T able showing Guyana’ s oil production capacity compared to other select projects in the US, Mexico, Canada and Brazil

T able showing Guyana’ s oil production capacity compared to other select projects in the US, Mexico, Canada and Brazil
AnewreportbytheInternationalEnergyAgency (IEA)hasputGuyana’soilprojectsatthetopofthe chartsforthehighestdailyproductioncapacitywhen comparedwithprojectsinBrazil,theUnitedStates, CanadaandMexico.
According to the report, Oil 2024Analysis and Forecast to 2030, four of Guyana’s sanctioned oil projects will each be producing at a higher rate, comparedwith19projectsinBrazilalone.
The data compiled by the IEA shows that oil production in Brazil will range from 50,000 barrels perday(bpd)to225,000bpdatotherprojects.Inthe meantime, production in Guyana ranges from 220,000bpdto250,000bpd.
Notably, the three projects listed by the IEAPayara(220,000bpd),Yellowtail,UaruandWhiptail (250,000 bpd each) is also expected to outproduce sanctioned projects in the US, Canada and Mexico. According to the document, projects in the US are expectedtoproducebetween60,000bpdand 150,000bpd.
Meanwhile, oil production in Canada variesbetween30,000bpdand140,000bpd. Projects in Guyana will also be producing more oil than Mexico, which is expected to producebetween80,000-100,000bpd.
It must be noted that while projects in Guyana are producing more oil than those countrieslistedbytheIEA,thiscountryisyet to implement measures to verify the daily rate of production by the operator of the StabroekBlock.
Since 2019, Guyana has relied on the
operator of the Stabroek Block, ExxonMobil GuyanaLimited(EMGL)toreportthedailynumber ofbarrelsbeingproducedoffshore,intheabsenceof itsindependentmeters.
The company has also pushed production well beyond the initial design rate of the three Floating Production,StorageandOffloading(FPSO)vessels, sparking concerns that the project life will be reducedsignificantly
ThisisparticularlyconcerningsinceGuyanahas not ring-fenced any of the projects in the Stabroek Block but is anticipating greater profits from the sectorinthelatterdays.
A ring-fencing provision would prevent ExxonMobil from using revenues from one project topayforexpensesatanotherproject.Inthismanner, Guyana would receive a greater share of its oil profitsafterthecostofeachprojectisrepaid.
Continued on page 24
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
The old saying that people usually get the leaders they deserve rings true today as we reflect on the current state of affairsinthiscountry Thelategreat,MohandasKaramchand Gandhi puts it this way: “If there is an idiot in power; it is becausethosewhoelectedhimarewellrepresented.”
The past four years have provided a reality check in this regardforGuyanese.
Despite the promises made by the PPP/C during the 2020 elections campaign, not much has been done to change the minds of Guyanese that they are a better bunch than the APNUAFC. The same old malady that afflicted it during the 23 years it was in government prior to 2015 continues to fester Corruption in high and low places cannot be separated from the PPP/C and the recent revelations by the United States Government confirm what everyone had been talking aboutforyears.
It is instructive to note that only recently, General Secretary of the PPP/C and Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo was at a press conference sermonizing that the media and the opposition were distorting the party’s record and image and that they will have to fight back.At the said press conference he spoke about how the media would accuse it of being corrupt and this was not so and as such he was deploying “trolls”tohelpcounterthenarrativethatthegovernmentwas corrupt. It did not take too long for the US to hand down the sanctions so that the full scale of the corruption that has dogged the party to be revealed. Right in its bosom there is MaeThomasapermanentsecretaryandalsoamemberofthe party’s Central Committee. Among other things the US Government accused her of collecting bribes from business people in exchange for contracts as well as selling gun permits and passports. These are very serious allegations. Guyanese are yet to see any serious attempt by the Guyana PoliceForcetoprobetheallegationsthatcameoutoftheVice NewsinterviewthatimplicatedJagdeoincorruption.
Sadly it seems as though the people of this nation will forever be exposed to blatant contempt by those in authority If we are to go by the daily reports in the newspapers of the unpleasant doings of some of our politicians, the truth of that observation cannot be contradicted. Morality, it would appear,isinsignificant.Itusedtobethattheoftencomplained moral lapse of politicians was in the realm of the acquisition of power “Machiavelli” was the name invoked to describe the notion that one should be prepared to walk over one’s grandmothertoachieve(andkeep)office.Somejustifiedthis sortofbehaviourbysayingthatthefollowersof“ThePrince” wereactually“amoral”andnot“immoral”.
Recently, Guyana was a spectacle when it appeared before UN Human Rights Committee. One member of that body,Ms.HeleneTigroudja,noted:“Thewealthderivedfrom oil and gold exploitation and mining only benefits the richest insocietyleavingthepoorestinextremepoverty.” One does nothavetolooktoofarortoolong,andthereareself-evident truths in what Ms. Tigroudja spoke about so openly. Mining contractsawardedfortheexplorationoflocalgoldfieldsarea secret. Why is that necessary, why is Vice President Jagdeo having such difficulty releasing them? What could be involved between schemers in the Guyana Government and foreign gold companies, that those contracts must be concealedfromcitizens? Giventhatsomanyofthedetailsin offshore oil operations are hidden from Guyanese, what kind of deals have been worked out between the company and members of the PPPC Government who manage the ExxonMobil-Guyana relationship? Billions in expenses havebeenburiedfarfromthepryingeyesofGuyanese. Whatisthequidproquoinvolved,whoiscollectingjuicy paybacks? At US$1 = approximately GY$215, it doesn’t require much from ExxonMobil to make the weak and the willinginthePPPCGovernmenttoseethingsthecompany’s way When there is nothing to hide, then there is no need for anydegreeofsecrecy Whenthereisdeepsecrecy,thelessons of life have taught that there is corruption of some kind present. In times before, people in government showed that they did not have the principles required to say no when
DEAREDITOR, formed and entrusted with Mr John Seyes, and Mr year In the same year 1901, Thank you, Mr Editor, the signaling Before Benjamin Baykey They we saw the birth of Mr John for publishing my article on establishment of the system wereallEnglishlookingmen Fernandes Snr in British May 18th, 2024 “Mr of signaling, a beacon had with curly moustache and Guyana from Madeiran DeAbreu takes us down been erected on the East high moral values. The first parentage. He was the eldest memory lane”. Since that Coast of Demerara and chairman of the company of 11 children. Mr John publication my phone keeps vessels entering had to was appointed in 1883. His F e r n a n d e s S n r ; w e ringing with words of contribute to the cost of name was Mr John Duke emphasise senior because e n c o u r a g e m e n t a n d constructing the beacon Smith.At the corner of Robb they were two Johns. The gratitude for informing them AboutahalfmileeastofFort and Hinck Streets opposite senior of the two got of things they did not know Groyne there was a block the Guyana Post Office marriage in 1924 and had 14 of,thereweresomecriticism house which was used as a Building, the northern children. Madeiran blood in or advice, like what signal station for vessels section of the building is the him caused him to venture happened to B.G &Tmutual arriving, and for signaling to identical way the building into business. He started to life, the Georgetown Berbice. was in 1880 with some burn coal for export to Lighthouse, and the
The coastal signaling repairs and/ or replacement Europe, also ship to Venezuela Guyana border was done by semaphore of wood. The back of the Trinidad, he sold charcoal in controversy stations.The steel balcony at building in Hinck Street is a paper bags to be used by Adviceandcriticismsare the top of the lighthouse three-storey concrete housewives,withthesuccess good things. I will do BGTT, offered a panoramic view of building with elevators built of the charcoal business, he the Light House and more in Georgetown and West Coast between the years 1970- managed to get a wharf to this edition of memory lane, Demerara. You must climb 1980. There were several rent from William Fogarty, but the Venezuela Guyana 138 stairs to access the general managers since then where a small shipping controversy even though I balcony there was one Mr Erol company was started in read much on, I would be I remember all the girls Chung, a distinguished 1940. It started little but charting shallow waters. I made it to the top, half the gentleman who advised me began to expand being the will quote Kelly Leston boys turned back halfway It thatIshouldrunmybusiness firstlocalshippingagent. “some things are better left cost us 25 cents for students from my head and not my On October 15th, 1959, unsaid”. I now beg for this to and from with the yellow heart. He was so right, the t h e c o m p a n y w a s one. bus and 5 cents to enter the older I got the more I incorporated with Mr John 1817- In 1817 under the lighthouse Omitted - In understood how true he was. Fernandes Snr as chairman. Dutchgovernmentawooden 1834, just after the During that said time when I Sadly in February 1962 the LightHousewasbuilttohelp abolishment of slavery, the was advised by Mr Chung, youngcompanyofficewharf guide ships into the freed slaves went in another gentleman I looked and warehouse went up in Demerara River By 1824, apprenticeshipandtheywere up to was Mr Hans Barrow flames due to the political that wooden light house paid little, even their wives ofinsuranceBrokersGuyana riot in the city Mr John deteriorated badly and the were paid little as freed Limited.Hesaidtome“only Fernandes Snr, who was then British government slaves. busy men find time”, that is determined for success, did built the present light house Without using the so true, I lived with both not run, but later rebuilt. He in 1830. The 103 ft high, banking establishment in quotes as I conduct my had tremendous faith in his octagonstructureisafamous those days, it was not business that I owned and company Things were Georgetown landmark with available to them, the freed operatedsince1983–2024. brown politically in the 60s, its distinct vertical red and African women started their John Fernandes so he went to see a former whitestripes.Thelighthouse own savings by throwing a 1901-In1901wesawthe PrimeMinistertodiscussthe is located at the head of box hand, where every birth of two entrepreneur way forward despite the Water Street and is member drew their hand at legions. One is Walter Elias nationalization under the maintained by the National the end of the period. Some Disney, of the Disney Land PNCduring1970when TrustofGuyana. women would hide their Fame which exists to this (Continued on page 5)
The British structure was money,somewouldtieitina commissioned on June1, kerchief and place it in their 1830, when it replaced the bosom for safe keeping. The wooden light house built by firstknownuseofthemoney the Dutch in 1817. The light was to buy the village of house was built on the same North Brook in East Coast spot used by the Dutch. The Demerara and they named it British engineer present the Victoria village, in respect to light house reinforcing the Queen Victoria, who they building by placing it on a believefreedAfricanslaves. foundation of 49 greenheart The truth is, African piles, no less than 30 ft long slaves were freed from their making it durable nearly 200 hardship with the help of years later Bearing in mind some white high priests, that slavery was abolished in white clergy men and some 1834, then that light house white law makers This had to be built by slave happened in Queens Town labour, a floating light was Essequibo, being the second placedattheDemerarabarin village to be bought by the March 1838 and a system of Africans. signaling to the lighthouse 1880-In1880wesawthe wasestablished. establishment of BG&T
On 27 February 1938 a Mutual Life Insurance, with committee of Pilotage was Mr. Robert Petes Drysdale,
temptations and invitations to help themselves surfaced. Now that there is oil, which means much more money, there isthesimplelogicthatitsfruitswillprovetobeirresistible.
TheGuyanaenvironmentnowstandsasaprovenfieldof corruption that is infested by the out of control. Sections of theprivatesectorinGuyanaarechokingonthepublicworks thatareapprovedtoprovidewhatisneededtosupporttheoil sector, or the mining sector in the interior Some contract awardsmakenosense,havenomerit,andthepeoplewhoare the recipients of them are known for their intimate
Asexpectedthey’reoff. Theaccusations,fingerpointing, counter accusations and denials in the revelations on the gold smuggling matter Of course this was to be expected as investigations will cast its net far, wide and deep. Will other bigfishesbecaughtinthenetandbroughtup? Onlytimewill tell.
