kaieteur News

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Ashni Singh tells oil conference:

with Zelensky after shunned by US


Bodies of father and son found two days after boat mishap

Eight killed in road accidents last week


condemns Venezuela’s intrusion into Guyana's waters


The Commonwealth Secretary-General, Patricia Scotland has strongly condemned Venezuela's military incursion into

Guyana's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) on Saturdaymorning.

Around 07:00h, a Venezuelan armed vessel entered Guyana's waters and approached ExxonMobil

Guyana's Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) platform – Prosperity – which is operating in Guyana's oilrich Stabroek Block. The Venezuelan vessel radioed the FPSO platform stating that it was operating in what it termed “disputed international waters” before continuingitscoursetowards otherFPSOsoperatinginthe oilblock.

The Secretary-General urged Venezuela to abide by theprinciplesofinternational law and refrain from actions that threaten the peace and stability of the Caribbean region.In a forceful rebuke, Scotland urged the internationalcommunityand theCommonwealthfamilyto stand firmly with Guyana.

She underscored that Venezuela's actions breach the Joint Declaration of Argyle for Dialogue and Peace, signed in December 2023, where both nations agreed to use international law and diplomaticmeans to address the controversy and refrain from escalating tensions The SecretaryGeneral further outlined the legally binding nature of the InternationalCourtofJustice (ICJ) ruling and called on Venezuela to uphold its o b

The Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland KC


ting t

CJ's December 2023 provisional order, she stated, “The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela shall refrain from taking any action which would modify the situation that currently prevails in the territory in dispute, whereby theCo-operativeRepublicof Guyana administers and exercises control over that area ”She reaffirmed the Commonwealth's consistent and unequivocal support for Guyana. Further, the Secretary-General reiterated President IrfaanAli's appeal, made on 1 March 2025 that “Guyana's sovereignty and territorial integrity is respectedandhonoured”.

Ashni Singh tells oil conference: the place to invest,

‘Guyana is come make money’

Guyana's Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh speaking at the recently concluded Guyana Energy Conference and Supply Chain Expo reinforced the country's status as a prime investment destination,urgingglobalbusinessesto seize the vast opportunities available acrossmultiplesectors.

Dr Singh highlighted the nation's rapid economic growth and strategic location as key advantages for investors. “So to come back to the question that I asked at the beginning, why Guyana and I know many of you probablyknowthisalready,andI'mnot going to repeat anything that you've heardalready,”Dr Singhsaid.

He then outlined, “Like you've heard on multiple occasions, (Guyana is the) fastest growing economy in the world, fantastic location, connected to Brazil, next to Suriname, capital of CARICOM.The seat of CARICOM is at Liliendaal (Georgetown Guyana,) justabout10minutesawayfromhere.”

The senior minister went on to highlight that investing in Guyana comes with access to huge economic space,freetradeagreementswithmany

important trade partners around the world. “So there are a lot of reasons whyGuyanaandliterallyopportunities in every single sector doesn't matter what you're doing,” Minister Singh stated.

Further, the finance minister stressed that no matter the industry, there is a demand for products and services in Guyana, an expanding economy “Isaytopeoplethatitdoesn't matter whether you supply bulldozers, whether you supply hospitals or hospital beds or hamburgers and everything in between. It does not matter what you produce or what you supply,thereisdemandforwhateverit isthatyou'reproducingorsupplyingin every single sector, whether it's agriculture,forestry,tourism,energy,in every single sector, opportunities aboundinGuyana,”hesaid.

Moreover, Dr Singh pointed to Guyana's Local Content Act, which was introducedin2021 toensurelocal participation in the oil and gas sector Thislawmandatesthataportionofoil and gas sector activities be conducted with Guyanese nationals and

companies, creating lucrative opportunitiesforlocalbusinesses.

“That act has carved out 40 areas where minimum percentages of business, minimum thresholds have beenspecifiedfortheoilandgassector todobusinesswithGuyanesenationals andGuyanesecompanies,”theminister said.

He also noted that the government has created a Local Content Register whichover1000onthatregister

WithoverUS$1½billionbusiness opportunities created for Guyanese businesses since the enactment of the Act, Dr Singh told the gathering that the legislation provides a very strong incentiveforpartnershipwith.

UndertheAct,40areasforservices carved out for Guyanese businesses including rentals, supply of goods, accounting, catering and welding Foreign companies wanting to operate within those areas are required to partner with local companies However, the law stipulates that the Guyanese partner must have 51% or more beneficial ownership, among otherbenefits.


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210



Lastweekwereportedonsomeeightroadfatalities.The previous week we had a similar number Young and old, people are going down like flies. Sometimes, they take downinnocentbystandersandotherroaduserswiththem. Motorcyclists and their pillion riders are particularly endangered,withroaddeathsandsevereinjuriespersistent itemsinmediareports.

Beforeitwasminibusesthatattractedthemostattention and the most dread from other road users, including passengers, pedestrians, and others. Though that menace has not depleted significantly, it is motorcyclists who are now making the news more frequently and for the worst reasons:theydietooyoung,ortheyarebadlyinjured,with others also maimed in the process. Lives are lost, and the livingdamagedforlife.

SpeakinglastweekattheGuyanaPoliceForceOfficers’ Conference,PresidentIrfaanAlipointedtotheimportance ofsocietalresponsibilityincurbingrecklessdrivinghabits, stating that while penalties play a role in enforcement, public consciousness and accountability are crucial. “It’s notthebestapproachthatpenaltiesmustdrivechange.The bestapproachisthatself-consciousness,societalpressure, doing the right thing, should be able to drive change and drivehomethepointthatwehavetodotherightthing,but unfortunately, when that doesn’t work, you have to go to strongermeasures,whicharethepenalties,”Alisaid.

Moreover,PresidentAlicalledforaholisticstrategyto address the issue, highlighting key pillars such as enforcement, education, infrastructure development, and accountability He reiterated that investments in road infrastructure must go hand in hand with strict regulations toensureasaferandmoreefficienttransportationsystem.

Onourstreetsdaily,thereistheusualrecklessspeeding, with riders often seen weaving breath-takingly through trafficinthecityandcountryareas. Theyareplayinggames of dangerous roulette, with the odds multiplying against them daily Too frequently for comfort, motorcyclists are seenridingwithouthelmets,ordoing‘wheelies’(daredevil stuntsinthefaceofoncomingtraffic). Whenbikescollide withthebiggermachines,therecanonlybeoneloser,and anotherlossoflifebeingtheresult.

Oneofthealarmingaspectsoftheroadmayhemsisthe age of those falling victim, either by their own hand, or thoseofothers. Thenumberofyoungerdriversandriders on our roads is easily observable. Speeding and carelessnessseemtobetheirfirstcallings,likelyaproduct ofoverflowingtestosterone,andtherushofadrenalinethat accompanies taking chances by pushing pedal to floor, or throttlestothemax. Truthbetold,olderdrivers,especially males, who are supposed to be more mature from longer roadexposures,canalsobemajorcontributorstotheroutine breaking of traffic rules and regulations. To ask for, or to expect, basic road courtesies, is an exercise in frustration. Veryrarearetheoccasionsonwhichsucharedisplayedor encountered. Clouds of lawlessness and discourtesies are notthepreserveofordinarycitizens,forwhatGuyaneselive withonadailybasisisasaturationofbothineveryaspectof life,andatmostlevelsinthissociety

The educated might as well be illiterate. The experiencedwhohaveseenaworldofgoodandbadshould be a helpful asset. But too often they are too much in the middleofaroilingmilieu,ofwhichtrafficmayhemisoneof the more visible confirmations. It has been the case that when there are traffic developments that lead to conflict, therearenocalm,restrainingvoices,onlythosethateggon theinvolvedfromthesidelines. TrafficdrivesGuyaneseto madness,ormakesthemrunforcover.Citizenstakealeaf out of the thick playbook of veteran political figures, who themselvesaretheworstexamplesofallthatisgoingwrong inthiscountry Wespeaknotjustofthemockeriesthatoccur on our roads, but of the perversities that go on in remote hinterlandcommunities,andthefixesthathavebecomethe norm to make matters go away Who is not drunk with

Time to come together in national unity and denounce this aggression


A New and United Guyana (ANUG) condemns Saturday’s action by the Venezuelan Naval vessel in Guyana’s offshore maritime zone.

