Kaieteur News

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AFCcallsforindependentprobeinto corruptionallegationsinPoliceForce

- says those suspected should be sent on leave, not advice on promotions

The Alliance For the Police Force, the

post of the Guyana Police Assistant Commissioner, Change (AFC) is Alliance For Change urges Force highly coveted not Calvin Brutus has proceeded calling on the government to have an because of a desire to serve on annual vacation leave

Government of independent top quality andprotectbutbecausethese following allegations of Guyana to have a thorough investigation done, in top posts open doors to financial impropriety, the independent investigation relation to what happened, extraordinary power and Guyan

done into the allegations of how come so much monies riches,”helamented. announced earlier this corruption in the Guyana have gotten into the hands of

The politician is of the month. PoliceForce. these officers and how were belief that the current According to a statement Additionally, they are the contracts awarded ” administration wants the issued by the GPF, Brutus also calling for the ranks “Those suspected to be Force to be the way it is and requested permission to take suspected to be involved to involvedmustbeaskedtogo looking at the billions of US his leave to allow for an be sent on leave and not be on leave forthwith, lest they dollars the oil sector is investigation into corruption involved in the selection of interfere and pervert the generating, the Force should allegations. “Consequent to other ranks for promotion as investigation,” Ramjattan not remain “understaffed, allegations of financial it will be perceived as said. underpaid and under impropriety leveled against “rigged appointments, The AFC also advised equipped.” Deputy Commissioner (ag) favouritism and undeserving that the top brass of the force

Ramjattan urged top Calvin Brutus on social p r o f e s s i o n a l suspected to be involved ranking officials that, media and established media With the responsibility of e n s u r e

advancements.” This was must not be recommending “instead of seeking to houses, Calvin Brutus has thisinstitutionbeingtocover uncorrupted governance,” said by Former Minister of any promotions at this time, launder money via its since requested permission the security sector of a Ramjattansaid. Public Security Khemraj stating that others who are reputable Police Force to proceed on annualized country, it should ensure He said the mayhem the Ramjattan during his untainted should do the Credit Union, or, to get vacation leave with administrative memory and AFC sees in the Police Force statement on Friday at the recommendations and be the contracts for personal immediate effect to facilitate continuity amidst the flux of today will only contribute to party’s weekly press recommender. pecuniary greed, (they) must an investigation in the best politicians who will come a stagnation it suffered from conference. The former AFC leader direct their minds on how to interestoftheGuyanaPolice and go. “Hence the Guyana prior to 2015. “It seems with R a m j a t t a n , t h e toldthemediathatthePolice

solve the prevalent gun Force,” the statement said Police Force should all the allegations being immediate past leader of the Force is an unelected violence, murders and adding that the request was therefore be a bastion of the hurled around and the party told the media: “In bureaucracy, making it an robberies and the slaughter g r a n t e d b y t h e best and brightest talent documents to support them view of these appalling, important and mandatory of our people on the roads of Commissioner of Police, whichwillkeep[the]elected i n t h e m e d i a f r o m disgraceful developments in institutioninanydemocracy Guyana.” CliftonHicken. government in check and whistleblowers, that the top

Former Leader of the AFC Khemraj Ramjattan.

Mozambique demands oil companies provide salaries, contract sums to Govt.

- while Jagdeo says


has no say in both

with ExxonMobil

The Government of fields in Africa currently on the nationality of the workersisimpossible. Mozambique is demanding estimated at an astonishing contracted companies, Furthermore, the law that oil companies operating 180billioncubicfeet. ensure compliance with the a l s o r e q u i r e s there provide information on The document seen by right of first refusal and concessionaires to provide salaries paid to their Lusastates,‘Themainaimis submit documents proving training grants, which must employees as well as the to ensure that citizens have the calls for tenders and include at least “1,200 hours contract sums for the access to employment offers from all participating of technical-vocational provision of goods and opportunities,topromotethe suppliers. training and 600 hours of services. training of workers and “The main aim is to vocational training, as well However, although companies through national ensure that citizens have

Guyana is in a 50/50 profit and international co- access to employment opportunities During the sharing agreement with oil operation and to ensure the opportunities, to promote research and development giant ExxonMobil, the participation of local thetrainingofworkersand and production periods, the preventing the award of unfairly added to our cost country’s chief policy maker suppliers in the contracting c

gh companies must ensure that

bank, it’s a big cause for in the oil and gas sector ofgoodsandservices.’ national and international training scholarships are companies, he said that, “As concernforusandthat’swhy Bharrat Jagdeo has said that Additionally, the oil co-operation and to ensure awarded at educational I said before, there is no co- the auditors have to guard thegovernmenthasnosayin companies must submit the the participation of local institutions in Mozambique management.” He told the againstthattechnically.” Exxon’s award of contracts necessary documents to the s u p p l i e r s i n t h e and abroad, with the aim of reporter from Kaieteur News Jagdeo pointed out that or the spending of the oil National Petroleum Institute procurement of goods and training Mozambicans in that he should press Exxon the provisions of the 2016 companies in the sector. He (INP)toprovethenumberof services” various areas, including onwhythecompanychooses Production Sharing once directed a reporter to employees, a list of their In regards to the work higher education, technical- to conduct business with Agreement (PSA) allow the E x x o n t o h a v e a n names and must also specify force’s composition, the law vocational courses and suchcompanies. country to verify costs after explanation provided on its data such as origin, gender stipulates that the companies vocationaltraining.” Jagdeo was keen to note they have been incurred by spending. andmustincludepeoplewith must ensure that the local It has been reported that if the foreign company the operator of the Stabroek On Friday (last), disabilities.

workforce must comprise of before about the corrupt meets the benchmark prices, Block, through the audit

360mozambique com Also included should be at least 25% in senior background of a number of then there would be no process. “That’s the purpose reported that according to the salary scale and the positions and the other 85% companies with which o b j e c t i o n b y t h e of the audit so when they Lusa, the new regulations in respectiveallowancesforthe must be in technical ExxonMobil has handed administration however, “if query it, they send it to place, applies mainly to the various positions of the positions. If there are no contracts to provide goods they as a result of any Exxon now, Exxon has to foreign concessionaries who employees. locals qualified to do the and services to the sector incestuous link between let’s explain how this screw was haveoperationsintheoiland With regard to the work, then the companies WhentheVicePresidentwas say ExxonMobil and a firm procured at this cost when gas sector in the African contracting of goods and will be allowed to hire asked by this publication to from abroad, if that the benchmark price, they country Mozambique has services, companies will foreignersoncethecompany provide an explanation why incestuous link would cause cost everywhere else is $3,” the third largest natural gas have to provide information proves that recruiting local the government was not prices to go up and be theVicePresidentnoted.

GRA’s 30% excise tax on remigrant illegal

Chief Justice (Ag) Roxane George-Wiltshire

Chief Justice (Ag) RoxaneGeorge-Wiltshireon Monday granted an order declaring that the Guyana was given duty free 10%. In Basdeo’s case, the Low, responded by saying th Revenue Authority (GRA)’s concessions as a remigrant. 10% was equivalent to over that regulations of 10 July, imposition of excise tax at However,Mr Statiarequired $1,500,000buttheGRAwas 2023 tripled the rate of therateof30%wasillegal. that Basdeo pay 30% excise insisting that he pays nearly excise taxes payable from Since July 2023, the tax on his new generation $4,600,000 – a difference of 10% to 30%. For the last GRA raised the taxes 2023 Toyota Landcruiser $3,100,000intaxes. year, the GRA was tripling payable by remigrants from vehicle. Mr Basdeo took T h e G R A n e v e r the excise taxes payable by th 10%to30%onvehicleswith issuewiththisandcausedhis responded and on 28 May, remigrants for vehicles with NationalAssembly. granted an order that engines larger than 3,000cc. attorney to write the GRAon 2024 Basdeo caused his anenginesizeof3,000ccand h th In other words, the GRA Basdeo’s 2023 Landcruiser

On 8 April, 2024, the 15 April, 2024 explaining attorney, Siand Dhurjon, to above and doubling the had been wrongfully and must be released to him Commissioner General of that there was a problem sue the GRA. Last week, the excise taxes (at the rate of illegally charging 30% taxes forthwith upon payment of the GRA, Godfrey Statia, because the correct and G R A ’ s D e p u t y 20%) for vehicles with to re-migrants and collecting thecorrectexcisetaxes.

wrote Aditya Basdeo that he proper excise tax rate was Commissioner, Mr Gavin engine sizes above 1,999cc those taxes without any Basdeo’s Landcruiser andunder3,000cc. th authority The Chief Justice hadcomeintoGuyanaon28

However, when the granted all of the orders paid June, 2024 and has been on matter came up for hearing for by Mr Basdeo through the wharf racking up storage before the Chief Justice his attorney, Mr Dhurjon. costs ever since. The Chief GeorgeonMondaymorning, She declared that the GRA’s Justice ordered that the GRA counsel for the GRA, Ms. policy of requiring 30% was to pay the storage costs Nicklin Belgrave, reported excise taxes was unlawful as well as the costs of the that the GRA made a mistake and she granted an order of lawsuit in a specified sum to becausetheyrealisedthatthe certiorari quashing Mr. Mr Basdeo. Minister of Finance had Statia’s assessment of 30% When presented with m e r e l y s i g n e d t h e excise taxes. The Judge also evidence that the GRA was regulations of July 2023 but

theregulationswerenotduly mandamus to compel the and others 30% during the brought into force by being GRA to apply the correct sameperiod,theGRA published in the Official excisetaxof10%.TheJudge Gazetteorbeingtabledinthe (Continued on page 9)

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo


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Guyanese crying for emancipation

Many in this land blessed with so many riches are cryingfortheemancipationthathasbeenyearnedfor,and for so long. The time is now, and there are the cries for a new kind of freedom, which too many feel and sense and know do not touch them. It is that longing for equity and economicjusticeinthiscountrythatshouldcomefromour newoilriches.Itistheirrichestoo,thiswealthinbillionsof American dollars of which scraps and droplets, if even those,reachtheirgraspinghands,heartsandhandschained andweigheddownbytherealityoflocalcircumstances,as theybecomemoreobviouswitheachpassingday

TheGuyaneseatthebottomoftheladderwatch,hear, andreadaboutthishuge,sweetnewoilpie,yettheyhave nothing to show for all their interest, all their hopes, all their pleadings. Will somebody, some leader, some presence with a soul in this country, hear them and heed theircryoffreedomfromthetyrannyoftheinequitiesand injustices that have become the norm in today’s Guyana. Thepoorandhurtingandstrugglinginthissocietywatch asthoseclosetothePPPGovernmentanditsleadersgrow richerandfatter,infinitelymoreprospering,whilethey,the saltoftheearthpeople,fallfartherandfartherbehind.

This is not an oil democracy where equality of opportunity,equalityofparticipation,equalityofbenefits, has come down to those who this oil has left behind. Instead, this oil has become another tool for their exploitation, their intensifying hunger and fears, growing anger Itisaproductofthemountingfrustrationsofthose whohavenotbeengivenastakeintheirdestiny,whohave been dismissed or ignored, other than when social crises flare. It was Martin Luther King, who wrote in his book titled,WhereDoWeGoFromHerethat“thecontemporary tendency in our society is to base our distribution on scarcity, which has vanished, and to compress our abundanceintotheoverfedmouthsofthemiddleandupper classesuntiltheygagwithsuperfluity.”

ItwastheunjuststateprevalentintheUnitedStatesof whichhespokesoeloquently,compellingly Buthecould justaswellhavebeentalkingaboutandpointingafingerat today’sGuyana.

Hewenttoinsistthat“ifdemocracyistohavebreadth ofmeaning,itisnecessarytoadjustthisinequity.”Inequity is what the masses at the long dark end of the economic shadows live with, and this is the brand of slavery that fosters fevered resentments and which, if not addressed comprehensively and timely, have a history of uncorking thebottledtensionswiththeworstresults.

Thewealththatcomesfromouroilhasthepotentialto releasethoseshackledineconomicbondageatthebottom of the barrel. It must not be unsheathed and wielded as a weapontodelivercontinuingdeathblowsontheheadsof those already hurting from the brutalities of not having enough, the tortures of not knowing what to do, where to turn.Theironyisthatourflowsofoilmoneyhavebeento prosper the new Guyanese political masters, and enrich theirinnercircle,whileordinaryGuyaneseareleftonthe outsideoftherichestowhichequalrightsandequalshares aredue.

Thesearesomeof thesentimentsthatstirandbrimin the breast of many Guyanese. They see the oil and know that there are those who are benefiting from its presence. Theyknowalsothattheyarenotamongthosewhocountin theschemesofconsideration.

This is what is quietly agitated against today; quietly today, but with increasing impatience. This oil means freedom for all, so they ought not to be contented to be among those hands that are empty, and whose futures are bleak,lackinginpromise.EmancipationDayishere,and this oil wealth should add a new layer and texture to the economicfreedomcraved.Itisnowthattime,anditmust be,comewhatmay.

