Light traffic now traversing
Farmerelectrocuted whiledisconnecting illegalwirefromGPLpole
18-month old benefits waterlogged Lethem trail –Min.Edghill
Guyana’s surge in oil production shifts global shipping dynamics Bandit shot during robbery at Chinese Supermarket
NEWSK Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly Online readership yesterday, 50,413 Saturday Edition Online: June01,2024-Vol.18 No.21 Price $100 Put
Exxon’s oil pumps! double-billing Guyana for Govt. should push for
benefits from oil rather than Opposition:
our own meters on
Israel has encroached on 32% of Gaza Al Jazeera investigation shows: Audit Report:
Exxon found incorrectly
p. 8 private shore base works
Ahandful of vehicles traversing the Linden-Lethem corridor on Friday. (Screen grab taken from Ministry of Public Works video) W
at GPHC lobbying for Chevron takeover
Baby Chelsea
A screen grab from CCTV footage showing the bandits exchanging gunfire with a security guard outside of the Chinese supermarket in Sophia.
Bandit shot during robbery at Chinese supermarket
Abandit was on Thursday shot during a robbery at the Good Luck Chinese
Supermarket located at CField Sophia, Greater Georgetown.
Police said that two gunmen stormed into the supermarket around 16:50 hrs and held the female owner, ZhengSiyiatgunpoint.While demandingthatshegavethem cash and phone cards. The owner, fearful for her life, beganscreaming.
A security guard armed with a 12 gauge shotgun who was stationed at the business placecameoutofhisguardhut inresponsetothewoman'scry
“On encountering the suspects, he discharged a round”whichstruckoneofthe banditsforcingtheduotoabort theircrime,policesaid.
However, as the bandits fled the scene they returned fire at the security guard. In a videoseenbyKaieteurNews, (Continuedonpage7)
Kaieteur News PAGE 02 Saturday June 01, 2024
Audit Report: Exxon found incorrectly
double-billing Guyana for private shore base works
An audit of spending done by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) continuestorevealinstances thatthecompanyincorrectly billed the Guyanese governmentforcoststhatare n o t e l i g i b l e f o r reimbursement.
The audit, spearheaded by VHE Consulting, found thatEMGLincludedcharges on the Cost Recovery Statement for works that should not have been billed, resulting in a potential double-billingsituation.
The audit identified specific costs for pipe racks and general shore base operations at the John Fernandes Limited (JFL)
shore base, performed by Guyana Energy Support Services These services included labour for loading and offloading boats and transporting equipment to variouslocations.
The invoices for these services were recorded in February,April, and May of 2018,aswellasJanuaryand Februaryof2019.
The auditors observed however that the costs were incurred prior to October 7, 2016,whichisacriticaldate because, according to the June 27, 2016 Petroleum Agreement (PA), costs incurred before the "Effective Date" are not recoverable.
the PA, the auditors cited, explicitly states that costs incurredbeforetheEffective Date, defined as October 7, 2016, are not to be included
activities identified by the auditors were included as partofthepre-contractcosts outlined in Section 3.1(k) of AnnexC.
in the recoverable costs
Despite this stipulation, the audit revealed that EMGL had included these preEffective Date expenses in their Cost Recovery Statement.
In response to the audit findings, EMGL denied any wrongdoing, asserting that the invoiced amounts and
The auditors disclosed that according to EMGLthe delayininvoicingwasdueto the time-consuming process required to obtain VAT exemptionsfromtheGuyana Revenue Authority (GRA) as stipulated under Article 15.1ofthePA.
This delay, according to EMGL, did not impact the
Govt. should push for more benefits from oil
overall pre-contract cost amount since the costs were
exploration and appraisal wells'ongoingactivities.
However, the audit findings suggest otherwise, and indicated that including these costs in the Cost Recovery Statement constitutes double-counting, as they were already part of the settled pre-contract costs.
ThePA'slanguagestates that all such pre-contract costs should have been agreed upon and settled by specific deadlines, which EMGL contends were met, the auditors observed in r e i n f o r c
Consulting has since sought toemphasizetheimportance of strict adherence to the financial terms of the PA to protect Guyana's economic interests.
"The inclusion of these pre-Effective Date costs is a clear violation of the Petroleum Agreement terms," the auditors found while urging that "It is crucialthatallpartiesadhere strictly to the agreed financial frameworks to ensure transparency and accountability."
As investigations continue,boththeGuyanese government and EMGL are working to address the billing discrepancies, accordingtostakeholders.
Mannursingbroken armfromaccident withBOSAI vehicleseeksjustice
The People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R) believes the Government of Guyana (GoG) should not be lobbying for the takeover of Hess' 30% share in the Stabroek Block by Chevron, but should instead focus on securing a betteroildealforthecountry
Opposition spokesman on oil and gas, Elson Low in an interview with this newspaper zeroed into President Irfaan Ali's recent commentsonthearbitrationfiledby Exxon Mobil regarding the proposed merger of Hess and Chevron.
The deal would enable Chevron to enjoy the sweet profits from the Stabroek Block, but Exxon has stalled thecompletionofthetransactionciting its legal right to the resources as outlined in the Joint Operating Agreement(JOA).
Notably, PresidentAli has publicly given his support for Chevron over ExxonMobilinthearbitration.
The Head of State told the U.S. Financial Times that consolidation in other sectors that led to one business controllingmorethanhalfofthemarket “cancauseconcern”,saying:“Weareof the view that the partnership works well.”
Opposition spokesman on oil and gas, Elson Low
Ali said the proposal to bring in a major new partner into the consortium was a matter for the existing partners, but added that he thought it would be goodtohavethe“largestoperatorsfrom theUSoperatinginGuyana”.
Tothisend,theOppositionbelieves theHeadofStatehasdemonstratedhis “inexperience” by wading into the Exxon-Chevrondispute.
According to Low, “He should not have gotten involved because he risks antagonizing the remaining Stabroek BlockpartnersifChevron'sbidtoenter theblockfails.” He was keen to note that this was
rather than lobbying for Chevron takeover
particularlyimportantsinceGuyana should be pursuing changes to the lopsidedoildealwithExxonandthe otherCo-Venturers.
To this end, he said the government's only involvement in the deal should be to ensure the country benefits more from the oil contractthatgovernstheBlock.
“If he were to get involved, it should only be on condition that either side agrees to push for better termsinthePSA.
Hehaswastedanopportunityto get better for Guyana by wading in unconditionally,”Lowreasoned.
In further dissecting the President's position on the Exxon and Chevron fight, the Opposition argued that if the Head of State was indeed concerned about Exxon's influence in Guyana's oil industry, the companywouldnothavebeenallowed toparticipateintherecentlyconcluded oilblocksauction.
The Opposition said President Ali hasmerelymanagedtodemonstratethe government's inability to navigate dealing with major multinational corporations.
AccordingtoLow,“TheOpposition would only have taken a side on conditionthattherewasacommitment togettingmoreforGuyana.”
AnEastBankDemerara (EBD)manisfearfulthatan accidentwhichlefthimwith a broken arm and multiple bodilyinjurieswillbeswept undertherug.
Themanidentifiedonly as Nickel told Kaieteur News that the accident occurredonTuesdayaround middayinEccles,EBDand involved a Nissan X-trail reportedly belonging to the BOSAIMineralGroup.The vehicle reportedly was marked with the company's nameandlogo.
Nickel claimed that he was driving at around 60 KM per Hour when the driver of the BOSAI vehicle, in the vicinity of Jango Bar, recklessly changed lanes and crashed
The impact, he alleged, caused his vehicle to flip. The injured man was taken toahospitalfortreatment.
“Imagine he cause this accident and still playing wrong and strong”, Nickel alleged.
The injured man told Kaieteur News that the driver of the vehicle is now tryingtopinthecauseofthe accident on him and has evendemandedthathepays BOSAI for the damages to theX-trail.
Thematterwasreported to the police and an investigationisongoing.
In light of his fears, the injured man is calling for a fair investigation by the police.
Kaieteur News PAGE 03 Saturday June 01, 2024
rued during th
i n g t h e i r o b s e r v a t i o n V H
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
The slowdown game
Guyana’s parliament has its procedures, then it has the people who push them to fruition, the purposes intended. The experience of the politicaloppositionisthatanoticeisgivenofaquestionto be asked, or a matter to be tabled, only for the PPPC Government’s machinery to hum smoothly into action. The record is of the parliament humming, but there is no movingforwardwiththeissueslaidbeforeit. Itseemsthat the Speaker of the National Assembly, the traffic cop on duty, rarely looks in the direction of what the opposition putsforwardasmattersofnationalinterest,afewofthem risingtothelevelofseriousurgency WiththeSpeakerin commandoftheflow,morethanafewmattersinitiatedby the parliamentary opposition grind to a halt. There is a system and an art to what is happening in parliament, and theSpeakeroftheHousehasbecomebetterandbetteratthe slowdowngame,theholdingbackoftheclockpractice.
Opposition MP, David Patterson, presented the public withatutorialonwhatisontheriseinGuyana’sparliament whenhisgroupsubmitsmotionsandquestions.
According to Mr Patterson, “when you submit a Motion, as long as it doesn’t offend any of the Standing Orders, it is approved immediately and then the Minister has 21 days to respond.” There is process, then there is practice. It is what we at this paper call politics taking charge of process leading to an ugly reality The motions and questions are acknowledged, then forwarded to the desk of the Speaker This is where the bottlenecks begin, and they are long, viz., could take several months. The expectation in the words of Patterson is that whenever a submissiondoesnotcollidewiththeStandingOrders,“itis approvedimmediately,andthentheministerhas21daysto respond.”
ForreasonsknownonlytotheSpeakeroftheHouse,the expected continuity of the item/motion/question is not proceedingwithenergybutrunsintoawall.Thematteris leftontheSpeaker’sdeskfor“quitesometimeandbythe timeitgetsontheOrderPaper,itisdated.” Whenthereis nothing from the opposition leaving the Speaker’s desk, thentherecanbenodiscussion,nodebate. Nodiscussion translates to nothing for the media to report on that particularmatterraised,includingthoserelatedtothevital oil and gas sector, national security, or transparent governance,amongothermatters.
It is perplexing that matters such as these encounter resistancefromtheparliamentaryconductor,aboutwhatis allowed to move as opposed to what is held up for an inordinate amount of time. Opposition MP, Annette Ferguson pointed to the 6 months and 19 days that it took for her question about an office complex to receive a response from the responsible minister Being forced to waitformorethanahalfyearonanymatterqualifiestobe labeled a study in prevarication, an insult to the parliamentaryprocess. Inthenormalcourseoflife,ifitwas ahealthissuethatpersoncouldbegone.
Thisiswhatappearstobegoingon. Mattersgetglued for an extended period to the Speaker’s desk, and by the timethattheSpeakerallowsthemattertobeventilatedina sessionofparliament,itsrelevancehasfaded,itslifeallbut over IsitthattheSpeakerisplayingthedelayinggameso that the subject minister can have enough time to arrange theliningupofhiscoverstory? Giveanymanorwoman enough time and they become miracle workers. When politiciansareinvolved,andtheyhavebeengivenenough time, they can manufacture any magic wand “to go and hide,change,andcorrecttheinformationthattheyhaveto provide. UnderthegaveloftheSpeaker,itisthesymmetry ofthesystem(andart)thatwementionedearlier. Farbeit forustoconcludethattheSpeakerisadocilepartytoany politicalconspiracy
Buthehasgainedconsiderablestrength,itisobvious,at clock management that’s advantageous. Information that Guyaneseshouldknowlosevitality
Expel Israel from the United Nations
The Israeli genocide against the people of Palestine in general and thoseinGazainparticularis now in its eighth month. In that time more than 36,000 Palestinians have been confirmed as being killed. Thousands of others are lying dead under the mountains of rubble, still uncounted, caused by the tons of bombs that were droppedonthepeople.
