The Guyana Teachers’ proposed by GTU, 2019- eight clearly inked that the Union (GTU) on Friday 2023 or MOE 2024 and Union will allow the agreed to end the ongoing onwards should form part of grievance procedure as teachers’strike and return to a new multi-year agreement signedin1990tobethebasis the classroom on Tuesday and that both parties shall of our negotiations going The Union and the Ministry conduct discussions in f o r w a r d a n d s o o n th of Education reached an accordance with the existing Wednesday, the 26 will be agreement on the Terms of 1990. the first set of engagements Resumption. Further, it was “Iamheretomakeavery coming out of these agreed that conciliation will short statement and to discussions. We will meet begin on Wednesday to provide an update to the with the Ministry to address the Union’s multi- membership of the GTU. commence the process of year agreement, President of Firstofallletmesaythatthis conciliation on Wednesday,” the GTU Dr Mark Lyte hasbeenaverydifficulttime he said. Furthermore, Dr announced on his social for all of us not only the Lyte said that the GTU tried media. executives of the Union but itsbesttogetthegovernment
Among the terms of for teachers and educators to agree to interim payments agreementarethatthereshall across Guyana. So when no or cash grants as part of the be an end to the strike and one else stood, any other terms of resumption full resumption of work by Union stood for its members However, he disclosed that all teachers/educators within like we did resolutely over thegovernmentmadeitclear two working days; There the last 70 odd days,” the Friday’s meeting did not shall be no victimization by GTU President said during form part of the conciliation either party; There shall be his live statement on orpre-termprocess. the resumption of duties of “
President of the Guyana Teachers' Union, Dr. Mark Lyte shakes hands with Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Shannielle Hoosein-Outar after the signing of the Terms of Resumption on Friday as another person looks on.
over the last few weeks and no loss of service for any Facebook. He thanked all “Government clearly teacherscountrywide. settlement of disputes” w
u c a t o r s ; teachers who supported the declaredthatisnot(a)partof The Education Ministry between the Government of demanding a 20 percent Teachers/educators will strike and noted that the the conciliation or the pre- had reached out to the Guyana and the Guyana increase across the board return to their respective decision to sign the terms of term process. We tried to Labour Ministry on May 12, Teachers’ Union and the before resum
e positions held before the resumption was taken push that it did not work and 2024 for assistance to Labour Act, Cap 98:01, conciliation talks. However, strike; There shall be no “through fresh country wide as a Union, we took a mediate in the ongoing which allows the impasse in theMinistryhadrejectedthat transfers upon resumption; consultation.” decisionintheinterestofour discussions with the GTU respect of the timeframe to claim as abnormal in the
Thatthestatusquo anteshall Lyte explained that teachers who are concerned after there was a breakdown be referred to the Labour circumstances and an prevail subject to any ruling teachers from all three about what would happen in in negotiations between the Minister for Conciliation. A attempt to place the ministry which may emanate from counties, though not 100 the August term, who are Ministry and the GTU meeting was held on underduress. extant legal proceedings percent representative of all concerned about what would regarding the question of Monday,June13,2024atthe Meanwhile, Minister of between the two parties; striking teachers, believed happen in other facets of which years the new multi- Ministry of Labour and was E d u c a t i o n , P r i y a Upon the full resumption of that the best option currently theirlives,”hesaid. year agreement should mediated by the Chief Manickchand, thanked the work by teachers/educators, istoreturntoworkandallow Meanwhile, the Ministry address. “The request was Labour Officer,” the Ministry of Labour and conciliation will commence for the grievance procedure of Education in a separate made pursuant to the ministrysaid. specifically the Chief forthwith to determine totakeprecedent. statement on its Facebook provisions of the 1990 Additionally, there were Labour Officer for its whether the timeframe “Hence you see number Page expressed pleasure at Memorandum ofAgreement a number of meetings held intervention.
TDirector of the Public Prosecutions,
he High Court on orderedtopaycosts. the time, Ann McLennan, to whether the DPPerred in her in bad faith or for an press conference held by the Friday dismissed The ruling was handed discontinue the case against decision.Hewasrepresented improperpurpose,orthatshe Guyana Police Force to
a case filed by downbyJusticeDamoneF.J. Blanhum. Bascom argued byattorneyNigelHughes. actedillegally,irrationallyor clarify details surrounding Detective Sergeant, Dion Younge. that the DPP abused her However, on Friday after unfairly”, Justice Damone its investigation into the Basom against the Director Bascom asked the court powers by doing so. He reviewing the submissions F J Younge said before March 2021 murder of of Public Prosecution (DPP) to quash the DPP’s decision contended that she made by Bascom’s legal dismissingthecase. Ricardo Fagundes - a close Shalimar Ali Hack, SC to discontinue private discontinued the case team and the DPP’s, Justice Bascom had accused the associateofRogerKhan. where he accused her of criminal charges he had filed without reviewing the Younge ruled that the DPP C r i m e C h i e f o f Bascom had accused the abusing her powers by i n t h e G e o rg e t o w n evidence which he had acted well within her power cyberbullying him by Force of being corrupt in its failing to contact him or his Magistrates’ Court against againstBlanhum. to discontinue the private making false statements investigation of the murder legal team concerning Crime Chief Blanhum on Bascom subsequently criminalcharges. usingacomputer and named the Crime Chief statements he made about September14,2022. filed for Judicial Review on “There is no evidence The false statements that and other top ranking police Crime Chief Wendell Two days later, the DPP October14,2022seekingthe adduced that establishes that Bascom referred to were officials who subsequently Blanhum Bascom was wrotetheChiefMagistrateat High Court to decide the Respondent (DPP) acted made at an August 2022 refutedtheallegations.
The People’s National perform this daunting and commentator Egland permission, she feels Congress Reform’s (PNCR) difficulttaskjustafewhours Gomes, who recounted what obligated to address the Committee of Elders will be ago…”hesaid. Kissoon shared being comments made by the conducting an investigation Green continued, “But sexually harassed by the OppositionLeader into the sexual harassment from what I have heard, we OppositionLeaderwithhim. Kissoon said that she did allegations levelled against really can be facing a story The allegation is that travel in Norton’s car, Leader of the Opposition, written by George Orwell Nortonwasaskedbyanother despite him denying that Aubrey Norton by party and we may be going party member, Sharma ever happened She memberVanessaKissoon. through the twists and turns Solomon to give Kissoon a disclosed, “Mr Norton
On Wednesday, Norton of an Orwellian drama. At ride to Linden after a PNCR stopped his car, locked it, took to social media to deny the end of it all, those of us campaign meeting It is showed me his gun in his the allegations which first whoareeldersandhavegone alleged that Norton stopped foot and asked me, if I put surfaced on Facebook through the thick and thin of his motor vehicle in the this to your head and rape However, following his thispartymustseekthetruth, vicinity of the Ruimveldt you, what would you do. I address, Kissoon issued a and only the truth and that it Industrial area roadway and responded by saying, I ain’t statementallegingthathedid whyweacceptedthistask.” showed Kissoon his firearm afraid of you or that s#u&t expressed that the elders are inquiry into the matter, to sexually harass her some While there is no before sexually harassing and you will have to equally concerned that any unearth the truth and make yearsago. t
her $u&kingkillme.”
Thereafter, several calls
investigation, the party is Norton has since labeled Moreover, the PNCR m a n i p u l a t e d a n d recommendations on the were made by Opposition moving ahead with its the allegation as “malicious member noted that while choreographed to harm the way forward to the party members for Norton to upcoming congress which andfalse.” Norton did not carry out his party under its current satisfactionofallconcerned. step down and allow an willbeheldnextweekend. For her part, Kissoon threats or desires, for several
leadership should be
Moreover, PNCR elder, impartial investigation into
Kaieteur News reported disclosed that despite her years, she has carried the addressed and the due Hamilton Green, in his theallegations. that the allegation originated story was shared publicly by burden of the threat, processshouldprevail. address made similar
On Friday afternoon, the f r o m s o c i a l m e d i a Gomes without her disrespectandviolation.
PNCR held a press upon all well intended elders’ role is to seek the conference where it was comrades to cease and desist truth and give guidance as to disclosedthattheCommittee from falling into the trap of thewayforward. of Elders will be conducting seemingly trumping a cause “It is clear if I may theinvestigation. that has the potential to continue in the extent Elder, Cheryl Sampson distract from and disrupt the environment that we can be said, “We are aware that the business at hand, the party’s dealing with something that allegations of impropriety 32nd Biennial Congress,” is dangerous, something that leveled against the party Sampsonsaid. is contrived, something that leader by a female party Sampson disclosed that is not good, something that comrade, the outlines of the request for the candestabilize,”headded. which are already in the investigation was made by Green noted that the public domain. We are well the National Congress of elders will investigate the aware of the negative impact Women (NCW), the allegation and hold anyone thattheseallegationshaveon women’s arm of the party guiltyofimproperbehaviour the party, particularly on the that has championed the or any form of impropriety eve of its congress and course of the party The no matter their position in leadinguptothenationaland NCWcalled for the elders of theirpartyaccountable. regionalelectionsnextyear.” the party to facilitate a full “We were asked to
To this end, she
“In that regard, we call sentiment stating that the
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
The world has been told often enough that Guyana is a democracy Oneofthehallowedlynchpinsofademocracy is speaking one’s mind without fear Without fear of intimidation, anxieties about retaliation, concerns about personal security When a population fears its own government, or harbours misgivings about its regard for democratic norms, then the first alarm bells warn that freedomofspeechisunderattack. InGuyana,itisnotjust whatissaidthatissubjectedtosavagingbytheStateinthe worst ways conceivable. But also, the individuals and entities that are the authors of a news article, a sectoral analysisandreport,oranopiniononsomesensitiveissueof theday
Whencontributorsandwouldbecontributorsinthepublic arenahavesecondthoughts,orhesitate,aboutparticipatingin theissuesoftheirsocietyandtime,forfearoftheirgovernment, thentheearlytricklesoftyrannycomeintotheirown Thefield of public presences narrow considerably, as citizens secure themselves through the sanctuary of silence The healthy engagements,thehonestdebates,thatarevitalforaprogressive politydepleterapidly,inthatdiscretionisseenasthebetterpart of valor, and held as virtuous The shabby from shabbier people, usually from the State sector, dominate national discourse,withonlyahandfulofdissentingstragglersonthe peripherybeingheard. Orallowedtosqueezeintowhatever tightspaceisleft. Thereisnonucleusofcontendingopinion or postures, only what is a procession of people retreating with self-preservation ranking high on the scale of their nervousconsiderations.