Hicken should proceed on leave to allow for an independent investigation


Iwouldliketorespondto Mr JoelBhagwandin’sletter in the Stabroek News, ‘Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s statement into allegations of policecorruptionmighthave beenpremature’publishedin the Stabroek News on July 25,2024.Itwasrefreshingto see the statement from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) calling for an independent probe into corruption in the Police Force.

However, it was interesting to read the letter published in the same newspaperonJuly26,2024, and titled ‘Region Three Private Sector Inc. supports the GPF and SOCU to investigate allegations of corruption in the Police Force’. As I read the three publications; GCCI’s, RegionThree Private Sector Inc., and Mr Bhagwandin’s letter, I pondered on one question What is the principle here or is there a principle here? Our Guyanese politics has become so polarized that even our Private Sector too often, put their politics over business, investment, and financial principles Mr Bhagwandinindicatedin r e f e r

reviewandreportonGuyana ‘there remains some key areas of improvement that were flagged by the CFATF/FATF country review,mainly,intheareaof bolstering the institutional c a p a c i t y o f l o c a l i n v e s t i g a t i v e a n d enforcement institutions, namely SOCU, which is the arm of the GPF established to investigate financial crimes, money laundering, and other matters relating to corruption’.

He further indicated ‘I amunsurewhethertheGCCI considered the referenced reports,andtheimplications therein for the country The country’s failure to improve in this regard, could have moredamaging implications for the private sector in the longer term, in particular, as it exposes the domestic financial system to undue risks in terms of losing correspondent banking relationships ’ Mr Bhagwandinfurtherwenton to state the ‘we ought to be very careful such that we do not want to unnecessarily undermine our domestic institutions ’ Does Mr Bhagwandin consider the GCCI finally finding its voiceandtakingaprincipled positiononcorruptioninthe Guyana Police Force, unnecessarily undermining

our domestic institutions?

Ourdomesticinstitutionsare already undermined Sanctionswereimposedona leading business entity in Guyana and a senior government official for alleged money laundering and transnational crime Now, these accusations are levelledagainstseniorpolice officers, as senior as the actingPoliceCommissioner How can the police force conduct this investigation, particularly with the acting PoliceCommissionerstillon thejob?Ifthesesanctionsare not a wake-up call to the private sector, then what will! Guyana’s failure to substantially reduce corruptionandstrengthenits institutions such as SOCU, and by extension, the Guyana Police Force is having and will have ripple effectsnotonlyinrelationto los

banking relationships, but also in a number of other areas.

As a new oil-producing country, Guyana is now positioned on the global stage as a significant player in geopolitics, foreign investments, governance, andleadership,etc.

However, while the opportunities are enormous forinvestorsinGuyana,over theyears,sincearound2021, we have seen a hesitancy by

investors from the West, in reallyembracinginvestment andbusinessopportunitiesin thecountry Oneofthemain reasons for this hesitancy, is that corruption in Guyana is high.

In the United States, there is the ‘The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA), which states thatitisunlawfulforcertain classes of persons and entitiestomakepaymentsto foreigngovernmentofficials to assist in obtaining or retainingbusiness.

TheUnitedKingdomhas the UK Bribery Act 2010 which is the primary anticorruption law in the UK. The UK Bribery Act covers UK citizens, residents and organizations that originate from the U.K. or conduct businessinthecountry This Act also gives the UK government extraterritorial jurisdiction, meaning that it allows for the pursuit of offenses committed abroad by persons with a “close connection” to the UK. The Organisation of Eastern Cooperation Development (OECD) Convention on Combating Bribery includes 35 OECD countries and six non-OECD countries, and the EU also has anticorruption legislations also. Assuch,companiesfromthe UnitedStates,United (Continuedonpage16)

Strides made in the housing sector deserving of commendation


I write once again to express my approval of President Dr Irfaan Ali and the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), this time for their tremendous success in ensuring affordable and adequate housing for all Guyanese.

The government’s dedication to this cause is evident in the significant investment of over $240 billion towards making homeownership more accessibleinGuyana.

President Ali’s recent announcement highlighted t h e r e m a r k a b l e achievements under this initiative, with over 35,000 house lots distributed and numerous individuals benefiting from crucial infrastructural development.

T h e s i m u l t a n e o u s investment in enhancing

road networks and

improvingtheavailabilityof water and electricity demonstrates a holistic approach to housing development.

As President Ali aptly stated,housingdoesnotexist in isolation; it requires supportive infrastructure The construction of 414 kilometersofnewroads,250 kilometers of new water transmission mains, and more than 2,200 kilometers of electricity transmission lines underscore the comprehensive nature of the government’s housing strategy.

T h e m e a s u r e s implemented by the PPP/C Government to make home ownership more affordable, including subsidies and lower interest rates, are commendable. The delivery of over 3,000 houses, with a focusonlow-andmoderateincome segments, is a

t e s t a m e n t t o t h e government’s commitment to reaching every part of the population.Subsidizinglowincomehouselotsbyalmost $4.2 million and reducing interestrateshavefacilitated an increase in new housing loansvaluedat$56billion.

M o r e o v e r , t h e investmentincorehomesfor the vulnerable and the $2 billion allocated for hinterland housing reflect the government’s inclusive approach The mortgage relief programme benefiting over 16,000 young peopleis another significant milestone.

P r e s i d e n t A l i ’s statement, “We don’t just promise, we deliver,” rings truewiththetangibleresults achieved in less than four years. The distribution of land titles to 56 persons in Region Three is a testament to the government’s

commitment to regularizing land ownership and providing legal security to residents The PPP/C G o v e r n m e n t ’ s comprehensive approach to housing, which includes building roads, expanding roadways, and ensuring access to essential services, is indeed praiseworthy These efforts are laying the foundation for a better and more prosperous life for all Guyanese.

Inconclusion,thestrides madebyPresidentDr Irfaan Ali and the PPP/C Government in the housing sector also is deserving of commendation. Their dedication to improving the lives of Guyanese through affordable and adequate housing is setting a benchmark for development intheregion.

Yourstruly, AnsonPaul

The roots of modern Guyana were planted by the village movement


On the occasion of the 190th Anniversary of

Emancipation in the Cooperative Republic of GuyanaonAugust1st2024, the NewYork PNCR Group joins with the people of Guyana in commemorating and celebrating this significantmilestone.

We take this opportunity toreflectonthelongroadto freedom travelled by our Africanancestors.

We honour the heroic sacrifices which they made through their blood, sweat andtears.

In particular, we recall the heroic roles played by Cuffy in the 1763 Berbice

Slave Rebellion at Plantation Magdalenenberg ontheCanjeRiver;Quamina in the 1823 Demerara Slave Revolt at Le Resouvenir on theEastCoastDemeraraand Damon of Plantation Richmond in Essequibo, wholedaprotestagainstthe introduction of the Apprenticeship System

introduced by the British colonial Government on 1st August 1834, which lasted until 1stAugust 1838, when theenslavedwereeventually ameliorated Several representatives of the New York PNCR Group will be arriving in Georgetown to join in this year’s emancipation festivities

One of


main highlights of the group’s visit will be a tour to Ba



na’s famous cricketer Shamar

Joseph Baracara is located a few miles away f r o m P l a n t a t i o n Magdalenenberg, where the 1763uprisingtookplace. It is believed that many of the slaves escaped down the Canje Creek and established the maroon village of Baracara where, today, their descendants live in peace The NYPNCR group will participate in the activities of the

African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) and encourages all Guyanese to join in the main cultural event at the National Park on August 1, 2024.

This world-class event stands out as one of the best among similar festivals throughout the African diaspora globally Emancipation is a time to celebrate the historic Village Movement in Guyana.

It is a time to celebrate

indomitable human spirit, arisingoutofbondage. Itis a time to celebrate the

development of Guyana by


The roots of modern Guyana were planted by the villagemovement.

Yourssincerely, NewYorkPNCRGroup



Four GDF ranks arrested, within days apart, after being found with substantial quantities of an illegalsubstance.

This is a blot on the image of the premier securityentity

It is obvious there

are rogue elements within its ranks, even

using the Force’s vehicle in one of the illegal activities while glossing over the first incident as ‘ananomaly’whileechoing the same rhetoric in the second, as it did in the first bust about “zero tolerance policy committed to upholding the highest standardsofintegrity...” Itis notedthelameclassification

of ‘an anomaly’ was not ascribed to the second incident.

T h e r e i s something seriously amiss in the security forces

Is lax management at thecoreofthisabominable behaviour?

Sincerely Shamshun

RespectAfrican Emancipation


AsaMemberofthe12th Parliament of Guyana, I am disturbedthattheSpeaker,in collaboration with the Government has called a Sitting of the House on the eve of Emancipation Day 2024knowingfullywellthat the Sitting would likely go intothelatehoursofthenight Thereisnoneedtoremindthe Speaker that Emancipation Day observances start on the evening of July 31stwith a Libation Ceremony that is heldatParliamentBuildings

The Government and the Speaker are also fully aware that many Members of Parliament may want to participate in the Libation Ceremonyandotherstravelto villages across the coastland to participate in special services to honour our AfricanAncestors.

CallingtheHousetomeet onJuly31andplacingbeforeit

an Order Paper with many important matters could be seenasadeliberateattemptto achievethefollowing:

1. Reduce scrutiny and full debate of the matters listed.

2 D e m o n s t r a t e disrespectforourhistory

3 Disdain for the struggles of our African ancestors who were held as slaves, bound with chains and stripped of their humanity

4. Negate to zero the ultimate triumph of African Ancestors who were able to o v e r c o m e a l l t h e aforementioned challenges to gain their freedom and become landowners and leaders in our country Guyaneseshouldnottolerate such ‘eye pass’ The

Speaker of the House ought to postpone the Sitting of July31toamoreconvenient date and show respect for African Emancipation much asrespectisshownforother national observances. For the record, I will not participate in the July 31 SittingoftheHouseinprotest ofwhatIviewasdisrespectto our country’s history and to our African Ancestors As a people, we must not allow Emancipation Day to be reducedtomerelyanoccasionto dress in African clothing and spout platitudes Our leaders should rebuke such attempts Of what value is the ‘One Guyana’ mantra of the PPP when there is such blatant disrespect for African Emancipation?

Sincerely BeverleyAlert MemberofParliament

Time for a change at GRA

DEAREDITOR, Ibelievedthatistimefor a change at the GRA. Statia mustbereplaced.

Today, I learnt that the GRA has been “illegally” charging re-migrant taxpayers 30% excise tax instead of 10% How atrocious and embarrassing forthegovernment.

Last month, we learnt that significant gold was

smuggled out of Guyana over many years and false declarations were received and processed by the GRA that facilitated this process

We do not know where the smuggled gold ended up but we know that they are not manybuyersoflargequantity of gold that will deliberately buythesmuggledgold They would have had to have the necessary paper work to

accompany it It is estimated that Guyana lost over US$50M

How can you smuggle billionsofgoldoutofGuyana and have the necessary paperwork without the Head of GRA not knowing? If he didn’t, he is incompetent beyondanymeasure Ifhedid know,it’stimeforhimtogo

Yourssincerely, MarcusPerry




The recent theatrics of

President Irfaan Ali, frolicking on stage, have evoked mixed reactions among the populace. There isastarkdivisionwhereone section of the populace seems amused while the other section is bemused. Amidstallthisfunandfrolic, a great percentage of the Guyanese population is literally ‘catching hell’ to makeendsmeet.

While the President is merrily shaking his waist, the vast population is shaking out the few pennies from their purses to make ends meet. It is amidst his euphoria that Mr Ali joins with his Vice President, Jagdeo, to spurt the ‘One Guyana’ mantra which is a clear-cut attempt to mislead the public into thinking that current programmes and policies are meant to improvetheirsituation.

This is evident from the numerous ‘One Guyana’ signs that are visible across the country, as well as the frequent use of this mantra by senior government officials and their supporters. On the contrary,

the mantra embodies the ruling cabal’s scheme of hoodwinking the nation into believing that equality and equity are the cornerstones o

n of developmentalbenefits.

The distribution of developmental benefits is unfairly skewed, primarily benefiting the ruling cabal and their supporters

A r g u a b l y , m a n y d e v e l o p m e n t a l programmes/projects are poorly planned, leading to long-term burdensome outcomes.

Enter the realm of local government in Georgetown municipality; there is a

municipal counterpart. The Mayor and Councillors are subjected to the blatantly disrespectful attitudes and actions of the ruling cabal, and some administrative staff are being influenced to hinder the municipality’s workduetotheactionsofthe Local Government

Additionally, there are concerns about certain council members being influenced by the PPP/C to prioritize the party’s interests over those of the municipalityandthenation.