It is estimated that more than 100,000 have been seriously injured most having lost one or more of theirlimbs.
In addition to the known dead, many mass graves withmorethantwohundred bodies in each have been found in almost every area that the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) had withdrawn from. Many of the victims had their hands tied behind their backs and gunshot woundstotheirheads.
Doctors have confirmed that some were even been buriedalive.Thisisthelevel of inhumanity that is occurring in this 21st century
Apart from the direct killings,thousandsaredying from wounds as the IDF is making sure that medical services are unavailable
Hospitals are being deliberately destroyed, almostallhavebeenbombed and those where the IDF soldiers enter are made dysfunctional by the deliberate destruction of medicalequipment.Wounds are being infected and leadingtodeath.
Professional persons such as medical personnel, journalist, and workers involved in the search and rescue are all prime targets for the fascist regime in Israel More than one hundred journalists and some500medicalpersonnel havebeenkilledbytheIDF
Despite the fact that the two international courts, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the InternationalCriminalCourt (ICC) have pronounced on the industrial scale murder thatistakingplaceandurged an immediate halt, yet the IDF continues the relentless killings disregarding their decisions.
The Israeli racist/ fascist regime has even threatened toarrestthechiefprosecutor of the ICC Mr Karim Khan and his staff. In this lawless attack on the ICC the Israeli regime was joined by US Congress and Senate members They have expressed their intention to
withhold funds for those International bodies unless the call for Netanyahu’s arrestprocessisstopped.
The U.S. administration isinfullsupportoftheIsraeli regime. They continue to pour billions of dollars to keepIsrael’seconomyafloat and continue to supply the bombs and other military equipment to kill Palestinians.
The U.S. administration issupportingIsrael’sregime in all of their murderous genocidal actions They have remained deafeningly silent to Netanyahu’s government designation of theUNbody,UNR.W.A.,as aterroristorganisation.That isadirectattackontherelief effort of the UN. Starvation has become another weapon in the hands of the racist regime It is indeed nauseating to look at the Press Briefings by US officials Matt Mathews and John Kerby They have reducedthemselvestobeing the chief defender of the murderousregime.
Themaskhasfallenfrom the face of the US government It is now clearly seen as being complicitwithgenocide.Itis evenattackingitsownyoung people at universities who are actually representing the
conscience of the American people.
It is time for the world community to expel Israel from the United Nations for the terrible crimes against humanity. Israel does not belong to the civilised world!
The horrors committed by the Apartheid regime in South Africa decades ago, pales into insignificance in the face of this barbarism taking place in Gaza. Yet, South Africa was severely sanctioned by the United Nations and was even suspended. Incidentally it was the US & UK that prolonged the apartheid regime in South Africa by their staunch support which they gave to the racist regime. We must demand thattheUSinparticularmust stop its total support for the butchersofIsrael!Itmustbe called upon to also respect international law and to showsomesympathyforthe humanrightsofPalestinians.
Eight months of the wholesaleslaughterisfartoo much! Any person or state withamodicumofhumanity must demand a cease fire now! Finally, the call for Israel’s expulsion from the UNbearsrepeating!
Former President DonaldRamotar
City Revenue and Enforcement officials have been derelict in the execution of their duties
, The Guyana Market Vendors Union (GMVU) was registered #261 on the 28th July, 2016 as the RepresentativeOrganization for the National Vending
Sector and more so, Georgetown Vendors. Since then our relationship with the Georgetown Mayor and City Council had always b e e n c o r d i a l a n d accommodating as we were both prepared to sit around the table to solve vending problems that would arise fromtimetotime.
We recognized that the Guyana population is experiencing serious socioeconomic problems which arebeingexacerbatedbythe growing number of young unemployed single mothers, young men and jobless secondary school and university graduates The only recourse for most of these unemployed persons wastotryvending.
Under the Hamilton Green and Pandit Ubraj Narine Mayorship many injunctions were filed againsttheM&CCbutthese two mayors through
visionary and strong leadership always found a way to appease the store owners while at the same time ensured that their vending revenue base is not disrupted; a revenue base that is guaranteed and continuous while the same cannotbesaidoftherevenue owed by Government agencies or the rich businessmen.
TheGMVUwouldliketo makeitpellucid,thatwedonot condone vending on the buildingorbusinessentitiesor the adjoining pavements It should be noted that such atrocities could not have occurred unless the City Revenue and Enforcement officials were derelict in the execution of their duties. Theseofficialswereknownto have been collecting revenue from the violators Whether the revenue collected was remitted to City Hall, is anothermatter
By its very Constitution the GMVU deals in most cases, with bread and butter issuesbutwearewellaware of the political battleground through which we have to navigate.
It is no secret that the majority of the city vendors are APNU supporters and they expect the people they votedfortoprotectthem.
Injunctions were passed against the present Council and the Council’s visionless handling of same. Seems to have emboldened other businesses establishments hence, a torrent of injunctions seems likely in theshortterm.
Everytimeonespeaksto a City Council person, be it Councillor, Officer or Garbage Collector, all you hear is ‘ Masdamus’. The entireCouncilseemstohave falleninlovewiththeword.
To supplement this obsession,allwegetischeap talk, Town Clerk blaming and television photo opportunitiesfromtheChief Citizen, instead of something tangible to protect his very important APNUsupporters.
Every time a group of these Vendors is uprooted they experience a sense of h o p e l e s s n e s s a n d abandonment and Mr Masdamus will do nothing. Itisaclearindicationthatby
the time his term in office comes to an end APNU supportbaseintheCitymay besodepletedthattheymay notvoteforanotherPartyin the upcoming General and RegionalElections,theywill juststayhome.
We have noted that the present Mayor is the only ChiefCitizenwhohasnever formally acknowledged receipt of the GMVU many letters to him for a meeting, the last dated March 18, 2024.
Former Mayor Pandit Ubraj Narine formally acknowledgedallour letters within twenty- four hours after receiving same and we were guaranteed a meeting with the Council (relevant committee)withinaweek.
The GMVU is earnestly of the view that this gentleman was the wrong choice for Mayor, he is simply out of his dept for such an important assignment, or that something extremely sinisterisamiss.
YoursRespectfully, EonAndrews President GMVU
Kaieteur News PAGE 04 Saturday June 01, 2024
Removal of Marxism-Leninism and Socialism from PPP’s constitution triggered political viewpoints
Thedecisionbythe32nd Congress of the PPP to remove references to Marxism-Leninism and Socialism in its constitution has, expectedly, triggered debates in editorials, by columnists,inlettercolumns of mainstream media and to someextent,insocialmedia. Much of what has been published is not antiMarxist; they were more political, if not ideological viewpoints. In my view one can be ideological without beinganti-Marxist.
All those at home and abroad, who consistently hammered the PPP on ideological grounds and pushedthePartytoabandon Marxism-Leninism and socialism must be now considering what next to attackthePPPfor.
S/N editorial ‘32nd PPP Congress’ in its May 11, 2024editionandK/N’sMay 13, 2024 Peeping Tom column ‘Ideological pluralism within political parties is a myth’must have evoked the interest of readers.
S/Niscorrectstatingthat ‘disputation will no doubt continue on the historical facts,’ but the ‘historical facts’ mentioned in its editorialareincomplete,itis only fair therefore that readersbeprovidedwiththe other portion of S/N’s historical facts I leave
Peeping Tom’s column for anotherday
ReferringtothePPP,S/N editorial claimed; ‘Nothing in its history up to 1992 could eclipse the repercussions from its doctrinaire slavish adherence to the tenets of Marxism under the Jagans…’
On the basis of the following, I express my disagreement with S/N’s categorization of the ‘repercussions’ which it claimed emerged as a result of the PPP’s ‘slavish’ and ‘doctrinaire’ adherence to thetenetsofMarxism;’
1 ’the slavish and doctrinaire adherence to Marxism’
Here’s some food for thought; ‘Letter from Premier Jagan to President Kennedy;GeorgetownApril 16, 1963 published in volume X11 1961-1963 pp 292,ForeignRelationsofthe UnitedStates;’
“Again as recently as March this year, Sir Jock Campbell, Chairman of Bookers Bros. McConnell and Company Limited, a group of companies which represent one of the large investments of private capitalinthiscountry,while on a visit stated that he saw no danger of a communist dictatorship being established in British Guiana. He was confident that the Premier, Dr Jagan
hadnointentionofsettingup such a dictatorship and further, that the conditions were not present in British Guiana to make a communist dictatorship viable…”
2.’The suspension of the constitution in 1953 and the dispatch of British troops to thecolony.’
Thisnotionsuggeststhat Jagan is responsible for the ideological differences that emerged at the leadership level of the then PPP The editorial totally overlooked the fact that the colonial powers exploited the ideological differences betweenJaganandBurnham and used it as leverage to justify the suspension of the constitution and the despatch of troops to the colony;
3.’theKaldorbudgetand the racial disturbances of 1962’
WritinginaK/Ncolumn of March 30, 2014; ‘From the Diaspora Kaldor Budget and Black Friday February 16, 1962’ and using as his main source ‘The Report of The Wynn Parry Commission of Inquiry into Black Friday.’ RalphSeeramstated,‘AtDr Jagan’s invitation, Mr Kaldor, a well known economist of considerable experience who had served on the United Kingdom Tax Commission and had advised the Governments of
India, Ceylon, Mexico and Ghana, was invited to consider the problem and suggest ways and means of raisingadditionalrevenue.
“The budget for 1962 wasprepareduponthebasis of his recommendations on January 31, 1962” The budget certainly had no communist or Marxist leanings; in fact it was praised by the New York Times and The London Times;’
4 ’Anglo-American i n t e r f e r e n c e a n d destabilisation of political lifeinthatperiod’
The editorial failed to hold responsible the McMillan and Kennedy Administrations in the UK andAmerica respectively as well as the CIA who, collectively, fomented the disturbances in BG within the meaning of their policy
of ‘containment of communism.’ In fulfillment
of that policy, they orchestrated the removal of the Jagan administration primarily because the Truman/ McCarthy anticommunist frenzy of a ‘Red Scare’ had become an extension of America’s domesticpolicy
5 ’the slowing of p r o g r e s s t o w a r d s independence’
The editorial failed to accept that it was AngloAmerican imperialism that blocked much needed
financial/developmentaidto the Jagan administration
The staunchly anti-Jagan USAID, buttressed by the Kennedy administration’s broken promises that weighed heavily on the ideologization and politicization of US foreign policy at that time, are facts
that should not be overlooked;
6 ’the imposition of proportional representation forthe1964elections’
The editorial failed to mention that it was in the light of British capitulation toAmericandiktatthatanew electoral system of proportional representation was designed and implemented in British Guiana to facilitate Jagan’s removal from office and the installation of a proimperialist PNC/UF coalition;
7.’the non-invitation to the PPP to form a governmentthatyear’
government in T&T also pushed for a coalition government.Theywerealso rebuffed by Burnham Interestingly, the then US governmentdidnotfavoura PPP-PNC coalition government;
8.’rigged elections kept the PPP out of office from 1968to1992untiltheendof theColdWar’ Implicit in this conclusionisthenotionthat it was Jagan’s ideology and not Burnham’s rigged electionsthatwasanathema (Continuedonpage06)
The editorial failed to mention that in 1962 Jagan made a number of approachestoBurnhamwith aviewtoestablishingaPPPPNC coalition government. He was rebuffed by Burnham. Similar attempts byDuncanSandys,aformer Secretary of State for the Colonies, and the then British Governor, Sir RichardLuytalsofavoureda PPP-PNC coalition government. The Nkrumah government in Ghana and the Er
Kaieteur News PAGE 05 Saturday June 01, 2024
Removal of Marxism-Leninism and Socialism from PPP’s...
to Anglo-America’s interests.And as if doubling downonthisanti-Jaganview point, some CARICOM leaders, prior to 1992, declared; ‘better rigged electionsthannoelectionsat all.’