This action is a clear violationofinternationallaw and the common principles that govern Maritime

territories involving law abidingnations.

We c a l l o n t h e Government and people of Venezuela to adhere to the current legal process which is before the international court and to desist from all actsofaggression.

ANUGremainssteadfast in its commitment to the

Government and people of Guyana. We unequivocally s u p p o r t G u y a n a ’s sovereignty and territorial integrity Furthermore, we stand in solidarity with the GovernmentofGuyanainits pursuit of a peaceful resolution to this matter through the legitimate legal avenues. ANUGcallsonall

Guyanese to come together in national unity and denounce this aggression by the Venezuelan Navy and to work together for a peaceful resolution with our national, regional and international partners.


A NewandUnited Guyana

Guyana is not an “apartheid” state, nor is it “akin” to an “apartheid” state


Irecentlyhadtorespond to a presentation made by Vincent Alexander at a presession for civil society relating to Guyana’s Universal Periodic Review to be conducted by the UN Human Rights Council in May Mr.Alexander listed a number of human rights issues in Guyana, all of which were saturated with fabrications and barefaced lies. Because of space, my column limited response to onlyafewofthoselies.

Since then, Alexander’s response has been widely published in several newspapers. He essentially repeated those same lies. I have, therefore, no option but to reiterate that his presentationinGenevawasa totalbarefacedcompendium ofliesandmorelies.

Let me address upfront the “apartheid” issue becausemostofwhathesaid was in support of this proposition. In his widelypublished response, Alexander denied deeming Guyanaan“apartheid”state, which he concedes others havedone,withjustification. He confessed he only stated that Guyana is “akin” to an apartheid State. Need I say more?Hisconfessionisselfevidentiary

Guyana is not an “apartheid” state, nor is it “akin” to an “apartheid” state.Alexander and several like him have repeatedly made false assertions that

Guyana is an “apartheid” state or “akin” to an apartheidstate.Heusedboth terms “apartheid” and “akin to an apartheid” state in his presentation in Geneva

W h i c h e v e r w a y –“apartheid” or “akin to an apartheid” state – I unequivocally reject his proposition.

Whetheritis“apartheid” or “akin to an apartheid” state, he was portraying a falsenarrativebasedonbaldfaced, barefaced, ugly lies. Thereisno“ands,ifsorbuts” aboutit.

While not naming Mocha-Arcadia in his presentation, he made a blanket statement thatAfroGuyanese were forcefully removed from lands they have occupied As an example,Alexanderspokeof Afro-Guyanese residents in one community whose properties were forcefully dismantled from land which they had occupied for more than thirty-years. Alexander’s story was that the government’s pretext was it was constructing a highwayandthelandwasin theway Hesaidthatthereis no highway ever planned or that has been constructed where the land was located. He further alleged that the government gave others, clearlygivingtheimpression that these others were of a differentethnicdescent,land inthesamearea.

H e n e v e r o n c e mentioned that the specific

power, is driving drunk most likely exempt from radar detection,orseeminglydrunkenlymanglingGuyanesewho have the audacity to stand in their way As regular threatening road users do to their fellows, there is the mowingdownofthosewhoareobstaclestothefreeforall thatpoliticiansroutinelydemandastheirdue.

Onegoodthingisthattherearemorepolicetrafficranks ontheroads,eitheronmotorcyclesoronfoot.Thebadthing about their presence is that they seem to be in their own world,mindingtheirownbusiness,whichisnotnecessarily thebusinessthattheywereputontheroadstoaddress. That is,tokeepasharpeyeoutfortrafficviolators,eitherthrough speeding,pranks,orwhatputsothersontheroadindanger Themorerulesthereare,themoretherearedeaths,injuries, andabuses.

land he was referring to was land on which the residents had been squatting on. He alsonevermentionedthatthe residents were given notice as far back as 2008, that the government offered the relevant residents other reasonable transported land at no cost for relocation and o f f e r e d f i n a n c i a l compensation far above the appraised value for any property they had on the land, that most of the residents accepted the government’s offer and that only a small group, under pressure from the PNC and other groups closely linked to the PNC, refused to negotiate unless the government started the negotiation accepting that the small group must be givenlandwheretheychose and $US1M ($G200M) each.

Both what Alexander spokeofandtheinformation hedeliberatelyomittedwere eitherbald-faced,barefaced, uglyliesoranattempttogive a narrative that fall into the category of lies and more lies. The highway which he claimedwhileinGenevawas neverconstructedisonethat he himself has driven on, I amcertain,manytimes.The Heroes’ Highway is a spanking, new beautiful highwaythatthousandshave beendrivingon.

I am grateful that in his letter, he confessed that the road has actually been completed, therefore, rendering his “pretext” argument non-existent. But he insists still that the specific lands were never in thewayofthehighway The reserve land on the sides on the highway is not occupied by other people who Alexander alleged were given land by the government Both his allegations that no highway was constructed in the area where the specific lands are located and that others were given land in the same area arebarefaced,uglylies.

The relevant land became a matter that was addressed by the judiciary and the court ruled that the residentsweresquattingand, therefore,hadnolegalright. Thecourtnotonlydismissed the demand from the residents on the basis that they were squatting, but ordered them to pay $G2M each. Since then, the leader of the PNC asserted they gave “good advice” to the residents. But the residents today have been abandoned by Mr Alexander’s party or any of those associated with the “good advice”. It is the president and the government that have offered the same remedies that the vast majority of the residents had previously agreedtoandaccepted.

One of the many false allegations made in Geneva by Mr. Alexander was that promotion in the public serviceisnot“merit-based”, but was conducted with “presidential instructions” He made no mention that Guyana’s constitution provides for various service commissions,likethepublic service commission, the t e a c h i n g s e r v i c e commission, the judicial service commission and the police service commission. In supporting his contention that “merit-based” promotion has been abandoned in Guyana, he cited the example of police officersbeingprosecutedfor crimes as a pretext not to promotethem.

Icitedinmycolumnthat I know of only one example of a police officer who was charged, together with his wife, with a number of criminal charges involved with bank deposits of $800M.Imentionedthatthis officer was promoted to a s s i s t a n t p o l i c e commissionerlongbeforehe wascharged.

Henevermadeclearthat he was referring only to the periodwhenPaulSlowewas (Continuedonpage06)

PPP/C: Media and Misfits Guyana


Ihaveafewthingstosay regarding the misfits in the People’s Progressive Party/Civic and ‘supposed influencers in Guyana’ who use the local dailies for various purposes. A quick glance, covering the period Feb18-Mar022025reveals quiteafewstartlingrealities, but I will not get into ‘evidence’ for all of my statements, as time and spacewillbetooprohibitive. My overall comments relate to just two matters, first, the print media and secondly, Minister Charles Ramson Junior

My cursory perusal of the four dailies (Chronicle, Times, Stabroek and KaieteurNews)revealthata total of 188 letters were given space (in the time frame I mentioned), with Stabroek publishing 99, KaieteurNews55,Times24 and Chronicle 10 I personally glean from this, that if our local newspapers serve the purpose of electioneering and winning voters, then the combined government output (Chronicle and Times) is lagging in desperation. For one,andIcannotprovethis, both Chronicle and Times use a few selected writers, ensconced under various pseudonyms.

