ExxonM’s contractor in Guyana responsible for oil spill in Singapore
Van Oord’s Stingray vessel has been deployed in Guyana to assist in pipe-laying activities for the Gas-to-Energy project
A Netherlands based
company hired by
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has been found responsible the 400tonneoilspillinSingapore.
The Maritime and Port
Authority (MPA) of SingaporeinaJune16,2024 statement seen by this newspaperexplainedthatthe dredger, VOX MAXIMA, owned by Van Oord, reported a sudden loss in engine and steering control before its collision with a Singapore-flagged bunker vessel,MARINEHONOUR on14June2024.
TheDutchcompany,Van Oord is a maritime contracting firm that specializesindredging,land
r e c l a m a t i o n a n d constructing man made islands.
Authorities in Singapore reported that the collision causedaruptureofoneofthe MARINE HONOUR’s oil cargo tanks, the release of low-sulphur fuel oil into the sea.MPA’soilspillresponse
contractor was also activated, mobilising an oil skimmer to reduce the impact of the spill. Booms were also laid around the vessels thereafter as added precaution in case of further leaksfromthevessel.Dueto the tidal currents however, theoilspilllandedalongthe south
nes including Sentosa, Labrador Nature Reserve, Southern

Islands, Marina South Pier, andEastCoastPark.
MPA in a subsequent updatepublishedonJune17, 2024 said the next phase of the clean-up operations
commenced with the additional deployment of various booms and oil recovery systems Some 1500 metres of booms have been deployed, and an additional 1600 metres will be deployed over the next few days in designated sites to support the containment of accumulated oil to
facilitate the clean-up operation off the beaches andshorelines.
Meanwhile,VanOordina statement on June 14, 2024 noted that the company is cooperating with the investigations by authorities It said, “Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)haveinformedusthat both vessels are currently anchoredsafely,areinstable condition,withsomedamage above the waterline cleanupoperationsfortheoilspill resulting from the collision
are ongoing We are coop
investigations by the authorities As long as investigations are ongoing, we can’t provide any further substantiveinformationinthe i
e investigations” VanOordwascontracted by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited in August 2022 to provideprojectmanagement, engineering, and installation of approximately 190 kilometres of natural gas pipeline,offshoreGuyana
The pipeline runs from the Liza field in Guyana’s offshore Stabroek Oil and Gas Block to an onshore natural gas fired powerplant west of the Demerara River, alongthecoastofGuyana. VanOordreportedthatits scope consists of the shore approach, utilising Horizontal Directional D r i l l i n g ( H D D ) methodology,andinstallation of 75 kilometres of pipeline nearshore

3 months after receiving bids Govt. yet to award contract to audit 3 years of ExxonM’s expenses

Threemonthsafterreceivingbidsforthe audit of oil major, ExxonMobil’s expenses incurred over a three year period, the governmentofGuyana(GoG)isyettoaward acontract.
Such audits are critical to ensuring that this country was not cheated by the oil companiesthroughtheprocurementofgoods andservicesfromthecompany’scontractors.
This process is particularly important sincetheoilcontractwithExxonprovidesfor the operator to deduct 75% of the monthly revenuesgeneratedtoclearitsexpenses.The remaining25%isthensharedwithGuyanaas profits.
Since March bids were submitted to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) by three
firms from both local and international consultantstoauditExxon’s2021,2022and 2023bills.
VHE Consulting (Ramdihal & Haynes Inc; Eclisar Financial; and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc.); Grant ThortonUKLLPandPKFBarcellosNarine & Company; and M. Sukhai & Company (local) in joint venture with Info Works Solutions Ltd had expressed interest in conductingtheaudit.
On Tuesday, Minister of Natural Resources,VickramBharratonthesidelines of an event told Kaieteur News that the contract for the review of the company’s expensesisexpectedtobeawardedsoon.
According to him, “We are in the final stage; we should award that very soon. The evaluation team is looking at it so I don’t want to pre-empt them, I don’t want to influencetheprocessbutitwillbesoon.”
The Terms of Reference (ToRs) said the successfulconsultantisrequiredtoconducta pre-audit analysis; devise an effective audit plan inclusive of an appropriate methodology;executetheauditinadherence to the provisions of the Stabroek Block Petroleum Agreement and applicable local laws,regulations,andprocedures;aswellas

The scope of works also includes conducting verifications of the crude oil valuation pursuant to the provisions of the petroleum agreement for the audit period as well as verifying royalties remitted to the governmentforthatperiod.Additionally,the selected company will also be required to validatetheaccuracyofthetotalgovernment share of petroleum for the period under review,andassessingtheimpactoftheaudit onfutureprofitoilrevenues.
To date, two audits of the company’s expenses have been completed. The first auditwasdonebyaBritishfirm,IHSMarkit for the period 1999 to 2017. That audit examinedexpensestotallingUS$1.7B.
Meanwhile, the second audit was conducted by a local group, Ramdihal & Haynes Inc., Eclisar Financial, and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc. That audit examined expenses totalling US$7 3B
Based on the agreement, Guyana can conduct an audit within two years from the endofeachcalendaryear Attheconclusion of the process, the Contractor must be furnished with the report and its findings within 60 days to provide a response. The responsefromExxonwilldetailitsobjection or acceptance of the audit claim, along with explanations thereof. The contract also allowsthesubjectMinistertoconductfurther investigationswithin60daysofreceivingthe Contractor’sresponse.
It must be noted that the PSA makes it clearatSection1.5(b)that:“…Ifwithinsixty (60) days of the Minister’s further investigation,thePartiesareunabletoagree to the disposition of the Minister’s audit claim,theclaimshallbesubmittedtothesole expert in accordance with Article 26 of the Agreement.” Article 26 of the contract sets outtheconditionsasitrelatestoarbitration.

Kaieteur News
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
US Government developments
Whatever its form, whomever is involved, this publication is against corruption. There are no allies, there are no friends, in the fight against corruption that is crippling Guyana.
The US Government, through its Treasury Department, has issued a blistering denunciation against three Guyanese relative to tax evasion, gold smuggling, and other violations. According to American officials, it has been a long running investigation about corruption in Guyana, and it has a ‘mountain of evidence.’ Taking all this as context, there are severalthingsthatwewishtoputontherecord.
It is imperative that the Government of Guyana responds with speed and authority If the government is serious about corruption in Guyana, then it should leave no stone unturned in its quest to right wrongs. Also, the government and its leading spokespeople must be about tightening the screws, closing off loopholes, and distancing itself from dealing with citizens and their gifts, both of which could be tainted. The firstdutyofagovernmentistoitscitizens,thenanhonestand reliable record, and last a leadership platform and program that is convincing because both are credible. Government leadersmustworkhardatdevelopingtrust,nottheblindkind thatissuchaneffortlessaspectofdevotedpartisanship.
Leaders have a long way to go in fostering trust with honest, hardworking Guyanese, who know when they are being taken for granted, when their leadership has gone astray
When political leadership, both in the government and opposition, are about the best of ethical standards, then there isnocallforanyAmericangovernmentdepartmentoragency to do law enforcement work for this country The standards would have in place and implemented, as a matter of routine. Political leaders do not have to dance around questions then. Nor do they have to seek refuge in abuse and other tactics intended to intimidate into silence and acquiescence. Most Guyanese are against runaway corruption because when the numbers are counted, they are the people that pay the bitter prices repeatedly Almost all Guyanese with a conscience, those who want to be examples for their children, want a government that is clean, and leaders that are untarnished. We are still struggling to find those among the people in charge, because they can be embraced for the straightness of their governance. Straightness from leaders has its own power, stands on its own legs, and doesn’t have to yield to secrecies and the political chicanery that is now the norm. Americans would not have to do our anticorruption work for us, for our institutions would represent that and deliver it, regardlessofwhoisinvolved,oncetheybreachthelaw
In this cobwebbed development from America, the Government of Guyana must do everything to ensure that truth and justice are pursued, wherever such roads lead. Should there be any slippage (or ulterior considerations) in the current situation, then all that would happen is that the usualgamescontinuelikebefore. Nothingisnew,nothingis changed, and the burdens on Guyanese simply multiply A listless and critical set of people is the consequence, with all thenegativesgainingnewlife,andGuyanagoingnowhere. Having said this, the Guyanese identified by the US government are due their right to the presumption of innocence, and every right to what is fair They have a right to defend themselves with vigor and be given the fullest freedom to state their case. Much has been dumped on their heads, and they owe it to those who believe in them to clear the air, as well as their names. In the social inferno that has eruptedsincethenewscameoutoftheUSDepartmentofthe Treasury, those who were once on their side may have taken leave. That is for them to manage, but Guyanese need to see this matter resolved in the interests of their own wellbeing. It must always, however, be with an eye to the two men and a womannotbeingmadethesubjectofanywitchhunts. Those who hold the reins of government must ensure that the full truth is pursued, and that justice remains blindfolded, while itsscalesstaybalanced.
Where have all the friends of the Mohameds gone?
DEAREDITOR, PresidentandthatoftheVice be called such. I have never Last, there is a heavy What follows is going to President. The Mohameds had any business other than degree of anti-Muslim cause raised eyebrows, even are due fairness amid the thebusinessoftheGuyanese sentiment in sections of the some rocking back on the frenzies. Weren’t they the peopledone betweenme and PPP as a party and heels Regardless, it is people who were so him, and in the straightest government, Zulfikar and identical to the public stance generous wi
heir manner I read what the US t h e b i g c h i e f ItookforoneBharratJagdeo compassionandtheircash? I Treasury’s OFAC put into notwithstanding. I sense in his hour of darkness and look around, I listen. Where the public domain. There is some of that being used to another fine character by the are their friends now? What awareness of what is not in lash and smash the name of Nigel Dharamlall in happened to all those once the public realm. But it is Mohameds. Fair is fair, and his time of tortured scrutiny grateful beneficiaries, all still imperative that I pass no fair must not be foul. In this These citizens have rights, those peacetime endorsers judgment for or against regard, I am the last friend they are due certain who literally drooled over either of them. What I wish that any Guyanese would presumptions and the themselves with love for the for myself, I hope that they want; but I cannot kick protections that go with Mohameds father and son g e t i n a s u p e r h o t anyone when he or she is those. What was good for combo? See, how quickly environment roiled to mob- down. Jagdeo and Dharamlall must all those who took their likeabandon. But what of the many also hold true for the lavishness also took away In the simplest format, it fair-weather ones that once Mohameds,fatherandson. their cambio license? is a level field in which to surrounded them? To which If mine has to be the only Observehowthosewhoheld defend themselves or yield, caves have they retreated, sober voice in these parts, themselves out as comrades and not the treacherous keeping their heads low, then it is so. If I am the sole and compatriots have found thickets of any witch hunts hopingthewindsblowover? citizen still capable of cover in a hurry. Other nine for scalps to be held aloft as The point of all this is not for reasoning,thenIstandalone. pins will fall. But I am not examples. I know about whom the bell tolls. Rather, If the standards that we say hurling any bowling ball. witch hunts, having been it is a harsh reminder of the we are about in normal times Let justice take its course. made a victim of those. stark state of affairs that vanish for every other Let all that have been Bharrat Jagdeo should be result when the music and Guyanese when the hour is accumulated against them in approached for answers on goodtimesstop. Ihavebeen darkest, then I shall cling to 30 months now be presented issues like these And there, too. Yes, I know that thosestandards. against them to damn them. because I have been there, I there is the risk of being Letthechipsfall. Thisis Ortodeliverthem. cannot be a part of any such denounced as either a mad not a pontification or I never had any dealings, thing for anybody The fellow or an utterly stupid pretenseforme,likesomeof any encounters with the Mohamedswillovercomeby one. Either way, I must be the big, bad wolves in the younger Mohamed. Mr the power of their record, or whoIam,andnoother PPP Government, whose Mohamed, the Elder and I crumble under the weight of Sincerely, lairs are in the Office of the had our run-ins, if they can it.
GHK Lall
The PNCR enters this Congress will determine the way the Party emerges from itDEAREDITOR, C
needs; Congress documentslike questions and motions have to be discussed by
hairman, two Vice thousand members. Taking groupsandsenttothecenter; Sometimes it is hard to Chairmen and fifteen other that fact alone into these are just a small sample acceptfailurewhenyouhave memberstositontheCentral consideration, 28 days seem of the basic requirements, so much invested in an Executive Committee of the inadequate. but these things are costly, organisation or a person. I Party This therefore is the The normal preparation take time and cannot be have witnessed this type of most important event on the time for a Biennial Congress rushed.Itisaknownfactthat denial on many occasions Party’scalendar is at least three months. unrealistic deadlines cause and endured the excuses Ta k i n g t h i s i n t o Groups must be notified, confusion, chaos and p r o f f e r e d a n d t h e consideration, one must ask; after which they must meet carelessness It would explanations given for the why did the PNCR leader, and nominate persons of therefore be wise for the failure, it is not easy, it hurts. knowing the importance of their choice for the positions Partyleadertoreexaminehis However, facts are stubborn the Biennial Congress and of Leader, Chairman, vice decision and postpone the things. So, when I heard that the detailed and sometimes Chairmen, Treasurer and the Congress to a more realistic the leader of the People complex preparations fifteen member CEC. That date, so that the Party can National Congress Reform necessary for the hosting information must then be better prepare, and the (PNCR) announced that the such an event, why give the sent to the Party’s secretariat process better scrutinized to Party Congress would be organization so little time to along with the names of the allow for transparency and held at the end of June, my prepare? delegateschosentorepresent fairness. The PNCR can ill initial reaction was this was J u d g e m e n t i s a n the group. The Party afford to emerge from this fake news; until I heard it important leadership quality. secretariat working in Congress in a chaotic state; fromacrediblesource. Good judgment calls are a conjunction with a Congress fractured and disorganised.
My first reaction was process, not an event. The Committee must then begin General and regional based on historical process has three phases: the process of verification elections are scheduled for precedence. Never had a preparation (sensing and and ultimately accreditation. 2025 and if the opposition is leader of the PNC or PNCR framing the issue and C o m m i t t e e s w i t h goingtofieldacredibleteam given his party such short communicating why the responsibility for security, it must be united, well notice to prepare for such a decision is important), the logistics, administration prepared and highly seminal event. The Biennial call (the decision), and mustthenworktoensurethat energized. Congress of the PNCR is the execution of the decision delegates from the various Let us not fool ourselves, highest decision-making Takingintoconsiderationthe regions are transported to there will be no waving of a forum of the Party; it is the importance of the Biennial G e o r g e t o w n a n d magic wand that will heal all supremeauthority Congress one must question accommodated; air, land and wounds, forgive all sins and The Constitution of the the Party leader’s judgement water transportation has to mendthefracturedparts.No, Party clearly outlines that in giving his secretariat and be coordinated; adequate the faithful will not supremacy when it states, members a mere 28 days to accommodation secured for magically rise united to do “theCongresshastherightto prepare for and carry out the out-of-town Delegates; battle against the PPP; the reviewortoorderareviewof suchanimportantevent.The credentials for each category way the PNCR enters this any decision taken by any PNCRisanationalpartythat of delegate has to be Congress will determine the other forum, organ or spans the ten administrative generated; preparations have way the Party emerges from committee of the Party The regionsofGuyana. to be put in place for feeding it.Tekwarning! BiennialDelegatesCongress The Party has hundreds of over two thousand Regards, elects the Party Leader, of groups and many persons, some with special Mark Archer
Time to cash in on the coconut industry
DEAREDITOR, farmers In the opening
No doubt about it. The phase,over120farmerseach coconut culture runs deep received 25 Brazilian Green across the Caribbean and Dwarf coconut plants and South America From this forms a part of the first coconut water to coconut phaseofalargerproject.And milk and coconut cream and as we recall, the distribution other by-products, even the is really a follow-up on a husks are put to good use in commitment made six making crafts or for months ago, with the aim of household uses Its improving the quality and importanceisthereasonfora yield of coconuts in collaboration between the Pomeroon. Food and Agriculture
What we really need to Organization of the United grasp is that coconut is not Nations (FAO) and the justaboutanicewaytoslake Government of St Lucia in our thirst In terms of developing the Coconut commerce, the global ValueChain. coconutindustrywaswortha Here in Guyana, I think staggering $4,512 million in we are beginning to ‘get the 2023 and is set to top $31 drift,’and I am quite pleased billionby2026.Theindustry that the People’s Progressive hasinfactseenahugerateof Party/Civic Government growth with growing recently distributed some demand from countries like high-yield coconut plants to the USA, UK, Germany and Pomeroon farmers. On the other European countries local scene, this means a seeking coconut products major boost to the coconut from tropical climes, which industry in the Pomeroon means potential for the local River Region, Region Two industry,moreso,asthe (Pomeroon-Supenaam) (Continued on page 6)
D e t a i l s s h o w t h a t
Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha, actually
announced that the Government will make available some 3000 highyield coconut plants to local

