The cost to produce a barrel of oilinGuyanaisamongthelowest, said the International Energy Forum(IEF)andS&PCommodity InsightsinaJune2024report.
The report titled, “Upstream Oil and Gas Investment Outlook” sheds light on the changing dynamics of global oil production costs, with particular emphasis on Guyana's position as a costeffective producer in the industry
According to the findings of the report, the cost of oil production worldwide has experienced an increase.Thereporthighlightsthat themajorityofnewoilsuppliescan be extracted at an average cost of US$60 per barrel Brent or less, marking a US$10 rise from assessmentsmadein2021.
Among the regions identified for their competitive production costsareGuyana,theMiddleEast, andWestAfrica.Thereportreveals that the Middle East boasts the lowest average breakeven price at approximately US$30 per barrel Brent,followedcloselybyGuyana with a breakeven price of US$36 per barrel Brent. In contrast, the average new well in the United States requires around US$57 per
barrel Brent. “The highest end of the cost curve includes heavy crudes in Canada and Venezuela,” itwasstated.
Despite the varying cost structures across regions, the global supply stack remains relatively flat, with a significant portion of the supply expected to break even between $50 and $60 per barrel of Brent crude. This delicate balance underscores the importance of strategic planning andinvestmentinoilextractionand explorationprojects.
“The overall global supply stack is relatively flat, with the majority of supply expected to breakevenbetweenUS$50/bbland US$60/bbl.Bothconventionaland tightoilprojects,includingsomeof those at the higher end of the cost curve, will be needed to meet demandandoffsetbasedeclinesin the upcoming 10-15 years,” it was explained.
Moreover,thereportalsostates thatmorethan60%oftheincrease in upstream capex spent between now and 2030 will come from the Americas North America is expectedtobethelargestdriverof capex growth during this period,
while Latin America will play an increasinglysignificantroleinnonOil Producing and Exporting Countries (OPEC) supply growth, particularlyforconventionalcrude withexpansionsplannedforBrazil andGuyana.
Kaieteur News recently reported that with production now at some 645,000 barrels per day
(bpd) up from 98,000 bpd from its first full year of production, Guyana is now ranked as the third highest global supplier of crude outside of the established OPEC. This is according to a published report by the US' Energy Information Administration which said that “Guyana increased crude oilproductionbyanannualaverage
of 98,000 b/d from 2020 to 2023, makingitthethird-fastestgrowing non-OPEC producing country duringthisperiod.”
The United States and Brazil take the top spots respectively, whileGuyana'spresentproduction surpasses that of Norway, China, Mexico,Canada,Argentinaand (Continuedonpage8)
The Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton is stilltoannounceafirmpolicy position on whether the People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R) will ringfence the Stabroek Block projects to ensure Guyana benefits early on during oil productionfromtherevenues generated.
After complaining about the lack of information, Norton three months ago disclosed that the party had “most of the data” it needed on ring-fencing. On Friday, theOppositionLeaderduring his weekly press conference wasaskedwhetherthegroup has reached a final decision onthesubject.
Tothisend,heexplained, “We have concluded that ring-fencing will serve the peopleofGuyana.Itwillhelp us to reduce the placing of expenditure where it should notbe.”
Norton however went on to note that while the Opposition believes ringfencing would be positive, it would still assess each project individually before makingafinaldecision.
He said, “We still leave openanopportunitytolookat every project separately and to decide whether ringfencing is a positive or not. Generally, we believe ringfencing is positive but there mightbecaseswhereitmight not be and so we generally saidbeforeandwesayitnow - we agree for the need to ring-fencing but we would want to have all the data and look at every project on its merit and determine how we ring-fence.”
In the absence of a ringfencing provision, ExxonMobil, the operator of Guyana's oil rich Stabroek Block can use the revenue
currently producing oil to pay for expenses related to otherprojects.
A ring-fencing provision would therefore ensure only costs related to that project are paid off from those revenues.
In this way, more money wouldbeavailabletoshareas p
g Agreement (PSA), Guyana inked with ExxonMobil and i
ss CorporationandCNOOC,75 percent of the monthly revenue will be deducted to cover costs, while the remaining25percentwillbe splitequally(50/50)between thepartiestothecontract.
As such, a ring-fencing provision would have allowed Guyana to benefit
from half of the revenue generated in a project, after theexpensesarerepaid.
Presently, Exxon is producing oil from three projects Without this provision, the revenues are used by the company to develop projects that are yet tostartproducingoil.
Exxon can also use the revenues to fund its oil exploration campaign across theblock.
The Government of Guyana has refused to enforce a ring-fencing provision even though its share of profits is signific
d monthlyintheabsenceofthis keyclause.
In fact, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo previously explained that the country could be left with nothing in the future should such a provisionbeimplemented.
According to the VP, “Thinking in policy making is much more complex, it's never a linear way - oh ringfencing can save all the money in the world; ringfencingcouldleadnowtooto us having nothing in the future.”
The Vice President explained,“Weadmittedthat we are foregoing revenue nowinexchangeformassive future income because it's going into new projects that will increase production and so even with the same share
of the 50/50 plus the two percentroyaltythatthefuture income, because of the bigger scale will be massive in Guyana's case and we are deliberatelyforegoingthatin this period for that purpose and then trying to grab this bonenowcouldcauseyouto lose all the bones, the bigger bonestoointhefuture.”
While Jagdeo fears Guyananotbeingabletogain revenueinthefuturefromthe sector due to a ring-fencing provision, experts in the industry have urged the nation to include such a provision to ensure it enjoys earlyreturnsfromthesector
In three separate reports
dated 2017, 2019 and 2019, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) stated: “This asymmetrical treatment of profitandcostoilwillbenefit the contractor at the expense of delaying government revenue.”
Meanwhile, the United N
Programme (UNDP), along with another international expert, Chatham House and the World Bank called on Guyana to include a ringfencing provision for each project.
Painting a more graphic picture in one his reports on Guyana was Director of Financial Analysis for the
Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), Tom Sanzillo.
IEEFA estimated that Guyana should receive upwardof$6billionannually by 2028 or sooner, however, theorganizationbelievesthat due to all of the new costs, Guyanawillbeshortchanged untilthe2030's,ifnotlonger Sanzillonoted,“Thelack ofcontractprotectionsmeans that every time Guyana announces it has received more revenue it is actually being shortchanged the country may never see the promised annual revenues in thebillionsofdollars.”
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
It has now come to light that the Guyana Government hastriedtohidethefullauditreportofUS$7.3BofExxon’s expenses from the citizens by extracting close to 30 pages fromthedocumentthattheypublishedonline.
Just last week when this newspaper questioned Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo whether the full report that was handedovertothegovernmentwasreleasedtothepublic,he answered in the affirmative and even went on to cast aspersion on the leadership of this newspaper for merely askingthequestion.Nowitisintheopenaswereportedin our Sunday edition, the auditors confirming that the full report,whichtheyhandedtothegovernmentisnotonlineas Jagdeosaid.
What is interesting as we have pointed out in previous news articles is that the section of the report which the government extracted from the full document contains the major expenses of ExxonMobil and its partners, operating the prolific Stabroek Block. Contracts awarded for major expenses such as chemicals used in the operations; costs associated with the rental of supply vessels and drill rigs; subsea umbilical, risers and flowlines (SURF); helicopter charges;laboratorycostsandwastetreatmentmanagement among others have not been included in the report completed by the local consortium-VHE Consulting, a partnership between Ramdihal & Haynes Inc; Eclisar Financial;andVitalityAccounting&ConsultancyInc.
Sourcesclosetotheprocessexplainedthatapproximately 40 pages of the audit report have not been included in the document that was made public by the government The source told Kaieteur News, “The audit team submitted a detailed report of approximately 170 pages, including a manager’s report to the Ministry” The document available online however consists of 135 pages See link attached for report: https://nre govgy/2024/04/12/vhes-initial-auditreport-for-the-stabroek-block-cost-recovery-audit-2018-to2020/ This newspaper had also previously reported that a number of major expenses were not captured in the second audit report This glaring observation was made when comparingthedocumenttothefirstauditreportcompletedby Britishconsultant,IHSMarkit
The report we have been privy to and which they published exposes numerous instances where Exxon used our profits on non-oil operational business and in other cases, they over-billed us for billions of Guyanese dollars. Butthesewereforsmallmatters.Wecanonlyimaginewhat theauditorsfoundwhentheyexaminedthemajorexpenses, which the Irfaan Ali Government has hidden from the public.Aswehavepointedoutinnumerousothereditorials, corruption and Guyana are now as inseparable as identical twins. In their existence since Independence, citizens have been betrayed by their elected representatives, paid harsh prices for their trust. The advent of oil has made matters worse, with those in charge carrying on like reckless hoodlums, with their cronies imitating them. This is what UN Human Rights Committee Member, Ms. Helene Tigroudja, noted: “The wealth derived from oil and gold exploitationandminingonlybenefitstherichestinsociety leavingthepoorestinextremepoverty.” Onedoesnothave tolooktoofarortoolong,andthereareself-evidenttruthsin whatMs.Tigroudjaspokeaboutsoopenly
Given that so many of the details in offshore oil operations are hidden from Guyanese, what kind of deals have been worked out between the company and members of the PPPC Government who manage the ExxonMobilGuyanarelationship? Billionsinexpenseshavebeenburied farfromthepryingeyesofGuyanese.Whatisthequidpro quoinvolved,whoiscollectingjuicypaybacks? AtUS$1= approximately GY$215, it doesn’t require much from ExxonMobiltomaketheweakandthewillinginthePPPC Governmenttoseethingsthecompany’sway Whenthere is nothing to hide, then there is no need for any degree of secrecy Whenthereisdeepsecrecy,thelessonsoflifehave taughtthatthereiscorruptionofsomekindpresent. Intimes before,peopleingovernmentshowedthattheydidnothave
, While Minister of E d u c a t i o n , P r i y a ManickchandisnoWinifred Gaskin or Cecilene Baird in intellect and performance, yours truly never expected an elementary piece of writing from the nation’s education policy head Reference is made to M a n i c k c h a n d ’ s correspondence “Lincoln L
“There are currently 26 new secondary schools being constructed across Guyana” (June 4, 2024). This is in response to my article, “Was Luncheon telling us something about Manickchand’s ‘feral’ conduct? My response to her” (Village Voice News, J u n e 3 , 2 0 2 4 ) https://villagevoicenews co m/2024/06/03/wasluncheon-telling-uss o m e t h i n g - a b o u t -
Rather than address the
substance of my contention, she continues in her “feral” modeasdescribedbyherlate colleague, Dr Roger Luncheon.At no time in my article did I tell the minister she was “physically ugly.” She sought to denigrate me becauseofmyfortunetolive for a long period, successfully Her words cause me to look in the mirror, and I am glad that I did, because I like what I saw Itooktheopportunityto advisehertodolikewiseand look in the mirror And whereas I saw a healthy big man, a human species, standingtall,proudanderect at 6’3" with a good genetic structure,apparently,shedid not like what her mirror reflected Now she is accusing me of making statement that I have never utteredaloud.