Nogovernmentthatholdsitselfoutasdemocraticcanfind anydignityintheexistenceofsuchmindsets,suchconditions. Noleaderwithaniotaofself-respectcouldbeproudofsuchan environment Noleaderwithanygenuinedecencydeepinside, with real democratic instincts within, would want to own a reputationpresidingoversuchastateofaffairs Whenmembers of the Fourth Estate, the professionals in the press, are victimizedbyaconstantstreamofdisrespect,outrighthostility, and vilification distinctive in its sordidness, then there is the dangerofanewspeechculturegainingtraction,becomingthe norm Democracyisaboutopenspeechandtheresponsibilities ofallpartiesinthequestforthefacts,thesumoftruths,andall theotherrelatedelementsthatareduetothepublic Freedomof speechdoesnotentail,canneverincorporate,thethinkingand positionsofanyoneofficialleaderonly Noonehassuchan exclusive right, should have, or seize for himself, such an unchallengeable standing Brow-beating and pigeonholing and stamping out in the most conspicuously aggressive manner possible is not democracy To repeat from a few linesback,itisthefirstdisplayoftheuglyfaceoftyranny When professional journalists cannot go about their work withthegreatestfreedom,themostunfetteredexerciseoftheir minds, then a political cancer has started its spread When publiccommentatorsaretreatedtothevile,andtherepulsiveis favored,thenmorethanaRubiconiscrossed Thesignalsare unambiguous: swamp the contrarians, overwhelm the disagreeable, and drive them into silence, or surrender At a time,whentheeyesoftheworldareonGuyana,thisismorethan distasteful,itisdegradingandself-destructive,andweakensa countrytothepointthatispronetodevastatingexploitations In anerawhennumerousfeetrushtoGuyanaforapieceofitsrich pie,onlythelowestofconclusionsarereachedaboutwhatkind ofcountryGuyanais,howvulnerableitisforpillage,thanksto thosewhocontroltheleversofpower
Itissaidthatatruemeasurementofagovernmentishow it deals with, manages, and responds to its critics. Those would be the ‘naysayers’ and self-appointed ‘experts’, as they have been dismissed in Guyana, and despised in the process. When a government and its leadership are so insecure as to limit the number of questions, or to concoct ways to evade them, that is not democracy’s finest expression or hour Rather, it is public testament to leadershipdelusionsand,worsestill,leadershipdecay
How much longer will the so-called big men be allowed to escape scrutiny and continue to abuse women with impunity?
DEAREDITOR, Red Thread condemns every act of sexual violence against every woman, girl, boy, man, child, person. We read with disgust of the allegations of sexual threats against Mr Aubrey Norton, leader of the People’s National Congress, towards Ms. VanessaKissoonwhois alsoaleadingmemberinthat politicalparty
Sexual threat is an offence and should be dealt with in accordance with the law.We cannot allow this to continue,andyetweseethis happening again and again. Ourso-calledleadersandthe people with power – on BOTH sides of the political divide - have to be made to stopbehavingasthoughthey are above the law Perpetrators of sexual offences must be dealt with accordingly
WeapplaudMs.Kissoon forstandinguptoMr Norton in the face of his alleged threatsandwithagun. Had she cowered at the sightofthegun,perhapsshe wouldhavebeenavictimof
not only sexual threats but alsorape. Toomanywomen have fallen prey to this kind ofviolenceandareafraidfor a lot of reasons to speak out andupaboutit. Wehopethat many other women would find strength to expose their abusers.
We also condemn the inaction of the leaders and persons Ms. Kissoon might have told her story to for many years.You have failed her by not giving her the support she needed to deal withMr Norton’sillegaland disgustingbehaviour
Thelawissupposedtobe there for everyone and we call on all relevant authoritiestoinvestigatethis issue and if Mr Norton is found guilty, we expect to seejusticebeingserved.
To the people who are sayingthatMs.Kissoontook toolongtomakethispublic, we suggest that when you wouldhavewalkedamilein her shoes, then you might understand. Regardless of how vociferous or how outspoken survivors of violencemightbeingeneral,
it is not easy to talk about sexual violence and rape, and it is not easy to take action immediately Especiallywhenyoustandto face abuse, accusations that youarelying,thatyouasked for it, that you are a scorned womanseekingrevenge,that it was consensual, that you are mentally ill, that you are trying to take a big man down, that you are trying to extort someone. Just look at some of the responses, including shamefully by other women, to Vanessa Kissoon.Justlookatsomeof the responses a few weeks agotothecourageousyoung woman who came forward with the most recent allegations of rape against Mr NigelDharamlall.
We call on people and our citizens of Guyana to stopthevictimblaming,stop focusing on what Ms Kissoon should have done and focus on the issue at hand,whichistheallegation against Mr Aubrey Norton. Thatiswhatweneedtodeal with because this should not beallowedtocontinue.
We commend those party members who have stepped up to call for a full and impartial investigation intotheseallegationsagainst Mr Aubrey Norton, and we call on other party members and supporters to stop playing politics with people’slivesandwellbeing. Wecannotturnablindeyeto wrongdoing Wrong is wrong regardless of which foottheshoeison.
How much longer will cases of sexual threats be swept under the carpet because of the status of the perpetrators?
How much longer will the so-called big men be allowed to escape scrutiny and continue to abuse womenwithimpunity?
We encourage Ms Kissoon to make a formal report to the police and to assureyouthatwewillbein full support of your call for justice.
Yourstruly, JoyMarcus HalimaKhan SusanCollymore WintressWhite
The Mohammed’s have been kind and generous
DEAREDITOR, Mr GHK Lall aptly asked “Where have all the friends of the Mohameds gone?” (KN Jun 19), suggesting they have been abandoned by their beneficiaries. I do not have engagements with the Mohameds.
I know of them from conductingsurveysandfrom reading the media of their philanthropic, charitable work. I also learn more about or of them from the recent publicity relating to American sanctions and the government response People have had a positive viewoftheirinvolvementin politics until now; it is not knownhowtheUSsanctions and actions taken by the Guyana government will impact on people’s views regarding their political involvement. Both the father and son are popular and well liked among sections of the country for their goodwill and acts of kindness, especially towards the less fortunate. The poor have onlypositiveviewsofthem. Itisrecalledthatasurvey I cond
constituency (# 3) on East
governmentNDCfoundMr Nazar, the PPP candidate, winning by a landslide. The constituency was a PNC stronghold. Indeed, he won three to one (stand to be corrected). People switched their support from PNC becauseofhim.Peoplehave lauded his representation ever since and would regret hisdepartureasIunderstand he has resigned (political pressure?)asCouncillorasa result of the American sanctions.Nazarbecamethe bestandmosteffectiverepof thedistrictsinceitscreation. Infact,hisperformanceasa rep outshines all others in that NDC and nationally as wellasamongparliamentary representatives.
A l l e l e c t e d representatives should emulate him as a model to serve constituents. People said he provided services and asked for nothing in return, no graft, no corruption, to get things done unlike many who stretched their hands to be greased. Of course, Nazar, I take it, does not depend on Stateresourcestoservicehis constituency
He also assisted people outside of his constituency, people of all backgrounds. Many related stories to me
(and other interviewers) in the course of polling of his and his son (Azruddin)’s kindness.JustlastSundayat amandirinRichmondHill,a devotee,amusicianfromthe same village where Nazar was born and raised, related to me incidents of Nazar’s generosityinhelpingtheless fortunateinEssequibo.
He aided people of all ethnicities and faiths. The Richmond Hill devotee stated that when mandirs in Essequibo approached Nazar,orShellastheycalled him, for assistance, he respondedpositively Idon’t t know how many Hindus owned businesses engage in corporate give backs or charities.
I approached several Hindu businessmen for assistance for projects in Mandirs in depressed communities and came up blank. I funded them with personal savings from America.
Nazar is commended for his philanthropy Other business folks should emulatehim.
I have not read much about his son except for his participation in car racing and acts of charities. He helpedmany But in conducting
politicalsurveys,Azruddin’s namecameupregularlyover the last eighteen months as someone who can transform thepoliticsofthenation.
He has a very large following especially among the poorer sections of society People of all races and religions, including Hindus and Christians, hold h i m i n a w e T h e discontented, and there is a largeandgrowingnumberof them,puttheirpoliticalfaith and hope in him to help change their lives They yearn for change. They are confident he will run for office although he made no such commitment The disgruntled want him to run forofficeastheyalsodofor GlenLallandNigelHughes.
All three have multiethnic support and among people of all religions Hughes also has significant support among swing voters andthosewhohavelostfaith in politics; he, like the other two, can shake up the politics.
I prefer not to comment on the sanctions against the Mohameds and Ms. Mae Toussaint.Butasastudentof politics and international law, all humans have the sameequalrights.Aperson (Continuedonpage06)
Dear Honourable
Minister - MNRE, PSMNRE,HeadofTaskForce, GtE,ED-EPA, Greetings of impeccable balanceinOneGuyana.
Further to the 13th June 2024 upload, ESIA and Other E&S Information | EXIM.GOV,withits30-day period for submission, requestsareherebymadefor extractions from the Field DevelopmentPlan of Liza 1 & Liza 2 inter alia. This informationisanecessityfor
submissions in the aforementionedEXIMBank system before the closing date in or about 12th July 2024 This relevant data forms an integral part of the
assessment of the Gas-toEnergy (GtE) project’s viability over its proposed 25-year life. Failure to provide the requested information before the deadline date may be construed as a direct action by GoG to deny civil and/or civic society’s right to information Thereby stymieing their resistance to the implementation of the GtE project where to date there has been no public disclosure of any feasibility study Duly noted the inferred feasibility study in the first 11 minutes (264) Press Conference by the General Secretary of the PPP,Dr BharratJagdeo.