9.’the PPP’s MarxismLeninismfeddeeplyintothe
Western view that another Cuba could not be tolerated inthishemisphere’; So it was the PPP’s Marxism-Leninismthat‘fed deeplyintothewesternview that could not be tolerated,’ nottheMonroeDoctrinethat feddeeplyintothedomestic politics of countries of hemisphere resulting in the
removal of the Bustamante governmentinPeruin1948; the Gallegos government in Venezuela in 1948; the Arbenz government in Guatemala in 1954; the Goulart government in Brazil in 1964; the Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba in 1961; US mi
Dominican Republic in 1965, the Allende governmentofChilein1973 a n d t h e B i s h o p administrationinGrenadain 1983;
10.DrCheddiJaganhad tobekeptoutofofficeatall cost; Whattheeditorialdidnot saywaswhyJagan‘hadtobe kept out of office at all cost’ by whom and who was favoured to replace him? S/N should know that the younggenerationinGuyana today has little or no
knowledge of that period in our country’s political history The editorial resiled from answering these important questions Whether it was a matter of space or editorial reluctance todosoIdonotknow;
11 Sunday therefore marks another momentous development – the demarcation of the party’s history between the Jagan PPPandtheJagdeoPPP.’
Tosaytherewasa‘Jagan PPP’andnowa‘JagdeoPPP’ is a misnomer that suits the
leaders.Theeditorialsought to cast both Jagan and Jagdeo in the role of the typical Latin American caudillo, a type of personalist leader who wields political power in total violation of the rule of l a w a n d e x t a n t Constitutional authorities
Eighteen months from now the electorate will establish factfromfiction.
Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee
Kaieteur News PAGE 06 Saturday June 01, 2024
intervention in the
journalists’ habit of caricaturing political
‘Stop the blame game, let’s get to work’ Lindenfloods…
- PM Phillips tells officials in Region 10
Prime Minister Brigadier (ret'd) Mark Phillips has calledontheMunicipalityof Linden and other regional bodies to “Stop the blame game”andproperlymaintain the town's drainage infrastructure to alleviate the reoccurrenceoffloods.
“Drainage and irrigation in a place like Linden are a public good and a public servicethatmustbeprovided for all of the people,” the Prime Minister said noting thattheRegionalDemocratic Council (RDC), the Mayor and the City Council failed thepeopleofLinden.
“We here at Central Government are intervening andwewanttoworkwiththe Regional Democratic Council and Mayor and Town Council to ensure that we fix this once and for all," thePrimeMinisteradded.
Several communities in the mining town including KaraKaraandRainbowCity, Victory Valley, Speightland and Noitgedacht were inundated following heavy rainfallearlythisweek.
The residents, many of
whom have suffered losses, havecastblameatthefeetof both the regional and central government The angry residents expressed disappointment at the prolonged neglect of the town's drainage and irrigation systems and the lack of preparation by the authorities for the May/June rains.
Linden Mayor Sharma Solomonthrewtheblameon CentralGovernment.Hesaid the government has been neglecting the drainage and irrigation system and there has been no desilting of the creek that would have allowedforthewatertodrain quickly
He said the central government “failed to do consultative work so that we could have said to them HymaraCreekisacreekthat should have been cleared, nowlook[at]theconditionof theplace.”
Further, in a statement issuedonThursday,Solomon accused the government's mismanagement of services that were removed by the
Government from the oversight of the Town Council's mandate as stipulated in Chapter 28:01 (Municipal and District CouncilsAct).
“These responsibilities were instead given to Community development councils[CDC]andtheCIIP Project, which includes the cleaning and maintenance of
Solomon said that the Council at its last statutory meeting highlighted the root cause of floods lie in longstan
inadequate infrastructural works.
“Despite repeated requests for support and intervention even for the Linden Town Week preparations, from higher levels of government, the Council has not received the necessary resources and attention to address these needs,”theMayorstated.
He added, “The recent floods have exposed the
deficiencies in our drainage systems, the inadequacy of our erosion control measures, and the overall fragilityofourinfrastructure with the need for studies of drainagenetworksacrossthe town.Theseproblemsarenot new; they are the result of yearsofunderinvestmentand neglect.”
Solomon pleaded for assistance to be provided to the residents who have suffered losses as a result of thefloods.
“Our requests for additional resources and assistance have been met with delays and insufficient support, leaving our community to bear the brunt of this catastrophe with limited means. This is not a time for political gamesmanship; it is a time for unified action and solidarity to alleviate the suffering of our people,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister who was accompaniedbytheMinister of Public Works Juan Edghill, visited the affected
communitieswhichincluded Fairs Rust, Watooka, Kara Kara, Victory Valley, Bucktown,andNoitgedact.
The Prime Minister said thatthegovernmentofficials observed the drainage and irrigation issue during a recent visit to the town and this prompted a clean-up of drains in central Mackenzie, including in front of the Mayor's office, in preparation for the 58th Independence Anniversary Flag Raising Ceremony last Saturday
Hestressedthatalllevels of government, from local municipalities to regional bodies and the central administration, must work collaboratively to enhance the region's disaster preparedness and response capabilities.
“WhatweneedinRegion 10 is to stop the blamegame and get to work," the Prime Minister said in a statement issued on his Facebook page adding that leaders must be proactive in disaster preparedness.
18-month-old benefits from historic liver resection surgery at GPHC
An 18-month -old baby girl from Linden has benefited from the first ever pediatricliverresectiondone in Guyana. In a statement released via its Facebook page,theGeorgetownPublic Hospital Corpo
on (GPHC) said it is thrilled to record a monumental milestoneinmedicalhistory ofGuyana.
GPHC successfully performed the nation's first paediatric liver resection on 18-month-old Chelsea (only
name provided) who was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of liver c a n c e r k n o w n a s hepatoblastoma.
AccordingtoGPHC, the journey began when Dr Marisa Seepersaud, a dedicated
disciplinary team to provide a fighting chance for the child. The initial phase of treatment involved a series of chemotherapy sessions
Bandit shot during...
From page 2 the security guard was seen ducking and taking coverasbulletswerefiredat him. Meanwhile, Police said that the suspect who was shot during the exchange of gunfire has been identified as23-year-oldOnielBatson, an unemployed man of Durban Street, Lodge, Georgetown.
visited the Georgetown PublicHospitalCorporation (GPHC)fortreatmentwhere hereportedthathewasshot. The police was informed andhewasarrested. He is being treated, under police guard, for gunshotwoundstoamiddle fingerandhislowerjaw Police are still in search oftheothersuspect.
administered by GPHC oncologists, Dr Archer, [only name provided] and herteam.
The radiology team, led by Dr Vyphius [only name provided], meticulously monitored the tumour's response to the treatment. After five chemotherapy sessions, the tumour had re
y approximately50%,making it possible to proceed with surgicalremoval.
unprecedentednatureofthis surgery in Guyana, two hepatobiliary specialists were invited to assist the local team. Dr Colin Abel, Head of Paediatric Surgery and Liver Transplant at the Bustamante Hospital for Children in Jamaica, and Professor Steven Dunn, PaediatricSurgeonandHead ofSolidOrganTransplantat Nemours Children's Hospital in Delaware, USA, volunteeredtheirexpertise.
that safety was the utmost priority as in the case for all surgicalprocedures.
As such, senior consultants from the anaesthetic department, Doctors Fernando and
Arturo, [only names provided]ensuredthebaby's safety throughout the anaesthesiaprocess.
Dr Seepersaud, who led forthelocalteam,described the procedure as a formidable undertaking involving many complex and critical steps. After a nine-hour surgery, the tumourwassuccessfullyand completely resected Dr Seepersaud expressed profound gratitude to the GPHC administration for their swift response and support,andtoDrs.Abeland Dunn for their invaluable assistance and ongoing commitment to the paediatric surgical department.The mother of the young patient expressed her confidence in the team's management from the
Further, the Prime Minister urged residents to take responsibility by properly disposing their garbage and by cleaning the drainsneartheirproperties.
Meanwhile, Minister Edghillnotedthattoalleviate the problems, the Central Government, the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), the Civil Defence Commission (CDC), the Ministry of Public Works, and regional bodies have initiated urgent and critical drainage works and infrastructural works through a multi-agency approach.
The NDIA is currently working with Community Development Council (CDC) groups, while the MinistryofPublicWorkshas mobilised machinery to desilt canals. The CDC has also supplied essentials for affectedresidents.
BOSAI Mineral Group has since deployed two hydraulicexcavatorstoassist with de-bushing and materials to construct a temporary cofferdam to aid in the diversion of the floodwaters.
“If you're serious about development, and you're planning for development, youhavetoplanfordisasters, because disasters disrupt the developmentprocess,"Prime MinisterPhillipssaid.
Baby Chelsea, five days post surgery at the Pediatric High Dependency Unit, GPHC
beginning, which led to her consentforthesurgery
Meanwhile, the hospital said that the paediatric critical care team continues to monitor the baby, who is expected to be discharged soon Due to the liver's remarkable regenerative capacity,sheisanticipatedto havenormalliverfunctionas she grows.The success rate of major liver resection surgeries can range from a 5% mortality rate in developed countries to as high as 31% in less experiencedregions.
“Achieving this milestone within just ten weeks from admission to s u r g e r y a t G P H C underscores the dedication and expertise of our team,” GPHCsaidinthestatement.
Additionally, the hospitalrevealedthatduring thevisitingsurgeons'timeat GPHC two other paediatric patients benefited from surgeries for large sacrococcygeal teratomas Both the 1-year-old and the 8-month-old patients have recovered well and have beendischarged.
Kaieteur News PAGE 07 Saturday June 01, 2024
inistry of Local
drains, cleaning of soakaways and even
glect and
Guyanese Paediatric Surgeon, assembled a multi-
duced in size
ecognizing the c o m p l e x i t y a n d
Batson reportedly
Light traffic now traversing waterlogged Lethem trail
Light traffic is being allowed to traverse the Linden-Lethem corridor followingthewashingaway ofasectionofthetrailalong the Kurupukari to Lethem Trail, Region Nine, Public WorksMinisterJuanEdghill disclosedonFriday
In an interview with the Kaieteur News, Minister Edghill early Friday said “Works are ongoing they had to stop because it had
began to rain They are currently working on a temporary pass while also w o r k i n g o n f u l l rehabilitation works. Traffic shouldbeabletoflowbythis afternoon. However since it's a full rehabilitation (for the bridge and trail) those works should be completed within a few days,” Edghill saidaroundnoon.
Later on Friday, the Ministry of Public Works announced that “light traffic
– Min. Edghill
has begun to traverse the washout bridge in Region nine.”
“This development follows swift actions taken toaddresstheinfrastructural concerns in the area, including the immediate repair of significant erosion issues identified during recent site visits led by MinisterwithintheMinistry of Public Works, Hon DeodatIndar,”thestatement said.
The contractors undertaking the works have been instructed to widen the channels to facilitate better water discharge and “MMC hasbeenactivelystockpiling m
h e comprehensive repair of the washout bridge Further
updates will be provided as the repair and restoration continue.”
Kaieteur News reported that the disruption of traffic along the trail was due to flooding caused by heavy and persistent rainfall that washedawaysectionsofthe trail and several bridges on Wednesdaymakingtheroad impassable.
On Wednesday, the Ministry of Public Works announced that there is a significant disruption along
the Kurupukari to Lethem trail a truck traversing the trail attempted to cross an eroded section within the Iwokrama Concession and collapsed as a result of sustained pressure from a stormsurgecausedbyheavy rains.
The truck fell into the huge sink hole and within a matter of hours was completely submerged as flood waters began washing awaythatsectionoftheroad. Aswaterlevelsrosequickly,
other bridges at different locationswerewashedaway too.
