Some of the injured gang members who reportedly shot at Guyanese soldiers on Monday


Several Venezuelan gang members wounded during ambush of Guyanese soldiers
- Three have reportedly succumbed
Some of the injured gang members who reportedly shot at Guyanese soldiers on Monday
Several Venezuelan gang members wounded during ambush of Guyanese soldiers
- Three have reportedly succumbed
Hunter Farris
– Exxon’s Senior VP tells Energy Conference
Guyana calls on Venezuela to condemn attacks on soldiers
…says countr y must take responsibilit y for actions of Sindicato gang …wounded soldiers evacuated to cit y …President Ali says deeply concerned about their well-being
Guyana’s 4th FPSO on its way for US$10 billion Yellowtail project - Exxon
Gov t . unbothered by Trump’s drill-baby-drill campaign impacting
…says Exxon still investing in Guyana
prices – VP Jagdeo
By Davina Bagot
Guyana is “special” to E x x o n M o b i l , n o t o n l y because of the vast resources the country boasts, but also the “human elements” that
h a v e c r e a t e d t h e r i g h t environment for investment.
T h i s i s a c c o r d i n g t o
E x x o n ’ s S e n i o r V i c e
P r e s i d e n t , D e e p Wa t e r,
Hunter Farris During a presentation at this year ’s
E n e r g y C o n f e r e n c e a n d Supply Chain Expo, being held at the Marriott Hotel, Georgetown, he highlighted
t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f t h e
c o u n t r y ’ s n e w f o u n d
r e s o u r c e s , n o t o n l y t o Guyana, but the Region as well.
He said, “Guyana’s oil discoveries have made it a g l o b a l p l a y e r a n d a geopolitical force. Its gas discoveries can make it a critical source for Regional d e v e l o p m e n t T h e r e a l l y amazing part, in 10 years, is that this represents just the beginning.”
Farris went on to tell d e l e g a t e s t h a t G u y a n a ’s success over the past decade is not just a testament of the country’s vast resources but a l s o E x x o n M o b i l ’ s t e c h n o l o g y a n d p r o j e c t performance supported by the “wisdom and foresight of Guyana’s leadership”.
Exxon’s Senior
“Their ability to foster working partnerships and t h e i r c o m m i t m e n t t o e s t a b l i s h i n g t h e r i g h t environment for investment, collaboration and discovery, that’s what makes Guyana special,” Exxon’s VP told the conference.
He was keen to note that while there are numerous c o u n t r i e s b l e s s e d w i t h resources, they lack these conditions. To this end, he r e a s o n e d , “ Y e s , t h e r e s o u r c e s a r e
u s l y i m p
n t I w o u l d n ’ t pretend otherwise, but in the case of this nation, it’s likely that without those elements, the human ones, the civic ones that enable partnership and progress, Guyana’s oil
a n d g a s w o u l d h a v e remained very deep beneath the sea bed.”
E x x o n M o b i l , t h e operator of the Stabroek Block, made its first oil
discovery in May 2015
Since then, the company has announced a string of other s
c i a l finds, with total discoveries so far reaching 46. W h i l e t h
e continues around the block’s t
exploration and appraisal p r o g r a m m
reported last year that the Stabroek Block is estimated to hold 11.6B barrels of resources but Exxon later
estimate is lower
In the meantime, there is a much larger row between a section of society and the government of Guyana, who
renegotiating the terms of Exxon’s oil deal, but now
Stakeholders have argued
Block, Guyana would be well within its right as a sovereign nation to demand g
resources. In 2016 when the agreement with ExxonMobil and its partners were made, the country’s oil reserves stood at a just three billion barrels. Fast forward to nine years later, the Stabroek Block is now estimated to
Continued on page 9
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: GLENN LALL-TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
The resignation of the Central Housing & Planning Authority (CH&PA) Chief Executive Officer, Sherwyn Greaves is a step in the right direction. It is, however, not the end of the questionable land deal matters, but just the beginning. It is helpful that Vice President Jagdeo ran to his rescue with firm pronouncements about the PPP/C Government’s confidence in the former CEO. But that cannot be all there is to the range of land deal issues, con
seemingly flooded with corruption when looked at critically There has to be more that the government is zealous about doing, more to get to the truths of these foul land dealings, more to expose the network of beneficiaries, both here and overseas.
Corruption in Guyana today, under the PPP/C Government, can be compared to the Great Flood that inundated huge swaths of this country at the beginning of the millennium. Guyana is drowning under the weight of corruption, which has now become unbearable. There is corruption in public procurement, corruption in the management of Guyana’s natural resources, and corruption in the way that the business of the people is conducted in their highest forum. Now, there are these developments involving sweetheart land deals that stink of corruption. Huge tracts of prime land given to a small cabal of PPP/C Government friends. Some of them are so suspect, the deals reek so much, that other Guyanese hustle to distance from them. Defences raised by recipients generate more questions, and they are not of the friendly variety Credibility is at a low level, even nonexistent, relative to those who were awarded prime State lands, and the politicians who try to wish away what went on. The prime land dealings are so massive that they cannot be wished away just like that, because one man hopes so.
Vice President Jagdeo must know that he himself is not thought of highly by Guyanese. He must know that some of his party’s longtime faithful look at him with disbelief when he defends certain developments that give off that rank smell. The prime State land deals involving dozens of acres are a case in point. Rank-and-file Guyanese are struggling to get a house lot for their families, as part of their upward mobility, and they are stuck for years in the government’s bureaucracy Citizens line up and show up for years for a mere one-eight of an acre of house land, only to read about how land deal games operate behind the scenes. It is how politicians and their friends cook things up, fix them to their rich advantage.
Jagdeo can continue to play his usual games, hold his press shows, but Guyanese can see for themselves that there is some level of corruption in the land deals now engaging the rapt attention of the nation. How deep does the corruption go, how many public servants and politicians have their hands in the ugly mix, what is the quid pro quo for the crooks that enrich themselves at the expense of the people? These are questions that will not disappear because Jagdeo has that kind of interest, pretends that nothing is out of place at the CH&PA. He can rave and rant as long as he wants about how many acres the APNU+AFC Coalition gave away at cut prices to its friends in its time. But that does not in any way minimize or remove the pall of suspicion that hang over these land deals.
Jagdeo’s word has long lost whatever weight it once had. Though he is sure to dispute that angrily, he knows that that is what he has done to himself. He knows also that he has only himself to blame. His excesses over the years have accumulated and now come back to weaken any defences he makes for others, and diminish any cause that he makes as his own. He has failed citizens too often, he has failed Guyanese on the big things, with the most high-profile of all, oil, hanging like an albatross around his neck. Only an independent probe, with comprehensive terms of reference, would suffice relative to these seemingly corrupt land deals encircling politicians and their friends.
policymakers. Many youths today are developing this habit during adolescence—a
physical, psychological, and behavioral development that occurs from puberty to legal a
u l t h o o d Va p i n g h a s become a common scourge among young children, as observed by the DRIVE project, which is led by ChildLinK and funded by
European Union to Guyana.
Vaping involves using a handheld electronic device to breathe a mist (“vapor”)
h e l u n g s A n ecigarette, vape pen or other electronic nicotine delivery
s y s t e m ( E N D S ) h e a t s a liquid of nicotine, flavoring, propylene glycol and other additives into an aerosol that y o u i n h a l e t h r o u g h a mouthpiece. The dangers of vaping include lung and organ damage, breathing p r o b l e m s , n i c o t i n e a d d i c
o n , c a r d i o v a s c u l a r issues, an increased risk of cancer, and so much more. While cigarettes remain the most common form of tobacco use, this is not the case for school children,
m a n y o f w h o m i n i t i a t e smoking through vaping or marijuana use. They often perceive vaping as a safer alternative to cigarettes and view it as a normal behavior, without fully understanding i t s d a n g e r s U n d e r t h e DRIVE project, we have o b s e r v e d a n d n o t e d anecdotal evidence which s u g g e s t s t h a t s m o k i n g
among students is more
w i d e s p r e a d a n d o f t e n correlates with delinquent behaviors both in school and at home. These behaviors include increased resistance
t o r u l e s , a r g u i n g w i t h teachers, parents, or law enforcement, engaging in reckless activities such as unsafe driving, vandalism, or theft, spending time with peers who engage in risky or illegal behavior and hiding substance use by lying about t h e i r w h e r e a b o u t s o r sneaking out.
Frequent marijuana use, especially among youth, can lead to cognitive decline, i m p a i r i n g m e m o r y a n d concentration, resulting in p o o r g r a d e s , l a c k o f motivation, and an increased risk of skipping or dropping out of school
B o t h v a p i n g a n d marijuana use are linked to increased anxiety, depression, s o c i a l i s o l a t i o n a n d
emotional instability
S o m e s t u d e n t s h a v e
s h a r e d t h e i r p e
l experiences with smoking. One student said, “I thought it would help me relax when I was stressed, but now it’s just a habit.” Another noted, “It’s a way to take a break during the school day, gives me a moment to clear my h e a d ” A t h i r d s t u d e n t shared, “I started when I was going through a tough time, and it just stuck.” These s t a t e m e n t s h i g h l i g h t t h e v a r i o u s r e a s o n s y o u n g people take up smoking and the challenges they face in quitting.
ChildLinK’s counseling officers help students curb s m o k i n g b e h a v i o r s b y providing education about the health risks associated with smoking and offering practical tools for quitting
This includes holding informative sessions that e x p l a i n t h e d a n g e r
d programs to spread awareness, and creating a supportive space where students can ask questions without judgment. Additionally, the counselors w o r k o n e - o n - o n e w i t h students to understand the r e a s o n s b e h i n d t h e i r smoking habits—whether it is peer pressure, stress, or f a m i l y i n f l u e n c e a n d
d e v e l o p p
strategies to address these factors. Together, they set realistic goals for reducing or quitting smoking, offering consistent encouragement as students make progress.
If your child has started vaping, try to understand why This insight may help you communicate with them more e f f e c t i v e l y I n s t e a d o f resorting to punishment, offer support and guidance to help t h e m r e s i s t t h e l u r e o f tobacco use and addiction.
As a parent, you are a powerful influence even if your teenager seems to resist your advice Start early by
conversations about smoking
potential responses if offered
marijuana. If you smoke or vape, the best thing you can do is quit. At the very least, avoid smoking around your
smoke-free home. Do not allow family members or friends to smoke in your home or car, and ensure that the places your child frequents are tobaccofree.
ChildLink Inc.
Did Guyana really pay $2.8 billion to itself on behalf of oil companies – and issued tax receipts?
I have copied the (below)
S N , February 16th. This table
answers from the Minister of Petroleum, Vickram Bharat. [* File contains invalid data | In-line.JPG *]
(1) Guyana’s share of revenues (same thing called total sales) for the years 20202023 remain fixed at 14 5% (Profit-share 12 5% + 2% Royalty) As Capex (Capital O u t l a
, Guyana’s share of revenues is supposed to rise That is not happening Over the life of the project, Guyana’s share of
to average 55% of total revenues It is supposed to work like your home mortgage amortization table – as you pay down the loan with each monthly/yearly payment, the equity rises
(2) Guyana received a total of $3.6 billion over 4y e a r s o
d (supposedly) paid out $2.8 billion to cover profits’ tax of Oil Companies (same thing
c a l l e d c o r p o r a t e i n c o m e tax), leaving Guyana with a net oil revenue of $0 8 billion (or $800 million).
Could Minister Bharat explain how he was able to effect payment of the Oil Companies profits’ tax, $2.8 billion – from where did he get the money and to whom did he make the payment? Of course, Tax Receipts were issued to the Oil Companies. And, the numbers on these TRs showed up as Tax Deductions on the income statements of OCs, thanks to C h r i s R a m ’ s d i l i g e n t accounting work. Let me hasten to add, my q u e s t i o n s f o r M i n i s t e r Bharat were meant to be rhetorical questions – they were made to make a point. And, the point is that all of this is simply hocus-pocus. A govt cannot use its own money to make payment to itself, on behalf of Oil Companies. Even if it is so written in the Contract.
As Commissioner Statia o f G u y a n a R e v e n u e
A u t h o r i t y d e c l a r e d ( t o paraphrase), ‘no money is received – debit and credit entries are made on accounts
belonging to the govt – and Tax Receipts are duly issued to Oil Companies to satisfy compliance with the Oil Contract’.
