Heavy downpour on Tuesday night resulted in the trail connecting the Linden- Soesdyke Highway with the indigenous village of St. Cuthbert’s Mission being washed away Taylor Creek, also located at the Mission was overtopped causing severe flooding in some parts of the community
There were reportedly three major breakaways along the trail while several areas in the village became inundated. Reportsarethatthedisasterstartedat22:30h.
OneResident,AlvoroSimonviaaFacebookpostreported that the village leaders have started to work on remedying the situationwhichisundercontrol.
He thanked the Ministry of Local Government and the RegionalDemocraticCouncil(RDC)ofRegionFourfortheir promptintervention.
“TheCDC(CivilDefenceCommission)isnotifiedandan assessmentoffarmsisexpectedtostartshortly,areportwillbe submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture soon after”, Simon said in the social media pos. He promised to keep villagers informed on any developments within the community on Wednesday
Up to press time works were still ongoing to restore the trail and according to Simon, works were scheduled to continuethroughoutWednesdaynight.
Meanwhile, in Linden torrential rains caused the erosion of the road at Blinking Corner, Block 22, Wismar, Region 10 causing a massive sink-hole there. The Linden Regional Democratic Council (RDC) visited the area to assess the situation.
Tepui Group Inc., a company No audited fin
Mikhail Rodrigues popularly known as the ‘Guyanese Critic’
ial closely linked to social media statements personality Mikhail Rodrigues, · No evidence of ownership and known as ‘Guyanese Critic,’ who orpossessionofkeyequipment previously failed to meet specific Meanwhile, a few months ago, criteria yet received an $865 Rodrigues during one of his million contract last year, has now morning lives had revealed that he been awarded another multi- received a multi-million dollar milliondollargovernmentcontract. contract from the Ministry of Last month, it was revealed by Housing. the Public Procurement Similarly, the PPC in its report Commission (PPC) that Rodrigues had revealed that during the had failed during the evaluation evaluation period for the pump process for bids at the level of the station contract, Tepui had listed a National Procurement and Tender $313 million contract with Central such, Kaieteur News resorted to Administration Board (NPTAB), Housing and Planning Authority askingVice President (VP) Bharrat but was still handed a $865 million (CH&PA) which falls under the Jagdeo during one of his weekly contract to build a pump station at Housing Ministry, for the upgrade press conferences whether it was Belle Vue, West Bank Demerara of roads in Block 3, Great true that the ‘Guyanese Critic’s’ (WBD). Diamond. It was stated that the company received another According to reports, the PPC contract is dated February 24th, governmentcontract. in its report highlighted several 2023.
While Jagdeo was unable to procurement breaches committed The document also states that confirm if Tepui Group did receive by Tepui and overlooked by the company received other the contract, he directed the NPTAB in awarding the pump government contracts. Tepui had publicationtocheckonlinesinceall stationcontract. submitted a document to show the contractsaremadepublic.
According to the document, list of projects it has done which It should be noted that as of NPTABignoredseveralkeydetails includes the rehabilitation of South June 26, 2024, the only contract when it came to the company Pakistan Street and rehabilitation listed as awarded to Tepui on satisfyingtheevaluationcriteriafor of Tyre Shop Street, valued at $25 NPTAB’s website is the Belle Vue theawardofthe$865milliondeal. million and $24 million pumpstationcontract.
Tepui failed to meet the respectively In light of recent revelation that following: B o t h c o n t r a c t s w e r e Tepui received another multiFailed to meet $8M bid purportedly awarded by the million contract, contact was made securityamount MinistryofPublicInfrastructure.It with the Chief Executive Officer Failed to demonstrate should be noted, however, that the (CEO) of the CHPA, Mr Sherwyn constructionexperience date of those contracts were not Greaves on Wednesday for details
The United States has appropriate channel, the obtention informed the Government of ofrelevantinformationcoveredby Guyana that its request for the Tax Information Exchange information related to the Agreement This Agreement sanctions taken by the Office of provides for the exchange of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) information to administer and within the Uni
ed States enforce laws concerning the taxes Department of the Treasury specified therein, to assure the against Businessman Nazar accurateassessmentandcollection Mohamed, his son, Azruddin of taxes to prevent fiscal fraud and Mohamed, and their entities of evasion, and to develop improved alleged corruption and Permanent information sources for tax Secretary in the Ministry of matters,”DrSinghsaid. Labour, Mae Thomas for her Following the sanctions alleged involvement in corruption, handed down by OFAC, Dr. Singh mustbesentbyGuyana’sAttorney and Commissioner General of the General to the U.S. Department of Guyana Revenue Authority Justice, which will then work with (GRA),GodfreyStatiawrotetothe OFAC to gather source U.S. authorities seeking more documentationonthematter informationaboutthesanctions.
In a statement issued by Dr Dr Singh wrote to the U.S. AshniK.Singh,SeniorMinisterin Department of the Treasury while the Office of the President with the Commissioner General under Responsibility for Finance and the the ambit of the Tax Information Public Service said, “We were Exchange Agreement between further advised that, while this Guyana and the US, has been in could be a long process, it should contact with the American be aided by the fact that both authorities.
· No experience with project of stated. on the CHPA contracts that were similarnature
Following the revelation, awarded to Tepui. In response, Mr
· No record of Past Work checks were made by this Greaves noted that he will get the Experience publication on the NPTAB website information and return the call. Up Failed to demonstrate for other contracts awarded to to press time Mr Greaves did not financialcapacity Tepui Group but to no avail. As returnthecall.
Guyana and the US are signatories United States Ambassador to to the Inter-American Convention Guyana, Nicole Theriot on June on Mutual Legal Assistance 14,2024onthesidelineofanevent Additional information was also at the U S Embassy in shared with us on the mutual legal Georgetown, said the sanctions, assistanceprocess.” aretheresultofovertwoandahalf
“Our Government will now years of investigations by U.S. submit the request following the authorities. process advised. We will also AmbassadorTheriot continue to pursue, through the (Continued on page 17)
A court case was filed on election of a Party leader and
declarations from the court that (a) Meanwhile, the second court Wednesday in the High Court to officers until such time fairness is political parties are legal entities action names Attorney General block the upcoming People’s guaranteed. that can be sued; (b) the PNCR Anil Nandlall S C , People’s National Congress Reform Williams made reference to performs functions exclusively Progressive Party (PPP) General (PNC/R) Congress and ultimately precedents in other jurisdictions
the constitutional rights of People’s National Congress
reserved for the State which impact Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo, and theelectionofnewofficebearers. that det
The case brought against effectiveness of individuals’ Guyanese,particularlyitsmembers Reform (PNCR) Leader Aubrey Opposition party is one of two participationingeneralelections,is a
Nortonasrespondents. lawsuits that seek to hold Guyana’s in large part determined by the
determination of candidates that This action seeks several major political parties more opportunity for party members to appear on election ballots is a declarations from the court in accountable. effectively participate in internal significant aspect of the elections relation to the standing, and
The cases were filed by Mr elections that determine candidates p r o c e s s c
c u m s c r i b i n g obligations of political parties in Brian Collison, a U S -based whoappearonelectionballots. individuals’ right to vote as ensuring that the right to vote memberofthePNC/Rwhowantsto Through the lawyer, Collison is
guaranteed in the Constitution of provided for in Guyana’s see reform that he hopes will therefore asking the court for a Guyana, such that the procedure(s) Constitution is not diluted and strengthen his party and end declaration that political parties used for their selection must be fair hindered by unfairness in internal division stemming from have a duty to adopt procedures for and consistent with democratic partyprocedures. dissatisfaction with the way party fairinternalelections. ideals; and (d) directing the In his affidavit to support the electionsareconducted. Describing himself as a government to remove all undue action, Collison noted that both the The first lawsuit which names reformer, Collison says he brought burden to ensure rights conferred PNC and PPP rely on vulnerable Aubrey Norton as Leader of the the action to ensure fullest fundamental element of political upon political parties by the citizens to carry the weight of their PNC and the PNC as respondents participation by Party members, representation of the people is not Constitution are given full force respectivepoliticalparties. seeks to ensure that irregularities in devoidofanymanipulation. furtherdamagedbyaprocessthatis andeffect.
“The weight carried by the process leading up to the Mr Collisonnotedtoothatheis notsubjecttoreview
According to Collison, to the vulnerable citizens as litigants that selection of delegates for the deeply concerned about claims of In bringing this action, Mr best of his knowledge, all efforts to political parties rely on to enforce imminent PNC Congress, do not irregularities in the management of Collison says he recognizes the address the concerns internally rights and protection of their compromise the will of the the current Biennial Congress of futilityoffurtherpursuingthisvery have been ignored, thus leaving interest, does or may have members of the PNCR and the the PNC and the electoral process importantmatterinternallybecause him with no choice but to seek to significant impact on vulnerable party’ssupportbase. that could affect the true will of the of an environment of intolerance uphold principles, rules and citizens, and the ability of political In this action, Attorney for the PNCRelectorateintheirelectionof and the inability to hold the practices that would guarantee his parties to effectively perform applicant, Dr Vivian Williams, newofficebearers.
leadership accountable for right and that of all PNC members functions delegated by the amongotherthingsaskedtheCourt He says his interest is upholding basic Party rules and are upheld in a court of law as the Constitution that touch upon and toissueaninjunctiontopreventthe establishing accountability in the practices. only amicable means and last impact individuals’ right to vote,” PNC/R from proceeding with the party and ensuring the most As such, the Applicant seeks resort. theApplicantsaidinhisAffidavit.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
ThepresidencyofGuyana,ofanywhere,isonlyasgood asthepersonholdingthathighestofnationaloffices. Asthe presidentgoes,sodoesthestandardsofthatpresidency The localpresidencytodayisstrugglingwithdecline,thegloom that comes from lack of resonance. To make matters even moreunsatisfactory,therearethesepracticesthattarnishthe presidency,becausetheytamperwithlocalequanimityand spirit. Workers in the media, from men to women, from veteranstotheupcoming,havebeenpummeledbyPresident IrfaanAli for trying to do the best job possible in a tough environment.
Thepresident,himselfarelativelyyouthfulholderofthe most demanding national office, should appreciate that unnerving questions must be asked, unpalatable issues confronted. But for those, and much more, there is this palpable presidential impatience, these crude and classless instances,wherethereismorethanalossofcontrol. There is an abandonment of the respect that is an inseparable obligationofthepresidency Weatthispublicationwillbe boldandassertthatthereisaseemingreadinesstopayshort thrifttotheself-respectthatjustmustbepartandparcelof anypresident’smanagementofhimself.
PresidentAlihasbeenclosetofouryearsonthejob. Ina society as torn as Guyana, one where transparency and the truths that are an insistent aspect of its makeup, the uncomfortableandthedisturbingmustbeputonthepublic table. A president, any leader of substance and one who cherishes a wholesome reputation, does not retaliate by lashing out at those searching doggedly for answers to difficult questions. Citizens have a right to frank and full answers, and President Ali who loves to talk about democracyshouldknowthis.
Regardless of how inconvenient certain questions may be,orhowuneasytheymakethepresident,cleanandclear answersmustbeforthcomingontheburningissues. There shouldbenoattemptstoobscure,norwaterdown,nordeny, thosesearchingfortruthtorelaytothenationalreadership. It is highly improper and always unacceptable for any leader,fromthehighesttothelowest,toresorttoabuseand insult to overpower those who are a vital cog in the machineryofatruedemocracy. Guyana’spresidentlovesto preeninfeatheryproclamationsaboutdemocracyatworkin thelocalarena. Itisonlyonesideofthecoin,forhehasthe dutytoproveit. Inhishandsandthroughthestandardsto which he adheres, openness and calmness must become PresidentAli’sguidingstar Ifapresidentdoesnothavethe purity of light about him, then what could be said of the natureofhisstar…. Therearestarsthatinspirebecauseof their brightness, and from which an appealing transcendencesoars. Thentherearestarsthataredark,and which glimmer with what is perilous to the prospects of a countryanditscitizens.