We are hearing from both sides that the gold smuggling ailment is not new, but it seems not much was done to curb it. So the blame game and accusations will continue. With this scandal Guyana’s image has taken a hit. The investigations, hopefullywillmakerevelations,andthechipsfallwherethey may
Sincerely, Shamshun Mohamed
relationshipswiththosewhomakethedecisionsinthePPPC Government. The really big decisions are only made by a smallgroupofpeople,aclose-knitcabalfloatingnearthetop. The secrecy is so tight that even government agencies are thwartedwhentheyputinfortherecordsofawardsinvolving specific contracts. Awards that have raised a hue and cry about their cleanliness and their credibility This is what has become a standing feature of contracts that amount to hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money Some comefromoil,andsomecomefromgoldandelsewhere.
From page 4 chairman of the National leaving a number of charred thevillageofCorneliaIda major companies Bookers ParksCommissionas and gutted buildings, West Coast Demerara. andSprostonswereacquired Chris Fernandes took including the Royal Bank of By 19 years of age, he by the Government. John over leadership of John Canada By 1948 with c o m p l e t e d h i s Fernandes Limited managed Fernandes, but Bunny kept Sprostons Limited being the apprenticeship and ventured toremainaprivateentityand flexing his muscle as constructing company the into his own jewellery went on to receive several Chairman of the Parks bankwasrebuiltasitreflects business, selling gold awards including Guyana Commission. He returned to you today This reflects jewelry from village to Chamber of Commerce long the Promenade Garden, the bank’s ability to survive village and the sugar estate term award when John Botanical Garden, and the despite most trying u s i n g a b i c y c l e Fernandes retired in 1970. Zoo to some sense of circumstances. The bank in transportation and a box He was known as Big John; decency and pride so much 1945 was managed by Mr with jewellery He sold he was an extremely caring that a powerful politician A.D. Machillivray who was chains, rings, earrings, bossseeingthewelfareofall called him from Sophia and living with his family in the golden bands, which were hisstaffbeingtakencareof.I asked him to cut grass of the living quarters of the bank at loved by the community was told by one of John’s Sophia headquarters for his the time of the fire. Through especially the large East sons, that during the years at Biennial Congress Mr. the years the bank Indian population. His hard Christmas time, most Bunny Fernandes sent the considered itself as a work was of high quality stevedores would ask to tractorwiththecutterandthe friendly bank, whether it’s selling the right karat as he borrow money to buy or bill. As the job was the service they offer or the preaches. Let me inject no purchase pepperpot meat, completely done, he asked scores of pretty ladies businessmenorbusinesscan garlic pork meat and other the politician for his cheque workingatthebank.ByJune survive for more than five Christmas Items. Mr. and he promised to send it 5th, 2006, the Royal Bank years without honesty, Fernandes Snr will freely later, eighteen months after went to National Bank of quality services, and lend them and by March the no cheque was sent, at the Trade and Commerce and integrity By 1947 we saw following year they will endoftwoyearswhenitwas now Republic Bank the birth of Royal Jewel repay Thiswentonforafew time for another Biennial (Guyana) Limited. 1930 - In House at the same spot in years.HoweveroneJanuary, Congress the same caller 1 9 3 0 w e s a w t h e Regent Street. His ambition Big John spoke to all his asked Mr Bunny Fernandes establishment of Cho Chin was so high and wide that he workers, he said, “As of this to cut the Complex. Mr and company in Lombard opened another store at the week you will all put two Fernandes said you must Street Werk-en-Rust, they corner of Regent and Hinck dollars away as saving for send my previous cheque started to supply hardware, Street. A few years later, Christmas ” Some were and the advance of this work roll of ropes that could be however, the political reluctant, some agreed, but before the tractor can leave. used in the fishing industry, violenceoftheearly60ssaw Big John being a caring Themanwasnotpleasedand there you could’ve gotten that building and other dynamo said all workers he called the Prime Minister from a pin to an anchor in buildingsbeingdestroyedby moneymustbededucted. Burnham Mr Burnham those days. It is remarkable fire The Regent Street When December came, replied, “if you owe Mr tolearnthatintheearly60’s, establishmentsurvived. they all got their money Fernandes send him his Mr Chung of Cho Chin In his early selling days (savings), salaries plus chequefortheworkthatwas wouldkeeponedooropento on bicycle the words choke bonus for them to enjoy a done” and a tractor was then rescue a number of Indian and rob never existed.When good Christmas. What was sent. That was the moral, women and children during t h e b u s i n e s s w a s interestingwasifastevedore decency and principles of the riots at the bus park and established, he was 25 years or worker died before the Fernandes. I do not have East Bank car park earlier of age- now selling to jewel Christmas. Mr Fernandes enough space to talk about known as Donkey City houses, pawn brokers, and would call their wives and the legacy of Chris There was one other jewel stores in Georgetown, give the money saved to Fernandes but to say he was interesting fact about Cho with the help of his wife and them, that’s where he got the a good leader who ran his Chin, there was a right-hand family He visited several nameHonestJohn. business from his head and leg spinner named Milton suppliers in England and John Fernandes Jnr took nothisheart. Wong, playing for Cosmos Europe and his business over in 1970. He stayed We now welcome Philip Sport Club in the first continued to prosper He around for twenty-two years Fernandes another National division cricket. He is the started to import watches before retiring in 1992 Hockey Player remember first Guyanese of Chinese from Switzerland, Clocks While in office he Bobby Fernandes played descent to be called to trials from Germany, and other maintained the high National Football for for Guiana. Mr Wong was giftsetsfromEngland. standards and culture of Guyana. So the Fernandes known as Milo. Milo turned His business motto was John Fernandes. He retired produced National Hockey the leg break square. It is honesty and integrity that is in 1992 making way for players, Football players, rumoured that Milo can turn why he seeks quality Bunny Fernandes. Bernard Volleyball player and the ball back to him, products with reasonable Bunny Fernandes-Bunny as Squash champions for knowing cricket, that’s not prices, which are sold as the he was called or known was GuyanaandtheCaribbean. possible However, when Hallmark of his business. In aleaderfrominfront,hewas Royal Bank Cosmos was playing for the the late 60s Mr Azeez was a doer of things he made 1914 - In 1914, British East Indian Cricket Club, still active in his business up things happen he never Guiana welcomed the Milo would keep Rohan to his 85th birthday His waitedforthingstohappen.I opening of the Royal Bank Kanhai very quiet and Joe businesscontinuestoservice was told of a culture in John of Canada, that would Solomon playing and Guyana with pride and Fernandes when a young become the second scratching If Milo was decencyandoffersdealsina Fernandes starts working at commercial bank in the playing in the present 20/20, wide variety of jewellery, John Fernandes, whether he history of the country The he would have gone for 240 souvenirs, pens, lighters and came out from University or Royal Bank came with a runsin4oversortenwickets sunglasses and many other Saint Stanislaus he starts in series of good history in4overshewasunplayable gift items. There was one the workshop smelling the opening since 1839 in Nova in his day They would call young lady who I know grease, and from there he Scotia Canada, by 1864 the him, Milo, “The Chinese worked at the Jewel House had the opportunity to move Royal Bank had taken over Cricketer”. sincethemid-70sandretired up. the merchant bank for Royal Jewel House a few weeks ago. I can’t T h e r e w a s o n e Halifax and other smaller 1947-In1947wesawthe remember her name, but she exception, the young banks in the United States. establishment of Royal knows who she is The handsome and bright While in Guiana growing Jewel House on Regent business is now run Fernandes could not take the fromstrengthtostrengthasa Street The establishment successfully and smoothly heat, so his uncle told him to financial institution in had its birth many years by his son and daughter-income out of the kitchen, in February 1945 was the before. As a teenager at the law Mr Murtaza and Mrs. later years he became monthoftragedy,agreatfire age thirteen a boy called CamilleAzeez. Chairman of the company raged through the business Azeezstartedapprenticeship Yours Truly, Bunny later became the sector of Georgetown with a senior gold smith in Frank DeAbreu
DEAREDITOR, dealtwithpromptly
The recent scandals Gold smuggling, drug surrounding the major trafficking and trafficking of parties are making it difficult people are all areas that the for voters to choose in 2025. Ministry of Home Affairs Continued controversy and those responsible for during the internal elections National Security have ofthePNCbringstomindthe responsibility to protect our attempt to steal the elections nationagainst. during2020andtheresulting If the Permanent sanctions. Additionally, the Secret
recent sanctions against a compromised as alleged by member of the central the USA’s investigation then committee of the PPP also we must allow the CIA and brings rem
nders of their counterparts in Brazil corruption claims and and Suriname to work serious criminal accusations together in a combined effort against other members of tohelpcleanupourcountry’s their central committee mess.
Guyanese voters should not The security of our have to choose between the porous borders is not lesser of two evils. Those improving and the help of with strong morals and larger and more capable impeccable integrity should nationsshouldbewelcomed. take the initiative to clean Any hesitation to do so theirrespectiveparties. should be faced with We all know how things additional scrutiny We now work in Guyana, which has a have Oil &Gas and a very hierarchical culture. A booming economy There is permanent secretary cannot no need to resort to these get away with corruption illegal activities to earn a without others in key roles living.The government must also being aware The place more funds earned Government must conduct fromtheoil&gassectorinto an internal investigation of thehandsofthepopulaceand the Ministry that has been embracelawandorder compromised.
Wherever there is a large
T h i s s h o u l d b e Guyanese population, there immediately investigated is an opportunity to work with or without the c l
t h t h a t information from the USA’s Government to curtail illegal investigation. activity Thus, the UK and
The Government should Canada should also be also commence additional included. Guyana’s beauty investigations into areas of showsbestwhenourcitizens government that have arelivingpeacefullyinasafe substantial budgets and environment Illegal increasing opportunities for activities and the resulting the use of kickbacks and influx of deported criminals bribes to influence contract only increases the crime and awards. insecurity faced by our
Helping to send a clear nation.
messagethattheyareserious It’s time for an extensive a b o u t c l e a n i n g u p and comprehensive change corruption These actions in what is happening in the must come with results, c o u n t r y , a n d t h e otherwise it will be seen as strengthening of law and only a circus show where order is the foundation of attempts are being made to such a change. It’s time to foolthepublic. cleanitup!
As for the PNC’s internal Sincerely, election process that has Mr. Jamil Changlee recently been placed under additional scrutiny, they musttakethenecessarysteps to provide the needed transparency Reminders of election fraud will leave the opposition sidelined if not
catastrophic effects of natur
In this regard, at CAF - the countries. All with the aim of
Executive President of CAF - disasters, sea-level rise, coastal Development Bank of Latin enabling this region to advance Development Bank of Latin erosion, and the disappearance of AmericaandtheCaribbean-weare innovative solutions that can help America and the Caribbean coralreefs. carrying out an ambitious strategy address some of the planet’s most
The SIDS4 event, organized to expand development assistance pressingchallenges.
A few weeks ago, Antigua and every ten years by the UN to options available to the Given that CAF is an approved Barbuda, a small island in the assess progress on sustainable Caribbean. Currently, Trinidad holder of IMF Special Drawing eastern Caribbean with 93,000 development and propose and Tobago, Jamaica, and Rights (SDRs), we are wellinhabitants and an area of 442 partnerships and solutions, Barbados are CAF members positioned to creatively use SDRs, square kilometers (approximately reflects the international from the CARICOM grouping, thus opening a new financing thesamesizeasLaPazandslightly commitmenttotheseislands.In and more recently, they have window for development for these larger than Medellín), became the addition to facing high climate been joined by Bahamas, countries or using SDRs as epicenter of a series of solutions to vulnerability, Caribbean islands
Dominica,Grenada,withAntigua combined capital to expand overcome the challenges faced by face high costs of import and and Barbuda also announcing just development assistance. We have Small Island Developing States export and are excessivel two weeks ago, their intention to also committed US$15 million to (SIDS), which are on the frontline dependent on external markets and join our institution, allowing them the Blue Green Bank and will oftheclimateemergencyandareat tourism, which represent nearly access to new technical, financial, mobilize additional funds in a crucial moment for their survival 26%ofGDP andknowledgeservices. support of the Bridgetown andsocioeconomicdevelopment. One of the main certainties we
Sergio Díaz-Granados, Executive President of CAFDevelopment Bank of Latin America and the CaribbeanTo bolster our partnerships, we Initiative as well as increase our One-third of all SIDS is located shareinSIDS4isthatweneedmore have defined a series of innovative financial transactions and in the Caribbean, so, for the well- international financing and financing mechanisms for the operations in local currency coordinated effort. Development being of their inhabitants, the resourcestodriveprojectsthathave Caribbean, including technical Difficult times demand innovative banks will need to embrace new region must step forward and a real impact and contribute to cooperation, loans, mobilization of and flexible solutions, and that is ideas and solutions As John influence global discussions on achieving the Sustainable third-party resources, debt-for- exactly what we are demonstrating Maynard Keynes said, “When we renewable energy development, DevelopmentGoals(SDGs).These
with our new partnerships: placing are focused on old ideas, we are sustainable tourism, mobility, and must come from development improvements to help lower the the unique needs of the Caribbean
especially climate action, given banks, multilateral organizations cost of living, and other tools to SIDS at the center of global conceptions. To innovate, we must their high vulnerability to the and the private sector, in a reinforce the development plans of developmentagendas. startfromscratch.”