Article 15 4 (of the PSA) says: “An appropriate portion of [Guyana’s] share of profit oil” must be set aside to pay OC’s profits’ tax It is hard to believe an oil-host country is asked to pay OCs profits’ tax out of its share of profit oil But Ripley’s believe it or not – it is so written in Art 15 4
Art 15 5 states, “The Contractor [Exxon] shall provide the Minister (Vickram Bharat) with the Contractor’s income tax returns to be submitted by the Minister to the [GRA] so the Minister can pay income tax on behalf of the Contractor” This is more than a case of making both the m i n i s t e r a n d G R A ’ s Commissioner the scapegoat –it is at once so much tortured l a n g u a g e , d e c e p t i o n a n d trickery Art 15.5 further states, “ O n s u c h r e t u r n s , t h e
Minister shall note that he is paying the income taxes on behalf of the Contractor so that [GRA] can properly prepare the [Tax] receipts
required under this Article 15.5”. It is crystal clear Oil Companies (Exxon, Hess, Cnooc) do not pay tax on profits made in Guyana – but collect Tax Receipts What they do with the Tax Receipts is another matter Govt of Guyana issues the Tax Receipts – because it wants to be compliant with
known as the Oil Contract. It is time all people of conscience
Pompeo, Sir Paul Collier –now in Guyana for the Energy Conference) lend their voices to redress this blatant duplicity in the PSA – call on both GoG leaders as well as Exxon’s CEO to agree to revise the Tax Article
The bottom line here: Oil Companies do not pay tax on profits made in Guyana – but collect Tax Receipts. On the basis of these TRs they take
Mike Persaud
A f t e r a l e n g t h y a n d
r a n c o r o u s d e b a t e i n Parliament by both members of the opposition and the
g o v e r n m e n t , t h e b u d g e t estimated at $1.3 trillion has
b e e n p a s s e d u n d e r t h e watchful eye of the speaker The passage of the budget has made it easier for the government led by President
D r I r f a a n A l i , P r i m e
Minister, Brigadier Mark Phillips and Vice President Dr. Bharat Jagdeo to realize the goals outlined in the PPPC manifesto.
country, the expansion of the health care and education
s y s t e m s , r e p a i r a n d construction of roads, and improving the lives of the poor, among others. Our l e a d e r s a r e d e d i c a t e d , d e t e r m i n e d a n d d e s p i t e
some setbacks, they are pressing ahead with the development of the country with the intent to move it
from a Global South (Third World) country to a Global North (First World) nation status.
Proclaiming a new and robust phase of development across the ten regions, His Excellency, Dr Irfaan Ali has asserted that the government has not only fulfilled its manifesto’s lofty promises,
but it has surpassed its commitments in achieving s u b s t a n t i a l p r o g r e s s i n almost every region and e v e r y s e c t o r i n c l u d i n g , public, private, education, health care and housing. Not only has the government c r e a t e d m o r e t h a n 5 0 thousand jobs in four years, a n d i n c r e a s e d w a g e s , salaries, old age pension and the children’s cash grants, but it also laid the foundation that generated one of the fastest growing economies in the world with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of approximately 45 percent.
F o r b e s M a g a z i n e s h a v e stated that Guyana’s GDP is
among the highest in the world. Thy predicted that Guyana would become a
g country by 2026 and with increased oil revenue, and its GDP will rise above 50 percent.
I n a p o w e r f u l
credible budget speech in Parliament, Prime Minister Phillips has made it quite clear that the 2025 budget w
extraordinary success of the
resolute solutions to advance
high-paying jobs and thus improve the lives of all
religious beliefs or party
Brigadier Phillips, the $1.3 trillion 2025 budget caters for every sector and for everyone in that it provides financial relief for workers,
vulnerable segments of the population. He affirmed that the budget has increased the tax threshold, removed VAT on electricity and water and p
d energetically defended the
number of programs and p
n implemented to advance the country’s economic growth a
support the citizens. The P
’ s e f
i n r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y a n d candidly stated that after four years of PPPC rule, Guyana is now in a position to attract investors, both local and foreign.
o n i n f r a s t r u c t u r e , particularly on roads and bridges while the health care and education systems are in disarray
cannot eat roads and bridges a n d s t r e
s e d t h a t t h
hospitals continued to offer poor service to the citizens
In a stinging rebuke, P r
condemned the opposition
d childish in criticizing the budget and revealed that his government investments in education are to enhance inclusivity and to make sure that no one is left behind. He underscored the fact that e
As was expected, the two main political opposition parties, The Alliance for Change (AFC) and People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) have vehemently criticized the 2025 budget and hence the government for its excessive investments
nursery school to university
In support of the budget, Vice President Dr Jagdeo in
inept, lazy and hopeless and that their criticism of the b
uninformed, and misleading. The Vice President has not only defended the budget but he also praised the Minister of Finance and his team for crafting
carefully designed
development. He contended that the
stimulate further economic growth which in turn will create greater wealth and job
aspirations of the people and is a continuation of the progress in the country
Dr Asquith Rose
Pr i m e M i n i s t e r
Brigadier (Ret’d)
Mark Phillips on M
i s fundamental to the welfare of citizens”.
T h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r made the comment during a meeting with Mr. Richard Stanton, Deputy CEO of O n e C
m u n i c a t
s Guyana, and his team to discuss the recent service disruption that affected some
mobile customers. During the meeting, One Communications (Guyana) briefed the Prime Minister o n t h e t e c h n i c a
Mr Stanton explained that the service disruption was caused by a planned
t e c h n i c a l u p g r a d e a n d critical system maintenance procedures necessary to aid l o n g - t e r m s e
v i c e improvements
H e s a i d t h
h e activities were intended to be seamless H o w e v e r, u n e x p e c t e d
challenges aros
during the
the Prime Minister that its
immediately mobilised and
Phillips, who is responsible for the Telecommunications
are addressed expeditiously so as to minimize service dis
his expectation
The 4th International Conference on Financing for Development could catalyse coordinated action to close the financing gap and set the s t a g e f o r a S T I - d r i v e n transformation in the world’s poorest countries.
The stark reality is that just over 250 weeks remain to go before the end of the d e c a d e , m a r k i n g t h e endgame for achieving the S u s t a i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t Goals (SDGs). With less than a fifth of the Goals on track, the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) or the world’s poorest countries
u r g e n t l y n e e d b o l d , i n n o v a t i v e f i n a n c i n g f o r s c i e n c e , t e c h n o l o g y a n d innovation (STI) to re-set t h e i r d e v e l o p m e n t trajectories and salvage the 2030 Agenda.
In June/July this year, the Spanish city of Seville will host the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development, or FfD4. The last such summit was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2015, the same year the SDGs were agreed. Since t h e n , t h e d e v e l o p m e n t financing gap has widened as has the divide between the richest and poorest countries across the globe.
The financing gap – the amount of money required to achieve the SDGs and the resources that have been c o m m i t t e d – i s n o w estimated at $4.2 trillion annually
The silver lining could be golden for the world’s most vulnerable
Notably, this past decade has seen astonishingly rapid
d e v e l o p m e n t s i n S T I ,
s p a n
b i o t e c h , a r t i f i c i a l i n t e l l i g e n c e , m a c h i n e learning, green technologies and satellite connectivity
T h e s e b r e a k t h r o u g h s , largely driven by digital technologies, have created immense wealth for a few
According to Oxfam, five individuals will reach trillionaire status before the close of 2029, while the number of people living in p o v e r t y h a s r e m a i n e d stubbornly high since 1990.
Yet for the 700 million people in the margins, this progress has not translated into better opportunities. For them, these developments in S T I c o u l d b e t r u l y transformational. There’s no better time than now to close t h e i n e q u a l i t y g a p a n d harness these assets for the benefit of all.
“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come” – Victor Hugo
T h e c o n c e p t o f a dedicated global fund for STI has never been fully operationalized at scale, but the idea is not new The United Nations, UNESCO, the World Bank, the African Union, the G77 and China
have all proposed the idea of a n S T I f u n d i n g p o o l , s u g g e s t i n g g r o w i n g momentum and backing for such a mechanism. However, it is important to push the envelope and make the case for such a fund exclusively for the LDCs.
J u n e / J u l y ’ s h i g h - l e v e l summit on financing for development could provide the coordination and impetus it needs to get started.
Wi t h t h e k e y g l o b a l players in attendance, this summit could be a pivotal moment to bring the idea of a
STI fund to life. The 2024 Pact for the Future and its associated Global Digital Compact along with the Doha Programme of Action offer the policy foundation and moral imperative for such an initiative.
What the world’s 44 least developed countries (LDCs) need
A global fund for STI should focus on financing three priorities: Boosting the capacity of institutions in LDCs; closing the skills gap; and creating an enabling e n v i r o n m e n t f o r S T I t o
change depend upon strong productive capacity which is driven by equally strong national institutions that can effectively implement prog r o w t h s t r a t e g i e s a n d technology Tech transfer and skills building will only support development if a country’s i n s t i t u t i o n s c a n t a k e a d v a n t a g e o f
technologies they need. This aligns with the imperative to upskill and reskill workers in LDCs. With just under half
of their citizens having no access to electricity and only a third able to access the internet, it is imperative that countries are supported with vital, enabling development infrastructure. A d d i t i o n a l l y, a g r a n t financing facility to bolster centres of excellence in the Global South would enable countries to effect gamec h a n g i n g o u t c o m e s i n critical areas such as climate c h a n g e , a g r i c u l t u r e , a n d business development. Why a global STI fund is (Continued on page 24)
The Ministry of Health
s t r o n g l y c o n d e m n s t h e mischievous and politically motivated article published in the Kaieteur News on February 17 attempting to dissuade Guyanese from p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n t h e U n i v e r
t h c a r e Voucher Programme that b e n e f i t s o v e r 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 Guyanese.
This initiative is a wellstructured component of the Ministry’s primary health care strategy, designed to ensure early detection of illnesses which will aid in patients’ access to care and treatment on the onset of their illness/disease. Early diagnosis not only means early treatment, but it also offers for patients to receive counselling and guidance on how to make informed d e c i s i o n s o n l i f e s t y l e
changes such as their diets. Under the programme, each citizen will receive a 10,000 voucher to access essential diagnostic tests at o v e r 3 0 a c c r e d i t e d l a b o r a t o r i e s w h i c h w i l l c o m p l e m e n t t h e p u b l i c health facilities across the country Recognizing the importance of affordability, the Government of Guyana, in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO), has successfully negotiated a uniform price for a basic menu of tests, ensuring accessibility and fairness for all Guyanese.
It is deeply concerning that Kaieteur News, which is run by a Publisher with a clear political agenda, has chosen to wage a campaign against a programme that prioritises the health and w e l l - b e i n g o f o r d i n a r y Guyanese T h e i r a t t e m p t
t o c a l l f o r a b o y c o t t u n d e r t h e g u i s e o f s atire is no joke. It is reckless and dangerous.
We cannot afford to play Russian Roulette with the health of our people. To o p p o s e s u c h a p r o g r a m m e m e a n s y o u a r e d e p r i v i n g t h e m o f a c r i t i c a l b e n e f i t t h a t e m p o w e r s t h e m t o t a k e c h a rg e o f t h e i r h e a l t h P u b l i c h e a l t h i s n o t a m a t t e r o f m o c k e r y , p o l i t i c a l m i s c h i e f , o r s e l f - s e r v i n g n a r r a t i v e s E n c o u r a g i n g c i t i z e n s t o r e j e c t a c c e s s t o c r i t i c a l h e a l t h s c r e e n i n g s p u t s l i v e s a t r i s k , p a r t i c u l a r l y a m o n g v u l n e r a b l e p o p u l a t i o n s w h o r e l y o n t h e s e s e r v i c e s f o r e a r l y d e t e c t i o n a n d t r eatment of diseases T h e U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h V o u c h e r Programme ensures that e v e r y G u y a n e s e , r e g a r d l e s s o f i n c o m e l e v e l , h a s a c c e s s t o f u n d a m e n t a l d i a g
A fourth Floating Production
Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO) to produce oil at the Yellowtail field in the Stabroek Block is on its way to Guyana.
The announcement was made
’s S
e o p e n
n g ceremony of the fourth installment of the Guyana Energy Conference on Tuesday
This year ’s conference is being hosted between February 18 and 21 at the Guyana Marriott Hotel, Kingston, Georgetown, under the t h e m e ‘ C o n n e c t i n g t h
s : Integrating the Future.’
