The recent report by the will result in 8 billionbarrels In her earlier comments, InternationalEnergyAgency of oil a day that nobody the Attorney-at-Law noted (IEA)thatthedemandforoil wants.” thatJune14,2024marked25 is expected to slow in the Consequently, Janki yearssinceformerPresident, comingyearswiththeglobal pointed out that the country Janet Jagan signed an “over-
national coffers rather than shift to cleaner energy could be left with stranded generous” Petroleum fatten the pockets of the oil thereby reducing oil prices assets, including oil wells Agreement with Esso companies. willnodoubthaveanegative that will cost US-billions to Exploration and Production
In three separate reports impact on Guyana’s safelyshutdown. Guyana Limited- now dated 2017, 2019 and 2019, burgeoning petroleum To this end, the Lawyer ExxonMobil Guyana the International Monetary sector questionedthegovernment’s Limited (EMGL). Notably, a Fund (IMF) stated: “This International award- business plan and existence number of the provisions in asymmetrical treatment of winning Attorney-at-Law, o f a m o d e l w h i c h that agreement made its way profit and cost oil will Melinda Janki, in a letter demonstrates oil production intothe2016oilcontractthat benefit the contractor at the shared with Kaieteur News, is beneficial for Guyana’s now governs the oil-rich expense of delaying highlighted the financial economy or financially Stabroek Block, operated by governmentrevenue.” implicationsthiscanhaveon viable. Exxon. Meanwhile, the United Guyana. She was careful to also Lackinghoweverisakey Nations Development She reasoned, “It is very include the imminent gas clause to ensure the country Programme (UNDP), along hard to give up the dream of sector in her analysis, benefits early on from the with another international oil wealth for Guyana but arguing, “The proposed gas revenues generated from the itself, and would enable the The contract stipulates expert, Chatham House and surely the time has come to project has no financial sector
countrytobenefitfrommore that a whopping 75 percent the World Bank called on f a c e r e a l i t y T h e justification and it will make Thisprovision,knownas profits after the cost of the of the monthly revenues are Guyana to include a ringInternationalEnergyAgency Guyana dependent on ring-fencing,wouldmandate development has been to be deducted as costs to fencing provision for each predicts that overproduction ExxonMobilforelectricity.” each oil project to pay for cleared. repay the companies’ project. shareholders, while the Painting a more graphic remaining proceeds are split picture in one his reports on as profits equally with Guyana was Director of Guyana. Financial Analysis for the In the absence of a ring-
- The Ministry of
, Health has signed several HUIAQI Health Service, M e m o r a n d a o f Eureka Medical Laboratory Understanding (MOU) with andBalwantSinghHospital a number of healthcare
Health Minister, Dr Frank Anthony
“I think what is also very providers to ramp up important here is that for the Cervical Cancer testing and first time, we are working promote eye care among the with such a large private vulnerable. sector group, and while we
The ministry has
partnered with the private difficulty, we would all have sector to ensure that a wide to work on building this cross-section of society relationship together,” he b
said. initiatives, which are set to
The minister added, roll out on Tuesday and “The other thing that we’ll Fridayinthenewweek. try to do as we roll out this
Recognising that early
detection is important, $2.8
billion has been earmarked of eliminating cervical time.
different points in time to provide women between ca
fencing provision, the Economics and Financial companies have authority to Analysis (IEEFA), Tom use the income from Sanzillo. producing oil projects to pay The IEEFA estimated for other projects that are yet that Guyana should receive tocommenceproducingoil. upward of $6 billion The country was annually by 2028 or sooner, encouraged on multiple however, the organization occasions by various believes that due to all of the organizations to ring-fence new costs, Guyana will be the projects to allow shortchanged until the revenues to flow to the 2030’s,ifnotlonger
Cervical Cancer testing where we’ll ask you to come the ages of 21 to 65 with an government is aiming to vouchers are valid at New sothatifthere’sany $8,0000 voucher; women screen211,000women. Vision Medical Centre, (Continued on page 9) a r e f o u n d t o b e “Theministry,inallofits predominantly diagnosed deliberations, we came up withthistypeofcancer with a very simplealgorithm These vouchers are where we will start, firstly, intended to meet the cost of with HPV testing and that’s cervical testing and are why our partners are here redeemable at five private today,”shepointedout. institutions: New Vision Speaking at the signing Medical Centre, Woodlands ceremony also was the Limited, HUIAQI Health Health Minister, Dr Frank Service, Eureka Medical Anthony, who underscored Laboratory and Balwant thecriticalroleoftheprivate SinghHospital. sector in the government’s According to the aimoframpinguptestingfor D i r e c t o r o f N o n - cervicalcancer
Communicable Diseases at He went on to stress that the Ministry of Health, Dr for the system to function Latchmie Lall, in keeping efficiently, both partners with the World Health must cooperate and fulfil Organisation (WHO) target their respective roles on
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Oneofthedistinctiveelementsofthispublication’sdaily output over the years has been the relentless focus of corruption in Guyana. This has incurred the wrath of more than one government Over the years, national leaders have never ceased in their efforts to disagree with allegations and reports of massive corruption Leadership disagreement has beenvicious,withlittleenergysparedtogoaftercorruptplayers and the costly practices that have resulted. Like a cancer, corruption has infiltrated and then spread across Guyana, sickeningtheentiresociety NowtheUSDepartmentofthe Treasury,throughoneofitsmostpotentarms,theOfficeof Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) has blown the lid off the pretensesofthePPPCGovernment.
Three prominent Guyanese have been named in a damning array of activities that have one common thread. As released publicly by OFAC, it is corruption, with corruption in government business, and corrupt actions involvingprivateparties Sofar,otherthan“nocomment”little elsehasbeensaidbythetwoprivateindividualsnamed There aregoingtohavetodoawholelotmorethanthattersetwo-word statement to clear the air, or mount whatever defense is possibleinthecircumstancestoremovethetaintsagainsttheir names WenotethattheOFACreleaseissosweepingthatmany moreinthiscountrycouldbedrawnintothevortexofwhat isnowunfolding. Manynamescouldbecalled,andifthere is a professional and thorough local investigation, not just headswillrollbutthiscouldverywellreachdeepandhigh intotheGuyanaGovernment. Amongtheareaspinpointed are customs, gold trading and exports, foreign exchange operations (cambios), and government procurement, and withrepeatedreferencesto“governmentofficials.”
Relative to the government official fingered, there are few with more power than a Permanent Secretary (PS). They are the administrative and operational heads of large ministries,andoftenwithconsiderablesayinhowtaxpayer money is spent. The PPPC Governmenthas reactedto the OFAC’sallegationswithseemingvigoranddetermination, withthePSimmediatelysentonleave. Itreallydidn’thave muchchoice. Whatfollowsnextwillrevealthegenuineness of this government to get to the bottom of what is called a corruptionnetworkanddismantleit ThePPPCGovernment is faced with a dilemma, however Some of its own highlevel people have close links to all three of the Guyanese identified by OFAC. In both political and public service circles,therecouldbeabloodbath,withmanyensnared,but only if there is a professional and credible investigation. The odds of that occurring are not too encouraging, when this government’s record is weighed. It has been found severelywantingandsuspectinthepast,andthereisscant confidence that much will be different in this instance. There is simply too much at stake for an investigation that drillsthroughallthelayersandwebstobeallowedthefreest rein. Being very skilled in the public relations game, the governmentisonrecordascallingfortheUSGovernment(OFAC andothers)toshareinformationonthethreeindividualsthatwere spotlighted The response of the US investigative authorities wouldindicatehowmuchtheyarepreparedtogivetoGuyana. Theissueisoneoftrust,withfearsbytheUSthatintelligenceand evidencedisclosedcouldhamperitsongoingworkhereandreach intothehandsofthosenamed.Weatthispaperassertthatsuchfears arereasonableandlegitimate,forthelocalfieldofcorruptionisthat fertile Thisisthebleakstatetowhichmattersinvolvingofficial corruptionhasdeterioratedinGuyana TheordinaryGuyanese hasastrongperceptionthatcorruptionisstranglingthiscountry, but little else US officials have warned in nuanced diplomaticlanguagethatthereisadireneedforseriouswork to be initiated to address the damage of widespread corruption, which is evident in the OFAC release. The realityinGuyanaisthattherehavebeenalmostzerocharges laid and prosecutions following for glaring breaches of the law when the friends and agents of the PPPC Government areinvolved. Interestingtimesareahead.
I have filed all my returns with the
Ithasbeenbroughttomy attention that “Dr.” Jagdeo, at his most recent press conference (13 6 24), has alludedtothefactthatImay not have been declaring my assets.Hesaid:“Youshould ask Trotman and those officials whether they declared their assets and what they were doing in
those three years” The answer is “yes”, we did file returns.
Fortheavoidanceofany doubt,pleaseletmesaythat before, during, and after my tenure as a Minister of Government, I filed all returns with the Integrity Commission.
I was most sensitive to the nature of my job as
Minister of Natural
Resources and ensured that returnsweredulyfiled;even in the three years when the Commission was not properlyconstituted.
I have the receipts to provethisandamaskingthe Integrity Commission to cooperate and say whether this is not so, and whether my name has ever been
published for being in default.
On the other matter of gold smuggling, and my involvement with the US government, which Jagdeo wasfulminatingabout,Iwill giveafullerresponsesoon.
Please give this letter widepublication.
Sincerely, RaphaelTrotman
Politicians need to stop being spiteful and vindictive and serve the country
Once again teachers are on strike because of the government’s refusal to engage in a genuine negotiating process with their union. Teachers are asking for salary increases which the government is refusingtogive.
Teachers are being forced to live on starvation money while our Vice President proudly and pompously announced that the government is considering spending seven hundred thousand dollars ($700,000) to send children toprivateschools.Ofcourse, the brilliant Vice-President has not shown how the private schools will accommodate the publicschool population of children,norhashesaidhow long the government would bepreparedtopaythefees. Is the VP next going to
threaten to recruit teachers internationally, and pay wages that the government refuses to pay our teachers?
This suggestion of paying privateschoolsisanattempt to pit parents against teachers; It’s a way of threatening people who standupfortheirrights.
It’s a way of using poor people because a lot of poor peoplewouldliketobeable to send their children to private school because they feel that the private schools are better than the governmentschools.
Why should we be in a situation to want our children to go to private school when there are government schools that shouldbeperformingwell?
Iftheargumentisthatour teachers are not performing wellwhyisthatso?Isitthat they don’t have the necessary resources to
Teachers (who are mainly women) are more than just instructors to our children. They perform the job of care giving /guardianship.
This is work that goes un-noticed and is unwaged. Teachers deserve to be treated with honour and not the gross disrespect that is beingflungintheirfaces.
We challenge the same people who determine what salary is adequate for poor people to live on per month, to take that same salary and let us know how they manage.
Whyisitthattherichand powerful, always look for waystoexploitpoorpeople?
After the seven hundred thousandisusedupwhatare parentssupposedtodonext?
It’s time that the powerful/ politicians stop using poor people as bait to do
It’s shameful that the VicePresidentcouldsaythat “you can’t be teaching our children anymore with two CXC…(CSEC)…”.
Who is taking them in andwhyinthefirstplaceyou takethemin?
Isn’t it your duty to ensure that the teachers are well equipped to teach our children?
Isn’titimportant/wiseto spend money on teachers’ education so that they could giveabettereducationtothe students? It is time we stop playing politics with people’slives.
