Govt. concerned about dwindling gold declaration – VP Jagdeo
By Renay Sambachthosecompanies. Kaieteur News had
With Guyana’s gold reportedthatTroyResources declarations dropping by exited Guyana’s gold approximately 209,000 troy industry owing the country ounces over the past five over$2.6billioninroyalties. To this end, Jagdeo stated

years,VicePresidentBharrat Last year, total gold that government believes praisedtheworkdonebylaw Jagdeo has expressed the declarations contracted by there is a demand for gold to enforcement agencies in Government of Guyana’s 11.2 % to 432,113.2 troy

investigating illegal gold concern about this trend. He ounces, reflecting a decline proceeds. activities. He highlighted a warned that strict penalties that he previously expressed 26 6% to 186,584 troy in production by small- and Last year, the Vice recent gold bust at Cheddi would be imposed on those co
medium-scale miners and an President announced an Jagan International Airport found guilty of under- declarations to the Guyana
increaseinthesoleoperating investigation into gold (
reporting gold declarations GoldBoard(GGB). GoldfieldsInc.(AuroraGold foreign company It was smugglingamidconsistently individuals were charged for toevadetaxesandroyalties. I n 2 0 1 9 , g o l d Mines) and Troy Resources stated that AGM recorded lowdeclarations. allegedly attempting to D u r i n g a p r e s s declarations were 641,828 GuyanaInc. higher declarations by 7.8% Providing an update, he smuggle over US$500,000 conferenceheldonThursday troy ounces. For that year, I n 2 0 1 9 , g o l d to 109,358.4 troy ounces at mentioned that the worth of gold out of the attheOfficeofthePresident, the total gold declaration declarations were 641,828 theendof2023. government has sufficient country. He said, “What you Jagdeo commented on a increasedbysome4.7%with troy ounces, marking a 4.7% Jagdeo said, “We are still evidence against some saw at the airport was just a recent report by Kaieteur greater declaration from increase that year, primarily veryconcernedaboutwhatis individuals involved in tinymanifestationofit.” News highlighting the small and medium- scale due to greater declarations happening in the market,” illegal gold activities. He “I just want to tell you country’s diminishing gold miners There was a from small and medium- adding, “We believe that said too, “And I would even that a lot of work has been declarations. He reminded combined output decline by scale miners However, there are people that are not advocate that we amend the donebythelawenforcement foreign companies, Guyana selling to the Gold Board to law to institute even more agencies to understand the GoldfieldsInc.(AuroraGold avoidtaxesandwebelieveat severe penalties on people intelligence work of the Mines) and Troy Resources that time that it was who have done this or are people involved And Guyana Inc , saw a organised and that it was doingthis.” they’re going to face the combined output decline of havinganimpact.” He continued, “So I just consequences,”henoted. 26 6% to 186,584 troy He disclosed that want to forewarn those Furthermore, gold ounces. legitimate dealers have again,whohavebeenengage smugglingresultsinalossof Jagdeo explained that informed the government in this practice that we know royalties and taxes to the higher gold declarations in that some individuals are who you are or at least some country For the past 20 previous years were due to offering rates beyond what of the key players and the years, Guyana has been large-scaleminersbeginning the gold market can sustain, law enforcement agencies of receiving either 5-8% production, leading to sometimes even exceeding the government are coming royalties from gold increased declarations from international market prices. afteryou.” operations.

Oil money earned in 2023 and used in 2024 budget could only finance 2 ministries
Th e r e v e n u e occurring in Guyana. While road that other countries Nandlallnoted.
Infrastructure’s allocation of Guyana received the 2024 budget amounts to have travelled of over The Attorney General $221 4 billion is almost last year from oil $1.1trillion,lessthan30%of dependency on the [oil and believes Guyana serves as a equivalenttothe$300billion
e x p o r t s a n d this total is from the oil and gas] sector In fact, the model for development, Guyana received last year royalties was just about gassector backbone of our economic citing the substantial fromoil. enoughtofundtheallocation Notably, over $400 plan is one predicated upon progress made through
“ infrastructure and fortwoministriesinthe2024 billion of this year’s budget diversification.” infrastructural initiatives education and that is the oil National Budget, Attorney is financed by non-oil
He underscored that the However, he highlighted a money done right there and General (AG) and Minister revenues, with around $300 government is aware that the common misconception, peopledon’tunderstandthat. of Legal Affairs, Anil billion contributed to budget agriculture sector is the stating, “And a lot of people
Two of those ministries, if Nandlall,S.C,stated. fromtheoilandgassector country’s future and aims to don’t understand that all of you look at the budgetary
During his weekly Nandlall explained, avoid over-dependence on this money is not necessarily allocation of two of those programme ‘Issues in the “Look at what we have been oil and gas “So using comingfromoil.Sowedrew ministries, that would have News,’theAttorney General abletoachievefromrevenue proceedsfromtheoilandgas down last year about $300 used up all the revenue that discussed the extensive generated from this sector industry, we are creating a billion from the oil and gas we took from the Natural
Alexander Village man survives hit-and-run
A pedestrian on Thursday miraculously passing by at the same time of the accident survived a hit-and-run accident along the La andcalledanambulance. PenitencePublicRoad,Georgetown. One of the reporters recalled that the Police identified the victim as 50-year- ambulance took almost one hour to arrive at old Peter Ramgobin of Lot 5 Alexander thesceneoftheaccidentasRamgobinlayon Village,Georgetown. thestreetbleedingfromtheface.
According to police, Ramgobin was The man was eventually rushed to the struck by a motorcyclist while crossing the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation road in the vicinity of the La Penitence (GPHC) where he was admitted for multiple Market. Instead of stopping to render injuriestohisbody assistance,themotorcyclistrodeaway Policewerecalledinandaninvestigation Two Kaieteur News reporters were hasbeenlaunched.

Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, S.C
We have not traveled the foundation in agriculture,” sector in revenue, that is ResourceFundandputinthe what we took from the oil consolidated fund and fund and put into the withdrew,”Nandlallsaid. consolidatedfund.” Despite oil money being He pointed out that the Nandlall clarified that enough to fund only about budget allocations for just w h i l e G u y a n a ’ s two ministries, Nandlall two ministries nearly equate developmental drive is highlighted that significant totheentireoilrevenuefrom progressing rapidly; the development is occurring last year This year, the funding is not entirely across all sectors. This year, Ministry of Education sourced from oil revenues. Guyana expects to receive received $135.2 billion, the Nandlall said, “Two of our approximately US$2 1 Ministry of Health $129.8 ministries, two of our billion from oil exports and billion, and the Ministry of ministries, use up that US$320 million from Agriculture $97 6 billion money.” royalties. Notably, the Ministry of