Nevertheless, I am not surprisedattheferalminister for attempting to give me a “feral blast,” for which she was made popular by Luncheon for The difference, however, between Manickchand and
the principles required to say no when temptations and invitationstohelpthemselvessurfaced. Nowthatthereis oil, which means much more money, there is the simple logicthatitsfruitswillprovetobeirresistible.
TheGuyanaenvironmentnowstandsasaprovenfieldof corruptionthatisinfestedbytheoutofcontrol Sectionsof theprivatesectorinGuyanaarechokingonthepublicworks thatareapprovedtoprovidewhatisneededtosupporttheoil sector, or the mining sector in the interior Some contract awardsmakenosense,havenomerit,andthepeoplewhoare the recipients of them are known for their intimate relationshipswiththosewhomakethedecisionsinthePPP/C Government The really big decisions are only made by a smallgroupofpeople,aclose-knitcabalfloatingnearthetop The secrecy is so tight that even government agencies are thwartedwhentheyputinfortherecordsofawardsinvolving specific contracts Awards that have raised a hue and cry abouttheircleanlinessandtheircredibility Thisiswhathas become a standing feature of contracts that amount to hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money Some comefromoil,andsomecomefromgoldandelsewhere
Thecorruptionisatsuchanacutestagethatthosewho needthebenefitsoftheirpatrimonythemost,endupbeing theonesthatreceivetheleast. TheIndigenouscommunity canspeaktothis,givenhowtheirrightshavebeenviolated atwillbythosefavouredbythePPP/CGovernment.
TheChineseLandingcommunityandhowithasbeen ravaged stand as a billboard that the present government prefers to stay covered. Secrecy and transparency are natural enemies. The clash between corruption and accountability falls in the same boat, with the PPP/C Government being both captain and crew. Guyanese already knew about the corruption UNHRC member Tigroudja and her team raised in their questions, which caused some hysteria in local leadership offices. Those questions expose and emphasize how corrupt governance hasbeenunderthepresentregime.
The media is mauled when pressing for answers, women are made examples of, and other Guyanese pummeled for calling out the government. Government that is clean does not have to resort to criminal conduct. Clean leaders fear none. But both the PPP/C Government and its leadership operate in such a corrupt world that principleandreasonhavefled.
the USAAmbassador is that she and I share the same culture and I am not bound by any diplomatic protocol to ignore or handle her delicately
Onthematteroflabour,I am not impressed by the minister’sknowledgeonthe issue, especially in relation to the present teachers’
matter There is a misconception when it comes to understanding industrial relations and in this particular case, the grievance procedure The Ministry of Labour, by law, conciliates between the two parties where a grievance exists. The parties are at conciliation right now To the minister’s argument that there must be resumption of workbeforeconciliation,let her make public to this nation which law prescribes that. The minister on this issue,likemanyothers,does not speak from a position of knowledge. Let us not be fooledthatbecausesheholds a law degree and was admitted to the bar that her knowledgeoflawtranscends everyaspectofhumanlife.It doesn’tanditisobviousshe has not done her homework or is being guided by the relevant subject experts. We should not ignore the possibility also that even if she was guided, she ignored it, labouring on the false senseofall-nessofthelaw
It is good to see the minister agrees that agreementmustberespected butshemustnotonlytalkthe talk but walk the walk. Let heradvicehergovernmentto respect Article 147 of the Constitution of Guyana that enshrines the right to collective bargaining and freedom to strike; Section 23(1) of the Trade Union Recognition Act that obligates the employer to treat with the union in good faith; and the check off agreement between the Guyana Trades Union (GTU) and Ministry of Education as ensconced in the Collective Labour Agreement (CLA). But the government is not prepared torespecttheseinasmuchas thecourtruledthesemustbe respected.
LetheralsotellMinister of Labour, Joe Hamilton to respect the agreement by summoning RUSAL/BCGI to correct the short payment made to bauxite workers
whose services were terminatedin2019/2020.
TheCLAsdon’tfunction in abstention of the
Constitution and Laws of Guyana which are the superior instruments It follows, if the government cannot respect these then workers are left with no choice but to hold the government accountable through strikes and other meansofprotest.
The minister is bringing her legal training into disrepute, likewise the ministerial portfolio, particularly when compared to her predecessors. On the issue of Guyana lagging behind her Latin America and Caribbean counterparts in education, I stand by my statementwhichisinformed byaWorldBankReportand was given widest coverage locally and regionally Just as the minister wants teachers to have their students pursue knowledge through enquiry, let her do herhomework.
But for the consumption ofthosewhodidn’tknowor could benefit from a recall, belowisanexcerptfromthe World Bank Fact Sheet that exposes our education dilemma:
“Although the education sector in Guyana has made remarkable progress in the last 15 years in terms of access, learning outcomes remainlowacrossalllevels. Guyanaachieved88percent and92percentenrollmentat the Nursery and Primary levels, respectively (2018). However, according to the Human Capital Index, a child born in Guyana today will only be 50 percent as productive when she grows up as she could be if she enjoyed complete education andfullhealth.Thisislower thantheaveragefortheLAC region and upper middleincome countries. The low humancapitalscoreisinpart driven by low educational andhealthoutcomes.
“Although the average Guyanese student is expected to complete 12.2 years of schooling, this is equivalent to only 6.8 years of learning when expressed in terms of LearningAdjustedYearsofSchooling (LAYS) This has been compounded by the impacts oftheCOVID-19pandemic. Recent simulations indicate that,fromthebaselineof6.8, Guyana risks losing 1 6 LAYSfollowinga13-month school closure as a result of the pandemic The InternationalMonetaryFund (IMF) has linked Guyana’s skillsshortagetoitspoor (Continuedonpage06)
Asweapproachthe22nd Biennial Congress of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), the stakes for our beloved Guyana couldnotbehigher Inthese transformative times, where Guyana is on the world stage,werequirealeaderof extraordinary vision, unwavering integrity, and a profound commitment to justiceandunity Thatleader isAmanzaWalton-Desir
Her remarkable advocacyfortheresidentsof Caneview and Hillfoot, whose homes were bulldozed, is an example of her leadership, compassion, anddedicationtothepeople of Guyana When the bulldozers came, leaving families in despair and withoutshelter,Amanzawas there. She didn’t just offer wordsofsympathy;shetook immediate, tangible action to support those affected. Herresponsewasbothswift and comprehensive, demonstrating her deep empathyandcommitmentto justice.
Amanza provided not only legal representation to fight for the rights of these displaced families but also essential support to help them through the crisis. She organisedthedistributionof clothing and foodstuff, ensuring that no one went hungry or without basic necessities Her presence
I vividly recall seeing Amanza on the ground, tirelesslyworkingalongside theresidents.Shelistenedto their stories, offered guidance, and helped them chart a path forward. Her genuine concern and dedication were palpable. She coordinated with local organisations to provide temporary housing solutions Her ability to mobilise resources and people in such a short time wastrulyimpressive.
Amanza didn’t stop at immediate relief She provided a way forward for the residents of Caneview and Hillfoot, advocating for long-term solutions and working to ensure that their voices were heard at the highestlevelsofgovernment S
ise community meetings, empowering the residents to take collective action and stand up for their rights Her legal expertise was instrumental in challenging the government’s actions and seekingjusticefortheaffected families
Her leadership during that crisis is a testament to h e r u n w a v e r i n g commitmenttothepeopleof Guyana. Amanza WaltonDesir is not just a leader in title;sheisaleaderinaction. Her ability to provide both immediate relief and longterm advocacy showcases her exceptional skills and compassion.
In Amanza WaltonDesir,wehavealeaderwho will stand up for the vulnerable, fight for justice, andworktirelesslytoensure that every Guyanese has a voice. Her actions speak louder than words, and her dedication to the people is unparalleled.
Amanza Walton-Desir’s vision for Guyana is inspiring. She sees a nation where opportunity is accessible to all, where justice is upheld for every citizen, and where our rich diversity is celebrated as a strength. She understands that our nation’s future hinges on building a society thatisinclusive,prosperous, andjust.
As we look towards the upcomingCongress,Iurgethe PNCR delegates to cast their votes for Amanza WaltonDesir She embodies the leadership, integrity, and visionthatGuyananeedsnow more than ever A vote for Amanzaisavoteforabrighter, more united, and prosperous Guyana Letuscometogether to support a leader who truly represents the values and aspirations of our people In thesecriticaltimes,wehave the opportunity to elect a leader who can guide us towardsafutureofhopeand possibility Let us seize this momentandchooseAmanza Walton-Desir as the leader of the PNCR and the leader Guyananeedsnow.
RennieParrisThe State-owned
GuyanaChronicleofJune6th carried an article with the heading “This NGO Caricature Must Stop” It is designed to discredit NGOs and does so by a deliberate distortionoffacts Thearticle is best understood as a contribution to the campaign announcedattherulingPPP’s recent Party Congress to vigorously go after the ‘naysayers’ in civil society
The culmination of this campaign may well be manifest in the - as yet unavailable-draftlegislation on NGOs for which the Governance Minister, Gail Teixeira,isresponsible
The State-owned newspaper article floated suggestions on the kind of controlsthelegislationmight contain: “One hopes that in the legislation that numbers, elections and term limits are imposedontheNGOs An organisation must have numbers because such numbers reflect national standing. There must be a register of members, with the requirement that each NGO must have a membership of at least 40 personsandanexecutiveof no less than ten members
There must be term limits of two terms only for the chairman, with each term being for two years”… “These NGOs and civil societ
groups are relentlessintheircriticism of the government in
relation to transparency and accountability The people who encourage this lopsidednessaretheWestern embassies through generous donations.”Thisauthoritarian and sexist approach to NGOs appearstobestraightoutofthe ‘democratic centralism’ playbook,thebitofMarxismLeninism to which the party reneweditscommitmentatthe recent Congress Justification for this level of control is reducedinthearticletoaseries of malicious innuendos The Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA), for example,isstated(twice)tohave received ‘a generous donation from the British High Commission’, distorts the truth thattheBHCofferedtomounta workshoptobuildhumanrights capacity among nongovernmental organizations The GHRA supplied a list of potentialparticipantswhowere theninviteddirectlybytheBHC
Neither the GHRA or individual members sought or receivedacent,theBHCpaid all expenses directly – travel and accommodation of the workshop director, venue, refreshments for participants etc TheChroniclearticlewas clearly intended as a contribution to discrediting NGOs before launching the proposed NGO legislation by ridiculing them by whatever meanspossible Long-standing NGO activists associated with non-partisan organizations are pinpointed by name and ridiculed on the unproven grounds of never having been re-elected
While the focus of the articleisclearlyonNGOs,the sectionfromthearticlequoted above can easily be extended to apply to any civic bodysporting, cultural, humanitarian or religious To thisextent,non-governmental bodies generally rather than adoptacomplacent‘itcouldn’t happen to us’ attitude should pay attention We all have a stake in how our society should be governed We shouldnotbeintimidatedinto silence
Sincerely ExecutiveCommittee GHRADEAREDITOR
It was hilarious to find Mr Baytoram Ramharack, whohavingspentalmosthis entire article of about a thousand words criticising all and sundry for not doing sufficient to bring Indian history (memory) into the mainstream, in his final paragraphreferringtoDavid Hinds and me as ‘memory warriors’(SN: 05/06/2024)!
