Mediators urge Israel and Hamas to finalise Biden’s Gaza peace plan
Mediators urge Israel and Hamas to finalise Biden’s Gaza peace plan
Bandits armed with gun, cutlass rob
Corriverton family during home invasion
Traffic cop killed in
Montrose accident
Omai selling off shares to raise money to develop
Guyana’s gold claim
FormerGuyanese Presidentsays:
Biden, Blinken equally responsible for genocide in Gaza ...asscoresofGuyanese rallyinthestreets tofreePalestine
After four years in office...
Govt. yet to strengthen audit provisions in PSA
After four years in government, the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) has failed to strengthen its management of the oilandgassectorwhenitcomesto the perturbing provisions in the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA)foraudits.
Numerous flaws in the deal continue to govern the US-multibillion sector although the incumbent government, while in Opposition, committed in its 2020 Elections Manifesto to engage oil and gas companies for better contract administration/ renegotiation.
Oneofthemajordeficienciesin the deal is that it allows ExxonMobil,theoperatoroftheoil rich Stabroek Block, to deduct questionable costs flagged in an auditofthecompany’sexpenses.
The PSAatAnnex ‘C’Section 1.5 (b) outlines the procedures of an audit and rights of the government; it is explained: “…In theeventthatanauditclaimbythe Minister is not settled to the Minister’s satisfaction by the Contractor’s reply as provided for above, the Contractor shall be entitled to recover any disputed amounts pending final resolution oftheclaim…”
Previous audits conducted of Exxon’s expenses to date have revealed startling abuse of the country’s oil money The PSA makes it clear that revenues generatedfromtheStabroekBlock can only be spent to develop the resources in that block; however, Exxonwascaughtusingtheprofits forworksintheKaieteurandCanje
Although this was brought to the attention of the Chief Policymaker for the oil and gas sector, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, he maintains that the companywillfacenopenaltyforits actions.Instead,Exxonwillsimply berequiredtoreturnthesumtothe profitbank,asexplainedbytheVP
During a press conference in October2023,hetoldreporters,“I maintainmypositionthatitwould be illegal and I repeat that. The audits would have revealed that nowandasIsaidbeforetherewill be consequences If you did unauthorizedworkyoudon’tgoto jail according to PSA, it just doesn’tformpartofthecostbank.”
Furthermore,itshouldbenoted that if ExxonMobil disagrees with the findings of the audit team and failstoconvincethegovernmentof Guyana, the dispute between the two parties will be settled via arbitration.
Guyanahasagreedtosubmitits dispute to the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) for arbitration before three arbitrators – pursuant
Omai Gold Mines Corp. has announced that it is moving to raise some US$10M from a privateplacementofferingof83.3 million common shares priced at 12 cents per share and that additionally, agents have been granted an option to purchase an additional 12.5 million shares, potentially boosting the proceeds byanotherUS$1.5million.
The anticipated US$11 5M thecompanyexpectsfromthesale of its shares, are earmarked for exploration, development and generalworkingcapital.
to the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States. Research by this newspaper found that the institutionwasestablishedin1966 for legal dispute resolution and conciliation between international investors and States. It is parented bytheWorldBankGroup.
WhileGuyanamayhavesettled foritsmoniestobedeductedbythe oil companies and only be reclaimed through international arbitration, Trinidadian Energy Strategist, Anthony Paul in a previous interview with Kaieteur News lastyearsaidtherecoveryof costsindisputeareinkeepingwith theone-sidednatureofthe2016oil contract.
He explained that contracts generally allow for costs to be recoveredonlyafterthedisputehas beensettled.Ontheotherhand,he alsosharedthatthetwinislandhas asserted its sovereignty in cost recoverybyassigningtheMinister responsibleforFinanceasthefinal arbiterinallmattersrelatedto
Continued on page 9
To this end, the company in making the disclosure said it has commenced meetings with government officials in Guyana after being granted exclusive rights to apply for a mining l i c e n c e f o r i t s 1 0 0 percent owned Omai Gold property.
Thesharesofferingupforsale is expected to close on June 20, 2024 In making the announcement, the company said the move comes as it announced the results of a preliminary economic assessment (PEA) on theWenotdepositatOmai.
That PEA envisages an open pitoperationcapableofproducing 1.84 million ounces of gold over 13years.
Additionally, it was reported that an updated mineral resource estimate announced in February, 2024,includes2.0millionounces ofgold,“intheindicatedcategory and2.3millionouncesofinferred material.”
Omai recently appointed
Marcel Cameron, as the company’s Country Manager, in Guyana. Cameron, a Guyanese
citizen—a mining engineer with 25 years of experience in mine planning,engineering,andproject management for large-scale open pitandundergroundoperationsin NorthandSouthAmerica,Africa, SoutheastAsiaandGuyana—will be responsible for managing and advancingoperationsattheOmai project.
These would also include, overseeing permitting, and community engagement, and leading the company’s broader business activities in Guyana, the companysaid.
“His extensive hands-on experience with technical and mineplanningforadvancedstage projects will drive forward the next phase of work at the Omai gold project,’’ said Omai President and Chief Executive Officer, Elaine Ellingham, at the timeofhisappointment.
The site was developed as a large-scale mine in 1992 by Canadian company Cambior, Omai and was ranked as the largest gold mine in the Guiana Shield.
Between 1992 to 2005, the gold veins there have produced some3.7millionouncesofgoldat an average grade of 1.5 g/t gold fromtwoopenpits.Theminewas producing an average of 300,000 ouncesofgoldannually
According to the company, despite this Omai still benefits from good road access and a wealth of historical data that provides knowledge of the geologyofgoldmineralizationon the property, as well as metallurgy, historical recoveries and many other relevant mining parameters.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
“I wouldn’t use the word nervous” said Guyana’s PresidentAli in his interview with the Financial Times The president did note that when a company ends up controlling more than half of the underlying business or sector that “ can cause concern.” The issue that is the subject of much speculation is of ExxonMobil moving to increase its Guyana oil stake by buying the Hess Corporation’s 30% share of the Stabroek Block. If ExxonMobil were to do so, it could expand its dominance in Guyana’s oil operations by as much as 75%. President Ali, therefore, would look favourably on the presence of another US oil giant, Chevron, entering the localoilmarket,shouldtheHessCorporationsalegothrough, ifonlytofosterhealthycompetition.
Afew things surface on this surprising stance articulated by the president. To begin with, a synonym for “nervous” is anxious. PresidentAlidistancedfromnervous. Nonetheless, he did speak of greater than 50% consolidation being a cause for “concern.” Concern has several close substitutes, with anxious being one. While the president wouldn’t admit to being nervous, he expressed guarded concern about what a buyout by ExxonMobil of Hess’ 30% Stabroek Block stake could represent. Twist the words or turn them upside down, and Guyana could be in a much unhappier place should ExxonMobil move anywhere above its current 45% piece of therichStabroekBlock.
We at this publication remind all Guyanese of the reality of ExxonMobil’s 45% partnership share in the Stabroek Block, and the crippling stranglehold that it has over the Guyana Government and the local political leadership. Guyanese leaders are not free to speak with passion and power about the people’s oil and how they must benefit from it because they fear offending theAmerican supergiant. We cringeatanydevelopmentthathelpsExxonMobiltoaddeven one percent more to its present 45% holding. The mere idea of ExxonMobil adding to that is alarming, for there is no tellingwhatitwoulddo,howfaritwouldgo,with75%ofthe Stabroek Block under its control. It would have been much better if President Ali had come straight out and put that discussion to bed. But the PPP/C Government has chosen to walk down ExxonMobil’s Road, obeying its rules, and speaking in a language that is pleasing to the company Hence,Guyana’sheadofstatetakinggreatcarenottorufflea single feather of the company President Ali had the opportunity to state for the record that any step to up its partnership percentage in the Stabroek Block would be looked upon very unfavourably by the Guyana Government. Of course, that would be presidential, what bears all the hallmarks of brave national leadership, but we have learned nottoexpectanyofthatfromtheleaderswehave.
Having said this, President Ali said that Chevron in Guyana has its positives. There is no issue about what Chevron brings to this country’s oil table. It has high-end technology and systems, and veteran manpower, which is why it has done so well. But the last presence that Guyana needs here in its offshore oilfields is a Chevron. For all its pluses, Chevron would amount to nothing but a close twin of ExxonMobil. This would only add to the devastations already being wreaked here by ExxonMobil alone. The PPP/C Government, the entire Opposition, have their work cut out for them in dealing smartly and courageously with ExxonMobil. But President Ali sees benefits to Chevron coming here. Chevron will not rescue Guyana from ExxonMobil; only multiply the exploitations, while carrying on with its own hustles and tricks. Chevron did not get close to the top of the oil world by being a missionary company John Hess was jolly and seemingly friendly, Chevron’s Steven Wirth is even more about money, with an eye to recovering his US$53B in the shortest possible time. Both ExxonMobil and Chevron are shark like in their ruthlessness for profits, and Guyana is easy, juicy meat for both. We urge President Ali to think of putting together for this country’s ownoilconsortium. Wemustseewhat’shappeningwithour wealth, know our partners better, and work towards our own destiny
DDL must demonstrate wise judgment, compassion, and transformational leadership and end partnership with
DEAREDITOR, many fatally, herded into Israeli LR group of partnership.
The ongoing genocide areas of safety, then with companies must be viewed. DDL was alerted that against the Palestinian diabolical intent bombed Repeated calls have been they were a focus of the people by the State of Israel According to media reports, made to DDL to divest itself Guyana Boycott Divest and and the Israel Defense Force Israeli forces are continuing of this company as Sanction (BDS) campaign continues even as rulings of to attack Rafah amid Palestinians in Gaza are because of their partnership the International Court of growing outrage over its subjected to more and more withtheLRGroup-anIsraeli Justice found credible the bombing of a tent camp for atrocities, war crimes and company supported by the intent of genocide by Israel displaced Palestinians which unprecedented gross human IsraeliGovernment. and in its most recent ruling killed a further 45 people rightviolations. As patriotic and peaceo r d e r e d I s r a e l t o including children This Letters and statements loving Guyanese, the BDS “immediately halt its neighbourhood had been have called repeatedly on Guyana Group said they military offensive and any specifically identified as a DDL to end this partnership. were saddened, appalled, other action in Rafah which safe’ humanitarian area” in In April 2024, letters hand and ashamed that DDL- a mayinflictonthePalestinian Rafah. delivered to the Chairman leading Guyanese producer group in Gaza conditions of By all intents and and Board of Directors of of
life that could bring about its purposes, the State of Israel DDL articulated that the continuing to do business physical destruction in has shown by its actions its governmentsofbothGuyana with an entity like the LR wholeorinpart.” intent to ethnic cleanse and and Israel played significant Group, with its clear and
To date, more than annihilate as much of the roles in facilitating and numerous links to the 36,171 Palestinians have Palestinian population as brokering the LR Group of Apartheid and genocidebeen murdered, the majority possible. Companies deal and as such perpetuatingIsraeliState. ofthemwomenandchildren, It is in this context that itcouldnotsimplybeviewed InApril2024,attheDDL 81,420 have been wounded theDDLpartnershipwiththe as a private business (Continued on page 5)
DPI’s Director is uncaring towards staff
DEAREDITOR, care is not an isolated investigate this matter office.
I am writing to express incident. Many colleagues further and shed light on the I hope that this letter will my concern and frustration have shared sim
DEAREDITOR, applied during the preceding (a) of the Municipal and the municipality as a whole Mayor Mentore has vision for the future, none of Kindly permit me space financial year by March 31 D i s t r i c t C o u n c i l s and bring to the attention of admitted in his letter that the which are evident under to respond to Mayor Alfred each year. Additionally, this (Amendment) Act 2013, the council anything which City’s budget, whenever Mayor Alfred Mentore’s Mentore’s letter in the report must be made which amends the principal would promote such welfare presented, will not reflect leadership. He has admitted Stabroek News dated May available for public legislation, i.e., Chapter or interest; (b) develop and anythingofthesort. asmuch. 31,2024. inspection,withnoticegiven 28:01:“Thegeneraldutiesof evaluate policies and Georgetown residents Sincerely, It is a most predictable tothepublic. the City Councillors shall be programmes for the deserve transparency, Alfonso De Armas letter in which the Mayor, as It is now June, and the to – consider the interest of municipality.” accountability, and a clear PPP/C Councillor he has done throughout his residents of Georgetown are tenure,has soughttoabsolve still to receive an account of himselfofallresponsibility how the City’s funds were He writes that the fault is spent. Most concerning to neitherhisnortheCouncilhe meistheMayor’sstancethat leads but rather the PPP’s. councillors have nothing to This is an absurd stance, to do with budget preparation. be sure Mayor Alfred’s Under Chapter 28:01, the enthusiasm for casting treasurer is responsible for blame and never taking compiling the Council’s ownership of any issue is estimates. For the avoidance largely why our City has ofalldoubt,compileisaverb progressively worsened that means to “produce by underhistenure. assembling information
In his short rant, the collected from other Mayor failed to consider sources.”
Section 155 of Chapter The act further stipulates 28:01, which states that the that the treasurer shall City Council shall no later manage, subject to the than the fifteenth day of instructions of the finance November in every year committee and the cause to be submitted to Council, all funds of the them estimates of the Council Notably, the revenues and expenditures Finance Committee (a for the next financial year standing committee)
The law is pellucid - the City comprises seven membersCouncil, under the sixrepresentingthePNCand leadership of Mayor only one representing the Mentore,hasfailedto“cause PPP Editor, the budget is the to be submitted to them single most important estimates...” strategic policy tool any
Further, Mayor Mentore policymaker has. The City alsofailedtoaddressSection Council’s vision for the City 156, which states that the should be reflected in the City Council must submit a City’s budget. The Mayor’s detailed report of all monies stance is most alarming, received, expended, and especially given Section 8A
From page 4 to the close alignment AGMmeeting,ashareholder betweenthisIsraelicompany askedtheChairman&Board and the Government of of Directors why in the face Israel We urge DDL, to of the Israeli genocide of demonstrate wise judgment, Palestinian people DDL was c o m p a s s i o n , a n d engaging in a partnership transformational leadership with a company with links to by immediately ending this the State of Israel and was misguided partnership with this an ethical way for a the LR Group of Apartheid company to behave in view Israel It is time for a of the overwhelming global radically different way of and local condemnation of doing things. No longer can Israel. profit continue to take
D D L’s C h a i r m a n precedence over human unfortunately was unable to rights and well-being. We give an adequate response invite DDL to join with us and in fact defended its and millions of people partnership with the LR globally who are building a Company saying that new world where ethics, s h a r e h o l d e r s w e r e rights, and justice inform benefitting and the LR leadership,decision-making, C o m p a n y w a s andactions. technologically the best to We also call on all partner with. DDL’s defense Guyanese of conscience to of profits over people and its join with us in boycotting refusal to end its partnership DDL products due to this with the LR Group of partnership Further Companies is most troubling information can be found on as by association it can be BDS Guyana Instagram said to be potentially page. benefitting from the Yours sincerely, genocide of Palestinians due BDS Guyana
y serve as a wake-up call for with the lack of care and experiences of being left employeeslikeme. our director to take a hard support shown by our stranded and unsupported I believe that it is look at their leadership style directoroftheDepartmentof whileonassignments. essential for leaders to and make necessary changes Public Information towards What’s more alarming is prioritize the well-being and to ensure that employees are t h e s t a ff w h i l e o n that this lack of care and success of their employees, supported and cared for assignments. As a dedicated support seems to be a especially when working on duringtheirassignments. employee, I have witnessed deliberate choice, as it assignments outside of the Concerned Staff firsthandthelackofattention appears our director is more and consideration given to focused on his own wellemployees when they are being than on ensuring the working on assignments well-beingandsuccessofhis outsideoftheoffice. employees.
Duringourrecentout-of- This lack of priority has town assignment, I was left resulted in a culture of feeling unattended and burnout, stress, and anxiety unsupported. The director amongmanyemployees. did not even bother to check Weareconstantlyfeeling in on us, leaving us to fend overwhelmed, undervalued, forourselvesinremoteareas. andunappreciated. This lack of attention and I urge someone to
OnMay10,2024,IpaidmylandlineaccountwithGTTvia Scotiabank. GTT acknowledged the payment on 13 May 2024;however,thelineisdisconnected.OnMay21,2024,the agent at GTT’s Giftland Mall location confirmed that my account had a zero balance. I proceeded to show him another messageIreceivedfromGTTonMay13,2024purportingthat IhadaFibreaccountwithanoutstandingbalanceof$5326for April 2024. He made a fault report (04490358), however, to date, my phone is disconnected. Please note that I DO NOT have a Fibre account. Despite the repeated harassment and deception from callers representing GTT, I have no plans to upgradeatthemoment.IamhappywithmyDSLservice. My DSL bill was also acknowledged as paid in full by GTT on May13,2024.Why,then,amIwithouttheuseofmylandline? Regards, Shanomae Rose
DuringarecentopeningoftendersattheNational Procurement and TenderAdministration Board
(NPTAB) office it was revealed that the Ministry of Agriculture through the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) is preparing to spend approximately $269 million to construct three farm-tomarketroadsacrossthecoastland.
The roads will be located at Buxton/ Friendship on the EastCoastDemerara(ECD)whichisestimatedtocost$79.3 million, at La Harmonie on the West Bank of Demerara (WBD) which is estimated to cost $130 million, and at Sparta in Region Three which is estimated to cost $59 million.
Ministry ofAgriculture – National Drainage and IrrigationAuthority (NDIA) Construction of all-weather road at Buxton/ Friendship, East Coast Demerara.
Rehabilitation of farm to market road at La Harmonie, Region Three.
Rehabilitation of farm to market road at Sparta, Essequibo.
NationalAgricultural Research Extension Institute. Supply and delivery and testing of 20 new fogging machines.
Supply and delivery of 1500 pieces farming tools.
Supply and delivery of one complete cassava flour plant for NAREI.
Supply and delivery of one complete poultry feed pellet making line for NAREI.
Construction of timber bridge at La Jalousie East Channel.
Construction of main access bridge at Belle East, Canal No.2, West Bank Demerara, Region 3.
The government of Guyana has accepted a measly US$2B from ExxonMobil and its partners in the Stabroek Block to help this nation to clean up after an oil spill.
As if the sum itself wasn’t already an egregious crime, the terms governing the Guarantee and IndemnityAgreement are no less than a ‘debt sentence’for the country.
The leaders of this great nation are setting the stage for Guyana to once again pick up its begging bowl and ask for a handout should a disaster strike.
In the meantime, the multi-national corporations are enjoying the biggest payday from this country’s oil resources.
Let us pray that these shameful acts against Guyana will someday be punished.
June 1
(Reuters) - Gaza conflict mediatorsonSaturdayurged IsraelandHamastofinalisea ceasefireandhostagerelease deal outlined by U S PresidentJoeBidenthatthey said would bring immediate relief to people in Gaza and to the hostages and their families.
Israel has said there will be no formal end to the war as long as Hamas retains power, raising questions of timing and interpretation over the truce offer, which has been provisionally welcomedbythePalestinian faction.
BidensaidonFridaythat Israel had proposed a deal involvinganinitialsix-week ceasefire with a partial Israeli military withdrawal and the release of some hostageswhile"apermanent end to hostilities" is negotiated through mediators.
The U S , Egypt and Qatar have been seeking for months to mediate an end to thewar,butadealhasproven elusive.
The proposal, Biden said, also "creates a better 'day after' in Gaza without Hamasinpower".Hedidnot elaborate on how that might be achieved. The Iranianbacked Islamist group has given no indication it might step aside or disarm voluntarily
P r i m e M i n i s t e r
Benjamin Netanyahu's office said on Saturday any notion that Israel would agree a permanent ceasefire before "the destruction of Hamas' military and governing capabilities" was "anon-starter".
Two members of his coalition also threatened to withdraw from the governmentifhewentahead with a deal that ended the war without destroying Hamas Hamas said on Fridayitwasreadytoengage "positively and in a constructive manner". But senior official Mahmoud Mardawi told Qatari television it had not yet received details of the proposal.
Israeli Prime Minister
BenjaminNetanyahusaidon Saturday there would not be a permanent ceasefire there untilHamasisdestroyed.
"No agreement can be reached before the demand for the withdrawal of the occupation army and a ceasefire is met," he said. Hamas remains committed toIsrael'sdestruction.
Israel has been willing only to suspend the war in exchange for hostages, saying it would resume the campaign to eliminate the Hamas threat. Hamas wants any deal to entail concrete Israelimovestoendthewar, such as a full troop withdrawal.
A s e n i o r B i d e n administration official, askedaboutapotentialriftin the U S and Israeli viewpoints on the future of Hamas, suggested this may beopentointerpretationand would come down to future Egyptian and Qatari sway overthemovement.
"Ihavenodoubtthatthe dealwillbecharacterisedby Israel and be characterised by Hamas," the official told
"And I think the arrangements and some of the day-after planning, you know, helps ensure that — that Hamas's military capacity to regenerate in a way that can threaten Israel would be very much foreclosed under this arrangement and, I think the president said in his speech, ensuring that Hamas cannot rearm."
ThewarbeganonOct.7 whenHamas-ledPalestinian
Massy Stores Guyana opened its 6thlocationattheGiftlandMall,Lot 1 Plantation, Georgetown on Saturday replacing Giftland's Foodmaxx Supermarket which closeddoorsrecently
Notwithstanding the fact that Foodmaxx Supermarket has been closed,thestaff has beenretainedby Massy
ThenewMassyStorestocksfresh produce, chilled and frozen meat, prepared food and a wide variety of localandforeignitems.
Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, who attended the ribbon cutting exercise, said “The fact that Massy can determine to invest in its sixth store must inform us as Guyanese that Guyana's economy is robustandit'sgoingupandup.”
The Minister said that entrepreneurs only invest in where theyseeopportunityandpotentialfor growth.
“The fact that more stores are opening suggests (that) that more peoplehavemoremoneytospendand therefore it is important.That is why we(theGovernment)comeinsupport for these ventures to help to cut ribbons,”Hamiltonsaid.
Meanwhile, General Manager, RobertSinghsaidthattheopeningof th the 6 location not only marks the beginning of a new venture but the realizationofadreamtorevolutionise shoppinginGuyana.
“As I walk through the aisles of our magnificent supermarket, I couldn'thelpbutbefilledwithjoyat
Minister of Labour Joseph Hamilton (second left), Store Manager Elizabeth Mason (center) and General Manager, Robert Singh (left) along with other representatives of Massy Stores Guyana during t he opening of the company's newest location at the Giftland Mall.
the sight of our shelves stocked with the finest products,” the General Managersaid.
Singh reveled that Massy's commitment goes beyond merely providing goods on shelves. He said the store extends to fostering growth and opportunities within the community.
“Our expansion has not only created numerous job opportunities but also reaffirms our dedication to supporting local products and suppliers, ensuring that the bounty of ourbeautifulGuyanaisshowcasedand celebrateonourshelves,”Singhsaid.
Similarly,StoreManagerElizabeth Masonwaselatedabouttheopeningof theGiftlandMallbranchoftheMassy
fighters rampaged into southern Israel from Gaza, killing more than 1,200 people,mostlycivilians,and seizing more than 250 as hostages,accordingtoIsraeli tallies.
Israel's ground and air campaigninGazahasleftthe territory in ruins, led to widespread starvation, and killed more than 36,000
authorities, who say most of the dead are civilians. More than290Israelisoldiershave been killed since the Gaza invasion.
