75 acres of jungle lands Nigel Hughes wants to acquire with
35 acres of prime cit y lands sold to Ed Ahmad and others
- but Chairman says time to introduce system too short Teacher arrested for allegedly raping 12-year-old student 40 new communit y policing groups for this year
‘No law preventing GECOM from employing digital money’ used to acquire
Speeding truck ploughs into house at Lusignan ...misleadsnationthattheAFCleaderhadacquired the lands fingerprinting at elections’ - members to be trained in intelligence gathering, other police functions
speeding truck crashed into a car before ploughing into this house on the Lusignan Public Road
VP Jagdeo tries to compare 75 acres of jungle lands Nigel Hughes wants to acquire with 35 acres of prime cit y lands sold
to Ed Ahmad and others
In a desperate bid to defend the People’s P r o g r e s s i v e P a r t y government’s sale of over 35
a c r e s o f p r i m e l a n d t o
c o n v i c t e d f r a u d s t e r E d u l
‘Ed’ Ahmad, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday sought to highlight a bid by Attorney, Nigel Hughes to lease and purchase 75 acres of undeveloped state lands in the Essequibo jungle.
At his press conference, Jagdeo stated, “Imagine two days ago, he [Hughes] said we must pause, a legitimate g o v e r n m e n t n o t a g o v e r n m e n t i n c a r e t a k e r mode must pause on giving lands, and he secured for himself 75 acres of land after the CCJ [Caribbean Court of Justice] had ruled and after the elections.”
However, a review of the
d o c u m e n t s p r e s e n t e d b y
Jagdeo during the press c o n f e r e n c e s h o w s t h a t
H u g h e s w a s g r a n t e d approval for leased lands
i n t e n d e d f o r a g r i c u l t u r a l purposes. Two Provisional Lease documents, both dated March 19, 2020, indicate that Hughes received a total of 50 acres of State land situated on the left bank of the Essequibo River, below the mouth of the Groete Creek. Both documents state that the land was approved for agricultural purposes at an annual rent of $800 per acre.
Notably, at the bottom of the documents, it is stated, “This lease shall not sublet or give permission to anyone to occupy the land or part thereof.”
A third document, a letter dated October 24, 2019, shows that Hughes, along with one Ms. Noreen Gaskin, received approval for an additional 25 acres of land at t h e l e f t b a n k o f t h e Essequibo River, below the mouth of the Groete Creek. These lands were allocated through the Guyana Lands & S u r v e y s C o m m i s s i o n (GLSC).
U n d e r t h e l a w s o f
Guyana, a lease can be obtained for the cultivation on a large scale of rubber, limes or other citrus fruit,
c a c a o , c o f f
r m a n e n t a g r i c u l t u r a l products, under the State
Lands Act.
In his response to Vice P r e s i d e n t , H u g h e s i n a Facebook post explained the status of his leased lands and a l l e g e d t h a t t h e P P P
g o v e r n m e n t h a s d e n i e d granting him a final lease. Hughes explained, “In r e l a t i o n t o 5 0 a c r e s o f heavily forested land on the left bank of the Essequibo at Groete Creek, in January 2016, I purchased 50 acres of land from Simon Munroe for the sum of 2 million dollars ”
He disclosed that in order for the land to be transferred to him, he was required to make an application to the Guyana Lands and Survey Commission (GLSC) which w a s d o n e a n d o t h e r obligations like conducting a survey However, he stated that since the provisional lease was granted back in March 2020, the government has frustrated the process to grant a final lease. “Since the grant of the provisional lease in 2020 March, the GLSC has perisistently refused to issue a final lease. This has prevented and frustrated all a t t e m p t s t o t r a n s f e r t h e property.”
According to Hughes, GLSC refused to accept his payment of rent. In addition to that he noted that despite s e n d i n g f o u r l e t t e r s o f r e q u e s t t o G L S C C o m m i s i o n e r f o r t h e issuance of the lease, he has n
b e e n i n t e n t i o n a l l y frustrated,” Hughes stated.
Hughes claimed that be b e l i e v e s t h a t o n l y “ t h e
f r i e n d s , f a m i l y a n d t h e favoured” of the government are allowed to go forward and see their investments mature.
Addressing the latter 25 acres of land, Hughes said that this too suffered the same fate, with frustration from GLSC to grant the final lease.
To this end, he said, “I welcome and urge a full i n v e s t i g a t i o n o f t h i s acquisition and the reason why it has been frustrated.”
Jagdeo speaking at his w e e k l y p r e s s c o n f e r e n c e yesterday sought to defend lands sold to Ahmad, a convicted fraudster and his alleged close affiliation with S h e r w y n G r e a v e s w h o abruptly resigned from his post as Chief Executive O f f i c e r o f t h e C e n t r a l
H o u s i n g a n d P l a n n i n g Authority over the scandal surrounding the sale of lands here.
T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n p r e v i o u s l y r e p o r t e d t h a t Ahmad was given 12.5 acres of land in Lethem for the cultivation of soya bean, another 30 acres of prime lands at Ogle on the East Coast of Demerara for real estate purposes, six acres of land at Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara, another five acres of prime lands on the Heroes Highway near Mocha Arcadia, and 17 acres a t L e o n o r a , We s t C o a s t Demerara.
R e g a r d i n g t h e l a n d s given to Ahmad at Ogle, the Vice President defended the government’s decision. He used land allocation by the p r e v i o u s A P N U + A F C government as grounds to defend the government’s decision to sell prime lands to Ahmad and others for $30 million per acre. Jagdeo said, “Imagine all the lands that we’ve given out so far for private development, not a single person has received t i t l e i n t h e s e a r e a s f o r housing development, not a single one, including Ed Ahmad. They all paid $30
“ H e h a s p e r s i s t e n t l y refused to even acknowledge m y l e t t e r s A s a consequence, all investment plans for the project have
million per acre, the same price that they were selling the land at…”
He continued, “They had to pay the 30 million, there is n o t h i n g w r o n g , n o t h i n g corrupt about it, same price t h e y a r e p a y i n g N i g e l
H u g h e s q u e s t i o n i n g t h a t price.”
For his part, Hughes called for an investigation i n t o a l l l a n d s s o l d a n d acquired at Ogle.
He stated, “I invite the VP to name the companies I have any equity in. While he is at it, he should cause a similar investigation into the allocations of land along the Heroes Highway where the b e n e f i c i a r i e s t r a n s f e r r e d property to the CEO in New York.”
New PAHO repor t on road safety highlights slow progress in reducing traffic deaths
A n e w P a n A m e r i c a n H e a l t h Organization (PAHO) report on road safety reveals that in 2021, traffic accidents caused just over 145,000 deaths in the Americas, accounting for 12% of global deaths from this cause.
Despite some progress, the rate of reduction in road fatalities has been slow and uneven, underlining the urgent need f o r s t r o n g e r, m o r e c o m p r e h e n s i v e national policies. The report, entitled “Saving lives by promoting a s
a p p r o a c h t o r o a d s y s t e m s i n t h e Americas”, is based on the most recent data available, collected in 31 countries and one territory in the region. This is the fifth edition of the report since 2009. Due to the impact of the pandemic in 2020, the years 2010 and 2021 have been compared.
According to the study, the road death rate in the Americas fell by 9.37% between 2010 and 2021, reflecting the slow pace of progress, with only nine countries managing to reduce the number of deaths. At sub-regional level, North America and the Caribbean saw an increase in mortality rates. By contrast, the Southern Cone and the Andean zone recorded significant reductions.
“Road safety remains a major public health challenge in the region,” said Dr Jarbas Barbosa, Director of PAHO. “Despite the efforts made, the figures remain unacceptable. Road safety is not just a question of infrastructure or legislation, it is a matter of life and death for millions of people. It is essential that c o u n t r i e s i m p l e m e n t c o m p r e h e n s i v e
measures to protect all road users, especially the most vulnerable.”
Around 37% of traffic fatalities occur in high-income countries, even though they account for only 41% of the population, 57% of registered vehicles and 49% of the territory By c o n t r a s t , l o w e r- m i d d l e - i n c o m e c o u n t r i e s , which account for only 5% of the population and 3% of the territory, concentrate 7% of fatalities, despite having only 1% of registered vehicles. The fatal victims of road accidents are mainly men (79%) and young adults aged 18 to 44 (54%). However, the impact is not limited to fatalities. In 2021, more than 4 million people suffered non-fatal injuries in the region, i n c l u d i n g 6 3 8 , 6 2 0 s e r i o u s i n j u r i e s w i t h permanent after-effects.
T h e r e p o r t a l s o h i g h l i g h t s t h e disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable users. Between 2009 and 2021, deaths of motorcyclists, pedestrians and cyclists rose from 39% to 47% of total road fatalities. By 2021, motorcyclists will account for 27% of fatalities, pedestrians for 17% and cyclists for 3%. This trend contrasts with the slight fall in fatalities among occupants of four-wheeled vehicles.
“Motorcyclist safety remains an urgent priority. To reduce this type of fatality, it is essentia
e, enforce stricter laws on helmet and seatbelt use and driving under the influence of alcohol, and promote safer driving practices,” said Ricardo Pérez-Núñez, Regional Road Safety Advisor at PAHO. The report highlights the need to s
improve road safety Although Continued on page 20
Leader of the Alliance for Change, Nigel Hughes
Edul ‘Ed’ Ahmad
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo
Kaieteur News
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: GLENN LALL-TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
PPP/C Gov’t leaders trying to block exposures
The PPP/C Government is in serious trouble. There is one man in the party and government who knows this more than every other Guyanese. It is the party General Secretary and Vice President of Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo. He tries hard to coverup the corruptions in the government, but the corruptions are so bad, so now out of control now, that they blow up in his face. The harder he tries to suppress the widespread realities of PPP/C Government corruptions, the quicker and bigger his failures.
“Even the Vice President called me that he hear (sic) that I am criticising what the government is doing. I don’t have to praise nobody if something is not going right. My objective here is to help people…the Vice President called and said he heard, this is what he told me, he heard that I bad talk the government, so he nah want nobody criticise nobody, and I’m not gonna take that, because the poor people are the ones who are suffering…for all the years, I am here - 25 plus years when I was with AFC, I defend the poor people and I am for the working class, so as a result of all these factors I talk about, the roads and everything, I think I had enough of everything.”
The words are those of Region Six Rapid Response Taskforce Coordinator, Dr Veerasammy Ramayya. They confirm many disturbing things. First, Dr Ramayya is a decades-long veteran in Guyana’s political circles. He has seen corruption, and he knows corruption, from the routine thieveries from the local treasury, to the various schemes, to the chronic skullduggeries. In aggregate, a drain on the expectations of poor Guyanese, what drags them down. Due to his extended experience in political life in Guyana, he knows from closeup experience, how bad local corruption can be. Yet, here is this observant Guyanese saying in public that he has never seen corruption so bad.
According to Dr Ramayya, corruption is at its peak (the worst ever) under the present PPP/C Government. This must be unimaginable to most Guyanese. Other than those guzzling of the riches at the public trough, this is now past unacceptable to all other Guyanese. When comrades and cronies of the PPP/C Government enrich themselves from a million or a billion (it is more of the latter when added), it means that the poor in Guyana are forced to live on much less. What should be coming to them is devoured by greedy and crooked operators at all levels in the PPP/C Government. That is a fitting summary of the magnitude of corruption by PPP/C Government hands, and the damage that such inflicts on the have nots in Guyana.
This is the background that prompted both President Ali and Vice President Jagdeo to reach out to Dr Ramayya. It was not so much to get to the bottom of who in the PPP/C Government is involved, and how acute the situation is. It was a strong effort by both leaders to get Dr Ramayya to shut up. Instead of the two major leaders in the PPP/C Government being interested in cleaning up the corruption mess, they are seemingly more interested in the public relations aspects of Ramayya’s public exposure. Another thing that Ramayya revealed was that Jagdeo doesn’t want to hear any criticism of the government’s weakness, the long underbelly of dirty dealings by its own people. When both the president and vice president should be focused on the message and what they have to do to correct, they are more agitated at the daring of the messenger
A daring messenger, especially an insider who knows the way things are (very crooked, mostly corrupt), is the most unwelcomed of presences to a government gutted by corruption. Because the Region Six Rapid Response Taskforce Coordinator enlightened citizens about the state of the police and public health facilities for patients, among other things, he rocked Ali’s and Jagdeo’s boat. Because they don’t want such truths to get out, they rushed out to get Ramayya to stop. This is the real government, and the serious leaders who claim to be about clean governance. They show up to shutdown talk about PPP/C Government corruptions.
Plethora of allegations and admissions that call for a thorough investigation in what appears to be a cesspool of corruption at the
T h e s c a n d a l - r i d d e n
Central Housing & Planning
A u t h o r i t y ( C H & PA ) i s making the headlines with o n e e x p l o s i
after another (CH&PA CEO quits after questions about NY property’, SN, Feb. 5, 2025; ‘New York doctor c
n’t know investing money with Ed Ahmad is illegal’, KN, Feb. 5, 2025; Interview on Feb. 3, 2025 with journalist Travis Chase and Dr Philip Baldeo, and social media post on Feb. 5, 2025 by Melissa Atwell aka ‘Melly Mel’).
T h e S
CH&PA’s CEO, Sherwyn G
Te r r e n c e C a m p b e l l h a d written to the United States’ D e p a r t m e n t o f J u s t i c e requesting an investigation into his purchase of a oncevalued US$770,000 New York home. Specifically, the call for the investigation was based on a suspicion that the sale of the NY property was a quid pro quo for favours to be granted in Guyana in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, a US law that prohibits bribery of f o r e i g n o f f i c i a l s . T h e t r a n s a c t i o n i n q u e s t i o n involved the acquisition of 30 acres of prime lands in Guyana.
T e r r e n c e C a m p b e l l suggested that in the interest
o f t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d a c c o u n t a b i l i t y, P r e s i d e n t
Irfaan Ali should call for an i n v e s t i g a t i o n , g i v e n t h e s e r i o u s n e s s o f t h e allegations and that because many believe that CH&PA w e r e d i r e c t e d t o accommodate the sales. I wholeheartedly endorse the n e e d f o r s u c h a n investigation and for a wider one encompassing all lands sold post-August 2020 in the areas alongside the newlybuilt Heroes Highway and the Ogle-to-Eccles bypass road. Public disclosure of this information is critical to assuage deep concerns of w i d e s p r e a d c o r r u p t i o n considered to be a feature of this administration. For good m e a s u r e t h e g o v e r n m e n t
m a y a l s o e x t e n d t h e
i n v e s t i g a t i o n t o i n c l u d e CH&PA land sales under the Coalition administration.
T h e K a i t e u r N e w s ’ article referenced a recent interview with journalist Travis Chase and New Yorkbased Guyanese Dr Philip Baldeo and bore the sub-title ‘… as land sale scandal deepens.’
I n t h e i n t e r v i e w D r
B a l d e o m a d e s e v e r a l startling revelations. One of these is that apart from 30 acres that he purchased in 2013 from CH&PA under the name Luxury Investment, he is engaged over the last two y e a r s i n a c q u i s i t i o n o f properties being developed on Heroes Highway to the v a l u e o f U S D 1 0 0 m l n u n d e r t h e n a m e H a r i Development.