In Georgetown, the central government is currently carrying out multiple projects without consulting or collaborating with the municipal government. In a properly functioning democracy, especially under a parliamentary system, it is normal for the central government to involve and work with local authorities wheninitiatingprojects.The absence of collaboration raises concerns about the democratic process and a p

nect between the different levels of government. Moreover, the lack of consultation and collaboration has led to i n e f f i c i e n c i e s , misunderstanding and lack of representation of local interest in the decisionmakingprocess.

the municipality is in the process of procuring for a redevelopment plan of the Stabroek area In what appearstobeawell-planned strategy, most of the PPP/C Councillors were glaringly absent.Strangelythough,on thatsameday,itwasreported thatthePresidentandaselect group of PPP/C Councillors met with vendors of Stabroek Market to find solutions for problems confrontingthem.

Such shallow and undermining behaviour is obviously intended to derail the smooth processes of the M&CC and undermine the municipal government. The Municipal and District Council Act, as outlined in theLawsofGuyana,Chapter

28:01specifiestherolesand responsibilitiesoftheMayor and Councillors, and they should be allowed to carry out their functions without unnecessary and deceptive intervention by the central government. Allow me to categorically state that the Central Government’s input is welcomed but such intervention m


AsanelectedCouncillor, I will strongly oppose any attempts by the ruling authorities to impose their decisions on the Council.

The Central Government is mandated t


k collaboratively with the municipalgovernmentonall developmentprojectswithin

the city To do otherwise is lawlessandpartisanandwill redound negatively on the nation as a whole. Such an authoritarian stance by the current regime is counterp


Not until those Councillors adopt a mature stance and place the interest oftheCityforemost,willthe empty rhetoric of One Guyana ring true. Then the nation will not only praise Ali’s dancing theatrics but join willingly in the celebrationsandfrolic.


LelonA.Saul LtCol(Ret’d) Councillor, Mayor and CityCouncil

End road work!



ic (PPP/C)

Commission (LGC), clearly under the control of the People’s Progressive Party/C

OnFriday,July26,2024, the Mayor and Councillors received a briefing from a consultant whose services

, For weeks (perhaps months) now, mountains of sand are piled up at the side oftheRailwayEmbankment Road from Sheriff Street to beyond Bel Air Village Road works are at a standstill.

Pedestrians travelling fromwesttoeastonthatroad areforcedtowalkontheleft side of the road, backing

close traffic, as it would be suicidal to attempt to walk on the right-hand-side, near thepilesofsandthatspillon totheroadway

At the Sheriff Street junction, there is a sign that reads END ROAD WORK. Is that a command given to the contractor(s) informing all and sundry, that they are no longer required to continue the road building process,orwasthequestion mark(?) omitted as many ask...? Who is responsible for this unfinished business? This untidy state of affairs?! Maybe it is time for the defaulters to find jobs that they are competent enough to complete and END ROADWORK!


The kind of Govt. that is the PPP

The PPP is a group with its share of predators! Some are predators, others are perverts, Then there those who are Exxon’s converts!

The PPP Government has some unusual people

They are those who are more than unusual. There are those who are abnormal.

Why does policymaker Jagdeo surround himself with questionable people?

How could Guyana get any standards, any benefits out of them?

No wonder Jagdeo is how he is, the PPP the government that it has become!

Kitty man remanded for possession of firearms, ammo

Forty-six-year-old Eon the serious nature of the yard. Upon questioning, it one magazine containing 40 Fagundes was remanded to offences and Fagundes was was revealed that there was 9mm rounds of ammunition, prison, on Monday, when he remanded until August 27, suspicion of illegal guns and one FN-45 pistol and two appeared at the Georgetown 2024. ammunitiononthepremises. magazines containing 38 .45 Magistrates’Courttoanswer It is alleged that on July

Followingasearchofthe rounds of ammunition, one three charges: possession of 24, 2024, at approximately bag, firearms, ammunition, Smith and Wesson 9mm firearm without a licence, 05:30hrs, in response to and components of the pistol with a magazine, one possession of ammunition information received, firearm were found The Berretta 9mm pistol with a withoutafirearmlicenceand Superintendent Singh and a accused was discovered in magazine, one Spring Field possession of components of police team visited the possession of three 45 Hellcat 9mm pistol with a a firearm without a firearm residence of the accused at magazines, 5 rounds of .45 magazine, one Canik 9mm licence. Lot 25 Sandy Babb Street, ammunition, and 50 rounds pistol with a magazine, one Fagundes appeared Georgetown. of 9mm ammunition, along Glock 43 pistol with a before Senior Magistrate The officers gained entry with one SIG Sugar Rifle, magazine, Five Glock 19 Clive Nurse and pleaded not through an opening in the one Springfield Armory .45 pistols along with nine guilty to each of the charges eastern side of the fence and pistol, and one Polimore 80

Magazines and 21 9mm readtohim. encountered the accused in 9mmpistol. rounds of ammunition, Theprosecutionobjected possession of a small green

When asked if he is the Seven Glock 40 pistols and to bail being granted given and grey duffle bag in the holder of a firearm licence, ten magazines with 18 .40 Fagundesreplied“no”. rounds of ammunition, two Thereafter, police Glock 17 9mm pistols and reportedly searched a black two magazines, one Glock Nissan Juke vehicle; PVV 9mm pistol and a magazine 6472 parked opposite the and one Glock 45 pistol and house and found more guns onemagazine. and ammunition in a The ranks also found a suitcase, a golf bag and cache of ammunition and haversack. these include 75 12-gauge

Police said they found; cartridges, 456 223

Eon Fagundes at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court

One AM 15 rifle along with ammunition, 484 9mm two magazines containing ammunition, 83 5 7- 28 61 .223 ammunition, two ammunition, 13 10 MM Ruger-57 9mm pistols and ammunition, 315 7 62-39 Fagundeswasaskedwhothe andchild-mother”. ammunition along and 15 owner of the car was and he Fagundes was only magazines. allegedly told them that he chargedforpossessionofthe

Following the discovery was using the car but it firearms and ammunition of the weapons and bullets, belonged to “his daughter foundinthedufflebag.

Allegedchickensmuggler hospitalisedwithgunshotwounds

An alleged chicken smuggler is still were also lodged for ballistics testing. The hospitalised nursing gunshot wounds after following day (Sunday) at around 07:05hrs, he was shot by Guyana Revenue Authority police arrested 22 year old Ganesh (GRA) enforcement officers on Saturday Rambarran who was hiding in a clump of eveningattheEnmoreseawalls. bushes along the seawall at Enmore, East

ThevictimhasbeenidentifiedasNaresh CoastDemerara. Ramjattan, a 36-year-old from Greenfield, He was questioned about the reason for East Coast Demerara According to a his presence on the seawalls and he claimed statementreleasedbythepolice,“Ramjattan that he was there to catch crabs claimed that he was standing on a boat when Subsequently, he admitted that he was hired suddenly he heard several loud explosions by people from Bee Hive to fetch chicken andfelthewasshotinhislegandshoulder fromaboatandputitontobuses.

The police disclosed that the three GRA HewasarrestedandescortedtotheCove enforcement officers have since submitted and John Police Station. He was placed in theirwrittenstatementsandtheirhandswere custody and is assisting with the ongoing swabbedforgunshotresidue.Theirweapons investigation.

Do not be brainwashed by imperialism

As Guyanese, we must be wary of the narratives being peddled by US and European imperialism and their allies about the elections in Venezuela. It is crucial to understand that imperialismwasnevergoing to accept a victory by PresidentNicolásMaduro. Forthem,onlyoneresult wouldhavebeenacceptable: the defeat of the incumbent regime. Therefore, it is not surprisingthatimperialism’s proxy candidates are protesting their election defeat at the hands of Maduro. Their reaction to their defeat is consistent with imperialism’s longstanding position of fostering violence and instability in Venezuela to undermine and weaken the Venezuelangovernment.

The full results of the Venezuelan elections are set to be made public, and the authorities must be given time to do so. However, in the interim, imperialism is attempting to question the credibility of Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) The international community, including Guyana, should recognize thatVenezuelaboastsasolid electoralsystem,makingthe riggingofelectionsvirtually impossible Venezuela’s voting system is a highly secure and audited process. It uses touch-screen directrecording electronic voting machines (DREs) for its entire electorate, alongside India, Brazil, and Bhutan. Whenavotercaststheirvote electronically,theyreceivea paper receipt that they can

check for accuracy This paper receipt is then placed intoaballotbox. Aftervotingends,a“hot audit” is conducted in over 50% of randomly selected polling stations. This audit compares the paper ballots withtheelectronicrecordsto ensure they match This process is transparent, with

representatives present, and no significant discrepancies haveeverbeenfound.

reinforced through rigorous pre-election audits. The source code for the voting machines is thoroughly reviewed by technical teams, including those from g o v



a n d independent institutions, as wellaspoliticalparties.The

GRA’s 30% excise tax on remigrant...

Frompage3 claimed that those paying 10% had applied for their exemption ‘before the regulationwaspassed’. The ChiefJusticeremarkedtothe agreement of both counsel that the GRA should reach out to everyone who overpaid excise taxes and explain that the GRA made an error and refund the wrongfullycollectedmonies tothetaxpayers.

In an invited comment Mr Dhurjon stated that “the Excise Act and its regulationsdonotpermitthe GRAto charge beyond 10% in excise taxes. For the last year, the GRA has been overcharging remigrant taxpayersillegalexcisetaxes

to the tune of hundreds of

s unfortunate that in oil-

wrongfullysubjectedtothis. But this verdict opens the door for all remigrants who paid above 10% in excise taxestoseekarefund.”

Under the remigrant tax scheme, Guyanese who lived abroad for 5 years can be given duty free concessions allowing them to import their personal effects and their vehicles by only paying the applicable excise taxes When a remigrant imports a vehicle and they are given the concessionbytheGRA,they

do not have to pay customs dutiesandvalue-addedtaxes on the vehicle being imported This removes manymillionsofdollarsfrom thepurchaseofthevehicle If the full taxes - all of the customs,VATandexcisetaxes – were paid on a Landcruiser like the one concerned in the proceedings, a normal taxpayer would have to pay around $90,000,000 in total taxes depending on the value ofthevehicle

Basdeo is a young entrepreneur who lives on the East Coast of Demerara. He remigrated from the United States ofAmerica to start a new life in Guyana. Hedidnotwishtocomment tothemediawhencontacted.


Makeup does do wonders!

Yuh ever see a face transform before yuh very eyes? Well, that’s the power of makeup. Makeup is the best thing since sliced bread. It’s like magic. One minute yuh looking at one person, and the next minuteyuhseeingawholedifferentbeing. Liketwo-for-onespecial!

Dem boys seh makeup does wonders. It’slikeamiracleinabottle.Hideallthem blemishes, them pimples, and them latenight bags. You gone from regular to spectacular Justlikethat!

Buthere’salittleadvicefromdemboys. Always make sure to see yuh better half withoutmakeupbeforeyuhdecidetocarry the relationship further Yuh don’t want no surprises. One morning yuh wake up and wonder who de stranger in yuh bed is. Makeup can make yuh believe in love at firstsight.Butdemboysseh,trustyuheyes onlyafteryuhseethebareface.

Cosmetics does do wonders for some people It’s like an artist painting a masterpiece. Eyeliner sharp like a razor blade, lipstick bold like a fire engine, and

code is examined in a controlled environment and then verified on Election Day to ensure its integrity According to the National Democratic Institute, a sidekick of US imperialism, the electoral system of Venezuelaisoneofthemost secure and reliable in the world. No less an authority than former US President Jimmy Carter has described Venezuela’selectoralsystem asthebestintheworld.Yes, thebestintheworld.

This endorsement is at oddswiththenarrativebeing pushedbyimperialistforces andbymisguidedGuyanese. Despite the safeguards in place, imperialist propaganda suggests that Maduro controls the electoral system and can manipulate it to rig the elections However, this notion is inconsistent with the actual outcomes If Maduro had such power, why would he have only barely achieved a majority of 51%? This slim margin

suggests a fair and competitive election, contrary to the claims of widespreadmanipulation.

The opposition in Venezuela, along with their imperialistbackers,hasbeen quick to claim victory despite the official results. Some opposition figures haveevenmadeexaggerated claims,suggestingtheywon 70% of the vote. However, theseassertionsarenotonly baseless but also contradicted by the actions of some opposition parties. Notably, two opposition parties have conceded defeat One prominent

opposition presidential

candidate, Benjamin Rausseo, stated, “I accept the CNE’s decision, and what we need to do now is turnthepageontheelection and start writing the new chapter together.” Similarly,

José Brito, another opposition presidential

candidate from the VenezuelaFirstparty,posted a video acknowledging the electoralauthorities’results, which declared Maduro the victorwith51%ofthevotes.