Corrupt officials should be punished
DEAREDITOR, police or judicial officer, the law and wait their turn; orpayfines.
Corruption involving goodluck! bribes are not a way of life
The public should know government officials has It is well known that in and can land people in jail as that corruption (graft and beeninthenewsoverthelast developing countries, happened repeatedly But in bribingpolice),inadditionto week because of American including Guyana, as Guyana, the public can’t be giving bribes for state sanctions. But lower-level observed first hand, one can bothered with the amount of contracts, breeds more workersofthestateare(have pay off police officers (and time they (which is costly to corruption. And corruption b e e n r i g h t a f t e r even some compromised a productive person) have to increases poverty, renders independence in 1966) also judges) to ignore any crime; spendtogotocourtortowait themiddleclasslesswealthy, involved in corruption, as youpaidabribeandacharge for service So they, and the poor much poorer It obtained from conversation gets dismissed Vehicle themselves, become also excludes people from and social interaction with drivers related experiences facilitators of corruption service and justice in courts the public all over the of paying bribe and would Regretfully, at times, they when can’t afford to pay the country They should also poke fun about (ridicule) can’t help but require quick bribe.Thewealthyarehardly facesomekindofpenalties. corrupt police officers and service. troubled by agents of the
People generally feel court personnel. The public So they pay ‘the stateandthusarenotaffected officials are corrupt also spoke of having to pay inducement fee’or money to by graft or corruption. And Everyone in Guyana speaks “a lil thing” to speed up make summons disappear or while the middle class and about corruption, indicting service; it is called to expedite service.The state poor are affected with the the police and bureaucrats “bakshish” in Middle East, should find a way to provide latter getting poorer in (those in the higher up, in AsiaandAfrica. fast service. People coming paying bribes, which they particular) of being “on the Governments have to Georgetown, say from the can’t afford, the corrupt take”; in all fairness, many repeatedly urged the public Corentyne or from other enjoy a lavish lifestyle with police and most state not to pay graft for services. outlying areas needing little empathy for others. No employees (civil servants) But without some financial documents or a passport or oneshouldberequiredtopay carry out their duties inducement, services are birth or marriage or death bribe for basic services that honestly, and the public stalled. State contracts are certificate are heavily are mandated by law commend them for their hard to get without some burdened; the state should Anyone and everyone on the integrity But there are a kind of connection – it is so decentralize services take should be punished by greedy few who demand in almost every developing Corrupt police should be the Guyana state and money for performance or country The public wants disciplined!And courts have sanctioned by the developed policeorjudicialofficerwho fast,efficientservice;drivers to find a way to quickly countries (like USA and with the right price make a want summons (tickets) disp
f vehicular Canada)ifpossible. traffic violation disappear disappear In America and violations for those who Yours sincerely, Andifyouhaveissueswitha Canada, Guyanese follow appear to contest summons Vishnu Bisram

Five arrested in connection with death of Stanleytown man
Police have arrested five persons in connection with the death of a 28-year-old man, who was on Monday found motionless at the side of the road in HeathburnVillage, East BankBerbice(EBB).
The dead man had been identified as Tyrone France of Lot42Stanleytown,NewAmsterdam,Berbice.
Police said that the incident occurred at about 10:30hrs and upon arrival on the scene ranks observed France’s body withseveralwounds.

We cannot wait
to tell
us that millions of US dollars were not collected

DEAREDITOR, the sector would be more 22). and the Ministry of Natural
One of the most valuable vigilant, not only at the Amoreimportantfinding Resources has work to do, non-renewable resources airport, which is the second- isthatatatimewhenthegold especiallyifthereareissuing that Guyana has, apart from best location, but at all the priceisincreasing,Guyana’s more permits to start gold oil,isgold. locations where the gold is output over the last three extraction projects, and
The price for an ounce of extractedandsold. years has been declining. issuing more licenses to gold on the World Market And hence, more real- More precisely, in 2021, dealers. Moreover, we (June 16, 2024) is time monitoring is required whenthepriceperouncewas cannot wait on the Office of U S $ 2 , 3 4 8 4 0 to close the gaps in what US$1,707.23, a total of 502, Foreign Assets Control (https://www.google.com/se appears to be very weak 802 ounces of gold were (OFAC) to tell us that arch?q=price+of+gold&rlz= institutions. As a result, one sold; but in 2022 when the Millions of US dollars were 1C1ONGR_enUS1113US11 may also ask: Is smuggling price incre
om not collected, for this is the 13&oq=price+of+g&gs l supreme? Is corruption U S $ 1 , 7 1 8 2 5 t o jobofourinstitutions.Andto crp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggA present? Are those in charge US$1,850.09, an increase of think we may have similar E A heldaccountable? US$131.84 per ounce, the concerns with other nonAYsQMYgAQyCggAEAA Meanwhile, according to corresponding gold sales
YsQMYgAQyCggBEAAY the export data produced by declined from 482,934 (d
sQMYgAQyBggCEEUYO the Bank of Guyana, gold is ounces to 437,060 ounces, a manganese,timber,ifthereis TINCAMQABiSAxiABBi the second largest source of decrease of 45,874 ounces no silviculture, other) that KBTIHCAQQABiABDIHC foreignexchangeearningsin (see the Table and Figure fallunderthesameorsimilar AUQABiABDINCAYQAB Guyana, and it generated above), which in 2023 at a g
ixAxjJAxiABDIHCAcQAB US$ 808.6 million in foreign price per ounce of US$1,
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the above persons is asked to please pass the message on This message is sent by the Manager of Jumbo Jet Auto Sales
iABDIHCAgQA); and exchange in 2023 (Bank of 850.09 per ounce is worth Guyana! therefore, one pound of gold Guyana.Annualreport2023: US$84,871,028.66. Sincerely, is US$37,574 40, as https://bankofguyana.org gy Undoubtedly, the Dr C. Kenrick Hunte compared with a pound of /bog/images/research/Repor Guyanese institutions in the Professor and Former sugar at US 19.35 cents and ts/ANNREP2023.pdf; page mining sector are broken; Ambassador rice at US18 15 cents (https://tradingeconomics c om/commodity/sugar).
With the price of gold being so attractive, one w o u l d t h i n k t h a t policymakers in charge of

Time to cash in on the coconut...
From page 6 capitalise on. During the coconut production but to industry is expected to exercise, Minister Mustapha revitalize the entire coconut increase at a remarkable rate carefullyhighlightedthatthe industry in Guyana (as eachyear Brazilian Green Dwarf according to theAgri Head),
As a huge plus is that variety is the way to go, as it This sector has the potential coconut farming is not only will produce approximately tobehighlylucrative,andwe highly lucrative and quite 240 coconuts per tree have the potential to supply thriving in many countries annually This represents a markets throughout the especiallyinAsia,Africaand significant increase from the Caribbean.” in Europe, but overall, current160coconutspertree No wonder Mustapha, coconut plantations are in Guyana. Adding more via his Ministry, has already actually good for local value to the actual numbers, imported over 60,000 highecosystems. For example, the said variety produces a yield coconuts from Brazil, they can stabilise soil. much higher water content, and there are plans to import Importantly, coconuts are that is, around 700-750 ml another 40,000 from veganandthereisnoharmto compared to the 300-350 ml Mexico. This is big and on animals. fromlocalvarieties. s u c h a l a rg e s c a l e
Guyana has the land Thiskindofproliferation investment, it means that the space and the soil and in numbers of nuts and designated 6000 acres for w e a t h e r a r e q u i t e quantity of water lends coconut farming will be accommodating, so this impetus to realising the maximised. thrust from the Government dream of the sector, which is Yours truly, is something to really “… not only to enhance HB Singh

Companies with Local Content Certificates to get head start in bids for contracts within oil sector under new policy
Guyanese companies holding Local Content Certificates are set togetagreaterheadstartinbidding for contracts in the oil sector as a result of a new policy under the localcontentregulation.
According to information posted via the Ministry of Natural Resources’website,companiesthat hold Local Content Certificates automatically score extra points in theevaluationprocessofbiddingto secure contracts for the supply of goods or services within the oil industry
Previously, local companies or thosethatare51percentGuyanese -owned and hold Local Content
Certificates get an automatic 5 percent weighting score in the biddingprocesswhichcausesthem to be given priority among other companiesbiddingforcontracts.
Under the new policy,
Guyanese-owned companies will now have an automatic 10 percent weighting score doubling their chances of securing the contract amongstbidders.
The guidelines now stipulates, “Where local content is evaluated as a separate criterion (outside of the technical criteria), the weightingallocatedtolocalcontent consideration shall be no less than 10 percent of the overall scoring
The policy is in keeping with theLocalContentAct,underwhich companieswithintheoilsectorare obligated to incorporate local companies as part of their bid evaluation process.As such, these contractors, sub-contractors and licensees, are given guidelines which serve to provide clarity relative to the bid evaluation requirements.
The guidelines are intended to provide clarity to contractors, subcontractors and licensees on the law as it relates to procurement requirements to ensure fair competition and transparency in

tenderingprocessesofcontractors, sub-contractors and licensees; ensuringthatthereispreferenceto, or equal treatment of, Guyanese nationals and Guyanese companies; and ensuring the procurementprocessofcontractors in the oil sector support local capacity development and transfer ofskillsandtechnology

