crushed by Exxon has recovered US$33.9 billion from Guyana’s oil - VP Jagdeo tells Reuters
Trump accuses Zelensky of ‘gambling with World War III’
World Bank approves US$156M project to upgrade, rehabilitate Guyana’s roads
‘Everything doesn’t have to -VybzKartel’smessagetoyouths
Woman tells magistrate “send me to jail” for
truck at Bagotstown beating pensioner end in violence’
Two die in fiery
Trump accuses Zelensky of ‘gambling with World War III’
BBC-DonaldTrumphas clashed with Volodymyr Zelensky in a furious exchange at the White House,withtheUSpresident telling his Ukrainian counterpart to make a deal withRussia“orweareout”.
Thepairinterruptedeach otherrepeatedlyduringwhat wassupposedtobeaprelude to the two leaders signing a mineralsdeal.
After relations first became strained over Trump’shandlingofUkraine peace talks with Russia, the minerals agreement was supposed to be a stepping stone towards further security ties between the countries.
But Zelensky ended up leavingbeforethedealcould be signed after the public OvalOfficemeetingcameto ahead.
Atonepoint,Trumptold Zelenskyhewasnotthankful enough for US military and politicalsupport,andthathe was “gambling with World WarThree”.
Zelensky had earlier argued there should be “no compromises” with Russian President Vladimir Putinbut Trump said Kyiv would
havetomakeconcessionsto reach a peace deal with Russia.
The meeting to discuss the deal, which involved access to Ukrainian oil, gas andrareminerals,cameafter America’snewpresidenthad appeared to blame Zelensky for the war and chided him for not starting peace talks withRussiaearlier
His tone had softened in recent days, with Trump saying he had “a lot of
Pedestrian crushed by truck at Bagotstown
A pedestrian was crushed to death on Friday at Bagotstown,EastBankDemerara(EBD).
The incident occurred at about 11:11h along the public road.
According to police, a truck with registration number GNN9248whichisownedbyToolsiePersaudLimitedwas involvedinanaccidentwithamalepedestrianofEastIndian descent.
The deceased’s information is unknown but police disclosed that the truck was driven by 59-year-old Wayne McBeanofKaneville,EBD.
Investigationsrevealedthatthetruckwasheadingsouth alongtheeasterndrivinglaneoftheBagotstownPublicRoad whenthepedestrianattemptedtocrosstheroadfromeastto west into the path of the lorry and a collision occurred causingbothofthepedestrian’slegstobecrushed.
McBean with the help of a public-spirited citizens, pickeduptheinjuredpedestrianandplacedhimintoapickup withregistrationnumberPLL682inaconsciousstate.
The pedestrian was taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Center by a police officer He was pronounced dead on arrival.
The man’s body was transported to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home pending identification and a postmortemexaminationwithdissection.
Awrittenstatementwastakenfromaneyewitness. Further, a Notice of Intended Prosecution was prepared andservedonthetruckdriverasinvestigationscontinue.
US President Donald Trump meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House in Washington, D.C., US.
[Brian Snyder/Reuters]
respect” for the Ukrainian leader
B u t F r i d a y ’ s conversationsouredafterthe USVice-PresidentJDVance -whowassatalongsideother politiciansintheroom-told Zelenskythatthewarhadto beendedthroughdiplomacy Zelensky responded by asking “what kind of diplomacy?”, referencing a previous ceasefire deal in 2019, agreed three years before Russia’s full-scale invasion.
The vice-president then accused him of being disrespectfuland“litigating” the situation in front of the media.
From there, the discussionescalatedquickly, asTrumpandVanceaccused Ukraine’s president of being ungratefulforthreeyears’of US support during the war with Russia, with Trump sayinghewasinnoposition to tell the US how it should
Not long after the meeting - and well ahead of the pre-planned scheduleZelensky was seen leaving the White House in his officialvehicle.
Trump took to Truth Social, the social media platform he owns, to say “Zelensky disrespected the US in its cherished Oval Office”.
“I have determined that President Zelensky is not readyforPeaceifAmericais involved, because he feels ourinvolvementgiveshima b i g a d v a n t a g e i n negotiations,” the US presidentcontinued.“Idon’t want advantage, I want PEACE.”
Zelensky also posted on social media after the meeting, sending a message on X thanking the president andtheUSfourtimes.
The meeting has prompted reaction from acrosstheglobe.
Russia said Trump and Vance had acted with restraint against Zelensky A f o r
n i s t r y spokeswoman said it was a miraclethepairhadn’thitthe democratically elected
Meanwhile, European allieshavepublishedsupport for Zelenksy French presid
Emmanuel Macron - who had his own meeting with Trump this week - said Russia was the aggressor and it was the Ukrainian people being attacked.
And Donald Tusk, Poland’s president, told Ukraine: “You are not alone.”
In the US, Democrats in Congress accused Trump and Vance of doing the Russian president Vladimir Putin’s dirty work for him, while some Republican l
VicePresidentBharratJagdeoiseitheroneofGuyana’s biggest farces, or he is the most visionary and outspoken national leader The man who is Guyana’s Chief Oil Minister can hardly speak calmly and persuasively about his oil portfolio. Yet he gives himself free rein to launch intoroadprojects,theirshoddyresults,andhowGuyanese are stiffed for their billions spent. He is as silent as a doorknob when questions are put to him on oil, which he oversees. Butisastreamofconcernonthemanagementof roadprojects.
ItisclearthatJagdeohasfewideas,andnoconfidencein himself, on how to go about squeezing the most out of ExxonMobilfromthenation’soilwealth. So,hetriesanew distraction by diving into the lack of proper project managementbytheMinistryofWorksonitsroadportfolio. Heisstuckatgroundzero,viz-a-viz.,unableandunwilling todoanythingofsubstancewithoil,otherthanrubberstamp newprojectsandjumptoobeyExxonMobil’swishes. Poor management of road projects is his latest gimmick, one filled with meaningless noise. It is instructive to listen to what he had to say at the Guyana Energy Conference and SupplyChainExpo.
“They don’t think of the thousands of people who are discomfortedeveryday.” ThishastobeanewJagdeofor manyGuyanese. Sincewhenhasheevercaredaboutwhat comforts or discomforts of citizens? His sharp remarks were made at the local Energy Conference to an audience comprisingastrongforeignpresence. Someofthemhadto have seen the state of Guyana’s roads on their way from localairportstotheirplacesoflodgings,orfromtheretothe Energy Conference. Because Jagdeo is such a known commodity, a wily political operator, was he really concernedabouthowmuchGuyanesearediscomfortedby poor road works? Or was he conveying to foreigners that it’snothisportfolio,buttheroadswillbefixed,becausehe guaranteesit?
Whatwasnotsurprisingishowthenation’sleadingoil voicecannothelphimselfanylonger Hejustmustbewho he is, regardless of the time and place, the decorum demanded. A Guyana Energy Conference is not the occasiontobeberating,sotospeak,agovernmentministry before the world. The vice president may see himself as beingfrankandonthejob,butoversightandpronouncing onthestateofroadworksarenothisjob. That’sthepurview of the responsible minister, of which there are two at the MinistryofWorks. Wheneitherorbothofthetwoministers cannotdeliverwell-completedroadprojects,thenthat’sthe timeforPresidentAlitostepinandhavehissay Thpresidenthadahardmouthfultoshareafewdawns agoonGuyanesenotgettingvaluefortheirmoneythrough projectdelays. Heisthebestpersontohaveanothergoat road contractors, supervising engineers, and Ministry of Worksofficials,frompublicservantstoitspoliticalofficers. Clearly,Jagdeowaslisteningallalongwhenthispaper(and others in the independent media) reported fairly often on broken or collapsed roads, works that shortchanged Guyanese and cause they ongoing discomfort. It is encouraging that he is reading and listening. What is less than inspiring is when he airs that laundry before the audience at the Energy Conference. Wherewas he all the other times when badly managed road projects were reported by this paper? How come he didn’t care before, dideventaketookindlytopriorpoormanagementexposés, butissoconcernednow?
We think that, in trying to manifest how much he is concernedaboutsomeissueinGuyana,Jagdeooverdidhis acting,chosethewrongsetting. Thereissomethingcalled the wrong time and wrong place before the wrong people, andGuyana’soilchampionfailedonallthreecounts. Heis sure to have made his audience, the foreign section of it, lookathimmoredismissively Whatweseeismanoutof hisdepth,onewhoovercompensatesbylayingoffblameon others, in a manner that now reeks of routine leadership convenience.
Improvements needed in the financial sector within the context of Guyana’s emerging economy
, The Georgetown
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) affirms its position that the country’s financial sector is in dire need of modernisation and urgesfinancialinstitutionsto streamline updated systems that cater to the evolving needs of Guyana’s growing economy
The Chamber wishes to express its firm support of the sentiments expressed by
Vice President, Hon. Dr Bharrat Jagdeo on the current state of the financial sector and the need to “drag itoutofthestoneages.” The challenges being experienced by the business community that is heavily reliantonthefinancialsector includesdelaysasaresultof the paper-based and bureaucratic systems, as wellaschallengesinaccess to finance which includes access to capital as well as
access to foreign exchange It is therefore imperative that the Bank of Guyana take up the mantle on addressingtheexistinggaps as it relates to the demands of the economy and business landscape and the abilityofthebankingsector to deliver the level and qualityofservicesneeded
In that same vein, the Chamber also urges local banks to examine the needs of the country and clientele
andimplementmechanisms to provide improved services
Guyana’s development and improvements to the ease of doing business
cannot be treated apathetically and must be regarded in a conscientious manner, especially given theinterlinkednatureofthe financial sector and the country’s economic development
Acall for a new officer
, I am writing to bring publicattentiontoapressing issue within the Guyana Police Force’s Sports Department—an issue that has caused frustration, demotivation, and a severe decline in the development ofpolicesports.
The current retired officerincharge,whoisnow serving on contract as the SportsDevelopmentOfficer, was appointed with the mandate to develop and improve sports within the Force, but instead of progress,thedepartmenthas f a c e d s e t b a c k s , mismanagement,andblatant disregard for the well-being ofthoseinvolved.
Since his appointment,
the Sports Department has been on a downward spiral. Rather than fostering an environment of discipline, growth,andencouragement, the officer’s leadership has b e e n m a r k e d b y intimidation, unfair t r e a t m e n t , a n d unprofessionalconduct.
Many of the ranks under his supervision have reported being subjected to verbal abuse, including being greeted with indecent languageinsteadofthebasic courtesy of a “Good morning.”
Such behaviour is unacceptable,especiallyina professional setting where respectanddisciplineshould beattheforefront.
Beyond his disrespectful
attitude,hisdecision-making has been inconsistent and discriminatory Several RuralConstables(RCs)who have dedicated themselves to serving in sports have beenunfairlytreated.
The leadership of the SportsDepartmentshouldbe inthehandsofsomeonewho understands the needs of the athletes, respects their efforts, and is committed to the true development of policesports.
There are many capable officers within the Force whocantakeonthisroleand do a significantly better job. Instead, under the current officer’s watch, morale has plummeted,unfairtreatment has become the norm, and the intended purpose of the
departmenthasbeenlost. This is a call for change. The members of the Force who are passionate about sports deserve a leader who values discipline, respect, and fairness—qualities that are currently lacking in the presentadministration.Ifthe Guyana Police Force truly wants to see sports flourish, then it is time to replace the current Sports Officer with someonewhoisactuallypart of the Force and who possesses the leadership skills necessary to restore integrity and progress to the department.
It is time for a new officer Group of concern Rural Constables/Athletes under hischarge.
Linden’s Mashramani advocates unity of the people, not about the number of floats
Mashramani, an Indigenous word meaning “celebration after hard work,” is a national festival that unites Guyanese in revelry, creativity, and cultural pride. It is a time when our people, regardless of political affiliation or geographic location, should cometogetherincelebration. But in recent years, the glaring absence and minuscule participation of the Government and its agencies in the annual Linden Mashramani Float Parade have cast a shadow over this otherwise joyous occasion.