ThemorethatPresidentAlifindspleasureinbeingabout what demeans the smaller, the truth seeker, the more he raisesquestionsabouthisreadinessforthegreatofficethat he holds. The grand office of the president must be characterized through thick and thin by a consistent gracefulness. If not, then there are good grounds to contemplatethefitnessoftheofficeholder Ifnot,thenthere ismorecausetoassessthedamagethatresultstothosewho look to him for straight answers on the controversial subjects. If not, what follows are the increasing doubts aboutthecaliberoftheleadershipofanationthathasgained ahorriblereputationofcorruptpractices. Anationbathedin impenetrable darkness by those with sweeping powers in their hands. The abuse of media workers misuses presidential powers. Insulting those whose calling is membership in the vaunted Fourth Estate is a sick, incoherent leadership indulgence. Presidents take great care to conduct themselves in a manner befitting their extraordinary office, and the greater expectations attached toit. PresidentAlishouldthinkandthinkagainabouthow muchbyhisownwordsandhisownhand,hestirsconcerns abouthisreadinessandfitnessfortheplacethatheoccupies.
DEAREDITOR, Youth violence is a tragedy that plagues many countries and Guyana is no exception.
Someoftherecentcases in the news are stark remindersoftheurgentneed to address the complex issuesaffectingyouthinour communities Youth violence encompasses a range of behaviours and actions where young individuals are either victims or perpetrators of violentacts.
Oneoftherootcausesis thelackofadequatecareand supervision of children and youthwhohavehadtolearn to “fend” for themselves at
an early age and some have used violence and petty crimeasacopingstrategy These incidents not only endanger lives but also undermine the safety and well-being of our neighbourhoods Amidst these challenges, initiatives like DRIVE (Diversion Reintegration Interventions Vital for Empowerment) spearheaded by ChildLinK Inc.,anditspartnersoffersa second chance to youth comingintocontactwiththe law.
The DRIVE initiative is c u r r
Georgetown, Region 3 and
Region 6 and represents a comprehensive approach to a
delinquency by providing diversion opportunities to steer youth away from a life ofcrime.
Through reintegration with adequate family care, c
, a n
community engagement, DRIVEaimstoinspireyouth to take a more positive approach in their growth to
contributiontotheirfamilies andcommunities.
Prevention through education,earlyintervention
rehabilitation through family and communitybasedinitiativesareessential components of a holistic approach to combatting youth violence. Some steps that can be taken to reduce
ncy resulting in decreased youth crime includes; parents being actively involved in
participation in sports and positive extracurricular activities coupled with positive peer influence like pushing a friend to study harder, or discouraging illegalandriskyactivities.
Let’scometogetherinoneaccordonissues ofhumanrightstoensuretheprotectionofall
, I am deeply concerned about the development of our country and the justice served for all. The recent allegation of a female political activist being verbally, sexually abused under the threat of a gun brings to the awareness of society the reality of varied responses by victims and alleged victims of such violence.
Even someone as assertive as this activist is known to be, did not speak outpubliclyuntilchallenged by her alleged accuser who holds a powerful position as leader of one of the two major political parties and leader of the parliamentary opposition.
Instead of the alleged victim being recognised for her bravery in response to the challenge and encouraged to seek redress in a court of law, she was subjected to ridicule. She foundherselfbeingridiculed by the very community divided in protecting her righttospeakandtherightof theaccusertodueprocess,to be perceived as innocent untilprovenguilty.
Itisevidenttheaccused side is more interested in bringing the alleged victim down rather than seeking justiceontheissue.
As a people we are failingourselvesandsociety whenweignoredueprocess andtheruleoflaw
The victim’s case is not unique in these experiences, and it is time the legislative armofgovernmentmovesto enact statutes to protect the vulnerable.
Instead of only going to Parliament to attack each
otheranddiscussthebudget, bills must be brought before the House for discussions thatcouldleadtoreinforcing lawsandgoodgovernancein Guyana.
Our lawmakers’ inactions are failing
alleged victims and victims Our lawmakers
are not contributing adequately to develop the e x e c u t i v e a r m o f government beyond the Legislature being a talk shopanddenforbrawls
The alleged violation is rooted in the lack of respect for women and the vulnerable in society Sexual abuse is well documented as an ancient crime not necessarily considered so at the time butseenasacceptable
In the 21st century people must be mindful of every aspect of their
behaviour, including theircommunication
In this technologically
driven age, there is enough evidence of the rising intolerance and c o n s e q u e n c e s f o r violations. We must do better.
To those who are delayed in coming to grips with the changing time and value I urge you to seek learning The Government (Executive and Legislative) must introduce education that could help us to protect our male and female, from this generational perceivedformofabuse
I call on the churches, organisations and social groups to demand that the legislative arm of government is responsive to the evolving legal needs in
society I congratulate former minister Simona Broomes, known for her human rights activities. She has stepped out as a beacon of light to guideherpartyandnationon the rights of the alleged victimaswellasthealleged abuser even within the contextoftheneedtoprotect and advance the party’s interest.
Red Thread continues not to fail this nation on mattersofthisnature.
I recognise the elders of the party coming forward whichisawelcomegesture. At this time, it must be recognisedthattheirpromise of investigation and actions, basedonevidence,isamere exercise in hope if not futility Their role would only be to recommend withnopowertoenact
The fact of the matter is what they wish to achieve cannot be accomplished in absence of any mechanism to hold anyoneaccountable.
As a trade unionist I am aware that if there is g o i n g t o b e a n investigation of a person that person cannot be exhorting influence and power over any aspect of theprocess
In the instance where the person is the party leader, he is in a position to exhort influence over the process This is a universal principle a p p l i c a b l e t o a l l organizations and speaks tobestpractice
I am not unaware how toxic and polarising this issue is, but we must get throughitasapeople. Inan offered comment on this
matteronmyFacebookpage about the alleged victim comingforward,offeringno opinion about innocence or guilt, I have been attacked viciously and many others have suffered similar fate. It is unfortunate that some of thosewhocarrytheseattacks are mere tools with little or n o k n o w l e d g e o r professional understanding on these issues and may benefit from education Newspapers and media are being attacked for even carryingthestory
However, they are many whobetterwasexpectedbut nevertheless failed the community,peopletheylove and even those they were seeking to protect, by attempting to violate the laws and rules held sacred for the protection of human rights.
After the trauma involving the sexual abuse cases of a former minister, and though the current allegation surrounding the current party leader is of a different magnitude, every man,womanandchildmust be able to come together in one accord on issues of human rights to ensure the protectionofall.
Thecurrentinstancealso highlighted some of the persons who called for justicefortheallegedvictim intheformerminister’scase are vilifying the alleged victim where it involved the Partyleader
These double standards pose retardation to society Hence, my concern regarding the development and functioning of the legislative arm of government.
, Judgingbytheholdingof Party Congress and other indicators, the two major political parties, PPPC and PNCR, have already begun towalkonthe2025national and regional elections’ campaign trail, although neither political party has i s s u e d a f o r m a l announcement to this effect
The major opposition political party, PNCR, and the smaller AFC, have internal problems that threatentheirviabilityandif thesearenotquicklysettled, not much thought would be given to other pressing matterssuchastheawkward situation in ROPA
(Representation of the
People Act) regarding the Representative of the Candidates’ List (List)
Unlike Dr Bharrat Jagdeo who is the Representative of the PPPC List with Dr Irfaan Ali as his deputy, and who can nominate or remove a MP, the current Parliamentary Opposition leader Mr Aubrey Norton has no such authority to remove or appoint any member from his party’s ListasaMP.Thisauthority resides with an individual named Mr. David Granger who is the Representative of the APNU+AFC List with his Deputy being Mr KhemrajRamrattan
If, however, the Representative and the Deputy of a List become
incapacitated for whatever reason, a majority of members on that List could designate a person to act as Representative of the List and submit his/her name to GECOMforapproval.Well, this is the theory; at a practical level this is not likelytohappeninrespectof theAPNU+AFC List in this electioncycle.Why?
NeitherMr.Grangeras Representative of the List norMr.RamjattanasDeputy hasshownanyinclinationto surrender their respective positions vis-a-vis the List for the remainder of this electioncycle.
Therefore, the majority of candidates on the List could not be given the opportunity to designate a
Can theAFC be revived or even be resuscitated?
, When the Alliance for Change (AFC) was formed therewas greathope for the Guyanesenationbecauseof thepromiseofbreakingrace voting whereby Indian Guyanese vote for the PPP and African Guyanese vote forthePNCR.
The AFC promised not to join forces with the PPP nor PNCR both of whom were perceived as race based.
Y e t , t h e A F C opportunistically joined forceswiththePNCRtoget intopower
Can theAFC be revived or even be resuscitated? Shoulditbe?
T h e A F C h a s squandered political goodwill. The vast majority ofGuyanesedonottrustthe AFC. This time not long time. There is a new savvy electorate.Gonearethedays when people just trust what theirleaderssay Withtheadventofsocial media people can check “facts” as opposed to zombie like following what theirleaderssays. No longer are people
subjected to one set of information.
Those politicians who say, “Do not question your Leaders” are living in a bygoneage
Those politicians who say, “People who question them are mischief makers” arelivinginabygoneage
These days, Guyanese now understand that they can and should question their leaders in the interest of accountability, transparency and good governance.
Sincerely SeanOri
Representative.Mr Granger still has control over who gets nominated or removed asoppositionMPs.
Mr Ramjattan would not give up that position because he needs to protect the tenure of the 9 AFC MPs Critics have pointed out that the 2020 polls would have given AFC about the equivalent of one seat (N=7,082). It would be recalled that the AFC did well in the 2011 polls.
However, at the 2020 polls their electoral support collapsed.
T h e 9 A F C
Parliamentary seats that they were allocated in 2020 would translate to about63,738votes
Even in their best election year in 2011 (for which data are available) their estimated voting s
35,000 Critics have postulated that AFC did better in 2015 compared with 2011 and anecdotal evidence in regions 2, 5, and 6 seems to support them
However, in 2020 it was a different story: the AFC’s electoral strength almost evaporated!
Supporters of the revised Cummingsburg Accord would argue that the allocation of seats to AFC had more to do with this agreement between PNCR and AFC, and which was influenced largely by the AFC’s past pollingstrengthin2011.
Notwithstanding, the reality is that 8 PNCR candidates on the 2020 List were deprived of a seat in Parliament because they had to give w
e A F C candidates
Representation of the People (Amendment) Act 2022, plugged most of the loopholes in the electoral system consequent to the 2020 election fiasco, there existsasstatedearlier
an anomaly (lack of a succession process) regardingtheRepresentative and Deputy of the List. It is therefore suggested that if thenamedRepresentativeof the List and the Deputy are incapacitated for whatever reason, two alternates could be identified to fulfill that role, and have their names submitted to GECOM for approval.
Or the new leadership of any political party should be given the opportunity to identify their own Representative a n d D e p u t y w i t h provision for at least two alternates
One of the most powerful tools to hold MPs along party lines is not available to Mr Norton whilethistoolisavailableto thePPPCLeaderDr Bharrat Jagdeo.
Omai Gold Mines
Limited, a C a n a d i a n mining company operating in Guyana is among 47 contractors who have submitted bids to construct the new four-lane road from Craig to Land of Canaan on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD).