Dr. Martin Pertab, Director of the Local Content Secretariat
To ensure objectivity in any competitive bidding process, the document noted that a contractor, sub-contractor or licensee assign a score or a weighting to the local content criteria in accordance with whereanoilcompanyorcontractor evaluates local content as part of thetechnicalevaluationcriteria,the weighting of local content considerationsshallbenolessthan 10 percent of the total score allocated to the technical criteria usedforevaluation.
“Forexample,wherethescore Continued on page 9

$489M for rehabilitation of vital infrastructure in Kwakwani

engaging engineers and contractors in Kwakwani, Region Ten sub-district two.
Thousandsofresidentsandcommutersof $181.8 million spanning 20 kilometers in Kwakwani, Region Ten are slated to benefit lengthand7.62metersinwidth. from critical infrastructural upgrades valued The project has a similar timeline of sixatasumof$489million. months and is expected to be completed by Theseinfrastructuralworksaimtobolster December 14.Additionally, Minister Edghill connectivity and accessibility in the mining noted that the road linking project is in its and logging community. The announcement fourthphaseandoncecompleted,willreduce was made by Minister of Public Works, thetraveltimeforpersonstransportinggoods BishopJuanEdghill,duringinspectionofthe and services as well as those in forestry that Kwakwani barge last Thursday “We came hasconcessionsinthesefar-flungareas. andwesatwiththeNDCandallotted$200 Persons blasting quarries at Orealla will million and we walk with them, found out also be able to utilise the thoroughfare to what their priorities are and we delivered transport and sell their aggregates at the on every one of those roads we committed market. Internal thoroughfares and drainage to.Nowin2024,wearedoinganother$489 works are also set to be rehabilitated by VG millioninroadworks.” GroupGuyanaIncorporated.Thiswillseethe
This will see works being undertaken on road between Kwakwani and Hururu being the Kwakwani Waterfront Road by Jemcrop upgraded for easier accessibility for Engineering and Imports in rigid pavement commutersparticularly,schoolchildren. concrete to the tune of $225.6 million. Theworksarevaluedat$82.2millionand Spanningsome1000metersinlengthand6.1 is being executed in asphalt spanning 600 meters in width, the six-month project meters in length and 6.1 meters in width.The commenced on June 14 is expected to be projectdurationisfourmonthswithworksset completedbyDecember14. to be completed by October 14.According to Continuation works are also being the minister, the magnitude of infrastructural executed on the Orealla to Kwakwani road works being in the sub-region is for the project Orin’s Supreme Enterprise is benefit of the people as well as the economic foregoing this massive project to the tune of developmentoftheregion. (DPI)
MARAD to procure new hydrographic survey vessel
The Ministry of Public Works, Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) is preparing to procure a new hydrographic Surveyvessel
At a recent opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender AdministrationBoard(NPTAB)office,itwas revealed that six companies have submitted bidsfortheproject.

The bidders are as follow: K&K Boat Building Construction & General SuppliesUS$12,027,000; MS Trading$1,053,353,000; S. Jagmohan Construction & General Supplies Inc. - $1,246,000,000; Techniq Guyana Inc. - $2,063,600,000; Queensway Security Service Inc - the whole Berbice River, we can’t dock there $2,160,400,000;andFarmsSuppliesLimited and then I said, but check it, then they went -$994,375,000. and do the sounding and we had it and that’s
At his recent press conference on why the ship could come in,” the Vice Thursday last, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo Presidentsaid. when asked about the vessel said it is being He added that a lot of the data they have, acquired so that MARAD can better perform they do not know whether it is anecdotal or it its function. “Well in navigation, it’s clear as isancient.“Sothissortofstuff,weconstantly that. So they know the water channels up our need to chart and map our waterways, the riversetcetera,fornavigationpurposes.Then channels. Sometimes they shift and that is once you map that, you then know For important now So that’s what the vessel example, they told me that we had a depth at would be used for to ensure that MARAD is whichthepowervesselhadtogotodock.And equipped to do that to better perform its they always said we don’t have that depth in function,”headded.
Companies with Local Content...
From page 8 capacity development and provide for the for the technical criteria is 100, for local investigation, supervision, co-ordination, content score shall be no less than 10,” the monitoring and evaluation of, and documentexplained. participationin,localcontentinGuyana.
The Government of Guyana has been The Local Content Secretariat is working to fulfill its commitment to ensuring mandated to ensure that the provisions of the that the benefits derived from the foreign Act are implemented and functions as the direct investments into Guyana’s petroleum regulatory arm for the monitoring, sector, are captured and retained in-country, evaluation, coordination and reporting of through the enactment of the Local Content local content in the petroleum operations of Act of2021. Guyana.
The Act provides for the implementation In so far as the Act mandates every oflocalcontentobligationsoncompaniesand contractor, sub-contractor, or licensee to persons engaged in petroleum operations or implement local content as an essential related activities in the petroleum sector and component of their petroleum operations, the prioritize Guyanese nationals and Guyanese secretariat, through the issuance of industry companies in the procurement of goods and guidelines, aims to provide detailed and services for the enhancement of the value specific guidance to contractor, subchainofthesector ContractorsorLicenseeswithregardstotheir
The Act also serves to enable local reportingobligations.
Exxon contractor in Guyana responsible...
From page 2 shallow water pipelay vessels; pipe supply water pipelay barge, Stingray has been vessels; anchor handlers; crane barges; deployedfortheoperations. survey vessels; supply vessel (other than Furthermore, inApril this year, Kaieteur p
News reported that the Environmental accommodation vessel and specialized Protection Agency (EPA) approved the use vessels for lowering of the pipeline below of a fuel bunkering vessel that will be theseabed.
moored in Guyana’s Exclusive Economic The company, in its project summary Zone (EZZ) to support a 20-fleet of vessels said, “offshore bunkering can pose a to be used for the offshore aspects of the pollution risk to the marine environment in pipeline laying component for the Gas-to- the unlikely event that a spill should occur.” Energy Project. In explaining its rationale Itwasadamanthowever,“basedonthorough fortheneedforavesseltostorefueloffshore management and mitigation measures, to support its operation, it was noted that the supported by the inductions and training of parties use two types of vessels for such crew with close monitoring during operations stationary which remain operations, Van Oord will strive to maintain offshore,andsailingvessels. preventative measures to reduce the VanOordisexpectedtooperateafleetof likelihood of a spill occurring during up to 20 vessels and barges including: bunkeringoffshore.”

Aubrey Norton: Asympathetic profile
TherewasatimewhenMr.AubreyNorton wasafearedpoliticalfigure.Today,heisateddy bear.
ThebadnewsforGuyaneseisgoodnews for foreigners Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton likes the new man he has become When he should be about concentrated fire (figuratively,ofcourse),heisconcernedabout friendly fire It is from inside the opposition andthelikelihoodofthatdevelopingfromthe foreignsideofGuyana’senvironment
ThinkExxon TheoldNortonthathispeople yearn for would have been raging; the transformed Norton is more about engaging I toldeveryone,ofGuyana’stopleaders,leavethe language to me, focus on the politics Of oil They are all tightrope language walkers now, which is why Guyanese are stuck where they are Therichestpeopleintheworldscrapingthe bottom of the barrel Guyanese don’t want to hearaboutanything,otherthanwhatshouldbe theirfirst,middle,andlastnames O-I-L
Mr Norton is about cost of living and a livable wage Good going, skip We are still stuckatoil Morefromoilmeansmorecanbe done for the cost-of-living traumas, though enough is already on hand to deliver reasonably Justdon’ttellthattothemeninred
MyproblemwiththeOListhathehasbeentoo muted,toospareapoliticalleader Tooreusea phrasemadefamous(notorious,possibly)bya Texasnewspapereditor,Guyananeedsaman onahorseback
Everyone thought that Norton fits that profile Icertainlythoughtso,atthebeginning The challenge for Mr Norton is that he must
becometheequivalentofawarrior-priest. The hang up with many dismayed Guyanese, particularlythoseofthePNCbrand,isthattheir Opposition Leader, by some miraculous conversion,ismoreofapreacherandlessofthe fighter on which he made his name While many Black Guyanese love the gloriously rhythmicchantsofMartin(LK),theythinkthe timesandcircumstancesarebettersuitedtothe powerful,rockingrhetoricofaMalcolm(X).
To be frank, that was never part of the art of oneoftoday’smostwatchedmaninGuyana. Hetookhistime,buthehassteppeduphis pressureonnewoildiscoverynumbers,meters at the pumping stations, and that issue that would not go away It is going beyond insurance coverage The beast that Exxon does not want to touch, which is full parent companyguarantee Fairisfair,andpartners mustbegenuinepartners
US$2 billion max for insurance if some pipelineouttherespringsaleak,avalvebursts, oracomputersensormalfunctionlooksmore than lame It is a lash in the face of every Guyanese Exxon must be made to see that shrinkingaway,andhiding,fromprovidingits partner, Guyana, with a full parent company guaranteecondemnsittobeingabloodsucking parasiteandaflesh-eatingcannibalrolledinto one
Ofcourse,theOppositionLeaderdoesnot havethelibertytousethatkindoflanguagein hiscommunicationswithExxon Myjobasa citizen and as an alarmed watcher demands and empowers me to do so To go a furlong farther, I believe that I am justified in calling

the people at Exxon bigots, and worse, when they abandon my Guyanese brothers and sistersbytheirdoggedresistancetodelivering that company guarantee in writing The Guyanesewayoflife,theireconomicexistence, is not this cheap In his own unmistakable wordsandforcefulpostures,Mr Nortonhasa dutytoreinforcethattoExxon.
Clearly, he must be more aggressive, differentiating himself from his political opponentsbyhisattitudetowardrenegotiation ofthecontract Hehasinchedcautiouslyinthat direction, but renegotiation is too loaded and bittertocrosshislips Ithinkthatisamistake
One of his internal challengers is already separatingfromhimbystakingouthislineinthe sand Theremustbe‘changes’tothecontract
Though Mr Norton has everything in his favour,includingtheodds,hisownhalfofthe electorate is watching They don’t like what theysee Thereisanotherrealitythatmaynow be lost to the OL A friend who is a PPP Governmentsupportersharedthatifhehadan inspiring alternative to the group that he has backedallhisadultlife,hewouldshifthis‘X’
TheproblemforMr Nortonisthatheandhis group are ruled out Too lackadaisical, too unconvincing Therearethousandsofhighly disgruntled PPP supporters who are in the samestateofmind Iseethatasmorethana missed opportunity for a party without the strength of voting numbers It is a major mistakeinstrategyandrelatedactivity
His party’s political nemesis is so corrupt that no day should pass without vocal denouncements being placed in the public

domain A tougher fight should have been waged to get his people on all national oversightbodies ThePNCofNortonisstillto gettothatpitch Thepoormanagementofthe pivotaloilsectorhadtobehisanthem
Tooquiet Theabusesandintimidationsof leaders to quell dissent should be challenged and mocked and plastered over the faces of those responsible Show their vileness A featherintheOL’scapisthathehasshunned theirverbalviolence Andthestalkingmenaces thatcharacterisethestyleandsubstanceofboth president and vice president in their dealings withGuyanesefoundobjectionable
The independent media has been vilified and victimised, providing mugshots of PPP abuses Too much time and scarce resources have been wasted on the last elections Now Mr Norton has a bit of a fight for his own election Helooksthewinner,butthecohesive shape that he and his party must be in for the next national elections could be under some not inconsiderable pressure As he himself said, the PPP Government has the money Now, he must be less subdued, come across muchsharper,andmuchstronger
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflecttheopinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Int’l arbitration to be convened in Guyana with new law -AttorneyGeneral
The Arbitration Act of Guyanaissaidtobethemost modernpieceoflegislatureof its kind, sporting flexible mechanisms that allow for internationalarbitrationtobe convenedonGuyana’ssoil
This was revealed by the Attorney General (AG) Anil Nandlall on the June 9th edition of the Energy PerspectivePodcast TheAG said that the type of legislation Guyana has, is
what other countries with arbitration centers have had for decades and ours is an improvedversionseeingthat itwasputinplacetakingtheir discrepancies into consideration “They have thetypeoflegislationthatwe have and they have had that for decades In fact we have improved, ours is new but it hasbenefittedfromwhatever they have and they have had that for a long time So we
were able to look, see where there are deficiencies, and correcttheminours,”hesaid
Nandlall explained that there are certain flexible mechanisms that the other countriesdonothaveintheir actwhichwillallowfor“any arbitration company or any c o m p a n y o ff e r i n g arbitration services can comeandestablishanoffice in Guyana, establish an arbitration center in Guyana

Heexplained:“allthatis needed to facilitate this is a building once you have the law and the most modern version of it, which is what Guyana currently has.” He noted that in his speech at Parliament he had mentioned the oil spill that took place in the Gulf of Mexico with British Petroleum, where the multibillion dollar arbitration took place in Nassau Bahamas.
Nandlall questioned,
“Why we can’t have an arbitrationcenteriftheycan have one in Nassau? So we have as I said the most modernarbitrationlawandI hope that it makes Guyana self sufficient in terms of arbitration At a vantage point where I sit almost every week I review contracts,multiplecontracts hugecontractsinvolvingthe government or state sectors and invariably they contain arbitrationclauses.”
Nandlall disclosed that these clauses would take