YouTube. Albeit these statementsweremadeasGS notVP.
Does the MNRE, The TaskForceand/orEPAhave copiesofthereferencestudy therein? The following requestsaremadeinreliance on the freedom of informationwithinlocallaw, ratifiedinternationaltreaties and regional practices. The human rights of access to information and deals in non-disclosures are of particularinterest.
Request is hereby made for the extractions for the Field Development Plans (FDP)ofLiza1&Liza2for thefollowing:
Production Profile Forecasts
Reservoir Performance EvaluationandPrediction DecommissioningPlan Riskmanagement.
IN ADDITION, request is made for the extraction fromtheFieldDevelopment Plans (FDP) of Payara, Yellowtail,Uaru&Whiptail forthefollowing:
Production Profile Forecasts
Reservoir Performance EvaluationandPrediction DecommissioningPlan Riskmanagement.
ANDFURTHER,a requestismadeforthe concludedGtEProject’sgas salesagreementandother
U l t i m a t e l y, A l l Inshallah!
neHughes & Other members of CivicSociety
commercialdocuments. Anticipating a response by or before 10 July 2024, days before EXIM Bank’s closingdateforsubmissions. ItishopedthatGoG’sclaims of transparency transcend their nondisclosures and lack of public information vizavizGtEprojectandthe requested information receivedinatimelymanner.
The Guyana Public Service Union salutes all workers in the Public Service of Guyana in recognition of United Nations Public Service Day June 23, 2024 As you continue to deliver quality service to the citizenry and escalate the development processofGuyana,bemindful of your value, role and the impact of the services provided to the communities that benefit and depend on these provisions for their survival As public servants providing Health Care, Building Infrastructure, Ensuring Safety, Delivering Education, Air Navigation Services,RevenueCollection, Environmental Health and
ProtectionServicesyouarethe foundation upon which growthanddevelopmenttake place Thepowerofprogress is in the hands of the Public Sector Workers to shape the innovative advancements that propels progress in societies.
However, today as governments all over the world reprioritize their agendastohandleglobalshifts andproblemsemanatingfrom wars, climate disasters, wideninggapsininequalities, povertyandtechnologyPublic Service Workers find themselvesholdingtheshorter endofthesticks
The Guyana Public Service Union calls on the Government of Guyana to
reprioritize its growth and modernization agenda to i n c l u d e a d e q u a t e accommodation for the human capital, the Public Service Workers, without whom development and progresswouldnotefficiently happen. Development and Progressmustbeinclusiveof the workers that manage and implement the system in delivering quality public servicesforabetterfuture
UN Secretary General: Let’s work shoulder-tosho
e champions of service to build a healthier, more prosperous and equal world for all people. Providing decent work is a human right. Stop the wealth drain
and put people over profits While cumulative wealth is created for some, precarious workcontinuesforothersand the absence of resources to provide adequate pay for workers PSI General Secretary: A nurse on night shiftonaCOVIDward pays moretaxthanthecorporation thatismakingmassiveprofits from the medicine she is administering.
The time to act is now Public Service Workers
deliver the core of government services and lack the recognition for the value created; their development is stymied by poor responsive mechanisms to strengthen workers in preparing them for a better
future, for themselves and that of their families
Notwithstanding, the Guyana Public Service Union salutes all Public Service Workers on this special day, bringing recognition to your stewardships in fulfilling your obligations with
commitment and dedication to building progressive societiesforall.Continueto strive for excellence despite the many inequitable situations faced daily You are the real heroes of the world. HappyUnited Nations Public Service Day 2024.
The Mohammed’s have...
is considered innocent unless otherwise pronounced by a courtoflawinademocracy Thelawappliestoallandfairly Americatreatsallequallyanddoesnotactwithoutevidence. AsPresidentAlistated,hehimself,theMohamedsandall othersaresubjectedtothesamelawsinGuyana.Iamcertain theMohammedsandMs.Thomaswouldconcur Theyshould notbeshunnedbytheirfriendsasallegedbyGHK.
Yourstruly, VishnuBisram
Thepresidentholdsapressconferenceandisingoodform. Hemocksayoungreporter,insultsafemaleprofessional…
Thiscan’tbethemannerofanationalleader. Thisseemstobemorethepracticeofanationalbully.
PresidentAliisdraggingdownhishighoffice. Apresidentcannotaffordtobeseenasapunk. WesuggestthatPresidentAlicleansuphisact.
Heshoulddohomagetorespectfulduty,rise… PresidentAli:trytobeastatesman,lesstobeabadman!
A woman was caught on her business for a few days
Suspicions arose when the business owner told anything particular in mind staff) went to get that item, Closed Circuit Television but her step-son has been Hamilton realized that her Kaieteur News andshesaidno,mystaffthen she (suspect) quickly swiped (CCTV) footage on managing the store in her step-son dealt with the Meanwhile, earlier on proceededtoshowherallthe the money from the draw,” Thursday, posing as a absence. According to the suspect for a while.As such, Thursday around 11:51hrs, birthday fits we had in (the) Tiffany claimed. She also customer who wanted to CCTV footage time stamp, she reviewed her cameras the suspect also stole from store (over 20 different fits) indicated that $2000 was purchase a birthday outfit, the incident occurred at which were placed at the T&HBoutiquelocatedatLot she said she didn’t like any,” takenfromherbag. but left the store with stolen about12:56hrs. center of the store, and saw 3 N o r t o n S t r e e t , Tiffany said, who even Tiffany told Kaieteur underwear and a press on Hamilton told Kaieteur that the woman stole a press Georgetown. recommended two other News that after the woman nails set fromAnna’s Trendz News that the accused on nails set, whilst she was Tiffany (only name boutiques. removed the items, she told Boutique & Toy Store reportedly told her step-son exitingtheboutique. given), the owner of the Tiffany said, “She the staff “I’m going to check located on Camp and that she wanted an outfit for As a result, Hamilton T&H Boutique told this (suspect) then claimed she around and come back if I D’Urban Streets The her birthday Following her reviewed the footage for the publication that the woman wanted to purchase one of don’tfindanythingelse.” woman is also accused of request, he assisted her in duration of the period the allegedly stole $38,000 from the fits she didn’t like and T i f f a n y s a i d , stealing $40,000 from T&H findingone. womanwasinthestore. the store’s cash register, and askedmystafftopackageit.” “Immediately after she left, I Boutique, located at Lot 3 “Shecame(and)shelook “I see she going around $2000fromherhandbagthat The owner then highlighted noticedthedrawwasslightly Norton Street, Georgetown for a dress on the mannequin and then she pick up the was on a chair behind the that the suspect distracted openandwhenIchecked,the onthesameday and she did her best to hanger with the underwears counter her by asking to see a jersey moneywasgone.” During an interview with distract him, (she) took a andsheputitinherbag.” Tiffany revealed that the that was at the back of the The entrepreneur said Kaieteur News, 33-year-old dress off the mannequin and The owner described the suspect distracted her and a store. “I got up and went to that moments after that AnnaHamilton,theownerof handed it to him for him to woman as a “professional staff by indicating to them look for her size while my incident occurred, she saw a Anna’s Trendz Boutique & bag it, as he was bagging it, thief”. “This young lady is a that she (suspect) wanted a staff was at the counter Facebook post about the Toy Store said she recently she went around doing she pro, she does look innocent birthdayoutfit. packaging her item.”Tiffany suspect doing the same thing gavebirthandhasnotbeenat ownthing,”Hamiltonsaid. and simple but she is a pro,” “I asked her if she had then said, that the woman atAnna’sTrendzBoutique& reportedly requested another Toystore. item,whichwasatthecenter Tiffany has since filed a ofthestore. reportattheBrickdamPolice
“As soon as she (the Station.
Dennis Chabrol is perhaps Guyana’s finest reporter At Thursday’s pressconference,heshowed hisworthwhenheaskedthe Presidentasimplequestion.
He queried if the American government was kept in the dark over the allegations against the Mohamedsandwhatwasthe legal basis for revoking the cambio licence of the family’sbusiness.
The President could not provideastraightanswer He found himself in a kerfuffle. He danced around the question in a manner reminiscent of his performance on the dance floor during the PPP’s Congress.
Earlier at his press conference, the President saidthatnooneisabovethe law Buthedidnotsaywhich law he was referring to: American law or Guyanese law
Theprinciplethatnoone is above the law is a feature oftheruleoflaw Thistenet ensures that all individuals, regardless of status, power, or influence, are held accountablefortheiractions within the confines of the law
However, the President needs to be reminded that this principle must be
balanced with the equally important notion that everyone is entitled to protection under the law, including the constitutional andlegalsafeguardsthatare thebedrockofanysovereign nation.
InthecontextofGuyana, recent actions influenced by e
s, particularly from the United States, raise significant q
sovereigntyofGuyaneselaw and the protection of its
e ConstitutionofGuyana.
The situation involving the Mohamed family is illustrative of this tension. Whileitisimperativethatno individual or entity is immunefromlegalscrutiny, the actions taken by the Guyana government against the Mohameds based on allegations from the United States, without clear evidence of local law violations, highlight a troubling development Thisdevelopmentsuggestsa potential erosion of Guyanese sovereignty and the undue influence of foreign powers on local governance.
Firstly, it is essential to establish the distinction between local laws and foreign laws with extra-
territorial effects The ConstitutionofGuyana,like those of many sovereign nations, provides the legal framework within which all citizens and entities must operate This framework includes protections against arbitrary actions by the government. It ensures that any deprivation of rights must be justified by due process and evidence under locallaws.
The imposition of foreign sanctions, such as thosefromtheUnitedStates, does not inherently constitute a violation of Guyanese law Therefore, actions taken by the Guyanese government against its citizens or businesses should be based on breaches of local laws, not on foreign allegations alone.
