Kaieteur News

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Corentyne oil block Palestinians flee as Israeli forces

Walton-Desir, Forde withdraw from PNCR leadership race

Faulty wiring causes fire at Children and Family Centre

Children and Family Centre engulfed Jagdeo says...

‘Defend yourself, Govt. can’t do that for you’ – Jagdeo tells ‘Guyanese Critic’ Jagdeo:

…cite irregularities in the electoral process VP Jagdeo blames GDF for issues with award of $2.1 billion Kares

Brazilian national feared dead after boat mishap Man, 26, confesses to Engineering Inc. contract

in swamp

In a few years, Guyana will be able to monitor Exxon’s production on its own

Put our own meters on Exxon’s oil pumps! ...SeveralkilledasIsraelstormsShujayeaineastern GazaCity,accordingtotheGazacivildefenceandadoctor renew Gaza City assault

Murdered: Dhanindranauth

CCJdismissesGaskin’sappealoverabsence ofenvironmentalpermitsforExxonpartners

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) on Thursday dismissed an appeal brought by social activist, Ramon

Gaskin against the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA).

Gaskin had filed an appeal to the CCJ seeking orders to have Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd (Hess) and China National Offshore Oil

Cooperation Guyana (CNOOC) obtain separate environmental permits for theirinvolvementinthelocal oilsector

HessandCNOOCshared licenses to engage in oil development through their partnerExxonMobilGuyana Limited.Exxonwasrequired to get an environmental permitaspartofthelicensing process but its partners Hess andCNOOCdidnotundergo the same process. The EPA did not require the two companies to obtain environmental permits since they were operating under Exxon. The social activist

f o u n d t h i s a c t i o n questionable and sought to challenge the EPA's decision


Gaskinhadfiledthecase in 2020 but Chief Justice Roxane George Wiltshire dismissedhisapplication.He then moved to the Guyana CourtofAppeal,whereagain his appeal was tossed out. Similarly, in Thursday's ruling, the CCJ noted that Exxon as the operator of the

project was subject to extensive environmental obligations which were also extended to Hess and CNOOC through joint liability

Gaskin had moved on to the CCJ, seeking to have the Court of Appeal's decision setaside.

The CCJ was asked to

d e t e r m i n e t w o

issues—whethertheMinister acted unlawfully in granting the Petroleum Production License to Exxon, Hess, and CNOOC when Exxon was granted an environmental permitandwhethertheHigh Court and Court of Appeal breached the statutory time limit in delivering its


However, the Court f

environmental harm caused by their operations and that therewasnoincreasedriskof harm to the environment on either the precautionary principle or avoidance

principle by the inclusion of thetwocompanies.

Interpreting the Environmental Protection Actasawholeandwithinthe context of its objectives and c o n s t i t u t i o n a l underpinnings, CCJ judge Winston Anderson concludedthat (Continuedonpage16)

The CCJ delivered a judgement on Thursday in appeal filed by Ramon Gaskin's over the lack of environmental permits for Exxon's partners

JagdeoblamesGDFforissueswithaward of$2.1BKaresEngineeringInc.contract

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday laid blame at the feet of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) for the issues surroundingtheawardofthe $2.1B contract awarded to Kares Engineering Inc. for theconstructionofawharf.

At his weekly press conferenceheldonThursday, Jagdeo said that the GDF inserted a criterion in its RequestforProposalsforthe said project that led to a compliantbeingraisedabout theawardofthecontract.

Kaieteur News reported initsThursdaypaperthatthe Public Procurement Commission (PPC) flagged theawardofthecontractafter a contractor, Correia and Correia Limited (one of the bidders for the contract) lodged a complaint with them.

The complaint included allegations that Kares Engineering's bid was “nonresponsive based on the Financial Assessment within the Evaluation Criteria” and therefore should not have beenawardedthecontract.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that Correia & Correia sent a letter to the PPC stating that in the bid document that there was a criterion which stated that

any company that bid below the80%benchmarksetinthe criteria will not get the contract.

Speaking on the matter, Jagdeo said that when he reached out to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB)aboutthecontract, he was informed that the procuring agency had departed from the Standard Bidding Document and did not seek approval to modify itstenderingcriteria.

“First of all, there is a Standard Bidding Document that should be used by every singlegovernmententitythat was established by us in the past.Thereare19criteriathat youcanuse.

We had discontinued whenthiswasdoneyearsago 'a percentage below the engineers estimate as disqualifyinganybidder'.So thereistheStandardBidding Documentofthegovernment withalistof19criteria,”the VPstated.

Heexplainedthat,“Ifyou look at the ProcurementAct, the Procurement Act says that anytime a ministry or a departmentoranyonetriesto changetheStandardBidding Document,theyhavetoseek the approval of the National TenderBoard.”

The Vice President said

that the rule is in place to avoid chaos in the system.

“This criterion is not part of the Standard Bid Document, yet it found its way into the GDF Request for Proposals. Soiftheywantedthatin,they had to seek the approval of the tender board,” Jagdeo explained.

HenotedthattheNPTAB is within its full right to say that the procuring entity departed from the Standard BidDocument.

The VP said that Section 23(3)oftheProcurementAct of Guyana says that each such tender Board shall prepare, using such standardized forms and criteria as have been prepared by the National Board, solicitation

Georgetown Magistrates’ Court evacuated after bomb scare

The Georgetown Magistrates' Court was evacuatedonThursdaymorningamidreports of a bomb threat at the building located at Avenue of the Republic which caused court proceedingstocometoahalt.

Kaieteur News understands that an anonymous call was made to the Brickdam PoliceStation'sOperationRoom,alertinglaw enforcementaboutthebomb.

The Magistrates, as well as individuals awaitingtheircourtproceedings,wereswiftly evacuated at around 09:30h as firefighters arrived to thoroughly comb through the buildinginsearchofabomb.

Police officers present at the scene

ensured the safety of the surroundings by clearing the area and diverting traffic away fromthepremises.

Thesearchbypoliceandmembersofthe GuyanaFireService(GFS)forthebombtook approximately an hour No explosive device was unearthed As a result, the law enforcement authorities declared the premises safe and persons were allowed to return to the court building but only after beingsearched.

This is the second bomb scare at the GeorgetownMagistrates'Courtfor2024. Meanwhile,policeareworkingtoidentify thecallerwhoreportedthethreat.

documents for tenders subjecttoitsjurisdiction;and may,withtheapprovalofthe National Board, make such minor alterations or modifications to the forms and criteria as are deemed necessary on a case by case basis.

“The GDF didn't do this. Sothetenderboardisrightin thiscasetosayyouinserteda criterionthatisnotpartofthe standard criterion and therefore should not be used in the evaluation,” Jagdeo


Further, Jagdeo revealed thatthecontractwasawarded to the lowest bidder in a public tender, and what has happenedisadeparturefrom whatisthestandardizedform ofbidding.

The VP said that when this happens, it isn't picked up by the Cabinet or the tender board because it is presented as the lowest bidderwonthecontract.

He added that his government is committed to being transparent, and in the case of procurement processes, they are working hard to keep contracts out of “corruptpractices”.

With that being said, the VP told reporters that, “We've already been reading the riot act to a many of the people in the regions… the procurement officers, we've made it clear that if you violate this, particularly deliberately,well Idon'tknowinthiscaseif it was deliberate or just an oversight…But if you do this, you would face the consequences.”

Meanwhile, in defending itsaward,theNPTABina

“I am hoping that the people who are looking into thiswouldpayattentiontoall thesematters,departurefrom standard bidding document and we now have to take a strong disciplinary approach to these agencies that do procurementoutinthepublic domain that depart from the standardized process,” the VPmentioned.


The bidders who bid for the construction of the GDF wharf. (Photo courtesy, NPTAB)


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210


Artful Dodger or Clever Prevaricator?

ThequestionhasitsrelevanceinGuyana,definitelyone that has merit. In the context of the occasional press conferencesthatGuyana’sPresidentAliholdsthequestion gains stronger traction. Is the head of state of Guyana an artfuldodger,oracleverprevaricator,inwhathesays,how he goes about responding to what is put before him? Thoughthereissomeoverlapinthedescription,theconcern is if they fit, and by how much, the head of Guyana’s PresidentAli.

Itwasthepresidentwhosaidfromtheveryfirstdaysof his taking over the helm that he is about transparency and accountability Truthbetold,wewereearlyconvertstothat whichheldsomuchresonancebecauseGuyananeedsboth urgently Furthermore, the freshness of the new president meant that he was due the courtesy and consideration. As such,thefieldwasclearforhimtoprovehisseriousnessin managing the great responsibilities placed in his hands. Stated differently, President Ali had to deliver cleanly on transparency and accountability No question that it was always going to be an uphill task in corruption plagued Guyana. Accordingly, it was imperative that Guyana’s newestandyoungestpresidentbeathissharpest,straightest, andstrongest. WhatappliedtoPresidentAliholdstruefor anyotherpresident,whichtherecordindicatesisonelittered withalitanyofwhatwasglaringlylackingintransparency and accountability From national elections to one audit finding after another under different governments to longstandingpublicperceptionsandoutcries,transparency andaccountabilityfromGuyana’sgovernmentshavebeena lost cause. Both are more of the imagination, with little relationtoreality Foremphasis,PresidentMohamedIrfaan Alihadtobeonhisbestgametodeliverwhathesworethat hewoulddeliver