Poor people are always the ones to suffer the most. Politiciansneedtogetitright and they need to stop being spiteful and vindictive and do what they are elected to do which is to serve this country RedThread
Talk out about corruption!
DEAREDITOR, If I missed it please pardonme,butthePresident is yet to comment on the listing of several prominent Guyanese and their businesses.
The silence is defining and rings of another failure byAli.
The media has indicated that the Minister of Finance and the Guyana Revenue Authority have dispatched letters to the US requesting detailedinformationintothe financial improprieties by the persons and businesses thatwerelisted.
ThistellsyouthattheAli administrationgotcaughtoff guard and was totally
unaware of what was going on, oh yeah! like that is believable.
They were aware but was hoping that this day wouldnotcome.
Whatisevidentisthatthe US doesn’t trust Guyanese Authorities including law enforcement officials that should have know what was goingon.
Why is the Minister of Finance requesting informationonsuchmatters, doeshehavethepowersand capabilities to investigate suchmatters?
Everyone in Guyana knows that this current government and every government in the past is
corrupt, what this OFAC notice does is confirm this for the current Ali Administrationandheisyet toaddressit.
OFAC has done somethingandweshouldbe encouraged that someone out there cares, so now all Guyanesethathaveaccessto information should stop wasting their time on social media,stopquittingbecause you can’t bear to see the corruption in government and gather that information and send it to someone who can and will do something withit.
Ifeelthewindsofchange areblowing.
TherealityisthattheUS will never reveal what they have on these guys as they runtheriskofrevealingtheir source. And this is a key take awayforustolearnfrom.So when the government is so utterly corrupt and uncaring as has been demonstrated overandover,wherethereis unfairness and nothing is beingdone,whenourleaders areturningablindeyetothe plight of ordinary Guyanese and only concerned with their friends, associates, families,etc. those who have informationshouldsenditto someonethatcanandwilldo somethingwithit.
M.PerryDEAREDITOR, The island nation of Barbados certainly knows how to walk the talk when it formally established diplomatic relations with the State of Palestine on Tuesday,June112024(SN June13)
This move follows on the heels of its April 19 decision to recognize the
This is by no means a small decision but one which is decisive and forceful and could be the harbinger for other nations, particularly CARICOM to follow Barbados must be congratulated for leading in thismanneronthePalestine matter
The war in Gaza has gonepasteightmonthssince the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas with devastating consequences for the Palestinianpeople.
The response by the Israeli military has been severeanddisproportionate. Over 37,000 Palestinian lives were lost including a significant number of womenandchildren.
There appears to be
some light at the end of the tunnel, even though the peace process remains fragile.
A proposal by US P
n seems to be gaining some traction
The proposal calls for an immediateceasefire,the endingofhostilities,release ofallhostagesandaphased reconstructionplanforGaza which has been reduced to ruinsasaconsequenceofthe
war This is indeed a
aimed at a possible ending of the war
closest the parties have
the commencement of the
The proposal has been endorsed by the
Security Council and is
consideration by both Hamas and the Israeli authorities
The ending of the war could pave the way for a two-state solution which is the only way
ble peaceintheregion
One can only hope that good sense will prevail and an end be brought to this senseless anddebilitatingwar
Hydar Ally
Israel must end its occupation and its G7 allies must ‘move from words to action. The time for talking is done,’ Oxfam charity says.
Aljazeera - The Palestinian refugee agency of the United Nations (UNRWA) must be allowed toworkunhinderedinGaza, GroupofSeven(G7)leaders say as the wealthy nations wrappedupdaytwooftheir annualsummitinItaly
“We agree it is critical that UNRWA and other UN organisations and agencies’ distribution networks be fully able to deliver aid to those who need it most, fulfilling their mandate effectively,”G7nationssaid intheirfinalcommunique.
Theycalledforallparties to facilitate “rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for civilians in need” in Gaza, particularly women and children.
“Securing full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarianaccessinallits forms – consistent with international humanitarian law and through all relevant
land crossing points, including the Rafah crossing, through maritime delivery routes, including through Ashdod Port –throughout all of Gaza remains an absolute priority.”
U N RWA , w h i c h coordinates nearly all aid to Gaza, has been repeatedly targeted by Israel since the war on Gaza began on October7.
Intheirstatement,theG7 leaders repeated concern at the“unacceptablenumberof civilian casualties” in the war They again endorsed a truce and captive release deal.
“We are deeply
c o n c e r n e d b y t h e consequencesonthecivilian population of the ongoing ground operations in Rafah, and the possibility of a fullscale military offensive that would have further dire consequences for civilians. We call on the government
ofIsraeltorefrainfromsuch anoffensive,”itsaid.
extremist settler violence
committed against
Palestinians, which undermines security and stability in the West Bank, andthreatensprospectsfora lastingpeace.”
Theinternationalcharity Oxfam reacted to the G7 communique by saying: “IsraelanditsG7alliesmust move from words to action, implement their proposals, remove Israeli forces from Gaza, and end the occupation Hopes must become reality, the time for t a l k i n g i s d o n e ” Interactive G7 Summimt 2024_2
‘Crucial moment in history’
On Friday, the G7 nationsturnedtheirattention to migration, artificial intelligence, economic securityandtheAsia-Pacific region Their leaders stressed their determination tomeetglobalchallenges“at acrucialmomentinhistory”.
Thegatheringinaluxury resort in Italy’s southern Puglia (Apulia) region also discussedothermajortopics, suchasfinancialsupportfor Ukraine, climate change, Iran,thesituationintheRed Sea, gender equality, and China’sindustrialpolicyand economicsecurity
“We are working together and with others to address the pressing challenges of our time,” the finalcommuniquesaid.
Migration was the first topic of discussions on Friday with the leaders mulling ways to combat trafficking and increase investmentincountriesfrom whichrefugeesandmigrants start out on often lifethreateningjourneys.
Thetopicisofparticular interesttosummithostItaly, which lies on one of the major routes into the European Union for people fleeing war and poverty in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
Right-wing Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni, known for her hardline stance on migration, has been eager to increase investment and funding for African nations as a means of reducing migratory pressureonEurope.
The leaders “launched the G7 Coalition to prevent andcounterthesmugglingof migrants”, the summit’s finaldeclarationsaid,noting the seven nations would “focus on the root causes of irregular migration, efforts to enhance border management and curb
transnational organized crime, and safe and regular pathwaysformigration.”
Apart from the G7 nations of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UnitedKingdomandUnited States, the Italian hosts also invited several African leaders –Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, Kenyan President William RutoandTunisianPresident Kais Saied – to press Meloni’s migration and developmentinitiatives.
Butrightsgroupsdecried whattheysaidwasalackof ambition in support for developingcountries.
The ONE Campaign, which advocates for investment inAfrica, said it had found the G7’s and European Union’s share of aidgoingtoAfricawasatits lowestpointsince1973.
“Without any concrete action, the G7 in Italy amounts to no more than pointless platitudes,” said David McNair, executive director at the ONE Campaign Although the summit’s final statement “reflects promises of increased partnership between the G7 and Africa, there are very few specifics on what new financing, if any,willbeavailable”.
Gold smuggling come as a godsend to Jagdeo.
He doesn’t have to make himself a laughingstock.
He doesn’t have to answer questions about oil or Exxon.
OFAC is fever relief for Jagdeo.
Nothing about oil teefing
Only gold smuggling and tax evasion.
This country getting ripped off.
And Jagdeo flipping off Guyanese with gold smuggling.
Is this an oil leader?
Or is this man Jagdeo nothing but a weakling?
The Opposition has wealthiest families, the clear indication that the PPP called on the Government of Mohameds, and Mae is unwilling to and cannot Guyana (GoG) to take the Thomas, the Permanent afford to fight corruption in recent sanctions by the Secretary (PS) of the Guyana.” United States Department of Ministry of Labour The
He underscored that the Treasury’s Office of department alleges that since the incident at the Foreign Assets Control Nazar Mohamed and his son Miami Airport; Thomas (OFAC) seriously and Azruddin Mohamed have should have been placed on conduct a thorough risk been involved in various leave and subjected to an assessment to protect the corrupt activities, including investigation. country’sfinancialsystem. gold smuggling. Thomas is
“But the PPP encourages Opposition Economic accused of accepting bribes corruption, so these serious
Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton (right) and his advisor, Elson Low
Advisor Elson Low in exchange for granting the indications of potential highlightedthegravityofthe Moham
wrongdoing are always
governmentofficialsarealso navigate this crisis without sanctions during the party’s treatment and government swept under the carpet. We allegations. Notably, Nazar implicated. It is alleged that provoking further sanctions press conference on Friday, contracts. are aware that she is but the Mohamed is a PPP local customs officers accepted on any other financial underscoring the potential Thomas, who was a first of a long list of senior government representative. bribes to manipulate gold institution,”Lowsaid. implications for Guyana’s member of the People’s PPP officials who are likely
While Thomas has been i m
On April 8, 2023, financialstability Progressive Party (PPP) to face sanctions as the US named for her involvement, documents on behalf of the Thomas was detained by US
On Tuesday, OFAC C e n t r a l E x e c u t i v e policy of investigating OFAC suggests that other Mohameds.
Immigration officials at the sanctioned one of Guyana’s Committee, has since corruption in Guyana
The Opposition claims Miami InternationalAirport, continues,”Lowadded. that the scandal involves and her US visa was Moreover, in a move to high-ranking government subsequently revoked safeguard the country’s officials and has called on Following the incident, she financial system, Vice President Irfaan Ali to was transferred from her President (VP) Bharrat address the issue Low positionasPSattheMinistry J
eo on Thursday stated, “His silence is of Home Affairs to the disclosed that the Bank of deafening President Ali MinistryofLabour Guyana (BoG) will be has to man up and let us hear The OFAC alleged that, revoking the licence of fromhim.” in exchange for cash Confidential Cambio, which
The Opposition has payments and high-value isownedbytheMohameds. urgedthegovernmenttotake gifts, Thomas misused her Shortly after the Vice the sanctions seriously and position at the Ministry of P
act within the bounds of the Home Affairs to influence announcement, the Central law to root out corruption the awarding of official Bank published a notice involving other members of contracts and the approval informing the public of the thepartyorgovernment. processes for weapon revocation of the licence of
Speaking for the State of Palestine,
Antigua and Barbuda and the State of interferenceintheirinternalaffairs. Palestine on Friday signed an agreement, Foreign Minister Greene highlighted the establishing diplomatic relations between agreement’s importance, stating: “We are thetwocountries. pleased to enhance cooperation with the The agreement was signed in New York State of Palestine as a step towards global byAntigua and Barbuda’s Foreign Minister, peace and to find lasting solutions to E Paul Chet Greene and Palestine’s conflicts that secure the well-being of the Ambassador with Ministerial rank, Dr peopleofPalestineandallnations.” RiyadMansour
According to a statement issued by Sir Minster Mansour stressed “the readiness of RonaldSanders,AmbassadorofAntiguaand theStateofPalestinetodeepenitsfriendship Barbuda to the US and the OAS, both and strengthen its cooperation with Antigua officials reaffirmed their countries and Barbuda across all fields to advance adherenceandcommitmenttotheprinciples peaceandsecuritytowhichweallaspireand and purposes enshrined in the Charter of the deserve”. United Nations and the provisions of This agreement will be formally international law, particularly in the transmitted to the Secretary-General of the promotion of international peace and United Nations, marking a significant security, respect for the sovereignty and milestone in the diplomatic efforts of both independence of States, and non- countries,thestatementconcluded.