Specifically, the Chronicle, according to Freddie Kissoon, is notorious for using ghost writers. In “The Answer” (Oct 6, 2009-Kaieteur News),hedetailedthat“The fictitiousletterwritersinthe

Chronicle and the pseudonyms on the other, GINA, are the same people. What the Guyanese people need to know is that there aren’tdozensofrealpersons sending in letters to the Chronicle, praising the Government.Itisa‘factory’ turning out pen-names by a smallgroupofpeople.These people are PPP leaders, MinistersoftheGovernment and information officers at thestateagency,GINA.The strategy is to use a few hundred false names in the Chronicle so as to deceive people into thinking that there are citizens out there s u p p o r t i n g t h e Government.””

Ifirmlyholdthisview In fact, I think it has become quite onerous for Chronicle andTimestokeepthe‘letter factory’ productive. Why? First, the government is quitesuspiciousandwillnot trust a person ‘out of oblivion.’ The PPP/C needs authenticity from letter writers. And secondly, the ‘big-wigs’of the PPP/C are, as expected, quite busy, and cannotkeepup,moresothat their efforts reach to a selected group, as the Chronicle and Times have the smallest audience and reach. I only have to look at thesizeofbothandmakethe comparison with Stabroek New and Kaieteur News. I also can check with vendors andgetconfirmation.

Secondly, I will keep saying and can prove it too thatKaieteurNewsdoes‘far more’ and ‘far better’ PR work for the PPP/C than the

Chronicle and Times are c a p a b l e o f ( a s aforementioned, their letters writers form a small coterie and they reach a sparser audience).What I can say is thatinmyopinion,Stabroek News is in ‘vendetta mode’ concerning the PPP/C Seldom have I seen a proPPP/C letter of recent. I remind followers of ‘things Guyana’ that it was on the platform of Kaieteur News that PPP/C capitalised on duringthe‘riggingattempts’ andthisshouldhaveresulted i n s o m e k i n d o f commendation for Kaieteur News. I surmise that if the dailiesinfluencevoting,then PPP/C will be seriously challenged in the 2025 elections.

Editor, I now come to Minister Charles Ramson Jnr He seems to be the consummate ‘mis-fit’ in the PPP/Chierarchy Itislikein his best of efforts to gain ‘cross-overs’ for his party, actuallyendupwithhis‘too many’fauxpas.

For example, back in February, in “Enough is Enough,” a Neil Bacchus expressedtheangstofmany Guyanese when he ‘waxed’ angrythatthe“…purported One-Guyana Government didnotinvitetheOpposition members and the Leader of the Opposition to the allimportant Flag Raising ceremony” Neil had the righttobeupsetas‘apublic apology’ cannot suffice. He reasoned that ‘some Officer or office was responsible’ andhencesomekindof


does not have the luxury to “dance between the raindrops”


Kindly permit me the opportunity to offer an opinion on the 28 February 2025pressconferenceinthe White House: It was a tragicomedystarringDonald Trump of the Apprentice Show and Volodymyr Zelinskyy of The Servant of the People Show While my sympathies are with Zelenskyy and Ukraine, one must recognize that he did his country a disservice. Let me elaborate: First, Zelenskyy has a working knowledge of English and speaks with a thick jarring accent.Hismessagegetslost inhisdelivery Insuchahigh stakes negotiation and press event, he should have walked with a gorgeous female translator who looked like Trump’s wife and spoke flawless English. This would appeal to Trump’sprurienttendencies. InGuyaneselingo:youhave to set a twa-twa to catch a twa-twa.

Second, using a translator [even though Zelenskyy can speak English] would have given him a tactical advantage: while the interpreter is translating, Zelensky would havetimetobetterassessthe situation and formulate an appropriate response in his language He went to Washington D.C. to get a

deal done. Instead, he was ensnaredinashoutingmatch withTrumpandVance.

Third, Trump is an egotist. Zelenskyy went to the White House with a mission: to get a deal done. He did not understand that flattery could have gotten himeverywhere.LookatSir Keir Starmer: he came with an invitation from King Charles. Clearly, appealing to Trump’s desire for pedigree: Trump’s thinking, hereistheKingpanderingto me. Zelenskyy should have arrived at the White House bearingagift.

Iwouldhavesuggesteda medal of the highest order that Ukraine can come up with.Iwouldevenencrustit with diamonds. In the word of the greatAfrican scholarAliMazrui,“Itisnotbribery but an act of prior appreciation.”

Fourth, this Public Relations debacle has great

repercussion for Ukraine Zelenskyy was out of his depth. This was a real time demonstration of the Peter Principle- employees are promoted based on their successinpreviousjobsuntil they reach a level at which they are no longer competent. Zelenskyy has reachedhismaxandoughtto resign. Zelenskyy reminds meofour1961PRdisasterin the White House. Cheddi Jagan’s evasive answers got himintroublewithKennedy and the rest is history Zelensky’s debacle ought to beateachingmomentforour leaders. Guyana does not have the luxury to “dance between the raindrops.” We mustchooseaside;webetter learnthatinAmericathereis anewsheriffintown,andhe is tough God grant us wisdom to navigate the futureandSlavaUkraini.

Norton continues to make the same mistake


In September 2023, I raised concerns about the Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton, failing to take a firm stance against President Irfaan Ali

r e g a r d i n g t h e Venezuela/Guyana border dispute.Backthen,theissue wasVenezuela’srejectionof Guyana’s oil block sales. Today, I find myself

revisiting the issue with growing alarm, as Norton continues to make the same mistake—meetingwithAli without setting clear conditions, while Ali unabashedly disregards the Constitution and Laws of Guyana, and the interests of the very people Norton is supposedtorepresent. By agreeing to meet Ali

without demanding

accountability, Norton allows Ali to show open contempt for both his office and the citizens he represents.

This latest affront came yesterday when Norton was invited by Ali to be briefed on the Venezuelan naval incursion into Guyana’s waters — a meetingAli had already had with foreign interests, leaving Norton’s

PPP/C: Media and Misfits...


disciplinary measure

Another case in point is found in the letter, “Oil and Gas, Sports, and Minister Ramson” (Jun 11, 2024), in which Prescott Mann, “At a personallevel(statedthat)if myanalysisisnearthetruth, itisthatCharlesRamsonJnr, has been relegated to his present portfolio as he was overly ambitious and ‘too bright’forhisowngood,and for sure too bright for Bharrat Jagdeo, who saw himastheenfantterrible. Let us remember back in June 2018 that this man, Ramson, stated that Guyana needs high-quality leadership and for him this redoundedto“…leadership thatexudesintegrity,passion and vision. This would also mean leadership that is technically sound across many key disciplines like oil,economics,businessand law…and,leadershipwhich

understands the meaning of family and having families oftheirown.”

Well, the ‘reduced’ Ramson,inSports,cannotbe a happy man. His state of emotional dissatisfaction willofcourseeventuateinto natural lapses. His training, expectation, expertise (in LawandGas)andeducation will only serve with maximum efficacy in portfolios relevant to his background I can understand Anil Nandlall being the ‘best-suited’ for things legal, but how about Prescott Mann’s excerpt: “Imagine Guyana’s Oil and Gas Sector is being embarrassed, and this man (Ramson) is not there to say a word Minister Vickram Bharrat is the consummate mediocre (in OilandGas) hemanifests an annoying shallowness as the Minister of Natural Resources, where he is

protectivelybushelledunder B

d dissimulations (as Jagdeo himselfbluffsandblunders).