An Israeli public once solidly behind the war is showing signs of fatigue amidworryforthefateofthe hostages.
Benny Gantz, a centrist ex-general who joined Netanyahu in an emergency coalition, has threatened to bolt next week if the prime minister does not form a Gaza day-after plan with him.But in a possible sign that that could be deferred, Gantz on Saturday voiced appreciation for Biden and called for the Israeli war cabinet to be convened "to decidethenextsteps".
O n We d n e s d a y, Netanyahu's National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbisaidheexpectedthe wartocontinuefortherestof 2024,atleast.
In the United States, Israel's main ally, the extent of civilian suffering in Gaza
has put pressure on Biden, who hopes to win a second presidential term in the Novemberelection.
In his speech on Friday, Biden called on Israel's leadership to resist pressure from those in the country whowantedthewartogoon "indefinitely".
Netanyahu could have a chance to rebut in Washingtonsoon.Hisoffice said he had accepted an invitation to address both houses of Congress by top lawmakers - which would make him the first foreign leader to make such an appearancefourtimes.
Netanyahu said he felt honoured and would use the opportunity to tell "the representatives of the American people and the entire world the truth about our righteous war against those who seek our destruction".
Opposition leader Yair Lapid urged Netanyahu to agree a hostages and ceasefire deal, saying his partywouldsupportitevenif ultranationalist factions in the governing religiousrightist coalition rebelled. Lapid's pledge meant a deal would likely pass in parliament.
"The government of Israel cannot ignore P r e s i d e n t B i d e n ' s consequential speech. There is a deal on the table and it shouldbemade,"Lapidsaid onsocialmedia.
“Today marks a milestone, a momentousoccasionthatfillsmyheart withprideandgratitudeasthemanager ofMassyStoresGiftland,”shesaid.
Mason added, “I am thrilled to stand before you, surrounded by vibrant energy of this bustling establishment. Opening these doors signifies more than just the birth of anotherstore;itrepresentsapromise… apromisetoserveourcommunitywith dedicationintegrityandpassion.”
Massy Stores is a regional supermarket chain with over 50 locations across the Caribbean including, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Lucia,St.VincentandtheGrenadines, andBarbados.
The construction of the Black Bush Polder pump station in Region Six is now e x p e c t e d t o c o s t $754,978,560. The $754M project was awarded on May 30,2024toQualityDeliverer, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) announced onitswebsite.
Quality Deliverer was among 15 contractors who had recently bid for the contractwhichwasestimated tocost$799,729,350.
The contract to construct the pump station and to irrigate the Black Bush Polder Front Lands was retendered due to the termination of the initial contractlastyear
The Ministry of Agriculture had inked a $978.7 million contract with
Yunaz Civil and Building ConstructioninOctober2021 tobuildapumpstationatthe Black Bush Polder Front Lands This project was scheduled to be completed early2023.
However, the project had passed its deadline and the slothfulnessoftheworkswas raised by Opposition MemberofParliament(MP), Ganesh Mahipaul in October 2023. Following the concerns raisedbytheOppositionMP, theMinistryofAgriculturein a letter addressing the issue had announced that the projectwasterminatedbythe NDIAinSeptember2023,for poorqualityandperformance ofworksbeingexecuted.
The tender for a new contractor was issued in February2024.
Jagdeo still does not getit.Hestillfailsto appreciate why he should not be dedicating his weekly party press conference to discussing governmentbusiness.
Jagdeo’s weekly press conferences, ostensibly in his capacity as his party’s General Secretary, have effectively overshadowed
the role of official
g o v e r n m e n t p r e s s conferences. This practice not only muddles the distinction between party and state but also poses the risk of reverting to party paramountcy a scenario fraught with potential for abuse of power and diminished democratic governance.
Bharrat Jagdeo, who served as President of Guyana from 1999 to 2011, is no stranger to the spotlight. His return to a prominent political role as Vice President in the government and as General
SecretaryofthePPPhasseen himonceagaintakingcenter stage His weekly press conferences, held at Freedom House—the PPP’s headquarters—havebecome the de facto platform for discussing government business, policy decisions, andnationalissues. This approach starkly contrasts with the practices o
s administration under former President David Granger
criticism for limited direct press engagements with the entire press corps, the P
ned weekly interactions with select media personnel These interactions, despite beinglabeledas“packaged” engagements by Jagdeo, at leastrepresentedaneffortto m
ar communication channel between the presidency and thepublic. The same cannot be said
for President Irfaan Ali Since President Irfaan Ali assumed office, almost four years ago, the frequency of formal government press conferences has dwindled significantly Ali’s hosting of press conferences can be countedononehand.
In their place, Jagdeo’s weekly briefings have become the primary source of information on government activities. This shift raises several critical
overshadowed by party-led briefings? Does Jagdeo believe he is uniquely qualified to address the media?
Government press conferences provide a structured environment where journalists can questionofficials,holdthem a c c o u n t a b l e , a n d disseminate information to the public These interactions are crucial for a
Frompage3 taxation, including cost recovery
As such, he noted, “The notion of having foreign courts of jurisdiction and arbitration is a slap in the face for sovereign nations, indicating that we are not to be trusted in making such decisions, even though they involve our own property
This is consistent with the way our people and resources have been seen andtreatedforcenturies.”
Tofurtherstrengthenthe process,theexpertnotedthat there are clear rules that
guidetheMinistersdecision. He said, “The point I am making here is that there needstobeaseriesofthings to complete the governance system, beyond laws, regulations and contracts, to include guideline, rules, procedures and so on Trinidad has some but not all.
Themostsignificantgap in T&T is the lack of mechanisms for holding the regulatorstoaccount.”
To this end, Paul said where contracts leave room for ambiguity; clear regulations will close those
gaps. He therefore urged, “So what should happen is that the Minister is the final arbitrator but there must be clear rules guiding him in making his decision and in howhereportstothepeople, who are owners of the resourcehemanagesontheir behalf.”
The specialist explained that oil companies very frequently attempt to force countries into international arbitration, fully cognizant ofthefactthatgovernmentslike those in the Caribbeancannotaffordtheprocess,so avoidit,evenataloss.
Demboysseh,yuhnevergonrunoutta gaffinGuyana.Islikeanationalpastime. DePresidentmeetalilboyinashopan tellhimhowheusedtoeatfiverotiswhen he was de boy’s age. Now, anybody who know ‘bout Guyanese eating habits know dat’salotofrotistoeat,evenfuhamanto eat.
But de lil boy ain’t back down. He seh he does eat twenty egg balls every day Twenty!Well,dePresidentwatchdeboyan seh,“Boy,youisagaffman.”
Butdat’sdebeautyofGuyanesegaff.Is likeafineartform,perfectedovahyearsof bottom house liming and road corner reasoning.
EverybodyinGuyanagotastory From de fisherman in Charity to de market vendor in Bourda, everybody could spin a talesosweet,yuhdon’tevencareifittrue or not. De taxi driver gon tell yuh how he oncegivearidetoaghostindemiddleofde
healthy democracy, fostering an informed citizenry and allowing for thescrutinyofgovernmental actions.
W h e n t h e s e governmental press conferences are replaced by party-led briefings, several problemsarise.First,itblurs the line between party and government, creating a perception that the party apparatus, rather than the elected government, is the primary authority This undermines the notion of a government that serves all citizens, irrespective of politicalaffiliation.
Second, it concentrates
the dissemination of informationinthehandsofa single individual, in this case, Jagdeo This monopolizationcanleadtoa biased presentation of facts, with party interests potentially overshadowing objectivereporting.
The diversity of perspectives that typically emerges from broader g o v e r n m e n t communications can be stifled, leading to a less informed public. Jagdeo’s style has also been c o m b a t i v e a n d confrontational. If anything, he is aggravating the Opposition supporters and making the Opposition stronger by his constant tantrumsagainstit.
The concept of party paramountcy, where the party’s interests are seen as superiortothoseofthestate, is a dangerous precedent. It was a hallmark of the Burnham era in Guyana, leading to widespread abuses of power and suppression of dissent. The current scenario, with Jagdeo’s dominance in
media engagement, raises concern about a possible returntopartyparamountcy Byholdingweeklypress conferences at Freedom House and discussing government business, Jagdeo is effectively centralizing political discourse within the party framework. This approach not only sidelines other government officials but also reinforces the party’s dominance over state functions.
One possible reason for Jagdeo’s dominance in media relations could be his belief in his extensive experience and assumed politicalacumen.
Having served as President for over a decade, his colleagues may view Jagdeo as a seasoned politician with a deep understanding of media dynamics He may be deluding himself into believing that his ability to communicate effectively and manage the narrative is unparalleled within the currentadministration.
H o w e v e r , t h i s centralization of media engagement around Jagdeo is problematic. It suggests a lack of confidence in other governmentofficials’ability to handle the press, which can undermine the broader team’s credibility and cohesion.
To restore a healthy balance between party and g o v e r n m e n t communications, President Irfaan Ali should consider severalsteps.
First, he should consider hosting regular presidential and urging his ministers to hold ministerial press conferences. This practice would ensure that the
government,nottheparty,is seenastheprimarysourceof officialinformation.
Second, a clear distinction should be maintained between party and government functions. Party press conferences should focus on party matters, while government press conferences should addressnationalgovernance issues.
Third, he should consider strengthening institutional channels for communication, such as official g
spokespersons and press officers.
He has the personnel withinthegovernmentthatis quitecapableofdoingso.As part of the strengthening of t h e c h a n n e l s o f communication, he should reconsider a return to the weekly Cabinet Press Briefings which used to be hosted by Dr Roger Luncheon.
A return to regular, official government press conferences, a clear separation between party and governmental comm
communications apparatus is now needed more than ever, and if only to save Jagdeo from himself. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
night,andbydeendofdestory,yuhalmost believeittoo.Debarbergonexplainhowhe nearlycutacelebrity’shair,butdecelebrity chicken out last minute. An yuh sitting there, half a haircut done, waiting for de punchline.
Even in Parliament, dem boys does gaff. One minute dey arguing bout policy, nextminutedehtantalizingeachother
But yuh know what? Dat’s what make weunique.Inaworldfullofstraighttalkers andseriousfaces,wegotdegiftofgaff.We couldmakeyuhlaugh,makeyuhthink,and sometimes,makeyuhscratchyuhheadand wonderwhatjusthappen.
Sonexttimeyuhhearastorydatsound toogoodtobetrue,justremember,itmight just be another masterpiece in de art of Guyanese chit chat. And who knows? Maybeoneday,youyuhselfgonbecomea mastergaffmantoo. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
Today, a week after Guyana observed, some th would say celebrated, its 58 birthday as an independent
country, I have only questions to put before my fellowcitizens.
Thereiszerointentionof provoking controversy The objective is to make us think as patriots, as a supposedly free people, as a polity that determinesitsowncherished destiny Theideaistohaltfor a long second the uninterrupted quarreling, the rowdinessthatnowstainsour conversations, hurts our relationships, drains our neighbourliness to one another
I may not get very far, or advance one inch at all, but there could never be any failureplacedonmyheadfor notdoingmydutytocountry
What do we have as our foremost sacred right (and obligation) when there is a realityhanginglikeamonster overthisnation'sheadthatis
of greater sacred value, as claimed by friends and upheld by those who recommendthemasfriends?
A man next door insists that he has a sacred right to our territory, and most, if not every single Guyanese, are enraged It baffles, therefore,thatthereisnotthe same level of unhappiness and outrage when there are others who are being given thefreestpathwaytodowhat he harbors in his head and plans. Whereisthatsame,if not greater, anger, when partners are doing so via a different format under supposedly unbreachable legalcover?
Wecelebrated58yearsof freedom from the tyranny of the mother country, a monarchandherministersin the government machinery that subjugated colored peopletheworldovertotheir willandfortheirownbenefit. What could be said of the genuineness of our national
Independencewhenourown national destiny is not determined by us, but by others? Why the willing submission to others who stand as the new tyrants of ourtimes?
Ifwecannotlayclaimto every element involved in national self-determination, then what is there left to assert about the selfdetermination that is ostensibly ours on paper? Whatcouldbeseeninadate that has lost its meaning, since it now means nothing? What is the nature of the independenceofthiscountry whenwecannotstretchtoour fullest height and contend to the death, that independence means that we are beholden to no man, no entity, no sanctity, other than what is sacredtous?
That is, what is in our handstodecideforourselves, what we will fight for, and whatwewillneverrelinquish to anyone? If we cannot
determine our own destiny, then what is Guyana, how canitbesaidtobeacountry?
Why should there be surrendering to a foreign instrument that curtails our thinking,hobblesourelected heads, neutralizes our powers, denudes our sovereignty,anddamnsusto decadesofslavery?
How can be term ourselvesasovereignnation, a proud sovereign people, when there is willing yielding,withoutthefiercest struggle, to what ties head and hands and feet into generational captivity?
Have we no shame to back whatweclaimasourrightful standingasmenandwomen, and our place to be among them?
Havewenoself-respect, not one iota of dignity left? Whenwehoistourflagaloft, salute it, do we fail to remember that there is a biggerbannerthatbroadcasts itscontroloverourmindsand
our movements to do something to free ourselves, while we raise the rafters with ringing declarations of howindependentweare?
We have a circumstance thathollowsoutoursupreme lawmakingbody,thenational Assembly of the Guyanese people, into an irrelevance, so of what value is it to us?
When there is a document that renders any law that is made by our legislators that dares to tamper with what is sacrosanct to others, to no law,thenwhyevenhavesuch abody?
Why maintain this charade about independence andhavingthefullestcontrol ofthequalityandurgencyof Guyana'sdestiny? Why,my fellow citizens, when on the matter that is of the most superior contribution to whether we rise, or stay where we are, as a people, is beyondourcontrol?
When I am subject to the dictates of another man, and whatever his manipulations are, then how I can claim freedom? When my seniors kneel to the commands of others, then how can I still say that there are no conquerorsinourmidst?
How we yield! How we bankrupt national dreams, individualhopes!Howthose ofourowninwhomsomuch have been placed in their hands, have lost the will and theskilltoleadthechargefor hopefulGuyanese! Then the last question that I ask is where are the patriots, and who are our warriors for this biggest of fights,thisnoblestofcauses? IfthatisIndependence,thenI shall bow to dependence. If what we have is national liberty,thenIscornit. If this is what is held as the imperative of national self-determination, then gift ittosomeoneelse.
And if the lot of this make-believe independent country is for a destiny imposed on it by enslavers, then it is better to fall from being struck from my feet than live on my knees with this disgrace Guyanese shouldtakeagood,longlook atthemselves.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
When every farcical excuse is made to justify subservience to what harnesses this nation, then how can we say that no foreign colossus controlsourexistence?
A50-year-old vagrant was killed early Saturdaymorningafterhe allegedly walked into the path of a vehicle on New Road, Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara (ECD).
The vagrant has been identified as Barrat Persaud.
Reports are that the accidentoccurredatabout 01:30h and involved 45year-old Jermaine Wallerson who was driving a hire car, owned by Zaman Alladin, and Persaud.
Investigations revealed that the car was proceedingwestalongthe southern side of New Road, Vreed-en-Hoop when the driver alleged
that the pedestrian, who was standing on the southern edge of the road, suddenly walked across (from North to South) intothepathofhisvehicle.
Wallerson reportedly told police that the left front side of thecarhitPersaudcausinghim to fall onto the road He receivedinjuriestohisheadand about his body Public-spirited persons transported the unconscious man to the West Demerara Regional Hospital, wherehewaspronounceddead onarrival. “Abreathalyzertest was conducted on the driver, and no trace of alcohol was found on his breath,” police stated. Persaud's body is at the Ezekiel Funeral Home, awaiting a post-mortem examination.
Wallerson remains in custody, assisting with the investigation.
the Stabroek Block, holds a 45%
theoffshoreproductionfacilities. policies aligning with broader interest, while Hess Guyana
TheProjectDocumentsuggests national development goals. “It is Sunday ExplorationLtd.holds30%interest “this will include but is not limited good to do social services, but you and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana toshorebases,warehouses,storage can’t rob the treasury of taxes and ExxonMobil and partners Limitedholds25%interest. and pipe yards, fabrication believe that your small social set stringent conditions Each Co-Vent
facilities, fuel supply facilities, and service will compensate for for Guyana to access contributed to the US$2B waste management facilities in robbingthetreasuryoftaxes…”the US$2B oil spill guarantee guar
Guyana. Helicopters and supply headofstatesaid.
…country will have to first participating interest in the boatswillalsobeneededtosupport Moreover, Ali also highlighted write each guarantor detailing StabroekBlock. theProject.” thepotentialbenefitsofinvestingin ‘legal basis’to access sum J a m e s t o w n I n s
It said that at peak, EEPGLwill sectors eligible for tax write-offs Company Limited is the Guarantor utilise approximately 1,200 and incentives, particularly in Before the Government of forHess;whileCNOOCLimited,a personnel offshore during the stage agriculture and eco-tourism Guyana (GoG) touches a penny company organized in Hong Kong where the wells are being drilled According to the Guyana Revenue from the US$2B oil spill guarantee and Exxon Equity Holding and the offshore oil production Authority (GRA), companies providedbyExxonMobil,Hessand Company is the Guarantor for facilities are being installed. This engaged in both commercial and CNOOC, the country will first be CNOOCandExxon,respectively number will decrease to less than non-commercial activities are required to write each of the three Appeal Court Judge, Justice 200 personnel during the taxed at dual-rates as follows: 25% guarantors informing of the Rishi Persaud had ordered production phase and a smaller for the non-commercial activity of company’s failure to meet its legal ExxonMobil Guyana to lodge a number of personnel will be the company and 40% of the financialobligations.
US$2B parent and/or affiliate utilised at the onshore support commercialactivity
The Guarantee and Indemnity company guarantee as a condition facilities. PresidentAli calls on corporate Agreement lodged by the Stabroek to a stay of execution granted on a
barrelsperday,andproducedwater Block partners on June 9, 2023 lower court’s order That order, ranks of multiple other players time when ExxonMobil Guyana capacityof300,000barrelsperday makes it explicit, “In order for the originally issued by High Court working on the FPSO, including Limited (EMGL) and its Stabroek
Recently, Seatrium joined the bodies to pay their taxes comes at a
The vessel is expected to be Beneficiary (GoG) to exercise its Judge, Justice Sandil Kissoon Jumbo Offshore Installation Block partners enjoy a tax-free ride deliveredtoExxonMobilin2026. rights under this Guarantee and called for an unlimited parent Contractors, SOFEC, ABB, TMC inGuyana.KaieteurNewsreported
TheJapaneseplayerhasalready Indemnity Agreement, the company guarantee to be provided Compressors,andMikoMarine. thatinthefirstthreemonthsof2024 hired several players for work on Beneficiary must provide to the to the EPA by June 10 or the Liza MODEC is working on several ExxonMobil forked out US$11B in theFPSOErreaWittu. Guarantor at the Guarantor’s PhaseOneProjectPermitwouldbe other FPSO projects. Earlier this income taxes for its global
Formally titled the Uaru address stated in Section 4 4, suspended. year, the firm cheered the first steel operations but none was paid to Development Project (Uaru), written notice, signed by an fabrication milestone for an FPSO Guyana. ExxonMobil Corporation
EEPGL is proposing to develop its authorized representative of ExxonM’s 5th Production Ship destined to work on an Equinor- (XOM) in its first quarter report for fifth of 10 planned oil production Beneficiary (the “Notice”), of progressing ahead of schedule operated pre-salt gas and 2024 details “total taxes were facilities offshore Guyana in the EEPGL’s Default of the condensate project off the coast of US$11.0 billion, a decrease of StabroekBlockalone. EnvironmentalObligation…” Japanese floating, production, Brazil. US$2.1 billion from 2023.”The oil
The company also holds
The notice to the guarantor storage and offloading (FPSO) giant explained that income tax controlling interests in a number of must detail the environmental operator MODEC has announced a Monday expense was US$3 8 billion other offshore blocks for which obligation(s) that is (are) purported new milestone by completing the compared to US$5.0 billion in the exploration wells are planned this to have been defaulted on, keellayingfortheconstructionofa Pres.Ali calls on Guyanese prior year “The effective income year including on the Canje and includingthelegalbasis givingrise floating FPSO hull, which is businesses to pay taxes tax rate, which is calculated based KaieteurBlocks. to the environmental obligation (s) destined for ExxonMobil’s fifth oil …but giving away on consolidated company income
This fifth development is to be in question; how Exxon failed to development in the Stabroek block
US billions to ExxonM taxes and Exxonmobil’s share of located in the eastern portion of the s a t i s f y t h e a p p l i c a b l e offshoreGuyana. equity company income taxes, was Stabroek Block; approximately Environmental Obligation(s) and A ceremony to mark the
Addressing the members of 36 percent.This increased from the 200km from Georgetown with the unpaid amount for which the beginning of construction for the Guyana’s Private Sector 34 percent rate in the prior year production from Uaru Project companyisliablefor. FPSO Errea Wittu was held on Commission (PSC) last week, period due primarily to a change in expected to last approximately 20 Additionally, the government February 2, 2024. The FPSO unit President Irfaan Ali underscored amixofresultsinjurisdictionswith to30years. under the agreement must also will be situated on ExxonMobil’s the importance of local businesses varying tax rates,” the company It is envisaged that EEPGLwill notify the guarantor that the oil $12 7 billion Uaru project, fulfilling their corporate tax pointedout. drill between 40 to 76 wells companies have been advised of its sanctionedinApril2023. obligations, saying this was a In the meantime, it was noted offshoretosupportextractionofthe intenttodrawtheguarantee.