W h a t m a k e s t h i s
revelation startling is that he admitted to buying this land not from the CH&PA but from a Company, which would be a clear breach of the Agreement birthing the original sale by the CH&PA. When asked by Travis Chase for the name of the Company that he acquired these lands from, Dr Baldeo committed to furnishing same ‘within 72 hours.’
What has caused me some distress, however, is the fact that in the interview Dr Baldeo twice stated that he was in contact with me regarding a proposal of his to build houses to give to people in Linden. On the first occasion, he said he ‘went to M r T r o t m a n ( f o r m e r M i n i s t e r o f N a t u r a l Resources) and also to Mr Bulkan and asked them …’ and again said ‘I asked B u l k a n ’ T h o u g h n o t accused of any improper dealings, Baldeo claimed to have ‘donated money to PNC/APNU.’
Why would this person seek to make such a false claim -being in contact with me- is beyond me. Since the airing of the interview which had 115,000 views within the first 3 hours, several persons reached out to me saying that ‘my name was called’ which has its own negative connotation locally, especially given that I was the subject Minister for CH&PA for the period May 2015-July 2020. I wish to state that I have never met or spoken to Phillip Baldeo. I
do not know him, nor have I ever had any dealings with him. Notably, Baldeo made no mention of CEO Greaves o r M i n i s t e r S u s a n Rodrigues, both of whom are now linked to him in corrupt practices. Only Bulkan! I see this as a clumsy attempt to link me to his questionable conduct.
Finally, I wish to touch on the post on February 5, 2025 by courageous social media activist ‘Melly Mel’ in
accusations against Minister Susan Rodrigues, one being t
USD1.0 mln., same being
lands improperly sold to Shareef, of Sheriff fame. M
involved in one of the three
p Baldeo mentioned in his interview
plethora of allegations and admissions that call for a
cesspool of corruption at the C H & PA . P
e s i d e n t A l i would do well to launch an investigation with reference to the aforementioned and make public all its findings.
Sincerely, Ronald Bulkan F o r m e
j e c t Minister of CH&PA and Guyana Water Inc.)
The problem in Guyana is neither new nor unique and requires serious attention
My friend and member and City Councillor of the Georgetown City Council, M
Backlands by a young man alleged to be about 16 years
instance where a man was feeding his dogs and was ordered into his house, tied up and robbed of all his earthly possessions. T
young men, the most recent, a cyclist involved in an accident with a truck, in addition to reports meeting me of forms of violence, not reported to the police. Then there is the unfolding saga of what appears to be the sequestering and disposition
of prime state lands by the CH&PA. The above is a small sample of happenings in Guyana, signs of a decay
Some of us feel that President Dr Irfan Ali and all our experienced political leaders may very well have good intentions. However, the present structure and h i s t o r y o f o u r s o c i e t y suggests that no one person can redeem us from the torn fabric of our society, as a c o n s e q u e n c e o f c r i m e ,
c o r r u p t i o n , i n c o m p e t e n c e and a generation who fear neither man nor God.
The problem in Guyana is neither new nor unique
c o r n e r o f t h e g l o b e However, in our case, with an abundance of natural
resources, no debilitating natural disasters, there is no reason why we cannot be as they say heaven on earth, a haven of peace and plenty
From my perspective, we need as a matter of urgency to do the following:-
1) Retool our education system. The purpose of education in our context should be
a To a s s e m b l e t h e accumulated wisdom of our forebears.
b. To keep abreast with a world of rapidly advancing science and technology
c. The classrooms and playing fields must help create an environment of togetherness.
d. Help us to think and be creative.
In other words, a cadre of Guyanese willing and able to face the rest of the world, whose confidence are able to overcome the consequences of the torture of imperialism and the divisiveness of our co
ience Our teaching of history must be to make us strong and to overcome the factors that earlier and still divide us. That education should be free from kindergarten to University 2 ) A
People’s Militia. These two, would allow us as
years ago of Defence in (Continued on page 06)
e. The above contributes to producing a generation with an attachment to the earth, waters and air
The media and development
The first thing we have to do is ask if any of the existing parties represents the interests of the working people or are interested in the unity of the working people or have acted to alleviate the suffering of the broad masses, or have they acted to fill their pockets and pockets of their friends, cronies and family
Today more than ever before, we are witnessing how the mainstream media and those who control social
m e d i a e x e r c i s e s t r o n g control of what is being
d i s s e m i n a t e d a s demonstrated by the Ukraine
a n d I s r a e l w a r T h r e e
c o m p a n i e s , B l a c k R o c k , State Street and Vanguard are the largest shareholders,
8 8 % , o f a l l S M P 5 0 0 companies. The amount of money in circulation in the
w o r l d i s a b o u t U S $ 4 4 0 trillion. These three CEOs control about US$66 trillion.
B l a c k R o c k a n d Vanguard are the two largest shareholders in the six major m e d i a c o m p a n i e s t h a t control more than 90% of the U.S. Media Landscape. I hope readers appreciate the connection. They control the companies and they exercise influence over our minds.
The extremely rich owns Twitter, Google Facebook
and the list is long. Most of the TV stations, publishing h o u s e s , n e w s p a p e r s , magazines etc. are owned by the top .01 % of the capitalist class. We must also consider the concept written about by G r a m s c i , “ C u l t u r a l hegemony” where we are socialised by the ruling elites to defend their interest. Bob Marley sang about liberating o u r s e l v e s f r o m m e n t a l slavery while others insist so many are colonial in their mentality
K a r l M a r x w r o t e extensively about ideology
t h a t w e i n t e r n a l i s e a n d which defends and justifies the existing socioeconomic formation. Without this, the m i n o r i t y o f e x p l o i t a t i v e elites would not survive. The House slaves, If Massa sick would say we sick. Today when persons like m e t r y t o e x p l a i n a n d educate as to the realities of the present system. Trying to e x p l a i n t h a t t h i s o n c e p r o g r e s s i v e s y s t e m t h a t advanced the world has now become retrogressive and counter-productive they are attacked. Professors explain t h a t f r e e e n t e r p r i s e
c a p i t a l i s m h a s b e e n transformed into monopoly capitalism.
Yo u h a v e f r e q u e n t l y read, heard of oligarchs Well, there exists a huge
number of oligarchies. And don’t forget the often quoted e x a m p l e s o f c o u n t r i e s mentioned to prove how great this system is, the G-7. B u t t h e s e c o u n t r i e s colonised and enslaved to reach their greatness and dominance over the world.
To d a y w e s e e h o w PPPites and PNCites at the l o w e r l e v e l o f t h e socioeconomic ladder would attack even physically those who dare criticise their party For them their party does no wrong.
T h e s a m e d o g m a t i c behaviour of defending what they know and considering any and everything that opposes what they know to be wrong. It would be comedic if not serious how even the e
indoctrination would argue strongly to defend what they know I saw this quote on social media, “You must always be willing to truly c
contradicts your beliefs and admit the possibility that you may be wrong. Intelligence is not knowing everything. It’s the ability to challenge everything you know”.
The famous American P
Richard Wolf in a video said t h a
President Rooseveldt solved the problems facing the working people by taxing the rich corporations not because he was a radical, as he was a conventional rich kid, but because he was pressured by “a coalition of communists and Socialists a n d U n i o n s T h e communists and Socialists also led the struggle for the right to trade unions.
So, at the end of World War II the enraged capitalists who knew this was because of this coalition went to w o r k t o d e s t r o y t h i s coalition to prevent this from happening again. So, “the communist
ivists wh
e the leaders of the unions in many industries, and in the struggle against fascism in Italy, Germany Japan, became not leaders n o t h e r o e s b u t d e m o n s , converted into agents of a foreign power, the USSR.
To be continued but you have to ask yourselves in the meantime, if we should question what we have been t a u g h t o v e r t h e y e a r s recognising what I wrote above about who controls t h e d i s s e m i n a t i o n o f information.
Rajendra Bisessar Bsc Sociology, LLB Presidential Candidate U n i t e d D e m o c r a t i c Front (UDF)
GLDA strengthening Region 5 Ambulatory Services an exciting initiative
The Guyana Livestock D e v e l o p m e n t A u t h o r i t y (GLDA) is forging ahead with impactful initiatives to enhance the country’s cattle i
It was pleasing to see Dr Joel Dilchand, Region 5 Livestock Coordinator and Ve
ambulatory programme.
This effort focused on
sample collection, parasite
wellness checks for cattle herds, including breeding bulls and their offspring loaned to farmers through the National Bovine Genetic Improvement Programme.
This is pivotal of the
Government of Guyana’s c
beef and dairy production
CARICOM’s 25 by 2025 vision. Since its inception,
Region 5.
Ten Zebu breeding bulls loaned to farmers in the area have already produced over 100 calves in less than 14
quality of herds. The twoweek ambulatory initiative
gains. By ensuring the health and productivity of cattle,
strong, resilient herds. It exemplifies GLDA’s d
hands-on support and (Continued on page 09)
Spanish-speaking squatters create own village at Windsor Forest
We a r e r e s i d e n t s o f
Wi n d s o r E s t a t e s Wi t h i n recent months we have noted with great concern that a group of Spanish-speaking individuals have set up a squatting area on the northwestern parapet outside of the Windsor walls.
T h e s e i n d i v i d u a l s previously worked with the
c o n t r a c t o r ( s ) w h o w e r e tasked with expanding the Windsor Road. During their employment period, a rough shack was set up to house them on the parapet outside
of the said north-western corner of the Windsor wall.
Even though the Windsor road is now completed, these individuals have continued to squat in the said location and their numbers seem to be increasing. Attached is a photograph of the derelict
makeshift outdoor bathroom area that comprises basically a zinc sheet barricade behind which there is a standpipe and some buckets.
I n c o n s t r u c t i n g t h e standpipe, the squatters have breached the water mains leading to Windsor, thus
c r e a t i n g t h e t h r e a t o f c o n t a m i n a t i o n o f t h e Windsor water supply.
There are also makeshift clothes lines and clothing hanging everywhere The shack area is one of total squalor
The squatters urinate and defecate on the parapet and the stench that emanates
unbearable. They dump their garbage and leftover food on t
resulted in a serious rat infestation problem within the Windsor community We h
community from time to
creates a fire hazard, apart from the discomfort created by the smoke billowing over the Windsor walls.
Another major concern to the Windsor residents is that the shack is positioned exactly at the junction where t
dumpsite road connects with the Windsor road.
It thus creates a severe obstruction of the view of drivers when turning onto or coming from the dumpsite road. Also very worrying is that the squatters are now able to see into the backyards
of the Windsor residents, now that a relatively high s i d e w a l k h a s b e e n constructed on the Windsor road. The constant traversing of the squatters along this sidewalk day and night is of concern to residents who fear that they might scale the wall into their premises.
W h i l e w e e m p a t h i z e with the squatters in their situation of homelessness, one would recognize that their squatting has created s e v e r a l s e r i o u s environmental concerns for the residents of Windsor We t h u s s e e k y o u r u r g e n t intervention in publishing this letter so that the relevant a u t h o r i t y c a n t a k e t h e necessary action as we have exhausted all avenues with the NDC etc.
Thank you in advance for your kind attention to this matter
Regards Zaida Joaquin on behalf of Windsor Forest residents
The problem in Guyana is neither...
From page 04
Depth where Guyanese will o c c u p y l a n d a l o n g o u r borders. They say you lose what you don’t use.
Dear Editor, to make these ideas mentioned above f l o u r i s h , w e n e e d a Parliament constituted of Guyanese on both sides who are true nationalists and unafraid to admit mistakes, particularly in dealing with the mighty transnationals who have come to harvest our natural resources, and because of its emotional interpretation, I did not say those who have come to e x p l o i t o u r n a t u r a l resources.
At this crucial stage of our history, let us remember the wisdom of the old adageUnited we Stand Divided we Fall. If the Government and
the Opposition feel that there is any merit in the above, they need to harmonise their thoughts in a structured way t o p r o d u c e a w o r k i n g document that would take us to the glorious mountain peak.
If we observe what is happening in the Middle East, Europe, India, the orient and the Americas and just about everywhere else, we will know that time is not on our side.
I end with this question p o s e d b y B a r b a r a W Tuchman in her book ‘The March of Folly,’ (1984), when she observed that, I q u o t e “ A p h e n o m e n o n
W h y d o e s i n t e l l i g e n t mental process seem so often not to function?” - End of quote.
G u y a n a , m y D e a r Guyana Quo Vadis. Regards Hamilton Green Elder
n o t i c e a b l e t h r o u g h o u t history regardless of place or period is the pursuit by g o v e r n m e n t s o f p o l i c i e s c o n t r a r y t o t h e i r o w n interests. Mankind, it seems, makes a poorer performance o f g o v e r n m e n t t h a n o f almost any other human a c t i v i t y I n t h i s s p h e r e , w i s d o m , w h i c h m a y b e defined as the exercise of j u d g m e n t a c t i n g o n experience, common sense and available information, is less operative and more frustrated than it should be. Why do holders of high office so often act contrary to the way reason points and e n l i g h t e n e d s e l f - i n t e r e s t suggests?
law preventing GECOM from employing digital fingerprinting at
T h e i n t r o d u c t i o n o f fingerprint biometrics and any focus on such must be shelved until after the 2025 G
disclosed by the Chairman of
n s C o m m i s s i o n ( G E C O M )
Justice Retired Claudette Singh via a statement dated February 4, 2025.
The statement which was posted via the Facebook P a g e o f C o m m
o n e r Clement Rohee said “At the
ast meeting, I gave an undertaking that I will give thought to the proposal to introduce digital fingerprint capture as a component of the registration process. In so doing, I have recognised that going in that direction is easier said than done.”
The GECOM Chair said that in outlining her position on the digital fingerprint c a p t u r e m a t t e r, s h e h a d
mentioned “Section 9(1A) of
on Act as amended by Act 14 of 2 0 0 5 e m p o w e r s t h e Commission to determine f r o m t i m e - t o - t i
acquisition and electr onic processing of data.”
otherwise that is currently preventing the system from being introduced where the fingerprints can be taken d i g i t a l l y, a s i t i s t h e
C o m m i s s i o n t h a t i s empowered to determine such procedures. “This is still my opinion. However, I maintain apart from the
n e c e s s a r y e l e m e n t s o f implementing such a system,
s u c h a s p r o c u r
n g
f personnel and education of the public, there is still the
need for the Commission to address other issues such as e n s u r i n g t h a t t h
pertaining to the security of prints,” the GECOM Chair said.
In the statement, she explained that although the t
o facilitate digital fingerprint capture to be introduced, it will be a new thing for GECOM and it must be ensure that all bases are c o v e r e d I t w o u l d b e a necessity to hire a Technical Consultant to advise on the w a y f o
w a r d i f t h e Commission is to have this done in a comprehensive manner.
“In this regard, our first step would have to be in defining the objectives and scope to create the Terms of
- but Chair man says time to introduce system too shor t
(EoI), leading to the hiring of such a consultant,” the Chair explained.
She further explained that, “The Consultant would then be required, based on research and analysis, to prepare a project taking all variables into consideration i
d operational frameworks. In my view, this is what should be our first step in the d i r e c t i o n o f i n t r o d u c i n g digital fingerprint capture d u r i n g t h e r e g i s t r a t i o n process.”
A c c o r d i n g t o S i n g h ,
conceiving a project for
c a p t u r e o f f i n g e r p r i n t digitally should not be done a t t h e s a m e t i m e w i t h p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r t h e upcoming elections because there will be challenges in l o g i s t i c s , t e c h n i c a l considerations, political and social acceptance issues, and
also the costs.