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Proof of spending
ExxonMobil is billing Guyana’s oil revenues in a cavalier manner, it seems. TherehavebeenbillionsofUS dollars in expenses submitted, and millions have been questionedbytheauditors WhentheVHEConsultingaudit teamprobedintotherecordsofExxonMobil,muchhasbeen foundthatraisesalarmsaboutthehonestyoftheoilpartnerthat Guyanaisstuckwith,andseeminglydoesn’tknowhowtoput straight Buyingfromaffiliatedcompaniesisthelatestthathas comebeforethepublicandgivesaglimpseintothemannerthat theoilgiantdoesbusinesswithGuyana
ExxonMobil can purchase items from its affiliated entitiesbutmustfollowtheproceduresembeddedinthe2016 ProductionSharingAgreement(PSA). Section3.1(e)(iii)(b)of Annex C of the PSApermits ExxonMobil to purchase items fromitsaffiliates,butasupportingdocumenttrailisrequired. Invoices must be supplied, and values identified, so that comparisonscanbemadeintheopenmarkettodeterminethe fairness of what the affiliate charged and what ExxonMobil GuyanaLtdbooked Also,thecompanyhasadutytodocument how and where the materialsbilledwereused Inessence,such materialsmustbefortheGuyanaStabroekBlockoperationsand nowhereelse,alongwithdetailsabouttheirpresentdisposition
It is interesting what ExxonMobil has as part of its accounting records for its purchases from affiliates. JournalentrieswerewhatExxonMobilhadtosharewiththe VHE Consulting auditing team. The equivalent of a company diary, it could be said, and with little else to supportitsentries. Someinvoiceswithpricesstatedwould havehelped. Theauditorscouldthenproceedtoverifyby way of comparisons. If there are no invoices, then the reasonableness of the affiliate pricing and invoices cannot bereadilychecked. Wedonotknowwhetherthisapparent gapinExxonMobil’srecordwasforjustsuchapurpose,butit certainlyraisesaworldofspeculation,ifnothardsuspicion,about whattheoilgiantisupto US$1Misarelativelysignificantsum for Guyana, and should this occur with frequency in ExxonMobil’scharges,thentheyaddupinnotime US$73Bin expensestobeauditedatoneshotrepresentsahugevolumeof records, complete with invoices, statements, supporting memoranda, and much more to go through. The auditors had at one time described the process as tedious and time consuming,andtowhichwewouldincludethatithadtobe numbing. This means that costly items could either have not been given the keenness that was necessary, and the scope and sample standard selected limited the type of wide-ranging and deep dive scrutiny that was required to giveGuyanathefullestvalueforitsoildollars. Being the seasoned corporate power that it is, was ExxonMobilgamblingonthosefactorscomingintoplayand keeping its fingers crossed that detection of its accounting deficits would not follow? It should have been the simplest matterforExxonMobiltoobtaininvoicesforitspurchasesfrom affiliates, and almost as a reflexive action It was Country Head, Mr Alistair Routledge who spoke so authoritatively about his company’s accounting systems, going so far as to labelthem“worldclass” Whenjournalentriesareallthatthe companyhasforoverUS$1Minaffiliatepurchases,thenwe willassertthatthatcannotbetermed‘worldclass’byanystretch of the imagination When the “validity and propriety” of the affiliatechargescannotbeverified,thenthisgoesbeyondthe actual materials themselves Claims about world class accounting systems cannot be said to have validity When US$1Minmaterialshavenoinvoices,andnothingtobacksuch up, then “propriety” takes on a new, and possibly scurrilous, meaning Wereturntoapointoftenmade:ifafullforensicaudit was ordered and done, how many more big and pricey exposurescouldhavecometolightofthewaythatExxonMobil conductsitself,setsasitsstandards,inthisGuyanapartnership?
Ifnothingelse,chargingUS$1Mforpurchaseswithout any invoice(s) gives an indication of how serious ExxonMobiltakesGuyanese. Frankly,noinvoices,andno credible explanation, speaks to the contempt and more of ExxonMobilfortheGuyanesepeople.
The menace of noise nuisance, the mayhem of public obscenity, the mischief of law breakers
DEAREDITOR, Guyana’s Permanent RepresentativetotheUnited N a t i o n s , C a r o l y n Rodrigues-Birkett, recently indicated, “There is no justificationforthekillingof innocent civilians and the Geneva Conventions of 1949 are clear on the obligation to protect civilians.”
T h e U n i v e r s a l Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was established by the new United Nations on the 10th December 1948 and is the foundation for a 7 million s t r o n g A m n e s t y International. The UDHR provides a 30 rights global roadmap for freedom and equality, protects the rights for individuals everywhere without discrimination, persecutes violators who denyindividualstolivetheir lives freely, equally and in dignity and promotes a campaign to take action for justice, freedom and truth
whereverithasbeendenied. Human rights are international,indivisibleand interdependent They permeate every nook and cranny in any crevice where humanbeingshabituatetheir habitats. Of much interest are the following Articles withmuchemphasison#29: (7) We are all are equal beforethelaw;(8)Everyone hastherighttoseekjusticeif theirrightsareviolated;(12) Everyone has the right to privacy and freedom from attacks on their reputation; (24) Everyone has the right to rest and leisure; (29) We have a duty to other people and we should protect their rights and freedoms. In our delicate, debauched and demoniac society today, the disgusting issue of noise nuisance, law breakers and public obscenity, align themselves to affront: the decency of moral dignity; the right to reside in a peacefulneighbourhood;the right to rest and sleep at
night; the right not to be traumatized by willful disruptions; the right to live inahealthyenvironment;the rightnottobeendangeredby criminal activities; the right not to be invaded by intruders; the right not to have their private property defecatedtosaytheleast.
The above-mentioned unsolicited requisites are simply the tip of the iceberg for what should be automatically enjoyed in Guyana and a civilized community that respect law and order and abide with established rules and regulations. These inflamed elements are factored in a volatile package which tear away at the very cusp of many communities and cry the tune of a broken record. Sadly, they go noticeably silent on the relevant authoritative sources who are armed to provide for the protectionoftheverysociety which contribute to their well-being Even when
complaints are lodged, they may be ignored, treated inappropriately, regarded as ajokeandwithadismissive response, swept under the carpetorlefthanginginmidair
The matter may be tolerably addressed in the form of informal discussion but without applicable recourse for any tangible redress with immediate remedialeffect.
The intolerable menace of Noise Nuisance often originates from bars which function in the heart of communities, disrupting the peace and tranquility of residents, students, babies andyoungones,thesickand theelderly Whenit’snotthe loud music with an open park concert type volume, it’s the loud, lousy and ludicrous shouting conversations and the foul language from drunk, uncaring and unconcerned patrons.DemBoysSeh,“All disloudmusicnajusdrown
Stop using the word negro
The use of the word “negro” by the Guyana PoliceForcehasnowtakena lifeofitsownandanational conversation has ensued The word is now being look at differently and rightfully so What the national conversation has brought to bear is how language is a powerfultoolthatshapesour perceptions, interactions, and social dynamics. It is importanttonotethatwords are not merely neutral carriers of meaning; they bear the weight of historical contexts, cultural connotations,andemotional resonances The term “Negro,” historically used since colonial times to describe people of African descent, is one such word that carries significant baggage.
In modern society, in present day Guyana its continueduse,especiallyby authoritative institutions such as the Guyana Police F o r c e , s h o u l d b e discontinued with immediate effect. It carries with it an inhumane history, theworstcrimetohavebeen committed against a people, abaggagetheGuyanaPolice Force should carry in 2024. The responsibility of organisationsliketheEthnic Relations Commission (ERC) and the Guyana Police Force must be
cognizant of and responsive totheevolvinglinguisticand cultural landscape of our present day reality as a country
The word “Negro” and itsusebytheGuyanaPolice Force which was put to the general public by AttorneyAt-Law Nigel Hughes has sparked a public debate and conversation about it; conversations that should leadtochangeinthenon-use of this word. I put it to you that the word “Negro” is inextricably linked to the legacy of slavery, colonialism, and systemic racism.Itsuseharksbackto a time when people of African descent were dehumanizedandreducedto a racialized “other.” This word is laden with negative s t e r e o t y p e s a n d connotations that perpetuate aviewofAfricansasinferior and subservient The emotionalandpsychological impact of such a term on i n d i v i d u a l s a n d communities cannot be overstated.
For many, it evokes a painful history and ongoing struggles for equality and dignity Guyana much accept that language evolves, and so do the connotationsassociatedwith words. What might have oncebeenawidelyaccepted term can become deeply offensive and inappropriate
as societal values and understandingsprogressasit has in present day Guyana. The persistence of the word “Negro” in official records/documents is anachronistic and fails to reflect the advancements in social justice and human rights. It undermines efforts to foster inclusivity and respect for all individuals, irrespectiveoftheirracialor ethnic background. I know and believe, that many will agree, that words wield the power to harm and heal, to divide and unite. Positive language can affirm identities, validate experiences, and promote solidarity For instance, terms like “African or Afro Guyanese” East Indian or Indo Guyanese are more readily and widely accepted in contemporary discourse and reflect a recognition of identityandheritagewithout thepejorativebaggage.
In present day society, the use of derogatory terms can normalize prejudice, legitimizing discriminatory practices and policies. This creates an environment where systemic racism can flourish, impeding social cohesion and justice Institutions that wield significant influence over publicdiscourseandsocietal norms As such, bear a crucial responsibility to use language that promotes
respect, inclusivity, and equality The Ethnic Relations Commission, tasked with fostering harmoniousrelationsamong G u y a n a ’s d i v e r s e population, must take a proactive stance against the use of derogatory and outdatedtermslike“Negro.” By issuing directives and recommendations, the ERC can lead the charge in promoting language that reflects contemporary valuesofdignityandrespect forallindividuals.
Similarly, the Guyana Police Force, as an institution of authority and public service, must be exemplary in its use of language.ThePoliceForce’s interactions with the public set a tone for societal attitudes towards race and ethnicity By discontinuing the use of the term “Negro” and adopting a more respectful and accurate terminology that is widely accepted by those affected and the society at large, the police can contribute to the broadereffortofdismantling racial prejudices and promoting social justice The times have indeed changed,andsomustouruse ofcertainwords,it’snotthat difficult,stopusingtheword “Negro”.
Yoursrespectfully, H o n . J e r m a i n e FigueiraMP
In Guyana, we must keep striving for peace and love without the price our ancestors and foreparents have paid
The truth is that in all of what we know to be, our civilization, we human beings have always yearned for peace and to make optimal use of the creator’s bounty, all the while having todealwithnature,buteven more challenging the consistent missteps and arrogance of all mankind everywhere.
I ask you, Editor, to allow some space, as I seek yourforbearancetorecallan incident on this day, eight yearsago.
As a youngster in Primary School, not yet ten yearsold,Irecallmyparents talking about the exploits of theAllied Forces during the lateperiodofthatdestructive World War II, which my Uncle Joe (Dr J.E. Fraser)
described more as a EuropeanCivilWar
The Germans, our great enemy, had already failed in what we know to be the Battle of Stalingrad where the Russians demonstrated unityandresilienceandwere able to ward off the assault byapowerfulGermanforce atStalingrad.
Later,theassaultwasled by General Dwight D Eissenhower on the beaches ofNormandyturnedthetide

infavouroftheAlliedForces which included Great Britain.
It was in terms of warfare, a magnificent effort.
Having said that this victoryatNormandycostthe lives of thousands of young men fighting on both sides for what they believed was righteousness.
Thousands of civilian liveswerelostbybothsides as the British engaged the Germansinalargearmoured battle in the flat lands south ofCaen.
American and British soldiersandbomberscleared the way with an unrelenting four-hourattack.
There was so much s m o k e a f t e r t h e bombardment that many of the Canadians rubbed their eyes and could not see beyond their gun barrels.
The allies had taken hundredsofGermansoldiers asprisoners.Manyhadbeen trapped behind the advancingalliedlines.
As youngsters, we received all of this news through the kindness of a Portuguese gentleman who owned the only radio in the area.
Alargeinstrument,about threefeetinlengthwithglass
tubes, the reception was at times barely audible on the BBC.
I recall earlier going aroundthecornerandasking Mr Davis, the owner of Davis Sash window factory, at the corner of Sussex and Russell Streets for strips of wood.
At home, I used the familycutlassandcarvedout that wood in the shape of a gun and with childish bravado would sit on our front porch, ready to shoot any German or Japanese invader
But Editor, I recall this experience to ask us all to ponder this paradox - why the human species who call for and seek peace must always use warfare and the sacrifice of innocence when men, women and children have the pathway to an elusivepeaceandlove.
In Guyana, we must keep striving for peace and love without the price our ancestors and foreparents have paid Niccolo Machiavelli declared “whoever wants to live in peacemustprepareforwar.” Itisthisapparentparadoxwe must seek to overcome in Guyana.
HamiltonGreen Elder

