Kaieteur News

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The mangled vehicle that was being driven by Suresh Singh Sunday morning when it crashed into a truck
Dead: Suresh Singh

Gov t . assures Exxon not hiding true oil data


W h i l e G u y a n a h a s s e

n increase in oil discoveries over the past years, this does not mean the country now has more oil, Minister o f N a t u

Supply of the National Assembly last week.

He was at the time responding to questions on the allocations to his m


there is an allocation in this year ’s budget to monitor and understand

explanation on why government


To this end, Minister Bharrat told the House, “When you look at it logically, there is no reason for E x x o n o

n t o f

G u y a n a t o w i t h h o l d a n y information as to our discovered resources. As a matter of fact, it would be counterproductive not to say we have 15 or 20 or 30 billion (barrels of oil).”

ExxonMobil is the operator of

G u y a n a ’ s l a r g e s t o i l b l o c kStabroek- where the company first discovered oil in 2015. Since then, there has been a string of successful finds, taking the total discoveries to date up to 46. In April 2022, Exxon said the reserves in the Stabroek Block totaled 11 billion barrels Two years and eight discoveries later, government said this grew to

11 6B Notably, although Exxon supplies government with data, the company said its estimate of the r e s o u r c e s w a

h a n 11 B barrels. While there continues to be questions about the real resources in the Stabroek Block, Bharrat told t h e N a t i o n

updating the reserves to a higher number would make the country a m

investment. As such, he urged that

there is no reason to believe the g

l d i n g a n y i

r m a t i o n T

M i n i s t e r explained that had there been an increase to the oil reserves, this would have helped the recent bid round to be more successful, as more companies would have been vying for a piece of the Guyana Basin.

Similarly, Bharrat said the nonr e l e a s e o f t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n b y Exxon would not be helpful for the

company According to him, “If Exxon can say that we have 15B barrels of oil in the Guyana Basin, t h e i r s h a r e p r i c e w o u l d g o u p tomorrow morning…so it’s not that we don’t want to say, but that is the f i g u r e We c a n n o t m a n u f a c t u r e figures and say oh we have 15B, oh we have 30B.”

He str

has to ensure the truth is presented to the public and the fact remains that the country’s oil reserves is just

11 billion barrels of oil.

The Minister noted that while t h

discoveries by the oil giant over the y


He said, “Yes you may have a discovery and you may say oh we encounter 150 feet of oil-bearing sand and you might decide that you’re going to use that to shore up y o u r r

equivalent to 2B or 3B- it don’t work like that ” Conversely, the M

appraisal programme that follows

reserves may come down. “Based

could say look, instead of 165 feet of oil-bearing sand, we now have 250 feet and we can estimate at 500

appraisal programme could go the other way and say you know what, we over estimated at first and the reality is, it is not 165, it is just 65, and it is not 500 million barrels, it is just 200 million barrels.”

To this end, Bharrat said new discoveries do not equate to more o

l f o r G u y

“ I t i s n o t a straightforward thing to say that oh we had 50 discoveries and then we add six more so we supposed to increase. It don’t work like that. It is based on the appraisal programme b y t h e c o m p a n y, ” t h e M i n i s t e r stated.

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat (standing) and senior staff of the Ministry during the consideration of estimates in the National Assembly

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: GLENN LALL-TEL: 624-6456


Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Public health and personal responsibility

Last week during her budget debate presentation Shadow Health Minister, Dr Karen Cummings pointed out that despite a budgetary allocation of over $143 billion, Guyana’s health sector continues to suffer wanton waste and lack of critical resources, describing it as an expensive bandaid to a sector that is in crisis. She noted that the administration has allowed nurses to leave the country because of their refusal to pay them a livable wage.

She said such” spiteful and reckless conduct of the government with its refusal to pay nurses a livable wage has resulted in an average of 23 nurses for every 10,000 patients. She said too that the country had an average of 42 beds per 10,000 patients in the period of 2000-2002, but this has declined from 2004 to 25 beds per 10,000 patients. She continued: “The healthcare system is in a crisis; in recent times, there are persons who did not sustain life threatening injuries that would have succumbed to their injuries following treatment. It is due of the decline in the availability of healthcare assets and providers…”, adding that a working public healthcare system is the hallmark of a thriving economy

We agree with Dr Cummings, in that the state of our public health system is a good indication of well we are doing as a nation. No matter the boast of 12 new hospitals on top of big billions in spending on a range of things, if citizens cannot access quality healthcare, then we are failing as a nation. It is often said that good health is not just the absence of disease or illness, it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, which means eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, avoiding tobacco and drugs and getting plenty of rest.

What we would like to emphasise today however, is that our nation’s health can only be secured and improved if it is more widely recognised that there is a dual responsibility for bringing about that eventuality: the individual as well as the state; the private as well as the public.

Improving health means addressing the causes of poor health. These causes, of course are myriad –arising out of a complex interaction between personal, social, economic and environmental factors.

One of the debilitating legacies of a colonial past, however, is while rightfully blaming the then government for much of our predicament, after independence we refused to extend our newly-won agency to so many areas of our lives – including health. We forgot the “personal”. This is not to propose an “either/or” situation where we have to point fingers at each other but to recognise that there will have to be a partnership between the health authorities and us the ordinary citizens if we want to develop a healthier nation.

Take for example the case of cancer of the lungs, which is a significant cause of death in our country and is defined as a “public health” problem. It is universally known that smoking is a major factor in the development of lung cancer The authorities of most jurisdictions, including Guyana, have banned commercials for cigarettes on TV; have banned smoking in confined public places and have even gone so far as placing a warning about the causation link between smoking and lung cancer on each pack of cigarettes. Yet smoking continues unabated and the programmes to deal with the consequences then fall on the rest of society via the government coffers. The analogous argument can be made for HIV/AIDS and so many other “lifestyle-conducive” illnesses. We are suggesting that in the public-private partnership necessary for a viable health sector, a balance must be struck in the allocation of responsibilities for dealing with certain health problems. Greater responsibility ought to be placed on individuals than presently prevails, which can be in the end only enforced by other individuals –in the collective as society – that develop and practise the healthy alternatives as social mores and norms. We recognise that this is a sensitive subject and we hope that

Vote for policies and not party


examine the policies of both

Party (PPP) and the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) to determine which

govern our nation.

On election day, we, as future leaders, must elect

qualities in our multicultural society

persisted among these two

characterised by heckling

behaviour creates doubts in

n g Guyanese, causing them to

a p p r o p r i a t e l y d u r i n g

sessions of the National Assembly, how can they be e x p e c t e d t o l e a d u s effectively?

Their actions imply that this is the acceptable way to h a n d l e d i s a g r e e m e n t s , a s t a n d a r d w e s h o u l d n o t endorse.

Having witnessed the

c o n s t a n t d i s r u p t i o n s a n d unprofessional conduct of P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n s , particularly from both the G o v e r n m e n t a n d t h e Opposition, in the presence of Mr Manzoor Nadir, the Speaker of the National

A s s e m b l y , I a m l e f t

c o n c e r n e d a b o u t t h e i r respect for the authority of the House.

I f i r m l y b e l i e v e t h a t anyone seeking leadership

s h o u l d f i r s t d e m o n s t r a t e

q u a l i t i e s s u c h a s accountability, transparency, r e s p e c t a b i l i t y , a n d

Parliamentarians. If our leaders cannot c o n d u c t t h e m s e l v e s

pragmatism. While not all Government and Opposition Parliamentarians engage in such misconduct, several do, and this behaviour must be condemned.

As we approach another election, I am not interested in the mistakes of the Former A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change ( A P N U + A F C ) o r t h e People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C).

W h a t t h e y o u n g e r g e n e r a t i o n n e e d s t o understand is how t

major political parties


The time has come for both the APNU+AFC and P P P / C t

approach, as the narrative of “divide and conquer” should have no place in the 21st century

The younger generation

instilled by their parents and grandparents, and critically

political parties embody the qualities we seek in our leaders.

Significant political struggle required


In 2021, the People’s P

United States Republican

Institute (IRI) to be the operational leader of the election reform process. A poll conducted for IRI by a Latin American firm CID G a l l u

2 concluded that regarding the c r e d

n s results only 38% of those p o l l e d b e l i e

t t h e y reflected the will of the people and 51% believed they did not. To the question as to whether they believed that the declared official election results reflected the will of the people, only an a v e r a g e o f 2 2 % o f t h e population (16% Africans, 2 8 % E a s t I n d i a n s , 2 1 %

Indigenous, and 20% mixed people) said ‘definitely yes’. This is possibly the most objective political poll done in Guyana over the last two decades and is a telling condemnation of the Guyana E l e c t i o n s C o m m i s s i o n (GECOM) whose mandate as an independent electoral m a n a g e m e n t b o d y i s t o c o n d u c t f r e e a n d f a i r e l e c t i o n s P e r h a p s a s electoral manipulation has b e c o m e s o n o r m a l i z e d , GECOM, which in one form or another has been at the c e n t r e o f t h i s m i s c h i e f , missed the significance of the above conclusion.

It must have been so, or some kind of conspiracy is afoot, for notwithstanding o t h e r i n d i c a t i o n s a n d warnings that what it is doing i s n o t w o r k i n g , i t i s proceeding towards the 2025

elections with the process largely unchanged. It is as if the claims and counterclaims o f m a s s i v e v o t e r impersonations that again a r o s e d u r i n g t h e 2 0 2 0 elections and are yet to be adequately dealt with in the courts, did carry any weight with GECOM when for other d e m o c r a t i c a l l y o r i e n t a t e d stakeholders, it was a major

concern Thus, the 2020

C a r i c o m R e c o u n t t e a m

s t a t e d t h a t a m i n i m u m condition for holding any future elections should be a new voters list, and the European Union Overserver Mission suggested that the existing list is bloated and t h a t t h e r e s h o u l d b e c o n s e n s u a l e l e c t o r a l reforms.

there will be some public discussion on the issue. Better health is everyone’s business. Many of us complain about our economic underdevelopment but do not appreciate that better health can improve economic productivity significantly We wonder if the Ministry of Labour computes the number of working days lost through work-related ill-health. Ill-health is expensive in both economic and human terms. Cutting the cost of sickness at work will help to decrease burdens on business.

While people are responsible for their own actions in health as in other areas, there is always the question of whether the individuals are aware of the nexus between their lifestyle choices and their subsequent illnesses. The decisions people take over their health are more likely to result in better health and a healthier life if they have the opportunity to make informed decisions. And this has to be the responsibility of officialdom. We can do no worse than begin in our schools – starting from the lowest grades – where it appears that our officials have forgotten about the old aphorism of the benefits of “a sound mind in a sound body”. Let’s all get physical.

which there is much quarrel, are particularly useful in

impersonation, have been around for decades and are familiar to GECOM. According to Kaieteur News, a recent GECOM press release on biometrics s

Even if one puts aside, as self-interested, the persistent d e m a n d s o f t h e o ff i c i a l opposition for the adoption of an improved biometric s y s t e m , i n t h i s k i n d o f problematical context, an i n d e p e n d e n t e l e c t o r a l m a n a g e m e n t b o d y w i t h p e r h a p s - a p a r t f r o m parliament and the judiciary - the greatest legal authority in the land should not have had to wait on anyone to take the i

biometrics are

s impersonation or multiple voting to occur The use of biometrics also offers a more accurate method of voter identification compared to traditional methods like ID cards or signatures, thereby r

errors in the electoral (Continued on page 05)

From page 04 process, guarding against e l e c t o r a l f r a u d I t a l s o ensures the integrity of the voting process, and the use of biometric fingerprints can

s t r e a m l i n e t h e v o t e r

Significant political struggle required... Little things can make a big difference

i d e n t i f i c a t i o n p r o c e s s , leading to faster and more

e f f i c i e n t v o t i n g ’ ( K N : 29/01/2025).

