, Bermuda three and the pointless Curacao finished bottom of the fourteam group. “We went in to the tournament to top the group and go through to the final round of CFU tournament and we did that. I think we did it well,” Blaine told the Jamaica Observer after his team’s come-from-behind victory. Cuba had stunned the small gathering at the Anthony Spaulding Sports Complex on Saturday evening when Ollancey Gainza capitalised on a defensive
error and scored in the 41st minute totally against the run of play. But Jamaica struck back shortly after as the towering 16-year-old Khadija Shaw nodded home from a corner kick in the 44th minute. Substitute Kayla Gray grabbed the winner in the 87th minute. “Cuba were our toughest opponent. They came and sat behind the ball and that made it a little bit more difficult for us to break them down. We gave up a soft goal and it put pressure on us but the character came though and we won 2-1 and I am pleased with the performance,” added Blaine. Jamaica and Cuba now join Trinidad and Tobago, the Dominican Republic, Anguilla, St Kitts/Nevis, Suriname and Grenada, in the final CFU round with the top three teams advancing to the CONCACAF round set for January in the Cayman Islands. Blaine who was recently appointed assistant head coach of the senior Reggae Boyz to German Winfreid Schaefer, saw some positives
from the three games and was pleased with the overall performance. “One of the positives was the inclusion of the under-17 girls who got to participate and they came good to move into their tournament in October. We brought them in to gain some experience,” said Blaine. He was talking about Khadija Shaw, Konya Plummer, Deneisha Blackwood and Cachet Lue who are all under 17. It was a pleasing tournament for the coaching staff who saw Oshay Lawes scored six goals and Kayla Gray three in two games. The young Reggae Girls also scored a whopping 17 times while conceding just once in three games. “We are trying to get them into camp just before the tournament in October. We are also going to bring in some players that couldn’t make this trip that played at the under-20 level last time and shore up the squad,” noted Blaine.
Tuesday July 30, 2013
FIA President Todt to visit Guyana next month A release from the Guyana Motor Racing and Sports Club (GMR&SC) yesterday stated that the entity will be privileged with a visit from the President of the FédérationInternationale de l’Automobile (FIA), Mr. Jean Todt, on August 8 – 9, 2013. Mr. Todt, a French motor sport executive, had a successful career as a rally co-driver and made his reputation in motor sport m a n a g e m e n t , first with Peugeot Talbot Sport, then with Scuderia Ferrari, before being appointed Chief Executive Officer of Ferrari from 2004 to 2008. Since October 23, 2009 he has been President of the FIA.
Jean Todt The FIA has a long and distinguished history in promoting road safety. For many years the
Federation has lobbied for improved legislation, infrastructure and vehicle safety technologies on an international scale. On May 11, 2011 the FIA launched its Action for Road Safety in support of the United Nations’ Decade of Action for Road Safety. The FIA’s initiative aims to lower the alarming figures associated with global road accidents and to spread the safer motoring message. Mr. Todt’s mission of his visit is to advise and assist in moving motorsport and mobility forward in Guyana and assist in implementing effective initiatives to tackle road safety.
Christian Benitez: Former Birmingham striker dies aged 27 BBC Sport - Former Birmingham striker Christian Benitez has died at the age of 27, after his heart stopped. The Ecuador international was admitted to hospital with severe stomach pains shortly after making his debut for Qatari side El Jaish on Sunday. He then suffered a “cardiorespiratory arrest” hours later and died, the Ecuador Football Federation said. Benitez, who won 58 caps for his country, spent the 2009-10 season on loan at St Andrew’s from Santos Laguna. He returned to the Mexican club in 2010 after Birmingham opted against a permanent deal for him. Benitez, also known as ‘Chucho’, had been playing (Continued on page 29)
Benitez (right) won 58 caps for Ecuador, including this World Cup Qualifier against Peru last month (AFP Getty Images)
Good performances at FINA 10km Marathons Swimming & Grand Prix 2013 Barcelona (ESP) – Nice performances were observed in Lac St-Jean (CAN), which hosted the fifth legs of FINA’s major international open water swimming circuits, the 10km Marathon Swimming World Cup on July 25 and the Grand Prix on July 27, 2013. In the men’s 10km race, German Alexander Studzinski made a victorious sprint to the gold medal, winning in 2h00m06s9. He was followed by Nicolas Masse-Savard from Canada (2h00m55s7), second, and France’s Joanes Hedel (2h00m59s7), third. The best among women was American Emily Brunemann, who won the race in 2h01m02s9. Jade Dusablon from Canada placed second, clocking 2h01m58s8, while compatriot Beatrice Pineau took third with a time of 2h13m05s1. In the 32km race two days later, Tomi Stefanovski (MKD) dominated the operations, touching first in 6h51m18s40. Runner-up Edoard Stochino (ITA) took silver, clocking
6h51m36s52, while Damian Blaum (ARG) claimed third spot (6h51m45s71). Russia’s Olga Kozydub won the women’s race in 6h51m45s27. Pilar Geijo (ARG), who is no stranger to the Grand Prix podium, picked up silver in 6h53m36s37. Spanish star Esther Nunez Morera secured the bronze, crossing the finish at 7h08m50s8. FULLFINA10KM MARATHON SWIMMING WORLD CUP 2013 CALENDAR: NEXT RACE: August 10, 2013 in Lac Megantic (CAN) Race 7: September 29, 2013 in Shantou (CHN) Race 8: October 5, 2013 in Hong Kong (HKG) Full FINA Open Water Swimming Grand Prix 2013 calendar: NEXT RACE: August 3, 2013 in Lac Magog (CAN) Race 7: August 24, 2013 in Ohrid Lake (MKD) Race 8: September 1, 2013 in Capri-Napoli (ITA)
Tuesday July 30, 2013
Kaieteur News
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Guyana, US Youth Basketball game ends in brawl
Guyana’s Akeem Kanhai (left) goes baseline off the glass at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall Sunday night at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall.
-Dryden punches American for shoving him
Strong contingent of junior hockey players from Barbados arrive GT&T/GHB Caribbean Kids Hockey Festival
The visiting Combermere hockey players take a photo op with GT&T’s Sales, Marketing & Public Relations Director Roma Narayan Singh (centre sitting), PRO Alison Parker (right), former Head of the Barbados Defence Force Colonel Deighton Maynard (4th from right) and other senior officials yesterday.
Sean DeSouza CPL Sponsorship Usain Bolt accepts Mo Farah challenge wins Banks DIH Premium Cues title Prog. Sells Out to race for charity Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Limited, 24 Saffon St.Charlestown, Georgetown.Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/ 226-8210