How about another “gauchemoment”involving Minister Ramson? Well, I ask readers to ponder upon why the “OPPOSITION (was calling) FOR THE REMOVAL OF our ‘CULTURE’, YOUTH & SPORT MINISTER, CHARLES RAMSON JR,” over his handling of a racial attack on national artist, Ian IvorThom.

Thismatter,eventhough deemed ‘closed’, has left a sordid dint on him and the PPP/C by extension If PPP/C are to remain in power, then their hope resides not in the influence ofthelocaldailies,norinthe incompetence of some ministers.

Yourstruly, GaylordRiley

participation not just redundant, but insulting This is a clear example of h o w A l i ’s r e g i m e undermines the position of the Opposition and fails to respect the constitutional role of the Leader of the Opposition.

Thisisaslapintheface to every Guyanese citizen, especiallyasitplaysdirectly intothehandsofVenezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro, who is no doubt exploiting the growing divisions in our society

Letusnotforgethowthe Jagdeo/Ali regime has consistently sidelined the opposition, disregarding the constitutional mandate to involve it in governance matters.

TheOppositionhasbeen routinely excluded from national events, including theRepublicanFlagRaising. Similarly, the regime has been relentless in its marginalisation of the African community and other groups who dare to voice alternative views.Yet, when it suits them, they suddenly consider the Opposition a valuable asset, especially when it comes to defending the country’s borders.

Thishypocrisyisevident when one recalls how the Opposition’s calls for biometric identification to ensurefree,fair,andcredible e

electoral reform, the Jagdeo/Ali regime has ignored these concerns.Yet, when it comes to Venezuela’saggression,they seek the Opposition’s help, treating their role as a mere tactical necessity in defence mat

acknowledgingtheirbroader role in governance and nationaldevelopment.

a responsibility to not only respond to external threats but also to protect and advance the rights of every citizen in an inclusive, participatory democracy

Each group and individual in Guyana should have the opportunity to develop to his or her fullest potential andenjoyafairshareofthe nation’sresources

The Government must domorethanpostureasthe defenders of borders, it mustactivelyengageinthe well-beingofitscitizens

Alineedstobereminded that his role as President goes beyond military readiness, it extends to ensuring the daily wellbeing of all Guyanese Norton, as Leader of the Opposition, is in a unique position to hold him to account.

The concerns of everyday citizens — those who can’t afford basic necessities, those burdened by rising costs, those left behind in this government’s

pursuit of power — must be placed front and center in any discussions about Guyana’sfuture. These issues, which are as urgent as national security,cannotbetreatedas secondaryoroverlooked. Guyana’s borders are important, and the security of the nation is a shared responsibility But security should not come at the expenseofcitizens’rightsto a decent life. It is absurd for the Government to expect unquestioned support from those it consistently marginalises.

Norton should be setting clear conditions for engagement with Ali: conditions that address the persistent failures of g o v e r n a n c e , t h e widespread neglect of marginalisedcommunities, andtheseriousinequalities that persist across the nation

Let me be clear: Maduroisnotfooledbythe spectacle of an Ali-Norton meeting A significant s


se socie

y is growing disillusioned with the Ali/Jagdeoregime’sfailure to include them and their leaders in meaningful governance

Where Ali refuses to change course, Norton must hold him accountable not enable his regime’s disregard for the people andtheirrights


Guyana is not an “apartheid” state...



Inanycase,thematterIwasaddressingwere thetwothingshestatedinGeneva–first,that promotions were not “merit-based” and, second,thatthegovernmentwasprosecuting police officers as a pretext not to promote them.

He raised the issue of recent police promotions by the Police Service Commission, something that happened after my column was published But his observation about the ethnic breakdown of the senior officers’promotion is instructive. He clearly insinuated the promotions reflectedethnicdiscrimination.

By his own observation, his proposition isthattheseofficerswerenotpromotedbased on merits. He used my figures which show thatthevastmajorityofpersonsemployedin themilitary,policeorpublicserviceareAfroGuyanese to justify why being of another ethnicgroupisevidencethatapersonwasnot promoted based on merit. This is racist and divisivetalk.Irejectit.

ItotallyrejectAlexander’sassertionthat thehierarchyinanyoftheservices–police, army, public service, teaching and the judiciary–are“nowdisproportionately,and in some instances, absolutely dominated by Indo-Guyanese”.This is another of his ugly


In terms of Afro-Guyanese being engaged in businesses and as contractors, therehaveneverbeenmoreAfro-Guyaneseowned businesses, more Afro-Guyanese contractorseverinGuyana.

HereisatruththatAlexanderandhisilk cannotescape-in2025,thenumberofAfroGuyanesewhohavestartedbusinesses,have accesstocontracts,houselots,scholarships, etc. are far, far more than in 2020 or ever before.

There is another fact thatAlexander and hisilkhavetodealwith–thenumberofbig Afro-Guyanese contractors today exceed by far what existed at any other time in our history In addition, not a single new AfroGuyanesecontractoremergedbetween2015 and2020whenhispartywasingovernment.

I will address other matters that Mr Alexander is guilty of falsehoods during his presentationinGenevaatanothertime.

For now, I posit that Alexander has furthershown thatheiswillingtousefalse narrativestoachievetheobjectiveofsowing ethnicdivisioninourcountry

Icompletelyandunequivocallyrejecthis proposition that Guyana is an “apartheid” stateoris“akintoanapartheid”state.



Europe stands with Zelensky after shunned by US

(Reuters)-BritishPrime Minister Keir Starmer said onSundayEuropeanleaders had agreed to draw up a Ukrainepeaceplantotaketo theUnitedStates,avitalstep forWashingtontobeableto offer security guarantees Kyiv says are vital to deter Russia.

At a summit in London j

y clashed with U.S. President DonaldTrump and cut short

a visit toWashington, world leadersofferedastrongshow of support to the Ukrainian presidentandpromisedtodo moretohelphisnation.

European leaders agreed they must spend more on defence to show Trump the continent can protect itself, and with many nations struggling with already stretchedpublicfinances,the EuropeanCommissionchief suggested the bloc could easeitsrulesarounddebt.

Starmer told Europe's leaders they must all "step up" to help achieve and enforce

Starmer, who welcomed avisiblyshakenZelenskyon Saturday with a warm hug, saidBritain,Ukraine,France and some other nations would form a "coalition of the willing" and draw up a peaceplantotaketoTrump. He did not mention which other nations, but said more countries were willing to join.

"Weareatacrossroadsin historytoday,"Starmersaid. "This is not a moment for more talk. It's time to act. Timetostepupandleadand to unite around a new plan for a just and enduring peace."

After Trump's shouting match with Zelensky in the Oval Office raised fears of the U.S. pulling support for Ukraine and instead imposing a peace plan negotiated with Russia, Europe is scrambling to ensure Kyiv is not squeezed outofanytalks.

To do so, several leaders said they must increase defence spendingsomething that could help bringTrumponsidetooffer a U.S. security guarantee in theeventofpeace.

"After a long time of underinvestment,itisnowof utmostimportancetostepup thedefenceinvestmentfora prolonged period of time," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyentoldreporters.

"Member states need more fiscal space to do a surge in defence spending," she said, adding Europe neededtoturn"Ukraineinto a steel porcupine that is indigestible for potential invaders".