The principle of sovereignty dictates that the government of Guyana should govern based on the interestsandlawsofitsown nation When foreign entities, like the United States,imposesanctions,itis within their right to do so based on their legal frameworks and interests. However, it becomes problematic when these sanctions directly influence the actions of the Guyanese
Tougher fines are a golden golden opportunity for more
DeVeePee,alwaysfull ofbrightideas.Distime,he seh de government gon institute tougher penalties
and more stringent measures to stop gold smuggling. Now, we all know in Guyana, the stricter de government, the wiser de population. Is a natural law, like gravity or howpepperpotdoesalways tastebetterwhenitstale.
So,demboyssehifyuh raisedefinesandpenalties, yuhjustraisingdestakesin degameofwhocanpaythe biggestbribe.Isliketelling de fishermen yuh increasing de price of fish, and den acting surprised when dey go fish in de forbidden waters. De more yuh punish dem, de more creativedeyget.
Now leh we talk about de real problem – de incentives As long as exporting gold without
royalties is sweeter than a black cake on Christmas, yuh gon have people smuggling Is simple economics.
Imagine if yuh could stopalldisnonsensebyjust making smuggling less attractive. Yuh remove de royalties exemption on exportsandbam!Suddenly, no point in sneaking around.
Butwait,disisGuyana. If we fix one loophole, dey gon find another So we need a bigger net to catch demsneakyfish.
Dat bring us to de next brilliant idea: Ban de i m p o r t a t i o n a n d transshipment of gold for a while, other than by the government. Blame it on sanctions.Trustme,nobody questioning dat one. If yuh can’t import or move gold through Guyana, dem smugglers gon be left
government without due processunderGuyaneselaw Thisnotonlyunderminesthe sovereignty of Guyana but also sets a precedent where foreign powers can indirectly dictate local governance and legal outcomes.
It is understandable that local banks must comply with international regulations to maintain their global operations Local banks are part of an international system that involve the movement of currency across borders and therefore would have to be careful about the international transactions they undertake with Americanbanksonbehalfof sanctioned individuals and companies.
But Guyana’s financial sector’s international obligations should not be conflated with the legal obligations of the government to its own citizens The government must act in accordance with itslocallawsandwithregard thecommonlawdutyofdue process, just as the Americans do with its citizensandcompanies.
Burnham and Jagan
would never have bent the way our leaders did to an Americanedict.Theywould havedemandedtheevidence before acting against the sanctioned parties. This is because they understood the responsibilities of governments in upholding national sovereignty They knew that weak leadership that capitulates to foreign demands without due process threatens the foundational principles of nationalsovereignty
The concept of national sovereignty is not merely a theoretical ideal It is a practical necessity for the functioning of a democratic state. Sovereignty ensures that a nation’s laws and governance are determined by its own people and institutions,freefromundue external influence. This is particularly important in a globalized world where powerful nations can exert significant pressure on smaller states Upholding sovereignty involves a delicate balance between engaging in international cooperationandmaintaining independent legal and politicalsystems.
B e f o r e a c t i n g
scratching dey heads and lookingforanewhobby
So instead of adding more fines and penalties, which just make pockets deeper and bribes bigger, let’stakeawaydereasonto smuggle. It’s like taking away de sweets from de kids.Sure,deygoncryand scream, but eventually, dey gon settle down and play nice.
De Vee Pee need to realize dis ain’t about punishing de wrongdoers harder,it’saboutmakingde crime not worth de risk in defirstplace.
Remember, dem boys seh, yuh can’t stop de rain by building higher walls; yuh stop it by fixing de leaky roof So fix de incentives, and watch how de gold smuggling dry up faster than a rum shop on GoodFriday Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
impulsively,thegovernment needed to make rigorous assessment of any allegations made by foreign entities, ensuring that any response was grounded in local law and backed by evidence. The protection of citizens’ rights under the Constitution of Guyana s h o u l d a l w a y s b e paramount, and any deprivation of these rights must be justified through transparent and lawful processes.
The government must resist becoming a puppet of foreign powers and instead upholdtheruleoflawbased onitsownconstitutionaland otherlaws.
Bydoingso,itcanensure that justice is served in a manner that respects the rights and protections of all its citizens, preserving the integrity and sovereignty of thenation.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Lean on President Ali to deliver on his world): when business is straight, then phone seized; her records unscrambled; her P P P promise about transparency and the anyone and everyone can talk straight. I can relationships revealed. The appearance of Govern floodgates of his impatience crash. Critics and I do. None of this fudging about and the interdiction alone would have prompted m e n t andcontrariansarerailedagainst;butheisall slipping around that has become the norm is an honest government to cut its losses there What size for constructive criticisms. The Americans necessary Theresourcesofthepeopledonot and then by sending her packing. It is what and how brightly just responded to his appeal. ExcellencyAli have to be wasted on witch hunts for dirt to leaderswiththebestofprinciples,thehighest colored is the second. As a reminder, has a choice. He continues with his silencetheoutspoken,whocandosobecause self-regard, would deliver and damn the Americans do their homework, cover all the imperious braggadocio. Or he gets a new their own business is straight. The agents of interfering, infernal Yankees. Damn their bases, and know the escape routes. They are hymnbook. The musicians in the Office of eithertheparty(PPP)orthePPPGovernment torpedoes, for there is nothing for them to watching to ascertain how much traction the President had better come with some new should be redirected at those who are the real strike. Peoplewhodotheirbusiness(andthe there will be from what they have parachuted songs,newnotesforthepresidenttodeliver lawbreakers in Guyana. I challenge my people’sbusiness)cleanly,livecleanly,could into the highest offices in Guyana. I think
Yes, I heard President Ali’s PPP fellow citizens: check first who speaks freely give a damn about pressure and sanctions. thatthetimeforblinkingandplayingthefool Government loud and clear: this is serious andfranklyinthiscountry,andtheeffortsthat Because there is nothing that anyone from by the PPP Government and its leaders is stuff and there is serious commitment. have been made to suppress. Then, check anywhere could pin on them. Honourable over; has been so for a long time now If Frankly, Mr President, that charade is thin who are the ones that are always playing leaders do not have those kinds of friends, do anyone anywhere is impressed by that handand worn. Holes are apparent. Who will games with words, or lashing out at law- not cultivate relationships of those qualities, over-heart oath from the government with its investigate? The GPF? SOCU? It is like abiding Guyanese, or hiding behind various do not ask for, or take their kindnesses. Men excrement about “respect for the rule of law being trusted to investigate themselves. The barricades. It is the duty of every citizen of and women of principle are wise enough andorder”thenastrongshotofhardliquoror corruptionriversruntoolongandtoodeepin thiscountrytodecideforthemselvesifanyof (those who are untarnished) not to toy with morphine is recommended. It is laughable, thiscountry,Dr President. Itisbecauseabig those three caps fit the heads of those that I fire. Now the fire of theAmericans is aimed indeed, when this country, this PPP partoftheaccountabilitysolavishlyswornto mentioned, and if so, then why it is so. not just at an alleged network, but all those Government, this leadership cabal (with few at the National Cultural Center almost four Matters have a way of coming full circle. I dodgers and drifters and deniers in a highly exceptions) have a history of being rather years ago, Excellency, has never gotten off movealong. rotten government, and the people who prop scurrilous (re political ways), rather careless the ground. Smoke and shams and shadows OFAC named three Guyanese. I have it up with a matchstick here, hold it together with personal ethics, and rather odious in and the sordid, Mr Head of State, is what has met,spokento,andknowonlytheoldest. We with a rubber band over there, and paint it verbalconduct. runwildinthelastfouryears.TheAmericans have had strong and sharp conversations at smoothly with spittle and slop. Blow too In Murder in the Cathedral, it was T.S. (Treasury’s OFAC) have spoken; the volume official locations on official business. The hard on their deformed contraptions, and the Elliotwhowrote:thegreatesttreasonisdoing is earsplitting. Who are the dissidents now, I allegationsaredevastating,thedevelopments wholefaçadecrumbles. TheAmericansonly therightthingforthewrongreasons. Itotally ask starting with the esteemed president? terriblydisappointing. ItisthebestthatIcan puffed. Careful!Itcouldbetheprecursortoa disagree. Itisdoingthewrongthingoverand Whoisstraightspeakingandwhoisinsidious offer I watch the horizon to absorb what loudsneeze. overandthendeceivingthepeoplewhotrust, now,IaskofallGuyanese? develops going forward Generally
Knowing as well as I do how the evenrevere.
This much has been said to the face of speaking, I can confidently say that the Americans operate, they would have (The views expressed in this article are President Ali, Vice President Jagdeo, and building blocks were piling up: the high- gathered all their marbles. The first question those of the author and do not necessarily Attorney General Nandlall (and the whole ranking female public servant stopped; her is how many of those will be handed to the reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)
Ac o n t r a c t according to the people. The arbitrators “are unable to arbitration panel International Chamber of agree on a third arbitrator that could block Commerce (ICC), parent of within a certain period of
or green-light the arbitration panel, did not time, they can apply to the the US$53 billion sale of reply to requests for administering authority, if Hess Corp to Chevron comment on the timeline for thereisone”. remains incomplete three appointing the third “The market is hoping months after the case was arbitrator or for deciding the that there is a speedy filed, stalling a decision on case. settlement to the arbitration whether Exxon Mobil has a Hesssaid“thearbitration process, but has never right of first refusal over is moving forward and we understood properly what Hess’Guyanaoperations. expect to have a decision by Exxon is trying to achieve,”
The third and final the end of 2024 ” But said Mark Kelly, an analyst arbitrator has not been lawyers who have been with financial firm MKP appointed, according to involved with international Advisors “It is widely people familiar with the arbitrationssaytimingvaries believed that Exxon has matter forsuchdecisions. never communicated this to
A delay could mean no “Theprecisedynamics evenChevronorHess.” decisionthisyearasHesshas willdependupontherulesof Chevron originally forecast Uncertainty on the arbitration,” said Chris hoped to close the Hess whether the sale can proceed Strong,apartneratVinson& acquisitionbythefirsthalfof has pressured Chevron Elkins law firm and also this year Hess shareholders shares,whicharedown7.8% vice-president for model last month backed the sincethedealwasdisclosed. contracts of the Association proposedsalebyaslim,51%
Each side in the dispute of International Energy majority The U.S. Federal appoints one arbitrator and Negotiators. TradeCommissionhasyetto thosetwonominatethethird, Generally, he said, if two weigh in on any antitrust
questions. stake before oil was
The deal would give discoveredtherein2015. Chevron a 30% stake in a “We wrote the JOA, so Guyana oil consortium that we have a pretty clear line of has found at least 11 billion sightnesstotheintentandthe barrels of oil and continues circumstances that apply,” to plumb a 6.6 million-acre CEO Woods said after first (26,800 sq km) block. The quarterearnings,onApril28. group has forecast output of “That is the point of the 1.3millionbarrelsperdayby arbitration.” 2027.