Since 2020, the
C o m m e m o r a t i o n Committee, through the Region 10 Regional Democratic Council (RDC), has formally invited various ministriesandStateagencies toparticipateandsupportthe
event. Repeated letters have been sent, concerns have beenloggedevenatthelevel ofthePrimeMinisterandthe President. Yet, the silence and inaction persist. This lack of engagement is frustrating, grossly unacceptable, and an insult to the birthplace of Mashramani.
The disparity in government support is undeniable Across the country, especially in regions where the administration has vested political interests, Mashramanicelebrationsare heavily sponsored and actively supported In contrast, Linden a region with a deep cultural and historical connection to the festival has been left to scrapebyonlimitedregional budget allocations, which are already stretched thin. Thisfundingmustcovernot
just Linden’s float parade,
b u t a l s o n a t i o n a l Mashramani participation, the Kwakwani parade,
c o s t u m e d e s i g n , t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , entertainment,refreshments, and administrative costs
The numbers simply do not add up, and the meager s u p p o r t f r o m t h e Government reflects a broader pattern of systemic neglect. For the past five years, the RDC has been gratefulfortheprivatesector support from companies such as Banks DIH, ExxonMobil, Alya Construction, OneComm (formerly GTT), and a few others. Their contributions have helped keep the celebration alive despite the Government’s indifference. However, private support should complement, not replace, the Government’s duty to ensure equitable distribution of resources for nationalevents.
The stark contrast in supportgiventoBerbice,for example, versus Linden is evident The unfortunate reality is that Linden and Region 10, being a stronghold of the political opposition, continue to be sidelined.Thisperceptionof politicalbiasmustend. Mashramani is not a partisanevent;itisanational celebration of our collective identity To undermine Linden’s participation in Mashramani is to disrespect theveryrootsofthisfestival. Lindeners must not be surprised if, once again, our float parade is significantly smallerthaninotherregions. But as history has shown, it is not the number of floats t h a t d e f i n e s o u r Mashramani it is the people.Thelove,unity, (Continuedonpage09)
Mexico, Canada seek to forestall
Trump’s tariffs with anti-drug efforts
WASHINGTON,Feb28 (Reuters) - Canada and Mexico on Friday sought to showU.S.PresidentDonald Trump’s administration evidence of progress in curbing the flow of fentanyl opioids into the U.S. ahead of a March 4 deadline for punishing 25% tariffs on theirgoodsimports.
China, facing an extra U.S. import duty of 10% on Tuesday,accusedtheU.S.of “tariff pressu
e and blackmail” over fentanyl and warned that it would backfire.
Chineseforeignministry spokespersonLinJiantolda daily briefing in Beijing on Friday that Trump’s latest tariffthreat,whichcomeson top of 10% U.S. duties on Chinese goods imposed on Feb.4,“hascreatedaserious impact, pressure, coercion and threat to the dialogue andcooperationbetweenthe twosidesinthefieldofdrug control.”
InWashington,Mexican Economy Minister Marcelo Ebrard described a meeting with U S Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick a n d U S T r a d e Representative Jamieson Greer as a “cordial working meeting” in a post on X, opens new tab. He added that the U.S. and Mexico “haveagreatfutureworking together” but offered no details on discussions over theU.S.tariffdeadline.
Trump on Thursday reaffirmedthedeadlinenext Tuesday for imposing the duties on more than $900 billion worth of annual imports from Canada and Mexico, citing insufficient progress in reducing fentanyl overdose deaths in
theU.S. Mexico on Thursday staged its largest mass extradition of suspected drug cartel members in 10 years, including a 1980s kingpin who spent decades inprisonforthemurderofa U.S.drugenforcementagent and28othersuspects. Rafael Caro Quintero, 72, pleaded not guilty on Friday in federal court in New York on U.S. drug trafficking charges that couldresultinhisexecution.
The other extradited suspects included younger leaders accused of moving fentanylintotheU.S. Mexico’s Deputy
Economy Minister Vidal Llerenas said on Thursday that Mexico could adopt othertrademeasuresbeyond the recent tariffs it imposed on certain imports to reduce low-value shipments from China.
The U S earlier this monthmovedtosuspendthe “de minimis” duty-free
Mexican National Guard members inspect vehicles waiting in line to cross into the United States from Mexico through the Dennis DeConcini Port of Entry in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico February 22, 2025. REUTERS/Joel Angel Juarez/File Photo
exemption for packages valued below $800 that has allowed fentanyl and its precursor chemicals to arrive unscreened through U S airports and border crossings.
Butaspackagespiledup, the U S Customs and Border Protection agency paused the suspension until it could put effective screeningmeasuresinplace.
On Friday, however, Trumpandhistopeconomic officials were also consumed with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s visit to the White House which erupted into a shouting match between the two president overtheRussia-Ukrainewar and Zelenskiy’s failure to sign a U S minerals agreement.
The Tuesday tariff deadlineforChinacoincides with the start of its annual parliamentary meetings on
Reassess the timing and traffic sensors on ECD
Iwouldbegratefulifyou could provide me with a platform in your newspaper to discuss a complex issue that, with careful planning andcollaboration,caneasily beresolved.
Wednesday, a set-piece political event where Beijingisexpectedtounveil its main economic priorities for2025.
Trump’s announcement leavesBeijingwithlessthan a week to publish countermeasures, as the Trumpadministrationshows signs of a hardening stance towards its strategic rival despitebackingdownonthe threat of 60% tariffs when Trump took office on January20.
“There are ongoing discussions with the Chinese, Mexico and Canada,” a White House official told Reuters on Thursday “We’ve gotten a good handle on the migrationissue,butthereare still concerns on the other issueoffentanyldeaths.”
AccordingtotheCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, 72,776 people died from synthetic opioids in 2023 in the U.S., chiefly fromfentanyl.
For the past several months, the alternative route of the railway highway has beeninaccessibleduetoroad construction and heavy-duty equipment.Thetrafficlightat Ogle on the Rupert Craig highway has been a major sourceofcongestion,causing lengthydelaysthatextendall the way to Sheriff Street every evening between 5:00 pmand8:00pm
Despite efforts by the Sparendaam Police Station, TrafficDepartmenttomanage the flow, the lack of police
presence at the junction after 6:00pmhasledtosignificant trafficbuildupespeciallysince the Railway Embankment is impassable due to the widening of the road I strongly advise the authorities toreassessthetimingandtraffic sensorsofalltrafficlightsonthe East Coast of Demerara The trafficlightsarenotdesigned to handle low opposing
synchronized to handle peak hourdemands.
Editor, I earnestly appeal to the authorities to prioritize this issue and implement e
particularly as the volume of vehicles on our roads continues to increase every month
World reacts after Donald Trump, JD Vance berate Ukraine’s Zelenskyy
Trump wrote on social media that Volodymyr Zelenskyy was not ‘ready for peace if America is involved’.
Aljazeera - President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s meeting with US President D o n a l d Tr u m p i n Washington, DC ended abruptlyafterthetwoleaders clashedinaheatedexchange over Russia’s war on Ukraine.
At the Oval Office on Friday, Trump and his vice president,JDVance,berated Z
“disrespectful” and not thanking the US enough for itssupport.
“You’re gambling with the lives of millions of people,” Trump shouted.
“You’re gambling with World War III, and what you’re doing is very disrespectfultothecountry–thiscountry.”
Zelenskyy, who was meeting with Trump to
convince him not to side with Russian President Vladimir Putin and discuss possible US security guaranteesforUkraineinthe event of a ceasefire, told Trump that there would be “no compromises with a killeronourterritory”.
As the Ukrainian leader left the White House shortly after the verbalmatch,Trumptookto
theTruthSocialsocialmedia app,whichheowns,towrite that Zelenskyy was not “ready for peace ifAmerica isinvolved”.
“He disrespected the United States of America in its cherished Oval Office. He can come back whenheisreadyforpeace,” headded.
Zelenskyy posted on X after the meeting to thank
“Thank you POTUS, Congress, and the American people Ukraine needsjustandlastingpeace, and we are working exactly forthat,”hewrote.
Here is how some world leaders reacted to theheateddispute:
Deputy head of Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev
Medvedev, a former Russian president, wrote on Telegram that Trump had givenUkrainea“strongslap onthewrist”.
“For the first time, Trump told the cocaine clown the truth to his face: the Kyiv regime is playing withthethirdworldwar And theungratefulpigreceiveda strongslaponthewristfrom theownersofthepigsty This isuseful.Butit’snotenough –wemuststopmilitaryaidto the Nazi machine, ” Medvedevsaid.
European Union foreign policy chief Kaja Kallas
Kallas said it was clear that “the free world needs anewleader”
“Ukraine is Europe! We stand by Ukraine,” Kallas said in a social mediapost
“We will step up our support to Ukraine so that they can continue to fight back [against] the aggressor,” she added “Today, it became clear that the free world needs a new leader It’s up to us, Europeans, to take this challenge ”
French President EmmanuelMacron
Macron told reporters in Portugal that Russia is the “aggressor” in the U k r a i n e w a r a n d Ukrainians are the “aggressedpeople”
“I think we were all right to help Ukraine and sanction Russia three years ago, and to continue to do so We, that is the United States of America, the Europeans, the Canadians, the Japanese and many others,” Macron said
“Andwemustthankall thosewhohavehelpedand respect those who have been fighting since the beginning Because they are fighting for their d i g n i t y , t h e i r independence, their children and the security of Europe These are
simple things, but they’re goodtorememberattimes like these, that’s all,” he added
Norway Prime Minister JonasGahrStoere
Stoere condemned the eventsintheWhiteHouseas “seriousanddisheartening.”
“Ukraine still needs the US’s support, and Ukraine’s security and future are also important to the US and to Europe.
“President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has strong support in Ukraine, broad support in Europe, and he has led his people through a very demanding and brutal time, under attack from Russia.
That Trump accuses Zelenskyy of gambling with World War III is deeply unreasonable and a statement I distance myself from,”hesaidinastatement toNorwegianTV2.
ForeignMinisterMargus TsahknawroteonX thatthe only obstacle to peace was Russian President Vladimir Putin’s“decisiontocontinue hiswarofaggression”.
“IfRussiastopsfighting, there will be no war If Ukrainestopsfighting,there willbenoUkraine.Estonia’s support to Ukraine remains unwavering Time for Europe to step up,”Tsahkna wrote.
Polish Prime Minister DonaldTusk
“DearUkrainianfriends, you are not alone,” Tusk postedonX.
Spanish Prime Minister PedroSanchez
“Ukraine, Spain stands with you,” Sanchez, wrote onX.
Italian Deputy Prime MinisterMatteoSalvini
“Aim for PEACE, stop th
, SalviniwroteonX.
Swedish Prime Minister UlfKristersson
“Sweden stands with Ukraine. You are not only fighting for your freedom but also for all of Europe’s. Slava Ukraini!” he wrote on X.
EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen
Von der Leyen posted a message of solidarity with Zelenskyy, writing on X:
“Your dignity honors the bravery of the Ukrainian people. Be strong, be brave, befearless.”
Exxon has recovered US$33.9B from Guyana’s oil
The ExxonMobil-led consortium operating offshore Guyana in the Stabroek Block has recovered a whopping US$33.9billionbytheendof January from Guyana’s oil. This is according to information related to Reuters by Vice President BharratJagdeo.
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) is the operator of the Stabroek Block and holds 45% interest The other two partners, Hess and CNOOC, hold 30% and 25% respectively Oil was discovered
offshoreGuyanain2015and by December 2019 oil production commenced in the Stabroek Block In accordance with the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement that was signed bythepreviousAPNU+AFC governmentwithExxon,the oilcompaniesareallowedto recover75%oftherevenues generated from the Stabroek Block That 75% is considered cost oil. The remaining25%isconsidered profitoil,thisisshared50/50 between Guyana and the oil companies, equating to 12.5% of the operation’s profits.