On Thursday, the ministry said that it completed a series of site visits to assess and address infrastructural concerns in Region nine due to recent flooding caused by heavy rainfall The inspection covered all bridges from Annai, beginning with bridge number 19, to the washout bridge, number three.
Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022 AGE 8 Saturday June 01, 2024
a t e r i a l s f o r t
Ahandful of vehicles traversing the Linden-Lethem corridor on Friday. (Screen grab taken from Ministry of Public Works video)
Jagdeo is misinformed about the reach of newspapers
In last week’s press conference, PPP General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo praised the reach of social media, claiming that more peoplewouldviewhispress conference through social media than would read a particular newspaper This assertion brings to light a critical discussion about the nature of the reach and the quality of engagement on social media compared to traditionalnewspapers.
While social media platformslikeFacebookand TikTok thrive on brief, engaging content, newspapers provide a platform for in-depth coverage and analysis, making their impact and reach fundamentally different.
It is also disputable whether social media has a higher reach than newspapers. For example, one of Jagdeo’s press conferences recently had around 29,000 views. The total views range from as low as 4,000 to as high as 50,000. But views are not a head count of reach since onepersonmayhavetoview his lengthy press conferences around four times just to be able to completelisteningtoit.
On the other hand, on average four persons in a household would read a n e w s p a p e r T h u s , newspapersstillhavegreater reach than social media platforms. Also newspapers havewideonlinereach,read by tens of thousands of persons both inside and outside of Guyana and surpassing that of social media Kaieteur News onlineviewershiponAugust 2nd,2020,forexample,was a l m o s t 2 0 0 , 0 0 0
Social media platforms are designed for quick consumption. They cater to the modern audience’s desire for instant gratification, often at the expense of depth. Platforms like Facebook, TikTok and Twitter are structured to capture attention in short bursts TikTok’s meteoric rise can be attributed to its format of short, engaging videos that last only a few seconds to a few minutes. This format is ideal for the fast-paceddigitalage,where users scroll through content rapidly and seldom spend significant time on any single piece of information. How many persons can claim that they watch Jagdeo’s press conference fromstarttofinishatoneago onsocialmedia?
Therefore while
Jagdeo’s press conference might achieve high view counts, these views do not necessarily translate to thorough engagement or understanding.Socialmedia metrics can be deceptive; a view does not equate to a full, attentive watch. The nature of the platform encourages users to consume content passively, often while multitasking This can lead to superficial engagement, where the viewermightnotfullygrasp the intricacies of the messagebeingconveyed. In contrast, newspapers offeramoresubstantialform of engagement. Reading a newspaper involves a more deliberate and focused consumptionofinformation. The articles are longer, allowing for detailed analysis, comprehensive coverage, and extended commentary This format enables readers to gain a
deeper understanding of complex issues, something that is often unattainable throughthebriefsnippetsof information provided on social media. Each reader engageswiththecontentina manner that is more reflectiveandthoroughthan the fleeting engagement typicalofsocialmediausers.
As mentioned before newspapers are typically read by multiple people. It would surprise Jagdeo how many persons still regularly read the newspapers, whether online or the actual hard copy. The actual reach of a newspaper article extends beyond its initial circulation.
When comparing the reach of social media to newspapers, it is crucial to differentiate between quantity and quality of engagement. Jagdeo’s press conference might have reached 30,000 views on social media, but this numberdoesnotaccountfor repeated views by the same individuals or the extent to which the content was absorbed. In contrast, the readership of a newspaper involves more intentional and repeated engagement, with each reader potentially spendingsignificanttimeon asinglearticle.
Social media’s strength lies in its ability to disseminate information quickly to a vast audience.
However, this rapid dissemination often comes withatrade-offinthequality of engagement. The brevity of content on social media platformsdoesnotallowfor the exploration of complex issues. As a result, while social media can amplify messages quickly, it often lacks the depth and nuance
Sometimes dem parties’ supporters does agree with each other
We gat two main political parties and dem does be fighting one another One does keep a press conference early on Thursdayanddeodderone doeskeepanotheronelater in de same day to respond towhatthefirstonesaid.It is like a tit-for-politics. No reciprocitythough. And some of dem supporters does like pick updeparties’firerage.Dey doesjoindechorusandend upcriticizingdeotherparty and saying how dem party isbetterthandeodder
Sowheneveriselection period,depoliticaltempers doesflareandyuhdoesgat to ensure dat de two sides nah meet up and cause no trouble During election time, each of dem party does gat dem own colour and dem does exchange banterandtantalize.
Onedaythepolicewas onapatrolwhendemseea supporter of de fuss party lying down injured by de side of de road. Then dem gotodeoppositesideofde road and dem see de supporterofdeodderparty
necessary for thorough understanding and critical thinking.
The consumption habits ofaudiencesonsocialmedia
and newspapers are inherently different. Social media thrives on bite-sized information that can be quickly consumed and shared. This format is ideal for breaking news, updates, and entertainment, but it is less suited for in-depth analysis.
Newspapers cater to r e a d e r s w h o s e e k comprehensive coverage of issues. The long-form content allows for the exploration of topics in detail, providing readers withadeeperunderstanding.
This is particularly important for complex issues that require careful consideration and analysis, something that is often
compromised in the fastpacedworldofsocialmedia.
Newspapersalsoprovide a vital context and commentary that are often missing from social media. This context is crucial for readers to fully understand the implications of news storiesandevents.
Therefore, Bharrat Jagdeo’s assertion about the reach of social media compared to newspapers highlights a fundamental misunderstanding of how these platforms operate and engage their audiences. Whilesocialmediacanboast highviewcounts,thequality ofengagementandthedepth of understanding what it offers are often lacking
Newspapers, though reaching fewer people in sheer numbers, provide a platform for more serious consideration of issues,
allowing for extended coverage and thoughtful commentary
In the digital age, both mediums have their place. Social media is unmatched in its ability to quickly disseminateinformationand engage a wide audience. However, newspapers remain indispensable for those seeking in-depth analysis and comprehensive coverage.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
also lying injured on de road.
So dem ask one of de injured “What really happen here? Y’all been fighting?”
De injured man explained, “I saw this fellowfromtheodderparty and I tell he how he leader is no good. And then he turntomeandtellmehow my leader is a fool. We were just about to shake hands when de truck came racing down de road and knockbothofwedown.” Talkhalf.Leffhalf
Kaieteur News PAGE 09 Saturday June 01, 2024
A little personal reflection, hoping for introspection in fellows
Permit this sharing of personal experiences and observations of my early passageinGuyana.
Thereflectionsofamuch younger Indian man in this time of early learning about Guyana, and then growing alongadifferenttrajectory
I was a most junior civil servant,abandortwoallthat separated from cleaners and messengers. It was the time of Burnham, and there I was beginning my hand at socializing in a mixed community What was
compressed into the e u p h e m i s m o f “disturbances” barely a decadeorsoold.
The tensions were palpable, the separations conspicuous. From then I had friends who looked like me; but there were others whodidn'torsawmattersmy way Still, I shared their
company Therewereheady times, with lots of dreams amid lots of surrounding
despair It was the beginning. And it was also the beginning of another moment of learning that hasn't stopped since. Some ofthepeoplewholookedlike me-some strangers, others were friends and neighborshad only distance and scorn for me. In sum, because I worked as a nonentity presenceinthecivilservice,I was a 'Burnham man.' The branding was automatic, despite neither association nor allegiance nor agreement. Therewasnever a party card, never any invitation to join anything, simply people who saw somethinginme. It was and still is the limit and the vast, poignant expanse of the Guyana that has been known prior to
travels, and upon returning what survives with greater energy to this day We may pretendthatthingsarenotso, that the mentalities have changed for the better But all that we do is deceive ourselves, play tricks with ourownminds.
This is the context distilled to less than 300 wordsthatIfeltisfittingtobe presented in the public square. I invite my fellow Guyanese to refresh their memories. There is also an openinvitationtostudytoday and examine what is different.
They will find that it is nothing. Some may insist that there has been change, but the more than they are pretended to be, the more they stay unchanged. I urge my companions in this G u y a n e s e j o u r n e y undertaken to do two things,
and only to be honest with themselves.
Not necessarily in any publicspace,butonlywithin the confines of their clearest coherence and their quiet consciousness.
We have a government holding the reins of power, andlikeBurnhamthosereins are long, and they are wellpowered.
They are tight and exercise great reach and control. Some would assert, and not inaccurately, that thosereinsofpoweraremore dominantandmorecomplete thanevenattheheightofthe Burnhamreign.
Now it is time for the realitythatwillbedenied,but can't, because it has its roots in the parallel story that is mine, and more than a few othersovertheyears.
There are faces in places in today's political corridors and public service realms. Theyaredifferentfaces,like mineoncewas.
They are a minority overwhelmed by a majority, justlikeIoncewas. Nowget ready Andjustlikeme,there are those realities that they must contend with, manage with, and deal with, in their own communities. Often family and among friends, other times civilians and
villagers who make villainsofthem. Because they have agreed to lend their names and faces and presences into a brown sea, theoutsidersarelookedupon as traitors and sellouts and betrayers by their own Nothing but craven opportunists. Whether they are or not, some faint resemblanceornoneatallto how they are interpreted, it really doesn't matter The unshakeable, unmoving, inseparable judgment has been cast. It is the travesty and an integral aspect of the continuing tragedy that is Guyana.
Eveninourbesttimes,we aretheessenceofbrutalityto each other, with the worst reservedforourownwhoare seen as having crossed the line.
I shouldn't have to say what line, only that it is the same one that stands as a barrier, and which keeps localmindspolesapart. Ihad hoped that things would be different in the era of great underwater developments, national upheavals no less.
Vanished hopes victimized bymemoriesthatwillnotlet go, and rage that will not diminish.
Ihearandreadofthefirst positive number known
beingmadeintodrivingforce and guiding star Mission statements must be lived. Deeply Thoughtfully Sincerely Thoroughly Can't be a flashy picture here, and large swaths of impenetrable gloom over there and over there This will get us nowhere. One can be the loneliest number in the world.
I should know because I have been there. Too many times. Inthislittlereflection, thehopetowhichIcling,the callthatIcontinuetomake,is that that there will be some deep introspection in some. The Guyana of the past should not be the Guyana of today
For then, what will we be? If not prey to our worst fears, and the most unprecedented exploitations with their accompanying unsparing national ravages. My we find our way, may a benevolent God bless Guyana!
(The views expressed in this article are those of the authoranddonotnecessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)
Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022 Saturday June 01, 2024 HARDTRUTHS BYGHKLALL BY GHK LALL
Guyana’s surge in oil production shifts global shipping dynamics
The surging oil production in Guyana is changingthedynamicsofthe industry globally, with reports now suggesting that the huge volumes of crude being exported from the Stabroek Block to the US Gulf Coast, has led to an increase in demand for Suezmax crude tankers, versusthesmallerversions.
Under Guyana's Crude
Lifting/Entitlement Agreement exports from
each of the Floating Production Storage and Offloading(FPSO)vesselsin theStabroekBlock,seeseach of the partners–ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), Hess and CNOOC and Guyana uplifting and exporting crude in, one millionbarreltranches,asper turn.Reports have since found that this surging Guyanese crude exports to theUSGulfcoastmayinfact benefit Suezmax crude tankers, as a potential new export market develops for theSouthAmericancountry's boomingproduction.
Suezmax tankers the largest ships that can transit the Suez Canal, are on average some 900 feet with capacities to ferry loads of 800,000 barrels of oil, to morethan1,000,000barrels.
According to a recently publishedreportbyArgus–a global market intelligence energy and commodity markets provider - Citgo's 167,500 barrels per day
A large Suezmax crude tanker
Corpus Christi refinery in Texas has already taken three, one-million-barrel cargoes, of what it describes as “medium sweet Payara Gold”inMay.
