Kaieteur News

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Calls for Norton to step aside after sexual harassment allegations

...party leading lights urge internal investigations Security guard on

All local gold exporters under

$1M bail over killing of Mon Repos teen


ThePresidentofGuyana'sdecisionto finallyhostapressconferenceyesterday was welcomed and long overdue. Since his accession to the highest office of the land,PresidentIrfaanAlihasheldonlya handfulofpressconferences.

As such, his decision to engage with the full media corps was greeted with anticipation and with optimism. It was hoped that yesterday's press conference would mark a departure from the hostility and agitation exhibited by the Vice President during his weekly interactions with reporters from this newspaper

Unfortunately, yesterday's event provedotherwise.

Whenquestionedbyreportersofthis newspaper, President Ali mirrored the VicePresident'santagonisticapproachto KaieteurNews.

In a particularly disheartening exchange, he responded to a question from one of our young reporters with undue hostility, going as far as to insult the reporter's personal decision concerning home ownership. He also gave a dismissive answer to another reporter who asked about perceptions aboutthemanagementoftheoilandgas sector

This newspaper expresses its profound disappointment, though not surprise, at the President's histrionics. Suchconductreflectspoorlyonhisoffice and aligns him perfectly with his Vice President'scombativestancetowardsthe press.

AIETEUR NEWSK Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly Online: www.kaieteurnews.com June21,2024-Vol.26 No.25 Online readership yesterday, 54,578 Friday Edition Price $100 Put our own meters on Exxon’s oil pumps!
Questions raised over Govt's Accused, Deandrell Semple Opposition Leader, Aubrey Compton Norton UN experts say firms sending arms to Israel could be complicit in abuses Pres. Ali: investigation handling of US sanctions against Mohameds
revenue earner, oil
Pres. Ali says no need to address

Pres. Ali says no need to address Guyana’s top revenue earner, oil

...concerns about sector being handled weekly by VP Jagdeo

President Irfaan Ali on Thursday said he does not need to address matters relating to the oil and gas sector,astheseareventilated weekly by Vice President, BharratJagdeo.

TheHeadofStatewasat thetimeaddressingreporters duringamediaconferenceat State House in Georgetown when Kaieteur News asked him to comment on the gove

of the burgeoning petroleum sector ThePresidenthadjust concluded his hour-long

opening remarks, providing an update on the financial sector; the performance of brackish water shrimp and prawnsponds;riceandsugar production; border security andotherlocaleffortsgeared towards achieving food security The Head of State

measures to tackle gold smugglinginthecountryand the increase in cocaine seizuresoverthepastyear



and the country's Low C

Strategy (LCDS), and an update on the growth in coconut production. To this end, Kaieteur News asked PresidentAliwhetherhehad any concerns relative to the management of the sector since he has been quiet on thatindustry

Notably, the oil and gas sectoristhekeydriverofthis

y, responsibleforthegrowthin Gross Domestic Product (GDP)-positioningGuyana

as the World's fastest growingeconomy

It would be apposite to notethattheHeadofStatein hisrecentIndependenceDay address to the nation also steered clear of the subject. Instead, he spoke about house lots, government's investmentinhealthcareand infrastructure,tonameafew

According to the Presidenthowever,heneeds notaddressthesectorasitis amply covered by the VP He said, “The other thing I needtosayisyoudon'tneed to hear from the President everydayonthisissue.

Isetthetoneontheissue and I know you have a healthyrelationshipwiththe Vice President on oil and gas You have all your questions answered at the press conferences; I think you have a healthy ongoing discourseonoilandgas.”

The weekly press conferences hosted by

President Irfaan Ali addressing reporters during his press conference

Jagdeoareoftenconvenedat the People's Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) officeFreedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown where the VP puts on his General Secretary cap, responding, and many times attacking critics of his government.

Reporters too are often left with unanswered questions pertaining to the sector These are often directed to other government officials or agency representatives despite Jagdeo holds responsibilityfortheoiland gassector

Kaieteur News PAGE 02 Friday June 21, 2024
even announced new
lso part of the
resident's opening
arbon Development
ountry's econom

All local gold exporters under investigation

In wake of the US sanctions on the Guyanese billionaire Nazar Mohamed, his son Azruddin Mohamed and government official Mae Thomas for alleged gold smuggling and corruption, the government is now requesting information on

alllocalgoldexporterstosee if they have been making accurategolddeclarations.

President Mohamed Irfaan Ali during an engagement with the media at State House on Thursday said that while it is awaiting informationfromtheUnited StatesontheMohameds,the

government is also seeking additionalinformationonall goldexporters.“Ihaveasked the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) to seek further information at all export locations on gold exported by other gold dealers so that we can have information to see if it

GTU has new proposal to end strike action

...preparedtomeetwithGovt.duringAugust breaktohammeroutpayissues – Mc Donald

Th e G u y a n a Teachers Union ( G T U ) i s prepared to meet with the Government through the August holiday period to hammer out teachers pay issues.

Speaking to Kaieteur News on Thursday, General Secretary of the GTU,

Coretta Mc Donald explainedthatwhilethepay issues remain top of the agenda,theUnionwillsoon be meeting with Ministry officials to figure out the termsofresumption.

She noted that “The GTU/Ministry of Labour is exchanging documents on the terms of resumption for teachers to return to the classroom. We are also in discussion with the teachers on strike to ensure that teachers are present in their respective school before schools go on its August break.”

The GTU General Secretarysaidthattheunion is also working its new proposal which will be presented to the Ministry of Education after the terms of resumptionareagreedupon.

“So we have the new proposal but it will only be presented the Ministry of Education after we agree on the terms of resumption.”

Mc Donald explained. She noted that in the meantime she said that the impact of the strike has been felt significantly across the country

“ I n t e r m s o f participationinthestrikewe saw like an 80 percent of teachersinRegionFourwho did not work, 80 percent in Region 10, Regions Two, Three, Five and Six were

General Secretary of the GTU, Coretta Mc Donald

below the 50 percent mark because as you know these are the regions that are i n f l u e n c e d m o r e politically… but we saw an overall significant participation,”shesaid.

Meanwhile, this newspaper understands that the GTU will be meeting with the Ministry of Education as early as today

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, PresidentIrfaanAlisaidthat the government is moving closer to reaching an initial agreement with the GTU on conditions that would end the ongoing strike by some teachers.Alinotedthatthere have been numerous conversationsrelatingtothe resumption of work and the concerns raised by teachers.

“And so,” President Ali explained, “ From the most recent feedback I have received there seems to be some movement in relation to getting to an initial agreement on terms that would see the situation resumed to some amount of normalcy.”

The Head -Of-State stressedthatthegovernment

matches what is declared in our system”, the president said before revealing saying that GRA is managing the processandisveryproactive in its approach for the information.

sanctions. She stated, “We reserve these types of sanctions for gross levels of corruptionandhumanrights abuses.”

willcontinuetoprioritisethe wellbeing and needs of teachers, students and parents As part of its continuous developmental ambitions, the government is heavily investing in the education sector to execute numerous policies and programmes.

Additionally, the presidentstatedthatstudents will have greater access to educational opportunities “We are committed to ensuring that they have fair treatment.Wearecommitted toensuringthattheirwelfare andlivesintotalityimprove as our country continues to improve,”hevowed.

He continued, “And our priorities[are]toensurethat our children will not suffer or the teachers. And that is why we are investing in giving our teachers the best infrastructural conditions to work in, supporting their career development and supporting their personal aspirations for education andbecomingtrained.”

As the world continues to transform digitally, the government is looking to establish its first digital schoolshortlyinthecountry

President Ali pointed out, “Continuous learning willbeheavilyinfluencedby technology.We said that we wanttohavethemostskilled population.

The most skilled populationmustallowevery citizen, those who dropped outofschool,andthosewho didn't have the opportunity to go to school to be in an environment of learning…”

The teachers strike started on February 5 over a proposal for an increase in wagesandsalaries.

The sanctions imposed on the Mohameds were made by the US Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). The OFAC made allegations against the Mohameds for a series of corruption –includinggoldsmuggling.It is alleged that Thomas, the Permanent Secretarey (PS) for the Ministry of Labour, misusedherpositiontooffer benefits, like government contracts to the Mohameds. Onthesidelineofaneventat the U S Embassy in Georgetown, Ambassador Theriot said the sanctions, aretheresultofovertwoand ahalfyearsofinvestigations byUSauthorities.

Ambassador Theriot highlightedthegravityofthe offenses that led to these

Theriot went on to explainthat,“it'saveryhigh bar,wedonotdothislightly This is something that we ensure that we have a preponderance of evidence before we're ready to levy thesanctionsandwehadthat in this case against the three individuals who were sanctioned.”

Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance,

Dr Ashni Singh and Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Godfrey Statia have since written to the OFAC requesting additional information on theallegations.

President Ali on Thursday said that his government is still awaiting that information but have since revoked their cambio license.Thegovernmenthas even moved to meet with localjewelersandlocalgold dealersaskingtokeeprecord ofthosewhosellthemgold.

Kaieteur News PAGE 03 Friday June 21, 2024


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210


Cleverness with Guyanese oil money

First, disco sensation Donna Summer scorched the air with,“Sheworkshardforthemoney….” Next,theO’Jays arrivedwith“Fortheloveofmoney….”. Talkaboutmoney, the love of money, and there is ExxonMobil, and the schemers and tricksters who have creative hustles for it. Fromoilauditfindingstooilauditreportstothepaltry2% royalty, it is the same dirty story In each episode of ingenious corporate financial arrangements, ExxonMobil manipulates matters to add to its coffers at Guyana’s expense.

Inthefirstingeniousfinancialrevelation,auditfindings ofUS$214Mfelloffacliff:thedropwasfromUS$214Mto US$3M. ExxonMobilmayhavebeencruel,butitcannever beaccusedofbeingunkind. ThisisbecauseGuyanastillwasto beleftwithUS$3Mandnotzero WiththecomplimentsofVice President Jagdeo, that merry-go-round is still ongoing He pretends at blissful ignorance (technical people), while ExxonMobil has its own people, along with the help of some Jagdeo-orientedGuyanese,thatnudgeandfudgethosefindings slowlyforwardtothearbitrationthatshouldhavehappenedovera yearago ItisanyGuyaneseguessaboutwherethoseUS$214M auditfindingscouldfinalizeonceandforall ExxonMobilwins anyway, regardless of the outcome Its lawyers are paid from Guyana’soilmoney,andtheycanhireaccountantsandauditorsby thebargetocomeupwithsomespinandjustificationtoreduce those findings to nothing The loveliness in all this is that ExxonMobil’s lawyers bill, and Guyana’s oil dollars pay Even if ExxonMobil loses at arbitration, it wins in the big moneygames.

The audit competed by the VHE Consulting group submittedareportofaround170pagestotheGovernmentof Guyana. ItinvolvedUS$73BofExxonMobil’sexpensesforthe period2018-2020 Aftermuchproddingfromthispublication, Guyana’soilboss,thesameVicePresidentJagdeo,ensuredthatthe worldknewthattheGuyanaGovernment(hisPPPCGovernment) releasedthereportonline Whenquestionedaboutifitwasthe whole report, Jagdeo went into his customary self-protective mode: it is “as received” and he hasn’t read it We must congratulate Jagdeo on his safety conscious (himself) concerns andmethods,asevidencedinhiscleververbalmaneuversinthe form of “as received” It so happens that VHE audit sources confirmed that the whole report is not online, ie, it is missing around40pages ItshouldbeclearernowaboutwhyJagdeomade surethattheworldheardthathehadn’tseenitorreadit Most conspicuously, several areas with high-priced charges (rigs, helicopters,materials,andsoon)arenotpresentinthepagesso generouslysharedbythePPPCGovernmentwiththeGuyanese public High-priced items represent hundreds of millions, possiblybillions,inExxonMobil’sexpenses,whicharenow mysteriously missing (or conveniently made to disappear) fromtheUS$7.3Bauditreportanditsfindings. Bigmoney and big mysteries and there is this big superpower oil company,ExxonMobil,probablyusingsomeofitsoldtricks,to getthequietcollusionoftheGuyanaGovernment Whatevermust bedonetosqueezeanothermillionfromGuyana’soilrevenues will be done This is now part of the shabby record of what Guyana’soilpartner,ExxonMobil(withitsgovernmentpartners) presentstoGuyanese Itisunbelievablethatthegovernmentthat Guyaneseputinofficehascometothisuglystate,wherepagesare being removed from audit reports, so that ExxonMobil can probablybilkGuyanaofmanymoremillions

Last,thereisthetinyroyaltyfront,andeventhatmeasly 2%isnotsparedExxonMobil’sclaws.ProfessorC.Kenrick Hunte did the calculation and came up $225.25M short. ExxonMobil is shafting Guyanese still more, through slippery calculating, like some shyster pawnbroker. It is where2%isnotthefull2%,but1.977%. Itisthesmallness ofthatsleightofhandof0.023%thatresultsinthehugeness of$225MlesscomingtoGuyanaunderthedisguisethatitis full 2% in royalties. Audit findings, missing audit report pages,andlessthan2%royaltyemphasizetoGuyanesehow clever and greedy ExxonMobil is, and how new ways are concoctedtocheatthiscountry

GTU President engaged in deception


Through reports, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU)haslearnedthatDr Mark Lyte, President of the Guyana Teachers Union ( G T U ) , f r o m a l l appearances, is seeking to castigate our Union without anymeritforlivinguptoour responsibilities Such expressions, we learnt, were made at a forum of the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) on June 15, 2024 We understand that the GTU President reportedly told his audience that the GAWU signedtwelve(12)collective agreements this year. We ask:Whatiswrongwithsuch achievements?Isitnotinour interest to represent our members?