I suspect that Mr Ramharack’s contribution was one of those PPP propagandistic ‘dog whistles’ intended to help solidify the party’s Indian
support, but I have no problem with being ‘a memory warrior’ if that is what it will take to prevent the PPP from establishing ethnic/political dominance inGuyana.
This writer has never complained, as others with some justifications have done, about the dearth of African history in the general scheme of things. Furthermore, I have never propagated any proposals having to do with any form of African socio/political exclusiveness. What I have done is take affront at the
PPP’s Indian ethnically entrencheddashforpolitical dominance, but not without sugg
Many of the PPP’s associates will have us believethatwhileittendsto go ‘overboard’, such behaviourisinkeepingwith normal democratic politics, butthisisnonsense.Normal politicians are required to thinkanddowhatisgoodfor theircountry,butcontraryto its recently stated goal of building ‘one Guyana’, the behaviourofthePPPhasfor
decades been divisive and destructive.
Nation building is i
majoritarian ethnic political rule in a bicommunal multiethnic society, and even more so under the e
al government of the PPP that perennially seeks to subvert the development of other ethnic expressions But because of its determination to dominate, the PPP long ago set itself upon an undemocraticpathway
Under its rule, the judiciary has largely
collapsed, destroying the separation of powers, and after not holding local government elections for some two decades after Cheddi Jagan died, since they were reestablished by the APNU+AFC coalition, the PPP has been making every effort to undermine them in its quest for total power Itsmissiontosubvert theAfricancommunityisall encompassingandatpresent is focused on the International Decade for People of African Decent Assembly – Guyana, whose efforts is to uplift African
people run counter to the intent of the PPP In further efforts to stifle African wellbeing, the PPP has for decades suspended constitutionally required collective bargaining in the publicservicethatis largely peopledbyAfricans.
The result is that the average annual salary of teachers, who are mainly Africans, was 3.4 times the percapitaGDPofUS$860in 2004butisnowapittanceof that and the PPP is still refusing the judicial exhortationthatitrespects
school enrollment and educationperformancerates relative to regional standards.”
Sitting atop this destructive and gross d y s f u n c t i o n i s Manickchand,whohasbeen the education minister for thegreaterpartofthelast15 years.The situation is being compounded with the learninglossthegovernment is allowing by refusing to pay teachers better and create a better education environment for our children The minister continues to set no good example to this nation and moreparticularlytheyoung. It is observed the minister is requesting an apologyfrommeformaking aspecificreferencethatwas widely publicised in
mainstreammediaandother placeswhichtodayhasnever been withdrawn. Her threat oftakingmetocourtforlibel will be met with equal response.Thethreatoflegal actionhasbecomeadefence mechanism of her political kind to drive fear into society Lest they forget, we the people are paying them tobeinservicetousandwe mustnotfearbutcontinueto hold them accountable Respect is earned not achievedbythreats. If“anachronistic”means having integrity, respect for the rule of law, fighting for therightsofthevulnerablein society, fighting against discrimination, and being a decentperson,thensoletit.I embrace such a title with a badge of honour Maybe the minister should embrace some of these values then
dignified, display integrity an
ke and professional in her public office, instead of displaying qualitiesofaferalbeing,out of place in the environment withinwhichsheoperates.It isnottoolateforthegoodly minister to benefit from finishingschool.
I n 2 0 1 8 , P r i y a ManickchandandIrfaanAli, in the Opposition, said they support the striking teachers and these teachers deserved atleast50percentincreasein salary
In2024,inGuyana’soilrich economy, both are in positions to deliver on what theysaidin2018.Theymust nowdoso,andsocietymust join hands with the teachers inholdingthemaccountable.
LincolnLewisVice President Bharrat Jagdeo likes to talk about the past. He likes to compare and contrast his PPP/C Government to that of the PNCR.
One of the comparisons he studiously avoids is that just like the Forbes Burnham PNC Government - the PPP of today has been exhibiting similar traits.
Criticism of the government is met with vilification - one of the clear signs of a creeping dictatorship.
Persons are now afraid to speak to this newspaper for fear of attracting the wrath of the government. The emergence of one-man rule and a government dominated by sycophants poses a significant threat to democracy.
When “yes-men” become pervasive in a society, it is a sure sign that freedoms are under threat. These yes-men are not only danger to themselves but to your and my freedom.
Qatar, among others. Crude oil production has been the largest contributor to Guyana's economic growth in recent years. The most recent estima
e of recoverable oil and natural gasresourcesismorethan11 billion oil-equivalent barrels, and developers are still exploring the country's offshore waters, the report re-iterated.
The first significant oil discovery in offshore Guyana was made by ExxonMobilin2015atwhat isnowtheLizaprojectinthe Stabroek block. Since then, ExxonMobilanditspartners, HessandtheChinaNational Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), have made more than 30 additional offshore oil and
discoveries within the Stabroekblock.Guyana'soil productioncomesfromthree floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessels: Liza Destiny, Liza Unity, and Prosperity These vessels produce oil and naturalgasfromtheLizaand Paya
All associated natural gas is reinjected into wells to support its production and used as on-site fuel A proposed project would bring associated natural gas onshore to processing facilitiesviapipeline.
Currently, the block's partners plan for the
approximately 1.3 million b/d by the end of 2027, with plans to develop three
Yellowtail, Uaru, and Whiptail.
Once realized, the increased production would make Guyana the secondlargest crude oil producer in Central America and South America behind Brazil, according to EIA Additionally, it was noted that the future of the corporate partnership at the Stabroek block is uncertain, since Chevron's acquisition of Hess, which holds a 30 percentstakeintheStabroek block,mayfacedelaysdueto arbitrationfilingsbyexisting block partners ExxonMobil and CNOOC, which claim preemption rights over Hess's stake in the block. ExxonMobil holds a 45 percent interest in the Stabroekblock,andCNOOC holdsa25percentstake.
Talks between the GuyanaTeachers' Union(GTU)and the Ministry of Education willcontinuetoday
Today marks the 62nd dayoftheteachers'strikefor a livable salary The GTU had requested a multi-year agreement from 2019, howeveratprevioustalksthe government refused, and insteadofferedanagreement from2024onwards.
TheUnionsubsequently saidthattheyarepreparedto amend their multi-year agreement proposal from 2019-2023 to 2022-2025, buttheadministrationisstill holdingout.
Athispressconferenceat the Office at the President lastThursday,VicePresident Bharrat Jagdeo said that the Government of Guyana is considering providing parents a $700,000 voucher for them to send their children to private schools. He made the comments in response to a reporter questioning whether his government was concerned aboutthelossoflearningdue to the teachers' strike in the
Explaining that government is looking at a fewmodelsJagdeosaidthat, "Yes, of course we are very concerned, we think it's unreasonable,” before adding, “So the thing is that atsomepointintime,weare starting to work on several models”.
One of those models Jagdeo referenced is the provision of the vouchers to parentstosendtheirchildren to private schools “Secondly, in the future, we havetoexaminewhetherwe willgiveparentsavoucherto send their children to a privateschoolornotbecause ifwearespending$700,000 now per child and it costs $300,000 to pay for the school fees for the child, we might as well give, in some areas, the parents the $700,000 per child and let them pay for the school kids,” the Vice President said. He added too that the modelwillalsoprovidemore opportunities for private schools.Another model, the Vice President pointed to is
the “E-school model” (online learning). He noted thatinorderforthismodelto work, children must be able to receive the same level of tuition and have the same level of successes as if they are attending a physical school.
During a live stream via the Union's Facebook page recently, GTU's President, Dr Mark Lyte said that: “What the government was askingustodowastoforego a five-year period during which for three, there were impositions with no collectiveagreement. Weevenbelievethatone ofthethingsthatgovernment couldhavedonewastocome to the table with a reason as towhytheybelievewedon't deserve an increase for that period.”
This publication reached out to Lyte on Sunday for a comment on the VP's commentsone-learningand the$700,000voucheraswell as the expectations for today's meeting, but not wanting to say much he told KNthat,"AllIwishtosayis thestrikecontinues."
The history of Guyana under the People’s National C o n g r e s s ( P N C ) dictatorship serves as a sombre reminder of how fragilefreedomcanbecome. Thosewholivedthroughand sufferedduringthaterahave a duty to alert the present generation to the dangers of governmentaloverreachand the erosion of fundamental rights.
It all began with the snatching of the right to choose a government of one’s choice With the removalofthisrightthrough successive rigged elections, the people of Guyana could not effect changes and were atthemercyofthemini-gods withinthegovernment.
During the PNC’s rule, the atmosphere in Guyana was one of pervasive fear and repression Citizens couldnotspeakfreelytothe media or in public without riskingsevererepercussions. Criticismofthegovernment was met with vilification, victimization and vendettas. The freedom to express oneself was restricted heavily, and many were silenced by the threat of retaliation.
Press freedom was nonexistent; journalists and ordinary citizens alike were afraid to speak the truth, knowingthatdoingsocould lead to dire consequences. The independent media was attacked. This is why even
today when you see politicians attacking media houses, it is sign of a creeping dictatorship. The repression extended to various aspects of life, includingemployment.With the State commanding 80% of Guyanese economy and tens of thousands employed by the government, the threat of dismissal was a powerful tool of control.
Workers were often coerced into participating in government-sanctioned activities,suchasmarchesor into forced free labour at Hope Estate, under the implicitthreatoflosingtheir jobs The fear of being placed on the breadline forced many to comply reluctantly, sacrificing their personal freedom and dignity
Freedom of association was severely limited
Attending opposition meetingsorassociatingwith known opposition figures could lead to censure or worse Informers were ubiquitous, and even casual conversations with opposition members could attract the attention of the authorities One notable incident involved a senior diplomat who, upon being seen conversing with Dr Rupert Roopnarine, an opposition figure, was summoned and questioned by his superiors. The diplomat merely stopped to
say howdy to an old school friend Such incidents illustratetheextenttowhich personal relationships were scrutinizedandcontrolled.
Associating with friends known to be opposition supporters was hazardous, leading to potential repercussions from the authorities. This pervasive atmosphere of control and fearstiflednotonlypolitical dissent but also the basic human rights to freedom of expression, association, and personal choice Even dietarychoiceswerenotfree from political interference. Political leaders dictated what foods were prohibited or restricted, further intruding into the private livesofcitizens.Thelessons from this dark period in Guyana’s history are clear: the erosion of freedoms can occur insidiously and must be actively resisted The present generation must be vigilant to ensure that the country does not return to thoseoppressivedays. Even under an elected government, the dangers of authoritarianism and the curtailment of freedoms remain. Today criticism of the government is met with vilification, another symptom of a creeping dictatorship Persons are now afraid to speak to this newspaper for fear of attracting the wrath if the government.Theemergence
Demboyssehistimeto shake up de higher educationsceneinGuyana.