AfourthSuezmaxtanker, the Nordic Hawk, transited the Corpus Christi ship channel on 29 May, according to ship tracking datafromKpler
Tothisend,itwaspointed out that were the Nordic Hawk and the Aframax vessels to complete their shipments by the end of the month,therefinery'simports of Payara Gold would top 100,000b/dinMay,upfrom 60,000 b/d in April and 32,000b/dinMarch.
US Gulf coast refiners last year imported just two Suezmax-size cargoes of Guyanese crude, or about 5,500 b/d The primary
destinationsforthecountry's roughly 370,000 b/d of oil exports last year, about 85 Period of Charter, (pc) of which were hauled on Suezmaxes, were Europe, which took about 60pc, and the US west coast, which tookabout25pcviare-export on the Trans-Panama pipeline, according to Vortexadata.
With this in mind, it was observedthatanewmarketto theUSGulfcoastwouldadd to the already-rising SuezmaxdemandinGuyana, where tonne-miles this year through May 20, 2024 increased from the same periodlastyearandbyalmost fivefoldfromthesameperiod in2022.
Assuch,itwasnotedthat charterers moving Guyanese crude often opt for the economies of scale offered
by 1mn bl Suezmaxes compared with smaller 700,000blAframaxes.
Additionally, with the start of production at the 220,000 b/d Prosperity, FPSO in November 2023, this helped boost Guyana's oilproductionto625,000b/d in April, according to government data, while output inApril exceeded the country's rated capacity by 65,000 b/d following improvements at the older Liza 1 and Liza 2 projects in the deepwater Stabroek block To this end the increased US Gulf coast imports of Guyanese crude come as crude imports from Mexico fall, exerting downward pressure on rates for Aframaxes since March, thereby shifting the entire dynamicsoftheglobalcrude
shipping industry in the process.
A c c o r d i n g t o internationalreportsUSGulf Coast imports of Mexico's medium sour Isthmus have led the declines, falling to about 135,000 b/d from 1 MarchthroughMay27,2024 compared with about 220,000 b/d over the preceding three-month period, according to Vortexa data.
"Giventheexpectationof depressed Mexican crude exports going forward, the push and pull for Guyanese barrels between the US and Europe is likely to be stronger than ever," Kpler analystMattSmithwroteina researchnote.
Motorcyclist dies after crashing into utility pole
A motorcyclist lost his life earlyFridaymorninginLeguan after he lost control of the motorcycle he was riding and crashed into a Guyana Power andLight(GPL)utilitypole.
Dead is 23-year-old Vickash Singh, a resident of Leguan.Reports are that the accident occurred around 03:20hrs on the Enterprise PublicRoad,LeguanIsland.
“Enquiries disclose that motorcycle #CK 2275 was proceeding south along the easternsideoftheroadatafast rate when Singh, who was not
wearing a safety helmet at the time, lost control of his motorcycleandendeduponthe westernparapetwherethefront portion collided with a GPL pole,”policesaidinstatement. Police said that the impact fromthecollisioncausedSingh to receive head and other injuries.AnunconsciousSingh was rushed to the Leguan CottageHospitalwherehewas pronounceddeadonarrivalbya doctor His body is at the Leguan Hospital Mortuary, where it awaits a post-mortem examination.
Kaieteur News PAGE 11 Saturday June 01, 2024
(Vikash Singh's Facebook Page)
Dead: Vickash Singh
Kaieteur News PAGE 12 Saturday June 01, 2024
Kaieteur News PAGE 13 Saturday June 01, 2024
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand and other officials of the Ministry of Education during a site visit in Jawalla, Region Seven last year.
The government of Guyana will be spending $231million to construct the new Jawalla Secondary SchoolinRegionSeven,the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) said on its website.
According to NPTAB,
the contract valued $231,959,143 was awarded to Sheriff Construction Inc. onMay24,2024.
w a s a m o n g s e v e n contractors who had previously submitted bids forthecontract.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that plans to have a secondary school
constructed in the community of Jawalla were made last year Minister of
E d u c a t i o n , P r i y a Manickchand and other senior officers within her ministry visited the communityinMarch2023to determine the ideal location fortheschool.
In a press release, the Ministry of Education said that the new secondary
school will be the second of its kind in the Upper Mazaruni District and will h e l p t o e a s e t h e overcrowding at the DC Caesar Fox Secondary SchoolinWaramadong.
Minister Manickchand said too that the new school will also provide students in othercommunitiesincluding Kamarang and Philipai with the opportunity to receive a sound secondary education. These students are currently either not receiving a secondary education or are being educated in primary tops, a secondary department in a primary school.
It was reported that with the establishment of this school, the ministry will be abletoclosetheprimarytops in Phillipai, Wax Creek, Chinoweing, Imbaimadai, Jawalla, Quebanang, Kako andKamarang.
Uponitscompletion,the schoolissettoaccommodate around 500 students in the classroom and 400 students in the dormitories. Also the newschoolwillbeequipped
with Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Information Technology, Technical and Vocational Education and T
Economics room, library
classrooms just to name a few Jawalla Secondary School is just one of the several new hinterland secondary schools the Education Ministry is planning to construct this year. As reported before the ministryhasembarkedonan aggressive programme to ensure that the nation's children have access to secondary education The Government has set 2025 to achieve universal secondary education. To achieve this, theministryhassincemoved to have several secondary schools constructed across the country.The Ministry of Education was allocated some$74.4Billion,aportion ofwhichwillbeusedforthe construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenance of educational facilities acrossthecountry
$68MContractsignedtoboost watersupplyinWarawatta
The Government of Guyana through the Caribbean Development Bank's (CDC), Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) programme on Friday signed a $68,352,480contracttoboostwatersupply atWarawattaVillage,RegionSeven.
TheBasicNeedsTrustFundGuyanain apressreleaseissuedonFridaysaidthatthe $68 million contract was signed with R. Kissoon Contracting Service, and that the design and supervision consultant for the projectisE&AConsultantsInc.
Itwasreportedthatthescopeofworks fortheprojectwouldincludethedrillingof a well,constructionof an elevatedstorage facility and the installation of a photovoltaic pumping system that will allowthebeneficiariesofWarawattaaccess to potable water, thereby reducing their accesstimetoasafewatersupply
In addition, beneficiaries will receive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) training that covers operating and
maintaining photovoltaic systems and water distribution systems as well as water sampling techniques, carrying out weekly reports and conducting good hygiene practices, BNTF stated.
This publication understands that the Basic Needs Trust Fund is a cyclical grant funded programme by the Caribbean Development Bankthataimstoreducetheincidenceofpoverty by targeting the cause of inequitable access to quality water in poor and vulnerable communities.Theproposedsystemwillimprove the water supply for beneficiaries of the Warawattacommunity
On Thursday, Kaieteur News reported that contractor R. Kissoon Contracting Service was also awarded a similar contract through the BNTF programme to upgrade the water supply systems in Kurukubaru in Region Eight. That project was signed to the tune of $69,990,816, earlierthismonth.
TheBNTFprogrammeisbeingimplemented throughtheMinistryofFinance.
Kaieteur News PAGE 14 Saturday June 01, 2024
r a i n i n g ( T V E T ) laboratories, Home
space and spacious
$231millioncontractawardedtoSheriff ConstructiontobuildJawallaSecondarySchool ConstructiontobuildJawallaSecondar
BNTF's Project Manager, Karen Roopchand handing over the contract to a representative of R. Kissoon Contracting Service.
Kaieteur News PAGE 15 Saturday June 01, 2024
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
One male able- bodied Staff. For more information Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
One female able-bodied Staff. For more information Call: 225-2313, 658-8559.
Live-in family, husband- mechanical background and license for car and van. Call: 227-1813.
One Hauler Driver needed. Call: 611-7088/ 639-6106. Porter to work in warehouse and Canter driver. Experience is an asset, Attractive salary. Call : 673-7373.
One handyboy age 16 or older, Living accommodation and meals provided $75,000 per Month. Call: 6391315,625-5043.
One Babysitter, must be experienced and able to travel overseas. WhatsApp 973508-2743 or 347-331-1223 to apply.
One able bodied porter in a hardware store at Sheriff Street, Attractive salary .Contact: 689-4041.
Mature domestic help needed to work in a workshop on the East Coast Demerara. Call: 662-1883/ 654-2516.
Wanted two office Staff, must have English and Mathematics. Call: 677-4896/664-2374.
One male cook and experienced Jet + Marack men to work in the interior. Tel: 6772385
German shepherd mix with Husky available. Call : 6480111.
Place to rent at Vreed-enhoop junction for Lessons, Church, Office, Storage Bond, other. Call: 603-6400.
Vacancy for professional or trainee Welder. Call: 698-1267/ 657-9121.
Live-in housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virginia, USA. Free room & boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: or Call: 615-9132.
Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443/ 615-9132.
Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: or Call: 618-7066. Vacancies exist for Security guard and Carpenter at Happy Acres, ECD. Call/WhatsApp Saoud Osman: 643-9861 / 6116151.
W/union CSR'S, Cashiers, Sales representative, Porters, Bond & Accounts Clerk. Call:609-2995,Email: survivalhumanresources2@ Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.
Vacancy At People's Choice Kitchen for night Cooks and Kitchen assistant. Call/ Whatsapp: 673-8315.
Chainsaw Operators and Labourers needed for wood concession. Call: 633-6030. Now hiring: Truck Drivers, Secretary & Accounts clerk to apply send application via Whatsapp at 608-5303/6082114.
Restaurant Manger experience in management & customer service, Good communication skills required. Emil resume:
Head chef, Experience in designing menus and managing staff.Email resume:
Lead Bartender, experience in designing menu, Overseeing staff & Train servers.Email resume:
Full time Domestic/ Maid needed, knowledge of Indian cooking. Call: 618-1853.
Cummings Lodge 100ftx80ft (+10ft reserve). sandfill, eastern fence, bridge e.c.t , Plan for 9 apartment 3 story building available. Tel: 624-8694.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.
DANITA nee D’OLIVEIRA also known as (MUNROE)
Petitioner/Applicant (MUNROE) CLEAVON BONARD
Last Known Address 16 Dryshore, Essequibo, Coast TAKE NOTICE that on the 11th day of April, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by OLINDO
D’OLIVEIRA also known as OLINDA DANITA MUNROE nee D’OLIVEIRA the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 14th day of May, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday
issues of the Guyana Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Guyana and on the Worldwide Web.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorneyat-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Tuesday the 6th day of August, 2024 at 11:15 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge via zoom Meeting ID: 845 1426 6584 and Password: 786 445.
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.
The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 15th day of May, 2024.
Farmer electrocuted while disconnecting illegal wire from GPL pole
A 63-year-old Corentyne, Berbice farmer was on May 30, 2023 electrocuted after he illegally disconnected a wire from a Guyana Power and Light (GPL) utility pole in the vicinity of his home.
Dead is Shri Maan Somraj called “Loch”, of Lot 111 Yakasari North, Black Bush Polder, Berbice.
Reports are that Somraj would usually connect and disconnect the wire to his home.
Somraj’s reputed wife Dhanmatee Deonarine called ‘Farosa’ told officials that she and Somraj remigrated to Guyana from Trinidad in November 2023 and they observed that the GPL meter connected to their home was falling off.
She said a report was made to GPL in March 2024 and GPL visited the premises promptly. Upon arrival, the GPL staff informed the duo that the meter was tampered with and will be removed. They were advised to visit GPL’s office to resolve the issue.
Deonarine said that they were required to pay $80,000 to reconnect the electricity
but was unable to do so and Somraj made an illegal connection from the utility pole to their home.
Deonarine disclosed that Somraj would connect the wire every afternoon and disconnect it early the next morning.
Meanwhile, Police said that on the day in question, at about 09:15h Deonarine alleged that Somraj told her that he would be disconnecting the ‘illegal connection’ since GPL staff would be in the area. The woman reportedly left home on an errand.