“We also urge the permits and passports on ConfidentialCambiolocated government to carry out a behalf of Mohamed’s at Lot 29 Lombard Street riskassessment,sothatitcan Enterprise. Werk-en-Rust,Georgetown. advise Guyana’s financial Commenting on the Jagdeo also disclosed institutions on an orderly situation, Low said, “This that the Government of way to approach these has been long in the making, Guyana (GoG) made contact sanctions. The PPP, through with Thomas being detained with the Central Bank and negligence and further by US law enforcement the Financial Intelligence corruption, must not turn its personnel last year was the Unit (FIU) and requested a face from a threat to the most recent warning that the report on the implications of entire local financial system. PPP was aware, complicit the sanctions on the We need to carefully with and protected her, a country’sfinancialsystem.
As is now public knowledge, the United States government has imposed sanctions against two members of a Guyanese family and its associated companies and has warned that entities or individuals that do business with the designated local company and principals are liable to besubjecttosanctions.
One of the blacklisted companiesisinvolvedinthe
local financial sector It trades in foreign currency From all accounts it is a significant player in that sector
In response to the sanctions imposed by the United States, the government of Guyana, acting it says upon advice, announced that it will be revoking the licence of the local company to operate a cambio. The Bank of Guyana has since published
a notification announcing the revocation The government says that it did so to protect the country’s financialsector
It was improper for a politician to make that announcement This decision is a regulatory one and should not have been announced by a political operative. The decision to revoke is a statutory power that lies with the banking regulator, the Bank of
Frompage3 difficulty, any challenges that you’re finding, maybe you’re not responding in time or whatever it is, that we’ll be able to pick these thingsupandfixthembefore they become a major problem.”
In relation to the
National Eye-care Programme, a $3,000 voucher will be provided to persons in need of an eye test. Subsequently, if they requireaspectacle,theywill receivea$15,000voucher
“Wearenotcoveringthe full cost we are only contributing $15,000 to that
cost When you do the screening, if you find that they have other types of problems that cannot be rectified with the spectacles…whether it’s a cataract or something else, then we can then put them through a different programme,” the minister stressed.
These eyecare vouchers are valid at Da Silva’s Optical, Miracle Vision Care, Regina’s Optical, Courts Optical, Optique Vision Care, Dr Balwant Singh Hospital, DoobayGafoor Medical & Research Centre, Eye Max Optical,
Bhagwan’s Optical, Optical Works, Mings Optical and EyeCareGuyana.
Miracle Optical, Modern Optical, Sears 20/20Vision, Optiek Ninon Guyana, Len’s Optical Designers, Woodlands Limited, Optical World, Express Optical, Eyewear Optical, Revision Optical, SheriffGeneralHospitaland Da Silva’s House of Optics are also approved institutions.
Some $840 million has been earmarked in the national budget for the eye tests and $995 million to subsidisespectaclescost
Yuh ever walk through Georgetown and feel like you in one episode of “Begging Wars”? As soon as you step out yuh house, you meet dem professional beggars with dey readymade lines, “Leff somethingnuh,”“Yuhgata raise fuh me?” and the classic, “Wah yuh gat fuh yuhboy?”
But lemme tell yuh a trick dem boys discover Whendembeggarsspotme, Idoesswitchupdegame.I start beggin’ dem before dem even get to open dem mouth. “Buddy, yuh got a raise fuh me?” “Leff a lil something fuh a hungry man,nah?” I does beat dem to de draw Yuh should see de shockpondemface!Islike dem seh, “Wait, who beg whohere?”Demdoesgetso confuse, dem just mumble something and walk away quick,quick. Now, yuh might think this beggar epidemic is de worsttingindecountry,but hold on tight. We got a governmentthatcouldgive dem street-side beggars a
Guyana The Bank only needs to consult with the Minister, not obtain the consent of the Minister However, another issue arises, a fundamental issue. The withdrawal of the license represents a deprivationofproperty And this is not allowed by the ConstitutionofGuyana. The Constitution of Guyana guards against the deprivation of property. Article 142 provides that, “No property of any d
n possession of, and no interest in or right over property of any description shall be compulsorily acquired,exceptbyorunder theauthorityofawrittenlaw
and where provision applying to that taking of possession or acquisition is made by a written law requiring the prompt payment of adequate compensation.” The CCJ in Bisnauth v Shewprashad (2009) had noted that Section 142(1) of the Const
tution cl
ly considers the protection fromarbitrarydeprivationof property as a fundamental right worthy of the highest formofjudicialrelief.
We is an an oil-rich economy,supposedtobede fastest growin’in de world, and yet, de government got abeggin’addictiondatmek demstreethustlerslooklike amateurs.
Every time yuh blink, demdonegonebeggingfuh another loan. And hear dis part good, dem ain’t even decide what dem gon do widdemoneyyet! Islikedemseh,“Lehwe tek de loan first, then we gon figure out de rest.”
Signing agreements like dem giving out autographs, andwhenyuhaskdemwhat de loan for, dem scratch dem head and say, “Well, we still working on dat part.”
Dem boys seh, if impulsive borrowing was an Olympic sport, our government woulda win goldmedal.Inonehand,we got oil pumping out de ground like water from a standpipe, and in de other hand,wegotdegovernment stretchingoutdemhandlike dem miss de memo about beingrich.
Derealjokeiswhenyuh see dem ministers in fancy suits, smiling wide fuh de cameras while signing dem loan documents Yuh woulda swear dem celebrating some big achievement.Butwhenyuh ask dem bout de plans fuh de money, is like asking a teenager what dem gon do afterschool–plentytalkbut norealanswers.
We got de fastest growing economy, but it look like we developing a world-class skill in begging. Maybe we should openaBeggingAcademy–train de next generation to perfect de art. We could even export de talent, since weapparentlysogoodatit.
So next time yuh walkingdowndestreetand one of dem beggars approach yuh, remember yuh secret weapon. Beg dem first and watch de confusion unfold And when yuh hear de government sign another loan, just smile and seh, “Ah, de begging tradition stronginthisone.”
foreign currency can be considered“property”under the Constitution.As such, it is protected from unlawful deprivationbytheState.
In legal terms, property encompassesawiderangeof intereststhatincludenotjust tangible assets, but also intangible rights and privileges.Alicensegranted bythegovernmenttoengage in financial transactions and currency exchange represents a valuable economic interest, conferring upon the holder the right to conduct specific businessactivities.
This license is often o b t a i n e d t h r o u g h considerable investment of time,money,andeffort,and it is crucial for the holder’s ability to earn a livelihood. Deprivationofsuchalicense would effectively strip the holder of this economic benefit, which can be equated to taking away a physicalasset.
revocation when no such hearing has been given and theconditionsforrevocation areabsent.
A legal conundrum therefore exists as regards revoking the license. But there are also the wider economic interests of the country’s financial sector towards which the United States and its extraterritorial sanctions were insensitive.
Protection against deprivation of property, as with all rights, is subject to exceptions But none of those exceptions provided for under the Constitution gives the government the right to deprive someone of propertybecauseofanedict from the United States that hasextra-territorialeffect.
A license to transact financialbusiness,including the buying and selling of
In fact, the Dealers in Foreign Currency Act only provides two conditions underwhichthegovernment canrevokeacambiolicense: contravention of the conditionsoflicenseornonoperation for a period of six months or more. None of these conditions presently existandassuchtheBankof Guyana has no legal limb upon which to revoke the cambiolicenceoftheblacklistedentity Further,thesaid DealersinForeignCurrency Act require that before a license is revoked a hearing must be afforded to the dealer This is why it was inappropriateandmisguided foranannouncementtohave beenmadeabouttheplanned
For one, the company involved is a significant trader – both buying and selling - in the country’s foreign exchange market. The company is not only a major buyer of foreign exchangebutisalsoamajor trader Removingitfromthe tradeinforeigncurrencycan lead to instability in the market or push substantial trading underground. And we know what happens when this occurs As much as the government may wish to demonstrate responsiveness to United States concerns, it has to do so within the laws of Guyana.
Given the sanctions in place, Guyana is in uncharted territory but even thatinitselfdoesnotgivethe government to right to violatetheConstitution,and itsownotherlaws,byacting arbitrarily
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
There have been ongoing leadership perversities and committed, for its members don’t Against this bleak backdrop-or widespread laments about the tyrannies, that is Now, the have much choice, and when they probably because of it-there has presence of a viable political judiciaryisunderfire. AndIpassed look abroad, they are forced to run been some talk about, much oppositioninGuyana. Evenasitis something on the way (to which I for cover The receptionthat is due watching for, the arrival of some local political milieu next year is painful to agree with such havepaidscantattention)involving to all citizens is strained and chilly, new political groups, a possible not as comforting as it should be. assessments, there is a still bigger NGOs. A newspaper or two, a ifnothostile,giventhestainoftheir leadership challenger coming from There is that small matter about issuethatGuyanesecouldbeforced c o u p l e o f w r i t e r s a n d affiliation. overthehorizon. Myvoteisstillin credibility, what their real to confront. I present this in the commentators or so, and the Hence, they are stuck with the my sock, and that is where I stand. objectivesare(moreonthisanother form of a question: come next year, occasional fence sitter breaking devil that they know; it is the But as the PPP is aware and other time). is this country going to have any ranks and having a say, are not Hobson’s choice that they face. As Guyanese,allittakesistwotothree Of course, the first word will be politicaloppositionatall? Onethat goingtomakemuchofadifference if disenchantment and disillusion seats, and a showstopper and the people and their interests is potent, a group that is palpable inthebiggerpicture. are not undesired dunce caps, now difference maker could be born. Whoever falls for that line should and represents something? There Together they should not be there is dissension in the umbrella But only if he or she holds fast to be sent on a suicide mission. So, are citizens thirsting for such seen, do not have the muscle, nor group about who could do what, principles as stated in the public with the current biggest opposition meaningful representation, but the following, of a political and where the source of power arena. IdonotthinkthatthePPPis tryingtofinditself,wheredoesthat what is present today seems to be opposition of substance. There is really is. In other words, at the in danger of a winner riding into leave Guyanese? There are three disintegrating from the inside. On no substitute for a formidable worst time possible, there is a town. Butitsleadershipispetrified choices,bymythinking. each occasion that it appears to be political opposition As public spat that threatens to rent of what a three-seat lawmaker cum Stick to what they have known getting its act together, preparing a meaningful as a broad-based and asunderwhatisafragilecoalitionto agitator aka slow walker and andsupported,comewhatmay Or program of action, it falls apart. It committed civil society presence begin with, one that is shakier by troublemaker could signify for its catch the next flight out. Or find is mesmerizing to observe, more could be, it still is far from what a the day This is not good for runaway train. The PPPleadership some way to make themselves troublingtoabsorb. sturdy opposition could and must Guyanese. There is a distinctive may not be losing sleep over a smell like roses to the people who For the millionth time, Guyana exemplify one-party, one-man, dictatorship potential usurper, but the thought is say that they are the best. There is needs a credible opposition Frankly, whenever trusting that is all but publicly declared. definitely causing the loss of hair still a fourth option: be like me and Perhaps, the country itself doesn’t, Guyanese believe that they have Why contribute to making it and weight. If the specter of three afewothers,andspitinthefacesof but the Guyanese people urgently one, they end up questioning official? In some respects, it could seats could be responsible for so the political fiends and frauds that need one. If not, the democracy themselves about what it is they be argued that whether the much animosity from the ruling speak about democracy, free and that supposedly creeps along by trulyhave. ThePNCisstilltrapped opposition, as currently party’s baleful leadership, it fair,andconstitutionalrights. yanks and yowls gets crushed. inthethroesof2020. Now,thereis constituted, holds together, or goes follows that there is much that they (The views expressed in this There is the media Public the sense of some disenchantment in different directions, it really could lose, including possibly their article are those of the author and institutions should be bulwarks of with the group, growing doesn’t matter, so weak and freedomandaccumulations. do not necessarily reflect the protection, of significant presence, disillusionment with the uninspiring it has been, even to its Speaking for myself, the opinions and beliefs of this butaremoreofperversity Political leadership. Thecoreisstillheavily mostdevoted. participation of new faces in the newspaper and its affiliates.)
