ExxonMobil Guyana single-family houses, automatic changeover Limited (EMGL), the apartments or townhouses switch which meets the operator of Guyana’s oil rich that may be at the design, National Electric Code Stabroek Block is searching construction, move in ready, (NEC)220.87;ahotandcold for residential houses, renovationorestimatedtobe pressurized water system apartments and townhouses completed by the end of with filtration tanks and UV torentforitsemployees. 2027. Notably, the houses
In a Request For must have direct and paved conditioning and ventilation Information (RFI) published road access, be free of to maintain comfortable air on Monday, the company obstacles and feature temperature and parking explained that it plans to appropriate surface for space. enter into lease agreements parking. Furthermore, each The landlord will be for the houses, apartments of the bedrooms must have responsible for managing andtownhouses. their own bathrooms while and providing all basic Ideally, the residential the facility should include utilities, including water, home should be three or four security features such as, electricity, sewage, cooking bedrooms, while the fencing, lighting, security gas, cable tv, internet and apartment and townhouses bars for windows and doors, garbage collection. During must feature two or three security hut with washroom
bedrooms.The units must be facility
s i t u a t e d a l o n g L e Also as part of the contractors are required to Ressouvenir, Oleander requirements, the facility demonstrate awareness of Gardens, Courida Park, should include safety theLocalContentAct(2021) Ogle, Felicity, Liliendaal, features such as emergency and its potential application Turkeyen and Pattensen, egress and signage, fire to their work under the EastCoastDemerara. extinguishers, and smoke scope. Bidders are expected According to Exxon detection alarms; a stand-by to
submissions may include electricity generator with submission a preliminary local content strategy outlining how they will deliver on the local content expectations and, upon award, implement an acceptable plan. Should the successfulbidderberequired to submit local content plans to the Government of Guyana under the Local ContentAct (2021) they will also provide a copy of those planstoEMGL.
Talks between the
questioning whether his Guyana Teacher’s Union government was concerned (GTU) and the Ministry of aboutthelossoflearningdue Education accomplished to the teachers’ strike in the little progress on Monday as public schools. Explaining the two-month-old teachers’ thatgovernmentislookingat strikeprolongs. a few models Jagdeo said
Following Monday’s that, “Yes, of course we are meeting this publication very concerned, we think it’s reached out to the President unreasonable,” before Dr Mark Lyte to provide an adding, “So the thing is that update on the situation. In a at some point in time, we are telephone interview Dr Lyte starting to work on several said that, “The stalemate models”. continues, there has been no
President of the Guyana Teacher’s Union, Dr. Mark Lyte
One of those models change in position. A new Jagdeo referenced is the date was not set but I can provision of the vouchers to assure you when a new date parents to send their children they seek to bring an end to is set we will be willing to to private schools the strike action for better share that with you.” “I “Secondly, in the future, we salaries. They said too that figured we will probably be have to examine whether we they are prepared to amend meeting another day in the willgiveparentsavoucherto their multi-year agreement week, providing that some send their children to a proposal from 2019-2023 to feedback from the ministry privateschoolornotbecause 2022-2025. The GTU has warrants that kind of thing. if we are spending $700,000 been calling on the
Just to report the situation now per child and it costs governmentto hike teachers’ remains the same. The strike $300,000 to pay for the salaries, but the government continues, no agreement has school fees for the child, we has since refused to accept beenreachedforthetermsof might as well give, in some the proposal, noting that it is resumption,”heexplained. areas, the parents the only prepared to engage the
He had previously said $700,000 per child and let Uniononsalarymattersfrom that there could be no way them pay for the school 2024onwards.Thetwosides forward on the process until kids,” the Vice President have not been involved in the terms of resumption are said. He added too that the Collective Bargaining, an satisfactory to the union. modelwillalsoprovidemore element integral to the
“My concern as leader of the opportunities for private resolutionofthestalemate. Teachers’ Union is that we schools. Another model, the Athispressconferenceat are unable to survive on the Vice President pointed to is the Office at the President package that we currently the “E-school model” lastThursday,VicePresident have The union won’t (online learning). He noted Bharrat Jagdeo said that the compromise further Our thatinorderforthismodelto Government of Guyana is position remains the same. work, children must be able considering providing We will continue to have our to receive the same level of parents a $700,000 voucher voicesraised,”Lytesaid.The tuition and have the same for them to send their GTU has said it wants the level of successes as if they children to private schools. Government to put up a are attending a physical He made the comments in counter proposal to theirs as school. response to a reporter
Opposition Advisor and team has been published however consists of 135 subject This newspaper expenses of incurred economist highlighted that Economist Elson Lowe has online. VHE Consulting, a pages. When questioned on reached out to Bharrat on offshore from the offshore thiswasoneofthenumerous raised concerns over the partnership between this state of affairs, Vice May 30 to clarify whether oil operations which issues highlighted by the Guyana Government
Ramdihal & Haynes Inc; President Bharrat Jagdeo the full report has been government seems reluctant audit that government may redacting a number of pages Eclisar Financial; and who manages the petroleum released to the public. The to do but it should also be be hiding. Reiterating the from the second audit of Vitality Accounting & sector told reporters that he Minister responded saying consideredanoffensetohide call for local capacity ExxonMobil’s US$7 3B Consultancy Inc was did not check the document “It’s online” but did not the results of audits from the b u i l d i n g a n d f o r expenses, saying it is recruited by the government personally,butthefullreport clarify whether it was the Guyanesecitizens. international experts to be extremelysuspicious. ofGuyanabackinMay2022 shouldbeonline. complete document at the “There should be a set hired as well, to ensure that Lowe also called out the to conduct a cost recovery Jagdeo during his May time. process and timeline for the Guyana receives the highest government’s behaviour audit of the company The 30, 2024 press conference
Meanwhile, a telephone completion and release of qualityofauditsinthefuture, saying it is a red flag for the local consortium was was asked whether the full
is audits. Given the huge sums Lowe said that, “we demand nation and that such actions supported by International report was published online publication on Sunday Low involved, this issue must that the full second audit be should be considered a f i r m - M a r t i n d a l e he explained: “I asked them said that, “Government’s bear the highest degree of releasedimmediately.” criminal offence. He further Consultants. Sources close to publish the audit report. It decision to hide dozens of t r a n s p a
y a n d questioned what were the to the process explained that should be the audit report as pagesofGuyana’ssecondoil accountability,” he added. expenses Guyana’s leaders approximately 40 pages of received from the auditors, audit is both shocking and Furthermore,“Thefirstaudit did not want the public to the audit report have not that’s the report so that extremely suspicious. What revealed concerns about see? been included in the would be the report they are the expenses that they do inflated costs for a drill ship, This publication recently document that was made would publish, as received not want the Guyanese asanexample,andifthishas reported that auditors who public by the government. from the auditors. I have not people to see? This is a been hidden in the second were integrally involved in The source told Kaieteur checked it personally but I continuation of the audititcouldmeanhundreds the review of the US$7.3B News, “The audit team askedthemtopostitandthey government’s policy of of millions of USD of losses expensesincurredbyU.S.oil submittedadetailedreportof have posted it so that should extreme secrecy when it to the Guyanese people, major, ExxonMobil, approximately 170 pages, be the report.” Meanwhile, comes to Guyana’s oil especially as the second between the period 2018 and including a manager’s report Minister of Natural industry ” Low reiterated audit makes initial 2020 have denied that the to the Ministry ” The Resources, Vickram Bharrat that it should be a criminal comments about the use of full report prepared by the document available online has been utterly silent on the offense to not audit the multiple drill ships.” The
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo only changes his mind andhistunewhensuchsuitshisambitionsandhispurposes. He was all for ring-fencing before, and enraged at how much the CoalitionAPNU+AFC gave away with no ringfencingofGuyana’soffshoreoilprojects.
Loud was the cry of the Vice President when he was in Opposition, but today when he is in government, he reverse himselfonring-fencing,ashetriesverysmartlytoswordfence hiswaywithwordsoutofthetightcornerhecreatedforhimself.
“They [Coalition] came into office – three billion barrels of provenreservesandtheygaveupzeroroyalties,notaxes,no ring-fencing” That was the old Jagdeo on fire over how the previousgovernmentsoldouttheGuyanesepeople,andhewas right Butthatwasthen,andthisisnow,wherethereisanew Jagdeo, who trots out his new position on ringfencing: “Thinkinginpolicymakingismuchmorecomplex,it’snevera linearway-ohring-fencingcansaveallthemoneyintheworld; ring-fencing could lead now too to us having nothing in the future” In Jagdeo’s new inspiration, ring-fencing of projects (thesamethingoverwhichhehadtakentheCoalitiontotask), wouldcostthiscountryinthelongrun
ThisfliesinthefaceofwhatthePPPCGovernment,as pushedbyhim,ischargingaheadwith,throughhigherand higherlevelsofproduction,whenoilpricesareoverUS$80 a barrel. It was Jagdeo and the president who have repeatedly said words to the effect that Guyana has to produce more oil now, and take advantage of current circumstances still favoring fossil fuels. Given the situation, a strong argument could be made to ring-fence present oil projects, because the revenues are there to absorblegitimateexpensespertainingtothoseprojects,as properlyaudited,withcleanerandbettermonetarybenefits for Guyana. Due to prices being where they are, and ExxonMobil ramping up production with increasing regularity, ring-fencing helps to contain expenses where they belong, which is within the silo that is each project, withnoexpensespillover(carryforward)tofutureprojects. No ring-fencing is an invitation for ExxonMobil to play games with billions in expenses, with much disputed, as differentauditsarenowbringingtolight.
Currently,Guyaneseinthenationaleconomicbasement arehurtingandneedreliefnow Theoilmoneyisflowingin one direction only, i.e., to ExxonMobil and its people. Ordinary Guyanese outside of the PPPC Government’s favored circle haven’t had a real taste of what it is to be amongthetopoilproducersintheworld.ThisisasJagdeo is today talking up the future as his overnight justification fornoring-fencing. Itisalameone,andheknowsit,but still persists with what has become his world-class cunningness. Jagdeo knows that though fossil fuels still have some life, it is under constant pressure as the energy sourceofchoice. Jagdeoalsoknowsthatoilpricescanbe upanddown,andthatthereareperiodsofprolongedslump, or reduced demand due to economic conditions. Jagdeo knows that new oil discoveries around the world, or a revolutionary technology that powerfully competes with fossil fuels, could change the profit projection picture for Guyana because prices could come under sustained pressure.