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said leaders agreed Europe needed to take on more responsibility and start bearing the burden of "more spending on its defence budgets within NATO".

He added the leaders all agreed they must keep close tieswiththeU.S.



Lacking the weaponry and depth of ammunition stocks of the U.S., Europe hopes to convince Trump that it can defend itself, but that Russia will only adhere to a peace deal that comes with the backing of the UnitedStates.

Talks with the U.S. have centred on Washington providing a so-called backstop for a European peacekeeping role, possibly in the form of air cover, intelligenceandsurveillance and a greater as yet unspecifiedthreatifRussian President Vladimir Putin again sought to take more territory

Butcrucialtogettingany agreementfromTrumpisfor Europeannationstoincrease defence spending and signal they would take part in any pea

mer acknowledged was difficult togetunanimityon.


defence spending before his visit to Washington last week, and NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte said some European leaders had privately set out new plans on defence spending at the meeting but he declined to givedetails.


TrumphasupendedU.S. policy on the three-year-old war since he returned to the White House in January, casting doubt on its military and political support for Ukraine - and Europe - and ending the isolation of Moscow

He had blindsided Europe by calling Putin withoutwarningandsending adelegationtoSaudiArabia fortalkswithRussiawithout including Ukraine or Europe.

Trump has falsely suggested that Kyiv was responsible for starting the war and on Friday, he (Continuedonpage16)

The oil companies are not interlopers

There are few things more wearisome than a bully in a schoolyard who insists on pushing boundaries that have long since been set. Venezuela, that old and persistent antagonist,hasmadeahabit oflayingclaimtowhatisnot its own, dressing its territorial ambitions in the robes of grievance and sovereignty

Its latest refrain is that the oil companies operating inthewatersoffthecoastof Guyana are acting illegally, that they are trespassers in disputed territory, and that their work is a violation of Venezuela’s rights. It is an old song, sung slightly offkey, with a chorus that changeseverytimethefacts getintheway

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has already spoken on this matter, if not initsfinalvoice,thenatleast in a firm and unmistakable tone In its provisional measures, the Court ordered thatVenezueladonothingto alterthesituationinthearea under dispute. What this means, in plain language, is thatVenezuelamustnotseek to upset the status quo ante—the state of affairs before it began its latest roundofsaber-rattling.

That state of affairs is simple: Guyana, in the full exercise of its sovereign rights, has granted oil exploration and production licenses in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ), in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h international law. Venezuela’s claim to illegality, therefore, is not only spurious but is itself a transgression of the ICJ’s

order If Venezuela truly respects the rule of international regardless of whether its recognizes the jurisdiction of the ICJ, it must stay its hand until the Court delivers its final ruling.

Butbulliesseldomabide bytherules.Venezuela,with an air of practised indignation, continues to insist that Guyana has acted i m p r o p e r l y, t h a t

ExxonMobil and other oil companies are guilty of somegrandactoftrespass.It does so even as it flouts the very order that demands it keepitsactionsincheck.The irony is thick enough to cut withaknife.

One might pause here and consider the nature of the ICJ’s provisional measures These are not mere suggestions. They are binding, and they exist preciselytopreventthekind of reckless brinkmanship that Venezuela seems eager toengagein.

TheCourt,initswisdom, recognizes that disputes of this magnitude require a careful and measured process,oneinwhichneither party should be permitted to actunilaterallytochangethe existing order of things. If Venezuelawishedtobeseen asaresponsibleinternational actor, it would heed this directive.

Instead, it persists in behaving as though the judgment of the Court is somethingtobeignored.

It is worth recalling that Venezuela’s position on this matter has been an evolving fiction. At times, it has laid fullandunqualifiedclaimto the Essequibo region, insisting that all lands and

waters associated with it are Venezuelan territory At other times, it has spoken in more circumspect tones, referring to the area as disputed and asserting that Guyanahasnorighttoissue explorationlicenses.

This is the language of uncertainty, the argument of a claimant who has not yet settled on his own story A nation confident in its territorial claim does not speak in shifting narratives; it states its case plainly and leavesthelawtodecide.

Guyana, by contrast, has not wavered. Its position is rooted in legal certainty: the waters in which oil production is taking place fallsquarelywithinitsEEZ, as defined by the 1899 Arbitral Award and by international maritime law

The ICJ’s order, far from lending credence to Venezuela’s claims, serves only to reinforce the fundamental principle that the situation should not be disturbeduntiltheCourthas rendereditsfinaldecision.

In other words, Guyana’s sovereignty remains intact, its rights unimpaired,anditsabilityto develop its resources undiminished.

The Venezuelan government would do well to recognize the folly of its current course. To continue pressingitsargumentthatoil companies are operating illegally is not only intellectually dishonest but legallyindefensible.

For the oil companies, the situation is clearer still. They operate under the authority of the Guyanese government, in accordance with international law, and



Demboyshearsomepeoplehollering fuh war Dem want Guyana send gunboat fuh chase out demVenezuelan navy from wewaters.Buthearnah,isbestdemsame people put on some floaties and go swim out deh, cause Guyana navy barely got enoughboatfuhpatroldehselffarlessgo playingbattleshipwithVenezuela.

Anybody who talking ‘bout military action need fuh tek a deep breath and ask demself one question—if a confrontation start, how long it gon last? Five minutes. That’s it. Five minutes before Venezuela overpoweranythingwecouldputoutdeh. Dem boys ain’t making joke. Venezuela militarybigger,betterequipped,andbeen preparing fuh fight long before we even findoil.

Some people seh de government shouldastrengthendearmy Butlookhow long we bin strengthening de army This

under the protection of a legalorderthathasnotbeen overturned. They are not interlopers, nor are they engaged in an act of unlawfulaggression.

They are doing what businesses do: investing in development, creating wealth, and contributing to theprosperityofanationthat

has every right to chart its own economic course

Venezuela’s suggestion that they are engaged in illegal activities is not only unfoundedbutreckless.Itis an attempt to intimidate and destabilize, a tactic as transparentasitistiresome.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the

necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

governmentputmoreresourcesindefence than any other sector Even Burnham could not preventVenezuela from tekkin’ halfofAnkokowithoutasinglebulletfire. Sowhademreallywant?

Guyana ain’t a war country We defencealwaysbeendiplomacy Fromday one,webeenhandlingthisthingdewayit should through de courts, through diplomacy,throughcommonsense.Cause war ain’t no picnic in de park. Look at Gaza, look at Ukraine Is death, destruction,andmisery Andanybodywho thinkwargonboostnationalismneedfuh tekatriptothemplacesandseeifdemstill feelpatrioticwhenbombsstartfalling. Dem boys seh, let de big boys handle this de right way Guyana never back down,butwealsoneverstupid.Warain’t fuhwe,anditneverwas. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.


Venezuela and Guyana, studies in forced harmony

Though jaded from overuse, I still use it. There are times when a picture speaksathousandwords. To that I add that the same picture ushers in a million sliversoflight

The first picture is of President Irfaan Ali and Guyana's Leader of the Opposition, Mr Aubrey Norton The president's hand is outstretched and clasping, a smile of sorts gracing his lips Mr. Norton's elbow is tight againsthisbody,andhislips

aredrawnthin. Atbest,itisa formalshakingofhandsina moment of national challenge. At a lesser level, it is a forced encounter, one thatmakesMr Nortonlooks ill at ease, as if wishing that hedidn'thavetobepartofa publicpretense. Thesecondpictureofthe two leaders in KN is cold.