Attorney General, Anil Nandlall
arbitration to New York, Washington DC, London, Parisandthisissomething

ERC on warpath against hate crimes
- recorded over 134 cases during past year

The Ethni
c Relations Commission (ERC) has recorded over134instancesofhatespeeches inGuyanaduringthepastyear This was revealed on Tuesday at the launch of the Commission’s
‘Countering Hate Speech’ Campaign which is being done in partnershipwiththeUnitedNations (UN)Guyana.
Deputy Chairman of the ERC, CharlesOgletoldattendeesthatthe Commission manually monitored and recorded the 134 instances of hate speeches with 103 violations based on race, 7 on religion and 24 xenophobicviolations.
“The Commission has taken significant steps to address these violations through cautionary w a r n i n g s , m e d i a t i o n , reconciliation,and,forseverecases, referral to the Guyana Police Force,”hesaid.
According to the Deputy Chairman, global trends indicate that xenophobia, racism, intolerance, discrimination, and anti-religious hatred are driving hate speeches. He stated that in Guyana, “hate speech primarily targets individuals based on ethnicity, race, and political association, and to a lesser extent, disability and the LGBTQ community.”
The ERC, which is tasked with

promoting harmony and good relations,henoted,findsitcrucialto counter hate speech in the society Moreover, this campaign he said is also geared towards the 2025 General Elections period, to counteract the anticipated spike in hatespeechthatisusuallyprevalent duringelectionsseason.
TheCommissionersaidthatthe ERC has prioritized public education and awareness as a proactive measure to discourage hate speech and foster respect, tolerance, and kindness The ‘Countering Hate Speech’ Campaignhesharedaimstoexpand theseeffortsbypartneringwithUN Guyana to execute this important initiative.
Notably, the campaign aligns closelywiththeERC’sfunctionsas outlined in Article 212D of the Constitution and other laws which include Article 160 A (1) of the Cybercrime Act, The 2002 amended Racial Hostility Act 1964, Cap 23:01, The Broadcast Act2011,andTheRepresentation of the Peoples (Amendment) Act No.1of2001.
Ogle said the campaign will be rolled out in four areas which include a widespread social media campaignaimedatcreatingcontent designedtocounterHateSpeech
Continued on page 24

“Make sure Local Content Law is not only written, but enforced”
-ChairmanofNestoilGroupurges Govt.toavoidNigeria’smistakes

Dr ErnestAzudialu-Obiejesi,ChairmanofNestoilGroup,a Nigerian firm, has underscored the critical importance of not only enacting a Local Content Law but also enforcing it to ensuretheeffectivecompliance
During a recent interview on Energy Perspectives, an energy podcast, Dr Azudialu-Obiejesi was asked about Nigeria’s long history with oil and gas, highlighting both successesandmissteps
When asked what advice he would give to the people of Guyana on how to best utilize their resources; he first acknowledged the complexity of the question before he addressedtheGuyanesegovernment,urgingthemtolearnfrom Nigeria’sexperiences
“I’dliketosaythattheGuyanesegovernmentisvery,very well positioned to ensure that they succeed because they can learnfrommistakesofcountrieslikeNigeria,andcanalsolearn fromcountrieslikeNorwayandsomeothercountriesthathad oilandusethemverywell,”henoted
He continued to reflect on Nigeria’s journey, noting that while the country made significant strides, there were also notable errors One key takeaway he highlighted for Guyana wasthenecessityofenforcinglocalcontentlaws
In 2021, Guyana enacted its Local Content Law The law serves to provide for the implementation of obligations on personsengagedinpetroleumoperationsorrelatedactivitiesin the petroleum sector; prioritizes Guyanese nationals and Guyanesecompaniesintheprocurementofgoodsandservices and enables local capacity development. In fact, the First Schedule of the Act ring-fences 40 categories of work for Guyanese participation via the supply of goods and the provision of services which include: food supply, rental of office space, accommodation, insurance, accounting and legalservices.
Sinceenactmenttherehavebeenseveralissueswhichhave resulted in the government promising amendments to the legislation “But one thing that is very important, I will say that the Guyanese government has to pay particular attentiontoismakingsurethatthelocalcontentlawisnotonly written,butit’senforced,”DrAzudialu-Obiejesistated
He continued, “Because if you write it just like we did in Nigeria,andyoudon’tenforceit,therewillattheendoftheday, theinvestmentsorthebillionsthatarepassedthroughGuyana foryouknow,fromtheoilandgasindustrywillnotimproveor touchthelivesofthepeople”
He pointed out that Nigeria implemented its local content law after many years of oil production, resulting in missed opportunitiestomaximizebenefitsforthelocalpopulation Dr. Azudialu-Obiejesi concluded by highlighting the benefitsofstrictenforcement,whichwouldleadtosignificant technologicalandserviceadvancementswithinthecountry.He alsorecommendedupdatingthelawsasthesectorcontinuesto grow.
Hesaid,“Sotheyneedtoreviewthatlaw,improve,improve on the law all the time, and making sure that you know, the enforcement of that law and the enhancement of that law is somethingthattheyreviewperiodicallytomakesurethatallof theconditionswithinthelawsaremetpracticallyonground.”
Moreover,VicePresidentBharratJagdeohasissuedastern warningagainsttheexploitationofGuyana’sLocalContentAct throughdeceptivepracticeslike‘rent-a-citizen’schemes And hewarnedGuyaneseinvolvedinthebusinesstodesistorelse theywillfacethefullforceofthelaw
Govt. looking to develop integrated D&I strategy through US$500,000 IRIS Project
The Government of Guyana throughtheMinistryofAgriculture alongwithrepresentativesfromthe Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS) project on Tuesday discussed the development of a strategic sustainable integrated national drainage and irrigation system in Guyana.
Guyana is one of the first countries to implement the grantfundedprojectwhichwasdesigned to support the Ministry of Agriculture in developing an integratedstrategyfordrainageand irrigationfortheperiod2025-2030, the Agriculture Ministry said in a pressrelease.
The project is being implemented by IRIS through the Collation for Disaster Resilient Inf
e Resilience Accelerator Fund with financial support from the governments of India, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the European Union tothetuneofUS$499,989
While speaking with those in attendance, Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha said that the project was designed to align with the Low Carbon Development Strategy 2030and enable interministerial collaboration on

drainage and irrigation, and flood managementefforts.
“The Government of Guyana’s development of its low carbon and climate resilient trajectory has recognized adaptation and flood management as critical to Guyana and its citizens and continues to make significant investments in capital and other works to support integrated sustainable solutions for drainageandirrigation Thisproject ishopedtosupportandcomplement the investment the government is making. GGGI’s support to help NDIA integrate nature-based solutions into protecting Guyana’s coastal assets and communities is appreciatedatthistimewiththekind
Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha along with officials from the NDIA, Ministry of Agriculture, IRIS and GGGI
financialsupportoftheIRISandthe CDRI,”heexplained
He also said that while the project is geared towards developing a strategic sustainable integrated national drainage and irrigationsysteminGuyana,itwill also complement efforts to move the food production systems f
CARICOM’s Vision 25x 2025 objectivestoreduceGuyana’sfood importby25%by2025.
Among the five objectives, the project seeks to support the NDIA inthedevelopmentandpublication of an updated Integrated Strategy for Drainage and Irrigation (ISDI) andtoenableassetmonitoringand
data collection systems that help the drainage authority to implement its ISDI and prioritize nature-based solutions and social inclusioninD&Isystems.
Chairman of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) Lionel Wordsworth said that the flooding Guyana experienced in 2005 exposed the vulnerabilities of the country’s coast This, he added, led to
interventions such as the Hope Canal which proved critical and immensely valuable in recent years. The NDIA Chairman also said that through funding from the Government of Guyana, the NDIA
is currently working to develop similar drainage interventions to that of the Hope Canal in other regionsalongthecoast.
Project Manager Mr Ronald Cumberbatch also noted that a strategy is currently being developed in collaboration with the NDIAand other stakeholders This strategy which serves as a critical component of the project, will be completed by the end of 2024 The technicalstudiesanddatacollection activities that will provide the information to formulate the strategyhavecommenced
Theprojectwhichisexpectedto be completed by the end of March 2026,willalsoenabletheMinistryto fulfill its objectives within the LCDS2030 and offer national strategic leadership in agricultural production and flood management It will also facilitate capacity building for engineers attached to the NDIA CDRI comprises thirtynine member countries and seven international institutions and provides technical support to projectsbeingimplementedwithits funding The second call for submissionofprojectproposalswas launched by CDRI at the 4th InternationalConferenceonSIDSin AntiguaandBarbuda Thedeadline forsubmissionistheendofAugust 2024

Young cancer survivor needs financial help to save her sight
Chayanne Parboo, a young cancer warrior is in needoffinancialhelptosave hersight.AreleasefromUSbased Medical Charity, Saving Hands Emergency Aid (SHEA) explained the
Detachment a condition that needs urgent medical attention.
This is the 2nd time that the Medical Charity has steppedintoassisttheyoung patient. According to the information released by the organization, Parboo was just three-years-old, when she was diagnosed with leukemiain2019.Backthen, the charity stepped in to
support the child by raising money for her treatment overseas.Asaresultthrough hercourageousfight,Parboo ultimately won her battle withLeukemia.
However, after her arduous victory over cancer four years ago, Parboo now
condition which is causing hertorapidlylosehervision.
Retinal detachment is described as an emergency situation in which a thin layer of tissue (the retina) at the back of the eye pulls awayfromthelayerofblood vessels that provides it with oxygen and nutrients
Retinal detachment is often accompanied by flashes and floatersinyourvision.
Accordingtotherelease, despite her young age, Parboo has demonstrated immense bravery and resilience. Once the funds are raised, this would be Parboo’s 2nd trip to the US for medical care. Back in 2019, the child and her parents travelled to the US for treatment for her Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is a type of blood cancerthatstartsfromyoung white blood cells called lymphocytes in the bone marrow

first diagnosis came after she admitted at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)foroveronemonth, doctors first discovered that her platelets count was recorded to be 6000 and needed at least 50,000 to conductabonemarrowtest.
Back then, Proprietor of Giftland Mall, Roy Beepat, was among the large donors to give the SHEA to cover thecostofthechild’smedial trip After receiving substantial blood donations to raise her platelet count, a test was then done and medical practitioners were able to uncover the child’s
“Now in remission, her dreams of seeing the world inallitsbeautyisfadingfast as her vision deteriorates with each passing day,” SHEAsaidintherelease. As such, the charity is once again rallying behind the youngcancerwarriorjustas they did during her initial battle, but the organization needstheassistancefromthe public to help to make her transfer and treatment possible. According to SHEA, financial donations will directlycoverthecostsofthe child’sessentialeyesurgery, which is not available in
Chayanne Parboo, a young cancer warrior is in need of financial help to save her sight
Guyana, along with her travels, meals, and housing forthedurationofherstayin the US. To donate and help us save the little cancer warrior’s vision, the public can give to Mobile Money Guyana (MMG): 650-8658, local Bank: Demerara Bank underthename:LoriNarine Account:6002041325
Account Type: Savings Branch:LeRessouvenir-orV E N M O : @SheaCharityGY-or- Zelle: shea@sheacharity org
“Every donation, no matter the amount, will help Chayanne move closer to restoring her vision,” SHEA reminded.