Foralltheabovereasons,itmakessenseforGuyanato ring-fence its oil projects, and to grab its fair and rightful shareofoilproceeds. Nottoring-fence,istobeanactive party to ExxonMobil enriching itself at the expense of the Guyanese people. This feeds into the demand for all oil expensestobedisclosed,sothatGuyanesehavetheclearest ideaofwhattheyarepayingfor,andthatitisaccurateand not padded, and that it is this country’s and not from somewhere else. Ring-fencing must be accompanied by the fullest disclosure of expenses, as audit results are now teaching this country Ring-fencing serves as a needed discipline for ExxonMobil, gives Guyanese some confidence,andputsmoneyintheirpocketsnow,allbeing equal. Beinghungryandlivinginpovertyshouldnotwait forreliefuntilthenextdecade.
While their maybe personseagertoscorepoints in the political stratosphere
and make alarmist statements regarding the paddy bug infestation in Region 6 Berbice, it is crucial to scrutinize these motives and the accuracy of claimsthatdonotalignwith thetruth.
There have been assertionsabouttheseverity of the infestation which appears to be exaggerated. Reliable sources within the agricultural community indicatethatwhilethepaddy bug issue is a concern, it is being effectively managed by the Ministry of
Agriculture. The Ministry has deployed targeted interventions, including the distributionofpesticidesand the implementation of integrated pest management strategies Farmers have reported significant improvements due to these efforts, contradicting the doomsdaynarrative.
The Government of Guyana has been proactive inaddressingtheinfestation.
Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha has personally overseen the responsemeasures,ensuring that resources are promptly allocated and that farmers receive the necessary support The Ministry’s
approach involves regular field visits, consultations with farmers, and the adaptation of best practices tomitigatethepest’simpact.
This comprehensive response underscores the government’s commitment to safeguarding the rice sector, a critical component ofthenationaleconomy
In contrast, the rhetoric seems designe
confidence in these efforts. Such assertions made by
substantiation and appear to serve a political agenda,
constructive solutions. By politicizing the issue, they
not only discredit the genuine progress being made but also risks causing unnecessary panic among farmersandstakeholders.
In conclusion, while the paddy bug infestation in Region 6 Berbice is a real challenge, the Ministry of Agriculture’s effective management demonstrates that the situation is under control. It is essential to remain vigilant against politically motivated misinformation
betweenthegovernmentand thefarmingcommunity
BackinNovember2023, the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport boldly invited applications (for proposal to produce documentaries) for the Guyana Cultural and Creative Industries Grants. The Guyana Cultural and Creative Industries Grant wasdeemed,orpresentedas an initiative, aimed at developing and sustaining theculturalandcreativearts sectorofGuyana. Well,itis six months now since that hype, and nothing has come outofthis‘quack’hype.
I guess the money, earmarked for this, has been used up in the process of advertising the project. Editor, something is wrong with sports administration and investment in Guyana. Currently, the T20 World Cup,theGuyanamatchesare provingmypoint.
The most noticeable thingsinthesportssectorare the flaunting of Minister Charles Ramson Jnr (in the Guyana Chronicle and Facebook, at various functions,orhavingfunwith his ball or bat on some tarmac) and talks about building a stadium here and there (but not how it will be utilizedprofitably).
I recall back in January 2023, that the Minister of Culture,Youth&Sports,the said Charles Ramon Jr, during his budget debate, boldly announcing the completion of a National Sports Policy in 2023. This was amended to ‘the longawaited National Sport Policy being set to be published in the first half of
2024 ’ My bafflement remains: “What is this?” “Whereisit?”
I dare say that “ construction of the state-ofthe-art stadium at Palmyra, Corentyne, multi-purpose facilities in the hinterland; rehabilitation of the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall; construction of stands and grass mounds in Regions Two and Six; extension of the Squash court at the National Racquet Centre, andtheprocurementofsport gearetc.arenotexamplesof sports development (very much like building ‘supposed’ schools is not proof of educational a c h i e v e m e n t , n o r construction of roads the development of a country). These are normal things. A government is supposed to provide sporting facilities andensuregoodroadsforthe people.
Ramsonisgoingthrough a fluttering of activities that epitomizeotiosity,oratbest, normalcy Takeanothercase Readers. InMarch2023,the newsblaredthat“30persons receive Cultural and
Creative Cash Grants from Culture Ministry Minister Ramson, at that time, detailed very painstakingly that “… the investment is a significant step towards recognizing the cultural and artistic talent of Guyanese. As it will enable artists to create, develop and showcase their work, which will ultimately contribute to the country’s economic growth, by generating significantrevenue.” How? From whom? When? Empty and silly
wordsfromtheMinister,and I anticipate an affective and grandiloquentresponse.Just take Bourda. It will soon be lost. Its rich history is still undocumented.Itisreallyin astateofDesuetude. Atapersonallevel,andif myanalysisisnearthetruth, itisthatCharlesRamsonJnr, has been relegated to his present portfolio as he was overly ambitious and ‘too bright’forhisowngood,and for sure too bright for Bharrat Jagdeo, who saw himastheenfantterrible.Let us remember back in June 2018thatthisman,Ramson, stated that Guyana needs high-quality leadership and for him this redounded to “… leadership that exudes integrity,passionandvision. This would also mean leadershipthatistechnically sound across many key disciplines like oil, economics, business and law…and,leadershipwhich understands the meaning of family and having families oftheirown.”
And what did he have in mind? The press stated that “The oil and gas consultant saidthathethinkshefitsthe bill of what Guyana needs. Asweallknow,RamsonJnr holds a master’s degree in Oil and Gas Enterprise Management from the prestigious University of Aberdeen.
Imagine Guyana’s Oil and Gas Sector is being embarrassed,andthismanis not there to say a word. All and sundry are having ‘field days’ where the oil and gas sectorisconcerned.Minister Vickram Bharrat is the consummate mediocre. His
speech is tantamount to his defence of his portfolio, as he manifests an annoying shallowness as the Minister ofNaturalResources,where he is protectively bushelled under Bharrat Jagdeo’s prevarications and dissimulations (as Jagdeo himselfbluffsandblunders).
IsuggestthatRamsonbe upped to his rightful place. He is embarrassing himself inthesportssector
After all, he did explain, whenheexpressedhisdesire to run for the Guyana Presidency that he (had) familiarizedhimselfwithall armsoftheState,as“Beinga lawyer for the last 10 years, he understands the judicial system.AsaformerMember of Parliament, he understands the legislative arm.
Heboastedofworkingat Office of the President during the reign of former President, Donald Ramotar, s
the executive ” Ramson’s is e x e m p l a r y i n h i s deportment.
His academic resume is stunning.
Heishighlyqualifiedin the legal domain, as well as in all-important area of the management of oil and gas sector And if some rumours have a tinge of truth, Minister Vickram Bharrat, formerly of the New Amsterdam Multilateral SecondarySchool,isonefor the future; he may have already been anointed by Jagdeo for President Ali’s successor
Yourstruly, PrescottMann
All efforts must be made to empower the judiciary, not ‘defang’it
Concerns expressed by Madame Chief Justice
Roxane George-Wilshire S C about timeliness of judgments and Attorney General and Minister of LegalAffairsAnilNandlall’s S.C,expectationthatthelaw in its shortsightedness must stillbesatisfied,asanofficer of the Court and Member of P a r l i a m e n t w i t h responsibility of shadowing the Attorney General, this cannotbeignored.
The Judicial Decisions Act (2009) which was enacted without much thought and careful review of the circumstances under which judges are operating creates more of a dilemma thanitaddressestheissueof delayedinjudgments.There must be a review of thisAct within the context of the government’s creation that makes the situation even worse.
Ihadcausetoaskbefore for written submissions. I did so not to indict on a matter judges have little controloverbutinsteadwith utmost respect and understanding of the c h a l l e n g e s a n d overwhelmingburdenofthe workload judges are facing. While note is taken of the Attorney General’s promise to improve the complement of judges, the issues
affecting the judiciary are many and not just limited to failure to appoint more judges and two very significant heads who have been functioning in acting rolesforalmosteightyears. Even as Mr Nandlall callsonjudgestoupholdthe Act he must accordingly advisePresidentIrfaanAlito uphold the ruling of Justice Damone Younge, dated April 2023, on the appointment of the Chief Justice and Chancellor Mr Nandlallisremindedthatthe court directed that the President must act with undue haste in initiating constitutional consultation to ensure that the offices of ChancellorandChiefJustice areheldbyconfirmedoffice holders.
Mr Nandlall is remindedthatanyprotracted or further delay in complying with Article 121 of the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana is and would be inimicaltotheindependence of the judiciary as set out in Article 22A of the Constitution Further, the court declared the President is under a continuous mandatory constitutional duty and obligation to engage in a process of consultation in compliance with Article 127 (1) of the Constitution where there is
no confirmed office holder tothepostofChancellorand Chief Justice. Clearly, the morale of persons would be affected by this continued abuse of the judiciary Governmentbyitsactionsis reinforcing the perception that their aim is to bring the Judiciary to its heel as they continue to erode the separationofpowers.
The Judicial Decisions Act must be reviewed or a m e n d e d w i t h a thoroughness that addresses the volume of work, the adequacy of judges, morale and supportive services neededtomeetthedemands oftimelysubmission.
There needs to be a thorough review of the judicialsystem.
S o , b e f o r e t h e Governmentcanusethislaw to penalise any judge, the government must first put theJudiciaryinorderorface the penalty of public criticismforcreatingsuchan environment, shortcomings and tensions in the system. Theguardrailsofdemocracy are under threat and given our present environment of g r o w i n g p o l i t i c a l authoritarianism the judiciary is seen as the last pillar of democracy All efforts must be made to empowernot‘defang’it.
We need to recognise real worth of our teachers and handle their matters as such
, There seems to exist, a crisisinoureducationsector and no one in authority seems to care much. The problems affecting the teachersandstudentsofthis nationarelegion.
For many years now government has not rolled out a comprehensive nationaleducationplan.The oilindustryhascomeandthe choice jobs are going to foreigners.
Our school system has not as yet set out any plans for specific training in this newindustry
The teachers strike is showing us the contempt with which we as a people holdourteachers.