In his address, Farris was proud to report to the highly foreignpopulated conference room the role Guyanese have been playing in the construction of this vessel.
He said, “...three Guyanese c o m p
n d Guyana Oil and Gas Services
services for building the new ‘One G u y
vessel, which I’m very pleased to announce just left Singapore today on its way home to Guyana.”
Farris told delegates that the addition of more FPSOs in the future will help Exxon to achieve its target of 1.3M barrels per day by the end of 2030, meaning that 500 million barrels will be produced annually
“With the addition of several more FPSOs, we expect by the end of the decade to be producing nearly 500M barrels of oil every year, with daily production of 1.3M barrels, ” Exxon’s
President said.
December 2019, Exxon achieved 500M barrels of oil production in
With the One Guyana FPSO now on its way to Guyana, daily production in the country will soon be increased to around 900 million barrels per day (bpd). The vessel was designed to produce 250,000 bpd, adding to the current daily
The One Guyana FPSO, constructed by Dutch shipbuilder, SBM
produced by
Kaieteur News understands that
Yellowtail field to prepare for the start-up of oil production is Continued on page 9
W A S H I N G T O N (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order
D e p a r t m
n t t o p a u s e prosecutions of Americans accused of bribing foreign government officials while
business in their countries.
Trump’s order pauses enforcement of the nearly h a l f - c
C o r r u p t P
c e s A c t (FCPA) and directs Attorney
G e n e r a l P a m B o n d i t o re
actions related to the law and prepare new guidelines for enforcement.
The law, enacted in 1977,
operate in the United States
officials. Over time, it has
President Donald Trump
become a guiding force for how American businesses operate overseas.
“It’s going to mean a lot
more business for America,” Trump told reporters while signing the order in the Oval Office on Monday.
Trump wanted to strike down FCPA during his first term in office. He has called it a “horrible law” and said “the world is laughing at us” for enforcing it.
C PA made the United States a leader in addressing global corruption.
Trump’s executive order “diminishes - and could pave
International U.S. said in a statement. A W
factsheet said the law makes
American companies les
U S companies are harmed by F C PA o
e n f o
because they are prohibited from engaging in practices
jewel in the U.S.’s fight against global corruption,” G
playing field,” the fact sheet said.
Trump’s directive calls
Department that will not h
Several members of the Venezuelan gang who were involved in the ambushing a n d s h o o t i n g o f s i x G u y a n e s e s o l d i e r s o n Monday were injured while a t l e a s t o n e h a s b e e n confirmed dead.
H o w e v e r , r e p o r t s r e a c h i n g K a i e t e u r N e w s suggest that two other gang members also died.
The G uyana D efence Force (GDF) ranks were on
patrol duties in the Cuyuni R i v e r , R e g i o n S e v e n , between Eteringbang and Makapa, when they came under gunfire from masked gunmen, suspected to be part of the notorious Syndicato gang. The soldiers returned fire and it resulted in a shootout during which six of them were shot. Initial reports were that the gunmen had escaped.
On Tuesday, Kaieteur
From page 8 currently ongoing and is expected to be completed by June.
It should be noted that the vessel will not commence daily production at 250,000 barrels but will gradually startup until the FPSO reaches nameplate capacity
E a r l i e r t h i s y e a r , P r e s i d e n t o f
ExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge said the company was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the vessel. He said, this marks
From page 3
hold more than 11.6 billion barrels of oil.
T h i s m e a n s t h a t t h e r e s e r v e s h a v e a l m o s t q u a d r u p l e d w h i l e t h e country continues to receive a thin slice of the pie, with the oil companies enjoying over 85% of the revenue
g e n e r a t e d e a c h m o n t h
According to the 2016 PSA, Exxon can deduct up to 75% of Guyana’s oil monthly to
cover its expenses The remaining 25% is split with Guyana equally as profits, with the country earning an
a d d i t i o n a l 2 % f r o m t h e contractor ’s share as royalty
News learnt that the gang members did not escape u n h u r t I n f a c t , t h i s newspaper understands that there were six shooters Sources did not say how many were wounded but revealed that multiple were hit.
Reports have surfaced
confirm. The Venezuelan
execution and production fronts for our operations in the Stabroek Block.”
Kaieteur News previously reported that the project will develop approximately 925
approximately 45 to 67 development wells (including production, water injection, and gas re-injection wells).
government’s blessings on April 1, 2023.
At his end of year press conference on December 31, 2024, President Irfaan Ali made it clear that he has no interest in writing to Exxon
t o s e e k c h a n g e s t o t h e lopsided arrangement. This position however differs from the one he held w h i l e h i s p a r t y w a s i n Opposition and he was only a Presidential candidate.
D u r i n g a n i n t e r v i e w while running for president back in March 2020, Ali had strongly criticised the PSA
signed by the Coalition G o v e r n
h ExxonMobil. He stated at the time,
“We have made it very clear, and we can never agree, how could, how could, I don’t think any Guyanese agree w i t h t h i s , n o G u y a n e s e except the government that is defending it.
We have made it very clear that we have to go towards, we’re looking at t h e s e c o n t r a c t s , r e n e g o t i a t i n g
c o n t r a c
k i n g a t contract management and all of these things. Everything we have to relook at because we have to ensure that our country does not get the wrong end of the stick.”
government has issued a statement on the shooting but did not clarify if the gang
“Venezuela se encuentra i
e s t i g a n d o l o
c h o s (Venezuela is investigating
the incident)” the Bolivarian
adding that so far it has learnt
“Essequibo Territory” under the protection of the same soldiers they shot. Nothing else was said on the matter except for the usual Venezuela propaganda that it owns the Essequibo territory
Corruption in Guyana is a big boy’s game, and a rich man’s p l a y g r o u n d A c c o r d i n g t o
T r a n s p a r e n c y I n t e r n a t i o n a l , political and business elites have hijacked Guyana via the machinery of corruption that now rampages across Guyana. High political places, rich private sector places, are the spaces that encompass the
e l i t e s o f w h i c h Tr a n s p a r e n c y reported so accurately Corruption is everywhere and infects most of the principals in the political and private sectors.
Translation: The length and breadth and strength of the local elites
The corrupt elites are mostly high-profile presences in Guyana’s political and business aristocracies.
Oftentimes, it is a tricky task to identify where politics ends and business begins, so intimately entangled the two sectors are. The smarter ones in the corrupt political set have perfected a slew of methods to escape detection, as t h e y e s t a b l i s h b u s i n e s s e s t o capitalize on profit opportunities. Part of the corruption of the political elite is the unfair use of the power in its hands, for unfair advantage.
R i c h a n d e x t r a v a g a n t ad
cronies. One way is through the use of friends, families, and other fronts that are designed to shield t h e i r i n v o l v e m e n t
u p t practices. It is how the system is g a m e d , h o w t h e c o r r u p t i o n multiplies.
This year ’s record national budget, and those of the last three years, also record, represent a c o m p e l l i n g p o r t r a i t o f h o w
corruption is papered over in official jargon, and swallowed up in large numbers. It is the Catch-22
for the PPP Gov
: the budget must be used as the conduit through which to reward their business cronies (alongside setting up businesses for their own profits) from immense set asides.
The size of the dollars is what gives the goose away The national b u d g e t ( p l u s s u p p s ) i s t h e overarching system that devolves downwards and across to the private sector, with the crooked bidding and awarding apparatuses all in place to perform accordingly I would extend Transparency’s official narrative on political and business corruption at the elite level to a, perhaps, unlooked and unexamined area. It has to do with the minimum wage. The question is how do Guyanese minimum wage earners live on GY$2,000 per
day? This is stunning for the private sector, when the public s e r v i c e ’s m i n i m u m w a g e i s approximately 50% higher
The fact that the minimum wage has stagnated at $60,000 plus s
revulsion, when cost-of-living is killing the rank and file of Guyana, and those just above them on the
c o n o m i c l a d d e r Meanwhile, profits for the private sector elite skyrockets. I chalk what I call the minimum wage f
relationship between the corrupt political and private sector elites.
The latter has such a grip on the former that the minimum wage has stayed frozen for years, despite a spiraling, punishing cost-of-living
cannot buy food, take proper care of their families, but the political and private sector elites are so corrupt and so callous that they can literally conspire to starve this segment of Guyanese. What could be more instructive of who is c o r r u p t a n d h o w n e f a r i o u s corruption is than this minimum wage issue now existing in a threeyear coma?
To raise the minimum wage would dilute private sector profit margin. To raise the issue with the
private sector elite would place the political elite in the enemy encampment. So, the smallest of the small Guyanese worker is cheated. He or she is conned by the people believed to have their best interests at heart, and to whom the small man has been consistently loyal.
Wo r d s l i k e ‘ c h e a t e d ’ a n d ‘conned’ are part of the soul of corrupt activity and a corrupt culture. It is the kind of culture that has passed the state of a cancer Corruption in Guyana is now a crime that kills the national coffers first, then the spirit of the segments of the local population left to fend for themselves. One last example has its own ugly story to tell.
When the controlling political elite shrinks from dealing with debilitating noise nuisance across Guyanese communities living with constantly rolling thunder in their ears, then that emphasizes the reach of the private sector And, how the political elite is in bed with it.
These are the types of situations that reconfirm what I said about the national criminal enterprise that holds so much sway over Guyana today I wrote of this vast criminal en ter p r is e f ir s t, to w h ich th e b u s i n e s s e l i t
s Transparency came second when it
spoke in terms of corrupt political and business elites holding Guyana captive. I do the same now to make it three in a row
The political and private sector elites are now recognized far and wide across Guyana as the major p a
crookedness. I make another point: though the opposition may not be a powerful or influential presence in the Guyana political elite of today, i
uninvolved element.
government is recognized as the major presence in Transparency’s mention of a political elite and how e
ss biggies in the corruptions that squeeze life out of country and poor citizens.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not neces sarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo
segment on day one of the 2025 Guyana Energy Conference and Supply Chain Expo made it clear that Guyana is not worried about the new United States-administration policy in relation to ramping up oil and gas production there.
U.S. President Donald Trump h
In 2025, although Guyana’s daily production is expected to climb, the country will see a decrease in earnings from the sector, as oil price is likely to come down by 10.9%. This was disclosed by Guyana’s Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh. He had explained that this decline in oil prices is primarily due to slowing global demand, particularly in China. Oil prices will decline this year as global supply is
administration will be supporting new oil and gas production and exploration. Senior Vice President of Global Energy and International Affairs at S&P asked the Vice President on
President of the United States that says, drill baby, drill. More oil. It’s Continued on page 22
The Government of Guyana (GoG) will soon partner with United Stated-based Curlew Midstream to refine and store locally produced oil
This was announced by President Irfaan Ali at the opening ceremony of the 2025 Guyana Energy Conference and Supply Chain Expo on Tuesday. C
, Arkansas, specialises in energy
infrastructure and operates terminal facilities in South Louisiana
Speaking at the event held at the M
, President Ali made the disclosure but s
agreement are still to be ironed out Notwithstanding the finalization of the deal, President Ali highlighted the scale and importance of the investment, noting that it would
enhance regional energy security and economic growth
“Only this week, I was pleased that we are now moving forward with the US government, and also because this investment will support both the United States and it will support Guyana, it will add to regional security. It will also add to
Guyana,” the head-of-state said.
President Ali explained that Curlew Midstream is expected to process 30,000 barrels of oil per day from Guyana by the end of 2025 This will see an initial investment of at least US$300 million in the first two years
He noted that the project will result in refined petroleum products being available at lower prices in Continued on page 23
Guyana on Tuesday called on Venezuela to condemn the attacks on a boatload of Guyana Defence Force soldiers at Eteringbang on Monday by a criminal gang that operates from the borders of that country Foreign Affairs Minister, Hugh Todd Tuesday morning urgently
s u m m o n e d C a r l o s P
an Republic of Venezuela to Guyana to condemn and demand redress for the armed attack on the GDF supply vessel navigating in Guyanese waters between Eteringbang and Makapa.
According to a press statement,
preliminary indications are that the
Venezuelan criminal gangs who
international border Todd, the statement said told the Venezuela’s Ambassador that Guyana is outraged by the attack,
a n d t h a t i t h o l d s Ve n e z u e l a
r e s p o n s i b l e H e r e m i n d e d t h e
A m b a s s a d o r t h a t , u n d e r international law, Venezuela is responsible for any harm caused to Guyana or its nationals by persons acting from Venezuelan territory, i n c l u d i n g p r i v a t e i n d i v i d u a l s unaffiliated with the Venezuelan Government or Armed Forces.