Offshore Frontier Solutions, a crucial aspect of national that total other taxes and duties oilfrombelowtheseafloor. Subsequently, “payment of any MODEC Group company, is in responsibility decreased by US$0.9 billion to Eachwellwillbedrilledusinga undisputedportionoftheamountin charge of the engineering,
Speaking at the body’s 32nd US$7.2 billion. Guyana has been drillship and EEPGL will install default” shall then be made by the procurement, and construction
Annual General Meeting at the the driving force of the record someoftheoilproductionfacilities guarantor within 30 days after (EPC) work for the vessel based on
Marriott Hotel in Georgetown, profits registered by ExxonMobil, on the sea floor at approximately receiving the notice from itsM350newbuildhull.According President Ali also spoke about the but due to the lopsided Production 1,450to1,950mwaterdepth. government. This means that the totheJapanesefirm,thekeellaying significance of private sector SharingAgreement(PSA)itsigned
The FPSO will be moored on guarantor must be satisfied that the for the construction of the FPSO contributions to the country’s in 2016 with the Government of location in approximately 1,690m claim made by the government has Errea Wittu hull has been carried development. He then encouraged Guyana (GoG), the company and of water depth and will remain on a legal basis for the oil spill outfiveweeksaheadofschedule. the private sector to take proactive its sub-contractors are exempted location throughout the production compensationtobereleased. “This performance milestone measures, calling for a nationwide fromtaxpayments. stage, according to EEPGL, which Consequently, “Any dispute as demonstrates the dedication and effort to educate businesses about In fact, the oil deal provides for will have the peak capacity to to the Amount in Default, collaboration of the teams their tax responsibilities He taxes owed by the company to be produce up to approximately regardlessoftheamountindispute, involved In addition to this outlinedthattaxcomplianceshould paid by Guyana. The PSA states at 220,000 barrels to 275,000 barrels will be resolved by reference to an achievement, we take pride in not solely be viewed as the Article 15.1 that the Contractor of oil per day Processed oil will be expedited arbitration…in the event maintaining a strong safety record government’s duty but also as an (ExxonMobil Guyana Limited) as stored in cargo tanks inside the any arbitral award holds that the with zero lost time injuries (LTI) obligation for responsible well as its affiliates shall not be FPSO hull which have the capacity EEPGL is liable for the disputed and ensuring the engineering corporate citizenship Ali said: subjected to tax, value-added tax, to hold approximately two million portion of the Amount in Default, progresses according to the
“The private sector must launch a excise tax, duty, fee, charge or barrelsofoil. Guarantor shall pay within fifteen schedule This reflects our national campaign on educating impostinrespectofincomederived
It was noted that during peak (15) days of the award being unwavering commitment to
[its] membership on the from petroleum operations, production, approximately every received by the parties, such providing a safe and efficient work responsibility of paying their taxes. propertyheldortransactionsexcept four days, the oil will be pumped amount that was disputed plus environment,”explainedMODEC. It is not only the government’s asspecifiedundertheagreement. fromtheFPSOtoaconventionaloil interest at the Agreed Interest Rate With a topside designed to responsibility As responsible ItgoesontostateatArticle15.4 tanker,whichisowned/operatedby specified in the Petroleum produce approximately 250,000 corporate citizens, you have to pay that the sum equivalent to the taxes thirdparties. Agreement, not to exceed, in the barrels of oil per day, the FPSO taxes.” owed by the company will be paid
According to the company, aggregate with any other amount ErreaWittu will have an associated
While acknowledging the by the Minister responsible for EEPGLwillutiliseonshoresupport paid hereunder, the Maximum gas treatment capacity of 540 private sector’s role in social Petroleum to the Commissioner facilities to support drilling the Amount.” million cubic feet per day, a water responsibility initiatives, President GeneraloftheGuyanaRevenue wells, installing the offshore ExxonMobil, the operator of injection capacity of 350,000 Ali highlighted the necessity for (Continued on page 13) production facilities, and operating
From page 12 partners and operators because the block titled D2. Companies that Guyana was safe from liabilities Authority (GRA) Notably, the original submission, they couldn’t willbeawardedthenewblockswill associated with a spill The GoG also agreed to issue a receipt conclude those, so unless those also have to agree to a new fiscal company had called the media to ExxonMobil, indicating that it issues are dealt with beforehand in regimethatrequiresthepaymentof shortlyaftertheHighCourtordered has met the local tax requirements the negotiations, it’s not gonna go a 10 percent royalty and a 10 an unlimited parent company to avoid the burden of double to Cabinet to make the final thing, percent corporate tax. The cost guarantee to protect this country taxation. onlywhenwearesurethenwetake recovery ceiling will be capped at from the financial burdens of a
Article 15.5 of the contract it to the Cabinet and the one that 65 percent in a given year, while spill.At that time, he pointed to the states, “Within one hundred and went to the Cabinet was the one profits will be shared 50/50 company’s insurance policy, a eighty(180)daysfollowingtheend withQatar…” betweencompaniesandthestate.In US$600M coverage per event, and of each year of assessment, the The Vice President said he the meantime, Guyana’s oil-rich the US$2B guarantee which was MinistershallfurnishtoContractor could not say at what stage the oil Stabroek Block, operated by beingdiscussed. proper tax certificates in company was with regards to the ExxonMobil,requiresameagre2% It was reported that the official Contractor’s name from the routine process and asked that royalty, no taxes, 75% cost also went on to note that the Commissioner General, Guyana further questions be directed to the recovery ceiling each month which companywouldthentapitsGuyana Revenue Authority evidencing the Minister of Natural Resources, leaves 25% of profit to be shared assets which were valued at around payment of the Contractor’s VickramBharrat. with Guyana. Stakeholders had US$19B. income tax under the Income Tax Guyana’s maiden auction warned that the terms of the Exxon “We
Act and corporation tax under the launched in December 2022 deal could deter investment since obligation as the operator and the Corporation Tax Act Such featured 14 blocks but only eight the new PSA now requires greater investor in the Stabroek Block to certificatesshallstatetheamountof received bids Previously, VP fiscal benefits for the country This however have been cast aside with prevent incidents from happening, tax paid individually on behalf of Jagdeo explained that Cabinet led to calls for new projects in the the US$2B oil spill Guarantee and do everything we can and to Contractor or parties comprising approved several companies to be Stabroek Block to be subjected to Indemnity Agreement superseding mitigate those and if we have to, theContractorandotherparticulars awarded various blocks these terms; however, the all oral statements and prior thenwebearthecostofcleanupand customaryforsuchcertificates.”
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, government remains adamant that writings. In fact, the agreement, any liabilities that go with A legal suit brought against Hess New Ventures Exploration seeking greater benefits could slow entered into by the Executive
these abusive tax giveaways by the Limited, and CNOOC Petroleum the pace of development and chase Director of the Environmental commitmentistofirstpreventthese Publisher of this newspaper, Mr Guyana Limited was approved for investors. Protection Agency (EPA), Kemraj from happening,” Routledge Glenn Lall was unsuccessful as the shallowwaterblock–S8. Parsram,explicitlyoutlinesUS$2B explained. Court dismissed the case in Out of Nigeria, International Tuesday as the maximum amount to be At a number of its scoping February2023. Group Investment Inc. was found provided by the Stabroek Block meetings for new oil projects, the Since oil production activities eligible for two shallow water US$2B oil spill guarantee partnerscollectively companyalsofacedquestionsfrom commenced in 2019, Guyana has concessions S5 and S10 An exposes Exxon’s ‘promise’ According to the document, the public on the safety of its lost US$2,841,000,000 in taxes to A m e r i c a n a n d G h a n i a n to compensate for all “This Guarantee and Indemnity operations and the economic oil and gas companies. Kaieteur partnership, Liberty Petroleum damages …as agreement Agreement constitutes the entire impactofsuchanevent. News reported that tax exemptions Corporation and Cybele Energy supersedes all oral statements, agreementandunderstandingofthe Exxon’s response has always granted between 2019 and 2021, Limited, was approved for shallow previous writings parties with respect to the subject been that the company will not according to previous AG Reports, water block S7 Delcorp matter and supersedes all oral walk away from Guyana but would amount to a whopping US$2.3 Incorporated, a Guyanese
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited statements and prior writings with handle the associated damage billion In 2019, Guyana lost company, in collaboration with (EMGL) often touts its capacity to respect thereto; provided that for caused, as well as compensate for US$600 million in taxes and in W a t a d E n e r g y a n d take care of an oil spill in the event certainty it is acknowledged by the losses. 2020 another US$685 million; this Communications Ltd and Arabian such a disaster occurs in the 26,800 Beneficiary and the Guarantor that was followed by US$1B in tax Drilling Company was approved square kilometers Stabroek Block. this Guarantee and Indemnity Court yet to set date exemptions in 2021 and US$541 fordeepwaterblocktitled—D1. Thecompany,wheneverfacedwith Agreement is not intended to and for hearing of appeal to million in 2022. Information on tax Meanwhile, a consortium led questions about the cost of an oil does not amend any term or quash Exxon’s gas waivers for 2023 has not yet been by four African-Guyanese women spill, previously assured that it will provision of the Petroleum pipeline 6 months later… madepublic. also secured two pivotal oil blocks notwalkawayfromthecountrybut Agreement.” in Guyana’s debut auction. Sispro will handle associated cleanup and President of EMGL, Alistair TheCourtofAppealisyettoset Govt. seals oil block Inc., was awarded a shallow water compensation.
Routledge during a May 19, 2023 a date for the hearing of an appeal deal with Qatari group block called S3 and a deepwater The assurances provided press conference explained that filed by Elizabeth Hughes and …negotiations with other Vanda Radzik on the High Court bidders still ongoing- Jagdeo decision not to quash the Environmental Permit granted to The Government of Guyana ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (GoG)hasapprovedonebidtodate (EMGL) for the 12- inch pipeline from its maiden oil blocks auction. thatwillbeusedtotransportnatural Block S4, a shallow water portion, gas for the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) has been awarded to TotalEnergies projectsinceNovember15,2023. EPGuyanaB.V inconsortiumwith On October 5, 2023 Justice Qatar Energy International E&P Priya Sewnarine-Beharry in a 24LLC and Petronas E&P Overseas page ruling, determined that the SDNBHD. Environmental Protection Agency
Thiswasrecentlyannouncedby (EPA) acted ‘contrary to the law’ Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and ‘improper’, by granting a during his weekly media Permit to EMGL – formerly Esso engagement. The former Head of Exploration and Production State explained, “That has cleared Guyana Limited. Even though she theCabinetalreadyandit’smoving flagged the improper decision forward…most of the others, they made by the EPA, the High Court are still in discussion on the PSA Judge determined that the reliefs (Production Sharing Agreement) sought by theApplicantswould not because a lot of them have either begranted. issues with the PSA, the legal
The Judge stated that judicial terms.” review is not concerned with Jagdeo reminded that the fiscal vindicationinthepublicsphereand terms of the new oil contract were was never intended to be a sword simply non-negotiable; however, for satisfaction but rather a shield biddershavealsocomplainedabout against excesses of public the other obligations being too functionaries. “rigid”. On the other hand, he
ApplicantsVandaRadzikand noted, “Some are still looking for (Continued on page 53)
he Caribbean
Examinations Council (CXC) is scheduled to host a meeting with the Ministers of Education across the Region thisweektoaddressconcerns about syllabus suspension. This announcement was made via the organization's websiteinapressstatement.
“ T h e C a r i b b e a n Examinations Council (CXC) is aware of the
concerns being expressed by our valued stakeholders, based on the premature release of correspondence addressedtotheMinistriesof Education concerning syllabus suspension This
situation is regrettable and understandably would have caused anxiety among our keystakeholdergroups.”
Themeetingisscheduled forJune4,2024.
CXC announced that in
order for it to address the concerns of its key stakeholders,themeetinghas beenscheduled.
“In order to address the matter,CXChasscheduleda meetingwiththeMinistersof Educationandwillprovidea full update to the public, through a press release, thereafter CXC® assures our valued stakeholders that the requisite actions will be taken in the best interest of all.”
CXChadannouncedthat comeSeptember2025,itwill be suspending four subjects at both the CAPE and CXC levels due to a notable decline in student engagement.
According to an article carried by Loop Caribbean News, the subjects are Agricultural Science Double Award, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Green Engineering and Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
Articles have surfaced overthepastweekinrelation to a number of Education Ministers across the Caribbean bemoaning the decision by CXC without havingtalksfirst.
Kaieteur News made contact with Minister of E d u c a t i o n P r i y a Manickchand on the issue
Remanded: Pysiffia Boodram
andshesaidthat,“Guyanais talking to CXC separately We believe the subjects suspended are important to our trajectory and we are having discussions with them.”
Meanwhile, in a recent article published by the Antigua Observer, Antiguan MinisterofEducationDarryl Matthew voiced his displeasure with the Caribbean Examination Council's handling of issues impactingtheregion.
“CXCreallyhasnotbeen dealing with its stakeholders properly,” Matthew said in responsetoastatementfrom the CXC about its plan to meet with Ministries of Education on June 4, regarding the decision to suspendcertainsubjects.
“I have to admit, I was verydisturbedandalittlebit stunnedwhenIreadthepress release coming out from the CXC indicating that they'll bemeetingwithMinistersof Educationnextweek.
You know, I felt that it wouldhavebeenmuchmore appropriate to meet with the Ministers and other stakeholders before taking a decision to withdraw the offering of some of the subjectsthattheyindicateda few weeks ago,” Matthew stated.
A25-year-oldteacherwas remandedonFridaytoprison for possession of narcotics when she appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court.
The teacher, Pysiffia Boodram, a mother of two who resides at Lot 4 Public Road, Ruimveldt appeared before Senior Magistrate Leron Daly to answer Possession of Narcotics for the purpose of trafficking charge contrary to Section 5 (1)(a)(i)oftheNarcoticDrug and Psychotropic Substance (Control)ActChapter10:10.
According to a statement issued by police, on May 29, 2024, the woman was informed by police that they had received information about narcotics being stored at the said location and
requested to search the premises.
During the search, a bedroom on the upper floor, which was secured by a padlock was discovered. The woman was asked to open it, after which it was searched. Police found 11 transparent Ziploc bags containing a quantityofleaves,seeds,and stems suspected to be cannabis amounting to 3015 grams The woman was informed of the alleged offence, cautioned, and arrested. Meanwhile, Boodram's attorney told the court that his client has two children aged 6 months and oneyear.Notwithstandingthe lawyer's pleadings, bail was denied.Boodramisscheduled to return to court on June 28, 2024.
The multi-million-dollar expensesrackedupbyAmericanoil major, ExxonMobil between the period 2018 and 2020 are not included in the second audit report, completed by the local consortium, VHEConsulting
This glaring observation is evidenttoanyonewhohasanalyzed thedocumentwhichdelvedintothe company’s US$7 3B spending, billed to Guyana The key data missing from the audit report is however detailed in the first report done by an international firm, IHS Markit That firm was hired by the Coalition government to audit the company’s 1999-2017 expenses whichtotaledUS$16B
Both reports are now available on the Ministry of Natural Resources website See link a t t a c h e d : https://nregovgy/2024/04/12/vhesinitial-audit-report-for-thestabroek-block-cost-recoveryaudit-2018-to-2020/ and https://nre govgy/2024/04/11/ihsmarkit-final-audit-report-for-thestabroek-block-cost-recoveryaudit-1999-2017/
A comparison between the two documents reveals that contracts awardedformajorexpensessuchas
chemicals used in the operations; costs associated with the rental of supplyvesselsanddrillrigs;subsea umbilical, risers and flowlines (SURF); helicopter charges; laboratorycostsandwastetreatment managementamongothershavenot been included in the report completedbythelocalconsortium
Financial Analyst and Certified Accountant, Floyd Haynes while appearing on Kaieteur Radio was questionedaboutsuchcostsbutsaid while the team reviewed those numbers, he was not allowed to revealtheinformation
He explained, “I haven’t been toldbymyclienttodiscussthistype ofstuffsoIwanttorespecttheclient Oncetheyaskmetospeakonit,I’d be happy to provide (the information)”
Haynes noted that, “We have detailed schedules of all of those things What I can tell you is that those were some areas that we lookedatkeenly-drilling,mud,all those types (expenses), helicopters and we benchmarked them against industrystandards”
It must be noted that the first auditreportprovidesreaderswitha clear understanding of the company’s operations during the
review period For instance, the auditors explained that during the audit period, there were 10 exploration/appraisalwellsspudded and drilled in the Stabroek Area Drilling related costs recorded against these 10 wells account for US$903 million A table is also includedwithdetailsoftherigsused for the drilling operations at the exactwells-(seepage34ofreport). Nosuchinformationisincludedin thesecondreport.
Notably, the IHS audit also presents the list of contracts reviewed by the audit team; again, the second report does not contain
WithregardstoSURFplans,the first audit report provided an overviewofananalysisdoneforthe LizaDevelopmentPlan(seepage43 ofreport)anddetailsthecostofthe infrastructure and related services; again, such information is not reflectedinthesecondreport
As it relates to drillship costs, ExxonMobil was flagged by the British audit firm (see page 49 of report)forsingle-sourcingtheDeepWater Champion drillship which was contracted from Triton / Transocean at a day rate of $707,620/day; with total contract spend amounting to $87 million Meanwhile,thereisnoindicationof rates,whichGuyanawaschargedfor therentalofdrillshipsfortheperiod 2018-2020
In light of the blackout of information in the second audit report, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo was asked during his Thursdaypressconferencetoclarify whether the full report has been madepublic
The Chief Policymaker for the petroleumsectorhoweverinformed that he has not reviewed the documentforhimselfandcouldnot say Heexplained,“Iaskedthemto
publishtheauditreport Itshouldbe theauditreportasreceivedfromthe auditors, that’s the report so that would be the report they would publish, as received from the auditors I have not checked it personallybutIaskedthemtopostit and they have posted it so that shouldbethereport.”
The lack of such information in thereportraisesseriousdoubtsabout the government’s commitment to transparency in the management of theoilsectorandfurtherunderscores the need for an independent petroleum commission to be appointed Moreover, it leaves the Guyanese public in the dark regardingtheuseofthecountry’soil resources at a time when the nation continuestoprotestforafairershare ofitsprofits
Former President of Guyana, DonaldRamotaronSaturdayduring a rally to free Palestine from Israeli oppression said that American President, Joe Biden and his SecretaryofState,AnthonyBlinken are equally responsible for the ongoinggenocideinGaza.
“ They too should be in the court docks for the genocide that is taking place there”, Ramotar said whilestandingontheKittySeawalls.
The former Guyanese president wasoneofthespeakersofatacarand bikerallytofreePalestineorganized bytheGuyanaSolidarityMovement with Palestine dubbed “Wheels of Solidarity”.Theeventwasnotonly heldinGuyanabutinotherpartsof theworld.
Guyanese draped their vehicles with the Palestinian flag and assembled at the Cuffy Square at approximately14:00hrs
Consistent rainfall did not deter the group from participating in the minirally
One of the organizers told the participants that they must think of thechildren,menandwomenbeing
brutally killed in Palestine as their ownrelatives.
Shortly thereafter, the group drove down Brickdam to Republic Avenue and drove to Seawall Bandstand in the vicinity of the Pegasus hotel before heading towards the Kitty Roundabout whereitpausedforsometime.
At the Kitty Roundabout area, former President Ramotar took the microphone and stood on the Kitty Seawalls and urged all Guyanese to jointhegroupinacryforjusticeand immediateceasefireinGaza.
Hesaidthefightisnotjustforthe people of Palestine but for all humanity
“This is not only Israel that we mustcondemn;theywouldnothave succeededwithoutthebackingofthe UnitedStatesofAmerica”,hesaid.
the motorcade like procession continued towards MovieTowne whereitended
Guyanesehavebeenrallyingand conductingprotestsinsolidaritywith the people of Palestine since the Israeliattacksstarted Meanwhile, as worldwide protests continue for an end to the ongoing war, Israel on Friday confirmed its troops were operating in central parts of Rafah.Around 1 million Palestinians — almost half of Gaza’s population — have left Rafah, and the U.N. World Food Program has called living conditions “horrific and apocalyptic”ashungergrows.
To date more than 36,370 PalestinianshavebeenkilledinGaza byIsrael’soffensiveandthenumber includesmenwomenandchildren
Withasuccessful careerasaMakeupArtist(MUA)spanningovera decade,thisweek’sbelle,ReneéChesterhasproventobeaforcetobe reckonedwith.ReneeistheownerofthemakeupbrandBROMELIAD.rnc,andisa celebratedMUAwithanumberofaccoladesunderherbelt. Reneéisknownforherworkinthe Caribbeanbutinherhomeland,Guyana,shehasearnedthetitle“TheMotherofMakeup”Reneéhastrained overonethousandstudentsinthefieldofMakeupartistry.Manyofwhichwentontobecomesuccessful MUAsinandoutofGuyana. TheBromeliadownercontinuestoleadthechargeandensureMUAsand MakeupenthusiastsalwayshavetheirMakeupneedsmet.Shecreditshersuccesstokindness, humility,strategicalignmentandstayingadaptivetoagrowthmind.
Cigarette smoking causes brain The research team, led by one pack or 20 cigarettes daily decline. shrinkageandthemoreandlongera senior author Dr Laura J. Bierut,
Theirbrainscanswerecompared Dr Bierut pointed out that person smokes, the greater the director of Washingtson to people who never smoked or decreased brain volume is damage is, according to a new University of Medicine’s Health
smoked fewer than 100 associated with aging. “In other study Loss in brain volume raises & Behavior Research Center, cigarettes. Those who smoked words, people who smoke have an the risk of cognitive decline, aimed to fill a gap in the current more experienced a greater level ‘older’brain,”shesaid. dementia,andAlzheimer’sdisease. understanding of the harmful ofbrainshrinkage. Smoking causes Smoking cessation can help stop effectsofsmoking.
Why does brain shrinkage brain damage brain shrinkage, but it cannot be The study’s findings were leadtocognitivedecline? Dr Bierut explained that when reversed The study authors recently published in Biological
Dr. Dung Trinh of the you smoke, you ingest many toxic recommend that anyone at any age Psychiatry: Global Open Healthy Brain Clinic in Long chemicals. She added that people who smokes should prioritize Science. Beach, CA, told Medical News who smoke have chronically lower quitting. Smoking raises Today: “Brain shrinkage, or oxygenlevelsintheirblood.
Cigarette smoking causes the dementia risk atrophy, involves the loss of “The brain loves oxygen, and brain to shrink, according to a new Previous has indicated that neurons and the connections these chronic levels of lower study from researchers at smokers are more likely to between them.” Dr Trinh was oxygen are slowly starving the Washington University School of develop dementia. It’s estimated notinvolvedinthestudy brain,”Dr Bierutsaid. MedicineinSt.Louis,MOUSA that 14% of Alzheimer’s cases
“This loss can impair the Dr Trinh listed various ways in Brain shrinkage is also maybeattributedtosmoking. brain’s ability to function which smoking can harm the brain. associated with an increased risk of Investigating the connection correctly,”Dr Trinhsaid. He said vascular damage can cognitive impairment, dementia, between brain shrinkage and genetics may lead to smoking but Dr Trinh noted that in reduce blood flow to the brain, andAlzheimer’sdisease(AD). cigarette smoking requires that smoking significantly drives conditions such as Alzheimer’s resultingincelldeathandatrophy The study’s results show that untangling behavioral and genetic brainshrinkage. disease and dementia in general, Dr Trinh cited the oxidative quitting smoking at any time factors.
The study analyzes data certain critical areas shrink, stress and inflammatory effects stopped further gray matter loss. Brain shrinkage and a desire to released in 2019 from the UK resultinginalossoffunction. associated with smoking, saying, However, the brain does not smoke can both be influenced by Biobank It included 32,094 “ F o r e x a m p l e , t h e “Theseprocessescandamagebrain recover its original mass once one’s genes — the authors say that participants of European descent, hippocampus, crucial for memory cellsandthesupportingstructures.” shrinkageoccurs. about half of one’s preference for along with their brain-imaging formation, often shows significant Some chemicals in cigarettes
It has long been known that smokingisduetogenetics. data Participants self-reported atrophyinAlzheimer’sdisease,”he are neurotoxic and capable of smokingisharmfultothelungsand The researchers considered theirsmoking. noted. directlydamagingbraincells. heart, though not as much research factors like genetic predisposition
Researchers calculated the Such atrophy can inhibit “Smoking affects the levels of has been dedicated to its effect on to smoking, smoking, and brain number of smoking years for communication between different variousneurotransmittersinthe thebrain. volume They concluded that individuals who reported smoking brainregions,resultingincognitive (Continued on page 42)
In the ongoing discourse on international relations andhumanrights,oneofthe most enduring and complex issues is the IsraeliPalestinianconflict.
Recent developments indicate a shift in the international stance towards this issue, particularly regarding the recognition of statehoodforPalestine.
This evolution in policy underscores the global community’s attempt to foster a balanced approach towards achieving a twostate solution—a vision that has eluded numerous peacemakersovertheyears.
Historically, the majority of the world’s nations have recognized Israel as a sovereign state since its establishment in 1 9 4 8 H o w e v e r, recognition of Palestinian statehood has been contentious and uneven, w i t h s i g n i f i c a n t geopolitical implications Now, as of May 2024, 146 countries have officially recognized the State of Palestine.