Additionally, she said the preparations for the conduct of the upcoming General and R e g i o n a l e l e c t i o n s w i l l require extensive planning a n d c o o r d i n a t i o n a m o n g
v a r i o u s s t a k e h o l d e r s , therefore the introduction a new technology like digital fingerprint capture during those preparations, “will add another layer of complexity that could strain resources and personnel.”
“Therefore, there should be separation of these two projects which will facilitate
more thorough planning, s t a k e h o l d e r e n g a g e m e n t , procurement, testing and, will ultimately lead to a more secure and trustworthy data c a p t u r e a n d s t o r a g e process.”
S h e a d d e d : “ O u r foremost responsibility is to prepare for and conduct the u p c o m i n g g e n e r a l a n d regional elections with the strictest conformity with the extant laws and international standards. We must not be d i s t r a c t e d f r o m o u r constitutional responsibility with which the Commission is charged,” she said. Taking this into consideration, “any focus on preparations for the introduction of biometric fingerprint capture must be s h e l v e d u n t i l a f t e r t h e upcoming elections. At that stage, we can take the first s t e p t o w a r d s d i g i t a l f i n g e r p r i n t c a p t u r e , ” t h e Chairman said.
T h e i s s u e o f i m p l e m e n t i n g b i o m e t r i c s and the digital capture of
f i n g e r p r i n t b e f o r e t h e upcoming elections has been extensively discussed in the public domain over the past few months. The political opposition has been calling for the implementation of biometrics at this year ’s
elections. The government w h i l e s a y i n g i t i s n o t opposed to the system said the decision has to be made by GECOM and that voters s h o u l d n o t b e disenfranchised.
Late last year, the Joint Opposition had emphasized i t s s u p p o r t f o r t h e f u l l i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f biometrics throughout the election process. The joint
digitally in the registration
available to the Commission and aid in the prevention of multiple registration) and
identification at the place of
preparedness to lend support to all the necessary stages to
constitutional and statutory changes, if necessary,” the
statement back in November last year
The opposition said too that it stands ready to engage in all necessary discussions at the GECOM level, the parliamentary level, and/or at the inter-party level to resolve these concerns to the
stakeholders, including the
should be integral to the process,” the two parties added in the statement while
A 23-year-old woman, was placed on $10,000 bail, on Wednesday, after she appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on a charge of abusive language. Latavia December of 60 Remus Street Agricola was charged for abusive language towards Thessa Monasar on January 27, 2025 also at Agricola. December pleaded not guilty after the charge was read to her by Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty Monasar told the court that December continuously abused her and she is requesting protection. Additionally, Monasar said that December is related to her sister who lives on the lower flat of her house and she would visit her quite often. “Every time she comes, she does cuss me out, and she does damage up my property.”
Magistrate McGusty placed December on $10,000 bail and she was strictly instructed to have no contact with Monasar Failure to comply will be a breach of the bond to keep the peace and the bail will be revoked.
What Guyanese leaders can learn from Donald Trump
There is little dispute that Donald Trump knows how to make an entrance. He does so without pretense, without the usual trappings of a honeymoon period or the equivocating niceties that accompany the ascent of most leaders.
From the very first day, he did what he said he would do, issued executive orders with a strong hand. He did
n o t w a s t e
i m e H e i m m e d i a t e l y b e g a n b y bulldozing his way It is this kind of audacity that, for better or worse, marks his tenure and cements his place
i n t h e p o l i t i c a l consciousness – false or real – of his ardent supporters.
Say what you will about the man, and indeed, many have said a great deal, but he e x e m p l i f i e s a c e r t
a t m a n y leaders, particularly those in Guyana, would do well to study His willingness to make hard decisions, his u
bureaucratic inertia, and his
purpose—these are qualities that, if applied judiciously,
governance well.
G u y a n e
i s often defined by an inertia and early cautiousness. Our n
months, if not years, before they begin making serious
changes The assumption seems to be that there one has to be careful in the early months of a new government of not upsetting Opposition
constituencies or making d r a m a t i c a n d d r a c o n i a n changes.
But what Trump has
d e m o n s t r a t e d , w i t h a n almost reckless clarity, is that political capital is at its highest in those first few moments of leadership.
The ability to shape the n a r r a t i v e , t o s e i z e t h e momentum, and to dictate t h e p a c e o f
governance—these are tools available only to those who understand that leadership is a performance as much as it is a responsibility Guyanese leaders, by contrast, have a perennial fear of ruffling too many feathers too soon
They are reluctant to offend t h e e n t r e n c h e d bureaucracies that have for decades dictated the rhythm o f g o v e
Ye t , a s Trump showed, the most effective leaders recognize that their first moves set the
follows. The lesson here is not to embrace recklessness, but to understand the value of immediacy.
What we need in Guyana are elected leaders who, when they enter office, act boldly to reform the oil s e c t o r , s t r e a m l i n e government inefficiencies, and hold public officials
ough mere rhetoric, but through
GLDA strengthening Region 5 Ambulatory...
From page 05 addressing challenges faced by livestock farmers. Region 5’s rise as one of Guyana’s p r e m i e r c a t t l e - p r o d u c i n g zone reflects the success of
G L D A ’ s t a r g e t e d interventions.
T h e s e e f f o r t s n o t o n l y enhance the quality and quantity of beef and dairy p r o d u c t i o n b u t a l s o
c o n t r i b u t e t o e c o n o m i c g r o w t h
benefit from improved herd genetics, healthier livestock, and
with national agricultural programmes.
G L D A’ s i n i t i a
v e s i n Region 5 are shaping a s
collaboration, the region is set to play a vital role in
regional food security goals while cementing Guyana’s p o s i t i o n a s a l e a d e r i n agriculture.
Sincerely Abdul Yassin A resident of Region 5
Guya nese a nd stress-relief
Guyanese gat a w a y o f r e l i e v i n g stress. This method is the envy of the world. We does mek up jokes about any and every thing that stressing people out.
Right now, we have a lot of Guyanese in America wah under stress. Before dem used to go out and have a good time, go to work and go and party too. But now with ICE picking up people and deporting them, nuff Guyanese staying locked in dem house. Some of dem e v e n f r i g h t e n t o p e e p through dem window Is a s t r e s s f u l s i t u a t i o n w i t h Trump in de White House.
B u t y o u k n o w w e Guyanese, we does ease we stress by mekking joke.
Dem boys come across de f o l l o w i n g j o k e a b o u t Trump and how de deport Little Johnny and he family
It goes like this: Trump decide fuh visit a primary school class. Teacher ask he fuh lead a talk ‘bout de word “tragedy.” So Trump tun to de pickney dem and ask fuh example.
Lil boy jump up and seh, “If meh best friend deh pon de layin’ and a car knock he down dead, dat a tragedy.”
Trump seh, “Nah, dat nah tragedy. Dat a big loss, a real big loss.”
Lil girl raise she hand and seh, “If a school bus wid 50 children drive off a cliff and all ah dem dead, dat a tragedy.” Trump seh, “Nope, dat nah tragedy Dat
command attention but also
e s t a b l i s h t h e k i n d o f authority that keeps political opponents and bureaucratic inertia at bay
Trump knows how to m a k e a n e n t r a n c e B u t making an entrance is one thing Following through with conviction is another Trump, for all his polarising decisions, never shies away from making choices early
t h a t w o u l d d e f i n e h i s administration. The wisdom of those choices is debatable. But his willingness to act
d e c i s i v e l y i s n e v e r i n
q u e s t i o n . H e d o e s n o t hesitate to make the hard c h o i c e s , h o w e v e r contentious, controversial or confrontational. He is not seeking popularity He is pushing his plans.
In Guyana, the great affliction of leadership has been the unwillingness to make tough decisions.
Too often, hard choices
a r e d e f e r r e d , p o s t p o n e d indefinitely for fear of losing public support. The result is a cycle of half-measures and unfinished policies. Whether it is the issue of vendors, s q u a t t i n g , c r i m e o r
c o r r u p t i o n , G u y a n e s e leaders have, more often than not, chosen the path of least resistance.
C o n t r a s t t h i s w i t h Trump’s approach. There is no endless pontificating, no d r a w n - o u t c o m m i t t e e hearings aimed at ensuring that every single stakeholder w a s a p p e a s e d H e understands that leadership, at its core, is about making c h o i c e s e v e n u n p o p u l a r ones.
A Guyanese leader with the same willingness to act decisively would do well to r e c o g n i z e t h a t r e a l
g o v e r n a n c e m e a n s
c o n f r o n t i n g t h o s e t h a t
stagnate progress. It means being unafraid to tackle the d i f f i c u l t questions—questions about w h o b e n e f i t s f r o m t h e country’s vast resources and who bears the brunt of its mismanagement.
The third, and perhaps m o s t c r u c i a l , l e s s o n Guyanese leaders can learn from Trump is the necessity
f c
g o v e r n a n c e T r u m p understands that the public s e r v i c e , i n i t s v a s t , lumbering inefficiency, is more of an obstacle than a f a c i l i t a t o r o f p r o g r e s s . However misguided are his policies, his approach is nevertheless instructive in i t s a t t e m p t t o r e o r i e n t government spending and reallocate resources in ways he deems beneficial.
Guyanese leaders, by contras t, have long been beholden to a system of public administration that is b l o a t e d , i n e ff i c i e n t , a n d often resistant to change.
T h e m a c h i n e r y o f government is riddled with r e d u n d a n c i e s , s i n e c u r e appointments and political patronage.
Y e t e v e r y administration, regardless of party, finds itself entangled in its mechanisms, unable or unwilling to wield the axe where it is needed.
T h e p r o b l e m i s n o t merely one of inefficiency but of misplaced priorities. Public finances, instead of b e i n g d i r e c t e d t o w a r d s m e a n i n g f u
taxpayers more than 1 5 billion dollars per day
a bad accident, a terrible accident.”
Class get quiet. Trump look round and seh, “So none ah y’all can tell me wha a tragedy is?”
Finally, Lil Johnny at de back raise he hand and seh, “If Air Force One wid you inside get hit by a missile a n d b l o w u p , d a t ’s a tragedy.” Trump smile big and seh, “Yes! Dat’s a t r a g e d y D a t ’s a m a j o r tragedy A tragedy of all tragedies. Tell me why.”
Lil Johnny seh, “Well, it wouldn’t be no great loss, and it sure wouldn’t be no accident.”
And dat is how lil Johnny and he family get deport faster than you could blink. Talk half. Leff half.
If Guyanese leaders were to take a page from Trump’s
d recognize that streamlining
and ensuring that resources are directed towards tangible national development are not just options—they are imperatives.
D o n a
u m p ’ s administration is not a model of perfect governance. His t e
m a r k e d b y c o n t r o v e r s y , unpredictability, and a level of political volatility that o f t e n o v e r s h a d o w s h i s substantive policy decisions. But to dismiss him entirely is t o i g n o r e t h e v
u a b l e lessons embedded within his leadership style. Guyanese leaders must understand that leadership is not a passive exercise. It r e q u i r e s d e c i s i v e n e s s , making a strong entrance, executing hard decisions, a n d
g bureaucratic inefficiencies. T h e q u e s
, t h e n , i s whether Guyanese leaders have the courage to take the h a r d d e c i s i o n s t h a t leadership demands.
T h e a n s w e r t o t h a t question will determine the trajectory of Guyana’s future far more than any single policy or manifesto ever could.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d
There is not anywhere near value for that money in t h e d e l i v e r y o f p u b l i c services.
opinions of this newspaper.)
VP Jagdeo on PPP comrades benefitting
There is an old American comic book character who went by the name of General Halftrack. The name is the first giveaway, and the title made matters worse. The US Army was in deep, agh, trouble.
Guyana’s Vice President with full responsibility for
t h e L o c a l U n i v e r s e , D r Bharrat Jagdeo, comes to mind as a parallel to General Halftrack.
What Guyanese get is half the story more than half of the time, which leaves
y between consternation and
contradictions in Big Boss Bharrat. Take this issue of Guyanese benefiting from the government business that is available, up for grabs, as in clean competition.
According to a sliver of a Facebook post shared with me, Dr Jagdeo was stern and unm
ng: ‘all G
se must benefit from available opportunities.’ Ahem, well said, sir How can I disagree with such a position? He went further, and this is the
by local circumstances: ‘PPP supporters must benefit from those opportunities.’
My first thought is why
should they not? My second is that I wholeheartedly agree with Dr Jagdeo, and that is neither lip service nor for the record. It is where I am and I say it again: PPP comrades should and must b e n e f i
m t h e m a n y opportunities available in today’s oil Guyana. It is fair, it is right, and nobody should b e a p o l o g i z i n g f o
But the reason I made that reference to General Halftrack and connected Dr Jagdeo to it is that he fits so seamlessly into that uniform. Because what Mr Jagdeo put
b e f o r e G u y a n e s e represented only half the
B h a r r a t f o r P P P c a b a l s qualifying and benefiting?
What can be said about the National Procurement and T e n d e r A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Board when it stands as a not-so-secret student of all that is scurrilous in Guyana relative to benefits and who are selected and preselected to reap those riches? PPP
story The real story and full story about benefits and who should participate is a little more tangled, and not as sweet. In other words, the J a g d e o p o s t u r e a b o u t benefits and PPP loyalists start to fall apart, when the playing field is examined. PPP insiders and hangers on must benefit, but only when the process of them winning those opportunities is free of taint, is lacking in what I call distinctive fixes. PPP favorites must benefit but it must be on a level ground. Benefit on the merits, i.e., meeting all the eligibility criteria. Benefit not through the setup of prearrangement, but a clean and straight s t a n d a r d t h a t i s consistently applied and which none can challenge. To put differently, there must be an absence of any unfair advantage. How about those my sanctimonious brother
f a v o r i t e s b e n e f i t f r o m improper awards (as have b e e n s e e n ) a n d P P P orchestrators and arrangers in the places of review and d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g b e n e f i t from being part of a corrupt culture And when the P u b l i c P r o c u r e m e n t Commission reduces itself to a study in stupidity and impotency, then a third set of P P P w o r k e r s e a r n t h e i r benefits by acting out an unconvincing imitation of being deaf, blind, and dumb. When benefits are doled out in this manner, then PPP contractors and donors win on each occasion. But they b e n e f i t t o t h e u n f a i r advantage of others, who may be lower down on the PPP totem pole, or not of any P P P r e l a t i o n s h i p a t a l l
” , M r V i c e President?
I am for all Guyanese benefiting. I am just as insistent that PPP priority citizens (there is that kind, isn’t there) must benefit; must not should. But no Guyanese who measured up m o r e o u g h t t o s u f f e r improper disadvantage and loss. Dr Jagdeo knows what I am talking about, and to help him I point to those
a w a r d s involving big dollars. Some Guyanese lost out there, and in the most unacceptable manner
I am afraid that Dr Jagdeo’s posture about all Guyanese benefiting easily reads as all PPP Guyanese. The record stands in support. Try something new, Mr Truthteller Jagdeo: give the p
y Wishes are extended for a blessed day
(The views expressed in this article are those of the a
h e opinions of this newspaper.)