Toourregret,thepresidenthasprovenabigdisappointment On the twin issues of transparency and accountability, he has progressedfromgyrationsaboutwhatis“confidential”towhatis comical PresidentAlimaydeceivehimselfintobelievingthathe is making mincemeat of Guyanese, when he tries those now patentedgimmicksofhis Oneishavinganentouragethatruns interferenceandworksskillfullytosteermediaquestionersfrom couldmakethepresidentlooklessthanfavourabletosafegrounds VicePresidentJagdeo,asfineapresenceasonecouldcomeacross intheclevernessdepartment,haslivedhighandheartilyfromthe presenceofsuchaprotectivemediaPalaceGuard. Theyarenot mere distractions to the work of true Guyanese media professionals. Theyareadangertothoseseekingstraightanswers tosimplequestionsthatmustbeasked. Clearly,PresidentAlihas learned from the best in that kind of media game. Acursory observationofhispressconferencepracticesshowshowquickly hehasgrownintoapowerinhisownrightinmediadodgesand leadershipprevarications

President Ali introduced a cute one in his last press conference Whenhewasaskedaquestion,theGuyanaheadof state swiftly turned around the question with a series of questions of his own on the journalist who first raised the question Wedonotknowifthepresidentcameupwiththat dodgeonhisown,orwhetheritwastheguidancegiventohim byoneofhisadvisers WhateverthesourceofPresidentAli’s newfoundpractice,itdidthreethings Itcheapenedhislastpress conference;itmadehimlooklikeanelephantbarginghisway around a media meeting and barreling over those stirring his clever and lesser instincts And last, it confirmed how much transparencyandaccountabilitydrivesthepresidentintostates of irritability and reckless irresponsibility The simplest, straightest, thing that the circumstances required was for President Ali to come clean and make a start to what he committedtoafewyearshence Hefailedmiserably

President Ali may not know, not care. But few Guyanesearefooledbyhismediasleightsofhand. Guyana is under critical scrutiny, with his leadership holes are exposed. Heshouldworktofixthose,andGuyanacouldbe different. Hecontinuesdownhisnowoldslipperyslope,he couldfindhimselfplungingintoignominy

PPP/C Government needs to address corruption head-on



, Irecentlyspokewithmy nephew(whowasborninthe UK)aboutGuyanabeingone of the fastest growing economies in the world and issettobethenextDubai. His response was “as longastheycangetridofthe corruption”.

Seems as if the issue of

corruption in Guyana has reared its head again and is nowbeingpronouncedonby people who are not Guyanese.

The democratically elected PPP/C Government of Guyana needs to tackle corruptionhead-on.

It needs to do more. It needs to enhance the

entrusted in enforcement so that they can do their job better

It is no laughing matter that the USA is better informedaboutcorruptionin Guyana than local Law EnforcementAgencies. TheseAgenciesneednot only funding but also


Guyananeedshelptorid itself of corruption. Seeking outside help from USA or Interpol may be the way to go.

The question is “Is there the political will to rid Guyanaofcorruption?”



Is Fulcrum a conflict of interest?




Gov’t reports that it has selected Fulcrum to develop gas resources (Jun 26) Doesn’t Fulcrum have a nepotistic relationship with Exxon? Is it a wise, rational selection? Is it experienced andequippedtodothejob?

As reported, the company was founded by Jesus Bronchalo, a former VicePresidentofExxonwho worked for the company in Guyana. He resigned and foundedFulcrumayearago. And now he (or the company) has landed a contract potentially worth trillionsofAmericandollars.

Bronchalo was the Finance Comptroller for Exxon in Guyana. There were questionable expenses in the hundreds of millions of American dollars in the firstyear(2019). There would have been more in the subsequent five yearsthatprobablyexceeded a couple billion American dollars.Washeaufaitonthe over expenditure (billing)? Were questions raised about

his involvement in over billing?

Before SN report on the g o v e r n m e n t ’ s announcement defending its selection of Fulcrum, the magazineWorldOilreported in an article “ExxonMobil enlists Fulcrum LNG to develop natural gas resources offshore Guyana” onJune25.

Whydidthegovernment keep the selection a secret andnotreportitbeforebeing asked? Why did Exxon bat for (favoured) this company? Isn’t it a conflict ofinterest?

Bronchalo formed his company just a year ago. Isn’t he a one-man operation? Is he or it equipped to do the work? What are his resources and experience in that field? He was in charge of accounting and not gas or petroleum engineering Is it not a conflict of interest for a former employee of Exxon tobeawardedacontractwith Exxon? Who will seek or protect the interests of

Guyana? Questions are asked why was he sent off a year ago and quickly registered a business for contracts in Guyana? Didn’t the government already decide which company will landthecontractlongbefore therequestforproposals?

The government asked for proposals for several previousprojectsandmadea fool of companies when the government knew who was thepreferredbidder

Does this government realize it is making a fool of international companies that responded to its request for proposals? Corporations are looking at the behaviour of the government and right nowarenotjudgingorrating Guyanaastherightplacefor business. It is not known how the latest proposals on monetizing the gas were evaluated. Was instruction handeddownonwhoshould getthecontract?

Is there anyone in Guyanaintheemployofthe government who has knowledge to evaluate

proposals on gas and oil?

Didanygovernmentofficial everwasastudentofoiland gasengineeringinMoscow? Isthepersoninchargeofoil and gas knowledgeable of O&G? Is he being led through a dark tunnel? Why did this project take precedence over the oil refinery in Berbice? The oil refinery has been stalled for two years. Are Berbicians madeafooloftheannounced project?

This Fulcrum award, potentially worth trillions of dollars over a twenty-fiveyear period for a lone individual will seal the fate ofdoingbusinessinGuyana. Many Guyanese technical companies and engineers in private employ questioned the selection of Fulcrum, arguingthatithasnotmetthe requirements of the Request ForProposals(RFPs)forthe designing, financing, construction and operation of the required gas infrastructure.

Yoursrespectfully, NigelPilgrim

Unprecedented case before the Court



A lawyer has filed a petition before the High Court for urgent hearing relating to the PNC/R Congress slated for June 28 to 30.The petitioner threads inanareawherevirtuallyno one in Guyana did before –the court’s intervention in the internal affairs of a politicalparty(supposedlya private or voluntary organization) or a private organization It is now knownwhichjudgewillhear the matter But if the court (the judge) accepts jurisdiction to hear the case anddon’tthrowitout,itwill makenewsinternationally It will be the talk of the town regionally and in Commonwealth countries that follow English laws. The judge will become instantly famous similar to JusticeSandilKissooninhis

rulings on the Exxon-EPA insurance case and the GTU strikingteachersmatter

The crux of the matter willbewhetherthecourthas jurisdiction to intervene in the internal workings of a political party Political leaders view parties as private, voluntary organizations that are not subjected to the court’s jurisdiction That is foolishness So if an organization lacks accountability and when its leaders are queried, the questioner is expelled, the person has no recourse to justice via the court Similarly, if a party rigs its internal elections, a complaint levelled against political parties, does the courtnothavejurisdictionto rightthoseegregiouswrongs orviolationsofrightstovote in an organization? In a

democracy,asinUSAandin India, if rights are violated within an organization, the person seeks judicial intervention. Indian courts ruled they have jurisdiction in the operations of all organizations or societies or politicalparties.IntheUSA, someonehundredyearsago, the court claimed jurisdiction to examine the internal processes and operations of political partiesandorderedpartiesto behave transparently and democratically

A political party when elected becomes the government (the state) which is subjected to the jurisdictionofthecourt.The party or coalition becomes the government The opposition or opposing parties are arms of the government (state). If the government is subjected to

thejurisdiction,itisidioticto say only the government is subjected to the court’s intervention and not the party

No organization, least of allapoliticalparty,wantsthe public or a court to inquire into its operations They don’twantacourttoassume jurisdictionoverhowitisrun andhowitconductsinternal elections (which heretofore have been flawed). If the judge were to examine precedent setting cases in USA and India and in other democratic countries, he or she will deliver a most eruditerulingonjurisdiction of the matter in the petition. Ditto on substance of the case! The rulings will be earth shattering The diaspora is taking a keen interest.

Yourssincerely, VishnuBisram


DEAREDITOR, The Public Procurement Commission(PPC)stateson

its website, “The Commission strives at all timestomaintainthehighest standards of conduct and professionalism.”Italsolists “impartiality” as one of its sevencorevalues.

It was therefore perplexing to see Diana Rajkumar, a member of the PPC, publicly campaigning

on behalf of Nigel Hughes, who is contesting for the leadership of the Alliance ForChange(AFC).

R a j k u m a r w a s photographed alongside several others in a post on

Nigel Hughes’ Facebook page, captioned “Bottom HouseCampaign Union Village No 30, WestCoastBerbice.”

Rajkumar’s politically partisan stance, she should do the honourable thing andresignfromthePPC

H e r c o n t i n u e d presence there casts a s h a d o w o v e r t h e operations of the PPC, bringing into question its ability to undertake its mandate free from political bias


Act now or unite after Friday



Icannothostashownow b

n circumstances but I must state my final position here before Congress scheduled for Friday is held. It is my understandingthatthatthere will be no postponement of Congress.

Iamnotinreceiptofany information that candidates


dership positionswillstanddown.

My position is that C

postponed until the end of August and all differences should be resolved by that time.

This will be in the best interest of all parties in the PNCR.

However, if Congress goe

leadership positions, the outcome must be respected, honoured and supported

T h e r e c a n b e n o dissatisfaction at the

outcome because all have willinglyenteredtherace.

I give you my word that whoever becomes Leader of the PNCR, I

m y unswerving support to regardless of how I feel about them

Those feelings will no longer be relevant because thenationalchallengeahead


I am therefore advising all that will participate on

Friday to honour the outc

e and work assiduously and in unity, giving everything you have g

he successful removal of the regime.

Let me re-emphasise that the PNCR must decide now the course of a


n to be taken becauseafterFridaythere can be no dissatisfaction, disagreementordifferences. Therecanonlybeunity,hard work and a collective sense


Any actions contrary after Friday will be seen by this writer as acts to deliberately undermine the PNCR on behalf of the PPP.