The GAWU remains staunchly committed to

safeguarding and advancing the interests of its workers, where it enjoys bargaining rights. The realisation of agreements between the Unionandemployerstestify to our work and dedication. We are proud of those achievements and cannot be botheredbyattemptstobelie our successes. The GAWU has not expressed critical views on the efforts of the GTU or any other union. So why are we singled out by Dr Lyte?

From what we saw, Dr Lyte articulated that our Union has some seeming advantage and attempted to offerapoliticaljustification. We find this laughable and downright deceptive The GAWU has said before and will say again that our successes, whether negotiating with public or privatesectoremployers,are

based on our efforts at the bargaining table. There is nothing else, as he wants others to believe in his attemptstomislead.

While the GTU

President speaks about collectivebargaining,hewas mute when GAWU was denied collective bargaining in the sugar industry during the sojourn of the Coalition Government.Wealsodonot recall Dr Lyte or his Union expressing solidarity when thousands of sugar workers werelaidoff.

There was also a conspicuous silence when the sugar workers endured a wage freeze between 2015 and2020.

The situation was quite the opposite for the GTU, which did not suffer the ignominy meted out to the sugar belt. Rather the GTU

collective bargaining, an opportunity which, as far as we are aware, still remains on the table. Of course, we hasten to remind that collective bargaining is a process that flourishes in an atmosphereofcordialityand respect without the impositionofpreconditions. Weremaindisappointed i n D r L y t e ’ s expressions,who seemingly nowseekstofindscapegoats to bolster his performance. We urge our colleague and comrade that rather than attacking, his efforts would be more useful in finding practical solutions to the issues at hand. Harping here and there but not at the bargaining table will do no good.


Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union

Rumbling, Rambling and Rummaging with Humorous Guyanese Rumours

DEAREDITOR, Day in and day out, Guyana never experiences the saturation of humorous rumours overspilling the tabloids to wonder and ponder at any given time of thedayornight,inandoutof thiswonderfullandof many waters and races. Whether it’s in the mainstream of political, economic or social nature, the cup will always overflowwithripe,juicyand hotnews,running,rerouting andreunitingitswaytogrow bigger,betterandbraverasit gravely travels from ear to ear!

For instance, rape, attempted rape or the threat to rape, is not the tip of the icebergbutistopofthemenu forappetizers.JeanCarrolis certainly a sweet carol and musictotheearswhilebeing a ‘trump’ card and making head and heat waves to favourtherealmsoffantastic flavours. The favorite lyrics arewashingontheGuyanese seashore.

The‘touchofIndia’hasa boomerang effect on Guyanese politricks Desirous of leading a party thathasbeenclonedwiththe icon of ancestors of a particular origin, those in contrast to “who cannot think for themselves,” may want to spare a moment and consider on, how the just concluded Indian election was conducted, more so, how quickly the votes were counted.640millioncitizens went to the Indian poll and within a matter of 6 weeks,

the polls closed, the votes counted, the results were published and a government was sworn in. A certain wizard computed that it will take155daystorecountless thanhalfamillionGuyanese votes!Talkaboutcalculating the majority of 65 with mathematical geniuses and coining the ‘mentally lazy’ term, bring back sorrowful memories!

The dreadful agony of apartheid from a previous South Africa, pampers the illusion of a few Guyanese, day dreaming with fictitious fantasies Those warped minds were harnessed and broughtbacktorealityagain, when the Afrieximbank announcedaloanofUS$500 million to President Ali’s PPP/C government The African business leaders are making a mockery of those whoclaimapartheidexistsin Guyana.

The acronym, “old is gold,” is the golden oldies which remain irresistible From the days of yore, buccaneers pirated the seas for golden coins and jewelries The pioneers explored and exploited the landfornature’sgift.As‘the NewWorld’was invaded by intruders, the colonialists grabbed and shipped out Guyana’s gold Now, Guyana’s gold is being ‘flown’outwithouttheflight ofanyimagination.

While many detractors, naysayersandinsurgentsare clamoringfortheglamourof shuttingdowntheoilandgas

industry and the sugar industry, investors are hunting opportunities to be part of the ‘gold mine’ in Guyana.The many overseas business companies want to partner with their Guyanese counterparts. They remain optimistic with the positive advancement of the PPP/C government to develop and advance the country as the fastest growing country in this hemisphere with the highestGDPpercapita.This contradicts the negative picturepaintedbythosewho see everything wrong with any project undertaken by t h i s p r o g r e s s i v e administrator

ACambiohaditslicense revoked by the Bank of Guyana, a senior official resigned, smugglers were caughtattheairporttryingto ship out gold illegally, there were numerous drug busts, planes, boats and other properties were confiscated fromthe‘underworld,’many fields cultivating marijuana/ganga are being destroyed and many drug traffickers are being caught and jailed. The Police and other law enforcement agencies are certainly stepping up in the detection and prevention of illegal activities More planes, patrol boats, vehicles and motor cycles are being providedbytheGovernment to help in this fight against crime. Now, with an additional 1200 body cameras, more transparency in police activities is

anticipated and the expectation of ‘left or right’ willseesomehesitation.

It wasn’t Lawrence of Arabia but one closer home who said back in 2018, “We got to bring more like them in…Comrades, politics is a numbers game ” A convoluted, compromising or corrupt comment? Then again,“TheonlyfriendsIgot is PNC so the only people I gongivewukto,isPNCand right now I looking for a doctorwho cantalkSpanish or Portuguese and ah want one that is PNC ” A confirmation of a carefully crafted concept conceived and not concealed? Blows areflyinglikebutterfliesand stinging with the venom of bees as the PNC Congress approaches. Burnham had his face imprinted on exercisebooks.Whowillbe the next ambitious applicant?

After centuries of being asleep, the dead has awakenedandnotasleeping giant. The ‘B’, the ‘C’ and the ‘N’words are no longer applicable, allowed or admitted.Secretly,theywere ‘admired’ and addressed appropriately Will Martin Carter have to rewrite his poem, “I come from the N…..yard?” Would he have resisted the change? Guess wehavetolet‘sleepingdogs lie.’By the way, those from the mixed race, will they be objecting to the ‘D’ w o r d … . . D o u g l a ? Amendmenttofollow


Kaieteur News PAGE 04 Friday June 21, 2024
regularly engaged in

Roysdale Forde is willing and able to lead the PNCR

DEAREDITOR, I have written often, offering my support for the candidacy of Roysdale Forde S.C, M.P. in his pursuit of the leadership of the PNC/R. At the time I begun, I had never met him, nor knew much about him, except for media reports relating to his legal work. I had, following the disputed and very controversial 2020 General and Regional Elections, been a persistent supporter of the election

petition which he representedbeforethecourts and greatly admired his advocacy

When the term of the incumbent leader of the PNC/R neared its end and speculationturnedtothelikely candidates for his replacement, it was first suggested that Dr Gary Best, Sharma Solomon or Amanza Walton-Desirwouldbepotent challengers to the incumbent leader But, when Roysdale Forde raised his hands and volunteered his service, and very quickly attracted a talented team, built a vibrant organization,communicateda compelling vision and programme – Regroup, Refocus and Rebuild - with clearly defined objectives and strategies and engaged instakeholderoutreach,here

and abroad, I became quickly attracted to his candidacy and grew to respect and admire the candidate.

WhenIfirstmethimnotso long ago, at a community

meeting outside of Georgetown, I was struck by his poise and humility, and regard for the people he met there He spoke in a calm, disciplined and dignified manner demonstrating an impressive grasp of a wide range of issues – social, political and economic His reputationasalegaleaglehad alreadylongbeenestablished, as well as his social and political consciousness, demonstrativelyevidentinhis representation of the GTU recently,andheclearlyworks very hard at mastering other issues as could be discerned from his media appearances hereandabroad It is my firm conviction that my leader must be stronger than me, more intelligent than me and all round better qualified and equippedthanmeinorderto motivateandempowermeto become better It is not importantthathetakeadrink with me, or play dominoes, or be available to take my calls, or karaoke and dance. What is essential is that I believe that he will dedicate

himself and will work hard to make my life, and all our lives, not just his, better. According to the Bible, the Israelites wanted, and God sent, a leader to take his people out of suffering and bondage and into the promised land, not a boon companion to keep them company and entertained in darkness and deprivation. If Mr Norton, to paraphrase US General George Patton, will not, cannot, lead he should follow or get out of theway,please.

I believe that Roysdale Forde S.C, M.P is willing and able to lead this great partyatthiscriticaljuncture in our nation’s history and I am proud to identify as a member of Team Forde and encourage others to support him. William Shakespeare’s King Lear advises that you “letgothyholdwhenagreat wheelrunsdownahill,lestit break thy neck with following it. But the great one that goes up the hill, let himdrawtheeafter.”

Sincerely OscarDolphin

Guyanese will benefit from Biden’s Executive Order on Undocumented

DearEditor, T h o u s a n d s o f undocumented Guyanese living in the USA will benefit from President Biden’s Executive Order to grant permanent work permits and residency status to spouses of American citizens (and their undocumented children underage21).Theproposed order grants status to those undocumented spouses and their children living in the US continuously for the last ten years (prior to last Monday). They won’t have to travel outside of the USA as required by current law andwheretheymustlivefor t e n y e a r s b e f o r e reconsideration of a visa to

Spouses of US Citizens

requirement would be waived. They would be a required to pay a readjustmentofstatusfee.

The Executive Order is opposed by Biden’s cha


the presidency,formerPresident Donald Trump who holds narrowleadsinopinionpolls intheNovemberelections.It is also not clear if Congress opposes the order and whetheritwillbechallenged incourt.

Biden also grants a one year extension of stay that would have expired next monthofsomehalfamillion undocumented Venezuelan refugees who are also entitled to an extension of workpermits.Thiswillhelp to ease the burden of

neighboring countries like Guyana, Trinidad, and Colombiaofhavingtocarry the burden to provide for Venezuelans fleeing their country from economic woes. Those undocumented immigrants who are beneficiariesoftheordercan now breathe a sigh of relief withoutfearinganencounter with law enforcement that could lead to deportation. They no longer would have to remain in the shadows, working off the books and being exploited by employers. Undocumented youngsters can now freely pursue schooling including university without fear of beingdeported.

YoursTruly Vishnu

Kaieteur News PAGE 05 Friday June 21, 2024
e-enter USA That

Roads to Prosperity: Guyana’s Infrastructure Development Journey


Guyana is projected to experience significant economic growth, measured by its Gross Domestic Project (GDP), which is expected to increase by 36 percent in 2024. However, sustainableprogressdirectly impacts the average Guyanese household and necessitates concurrent

development of the country’sinfrastructure.