“Thefigureexplainedby the Vice President includes theconsortium’sspendingto exploremorethan30wellsat the block, and the development of six oil and gasprojectsapprovedbythe government,” Reuters’ KemolKingreported.
ExxonMobil, Hess, and CNOOC have committed nearly US$55 billion to develop six governmentapprovedprojectswithinthe StabroekBlock.
Notably, the Stabroek Block PSA lacks a ringfencing provision. For those unfamiliar, ‘Ring-fencing’ simply means that each
project would pay for itself, thereby allowing for greater profits to be split when developmentispaidoff.Due to the lack of a ring-fencing provision, bills from future developingprojectscontinue to be added to the list of expenses for Exxon to recover
The first three projects –Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 and Payara are averaging morethan650,000barrelsof oil per day (bpd) in p r o d u c t i o n T h e ExxonMobil-led consortium has plans in place to grow production capacity to more than 1.3 million bpd by the
– Jagdeo tells Reuters
end of 2027, when they anticipate having all six projects up and running offshore. This will include theadditionoftheYellowtail which will come on stream later this year, Uaru and Whiptail.
Exxon has already made its application to the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) for E n v i r o n m e n t a l
Authorisation for a seventh project called the Hammerhead and an eight projectLongtail.
Hammerhead was announced as Exxon’s ninth commercial discovery in
August 2018 The Hammerhead-1 well was drilled in a new reservoir, encountering approximately 197feet(60meters)ofhigh-
sandstone reservoir The well was safely drilled to 13,862 feet (4,225 meters) depth in 3,773 feet (1,150 meters)ofwater Theproject will target between 120-180 thousand barrels per day (kbd). Exxon is aiming to commence production activitiesby2029,following therequisiteapprovals.
The daily production capacity being targeted for H a m m e r h e a d , i s
icantly lower compared to the last three projects sanctioned, which eachtargetover200kbd.
Theeightprojectseeksto develop the gas resources at theLongtailsite.Thisproject carries substantial liquids and condensate, aiming to produceabout250kbd.
Education Ministry to use World Bank loan to procure agri. equipment for E’bo Technical Institute
The government through the Ministry of Education is preparingtoutilizeaportionofaWorldBankloantoprocure agriculture machinery and equipment for the Essequibo TechnicalInstitute(ETI)inRegionTwo.
This is according to a request for bids issued by the EducationMinistryfortheprocurement,supplyanddelivery oftheequipment.
According to the tender document, the government receivedfinancingfromtheWorldBanktowardsthecostof the Guyana Strengthening Human Capital through EducationProjectandintendstoapplypartoftheproceeds towardpaymentsunderthecontract.
The ETI located at Anna Regina, is an institute that equips individuals with vocational, technical, and engineering skills and prepares them for job opportunities. AmongtheprogrammesofferedattheTechnicalInstituteare AgriculturalMachinery,ElectricalInstallation,Weldingand Fabrication,FurnitureMaking,andHeavy-DutyEquipment Operation.
Kaieteur News had reported that in August 2022, the governmentsignedaUS$44millionloanagreementwiththe WorldBankthroughthatprojecttitle.
Theprojectfocusesontheexpansionofaccesstoquality education at the secondary level and improving technical andvocationaltraining(TVET).Theprojectwillsupportthe pilotingandnationalrolloutofanewcurriculumforGrades Seven to Nine and finance textbooks for Grades Seven to Eleven. It will also see the development of a new TVET sector policy for 2022-2030 and improve the delivery of TVETatsecondaryandpost-secondaryinstitutions.
I have always been perplexed by the nature of reality,thehumancondition, andwhethermyhousetaxes are an elaborate joke at my expense. But it seems that Bharrat Jagdeo has taken it upon himself to ensure that property valuations in Georgetown remain as fictional as my chances of winningthelottery
At his most recent press conference, Jagdeo who, let’s be honest, speaks with theconfidenceofamanwho has never doubted anything, including his own infallibility declared that his government will not support any revaluation of properties in Georgetown. This,presumably,isbecause revaluationwouldleadtoan increase in rates and taxes, which in turn would lead to landlords passing on the costs to tenants, which wouldthenleadtoaseismic societal collapse, mass hysteria, and possibly cats anddogscohabiting.
Now,tobefair,thereisa certain philosophical charm toJagdeo’slogic.Ifwenever change the valuation of properties,thentaxesremain low,andiftaxesremainlow, people remain happy, and if people remain happy, they willconvenientlyforgetthat their neighbourhoods are
crumbling. It’s an elegant solution in that it requires absolutely no action whatsoever And if there’s one thing governments have perfectedoverthecenturies, it’s the fine art of doing absolutely nothing while appearingprofoundlybusy
The problem, of course, is that the current valuation system is so out of touch withrealitythatsomepeople are paying less in annual property taxes than they spend on a decent haircut. Businesses, meanwhile, are paying disproportionately high taxes, while residential property owners enjoy a tax rate so low that it’s practically a subsidized fantasy
Jagdeo, however, does notseethisasaproblem.He believes that keeping tax ratesfrozenintimeisthekey to urban prosperity But here’s the twist: you can actually revalue properties without increasing taxes. Yes, it’s true. You can keep the tax rate low while still ensuringthatthevaluationof propertiesmakessense.
One suggestion is to moveawayfromadvalorem rates and taxes to a more specific rates and taxes. For example,ratesandtaxescan be passed on the square feet of land and buildings; also,
whatcanbeaddedisspecific taxes for garbage collection and drainage in a fixed sum per year Also, high-end areas can be charged higher specific rates than say lowincomecommunities.
But these changes requireasortofthinkingthat has so far eluded the PPP/C and its financial wizards.
The reason why the PPP/C does not wish a revaluation ofpropertiesisbecauseofits control mentality It wants municipalities and local government organs to be dependent on central government.Itwantstokeep these local authorities
government can reap approval from residents for doing works that fall within the jurisdiction of local authorities. This is why the government has been fundingandexecutingworks on community roads rather than working towards a system in which the municipalities and NDCs willbeabletoraisesufficient funds to undertake these roadworks.
The need for reform is striking. And yet, Jagdeo refuses. Why? Because, my dear, naïve, tax-paying citizens, he understands that financialdependencybreeds political gratitude. The less
Frompage04 resilience, and strength of Linden have always made ourcelebrationsspecial. So, despite the neglect, we call on all residents of
Region 10 to come out on Sunday,March2,2025,and celebrate with us from Bayrock Junction to RetrieveGround. Let us remind Guyana
and the Government that Mashramani was born in Linden, and no amount of marginalization will ever eraseourcontributiontothis nation’scultureandhistory
Don Qui-Xenophobia fighting shadows
Dem boys seh a certain big man so frightenfuhlosecontrolthathestartseeing enemiesinheownshadow Everynight,he wake up in cold sweat, thinking one a he own people gon flip. Dem man ain’t even got no real constituency, but big man still obsessing.
One time, dem boys hear he was watching a documentaryon Don Quixote, demanwhofightwindmillthinkingitwas giant. Next thing yuh know, big man start lashin’out left, right, and center—calling everybodywhoblinktoomuchatraitor He see a man sneeze and nearly call a press conference fuh expose “subversive forces tryingtounderminedemocracy.”
Is like he lose he sense of composure. One day, he shouting bout how some lil partywithoutnoseatgontekheseat.Next day, he cussing out NGO man who ain’t even run fuh elections De man so
money local government authorities have, the more they must rely on central government handouts. And when people see the central government repairing roads, unclogging drains, and generally doing the things that municipalities and neighbourhood democratic councilsaresupposedtodo, they become inexplicably grateful—asiftheirowntax dollars were not, in fact, fundingtheseprojectsinthe first place. It’s a brilliant strategy
attempted to reform local government.Theyinitiateda pilot project in New
expanded, would have
modernized the property tax system across the country
But of course, Jagdeo now portraysthiseffortasacruel attackonthecommonman.
Never mind that the revenue from fair taxation could have improved local services, funded road repairs, enhanced garbage collection, and created sustainable municipal development. Never mind that the current system is a tickingfinancialtimebomb. Jagdeo is here to protect us fromthehorrorsofpayinga reasonableamountofmoney fortheserviceswedemand.
Wehaveadilemma.The local authorities need money, but they can’t raise taxes. The tax system is outdated, but it can’t be reformed. The government
wantstohelpmunicipalities, but only if they remain helpless.It’samasterclassin circularreasoning. Inthemeantime,garbage collection is a problem, the drains are still clogged up and many communities are still without streetlights and proper playgrounds And Jagdeo? He will continue to stand before us, exuding the certainty of a man who has never once entertained the possibilityofbeingwrong.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Demboyssehheusedtobecool,calm, and collected. Now he more like a man drinking five cups of coffee and reading conspiracy theories before breakfast. He calling people names, chasing ghosts, and picking fight wid everybody—even dem whojustmindingdemownbusiness.
Onetime,ajournalistaskhewhyheso worried bout people who ain’t got no power Bigmanseh,“IsnotdemIfraid,is de perception!” Imagine dat! De man fightingperceptionlikehowDonQuixote fightwindmill.Nexttingyuhknow,hegon tryputrestrainingorderpondebreeze!
Demboysseh,whenyuhgotaone-seat majority, yuh does sleep light. But if yuh start fighting windmill, next thing yuh know,dewindgonblowyuhaway! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
I slowly picked up on something strange, which is now shared with fellow citizens. Certain ranking
members of the PPP Government has this fetish that torments their fevered existence, devours them limb by limb, and make all their hours-waking or
sleeping-a torment
Considering this, I struggle with how a fine woman of scripture, Dr Vindya Persaudcouldstomachsome comrades, stand their immoral stench. Though he has his trials, Archbishop Juan Edghill is of stronger stuffthanme,sincehefeigns shortsightedness with his political surroundings, has lostfeeling,pluscapacityfor spiritual outrage I purposely singled out these spiritualglimmersinthePPP Government’s firmament, in thehopethattheywillshape up, and square up, to their dharmic and ecclesiastic callingsrespectively Thoseshouldbeacetheir day-to-day political loyalties. Somesketchesare presented to aid with comprehension,duty It seems that there are several sex craved fiends in the PPP Government upper elevations. There was one who loved the remote hinterlands,forthosedistant lands afforded the opportunity to prey upon
youthful flesh to satiate his twisted desires. It is the rulingparty’sversionofdroit de seigneur The younger they were, the better For then they would be more innocent, and liable to be ready to accept lavish cash settlements to facilitate the wind blowing over, and to keep loose lips from sinking thePPPship.
Secrets of sexual predation have now been sealed, and the perp now sealedoffwithgreaterpower in the PPP’s Central Executive, thanks to the championing of a still more powerfulpartygodfather
After all, boys will be boys,andmustbegivenrein
to sow wild oats, even when they are grown adults. This is how sexual perverts are coddled and protected by government. If there was only one, properly dealt with,itmaynothavebeenso unacceptable. But when there are others, then this confirms that the government elevations have become the home of predators and perverts. Try this: if the two names I mentioned above were to comeacrossaknownpervert inasocialgatheringoronthe street, they would hurriedly put as much distance betweenthemselvesandthat citizen. Extremelyoffensive and abhorrent would be the
reflexivesentiments. Notnearme! Ever! Why the shift in standards, why the looking-the-other way, pretending not to know perverted party comrades with a predilection to take advantage of the weak? In addition, there is a report fromareliablesourceofone minister, another character for liquor and lasses who, while in a heavily intoxicated state, attempted to force his affections and more on a reluctant female citizen. Itseemsthatthereis a subset of stalkers, predators,andpervertsinthe PPP higher tiers, who have difficulty managing their hormones, orthodox or otherwise. It has been a boon to the government that more effective HIV/AIDS medicines are now on the market. Institutional sloth, cooperation, and forced inefficiency also help. Or the government would have had to function at skeletal capacity
Now if the above were the whole story, there may stillhavebeensomeeffortat understanding the sickness insidethegovernment,these terrible perversions of normal behaviour, the law, andpower
But there is another aspect of the sexual contrivances that drive the inner sanctum of the government mad. In this instance, the madness is directed at political opponents and civilian criticstodestroythem. PPP perverts are not soothed by their own imprisoning lusts. They sit back and set their disturbed minds to invent ways to get even with those whoapplyhonestpressureto their group, and give their leadershissyfits.