Palestinians flee as Israeli forces renew Gaza City assault

Several killed as Israel storms Shujayea in eastern Gaza City, according to the Gaza civil defence and a doctor.

Aljazeera - Palestinians have fled Gaza City’s Shujayea neighbourhood after Israeli forces carried outairraidsandsentground vehicles into the ravaged area, according to Gaza’s civildefence.

Muhammad Ghurab, a doctoratGazaCity’sal-Ahli Hospital, said on Thursday the facility had received seven “martyrs including fourchildren”andmorethan 40 others who were wounded “as the Israeli forces advanced to the east o f S h u j a y e a neighbourhood”.

Civil defence teams pulled out several bodies from the rubble following theattacks,thecivildefence said in a statement, adding that search and rescue operationswerecontinuing.

Hamas said in a statementtheassaulthasled to“anumberofmartyrsand has forced thousands of Palestinianstofleeunderthe pressureofongoingshelling ofthedefencelesscivilians”.

Hamas said that the repeated attacks on “cities, camps and districts, and the deliberatekillingofcivilians

and the destruction of infrastructure” was part of a “fascist policy” to increase thesufferingofPalestinians.

The group said it would continue to “inflict heavy losses”onIsrael’sarmyuntil the “aggression is stopped andexpelledfromourland”.

Al Jazeera’s Hani

Mahmoud, reporting from Deir el-Balah, said the majority of people in Gaza City’s Shujayea and Tuffa neighbourhoods were displacedPalestinians.

“They have found themselves in another dilemma, pushed to move westaftertheIsraelimilitary issued sharp evacuation orders, sending text messages and dropping leaflets,” Mahmoud said, adding that the orders came approximately 30 minutes intothemilitary’soperations there.

“Peoplearebeingforced into internal displacement overandover Itisbecoming part of their daily routine, a new normal,” Mahmoud said.

He said some families cannot evacuate given the “dense presence of

quadcopters, surveillance dronesandheavyartillery”.

Surpriseattack Residentssaidtheywere taken by surprise by the sound of tanks approaching and firing in the early afternoon, with drones also attacking after overnight bombing of the city, which Israel had bombarded early initsassaultonGaza.

“It sounded as if the war is restarting, a series of bombings that destroyed several houses in our area and shook the buildings,” Mohammad Jamal, 25, a resident of Gaza City, told theReutersnewsagency Israeli forces also continued to bombard the southern city of Rafah in what it says are the final stages of an operation against Hamas fighters there.

More than 1 million Palestinians had previously sought shelter in the area until Israeli forces launched a ground assault last month, forcing most of those who sought shelter to flee once again.

Gaza’s Health Ministry said at least 47 Palestinians

were killed and many more werewoundedinthepast24hourreportingperiod.

More than eight months intoIsrael’sassaultonGaza, aid officials say the enclave remains at high risk of famine, with almost half a million people facing “catastrophic” food insecurity

“We are being starved in Gaza City, and are being hunted by tanks and planes withnohopethatthiswaris everending,”Jamalsaid.

International mediation

backed by the US has failed

e agreementalthoughtalksare continuing amid intense WesternpressureforGazato receive more aid Israeli forces are continuing to block the entry of muchneeded humanitarian aid, medical supplies, and fuel after it sealed borders shut when it seized the vital Rafah border crossing last month.

The Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCS) said 18 of its ambulance vehicles are

no longer operational due to alackoffuel.Thisrepresents 36 percent of the PRCS’s ambulancefleetcapacity,the groupsaidinapostonX.

“The PRCS appeals to the internationalcommunity for urgent intervention to reopen the Rafah border crossing and allow the flow of humanitarian aid, especially fuel, to prevent the complete collapse of the healthcaresystemduetothe cessation of hospital generators,” the group added.

Palestinians travel in a horse-drawn cart as they flee their homes following an Israeli military operation in Shujayea, in Gaza City [Dawoud Abu Alkas/Reuters]

Transparency Ali

President Ali boasts about transparency and accountability.

He may not be, but Guyanese are embarrassed by how the US Government revealed the gaping holes in what the president has long claimed.

Talk about chronic corruption and the president goes into denial or damage control mode.

Or he lashes out which makes matters worse.

What now, President Ali?

The transparency and accountability promised is nothing but a fantasy.

Walton-Desir, Forde withdraw from PNCR leadership race

…cite irregularities in the electoral process

Executive Members of the People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) Amanza Walton-Desir and Roydale Forde, SC on Thursday suspended their campaigns for leader of the party Walton-Desir was the first to announce her withdrawal from the race. In a terse statement said the

decision to bow out of the elections,onedaypriortothe nd start of her party's 22

incredibly difficult” but was made after “deep reflection and extensive discussions with my team and close advisors”.

“My dear brothers and sisters of the PNCR, I come

toyoutodaytoannouncemy decision to suspend my campaign for the PNCR leadership.Thisdecisionhas been incredibly difficult, but it has been made after deep reflection and extensive discussions with my team a

Throughout my campaign, I have been dedicated to upholding the values of

transparency, fairness, decency and integrity within our beloved party However, recentdevelopmentswhichI am not at liberty to ignore, have raised serious concerns regarding the process,” she said.

Further, the PNCR member said that as of the morning of June 27, a preliminary list of delegates

Executive Member of the People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) Roysdale Forde, SC

wasnotmadeavailabletoher as a candidate to allow for claims and objections “and further, there is a lack of agreement among all candidates contesting on the procedures for conducting theelections”.

“These and several other issues necessitate careful consideration and resolution to ensure the continued integrity of our party and while I believe it is vital to addresstheseconcerns,Ialso

Executive Member of the People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) Amanza Walton-Desir

recognize the importance of doing so in a manner that preserves our unity and strength,” Walton-Desir said in her statement which was published on her Facebook page.

The Central Executive Member thanked her supporters for their “unwavering belief” in her “…Our shared vision has been my greatest strength. I am deeply grateful for your (Continuedonpage17)

Brazilian national feared dead following boat mishap

A Brazilian national is feareddeadfollowingaboat mishap in the Cuyuni River, RegionSeveninthevicinity ofAkabusa/FumblerFalls.

Jose De Ribamar Lisboa Silva went missing on Wednesday after the boat he w a s t r a v e l l i n g i n encountereddifficulties.

Reports are that the incident occurred at about 14:30h when the boat, powered by a 200 horsepower Yamaha outboard engine suddenly stopped while travelling up theAkabusa/FumblerFalls.

Five persons were in the boat at the time of the incident.

Rondel Khan, a 35-yearold miner from Bartica, had prepared the vessel, which wasloadedwithtwoengines and supplies. The boat was

captained by 50-year-old JamesBacchus.

Reports are that before departure, Khan and Bacchus agreed to transport three passengers to Quartz Stone Backdam, including Silva.

As the boat travelled up the Akabusa/Fumbler Falls, its engine suddenly failed, causing it to drift down the fallsandoverturn.Everyone onboardmanagedtoswimto safetybutSilvacouldnotbe located Two survivors managed to embark on another passing boat and continued their journey, while Khan and Bacchus promptly reported the incidenttotheBarticaPolice Station.

Bacchus is assisting p o l i c e w i t h t h e i r investigations.

A section of the Cuyuni River

A call for the return of CGTN to Guyana’s television spectrum

China is often portrayed by the West as a closed and oppressive society where dissent is ruthlessly suppressed. The idea has long been embedded in the minds of people in the West that there are severe consequences for persons who oppose the Chinese state, its system and governance.

W i t h s u c h a characterization, one would expect that the Chinese media would be one-sided, biasedandpro-Chinese.But surprisingly, I have found that the Chinese Global

Television Network (CGTN) is the exception to this characterization. It is one of the most balanced international networks and provides a wide range of opinionsfromexperts.

The Chinese Global Television Network (CGTN) is an international m

n launched by China Central Television (CCTV) to p

coverage and insightful analysis on a wide range of topics. CGTN aims to offer analternativeperspectiveon


narratives It not only h


s viewpoints but also those of


The network broadcasts in multiple languages, including English, and f

s d i v e r s e programming such as news reports, talk shows, documentaries,andbusiness analyses. It offers a wide range of opinions from experts and covers global affairs with depth and insight.

CGTN’s programming

includes several noteworthy showssuchasDialogue,The WorldToday,WorldInsight, and Global Business. These programmes are excellently assembled and provide viewers with diverse perspectivesoninternational issues They delve into global politics, economics, andsocialissues,presenting well-rounded discussions thatarebothinformativeand engaging.

For many viewers in Guyana, CGTN has been a valuablesourceofnewsand analysis. It offers a different viewpointthatcontrastswith Western international news networks.

You could be travelling in a car and still be able to pick up CGTN’s signal on your vehicle’s television or you can watch from the comfortofyourhome.

In 2013, it was reported that CCTV, the parent

Jagdeo blames GDF for issues with award...

Frompage3 release on Thursday stated that the project was opened in November 2023, and subsequently bids were evaluated by an independent committee to which the evaluators recommended the lowest responsivebidderandanawardwasmadein December2023.

KaresEngineeringInc.was amongeight bidders that bid to construct a reinforced concrete wharf for the GDF Coast Guard at Ruimveldt.

“In March 2024, Correia & Correia Ltd. submitted a request for review citing 'Any bidderwhosebidislessthat80percentofthe engineersestimatewillbenon-responsive'.It must be noted that this Engineers Estimate was never published or given to the bidders prior to the opening of bids,” NPTAB explained.

The Tender Board explained further that “thecriteriacitedwasdiscontinuedyearsago andisnotincludedinthenumberedcriteriain theapprovedStandardBiddingDocument.”


At one time, de Vee Pee was talking to himself!