Taking Dr Jagdeo at his word, how are all (all, to ram home this point) Guyanese benefiting from the fruits of their land? I appreciate and accept that to the winner goes the spoils. But does it have to be all the benefits, Dr Jagdeo? Does it have be n o t h i n g l e f t f o r o t h e r s , outsiders and outcasts like me, Dr Jagdeo? If I were to bid for a project, or raise hand for a job, where would I s t a n d i n t h e b e n e f i t line, Dr General Secretary? I can imagine the shock in PPP quarters, the waves of laughter and mockery Do I still count as a bona fide citizen, eligible to join the l i n e , a n d b e h o n e s t l y considered for any benefit in t h i s c o u n t r y ? B y a n y standards, I fail to meet the qualification of the rent-acitizen crowd So why should I be sidelined, kicked o u t o f t h e o r d e r o f consideration immediately, f r o m t h a t s y r u
Mother of four on malicious damage to proper ty charge
A 38-year-old single mother of four was placed on $50,000 bail on Wednesday when she appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer the charge of malicious damage to property
Neiah Favorite from 1350 Cummings Park was charged for maliciously damaging the property of Petal Roberts that took place on August 31, 2024 at Rose Mary Lane South Cummingsburg, Georgetown. She pleaded not guilty after the charge was read to her by
and a showcase valuing $280,456 which were owned by Roberts. Magistrate McGusty placed Favorite on $50,000 bail and set March 5, 2025 as her next court date.
National Press Circus Day
Ever y T hursday is designated National Press Circus Day in Guyana. It is the day when a two-term f ormer president and now the def acto chief executive of Guyana, holds an after noon cuss down session at his par ty’s headquar ters.
T he media get an invitation saying it is a press conf erence. T hey know better, so most of the seasoned jour nalists avoid it like the plague. Yesterday was another round of the circus, star r ing Bhar rat Jagdeo He was handed an honorar y doctorate and he insists that he be addressed as doctor. So, the invitation comes out with Dr. Bhar rat Jagdeo and the State media operatives and the pr ivately-owned State media all f all in line…Dr. Jagdeo, they call him. Full circus. Look out f or it next week at 2PM.
$1.382 tr illion budget passed
After hours of vigorous
s c r u t i n y , t h e N a t i o n a l
Assembly on Wednesday approved the government’s
s e c o n d t r i l l i o n - d o l l a r budget. The Appropriation Bill No.1 of 2025 was passed at the 100th sitting, following five-days of debates and four days of Committee of Supply
d b u d g
a r y allocations for each agency Senior Minister in the Office
o f t h e P r e s i d e n t w i t h Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr. Ashni Singh presented the $1.382 trillion budget on January 17, under the theme ‘A Secure, Prosperous and Sustainable Guyana.’
It is 20.6 per cent larger
s financed by no new taxes. It contains US$2.5 billion in o i l a n d g a s r e v e n u e s Notably, the framework is anchored by a suite of relief m e a s u r e s , i n t e n d e d t o s u p p o r t h
s , households and families, by p l a c i n g a d
i o n a l disposable income into their pockets. For instance, with the passage of the budget, olda g e p e n s i o n w i l l n o w increase from $36,000 to $ 4 1 , 0 0 0 , i n j e c t i n g $ 4 . 5 billion into the hands of over 7 6 , 0 0 0 p e n s i o n e r s nationwide. Persons living with disabilities and other
v u l n e r a b l e p e r s o n s w i l l enjoy an increase in their p u b l i c a s s i s t a n c e , f r o m
$19,000 to $22,000, placing
$1.4 billion into the pockets of 40,000 individuals.
A $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 u n i v e r s a l
health voucher is set to b e n e f i t a b o u t 5 0 0 , 0 0 0
Guyanese at a total cost of $5 billion, ensuring they live a
babies are eligible for a one-
T o e n s u r e g r e a t e r financial empowerment of families, the Income Tax
T h
increased from $100,000 to $130,000 monthly, adding $8.5 billion in disposable
22,000 persons from the tax net. Also, those persons who
$50,000 monthly of their o
uld be nontaxable. For those who have a second job in addition to their full-time primary job, the first $50,000 of income earned monthly from their second job would be nontaxable.
To further increase the d i s p o s a b l e i n c o m e o f parents, the government will i n t r o d u c e a p r o v i s i o n whereby, for each child, one parent would be allowed to claim $10,000 monthly of their income as non-taxable. During the budget debates, Minister Singh outlined that these suite of tax measures ensures every family with t w o c h i l d r e n i s a b l e t o benefit from at least $1.8 million of tax-free income annually
Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and Public Service
The Because We Care education grant will also provide relief to parents and their children, as it has now increased from $45,000 to $50,000. Together with the BWC Student Grant, the uniform voucher allowance of $5,000, parents of over 205,000 schoolchildren will b e r e c e i v i n g a t o t a l o f $55,000 per child, with an estimated $11 billion being transferred to parents and their children.
Moreover, it contains crucial allocations aimed at m o d e r n i s i n g G
n a ’ s healthcare, education, and housing sectors, with $143.2 billion, $175 billion and $112.5 billion earmarked respectively
h e a l t h c a
s t e m , investments will be made to c o m p l e t e t h e m o d e r n Maternal and Child Health
H o
nationwide. Provisions has also been made to expand t e l
additional remote, riverine and hinterland communities
billion has been earmarked
$4.4 billion for scholarships, and $5 5 billion for the
ng programme.
Further, in keeping with i
, $
3 .
billion has been approved to
education at the University
allocated $88 billion has been allocated to advance the
transition Guyana towards renewables. Majority of this allocation has been allocated to the transformative gas-toenergy project, that is set to bring significant relief to Guyanese and the business community
This project is the single largest investment in the electricity sector and is
Continued on page 20
Dr. Ashni Singh
40 new communit y policing groups for this year
In its fight against crime, the Guyana Police Force will
e s t a b l i s h f o r 4 0 n e w community policing groups across the country, Home Affairs Minister, Robeson
B e n n d i s c l o s e d o n Wednesday
The Ministry of Home
a $ 4 9 9 billion budget to strengthen
Parliamentary Committee of
allocation on Wednesday Among other things, the
implementation of enhanced training opportunities and the acquisition of modern machinery and equipment across all branches of the joint services % the Guyana Police Force, Guyana Fire Service and Guyana Prison Service.
Benn told the Committee of Supply that government intends to introduce 40 new community policing groups
commitment to protecting and serving at the grassroot
be trained in intelligence gather ing, other police functions
level. These groups will be
provide policing functions in
thousands of civilians will be engaged under this initiative, thereby lessening the burden
community policing groups in 2025. Policing groups near the border will also undergo specialised training in surveillance, use of drones and tracking.
Substantial funds are also being poured into building the human resources of the G u y a n a P o
Utilising an allocation of $250 million, the Force will expand with 2039 trained p o l i c e o ff i c e r s a n d 7 6 2 trained detectives this year
Benn explained that the government is positioned to t r a i n t h e s e p e r s o n n
critical security areas. In a
a whopping $6.7 billion in
renovation of police stations countrywide. All of these a
lowering crime rates and drastically decreasing the number of murders The
transformed in 2025 with an
capital expenditure.
d concerns regarding prison officers trafficking drugs at
y assured that “the law will
government intends to ramp up the level of scrutiny in the
conducted and install more s
t individuals carrying drugs. Monies have also been put towards reconstructing the juvenile correctional facility and tremendously increasing the overall quality of prisons in Guyana. As part of efforts
among prisoners, resources
building shade houses and p r o v i d i n g n e c e s s a r y investments.
Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn (right) and team in the Committee of Supply on Wednesday
“ We c a n ’t f i g h t f i r e anymore as if we could set up a bucket brigade to out fires. So, the visits, the training, the professional expertise a n d t h e e x c h a n g e o f knowledge have to be at a high level,” Minister Benn said. He further defended the $ 2 . 5 b i l l i o n i n c a p i t a l expenditure, highlighting its role in constructing new buildings and procuring vital e q u i p m e n t f o r t h e f i r e service.
Over the years, the fire service has broken regional records by being the first to procure modern equipment like the Bronto Skylift used to reach fires in challenging locations and heights. The fire service also currently boasts a fleet of specialised equipment and cranes. With the newly approved budget, this fleet will be enhanced.
A hefty sum was also allocated to maintain the operating capacity of the Customs Anti Narcotic Unit (CANU). The budget will add to the agency’s current f
Each vehicle procured will match the demand of various types of terrain, broadening the agency’s access to reach difficult areas. A wide range of intensive training will be undertaken in various fields i
Stringent drug testing for officers will be conducted to e n s u r e i n t e g r i t y , transparency and efficiency in the system. Other key projects accounted for in the overall budget are a new admin building for CANU, a vocational training centre and trade shops. (DPI)
Ministr y of Natural Resources still struggling to update oil data to website
The Ministry of Natural Resources is still struggling to update oil data to its website, despite claims of
r e c e i v i n g r e a l t i m e
i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m t h e operator of the Stabroek Block, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL).
The portal offers data regarding the number of barrels produced at the Liza One and Liza Two, Payara
projects in the Stabroek Block, as well as the daily reported injected gas, flared gas and gas used for fuel. It also gives an overview on the Brent Crude prices and the amount of water produced and injected. The Ministry’s P e t r o l e u m M a n a g e m e n t Programme website offers access to petroleum data that i s u s u a l l y u p d a t e d m i dmonth for the preceding month.
For instance, production
d a t a s h o u l d h a v e b e e n published on the website by January 16, 2025 for the month of December, 2024.
Be that as it may, the last update on the website is dated November 30, 2024. The failure by government to provide timely updates on
resources has been a sore concern
s, although repeated promises have been made to upgrade the website.
With belated information being provided to the public,
manner in which the data is presented. The graphs are not u s e r f r i e n d l y a n d p o s e challenges for the ordinary citizen to interpret.
E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d transparency activists have been relentlessly stressing the need for such data to be shared with the public and more so, be updated in a
These key production data are critical to stakeholders to keep the government and the operator of the Stabroek Block accountable.
Last year, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo announced during his weekly press
e n g a g e m e n t a t F r e e d o m House Georgetown that the government now has realt i m e a c c e s s t o E x x o n ’s production data, which is updated every 10 minutes.
Graph on the Petroleum Management Programme’s website, showing the last
He said the operator of the Stabroek Block now has a d a s h b o a r d w h i c h i s monitored by the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), E n v i r
n m e n t a l P
c t i o n A g e n c y ( E PA ) a n d t h e Guyana Geology and Mines
Commission (GGMC).
In addition to production d a t a , J a g d e o s a i d government now also has access to Exxon’s drilling activities in the Stabroek Block.
Previously, VP Jagdeo
with the delayed production updates being provided by
Resources to the public. T h e f a i l
website defeats the purpose
e p Guyanese informed on the exploitation of the oil and gas resources and further b r i n g s t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’s commitment to transparency into question.
Speeding truck ploughs into house at Lusignan
A 2 8 - y e a r - o l d t r u c k driver crashed into a car and house along the Lusignan Public Road, East Coast
D e m e r a r a ( E C D ) o n Thursday morning leaving the driver and a woman injured.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the truck driver, identified as Atash Singh, of No. 71 Village,
C o r e n t y n e , B e r b i c e , swerved into the wrong lane and crashed into the car and house.
Jameela Kelvin, a 31y e a r - o l d w o m a n f r o m
N o r t o n S t r e e t , Wortmanville, Georgetown was injured. Her vehicle was struck by the truck before it ploughed into the house around 10:45h.
Both Singh and Kelvin
Georgetown Public Hospital
C o r p o r a t i o n ( G P H C ) f o r treatment.
At the scene, Singh’s truck was lodged in the house and a woman was seen sitting on the pavement with blood oozing from her body
A large crowd had gathered, and a Guyana Power and Light (GPL) pole had also fallen onto the road.
Police and emergency
s e r v i c e s r e s p o n d e d promptly At about 11:30h, the injured driver was still seated in the front driver ’s seat of the truck as police and
The damaged truck
E m e r g e n c y M e d i c a l Technicians (EMTs) were trying to remove him from the vehicle without causing further injuries.
After extracting Singh, e f f o r t s w e r e m a d e t o resuscitate him. He was seen moving his hands briefly before being whisked away to the hospital.
Meanwhile, Kelvin who was visibly traumatized told Kaieteur News, “I can’t tell what happen. I just know I got knock. I was driving on this side (western direction), and he came from the other side into my car I just see he coming.”
She too was examined by EMTs and taken to the
hospital for treatment.
Atash Singh being removed from the truck he was driving.
Owner of the damaged house, Bibi Naziha Shafeek, r
crashed into her home. She and other family members were at home when the accident occurred.
“I was upstairs, and I hear this sound, so I thought it was something on the road. But then I hear vibration from the h o u s e , a n d e v e r y
downstairs, and I see the truck in the house,” Shafeek told Kaieteur News.
Shafeek, who buried her mother on Monday, is now faced with the wreck of her home.
Police in a statement on
confirmed that Singh was
northern carriageway at a fast rate when he lost control of the truck. The statement said that Singh’s truck first c
Incorporated (GPL) pole in the center of the road before h
southern carriageway Following the impact, the truck veered further off the road and crashed into a house.
The accident is being investigated.
The damaged car belonging to Jameela Kelvin.
Countr ies of the Amer icas to have access to the HPV9 vaccine through the PAHO Revolving Fund from mid-2025
The Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) has announced that the 9-valent HPV vaccine will be available to countries of the Americas via its Revolving Fund for Access to Vaccines starting July 2025.
In a press release PAHO said this will facilitate more affordable, efficient access to the vaccine, which provides protection against 9 strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), associated with various types of cancer This initiative is expected to provide immunization programmes with more tools to protect their pop
genotypes in cervical cancer and reduce the burden of HPV-related diseases: the 9-valent vaccine has 5 more valences than its previous version (quadrivalent vaccine) against these genotypes All vaccines included in the portfolio of the PAHO Revolving Fund are prequalified by the World Health Organization (WHO) or a reference authority, seeking to offer quality, safe health technologies aligned with technical criteria “The inclusion of the 9-valent HPV
vaccine in a step forward in the fight against HPV-related cancers and an important tool
Santiago Cornejo, Executive Manager of the PAHO Revolving Funds said. “By working together, we can make life-saving vaccines more accessible to all and continue advancing towards the goal of eliminating cervical cancer by 2030.” The 9-valent HPV vaccine is recommended for those between the ages of 9 and 26 years, depending on each countries’ immunization schedule.
Vaccination is a key element of the PAHO Elimination Initiative, which seeks to end more than 30 diseases by 2030, including cervical cancer The goal is to vaccinate 90% of girls by 15 years of age with at least one dose of HPV vaccine. The PAHO Revolving Fund enables countries to combine their purchasing power to negotiate better prices and ensure a permanent and timely supply of vaccines and related supplies. This approach reduces costs and simplifies the acquisition process for participating countries.
$1.382 tr illion budget passed
From page 12 divided into five components % the laying of the pipeline to bring the gas to shore, the construction of the power plant and Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) facility, the installation of transmission lines, the construction of the control centre and the upgrading of the distribution system.
Guyana’s infrastructure sector is set to receive a significant boost this year, with $252.8 billion allocated to the Ministry of Public Wo
transformative projects, including major road upgrades and the enhancement of transportation networks across the country Budget 2025 is a reflection of the government’s commitment of securing a
healthcare, education, welfare and most importantly – increasing disposable income for workers, families and households. (DPI)
New PAHO repor t on road saf ety highlights...