TheGovernmentof gas turbines that would be
have written to the Chair of that the Government of G u y a n a i s installed. the United States Export- Guyana will build the Gas to considering the “We don’t know if it’s Import Bank (US-EXIM), Shoreprojectwithorwithout
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeou s e o f technicallyfeasible as yet, to Reta Jo Lewis demanding the approval of the loan it containerized gas to power take the power off the the financial institution not applied for from the United Bartica, Essequibo, Linden pipeline and containerize to fund the controversial States Export Import Bank and Lethem This was them and move them into Gas-to-Energy (GTE) (USEXIMBank). revealed by Vice President these areas so we can supply project being pursued by the The VPwas asked by the (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo on these areas that are not Government of Guyana media to give an update on Thursdayathisweeklypress connected with the (GoG). the current state of the talks conferenceheldattheOffice Demerara Berbice Grid that
Since April 2023, it was in relation to the loan’s ofthePresident. weather we can supply those revealed that Guyana approval and at which stage While giving an update areas using gas as a fuel, applied to the US EXIM it was at currently He said on projects that were on the because even when we BankforaUS$646Mloanto thattheissuewasbeingdealt drawing board, to address complete this project we still support the Natural Gas with by the Guyana embassy electricity and the upgrading have to supply those areas Liquids (NGL) facility and intheU.S. of the grid to facilitate the with to ‘bunker C’ or find the 300-megawatt gas-fired Jagdeo explained that, Gas-to-Energy project when other sources,” the VP too.” “
a n t - t w o “The last report I got from it comes on-stream, Jagdeo explained.
Further, the government increasing the price of components of the venture. Ashni Singh they have been said that, “We are exploring Additionally, since willbemovingtoparliament electricity in another To date, the application has dealing with this from our using some of the gas to Linden is off the grid before the recess to have a country they would have n
Embassy there is that it’s move (gas) turbines into currently the government is supplementary of US$66M increased the price of According to a letter from being prepared at the Bartica, Essequibo Coast, “thinking about eventually approved for the Guyana electricity So that means 16,452 members of Friends technical level. They came Lethem, Linden So moving a transmission main PowerandLight(GPL)tobe before the end of the year, of the Earth United States, a they did the environmental eventually if it’s technically up there which is going to be abletosubsidizeelectricity we’ll go to Parliament for a n o n - g
l assessment on their own so feasible we have some good costly and then power the The VP said that on supplementary of US$66M organization, the project is that was a good thing that priceoffers.” highway from there Wednesday, he was
ng both a disaster for Guyana they came because of the
Theplanistotakethegas (Linden). But we have now informed that there is a need electricity,”headded. andtheclimate. attemptbytheselocalpeople from the pipeline and looked at taking a big new for US$66M as what the It important to note that However, the VP at his linking up with foreign containerizeonceitisproven transmission main up to GPL budgeted for did not morethan16,000Americans June 6 press conference said NGO’stotrytoblockit.” feasible to do so, so that it Berbice so they are on the cater for the fuel price canbeavailableforuseinthe drawing board for that one increases.
Four men armed with a gun on Friday him and held him at gunpoint They reportedlyrobbedacontractorofhis$20,000 reportedly grabbed his shades and also Ray-Ban shades and $10,000 cash while he relieved him of the cash. The contractor was building a house in Surbryanville, recalled the men discharging a round before Georgetown. making good their escape. The matter was
Police said the victim is a resident of reported to the police and investigators have AlexanderVillage,Georgetown. managedtoapprehendoneofthesuspects.
The robbery occurred at around 11:30h A spent shell from the scene was also and according to the victim, he was working recovered. on the house when the gunmen walked up to Investigationsareongoing.
The 27-year-old gold miner who confessed to beheading the mother of his child, Paulette Edwards, at Port Kaituma, North West District, Region One was on Friday charged with murder andremandedtoprison.
The accused, Silos France made his first court appearance virtually at the Port Kaituma Police Station
b e f o r e M
e Robindranauth Singh, where the capital offence charge was read to him. He Edwards was last seen him, causing him to be was not required to plead to alive on June 4 with France. locked up. He also alleged theindictableoffence. Residents allege that the thatthevictimwasaboutthe France reportedly killed miner was beating Edwards community drunk in the EdwardsbetweenJune4and on the said date after which presence of their daughter 7. Her headless, nude and he reportedly fled the area. The miner reportedly told decomposing body was He was identified as a law enforcement officers found on June 7 among a personofinterest. that he threw the weapon he clump of bushes in a On Monday, France used to kill Edwards into the swampedareainthevicinity surrendered at the Baramita Port Kaituma River Efforts of Cat Walk, Port Kaituma. Police Station and are being made to recover On June 8, police found the reportedly told investigators theweaponfromtheriver woman’s severed head and that he killed Edwards France is scheduled to was able to confirm her because she made several return to court on August 6, identity reports to the police about 2024.
Offshore Technology -
The Nigerian National P
eum Company (NNPC) has withdrawn its l
w s u i t a g a i n s t ExxonMobil’s planned sale ofoilandgasassetstoSeplat E
NNPC’sdecisionclearsa struck in February 2022, majordomesticgassupplier roadblock that prevented the entailed ExxonMobil selling However, the deal’s conclusionofthedeal. its stake in Mobil Producing finalisation is subject to
The legal challenge was Nigeria Unlimited (MPNU) receipt of approvals from the retracted following a to Seplat Energy Offshore N
confidential agreement for $1.28bn, with up to an Petroleum Regulatory b
n NNPC and additional $300m contingent Commission and President ExxonMobillastmonth. onfutureconditions. Bola Tinubu. Parallel to this,
NNPC’s legal firm, Afe MPNU, with a 40% Shell is also awaiting Babalola, confirmed the
approval for the $1.3bn-plus withdrawal of the case from
divestment of its Nigerian a high court in Abuja via operates 300 wells and more onshore oil business to a email,thepublicationsaid. than90platforms. localconsortium,announced
The court documents, This acquisition is inJanuary. reviewed by the publication, expected to bolster Seplat Additionally, Total indicate that NNPC retains Energy’s presence in Energiesisexploringthesale the right to reactivate the Nigeria, increasing its daily of its minority stake in the lawsuitshouldthesettlement production to more than S
d Development Company of
The initial agreement, enhancing its status as a Nigeria.
T h e C a r i b b e a n Strategy and Innovation proliferation and usage of highest rates of violent IMPACS was established by s i g n e d a n I n t e rCommunity (CARICOM) (Ag.)willalsoattendaseries illicit weapons. Curbing the deathsamongwomen.” the 27th Meeting of the Governmental Agreement Implementation Agency for of side events, including: “A illegal trade of firearms and The Study also reported Conference of Heads of establishing CARICOM Crime and Security Public Health Crisis: Small their ammunition is crucial. that small arms and light Government of CARICOM IMPACS as a legal entity, (IMPACS)willparticipatein Arms Trafficking and The ease of access to illicit weapons(SALW)areusedin in July 2006, in Bird Rock, with direct responsibility for t h e F o u r t h R e v i e w Violence in the Caribbean” guns is a major driver of more than half of all St. Kitts and Nevis, as the research, monitoring and Conference of the United which will be held on 18 violence, which poses a homicides on average in the implementationarmofanew evaluation, analysis, and the Nations (UN) Programme of June2024. significant threat to ordinary Caribbean Region; in some regional architecture to preparation of background Action on Small Arms According to a statement c i
n d countries, this proportion manage CARICOM’s action documents and reports, as (RevCon4), which takes issued by CARICOM
reaches90percent.’ agenda on crime and well as project development p l a c e a t t h e U N IMPACS,thediscussionwill Caribbean.”
ABOUT CARICOM security and implementation of the Headquarters in New York, focus on the regional CARICOM team will IMPACS At this meeting, the regional crime and security United States of America characteristics of small arms also host its own side event T h e C A R I C O M Heads of Government agenda. (USA) from 17 - 28 June proliferation and its impact
g 2024. Every six years, a on public health and InnovativeRegional Review Conference sustainable development;
Mechanisms to Reduce (RevCon) is held at UN the role the public health Gun Crimes: CARICOM Headquarters to review sector can play in preventing Crime Gun Intelligence progress made in the firearms-related violence; as Unit,” on 26 June 2024, the implementation of the well as the possible focus of which will be Programme of Action to synergiesbetweenthepublic regional approaches to gun Prevent, Combat and health approach to violence crime intelligence and key Eradicate the Illicit Trade in prevention and more efforts to understand the Small Arms and Light security-focused initiatives. trafficking dynamics. This Weapons in All Its Aspects Mr Joseph will be a panelist session will also analyse the (PoA) and the International and deliver remarks on r o l e o f r e g i o n a l TracingInstrument(ITI). synergies between law organisations, such as
The third RevCon took enforcement and public CARICOM IMPACS, in placein2018andservedasa healthinterventions. implementingtheUNPoA. vital oppo
countries in all regions to importance of having Weapons Compass: The strengthen and improve CARICOM IMPACS Caribbean Firearms Study efforts to reduce the repres
ntation a
he 2023: “The Caribbean proliferation and misuse of conference, Mr. Joseph Region suffers from some of small arms and light remarked: “RevCon4 the world’s highest rates of weapons. presents a significant violent deaths, with firearms
Apart from participating opportunity for the region to used in the majority of these in the Conference, the shape global policies, crimes Although most CARICOM IMPACS team ensuring that they align with homicide victims are men, led by Mr Callixtus Joseph, the interests of CARICOM the Caribbean as a region Assistant Director - Policy, States in reducing the also faces one of the world’s
The Guyana Prison Service on Friday offered a $300,000 rewardforinformationleadingto the recapture of a Lusignan Prison escapee who has been wantedsinceMay14,2024.
The Director of Prisons, NicklonElliot,confirmedthatthe reward is being offered for any details that could aid in the capture of the fugitive, Jose Awad.
Awad escaped from the LusignanPrisononMay14,2024 while working at the snackette withinthecompoundoftheCecil Kilkenny Training School. Prior to his escape, he was serving a two-year sentence for break and entryandlarceny
Reportsindicatethatsearches arestillongoingforAwad,andhe was previously spotted in Parika, East Bank Essequibo. In relation to the investigation, Awad’s wife and mother-in-law were taken into custody, but the escapee remainsatlarge.
The public is being urged to provide any information that could assist in locating and recapturingAwad.
…says investigation went on for more than
United States Ambassador to Guyana, Nicole Theriot on Friday provided insights into the recent sanctions imposed by the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on Guyanese billionaire Nazar Mohamed, his son Azruddin MohamedandgovernmentofficialMaeThomas.
The OFAC made allegations against the Mohameds for a series of corruption – including gold smuggling. It is alleged that Thomas, the Permanent Secretarey (PS) for the Ministry of Labour, misused her position to offer benefits, like governmentcontractstotheMohameds.