De government bin smart and set up dis Guyana
Online Academy of Learning(GOAL)anddem
dishing out 20,000 scholarships already. Now dem announce an additional 7,000 plus scholarships. Is bare numbersrollinglikecricket score and it look good, good,good. De thing is, more people studying under GOAL than de whole University of Guyana campusescombined.Think about dat! All dem graduates coming out with internationally certified qualifications, so dem can holddemownanywherein de world. And you know what?Itnahcostaarmand a leg like it does to run de
University of Guyana. Dis ting cheaper than a market
day special, and it deliveringbigresults. Sowhywestillpumping billionsintodeUniversityof Guyana every year? Dem boysseh,timetowiseup We gat to make better use of GOAL. Imagine, instead of pouring money into buildings, maintenance, and alldemtingsthatcomewitha physicaluniversity,weinvest inmoreonlineprogramsand scholarships We could help morepeople,inmoreplaces, forlessmoney Disdekindof mathsthatdoesmakesense WithGOAL,wecouldmek highereducationaccessible to anybody who got internet.Youindecity,you good. You in de interior, you good too Is like bringingdeclassroomright into people home. And de qualificationstopnotch,so
of one-man rule and a government dominated by sycophants poses a significant threat to democracy When “yesmen”becomepervasiveina society it is a sure sign that freedoms are under threat. These yes-men are not only danger to themselves but to yourandmyfreedom.
The role of the media is vitalinprotectingfreedoms.
Afreeandindependentpress serves as a watchdog, exposing abuses of power and ensuring that the government remains answerable to the people. Efforts to curtail press freedom or intimidate journalists must be
vehemently opposed
Protecting the rights of journalists and fostering a cultureofopendialogueand dissent are essential to preserving democracy The moreagovernmentattacksa newspaper, the more the people should buy that newspaper because it is one way of demonstrating r e s i s t a n c e t o authoritarianism and oneman rule. As such, as much as we must never forget the suppressionoffreedomsand the pervasive atmosphere of fear that characterized the PNC era, the present g e n e r a t i o n h a s a responsibility to guard against any attempts to
curtail their rights and freedoms.
The present generation must be attuned to the signs of one-man rule; it must be onthelookoutforattackson the media. These are as goodanindicatorasanythat dangerisintheair
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
nobody can seh we producing half-baked graduates University of Guyana been around long time, and it serve it purpose But de world changing, and we got to change with it Online learning de way forward. Look how COVID-19 show we dat.Whole world turn to online education. We done set de pace with GOAL Time to push forwardfullspeed. Demboysseh,let’sput more faith and funds into GOAL. We could be a leader in online education in de Caribbean. We could help more Guyanese achieve dem dreams. Let’s invest in de future, not in old ways. Time for GOAL totekcentrestageandlead de way for higher educationinGuyana. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
First, there was theANC in South Africa. Forced to check its options, scramble for an alliance to continue. ThencameModiinIndia,he of Hindu supremacy, which soundssuspiciouslylikeOne India (a Hindu one) where there is over 200 million Muslims made into scapegoats, whipping posts, and reduced to the contempt of “infiltrators.” Now Modi has his pals, but his hold on power, his visions of unchecked dominance have been brought low Rather eerily,AdolphHitler,another master race man, had his visions of a 1000-year reign, only to crumble into ashes and by his own hand. When will these 'muddahs' ever learn? Modi had history as histutorandlikeRamaphosa in Johannesburg, he didn't learn one damn thing, other thanhisenlargedheadisnow shrunk to size. If the Indian High Commissioner is offended, I hasten to assure
His Excellency that no illwill is intended Just engaging in some free Americanthinking. ANC, then Modi, and there is Rishi now poised to get his comeuppance in dear olde England. The rich and the famous, the foolish and thepowerfulalllaidlow By circumstances. Bytheirown overweening hubris. The godsdohavetheirway The Greeks warned, and so did thesacredbooks. Butwhois listening? In those places in SouthAfrica,SoutheastAsia, andnorthwesternEurope,the bright boys (they are all big, bright, and bad boys) are forced to crawl on their belliesandeatdust. Whatis pronouncedisthatineachof the countries identified, the political opposition never saiddie,nevergaveup. They may not have won in Africa orIndia,butthevictorycircle draws nearer, beckons stronger Plus, there are different kinds of people
housed in those high places, and their many hamlets and homesteads. They listened to rousing rhetoric and smelled fish. A week-old fish left untreated in the rain and sun. Something had to give,forthesmellthatitgave off. Theyhadachoice:vote with their feet or vote their passionate loyalty The feet hadsomethingtodowiththe kick that Modi and Ramaphosa got. Imagine that even a man like Jacob Zuma, he of countless corruption claims and cases, could sense a resurgence in his political fortunes. Talk about rising from the dead, and it is not only Jesus who could lay claim to that miracle.
Guyanese have two of them here, and both in a real
walking dead. Politically speaking, of course, before somebody holler foul, and
move to shut me down a la themanfromBuxton. Oneis all moon and stars with his dewy-eyed vision of One Guyana. LikeIsaidfromday one, what is that one of? In India, it is religion; in Guyana,Ihavefearsofrace. Like Jake, there is a Teflon fella right here, who is slipperierthanagreasedpig. Whoeversaidcorruptiongets to go through to the next round of Jeopardy But the local bigwigs look at 2025 and see clear sailing Guyanese could do with some of what India just had: Men against Modi to give these wastrels a boot in the behind and send them tumbling. Butwhoarethey, and where are they in oil soaked and race scarred Guyana? Man, this country coulduseacleanupandIam not speaking of the garbage bag variety It is closer to political housekeeping, but thereisahugevoid:whoare the fighters for a new
democratic way in Guyana. It is not me, so let's put that one to bed for the longest rest. Too ancient. Too indifferent. And too bent a certain way. What is Guyanese politics if there is no 'teefin' and 'lyin' and 'connin' and corruption? I would just be out of my depth; they would drop a depthchargeonme.Itwould serve me right for meddling in matters not my business, notwhatwaswilledformein thecallingbacktothisplaceI call home. Some home, wherethebrothersandsisters want to send me to a permanentoneintheground. Sowhatdoesthatleaveas the prospects for this beautiful Guyana of ours, besidesthetendermerciesof the bluff man and the bumbling, scrambling one? Any way that I look at these two inspiring figures in the glorious domestic pantheon, IasktheLordwhatdidIdoto deserve this condemnation?
Of having to deal straight up and forthright with these charactersrightoutofAlfred Hitchcock? One has the build,theotherthinkshehas thebrawn.Onefoolshimself thathehasthehead;theother has already lost his head, handed it over to Exxon and America in a calabash. I never thought that “give me your poor, your tired ” could have such wretched individual application, such d r e a d f u l n a t i o n a l implications. Here is the be all and end all of all of this: thisplaceisripeforachange, butwho,whatandwhereare the alternatives? More importantly, I scan the horizon, and I am still to see the agents of change. Any kind for the better (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
The Teaching Service Commission is set to face legal action over what is being described by the Guyana Teachers' Union (GTU) as the wrongful transferofateacher
PresidentoftheGTU,Dr Mark Lyte during a video streamed via Facebook on Friday announced that the TSCwillsoonbethesubject of a court case for taking steps to have a male teacher transferred from his district schoolinBerbice.According to Dr Lyte, the TSC has not onlyissuedaletteroftransfer to the teacher even after he was cleared of allegations leveled against him, but the TSC –an autonomous constitutional body has taken its instructions from the Ministry of Education to doso.
Dr Lytesaid“Webelieve that the Teaching Service Commission breached its own rules; rule number 57 with this decision. A person shouldbepresumedinnocent until you prove them guilty ” He continued “And since when does the Te a c h i n g S e r v i c e Commission take its instructions from the MinistryofEducation,thisis an independent body that is supposed to act on its own accord…”
The GTU President said that the TSC was written to aboutitsdecisionandwarned that there will be legal consequences if the decision was not overturned. “We did notstatewhenbutwewarned that court action will follow. This will be sooner rather thanlater…”
Kaieteur News learntthat TSC was sent a lawyer's letter last Thursday The letter warned that the TSC will face legal proceedings should the Commission fail to reverse their decision to havetheteachertransferred.
The letter dated June 6, 2024 and written by
Attorney-at-law, Darren Wade explained that the teacher (no name provided) receivednoticefromtheTSC of a decision to have him transferred from his district school in Berbice to the No. 36 Primary School on the basis of exigencies of service.
However, the lawyer pointedoutthatintheirletter, the reasons proffered by the TSC do not constitute an exigency “It appears you wish to appease the community and are taking instructions from the M i n i s t r y o f Education…Please note that the reasons given are irrelevantconsiderationsand consequently are unlawful,” thelawyer'sletterstated. More importantly, Wade outlinedinhisletterthat,the Te a c
s an independent constitutional body which does not take instructionfromtheMinistry of Education in making its decisions. As a result, the lawyer said that he is instructed by his client to demandthatTSCretractsthe letterforthwith.Failuretodo sohewarnedwouldresultin thepursuitoflegalaction.
Thirty-seven-year-old Edinho Lewis of DaSilva Street, Kitty, Georgetown, is now in police custody for the unlawful possession of firearms, ammunition and drugs.
According to a police statement, on Saturday around 12:30 hours, ranks acting on information went to Lewis's address, made contact with the suspect andconductedasearchonhisapartment.
The police found one AK-47 Rifle, one Glock 26 Pistol, 830 live 7.62 ammunition, four live .223 ammunition,
nine live 9mm ammunition, two live .32 ammunition, three AR-15 magazines, one AK-47 magazine, three Glock magazines, one scale used in weighing narcotics,onegunsilencer,aquantityof Ecstasy,107gramsofCocaineand544.3 gramsofCannabis.
Lewis was told of the offences, arrested, cautioned and taken into custody Theitemsfoundinhisapartment werelodgedattheCriminalInvestigation Department (CID) Headquarters as the investigationisongoing.
The wrecked car
A 1 7 - y e a r - o l d motorcyclist lost his life on Saturdayaftercrashingintoa car at the intersection of Amelia's Ward Public Road and Toucan Drive, Linden, Region10.
The youth has been identifiedasStephenBurnett of Central Amelia's Ward, Linden According to a police statement, the accident occurred around 14:00 hours It involved motorcar PAC 9289, driven by a 31-year-old pregnant womanfromAmelia'sWard, and motorcycle CM 971, which was being ridden by Burnett.
The motorcar was proceeding west in the southern lane on Amelia's WardPublicRoad.
A s t h e v e h i c l e approached the intersection, thedriveractivatedherright indicator to signal that she was turning north onto ToucanDrive.
However, while in the process of turning, the teen motorcyclist who was proceeding in the same direction reportedly overtook a line of vehicular traffic and collided with the right-side front door, and onto the front windshield of thecar
However, while in the process of turning, the teen motorcyclist, who was proceeding in the same direction, reportedly
overtook a line of vehicular traffic and collided with the right-side front door and the frontwindshieldofthecar
Notably,thepolicestated thattheteenwasdrivingata fastrateandwasnotwearing asafetyhelmet.
Burnett was picked up in an unconscious state, and the female driver, who also sustainedinjuries,wastaken to the Linden Hospital Complex. Burnett was seen by a doctor and pronounced deadonarrival.