However, having failed over many years to take the initiative and do its essential c o n s t i t u t i o n a l d u t y t o p r o v i d e t h e G u y a n e s e people with a government they can consider legitimate, GECOM now adds insult to injury by telling us that

b i o m e t r i c s c o u l d b e beneficial but that it is too

l a t e f o r t h e m t o b e implemented! And seeks to confuse us with a plethora of minutiae, many of which are p r e s e n t i n a n y d e l i v e r y system but are all mainly located in factors, including legality, timing and funding, that are in the control of the ruling party

It said that there are legal and technical challenges, poor network connectivity,

power outages, hardware malfunctions, and software g l i t c h e s , d i f f i c u l t y i n accommodating the elderly

a n d p e r s o n s w i t h disabilities, difficulties with f i n g e r p r i n t s c a n n i n g , disenfranchisement, storing

b i o m e t r i c d a t a , p o s s i b l e

f r a u d u l e n t a c t i v i t i e s , infrastructure challenges in t h e h i n t e r l a n d , v o t e r

e d u c a t i o n , r e s i s t a n c e b y political parties, and issues of public trust.

To r e p e a t , i n 2 0 1 2 , Ghana, a country with 25 million persons and a much larger hinterland, delivered verification machines, new

voter identification cards featuring head shots, etc., to all its 26,000 polling stations and completed the entire p r o c e s s i n 6 w e e k s Importantly, the new system

w a s a l s o e f f e c t i v e i n identifying 8,000 double registrations, 6,000 of which were fraudulent!

GECOM’s wish to rely on timing is unacceptable at the specific and general levels. At the specific level, the case of Ghana makes G E C O M ’ s p o s i t i o n extremely questionable and s h o u l d b e b a c k e d b y independent as s es s ments GECOM’s task is to provide a legitimate government and whatever it has been doing thus far has not done so. At the general level notions of ‘timing’ must be related to t h e q u e s t f o r l e g i t i m a t e governance. Just to remind, it was this objected that facilitated the PPP’s return

to power in 1992, when national and international pressure forced the People’s National Congress (PNC) to extend its term of office by some two years to reform the electoral system. Thus, constitutional and legal provisions are not cast in stone. Constitutions and laws are made by people for people and when they are inappropriate, they must be c h a n g e d P e r h a p s p a r t l y because of not making a f e t i s h o f e x i s t i n g c o n s t i t u t i o n a l p r o v i s i o n s , Switzerland, which arguably has the most appropriate governance arrangement for our epoch, has reformed their federal constitution on average about once a year since its adoption in 1848.

Historically, in Guyana a n d e l s e w h e r e , n a t i o n a l

e l e c t i o n s m a n a g e m e n t bodies have been fought

over and sometimes are captured by one of the competing political parties, and it appears that this is w h a t h a s h a p p e n e d i n Guyana, where over many y e a r s G E C O M h a s consistently taken the side of the ruling party and now, without clearly identifying its specific responsibilities,

r e s t s i t s i n c a p a c i t y t o i m p r o v e t h e e x i s t i n g dysfunctional status quo in the factors that are solely in the control of that party The question must, therefore, arise as to where GECOM’s loyalties are -with the PPP or the population?

Most Guyanese are quite aware of the fraudulent r e a l i t i e s o f G u y a n e s e governance that have over d e c a d e s p r e v e n t e d t h e optimal use of our resources. The IMF claimed that some 4 1 % o f G u y a n a government’s capital budget

- at present US$738 billioni s w a s t e d b y f o r m s o f i n e f f i c i e n c y (https://guyanabusinessjour nal.com). In the Forbes Burnham era, the fraud was rooted largely in geopolitical c o n c e r n s ; t o d a y i t i s embedded in purely personal and ethnic anxieties. What is required at this juncture are r

divide and rule by more c

that will effectively hold governments accountable.

Not so long ago, I read a substantial piece from the G u y a n a T r a d e U n i o n Congress calling for the introduction of biometrics, but we are told by one PPP GECOM commissioner that ‘No other political or social entity, apart from the PNC and AFC have called for the introduction of biometrics. The political opposition are alone on this one’ (KN:

01/02/2025), Maybe GTUC is PNC like FITUG, and GAWU are PPP! The PPP is c o m f o r t a b l

w i t h i t s autocratic governance, and it w

c a n t political struggle to cause it discomfiture. The holding of creditable elections focused u

governance could provide

electoral realities that ethnic

GECOM is only the more visible element of a system that must be confronted by a n

struggle, and there are some 200 methods of nonviolent protest and persuasion to choose from (Gene Sharp ‘The Politics of Nonviolent Action’ (3 Vols.) Boston: Porter Sargent, 1973).



Take for instance the d e c

o n t a k e n

h e Government to facilitate the cashing of Old Age pensions on any day of the week.


e consequence of this measure is the disappearance of long lines at Post Offices.

Without a doubt, our Senior Citizens are much better off today, thanks to significant increases in Old


benefits introduced by the

current administration such as subsidies to water and electricity

All of this speak to a Government that cares for its p e o p

elderly and the vulnerable.

A society is judged by the way it treats with children and the elderly

O n b o

PPP/C administration has c



Man who bought stolen bike freed of charges after compensating victim

A 35-year-old man, who was charged with simple larceny, walked free after

Court last Friday

Orlando James, of Lot 31 Bent Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown, was accused of stealing a motorcycle valued

a t $ 1 7 5 , 0 0 0 f r o m S h a i Stephens on Robb Street, Georgetown. Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty read the charge to James, who pleaded not guilty The prosecution explained that Stephens had reported his motorbike missing and later received a tip that the bike was spotted on Camp Street.

l o c a t i o n , S t e p h e n s s a w

J a m e s d r i v i n g t h e motorcycle toward a nearby wash bay Recognising his bike by its identification number, Stephens contacted the police.

No bail for vendor charged with assault, disorderly behaviour

A 36-year-old vendor, who appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer charges of assault, disorderly behaviour and the use of threatening language was last We d n e s d a y r e m a n d e d t o p r i s o n f o r repeatedly interrupting and ignoring the Chief Magistrate, Faith McGusty Mawali Clarke, of Lot 564 William S t r e e t , K i t t y, G e o rg e t o w n , r e p o r t e d l y committed the crimes on January 28, 2025, at the Alberttown Police Station Clarke allegedly assaulted Dwayne Williams, also of Kitty, at the police station and threatened to shoot, cripple, and confine him to a wheelchair Clarke pleaded not guilty to all three charges. Prosecutors objected to bail, citing the severity of the threats and Clarke being previously charged.

Officers arrived at the scene and arrested James, who initially claimed he had purchased the motorcycle from a child but could not provide information on the child’s whereabouts. James, who was unrepresented in court, later explained that he h a d b o u g h t t h e b i k e , unaware that it was stolen. “I bought the bike from the child; I’m sorry for what I did,” he stated. However, James later changed his story, claiming that a man originally asked for $60,000 for the bike, but he only had $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 , a n d t h e m a n accepted the lower amount.

J a m e s a g r e e d t o compensate Stephens, and his family members, who w e r e p

s e n t i n c o u r t , provided the $40,000 in cash to Stephens. As a result, the c a s e a g a i n s t J a m e s w a

Stephens told the court that when he recovered the b i k e , i t w a s f a u l t y H e explained that the brakes were damaged and overall, the bike was not in a good c o n d i t i o n S t e p h e n s estimated that the damage would cost $40,000 and expressed that he was open to receiving compensation.

s t y cautioned James about the risks of purchasing highv a l u e i t e m s , s u c h a s v

s , w i t h

o p e r documentation. She stressed the importance of obtaining r e c e i p t s a n d v e r i f y i n g ownership to avoid similar legal issues in the future.

Wasting of tax dollars

DEAR EDITOR, Our roadways continue to be a magnet for accidents daily and alarmingly, seems t o b e i n c r e a s i n g M a n y bodies coming up with flyby-night ideas that vanish as soon as it exited from their mouths.

There is no consistency. The massive trucks seem to be the main driving force b e h i n d m o s t o f t h e accidents.

Perhaps a census should be carried out to see how many causing accidents are

o w n e r s o f t h e v e h i c l e s Traversing on any roads, you will see stones and sand s c a t t e r e d a l o n g t h e roadways, and that prove to b e a v e r y d a n g e r o u s skidding hazard.

The roundabout at the end of the Vreed-en-Hoop New Road was disgustingly polluted with stones, sand and pieces of wood for months after commissioning (only cleared a few days ago).

Va r i o u s i n f l u e n t i a l people perambulate around

t h e r e d a i l y , i n c l u d i n g ministers and is it lack of

common sense of them to envision the dangers lurking there? Who is responsible for monitoring the vehicles that transporting materials to ensure they are secured properly? The patronage system introduced by the g o v e r n m e n t t o e m p l o y people for ten days per month and pay them seems n o t t o b e y i e l d i n g a n y results. Why not introduce a mechanism in place where they could safely clean the roads, because at present, to all eyes, wherever they are, they could be seen gang up and just conversing most of the time.

Editor, the Tuschen main access road is already slim and some purblind genius comes up with the idea to put a walkway on the roadside, m a k i n g t h e w a l k w a y smaller

The walkway was so p o o r l y c o n s t r u c t e d , t h a t water is constantly being blocked from running off the road.

Added to that, lack of m a i n t e n a n c e a n d d e t e r i o r a t i o n c a u s e t h e walkway to become a basin

a n d a c c u m u l a t e s w a t e r, forcing pedestrians to risk their lives and walk on the already slim road. As a

walkway Within the same Tuschen New Scheme, there are many deplorable roads with huge potholes, and a few months ago, GWI staff dug huge trenches to install pipe lines and refill it with mud. Overtime, the rain and vehicles passing, the holes got bigger, making almost impossible for vehicles to pass.

A s t h e g o

continues to give the spoils to their cronies, they can’t see what is affecting the

people a peaceful life or are they being forced to support the party before help could be given?

T h e P P P / C k e e p s boasting of investment and development, but what are the benefits and how long will the willful wasting of money last?



Williams explained that on the night of the incident, he was awakened by a loud explosion. Upon investigating, he discovered that his car ’s windscreen had been shattered and a bicycle was found nearby He said that a neighbour told him that a man in a white Tshirt was seen fleeing the scene. Although nothing was missing from his car, Williams suspected that an object had been thrown at the vehicle.

Williams investigated and said that he searched the area multiple times in his car before switching to a motorcycle. Eventually, he told the court that he saw Clarke, who matched the description he was given. He confronted Clarke, asking if he had broken into his car, but Clarke ran away “He ran into the Balwant Singh Hospital, and the police came there and took him into custody,” Williams said.

Williams testified that while at the police station, Clarke repeatedly attempted to hit him and threatened to cripple and kill him. “He was sitting on the bench at the Alberttown Police Station and then threw a brick at me and punched me,” Williams told the court.