They retaliate through whattheyknowbest,whatis second nature to their own sometimes secret, often notso-secrethistories.
They fabricate sexual allegations for public consumption, for the purpose of silencing
enemies, imagined or real.
The PPP dirty tricks unit do so from the shadows, and with the comforting knowledge that their leaders will run interference and neutralizeanyproperofficial inquiry into their sexual deceptions. Clearly, what began as a titillation within the PPP, has now mutated into a full-fledged uncontrollable disorder Depravities have combined with deformity to result in individual and group hallucinations. The party and government are so desperate (and so low) that they scrounge around to recruit the weak and willing to be dishonest accusers and bearersoffalsewitness.
This strain of political virulence has now grown into a monster of some proportions in a party that has neither ethical anchor normoralcompass.
The bottom line is that the PPP now uses sexual accusations as political weapon, blackmail, and intimidation False allegations are the new missiles in the PPP Government’sarsenal.
Thepervertsarepainting others with their own perversions Damn the consequences. It is good to havetheblanketimmunityof leaders, the powerful backing of political rabbis, oneinparticular,whohashis own stories that entangle him, denude him. Sexual aberration and deformity withinthePPParenowmore thanpoliticalcommodities. They represent the government’s nuclear option. Itisonethatisbeing used more often today against those who dare to crossitspath.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
DPI - President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali has emphasised that Ramadan is a time of blessings, mercy andforgiveness,andatimely reminder of the importance oflove,humanityandpeace.
He referenced teachings from the Holy Quran to illustrate the principles of righteousness,andjustice.
According to President Ali, Ramadan is a time for spiritual reflection, as it encouragedustoruminateon ourindividualandcollective dutytoeachother
“Wehavetheabilitytobe an asset to humanity Each dayofourlife,itgivesusthat opportunity to understand veryclearlywhathungerand thirst feels like, so that we can develop a sense of empathy, a sense of understanding, a sense of feeling, a sense of purpose whenweseethoseareliving
in unfortunate and vulnerable conditions,” the president said. President Ali was at the time addressing thegatheringatthelaunchof the National Ramadan Village on the lawns of the Muslim Youth Organisation
of Guyana (MYO), Woolford Avenue, GeorgetownonThursday
The initiative is the product of a collaboration among the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG), the Guyana Islamic Trust(GIT),andtheMuslim Youth Organisation of Guyana (MYO) and the GovernmentofGuyana. Ramadan is the ninth
month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a period of fasting, reflection, prayerandcommunity
Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, lasting from one sightingofthecrescentmoon toanother
It offers a unique opportunity for Guyanese to appreciate the spiritual ambience of Ramadan, offering a space for families toengageandconnect.
PresidentAlisaidthatthe Ramadan village is important because it brings together Guyanese from all walksoflifeinasafe,familyorientedspacethatpromotes unity
The Guyanese leader again lauded the country’s diverse makeup, adding that it is honourable to live in a country that embraces the different cultures in such a uniqueway.
“We as a people and as a nation,asdifferentasweare, we are placed here for a specific purpose, and just maybe that purpose is to demonstrate to a very c o n f l i c t e d a n d confrontational world, what harmony, peace and living together feels like and looks like,”thepresidentsaid.
He expressed pride at leading a government that strongly believes in supporting humanity, the upliftment of people and their living standards, dignity of the elders and the futureofthechildren.
World Bank approves
US$156M project to upgrade, rehabilitate Guyana’s roads
InastatementdatedFebruary27,2025,theBanksaidthat the project was approved by the Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. “The $156 million Integrated Transport Corridors ProjectwillfocusonenhancingGuyana’stransportnetworkin selected regions, ensuring it is better equipped to withstand natural hazards and provide safer, more reliable mobility for people,”thebanksaid.
The country’s road infrastructure currently faces several challenges,particularlyincoastalregions,wheretheroadsare highly vulnerable to extreme weather conditions. Smaller roads make up over 60% of the road networks, and many of themsitonlow-lyingcoastalplains,highlyexposingthemto the impacts of rising sea levels, increased rainfall intensity, andmorefrequentweathereventslikestormsandflooding.
In 2021, flooding caused over $100M in damages to the transport and agricultural sectors. It must be noted that poor road conditions hinder access to essential services like healthcare and education, economic activities are disrupted, andcommunitiesareisolated.
“Additionally, the road safety situation in Guyana is concerning,witharoadmortalityrateof15deathsper100,000 population. The project will focus on upgrading and rehabilitating key road corridors in selected regions of Guyana,withaparticularemphasisonimprovingresilienceto natural hazards. It will implement critical infrastructure improvements such as enhancing drainage systems, stabilizing slopes, and raising embankments to prevent erosion to safeguard vital transport links that support agriculture,tourism,trade,andaccesstoessentialserviceslike healthcareandeducation,”theWorldBanksaid.
The project is expected to prioritize road safety and inclusivity by including a safety assessment of the entire primary road network and road safety audits for selected roads. This will be followed by the installation of the entire primary road safety engineering solutions like crash barriers andtrafficcalmingmeasures.
There will also be dedicated lanes for non-motorized transport, such as pedestrians and cyclists, with special attention being given to high-risk locations like schools, hospitals, and markets. Additionally, there will be mobility plans tailored to the needs of women and other vulnerable groups will feature in the project as well as road asset management systems, creating safer and transportation options. “Guyana’s rapid economic expansion places increasingpressureoninfrastructure,whilethegrowingrisks from natural hazards, such as flooding and storms, further challenge the country’s systems. This project will help Guyana’sroadnetworkkeeppacewithitsgrowthbymakingit safer and more resilient,” said Diletta Doretti, World Bank GroupResidentRepresentativeforGuyana.
The project is funded through the World Bank’s InternationalDevelopmentAssociation,thearmoftheWorld Bankthathelpstheworld’slow-incomecountries.
Komal Singh elected Chairman of Shipping Association of Guyana
Woman tells magistrate “send me to jail” for beating pensioner
…committed to improving shipping efficiency
Businessman Komal
Singh was recently elected
the Chairman of the Shipping Association of Guyana (SAG) to serve the organizationthisyear Singh replacesPhilipFernandesas theChairman.
Theelectionwasdoneat the SAG’s Annual General Meeting.
In his inaugural address, Chairman Singh outlined key priorities for the association,emphasizingthe urgent need to dredge the Demerara River channel Further, recognizing the
efficiency and boosting economicgrowth.
Additionally, SAG has commenced preparations to hosttheCaribbeanShipping Association (CSA) Annual Conferencein2026.
Komal Singh appointed Chairman of the Shipping Association of Guyana.
crucialroleofmaritimetrade in Guyana’s economic expansion,Singhcommitted to working closely with the Government of Guyana to ensure that the channel is deepened to accommodate larger vessels, thereby improving shipping
“Thisprestigiouseventis expected to attract over 400 delegates from across the globe,positioningGuyanaas a hub for regional and international maritime discussions. The conference will provide a platform for key stakeholders to engage in criticaldiscussions on the future of shipping, logistics, and trade in the Caribbean,” a statement from the Associationsaid.
The SAG said that it is committedtoadvocatingfor advancements in the maritime industry, fostering regional collaboration, and supporting policies that enhance the country’s shippingandlogisticssector
Awomanwhoadmittedtostompingandassaulting a76-year-oldvendoronFridaybeggedtoActingChief Magistrate Faith McGusty to send her to jail for the crime.
The defendant, Shania Melville, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer an assault charge.
As Magistrate McGusty was reading the charge to Melville, she kept interrupting her with a request to explain.Melvillesaid,“yousaidcausingactualbodily harm… is it like causing somebody pain?” before instructing the magistrate to proceed with the matter, “carryon,carryonyourhonour.”
Melville then admitted to assaulting Joseph Canterbury on February 26, 2025 at Stabroek Market, Georgetown.
MagistrateMcGustyaskedthedefendanttoexplain why she pleaded guilty and Melville responded, “I don’t have the time for you, just send me to jail. My worshipmeain’tgotthetimeforyou,dowhatyouhave todoandIwilldowhatIhavetodo”.
The prosecution told the court that Melville is no strangertothelawasshehasasimilarchargepending beforethecourtandanotherunderinvestigation.
The court heard too that Melville and Canterbury hadaconfrontationwhichresultedinherassaultingthe vendorbykickingandstompinghimacrosshisbody It wasalsodisclosedthatthewomanbehaveddisorderly atthepolicestation.
Canterburytoldthecourtthathewaswalkingoutof Continued on page 19
Shania Melville
Suppliers of concrete slabs, poles to be blacklisted for non-compliance with standards – PublicWorks Min.
The Ministry of Public Works on Friday saidthatsuppliersofconcreteslabsandpoles will be blacklisted for sub-standard work, non-compliancewithstandardsandfailingto adheretodeliverytimelines.
Inastatement,theministrysaidthatitwill not be tolerating sloppy work and tardiness. The announcement came one day after Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo encouraged persons to flag sub-standard works on Thursdayathisweeklypressconference.
The ministry said there have been delays in the supply of the material despite contractors remitting advanced payments to concrete suppliers but are made to wait extendedperiods,aslongasthreeweeks.
“Contractors have complained, supplied evidence and the Ministry of Public Works hassinceverifiedthatquantitiesorderedand paid for from Concrete Suppliers have not been supplied. This leaves projects incomplete and, when the remainder is supplied, increases the likelihood of defects occurring. The Ministry of Public Works, through its independent testing mechanisms has discovered that a number of Concrete Suppliers have supplied concrete that severely fall short of the technical requirements including but not limited to PSI,”theministrystated.
ThePublicWorksMinistrysaidsuppliers who fail to comply with the required standards and delivery timelines will have “immediateandsevereconsequences”.
Theministrysaiditwillbeincreasingits monitoring of the concrete supply chain and
intensify our testing and quality control exercises.
“The Ministry will blacklist delinquent ConcreteSuppliersandprohibitGovernment Contractors from procuring concrete producedbythem.TheMinistrywillimpose surcharges and recover costs from any delinquentConcreteSupplierwhoseproducts cause undue project delays, structural damage,increasedexpendituresoranyother relevant damages.” Further, the ministry madeitclearthatitwillcontinuetoprioritize “the successful and timely completion of publicworksprojectsacrossGuyana”.
“We encourage all stakeholders, including suppliers, contractors, and the public, to support our efforts in delivering infrastructurethatmeetsthehigheststandards ofdurabilityandsafety.”Meanwhile,Jagdeo onThursdaytoldreportersthatheisawareof the complaints regarding the substandard workandnotedthatitisunacceptableandthe governmentisnotpreparedtotolerateit.
“We’re open, we’re transparent, and we’re encouraging the citizens; if you see public infrastructure being done in your communities and you see it being done in a shoddy manner, speak up. Post a picture online,”heencouraged.
The VP said that the poor quality of material“hasnothingtodowithplanning”.
“It’s just neglect. It’s neglect and people notdoingwhattheyshouldbedoing.Wepay engineers for a purpose – to make sure that thingsaredonewell.Buttheycan’tdosoand behavelikelittlegods,”Jagdeostated.
Scotiabank commits $6M in 2025 to assist STEMGuyana with Learning Pods programme
STEMGuyana and Scotiabank Guyana on Friday announced that Scotiabank Guyana has committed G$6,624,000 for the 2025 academic year to assist its Learning Pods initiative StemGuyana described its collaboration withthebankas“significant partnership …to sustain and enhance its Learning Pods Programme”.