At about 14:00 hours, whilst on her way home, the woman said she received a phone call that her husband was lying motionless in front of their yard.
The police were informed. Ranks found Somraj with both hands holding a wire on his chest. That wire was connected to his home and lead to the GPL pole. Burn marks were seen on his chest and abdomen.
He was then taken to Mibikuri Public Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Investigations are ongoing.
Ukraine using Western arms to strike inside Russia ‘a
question of time’, says Zelenskiy
(Reuters) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Friday that Ukraine using any Western weapon to strike Russian territory is “a question of time”.
Outgunned and outmanned on the battlefield, Kyiv has been increasing pressure on its Western allies to be able to launch offensive strikes at military targets inside Russia to better repel Russian advances.
“I think that using any weapon, Western kind of weapon, on the territory of Russia is a question of time. Otherwise, it is not about just peace,” Zelenskiy told reporters on a visit to Stockholm.
Ukraine has stressed the urgency for the use of Western-supplied arms to conduct strikes inside Russia as it defends against Russian advances in the northeastern Kharkiv region.
This spring, Ukraine has found itself on the back foot in the 27-month-old full-scale invasion as it faces delays in military aid from the U.S., increased attacks on its energy infrastructure and Russia’s push to expand the frontline.
U.S. President Joe Biden has quietly authorized Kyiv to strike military targets inside Russia which support the offensive in the Kharkiv region.
Zelenskiy said Ukraine “got message from the American side early in the morning” on Friday which signified a “step forward” in defending people in villages near the border with Russia.
He did not disclose additional details on the communication with the U.S. Zelenskiy said he did not yet know the possible restrictions related to the use of long-awaited F-16 fighter jets but appealed to the question of fairness in deliberations, saying Ukraine should be able to retaliate against Russian strikes.
Germany, another major ally, signalled its openness to Ukraine’s use of its weapons to strike military sites fueling attacks on Kharkiv region. France has taken a similar stance, saying Ukraine should be allowed to strike military sites Russia is using to attack its territory.
PAGE 16 Kaieteur News Saturday June 01, 2024
Mottley: Time to press gas to UN on climate Change efforts for Small Island Developing States
( N a t i o n n e w s Barbados) Prime Minister MiaAmorMottleyisurging United Nations (UN) memberstatesto“pressgas” on efforts to help Barbados and other small island developing states (SIDS) finance their adaptation to the “horrifying” reality of climatechange.
Shesaidwhiletherewas progress, there was insufficient “speed and scope”, lamenting “it is geopolitics and national politics that is blocking progressinthisworld”.
Mottley voiced her concerns last Tuesday in Antigua while delivering Barbados’ national statementattheUN’sFourth International Conference on
Small Island Developing States.
“Thefrequencyandscale of natural disasters causing human suffering, loss or compromised livelihoods, irreparablephysicaldamage, andhigheconomiccostsare now regrettablyahorrifying global reality,” the Prime Ministersaid.
“The chasm between United Nations member states spoken commitment and finance implementation condemnsusandcontradicts our seriousness and sincerity Our people will wonder what we are really doingwhentheylookatthis seasonofsuperlativesthatis causing the untold damage thatitis.”
Mottley said there was
30 arrested in New York after Jamaican food truck found selling guns and drugs
A Jamaican food truck owner is among 30 people arrestedandchargedafterit was discovered that food containers served by the truck came not just with Jamaican meals, but drugs and guns, according to law enforcementagentsinNew York.
Law enforcement said that food containers from The Real Spice food truck, situated just 150 feet from thecourthouseinthecityof Newburgh, in Orange County, UpstateNewYork, were used to package guns and drugs in one of the widest distribution of guns anddrugsinOrangeCounty
Forty-two-year old JamaicanKirklandSalmon, the owner of the food truck along with 29 other people were arrested and charged withnarcotics,firearmsand conspiracy offences
Dubbed ‘Operation Hot Lunch’ some 40 different law enforcement agencies wereinvolvedinbustingthe operation following a sixmonthinvestigation
OrangeCountyDistrict Attorney David Hoovier, announced on May 21 that the operation had shut down one of the largest drug and guns distribution operations in Orange
County Headlines DeliveredtoYourInbox
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already a roadmap, which included the Barbados-led Bridgetown Initiative to remake the global financial system, “on how the internationalcommunitycan supportthecorrectionofthe economic balance sheet of SIDS”.
She submitted, however, that “we must build a more responsive, fairer and more inclusive global financial system and we must do so with pace and with scope, speed and scope are exactly what is missing from our agenda. Not that we haven’t made progress, but insufficientprogress”.
countries irrespective of their geopolitics, irrespectiveof theirnational politics,wewillbeatriskof losing regrettably too many people whose lives should not be lost at the foot of this climate crisis,” Mottley added.
eveningnewsletters. He said that the operatorsmadesomethreemillionUSdollarsperyear from the operation which was used to purchase real estate and invest in crypocurrency
According to Hoovier, the guns came in from North Carolina while the drugscamefromFlorida.
Thelawmenalsoseized severalvehicles,alongwith the food truck. The Real Spice food truck was at one timesituatedonBroadwayin Newburgh across from the city centre which housed theofficesofthemayor,but was relocated to a space in front of the court house. A Jamaican businessman in the area told The Gleaner that he purchased meals from the food truck on several occasions unaware that guns and drugs were beingdistributedoutofthe truck.
“The food was not bad but I suspected that they were selling more than just food,”hesaid,askingthatThe Gleaner withhold his identity The charging document and filed statements made in court a l l e g e d t h a t t h e investigation revealed that Salmonwasatthecentreof four different conspiracies to traffic narcotics and firearmsthroughoutOrange County
“You cannot treat a country that is on the verge ofsinkingwithlessthan200 000 people in the same way that you treat a country that has 30 million people with great resources. A climatic event for us is likely to be a whole-of-countryevent,and therefore likely to go at the core of our sovereignty and ourcapacitytosurvive,”she warned.
“The notion that we can continuetotalkandtalkand talkwithoutestablishingthe framework for what will createaplatformforhopeis what is missing It is geopolitics and national politics that is blocking progress in this world and until we recognise that to fighttheclimate,weneedall
Her hope was that officials leave Antigua with a spirit of hope, recognising they might not get everything that they want, underscoring that the spirit of hope was necessary to keep countries buoyant. She urged to keep the fight up, noting that progress was madejustnotwithsufficient speed and scope. She said it was important to now press gas.
WitheffortstohelpSIDS finance their climate adaptation lagging, Mottley said “version 3.0” of the Bridgetown Initiative was launched last Tuesday for consultation.
She said it proposes consideration of a global solidaritylevyforpeoplefor planet and also allows for a reflection on where these leviescouldcomefromwith the least damage and the leastburdenonpeople.
Mottley explained this was “whether it is on fossil fuels’ windfall profits, whetheritisoninternational financial transactions, or emissionsfromshippingand
aviationthatareintendedall to be able to allow us to do the financing of global public goods, first and foremostclimatebutbeyond climate”.
This, she said, was in addition to a new fram
k, a global compact with philanthropy, r e c o g n i s i n g t h e y [philanthropists] get to spend money on what they want.
She stressed it was important for them to spend money on what the world needsaswell.
“Thiswillallowustobe able to have adequate financing for climate but other global public goods that are critical, because we are not a one issue people,” shesaid.
Mottley said this was important considering that “when compared with
mitigation, there is truly inadequate financing available for adaptation and we must not allow the establishment of the Loss And Damage Fund to take our eyes away from the criticalfinancingneeded for adaptation”.
While calling for more financingforadaptation,the Prime Minister stressed financing was not the destination but the mechanism by which they becomecapableofexecuting projects that would allow countriestobecomeresilient and ultimately prosperous. She called for a biennial assembly of SIDS heads at this stage, along with the establishment of a governance structure to oversee the implementation of the [Antigua and BarbudaAgenda For Small IslandDevelopingStates].
Kaieteur News PAGE 17 Saturday June 01, 2024
Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley
Aljazeera - Gaza’s territory has been shrunk by a buffer zone that winds around its boundary and wide axis torn through its centre. Israel has taken over some 32 percent of Gaza’s area by “systematically d e m o l i s h i n g neighbourhoods” to create a bufferzoneandacentralaxis dividing it, according to Al Jazeera’s Sanad Verification Agency This does not include the area of the Philadelphi Corridor on Egypt’s border, which Israel declaredithadtakencontrol of on Thursday The complete destruction of areas in Gaza has come fast and slow, via air raids, artillery attacks and bulldozers.“Thereisnosafe placeinGaza”anddignified human life is “a near impossibility”, Martin Griffiths, under-secretarygeneral for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator,said.
“Even if people were abletoreturnhome,manyno longerhavehomestogoto.”
Approximately 85 percent of Gaza’s population, or 1.9 million people,havebeendisplaced, accordingtotheUN.Halfof them were displaced this month alone. During the Nakba in 1948, some 700,000 Palestinians were drivenfromtheirhomesand villages by Zionist gangs to makewayforthecreationof thestateofIsrael.Morethan 36,000 Palestinians have
been killed since October 7, alreadymorethandoublethe number killed during the years 1947-1949. Many more are thought to be dead under the rubble and destruction.
With Israel’s assault on Gazanotyetover,theterritory couldbefurtherdiminished A map constructed by Sanad showsthatGaza’sboundaries havebeenpushedinwardanda 15km-wide (093-mile) strip that runs 65km (four miles) acrossthemiddleintheJuhor ad-Dik area, known as the Nezarimaxis.
Italsoidentifiesthedepth of destruction and bulldozing the Israeli military has conductedinborderareasand acrosscentralGaza
The analysis shows that areas in the embattled and besieged strip have been “completely bulldozed and demolished” and that “removal operations took place in a regular pattern” to turnwhattheUNoncecalled “danger zones” into a buffer zone In the northern governorate,Sanadfoundthat the area of destruction committedbyIsraeliforcesin Beit Hanoon city stretched 25km(15miles)fromGaza’s boundary, while five kilometres (31 miles) has beeneatenawayinBeitLahiya and three kilometres (1.9 miles)inJabaliacamp.
Destruction at the Bureij refugeecampandtheMaghazi camp have reached 17km (onemile)andtwokilometres (12 miles) from the border
A map constructed by Aljazeera’s Sanad Verification Agency shows that Gaza’s boundaries have been pushed inward and a 1.5km-wide (0.93-mile) strip that runs 6.5km (four miles) across the middle in the Juhor ad-Dik area, known as the Nezarim axis.
The southern governorate isthemostaffectedsofar The Kissufim and Bani Suhaila areas, both east of Khan Younis, have seen the destruction stretch 37 (23 miles)andfourkilometres(25 miles) from the border respectively In Rafah city, destruction stretches 51km
(32miles)fromtheborderto theas-Salamneighbourhood
The Israeli military has claimed they are trying to disarm Hamas, but has given little indication or verifiable evidence that their efforts are havinganystrategicimpact
On January 23, US Secretary of State Antony Blinkensaidinastatementthat
y permanent change in the territorialcompositionofGaza and rejected the permanent displacementofitspopulation
However, extensive bulldozing and removal operationscontinue Israel has previously requested100D9bulldozers toexpandandacceleratethe
establishment of the buffer zone. “These findings and facts reveal the colonialist methodology that the Israeli army is working on, by shrinking the area of Gaza, creating new borders within the borders, and imposing them as a new reality inside and outside the besieged GazaStrip,”Sanadsaid.
New Gaza truce presented to Hamas is “a roadmap to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostage - US President
(Aljazeera ) US President Biden says a new Israeli proposal for a Gaza truce presented to Hamas is “a roadmap to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostages”, adding “it’s time toendthiswar”.
During a news conference at the White House on Friday afternoon,BidensaidIsraelhasput forward “a comprehensive new proposal”toendthewar.