From page 3 some countries have made progress in terms of policies and regulatory frameworks, there is still a lack of coordination and training in many cases. As far as infrastructure is concerned, while several countries
protection zones and better signage,
particularly in rural areas and regions with a high incidence of accidents. With regard to safer vehicles, the report highlights the benefits of
airbags. However, implementation of these standards is still insufficient in some countries, limiting their impact.
behaviors such as speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol and the use of cell phones. It also calls for greater use of safety devices such as helmets and seatbelts. Finally, with regard to post-accident response, a
improved access to medical and
approach that includes improving road infrastructure, strengthening traffic regulations and increasing
importance of cooperation between the public and private sectors to solve
More Kenyan police arrive in Haiti to boost security mission
R u b i o a n d p r a i s e d w h a t h e
d e s c r i b e d a s t h e s p e c i f i c e x e m p t i o n t o M S S f u n d i n g f r o m a b r o a d e r f r e e z e o n U S
g o
a t h e s p o k e w i t h U S
S e c r e t a r y o f S t a t e M a r c o
Earlier this week, the United Nations warned that over $13 million in U.S.
force had been frozen under President Donald Trump’s 90-day pause on foreign aid.
The MSS mission, while backed by the U.N. Security Council, is not a United Nations operation
voluntary contributions.
The mission has so far made little progress toward helping Haiti restore order
A Kenyan police officer adjusts the helmet of a colleague after arriving as part of a peace-keeping mission to tackle violence in Haiti, at the Toussaint Louverture International Airport, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti January 18, 2025. REUTERS/Ralph Tedy Erol/File Photo
Isr ael minis t er t ells arm y to plan for Pales tinians leaving Gaza
BBC - Almost 70% of G a z a ’ s b u i l d i n g s a r e estimated to be destroyed or d a m a g e d f o l l o w i n g 1 5 months of war
Israel’s defence minister
h a s t o l d i t s m i l i t a r y t o prepare a plan to “allow any resident of Gaza who wishes to leave to do so”, in line w i t h P r e s i d e n t D o n a l d Trump’s proposal for the US to take over the territory and
r e s e t t l e i t s 2 1 m i l l i o n
P a l e s t i n i a n s e l s e w h e r e Israel Katz said Gazans should have “freedom of movement and migration”
and countries critical of Israel’s war with Hamas were “obligated” to take them in.
Trump meanwhile said G a z a w o u l d b e “ t u r n e d over” to the US by Israel “at the conclusion of fighting”.
B u t t h e P a l e s t i n i a n p r e s i d e n c y r e i t e r a t e d i t s rejection of the plan, which it h a s s a i d w o u l d v i o l a t e i n t e r n a t i o n a l l a w, a n d insisted that “Palestine... is not for sale”.
T h e I s r a e l i m i l i t a r y launched a campaign to destroy Hamas in response to an unprecedented crossborder attack on 7 October 2023, in which about 1,200 people were killed and 251 were taken hostage.
More than 47,550 people have been killed and 111,600 injured in Gaza since then, according to the territory’s Hamas-run health ministry
M o s t o f G a z a ’ s population has also been
displaced multiple times and almost 70% of its buildings are estimated to be destroyed
or damaged H ealthcare,
w a t e r , s a n i t a t i o n a n d
h y g i e n e s y s t e m s h a v e
c o l l a p s e d a n d t h e r e a r e
s h o r t a g e s o f f o o d , f u e l , medicine and shelter
M o s t o f G a z a ’s 2 1
m i l l i o n p o p u l a t i o n h a s
b e e n d i s p l a c e d m u l t i p l e
t i m e s d u r i n g t h e c o n f l i c t
T h e I s r a e l i d e f e n c e m i n i s t e r w r o t e o n X o n
T h u r s d a y t h a t h e
w e l c o m e d t h e U S
p r e s i d e n t ’ s “ b o l d i n i t i a t i v e ” , s a y i n g i t
c o u l d “ s u p p o r t l o n g - t e r m
r e c o n s t r u c t i o n e f f o r t s i n a d e m i l i t a r i z e d , t h r e a t - f r e e
G a z a a f t e r H a m a s ” K a t z a n n o u n c e d t h a t h e h a d i n s t r u c t e d t h e
I s r a e l i m i l i t a r y t o “ p r e p a r e a p l a n t h a t w i l l a l l o w a n y r e s i d e n t o f G a z a w h o w i s h e s t o l e a v e t o d o s o , t o a n y c o u n t r y w i l l i n g t o r e c e i v e t h e m ” “ T h e p l a n w i l l i n c l u d e e x i t o p t i o n s v i a l a n d c r o s s i n g s , a s w e l l a s s p e c i a l a r r a n g e m e n t s f o r d e p a r t u r e b y s e a a n d a i r, ” h e s
S p a i
C o u n t
e l a n d , N o r w a
a n d o t h e r s , w h i c h h a v e f a l s e l y a c c u s e d I s r a e l o v e r i t s a c t i o n s i n G a z a , a r e l e g a l l y o b l i g a t e d t o a
p l e leaving Gaza and said that they should have “the right to freedom of movement and migration”.
Hamas official Basem Naim accused Katz of trying to cover up for “a state that has failed to achieve any of its objectives in the war on Gaza” and said Palestinians would refuse to leave.
M e a n w h i l e , t h e s p o k e s m a n f o r t h e P a l e s t i n i a n p r e s i d e n c y asserted that “Palestine, with its land, history and holy sites, is not for sale”.
Nabil Abu Rudeineh also said the Palestinians would “will not give up an inch of their land”, whether in Gaza or the occupied West Bank.
“The Palestinian people and their leadership will not allow the repetition of the catastrophes of 1948 and 1967, and will thwart any plan aimed at liquidating their just cause through investment projects whose place is neither in Palestine nor on its land.”
T h e 1 9 4 8 “ N a k b a ” , which means “catastrophe” in Arabic, saw hundreds of thousands of Palestinians flee or driven from their homes before and during the w a r t h a t f o l l o w e d t h e creation of the State of Israel.
Many of those refugees ended up in Gaza, where they and their descendants make up three quarters of the
p o p u l a t i o n A n o t h e r 900,000 registered refugees
live in the West Bank, which Israel occupied in the 1967 Middle East war along with Gaza, while 3 4 million others live in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, according to the UN. Israel unilaterally withdrew its troops and settlers from Gaza in 2005, though it retained control of its shared border, airspace a n d s h o r e l i n e , g i v i n g i t e ff e c t i v e c o n t r o l o f t h e movement of people and goods. The UN still regards Gaza as Israeli-occupied territory because of the level of control Israel has.
O n W e d n e s d a y , J o r d a n ’s k i n g e x p r e s s e d i t s “ r e j e c t i o n o f a n y
a t t e m p t s t o a n n e x l a n d o r
d i s p l a c e P a l e s t i n i a n s i n
G a z a a n d t h e We s t B a n k ” ,
w h i l e E g y p t ’ s f o r e i g n
m i n i s t e r s t r e s s e d t h e
i m p o r t a n c e o f reconstruction “without the P a l e s t i n i a n s l e a v i n g t h e Gaza Strip”.
H a m a s - w h i c h i s p r o s c r i b e d a s a t e r r o r i s t
o rg a n i s a t i o n b y I s r a e l , t h e
U S , t h e U K a n d o t h e r
c o u n t r i e s - s a i d Tr u m p ’s p l a n w a s “ a b s u r d ” a n d
w o u l d “ o n l y p u t o i l o n t h e
f i r e ” i n t h e r e g i o n . T h e U N h u m a n r i g h t s
o ff i c e w a r n e d t h a t a n y f o r c i b l e t r a n s f e r i n , o r
d e p o r t a t i o n o f , p e o p l e f r o m o c c u p i e d t e r r i t o r y
w a s s t r i c t l y p r o h i b i t e d
u n d e r i n t e r n a t i o n a l l a w
T h e U N ’ s s e c r e t a r y
g e n e r a l a l s o said it was
“essential to avoid any form
of ethnic cleansing” and stressed that Gaza would be an integral part of a future Palestinian state.
A n t o n i o G u t e r r e s t o l d
a m e e t i n g i n N e w Yo r k
t h a t t h e w o r l d h a d “ s e e n a
c h i l l i n g , s y s t e m a t i c d e h u m a n i s a t i o n a n d
d e m o n i z a t i o n o f a n e n t i r e
p e o p l e ” T r u m p u n v e i l e d h i s p l a n f o r t h e U S t o t a k e
“ l o n g - t e r m o w n e r s h i p ” o f
G a z a a n d o v e r s e e i t s
r e c o n s t r u c t i o n d u r i n g a
v i s i t t o t h e W h i t e H o u s e
b y I s r a e l i P r i m e M i n i s t e r
B e n j a m i n N e t a n y a h u o n
Tu e s d a y
The president said most of the Palestinians living in Gaza would have to be
relocated to achieve his
v i s i o n o f c r e a t i n g “ t h e Riviera of the Middle East”, and that they would be housed in Jordan, Egypt and other countries.
“ I h o p e w e c a n d o
s o m e t h i n g w h e r e t h e y wouldn’t want to go back,”
he said, echoing earlier remarks in the Oval Office w h e r e h e t a l k e d a b o u t r e s e t t l i n g p e o p l e “permanently”.
A t t h e W h i t e H o u s e
b r i e f i n g o n We d n e s d a y, s p o k e s w o m a n C a r o l i n e Leavitt was asked to confirm whether all Palestinians who wanted to stay in Gaza would be allowed to do so.
“I can confirm that the president is committed to r e b u i l d i n g G a z a a n d t o temporarily relocating those
who are there because... it is a d e m o l i t i o n s i t e , ” s h e r e p l i e d , a p p e a r i n g t o contradict the president.
Secretary of State Marco Rubio also said the idea was for Gazans to leave the territory for an “interim” period while debris was cleared and reconstruction took place. On Thursday, Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform that Gaza would “be turned over to the United States by Israel at the conclusion of fighting”.
A ceasefire in effect between Israel and Hamas has halted the war and aims to lead to a permanent end to the fighting.
“ T h e P a l e s t i n i a n s would have already been resettled in far safer and m o r e b e a u t i f u l communities, with new and m o d e r n h o m e
h e region. They would actually have a chance to be happy, safe, and free,” he added.
The president also said no US soldiers would be needed to maintain stability
In an interview with Fox N
something that
to return, saying: “They can leave, they can then come back, they can relocate and come back, but you have to rebuild Gaza.”
Kitchen Assistant needed
Tel: 676-5534 / 709-8131 Famous Flavour Restaurant.
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2 bedroom apartment at Herstelling. Call: 601-0223 / 676-6914.
Teacher arrested for allegedly raping 12-year-old student
Kaieteur News on Thursday confirmed that a 26-yearold male teacher from Bartica, Region 7, has been arrested for allegedly raping a 12-yearold female student.
Sources indicate that there is sufficient evidence to support the allegations against the teacher.
The victim is reportedly residing in the female dormitory, which is in close proximity to the teacher’s quarters, where the assault allegedly occurred.
Police heard that the teacher who admitted that he had sex with the child lured her to his dorm under the pretext that ‘her assignment was late and that she needed extra help’.
Prior to this incident, the teacher had sent text messages to the child telling her that ‘she should skip classes and come over to the government quarters for work review’.s
A police file on the matter is being prepared.
Broadcasters must air clean content to safeguard children during ‘Mash’ - GNBA
The Guyana National Broadcasting Au thority (GNBA) on Thursday reminded broadcasters of the need to follow guidelines to safeguard children under the age of 18, especially during Mashramani celebrations.
In a statement, the GNBA urged broadcasters to air clean content and reiterated the importance of using dis-
claimers for songs containing alcohol.
“The GNBA understands the culture of our country and that certain songs and their lyrics are usually unavoidable during the celebration.
As such, it is most prudent that you make proper use of disclaimers for alcohol [related] songs,” the agency stated.
Further, the GNBA re-
minded that under existing guidelines labelled ‘Protection of persons under eighteen’ reasonable steps to protect persons under 18 must be taken and special attention must be given to child audiences.
“During prime time, that is between 06:00hrs – 22:00hrs.; programmes containing the following subject matters, must not be broadcast, such
as, but not limited to: illegal drugs, cigarettes, solvents and alcohol; dangerous and self-harming behaviour; violence and crime; offensive language; sexually-explicit material or language; nudity”.
An example of “harmful” lyrics for children cited by the GNBA is, “All day we drinking and we don’t need no chaser, rum in awi system. I’m a professional drinka.”
Looking for a Male companion, Muslim, Age 50-55 years old. Contact: 688-1352.
Friendship East Bank, Yarawkabra & Long Creek, Soesdyke & East la-Penitence Front Road. Contact : Ray's Realty : 627-9685.
Bids open for supply of meter bases for GPL
During the recent reading of bids at the National
Greaves tells Govt ‘clean money’ used to acquire New York properties- Jagdeo
Bharrat Jagdeo has said that
It was revealed that two companies applied for the contract: Skytech Enterprise International Inc. and Fixit Depot.
Below are the companies and their bids:
Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) Supply & Delivery of Meter Bases.
Guyana Elections Commission Procurement of security service for year 2025.
Ministry of Natural Resources
Provision of Security Services Administration Officer Residence for the Period of February to December 2025.
Provision of Security Service for the Period of February to December 2025.
assured the government that
acquisition of two luxurious New York properties came from legitimate sources.
come days after documents
properties in New York even as questions swirl over how large plots of prime lands in Guyana landed in the hands of two US based Guyanese realtors, Dr Phillip Baldeo and Ed Ahmad.
Baldeo a medical doctor based in New York has been embroiled in a scandal over questionable sale of prime lands at Providence, Ogle a n d H e r o e s H i g h w a y Ahmad was convicted for fraud and money laundering in relation to real estate in the US. Greaves had allegedly facilitated the sale of prime lands at below market value.
G r e a v e s h a s s i n c e resigned from the entity with immediate effect, stating that social media commentaries on the issue have affected his mental health and family According to the documents seen by this newspaper the N e w Y o r k p r o p e r t i e s acquired by Greaves once belonged to Baldeo and a Rashaad Ahmad. And at least one of the properties was acquired without mortgage being issued.
Responding to questions a t h i s w e e k l y p r e s s
General Secretary of the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) told the press that his party will not be taking any strong actions against Greaves. He said that the former CEO has assured the government that he legitimately acquired the properties. “He [Greaves] has assured us and so far from what he has said to us, I consider it credible that he has legitimately acquired the properties and so we will have to examine that but right now we are not going to witch-hunt people on the basis of conjecture,” Jagdeo said. He noted in comparison to the case of Assistant C o m m i s s i o n e r C a l v i n B r u t u s , G r e a v e s ’ transactions do not warrant a hard investigative approach. “In Brutus’ case I had a lot of detail. Lots of details were there in the documentation.
It was egregious, it was hundreds of transactions that w e s a w a n d w e w e r e convinced that it warranted that sort of investigation. So right now, it may or may not happen depending on what emerges [for Greaves] but we are not going to run down people based on social media post especially from people who are crooked,” Jagdeo posited.