Economicgrowthwould be hindered without a corresponding advancement in Guyana’s infrastructure; citizens expect tangible benefits from this growth,

including affordable housing, reliable electricity, accessible healthcare, clean water, and enhanced security

The Government of Guyana, led by President Irfaan Ali, has launched extensive and prompt infrastructure development initiatives, reflecting a

tangible utility of tax revenues for the people’s welfare Recognizing the imperative for substantial investmenttoupliftcitizens’ q

governmentalignsitsefforts with President Ali’s vision, emphasizing the importance of creating sustainable jobs, reducing poverty, and fostering inclusive growth t h r o u g


c governance and investment acrosseducation,healthcare, andinfrastructuresectors.

development, infrastructure

structures essential for s

transportation networks (roads, bridges, ports), efficient energy supply,

education and healthcare facilities, and essential government services like security and trade support.

Modern financial systems enable swift, cost-effective trade operations with minimal transaction overheads.

T r a d i t i o n a l l y , infrastructure development relies on taxation; however, Guya

d proceeds from oil revenues to fund these crucial initiatives, marking a

investment in the nation’s future.

Notably, the substantial revenuesgeneratedfromoil, approximately $126 3 billion (US$604.3 million) inthefirstquarteroftheyear, are predominantly directed towards financing infrastructure projects. The 2024 budget allocation amounting to $1.146 trillion GYD demonstrates a 46.6% increase from the previous year, underscoring a prioritization of national development, improved living standards, and

mitigating inflation impacts onhouseholds.

The Government of Guyana’s unwavering c o m m i t m e n t t o infrastructure development isevidentinits2024budget o u t l i n e N o t a b l y, investments in roads and b

significant boost, with allocations amounting to $204.1billionGYD.

This includes specific fundingforcommunityroad construction and hinterland roaddevelopment,alongside provisionsforrivertransport

d navigational aids Such investmentsareinstrumental in sustaining trade and commerce, facilitating reliable delivery of goods and services to households, thus benefitting businesses ofallscales.

Turning attention to the healthc

substantial investment of

government’s efforts to

em comprehensively This funding, a historic high in healthcare allocations, aims to bolster infrastructure, enhance diagnostic and treatment services, ensure a consistentsupplyofmedical essentials, and foster the growthoftertiaryhealthcare facilities.

government’s commitment to modernizing healthcare

infrastructure, enhancing service delivery, and ensuring an adequate cadre of healthcare professionals nationwide.


ally, the housing sector receives a substantialallocationof$78 billion, spotlighting the government’s dedication to ad

g accessibility

Efforts to improve access to clean and safe drinking water via a $22.5 billion allocation indicate a proactivestancein



Referenceismadetoaletterpublishedinthisnewspaper onMay24,2024underthecaption:“Payingafinetoseethe Commissioner of Police” where it was mentioned that a SergeantPersaudwasaccusedofdemandingpaymentsfrom visitorswhowenttoseetheCommissionerofPolice. ASergeantDavePersaudhaswrittentothisnewspaper through his lawyer denying the claims Kaieteur News herebyapologisestoSergeantPersaudforthepublication oftheletterandalsoretractsit

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Kaieteur News PAGE 06 Friday June 21, 2024

Classless President

We have said in this column before that if they are two leaders Guyanese should steer clear of are: President Ali and VP, Jagdeo. They are both classless when dealing with the press and ordinary Guyanese, but suck up to foreigners and the oil bosses.

Yesterday's President Ali's condescending interactions with one of our reporters when asked a question at his news conference speak volumes of the Guyanese leader.

The President was dismissive, aggressive and attitude reeked with hostility in his efforts to intimidate reporters with his powerful office.

We agree that President Ali should do better, be more presidential, carry the dignity of his high office at a statesmanlike level. But we also agree that he might just not be able to help himself.

Kaieteur News PAGE 07 Friday June 21, 2024

Calls for Norton to step aside

...party leading lights urge internal investigations

Senior members of the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) have called on Party Leader, Aubrey Norton to step aside to allow for an internal investigation followingaccusationsthathe sexually harassed Vanessa Kissoon.

Kissoon a longstanding P N C R m e m b e r o n Wednesday came forward and confirmed that the

allegations of sexual harassment against her by NortonwhoisalsoLeaderof the Opposition as described in a social media post, are

true On Wednesday morning, Norton first addressed the allegation in a video statement posted on Facebook The allegation originated from social media commentatorEglandGomes, who recounted what he said Kissoon had shared about being allegedly sexually

harassed by the Opposition Leader

The allegation is that Nortonwasaskedbyanother party member Sharma Solomon to give Kissoon a ride to Linden after a PNCR campaign meeting It is alleged that Norton stopped his motor vehicle in the vicinity of the Ruimveldt Industrial area roadway and showed Kissoon his firearm before sexually harassing her Addressing the post, Norton labeled it as “malicious and false.” He underscored that at no time was he asked by Solomon to give Kissoon a drop to Linden.“Secondly,atnotime Vanessa Kissoon and I were in any vehicle alone heading toLinden.Alloftheseclaims are false and malicious,” Nortoncontinued.

Heavyheart Meanwhile, in a

statement following the revelation of the allegations, Member of Parliament and CEC member, Amanza Walton-Desir said it is with heavy heart she read the consecutive statements of NortonandKissoon.Shesaid while the statements speak forthemselvesitisnecessary

for “me to speak out as a womanandasaleaderinthe party.”Walton-Desirsaidthe nature of the allegations cannot be ignored and that the party must address the matterwiththeseriousnessit deserves “It is very important to note that Ms. Kissoon was asked by Mr Norton to come forward and speakonthismatter

It is therefore deeply troublingtoseeMs.Kissoon being mercilessly attacked on social media These attacks are unacceptable and undermine the principles of unity, respect, and support that should define us. We must stand against any form of victim-blaming or victimshaming Especially as women, we must lean into ourbetterangelsandourGod givenabilitytonurturerather than naysay, to comfort rather than condemn, so that even as we find ourselves in an hour of disagreement we can interrogate and not castigate. We must foster an environment where every voice is heard and respected ” Walton-Desir saiditisvitalthat“weensure a fair process for both Ms. KissoonandMr Norton.The truth will always set us free andIaskthatothersstepback asIwill,andallowmattersto follow the necessary course of action that is appropriate under these circumstances.

Prayer, support and understanding will not hurt during this difficult period,” herstatementconcluded.

No one must be above beingheldaccountable.”

For his part, Senior Counsel, Roysdale Forde said the matter is most unfortunate. “Whatever the raison d'etre, Mr. Norton, I contend, must be seen as innocent until proven guilty. Ms. Kissoon, the alleged victim,musthavethebenefit of telling her story without being harassed We must judiciously proceed on this

gravematter Asanofficerof the court, I am obligated to respect the rights of everyone, including the victim and accused, and the courseofnaturaljustice.”

Force said too that “as a partyweshouldnotallowthe prejudices of politics and power to affect our respect for the rule of law, efforts at cohesionwithintheparty,our principlesand/orcorevalues as an alternative choice for government. Our behaviours mustsoreflect.

The allegations made by Ms. Kissoon in response to Mr Norton's statement are worthy of investigation and should not be treated lightly The seriousness of our approach must result in a procedure that facilitates a fair and transparent investigation. For no reason must we in the PNCR allow theperceptiontobearthatwe are unmindful and insensitive to the devastationsandpainswhich the allegations cause the victim, the accused, and importantly our beloved party, members and supporters.”

According to Forde it is nottoolateforus“todowhat is right, not too late to say a kindwordasweembracethe principles of social justice irrespective of who are involved,betheyoftheparty or some other group. What matters most is the integrity with which we approach the laws that bind us to do right byeachother Noonemustbe a b o v e b e i n g h e l d accountable.”

Weighing in on the issue former government minister, Simona Broomes wrote the Central Executive Committee of the PNCR calling attention to the potential impact of the allegationsontheparty “The importance of this is underscored in a context of the sensitivities and awareness of the Me2 Movement.

The consciousness of human rights and dignities protect the vulnerable from those who seek to or violate the innocence, sexual integrity and safety of others ” Broomes said Guyana recently was rocked by allegations of the gruesome and brutal tale of said nature being made against a male government minister by a female indigenous youth. “As we will recall the PNCR, in particular our females were outintheforefrontcallingfor

justiceforthefemale,andfor the minister to be held accountable. Today we are facing less gruesome but nevertheless, allegations of sexual impropriety which involves the threat of a gun being used to enforce an expressed sexual desire Comradeswecannotpretend that we do not hear or that what has been said is untrue without the minimum of a denial of said allegation madeagainsttheCdeLeader by the named victim, or the truthbeingdiscernedfroman internalinvestigation.”

Broomes said it would serve the Cde Leader well shouldheaddressthismatter publicly as well as internally as per organisation custom, practice and precedent. “The latter would have seen none other than a former Deputy PrimeMinisterhavingtostep down to facilitate an investigation. To protect the image of the Party and distinguishitfromthePPPin termsofmanagementofsaid crisis,theCde.Leadershould step down with immediate effectfortheinvestigationto proceed.

The alleged victim, our women, girls, and society deserve the respect of a dignified withdrawal so that social justice can be exacted whereitisfounddeserving,” Broomes wrote. She added:

“I urge our National Congress of Women (NCW) to reach out to the alleged victim and to provide counselling where necessary evenasweworkthisthrough as a Party that understands theimportanceoftheaccused being innocent until proven guilty; the dignity and right of the alleged victim to protection; safeguarding the image of our party as a responsiblealternativetothe PPP, with accountability and unity on the issue of social justice.

I therefore call on every singlememberofParliament, of the CEC and Party members, to rally for truth, justice and accountability to be our guiding principle to protectthePartythatwelove from the taint of sexual predation and an unsafe environment for young women.”

The Opposition Leader on Wednesday had also also disclosed that he has since instructed his lawyer to take legalactionagainstthesocial media commentator During his statement, Norton called on Kissoon as well as (Continuedonpage16)

Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022 AGE 8 Friday June 21, 2024
PNCR member, Vanessa Kissoon Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton

The right to strike and the right to be paid to strike

At his weekly press conferences,VicePresident, Bharrat Jagde0 continually expresses concern that workers should not be entitled to payment for the timespentonstrike.Hesays that this could set a precedent where employees might expect to be paid while staying home from work.

What Jagdeo, however, in typical fashion overlooks is the difference between a person staying home from work without authorization,

as against the legal withdrawaloflabourundera strike. Do striking workers have an entitlement to be paid? The government has appealed a recent decision thatruledinfavourofpaying striking teachers This appealisexpectedtoaddress notonlytheissueofpayment forstrikingworkersbutalso whether there is a substantive difference between the right to strike and the freedom to strike, and whether these rights or freedoms are protected undertherighttofreedomof association.


these issues. I begin by examining the issue of payment for striking workers.

Section24oftheLabour Act explicitly addresses the permissible deductions an employer can make from an employee’s salary This sectionisinherentlyfocused onregulatingthedeductions from the salary for work performedbytheemployee. It ensures that such deductions do not exceed one-third of the total monthly earnings, thereby allowing the employee to at least have some basic minimum of his salary available. Section24cannot beconstruedaspertainingto instances where an employee is absent from work or when an employee withdrawstheirlabour,such as during a strike. The core intent of this section is to manage deductions from earned wages, i e , compensation for the labour provided by the employee during their period of active work. When an employee is on strike, they are not performing any work and thus do not generate

earnings for that period

Section 24 is silent on the issue of non-earnings periods,implyingthatitdoes notintendtocoverscenarios where wages are not being accrued Instead, it only governs the permissible deductions from wages that have been earned through theemployee’slabour

Therefore,inthehumble estimationofthiscolumnist, Section 24 does not impact an employer’s right to withhold payment for periods when an employee does not work, such as duringastrike.Theperiodof non-workdoesnotequateto earnings, and thus, any interpretation of Section 24 that suggests otherwise wouldbeamisreadingofits provisions. This section is strictly about regulating deductions from earned

remuneration for work performed, and does not extend to governing the withholding of wages for periodsofnon-work.

A strike represents a deliberate and wilful decision by employees to

Rumbling, Rambling and Rummaging...


Honorable Minister! We may as well clean theslate.

Gudakesh Motie has spun his way to beingnamedMen’sICCPlayeroftheMonth forMay2024.Again,Guyanaisontopofthe worldandmakingnoiseasatouristattraction to travelers from around the world. With so manyvisitorsbombardingthecountrydaily, it’snotonlyGuyanesefromtheDiasporabut otherswhoareseeingandseekingthebeauty

ofthecountry TheGovernmentisproviding financial help for those desirous of getting spectacles.Manyfromtheoppositesidemay needtotakeadvantageoftheGovernment’s programme. Thankfully, the oil revenue is being properly utilized. But the rumbling, rambling and rummaging of humorous Guyanese rumours will not stop but add sunshineonarainyday

Yoursrespectfully, JaiLall


Prezzy’s Press-tastrophe

Yesterday’s p r e s s conference by

Prezzywasamasterclassin how not to conduct a press conference. It’s becoming increasingly clear that Prezzy might need a crash course on the difference betweenapressconference and a briefing—two things he often confuses, much to the amusement (and frustration) of the press corps.