The minister, the ministry’s
s t a t e m e n t s a i d i n s i s t e d t h a t
Ve n e z u e l a c o m p l y w i t h i t s international obligation not to allow its territory to be used to harm a neighbouring State and its duty to e l i m i n a t e t h e p r e s e n c e o f Venezuelan criminal gangs in the border region, and to prevent any future attacks on Guyana.
N o t i n g t h a t V e n e z u e l a maintains a significant military presence in the region, despite the absence of a security threat from Guyana, the Minister insisted that Venezuela deploy these assets against the criminal gangs within its territory that constitute a threat to both States.
M i n i s t e r T o d d f u r t h e r expressed his concern about the Ambassador ’s failure to denounce y e s t e r d a y ’ s i n c i d e n t , a n d Venezuela’s failure, thus far, to take any action to pursue, apprehend or bring to justice the perpetrators. “ I n a c t i o n ” h e w a r n e d “ i s complicity, and Guyana will not hesitate to fully exercise its rights under international law to hold Venezuela accountable.”
Six soldiers were shot and i n j u r e d w h e n m e m b e r s o f Venezuelan notorious Sindicato gang opened fire on them Monday The Sindicato has been allowed to roam freely in Guyana’s hinterland and from time to time its members have harassed, robbed and killed Guyanese. Their attack on the
Foreign Affairs Minister, Hugh Todd meeting with Carlos Perez, Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to Guyana
soldiers comes amid continued threats from Venezuela over its spurious claim to this country’s Essequibo region.
The shooting also happened on the day when Guyana celebrated the 59th Anniversary of the Geneva A g r e e m e n t o f 1 9 6 6 , w h i c h provides the framework for the resolution of the controversy that arose out of Venezuela’s unilateral attempt to nullify the legality of the Arbitral Award of 1899, which definitively established the land boundary between Guyana and Venezuela.
In a statement on Monday, the Guyana Police Force in a statement l i s t e d t h e i n j u r e d a s : S e c o n d Lieutenant Ansel Murray, who suffered a gunshot wound to the right of his head; Sergeant Kevon Davis who was shot in the right foot a n d a n k l e ; C o r p o r a l A n d r e w
Fraser, who sustained gunshot wounds to his left-side abdomen
and shoulder; Corporal Kevin Henry, who was shot in the left arm and shoulder; Lance Corporal, Travis Yorrick, who was injured in the right thigh; and Private Ezron Samuel, who was shot in the rightside of his abdomen.
Despite their injuries, all of the s o l d i e r s w e r e r e p o r t e d t o b e conscious and stable, police said in a statement. Medical treatment was administered by GDF medic L/Cpl Melville at the Makapa GDF Observation Post.
P o l i c e s a i d t h e s h o o t i n g occurred about 15:45hrs, involving members of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and suspected armed i n d i v i d u a l s b e l i e v e d t o b e associated with Sindicatos. The incident took place near Black Water Mouth in the Cuyuni River, while a GDF boat was enroute from the Eteringbang GDF main base to the Makapa GDF Observation Post to deliver supplies.
The GDF team was using a thirty-foot canoe powered by a 185-horsepower Yamaha engine. During the journey, the GDF boat was intercepted by two wooden boats carrying heavily armed,
masked men. The assailants circled the GDF boat and opened fire, prompting the GDF ranks to return fire. The exchange resulted in the attackers retreating, but not before multiple GDF members sustained
gunshot wounds.
Meanwhile, in a statement last night, the GDF said that on Monday a resupply patrol enroute from Eteringbang to Makapa came under fire from a group of armed men
positioned on the Venezuelan bank of the Cuyuni River The patrol imm
attack and engaged the assailants w
exchange, several members of the patrol sustained gunshot injuries. Immediate efforts are underway to ensure their safe extraction and medical treatment,” the statement read.
“The GDF has been mobilised to reinforce its presence in the area,
personnel and safeguarding the territorial integrity of Guyana,” the statement continued. The GDF said
protecting its borders and will take all necessary measures to address any threats to national security
monitoring the situation and will
information becomes available. At Continued on page 24
The six soldiers who were shot and injured by the notorious Sindicato criminal gang from Venezuela were evacuated to Georgetown for further treatment.
“The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) wishes to advise that its ranks affected by yesterday’s (Monday’s) incident in the Cuyuni River are currently being medically evacuated to Georgetown for urgent followup medical care. The health and well-being of our personnel remain the highest priority, and all necessary measures are being taken to ensure they
eceive the best possible treatment,” GDF said in a release.
Additionally, according to the GDF, the families of the affected ranks have been contacted and are being kept informed of their condition.
“His Excellency, President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, has spoken with the affected ranks, commending their bravery and unwavering dedication to national service. He expressed his gratitude for their resolute commitment to upholding the nation’s territorial integrity and has directed that every necessary medical intervention be made available to ensure their full recovery
The Guyana Defence Force remains steadfast in its commitment to the welfare of all ranks and ensuring the nation’s security,” the release added.
Meanwhile, in a statement, President Ali said: “We are deeply concerned about the well-being of our soldiers who were injured in yesterday’s attack on a military patrol. I had the opportunity to speak with 2LT Ansel Murray, SGT Andre Frazer, SGT Kevon Davis, CPL Kevin Henry, LCPL Troy Yorrick, and PTE Ezra Samuel. I expressed my gratitude for their service at our borders and assured them of the nation’s support and my concern for their well-being. They are in good spirits. An army Bell 412 helicopter is enroute to carry out a medical evacuation (MEDIVAC). Our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families.”
The Guyana Police Force in a statement on Monday listed the injured as: Second Lieutenant Ansel Murray, who suffered a gunshot wound to the right of his head; Sergeant Kevon Davis who was shot in the right foot and ankle; Corporal Andrew Fraser, who sustained gunshot wounds in his left-side abdomen and shoulder; Corporal Kevin Henry, who was shot in the left arm and shoulder; Lance Corporal Travis Yorrick, who was injured in the right thigh; and Private Ezron Samuel, who was shot in his right-side abdomen. Despite their injuries, all of the soldiers were reported to be conscious and stable, police said in a statement.
Medical treatment was administered by GDF medic L/Cpl Melville at the Makapa GDF Observation Post.
Police said the shooting occurred about 15:45hrs, involving members of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and suspected armed individuals believed to be associated with Sindicatos. The incident took place near Black Water Mouth in the Cuyuni River, while a GDF boat was enroute from the Eteringbang GDF main base to the Makapa
GDF Observation Post to deliver supplies. The GDF team was using a thirty-foot canoe powered by a 185-horsepower Yamaha engine. During the journey, the GDF boat was intercepted by two wooden boats carrying heavily armed, masked men. The assailants circled the GDF boat and opened fire, prompting the GDF ranks to return fire. The exchange resulted in the attackers retreating, but not before multiple GDF members sustained gunshot wounds.
A 15-year-old girl was the victim of a man who was jailed for human trafficking
o n M o n d a y w h e n h e appeared at the Vreed-enHoop Magistrate’s Court.
Asif Mohamed Abrahim was sentenced to 48 months
i n p r i s o n f o r h u m a n trafficking and one month for assault. The sentences will run concurrently The case was heard before Magistrate
o n Monday In a press release, t
e M i n i s t
y o f H u m a n Services and Social Security,
f u l prosecution underscores the
commitment to protecting vulnerable individuals and bringing perpetrators of this heinous crime to justice. The case, the ministry
culminated on Monday with sentencing, marking a crucial s
g accountability and providing a measure of justice for the survivor
The victim, a 15-year-old girl at the time of the offence, was rescued by the ministry’s C o u n t e r - T
c k
n g i n Persons (C-TIP) Unit on January 18, 2024 According to the ministry, the victim,
who resided in a village in Region 9, was transported to A b r a
p She was held there until the C-TIP
information, intervened and rescued her on January 18, 2024.
The swift and decisive action of the C-TIP team
exploitation of the young girl and ensured her immediate safety and access to necessary support services, the ministry said
survivor as she continues her j
recovery The Ministry of Human Services and Social S
t r a f f i c k i n g i s a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. The C-TIP Unit works tirelessly to prevent trafficking, protect
A d d i t i o n a l l y , t h e ministry is
urging members of the public to remain vigilant and report any suspected cases of human trafficking to the CTIP Unit hotline at 2274083, 623-5030 (English) and 624-0079 (Spanish) or contact the nearest police
s t a t i o n . A l l r e p o r t s a r e treated with confidentiality. Together, we can create a safer and more just society, free from the scourge of human trafficking.
Human trafficker, Asif Mohamed Abrahim was jailed for four years
President Irfaan Ali assured that the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), will be the k e y d r i v e r i n e n s u r i n g Guyana keeps up with global a d v a n c e m e n t s a n d i m p r o v i n g f u r t h e r development.
T h e s e r e m a r k s w e r e made during his key note address on Tuesday, at the opening ceremony of the 2025 edition of the Guyana E n e r g y C o n f e r e n c e a n d Supply Chain Expo, located at the Marriott Hotel.
President Irfaan Ali
n g
t A I a n d robotics will do like 1,2, 3 just supported by the human element on a platform, that is where the world is going and that is where we have to go.”
T h e p r e s i d e n t a l s o highlighted the various uses of AI in research including, Caribbean Genomics Bank
G u y a n a benefiting,” he said.
M e a n w h i l e ,
h e president also shared his vision for Guyana to become a global leader in nursing education. “We realize that we need to attract a partner that will help us to be a great global player in this area and that is why we are discussing with Northwell from the US
a partnership through which our nursing program and their nursing program will c
international certification so we can be a global trainer for
addressing other areas in the
emphasized the critical role infrastructure plays
He stated “For any leader today, how are we going to k e e p u p w i t h A I a n d digitization? Otherwise, we are going to be left behind and left behind for a very long time.” He stressed that a l l i n v e s t m e n t s a n d initiatives must consider the global environment in which AI and digitalization are b e c o m i n g e s s e n t i a l “Everything we invest in, everything we do now must take in consideration that it has to be applicable and w o r k a b l e i
w h
c h digitization and AI will be the order of the day If we are not building on that platform t h e n w
He further emphasized on AI used in the health care
s y s t e m P r e s i d e n t A l i explained that AI would significantly
nce the health care system, making it more accountable, efficient and transparent. “So, in the health care system we are already taking aggressive steps to ensure that AI is an important aspect in health care delivery STEM will be
partnered with Harvard to develop AI to read malaria slides. It is also already operational, we are using AI now to read malaria slides,” he revealed.
, President Ali spoke about the bond between Guyana and
Digital School that we are building having a platform f
students can access Guyana digital school doing English studies and other studies that
DPI- The National Assembly on Monday passed with amendments a motion that supports the government’s efforts to upgrade the Le Repentir cemetery to elevate it to the status of a national memorial.
The original motion was brought by an O p p o s i t i o n M e m b e r o f P a r l i a m e n t I t proposed that the National Assembly call on the government to upgrade the historic facility However, Minister of Public Works Bishop Juan Edghill said the government has already initiated a plan to upgrade cemeteries across the country including the Le Repentir Cemetery in 2025.
The cemetery was established in 1861 and covered approximately 106.508 acres. It has suffered degradation over the years.
During the 101st sitting of the National Assembly, the Public Works Minister told the house that Guyana’s laws dictate that the Georgetown Mayor and City Council is responsible for the cemetery’s maintenance.
“As a matter of fact, all the family members who have to engage funeral homes or parlours, the monies they pay are paid to city hall for the spot. So where is the money that is being paid for burials going?” he questioned.
Another clause in the opposition MP’s motion advocates that the Georgetown City Council is unable to garner adequate funds to provide services such as security and maintenance, among others.
Minister Edghill reminded the House that the MP is a senior member of a political party that owes the Mayor and City Council $6.4 billion in rates and taxes.