The stance of powerful nations, particularly those in the West such as the United States (US), the United Kingdom, Canada, and key European Union members like Germany and France, has often been influenced by their own political and strategic interests
These countries have historically aligned with Israel,oftencitingtheneed for any recognition of Palestinian statehood to come through direct negotiations between the partiesinvolved
This approach, while pragmatic in its aim to ensure peace through mutualagreement,hasalso been criticized for perpetuating an imbalance in negotiating power, which in turn has affected
t h e d y n a m i c s o f international diplomacy concerningthisissue
Recent statements from leaderslikeFrenchPresident
Emmanuel Macron, who expressed openness to recognizing Palestinian statehood at a “useful moment,”signifyapotential shift in this longstanding policy framework Such developments are vital as they highlight a growing recognitionoftheneedfora more equitable approach in addressingthisconflict.
The recognition of Palestine as a state is not merelyasymbolicgesture.It has profound implications for the rights of Palestinians in international law, their ability to engage in diplomacy, bargain in trade and investment, and pursue legal actions internationally in protection of their territoryandautonomy
This move could pave the way for more balanced negotiations, potentially leading to a sustainable peaceagreement.
However, the path to peace is fraught with challenges Recent escalations in violence and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza have underscored the dire consequences of prolongedconflict.
Statements from global leaders and actions by countries in recognizing Palestine reflect an urgency to address these issues comprehensively Israel’ssecurityconcerns and the historical context of its geopolitical stance must also be acknowledged However, the Israeli government’s actions, often described as measures for national security, have significantrepercussionsfor thepeaceprocessbecausein Gaza they have crossed the line,intheviewofmany,that demarcateslegitimateaction in defence of national security
The actions of the Israel army in Gaza, acting on the instructions of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has brought the accusation of genocide into sharp focus. In a powerful essay in the New York Review of Books, Aryeh Neier, quotes the historian,
RaulHilberg’sargumentthat “the elimination of a people is‘astep-by-stepoperation.’ First comes defining the group,thenexpropriatingits r e s o u r c e s , t h e n concentratingitsmembersin one place, and finally annihilatingthem”.
In his essay, Neier concluded that “ Israel is engaged in genocide against Palestine in Gaza”. There is, he says, “a sustained policy of obstructing the movement of humanitarian assistance intotheterritory”
He went on to say that hebelievedthat“Israelhad a right to retaliate against Hamas for the murderous rampage it carried out on October7”,buthealsosaid that“torecognizethisright to retaliate is not to m
y for the indiscriminate use of tactics and weapons that have caused disproportionate harmtocivilians”.
Hedrawsattentiontothe words of Israeli Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, “I have ordered a complete siegeontheGazaStrip.
There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed We are fighting human animals, and we act accordingly”
I cite Neier because he is a Jew and a survivor of the holocaust against the Jewish people in Nazi Germany He cannot be a c c u s e d o f b e i n g antisemitic Further, his work at Human Rights Watch (HRW), which he co-founded in 1978, is globallyrespected
The repercussions of Gallant’s actions extend far beyond the tragic loss of 36,000 lives in Gaza Despiteclearwarningsfrom its closest allies against missile strikes on densely populated areas, these advisories were ignored, leadingtoanattackonRafah whereover46civilianswere killed an incident Netanyahu later termed a “tragicmistake”,butdidnot
This disregard for allied counsel and the resulting civilian casualties have precipitated a severe humanitariancrisis.
The UN Office for the C o o r d i n a t i o n o f
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports that the intensification of hostilities andtheevacuationordersby Israel “have displaced more than 940,000 people from Rafah”inMayalone.
That number is greater thantheentirepopulationof B a r b a d o s a n d s i x independent countries in the Leeward and Windward Islands of the Caribbean. There is, the UN says, “the unconscionableprospectofa man-madefamine”.
Recent charges by the InternationalCriminalCourt (ICC) against Israeli and Hamas leaders for alleged war crimes, and the claims
by US President Bidenthatthereis“no equivalence” between them illustrates the complexitie
, accountability, and nationalinterest.
President Biden’s position, along with the broader US policy, will play acriticalroleindetermining the trajectory of the peace process. To gain support from the international community where 146 nations advocate for the recognition of Palestine as a state the US approach mustbe,andmustbeseenas, balancedandfair
This commitment to impartiality is essential for upholding the global consensus on the necessity of fairness in resolving this conflict.
The international community must foster an
By Sir Ronald Sandersenvironment where both parties can negotiate as equals, unencumbered by the disproportionate influence or preconditions thathavehistoricallyskewed thepeaceprocess.
Only through a genuine and balanced dialogue can the long-standing aspirations for peace in the regionberealized.
(The writer is Antigua and Barbuda’sAmbassador totheUSandtheOAS. The views expressed are entirely his own. Responses a n d p r e v i o u s commentaries:www.sirrona
Paradoxical frogs are also The adult frogs have a known as shrinking frogs snout–to–vent length of 3.4 to 7.6 cm
and it is simply because and are green to brown coloured with theyarethreetimesbiggerastadpoles dark green, olive or dark brownish thantheyarewhenadults. stripes or mottling- the pattern and
Shrinking frogs is a species of huevariessignificantly. hylid frog from SouthAmerica. They The female paradoxa lay eggs are around 11 inches long as tadpoles among water plants. The tadpoles butduringmetamorphosistheyshrink feed mostly on algae. Adult frogs are to third of that size into an ordinary- active both day and night and are sizedfrog. alwaysinornearwater
They inhabit ponds, lakes, They eat insects such as flies, lagoons and similar waters from the beetles, true bugs, plantsuckers, Amazon and the Guianas, to butterflies,mothsanddragonfliesand Venezuela and Trinidad, with a other invertebrates such as crabs and disjunctdistributionintheMagdalena smallfrogs. River watershed in Colombia and When threatened, the frog uses its adjacentfarwesternVenezuela. strong toes with an extra joint to stir
More southerly populations from up the muddy bottom and hide. The the Pantanal region to northeastern frog also uses this mechanism to find Argentina have been recognized as a foodonthebottomoflakesandponds. subspecies, but are now often Source of information: consideredafullspecies,althoughthe ( validityofthissplitisquestionable. s_paradoxa)
The news came action is needed, the post Affleck is living in a chairman and CEO of Cali Friday via the explained, while those who different home than his wife, Group John Miller, “likes
“On the Floor” purchased via third-party he was noticeably absent that [Lopez] lives a healthy
singer’s “On the resale sites should reach out from both a recent premiere lifestyle and supports Ben’s JLo” blog and newsletter totheirpointofpurchase. of “Atlas” and the Met Gala sobriety Jen wants that for with a message that read: “I L o p e z ’s T h i s I s earlier this month, where Ben.” am completely heartsick and Me...Live tour was set to run Lopezservedasaco-chair. How Jennifer Lopez devastated about letting you from June through August, Meanwhile Affleck’s ex- Blended Her Family with down.” and was in support of her wife Jennifer Garner is Ben Affleck and Jennifer
“Please know that I latest album, “This Is Me... hoping for the best for the Garner’s: ‘Handled with So wouldn’t do this if I didn’t Now,”whichwasreleasedin pair. MuchCare’. feel that it was absolutely February
A source tells PEOPLE BenAffleck and Jennifer necessary,” the statement Lopez ‘s cancellations that Garner “wants the best Lopez ‘This Is Me... Now:A continued. “I promise I will come amidst rumours of for”ex-husbandAffleck. Love Story’ Los Angeles makeituptoyouandwewill marital troubles with “She wants him happy Premiere. all be together again. I love husband,BennAffleck. and healthy so he can be the Affleck and Garner you all so much. Until next The two have stayed best dad possible,” says the married in 2009. The former time...” mum about speculation that source Garner, 52, and couple announced they were rekindled their romance in his upcoming project, The
The company also noted they are experiencing issues, Affleck share three kids: divorcing in 2015 and 2021 and married in July A c c o u n t a n t 2 in Los that those who purchased but that hasn’t stopped Violet, 18, Seraphina, 15, officially filed for divorce in 2022. Lopez has promoted Angeles. tickets through Ticketmaster chatter in the pop culture andSamuel,12. April2017;theirdivorcewas her movie, Atlas in Los Thepairhavebeenliving will be automatically reverse. The source adds that finalizedthefollowingyear Angeles and Mexico solo as apartfromeachotherinL.A. refunded and no further Inadditiontoreportsthat Garner, who is dating Lopez and Affleck Affleck continues filming inrecentweeks.
Reggae and Dancehall The UBS Arena, an win the Grammy Award for certified Gold by the star, Buju Banton is giving indoor venue that opened in Best Reggae Album in Recording Indus
y New York fans another 2021, seats up to 19,000 Februaryofthatyear Association of America chancetoseehimlive! people for concerts. Banton However, Banton was (RIAA).
D u e t o “ p o p u l a r will also celebrate his 51st unable to attend the award Banton’s highest demand,” a second date has birthdayonJuly15. ceremony because his trial charting songs in the US and been added to his “Long “I give thanks for life for illegal possession of a UK include Make My Day Walk To Freedom New each day, but on this firearm and conspiracy to (1993), Champion (1995), York” concert at the UBS weekend, there is a special possess cocaine with intent Paid Not Played (2003), and Memories with John now available for purchase Arena in Queens, NewYork. thanksgiving and I look to distribute was reconvened Driver A (2007), Holy Legend(2020). on Buju Banton’s official The second show will be forward to celebrating with thefollowingday. Mountain with DJ Khaled, Tickets for the newly w e b s i t e held on Sunday, July 14, just all of my family, friends and He was found guilty and Sizzla and Mavado (2019), added July 14th show are []. one day after the originally everyone who has prayed sentenced to 10 years in s c h e d u l e d J u l y 1 3 and supported me over the prison. A judge later threw performance. years,”hesaid. out the gun charge and “With the first show InearlyMay,Bantonhad reduced his prison sentence sellingoutinrecordtime,the revealedhehadbeengranted tosevenyears. addition of the second show a visa to return to the United Banton was released and ensures that more fans and States, which would make deported to Jamaica in music lovers will have the his upcoming concerts December2018. opportunity to witness the possible.Thetwoshowswill Over his 30-year career, l e g e n d a r y a r t i s t ’s mark Banton’s first US Buju, whose real name is comeback,” a release to performancein13years. Mark Myrie, has released 12 DancehallMagstated.“Long His last show in the studio albums, most of them Walk To Freedom – N.Y country was the ‘Before The featuring recurring topics exemplifies Banton’s Dawn’ concert, which was such as consciousness, resilience and serves as a held in January 2011 at the justice, freedom, and love. beacon of hope for fans Bayfront Park Amphitheater Hismostcelebratedalbumis aroundtheworld.” in Miami, Florida, and Til Shiloh, which spent 104 Buju will be supported reportedly attracted 10,000 weeks on the Billboard by his The Shiloh Band, fans. Reggae Album chart and whileDahvedLevywillhost The ‘Before The Dawn’ peaked at No. 2 in October the event, with music by album itself, released in 1 9 9 5 O n i t s 2 5 t h BobbyKondersandJabba. September 2010, went on to anniversary, the album was
Avibrant 14year-old girl w i t h
Guyaneserootshasfearlesslyshowcasedher heritage on the stage of the Miss Maryland TeenUSAPageant2024.
NalynieDatofSilverSprings,Maryland, USA braved the stage of the Miss Teen Maryland on Friday with the crowning ceremony on Saturday This was the teenager’s first pageant which surely presentedaplatformhertoshine.
Despite her young age, Dat exudes confidenceanddetermination.
She told The Waterfalls, “I decided to compete in the Miss Maryland Teen USA Pageant because I wanted to encourage young girls my age to take part and be confident in them. This also gives me a platform to bring awareness to bullying and otherimportantissues.”
Dat shared that her connection to her Guyanese heritage is profound. She spoke
fondly of the rich culture, traditions, and cuisinethatdefineher2ndhomeland.
“I love being Guyanese because of the amazing food, culture, and traditions. My favourite holiday is Phagwah (Holi),” Dat expressed.
The Guyanese community in the US particularly those from Maryland have rallied behind Dat, offering unwavering support throughout her journey further encouraginghertovieforcrown.
Dat shared, “I have been receiving an overwhelming amount of support from the Guyanese community For example, my coach, Ms. Victoria from “Be Victorious Prep,” everyone voting online, and people donating canned goods for Happy Helpers forthehomeless.”
Despite being away from Guyana, the teenager ensures her cultural heritage remainsanintegralpartofherlife.Whether it’s through her mom’s delicious cooking or her love for cricket, she stays connected to herroots,fosteringasenseofbelongingand identity
“My family and I used to every year, but when COVID stop”,howeverbecauseofthe lovefortheircountryandfor expressed, “we went back last seetheAmazonWarriorswin!”
Dat told this publication too dancingisherpassionandkeeps intactwithherGuyaneseroots.
“I love dancing very much. havebeendancingsinceIwas do Ballet, Jazz, Mode Bollywood, and Bharatanatyam. I also learn some k-pop dances in my free time Dancin connects to my Guyanes culture because it reflects the traditions and history behind ourculture.”
Astheteenagergracedthe stage of the Miss Maryland Teen USA Pageant, her family stands proudly, wavingtheGuyaneseflagin support
Nalynie DatAswe commemorate World Environment Day on June 05, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) proudly supports the worldwide campaign for environmental preservationandrestoration. This year’s theme, “Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration”, resonates deeply with our mission to implement and u p h o l d s t r i n g e n t environmentalstandardsthat safeguard our natural heritage for generations to come.
At the GNBS, we understand that protecting ourenvironmentisnotjusta responsibility, but a necessity for sustainable development.Tothisend,we h a v e a d o p t e d a comprehensivesuiteoflocal a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l environmentalstandardsthat guide our efforts in preserving the pristine
ecosystemsofGuyana. Standards remain essential for protecting the environment To preserve sustainable limitations, internationalstandardbodies like the ISO continue to produce norms for industry, r e g u l a t o r s , a n d environmentalists. At the national level, the GNBS has developed useful s t a n d a r d s f o r implementation, which directly or indirectly impact env
d activities. These standards relate to environmental sampling and testing, greenhouse gas emission, effluentandnoiseemissions, and the labelling of refrigerants. Environmental testing labs and regulators benefit from several of these standards Our Standards Portal:, has these and other standards One flagship
standard is the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems Standard This internationally recognized s
framework that organizations c
r environmental performance By adopting ISO 14001, businesses in Guyana can systematically reduce their environmental footprint, comply with legal and regulatoryrequirements,and
improvements in their environmentalimpact.
international standard is an important step towards preservationsinceitcoversall environmental challenges relatedtowater,air,soil,waste, biodiversity, ecosystem
Recognizing the unique environmental challenges facedbyournation,GNBShas
also developed several other national standards tailored to theneedsofGuyana’sdiverse ecosystems These standards address critical areas such as waste management, water quality, and air pollution control, ensuing that our natural resources are used sustainablyandresponsibly
One such standard is the GNBS Waste Management Standard which sets out guidelines for the proper handling, treatment, and disposal of waste materials This standard is crucial in
mitigating the adverse effects of waste on our environment, promoting recycling, and encouraging the adoption of cleanertechnologies
The GNBS commitment toenvironmentalstewardship extends beyond standard development and training. Together,wewillcontinueto strive to create a culture of sustainability that permeates alllevelsofsociety
O n t h i s Wo r l d
Environment Day, we reiterateourpledgetouphold the highest environmental
standards and support the globalmissionofrestoration
Our land is our future, and withcollectiveeffort,wecan ensurethatfuturegenerations inheritahealthy,vibrant,and resilientenvironment.
Together, we are
Join us in this endeavour, reachouttotheGNBStoday onTelephonenumbers:2190064 or 219-0065, or visit the GNBS website: wwwgnbsgyorg You can also WhatsApp us on +592 6924627.
Guyana buys five times the value of Trinidad products as Trinidad buys fromGuyanaandpartofthe reasonforthislopsidedtrade balanceinfavourofTrinidad is because Trinidad uses non-tariff trade barriers to reject Guyanese products. Examples of this unfair treatment of Guyanese exports are the rejection of
pineapple shipments becausethecrownswerenot removed; rejection of pepperexportsbecausethey
h a d t h e i r s t e m s ; requirement of fumigation ofagriculturalproductswith
methyl bromide in
contravention of the
Montreal Protocol;
a p p l i c a t i o n o f hypocholorous acid on eddoes; and even the banning of poultry meat though no trade in this product had taken place and Trinidad has so far been allowed to escape these and similar infringements without any correction or penalty.
Trinidad’s most recent rejection of Guyanese productswasinMarch/April last when four 20ft shipping containers containing a quantity of Demerara Distillers (DDL) packaged milk and bottled flavoured waterwererejected. Twoof thecontainerscontainingthe packaged milk were denied entryandreturnedtoGuyana while the water was restricted from sale pending “an unconventionally exhaustive examination”
Mr Komal Samaroo, Chairman of DDL pointed out that all requirements were satisfied by his Company and that the
products were even approved by the US Food and Drugs Administration and had been exported to other CARICOM states without encountering any problemastheonepresented byTrinidad.
Unlike in the past, this recent rejection of the DDL products has resulted in widespreadnationaloutrage. Andsomeofthereasonsfor this is that DDL is one of Guyana’s flagship companies; its products are known to be of a uniformly high quality as for instance, itisuniversallyacceptedthat its rums are the best in the world; consumers regard its boxed milk as being of the highest quality and that the
Trinidadianrejectionofitis, accordingly, unfair and dishonest; every would be Guyanese exporter to Trinidad now realises that he/she will eventually encount
Chairman Samaroo’s integrity, honesty of purpose and commitment to the wellbeing of Guyanese and Caribbean people are known and trusted in the business community and by the publicandallthesefacts are attested by the support DDL’s case has received nationallyacrosstheboard:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in its release said,“Therefusalofentryto the dairy products wholly produced in Guyana by CARICOM member state is an affront to the spirit of a Caribbean integration agenda and must not be accepted. It is appreciated that regional products must satisfy the necessary sanitary and phytosanitary rules, the technical regulations as well as any product specific rules of originrequiredtoqualifythe products for regional preferential treatment Available information, however, indicates that the dairyproductsfromGuyana destined into Trinidad and Tobago were in full compliance with these requirements”.
The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), one of the Caribbean’s oldest trade organizations, in its release said “These non-tariff barriers (NBTs) particularly targeting the Agricultural Sector, undermine CARICOM ‘s goal of reducing the regional food importbillby25%by2025. The GCCI views these barriersasattemptstothwart theeffortsofH.E.Dr Irfaan Ali, who has been leading CARICOM’s initiative to remove such obstacles
D e s p i t e r e p e a t e d instructions from the Council of Trade and Economic Development (COTED)toeliminatethese NTBs, Trinidad and Tobago continue to flout the principles and directives of the Treaty of Chaguaramas. Many goods rejected by T&Thave been accepted by other CARICOM nations which adhere more closely to the spirit of the
CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME). In the light of these ongoing issues, the GCCI urges the Government of Guyana to consider strictly applying the Principle of Reciprocity intradewithT&Tuntilthese NBTsareremovedandT&T demonstrates good faith in itstradepractices.
T h e G u y a n a
Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) called for the imm
Government of Guyana and theCARICOMleadershipto address the DDL issue with the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. It emphasized that such trade barriers which Trinidad has erected undermine the collective
effortsofCARICOMHeads of Government to achieve regional food security and reduce the regional food importbill.
At the Private Sector
Commission (PSC)’s Annual General Meeting held at the Marriott Hotel, Chairman Komal Singh pledged his Commission’s support to Demerara DistillersLtd(DDL)intheir impassewiththeTrinidad (Continuedonpage48)
TheGuyanaOilandGas Energy Chamber (GOGEC) expressed its support for DDL and denounced the situation as a clear violation of the spirit of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas to which both Trinidad and Guyanaaresignatories.
brain, which may contribute to neural damage and atrophy over time,”Dr Trinhadded.
“Quittingsmokingisoneofthe mostimportantthingsthatyoucan doforyourhealth,”Dr Bierutsaid.
“The more you smoke and the longer you smoke, the more you ageyourbrain.
The other thing I always say to people who are older and who smoke—itisnevertoolatetoquit.
Therearehealthbenefitsofquitting even later in life.”“Overall, the world'spopulationisgettingolder, andwehaveawaveofolderpeople who will be developing dementia. This is a major public health problem, and we need to focus on reducingthemodifiableriskfactors fordementiasothatwecanhavea healthyolderpopulation.”
At the same time, Dr Trinh noted that it's not just adults who shouldstopsmoking.
“Teenage and young adult
brains are still developing, and exposure to the harmful effects of smoking during these critical periods could lead to more significant long-term damage, Dr Trinhsaid.
“It is known that the earlier an individual starts smoking, the greaterthepotentialharmovertheir lifetime.”
Dr. Robert Miller, a doctor of internal medicine with Vista Staffing, which offers physician searchservicesintheUnitedStates, suggested a multi-modal approach to smoking cessation that involves
counseling therapy Dr Miller was notinvolvedinthestudy
Hesaidtheaimofthisapproach is behavioral modification and supportivepharmacotherapy
Dr Miller cited seven
medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that can help with smoking cessation, including: nicotine replacement medicines (i.e., nicotine patches, lozenges, gum, oral inhaler, and nasal spray) oral tabletmedications(i.e.,varenicline andbupropionSR)
“Workingwithotherswhohave also beaten the habit and gaining
success through a shared common goal can help individuals in their ownjourney,”Dr Millersaid. Itmayalsobehelpfultoreplace the urge to smoke with healthy activities, such as reading or exercising.
Some people, noted Dr. Miller, findthattheirdesiretosmokemay be a response to certain triggers. Identifying and avoiding personal triggerscanhelpbreakthesmoking habit
For those considering ecigarettes as a means of quitting, vaping is not considered a safe or effectivewaytostopsmoking.
TheSparklingSpellbook (ep1)ntheheart of Wonderschool, where the library shelves were so tall they touched the sky, a group of young wizards gathered for a regular afternoon of studying. Emily, a smart and adventurousgirl,andAlex,amischievousbut good-heartedwizard,wereamongthem.
AsEmilywaslookingforapotionrecipe, sheaccidentallyfoundanoldbookhiddenon a dusty shelf. This book had a magical glow and was called "The Celestial Codex." Intrigued,Emilyopenedit,andthepageswere filled with amazing spells and pictures that moved!
Professor Meriwether, the wise teacher, came over and recognized the book as something very special. He told the students thatitwasapowerfulspellbookwithancient secrets and challenges. Only the bravest wizardscouldunderstandanduseitsmagic.
Emily was determined, and Alex, who usually liked pranks, felt a new sense of responsibility As they explored "The
CelestialCodex,"Emilyledtheway,solving puzzles and figuring out tricky spells. Alex surprised everyone with his magical knowledge and turned serious for the adventure.
Their friends also showed their talents, and together they became a team of wizards, helping each other through challenges. The hiddenpartofthelibrarylitupwithmagicas they delved deeper into the book. The ordinary afternoon turned into an extraordinary adventure for the WonderschoolWizards.
Little did they know, the spellbook held secrets that would unlock their true magical abilitiesandcreatefriendshipsthatwouldlast forever
The first chapter of the Wonderschool Wizards' story had begun, and the air was filled with excitement for the incredible adventuresahead,wheretheywouldnotonly discover the magic in the book but also the magicwithinthemselves.