At the recent opening of bids at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, it was
revealed that the project is being executed in eight lots and is estimated to cost
$49,550,312,074. The four-lane road project is being executed by theMinistryofHousingand Water through the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) and according to its engineer’s estimateLot1isestimatedto cost $7,758,191,995; Lot 2
$6,595,741,681; Lot 3
$7,724,548,738; Lot 4
$8,222,950,788; Lot 5
$4,568,695,021; Lot 7
$5,687,188,423; and Lot 8
$8,348,303,167. Last year, Omai’s Presiden
d Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Elaine Ellingham in an interview said that the US$190MLindentoMabura road upgrade contract benefitted their operations here since it is close proxi
’s property
understands that funding for the new highway is part of the $100.5 billion that was approved for the ministry in thisyear’sbudget.
At the ministry’s yearendpressconferenceheldin January 2023, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal said that the new East Bank highway that is under construction will extend from Buzz Bee Dam, Craig toLandofCanaan,andthen from Land of Canaan to Soesdyke.
The first phase of the new East Bank highway started with the $2 6B Mandela Avenue to Eccles road project which was commissionedinApril2022.
The second phase of the road was extended from the Eccles Dumpsite Road all thewaytoDiamond.
This project costs $13.3 billionandisdividedinto12 lots.
It includes the constructionofmorethan30 reinforced concrete bridges,
8.6 kilometres of reinforced concrete highway road, and tworoundabouts.
In September 2023, P
roundabout which connects the already completed Eccles thoroughfare to the MandelaAvenueHighway AfterDiamond,theother phase of work continued to BuzzBeeDam.
The $11B contract was awardedlatelastyear
President Ali should get a new blueprint
Leadership for applause is useful
Leadership for a national cause set part
The President needs to mellow
Not every objection calls for a bellow
Manage self better, absorb the blow
Regroup, regroup, President Ali
Stop taking self so seriously
Continue and history will remember savagely
A 54-year-old security guard was on efforts, the motorcar collided with the pedal Tuesday night killed in an accident along the cycle, resulting in Griffith being flung into New Mandela to Eccles interlink road the air. The security guard landed onto the (HeroesHighway’seasterncarriageway). motorcar’s windshield before falling to the DeadisClusGriffith,aresidentofMocha road. Arcadia,EastBankDemerara(EBD). Kaieteur News understands that Griffith
Accordingtothepolice,thefatalaccident was dragged about two hundred (200) feet occurred at about 22:15h and involved away from where the collision occurred, Griffith, a pedal cyclist and a motorcar causinghimtoreceiveinjuriestohisbody bearingregistrationnumberHD1646. An ambulance was summoned and Reports are that the driver of the car told Griffithwaspronounceddeadonthesceneby investigators that while heading south along adoctor HisbodywastakentotheMemorial the eastern drive lane on the Eccles interlink, Gardens Funeral Home where it awaits a he observed the pedal cyclist, who rode into Post-MortemExamination. the path of his vehicle, while he was in the A breathlyzer test was conducted on the vicinityofSheriffSecurity driverofthemotorcarandnotraceofalcohol
To avoid a collision, the driver said he wasfoundinhissystem. applied brakes and swerved further in the The driver is assisting police with their eastern direction Notwithstanding his investigation.
Bloomberg – Exxon break-even cost of less than cadence,” he said. “We think Mobil Corp. took the first $35abarrel. the resource is there. We step toward its seventh oil Hammerhead’s capacity obviously want to ensure we project in Guyana, a clear willbeabout30%lowerthan optimize the development signal the supermajor the three previous offshore withintheblock.” intends to expand crude installations and the smallest Exxon first discovered production from the South sincethefirstGuyanaproject oil in Guyana’s Stabroek American nation into the started output in 2019. block in 2015 and has since nextdecade.
Exxon tailored the floating made more than 30 major
The Hammerhead production, storage and discoveries encompassing projectwillpumpasmuchas offloading vessel, or FPSO, more than 11 Bbbl of 180,000bpdassoonas2029, to fit the target oil field’s recoverable reserves The p e n d i n g G u y a n e s e specific needs, Routledge Texas supermajor operates government approval, said. The downsized vessel the block and owns a 45% Exxon country manager
Alistair Routledge said in an interview
E x x o n f i l e d a n environmental authorization
I just did it’
– Gold chain thief tells court
A 30-year-old man was on Wednesday sentenced to 15 months in prison after he pleaded guilty to a larceny of the person charge when he appeared before Magistrate Faith McGustyattheGeorgetownMagistrates’Court.
Patrick Goodluck stole a gold chain valued $200,000 fromSavitriLaikramonFebruary6,2004.
In his defence,Goodlucktoldthecourt,“Ilookfor work at several places and I ain’t getting any work, and I wasn’t thinking,soIjustdidit.”
On the day in question, Laikram was reportedly waiting forataxiatLot71BlockRNorthSophia,Georgetown,near a village shop when Goodluck approached her and snatched hergoldchainfromherneckandmadegoodhisescape.
The victim reported the incident and the police scanned and extracted the CCTV footage from the area. On June 22, 2024, Goodluck was arrested at Itaballie, Mazaruni River, RegionSeven.
Reports are that Goodluck was charged for a similar offenceinAugust2023.
Magistrate McGusty, giving considering Goodluck’s admission sentenced him to 15 months in jail. He is scheduled to return to court on July 17 for additional proceedings.
application with the government Monday for an investmentthat’sexpectedto boost the country’s overall productioncapacitytonearly 1.5 MMbpd, about the same asOPECmemberNigeria. Proceeding with an additional investment likely tototalseveralbilliondollars isn’t a sign that the nation’s stake Hess Corp and underlines the company’s resources are in any way China’s Cnooc Ltd. own the commitment to the sparsely diminishing. remaining 30% and 25%, populated South American “It’stherightsolutionfor respectively nation. theparticularresourceinthis Exxon is currently in
Exxon’saggressiveplans partoftheblock,”Routledge arbitration with Chevron have already made Guyana said. “For other resources, overitsproposedtakeoverof the third-fastest growing oil- we again expect some larger Hess,whichisdriveninlarge producingcountryoutsideof facilities.” part by the latter’s nonOPEC in recent years and a If approved by the operating stake in Guyana. key contributor to global m i d d l e o f 2 0 2 5 , Exxon claims it has a rightsupplies. Hammerhead will maintain of-first-refusal over the
Guyana has been a vital Exxon’s record of bringing a stake. part of Exxon’s post- new Guyana project online Chevron and Hess pandemic stock revival roughly every 18 months, disagree,arguingtheirdealis because its crude is among Routledgesaid. structured as a corporate themostprofitableoutsideof “The goal we’re working merger meaning the right the Middle East, with a to is to maintain that doesnotapply
On Father’s Day this year, many fathers got a gift thanks to the affordable prices at Chinese stores Daughters and sons went into these stores and were abletobuytrousersorashirt orbothfortheirfathers.
For a couple of thousands of dollars they wereabletobuyadecentgift for their fathers. This was previously unimaginable for manyfamilies.
Todayyoucanwalkinto a Chinese-owned store and getalmostanythingthatyou want. These businesses are therefore providing an invaluable service to the public Chinese-owned hardware stores, for example, have helped to push down the prices of many items. And their supermarkets sell not only imported Chinese items but they also buy much of their supplies from local manufacturers, importers and distributors Local businesses benefit from
increased sales, while consumersenjoyavarietyof affordableproducts.
It was therefore sickeningtohavereadthata group of local businesses andindividualshavewritten to the government calling attention to what they say is the proliferation of stores owned by non-naturalized Chinese, and citing the lack of regulatory licenses and permits.
Thegroupwhohasmade the complaint should be asked to produce the evidence of this lack of licensing and regulatory permits, failing which the complaint should be rebuffed. He who accuses mustprove!
It is true that Chinese supermarkets have made massiveinroadsintovarious partsofthecountry.Buttheir presence has helped to keep pricesdownbecausewithout them the local stores and owners may not have been restrained in increasing prices. These stores have
also expanded the range of affordable items to Guyanese.
The presence of stores owned by non-naturalized Chinesenationalshasbeena godsend for the poor in Guyana. These stores have brought cheap goods to the c o u n t r y w
u t compromising quality This has allowed the less fortunatetoownavarietyof items they previously couldn’tafford.
Chinese stores have provided
ccess to kitchenware, clothing, footwear,hardwaresupplies, t
electronic equipment, and other household effects at affordable prices Before their arrival, many local hucksters and store owners sold similar items at significantly higher prices. The Chinese have changed the market dynamics, making essential goods accessible and affordable to everyone.
In addition to household
The decomposed body of a man wasonTuesdayfoundinaswamp in the vicinity of Blacker Creek andBlueLake,MacKenzie,Linden,Region 10. Investigators confirmed that the body was found by persons who were fishing in the area. Police was called and the body removed. Up to press time the decomposed body wasnotidentified. Investigationsareongoing.
Two men were arguing about whether it was better in Guyana when we hadstrictopeninghoursfor businesses. The two men could not agree so dem ask demboys. Normally dem boys does have an opinion on anything. But di one did hard fuh decide. So dem boys asking you, the readers, to decide which is better: a return to strict openinghoursofthepastor leavingthesituationasitis atpresent.
Deh had a time when shophoursdidstricterthan yuh granny bedtime rules. Sunday was a day of rest and people used to stay home. Why? Because is Sundayanddemcommerce gods seh all shop gotta close.Liquorstoreslockup tighter than a miser wallet. Derumloverslefffuhnurse dem Saturday hangover with wata and regret,
lookingforwardtoMonday likeneverbefore.
In de old days de markets used to close for half-day on Wednesday As de clock strike noon, marketsstarttoretreat,just like Cinderella carriage turning back into pumpkin. Shoppers ketchin’ demself mid-bargain, scrambling to finishtransactions.
Fridays was a lil better
Shops open till de scandalous hour of 6 pm. Demcallthatlateshopping, unlike what passes today forlateshopping. But dem boys seh, is this regimented lifestyle really better or worse than disfree-for-allwegotnow?
Look at de virtues of de oldendays. Fuh one, it teach discipline. Young and old learn de fine art of time
management Need groceries? Better plan ahead. Craving a drink on Sunday? Tough luck,
items,Chinesestoresoffera range of hardware supplies andtools.Thisisparticularly important for those in the c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d maintenance industries Affordable tools mean more people can take on jobs and complete projects efficiently. This boosts productivity and creates morejobopportunities.
Localmanufacturersand importersalsogainfromthis arrangement. They have a steady market for their products, which helps their businesses grow This contributes to the overall economic development of thecountry
The affordability of goods at Chinese stores has allowed people to stretch t
eir money fu
ther. Families can now afford to buy essential items without breaking the bank. This has improved the quality of life for many people. It has also reduced the financial stress onlow-incomehouseholds. Affordable clothing and footwear mean children can gotoschoolinproperattire. Parentscanbuynewclothes without worrying about the cost. This has a positive impact on the overall wellbeingoffamilies.
When it comes to
electronics and electrical equipment, Chinese stores have made significant contributions Items like fans, lights, and small appliances are now within reach of the average person. This has made homes more comfortable and improved thestandardofliving.
The argument that Chinese stores operate without proper licenses and permits needs to be substantiated with evidence. Making baseless allegations is not only unfair but also harmful It can create unnecessary tension and hinder the positive impact these stores have on the economy
The government should investigate these claims thoroughly. If there are any irregularities,theyshouldbe addressed. However, it is crucial to ensure that the process is fair and transparent Accusations without proof should not be used to undermine the contributions of Chinese stores.
The government may wishtopaygreaterattention to online shopping and the extent to which such trade deprives it of taxes, including import taxes and taxes on the resale of items
locally. As online shopping grows in popularity, an increasing number of consumers are purchasing goods direct
rom international sellers. In so doing they are bypassing traditional brick-and-mortar storesandlocalretailers.
This trend can lead to significant tax revenue losses. Items bought online may not be subject to the sameimportdutiesandlocal sales taxes that apply to goods purchased within the country But you don’t hear complaints and accusations about this Instead accusations are now being hurledatthebusinessofnonnaturalizedChinese.