These concessions by opposition figures undermine the imperialist narrativeofastolenelection. However, despite this, imperialist forces continue to withhold recognition of Maduro’s victory Their refusal to accept the results is driven not by a genuine concern for democracy but by a desire to regain control over Venezuela’s vast oil resources The economic motivations behind imperialist interference in Venezuela cannot be ignored. For years, these forces have sought to destabilize the country to secure access to its natural resources. Venezuela’s oil reserves are among the largest in the world, and imperialistpowershavelong coveted this valuable resource. The prospect of a government like Maduro’s, which resists foreign exploitation and prioritizes nationalsovereignty,posesa threat to their interests.As a result, they resort to d


movements,toachievetheir goals.

The current situation in Venezuela, with violence and instability, is a direct consequence of these imperialist tactics By undermining the legitimacy oftheelectionsandfostering unrest, imperialist forces aim to create a pretext for further intervention This strategy is a familiar one, employed in various forms acrosstheglobewhenevera government resists imperialistinfluence.

AsGuyanese,itisvitalto approach the situation in Venezuela with a critical eye. We must resist the temptation to uncritically acceptthenarrativespushed by imperialist media and theirlocalallies.Instead,we should seek out diverse sources of information and consider the broader geopoliticalcontext.

The situation in Venezuela is not just about electoral politics; it is a struggle between a sovereign nation and external forces seeking to exploititsresources.

foundationsmoothlikebutter Somepeople can’tevenrecognizetheyselfwithoutit.

Demboysseh,makeupisconfidencein a compact. Some people can’t leave the housewithoutit.It’slikearmorfortheface. Feel invincible, look invincible. It’s all aboutpresentation.

But don’t get carried away Sometimes too much makeup is like too much seasoning. Yuh end up spoiling the whole pot. Natural beauty does still count for something.Alittletouch-uphereandthere, and yuh good to go. Remember, makeup ain’t just for the ladies. Nowadays, men getting in on the action too. A little concealer,alittlepowder,andbam!Ready for the world. Dem boys seh, equal opportunity for all. So, next time yuh looking in the mirror, give thanks for makeup. It’s the best thing after sliced bread. But always remember to appreciate the face underneath. Because at the end of theday,realbeautycomesfromwithin.But alittlemakeupsuredon’thurt! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.

, inc

uding economic sanctions,politicalisolation, and support for opposition

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)


Corruption makes Exxon concealed. It is too much to If ever there was snake in a PNC, and attach that and naysayer now, skipper

look bad Chronic deny, what no one can Savile Row suit that’s it. corruption network to it chief? Who is targeted to be corruption makes Exxon explain. America has made Made in Guyana, and the Thesymphonyisunfinished. revilednow,‘daktah’oil? look even worse than it is vast PPP Government l a b e l r e a d s ‘ P P P

For, I hear my cousins (there For the edification of my law? And by whose orders? (the ‘wussest’) in the eyes of corruptionitsproblem. Infrastructure Custom are whispers of Caucasian dear American friend Then, somebody in the Guyanese. All the horrors Fear not. I cry not for Tailors.’ When a mask is strains going way back) Alistair, here is a sliver of friendly audit office must thatcouldbelaidonthehead Exxon, considering its needed for unimagined speaking of that other plank local wisdom. When ‘dese explaintotheworldjusthow of Exxon are plunked down depredations of the thievery, infrastructure is the of evidence that can’t be bannas teef’ de oil money, one minister has almost two right there. The irony is that Guyanese patrimony, the nameofthegame. Overhalf swept under the carpet: the money from Exxon takes dozen real estate holdings. it is not Exxon’s fancy hemorrhagingofthepromise of the record national budget government officials. Three on a ghastly appearance. How a big fish has footwork and hanky-panky of the Guyanese people approved for infrastructure, times, those two damning What is deposited looks investments in what the that attracts the corruption Certainly, 2% and 50:50 and half of it is snatched by words: government officials horrible, feels terrible tender board has given the curse on its head. It is the profit sharing after clever corruption.Justlikethat,one winged their way across the Because the people don’t nod? Will anybody from breathtaking corruption- accounting arrangements huff, a big puff, and a lot of world. taste it. Pressure for Exxon audit office to Office of the incomparable, unbelievable, stillhassomecashinflowsto cash stuff is gone. The boys It cannot be PNC to give more. How much President, OPM, OVP and tangible-of the men and lift economically strapped and girls in the PPP government officials It more should come, because expound on the record of w o m e n i n t h e P P P Guyanese away from where Government smirked and can’t be handpicked public of how much has been almost all PPP Government Government that drags they are. Ah, that’s where shrugged. He who alleges, servants alone, those who swindled under the shield of

America’s pride and glory, the trouble begins, and it is a must advance with his participate in the festive infrastructure. When the

Exxon,intothegutterandthe calamity that has grown into associates. They are called programmes. Government PPP steals, Exxon gets unexplained wealth? I was sewer a crisis. Say the word cash, evidence, proof. The United officials also mean elected scorched. Think about that, imprudentenoughtocalltwo Corruption on the and almost all the men and States government was only politicians who elected to Mr Routledge. Now think names and assert that they gargantuan scale practised womeninthePPP(‘guvment toogladtooblige. help themselves to the li’l oil about this fellow Guyanese: are clean Unexplained by the PPP Government is and paaty’) go crazy A Thirtymonthsofpeeping money think that America gives a wealth put an end to that neither victimless nor feeding frenzy it is and putting the pieces of These are the kind of damn about some corrupt deliberation. bloodless; it is not an Guyanese look for food, the corruption together and by friends, corrupt PPP coloured people stealing The PPP Government abstraction, not somebody PPP gives them a brick. thetimetheUSTreasurywas Government officials, of billions? No! America is princes and princesses live else’s problem. It is the Infrastructure. Exxonhasits done (it is now beginning), which Exxon is so proud. concerned about their own large; the poor peasants of public incest of the PPP secret accounting system there was the proof: a Morethanonebigmaninthe people (investors) and the Guyana live like dogs. Not Government and the (worldclass,themanassures corruptionnetwork. ‘Wrang Exxon-led consortium has stability needed on land to the Westminster Dog Show devastations inflicted on the natives), and the PPP tingnahgahownah.’ Forthe publicly said so, and helpthemprosper Unhappy variety, Mr Routledge. The Guyanese, making it their G o v e r n m e n t h a s first time in living memory, repeatedly The Guyana people are unstable people. stray dog kinds that multiply costly problem that can’t be infrastructure steel and sand. the PPPcouldn’t point to the Governmentisthebestofthe Friendly investment climate and roam restlessly across best Friends that give is only one leg, in a three- Guyana. guarantees.Friendsthatlook legged jackass. And an What the PPP grabs and out for spooky investors. I unfriendly environment gifts itself is what makes have a message for the big could result in a series of Exxon look bad, real baad. fish at Exxon: tell that to kicks from the other legs. Houston, there is a problem. OFAC I think the US Fix the problem (corruption) Looking higher and farther, Treasurymadeamistake,the and fix the financial system Washington, this is a big small matter of a typo, a toworkasitshould. problem. misplaced vowel: the ‘a’ in On behalf of the PPP (The views expressed in OFAC should be replaced by Government, it is my this article are those of the a ‘u.’ Now who ‘ah yuh privilege to make this terse a u t h o r a n d d o n o t cussin’ today? Who is submission: respect for the necessarily reflect the lowlife now? Who is expert ruleoflawandorder Whose opinions of this newspaper.)


G u y a n a ’s h e a l t h health system. He said, “To continued, “We are one of According to Dr with improvements to institutions are transitioning prepare ourselves, we did the few countries to bring in Anthony, the findings from thelaboratorysystem. to renewable energy, Health our annual assessment of the an external team for a joint the evaluation led to the D

Minister Dr Frank Anthony system’s readiness using external evaluation of our establishment of a national

- Health Minister

Sepsis Alliance, Professor disclosed on Sunday at a SPAR, a methodology for health system and its health security plan, University of Guyana, Dr Niranjan Tex Kissoon and climate change, health, evaluatinghealthsystems.” preparedness for a future coveringhuman,animal,and Em

s; other officials attended the sepsisandjusticeconference The health minister pandemic.” environmental health, along President of the Global conference. held at the Marriott Hotel, Kingston,Georgetown.

The conference was a collaborative effort among the Ministry of Health, the UniversityoftheWestIndies and the Caribbean Sepsis Alliance. The conference aimed to engage scholars, researchers, policymakers, and leaders from various fields in discussions to developinnovativesolutions for pressing g

Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony


“We are also converting many of our institutions, health centres, and health posts to use renewable energy sources. In many of the health centres in the interior of Guyana, we have beenusingsolarpowertorun vaccine fridges and provide electricity to areas without power,”Dr Anthonysaid.

I n l i g h t o f t h e t e c h n o l o g i c a l advancements, the Health Minister said that the Ministry has also progressed in that area. He stated that remote communities have implemented telemedicine, enabling patients to benefit from teleradiology, t e l e p a t h o l o g y, a n d telepsychiatry

On the basis of climate change, Dr Anthony highlighted Guyana’s vulnerability to flooding. As such in its effort to avoid the impactfromtheflooding,the health Minister initiated that infrastructure will be built at an elevated level so as to avoidtheeffectsoffloods.

“In Guyana, one of the biggest challenges is flooding, so a lot of the new infrastructure that we are buildingisbeingconstructed high above the ground,” the MinisterofHealthsaid.

Additionally, Dr Anthony disclosed that the Ministry conducted assessments of the overall

Contractor who bid half of engineer’s $123 million estimate

awarded Lusignan Market project

Out of the 49 contractors who submitted there. bidstoconstructtheLusignanMarketlocated This publication understands that in on the East Coast Demerara (ECD), R&P March,PresidentIrfaanAlivisitedthemarket Engineering & General Construction, the area and listened to the vendors’concerns. It lowestbidderwasawardedthecontract. was after that visit that Minister within the

The National Procurement and Tender Public Works Ministry, Deodat Indar and Administration Board (NPTAB) published other officials visited the market and on its website that on July 24, 2024, R&P announced that plans are underway to Engineering & General Construction was executeworksthatwillfacilitatethemarket’s awarded the contract valued $62,878,860, activities It was reported that several which is half of what the government’s markets, including Parika, Mon Repos, engineerhadestimatedtheprojecttocost. Leonora, Hydronie and Charity are being

The project which is being undertaken by rehabilitated to ensure vendors have a the Ministry of Public Works was estimated conducive area to ply their trade and that the to cost $123,954,810, according to the environmentissafeforcustomers. ministryinitialtenderdocument. This year, the government allocated $1.2

The Ministry of PublicWorks noted in its billion towards improving market facilities tender that not only are they seeking a and would see works being done to the contractor to build a market space for the Corriverton, Kumaka and Suddie markets, to vendors but to also construct a sanitary block nameafew.

Man wanted for murder in US, nabbed in Guyana

Ranks from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and the Special Branch on Monday afternoon arrested RakeemAntonio Gilgeous, a citizen of the United States (U.S) whoiswantedformurderinhiscountry

According to a release from the Guyana Police Force (GPF), acting on information received, law enforcement officers went to Lot 3451 Postal Housing Scheme, Georgetown around 16:30hrs where they arrested33-year-oldGilgeous.

The police reported that a search was (CJIA).Afterhewasarrested,hewastakento carried out on his premises and one United the Alberttown Police Station, where he was States of America passport was found. Upon placed in custody “He was found to be in examination, it was observed that Gilgeous possession of US$12,000 which was lodged arrived in the country July 08, 2024 through attheAlberttownPoliceStation,”policehave the Cheddi Jagan International Airport reported.

Education key to effective policing - acting Top Cop

Commissioner of Police (ag) Clifton Hicken on Sunday stressed the importance of thepursuitofhighereducationbymembersof the Guyana Police Force (GPF). The acting Top Cop was at the time speaking at the Force’s 185 Anniversary Black and White bowtieawardsceremony

Hicken said that education is key to effective policing and pointed to Nelson Mandela’s famous quote, ‘Education is the mostpowerfulweaponyoucanusetochange theworld’.

Commissioner of Police (ag) Clifton Hicken speaking at the Guyana th Police Force’s 185 Anniversary Black and White bow-tie awards ceremony.