ThisastoryabouttroublesomeDave, Aboywhojustlovedtomisbehave; Hehidbooksatschooltomakeothersmad, Pulledgirls'hairandmadethemsad; Davetormenteddogstohearthemhowl, Hedidn'tevensparetheneighbours'fowl; Heharassedcatsbypullingtheirtails, Thenaughtyboydelightedtoheartheirwails; Davepeltedcowswithsticksandstones, Andhitdonkeystillheheardtheirgroans; Animalsweresafeonlywhenhewasasleep, Thetwelve-year-oldevenhassledquietsheep.
ThenonedayDavemetoldBilly, Abad-temperedgoataswickedashe; TheboystruckBillywithastickonhisside, Thegoatbecameangryandreallywild; Thebeardedanimalmovedfastasahare, Itbuttedthetroublesomeboyrightintherear; Davefelldownbutwasquicklyonthisfeet, AndBillystruckagainrightonhisseat; Mr.Misbehavethenknewitwastimetorun, WithBillyinpursuit,andhavingrealfun. Davejumpedafence,lookingforsafety, ButaDobermansenthimbackhastily; Hefinallyfoundrefugeinanorangetree, ButhehadtobeartheantstillBillygrewhungry; Thisepisodeservedtochangeourheromuch, Butthesightofagoatnowsendshimoffwitharush.
Cut the paper plate in half. One plate will make tworainbowmobiles.
Take one half and punch 6 holes across the bottom
Cut the white tissue paper into squares. Add dots of glue to the paper plate half.
Take a square piece of white tissue paper that you cut and pinch the center, press tissuepaperontoglue. Repeat until your entireplateiscovered. Allow tissue paper to dry
Cut six pieces of whitecurlingribbonat various lengths. Cut each piece slightly longer thanyouwantittohang.
alternating colours
We used red, orange, yellow, green, blue, andpurple!Ihavethat colour song stuck in myhead,ha-ha.Great teachingtoolforpre-k kids.
Take a purple bead and tie a knot around it close to the bottom of the piece of ribbon.
Slide pony beads onto the ribbon, creating a rainbow pattern by
You want to leave some ribbon at the end so you can curl it. Knotting this bead, keeps the rest of the beads fromslidingofftheribbon.
When you have nearly filled the ribbon (leave some at thetoptocurl),thread theribbonintooneof theholesyoupunched intheplate. Tie a knot. Curl remaining ribbon at the top and bottom usingscissors. Kidsmayneedhelpwith thisstep.
Repeat with the remaining five pieces of ribbon you cut. Hang your beautiful rainbow mobile in yourfavouritewindow!
Magic Squares are square grids with a special arrangement of numbers in such a waythat everyrow,columnanddiagonaladdsupto thesamenumber Thissumiscalled“magic sum”or“magicnumber”.
With your studies towards your final examinations, you need to thinkofthevariouswaysby which you can improve on thepowerofyourbrain. To get the maximum benefit from this we also need to consider the things that hamper its development. Many of these have become ingrained in your habits so that, if we are serious about getting the most out of our thinking and reasoning abilities, we will have to make special efforts to eradicatethese.
One of the biggest obstacles to remove may be found to be one of the
hardest Children have formedthehabitoftakingin toomuchsugarinmostofthe things they consume –sweets in various forms and soft drinks, also of various types. Too much sugar can result in a lower ability to think, and even accelerate
UncleRoyisagainappealingtoourreaderstomakea contributiontothiscolumnbyeithergivingafeedback onwhatispublished,askingforsomehelpwithsome personal problem, offering some advice to fellow teenagers,orsharingthenewsofwhatishappeningin his/her community. Please send your contribution to
aging of the brain cells. Alcohol taken at a very youngagealsohasthesame effects, and should be avoidedbyyoungadults,and consumed sparingly even whengrownup.
Getting an inadequate amount of sleep is also detrimentaltobrainuse,asit causes reduced ability to assimilate information and slower and less power to respondtoproblems. Weall know how feeling drowsy makes us less able to understand and respond to everyday situations, so we should always try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
An improper diet is also responsible for decreased
brainpower Thisisanother problem that children of all ages need to work on, as many prefer fast food and sweet stuff. It has been foundthatadietthatincludes adequate amounts of vegetables, fresh fruit, and wholegrainshelpstonurture brain cells and keep them workingattheirmaximum. Anothernegativehabit thatreducesbrainfunctionis multi-tasking Many childrenallowdistractionsto
maximum,aswhentheyuse a cell-phone and watch TV during studies. This habit burdens the brain with moving from one activity to the next, thereby never gettingitsfullpowertofocus on one problem at a time, whichisnecessarytogetthe mostoutofourthinkingand reasoning.
Give yourself the best chance of success in any problem-solvingsituationby removing these obstacles, and you will be improving your brain ability as well as gettingthebestfromit.
Cradledperfectlyinourcranium, Iswhereyou'llfindourbrain-ium, Enablesustothinkanddo, Rememberswhat,rememberswho; Whetherwe'refeelingfineorpained, We'reutilisingourfantasticbrain, Controlswhatwe'redoing,whatwethink, Let'sussee,makesusblink. Somefunctionsareinvoluntary, Breathingairisoneofmany; Digestingfood,ourbeatingheart, Allcontrolledbybrain,ourcrucialpart; Connectsstraight-upwithourspinalcord, Synapses,nerves-it'sneverbored; Givesusfeelings,doesgreatthings, Let'sthankourbrainforallitbrings!
THETRUTH IS RARELYPUREAND NEVER SIMPLE. RATHERTHAN LOVETHAN MONEY THAN FAME GIVE METRUTH W ithin each of the seven realms lives a lone queen. T o maintain the peace, queens must not threaten each other: no row,column, nor diagonal may have more than one queen!
Asaboy,Ialwaystookmymom'slashcurlerfromher vanityandcurledmyownlashes.OneofthereasonsIfellin lovewithmakeupwasbecauseofthatcurler.Ialwaysgot caughtusingit,butIdidn'tcare.Ilovedthewayitmademy younggayeyeslook.
NowthatIamaprofessionalmakeupartist,Istill appreciateit.Curlingtheeyelashesisoneofthosepartsofa makeupapplicationthatnevergetsmuchcreditbutcan produceremarkableresultswhendonecorrectly Witha propercurl,lasheslooklonger,thicker,fuller,andtheeyes themselvesappearlargerandmoreawake.
Everyartisthastheirownmethod,buthereismy techniquehowtocurllashesforeasylashcurlingonaclient oryourself—time-testedfromyearsofexperience.
Holdthecurlerthewayyounormallyholdapairof scissors.Ifyou'reusingthecurleronaclient,besureto sanitizetheentiretool,stripincluded.
Openthecurlercompletelyandbringittotheupper lashes,makingsuretogetthestriprightuptotherootofthe eyelashes.Checktoseethatyouhaveallofthelashesinside thecurler.Placethetoolupright,sothecurvefacesout. Closethecurlercarefullyonthelashesandsqueeze lightly,withasoft,pulsinggrip.
Nowturnthecurlerupwardssothatthecurveofthecurler linesupwiththecurveofyoureyelid'screase.Thisisthepro secret.Itwillgiveyoucurl,ratherthanacrimpeffect.
Squeezethecurlerhandlesinsmallpulseswithlight pressure,holdingthetoolinplaceforseveralsecondswithout blinking.
Walkthecurlerupfromtherootofthelashallthewayto thetip,pressingandpulsingovertheeyelashwiththesame pressure,untilyoureachtheend.
Squeeze the curler handles in small pulses with light pressure
Opentheeyelashcurlerandexaminetheperfectprocurl. Repeatifnecessaryto defineyourlashesbefore applyingmakeup.Then, ofcourse,dotheother eye!Alotofartistshave theirfavoritelashcurlers, myselfinclude.The ShiseidoandShuUemura areprobablythetwomost popularwith professionals.Idolovethem,butfindtheyworkbetterfor flatter,lesscurvedeyeshapes.
Forroundereyes(themorecommon,universalshape),my twopersonalfavoritesaretheBillyBBeautyEyelashCurler andTheEyelashCurlerfromKevynAucoin.BillyB'sisthe idealshapeandsizeformosteveryeyeandprovidesexcellent pressureforperfectcurl.ThelatemakeupartistKevyn AucoindesignedtheShuUemuracurlerandfeltitwasnotas universalashewantedittobe.Sohecreatedhisown,which iswiderandallowsforoneoftheclosest,mostprecisecurlsI haveeverseen.
Nowyou knowmysecrets forhowtocurl lashes.Don'tbe afraidofthe pinch.Justjump inandgetthose gorgeouslashes fluttering.
In a heartfelt effort to preservethememory of their late father, Augustus Charles, siblings Onica and Leyland Charles have created a memorial fund aimed at providing educationalopportunitiesfor underprivilegedchildren.
The Augustus Charles Memorial Scholarship Fund willbenefitstudentsages1018frompublicschoolsalong the East Bank Corridor, particularly those from Covent Garden Secondary School, Mr Charles’ alma mater
T h e m e m o r i a l scholarship is a testament to his lifelong commitment to educationandcommunity
The senior Charles was raised in Craig Village, Guyana, and attended Covent Garden Secondary School.Aftercompletinghis education,heembarkedona diversecareerpath,working at the Timehri International Airport now the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and later at the Guyana Electrical Corporation (GEC) now called Guyana PowerandLight.Hispursuit of professional growth led him to migrate to Florida where he studied air c o n d i t i o n i n g a n d refrigeration, a trade he excelled in until his retirementin2000.
Mr Charles’ life was characterized by resilience, dedication, and a deep sense of responsibility towards his family and community. Despite facing numerous challenges, he consistently strived to improve himself andthosearoundhim.
Tragically, the beloved patriarch passed away after
an almost two-year battle with pancreatic cancer, leaving behind a legacy of perseveranceandgenerosity
To honour their father’s memory, his two children Onica and Leyland Charles established the Augustus C h a r l e s M e m o r i a l Scholarship Fund “Our fatheralwaysbelievedinthe power of education to transform lives,” said Onica Charles.
“Through this fund, we want to give back to the community that meant so much to him and provide opportunities for students to achievetheirdreams.”
Leyland Charles added, “Dad was always there to help those who needed his support. By setting up this fund,wehopetocontinuehis mission and make a positive impact on the lives of many children.”
The fund is intended to especially benefit students
providing scholarships, educational materials, and other essential resources This initiative aims to empower students, helping them to overcome financial barriers and pursue their educationalgoals.
The Augustus Charles Memorial Scholarship Fund wil
annuallyonAugust23rd,his birthday This date holds special significance, as this year he would have celebratedhis65thbirthday
The scholarship will be funded by his children, Onica and Leyland, both of whom want to ensure that their father’s legacy of kindness and community supportendures.
For more information on howtoapplytotheAugustus C h a r l e s M e m o r i a l Scholarship Fund, please
This past Friday, May 31, 2024, marked the release date of Loving Him or Maybe Too Much, a poignant, intimate poetic anthology by budding Buxtonian poet, Akilah Noble. This book is sure to cast a net about the hearts and minds of poetry lovers young and old. The book focusesononeoflife’smost interesting, complicated, and passion-invoking features: the desire to love andbeloved.
Noble masterfully illustrates for her reader the various manifestations of yearning evoked by the prospect of romance, in a seriesofwritingsthatissure to contain one piece or another that will be all too relatable for most, if not all, readers.Forteensandyoung adults beginning to explore the complexities of love while managing those that lifeitselfpresents,thisbook is a commentary on love, self-discovery and the journey you are about to embark on. For poetry and literature enthusiasts, it immerses you in the artistic masterpiecethatthisworkis,
and creates for the mature r e a d e r a d e e p e r understanding of romantic artistry and the human experience through the perspective of another Finally, for those who seek poetryitchallengesthistype of reader to think critically andcreatively
Thesepoemsarelayered withmeaningandsubstance, and are sure to scratch the itch.
The author, 26-year-old
Akilah Noble, was born and raised in Buxton, with a strongacademicfoundation, attending Sacred Heart PrimarySchoolandlaterSt. Gabriel’s Primary School. She later completed her secondary education at DiamondSecondarySchool, whereheracademicprowess was truly able to blossom. Noble went on to pursue a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology at the University of Guyana upon graduation,
andsubsequentlyaMaster’s in Project Management, which she is currently pursuing in order to fulfill h e r p a s s i o n f o r environmental and climate g o v e r n a n c e H e r multifaceted academic nature is already observable in these pursuits, but her passion for poetry has similarorigins.
InaninterviewwithThe Waterfalls, she pointed out that her introduction to English Literature in early secondary school, recalling how it enraptured her and inspired her to write literatureofherown.
Noble still remembers the exact date she wrote her first poem, eight years ago on September 14th, 2016 whileshewaitedforhersteel pan practice session to begin. In these early stages of her artistic development, she recalls uploading her pieces to online platforms like the ever-popular Wattpad, among others Thoseplatformsallowedher to share her work with a communityoffellowwriters and readers and greatly assisted her growth as a writer.
The cover of
Noble revealed that this made her more comfortable sharing her art with the world more often, a development that her most loyal readers will be exceedinglygratefulfor
In December 2023, Noble released her first publishedpoetrybook,titled Timestamp to Exhale,which isavailableinbothprintand e-book formats onAmazon.
T h i s w a s a h u g e development in her artistic and personal journey, as she
states that she initially conceptualized the book based on her love for poetry and writing, however, the project quickly became an outlet for the young, gifted poet to express and cope with the heaviness of her emotionsandtheheartbreak that she was experiencing at the time. Displaying her boundless creativity, Noble includedtimestamps(00:00) at the end of every poem, adding a reflective theme to the book and inspiring its title, which implies that she was finally able to exhale and feel at peace after completing it, which is simply beautiful and brilliant.
Thisheavyillustrationof the stages of heartbreak was an incredible publishing debut for the author; however, her latest piece exemplifies her constant growth as a writer and as a person,afittingfollowupto such an impressive debut. She dives quite deeply into the conditions and consequences of a specific relationship, the things she learnedfromit,andtheways inwhichitchangedher
Thethree-monthjourney of self-love and healing that the writing of this book was for the author is admirable, and the piece that she says she is most fond of, “BathroomPoetry”,actually gives the reader a glimpse into what her creative processwaslike.
Noble says, “”Bathroom Poetry”ismyfavouritepiece becauseitisatestamenttoan intimate space where my creativity thrives, where the o r d i n a r y b e c o m e s extraordinary,andwherethe Continuedonpage58
Some of impressive pieces on display at the Annual E.R Burrowes Tutors’Exhibition
The E R Burrowes SchoolofArthaskicked offitshighlyanticipated Tutor’s Exhibition, a vibrant showcase of the remarkable works createdbythetalentedtutorsatthe institution.
The exhibition, which commenced on Friday, May 31, 2024, and will run until June 14, 2024, offers visitors a unique opportunitytoimmersethemselves in a diverse collection of captivatingartworks.
Visitorstotheexhibitionwillbe treated to a visual feast, with aweinspiring pieces capturing their attention and appreciation. From Alyce Cameron’s thoughtprovoking ‘Creator within the Creator’ to Robert Cummings’ evocative ‘Dream Demon’ and Nicole Bissoo-Williams’ poignant ‘Therapy,’the artworks on display offer glimpses into the rich and imaginative worlds of these talentedtutors.
Locatedat15CarifestaAvenue, Thomas Lands, Georgetown, the E.R. Burrowes School of Art has
become a hub for aspiring artists and creative enthusiasts The Annual Tutor’s Exhibition serves asatestamenttothededicationand skill of the tutors who have played an instrumental role in nurturing theartistictalentsoftheirstudents.
The exhibition features an impressive lineup of renowned tutors, including Alyce Cameron, Giobedys Ocana Coello, Robert Cummings, Dominique Hunter, Dawne Issacs, Ivor Thorn, Sean Thomas, Joy Washington, and NicoleBissoo-Williams.
Each tutor brings their unique artistic style and perspective, resulting in a diverse range of captivatingartpiecesondisplay
So far, the exhibition has attracted a steady stream of art enthusiasts,students,andmembers of the public eager to witness the artistic prowess of the tutors and gain inspiration from their creations.
The event not only celebrates the tutors’ achievements but also servesasaplatformforfosteringa deeperappreciationfortheart.
Kaieteur News had the privilege of speaking
with the talented tutors behind the remarkablepiecesondisplay Inan interview,NicoleBissoo-Williams, a tutor at the school, offered a glimpse into the inspiration and meaning behind her captivating pieces.
Bissoo-Williams, known for her mastery of landscape art, took theopportunitytoshedlightontwo of her remarkable paintings, “Therapy” and “Placid ” Both pieces showcase her signature style,characterizedbysoftcolours and intricate details that bring landscapestolife.
During the interview, BissooWilliams expressed her deep connection with seascapes and the ocean. She revealed that these themes hold a special place in her heart as they remind her of her beloved daughters. The tranquility and beauty of the ocean serve as a sourceofsolaceandcomfortinher life.
“Therapy,” one of the artist’s featured artworks, invites viewers into a serene coastal scene, where gentle waves caress the shore.The careful brushstrokes and delicate colour palette evoke a sense of calmness and tranquility The painter’s intention behind this piece is to capture the therapeutic
power of nature, emphasizing the healing qualities that can be found in the embrace of the ocean’s rhythmictides.
In contrast, “Placid” transports viewers to a tranquil landscape, where a serene body of water reflects the surrounding scenery
The meticulous attention to detail and subtle use of colours create a sense of serenity and harmony
Through this artwork, Nicole aims toconveythebeautyandserenityof stillwaters,invitingviewerstofind peace and tranquility within themselves.
A l y c e C a m e r o n , a distinguishedtutorinleathercrafts and painting, shared her thoughtprovoking series, titled ‘Creator within the Creator,’delves into the depths of her artistic expression, offeringaglimpseintoherpersonal journey and connection with her craft.
Cameron’s highlight piece, appropriately titled stands out among the diverse artworks on display
The monochromatic colour scheme, predominantly in shades of grey and white, draws the viewer’s attention to the intricate details and symbolism within the artwork.Acarefully placed pop of yellow in her pieces represents the joy and fulfillment she finds in herartisticendeavours.
The artist shared that each individualpiecewithinthe‘Creator within the Creator’ series represents different aspects of her artistic journey and identity The initial painting, a self-portrait, focusesontheeyes,oftenregarded as the windows to the soul. By emphasizing the importance of the eyes in art, she symbolically links them to the mind of the artist, showcasing the intricate thoughts and creative processes that occur withinanartist’smind.
As the exhibition progresses, Cameron’spiecesdelvedeeperinto the complexities of her artistic mind,notonlycapturingherunique perspective but also serving as a platform for sharing important messages and advocating for change.
One of her notable art pieces shows her holding a brush, symbolizingherroleasanartistand communicator Thebrushbecomes an instrument of expression, allowing her to convey her thoughts, emotions, and important messages to the world.This visual representation of using art as a means of communication highlightstheartist’sresponsibility to shed light on significant social issuesandinitiatepositivechange.
The inspiration behind the piece’s name stems from Cameron’s belief that artists are not only creators, but also recipients of divine inspiration They possess the ability to design, innovate, and bringforththeirunique perspectives By acknowledgingtherole of the supreme creator in their work, artists establish a profound connection with their craft.
The pieces go beyond mere visual aesthetics; they embody resilience and the artist’s role as a catalyst for communication and activism. Through her pieces, she explores the profound impact an artist can have on society, using their talent as a powerful tool to share their views and inspire meaningfulconversations.
Robert Cummings, a talented tutor specializing in textiles and English language, presented a collection of thought-provoking art. Amongst his notable pieces, ‘Dream Demon’ emerges as a captivating centerpiece, drawing viewers into the depths of a malevolentandhauntingrealm.
Cummings shared his inspirationsbehindthecreationof Continued on page 58
One of the rising stars in Guyana, DJ Crixmaster invites you to his birthday party this coming Saturday at Club HQ (the old Club Rio) located at the corner of Forshaw and Oronoque Streets, Queenstown. The entranceisfree,accordingtotheDJ.
Keepingyouentertainedasyoucelebrate himwillbeSlingerzFamily,DJGarwin,and The Bad Family’s Issibaby, the Latin Queen inGuyana.
The Waterfalls and Xtra Entertainment willbepresentsoseeyouthere.
Last Saturday’s, One GuyanaIndependenceSuper ConcertheldatPortKaituma was almost a sold-out event that not only benefitted the organizers but the people of theRegionOnecommunity
The event presented by Melo Entertainment and DJ Garwin featured some big names and artistes in the entertainment industry such as Jamaican Dancehall star, Demarco; Venezuelan Latin Queen Issibaby; Guyana’s TimekaMarshallandformer five-time Soca King Jumo
P r i m o a l o n g w i t h Trinidadian chutney sensation,theHitman.
Show time begun close to midnight and saw scores of patrons cramming into a smallbutyetsizableQuincy Place,locatedatFloorRoad, PortKaituma.
As was anticipated and promised, the crowd was treated to some scintillating a n d e l e c t r i f y i n g performances that left them wantingmoreandthosewho participated in the dance off competition left with cash prizes.
Apart from a great independence fete, The Waterfalls noted that a l t h o u g h M e l o Entertainment and DJ Garwin only wanted to entertain the people of the PortKaituma,theydidmuch morethanthatbycreatingan economic spin-off for the localslivingthere.
Hotels were booked out
Matthews Ridge, and even Baramita travelled to party inPortKaituma.
Restaurantsandbarsalso cashed in too because of the flood of guests The transportationsectoralsogot piece of the pie by shuttling visitorsfromtheirrespective communities and around PortKaituma.
Local vendors also took advantage to sell food, snacksandsetmini-barsjust fortheconcert.
After the show ended,
some of the visitors even stayedbackonemoredayin the Region One community justtowalkaroundandparty somemore.
The Waterfalls also stayed back to chat with the localswhosaidthattheyare g r a t e f u l t o M e l o Entertainment for bringing such exposure to Port Kaituma and facilitating a boost to their normal day to day economic activities
Below is a photo recap of howitwentdown.
An aeronautical engineer by profession in one of the busiest countries of the world, the United States ofAmerica (USA),Azariel still finds the time to engineer musicandmeaningfullyricsjustto showcaseGuyanatotheworld.
Known for rapping in his Guyanese accent, 28-year-old Kristoff Azariel Sauns better known by his stage name,Azariel said he has always had a passion formusicsincehischildhooddays and it was always his goal to becomeanartisterepresentinghis landofbirth.
Insteadoffollowingthecrowd, he decided to do something differentandthatistomakemusic inhisGuyaneseaccent.
“Like I said I grow up on music,IgrowuphearingJamaican sounding Jamaican, theAmerican sounding American, everybody soundinglikewheretheyarefrom, Trinidadians sounding Trini…” Azariel told The Waterfalls while explainingthathewantedtosound Guyanese.
He added that there are Guyaneseartistesinthepast,who mademusicintheirownaccentbut hefeltthatthenewergenerationof entertainers in Guyana were not doingthesame.
In his view, they tend to sing more like Jamaicans. “Everybody wassingingJamaicanandIdidn’t reallylikethat,IlovetheJamaican music because we still get some inspiration, but I wanted somethingthatIcouldrelatetothat Icouldfeelcomfortablewith”.
Azariel said making music in hisGuyaneseaccentdoesnotonly showcasehiscountrytotherestof the world but also gives him a senseofprideandoriginality
Theartistesaidtoothathealso wants to be an example for other
artistes in Guyana letting them know that Guyanese can be themselvesand“stillsoundgood”.