President Ali has been in chargeforalmostfiveyears; hehasgottenmoreschooled with political finery, the leadership requirements of the hour Venezuelan Coast

Guardvesselsintruding. That pictures are the story of where Guyana is. The circumstances that brought them together, influenced their forced gathering,havebeenbrought aboutbyVenezuela.

It covets a big piece of Guyana,willnotceaseinits efforts, Maduro or no Maduro. Guyanese need to get this in their heads Guyanesepoliticiansneedto come to that place, which informs,whichcompels:the houseistoobitterlydivided.

Thenationalhouseisbuilton sand.

The house of Guyana doesn't require too much for ittotrip.

The pictures of a meeting, a handshake, a convenient smile, and a telling grimness conveyed much to me. I don't think that I am reading too much into that still tableau now etched in consciousness, frozenintime.

This country is in trouble, and it is yet to appreciatehowdeepitruns.

If I point a finger at one side, I am letting the other side off the hook Guyanese havehadaneternityof thatreciprocalselectivity

S e v e n t y y e a r s o f uninterrupted reminding and mutual taunting leading nowhere. If I must be the only voice that stands for what is different, then that's how so be it. Venezuela brings embattled political forcestogethermomentarily

But what of the sum of the Guyanese people? Where are their hearts? Where is their love for this country? Oristhehatingofeachother so much more vital to local existence, that it conquers everythingelse?

Including that which has this country's ongoing disfigurement as part of the national journey It is not a goodwaytoliveatanytime. It is the worst way to be duringnationalascendancy

If I owned a newspaper, the headline would be: MadurobringsPPPandPNC together Caracas is the on and off again ointment that puts a polish on the wounds thatfesterlocally Itissucha thin, transparent poultice that even the stillness of a newspaper picture can relay that wrenching distance between those coming together under special circumstances I am thinking of a wake house, where warring relations gather in a shaky, uneasy truce.

If this is what I stare at when the Venezuelan Coast Guard steamed under its commands, then I weigh what could be as later this yeardrawsnearer

Forbeneathforcedshake and smile stood glacial undercurrents. Hostile may be going too far But to say warm may find me guilty of overactive imagination, strainsofoverexaggerating.

It is prudent to be aware that our strongest allies would still need time to deploywhatevermustbe.

Itisevenmoreprudent to appreciate that an incursionofsomemagnitude

could happen in a hurry and covermuchterritory Ispeak notonlyofarivercrossedor of land occupied. I write of incursions that could possibly unravel the mental state of Guyanese. Clearly, the leaders of this country, and every single section of the Guyanese people, have the most urgent calling to rethinkwherethissocietyis, andwhatareitscombustible realities. Guyana's racial and political deformities are its most dangerous enemies. To continue in the same manner as before is a program for local calamity The national fraternal battling can continue full strength, with every appearance of intensifying; that battling could be with a difference.

While Guyanese drain their energies by torturing themselves, what is theirs could be in the hands of others. One is a neighbour At present, there are those other outsiders, who call themselves partners and neighbours,too. So,thereis thisgreatlocalthinking,this dependency, that they will runtotherescueeverytime. Guyanese, especially leaders, had better be wiser Guyana is a part of a larger picture. It is one that could change in a hurry, one that makes the current priority that this country enjoys become secondary When the appeals for help are made, it would be a tragedy tofindoutthattheonlyones answering are those right here.

ThatSNandKNpictures demand some considerable enhancement Political leadersknowfullywellwhat Imean. Eachoneofthem.

(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

8 killed in road accidents last week

Eight people were killed in separate road accidents last week adding to five the previousweek.

Among those persons who perished include: a married couple, 39-year-old Shane Tyndall and 35-yearold Shabeca Gordon; a 32year-oldpedalcyclistKeron DeFreitas; 19-year-old AnnalisaSmith,18-year-old DavenandBernard;28-yearold Reion Alphonso; 62 –year –old Leon Marks, and apedestrian(namecurrently unknown).

The recent fatalities

further highlight the increasingnumberofdeadly accidents on the roadways. Inamostrecentreport,three separate accidents occurred on Friday, resulting in the deaths of DeFreitas, Bernard, Alphonso, Marks, and a pedestrian. Police reported that DeFreitas was killed in a collision with a truckintheHillFootareaon t

“Enquiriesdisclosedthatthe lorry was proceeding west alongthesoutherndrivelane ofHillFootRoad,whilstthe pedalcyclistwasproceeding in the same direction on the western side of the road, in front of the lorry,” police said.

As the truck was overtaking DeFreitas, the frontleftportionofthetruck struck him, causing him to fall onto the roadway. Subsequently, the front wheel of the truck rolled overthemanandhisbicycle. DeFreitas,waspickedupby public-spirited citizens and rushed to the Diamond DiagnosticCenter,wherehe was pronounced dead on arrival.

The second accident involving two motorcycles and a car on the Essequibo Coast,Region2,claimedthe lives of Bernard from Onderneeming, Essequibo Coast, Alphonso from Lot 660 Charity Extension Scheme, Essequibo Coast, and Marks of Lot 214 Hoppie Street Dartmouth.

All victims were on motorcycles.Policereported thatMarksandBernarddied atthescene,whileAlphonso, who was a pillion rider, succumbed to his injuries while receiving treatment in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Suddie Public Hospital.

The driver of the car, a 69-year-old farmer, who is currently in police custody, toldauthorities thathewas driving north when a motorcyclewithbrightlights travelling in the opposite direction affected his

visibility of the road. He allegedthatduetotheimpact on his vision he slowed down his car but another motorcycle traveling behind his car overtook him but collided head on with the brightlightmotorcycle.

“A loud impact and an explosion occurred with both motorcycles, which were then engulfed in flames,” police said Alphonso was thrown onto the car's windshield before landing on the road, while Bernard fell near his bike and sustained severe burns ontheupperpartofhisbody Marks and Alphonso was picked up and taken to the Oscar Joseph Hospital Markswaspronounceddead on arrival while Alphonso wastransferredtotheSuddie PublicHospital'sICUwhere helaterdied.

A third fatality occurred at Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara (EBD) around 11:11hwhenatruckstrucka pedestrian.Thetruck,owned by Toolsie Persaud Limited, collided with a male pedestrian attempting to c r o s s t h e r o a d Investigations revealed that the truck was heading south along the eastern driving lane of the Bagotstown Public Road when the pedestrianattemptedtocross the road from east to west intothepathofthelorryand a collision occurred causing both of the pedestrian's legs to be crushed. The truck driver identified as Wayne McBean,andpublic-spirited citizens rushed the injured man to the Diamond DiagnosticCenter,wherehe was pronounced dead on arrival.

Last Thursday, the married couple, Tyndall and Gordon died after their vehicle collided with a concrete rail, and flipped several times at Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD). The accident occurred at about 08:00hatHaagsBoschmain access road (Dump Site Road), Eccles. The couple resides at Lot 609 East Ruimveldt, Georgetown

According to a friend of Gordon, Tyndall was taking hertoworkatthetimeofthe accident Police reported thatthecarwhichwasdriven by Tyndall was proceeding east along the northern driving lane of Dump Site road at a fast rate when the driver lost control and collided with a concrete rail ontheedgeoftheroad.

“As a result of the collision, the vehicle 'flipped' several times and ended up 130 feet further (Continuedonpage16)

Dead: Davenand Bernard Dead: Shane Tyndall and Shabeca Gordon Dead: Annalisa Smith

Eco Atlantic eyes 4.5B barrels of oil with new Orinduik Block drill campaign for

Canadian Exploration Company, Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas Ltd. is advancing plans for a 2025 drilling campaign at the Orinduik Block offshore Guyana, targeting stacked Cretaceous reservoirssimilartothosefoundin theprolificStabroekBlock.