T h e V P c l a i m e d nevertheless, that if Greaves has done anything wrong, he has to face the consequences. “Sherwyn Greaves would have to answer and give credible answers for the acquisition of any of his property, if he broke the law, and Ed Ahmad break the law, t h e y m u s t f a c e consequences, that is our p o s i t i o n , b u t t h e y h a v e already wildly vilify and run him down,” Jagdeo added. The Vice President said he believes Mr Greaves offered to resign because of the negative public scrutiny However, questions have been raised over the source o f G r e a v e s ’ i n c o m e t o acquire homes valued at over USD $1.675 million.
Sources close to this newspaper explained that the CEO’s salary at CHPA is just about $1.5 M a month and based on his contract he was not allowed to do other work outside his duties as CEO of CHPA.
“ E v e n i f h i s s a l a r y i n c r e a s e d a n d y o u a d d gratuity and allowances, it still wouldn’t add up,” the source noted.
According to documents seen by this newspaper, a property was sold to Greaves at USD750, 000.00 on the 15th September, 2023 by Reliable Custom Builders
I n c A c c o r d i n g t o t h e
d o c u m e n t s s e e n b y t h i s newspaper, the transactions were by way of a Limited Liability Company (LLC). In one of the transactions, a
property was listed at the sale price USD925, 000.00
b y L i b e r t y A v e n u e Associates LLC, a company of which Philip R Baldeo is the sole owner New York properties
Documents seen by this newspaper purported Baldeo had sold his property on March 25, 2024 to SML Management LLC, which was owned and represented By Mishana Greaves. That LLC later transferred the property into a Living Trust with Sherwyn Leon Naftali
G r e a v e s a n d M i s h a n a Greaves as trustees. It is important to note that there was no mortgage issued for the purchase of the property and it was sold below market value.
Greaves’ name is listed
a s t h e p u r c h a s e r i n a transaction for a property located at 115-30 142nd Street Jamaica NY 11436, USA. That property was sold at USD750,000.00 on the 15th September, 2023 by Reliable Custom Builders Inc represented by Rashaad
Ahmad It is however u n c l e a r t h e c o n n e c t i o n Rashaad has with Ed Ahmad.
E d A h m a d h a s b e e n
a c q u i r i n g h u g e p l o t s o f prime land in Guyana under questionable circumstances.
Among the deals signed is a questionable agreement for the purchase of land near E x x o n M o b i l ’ s n e w headquarters at Ogle, East Coast Demerara, to build an “ u p s c a l e ” r e s i d e n t i a l complex Back in 2011, Ahmad acquired a huge
p i e c e o f p r i m e , s e a s i d e property to develop a valuea d d e d w o o d p r o c e s s i n g
o p e r a t i o n , b u t i n s t e a d converted the area into house lots.
The conditions of sale
w e r e t h a t t h e c o m p a n y
would have set up a factory to create jobs for persons in t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d . T h i s condition dictated the low
price he paid for the land which is $80M. There has been no factory to date. Instead, there is a multim i l l i o n - d o l l a r h o u s i n g development project The project, Leonora Mall and Hollywood Garden, is being m a n a g e d b y L e o n o r a Projects which is owned by Shareef and Ed Ahmad. The latter is said to be a close a s s o c i a t e o f f o r m e r President, Bharrat Jagdeo. From factory to housing scheme
The conversion of the almost 17-acre plot to the L e o n o r a M a l l a n d Hollywood Garden has been raising eyebrows as again, it is the controversial National Industrial and Commercial Investments Ltd (NICIL) that is involved. In the midst o f t h e q u e s t i o n a b l e t r a n s a c t i o n s , A t t o r n e y General Anil Nandlall SC sought to defend the deals as above board.
During his programme, ‘Issues in the News’, on Tuesday, he stated that the People’s Progressive Party Civic Administration had inherited the land deals from the previous A Partnership F o r N a t i o n a l U n i t y + A l l i a n c e F o r C h a n g e (APNU+ AFC) government. He claimed “In 2020 when we got into Government, I received piles and piles of files of transactions that
y signed for huge swathes of lands.”
o n s including the sale of 30 acres at $30 million per acre at Ogle, ECD, with the title vested, though no money was paid. He noted that lands were sold at Le Resouvenir, C
properties within the staff compounds at the Enmore, Linden and Wales Estates.
One of the New York properties acquired by Sherwyn Greaves
Sherwyn Greaves Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
Trump says Israel would hand Gaza to the US after fighting is over
J E R U S A L E M / WA S H I NGTON, Feb 6 (Reuters) -
U S P r e s i d e n t D o n a l d Trump said on Thursday Israel would hand over Gaza to the United States after fighting was over and the enclave’s population was already resettled elsewhere, which he said meant no U.S. troops would be needed on the ground.
A day after worldwide condemnation of Trump’s announcement that he aimed to take over and develop the Gaza Strip into the “Riviera of the Middle East”, Israel ordered its army to prepare
t o a l l o w t h e “ v o l u n t a r y
d e p a r t u r e ” o f G a z a Palestinians.
T r u m p , w h o h a d previously declined to rule out deploying U.S. troops to the small coastal territory,
c l a r i f i e d h i s i d e a i n
c o m m e n t s o n h i s Tr u t h Social web platform.
“The Gaza Strip would be turned over to the United S t a t e s b y I s r a e l a t t h e conclusion of fighting,” he said Palestinians “would have already been resettled i n f a r s a f e r a n d m o r e beautiful communities, with new and modern homes, in the region.” He added: “No soldiers by the U.S. would be needed!”
Earlier, amid a tide of support in Israel for what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Trump’s “ r e m a r k a b l e ” p r o p o s a l ,
Defence Minister Israel Katz said he had ordered the army to prepare a plan to allow Gaza residents who wished to leave to exit the enclave voluntarily.
“I welcome President Trump’s bold plan. Gaza residents should be allowed the freedom to leave and emigrate, as is the norm around the world,” Katz said on X.
He said his plan would include exit options via land crossings, as well as special arrangements for departure by sea and air
T r u m p ’s u n e x p e c t e d announcement on Tuesday, which sparked anger around the Middle East, came as I s r a e l a n d H a m a s w e r e expected to begin talks in Doha on the second stage of a ceasefire deal for Gaza, intended to open the way for a full withdrawal of Israeli
in Gaza City. REUTERS/Dawoud Abu Alkas
Palestinians make their way along a road on a rainy day, amid a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas,
forces and an end to the war
Regional heavyweight Saudi Arabia rebuffed the p r o p o s a l o u t r i g h t a n d J o r d a n ’s K i n g A b d u
a h , who will meet Trump at the White House next week, said on Wednesday he rejected any attempts to annex land and displace Palestinians.
Egypt also weighed in, saying it would not be part of any proposal to displace P a l e s t i n i a n s f r o m neighbouring Gaza, where residents reacted with fury to the suggestion.
“We will not sell our land f o r y o u , r e a l e s t a t e developer We are hungry, homeless, and desperate but we are not collaborators,” said Abdel Ghani, a father of four living with his family in the ruins of their Gaza City home.
“If (Trump) wants to help, let him come and
rebuild for us here.”
It is unclear whether Trump will go ahead with his proposal or, in keeping with his self-image as a shrewd dealmaker, has simply laid out an extreme position as a . His first term in 2017-21 was replete with what critics said were over-the-top foreign p o l i c y p r o n o u n c e m e n t s , many of which were never implemented.
W h a t e ff e c t Tr u m p ’s shock proposal may have on the ceasefire talks remains unclear Only 13 of a group of 33 Israeli hostages due for release in the first phase have so far been returned, with three more due to come out
o n S a t u r d a y F i v e T h a i hostages have also been released.
Hamas official Basem
N a i m a c c u s e d I s r a e l ’ s defence minister Katz of
trying to cover up “for a state that has failed to achieve any of its objectives in the war on Gaza”, and said Palestinians are too attached to their land to ever leave.
D i s p l a c e m e n t o f Palestinians has been one of the most sensitive issues in the Middle East for decades.
F o r c e d o r c o e r c e d displacement of a population under military occupation is a war crime, banned under t h e 1 9 4 9 G e n e v a Conventions.
Details of how any such plan might work have been
v a g u e I s r a e l i F o r e i g n
Minister Gideon Saar said d i f f e r e n t t h i n k i n g w a s needed on Gaza’s future but that any departures would have to be voluntary and states would have to be willing to take them.
“We don’t have details yet, but we can talk about principles,” Saar told a news conference with his Italian counterpart Antonio Tajani. “Everything must be based on the free will of (the) individual and, on the other hand, of a will of a state that is ready to absorb,” he said.
A number of far-right
I s r a e l i p o l i t i c i a n s h a v e
o p e n l y c a l l e d f o r Palestinians to be moved from Gaza and there was strong support for Trump’s push among both security hawks and the Jewish settler movement, which wants to reclaim land in Gaza used for
J e w i s h s e t t l e m e n t s u n t i l 2005.
Giora Eiland, an Israeli former general who attracted wide attention in an earlier stage of the war with his “Generals’ Plan” for a forced displacement of people from northern Gaza, said Trump’s plan was “logical” and aid should not be allowed to r e a c h d i s p l a c e d p e o p l e returning to northern Gaza. I s r a e l ’
thousands of people after Hamas’ October 7, 2023 cross-border attack on Israel touched off the war, and has
within Gaza in search of safety.
But many say they will
because they fear permanent
when hundreds of thousands
homes in the war at the birth of the state of Israel in 1948. Katz said countries that h
’ s military operations in Gaza s h o u l d t a k
i n t h e Palestinians.
“Countries like Spain, Ireland, Norway, and others, w h i c h h a v e l e v e l l e d accusations and false claims against Israel over its actions i n G a z a , a r e l e g a l l y obligated to allow any Gaza r e s i d e n t t o e n t e r t h e i r territories,” he said.
Panama president to US: stop ‘lies and falsehoods’ about canal
( R e u t e r s ) - P a n a m a
President Jose Raul Mulino said on Thursday the U.S. was spreading “lies and falsehoods” after the State Department claimed U S government vessels would be able to pass through the P a n a m a C a n a l w i t h o u t paying.
T h e c o m m e n t s w e r e likely to exacerbate tensions between the two countries after the U.S. had cited p r o g r e s s o n m i l i t a r y cooperation and confronting alleged Chinese influence over the canal.
Later, Mulino added on social media that he would speak to U S President Donald Trump on Friday afternoon.
Panama has been in the White House’s crosshairs since Trump claimed the country’s vital waterway had effectively been taken over by China and vowed the U.S. was “taking it back.”
Speaking to journalists, M u l i n o e x p r e s s e d h i s “absolute rejection” that the two countries’ relations be “ b a s e d o n l i e s a n d falsehoods.”
T h e U S S t a t e
D e p a r t m e n t d i d n o t immediately respond to a request for comment. The White House also did not immediately respond.
Panama’s President Jose Raul Mulino
T h e P a n a m a C a n a l Authority issued a statement late on Wednesday, rejecting t h e S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t ’s c l a i m t h a t P a n a m a ’ s government had agreed to no longer charge crossing fees for U.S. government vessels, a move that would save the U.S. millions of dollars a year
Trump has accused the Central American country of charging excessive rates to use its trade passage, one of the busiest in the world.
U S m i l i t a r y v e s s e l s
have priority of passage
t h r o u g h t h e w a t e r w a y, a c c o r d i n g t o a 1 9 7 7 n e u t r a l i t y t r e a t y s i g n e d when the U.S. agreed to return the canal to Panama.
But all ships, regardless of origin, destination or flag, must pay tolls that vary depending on size and type.
“Why are they making an important institutional statement from the entity that governs the foreign policy of the U.S., under the president of the U.S., based on a falsehood?” Mulino
asked, calling the claim “ s i m p l y a n d p l a
Mulino said he asked his ambassador in Washington to take “firm steps” to reject the claims made by the
Trump administration.
Earlier this week, U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio met with Mulino in P a n a m a d u r i n g a t r i p through Central America.
After the visit, Rubio welcomed in China’s Belt and Road Initiative, a vast global infrastructure plan led by Beijing, calling the move “a great step forward” for bilateral ties.
On Thursday, Mulino said Panama had formally presented a document to exit the Belt and Road Initiative but denied the decision had been made at the request of the U.S., adding he was t a k i n g t i m e t o e v a l u a t e Panama’s relationship with China and what was best for the country.
ExxonMobil now using codes to identify oil projects in MARAD ads
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), the operator of Guyana’s oil-rich Stabroek Block seems to have employed a new tactic to avoid releasing the names of specific projects the company is developing.
This comes following a major blunder, where Exxon said it was moving to conduct development drilling at an oil project it never announced as a discovery The Maritime Administration
D e p a r t m e n t ( M A R A D ) l a t e r t o o k r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r publishing what it said was incorrect information. Instead of developmental drilling at the Banjo well site, MARAD explained that a drillship was at the location for maintenance activities.
ExxonMobil has now employed a new technique in the publication of advertisements relating to its offshore activities. The oil giant now uses codes, instead of project names, to inform the public of its work schedule.
For instance, in a MARAD Notice, dated January 1, 2025, Exxon stated that it will continue developmental drilling operation at the “WT_4i06 Well Site” within the Stabroek Block. While Kaieteur News was able to determine that “WT” referred to the Whiptail project, Exxon on Thursday published an additional three Notices raising questions about its new modus operandi in Guyana.
According to Notice 39 (2025), “On February 4, 2025 ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) will continue developmental drilling operations at PY_2i5 Drill Center within the Stabroek Block of Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone.”
Meanwhile, Notice 38 states “On February 2, 2025
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) will continue developmental drilling operations at UA_2P05 Drill center within the Stabroek Block...”
Another Notice, 36 (2025) informs the public that “On January 29, 2025 ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) will continue developmental drilling operations at UA_1i05 Well Site within the Stabroek Block of Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone.”
It is unclear what these abbreviations mean. Additionally, it is a shift from Exxon’s usual communiqués. It is customary for Exxon to indicate the name of the well sites in its advertisements in a transparent manner for the public. This usually aids in keeping the public informed about the company’s operations, since the project names are well known, compared to abbreviations, as is now being used. For instance, in the advertisement that was recalled, the company had revealed the name of the site where developmental drilling works were scheduled for That Notice stated, “On December 13, 2024 ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) will continue developmental drilling operations at Banjo-1 Well Site within the Stabroek Block of Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone.”
CARIFORUM, UK reaffirm commitment to implementing the Economic Partnership Agreement
CARIFORUM Director-General, Ms. Alexis Downes-Amsterdam (5th from left, front) and Mr. Paul Whittingham, Head of Trade for Development, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) of the United Kingdom (6th from right, front) with meeting participants.
Forum of African,
( C A R I F O R U M
United Kingdom (UK) have reaffirmed their commitment to fully implementing and
(EPA) signed in 2021.
A Communique issued after the inaugural meeting of the CARIFORUM-UK
Cooperation (TSCDC) from J a n u a r y 3 0 - 3 1 i n Georgetown, Guyana, notes that officials from both sides discussed areas of mutual interest such as leveraging market access offers, tariff
c o m m i t m e n t s , e n h a n c i n g
trade in goods and services, a n d i n i t i a t i n g r e g u l a r tourism services dialogue.
The meeting, held at the C A R I C O M S e c r e t a r i a t Headquarters, also reviewed r e c e n t U K t r a d e p o l i c y developments affecting the A g r e e m e n t , t h e Communique states.