“Earning a degree, be it a bachelor, masters or doctorate, it is a challenge for anyone, but to do so whilst holding the immenseresponsibilityoflawenforcementis trulyaremarkableachievement,”Hickensaid Moreover, Hicken stated that ranks that asherecognizedmembersofthePoliceForce are in pursuit of academics can provide an thathavepursuedhighereducation. intellectual foundation that strengthens their

The Commissioner (ag) noted that while leadershipcapabilities,armedwiththewealth thepursuitofeducationisneeded,itisnoeasy of knowledge and informed decision-making feat doing so while being integrally involved skills. He underscored that while being in policing. “Each of the officers, we equipped with knowledge, ranks are better recognize today has demonstrated prepared to lead with wisdom and integrity, exceptional resilience and thirst for guidingtheirteamsthroughchallenges. knowledge that goes above, (and) beyond “To our awardees, your dedication is an their call of duty,” Hicken said adding that inspiration to your fellow officers and a education helps with “the critical thinking testament to the caliber of individuals within skill needed to meticulously analyse an our force.You have embodied a future of law effectively reserve complex situation that e

n e d b y may arise in the course of their duty, by professionalism, continuous learning and an fostering a deeper understanding of diverse unyielding commitment to justice,” Hicken perspectivesandculture.” said. The Top Cop posited that “a highly He continued, “It nurses their culture, educated Police Force is indispensible in sensitivity, enables them to forego strong cultivating trust, safeguarding public safety connection and trust within the communities and serving our communities with unparallel theyserve.” excellence.”

Man dies after run over by car

A 36-year-old resident of Onverwagt, over”themanwhowaslyingonthenorthern West Coast Berbice (WCB) was killed on drive lane of the road. Police learned that the Monday morning after he was run over by a driver had fled the scene after the accident motorcar driven by a Private of the Guyana occurred. DefenceForce(GDF). An injured Bacchus was picked up by

Accordingtothepolice,thedeadmanhas residents in the area and taken to the Fort been identified as Kanrade Lawrence Wellington Public Hospital, where he was Bacchus The police reported that the seen and pronounced dead by a doctor His accident occurred around 04:00hrs on the body is currently at the Bailey’s Funeral No.28 Public Road, WCB and involved a Home awaiting a post-mortem examination. motorcar with registration number PAC “Following the accident, several checks 2353 owned and driven by a 30-year-old were made to locate the driver and vehicle. Private from the GDF who resides in Fort At about 08:00hrs this morning (Monday), Wellington,RegionFive. the driver subsequently visited the Fort It was reported to investigators that the Wellington station with the vehicle, where car was heading east along the northern side she was arrested and placed into custody,” of the road and the driver reportedly “ran thepolicesaid.Aninvestigationisongoing.

Vendors at the Lusignan Market plying their trade. (Photo courtesy, Minister Deodat Indar/Facebook)

to spend $1B to purchase new hydrographic survey vessel

The government through the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD), an agency under the Ministry of Public Works is preparing to spend approximately $1,093,812,500 to procure one new built Hydrographic Survey Vessel. The National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) recently provided on its website that on Wednesday, the $1 billion contract was awarded to Farm Supplies Limited, who was among six companies that submitted bids for the project. According to research, Hydrographic Surveys are the science of measuring allfactorsbeneaththewaterthataffectallthemarineactivities like dredging, marine constructions, offshore drilling etc. There are several reasons why hydrographic surveys are important,withthemainpurposebeingfornavigation.

At a press conference back in June, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo when asked about the vessel said it is being acquired so that MARAD can better perform its function. “Well in navigation, it’s clear as that. So they know the water channels up our rivers etcetera, for navigation purposes. Then once you map that, you then know For example,theytoldme thatwe had a depthat which the power vessel had to go to dock.And they always said we don’t have that depth in the whole Berbice River, we can’t dock there and then I said, but check it, then they went and do thesoundingandwehaditandthat’swhytheshipcouldcome in,”theVicePresidentsaid.

Headdedthatalotofthedatatheyhave,theydonotknow whetheritisanecdotaloritisancient.“Sothissortofstuff,we constantlyneedtochartandmapourwaterways,thechannels. Sometimestheyshiftandthatisimportantnow Sothat’swhat the vessel would be used for to ensure that MARAD is equippedtodothattobetterperformitsfunction,”headded.

Man charged with attempted murder of 6-yr-old boy

A 29-year-old construction worker was on Monday remanded to prison when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’Courtfollowinganattemptedmurdercharge.

The accused, Marlon Wilburg also known as ‘Mice Man’ appearedbeforeChiefMagistrateJudyLatchman.Hewasnot requiredtopleadtotheindictableoffence.

Wilburg of West Ruimveldt reportedly shot 6-year-old JeremiahGustavetotheheadonJuly9,2024atCharlesStreet, Charlestown, Georgetown.According to the charge, Wilburg unlawfullyandmaliciouslywoundedGustave.

The victim, a student of Smith Memorial Primary School, was seated at his mother’s food stall at Charles Street, Charlestown, when an altercation between the accused and anotherindividualescalatedintogunfire,resultinginthechild sustaining a gunshot wound to the head. Gustave was swiftly transported in an unconscious state to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he remains in a critical condition in the Intensive Care Unit. He is currently on a life support machine. Since being admitted, the child underwent two surgeries. Wilburg was arrested on July 26 and during interrogation, he confessed to shooting the lad. On July 27, following an intelligence-led operation, the firearm allegedly usedinthecrimewasrecovered.Theweaponwasfoundinthe possession of another individual who disposed of it when approachedbylawenforcement.Thefirearm,alongwiththree spent casings retrieved from the scene, was submitted to the ballistic section for examination. Meanwhile, Clive Ford, Wilburg’s lawyer told the court that his client did not admit to thechargewhilebeingquestionedbypolice.Notwithstanding, theProsecutorcalledonthecourttodenybailgiventheserious natureoftheoffenceandthevictim’scondition.

Taking the serious nature of the crime into consideration, the Chief Magistrate remanded Wilburg who is scheduled to return to court for statements and further proceedings on August19,2024.


Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.

Live chicken to buy & one handy man or all rounded $5000 daily. Call 708-4374 / 617-4662.

Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music & food. Contact:264-2946-9


Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) A/C rooms from $75 usd/$40 usd day rate WIFI, secure parking & poolside. Contact: 264-29469 / www.aracariresort.com

2 Howo cement mixer truck for sale, $20 M for both. Call: 652-0251/650-0402/2604018.

50 lbs 5 inch Nylon seine complete with cord-lead and float, never used. Contact : 6703912.


4 bedrooms house at Lamaha Gardens, $2,800 USD. All amenities provided along with parking, long term only! Call: 679-2966.

Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.

Live-in Housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, USA. Free room and boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.

Vacancy for Receptionist and Hotel Attendant at Hick's Ville Hotel. Email: info @vegeworld.net or Call: 2310951/ 231-0952.

Now hiring: Executive Secretary, Project Engineer & Accounts Clerk, To apply send application via Whatsapp: 638-5303/ 638-1111.

Josel Educational institute seeks to employ a qualified science teacher. Email: joseleducation@yahoo.com or call: 226-7868 / 678-0652.

One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.

Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Painter needed. For more information Call: 615-9132.

Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443

Experienced cook & kitchen assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.

Hiring Cooks, Kitchen Assistant, Servers & Cashier. Apply at Beacon Cafe. Email : beaconcafe6690@gmail.com / whatsapp 655-8944.

General domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.


Bus tour to Suriname. 3 Nights & 4 days holiday, from Tuesday 6th August to Friday 9th. Contact : 650-3686.

CARICOM has made significant contributions over the years – President Ali

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has made significant contributions in a number of areas including biodiversity, justice, climate change, agriculture and sport, outgoing Chairman of the body, President Irfaan Ali said on Sunday.

President Ali made the statement during the opening ceremony of the 47th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government in St. George’s, Grenada.

“Sometimes, we do not celebrate who we are and we do not get the glamorous headlines across the world for the contributions we are making as a region. I think that if we do not correct the narrative that is sometimes used to define us, and the narrative that is used to set us in a certain frame, we will be doing a continuous injustice to those before us, those who are with us, and those who will come in the future,” the Guyanese leader underlined.

Shifting his attention to disaster, climate change, and justice, President Ali underscored that there is no stronger voice on climate change than the voices of the leaders in the region, led by Barbados’ Prime Minister, Mia Mottley.

PM Mottley is continuously reforming the financial system regionally and elsewhere to bring climate justice to everyone.

The Region continues to lead the charge on biodiversity and forestry best practices, ensuring Guyana


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maintains its low deforestation rate in the world.

In the sport sector, the governments invested millions of dollars to host the International Cricket Council (ICC) Men’s T20 World Cup, ensuring that the region can experience the best sporting events.

The Caribbean region has also expanded its reach with the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) to build financial instruments, bringing new investments to propel developments in the region.

President Ali called on countries to be bold and innovative while executing initiatives to drive economic growth.

“…Take the risk and invest in it, so that we can end this problem in our region.

Everything comes back to the government. I am bold enough to say that we can continue buying, selling, and distributing, or we can start building our productive capacity and capability in the region. But to do so, we have to start supporting what we do in the region,” President Ali underlined.

Meanwhile, the region is working collectively to rebuild its agriculture systems that were severely affected by Hurricane Beryl.

Additionally, the region has recorded over US$100 million in damages in the food sector. As these issues are being tackled, more challenges lie ahead which can be overcome only if the community continues to work in unison.

President Ali said the re-

gion will always support peace, justice, and the equitable growth of everyone.

The regional leaders are not shying away from these challenges as initiatives are being undertaken to strengthen their economies, he added.

“What we fought for, as a people and region is sometimes forgotten…As we fight these battles, we have to fight to ensure that we build systems that work for our region and not systems that are not imposed upon us,” he emphasised. New Chairman of CARICOM and Prime Minister of Grenada, Dickon Mitchell, and CARICOM Secretary-General, Dr. Carla Barnett also delivered remarks at the opening ceremony. The conference runs until July 30. (DPI)

Hicken should proceed on leave...

From page 04


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Kingdom, European Union, in addition to multinational companies are extremely careful when doing business outside of their home countries and are very concerned about laws relating to corruption and sanctions. With business operatives and a senior government official being sanctioned in Guyana, allegations against senior officers in the Guyana Police Force, and the level of corruption in the Guyanese society, while the opportunities in this new oil economy are enormous and attractive to foreign investors, they will be and are being very cautious.

I am pleased that the GCCI is raising its voice since its members are partners and potential partners for foreign investors in joint ventures, other business, and investment arrangements and ‘Due Diligence’ in assessing risks of doing business in Guyana and for global compliance is critical.

There are serious red flags under anti-corruption

and anti-bribery laws for foreign companies conducting ‘Due Diligence’ on Guyana.

The Guyana Police Force is a key law enforcement agency and with the allegations levelled against senior officers, raise serious red flags for doing business in Guyana. The penalties in the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act are significant and range from criminal prosecution of companies and individuals; jail for individuals; voluntary disclosures; monitors for companies; among others.

Settlement and penalties for violation of the US FCPA are significant. Over the years, companies paid huge sums in settlements and penalties; these range from USD 2.09 billion, USD 1.78 billion (2018), USD 1.06 billion (2019), USD 965 million (2017), USD 850 million (2019), USD 800 million (2008), USD 795 million (2016), USD 772 million (2014), USD 585 (2018) and USD 579 million (2009).

Guyana and Guyanese have a tremendous opportunity for growth and development and more specifically, transforming the business,

investment, and financial environment in the country. As a people, including the government and private sector, we have to asked ourselves, do we want to just make money or do we want to create and nurture a business and investment environment that positions Guyana as one of the best places in the world to do business and invest, both for locals and foreigners.

Finally, the acting Police Commissioner should proceed on leave with immediate effect to allow for the investigation into these allegations and an external organization should be engaged to conduct the investigation. This will send a message that as a country we are serious about addressing corruption and transforming the current culture.

The GCCI was in order to call for an independent investigation, many members of the GCCI are also foreign citizens or have residency and they should also take note.