H o w e v e r , C l a r k e i n t e r r u p t e d t h e proceedings and denied Williams’ claims. He told the court that although he knew Williams, he had never done anything to him and had no reason to damage his car Clarke

insisted that he was the one who had been assaulted. “Your Worship, this man came with he motorbike and lick me off of me bicycle and start pelting shots at me, I went to Balwant Singh for my own life safety,” Clarke claimed. Clarke also denied assaulting Williams at the police station, asserting, “I was heavily restrained. I never hit or threatened to shoot this man.” The courtroom became somewhat chaotic as Clarke repeatedly interrupted Williams ’ testimony Despite Magistrate McGusty’s warnings to remain silent, Clarke continued his outbursts. In response to his disruptive behaviour, Magistrate McGusty denied him bail and remanded him to prison. “Alright, no problem, bail refused. Nobody wants to hear me,” McGusty said firmly Clarke begged the magistrate, saying he had a family and a business to take care of, but his plea was ignored. Magistrate McGusty remained firm in her decision, and Clarke is scheduled to return to court on February 12, 2025.

Gov’t dumped $5.9B in expired drugs between 2022-2024

Guyana’s health sector continues to suffer from wanton waste as billions of dollars in expired drugs are being dumped every year

Former Health Minister under the A Partnership for N

Lawrence in her budget debates presentation last week sought to shed light on the issue.

S h e b l a m e d t h e continued wastage on a lack of transparency in the procurement of drugs and medical supplies.

“Mr Speaker, what has happened to the glorious promise to the Guyanese people of promoting good g o v e r n a

g openness, transparency and commitment to improve

Lawrence queried. S

expired medicines in the health sector According to L a w r e n c e “ t h e H e a l t h M i n i s t e r D r F r a n k Anthony claimed that he i

1.6 million expired items v a l u e d $ 7 4 2 M a n d a n additional $200 in items was projected to expire in December 2020.

“Well, Mr Speaker, time has spoken so let’s look at the wastage. The Auditor General said that f o

y 2022-June 2024, Guyana threw away some $5.974 B in expired drugs.”

To compound the issue, the Opposition MP noted t

n dollars. “Mind you Sir, this amount of $9.413 billion dollars only represents two areas of the entire budget. I’m calling for investment i n

supplies to be quantified and managed correctly

It is my hope that we will see some expedient a

, ” Lawrence said.

She said in the interim the minister may want to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) like the USA, UK, Spain, Italy and endorsed b

, which can provide data faster and more accurately, she said.

contractors and dumping of expired drugs amounted to

Exxon says operations bringing “tremendous benefits” to Guyanese

…claims living standards on the r ise

American oil giant ExxonMobil Corporation, Chief Executive Officer, Darren Woods


n t

y claimed that the company’s operations in Guyana have helped lifted the standard of living for citizens.

Speaking during Exxon’s fourth-quarter earnings call

l a s t F r i d a y , W o o d s highlighted the rapid growth of the nation’s economy since oil production began. He said, “the benefits are t r e m e n d o u s , n o t


ExxonMobil, but rapidly rising living standards for the Guyanese people, the G D P [ G r o s s D o m e s t i c Product] per capita more than tripling since we started production in 2020.”

Last year, the country’s GDP grew by 43.6%. GDP is the total monetary value of all goods and services produced within a country EMGL commenced oil production

o f f s h o r e G u y a n a i n D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 9 T h e

p r e v i o u s A P N U + A F C government signed the 2016 P r o d u c t i o n S h a r i n g

Agreement for the oil block and that deal waives all taxes from EMGL and its partners Hess and CNOOC and caters for taxes to be paid by Guyana and agrees to the oil companies recovering 75% of investments before the remaining 25% is shared as profit.

The Stabroek Block in 2024 generated a whopping US$18B in revenue, a 55.4% increase compared with the total export earnings of the s e c t o r i n 2 0 2 3 , s o m e US$11.6B. As a result of that the PSA, EMGL grabbed U S $ 1 5 4 B o f t h e 2 0 2 4 revenue from oil, while Guyana’s Natural Resource F u n d ( N R F ) r e c e i v e d US$2.6B during the period. It should be noted that of the US$15.4B, some US$13.2B was recovered as cost while the rest counts as profit.

I n d e e d , G u y a n a ’ s economy has experienced significant growth in recent years, primarily due to the expansion of its oil industry

Moreover, Woods also noted the remarkable progress of Exxon’s deep-water projects in the country, calling them

industry “In Guyana, we deliver record production from the world’s premier d

, we’ve gone from discovery to 650,000 barrels per day in just 10 years. The pace for

Woods said.

Despite Woods’ boast, in a November 2020 paper by the World Bank titled: A pivotal moment for Guyana:

observed that Guyana was

discovery of oil, but it had long struggled to transform

inclusive growth. The bank noted then that the country’s poverty rate has declined since 1991, but it remains among the highest in the LAC region at 43.4 percent, a

y jobless growth failed to yield

t y reduction. The advent of oil revenues could break this cycle, accelerating Guyana’s d


p e r m a n e n t l y r e d u c i n g monetary and nonmonetary poverty, the bank said but also warned that oil revenues c o u l d a l s o e x a c e r b a t e G u y a n a ’ s e x i s t i n g challenges and cause the c o u n t r y ’ s d e v e l o p m e n t pattern to deteriorate further I n i t s f a c t s h e e t o n Guyana, the World Bank said that notwithstanding gains, p o v e r t y a n d s o c i a l exclusion–including limited a c c e s s t o b a s i c services–remain in Guyana’s hinterland. It pointed out that t h e e d u c

i o n s e c t o r

G u y a n a h a s m a d e remarkable progress in the last 15 years in terms of access; as of 2022, Guyana achieved 91 percent and 103 percent enrollment at the Nursery and Primary levels, r e s p e c t i v e l y H o w e v e r , learning outcomes still need to be improved across all levels. According to the 2022 Human Capital Index, a child born in Guyana just b e f o r e t h e C o r o n a v i r u s (COVID-19) pandemic will o n l y b e 5 0 p e r c e n t a s productive when she grows up as she could be if she enjoyed complete education and full health, which Continued on page 16

AFC not hungr y for Presidential candidate in coalition - Nigel Hughes

…says “process” should deter mine any future leader

Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes this weekend expressed optimism over ongoing talks with the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) towards a Coalition for this year ’s elections.

During the sidelines of the launch of a new party on Saturday, Hughes told reporters that “there has been an increase in oxygen,” referring to the status of the discussions he previously revealed were on “life support”.

Asked by journalists if he would like to see a coalition, the leader responded, “I would like to see anything that is in interest of this country in any combination.”

Hughes was keen to point out that the AFC is not holding out for its candidate to be head of any future Coalition, rather it believes that this decision should be made via a process. He explained, “The AFC is not advancing their candidate, we are saying that there should be a process and the process should be in the best interest of the candidate so it doesn’t have to be Nigel Hughes, it doesn’t have to be anybody that may be in the process at the moment, its whatever is in the best interest of the country.”

He was reluctant to expound on the process he referenced, to avoid any impact to the ongoing discussions. This past week, the two major Opposition parties took a beating in the National Assembly for their failure to stand united by government Members of Parliament (MPs).

This was as a result of the recent disclosure by Hughes, that a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the two sides, for discussions towards a Coalition, were on “life support”.

Hours after the MoU was entered into on January 23, Hughes in a press conference that evening stressed the importance of “trust and confidentiality”.

Kaieteur News understands that another section of the media reported on the contents of the MoU, which may not have been accurate.

Subsequently, Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Aubrey Norton said, “I believe that we have the ability to engage and resolve whatever issues emerge.”

Meanwhile, w

Presidential candidate, Norton hinted at remaining open to not leading any future Coalition.

He explained, “I have long said at the PNC Congress said that I will be the presidential candidate and if there is going to be any other as it relates to the PNC, I will be the person to determine. I wouldn’t venture to speaking past that.”

On February 14, 2015, the AFC signed the Cummingsburg Accord with the APNU and went on to defeat the PPP at the 2015 elections held in May that year Since then, the Coalition has stood together but not without its internal hiccups.

The AFC, under the stewardship of former Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, had decided not to renew the binding agreement with the APNU- in 2023 upon its expiration. At the time, AFC said it would focus on rebuilding.

AFC Leader, Nigel Hughes

The PPP/C’s greatest liabilit y

One might have expected that a ruling party basking in the largesse of oil wealth would chart a course toward r e n e w a l a n d s u b s t a n t i v e remake of the c

, peddling nostalgia for fear and dredging up ghosts of elections past. With all the resources at its disposal, the party has chosen a campaign of selective amnesia and moral ind

than substantive policy and vision.

The PPP/C’s electoral strategy hinges on two axes: first, the perpetuation of the APNU+AFC’s complicity in the attempted rigging of the 2020 elections, and second, the economic failures of the A P N U + A F C g o v e r n m e n t between 2015 and 2020. Both are flimsy pillars on which to rest a political future, let alone one seeking a landslide For a party b r i m m i n g w i t h s t a t e resources and an economy buoyed by oil wealth, it is telling that the best it can offer is the stoking of old anxieties.

The first prong of this strategy—that of keeping the g h o s t o f e l e c t o r a l f r a u d a l i v e i s r i d d l e d w i t h miscalculations. The PPP/C assumes that the electorate w i l l b e

mobilized by moral outrage against the APNU+AFC’s blatant attempt to cling to power

This is a fantasy. In the U n i t e d S t a t e s , t h e

D e m o c r a t s b e l i e v e d t h a t

Trump’s flagrant assaults on democracy, culminating in the January 6th insurrection, w o u l d t r a n s l a t e i n t o widespread revulsion at the ballot box. It did not. Instead,

t h e R e p u b l i c a n b a s e remained largely intact, and t h e e l e c t o r a l i m p a c t o f

T r u m p ’ s m a n y transgressions was, at best, negligible.

G u y a n a ’ s p o l i t i c a l landscape is no different.

The PPP/C can flood the airwaves with reminders of A P N U + A F C ’s e l e c t o r a l misdeeds, but most of the Coalition’s supporters are unlikely to be persuaded to give their votes to the PPPC.

I n f a c t , t h e r e e x i s t s a n u n c o m f o r t a b l e t r u t h t h e

P P P C r e f u s e s t o acknowledge: many within the opposition’s base would n o t h a v e o b j e c t e d h a d

APNU+AFC successfully rigged the election. This is the nature of local politics.

The PPPC’s assumption that i t c a n f r a c t u r e t h e

o p p o s i t i o n ’

ense of democratic purity is naïve. Worse yet, it highlights a d e e p d e t a c h m e n t f r o m p olitical realities.

The second aspect of the P P P / C ’ s strategy—capitalising on the economic failures of the A P N U + A F C g o v e r n m e n t i s s i m i l a r l y f l a w e d . T h e

economic critique of the

The APNU+AFC governed in an era before oil revenues transformed Guyana’s fiscal space.

struggled under the same

/ C

congratulatory rhetoric, is fighting an opponent that never had access to the tools of prosperity the PPP/C now wields In this light, its economic superiority is an

rather than a triumph of governance. Yet, despite the glaring weaknesses of its

figurehead, President Irfaan Ali. Ali stands out as a fresh, energetic face, one capable of connecting with a younger electorate. His nationwide

public appearances are a study in political endurance. If the PPP/C secures ree


Trump is no ‘bad boy’

Dem boys seh

Trump think he is king of de world. De man walking round like he is some emperor, pointing finger

a n d g i v i n g o r d e r s l i k e people suppose to jump when he talk. But he about to get a rude awakening. De world done move on from de days when Uncle Sam

c o u l d j u s t b a r k a n d everybody had to listen.