The company's latest Competent Person's Report (CPR) estimates gross prospective resources at 4.5 billion barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE) in the block.

As part of its strategy, Eco Atlantic has initiated a formal farm-outprocesstoattractpartners forthenextphaseofexploration.

The company, which holds a 100%workinginterest(WI)inthe blocksaidinits2025overviewthat it is actively seeking new partners to support its 2025 drilling campaign targeting multi-millionbarrel reserves in the Cretaceous formation.

In November 2023, Eco Atlantic completed the acquisition of a 60% operated interest in the Orinduik Block from Tullow Guyana for US$700,000 in cash, along with future contingent


royalty considerations. The block, covering 1,354 square kilometers and located approximately 170 kilometers offshore Guyana is adjacent to the prolific Stabroek Block which is operated by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited that is estimate to hold 11.6 billion barrelsofoil.

Eco said that it entered the secondphaseofthesecondrenewal period in January 2024. Notably, the Orinduik Block has already demonstratedaworkingpetroleum system, with two confirmed discoveries Jethro-1 and Joe1—madein2019intheLowerand Upper Tertiary formations. While both finds contained heavy oil, further analysis is ongoing to determinedevelopmentfeasibility Eco's technical strategy includes targeting stacked pay intervals within a proven marine shale source rock system, with three primary reservoirs: Cretaceous sandstones, Tertiary sandstones, andCretaceouscarbonates. Itwas stated that drilling will focus on multiple stratigraphic and structural traps at depths ranging from4,000to5,500meters.


Eco Licences (Directly and indirectly Held)

Active Licences

Available Licences

Available Licences Discoveries

Non-commercial Discoveries


Pompeo bats for U.S. interests

...says Maduro will not be allowed to violate Guyana's sovereignty

Fo r m e r U S

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has asserted that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro will not be allowed to endangerAmericaninterests or violate Guyana's sovereignty.

Pompeo posted on X

(formerly Twitter), “America First means not lettingthugslikeVenezuela's Maduro put American interest at risk and violate Guyana'ssovereignty.”

His statement follows

Venezuela's latest provocation, in which an armedpatrolship,Guaiquerí (PO 11), illegally entered Guyana's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) on Saturday and threatened

ExxonMobil Guyana's Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel,Prosperity

ExxonMobil Guyana

Limited (EMGL) is a subsidiary of U.S oil giant ExxonMobil Corporation

EMGListheoperatorofthe StabroekBlockholding45% interest alongside its partners Hess (another U.S oil company) and China's CNOOC, both holding 30% a n d 2 5 % i n t e r e s t respectively

Exxon is currently producingoilatthreeFPSOs in the oil-rich Stabroek Block, and five drill rigs. Exxon's production rate is currently over 600,000 barrels per day (bpd) Venezuela has long claimed more than two-thirds of Guyana'ssovereignterritory

– the resource rich Essequibo region The Guyana-Venezuela border controversy case is still pending before the International Court of Justice(ICJ).

I n r e a c t i n g t o Venezuela's aggression, President Irfaan Ali made it clear that his government is addressingthesituationwith

seriousness and had summoned Venezuela's Ambassador to Guyana, Carlos Perez, to protest this latestactofaggression.

Aformalprotestwillalso be made in Caracas by Guyana's Embassy there Guyanahasalsoinformedits partners, the United States (U.S.), the United Kingdom (UK), France, Regional Security System (RSS), and the Caribbean Community

(CARICOM),andtheyhave all responded positively, assuredPresidentAli.

“And we continue to workwithotherneighbours, Brazil, at the military level andattheleveloftheState,”

the president stated.

PresidentAlisaidGuyanais firmlycommittedtotherule of international law, to peaceful resolution of controversies, and to the powerofdiplomacy

“But,makenomistakeof it: fortified by the strong voices and resolute support ofourinternationalpartners, Guyana will not allow Maduro and Venezuela to threaten or violate our sovereignty and territorial integrity,”hestated.

The head-of-state said Guyana appreciates “greatly the international solidarity andunwaveringsupportthat have been extended to us by ourinternationalpartnerson thismatter.”

2023 Argyle Declaration,

Venezuela are bound by, to

y confrontationalactions.

Labeling Venezuela's action as provocation, CARICOM further stated that such a move runs counter to the agreed (Continuedonpage17)

FormerUnitedStates SecretaryofState, Mike Pompeo

“Wewillremaininclose contact with our partners in p

interests and maintaining peace in our Region,” PresidentAlisaid.

Also in a statement the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) called on Venezuelatoordertheurgent removal of the vessel from Guyana'swatersandfurther, to refrain from engaging with the FPSO platforms, as ha

d CARICOM reiterated its unwavering support for the sovereignty and territorial integrityofGuyana.

The body reminded that such acts of aggression and provocation are contrary to international law and the

Govt. gives all 22 local authority areas in Reg. 6 mini excavators

Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha on Saturday handed over eight mini excavators to various Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) in Region Six (EastBerbice–Corentyne).Overthepastfew weeks,severalNDCsacrossthecountryhave benefitedfromsimilarinitiativesaspartofthe government's efforts to empower local authorityareaswiththenecessaryequipment tofunctioneffectively

WhileatTalorgieontheCorentyneCoast, MinisterMustaphadisclosedthatall22local authority areas in the region were now equipped with mini excavators to assist with maintaining the internal drainage systems across the region. He stated that while the government would continue to undertake major drainage works across the country, it had also committed to ensuring that NDCs and municipalities had the resources to functionintheirvariouscapacities.

“HisExcellency,PresidentDr.IrfaanAli, gave us a mandate to ensure all of the NDCs

andmunicipalitiesinthecountryareequipped to better function. We've already distributed excavators to NDCs in Regions Three, Four, andFive,andtoday,weareheretocomplete thisregion.

Today, all 22 local authority areas in Region Six, each have a mini excavator to assist with maintaining internal drainage channels.

We are working to equip all of the local authority bodies with the necessary equipment so that they can carry out their responsibilities. The central government has itsfunctions,whilethelocalauthoritieshave theirfunctions.

While, over the years, subventions to these local authority bodies have increased tremendously,thegovernmentisstillworking toensuretheyhavethenecessaryresourcesto functionintheirvariouscapacities,”Minister Mustapha said according to a Ministry of Agriculture press release.Minister Mustapha (Continuedonpage16)

Bodies of father and son found two days after boat mishap

After nearly 48 hours, the bodies of a father and his son who went missing followingaboatmishapintheBerbiceRiver wererecoveredonSundaymorning.

The incident occurred on Friday afternoon The bodies of 24-year-old Reekesh Singh and 63-year-old Rajindra Singh, both from NumberThree Settlement, Blairmont,WestCoastBerbice,werelocated, according to Berbice Commander Kurleigh Simon. Speaking with Kaieteur News on Sunday, Simon confirmed the recovery,

stating, “both bodies were recovered this morning.”

Kaieteur News reported that the father andsonwerefeareddrownedaftertheirboat capsized in the Berbice River on Friday afternoon.

According to reports, the Singhs were part of a crew returning from a hunting trip when their wooden boat overturned near Everton,EastBankBerbice.Whiletheother menwereabletoswimtoshore,Rajindraand Reekeshdisappearedinthewater

The excavators that were handed over to the NDCs in Region Six
Dead: Rajindra Singh
Dead: Reekesh Singh

‘Uncertainty on Gas-to-Energy completion gravely concerning’ ...but third delay

The People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) has said that the uncertainty surrounding the completion oftheGas-to-Energyproject isgravelyconcerning.