Fortoolongwehavesat down and believed that teacherscanperformwellon starvation wages. This must stop. We need to recognize real worth of our teachers and handle their matters as such.
The increasing violence
meted out to teachers on a dailybasisshouldhaveseen government taking firm measures to address this situation.
Teachers need medical and other insurances that would ensure that they are protectedwhileonthejob.
Any proposed plan to hand out monies to parents so that they can acquire private school tuition for their children is not worth a
This is folly at its highest.We need to pay our
teacherswellsothattheycan adequately meet their personalandfamilialneeds.
A caring government wouldnothaveallowedthis striketobeprolonged. It has already taken up one school term The MinistryofLabourhasbeen most delinquent in handling thismatter
The teachers have diligently followed all the stepsintheprocess.Weneed togotoarbitrationandhave thismattersettledsoonest.
InafewweeksourParty, the Peoples National Congress Reform, will hold its 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress The PNCR’S Biennial Congress, as you are aware, is the highest decision-making forum of our Party
Sixty decades ago, our party made a contract with the people of Guyana when we embarked on the task of transforming a deeply divided colony into the independent state of Guyana.
Today as we approach thisveryimportantCongress ourPartyremainscommitted to that contract and building a strong prosperous and united nation state where
every Guyanese regardless of political affiliation, can enjoyagoodlife.
The PNCR, unlike the ruling Peoples Progressive Party (PPP), has always electeditsleaders though a democratic process, where any Party member can contest for any position, once nominated. Yes, the competition is fierce and sometimes can be strident; but it has always reflected the will of the members and notthedictatesofafew This Congress finds our party in Opposition We thereforehavemuchworkto do if we are to retake the reinsofgovernmentin2025. Defeating the incumbent will not be an easy task; it will take a strong, well
prepared and united PNCR, working assiduously with our coalition partners to achievethatgoal.
To achieve this, we need a change of leadership. We need a leader who can be a uniterandnotadivider
Weneedaleaderwhois nottaintedbytheskirmishes and internal Party insurgenciesofthepast.
Weneednewblood!For thetaskahead,wemustelect someonewhocanpullallthe various factions together; someone who can build bridgesandextendahandto those who currently have clenchedfists.
We need someone who can build a more inclusive culture in the PNCR, where diverse perspectives are
respected and members feel valued, seen and heard. So, asweenterthe2025general and regional elections season,wemustdosoledby someone with an inclusive vision for our Party and our country
ItisforthisreasonthatI am endorsing Amanza Walton -Desir for Leader of the PNCR Like many others, I have admired her meteoric accession on the public stage and carefully observed and admired her compassion and ability to connect and communicate effortlessly at all levels of society I have followed her career, as a fierce legislator in the National Assembly, championingthecauseofthe under-privileged and unhea
essly attempting to keep an u
focused on the imminent threat we face from our neighbour to the west; sounding the alarm on the silent invasion of Venezuelan migrants; highlighting the unequal treatment meted out to our Haitian brothers and sister by this uncaring regime; using her talents and skills to build bridges with our allies and friends. There are those who say yes, she is good, she is talented, she is qualified, I like her, but she mustwaitherturn.TothemI ask;ifnotnow-when?
Our people cannot afford another five years under the uncaring rule of the present PPP regime Guyanaiscurrentlylistedby the World Bank as a highincome country, yet our peoplegotobedhungry,our teachers and public servants arepaidstarvationwagesand high inflation, and crime is the order of the day Our brothers and sisters are bulldozed and flooded fromtheirhomes;arrestedby a police force that has been weaponized against political opponents and unjustly prosecuted by this uncaring government Yet some think that we must wait It is time forustoputthebestteamon the field; a team that can win;ateamthatcanuniteall ourmembers,supportersand this nation We (the PNCR and th
t therefore ask ourselves; come 2025 are we going to beinitor,arewegoingtobe inittowinit? Isubmitthat AmanzaWalton-Desirgives usthebestchancetowinit!
MarkArcherDEAREDITOR, Help & Shelter stands in solidaritywiththethousands upon thousands of women and children who are being subjectedtountoldsuffering as a result of the ongoing conflictbetweenHamasand Israel, and calls for an immediateceasefire.
A ceasefire is so crucial
to all those who are being exploited and abused in the most horrific manner, in circumstances in which access to health care and other basis essentials is denied or medical facilities arenon-existent.Weaddour voice to the calls for the protection of civilians, especially women and
children.Itmayberegarded as idealistic to think that demonstrating solidarity alone can do anything, but the simple collective act of solidaritycanhaveprofound moral, ethical and psychological impacts, changing narratives, bringingaboutaparadigm (Continuedonpage16)
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is such a wise fellow that it took him four years to hear and recognise the noises thundering globally about Guyana’s procurement malpractices Four years of recordbreaking national budgets,where the hog of the billions went to procurement.
In 2024, it is GY$666 billion, in some shape or form. In 2023, it was GY$387.8 big ones for capital expenditure, which was 50% over 2022, and about 275% over 2021. Is that real money, or what? Now, when all de money dun teef out and the toothless, cherry-picked procurement commission is exposed as a con game, there is Jagdeo riding into town on his white horse with his white hat firmly in place. He has been around those cowboys and cowgirls from Texas too long. Corruption has been killing Guyana from the day it stopped being British Guiana, but it has never been this bad. (Hard Truths June 9,2024)
Significant investments totalling over 51 and 52 Villages, as well as $1.5 billion are being made in several Whim/Lancaster, will benefit from the communities in Region Six to enhance construction of two high-level sluices for the drainage infrastructure and construct high- Hope-like canals in these areas. The projects level sluices. These efforts aim to bolster are budgeted at approximately $900,079,530 flood resilience and provide farmers with and $577,102,470, respectively With better opportunities to increase agricultural preparatory works completed, construction output. on the canals is set to begin shortly These
Constructionwillsooncommenceonnew canals,excavatedalongtheCorentyneCoast, drainage structures in No. 49 and No. 31 will ensure adequate drainage and irrigation villages in Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, for farmers during the rainy season, eachcostinganestimated$26.3million. significantly improving agricultural Additionally,residentsandfarmersinNo. conditions. (DPI)
Guyana will utilize US$45 million from National Drainage and IrrigationAuthority’s the Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund to budget.The new Coastal Adaptation and finance a climate resilience and adaptation Resilience Project will build on existing project, the World Bank said in a press efforts to enhance flood risk management in release.TheREDD+InvestmentFundwasset Guyana. up and funded by Norway Under the The project will repair or replace more agreement, Norway compensates Guyana for than 45 drainage infrastructure assets, curbing greenhouse gas emissions caused by focusing on sluices. Investments will take deforestationandforestdegradation. into consideration projected land uses, Guyana channels these payments into population growth, urbanization, and climate implementing its low-carbon development change impacts to enhance drainage strategy The Coastal Adaptation and functionality for efficient rainfall runoff ResilienceProjectispartoftheseefforts.The discharge, improve flood protection, and fundismanagedbytheWorldBank. strengthenirrigationservices.
In the press release the bank said the “This initiative builds on a long-standing initiative is set to benefit around 320,000 engagement between the World Bank and people, approximately 40 percent of the Guyana on strengthening resilience to country’s population, including the most flooding and natural hazards. With this vulnerable. Guyana is among the countries operation, we are reinforcing Guyana’s mostvulnerabletoclimatechange,theWorld effortstomaximizedisasterriskmanagement Banksaidinarelease. while protecting lives and reducing
Studies have shown that rising sea levels, inequalities in the long term,” said Diletta among the highest in the world, expose 100 Doretti, World Bank Group Resident percent of the country’s coastal agriculture Representative for Guyana and Suriname. and 66.4 percent of its coastal urban areas to “This project is also a critical component of flooding and erosion, with potential GDP Guyana’s Low-Carbon Development losses that could exceed 46 4 percent Strategy, aligning with the country’s broader Guyana’s coastal drainage system comprises vision for climate resilient growth,” she a unique, intricate network of canals, added. The project will work closely with culverts,sluices,andpumps. Guyana’s Ministry of Agriculture to help it Over time, its operational capacities have effectively manage and operate the drainage declined due to insufficient investments in system.ItwillupgradetheNationalDrainage maintenance and growing flood risk arising and Irrigation Authority’s asset management from urbanization and the impacts of climate system,developtechnicalstandardsforflood change. Following the 2005 floods, the risk management in urban areas, and provide governmentre-emphasisedtheimportanceof training to enhance personnel capacity for flood risk management and increased the systemoperationandmaintenance.
The ongoing conflict
between the Guyana Teachers’Union (GTU) and the government over wage increaseshasreachedapoint where conciliation appears impossible to allow for agreement. A new approach isneeded.
The union’s current demands are so exorbitant
that they cannot be consideredasabasisforany serious negotiations. It is therefore crucial that the teachers within the system recognise the unrealistic natureofthesedemandsand push for a more pragmatic approach. This column had
previously dealt with the impracticality of the GTU’s proposals. It has argued that theGTU’sproposalforwage increases is not only unrealistic but also unsustainable. No government can feasibly accommodate the levelofannualincreasesthat theunionisdemanding.The union’s demands are simply outrageous. The teachers’ union needs to understand thatsuchdemandscannotbe thebasisofanynegotiations. As explained before, if the government accedes to this demand then a trained teacher would be earning
around$450,000permonth. The current demands made by the Guyana Teachers’ Union are impractical and unsustainable, rendering themuntenableasabasisfor serious negotiations Teachers within the system must recognize this reality and advocate for a more pragmaticapproach.
The Ministry of Labour faces an insurmountable challenge in attempting to conciliate the ongoing dispute betweenthe Guyana Teachers’Union (GTU) and the government due to the union’s exorbitant demands. The union’s demands are so
Guyana is de land of many rivers, lush jungles, and–let’snotforget–some belly-burstingmenwhoeat like they preparing for famine. You know who I talking bout Dem men does see a wedding spread orpartybuffetandturninto human vacuum cleaners. It’s as if they practicing eating like food going out ofstyle.
You could spot them a mile away They the ones with plates stacked high like the Pakaraima Mountains. Dem does take de concept of ‘all you can eat’ and treat it like a personal mission statement First plate: appetizersandmainsmixed upinachaoticmountainof carbs and proteins. Second plate: an equally ambitious mix, because you can’t
decidebetweenchowmein and curry chicken, so you just take both. By the third plate, well, it’s like they saying, “Bring it on, I still haveroom!”