Their contribution to the economy, however, should not be overlooked. Their presence should be celebrated,notcriticized.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
buddy;yougottasurviveon coconutwater.
Strict hours does bring backasenseofcommunity. Everybody force to shop within de same narrow window, you bound to bump into friends, family, and that one neighbor who always got advice fuh you. Issocializationatitsfinest, with a dash of mild inconvenience.
But de flip side can’t ignore. Emergencies don’t care ’bout business hours. Imagine running out of baby formula on Saturday night. And den we gat de economic impact? Businesses lose out on sales, employees miss potential earnings, and no amount of nostalgia can justifythat.
But dem boys gan let you decide on this one: a return to strict business opening hours or the freefor-alloftoady? Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
Corruptionismorethana greatest reluctance to let thrown away, with a steely reported, as perceived by Guyana has left? Only in a expectations. I wish them cancer Corruption is more yesterday be a culture of the mind and unflagging citizens of both the PPP and thoroughly lost country, one well, that they will make a killing Guyanese by a past. Not a past just denied determination. The PPPas a PNC. But there are stupid willing to subject itself to d
thousandcuts. Corruptionis or attempted to evade. But a partyandagovernmenthave people like me who hope for anykindofkickwithasmile, contribution, lift the bar To embalming Guyana while its p a s t t r u l y a n d beengivenachanceatrehab. a better Guyana. There is could something as what Mr
citizens are still alive. First, comprehensively abandoned Neither has checked in yet; willingness to concede that Routledge did ever cross his however, when the degree of the vital national organs are withthelifestampedoutofit and if it is done, the issue is the problem lies on this side mind. ethics present in the realms removed. What this country and, for good measure, how long that will last, if the ofthestreet. What dastardly corrupt of the judiciary is subject to has left is the people that fall strangled to the last breath will is there Public N
u n d e r t h e s h e l l o f squeezed From my anticorruption oaths must be
national culture and corrupt
Financial Times article, governmental processes unsatisfied states of mind, inhabitants. Citizens are too interpretation of post US powered by private President Alistair Routledge givesavisitor,aguest,anon- then it is an extension of the highabranchtobeaimedfor, Treasury Department via anticorruption resolve. If ofExxonhastheunmitigated citizen such as Mr Alistair reality of how high and how to harbor any hope of OFAC developments, some not, it is the same way, same gall to pronounce critically, Routledge this vulgar deep the corruption scourge touching. elements were conspicuous. leadership contradictions contemptuously, and smugness to take it upon has devastated Guyana
In moving forward, I Nobody in the PPP and trickeries, same political carelessly that Mr Glenn himself to meddle in matters From sitting government to accuse no one, nor condemn Government denied or sicknessespluscrimes. Lall, the Publisher of purelyGuyanese? leading opposition to the andjudgeanyone. dismissed or sought to Next, the PNC readies Kaieteur News asa“political When a country is local oil supremacist to even
The critics were roundly minimize what was tabled. for its internal elections aspirant.” WhetherLallisor allowed to fall this low, the judiciary, corruption is booed for highlighting It is good. What would be And what do Guyanese hear he isn’t, Mr Routledge because its government is no longer crime, culture, or corruption, its incredible better is if the PPP leaders about again? Allegations of overstepped his boundaries, lower, then there is no pride crippling cardiac condition. scale, the insidious reach of who are making so many corruption dogging PNC and was arrogant enough to left, no rights of citizenship In Guyana, corruption is the its tentacles, the heights to impressive speeches about internal business and interfereinapurelydomestic remaining. (More on this n a t i o n a l r e l i g i o n . which it soared. Those not what they are planning to do processes. development that may or o b s c e n i t y f r o m M r Corruption is the one God ignored were targeted and about corruption mean what Recordsarenotavailable may not be. By what right Routledge later). worshipped. And loved. attemptsmadetomashoutof they say. That is, follow- or not produced. Plus, lack did Mr. Routledge arrogate Lastly, 10 new puisne And obeyed. Corruption is public existence. Then the through with energy and of accountability. So, what thatposturetohimself,make j u d g e s h a v e b e e n theonlyreality. Americans came with their passion on their public elseisnew? Whenthemajor that call? By whose wink announced. Thereispassing (The views expressed in announcement. Ihavenever commitments. Corruptionis opposition party is in this and nod, whose leadership acquaintance with two of the this article are those of the seen such an overnight suchanaddictionforthePPP questionablestate,asalleged feebleness, can this names. Names only, not the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t conversion among political that discovering principles is by a ranking insider, then American come here and individuals They enter necessarily reflect the heavyweights. They are not enough, though a good there is scant confidence in does not give a damn about under a judiciary portal that opinions and beliefs of this now holier than me, which is start. The party’s top brass what to expect next year, if how he shatters whatever has seen better seasons re:
rather easy to achieve. But must clean up the group’s not likely more of the same. vestiges of self-respect competence, ethics, and affiliates.) in all their newfound act,notjustitsimage. Allthe This is not a polity It is a integrity about corruption in rum bottles and other national pestilence, and it Guyana’s top political temptations (think of has one root and one trunk. presences, there is still the corrupting people) must be Corruption, as alleged, as
A27-year-oldporterofBestVillage,West repeatedlyoverhercasket.Hereldestwailed, Coast Demerara (WCD) was on Wednesday “Mommy, mommy, mommy” as relatives charged with the murder of his 30-year-old consoledhimandhissiblings. reputed wife Anuradha Khatoon called Arelative, while giving tribute cautioned ‘Mama’. Khatoon, a fruit vendor and mother attendees to get out of abusive relationships ofthreechildren,wascrematedonTuesday lesttheysufferthesamefateasKhatoon. Neldon Neblett made his first court “If you know that you are in an abusive appearance at the Wales Magistrates’ Court marriage and counseling or anything can’t before Principal Magistrate, Rhondel stopitremove,comeoutofthemarriage,”the Weever. He was not required to plead to the woman said before adding, “I was talking to indictablechargeandwasremandedtoprison Anuradha, I was telling her, if the boy is not until his next court hearing scheduled for treating you nice and you have problems, August 6, 2024 at the Vreed-en-Hoop babypleaseleavehim.” Magistrates’Court. The relative said that Khatoon tried to During a small gathering at her home to leaveNeblettonseveraloccasionsbut celebrate her life, her children sobbed (Continued on page 16)
Four men from the county of Essequibo were charged and fined with several traffic offences between June 24 and 25, 2024.
Twoofthemenappeared at the Anna Regina Magistrates’Court while the others appeared at the Charity Magistrates’ Court. Theyallpleadedguiltytothe offences they were charged with.
O t i s M a r k s o f
Queenstown Village, Essequibo Coast was on Tuesday fine $57, 500 when he appeared at the Anna Regina Magistrates Court. He was charged with failing to stop when required by a Police in uniform, failure to produce a driver’s licence, failure to behave in a civil and orderly manner and prohibitionofatintedglass. Meanwhile, at the motorvehicle.
Yogesh Rabbylall, a Charity Magistrates’ Court, Kelvin Hardial, a driver
driver of Richmond, DenzelStephens,aLabourer from Windsor Castle, Essequibo Coast, made his of Charity Extension Essequibo Coast, was fined first appearance at the Anna Scheme, Essequibo Coast, $50,000 after he was found Regina Magistrates’ Court was on Monday fined guilty of failing to have “ID on Tuesday. He was charged $60,000 after he pleaded markonMotorVehicle”. with the offence of ‘Obscure guilty to being an unlicensed The quartet appeared ID Mark on Motor Vehicle’. driver and driving an before Magistrate Tameika He pleaded guilty and was uninsured and uncertified Clarke. fined$50,000.
The International Court of Justice
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) round of written pleadings was necessary has set timelines for the submission of the following Venezuela’s submission of its secondroundofwrittenpleadingsbyGuyana Counter-Memorial on April 8, 2024, and, if and Venezuela in the Border controversy deemed necessary, to establish the timelines case. required for the preparation of these
Earlier this month, the Government of pleadings.
Guyana in a statement revealed that Judge According to the statement, both sides NawafSalam,PresidentoftheICJ,convened agreed that a second round of written a meeting with the agents of Guyana and pleadings was necessary Guyana proposed a Venezuela regarding the Arbitral Award of 3 period of 6 months from the date of October 1899 case (between Guyana and Venezuela’s Counter-Memorial submission Venezuela). (implying a deadline of October 8, 2024) for
Thepurposeofthemeetingwastodiscuss itsreply,however,wasopentoextendingthis the subsequent procedures in the case, tolateOctobersubjecttotheCourt’sDiary pursuant to Article 31 of the Rules of the Venezuelarequesteda12-monthperiod Court, and to determine whether a second (Continued on page 14)
The New Guyana Minister of Agriculture
agricultural advancement active and potential agroThe following awards were processors from 116 to 283 handed out on Tuesday in 2024. She said this was evening: done, “both independently
Most Active Agro- and through the agroProcessor - Maliyah’s processing facilities across Kitchen thecountry.”
There are now 13 agroPackaging-GreenDiamond processing facilities across M
thecountry P
Notably, GMC has Manufacturing assisted existing and Yo
Agro- potential agro-processors Processor Award - M & I with product development
“Agro processing is a but also open new markets BusinessEnterprise training, market linkages, M a r k e t i n g ZulfikarMustapha. cornerstone of sustainable and revenue streams for our Longest Servicing selling preservatives and
C o r p o r a t i o n Inheraddress,Teshawna development offering farmersandentrepreneurs.” Agro-Processor – Major’s packaging materials at a (GMC) hosted its inaugural Lall,theGeneralManagerof benefits such as value The General Manager Enterprise subsidized cost, printing and annualawardsceremonyand GMC, highlighted the addition to raw agricultural
dinner on Tuesday evening. importance of the agro-
involved in agro-processing Processor–DixiePunch nutritional facts and other The event celebrated the processingsector. employment opportunities, have advanced GMC’s · Manufacturer of the advice needed to make local contributions of several “We are gathered here enhancing food security and mission to promote and Year – Small - Allison Hair products internationally agro-processors and today to celebrate the fosteringeconomicgrowth,”
andSkinCareProducts certified. exporters to Guyana’s exceptional achievements Lallcontinued. agriculturalproducts locally, · Manufacturer of the “We currently house agriculturesector andinvaluableachievements She emphasised the
n d Year – Medium – SS Natural 3,599 products of various Held at the Ramada of our agro-processor and sector’sbroadimpact,noting internationally FruitFlavouredInc. sizes and brands spanning Georgetown Princess Hotel, exporters who have played a that, “By transforming raw Lall also highlighted that · Manufacturer of the across 24 categories namely the ceremony was attended vital role in the continuous materialsintofinishedgoods the increase in production Year – Large - Only sauces,spices,honey,flours, by notable figures including development of our believed we not only increase the and export of local produce Coconuts jams, jellies and so on,” Lall President Irfaan Ali and nation,”shesaid. market value of our products and products will help · Agro Processor of the added. reduce the import of certain year-BasdeoDynasty To further promote agrofooditems. · Exporter of the Year- process products, from 2022
This effort aligns with Diversity–D.Mansukh todate,GMChasestablished Guyana’s commitment to · Exporter of the Year- 9 0 G u y a n a S h o p s decreasing the Caribbean Consistency - Sahadeo throughout the country The Community (CARICOM) Nandalall agency was also able to food import bill by 25 · Exporter of the Year - acquire one Guyana Shop in percentby2025. Volume - Cocos Guyana- Dr Barbados.
The evening recognised Kumar Itwasdisclosedthatover thehardworkanddedication Moreover, Lall also the past four years, over of those in the agro- spoke about various $468 million has been processing and exporting achievements of the GMC. invested into agrosectors, underscoring their Since 2020, the corporation processing facilities, and critical role in the nation’s has increased the number of otherequipment.