This learning initiative was founded during the COVID19 pandemic to correct learning loss among school-aged children, and currently provides afterschool enrichment in Science, Mathematics, English, Technology, Robotics, and Coding for primary and secondary school students across Guyana. Approaching its 4year anniversary, the Learning Pods Programme features 30 functioning pods across the 10 Regions of Guyana.
The investment, made through the ScotiaRISE programme, underscores Scotiabank’s dedication to education and youth empowerment by equipping students with essential academicanddigitalliteracy skills.
“We are thrilled to have Scotiabank Guyana as a key partner in our mission to prepare young minds for the future,” said Karen Abrams, Executive Director of STEMGuyana.
“Thissupportwillhelpus toexpandourreach,improve programme quality, and e n s u r e t h a t m o r e students especially those f r o m u n d e r s e r v e d communities have access to world-class STEM education and critical thinkingtraining.”
The Learning Pods initiative,initiallyfundedby IDB Lab, has already impacted thousands of students across Guyana, providing structured learning environments with
trained coaches, interactive lessons, and mentorship
opportunities With
Scotiabank’s support, the programme will integrate additional resources focused on problem-solving, and digitalskillstobetterprepare students for academic and careersuccess.
Scotiabank’sCommitment toEducation
A s p a r t o f t h e collaboration, Scotiabank will also facilitate learning sessionsonfinancialliteracy for Learning Pod students and their parents/guardians. The bank’s support aligns withitsbroadercommitment to economic resilience and youth empowerment across theCaribbean.
“Education is critical in enriching the lives of our youth and helping them grow Through this p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h STEMGuyana, we continue to support the development of our country’s youth by providing the educational support they need so that they can realise their full potential, achieve success, and bolster their life opportunities.” - Nafeeza Gaffoor - Country Manager, ScotiabankGuyana. LookingAhead
STEMGuyana and
Scotiabank will work together throughout 2025 to trackprogrammeimpactand ensure that students demonstrate measurable improvements in their academic performance, digital literacy, and confidence in financial m a n a g e m e n t A comprehensiveimpactreport will be published at the end of the programme, h i g h l i g h t i n g k e y achievements.
For more information about the STEMGuyana Learning Pods Programme a n d p a r t n e r s h i p opportunities, visit or contact Alisha Koulen at 592-616-4454.
(L-R): Nafeeza Gaffoor, Country Manager, Scotiabank Guyana; Alisha Koulen, Operations Manager, STEMGuyana; Justin Thompson, Senior Manager, Country Management Office, Scotiabank Guyana; Elsie Harry, Board Member and Fundraising Coordinator, STEMGuyana and Bibi Alli, Senior Manager Operations and Administration, Scotiabank Guyana display STEM branded tokens.
Kartel, who was a guest of President Irfaan Ali at State House in Georgetown, stressed the need for a shift in the mindset of Caribbean youth. President Ali hosted an interactionwithKartelandlocalartisteswhowereallowedto askthefamedsingerquestionsabouthiscraft.
“Youngmenthinktheyfeeltheneedtopushtoxicityand mistake that with masculinity, right and that is the problem withCaribbeanpeoplethatarethemindsetwhereweneedto change,”hestated.
Kartel, who was recently released from prison after spending 13 years behind bars, shared his perspective on the importance of conflict resolution and the power of communication. He noted that many disputes, particularly in underprivilegedcommunities,couldbeavoidedifindividuals werewillingtode-escalatesituations.
“Lemme give you an example, alright, a lot of conflicts that take place in the ghetto across the region. It could have been avoided, but no one wants to stand down. You understand?Noonewantstobeabiggermanandjustsay,I’m sorry,wordslikethat.I’msorry Ineverknew,”hesaid.
TheJamaicanartistewhoisalsolabeled‘TheWorldBoss’ urged young people to embrace positivity, respect, and open dialogue rather than resorting to violence. He stressed that masculinityshouldnotbedefinedbyaggressivebehaviourbut ratherbywisdomandself-control.
Reflectingonhisownexperience,Kartelcreditedhisfaith and perseverance for his release and encouraged youths to listen to guidance from their elders. He also highlighted the importanceofmakingwisedecisionsandheedingadvice.
Jamaican artiste Vybz Kartel share a fist bump on Friday at State House. (Vybz Kartel FB Page)
Dancehall star interacts with media house representatives at Friday’s launch of his Sr8 Vybz Rum in Guyana
Sixmini-excavatorsvaluing$96millionwerehandedover to six East Bank Demerara (EBD) Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) on Friday by the Ministry of Agriculturetoassistincommunityprojects.
The presentation was made by Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha who explained that Friday’s presentation representedthefirstphaseofaninitiativeaimedatequipping all NDCs across the country to maintain and manage their communitieseffectively
He explained that the second phase includes providing garbagetruckstoeveryNDC.
The NDCs that received the mini-excavators are Eccles/ Ramsburg, Mocha/Arcadia, Little Diamond/Herstelling, Soesdyke/Hui’s Te/Coverden, and Hauraruni/Yarrowkabra. The machines will be used to maintain proper drainage systemswithinthecommunity
Minister Mustapha during a live broadcast published on the Ministry ofAgriculture’s Facebook page, highlighted the importance of NDCs being the first responders to each community
“You are the face of the government and the first contact within the community and people depend on you and your NDC to ensure that you development and you take care of businesswithintheNDCarea,”hesaid.
TheMinisteralsounderscoredtheimportanceofthenew machinery in advancing the development of robust drainage systems to mitigate the impacts of climate change. He noted thattheinitiativeispartoftheGovernment’sbroadereffortsto modernize and strengthen the country’s drainage infrastructure,ensuringbetterresilienceagainstflooding.
Mustaphamentionedthatsofar,NDCsinRegionFiveand on the East Coast of Demerara have received similar machinery, and Region Six will be receiving its equipment today “Tomorrow (Saturday), we will see that Region 6 too, wewillgivethemsomeoverthere.AlmostalltheNDCswill havetheuseoftheseexcavators,”heconfirmed.
However,heurgedmembersoftheNDCstoensurethatthe machineryisusedtobenefitthecommunitywhilenotingthat theyarenotforpersonaluse.“Wewanttheseexcavatorstouse forthebenefitofthecommunitybecausemanytimeswhenwe giveoutthesethingsandwhenministerorpresidentsgoesinto the community, we are getting serious complaints that these things are used for friends and family, we can’t do that,” Mustaphasternlysaid.
To address potential misuse, he assured that the National DrainageandIrrigationAuthority(NDIA)wouldcontinueto supervisetheoperatorsandwouldcollaboratewiththeNDCs to develop a comprehensive programme for the machinery’s use.
Friday’s handing over ceremony followed the announcementbyVicePresidentBharratJagdeoonThursday that by the end of this year, all NDCs will receive a miniexcavatortoassistwithcommunitywork.
Meanwhile, Minister of Local Government, Sonia Parag, announced that her ministry would be rolling out a garbage truckinitiativeforeachNDCacrossthecountry
“TheMinistryofLocalGovernmentin2025,wewillroll outaninitiativewhichisaninitiativefromthepresident…the rolling out of garbage trucks for each NDC across the country,”shesaid.
Woman tells magistrate “send me to jail” for...
the market when he felt somebody pushed him in a corner and he fell to the ground. He said he responded, “What happenmanlikey’alldon’thavenomanners?”Canterbury saidthatMelvillethenstompedhiminhischest,beforethe othervendorsrushedtohisrescue.
Forherpart,Melvilleacceptedwhatshedidwaswrong. However, she said that Canterbury was extremely close to herandshewasunawareofhisreasonsforbeingthatcloseto herasshehadmoneyinherpocket.
In addition to that, Melville said that she was experiencing abdominal pain so she turned and kicked Canterburyafterwhichsheexperiencedsomerelief.“Ijust turned around and kicked him and my belly stopped hurting,”shesaid.
After listening to the victim and Melville’s explanation of what transpired, Magistrate McGusty sentenced the woman to nine months imprisonment and ordered that she seekcounselingforherbehaviourthatsheportrayedincourt andtowardsthevictim.(FrancwaFortune)
Minister of Local Government Sonia Parag (centre), Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha (left), and NDC overseers during the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the handover of the excavators.
Caricom emphasises need for unity and advocacy
N a t i o n N e w s -
CARICOM Secretary
General Dr Carla Barnett (third left) with (from left)
Bahamas Prime Minister
Philip Davis, Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, Prime MinisterMiaAmorMottley, who is also chair of CARICOM, Jamaica Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Guyana President Dr Irfaan Ali during a press conference recently at the end of the three-day
CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting (PicturebySandyPitt.)
CARICOM Secretary
General, Dr Carla Barnett underscored the need for renewed and expanded p a r t n e r s h i p s a n d collaboration as CARICOM seeks to grapple with existing and emerging uncertainties. “If we are to decisively counter and surmount the combined effects of adverse developments, we must redouble collective efforts, pool our combined wisdom and act on the basis of our fundamentalprinciples,”she said as she addressed the 48thRegularMeetingofthe Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) which was held in Barbados last week under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley In a communique released on Friday, it stated that Prime Minister of Grenada and Outgoing Chair, Honourable Dickon Mitchell, noted that following the passage of Hurricane Beryl, Grenada had rebounded more determined to advocate on climateissues.Healsonoted CARICOM’s history of collective action, including on the sovereignty of the State of Palestine and the former apartheid regime of South Africa. “We must not de-emphasisetheroleofour unity and advocacy,” he observed. The Prime Minister also recalled the urgent need to advance the
issueofreparatoryjustice. Special Guests, H.E.
Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations and Her Excellency Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission also pointed to the region’s unity in advocacy for necessary bold and decisive actions, especially given changing
globalpoliticalrealities. The new Chair of CARICOM Prime Minister MiaAmorMottleysaidthat, having regard to shifting globalpriorities,itcannotbe ‘business as usual’ She urgedhercolleagueHeadsof Government to ‘find common ground and common purpose” to ensure that as things fall apart,
CARICOM can hold the centre, “recognising that we will always be stronger together.”
The Honourable Reuben Meade, Premier of Montserrat, as a newly e l e c t e d H e a d o f Government, also addressed the gathering, urging the region to act decisively and withunityofpurpose.
h Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines; His Excellency Chandrikapersad Santokhi, President of Suriname; and Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley, Prime Minister of TrinidadandTobago. Associate Members in
: Honourable E David Burt Premier of Bermuda; Honourable Julian Fraser Deputy Premier of the British Virgin Islands; Honourable Juliana O’ Connor-Connolly Premier of the Cayman Islands, and Mr Djurick Comenentia, Secretary-General, Ministry of General Affairs and Foreign Relations, Curaēao. (PR)
Members of the Conference in attendance includedHonourableGaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda; Honourable Philip Davis, Prime Minister of The Bahamas; Honourable Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados; Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica; Honourable Dickon Mitchell, Prime Minister of Grenada; His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of Guyana; His Excellency Laurent Saint-Cyr, Councillor-President, Member of the Transitional Presidential Council, Haiti; Dr the Most Honourable Andrew Holness, Prime Minister of Jamaica; Honourable Reuben Meade, Premier of Montserrat; Honourable Philip Pierre, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia; Honourable Terrance Drew, Prime Minister, St Kitts and Nevis; Dr the Ho
Young ‘can’t guarantee’ Dragon gas deal survival
Acting Prime Minister Stuart Young says he cannot guarantee thesurvivaloftheDragongasdeal with Venezuela. But if it fails, he will continue to fight for Trinidad andTobagoasitsfutureleader,he said.OnWednesday,UnitedStates President Donald Trump announced he was revoking the licence allowing the Venezuelan government to export oil to the United States, citing Venezuela’s failure to take back its deported nationals.