Starting where he left off last year (perhaps he’s on an annual cycle?), Prezzy embarked on an opening statement that could rival the length of a mini-series.Forafullhour, he regaled the audience withawidearrayoftopics, meandering through

subjects like a hiker lost in thejungle.

Presented with the perfect opportunity to narrow his focus and address the pressing issue of the financial system’s stability, Prezzy began on this note. But alas, old habitsdiehard.

The discussion soon veered into the nitty-gritty

of gold exportation processes Then, as if powered by an invisible segway,Prezzytookusona wild ride through a dense thicket of issues: from the gas to shore project and i n f r a s t r u c t u r e developments to the performance of some sectorsoftheeconomy

He wisely steered clear of mentioning how much

withhold their labour as a form of protest or negotiation tactic This voluntary withdrawal of labour signifies that the workers are consciously choosing not to fulfill their contractual obligations to perform work.As such, it is my opinion that there is no entitlement for payment duringtheperiodofastrike.

Under employment contracts, the fundamental principle is an exchange of labour for compensation Employees agree to provide their labour, and in return, employers agree to remunerate them for their work. During a strike, this exchange is intentionally interrupted by the employees. Since no labour is being provided, the foundational basis for earningasalaryisabsent.

Legally and logically, payment for work is contingent upon the work being performed In the context of a strike, employees are not fulfilling theirpartoftheemployment contract by providing labour Thus, there is no contractual basis for claiming wages during such periods The decision to strike is a recognized and legitimateformofindustrial action, but it inherently c o m e s w i t h t h e understanding that wages are not earned during the timelabouriswithheld.

Duringtalksaboutterms of resumptions there are

almost invariably negotiations about payment for the period workers were onstrike.Thisindicatesthat there is no inherent right to such payment. If workers had an intrinsic entitlement to be paid during a strike, this issue would not need to be negotiated; it would be automaticallyguaranteed.

The necessity for bargaining over this point suggests that payment duringastrikeisnotagiven rightbutratheraconditional matter dependent on the outcomes of specific negotiations between employers and employees. This negotiation process highlights that payment for strike periods is not a legal entitlement but rather subjecttomutualagreement, reflecting its contingent and non-inherentnature.

Therighttostrikeisalso not as settled as some may believe.Forsometimenow, it was contended that the right to strike is integral to the right to freedom of association.

However, within the Inte



his interpretation was increasingly questioned. As such the ILO has decided to request an urgent advisory o p i n i o n f r o m t h e International Court of Justice (ICJ) as to whether the right to strike is a protected right under the right of freedom of association and the Right to

Organize Convention of 1948.

Within the ILO, the Committee of Experts arguesthattherighttostrike is a fundamental aspect of the right to freedom of association They believe thatforworkerstogenuinely e n j o y f r e e d o m o f association, they must have the right to collectively withdraw their labour to protecttheirinterests.Onthe other hand, the Employers’ group contends that Convention No. 87 – which deals with the rights to organize-doesnotexplicitly mention the right to strike. They argue for a strict textual interpretation of the Convention, which focuses on the right to organize and form associations but does notextendtostriking.

The ICJ is likely to render an opinion decision on this matter by next year But the Court of Appeal of Guyana may pronounce on these very issues before the ICJ concludes its advisory opinion.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

sugar was produced in the first crop this year, perhaps r

numbers are best left undisclosed But this restraint was short-lived. For a whole hour, Prezzy’s monologue continued, a verbal marathon that left everyone wondering if they’d accidentally tuned into a variety show Given the serious matter of the announced sanctions on t

n Guyana,Prezzywouldhave beenbetteradvisedtofocus exclusivelyonthefinancial system.

But just like Jagdeo, Prezzy seems to think a press conference is a freefor-all platform to discuss everythingunderthesun. Talkhalf.Leffhalf

wages, ensuring fair t r e a t m e n t i n t h e
nal Labour O
ion, t
Kaieteur News PAGE 09 Friday June 21, 2024
ealizing that some
ree individuals i



Guyana needs robust campaign financing laws Laws without loopholes Laws that mean business.

The Hon Attorney General, MohabirNandlall,SCknows this, and much more. He must move with all the energy and acumen and urgencythathecansummon.

A bill, a law, a new era of applying tight campaign financing law (s) across the board. I say to hell with the Opposition PNC andAFC if they will not get fully onboard.

Not just onboard, but fully so. And if the PPPC with all the power and drive atitsfingertips,asmanifested so consistently, cannot bring itselftodoso,thenmayitbe damned to answer to the Americansandfailmiserably atit. Istartwithscriptureand askpardonofnonbelievers.

“Theloveofmoneyisthe root of all evils.” Straight from the Bible, and it is not money It is the love of money, that insatiable greed,

that uncontrollable compulsion, like a terribly and dangerously hangover

binge drinker Are you still reading and absorbing, Mr Nandlall? The government must be done with the schemes and stratagems re campaign financing. Get a law that has teeth. In a cash intensive society, campaign financingisoneofthekillers ofcleangovernance. Itisthe easiest matter for anyone who can afford it in this country to slip a hundred million,orahalfbillion,into thehandsofapoliticalparty ForGuyanesewhothinkthat GY$500 million is a staggeringsum,knowthis:it isnotforthosewhogivesuch sums (or close to them, or more than that). It is what comesbackfromavictorious governmentandleaderswho are deeply indebted due to financing favors extended before, during, and after elections In any campaign/political financing law that has meaning, there mustbelimitsandnosecrets.

Full disclosure and buttressed by full documentation Records keptbygiversandrecordsby receivers A flaw is

recognized right away: how toaccountforunderthetable, cash transactions, dark moneydonations. Menwith bags, trusted couriers with suitcases, of cash. It is that kind of society in Guyana, and it is not changing anytime soon. This is what fuels political parties during elections, helps them to p r o p a g a n d i z e a n d proselytize. TV messages areexpensive,andsoalsoare what must be paid to foot soldiers and fence sitters. Or those in the opposition that must be bought to secure either electoral triumph or a special kind of bureaucratic partnership. Everthinkwhy, outside of the mass of politicians, why the public service at very high levels has earned such a dubious reputation, an ugly distinction that many in the public domain suspect, but only those in government know

After elections it is crucial for donors and financiers. The bigger ones anticipate the biggest rewards. They get it by

truckloads, and those rewards are part of a vicious and destructive cycle. A cycleisacircle,anditworks likethis.

The campaign financiers give big and get the biggest plums The people's (budgeted) money is channeled via contracts to campaign financiers, even if suchcontractsmustbeforced to favor them. Criteria and conditionscantakeahike,be damned. There are all those unanswered and unsettled questions about the tender board, the procurement watchdogs, and the way that business is executed Guyanese read about those who get public work contracts that they shouldn't have.

Lost in the shuffle are those who failed to win a contract, though they qualified. Icontendthatthis is how campaign financing corrupts the tender award

process, when the inexplicable happens, and when leading political stars pass those hot potatoes to others to run with the fallouts. Itispartofthegame

that commences with

campaign/political financing. Estimates that havenobasis. Winningbids that mock honesty and principled duty Then, the

flow of political kickbacks that keep t h e c i r c l e o f corruption going, and which began with campaign financing. From givertotaker Frompolitical leadership taking to government giving to successful recipient returning a portion of what feedsthemachine,thebeast. Again, I say it: campaign financing,politicaldonating, isaleadingcomponentinthe culture of corruption that consumesthiscountryandits taxpaying citizens. What starts out, or is naively interpreted, as feathering one's nest is much more treacherous and costly than what is held as a standard commercial practice

Despite its layers of laws, checks and balances, and company of honest watchdogs, even a mighty society as the United States has its challenges with campaign/political financing,anditisawayless cash-centered country Guyana as it is presently, therefore,isopenterritoryfor the worst excesses of campaign/political financing.

My understanding is that both major political parties havetheirideasofwhatstrict campaign financing law(s)

should look like. It stands to reason why that is so. Take away the easy millions (hundreds of such) and the television and podium must be foregone for the muddy streetsanddistantvillages. It is heavy going with much foot slogging, tireless handshaking and appealing and selling oneself In person Rich campaign financing and overflowing party coffers allow outsourcing, media spinning and deceiving, and little leadership accounting Guyana needs to get some basics in place: limits Disclosure. Documentation. Penalties for violators. For both donors and receivers. All of Guyana's political leaders need to stop talking through their noses (or their back ends) and start giving honesty a try Start with a clean and comprehensive politicalfinancinglaw Then enforceittothefullest.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

The firearm and ammunition found

Trio arrested for gun, ammo


Three men were arrested on We d n e s d a y during a police intel-led operation in Alberttown, Georgetown During the operation, police found an unlicensed 9mm pistol and two matching rounds of ammunition.

Arrested were a 43-yearold taxi driver from Den Amstel (identified as the driver), a 34-year-old unemployed resident of Timehri, and a 19-year-old unemployed resident of Rosemary Lane, Tiger Bay, Georgetown.

Detectives from the

Alberttown Police Station were conducting a mobile patrolaround10:45hrswhen they received 'certain information'.

Acting on this intel, they proceeded to Fifth Street, Alberttown, where they interceptedablackAllioncar bearing registration number HD 6172, parked on the northernsideofthestreet.

The police approached thethreemaleoccupantsand conductedathoroughsearch of both the individuals and the vehicle During the search, they noticed a side bag around the neck of the 19-year-old Upon

inspection, the bag was foundtocontainablack9mm pistol and two rounds of 9mmammunition. The 19-year-old was informed of the offense committed and cautioned on the spot. Subsequently, all three occupants were arrested and taken to the AlberttownPoliceStation.

The firearm and ammunition were marked, placedintoseparateevidence bags,sealed,andlodgedwith the Station Sergeant Ballistics analysis are to be conductedontheweapon.

Investigations are ongoing.

Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Friday June 21, 2024 HARDTRUTHS BYGHKLALL BY GHK LALL
Kaieteur News PAGE 11 Friday June 21, 2024

Questions raised over Govt's handling of US sanctions against Mohameds

President Irfaan Ali on Thursday faced members of the medi


al questions were posed to him onthehandlingoftheUnited S

on Guyanese billionaire Nazar Mohamed and his son AzruddinMohamed.

On June 11, the US DepartmentoftheTreasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced the imposition of sanctions on the Mohameds and their entities for alleged corruption, specifically gold smuggling and evading taxes.

The head-of-state was askedonwhatlegalbasisthe government revoked the Mohameds' cambio licence some 48 hours after the sanctions were announced, especially in light of the absence of information from theUS.

“The Bank of Guyana is the regulatory agency in relation to the granting of cambio licence. They act based on their regulations

and what is expected of them,”Alisaid.

He continued, “So the Bank of Guyana acted based on the sanctions and what their regulations say So that wouldbeaquestionproperly put to the governor of the bank.”

Tothisend,henotedthat agencies like the Guyana Gold Board (GGB) and Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) are navigating based onthesanctions.

According to the OFAC, the Mohameds allegedly evaded tax on gold exports and defrauded the Guyanese government of tax revenues byunder-declaringtheirgold exports to Guyanese authorities.

“Between 2019 and 2023, Mohamed's Enterprise omitted more than 10 thousand kilograms of gold from import and export declarations and avoided paying more than US$50 million in duty taxes to the GovernmentofGuyana,”the USTreasuryalleged.


with the banks, the gold board…allofthoseprocesses areongoing.”

When pressed further,

President Ali said that all transactions with the sanctioned company are suspended.

However, he stated, “We can't operate without the information, ” adding,

anotherjournalistquestioned government's swift

revocation of the cambio licence in contrast to the Mohameds' gold mining and gold export licence, noting that gold transactions were a focal point in the OFAC report.

“…I don't want to be premature. The agencies are engaging,asyouknowthere is a lot of intricacies…the agenciesareindependentand they will take the necessary decisions,”Aliresponded.

“So it has not been revoked?” the journalist

followed up. Ali responded, “I can't say…whether it's beenrevokedasyet.