From page 13 settlement. from Guyana’s October Reply to adequately If bilateral negotiations failed, both prepare its Rejoinder, citing the complexity countries agreed to refer the matter to the ofthecase,despitetheICJ’sproceduralrules UnitedNationsSecretaryGeneral. whichgenerallyfavourshortertimelimits. Initially, the Secretary0-General
The timeline has now been set. Guyana employed his Good Offices to facilitate a has until December 9 to make submissions, mutually satisfactory settlement. Despite whileVenezuelahasuntilAugust11,2025. over 20 years of engagement between
The case before the ICJ is to determine Guyana and Venezuela, this process yielded the validity of the 1899 Arbitral Award no progress. Consequently, the Secretarywhich settled the border between Venezuela General declared the failure of the Good andGuyana(thenBritishGuiana),including Officesprocess. theEssequiboterritoryaspartofGuyana. According to Article IV of the Geneva However, prior to Guyana’s Agreement,thenextstepwastheselectionof independence,Venezuelarevivedtheborder a new means of dispute resolution. The controversy This led to the establishment of Secretary-Generaloptedforlitigationbefore the 1966 Geneva Agreement, a legally theInternationalCourtofJustice. binding instrument addressing the As such, in March 2018, Guyana controversy over the 1899 Arbitral Award submitted an application to the ICJ, seeking and the land boundary between Guyana and a final and binding judgment on the validity Venezuela. The agreement’s Article IV ofthe1899ArbitralAwardandtheboundary outlined a procedure for mandatory betweenthetwostates.
From page 06
Kenya’s President William Ruto
BBC - EPA Armed members of the Kenyan security forces fire teargas at demonstrators during a protest near the Parliament against tax hikes, in Nairobi, Kenya, 25 June 2024EPA The police have been accused of overreactingtotheprotests
Kenya’s President William Ruto says he will withdraw a finance bill containingcontroversialtax hikes after deadly protests which saw parliament set ablazeonTuesday
In an address to the nation, he said it was clear that Kenyans “want nothing”todowiththebill.
“I concede,” he said, adding that he would not signthebillintolaw
At least 22 people were killedinTuesday’sprotests, according to the statefunded Kenya National Commission on Human Rights(KNHRC).
Mr Ruto said he would now enter into dialogue withtheyoungpeople,who were at the forefront of the biggest protests to hit the countrysincehewaselected in 2022. What are Kenya’s controversialtaxproposals?
The bill was passed by parliament on Tuesday, despite nationwide demonstrationsagainstit.
Protesters broke into parliament, vandalising the interior and setting parts of the complex on fire. The
ceremonial mace, symbolisingtheauthorityof thelegislature,wasstolen.
Mr Ruto initially respondedwithdefiance.
He ordered the military to be deployed, saying “violence and anarchy” wouldnotbetolerated.
Butheclimbeddownon Wednesday, following an e x t r a o r d i n a r y demonstration of people power
“Ruto bows to Gen Z pressure, withdraws Finance Bill,” read the headlineonKenya’sCitizen TV Inhissecondaddressto
the nation in less than 24 hours, Mr Ruto laid out a veryclearrationaleforwhy hethoughtthetaxincreases werenecessary
T h e p r o p o s e d legislation was part of efforts to cut the country’s massive debt burden of more than $80bn (£63bn), which costs the country morethanhalfofitsannual taxrevenuestoservice.
Mr Ruto added that his government had made progress and was on course to “assert sovereignty” by repayingitsdebts.
He said the provisions would have benefitted farmers, students and teachers, but he admitted the people were not behind him.
“I also lead people,” he said, “and the people have spoken.”
It is unclear clear how his climb down will affect planstoresumetheprotests, which have largely been organised via social media, onThursday
Chatter on social media suggested that it would still go ahead The stated p u r p o s e o f t h e demonstrationswastoforce thepresidentnottosignthe bill.
But the protesters have begun demanding that he step down, with the slogan “Rutomustgo.”
Mr Ruto rose to the presidency after defeating hismainrivalRailaOdinga by a narrow margin in the 2022election.
He got 50.5% of the vote,toMrOdinga’s48.8%.
Mr Ruto won after portraying himself as a “hustler” who was challenging an attempt by twodynasties-theOdingas and Kenyattas - to hang on topower
Hepromiseda“bottomup” approach to the economy to tackle the high unemployment rate among young people, and to improve the lives of those lesswelloff.
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call: (592) 610-6650.
Porter to work in warehouse and Canter driver. Experience is an asset, attractive salary. Call: 673-7373.
K & M Janitorial Stevedore H/s, cleaners must be able to work shift. Office staff must be computer literate. Call: 664-8328/696-4567.
Experienced & qualified Welder and Mechanic required for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.
Male Cook (non smoker) required for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
One Truck Driver to drive around Georgetown. Call: 223-9677.
Two Canter driver, Must have a valid driver's license and at least 2 years experience. Call: 644-7088 / 6247248.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Canter truck, great for mobile vending, 2019 December, RHD with 54,500 KM. Arrived in Guyana December 2023. Contact: 676-5051.
Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.
Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.
Night Watchman needed. Call: 648-4108/ 614-7567. 40x100
Vacancy at P.S.G.C.S for Cleaner, Mason, Carpenter, Fabricator/ Welder, Security, Labourers & Maintenance Workers. Call: 621-6969/ 6157784.
One Bodywork man needed. Call: 675-9988.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. Call: 645-8443
Sand truck Driver needed, Sand pit to Eccles. $5,000 per trip, plus monthly incentives. Call: 621-5282.
One Pedicurists for home service in East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Land dredge workers, Jet men & cook. Contact : 688-3844.
Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music & food. Contact: 264-2946-9.
Indian male seeking female for serious relationship (Penpal). Call: 734-5204 / 704-5288.
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1-3rd floor concrete building - 3200 sq ft. Call : 223-9677/ 677-3467 8 am-4:30 pm
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Female German shepherd mix available. For more information Call: 502-6297/ 648-0111.
Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) A/C rooms from $75 usd/$40 usd day rate WIFI, secure parking & poolside. Contact: 264-29469 / www.aracariresort.com
…Hughes calls for structural changes, law amendments for NPTAB
The National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) is once again under scrutiny for allegedly flouting procurement guidelines. This time, the award of a $2.1 billion Guyana Defence Force (GDF) wharf project to Kares Engineering Inc., is under the microscope despite the company missing the benchmark for being a responsive bidder.
Correia and Correia Ltd, feeling wronged by the decision, lodged a complaint with the Public Procurement Commission (PPC).
The complaint included allegations that Kares Engineering’s bid was “nonresponsive based on the Financial Assessment within the Evaluation Criteria” and therefore should not have been awarded the contract.
The PPC noted in the findings that NPTAB’s response to queries was deemed inadequate. In a letter dated April 3, 2024, NPTAB claimed that the “Financial Assessment” did not form part of the evaluation criteria, asserting that discretion was used to ensure the best cost-value outcome. However, the PPC found this explanation “inherently contradictory and inconsistent with the Report of the Evaluation Committee.”
The PPC’s findings indicated that Kares Engineering’s bid was 77.8 percent of the Engineer’s Estimate, below the 80 percent benchmark set in the evaluation criteria. In contrast, Correia and Correia’s bid was at 82 percent. The PPC noted that S. Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies Inc. would have been the lowest evaluated bidder but did not lodge a complaint.
Correia and Correia Ltd. further complained that the contract award was not published, hindering the ability to lodge timely objections.
Early December 2023, eight contractors submitted their bids to NPTAB for the project. The firms are: R. Basso & Sons Construction Company – $5,688,972,220, S.
Chairman of the NPTAB, Tarachand Balgobind
Jagmohan Construction & General Supply Inc. –$2,146,098,430, Correia & Correia Limited –
$2,176,084,034, Arjune Construction Inc. –
$2,063,024,470, Memorex Enterprise – $2,950,673,991, Kares Engineering Inc. –
$1,839,524,630, Ivor Allen –$5,942,806,223, and Gordon Winter Co. Limited –$5,191,750,016.
By December 27, 2023 the project was awarded to Kares Engineering. To this, the PPC underscored the importance of transparency, stating, “The publication of contracts is of utmost importance not only for information and related transparency purposes but also for the lodging of a ‘Bid Protest’.”
The PPC’s investigation revealed inconsistencies in the NPTAB’s contract publication process, adding to concerns about transparency and accountability. While the NPTAB claimed the contract award was published on its website, the PPC’s checks indicated otherwise, undermining confidence in the procurement process.
The PPC, after investigating the complaint, issued a Summary of Findings on June 7, revealing significant irregularities. It stated, “In light of (the) commission’s finding that the tender was awarded to the lowest bidder but not the lowest evaluated bidder as required by S. 39 of the Procurement Act, Cap. 73:05, the matter herein is referred to the Auditor General, pursuant to Article 212AA (1) (l) of the constitution”.
Meanwhile, Alliance for Change (AFC) party member
Nigel Hughes issued a statement on Wednesday calling for significant structural changes to the NPTAB. Hughes criticized the current structure for its persistent failures and lack of representation from essential professional bodies, civil society, and the Opposition.
He pointed out that the NPTAB does not include members from the Guyana Association of Professional Engineers or the Guyana Association of Architects, and also excludes civil society and Opposition representatives, which he argues undermines the board’s integrity and fairness.
Recent exposures have highlighted the biased nature of the NPTAB under the current administration, Hughes said. He cited a controversial $865 million contract awarded to a company owned by ‘Guyanese Critic’, which has sparked allegations of favoritism and lack of transparency. Another instance Hughes mentioned was the $2.1 billion contract awarded to Kares Engineering Inc. for the construction of a wharf for the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), despite the company’s financial submissions being deemed non-responsive.
Hughes highlighted that these examples reflect a broader pattern of nepotism and mismanagement that erodes public trust in the government. He called for an urgent review and amendment of the legislation governing the NPTAB to ensure representation from professional bodies, civil society, and the Opposition.
“These issues are not just administrative failures; they are an affront to the people of Guyana,” Hughes stated. “We must strive for a system that reflects our commitment to transparency and fairness. Better must come.”
The AFC member call for reform underscores a growing demand for accountability and improved governance in Guyana’s public procurement processes.
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From page 10 he would persuade her to return through consistent pleadings.
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Reports are that Khatoon was allegedly stabbed to death by Neblett on Saturday night after she asked him to “ease up on his drinking”.
Investigators said that the suspect was out drinking and had returned home drunk that night. After telling him
that he must scale down his consumption of alcohol, Neblett was angered and an argument occurred. The man reportedly armed himself with a knife and stabbed Khatoon in her throat. Police said that the fruit vendor fell to the floor in the living room and the suspect made good his escape. Her 12-year-old son was awoken by his mother’s screams and alerted
neighbours after he found her bleeding profusely in the living room. “The woman was then rushed to the nearby West Demerara Regional Hospital by family members, where she was pronounced dead on arrival,” Police said in a statement to the media.
The murder weapon was recovered at the scene. Neblett was caught days after the incident.
The 10 Puisne Judges who were appointed by the J u d i c i a l S e r v i c e Commission (JSC) were on
Wednesday urged by President Irfaan Ali to stay focused and not be persuaded by their emotions orpublicopinion.
The President, who administered the oath of officetothenewlyappointed judges, reminded that their judgments must withstand academic scrutiny and representsetprecedents.
“Inyourdiscipline,what you do must be able to withstand scrutiny and of causeinthejudiciarytoo,as system change, the public courtasmanywillrefertois also out there, but as I said, your character and your separation of personal feelingsmustalsoallowyou toseparatepublicsentiments sometimes from what you write,”thePresidenttoldthe newJudges.