Dem boys seh that it rained yesterday but the placewashot.Itwascricket fever in Guyana De countrygetachancetohost desecondsemi-finaldayin de T20 World Cup.And de raindidnotspoildeshow

De high ticket prices keep a lot of local away Yuh had more VIPs in attendance than local

spectators Yuh had Ministers tekkin out videos atdematchandpostingiton Facebook.

Butwhocouldnotgoto de stadium, followed de match on television. Who deh at wuk find a room fuh watch or follow de match on their cell phones or computers.

De whole country was tunedintodematch.Except one man who decided that he gan host a press conference during the match. Can you imagine dat? When international

cricket playing in Guyana, de nation does come to a standstill. Except de man wah call de press conference.

Did he really expect people fuh watch his press conference when a dingdong battle going on at ProvidenceStadium?

While he went on his usualrantaboutdeKaieteur News and de Stabroek

News and who nah reportingwhatisbeingsaid at press conferences, dem reporter tekkin a regular peak at dem phone fuh see descore.

When it comes to question time, during de press conference, de fuss man ask seven questions in a row Dis give dem other reporters time fuh update themselves on who hitting sixes and who taking wickets When de time come fuh some of dem reportersaskquestion,dem

companyforCGTN,didnot have a broadcasting licence. ItwasreportedthatCCTV’s programming was being relayed locally by the National Communication Network(NCN).

However, in recent months, CGTN is no longer available on the usual channel in Guyana. This sudden disappearance has left many viewers puzzled and disappointed. It is not clearwhythisprogramming is no longer being relayed. There has been no explanation for the absence ofCGTNonlocaltelevision.

The absence of CGTN from local television is regrettable.

It deprives viewers of a unique source of balanced international news and thoughtful analysis. While theinterneteditionofCGTN is still available, it does not

f u l l y r e p l a c e t h e c o n v e n i e n c e a n d accessibilityofwatchingthe networkonTV

TheChineseEmbassyin Guyana should issue a statement to clarify why CGTN is no longer being broadcastonlocalTV NCN should equally explain the reason for the discontinuing ofrelayingtheCGTNsignal.

Anappealisbeingmade here to bring CGTN back to Guyana’stelevisionscreens. Whoever is responsible for thescreeningofTVchannels

in Guyana should consider the value that CGTN brings tothelocalmedia.

Our cable operators shouldconsiderestablishing a dedicated channel for CGTN. A dedicated CGTN channel would ensure that viewers have consistent access to the network’s qualityprogramming.

CGTN’s balanced reporting and in-depth analysis are assets that shouldnotbeoverlooked.In a time when media bias and misinformation are prevalent,havingadifferent perspective, one that is not necessarily pro-Chinese or simply Sino-propaganda, is more important than ever

CGTN provides that diversity of opinions that might otherwise be marginalized.

We have missed for example the perspective which CGTN could have provided on the ongoing situation in GAZA, and one has to wonder whether the disappearance of CGTN off local television is simply coincidental The disappearance of CGTN from local TV is a loss that should be addressed promptly

The Chinese Embassy should issue a statement explaining the situation and work towards reinstating CGTN’sbroadcasts.

The Chinese Embassy’s

should also intervene immediately By advocating for the return of CGTN to localTV,theembassywould be making a positive contributiontoensuringthat Guyanese viewers continue to have access to a wide range of international news sources.

Ifthisfails,theembassy can negotiate with local cable providers to have a dedicatedchannelforCGTN ontheirnetworks.

Let us hope that the relevant authorities recognize the value of CGTNandtakeswiftaction to restore its broadcasts in Guyana. For too long, our u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f international politics has been shaped by westernbased networks, including CNN, BBC, Fox News, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC. Aljazeera and CGTN canensuregreaterbalancein theinformationreceived

(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

gat one eye pon de phone andoneearondemanatde headtable.

After a while de man at deheadtablewastalkingto himself. Because was nine wickets down and everybody waiting in anticipation fuh see when delastwicketganfall.And was a fair wait because de last wicket put on 15 runs before Bumrah sealed England’sfate.

Even at one stage de host pick up his phone. He claim how he expecting an overseas call But who knows, he too could have well been checking de score.

He know now dat he should never again host a press conference during cricket. Is bad enough dat notmanywereinterestedin what he had to say Much less during de middle of de match!



Alistair Routledge – Guyana's new head of state

Mr. Alistair Routledge's official job title is President, ExxonMobil Guyana. It is the biggest job in this country,morethanafull-time challenge. Round-the-clock it is. Yet, by some miracle, the same Alistair Routledge has still found the time, harnessed the energy, and exhibited great fervor for Guyana to set himself up as Guyana's real head of state. Hehasempoweredhimselfto speak authoritatively about whoisdoingwhatinGuyana. GlennLallof Kaieteur News

is a political aspirant. He was slick enough to leave unsaid whether he approves or doesn't A slew of questions gushed from what Mr Routledge said about Publisher Lall and his aspirations.

How is it that this is Routledge's or Exxon's business? From what relationshiporfoundation(or vision) does Exxon's President make the leap that he is now Guyana's sitting president? From where and who does Mr Routledge get

thatfreedom,orsensethathe has it, that he gives the shortestthrift,withwhatnow stands as his incomparable audacity? What is he going to weigh in about next? My righttowriteaboutGuyana's oil and Exxon's voracious practices that devastate Guyanese prospects? Some Guyanese have done that, and it may be their right as citizens to do so, however skimpy and shaky my own support of that position is. But it is not for Mr Routledge to say Does Mr

Routledge see Glenn Lall in the role of “political aspirant” turned possible activepoliticalparticipantas a threat? A contractually existential one, so to speak? Is Mr Routledge and by extension Exxon so comfortable about how the PPP Government, the PNC (and other) Opposition, and civilsocietyareallsewedup and, in the bag, (under control) that the wish of the Americans is to keep things in Guyana that way? And onlythatwayforthenext30 to40years? AndthatGlenn Lall and his reasonable and justified rage about what Exxon is doing to this country and its citizens with their oil wealth must be snuffed about before such grows in strength and becomesarealdanger? And that the same applies to any other concerned, patriotic Guyanese and group about what Exxon is doing to this country?

This is not just out of characterforanoilcompany and its local commander on the ground. It is incredible that Mr Routledge could have the scrotum accessory to place this in the public arena.

Whocallstheshotshere? Who decides about matters like these? I am already disturbed by the American government, and the rest of that alphabet soup, that axis, of countries possessing so much influence in Guyana.

Now, it is simply unbelievable that a rampantly exploitative oil company could get so intimate with Guyana's domestic issues, be they real or imagined. What message is Mr Routledge sending to his people, craven Guyanese

betrayers, who are tasked with selling Exxon to various communitiesthroughout Guyana? Is it that they muststicktothePPPbecause ofhowmuchExxonisgoing to make happen for them?

Mr Routledge has jumped headlong and feet first into Guyana's politics, and I ask this:howdoesthatmeshwith h i s c o r p o r a t e o i l management duties and priorities? Exxonisapartner on paper of Guyana, and the maximum my interpretation allows is for that partnership to be limited to oil exclusively Even with the mostliberalconcessions,the E x x o n - G u y a n a o i l partnership should not and must not impinge on probable domestic developments that have something to do with the political Such as who contests, who should be the government. Having rather brazenly delivered his piece on “political aspirant”, it could be an automatic next step in the calculations of E x x o n t o s p e a k unrestrainedly and endorse openlyaboutwhichpersonor group should form the next government.

Thinkingofthis,Idiscern morethananExxon-Guyana o i l p a r t n e r s h i p What I now conclude is that there is an Exxon-PPP coalition already well in place, but only now being givenpubliclight.

Clearly, this provides confirmation about why President Ali and Guyana's Chief Oilman Jagdeo are so mentally yoked, muscle bound, and mouth-sealed when the Exxon contract is tabled, and when material changesshouldbemadetoit.

Further, it is the starkest indication yet of who is the boss in Guyana, and who is the junior partner, one reduced to a silent and passive one, in the ExxonPPP Government coalition. How else to explain Mr Routledge's flexing his muscles publicly and taking for granted the impotence of the PPP Government and its leadership in objecting that he has gone too far? Is this what the arrival of oil now meansforGuyanese? Where the American equivalent of Belgium's King Leopold couldcomehereandbegiven free rein to replicate what destroyed a people over a hundred years ago? Mr Routledge could only do what he did with such assurance if the PPP Government is under his saddle.

It has been blindingly clear to more Guyanese that Exxon and Routledge have been riding the decision makers in the PPP Government anyway that is foundpleasing. Whoeverisa political aspirant serves as the proof. I am sure Hon. Bharrat Jagdeo, one of the sharpestpoliticaloperatorsin theworld,isgoingtosaythat Mr Routledge is free to take the position that he did Rememberhislimpstanceon thoseExxonbillboards.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

‘Defend yourself, Govt. can’t do that for you’ -Jagdeotells‘GuyaneseCritic’

Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday told Mikhail Rodrigues, knownas'GuyaneseCritic'to defend himself and not rely on the Government of Guyana(GoG)todoso.

Rodrigues seemed disgruntled with a story published in the Thursday June 27, 2024 edition of the Kaieteur News headlined 'Guyanese Critic' gets another multi-million dollar contract. That story pointed out that the company Tepui Group–thatiscloselylinked to Rodrigues, received another multi-million government contract despite failing miserably to meet specific criteria in another project that was awarded to thecompanylastyear

In response, Jagdeo said, “You gotta defend yourself, don'twaitongovernment…”

TheVicePresidentwasatthe time hosting his weekely press conference at Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown.

“Well you have a duty also to defend your own companybecauseoftenwhen the government puts out this information it seems as defending corruption…” the VicePresidentadded.