Iknowthereisaprocess, there's a process of engagement, the process

“Everything is suspended, let'smakethatveryclear All transactions with the gold board, everything is suspended.”

Ali reiterated that the government is still awaiting information from the US on theallegations.

He said that, once the information is received,

discrepancies between local declarations and those in the report will be examined to build a case for tax evasion, enabling the GRA and other agencies to take necessary actions.

Moreover,Ali responded to inquiries regarding the governmentbeing'leftinthe dark' about the probe which has been ongoing for over twoyears.

In his response, Ali emphasised the robust relationshipbetweenGuyana andtheUS,andstated,“No,I don't agree that we were left in the dark, and I'm not surprised by anything in my life. Nothing surprises me in life.”

Fisherman remanded for murder of colleague

A 29-year-old fisherman from the Charity Squatting Area, Region Two was Wednesday remanded to prison for the murderofanotherfishermanalsofromthe samecommunity

The defendant, Shawn Myron Latchmanisaccusedofthestabbingdeath of30-year-old,AvienashSingh.

Latchman made his first court appearance at the Anna Regina Magistrates' Court before Magistrate TamiekaClarke.

Hewasnotrequiredtoenteraplea.The casewasadjourneduntilJuly29wherethe matter will be heard at the Charity Magistrates' Court for report and disclosureofstatements.

ThestabbingoccurredonJune16inthe Charity Squatting Area and according to police, the two men were consuming alcohol at a shop in the area when an argumentensued.

Shawn Myron Latchman

Reports are that Latchman had previously accused Singh of having an affair with the mother of his children. He allegedly followedSinghoutoftheshopandstabbedhim multipletimesinthechest.Singhwasrushedto theCharityCottageHospitalinanunconscious state but succumbed to his injuries while receivingmedicalattention.

Kaieteur News PAGE 12 Friday June 21, 2024
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Minersetonfireby Venezuelanmansuccumbs

The Guyanese miner, Valon Evans called “Doug” whowasonSundaysetonfire by a Venezuelan man at Wenamu Backdam, Cuyuni River, Region Seven has succumbed Kaieteur the man's passed Wednesday

presen outina Venezuelan Evans Essequibo was reportedly set alight after the Venezuelan was told that he had slept with his wife. Police said that he was set ablaze around 04:00hrs on Sunday while sleeping in the Venezuelan man's camp Reportsarethatthevictimleft his camp around 20:00hrs on

Saturday and went to the landing where he had a few drinks to celebrate his birthday Instead of returning tohisowncamphewenttothe suspect'sminingcampandfell urned 04:00hrs and there His n c e r e angered the suspectand accused miner havingan with i s monwife was time.

The suspect then threw a flammablesubstanceatEvans and set him alight before runningaway Evansmanaged to extinguish the flames quickly and made his way to Wenamu Health Post to seek medical attention. He died dayslater

Security guard on $1M bail over killing

Mon Repos teen

A 20-year-old security guard was granted bail in the sumof$1,000,000afterbeing chargedwithmanslaughteron Thursday

Deandrell Semple, a resident of Lot 30 Kingelly Village, West Coast Berbice, appeared before Magistrate FabayoAzoreattheVigilance Magistrate's Court No.1 on Thursday, where he was charged with manslaughter. The deceased in the matter is 18-year-old Jared Jagnandan, whowasanemployeeatShaf AutoSalesInc.

The incident occurred on March21,2024,atSMKShaf Auto Sales located in

Lusignan, East Coast Demerara Jagnandan, a resident of Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, was employed as a handyman at theautodealership.

According to the police report, the 20-year-old suspect, who was a security officer attached to Cerberus SecurityService,wasonduty atthetimeoftheincident.The owner of the auto dealership and his wife had returned to thestoreandfoundthesuspect and the now-deceased Jagnandanseatedinside.

A short time later, a loud explosion was heard, and the businessman found

Overheated drop cord causes fire at Albouystown house

Fire, believed to be electrical in nature damaged part of a two-storey wooden and concrete building at Lot 22 Callender Street,Albouystown,Georgetown.

Quick response by the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) averted the complete destruction of the building which is occupied by fourpersons.

Reportsarethatthefireoccurredduetoanoverheateddrop cord that was charging a mobile phone. Kaieteur News understands that the overheated drop cord started sparking and ignitednearbycombustiblematerials.

Atthetimeofthefire,fourpersonswereinthebuilding.The topfloorwasoccupiedbytheowner,63-year-oldAngelaGariba and 37-year-old Trevon David, while the ground floor housed two apartments. One apartment was occupied by 69-year-old CliftonMathara,andtheotherbyanunidentifiedtenant.


Accordingtoreports,afirealarmwasraisedatabout06:58h andthefireserviceunitsarrivedby07:02h.TheGFSsaidthatthe fire fighting operation began immediately with the first jet of water being applied at 07:03 hrs. By 07:11 hrs, the fire was completelyundercontrol.

The response team included Water Tenders #118 and #95, and Water Carrier #18. Sixteen firefighters, led by Section LeaderSparmanandassistedbyLeadingFiremenMarshalland Abrams, used water from these sources—12,870 litres in total—toextinguishtheblaze,theFireServicereported.

Despite significant damage to the building and its contents, the firefighters' swift action prevented the fire from spreading further

Jagnandan lying motionless on the ground with blood aroundthelowersectionofhis body

The security officer informedthebusinessmanthat Jagnandan had been shot Jagnandan was rushed to WoodlandsHospital,wherehe succumbedtohisinjuries.The police were notified, and the suspect was arrested The shotgun used in the incident, alongwithfivelivecartridges and one spent shell, were seizedbytheauthorities.

Semple was ordered to lodge his passport. The case was further adjourned to July th8 , 2024 for report and disclosure.

Kaieteur News PAGE 13 Friday June 21, 2024
Accused, Deandrell Semple
r e c e t r e a t R e p reachin entity the s k n o w “Man
The damaged Albouystown house Dead, Valon Evans

Embrace yoga for a healthier life, harmonious society

In today's busy and demanding world of work and study and handling of other stressful situations, self-careandmaintenanceof mental and physical health cannotbeoverlooked.

International Day of Yoga 2024, celebrated on June 21, 2024, brings these issues under the spotlight as captured in its theme “Yoga forselfandsociety”.

Good physical and mental health is by far the best wealth, said Agnela Patil,ayogateacher

She explained that it enablestheholdertoenjoya full and wholesome life, which would redound to a healthier and more harmonioussociety

“It goes a far way in helping to reduce the illeffects of mental health issues such as depression and anxiety on individuals andtheusualaccompanying

impact on their families. These, if not addressed, could negatively impact productivityattheindividual levelandthelevelofsociety and could be a financial burden to tackle them in the longrun,”shenoted.

Ms. Patil is an Indiatrainedyogateacher Sheisa former teacher at the High Commission of India in Georgetown and has more than 12 years of experience working with groups of diversebackground.

These include Army personnel, prisoners, the LGBT community, corporateenterprises,public servants and children of varyingagegroups.

Mostoftheseclassesare conducted at the Namaste Yoga Studio, located in Ogle,EastCoastDemerara.

Yoga, she noted, is an ancient Indian science geared at achieving a

balanced mind and healthy body, and given its holistic benefits, its transcends knownbarriersinsociety

“With the stresses and tensions of today's world, it has gained international appeal, cutting across race, religion, gender and politics,”saidMs.Patil,who quickly pointed out that the theme for International Day ofYoga2024,“Yogaforself andsociety”cannotbemore apt.“It is never safe to allow yourself to be consumed by work and challenges around you. Take time to focus on yourself— your mental and physicalhealth.

Yoga is a pathway to address these challenges, andnaturally,ahealthybody and positive mindset would result in a better and more productive society,” she said. FormerWorldHealth Organisation (WHO) Regional Director, South-

EastAsia,DrPoonamSingh had identified yoga as a useful tool to help relieve stress, improve immunity and build and maintain physical fitness and emotionalwell-being.

Yoga involves stretches (asanas),breathingexercises (pranayama),meditationand relaxation.

According to Ms. Patil, one session of yoga once properlyinstructedimproves brain function, lowers stress levels, and increases flexibility, and after a few months of practice, participants experience lower blood pressure, improved lung capacity, reduced chronic neck and back pain, relief from anxiety, lower blood sugar levels in diabetics and an improvedsenseofbalance.

As enthusiasts the world over gear up to celebrate International Day of Yoga,

she is encouraging more persons of all age groups to embracethepracticeandthe path to a healthier and harmoniouslife.

This June 21 will mark the 10 edition of t h International Day of Yoga.


The June 21 date was proclaimed by the United Nations on December 11, 2014, and recognises the international appeal of yoga andseekstoraiseawareness worldwide of the many benefitsofpracticingyoga.

DisabledKwebannaresidentsget wheelchairsfromHealthMinistry

Three disabled residents in theKwebannacommunityhave received wheelchairs from the Ministry of Health following a recentoutreachbythePresident IrfaanAli.

The ministry said that in its demonstration of commitment to improving the lives of Guyanese citizens, it has successfully delivered three wheelchairs to elderly patients living with a form of disability in the Kwebanna community, RegionOne(Barima-Waini).”

Thedonationwasasaresult of a request made by Toshoa, Troy Peters during the recent PresidentialOutreachtoRegion One The Toshoa had highlighted during the outreachestheneedformobility aids for the three elderly residentsofthecommunitywho werestrugglingtomovearound duetotheirdisabilities.

The happy recipients of the wheelchairs. (Photo Health Ministry Facebook Page)

Kaieteur News PAGE 14 Friday June 21, 2024
Agnela Patil during yoga session at the Namaste Yoga Studio

Govt. launches online platform to streamline planning, building permit process

The government, through the Ministry of Housing and Water's Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA), on Wednesday officially launched the Electronic Planning and Development Single WindowSystem.

Theinnovativeplatformaimsto streamline the planning and development application process, enhancing the ease of doing business for local and foreign investors The Single Window System serves as a unified entry point for all planning and development app

cations, allowing users to submit, monitor, and track the progress of their applications from anywhere in the world.

Applicants will receive realtime updates on their application status via email, and the process is subjecttostrictdeadlinestoensure timely completion The introduction of this system is expectedtosignificantlyreducethe processing time for permits, from the previous three months to an efficient30-45days.

Speaking at the launch ceremony at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC), President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali emphasised that this system distinguishes Guyana as a regional

leader in technological innovation andbusinessefficiency Reflecting on the past, President Ali said the government found it unacceptable that millions in investments and thousands of jobs were being delayedduetothecumbersome'red tape'withintheCHPA.

With Guyana experiencing rapid transformation and expansion, the implementation of this technologically advanced solutionwasnotonlynecessarybut also imminent. “The system is totally antiquated for the type of

way we can be relevant is with technologygains,”theheadofstate underscored.

President Ali also highlighted that apart from expediting the process time, it will allow the government to identify inefficient agencies and individuals. “It is taking away the human biases and makingitmorerule-based,systembased and that is how we want the country to run…The system must work,” the Guyanese leader asserted.The portal was developed locally by the National Data

development and the speed of developmenttakingplace.Theonly way we can catch up and the only

within this region so we can all improve our doing business

competitivenessandtransparency,” the president stated He also believes that the launch of the portal is expected to position Guyanainthetop10whenitcomes to planning and development permits.


“This entire platform is meant tobetransferredtoallthecountries

Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues emphasised that the systemrepresentsthegovernment's commitmentto (Continuedonpage16)

Kaieteur News PAGE 15 Friday June 21, 2024
Management Authority (NDMA) with support from the private sector,whichthepresidentsaidcan
i n d i c a t o r s , e n h a n c e
The Single Window Platform can be found at the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali


Five new wells to be drilled along the Soesdyke-Linden Highway and Linden

Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Water Inc, Shaik Baksh, led a technical team to several villages along the Soesdyke-Linden Highway and Linden to conduct an assessment and to consult with residents about the possible sites for the drilling of new wells.

Kairuni, Old England/Siberia, and Coomacka, GWI said in a press release. In Timehri, the team held discussions with key personnel from the GDF Air Corps to ascertain an appropriate site for the drilling of a well in the area.

were identified for the wells to be drilled, with the cooperation of residents and the input of the GWI team.

Porter to work in warehouse and Canter driver. Experience is an asset, Attractive salary. Call: 673-7373.

Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650. Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.

Night Watchman. Call: 6484108/614-7567.