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has issued a stern warning against theexploitationofGuyana’sLocal Content Act through deceptive practices like ‘rent-a-citizen’ schemes.AndhewarnedGuyanese involvedinthebusinesstodesistor else they will face the full force of thelaw
The Ministry of Natural Resourcesrecentlyannouncedthat itwillbeworkingwiththeGuyana RevenueAuthority(GRA),asthey intensify efforts to eliminate the practice known as ‘rent-a-citizen’ or‘fronting’.
Theissuereferstotheunethical practice where foreign companies use local individuals or local entitiesasmerefrontstomeetlocal content requirements, while the actual control and benefits remain withtheforeignentity
At his last press conference held at Office of the President last Thursday, Jagdeo highlighted the misuse where the foreign companies utilise local entities as fronts to bypass regulations meant to benefit Guyanese citizens. He said, “This is particularly as it relates to registration under the
Local Content Act, that’s where it makessense.Sothattheycanenjoy benefits that are preserved for our peoplethatweputintheactforour people.”
The Local Content Law serves to provide for the implementation of obligations on persons engaged in petroleum operations or related activities in the petroleum sector; prioritizes Guyanese nationals and Guyanese companies in the procurementofgoodsandservices and enables local capacity development.
Infact,theFirstScheduleofthe Act ring-fences 40 categories of work for Guyanese participation via the supply of goods and the provision of services which include: food supply, rental of office space, accommodation, insurance, accounting and legal services.
Sobyaforeigncompanyusing a local company to show 50% Guyanese ownership, the foreigners will gain access to the aforementioned areas that are prioritized for locals. The Vice President said, “Some of the foreign companies coming in they
are giving notionally a 50% ownershipbutthentheyaregetting paidallsortsoffeesfortheservices they provide etcetera so it’s not a real benefit that flows to the Guyanese.”
Jagdeo outlined forthcoming measures aimed at strengthening enforcement and penalties under the updated local content legislation. Henotedthatthelocal companies that are complicit will alsofaceconsequences,notjustthe foreigncompanies.
“And we have to in the update ofthelaw,wewillplugsomeloop
holes and strengthen the enforcement and penalties for doing so but right now the GRAis lookingatsomeofthesecompanies because they are by fancy accounting defeating the purpose oftheact,”headded.
In a statement on Monday, the natural resources ministry stated, “This practice undermines the objectives and spirit of the Local ContentAct, which aims to ensure that the citizens of Guyana benefit meaningfully from and participate actively in the nation’s natural resourcessector.”
To address these issues, the government, through the ministry, is actively pursuing measures to curb instances of rent-a-citizen. Onesuchmeasureisworkingwith GRA “This closer working relationship aims to identify and penalise those engaging in fronting, ensuring that all stakeholdersadheretothelegaland ethical standards set forth by the LocalContentAct,”itwasstated.
Moreover, the ministry stated that it remains committed to fostering a transparent and equitable petroleum industry that
“We urge everyone to support these efforts and uphold the integrity of our local content framework,” it was further stated.
Inaninvitedcomment,theministry told Kaieteur News that while the offenceoffrontingisnotexpressly defined in the Interpretation Section of The Local ContentAct, itisprovidedforinMiscellaneous: PartV1 of theAct. Section 23 (1)(3), with the marginal note, Offences and Penalties, provides for the offence of submitting false or misleading information to the Secretariat knowingly and for the offence of any Guyanese national aiding and abetting anyone to contraveneanyprovisionoftheAct in order to defeat the local content obligationsundertheAct.
To this end, the Ministry explainedthatthetwooffencesare in nature Summary Offences, thereforenotindictable,andattract a penalty, in the case of an individual, a fine of five million dollars,andforabodycorporate,a fineoftenmilliondollars.
TheAct,givestheLocal Continued on page 24
The United States of corruption involving American response during can have detrimental effects corruption, regardless of the America has long positioned Chinese investors in Guyana’s crime wave on the global perception of political or economic itself as the global enforcer Guyana. This piece drew between 2001 and 2008 American foreign policy implications. Only then can of democratic values and significant attention, During this period, the U.S. When the U.S. chooses to theU.S.claimtobeafairand anti-corruption measures. It especially within Guyana, pressured the Guyanese ignore certain allegations impartial actor on the world willberecalledthatitwasthe where many perceived it as government to investigate while vigorously pursuing stage. had access to local tax then US Secretary of State, an American attempt to Ronald Gajraj, the then others, it sends a message In Guyana, this would records, so how was this Mike Pompeo, who had discredit Chinese economic Minister of Home Affairs, that its actions are driven by mean demanding thorough figurearrivedat? called upon theAPNU+AFC involvement in the country over allegations of his convenience and political investigations into the If America truly aims to government to step aside On camera, allegations were involvement with death interests rather than a corruption allegations be the world’s policeman, it following the 2020 general made agains
in squads. A Commission of genuine commitment to highlightedbyViceNews,as must act with consistency It andregionalelections. individuals Despite the Inquiry, eventually promoting justice and good well as any other credible must hold all parties to the
A few days ago, the US serious nature of these exonerated Gajraj by governanceglobally accusations. It also requires same standards. Only then
t accusations, the U S majority decision. But the For the United States to the U S to provide the caniteffectivelypromotethe imposed sanctions on local government did not launch USpressuredemonstratedits maintain its self-assumed necessary evidence to values of democracy and
r an investigation nor impose willingness to intervene in role as a global enforcer of support the blacklisting that anti-corruption that it so Mohammed, his son, their anysanctions. Guyana’s internal affairs anti-corruption and it has presently imposed. frequentlychampions. associated companies and a This non-action was whenitsuitedthem. democratic values, it must How for example did the (The views expressed in permanent secretary within puzzling.IftheUnitedStates T h e G a j r a j c a s e adopt a consistent and United States arrive at the
the government, for alleged was genuinely concerned demonstrates that the United transparent approach. This conclusion that Guyana was necessarily those of this corruption The sanctions about corruption, as it often States can and will apply includes investigating all defrauded of some US$50M newspaper) were announced even claims, one would have pressure to investigate serious allegations of in taxes? It would not have withoutdueprocess. expected a rigorous follow- serious human rights abuses.
The US has not provided up on such serious Why, then, is there a stark any evidence, yet, to local allegations, especially since difference in the approach authorities, to substantiate the US is keen to reduce towards the corruption the allegations against the Chineseinfluenceinthispart
ving M o h a m m e d s a n d a of the world The lack of any Chinese investors and the permanent secretary within substantial response to the current People’s Progressive the Guyanese government. ViceNewsallegationsbythe Party/Civic (PPP/C) Yet the US has threatened United States government, government? secondary sanctions for suggests a selective If the United States were those who engage in certain approach to anti-corruption consistent in its antibusiness with the sanctioned enforcement, undermining corruption efforts, it could individualsandcompanies. the credibility of America’s have either demanded an
TheUSisknowntowield stanceonglobalgovernance. independent investigation to its extraterritorial legislation Therewasatimewhenso the Vice News allegations or to impose sanctions and sooner had an allegation it could have conducted its blacklist individuals and been made in the public that owninvestigations.Itshould entities accused but not the US would pull the visas have done so irrespective of convicted of illicit activities of those accused Senior the implicated parties’ However, when it comes to persons within the present political or economic Guyana,suchactionsreveala government have had their affiliations. The absence of troubling inconsistency that visas revoked by the United such demands points to a raises questions about the US States which seems to have selective enforcement policy motives relaxed that policy now that rather than a principled In2022,ViceNewsaired it has strong petroleum stanceagainstcorruption. an investigative feature that interestsinGuyana. Selective enforcement of purported to expose Contrast this with the anti-corruption measures
Guyanese nah like to wait or be kept tree. DeAmericans ain’t known fuh sharing waiting.Onetimeafterwaitingmorethanan secrets, especially when it come to so-called hour and a half for her date, the young lady evidence. Uncle Sam’s treasure chest of decidedshe’dbeenstoodup. allegations is guarded tighter than Fort Exasperated, she changed from her Knox. De Guyanese government can ask all dinnerdressintopajamasandslippers,fixed itwant,butdemostitgon’getisadiplomatic some popcorn and resigned herself to an shrugandapolitesmile. evening of TV No sooner had she flopped Dem Americans love to call what dem down in front of the TV than her doorbell have “evidence,” but dem boys seh is more rang. Therestoodherdate. like whispers in de wind. Hearsay, rumors, Hetookonelookatherandsaid“I’mtwo andtalesfromsnitches. Revealingdatislike hourslate,andyou’restillnotready?” revealing yuh sources. In any event, if de Bob Marley did a sing a song with the Americans really trusted de Guyanese words, “I don’t want to wait in vain for your authorities,demwouldahandedoverdekeys love.” Well, it look as if de Guyana to de kingdom long time ago De government gan be waiting in vain for the government gan gat to keep writing letters information about gold smuggling and other andhopefuhamiracle.Demboysseh,islike corruption to come its way from de de old woman who swallowed a fly—plenty Americans. But dem nah gan be the only actionbutnosolution.Everyday,deofficials people who had to wait in vain. Deh had a wake up with new hope, thinking today man he sit down by de seashore waiting fuh might be de day But all dem get is silence. de tide to bring in a golden boat.Years pass, YuhmightaswellwaitfuhrainindeSahara. beardgrowlonglikeRipVanWinkle,butdat DeGuyanesegovernmentganbewaiting boat?Nevercome. fuh evidence like de proverbial cat waiting Well, dat man ain’t got nothing on de fuh milk from a cow dat gone to market. government of Guyana. But de Americans Uncle Sam ain’t budging And we gat, and so waiting fuh Uncle Sam to hand government gan end up waiting in vain, just over evidence of gold smuggling and likeBobMarleydidsing. corruptionislikewaitingfuhafishtoclimba Talk half. Leff half
I am listening, reading, and observing all these pathological frauds and hypocrites of Guyana suddenly bending over backwards toprovehowstraighttheyare.Itis an exhibition of how serious they are taking the developments out of theUSDepartmentoftheTreasury OFACbombshell.
A ticking timebomb, I would say,onewithashortfuseflickering ominously; but not a bombshell, since anyone could have seen somethinglikethiscoming. Allthe big-shots in the PPP Government who were laughing at what they calledghostsnowseeGod.
There will be penalties and levies and changes. Hear, hear! The leading political jokers have gone wild. They are a study in sanctimony There will be tightening up and taking care of business. Why only now, sirs? Why not before, when the groundwork was laid? It was the big kahuna himself who came in andcapsizedtheboat.
Out with inhibitions, in with incentives It is strange the directions to which the incentives led. Crack the whip and keep a steady ship, and they would have protectedboththemselvesandtheir
lavishly generous friends. But hubrisisadisablingthing,asmany menwhodidn’tlisten,weretoofull ofhotairandlard,foundouttotheir dismay Butno,thefloodgateshad tobeopenedandanarmymarched onuninhibited.
Let me share this with all Guyanesewhocare:theAmericans have a dossier on every single G
mastermind in this tiny country They have a handle on the PPP Government people who claim to be clean but are corrupt to their cores.