Noting that the lot represented the largest contingent of Puisne judges appointed at one time in the country’s history, the Head of State cautioned that they are no longer in private practice.
“For those who were lawyers and representing theirclients,youalwayslook out for what was in the best interest of your clients, today, you are called on as the oath suggest, to separate personal sentiments in dealing with cases before you,”thePresidentstated.
Further, the president pointed to the advances in technology that may pose challenges to the judges.
“The future of the judiciary ismuchmoredifferentfrom what we have today
Lawyers will have contemplated their points to articulate digitally and judges will have to decipher whatpointsareAIgenerated and points which is actually based on law,” the President stated while urging the new judges to possess a passion for knowledge and continuouslearning.
The President also lauded the JSC for facilitating the appointment of the judges whose appointment will help to reducethebacklogofcases.
According to the President, the appointments is historic for than one reason.
“Today’s ceremony is
notonlyhistoricbecausethis isthelargestbatchofjudges tobeappointedatoncesince our independence but this batch is predominately women, eight of the ten sworn are women,” Ali pointedout.
Hesaidtoothatsaidwith the new appointments, Guyana’s judiciary now comprises 70 percent females.
“Wearenowajudiciary of which 70 percent of judges are woman making us,todateperhapsandjusta fact check remains the
Juan Orlando Hernandez says he was ‘wrongly accused’at sentencing hearing for conviction on drugs and weapons charges.
Hernandez, the former president of Honduras once seenasanimportantUSally with tough-on-crime politics, has been sentenced to 45 years in prison for his conviction on drugs and weaponscharges.
A Manhattan jury in March found Hernandez, 55, guiltyofacceptingmillionsof dollars in bribes to protect United States-bound cocaine shipments belonging to traffickers he once publicly proclaimedtocombat.
US District Judge Kevin Castel passed down the sentence in a Manhattan courtroomonWednesday “I am innocent,” the 55year-old Hernandez, who led the Central American nation from 2014 until 2022, said at hissentencing “Iwaswrongly andunjustlyaccused” Hondurans at home and abroad had cheered the conviction, celebrating it as a rareinstanceofaccountability forcorruptionanddeceitbya member of the country’s ruling In March, the jury foundthattheformerleader,
judiciary with the largest participation of women in theworld…Thisiscausefor celebration on many fronts...” the Head-of-State posited.
ThePresidentcontinued, “I always say in making these remarks that there is nothingtoseparateawoman fromaman.
The ability of women andtheirelevationinsociety should not be accidental or should be filling statistical gaps because woman is highly capable and component.”
The new judges are former Commissioners of Title to the Land Court, Priscilla Chandra-Hanif and Nicola Pierre, former Deputy Solicitor General Deborah Kumar-Chetty, former Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) Attorney, Hessaun Sharifa-Yasin, Acting Chief Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus and Magistrates Peter Hugh and Zamilla Ally-Seepaul, Judge of the Eastern Caribbean Court, Jaqueline Josiah-Graham; Deputy Commissioner of the GRA,
and Attorney and former Company Secretary of the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI),NigelNiles.
The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) - the body responsible for the appointment of judges - in a statement on Monday said that 10 judges were selected from 37 persons who applied to fill the vacancies.
The newly sworn judges will serve either in Essequibo, Demerara or Berbice
Attorney General must write U.S. Dept...
evidencethatisunclassified or that they can share because we have a wonderful partnership with thegovernmentofGuyana,” sheadded.
often known by his initials JOH, had taken millions of dollars in bribes to shield large shipments of cocaine boundfortheUS.
Prosecutorshadaskedfor alifesentence,arguingthatit wouldsendafirmmessageto otherpoliticianswhousetheir power to protect powerful criminal groups “Without corrupt politicians like the defendant, the kind of largescale, international drug traffickingatissueinthiscase, and the rampant drug-related violence that follows, is difficult if not impossible,” prosecutorswroteonMonday During a two-week trial,
Former Honduras President Juan Orlando Hernandez
prosecutors said Hernandez used drug money to bribe officials and manipulate voting results during Honduras’s 2013 and 2017 presidential elections Severalconvictedtraffickers t
d Hernandez.Testifyinginhis own defence, Hernandez denied taking bribes from drug cartels. His lawyers, meanwhile, accused the convicted traffickers of being out for revenge over Hernandez’s anti-drug policies.JOH’sbrotherTony Hernandezwassentencedto life in prison in the US in 2021ondrugcharges.
Frompage3 highlightedthegravityofthe offenses that led to these sanctions. She stated, “We reserve these types of sanctions for gross levels of corruptionandhumanrights abuses.”
Theriot went on to explainthat,“it’saveryhigh bar,wedonotdothislightly This is something that we ensure that we have a preponderance of evidence before we’re ready to levy thesanctionsandwehadthat inthiscaseagainstthethree individuals who were sanctioned.”
In response to queries aboutsharingevidencewith local authorities, Theriot explained that she had immediately passed the request to the Treasury Department.
“ I s t r o n g l y recommended that they share as much of that
Theriotunderscoredthat she strongly recommended to her partners in Washington that they provide the Guyanese government with as much information as possible to aid local investigation. She said too, “We want them (local authorities) to be able to take that information and do with it what they need to do.”
On the timeline for presenting this evidence, Theriot expressed a desire forurgency “IwishIcould,I wishitwastoday
T h a t w o u l d b e w o n d e r f u l B u t unfortunately, I don’t control the entire US government. So I did ask
themthough,toexpediteit,” shesaid.
Notwithstanding, Minister Singh said that in addition to the mutual legal assistance process, the government of Guyana e x p e c t s t h a t t h e arrangements in place for exchangeoftaxinformation andcooperationbetweentax authorities will provide a means through which relevant information can be shared on matters of this nature in a timely and effectivemanner
“We will continue to workcloselywithallourUS counterparts in order to advance this matter in the most thorough and expeditious manner possible,” Dr Singh said noting that the government will keep the nation informed in the interest of the highest level of transparency
Aljazeera-Israeliforces have continued to pound several areas across the besieged Gaza Strip, killing dozens of Palestinians, as residents reported overnight attacksinRafahinthesouth oftheenclave.Israeliattacks
in Gaza killed 60 Palestiniansandinjured140 in the latest 24-hour reporting period, Gaza’s Health Ministry said on Wednesday
It said that many victims remained trapped under the rubble as ambulances and medics were unable to reach them Residents said fighting intensifiedintheTalas-Sultan neighbourhood in western Rafah,wheretankswerealso tryingtoforcetheirwaynorth amid heavy clashes. The armed wings of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad said their fighters attacked Israeli forces with antitank rockets andmortarbombs
Since early May, ground fightinghasfocusedonRafah, abutting Egypt on Gaza’s southern edge, where around half of the enclave’s 23 million people had been sheltering after fleeing other areas Mosthavesincehadto flee again Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud, reporting from
More than eight months into Israel’s assault
Attacks come as UN sounds alarm over deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza, demands opening of crossings.
on Gaza, international mediation backed by the US has failed to yield a ceasefire agreement [Amir Cohen/Reuters]
Deir el-Balah, said the previous 24 hours were “violent, bloody, and quite brutal for Palestinians in Gaza”
“There have been more attacks on densely populated areas, whether it is in the northern part of the Strip, the central area of Nuseirat or furthertothesouthernpartsof Gaza, where the Israeli military is still operating aggressively, destroying and systematically demolishing
residential homes in Rafah city,”Mahmoudsaid
The Israeli military said in a statement its forces killed a Hamas fighter and that jets struck dozens of targets in Rafah overnight, including fighters, military structuresandtunnelshafts.
Later on Wednesday, an Israeli attack killed eight Palestinians and wounded others near the northern Jabalia camp, one of the Gaza Strip’s eight historic
Palestinian Wafa news agencyreported.
In the Nuseirat refugee campinthecentralGazaStrip, tank shells struck an apartment,killingatleastfive people and wounding others, medicssaid
More than eight months into Israel’s assault on Gaza, international mediation backed by the US, Qatar and Egypt has failed to yield a ceasefireagreement
Hamassaysanydealmust bringanendtothewarandfull IsraeliwithdrawalfromGaza, while Israel says it will accept only temporary pauses in fighting until Hamasiseradicated.
‘Dehydration and starvation’ In the northern Gaza Strip, Palestinians complainedofaseverelackof food and soaring prices Healthofficialssaidthousands of children were suffering from malnutrition, which has
alreadykilledatleast30since October7.
“There is only flour and cannedfood,thereisnothing elsetoeat,novegetables,no meat,andnomilk,”saidAbu Mustafa, who lives in Gaza City,withhisfamily
Theirhousewasstruckin the past week by an Israeli tank shell, which destroyed mostoftheupperfloor
“Apartfromthebombing, there is another Israeli war taking place in northern Gaza,starvation
People meet in the street andmanycan’trecogniseone another because of weight loss and older looks,” Abu Mustafa told the Reuters newsagency.
Al Jazeera’s Mahmoud said that “many parts of Gaza are already struggling on a daily basis with forced dehydrationandstarvation”.
“Even if we say the bomb stops falling, people are going to die because of the dire situation in Gaza,” hesaid.
The Gaza Strip remains at high risk of famine, though delivery of some aid has limited the projected spread of extreme hunger in northern areas, a global monitorsaidonTuesday
LA PAZ, June 26
(Reuters) - Bolivian armed forces pulled back from the presidentialpalaceinLaPaz onWednesdayeveninganda general was arrested after President Luis Arce slammed a “coup” attempt against the government and called for international support. Earlier in the day, militaryunitsledbyGeneral Juan Jose Zuniga, recently stripped of his military command, had gathered in the central Plaza Murillo square, home to the presidential palace and Congress.AReuterswitness saw an armoredvehicleram a door of the presidential palaceandsoldiersrushin.
“Today the country is facing an attempted coup d’état. Today the country facesonceagaininterestsso thatdemocracyinBoliviais cut short,” Arce said in comments from the presidential palace, with armedsoldiersoutside.
Bolivia’s President Luis Arce holds a flag as he stands on a balcony after he “denounced the irregular mobilization” of some units of the country’s army in La Paz, Bolivia, June 26, 2024. REUTERS/Claudia Morale
summoned today We need the Bolivian people to organize and mobilize against the coup d’état in favorofdemocracy.”
A few hours later, a Reuterswitnesssawsoldiers withdraw from the square andpolicetakecontrolofthe plaza. Bolivian authorities arrested Zuniga and took him away, though their destination was unclear Inside the presidential
palace, Arce swore in José Wilson Sanchez as the
military commander, Zuniga’s former role. He called for calm and order to be restored. “I order that all personnel mobilized on the streets return to their units,” Sanchez said. “We entreat thatthebloodofoursoldiers notbespilled.”
The UnitedStates said it was closely monitoring the situationandurgedcalmand
Tensions have been building in Bolivia ahead of general elections in 2025, withleftistex-PresidentEvo Morales planning to run against former ally Arce, creating a major rift in the ruling socialist party and widerpoliticaluncertainty
Many do not want a return of Morales, who governed from 2006-2019 when he was ousted amid
widespread protests and replaced by an interim conservative government Arce then won election in 2020. Zuniga said recently that Morales should not be able to return as president and threatened to block him ifheattemptedto,whichled ArcetoremoveZunigafrom hispost.Aheadoftheattack on the presidential palace, Zuniga had addressed reporters in the square and cited growing anger in the landlocked country, which has been battling an economic slump with depleted central bank reservesandpressureonthe boliviano currency as gas exportshavedriedup.
“The three chiefs of the armed forces have come to expressourdismay,”Zuniga told a local TV station, calling for a new cabinet of ministers. “Stop destroying, stop impoverishing our country,stophumiliatingour army,” he said in full uniform,flankedbysoldiers,
insisting the action being taken was supported by the public.