Magistrate rules that CCTV footage admissible in Ian Mekdeci fatal accident case
Senior Magistrate at the intersection of Sandy (DVR) to a flash drive and
Initially, Dhurjon had Leron Daly on Babb Street and Vlissengen subsequently onto a disc, until February to submit Tuesday ruled that Road Kitty, Georgetown, he raisedproceduralconcerns. objections regarding the

CCTV footage is droveinamannerdangerous Responding to the CCTV footage. However, he admissibleasevidenceinthe to the public, thereby defence’sobjections,Special had requested more time to Ian Mekdeci case. Mekdeci, causing the death of Prosecutor Latchmi file his submissions, which a former national squash Mekdeci. Rahamat, insisted on written Magistrate Daly granted, player was killed in an During a February submissions,contendingthat adjourning the case to May accident in 2022. He was 27 hearing, there were the defence’s proposal to 2024. However, when that years old at the time of his objections regarding the play the video, followed by date came the matter was death. admissibility of CCTV cross-examination of the furtheradjourned. The trial continues today footage capturing the prosecution’s witness and However, on Tuesday a t t h e G e o rg e t o w n accident. Narine’s defence then raising objections was after several months of west along Sandy Babb receiving treatment. Police Magistrates’ Courts. Thirty- lawyer, Siand Dhurjon, not the appropriate
delays, Magistrate Daly Street. When they arrived at had arrested Narine and
Nine year-old Roberto contended that the footage procedure to follow She ruled that the footage could the in
on of when they conducted a Narine was charged for the acquisition process, reminded the court that the be admitted as evidence and Vlissengen Road, the traffic breathalyzer test on him, the fatal accident. The charge involving transfer from a defencewasmisapplyingthe cited the EvidenceAct in her light at their end was green results showed that his alleges that on May 1, 2022 Digital Video Recorder best evidence rule She decision. and Baksh proceeded to Breath Alcohol Content emphasised that, based on Narine was charged with drive across but as he was (BAC) was 161 and 151 the court’s own knowledge, two offences: driving under doing so, a jeep, allegedly percent, way above the legal thisisthestandardprocedure the influence and causing driven by Narine and limit. employed by the Guyana death by dangerous driving. heading north along
remanded for 2021 murder of workmate

A 27-year-old gold miner was on Tuesday remanded to prisonforthemurderofhisworkmateonNovember7,2021at BigCreekLandingRegionone,NorthWestDistrict(NWD).
It was alleged that Keron David called ‘Chiney’ of Falls Top Village, NWD murdered 22-year-old Royston Frank, a goldmineratBigCreekLanding.
David was arrested on June 15, 2024 and appeared virtually before Acting Chief Magistrate Sherdel IsaacsMarcus at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court where the charge was read to him. David was not required to plea to the indictablecharge.
He is scheduled to return to court on July 11, 2024 for statements.
According to police reports, the deceased and the suspect were acquainted and often drank alcohol together On November 6, 2021, around 22:30 hrs, they were observed drinking at a local shop. Subsequently, the said shop closed and they remained outside. The following day around 07:00 hrs, the shop owner opened the shop and found a drunken David, admitting that he had a misunderstanding with Frank and laterchoppedhimmultipletimes.
Police arrived on the scene around 14:00hrs and discoveredFranklyingmotionlessbehindtheshopinapoolof blood, with incised wounds on the left side of his face, and botharms.
Efforts to locate the suspect at the time were unsuccessful ashehadfledthearea.
The body was transported to Port Kaituma District Hospital,wherehewaspronounceddeaduponarrival.
However, Narine’s DUI Police Force (GPF) Video In April 2023, the DUI Vlissengen Road jumped the charge was thrown out last Analyst Unit in presenting charge was thrown out red light and crashed into year by Magistrate Clive evidence in criminal cases According to reports, them. Nurse after he upheld acrossthecountry Narine’s Jeep #PTT 4136
The objections had had crashed into a car that accident, both Baksh and
As a result of the D
prompted Senior Magistrate Mekdeci was travelling in, Mekdeci were severely
to present their written dayinquestion.
Daly to instruct both parties around 02:10 hours on the injured.
An ambulance was breathalyzer procedure on s u b m i s s i o n s f o r The car was at the time called and they were both Narine using a device consideration, facilitating a being driven by Mekdeci’s rushed to GPHC where unapproved for the said decision on the trial’s friend Sheik Baksh, and they M
le purpose. progression. were reportedly heading
Thousands to benefit as Govt. launches eye testing, spectacles programme
The government has r e s i d e n t s h e r e We have enlisted the help of that we provide the officially launched its eye- acknowledge the ministry the private sector and we vouchers to people, and we testing and spectacles ofhealththattheyaretaking have had some meetings alsowanttomakesurethat programme which will so much interest in the with the private sector, all the providers are there to benefit thousands of senior citizens in the thosewhoarelicensedtobe dothetest,”heasserted. vulnerable individuals on homes,”Bestexpressed able to do screening. We Recognising the number TuesdayattheArthurChung Meanwhile, Minister of have done that evaluation of conditions that can affect ConferenceCentre(ACCC). Health, Dr Frank Anthony ofthem,”hesaid. one’s eyes, including The programme will see stated that this programme Last week, the health myopia, glaucoma and these individuals accessing f o r m s p a r t o f t h e ministry signed several cataracts, the minister financial assistance from the government’s holistic M e m o r a n d a o f underscored the importance government to get their eyes approachtohealthcare. He Understanding (MOU) with ofregulareyeexams. tested and outfitted with the s a i d t h i s a i m e d a t several private healthcare T h r o u g h t h i s required spectacles preventative measures providers for this, and the programme, the ministry Individualsunder18yearsof “What we want to do here Cervical Cancer Screening also hopes to identify more age, and those over 65, will isacomprehensiveeyecare Programme. persons who need optical receive a $2,000 voucher for programme, starting with These eyecare vouchers operations so they can be aneyetest. screening forprevention at are valid at Da Silva’s provided with much-needed If they require a the younger age, and even Optical, Miracle Vision assistance “We have a spectacle, they will receive a if we find something, we Care, Regina’s Optical, separate programme that $15,000voucher will fix it, and as you grow Courts Optical, Optique the ministry is running
One recipient, Rajdai older, we will have Vision Care, Dr Balwant where, if you have a Ramjall expressed relief at programmes in between so Singh Hospital, Doobay- cataract, then we can work this intervention as she can that we can address Gafoor Medical & Research with you. We will put you now get eye care. “I feel whatever problems we are Centre, Eye Max Optical, on a list, then we’ll bring happy I collected a voucher finding at different age Bhagwan’s Optical, Optical you in and make sure that to test my eyes, and I am so ranges,”hesaid. Works, Mings Optical and you can get the surgery,” thankful to the government The Minister reminded Eye Care Guyana, among MinisterAnthonyexplained. of Guyana,” she told the e v e r y o n e t h a t t h e otherfacilities. Some $840 million has been Department of Public government aims to offer Minister Anthony said earmarked in the national Information (DPI) Another 115differentinterventionsat that while many of these budget for the eye tests, beneficiary, the Supervisor the primary healthcare level. facilities are based in while $995 million was set at the Byers Senior Citizens’ He emphasised the Georgetown, several have aside to subsidise spectacles H o m e , E d i t h B e s t importance of engaging the affiliatebranchesindifferent cost.
c o m m e n d e d t h e private sector to ensure that regions. Minister of Amerindian government’s proactive more individuals can access Hestatedthattheywould Affairs Pauline Sukhai, approachtohealthcare. these services “We be travelling to the various M i n i s
She added that she is recognise that while we regions to provide screening Government and Regional grateful to have this level of have capacity in the services where they are not Development Sonia Parag, attention being paid to Ministry of Health, we available.“Thisisnotjusta p r i v a t e s e c t o r senior citizen’s well-being would not be able to screen Georgetown programme. representatives and other “Iamwellpleasedtocollect so many people at one time It is for the whole country stakeholders were present at these vouchers for the with our facilities. So, we So, we are making sure thelaunch.

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Woman on $100k bail for assaulting another with hockey stick
A 32-year-old woman was on Tuesday granted $100,000 bail for inflicting grievous bodily harm on another woman when she appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.
Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.
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The accused, Keda De Andrade is accused of hitting Teneshia Favourite with a hockey stick.
According to the facts provided, the incident occurred on September 5,
2023, at the Madhia car park area located on Hadfield Street, Georgetown. Favourite, a 40year-old businesswoman was walking by the car park when she saw Keda De Andrade.
The victim had known De Andrade by seeing her posts on Facebook.
De Andrade, who was dressed in a black flap hat, a black spaghetti strap top, and blue jeans, was carrying a hockey stick, approached Favourite and struck her on the left hand with the hockey stick, causing her to sustain injuries.
Eyewitnesses were
present on the scene, and De Andrade allegedly instructed them to record the incident, while also telling Favourite, “Walk yuh muda sk**t”.
De Andrade then struck Favourite twice on her right upper back and twice on her thigh with the hockey stick before fleeing the scene. Favorite subsequently reported the incident to the police and sought medical attention for her injuries.
Despite efforts by the police to locate De Andrade, she was not apprehended until June 15, 2024.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday
De Andrade pleaded not guilty to the charge brought against her.
The prosecutor did not object to bail being granted, but requested that certain conditions be imposed.
Acting Chief Magistrate Issacs-Marcus granted De Andrade bail in the sum of $100,000, with the condition that she must report to the Brickdam Police Station every third Friday of the month to Detective Inspector Miller.
The accused is scheduled to return to court on July 10, 2024.
Security Guard remanded for armed robberies
A 19-year-old security guard was on Tuesday remanded to prison when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer to two counts of robbery under arms.
The accused, Colwin Carlos Nurse appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Sherdel IsaacsMarcus where he pleaded guilty to the charges. He is accused of stealing valuables from two persons on June 14, 2024.
Reports are that at around 11:00 am, at Lot 88, 4th Street, Subryanville, Georgetown, the victim, who is not known to the accused, was confronted by Nurse and his accomplices at his workplace.
The group held the victim at gunpoint and relieved him of his belongings, including a haversack valued at $10,000, Ray-Ban sunglasses valued at $10,000, and $20,000 in cash.
The matter was reported

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to police and an investigation was launched. Nurse was later apprehended by publicspirited citizens and arrested after he was caught during another robbery.
When the victim returned to the police station, he identified Nurse as one of the perpetrators.
A video recording on Nurse’s phone also showed him filming the victim’s motorcycle at the scene of the robbery.
Meanwhile, Nurse is also
accused of robbing Brandon Foo in front of his Blygezight Gardens home on the day in question.
Foo was confronted by three individuals, including Nurse.
The perpetrators asked Foo for directions to Bel-Air and then proceeded to rob him of his Samsung phone valued at $92,000 and $4500 cash.
Nurse pleaded not guilty to both charges, and his attorney, Eusi Anderson,
claimed that it was a case of mistaken identity. However, Prosecutor Jaisingh argued that the victims were able to identify Nurse when he was seated on the prisoner bench, and the evidence, including the video recording, strongly implicated him in the crimes.
Due to the allegations that Nurse was armed with a weapon during both incidents, the prosecutor objected bail. Nurse was remanded to prison until July 3, 2024.
Four contractors bid to
construct Phillipai Secondary
Four contractors have submitted bids to construct the Phillipai Secondary School in Region Seven.
At the opening of tenders on Tuesday at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, it was revealed that the contractors are Sheriff Construction Inc. - $210,692,169; Akbar Architecture Construction Engineering Services - $243,842,340; Prored Resources$275,230,000; and Fizal Ali Contracting$282,911,906.
It was disclosed that the project is estimated to cost $273,322,980.
Kaieteur News understands that when completed the new secondary school building will allow for the closure of the primary top school present in the village. Phillipai
Secondary is one of several secondary schools the Ministry of Education intends to build in the hinterland.
Meanwhile, another secondary school will be erected in Jawalla village, Region Seven.
It was reported that the NPTAB has awarded a $231,959,143 contract to Sheriff Construction for that project.
It was reported that this year, the Ministry of Education was allocated some $74.4Billion, a portion of which will be used for the construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenance of educational facilities.
This newspaper reported that the Ministry has embarked on an aggressive programme to ensure that the nation’s children have access to secondary education.
Father of three remanded for armed robbery and larceny
A 39-year-old man was on Tuesday remanded to prison after being charged with larceny and Robbery Under Arms (RUA) when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.
It is alleged that Carlos Wills robbed Errol Jodhan on June 3 and Marica Hilliman on June 11 at Brickdam Road, Stabroek, Georgetown.
Wills, a construction worker of lot 217 Main Road, La Penitence, Georgetown, made his first court appearance before Acting Chief Magistrate, Sherdel IsaacsMarcus, where the charges were read to him.
He pleaded not guilty to both offences.
The charge alleges that on June 3, Wills armed with a knife robbed Jodhan of a gold chain and pendant valued $505,000. Jodhan, attempted to retrieve his belongings from the accused. However, the accused armed himself with a knife and attempted to stab Jodhan. Fearing for his life, Jodhan released the items, allowing the accused to flee the scene.
Similarly, at the said location on June 11 Wills allegedly robbed Hilliman of one gold chain valued $200,000. Hilliman was walking east along Brickdam Road in Georgetown when she felt someone forcefully remove a gold chain from her
neck, causing her to fall backwards. The accused then fled the scene heading north. Wills was apprehended on June 15 and informed of the offences and was subsequently charged. The accused was represented by Attorney - atlaw Stacy Goodings who requested bail at a reasonable sum due to her client being a father of three and is not a flight risk.
However, Prosecutor Jaisingh objected to bail due to the severity of the offence, reminding the court that a knife was involved in one of the robberies and the accused reportedly attempted to stab the victim. Bail was denied and Wills is scheduled to return to court on July 3, 2024.
Jewellers, goldsmiths urged to buy gold from the Gold Board
One of the stakeholders raising his concerns at Tuesday engagement.