And de irony? De freer the food, de greedier these men become. No thought forthenextmanorwoman who might just want a lil taste of de good life too. Manners? Consideration? Dem words don’t exist in thesesituations. Butnaturehasawayof humbling the gluttonous. After the third heaping, these men often find themselves welded to their chairs, unable to rise. And de spectacle doesn’t end there. Some of them, in their quest for gastronomic glory,reachthepointwhere their bodies revolt. What goes in must come out,
sometimes sooner than expected.
Dem boys got some advisefuhdemwhobelieve dem come on dis earth fuh done food. When the food is free, that’s the time to show some class Demonstrate manners, moderation, and a touch of dignity No one saying you shouldn’tenjoyafreemeal, but think about others Share the wealth of the table. Because in the end, no one respects a glutton. Andwhileyoumightthink you winning by stuffing yourself,allyougettingisa night of indigestion and a reputation as the local scraven. So next time you find yourself at a party or wedding, remember: leave some for the rest of us. Eat tolive,don’tlivetoeat. Talkhalf.Leffhalf
outrageous that they do not provide a viable starting point for compromise or mutual agreement The Ministry’s efforts are thus stymied by the sheer impracticalityof theunion’s proposals, which fail to consider a realistic path forward.
Conciliation, in its current form, is unlikely to succeed unless there is a fundamental change in approach. The focus should not be on the conditions for returning to work but rather ondevelopingarealisticand reasonable wage proposal.
The GTU also blundered duringtheconciliationtalks. It should never have entertained a discussion about a return to work prior to concluding the negotiations with the government. Had the union agreed to conditions for a return to work, this would have weakened its bargainingposition.
The union’s main weaponisthewithdrawalof labour This is its primary negotiating tool. However, this approach also has its limitations, especially when its demands are unrealistic.
A new strategy is needed one that moves away from annual percentage increases and instead focuses on establishing reasonable starting salaries for each wage band. This approach
s h o u l d t a k e i n t o consideration the current
economic climate and the government’s ability to pay Teachers within the system should play a crucial role in developing this new strategy They need to intervene and demand that their union propose a more realistic and sustainable wagestructure.
Within the school system, there are numerous intelligent, responsible, and reasonable teachers who mustrealizetheunfeasibility of the union’s demands These educators understand the economic realities and should advocate for more sustainable solutions. It is necessary for these teachers to voice their concerns and pushforashiftintheunion’s approachtonegotiations.
Instead of insisting on percentage increases, the teachersshouldadvocatefor a wage proposal that sets a reasonablestartingsalaryfor each wage band within the teaching profession The first step in this new approach is to determine what constitutes a reasonable and realistic startingsalaryforeachwage band. By focusing on establishing reasonable startingwagesforeachwage band and incorporating inflation adjustments, the union can develop a more sustainable and realistic wageproposal.
Thisshouldthenleadtoa new round of negotiations. And if that fails, then conciliationcanberestarted. Buttoexpectconciliationto work under the present demands is to expect the impossible.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
A new wage proposal should include provisions for adjusting salaries based on inflation rates for the years 2025 and 2026. By incorporating inflation adjustments, the union can create a more sustainable and forward-thinking wage structure. But this process, unfortunately cannot be left to the union alone. It has proven itself incapable of being realistic and reasonable in its demands. As such, it is essential for teachers to be actively involvedinthisprocess.The teachers need to pressure theiruniontojoinwiththem, the teachers, to work together to develop a proposal that is reasonable, and sustainable. Once the newwageproposalhasbeen developed, the union should present it to the government asarealisticandsustainable alternative to the current demands.
America! America! in one more airstrike that shatters Gazans are dismissed as termites to waiting, hoping, for a kind and God shed his grace on thee the stillness, and limbs, and be extinguished without a second protective word from those who And crown thy good with ultimately lives. Man may hunt thought, a qualm. I ask for the pridethemselvesinbeingcivilized. brotherhood animals. He doesn’t bomb them, umpteenthtime:Americawhereare The battles wage in the open and in From sea to shining sea especially when they are trapped, you? The world’s policeman secret. The former Israeli Secret I whisper a halting prayer ontheirlastlegs. Animalrightsand cannot take comfort in its newly Service head having the freedom to unpardonable crimes against What happened to America, the animal cruelty have lost meaning, adjusted role of selective protector threaten a senior ICJ jurist bent on humanity are committed with beautiful? The one that I knew and somehowdonotapply,atthehigher Of Israel. Of the atrocities and war investigating,exposing,andcalling relish. I write about doing what is cametolove. Beautifulthroughthe order, that of human beings and crimesofPrimeMinisterBenjamin to book the Israelis for their war of right. I recommend doing what warts, lovely despite the unholy I humanrights. Netanyahu. One word from the terror, their war without humanity, assuages the national conscience. hear the lyrics of that song, and the America, where are you? White House and Israeli hardliners on the Palestinian people. Only Take a stand. Send a message, the goosebumps rise There is Speak up! Speak up! Speak true. and right-wingers and warmongers PM Netanyahu could give the go strongestandsharpestonepossible. readiness to charge into hell for a Just this once, speak with clarity all fall in line. The guns go silent, ahead for such an operation that What I plead with the highest righteouscause. and authority and potency All of the bombs stop falling from the lastedyears. officials in this land to do, I must What about the cause of the which comes naturally toAmerica. skies. Why not months ago? Why I am thinking what Guyana and will practice myself. There is
Gazans? Howdoesthelushbeauty Say the word to Israel and stop the not long before today? Though shou
no better way to show solidarity ofAmericafailtoheartheplaintive killing and maiming and hunting belated, why not now? Tongues disapproval, its own incandescent with the Palestinian people. There cry of Gaza? When America the down humans like beasts to be tied. The UN hobbled. The lobby rage. I call upon President Ali to is never a better friend than when beautiful transforms into America destroyed. is appeased, even when the people absent himself from official we summon the courage and the the pitiful, America the dreadful, The mechanized monstrosities in Rafah and Ramallah and Khans American gatherings. The Fourth principles to call out our best then how can there be talk (me oftheNaziholocaustisrepeatedon Younis get to experience what it is
friend(s). AsIamwriting,children talking) of sacred liberty and the a lesser scale, but with no less to be Hiroshima, without the atom celebrations are coming due are starving and dying. That must equality of man? His rights to a effect, on a defenseless population. bomb. The images are no less Guyana’s President Ali should not count for something These dignified existence? There is The hunted have become the searing, the destruction even more be present. Nor vice president murderous, barbarous, and Palestine, and it is deformed into a hunter Former misfits and those compelling. Jagdeo. NoranyrankingGuyanese unforgivable outrages by the monstrosity held as a lower life form now live What can justify? Why does politician, including PM Phillips, Israelismuststoprightnow Food workers killed. Hospitals their thirst for vengeance through America continue to condone Foreign Minister Todd, and America! America! bombed and bombed again unsatedbloodlusts. Killterrorists! through its feeble articulations and Opposition Leader Norton. We God mend thine ev’ry flaw Homes reduced to ruins. Aschool- Kill civilians! Kill the Palestinian still unconvincing protestations? may be small, but small actions can Confirm thy soul in self-control cum-shelter blasted. People lived people as if they are parasites to be America the beautiful, what has have big meanings, convey so Thy liberty in law in the former, now scrape together snuffedout,atwill,andwithcasual become of your nobler virtues, much about how we feel as colored (The views expressed in this some sort of survival from the disdain. those civilizing graces that set people, as religious brothers, as article are those of the author and latter And now a refugee camp What happened to the lofty apart? I am ashamed. More than members of the human race. There do not necessarily reflect the overloaded with the helpless and Geneva Convention? Why no due ashamed: incensed At the are different ways to manifest how opinions and beliefs of this thehorrorsofwar,theravagesofan regard for the welfare of unrestrained savagery. The we bleed red, white, and blue. Or newspaper and its affiliates.) uncontrolledwarmachine,bombed noncombatants? Clearly, the unchecked butchery of a people not at all, when unpalatable and
The Guyana Geology which has been fully and Mines Commission’s functional and operating at (GGMC) has begun its the new location from May relocationfromitsBrickdam 20, 2024. Also, effective office to the building that from May 28, 2024, the once housed the Guyana Financial Division, Mines Broadcasting Corporation Division (including Mines (GBC) building located at Clerical, Mines Inspectorate, the corner of High and Surveying Unit, Mines PrincesStreets,Georgetown. Technical), and Land In a notice published in Management Division were the daily newspapers at the all relocated and are
weekend stated that accessibleatthenewTract‘Z’ GGMC’srelocationwilltake location
The former Guyana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) building at the corners of High and Princes Street, Georgetown that the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) has started relocating to.
various secretariats will technologies, but also a new and customer service, and building was left abandoned placeinphases.
“This initial relocation of
GGMC stated that the the three divisions signifies announced TheCommission Commission and a renewed the mining sector,” GGMC werestalledforsometime.
e the focused development of after rehabilitation works
transition to High & Princes the first stage of transition to sharedthatthemovetoanew commitment to the sector it expressed.
After years of being Streets commenced with the
encompassing divisions that
facility symbolizes not just a serves. “This new chapter is While GGMC would be abandoned, renovation
, interact daily with the public upgrading of facilities and service location, a re- Kaieteur News understands preparationfortheGGMCto
and stakeholders Thereafter,
characterized by a unified moving its operation there, works resumed in 2022 in
dedication to professional that the building they are occupythebuilding. Technology Department, thebackofficeoperationsand occupying was built years Meanwhile, no public ago and the structure would announcement was made have come under intense related to the company or scrutiny when numerous businessgrantedthecontract defectswerenoticed. to renovate the building
This newspaper had Checks were made on the reported that the High and National Procurement and Princes Streets complex, Tender Administration which is approximately Board’s (NPTAB) website, 65,000 square feet, was built but none was seen. Efforts to back in 2008 under the contact Minister of Natural Peoples Progressive Party Resources, Vickram Bharrat Civic(PPP/C)governmentat to provide the amount spent an estimated cost of $700 torenovatethebuildingwere million. The former GBC futile.