TrumppostedonTruthSocial: “We are hereby reversing the concessions that Crooked Joe Biden gave to Nicolįs Maduro, of Venezuela, on the oil transaction agreement, dated November 26, 2022, and also having to do with electoral conditions within Venezuela, which have not been metbytheMaduroregime.”
Hourslater,RubiostatedonX thathewillprovideforeignpolicy guidance to terminate all Bideneraoilandgaslicences“thathave shamefully bankrolled the illegitimateMaduroregime.”
Young chaired the Cabinet meetingyesterdayandthenhelda media conference at Whitehall, PortofSpain.
YoungisactingPrimeMinister whilePMDrKeithRowleyandhis wife, Sharon Rowley, are in California, USA. They left the countryyesterdayonaprivatetrip, the Office of the Prime Minister
saidinarelease.Nodateofreturn was announced Young acknowledged that the Trump administration’s actions immediately prompted him to engage with United States EmbassyofficialsinT&T,aswell asenergycompaniesShellandBP, toseekclarity “Atthisstage,there has been no indication of any negative effect on Trinidad and Tobago,” he said. However, he admittedthatpredictingfutureUS government decisions was impossible.
YoungstressedthattheDragon dealwascrucialforT&T’senergy security, Caricom’s stability, and geopolitical relations with other nations. “Can we provide any assurance at this stage? The answer is obviously no. Are we engagedwiththerightpeople?We believeweare,”hesaid.
He condemned Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s “attack” on Rowley, stating that the gas deal with Venezuela was for the benefit of all citizens, not forthePNMorUNC.
Youngemphasisedthatthegas supply expected by 2027 would helpsecureforeignexchange,pay the country’s bills, and ensure adequate healthcare and education.Hewarnedthatcallsfor sanctions and attacks on the Venezuelan government could harmT&T’sinterests,questioning what would happen if a future
government had to do business with Maduro after openly opposinghim.
“That kind of behaviour can lead to the closing of doors,” he said.
Young also fielded multiple questionsaboutthevolatilityofthe Dragon gas deal. He was asked whether the Government or any international partners had “bankrolled” the Venezuelan government, as suggested by Rubio. Young clarified that T&T has a 30-year commercial agreement with Venezuela for the Dragon gas field and another for theCocuina-Manakinfield.
He explained that until gas production begins and royalties are paid, T&T is not making any significantpaymentstoVenezuela.
Pressed on whether the Government, BP, or Shell had made any payments to the Venezuelan government, Young stated that the question was different from asking if the Government had “bankrolled” Maduro’sadministration.
“The answer is yes, payments have been made with respect to Dragon,” he admitted, but said he could not disclose specific amounts, as those payments were handledby ShellandtheNational Gas Company He explained that intheoilandgassector,payments are customary when licences are
signed. When asked whether the Maduro administration had responded to Persad-Bissessar’s remarks, Young said he could not comment out of diplomatic courtesy but noted that during previous trips to Venezuela, there wasa“levelofconcern”.
He accused the Opposition of standing in Parliament and insulting Maduro, whom he describedasa“worldleader”.
Young confirmed that within the last 24 hours, he had been in contact with the Venezuelan government’sleadership.
When asked what the Government’spositionwouldbeif the US terminated the OFAC licences for the Dragon and Cocuina-Manakin gas deals, Young said, “We will continue to be engaged, as we have done before.”Henotedthatdespitepast rhetoric declaring “Dragon was dead” the Government had secureda30-yearlicence.
“I can assure the people of Trinidad and Tobago, both in my currentroleandinmyfuturerole, that I will fight for this country I will do everything I can to advocate for T&T, regardless of what happens. It could happen in 24 hours, in two weeks, or not at all, but I will not give up—that is not what leadership is about,” he said Young said T&T was “fortunate” to have Shell as a partner, as it is the world’s largest
He highlighted that both companiesoftenoperateinregions affected by conflict and remain engagedintheprocess,usingtheir leverage alongside the Government’sefforts.
When asked if the gas deals could proceed without OFAC licences, Young responded, “You wanttojoinothersintryingtoget mesanctionedorsomething?”
He said legal advice would be soughtonthematter
On whether the absence of a US Ambassador in T&T posed challenges, Young said this was partofthenormaltransitionduring a government change. He assured that the Government remains in “constant contact” with US Embassy personnel, who provide guidance.HesaidtheGovernment would soon roll out its diversificationplans,assuringthat T&T was not relying solely on Dragongas.Younghighlightedthe Loran-Manatee gas field as another lucrative opportunity, though he said Dragon would provide a “boost” to production levels.
Whenaskedifhehadsoughta direct meeting with Trump or Rubio, Young said, “At the appropriate time, those requests willbemade.Weareputtingthings inplacefordeeperdiscussions.”
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Prosecution accuses Brutus of non-compliance with bail conditions
The State on Friday said that former Assistant Commissioner of Police Calvin Brutus is not complying with his bail conditions. This was revealed during a hearing at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Acting Chief
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I, VALERIE ELIZABETH PERSAUD of lot 59 Hope West, Enmore, East Coast Demerara, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Magistrate of the GEORGETOWN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT for a Certificate under the Money Lenders’ Act, authorizing the grant to me of a Money Lender’s Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender under the title of VALRICE PAWN SHOP of lot 59 Hope West, Enmore, East Coast Demerara, NOTICE of any objections to the application should be sent forthwith to the CLERK OF COURT OF THE GEORGETOWN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT and a copy of any such notice should be sent to the subscriber, VALERIE ELIZABETH PERSAUD of lot 59 Hope West, Enmore, East Coast Demerara,
Sworn to at Goorgotown, Demerara
This 7th day of February, 2025 LEGAL
BETWEEN: (O’SELMO) ROSEANNE CANDACY nee KILKENNY -and(O’SELMO) ELVIS JAMES Petitioner/Applicant Respondent TO:ELVIS JAMES O’SELMO Grove, Public Road, East Bank Demerara.
TAKE NOTICE that on the 14th day of August, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by ROSEANNE CANDACY O’SELMO nee KILKENNY, the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 5th day of February, 2025, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Application on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-atLaw at the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Application together with related documents.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the matter is fixed for Directions Hearing on Tuesday the 29th day of April, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Fidela Corbin-Lincoln Meeting ID: 882 1097 6231 and password: Court12.IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00 am to 2:30 pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the I3 day of February, 2025.
Magistrate Faith McGusty.
During the hearing, the prosecution responded to the submissions made by Brutus’s attorneys on the whether the court should grant the State permission to access his bank accounts.
The defence’s submission was made last Friday.
The prosecution responded to the defence’s arguments but also raised concerns about Brutus’s noncompliance with his bail conditions. A specific challenge was his failure to regularly report to the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU). He is required to appear before SOCU thrice monthly.
Prosecutor David Braithwaite informed the court that he had been advised that Brutus, along with co-defendants George and Nicholson, had failed to report as mandated.
In response, one of Brutus’s attorneys, Dominick Bess presented video evidence showing that his clients appeared at the reporting location on the designated dates. Bess argued that while
his clients did report, they were often faced with long wait times and, at times were denied entry to the building. He asserted that these delays and administrative issues created an unfair situation for Brutus and his co-defendants.
Magistrate McGusty acknowledged the defence’s concerns and instructed court officials to investigate the matter to ensure that the defendants could meet their bail conditions without unnecessary obstacles.
Another point of contention raised during the proceedings involved the seizure of Kevin George’s vehicle, which authorities had reportedly taken, along with a significant sum of cash. Bess questioned the legality of the seizure, arguing that if the money was not directly linked to the investigation, there was no justification for it to remain in police custody.
The prosecution, however, maintained that all seized assets were part of the broader investigation, advising that any disputes regarding the money should be addressed through the High Court.
Magistrate McGusty instructed the prosecution to clarify whether the money was being treated as evidence and to provide further details at the next hearing.
As a result, Brutus, George, Latoya Brummel, and Nicholson are scheduled to return to court on March 6, 2025. Magistrate McGusty also confirmed that a ruling on the banker’s book application for Brutus and Nicholson will be heard on March 11, 2025.
Two die in fiery Essequibo accident
Two persons were reportedly killed in a fiery crash on Friday night at Dartmouth, Essequibo Coast, Region Two.
The identities of the victims are unknown at this time. However, according to re-
ports, the accident involved a motorbike and a car. Both vehicles reportedly burst into flames upon impact.
Cell phone recorded videos painted a gruesome scene with debris and bodies on the road.
Family fun Aracari Resort!
Assistant Commissioner of Police, Calvin Brutus
A partially burnt car that was involved in the accident.
Pope has coughing fit, inhales vomit; prognosis guardeda
ROME PopeFrancis
suffered an isolated coughing fit on Friday that resulted in him inhaling vomit, requiring non-
invasive mechanical ventilation, the Vatican said in relaying a setback in his two-week long battle againstdoublepneumonia.
The 88-year-old pope remained conscious and alert at all times and cooperated with the maneuvers to help him recover
Herespondedwell,with a good level of oxygen
exchange and was continuingtowearamaskto receive supplemental oxygen,theVaticansaid The development marked a setback in what had been two successive days of increasingly upbeat reports from doctors
treating Francis at Rome’s Gemelli hospital sinceFeb 14
The episode, which occurred in the early afternoon, resulted in a “sudden worsening of the respiratory picture ” Doctors decided to keep Francis’ prognosis as guarded and indicated they needed 24-48 hours to evaluate how and if t h e e p i s o d e h a s impacted his overall clinicalcondition
The episode, which doctors described as an “isolated crisis of bronchial spasm” was a coughing fit in which Francisinhaledvomit The
16 firms bid to procure heavy-duty vehicles
Sixteen firms have
applied for a contracttoprocure a number of heavy-duty vehicles for the Ministry of
longer respiratory crisis FrancissufferedonFeb.22 was a crisis in actually breathing, the Vatican said.
Doctors did not resume referring to Francis in “critical condition,” which has been absent from their statements for three days now
But they have been cautious in declaring him outofdangerentirely,given thecomplexityofhiscase.
The Vatican has already made alternative plans for Ash Wednesday next week, making clear Francis still had a long roadahead
Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, a Vatican official and former vicar of Rome, will preside over the March 5 ceremony and procession thatinauguratesthechurch’s solemn Lenten season leadinguptoEasterinApril.
E a r l i e r F r i d a y, Francis had spent the morning alternating high flows of supplemental oxygen with a mask and prayinginthechapel
Hehadbreakfast,read the day’s newspapers and was receiving respiratory physiotherapy, the
The Vatican also published a document signedbyFrancisonFeb.26 “From the Gemelli Polyclinic,” a new tagline thatshowedFranciswasstill workingfromthehospital.AP
Labour The bids were opened at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB)officerecentlyand
A 22-year-old man was remanded to prison on Friday after he appeared at t h e G e o r g e t o w n Magistrates’ Court to answer four Robbery under Armscharges.
Yohance Yarris of Q71
G u y h o c G a r d e n , Georgetown is accused of collectivelystealing$3Min jewellery,gadgets,colognes andmoneyfromthevictims.
Yarris,inthepresenceof another, was reportedly armed with a gun when he robbedthefourvictims.
OnFebruary19,2025at EastRuimveldtFrontRoad,
Georgetown Yarris reportedly robbed Adrian Alli of an iPhone 14 promaxvalued$200,000.
On September 26, 2024 at Shopping Lane Street, We s t R u i m v e l d t ,
Georgetown Yarris reportedly robbed Aenyon Grannum of three gold chainsvalued$1.1million.
Candace Stuart was robbed of a black Samsung S21 cell phone valued
$120,000, one Bahara Queen Cologne valued
$22,000 and $18,000 cash totaling to $160,000 on January 8, 2025 at 234 Caneview Avenue, South Ruimveldt,Georgetown.