The intent was key in a
Chevron, Exxon and 2017 right of first refusal Hess declined to estimate case in which Exxon was timing of an appointment to targetedinCanadabyenergy the panel, which will firm Northrock Resources, consider Exxon’s claim that says Mohamed Amery, a Chevron is trying to partner at Canadian law firm circumvent its preemption Linmac LLP Exxon right included in the Guyana ultimately won the right to oil consortium’s joint sellthoseassets. operating agreement (JOA). “When the court looks at Exxon is the group’s the interpretation of a clause majority owner with 45%, within a contract, it doesn’t Hess has a 30% stake and read it in its black and white, CNOOC25%. it looks to what the
Chevron said Exxon’s discussions were between right of first refusal does not theparties,”Averysaid. apply to a sale of the entire Exxon said the JOA it Hesscompany made on the Guyana assets
Exxon and Hess have was based on an industry declined to comment on the model but declined to precise language of the JOA, specify which model. Most aconfidentialdocument. of the industry used the 2002
In April, Hess said it model from the Association wants the case heard by the of International Energy third quarter and arbitration Negotiators as a base, with completed by year end On somealteredprovisions,said May 9, Hess CEO John Strong. Hess asserted the final Different valuations of arbitrator would be the Guyana asset could play appointed by May 17, a role if Exxon prices Hess according to proxy adviser Guyana stake above the Institutional Shareholder US$53 billion offered by Services. Chevron for Hess Corp. The Exxon CEO, Darren parties declined to disclose Woods has said he expected theirvaluations. the dispute would slip into Generally speaking, the 2025. question of right of first Exxon executives have refusal “hinges on the been saying the arbitrators specific wording of the JOA should consider the “intent” and on the value of the asset behindtheJOAmadewithits in relation to the larger original partner in Guyana, c h a n g e o f c o n t r o l Shell PLC, which sold its transaction,”saidStrong.
The Government of infrastructure to support
plants that could be used for generate 300 megawatts of Guyana has contracted a current and future upstream export of not only the gas, power and an additional U.S. firm, Fulcrum LNG to developmentsinGuyana. but power directly, so there 3,400 barrels of by-products help monetize the country’s The Head of State was a
f daily gas resources. A number of keen to note that the opportunities that we think Project Head, Winston options are presently on the government has since can be generated from this Brassington previously said table for consideration and assembled a technical team gas coming to shore or being thestartupofthisfacilitywill are pending a full technical
processed but those are all provide the country with and financial analysis, discussions and draft a things that will be examined some 4,100 barrels of byincluding the export of model for the utilization of in the conversation and then products daily - such as electricity the gas resources. President a viable option, the most cooking gas and fuel for This was revealed by Ali anticipates a Heads of competitive, cost effective, cigarettes-amongothers. President Irfaan Ali on Agreementinthisregardwill profitable option will be Guyana however utilises Thursday during a press besignedbynextyear presented,”theHeadofState approximately 700 barrels conference at State House, PresidentAlisaid,“What explained. per day of these products, Georgetown. we want is the monetization
Presently, the GoG is which means the country gas. asanexporterofelectricity
He explained, “We of the gas as fast as possible pursuing a US$2B Gas-to- will have to seek markets for Ali also hinted at the “It also speaks about the recently concluded the to add an additional revenue Energy (GTE) project. This 3,400 barrels of byproducts possibilityofasecondpower development of a shore base expression of interest for a stream and it’s not only gas, is the country’s first natural each day or 1,241,000 plant to position the country facility, additional power major gas project outside of it’s the condensate that gas project. It is expected to barrelsonanannualbasis. the Wales development comeswithit.Foramatterof (Gas-to-Energy project). We fact that has tremendous had a company identified, opportunity and potential for that company with the usbutwecan’tknowthat,we Government of Guyana and can’t know the degree of Exxon and its partners will opportunity until the full n o w h a v e t o h a v e analysis, technical (and) discussionsandwewillhave financial,iscompletedforus to together arrive at a model toknowwhatwehave.” and a plan as to how we will To this end, he revealed advance this major gas thatanumberofpossibilities development in our are being examined, country.” including the export of I n J a n u a r y, t h e energy through the government invited development of an energy proposals seeking private corridor to Brazil and sector pitches for the design, Suriname.Inadditiontothat, financing, construction, and he cited the marketing of byo p e r a t i o n o f g a s products from the natural
A teacher charged with drug trafficking and remanded to prison was released on Friday on $300,000 bail after her attorneyBernardDaSilvaarguedthattheprosecutionfailedto completeitscasefileandhasgivennocertaintywhenitwillbe completed.
Friday’s court appearance was the second for the defendant,PysiffiaBoodram,amotheroftwo.
Boodram appeared before Senior Magistrate Daly at the Georgetown Magistrates Court. She is expected to return to courtonJuly5,forreportanddisclosure.
The teacher was initially remanded to prison on Friday, May 31, despite her lawyer’s request for bail.At that time, he had argued that Boodram has two children aged 6 months and oneyearandisnotaflightrisk.
Police said that Boodram was arrested on May 29 after it was discovered that narcotics was stored in a bedroom on the upperfloorofherhome.Shewasaskedtounlockthedoorand the room was searched. During the search, police found 11 transparentZiplocbagscontainingaquantityofleaves,seeds, and stems suspected to be cannabis amounting to 3015 grams andBoodramwasarrested.
The $8000 cervical cancer testing voucher which is available for women between the ages of 21 and 65.
Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony
tell us the strain of human In encouraging women to get papilloma virus that is present in screened she said, “We’ve all heard patients.Thisinformationiscrucial the proverb: prevention is better fordecidingthenextstepofcarefor thancureanditliestruetoitself.So women,”sheexplained. screening actually means early Dr Lall elaborated that the detection of a precancerous lesion processissimpleandrelatedthatall or cancer It initiates from women between the ages of 21 to treatment, it decreases the risk of
With the aim of eliminating affects women between the ages of aim to screen 70 percent of our 65, when show up to a clinic or an invasive cancer, it increases the cervical cancer among women by 30 and 65 years, but women of any women, which equates to emergency unit they would be physical, emotional and mental 2030, the government of Guyana age can get cervical cancer The approximately 211,000 women in eligibleforavoucher wellbeing of the patient…Cervical through the Ministry of Health on Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a all 10 regions of Guyana starting “You may seek to submit that cancer is preventable, screening Friday launched its cervical cancer sexually transmitted infection and with a simple HPV test. Lastly, we voucher to any of our public methods exist; vaccination is testingprogramme. is the primary cause for cervical aspire to ensure that all women are facilities or you may go directly to available under various treatment
The programme which was cancer diagnosed with precancerous or anyoftheprivatefacilitieslistedon options. Cervical cancer can be launched at the Arthur Chung Giving an overview of the cancerous lesions have access to the voucher and a sample will be eliminated and we can do this by Conference Centre (ACCC) will voucher programme yesterday, quality treatment of the higher taken off and sent for testing. 2030.”Meanwhile,inhisaddressto see women between the ages of 21 Director of Non-Communicable standards, which will also include Results will be made available to the gathering Minister of Health, and 65 years receiving financial Diseases at the Ministry of Health. in the near future having access to you in a 72 to 96-hour period after Dr Frank Anthony said cervical assistance in the form of an $8,000 Dr. Latchmie Lall said this radiotherapy and brachytherapy which a healthcare worker will cancer is one of those cancers, that vouchertogetthetestdone. initiative falls under the Ministry’s services.” advise you about next steps,” she iftherearetherightinterventions,it
The vouchers are intended to ambitious plan for the Elimination The Director noted that the mentioned.Speakingtoallwomen, can actually be prevented from meetthecostofcervicaltestingand of Cervical Cancer 2024 – 2030 launch of the voucher programme Dr Lall said, “This is a golden happeningtoaperson. are redeemable at five private whichwasintroducedbackinApril is one of the most important steps opportunitytoverifyearlyifyou’re He stated that is the aim of this institutions, namely New Vision thisyear which will ensure that the ministry at risk, and I urge everyone to take programme and that is why Medical Centre, Woodlands The plan was launched under fulfills its mandate of having full advantage of that. Spread the President Irfaan Ali and his Limited, Eureka Medical the guidance of the World Health womenbetweentheagesof21to65 word;tellallofyourfemalefriends. government have a very special Laboratory, HUIAQI and Balwant Organization(WHO)strategies,the screenedforcervicalcancer Makeitagoaltoscheduleyourtests interest in the programme. “In fact SinghHospital. elimination of cervical cancer 90- “Recognizing that the Ministry together if you’re apprehensive of for this programme, we have Itwasreportedthataccordingto 70-90plan,Dr Lallstated. of Health will not be able to reach doingitalone.Thistestissosimple. designated $2.8 billion in this the Ministry’s Chronic Diseases She shared that “Guyana this target alone, we have decided You may even take the kit home year’s budget,” for the programme, Unit, cervical cancer is a form of crafted a plan to aim to vaccinate topartnerwithhospitalsandprivate performance in the comfort of your he pronounced. The minister cancer that begins in the cervix, the 90%ofourboysandgirlswithinthe facilities across the country to home and return it to a facility related that in its fight against partoftheuterus(womb)thatopens ages 9 to 15 with the HPV vaccine, providethattestinginasafe,secure however you choose to do it. Make cervical cancer, other than the into the vagina. This cancer is one and taking it one step forward to and timely fashion with reliable sure you do it. Let’s eliminate testing programme, the ministry of the most common cancers in extend that vaccine to women results that will not only identify if cervicalcancerfromourpopulation has ramped up HPV vaccination women worldwide and usually between the ages of 16 to 45. We you have the virus but it will also so that our women may live longer, amongtheyoungerpopulation. healthierlives.” He said HPV vaccines which
Speaking on why screening is were only there for girls have now important, Dr Radha Sookraj, been expanded to include boys and Registrar of Obstetrics and include ages 16 to 45. “So we’ve G y n a e c o l o g y ( O B G Y N ) started by targeting children, both Department at the Georgetown male and female, between nine and Public Hospital Corporation 15 years of age, and we want to (GPHC) said the purpose of achieve that World Health screeningistocheckforthedisease Organization number of getting to beforetherearesymptoms. 90%,”hesaid.