Licensed jewellers, goldsmiths and gold because the main objective is to have buyers were on Tuesday urged to purchase “everythingproducedbedeclared”. goldfromtheGuyanaGoldBoard(GGB)and Theministersaidtoothatthegovernment to comply with the rules and regulations that isawareoftheconcernsraisedbythelicensed govern the sector The plea was made by dealers who are not buying gold from the Minister of Natural Resources Vickram GGB as is mandated by law He told the Bharratduringameetingwithstakeholdersat stakeholders that efforts are being made to theDukeLodge,Kingston. address the concerns. Among the concerns
The minister was joined by Head of the raised include the safety of purchasing gold Guyana Geology and Mines Commission fromtheGGBandthequantityandqualityof (GGMC), Newell Dennison and the GGB’s goldsoldbythestateentity GeneralManager,EondreneThompson. The Natural Resources Minister assured The Natural Resources minister said that the stakeholders that the government in themeetingwasaimeddevelopingaworking collaboration with the GGMC and the GGB relationshipwiththejewelersandgoldsmiths will explore ways to make the purchase of across the country to ensure proper gold from the GGB safer Notwithstanding, complianceinthesector the minister reminded that while excuses are Hesaidgovernmentwantstoensure“that beingmadeastowhygoldisnotbeingbought the consumers get their money worth”. He from the Gold Board, the law must be noted that GGB’s GM and GGMC’s head followed. have flagged a number of shortcomings by “When you apply for your goldsmith gold dealers, thus the need for a discussion to license you knew of all the conditions that addressthegapsthatexist. existed. You were granted that license or Minister Bharrat said that within the last permit based on what existed and that is the three years the government has been what you accepted,” Bharrat told working towards strengthening the sector stakeholders.
Int’l arbitration to be convened...
From page 12 to cost oil. Why should we America because they all he wants to change. Instead take that to Paris, when we will go North. All of them of listing a foreign location canbringParistoGuyana?It are going, they are flying he wants to see Georgetown is some human being in overusandgoingNorth.” Guyana as the arbitration Paris doing this, I have the The Arbitration Bill location Hence, the same law that Paris has, in 2023 was passed by the government is building the factIhaveabetterversionof National Assembly of the framework and the it and if I bring those same 12th Parliament on Friday, “physical environment to expertisetoGuyana,whywe May 17th marking a accommodate and they will can’tdothearbitrationhere? significant milestone in seesosoon.” I am bringing to Guyana Guyana’s efforts to
He also explained that it millions of dollars, I am modernize its arbitration is not only in the public creating employment, I am framework. The bill, sector contracts, there are bringing the business to presented by Nandlall aims similar provisions in the Guyana,”Nandallsaid. to create a more attractive contracts that are being Since Guyana is the only destination for arbitration in executed in the private Englishspeakingterritoryin the region and beyond sector South America, if the According to Nandlall, the “Wewouldhaveheardin country becomes an bill is designed to “update the public domain the international arbitration the legal architecture to p o s s i b i l i t y o f t h e hub, the AG believes that accommodate Guyana’s government and Exxon Guyana will be able to rapideconomicgrowth”and going to arbitration to settle “attract arbitrations from provide a fair and speedy a particular issue in relation Central America and South resolutionofdisputes.
Labourer on $120,000 bail for alleged rape
A 21-year-old labourer from Annandale, East Coast Demerara (ECD), was on Tuesday granted $120,000 bail when he appeared at the Vigilance Magistrates’Court where the charge of raping a child under the age of 16 was read to him. The accused, ElijahAdams was not required to plead to the indictable offence when he appeared before Magistrate FabayoAzore.
ThematterwasadjournedtoJune27forthesubmissionof statementsandfurtherproceedings.

Natural Resources Ministry enhances safety measures following recent mining accidents
The Ministry of Natural Resources Moreover, the Ministry said that GGMC (MoNR) and the Guyana & Mines remains committed to working with miners Commission (GGMC) on Tuesday said that and providing guidance to improve safe safety measures have been enhanced to mining practices, a collaborative approach ensure the reduction of mining accidents and must be continued by all stakeholders, to fatalities. sensitize and educate miners of the need for
In a statement, the MoNR said the safeminingpractices. Government of Guyana (GoG) and the The Ministry urges all miners and mining GGMC holds safety and well the being of all operations to enhance vigilance by citizens in the highest regard, and bemoans continuouslymonitoringminingpitfacesand the frequency of these mining incidents, that slopes, and remain alert to changing continuetobeofmajorconcern. conditions. Heavy rainfall can quickly alter
The statement highlighted that in miners’ thestabilityofminingslopesandfaces. quest for financial gain and economic Miners must strictly adhere to all safety development, the importance of adequate protocols and guidelines established by the safety measures should not, and must not be GGMC and ensure that all safety equipment overshadowedandtrivializedbythedesireto is in proper working order and that all earnandachievefinancialgain. personnelaretrainedinitsuse.
“As a collective, we must remain They must also maintain open lines of cognizant that the lives of our loved ones are communication with GGMC officers and precious and irreplaceable,” the Ministry other relevant authorities and report any mentionedonitsFacebookpage. unsafe conditions immediately and follow
The ministry said that several guidelines directivespromptlytomitigaterisks. with respect to safe mining practices were Additionally, mining operators and developed and introduced via a collaborated miners are urged to regularly conduct effort between the GGMC and the Guyana thorough assessments of mining sites, Gold and Diamond Miners Association especially after heavy rains to identify and (GGDMA). address potential hazards such as landslides,
Theministrysaidthattheguidelinesmust flooding,anderosion. be followed in keeping with Occupational The Ministry and GGMC urged that there HealthandSafetystandards. be emergency preparedness and that miners
Nevertheless, given the recent rainfall, ensure that emergency response plans are in that contributed to hazardous conditions, place and that all workers are familiar with which resulted several mining areas being evacuationroutesandprocedures. overly saturated, and therein unstable, the To this end, the Ministry stated, “While Natural Resources Ministry said, “This the focus is on mitigating risks during the underscores the critical importance of ongoing rainy season, it is imperative that stringent safety measures, and the these safety practices be reinforced and requirementformorerestraintandprecaution maintained year-round , to prevent accidents tobeexercisedtoavoidaccidents.” andguardagainstthelossoflives.”

UN rights chief warns situation in Gaza ‘dramatically deteriorating’
(ALJAZEERA)The top Two weeks ago, Turk Palestinians jailed on UnitedNationshumanrights said people in theWest Bank October 1, according to official has warned of the werebeing“subjectedtoday tallies by Palestinian worsening situation for after day of unprecedented prisonersgroups. Palestinians in the occupied bloodshed”.

A child looks on as Palestinians search for missing people under the rubble of a destroyed house following an Israeli air strike, at al-Nuseirat refugee camp, southern Gaza Strip, 18 June 2024. (EPA)
Turk also told the 47West Bank and the He spoke as the Israeli member council that he was “unconscionable death and military arrested at least five “appalled” by the disregard suffering” in the Gaza Strip. Palestinians during the for international human “The situation in the West storming of several towns rights and humanitarian law Bank, including East andvillagesinRamallahand in Gaza, where “there has Jerusalem, is dramatically el-Bireh governorate in the been unconscionable death deteriorating,” Volker Turk West Bank, according to the and suffering” “More than told the UN Human Rights Palestinian news agency 120,000 people in Gaza, Council in Geneva on Wafa, which also reported a overwhelmingly women Tuesday He said 528 settler attack on Palestinian and children, have been Palestinians, 133 of them farmland in the village of killed or injured since children, were killed by Yasuf, east of Salfit October 7 as a result of the Israeli military forces or Overnight, Israeli forces intensive Israelioffensives,” settlers from the start of the a r r e s t e d d o z e n s o f theofficialsaid current war on Gaza in Palestinians in Qusrah near “SinceIsraelescalatedits OctobertoJune15,“inmany Nablus, also in the West operations into Rafah in cases raising serious Bank, taking them to a early May, almost one concerns of unlawful school where they were held million Palestinians have killings”. and interrogated, Wafa been forcibly displaced yet Palestinian enclave said on fatalities, he said. Israel’s Children shot at. Hospitals
In the same period, 23 reported. again while aid delivery and Tuesday The revised death permanentmissiontotheUN bombed Heavy artillery Israeliswerekilledinclashes Israeli forces have been humanitarian access
tollinIsraelfromtheHamas- in Geneva accused Turk of
ERC on warpath against hate...
with Palestinians in the West roundingupanaverageof35 deteriorated further.” More ledattacksonsouthernIsrael “completely omitting the communities. Bank and Israel, including Palestinians a day since the than 37,000 people have stands at 1,139 with dozens cruelty and barbarity of All along with hateful, eight members of security war started, with 9,112 been killed and more than of people still held captive in terrorism” in his address to divisive and dehumanizing forces,accordingtotheUN’s Palestinians imprisoned in 85,400injuredinIsrael’swar Gaza. t h e c o u n c i l . T u r k rhetoric.” As he pointed to high commissioner for Israeli jails as of June 1, on Gaza since October 7, the Turk said he was additionally said global other conflicts – including in humanrights. nearly double the number of Ministry of Health in the “extremely worried about conflictskilledthreetimesas Ukraine, the Democratic the escalating situation” many children and twice as Republic of the Congo, between Israel and the manywomenin2023thanin Sudan and Syria – he noted Lebanese group Hezbollah the previous year as the total that funding to help the as at least 401 people in number of civilian deaths growing numbers of people Lebanon have been roseby72percent. in need was dwindling. “As reportedly killed in the Warring parties were of the end of May 2024, the f i g h t i n g , i n c l u d i n g increasingly “pushing gap between humanitarian paramedicsandjournalists. beyondboundariesofwhatis funding requirements and
From page 15 which is observed globally society and is certainly not and sensitise the public on onJune18annually new harm associated with it The CEO said that She highlighted that while sharing positive globally hate speech takes withtheincreasingaccessto messages. many forms whether it be internet, and increase in Workshops will be commenting negatively on social media it has provided hosted to engage youth, someone’s appearance, anadditionalchallenge. social media influencers, based on distasteful “Thatiswhyin2019the and Disc Jokeys (DJs) to comments, based on a UN Secretary General educate all stakeholders person’s race, religion, launched a UN Strategy and about the forms of hate nationality, disability, Plan of Action on Hate speech and how they can political association, or Speech and it highlights the address same using their sexual orientation She UN continued and ongoing networks. noted that these and many commitment to promote The ERC said too that it other categories are often campaign hate speech isintheprocessofprocuring thebasisofhatespeech. initiatives around the enhanced monitoring “In Guyana, we can all world,”sheexplained. mechanisms through two recognize that our nation is Meanwhile, delivering suitable software that will generally a peaceful society, brief remarks, Minister of track key words and terms fortunate not to be prone by Parliamentary Affairs and that will assist the Media war or unrest. We must also Governance, Gail Teixeira MonitoringUnittowidenits acknowledge that there is who lauded the campaign, monitoring capabilities. still work to be done to encouraged the ERC to pay Further, the UN Guyana ensure that we maintain this c l o s e a t t e n t i o n t o team is supporting this peaceful status quo.As such parliamentary sittings to through efforts with this countering hate speech determine the acceptability internationalpartners. campaign aims to educate ofspeeches.
Additionally, Ogle and inform individuals to be “Youshouldalsolookat disclosed that the ERC will more aware that certain the speeches and how it is w i d e n i t s p u b l i c words and statements carry expressed and I think that is engagement and awareness negative connotations anewareatoaddtotheERC sessions “The messages of whichhurt,disrespectandin in terms of the parliament this campaign will be taken some cases lead to violence. and parliamentarians about to high traffic areas, such as We aim to counter negative what is acceptable and what marketplaces, schools, sentiments with positive is not acceptable, whether m a l l s , s e a w a l l s , wordsthatarerespectfuland wearegoinginthedirection workplaces to ensure considerate to others,” the of hate speech or we are maximum reach of the CEOadded. actually expressing hate public,”hepointedout Additionally, UN speech to each other,” she Meanwhile, ERC’s Resident Coordinator in said. Chief Executive Officer, Guyana, Yeºim Oruç Minister Teixeira
Ms. Gomin Camacho said pledged the UN’s support remindedthatallareequalin the launch of the campaign towards the initiative and Guyana while noting that coincided with the UN’s towards the ERC. She noted persons must be encouraged International Day of that hate speech has been a to have respect for each Countering Hate Speech persistent presence in other
More than 90,000 people acceptable – and legal”, he available resources stands at have been displaced in toldthecouncil. $40 8bn,” Turk said, in Lebanon, and more than “Killings and injuries of contrast with “almost $2.5 60,000 have been displaced civilians have become a trillion in global military in Israel with 25 Israeli daily
Exxoncaseagainstactivist investoroverproxyfiling
(Reuters) A U.S. judge on Monday comment. dismissed a lawsuit Exxon Mobil had filed Arjuna and Follow This, a NetherlandsagainstactivistgroupArjunaCapitalafterthe based environmental group, had proposed a group had agreed not to pursue future proxy stockholder vote for the oil major to set new filingsatthecompany’sannualmeetings. targets for reducing some of its greenhouse
The lawsuit by the largest U.S. oil gasemissions. company had raised alarm among activists Exxon sued the pair in January and and public pension investors who argued it refused to drop the case after they agreed not would muzzle debate among shareholders to bring the petition forward, citing “the andpubliccompanies. likelihood” the two could file similar
U.S. District Court Judge Mark Pittman resolutions in the future. Pittman last month ruledExxon’sclaimwasnolongervalidafter haddroppedFollowThisfromthecaseasthe Arjuna “unconditionally and irrevocably” groupwasoutsidehiscourt’sjurisdiction. agreed not to submit a future proposal “Unfortunately, we expect the company regardingExxon’sgreenhousegasemissions. tocontinuethisaggressiveagendaratherthan Arjuna’s pledge not to file a similar returningtotheirpastpracticeofconstructive resolution in the future “has eliminated any dialogue with their owners,” said Tim Smith, case or controversy,” Pittman wrote in a senior policy adviser for the Interfaith dismissing the case without prejudice, Center on Corporate Responsibility, whose meaningExxoncouldrefileinthefuture. membersincludeArjuna.
“Our lawsuit put a spotlight on the abuse While investors likely will be relieved by of the shareholder-access system,” Exxon the dismissal, Exxon “used the proxy and the said in a statement. “The court has made shareholder meeting to denigrate any absolutely clear that Arjuna cannot continue proponents presenting resolutions as well as abusing the process. Shareholder democracy challenging the authority of the SEC is only as strong as the rules that govern it, (SecuritiesandExchangeCommission)inthe which must be fairly and consistently proxy process,” Smith said, reiterating applied.” concerns raised by the shareholder advocacy Arjuna did not respond to requests for groupearlierthisyear