Although Guyana has
attendees to not only reflect has been described as and other lopsided deals. “It celebrated 58 years of but remember the struggles “shackling the country” to also attempts, in Article 32, Independence, the country is of their ancestors and one of the world’s worst oil to handcuff the Government still proverbially in shackles moreover to ask themselves deals. away from contemplating as the outsiders are calling “what kind of ancestors, do Previously, transparency changing any laws that can the shots behind the scenes, we want to be and what kind advocate, Dr Yog Mahadoe impact the Agreement to the so said Co-founder of the of ancestors we would be for told this newspaper that the economic detriment of the non-profit organization, the generations now coming oil deal is a mockery to the Contractor Greenheart Movement, up”. country’s constitution as it By attempting to shackle SherlinaNageer She was keen to note, attempts to shackle this the Government, it therefore She made the comment “Just like the decisions our
attempts to fetter the entire during an oil spill forum last fore parents made to resist to provisions to the benefit of population from getting a weekinobservanceofWorld maintain their culture, to thepetroleumcompanies. Governmentinplacethatcan Environment Day Nageer in stand against depression, so Mahadeo explained, “Of pass laws as desired by and welcoming attendees to the too with the decision we critical importance to me is
forum,hostedatCaraLodge, make now will affect the thefactthatwehavenotonly unconstitutionality threatens
Co-founder of Green heart movement,
Q u a m i n a S t r e e t , future of the children, allowed the Exxon contract
during the oil spill forum.
Georgetown said, “Guyana grandchildren and great to remove our wealth but are Government that will make just celebrated its 58 grandchildren.” allowing them to effectively the right decisions on our Independence...sometimesif shots and pulling the strings the incredible resilience of Nageer’s comments remove our constitutional behalf. you look around at the state behindthescenes.” the Indigenous people, who come at a time when the right to elect a government Although both the of affairs and ask if we are She reminded persons at are the first people of this government of Guyana has that can create and enact government and opposition actually independent, the forum of Quamina land, who are still here and been accused of dancing to laws on our behalf – that is, has accepted the lopsided becauseitseemsasifwestill Gladstone,whofoughtinthe s t i l l r e s i s t i n g a n d the tunes of the oil and gas the contract mocks and nature of the contract, they have masters, we are still Demerara Revolt of 1823 safeguarding the natural companies operating in neuters our Parliament’s have are both unwilling to shackled with the chains, it and encouraged over 10,000 worlds despite of all the Guyana. In fact, the 2016 ability to pass laws ” invite the companies back to may not be obvious or made enslave persons to rise up to genocide that their ancestors Production Sharing According to him, the PSA the negotiation table to of iron, it seems as if the demand their rights. Nageer endure.”
Agreement (PSA) signed by attempts to shackle the ensurethecountryenjoysthe outsiders are pulling the urged, “Let’s remember also The activist charged the previous administration Government into financial benefitsofthesector
Roysdale Forde
Leader of the People’s National Congress members. Reform (PNCR),Aubrey Norton on Monday Without being nominated, a member is secured most of the nominations ahead of the ineligible to be elected at the delegates party’BiennialPartyCongresstobeheldlater congress billed for June 28th to 30th. thismonth. According to the release all ten party regions
AccordingtoareleasefromthePNCR,on submitted nominations The preliminary Monday was Nomination Day, which is part results put Norton at over 80% of of the election process to elect a new Party nominations Sherwin Benjamin, executive including Party Leader, Chairman, Administrator of the Congress Committee two Vice Chairpersons, Treasurer and the gaveabreakdownofthenominationsforthe fifteen Central Executive Committee (Continued on page 16)
A mother of one, Kesi Adele Adams on Monday morning died after she was electrocuted at her Sister’s Village, West Bank Demerara(WBD)home.
A c c o r d i n g t o investigators, the motionless body of 33-year-old Adams was found around 07:00hrs by her mother Bridgette Boston.
It was reported by the police that Adams had woken up early in the morning and began to do her normal house chores, which tothedryer and the dog reportedly got included washing clothes. Police said it was shocked. Police reported that it is suspected that Adams had It was further stated by suspected that the washing heldontothehose,whichled the police that Adams was machineand dryer which are to her being reportedly picked up in an unconscious situated at the back of the electrocuted. state and taken to the West house have an electrical Kaieteur News was D
defect which causes informed by a relative, that Hospital, where she was electricity to run beyond the Adams was doing laundry pronounced dead. Her body machine’s capacity and onto and noticed the family dog is currently at the Ezekiel a long sliver hose with metal was biting on the washing Mortuary, awaiting a postwra
c machine’s cord and while mortem examination An conductor) which is attached trying to remove it both her investigationisongoing.
A 49-year-old teacher was on Monday denied bail whensheappearedattheVigilanceMagistrates’Courtto answerapossessionofnarcoticscharge.
The teacher, Sharon McCurdy of Bachelor’s Adventure, East Coast Demerara (ECD), appeared beforeMagistrateFabayoAzore. McCurdy was arrested on June 6, 2024, after allegedlybeingfoundwith31.4poundsofcannabis.
As companies continue to the unethical practice To address these issues, stated that it remains to flout Guyana’s Local whereforeigncompaniesuse the government, through the committed to fostering a Content law by engaging in local individuals or local ministry,isactivelypursuing transparent and equitable the practice of ‘rent-a- entities as mere fronts to measurestocurbinstancesof petroleum industry that citizen’ or ‘fronting’ the m e e t l o c a
c o n t e n t rent-a-citizen. Notably, one benefits all Guyanese. “We Government of Guyana on requirements, while the of the steps being taken by urge everyone to support Monday issued a stern actual control and benefits the ministry is enhancing these efforts and uphold the warningforthemtodesist. remain with the foreign collaboration with the integrity of our local content In a statement, the entity. Guyana Revenue Authority framework,” it was further
Resources(MRN)statedthat undermines the objectives working relationship aims to In an invited comment, million dollars, and for a to a fine of five million as part of their diligent and spirit of the Local identify and penalise those the ministry told Kaieteur body corporate, a fine of ten dollars; (b) In the case of a monitoring of Guyana’s Content Act, which aims to engaging in fronting, News that while the offence milliondollars. body corporate, to a fine of petroleum industry, through ensure that the citizens of
of fronting is not expressly The Act, gives the Local tenmilliondollars.” t
stakeholders adhere to the defined in the Interpretation Content Secretariat, the Consequently, the Local Secretariat, has intensified meaningfully from and legal and ethical standards Section of The Local authority, by instituting Content Secretariat has its tracking for practices participate actively in the set forth by the Local Content Act, it is provided criminal legal proceedings, issuedGuidingPrinciples,in known as “rent-a-citizen” or nation’s natural resources ContentAct,”itwasstated. for in Miscellaneous: Part to charge individuals or the form of Local Content “fronting”. The issue refers sector,”theministrysaid. Moreover, the ministry V1oftheAct.Section23(1)-
Flights have resumed at the Cheddi Jagan to rectify the issues,” the CJIA said in a International Airport (CJIA) as the damaged statement on Sunday Kaieteur News runwaylightshavebeenrepairedandarenow understands that the airlines are poised to operational. “Several flights are scheduled to resume night operations promptly land at the airport this evening,” CJIAsaid in Management of the airport thanked the astatementonMondaynight. airlines and passengers for understanding the
The airport said it will “undertake a situation.Meanwhile,CJIAdisclosedthatthe thorough evaluation of the current lightning airport maintenance crew with assistance protection system to enhance resilience from Guyana Power and Light (GPL) againstfuturelightningstrikes.” personnel has been working diligently to
Meanwhile, earlier Monday, CJIA said replace damaged runway cables and that it had successfully reinstated one of two transformers. Four cable sections and five independent circuits of the runway lights, transformers have since been identified and thereby allowing for the resumption of night replaced.Further, the airport said that it has flightsattheairport.Inthatupdate,theairport accommodated ten flights, comprising a said that the airlines have been notified private aircraft, a cargo plane, and eight throughaNoticetoAirmen(Notam). passengerflights.
“Efforts are underway by the Additionally, the Department of Public maintenance team to restore the second Information reported that investigations are circuit, albeit hindered by the continuous ongoing to identify the root cause of the flow of flights that were redirected yesterday malfunction in the two independent circuits. (Sunday),”theairportsaid.OnSundaynight, This was announced by Public Works several incoming flights to the CJIA were MinisterJuanEdghill. diverted to other jurisdictions after heavy “The first thing we have to do is find out rains accompanied by a thunderstorm what went wrong because we have a knocked out power at the country’s main lightning protection system and we have two airport.The heavy rainfall with thunder and circuits. In case one goes out we have the lightning caused several Guyana Power and next one. But in this case, both went Light (GPL) and CJIA transformers to be out…We have to develop measures to damagedandresultedintheairport’slighting prevent that from reoccurring,” the DPI beinginoperable. quoted the minister as saying.
The runway is equipped with two American Airlines, JetBlue, and Copa independent circuits, each of which can Airlines have all rerouted, rescheduled, and facilitateaircraftlandings. coordinated alternative flight arrangements
“Regrettably, both the primary and to minimise disruptions and accommodate alternate circuits were impacted The the situation. airport’s maintenance team with the support All flights were scheduled to arrive/ of GPL are currently on the ground, working depart by Monday afternoon.
(3), with the marginal note,
Information, which are the Offences and Penalties, misleading information or criteria, pursuant to the Act provides for the offence of aiding and abetting anyone for registering/operating a
to contravene any provision joint venture company in the misleading information to of the Act in order to defeat
the Secretariat knowingly the local content obligations industry, and pursuant to the and for the offence of any undertheAct. provisionsoftheAct.Aspart Guyanese national aiding Section 23(1)-(3) states: of the requirements, a and abetting anyone to “A person who submits, or Guyanese company forming contravene any provision of causes to be submitted, a a joint venture with a nontheAct in order to defeat the local content plan, report, indigenous company must local content obligations record, or a
her have a minimum of 51 per undertheAct. information pursuant to this cent equity participation in
To this end, the Ministry Act knowing, or ought to
explained that the two reasonably have known, that
offences are in nature the submission is false or Declaration of Beneficial Summary Offences, misleading, commits an Ownership and demonstrate therefore not indictable, and offence and is liable on
attract a penalty, in the case summary conviction — (a) contribution to the Joint ofanindividual,afineoffive In the case of an individual, Venture.
to be completed today - Minister Edghill
Repairs to the Kwakwani barge, Region 10 are still ongoing with works to be completed today, Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill saidonMonday
Minister Juan Edghill inspected the barge and disclosed that the repairs which were to initially take 48 hours and were to be completed by Monday will take longer given the state of the barge The minister pointed to damages to the front and back snipe, punctures on both sides, and deformation of the frame of the barge, resulting in warpedandburstdecking.