Kind regards, Citizen - Audreyanna Thomas

Nayelli school of cosmetol-
President Irfaan Ali, and other officials at the 47th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government in Grenada

Trial into 2020 election fraud case opens

After four years of Michelle Miller and Denise processwasinterrupted. she stayed in the room to but an SOP “I objected by using statements of polls delays, the trial Babb-Cummings.Theywere She testified that vote overseetheSOPs. standing up and saying that (SOP) from GECOM in for the 2020 all present in court for the counting began on March 3, Theministerclaimedthat those are not the numbers I which Mingo and other

Elections fraud trial except Michelle Miller 2020, around 08:00hrs and she observed two GECOM had…”Paragstated. members from GECOM case finally got underway on who appeared virtually for she was present at Ashmins’ employees, along with then T h r o u g h o u t h e r were responsible for the Monday when Minister of specialreasons. building on High Street to Minister of Health Volda testimony, the defence team process. Local Government and The charge is that observe the tabulation on Lawrence and another led by lawyers Eusi He also stated that the Regional Development, Lowenfield, Mingo and behalf of the People’s woman, in the tabulation Anderson, Darren Wade and evidence will show that Sonia Parag stood as first Roxanne Myers between the Progressive Party /Civic room. During this time, she Ronald Daniels constantly during the process of the witness to testify against March 2 andAugust 2, 2020 (PPP/C).

said that a GECOM interjected and sought to tabulationofvotes,theSOPs former top officials of in Ashmins’ building, The minister said that emp

, whom she clarify issues such as the process were changed and G

a n a E l e c t i o n s Georgetown, conspired with when she arrived at the identifiedasMichelleMiller, witness ‘evidence as it the officials no longer relied Commission (GECOM) and each other and together with location, she entered a room was holding a document and relates to identification of on the procedure during the senior members of the Lawrence, Joseph, February, on the building’s ground began calling out numbers defendants. Magistrate Daly exercise. f

r A P N U + A F C Livan, Cummings, Miller floor filled with party from a box numbered 4001 nevertheless clarified that In relation to that, Coalitiongovernment. and others to defraud the representativesandlocaland f

Defence Attorney Anderson In the case, nine electors of Guyana by international observers Demerara.

defendantswasnotcriticalto stressed his concerns defendants are facing 19 presenting false votes cast at According to her, the She continued that when the case. As a result of the regarding the SOP not being conspiracy charges The the March 2, 2020 general

Miller started to count the constant interjection by the presentatcourt.Hetherefore defendants; former GECOM andregionalelections. c

the SOPs votes, she compared the lawyers, the matter was made three applications; the Chief Elections Officer, The trial is being numbers with the figures votes on her SOPs at which adjourned to 9:30 am today firstwasfortheprovisionsof Keith Lowenfield; former conducted before Senior announced by Returning point she realised that the when Parag will return to the Statement of Polls (SOPs) to Returning Officer for Magistrate Leron Daly at the Officer,ClairmonteMingo. figures were different and as witness box to continue her the court, which he said District Four Clairmont Georgetown Magistrates’ The process continued such, she announced her evidence. appears to be the most Mingo;formerDeputyChief Court. Leading evidence through the day and into the observation. Parag said she Meanwhile, the State’s importantdetailofthecase. Election Officer Roxanne from the witness box, night. At around 21:00hrs, objected to the numbers that Prosecution team led by The second application Myers; Former Minister, Minister Parag who was a she said Mingo announced were being read out by attorney Darshan Ramdhani was a request for protection



w r e n c e ; candidate for the PPP/C at he was tired and that the Millerfromwhatappearedto KC is expected to call of all of the defendants to APNU+AFC’s Chief the elections told the Court process would resume the be a spreadsheet instead of witnesses; Rosalinda Rasul, prevent them from being Scrutineer Carol Smith that she was assigned to nextmorning.Paragsaidthat SOP Rawl Nedd and Edgar intimidated during the trial. Joseph; and former GECOM comparethefiguresfromthe as a result, she left the “I proceeded to call out Thomastothewitnessstand. Anderson in his third employees Sheffern Statements of Poll (SOPs) building.

loudly the numbers I had in During the trial, the applicationaskedthecourtto February, Enrique Liven, when the vote tabulation The next morning, when my possession but [Miller] Prosecution team intends to ensureavisittotheAshmins’ the process had not resumed, just paused for a bit then lead a number of witnesses building where all the events theMinisterrecalledthatshe continued reading from the throughout the six weeks to unravelled. Anderson noted learnt that Mingo had fallen spreadsheet,”Paragsaid. show that the votes for thatitisimportanttothetrial ill and had to be taken away Shenotedsheobjectedto RegionFourwereirregular so that the Court can have an by an ambulance. She said Miller’s action because she Ramdhani said that understanding of evidence that there was some was not supposed to be evidence will say that the presented by the witnesses commotion, but despite this, reading from a spreadsheet counting process must be duringthetrial.

Berbician drowns at Resort

Nineteen-year-old Navin observed struggling to stay Ramnaught of No.1 Village, afloat. His friends raised an Berbice lost his life on alarm, and public-spirited Sunday after he reportedly citizens dragged him out of drowned at the Splashmins the water,” police said. The Resort located along the young man after being Soesdyke-LindenHighway. retrieved from the water was According to the police, observedtobeunresponsive. the incident occurred Several attempts were between16:30and17:30hrs. made to resuscitate him Investigators learned that using CPR, but he remained Ramnaught left his Berbice unresponsive. home with two friends, ages Hewasthenplacedintoa 17and19foranoutingatthe vehicle and rushed to the popular Resort. Upon arrival Diamond Diagnostic Center there, Ramnaught left his for medical treatment. He friends and went for a swim. was pronounced dead by a His friends told police that doctor they last saw him jumping Police said upon off the railway of a bridge examination of his body, no located at the Resort into the marksofviolencewereseen. water Apostmortemisexpectedto “Shortly after, he was beconducted.

Man rapes, kills female sex worker

At about 19:00hrs investigators that, at about Monday, police arrested the 03:00hrs Monday, he saw 25-year-old suspect who when the suspect and allegedly strangled Miracarmenlefttheshopand Miracarmen Rodrigues entered her room He Serrano, a 26-year-old subsequently heard a noise female sex worker from coming from the room and Santa Elena De Vaire, assumed they were having Venezuela, and Quartzstone sex,sohewenttobed. Backdam, Cuyuni River, to A few minutes later, he death. heard Miracarmen’s room

Murder suspect: Police have since arrested the murder suspect.

The alleged murder door open and someone occurred earlier on Monday leaving. He got up to check at Quartzstone Landing in and observed the deceased Region#7. lying on the floor of the Investigations so far room, clad in a white top. He revealed that at about locked the door with her 02:00hrs, the Venezuelan insideandwentbacktobed. woman, the suspect and At about 07:30hrs others were partying and Monday, he checked on the imbibing alcohol at a shop at woman again and observed Quartzstone Landing. The she was in the same state he suspect and Miracarmen had left her and was subsequently left the shop unconscious He alerted a n d w e n t t o t h e several persons and reported Miracarmen’s room, where the matter to the police. He the suspect made an later received information arrangement with the now- that the woman died while deceased woman to have sex being transported to with her for payment QuartzstoneWaterfront. However, they did not At about 19:00hrs have sex again. The woman forcefully have sex with her, engage in intercourse at that Monday, ranks responded to told him he had to pay again, and then left her lying time but returned to the shop the scene and arrested the and he tried to forcefully unconsciousonthefloor andcontinuedtodrink. suspect.Hewasinterviewed, have sex with her She The suspect is presently The 36-year-old owner and he related that after he retaliatedandbithimseveral in police custody, assisting of the shop and ‘Caimu’ and Miracarmen had sex the times on his body, which w i t h t h e o

n g where the victim lived, told first time, he requested to caused him to ‘choke’ her, investigation.

Navin Ramnaught

Gaza a ‘polio epidemic area’, says Health Ministry

(ALJAZEERA) Gaza’s health ministry has declared a polio epidemic across the Palestinianenclave,blaming Israel’s devastating military offensive for the spread of thedeadlyvirus.

In a statement on Telegram, the ministry on Monday said the situation “poses a health threat to the residents of Gaza and neighbouring countries” –thelatestsignofaworsening public health emergency caused by Israel’s genocidal warsinceOctober

Calling the epidemic a “setback”totheglobalpolio eradication programme, the ministry called for an “immediate intervention to end the [Israeli] aggression andfindradicalsolutions”to lack of potable water and personal hygiene, damaged sewage networks and removaloftonnesofrubbish andsolidwaste.

said Al Jazeera’s Hind Khoudary, reporting from Deir-al Balah in central Gaza “Palestinians have been living in makeshift tentswithoutanybathrooms, without any hygiene, without access to water, sanitation Sewage is everywhere,” she said. Dr

Poliomyelitis, which is spread mainly through the fecal-oral route, is a highly infectious virus that can invade the nervous system andcauseparalysis.Casesof polio have declined by 99 percent worldwide since 1988, thanks to mass vaccination campaigns, and efforts continue to eradicate iteverywhere.


Earlier this month, Gaza’shealthministrysaidit had detected “component poliovirus type 2” in coordinationwiththeUnited Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The virus was found in sewage “that collects and flows between the tents of the displaced,”

Already scarce supplies of drinking water in the densely-populated Gaza Strip are at risk of being contaminated by the virus.

OnFriday,theWorldHealth Organization (WHO) said it was sending more than one million polio vaccines to Gazatobeadministeredover thecomingweekstoprevent childrenfrombeinginfected

after the virus was detected insewagesamples.

Israel’s military, which said it has evidence of the “componentpoliovirustype 2”, said it would start offering the polio vaccine to soldiersinGaza.

Israel’s war in Gaza has damaged and destroyed sewage and water systems, and sewage has spilled into the streets near some camps

f o r t h e d i s p l a c e d Palestinians. Last week, the UNreportedthatbesidesthe detection of the polio virus, there has been a widespread increaseincasesofHepatitis

A , d y s e n t e r y a n d gastroenteritis as sanitary conditions deteriorate in Gaza.

“This is only the start of the wave of diseases the GazaStripisgoingtoface,”

Tanya Haj-Hassan, a paediatric intensive care physician, toldAl Jazeera in an interview earlier this month that the presence of thepoliovirusinsewagewas a “ticking time bomb” “Normallyifyouhaveacase of polio, you’re going to isolatethem,you’regoingto make sure that they use a bathroom that nobody else uses, make sure that they’re not in close proximity to other people, [but] that’s impossible,”shesaid.

“You have everybody clustering in refugee camps at the moment without vaccines for at least the past nine months, including children who wo


een vaccinated for polio and adults who, in the setting of anoutbreak,shouldreceivea booster,includinghealthcare workers.”


(ALJAZEERA) The United Nations says 86 percentofthebesiegedGaza Strip is now under Israeli evacuationordersas33more Palestinians are killed in yet another day of attacks and displacement.

T h o u s a n d s o f Palestinians fled the Bureij and Nuseirat refugee camps in central Gaza on Monday after the Israeli army issued newevacuationorders. “We havebeendisplacedfromthe north. They told us: ‘Leave to central Gaza, then to Rafah.’ We went to Rafah, then went back up to Nuseirat.Wegotstuck.Then we received instructions to move farther south towards al-Mawasi,” Mohammed Naserallah, a displaced Palestinian,toldAlJazeera.

“Ourlifeisinpieces.We have nothing, no one but God.”

Philippe Lazzarini, head of UNRWA, the UN agency forPalestinianrefugees,said 86 percent of the besieged enclave is under evacuation orders issued by the Israeli military. Kahder Baroud, a blind Palestinian man wearing black sunglasses, said he received a call from

the Israeli army to leave his houseinNuseiratonSunday “We are already strugglingwithoursituation because my daughters and sons are also blind. We live in fear, in frightening circumstances.Welefthome today [Monday], but we don’tknowwherewecango now,” he said. Reporting from Deir el-Balah, also in central Gaza, Al Jazeera’s Hani Ma

displacements have become the norm with the Israeli military

“The majority of the displaced population is flowing to the Deir el-Balah city that is already packed with displaced families and has no sufficient space or resources to accommodate people,”hesaid.

In addition, schools that have been turned into shelters for the displaced have been targeted. “The attacksonschoolsinthepast two days have shattered any senseofsafetyleftforpeople stayinginevacuationcentres and has pushed people into further internal enforced displacement There is literally no safe place in


Meanwhile,atleastthree peoplewerekilledandothers wounded when the Israeli army again bombarded alMawasi, an area in southern

Gaza previously declared a “safe zone” by Israel Officials in Gaza said 33 Palestinians were killed across the enclave on Monday while the overall deaths since October were reportedat39,363withmore than90,000otherswounded.

An estimated 1,139 people were killed in Israel during the Hamas-led attacks on October7andmorethan200 weretakencaptive.


The relentless Israeli offensive has also worsened Gaza’s health emergency as its Ministry of Health on Monday declared it a “polio endemic area” In a statement on Telegram, the ministry said the situation “poses a health threat to the

residents of Gaza and neighbouringcountries”.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has alsoconfirmedthespreadof the life-threatening polio virus, detecting it in sewage samples Already scarce suppliesofdrinkingwaterin the densely populated Gaza Strip are at risk of being contaminatedbythevirus.

“This is only the start of the wave of diseases the GazaStripisgoingtoface,”

AlJazeera’sHindKhoudary said, reporting from Deir-el Balah “Palestinians have been living in makeshift tentswithoutanybathrooms, without any hygiene, without access to water, sanitation Sewage is everywhere,” she said. On Friday,theWHOsaiditwas sending more than one million polio vaccines to Gazatobeadministeredover thecomingweekstoprevent childrenfrombeinginfected. Israel’smilitaryalsosaid it would start offering the polio vaccine to soldiers in Gaza.

Also on Monday, Israel and Hamas traded blame over the lack of progress in reaching a ceasefire and hostage release deal in the Gaza Strip despite international mediation HamasaccusedIsraeliPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of adding new conditionsanddemandstoa United States-backed truce proposal.

Netanyahu, however, denied making any changes and said Hamas was the one insisting on numerous changes to the original proposal.