Meanwhile, the female driver was treated and admitted to the hospital for injuriestoherneckandother partsofherbody
Theinvestigationintothe accidentisongoing.
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) in 2023 deducted US$51.7 million from Guyana's oil revenue for its decommissioning activitiesplannedfor2039.
Decommissioning refers to clean up and restoration activities, following the life ofanoilproject.Theprocess involvesthesafepluggingof wells, removal of the Floating,Production,Storage and Offloading (FPSO)
vessel, purging and detachment of risers and removal of the subsea umbilicals, risers, and flowlines(SURF).
Notably,thisprocesswill be conducted at the end of each project's life, which is estimated to be 20 years. Guyana'sfirstoilproject,the Liza One, commenced productionactivitiesin2019.
e x p e c t e d t o b e decommissioned in 2039
Two other projects, the Liza
Tw o a n d P a y a r a , subsequentlycameonstream
in 2022 and 2023, respectively As such, those
p r o j e c t s w i l l b e decommissionedin2042and 2043respectively
Be that as it may, ExxonMobil is already deducting the country's oil revenues for the future activities.
According to the
company's financial statementfor2023,atotalof GYD$60,647,587,579 or US$288.8Mintotalhasbeen deducted to date by Exxon f o r t h e f u t u r e decommissioning activities.
Presently, the funds are held by the company and will be madeavailabletothecountry whenneeded.Concernswere previously raised by stakeholders regarding Exxon's control of the decommissioning monies
The government of Guyana has however passed a new Petroleum Activities Law that seeks to, among other things, address fears of the company walking out and leaving Guyana to clean up theenvironment.
TheLawwhichcameinto effect in 2023 sets out strict
rulesforcompaniestofollow on the decommissioning of oil projects. The company would have to submit to the minister for approval, a proposed decommissioning planandbudgetnolaterthan two years before the expiration of a petroleum licence or no later than two years before the anticipated endofproduction.
Once that plan is approved,theministerwould i n s t r u c t t h a t a Decommissioning Fund is created.Thecompanywould make contributions to that fund to ensure that when the time for “clean up” arrives, there would be adequate fundstocovertheassociated expenses. Importantly, the law states that the minister will dictate the terms and conditions of the fund for deposits and disbursements. Government previously m
ExxonMobilwillberequired to comply with the administrative clauses in the Petroleum Activities legislation.
Arepresentation of Exxon's subsea umbilicals, risers, and flowlines (SURF) equipment used for production activities
The government has announced strict measures against security companies found to be deducting insurancecontributionsfrom their employees without remitting these payments to the National Insurance Scheme(NIS).
Vice President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo during a recent press conference informed reporters that this was one of the most prevalent concerns brought upathisoutreachheldatthe Arthur Chung Conference
Centre (ACCC) He indicated that a thorough inspection of all security companies providing services to the government has been ordered, with a report expected within two weeks.
“Should we have an adversefindinginrelationto particular companies on this matter they run the risk of losing their contract,” the VicePresidentwarned.
The Vice President
stressed the importance of timely payment to employeesandtheobligation of companies to remit deductionsforNIStoensure thatworkershaverecourseto benefits in the event of injury “The security companies, they get paid for a service [and] they have to pay the people who are working for them, and they have to also ensure they pay themontimeandensurethat theirdeductionsfortaxesand fortheNISareremittedtothe NIS,”heunderlined.
The Vice President organisedapublicdayatthe ACCC on Monday with 1,000 individuals turning up tohavetheirissues,concerns andmattersaddressed.
The event brought together a number of government ministers and technical officers from various ministries, who worked diligently to ensure that all the challenges presented to them, were effectivelyresolved.
and publicworkswereamongthe prevalent concerns aired by residents.
Since 2020, the PPP/C Administration has been diligently focusing on addressing and resolving all outstanding matters related to the National Insurance Scheme and those affecting the livelihoods of citizens. (ExtractedfromDPI)
Minister of Public Service and Finance Dr Ashni Singh announced that approval has been granted for 7,782 Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) Scholarships and thatthesuccessfulapplicants will be informed by email overthenextweek.
Thisapprovalfollowson the heels of the graduation just two weeks ago of the second batch of students numbering 1,712 who completed their studies in variousdisciplinesincluding Masters and Bachelors' Degree programmes, the ministry said in a press release. Dr Singhmadethe announcement over the weekend The GOAL initiative is in keeping with Government's commitment to improve the country's educational and skills trainingcapacitytomatchits
c diversification programme and continued rapid
economicgrowth. At the recent GOAL Graduation at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, the second batch of graduates from the various regionsofGuyana,including the hinterland and remote
i r achievements “What GOAL does is that it still gives them (Guyanese) the option to pursue higher technical and tertiary education were they so to desire using the online modality of delivery It also offers a wider range of training options,” Dr Ashni Singh recently explained, adding that the government is creating an environment where everyone can explore severalopportunitiesthatare being created so that the country can continue its rapiddevelopment. Expounding further on the purpose of the GOAL scholarships, Dr Singh had
said that these are all elements of human capital development and improving the skills of the Guyanese workforceandpopulation,to have a better skilled and qualifiedlabourforceaswell as to have a more fulfilled population.
Government has been implementing a number of additional initiatives as it continues to invest in education throughout the country ItwasonlyinMarch this year as well that the administration launched the “Guyana-Coursera Platform” initiative which will see approximately 50,000 persons benefitting fromtraininginanumberof areas across various ministries countrywide as part of Government's expansive national training initiative.
The administration has been using a multi-pronged approach in its education (Continuedonpage16
Infrastructural works on the highly anticipated US$75.8 million East Bank D e m e r a r a R o a d improvement project, spanningfromGoodSuccess toTimehri willcommencein August.
Theprojectisexpectedto be completed within a 36month deadline This initiative, aimed at supporting climate-resilient infrastructure development, marks the first of its kind to be funded by the InterAmerican Development Bank(IDB)inGuyana.
Undertaken by China R o a d a n d B r i d g e Corporation (CRBC), the project aims to alleviate traffic congestion and facilitate vital routes for efficient transportation AccordingtotheMinistryof PublicWorks,theprojecthas been divided into three sections to ensure it remains on schedule with minimal
Section A covers the stretch from Good Success, beginning at the Ganga Temple, to Supply, while Section B extends from Supply to the Soesdyke Junction Section C continuesfromtheSoesdyke Junction to the Timehri Junction, near the Timehri Police Station. A notable feature of the project is the integration with the Soesdyke/Linden Highway throughtheconstructionofa roundabout, designed to facilitate smoother traffic transitions.
The project entails the
24 kilometresofroad,alongside the reconstruction and widening of over 58 bridges andculverts.
The roadway will be upgraded to a two-lane highway, complete with enhanced safety features such as sidewalks and cycle
lanes to cater to vulnerable road users, including pedestrians and cyclists Additionally, thermoplastic road markings, LED street lighting,andtrafficsignswill beinstalledtoenhancesafety and navigation along the carriageway
To manage the flow of traffic during the construction period, a comprehensive traffic management plan has been developed.Constructionwill begin in Section B, where there is sufficient space to accommodate ongoing work without severe traffic disruption.
Atleastonelaneoftraffic willremainopenatalltimes, with efforts to maintain two lanes wherever possible Construction activities will beconfinedtoonesideofthe roadway at a time to further mitigate traffic issues.
Stakeholdersandroadusers (Continuedonpage16)
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
Porter to work in warehouse and Canter driver. Experience is an asset, Attractive salary. Call: 673-7373.
Hiring Manager at S.S.W dry goods store at lot 20 Regent street & Hinks street. Call: 656-1234.
Looking for a honest & reliable female to do light work, ages 55 years & older. Call: 227-2321.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
Wanted office Staff, must have English and Mathematics around East Bank Demerara Call: 677-4896/ 664-2374.
We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport & i130 application forms. Call: 6267040.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 6490956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.
Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.
Now hiring: Truck Drivers, Secretary & Accounts Clerk. To apply, send application via Whatsapp at 608-5303/ 608-2114.
Vacancy available for Factory workers at Dyna's Embroidery screenprint 22 Austin Street, Campbellville. Call: 226-2621.
Vacancy available for Porter at Dyna's Embroidery screenprint 22 Austin Street, Campbellville. Call: 226-2621.
Accounts Clerk needed, must have English & Maths and knowledge in QuickBooks. Email: mikeswholesaledepot @yahoo.com
Registered Pharmacist. Experienced in community pharmacy would be an asset. Email: mikeswholesaledepot @yahoo.com or @ their location
Cashier & Driver with canter (Truck Licence).Apply @ mikeswholesaledepot@yahoo.com or @ their location.
3 bedroom furnished apartment, close to UG. $120,000 monthly, 1 month's rent and security. Free Wi-Fi & parking. Call: 709-4391.
Approximately 27 organisations representing Afro-Guyanese communities across the country on Saturday received funding to advance their empowerment projects.
This is the second tranche of payment being disbursed under the government’s purview. The cheques were handed over during a simple ceremony at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, which saw the attendance of Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson, and Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond.
Securing these funds allows various groups to tackle critical needs. From agriculture to healthcare and training, these projects will benefit the community directly, who have expressed their deep appreciation for this move. Dr. Ruackel Easton, who represented the Association of People of African Descent, said that his group will utilise the funds to offer medical supplies and services to vulnerable persons in underdeveloped communities. “The funds will be used towards a health outreach programme to as much of the demographic that we can cover. We have many other projects that we will be
doing and thanks to the help of the government, we will be able to facilitate all of these other projects,” he told the Department of Public Information (DPI). Another beneficiary, Rojeria McWatt, who was representing the Afro-Guyanese Union, said that the funds would advance the group’s cultural sensitisation outreaches.
“This will help us to host events that will sensitise the general public about what the Afro-diaspora in Guyana has to offer in terms of dance, fashion, performing arts…because we as a people have much to offer,” she explained. The African Renaissance Outreach will champion the cause for increased civic engagements, with a strong focus on social justice, according to its Chairman, Elisha Ali. “The money will benefit the African diaspora in Guyana immensely because we will be able to give back to our communities. We plan on promoting civic engagements within the community,” Ali noted that prior to this intervention by the government, the organisation relied on fundraisers and donations to advance its programmes. In December 2013, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 68/237, by which
it proclaimed 2015 to 2024 to be the International Decade for People of African Descent. Funding was allocated within national budgets to support this initiative. In 2018, $68.4 million was allocated to International Decade for People of African Descent Assembly – Guyana (IDPADA-G). Subsequently, funding increased to $100 million annually from 2019 through 2022. In 2023, the government allocated another $100 million to support a total of 55 groups, a part of which is IDPADA-G. Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson, and Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond pose with one of the groups on Saturday.
Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, noted that under the previous arrangement, when funds were disbursed by IDPADAG, a significant portion was allocated to operating costs, resulting in only a few groups receiving the funds. As a result, the government intervened and implemented a new approach which ensures that the monies are disbursed directly to the various African organisations in Guyana. “Before, when this whole thing was managed by
IDPADA-G, they had a 60 percent operational cost, which means only 40 percent of the money was available for programmes and projects aimed at advancing people of African descent. We reworked the whole programme, so 100 percent of the money is now available for disbursement to support programmes and projects aimed at improving the lives of people of African descent,” he said. Operational costs, the PM explained, are absorbed by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport. He underscored that this is only one element of the government’s unwavering dedication to empowering people of African descent, adding that this distribution exercise was aligned with President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali’s ‘One Guyana’ initiative. “One Guyana means shared prosperity. Whatever revenues are garnered by the government of Guyana will be utilized to improve the lives and livelihood of all the people of Guyana, regardless of race or ethnicity,” he emphasised. Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson congratulated the beneficiaries and urged them to ensure that their project aims are achieved. (DPI)
From page 15 will remain informed through the RESOLV 75 app, which will provide real-time updates on the project activities. Additionally, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) will also be mobilised to maintain order and ensure a steady flow of traffic throughout the construction period. An unpriced bill of quantities will be made available on the Ministry’s website, allowing the pub-
lic to track the project’s progress and expenditure in an effort to promote transparency and accountability. This project is part of the PPP/C government’s effort to improve the country’s infrastructure, as part of its manifesto commitment to provide enhanced transportation efficiency and safety nationwide for all road users. (Extracted from DPI)
Approval granted for 7,782...
From page 15
investment initiative including through the disbursement of cash and uniform grants to schoolchildren each year, with the 2024 grant to be disbursed shortly to students; cash grants to teachers each term to purchase classroom supplies; and the construction of new schools as well as the rehabilitation of several others across the country.
Additionally, Government recently commenced its Student Loan Write Off Programme to potentially benefit over 13,000 Guyanese who have $11B in student loan debt. The administration has also reiterated its commitment to improving education delivery with a total of $135.2B budgeted this year for the education sector.
At least two incomingflights at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport were diverted to other jurisdictions last night after heavyrainsaccompaniedby a thunderstorm knocked out power at the country’s main airport.
“Earlierthisafternoon, t h e Ti m e h r i a r e a experienced intense rainfall with thunder and lightning which damaged severalGuyanaPowerand L i g h t a n d C J I A transformers,” CJIA said in a statement late last night As a result, the airport runway lighting became inoperable, the statement read T added that added that the runway is equipped with two independent circuits, each of which can facilitate aircraft landings.
“Regrettably, both the primary and alternate circuitswereimpacted.
Frompage06 theconstitution.
Amerindians remain the poorest ethnic group in Guyana and the PPP has over the years consistently undermined the growth of independent Amerindian political leadership that could perhaps help Guyana to evolve into more of a genuine multiethnic political society Of course, as is tobeexpectedfroman autocracy, since about the beginning of this century
recognising that its traditional ethnic base had deteriorated, the PPP has becomeinvolvedinmassive elections manipulation as the events surrounding the 2 0 2 0 e l e c t i o n s demonstrated.Itslegitimacy iswidelyquestioned.
Guyana’s political leadership in general has been weaned on and educated in autocratic environments. One needs only to listen to their usual tirades to know that this is so. For example, now that there is an abundance of wealth, the PPP is set upon dazzling the populace with economic growth and what ‘we are building for you!’ Democracy (various levels of majority rule) is important largely because it is the only equitable means of social self-government and the latter is a most importantelementofhuman freedom.
R e p r e s e n t a t i v e democratic political leaders are facilitators of what the people want and generally that does not come from a single party or its manifesto
becauseapartyonlyusually representsonesectionofthe nation. Liberal democratic self-management comes from a parliamentary meshingoftheideasthatare contained in all the manifestoes and by way of meaningful consultations with civil society It cannot be the outcome of democratic central concoction in which the mishmash of people and ideas are manipulated to fulfill the wishes of the oligarchic leadership or leader! If its behaviour was not corrosive after some thirty years in government, it would not have still been frantically running around seeking to use heightened levelsofeconomiccoercion andmanipulationtowinthe support and votes of the otherethnicities.
The undemocratic behaviourofthePPPcannot be blamed on the far from promisingrecentexperience oftheAPNU+AFCcoalition government for, as noted above, the PPP began its descent into political backwardness long before that government came to office!Idon’twishtoexcuse thebehaviourofthatregime, whose leadership has also been largely socialised in Guyana’s autocratic environment and whose failuretofulfillitsimportant manifesto commitments is mostlikelythereasonforits short existence in government.
Butthereisasignificant difference between the PPP
a n d C o a l i t i o n administrations that is of
critical importance to a country like Guyana. The PPPanditsassociatesarethe archetypical ‘memory warriors’ The party has frequently publicly sought to racialise its ethnic group toholditssupport.Itspublic elections mantra is ‘don’t split the votes;’ its general secretary Mr Bharrat Jagdeo was charged with racial incitement during the 2015elections;itfrequently holds public inquiries around elections time that allows it to dwell upon negative ethnic behaviour; then there are those such as the2022MonReposMarket fiasco that should have easilybeenavoided,etc.
Contrary to this type of behaviour, in 2011 and 2015,thiscolumnsupported APNUbecauseitcommitted to the establishment of a Government of National Unity,…duringthefirsttwo yearsof thefirsttermof the Government (‘Why I support the APNU,’SN: 16/11/2011). To again point thewayforward,lastweekI quoted a USAID report on Guyana that stated: ‘Guyana’s political parties are predominately ethnically homogeneous, exacerbating racial and ethnictensions…thereisno cohesivepublicpressurefor substantive political or electoral reform (or anything else) stemming from the political crisis Internationalpressureonthe two parties for better governance practices is not breakingthestalemate!’
Dr HenryJeffrey
T h e a i r p o r t ’ s maintenance team with the supportofGPLarecurrently on the ground, working to rectify the issues,” the statementsaid.
All incoming flights havebeendivertedtoensure thesafetyofall,CJIAsaid.
Patterson: Privy Council was never intended to be Jamaica’s final Court of Appeal
(Jamaica Observer) —
Former Prime Minister PJ Patterson has asserted that the framers of Jamaica’s constitution never intended fortheBritishPrivyCouncil to remain as Jamaica’s highest Court of Appeal, hence it was never deeply entrenched in the c o n s t i t u t i o n a l framework Speaking at a forum at the Faculty of Law attheUniversityoftheWest Indies at Mona, Patterson emphasised that both Norman Manley and Sir Alexander Bustamante had not subscribed to the “retention of anApex Court createdtomaintainthecause of the British Empire, through which it would maintain its dominion by way of the Privy Council as the final determinant of our legal rights ”Patterson, Jamaica’s sixth and longestserving Prime Minister, had an insider’s perspective during the creation of the Jamaican constitution. He noted that with the dissolution of the West Indies Federation, the Federal Court would automatically be dissolved. As a temporary measure, it was decided to retain the Privy Council until a Final Caribbean Court could be established.
“Our founding fathers envisaged the establishment
of a Caribbean Court at the apex. This should remain a settled national position and should not be subverted because of political expediency, which has now emerged as a partisan divide,”Pattersonlamented.
“Not one single valid groundhasbeenadvancedas towhythisvestigialcolonial institution should remain,” Patterson declared. He argued that if SirAlexander Bustamante was not convinced that it was a temporary measure, “he would have insisted on the deep entrenchment of the PrivyCouncil”.
Patterson explained that the proposal to establish a Caribbean Court of Appeal
originated from a
recommendation by the Officers of the Caribbean Commonwealth Bar Associationin1970andwas approved at a meeting chaired by Jamaica’s Prime Minister Hugh Shearer In 1987 at a meeting of the Caribbean Heads of Government in Antigua attendedbyJamaica’sPrime Minister Edward Seaga, it was reportedly decided by the Heads that in order to avoid the option of a mere transitional involvement of CaribbeanjuristsinthePrivy Council, they would take immediate steps towards “ t h e e x p e d i t i o u s establishmentofaCaribbean Court as the final Appellate Court for English speaking Caribbeancountries”.
(BBC NEWS) Israeli war cabinet minister Benny
Gantz has quit the emergency government in a sign of deepening divisions
over Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu’spostconflictplansforGaza.
Speaking during a news conference in Tel Aviv on Sundaywhereheannounced his resignation, Mr Gantz said the decision was made with a “heavy heart”
“Unfortunately, Mr Netanyahu is preventing us from approaching true victory, which is the justification for the painful ongoingcrisis,”hesaid.
Considered by some to be a potential challenger for power in Israel, Mr Gantz called on Mr Netanyahu to set a date for elections. Mr Netanyahurespondedwitha postonX:“Benny,thisisnot the time to quit the
campaign,thisisthetimeto join forces ” Opposition leaderYairLapidbackedMr Gantz’s decision as “important and right” on socialmedia.
Immediately after the announcement, far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir demanded a place in the war cabinet.
Mr Ben-Gvir is part of a right-wingcoalitionthathas threatened to quit and collapse the government if Israel accepts a ceasefire proposal put forward by US President Joe Biden. Last month, Mr Gantz set a deadline of 8 June for Mr Netanyahu to lay out how Israel would achieve its six “strategic goals”, including the end of Hamas rule in Gaza and the establishment of a multinational civilian administration for the territory
The prime minister dismissed the comments at the time as “washed-up words” that would mean “defeat for Israel”.Aretired army general and frequent critic of Mr Netayanhu, Mr
President Emmanuel Macron has announced he willdissolveparliamentand callnewlegislativeelections after exit polls showed his alliance suffered a heavy defeatinEuropeanelections to Marine Le Pen’s far-right NationalRally(RN)party
Macron said the European Parliament results onSundayweregrimforhis government, and ones he could not pretend to ignore. In an address to the nation, hesaidlowerhouseelections wouldbecalledforJune30, withasecond-roundvoteon July7.
“Thisisanessentialtime for clarification,” Macron said.
“I have heard your message, your concerns and I will not leave them unanswered Franceneeds a clear majority to act in serenity and harmony ” “Far-right parties are progressing everywhere in thecontinent.Itisasituation to which I cannot resign myself,”hesaid.
Le Pen’s National Rally, led by 28-year-old Jordan Bardella, won around 32 percent of the vote, more than double the Macron t
according to the first exit polls.
The Socialists came withinawhiskerofMacron, with14percent.
LePen’sstrongshowing, notchinga10-pointincrease on the last European Union election in 2019, will weaken Macron’s hold on powerthreeyearsbeforethe endofhisfinalterm.Itcould also prompt high-level defections from his centrist campasthesuccessionbattle toreplacehimheatsup.
“We are ready to take over power if the French give us their trust in the upcoming national elections,” Le Pen said at a rally shortly after Macron’s shockannouncement.
Le Pen and Bardella sought to frame the EU election as a mid-term referendum on Macron’s mandate, tapping into d i s c o n t e n t w i t h immigration, crime and a two-yearinflationcrisis.
The European elections also mark a critical moment in France as Macron cannot stand again as president in 2027 and RN figurehead Le Penfanciesshehasherbestever chance of winning the ElyseePalace.