They know the businesspeople who are about different kinds of businesses, all mostly dirty And theyhavethemeasureofthepeople who pretend to be righteous citizens but are as rancid as any fruitcake left to the rodents and roachestoolong.
Interesting how ruthless the PPP brass is when their own selfpreservation is in the balance. They abandon their own, leaving them to the tender mercies of their pursuers. One big one goes to another continent and is what Guyanesecall‘skinteeth’,andthis is while almost half the Guyanese peopledonothaveenoughtoeat.
Butheisintobigbusinessandis having the time of his life. If ever therewasaconfirmedjesterinthis country,thereistheposterchildof all that is wrong with Guyana. Anotheronewhoseclaimtofameis brawling to camouflage his blubbering, and making a bigger spectacle of himself on each occasionthatsomethingcomesout ofhismouth.
Termites tumble out from betweenhisteeth,infesthistongue and tonsils, and this character straightofaGothictaleinsiststhat those termites are the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Isthisacountryofimbeciles or one of intellectuals? Is this a society blessed with inspiring people of power and grace or is it one cursed by the ignorant and invidiousthatsellthepeopledown the drain for a penny or a pint of rum.
Look at the PPP and the conversion that its ranking people have undergone overnight. All of them are now holy men taking vows. Todowhatisright. Totoe the Yankee line and walk on that straight line and speak with a straight tongue, and not with the forkedoneofbefore.
Iamwarningfromnow They are all playing a game. The Guyaneseinchargearewaitingfor theillAmericanwindstoblowover orcalmdown.Theoneswhohadto be made into examples, well that’s toobad. Collateraldamageislife’s balancingact.
Therewillberegroupinginside the PPP and rearranging of practices to keep the party and its leading lights happy They are simply too greedy and far gone to staystraighttoolong.
Like a drunken bum burdened with multiple addictions, or some socialderelictweigheddownbyhis crippling weaknesses, there are those with long association inside thePPP(orlocalpolitics)whojust don’tknowbetteranymore.
In a much harsher connection with reality, they don’t want to do better,orintherareeventthatthere is honest desire, they no longer havethecapabilitytochange. The fastdollarandthedirtypracticeare whatconsumesthem. Iftheywere totrytochange,maybeevendareto think of changing, the odds are greatthattheywouldgetsick.
This is how deeply the chronic diseasesofunderhandedwayshave deformedtheirexistence. Thinkof
it this way: the lecherous in the government and ruling party see a dollar, and it is the equivalent of most of them seeing a woman or a youngcitizenandtheydroolabout howtheycangettheirhandsaround thatobject.
TheAmericansdidnotbecome a world power and stayed one so long by being stupid. They know when they are being appeased. Theyknowwhenalltherightthings are being said by the leading people, so that foul features on the front pages will recede in the swiftest time to the edges of attention.
It is part of the old political dance, the artificial temporary embraceofrulesandregulationsto helptoinchawayfromthenetthat could ensnare. Then, it is back to the big binges, bad ways, and bad days.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Despite no move to ringfence Exxon’s oil projects or even installing its own meters at the pumps, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo last week boasted that the Government of Guyana has been silently addressing contentious issues of the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with the US oil giant in order to fulfill its promise ofbettercontractmanagement.
Among the some of the egregious flaws in the contract, which the government has refused torenegotiateisthatGuyanahasto pay the legal fees and any court judgmentagainstExxononcethese are incurred during the production process.
However, while in opposition, Jagdeo had promised Guyanese that a PPP/C administration would pursuebettercontractmanagement toaddresssomeoftheweaknesses in the contract signed by the APNUAFC CoalitionGovernment backin2016.
Jagdeo was asked by Kaieteur News whether in the interest of better contract management he would address the clause whereby Guyana would have to foot the legalbillofbothsideswheneverthe government and the oil company end up in international arbitration. He said: “without creating a wave,
we don’t shout loud we are addressingalotofthesethings.
Wedon’tshoutatthetopofour voices, we are addressing them with the involvement of the company too.” Jagdeo explained thattherearealotofthingsthatthe governmenthasbeenaddressingin thePSA.Onebeing “acontentious issuethroughthechangeinthelaw andalsothepermit,thelicensethat we i
environmental side of things he said they are ensuring that a law is inplacetoensurethereinforcement of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Act, which states fullliabilityforpermitholders.The new act will also include other groups like the shipping companies.
“We are putting in the act a mechanism that will allow people if they suffer losses, that they can go to a tribunal to address these issues In the act too we are addressing the environmental issues through that We have already addressed resolution throughanewPSAthelowroyalty rate, the no taxes through the ne PSA,”hestated
Meanwhile, on the arbitration
aspect he explained that
“international arbitration is standard in almost any contract so there are some standards that you can’t change. You can’t say okay we are going to hire two local persons to do this. It will never change.You can’t fight things that have been part of contract law and contractofthisnatureforcenturies and you can’t change that because there is another party, his and the other party believe that an internationalbodyshouldbepartof it.”
When asked to clarify if the government would be looking to have discussion with Exxon or lookingtofindawayoutoffooting b
international arbitration, Jagdeo said “that is what we signed up to. Wesigneduptothisnonsense…So ultimately I think eventually that willhappen.”
Should ExxonMobil be taken beforethecourtsinGuyanaoreven before a regional or international courtforanyreasonthathasdirect relations to the company’s operations in Guyana, the cost incurred for all legal fees or judgmenthandeddownwillbepaid by Guyana. UnderAnnex C of the contract, there is a vast area that dealswithcostrecovery
This is the range of items the costforwhichwillberecoveredby ExxonMobil before Guyana can see profits Annex C has a subheading“Legalexpenses.”This states that all legal expenses incurred by ExxonMobil for any matter in direct relation to operations in Guyana shall be includedincostrecovery
The PSA specifies, “All costs andexpensesoflitigationandlegal or related series necessary or expedient for the procuring, perfecting,retentionandprotection of the contract area and in defending or prosecuting lawsuits involving the contract area or any third party claim arising out of the activities under the agreement or
sums paid in respect to legal servicesnecessaryorexpedientfor the protection of the interest of the partiesarerecoverable. Where legal services are renderedinsuchmattersbysalaried orregularlyretainedlawyersofthe contractororanaffiliatedcompany of the parties comprising contractor,suchcompensationwill be included instead under subsection3,1(B)or3.1(D)aboveas application.” Subsection 3, 1(B) speaks to labour and associated labourcosts and 3, 1 (D) speaks to third party contracts. If there is an oil spill and ExxonMobil is sued, Guyana will pay the price. This annex in the contract harmonizes with what environmentalists have beensayingabouttheprovisionsof the Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA).
Itwasrecentlyreportedthatthe VP said he is confident that the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) has kept its campaign promisetoengageinbettercontract management, since the administration has managed to enactLocalContentlegislationand will be receiving free gas from the offshore, Stabroek Block operationstoprovidecheaper
Continued on page 24
Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat and a team at the meeting with the PSC
The Private Sector Commission (PSC), on Friday last engaged with Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat and a teamfromtheMinistryonNaturalResources includingtheLocalContentSecretariat. Themeeting,whichwaschairedbyPSC Chairman Mr Komal Singh, saw presentationsfromChairofthePSC’sLocal Content Sub-Committee Mr Shyam Nokta, and other members of the Committee which includedrepresentativesofthePSCCouncil. Principal among the issues raised and discussedwastheneedtorevisitandexpand on the 40 areas in Schedule I of the Local Content Act that have been set aside for Guyanesesuppliersofgoodsandservices,in
light of increasing capacity and investments by Guyanese businesses; the process and lengthy delays in receiving payments from some oil and gas companies; greater transparency in the procurement processes and the need for unbundling; more information and forecasting of the future needsoftheoilandgassectorsoastoguide localinvestments;amongothers.
AccordingtopressreleasefromthePSC Minister Bharrat underlined the joint approach and collaboration between Government and the Private Sector on local contentandwhichhasledtothesuccessesto date. The Minister confirmed Government’s
stronginterestinseeinglocalcontentexpand and to examine all the areas put forward by thePSC.
It was agreed that the PSC’s Local Content Sub Committee and the Ministry’s Local Content Secretariatwill meet monthly todiscusstheissuesfacingtheprivatesector and also to come up with recommended actionstoadvancelocalcontent.
The PSC wishes to commend the GovernmentofGuyanaforitsfirmstanceon localcontentandforenactingLocalContent Legislation which has facilitated, in a significant way, Guyanese participation in theoilandgassupplychain.
Former Health Minister
Dr Karen Cummings is calling for a probe into the recent allegations of mistreatmentandmalpractice leveledagainstthehealthcare staffers of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)
Speaking to Kaieteur News on Sunday Dr
Cummings noted her concerns over the number of complaints against the premierpublichealthfacility.
According to Dr. Cummings at least three cases were
brought to her attention over thelastfewdays
“The first case involved an 80 year old patient that complained of the terrible treatment which was meted out to her at the hospital, the second case was video that circulated on social media where a patient was seen lyingonthehospitalfloorand the latest one is where a woman is claiming her d a u g h t e r w a s misdiagnosed,” revealed Dr. Cummings.
The former Health
Minister described the treatment meted out to citizensatthepublicmedical facilityasunacceptable
“It is one which warrants an investigation and deep probe into what is really happening at the institution and not just this institution [GPHC] but other public medical facilities across Guyana needs to happen ThisIbelievehelptoaddress the gaps to improve patient/doctor or healthcare worker/patientrelations.Itis toooftenthatwearehearing
these complaints too often and for far too long,” she stated.
According to Dr Cummings, complaints on waiting times for patients to seeadoctorintheemergency room at the GPHC, the incompleteandlackofproper physical examination of the patients, which can lead to worsening health outcomes and misdiagnoses have also been due to allegations levelledatphysicians atthe institution.
She noted that given the
$129 8 billion dollars budgetedforthishealthsector in2024,aclarioncallgoesout to the Minister to ensure that our Guyanese citizen experience optimal healthcaresysteminGuyana
Dr Cummings further stated that since Guyana is being touted as the third richest country in the Caribbean and the country with the fastest growing economy, it is expected that there be improved health outcomes for individual patients and an improved healthcaresystem.
“It is about time that the Guyanese citizens receive nothing short of a healthcare systemwhichissafe,patientcentred, effective, efficient, equitable, timely, and dignified,”shesaid
Dr Cummings’s comments follows days after 31-year-old DeAndra Liverpool died at GPHC while being treated The woman’sgrievingmother
Hassinceraisedconcerns about the accuracy of her daughter’s brain r diagnosis after an autopsy report revealed that the mother of two died of a completely differentcondition
Liverpool was diagnosed with a brain tumour but she diedofacerebralcyst
Theresultsoftheautopsy were revealed days after Liverpool died at the GPHC Heraggrievedmother,Diane London,aresidentofSophia, Greater Georgetown has since raised concerns about the way her daughter was treated at the public hospital facility.
GPHChadissuedapress release in response to social media posts by a relative of the deceased woman who accusedthehospital’sstaffof theinstitutionofmalpractice
In the release, GPHC denied the allegations and essentially blamed the
woman for not following the doctor’sorders
However, London says thathospital’sstatementonly served to raise her suspicion evenmore
“The[hospital]statement claims that my daughter did not use prescribed medications, which was prescribedbyGPHC thatis a lie All medications prescribed were used as directed,”thewomansaidina statementonFridayrebutting thehospital’sassertions.
Londonsaidamongother things that the hospital claimed that the doctor had ordered her daughter to do teststhatwerenotdone
“That is a lie We did all the tests required However, the pap smear and mammogram tests were delayed since they had to be doneataprivateinstitution,” she said adding that she was unable to proceed with the treatment prescribed by the doctor since she could not affordthe$5Mfee.
Additionally, the woman saidthatdespiteGPHCclaim that a thorough investigation wasconducted,shewasnever contacted
Given the circumstances, themotherisoftheviewthat her daughter was wrongly diagnosed
“She was diagnosed with a brain tumour while her autopsy shows it was a cerebral cyst NONE of the medications given to my daughter were classified as antibiotic,whichcanbeused to treat a cerebral cyst,” Londonsaid.