Yarris is also accused of robbing Shane Stewart on January 8, 2025 at 234 Caneview Avenue, South Ruimveldt,Georgetownofa white and silver iPhone valued $220,000, a series eight Apple watch valued $120,000, an Apple fourth generation ear-pods valued $60,000, a black and white spray-ground haversack valued $40,000, a black Acerlaptopvalued$80,000, onebottleofJohnnyWalker Whiskey valued $25,000 and a quantity of colognes valued$100,000.
Yarrispleadednotguilty after all the charges were readtohimbyActingChief Magistrate Faith McGusty
His attorney requested reasonable bail since her clientisnotaflightrisk.The attorney told the court that her client was approached
Govt. to ring-fence police assets to prevent misuse
The Government of Guyanaintendstoring-fence the assets of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to prevent misuse. This was announced by President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday during the opening ceremony of the GPF’s A n n u a l O f f i c e r s ’ Conference.
Highlighting traceability asacriticalcomponentofthe government’smodernization efforts for the Police Force, t h e h e a d - o f - s t a t e u n d e r s c o r e d t h a t technological advancements w o u l d e n h a n c e accountability within the GPF
He said that the digitization of the Police Force,whichisapriorityfor hisadministration,willaidin thering-fencingoftheassets.
“As I said, we have to ensure that the technology that we are building is safe, technology is relevant, and the technology must allow greater accountability and traceability,”hestated.
The President said that through digitization much morecanbeachieved.
“When you speak about technology and digitization, whattechnologydigitization will allow us to do is to evaluate performances, to evaluate weaknesses, devaluestrengths,sothatwe willknowwhoerredorwho did not fulfill their duties,” PresidentAlisaid.
He reminded that the government has allocated $34.3 billion to the GPF in the 2025 budget, the highest sumintheForce’shistory Of that amount, $2 billion will be dedicated to upgrading the Force’s transportation fleet.
“But also, in the u p g r a d i n g o f t h e transportation fleets. We are going to be investing in a system, a system that will ring-fence, that will ringfence our assets, so that our assets cannot go on other rides except operational rides,”hesaid.
He added, “That’s important, because we have to safeguard the asset. We will have GPS mapping and trackingofourassets,sothat we will know when we invest$2billioninourassets
andwhenthepubliccall,and we know we have five vehicles within five minutes of where that call is coming from, and none of the assets move, we will know where they were, what they were doing,andthenwe’llhaveto hold people accountable as towhytheydidnotrespond.”
The president’s announcementregardingthe ring-fencing of police assets comes amid ongoing debate over the government’s decision not to implement a similar provision for oil operations in the Stabroek
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has previously accused the former APNU+AFC administration of “selling Guyana out” to foreign oil companies by failing to include ringfencing in the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA). However, he has since defended the current administration’s position against such a provision, arguing that it could negatively impact future oil revenues.
Ring-fencing in the oil sectorwouldmeanthateach project pays for itself before profitsareshared.Underthe current PSA between Guyana and ExxonMobil’s consortium,75%ofmonthly revenueisdeductedtocover costs, while the remaining 25% is split equally (50/50) betweenthegovernmentand theoilcompanies. Without this provision, the oil companies are allowed to give Guyana meager profits while they take the lion’s share to develop other oil projects in theStabroekBlock.
Yohance Yarris at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.
by two police officers who started shooting at him. He was shot to his chest and right pinky finger As a result of the gunshot w o u n d s , h e w a s hospitalized. The attorney notedtoothatthoughhehas since been discharged, he requiresmedicaltreatment. H o w e v e r , t h e prosecution objected to bail duetotheseriousnessofthe crime and noted that Yarris is well known to the police since he was wanted for a similar offence. The court heard that earlier on Friday 28, 2025 Yarris appeared at the Weldaad Magistrates’ Court in Berbice where he wasremandedtoprisonfora similar charge The prosecution noted that Yarris resisted arrest and wasshotintheprocess.
Magistrate McGusty after listening to both sides, remanded Yarris to prison. He is scheduled to return to courtonApril4,2025.
(Reuters) - Australia sailed into the Champions Trophy semi-finals after their final Group B match against Afghanistan was abandoned at the Gaddafi StadiumonFriday
Chasing 274 for victory against the pluckyAfghans, Australia raced to 109-1 in the 13th over when heavy rainstoppedplay
Whilethepitchwaskept under cover, the outfield appearedsoaked,prompting thematchofficialstocalloff
Australia advanced to theknockoutstagewithfour points that include two abandonedmatches.
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“It’sagoodresult.That’s what we were after at the start of the tournament,”
Australia captain Steve Smithsaid,“Tofinishinthe top two and heading to the semis,satisfyingsofar.”
“I think the guys did a really good job to restrict
themto273andIthoughtwe were in a pretty good position when the game got calledoff.”
Australia, who arrived without their frontline quicks including regular captain Pat Cummins, will particularly take heart from Head’s return to form ahead ofthetournament’sbusiness end.
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South Africa, who have three points and face an
Australia’s Nathan Ellis celebrates with teammates after taking the wicket of Afghanistan’s Gulbadin Naib (Reuters)
Saturday March 01, 2025
Some unexpected but very welcomevisitorscouldarrive today, Aries They might bring some people you don't knowbutshouldconnectwith rightaway Expectinteresting n e w s , f a s c i n a t i n g information,.
Taurus, who's that intriguing new person in your neighborhood? What is it about this new neighbor that makesitimpossibleforyouto stop wondering about them? Quitobsessing.
An unexpected letter could arrive today, Gemini, with a check enclosed, perhaps a gift, bonus, or offer to make more money.This might be a welcomebreak.
If you're in the arts or sciences, Cancer, sudden inspirationcouldcauseyouto startorcontinueaprojectthat meansalottoyou.
Meditation, dreams, or visions could bring amazing insights your way, Leo. You mightfindthemtoobizarreto believe, at least at first, but follow-up research could reveal that what you've come upwithisquitecredible.
You're an adventurous soul, Virgo.Areyouthinkingabout a little mischief today? Are yougoingtoproposethatyou and a friend or perhaps your partner skip town for a day andforgetaboutwork,
A n u n e x p e c t e
communication may come
connected with your career, Libra.Thisisgoodnews,butit maybesooffthewallthatyou couldwalkaroundinadazefor awhiletryingtomakesenseof itall.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Anunexpectedchancetoflyto a faraway place, perhaps at someoneelse'sexpense,could cometoyoutoday,Scorpio.A group might be involved, perhaps one connected with education.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Some bizarre and rather silly dreams might come to you tonight,Sagittarius.Theymay bethesortthatissocrazythat youactuallywakeuplaughing. Don't dismiss them. Silly or not,thesedreamsaretryingto tellyousomething.
Ifyou'resingle,youcouldfeel a very powerful attraction to someone unusual and perhaps alittlewacky Ifyou'realready inarelationship.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Have you been looking for anewjob,Aquarius?Ifso,you might hear of an opportunity from an unexpected source, perhapsatasocialgathering,if possible.
If you're single, Pisces, love may come to you completely out of the blue today The person could be standing behind you in line at the store or sitting nearby you in the park.
already-eliminated England on Saturday, look primed to jointheminthesemi-finals.
Afghanistan, who have three points but a poor net run rate, are only mathematically alive in the race although they beat England in their impressive ChampionsTrophydebut.
“About the tournament, you never kn
Hasmatullah Shahidi said. “Westillhavehopes.Weare waiting for the next game, hopefullyEnglandwinbig.”
India and New Zealand havemadethelastfourfrom GroupA.
Earlier, Afghanistan’s Sediqullah Atal struck 85 against Australia but it was Azmatullah Omarzai’s enterprising 67 down the order that powered them to 273 all out in exactly 50 overs.
(SportsMax) - West Indies captain Hayley Matthews, a key figure in Mumbai Indians Women’s s
struggling with both bat and ballasherteamslumpedtoa nine-wicket loss against
Delhi Capitals Women in a low-scoring Women’s Premier League (WPL) contest at M Chinnaswamy
Stadium, Bengaluru, on Friday
Coming off a confident half-century in her previous outing, Matthews failed to replicate that form, as she managed just 22 runs off 25 balls. Her innings, though brief, included four boundaries and ironically endedasajointtop-scorefor the Mumbai Indians in a disappointing total of 123-9 from20overs.
Matthew’s also had little impact with the ball, conceding16runsinhertwo wicketless overs, as the Delhi Capitals stormed to 124-1 with more than five overstospare.
Mumbai Indians, sent in to bat, lost their openers Yastika Bhatia (11) and Matthews early, as both fell with just 35 runs on the board, leaving the middle ordertopickupthepieces.
Captain Harmanpreet Kaur, who made 22 off 16 balls, including two fours, one six, and Nat SciverBrunt (18), attempted to steady the innings, as they added 38 runs before both succumbed to left-arm spinnerJessJonassen.
Thatdoubleblowproved tobetheturningpointasthe MumbaiIndiansstumbledto 83-4 and never recovered. Despite efforts fromAmelia
Hayley Matthews
Kerr(17)andAmanjotKaur, who remained unbeaten on 17,theylostfivewicketsfor just40runsinthelatterpart oftheinnings.
Jonassen (3-25) and Minnu Mani (3-17) exploited the conditions superbly to keep Mumbai in check. In response, the Delhi Capitals made light work of their chase, thanks to a dominant 85-run opening standbetweencaptainMeg Lanning and Shafali Verma Verma, the more aggressive of the duo, smashed four boundaries and three sixes in her 28ball 43 before falling to
Amanjot Kaur in the 10th over
D e s p i t e t h e breakthrough, Mumbai neverlookedliketroubling the opposition as Lanning carried on unfazed She played a composed, unbeaten knock of 60 from 49 balls, hitting nine fours along the way, as Jemimah Rodrigues, with an unbeaten10-ball15,joined her to complete the chase withease.
The victory propelled Delhi Capitals back to the top of the WPL standings with eight points, while Mumbai Indians, having played a game less, slipped tosecondwithsixpoints.
(BBC Sport) - The Grand Depart of the men’sTourdeFranceissettoreturntoGreat Britainin2027,BBCSporthaslearned.
Britainlasthostedthestartoftheworld’s most famous cycling race in Yorkshire in 2014, when it began in Leeds, followed by stagesfinishinginSheffieldandLondon.
GB’s first Grand Depart took place in Londonin2007.
Details of the route are still being finalised,andadvancedtalksbetweenBritish sports authorities and race organisers continue.
Funding body UK Sport identified the 2027 Tour as one which could begin in Britaininalistofinternationaleventhosting targetslastyear,andhasbeeninnegotiations with race organisersASO, alongside British Cycling.
In a statement,UK Sport said, “We have made no secret of our ambition to host the Tour de France Grand Depart in Britain - to inspire more people to enjoy cycling and
“However,werespectthisisamatterfor the ASO and we remain committed to working hard to develop opportunities that canbringthejoyofcyclingtoeveryone.”
Accordingtoanofficialreport,crowdsat the roadside for the three English stages in 2014 totalled 4 8 million, with 3 5m individualspectators.
Thathelpedgenerateanestimated£128m in total revenue, with £102m in Yorkshire alone.
Last year’s Grand Depart took place in Florence,Italy,withthe2026raceduetostart in Spain in Barcelona. In 2021, the British governmentsaiditwasallocatingmillionsof poundstotrytobringtheGrandDepartback forthe2026TourwithstagesacrossEngland, Scotland and Wales, but the bid was then abandoned Two years later, Scotland Cycling also said it wanted to stage the race after the country hosted the UCI World Championships.
Then in 2024 an Ireland bid to host the Grand Depart in either 2026 or 2027 was withdrawn.
Guyanese Spin twins Ashmini Munisar and Plaffiana Millington combined for 7 wickets yesterday
Guyana ladies, carried by their trio of class bowlers alongside a defiant half-century from captain Shemaine Campbelle, saw them serve up a 122- run thrashingwhichtheyhanded LeewardIslandsyesterdayat Warner Park, St. Kitts & Nevis.