Tr u m p s t i l l b e l i e v e h e living in a world where A m e r i c a c o u l d s q u e e z e people and they got no choice but to bow down. Well, he better think again.

C a n a d a a n d M e x i c o done show him they not taking he nonsense. He try bully Canada and impose tariffs, but dem Canadians mek it clear dem nah fraid

T r u m p D e C a n a d i a n s fighting back and one man even call on Canadians not to buy US liquor that come

from Republican states Mexico also threatening to

c o u n t e r m e a s u r e a g a i n s t tariffs. Trump say he going to deport all de illegal

i m m i g r a n t s , s e n d d e m packing by de millions. But g u e s s w h a t ? E v e n Americans start to push

b a c k a g a i n s t t h a t

foolishness De farmers bawling because dem cyant

g e t w o r k e r s B u s i n e s s people crying because dem workforce getting cut. And even dem lil corner shop

s a y i n g t h a t s a l e d r o p s because nuff people afraid to come out dem house for fear of getting pick up by ICE.

Trump think he could strong-arm de world like some old-school dictator,

b u t d e m d a y s d o n e America ain’t de only big player in de game no more. China deh pon de rise.

Europe holding it own

E v e n l i t t l e c o u n t r i e s

b a n d i n g t o g e t h e r a n d showing dem got backbone.

T r u m p t r y i n g t o f l e x economic muscle, but de

strategy, but in spite of it. The PPP/C’s victory will be w o n o n t h e b a c k o f a president who, unlike his predecessors, can still claim to be in touch with the pulse of the people. The PPP/C’s biggest liability is not its opponent but the albatross

a r o u n d i t s n e c k Vi c e President Bharrat Jagdeo. For all of Ali’s dynamism, h i s g o v e r n m e n t i s s t i l l s h a c k l e d t o t h e omnipresence of a political relic whose weekly diatribes and erratic pronouncements threaten to do more harm than good.

If Ali is the party’s

g r e a t e s t e l e c t o r a l a s s e t , Jagdeo is its most glaring vulnerability His tirades and imperious attitude make for e x c e l l e n t f o d d e r i n t h e

o p p o s i t i o n ’ s c o u n t e rnarrative Every time he lashes out at the press or d e l i v e r s a n o t h e r o f h i s condescending diatribes, he g i v e s g r e a t e r p u b l i c i t y, relevance and credence to his party’s rivals.

J a g d e o ’ s p r e s e n c e e x p o s e s a n o t h e r

c o n t r a d i c t i o n w i t h i n t h e PPP/C’s strategy: it rails

against the spectre of a PNCR dictatorship while simultaneously elevating a figure whose own tenure was marked by controversies. The irony is lost only on those who refuse to see it.

M o s t v o t e r s a r e t o o

y o u n g t o r e m e m b e r t h e burnished horrors of the 1980s. As such, the more i m m e d i a t e m e m o r y o f political arrogance and highhandedness comes not from the opposition, but from the PPP/C itself.

The PPP/C’s campaign

t h e r e f o r e i s o n e o f contradictions, rooted in a strategy that presumes a politically unsophisticat

electorate. It overestimates t

tribalism. It pretends that e c o n



n s between oil-rich Guyana in 2024 and pre-oil Guyana in 2019 are meaningful. It sells the illusion of democratic purity while parading figures whose pasts are riddled with their own controversies. And in its attempt to consolidate its grip on power, it ignores

the internal discontent that J a g

dominance fosters.

There remains, however, one certainty: the PPP/C will win the next election. The o p p o s i t i o n i s d e v o i d o f momentum. But the scale of the PPP/C’s victory is what remains uncertain.

T h e P P P / C ’s c h o s e n strategy will not yield a landslide. It will, at best, s e c u r e a n o t h e r n a r r o w majority—an outcome that should, if the party had any introspection left, prompt serious reconsideration. But if history is any guide, the party will instead misread the results, seeing in them an endorsement of its tactics rather than an indictment of its failures.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t n e c e s


opinions of this newspaper.)

reality is, America muscle ain’t as big and strong as it used to be. Trump flexing but de world just shrugging and moving on. Is like a man who use to be a champion boxer but now he belly big and he punch soft.

A n d d e b e s t p a r t ?

Trump think he gon get away with it all, but even in he own backyard, de people start to rebel Judges blocking he orders. Cities refusing to cooperate with he deportation madness. De man thought he could rule w i t h a n i r o n f i s t , b u t instead, he getting slap left, right, and center

Interesting times ahead, dem boys seh. De world w a t c h i n g , w a i t i n g , a n d plenty people rubbing dem hands together, ready fuh de show Trump might think he is de biggest and baddest, but he about to meet he m a t c h D e w o r l d d o n e change, but somebody ain’t tell Trump yet. Talk half. Leff half.



Guyana is more and more

becoming a society that sees

v i o l e n c e a s t h e s o l u t i o n t o differences. Though some are sure to disagree, there I stand. Violence is what has seeped into almost every level of local society The Office of the President has had its share of participation.

The Office of the Vice President has made violence the cornerstone of its aggression and defences. And lower down, physical violence is unleashed on the unsuspecting, the vulnerable, and the powerless From political princes of the realm to the peasants and peons in the population, take a listen, pause and watch, open a paper and read. The violence spills into the face of a savaged, reeling society

Is domestic violence of a most

b a r b a r o u s n a t u r e m a k i n g a comeback? I believe it is, from the spurt of media reports. A 16-yearold killed by her paramour A woman allegedly killed in her home by her partner, who tried to force an end to his own life by ingesting some poisonous substance. He is hanging on Another woman maimed for life by her reportedly sickly husband, of all people. A man in a bad state adding to his calamities. A female murdered in

her home, in what does not appear to be another creeping, numbing incident of domestic violence, but a routine crime, like the pensioner choked to death.


fatalities in a place where violence stalks, menaces, sends citizens running to shelter behind grilled doors, and locked cars. From taverns to thoroughfares, from city

violence takes on many forms, but always comes to a single objective.


revealing voice, snuff out that


Those who wish to challenge are free to do so. Has been done before; they have their work to do, I have my calling.


citizens cowering Leadership violence is intended to produce that s

violence abounds and surrounds.


s t conclusive way to settle disputes,

m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g s , w r o n g s (imagined or real) is by violence activated in different ways, with fearsome tools, with results that are usually final. The high places in

Guyana cannot be exempted from their contributions to the violence that drive Guyanese to pound u n d

a b l e G u y

s e i n t o submission. If from the political heads, then why not from the shoulder down? A stage is set, a culture set in motion, a standard regularized that expresses itselfharsh voice, folded fist, descending knife, and the upraised firearm.

I regret having to point to President Ali, the national leader There is the First Citizen oozing threateningly, with wo

complements. Want to mess with me? Dare to disagree with me? Question me, my political nobility? Do so at own risk. Unstated is that is the equivalent of playing with fire, and risking getting badly burned.

I am distressed that I must identify the Hon. Vice President Jagdeo, a former president of Guyana, whose weekly

bal violence sticks like a second skin to him: prickly Self-control gone; a

violence and hostile body language of President Ali and Vice President Jagdeo, I recognize a twin: varying s

d strengths, with my challenge being

who is senior and who is junior. It is as if the they are trying to outdo each other, on who is the louder, bigger, and ‘badder ’, leader in Guyana.

Citizens are neither blind nor deaf. They get their cue from their m o d u s o p e r a n d i - t h a t v o l a t i l e , hostile mindset-that characterizes leaders’ reactions when crossed and roiled. Is it the street rising to the level of the high State? Or is it that statesmen (supposedly, artificially) h a v e d e t e r i o r a t e d t h e i r comportment to that of the raw and ugly street? My position is clear, unsparing: when the top of society is so overheated, then the reckless a

d cavalier, come to think that if that is what pertains upstairs with neither correction nor restraint, then why should they be held accountable for operating aggressively Why the double standard? Why, when all they’re doing is absorbing the local leadership culture, and adopting it as their own?

I h o l d i m m o v a b l y t o m y position: leaders set the tone. By word and deed. When rage-fueled words and incendiary postures are regular features in the conduct of political leaders, then it shouldn’t surprise that those take hold like a

wildfire. The ruling elite serves as the standard for the company of rogues and ruffians waiting to s p r i n g i n t o a c t i o n A g a i n s t spouses. On social media. In the streets and villages. With a drink in one hand and a cutlass in the other There is road rage.

Wanna to push luck, see what I am made of, how much I am ready, and how far I will go? Just try Give an excuse or opening. The new s pap er s p r es ent th e gr is ly details afterwards.

I am thinking how things could be different when there is a less bristling, less brawling, tone and attitude from national leaders. I t h i n k t h a t G u y a n e s e g i v e themselves a chance to pause, step back from the brink. If they are this way, then so I must be. In some things, not everything. Being indifferent and inclined to violence-spirit, attitude, action-have their consequences Better judgment takes hold.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)


A political relic

T here has been much talk about the PPP/C sweeping the polls, whenever elections are held. We dare say if that par ty wins, it will not be because of its myopic electoral strategy, it will be on the back of a president who, unlike his predecessors, can still claim to be in touch with the pulse of the people.

T he PPP/C’s biggest liability is not its opponent but the albatross around its neck—Vice President Bhar rat Jagdeo. For all of President Irf aan Ali’s dynamism, his gover nment is still shackled to the omnipresence of a political relic whose weekly diatr ibes and er ratic pronouncements threaten to do more harm than good.

If Ali is the par ty’s greatest electoral asset, Jagdeo is its most glar ing vulnerability. His tirades and imper ious attitude make f or excellent f odder in the opposition’s counternar rative. Ever y time he lashes out at the press or delivers another of his condescending diatr ibes, he gives greater publicity, relevance and credence to his par ty’s r ivals.

Over 5,000 Indigenous women to benefit from cancer awareness & screening campaign

T h e G r e a t e r G u y a n a Initiative (GGI) continues to

h o n o u r i t s l o n g - t e r m commitment to advancing

G u y a n a ’ s g r o w t h a n d

d e v e l o p m e n t t h r o u g h i t s collaboration with Guyana

R e s p o n s i b l e P a r e n t h o o d Association (GRPA).

A p r o j e c t t i t l e d “ E m p o w e r i n g

C o m m u n i t i e s : H P V Education and Screening for

I n d i g e n o u s a n d U n d e r -

Resourced Populations in Guyana,” will see over 5,000 women across Regions 1, 4, 7, 8 and 9 benefiting from free HPV, pap smear and

A c e t i c A c i d ( V I A ) screenings, a release from GRPA said. The aim of this project is to reduce the prevalence of the Human Papillomavirus Infection (HPV) in Guyana

and to increase cervical c a n c e r a w a r e n e s s i n Indigenous rural hinterland

c o m m u n i t i e s a n d u r b a n areas. To this end, the GRPA

h a s e m b a r k e d o n a

c o m p r e h e n s i v e H P V

e d u c a t i o n a n d s c r e e n i n g campaign, the release added.

Kobe Smith, Executive Director at GRPA, shared over the weekend of January 25-26, 2025, that 30 peer educators were trained to s u p p o r t H P V e d u c a t i o n a

I n a d d i t i o n , 5 0 h e a l t h c a r e workers will be trained to support this education and screening drive.

“We are thrilled to launch this initiative, a vital step in empowering women in the

h i n t e r l a n d a n d u n d e rresourced populations with the knowledge and tools they need to detect cancer early Early detection saves lives, and by providing accessible resources and education, we hope to reduce the impact of cancer and support women on their journey toward improved health and wellbeing Together, we can make a significant difference in the fight against cancer,”

Attendees and representatives from GGI and GRPA

Peer Educator training at the Grand Coastal Hotel

Smith said. He noted that the GRPA has also collaborated with t h e M i n i s t r y o f H e a l t h amongst other stakeholders on the project, to align its efforts with national health priorities.