She continued: “She was prescribed dexamethasone, which is a steroid for swelling,itching,andallergic reactions She was also prescribed phenyrion, which is a medication for seizures and epilepsy The third medication was paracetamol forpain”
L e a d e r o f t h e Opposition, Aubrey Norton said he does not believe in t h e g o v e r n a n c e
methodology being employed by the incumbent
regime that allows ExxonMobil to deduct the country’s oil revenue for decommissioning activities, yearsbeforeitisrequired.
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)inits2023 AnnualReportrevealedthat awhoppingUS$51.7million
was set aside for
d e c o m m i s s i o n i n g . Decommissioning refers to clean up and restoration activities, following the life ofanoilproject.Theprocess involvesthesafepluggingof wells, removal of the
Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, purging and detachment of risers and removal of the subsea umbilicals, risers, and
— says “will not condone that type of activity”
Liza One, commenced production activities in 2019. This means that the project is expected to be decommissioned in 2039. Two other projects, the Liza Tw o a n d P a y a r a , subsequently came on stream in 2022 and 2023, respectively As such, those p r o j e c t s w i l l b e decommissioned in 2042 and2043respectively.
Notably,thisprocesswill be conducted at the end of each project’s life, which is estimated to be 20 years. Guyana’sfirstoilproject,the
weekly press briefing on Friday told this newspaper, “Idonotbelievethatisright formofgovernanceinterms of the deduction you talked about.”
Infact,theLeaderofthe Oppositionadded,“Wehave always said we will govern theindustryinamuchbetter fashion and we will not condone that kind of activity.”
Be that as it may, ExxonMobil is already deducting the country’s oil revenues for the future activities Norton in an invited comment during his
According to Exxon’s financialstatementfor2023, a t o t a l o f GYD$60,647,587,579 or US$288.8Mintotalhasbeen deducted to date by Exxon
f o r t h e f u t u r e decommissioning activities. Presently,thefundsareheld by the company and will be made available to the countrywhenneeded.
C o n c e r n s w e r e previously raised by stakeholders regarding Exxon’s control of the decommissioningmonies.
The government of Guyanahashoweverpassed a new Petroleum Activities Law that seeks to, among otherthings,addressfearsof the company walking out andleavingGuyanatoclean Continued
Wi t h t h e r a p i d transformation in the Guyanese economy, micro and medium business owners are encouraged to discover their niches to allow their entrepreneurial aspirationstobeprosperous.
Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr AshniSinghgavethischarge as he delivered the keynote address at Saturday’s Business Brunch & Finance Seminar
The event, hosted by the Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry Guyana in partnership with the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) was held at the Guyana Marriott Hotel.
I n h i s a d d r e s s , participants were informed of Guyana’s economic growth of 30 per cent every year,largelyattributedtothe production of the country’s oilandgasresources.
Accordingtothefinance minister, this blossoming sector will continue to significantly contribute to economicgrowthinGuyana, triggering rapid increases andexpansionindemandfor everycategoryofgoodsand services.
“Irrespective of the sector in which you operate, there is no shortage of demand for what you can produce in
Guyana today. And that will only grow over the near and medium term,” hehighlighted.Hewenton to emphasise, “But what is critical, is that we identify ourrespectiveniches,what itisthatwe,theindividual entrepreneur, what it is that we are interested in and what it is that we are good at and will be able to dosuccessfully.”
Hewentontounderscore that with Guyana’s growing economy,thereissignificant competitiveness both within the country and globally
And so, Dr Singh stressed the vital importance of businesses being highly competitive to thrive in this newfound era of economic growth. “In the long run, you will only survive and succeed if you are globally
competitive. We consider this a national imperative, but it is also, that is to say, toensurethatwecreatean environment where we are c o m p e t i t i v e a s a country whatever you do competitiveness is essential.”
The senior government f u n c t i o n a r y a l s o underscored investments in human capital and skillsets, pointingoutthatasuccessful business cannot merely run onskilledlabourbutrequires specialist skills to deliver a world-classproduct.
And so, the government, hesaidisinvestingheavilyin producing a skilled labour force with over 7,000 Guyana OnlineAcademy of L e a r n i n g
Minister Singh also stressed the importance of forming strategicpartnershipsamong Guyanesebusinesses.
The landmark Local Content Legislation has identified 40 categories in whichoilandgascompanies are required to do business with Guyanese companies.
And so, he advised, “As a small business owner, you may not be necessarily a u t o m a t i c a l l y o r immediately be in a position to do business directlywithanoilandgas major, but the 40 categories give you a good
idea of who is doing business with the oil and gas majors, and therefore, who you could potentially be doing business with.
Shifting gears to financing, Dr Singh emphasised the importanceforbusinessesto establish a credible business plan to access large-scale financing.
Healsorestatedtheneed for financial institutions to be mor
aggressive, innovative, and willing to take risks. The government, through the Small Business Bureau (SBB), is also actively providing micro-
business grants to those interested in kickstarting theirbusinessaspirations.
Saturday’s Business Brunch & Finance Seminar aims to aid small and medium businesses enhance their understanding of securing necessary financial resources.
Topics centred around exploring various financing options, creating effective financial plans, and networkingwithkeyplayers in the finance industry The event was themed “Leveraging your Assets for SustainableSuccess.”
A six-year-old girl was shot in her head while sleeping at her Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara home between 22:00hr Saturday and05:30hrsSunday
The injured child is in a critical condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital Sheunderwentsurgeryanda CTscan,policesaidinapress release.Initsstatementpolice said a team from CID Headquarters visited the child’s home at Mon Repos Sundaymorning.
The scene, the release said is located in a bedroom ofaflat,inawoodenhouse.
“On examining the room, detectives observed that a suspectedgunshotentrywas seen in the zinc, which appeared to have been projectedinwardsjustinthe vicinity of the victim’s bed. It was observed that reddish stains,suspectedtobeblood, were on the bed. No spent shell was seen in or around the dwelling,” the police statementread.
It added that enquires disclosed that the six-yearold victim resides with her parents and her sister
Investigations indicate that ataround22:30onSaturday, the child’s mother put her to sleepinherbed.
At about 05:30 hrs Sunday, the woman said she wokeupandwenttousethe washroomandheardhersixyear-old daughter ‘groaning’.
“She immediately made checkswhereshediscovered the victim’s head and clothing drenched in a reddish substance suspected tobeblood. Thewomansaid she immediately alerted her husband. They then rushed the child to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where she was examined by a Doctor on duty and a CT scan was immediately done. The sixyear-old victim was due to undergo surgery Her condition is listed as critical,”thepolicerelated.
Thehandsofthevictim’s father and mother were swabbed for gunshot residue Several persons were questioned, but no one gav
ny relevant information and claimed they did not hear any sound (gunshot).
A 37-year-old construction worker was on Sunday arrestedaftersecuritycamerasrecordedhimstealingamusic box worth $150,000, cases of banks Malta and Thrill soft drinks from the Good News Fellowship Full Gospel Church locatedat35FourthAvenue,Bartica,RegionSeven.
He was arrested around 11:00hrs and admitted to the crime. He told police that he hid the music box opposite a burial ground on SeventhAvenue but shared the Malta and softdrinkswithhisfriends.Hereportedlystolefourcasesof BanksMaltavaluedat$20,000andthreecasesofThrillsoft drinksvaluedat$7,800.
Thepastorofthechurchtoldinvestigatorsthathelocked upthebuildingaround20:00hrsonSaturdaynightandwent home. When he returned at around 07:30 hrs on Sunday he foundthedooropen.Hemadefurtherchecksandfoundthat theitemsweremissing.
Footage from security cameras mounted on the building was reviewed and the construction worker was seen leaving thechurchwiththestolenarticles.
Frompage15 uptheenvironment.
The Law which came into effect in 2023 sets out strict rulesforcompaniestofollowonthedecommissioningofoil projects.Thecompanywouldhavetosubmittotheminister for approval, a proposed decommissioning plan and budget no later than two years before the expiration of a petroleum licenceornolaterthantwoyearsbeforetheanticipatedendof production.
Once that plan is approved, the minister would instruct thataDecommissioningFundiscreated.Thecompanywould makecontributionstothatfundtoensurethatwhenthetime for“cleanup”arrives,therewouldbeadequatefundstocover the associated expenses. Importantly, the law states that the ministerwilldictatethetermsandconditionsofthefundfor depositsanddisbursements.Governmentpreviouslymadeit clear that ExxonMobil will be required to comply with the administrativeclausesinthePetroleumActivitieslegislation.
AGuyanese miner on Sunday was set on fire at Wenamu Backdam, Cuyuni River, Region Seven by a Venezuelan after he was told that the manhadsleptwithhiswife.
The victim has been identified as ValonEvanscalled‘Doug’,a32-yearoldminerfromtheEssequiboCoast.
Police said that he was set ablaze around 04:00hrs while sleeping in the Venezuelanman’scamp.Thesuspectis knownonlyas“Manuel”andpoliceare lookingforhim.Itisbelievedhowever, thathe mighthavealreadycrossed the borderintoneighbouringVenezuela.
Reports are that the victim left his camparound20:00hrsandwenttothe landing where he had a few drinks to celebrate his birthday Instead of
returning to his own camp he went to the suspect’s mining camp and fell asleepthere.
The suspect returned around 04:00hrsandfoundhimtheresleeping. Hispresencethereangeredthesuspect andheaccusedtheminerofhavingan affair with his common-in-law-wife whowasreportedlythereatthetime.
The suspect then threw a flammable substance at the Evans and set him alight before running away Evans managed to extinguish the flames quickly and made his way to Wenamu Health Post to seek medical attention.Heiscurrentlybeingtreated there for burns to his body According to police his condition is stable at this time.Investigationsareongoing.
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Ten more potable water wells are slated to be drilled in villages along the Pomeroon River, Region Two by the end of 2024.
This will be done by the Ministry of Housing and Water in collaboration with the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI).
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It is to ensure that the ministry achieves its objective of providing clean and treated water to residents in the coastland and hinterland areas by 2025.
While commissioning the Hackney and Friendship wells last Friday in region, Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues stated that the team from GWI has commenced drilling operations in Marlborough and Karawab.
“From Marlborough, we are going to St John’s…Then we are going to Jacklow Pomeroon, then Abrams Creek. All of this will be done by the GWI engineers with our internal rig,” Minister Rodrigues noted. Other villages for the drilling of wells will include St Monica, Bethany, Dredge
etc. Tel: 624-8694.
Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music & food. Contact:264-2946-9
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Creek, Siriki, Kabakaburi, and Wakapau.
“All of these areas in the Pomeroon River will receive wells in 2024. So, some are ongoing while some will start very soon and some will start a little later in the year,” the minister assured. In order to achieve these goals, the ministry has since invested in several rigs to drill the wells.
“The guys at GWI have the technical skills and competence to drill the well
themselves,” the housing and water minister posited.
From 2020 to now, the housing and water ministry spent some $3.4 billion in hinterland and riverain communities alone. This saw about 75 new wells being drilled during that time.
According to Minister Rodrigues, this would have provided approximately 15,000 residents with firsttime access to clean water.
Meanwhile, the minister
further noted that for this year, another $1.4 billion has been set aside to help drill an additional 40 wells in the hinterland and riverain areas.
“That is why we can have such a concentrated effort here in the Pomeroon River because we have the rig present in the river and we can move from community to community, ensuring that we cover the Pomeroon River and the Essequibo Coast,” the minister explained. (DPI)
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the United States National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) brought together policy-makers, civil society and researchers this week to discuss advances and gaps in suicide prevention research, as well as to exchange experiences on evidence-based prevention strategies and identify priorities for suicide prevention in the Region of the Americas.