The menace of noise nuisance...
Frompage out conversation, it drown out humanity!” Then, there is the ear shattering noise which emanates from drivers competing with the DJfromaRockconcert.The ‘showoff’driversandbikers screech their tires as if they areontheracetrackatSouth Dakota. The already small streetsarefilledwithvehicles parkedonbothsides,alluding to traffic congestion, cars parked illegally in residents’ driveways, cars blocking the entrances and exits of side streets and drivers experiencing nightmares in order to navigate a passage way to get in or out of the streets In event of an ambulance or fire truck answering a call of emergency or urgency, do fear for the worse and the unacceptable.
More so, customers would loiter and lime in front of these bars, drinking, cursing and engaging in rowdy, rambunctiousandreckless discussions
They would litter the streets with paper cups, plastic glasses, bottles, cigarette butts and food containers Their loud voices compete with lawlesslaughsandshouting matches Their garbage is also thrown in the drains which form the base for breeding grounds for insects, mosquitoes and flies which contribute to the danger of health hazards While these
strangers visit the bar, they present a security risk for unwanted company infiltrating a community with hidden agenda and criminal intentions
Suspicious drug trafficking isnotuncommonalongwith undeclared activities which donotsaturatetheday The normal smell of cigarettes is adulterated with other scented flavours to pollute the air! Butts from other stems are carefully hunted for, in the following morning, either to remove evidence of illegality or to be enjoyed for that last whiff and pu
Obscenity dominates the order of the night and male and female indulge in exposing their privates openly They can be seen urinating in the most comfortable positions and not bothered by who is witnessing such a despicable performance The men can be seen deliberately looing and urinatingonthepremisesof residents’properties as if it is an accepted norm in the context of a Wild West society De
cating people’s fences is an attribute of anarchic and uncivilized people who are not ashamed of their proud behaviour Vomiting in the streets is another unsightly and upsetting scene You canviewstraydogslapping upthemessforfoodorflies feastingonameal

Thealarmingmischiefof Law Breakers are encouragedtocontinuetobe on the wrong side of justice and are tolerated, encouraged a
protected by those with i
! Overcrowded bars are good for the business owners but bad for the insurance companies.Openingpastthe curfew time is good for the customers, better for the businesses and best for the bar owners. This is bad for t h e a n t a g o n i z i n g surroundings, worse for the sleeplessresidentsandworst for the peace of the community How can bars be allowedtooperatepastthe2 AM closing time and operate until 6 AM? This
unfortunately combine together, form the nucleus of an attack on humanity, sanity and dignity. Its indecency questions the very essence of respect, regard and reproach to rationalizeandresurrectthe request for residents in the rural areas to remain relatively resolute in the appealforthelawtotakeits justifiedcourse This is not a chosen challenge, nor is it too much to ask from those with a
ear conscience, nor is it c
u m s p e c t l y contemplating a cynical counterstroke!
Yoursrespectfully, JaiLall

I need my phone fromAlberttown Police Station
DEAREDITOR, In June 2023, police officers from Alberttown Police Station (CID) took possession of various items from the apartment of my deceased boyfriend, Nakema Deonauth who lived alone. Most of these items which included his
computer, personal documents, apartment keys, etc.,werelaterturnedoverto his parent. I do not know specifically what the police kept as evidence but they haveoneitemthatbelongsto me,acellularphone.Ifitwas aphonethatwasneverused, I wouldn’t be too upset over
losing it since little material things can be replaced but this is not the case. The phone has great sentimental value to me due to the information it contains whichincludesphotographs. I lent Nakema this phone after his got damaged, with the expectation that he’d

return it after buying a new one for himself. He was in the process of ordering one online.SinceAugust2023,I informed the officer in charge of the case, ASP Saraboo that the phone belongstomeandgavehima copy of the ownership document.Iwasassuredthat it will be handed over ‘eventually’. In September 2023, when I met the Crime Chief, Mr Blanhum and Officer Saraboo regarding the progress of the investigation, I mentioned the phone at the end of the meeting and was again assured that it would be giventome.Ownershipofit has never been disputed. Editor,ithasbeenalmostone year since my boyfriend
died I’ve been severely traumatisedbyhisdeath.On numerous occasions, my calls to the officer about progress in the case and lately, my phone, go unanswered and whenever I call the station, he is never available. It seems as if I’ve become a ‘nuisance’ due to my persistent calls and the officer has grown tired of me.
However,recently,Iwas abletocontactMr Blanhum who said that he will speak with the officer about returningthephone. Yet Officer Saraboo hasn’t contacted me and doesn’ttakemycalls.Ican’t seewhythepoliceisholding on to the phone for so long
and I’ve not been given a reasonable explanation Whatever information they believe is vital can be easily extracted, screen shotted or documented however they do this. I am not familiar w i t h p o l i c e procedures/methods, but it doesn’tseemtobeadifficult task.Infact,since13thJune 2023, the police were given fullaccesstothecontentsof thephonewhenIvisitedthe station and unlocked it for them.
Editor, I am kindly requesting the return of my property, my phone which holds great sentimental valuetomefromtherelevant policeofficer
Yourssincerely, NarissaDeokarran
We can learn a lot when it comes to producing sugar
DEAREDITOR, It was good to see that GuySuCowasonceagainin the news. Given that a large section of the labour force depends on the sugar industry for their daily bread,weshouldcontinueto seek the most efficient meansofproducingsugar
Asanation,wecanlearn a lot from Brazil when it comes to producing sugar Guyana yields 35% of what Brazil yields in sugar production per hectare and producessugarfortwicethe cost of Brazil. The
benchmarking of Brazil’s bestpracticesintheindustry and utilizing their resources toaidintheimprovementof our sugar production should beundertaken. They continue to be the world’s largest and least expensiveproducerofsugar Our neighbours to the south have not only leveraged economiesofscale,buthave alsobeenabletoreducetheir crop maintenance and harvest costs (Reference: Sugar Cost of Production Across the World by Ana Zancaner, CZ Insights,
underway to increase the number of hectares under cultivation in Guyana must include the setting of production targets that will eventually get us to Brazil’s bestinclasslevels.Thiswill ensurethatGuyanabecomes very competitive in the industry,whilealsosecuring our country’s place in its future.
Bestregards, Mr.JamilChanglee C h a i r m a n , t h e Cooperative Republicans of Guyana

Holding on to an unconscionable contract
The terms of the ExxonMobil contract are unconscionable. Unconscionable terms in a contractrefertoprovisionsthataresoextremely unjust, one-sided, or oppressive that they shock theconscienceofthecourt.
When the terms of an agreement are unconscionable,thereexistbothalegalrightand a moral duty to renegotiate its terms. This newspaper has been at the forefront of calls for this lopsided oil deal to be renegotiated.We will not retreat from our position despite our leaders arehellbentongoingalongwithit.
Legally, contracts that are grossly unfair and exploitative can be challenged under the doctrine of unconscionability, which aims to preventonepartyfrombeingundulyadvantaged over another. The doctrine is rooted in the principle that contracts should be fair and equitable, ensuring that no party is subjected to unduehardshiporexploitation.
Fairness and equity are foundational to contract law. Yet despite the acknowledged imbalance in the contract, Bharrat Jagdeo refusestorenegotiate.
$42 million set aside to build mortuaries at three health centres in Region 9
Following the award of contracts for the and Sons’ Construction Lumber Yard upgrading of the Annai, Sand Creek and Transportation and Agriculture Services for Karasabai Health Centres last year, the theprojectatKarasabaiHealthCentre,anda Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of $75,979,700 was awarded to 3D Region Nine is now seeking contractors to Construction for works at the Annai Health constructmortuariesatthosefacilities. Centre. Further, last year, the government Thisisaccordingtoaninvitationforbids announced that the health centres would be issued by the regional administration on upgraded to district hospitals to be able to Friday Itwasstatedinthedocumentthatthe provide radiology and laboratory services as mortuariesatthehealthcentresareestimated well as surgeries to the residents of each to cost $14 million each. Kaieteur News community This, Minister of Health Dr understands that the government will be Frank Anthony said will also eliminate the spending $235,051,300 to upgrade the Sand need for residents to travel to the Lethem Creek, Annai and Karasabai Health Centres RegionalHospitalortheGeorgetownPublic todistricthospitals. HospitalCorporation(GPHC)fortreatment.
Last November, the NationalTender and Meanwhile, the RDC is also seeking Procurement Administration Board contractors to repair the Aranaputa Health (NPTAB) on its website revealed that Post which is estimated to cost $10 million, Beerdat Harrinandan Construction and to construct living quarters at the Meriwau Transportation firm was awarded an andQuikoHealthPostwithworksestimated $84,530,000 contract for the works to be to cost $12.5 million each, and to construct done at the Sand Creek Health Centre. A drugstoragebondsatSandCreek,Annaiand $74,541,600contractwasawardedtoOsbert Karasabiestimatedat$14millioneach.

Magistrate fines, warns taxi driver for sharing woman’s pictures on Facebook
A taxi driver was fined $100,000 on Friday for publishing indecent pictures of a woman via Facebook Messenger and warned against committingsuchanactinthefuture.
Royston Adams appeared before Senior Magistrate Leron Daly at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer the charge which states that on March7,2024inGeorgetown,heused a computer to publish pictures belonging to the complainant, via Facebook Messenger that were obscene, vulgar, or indecent with intent to humiliate, harass or cause emotionaldistress.
Adams pleaded guilty to the charge and was sternly warned by Senior Magistrate Daly of the $5M fine and three years’ imprisonment that can be imposed for those guilty of thecrime.
MagistrateDalytoldthetaxidriver that his behaviour was unacceptable andhemustrespectwomen.
The maximum penalty for the charge was not imposed on Adams who subsequently apologised to the complainant.

Royston Adams at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.