Morales, head of the ruling MAS socialist party, saidthathissupporterswould mobilize in support of democracy “We will not allow the armed forces to violate democracy and intimidate people,” Morales said Bolivia’s public prosecutor’s office said it would launch a criminal investigation against Zuniga and others involved in the attempted coup Public support for Arce and Bolivia’s democracy has poured in from regional leadersandbeyond “We express the strongest condemnation of the attempted coup d’état in Bolivia. Our total support and support for President
Andres Manuel LopezObradorsaidonX.
The Black 9mm pistol that was found
Rashane Pellew
Lampkin was told why the police visited and agreed to a search being conducted in and around the two-storey building During the exercise, ranks observed Pellew jumping through a window from the upper flat
A 26-year-old labouer ofthehouse. was on Tuesday arrested Police said that the man after he jumped through the jumpedfromtheupperflatto window of a house that was the lower flat and ran being searched with an towards the back fence illegal firearm at Sheet Ranks chased after him and Anchor Village, East Canje, he was caught with a black Berbice. 9mm pistol with one Rashane Pellew, along magazine in his possession. withthreeotherpersons,was He was told of the offence arrested in connection with andarrested. the search. Reports are that Meanwhile,afemalewas the search occurred between found in the room Pellew 05:30hrs and 06:11hrs at Lot was seen jumping from 24 Sheet Anchor Village, Therein,eightmobilephones EastCanje,Berbice. were also found Police
It is reported that during confiscated the phones and an Intel-led ‘Eyes in the Sky’ Pellew and the three other search operation, ranks persons who were at home at ventured to the location thetimeofthesearchtakento wherecontactwasmadewith theCentralPoliceStation. Delcina Lampkin, a 31-year- Investigations are oldbusinesswoman. ongoing.
The Government of Guyana intends to introduce
a digital education
programme in some communities, President Irfaan Ali announced on Tuesday during his visit to Santa Aratack, Region Three. The President told residents there that the move is to ensure that students across the country and particularly in remote areas
benefit from quality education. He said he has received a proposal about elearning.
Residents of Santa Aratack community performing a dance.
“We have the best Maths “The school and the is concerned about learning we have to examine whether (Mathematics) teacher in x- furniture are not education, loss in the public education we will give parents a school…why mustn’t that they are components of sector due to the ongoing voucher to send their skill in that teacher be infrastructure of education, teachers’ strike. Jagdeo said children to a private school availabletoallthechildren?” education also involved skill that the government is or not because if we are
President Ali asked
set...amongteachers,skillset examining several models spending $700,000 now per rhetorically while adding among children,” the forthefuture. child and it cost $300,000 to “We can deploy that gifted Presidentshared. “Yes, of course we are payfortheschoolfeesforthe skill digitally, so all of our K a i e t e u r N e w s very concerned, we think it’s child, we might as well give children can have access to reported that Vice unreasonable,” before in some areas the parents the thatgiftedskill.”
President Bharrat Jagdeo adding, “So the thing is that $700,000 per child and let
The Head of State said on his June 6, 2024 press at some point in time, we are them pay for the school that skilled teachers should conference disclosed that starting to work on several kids,” the Vice President be used for the greater good the government is mulling models” One of those said. He added too that the and not be confined to giving parents $700,000 models Jagdeo referenced is modelwillalsoprovidemore specific schools The voucherto send children to theprovisionofthevouchers opportunities for private introduction of digital privateschools. to parents to send their schools. Another model, the learning would help to In response to a question childrentoprivateschools. Vice President pointed to is “bridgethedivide.” on whether the government “Secondly, in the future, the“E-schoolmodel.”
SportsMax - The West Indies Women secured their firstvictoryofthetourinSri LankawithaconvincingsixwicketwininthesecondT20 International yesterday The win, achieved via the Duckworth-Lewis-Stern (DLS)method,sawtheWest Indies chase down a revised target of 99 runs with nine balls to spare, leveling the three-matchT20Iseries1-1. Afterraininterruptedplay in Hambantota, the West Indies were set a DLSadjusted target of 99 runs in 15 overs The chase was
anchored by Stafanie Taylor, who scored an unbeaten 28 off26balls,ensuringherteam
stayed ahead of the DLS-par scorethroughouttheinnings.
Captain Hayley Matthews andTaylorgotthevisitorsoffto anidealstart,puttingtogethera 44-run opening partnership in just 65 overs Matthews, who scored 29 runs, fell to an arm ballfromSachiniNisansala,but her solid start provided a foundationfortheWestIndies’ chase Taylorthentookcontrol, forming a crucial 18-ball 24run second-wicket partnership with Shemaine Campbelle,whocontributed aquickfire16off13balls.
You tend to enjoy solitude, Aries, and today you might feel more reclusive than usual.Youcouldbeinvitedto spend time with friends but not feel like accepting. You might even feel a little irritatedbythem.
Today there might be tension in the air with no discernible cause, Taurus Family
members could seem preoccupied with problems they can't quite define. Your naturalinclinationmightbeto trytocheerthemup.
You could get some mysteriousphonecallstoday, Gemini, like wrong numbers or hang-ups. Other people
m i g h t s e e m l e s s communicative than usual, Gemini.
Confusion over money matters might come up for you today, Cancer. You may needtocheckyourrecordsin order to shed light on some pasttransactions.Don'tpanic. Allshouldbewell.
Someone close to you might seem more preoccupied than usual, Leo, and perhaps a bit difficult to deal with. Don't take this personally It has little if anything to do with you.
Todayyoumightbefeelinga bit tense, Virgo, and you probably won't understand why The secret? It's the planets. You might tend to jumpatunexpectednoises.
You probably aren't going to feel much like socializing today, Libra, though friends might contact you Your patiencehaswornabitthinand you could get annoyed at incidents that normally wouldn'tbotheryou.
Uptight is the word for today, Scorpio. At some point you might find yourself the center of attention. While you normallymightnotmind,now it could make you a bit nervous.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
You'relikelytowanttobeleft alone with your own thoughts today Relaxing with a good book might be at the top of your agenda, Sagittarius, and you aren't liable to want to be interrupted.
Worries over money could have you edgier than usual, Capricorn. While you may be doing well, you still could be insecure and think your funds might not stretch far enough. Try to consider the situation objectively
AQUARIUS (Jan 20–Feb 18) You probably crave solitude, Aquarius Even though you may have committedtodoingsomething for a friend or relative, now youfindtheideairritating.
Although you're normally a sociablepersonwhofeelsmost comfortableinthecompanyof others,Pisces,todayyoumight ratherbealone.Youcouldfeel alittleundertheweatherorbe stressed from job-related worries.
“I think it’s important to stay Cool...
Frompage25 of scenarios. So, all those things happen and we will come tomorrow here and seewhatthescenariois.
Speaking on the quality of his side and a few key pieces who could win today’smatchforthem,the 37 year-old was confident thatthelikesofmasterVirat Kohli, Rishbah Pant and others will make the required impact needed for the remainder of the tournament.
Despite the subsequent dismissalsofCampbelle,Qiana Joseph, and Chedean Nation, therequiredrunrateremained manageable, thanks to the positive approach of the West Indiesbatters AaliyahAlleyne sealed the victory with three boundariesoffKavishaDilhari in the penultimate over, extinguishinganyhopesofaSri Lankancomeback
Earlier in the match, Afy Fletcherplayedapivotalrolein restrictingSriLankato89for4 in152oversbeforerainhalted their innings Fletcher’s impressive figures of 4 for 23 included crucial wickets that derailed the hosts’ innings. Chamari Athapaththu and VishmiGunaratnehadgiven SriLankaasteadystartwith a 4 4 - r u n o p e n i n g partnership, but their efforts cameataconservativepace, justunderarunaball.
Fletcher’s breakthrough came when she spun one past Athapaththu, disturbing her stumps and halting her at 26 runs Gunaratne, who labored for 24 runs off 35 balls, was trapped lbw by a Fletcher googly in the 14th over Fletcher’s earlier dismissals of Imesha Dulani, who was bowled while attempting a sweep, and Harshitha Samarawickrama, who topedgedadelivery,hadalready put Sri Lanka on the back foot. Kavisha Dilhari showed some promise of a late counterattack, scoring 14 not outoffjustsixballs,including two boundaries, but the rain brought an abrupt end to Sri Lanka’s innings, leaving them withanincompletetotal
With this victory, the WestIndiesWomennotonly leveled the series but also gained crucial momentum headingintothefinalT20I.
Scores: West Indies 99 for 4 (Matthews 29, Taylor 28*, Athapaththu 1-18, Nisansala 1-18) beat Sri Lanka89for4(Athapaththu 26, Fletcher 4-23) by six wickets(viaDLSmethod).
cool,calm-whenyou’rein this environment, I feel. Andsee,somethingthathas worked for me over the years, staying calm and stayingcomposedbecauseI know that I have to make decisionsonthefield.”
“We rely on seven or eight batters to make those decisions on the field.And samegoeswiththebowlers aswell.We’vegotsixgood quality bowlers Shivam Dube is the seventh one who hasn’t bowled yet, but he’s a good bowler He’s played a lot of first-class cricket and taken a lot of wickets.”
Sharma continued, “I think it’s important to stay
G i v e n t h e circumstances and the possibility of going to the finals should they win today’s game, Sharma pointed out that he was laser-fixed on the English andisawareofhispersonal requirements.
“Iampreparedtodoall of that, it’s important because the Indian cricket team goes through very high-pressure situations mostofthetime.Wherever we play, whether it’s a bilateral series, ICC tournaments, the Indian cricket team is always underpressure,”hesaid. Action bowls off from 10:30h.
Romelu Lukaku scuffed a shot straight at goalkeeper Anatoliy Trubin from close range, before substitute Yannick Carrasco tested Trubintoo.
In the end, Domenico Tedesco’s side progressed having lost one, drawn one and won one of their three group matches But they will need to improve with World Cup finalists Franceupnextinthelast16.
The result was a disappointing blow to Ukraine, who became the first team to win as many as four points yet finish bottom of their group at theEuros
Jeers at full-time d e s p i t e B e l g i u m progression
It was a cagey affair until the final 20 minutes when Ukraine, knowing they were exiting the competition as things stood, had to push for a winner and the game openedup Belgium were tested defensively but stood firm with Faes winning his battles with Dovbyk, before TimothyCastagnethrewhis body in the way of a goalbound strike from Malinovskyi.
Georgiy Sudakov wasted an opportunity to
test goalkeeper Casteels when he struck a tame effortstraightathimaftera promising break through themiddle
Butittookoveranhour for Ukraine to stamp their authority on the match with Belgium controlling possession early on and c r e a t i n g a f e w opportunitiesoftheirown
De Bruyne imposed himself in midfield and playedwithunpredictability but he could not inspire a victory in a lacklustre team performance.
Belgian fans, who had marched to the stadium in huge numbers, played with large inflatable balls in the stands and chanted throughout, but the noise dippedasthegameworeon, losing intensity in the process. There were jeers at full-time and their side’s celebrations were subdued and many supporters voiced their frustrations at an underwhelming display, waving their arms as the players gathered in the centre of the pitch, away fromtheirfans
Meanwhile, Ukraine’s players fell to the ground at the end in disappointing fashion, before wandering over to their supporters and applaudingthem.
2024 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup semi-final…SouthAfrica vs.Afghanistan
- Afghanistan (56 all out) Jansen (3-16), Shamsi (3-6), Rabada (2-14), Nortje (2-7)
into the 2024 ICC Men’s T20 World Cupfinals,afterdismantling Afghanistan by 9-wickets under lights last night at the BrianLaraCricketStadium, Trinidad&Tobago.
B a t t i n g f i r s t , Afghanistan were mowed down for 56 in 11 5 overs, the lowest total in T20 World Cup history; with Azmutulah Omarzi (10) being the
only player to reach doublefigures.