According to a statement issued by the CARICOM
S e c r e t a r i a t o n T h u r s d a y, r e c o g n i s i n g t h e E PA’ s i m p o r t a n c e t o t h e i r economic and development
p a r t n e r s h i p , t h e p a r t i e s
d i s c u s s e d h i g h - p r i o r i t y market access challenges as well as what needs to be done to ensure the objectives of t h e a g r e e m e n t c a n b e achieved.
I n n o t i n g t h e E PA’s
potential to increase trade
a n d i n v e s t m e n t , i t w a s
a g r e e d t h a t t h e y w o u l d
p r i o r i t i s
R U M S t a t e s f r o m e f f e c t i v e l y entering the UK market. The parties also addressed the UK's market access concerns i n C A R I F O R U M S t a t e s , a c c o r d i n g t o t h e Communique.
CARIFORUM and UK officials examined the EPA's r
focused Agreement, with the U K r e a
n c i a l a s s i s t a n c e , a l i g n e d w i t h CARIFORUM’s priorities. They also highlighted the significant milestones since the Agreement's provisional
application in 2021. These include operationalisation of Joint Institutions such as the J o i n t C A R I F O R U M - U K C o u n c i l , t h e S p e c i a l Committee on Services, and t h e T e c h n i c a l S u bCommittee on Development Cooperation..
The meeting, chaired by the United Kingdom, was attended by representatives from Antigua and Barbuda; B a r b a d o s ; B e l i z e ; T h e B a h a m a s ; D o m i n i c a ; D o m i n i c a n R e p u b l i c ; Grenada; Guyana; Jamaica; St Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the G r e n a d i n e s ; S u r i n a m e ; Trinidad and Tobago; the UK and Northern Ireland. Haiti w a s r e p r e s e n t e d a t t h e meeting as an Observer
New scanners to be installed at Mazaruni, other prisons to address smuggling - Min. Benn
The Ministry of Home
A f f a i r s w i l l s o o n b e installing new scanners at several prisons across the c o u n t r y, i n c l u d i n g t h e Mazaruni Prison to address the smuggling of contraband by officers and civilians.
This was disclosed by Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn during the Consideration of Estimates and Expenditure before the Committee of Supply this week. Minister Benn was a s k e d b y O p p o s i t i o n Member of Parliament (MP) G e e t a C h a n d a n - E d m o n d what measures are being employed by his ministry to deter prison officers from smuggling contraband.
“Will there be increased s c r e e n i n g o r r a n d o m searches? Would there be additional training and more integrity testing to prevent such incidents?” ChandanEdmond asked.
In response, the Minister noted recent incidents where prison officers were caught
smuggling marijuana and other items into the prisons. He described the situation as disappointing. “In spite of all the training, in spite of integrity testing and so on, t h a t w e h a v e t h e s e occurrences. We intend to keep up the level of scrutiny searches, which we have at the moment increased, have them heightened, which the Prison Service was asked to do,” Benn said. The minister explained that there have b e e n t w o o c c u r r e n c e s r e c e n t l y w h i c h c i v i l i a n s were a part of as well and officers need to keep an eye on civilians who take food or things to prisoners.
“ W e a r e j u s t n o w installing more scanners at the Mazaruni Prison itself, which will take away the human element related to the matter of the smuggling of things,” he said noting that similar measures will be implemented at other prisons across the country
On January 21, Kaieteur
News reported that a 21year-old prison officer was jailed for three years after pleading guilty to a narcotics possession charge at the Bartica Magistrates’ Court. Joel Johnson, a resident
o f L o t 1 , S e c t i o n ‘ C ’ C l o n b r o o k , E a s t C o a
nd in possession of 804 grams of cannabis on January 14, 2025, at the Mazaruni Prison Checkpoint/Scanning Area. He was arrested on the same day and later charged with Possession of Narcotics for the Purpose of Trafficking, contrary to Section 5(1)(a)(i) of the Narcotic Drugs and P s y c h o t r o p i c S u b s t a n c e s Control Act, Chapter 10:10. A p
e Magistrate Teriq Mohamed, Johnson pleaded guilty to the charge. He was subsequently sentenced to three years in prison and fined $30,000.
A c c o r d i n g
o p o l i c e reports, on January 14, at approximately 18:30hrs, a prison officer was on duty at
t h e M a z a r u n i Checkpoint/Scanning Area when Johnson returned from a four-day leave. Upon his return, he was subjected to a mandatory search. During t h e i n s p e c t i o n , J o h n s o n presented a green haversack f o r e x a m i n a t i o n U p o n s e a r c h i n g t h
eight soap boxes and two C
leaves, seeds, and stems suspected to be cannabis, all
The other prison officer
promptly arrested Johnson. The matter was reported to
responded to the scene. The
handed over to Corporal Ye
Johnson, who was escorted to the Bartica Police Station. At the station, the narcotics were weighed, totalling 804 grams.
Charles hits 36 off 20 balls to help Sharjah Warriorz defeat MI Emirates by six wickets in ILT20 eliminator
Sharjah Warriorz defeated the MI Emirates by six wickets in the International
Johnson Charles made 36 off 20 balls including seven fours and a six to help the
Warriors reach 149-4 in 18.5 overs chasing down 147 for victory He shared in a 49run opening partnership with Tom Kohler-Cadmore that set the foundation for what ended up being a simple chase.
Kohler-Cadmore ended up making a run-a-ball 40 while Tim Seifert made a 20-
ball 40* to steer the team home, hitting five fours and a pair of sixes in the process.
Jason Roy also chipped in with 26 batting at number
finished with 3-32 off four overs for the Emirates.
E a r l i e r, t h e Wa r r i o r z restricted the Mi Emirates to 146-8 from their 20 overs
after winning the toss and choosing to field first.
Inclement weather forces BCB to halt cricket competitions in Berbice All matches fixed for this weekend are off
Corentyne and a President XI selection.
Also affected is the Lalsa C
Division competition.
Friday February 07, 2025
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Overall, the forecast for today is fairly good. The aspects seem to favor figuring out the
n opportunity for you to take a leisurely
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
Have you felt somewhat lost for the past few days? The fog may lift today and enable you to situate yourself at last. You're probably eager to settle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
You may have been feeling
s o m e w h a t d i s i l l u s i o n e d . Perhaps you lost sight of your goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some relief beginning today
CANCER (June 21–July 22)
You might be tempted to settle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take action to correct them.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but your inner world is likely to be in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solution to your heartaches as w e l l a s y o u r c a r e e r predicaments.
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach things differently
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
You just can't do everything at once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every area of your life.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)
This is a good moment to adapt your logic and
reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find new ideas plentiful.
SAGIT (Nov 22–Dec. 21)
It's going to be a little difficult
, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others,
people say
CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Have you been reviewing your f a m i l y h i s t o r y l a t e l y ,
Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values? In the end.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your sense of self, Aquarius. You're just as good as anyone else, so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitive about having an ego. E v e n t h o
w everyone does.
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) Today
Captain Nicholas Pooran was one of only two MI batsmen to pass 20 with his 42 off 22 balls including six fours and a six. Tom Banton was the next best scorer with 29 off 25 balls. Captain Tim Southee took 2-24 from his four overs. The Warriorz will now move on to Qualifier 2 against the Desert Vipers in Sharjah on Friday
The winner of that game will take on the Dubai Capitals in the final on Sunday in Dubai.
England suffer another disappointing...
From page 30
laugh at his misfortune when he managed to toe-end Axar ’s long hop to short fine leg.
The biggest positive for England was Bethell, who overcame his early struggles to reach a second ODI fifty in 62 balls. But hopes of a l a t e s u r g e f a i l e d t o m a t e r i a l i s e L i a m Livingstone nicked behind a n d B r y d o n C a r s e w a s bowled swinging at the other end.
Scores: India 251 for 6 (Gill 87, Shreyas 59, Axar 5 2 , R a s h i d 2 - 4 9 ) b e a t England 248 (Buttler 52, Bethell 51, Jadeja 3-26) by four wickets.
North Essequibo cart off ECB...
From page 36 player-of-the-match and he received a trophy and a case of Busta drink.
A t t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n ceremony, the victorious s i d e N o r t h E s s e q u i b o
c o l l e c t e d a t r o p h y a n d $100,000 while a trophy and $50,000 were given to the second-placed team, the President’s X1.
Meanwhile, eight teams p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e t o u r n a m e n t f o r t h r e e
c o n s e c u t i v e d a y s o n a knockout basis.
President of the ECB Deleep Singh congratulated the winning team and all the sides for their participation.
H e r e s e r v e d s p e c i
m e n t i o n t o B u s t a f o r coming on board and is looking forward to their continued support.
The BCB is also advising clubs that are listed to take
competitions to submit their list of registered players to the BCB office.
They are expected to do so before the start of the BCB first division two (2)
scheduled to begin shortly (Samuel Whyte) S
England suffer another disappointing defeat in India
BBC Sport - England
s u f f e r e d a n o t h e r
d i s a p p o i n t i n g d e f e a t i n
Brendon McCullum’s first
o n e - d a y i n t e r n a t i o n a l i n charge as India won their series opener in Nagpur by four wickets.
On the back of a 4-1 loss in the preceding T20 series, Jos Buttler ’s England wasted a good start with the bat to be bowled out for 248.
Opener Phil Salt crashed 43 from 26 balls, including 26 from one Harshit Rana over, but his calamitous runout began a collapse of three wickets for two runs in eight balls from 71-0.
C a p t a i n B u t t l e r t h r e a t e n e d a s u c c e s s f u l rebuild before miscuing on 52, leaving Jacob Bethell to bat with the lower order
T h e 2 1 - y e a r- o l d l e f t -
hander started slowly and had just begun to open his arms when he was pinned lbw for 51. England were dismissed in 47.4 overs. India fell to 19-2 in reply but Shubman Gill stuck a fine 87 from 96 balls to take his side to the brink of victory
They stumbled late onGill’s dismissal one of three wickets for 14 runs with fewer than 30 needed - but India still completed their c h a s e w i t h 6 8
s remaining.
The second ODI in the t
Sunday F a m
After a convincing defeat in the T20s, McCullum now has these three games to turn around England’s 50-over
side before their Champions T r o p h y o p e n e r a g a i n s t Australia on 22 February England come into this contest on the back of three c o n s e c u t i v e O D I s e r i e s defeats and this latest loss was littered with familiar struggles - those which have dogged England’s 50-over cricket since they won the World Cup at Lord’s in 2019.
There was a collapse –Salt, Ben Duckett and the out-of-form Harry Brook fell in a flurry – before the loss of regular wickets, including the returning Joe Root for 19, meant they were unable to turn the tide.
They were bowled out for the 21st time in 44 ODI innings since the start of 2022.
When their turn to bowl came, Jofra Archer conceded
only two runs and nicked off Yashasvi Jaiswal in his first three overs but his next two
S h a r m a c h i p
Mahmood to mid-wicket for two, India took 71 from the first 10 overs.
From there, England’s
capitalised to take 59 from 36 balls and a partnership of 108 between Gill and Axar Patel took India to the brink.
Axar was bowled by a fine leg-spinner by Adil Rashid with 28 runs needed, KL Rahul tamely chipped the leg-spinner a return catch and Gill’s mis-timed pull went to mid-on.
T h a t o n l y m a d e t h e scoreline closer look closer than it should have. England were well beaten.
Mix-up sparks England’s struggles
L i t t l e w e n t r i g h t f o r England after they gifted India their breakthrough in
the ninth over
After Salt cut behind point, Duckett ambled the first two runs and sent back his partner as he set off for a third. Salt was already midpitch and had no chance of r e c o v e r i n g b e f o r e I y e r ’s return from the deep.
Four balls later, Duckett was brilliantly caught by Jaiswal running back at square leg off Harshit, who then had Brook fending a short-ball down the leg side for a three-ball duck.
Whereas England were spun out attempting big shots in the T20s, this was more a meek slide.
Root went lbw to a quicker one from Ravindra Jadeja before a partnership of 59 between Buttler and Bethell. Buttler accumulated steadily, the England skipper hitting only four fours in his half-century He could only
(Continued on page 29)
Axar Patel and Shubman Gill stitched a century partnership. (AFP/Getty Images)
Shreyas Iyer came out all guns blazing. (BCCI)
Shimron Hetmyer hit a half-century but it not enough to propel his team the Khulna Tigers to the final.
SportsMax - A half-century from West Indies batsman Shimron Hetmyer was not enough to prevent the Khulna Tigers from m i s s i n g o u t o n a p l a c e i n t h e 2 0 2 5 Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) final after a two-wicket loss to the Chittagong Kings in the second qualifier at the Shere Bangla National Stadium in Mirpur on Wednesday The Guyanese left-hander led the way for the Tigers with a 33-ball 63 including six fours and four sixes as they made 163-6 from their 20 overs after being put in to bat by the Kings.
Wicketkeeper Mahidul Islam Ankon was the next highest scorer for the Tigers with 41 off 32 balls including three sixes and one four
Hetmyer hits 63 but Khulna Tigers lose to Chittagong Kings by two wickets in second Bangladesh Premier League qualifier - Kings to take on Fortune Barisal in final 2025 CWI Regional 4-Day Championships Round 2…GHE vs. CCC Day 2
while Jason Holder hit a four and a six in his 1 2 * o f f f i v
a Fernando took 2-27 from his four overs.
The Kings then used all 20 overs to reach 164-8 and book their spot in Friday’s final against Fortune Barisal. Opener Khawaja Nafay led the way with 57 off 46 balls including four fours and three sixes while Hussain Talat made a 25-ball 40 including five fours and a six.
The Kings eventually needed four off the last ball which man of the match Al Islam hit for a boundary to finish 17* off seven balls.
Musfik Hasan took 3-32 from three overs while Hasan Mahmud took 3-34 from four overs for the Tigers.
Woods pays tribute to ‘biggest fan’ as mother dies
Woods said none of achievements would have been possible without the support of his mother Kultida who was born in Thailand. (Getty Images)
B B C S p o r t - T i g e r
Woods has paid tribute to his “ b i g g e s t f a n a n d g r e a t e s t supporter” after announcing t h e d e a t h o f h i s m o t h e r, Kultida.
F o r m e r w o r l d n u m b e r o n e Wo o d s , 4 9 , d i d n o t reveal the cause of death of his mother, who attended his TGL match in Florida last week
Woods said none of his p e r s o n a l a c h i e v e m e n t s would have been possible w i t h o u t h i s m o t h e r, w h o r
t o u r n a m
n t s a n d w a s present when he won his fifth Masters title to end an 11-year wait to claim a 15th major in 2019.
“ I t i s w i t h h e a r t f e l t sadness that I want to share t h a t m y d e a r m o t h e r , K u l t i d a Wo o d s , p a s s e d away early this morning,” Woods, who lost his father Earl in 2006, said on social media.
“My Mom was a force of nature all her own, her spirit
was simply undeniable. She was quick with the needle and a laugh. She was my b i g g e s t f a n , g r e a t e s t supporter, without her none o f m y p e r s o n a l achievements would have been possible.
“She was loved by so many, but especially by her two grandchildren, Sam and Charlie. Thank you all for your support, prayers and privacy at this difficult time for me and my family Love you Mom.”
Corbin century, fast-bowlers give CCC lead as champs face stern Day 3 test
Co m b i n e d
C a m p u s e s a n d Colleges (CCC)
owned Day 2 thanks to Kyle Corbin’s 102 coupled with some venomous spells from their pacers which left the Guyana Harpy Eagles facing a 209- run deficit as they aim to regroup ahead of a tricky 3rd day at Providence.