On the sideline of an event at the U.S. Embassy in Georgetown, Ambassador Theriot said the sanctions, are the result of over two and a half years of investigations by US authorities.
Ambassador Theriot highlighted the gravity of the offenses that led to these sanctions. She stated, “We reserve these types of sanctions for gross levels of corruption and humanrightsabuses.”
Theriotwentontoexplainthat,“it’saveryhighbar,wedo not do this lightly This is something that we ensure that we have a preponderance of evidence before we’re ready to levy the sanctions and we had that in this case against the three individualswhoweresanctioned.”
Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh and Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Godfrey Statia have since written to the OFACrequestingadditionalinformationontheallegations.
In response to queries about sharing evidence with local authorities,Theriotexplainedthatshehadimmediatelypassed the request to the Treasury Department “I strongly recommended that they share as much of that evidence is that is unclassified or that they can share because we have a wonderful partnership with the government of Guyana,” she added.
Theriotunderscoredthatshestronglyrecommendedtoher partnersinWashingtonthattheyprovidetheGuyanese (Continued on page 23)
Works ongoing on the CANU Admin Building along Homestretch Avenue.
The reconstructed Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station.
The government of Permanent Secretary Andre Guyana is spending $421.1 Ally and the engineering million to construct a new team on Thursday, the works CustomsAnti-NarcoticsUnit on the administrative (CANU) administrative buildingstandsat23percent building on Homestretch completed, with foundation Avenue, Georgetown. DBL and ground floor casting Group was awarded the complete and steel frame contract to construct the erection due to commence building. nextweek.
During a sod turning Meanwhile,GreenPlains ceremony back in January, Enterprise which was President Irfaan Ali had awarded a $149.6 million mentioned that government projecttoconstructaculvert, is looking to build CANU, a fence, and security hut and new headquarters which will storage unit for the CANU consist of a regional building is about 60 per cent integratedsystem. completed. Works are said to He explained that this beprogressingsmoothly will allow CANU not only to Additionally, the function effectively out of MinistryofHomeAffairshas the city but to function in reported that among the every single region with projects inspected on same efficiency, same Thursday include the capability and with the same reconstruction of the Special ability to proactively work Constabulary Headquarters against those who try to o n P r i n c e s S t r e e t , destroy the society with Georgetown. drugs. Thebuildingisscheduled
“An important part what to cost $146.1 million and is we are doing with CANU 77 per cent complete. The also is to build its capacity to ministry noted that despite integrate with other regional the contractual completion structure in the Caribbean, in date having passed, ongoing Latin America and of course works include painting, floor with our partners in the tiling, electrical, and western hemisphere that is plumbinginstallations. why the structure of CANU The conversion of the will reflect this new North Ruimveldt Outpost to approach to the work that a police station is estimated theydo,”headded. to cost $123.8 million. The It was reported by the project is yet to begin and Ministry of HomeAffairs on awaits a site handover from Friday that during an theGuyanaPoliceForce.At inspection exercise by (Continued on page 23)
Works ongoing at the reconstruction of the Juvenile Holding Centre in Sophia.
(Left to right) Mr. Collin Kirton, Senior Accountant (PCU), Dr. Shanti Singh-Anthony, Coordinator of Knowledge Management (PCU), Dr. Shellon Bovell, Project Manager for the Office of the Principal Recipient, Global Fund – CARICOM Secretariat, Dr. Wendy Telgt Emanuelson, Director PCU, Dr. Meg Doherty, Director of Global HIV, Hepatitis, and STIs, Monica Alonso, Unit Chief of the HIV/STI and VH Unit at PAHO Washington DC, Carlos Cisneros, Technical Officer for Strategic Initiatives, Partnerships, and Country Support at World Health Organization (WHO), and Sandra Jones, Advisor for HIV/STI, VH, and TB at the PAHO/WHO Caribbean Office.
The Pan Caribbean 12-14 Caribbean tour aimed PartnershipAgainst HIVand a t s t r e n g t h e n i n g AIDS (PANCAP) and the collaborationsintheregion’s World Health Organization healthsector (WHO) on Friday during a During the meeting, Dr meeting in Guyana held Doherty expressed her d
e understanding PANCAP’s collaboration to eliminate work more deeply and Sexua
d exploring avenues for future Infections (STIs) in the co
She Caribbean. According to a highlighted the importance PANCAP release, “the of regional cooperation in discussions covered various addressing public health methods to seamlessly challenges and emphasized integrate Viral Hepatitis and the WHO’s commitment to STIs management into supporting the region existing HIV programs and through collaboration with the development of the Pan American Health comprehensive health Organization(PAHO). strategies that address Meanwhile, the Director m u l t i p l e d i s e a s e s of PANCAP, Dr Wendy simultaneously for more Telgt Emanuelson, provided effective public health anoverviewofPANCAPand outcomes.” its initiatives, including
Themeetingalsofocused testimonials from partners on identifying opportunities who have worked with to integrate Viral Hepatitis PANCAP.Thiswasfollowed and STIs into the regional by Dr Shanti SinghHIV agenda, aiming to Anthony’s presentation on formulate strategies to strategies used to strengthen eliminate these diseases as the region’s response to public health threats, in m a n a g i n g s e x u a l l y alignment with global health transmitted infections goals. (STIs).
The discussions held PANCAP noted that Dr with WHO’s Director for Doherty visit was highly Global HIV, Hepatitis, and productive and underscored Sexually Transmitted the value of regional and Infections (STIs), Dr Meg internationalcollaborationin Doherty Doherty’s and her p u b l i c h e a l t h T h e delegation Monica Alonso, discussions laid a strong Unit Chief of the HIV/STI foundation for future and VH Unit at PAHO partnerships aimed at Washington DC, Carlos integrating Viral Hepatitis Cisneros, Technical Officer and STIs into the regional for Strategic Initiatives, HIVagenda. Partnerships, and Country “This collaborative Support at WHO and Sandra effort is expected to Jones, Advisor for HIV/STI, significantly contribute to VH, and TB at the the elimination of these PAHO/WHO Caribbean diseases as public health Office. Doherty’s visit to threats in the Caribbean,” Guyana is part of her June- PANCAPsaid.
Two thieves helped themselves to a quantity of gold jewellery after the stall holder left his stall at the Stabroek Market open and unattended to take food for his wife at a nearbystall.
According to the reports, the stall holder’s wife was locatedfourstallsawayfromhis.
Police said that after the victim left his stall, two men broke one of his glass cases and grabbed a quantity of gold jewellerybeforerunningaway Investigatorsareonthehuntforthethieves.
T...Ambassador Jenkins cites need for holistic approach to trafficking of illegal guns
heUnitedStates(US)on Guyana’s leadership role on a more holistic approach to tackle Friday said it looks regional and international the issue. While responding to a forwardtoworkingwith platformsas“impressive”. questiononactionstheUScantake
United States Undersecretary for Arms Control & International Security, Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins
the Government of The Undersecretary for Arms to deal with perpetrators of these Guyana to protect the country’s Control & International Security crimes, she explained, “I think that resources for its continued has met with Prime Minister, we have to look at some of these development. Brigadier Ret’d, Mark Phillips, things not just isolated. We have to United States Undersecretary Chief of Defence Staff, Brigadier look at how they are part of a larger for Arms Control & International Omar Khan and National Security picture of what’s going on and Security, Ambassador Bonnie Advisor, Gerry Gouveia where the that’s why it’s important for in the Jenkins during a press conference two sides discussed working US side to have all the relevant at the U S Embassy, in together to reduce violence in the parts of the US government that Georgetown on Friday told Caribbean and decreasing the play a role in different aspects to be reporters that she took a sunset illegaltraffickingofarmsunderthe working together to address these cruise where she saw firsthand the Caribbean Basin Security issues, because as you said, it’s not country’s amazing wildlife, Initiative. these technologies are handled in a guns and ammunition in Guyana, just guns, its money laundering, environment and people. To this “For some, security means a safe and responsible manner We but merely revealed that “this was there’s other things that are end,shenoted,“Welookforwardto stableandprosperouseconomy;for provide training for security discussed”. happening and a lot of times the working with your government to others, the very right to exist is at services,helpingthemtokeeptheir “That’s been a topic that we same people who are doing the protect these resources and allow stake, either because of their very citizens safe from crime and talked about and we recognize the trafficking in arms are also doing for the safe and peaceful identity or the climate impact on external threats Narcotics concern that the government and other types of trafficking and so we environment necessary for theirmorals,”theAmbassadorsaid. trafficking, illegal mining and individuals here have about the recognize these issues and so really Guyana’scontinueddevelopment.” Consequently, she noted, “we environmental crimes threaten the illegal guns. I can say that we are to address these issues you got to Jenkins in opening remarks work globally on issues that livelihood of people across the working very closely with Guyana look at it more holistically...so it’s added that she was excited to visit threaten lives and make Amazon basin, including here in to try to address this issue, we are gonna take different parts of state as this also highlights the growing development impossible. We also Guyana.” alsoworkingclosewithCaricomto department,differentpartoftheUS importance of the security work on peaceful uses of nuclear Meanwhile, Jenkins was asked trytoaddressthisissue.” government but also similarly in partnership between the United technology to provide tools for to say whether there has been an On the other hand, the Guyana,lookingatitfromdifferent States and Guyana. She recognized development while making sure upsurgeintheimportationofillegal Ambassadorpointedtotheneedfor aspectsandMinistries.”
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2023-HC-DEM-CIV-FDA1887 BETWEEN:Hensley Horation Adolphus Lewis Applicant And 1. JERMAINE HUGHES 2. SHELLON SUMNERRespondents
NOTICE TO: JERMAINE HUGHESSHELLON SUMNER both of Lot 10 Section C, Nabacalis, Est Coast Demerara Guyana TAKE NOTICE that an Amended Fixed Date Application was filed on the 16th February, 2024 in the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Guyana at Georgetown, Demerara by ENSLEY HORATION
on 12th August, 2024 at 2:00 pm for hearing. Dated this 29th day of May, 2024
Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. OF GUYANA TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Friday the 7th day of June, 2024 at 09:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Priva Sewnarine-Beharry via Zoom Meeting ID: 503 218 6789 and Password: court1a.
Excavator operator , Truck and canter driver. Labourers (road construction) Call: 6130855 8:00am-5:00 pm
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ADOLPHUS LEWIS in which the Applicant asks for the following orders: a. A declaration that the Respondents are deemed as a trespasser on the land and building owned by the Applicant situate at Lot 10 Section C, Nabacalis, East Coast Demerara, Guyana, more fully described in Transport no. 1117 of 1993;b. An order that Respondents do deliver up to the Applicant vacant possession of the land and building situate at Lot 10 10 Section C, Nabacalis, East Coast Demerara, Guyana, more fully described in Transport no. 1117 of 1993; c. Any other orders that the court deems just; d. Costs. UPON APPLICATION in person or by letter to Mr. D. Rangiah Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, copies of the Fixed Date Application, filed herein, will be delivered or sent to you. AND TAKE NOTICE if you desire to defend this action you must forthwith within 28 days after the final publication of this notice, prepare an Affidavit in Defence in Form 10C prescribed in the Civil Procedure Rules 2016, serve it on the applicant’s attorney-atlaw, to Mr. D. Rangiah whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, and file it with proof of service at the Registry at Georgetown, Demerara, not later than 4 days before the date fixed for hearing of the application, and you or your attorney-at-law must appear at the hearing.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you fail to file such affidavit and or if you fail to appear at the hearing, final judgment may be given against you notwithstanding your absence. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this matter stands adjourned for the Honourable
NOTICE that on the 2nd day of February, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by DEODAT BANESWARI, the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 3rd day of May, 2024 the Petitioner was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the KAIETEUR NEWS, a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Guyana and on the world wide web (online) AND FURTHER TAKE
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorneyat-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an
Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.