During her address to the a t t e n d e e s a t t h e P e e r

E d u c a t o r Tr a i n i n g , G G I C o o r d i n a t o r - C a n d a c i a P h i l l i p s , h i g h l i g h t e d t h e

c o l l a b o r a t i o n b e t w e e n

GRPA and GGI, which aims to build the capacity of local communities to ensure that t h e b e n e f i t s o f H P V e d u c a t i o n a n d s c r e e n i n g extend well into the future. P h i l l i p s f u r t h e r e m p h a s i z e d t h e

p r o g r a m m e ’ s f o c u s o n sustainability by positing that “This initiative goes b e y o n d i m m e d i a t e outcomes; it’s about creating lasting impact we are

e s t a b l i s h i n g a l o n g - t e r m framework for progress by empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being.” According to the World


(WHO), only 1 in 10 women i n G u y a n a h a v e b e e n screened for cervical cancer in the last five years. Recent data from the Ministry of Health in 2022, has revealed that cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women in Guyana. HPV remains the leading c

among women. The Greater G

Stabroek Block co-venturers

CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited. It is geared towards d

workforce, building human

education, and improving

economic diversification in Guyana.

Patterson pillories Gov t . over reckless spending of oil money

…says there is no plan for volatile oil pr ices

Opposition Member of Parliament, David Patterson

Opposition Member of Parliament David Patterson has accused the government for what he called the reckless spending of oil revenues without any plan to cater for the volatility of prices.

During the just concluded budget debates in the National Assembly, Patterson argued that there is “no clear plan to mitigate the volatility of oil prices or protect our economy from overreliance on this single resource.”

He likened the administration’s handling of the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) to a child let loose in a candy store. He added, “Oil revenues, which should serve as a bedrock for intergenerational prosperity, are instead being squandered on short-term political gains.” MP Patterson contended that a responsible government would prioritize the establishment of a well-structured Sovereign Wealth Fund with independent oversight and strict withdrawal guidelines.

He continued, “It would invest oil revenues in areas that yield long-term returns education, healthcare, renewable energy, and infrastructure that benefits all Guyanese. Instead, what do we see? Reckless spending with no vision for the future.”

Patterson’s remarks add to concerns raised during the debate by Opposition MPs regarding the government’s use of oil r e v e n u e s , p a r t i c u l a r l y a m i d g l o b a l uncertainties surrounding oil prices and the need for sustainable economic planning.

It was reported that the government intends to withdraw about US$2.4 billion (G$512 billion) from the NRF to support its US$6.6 billion (G$1.3 trillion) national budget.

During the 2025 budget presentation, Guyana’s Minister of Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh disclosed that in 2025, although Guyana’s daily production is expected to climb, the country will see a decrease in earnings from the sector, as the oil price is likely to decline. He explained that global oil supply is expected to surpass demand this year, leading to a 10.9% drop in prices to around US$71.9 per barrel.

Opposition MP and Shadow Oil and Gas Minister Shurwayne Holder has said that the government’s excessive spending of oil money could have long-term economic consequences In his critique of the government’s handling of the country’s oil revenues, Holder expressed grave concern about what he considered to be the depletion of the NRF

Similarly, Opposition Leader Aubrey N

government’s decision to withdraw over 90% of oil revenues from the NRF to finance the 2025 Budget. “To spend 95% of the income in the NRF is criminal, dangerous, and may have already placed us at risk due to the overdependence on oil and the lack of significant improvement in the non-oil sectors,” Norton said during the debate on Thursday

IWOKRAMA retains stewardship council cer tification for forest management

Iwokrama Forest achieves first ever claim for verified ecosystem services and retains


The Iwokrama International Centre for Rain Forest Conservation and Development (

following an annual surveillance audit in November 2024.

During the recent audit, the Iwokrama International Centre was also audited for two Ecosystem Services (ES) - Biodiversity Conservation and Recreational (tourism) Services, the organization said in a press release. The Iwokrama Forest scored another first again as the only area in Guyana and the Caribbean to achieve this accolade. This verification of Ecosystem Services provides an additional opportunity to demonstrate positive outcomes and provides further thirdparty verification of Sustainable Forest Management best practices at the Centre. Verification of the ES means that there are no

Services procedure.

Iwokrama’s CEO, Dane Gobin, noted that “the Centre is proud to have scored another

first for Guyana with regard to sustainable forest management practices” He continued that “in 2008, the Centre was the first to achieve and maintain FSC? certification in Guyana. I hope that other forest management operators will follow in our footsteps”.

Certification team stated, “this achievement fortifies Iwokrama’s high value and long-

management with ecotourism and research.” I

Management was renewed in January 2025, confirming that the Iwokrama Forest has maintained its certification uninterrupted since October 2016 (Iwokrama received initial certification in 2008). The Iwokrama Forest was the first forest to have maintained this certification in Guyana and has raised the bar for forest management in Guyana. F S C ™

international accolade that Forest Managers can receive, and it is testament to the Centre’s application of international social, ecological and environmental best practices in its m a n

e s t Iwokrama’s forest management procedures and policies were rigorously measured against the Interim National Standard for Guyana (FSC-STD-GUY-01-2020) which Continued on page 16

Sheriff Holdings distances self from convicted fraudster Ed Ahmad over suspicious Ogle land deal

- Govt. says sale of 30 acres pr ime lands was a legal transaction

S h e r i f f H o l d i n g s I n c o n Saturday issued a full-page Ad in the daily newspapers distancing i t s e l f f r o m E d u l A h m a d , a convicted fraudster in the US, following the suspicious purchase of some 30 acres or prime state lands at Ogle, East Coast Demerara. Ahmad, commonly known as Ed Ahmad is related to the owners

a n d r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o f S h e r i ff Holdings Inc. Recently, he has come under public scrutiny for the purchase of state lands in Guyana through companies he is associated with. The lands were reportedly purchased in July 2024 from the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) at a price of GYD$30 million per acre by a company called Global Investment Inc. for the purpose of real estate

d e v e l o p m e n t A c c o r d i n g t o a purchase agreement shared by Attorney-at-Law and Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes, Ed Ahmad is listed as a representative of the company His designation seen on the document is Secretary/Director

The land deal was exposed following reports by a prominent j o u r n a l i s t t h a t t h e G u y a n e s e government has been put on alert by the US about the business dealings of Ed Ahmad. It is alleged too that he has managed to amass more lands in Guyana apart from the Ogle property, namely 12.5 acres of land in Lethem for the purpose of Soya cultivation, six acres more at Diamond, East Bank of Demerara and another five acres along the Heroes Highway

The convicted fraudster has reportedly denied some of the claims, but AFC leader, Hughes has

been pressing the government to come clean on the land deal.

Hughes questioned the price per acre that Ahmad’s company paid for the Ogle prime lands.

“Can CHPA indicate where a citizen can purchase an acre of land i n P l a n t a t i o n O g l e n e a r t o E x x o n M o b i l ’s i n t e n d e d H e a d

Office, from CHPA for $30M”, Hughes wrote on his Facebook

P a g e “ A h o u s e l o t i n s o m e residential locations exceeds 30M” he added before demanding that the “Minister with responsibility for C H PA i s s u e a n i m m e d i a t e statement on the authenticity” of the land sale agreement.

The CH&PA has since issued a statement claiming that the deal for the Ogle lands was by the books.

“CH&PA guarantees that all tran


commercial lands”, the government agency stated before explaining the process.

“ T h e M i n i s t r y p u b l i c l y

advertised a call for Expressions of Interest from housing developers, and multiple companies not only expressed interest but also met the outlined criteria unequivocally.” CH&PA continued as it moved on to highlight its pricing standards.

“Concerning pricing, a uniform rate of $30 million per acre was established for all developers”, the

acquiring prime commercial lands are strictly required to adhere to the stipulated agreements regarding

deviation from these agreements will incur penalties, as detailed in the contractual arrangements.

CH&PA then iterated, “The CH&PA stands firmly committed to ensuring a fair and transparent process for the allocation of both residential and commercial lands, f

development goals”. Meanwhile as the heat intensifies on Ahmad, many have led to believe that Sheriff Holdings Inc. might be part of these land deals too given his family relations with the owner T

ff Holdings Inc. to make a public announcement in a full-page ad

n o t associated with or affiliated with the comp

ny Ed Ahmad was convicted in the US for Mortgage Fraud. In 2017, he was sentenced to two years in jail. He was also o r d e r e d t o p a y s o m e U S $ 2 7 million in restitution to his victims.

Cash grant distribution resumes after budget approval

The distribution of the $100,000 cash grant for citizens aged 18 and above, which began in October 2024, will resume once the National Budget is approved.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo confirmed this last week at his w e e k l y p r e s s c o n f e r e n c e T h e government allocated $30 billion for the cash grant in 2024, with the first phase expected to benefit 300,000 Guyanese citizens. So far, public servants, some pensioners, and citizens in hinterland regions have received their grants.

Jagdeo provided an update on the registration process, revealing that substantial progress has been made.

“So, they told me that they have c o m p l e t e d t h e p r o c e s s i n t h e remaining five regions. So far, the

land sale agreement

cheques printed by regions are r e a d y t o b e d i s t r i b u t e d a f t e r registration is completed,” he said. Over 300,000 cheques have been p

g distribution. Jagdeo also shared a breakdown of cheques printed by region. He said, “ Region 116,356; Region 2 - 10,000; Region 3 - 23,000; Region 4 - 177,000; Region 5 - 13,000; Region 620,000; Region 7 - 11,000; Region 8 - 7,000; Region 9 - 16,000; and Region 10 - 7,895. These are cheques printed so far.”

When asked by reporters how

l o n g a f t e r t h e b u d g e t w i l l distribution of cash grant resume, Jagdeo said, “So now as soon as the resources are placed…hopefully by next week Thursday the budget will be completed, we have four days for

the estimates to be considered by next week. The remaining regions can start getting their cheques.” Although distribution has not y e t r e s u m e d , r e g i s t r a t i o n i s ongoing. Jagdeo reassured citizens t h a t p e r m a n e n t r e g i s t r a t i o n locations would be set up in various regions. “Anyone in any region who has been unable to register, we are putting in place permanent arrangements where they can go in and get registered. So even if they completed Region 6 or Region 2 or 10 and people didn’t get registered now that does not mean that is the end of it.

We put in place additional arrangements. So that’s where we are at this stage, there are still lots of people to register in some regions,” VP said.

Convicted Fraudster, Edul Ahmad
shared by AFC leader, Nigel Hughes


Kitchen Assistant needed

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Soesdyke man killed after car crashes into truck

A25-year-old man was killed on Sun day morning after the car he was driving crashed into a truck at Timerhi, East Bank Demerara (EBD).

Dead is Suresh Singh better known as “Nello” of Hillfoot Soesdyke, EBD. Police said he crashed around 06:35hrs. along the EBD road at Timerhi.

His car, “PAG 9078 was proceeding south along the eastern drive lane of Timehri Public Road, East Bank Demerara, at a fast rate of speed when the driver allegedly lost control of the said vehicle,” police said before adding that he ended-up in on the opposite driving lane into the path of a truck, GAD

8492 heading north. Unable to quickly manoeuvre the car out of danger, Singh slammed head-on with the truck.