“If the company that is the holding facility for Congress Place just pays their rates and taxes, the issue of the enhancement
of the Le Repentir Cemetery by the competent authority which is the Mayor and City Council could be addressed in a week’s time,” he stated.
outlined detail on the various elements of the cemetery’s refurbishment, which falls under
He explained that small contractors from surrounding areas will soon be employed to construct concrete roads in the cemetery as part of its rehabilitation. This includes six main access roads, 13 cross streets and four footpaths. Overgrown vegetation is a key challenge at the cemetery, but the public works minister said the government is exploring a solution.
families to concrete not only the tomb itself but also the surrounding ground, paving the space between tombs to prevent vegetation growth. “That way the maintenance of the c
intervention. That is not just something for
countrywide. The work has started and we will continue to execute it,” the minister stated. According to him, the failures and inaction of the M&CC have prompted the intervention of central government and thus far, almost $20 billion has been expended for the enhancement of the capital city
Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Sonia Parag makes a point during the parliamentary debates in the National Assembly on Monday
Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Sonia Parag refuted claims by the Opposition MPs that the PPP/C owed over $13 billion in rates and taxes.
“I have spoken to the City Council and can definitively say that this government does not owe the City Council any money,” the minister stated. The motion was also supported by Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn and Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr
important part of what we think is essential,” he said. L
infrastructure is a necessity, infrastructure is the known part equation to take us forward,” he stressed. “It is infrastructure that supports growth and opens up new opportunities,” President Ali said.
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By Allyiah Allicock Director of Energy, Climate Justice, and Sustainability
Research Professor
at New York University’s School of Professional Studies, Amy Meyers Jaffe, on Tuesday said that Guyana’s natural gas is a great resource and can be used to create employment opportunities for citizens while at the same time add more wealth to the country.
The Director made these remarks on the first day of the 2025 Guyana Energy Conference which is being held at the Guyana Marriott Hotel at
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Kingston. Jaffe in her brief presentation elaborated on the possibilities that exist to use Guyana’s natural gas resource.
In explaining these options in the form of case studies, the Director said, “Try to think about how to develop internal industries that might be reflective of growth that is going to come in the market.”
On this point she shared that in the case of Trinidad and Tobago, for years they had tremendous success with their ammonia export plant.
“People believe that the global trade in ammonia is going to grow by 10 times by 2050. We are expected to see a 30% growth in capacity by 2029, and again Guyana is really well placed because not only do you have natural gas but you also have these plans to go to hydro and other renewable resources and so you could participate both in traditional natural gas based, ammonia possibly eventually putting in CCS (Carbon capture and storage) as it is happening in Louisiana (USA),” she briefed.
Another option, the Energy expert stated, was the potential for the country to build its own terminal natural gas plant and be an export to other Caribbean nations.
“In matters to look at the experience of North Africa and Europe where we are seeing increased interest in trading electricity. Now your neighbours in CARICOM have high dependency on oil for burning of electricity and that has turned out to be quite an economic burden. One of the things that is interesting is because they have so much small economies and the kind of projects it would take to build new electricity is expensive,” she informed.
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Jaffe said that in blending in renewable resources to bring export capacity in ammonia, is a very important market for fertilizers.
“So again, big potential there to think about how that might be beneficial to Guyana’s long-term economy and maybe in a joint venture with Trinidad and Tobago, given the fact that they are starting to shutter their plans for lack of natural gas supply. Kind of an interesting time to think about the ammonia market,” she pointed out.
She continued, “You could look at the case study of North Africa’s relationship with Southern Europe and think about whether or not Guyana can be an exporter of electricity by building a longdistance wire from Guyana to the Caribbean and provide your neighbours with electricity by wire instead of trying to figure out a way to bring the natural gas itself. You would convert the natural gas to electricity in Guyana and then export the electricity to CARICOM and other neighbouring countries.”
Stating another option the country can look at, Jaffe said there is a case of compressing the natural gas (CNG) to fuel vehicles.
Providing how this works, she elaborated, “One of the interesting things that happened in Oklahoma (USA) was that they came up with their first energy plan of 2011. Where the entire gov-
ernment switched its state to compress its natural gas, you know you can do that after markets so it does not require you to buy new vehicles. Then they provided a set of tax breaks to businesses also to convert their vehicles to CNG and to individuals and citizens to convert to CNG and then they offer generous tax credits to some of the natural gas companies in Oklahoma to develop the construction of CNG fueling stations.” According to the Director, this plan has been a successful one, which saw the state making CNG available at every 100 miles in the state. While these options can be beneficial to the country, the NYU Energy Director said that Guyana’s natural gas
is a great resource to really think through, since it can build jobs and add more energy security and more resources as the country moves in other industries.
“For example, as Guyana enhances its tourism industry, you know having CNG vehicles or electric vehicles that are fueled with your natural gas is yet another way, because as more tourists come the demand for transportation and for electricity for hotels is going to go up,” she noted. She added too that it is all very complementary to think about how to integrate the natural gas resources the country has into the growing economy that is getting a boost from its oil revenue.
From page 12 going to come onto the market. Chinese demand is tailing off, and market is going to be absorbed by somebody else worried about it.”
In his response, Vice President Jagdeo stated, “I’m not, I’m not.”
Jagdeo supported his unbothered comment by stating that American oil giant, ExxonMobil Corporation, who is operating in Guyana through its subsidiary ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has recently submitted its plans to have a seventh and eight project approved by the Guyanese government.
EMGL is the operator of the prolific Stabroek Block which is estimated to hold 11.6 billion barrels of oil. To date, Exxon has received govern-
ment approval for six projects in that block, and has the aim of producing 1.3 million barrels of oil daily by 2030. Currently, oil production offshore Guyana is over 600,000 barrels per day (bpd) from just 3 projects. The fourth project is expected to start production later this year.
Jagdeo further explained why he’s not worried about Trump’s policy, “because Exxon has just started, submitted the documents for the approval process to start our seventh and an eighth project. They were expanding capex in Guyana, the United States of America, in spite of what President Trump has said, and I’m sure that they intend to make the regulatory environment more favourable to the growth of the oil and gas industry in the United
States of America, but we believe that you’re not going to have a major supply response to that.”
He underscored that investment in oil and gas production are made by private companies. To this end, he reminded that Exxon is a “very big and complex corporation.” He went on to state that Exxon studies the oil market.
“They probably know the oil markets more than any government official, and they’re willing to expand their production here, clearly they see in the future a demand for fossil fuel, and they believe that in Guyana, we have a unique opportunity to supply that market, low break-even cost, the quality of our food is great, so I’m not worried about it,” the Vice President said. Moreover, Jagdeo said
that he believes that the demand for fossil fuel will remain “relatively high” as the growth in demand for fossil fuel will not be displaced in a “major way” by renewable energy. “So, I’m not worried too much about the new environment or the US position in relation to the oil and gas industry and whether it would flood the market with cheap oil,” Jagdeo said, adding, “And if the prices come down, as President Trump wants the price to come down, then it would also make some of the existing operations in the United States, particularly with fracking, it may make them not feasible.” Nevertheless, the Vice President expressed support for the growth of the industry in Guyana. He also attributed this to the rate at which the government has been approving projects. However, he highlighted that the government will not put all of its eggs in one basket.
F o r m e r P r e s i d e n t o f Colombia, Ivan Duque, has lauded Guyana for its major potential for green energy d e v e l o p m e n t t h r o u g h i t s standing forests.
Duque was at the time making a presentation at the o p e n i n g o f t h e G u y a n a Energy Conference at the Marriot Hotel in Kingston, Georgetown on Monday
He told the gathering of l o c a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l dignitaries, oil executives and politicians that while the country is on an upward t r a j e c t o r y w i t h i t s development of fossil fuels, it has similar capacity for d e v e l o p m e n t i n i t s v a s t biodiversity
In his presentation titled “Green is the new Black,” the former Head-of-State
h i g h l i g h t e d t h e v a s t biodiversity of the country, particularly its capability to harness carbon credits from its lush green forest. “Ladies a n d g e n t l e m e n b e c a u s e almost 90 percent of the territory of this country is
forest that is still a w o r l d t h a t i s s e e i n g deforestation at levels that we had never seen before and basically is a country with z e r o d e f o r e s t a t i o n o r marginal deforestation, it is a n e x a m p l e o f h o w protecting nature makes a difference…” “When you have 90% of a country in f o r e s t , w h e n y o u a r e doubling its protected areas, when yo
m u l t i p l i c i t y o f s p e c i e s , you’re also a country that is sinking carbon of around 20 b i l l i o n t o n s , t h e n t h e question is a dollar invested in Guyana is a much greener d o l l a r t h a n i n v e s t e d somewhere else, and that is competitiveness.”
Duque also noted the potential of the country’s b i o d i v e r s i t y t o g a r n e r
t a x o n o m y, c r e d i t s a n d bonds. “…We are following the Colombian experience of 2021, we had the taxonomy, we announced it at the New York Stock Exchange, and then we were able to launch
our bonds. Our bonds had a 7% green, so imagine if Guyana can issue bonds for the international ma
a n d biodiversity objectives, and it can have discounts that allow to allocate in a smarter way the resources that are in t h e w o r l d
m s o f liquidity…,” Duque stated. The former President said he was privileged to have conversation with President Ali, on how the country can benefit from its wealth in biodiversity He told the conference “I
conversations with President Ali over the last years and he says yes, we are an energy power but we are something more than that we are a b i o d i v e r s i t y p o w e r h o u s e
We are a carbon sinking unit for the world and Guyana has demonstrated to the world that green capacity that is almost at the same level as oil and gas, should be not o n l y p r a i s e d b u t s h o u l d m o b i l i z e i n v e s t m e n t a n d should be seen as an engine of social transformation for Guyana.”
In addition, he lauded the government’s initiative not t o m a k e t h e c o u n t r y dependent on oil and gas but to make it one that is diverse in its development trajectory Duque asserted that he considers Guyana as a green s u p e r p o w e r a n d a b i o d i v e r s i t y s u p e r p o w e r
“Not only this but it is a source of fresh water but in terms of species in trees, it has the capacity to capture 20 b i l l i o n t o n s o f c a r b o n .
Something that is also very
In a significant step
towards enhancing
c l i m a t e r e s i l i e n c e and equipping Caribbean nations with critical data to withstand extreme weather
e v e n t s , t h e C a r i b b e a n Development Bank (CDB), in collaboration with the
C a r i b b e a n I n s t i t u t e f o r Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH), has launched the
Development of Rainfall
I n t e n s i t y - D u r a t i o n -
Frequency (IDF) Curves project.
The initiative aims to
s u p p o r t C D B ’ s 1 9
B o r r o w i n g M e m b e r
C o u n t r i e s ( B M C s ) i n designing infrastructure that is more resistant to flooding and other climate-related
r i s k s T h e p r o j e c t commenced with a virtual w o r k s h o p o n F r i d a y , February 14, 2025, bringing together key stakeholders, i n c l u d i n g g o v e r n m e n t representatives and national m e t e o r o l o g i c a l a n d hydrological services.
Rainfall IDF curves are e s s e n t i a l f o r d e s i g n i n g resilient infrastructure, such as drainage systems and flood control mechanisms. These curves help estimate
r a i n f a l l i n t e n s i t i e s f o r v a r y i n g p r o b a b i l i t i e s o f excess rainfall, making them
c r i t i c a l t o o l s f o r infrastructure planning. By integrating climate change considerations, the project will enhance the planning, design, and implementation o f c l i m a t e - r e s i l i e n t i n f r a s t r u c t u r e a c r o s s t h e r e g i o n T h e w o r k s h o p provided an overview of the project’s scope, objectives, and key deliverables, while a l s o r a i s i n g p u b l i c
a w a r e n e s s o f i t s significance Stakeholders
d i s c u s s e d t h e i r r o l e s i n e n s u r i n g e f f e c t i v e implementation, fostering collaboration, and securing long-term success.
D r D a v i d F a r r e l l , P r i n c i p a l o f t h e C I M H , emphasised the project’s significance, stating, “This represents an important step forward in our collective
e f f o r t s t o m i t i g a t e t h e societal impacts of current and future extreme weather
e v e n t s . B y d e v e l o p i n g updated rainfall IDF curves
t h a t t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t possible future climates, we will enhance the resilience of our infrastructure and protect local communities from the increasing threats posed by climate change.”
Mr Shawn Boyce, Chief Hydrologist at CIMH and the project’s Technical Lead,
highlighted the importance of stakeholder collaboration in achieving the project’s goals. “The ultimate success of such a project relies h e a v i l y o n a c t i v e stakeholder engagement to ensure that the outputs of the project are integrated into planning and design across the region. This regional kick-off workshop marks the beginning of an inclusive p r o c e s s t o e n s u r e t h e resulting IDF curves are practical, accessible, and widely adopted.”