Tennis stars Sabalenka and Jabeur rule out Paris Olympics to avoid risking health
BERLIN (AP) America.
Australian Open champion World No 3 Sabalenka Aryna Sabalenka and two- from Belarus said she’d timeWimbledonfinalistOns ratherhaveabreak. Jabeur ruled themselves out “It’s too much for the of the Olympic Games in scheduling and I made the ParisonMonday decision to take care of my Both top-10 players said health,” she said in Berlin, they didn’t want to switch where she’s warming up for from grass at Wimbledon Wimbledon. back to clay at Roland “I prefer to have a little Garros for the Olympic rest to make sure physically tournament and then and health-wise I’m ready immediately start the hard- forthehardcourts.I’llhavea court season in North good preparation before
Aryna Sabalenka of Belarus. (AP Photo/ Aurelien Morissard, File)

‘It was my day’
From page 31
middle. “We have been really consistent as a team.The way wehaveplayediswonderful.
“It’s just not today, it started 12-14 months ago.We have been consistent as a team; we went to No. 3 in the rankings. Inthelastgame,[Sherfane]Rutherfordtooktheopportunity andplayedwonderfully Heinspiredus.”
Captain Rovman Powell hit 26 when he was introduced but had already witnessed history being made in the fourth over – West Indies scored 36 runs, equalling the record for themostexpansiveoverinmen’sT20Is.
Powell was pleased with the performances on both sides butsingledoutthehardworkPooranhasdoneinordertoget thisresult.
“I think it is on the back of hard work,” Powell said. “He has had a very good 12 months. Good to see him score runs notonlyinfranchisecricketbutalsoforWestIndies.
Wednesday June 19, 2024
One of your closest friends could be in a rotten mood today, Aries This person might be short with everyone and not inclined to communicatewhy
A project that you're rather excited about could require some intense solitary work today, Taurus You might sometimes feel as if the walls are closing in on you, but you needto concentratein order to getthebestpossibleresults.
Have you been spending a lot of time pushing your body physically, Gemini? If so, you may be feeling the effects today. Muscle aches and exhaustion could be taking theirtollonyou.
A troubled night with little sleep could have you feeling out of sorts and not like doing much socializing today If you can, workonprojectsathome alone where you can stop and takeanapifyouwant.
Perhaps you were able to see friends or neighbors a day or so ago, Leo, but today you don't feel like socializing Nervestrainandotherstresses might leave you more in the moodtobealone.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
You probably aren't going to feel very social today, Virgo. Infact,you'relikelytowantto work on projects and tasks aloneifyoucan.Thismightbe good for you, since you probably need to concentrate withoutbeingdistracted.
The need to concentrate may necessitate that you isolate yourself in order to fully focus on the task at hand, Libra. This is fortunate, because you'll probably accomplish a lot more than you would otherwise and be satisfied with whatyou'vedone.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Researchonasubjectrelatedto a project could have you heading to a place where you can read without being constantlydistracted,Scorpio.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Today you might spend a lot of time running errands, Sagittarius. You could run into friends or neighbors, but you probably won't feel like stoppingtotalkwiththem.
Other responsibilities could force you to postpone work on personal projects that mean a lot to you. This could be frustrating, and you're likely to wanttosequesteryourselfwith whatever you need to do and throw yourself into getting the problemresolved.
Stress from overwork could have you feeling weaker than usual.You might be tempted to stayathome,getsomerest,and recoupyourenergies.
You might feel a little gloomy today,Pisces,andperhapshave noideawhy Itmightbeagood idea to retrace your steps for the past day or so. Look within to find out if anything you may hav
going to the hard-court season.Ifeelthatthisissafer andbetterformybody.”
World No 10 Jabeur fromTunisiawroteonXthat not being able to play at a fourthconsecutiveOlympics wasunfortunate.
“We (and my medical team) have decided that the quick change of surface and the body’s adaptation required would put my knee atriskandjeopardizetherest ofmyseason,”Jabeurwrote.
“I have always loved representing my country in any competition, However, I must listen to my body and follow my medical team’s advise.”
Jabeur competed at the last three Olympics without winningamatch.
President of Cricket...
From page 29
“Having three players win the ICC Men’s Player of the Month award in the same year is a significant milestone for West Indies cricket. It speaks volumes
Motie and his teammates have pushed the West Indies T20Men’steamtoNumber3 in the ICC rankings. This is thehighesttheteamhasbeen ranked for almost a decade. West Indies qualified top of theirgroupfortheSuper8of the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup.

“The guys were excited to come here. We knew here would be one of the better wickets of the competition.After Guyana and Trinidad, the batters wanted to come here and getruns.”
WestIndiesfacereigningchampionsEnglandnextinthe Super8stoday

Dilhari and Gunaratne sparkle as Sri Lanka take unassailable 2-0 lead
ESPNcricinfo - Vishmi both Chamari Athapaththu and for 29, but there would be no late came in boundaries and just 40 54 for 6, Aaliyah Alleyne and Afy Gunaratne’s half century and Harshitha Samarawickrama inside jitters as Sri Lanka sauntered to from running between wickets, Fletcher opted for an aggressive Kavisha Dilhari’s star turn with bat the first 10 overs. With Dilhari (28 victorywith172ballstospare. despitetheirbattingout31overs. approach, and it worked briefly and ball secured a five-wicket win off 38) for company, Gunaratne It was a win set up by the Rashada Williams showed Their 28-run seventh-wicket stand for Sri Lanka in the second ODI made it seem as if she was batting bowlers, particularly the spinners. patience at the top of the order with came at better than run-a-ball but againstWestIndiesinHambantota, on a different surface to the rest, Dilhari’s figures of 4 for 20 were a62-ball24butwascleanedupbya was snuffed out when Alleyne and with it a series victory as they plundering nine fours and a six in the best of the innings, but she was Kumari arm ball. The pace pairing missed a straight one from went 2-0 up with a game to go. It is herinnings-WestIndiesasawhole ably supported by the left-arm ofUdeshikaPrabodhaniandAchini Aththapathu Fletcher was the Sri Lanka’s first series win against hadhitonly13boundaries. orthodox pairing of Sachini Kulasuriya were also miserly at the penultimate wicket to fall, lbw off theWestIndiessince2008. When Gunaratne fell, Nisansala and Sugandika Kumari, start of the innings, with the latter Dilhari, who wrapped up the
AfterSriLankaweresetatarget mistimingafull-tosstomid-off,Sri who kept up the pressure from the rewarded for a seven-over opening inningsaballlater of just 93, Gunaratne’s run-a-ball Lanka needed just 14 more for otherend.Thevisitorsfortheirpart spell with the two wickets - the Scores: Sri Lanka 93 for 5 50 broke the spine of the chase on a victory Karishma Ramharack struggled to turn over the strike pinpoint yorker arrowed in on leg (Gunaratne 50, Dilhari 28, sluggish Sooriyawewa surface. It grabbed the wickets of Hasini effectively, with an alarming stump to Shermaine Campbelle a Ramharack 2-29) beat West Indies was particularly impressive as it Perera and Dilhari shortly after, to number of dots played out through particularhighlight. 92 (Williams 24, Dilhari 4-20, followed the early dismissals of finish with innings best figures of 2 the innings. Of their total, 52 runs After West Indies stumbled to Athapaththu 2-8, Kulasuriya 2-16).

President of Cricket West Indies Congratulates Gudakesh Motie on ICC Men’s
of the Month Award
ST JOHN’S, Antigua - the exceptional talent within form has continued into the recognition of his efforts. Gudakesh Motie has been ourteams. ICC Men’s T20 World Cup, His performances have been awarded the ICC Men’s Motie’s performances where he has taken five instrumental in our recent Player of the Month for May throughout May were wicketsatanaverageof11. successes and have brought 2024, marking yet another pivotal, particularly during Reacting to Motie’s great pride to our team and significant achievement for the home series against award, the President of fans.” West Indies cricket this year South Africa, where he took Cricket West Indies, Dr President Shallow also This accolade follows e
n Kishore Shallow, expressed highlighted the broader Hayley Matthews’ award in impressive average of 8.50. h
d impactofsuchachievements MayasICCWomen’sPlayer H i s
e congratulations. “Gudakesh on West Indies cricket of the Month forApril 2024, instrumental in securing a 3- has shown tremendous skill “Awards like these not only as well as Shamar Joseph’s 0 series victory for West and dedication, and this
win in January, showcasing Indies.Additionally, Motie’s award is a well-deserved excellence but also inspire
Thompson-Herah will not defend 200m title at Paris Olympics
SportsMax - Five-time Olympic Jamaicantrials. champion Elaine Thompson-Herah will not She appeared to sustain an injury while be defending her 200m title at this year’s competing in the 100m at the NYC Grand GamesinParis. Prixearlierthismonth.
The 31-year-old became the first woman The Jamaican is the second-fastest to win back-to-back Olympic sprint doubles woman in history over that distance, though at Tokyo 2020 when she retained her 100m injuries have disrupted her competition and200mtitles. scheduleinthelastyear
Thompson-Herah will not be able to The athletics events at the Paris achieve the feat again, however, after opting Olympics will take place betweenAugust 1to only cover 100m at the upcoming 11.

Caribbean Gudakesh’s success is a testament to the hard work and potential withinourteam,”headded. Reflecting on the earlier success of Shamar Joseph, PresidentShallowremarked, (Continued on page 27)

All the records broken during Windies’ stunning T20 World Cup innings
ICC Cricket – Several records were broken duringWest Indies’ innings of their ICC Men’s T20 World Cup clash against Afghanistan. We look at all the records that were broken.
Highest total of 2024 T20 World Cup WestIndiestotalof218/5wasthehighesttotalbyanyteam at this edition of the Men’s T20 World Cup, surpassing the 201/6 Sri Lanka managed against the Netherlands at the same venueandAustralia’s201/7againstEnglandinBarbados.
Highest team total of 2024 T20 World Cup Team Score
WestIndies 218/5vAfghanistan
SriLanka 201/6vNetherlands
Australia 201/7vEngland
USA 197/3vCanada Canada 194/5vUSA
Highest individual innings of 2024 T20 World Cup
Pooran’s outstanding innings of 98 was the highest score by any player at this T20 World Cup, eclipsing the unbeaten 94USA’sAaronJonesputtogetheragainstCanadainDallas.
Highest individual innings at 2024 T20 World Cup Player Score
NicholasPooran 98vAfghanistan
AaronJones 94*vCanada
RahmanullahGurbaz 80vNewZealand
RahmanullahGurbaz 76vUganda
IbrahimZadran 70vUganda
Highest Powerplay in Men’s T20 World Cup history
West Indies scored 92 runs during the Powerplay, beating the previous best of 91 by the Netherlands against Ireland at the2014editionofthetournament.
Highest Powerplay totals in Men’s T20 World Cup history Team Score
WestIndies 92vAfghanistan(2024)
Netherlands 91vIreland(2014)
England 89vSouthAfrica(2016)
SouthAfrica 83vEngland(2016)
India 82vScotland(2021)
Highest total for West Indies in Men’s T20 World Cups
The score of 218/5 by the West Indies was the best they have managed at any edition of the T20 World Cup, going pastthe205/6againstSouthAricainJohannesburgin2007. West Indies’highest totals at Men’s T20 World Cups Opposition Score
Afghanistan 218/5(2024)
SouthAfrica 205/6(2007
Australia 205/4(2012)
India 196/3(2016)
Australia 191/8(2012)