Palestinians flee the Bureij refugee camp after they were ordered by the Israeli army to evacuate the area in central Gaza [Ramadan Abed/Reuters]

Sunil Narine bowls Surrey Jaguars to victory at Global T20

Australian dynamic allrounder Marcus Stoinis churned out an exceptional performance for Surrey Jaguars to help them beat Toronto Nationals by an 80run mar

n in the continuation of the Global T20 on Sunday at CAA Centre,Brampton,Ontario. And West Indian offspinner Sunil Narine gave tremendoussupportwith3-5 from his maximum four overs as Toronto Nationals wereskittledoutfor81inthe 18thoverreplyingtoSurrey Jaguars’ respectable 161-6 fromtheir20-overs. Only Unmukt Chand

with 21 really resisted againstNarineandmedium-

complemented a fiery 57 with3-19(4).

Stoini’sdestructiveshow was highlighted with four effortless sixes and three fours.

Toronto Nationals had wonthetossbuttheyelected tobowlonalivelysurface.

And earlier in the day, defending champions Montreal Tigers maintained their winnings ways with two victories now They got the better of Vancouver KnightRidersby10runs.

Tigers posted up a challenging 144-7 at the expiration of the 20-overs after they invited by Riders to bat first Vancouver Knight R

ders only responded with 134-6 when thingsconcluded.

Tuesday July 30, 2024


Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely


Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.


You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday


Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.


Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.


You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently


Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some

Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t

y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay



ely, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.


Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.

Aleka Persaud enters the Pool in Paris today

Persaud will

joined by another Caribbean swimmer,16-year-oldTilly Collymore of Grenada, along with Rana Saadeldin from


Games, holds the

record in the women’s 100mfreestylewith

of 1:00

South African Reeza Hendricks hit a fighting 34 asleft-armorthodoxspinner AfzalKhanonceagaincame to the fore with impressive figures of 3-15 in his 4-over outing.

Meanwhile, former Guyana youth player Dillon Heyligerstruckafiery27to help Surrey Jaguars defeat VancouverKnightRidersby 22 runs in an earlier match. Heyliger, the Essequibian alsobowledhisfullquotaof four overs but conceded 33 runswithouttakingawicket. His fellow Guyanese and quickie Jeremy Gordon represented Vancouver Knight Riders in the match. Gordonpickedup1-28inhis fourovers.

The players will take a break on Monday but the action is set to resume on Tuesday with a doubleheader At11:00am,Bangla Tigerswillmatchtheirskills with Toronto Nationals while at 4:00 pm, Brampton Wolveswillcomeupagainst MontrealTigers.

The six-franchised tournament will culminate August11th.

Frompage22 considered one of the most successful Test captains in the history of West Indies cricket.

Duringhiscaptaincy,the sidehadarunof27matches withoutdefeat,including11 consecutive wins. He was the first West Indian player to earn 100 international caps.

In 2009, Sir Clive was inducted into the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame. In 2022, he received a knighthoodataninvestiture ceremonyatWindsorCastle inEngland.

Dillon Heyliger
Sunil Narine

2024 GCC Cricket Camps bowls off with huge turnout for opening day



(GCC) cricket August holiday camp officially bowled off yesterday with a tremendous turnout at the legendary Bourda Ground, despite the inclement weather

Despite early morning rain,thecampgotunderway at09:00hrswithsomewords from a few folks including former Guyana/West Indies

player and GCC legend, Leon Johnson, who continues to support the annual camp hosted by his former club. Co-facilitator, Coach Garvin Nedd conductedhisusualsessions with the players 11-13 as he focused on picking the young minds of the players.

Following his interaction and various quizzes on cricket, Nedd shifted focus to the more hands-on aspect of the camp, as players

warmed up with some stretches and shuttles on the GCChard-court.

Nedd, a former Guyana youthspinner,focusedmore oncoachingatthegrassroots levelfollowingtheendofhis careerandisalsothecurrent Assistant Coach of the Regional 4-Day Champs, GuyanaHarpyEagles.

The former off-spinner said he enjoys working with whathebelievesisthefuture of Guyana’s cricket, as he’s

Record-Breaking Arrival: Seven Elite...

Frompage22 and vie for victory in the upcomingprestigiousevent.

Intheesteemedlineupof Thoroughbred contenders set to compete in the highly anticipatedGuyanaCup,the sixth horse to make a grand entrance is Morning Colors, aseven-year-oldNewYorkbred mare poised to showcase her talent on the racetrack Another descendantoftheillustrious Unbridled’s Song, Morning Colors adds a touch of elegance and power to the competition. As the second female contender to join the Guyana Cup alongside Bosalina, Morning Colors brings a unique blend of speed and determination to theracingscene.

D a u g h t e r o f Midshipman, a respected sire known for producing top-tier performers, Morning Colors boasts an impressive resume with 29 careerstarts,5victories,and earnings exceeding GYD$20 million. With a proven track record of success and a lineage steeped in excellence, Morning Colors is set to captivate audiences and vie

forvictoryintheprestigious event. Lastly, the seventh horse to grace the Guyana Cupwithhispresenceisthe youngest competitor in the lineup,OyVey,athree-yearold Kentucky-bred bay colt. Another grandson of the esteemed Tapit, Oy Vey carries the legacy of greatness in his bloodline. Son of Constitution, a sire

with career earnings exceeding GYD$200 million, Oy Vey represents the new generation of talent i n t h e w o r l d o f Thoroughbred racing. Despite his young age and limited racing experience, withonly8careerstartsand one victory to his name, Oy Vey brings promise, potential, and a fresh perspective to the Guyana Cup.Astheyoungestentrant in the field, Oy Vey’s participation adds an element of excitement and anticipation to the competition, as he seeks to makehismarkandshowcase his burgeoning talent on the grand stage of the Guyana Cup. As anticipation builds and excitement mounts for the upcoming 16th running

of the Guyana Cup at the esteemed Rising Sun Turf ClubinBerbice,thearrivalof these exceptional Thoroughbred horses from around the world has set the stageforatrulyunforgettable spectacle With their remarkable pedigrees, impressivetrackrecords,and unwaveringdeterminationto succeed, these equine athletes embody the spirit of competition and excellence, promising an exhilarating display of skill, speed, and athleticismonraceday.

A s h o r s e r a c i n g enthusiasts and spectators eagerly await the thrill of witnessingtheseelitehorses in action, the Guyana Cup stands poised to make history as a landmark event in the annals of Guyanese horseracing. With a lineup of extraordinary talent, including graded stakes winners, stakes-placed contenders, and horses with illustrious bloodlines, the 16th edition of the Guyana Cup is shaping up to be a showcase of unparalleled competitionandexcitement, showcasing the best of the best in the world of Thoroughbredracing.

seen many players come through camps like this and one day turn out to be great ambassadors of Guyana and WestIndiescricket.

In an invited comment yesterday, Nedd said the opportunity to work with players of this age is always goodashepreferstoseethe rawtalentfromayoungage;

somethinghesaysplaysarole incoachesdevelopingplayers fromthegroundup.

Headdedthatheexpects muchfromthecurrentbatch ofplayers,whowereupbeat and into Monday’s opening session during their respective drills and chats with Nedd and his partner Georgetown Cricket Club’s

(GCC) head coach, Peter Persaud

Meanwhile, the camp will run up until August 3 with Nedd, alongside former Guyana Youth Coach Orin Bailey and Coach Persaud looking to make this year’s camp as successful as the previous editions.

CARICOM honours Clive Lloyd with Order of the Caribbean Community award - Second Guyanese to receive OCC honours

Renowned Guyanese cricketer Sir Clive Lloyd and Jamaican regionalist and former CARICOM

Secretary-General Roderick Rainford have been conferred with the Order of the Caribbean Community (OCC), the region’shighesthonour

The ceremony took place at Charter Hall, St. George’sUniversity,during the culturally rich opening ceremony for the 47th Regular Meeting of the Conference of CARICOM Heads of Government in Grenada on Sunday, July 2 8

Sir Clive, who was present toreceivetheAward,stated that he was grateful to be h o n o u r e d b y t h e Community, adding “I am humbledtobeinyourmidst

andtohavebeenconsidered worthyofthehonourofthe Order of the Caribbean Community.”

According to the Legendary cricketer, “I am indeed grateful for your validation, and indeed urge your continued support of the development of West Indies Cricket spawned by initiatives of the fertile minds of the pertinent C A R I C O M S u bCommittee Ladies and gentlemen, you must know that amongst knighthoods, honorary doctorates and national honours with which I have been blessed, thisaward,whichemanates from an aggregation that essentially fuelled my professional career, holds p r i d e o f p l a c e ” Lloyd became the second

Guyanese,afterSirShridath Ramphal (1992), and the fourth cricketer, after Sir Garfield Sobers (1998), Sir Viv Richards (2022), and Brian Lara (2008), to be bestowed with the Order of theCaribbeanCommunity Sir Clive captained the WestIndiesCricketTeamin three World Cups, winning in 1975 (scoring a century) and 1979, and finishing in second place in the 1983 tournamentwonbyIndia. In1971,hewasnameda Wisden Cricketer of the Year HecaptainedtheWest Indies between 1974 and 1985, directing their rise to become the greatest Test and One Day International team of the 20th century; only Australia achieved comparablesuccess.Heis


Coaches, a few current players and the attendees pose during the official opening of the GCC Cricket Camp yesterday at Bourda. of
Youngsters being put through their paces during yesterday’s opening of the GCC Camp.

Briton John bags 2nd Annual Raj and Daughter Memorial Cycle Road Race titleSenior

Cy c l i s t a n d

National Road Race Champion

Briton John continued his dominance on the local circuit,securingfirstplacein the 2nd Annual Raj & Daughter Motorcycle and CycleStoreMemorialCycle

Race on Sunday Riding for United We Stand, John triumphed in Corriverton, Berbice, finishing the 60mile race in an impressive time of 2 hours, 26 minutes, and 12 seconds (2:26:12). His closest competitors, old rival Jamaul John and

ChristopherGriffithofTeam KFC Evolution, finished second (2:27:17) and third (2:35:35),respectively

Rounding off the top eight were Robin Persaud (fourth), Curtis Dey (fifth), Mario Washington (sixth), Paul Choo-wee-nam (seventh), and Alexis Mendes(eighth).

Johnalsoexcelledinthe sprints, capturing five sprint prizes.

JamaulJohnsecuredtwo sprint prizes, while Aaron Newtonclaimedone.

The Masters category saw Robin Persaud emerging victorious; he was followed closely by Paul Choo-wee-nam and Alexis Mendes in second a n d t h i r d p l a c e , respectively

The Junior’s category saw Alexander Leung take thetopspot,havingrecently returned more polished and primed from a UCI Road Cycling Training and

Development camp in Trinidad SidwelSandy,Jaime Kennedy, and Alex Newton occupiedthesecond,third,and fourth place positions, respectively

T h e U n d e r - 2 3 category was won by Mario Washington, with

Aaron Newton and Arjoon Sookhai finishing secondandthird

T h e B e g i n n e r s category was won by Clem Toy Doris, with Dinesh Sookha

Dequan Ro

ord placing second and third, respectively

In the BMX category, Franki Crawford, Jeremy St.Clair,JaziahErskine,and Justin Singh finished in that order

The event, organised by the Flying Ace Cycle

Club, received high praise from participants

The support and dedication of the organizers contributed

United We Stand Cyclist, Briton

significantlytoitssuccess Winners in the senior category received prizes of $60,000 for first place, $40,000 for second place, and $30,000 for third place, with financial packages also awardedtothosefinishingin fourthtoeighthpositions.

The top three winners

Poole and Ninvalle lauds Guyana’s boxers

Fo l l o w i n g

Guyana’s second

place finish overall at the Invitational CategoryoftheOrganisation of Eastern Caribbean States ( O E C S ) B o x i n g Championship, which concluded on Sunday at the Vigie Sports Complex in Castries, St. Lucia, with standouts Abiola Jackman and Ryan Rogers walking away with individual accolades, Steve Ninvalle and Terrence Poole,

respective President and Technical Director of the Guyana BoxingAssociation (GBA) has lauded the performanceoftheboxers.

Poole, Technical Director of the Guyana BoxingAssociation,said,“It was a good outing because all six came back with medals; we went for the exposure, which was the primarygoal,andIthinkthe performance was good. I thinkitwasgoodforboxing in Guyana and the

Caribbean. Trinidad had a very large contingent; they carriedabout16individuals, andwedidn’tcarryasmuch, andtheywouldhavebeenin all the different categories. We wanted to support the e v e n t , a n d i t ’s a developmental competition. Weusedtheopportunityand exposesomeofourboxers.”

He further said, “This comingSaturday,wewillbe staging another U-16

Championship at the Andrew ‘Six Head’ Lewis

gym, and from that we will select the team for the CaribbeanChampionship.”