Records to buy 33LPS and 45. English, Indian and chutney. Tel: 613-4536.

One experienced domestic to work 3 days per week in BelAir Park. Salary $6000 per day. Call: 226-2322.

Handy boy to work 2 days per week. Good salary & conditions. Call: 226-2322.

One machinist needed. Call: 679-7806.

One bodywork specialist needed. Call 679-7806.

K & M Janitorial Stevedore H/s cleaners must be able to work shift. Office staff must be computer literate. Call: 6648328/696-4567.

Experienced & Qualified welder and mechanic required for mining operation. Call: 688-6575

Male cook (non smoker) required for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 6490956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.

Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.

Security officers and housekeeper supervisor/ staff needed at EMPAG INC. Call: 664-3716 / 226-4364.

Experienced Hair Colorist, Receptionist/ Massuese, Nail Techs, Barber and Domestic needed. Call/ WhatsApp: 649-5005/ 226-6705.

Excavator operator , Truck and canter driver. Labourers (road construction) Call: 6130855 8:00am-5:00 pm

One Bodywork man needed. Call: 675-9988.

Cook for snackette in Georgetown must have baking skills with the ability to manage 30% profit given. Call: 661-3608/644-6551.

One clerk for TSI Eccles office.English & Mathematics,grade 2.Email application:techserigy@yahoo.com or call 615-9132.

Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area call: 615-9132

Male cleaner for Eccles call:615-9132 or 645-8443

Female cleaner for office in Eccles. Call: 645-8443


40x100 ft(+10ft Reserve) in Cummings Lodge ideal for apartment building/bond etc. Tel: 624-8694.


Among the areas visited were Timehri, Kuru Kuru,


First aid/cpr/aed & Home nursing courses Starting soon at St. John Association - Call #225-9082


Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music & food. Contact:264-2946-9


We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport & i130 application forms. Call: 6267040.

Meanwhile, in Kuru Kuru, residents were upbeat about the prospects of having a new well drilled in the area, as this will improve the supply of potable water to the community. Additionally, in Kairuni and Old England, sites

Also, the residents of Coomacka were elated as they raised their concerns and assisted the team in identifying an area in the community for a new well. The drilling of wells and other infrastructural works for these communities will be completed by the end of this year, and will provide much needed access to water sup-

ply by the Guyana Water Inc. GWI has recently completed the drilling of wells along the Soesdyke-Linden Highway at Swan, Waiacabra, Long Creek, Kairuni, and Bamia. Follow-up visits will be conducted in those areas with further assessments and preparations for the mobilization of the team to commence works.

GWI remains committed to ensuring that residents have access to safe and reliable water sources.

Roads to Prosperity: Guyana’s Infrastructure...

From page 06

enhancing citizens’ overall quality of life by combating waterborne diseases and ensuring widespread access to potable water.

These strategic infrastructure investments are not just numbers on paper, they are visible realities across all regions of Guyana, benefiting every citizen. These projects serve as economic stimulants, generating employment opportunities and income streams for households, exemplifying Guyana’s progress

toward prosperity.

Some have argued that the Government of Guyana should use oil revenues to increase wages more than the GoG has already done. Increased wages can provide immediate financial relief to workers, potentially boosting consumer spending and contributing to short-term economic growth. However, focusing solely on wage increases without concurrent infrastructure development can be less beneficial for the nation in the long run, which

may curtail the both quality of life improvements as well as GDP growth. While increased wages can benefit workers immediately, infrastructure development’s broader and more sustainable economic advantages make it a more strategic investment for national development. This balanced approach ensures immediate financial relief and long-term prosperity and stability.

Yours sincerely, Dr. Tilokie Depoo Economist

Govt. launches online platform to streamline...

From page 15 modernisation, transparency, and efficiency in delivering government services.

“For many years we have heard the clarifying call to reduce bureaucracy, cut through the infamous red tape, and create a businessfriendly environment in Guyana.

Today we are taking a giant leap forward in fulfilling that

promise,” she stated.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC), Komal Singh recalled that in 2020, some US$1 billion in investments were lost, due to the red tape system that was in place to facilitate investments.

A unit has been established to manage the day-today functions of the system, maintain electronic data, and

assist users.

The National Assembly approved the Planning and Development Single Window Platform (PDSWP) Bill in July 2023, laying the legal framework for the management and implementation of the digital portal. It benefitted from extensive consultations with various local, regional, and international organisations. (DPI)

Calls for Norton to step aside...

From page 8 Solomon to address the issue. He said, “Failure to do so will suggest that they are complicit in this false and malicious post.” While Norton said that he views the allegations as part of a wider political plot, coinciding with his party’s upcoming congress and elections later this month Kissoon in her statement stated that despite her story being publicly shared without her permission, she said contrary to what Norton said she did travel in his car. Kissoon disclosed, “Mr. Norton stopped his car, locked it, showed me his gun in his foot and asked me, if I put this to your head and rape you, what would you do? I responded by saying, I ain’t afraid of you

or that s#u&t and you will have to $u&king kill me.”

Moreover, the PNCR member noted that while Norton did not carry out his threats or desires, for several years, she has carried the burden of the threat, disrespect and violation. “I did tell a few of my close confidantes. Mr. Norton has never been anything more to me than just a political comrade.

Since my story has gone public without me initiating it, as it was my right, I state that was wrong, regardless of motive. Being forced to deal with this publicly as a result of the actions of another hurts,” the woman added.

Additionally, Kissoon urged other victims to avoid her mistakes and take control

of their experiences before others do it for them. “Mr. Norton may have missed the times we are in and the value placed on protecting women and girls. No one should be subjected to such inappropriate sexual advances and threats.

To those men and women who have allowed politics and not what is right to influence your judgment of the situation, you have a lot to learn about abuse and sexual misconduct.

I recall how vigorously some of you went after other accused but how you let down your own. Our party, our nation, needs more enlightenment and a nonpartisan approach to actions of this nature,” she concluded.


Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) A/C rooms from $75 usd/$40 usd day rate WIFI, secure parking & poolside. Contact: 264-29469 / www.aracariresort.com

Hello businesses & Contractors let me spend the time for you on N.I.S Matters. Call/ Whatsapp: 609-6952/ 2235160. Save time, save money.

PAGE 16 Kaieteur News Friday June 21, 2024
VACANCY Canter truck, Great for mobile vending, 2019 December, RHD with 54,500 KM. Arrived in Guyana December 2023. Contact:
Female German shepherd mix available. Call: 502-6297/ 6480111.

CARICOM welcomes new Haitian PM

Georgetown, Guyana – The C a r i b b e a n Community (CARICOM) on Wednesday welcomed the installation of the new prime minister in Haiti sayingitrepresentsa“much anticipated and critical step in addressing the multifaceted crisis” in the French-speaking member state.

Prime Minister Garry Conille was sworn into office on June 12 and has already named members of hisnewcabinet,withthe58year-old former United Nations senior official saying his administration would crackdown on corruption.

“The fight against corruption will be an

absolute priority of my government,” Conille said, adding“mygovernmentwill workwithoutresttoimprove the conditions of each and everyHaitian”.

He has also warned that “without security, no sustainable progress can beachieved”

In its statement, the 15-member regional integration grouping said that his installation would also facilitate “the transition, through free and fair elections, toward a return to constitutional g o v e r n a n c e a n d restoration of lapsed institutions.

“The Community has taken keen note of the priorities outlined by both the Pres

Presidential Transition Council and the Prime Minister for the transition process, including public security,elections,economic recovery, food and health security, strengthening the rule of law and justice, the national conference and constitutional reform, as well as infrastructure rehabilitation.

“We applaud the emphasis that was also placed on improving the conditions of all Haitians, transparencyandintegrityin public affairs and zero toleranceforcorruption.”

C A R I C O M , i n extendingits“bestwishesto the transition government”, said it is reiterating “its readiness to support the government and people of

Jamaica: Gov’t to consider providing lands as part of plans to reduce cost of housing


Prime Minister Andrew Holness has said that the government will be examining the possibility of providing lands for housing developments,asitexplores ways to reduce the cost of housing.

Speaking at the grand opening of Sagicor’s New Brunswick Village housing developmentinStCatherine on Wednesday, Holness expressedconcernaboutthe numberofhousingsolutions and the affordability for the averageJamaican.

Recognisingthelimitsof moral suasion, Holness notedthathisadministration wasactivelylookingatways to stimulate interest in the areaofhousingdevelopment thatwouldprovideagreater number of affordable solutions.

“Forustogettothenext level of bringing the prices of housing down so that the average, hardworking J a m a i c a n w h o i s contributing but can’t get a benefitcangetabenefit,we will have to dig deep in our land bank and make lands available,”saidHolness.

“So, we have started to look at that. We are very muchdownthewicketandat theappropriatetime,wewill makeanannouncementasto how this program will be executed,”addedHolness.

occasiontoappealtoprivate sector interests, stressing that the government cannot doitalone.

“Yes,theNHT(National HousingTrust)isinthatarea of the market. The housing agency is in that area of the market,buttheNHTandthe HAJ (Housing Agency of Jamaica) will not be able to build all the affordable and achievable housing that we are in need of, we need the privatesectortogointothat segmentofthemarket,”said Holness.

“We must get the prices

Haiti as they embark on this crucial journey despite the challengingcircumstances”.

Last October, the United Nations Security Council approved a Kenya-led multinationalforceasefforts continuetorestorepeaceand security in the country with criminalgangsreportedtobe in control of at least 80 per centofthecapital.

T h e B a h a m a s , Bangladesh, Barbados,

Belize, Benin, Chad, Jamaica and Kenya have officially notified the Secretary-General of their intent to contribute personnel to the support mission.


gardeners, the mechanicsthose persons need houses too.

We must get the prices down. I mean, there’s so much I can do with moral suasion, but we have to get theinterestratesaligned,we havetogettheapprovalsand permitting process moving quickly. And we have to int


chnology becausetherearemanynew building methodologies which can reduce costs,” added Holness (Jamaica Observer)

Kaieteur News PAGE 17 Friday June 21, 2024
Holness used the
the hairdressers, the
ident of the
Kenya’s President William Ruto has said the deployment would likely start within a few weeks. (CMC) Haiti’s Prime Minister Garry Conille (GP) Prime Minister, Andrew Holness (Photo: JIS)

UN experts say firms sending arms to Israel could be complicit in abuses

GENEVA, June 20

(Reuters)-AgroupofUnited NationsexpertsonThursday

w a r n e d a r m s a n d

ammunitions manufacturers against taking part in the transferofweaponstoIsrael, saying it could make them

complicit in human rights abuses and violations of internationallaw


Palestinians walk near houses destroyed in the Israeli military offensive as they struggle with food scarcity, basic necessities amid the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, in Jabalia refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, June 19, 2024. REUTERS/Mahmoud Issa/File Photo

including several U N Special Rapporteurs, said

arms manufacturers supplying Israel should halt their transfers of war materiel, “even if they are executed under existing exportlicenses”.

“These companies, by sending weapons, parts, c o m p o n e n t s , a n d ammunitiontoIsraeliforces, risk being complicit in serious violations of international human rights a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l humanitarian laws,” the expertssaidinastatement.

Therewasnoimmediate comment from Israel which has repeatedly denied carrying out abuses during itsGazaoperations,sayingit isactingtodefenditselfand is fighting Hamas militants, not the Palestinian population.


Thursday the risk to arms firmshadincreasedsincethe International Court of Justice ordered Israel last month to halt its military offensive in Rafah in the southern tip of the Gaza Strip, in a landmark emergency ruling in South Africa’scaseaccusingIsrael ofgenocide.

“In this context, continuing arms transfers to Israel may be seen as knowingly providing assistanceforoperationsthat contravene international human rights and international humanitarian lawsandmayresultinprofit from such assistance,” the expertssaid.

As the Northern Hemispheremarkedthefirst dayofsummeronThursday, countries across the continent endured yet another week of blistering temperatures.

Israel has rejected the genocide accusations as falseandgrosslydistorted.

The U.N. human rights office said on Wednesday that Israeli forces may have repeatedly violated the laws of war and failed to distinguish between civilians and fighters in the Gaza conflict Israel dismissed the findings as flawed.

Israel’s air and ground offensive has killed more than 37,400 people in the Hamas-ruled Palestinian territory,accordingtohealth authoritiesthere.