H a r p y E a g l e s b o w l i n g u n i t s t r u g g l e d c o m p a r e d t o t h e f i r s t m a t c h a t h o m e , d e s p i t e t h r e e w i c k e t s a p i e c e f r o m s p e e d s t e r
R o n a l d o A l i m o h a m e d ( 35 6 f r o m 2 4 o v e r s ) , We s t I n d i e s q u i c k , S h a m a r J o s e p h w h o w a s e x p e n s i v e u p o n h i s r e t u r n f r o m i n j u r y, f o r 11 5 r u n s a n d l e f t - a r m s p i n n e r Ve e r a s a m m y P e r m a u l ( 38 7 ) . The champs were 166-6, 2 0 9 r u n s b e h i n d w h e n played ended with captain Tevin Imlach looking solid on 58* with 6 fours and allrounder Richie Looknauth 21*, both with tons of work to do today
D a m a g e w a s d o n e e a r l y b y t h e f a s t - b o w l i n g
D e m a r i o R i c h a r d s l e d t h e s c o r i n g o n d a y o n e w h i c h i n e v i t a b l y h e l p e d l a y t h e p l a t f o r m f o r C C C ’ s 3 7 5 a l l o u t
-Eagles (1st innings 166-6, Imlach 58*) tr ail CCC by 209 runs
t t h e w N a n
( 1 1 ) w h i l e t r a p p i n g K e v l o n A n d e r s o n l e g b e f o r e w i c k e t f o r a r u n - a - b a l l 1 9 . O f f - s p i n n e r Av i n a s h M a h a b
l a s t e d j u s t 2 3 b a l l s , a s t h e T e s t a l l - r o u n d e r w a s
c a u g h t a t t e m p t i n g a n
w i c k e t s f a l l i n g , n o t c h i n g
u p a w e l c o m e d r e t u r n f i f t y w h i c h w a s a i d e d b y
L o o k n a u t h w h o t o o k s o m e
1 9 b a l l s t o r e c o r d h i s f i r s t
r u n a t t h e 4 - D a y l e v e l ,
b e f o r e a c t u a l l y s e t t l i n g i n , a s t h e y l o o k t o d i g t h e E a g l e s o u t o f trouble today
Earlier, the 34-year-old Corbin who resumed on 62,
curtailed his innings. His timing and patience paid off as he notched up his 2nd first class century before retiring hurt.
The Bajan, however, got help on his to
Jordan (16), chipped in with useful scores before Joseph and Permaul teamed up to wrap up the CCC innings. Day 3’s action bowls off
permitting. (Clifton Ross)
r / v i c e - c a p t a i n K e m o l S a v o r y ( 1 2 ) w a s c a u g h t b e h i n d b y f e l l o w g l o v e m a n D e
d u o o f A k e e m J o r d a n ( 23 3 ) a n d O j a y S h i e l d s ( 34 2 ) , w h o r o c k e d t h e E a g l e s b a t t i n g o r d e r d u r i n g t h e a f t e r n o o n s e s s i o n s o n d a y 2 O p e n e r Ta g e n e r i a n e
Wilson among umpires select ed for
2025 ICC Men’s Champions T roph y
SportsMax - Trinidad & Tobago’s Joel Wilson was
a m o n g t h e 1 2 u m p i r e s selected as the International C r i c k e t C o u n c i l ( I C C )
c o n f i r m e d t h e m a t c h officials for the ICC Men’s Champions Trophy 2025 to be held in Pakistan and U n i t e d A r a b E m i r a t e s (UAE) from February 19-
M a r c h 9 W i l s o n h a s officiated 96 ODIs since his debut in 2011. He has also umpired at three ICC World Cups.
Richard Kettleborough, a veteran of 108 Men’s ODIs, and who stood in the
final of the last edition
p l a y e d i n t h e U n i t e d Kingdom in 2017, is among six umpires who return for another Champions Trophy
Chris Gaffaney, Kumar
D h a r m a s e n a , R i c h a r d Illingworth, Paul Reiffel and
Rod Tucker, all members of the Emirates ICC Elite Panel of Umpires, are others who also featured in 2017.
K e t t l e b o r o
together for the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 f
joined by Michael Gough, Adrian Holdstock, Ahsan
Shahid, Alex Wharf and W i l s o n , a l l o f w
m officiated at the World Cup in India.
D a v i d B o o n , R a n j a n
M a d u g a l l e a n d A n d r e w
Pycroft, all members of the Emirates ICC Elite Panel of Match Referees, comprise the three-member team of referees.
Boon was referee in the 2017 final while Pycroft also officiated in the tournament.
M a d u g a l l e r e t u r n s a f t e r
officiating the 2013 final.
Sean Easey, ICC Senior Manager – Umpires and Referees: “We are pleased to announce our panel of match officials for the upcoming Men’s Champions Trophy T
i c i a t i n g
a m w h o s e expertise will be valuable in this high-profile tournament.
“We always try to name
deserving officials for any event, and we are confident this group will do a fine job
Pakistan and the UAE.
“I wish them all the best
memorable tournament.”
Gaffaney, Michael Gough, Adrian Holdstock, Richard
Kettleborough, Ahsan Raza,
Warrican, Ramharack shortlisted for ICC Player of the Month Awards
SportsMax - West Indies spinners Jomel Warrican and Karishma Ramharack have been shortlisted for the ICC Men’s and Women’s Player of the Month awards for January, following standout
performances in recently concluded series.
T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l
C r i c k e t C o u n c i l ( I C C ) announced the nominees on Thursday, recognizing top performers from a packed month of action
Warrican’s exceptional
Test series in Pakistan and R a m h a r a c k ’ s m a t c hwinning displays in the West Indies’ ODI triumph
o v e r B
prestigious award.
T h e I C C M e n ’ s P l a y e r o f t h e M o n t h s h o r t l i s t c o n s i s t s o f t h r e e s p i n n e r s , w i t h P a k i s t a n ’ s N o m a n A l i a n d I n d i a ’ s V
Warrican in contention. Ali impressed with a historic Test hat-trick against t h e We s t I n d i e s , w h i l e C h a k r a v a r t h y ’s d o m i n a n t T20I performances against England saw him climb to joint-second in the ICC M e n ’ s T 2 0 I B o w l e r rankings.
the Tournament in India’s triumphant U19 Women’s T20 World Cup campaign. Ramharack, making
against Bangladesh. T
registered her first fourwicket haul in the format
claimed a series-high 19 wickets, including a career-
Wa r r i c a n , h o w e v e r , w a s i n s t r u m e n t a l i n t h e We s t I n d i e s ’ l a n d m a r k
best 7-32 in the first Test and a decisive 5-27 in the second to seal a historic victory. In the ICC Women’s P l a y e r o f t h e M o n t h category, Ramharack joins
Paul Reiffel, Sharfuddoula Ibne Shahid, Rodney Tucker,
Alex Wharf, Joel Wilson. Match Referees: David Boon, Ranjan Madugalle, Andrew Pycroft.
West Indies spinners Jomel Warrican (right) and Karishma Ramharack.
Trinidad & Tobago’s Joel Wilson
Powerlifting to kick off year with Nov ices/Juniors on February 16
Flashback! Novices/Juniors who competed at the 2024 edition of the GAPLF event.
The platform for
e m e r g i n g s t r o n g m e n a n d women in the powerlifting arena will be locked and l o a d e d c o m e S u n d a y February 16, 2025, when the G u y a n a A m a t e u r P o w e r l i f t i n g F e d e r a t i o n
(GAPLF) commences its 2025 season.
N o v i c e s a n d J u n i o r lifters will take center stage as they seek to commence successful careers in the sport.
Saint Stanislaus College Auditorium is the venue that
w i l l s e e t h e a t h l e t e s showcasing their strength in the three lifts affiliated with the sport, squat, bench press and deadlift.
This will be the first of four competitions that the Federation hosts, yearly The Federation will be
The opening day
o f t h e B C Q S
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Squash Masters tournament
s e r v e d u p a t h r i l l i n g spectacle at the Georgetown
Club on
Wednesday, as
l o c a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l
p l a y e r s b a t t l e d f i e r c e l y across various categories.
Xavier and Deje Dias also s e c u r e d o p e n i n g - r o u n d victories.
c h a m p i o n Ly d i a F
suffered an early setback, falling to Indira Barker in a five-game thriller. Barker
comeback to claim victory 5-11, 10-12, 12-10, 11-6, 1 1 - 9 A
seeking to ensure that the s p o r t e n j o y s a n o t h e r successful year with a total of five (5) international competitions also on the Federations radar These are the World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships (June 8-15 in Germany), World Classic and Equipped Sub-Junior a n d J u n i o r P o w e r l i f t i n g Championships (August 29 – September 7 in Costa R i c a ) , S o u t h A m e r i c a n
(September 20-27 in Brazil), World Classic and Equipped M
B e n c h P r e s s a n d P o w e r l i f t i n g Championships – FESUPO
( O
12-19 in South Africa) and the World Equipped Open P o w e r l i f
i n g C h a m p i o n s h i p s ( O c t o b e r 10-16 in Romania).
Veteran Mitchell Starc took the only three wickets to fall to seam bowling. (Getty Images) Thrilling start to 2025 BCQS Masters as Guyanese dominates Men’s
G u y a n e s e c o m p e t i t o r s asserted their dominance with commanding victories in the Men’s 30-44, Men’s 55-64, and Women’s Over35 divisions.
Men’s 30-44 Category
A m o n g t h e s t a n d o u t performances was number three seed Alex Arjoon, who cruised past Michael Muir in straight sets with an emphatic 11-3, 11-1, 11-2 victory In other matches, Regan Pollard comfortably defeated Jason van Dijk 3-0, w h i l e J a s o n - R a y K h a l i l dispatched Lee Fung-a-Fat with a decisive 11-3, 11-2 a n d 1 1 - 1 w i n S t e v e n
A d d i n g t o G u y a n a ’s dominance, Peter DeGroot handed Barbadian Patrick Downie a crushing 11-0, 114, 11-1 defeat. Meanwhile, Trinidadian Leonel Sorrillo toppled Guyanese Jonathan Antczak in straight sets.
G u y a n e s e p l a y e r s
c o n t i n u e d t h e i r s t r o n g showing in the Men’s 55-64 division. Lloyd Fung-a-Fat overpowered Jasen Sterry 3-0, while Narendra Singh emerged victorious in a grueling five-game battle against Barbadian Orson Simpson, winning 7-11, 119 , 1 1 - 4 , 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 1 - 7 Likewise, Barbados’ Sanjay Amin triumphed 3-1 over Peter Adams, Rob Edwards dominated Eduardo Meira 3-0, and Dean Straker edged past Dennis Dias 3-1. In the Women’s Over-35 d i v i s i o n , d e f e n d i n g
contested match saw Tian Edwards edge past Maria Munroe 3-2 in a gripping encounter
resilience, recovering from a first-game loss to defeat Anna Perreira 3-1.
Over in the Men’s 45-54
convincing wins, setting the stage for an intense second day of competition.
The tournament action continued yesterday at the
u b S t a y tuned for detailed coverage in our upcoming edition.
Australia dominate on first day of Sri Lanka Test
B B C S p o r t - A u s t r a l i a d o m i n a t e d proceedings on the opening day of the second Test against Sri Lanka in Galle as the hosts slid to 229-9.
Off-spinner Nathan Lyon took the first three wickets of the innings, including that of opener Dimuth Karunaratne, who is playing in his 100th and final Test and was bowled for 36. Dinesh Chandimal battled to 74 from 163 deliveries before he was stumped by Alex Carey off the bowling of left-arm spinner Matthew Kuhnemann to leave Sri Lanka 1506. Namesakes Kusal and Ramesh Mendis added 65 for the seventh wicket, before Mitchell Starc had the latter caught behind
Jayasuriya with the following delivery, and Kuhnemann bowled Nishan Peiris a few overs before the close. Kusal Mendis sits unbeaten on 59 overnight, with Australia needing one wicket to wrap up the innings. The visitors won the first match of the two-game series by a record innings and 242 runs. They handed a Test debut to 21-year-old
Western Australian going for 0-12 in his three overs.
Scores: Sri Lanka 229 for 9 (Chandimal 74, K Mendis 59*, Starc 3-37, Lyon 3-78) vs Australia.
Construction progress of five New Stadiums, Palmyra leading the charge
Aw stadiums across Guyana, the
s making significant strides. According to President Dr Irfaan Ali, the project is
government’s commitment
pledged some $3 7 billion as part of its $20 billion “ G r e a t e r G u y a n a ” initiative
The construction is being carried out by Owen Steel
C o m p a n y I n c a n d
Caribbean Green Building Inc.
M i n i s t e r o f C u l t u r e ,
Yo u t h , a n d S p o r t C h a r l e s
R a m s o n J r r e a f f i r m e d
t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’ s
c o m m i t m e n t t o
d e l i v e r i n g a t l e a s t f i v e n e w s t a d i u m s b y 2 0 2 5 , i n c l u d i n g t h o s e i n Mackenzie, Bayroc, New
A m s t e r d a m , a n d A n n a Regina. T h e s e f a c i l i t i e s a r e
e x p e c t e d t o b o l s t e r
s p o r t s d e v e l o p m e n t a n d p r o v i d e v e n u e s f o r
c o m m u n i
D e s p i t e t h e o v e r a l l p r o j e c t c o s t n o t b e i n g p u b l i c l y d i s c l o s e d , o i l g i a n t E x x o n M o b i l h a s
Aerial view of region’s six Palmyra Multipurpose Stadium.
r e m a i n a c c e s s i b l e a t a l l l e v e l s The rapid progress at P a l m y r a s t a n d s a s a t e s t a m e n t t o t h e administration’s dedication
t o i n f r a s t r u c t u r a l development and sporting excellence in Guyana.
North Essequibo cart off ECB Busta-sponsored T20 trophy
North Essequibo carted
o ff t h e 2 0 2 5 E s s e q u i b o Cricket Board (ECB) Bustasponsored T20 trophy after beating a President’s X1 by 22 runs last Sunday at Imam Bacchus ground, Essequibo Coast, Region 2.
After winning the toss and opted to take first strike, North Essequibo reached a competitive 115-9 from the
r e d u c e d 1 6
P r e s i d e n t ’ s X 1 o n l y responded with 93-8 from the full quota of 16-overs.
The reduction of the overs was due to rain.
Former Essequibo senior
I n t e r - C o u n t y b a t s m a n Narendra Madholall led the way for North Essequibo with a cameo, unbeaten 25
came from ex-Guyana youth
player Nathan Persaud and
Captain Neil Cadogan with 27 and 20 respectively
Off-spinner J. Charles grabbed 3-10 from three frugal overs on an animated track while off-spinner Sahif Mohammed supported with 2-21 from his maximum four overs.
When the President’s X1 combination batted, young promising batsman Joshua Jones scored a fighting 22 as Madholall returned with his off-break to snatch 2-20 in h
complete an outstanding allround effort. Another exG
Rocky Parsotam claimed 27 with his medium-pace.
Madholall was named (Continued on page 29)
The champion team North Essequibo strike a pose after the game.
Senior Squash player, Alex Arjoon started well
Axar Patel and Shubman Gill
Pacer Akeem Jordan wins an LBW appeal against Kevlon Anderson.