Where is the fiscal plan, Jagdeo?
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is confused over the difference between a manifesto and a plan.While alluding to criticisms about the lack of a plan as to how theoilrevenuesaregoingto bespent,Jagdeowentoffon
a tangent about his government’s intentions regarding infrastructure, health and education. But these are generalities which requiresaplan.
Jagdeo was at the time responding, at his weekly party press conference, to criticisms by Attorney-atLaw, Nigel Hughes. The lawyer was reported by this
newspaper as saying “ there is no plan whatsoeverastohowweare going to manage the economyacrosstheboard...”
If Jagdeo had only have takenthetimetounderstand whatHugheswassaying,he
would have appreciated that thelawyerwasspecificinhis criticism.Hughesaddedthat there is no plan for development as to how much of this money we are i
t ourselves, how much of this money we putting into infrastructure, how much of this money we putting into education and how it is that we are protecting our investment. In other words,
Hughes was referring to an absence of a medium-term or long-term fiscal plan detailing the planned use of theoilrevenues.
Hughes has not been the first to make this criticism.
Last year, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), recommended that the government adopt a comprehensive mediumterm fiscal framework (MTFF) to ensure fiscal
stability This framework, the IMF advised, should includeaclearmedium-term fiscal anchor, a transition path, and an operational target. Additionally, it said the public investment management (PIM) and p
frameworks should be
reviewswerealsoadvisedto maintain macro-economic stability and preserve competitiveness by aligning
economy’s absorption and institutional capacity constraints.
What the IMF was recommending was that the g
d implement a detailed and strategic fiscal policy plan thatextendsoveramedium-
Oh,boy!Demboysseh we got a riddle here: How come we de fastest growing economy, but we cyant afford a lil cricket match ticket? Is like you livinginamansionbutstill fetching water from de villagewell.
Dem boys seh, if you listen to de big ones, Guyana is de next Dubai.
Yes, Dubai of de Caribbean, they seh. Oil money flowing like black gold, banks fattening like Christmas hogs, and all kindsofbigprojectsgoing up. So, how come when it cometocricket,wecrying likewebellyempty?
De people who set de ticketpricesforthecricket tek we leaders seriously And dem set de prices accordingly De ICC T20
ticketscostmorethanyuh monthly grocery bill
Imaginedat!Weeconomy growing faster than bamboo, but yuh wallet shrinkingfasterthansaltin water
Dem boys seh, our leaders love to brag how we economy booming
“Fastest growing in de world,” they seh. “Third largest in CARICOM,” they boast. But when de cricket come around, dem same leaders ducking like dem playing demselves. Yuhcyantevenfindoneof demindeVIPstands.
And don’t talk about de bombast about being the next Dubai. When last you see Dubai people struggling to afford a cricket match? In Dubai, even de camels living
So, next time yuh hear dem talking bout how Guyanabooming,howwe GDP bigger than a jumbo jet,askdemwhyyuhcyant afford to see a cricket matchinyuhowncountry
Ask dem why yuh salary stuck in neutral while de costoflivingdonegonein overdrive. But make sure yuh duck, because dem might just bowl yuh a bouncer
Dem boys seh, de rich getting richer, de poor getting poorer, and de cricket tickets getting higher Welcome to de fastest growing economy indeworld,wheredeonly thing growing faster than deGDPisdegapbetween dehavesanddehave-nots.

term period to maintain and achieve fiscal stability There are three terms which the IMF used that requires breaking down: mediumterm fiscal framework (MTFF), fiscal anchor and transitionpath.
An MTFF is a tool for budgeting and planning that aligns government spending, revenue, and borrowing plans with its macroeconomic objectives over the medium term. It helps ensure that fiscal policy is sustainable, predictable, and supports economic stability and growth,andtakesaccountof absorptive and institutional capacity Afiscalanchorisa key indicator or set of indicators (such as a target forthebudgetdeficit,public debt level, or expenditure ceiling) that guides fiscal policyandensuresitremains on a sustainable path. This helps prevent excessive borrowing of expenditure splurging.
Thetransitionpathrefers to the planned and systematic steps the government will take to move from its current fiscal position to the desired medium-term objectives outlinedintheMTFF
In the recent past, the Opposition had also raised separate concerns about the absence of a national
development strategy Jagdeo had then responded thattherewasadevelopment plan, and absurdly walked into to a succeeding press conference with one of the volumes of the National DevelopmentStrategy
ThatversionoftheNDS wasdevelopedmorethan15 years ago and was never implemented. In fact, the very version that Jagdeo displayedwassupersededby a civil society version headlined by Dr Kenneth King, and which set such ridiculous and unattainable targets that it rendered the civil society version impractical.
At his press conference held last Thursday, Jagdeo opted to regurgitate generalities about what his government was doing in infrastructure, health and education, etc. But where is the plan and specifically where is the fiscal plan for the implementation of these intentions? What Jagdeo is pointing to is no different from what is stated in his party’s manifesto But a manifestoisnotaplan. Itis merely a public declaration of a political party’s intentions, motives, or views. A manifesto needs a planforimplementation.
Amanifestoisbroadand contains general promises without extensive technical

detail. In contrast, a plan is detailed and specific, focusing on practical steps and actions required to achieve objectives. It is the plan that breaks down the manifesto’s high-level promises into actionable items with timelines and resourcesneeded.
The PPP/C can allay all the concerns being expressedabouttheabsence of plan as how it intends to spend the oil billions. It can do so by producing a fiscal plan, either medium-term or long-term, as to how it will spendtheoilearningsacross thecountry
Instead of doing so, Jagdeo goes on about the country building a worldclasseducationsystem.This istheintention.Butwhereis the fiscal plan that will tell thisnationhowmuchwillbe spentandonwhatandwhere it will be spent in the educationsector
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Congratulations are in order

I owe a few words of his own brushes that have been breathtaking wisdom and acumen masqueradingasRobinHoods,just congratulations to His Excellency, airbrushed out of existence by a does he have to spare for poor like John Gotti and Pablo Escobar President Irfaan Ali. He has a noble sibling of the law. They call Guyanese who could use a droplet did in Howard Beach, Queens, and considerably stronger constitution that sweeping under the carpet, and from his vast reservoirs of Medelin, Columbia respectively? What a cast of characters, straight than me. He is the headman over a thepresidenthashisworkcutoutin knowledge, of legal profoundness? Is this Cheddi Jagan’s People’s out of one of those Gothic horrors party Central Committee that has keeping the carpet in place, given The president and the Attorney Progressive Party of ideological from Hammer Productions. Need more than its share of serial all those parasites underneath. He General of Guyana must eat nails and some moral and ethical purity, HannibalLector,thenjustpeekinto lawbreakers. Even when whittled carries lots of weight, and he has forbreakfastcerealandbarbwireas or a party now overwhelmed by thePPPCabinet. down to the PPP’s family jewels, shown that he is prepared to carry partoftheirdinnerbanquetstositin chronic putridity and a runaway Looking for Freddy Kreuger or the Executive Committee, the allthefreight. session with some of the odious criminal culture? If I return to a Nightmare on Elm Street? Just felonious are still in conspicuous My gawd! One man didn’t characters by their elbows. Beside America, there is a returning take a walk down Robb Street attendance. object, and he is injected into a jail the gastric systems of these Donald Trump waiting to deal with (close to Stabroek News), then Not all of them from the bigger cellwithbarsnowbeamedtoallthe politicalnoblemenofGuyana,their people who look like me and sound Carmichael Street, and finally the Central Committee body, but world I couldn’t help but respiratoryapparatusmustbemade like me. Remember, I am from oil old New Garden Street for the enough to bring pondering about remembering the Irish actor, James of asbestos. For being able to rich Guyana, and not from entrances. If it is not a den of what kind of party this is, what Cagney,andhisportrayalofWarner breathe the same air alongside a medievalAppalachia. Mychoiceis thieves, it is the predators having a quality of government it could Bros “The Public Enemy.” Except smattering of their comrades, and unpalatable: stay among the crime- ball. offer, and what type of country that in the case of the newest not get sick all the way to their ridden or suck it up and stick by a Authors James B. Stewart and Guyanese could have. It takes a Guyanese jailbird, the name is shoes. man driven by paranoia, dementia, Connie Bruck ain’t seen nothing special man, an extraordinary closertoDutchthanIrish. Ireferto A li’l land breeze pass in my schizophrenia, and every mania yet, nor written of any such people leader, to be near such a group this, because I observe one man vicinity, and it is flu and hay fever knowntoman. like we have here in the gold coast without wearing a mask, as though being thrown into jail, and in effect season. ‘Is a good ting ah duz stay I guess I will take my chances thatisGuyana. Iwasthere. Iknew thepandemicwasstillpresent. But being criminalized, with the police away from politics’. Can anybody with the Taliban in Afghanistan. someofthem. Justlikethebigones a near epidemic he has in his band being mobilized, while known PPP from anywhere imagine me The process of growing a beard has here, the Yankee ones were full of of brothers, and not a few stalwart criminals cavort openly on rubbing shoulders with the hairless started, and I am getting a proper sewage, and with sweet syntax to sisters. Guyana’s stage in their best ones, the feral ones, the tangled up turbanfitted. match. I look at the Cabinet and I see a imitations of Lady Gaga and ones, the specially oriented ones, Is this what Guyana has come Everyone tells me to get with handful of wrongdoers Madonna. and the crime-infested ones in the to, the depths to which its political the programme or get going Remember that one about one bad WhatdoesPresidentAli,doctor PPP? and leadership depravities driven Taliban,hereIcome. onion and the whole joint suffers and philosopher of law, have to say Is this a country or a criminal it? All this wealth, and all these (The views expressed in this fromanunbearablestench. Likeah about that, I wonder? What about conspiracy that unleashes an homeys and honeys flocking article are those of the author and said earlier, President Ali has a the other man of the law, the uninterruptedcrimewave? Isthisa around like vultures on the prowl. do not necessarily reflect the strong stomach, notwithstanding majestic Mohabir, what government or a gang of gangsters Some are furriners, many are local. opinions of this newspaper.)

The barge located in
Sinking Kwakwani barge being repaired by Govt.