The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the day of May, 2024.
2024-HC-DEM-CIV-FD-479 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISION PETITION NO. FD-479 BETWEEN: (BURNETT) FADLYN OTTIS ELEID Petitioner/Applicant -and(BURNETT) JENNIFER ANN nee MOORE Respondent: JENNIFERANN BURNETT nee MOORE Last Known Address Lot 1418 Tuschen Housing Scheme, CUYANA East Bank Essequibo, Guyana. TAKE NOTICE that on the 28th day of March, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by FADLYN OTTIS ELEID BURNETT the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Cour in Georgetown, Demerara.
NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 3rd day of June, 2024, the Petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily Newspaper printed, published and circulation in Guyana. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are cavailable at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the matter is fixed for Directions Hearing on Wednesday the 2nd day of October, 2024 at 09:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge via zoom Meeting ID: 845 1426 6584 and password: 786 445. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 6th day of June, 2024.
BBC - The US has imposed sanctions on an Israeli group it says has been attacking humanitarian aid convoys heading to Gaza.
The state department said the US assets of Tzav 9 - an organisation with ties to Israeli reservists and West Bank settlers - will be frozen and Americans will be barred from dealing with it.
For several months Israeli activists have been preventing aid convoys destined for Palestinians in the Gaza strip.
On 13 May protesters were filmed attacking two trucks in the occupied West Bank, ripping bags of grain open. The vehicles were set on fire. The White House described the “looting” of aid convoys as “a total outrage”.
At the time, Tzav 9 said some of the protesters’ actions were “not in line with the values of our movement”.
But it added that “blocking the trucks is an effective and practical step in which we shout that ‘no aid passes until the last of the hostages returns’”. The state department
said on Friday that US sanctions were being imposed under an executive order on West Bank violence signed by President Joe Biden in February. “For months, individuals from Tzav 9 have repeatedly sought to thwart the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, including by block-
ing roads, sometimes violently, along their route from Jordan to Gaza, including transiting the West Bank,” the state department said in a statement. It has previously sanctioned Jewish settlers involved in attacks on Palestinians as well as on Palestinian militant groups.
The Israel Defense Forces have also been accused of withholding aid - a charge it denies. The UN has warned that over a million people in Gaza could face starvation by the middle of July unless more aid is allowed into the strip.
More than 37,000 people have been killed, and many
hundreds of thousands more injured or displaced in Israel’s offensive against Hamas in Gaza, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.
The war began after Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October, killing about 1,200 people and taking 251 others back to Gaza as hostages.
From page 16 government with as much information as possible to aid local investigation. She said too, “We want them (local authorities) to be able to take that information and do with it what they need to do.”
On the timeline for presenting this evidence, Theriot expressed a desire for urgency.
“I wish I could, I wish it was today. That would be wonderful. But unfortunately, I don’t control the entire US government. So I did ask them though, to expedite it,” she said.
Moreover, addressing concerns about local agencies being left in the dark, Theriot explained the necessity of confidentiality during
“We tend to not share a lot of information until the investigation reaches a certain stage and so I regret that people feel that they’ve been left in the dark,” she said.
The Ambassador continued, “…It would be exactly the same way if we were conducting an investigation against someone accused of corruption in the United States.
We would not share that information until the investigation we’re at a stage where that was that was possible.” Furthermore, Theriot also clarified the types of information that could be shared with Guyanese authorities, noting that unclassified information and certain levels of sensitive
but unclassified information could be provided.
“There is classified information that we can request be declassified, that we can be allowed to share,” she explained.
Ambassador Theriot said too that, “I’ve absolutely requested that and I was very clear in my request that we want to be able to share as much as humanly possible because we want to be very
From page 17 the reconstruction of the Juvenile Holding Centre project in Sophia, the ministry reported that the $243.1 million contract is 25 per cent complete with foundation works finished and the structural frame erection in progress. As it relates to the $191 million Kitty Police Station project, the reconstruction works are at 36 per cent complete with preparations underway for casting the first-floor slab and beams. Similarly, the $116.7 million Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station project is currently at 88 percent complete, with the building finished and additional works scheduled for completion by June 30, 2024.
The ministry reported too that the Den Amstel Police Station which is being reconstructed for $82.2 million is at 95 per cent complete. Additionally, the $88.9 million project for the construction of the revetment and fence at the station has just begun.
The Ministry also inspected the Leonora Fire Station and said that $159.3 million project is 95 per cent complete. That building has already been handed over to the ministry.
Moreover, the Permanent Secretary reiterated the importance of adhering to projected timelines and instructed contractors to prioritize efficiency and timely completion of all work.
backed by
backed by Sanctions on
transparent, the government of Guyana has been very transparent.”
When asked about the possibility of other individuals being sanctioned, Theriot said that the investigation was specific to three sanctioned individuals and at this time she is not aware of any additional investigation. However, regarding the potential for criminal charges being imposed by the US on
the sanctions individuals, the Ambassador acknowledged that it is always a possibility, though she is not aware of any at this time. Moreover, the government has since revoked the Mohameds cambio licence and is taking measures to safeguard the country’s financial system.
Also, Thomas has been sent on leave pending investigation.
Aplace in the Super Eight in 2024 guarantees direct qualification for the 2026 edition of the tournament
ESPNcricinfo - Teams still chasing spots in the SuperEightstageoftheT20 World Cup 2024 have extra motivation to get the job done: a spot in the top eight g u a r a n t e e s d i r e c t qualification for the next T20WorldCup,in2026.
Thenexteditionwillalso have 20 teams like this one, with12automaticqualifiers:
thetwoco-hosts-India(who have made the Super Eight) and Sri Lanka (who have not) - as well as the other teams in the Super Eight in 2024 (that’s seven, excluding India), and the three highest-ranked teams outsideoftheseontheICC’s T20IrankingsasofJune30, 2024 That’s 12 The remainingeightspotswillbe
decided through the ICC’s regionalqualifierspathway
That means, USA - who took a vital point from their washout against Ireland in Lauderhill - have booked a spotintheirsecondsuccessive T20 World Cup* Scotland, shouldtheygetpastAustraliaeven one point would do, but theweatherforecastisclear-in GrosIslet,arestillverymuch
in the running Afghanistan, too,haveconfirmedtheirspot for 2026, while Netherlands areinaracewithBangladesh for the same, albeit with Bangladeshfirmfavourites
Today you might consider entering into a business partnership with a relative or neighbor This could show promiseofsuccess,Aries,and is definitely worth serious consideration.
The value of any investment you may have made in land, including your home, could come into your thoughts today Whatever time and energy you've put into it is likelytopayoff,
A partnership of some kind, perhaps business, perhaps romantic, is likely to be on your mind today. You might want to seriously consider whetherornotithasafuture, andifitdoes,whattodonext.
Alotofseriousmattersareon yourmind,perhapsinvolving plansforthefuture.It'slikely that you'll want to stay home today and do some contemplating Various new opportunities.
Contemplationisthewordfor today At some point, you might receive a call from a friend wanting advice on a serious decision. Don't be surprised if you spend more timelisteningthanadvising,
Today much of your mentalandpossiblyphysical-energy could be directed at career matters.Youmightreevaluate goals and ambitions, Virgo, and consider other possibilities.
The desire for personal and career advancement could cause you to consider furthering your education in some way, Libra. Someone close to you, probably a woman, could wake you up to theadvantages
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Today you're apt to be a bit preoccupied, Scorpio You might find yourself considering concepts that others think are strange and impractical This might involvemetaphysics.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Today is likely to be a gratifyingday,Sagittarius,but perhaps more serious than you'd planned A longtime friend might call and want to talk. This person or another might want to discuss a possiblebusiness
Career and business matters are likely to be very much on your mind today, Capricorn. Perhapsanewopportunityhas come your way, or you're thinkingofbecominginvolved inanewenterprise
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Matters involving creativity, romance, and children could require considerable thought today, Aquarius. Some exciting new options may be available to youandyourlovedones.
Matters involving the home could suddenly grow serious. Thisisapositivedevelopment, Pisces, but new possibilities couldbeopeningupandforce youtomakeadecision.
Who’ll be competing for this trophy in 2026? We’ll know 12 of the 20 teams by the end of June. (ICC via Getty)
However, this does not spell doom for some Full Members who have already been knocked out of contention this year Sri Lanka automatically qualify as co-hosts, while Englandshould they lose out to Scotland-willstillmakethe cut based on the ICC rankings.The same goes for Pakistan and New Zealand. Currently, England, New Zealand and Pakistan are ranked Nos. 4, 6 and 7 respectively,wellclearofthe otherteamswhomightneed to rely on the rankings Depending on how other resultsgo,Ireland,atNo.11, could also get through via therankings.
Confirmedfixtures, datesandvenues...
Frompage26 three-game T20I series between the two sides at home Another Men’s Cricket World Cup-centric encounter takes place in St Lucia, where finalists India will clash against the eventual winners Australia onJune24.
Antigua, Barbados, St Lucia, and St Vincent will host all 12 games in this round.
Fixtures (as per local time)
19 June: A2 v South Africa, North Sound, Antigua
19 June: B1 v West Indies,GrosIslet,StLucia
20 June: Afghanistan v India, Bridgetown, Barbados
20 June:Australia v D2, NorthSound,Antigua
21 June: B1 v South Africa,GrosIslet,StLucia
21 June: A2 v West
Indies, Bridgetown, Barbados
22 June: India v D2, NorthSound,Antigua
22 June: Afghanistan v Australia, Arnos Vale, St Vincent
23 June: A2 v B1, Bridgetown,Barbados
23 June: West Indies v South Africa, North Sound, Antigua
24 June: Australia v India,GrosIslet,StLucia
24 June: Afghanistan v D2,ArnosVale,StVincent
SportsMax-TheUnited States have qualified for the Super 8s after their T20 World Cup match with Ireland in Florida was abandoned without a ball beingbowled.
Only an Ireland victory over tournament co-hosts USA could have prevented the Americans’ progress to the next round, but no play was possible on Friday amid a flash-floodemergencyinthe region.
There were multiple pitch inspections, but the umpires ultimately concluded no play was possible due to the wet outfield
USAsecured a win over Canadaintheopeningmatch of the tournament before pullingoffanalmightyupset to beat Pakistan, who are now eliminated because of thewashout,asareCanada.
Theoutcomealsomeans Ireland are out, although their hopes had already looked slim after losses to IndiaandCanada.
India are expected to finish top of Group A, having beaten USA in their last match to secure a third successivevictory RohitSharma’ssidewill do battle with Australia, Afghanistanandateamfrom
The United States have qualified for the Super 8s after their T20 World Cup match with Ireland in Florida was abandoned.
GroupD–mostlikelytobe Bangladesh – in the next round, though they still have one more pool match to play against Canada on Saturday USA are poised to enter Group 2 of the Super 8s alongwithfellowhostsWest IndiesandSouthAfrica.The finalspotinthatsectionwill
befilledbyeitherEnglandor Scotland,dependingonwho progressesfromGroupB.