Further, the Vice President disclosed that the

The social media commentatortoldJagdeothat there seems to be a fixation on Tepui Group, adding, “Like if I'm the only contractor in Guyana.” He thenaskedtheVicePresident toputthingsintoperspective about the number of contracts and the sums that are being spent by the g o v e r n m e n t o n infrastructuraldevelopment.

government is actively addressing issues within the procurement system. “What we are planning to do because we have this problemattheCabinetitself, whenapapergoestoCabinet often the Cabinet does not seealloftheworkthatpeople (contractors) have in different agencies, so we are now going to introduce a prequalification system,” he explained.

Detailing how this system will function, Jagdeo explained that contractors will be pre-qualified based on their capability to undertake projects up to a specifiedamount.

Forinstance,Jagdeosaid, “So if you are pre-qualified todoworkuptohalfabillion dollars and you get one contract and you are at $450 million,whenthepapergoes

to Cabinet, it would [show] that the contractor was prequalified for half a billion and already have a contract. Therefore, the Cabinet will say you can't give another contract for $200 million or $300 million because they havereachedtheircapacity.”

Highlighting the nationwide implementation of this prequalification system, the Vice President disclosedthatallgovernment entities will be required to reportawardedcontractstoa website to ensure transparency Jagdeostated,“Youdon't knowifamanisworkingfor multiple ministries so when youhearthat[theyreceiveda contract],itisasurprise.”

Last month, it was revealed by the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) that Rodrigues had failed during the evaluation processforbidsatthelevelof the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board(NPTAB),butwasstill handed a $865 million contract to build a pump

station at Belle Vue, West BankDemerara(WBD).

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the PPC in its report highlighted several procurement breaches committed by Tepui and overlooked by NPTAB in awarding the pump station contract.

According to the document, NPTAB ignored several key details when it came to the company satisfying the evaluation criteria for the award of the $865Mdeal.

Tepui failed to meet the following:

· Failed to meet $8M bid securityamount

· Failed to demonstrate constructionexperience No experience with projectofsimilarnature

· No record of past work experience

· Failed to demonstrate financialcapacity

· No audited financial statements

No evidence of ownership and or possession ofkeyequipment

Meanwhile, a few months ago, Rodrigues during one of his morning programmes aired live on social media revealed that hereceivedamulti-milliondollar contract from the MinistryofHousing. Similarly, the PPC in its report had revealed that duringtheevaluationperiod for the pump station contract, Tepui had listed a $313 million contract with Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA)whichfallsunder the Housing Ministry, for the upgrade of roads in Block 3, Great Diamond. It wasstatedthatthecontractis datedFebruary24th,2023.

Thedocumentalsostates that the company also received other government contracts Tepui had submitted a document to showthelistofprojectsithas done which includes the rehabilitation of South Pakistan Street and rehabilitation of Tyre Shop Street, valued at $25 million and$24millionrespectively

Both contracts were purportedly awarded by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. It should be noted,however,thatthedates of those contracts were not stated.

Followingtherevelation, checks were made by this publication on the NPTAB website for other contracts awarded to the Tepui Group but to no avail. As such, Kaieteur News resorted to askingVicePresidentJagdeo during one of his weekly press conferences whether it wastruethatRodrigues'


Mikhail Rodrigues, known as 'Guyanese Critic,' Vice President (VP), Bharrat Jagdeo

CGX must show finances or lose Corentyne Block


CGX Energy Inc and Frontera Energy Corporation are facing a critical juncture regarding their Corentyne Block operations offshore Guyana.

“This is crunch time now,” warned Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday during his weekly press conference, as he issued a stern warning to the joint venture.

In response to a lastminute Notice of Potential Commercial Interest filed for theWei-1Well located in the CorentyneBlock,onJune26, justdaysaheadoftheJune28 deadline for the Corentyne Block'sappraisalprogramme, Jagdeo underscored that stringent conditions must be mettoretaintheblock.

Executive Chairman for CGX (Guyana) Energy, Professor Suresh Narine

The submission of this notice is pivotal as it secures CGX and Frontera's stake in obtaining a Production Licence, providing an extension for appraisal

activities pending governmentapproval.

When questioned about the sudden move by the Corentyne Block partners, Jagdeo disclosed that

Minister of Natural

Resources Vickram Bharrat

notified him of the submission on Wednesday Although he has not yet reviewed the notice personally, Jagdeo assured that the government would scrutinize it thoroughly before presenting it to Cabinet in the upcoming week.

To this end, Jagdeo said,

“But let me make it clear, CGX will not play the governmentofGuyana.Fora verylongtimetheyhavebeen jerking people strength maybe their investors but no longer are we going to be tolerantofanyambiguity.”

Hecontinued,“Iftheyare declaringcommercialitynow, they have to show in specific terms how they intend to develop a project and where thefinancesare.”

The Vice President accepted that he should not have been so blunt about the situation; he said that the government has allowed CGXandFrontera,asperlaw to do their appraisal. He added, “But this is crunch timenow.”

“If they now say they are movingtoaproject,theyhave toshowuswhatthisprojectis and show us how they are goingtofinancetheproject,” Jagdeoreiterated.

Failure to secure government approval for further appraisal would mark CGX's third forfeiture of an oil block in Guyana and Frontera's second, following the relinquishment of the DemeraraandBerbiceBlocks in2022.

In the notice, CGX and Frontera reminded that they have successfully drilled the Wei-1well,itssecondwellon theCorentyneblock.

“The well fulfilled the obligation under Phase Two oftheSecondRenewalPeriod of the original 10-year Licence and served as an appraisalwellfortheKawa-1 Appraisal Programme with the Government of Guyana,” CGX and Frontera said in its release.

The companies stated too that with support from investment bank and capital markets experts Houlihan

Lokey, they continue to actively pursue strategic options to unlock the potential of the Corentyne Block.
Vice President (VP), Bharrat Jagdeo


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CCJ dismisses Gaskin’s appeal over absence...

From page 2 environmental authorisation must be given for the undertaking of a project and that the Environmental Protection Agency must be convinced that a developer can fulfill their role and responsibilities and comply with the terms and conditions of the environmental permit.

“As the sole operator, Exxon alone was able to comply with the obligations of the


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developer under the Environmental Protection Act,” the judge said.

The court nevertheless highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability in environmental governance, acknowledging Mr. Gaskin’s concerns about environmental risks.

In a summary of the ruling, the Court’s President Justice Adrian Saunders noted that the Appellant as a member of the public has played a key role in advancing environmental law in Guyana through the pursuit of this matter.

“In this context, it is important to observe that the Rio Declaration 81 places emphasis on the role of the public in the decision-making process. Principle 10 states that environmental issues are best handled with the participation of all concerned citizens, at the relevant level.

At the national level, each individual shall have appropriate access to information concerning the environment that is held by public authorities, and the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes.

tory obligations relating to the length of time in delivering their respective Judgements but cited the technical nature of the matter.

The court nevertheless underscored the need for timelines to be adhered to.

Gaskin had filed a Fixed Date Application in the High Court seeking to quash the Minister’s decision to issue the Petroleum Production Licence and to prevent him from granting the Licence to Hess and CNOOC until they acquired an environmental permit.

The High Court dismissed the application but took three hundred and sixtysix (366) days to deliver judgment.

On appeal, the Court of Appeal determined that the Minister did not breach the Environmental Protection Act or the Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act (‘PEP Act’) by granting the Licence to the three added respondents because the environmental permit was tied to the Liza 1 Project of the Stabroek Block itself and not to the permit holder Exxon.


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Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) A/C rooms from $75 usd/$40 usd day rate WIFI, secure parking & poolside. Contact: 264-29469 / www.aracariresort.com

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It also calls for States to facilitate and encourage public awareness and participation by making information widely available,” he said.

Additionally, the Court found that both the High Court and Court of Appeal were in breach of their statu-


From page 12 company received another government contract.

While Jagdeo was unable to confirm if Tepui Group did receive the contract, he directed the publication to check online since all contracts are made public.

It should be noted that as

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

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In delivering the judgment of the Court, Justice Anderson commented that Articles 25, 36, and 149J of the Constitution of Guyana, in expressly providing for environmental rights, placed protection of the environment upon an exalted plane and that these provisions must be borne in mind when interpreting legislation that touch and concern the environment.

“Under Subsection 14 and 4(5) of the Environmental Protection Act, the granting of environmental authorisation was a condition precedent to the power exercisable by the Minister under s 35 of the PEP Act to grant a Petroleum Production License,” the judge pointed out.

The ruling was delivered by Justices Adrian Saunders, Winston Anderson, Andrew Burgess, Maureen RajnauthLee, and Denis Barrow.

Ms. Melinda Janki is among the attorneys on record for the Appellant Gaskin.

Edward Luckhoo SC, and Ms. Eleanor Luckhoo for the respondent and Andrew M F Pollard SC and Nigel Hughes were for the added respondents.

The Court of Appeal also held that the trial judge did not unduly delay in giving her decision and was not in breach of the Time Limit for Judicial Decisions Act. Mr. Gaskin then appealed to the CCJ seeking to have the Court of Appeal decision set aside. He contended that the delay by the High Court and Court of Appeal in delivering judgment contravened the relevant statutory time limits.

yourself, Govt. can’t do that for

you’... of June 27, 2024, the only contract listed as awarded to Tepui on NPTAB’s website is the Belle Vue pump station contract.

In light of recent revelation that Tepui received another multi-million contract, contact was made with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

of the CHPA, Mr. Sherwyn Greaves on Wednesday for details on the CHPA contracts that were awarded to Tepui.

In response, Mr. Greaves noted that he will get the information and return the call. No information has since been provided by Greaves.

Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music & food. Contact: 264-2946-9.
PEN PAL Indian male seeking female for serious relationship (Penpal).