Nicholas Pooran led the recordbreaking charge.
Govt. of Guyana pumps $7M into AP Invitational
- International Athletics C/ships set for Saturday as Pompey gives Gov’t gold medal for support
Equal most runs conceded in one over in Men’s T20 World Cup history
AnunwantedrecordforAfghanistanseamerAzmatullah Omarzai, who conceded a total of 36 in one over during the Powerplay Pooran smashed three sixes and a pair of fours duringOmarzai’ssecondover,withsomewaywardbowling meaning Yuvraj Singh’s long-standing record for most runs inoneoverataMen’sT20WorldCupwasequaled.
Pooran overtook Chris Gayle for most sixes by West IndiesplayerinMen’sT20Ihistory
Pooran hit eight sixes against Afghanistan, taking his tally to 128 in T20I cricket and past West Indies great Chris Gayle’stotalof124.
Most T20I sixes by West Indies men’s players
Player Sixes
NicholasPooran 128
ChrisGayle 124
EvinLewis 111
KieronPollard 99
RovmanPowell 90
Pooran becomes the joint-top six-hitter of the tournament
Nicholas Pooran’s belligerent knock of 98, included 14 boundaries including eight sixes, and pushed him right to the topofthetournamentsix-hitterstable.Hesharesfirstposition withUSA’sAaronJones.
Most sixes in T20 World Cup 2024
Team Player Totalsixes
WestIndies NicholasPooran 13
USA AaronJones 13
Australia MarcusStoinis 10
Afghanistan RahmanullahGurbaz 10
Australia TravisHead 9
Scotland GeorgeMunsey 9
The Government of commitment to supporting Guyana, through the theAPInvitational. Ministry of Culture, Youth, The focus he said, is on and Sport, has announced its sustaining and developing support for the Aliann Guyana’s only international Pompey Invitational (API) t r a c k a n d f i e l d by investing $7 million into championship. the track and field event Apart from the millions scheduledforSaturdayatthe invested,theNationalSports National Track and Field Commission will assist in Centre. other logistical areas of the
It is the largest championship. i n v e s t m e n t b y t h e Meanwhile, Pompey, Government of Guyana in after thanking Minister the event since its inception R a m s o n a n d t h e in2016. Government of Guyana, T h i s y e a r ’ s A P stated “The overarching Invitational is part of the theme for this year’s edition WorldAthleticsContinental of the competition is Tour, providing several legacy…we see that played athletes from around the outindifferentareas.” world a final opportunity “The Ministry of for direct qualification to Culture,YouthandSporthas the Paris Olympic Games, committedinabigwaytothe with the cut-off date for success of the meet, not just qualification set for June this year, but several to 30 come The Honourable Minister Charles Minister has expressed the Ramson Jr stated that the importance on building on Aliann Pompey Invitational the foundation year by year, aligns perfectly with and knows that it means President Irfaan Ali’s vision commitmentoveraperiodof to position Guyana as a hub time,”Pompeysaid. for marquee sporting events, S h e a d d e d , t h e thereby enhancing the Ministry’s input “is country’s sports tourism significant to the longevity sector of the competition and to the His remarks followed a sport. All this trickles down meeting yesterday between to our athletes and we’ll the Ministry, the National continue to see significant Sports Commission (NSC), development. We thank him and event organiser Aliann forhissupport.” Pompey Meanwhile, a press Minister Ramson also conference is scheduled for highlighted that this Friday in the boardroom of investment, the largest since the Ministry of Sport’s the event’s inception in headquartersonMainStreet, 2016, underscores the Georgetown, where further Government of Guyana’s detailswillbeprovided.

2024 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Super Eights Group 2- West Indies vs. England
Old rivals meet under lights, as Super Eights get underway
West Indies and has had relatively easy batters.
spectacle on Monday and Roston Chase, and Andre Jordan, a returning Jofra England will battles against the likes of Hosein is currently the will be looking to continue Russell primarily; all of Archer, Reece Topley and continue their Oman and Namibia. But the leading wicket-taker with 9 his form at the Darren whom have been in good Sam Curran forming a 4-
h i s t o r i c West Indies have been in victims while Motie, 15th on SammyStadium. strikingform. headed monster, England rivalry when the two sides dangerous form, having the list, comes in with 7 but The left-hander is the England will fancy their will be keen on keeping the meet tonight as the Super disposed of the Afghans on couldeasilysurpasshisspin- West Indies’ leading-run chances against the young likesofPooranandcompany EightsRoundoftheICCT20 Monday night by more than twin. The pair, along with scorer with a 164 runs, West Indies team, especially atbay World Cup gets underway 100runs. pacer Obed McCoy who second overall behind with the likes of skipper Jos While the spin duo ofAli today with two intense England could easily played his first game of the Afghanistan opener Buttler, Jonny Bairstow, and leggyAdil Rashid will battles. present the most testing tournament against the Ramanullah Gurbaz (167), Mooen Ali, Harry Brooks also look to match the likely While South Africa will battle for the Windies, Afghans and grabbed 3 but his early inclusion is a and all-rounder Liam feats from the Windies team playco-hostsUSAinthefirst having dominated their wickets, Alzarri Joseph who result in their top-order Livingstone doing the ofHoseinandMotie. of two opening matches for Group B; as they sit in 1st also has 9 wickets to his combinationlookingsuspect majorityofthebatting-load. With just three games this round, West Indies will place. name, should continue their with Brandon King The bowling attack will apiecefor teams in the Super look to get the better of their Guyanese left-arm formagainsttheEnglish. struggling. also be the most experienced 8 stages, winning the old foes England, as the two spinner Gudakesh Motie and Batting seems to be no Johnson Charles has and decorated compared to opening match of these lock horns for the umpteenth his partner, Trinidadian issue for the Windies as been in belligerent form and that of the other teams the crucial stages will be key for time. Akeal Hosein; will be the X- Nicholas Pooran missed a will need to play similar Windies faced during the both sides tonight, with Apart from Australia Factors for the West Indies, record hundred against the knocks tonight, along with GroupCstages. action bowling off in St. who managed to upset the especially against a team Afghans by 2 runs, after Rovman Powell, Shai Hope, With pacers Chris Luciafrom20:30h. defending champs, England withafewqualityright-hand putting on a power-hitting
‘It was my day’
- Pooran says Rutherford’s knock against New Zealand inspired performance

Nicholas Pooran... When it’s your day, you have to make it your day.
SportsMax - Nicholas Pooran believes mostsixesinT20IsforWestIndies,withhis everythingwentrightforhimasWestIndies eight in this game taking him to 128, going got a record-breaking win overAfghanistan pastChrisGayle’s124. toendtheT20WorldCupgroupstage. Asked how he felt following his West Indies won by 104 runs in St Lucia impressive performance, Pooran was quick onMondayastheyhitthehighestruntotalat toturnthepraisetothewholeteam. the tournament so far this year, hitting 218, “IfelttodaywasmydayandIhadtotake including registering the highest powerplay the responsibility,” Pooran said. “When it’s scoreinhistorywith92. your day, you have to make it your day I Pooran alone got 98 of those runs off 53 assessed the conditions early It was really balls, the highest individual total at this importantforustonotlosewicketsinthe World Cup, and broke the record for the (Continued on page 27)

Tyrell in
action. (IPF via AthletEdge facebook)
Dominic Tyrell claims Deadlift bronze; place 6th overall on debut World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships
A fantastic performance from the junior ranks, Tyrell ranks. by France based Guyanese didnotallowthattogetinthe MinisterRamsonassured strongman, Dominic Tyrell way and turned in a fabulous Tyrell of the Government’s saw him claiming the bronze performance to keep the
medal in the deadlift whilst Golden Arrowhead flying continued development of placing sixth overall in the high on the international athletes and sports across the 83kg category at the World stage.
Classic Open Powerlifting Contesting the first of Powerlifting has been doing Championships which is two flights of lifters, and Guyana proud as it has also being held in Druskininkai against 25 other lifters raked in three World Lithuania. overall, Tyrell’s deadlift of Championshipsin2023.
Moving up in weight and 342.5kg was good enough to Director of Sport, Steve coming up against seasoned land him the bronze medal Ninvalle also expressed campaigners in the senior which complimented the
category having graduated silver he won as a junior last performance stating that he yearinMalta.

disciplined so it was no performanceofTyrellthathe
wasthetoplifterinhisflight. continued to shine on the He achieved a best Squat of international scene for 265.0kg (10th overall) and a Guyana.
Benchpress of 167.5kg (13th G u y a n
overall) for an overall Total Powerlifting Federation of775.0kgwhichlandedhim (GAPLF) President, on sixthoverallintheworldina behalf of the powerlifting field of 25 athletes from the fraternity, also congratulated USA, Great Britain, France, Tyrell for a splendid display, Hungry, Canada, Italy, Peru, noting that his discipline, Denmark, Japan, Czechia, c o m m i t m e n t a n d C h i n a , B e l g i u m , understanding of the sport Switzerland, Spain, will see him doing even Singapore, Qatar, Lebanon, betterintheensuingyears. Brazil, Malta, Cyprus and “Tyrell is a very talented Kuwait. and hard working athlete
Thetopspotoverallwent who is setting a very high to Kengamu Jurins of Great standard. As a nation we are Britain with a Total of privilegedtohavehimatthis 845.0kg. Second was Orhii juncture along with Carlos Russel (843.5kg) of the USA Petterson-Griffith who is with Asein Enahoro of ranked third in the world Hungry, claiming the third right now, and Romeo place with a Total of Hunter who will be 807.5kg. competingasasub-juniorfor Enahorowonthedeadlift thelasttimeatJuniorWorlds with his first attempt of this year.This is fantastic for 367.5kg while Jurins was us a nation and we are very second with 350.0kg, ahead proudofthemall. ofTyrellwhoendedthird. This Federation will Tyrell commented on his continue to work to even performance, “Just overall more enhance the sport, as very, very happy with my we are aware there’s lots performance. I executed on moretobedonetoreallygive the highest level and the us that chance of being even biggest competition of my better The areas of coaches life, and all the hard work and referees’ development paidoff.” willbeprioritiesthisyear.”
Minister of Culture, The GAPLF is extending Youth and Sport, Charles appreciation to the Ramson Jr extended Government of Guyana, congratulations to Tyrell on NationalSportsCommission his sterling performance and the Guyana Olympic noting that he was pleased to Association for their see him continuing in a continued support to the positive vein from the junior sport.

Blue Water Shipping Under-15 Girls’ National Secondary School Championship
GFF hosts inaugural student referee training
Th e G u y a n a Peart said he was F o o t b a l l satisfied with the group’s Federation (GFF) active participation and their
R e f e r e e s dedication to gaining a Department held its broader perspective of the inaugural student referee game. field training session on “Our first student referee Saturday which was programme is off to a great attended by seven student start even with the rain. The athletesrepresentingschools participants showed great participating in the ongoing enthusiasm. We focused on Blue Water Shipping Under- fitness and introduced them 15Girls’NationalSecondary tomatchfundamentals.They Championship. interacted well and F i v e g i r l s f r o m responded positively to President’s College – Alicia instructions,”Peartshared. Raymond,BeyonceBennett, “Iwasabsolutelypleased Serendi Xavier, Danelle toseesomanyyoungwomen Fredricks and Jenel showing an interest in the Bellarmine– along with two game from the refereeing boysfromQueen’sCollege– perspective.”

The GFF Referees Department held its inaugural student referee field training session on Saturday.
Matthew Persaud and Beyonce Bennette from D a r r e n G r a h a m – President’s College said she participated in a refereeing loves football and found the sustained investment in with FIFA, the GFF, and the 16 on June 2, following Secondary, Woodley Park fitness session and drills on session enjoyable because it capacity building across the Government of Guyana on matchesacrossnineregions. S e c o n d a r y, C h a r i t y June 15 at Queen’s College gave her a new perspective entire school football May12,2022. The Round of 16 will Secondary, Tucville S p o r t s G r o u n d i n on the game: “As a referee, ecosystem We need to More than a thousand feature Santa Rosa Secondary, President’s Georgetown. They were all you must always watch the develop more referees, student athletes have Secondary, Waramuri College and Ann’s Grove between the ages of 14 and infield.” match commissioners and enrolled in the national Primary, Top Westminster Secondary competing at the 16. Dellon Graham, a venue coordinators within competition, which Secondary,Queen’sCollege, GFFProvidencefacility
Theinitiativeformsakey student at Queen’s College, the school system. My hope c u l m i n a t e d i n t h e N e w C a m p b e l l v i l l e GamesaresetforJune22 component of the FIFA said he is always ready to is that many of these young finalisation of the Round of Secondary, Bush Lot and23. FOOTBALL for School learnnewthings“andsinceI people will eventually move (F4S)programme,whichisa like playing football, why on serve the game at other collaboration among FIFA, not join the refereeing levels with the knowledge the GFF and the Ministry of programme and understand and skills they will require Education. anotherroleofthegame.” from these training
Participants are all active He added: “At first I programmes. These are footballers for their thought being a referee was important step and we respective schools but have simple, but today I learnt endeavour to establish the embraced the referee there are some different GFF Schools football training programme to technicalities.” Secretariat later this year.” enhance their game The refereeing training PresidentForderemarked. knowledge and skills for the initiative is ongoing and The tournament is future. available to all schools Guyana’s largest girls’ T h e s e s s i o n w a s participating in the GFF- competitionandsignifiesthe conducted by Lenval Peart, Blue Water Shipping Under- commencement of the Head of the Referees 15Girls’NationalSecondary implementation phase of the Department, alongside Championship. FIFA Football For School Fitness Instructor Tyrone “The success of the F4S ( F 4 S ) p r o g r a m m e , Tyrrell. programme requires established in collaboration