Last week, Kaieteur News reported that critical works were being done on the barge to ensure that it is safe. Consequently, the repair time has been extended to 100 hours, with completion expectedbyTuesdayat5pm.
Engineers continue work on the Kwakwani barge. (Minister Juan Edghill’s Facebook page)
“The damages were said. Barge. a t t r i b u t e d t o p o o r The Ministry of Public To minimize disruptions maintenance and high Works, in collaboration with to loggers and miners and to demand for usage. Despite t h e K
i provide relief to those these challenges, most Neighbourhood Democratic crossing the Berbice River, critical areas have already Council (NDC) in Region the Transport and Harbour been addressed as of today 10, is executing critical Department deployed the (Monday),” the Minister repairs on the Kwakwani MVBaramanitoKwakwani.
F a r m e r s a n d region. the expansion of more entrepreneurs across eight First announced by inclusive, gender-responsive Caribbean countries stand to Prime Minister Justin climate-resilient value benefit from the new Trudeau during the Canada- chains Speaking at the CAD$10 million Regional CARICOM Summit in media launch, High
G e n d e r - R e s p o n s i v e October 2023, the regional Commissioner of Canada to Climate-Smart Agriculture project will contribute to Barbados and the Eastern and Food Systems in the improving the livelihoods of Caribbean, H E Lilian Caribbean project which womenandyouthinclimate- Chatterjee shared that officiallylaunchedon June 3 resilient agriculture value “Canada recognizes the at United Nations House in chains in the Caribbean disproportionate impact of Barbados. Through the Canada-funded food and input price
F u n d e d b y t h e project, FAO will work inflation, supply chain Government of Canada, the closely with local Ministries disruptions, and climate four- year project (2024- of Agriculture, farmer change in the Caribbean, 2028) will be implemented organizations, gender which has exacerbated preby the Food and Agriculture b u r e a u s , r e s e a r c h existing food insecurity. Organization of the United institutions,andcommunity- Women are powerful agents Nations (FAO) in Belize, the based agro-processing of change that can actively
C o m m o n w e a l t h o f centers to transform and contribute to achieving D
da, upgrade these value chains sustainable and resilient Guyana, Jamaica, Saint ensuring that they are a g r i - f o o d s y s t e m s
(L-R): ThuTrang Nguyen, International Assistance Program Officer, Global Affairs Canada;Abebech Assefa, Head of Cooperation for the Eastern Caribbean, Global Affairs Canada; Dr. Renata Clarke, FAO’s Sub-Regional Coordinator for the Caribbean; Vermaran Extavour, Value Chain Expert & Project Coordinator, FAO’s Subregional Office for the Caribbean; and Roberto Sandoval, Disaster Risk Management Specialist, FAO’s Subregional Office for the Caribbean at the project launch at UN House in Barbados
notably the CA$19.8 million promoting the use of anticipated benefits of the
Lucia, Saint Vincent and the market-drivenusingrelevant Empowering women and Sustainable Agriculture in climate-smart technologies project on youth and the Grenadines and Suriname.A data and facilitate public- closing gender gaps in agrithe Caribbean project and that are adapted to the region region noting “Inclusion of c
t privatesectorpartnerships. food systems is key to our support to Compete andincreaseefficiencyinthe the Youth Advisory Body involving Canada, FAO, and The project will also deliver on the Sustainable Caribbean”. use of water, nutrients, will empower future leaders local government and civil increase the use of climate- Development Goals This FAO’s Sub-Regional biologicalcontrolagentsand and create more inclusive society partners, the project smart te
, newprojectwillcomplement C
e reducetheuseofpesticides.
will enhance Caribbean innovations,andpracticesby Canada’s other efforts to Caribbean, Dr Renata “Integratingefficientand governance”. farmers’resiliencetoclimate agricultural stakeholders to strengthen agricultural Clarke stated that the affordable practices and P
change and contribute to make more data-driven entrepreneurship and food organization has been
s Caribbean Network of Rural economic growth in the decisions and advocate for systems in the region, renewable energy for solar Women Producers, Carmen pumps for irrigation, and Nurse reflected that, “Every digital agricultural sensors farmer expects when they have also been piloted to plant to harvest, but that is improve overall crop not possible. Farming is no management With the longer predictable. Through impact of climate and this project we want women weather hazards, we have farmerstobuildtheirskillsto introduced Anticipatory continue farming using Action protocols which are climate-smart agriculture integrated with national technologies”. The Regional Agriculture Disaster Risk G e n d e r - R e s p o n s i v e Management and Climate Climate-Smart Agriculture InformationServices”. and Food Systems in the Representatives from Caribbean project aims to r e g i o n a l p a r t n e r reach up to 2,500 direct organizations, the Caribbean beneficiaries over a fourCommunity (CARICOM) and-a-half-year period, with Secretariat and the women making up 50 Organization of Eastern percent of the beneficiaries Caribbean States (OECS), and youth making up 20 participating in the launch percent. highlighted the project’s The project will engage significance and its more than 30 farmer c o n n e c t i o n t o t h e organizations, including ‘CARICOM 25 by 2025 women and youth-led Initiative’ and the 10-year organizations, over the Food and Agricultural implementation period Systems Transformation While targeting eight (FAST) Strategy. Vice- Caribbean countries, there President of the CARICOM will be broad regional YouthAdvisoryBody,Jerard benefits for all CARICOM Darville, stressed the MemberStates.
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
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The child father of Paulette Edwards, the woman who is suspected to have been beheaded in Port Kaituma, Region One surrendered to police on Monday, Divisional Commander of Region One Himnauth Sawh has confirmed.
During a telephone interview with this publication on Monday evening, Commander Sawh while providing an update said that, “He (the suspect) was arrested this afternoon (Monday) at Baramita Police Station and is currently being processed. The police acted on information, and based on the information we got it was more like a surrender. So he is currently
in custody at the Baramita Police Station.”
The Commander explained that the Police as well as the Guyana Defense Force and the Community Policing group were on the lookout for the suspect and checked a number of places. So he is of the belief that the suspect was aware he was being hunted.
“Well the police went out looking for him at several places, he knew that he was being cornered and as such when they got to him, he didn’t resist arrest, based on the information I received, but what we did since we learned that he was the child father of the deceased we started an
operation of all the backdams and we started to narrow in and apparently he knew that we were very close to him”.
The commander said.
Last Friday the headless, naked and decomposing body suspected to be that of Edwards was found in Port Kaituma, North West District, Region One. Detectives believe that the body may be that of Edwards of Matthews Ridge who was last seen alive on June 4, 2024.
The decomposing remains of the woman were found at around 16:30h in a clump of bushes in a swamped area in the vicinity of Cat Walk, Port Kaituma. Police located the head of the
corpse on Saturday. “The deceased was clad in a black top pulled up to her chest, exposing her bra, while her lower body was fully exposed,” police told Kaieteur News.
The black blouse was similar to the one that Paulette Edwards was wearing on the day she reportedly went missing. ‘Lilly’ was written on the right sleeve of the blouse Edwards was last seen wearing.
At the time the body was found, the said name was seen on the same sleeve of the blouse she was clad in. Edwards had moved to Port Kaituma some time ago and reportedly lived there with her daughter’s father.
From page 12 leadership and Chairmanship of the party in a LIVE broadcast.
He said there were 218 groups from Regions One to Region Ten submitting nominations.
The groups also included those from the PNCR overseas Chapter. During the process, Benjamin revealed that Norton gained 177 nominations, Amanza Walton- Desir, nine nominations; Roysdale
Forde, 20 nominations; Volda Lawrence, one nomination; Gary Best, two nominations; Carl Greenidge, four nominations; and Simona Broomes, two nominations.
For Chairmanship of the party, seven persons were nominated, including Shurwayne Holder, WaltonDesir, Forde, Lawrence, Sharma Solomon, Christopher Jones and Broomes.
The incumbent Chairman is leading the nominations in
this regard. Meanwhile, in a statement following the nomination, Forde said that the nominations process appeared to be smooth in terms of the flow of work being done.
He however noted that every potential candidate only requires one single nomination.
“It is not unusual for there to be multiple nominations which can be either based on general widespread support
or a bit of political tactic to present a particular image. The converse situation may also apply,” Forde said. He noted that as the party approaches the finality of the elections, the standards must be set to obey and protect the laws of party to move the PNCR and country forward and advance cause for a better Party, a better Guyana. “Our Party must rise for Guyana to rise in the right direction,” he said.
From page 6 shift in mindsets and motivating those in positions of power to rethink their policies.
This conflict is putting women and children at higher risk of gender-based violence
and sexual violence. It is imperative that all parties prioritise the safeguarding of women and children from harm and ensure that they receive the specific protections to which they are entitled under international hu-
manitarian and human rights legislation.
This conflict is destroying the very fabric of human existence.
How many more women and children have to suffer before the world takes decisive action? Stop the fighting now.
Sincerely, Denise Dias
Pamela Nauth
Desiree Ramdeen
Gaitrie Shivsankar
Josephine Whitehead
(BBC NEWS) France’s political leaders are scrambling to prepare for snap elections after
President Emmanuel
M acr o n d is s o lv ed parliament in response to a stinging European vote defeat by the far-right NationalRally Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire has warned the two-round vote, starting on 30 June could have “the most serious consequences” in modern French history German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats were also heavily beaten in Sunday’s European electionsbytheconservative opposition, but he has ruled out holding early elections. The conservative CSU premier of Bavaria, Markus Söder, said Mr Scholz’s government was essentially finished and needed to followtheFrenchexample. Germanyisn’tscheduled to hold fresh elections until 2025, but Mr Söder said the “countryneedsanewstart”. Macron ally Yaël BraunPivet,who’spresidentofthe National Assembly said therehadbeenanalternative to new elections, which involvedagovernmentpact, but “the president decided that path wasn’t open to him”. Without a majority in parliament, the government relies on support from other partiestopasslegislation.
There was also
frustrationfromtheSocialist mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, that the vote was taking place three weeks before the capital hosts the Olympics.
Mr Macron’s Renew partypolledlessthan15%of the vote on Sunday, while the anti-immigration National Rally (RN) of Marine Le Pen and young leader Jordan Bardella, securedmorethan31%.The decision to hold new elections came as a shock across the political spectrum, with reports of a hastily organised meeting involving top RN leaders and Marion Maréchal from rival far-right party Reconquête.