Azarielhashadhisfairshareof success so far in the local and regionalmusicindustry Oneofhis biggesthitsisTint,aviralsongthat gainedhimalotofrecognitionbut
wasalwayswithme.”,Azarieltold TheWaterfalls
WhileAzarielfocusedmoreon engineering,hisfriends,especially his cousin another local artiste, StiffyStiff,didnotforgethistalent and kept pushing him to keep running after his first love, music.
his journey has not been one withoutitschallenges.
Despiteitwashisdreamtoone day become an artiste since his primary school days, Azariel was nottookeentopursuethecareer
“Iobviouslycouldnotgotomy parentsandtellthemIwantedtobe a musician, so as a result, I ended up following up engineering (Aeronautical Engineering), I am really good at that, but the music
In 2017, he finally gave in and recordedhisfirstsong, Gym Body, a collab with Stiffy Stiff at AJ Records.
“It was recorded at MetenMeer-Zorg,AJrecords,theperson I still record with today and at the time, I think his fee was $8000, I paid that and recorded my first track”,Azarielrecalled.
The Guyanese singer said it wasafeelingofemotionsafterthat song was released and his parents heard it. “My mother loved the
song, to my surprise, actuallyshedidn’tmind,I thought she would have been like don’t really tek thistooserious”.
Although,Azarielwas satisfied with his first track, he told himself that itwasnothisbest.
“I was impressed but at the same time, I could feel the nerves in my voice even when I listen to that song now I does still hear it”, theartistesaid.
He was not deterred but continued to persevere and according to him, it was all because of the encouragement he gotfromthosewhoassistedhimin marketinghisfirstsong.
“I listen to that song over and over,Icarrythatsongtotheradio
station,alltheDJsIknew”,Azariel said before adding, “Selector Andre was one of the first DJs to really give me the encouragement to continue doing music because yuhknowheisoneoftheDJsthat does play Guyanese music more thananythingelse”.
The determination and the encouragement to do well led to him to record a second and then a third song and he got better and betteruntilhewentviralduringthe COVID-19 period with his song, Tint
To date, Azariel has recorded overseventysongs. Read next week’s edition of The Waterfalls for more on this budding artiste who is focused on engineering Guyanese music to theworld.
Reuters- Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuhasinsistedthere will be no permanent ceasefire in Gaza until Hamas's military and governing capabilities are destroyed and all hostages arereleased.
His statement comes afterUSPresidentJoeBiden announced Israel had proposed a three-stage plan to Hamas aimed at reaching a permanent ceasefire. A senior Hamas politician has told the BBC it "will go for thisdeal"ifIsraeldoes.
Thenegotiationscomeas fighting continues in Rafah, with reports of Israeli air strikes on Saturday in the city on Egypt's border with Gaza.
There is no guarantee that the public pressure by MrBidenonbothIsraeland Hamas to accept the plan will result in a deal In statement on Saturday, Mr Netanyahu's office said Israel's "conditions for ending the war have not changed".
It listed these as "the destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities,thefreeingofall hostages and ensuring that Gazanolongerposesathreat toIsrael".
The statement added Israel would "continue to insist these conditions are met" before agreeing to a permanent ceasefire, emphasising that no deal could be signed before meetingthem.OnFriday,Mr Bidendescribedtheplanasa comprehensive Israeli proposal that paved the way forapermanentceasefire.
The first phase would
include a full and complete ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeliforcesfrompopulated areas and the exchange of s
for Palestinianprisoners. This would then be followed by the return of all remaining living hostages, includingmalesoldiers.
The final phase would see the remains of any deceased Israeli hostages returned,aswellasa"major reconstruction plan" with US and international assistance to rebuild homes, schools and hospitals, Mr Bidensaid.Atotalendtothe conflict has been a key Hamasdemandtoengagein talks.
F o l l
Netanyahu's restating of his a
a spokesmanforHamassaidit wouldbacktheplanifIsrael did.
Basem Naim, a member of Hamas's political bureau basedinQatar,toldtheBBC World Service's Newshour p
organisation welcomed the plan,butthenextsteprelied on Israel. In response to Mr Netanyahu's statement, he notedIsrael'saimsmightnot havechanged,butitalsohad notachievedthem.
"Ifhetriestocontinue,he willnotfindanythingexcept the readiness of the Palestinians-allPalestinians - to resist the occupation," MrNaimsaid.
The proposal laid out by Mr Biden seems to give the opportunity for both Israel and Hamas to say that their
On F r i d a y, K a m a l Ramkarran was elected, unopposed, as the President of the Bar Association of th Guyana at its 45 Annual General Meeting(AGM).
Aspartoftheproceedings,theBar Council for the 2024-2025 fiscal year waselected.
Inastatementtothemedia,theBar Association said that Ramkarran previously “served with distinction as Presidentoftheassociationfrom2017 –2019”.
For Hamas, it explicitly paves the way for a permanent ceasefire, which hasbeenakeydemandofthe groupforanydeal.Itwantsa guarantee that the Israeli military will not return to Gaza after the hostages are released, and the offer does just that.This will, without a doubt, face opposition in Israel Mr Biden tried to address those concerns by saying that Hamas had been so degraded that it did not have the ability to carry out another major attack on Israel.He acknowledged, however, that not everyone in Israel would accept the deal, but ur
The statement from Mr Netanyahu's office seemed to be vague enough for him to be able to claim that his objectives had been achieved.
Interestingly, it did not talk about “total victory”whichhehasrepeatedlysaid was the aim of the Israeli militaryinGaza.
Thisomissionmayallow Mr Netanyahu to reject criticism that the deal offers major concessions to Hamas.Israelhasrampedup attacks in the key city of Rafah in recent weeks, claimingoperationalcontrol over the entire border with Egypt.
Ms. Gabriel Benn was elected, unopposed, as the new Assistant SecretaryandMs.ColletteMarks,was elected, also unopposed, as Treasurer oftheassociation.
The other members also elected unopposed to the Bar Council are Mr Robin Stoby, SC, Ms. Jamela A. Ali, SC, Mr Keoma D Griffith, Mr Everton Singh-Lammy, Mr Horatio Edmonson and Mr Arudranauth Gossai.Mr Kashir A. Khan served as theReturningOfficer
Ms. Pauline Chase and Mr Teni Houstywerere-elected,unopposed,as the First and Second Vice-Presidents respectively while Ms. Yashmini Singh,whoservedduringthelastterm as Treasurer, was elected, unopposed, tothepostofSecretary
sist pressure Those who are likely to be against the plan includefar-rightmembersof Mr Netanyahu's coalition, who have previously threatened to quit in case of any deal that would see the end of the war before the destruction of Hamas. This could lead to the end of the Netanyahugovernment.
But one of Israel's most influential opposition politicians, Yair Lapid, has promised to back Mr Netanyahuifhesupportsthe ceasefiredeal.
President of the BarAssociation of Guyana, Kamal Ramkarran
Inapostonsocialmedia, MrLapidtoldtheIsraeliPM thathe"hasoursafetynetfor a hostage deal" if far-right allies like national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir andfinanceministerBezalel Smotrich leave the government.
US, Israeli and Egyptian officials are due to meet in Cairo on Sunday to discuss reopening the Rafah crossing, according to Egyptianmediareports.
AidflowsintoGazahave been restricted since the border was shut in early May, after Israeli forces seizedcontrolofitaspartof their offensive to take control of Gaza's southern border
Morethan36,000people have been killed in Gaza sincethestartoftheconflict, according to the Hamas-run healthministry
The war began in October when Hamas gunmen launched an unprecedented attack on Israel, killing about 1,200 people and taking 252 back toGazaashostages.
From page 13 havecometotheconclusionsunder they met with Jonathan Jackson, Elizabeth Hughes had asked the appeal since (among other things) Representativeofthe1stDistrictof Court in their Fixed Date thedecisionisinconsistentwithher Illinois, United States on Tuesday Application, filed on March 27, Honour’sfindingandconclusionat Residents also spoke about the 2023, to reverse the Permit, since paragraph 64 of her judgement that destruction of their proprieties the EPA failed to comply with the “the decision by the EPA to grant when government sent bulldozers legalrequirements. the permit to Esso Guyana was toforcefullyremovethemoffaland In an invited comment, Hughes contrarytolawandimproper.” toconstructaroad. toldthisnewspaperyesterdaythatit The citizens said that the
Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Public Affairs, Kwame McCoy with United States Congressman, Jonathan Jackson in Mocha Arcadia on Tuesday.
The Government organized was very disappointing that a date learned Judge, having regard to the visit by Congressman Jackson, son is yet to be set by the Court for Judicial Review Act Cap 3.06, in of the revered US Civil rights hearingthematter particular section 8, would have activist Reverend Jesse Jackson She said, “We are in the queue acted fairly and justly in saw residents baring their souls to behind the unlimited parent accordance with the principles of him, complaining about their guaranteecasenotyetslottedintoa justice had she granted an order of suffering. Minister of Information timeframe.Atthisrate,itispossible Certiorari. KwameMcCoy,inanattempttoset that it will become moot points as Radzik and Hughes in their thetonefortheconversationahead, ExxonMobil is scheduled to hook appeal also notes that, “the learned while thanking residents for the up to the FPSOs (Floating, Judge took into account irrelevant mid-morning meeting suggested Production, Storage and matters namely the purported that “the Congressman has been in Offloading vessels) finished expenditure while failing to take Guyana for a few days, and is report by VHE Consulting, should thePartiesareunabletoagreetothe pipelineinthethirdquarterorearly judicial notice of relevant matters visiting our country for the first have already been finalised disposition of the Minister’s audit fourthquarter(ofthisyear).” such as the questionable time, and I am sure by the between the Government of claim, the claim shall be submitted
Hughes explained that while expenditure claims made by impressions he has, he will Guyana and the operator of the to the sole expert in accordance Exxon’s Project Manager, (Exxon) as revealed in the public certainly be repeating visits to Stabroek Block, ExxonMobil 231 with Article 26 of the Agreement.” FriedrichKrispinhasinformedthat pronouncements of members of Guyana, and to our country in daysago.
Article 26 of the contract sets out the Court case did not affect the government.” whichwehavesomuchtocelebrate
This is according to the the conditions as it relates to progress of the project, he failed to They argue that the learned in terms of our diversity, our ethnic provisions of the 2016 Petroleum arbitration. indicate that the design of the judge failed to have due regard to diversity.” Agreement that governs the This means that the PSA has pipeline was adjusted which is the utility of the declaration in the Congressman Jac
unusually large oil block, allocated 180 days to complete the expected to cost Guyana an context of the application of however, opted to modify the
ng 26,800 square review of the audit report. Today additional amount. She told this Guyana’s Environmental Laws and format of the meeting, instead of kilometers. On April 13, 2023 however marks a total of 411 days publication that another citizen the importance of a declaration to the presentations on development during a press conference at since Jagdeo revealed that the who filed separate proceedings for clarify and confirm the legal duties initiatives by the administration, FreedomHouse,Georgetown,Vice report was received. Consequently, land compensation is still before oftherespondentauthority insisting he was not there to give a President Bharrat Jagdeo told a final decision regarding the way the Court. To this end, Hughes Justice Sewnarine-Beharry in speech.He was in fact,unwavering reporters that government received forwardonthesumsflaggedshould noted that Exxon was forced to her October 5, 2023 decision stated in his position, “I have come out to the final report of the US$7.3B have been made at least 231 days changethepipelinealignment. that, “Cognisance must be paid to hear from you as a Representative audit of the company’s expenses, ago. During his most recent Pipeline PermitAppeal the fact that significant fiscal from the US Congress, relativetotheperiod2018to2020. engagement with the media In their Notice of Appeal, the expenditure has been injected into R e p r e s e n t i n g t h e F i r s t Annex ‘C’ of the contract however, Jagdeo said the citizens through their lawyers, the Gas to Energy pipeline. A CongressionalDistrict,andIwould outlines the procedures relative to government was still working Melinda Janki and Abiola Wong- q u a s h i n g o r d e r w o u l d like to share with my colleagues the completion of cost oil audits. assiduously to close the first audit Inniss,areseekingareversaland/or disproportionately disadvantage what I have heard from you; You Based on the agreement, Guyana for the period 1999 to 2017. That setting aside of the decision of the Esso Guyana and the State by sharewithmewhatIshouldknow.” can conduct an audit within two review was conducted by a British High Court not to grant the halting significant project According to the Congressman: “I yearsfromtheendofeachcalendar firm,IHS-Markit.
declarations sought; the development already underway. amhereasoneofyourbrothers,one year At the conclusion of the He said, “We need to close the administrative orders and other Moreover, it may also have an of your colleagues, one of your process, the Contractor must be first audit…you need to formally reliefs sought by the appellants; unintended consequence of friends, I wanna hear from you, I furnished with the report and its say, so I have to find out if that was costs and such further order and/or impacting innocent third parties to don’thaveaspeechtogivetoyou,I findingswithin60daystoprovidea done and it should have been done reliefdeemedjustbytheCourt. the project development, all while want to know your hopes, I want to response.TheresponsefromExxon because that was like about three The EPA, EMGL and the proving to be a brutum fulmen in know your ambitions, I wanna will detail its objection or weeks ago, that they had to write Attorney General of Guyana, Anil the way of substantive relief for the know your challenges, I wanna acceptanceoftheauditclaim,along and say we had a difference of Nandlall,S.Carerespondentsinthe Applicants.” know the things that you have with explanations thereof. The opinion over US$214M. So that matter RadzikandHughesintheir experienced.” contract also allows the subject letter, closing it with Exxon, so appeal told the Court that the Wednesday He confirmed for those in Minister to conduct further there is no room for negotiation decision of the learned Judge not to attendance that, “I have been investigations within 60 days of anymore ” Meanwhile, on the grant the Certiorari or declarations Skullduggeries unearthed offered this opportunity to be here receiving the Contractor’s second audit, Jagdeo revealed that or award costs was “plainly wrong, in second audit, should have today by President (Irfaan) Ali. I response. theGoGandExxonarestillintalks irrational and otherwise contrary to been finalised 231 days ago – want to thank him for having
It must be noted that the PSA with the operator on the costs law.” Stabroek Block PSA extended that opportunity.” The makes it clear at Section 1.5 (b) flagged by the report.According to They further noted, “No court President, he said, “also that: “…If within sixty (60) days of him, “They still are in a back (and of law acting judicially and The misuse of Guyana’s oil encouraged me to meet with the theMinister’sfurtherinvestigation, forth); they still have been writing directing itself as to the law could profits flagged in the second audit Opposition and to come into the Exxon and awaiting response on a community and to listen to the lot of the issues that you have people ” With this in mind serializedintheKaieteurNews.” however, and recognising the joined histories of the two Govt. must be held accountable peoples–joined through slavery for challenges faced by citizens and its parallels, Congressman – visiting US Congressman Jackson said, “…in the spirit of tells Mocha meeting br
her, in – to raise concerns of residents understanding what we can do with Pres.Ali, US officials together, to understanding that this government be held accountable Allegations of discrimination, forthechallengesthatweface.” racial and economic to the point of At this point, things took alleged apartheid in the country, in another turn, since having additiontothedivideandruletactic delivered his presentation and the beingemployedbythegovernment activity was now opened up to were among concerns raised by contributionsfromtheresidents, residents of Mocha Arcadia when (Continued on page 54)
the moderator attempted to resident claimed “all Aaron does recovered by the contractor and address the discrepancies they limit contributions by residents to do, is sell you dreams.” “We need according to the auditors the costs highlighted.Hesaidthat,“Weneed 30/60 seconds, to which Jackson justice,wearehomelesspeopleand for the EDC were neither listed toclosethefirstaudit…youneedto responded, “this is a family we are living uncomfortable,” under “Costs Recoverable Without formallysay,soIhavetofindoutif dialogue.” He adumbrated further, accordingtoanotherresidentinher Further Approval of the Minister” that was done and it should have “if one person wants to talk longer, desperate plea for assistance as nor “Costs Recoverable Only with been done because that was like I am available to listen, so we are another pig farmer lamented his Approval of the Minister,” making about three weeks ago, that they goingtodothislikewearesittingin struggles to now pay rent having them ineligible for recovery, the had to write and say we had a the kitchen, I want to hear from hadhispropertydestroyed. auditors reaffirmed. Despite this, difference of opinion over you,Iwannaknowthechallenges.” “Mocha is not a bed of roses; EMGL included EDC-related US$214M. So that letter, closing it
According to the US this place is not a bed of roses. Life expenses in its Cost Recovery with Exxon, so there is no room for Representative, “…I am not here is hard in this place; Life hard and Statement. negotiationanymore.” representing no government, I am we need betterment, y’all saying is According to the PSA’s
ExxonMobil Guyana President, Alistair Routledge
However in relation to the here as a representative of my one Guyana show everybody that definition of “Petroleum second audit government is still in District,theFirstDistrictofIllinois thisisoneGuyana;notjustpickout Operations,” it is limited to talks with the oil company to and I wanna hear from you and I some.” activities directly related to the address the instances the auditors would hope that you would be as exploration, development, and flagged. The VP said that, “They candid as you can, some people are Thursday productionofpetroleum. still are in a back (and forth); they going to take longer because they
As such, the auditors found that still have been writing Exxon and have more to say and I appreciate ExxonM caught funding by contrast, the EDC’s services awaiting response on a lot of the that, and that’s fair.”With that said, private business with Guyana’s extended to general business issues that you have serialized in E x x o n M o b i l ’s i n t e r n a l Opposition Member of Parliament oil profits – audit reveals development throughout Guyana, theKaieteurNews.” documentation and public (MP) Nina Flue Bess, was the first which disqualifies these expenses T h
o statements further supported the to take the opportunity, as a Continued perusal of an audit from being recoverable and in fact ExxonMobil’s expenses incurred audit’s findings, and outlined that constituency representative, and conducted on the expenses of furtherinvalidateditsclassification duringtheperiod1999-2017which in a 2021 interview, Alistair presented the US Congressman ExxonMobil’s Guyana-led as a recoverable cost under the amounted to US $1 6B was R
with a dossier, outlining among consortium operating in the PSA. conducted by the international firm ExxonMobil Guyana, clarified that other instances of perceived Stabroek Block reveals persistent, This conclusion, the auditors IHS Markit and revised in the year initiatives like GGI would not be discrimination including the significant breaches in the re-affirmed was supported by 2021. In this audit the auditors part of the cost recovery process, destruction of properties and adherence to the Production ExxonMobil’s own declarations, highlighted in the introduction that despite their alignment with livelihoods of residents in the SharingAgreement (PSA) with the stating that the EDC was aimed at there was some “$214.4 million broaderdevelopmentgoals. communities. Guyanesegovernment. general business development for plus overhead adjustments of the
Thus, since the initiative was The Ministry of Housing and Theaudit,spearheadedbyVHE thebroaderGuyaneseeconomy costscurrentlyincludedbyEEPGL intended to support the EDC’s Water’s Central Housing and Consulting, found one such case The auditors found too in a in the Cost Bank” that the mission of enhancing local PlanningAuthority(CH&PA),with being the costs associated with the notable parallel, that the Greater Government of Guyana “has business capabilities but explicitly the assistance of the Guyana Police Enterprise Development Center Guyana Initiative (GGI), launched reasonablegroundstodispute.” excluded its costs from recovery Force, demolished a number of (EDC) established by ExxonMobil byExxonMobilin2021,tofundthe The second audit into Exxon’s claims, setting a precedent for homes, livestock and farms in the Guyana Limited (EMGL), which operation of the Center for Local expenses incurred for the period handlingsuchexpenses. East Bank Demerara village last theauditorsdetermineddonotmeet Business Development (CLBD), 2018-2020 which amounted to D
year The reasons given at the time the PSA’s criteria for cost explicitlystatedthatitscostswould some US $7.3B was done by local delineations, the auditors said was for the construction of the recoverableexpenses. notbeincludedinthecostrecovery consortium Ramdihal & Haynes ExxonMobil disputed the audit’s highway, which according to TheEDC,launchedin2017and process. Inc., Eclisar Financial, and Vitality conclusions,assertingthattheEDC residents has since proven false. managed by DAI Global, was This, the auditors affirmed, Accounting and Consultancy Inc was established to fulfill local During the course of the boisterous intended to serve as a center for aligns with the audit’s findings and (VHE Consulting). In this audit it content requirements since the and candid interactions, residents local business development across sug
was identified that there was some startup activities of the EDC were spoke of the attempts by the various sectors, including catering, distinguishing non-recoverable US $65.1M which were listed as necessary for supporting Stabroek government to pay as little as $5M safety equipment, m
rine communi
y and business exceptions. This included Blockoperations. forlosthomesandbusinesses. operations, and warehousing. It development expenses from “Improper Charges for Ogle Office
However, the auditors noted Underpayment also operates as the portal through recoverable petroleum operation Complex Studies and Construction that while Article 18 of the PSA According to one resident, which all local suppliers are costs. Costs” which totaled US$18.9M, requires efforts to train local LashawdaEllis,“$5Mcan’tbuilda sourced.
ExxonMobil nonetheless, ‘Enterprise Development Center’ suppliers and contractors, it does house for nobody in Guyana, much The auditors in their report contested the auditors’ findings, at US $3.5M and a number of not authorize recovery of these less a family of nine; we had cattle found however, that the arguing that the EDC was others. training costs. Only specific and farms…” It was outlined too establishment and operation of the established to meet local content It is important to note that costs training costs under Article 19, that among the compensatory EDC do not qualify as “Petroleum and training requirements under recovered by Exxon have to be which require ministerial approval, packages was relocation to lands, Operations,” and as such, its Articles18and19ofthePetroleum directly related to oil production in are recoverable. The auditors one where they could not conduct associatedcostsarenotrecoverable Agreement. the Stabroek Block offshore poignantly noted too that businesses, or in some cases, they underthetermsofthePSA. According to the now public Guyana. In October 2023 this ExxonMobil had already credited are still to receive the promised The EDC, the report said, was report, EMGL claimed the initial publicati
some EDC costs out of the Cost lands, a year later Ellisdubbed this designed to provide training and costs were for startup activities ExxonMobilhadusedGuyana’soil Recovery Account, implicitly as unfair, especially since, “people business opportunities for local necessary for supporting profits on Christmas cookouts, “acknowledging their noncoming from outside Guyana can entities in various sectors, operations related to the Stabroek zumbaandyogaclasses. recoverable nature” and as such access land within a month.” She including catering, safety Block The auditors however, It was revealed that the oil called for the remaining nonsurmisedthe,“problemseemstobe equipment, marine operations, and maintained that the Accounting company used US $136,003.62 to recoverable costs to be similarly an Afro- Guyanese problem,” a warehousing.
Procedures outlined in Annex cover costs a
ched to credited. sentiment shared by many present. It aimed to serve as a center for C which spells out the sponsorships, fitness classes, Terrorism and bullyism were also local business development across classifications of categories of promotional items and other Years later Govt. nowhere close adjectives attributed to the multiple industries, not exclusively expenditure that can be similar activities, which auditors to recovering tens of US$ incumbent administration with for the oil and gas sector and this recovered—of the PSA, do not said were in no uncertain millions illegally deducted by regards its treatment of the people broader focus was emphasized and provide for recovery of such costs recoverable. The Stabroek Block Exxon from Guyana’s profits of Mocha Arcadia such as in the noted by the auditors, pointing to a without specific Ministerial ProductionSharingAgreementwas varying valuations offered to 2017 article by the Guyana approval, which was not obtained. also referenced by them and it said Years later, the Government of persons of different ethnicities in Chronicle, in which it had The audit has since called for that only those costs associated Guyana is yet to recover tens of the over ebullient activity lasting described the center’s role in EMGL,tocredittheCostRecovery with expenses and expenditures millions of US dollars that were justoveranhour supporting sectors such as Statement for these non- relatingtothepetroleumoperations illegally deducted by Exxon Mobil
Numerous complaints were information communication recoverable costs, pointing to the canberecoveredfromtheStabroek fromGuyana’sprofits. also lodged specifically against technology, mining, forestry, and need for stricter adherence to the Blockaccount. Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo CH&PA’s Rawl Aaron, who agriculture.