During the event, Forging Connections: Bridging Policy and Research for Suicide Prevention in the Americas: A Joint PAHO/ NIMH Symposium, participants highlighted the importance of quality data and research for the development of evidence-based prevention policies and programs, and stressed the need for multisectoral collaboration to tackle increasing rates of death by suicide, which claims over 93,000 lives in the Region each year.
“Suicide is a public health priority for the Region of the Americas, and one which we can no longer afford to underprioritize,” PAHO Deputy Director, Mary Lou Valdez said during her opening remarks at the Symposium.
While suicide mortality rates have decreased globally by 36% between 2000 and 2019, the Americas saw a 17% increase in the number of deaths by suicide during the same period. It is currently the third leading cause of death among young people aged 20 to 24 in the Region.
“The impact of the many lives lost to suicide transcends numbers and percentages,” the PAHO Deputy Director added. “Every death by suicide represents a profound loss, not only for that individual’s family and friends, but for entire communities and society.”
Addressing suicide requires accelerated and coordinated actions by countries and strategic partners. These should include the development and monitoring of indicators on mental health and suicide to facilitate evidence-informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of local contexts. Locally relevant research on suicide and related risk factors is also crucial to determining effective measures that could contribute to reducing suicide rates across the Region.
During the Symposium, the attendants participated in panel discussions on a variety of topics. These included strengthening suicide surveillance systems; reducing access to lethal means; fostering socio-emotional life skills in adolescents; responsible reporting on suicide; early identification, assessment, management and follow up for people affected by suicide; and supporting research on suicide prevention.
PAHO works with countries of the Americas to reduce suicide mortality using the World Health Organization (WHO) LIVE LIFE Intervention Guide for Suicide Prevention in Countries, which includes a package of evidence-based strategies and tools. The PAHO High-Level Commission on Mental Health and COVID-19 outlined suicide prevention as one of its ten priority areas to advance mental health in the Americas. Addressing suicide is also underscored in the PAHO Strategy for Improving Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in the Region of the Americas, which was approved during the 60th PAHO Directing Council in September 2023.
A 33-year-old salesassistant on Saturday found himself behind bars in police custody after he killed a vagrant on Water Street, Georgetown during an argument over the whereabouts of his brother.
The dead vagrant was been identified as Munilad Persaud called ‘Roach”. According to police, the sales assistant’s brother is homeless too and would normally be seen in the company of Persaud. At around 17:00 hrs on Saturday, he went in search of him in the Stabroek Market
area where the two would routinely sleep but could not find him. He then reportedly saw Persaud on Water Street behind the Central Fire Station and paid him $2500 to look for his brother.
Police said about 30 minutes later, Persaud returned and told the sales assistant that he could not find his brother. The sales assistant was reportedly angered by the response and a heated argument ensued between them. Things escalated when the sales assistant picked up a piece of
wood and dealt Persaud one lash to his chest. Eyewitness recalled that Persaud took a few steps forward and then suddenly fell to the ground where he remained motionless. The sales assistant immediately walked to the Georgetown Ferry Stelling where he boarded a speedboat to Vreed-enHoop, where Police arrested him. Meanwhile, an ambulance was summoned and the medical personnel on board pronounced Persaud dead. Investigations continue.
Hundreds of men marched against violence on Sunday.
Men on Mission led a fitness and anti-violence march.
P r i m e M i n i s t e r , kilometre walk brought encouraged. PM Phillips Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark together men and women anticipates that under the Phillips on Sunday called on from
he discip
ned leadership of President Ali, fathers and men to embrace services, g
nment the Men on Mission will their leadership roles and officials, and private sector
take responsibility in representatives. Energetic
shapingabettersociety. chants kept the participants supporting vulnerable The prime minister made motivated throughout the groups, and empowering the plea while addressing exercise, with President, Dr. men to be stewards of those gathered at the Mohamed Irfaan Ali, along society. culmination of the Father’s withPMPhillipsbeingatthe Meanwhile,ActingChief Day walk against violence, helm. of Defence Staff, Colonel organised by the Men on The prime minister said Kenlloyd Roberts, reiterated Mission (MoM). ”As you health and wellness is a that the group is committed take your role as men in the critical aspect of supporting to advancing characterhome, in your community, men, and one of the core building activities to foster a and at the national level, we pillarsoftheMenonMission bettersociety need to be aware, and one of mandate. “Ifwearegoingto He said nearly 60 homes the important awareness is lead, if we are going to be are being developed for your personal health,” the responsible, we have to be thoseinneed. “Today,aswe primeministersaid. healthy [I urge you to] take reflect on Father’s Day, I ask Starting at Camp responsibility for your allfathersandleadersat Ayanganna, the five- personal health, ” he
(Continued on page 24)
Over500farmersfromvillagesalongthe havebeensignsofincreasedproduction,”the PomeroonRiver,RegionTwoarebenefitting vicechairstated. from the bed and drainage project that was During the establishment of the project craftedbyPresidentDr MohamedIrfaanAli. last year, farmers were at the time suffering The project was established in 2023 fromseverefloodinginthePomeroonRiver. when President Ali visited the Pomeroon- As such, the elevation of farm beds and the Supenaam district. It entails the elevation of dredging of the area was deemed as a timely farm beds and the dredging of the lands to intervention. Some of the canals that lead to enhance drainage and irrigation. Two mini the savannahs were opened to drain the excavators were brought into the river to excess water off of the farmlands. advancedredgingactivitiesthere. Additionally,thefarmersarealsobenefitting Vice Chairman, Humace Oodit, Friday from other agricultural inputs, including the last, noted that there have been signs of distribution of Brazilian coconut plants, increased production along the Pomeroon which commenced a few weeks ago River due to this intervention. “There are Farmers also received a coconut shredder over 500 farmers in both lower and upper The shredding machine is used to finely Pomeroon that have actually started to mince the husks which can be used for benefit from the five acres bed and drain organic purposes such as coir/coconut fibre. project. And so, while this is happening, I The coir can then be used to make products want to encourage the farmers to take like mats and other upholstery materials. advantage of this initiative. Already, there (DPI)
Medical practitioners were honoured for their exemplary service and dedication in the wake of the Mahdia Secondary School dormitory fire tragedy, whichclaimedthelivesof20 youthsinMaylastyear
Tokens presented to medical practitioners for their dedication and remarkable contribution during the Mahdia fire tragedy.
During the appreciation ceremony, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony commended the tireless efforts and unwavering commitment of the undertaken to address the explained. healthcare workers during immediate and long-term In addition to these thecrisis. needsofthoseaffected. services, telemedicine was
“Everybody gave This included the implemented at four sites to selflessly so tonight what provision of psychological ensure prompt and effective w e w a n t t o d o i s and psychiatric care, as well communication and support acknowledge that. We as grievance counselling for for those in need. Deputy want to acknowledge by the affected communities. Chief Executive Officer of givingyoualittletoken,it’s Additionally, the minister the Ministry of Health, not much but it’s a little noted that a thorough report Robbie Rambarran, also token to say that we value into the cause of the fire as c o m m e n d e d t h e what you did, we value all well as the effectiveness and extraordinary compassion thatyouputin.Itisatoken response of the emergency and empathy demonstrated that the ministry, the teams was conducted for the by healthcare workers, who Government of Guyana Commission of Inquiry stood at the forefront to one really value your work,” (COI). of the most tragic events in Minister Anthony stated “I think we came up recenthistory. Fridayevening. with a written report of M e a n w h i l e , t h e
Further reflecting on the more than 50 pages of how government’s support to the response during the tragedy, we responded, and that in affected families and friends Minister Anthony noted the itself is a testimony to how of the young lives was multifaceted approach we
reaffirmed. (DPI)
Yogeita Bhagwandeen poses with her family; Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony, and representatives from the Men on Mission.
YogeitaBhagwandeen,asinglemotherof constant challenge. “I used to rent. I used to three,wipedawaytearsofjoyasshereceived pay $78,000 a month. It has been rough,” she the keys to her brand-new home in La Bonne saidtearfully Eventually,andwiththehelpof Intention (LBI), East Coast Demerara on her co-workers, she reached out to the MoM Sunday for help. While awaiting her new home, she The home, courtesy of the Men on and her children temporarily moved in with Mission (MoM) programme, represents a hermother fresh start for Bhagwandeen and her children Now, with a secure roof over their heads, after years of hardship Bhagwandeen Bhagwandeen can focus on her sons’ endured a difficult marriage and financial education and ensure they have the struggles, but her unwavering faith and opportunity to pursue promising careers. “I dedicationtoherchildrenkepthergoing. amverymuchgratefulforthis.[Mychildren] She toiled tirelessly, motivated by the will now have everything that I could never desire to build a better future for her sons. havegiventhem,”she expressed. Overcome with emotion, Bhagwandeen told In addition to the new home, Minister of the Department of Public Information Health,Dr.FrankAnthony,offeredthesingle (DPI) that before receiving her home, she motherthecontinuedsupportofMenon resided in a rented home, which proved a (Continued on page 24)
(BBC NEWS) When is a unattainable military goals
achieved.Mr Netanyahuhas ceasefire not a ceasefire? of dismantling Hamas and promised “total victory” According to the Israeli bringing home the hostages, against Hamas He has army, when it’s a “local, and the political allies he framed the current operation tactical pause of military reliesontostayinpower in Rafah as an assault on the activity for humanitarian Agencies will still need group’s last remaining purposes”. to co
battalions in Gaza –Israel’s humanitarian aid movements with the Israeli necessary to destroy it, he coordinator for Gaza set out army, and the Gaza director says. But it’s clear that even the details of the scheduled f
dismantling Hamas as a daily pause in fighting P
between 08:00 and 19:00 Hollingworth, said the test organisation does not mean local time, along a key route would be whether that an end to the conflict running north from the
dination became entirely Israeli forces still Kerem Shalom crossing smoother and faster as a face guerrilla operations by point,whereaidiswaitingto result. Hamas fighters in areas they bedelivered. But he also said that Prime Minister Benjamin risked putting “the with Hezbollah in Lebanon havepreviouslycleared.And The announcement coordinationwasonlypartof Netanyahu faces stiff achievements of the war has escalated in recent days, there’s no sign that the almost immediately the obstacle agencies faced opposition from two far- down the drain”. That the highlighting the broader group’s key leaders – Yahya triggered a furious political indeliveringaidinsideGaza. right cabinet colleagues, army could issue this risks of continuing the war SinwarandMohammedDeif assault from far-right Sunday’s announcement who say they will bring message on a day when withtheirHamasallies. – have been killed or government ministers – and “doesn’t resolve the issue of down his government if he Israel was burying eleven of Last night, large crowds c a p t u r e d F o r M r a rapid defence from Israel’s insecurity and criminality,” agrees to end the war, and its soldiers, he said, was a turned out to protest in Tel Netanyahu,endingthewaris army, insisting that it did not hesaid.“Andthisisthemost who see aid deliveries as symptom of the leadership Aviv, calling on Mr likely to bring a fresh battle signal an end to the fighting dangerous area of the Gaza delayingIsrael’svictory giving too much weight to Netanyahu to end the for his own political in southern Gaza, or any Strip right now for moving They reacted furiously to internationalopinionandnot conflict in Gaza and sign a survival. The divisions laid change to the entry of aid.” today’s announcement, with enough to the forces on the deal to return 120 Israeli bare today between his army humanitarianaid. Aid agencies reported Internal Security Minister, ground Both men have hostageshome. and his allies highlight the
The fact that this over the weekend that the Itamar Ben-Gvir, describing threatenedtobringdownMr And the funerals of tensions between rhetoric announcementhasprovedso continuing war was fuelling “whoever made this Netanyahu’s coalition eleven soldiers, killed in and reality in this war And explosive highlights the acutemalnutritioninpartsof decision” as “evil” and “a government if he ends the Gaza over the weekend, are the tensions Mr Netanyahu increasingly fraught Gaza Israel is under fool” Finance Minister, war, as America wants. But again pulling into focus faces in straddling them: situation of Israel’s prime pressure–fromNGOs,allies Bezalel Smotrich, said that pressure over the costs of questions over how the caught between the promise minister, caught between the and its own High Court – to humanitarian aid helped that war are rising at home stated war aims of Israel’s of “total victory” and the costs of his vague and so far get more aid into Gaza. But keep Hamas in power and too. Israel’s parallel conflict prime minister can be prospectofa“foreverwar”.