There were calls for
France’sbitterlydividedleft to rally round Socialist Raphaël Glucksmann, who scored almost 14% in the European vote President Macron joined German President Frank-Walter SteinmeieronMondayinthe French village of Oradoursur-Glane, to mark the 80th anniversary of an infamous NazimassacreinWorldWar Two, when SS troops murdered 643 villagers in 1944. President Steinmeier saiditwasfittingontheday afterEuropeanelectionsthat Europeans never forgot the damagedonebynationalism and hate: “Let us never forget the miracle of reconciliation that the European Union has worked.”
AlternativeforGermany (AfD) came second in Germany’s European vote onSunday,aheadofallthree parties in the Mr Scholz’s coalition government, despite a succession of scandalsinvolvingtheAfD’s toptwocandidates.Itsnewly elected MEPs voted to exclude top candidate Maximilian Krah from their delegation in the European Parliament, after he was investigatedforallegedlinks toRussiaandChina.
Meanwhile, President Macron is due to meet both Olaf Scholz and Italy’s Giorgia Meloni at a G7 summit this week in the ItalianregionofPuglia.
The three leaders are likely not just to discuss the
outcome of Sunday’s European vote, but also whether to support Ursula vonderLeyen’sbidtowina second term as president of the European Commission.
TheItalianleadertoldItalian radioonMondaythatitwas “too early to talk about a second mandate” for the current Commission chief.
Ms von der Leyen’s centreright European People’s Party emerged as by far the biggest grouping in the next European Parliament
Among the winners on the centre-right were Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who managed to lead hisCivicCoalitionpartytoa narrow victory over the right-wing-populist PiS party for the first time in a decade.
Mr Tusk is now one of Europe’sfewleaderstohave emerged from these elections with a stronger mandate. The far-right Polish Confederation party won 12% of the vote, and one of its successful candidates is Grzegorz Braun - who provoked an international outcry in December when used a fire extinguisher to put out candles on a menorah in the Polish parliament placed there for the Jewish festival ofHanukkah.
Czech President Petr Pavel said Europe should examinewhysupportforfarright, conservative,
nationalist parties was increasing and “needs to take notice of these voices”. TheCzechvotewaswonby theoppositionANOpartyof former prime minister
Andrej Babis, which clinched seven of the available 21 seats in the European Parliament. But it was also a good night for three small anti-system parties, including a new party called Motorists, who are campaigning against the EU’s Green Deal on measures on climate change andsustainability Oneofthe MotoristS MEPs will be controversial former racing driver Filip Turek, who was recently exposed for old socialmediapostsrevealing hispassionforNazigestures andmemorabilia.
The far-right fared unexpectedly poorly in Finland and Sweden. The FinnsPartyhadbeenpolling in third place but ended up with just 7.6% of the vote, while the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats slipped tofourthplacewith13.2%of the vote. There was also a surprise result in Denmark, where the Social Democrats of Mette Frederiksen were defeated by Green-Left party SF which polled more than 17% of the vote. Ms Frederiksen, who is recovering from a physical assault in Copenhagen on Friday night, called the result“reallymiserable”.
(BBC NEWS) If diplomats have groundhog days, when they are condemned to reliving the same 24 hours, perhaps Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, felt a certain weariness as his jet approachedtheMiddleEast onhislatesttrip.
It is his eighth diplomatic tour of the region in the eight months since the Hamas attacks on Israelon7Octoberlastyear
The politics of trying to negotiate an end to the war inGazaandanexchangeof Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners were alreadycomplicated.
They are more tangled than ever now that the Israeli opposition leader Benny Gantz has resigned from the war cabinet of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, along with his politicalallyGadiEisenkot.
Both men are retired generals who led the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as chiefsofstaff.
Without Benny Gantz, the Americans have lost theirfavouritecontactinthe cabinet. Now he’s back in opposition,MrGantzwants new elections - he is the pollsters’favouritetobethe nextprimeminister-butMr Netanyahuissafeaslongas hecanpreservethecoalition that gives him 64 votes in the 120-member Israeli parliament. That depends on keeping the support of the leaders of two ultranationalist factions
They are Itamar Ben-Gvir, the national security minister, and Bezalel Smotrich, the finance minister.Thatisthepointat which Secretary of State Blinken’s mission collides with Israeli politics President Joe Biden
believes that the time has come to end the war in Gaza.
Mr Blinken’s job is to trytomakethathappen.But Messrs Ben-Gvir and Smotrichhavethreatenedto bring down the Netanyahu government if he agrees to any ceasefire until they are satisfied that Hamas has been eliminated. They are e x t r e m e J e w i s h nationalists, who want the war to continue until no trace of Hamas remains. TheybelievethatGaza,like alltheterritorybetweenthe Mediterranean Sea and the RiverJordan,isJewishland that should be settled by Jews. Palestinians, they argue, could be encouraged toleaveGaza“voluntarily”.
AntonyBlinkenisinthe Middle East to try to stop the latest ceasefire plan from going the way of all the others. Three ceasefire
resolutions in the UN Security Council were vetoed by the US, but now JoeBidenisreadyforadeal.
On 31 May, the president made a speech urging Hamas to accept what he said was a new Israeli proposal to end the war in Gaza. It was a three-part deal, starting with a sixweekceasefire,a“surge”of humanitarianaidintoGaza, and the exchange of some Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners. The deal would progress to the releaseofallthehostages,a permanent “cessation of hostilities” and ultimately the huge job of rebuilding Gaza. Israelis should no longer fear Hamas, he said, because it was no longer abletorepeat7October.
President Biden and his advisers knew there was trouble ahead Hamas insistsitwillonlyagreetoa
ceasefirethatguaranteesan Israeli withdrawal from Gazaandanendtothewar
Thedestructionandcivilian death inflicted by Israel in Nuseirat refugee camp in Gazaduringtheraidtofree four hostages last week can onlyhavestrengthenedthat resolve The Hamas-run health authorities in Gaza say that 274 Palestinians were killed during the raid. The IDF says the number waslessthan100.MrBiden also recognised that some powerful forces in Israel would object. “I’ve urged the leadership in Israel to stand behind this deal,” he said in the speech. “Regardless of whatever pressurecomes.” The pressure came quickly, from Messrs Ben Gvir and Smotrich. They are senior government
ministers, viscerally opposedtothedealthatJoe
Bidenpresented.Itmadeno difference to them that the deal was approved by the war cabinet, as they are not members.
As expected, they threatened to topple the Netanyahu coalition if he agreed to the deal. Neither Hamas nor Israel have publicly committed to the deal that President Biden laid out. He accepted that the language of parts of it neededtobefinalised.
The ambiguity in parts of the proposal might in other conflicts, between other belligerents, allow room for diplomatic manoeuvre. But that would require a shared realisation that the time had come to make a deal, that more war wouldnotbringanybenefit. There is no sign that the Hamas leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, is at that point.
David and Jason Roy
ortsMax - The
Trinbago Knight Riders have confirmed the players they have retained and signedaheadoftheRepublic Bank Caribbean Premier League(CPL)draft.
T h e y h a v e 1 5
confirmed players for the 2024 season and will have two emerging player spots tofillatthedraftinJuly
TheKnightRidershave signed Australian batter Tim David for the 2024
season David has had success in the CPL in the past with the Saint Lucia Kings
They have also secured theservicesofexperienced and explosive England international Jason Roy who is set for his first taste oftheCPL
Roy is one of the world’smosttravelledT20 players boasting stats of 9244 runs in 360 matches includingsixhundredsand
60 fifties at a strike rate of 141 60
USA international Ali Khan and Afghan spinner Waqar Salamkheil will return to the franchise for the2024season
TheKnightRidershave alsosignedIrelandleftarm seamer Josh Little who recently became the first IrishmantoplayintheIPL withtheGujaratTitans
The Knight Riders have
Caribbean players that took themtothefinalatthe2023 tournament with Andre Russell, Kieron Pollard, Sunil Narine and Nicholas Pooran all back with the Trinidadfranchise.
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult talking to you today, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
The full list of retained and signed players for the Knight Riders are as follows: Kieron Pollard, Andre Russell, Sunil Narine, Nicholas Pooran, Keacy Carty, Tim David, JoshLittle,TerrenceHinds, Mark Deyal, Jason Roy, Dwayne Bravo, Waqar Salamkheil,JaydenSeales
Edghill grateful for Olympic...
Frompage24 clashes with the Olympic qualificationeventandfinal year exams at the Hugh Wooding School of Law, w h i c h w a s a k e y requirement for being considered for selection for wildcardspots.
“The key focus is on ensuring that Chelsea continuestogettherequisite preparation to face the challengeahead.Partofthis process has been a program withcoachYaselofCubain Guyana,”theGTTAsaid.
StephenMcLean stunsStreet...
Frompage22 as Team Family held Team Unruly to a decisive 2-0 victory
Intheothertwomatches, Ballers Empire and StabroekBallersplayedtoa 2-2 draw, while Cayenne Massive and Team Make It Happen also ended in a 2-2 draw
The tournament is sponsored by Western Union, Grace Kennedy Money Service, Comfort Plus,Guinness,BanksBeer, Hard Wine, Specom, KLovers Fashion, Voice 9 6 1 F M , K o z y Rendezvous, and Mocha ArcadiaNDC.
SportsMax - Jamaican sprint legend Usain Bolt recently revealed that he considered coming out of retirement after being offered a lucrative deal by BjörnGulden,thethen-CEO of Puma, two years after he hung up his spikes in 2017. The revelation came during an interview on Drive on talkSPORT ahead of the Soccer Aid 2024 charity match.
Soccer Aid 2024 took place at Chelsea FC’s StamfordBridgestadiumon Sunday, June 9, where Bolt onceagaincaptaintheWorld XIFCteam.
S p e a k i n g w i t h talkSPORT ahead of his sixthSoccerAidmatch,Bolt expressedhisenthusiasmfor
football and the annual charity event. Despite his undeniableloveforfootball, it was in track and field where Bolt truly made his mark The conversation shifted to sprinting, where theeight-timeOlympicgold medallist disclosed that he considered a return to the sport following his
Bolt shared that two years after retiring, he was approachedwithanenticing offer by Adidas CEO Björn Gulden, who was the Chief Executive of Puma at the time. Although the idea of returning to the track intrigued him, Bolt’s coach wasfirmlyagainstit.