According to Dr Sookraj, Itwasnotedbytheministerthat cervical cancer is caused by a what is happening now, is that persistentinfectionwithHPV persons come to the hospitals when
Shenotedthatglobally,cervical it is too late and when they come in cancer is the fourth most common some cases, they have metastasis cancer in women. There are over which means that other organs of 600,000 new cases yearly and over the body are affected. When it is at 350 deaths yearly as of 2022, she that stage, the minister said it very highlighted. littletheycando.
From the country’s statistics, “Nowwewanttomakesurethat she explained, “From our cancer we detect very early and we registry, the incidence of cervical intervene very early And once we cancer between 2020 to 2023. intervene early, the survivability There has been an increase from 56 will be much, much, much more to 91 in 2020 to 2022. However, a increase. And that is the thrust of slight decrease in 2023. However, this programme. We want to make the mortality rate is 8% in sure that we detect early and if we comparison to ovarian and uterine findanyproblemthatweareableto cancer which is the third most fixtheproblem,”heexpressed. common cancer in Guyana and the This publication understands second most common in women, thatcomeMonday,thevoucherwill thefirstisbreastcancer.” beavailableinallregions.
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2024-HC-DEM-CIV-FD-163 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISION PETITION NO. FD-163 BETWEEN: (BANESWARI) DEODAT Petitioner -VS-(BANESWARI) VANESSA ROSE nee BYNOERespondent TO: VANESSA ROSE BANESWARI nee BYNÏÅ Helena No.2 Mahaica, East Coast Demerara TAKE NOTICE that on the 2nd day of February, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by DEODAT BANESWARI, the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 3rd day of May, 2024 the Petitioner was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the KAIETEUR NEWS, a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Guyana and on the world wide web (online) AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorneyat-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Friday the 7th day of June, 2024 at 09:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Priva Sewnarine-Beharry via Zoom Meeting ID: 503 218 6789 and Password: court1a. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/ Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order itconsiders appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court
LEGAL NOTICE is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.Dated the day of May, 2024.
Last Known Address Lot 1418 Tuschen Housing Scheme, CUYANA East Bank Essequibo, Guyana. TAKE NOTICE that on the 28th day of March, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by FADLYN OTTIS ELEID BURNETT the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 3rd day of June, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily Newspaper printed, published and circulation in Guyana. AND FURTHER TAKE
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire toDefend this Divorce, then
upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are cavailable at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the matter is fixed for Directions Hearing on Wednesday the 2nd day of October, 2024 at 09:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge via zoom Meeting ID: 845 1426 6584 and password: 786 445.
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.
The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 6th day of June, 2024.
Three men were remanded to prisonafterbeing jointly charged with the offence of Possession of Narcotics with the Purpose ofTraffickingonFriday
The accused, identified as Yohan Sam, Lebon Lawson, and Junior James, appeared before Magistrate Faith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court #5 to answer the charge.
According to the prosecution, on June 19 at around09:00hrsonPrincess Street and Cemetery Road,
police intercepted a Toyota Raum vehicle that was travelingsouth.
During a search of the vehicle,policefoundabulky brown salt bag in the trunk, containing seven parcels wrapped in plastic The content of the parcels were found to be leaves, stems, and seeds of cannabis, weighing13,458grams.
The trio pleaded not guiltytothecharge.Lawson and James were represented by Attorney-at-Law Pamela De Santos, while Sam was represented by another lawyerviaZoom.
The lawyers requested reasonable bail for their clients, with Sam’s attorney arguing that the vehicle in which the cannabis was found did not belong to him and he was not the only passenger in the car, which wasoperatingasataxi,atthe time However, the prosecution objected to the bail application, due to the quantity of narcotics found in the vehicle, which the menweretravelingin.
Magistrate McGusty remandedthetriotoprison.
The men are scheduled toreturntocourtonJuly5.
Minister of
Health, Dr F r a n k
announced that four mammogram machines are expected to arrive in Guyana in July The machines are aimed at boosting the ministry’s ability to provide adequate resources to screen for breastcancer
The minister made the announcement during the launch of the cervical c a n c e r s c r e e n i n g programmewhichwasheld
at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC).
“So in women, cervical cancer is the number two, but breast cancer is number one.And again, we have to make sure that there is affordable mammograms And so in July of this year, in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency, they’re donating to us four mammogram machines,”
Aminer accused of beating a businesswoman unconscious was released on Friday on $90,000bailwhenheappearedattheBartica Magistrates’Court. The miner, Ryan Smith, was on remand for almost two months. He waschargedwithassault.
Smith allegedly beat 51-year-old Holly Monderson,onApril24withapieceofwood atIssanoLanding,MiddleMazaruni,Region Seven. According to reports, Monderson sustainedafracturedskullfromtheattack.
Thedecisiontogranthimbailreportedly did not please the victim’s relatives. In a Facebook post, one of the relatives said arguedthatthatthevictimcouldhavedied.
“She survived. She’s alive and is in a stablecondition,astableconditioninwhich she hasn’t and probably won’t be able for a longtime,returntolifeasnormal. Sheisstill in physical pain and suffering from the side effects from that incident,” the relative said onsocialmedia.
Accordingtoreports,Mondersonownsa businessatIssanoLandingandonthedayin question,theaccusedhadgonetohershopto makeapurchase.Thewomansteppedoutof theshopleavingSmithtobrowseforwhathe wanted.
Whenshereturned,hemadehispurchase andleftbutwhilegoingthroughherpurseshe recognizedthat$10,000wasmissing.
The woman suspected that Smith might have stolen the cash and went in search of him. When she located him, an argument ensued over the missing money and she returnedtohershop.
Later that evening, Smith allegedly returnedtoMonderson’sshopwithapieceof wood.Mondersonwasreportedlysleepingin herhammockwhenSmithenteredandbegan beating her with the wood before making goodhisescape.
Monderson was knocked unconscious and was unable to raise an alarm. It was not untilthefollowingdaythatshewasfoundby customerswhowenttohershop.Reportsare that she was found in and out of consciousness.
Thewomanwasimmediatelyrushedtoa healthcentreandthentotheBarticaHospital for treatment. She is still recovering from a fracturedskull.
A report was made and Smith was later apprehendedandcharged.
theministerdisclosed. When arrived, he noted that these machines would be installed at four hospitals, namely the West Demerara Regional Hospital, Linden Hospital Complex, the New Amsterdam Hospital and theLethemHospital.
“The machines are on thewaytoGuyanaandonce we get them, we’ll install them.Oneofthethingsthat we have decided in the
governmentisthatwewant to have good quality equipment.Andsowehave been converting our X rays (machines)andsoforthand to well-known establish leaders in these fields like SiemensandGEandPhilips a n d f o r t h e s e mammograms, all of them aremadebySiemens,which wouldbethehighestquality oramongthehighestquality of equipment that you can have, ” Dr Anthony
A 33-year-old sales assistant was remandedtoprisononFridayforthemurder ofavagrant.
The accused, Anand Zaimoon of Lot 16 PlantainWalk,Vreed-en-Hoopmadehisfirst court appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Acting Chief MagistrateSherdelIsaacs-Marcuswherethe indictablechargewasreadtohim.
According to police, on the June 15 at Water Street, Georgetown Munilad Persaud, avagrantwhotraversedtheStabroekMarket area,wasassaultedbyZaimoon.
Atabout18:30h,Persaudwasapproached by Zaimoon and asked about his brother Zaimoon then gave Persaud $2300 and repeatedthequeryabouthisbrother Persaud began hurling expletives at Zaimoon, provoking him. Zaimoon then picked up a wood and lashed Persaud to his leftsidestomach.Persaudwaspickedupbya public-spirited citizen and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
An investigation was conducted and the accused was arrested and brought before the court.OnFriday,theprosecutortoldthecourt that the investigation of the matter was completeandcomprehensive.Thematterwas adjournedtoJuly23,2024fordisclosures.
asserted.Wheninstalled,the minister said that the ministry would be updating the public as to age group and how persons can get screened.
Last September, the HealthMinistersaidthatthe only public institution offering mammography is the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).Hewasatthetime speaking at a ‘GTT Pinktober’event.
Meanwhile, Kaieteur News had reported in its June 17 publication reported that Zaimoon was searching for his brother However, it was clarified on Friday that he was in search of Persaud’s brother Persaud andhisbrotherwerebothvagrants.
CAIRO, June 21
(Reuters) - Israeli forces pounded Rafah in southern Gaza on Friday, as well as other areas across the enclave, killing at least 45 Palestinians as troops engaged in close-quarter
combat with Hamas militants,residentsandIsr
Someresidentssaidael’s militarysaid.
Residents said the Israelis appeared to be trying to complete their capture of Rafah, which bordersEgyptandhasbeen the focus of an Israeli assaultsinceearlyMay
Tanks were forcing their way into the western and northern parts of the city, having already capturedtheeast,southand centre
Firing from planes, tanks and ships off the coast caused more people tofleethecity,whichafew months ago was sheltering
more than a million displaced people, most of whom have now relocated again.