Meanwhile, GBA

President Steve Ninvalle stated,“Onceagain,wehave achieved our primary objective, which is the exposureofemergingtalents totherigoursandintricacies ofinternationalcompetition. While our participation centred on supporting the St Lucia federation in their bid toimprovethequalityofthe event,forus,atournamentof

in the Junior’s category received $25,000, $20,000, and $18,000 for first, second, and third places,respectively WinnersintheVeteran race pocketed $20,000, $17,000, and $16,000 for the respective top three positions.

at St Lucia event

this nature falls into the developmental category, especially in light of the impending Caribbean Championships, which will feature most of the participantsfromtheevent.”

He further informed, “Weareproudoftheteam’s performance, as it highlights the continuous advancement and strides that are being made by the GBA, and we will continue to invest in our talents, fighters,andofficials,forthe

foreseeablefuture,asweaim to maintain Guyana’s upward trajectory in the discipline within the E n g l i s h - s p e a k i n g Caribbean. Congratulations are in order for a successful campaign.”

T h e O E C S Championship featured participation from several nations,someofwhomwill participateattheimpending Caribbean Schoolboys and Junior Championships in Guyana

John cops 2nd Annual Raj and Daughter Motorcycle and Cycle Store Memorial Road Race.
Mario Washington (center) receiving his U13 Road Race first place trophy.
Ryan Rogers collects his award at the presentation.
Abiola Jackman collects her award.
Abiola (right) and Alesha Jackman were two of the talented siblings taking part in the event.

KFC Elite League Season Six...


Bervey McGarrell’s hattrick powered Santos Football Club to a 7-0 win overBuxtonUnitedFootball Club on Saturday night, while Ann’s Grove United Football Club edged past Fruta Conquerors Football Club with a 2-1 victory in RoundTwooftheKFCElite LeagueSeasonSix.

At the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Centre in Providence, East Bank Demerara, on July 28, Santos FC’s Stefan Reynolds wasted no time making an impact, netting a goal just two minutes into thematch.

Thebarragecontinuedas McGarrell completed his hat-trick with goals in the 32nd, 65th and 82nd minutes.

Santos FC dominated possession throughout the game, stifling any offensive efforts from their East Bank Demerara opponents and maintaining a firm grip on the match. In a late surge, Solomon Austin added two goals in the 71st and 87th minutes, with Shaquan

Joseph sealing the rout with a strike in the 90+2nd minute. The evening’s final fixture saw Ann’s Grove United FC face off against Fruta Conquerors FC. After a goalless first half, Ann’s Grove came out with renewed energy in the second half. Teon Stewart stole the spotlight for the East Coast side, finding the backofthenettwice,firstin

the62ndminuteandagainin the 82nd. Fruta Conquerors FC fought hard to get back intothegame,withDwayne Baptiste scoring in the 85th minute.Despitetheirefforts, theywereunabletooverturn the deficit, leaving Ann’s GroveFCwithahard-earned 2-1victory

At the start of the week, the Guyana Defence Force FC remains in commanding

form, holding the top spot with an impressive forty points Their record of thirteen wins, one draw, and a staggering sixty-one goals from just fourteen games highlightstheirdominance. In hot pursuit, Slingerz FC retains the second position with thirty-nine points accrued from fifteen matches.Theirtallyincludes eleven victories, three

draws,andatotalofseventy goalsscored.

TheGuyanaPoliceForce FC holds steady in third place, having accumulated thirty one points from ten wins,onedraw,and3losses.

Santos FC, meanwhile, has leapfrogged into fourth place with twenty-seven points, thanks to nine wins, six losses, and thirty-one goals.WesternTigersFChas

slid back to fifth with twenty-four points, having secured eight wins and sufferedsevenlosses.

Den Amstel FC sits in sixth with nineteen points, reflecting five wins, four draws, and seven losses. Fruta Conquerors FC remains in seventh, with sixteen points from five wins, one draw, and nine losses.

Ann’s Grove United FC has made a move up to eighth place with fourteen points,accumulatedthrough four wins, two draws, and tenlosses.MonedderlustFC slips to ninth, now on nine pointsfromthreewins,three draws,andninelosses.

Buxton United FC remains in the bottom spot, holdingjustonepointfroma single draw and enduring seventeenlosses.

The July 30 (today’s) action kicks off at 6:30 p.m. withAnn’sGroveUnitedFC squaring off against Police FC,followedbyDenAmstel FC battling it out against Western Tigers FC at 9:00 p.m.

In an unprecedented and thrillingdevelopmentforthe horseracing community in Guyana, seven top-tier Thoroughbred horses from around the globe have touched down on Guyanese soil in preparation for the highly anticipated 16th running of the prestigious Guyana Cup, set to take place on August 11 at the renowned Rising Sun Turf Club in Berbice This historiceventmarksthefirst time such elite equine athletes have graced the tracks of Guyana or the wider Caribbean region, promising an unforgettable spectacle for all racing enthusiasts.

Amongthedistinguished lineup of equine stars are some of the finest graded stakes winners and stakesplacedhorses,eachboasting an illustrious pedigree and a track record of remarkable achievementsonprestigious racetracksworldwide.

Leading the charge is Stat,afive-year-oldchestnut geldinghailingfromFlorida, USA.Bredwithexceptional lineage as the grandson of the legendary Unbridled’s Songwithimpressivecareer

international competitions and Sired by the acclaimed Will Take Charge, who himself has garnered over GYD$8

triumphed in 7 out of his 23 career starts, including a remarkable victory in the Soldier’s Dancer Stakes at Gulfstream Park, Florida

With a total earnings surpassing GYD$65million, Stat arrives in Guyana as a formidablecontenderpoised forsuccess.

JoiningStatisNovoSol, a seven-year-old bay colt originally bred in Brazil, South America With a lineage tracing back to the esteemed Sunday Silence

and the prolificAgnes Gold who has earned over GYD1BILLION overseas, Novo Sol brings a wealth of racing experience to the Guyana Cup, having competed in 32 races and secured 7 victories totaling over GYD$48million in earnings. Having previously raced in the USA and showcased his talent in graded stakes events, Novo

Sol’s arrival in Guyana signals a new chapter in his illustriouscareer.

The lineup further includes Loyal Company, a four-year-old bay gelding bred in Kentucky under the prestigious Godolphin stable, owned by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum of Dubai Acquired by a Guyanese, through an auction in late

Stables, Loyal Company inherits his exceptional pedigree from the likes of Tapit and Frosted, with career earnings exceeding GYD$140 million. With only 13 starts to his name, LoyalCompany,hasalready clinched 2 victories and amassed over GYD$36 million, showcasing his potentialforgreatnessonthe Guyaneseturf.

Also on board out the quartet is Stormy Entry, a promising four-year-old bay gelding originating from Kentucky and boasting a lineagetiedtothesuccessful PointOfEntry,withacareer earnings record exceeding GYD$500 million. Stormy Entrybringsablendoftalent and p

upcoming Guyana Cup, having commenced his racing journey in Ireland beforereturningtotheUSA. With 2 wins in just 6 career

starts,StormyEntry’sarrival in Guyana signals a new chapter in his quest for racingglory.

Adding to the stellar lineupofeliteThoroughbred horsessettogracethetracks of Guyana for the historic Guyana Cup is Stormy Victory, a five-year-old K

illustrious Storm Cat, renownedforhisexceptional progeny and earnings e

GYD$100 million, Stormy Victory carries the legacy of greatness in his bloodline. Son of Stormy Atlantic, Stormy Victory brings a wealth of experience to the racing scene with 21 career starts and 2 victories under his belt. With a pedigree steeped in excellence and a proven track record of competitiveness, Stormy Victoryispoisedtomakehis markontheGuyaneseturf


Santos Football Club over ran Buxton United Football Club 7-0.
Ann’s Grove United Football Club edged past Fruta Conquerors Football Club in their clash.
Nova Sol

Slingerz FC protest disallowed goal against Den Amstel FC

Slingerz Football Club has filed an official protest with the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) after a Marcus Tudor goal was disallowed without explanationduringtheirJuly 25clashwithDenAmstelin theKFCEliteLeague.

Currently second in the standingsbehindtheGuyana Defence Force (GDF), SlingerzFCandDenAmstel faced off in the ‘West Side Derby,’whichendedina1-1 draw As a result, Slingerz FC (39 points) remains one point behind rivals GDF FC (40points),with12winsand three draws in 15 matches. The other draws came againstMonedderlustFC(22)andGDFFC(0-0).

Immediately after the game,SlingerzFCinformed MatchCommissionerRawle Adams of their intent to protest the results. They followed up the next day with a letter to GFF General Secretary Ian Alves, in keeping with Article 14 of theEliteLeague’sRulesand Regulations regarding protests.

In the letter, Slingerz FC explained that during the second half of the match, with the score tied at 1-1, Marcus Tudor scored a goal

Slingerz FC starting line-up against Den Amstel.

that was subsequently disallowedbyRefereeColin Abel. The decision remains unclear to the club’s players andstaff.

Slingerz FC stated that after Tudor’s goal, Referee Abel initially pointed to the centrelinetorestartthegame but then consulted with his assistant,SofyaGolden,and disallowed the goal “It

should be noted that Assistant Referee Golden’s flag was never raised to signalanyinfraction,leaving the players and spectators baffled by the decision to disallow the goal,” Slingerz FCsaid.

The Vergenoegen-based club would also provide videoevidencetotheGFFto substantiate their claims,

pointing out the GFF that, “Video evidence submitted will show that the referee could not have called for offside, as no player from SlingerzFCwasinbreachof Law11ofFIFA’sLawsofthe Game. The evidence will also demonstrate that no Slingerz FC players were infringingonthegoalkeeper, nor was there a foul


Given the evidence provided and the impact of the decision, Slingerz FC is asking the GFF to “respectfully request a thorough review of the incident ” “Given our respect for the GFF’s high value in protecting the integrity of the sport in Guyana, we believe that a

fair reassessment will demonstrate that the goal was valid and that the original decision should be overturned,” Slingerz FC said. Theclubfurthernoted, “We understand that this is unprecedented but well within the confines of the beautiful game. We would greatly appreciate it if this matter could be reviewed at theearliestconvenience.”

According to the club, they are so far pleased with theGFF’sprofessionalismin communicating the steps takentoaddresstheirprotest.

“Whileweadmitthatthis mightbethefirsttimeaclub in Guyana, especially at this level, has officially challengedthedecisionofan official, it’s not new to football globally. The Laws of the Game and guidelines oftheEliteLeaguearethere to guide us and protect the integrity of the game,” SlingerzFCstated.

Slingerz FC will face Santos, the Guyana Police Force FC, and GDF FC in their three remaining matches in the KFC Elite League. The inaugural Elite League champions returned this season to the GFF’s marquee league for the first time since lifting the 2015/2016trophy

20-member Vurlon Mills Academy team head to Trinidad & Tobago for International Tourney

In an unprecedented move, the Vurlon

Mills Football Academy (VMFA) U12 football team is set to travel to Trinidad and Tobago on Thursday (August 1) to participate in a highly anticipated tournament organised by the Athletic International Academy of Trinidad.

Thismarksthefirsttime an Under-12 (youth football) club team from Guyana has ventured abroad for an international competition

According to Founder and Director of VMFA Vurion Mills, the primary focus of this trip, is to e n h a n c e p l a y e r s ’ development, as well as creatingpositivememories The tournament itself is about improving skills, making friends, or experiencing new cultures, this journey will contribute significantly to our players’ growth both on and off the field. The VMFA Head, Mills

Vurlon Mills Football Academy U12 team to compete at Trinidad’s Athletic International Academy Football Tournament.

expressed immense pride in the boys’ hard work and commitment “This is a monumental step for our academy and a testament to the hard work these young players have put in. They have shown tremendous growthanddedication,andI am confident they will benefit from this tournament,”saidMills.

The selected players for the tournament in Trinidad includes; Davin Smith, Leslie Khan, Noel Persaud, Aderemi Simon, Adiel Hamilton, Lamar Lovell, Jarell Mendonca, Dontay K o w l e s s a r, Wy a t t Fernandes, Omari St Hill, Fabio Kowlessar, Tyrese Robinson, Raheem Gill, Godfrey Greaves, Avion LynchandSimeonDevanish Accompanyingtheteam are coaches Vurlon Mills, Oshazay Savory, and Wheatland Fordyce, with Marisha Fernandes serving astheTeamManager

The team is eager to showcase their talents and make a mark in the international football arena Their participation in this tournament not only highlights their personalachievementsbut also places VMFA on the map as a breeding ground foryoungfootballtalent.

Record-BreakingArrival:SevenEliteThoroughbred HorsesLandinGuyanafor HistoricGuyanaCup

Sir Clive Lloyd shares a light moment with the youngster who delivered his citation at the CARICOM Heads of Government meeting.

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