The sixth Annual Mocha Village Cup kickedoffwithathrillingstartonSaturdayat the Mocha Community Centre ground, as Hardball, Laing Avenue, Team Victory, and TeamFamilysecuredopeningwins.
The Ballers Entertainment-organized event launched the competition with six electrifyingmatches,settinganexcitingtone fortheupcomingweeks.
Hardball faced off against Street Ballers in the tournament opener Street Ballers however, were no match for the dominant Hardball team, with Steven McLean scoring the first four-goal haul of the 2024 tournament. Ravin Norton also delivered a brilliant performance, finishing with a hattrick, while Nicosi Williams added another two goals to seal Hardball’s emphatic 9-0 demolitionofStreetBallers.
AnotherexcitingclashsawLockAScene FootballteamtakeonLaineAvenueBallers. Thematchappearedevenlycontestedbefore Laine Avenue edged out Lock A Scene 2-1, thankstoSeonAdams,whowasbrilliantfor Laine Avenue, scoring both goals to secure thefirstwinforhisside.
Agricola later fell to Team Victory 1-0, withShamarDeSousanettingtheonlygoalof the match. Following that clash, Kester AlleyneandShamarJoneseachscoredagoal
SportsMax - South Africa held off Bangladesh to maintain their perfect recordattheT20WorldCup on Monday, defending a target of 113 in a thrilling finishinLongIsland.
The Proteas, who had madeaflawlessstarttotheir Group D campaign with successfulchasesagainstSri Lanka and the Netherlands, looked to be up against it afteradirestarttotheirthird outing.
Bangladesh’s Tanzim HasanSakibneededjustfive overstoclinchahat-trickas Reeza Hendricks went lbw for a first-ball duck, then Quinton de Kock (18) and Tristan Stubbs (0) followed, thelatterchippingstraightto Shakib Al Hasan at short cover Heinrich Klaasen stopped the rot, but his knock of 46 came off 44 deliveries as Bangladesh bowled efficiently, and another low-scoring affair wasguaranteedwhenhewas bamboozled by Taskin Ahmed’sseamball18overs in.
Bangladesh’s chase got offtoaninauspiciousstartas Kagiso Rabada had Tanzid Hasan (9) caught inside two overs, later joining Anrich Nortjeontwowicketswhen an umpire’s review showed he clipped leg stump to end Towhid Hridoy’s stand of 37. That knock had left Bangladesh requiring 18 off
Kagiso Rabada and Keshav Maharaj were invaluable to SA’s cause. (Getty Images)
12 balls in front of a fervent crowd, but like Pakistan versus India one day earlier, theywereunabletogetover theline.
Proteas captain Aiden Markram was in the right placeattherighttimeontwo occasions, catching desperate attempts for a maximum from both Jaker Ali (8) and Mahmudullah (20)rightontheboundaryto sealSouthAfrica’svictory DataDebrief:Proteasdo enough...just
South Africa have still never lost a T20I versus Bangladesh in nine meetings, but they put themselves in real bother with some slow scoring in
However, the efforts of Rabada(2-19),Nortje(2-17) and Keshav Maharaj (3-27) were enough, the latter’s bowling handing Markram two catches as Bangladesh were forced to hit big in the dyingmoments.
The Proteas remain top of Group D with maximum points from three games, with Bangladesh now having one win and one defeat.
Scores:SouthAfrica113 for6(Klaasen46,Miller29, Tanzim 3-18, Taskin 2-19) beat Bangladesh 109 for 7 (Hridoy 37, Maharaj 3-27, Nortje 2-17, Rabada 2-19) byfourruns.
History was created when the Guyana School of Agriculture(GSA)hostedan eight team inaugural volleyball extravaganza, with a number of top performances.
The competition held at the GSA Indoor facility, saw Berbice female academy, Demerara female academy, D’Edward male academy team, BHS male academy, GSA male academy team, Classic Ball Blasters (CBB) male academy, CBB senior femaleteamandtheBerbice senior female team competing against each other
After a 30-point round robin playoff in the male academy segment, D’Edward and GSA advanced to the finals D’Edwards defeated theGSA25-19,25-12ina best of three games D’Edward received the winning trophy and 12 medals,whileGSAreceived the runners-up. The MVP wenttoHaroldBookerofthe D’Edwardteam.
Inathrillingencounter,the Demerara female academy defeated the Berbice female academy25-22 19-25,14-16
Demerara females received the winning trophy andmedals TheMVPwentto Saskia Butters of the DemeraraAcademy
Theseniorfemaleplayoff saw CBB defeating Berbice Females25-19,25-22inabest
ofthreeplayoffs Thewinning trophywenttoCBBwhilethe MVPwasawardedtoEureka DennisofCBB
Presentations were made by Mr Yannick Fingall, president of the Berbice Volleyball Association, Mr Rodney Fredericks, president of the Demerara Volleyball Association, Miss Leame Davis, Demerara academy coach. Prizes came with the complimentsoftheNational Sports Commission and GVF President. The turnout
comments made about
Guyanese senior c y c l i n g championBriton John followed up his stellar performance at the 2024 Independence Three-Stage Road Race (Guyana) with another remarkable display at the Second Edition of Grand Prix De L’Ouest Guyanais Four-Stage Road Race event on Saturday in Suriname.
Johnpoweredhiswayto victory with a blistering performanceinthefirststage oftheGrandPrixFour-Stage event.Thestage,spanninga demanding 90 miles from SurinametoAlbina,featured
intense competition, but John emerged victorious, demonstrating his exceptional prowess and determination.
Team Guyana played a pivotal role in John’s success, executing a wellcoordinated effort to secure hispathtovictory Their teamwork and dedication were evident as they provided crucial support and strategic guidance, enabling John to maintain his lead and cross the finish line ahead of his rivals.
This triumph is a significant milestone for
John in Suriname.
Chelsea Edghill’s ‘Wild Card’selection for the Paris Olympicscameasasurprise to the country’s highestranked table tennis player, but she’s grateful for the opportunity to compete for the second time at the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) flagship event. The Olympics run from July 26 to August 10 and are considered a oncein-a-lifetimeopportunityfor many athletes, but for Edghill, this will be her secondexperience.
both Briton John and Team Guyana, underscoring their d o m i n a n c e i n t h e competitive world of cycling The United We Stand Cycle Club has ex
t congratulations to Briton John for his outstanding performance and to Team Guyanafortheirexceptional effort and teamwork that c
victory Meanwhile, the eventconcludedyesterdayin Albina,Cayenne,detailswill be provided as soon as it is made available to this publication.
Edghillnarrowlymissed outonqualifyingduringher Olympic quest in a sevengame thriller against Estella Crespo of Cuba at the International Table Tennis Federation(ITTF)Americas Pan American qualification event,heldfromMay14-18 inLima,Peru.
However, the IOC and theITTFofferedEdghillthe only female Tripartite CommissionInvitationspot, making her the only player from the English-speaking Caribbean to qualify for the ParisOlympicGames.
“I’mhappytoqualifyfor the Olympics; it was really unexpected…giventhekind ofyearsthatI’vehadleading up to the Olympics, it was really unexpected, but overallI’mverygratefuland still humble for the
FLASHBACK! Guyana’s Chelsea Edghill in action during her women’s table tennis singles preliminary round match against Fiji’s Sally Yee at the 2020 Summer Olympics, in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo: AP)
opportunity to represent GuyanaattheOlympics,”an elatedEdghillstated.
At the Tokyo Olympics, Chelsea Edghill became the first Guyanese and the only female player from the English-speaking region to qualify for the Olympics sincetabletenniswasadded to the list of disciplines in 1988 Edghill had an impressive showing at the Tokyo Games, captivating Guyana and the Caribbean region when she defeated two-time Olympian Sally Yee of Fiji 4-1 (11-5, 4-11, 11-3, 11-6, 11-8) in a commanding debut performance in the
preliminaryround. She progressed to the main draw but lost to South Korea’s Shin Yu-bin in the Women’s Singles at the Tokyo Olympic Games, withscoresof11-7,11-8,117, 12-10. Meanwhile, in a release from the Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA), it was noted that Shamar Britton was also a keycandidateforawildcard spot,givenhisperformances in international competition during the qualification period from June 2023 to June2024.However,hewas unable to attend the qualificationeventsdueto (Continuedonpage21)
The Golden Jaguars are set to roar today against Belize in Barbados at 6:00 pm, in what Coach Jamaal Shabazz describes as a crucialencounter
“Each game brings its
own challenges, and different match-ups,” Head Coach Jamaal Shabazz told Kaieteur News exclusively on the eve of his side’s important match against the CentralAmericanteam.
“Belize and Guyana has history and it’s important that we play with intensity and desire,” Shabazz said, pointingtotheirlastmeeting in March 2019 at the National Track and Field Centre, where Neil Danns and Emmery Welshman scoredtosecurea2-1victory for the Golden Jaguars, helping them qualify for the 2019 CONCACAF Gold Cupforthefirsttime.
Their first meeting, an international friendly in 2002, saw Belize emerge victoriouswitha3-1win.
Shabazz and the Golden Jaguars began their 2026
World Cup qualifier campaign with a defeat against Panama in Panama City on June 6, following back-to-back second-half goalsfromCristianMartínez andJoséLuisRodríguez.
However, the Golden Jaguars are determined to bounceback,especiallyafter Nicaragua’s4-0victoryover BelizeonSaturday
FLASHBACK! Part of the action between Guyana and Panama during their 2026 World Cup qualifier match on June 6 in Panama City
“We have already put Panama behind us and the lads are focused on Belize,” Shabazz said, “at this point, itisthemostimportantgame ofourlives.”
In the game against Panama, Coach Jamaal Shabazz started with Chicago Fire FC forward
Omari Glasgow up front, alongside Nathan MoriahWelsh, Stephens DukeMcKenna,ElliotBonds,and NathanFerguson.
Defensively, Shabazz relied on Liam Gordon,
Terrence Vancooten, Jalen Jones, Curtez Kellman, and Leo Lovell Quillan Williams stood between the uprights.
Kadell Daniel, Kelsey Benjamin, and Deon Moore were the substitutes used in the game, but Shabazz may opt to include Seattle Sounders forward Osaze De Rosario and Terique Mohammed in the line-up today