The Gaza health
ministry said at least 25 Palestinians had been killedinMawasiinwestern Rafah and 50 wounded Palestinians said a tank shell hit a tent housing displacedfamilies
“Two tanks climbed a hilltop overseeing Mawasi andtheysentballsoffirethat
hit the tents of the poor people displaced in the area,” one resident told Reutersoverachatapp.
The Israeli military said that the incident was under review
“An initial inquiry conducted suggests that there is no indication that a strike was carried out by the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) in the HumanitarianArea in Al-Mawasi,”itsaid.
Earlier, the military said its forces were conducting “precise, intelligencebased” actions in the Rafah area, where troops were involved in close-quarter combat and had located tunnelsusedbymilitants
Over the past week, the military said, troops targeted a university that served as a Hamas headquarters from which militants fired on soldiers and found weapons and barrelbombs It did not name the university
In the central Gaza area of Nusseirat, the military said soldiers killed dozens of militants over the past week and found a weapons depot containing mortar bombs and military equipment belonging to Hamas theIsraelionslaught on Rafah had intensified in the previous two days and that the sounds of explosions and gunfire had
“Last night was one of the worst nights in western Rafah: Drones, planes, tanks, and naval boats bombardedthearea.Wefeel the occupation is trying to complete the control of the city,” said Hatem, 45, reachedbytextmessage.
“They are taking heavy strikes from the resistance fighters, which may be slowingthemdown.”
More than eight months intothewarinGaza,Israel’s advance is now focused on
residents and displaced families lacked the minimum daily needs of foodandwater
Palestinian and U N figuresshowthatfewerthan 100,000 people may have remained in the far western side of the city, which had been sheltering more than half of Gaza’s 2.3 million people before the Israeli assaultbeganinearlyMay
In nearby Khan Younis, anIsraeliairstrikeonFriday
killed three people, including a father and son, medicssaid.
In parallel, Israeli forces continued a new push back into some Gaza City suburbs in the north of the enclave, where they fought with Hamas-led militants.
the two last areas its forces had yet to seize: Rafah on Gaza’ssouthernedgeandthe area surrounding Deir alBalahinthecentre.
“TheentirecityofRafah is an area of Israeli military operations,”AhmedAl-Sofi, themayorofRafah,saidina statement carried by Hamas mediaonFriday
“The city is living through a humanitarian catastrophe and people are dying inside their tents because of Israeli bombardment.”
Sofi said no medical facility was functioning in the city, and that remaining
On Friday, an Israeli air strike on a Gaza City municipal facility killed five people, including four municipal workers, the territory’s Civil Emergency Servicesaid.
Rescue teams were searching the rubble for moremissingvictims
In the nearby Beach camp,anIsraeliairstrikeon a house killed at least seven people,medicssaid.
Palestinian health officials said at least 45 Palestinians were killed in IsraelistrikesacrossGazaon Friday
The Internat
CommitteeoftheRedCross (ICRC) said its Gaza office was damaged when heavycalibre projectiles landed nearby, in an area where hundreds of displaced Palestinians are living in tents.
“This grave security incident is one of several in recentdays;previouslystray bullets have reached ICRC structures,” the organization saidinapostonXonFriday “We decry these incidents that put the lives of humanitarians and civilians atrisk.”
Israel’s ground and air campaign was triggered when Hamas-led militants stormed into southern Israel on Oct 7, killing around 1,200 people and seizing more than 250 hostages, according to Israelitallies
The offensive has left Gaza in ruins, killed more than 37,400 people, according to Palestinian health authorities, and left n e a r l y t h e e n t i r e population homeless and destitute
The United Nations said on Friday it is Israel’s responsibility - as the occupying power in the Gaza Strip - to restore public order and safety in the Palestinian territory so humanitarian aid can be delivered, amid warnings ofimminentfamine.
TheGuyanaGoldandDiamond theindustry,andvowedtocontinue Moreover, the Association Miners Association (GGDMA) on to support the government to root notedthatduetothemassivelabour Friday raised concerns about them out. Notwithstanding, the shortages at all levels in the sector, statements made by Vice President GGDMA said, “The GGDMA legitimate operators are also (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo relative to the notes with much consternation suffering from low production due removalofminingincentives. hints of the removal of certain to their inability to run as many
The Vice President told incentives and concessions that the operations. Consequently, it was reporters at his last press GGDMA has fought for on behalf stated that the total production of conference that in a move to of the industry We urge the gold from the miners who are thestatementwhilespeakingonthe Guyana’s commitment to pursue a combat rampant gold smuggling, authoritiesnottogiveintothisknee selling to legitimate channels has sanctions imposed by the United full investigation into the matter the government will be conducting jerk reaction and to “throw out the alsobeengreatlydiminished. StatesDepartmentoftheTreasury’s andprosecutethoseinvolved. a comprehensive legal overhaul of baby with the bathwater” as this “Benefits to these compliant Office of Foreign Assets Control The body stated too that it has the system aimed at imposing wouldbeunacceptable.” organizations should not be taken (OFAC) imposed on Guyanese always urged members to sell only stringent penalties on large-scale
According to the OFAC, the away,”GGDMAadded. billionaireNazarMohamedandhis to licensed dealers or the Guyana goldsmugglers. Mohamedsallegedlyevadedtaxon To this end, the Association son Azruddin Mohamed for allege Gold Board (GGB). It said that the
gold exports and defrauded the reiterated its call for the corruption - including gold gold mining industry has a long disappointment that despite all the Guyanese government of tax governmenttoaddressfrontallythe smuggling and evading taxes. The history in Guyana and has been a
revenues by under declaring their issue of smuggling and to take the OFAC sanctions were announced pillar for the economy long before implemented for the mining gold exports to Guyanese U.S. report as a launching pad to onJune11. oil was discovered, underscoring industry, smuggling is still authorities. “Between 2019 and prosecute the bad actors in the
However, in its statement, the thatminershavestoodwithGuyana rampant. “We have lowered the 2023, Mohamed’s Enterprise industry Mining Association said, “The and the industry has persevered taxes so that they can have a better omitted more than 10 thousand GGDMA also encouraged all GGDMA notes with much through all the ups and downs of e
still no kilograms of gold from import and minerstoselltheirgoldtotheGGB consternation hints of the removal Guyana’seconomicgrowth. compliance because the rewards of export declarations and avoided or to Licensed Gold Dealers of certain incentives and To this end, the GGDMAurged smuggling seem to be greater, the paying more than US$50 millionin Miners were also reminded that concessions that the GGDMA has the government not to use the foregone tax revenue seems to be a duty taxes to the Government of they should ensure that proper foughtforonbehalfoftheindustry recent disclosure by the United big incentive,” Jagdeo said. He Guyana,”theUSTreasuryalleged. documentation and a periodic
We urge the authorities not to give Statesasa“broadbrush”topaintall continued, “We have to take away
Additionally, according to the statement of their transactions are in to this knee jerk reaction and to minersassmugglers. that incentive now by putting a GGDMA, there was a great fight to received from the Licensed Gold “throw out the baby with the “The majority of miners are not regime of penalties and sanctions if get concessions which have helped Dealer to be presented to the GGB. bathwater” as this would be engaged in smuggling. They are in you get caught smuggling the large bolster the industry through the It was underscored that the unacceptable.” the business of mining and have quantityofgold…I’mtalkingabout manytoughtimes. verification is important since it
TheAssociationsaidtoothatits worked hard for their place in these smugglers who have been “It would be grossly will ensure that gold is properly position has always been anti- society,” the body said. Notably, smuggling at this magnitude,” irresponsible to hold the actions of accounted for and that taxes are smuggling and welcomes this the Mining Association said that Jagdeosaid. a few against the majority of being correctly paid to the disclosure and the Government of there are smugglers in the midst of
The Vice President had made miners,”GGDMAsaid. Government.
Renowned jockey
DillonKhelawan is enjoying a purple patch in Trinidad’s horseracingthisseason.
Khelawanhasshownhis winning abilities with champion horse Hello World, who won the last threeraces.
Thetalentedjocksaidhe is hoping to bring his ‘A’
game to Guyana when he returns for the July 14 Port Mourant Turf Club race and theAugust11GuyanaCupat RisingSun.
Khelawan is no stranger to Guyana’s horse racing, since he made his debut riding in 2014 He will return and ply his trade for the Jagdeo RacingStables.
In a recent interview, Khelawan noted that horse racing in Trinidad is returning towards glory days after the drastic fallduringtheCovid-19.
“We have a lot more people com
g into racing As it relates to the level of horse racing in Trinidad, everything is going back up, slowly but
surely,”theTrinidadianjock echoed.
Khelawan will pilot Hello World in a field of eight horses to compete in the President’s Cup today, Saturday June 22 at SantaRosaPark,Arima.
Khelawan will ride the John O’Brien-
ained Hello World out of Gate 6 in the Grade III event
Hello World has won its last three races and will take on the likes of Pawan Putra, In the Headlines, Princes
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some i
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult talking to you today, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
Aruna, Crown Prince, Stroke of Luck, Super Bird, and Leonardo Angel in the race.
With his recent form a n d e x p o s u r e t o competitive racing in Trinidad, Khelawan will be one of the jocks to beat in theupcomingraces inGuyana.
Khelawan confirmed that he will be in Guyana for the July 14 race and the much-anticipated Guyana Cup on August 11
Frompage25 was such that the Windies move ahead of England on netrun-rate.
WestIndies’netrun-rate is also superior to Group 2 leaders South Africa, who theyfaceonSundaynightin the last round of Super 8s fixtures.
That could prove crucial as should the Windies win that and England beat USA on Sunday, the top three sides willbelevelonfourpoints.
In that scenario, net run-rate will determine the two to progress to the lastfour
USA can still make the semi-finals but would need a comprehensive win over England and for South Africa to beat West Indies.
Scores: USA 128 all out (19 5 overs): Gous 29 (16); Chase 3-19, Russell 3-31
West Indies 130-1 (10.5 overs): Hope 82* (39), Pooran27*(12);Singh1-18
Result:WestIndieswon by nine wickets with 55 ballstospare.