CDB’s Division Chief
( A g ) , E c
c Infrastructure Division, Mr William Ashby, remarked on the broader vision of the project. “The vulnerability
severe flood events continue
u l t i n d a m a g e t o infrastructure and housing, loss of in
ces, degradation of the natural environment, and risk to life. The tools to be produced from this project, together w i t h t h
countries’ capacity to design
important is that it has more than 8000 species of plants in this country many that are unique to the Guyanese landscape and ladies and gentlemen; more than 700 species of birds in this country more than 800 fish, something that few countries in the world can do This l e a d e r s h i p h a s t o b e recognized and has to bring i n v e s t m e n t , ” a d d e d t h e f o r m e r P r e s i d e n t Additionally, Duque pointed out that for the last 24 years Guyana has made a big
From page 14
G u y a n a w h i l e a l s o establishing the country as a hub for fuel distribution across northern Brazil and the wider Caribbean region. He said, “These are the type of investment that we are p u r s u i n g , t r a n s f o r m a t i v e investment, investment that goes beyond economics and financial returns, investment that strengthens security, integrate security, expand partnership.”
The President outlined
a d v a n c e i n t h e h u m a n development index.
“It looks marginal but basically it demonstrates that G u y a n a i s o n e o f t h e countries in Latin America that has made the fastest progress. In terms of the reduction of inequality, it b a s i c a l l y r e d u c e d i t s inequality by more than half. In terms of energy coverage, in terms of internet access, infrastructure access in the last 24 years, Guyana has a story that is compelling and inspiring…” he noted.
execute trading agreements for United States-refined fuels to be stored in a stateof-the-art, local fuel storage facility that will initially house 750,000 barrels of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and heavy fuel oil,” it was stated. It was stated that this will e n a b l e G u y a n a t o m e e t 100% of its domestic fuel needs while also supplying h i g h - q u a l i t y , n o ns a n c t i o n e d f u e l s t o CARICOM nations.
p r o t e c t i o n s y s t e m s , reducing the risk of social and economic losses,” said Mr Ashby
T h e p r o j e c t , t o b e i m p l e m e n t e d o v e r 1 8 m o n t h s , w i l l g e n e r a t e rainfall IDF curves for each BMC, incorporating climate c h a n g e p r o j e c t i o n s t o account for future shifts in r a i n f a l l i n t e n s i t y a n d frequency This data will h e l p m i t i g a t e r i s k s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h e x t r e m e weather events and enhance disaster preparedness.
The kick-off workshop concluded with a roadmap outlining the next steps, i n c l u d i n g c o m p r e h e n s i v e d a t a c o l l e c t i o n e f f o r t s ,
o n g o i n g s t a k e h o l d e r
e n g a g e m e n t , a n d p u b l i c a w a r e n e s s i n i t i a t i v e s t o p r o m o t e t h e p r o j e c t ’ s importance. By addressing v u l n e r a b i
with extreme rainfall, this initiative seeks to strengthen
preparedness, and safeguard lives and livelihoods.
The project represents
t h e b r o a d e r e c o n o m i c potential of the initiative and u n d e r s c o r e d t h e r o l e i t would play in developing Guyana’s marine economy, transportation, and logistics s e c t o r s T h e p r o j e c t i s expected to create thousands of jobs and support the m o v e m e n t o f t a n k e r s b e t w e e n G u y a n a a n d international markets.
“When you look at the numbers in a seven-year period, you’re talking about close to seven billion US of refined fuels imported here in Guyana alone, seven billion US dollars when you look at the numbers in the next seven years, and then w h e n y o u l o o k a t t h e
n u m b e r s i n C A R I C O M , what CARICOM’s internal consumption is, that’s about US$10 billion annually I’m n o t e v e n t a l k i n g a b o u t northern Brazil as yet,” Ali noted. Moreover, in a press statement, Curlew detailed that the partnership with the Guyanese government will ensure Guyana’s continued m o v e t o w a r d e n e r g y independence.
Curlew Midstream said that the partnership will a l l o w G u y a n a t o s t o r e 750,000 barrels of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and heavy fuel oil in a modern fuel storage facility
“The agreement between the Government of Guyana a n d C u r l e w M i d s t r e a m would enable Guyana to
The release further stated that the increased fuel trade b e t w e e n t h e U S a n d Guyana through the Curlew terminal would lead to “an i m m e d i a t e , d r a m a t i c reduction in the wholesale and retail price of fuels that power the nation.”
Curlew further stated, “These cost reductions will have the further impact of reducing the costs of all goods transported by air, road and river Additionally, the impacts of the reductions of fuel costs will be felt by businesses and households acr
electricity generated by the burning of heavy fuel oil, prior to the completion of the
President Ali reiterated that in order for Guyana to move into its rightful and proud
viewed as one of the most vital puzzle pieces alongside
and gas. He highlighted the partnership with Curlew as a giant leap in that direction.
An oil refinery has been on the government’s agenda for some time now The government had gone out to tender and had even signed
R I Y A D H , F e b 1 8
( R e u t e r s ) - T h e U n i t e d
States and Russia said on Tuesday they had agreed to press ahead with efforts to end the war in Ukraine after holding talks in the Saudi capital at which Kyiv was not represented.
The 4-1/2-hour meeting in Riyadh marked a crucial moment - the first time that U.S. and Russian officials have sat down together to discuss ways to halt the deadliest conflict in Europe
s i n c e Wo r l d Wa r Tw o Ukraine says it will not accept any deal imposed on it without its consent.
Even before the talks
t o o k p l a c e , t h e n e w administration of President Donald Trump was accused b y s o m e E u r o p e a n politicians of handing free concessions to Moscow last week by ruling out NATO membership for Ukraine and saying it was an illusion for Kyiv to believe it could win back the 20% of its territory now under Russian control.
U S national security
adviser Mike Waltz told reporters in Riyadh that the
w a r m u s t c o m e t o a
permanent end, and this would involve negotiations over territory
“Just a practical reality is that there is going to be some discussion of territory and t h e r e ’ s g o i n g t o b e
d i s c u s s i o n o f s e c u r i t y guarantees,” he said.
A d d r e s s i n g U k r a i n i a n and European concerns, U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio said no one was being s i d e l i n e d , t h e E u r o p e a n
U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio meets with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Saudi National Security Advisor Mosaad bin Mohammad Al-Aiban, U.S. National Security Advisor Mike Waltz,U.S. Middle East envoy Steve Witkoff, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy advisor Yuri Ushakov, at Diriyah Palace, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 18, 2025. REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein/Pool
Union needed to be involved at some point, and any solution must be acceptable to all parties.
B u t e v e n w h i l e t h e meeting in the Saudi capital w a s u n d e r w a y, R u s s i a hardened its demands.
F o r e i g n M i n i s t r y s p o k e s w o m a n M a r i a Zakharova told reporters in Moscow it was “not enough” for NATO not to admit Ukraine as a member She said the alliance must go further by disavowing a promise it made at a summit in Bucharest in 2008 that Kyiv would join at a future, unspecified date.
“Otherwise, this problem will continue to poison the atmosphere on the European continent,” she said.
U k r a i n i a n P r e s i d e n t Volodymyr Zelenskiy has
c o n s i s t e n t l y d e m a n d e d NATO membership as the o n l y w a y t o g u a r a n t e e K y i
nuclear-armed neighbour Ukraine agreed to give up its Soviet-era nuclear w e a p o n s i n 1 9 9 4
n exchange for assurances of i
As European countries discuss the possibility of contributing peacekeepers to back any Ukraine peace deal, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also said in Riyadh that Moscow would not accept the deployment of
Guyana calls on Venezuela to condemn...
From page 15 this time, the safety and well-being of our troops
r e m a i n o u r h i g h e s t p r i o r i t y, ” t h e s t a t e m e n t concluded.
T h i s n e w s p a p e r h a s frequently reported on how members of the Sindicato gang have harassed miners
a n d r e s i d e n t s o f
Eteringbang Community l o c a t e d i n t h e U p p e r Cuyuni-Mazaruni District, Region Seven.
N A T O t r o o p s t h e r e , whatever flag they were operating under. “Of course, this is unacceptable to us,” he said.
T h e c o m m e n t s b y
L a v r o v a n d Z a k h a r o v a signalled that Russia will keep pressing for further c o n c e s s i o n s i n t h e negotiations, whose opening encounter saw Lavrov and Kremlin foreign policy aide Yuri Ushakov - two veterans who have spent a combined 34 years in their current roles - negotiate with three Trump administration officials in their first month on the job. Both sides said no date had been set for a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, which both men say they want.
B u t t h e f a s t - m o v i n g
diplomacy, beginning with a Putin-Trump phone call only six days earlier, has triggered a l a r m i n U k r a i n e a n d European capitals that the two leaders could cut a quick d e a l t h a t i g n o r e s t h e i r security interests, rewards Moscow for its invasion and leaves Putin free to threaten Ukraine or other countries in the future.
U.S. State Department spokesperson Tammy Bruce said the two sides agreed to appoint “respective highlevel teams to begin working on a path to ending the conflict in Ukraine as soon as possible in a way that is enduring, sustainable, and acceptable to all sides”.
R u s s i a n n e g o t i a t o r Ushakov told reporters after more than four hours of talks: “It was a very serious
c o n v e r s
touch upon.”
Rubio said he had come away convinced that the Russian side was “willing to begin to engage in a serious process to determine how quickly and through what mechanism can an end be brought to this war”.
Lavrov said there was “high interest” in lifting economic barriers between the two countries, after the U S a n d o t h e r We s t e r n countries-imposed waves of sanctions on Moscow over the war
“There are other parties that have sanctions The European Union is going to have to be at the table at some point, because they have sanctions as well that have been imposed,” he said.
Photo saved as Talks
Caption: U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio meets with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al S a u d , S a u d i N a t i o n a l Security Advisor Mosaad bin Mohammad Al-Aiban, U.S.
N a t i o n a l S e c u r i t y Advisor Mike Waltz, U.S. Middle East envoy Steve Witkoff, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian President Vladimir P u t i n ’ s f o r e i g n p o l i c y advisor Yuri Ushakov, at Diriyah Palace, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 18, 2 0 2 5 R E U T E R S / E v e l y n Hockstein/Pool
Why a global tech fund for the poorest countries...
R e s i d e n t s h a d d e t a i l e d t h a t t h e r e a r e four checkpoints between A k a r a b i s a n d E t e r i n g b a n g ( o n e National Guard and three Sindicatos) T h e r e s i d e n t s e x p l a i n e d t h a t a t a l l f o u r c h e c k p o i n t s , t h e y h a v e t o s t o p a n d a l l o w t h e a r m e d g u a r d s a n d
S i n d i c a t o s t o c h e c k t h e i r
b o a t s , a n d a d d e d t o t h a t ,
d e p e n d i n g o n w h a t t h e y a r e t r a n s p o r t i n g , t h e y a r e
a l s o r e q u i r e d t o p a y, a b o u t $ 2 0 0 0 p e r d r u m o f f u e l a t a l l f o u r c h e c k p o i n t s T h e y a d d e d t h a t t h e y
a l s o h a v e t o p a y w h e n t r a n s p o r t i n g f o o d a n d
B a c k i n 2 0 2 3 , r e s i d e n t s d u r i n g i n t e r v i e w s w i t h t h i s n e w s p a p e r p l e a d e d f o r t h e G o v e r n m e n t ’ s intervention and possible solution to the “abuse” and “outright robberies” they are facing at the hands of the Venezuelan National Guard and the notorious sindicato gang.
T h e r e i s g r e a t r i s k i f w e c h o o s e t o n o t s t o
closure of the Eteringbang Airstrip has compounded the situation since we are forced to use the river exclusively and face these criminals even more,” they said.
o t h e r s u p p l i e s “ T h e r e h a v e b e e n m a n y i n s t a n c e s w h e r e w e a r e r o b b e d b y t h e s e p e o p l e o r h a v e p a r t o f o u r s t o c k s e i z e d b y t h e m
From page 06
a smart investment Investing in the tech capacities of LDCs is not only a moral obligation but makes good business sense. High levels of inequality limit access to education and skills, undermining social mobility and economic growth in the world’s 44 LDCs.