Jaques Reland, from the Global Policy Institute told Al Jazeera that the situation in France “is a rampant mess ” “It’s a risky gamble” , he said, commenting on Macron’s decision.
hadbeenamemberof Israel’skeydecision-making “war cabinet”, along with the prime minister and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.
During the news
conference, Mr Gantz said he is not only personally resigning from t
, b u t withdrawing the National Unity party he chairs, too. Themovewillnottopplethe Israeligovernment,sinceMr Netanyahu will still hold a comfortable majority of 64 in the 120-seat Knesset. It does, however, further isolate the prime minister and lay bare the deep political divisions over how he is running the war The resignation also comes one day before US Secretary of StateAntonyBlinkenmakes athree-daytriptotheregion, whereheplanstovisitIsrael, Egypt, Jordan, and Qatar to press for a ceasefire agreement.
A political rival of Benjamin Netanyahu and a formerIDFchiefofstaff,Mr Gantz’s centrist National
n opposition until 11 October 2023when,afterthestartof thewarfollowingHamas’s7 Octoberattacks,heagreedto
National Unity holds five posts in the emergency government.
Mr Gantz’s influence in the government was widely seen as a counterbalance to that of far-right members of MrNetanyahu’scoalition.In a separate development on Sunday, Israel’s army announcedtheresignationof a senior commander who headed the IDF’s Gaza divisionoverwhathecalled his failure to prevent the 7 October attacks. Brigadier GeneralAviRosenfeldisthe f i r s t I D F c o m b a t commander to step down sincetheattacks.
(BBC NEWS) Narendra Modi has been sworn in as India’s prime minister for a third term in a grand ceremonyatthepresidential palaceinDelhi.
The leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party took his oath, saying he would “do right to all manner of people without affection or ill-will”.MrModi’sBJP-led National Democratic Alliance won the general election with 293 seats, a much lower margin than predictedbyexitpolls.
The election saw a resurgence of India’s opposition, which won 234 seats.Thousands of guests have been attending his inauguration at Delhi’s
presidential palace. Among them are the heads of neighbouring Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives - but not Pakistan or China. Tight security has beeninplaceinDelhi,which was declared a no-fly zone, withmorethan2,500police officersdeployedaroundthe venue. Speaking as he was sworn in by President Draupadi Murmu, Mr Modi said he would uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India and govern with “true faith and allegiance to the constitution”. He said: “I will do right to all manner of people in accordance with the constitution and the law without fear or favour.” A
council of ministers of Mr Modi’s new cabinet were also sworn in during the ceremony Mr Modi, 73, is only the second Indian leader to win a third consecutive term after the country’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. Exit polls had projected outright victory for his HinduNationalistBJPparty, which ruled India for a decade, but it lost its parliamentary majority in thegeneralelection. His NDA bloc relied on two key allies, the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and the Janata Dal (United) JD(U), to cross the 272-seat mark needed to form the government.
(BBC Sport) - Carlos Alcaraz won the French Open title many thought he was destined to claim by edging a scrappy five-set final against Alexander Zverev ThirdseedAlcarazwon 6-3 2-6 5-7 6-1 6-2 on the RolandGarrosclay T
consistency which enabled him to win his first two major finals - at the US
Openin2022andlastyear's Wimbledon.
But the 21-year-old came through to become the youngest man to win Grand Slam titles on all three surfaces Clay was the surface which Alcaraz grew up playing on in his hometown of Murcia and the French Open event he dreamtofwinning
Heinstantlyfellontohis back – in a celebration akin to 14-time champion Rafael Nadal – when he took his
first match point after four hoursand19minuteswitha forehandwinner
"I used to watch the tournament on television and I'm now lifting the title," said Alcaraz, who was presented with the trophybysix-timechampion BjornBorg.
German fourth seed Zverev,whowaslookingto finally land his first Grand Slam title, presented a formidable opponent after a 12-match winning streak on
But the 27-year-old's wait for the major title he has long been predicted to win continues after his second defeat in a Grand Slamfinal.“I feel like I did everything I could," said Zverev, who lost to Dominic Thiem from two setsupinthe2020USOpen final.
" C a r l o s p l a y e d fantastic He played better than me in the fourth and fifthset It'showitis ”
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
ely, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
Carlos AlcarazGuyanese horse
owner Jeremy Rachpaul had moresuccessinJamaicaas his horse, Easy as A B C stormed to victory at the Caymanas Park at the weekend.
Piloted by veteran jockey, Roderick DaCosta, Easy as A B C displayed brilliance to win the Liu Chie PooTrophy The race
was run over eight furlungs,andEasyasABC wasgoingoffatoddsof31. Easy as A B C, an American four-year-old colt trained by Donovan Hutchinson, won the race byfourandahalflengthsin oneminute,39seconds.
Trainer of Easy as A B
C, Donavan Hutchinson wasbeyondhappyafterthe victory “It was a very goodperformancefrommy horse because my jockey rode a very perfect race.
Before the race my jockey andIdiscussedthatDigital One and Neo Star were goingtorunfortheleadand tirethemselvesoutsoItold him to relax, and anything he asked of the horse, he would give because this horse loves to win races, Hutchinson told the Jamaicanmedia.
As the race progressed, Easy asAB C had entered the home stretch in fourth positionbeforesplittingthe early leaders Neo Star and Digital One in the final furlong,movingawayfrom
his rivals to win the race quite comfortably It was thefourthwinoftheseason for daCosta who resides in Toronto,Canada.
“I am very happy for this win because I have been working with this horse for the past six months so I was confident thathewasgoingtogetthis win.IamjusthopingthatI can win a few more races before I go back home in the next few weeks,” the jockeysaid.
EasyasABCfromthe Night Eyes racing stables, is the son of Arrogate and has a big reputation to win races.
This is the second victory for the horse in as manymonths.
RHTYSC organising secretary, Robby Kissoonlall, received the cheque from a representative of Panthera Solutions
The sterling effort of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club to improve facilities at the Area H Ground in Rose Hall Town on Friday last received a major boost from long-time sponsor Panthera Solutions. Thecompany,ajointventure between RHTYSC longest service sponsor Farfan and Mendes Ltd and the CrosbieGroup of Canada handed over a donation of $350,000 to the club’s organizing secretary/cricket Manager Robby Kissoonlall at a simple presentation ceremony at its Providence East Bank Demerara Head Office.
Club secretary Hilbert Foster stated that the club was hopeful to receive a mobile grass cutter from the relevant authorities but decided to obtain its own after waiting hopefully for years.
The mobile grass cutter whichcosts$850000willbe purchased before the end of June.Heexpressedgratitude to the management and staff of Panthera for their assistanceanddisclosedthat anotherfriendoftheclubDr Frank Denbow a US-based Guyanese medical doctor is the other donor for the mobilegrasscutter.
Fosterstatedthattheclub since its formation in 1990 has led the efforts to Transformthegroundfroma swampland into a suitable
sporting venue. Among the facilities at the ground are three pavilions, two cricket sides creek, a scoreboard, a concrete practice pitch, an internal fence, sanitary washrooms, all-weather court while the ground was alsofenced.
Thecluboverthelastfew yearshasalsobeeninvolved in the planting of suitable grass on the once barren outfield. Part of the outfield was recently upgraded via the Government of Guyana G r o u n d Ench
PresidentBharratJagdeoand Minister of Finance Dr AshniSingh.
d g r a
u d e t o PantheraSolutions for the assistance, especially executives Anderas Dinsdale, Ray McLean and Farfan and Mendes Ltd General Manager Andrew Mendes.
Mendes in remarks congratulated the RHTYSC foritsoutstandingworkover the years and expressed an interest in the company supporting the club Say No to Drugs and Alcohol Program. Under this program, the RHTYSC encourages youths to avoid the use of drugs,Alcoholandtobacco.
The two entities would soonsitdowntoworkoutthe necessary details Cricket
manager Robby Kissoonlall stated that the club to properlymentiontheground for practice sessions and matches played under the BerbiceCricketBoard. Meanwhile, Mr Imran Shaffeeullah, a prominent businessmanfromtheUpper Corentyne had joined hands withtheclubwithadonation of$100,000.
The donation would enable the RHTYSC to put about400ftof1x8boundary boards around the Area H ground Kissoon
Shaffeeullah fo
The businessman stated that he was delighted to assist as he was very impressed with the work of theRHTYSCwhichhaswon atotalof121tournamentsin Berbice Cricket since 1992 andproduced122playersfor Berbice, Guyana, West IndiesandUSAcombined.
Among the players emerging from the Area H ground are Assad Fudadin, Royston Crandon, Esau Crandon, Shaun Grant, Delbert Hicks, Eon Hooper, Clinton Pestano, Kevin Sinclair, Sylus Tyndall, Kevlon Anderson, Junior S
han Rampersaud, Matthew
Millington, Erva Giddings, ShenetaGrimmond, and ShabikiGajnabi
out. He made 42 off 31 at a strikerateof135.Therestof India made 70 off 84 at a strikerateof83.
InthegameagainstUSA, Mohammad Amir was all overtheplace.Inthisone,he wasspoton.Eightofthefirst 12 deliveries he bowled producedfalseshots.
Early on with the new ball, he beat the bat three timesinarow Lateron,with theoldone,hewasonahattrick
Pakistan demoted him to first-change and by the timehecameon,Indiahad already lost their two best batters,bothRohitSharma and Virat Kohli caught off balls that stuck in the
pitch, a theme that would continue for the rest of the innings. Amir had a soft entry but he made the absolutemostofit. His best work coincided with the best phase of the game for Pakistan, when they strung four overs together between the 12th and the 15thwhereonlyeightruns were scored and four wickets were taken India went from 89 for 3 to 96 for7
At the halfway stage, Pakistan were ahead Twenty overs later, they were facing elimination, in part because they weren’t the team with JaspritBumrah
(Cricinfo) - One team had Jasprit Bumrah. The other didn’t. And that was that.Thatwasthedifference. His legend is littered with incredibledisplays.
But this will feel sweeter, not merely for the fact that it came in a T20 World Cup match against Pakistan,butforthefactthat without his intervention this game would have almost certainly had a different ending. India defended 119. Pakistan lost after being 80 for 3. The finalists of the 2022 tournament are in serious danger of an early exit.
Pakistanneed40runsoff the last 36 balls with seven w i c k e t s i n h a n d ESPNcricinfo’s forecaster gave them a 93% chance of victory then. Poor thing. It’s been left on the fritz Bumrah’s discipline, his calmnessunderpressure,his extraordinary skill, not just in delivering the right ball but in understanding what the right ball is, confounded man and machine alike In NewYork.
MohammadRizwanwas made to believe that a full length ball was there to play across-batshot. His stumps paid the price.
Soon after knocking it back, Bumrah spread his arms wide and broke into a smile That’s his usual celebration.
Buthedidn’tstopthere. He roared.And over 30,000 people at the ground roared withhim.Hepunchedtheair Millionsjoinedhim. Thiswastheopeningthat
India could build on. This was the crack that would cause the collapse. Rizwan, the set batter, fell for 31 off 44 Bumrah, who had accounted for Babar Azam earlier, also took out Pakistan’s final hope, Iftikhar Ahmed, in the 19th over Ofhis24balls,15were dots.