“It’saroadmaptoanenduring ceasefire,” the United States presidenttoldreporters.
Biden said the proposal involves three phases, the first of which would last six weeks and include a full and complete ceasefire,aswellasthewithdrawal ofIsraeliforcesfromallpopulated areasofGaza.
Hamas and the Israeli government did not immediately comment on Biden’s remarks on Friday The announcement comes aseffortstoreachaceasefirehave faltered amid the Israeli military’s pushintothesouthernGazacityof Rafah, which has forcibly displaced about 1 million Palestiniansoverthepastmonth.
DeadlyIsraeliattacksonRafah have killed dozens of Palestinians and fuelled global outrage. More than36,000Palestinianshavebeen killed in Israel’s bombardment of Gaza since the war began in early
Thefirstphasewouldalsoseea number of captives held in the GazaStrip–includingwomenand the elderly – released in exchange for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in Israel, while humanitarian aid would flow into Gaza “There are American hostageswhowouldbereleasedat this stage and we want them home,” said Biden, adding that Qatarhadtransmittedtheproposal to the Palestinian group Hamas, whichgovernsGaza.
October The coastal enclave is also under an Israeli siege, which has led to dire shortages of food, water and other humanitarian supplies, and spurred warnings of famine.
As the crisis in Gaza deepens, Biden has faced widespread protests and criticism for his staunch military and diplomatic supportforIsraelduringthewar. Despite growing anger over Israel’s offensive – including recent deadly assaults on Rafah –and warnings that he risks losing re-electionoverhisstance,theUS president’s policy has remained largelyunchanged.
Anew poll released this week indicated that Biden enjoyed less than 20 percent support among Arab Americans, a key constituency in several US swing states that could decide the upcomingvote.Bidenissettoface off against his Republican
predecessor Donald Trump on November5inwhatisexpectedto be a tight contest. A prolonged Israeli war in Gaza – which could drag on for another seven months at least, according to Israel’s National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi – will hurt Biden’s reelection prospects, experts have said.
“The signs are clear. The writing is on the wall,” Josh Ruebner,alectureratGeorgetown University’s Justice and Peace programme, told Al Jazeera this week. “And should Biden decide to continue this lockstep support for Israel for another seven months, it’s not only going to kill tens of thousands more Palestinians, but it’s also going to losehimtheelection.”
Speaking to Al Jazeera on Friday, Palestinian political analyst Nour Odeh said the proposal does not appear to be
different “in any fundamental way” from those that have been previouslypresented.
Whatwasstriking,however,is that Biden “put himself on the line”,Odehsaid.
“He said the US would guarantee that Israel keeps its end of the bargain so long as the mediators can bring Hamas to acceptthedealandkeepupitsend ofthebargain,”shesaid.
“This is the first time we hear from the president of the United States, the most important ally of Israel, saying, ‘This deal is on the table, it’s good and everybody should take it.’And I think it will bedifficultforHamastoresistthe kind of pressure that will be appliedonit,nodoubt.”
On May 6, Hamas said it had agreed to a ceasefire proposal by EgyptandQatarthatappearstobe almost identical to the one Biden announcedonFriday
Kaieteur News PAGE 18 Saturday June 01, 2024
S opposed an
Saturday June 01, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 19
PAGE 20 Kaieteur News Saturday June 01, 2024
Gajnabi back in Windies Women’s squad for Sri Lanka tour
SportsMax -After being snubbed for the previous tour of Pakistan, Guyana’s Shabika Gajnabi makes a return to the West Indies Women’s team, as the SelectionPanelnameda15player squad for the eagerly anticipatedseriesagainstSri Lanka.
This exciting series, whichstartsthismonth,will feature three One Day Internationals (ODIs) and three T20 Internationals
(T20Is),withthefirstmatch taking place on Saturday, June15,inGalle. Gajnabi,whoalongwith her compatriots Ashmini Munisar and Plaffiana Millington were left out of the squad that enjoyed a
Pakistan,hasbeenrefittedin the Shane Deitz-coached team in place of Jannillea Glasgow
The team is once again led by Captain Hayley
Matthews who has been in exceptional form, supported by Vice-Captain Shemaine Campbelle.
Lead Selector Ann Browne-John explained the significanceofthetour
“The ODI series serves as a crucial stepping stone
Women’s Cricket World Cup, providing an essential opportunity for the team to gainmorevaluablepointsin
t h e W o m e n ’ s Championship.Thetouralso allows the squad, during the T20I series, to continue to prepare for the upcoming T20WorldCup,whichtakes place in September in Bangladesh,” Browne-John said.
“The similar Indian subcontinental conditions will help the team to refine their skills strategies, build synergy, and assess their strengths and areas for improvementagainstquality opposition. The experience g
Saturday June 01, 2024
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.
Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.
If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.
If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.
You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a
u r accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.
Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone
Shabika Gajnabi replaces Jannillea Glasgow
invaluable as they progress towardstheT20WorldCup, ensuring they are wellprepared and in peak form for the challenges ahead,” sheadded.
The ODI series in Galle fromJune15-21ispartofthe I C C W o m e n ’ s Championship, with the top five teams and hosts India automatically qualifying for the Cricket World Cup in 2025 The West Indies Women are currently sitting seventhinthetablewith,Sri Lanka eighth but level on points.
The team departs the Caribbean on Sunday for a seven day training camp in Colombo to prepare and acclimatise ahead of this importanttour
Full squad: Hayley
Matthews (Captain), Shemaine Campbelle (ViceCaptain), Aaliyah Alleyne, Shamilia Connell, Afy Fletcher,CherryAnnFraser, Shabika Gajnabi, Chinelle Henry, Zaida James, Qiana Joseph, Chedean Nation, Karishma Ramharack,
Linden champions to be decided...
Frompage22 b e e n t a k i n g t h e communities by storm this year
Meanwhile, over $1.5 millionareupforgrabswith the winning team expected to cart off $500,000 and trophy, while second, third and fourth placed finishers will take home $400,000, $300,000 and $250,000 respectively
Colours Boutique that provided the beautiful uniforms adorned by the teamsarealsoonboardasa sponsor
As usual, there will be many Guinness giveaways and fans are being urged to support this segment of the night’sproceedings.
Stafanie Taylor, Rashada Williams,KateWilmot Matchschedule
Saturday, June 15- 1st
O D I a t t h e G a l l e InternationalStadium,Galle
Tuesday, June 18- 2nd O D I a t t h e G
e InternationalStadium,Galle
Friday,June21-3rdODI at the Galle International Stadium,Galle
Monday, June 24- 1st
C r
, Hambantota
Wednesday, June 262nd T20I at the Mahinda Rajapaksha International C
, Hambantota
Friday,June28-3rdT20I at the Mahinda Rajapaksha I
Kaieteur News PAGE 21 Saturday June 01, 2024
essful outing in
towards automatic qualification for the
here will be
a l l
T20I at the Mahinda Rajapaksha International
i c k e t
t a d i u m
r i c k e t
t a d i u m
h a r d l o o k a t y
ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers12:00hrs ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers13:05hrs ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers02:00hrs For Ocean Going Vessels opening last 1-1½ hrs For Ocean Going Vessels opening last 1-1½ hrs SaturdayJune01,2024 SundayJune02,2024 SundayJune02,2024 Berbice River Bridge Closure to Road Traffic Demerara River Bridge Closure to Road Traffic H 28 G.L.C. 357 Lamaha Street, North Cummingsburg, Georgetown Tel:226-0753. While every effort is made to ensure numbers are correct, please call the hotline for confirmation, The G.L.C. and Kaieteur News cannot be held responsible for printing errors. 6 4 1 0 7 9 2 7 12 14 25 DATE: 05/29/2024 DATE: 05/31/2024 DATE: 05/31/2024 DATE: 05/31/2024 2 3 10 15 16 24 2 14 19 21 10 11 12 ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers01:00hrs SaturdayJune01,2024 Afternoon Evening
Guyanese quartet relishing shot to represent Windies on big stage at home
- As World Cup Teams arrive ahead of Sunday’s opening game
Ahead of tomorrow’s opening ICC Men’s T20 World Cup opener at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence, the Guyanese coreofstarswereupbeatand readytoentertaintheirhome crowdastheylooktocreate history
Tournament co-hosts WestIndiesalongwithNew Zealand and Papua New Guinea (PNG) arrived yesterday afternoon in Guyana; as preparations bowloffofficiallytoday
Tomorrow’s assignment will see the home team tacklingPNGbutteamswill Kickstart their assignments with training sessions for both team’s today at Providence.
Yesterday’s press conference held upstairs the Marriott Hotel, featured head coach Darren Sammy, along with the Guyanese quartet of Shamar Joseph, Sherfane Rutherford, Gudakesh Motie and RomarioShepherd.
Sammy, who won the cuptwiceasaplayersaidhe was keen on his team performing well, especially at home. Given his team’s run since taking over as
coach, Sammy said he was adamant about putting full trustinhisteam.
The ex-West Indies captain pointed out that his team’s game plan was to stick to their current approach, adding that gettingofftoawiniskeyin building momentum ahead of such an important campaign.
Joseph, the West Indies newest addition at this format, briefly pointed out thatplayingwinningcricket athomeiscrucialtotheWest Indies’plan while Sunday’s game will be important for
theteam’smomentum. Rutherford, who returned to the side recently was grateful for his chance to play at home in such a historic tournament, especially in the midst of fansandfamily
Meanwhile, the Windies experienced pair of Motie and Shepherd believed the overall recent form of the team, coupled with Sammy’s tutelage can take theformerchampsdeepinto competition, setting up a strong platform for what couldbeanothertitlewinfor theCaribbeanteam.
Linden champions to be decided tonight
Hardball Management to tackle Turf President for spot in Final
The four trophies that will be awarded to the top four finishers.
Linden is set to witness the grand finale of this year’s Linden segment of the Guinness’Greatest of theStreets’Competition.
Thefinalwhichhadtobe cancelled on Monday due to a torrential downpour that inundated the turf rendering it unsafe to play the second semi-final, fans are now focusedontonight’sfinaleof what has been an exciting tournamentthusfar
The second semi-final will seeTurf Presidents take on Hardball Management with the winner earning the right to square off against a confident Silver Bullets unit for the ultimate prize and braggingrights.
In the lone game played on Monday last, Silver Bullets, who dethroned defending champions Swag E
he quarterfinals, coasted to a comfortable 3-0 triumph overSpaniardsandtheywill
no doubt be hoping to replicatethatperformanceas they await the result of the openinggametonight.
Once again, the
Organisers are anticipating anotherlargeturnoutoffans and this crucial component has become integral for the competing teams who rely on the support of their respectiveneighbourhoodto boost their chances of
winning One thing is certain,thefacilityhasallthe physical components to make fans comfortable, whilethesurfaceisidealfor the format so it’s just a question of the weather being kind to produce the level of rivalry that is expected in the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Competitionswhichhas (Continuedonpage21)
PAGE 22 Saturday June 01, 2024 Kaieteur News
ardcourt in
West Indies Head Coach Darren Sammy (center) alongside Gudakesh Motie, Shamar Joseph, Romario Shepherd and Sherfane Rutherford during yesterday’s press conference at the Marriott Hotel.
ESPNcricinfoBlistering half-centuries from Nicholas Pooran and RovmanPowellhelpedWest Indies make a statement aheadoftheT20WorldCup 2024 as they hammered an undermanned Australia in their final warm-up game in Trinidad.
Australia fielded a team with just nine players and coaches for sub fielders again, as they did two days agoagainstNamibia.Pooran andPowellsmashed12sixes between them with the lefthandercracking75fromjust 25 balls while the skipper thumped52from25asWest Indies made 257 for 4 from their 20 overs Sherfane Rutherford also pounded 47 not out from just 18 balls to finishtheinnings.