As a result of reaching the Super 8s in this competition, Monank Patel’s USA team are also n o w g u a r a n t e e d qualificationtothe2026T20 World Cup, which will be heldinIndiaandSriLanka.
ICC Cricket - As the group stage of the ICC Men’sT20World Cup 2024 comestoaclose,wemoveto thenextchapterintheevent, which will see eight remainingteamsbattleitout forfoursemi-finalspots.
India (Group A), Australia (Group B), Afghanistan (Group C), West Indies (Group C), and South Africa (Group D) are the five teams who have qualifiedfortheSuperEight thusfar India, Australia, and Afghanistan will feature in Group 1 of the next round, whereas West Indies and South Africa will feature in Group 2. All of these sides
West Indies will hope to improve their performance as the tournament progress farther. (ICC/Getty Images)
have been unbeaten in their respective groups, and are shaping well ahead of the nextround.
The Super Eight stage commences in Antigua on June19.
The following day will see the unbeaten India and Afghanistan face-off in Barbadosinwhatloomsasa crucial fixture prior to the knockout stages of the tournament. This will also be the first occasion on this tournament that India will play a contest in the Caribbean.
The rampant Afghans willlooktomakeamendsfor their close loss to Australia
at last year’s ICC Men’s CricketWorldCupwhenthe twosidesmeetonJune22in St Vincent Back-to-back games against formidable opponents can overwhelm most sides but Rashid Khan’s team have shown an indomitablefightingspiritin thetournamentthusfar More crucial fixtures follow up in coming dates: with co-hosts West Indies taking on South Africa in their final Group 2 clash on June 23 in Antigua. The Proteas have historically dominated the West Indies, but the tables were turned last month when the Men in Maroonclean-sweepedthe (Continuedonpage25)
TEDGE Sports Management & KFC Guyana Summer Showdown Table Tennis tournament.Toutedasoneof the most lucrative table tennis competition in the country, the tournament which is also the brainchild ofnationalfemalechampion and Olympic-bound athlete, Chelsea Edghill, OLY, is poised to be a thrilling spectacle.
E d g e S p o r t s Management (ESM) has partnerwithKFCGuyanato roll off the prestigious 2024 tournament, which mirrors
that of; Ca
bean Championship, in its organisation and execution structurethatwillultimately allow local athletes the opportunitytothrive.ESMis a visionary enterprise primed to revolutionise the sports management and development landscape in
Guyana. The tournament is settocommenceonJuly5th at the Guyana Olympic Association (GOA) building, the tournament boastsacombinedprizepool of 1.1 million dollars. The first-place winners will be awarded a substantial cash
prize of $250,000 and a trophy, among other special prizes.
The event was attended by notable figures including HerExcellencyGuoHaiyan, Ambassador of the Chinese Embassy in Guyana, GTTA executives, members of the
junior and senior national teams, national coach Idi Lewis, and other wellwishers.
“Asanathletecompeting abroad, I often marveled at the type of local events that were hosted and the level of effort placed in preparing
andhostingsuchevents.The answer being that I was so thatathletesarecomfortable competinginsuchsettings.
It was with this understandingthatIdecided t o s e e k a b e t t e r understanding of Sport Management and how it
directly affects athletes and specifically those who face the same challenges we do here in Guyana,” Edghill explained.
Meanwhile, in her featured remarks, Sadia Strand, Marketing Director of KFC Guyana, discussed the g
partnership with EDGE
Sports Man
ent. Additionally, Andrew Daly, Vice President of GTTA, extended well wishes to the organisation, emphasizing the tournament’s value for young and upcoming players. Daly also hinted at the possibility of future sponsorship for similar events.
The EDGE Sports Management&KFCGuyana SummerShowdownpromises to be a landmark event in the localsportscalendar,fostering competitive spirit and providing si
nificant opportunitiesforthecountry’s tabletennistalent.
BBCSport-Afghanistan arethroughtotheT20World Cup Super 8s after beating PapuaNewGuineabyseven wickets in Trinidad, eliminating New Zealand in theprocess.
After bowling out Papua
New Guinea for 95, Afghanistan were made to work early in the chase but Gulbadin Naib’s unbeaten 49 gotthemovertheline
Gulbadin was the only battertoreallyfindanyrhythm onatrickysurfaceattheBrian Lara CricketAcademy, hitting fourfoursandtwosixesinhis 36-ball knock Seamers Fazalhaq Farooqi (3-16) and Naveen-ul-Haq (2-4) did the damage for Afghanistan as three wickets in four balls left Papua New Guinea reeling at 12-3earlyinthethirdover
The Barramundis did not helpthemselveswithfourrunouts in the innings but having been50-7,wicketkeeperKiplin Doriga made 27 to somewhat improvethesituation
Conditions prevented Afghanistan from reaching theirtargetasquicklyasthey might have wanted but Gulbadinfinisheditinstyle, smashingasixtocompletea thirdstraightwinforRashid Khan’s side with 29 balls to spare The result also confirms that New Zealand, who have reached the semifinalsineachofthelastthree
T20 tournaments and were beatenfinalistsin2021,will notprogressfromGroupC. Kane Williamson’s side w e r e t h r a s h e d b y Afghanistanintheiropening gamethenlosttoWestIndies in their second match meaningtheBlackCapswill exit a World Cup before the last four for the first time since 2014 Afghanistan bowlers set the tone After proving themselves to be
real contenders in their first two games, Afghanistan quickly took control after choosingtobowlfirst.
Papua New Guinea had made a reasonable start but thatallchangedwiththerunout of captainAssadVala in the second over, attempting togetbackforathirdrun.
Farooqi then took two wickets in two balls to start the third over, finding first the outside edge then the
insidetodismissLegaSiaka and Sese Bau, and Afghanistanwereaway Naveen castled Hiri Hiri with his first ball and then knocked over opener Tony Ura to leave Papua New Guinea five down before the endofthepowerplay
Doriga and Alei Nao put on 38 later in the innings to drag their side towards three figures but even on a challenging surface, 95 was never going to overly trouble Afghanistan
They did suffer an early scare in the chase, falling to 22-2inthethirdover,butsoon movedpastthatwithGulbadin leading them to victory as he sharedanunbrokenstandof46 withMohammadNabi Afghanistan move back tothetopofGroupC,ahead of co-hosts West Indies on net run-rate, and top spot will be decided when the sides meet in St Lucia on Tuesday ‘Run-out was a bit lazy’- reaction Afghanistan captain Rashid Khan: “Feeling great to qualify for the next round. It’s been a great effort from the boys from game one and most importantly we have adjusted to the conditions very quickly That is very pleasing to me. “Someone likeFazalhaq[Farooqi]who is attacking every ball gives us a great base as a bowling
You can’t see me: Fazalhaq Farooqi channels his inner John Cena. (ICC via Getty Images)
unit.Ithelpsusinthemiddle overs if you get a couple of early wickets. Even if the batter is attacking you, you have to attack as well.”
Papua New Guinea captain Assad Vala: “They’re a reallygoodsideandwegave them four wickets with runouts. My run-out especially was a bit lazy and put the next two batsmen in to face thein-formbowler “[Batting] has been
challenging, not just for us but every team in the Caribbean. We spoke about trying to give ourselves a chance, spend some time in the middle and then launch later but unfortunately we couldn’texecute.”
Sports: Afghanistan 101 for 3 (Naib 49*, Kamea 116) beat Papua New Guinea 95(Doriga27,Farooqi3-16, Naveen 2-4) by seven wickets.
Guyana Shore Base Inc (GYBSI) and DHL are the latest corporate entities to support the Athletics Association of Guyana ( A A G ) S e n i o r Championships, which start today from 10:00am at the National Track and Field Centre in Edinburgh, West Demerara.
On the eve of the twoday championships, AAG General Secretary James Cole received GYBSI’s support from the company’s Public Relations Manager, Gomatie Gangadin, who expressed their pleasure in supportingtheannualevent.
Thisyear’sChampionship will fall just one week before the deadline for Olympic Qualification, as Gangadin pointed out, “Corporate Guyanaplaysacrucialrolein thedevelopmentofsports,and athletics is no exception. At GYSBI,wehavealwaysmade apointtochampioninitiatives, which are geared at youth, sport and community development”
She added, that GYBSI “recognize the potential of many talented individuals who, given the opportunity, relevant platform and tangible support, can achievegreatsuccessonthe national and international stage.”
“So, our donation therefore underscores this commitment by backing opportunitiesforourathletes toexcel.Welookforwardto witnessing remarkable performances and broken records over the next two days,”Gangadinsaid.
ThesupportfromGYBSI andDHLallowedtheAAGto update their prize pay-out, which will now see the winners pocketing $25,000, second place $15,000 and third place $10,000; a 50% increase from what was previouslybeingoffered.
Meanwhile, AAG officials announced that the two-daychampionshipswill feature several of the country’s top athletes competing against their counterparts from Trinidad and Tobago in an effort to achieve their respective qualifying standards for the Paris Olympics. Amanda Hermonstine, president of the AAG, stated that the Senior Championship is the Association’s hallmark event.
While optimistic about seeingadirectqualifierfrom the event for Paris, she mentioned that the June 22 AP Invitational will also provide an opportunity for localathletestoachievetheir Olympicdreamsintrackand field.
yesterday confirmed the second annual National JuniorGolfDrive,Chip,Putt Championship, set to tee off onJuly5,2024.
According to GGA president Aleem Hussain
during an Inte
iew yesterdayattheNexgenGolf Academy,WoolfordAvenue, this year’s event is expected to be bigger and better than the first. With thousands of young players from across
thecountrybeingintroduced to golf through the Ministry of Education Unit of Allied Arts programme, which began in September 2023; last year’s successful tournament got off to brilliantstart.
Among last year’s key sponsors; DDL Savannah Milk, Guyana Tourism Authority,SterlingProducts, Sunshine Snacks, Guyana Beverages Inc , Tristone Auto, Sylvie’s Industrial S
Executive Security, Party Castle, KFC, Giftland Mall and Toolsie Persaud Ltd, moresupportisexpectedfor thisyear
In 2024, over 300 young playersfromalloverGuyana are expected to compete for individual and school honours.
The competition will feature three age groups: Under 13, Under 15, and Under 18. Prizes will be awarded to the top three schoolsandthetopfivemale
and female players Additionally, scouts will be present to identify potential candidates for the National Team.
Thechampionshipisfree for all participants, with trophies, snacks, meals, and water provided by our generoussponsors. To participate, players mustregisterbyJune30thby calling645-0944oremailing their information to guyanagolfassociation@gm ail.com.
The Green Machine will face Trinidad and Tobago at the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Camp Ayanganna Ground on Saturday, June 22.
This change in venue is due to the country’s only Rugby Facility at the NationalParkfailingtomeet minimum requirements in time to host the crucial encounter
Guyana and their regional rivals will compete at 3:00 PM in the Rugby AmericasNorth(RAN)15’s Championship, which also serves as a qualifier for the 2027RugbyWorldCup.
On April 27, Guyana pulled off a dramatic 24-23
win over Trinidad and Tobago at the Hasely Crawford Stadium. A win next Saturday would see them move to the top of the RANSouthZone.
President of the Guyana Rugby Football Union (GRFU), Ryan Dey, explained at a press conference yesterday that thechangeofvenuewasdue to both the lack of adequate amenities at the National Park and the inclement weather experienced during thecurrentrainyseason. Headdedthatthefieldis currently waterlogged, and although the National Park Commission (NPC) has done considerable work on the playing surface, the
weather has taken a toll on theupkeepofthefacility
Coach Laurie Adonis mentioned that moving the match to the GDF Ground puts the game in balance since both Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago are unfamiliar with the new venue, having never played therebefore.