R a p i d e c o n o m i c g r o w t h a n d
d e v e l o p m e n t i n t h e s e c o u n t r i e s – w i t h
t h e i r m a s s i v e m a r k e t o f o v e r o n e
b i l l i o n p e o p l e – r e p r e s e n t s a n e q u a l l y
m a s s i v e o p p o r t u n i t y f o r c o u n t r i e s i n t h e g l o b a l S o u t h a n d a l s o f o r d e v e l o p e d
c o u n t r i e s
I n v e s t i n g i n a d e d i c a t e d S T I f u n d
w o u l d p a v e t h e w a y f o r l o n g - t e r m
s u s t a i n a b l e d e v e l o p m e n t i n L D C s , p r o v i d i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r
c o l l a b o r a t i o n , h a r n e s s i n g t h e t a l e n t o f t h e i r y o u t h f u l p o p u l a t i o n s a n d o p e n i n g u p n e w m a r k e t s T h e F i n a n c i n g f o r D e v e l o p m e n t s u m m i t a s a c a t a l y s t f o r c o o r d i n a t e d
a c t i o n T h i s d e c a d e b e g a n w i t h a g l o b a l p a n d e m i c t h a t w r o u g h t h a v o c o n e c o n o m i e s w o r l d w i d e , p a r t i c u l a r l y t h e m o s t v u l n e r a b l e T h o s e w h o d i d n ’t h a v e t h e b u ff e r s t o b o u n c e b a c k c o n t i n u e t o s t r u g g l e t o m e e t b a s i c
e 4 t
Th e f i n a l 1 6
p l a y e r s o f t h e
G u y a n a G i r l s Under-21 hockey team have been selected to compete in
t h e 2 0 2 5 PA H F J u n i o r
C h a l l e n g e s c h e d u l e d f o r Bridgetown, Barbados from 8th to 16th March, 2025.
The girls have been in training for several months and earlier this year had been narrowed to a squad of 23
players This final cut reduces the squad to the final 16 who will compete in
Barbados. Among those selected a n d f o u r o v e r s e a s - b a s e d players, all of whom grew up in Guyana but are now studying abroad. Those are
Sarah Klautky who was selected as team Captain, Charlia Webb, Georgiana
F e r n a n d e s a n d M a d i s o n Fernandes. Klautky and the Fernandes cousins were both on the 2023 selection which participated in the Junior Pan A
ps finishing 5th. Defenders
Kirsten Gomes, Kazaquah Uzzi, Solana Crumb-Ewing a l o n g w i t h m i d f i e
Clayza Bobb and striker M
remnants of the last Under21 team who will compete again this year in Barbados. Among the newcomers in addition to Wing/midfield Webb, are strikers Keitana Percival, Rebecca Ferreira and Africo Blackman and defenders Tinashe Henry and Sara Matthias. Both goalkeepers Sarah Harry and
Kendra Gordon will also be making their debut.
A c c o r d i n g t o h e a d coach, and President of the F
e x p e c t e d t o
d account of themselves. Five players have benefitted from competing with the senior team in Bermuda last year and will make up the core of the midfield through Captain Klautky, Clayza Bobb and Madison Fernandes. Teen phenom, Makaylah Poole a n
Kirsten Gomes also bring s
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Bite the bullet and get it done, Aries. Finish the projects and get the lingering odds and ends out of your way There are stable energies today that will bring a practical breath of fresh air to any situation.
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
To d a y m i g h t n o t b e a s lighthearted and free-spirited as you'd like, Taurus, but don't s w e a t i t Wo r k w i t h t h e grounded energy of the day to complete tasks that have been wearing on you for a while.
GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
Today is a fantastic day for y o u , G e m i n i . T h i n g s a r e naturally flowing your way. You can accomplish a great deal. There are few hurdles in your way, perhaps none.
CANCER (June 21–July 22)
There's a conservative air today that doesn't fit well with your erratic, unconventional nature, Cancer Things might pop up to remind you that you s h o u l d b e a b i t m o r e disciplined in your approach.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Something is tugging you back down to reality, Leo. Your mind has tended to be in the clouds lately, but now you need to ground your emotions and realize that you operate on a physical plane.
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
There's a conservative veil over your emotions, Virgo. Issues from the past might arise and rub you the wrong way You move onward and upward by nature, plowing ahead without thinking of the consequences.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
Today is fantastic for tuning in to your inner self, Libra. You will have a level, grounded mind from which to make conscious evaluations of your emotional state. Trust your instincts and make realistic plans for the future.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)
You may feel a bit weighed down today, Scorpio, and perhaps more reserved than u s u a l S o m e o n e m a y b e raining on your parade, but don't let it get you down.
SAGIT (Nov 22–Dec. 21)
Today's a good day to ground your fl
ing emo
ns, Sagittarius. Step back from the drama you create and evaluate your inner state Are you fooling yourself into thinking everything's OK.
CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Things may be calm today, Capricorn. You might not be your boisterous self, but that could be a good thing. Use the sobering energy to evaluate your emotions and honestly look at your relationships.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Today is a great day for you, Aquarius. Everything is flowing your way as more pieces of the puzzle fall into p l a c e Yo u r f l u c t
g emotions are grounded and calm.
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
Someone or something may spur you on today, Pisces. You may feel a nagging impulse to get up and do something. Follow that instinct and stop moaning about staying in bed. The practical truth may be sobering.
Guyana, an area which has been troublesome in the past.
The team now enters the final two weeks of training and are focused on fine tuning the set pieces of the game. The Guyanese begin the tournament on 8th March agains t Guatemala before facing Mexico, Puerto Rico, Barbados, and Trinidad & Tobago. A spot in the final qualifies team Guyana for
August. The full squad reads: Goakeepers - Sarah Harry, Kendra Gordon, Defenders
Kazaquah Uzzi, Midfielders - Clayza Bobb, Madison Fernandes, Sarah
O f t h e n e w c o m e r s , Fernandes is excited by the s p e e d a n d h i g h e n e r g y brought by most of the new
One of the leading
c r i c k e t c l u b s i n G u y a n a , G e o r g e t o w n C r i c k e t C l u b , recently benefitted from two boxes of white cricket balls from this joint initiative between Anil Beharry of Guyana and Kishan Das of the USA. It was made possible by Mahadeo Ajodhi of Connecticut, USA. The ardent cricket enthusiast and organizer, is a member of the Hall of Fame in Connecticut. He is a Realtor by profession and was very responsive when approached by Derek Kallicharran, a former West Indies ‘B’ player Peter
Persaud, a former national youth player and now coach of the famous cricket club, expressed g
d promised to continue to work hard to maintain the rich legacy of the club, which produced outstanding stars such as, Carl Hooper and Ramnaresh Sarwan, among many others. Ajodhi was happy to give back to his country of birth.
This initiative will continue
y community a better place, and is
cricketers in Guyana. Their aim
is to keep them off the streets and get them actively involved in sports, cricket in particular To date, ninety-four players, male and female, from all three
benefited directly from cash, seven gear bags, two trophies, four arm guards, thirty-three bats, four boxes, six helmets, thirtyfive pairs of cricket shoes, twenty-one pairs of batting pads, twenty-four thigh pads, one bat grip, thirty-seven pairs of batting gloves, one pair of wicketkeeping
wicketkeeping gloves M a n y others benefited indirectly
Cricket related items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana Skills, discipline and e d u c a t i o n a r e i m p o r t a n t characteristics of the recipients Talent spotting is being done across the country and club leaders also assist to identify same P
managed cricket clubs with a youth programme, will also
continue Anyone interested to
Beharry on 623 6875 or Kishan Das on 1 718 664 0896
From page 35 we have been able to identify and select a number of young talents to represent Guyana a t t h e C a r i b b e a n
Championship in St. Lucia later this month.”
The last edition of the t o u r n a m
, h e l d o n February 1, was a spectacle of raw talent and fierce competition.
O n e o f t h e s t a n d o u t performances came from Ken Harvey of the Andrew Lewis
Boxing Gym (ALBG), who claimed the prestigious Best Boxer award Harvey’s coach, L e n n o x D a n i e l , w a s recognized for his exceptional
mentorship, earning the Best Coach accolade The Andrew Lewis Boxing Gym further cemented its reputation as a dominant force in youth
boxing by winning the Best Gym award, while the Rose Hall Jammers Boxing Gym finished as the Runner-up Gym.
Wi c k e t s t u m b l e d
around the cricket fields of Colombo as Round 6 saw upsets, thrashings and a tense (ish) finish in the race for playoff positions. T
a s o n
R o b i n s o n ( 3 2 ) a n d R o b b i e
F r e w F r e w m a d e h i s h i g h e s t
O 5 0 I s c o r e ( 7 8 ) a n d m a n y
t h o u g h t t h a t N Z ’s t o t a l o f 1 7 2
w a s c o m p e t i t i v e I t l o o k e d t h a t w a y w h e n
R i c h a r d P e t r i e t o o k t w o
w i c k e t s i n h i s f i r s t o v e r a n d
E n g l a n d w e r e 4 6 / 3 , b u t t h e y
a l s o s h o w e d p a t i e n c e o n a n
e r r a t i c p i t c h R o y S m i t h ( 4 2 )
a n d A l e x R i c h a r d s ( 3 6 ) a d d e d
7 2 a n d t h e n t h e r u n m a c h i n e
G i l e s E c c l e s t o n e ( 2 9 * ) a n d
s k i p p er David Snellgrove (17*)
b r o u g h t E n g l a n d h o m e i n t h e
4 4 t h o v e r t o c o n c r e t i s e t h e i r
semi-final spot
U a e h a d t h e u p s e t o f t h e d a y,
c o m p r e h e n s i v e l y t i p p i n g o v e r
Z i m b a b w e b y 7 7 r u n s S e e n R a n j a n c l o b b e r e d 6 s i x e s o n h i s w a y t o 9 1 f r o m 6 1 b a l l s , a n d
R e h a n K h a n b l a s t e d 6 6 f r o m
3 4 , a s t h e U A E w e n t f r o m 6 0 /
T h e s h e l l - s h o c k e d
Z i m b a b w e
from 105/7, despite 71* from 62 balls by Jason Oates, and the UAE recorded a famous victory
The USA dished out one of the severest of hidings ever seen in an I M C Wo
Americans rolled them for 49. Syed Shahanawaz grabbed 4/17.
The Americans were looking to boost their run rate ahead of the p l a y o f f s a n d d i d e x a c t l y t h a t , reaching their target inside 5 overs. The entire match lasted less than 28 overs. Before the tournament, the game between South Africa and Pakistan had been anticipated to be a real heavyweight clash.
It ended up pretty much oneway traffic, with Pakistan strolling to a 5-wicket win. South Africa’s batting continued to struggle and they could only score 155/9 in their 45 overs.
Asif Hamuyan scored 57 - his second straight 50 - and Pakistan were never seriously troubled in their chase, reaching the target with 14 overs in hand.
A n o t h e r g a m e t h a t w a s
Indies vs Wales. As it happened, Wales lost their talisman Iwan Rees to the first ball of the match and never recovered, limping to 106 all o u t ( A l a n We b s t e r 4 6 , Ve j a i Seonarine 3/11 from 9).
T h e t o u r n a m e
going to be the key to any chance of Wales defending that score, and he did his best with 3/35, but the target was just too small and the Windies got there in the 27th over, despite losing 6 wickets.
The Australian machine rolled on with a clinical victory over Canada.
S i m o n Wa d d i n g t o n g r a b b e d 5/28 and James Morris took 3/18 as the Canadians made 155.
Canada had some hope when 3 of the Aussie top order were out for j u s t 3 9 , b u t , a s u s u a l , a b i g partnership was just around the corner, this time between Steve
Sharp (55 not out).
So, what does all this mean for the points table?
* I n P O O L A , E n
a r e through to the semi-finals
* If Sri Lanka can beat New Zealand, they will join them Even a tight loss would probably get them through because of their high net run rate
* Another thumping win to the USA (
Lanka (as long as NZ beats S
* In POOL B, Australia are through to the semi-finals
* The only teams that can join them are Pakistan and India, who p l a y y
between the two great rivals India w i l
convincingly to overtake Pakistan on NRR
Football Association FirstDivision champions, Pele
b a
s Saturday convene a Special General Members meeting
for the sole purpose of electing a new executive.
w i l l commence at 18:00hrs at the
The agenda items are prayer, roll call, elections and any other business. This meeting would have been called as a result of a number of executive members who have been non-functional and with the Club seeking to operate
executive members and the general members decided that this special meeting is necessary to propel the club forward.