Allrounder Marcus StoinisdidarriveinTrinidad on Wednesday meaning Australia had 10 players in camp but his kit had been delayed in Miami so he did not feature Chair of selectors George Bailey alongside assistant coaches Brad Hodge and Andre Borovec sub fielded at various stages again with BorovecdroppingPooran.
Afterbeingsentintobat, Pooran had walked to the crease at 38 for 1 in just the third over following a quick start from Shai Hope and Johnson Charles. The lefthanderhitthefirstthreelegal deliveries he faced for six
and never took his foot off the gas. He took a particular liking to Australia’s main spinnersinAshtonAgarand Adam Zampa smashing them for five sixes in six balls in the first two overs outside the powerplay after West Indies had posted 78 for1inthefirstsix. Pooran reached his halfcentury in just 16 balls. Borovecdroppedatowering skierbutitdidnotcostmuch as Bailey held onto one shortlyafteroffZampa. Powell picked up where Pooran left off. Zampa and
Agar conceded 120 runs from their eight combined overs. Extraordinarily, Tim David was Australia’s least expensivebowlerclaiming1 for40fromhisfouroversof part-time offspin, having been their most expensive againstNamibia.
Nathan Ellis also continuedtopresshisclaims to be part ofAustralia’s first choice XI in theWorld Cup, conceding 42 from his four overswhileJoshHazlewood was hammered for 55 Rutherford took on Zampa late in the innings clubbing
22 off the legspinner’s final over Ellis kept the damage to just 14 in the last as Rutherford found the fence threetimesbutwasunableto clearit.
Josh Inglis struck a 30ball 55 in Australia’s reply but they were never in the hunt with just nine batters available.Australia pulled a surprise by opening the battingwithAgar,something he has done twice before in T20Icricket.
C o a c h A n d r e w
McDonald confirmed post match that he was shifted theretoallowotherstomove back to their preferred positions with Mitchell Marsh returning to No.3. Agar smashed 28 off 13 in thepowerplayincludingfour fours and two sixes off the left-arm orthodox spin of Akeal Hosein But Agar eventually miscued one to mid-onoffObedMcCoy
Shamar Joseph gave David Warner a glimpse of whathemissedoutonduring the recent Australia-West IndiesTestseries,rattlinghis off stump for 15 despite conceding two fours and a six off the previous three deliveries.
Marshfellcheaplywhile David and Matthew Wade managed 25 apiece as the required run-rate spiralled out of control. Gudakesh Motie put the squeeze on Australia in the middle overs, picking up Inglis and
Ellis added some respectability to Australia’s total scoring 39 off 22 balls in a 51-run seventh-wicket stand with Zampa who finished 21 not out as
win a titled player to improve his rating (playing strength).
The current double-titled Under-14 and Under-16 champion outlined his preparationfortheevent.
“I expect most of my opponentswhoplayasblack togointoaFrenchDefense, symmetrical King’s pawn, or Sicilian Defense. My opponents as white generally switch between e4, d4, and c4 or Taffin usuallyplaysNf3,”hesaid
N u m b e r S e v e n Qualifier, veteran player
Loris Nathoo was in high praise for the lineup of young, diverse and talented contenders but threw down thegauntlet;hewassteadfast in his desire to win the title this time, despite his challenging work commitments He also expectssternresistancefrom hisseasonedcounterparts
“My intention is to better my performance from last year when I was the 1st runner up, that meansIwillbetakinghome the crown this time. My
Australiamanagedtobatout their20overs.
plan is to play solidly and enjoythejourney It’sgoing tobeafantasticexperience, I’m looking forward to the excitement of each game,” hesummedup.
Kyle Couchman First time Open Championship participant, Eight Place Qualifier junior Kyle Couchmansaidheisworking on his strengths and weaknesses, analyzing his practicegamestoidentifyhis mistakes and missed opportunities,andlearnfrom them Theteenageralsoplays stronger players when possible to identify areas for improvement
“Mymentalityistostay positiveandaimhigh,butto remember to enjoy the experience,”headded Couchman is also setting his sights on a top spot at the end of the tournament.
“Being realistic, I would like to place in the top five because this is my first National Open ChampionshipandIwillbe up against a lot of skilled and experienced players,” heconcluded.
Kaieteur News PAGE 23 Saturday June 01, 2024
West Indies 257 for4(Pooran75,Powell52, Zampa 2-62) beat Australia 222for7(Inglis55,Ellis39,
Josh Inglis spent valuable time in the middle. (Getty Images)
Protester chains himself to goalposts at Scotland v Israel match
BBC Sport - A protester has chained himself to the goalposts at Scotland’s Women’s Euro 2025 qualifier against Israel at Glasgow’s Hampden stadium.
The match was delayed after the man used a heavy duty lock to secure himself to the posts in protest at Israel’smilitaryoperationin Gaza.
The teams then returned tothedressingrooms.
The match is being played behind closed doors for security reasons, but some reports said the demonstratormayhavebeen mistakenforastewardashe had been wearing a high-vis vest About 400 people, some carrying small coffins
Aprotester has chained himself to the goalposts at Scotland’s Women’s Euro 2025 qualifier against Israel. (SNS)
and Palestinian flags had earlier gathered outside the doorsofthemainstand.
When the match kicked offdemonstratorsbooedand blewwhistles,andanumber offireworkswereletoff.
A handful of counterprotestersalsodemonstrated beforethegroupB2game.
Last week, the SFA said it had been left with “no option”buttobarsupporters from attending “following extensive security consultations with all key parties”.
Public demonstrations against Israel’s military operationinGazahavebeen happening regularly across theUK.Onegroup-theGaza Genocide Emergency Committee - arranged a
protest before the game at Hampden and called for the matchestobecancelled.
Police Scotland said: “Appropriate policing plans are in place to maintain public safety and minimise any disruption to the community.”
Israel was banned from hostinganyfootballmatches by Uefa for security reasons in the aftermath of the 7 October attack by Hamas andtheIsraeligovernment’s militaryresponse.
Instead, the Israeli national side and its club teamshaveplayedfixturesat neutralvenuesinHungary Tuesday’s return game between Scotland and Israel in Budapest will also be playedbehindcloseddoors.
Toucan/Kraft Mac & Cheese Juniors Squash Tournament Sumner, McDonald, Goberdhan lead points table heading into Day Four
After three days of intense competition among some of the best young squash players, the ToucanKraft Mac and Cheese Junior Skill Levels Squash tournament continued on ThursdayattheGeorgetown Club. Spectators were treated to some spectacular performances, with Safirah Sumner earning six points fromherthreematchesinthe Spiral category Zoey McDonald and Justin Goberdhan also stood out, remaining undefeated in the White Cheddar and Three Cheese categories, respectively
Thursday’s action included 12 thrilling matches. Zoey McDonald secured her third consecutivewin,defeatinga determined Rafael Brathwaiteinthefirstofthe three White Cheddar divisionmatcheswithscores of 11-6, 11-3, and 12-10. Tehani Munroe achieved a solid 3-1 victory over Kristen Viapree, while Maxwell Viapree overcame Ella Fernandes in a close contest, winning 12-10, 811,11-8,and11-7.
IntheThickandCreamy category, Nijah Bacchus defeated Nidal Bacchus in three straight games, while Jacob McDonald lost to Matthew Daby in a similar fashion.
The Spiral and Three
Toucan-Kraft Juniors Skill Level Squash Tournament 2024 enters Day Five today
Cheese categories saw heightened excitement on the third day Safirah Sumner delivered another dominant performance against an in-form Demetri LoweintheSpiralcategory Despite losing, Lowe pushed the match to the limit,withscoresof11-6,811, 11-5, 12-10, and 11-2. Richard Rodrigues and Jeremy Ten Pow also emerged victorious, with Richard defeating Blake Edwardsinahard-fought31 battle, and Jeremy overcomingEthanBulkan3-
0. In the Three Cheese category, Justin Goberdhan, Kaylee Lowe, and Rylee Rodrigues delivered exciting wins as the tournament heads into its fourthdayonFriday Additionally, young Justin Ten Pow and Lee Fung-A-Fatcompetedinthe only Original category match, with Justin winning 3-0.
The tournament continued yesterday with more exciting action and is settoconcludeonJune2.
Kaieteur News PAGE 24 Saturday June 01, 2024
Incumbent Taffin Khan confident on retaining National Chess title
Reigning National Open Chess Champion Candidate Master (CM) Taffin Khan feels confident to win the 2024 NEW GPC INC. The Open Chess Championship which begins this weekend at the National Racquet Centre.
Kaieteur News sat down with a few participants; CM Khan was the first to share histhoughtwithus.“IthinkI haveareallygoodchanceto winthechampionshipbased on the pairings,” Khan summarized as he prepares tomeethisnineopponents.
Thetopninechallengers, including four juniors, emerged recently from the
rigorous qualifiers’ tournament to enter the championship. They are:FIDE Master (FM)Anthony Drayton, Justino Da Silva, Roberto Neto, Candidate
ChampionKeronSandiford, Sachin Pitamber, Loris Nathoo,KyleCouchmanand EthanLee.
They provided their insightstotheGuyanaChess Federation on their predictionsandplansforthe major event on the local chesscalendar
First Place Qualifier FM Anthony Drayton asserted thathehopestoplaywelland see the results from that.
- Mixed reactions as nine challengers enter the 2024 NEW GPC INC. Open Chess Championship
tournament of the year, the 2024 Chess Olympiad in Budapest,Hungaryisalsoin hissights.
“I’m now focused on improving my gameplay rather than the results Results will show based on goodqualitychess,”Drayton commented.
Second Place Qualifier
Young Kyle Couchman
the championship. “I’m in it to win it,” he declared. “It’s nomercyovertheboard”,he warned.
Third Place Qualifier, Roberto Neto was cautious inhisapproach.“AlthoughI am typically seen as the underdog, I recognize the emerging talent of young players like Ethan Lee, Keron Sandiford, Sachin
checkmate from these skilled opponents”, he asserted.
Number Four Qualifier
Ronuel Greenidge feels
podium. I’m pleased with my performance and therefore I’m enjoying the entireprocess,”heexplained positively Greenidge was away from competitive chesssince2021.
Number Five Qualifier, reigning Junior Champion Keron Sandiford believes in his ability to do well. “I’ve beenhavingagoodyearand I see no reason why I wouldn’tbeabletotakethis form to the Nationals,” he remarked Sandiford was also upbeat on his preparations.
“I have an idea of what openings I’ll be playing as well as the different variationsmyopponentscan possiblygointo,”heoffered.
, Junior
Master (CM) Ronuel G
Acknowledging that the National Championship is
Justino Da Silva also wants to secure a chance to participate in the Olympiad butisgivinghisbestshotfor
Pitamber, and Kyle Couchman. It is essential to stay sharp, as a single mistakecouldleadtoaswift
N a t i o n a l C h e s s Championships are usually toughwherethebestplayers do well But he is comfortable with his preparation “It’s usually general so no matter what is presented to me I would be a b l e t o c o n f r o n t appropriately; in the past, I usually placed on the
SachinPitamberNumber Six Qualifier, junior player Sachin Pitamber, one of the youngest participants in the championshipisaimingto (Continuedonpage22)
Kaieteur News PAGE 25 Saturday June 01, 2024
the most prestigious
FIDE Master, Anthony Drayton
Candidate Master, Taffin Khan
Guyanese quartet relishing shot to represent Windies on big stage at home
- As World Cup Teams arrive ahead of Sunday’s opening game
Pooran and Powell pound nine-man Australia in final warm-up game
Shamar Joseph picked up David Warner (Getty Images)
Rovman Powell added to West Indies’onslaught. (Getty Images)
Nicholas Pooran flayed the Australia attack. (Getty Images)
Romario Shepherd and his West Indies teammates arrived yesterday for their opening World Cup T20 fixture here.
Members of the West Indies team deplane at the Cheddi Jagan InternationalAirport yesterday.