Israel launched its assault after Hamas fighters stormed across the border into southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing around 1,200 peopleandtakingmorethan 250 people hostage, accordingtoIsraelitallies.

Mexico president-elect names initial cabinet members

MEXICOCITY,June 20 (Reuters) - Mexican President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum on Thursday namedthefirstmembersof her incoming cabinet, who will take office with her in October

Sheinbaum named former Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, who had runagainstherintheruling party’sinternalracebefore joining her campaign, to the post of economy minister

He was seen as a business-friendly official under current President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Sheinbaum’s mentor He will take his post in a period during which Sheinbaum has vowed to trim the fiscal deficit and public debt as compared with economic output.

Diplomat Juan Ramon de la Fuente, a political veteran, will take over as f

Sheinbaumadded. C

Barcena will take

minister, while Rosaura Ruiz will head a new science and technology ministry and Mexico City A

Ernestina Godoy will join asjudicialadviser Sheinbaum is set to n

t Thursday, she said

PAGE 18 Friday June 21, 2024 Kaieteur News
n min
urrent Foreign M i n i s t e r A l i c i a
s e n v i r o n m e n t
ttorney General
ame more cabinet m e m b e r s n e x
over a

UN experts say firms sending arms to Israel could be complicit in abuses

GENEVA, June 20

(Reuters) - A group of United Nations experts on Thursday warned arms and ammunitions manufacturers against taking part in the transferofweaponstoIsrael, saying it could make them complicit in human rights abuses and violations of internationallaw

The group of 30 experts, including several U N Special Rapporteurs, said

arms manufacturers supplying Israel should halt their transfers of war materiel, "even if they are executed under existing exportlicenses".

"These companies, by sending weapons, parts, c o m p o n e n t s , a n d ammunitiontoIsraeliforces, risk being complicit in serious violations of international human rights a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l humanitarian laws," the expertssaidinastatement.

There was no immediate comment from Israel which has repeatedly denied carrying out abuses during

itsGazaoperations,sayingit is acting to defend itself and is fighting Hamas militants, not the Palestinian population.

TheU.N.expertssaidon Thursday the risk to arms firmshadincreasedsincethe International Court of Justice ordered Israel last month to halt its military offensive in Rafah in the southern tip of the Gaza Strip, in a landmark emergency ruling in South Africa's case accusing Israel ofgenocide.

"In this context, continuing arms transfers to Israel may be seen as knowingly providing assistanceforoperationsthat contravene international h u m a n r i g h t s a n d international humanitarian lawsandmayresultinprofit from such assistance," the expertssaid.

As the Northern Hemispheremarkedthefirst dayofsummeronThursday, countries across the continent endured yet another week of blistering


Palestinians walk near houses destroyed in the Israeli military offensive as they struggle with food scarcity, basic necessities amid the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, in Jabalia refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, June 19, 2024. REUTERS/Mahmoud Issa/File Photo

Israel has rejected the genocide accusations as falseandgrosslydistorted.

The U.N. human rights office said on Wednesday that Israeli forces may h a v e r e p e a t e d l y violated the laws of war a n d f a i l e d t o distinguish between civilians and fighters in the Gaza conflict Israel dismissed the findings as


Israel's air and ground offensive has killed more than 37,400 people in the Hamas-ruled Palestinian

territory,accordingtohealth authoritiesthere.

Israel launched its assault after Hamas fighters stormed across the border

into southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing around 1,200 peopleandtakingmorethan 250 people hostage, accordingtoIsraelitallies.

Kaieteur News PAGE 19 Friday June 21, 2024
PAGE 20 Kaieteur News Friday June 21, 2024

RHTSC continues investments into cricket development as Dr. Dembow co-sponsor mobile grass cutter

The Rose Hall Town YouthandSportsClubMSis forgingaheadwithitscricket development programme as it strives to maintain its reputation as one of the top clubs in Guyana’s cricket.

T h e c l u b c r i c k e t management under the leadership of manager Robby Kissoonlall and secretary Hilbert Foster is currentlyworkingonaseries of planned activities with

obtaining all equipment neededonandoffthefield.

The club in an effort to maintain theArea H ground would be purchasing a mobile grass cutter at the cost of $850,000 with sponsorship from Pathera Solution and Dr Alsteen Denbow. Retired Army

Colonel Mr Fabian Liverpool presented a chequetoKissoonlallduring a RHTYSC ceremony in New York on Saturday last.

Kissoonlall disclosed that the mobile grass cutter would be purchased by the end of the month He expressed gratitude to the famed Guyanese medical doctor who is based in the USA In a prepared statement read by Mr Liverpool, Dr. Denbow stated that he was very delightedtoassisttheclubas he was very impressed with theclub’sachievementsover the years Dr. Denbow

Singh hands over letter of commitment to RHTYSC Ass Secretary Jonathan Rampersaud.

Friday June 21, 2024


Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely


Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.


You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday


Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.


Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.


You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently


Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some

Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

It'sgoingtobealittledifficult ta

ou to

ay, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay


Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.


Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.

pledged to continue supporting in the future, once the standard is maintained. The RHTYSC would also be undertaking the construction of seven hundred feet of boundary board around the southern and northern section of the AreaHgroundasitstrivesto haveasuitablehomevenue.

FormerclubmemberKC Singh has also donated two electric bikes to the club for its upcoming summer activities. One of the bikes would be given to the top cricketer of the 2024 RHTYSC cricket academy which would be held at the Area H ground from the 8th of July for 120 players. The other bike would be the top prize at the 15th annual Republic Bank Summer camp at the Rose Hall Primary School. A total of over $600,000 worth of prizeswouldbesharedoutto the top awardees of both programme and RHTYSC. AssistantsecretaryJonathan Rampersaud expressed thanks to Singh for his continued assistance to the club, which he represented inthelate1990s.

Meanwhile, the club has received support of former members to obtain a 32x8 batting mat for usage on the concrete pitch at theArea H ground. Kissoonlall stated that with the rainy season in fulleffect,theclubisforced to make alternative arrangementforpracticeand to get youths to still continuingtoattendsessions intheafternoon.

The batting mat would allow the batsmen to continue practicing all year round while the club has introduced a financial reward system to reward attendance by junior cricketers during the rainy season Several junior cricketers have already received this for 100% attendance during the

May/June period

The RHTYSC as part of its expanding cricket development programme has also obtained one hundredyardsofpracticenet and all-purpose catching practice equipment. These equipment are been shipped in from the USAalong with cricket uniforms for members Club secretary Hilbert Foster who was the


President of the Berbice CricketBoardstatedthatthe main objective of the RHTYSC over the next five years is to provide at least thirty players for Berbice and Guyana at all levels. He expressed gratitude to all of the donors who assisted including Dr. Denbow, KC Singh, Pastor Ravi Singh, Cricket Zone USA and SharmaSukhdeo.

Kaieteur News PAGE 21 Friday June 21, 2024
intellectual problems
king to
ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers16:10hrs ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers17:40hrs ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers23:30hrs For Ocean Going Vessels opening last 1-1½ hrs For Ocean Going Vessels opening last 1-1½ hrs FridayJune21,2024 SaturdayJune22,2024 SaturdayJune22,2024 Berbice River Bridge Closure to Road Traffic Demerara River Bridge Closure to Road Traffic I 28 G.L.C. 357 Lamaha Street, North Cummingsburg, Georgetown Tel:226-0753. While every effort is made to ensure numbers are correct, please call the hotline for confirmation, The G.L.C. and Kaieteur News cannot be held responsible for printing errors. 2 6 4 0 7 1 4 8 11 12 21 DATE: 06/19/2024 DATE: 06/20/2024 DATE: 06/20/2024 DATE: 06/20/2024 2 9 14 17 21 23 3 14 15 19 8 9 11 ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers03:30hrs FridayJune21,2024 Afternoon Evening
special emphasis on
KC Colonel hands over donation to RHTYSC cricket manager Robby Kissoonlall.

Waramadong, Kamarang secure first two spots in Upper Mazaruni U18 Football final


Girls and


Boys have become the first two teams to secure spots in the finals of the 2ndAnnual

Upper Mazaruni District Boys and Girls Under-18 Football Tournament, following impressive win in thesemifinals. The tournament saw its first two semi-final matches on Wednesday, where WaramadongGirlsdelivered a commanding 3-0 victory overKakoGirls. EstherLivanopenedthe

scoring in the 24th minute, giving Waramadong a 1-0 lead.

T w e n t y - f o u r m i n u t e s l a t e r , D e m e l e s e B r o w n doubled the lead witha goal in the 48th minute, and Edelsa Daniels sealed the triumph with a strike in the 52nd minute, securing Waramadong’s place in the Girl’sfinal.

In the boys’ semifinal clash, Kamarang Boys faced Kako Boys

Kelvin McAlmont

electrified the small crowd by scoring twice, onceinthe18thminuteand again in the 40th minute, establishing a strong 2-0 lead.MiltonGeorgeaddedto Kamarang’stallywithagoal in the 56th minute, culminatingina3-1victory. KakoBoysmanagedtoneta consolation goal, but it wasn’t enough to challenge Kamarang’sdominance.

The remaining semi-

Waramadong’s (L-R) Edelsa Daniels, Esther Livan and Damelese Brown each scored once to secure spot in the final.

final matches were played yesterday (June 20th), but at the time of publication, no results were available. Detailed coverage will follow in a future update as soon as information is received.

The tournament is

Henrito of DC Caesar Fox Secondary School, with support from the Petra Organisation. Theeventissponsored by MVP Sports, Busta Soft Drink, and Turbo EnergyDrink

Ten more teachers complete F4S...


Westminster Secondary, Queen’s College, New Campbellville Secondary, Bush Lot Secondary, Woodley Park Secondary, New Amsterdam Secondary, Bartica Secondary, St. Ignatius Secondary, Charity Secondary, Tucville Secondary, President’s College and Ann’sGroveSecondary

The tournament, endorsed by the Education Ministry, began on May 4 and

represents the competitive phase of the F4S programme.

Teachers who attended the recent F4S w

Christiansburg Secondary School, Wisburg Secondary School, Mackenzie High School, Linden Foundation Secondary, One Mile Primary, Kwakwani Secondary, Pine Street Nursery and Amelia’sWardPrimary

Kaieteur News PAGE 22 Friday June 21, 2024
ted by Neil
orkshop represented Wismar
Kamarang’s match-winners (from left) Melton George and Kelvin McAlmont.

Abrams sisters looking forward to compete at AP Invitational


The Abrams sisters, Jasmine and Aliyah, are aiming to compete together at the Olympics once again, having previously representedGuyanatogether attheTokyoOlympics.

In Japan, they became thefirstsiblingstorepresent G

e Olympics

They will have another chance to achieve the qualifying standard time in their respective events on Saturday at the Aliann

Pompey Invitational, facing atoughfield.

Bothsistersholdnational records: Jasmine with 11.07 seconds in the 100m and Aliyahwith50.20secondsin the400m.

After winning the 400m Nationaltitlelastweekendat the Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) Senior Championships, Aliyah told Kaieteur News that she’s “hoping to put together a good race this upcoming weekend against solid competition and that we can

- Sisters keeping sights on Paris Olympics qualification

pusheachotherallthewayto theline.”


remarkable,she will need to replicate or improve it

qualification period (July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024) to secure her spot at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France.

The Olympic qualifying time for the women’s 400m eventis50.95seconds,while Abrams’ se

currently stands at 51.93 seconds.

Shewillcompeteagainst Colombia’s Baloño Melany, Onuorah Chinenye of Thailand, and fellow Guyanese athletes Tianna Springer, Deshana Skeete, andKeneishaPhillips.

“Theopportunityisthere formetorunfastsoit’supto metorunagoodraceplanso that I’m within the qualification standard,” Abrams said, who was a directqualifierfortheTokyo Olympics.

Meanwhile, in the AP InvitationalWomen’s100m, Jasmine will compete against a strong field, i n c l u d i n g 2 0 1 8 Commonwealth Games champion Michelle-Lee

Ahye from Trinidad and Tobago and Iran’s Women’s 100m record holder, HamidehEsmaeilnejad.

Also competing are Trinidad and Tobago’s Reyare Thomas, CARIFTA Games 100m champion Athaleyha Hinckson, and fellow Guyanese athletes Keliza Smith, Shantae George, and Juvonna Cornette.

For Michelle-Lee Ahye, who missed the Tokyo Olympics following a twoyearbanforfailingtonotify doping testers of her whereabouts,thegoalwillbe to run under the 11 07 seconds set by World Athletics.