The Ministry of Public Works in Kwakwani to repair the barge which will be collaboration with the Kwakwani dockedonSaturdayandSunday Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) Meanwhile, the Transport and Harbour inRegion10willbeexecutingcriticalrepairs Department will deploy the MV Baramani to to the Kwakwani barge which is currently the community to provide relief to those sinking. Subject Minister Juan Edghill along traversing the Berbice River Crossing. The with the General Manager of the Demerara vessel is scheduled to arrive in Kwakwani Harbour Bridge, Wayne Watson and withinoneweek.
MARAD’s Director General, Stephen “Loggers were also informed that the Thomas visited the community to assess the government is also considering the stateofthebarge. procurement of a new barge, with this
In a statement issued on Wednesday, the decision to be made by members of the Ministry said that technical officers said the Cabinet,” the statement said noting that the barge has outlived its usefulness and is in measuresbeingemployedwillensurethatthe urgentneedofrepairs.Asaresult,loggersand main commercial activities in Kwakwani are miners were informed that the barge will not affected. Additionally, Minister Edghill undergo critical repairs over the weekend to stressed government’s commitment to beoperationalbyMonday. assisting the NDC with preventing
“The government will be providing fuel, disruptions to the community’s livelihoods at its own expense to ensure that users are that are critical to Kwakwani’s economy and transported across the crossing from development. Chairperson for the NDC, Wednesday until Friday,” the statement Michell Simeon, thanked the government for issued by the ministry on its Facebook page its prompt response, while loggers and other said.Further,theministrysaidthatatechnical stakeholders also voiced their appreciation team, led by Watson will be deployed to fortheinterventions.
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira

‘No more negroes’

Attorney-at-law, Nigel Hughes
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) and exclusion,”Hughesdeclared. other State agencies are no longer permitted As such, the lawyer called on the ERC to tousetermssuchas‘Negro’and‘EastIndian’ issue a directive to the Police Force, advising whenreferringtoordescribingethnicgroups thatthelawenforcementagencyto“ceasethe in Guyana On Friday, Minister of use of the term ‘Negro’” and any other Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail derogatory language when referring to TeixeirainastatementdisclosedthatCabinet individualsofAfricandescent. has decided to change the Identification and “This directive should be disseminated Health Epidemiological Terminology used widelywithintheForcetoensurecompliance forseveralethnicgroupsinGuyana. atalllevels,”thelawyersaid.
The government’s decision comes days Meanwhile,Teixeirainherstatementsaid after attorney Nigel Hughes wrote the Ethnic that the Cabinet recognising that many RelationsCommission(ERC)ontheGuyana Guyanese find the terms “Negro” and “East Police Force (GPF) describing his client, Indian” offensive, decided on June 6, 2024, WorkingPeople’sAlliance(WPA)Executive that the terms used by the Guyana Police Member,KidackieAmsterdamasa‘Negro’. Force including Immigration, and the Health Amsterdam has been charged under the Sector as forms of identification and cybercrimelawsoverallegedthreatsmadeon epidemiological references to ethnic his talk show against the President and other descriptionsareinappropriate. government officials by a caller on his Instead, the Minister advised that the programme. terms that will now be used are Guyanese of
In the letter addressed to the ERC’s Chief Africandescent,GuyaneseofIndiandescent, Executive Officer, Ms. Gomin Camacho, Guyanese Amerindian, Guyanese of mixed Hughes explained that the term “negro” had ancestry, Guyanese of Portuguese descent its roots in colonialism and slavery, where it andGuyaneseofChinesedescent. was used to dehumanize and subjugate Further, Teixeira said all relevant State peopleofAfricandescent. entities are instructed to implement the “Its usage today is not only outdated but Cabinet’s decision and update their also perpetuates a legacy of racism and operationalmanualsandrulesaccordingly

Some Gazans ‘drinking sewage water’
- WHO regional chief
Middle East Monitor The UN has long warned June 5 - Some Palestinians of an impending famine in in Gaza have been forced to Gaza, with 1 1 million drink sewage water and eat people — about half the animal feed, the World population facing Health Organisation’s catastrophic levels of food regional director said earlier insecurity this week. Dr Hanan Balkhy Dr Balkhy, who took called for an urgent increase office in February, in humanitarian aid to the emphasised that Gaza needs besiegedterritory “peace, peace, peace,” along She also warned that with significantly increased Israel’s war on Gaza is aid access by land having a broader impact on Following a recent visit to healthcare throughout the the Rafah Crossing from region. The consequences EgyptintosouthernGaza,an for children will be severe essential aid route closed by and long-lasting, the child Israeli forces early last health specialist told AFP in month, she urged the an interview at the WHO occupation state to “open headquartersinGeneva. thoseborders.”

[Mahmoud Zaki Salem Issa – Anadolu Agency]
Palestinians, including women and children, queue to access clean water since they have limited access to water due to Israeli attacks in Jabalia, Gaza on June 4, 2024.
costly and more effective according to Palestinian Dr Balkhy expressed compound fractures, multi“There are people who The WHO official land routes already existed officials who said that further frustration at the drug resistant infections, are now eating animal food, insisted that the Kerem and “the trucks are lined up” anythingbetween20and150 blocking of medical severely injured children,” eating grass, they’re Shalom border crossing waitingtoentertheenclave. trucks — each carrying up to equipment deemed “dual she noted. “To rehabilitate drinking sewage water,” between southern Gaza and The flow of deliveries, 20 tonnes of food — have use,” items that Israel claims andtreatpeoplelikethis,you explained Dr Balkhy Israel was “not enough,” and conducted via the Kerem entered per day depending could be repurposed for n
mplex “Children are barely able to the efforts at maritime Shalom border crossing on how many Israel allows military activities. “We’re healthcare.” This, she said, eat, while the trucks are corridors and air drops made between southern Gaza and in. talking about ventilators, highlighted the additional standingoutsideofRafah.” little sense when far less Israel, has been erratic, That is well short of the purification chemicals to strain on already fragile 600 trucks a day that the US clean water,” the Saudi h e a l t h s y s t e m s
Marriott Hotel can be sold to second ranked bidder - Jagdeo ranked bidder - Jagdeo

The Guyana Marriott Hotel can be sold to President. the second ranked bidder given the death of The second ranked bidder is local the top bidder,American businessman Ramy consortium Integrated Group Guyana El-Batrawi, Vice President (VP) Bharrat Limited,headedbyRavindraPrashad,whose Jagdeohassaid. bidwasUS$86.1million.
El-Batrawi’s bid of US$90 million stood Meanwhile, Jagdeo stated that whether as the highest offer for the Kingston, the deal with the local group goes through, it Georgetown property, positioning him as the isnota‘bigdeal’. frontrunner in negotiations with the National “If it doesn’t go through, it’s fine. The Industrial and Commercial Investments Marriott is still there, 100 percent owned by Limited (NICIL). Since last year, El- the Government of Guyana,” the Vice Batrawi’s team and NICIL and their lawyers Presidentsaid. commenced talks to finalize the sale of the In December 2022, the Government Marriott Hotel. However, in April 2024, El- announced that it will be selling the hotel. Batrawipassedaway Following the announcement, six companies
On Thursday afternoon, Jagdeo told had submitted their proposals for the hotel. reporters that the offer for the hotel revolved However, in May, the government had morearoundEl-Batrawiandnothiscompany informed the bidders that their initial bids X,LLC. were rejected, because the bids were too low
“So there’s a second ranked bidder but I and did not reflect the true value of the hotel. don’t know where NICIL is with the second Thereafter, four bidders dropped out leaving rank bidder but I said the last time I spoke on X,LLCownedbyEl-Batrawi,andIntegrated this matter… we are not desperate to sell the GroupGuyanaLimited. Marriott,” the Vice President said during a Negotiations with El-Batrawi and NICIL press conference held at the Office of the beganinJune2023.
n AgencyforInternationalAid doctorexplained. neighbouring countries, says is required to address Moreover, she stressed particularlyEgypt. the threat of famine, even the urgent needs of patients The WHO warned last when adding the roughly in Gaza, with around 11,000 week of an “abrupt halt” to 4,200 trucks of food aid — critically ill and wounded medical evacuations since about 190 a day — that people requiring medical Israel launched its offensive Israeli officials say have evacuation. in Rafah in early May, entered Gaza since the “Thepatientscomingout warning that more people beginning of the Rafah are showing extremely would die while waiting for assaulton7May c o m p l e x t r a u m a s : care.
Four homeless after fire destroys Barnwell, EBE home
Fourpersonsarenowhomelessfollowing Service (GFS) was called in and arrived at a fire destroyed their Barnwell Village, East around 09:30h. Firefighters managed to BankEssequibo(EBE)homeonFriday extinguish the blaze but were unable to save It is believed that the fire was an act of thebuilding. arson as residents recorded two persons The homeless persons have been runningfromtheburninghouse. identifiedas27-year-oldMarcusRabiero,27Kaieteur News understands that the fire year-old Nicola Harris, 16-year-old Nakacia occurred at about 09:22h. The Guyana Fire Harris,and63-year-oldIsaacaThompson.

The building on fire at Barnwell Village.
Presence of Russian warships in Caribbean not a direct threat to
Guyana - VP Jagdeo
…says Govt. will remain vigilant

The four Russian According to reports “21 warships scheduled to arrive salvos” will be fired from in the Caribbean between one of the ships during the June 12 and 17 for military Russian fleet’s arrival at drills with Cuba are not Havana. It will be done as a perceivedtobeadirectthreat salute to Cuba, and will be t o G u y a n a b u t t h e reciprocated by an artillery government is still vigilant, b a t t e r y o f C u b a ’s Vice-President (VP) Dr Revolutionary Armed Bharrat Jagdeo said during a Forces. press conference at the However, it is possible Office of President (OP) on thatthefleetcouldalsomake Thursday stopsinVenezuela,Guyana’s Concerns have been neighbour and a South raisedaboutthepossibilityof American country that the warships making stops in Russia also has strong ties neighbouring Venezuela with. Guyana and Venezuela have In December 2023, been embroiled in a border following peace talks which controversy over the were held between President Essequibo region The Irfaan Ali and Venezuela’s matter is currently before the President,NicolasMaduroin InternationalCourtofJustice St Vincent and the (ICJ). Grenadines, both countries
In response, Jagdeo said agreed to de-escalate that President Irfaan Ali has tensionsintheRegion. raised the concerns with The talks culminated Guyana’s partners in the with the signing of the Joint Region. Declaration of Argyle
“The view that is shared Notwithstanding, Venezuela by some of our partners is has shown aggression that it is not something that Venezuela’s unilateral we should worry about, that declaration of the Essequibo it does not represent a direct regionasitsowncontravenes threattoGuyanaorGuyana’s the agreement, undermining interest,” Jagdeo told the principles of peace and reporters. diplomacy that both nations
Nevertheless, Jagdeo have pledged to uphold said his government remains Further, the presence of vigilant and is keeping the Venezuelan military officials “issue” “firmly” under its attheborderandthebuilding policyradar ofabridgeacrosstheCuyuni Cuban Officials on River - a river that separates Thursday said that four Guyana’s Eteringbang, a Russian ships, including a Region Seven village that nuclear-powered submarine shares a border with will arrive in Havana next Venezuela’s San Martin, can week. The island and the be considered other acts of European nation have had aggression by the Spanishhistoricaltiesovertheyears. speakingcountry.
The Cuban foreign The bridge connects ministry assured that none of Venezuela with the Island of the ships or the submarine Ankoko in the Cuyuni River. will be carrying any nuclear Army tanks and military weapons. The ships are the equipment were seen frigate “Gorshkov,” the crossing over the bridge to nuclear-powered submarine the island, an indication that “Kazan,” the fleet oil tanker Venezuela is moving troops “Pashin” and the salvage tug and military equipment “NikolaiChiker.” closertoGuyana’sterritory

Govt. mulls giving parents $700,000 voucher to send children to private schools
The Government of Guyana is
…as teachers’ strike continues
“We are working on a way considering providing parents a forward…We have reached out $700,000 voucher for them to send because we believe that this their children to private schools, situation must not go on forever –Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo that through dialogue, mature, disclosed on Thursday during a responsible people can mend their press conference held at the Office differences,”PresidentoftheGTU, ofthePresident. Dr LytesaidonTuesday
In response to a question on However, he noted that “until whether the government is the favourable terms of resumption concernedaboutlearninglossinthe aresigned,thestrikewillcontinue.” public education sector due to the The GTU President further ongoing teachers’ strike He reiterated that there could be no disclosed that the government is way forward on the process until examining several models for the the terms of resumption are future. “Yes, of course we are very satisfactorytotheunion. concerned, we think it’s
Teachers protesting for better salaries and allowances.