The crash that was captured on nearby CCTV cameras. Persons close by at the time rushed to his assistance, police said. He was pulled from the wreckage and rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Center where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

As per protocol, a breathalyzer test was conducted on the truck driver and he was detained to assist police with their investigation. The results proved that he was not driving under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash. Investigations are ongoing.

IWOKRAMA retains stewardship council certification...

From page 13 includes 10 principles, 70 criteria and 213 indicators. Key to the adherence to FSC™ guidelines is that forest managers must follow all national rules, laws and guidelines including the GFC’s comprehensive Codes of Practice. The assessment team evaluated all elements of Iwokrama’s operations applicable to the standard to determine compliance against

national and international benchmarks.

During the recent surveillance audit, Iwokrama received only 2 observations. Non-compliances are categorised as “observations”, “minor corrective actions” or “major corrective actions” and are a normal part of any assessment / audit process. The number and the severity of the non-compliances with the standard, could

prevent the applicant from maintaining the certificate. In recent years, many international buyers and consumers have increased demands for proof of forest products being sourced from well-managed forests.

Currently, many of the major global markets require some sort of certification for wood imports, to provide assurance to buyers that wood comes from forests managed

according to strict social, economic, and environmental standards.

The Centre is grateful to the Government of Guyana for their valuable ongoing support to the Centre. Special thanks are extended to the certification team of the Centre and our local community partners, the North Rupununi District Development Board (NRDDB), for their unwavering support.

Exxon says operations bringing “tremendous...

From page 8 remains lower than the average for the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. Although the average Guyanese student is expected to complete 12.2 years of schooling, this is equivalent to only 6.8 years of learning when expressed in LearningAdjusted Years of Schooling (LAYS). The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have compounded this.

In terms of health, the World Bank said health outcomes in Guyana remain below the average for LAC and comparator countries.

In 2021, the infant mortality rate was 23.2 per 1,000 live births (compared to a LAC average of 14 per 1,000 live births), and the under-5 mortality rate was 28 per 1,000 live births (compared to a LAC average of 16).

Based on the recent Glo-


: 7244668.

bal Monitoring Report 2023, which reports on countries’ progress towards achieving universal health coverage as part of the monitoring for the SDGs, Guyana’s service coverage index stood at 76% in 2021.

This means that about 76% of the population in Guyana can effectively access essential services.

While this is an important improvement from the 65% it registered a decade ago, due, among other things, to advances in antenatal care and immunization coverage, the levels of service coverage have not advanced in recent years, the bank said.

Like what we seeing

Meanwhile, touching on the Yellowtail development, Exxon’s fourth project offshore Guyana which is slated to start production later this

year, Woods expressed confidence in its execution.

“With respect to Yellowtail we really like what we are seeing there, with respect to Yellowtail specifically, we really like what we are seeing there.

You know that the team who is managing the Guyana developments continues to demonstrate project after project; they just find new ways to innovate and overcome the challenge to deliver these things below budget, oftentimes and certainly ahead of schedule,” he said. He continued, “My guess with Yellowtail is that it will come in better than what we have talked about…”

EMGL is the operator of the Stabroek Block, which covers an area of 6.6 million acres and is estimated to hold 11.6 billion barrels of oil.

To date, Exxon has obtained approval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza Phase One, Liza Phase Two, Payara, Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail.

The first three projects are already producing oil at a daily estimated rate of 660,000 barrels per day (bpd).

Notably, Exxon’s fourthquarter adjusted upstream earnings were US$6.28 billion, an increase from the thirdquarter driven by record production in Guyana and Permian, stronger natural gas prices, and favourable tax impacts, partly offset by lower crude realizations.

Exxon’s net production in the fourth quarter was 4.6 million oil-equivalent barrels per day, an increase of 20,000 oilequivalent barrels per day versus the prior quarter.

Two & Three bedroom Luxury apartments $2500 USD long term rental, Campbellville Georgetown. 682-2585/ 7128641.
Rice Equipment SaleLavarda 132- Massey 290Fiat 110-90. Contact +592695 -2220
Killed in an early morning car crash, Suresh Singh.

Suriname reneges on promise to grant

150 licences to Guyanese fishers

Authorities in Suriname have reneged on a promise to deliver 150 f i s h i n g l i c e n c e s t o G u y a n e s e

f i s h e r m e n , b u t t h e G u y a n a Government is still hopeful that their Dutch speaking neighbour will change their mind and deliver on the commitment.

Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha made the comments during the examination of his

m i n i s t r y ’ s e s t i m a t e s i n t h e Committee of Supply last Friday He was at the time facing questions

f r o m S h a d o w M i n i s t e r o f

A g r i c u l t u r e , Vi n c e r o y J o r d a n

Jordan asked the minister to tell the H o u s e w h e n t h e a g r e e m e n t between the two countries will be signed so that the fishermen “will actually have the licence and be able to really venture out into that promise agreement with the fishing agreement between Guyana and Suriname.” Minister Mustapha told the House that as a country, pride must be taken in supporting your p e o p l e , a n d t h e p r e v i o u s administration is guilty of never pursuing licences for the Guyanese fisherfolk. “We had the courage and we went and we raised it? We had t h e u n d e r t a k i n g f r o m t h e government, not less a person than the President himself, and he’s only left to us because they made the c o m m i t m e n t , w e h a d i t i n writing…”

The minister explained to the

H o u s e t h a t t h e S u r i n a m e s e

g o v e r n m e n t r e n e g e d o n t h e i r commitment. “It was in writing and t

Agriculture wrote me to say that a government company was to be formed on their side, to issues these licences to the Guyanese fisherfolk.

“So, we must not take advantage when our Fisherfolk are being harassed when they go out there to fish. Let us work together Let us work as a team to get them (the) 150 licences (that) were promised by the Suriname authority to give to Guyana. They’re reneging it, and we are continuing to represent that issue,” he argued.

Furthermore, he said the issue has been continuously raised at different forums across the region including the Caribbean Fishing Authority However, the Shadow Minster seemingly dissatisfied with the answer further probed asking “…what is the final analysis with all that you said, three years in and we are still waiting…the fisherfolk must be told that we will get it in a few months, we will not get it.

There are ongoing discussions. What is the final analysis? This is neither going nor coming. Is it dead, or is it still on the table?

S t i c k i n g w

t h h i s i n

response mostly the minister said “I jus t s aid, the G overnment of

G u y a n a , o u r g

continuing making representation,

licences for fisherfolk. It’s not in our hand to give them the licence… the Honourable Mem

c o m p r e h e n d t h i s W e a r e

c o n t i n u i n g m a k i n g t h e

representation. We have had the commitment.”

He again stated to the House that the commitment was there in writing and Suriname reneged on it but the licences continue to be on t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’s a g e n d a a n d representation will continue to be made in this regard.

S i n c e S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 2 ,

Kaieteur News had reported that the agreement between Guyana and Suriname for the latter to deliver 150 SK fishing licences, allowing Guyanese to operate there, had hit a snag. Authorities here said at the t i m

l l diplomatic routes in addressing the matter The fallout over the licences had even resulted in then Guyana’s Ambassador to Suriname, Keith George being summoned by the Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs, I

International Cooperation (BIBIS), K

statements made by Guyanese Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo alleging corruption in the issuance of fishing licences. Jagdeo had alleged that corrupt practices by authorities in Suriname had stalled its promised licensing of 150 local fishing vessels. He said too that Guyana


Kaieteur News understands that Guyanese had been fishing in Suriname for decades and were

there. Chairman of the Greater Georg


interviewed by this newspaper previously all indicated knowing Guyanese fishing in Surinamese waters. It was said that as the

eventually started buying licences

-op, Mohamed Khan had in fact told this newspaper that during his fishing days, he operated in Suriname. He said he was also part of the development of the Surinamese fishing industry, like many other Guyanese. It was the increase of SK l

middlemen that eventually forced Guyanese to seek the intervention of the Government.

Shadow Minister of Agriculture, Vinceroy Jordan
The Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha

(Reuters) - President

D o n a l d Tr u m p s a i d o n Sunday the sweeping tariffs that he has imposed on Mexico, Canada and China may cause “some pain” for Americans, as Wall Street and the largest U.S. trading partners signaled hope that the trade war would not last long. Trump, less than two weeks into his second White House term, defended the tariffs as necessary to curb illegal immigration and the drug trade.

Canada and Mexico said they were working together to face the 25% U S duties on imports, which promise to jolt the integrated economies of t h r e e N o r t h A m e r i c a n countries that have had freetrade agreements for decades Canada and Mexico vowed retaliatory measures after

Tr u m p ’s S a t u r d a y m o v e China said it would challenge Trump’s 10% tariffs at the World Trade Organization

a n d t a k e u n s p e c i f i e d countermeasures Critics said the Republican president’s plan will slow global growth

a n d h u r t A m e r i c a n s b y driving prices higher, but Trump defended his decision on social media on Sunday “The USA has major deficits with Canada, Mexico, and C h i n a ( a n d a l m o s t a l l countries!), owes 36 Trillion Dollars, and we’re not going to be the ‘Stupid Country’


Trump says Americans could says feel ‘pain’ in trade war with Mexico, Canada, China


any longer,” the Republican president wrote.


Trump did not specify what he meant by “some pain.”

N o r t h A m e r i c a n companies were braced for t h e m o v e , w h i c h c o u l d upend industries from autos to consumer goods to energy

A m o d e l g a u g i n g t h e economic impact of Trump’s tariff plan from EY Chief

E c o n o m i s t G r e g D a c o suggests it would reduce U.S. economic growth by 1.5 percentage points this year, throw Canada and Mexico into recession and usher in “stagflation” - high inflation, stagnant economic growth and elevated unemployment - at home.

Trump’s move was the first strike in a what could be a destructive global trade war that would result in a surge in U.S. inflation that would “come even faster and be larger than we initially e x p e c t e d , ” s a i d P a u l

A s h w o r t h o f C a p i t a l

E c o n o m i c s F i n a n c i a l markets were closed for the weekend so the measures will initially be felt when U.S. stock futures trading starts at 6 p.m. ET (2300

(BBC NEWS) A few hours after President Donald Trump announced that he would impose steep tariffs on Canada, hockey fans in the capital Ottawa booed the Star-Spangled Banner during a National Hockey League game against a visiting US team. On Sunday, during a National B a s k e t b a l l A s s o c i a t i o n g a m e between the Toronto Raptors and the L

n g throughout the song and almost drowning out the 15-year-old’s singer ’s arena performance. The vocal displeasure from

T h e T r u m p t a r i f f s , outlined in three executive orders, are due to take effect 12:01 a.m. ET (0501 GMT) on Tuesday Markets were awaiting developments with anxiety, but some analysts said there was some hope for negotiations, especially with Canada and China.

“With only two days before implementation, the tariffs look likely to take effect, though a last-minute c o

Goldman Sachs economists said in a note Sunday They added that since the White H o u s e s e t v e r y g e n e r a l conditions for their removal, the levies are likely to be temporary, “but the outlook is unclear ” Trump vowed to keep them in place until what he described as a national emergency over fentanyl, a deadly opioid, and illegal immigration to the United States ends

China left the door open for talks with the United States. Its sharpest pushback was over fentanyl. “Fentanyl

i n i s t r y said, adding that China has taken extensive measures to c o m b a t t h e p r o b l e m Canada’s ambassador to the U n i t e d S t a t e s , K i r s t e n Hillman, on Sunday signaled hope for an agreement.