Batting first paid off for the Guyanese ladies, who posted an imposing 178 all outin43.5overs,thankstoa captain’s knock from Campbelle who led with a busy 77 from 97 balls (5x4 1x6).
Number three batsman, Realanna Grimmond followedupherhalf-century withacomposed30from49 with four fours, mirrored by Ashmini Munisar (30) who hitthreeboundaries.
Davronique Maynard and SainaviKambalapallihelped support Kimberly Anthony who finished with 3-20, bowlingforLeewardIsland.
It was a sad batting attempt by the Leeward ladies, who were bombed downforameasly56allout in 24.1 overs, with skipper Amanda Edwards (13) headlining a card where no other player managed to sneakintodoublefigures.
It was a bowling masterclassfromGuyanaled by the former West Indies Under-19 spinner Ashmini Munisar,whostarredwith412, sharing 7 wickets alongside veteran offspinnerPlafiannaMillington whohad3-25;withmediumpacer Cherry-Ann Fraser bagging an impressive 3-18 tohelpcapsizeLeewards.
Leewards never got out
of the blocks thanks to the seam/spin combination of Fraser and Millington, who shook the batting order with 5 quick wickets between them, leaving their opponents clinging to life at 21-5inside10overs.
Munisarthenmoppedup the tail, first knocking over top-scorer Claxton before forcingMaynardintoaloose shot, only to be caught at slip, followed by the wicket ofAnthony Edwards held out in a tough situation eventually runningoutofpartnersasher 45-ball, boundaryless innings remained unbroken asFraserandMunisarputthe finalnailsinthecoffin.
Next match will see Guyana looking to maintain their hot streak when they face Windward Islands on March3.(C.R)
Shemaine Campbelle played a Captain’s knock yesterday as she carried Guyana with her half-century
Campbelle leads with 77
Jos Buttler quits as England’s white-ball captain after Champions Trophy exit
(Cricinfo) - Jos Buttler has resigned as England’s white-ballcaptainaftertheir group-stage exit at the
Champions Trophy, announcing on Friday that he will lead the side for the final time against South
AfricainKarachi. England have already been eliminated from the Champions Trophy, after
theylosttheirfirsttwogroup games againstAustralia and Afghanistan. They prepared for the tournament with a trip to India which saw them win only one of their eight
matches in Brendon McCullum’s first tour as white-ballcoach.
“I’m going to stand down as England captain,” Buttler said. “It’s the right decisionformeandtheright decision for the team Hopefully somebody else who can come in alongside Baz will take the team to whereitneedstobe.”Harry Brook, Buttler’s vicecaptain,istheearlyfavourite toreplacehim.
Buttler will continue to playforEngland,andsaidhe wants to “get back to really enjoyingmycricket”.
Hesaid:“Theoverriding emotions are still sadness and disappointment I’m sure, in time, that will pass and I can get back to really enjoying my cricket, and [will] also be able to reflect onwhatanimmensehonour it is to captain your country andallthespecialthingsthat comewithit.”
Buttlerwasappointedas Eoin Morgan’s successor in June 2022 and won the T20 WorldCupinAustralialater that year But England’s resultshavedeclinedsharply since and after three unsuccessfulICCeventsina row - the 2023 50-over World Cup, the 2024 T20 World Cup and the 2025 ChampionsTrophy-Buttler hasdecidedtostanddown.
He hinted after England’s eight-run loss to AfghanistanonWednesdaytheir ninth defeat in 10 white-ball games this yearthat he would resign, saying he needed to “consider all possibilities” and work out whether he was “part of the problem or part of the solution.”
“It was quite clear that thistournamentwasgoingto be important: results-wise and for my captaincy,” Buttlersaid.
“Two losses and being outofthetournament[was]a bit of a hangover of tournaments before. I’d just reached the end of the road for me and my captaincy, whichisashameandI’msad aboutthat.
“With Brendon coming inonlyrecently,Iwasreally
Jos Buttler (Getty Images)
excited to work closely alongsidehimandhopefora veryquickturnaroundandto taketheteamforward.
Buttler’s position came under increasing scrutiny after a sustained poor run of ODI form for England stretchingbacktothestartof the2023WorldCup.
IndefenceoftheirWorld Cup title, England won just three group games out of nine and were the first team to be officially eliminated from the tournament It began a run that has seen them lose 18 of the last 25 ODIs,includingthetwothat put paid to their Champions Trophycampaignatthefirst hurdle.
While he will likely go down as England’s best white-ball batter, Buttler’s ODI form, like that of the side he led, had been on a sharpdownturnoverthelast 18months.
Heaverages26.40inhis last21innings,withastrike rate of just over 100 - down from 115.97 over his ODI career.Hemanagedstartsin each of the two games this Champions Trophy, coming into the middle order while England had a platform to build off, but got out for 23 off21and38off42.
Brook is tipped to succeed him, though McCullumsaidEnglandhad not yet settled on a candidate.
He praised Buttler’s leadership while saying he was “incredibly sad” to see himstepdown.
“We’ve all seen over the last couple of years how much he’s invested in
captaining his country and tryingtogetverybestoutof those guys around him,” McCullumsaid.
“People forget that he literally won a World Cup only a couple of years ago, and that can never be taken away from him It’s incredibly unselfish from Jostostepasideandtoleave the post for someone else, and he’s still a huge player for us moving forward. I’m sure we will look at ways thatwecangetthebestoutof himintermsofhisrole,sohe can have maximum impact aswell.”
BothRobKey,managing director, England Men, and Richard Gould, the ECB’s chief executive, paid tribute toButtler’stimeincharge.
“Working with Jos has been a pleasure,” Key said. “He’sbeendealtsometough challenges, but never once flinched trying to drive this team forward for the better. NobodydeservedthatWorld CupwininAustraliamore.I can’twaittoseehimbackin theranksandathisbest.”
Gouldadded:“I’dliketo thankJosforallhehasgiven in his two and a half years captaining England Men in white-ballcricket.Underhis leadership, England became m e n ’s T 2 0 Wo r l d Champions, and throughout his time as captain he has beenarolemodelintheway he conducts himself on and offthepitch.
“Jos is one of cricket’s all-time great white ball players I’ve been lucky enough to follow his career from when he first came through as a youngster in Somerset,andIhopewestill havemanyyearstoenjoyof him pulling on an England shirt.
(BBC Sport) - The Grand Departofthemen’sTourdeFrance is set to return to Great Britain in 2027,BBCSporthaslearned.
Britain last hosted the start of the world’s most famous cycling race in Yorkshire in 2014, when it beganinLeeds,followedbystages finishinginSheffieldandLondon.
GB’s first Grand Depart took placeinLondonin2007.
Details of the route are still beingfinalised,andadvancedtalks between British sports authorities andraceorganiserscontinue.
But according to well-placed sources, an official announcement couldcomeasearlyasnextmonth.
Funding body UK Sport identified the 2027 Tour as one whichcouldbegininBritaininalist of international event hosting targets last year, and has been in negotiations with race organisers ASO,alongsideBritishCycling.
In a statement, UK Sport said, “We have made no secret of our
ambitiontohosttheTourdeFrance GrandDepartinBritain-toinspire more people to enjoy cycling and bring lasting benefits to communities.
“However, we respect this is a matter for theASO and we remain committed to working hard to develop opportunities that can bring the joy of cycling to everyone.”Accordingtoanofficial report, crowds at the roadside for the three English stages in 2014 totalled 4.8 million, with 3.5m individualspectators.
That helped generate an estimated £128m in total revenue, with£102minYorkshirealone.
Last year’s Grand Depart took place in Florence, Italy, with the 2026 race due to start in Spain in Barcelona.
In2021,theBritishgovernment said it was allocating millions of pounds to try to bring the Grand Departbackforthe2026Tourwith stages across England, Scotland
Then in 2024 an Ireland bid to host the Grand Depart in either 2026or2027waswithdrawn.
Windies U-19 skipper Ramnath grabs
as T&T hammer Windward Islands
(SportsMax) - Trinidad &TobagoWomensecureda comfortablenine-wicketwin over the Windward Islands Womeninroundthreeofthe CG United Women’s Super50CupattheSt.Paul’s Sports Complex in BasseterreonFriday
The Windwards put up a s h a m e f u l b a t t i n g performance, being bowled out for just 70 in 333 overs after being put in to bat by Trinidad & Tobago skipper KarishmaRamharack West Indies Under-19 Women captain, 17-year-old SamaraRamnathledtherout withanexcellentspellof5-13 from eight overs while skipperRamharackpickedup 3-9from83oversinsupport
Jannillea Glasgow and Carena Noel were the only Windwards batters to get to double-figures with 13 and 12,respectively,againstsome excellent bowling from the twoTrinidadianoff-spinners Trinidad & Tobago then needed just 161 overs to reach 71-1 and secure their second win in a row after a losstoJamaicaintheopening round Djenaba Joseph finished 35* off 43 balls while Shunelle Sawh made 26off53.Trinidad&Tobago will take on Barbados at the samevenueinroundfouron Monday while the WindwardswillfaceGuyana atConareeSportsClub. Barbados remains perfec
continued their perfect start to this season’s CG United Women’s Super50 Cup with a54-runwinoverJamaicain round three at the Conaree SportsClubonFriday Barbados posted 199-6 from their 50 overs after winning the toss and batting first Asabi Callender led the way with a 100-ball 54 including seven fours while Kyshona Knight backed up herhalfcenturyinroundtwo with 48* off 57 balls Naijanni Cumberbatch also h a d a m e a n i n g f u l contribution with 39 off 58 balls. Off-spinner Vanessa Watts took 2-32 from 10 overs for the defending champions Jamaica were thendismissedfor145in443
overs,maintainingBarbados’ perfect record through three rounds
Captain Rashada Williams top scored with 48 off 86 balls while Stafanie Taylor, returning to the side aftermissingroundtwowith a slight niggle, made 31 off 57 balls. Keila Elliott was excellent with her leg-spin, taking 4-27 from her 10 overs while West Indies pacerShamiliaConnelltook 3-24 from 8 3 overs in support. Barbados will look to make it four wins from four when they oppose Trinidad & Tobago on Monday at St. Paul’s Sports ComplexwhileJamaicawill face the winless Leeward IslandsatWarnerPark.
Samara Ramnath
Region Six Physical Education Workshop Expands Sports Curriculum with Golf Training in Skeldon
On Thursday, the Region Six P h y s i c a l
Education Subject Committee successfully hosted a dynamic workshop at Skeldon Line Path Secondary School, focusing onenhancingteachers’skills in delivering practical PhysicalEducation(PE)and sportsinstruction.
This initiative reflects the Ministry of Education’s ongoing commitment to
diversifying the PE curriculumandensuringthat all students, regardless of physical ability, have access toengagingandcompetitive sportsopportunities.Withan emphasis on non-traditional and less physically demanding sports, the initiative aims to engage a wider range of students in physicalactivity
GGA held a workshop in Region 6 for golf, as part of their CSEC Physical Education curriculum
A total of 36 teachers, along with the program coordinatorsandcoachesfor golf and table tennis, participated in specialised trainingsessions.
In the morning session, Guyana Golf Association (GGA) president Aleem
Hussain provided hands-on golf instruction, introducing educators to simplified
techniquesdesignedtomake the sport accessible and enjoyable.
AccordingtoMr Vanier, “The response from the group was amazing. One of the key takeaways was the simple yet effective method taught by Mr Hussain, as well as the amount of fun everyone had This was definitely a success, and the teachers are excited to introduce golf to their students and organize competitions.”
Followingtheworkshop, Hussain visited Canje and NewAmsterdam Secondary Schools, engaging Grade 10 and 11 CSEC PE students with golf demonstrations and insights into how they can participate in the growingsport.
The schools are now preparingforaninter-school putting contest, which will serve as a lead-up to the National Junior Golf Championship in July at the Nexgen Golf Academy on WoolfordAvenue