“My concern as leader of the unreasonable,” before adding, “So Teachers’ Union is that we are the thing is that at some point in for the school kids,” the Vice successes as if they are attending a scholarshipbutyouhavetostudyif unable to survive on the package time, we are starting to work on Presidentsaid. physicalschool. you are in the environment because that we currently have…The union severalmodels”.
Headdedtoothatthemodelwill He said too that his government we want better quality teachers,” won’t compromise further. Our
One of those models Jagdeo also provide more opportunities for is not going to compromise when it Jagdeo told reporters before adding position remains the same. We will referenced is the provision of the privateschools. comes to providing students with that teachers can earn more with continuetohaveourvoicesraised,” vouchers to parents to send their Another model, the Vice highqualityeducation. degrees. Lytesaid. childrentoprivateschools. President pointed to is the “E- “You can’t be teaching our “You start getting higher The GTU has said it wants the “Secondly, in the future, we schoolmodel”(onlinelearning). childrenanymorewithtwosubjects allowancesandthat’swherewewill Government to put up a counter have to examine whether we will “…As I said before, maybe in CXC (CSEC), in the past we may focus the increases, to the most proposal to theirs as they seek to give parents a voucher to send their the future if we have a proper have accommodated that,” the VP qualified teachers,” the VP bring an end to the over 50-day children to a private school or not school model then parents can said. explained. strike action for better salaries. because if we are spending choose that rather than physical In moving towards a high-class Meanwhile, discussions on Theysaidtoothattheyareprepared $700,000 now per child and it cost school,”Jagdeotoldreporters. education, Jagdeo said that the highersalariesforteachersbetween to amend their multi-year $300,000 to pay for the school fees He noted that in order for this government will also provide theGuyanaTeachers’Union(GTU) agreement proposal from 2019for the child, we might as well give model to work, children must be opportunities for teachers to and the Labour Ministry are 2023to2022-2025. in some areas the parents the able to receive the same level of upgradetheireducation. scheduled to reconvene on The government has said that it $700,000perchildandletthempay tuition and have the same level of “We are gonna pay for your Monday,June10. willnotnegotiateunderduress.

Construction worker, businesswoman arrested over possession of unlicensed shotgun
The unlicensed firearm recovered by the police.

Two persons were arrested on Thursday pursued by police and it was during the chase for possession of an unlicensed 12-gauge that he threw the wrapped objected over the shotgun in Islington, New Amsterdam, seawall. The man subsequently surrendered Berbice. The duo, a 33-year-old construction to police. Police in a statement to the media worker from Onverwinning Housing said that due to the high tide, ranks remained Scheme, New Amsterdam and a 30-year-old at the seawall with the construction worker businesswoman were reportedly stopped by and at about 21:00h, a search was conducted policeatabout15:00hontheIslingtonPublic and the 12-gauge shotgun wrapped in Road.The woman was reportedly driving the transparentplasticwasretrieved. vehicle with registration number PAB 3302. The man was questioned about the Police said that as the vehicle was stopped, firearm and whether he possessed a licence the driver in an attempt to evade the police fortheweapon,butchosetoremainsilent.He sped towards the Islington Seawall before was then informed of the offence, cautioned stopping. andarrested.
The construction worker exited the Meanwhile, the businesswoman was also vehicle and attempted to flee on foot. He was apprehended by police and taken to the holding an object wrapped in a transparent CentralPoliceStationforquestioning. plastic, police disclosed. The man was Investigationsareongoing.

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Looking for a honest & reliable female to do light work, ages 55 years & older. Call: 227-2321.

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Petitioner/Applicant (MUNROE) CLEAVON BONARD Respondent TO: CLEAVON BONARD
Last Known Address 16 Dryshore, Essequibo, Coast TAKE NOTICE that on the 11th day of April, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by OLINDO DANITA MUNROE nee

person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorneyat-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Tuesday the 6th day of August, 2024 at 11:15 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge via zoom Meeting ID: 845 1426 6584 and Password: 786 445.
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 15th day of May, 2024.

BTWEEN: Ensley Horation Adolphus Lewis Applicant And 1. JERMAINE HUGHES 2. SHELLON SUMNER Respondents NOTICE TO: JERMAINE HUGHES SHELLON SUMNER both of
Lot 10 Section C, Nabacalis, Est Coast Demerara Guyana TAKE NOTICE that an Amended Fixed Date Application was filed on the 16th February, 2024 in the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Guyana at Georgetown, Demerara by ENSLEY HORATION ADOLPHUS
LEWIS in which the Applicant asks for the following orders:
a. A declaration that the Respondents are deemed as a trespasser on the land and building owned by the Applicant situate at Lot 10 Section C, Nabacalis, East Coast Demerara, Guyana, more fully described in Transport no. 1117 of 1993;
b. An order that Respondents do deliver up to the Applicant vacant possession of the land and building situate at Lot 10 10 Section C, Nabacalis, East Coast Demerara, Guyana, more fully described in Transport no. 1117 of 1993;
c. Any other orders that the court deems just; d. Costs. UPON APPLICATION in person or by letter to Mr. D. Rangiah Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, copies of the Fixed Date Application, filed herein, will be delivered or sent to you.

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you fail to file such affidavit and or if you fail to appear at the hearing, final judgment may be given against you notwithstanding your absence.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this matter stands adjourned for the Honourable Madam Chief Justice Roxane George on 12th August, 2024 at 2:00 pm for hearing.
Dated this 29th day of May, 2024


Georgetown. Contact: 2260066 or 660-6751.
MUNROE nee D’OLIVEIRA the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 14th day of May, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Guyana Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Guyana and on the Worldwide Web.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in

AND TAKE NOTICE if you desire to defend this action you must forthwith within 28 days after the final publication of this notice, prepare an Affidavit in Defence in Form 10C prescribed in the Civil Procedure Rules 2016, serve it on the applicant’s attorney-at-law, to Mr. D. Rangiah whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, and file it with proof of service at the Registry at Georgetown, Demerara, not later than 4 days before the date fixed for hearing of the application, and you or your attorney-atlaw must appear at the hearing.

Jamaican company ordered to pay outstanding sums to Guyanese rice supplier
Jamaica Gleaner –PremiumFarmsandTrading Limited,whichhadfailedto payGuyanesecompanyPure
Harvest Incorporated
US$90, 170 for two shipments of rice in December 2019, has been ordered by the Supreme Courttopaytheoutstanding sum.
Justice Stephanie Jackson-Haisley in handing down her decision last month found that the defendant, Premium Farms, hadbreachedthetermsofthe contract in failing to make paymentsinaccordancewith the invoices Premium Farms, of which developer and businessman Richard Lake is managing director, did not deny receiving the shipmentsofrice,neitherdid itdenyowingthemoney
It instead alleged that there was an agreement for the defendant to be the exclusive distributor of the claimant’s rice, but the claimant breached the exclusivityterm,resultingin the defendant’s inability to collect its receivables from customers.
“Further and/or alternatively that any sums due were based on the a g r e e m e n t a n d understandingthatpayments were wholly contingent on
thesuccessfulcompletionof other sales contracts,” the defendantalleged.
Tamesh Jagmohan, managing director of Pure Harvest said in 2019 when the company was looking to expand its market, he journeyedtoJamaicatomeet LakeandOmarNewell,who was the then general managerofPremiumFarms.
Themeetingwasfruitful and by March 2019, his companybegansendingrice to the defendant for sale in the Jamaican market. The defendant paid for the first few shipments but failed to payforthelasttwo.
Attorney-at-lawOdeanie Kerr, instructed by Alexander Williams & Co, representedtheclaimantand argued that the terms of payment under the contract weregovernedbythewritten contract agreed between the parties and at the time Newell was authorised to enterintocontractsonbehalf ofthedefendant.
Kerr refuted the defendant’s allegation of exclusivity and said no cogent evidence had been providedbythedefendantto support exclusive dealings. Kerremphasisedthatonone hand the defendant was sayingthatthereasonfornot settlingthedebtwasthatthe
customerscomplainedabout the poor quality of the rice, and on the other hand it was sayingthatNewellhadlured awaykeycustomerstooffer themthesamerice. Heaskedthecourttofind that there were no issues with the rice and the defendantwasentitledtopay theoutstandingsumsagreed inthecontract.Attorneys-atlaw Melissa McLeod and S h a y a n n e H y l t o n represented the defendant and argued that the issues to beconsideredwerewhatwas the agreement, whether the claimant breached the agreement and whether the breachledtothedefendant’s repudiationofsame.
In reviewing the evidence, the judge said “It was obvious that it was Mr Newell who had direct involvement with Pure Harvest and how its sale of rice was treated with, a positionwhichMr.Lakedid not voice any opposition to atthetime.Evenwhenasked about the debt, Mr Lake seemed to be changing the evidence in his witness statement to say that he didn’tconsiderhiscompany tobeindebt,”thejudgesaid.
AccordingtotheJudgeit became obvious to her that the change in how Lake and Premium Farms dealt with

the claimant was heavily influenced by Newell’s sudden departure from Premium Farms around February 2020 and the fallout with Newell, who was no longer the defendant’s managing director.
Newell moved on to form a company that was competing with the defendantandwasoperating in a manner that was affecting the sales of the defendant,thejudgesaid.
“In any event, when I compare the evidence given byMr Jagmohanwiththatof Mr Lake, I found Mr Jagmohan to be more consistentandcredible,”the judgeheld.
On a balance of probabilities, the judge found the claimant’s case to be more consistent with the truth than that of the defendant’s.
The judge said she did not accept that there was an agreement for exclusivity
norwasthereanyagreement thatthepaymentofinvoices wascontingentonsales.
The defendant having failed to make payment in accordancewiththeinvoices dated December 11, 2019 and December 20, 2019 renders the defendant in breach of the contract, the judgeruled.
Judgment in the sum of US$ 90,170 was awarded to the claimant. The defendant was ordered to pay the claimant’slegalcosts.