The meeting has the full blessings of the Georgetown Football Association.
Rising Sun Mashramani horse race meet cancelled due to inclement weather
The ongoing inclement weather has been causing disruptions to a number of planned outdoor activities in Guyana.
One of those activity disrupted is the Rising Sun Mashramani horserace meet The event, which was scheduled for Monday 24th February at the Club’s Rising Sun, Arima Park, West Coast Berbice venue, has been cancelled Seven races were listed to be held with the feature event being a mouth-watering clash for
horses classified A and lower There were also top-notch races for animals classified for E and lower, H and lower and another for West Indies bred maiden and Guyana bred open
There was an event for L class maidens which was open to horses that would not have earned since August 2024 and first-time starters. The other two events were for J and lower and L class open animals. A new date will be announced later (Samuel Whyte)
Sfrom the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) recently took part in a FIFA C
focused on the “Suspect and Protect” campaign, a global initiative launched by FIFA in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness about concussion risks and provide educational resources for all levels of football.
Edghill and Joshua Sargent; m e d i c a
ff D r S a r a h Benjamin, Dr Nico Alstrom, Pablino Cupido, Dr Carlyn Elliot, and Project Manager, Orin Nelson.
T h e “ S u s p e c t a n d
Protect” campaign highlights that concussion is a serious brain injury that requires i m m e d i
e n t i o n I t educates players, coaches, and medical staff on recognizing symptoms, which may take up to 72 hours to appear, and outlines proper steps for a safe return to play FIFA has distributed toolkits to its 211 m e m b e r a s s o c i a t i o n s , including the GFF, to ensure the campaign reaches all levels of the game
FIFA President Gianni Infantino emphasized the importance of prioritizing player safety, stating, “By k n o w i n g t h e s i
f concussion, by being aware of the risks, and by treating a concussion correctly, you can help to put player safety f i r s t ” W H O D i r e c t o r-
General Dr Tedros Adhanom
Ghebreyesus also highlighted
initiative, noting, “Concussion is a public health issue of concern at all levels of football, a n d m a n y o
s p o r t s , requiring greater levels of awareness and action That is why WHO is proud to team up with FIFA on the ‘Suspect and Protect’ campaign to promote ways to protect the brains of footballers, young and old, around the world from the risks of concussion ” T
committed to FIFA’s player safety initiatives and will w
knowledge gained from the workshop into local football s
concussion awareness and management are prioritized across all levels of the game in Guyana.
The Guyana Amateur
P o w e r l i f t i n g F e d e r a t i o n (GAPLF) lifted off its 2025
c o m p e t i t i o n c a l e n d a r o n Sunday last at the Saint
S t a n i s l a u s C o l l e g e Auditorium with its Novices and Juniors Championship which attracted 12 lifters, including two females.
W h i l s t t h e m e n showcased their strength, the female athletes did that and more as they set eight new records in all three lifts and their totals. Copping the
B e s t l i f t e r Tr o p h y S t a l l
sponsored trophy in the
J u n i o r s C l a s s i c w a s Matthew Moore whilst the Novice Classic Best Lifter
Tr o p h y S t a l l s p o n s o r e d trophy went to Joshua John. The top lifters as well as the record-breaking females and the lone equipped athlete, K a m a l G u r d i n w e r e a l l rewarded with gift vouchers
c o m p l i m e n t s o f t h e championship title sponsor,
Fitness Express. Prior to the start of the competition, F e d e r a t i o n P r e s i d e n t , Franklin Wilson expressed gratitude to the athletes, officials and sponsors for making the day a eality ”I want to thank you for your dedication to training and p
dedication and discipline are commendable, and you are a
continues to grow, and we are indeed grateful to all who w
towards this.” Wilson also expressed gratitude to the past Presidents of the sport for the work that they would have done, Peter Green, Ed Caesar and Gordon Spencer who is an accredited Cat 11 Referee and officiated at the championship. Next on the Federation agenda would be the Annual G e n
d elections on a date to be announced in the coming weeks.
Imlach, Permaul among top 10 in batting/bowling
Ta b l e l e a d e r s
G u y a n a H a r p y
E a g l e s , l e d b y
Captain Tevin Imlach and v e t e r a n l e f t - a r m s p i n n e r Veerasammy Permaul head up the Champ’s statistics leaders after three rounds of dominance at home, as they prepare for more action in a week’s time with additional work to be done; team-wise and individually
After returning from the Pakistan series against the West Indies, Imlach wasted no time as he retook the c a p t a i n c y f r o m K e m o l Savory, who by then had led Guyana to a commanding first round win.
His scores of 126* and 80 against CCC in his first game back helped the 28-year-old quickly speed up the runstable by end of the round three.
Imlach currently sits in 11th place with 217 runs from only two games played, m a k i n g h i m t h e o n l y Guyanese closing in on a top 10 spot; with all-rounder Ronaldo Alimohamed (179
runs, 2 half-centuries), in 16th place.
Trinidad and Tobago Red Force batsman and former
T e s t p l a y e r , J a s o n Mohammed’s batting spree has carried the veteran to almost 500 runs in just 3 games; batting once in each game.
T h e 3 8 - y e a r - o l d slammed 176 against CCC, 1 0 3 v e r s u s W i n d w a r d s Islands Volcanoes before dropping a majestic 204* a g a i n s t t h e
break on a whopping 483 runs, 110 more than Jonathan Drakes (373 runs). His teammate, left-arm
spinner Khary Pierre has collected an impressive 26 wickets after three rounds, including 3 5-Fers.
T h i r d p l a c e p o s i t i o n holder, Permaul, who leads first-class cricket with 652 wickets, will be gunning the number one spot by the end of the tournament, having a c h i e v e d s u c h f e a t s i n previous editions.
His 16 wickets have c o m e i n t i m e , a s t h e seasoned left-arm spinner gained momentum as the round progressed, wrapping up round three with 6-75 versus West Indies Academy, adding to his match haul of 7 wickets against CCC in
round 2.
D e s p i t e t h e E a g l e s owning the number one spot, more could be expected going forward, as players could easily break into the top 10 and better by this season’s curtain-call.
Only Matthew Nandu (150 runs), Vice-Captain
Kemol Savory (151 runs) and former Eagles skipper Kevlon Anderson (157 runs) feature in or extremely close to the current top 20 rungetters after three rounds.
A p a r t f r o m P e r m a u l , who showed his experience and grit despite a rough start to the season, no other Harpy Eagles bowler has managed
to collect 10 or more wickets to date.
Eleventh on the bowling
c h a r t s , o n l y o f f - s p i n n e r
Richie Looknauth, who’s 9 wickets all came in the same match during the second r o u n d a n d p a c e r
A l i m o h a m e d ( 9 w i c k e t s , 12th spot), feature in the current top 20 players who have been effective with the ball thus far
The returns of players like Gudakesh Motie, Kevin
S i n c l a i r , T a g e n
Joseph to name a few, could also see a totally different stats chart over the next few rounds, further adding to a
wide array of possibilities for a number of cricketers.
l Association (BFA) is happy to step in and host Guyana’s crucial CONCACAF Gold Cup qualifier in the upcoming round of matches In the recent r e l e a s e o f f i x t u r e s , CONCACAF announced that Guyana will face Guatemala on Friday March 21 at 9pm at the BFA’s Technical Centre at Wildey, Barbados. The return leg will be at the Estadio C e m e n t o s P r o g r e s o i n Guatemala City on Tuesday, March 25 Randy Harris, longstanding President of t h e B F A , s a i d h i s organsation was ready and fully capable of hosting the g a m e o n b e h a l f o f t h e Guyana Football Federation.
“The BFA in its wisdom, negotiated with FIFA to have the Technical Centre built where we could host major events and play football at various levels, including regional and internationals In the past we hosted on behalf of other countries Haiti, Saint L u c i a , a n d G u y a n a I t demonstrates the quality of our
facilities, and the confidence others have in us to deliver to t h e h i g h e s t i n t e r n a t i o n a l standards and requirements The investment is bearing fruit,” Harris said Meanwhile it was also announced that two regional teams will meet, and their fixtures will be played at famous cricket venues St Vincent and the Grenadines will face Jamaica at Arnos Vale in the first leg When the teams play in the return leg in Jamaica, the game will be staged at the historic Sabina Park The 18th edition of the
CONCACAF Gold Cup will take place this summer, from June 14 to July 6, across 14 stadiums in 11 metropolitan areas of the United States and Canada This tournament will feature 16 national teams The nine teams that have already secured a spot are: Canada, C u r a ç a o , D o m i n i c a n Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, USA, and Saudi Arabia (guest team) It will serve as a forerunner to the FIFA World Cup which will be hosted in the USA, Canada and Mexico in the summer of 2026.
SportsMax - Jason Holder has made himself available to represent Barbados Pride in the upcoming matches in the West Indies Championship, the regional four-day firstclass cricket competition. The world-rated allrounder said he is looking forward to the next round of matches on March 5-8 when the Bajans face Combined Campuses and
Colleges at Kensington Oval. He missed the opening three rounds due to commitments on the global T20 circuit in the United Arab Emirates and Bangladesh.
“I have been in contact with the Chairman of Selectors and informed him of my availability I’m happy to be back and want to represent Barbados once again. Last year I p l a y e d t w o g a m e s f o r B a r b a d o s Representing my country means a lot to me. I want to continue to make a contribution to Barbados cricket on and off the field,” Holder said.
The former West Indies captain in all formats, also has his eyes fixed on a recall to the West Indies Test team for the upcoming three-match home series against Australia and the five T20 Internationals which follow in June and July The opening match will be at Kensington Oval on June 26-29.
“Along with helping Barbados in the regional competition I’m also hoping to regain a place in the Test team as well. I want to be in the squad to play against Australia. The last time I played I did pretty well, but the
Pjason Holder
injury kept me out, so I’m working towards that,” Holder said.
Holder ’s last appearance for West Indies was against South Africa in the two-Test Series last August. He had a challenging time with injuries last year He missed the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup which was played in the West Indies and USA in June and was again injured later in the year and missed out when Bangladesh visited the Caribbean in December
Candidate Masters
Sachin Pitamber and Aditi Joshi stormed the competition to emerge winners of the 2025 National Under-16 Chess Championships, hosted by
t h e G u y a n a C h e s s Federation (GCF).
Action checked off on Saturday February 8th, 2025 hosted at the School of the N a t i o n s w i t h s o m e 6 0
p l a y e r s v y i n g f o r t h e respective titles and prizes. A seven-round gauntlet
i n a n O p e n a n d G i r l s categories was co
Players were allotted a time control of 20 minutes plus 5s e c o n d
, following the first move.
In the end, Pitamber was the winner, followed by 15 year-old Master Kyle
C o
highest-rated junior player
copping 3rd. As expected, despite stiff competition, in the Girls section, Woman
Joshi won her category to no surprise The 14-year-old upset
Clement, the 2025 Girls U12 title holder who was forced to settle for third place.
ranked Kataleya Sam was relegated to the second spot despite her immense class.
guidance of FIDE Arbiter John Lee alongside his team.
The outstanding performers at the recent U-16 Chess tournament display their trophies.
Candidate Masters Sachin Pitamber and Aditi Joshi won their respective categories in the recently concluded National U16 Chess Tournament. (GCF photos)
The action is expected to be very competitive amongthe young fighters.
The next generation of Guyanese boxing talent will once again satep into the ring
a s t h e P e p s i - s p o n s o r e d
Michael Parris Under-16 (U16) Boxing Tournament makes its much-anticipated return this Saturday at the Andrew “Six-heads” Lewis Gym.
O r g a n i z e d b y t h e Guyana Boxing Association (GBA), the event serves as a premier platform for young fighters from gyms across the country to showcase their skill, determination, a n d c h a m p i o n s h i p aspirations.
Now in its third edition
u n d e r t h e a s s o c i a t i o n ’s developmental programme,
the competition continues to be a beacon of hope for aspiring boxers.
President of the GBA, Steve Ninvalle, highlighted the tournament’s critical role in shaping the future of boxing in Guyana. While the association
s u c c e s s f u l l y s t a g e d 1 8
e d i t i o n s o f t h e Pepsi/Michael Parris U16 t o u r n a m e n t l a s
r , Ninvalle revealed plans to in
r in 2025. “This tournament has been instrumental in our b o x i n g d e v e
, “Through this programme, (Continued on page 30)