“We’re hopeful that they don’t come into effect on Tuesday,” Hillman said in an ABC interview

Hillman said Canadian officials are ready to keep talking to the United States

usually respectful fans is a clear sign of Canadians’ deep dismay at Trump’s move to hit its nearest ally with punitive taxes, which threaten to spark an unprecedented trade w a r o n t h e N o r t h A m e r


The 25% tariffs imposed by Trump on all Canadian imports into the US - with a lower 10% levy on energy - are set to take effect on Tuesday And they come as President Trump doubles down on his pushno longer dismissed as a joke - for Canada to join America and become the 51st state. While many

but that Canadians expect t h a t t h e i r g o v e r n m e n t “stands up for itself.” Trump h a s h e a p e d d e r i s i o n o n Canada in particular, with calls for the country to become the 51st U.S. state.

On Sunday, he said Canada “ceases to exist as a viable c o u n t r y ” w i t h o u t i t s “massive subsidy ” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on S u n d a y e n c o u r a g e d Canadians to boycott their l o n g t i m e a l l y a f t e r promising retaliatory tariffs against $155 billion of U.S. goods, from peanut butter, beer and wine to lumber and a p p l i a n c e s M e x i c a n P r e s i d e n t C l a u d i a S h e i n b a u m s a i d h e r country’s sovereignty is not up for negotiation and that she would give more details on her country’s response to the U.S. tariffs on Monday FOLLOWING THROUGH

The tariff announcement

m a d e g o o d o n Tr u m p ’s r e p e a t e d 2 0 2 4 c a m p a i g n

t h r e a t , d e f y i n g w a r n i n g s from top economists that a new trade war with the top

A m e r i c a n t r a d e p a r t n e r s would erode U.S. and global growth, while raising prices f o r c o n s u m e r s a n d c o m p a n i e s T r u m p i s upending the norms of how the United States is governed a n d i n t e r a c t s w i t h i t s neighbors and wider world. Trump declared a national emergency under laws called the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the National Emergencies Act to back the tariffs. They give the president sweeping powers to impose sanctions

economists project the tariffs will also drive up costs for Americans on everyday essentials, from gas to groceries, Canada is the more exposed trade partner If they last for months, the country could tip into a painful economic recession. Anger is building - and with it, a desire to mount a fightback that has been echoed by political leaders in the country of 40 million. “Many among us will be affected by this, and we will have some hard times. I ask you to be there for each other,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a Saturday evening address. “Now is

t o a d d r e s s c r i s e s T r a d e

lawyers said Trump was once again testing the limits of U.S. laws, and the tariffs could face legal challenges.

D e m o c r a t i c l a w m a k e r s

Suzan DelBene and Don Beyer decried what they called a blatant abuse of

issued warnings about the impact on prices. “No matter which way you slice it: costs a

Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said, vowing to try to “undo this mess.”

A R e u t e r s / I p s o s p o l l released last week showed Americans were divided on tariffs, with 54% opposing new duties on imported goods and 43% in support, w i t h D e m o c r a t s m o r e opposed and Republicans more supportive.


I n v e s t o r s w e r e considering the effects of additional tariffs promised by Trump, including those related to oil and gas, as well a s s t e e l , a l u m i n u m , semiconductor chips and pharmaceuticals. Trump has also vowed actions against the European Union.

“It’s only a matter of time before the EU is targeted,” said Marchel Alexandrovich of Saltmarsh Economics in London.

T h e E u r o p e a n U n i o n said it was not aware of any a d d i t i o n a l t a r i f f s b e i n g imposed on EU products. A E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n

the time to choose Canada.”

Some Canadians have already heeded the calls for solidarity On

local grocery store in Toronto even b


n yogurt for shoppers, according to an image posted by Toronto doctor Iris Gorfinkel on X. Others have stated they will be cancelling travel plans to the US, o r

e altogether “Yesterday, in response to Trump tariffs, we cancelled our family March break to the US,”

spokesperson said the EU “would respond firmly to any


Europe’s biggest carmaker, Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) , opens new tab, said it was counting on talks to avoid trade conflict.

Automakers would be particularly hard hit, with new steep tariffs on vehicles built in Canada and Mexico burdening a vast regional supply chain where parts can cross borders several times before final assembly A White House fact sheet said the tariffs would stay in p

details on what the three countries would need to do to

imposed only a 10% duty on

Canada after concerns raised

Midwestern states. At nearly $100 billion in 2023, imports of crude oil accounted for roughly a quarter of all U.S.


a , according to U.S. Census



House officials said that Canada specifically would no longer be allowed the “de

under $800. The officials

c o m e a conduit for shipments of fentanyl and its precursor chemicals into the U.S. via small packages that are not often inspected by customs agents.

wrote Seth Klein, a Canadian author, on Bluesky on Sunday “Took a small hit on cancelled train tickets, but it needed to be done.”

In some Canadian provincesnamely Ontario, the largest by population - American booze will b e p u l l e d

h e s h

indefinitely starting on Tuesday This is in addition to a total of C$15

American goods that Canada has said it will tariff in retaliation, includin

, sports equipment, perfume and other items.

Former Windies captains remember ‘brethren’ and ‘friend’, Colin Cumberbatch

(SportsMax) - Former West Indies cricket captains


C u m b e r b a t c h , t h e outstanding photojournalist, w h o d i e d o n F r i d


home in Antigua, provided coverage of all international cricket on the island dating back to the 1980s.

Among his many famous

photos feature the first Test


Antigua in 1981; the famous century by Viv Richards against England in 1986; the historic run chase against Australia in 2003; as well as the world record knocks of 375 and 400 not out by Brian Lara.

Known as ‘Jah B’ or ‘Bones’, he also travelled around the world on tour

with the West Indies team for two decades and chronicled

s successes, including the first

South Africa at Kensington Oval in Barbados in 1992 and the first Test match win

Elizabeth in 2007.

Leading the tributes were Sir Richie Richardson, the

former Test and ODI captain, who is a former West Indies team manager and presently ICC Match Referee He n o

“ I a m d e e p l y saddened to learn about the passing of my friend who we knew affectionately as Jah B. He was not only a quality photographer and journalist but also a great lover and f

er of Wes

Indies c r i c k e t H e w a s v e r y supportive of the team and h a d a v e r y g o o d understanding of the game.”

Monday February 03, 2025

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for y o u t o d a y, A r i e s Yo u r persuasive manner and gentle nudges are just enough to get people where you want them.

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)

When faced with ten entrees on the menu, it might be hard for you to choose just one. Feel free to order two or more, T a u r u s D o n ' t l e t i n d e c i s i v e n e s s s l o w y o u down. At the same time.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act on them, Gemini. No one else is going to do it for you.

Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take matters into your own hands.

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them no mind, Cancer You have the right to live your life any way you want to.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

Reach for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closer than you think. Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think about what it is that you want most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to how far you can go.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra.


e opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm. Follow the music.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)

Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring more magic into your life.

SAGIT (Nov 22–Dec. 21)

Today is an excellent day for you, one in which you'll find a great deal of strength in your emotions , Sagittarius Trust that your instincts are serving you well.

CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Capricorn. Don't feel like you need to make sense of it all. In

impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb.

18) Mix your reality with a bit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allow your feet to come off the ground for a little while. Give yourself a rest. Take some time to meditate and clear your mind of your daily worries.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor Dream as big as your mind allows.

Ambassador Courtney Walsh, another former Test and ODI captain described C u m b e r b a t c h a s h i s “brethren” who was part of h


“I was really sad to hear the news about the passing of my brethren, Colin ‘Bones’ Cumberbatch. He was

who toured with me in the West Indies team and also came to see me when I played country cricket in England. He came to Bristol and also came to Jamaica, and I showed him around. He was part o

family, and we all embraced him. He was a jovial guy, a very nice person, someone you could reason with and someone who had a passion for West Indies cricket. He always wanted the team to win and, on the occasions, when we didn’t win he appreciated the efforts. The memories he left us were tremendous. I admired his work and have full respect for his contribution to the game of cricket.”

Villa complete Rashford loan deal


T h e A n d r e w L e w i s Boxing Gym (ALBG) and its rising star, Ken Harvey, emerged as the standout performers at the recently c o n c l u d e d P e p s i / M i c h a e l

Parris U-16 Tournament, held over the weekend at the Andrew “Six Head” Lewis Gym. The event, hosted by t h e G u y a n a B o x i n g Association (GBA), was a

t h r i l l i n g s h o w c a s e o f

y o u t h f u l t a l e n t , f i e r c e competition, and the future of Guyanese boxing.

K e n H a r v e y , t h e homegrown talent, delivered a masterclass in the ring, earning the title of Best

B o x e r f o r h i s d o m i n a n t

p e r f o r m a n c e a g a i n s t Khumda Alexander of the P&P Boxing Gym. Harvey displayed exceptional ring

g e n e r a l s h i p , c o m b i n i n g crisp combinations, precise footwork, and a rock-solid

d e f e n s e t o o u t p o i n t h i s

o p p o n e n t H i s t a c t i c a l

p r e c i s i o n a n d r e l e n t l e s s aggression kept Alexander on the back foot throughout the bout, securing a welldeserved decision victory

Harvey’s triumph was a testament to the outstanding coaching of Lennox Daniel, w h o w a s c r o w n e d B e s t Coach of the tournament. Under Daniel’s guidance, Harvey and his teammates

s h o w c a s e d t h e t e c h n i c a l prowess and discipline that have become synonymous w ith the A ndrew Lew is Boxing Gym.

The gym’s success didn’t

s t o p t h e r e A L B G w a s awarded the Best Gym title, f u r t h e r s o l i d i f y i n g i t s reputation as a powerhouse

commitment to nurturing young talent and its ability to produce fighters who excel under pressure.

Meanwhile, the Rose Hall Jammers Boxing Gym put up a strong showing, earning the title of Runnerup Gym and demonstrating i t s d e p t h o f t a l e n t a n d dedication to developing the next generation of boxers.

The tournament, named in honor of Guyana’s only Olympic medalist, Michael Parris, continues to serve as a vital platform for young boxers to showcase their skills and ambition. This year ’s event was a cauldron of youthful energy, with s h a r p j a b s , t h u n d e r o u s hooks, and tactical brilliance on full display, underscoring the growing talent within Guyana’s boxing scene.

GBA President Steve N

h a t Saturday’s U-16 tournament is the first of 24 planned for this year, signaling a bright f

p o

t i n Guyana. With young stars like Ken Harvey leading the charge and gyms like ALBG setting


nation’s boxing legacy is in capable hands.

The weekend’s events n o t o n l

development in boxing. As the Andrew Lewis Boxing G

(BBC Sport) - Aston Villa have completed the loan signing of Manchester
Marcus Rashford (Getty Images)

Goal is Money survive scare on Opening Night of of Annual Mashramani Street Football Championship is

As was the outcome in Back Circle the night before, a controversial goal nearly eliminated seasoned street football campaigners, Goal is Money, on the opening

night of seventh annual Mashramani Street Football

C h a m p i o n s h i p S a t u r d a y

n i g h t a t t h e M o c h a Community Centre Tarmac.

It is now becoming clear

t h a t a s s t r e e t f o o t b a l l continues to evolve, goal

line technology such as

Vi d e o A s s i s t a n t R e f e r e e (VA R) w ill have to be

m p

e m e n t e d t o s e t t l e controversial goals in the sport.