Nandlall says: Judges must comply with legal timeframe for writing decisions
Attorney General
( A G ) A n i l
Nandlall SC is standing by his position that the time limit for writing judicial decisions must be complied with In a statementonFriday,theAG, while acknowledging that the workload of judges is mountainous, said that the continuous non-compliance withtheJudicialTimeLimit Act2009isunjustifiable.
The AG’s comments follow a recent statement reportedly made by Chief Justice(Ag)RoxaneGeorgeWiltshire who described the Judicial Time Limit Act 2009, which gives judges 120 days to write their decisions,asaheresy
“As Attorney General andMinisterofLegalAffairs with responsibility for justice,forme,silenceisnot and has never been an option ” Nandlall said noting that accountability and transparency are demandedfromthosefunded bythepublicpurse.
He continued, “ I cannot explain to members of the public how a crucial institutionliketheJudiciary, whose const

mandate in the main is to uphold the law and to hold every other agency and citizen legally accountable, violates its own law with apparentimpunity.”
Hequestioned,“Onwhat basis should the Judiciary be exempted from merely delivering their decisions withinatimeframeprescribed byalaw?Thesearequestions that are extraordinarily difficult to explain to an enquiringpublic” Nandlall emphasized that theAct was intended to address an institutional problem of Judges failing to render decisions in a timely manner It is for these reasons; he said that after
public consultations during the1999-2001Constitution Reform process that an amendment was made to Article 197 (3) of the Constitution.
The AG noted that the amendments stated that, “A Judgemayberemovedfrom office only for inability to perform the functions of his orheroffice(whetherarising from infirmity of mind or body or any other cause) or for misbehaviour or for persistently not writing decisionsorforcontinuously failing to give decisions and reasons therefore within such time as may be specified by Parliament and shall not be so removed

except in accordance with the provisions of this article ” The Attorney General noted that there are several provisions on how thelawshouldbeapplied.
He explained that
“Section 4 of the Act mandates a High Court Judge to give decisions in a case no later than 120 days after the conclusion of the hearing.Section5oftheAct compelstheCourtofAppeal and the Full Court to render their decisions not later than 30 days from the conclusion ofthehearing.”
“Section 6 of the Act states that “In accordance with Article 197 (3) of the ConstitutionaJudgemaybe
removed from office for, among other reasons, persistently failing to give writtenororaldecisionsand reasons for the decisions within the time specified in thisAct.”
“Section 7 of the Act obliges the Chancellor to cause the Registrar to notify theJudgeswhoareinbreach of these timeframes and to inform them of the provisions of Article 197. Section 8 of the Act allows for Judges to seek an extensionoftimetocomply Section 11 of the Act provides for the Chancellor to instruct the Registrar to submit to the Speaker of the National Assembly an
annual report consisting of judges’compliance with the provisionsoftheAct.”
Regrettably, theAG said none of the aforementioned provisions of the Act ever enjoyedcompliancesinceits enactment.
Nandlall posited too that if the time frame is insufficient, perhaps consideration should be giventochangingthelawbut there must be compliance withlaw Meanwhile,hesaid theGovernmentcontinuesto resource the judiciary in everywaypossible.
“Twelve Magistrates were appointed a few weeks ago.Twelve(12)HighCourt Judges will take the Oath of Office before the end of this month. Advertisements are out to fill several vacancies at the Guyana Court of Appeal Six Magistrates’ Courts are currently under construction.”
“A new Court has been addedtotheCourtofAppeal building. Judges now have the facilities of Judicial Assistants and are further assisted by an automatic audio recording system. I cangoonbutIthinkthepoint ismade,”Nandlallsaid.

Third Round of Petra/ExxonMobil U-14 Football Championship Kicks Off Today
CarifestaAvenueis set to buzz with excitementasthe Ministry of Education ground host the third round
Petra/ExxonMobilBoysand Girls Schools Under-14 Football Championship today
After two weeks of exhilarating clashes, the tournament has showcased
remarkable team and individual performances
Bartica Boys have made a strong start in the 2024 championship, securing a 50 victory over L’Adventure Secondary in the opening match.
They followed this up with a convincing 4-1 win against Annandale
Secondary last weekend, thanks to Jadan Christian’s
Waramuri Girls have also made their mark with two commandingvictories.They overwhelmed Institute of Academic Excellence (IAE) 8-0,withBrentiaMarksand Nickisha Williams each scoringtwice.Thefollowing week, Marks added two moregoalstohertally,while Williams scored the first goal of the match, bringing

her total to three. Erika Harris also contributed significantly, netting twice to help Waramuri to a 7-0 triumph.
The tournament has witnessed several outstanding individual performances, including hat-tricks from Kimore Edwards and Norismar Williams, and a stunning f
(President’s College) Veronica Chatta of Santa Rosa remains unstoppable, having scored six goals in one match and five in another, bringing her total to11
Saturday June 08, 2024
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.
Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.
If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.
If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.
You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a h a r d l o o k a t y o u r accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.
Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone
Ballers Entertainment Kicks...
MochaVillageCuphasbeen growing since its inception.
Having a major entity like Grace Kennedy onboard is an indicator of the event’s impact, and more people sharing our vision of community and youth development,”hestated. Reece concluded with optimism, “Our platform is now broadened with this new partnership, and we hope their valuable support continues for future tournaments to come ”
Costa Rica, Honduras...
Leandro Antonetti deliveredamenacingheader in the 78’but was just wide of the left post as the match stayedscoreless.
Goalkeepers Mario Gonzalez and Joel Serrano ended the night with their first clean sheets of the campaign.
Other notable players includeKeysiAustin,Ceara Glasgow, Geimacy Gitten, Gregory Romascindo, Yanick Fox, Anelisa Robinson, Cyenthia De Losta, Latrisha Jack, Ronaldo Mohabir, Eon Williams, Germine Garrett, Emmanuel Yakara, Lucas Pinol, and Shane James, who each scored twice in previousmatches
The third round promises more excitement, with St Joseph (Boys) taking on Abram Zuil at 10:00 am in match #58. Simultaneously, Tucville (Girls)willfaceThreeMiles Secondary in the opening matches.
Atotalof25matchesare scheduled to conclude the final round before the knockoutstagesbegin
S p o n s o r e d b y ExxonMobil, with support from MVP Sports, Stena Drilling,andDDLPepsi,the tournament is coordinated by the Petra Organisation andendorsedbytheMinistry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Youth, andSports.
Kirton, Gordon and Heyliger...
Frompage22 could only manage a top edgeonhisattemptedheave with the wicketkeeper taking a comfortable catch.
H e f e l l f o r a n uncharacteristic9off17and Ireland’s innings went downhillthereon.
Scores:Canada137for7 (Kirton 49, Movva 37, McCarthy 2-24, Young 232) beat Ireland 125 for 7 (Adair 34, Dockrell 30*, Gordon 2-16, Heyliger 218)by12runs.
Suriname, who won on
Wednesday, maintains its spotatthetopofthegroupas a result. Anguilla and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines have yet to play their first match.
Next for El Salvador is Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on Sunday in Paramaribo, Suriname. Puerto Rico will host Anguilla on Tuesday in Bayamon.

Kirton, Gordon and Heyliger sparkle in landmark Canada win
ESPNcricinfo - The Associatehasstrucktwicein two days. Group C and D might have been the groups of death leading up to the T20WorldCup2024butfor the moment the blockbuster results are coming out of Group A After Pakistan shocked USA in Dallas on Thursday, it was Canada’s turn to stun a Full Member side yesterday as they beat Ireland by 12 runs in New York to record their firsteverT20WorldCupwin. The focus was all on the surface in New York and while Canada found the going tough early on, NicholasKirtonandShreyas Movva steadied the ship to takethemto137for7intheir 20 overs. This was the first time in five innings that a teamhadmanagedtobreach
the 100-run mark in New York thisWorld Cup.And it provedtobeenough. The Canada bowlers were all over the Ireland battersinthechase.Theydid not let them get away in the powerplay before Junaid SiddiquiandSaadBinZafar applied the squeeze in the middle overs. When Ireland slippedto59for6inthe13th over, it seemed all but over for them. Mark Adair and GeorgeDockrellresurrected the Irish innings and put on 62 for the seventh wicket, but Jeremy Gordon and Dilon Heyliger held their own at the death to deliver Canada a famous win Ireland were restricted to 125 for 7 and have now lost twointwo.
Gordon helps Canada takepowerplayhonours
On an uneven surface and a sluggish outfield, a chase of 138 was always going to be a tricky ask. Canada’sdefencedidnotget off to the best of starts with Kaleem Sana unable to control the early movement. But Gordon understood the lengths to bowl on the surface from the get-go and the rest of the bowlers followed suit. Ireland could onlymanagetwofoursinthe first six overs - one in the first over and one in the sixth.Inbetween,therewere plentyofswishesandmisses fromPaulStirlingandAndy Balbirnie and hardly any decentconnections.
Gordon’s relentless lengths got the better of Stirling in the final over of thepowerplaywhenhe (Continuedonpage21)