However, Adonis noted that since the Green Machine pla
h o m
y h a v e demonstrated that venue familiarity will not be a factorintheoutcomeofthe match.
He added that the team has been training constantly since their
match in April With a good blend of both local and overseas-based players, he is optimistic about their chances of victory Regarding financial support,Deymentionedthat it will cost the GRFU over $2M to host the June 22 match against Trinidad and Tobago.
Sofar,theyhaveraiseda littleoverhalfoftheirtarget.
“It’s tough. While we received a substantial a m o u n t f r o m t h e Government last year, this year we haven’t seen anythingthusfar,”Deysaid, addingthathehadspokento Director of Sport, Steve Ninvalle, who assured him of the National Sports
Commission’s (NSC) supportbeforethestartofthe match against Trinidad and Tobago.
“Sohopefully,withinthe new week, we’ll see something from the Government Other than that,ImustthankAnsaMcAl fortheirsupport,andRobert Fernandes.
Also,you’regoingtosee a brand new uniform, sponsoredbyPegasusHotel, Kaitock Feeds, Fresh Chicken and Muse Bar I think corporate Guyana is nowcomingonboard,”Dey said.
Meanwhile, Dey emphasized that a win next Saturday is crucial for the continuityoftheGRFU15’s programme.
He explained that a victory would position Guyana to compete against either St. Vincent and the Grenadines,Barbados,orSt. Lucia in a South versus North Zone match-up in 2025.
The following year, in 2026, the South and North champions, along with Mexico,willcompete.
The overall winner will then advance to the South American Rugby League to face Uruguay, Colombia, Chile,andBrazil.
Theultimatewinnerwill secure a spot in the Challenger Series, determining who heads to theWorldCup.
The Kares One
Guyana T10
Tapeball Blast, a fast-paced cricket tournament,isgearingupfor its second season, bowling off on August 3 with the other playing dates being August4,11and25.
This follows a highly successful inaugural edition
in 2023, and Kares Engineering has secured the titlesponsorshiponcemore.
The tournament will feature 32 of Guyana’s top Tapeballteams,battlingfora shotattheG$15millionfirstplace prize and national braggingrights.
The runners-up will pocket$500,000,andthetwo losing semi-finalists will get $250,000each
The stakes are raised this year, with the muchanticipated semi-finals, finals,andCricketforCharity match scheduled for August 25attheNationalStadium.
This exhibition match will likely feature President Dr Irfaan Ali again along with prominent figures in Government and private sector
John Ramsingh, CoDirector of FL Sport, the tournament organizer, expressed excitement for a competitiveseason
“The 2023 edition exceeded expectations with overwhelming support from players, fans, and the NationalStadiumcrowd,”he said in a press release. “We aim to surpass those numbersanddeliveranother exceptionaltournament.”
While expansion was considered, organizers have opted to maintain the 32-
team format with a straight knockoutstructurefor2024.
However, plans are underway to introduce qualifying zones with increasedcorporatebacking, potentially opening the door for wider participation in futureeditions.
Thetournamenthasalready garnered international interest, with teams from Pakistan, Dominica, Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago expressingadesiretocompete
Some of these teams might jointhefrayasearlyas2025.
Buildingonthesuccessof last year’s live streaming, matchesfromthequarter-finals onwards will once again be availableonvariousplatforms, including Facebook, YouTube, the FL Sport website,andcabletelevision through a partnership with Enet.
This allows fans to enjoy theactionfromanywherewhile providing valuable exposure forsponsors
The 2023 edition attracted thousands of online viewers, particularly for the Cricket for Charity match streamed on PresidentAli’sFacebookpage
The President’s initiative successfully raised over G$20 millionforGuyanesecharities, andorganizershopetoexceed this amount with continued corporatesupport
Teams interested in participating can find registration details in the coming days on the One GuyanaT10BlastFacebook page. The registration fee is G$25,000.
Beyond the top cash prize, individual accolades willbeawardedforPlayerof the Final, Most Wickets,
Most Runs, and Most ValuablePlayer
Last year, Eccles AllStars emerged victorious,
defeatingV-NetVipersinthe final. Team Corruption and Tarmac were the losing semi-finalists.
The Kares One Guyana T10TapeballBlastpromises another exciting season of cricket, showc
talent while fostering a spirit of community through the Charitymatch.
The highly anticipated ExxonMobil Boys and Girls Schools Under-14 Football tournament, organized by Petra, will escalate to the electrifying Round of 16 stagestoday TheMinistryof Education ground on CarifestaAvenue will be the battlegroundfor15gripping matches, starting at 10:00AM.
The Boys division has been a showcase of stellar p e r f o r m a n c e s a n d remarkable finishes. Bartica andTreeMilehaveemerged as formidable contenders, eachsecuringimpressive5-0 victoriesintheopeninground against L’Adventure and VYCAcademy, respectively The competition intensified in the second round with several drawn matches, settingthestageforathrilling third round. Notable performances include Leonora Secondary’s 4-2 triumph over VYC and Christ Church’s hard-fought 2-1 victory over President’s College. The Girls division, however, has been the highlight of the tournament, with standout performances led by Veronica Chatta and the Santa Rosa Girls team. Chatta has been nothing shortofsensational,nettinga staggering 16 goals across
Thrilling clashes billed for today in ExxoMobil’s Boys and Girls U14 Football ‘Round of 16’action.
three group matches
Defending champions Waramuri Top have also made a strong statement in the 2024 competition, achieving three dominant wins.Their campaign began withan8-0demolitionofthe Institute of Excellence, followedbyback-to-back70 victories over Christ Church and Carmel Secondary
The action-packed day willkickoffwithAbramZuil takingonBarticaSecondaryin the Girls division, while the Boys division will see
defending champions Bartica BoysfaceoffagainstStJohn’s Another must-watch clash features Marian Academy going head-to-head with East Ruimveldtgirls,alongsidethe Santa Rosa versus Christ Churchshowdown TheBoys division will also witness West Ruimveldt battling Leonora Secondary and Santa Rosa clashing with WismarChristianburg. Later in the day, the action is expected to heighten with more exciting encountersinvolvingCotton Field, Tucville, New
Amsterdam, Carmel, Hope Chase, South Ruimveldt, Bush Lot, President’s College,WestMinster,West Demerara, and Dolphin Secondary
The tournament is meticulouslycoordinatedby the Petra Organisation, with invaluable support from sponsors like DDL Pepsi, Stena Drilling, and MVP Sports.
The event is held under the approval of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Youth andSports.
Emerging Ireland secures 3-0 50-over series sweep over West Indies Academy with four-wicket win
Emerging Ireland secured a four-wicket win over the West Indies Academy to complete a 3-0 sweep of their 50-over series.
SportsMax - Emerging Ireland secured a fourwicket win over the West IndiesAcademytocomplete a3-0sweepoftheir50-over seriesinBreadyyesterday
The tourists, after being out in to bat, were guilty of not using up their allotted oversastheyweredismissed for 236 with all of seven overstospare.
AckeemAuguste led the way with a 68-ball 81 including 10 fours and two sixeswhileJoshuaJameshit 26*off25balls.
Skipper Gavin Hoey led theIrishchargewithhislegspin with 4-45 from his 10 overs while medium pacer Olly Riley took 3-38 from
nine overs Emerging Ireland then needed only 39 overs to reach 238-6 and secure victory and a 3-0 seriestriumph.
Morgan Topping led the way for the hosts with 46 whileSeamusLynchhit45* offjust28ballsincludingsix foursandtwosixes.
Chris de Freitas and ScottMacBethalsohadsolid contributions with 38 and 36,respectively
Captain Nyeem Young took 3-56 from nine overs fortheAcademy
The teams will now turn their attention to a pair of four-day games from June 18-21 in Comber and June 25-28inBelfast.
BBC Sport - Pat
Cummins has insisted that Australia never considered manipulating the result of their forthcoming T20 World Cup match against Scotland to knock out England.
Prior to their emphatic win over Oman on Thursday, England appearedtobestrugglingto qualifyfortheSuper8s.
That was largely down to having a vastly inferior netrun-ratetoScotlandand seamer Josh Hazlewood suggested Australia might try to make it as difficult as possible for England to progress.
However, Cummins says that Hazlewood’s remarksweremadeinjest.
“Ithinkwhenyougoout andplayyouaretryingyour best every time and if you are not, that’s probably againstthespiritofcricket,” said Cummins, speaking after England overturned their net run-rate deficit in beatingOman.
“I was speaking to Joshy, who had a bit of a joke about it the other day, andthinkitgottakenalittle bitoutofcontext.
“We’ll go there and just try and play Scotland, who have had a really good tournament so far and will betough.
“Its (net run-rate) something you kind of discuss as one of the quirks oftheset-upbutintermsof does it change the way we play?Absolutelynot.
“I’veneversteppedinto the field without the mindsetoftryingtotakethe gameonandbeaggressive, liketheguyshavesofar.”
While net run-rate is much less of a concern for Englandnow,theystillneed beatNamibiainAntiguaon Saturday (18:00 BST) to maintain a chance of going through.
Should they do so, Jos Buttler’ssidewouldrequire AustraliatobeatScotlandin St Lucia on Sunday (01:30 BST)inordertoprogress.
AwinforScotland,ora washed out game, would seethemreachtheSuper8s.
There is a scenario where England win narrowly and Scotland loss and the latter still progress onnetrun-ratebecausethat is calculated as an average acrossallmatches.
Raiders win against Flames, 44-33, in latest result
The Retrieve Raiders won their latest game in the Linden Amateur Basketball Association’s(LABA)Senior Leaguetournamentroundrobin playsegmentagainstBlock22 Flames, 44-33, and the final set of matches in this preliminary round will be played tonight (Saturday) at the Amelia’s Ward Hard Court. The double header starts at 6.00pm when home team Amelia’s Ward Jets takeonBlock22Flamesand at 800pm Central Mackenzie Kingsclashwithpointleaders VictoryValleyRoyals
Block22Flameslostfor the second game against Raiders who led after the first quarter, 12-7, at half time,25-20,andwereahead bytenpoints34-24attheend of the third period before winning,44-33.
Shemar Savoury was their best shoot with 15 pointsandJohnAnthonygot eightpointsfortheRaiders. L
ron Joseph and Jonathan Clarke both registered eight points in the losingcausefortheFlames
Royals are on nine points fromthreewins,Raiderswith two wins and two losses for eight points, Jets with seven pointsaftertwowinsandone defeat, Flames are on five points after one win and two losses,andKingsstilltowina game from three matches played and they have three points Former Guyana AmateurBasketballFederation
PresidentNigelHinds,through the Nigel Hinds Financial Services Group donated $200,000 to assist with the promotion of this LABAclub championship The winners will get $100,000, losing finalist $75,000, third place finisher $50,000 and fourth placeteam$25,000
The semifinals will be determined after tonight’s final group of matches are played.
GRFU Executives during a Press Conference to update on their June 22 match against Trinidad and Tobago.
Chelsea Edghill, OLY, KFC Directing Manager Sadia Strand and Chinese Ambassador, Her Excellency Guo Haiyan (seated) share photo-op with GTTAExecutives together with few junior and senior national players.
GYBSI Public Relations Manager, Gomatie Gangadin (L) makes her company’s presentation to theAAG’s General Secretary, James Cole.