From page 23 challenges of others And the life of ourcountry And brainchild of President, Dr Mission This includes there are little things that thisisagoodexample.” Mohamed Irfaan Ali, who access to counselling or one can do to change those The Men on Mission visualised a coordinated mentorshipprogrammesthat circumstances But continue to leave a lasting group of men banded could benefit her sons. He because we ourselves are impact on the lives of together by common commendedtheeffortsmade so busy, we sometimes vulnerable Guyanese across humanitarian values, and a by the organisation to seek don’t think about that thecountry collective will to shoulder a out vulnerable persons and But this organisation is The homebu
s t e m offer them much-needed changing that It’s activities are one of the core supporting Guyana’s assistance.
c h a n g i n g p e o p l e ’s elements of its programme, developing society The “Like in all societies, attitude,” Dr. Anthony and with each home syndicate also helps to uplift we have vulnerable said delivered,apersoninneedis men who face many societal people And sometimes He continued, “This empowered with tools to ills, such as drug abuse, every day and we go about organisationwantstoshow upgrade their living domestic violence, gang our lives without giving men that they can do standard. violence, and other violent any consideration to the positive things to improve The initiative is the crimes. (DPI)
From page 3
The Stabroek Block partners- Exxon, Hess and CNOOCinvest in the development activities and are allowed to deduct 75%ofthemonthlyrevenuetorecoupitscosts.Theremaining 25%issharedwithGuyanaasprofits.
It should also be noted that although ExxonMobil is producing oil at a higher rate compared to other projects globally, this nation is still to receive an unlimited parent companyguaranteetoprotectitfromthefinancialburdensofa potentialspill.
Presently, Guyana has a US$600M oil spill insurance policy per event and a US$2B guarantee lodged by the StabroekBlockpartners.
ExxonMobil holds a 45% interest in the Stabroek Block, while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest and CNOOCPetroleumGuyanaLimitedholds25%interest.
Presently, ExxonMobil is producing over 640,000 bpd in the Stabroek Block at the Liza One, Liza Two and Payara projects. The government of Guyana has approved six developments to date for the operator to meet its projected productioncapacityof1.3millionbpdby2027.
From page 8
ContentSecretariat,theauthority,byinstitutingcriminallegal proceedings, to charge individuals or corporate bodies for submitting false or misleading information or aiding and abetting anyone to contravene any provision of the Act in ordertodefeatthelocalcontentobligationsundertheAct.
Section23(1)-(3)states:“Apersonwhosubmits,orcauses to be submitted, a local content plan, report, record, or any other information pursuant to this Act knowing, or ought to reasonably have known, that the submission is false or misleading, commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction — (a) In the case of an individual, to a fine of five milliondollars;(b)Inthecaseofabodycorporate,toafineof ten million dollars.” Consequently, the Local Content SecretariathasissuedGuidingPrinciples,intheformofLocal Content Register Registration Information, which are the criteria, pursuant to the Act for registering/operating a joint venture company in the Upstream petroleum industry, and pursuant to the provisions of the Act. As part of the requirements, a Guyanese company forming a joint venture with a non-indigenous company must have a minimum of 51 percentequityparticipationinthejointventurearrangement; submitDeclarationofBeneficialOwnershipanddemonstrate evidenceofequitycontributiontotheJointVenture.
Govt. silently addressing...
From page 11 electricitytoGuyanese.
ThePPP/Cinits2020ElectionsManifestopromisedtonot only to renegotiate oil contracts but to engage “immediately” in better contract administration so that the country benefits more from its oil and gas resources. It has now decided it no longer wants to renegotiate the 2016 oil contract with ExxonMobil and its Co-Venturers, Hess and CNOOC, due to itspotentialtoslowdowntheindustry
In its evaluation of the government’s performance, the Opposition described the PPP’s management of the Exxon contract abysmal, owing to the glaring lack of transparency and failure to secure more benefits through the recently approved Whiptail development, Exxon’s sixth deep-water project.
The lopsided PSA cleverly outlines in the Stabilization Clause that no new taxes, laws or royalty should be imposed on the Contractor that causes adverse effects on its profits as governmentwouldberequiredtotakeallactionsnecessaryto ensurethecontractor’sbenefitsarerestored.
From page 23
home, do not only consider leadership at home, but also in the wider community That is how we build character in society,”hesaid.
Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC), KomalSingh,inhisremarkspledgedthecontinuoussupport ofthePSCinadvancingallinitiativespilotedbythegroup. Similar walks were held in all 10 administrative regions. TheMoMinitiativeisaimedattacklingsocialissuesthrough training, mentorship and community support, bringing together men from all walks of life to uplift vulnerable persons. To date, the group has spearheaded a number of enhancement exercises, job fairs, and health outreaches. Recently,ayouthempowermentandmentorshipprogramme wasalsolaunchedtoequipGeorgetownyouthwithessential lifeskills.
MinisterofHousingandWater,CollinCroal,Ministerof Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony, and Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Bennalsoparticipatedintheexercise. (DPI)
The quarterfinals of the Secondary advancing to the P e t r a - o r g a n i z e d Boys’ quarterfinals. In the ExxonMobil Boys and Girls Girls’ division, defending U n d e r - 1 4 F o o t b a l l champions Waramuri Top, Championshiparesettotake along with Bartica and placetodayattheMinistryof President’s College, Education ground, bringing e m e r g e d a s s t r o n g the competition closer to contenders.
c r o w n i n g t h e 2 0 2 4 Today’s action-packed champions. quarterfinals schedule will Saturday’s round-of-16 kick off with Waramuri Top matches concluded with facing Charity Secondary in teams such as Leonora the first Girls’matchup.This Secondary, Christianburg, will be followed by Bartica and South Ruimveldt Secondary taking on Marian
Heightened imagination and ingenuity could bring new ideas for advancing yourself in money and business affairs. Practical information attained from outside sources merges with insights to bring useful informationyourway
Socialevents,especiallythose unrelated to business, could bring exciting new contacts. Relationships with partners shouldbemutuallybeneficial, particularly when the people you're dealing with are friends.
Your efficient and practical abilitiesareoperatingatavery high level. A long-term goal that you've been working toward could finally be reached today, bringing good f o r t u n e a n d o p e n acknowledgement.
CANCER (June 21–July 22)
Yourstrongbusinessheadand practical skills couple with imagination and innovation to bring advancement your way Information received from far away could prove especially valuablenow
Business colleagues or prospective partners could visit today The meeting promises to be cooperative, rewarding,andfruitful.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)A
social event in your neighborhood, perhaps in your home, could bring practical information your way that you can put to use to advance your business Youcouldmeetsome valuablecontacts
Scenes from the preliminary rounds of the two-division championship.
From page 30
six years ago, Persaud was one of the founders of the TriCity Cricket Club and mentored many youths in that community Hewasalsoacoachanddidvolunteerworkfor theschoolsinthedistrict.
BorninthecricketcrazyvillageofCanefieldSettlement, East Canje, Berbice, he came from a cricketing background and rubbed shoulders with Len Baichan, Lall Munilall, KamalSingh,RomainandReginaldEtwaroo,HubertEvans andMiltonPydannaamongothers.
Birbal,popularlyknownasTonyandDeKing,wasborn andgrewupinWilliamsburg,Corentyne,Berbicebeforehe migrated to Canada where he passed at the age of 56. The right arm medium fast bowler was an outstanding cricketer who will be remembered for his politeness, sense of humor andservicetohumanity
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
Your business and financial interests could suddenly take a turn for the better. Any difficulties you've been having may disappear as if by magic. Whatever your work, either related to career or projects of your own, it should suddenly runalotmoresmoothly
SCORPIO (Oct 23–Nov 21)
You feel mentally and physically great, and your business and financial interests may take a sudden turn for the better A contract could be involved
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
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Academy TucvilleGirlswill then clash with Santa Rosa Girls in match #102, and the final Girls’ quarterfinal will see President’s College battling New Amsterdam Secondary
In the Boys’ division, Leonora Secondary will go head-to-head with Bartica Boys in the opening quarterfinal Chase’s Academic Foundation is set t o f a c e W i s m a r Christianburg Secondary in m a t c h # 1 0 7 . S o u t h Ruimveldtwillthencompete against Bushlot Secondary inthethirdquarterfinal,with Dolphin Secondary and Westminster concluding the day’smatches.
The tournament is sponsored by ExxonMobil, with support from Stena Drilling, DDL/Pepsi and M V P S p o r t s I t i s coordinated by the Petra Organisation and has received approval from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Youth,andSports.
The organizers are calling on fans in the New York, Boston, Connecticut and Canada area to turn out in their large numbers to support this gesture. Players with the caliber such as former West Indies ‘B’ team classy opener Sudesh Dhaniram, Tony Kallicharran, Shazam Hussein, Verasammy Veerapen, Kumar Dindyal, Johnoo and Mike Persaud,brothersofthelateMorriswillbeonshow
Venue is located at 4281Amsterdam Road. Contact can bemadewiththeorganizerson5185266451.
(ESPN Cricinfo) - pressconference. wanttoopen,soprobablythe Namibia allrounder David “Obviously, I [would] next time we can get him in Wiesesaidheisretiringfrom still like to play the game for quicker,” Erasmus joked international cricket after a couple more years, I feel afterthegame. their final T20 World Cup like I’ve still got a lot to
“Unfortunately it was his 2024 group stage match contribute and a lot to play,” last game, which is a great againstEngland. he said. “But I just feel like moment for him to perform
After Wiese was what better place to end a likethatinhislastgame,”the dismissed by JofraArcher in special career for me Namibiaskippersaid. the final over of Namibia’s personally with Namibia.
“Massive impact, in chase in a rain-curtailed I’ve had a lot of good times terms of the level of cricket match in North Sound, withthemandtoplaymylast hebroughttoourcircle.He’s Archer and other England game for them possibly at a a great guy on the field in playerswalkedovertoshake World Cup against a world- terms of performance but off hishand. class team like England, it the field he is someone we
credit to him how well he’s Super12stage. wickets. He has also played
Hethenraisedhishelmet just seemed like the right havereallylearnedalotfrom how well he’s played over He has played in three nine ODIs for them, scoring and bat to the crowd as he time.” and he’s inspired us to new such a long period of time,” consecutiveT20WorldCups 228 runs and taking six walked off before being Wiese, who usually bats heights and greater heights,” Bairstow said in the post- for Namibia now Wiese was wickets. In all, he has played greeted by his team-mates, in the middle order, was Erasmussaid.
matchpressconference. the standout performer in 54T20Isand15ODIs. including captain Gerhard promoteduptheordertoNo. England wicketkeeper-
Originally from South Namibia’s only win in the Wiese could continue Erasmus,atthedugout. 3 with Namibia needing to batter Jonny Bairstow also Africa,hebecameeligibleto 2024 campaign, returning playing franchise cricket. In
“I mean, [the next] T20 chase 126 in 10 overs. He praised Wiese after the play for Namibia five years figures of 3 for 28 against the last 12 months he has World Cup is still two years smashed 27 off 12 with two game. after his decision to go Oman before starring with played the CSA T20 away, I’m 39 years old now, fours and two sixes before “I think it’s a huge credit Kolpakin2016.Hemadehis bothbatandballintheSuper Challenge, the PSL, SA20, so , in terms of international holing out at long-on, as to him the career that he’s debutforNamibiainthefirst Over HundredandtheBlast.Inthe cricket, I don’t know if Englandwentontoregistera had in international cricket roundofthe2021T20World He has played 34 T20Is Hundred, he has been there’s much left in me,” comfortablevictory and he’s going to be a big Cup, where he played a key for Namibia, scoring 532 retained by Northern Wiese said in the post match “Yeah, he just doesn’t miss for those guys and it’s a role in getting them to the runs and returning 35 Superchargers.