Ballers Entertainment Kicks Off 6th Annual Mocha Village Cup tonight
The much-anticipated Sixth Annual Mocha Village Cup, organised by Ballers Entertainment, is set to commence today at 7:00 pm at the Mocha CommunityCentreground. This year’s event holds special significance as it coincides with Mocha A r c a d i a ’s 1 3 0 t h Anniversary celebrations, promisingathrillingstartto thefestivities.
Over twelve teams are ready to compete for the championship, with an array of exciting prizes up for grabs.The evening will kick off with a prestigious ‘soft shoe’ edition, featuring an official match between Hardball and Street Ballers. This will be followed by a clash between Ballers Empire
and Stabroek Ballers. The third match will see Cayenne Massive going head-to-head with Make it Happen Lock A Scene
Ballers will face Laine Avenue, Agricola will take on Victoria Eagles, and Team Family will battle Team Unruly in a series of exhilaratingencounters.
Adding to the event’s prestige, Grace Kennedy Money Transfer Service has partnered with Ballers Entertainment to sponsor this edition of the tournament. During a brief handing over ceremony, Marketing Officer Tina Seabra-Gibson presented a substantial contribution to Clayton Reece, PRO of Ballerz Entertainment, to support the tournament’s expenses.
“Weareproudtosupport the 6th Annual Mocha VillageCupandbeapartof aneventthatbringstogether the community and showcases the incredible talent of our young footballers
Ourpartnershipwiththis event underscores our commitment to engaging with and uplifting our local communities,” said SeabraGibson in her featured remarks
Reece expressed deep gratitude for the support from Grace Kennedy Money Transfer Service.
“TheBallerzEntertainment team would like to express gratitudetoGraceKennedy Money Services for their kind contributions Corporatesupportforthe (Conntinuedonpage21)

Rashid, Farooqi and Gurbaz hand NZ historic thrashing
New Zealand captain Kane Williamson won the toss and opted to bowl in their opening match of T20 World Cup 2024, against Afghanistan in Providence lastnight.
Despite an initial struggle,Afghanistan,ledby RahmanullahGurbazwitha well played 80 and Ibrahim Zadran with 44 along with Azmatullah Omarzai 22, reached159for6offtheir20 overs.
Trent Boult had 2 for 22 and Matt Henry 2 for 37 from their respective four oversbowlingfortheKiwis.
Zealand’s turn at the crease chasing160forvictory
Thenstartthedemolition job as a truly commanding display by Afghanistan was too much for the Kiwis to handle as they were dismissed for a paltry 75 in 15.2 of their 20 overs as wickets fell at regular intervalsandrunswerehard tocomeby Fazalhaq Farooqi, who bowled 3 2 overs and claimed4for17andSkipper RashidKhanalsocaptured4 for17fromhis4oversasthe pair put on a bowling clinic
with the Skipper being the tormentor-in-chief.
Mohammad Nabi also sent down 4 overs and picked up 2 for 16 as the Afghans won by a comfortable84runstoadda big upset win under their belt.
Scores: Afghanistan 159/6 (20 ov) (Gurbaz 80, Zadran 44; Boult 2-22, Henry 2-37) beat New Zealand 75 (15.2/20 ov) (Phillips 18, Henry 12; RashidKhan4-17,Fazalhaq
Mohammad Nabi 2-16) by 84runs.

Costa Rica, Honduras take group leads in Second Round of Concacaf World Cup Qualifying
SportsMax - Costa Rica and Honduras were among the winners on the second day of round two of the CONCACAF World Cup QualifiersonThursday
Costa Rica won 4-nil overSaintKittsandNevisin Group B at the National Stadium in San Jose, Costa Rica.
OrlandoGalostruckwith a header in the box to open the scoring in the 40’, connectingonalongservice from Jefferson Brenes followingathrow-in.
Galosecuredhisbracein the 50’ with a left footed strikejustoutsidethebox.
JosimarAlcocercameoff the bench to add a third for thehostsinthe83'.
Andy Rojas, another
second half substitute, extendedtheleadinthe84'to securethethreepoints.
Costa Rica will travel to face Grenada on Sunday in St.George’s.SaintKittsand NeviswillhosttheBahamas onTuesdayinBasseterre.
Honduras won 3-1 over Cuba in Group A at the Chelato Ucles National Stadium in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Maykel Reyes struck firstforthevisitorsinthe23', capping off a counterattack with a chipped ball from the penaltyarc.
Antony Lozano tied the match minutes later, in the 26', as Honduras took advantageofafreekickfrom short distance. Luis Palma delivered the service over
the top, which Lozano receivedwithhischestashe spun to hit the ball with his rightfoot.
Edwin Rodriguez obtained the lead for Hondurasinthe45'+2witha leftfootedshotinthebox.
Rubilio Castillo extended the lead in the 82' with a strike off a long pass fromtherightsideofthebox by fellow second half substituteDavidRuiz.
Up next for Honduras is playingawayatBermudaon Sunday Cuba will host the Cayman Islands on Tuesday inSantiagodeCuba.
Haiti defeated Saint Lucia, 2-1, in Group C at Wildey Turf in Bridgetown, Barbados.
Caniggia Elva opened

the scoring in the 18' to put SaintLuciaontheboard.
Jean-KevinDuvernetied the match in the 47', connecting with a strong header off a corner kick servicefromFabricePicault.
D u c k e n s N a z o n completed the comeback in the78',poweringthroughthe defense for the matchwinninggoal.
The Haiti national team willremaininBridgetownto face Barbados on Sunday SaintLuciawillalsostayon the island to host Aruba on TuesdayatWildeyTurf.
Costa Rica’s Orlando Galo celebrating one of his two goals against St. Kitts & Nevis. (CONCACAF)
Panama took a 2-nil victory over Guyana in Group D at the Rommel Fernandez Stadium in PanamaCity,Panama.
Cristian Martinez broke thedeadlockinthe62'witha goal inside the box, connectingonapassoverthe top from Adalberto Carrasquilla.
Jose Rodri-guez made it atwo-goalleadforthehosts in the 65' with a one-hit finish on the other end of a service from Edgar Barcenas.
The next opponent for
Panama is Montserrat on Sunday in Managua, Nicaragua Guyana will meet Belize on Tuesday at Wildey Turf in Bridgetown, Barbados.
El Salvador and Puerto Rico played to a scoreless draw in Group F at the Cuscatlan Stadium in San Salvador,ElSalvador DarwinCerenhadalook towards goal in the 23’ but theattemptwentwideofthe goal. The hosts came close again in the 26’ as a longrangeattemptfromChristian (Continuedonpage21)

BBC Sport - There are noplansinplacetomoveany T20 World Cup fixtures out of New York despite
growing fears over substandardpitches.
Serious concerns are
mounting over the unpredictable nature of the drop-in surfaces at the NassauCountyInternational Cricket Stadium after the first two fixtures played at thevenue.
On Monday, Sri Lanka were bowled out by South Africa for 77 – their lowest score in T20s - while India dismissed Ireland for 96 on Wednesday
BBC Sport understands India have privately voiced their unhappiness with the unpredictable bounce and two-paced nature of the strips amid worries over the safetyoftheirbatters.
India play Pakistan on Sunday at the venue in Eisenhower Park in one of the most eagerly-anticipated fixtures of the tournament with a capacity crowd of 32,000expected.
TheInternationalCricket Council(ICC)isbelievedto be analysing data from previously abandoned

games to establish how to reactshoulditneedtoact.
However, ICC officials havemaintainedthereareno contingencyplansinplaceto switch any of the NewYork games to venues in Florida orTexas,bothofwhichhave naturalturfstrips.
It is understood an unused pitch has been
Richard Latiff’s 102 in vain as VP Boys clinch 2-run win
Gu y a n e s e superstar player Richard Latiff blastedaflamboyant102for YoungWarriorsbuthisteam still suffered a nervous, 2run loss to VP Boys in the quarter-final fixture of the 2024 Canadian Premier Softball Cricket League 1010 Gold Conference tournament.
The right-handed Latiff smacked12sixesand3fours duringhis39-balllandmark. Young Warriors reached 114-8whenthe10-oversran out replying to VP Boys’ challenging 116-3 from the maximum10-overs.
A t G l e n F o r e s t SecondarySchoolgroundin Mississauga, VP Boys benefitted greatly from two

crucial innings of 52 and 36 from Chien Gittens and P a t r i c k R o o p l a l l respectively Meanwhile, the action will continue this weekend with the Regular T20 Season.

Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli opened the batting for India against Ireland. [Getty Images]
from Australia before being shippedtoFloridawherethe pitcheswerecultivated.
The soil variety has a high clay content, similar to thepitchesinAdelaide.
They were then
transported to New York by road and installed a few weeksbeforethetournament began.
The outfield is made up of Kentucky bluegrass, grown at a farm in New Jersey,ontopofsand.
There was discontent with the pitch after Monday’s opening match in which South Africa were able to stroll to their victory targetagainstSriLankawith 22 deliveries remaining, while India had 46 balls left when they hit the winning runs in another low-scoring matchagainstIreland.
Aclear diagnosis for the problems has not yet been identified.
Similarly, the sizes of the boundaries - 75m and 65m on each side, and 71m straight – and slow outfield have inhibited run scoring with the boundary ropes unable to be pulled in because of ICC tournamentguidelines.
As a result the cricket spectacle delivered by both games so far has b e e n l a r g e l y underwhelming India fans were even cheering runs for Ireland at one point during their eight-wicket win, hoping the length of the game would be extended so they could seemoreoftheir team batting in the second innings.
designated for the India v Pakistan showdown, although there is flexibility to alter that decision depending on how other pitches play before that encounter
What have been the problems?
The US is staging 16 of the 55 matches at the T20
World Cup, which it is cohostingwiththeWestIndies.
The pop-up stadium in New York has cost £24m ($32m)toconstructandwas built inside eight months to much fanfare from the tournamentorganisers.
Six of the trays which transportedthesoilforthe10 Tahomagrasssurfacescame
It has meant the toss in New York has become pivotal in determining the outcome of the match, with the team bowling first at an advantage.
Batters have had to fend off short-pitched bowling, with balls climbing off a length while others skid alongatankleheightthrough tothewicketkeeper
Concerns have also been raised about the six pitches laid at the net training facility in nearby CantiaguePark
Earlier this week, South Africa’s batters opted for throw downs as opposed to facing their own bowlers, and local net bowlers, because of injuryworries


Kirton, Gordon and Heyliger sparkle in landmark Canada win

Ballers Entertainment
Kicks Off 6th Annual Mocha Village Cup tonight