In a few years, Guyana will be able to monitor Exxon’s production on its own - Jagdeo

Vice President (VP) Jagdeo is confident that Guyana will be able to

independently and

extensively monitor ExxonMobil’s production real time in a few years, whenthegovernmentmakes a l l t h e n e c e s s a r y improvements.

On Thursday, Jagdeo wasaskedbyKaieteurNews whether, “With oil productionexpectedtoreach 1M barrels per day by the turn of the decade, are you concernedaboutthecapacity of the government to monitor this increased output,and,whatplansdoes the government have to improve real time monitoringofproductionby

2030?”In response, Jagdeo saidthatitwasnotamillion barrels but rather the government is hoping to meet 1.3M barrels by 2027 and the government is currently undertaking capacity building in several areas.

“Wenowusesomeother mechanisms that are useful in the absence of that robust kind of on-sitepresencein a comprehensive way but those need to be enhanced. SoIhavenodoubtthatover the next few years we will substantively increase our capacitytodothattomonitor production,”hesaid.

He continued: “So I explained in the beginning that we have to work at putting the framework in

place to regulate this sector, which we have practically d o n e t h r o u g h t h e implementation of the Petroleum Activities Bill,

reformoftheNRF,theLocal Content Law, the new regulations concerning environmental permits, etc., theflaring,thetaxonflaring,

awholerangeofthoseissues wehaveworkedon,”Jagdeo said.

The VP highlighted that his government is now placing heavy focus on monitoring, even though Exxon will have a unit at its headquarters that will facilitate real time monitoring of what is going onoffshore.

He said though the government will have a presence at Exxon’s unit, it will create its own monitoringdepartment.

“Wewillhaveapresence there (at Exxon), we would also have our own unit to track what’s going on offshore, we will have strengthened the Bureau of Standardspresencethereand

theirsophisticationontherig themselves to measure quantitiesofoilandtheflow and the water capacity, that has been discharged, all of thesethings,”headded.

Furthermore, the government’s monitoring unitwillbeabletotellifthe discharged water from Exxon is meeting international standards of purification.

“All of that would be doneaswemoveforwardso wecanverifythatwhatthey are actually saying is true,” theVPexplained.

Last year, Jagdeo told reporters that the government is in talks with entities to utilize satellite technology to be able to monitoractivitiesoffshore.

Walton-Desir, Forde withdraw from PNCR leadership race...

Frompage8 support and dedication

ThoughIamsuspendingmy campaign,ourworkdoesnot end here. We must continue toadvocateforthevalueswe believe in and push for the changes our party needs,” the PNCR member said as sheencouragedallmembers of the PNCR to remain united and steadfast during “thischallengingperiod.”

“Our strength lies in our unity and our shared commitment to a better future for our party and our country Together, we can overcome any obstacle and ensure that our principles guideusforward.

Thank you for your understanding and continuedsupport.

Let us continue to work together for the betterment ofourpartyandournation,” Walton-Desir who is also ShadowMinisterofForeign Affairs and International Cooperationsaid.

Like Walton-Desir, Forde announced late Thursdaynightthathetoois suspending his campaign. He cited an “irregularities riddled elections process”. In a statement to the media, Fordesaid,“Today,Ihereby formally suspend my candidacyandacceptanceof all nominations for the positions to which I have been nominated by Party GroupsacrosstheCountry.”

Forde listed three reasons for his decision

while noting that they significantly impacted his confidence in the integrity and fairness of the electoral process. He said, despite s e v e r a l w r i t t e n communications addressed to the Central Executive Committee and the General Secretary regarding concerns about the integrity oftheelectoralprocessesfor the party’s elections, he is yettoreceivearesponse.

Further, Forde who is an attorney said “There have been noticeable irregularities concerning the list of delegates, which raise serious concerns about the transparency of the electionprocess.”

T h e C e n t r a l

Executive Member said too that “unreasonable timelines have been imposed to meet certain requirementsforholdingthe congress,whichhaveplaced undue pressure and constraints on the democraticprocess.”

Additionally, he said that members from various regions across t h e c o u n t r y h a v e expressed dissatisfaction with the “extremely limited time provided to organize logistics to attend and effectively participate in the Congress”.

Forde who premised his campaign on the p r i n c i p l e s o f a c c o u n t a b i l i t y , t r a n s p a r e n c y and

democratic governance said he remains committed to “the high values, ideals and goals of our party, set in place at its very core and at its very foundation by Linden Forbes Sampson BurnhamwhichIbelieveare essential for the integrity of the party’s electoral processes”.

Forde reminded that on June 23, 2024, former General Secretary of the party, Dawn HastingsWilliams, resigned from her post. Her resignation was also influenced by “the lack of those very critical issuestransparency, accountability andinternaldemocracy”.

“Her resignation coupled with evidence of irregularities, and the expressed dissatisfaction of members demonstrate that the current electoral process has fallen woefully short of meeting even rudimentary standards necessary to uphold these principles,”Fordesaidinhis statement.

Notwithstanding, he believes that “it is imperative that our party’s internal elections adhere to the highest standards of democratic practice to ensure fairness andinclusivity.”

“Unfortunately, the deficiencies observed in the process have made it clear that these standards havenotbeenmet.

Therefore, after

careful thought and consideration and with a heavy heart, I hereby suspend my candidacy for the positions nominated,” the attorney said while thanking all the groups, members and supporters of the PNCR the confidence reposedinhim.

He also thanked his team members for their hard work, sacrifice and dedication

“I remain committed to the high values, ideals and goals of our party, set in placeatitsverycoreandat its very foundation by Linden Forbes Sampson


I will continue to work towards fostering a democratic and inclusive political environment within the PNCR,” he said while urging “the leadershipandallmembers of the PNCR to reflect on these concerns and take decisiveactionstoimprove our electoral processes movingforward ” Forde posited that the PNCR’s “strength lies in our commitment to democratic principles, and it is crucial that we uphold these principles in every aspectofouroperations ”

Meanwhile, despite the sharp criticisms and accusations that have been levelled against the incumbent leader, he remains adamant that negativity will not cause him to lose support In a recent interview with Kaieteur News, Norton said he is unfazed by the accusations against him and is confident of reelection as leader of the PNCR The Congress of the party is set for June 28-30 andaccordingtoNorton,the party is focused on having a “successfulCongress”.

Faultywiringcausesfireat ChildrenandFamilyCentre

Fire, believed to be electrical in nature, destroyed sections of the ChildrenandFamilyCentre, located at Block X Plum Park, Sophia, Greater Georgetown on Thursday morning.

The Centre is managed by the Ministry of Human ServicesandSocialSecurity that predominantly houses children.

An eye witness said that at the time she observed the fire no alarm was raised but shesawtheoccupantsofthe Centre, mostly children, exitingthebuilding.

observed that the top floor's north-western side was engulfed in flames and smoke. T

TheFireServicesaidthat upon arrival, the firefighters

“I see the smoke and I hallaformyhusbandandtell he man call the fire people and let them come out this fire cause remember we get child too you understand it didn't had no body screaming because when I done halla I see all a them children done pack up in front deh [Children and Family centre], them say everybody come out,” the eyewitness said According to reports, a fire alarm was raised at about 10:24h and the fire service units arrived by10:34h.

Man, 26, confesses to killing pensioner found dead in swamp

A 26-year-old man has reportedly confessed to killing a Drainage and Irrigation(D&I)workerwho wasfounddeadinaswampy areaatVryheidVillage,West Canje,Berbice,RegionSix.

The D&I worker, 60year-old Dhanindranauth Surujnauth Mahadeo, 60, was found dead around 12:15hrs on Saturday last, somefourdaysafterhewent missing Following investigations by detectives in Berbice, the 26-year-old unemployed man, who later admitted to beating Mahadeo to death with a pieceofiron,wasdetained.

The man reportedly told investigators that he met Mahadeo who was walking along a dam in Vryheid Village and a heated argumentensued.

The situation escalated and the man picked up a piece of iron and began beating Mahadeo until he felltothegroundmotionless. The suspect left him there andwentaway

Murdered: Dhanindranauth Surujnauth Mahadeo

The man's decomposing bodywasfoundonSaturday. Apost-mortem examination that was conducted subsequently revealed that he suffered a fractured skull a n d d i e d f r o m haemorrhaginginthebrain. K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that Mahadeo left his home on June 17 to have a few drinks with a female friend but never returned home. On June 19, his daughter filed a missing persons' report and on June 22,hisbodywasfound. Investigatorsbelievethat hewaskilledwhilereturning home from the drinking session.

Carrier#18, and Hydraulic

led by Fireman


immediatelywiththefirstjet of water being applied at 10:35hrs.

The fire was contained momentarily


response team included WaterTender #118 and #95,

Alsopresentatthescene were Divisional Officer Charles, Sub Officer Jackson, and Sub Officer Scipio.

Bythetimetheblazewas extinguished,thetopfloorof the building was severely damaged, while the ground floor suffered severe water

s understands that all of the occupantsoftheCentrewere safely evacuated and the prompt response by the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) quicklystoppedthefirefrom destroying the two-storey wooden and concrete buildingcompletely

No injuries or casualties havebeenreported.

The fire reportedly

startedintheupperstoreyof thebuildingwhichservedas the living quarters for the occupants.

The ground floor is reportedlyusedforstorage.

TheGFSinareporttothe media said that the fire “is believedtohavebeencaused by faulty electrical wiring installation, which resulted in arcing and sparking, subsequentlyignitingnearby combustiblematerials.”