PSA’s provisions to ensure For further clarity the auditors wasaskedathisThursdaylastpress residents blamed for a significant That PSA, the auditors transparency and accountability in noted that in order for a cost to be conference at Freedom House, by number of bottlenecks, frustration reminded, outlines specific the management of Guyana’s oil recoverableithadtobein this publication to give an update division to the point where one categories of expenses that can be resources. It was noted too that (Continued on page 55) on the audits and actions taken to
From page 54 report by VHE Consulting, should to him, “because you make a new
believe we don’t deserve an connection with production have already been finalised d i s c o v e r y, ( i t ) d o e s n ’t increaseforthatperiod.” operations. Hence, the removal of between the Government of automatically adjust the reserves, a
On Thursday, Lyte told News US $136,003.62 from the Stabroek Guyana and the operator of the subsequent action, appraisal action SourcethattheUnionispreparedto Block account to cover Yoga and Stabroek Block, ExxonMobil over etcetera that could either increase compromise and begin negotiation Zumba fitness classes for its 230 days ago. This is according to or decrease the reserves…at this on an agreement that would cover expatriates, a Christmas potluck the provisions of the 2016 pointintime,thefocusisnotonthe the years 2022 to 2025. According luncheon, the hosting visit for a PetroleumAgreement that governs update of that (reserves) because toNewsSource,theGTUPresident Shell Beach Outreach Programme the unusually large oil block, that is what Exxon said, updating said the Union is willing to give up including catering and boat and measuring 26,800 square the numbers, because we are more than two years from its ground transportation; Exxon kilometers.Itmustbenotedthatthe movingtoproductionstage.” originalproposal,andhebelievesit branded duffel bags, coolers, and PSA makes it clear at Section 1.5
Although Jagdeo claims that is now time for the Ministry of lanyards for a Contractor Safety (b) that: “…If within sixty (60) the company is not focused on Education to show that it is serious Workshop;Meals,beverages,tents, days of the Minister’s further understanding the reserves, the and also offer two years for chairs,andfacilitiesfor“Cultureof investigation,thePartiesareunable company has communicated negotiation that would match the Health” 5K run/walk and other to agree to the disposition of the otherwise in its Annual Report. In two years that the Union would similar events leave it in breach of Minister’s audit claim, the claim fact, ExxonMobil is required to have remaining from its original thecontract. shallbesubmittedtothesoleexpert conduct appraisal activities before proposal.” If the Union is ready to Anotherinstancehighlightedin inaccordancewithArticle26ofthe moving to production During compromise on some of those back the second audit was the misuse of Agreement.” Article 26 of the appraisal, delineation wells might years,theGovernmenthasgottobe funds to pay for drill ships to be on contractsetsouttheconditionsasit be drilled to determine the size of prepared to compromise on its standby for Kaieteur and Canje relates to arbitration. This means the oil or gas field and how to position. blocks. Going a little more into thatthePSAhasallocated180days develop it most efficiently Patterson said the nation was not Butallwearehearingisthatthe detail the auditing team noted that to complete the review of the audit According to the 2022 Report seen being updated on its oil reserves as Union must compromise and not Exxon had four drill ships from report. by this newspaper, a total of 11 this would trigger massive the other side and it is unfair to Noble Corporation in early 2020 exploration and appraisal wells countrywide protests for a better workers of this country to be asked working After suspending the Friday were completed that year It states, deal The previous Coalition throughtheirUniontocompromise servicesofStenaCarronandNoble
“Extensive drilling operations government had accepted a 2% five years when there is no TomMaddenandmovethemcloser ExxonM continues to appraise continued in the Stabroek Block in royalty and granted excessive tax compromise on the other side. I to shore into a “hot standby” (idle wells to update oil reserves 2022 with three of the six rigs holidays to the Contractor and its would say this now, that if the but still operational) mode due to – but Govt. ducking focusing on exploration and sub-contractors. Guyana merely Governmentispreparedtotaketwo staffing issues, records show that information from public ap
receives12.5ofprofits,afterExxon years – 2022 and 2023 – and we go Exxon had Stena on standby to exploration and appraisal wells deduct 75% each month to recover with 2024, 2025, then we can have execute works for Stabroek as well ExxonMobil Guyana Limited were completed in 2022 with its investments. Patterson believes a four-year agreementASAP, if the as Canje and Kaieteur which it (EMGL) in its most recent Annual activity extending across the block that the blackout of information on Government is prepared to go with walkedawayfromin2023. Report, published for 2022 in the northwest, southeast and the recoverable resources could be that. We are prepared to give up Records also show that Exxon highlights that appraisal activity centralareas.” a strategic move by the oil major to some of the years under the had the Stena Carron drill ship drill was conducted across the Stabroek
ExxonMobil was keen to note avoidanintensifiedpublicpressure proposal that we submitted. Is the the Tanager-1 well in the Kaieteur Block to assess the quality and that exploration and appraisal for renegotiation of the lopsided Government prepared to go back Block beginning September 9, quantity of oil found, but the activities in the block are critical to Production Sharing Agreement and compromise, rather than hold 2020 and ending November 23, Government of Guyana (GoG) enhance understanding of the (PSA). its position to say 2024 and no 2020. Stena was then moved to the continues to hide the data from the block’s potential to increase value “If Guyanese are clamouring more?” Lyte is quoted by News adjacent Canje Block where it public. and inform future development everysingledayforarenegotiation Sourceassaying. worked on the Bulletwood-1 well Chief policymaker for the opportunities.Although the reports when we only have 11 billion
Speaking to Kaieteur News on beginning December 31, 2020 and petroleum sector, Vice President on the appraisal works have been barrels proven reserves, imagine the issue, GTU General Secretary, ending March 2, 2021. Stena was Bharrat Jagdeo was asked by shared with the government, the the clamour and the outcry when Coretta Mc Donald said this is not also used to drill the second well in Kaieteur News on Thursday for the administration is reluctant to they (Exxon) actually finish the first time that the Union has Canje called Jabillo-1 beginning umpteenth time during his weekly disclose the country’s updated oil appraising these wells and it jumps presented the government with a March 12, 2021 and ending March media conference to provide an reserves. from 11 billion barrels to say compromise as it relates to the 20,2021. update on the reserves, since he VP Jagdeo, at previous press something like 40 billion barrels multi-yearagreement.
Furthermore, Exxon was previously committed to reviewing conferences said there was no and the true magnitude of what “We have always been willing caught by auditors spending the reports submitted by Exxon- significant update to the last Exxon has already discovered tocomprisebutit’stheGovernment Guyana’s oil profits to pay for the which contains information on resource update, provided by the becomes known,” the former notpreparedtodothesame. Every monitoring of newspapers and reserves – to be made public. company in April 2022, some two Ministersaid. time, we offer something the mediabetweentheperiod2018and Jagdeo had said he needed to years ago. Since the last update, Government has an excuse as to 2020. A review of the company’s determine whether the reports ExxonMobil has announced eight GTU prepared to whytheycan’tmeetthedemand. expenses during the period found c o n t a i n e d “ p r o p r i e t a r y new discoveries in the Stabroek compromise on salary hike The GTU said is prepared to thatatotalofUS$2,465,061.62was information”. Block. One of the Co-Venturers, demands says Govt. yet take two years – 2022 and 2023 –claimed by Exxon for its Public The politician when faced with CNOOC, in its 2023 Annual to table counter proposal andwegowith2024,2025,thenwe Affairs Program These costs, the question however sought to Results, disclosed the Lancetfish said we are prepared to give up according to the auditors are not clarify that he never promised to discovery,whichwasmadeinApril Guyana Teachers’ Union some of the years under the relatedtopetroleumoperationsand provide an update on the oil 2023, averaged some 100 million (GTU) wants the Government to proposal that we submitted. They shouldthereforenotbebilledtothe reserves. In fact, he told reporters tons, which is equivalent to 746 put up a counter proposal to theirs saidno…Weaskforlumpsumthey country’s oil. According to the that there has been no change to million barrels, according to the as they seek to bring an end to the said no.” Mc Donald lamented that audit report, Exxon used the sum reserves.“WhatImighthavesaidis conversion formula of the over50-daysstrikeactionforbetter while the government continues to stated above on media messaging; thattheyarerequiredto,everythree I n d e p e n d e n t P e t r o l e u m salaries.They said too that they are be stiffed necked; the nation’s stakeholder relations, issues months, give the Ministry an AssociationofAmerica. prepared to amend their multi-year childrenaresuffering. management; recording, editing, update on changes in the reserves The last resource count, dated agreement proposal from 2019- “Childrenaresufferinglearning and voice talent for public service and I know that no update has been April 26, 2022, declared the 2023to2022-2025. loss just because the government messages on Guyana’s Sovereign givenonthechangesinthereserves recoverable resource for the During a live stream via the can’t seem to meet the union half WealthFund;hostingvisitforShell but they are required every three Stabroek Block at nearly 11 billion Union’s Facebook page on way…Then the Government wants BeachOutreachProgramincluding months to issue a document to the oil-equivalent barrels. Since then, Tuesday, the GTU’s President Dr to come and preach to the citizens catering and boat and ground Ministry updating the reserves if Exxonannouncedeightsubsequent Mark Lyte said that: “What the about how much they care. They transportation; Liza Destiny they have any information about discoveries, the Seabob-1 and government was asking us to do ca
Arrival Commemoratory Event; thereservesbeingupdated.Thereis Kiru-Kiru-1 wells, Sailfin-1, was to forego a five-year period compromise while parents, branded drawstring sports packs so far none of that,” Jagdeo Yarrow-1, Fangtooth SE, during which for three, there were teachersandchildrensuffer.” and bottles; media monitoring reported. Lancetfish-1, and Lancetfish-2 impositions with no collective M
services and newspapers as well as Notably, the Vice President wells, along with the recently agreement. We even believe that Facebook live on Tuesday, Lyte brochuresforExxon. again explained that Exxon is announcedBluefindiscovery one of the things that government explainedthat he is hearing of talks The misuse of Guyana’s oil focused on oil production rather In an invited comment, couldhavedonewastocometothe thattheteachersdidnotwork profits flagged in the second audit than appraisal activity According Opposition Parliamentarian, David table with a reason as to why they (Continued on page 56)
From page 55 andaccountability.” during the COVID-19 pandemic, As investigations continue, noting that “many teachers across boththeGuyanesegovernmentand thiscountrystronglydebunkedthat EMGL are working to address the because it is such a lie to say our billing discrepancies, according to teachers did not work during the stakeholders. COVID…” “Our teachers were in the field distributing school work
Opposition: Govt. should and the Ministry of Education is on push for more benefits record boasting and thanking our from oil rather than lobbying teachers for taking the risk.” Lyte for Chevron takeover noted too that several teachers lost their lives during the pandemic
because they took that risk. “I can
Congress Reform (PNC/R) callseveralnamesbutIdonotwant believes the Government of thefamiliestorelivethat,”theGTU Guyana (GoG) should not be headadded. lobbying for the takeover of Hess’
On February 5, 2024 teachers 30%shareintheStabroekBlockby from across the country took to the Chevron, but should instead focus streets to protest for better wages on securing a better oil deal for the andsalaries.Thisactionwentonfor country almost a month and resulted in a
Opposition spokesman on oil Stabroek Block partners if court battle between the Union and and gas, Elson Low in an interview Chevron’s bid to enter the block the government. In response to the resulting in a potential double- obtain VAT exemptions from the with this newspaper zeroed into fails.” He was keen to note that this GTU’s industrial action, billingsituation. Guyana RevenueAuthority (GRA) President Irfaan Ali’s recent was particularly important since government had announced that The audit identified specific as stipulated under Article 15.1 of comments on the arbitration filed Guyana should be pursuing teachers who participated in the costs for pipe racks and general thePA. by Exxon Mobil regarding the changes to the lopsided oil deal strike action – salaries will be shore base operations at the John This delay, according to proposed merger of Hess and with Exxon and the other Codeducted. Fernandes Limited (JFL) shore EMGL, did not impact the overall Chevron. Venturers.
However, GTU challenged the base,performedbyGuyanaEnergy pre-contract cost amount since the ThedealwouldenableChevron To this end, he said the government’s decision in court and Support Services. These services costs were accrued during the to enjoy the sweet profits from the government’s only involvement in on April 19, 2024, High Court included labour for loading and exploration and appraisal wells’ Stabroek Block, but Exxon has the deal should be to ensure the Judge, Sandil Kissoon ruled in offloading boats and transporting ongoingactivities. stalled the completion of the country benefits more from the oil favouroftheteachers,affirmingthe equipment to various locations. However, the audit findings transaction citing its legal right to contract that governs the Block. “If legalityofthestrikeandprohibiting The invoices for these services suggest otherwise, and indicated the resources as outlined in the he were to get involved, it should t h e g o v e r n m e n t f r o m were recorded in February, April, that including these costs in the JointOperatingAgreement(JOA). onlybeonconditionthateitherside implementing salary deductions. andMayof2018,aswellasJanuary Cost Recovery Statement Notably, President Ali has agrees to push for better terms in The GTU has been calling on the andFebruaryof2019. constitutes double-counting, as publicly given his support for the PSA He has wasted an government to hike teachers’ The auditors observed however theywerealreadypartofthesettled Chevron over ExxonMobil in the opportunity to get better for salaries and have since put a multi- that the costs were incurred prior to pre-contractcosts. arbitration. The Head of State told G u y a n a b y w a d i n g i n year agreement 2019-2023 to the October 7, 2016, which is a critical ThePA’slanguagestatesthatall the U S Financial Times that unconditionally,”Lowreasoned. government for consideration. The date because, according to the June suchpre-contractcostsshouldhave consolidation in other sectors that In further dissecting the government has since refused to 27, 2016 Petroleum Agreement been agreed upon and settled by led to one business controlling President’s position on the Exxon accepttheproposal,notingthatitis (PA), costs incurred before the specific deadlines, which EMGL more than half of the market “can and Chevron fight, the Opposition only prepared to engage the Union “Effective Date” are not contends were met, the auditors cause concern”, saying: “We are of arguedthatiftheHeadofStatewas on salary matters from 2024 recoverable. observed in reinforcing their the view that the partnership works indeed concerned about Exxon’s onwards.
Section 3.3 of Annex C to the observation. well.” Ali said the proposal to influence in Guyana’s oil industry, This resulted in the Union PA, the auditors cited, explicitly VHE Consulting has since bring in a major new partner into the company would not have been utilisingindustrialaction. states that costs incurred before the sought to emphasize the the consortium was a matter for the allowed to participate in the Effective Date, defined as October importance of strict adherence to existing partners, but added that he recently concluded oil blocks Saturday 7,2016,arenottobeincludedinthe the financial terms of the PA to thought it would be good to have auction. recoverable costs Despite this protect Guyana’s economic the “largest operators from the US The Opposition said President Exxon found incorrectly stipulation, the audit revealed that interests. operatinginGuyana”. Ali has merely managed to double-billing Guyana for EMGL had included these pre- “The inclusion of these pre- To this end, the Opposition demonstrate the government’s private shore base works Effective Date expenses in their Effective Date costs is a clear believes the Head of State has inability to navigate dealing with CostRecoveryStatement. violation of the Petroleum demonstrated his “inexperience” major multinational corporations.
An audit of spending done by In response to the audit Agreement terms,” the auditors by wading into the Exxon-Chevron According to Low, “The ExxonMobil Guyana Limited findings, EMGL denied any found while urging that “It is dispute. Opposition would only have taken (EMGL) continues to reveal wrongdoing, asserting that the crucial that all parties adhere According to Low, “He should a side on condition that there was a instances that the company invoiced amounts and activities strictly to the agreed financial not have gotten involved because commitment to getting more for incorrectly billed the Guyanese identified by the auditors were frameworks to ensure transparency herisksantagonizingtheremaining Guyana.” government for costs that are not included as part of the pre-contract eligibleforreimbursement. costs outlined in Section 3.1(k) of Theaudit,spearheadedbyVHE AnnexC. Consulting, found that EMGL The auditors disclosed that included charges on the Cost according to EMGL the delay in Recovery Statement for works that invoicing was due to the timeshould not have been billed, consuming process required to
Police have arrested three with his wife, two daughters and sped away, making good their suspects who reportedly assaulted son. escape. androbbedaCorrivertonfamilyon At the time of the home After the ordeal, the Persaud Friday invasion,allmembersofthefamily family were taken to the Skeldon
The three men armed with were at home.The ordeal occurred Public Hospital where they were cutlasses and a gun invaded the at about 19:00hrs when the three treatedandsentaway home of a 60-year-old Chandra menarrivedatthefamily’shomein Quick work by police led to Persaud located at Lot 54 a car, entered the yard and ranks to arrest the three suspects at Kingston, Corriverton, Berbice assaulted them while demanding a house in, Limlair Village, and robbed them of $1.5million, cash. Corentyne,Berbice,RegionSix. jewelleryandcellphones. Fearful for their lives, the The stolen money, jewellery, Persaud is a driver and victims handed over the cash and and cell phones were all retrieved salesman,policesaid. other articles and the suspects bypoliceatthesaidlocation.
Reports are that Persaud lives returned to the waiting car which Investigationsareongoing.
Some of the predesigned drinking glasses and self-defense accessories, ‘Unique Impressions’ has to offer
“There are many entrepreneurs with great ideas and businesses; however, many of these businesses are in the dark. Persons need to have their businesses more exposed to the public.”
add-onscanbemadewithitemssuchas sanitizer,keyknifeandmultifunctional tool.
Although the business is still
With an ever-growing demand for relatively new and is currently unique and personalized items that advertising to raise awareness about reflect your individuality, one young the services offered, the feedback has entrepreneur,TrishaWilkinson brought been exciting for the young herdreamstorealitywiththecreationof entrepreneur her business venture Unique
She responded that, “Feedback is Impressions Advocating for heavily based on the positive side. uniqueness and girl power Wilkinson Persons who have seen or purchased has based her business on predesigned the self-defense accessories and drinking glasses and self-defense glasses have expressed what an accessories. amazing initiative this is. They are
In an exclusive interview with The mostly
Waterfalls, 28-year-old Wilkinson who personalizationtheitemsbring.” hails from Golden Grove on the East
Whilestillintheinfantstagesofher Bank of Demerara (EBD) shared that have someone to transport us around. business, Wilkinson shared that the ‘Unique Impressions’was launched on Many times, I would see persons, onlychallengesheisdealingwiththusfar May5ththisyear especiallywomenwhoarelateonthepark isbringingawarenessaboutherservices.
Speaking of starting the business, the canbecomeareality.” or in the case of persons who work the Shesaidshehasbeenovercomingthis youngwomansaidshewantedsomething
Withalotofthrivingsmallbusinesses graveyard shift and night shift. They are byreachingouttofriendsandfamilywho of her own and also that spoke to girl in our society today, our featured just simply trying to get to and from work are assisting with the marketing and power entrepreneur is of the view that business to earn an honest dollar So, I think with advertising of her business. “I also try to
She related, “I was just casually owners should always make use of the such products, persons can have a little be vocal as much as possible as well to browsing an online shopping app one day opportunities and platforms to expose more assurance knowing that they have raiseawareness,”shementioned. and I saw this really cute glass with a their businesses and the services they something to protect them or raise an Aiming to see her business reach quote which said, she who kneels before havetooffer alarm,”shepointedout. greater heights, Wilkinson said her long- God can stand before anyone.” She
“There are many entrepreneurs with According to the young woman, the term goals are to be able to be a daily
added that the quote had a picture to go great ideas and businesses; however, self-defense product has gained much inspiration to persons with the catchy along with it to complete the design and many of these businesses are in the dark. popularityasofrecent. phrases on the glasses and other personal thismeresightimpressedherandgaveher Persons need to have their businesses She detailed that the glass mugs items.Inaddition,shehopestooffermore theinspirationforherbusiness. more exposed to the public,” she providedarepredesignedwithbamboolid items to allow persons to have the perfect
With regards to the self-defense commented. covers and straw However, it can also be giftpiecestopresentothers. aspect of her business, Wilkinson said it
For persons interested in the providedwithspecificdesignsforparties, Meanwhile, asked what role she was birthed out of a need for personal services ‘Unique Impressions’ has to weddings, birthdays, groups, etc. just to thinks small business owners such as
safety She detailed that the accessories offer, you can reach out via WhatsApp name a few While the self-defense herself has in society, she expressed that she offers would aid persons especially on (592) 614-9198 or on Instagram at accessories include a kubaton, alarm, small businesses show people that “when womentobeabletofightoffaggressors. unique_impressions.ui. pepper spray, flashlight and whistle and you put your mind to it, your dreams too
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
One male able- bodied Staff. For more information Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
One female able-bodied Staff. For more information Call: 225-2313, 658-8559.
Live-in family, husband- mechanical background and license for car and van. Call: 227-1813.
One Hauler Driver needed. Call: 611-7088/ 639-6106.
Porter to work in warehouse and Canter driver. Experience is an asset, Attractive salary. Call : 673-7373.
One handyboy age 16 or older, Living accommodation and meals provided $75,000 per Month. Call: 6391315,625-5043.
One Babysitter, must be experienced and able to travel overseas. WhatsApp 973508-2743 or 347-331-1223 to apply.
One able bodied porter in a hardware store at Sheriff Street, Attractive salary .Contact: 689-4041.
Mature domestic help needed to work in a workshop on the East Coast Demerara. Call: 662-1883/ 654-2516.
Wanted two office Staff, must have English and Mathematics. Call: 677-4896/664-2374.
One male cook and experienced Jet + Marack men to work in the interior. Tel: 6772385
Live-in small family, husband- Driver and mechanical experience, Wife- Domestic or salesperson. good rates Call: 227-1813.
Place to rent at Vreed-enhoop junction for Lessons, Church, Office, Storage Bond, other. Call: 603-6400.
Vacancy for professional or trainee Welder. Call: 698-1267/ 657-9121.
Live-in housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virginia, USA. Free room & boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: or Call: 615-9132. Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. For more information Call: 615-9132.
Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443/ 615-9132.
Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: or Call: 618-7066.
Vacancies exist for Security guard and Carpenter at Happy Acres, ECD. Call/WhatsApp Saoud Osman: 643-9861 / 6116151.
W/union CSR'S, Cashiers, Sales representative, Porters, Bond & Accounts Clerk. Call:609-2995,Email: survivalhumanresources2@
Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.
Vacancy At People's Choice Kitchen for night Cooks and Kitchen assistant. Call/ Whatsapp: 673-8315.
Chainsaw Operators and Labourers needed for wood concession. Call: 633-6030. Now hiring: Truck Drivers, Secretary & Accounts clerk to apply send application via Whatsapp at 608-5303/6082114.