S o u t h A f r i c a ’s quick bowlers had an e x c e p t i o n a l performance as they formed a three-headed fast-bowling monster; alongside the wily legspinnerTabraiz Shamsi
Left-arm pacer Marco Jansen (3-16), set the tone followed by veteran Kagiso Rabada’s doublewicket maiden spell of (2-
14) Speedster Anrich Nortje then backed up the opening pair’s efforts by snagging figures of 2-7, which kept the pressure piling.
Shamsi soon followed up his magical game versus West Indies, with another sensational spell which produced incredible returnsof3-6.
South Africa then sped to 60-1 in 8.5 overs
South Africa will now await the winner of today’s second semi’s between England and India
Scores: South Africa 60 for 1 (Hendricks 29*, Farooqi 1-11) beat Afghanistan 56 (Shamsi 36, Jansen 3-16) by nine wickets.
OnMonday,theNational Gymnasium court hosted an excitingdayofbasketballas Queen’s College Boys and Bishops High School clinched their spots in the Georgetown Regional Under-14 Basketball Festival finals. In the Girls’ Edition, President’s College will face The Bishops High School.
Queen’s College Boys securedtheirplaceinFriday’s final with a commanding victory over President’s College Boys in the first semifinal QCdominatedfrom the start, achieving a massive 35-point win Jared Boucher led the charge with 15 points and6rebounds,helpingQCto a41-6win DarrenDublinand AnferneeCummingsadded12 and 7 points, respectively, sealingthevictoryforQC
In the other U14 Boys semifinal, Bishops High School recorded an impressive 18-point win over St. Roses High. Kemal Pickering delivered a double-double performance with 13 points and 18
rebounds,leadingBishopsto a 28-10 victory Amare Danielscontributed9points, while Dequan Fraser scored 7ofSt.Roses’10points.
The Girls’ side of the festival saw President’s College-A overpowering Queen’s College in the first semifinal, winning 31-3 Akeelah Campbell, Junelly Paddy, and Sabina Ferreira
shared the points, contributing 8, 6, and 5 pointsrespectively
President’s College Girls will now face Bishops High Girlsafteranarrow11-8win againstPresident’sCollegeB RebaicaRomainscoredall11 pointsforBishops,alongwith 4steals In the Under-18 division, Saint Stanislaus and The Bishops High School advanced to the finals with s t r o n g s e m i f i n a l performances Saints’Daniel Chisholm and Brandon McKoyledtheirteamtoa10pointvictoryoverPresident’s College, with Chisholm scoring 13 points and grabbing 8 rebounds, and
McKoy adding 9 points and 4 assists Bishops High School also advanced by defeating School of the Nations 30-19 Carmelo Mansonhing scored 12 points with 4 steals, and C o l w y n S t e p h e n s contributed 8 points and 13 rebounds,leadingBishopsto an 11-point win The
BBC Sport - Belgium reached the knockout stages of Euro 2024 as group runners-up - but Ukraine exited the competition following their goalless drawinStuttgart.
All four teams in Group E started the evening level on points and with a chance ofprogression.
But an inferior goal difference meant Ukraine knew their fate also dependedontheoutcomeof Slovakia’stiewithRomania,
All teams in Group E were level on points at half-time in their matches. (Getty Images)
They were unable to makeanimpactinStuttgartlimiting Belgium to few chances but lacking a consistentattackingthreatof theirownuntillateon.
Leicester City’s Wout Faes was a standout performer in Belgium’s defence,makingtwocrucial blocks late on to stopArtem Dovbyk testing goalkeeper KoenCasteels.
Roman Yaremchuk was also a sporadic outlet for
Ukraine in the absence of injured Chelsea forward Mykhailo Mudryk, while Ruslan Malinovskyi almost curledacornerpastCasteels andinsidethenearpost.
Meanwhile, Manchester City midfielder Kevin de Bruyne provided a sprinkling of much-needed quality as he curled a freekick just wide in the first half.
Belgium, though, came closesttoscoringwhen
Some of the action in the Boy’s U18 semifinals.
Regional Finals are set for tomorrow(FridayJune28th) with U14 Boys: Queen’s College vs. Bishops High School at 6:00 pm, Girls:
President’s College vs. The BishopsHighSchoolat7:15 pm and U18: Saint Stanislaus vs. Bishops High Schoolat8:30pm.The17th
Edition of the National School Basketball Festival will tip off on Sunday, June 30th at 2 pm at the National Gymnasium.
Participants and officials take a photo at the Guyana Badminton Association National Junior Singles tournament.
Th e G u y a n a
B a d m i n t o n
(GBA) National Junior
Singles Tournament sponsored by the National Sports Commission is set to conclude today at the NationalGymnasium.
The event got off with opening remarks from Ms. Ayanna Watson, the VicePresident of the Guyana Badminton Association, who welcomed all the athletes and officials to the tournament.Shehighlighted thatthiseventisasignificant
part of the Badminton Academyandwillbeastaple in the Guyana Badminton
Association’s annual calendar Additionally, she noted that the tournament
commemorates World Badminton Day, celebrated globally by the badminton community on July 5 each year
The Academy was launchedonJanuary4,2022, asavisionaryprojectbyour Honorable Minister Ramson.MinisterRamson’s vision for the Academy included three stages: a
Nursery, followed by t o u r n a m e n t s , a n d culminating in elite status.
The GBA is proud to note that they have successfully reachedthesecondstageand are rapidly approaching the third.
The Academy began at the Queens College Auditorium under the guidance of National Player Narayan Ramdhani, who created the Academy handbook, which was presented to the Hon Minister, along with ExNational Player Jonathan
Mangra Currently, the Academy is being coached by National Players Priyanna Ramdhani, Akili Haynes, and Nkosi Beaton. The training sessions are conducted at Queens College, Bishops’ High, N o r t h R u i m v e l d t Multilateral, and North Georgetown Secondary School. Additionally, there is a session at Marian Academy
Inadditiontotheschools mentioned above, we have practicesessionsinBerbice, overseen by Mr. Colin
Bowry and a few PE teachers We are also delighted to announce that Lindenhasresumedpractice sessions, and two of their athletes are participating in thistournament.
The tournament is featuringfivecategories(10 events) for Boys and Girls Under11 through Under19 Singles. Trophies will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and semi-finalists in each category
The Tournament was declared opened by Mr Franklin Wilson, Assistant DirectorofSportswhomade some brief remarks highlighting the good work done by the Executive Committee of the Badminton Association and commending them for organizing and executing one of the best run academies of the 12 core sports. Results: DAY 1 –JUNE25TH2024
GS U17: Harshini
Muralidharan vs Aaliyah Bacchus21-9,21-7
B S U 1 9 : X a v i o Alexander vs. Joel Prince 21-4, 21-3 GS U11: Emma Ramsaran vs Arianna Bassier22-20,21-6BSU13: Ethan Ramsaran vs. Nathan Mohanlall21-8,21-11
BS U19: Christopher
Jordan vs. Kunal Alert 2115,21-19GSU17:Gabrielle
Felixvs.ReniciaThom21-8, 21-8BSU19:VishalGopaul vs.YonneilBenjamin21-14, 21-18 BS U13: Ethan Bulkan vs. Liam Brumell 21-5, 21-9 BS U17: Xavio
Alexander vs Casey
GSU17: Mishka Beharry vs. Anya Manickchand 21-5, 10-1
Retired BS U17: Mohamed Faroukvs.PhillipStephanas 21-19, 21-14 BS U11: Joel Rambiriche vs. Christopher Harrison21-6,21-1
GSU19:MaliaHaleyvs. Menikshi Jaikissoon 21-18, 14-21,21-9
GS U19: Gabriella Henry vs. Ashanti Gordon 21-6,21-11
GS U11: Anjaneysa Godette vs.Arianna Bassier 21-3, 21-3 GS U19: Nevaeh Eastman vs Aaliyah Bacchus21-6,21-3GSU11: Riyo Alexander vs. Emma Ramsaran 21-3, 21-3BS U19: Darion Thomas vs. RonitGulchand21-19, 21-19 BS U15: Phillip Stephanas vs. Sergio Alexander 21-10, 21-16 BS U15: Mohamed Farouk vs. Casey Beckles 21-3, 21-10 GSU19: Leshaunte Berkley vs. ReniciaThom21-7,21-5GS U17: Malia Haley vs Gabriella Henry 21-16, 2113 BS U17: Nikolas Pollard vs. Ronit Gulchand21-12, 21-14BSU17:GabrielFelix vs. Darion Thomas 22-20, 21-15 BS U17: Avinash Ramnarine vs Percival Chester21-19,21-16
BS U17: Christopher Jordan vs. SergioAlexander 23-21, 21-9 GS U17: MenikshiJaikisson vs Harshini Muralidharan 2112, 21-12 BS U19: Gabriel Felix vs. Reuel Rampersaud 21-3,21-3BSU19: Jonathan Robinson vs. Avinash Ramnarine 21-19, 22-24,21-19
The first memorial cricket match for former Guyana and Canada player Fazil Sattaur is slated for July 6th at the Laurel Creek Conservation ground in Waterloo,Ontario,Canada.
The 30-over action will commence from 11:00 am, according to his sibling and ex-Canada all-rounder AbdoolSamad.
Samad informed that a number of Fazil’s Guyana first-class teammates are expected to be on show representing the two teams: USAX1vs.CanadaX1.
Among them are Sudesh
Dhaniram, Clayton Lambert, Keith Semple, Sunil Dhaniram, Zaheer
Haniff, Derick Kallicharran, TroyGobin,AzibAlliHanif, Arjune Nandu, Hemnarine Chattergoon, Rabindranauth Seeram, Vinoo Solomon, Faoud Bacchus, Shiv Seeram, Matthew Nandu, ShameerSadlooandJaimini Singh.
Fazil, who was known prominently as “The Terminator” passed away lastSeptemberage58dueto illnessinBrampton,Ontario. Before his migration to Canada, the Berbician featured in 10 first-class matches He was a competent wicketkeeper as well.HedonnedinCanada’s colours for three one-day internationals and multiple listAgames.
ICC Men’s T20 World Cup semi-final India vs. England
“I think it’s important to stay Cool, Calm”-
Sharma - Indian Captain says team poised ahead of today’s showdown at Providence
India Captain Rohit Sharma said his boys were keen on overcoming the threat posed by England, with the two sides locking horns today at the Guyana
National Stadium, Providence for today’s ICC Men’sT20WorldCupsemifinalmatch.
Today’s battle will be a repeat of the lastT20World CupSemi-finalandSharma, during yesterday’s prematchpressconferenceheld at Providence, said he doesn’t think much has changedintwoyears.
“Honestly, I mean, not a lothaschangedbecause,see, whenyouwanttoapproach, whenever you approach an international game and this
Samad took the opportunity to thank all the players f
g themselves available for the encounter Samad stated thatheisstillsaddenedofhis elder brother’s death but is anticipating an exciting match Cricketing lovers will remember Fazil for a long time due his legacy he left now. He was a stroke-
representation for his native country and then Canada demonstrated his superb talent.Hewasalsopartofhis history in Canada’s cricket bybecomingbrotherstoplay forthenation.
Fazilleftfivechildrento mourn.
Rohit Shama and Virat Kohli have a lot resting on their shoulders today versus England.
“We’vetriedtoplaywith a very free mind in the last twoorthreeyearsthatwe’ve played our T20 cricket and eventheODIcricketaswell. So not a lot has changed as such It all depends on basically what the condition hastooffer”.Heended.
With England playing championship cricket, the stage is set for a huge battle with high stakes and the opener said he was fully aware of the task ahead, adding his team is prepared foranyscenario.
“Whatever we think is possibly the best chance for us to win the game. So, we willbepreparedforallkinds