Platform 2,
The Children and Family Centre engulfed
Damaged sections of the Children and Family Centre

Emerging Ireland in control at stumps on day three of second four-day game against West Indies Academy

SportsMax - Emerging Ireland are firmly in the driver’s seat at stumps on day three of their second four-day encounter against the West IndiesAcademy at the Civil Service Cricket ClubinBelfastonThursday At stumps on day three, the West Indies Academy were 148-3 off 28 overs, trailing their Irish counterparts by 93 runs in theirsecondinnings.

Ackeem Auguste ended

the day 70* off 91 balls including 11 fours while opening partner Kadeem Alleynecontributedarun-aball 38 including five fours and a six. Earlier, the hosts were dismissed for 441 in 112.5oversafterstartingthe day397-7off103overs.

FionnHand,whostarted day three on 61* ended up beingdismissedfor79.

The bulk of the Irish run scoring came from captain AndrewBalbirniewhohit88

off134ballsonWednesday He was well supported by Andy McBrine who hit 64 and James McCollum who hit 40. Kelvin Pittman, Nyeem Young, Joshua Bishop and captain Teddy Bishopalltooktwowickets, each.

The Academy were dismissed for 200 in their first innings after winning the toss and batting first on Tuesday Teddy Bishop was the main scorer in that

batting effort with 69 while Nyeem Young (29), Jewel Andrew (27) and Ackeem Auguste(26)allgotstarts.

FullScores: West Indies Academy 200 off 56 overs (Teddy Bishop 69, Nyeem Young 29, Jewel Andrew 27, Ackeem Auguste 26, Matthew Humphreys 5-57, Curtis Campher 3-12) & 148-3off28overs(Ackeem Auguste 70*, Kadeem Alleyne38)

Friday June 28, 2024


You tend to enjoy solitude, Aries, and today you might feel more reclusive than usual.Youcouldbeinvitedto spend time with friends but not feel like accepting. You might even feel a little irritatedbythem.


Today there might be tension in the air with no discernible cause, Taurus Family

members could seem preoccupied with problems they can't quite define. Your naturalinclinationmightbeto trytocheerthemup.


You could get some mysteriousphonecallstoday, Gemini, like wrong numbers or hang-ups. Other people

m i g h t s e e m l e s s communicative than usual, Gemini.


Confusion over money matters might come up for you today, Cancer. You may needtocheckyourrecordsin order to shed light on some pasttransactions.Don'tpanic. Allshouldbewell.


Someone close to you might seem more preoccupied than usual, Leo, and perhaps a bit difficult to deal with. Don't take this personally It has little if anything to do with you.


Todayyoumightbefeelinga bit tense, Virgo, and you probably won't understand why The secret? It's the planets. You might tend to jumpatunexpectednoises.


You probably aren't going to feel much like socializing today, Libra, though friends might contact you Your patiencehaswornabitthinand you could get annoyed at incidents that normally wouldn'tbotheryou.


Uptight is the word for today, Scorpio. At some point you might find yourself the center of attention. While you normallymightnotmind,now it could make you a bit nervous.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

You'relikelytowanttobeleft alone with your own thoughts today Relaxing with a good book might be at the top of your agenda, Sagittarius, and you aren't liable to want to be interrupted.


Worries over money could have you edgier than usual, Capricorn. While you may be doing well, you still could be insecure and think your funds might not stretch far enough. Try to consider the situation objectively

AQUARIUS (Jan 20–Feb 18) You probably crave solitude, Aquarius Even though you may have committedtodoingsomething for a friend or relative, now youfindtheideairritating.


Although you're normally a sociablepersonwhofeelsmost comfortableinthecompanyof others,Pisces,todayyoumight ratherbealone.Youcouldfeel alittleundertheweatherorbe stressed from job-related worries.

EmergingIreland441all outoff112.5overs(Andrew Balbirnie88,FionnHand79, Andy McBrine 64, James McCollum 40, Paul Stirling 32, Teddy Bishop 2-35, Nyeem Young 2-55, Kelvin Pittman2-65,JoshuaBishop 2-72)

Semifinals to be decided...


“Obviously, the teams that have had advanced into the round of 16, would have been the teams that are bringingthebetterqualityof footballtothepitch.”

With six of the eight quarterfinalists hailing out of the Hinterland areas, it shows that the Hinterland girls are playerswayaheadofthatofthe coastland girls Forde said, “This is a challenge for the GFF,theClubsandtheregional associations” He said, “I Think that, the FIFA F4S programme gives us the platform to close the gap and also build on what is already happening for those in the hinterlandareasbutalsoreally put the right progammes throughtheF4Sprogrammeso thatwecan see incremental/ rapid improvement in the coastlandschools.”

The GFF-run tournament is sponsored by Blue Water Shipping, with support from the Guyana Beverage Incorporation The top three schools will receive trophies and medals, with the champions awarded equipment valued at over $600,000 Thesecond-placed team will secure equipment worth slightly more than $450,000, while the thirdplaced team will receive football gear valued at just over$379,000

The prize package includes essential football equipment such as balls, goals, jerseys, shin guards, goalkeeper

training arches, agility ladders and more.

Emerging Ireland were firmly in the driver’s seat at stumps on day three of their second four-day encounter against the West Indies Academy

Verwey, Sumner to lead Guyana at 2024 CASA Championship

AThe tournament will featuretopjuniortalentfrom several Caribbean nations, including Guy


, Barbado

, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Vincent,andGrenada.

In preparation for the event, the Guyana Squash Association (GSA) hosted a

team of spirited G u y a n e s e squash players issettocompeteinthe2024 Caribbean Area Squash Association(CASA)Juniors Tournament, taking place in Tortola, British Virgin Islands,fromJune30toJuly 6. The Guyanese contingent will be led by local and regional U19 star Nicholas Verweyandstandoutfemale player Safirah Sumner, who will serve as captains of the boys’ and girls’ teams, respectively.

Georgetown Club, attended by team members and sponsors. GSA President DavidFernandesannounced that95%oftheplayershave metthefitnessstandardsand expressed gratitude to the s p o n s o r s a n d t h e Government of Guyana for providing the National RacketCentrefacility Speeches were also

GSA President David Fernandes, ENET’s Robert Hiscock and Value 4 U’s Sharon Bryan (seated) share photo-op with members of 2024 Squash team off to the CASAChampionship in BVI, Dejee Dias GSACompetitions Chairman (standing) also sharing the moment. (Sean Devers photo)

given by ENET’s Head of Mobile,RobertHiscock,and Value 4 U Inc Sales Manager,SharonBryan. The Guyanese squad includes Nicholas Verwey, Michael ‘Mikey’ A l p h o n s o , L o u i s

DaSilva, Mohrayan Baksh, Ethan Bulkan, Egan Bulkan, Zion H i c k e r s o n , Z o e y McDonald, Tehani Munroe, Alexis Arjoon, Avery Arjoon, Kaylee Lowe,

Emily Fung-A-Fat, Safirah Sumner, Rylee Rodrigues, Malia Maikoo, Justin Goberdan,JacobMcDonald, Shiloh Asregado, and DemetriLowe.

Despite U17 standout Josh Verwey suffering an injury, he will still travel with the team, with Shiloh Asregadosteppinguptolead theU17division.

Guyana finished as runners-up in last year’s tournament, second to Barbados. Historically, Guyanese playershaveperformedwell at the CASA Juniors, boasting a 12-year winning streak in the mid-2000s that endedin2016.

The trip to the 2024 C A S A J u n i o r s i s supported by sponsors including KFC, the G u y a n a O l y m p i c Association, E-ZONE, ECouriers, ENET, and Value4U

JeremiahLouisreplacesinjured KemarRoachforEnglandTests


SportsMax - Cricket West Indies (CWI) has announced an updated 15membersquadforthethreeTestRichardsBothamseries in England, starting on 10 July2024atLord’s.

The squad features one significant change: Kemar Roach has been replaced by St Kitts & Nevis’ fast bowler, Jeremiah Louis due to Roach’s ongoing rehabilitation from a knee injury sustained during the County Championship in England.

Lead Selector the Most Honorable Dr Desmond Haynesremarked,“Kemar’s skill and experience in English conditions will be missed However, this opportunityhasbeenlongin the making for Jeremiah Louis, he certainly has the skillandexperiencetomake animpactinEngland.”

GuyanesebatsmanTevin Imlach is also part of the squadnamed.Healongwith fellow countrymen Shamar

Joseph,GudakeshMotieand Kevin Sinclair are all selected.

The Richards Botham series, named after West Indies legend Sir Vivian Richards and England great Lord Ian Botham, is a historic rivalry dating back to1928whentheWestIndies firsttouredEngland.


1. Kraigg Brathwaite (Captain)






7. Alzarri Joseph (ViceCaptain)









19-year-old fast bowler Isai Thorne will join the squad as a development player

TeamManagementUnit: Head Coach: Andre Coley,TeamManager:Rawl Lewis, Assistant Coaches: Jimmy Adams, Rayon Griffith, Shaun Tait, Physiotherapist: Dr Denis Byam, Strength & ConditioningCoach:Ronald Rogers, Team Masseuse: Fitzbert Alleyne, Team Analyst:AveneshSeetram.

The squad has been in a training camp at Tonbridge Schoolandwillplaya3-day warm-up match against the E n g l a n d L i o n s a t Beckenham starting on 4 July Fixtures for England series: Wednesday 3 July 2024 3-Day Warm-Up Match Beckenham



Action continued on Day 2 of GBA National Junior tourney

Th e G u y a n a

B a d m i n t o n


(GBA) National Junior

Tournament continued Wednesday at the National Gymnasium with matches being competed in the


T h e a c t i o n determinedthosecontesting thevariousfinalsyesterday

The tournament is sponsored by the National Sports Commission and formspartoftheBadminton Academy.

W e d n e s d a y ’ s action saw spirited contests among the young players as they pulled out the stops to march to yesterday’s conclusion.