Following the postponement of lastweek’sgames, the Petra Organisation is set to kick off the quarterfinals of the 2024 ExxonMobil Boys and Girls Under-14 Football Championship today at the Ministry of Educationground.
Asthetournamentedges closer to crowning its champions, the round-of-16 matches, which concluded two Saturdays ago, saw
underdog teams like
Leonora Secondary, Christianburg, and South
Ruimveldt Secondary advancing to the Boys’ quarterfinals, while in the Girls’ division, formidable
contenders such as defending champions Waramuri Top, along with Bartica and President’s College, are in the race to
securesemifinalspots. Today’s action-packed schedule includes Waramuri
y Secondaryinthefirstoffour Girls’quarterfinalmatchups. Following this, Bartica Secondary will take on MarianAcademy.
Next,TucvilleGirlswill clash with Santa Rosa Girls in match #102, and the day w
h President’s College battling NewAmsterdam Secondary in the final G
The Boys’ division promises equally thrilling matches, starting with Leonora Secondary going head-to-head with Bartica Boys in the opening quarterfinal.
Chase’s Academic Foundation will then match skills with Wismar
Christianburg Secondary in match#107.
South Ruimveldt will face Bush Lot Secondary in
the third quarterfinal, followedbythefinalclashof the day between Dolphin Secondary and Westminster Secondary The tournament
y ExxonMobil, with support from Stena Drilling, DDL/Pepsi, and MVP Sports. The tournament is alsocoordinatedbythePetra Organisation and approved bytheMinistryofEducation and the Ministry of Culture, Youth,andSports.
Top-notchsoftballbatterfromEssequibo, Guyana, Patrick Rooplall continued to dominate in his maiden trip to Canada after hammering an enterprising, unbeaten 91 for Sunshineinoneofthelatestroundmatchesof the 2024 Imran Ali-Real Estate sponsored ‘test”formattournament.
The round-round robin competition is being run under the auspices of the Ontario Round-Arm Softball Cricket Association (ORSCA). Playing at Robert Lee Public School ground in Brampton, Ontario, the right-handed Rooplall slammed 9 sixes and five fours in the second innings helping Sunshine defeat Masters by 64 runs on Saturday Scores in the match: Sunshine 86 &130-5;Masters97&56.Notably,thegame wasplayedfor12-oversperinnings.
Masters were set a challenging 120 for victoryfromtheallotmentof12-overs.
Rooplall had made a few centuries since the start of his NorthAmerica show several weeksagoincludingapugnacious192.
In the bowling department for Sunshine to help bowl out Masters for 56 in their secondinnings,wasAnilEtwaroowith3-13 fromhismaximumtwoovers.
In Masters’ initial innings, the inform RajkumarBudhramscoredafiery49notout.
Etwaroo hit a top-score of 41 for
cancellationofthe2020championshipdueto the advent of COVID-19 Subsequent championships were curtailed by necessary remedialworkatthecountry’sonlytrackand fieldfacilityatWestDemerara.
Pompey praised the almost 100 athletes from countries as far as Thailand, Ghana, Liberia,andAustraliaformakingthisyear’s eventpossible.
Minister Charles Ramson, flanked by Director of Sport Steve Ninvalle, Chairman of the National Sports Commission (NSC)
Sunshine when they batted first after they were inserted by the opposition as Linden PersaudandDoodnauthSitaramgrabbedtwo wicketseach.
Details from the other games in a subsequent article, but the action will continue on Saturday with another bunch of matchesintheGreaterTorontoArea.
Kashif Muhammad, and NSC Director Christy Campbell, spoke highly of his government’s investment in the championship.
The Government of Guyana injected $7M into the AP Invitational, marking the largestinvestmentbythestatesincetheevent startedin2016.MinisterRamsonpledgedthe government’s continued support for the AP Invitational, commenting that the championship aligns with President Irfaan Ali’s vision to make Guyana a hub for regionalandinternationalsportingevents.
UpperMazaruniDistrictBoys andGirlsU18Football
The Jawalla Girls and defending c h a m p i o n Paruima Boys have secured their spots in the Upper Mazaruni Boys and Girls
Under-18 Football Championship finals after their semi-final victories on Thursday
Deviana Hunter’s decisive 58th-minute goal propelled the Jawalla Girls into the final Hunter delivered a stunning strike from outside the 18-yard box,thankstoanassistfrom CezannaReuben,breakinga scoreless deadlock early in the second half of their match against Kamarang Thefirsthalfhadended0-0, with both teams displaying strong defensive play Hunter’s goal clinched Jawalla’s place in the final, wheretheywillfacethehost team,WaramadongGirls,for theinauguraltitle. Later on, defending
Whitney King (left) and Kimron Thomas share photo-op after their semi final clash against Waramadong.
Part of the Upper Mazaruni U18 Football semi finals action between Kamarang and Jawalla.
champions Paruima Boys
Waramadong with Kimron Thomas netting a brilliant
established their control early into the contest, with Thomas scoring in the 12th minute and Whitney King adding another goal in the 36thminute,leadingtoa2-0 advantage at halftime Thomas continued his scoring spree in the second half,addinggoalsinthe56th
With an eye on qualifying for the Paris Olympics, athletes from around the world are promising nothing short of fireworks today at the National Track and Field Centre in Edinburgh, West Demerara, as they compete intheAPInvitational.
The country’s only international track and field
Here’s a list of the athletes and events for the June 22 AP Invitational.
championship, established in 2016, is making a return forthefirsttimesince2019. This year, apart from braggingrightsandlucrative prize pay-outs, athletes will compete to achieve the
Olympic qualifying standards in their respective events, especially with the qualification deadline loomingonJune30. At a press conference
hosted at the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport office on the eve of today’s showdown, organizer Aliann Pompey expressed herhappinessatthereturnof the competition, stating that itwas“nowornever.”
T h e c o u n t r y ’ s Commonwealth Games 400m gold and silver medallistexperiencedthe (Continuedonpage22)
and 58th minutes, resulting inanimpressive4-0victory Thereigningchampionswill now compete against KamarangBoysintheboys’ divisionalfinal.
Thechampionshipmatch is scheduled for Sunday, June 23, where the winners will be crowned The tournament is sponsored by MVP Sports, Busta Soft Drink, and Turbo Energy Drink and is coordinated by Neil Henrito of DC Caesar Fox Secondary School with support from the Petra Organisation.
The Rose Hall Town Yo u t h a n d S p o r t s NAMILCO Thunderbolt
flower Under21 and first division teams on Sunday last honoured Linden Ross and Permaul Reddy as the Walter Nero father of the year The team under the captaincyofformernational playerClintonPestanounder took the programme as part o f t h e i r p e r s o n a l development programme The two fathers were selected by players on their devotion to the welfare of their children, role model statusanddiscipline.
LindenRosswasthefirst elected vice president of the RHTYSC and played a major role in the early
development of the club whenitwasfoundedin1990 by the three times Guyana and Commonwealth youth service awardee the St Francis Xavier Roman Catholic youth club. Ross wasalsoheavilyinvolvedin the promotion of steel pan music and the game of dominoes.
Reddy is the grandfather of National under13 player Leon Reddy, the Captain of the Rose Hall Town Poonai Pharmacyunder13team.He is seen regularly at daily practice and all matches, supporting the different youth players including his grandson.VeteranRHTYSC executive Keith Hicks, who is currently in charge of the
club in the absence of club secretary Hilbert Foster, AssistantSecretaryJonathan Rampersaud and cricket managerRobbyKissoonlall, congratulated the pair on their selection as Father of the Year and urged them to continue being positive role model to youths. He also urged them to share their fatherhood experiences with theyoungergeneration.
Hicks, a former police detective, encouraged the fathers of the year to speak out against drug abuse criminal activities and the use of violence. Each of the awardees received a framed certificate of excellence, medal of excellence, trophy, a special Father’s Day gift
Meanwhile, hundreds of fathers across Berbice receivedafoodhamperfrom the teams under the Walter Nero programme The hampersconsistedoftwenty different food items and beverages. The teams also provided food hampers to patients and staff of the therapy unit of the Port Mourant Public Hospital along with fathers of the No 64 Village Anglican Church and the St Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church of
Port Mourant. Fathers at St Francis also received a father’s day gift and were served with a special breakfast Several cricket clubs in Berbice also received food hampers for theirmembership.
The Rose Hall Town NAMILCO Thunderbolt flower First Division team has dominated first division cricket in the Ancient County, while the Under21 team are the defending championsinBerbice.
Among the current
y Sandia, Sylus Tyndall, Clinton Pestano, Jason Sinclair, Romesh Bharrat, Matthew Pottaya, Shemaine Campbell and Shabiki Gajnabi among others. The RHTYSC over the last 34 years has produced 123 players combined for Berbice, Guyana and the WestIndiesandhaswon121 titlesatalllevels.
With the CWI
RegionalU19 Wo m e n ’s Super50 Cup just weeks away, the Guyana National U19 team endured a fruitful fitness test on Thursday as part of their encampment. Theladiesenteredcampthis weekaheadoftheupcoming CWI Regional U19 Women’s Tournament, as preparationsheightenedona p h y s i c a l l e v e l Thursday’s Fitness test held attheNationalGymnasium, was a successful run for the young women who will be
lookingtogoallthewaythis season. The team, under the watchfuleyesoftheircoach Clive Grimmond as well as f o r m e r n a t i o n a l player/manager Tremayne Smartt, engaged in the mandatory Yo-Yo, shuttles andotherareasofendurance related assessments Following the run, players spent time engaging with their coaches as they gained further knowledge of the sportaswellasotheraspects of the encampment which helped to further build the
mental aspect needed for regional and international cricket. With a stacked team, most of whom featured during last year’s campaign coupled with their current p r o g r e s s i o n a n d preparations, the young Guyaneseladiescouldeasily return home with the title t h i s y e a r Meanwhile, the players will continue their training sessions as they gel and do some fine-tuning as they preparetobreakcampsoon, aheadoftheirdeparture.