Restaurant Manger experience in management & customer service, Good communication skills required. Emil resume:
Head chef, Experience in designing menus and managing staff.Email resume:
Lead Bartender, experience in designing menu, Overseeing staff & Train servers.Email resume:
Full time Domestic/ Maid needed, knowledge of Indian cooking. Call: 618-1853.
Cummings Lodge 100ftx80ft (+10ft reserve). sandfill, eastern fence, bridge e.c.t , Plan for 9 apartment 3 story building available. Tel: 624-8694.
From page 49
‘Dream Demon.’ The artwork, meticulously crafted using cotton yarn, macramé, and metal, portrays a nightmarish woman, reminiscent of a mythological creature. The piece serves as a visual exploration of the dark recesses of the human psyche, delving into the realm of nightmares. Cummings explained that ‘Dream Demon’ draws inspiration from the concept of a dreamcatcher, an object traditionally believed to filter out bad dreams and allow only good ones to pass through. However, his interpretation takes a twist, depicting the dream demon as a female figure, considered the mother of nightmares. The portrayal exudes malevolence and menace, capturing the essence of
2- SUV Lexus Contact: 6500402 / 652-0251.
Prime business spot 1/2 Acres land located at parika E.B.E.Contact : 650-0402/6520251.
German shepherd mix with Husky available. Call : 6480111.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.
a truly terrifying entity.
The intricate use of materials and the artist’s creative vision combine to evoke a sense of unease and fascination in viewers.
Through his work, Cummings invites viewers to confront their own fears and delve into the realm of the unknown. ‘Dream Demon’ serves as a stark reminder of the power of the human imagination and the compel-
ling nature of our deepest fears. By bringing this mythological creature to life, Cummings challenges the viewer to contemplate the concept of nightmares and the impact they have on our psyche.
Cummings’ artwork serves as a catalyst for introspection, inviting viewers to explore their own fears and confront the enigmatic entities that inhabit their dreams.
Cummings’ ‘Dream Demon’ weaves a captivating narrative, blending mythology and psychological exploration. Through his mastery of textiles and his ability to evoke emotions through art, he immerses viewers in a realm where nightmares reign supreme. The Tutor’s Exhibition at the E.R. Burrowes School of Art will be open for daily viewing until June 14th. Visitors are welcome.
From page 41 authorities. Chairman Singh remarked that for years Guyanese companies have been bitterly complaining about the trade restrictions encountered with the Twinisland Republic which at the same time is allowed to freely and easily export its products to Guyana. . . “Our Commission will continue to review and work with other countries to have these non-tariff barriers removed as quickly as possible.”
Finally, we report on the position of the governing People’s Progressive Party as adumbrated by its General Secretary Vice President Dr. Bharat Jagdeo: . . .”We will insist upon full reciprocity in matters of trade . . . the way our goods and exports are
treated across the Regionbut in this particular case in Trinidad and Tobago - the same way their goods entering the Guyanese market will be treated.
There will be full reciprocity on all the issues because if they can insist upon a phytosanitary test that we don’t implement on their goods but that they want to conduct on our goods before they enter their market, then we will have to deal in the same manner as they are doing”.
In the discussions DDL had with the Trinidadian authorities on 19th April, DDL were advised that their milk was not approved for entry into Trinidad by its Ministry of Agriculture as Guyana is not an approved country for
importation of animal and animal products. Likewise, Trinidad and Tobago is similarly not an approved country for importation into Guyana of animal and animal products and the Government of Guyana must take immediate reciprocal action in rejecting entry of all animal and animal products from Trinidad and Tobago.
Except this is done, there would be no movement in this matter on the part o f Trinidad.
Two months have already passed since the matter came on the table and Trinidad’s approach is to delay it ad infinitum; Guyana would have to force the pace for a resolution and be prepared to refer to the CCJ in case there is no positive solution.
From page 48 mundane transforms into the profound. In the sanctuary of my bathroom, each poem idea was born. Some ideas, like seeds planted in fertile soil, have blossomed; while others remain as reminders of words I hold closest to my heart.”
Loving Him or Maybe Too Much is a courageous effort by Noble to share a piece of herself with the world, something that many of us regularly shy away from doing, due to our fear of experiencing vulnerability; in that regard, she throws caution completely to the wind, delving deeply into the complexities and hindrances of love in both romantic and internalized forms.
This aligns with her intentions for the impact of the book; she hopes to connect with and inspire the reader by bridging the gap between matters of the heart and selflove, creating an understanding and sense of empathy within her reader through her words, in order to encourage them to embark on their own healing journeys and even find solace in the comfort of written words like she does.
The project serves as another building block for the lasting legacy she hopes to build as a passionate storyteller who tells her stories on her own terms and in her own way.
Noble is certainly one to keep an eye on, as she consistently and continuously makes strides in her artistic
and professional journeys. She has seized the opportunity to share her work with an even wider audience, as two of her poems will be published in the 13th edition of Otherwise Engaged Literature and Arts Journal, a US-based publication.
In keeping with her multifaceted nature, she has even published several works outside of the genre of poetry, including several learning and preparation activity colouring books for children, as well as a mood tracking self-care journal for adults, and a motivational adult colouring book, Don’t Limit Yourself: Positive Affirmations Colouring book for Adults.
(BBC Sport) - Real Madrid rode their luck and overcame an outstanding challenge from Borussia Dortmund to win the Champions League at Wembley
Carlo Ancelotti wrote more history with his fifth win as coach in the competition, while Real claimed the crown for the 15th time in trademark fashion as they survived a
torrid first half and several missed opportunities from Dortmund before coming outontop.
Dortmund’s Karim
Adeyemi missed two firsthalf chances and striker Niclas Fullkrug hit the post, with recalled Real keeper Thibaut Courtois also providing a formidable barrier Real, inevitably, raised the stakes, with Dani Carvajal glancing home a
header from a corner 16 minutes from time before ViniciusJrracedcleartoadd asecond.
It crowned a glorious first season at Real for England’s Jude Bellingham, but it was a night of disappointment for Jadon Sancho, on loan to Dortmund from Manchester United Ruthless Real Madridmastersagain Real Madrid’s late surge
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some intellectual problems Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult talking to you today, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
to claim another victory in Europe’s elite tournament carriedanairofinevitability as they proved they are a ruthless winning machine when it comes to the ChampionsLeague.
As they have done previously in the competitionthisseason,and in seasons before, Real stumbled along in the first half as they were pinned back by the intensity of Borussia Dortmund’s approach.
Real barely put together anattackworthyofthename whilehangingonbytheskin oftheirteethattheotherend, with Dortmund creating chances but crucially wastingthem.
When that happens, as Liverpool and others have found before them in Champions League finals, there is normally only one outcome.
AndsoitprovedasReal, with keeper Courtois fully justifying Ancelotti’s decisiontopickhimaheadof Andriy Lunin, picked up a headofsteamtostrikethose twolateblowstotheheartof braveBorussia.
Many will wonder quite howRealMadriddoitwhen they seem out of sorts so often. But muscle memory kicks in with these great players, as the departing ToniKroos,Carvajal,Nacho and late substitute Luka Modric claimed Champions League winners’medals for thesixthtime.
As for the peerless Ancelotti, as impassive as ever, he continued his incrediblerecordatthehelm ofthisgreatclub.
It was a quiet night for Bellingam,whomissedabig chance before setting up Vinicius Jr for the second. But what a campaign he has had since joining Real from Dortmund.
England will hope this setsuptheiryoungsuperstar perfectlyforEuro2024.
Seed-one Nicholas Verwey (right) defeated Mohryan Baksh on the fourth day
Day four of the w e e k - l o n g Toucan-Kraft Mac and Cheese Juniors Squash tournament sizzled w i t h d o m i n a n t performances Tehani Munroe shone in the White Cheddar division, while Zoey McDonald and Justin Goberdhan excelled in the Three Cheese category Sifirah Sumner remained undefeated in the Spiral division, mirroring Richard
Rodrigues’ impressive performances.
The tournament is inching closer to a potential showdown between Nicholas Verwey and Michael Alphonso in The Cheesiestdivision.
The action continued on Friday at the Georgetown Club courts with a thrilling lineup of matches. In the White Cheddar division, Tehani Munroe, Zoey McDonald, and Kristian
Viapree continued their dominance Second-seed Munroe defeated fourthseed Ella Fernandes, topseed McDonald triumphed over Maxwell Viapree, and Kristian Viapree overcame RafaelBrathwaite3-1.
The Three Cheese category, top seeds Rylee Rodrigues and Justin Goberdhan delivered stellar performances.
Rodriguessecureda3-1 victory over Emily Fung-A-
Fat, with scores of 11-8, 118,8-11,and11-8.Goberdhan engaged in an exhilarating five-gamebattlewithKaylee Lowe,whowonthefirsttwo games by an identical 11-7 score. Goberdhan bounced back nicley, winning three consecutivegames11-0,119,and11-8.
Over in the Spiral division, Demetri Lowe edged out third-seed
Jeremy Ten Pow in a gripping 3-2 match, with
Dinesh Karthik has called time on his playing career The wicketkeeperbatterlastplayedforIndiain the2022T20WorldCupand didputhishanduptoplayin the2024editionaswell,but will now be focusing his efforts elsewhere. Karthik announced his decision on Saturday, his 39th birthday, bringing to a close a career thatbeganin2002-03.
Over the last few years, however, Karthik has only been active in domestic cricket and the IPL circuit, where he’s been a fixture sincetheinauguralseasonin 2008. He signs off after Royal Challengers Bengaluru’s (RCB’s) playoff game against Rajasthan Royals (RR) in Ahmedabad earlier this month. He made 11 off 13 and picked up a catch and a stumping.
ESPNcricinfo had reported prior to the start of IPL2024thatitwouldbethe last IPL season for Karthik, sotheannouncementwason the cards. He will leave the tournament as one of just seven players to have featured in every edition of
The wicketkeeper-batter played 180 games for India and 256 games in the IPL (BCCI)
theIPLsofar,alongwithMS Dhoni, Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma, Shikhar Dhawan, Wriddhiman Saha and ManishPandey
In what is an impressive statistic,Karthikmissedjust two matches in his 17 seasons.
The first one was in his maidenseason,whenhewas part of Delhi Daredevils (now Capitals), and the second was in IPL 2023 when Karthik sat out a league match against Sunrisers Hyderabad when
ThelateststintwithRCB was Karthik’s second with theteam,afterhehadplayed asingleseasonwiththemin 2015. He was their fourth highest run-getter with a tallyof326from13innings atastrikerateof187. He continued to show signs of evolution even though it was his final season.
Overall, Karthik represented six IPL teams. Starting with Daredevils (2008-14), he moved to
Kings XI Punjab (now Punjab Kings - 2011), Mumbai Indians (2012-13), Gujarat Lions (2016-17), Kolkata Knight Riders (2018-21) and RCB (2015, 2022-present) Overall in 256 matches, Karthik has scored 4816 runs at an average of nearly 26, striking at over 135 with 22 half centuries. As a keeper, Karthik is second on list behind Dhoni in overall dismissals (172) as well as stumpings(36).
Anestablishedcaptainin Tamil Nadu, his state in domestic cricket, Karthik has also led in the IPL - on six occasions as a stand-in skipper at Daredevils, and 37 times between 2018 and 2020 at KKR before he stepped down. Overall, his captaincy record reads: 21 wins, 21 losses and one tied match. He played 26 Tests, 94 ODIs and 60 T20Is for India,frontingupinvarious roles, like Test opener in EnglandoraT20Ifinisherin SriLanka.
He was athletic behind the stumps as well, a trait that was clear even on international debut at 19 yearsold.
Safirah Sumner (right) prevailed 3-2 over Blake Edwards
scores of 11-9, 11-9, 2-11, 8-11, and 11-9 Sifirah Sumner showcased her skill in a hard-fought 3-2 victory against Blake Edwards. Sumner took the first two games 12-10 and 13-11, but Edwards fought backtolevelthescorewith 9-11 and 7-11 wins
Trailing 4-7 in the final game, Sumner surged to an 11-9winwitharemarkable comeback Familiarwinscamefrom
Nicholas Verwey and Michael Alphonso in The Cheesiest category matches as Verwey overpowers Mohryan Baksh 11-6, 11-5 and 11-3, while Alphonso kept Louis Da Silva in his shell with a convincing 3-1 victory
The tournament, sanctioned by the Guyana Squash Association and sponsoredbyKraftMacand Cheese, concludes today at thesamevenue.
Frompage63 which is scheduled to take place from September 1922, 2024, in London. This eventpromisestobeanother significant opportunity for practitioners to demonstrate their prowess on an internationalstage. This tournament not onlyhighlightedtheathletic excellencewithin the karate community but also reinforced the spirit of sportsmanship and communityinvolvement. Thanks to the generous contributions of the sponsors and the dedicated efforts of all involved, the event was a resounding success. The ISKF Guyana looks forward to fostering more such events that promote the martial arts discipline and contribute to itsgrowthandpopularity O u t s t a n d i n g
Performances came from TrivenaTyrrell(1stPlacein both Kata and Kumite 7-8 years old Female Contest Purple to Brown belt), AdeevyahLevans(1stPlace in both Kata and Kumite 910 years Old Male and Female Contest Yellow to Green Belts), Ronit Hasan (1st Place in both Kata and Kumite 9-10 Male Contest Purple to Brown belts), AmarioTyrrell(1stPlacein bothKataandKumite11-12 years Male and Female yellow to purple belts), LerajBhimsain(1stPlacein bothKataandKumite11-12 Male and Female Contest Brown Belts), Leia Pugsley (1st Place in Both Kata and Kumite 13-15 Female Kata Contest Yellow to Brown Belts and Shaqueel Amin (1st Place in Both Kata and Kumite 18+ Contest Blackbelts).
Frompage64 after lap two and was five seconds in front after a further circuit of the 37.73mile course, before setting the quickest lap of the race onhisfinallapat129.214to securevictory Todd was aiming to become the first Ducatimounted rider to win a TT race since New Zealander
Robert Holden won the Supermono race in 1995 but having fallen narrowly short of his maiden TT success will hope to go one better in the second Supersport outing on Wednesday James Hillier, James Hind and Josh Brookes rounded out the top six leaderboard.
he International
Shotokan Karate Federation ( I S K F ) - G u y a n a successfully held their annual National Karate Tournament at Marian Academy on Rupert Craig HighwaylastSaturday(May 25th, 2024), showcasing an impressive array of talent with 81 competitors participating.
Chief Judge Christopher Chaves, who is also the
organization’s Chief Instructor and Country Director presided over the tournament. He welcomed allinattendance,gaveabrief on the organization and the importance of the tournament and fielded the competitor’s oath read by EmilyIbbott.
The tournament then kicked off in true ISKF fashion Impressively employing the flag system andwellorganized.Adeptly, the refereeing duties were handled by Marlon George
and Marvin Singh, ensuring disciplineandfairnessinthe matchenvironment,muchto thespectator’sdelight. Competitors were keen to ascend and subscribed to camaraderie despite their intense and focused disposition Competitors comprisedbothchildrenand adultsandmatcheshadboth
The competitors took a photo op with their medals at the end of the tournament
maleandfemaledivisions. The judge’s pa
included Shermon Best and Christina Chaves, who, along with other senior judges, contributed to the meticulous assessment of
Special thanks were extended to Sister Shelly
Jhetoo, O.S.U, the Principal of Marian Academy, for providing the venue Gratitude was also expressed to Roger Perone for loaning the competition mats, which were essential for the successful execution of the tournament The parental support and the effortsoftheISKFoperating
committee were recognized for their integral roles in organising the event Additionally, the medical needs were proficiently managedbyDrs.Mr &Mrs. Randell Collins, the TournamentDoctors.
The tournament was organized by ISKF Guyana and sponsored by Guyana
Beverages Inc., specifically throughtheirOasisPremium Purified Water brand. Mrs. Melissa Alphonso also played a crucial role in supportingtheevent. Meanwhile, the karate community is eagerly anticipating the upcoming 4thISKFWorldShotoCup, (Continuedonpage62)
Christ Church Secondary assembled for a photo-op on Monday at MoE ground, as the winner of the march past.
Round Two of the fifth annual ExxonMobil Boys and Girls Schools Under-14 Football Tournament will kickofftodayattheMinistry of Education ground on CarifestaAvenue.
This seven-week-long eventwillfeatureanexciting lineup of 27 games. In the
Boys division, Three Mile willfaceoffagainstLeonora Secondary while Charity will compete against Dolphin Secondary in the Girls division, with both matches starting at 10:00 am.Thetournamentwillrun t
y, showcasing the defending
champions Waramuri Top
matchesscheduledjustafter lunch The competition began with a full slate of matches on Monday, where Santa Rosa’sVernica Chatta stole the spotlight with a
The transfer window also applies to clubs competing in the Women’s League Division One.
The transfer window for football clubs in Guyana opened on June 1 andwillcloseonJuly31.
General Secretary of the Guyana Football Federation
(GFF), Ian Alves, announcedonMarch30that the period offers clubs, including those competing in the KFC Elite League Season Six and Member Associations’ Senior Men’s League,thechancetobolster their squads by acquiring newplayers.
Additionally, clubs competing in the Women’s League Division One have the opportunity to make changes in time for the new seasonlaterthisyear
Alves stressed that “all clubs must ensure they uphold the GFF’s regulations regarding transfers to maintain the integrity and smooth operationoftheprocess.”
He added that managers withanyquestionsregarding
the process should contact theFederation.
All transfers must involve and have the full agreement of the former club, the player, the former regionalassociation,thenew club, and the new regional association,especiallyinthe case of inter-association transfers.
The GFF will be closely monitoring compliance to ensure fair play and adherence to established guidelines.(GFFRelease
Asnippet of what to expect today at the MoE Ground in round 2 of ExxonMobil Boys and Girls U14 Football Championship
Additionally, standout p
s G r e g o
y Romascindo, Norismar Williams, Shane James, and Keysi Austin delivered i m p r e s s i v e b r a c e performances,settingahigh standard for the rest of the
championship features 36 boys’ teams and 24 girls’ teams, all aiming for their respective titles Christ Church Secondary claimed the prestigious March Past trophy on the opening day, and coaches are keen to see how their teams perform in theroundrobinmatches.
The tournament is organised by the Petra Organisation and sponsored by ExxonMobil, with supportfromStenaDrilling, MVP Sports, Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, YouthandSports.
(BBC Sport) - Michael Dunlophaswontheopening SupersportraceattheIsleof ManTTtoequaltheall-time recordof26winsattheevent achievedbyhisuncleJoey
Dunloppoweredhisway around four laps of the Mountain Course to draw level with the benchmark, whichhasstoodfor24years.
The 35-year-old was madetobattleforhisvictory, firstoverhaulingearlyleader Dean Harrison and then seeing off the challenge of the charging Davey Todd to win by 8.5 seconds from Todd,withHarrisonthird.
The Northern Irishman hasnowwonfivesuccessive Supersport races at the TT after racking up doubles in the class on his Yamaha in both2022and2023.
Dunlop’s record tally of t r i u m p h s i n t h e middleweight class now standsat12.
He will have seven opportunities to surpass Joey’s total when he competes in all the remaining solo races this week.
“It’s fantastic. To equal Joey’s record is something that has been playing on my mindallweek,andeveryone else’s,”saidDunlopafterhis
Michael Dunlop has won TTs across four different classes riding machinery for six different manufacturers (Photo: Pacemaker)
“Everyonewantedtoget to that record and now I’ve done it, so it is something special.”
Dunlop had begun qualifyingweekonboardthe Triumphhehadracedduring the early part of the season, including at the North West 200internationalroadrace.
In midweek he opted to switch to the Yamaha that hadcarriedhimtovictoryin recent years, and on which he recorded the first ever 130mph lap in the 600cc category
Having set the fastest speed of the week in
practice, the Ballymoney man found himself trailing Harrison and Todd in the early stages of Saturday’s race but edged ahead at Ballaugh Bridge midway round lap two and retained his lead until the chequered flag at the conclusion of the final lap His deficit to Honda rider Harrison at the end of the opening circuit was two seconds but the Yorkshiremanwasunableto sustain his early pace, droppingbacktooccupythe finalrostrumspot.
Dunlop enjoyed a 4.5secondadvantageoverTodd (Continuedonpage62)
Th e h i g h l y anticipated ICC
Men’sT20World Cup 2024 finally got underway on Saturday evening at the Grand Prairie StadiuminDallaswherecohost, the United States of America, collided with Canada in the first actionpackedshowdown.
Following a 15minuteopeningceremony that featured a mix of cultures and displays of the 20 countries involved in the global tournament, the inaugural hosting of a World Cup match on US soil got underway as the home team won the toss anddecidedtofield
It was USA that drew first blood with a massive 7-wicketwin
The Canadians got off to an excellent start compliments of Aaron Johnson (23) and the
recorded the first half-
tournament Nicholas
Kirton (51) followed and brought up his halfcentury in an innings that kept their scoreboard ticking.
With Guyana’s leg of the h i s t o r i c Men’s ICC T20 World Cup bowling off today at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence; respective captains of West Indies and Papua New Guinea (PNG) werepoisedgoingintobattle with both teams eyeing a win.
Saturday’s practice session was plagued by rains at Providence, but the press conference saw both captains seemingly in high spirits, with a win
b e i n g t h e i r m a i n objective West Indies Captain
Rovman Powell was confident ahead of the encounter today, citing the likely impact of the Guyanese lot of players in: Romario Shepherd,
Shimron Hetmyer, Gudakesh Motie, Shamar
Joseph and Sherfane Rutherford Powell pointed out that
w h i l e t h e t e a m ’s confidence level was at an all time high, he wants to ensure getting off to a win
PNG skipper Assadollah Vala
remains at the helm of the team’s goal. The hardhittingbatsmanalsohinted atconditionsatProvidence playing a key role in the match for either team, given the weather and knowing how much overseas teams struggle away P N G s k i p p e r Assadollah Vala said preparations have been going as planned and today’s battle is a huge test against former champions at this World Cuplevel
“Things have been
Aaron Jones (Photo: Getty Images)USAmanagedtoremove thechiefscorersinthedeath overs which helped restrict the free-scoring Canadian opponents, but Shreyas
Movva played an excellent cameo of 32 from 16 which pushedtheirtotalto194-5.
A wicket each went to Ali Khan, Harmeet Singh and Corey Anderson in USA’s bowlinginnings.
Set with a target that would mean a personal record if achieved, USA got off to a terrible start with the loss of Steven Taylor for a duck on the second ball of the run chase to Kaleem Sana, without a run on the board
recover from the early loss, but their occupation at the crease with strike rates barely above 100 for an extended period caused the equation to become quite challenging by the end of the powerplay.
By the 10th over, USA were 81 – 2 and required 114 from 60 balls
The next five overs were very eventful with Gous and Aaron Jones putting on a magnificent display of power hitting which brought the target closer by 87 runs T h e i r 1 3 1 - r u n partnership came to an end when Gous held out on the long on boundary for 65
But with Jones at the other end on 76 with eight sixes and just 21 required from 24, USAwereclinicalinsealing the victory as they reached 197-3 with 14 balls remaining.
J o n e s f i n i s h e d unbeaten on 94 from 40 delivers, laced with ten maximums and four fours.
West Indies Captain Rovman Powell
goingreally,wehavebeen to Barbados, St Lucia etc, so we’ve been working hard and looking forward to today’s game which will be testing against the former champs”, Vala pointedout
He further lauded former West Indies coach Phil Simmons, who he dubbed as a legendary figurewithintheWindies
“It means alot to be playing amongst the best teams and playing the T20 World”.
Game one bowls off today from 10:30h