Results from Day2 show:

BSU19:NikolasPollard bt.VishalGopaul16-21,2116,21-17

BS U17 QF: Avinash Ramnarine bt. Christopher Jordan21-17,21-17

BS U17 QF: Xavio Alexander bt Mohamed Farouk21-5,21-5

BS U19: Joanathan Debidin got past Darian ThomasviaWalkover

BS U17 QF: Ruel Rambirichebt.GabrielFelix 21-16,21-17

GS U19 QF: Mishka

Beharry bt. Gabriella Henry 21-4,21-9

BS U19 QF: Frank Wadell bt. Percival Chester 21-4,21-0

GS U17 QF: Nevaeh Eastman bt. Gabrielle Felix 21-13,17-21,21-15

GS U11: Anjaneysa Godettebt.EmmaRamsaran 21-1,Retired

GSU11:RiyoAlexander bt.AriannaBassier21-7,214

BS U17 QF: Nikolas Pollardbt.JoelPrince21-14, 21-8

BS U15 SF: Egan Bulkanbt.PhillipStephanas 21-19,23-21

GS U17 SF: Mishka Beharry bt Menikshi Jaikissoon21-5,21-7

GS U19 SF: Leshaunte Berkley bt. Malia Haley 2117,17-21,21-16

BS U19 QF: Xavio

Alexander bt. Christopher Jordan21-5,21-15

BS U19 QF: Jonathan Robinson bt. Gabriel Felix 21-17,19-21,21-17

BS U11: Liam Brumell bt.ChristopherHarrison211,21-4

BS U13 SF: Joel Rambiriche bt Ethan Ramsaran21-8,21-7

GS U15 SF: Gabrielle Felixbt.AnyaManickchand 21-7,21-4

BS U19 QF: Joanathan Debidin bt. Nikolas Pollard 21-11,21-6

BS U17 SF: Xavio

Alexander bt Avinash Ramnarine21-8,21-9

BS U15 SF: Ruel Rambiriche bt Mohamed Farouk21-7,21-10

GS U15 SF: Harshini

GS U19 SF: Mishka

Beharry bt Nevaeh Eastman21-18,21-5

BS U19 SF: Frank

Wadell bt Jonathan

M u r a l i d h a r a n b t Anjaneysa Godette 21-14, 21-15


GS U17 SF: Malia Haleybt NevaehEastman 13-21,22-20,21-14

BS U19 SF: Xavio Alexander bt Jonathan Robinson21-8,21-9

Malia Haley (left) lost to Leshaunte Berkley
Malia Haley was on the winning side versus Nevaeh Eastman.
Frank Waddell (right) defeated Jonathan Debidin.

Semifinals to be decided tomorrow in GFF Blue Water National Girls U15 championship

The business end of the 2024 Guyana Football Federation-Blue Water National Girls Under-15

Football tournament will be in full swing this weekend, as the quarterfinals kick off tomorrow (Saturday) at the

National Training Centre in Providence.Thetournament willculminatethefollowing day (Sunday) with the

semifinals and final, promising a thrilling conclusion to the largest female grassroots programmeinthecountry

Fromaninitialpoolof60 teams, the competition has narrowed down to the final

eight: St Ignatius Secondary, President’s College (PC), Bartica, Queen’s College (QC), Waramuri Top, Tucville, Santa Rosa, and Bush Lot Secondary, all vying for a spot in the championship’s finalfour

Saturday’s lineup features four exciting quarterfinal matches St IgnatiusSecondarywillface a strong President’s College side in the first match at 10:00 hours, while Bartica S e c o n d a r y w i l l simultaneously take on the QC girls In the third quarterfinal encounter, Waramuri Primary Top will go head-to-head with Tucville Secondary The final match of the day will see Bush Lot Secondary competing against Santa Rosa Secondary for the last spotinthesemifinals.

M e a n w h i l e , t h e tournament’s Operations

Coordinator, Lavern Fraser said that, We (GFF) are extremely happy to get this far in the tournament. She stated that with only two Georgetown teams making intotheroundof16andnow the quarter finals lineup, “It is very pleasing to see these young ladies being afforded the opportunity to not just meet their peers but also the opportunity to represent

their respective schools,” Fraserconcluded.

“While we are aware of thetalents/caliberofplayers that exits the female footballing population, of course,alotofthathasbeen on display throughout the tournament,” GFF head Wayne Forde said in a previous interview. He continuedtosaythat, (Continuedonpage21)

RegalLegendsandMastersreadytorumble atNYSCLIndependenceCupwhichbeginstoday

Regal Legends (Over50) and Masters (Over-40) teamsarereadytorumbleat the New York Softball Cricket League (NYSCL) 19th edition three-day softball extravaganza from today

Thetwoteams,bothwith championship honours on a number occasions, have beennamed.

The Guyana-based sides areloadedwithseveralhighprofile players and no doubt theywillbelookingtomake a positive impact from day one. The action will unfold for three consecutive days, with things formalizing Sunday with the threecategory finals Open categoryistheotherone.

Regal Legends have two of softball legends in their lineup which would certainly boost their confidence tremendously ThepairarebatsmenWayne JonesandRameshNarine.

I n t h e M a s t e r s composition, they have got



us opening batsman Patrick Rooplall alongwithalistofseasoned campaigners.

Over the past six consecutive weeks, consistentrainfallinGuyana affected the teams’ total preparations, but they are anxious to stamp their authoritiesinthepreliminary roundandthentheknockout stage.

ApartfromRegal,teams are expected from Canada, Florida, Orlando and New Yorktocompeteatthismega softball event which will attract lucrative cash prizes

with trophies as well. It promises to be another showpiece and the NYSCL has put in tireless work to organizeanothertournament ofthismagnitude.

Regal Legends team reads: Mohindra Arjune (Captain), Uniss Yusuf, David Harper, Rudolph Baker, Surujdeo Ramdeen, Wayne Jones, Eoin Abel, Kamraj Sumair, Parsram Persaud, Laurie Singh, Ramesh Narine, Ronald Evely, Farook Qayaam, Jagdesh Persaud, Asif Ally, Raymond Harper, Ken Sanichar Regal Masters team reads: Fazal Rafiek (Captain), Khemchandra Dindyal, Patrick Rooplall, Lenox Mark, Lakeram

Roopnarine, Balram Roopnarine, Roy Persaud, Anil Ramoutar, Ameer

Niamudin, H

Johnson, Nicolas Chase, Balram Samaroo, Ravy Singh, Randolph Ketwaroo, SheldonPerch

Aglimpse of what to expect this Saturday in the GFF-Blue Waters National Schools U15 Football Championship.
Ramesh Narine

2024 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Semi-final India vs. England at Providence

Sharma, Axar, Kuldeep propel India to T20 World Cup final - England suffer 68-run defeat

India captain Rohit Sharmablasteda39ball half-century while left-arm spinners Kuldeep Yadav and Axar Patelcombinedfor6wickets as now former champs England were thumped by 68-runs, thus setting up a mouth-wateringfinalagainst theSouthAfricans.

Indiadidwelltobalance the rain and multiple stoppages at the Guyana National Stadium at Providence to eventually post a solid 171-7 in 20 overs.

I n - f o r m o p e n e r Sharma played a captain’s knock as he punched 6 fours and two sixes in his 57, which was the foundation for his team’s comprehensivewin

P o w e r - h i t t e r Suryakumar Yadav played a tempered innings as he took pressure off his captain with a 47 off 36 (4x42x6)

Meanwhile, allrounder Hardik Pandya

provided a late burst as he clobbered23off13tohelp capoffIndia’seffortswith thebat.

England pacer Chris Jordan was exceptional on the Providence surface despite some extra moisture, returning figuresof3-37

Fellow quicks, Reece Topley (1-25) and Jofra Archer (1-35) and Sam Curran (1-25) lent support Seasoned legspinnerAdilRashidsealed off a successful bowling outing with figures of 125

Chasing a daunting total in tricky conditions, England had no chance against the class of leftarmers Yadav (3-19) and Man-of-the-match Patel (3-23), who singlehandedly put a dent in theiropponents’chase

Only Jos Buttler (23), Harry Brooks (25) and a lower-order fightback from Archerwhohit21,managed to make a bit of noise with

the bat, as England found themselvesbullet-riddledfor 103in16.4overs.

After Phil Salt was rocked by fast-bowler Jaspriht Bumrah (2-12), it was a feast for the Indian spin masters who reduced England to 80-7 by the 15th over

The final power-play belonged to India despite some resistance from Archer, who was eventually trappedLBWbyBumrah,as Indiacelebratedahugewin.

Earlier in the morning, following a few stoppages duetorainandthe departure of Virat Kohli who was knocked over by Topley for 9, India, batting first regainedsomecontrolofthe wheels, thanks to the repair jobdonebytheirbatters.

Top-scorers Yadav and Sharma consolidated and their partnership soon helped India to find the necessary gears needed for ananteup.

Sharma capitalized on thebowlers/fieldersinability

Moeen Ali tried to make his way back, but Rishabh Pant was too quick for him. (ICC/Getty Images)

toperformatoptimumlevels duetothestateoftheoutfield and the ball because of the weather, reaching his halfcenturyoff36balls.

Rashid then knocked over the Indian skipper with a beauty, while Archer removed Yadav, who was

inches away from a welldeservedfifty Pandyaprovidedabitof fireworks as he launched a pair of sixes to go along with his solitary four, as

RavindraJadejafinishednot out on 17 off 9 by the time

oversexpired. India will face South Africa in the final set for Barbadostomorrow Scores: India 171 for 7 (Rohit 57, Suryakumar 47, Jordan 3-37) beat England 103 (Brook 25, Kuldeep 319,Axar3-23)by68runs

Tevin Imlach
Jeremiah Louis

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