Bumrah’s mastery created history: 119 was the lowesttotaleverdefendedin men’sT20WorldCups.
Thesupportact India waited until the third over to deploy their superweapon.
Then they had to wait until the 15th to bring him back.Inbetween,theyrelied on others to keep the pressure up and two people in particular did that with aplomb.
Hardik Pandya and his short-of-a-length offerings were always going to be a threatonthisNewYorkpitch withunevenbounce. He stopped Fakhar Zaman before he could play thekindofcameothatwould kill chases like these. And then he took out Shadab Khan.
Both times the batters were surprised by how high theballwaswhentheymade contactwithit.
Hardik wasn’t. He just shrugged,asiftosay,yeah,I dothat.Nobigdeal.
Axar Patel was the other unsung hero, bowling the first of the death overs and somehow keeping it to just tworunseventhoughhewas up against a left-hand batter with the short boundary on thelegside.
Imad Wasim was never
allowedtowinthematch-up as he was fed a diet of nonspinningdeliveriesthatwere angled across him and kept bouncing over his cut shots. Bumrah produced the biggestswinginmomentum towards India according to Forecaster,44%attheendof the19thover Axarproduced the second-biggest swing, hisdefensiveskillsearninga 13%bump.
Thiswasthebestpitchto bat on in New York so far But even that had its perils. Largely in the form of the ball not coming on, and occasionally with uneven bounce.
Rizwan and Arshdeep Singh took blows to the hand.
A bit of luck is required intheseconditions.
Pant got that when he survived three catching opportunities in three balls and later survived an inside edge that could have gone onto the stumps. A bit of braveryhelps.
Pant showed it when he smashed Haris Rauf over extra cover A bit of imagination doesn’t go amisseither
Pant showed that with a flick shot that he played while falling to the floor because that was the only wayheknewhowtoaccessa good length ball and put in thegapatfineleg.
Later, to Imad’s highly accurate left-arm spin, he brought out the standing reversesweep.
It was tough to bat out there Pant’s unorthodox
methods made him successful; made him stand
(Cricinfo) - Are Scotlandabouttosendthem homeward, tae think again?
All will be revealed in the final shake-down of a fascinating Group B, but if England thought their defenestration from last year’s 50-over World Cup
w a s t h e u l t i m a t e humiliation,theymighthave toreadythemselvesforeven greater discomfort, even closertohome.
That’s the upshot of a rousing Scotland run-chase against Oman in Antigua, whichwasignitedbyafeisty knockof41from20ballsby George Munsey, and sealed in a pointed hurry with 41 balls to spare, thanks to Brandon McMullen’s combative 61 from 31, whose roar of triumph echoedaroundtheSirVivian Richards Stadium as he dragged the winning boundarythroughsquareleg offBilalKhan.
It was Scotland’s second victory to go alongside the pivotal wash-out against Englandthatsetthetonefor eachteam’scampaign,andit has placed their progression firmly in their own hands. Even a narrow loss to Australia could yet be enough, if England are unable to instigate a near four-point swing in net runrate in their next two matches against Oman and Namibia. For Oman, three losses from three ends their own hopes, as well as England’s chance to dictate the terms of their own progression in the manner that you’d expect from defendingworldchampions.
M u n s e y i g n i t e s Scotland’schase
In the final analysis, Scotland outmuscled Oman
by11sixestofour,butitwas two in particular - off consecutive balls in the seventhoveroftheirchasethat ended any prospect of thisbeingatensetiptoeover thefinishline.
Munsey’s superb command of the reversesweep had been telegraphed intheEnglandwash-out,but when he twice launched Aqib Ilyas onto the grass banks at the left-hander’s backward point, Scotland turnedontheafterburners.
Theyhadn’texactlybeen sluggish in the powerplay, reaching 50 for 1 in six overs, with Michael Jones’s 16 from 13 containing the firsttwosixesoftheirchase, but thereafter Oman had no means to restrict a freeflowingline-up.
Thefinal103runsofthe chase were duly chewed up injust43balls,asScotland’s batterskeptrainingdownthe blows,safeintheknowledge thateverymanintheline-up wasprimedtodolikewise.
Munsey fell one over after his bugle-call blows, though not before slamming anothersweepontothegrass in a 16-run over that also contained five leg-side wides - an indication of the extent to which Oman had run out of places to hide. Their cause was not helped by another sloppy catching display from the most fallible team in the tournament, including a bad miss by Rafiullah at deep midwicket off McMullen, but in truth, such was the collective commitment to attack, it probably wouldn’t havemademuchdifference.
This approach was epitomised by Scotland’s captain, Richie Berrington, whobeltedAqibforasixand
a four, and was then beaten by consecutive googlies in thesameover,thesecondof which bowled him for 13 from7.
But Matt Cross joined an increasingly free-flowing McMullen to romp towards thelinewithconsecutivesixes of his own, deposited over square leg as Ayaan Khan’s onlyoverwaslaunchedfor20
Oman take first use, to Scotland’sdelight
Onafreshpitch,onafresh island, it was something of a surprise that Oman chose to batfirstafterwinningthetossBerrington was perfectly happywiththechancetotake stock and then chase - but thankstoadiligent54from40 balls from Pratik Athavale at thetopoftheorder,andsome late impetus from Ayaan (41 not out from 39), they were nonetheless able to post what mighthavebeenacompetitive 150for7,theirhighesttotalin three attempts at the tournament
Athavale made a firstball duck in his last outing against Australia, but was thistimethemainstayofan innings that never quite hit its groove but kept progressing thanks to an energetic attitude that prevented Scotland from dictating the terms of engagement, and arguably induced a handful of lackadaisical momentsmost notably Munsey’s spillovertheropesatlongonthatallowedAthavaleto reach his fifty from 38
But then came a very revealing shot in anger, a huge leading-edge from Naseem Khushi that hung in the breeze, kept three fielders in the hunt, yet sailed clean over the long boundary at extra cover It was an indication of the riches on offer if teams hit with the wind and committed to their stroke For some reason, Khushi decided to go in the diametrically opposite direction two balls later, and Mark Watt at short backwardsquaresnaffleda miscued ramp But the lesson,ittranspired,would not be lost on his opponents
Dead ball? Watt do you mean! Watt, arguably Scotland’s key bowling weapon, had not been at his m o s t i n c i s i v e , o r economical, in the Namibia victory, but this time he was right back into the thick of theaction-forallmannerof differentreasons.
After being thrown the ball at the top of the powerplay, Watt burgled his way through a threerun opening over that included, from his third ball, one of his trademark 24-yard long-balls, bowled from behind the umpire to confound the batter’s sense of length
But, after inducing an edge from Zeeshan Maqsood at the end of his second over, that delivery
PratikAthavale acknowledges his fifty (ICC/Getty Images)
became the cause of a minor rumpus when the new man, Khalid Kail, strayedintohissights
Clearly prepared for the tactic, Kail pulled out of his stance on the first occasion, then did so again - apparently after Watt had informed the umpire he would be producing it again This time the ball hit the stumps, but was again signalled dead, an upshot that annoyed the Scots, seeing as Kail had clearly been ready to receive Before it could become a g e n u i n e i n c i d e n t , however, Kail pushed his
Brandon McMullen swings one into the leg side (ICC/Getty Images)
next ball into the covers, was sent back looking for a second run, and Watt whipped off the bails with an additional sense of vindication
The rest of the wickets were shared among a diligent Scotland attack, including two for the returning Safyaan Sharif, who replaced the injured BradCurrieforwhatwashis 200th appearance across formatsforhiscountry Ifall goes well against Australia nextweek,hemightyethave a chance to add a few more caps to that tally before Scotland’s Caribbean jaunt isdone.
The inaugural edition of theGuinness‘Greatestofthe Streets’ Essequibo edition culminated on Sunday evening with All-Stars emerging as the champions attheAnnaReginaCarPark tarmac.
All-Stars bested Ballerz 1-0. D. Padmore found the back of the net in the sixth minutetosettletheoutcome.
With the win, the AllStars walked away with $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d t h e championship trophy They also earned a place in the national championship, which is slated for August. For the loser, they received $200,000andtherunners-up trophy
Meanwhile, the Gunners downed Henrietta United 20 on penalty kicks after regulation time ended scoreless in the third-place playoff.
With the win, the Gunners walked away with $100,000andthethird-place trophy On the other hand, Henrietta United pocketed $ 8 0 , 0 0 0 a n d t h e correspondingtrophy In the earlier semifinal
stage, theAll-Stars thrashed theGunners5-0.
D. Padmore recorded a hat-trick in the fourth, fifth, and sixth minutes, while sibling K. Padmore tallied a ‘Guinness Goal’ (GG) [a goalscoredinthefinalthree minutes of normal time counts as two] in the 18th minute.
On the other hand, BallerzdownedHenrietta21 on penalty kicks after regulation time ended scoreless.
In the quarterfinal segment, the All-Stars 4-0. D.Padmorebaggedadouble inthesixthand13thminutes, while T Isles netted in the 16th minute. Adding to the scorewasanowngoalinthe 15thminute.
Ballerz downed the Young Guns 2-1 on penalty kicks after regulation time ended0-0.
Also, the Gunners downed Henrietta 1-0. C. Smith scored in the 11th minute Henrietta United overcame Chelsea 2-1 via a M. Bowen GG in the 18th minute.
Berbice, and Linden zones have also been completed, with the Bartica, East Coast Demerara, and West Demerara set to commence shortly
Gunners-0 vs Henrietta
Syborne Fernandes to purchase a new racing cycle was given a shot in the arm. Thanks to the kind courtesy of the Principals of the PharmacyCarePharmacyof MainStreetNewAmsterdam MichaelandSoniaNewland. Fernandes a member of the Flying Ace Cycle Club (FACC)ofBerbicehasbeen ridingforseveralyears.
He is one of the leading veteran cyclists in the country.
Of recent, his racing cycle encountered some problemsforcinghimtoseek assistance in purchasing a new bike or replacement parts. Fernandes has been reachingouttomanysources for help one such is the principalsofPharmacyCare who immediately agreed to assist.
Veteran Cyclist Syborne Fernandes collects a financial donation from Proprietress of the Pharmacy Care Pharmacy, Sonia Newland, as cycle coach Randolph Roberts savours the moment.
Recently Fernandes along with Coach Randolph R
Pharmacy and received a financial donation from Proprietress Mrs Sonia Newland to assist with the venture. F
thanked Mrs. Newland and her family for her kindness and generosity and wished herandtheestablishmentall success in the future (SamuelWhyte)
Gunners won 2-0 on penaltykicks Semifinal
All-Stars-5vsGunners-0 D.Padmore-4th,5th,and 6th
Ballers-0 vs Henrietta United-0
Ballerz won 2-1 on penaltykicks
Henrietta-0 vs Gunners-
Henrietta United-2 vs Chelsea-1
Young Guns-0 vs
Ballerz won 2-1 on suddendeathpenaltykicks
Jasprit Bumrah found a way through Mohammad Rizwan (ICC/ Getty Images)
The connections of champion horse Easy asAB C after the win in Jamaica. (Photo: Caymanas Park)