Ryan Skinner squeezed an amazing attempt pass his defenders in the 29th minute for the Mocha-based side, Red Force against Goal is Money to send supporters at the venue into a frenzy

F o r m e r n a t i o n a l p l a y e r, Andrew Murray Jr had earlier given Goal is Money the lead in the eighth minute.

Skinners strike on the brink of the 30-minute fulltime game, hit the uprights and ricochet out unto the surface.

The referees determined the the ball passed the goal line and the crowd that turned out to support their home team gleefully agreed.

T h e s a m e s i t u a t i o n

occurred only the night before in the Back Circle, ‘Georgetown vs The Rest’ Final between Back Circle B

and Talibans Eventually both teams were determined joint winners.

T h e g r o w t h a n d intensity of street football is ensuring that technology will play a crucial role in deciding games in the near future.

Goal is Money won on penalty kicks to advance to Wednesday night’s Super 16 Round of the Mashramani

S t r e e t F o o t b a l l Championships after extra time could not decide a winner in the must-win competition.

S e m i - F i n a l i s t s f r o m ‘The Georgetown vs The Rest’, Festival City edged

pass established east bank s i d e , F a m i l y 1 - 0 compliments of a clinical finish from Colwin Best in the 14th minute to also book their place in the round-of16 showdown.

All the big names in street football ensured their game was optimum in the ‘ w i n o r g o h o m e ’ tournament. Showstoppers

e l i m i n



e Ballers with a 2-1 victory with Stephen Jupiter and Chris Macey scoring in the 14th and 29th minute for them. Mark Kennedy netted i n t h e 2 7 t h

e f o r Stevedore Ballers. A

Broad Street tackles Middle Road Saturday night at the Mocha Community Centre Tarmac in the Mashramani Street Football Showdown.

t i t l e K e n r o y D e i n a n i c k o p e n e d t h e a c c o u n t e a r l y f o r L a i n g Av e n u e i n t h e

7 t h m i n u t e w h i l e D a v i d

G e o rg e s c o r e d i n t h e 2 1 s t

a n d 2 4 t h m i n u t e s t o

c o n f i r m t h e t e a m ’s p l a c e i n t h e n e x t r o u n d o f t h e

c o m p e t i t i o n o n

We d n e s d a y

B r o a d S t r e e t h a d a s i m i l a r c l i n i c a l p e r f o r m a n c e w i t h A k e e m

S a m s c o r i n g b a c k - t o - b a c k

g o a l s i n t h e 1 5 t h a n d 1 8 t h

m i n u t e s a n d E l i j a h L e w i s i n t h e 2 4 t h m i n u t e f o r a 3 -

0 t r i u m p h o v e r M i d d l e

R o a d Z t e k k c o m p e l e t l y a n n i h i l a t e d t h e S p a n i a r d s

f r o m L i n d e n w i t h a 4 - 0

w i n O z e a l S m a l l ( 7 t h

The Commissioner of Police, Mr Clifton Hicken,

ENet, Corum Group,

Financial Services and TCL Guyana Inc. are the sponsors of this year ’s Mashramani


GFF President congratulates Junior Lady Jags Jags

F o l l o w i n g t h e conclusion of the Junior Lady Jags’ campaign at the 2 0 2 5 C O N C A C A F U 1 7

W o m e n ’ s Q u a l i f i e r s , President of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF),

W a y n e F o r d e , s e n t a congratulatory message to the team.

It stated, “I would like to

e x t e n d m y h e a r t f e l t congratulations to you all for representing Guyana with such distinction and pride.

Y o u r u n w a v e r i n g

c o m m i t m e n t a n d

e x c e p t i o n a l c h a r a c t e r , especially in moments when results did not go in your

f a v o r, h a v e b e e n t r u l y commendable. The evidence of your personal growth, as well as that of the program, is an inspiration to us all.”

“As you return home, know that the entire nation s t a n d s b e h i n d y o u a n d salutes you for being true ambassadors of our proud nation. Your resilience and sportsmanship have not gone

u n n o t i c e d , a n d w e encourage you to continue striving to improve your game.” Wayne added, “A special thank you goes to the coaching and management staff for their guidance and dedication, as well as to the supportive parents who have

The Junior Lady Jags squad that attended the 2025 CONCACAF U17 Women’s Qualifiers

played an essential role in your journey.””Remember, we are stronger together One Team, One Dream…! Safe travels home!”

Meanwhile, the Team closed out their campaign in emphatic fashion, securing a 7-1 victory over Turks and

Caicos The commanding win was a strong response after their earlier narrow 2-3 loss to Panama and a 1-2 defeat against Cuba.

Guyana set the tone early a s A l e x a n d r i a C h a s l e s opened the scoring in the 16th minute off an assist

adding her second just a minute later Anaya Joseph extended the lead with goals in the 24th and 41st minutes, assisted by Ayah Stewart and

‘The NBA is wild, man’ - Lakers

Five-time NBA AllStar Luka Doncic has joined the Los Angeles Lakers in a huge three-way trade deal.

Doncic, who moves from the Dallas Mavericks, was hailed as a “one-of-a-kind, young global superstar” by the Lakers as the move was

confirmed on Sunday night. Anthony Davis, an NBA title winner with the Lakers in 2020, has moved to Dallas as part of the deal, along with

guard Max Christie.

The Mavericks also get a 2029 first-round draft pick, w h i l e M a x i K l e b e r a n d Markieff Morris will head to the Lakers.

The three-way trade also includes the Utah Jazz, who g e t L a k e r s g u a r d J a l e n Hood-Schifino and a pair of second-round picks in this year ’s draft.

The deals have left the NBA in shock with Phoenix S u n s s ta r K ev i n D u r an t saying: “It’s crazy I would [have] never thought Luka Doncic would get traded. At his age, mid-season.

“The NBA is a wild place, man. If he can get traded, then anybody is up for grabs.

“ T h i s g o t t o b e t h e biggest trade I’ve seen since I’ve been in the league or since I’ve been watching the sport.”

maintained their attacking intensity in the second half, with Sookdeo (54’) securing her brace. Benjamin capped off the scoring in the 57th minute with a stunning longrange strike that stood out as

S l o v e n i a n D o n c i c , currently sidelined with a calf injury, has averaged 28.1 points, 8.3 rebounds and 7.8 assists per game for the Mavericks since being t r a d e d f r o m t h e A t l a n t a Hawks in 2018.

The 25-year-old guard has been an All-Star for the p a s t f i v e s e a s o n s a n d finished as the league’s top scorer in 2024 to help his side reach the NBA finals.

Though Doncic could be seen as James’ long-term successor, the 40-year-old showed he can still compete at the highest level with a standout display in New York on Saturday night.

Reacting to the trade, Lakers general manager Rob Pelinka said: “Luka is a oneo f - a - k i n d , y o u n g g l o b a l superstar who will lead this franchise for years to come.

“His killer instincts and c

one of the most memorable goals of the tournament Turks and Caicos secured a l a t

u g h Amika Jackson in the 71st m i n u t e , b u

remained the story of the match.

from Ellie Biffin. Chasles

U-19 Women’s T20 WC: India are Champions again


continued to be as brilliant as they’ve been throughout the tournament to take them to

ICC Under-19 T20 World Cup title. On the back of the efforts of Aayushi Shukla, G Trisha, Vaishnavi Sharma and Parunika Sisodia - who took nine wickets between them - India restricted South Africa to 82.

g t w o f o u r s i n t h e o ff

V J J o s h i t h a B u t t r o u b l e

b e g a n a s e a r l y a s t h e

s e c o n d o v e r w i t h S i s o d i a

I n d i a p u t t h e b r a k e s o n

a l m o s t i n s t a n t l y a f t e r t h a t ,

b u t B o t h a - S o u t h A f r i c a ’s

t o p - s c o r e r o f t h e

t o u r n a m e n t - o n c e a g a i n

d i s p l a y e d h e r q u a l i t y, h i t t i n g J o s h i t h a f o r a f o u r

d o w n t h e g r o u n d Wi t h

S h a b n a m S h a k i l ’ s

i n t r o d u c t i o n in the fourth over came the crucial wicket

o f B o t h a , t h a n k s t o a

s t u n n i n g c a t c h b y wicketkeeper G Kamalini, who threw herself to the right to grab a one-hander

O n e b r o u g h t t w o f o r

I n d i a , a s l e f t - a r m s p i n n e r

S h u k l a s t r u c k f i r s t b a l l i n t h e v e r y n e x t o v e r, h a v i n g

D i a r a R a m l a k a n b o w l e d w i t h a s t r a i g h t e r o n e f o r 3

A t t h e e n d o f t h e p o w e r p l a y, S o u t h A f r i c a w e r e i n t r o u b l e a t 2 9 f o r 3

I n d i a ’ s s p i n n e r s maintained the stranglehold on their opposition, drying up the runs in the middle overs, with no boundaries

h a v i n g S i m o n e L o u r e n s bowled for a duck, with a s k i d d y d e l i v e r y t h a t deflected off the batter ’s pads and onto the stumps.

scored between seven and 14. In that passage, two more wickets fell, with Trisha removing Reyneke for 7 and Shukla taking her second by knocking Karabo Meso’s middle stump.

2025 to take place in July

The ExxonMobil Guyana Global Super League (GSL) 2025 has been confirmed to run from 8 to 18 July 2025. All 11 matches of the tournament will take place at the iconic Guyana National Stadium, Providence, as five elite T20 teams from around the world compete for the coveted GSL trophy

The 2025 edition marks the second installment of this exciting tournament. The inaugural event in 2024 was won by the Rangpur Riders of the Bangladesh Premier League, who defeated Cricket Victoria in the final.

GSL’s first season will be remembered

for thrilling cricket as well as confirming Guyana as a premier destination for world class sporting events. Sir Clive Lloyd, GSL Chairman, expressed his enthusiasm for the upcoming tournament:

“The first GSL was a resounding success, with all five participating teams praising the exceptional facilities and warm hospitality they experienced in Guyana. We are excited to build on this momentum in 2025 and are delighted to confirm the tournament dates. The GSL continues to position Guyana as a key destination for international cricket and sports tourism.”

the 18th over once again pegged South Africa back, with both van Voorst and Seshnie Naidu getting out trying to go for big shots.

Fay Cowling then hit the first and only six of the

bowled trying to sweep, in the same over

t s i n 1 4

b a l l s t o c r u m b l e t o 8 2 a l l

o u t I n d i a w e r e a l s o s u p e r b o n t h e f i e l d , e s p e c i a l l y w i t h t h e i r

g r o u n d f i e l d i n g , w i t h only one difficult return catch missed by Trisha.

I n d i a c h a r g e d a t t h e

Mieke van Voorst, South Africa’s highest scorer in the game, broke the pressure w i t h t h e t e a m ’ s f i r s t boundary in 56 balls, and went on to hit a couple more.

But Trisha’s double-strike in

t o t a l f r o m t h e f i r s t o v e r , w i t h T r i s h a h i t t i n g t h r e e f o u r s o f f t h e f i r s t f i v e

b a l l s s h e f a c e d

S h e t o o k o n l e g s p i n n e r

N a i d u f o r t h r e e f o u r s i n t h e f o u r t h o v e r a s w e l l

Roston Chase (C) and Shimron Hetmyer (L) of Guyana Amazon Warriors during the ExxonMobil Guyana Global Super League (Getty Images)

GSL 2025 to take place in July

Romario Shepherd of Guyana Amazon Warriors celebrates with teammates (Getty Images)
India Under-19 team with the World Cup trophy (ICC/Getty Images)
Ken Harvey was impressive in his bout (File Photo)

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