Whiletheirhead-to-head battles might suggest a rivalry between Ahye and Jasmine Abrams in the 100m, Jasmine insists there isnone.

At the Pan Am Games last November in Santiago, Chile, the Guyanese athlete clocked 11.52 seconds to finish second in the finals, just behind Cuba’s Yunisleidy Garcia, who ran 11.36seconds.

TheTrinidadianfinished third,running11.53seconds.

“There’s actually no rivalry between Michelle and I. Competing against

each other motivates me to give my best, so I’m hoping thatsameenergycarriesover to this weekend,” Jasmine said.

Jasmine, entering the AP Invitational with a season’s best time of 11 11 seconds, also told Kaieteur News, “for me being at homeandbothofusaiming to qualify for the Olympics, I’m optimistic thatherpresenceintherace will help me achieve the qualifyingstandard,andcan onlyhopeforthesamething for her” The event’s organiser, Aliann Pompey,

expressed her excitement for the 100m showdown, adding that the line-up for other disciplines will be announcedinduecourse

W i t h t h e A P Invitational being part of the World Athletics Continental Tour, Pompey noted that the June 30 deadline for Olympic qualification adds an extra layer of excitement for both participating athletes andfans She is encouraging fans to turn out in large numbers at the National Track and FieldCentreinEdinburgh.

Petterson-Griffith 337.5 kg is new ‘squats’ World Record

…becoming the only Guyanese with a world record in sports


It was a historic day for sports in Guyana as Carlos Petterson-Griffith set a new squatworldrecord(93kgclass) attheInternationalPowerlifting Federation (IPF) World Men’s Open Classic Championship in Druskininkai,Lithuania.

Petterson-Griffith lifted an incredible 337.5 kg (over 744 lbs), making him the first Guyanese athlete to hold a worldrecordinanysport.

N i c k n a m e d t h e “Showstopper,” the Guyanese powerhouse surpassed the previous record of 337 kg, set by the USA’s Adin Gavin in February at the Sheffield PowerliftingChampionship. At the same championship in England, Petterson-Griffith delivered an awe-inspiring performance,includinga332.5 kg squat that briefly held the world record until Gavin’s 337kg lift. When the curtains

camedownontheIPFmarquee event,despitehisrecord-setting performance, he finished fifth overallintheMen’s93kgclass.

TheGuyanesefinishedwith an 860 kg total, with 337.5kg Squat, 345kg deadlift, along with177.5kgbenchpress.

It wasn’t the best total for Petterson-Griffith, since at Sheffield Powerlifting Championship in February, he delivered an impressive performance,includinga332.5 kgsquat,a182.5kgbenchpress, and a 360kg deadlift, totalling 875kg—coming close to the WorldRecordof888kg.

Meanwhile, president of the Guyana Powerlifting Federation, Franklin Wilson, called Carlos’ achievement“ahugemomentfor sportsinGuyana”

“Carlos has been very confidentoverthepastfewyears EvenbeforeIbecamepresident,I travelledwithhimoverseasandhe has always been exuding

confidence One of his favourite line is “records are meant to be broken”andthat’sexactlywhathe did,” an excited Wilson told Kaieteur News. The GPLF president, who travelled to the Baltic region of Europe with Carlos, remarked that the achievement hasn’t fully sunk in yet, but believes that there’s more to come, “I think he has moreinthetank.Competitionis alwaystoughinthe93kg,sohe willcomeagain.Thankfully,he didn’t have any muscle problems,justcramps,whenhe attempted370kg(deadlift).”

Wilson disclosed that complications with his Schengen visa application almost caused PettersonGriffith to miss the championships. However, he arrived in Lithuania just seven hours before the start of the eventandhadtolosetwokgof body weight to make the 93 kg weight class. “Obviously, the

fatigueoftravellingandhavingto loseweighthaditstollonhim,but we’re happy as a nation to welcomehome,inafewdays,the new world record holder in the 93kg category, Carlos PettersonGriffith,” Wilson noted Meanwhile,Wilson,onbehalfof his federation, thanked Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sport CharlesRamsonJr,theNational Sports Commission (NSC), and byextension,theGovernmentof Guyanafortheirsupport Healso expressed gratitude to the Guyana Olympic Association (GOA) “and all the other sponsors who contributed to Carlos’ record, as well as the fans who supported him with prayersandgoodvibes.”

Another Guyanese athlete, DominicTyrrell,alsocompeted atthechampionships,finishing sixth overall in the 83kg division. His impressive 342.5 kg deadlift earned him third placeinthatevent.

Kaieteur News PAGE 23 Friday June 21, 2024
t t
he sam
lthough Abrams’ r e c o r d - b r e a k i n g p e r f o r m a n c e w a s
during the Olympic
ason best
Dominic Tyrell (left) and Carlos Petterson-Griffith at the IPF World Men’s Open Classic Championship. Jasmine Abrams Aliyah Abrams


GFF starts kit distribution to round of 16 teams

Guyana Football

F e d e r a t i o n

( G F F ) o n

We d n e s d a y b e g a n distributing kits to schools competing in the upcoming Round of 16 of the Blue Water Shipping Under-15 Girls’ National Secondary Championship.

Queen’s College players were the first to receive their new kits featuringtheGFFandBlue Water Shipping brands on June19

The presentation took place at the school in Georgetown Roundof16teamswill take the field in distinctive uniformsonJune22and23 at the GFF National

Training Centre in Providence, East Bank Demerara.

Joining Queen’s College will be Santa Rosa

Secondary, Waramuri Primary Top, Westminster

S e c o n d a r y , N e w Campbellville Secondary,

The GFF on Wednesday, begun distributing kits to schools competing in the upcoming Round of 16 of the Blue Water Shipping Under-15 Girls’Football championship.

Bush Lot Secondary, Woodley Park Secondary, Charity Secondary, Tucville Secondary, President’s College and Ann’sGroveSecondary The student athletes are vying to become the first GFF-Blue Water Shipping Under15 Girls’ National

Secondary Champions. This is Guyana’s largest girls’ tournament.

GFF President Wayne Forde confirmed that all schoolswillreceivetheirkits intheupcomingdays.

“The kits were produced in a variety of colours, including the colours of the

Golden Arrowhead alongside the tournament shield,complementedbythe logosofGFFandBlueWater Shipping.”

“These girls have performed admirably in the first round and secured their placeintheRoundof16.It’s important for us that players

experienceafullcompetition environment,whichincludes having distinctive kits,” Forde added.More than a thousand student-athletes from nine regions across the country participated in the Ministry of Educationendorsed tournament which kicked off on 4th May Region eight is set to participateinthenextedition ofthetournament.

The competition marks the beginning of the competitive phase of the FIFA Football For Schools (F4S) programme, designed to inspire children to learn life skills through enjoyable footballsessions.

Parents and students are encouraged to support the teams on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m at the GFF National Training Centre,Providence.

TenmoreteacherscompleteF4Sand GFFChildSafeguardingWorkshop

Participants after completing the FIFA Football For Schools (F4S) training module and familiarised themselves with the GFF Child Safeguarding Policy. Another ten teachers, representing nursery, primary and secondary schools, have completed the FIFA Football For Schools (F4S) training module and familiarisedthemselveswith theGFFChildSafeguarding Policy

The June 12 and 13 workshop took place at Wismar Christianburg SecondarySchoolinLinden, Region Ten (Upper Demerara-Berbice) and was ledbyOrinFrancois,Senior ChildWelfareandProtection OfficerfromtheMinistryof HumanServices.

Guyana Football Federation (GFF) President WayneFordeaimstoensure that individuals interacting with young footballers comprehend and adhere to the Federation’s stringent

Child Safeguarding protocols, safeguarding the well-being of every child involved in the sport. This local policy aligns with FIFA’sGuardiansinitiative.

Educators Alliyah Antigua, Shamaul Swaving, Shanna Chester, Dillion Scipio, Donnet Marks, Roy Haney, Melinda Adolph, Boris Adams, Delon Peters, and Maurice Cummings completed the F4S modules whichfocusedonusingsport tofosteressentiallifeskills.

Facilitator Francois described the sessions as “interactive,” noting that participants appreciated the emphasis on child safeguarding protocols. He added that F4S training will continue nationwide in the comingmonths.

To date, nearly 100

educators have undergone training in the F4S philosophy, introduced in 2022 with strong backing from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry ofCulture,YouthandSport.

The GFF is currently preparing for the Round of 16 of the Blue Water Shipping Under15 Girls’ National Secondary Championship, scheduled for June 22 and 23. This stage includes two schools from Region TenMackenzie High and Wismar Christianburg Secondary.

Among the other teams in the much anticipated second round of Guyana’s largest girls’tournament are Santa Rosa Secondary, WaramuriPrimaryTop, (Continuedonpage22)

Kaieteur News PAGE 24 Friday June 21, 2024

GBA to launch stringent selection procedure for Caribbean School Boys and Junior Championship

Withtheprimarygoalof retainingtheiroveralltitleat the upcoming Caribbean School Boys and Junior Championship, scheduled for August 16th–18th, the Guyana BoxingAssociation (GBA) will launch a stringent selection

procedure with the resumption of the monthly U16 Championships, the association informed in a release According to the release, the initiative, which will occur on June 29th, July 12th, and July 27th at the Andrew‘SixHead’LewisGym inAlbouystown,willbeusedto determine the nation’s fight roster Thiswillbefollowedby an encampment and preparationphasethatwilllast atleast10days.

Ameeting was conducted on Tuesday with the management staff, which comprises Technical Director Terrence Poole, Cuban trainer FranciscoRoldan,andnational coaches Lennox Daniels and

Clifton Moore, to outline the intended direction and way forwardfortheteam

Each iteration of the prestigious tournament, which is the brainchild of incumbent GBAchief Steve Ninvalle and is traditionally hosted at the National Gymnasium, Mandela Avenue, since its 2016 inception, has experienced e x p a n d i n g a n n u a l participation.

delegation of foreign representationintheformof Barbados, Grenada, St Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago. Presently, Aruba, the Antigua, St Maarten, Suriname and the Bahamas have joined with the afore mentionedcountriesasthose who have signalled interest inparticipating. Guyanahas emerged as the overall champion country in each edition. Akin to the 2023 edition, the GBA is

exploringthenotionofonce againstagingareferee/judge training seminar to develop and improve its training mechanism. The previous

edition was conducted by Three Star Referee/Judge James Beckles of Trinidad and Tobago and brought clarityandknowledgetothe

To resumption monthly U16 C/ships from June 29

respective participants on the novel rule changes that were implemented by the world governing body, the International Boxing Association(IBA),toensure uniformity, release disclosed. GBA President Ninvalle said, “Through the execution of programmes, policies, and initiatives that propelourempiricallybased agenda and mandate, the GBA has once again shown its visionary approach and aptitude for success. The futureofthesportinGuyana isunquestionablyshapedby the Caribbean School Boys and Junior Championships, which pr

n unparalleled platform in the area, particularly for the E n g l i s h - s p

k i n g population. It is our most crucial component for maintaining our dominance in the area at all levels and has practically developed into the de facto World Championships of the area,

something the Guyanese people and the sports community, given their support, have been very supportive of given its local origin.”

He further stated, “The process of development is tedious and long-term Because we at the GBA are aware of this fundamental reality, we have designed events like our U16 Tournaments and Caribbean School Boys and Junior Championshipstoprovidethe continuity and foundation needed to realise our developmental goals With regard to the Caribbean Schools Boys and Junior Championships in particular, theybenefitnotonlythelocal population but the entire region,asevidencedbytheir annual expansion in the number of participants and nations,eventhoughitisyet to acquire official status as t h e C a r i b b e a n Championship.”

The 2023 edition featured the largest
ovide a
e a
Kaieteur News PAGE 25 Friday June 21, 2024
Abrams sisters looking forward to compete at AP Invitational -Sisterskeeping sightson ParisOlympicsqualification Sports Petterson-Griffith 337.5 kg is new ‘squats’ World Record …becomingtheonlyGuyanesewithaworldrecordinsports HISTORY!
337.5 kg at the
Jasmine (L) andAliyahAbrams sharing a light moment on
Senior Championships. (Hosea Glen photos).
Carlos Petterson-Griffith on the verge of squatting a
World Record of
IPF World Men’s Open Classic Championship in Lithuania!

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