(The Guardian) - title fights took place, Gervonta‘Tank’Davismade including the interim WBC a triumphant return to the l i g h t h e a v y w e i g h t ring after more than a year championship that David away, dominating Frank B e n a v i d e z w o n b y Martinandknockinghimout unanimous decision over at 1:29 of the eighth round OleksandrGvozdyk. Saturday night to retain the But there was no doubt W B A l i g h t w e i g h t who the main attractions championship. were on this night, and that Davis delivered a right was clear at Wednesday’s andtwoleftstoMartin’sface press conference. Davis and to send the Indianapolis Martin bantered back and resident to the canvas for his forth during the Wednesday first career loss after he won newsconference.Thenwhen hisfirst18fights.Tankagain the two boxers did the proved to be one of boxing’s traditional poses afterward, most ferocious punchers, Davis pretended to take a improving to 30-0 – all but swing at Martin Martin twobyknockout. flinched and Davis left the This fight further podiumlaughing.
solidifiedDavis,aBaltimore This was Davis’ first Davis, who then took over defeated Gvozdyk (20-2), a victory with scores of 115- Heisman Trophy winner nativeandresident,asoneof fight since 22 April 2023, the fight by repeatedly Ukraine native who trains in 112and114-113andanother
his sport’s top pound-for- when he delivered a sending Martin into ropes Oxnard, California, by haditforRussell118-109. C
poundboxers. devastatingleftuppercutthat and corners. Davis appeared scores of 116-112, 117-111 D
n quarterback Jayden Daniels That bout between 29- handed Ryan Garcia a ready to finish off Martin and119-109. middleweight champion w
year-olds headlined the seventh-round knockout at with several hard blows in Alberto Puello (23-0) of Carlos Adames (24-1) attendance Milwaukee 100th championship fight T-MobileArena. the sixth round, bringing the the Dominican Republic retained hisWBC belt with a Bucks star Damian Lillard, night at the MGM Grand The 421-day layoff pro-Tank crowd of 13,239 to won the WBC interim super unanimous decision over Chicago Bulls forward Garden Arena, which has showed early as Martin won itsfeet. lightweight championship Terrell Gausha (24-4-1) of DeMar DeRozan and coach been supplanted by T- two of the first three rounds, Benavidez (29-0) made a with a split decision over Encino, California Two Antonio Pierce and owner Mobile Arena as Las Vegas’ including a right that caught successful debut in his move Gary Russell (17-1) of judges scored the fight 118- Mark Davis of the LasVegas primespotforcombatsports. Davisintheface. upfromsupermiddleweight. Capitol Heights, Maryland. 110 and the other had it 119- Raiders also were in the To mark the occasion, four That seemed to wake up The Las Vegas resident Two judges gave
Sherfane Rutherford peppered the on-side boundary against New Zealand. (ICC/Getty Images)
West Indies’upcoming Group C T20 World Cup But Rutherford kept his cool and timed his match against Afghanistan at the Daren Sammy onslaught to perfection as he took 37 from the last Cricket Ground in Gros Islet, St Lucia, on Monday two overs of the innings to lift West Indies to an presents an opportunity to witness which team will eventually winning total of 149-9.There’s a time for maintainanunbeatenrecordinthegroupstage. aggression, and a time for measured actions. The Both teams have already secured spots in the team that recognises it in a timely fashion will have Super 8s, rendering this match less of a high-stakes theupperhand. encounter T20Is have proven to be Afghanistan’s Key matchups forte, bolstered by a wealth of mystery spinners, In past encounters, Rashid has proven notably its skipper Rashid Khan. Its batting lineup, particularly effective against West Indies’ Andre now capable of both depth and high-paced scoring, Russell, dismissing him three times in just 24 balls poses a significant challenge for the co-host West during IPL matches, with Russell averaging a mere Indies. 8.0 against him. The foundation for Afghanistan’s Afghanistan will, however, miss Mujeeb Ur battingsuccessislaidbyRahmanullahGurbazatthe Rahman due to a recurring finger injury Hazratullah top.Hisbattleagainstleft-armspinnerAkealHosein, Zazai has stepped in as his replacement in the squad. known for his deceptive, swinging arm ball, DespiteMujeeb’sabsence,whichcameafterhislone promises to be intriguing. In fact, he and left-arm appearance against Uganda, Afghanistan remains spinner Gudakesh Motie could pose a significant confident with replacements like NoorAhmad, who threat to Afghanistan’s predominantly right-handed impressed with economical bowling against Papua middle-order West Indies will also be wary of NewGuineaandNewZealand. Fazalhaq Farooqi’s left-arm angle and the swing and
The primary challenge facing both teams, many seam he generates with the new ball in the of whose players recently competed in the Indian PowerPlay Thestrongwesterlybreezecominginoff Premier League, will be managing expectations on RodneyBaycouldaidhimfurther Caribbean pitches that haven’t favoured 200-plus Conditions scoresinthisyear’sWorldCup. The forecast predicts a low chance of showers. They would take a cue from Sherfane This is just the second match of the T20 World Cup Rutherford’s innings against New Zealand in here,soconditionsareuncertain.However,thepitch Trinidad, where West Indies struggled for much of used for Australia’s last game against Scotland was the innings, slumping to 30-5 and 76-7 on a two- high-scoring and the teams would welcome similar pacedsurface. conditionstoday Matchtimeis8:30pm. (Sportstar)
Fazia’s Collection’s representative, Sherry Anderson, presented the sponsorship to National Cyclist, Briton John.
ReigningNationalCyclingchampion,BritonJohn,whois on a path to successfully defend his title later this month has beenstrategicallycompetingatseveraleventsintheUSAand othernationsinthepastmonth.
Just off his recent trip with other cyclists to a three-stage event in Suriname and French Guiana where he won the first stage,fromParamaribotoAlbina,JohnisbackinNewYorkto continuepreparations.
Recently, Fazia’s Collection located at Anna Catherina, where you can do all your shopping in one place and Fazia’s Auto Spare Parts and Accessories made a timely donation to Johntoaidhiminhisquestforsuccess.
Sherry Anderson, a representative of Fazia’s Collection handedtheentity’ssponsorshiptoJohnattheirAnnaCathrina Storenotingthattheentityhasbeenfollowingtheprogressof BritonJohnandwasmorethanhappytosupporthisambitions incontinuingtobethebest.
“WeareatFazia’sCollectionandFazia’sAutoSpareParts andAccessories have always been supportive of cycling over the years. We have seen the rise of Briton John and his consistency so it was easy for us to accept his request for assistance.Wewouldliketowishhimwellandencouragehim to maintain a high level of discipline on and off the cycling track.”
John in accepting the cheque thanked Ms. Anderson and thePrincipalsofbothentitieswhilstpromisingtomaintainhis high standards, citing the fact that he is on a pathway to excel thus his quest to compete at races that will test his ability and improvethesameagainstqualityopposition.
Meanwhile, will compete in the Harlem Skyscraper Father’s Day Classic today in New York while on June 23rd he’ll be heading to compete in St. Lucia. On June 26th John will be headed back to Guyana for the National ChampionshipsonJune30th.
On July 5-7, he will be in Anguilla for the John T Memorial Race and is expected to return to the USA to continuecompetingafterAnguilla.
(ESPN Cricinfo) - Is it one last time for game. Their fast-bowling unit has been New Zealand’s golden generation in T20Is? impressive. This will be the first time these Theyonlyhavethreeplayersunder30intheir teamscomeupagainsteachother CanPNG’s side.Noneoftheirseniorbattershavecometo bowlers challenge New Zealand’s the fore in the tournament so far Trent Boult, demoralisedbattingunit? well, has been Trent Boult-ing, but he’s No New Zealand player is among the top confirmedthiswillbehislastT20WorldCup. 40 run-scorers at this year’s T20 World Cup.
Though KaneWilliamson believes it may At No. 43 is Glenn Phillips with 58 runs in not be the end of the road yet for many two innings. He top scored with a run-a-ball seniors, New Zealand bowing out of the 18 against the unplayable Afghanistan tournament early will make them rethink the bowling unit in the first game and followed it future. up with 40 againstWest Indies. He came in at
They did come together to show their No.6andcounterattacked,hittingthreefours prowess against Uganda in the last game, and two sixes in his 33-ball stay, after yet rolling them over for 40. Though all of their anothertop-ordercollapsebuthisknockwent bowlers made a mark, their batting unit, one invain.He’sbeenoneofthepositivesinNew oftheirbiggestletdownsthistournament,did Zealand’sdulltournament. notgetmuchtimeinthemiddle.Thewinalso Alei Nao has been the pick of the bowlers came a bit too late, their fate already sealed: for PNG.The 30-year old seamer struck with theywillnotbeheadingtotheknockoutstage his very first delivery at this T20 World Cup, of a men’s World Cup for the first time since removing West Indies’Johnson Charles for a 2014. duckinProvidence.Hehasbeenexcellentfor
Papua New Guinea, meanwhile, will be PNGwiththenewballandhastakenawicket exiting with different emotions. They gave in the powerplay in all three games. Nao has co-hosts West Indies a near-scare in the first taken four wickets at an economy of 5.10 so game.Their spinners bowled superbly in that far
Aspecially arranged T20 friendly match, organised by friends of the late Morris Persaud and Tony Birbal, will be held at the New Oval, Schenectady, New York, USA on June 22, 2024 Morris, a former Guyana under 19 cricketer migrated to the USA and adopted the town of Schenectady as his newhome.Beforehepassed (Continued on page 25)
The boxing fraternity In the Schoolboys demonstrated its promising category, Roopesh Balgobin future on Saturday at the from Rose Hall Town National Gymnasium, as the Jammers triumphed over Guyana Defence Force Dreshawn Willery of the (GDF) Boxing Gym Pace and Power Boxing clinched the Best Gym Gym to win the gold medal Award at the Andrew Lewis in the 30-35kg weight class. N a t i o n a l N o v i c e s Ryan Rogers continued his Championship. dominance in the 51-53kg Under the bright lights division, securing another and before an enthusiastic BestBoxeraward. crowd, GDF’s Jaquan Milo Kenisha Plass’s journey emergedvictorious,securing to her first Best Female the 2024 National Novices Boxer award was marked by goldmedal. a decisive victory over Milo’s victory was Deainy Humfrey in the dramatic, as he delivered a Schoolgirls final Tofina knockout blow to gym mate Barker also impressed, Larry Richmond just before winningagoldmedalagainst the end of the first round. Angelina Rogers with strong Richmond, unable to defense and counter- andChanceNileintheYouth continue, conceded the punching, ultimately division. Wavel Massiah of match at 2 minutes and 59 prevailingonpoints. t h e G D F w
Ken Harvey overpowered Dominque Warren during the Juniors final on Saturday
h e seconds, granting Milo the Ken Harvey showcased Bantamweight gold medal, Novice’sBestBoxertitle. his prowess in the Junior
The tournament also saw division, securing a split Vergenoegen Boxing Gym outstanding performances decisionwinoverDominque
r from other gyms Ryan Warren on the final day Welterweight gold, and Rogers of the Forgotten FYF’s Shakquain James Zonoah Little excelled in the Youth Foundation (FYF) continued to shine as an Welterweight division earned the Schoolboys Best emerging Youth champion, Omari Bentham of the GDF Boxer award, while Kenisha defeating Jofes Jackson of clinched the Cruiserweight Plass from the Pace and the NewAmsterdam Boxing gold title, while Jamal Power Boxing Gym was Academy in just 1 minute Booker received a walkover named Best Female Boxer and12secondsofthesecond victory to claim his gold Ken Harvey took home the round, earning him the Best medal. Best Boxer title in the Junior BoxeroftheYouthdivision. Th
p Division, and Shakquain A d d i t i o n a l g o l d highlighted the depth of James of FYF was awarded medalists on the final day talent in Guyana’s boxing Best Youth Boxer George included Leon Albert of the scene, promising an exciting Moorewasrecognizedasthe AndrewLewisBoxingGym, future for the sport in the BestReferee/Judge. Shemroy Wintz of NABA, country