Speaking at the party's weeklypressconferencelast Friday, Economist and Advisor to the PNCR Elson Low told the media that this third delay is not greatly surprising but it highlights thatthegovernmentdoesnot know what they are about.

"With a project completion date now set sometime in 2026, it is clear that the PNCR/APNU, as the next government, will have to save and open the project. Letusremindthenationthat the gas-to-energy project was fully conceptualised by the APNU+AFC Coalition government, but has since been mismanaged by the PPPregime,"Lowstressed.

He reminded that his party had highlighted that the only way for the government to deliver on its promisetoreduceelectricity costs by 50% in 2025, is to approach the House for fundingtodirectlysubsidise

electricity supply “Therefore, citizens should expect further frantic plundering of the Natural Resource Fund, as well as therushedpassageofalarge supplementary budget of tens of billions,” Low cautioned.

He said that, "Vice President Jagdeo's recent waffling and deflection

about the financial implications of this latest d e l a y s m a c k o f incompetence and murkiness.Henotedthatthe governmentisstillassessing the cost of the delay,

i n c l u d i n g r e l a t e d management costs, but gave noestimateofthecostsofthe previousdelays."Lowurged that these costs must be accounted for and made public,ashebelievesthatthe project is currently at least twoorthreetimesitsoriginal

cost, and this will significantly impact the budget of a PNCR/APNU governmentcomenextyear

Inthesamevein,thetwo arbitration suits against the government for this project alsohaveaseriesoffinancial risksattached.Theseinclude the amounts of the suits whichappearstomeroughly around US$100M, in additiontotheongoinglegal costs of the proceedings.

"WeremindGuyanesethatit isunderthePPP'swatchthat there have been a series of

not surprising - PNCR says

(GoG) in December 2022 to build a Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) plant and a 300megawatt natural gas fire plant at Wales, West Bank Demerara. The construction wasdelayedfollowingalate handover of the site to the contractor, which led to a dispute between the GoG and the contractor While thatmatterwasforwardedto the Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Board (DAAB), government said

EconomistandAdvisor tothePNCR, Elson Low

stumbling blocks and complications which have led to this contentious situation.Ifthisprojectwere monitoredmoreclosely,and the appropriate site studies done before it was put into motion,noneoftheseissues would have emerged," the economistsaid.

He added that, recently, thegovernmenthasbegunto speakaboutasecondgas-toenergy project at the same Wales location that has proventobesoproblematic.

“Whilethisisintendedtobe privately funded, the same concerns remain. The costs of soil remediation need to be calculated and factored into any agreement with a private power plant investor to avoid potential disputes."

“Therefore, there must be thoroughduediligenceonall shortlisted bidders, as well as any bidders who is a s p e c i a l l y c r e a t e d consortium, all of the beneficial owners must be clearly identified "to expose any PPP nepotism and cronyism." Additionally, proven experience in the construction and operation ofsuchpowerplantsmustbe a requirement. The entire process must be transparent and must duly respect the people'srighttoknow

Following recent announcement by Head of the Gas-to-Energy (GTE)

Taskforce, Winston Brassington, that the gas-toenergyprojectisnotlikelyto be completed within the stipulated timeline, the contractor, Lindsayca/CH4 last Thursday indicated that enhanced protocols have been implemented to allow for accelerated progress on the construction of two gas plants.

The consortium was contracted by the Government of Guyana

the construction works were notputonhold.

In a statement to the m e d i a y e s t e r d a y, Lindsayca/CH4 said it was informed of recent public statements about timeline adjustments for the Wales Gas-to-Energy Project It said, “LNDCH4 Guyana recognises the strategic importance of this landmark project to Guyana's energy security and economic development We are

actively collaborating with all stakeholders to address technical complexities and logisticalconsiderations.”

The contractor added,

“Following productive discussions with the Government of Guyana and other key stakeholders, we haveimplementedenhanced project management protocols and increased resource allocation to accelerate progress while maintaining the highest quality and safety standards.” The consortium noted that U.S.Ambassador to Guyana, Nicole Theriot, recently reaffirmed the U.S. Government's full support for the project and underscored the value the United States places on its partnership with Guyana. In w e l c o m i n g t h i s endorsement, the company reaffirmed its commitment to Guyana's energy



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8 killed in road accidents last week

From page 11 east, in a trench on the northern side of the road and became submerged,” police said. The couple was pinned in the car until public-spirited citizens freed them. However, they were in an unconscious state. The Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) arrived shortly after, but Tyndall and Gordon were both pronounced dead at the scene.

On Wednesday, 19-yearold Annalisa Smith died after the car she was in crashed into a utility pole at the Berbice River Bridge Access Road, East Canje, Berbice, Region Six.

Police said the driver, 21year-old Clifton Smith, lost control of his car, crashing into a utility pole at 12:20h.

Police said, “Initial investigations revealed that the car was proceeding west along the southern drive lane allegedly at a fast rate, when the driver lost control and collided with a utility pole which is situated on the southern side of the road.”

Smith, who was seated in the back passenger seat, was transported to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival. The other occupants, Marlyn Jones, Odessa Smith, and Simon Gomes, were treated for their injuries.

Amid growing public concern over road fatalities and reckless driving among other factors, President Irfaan Ali last week signalled potential amendments to Guyana’s traffic laws to tackle what he de-

scribed as “lawlessness” on the country roadways. His statements were made last Wednesday at the opening of the Annual Officers’ Conference 2025.

President Ali also mentioned his government’s uneasiness with the speeding, inexperienced truck drivers on the roadways.

“While we have seen tremendous improvement, there is a lot that must be done.

There’s not a single person in this room who would tell me that there’s not an element of uneasiness if you have to drive to the airport and it’s not during the day, it’s 24/7, the trucks,” President Ali said. Ali also emphasised the importance of societal responsibility in curbing reckless driving, stating that while penal-

ties play a role in enforcement, public consciousness and accountability are crucial. “It’s not the best approach that penalties must drive change.

The best approach is that self-consciousness, societal pressure, doing the right thing, should be able to drive change and drive home the point that we have to do the right thing, but unfortunately, when that doesn’t work, you have to go to stronger measures, which are the penalties,” Ali said. Moreover, President Ali called for a holistic approach that includes enforcement, education, infrastructure development, and accountability, alongside investments in road infrastructure and stricter regulations.

Govt. gives all 22 local authority areas...

From page 14 said that the eight excavators represent an investment of approximately $112 million. He noted that while the machines will be used in the residential areas, farmers will also benefit.

“The work these machines will do will help to improve drainage in the communities and forms part of the government’s broader efforts to improve drainage and irrigation in this country.

We are creating a comprehensive drainage and irrigation system in the country.

We understand how important proper drainage and irrigation are to this sector. We’ve been working with the

farmers in every area, so when we give out these machines, it will not only serve the drainage system in the communities because the cultivation water also has to pass through the residential areas.

When you have an effective drainage system, it will help both the residential and the cultivation area,” Minister Mustapha explained.

While expounding on the government’s plan to develop a comprehensive drainage system, Minister Mustapha told residents that the Ministry of Agriculture, through the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), has

a critical role to play when it comes to providing drainage and irrigation in both cultivation and residential communities.

“At the Ministry of Agriculture, we are not only focusing on the agricultural aspect of development in the country.

When we have dry weather or a heavy rainy period, the Ministry of Agriculture, through the NDIA, plays an important role.

When farmers don’t have water, we have to put systems in place to provide irrigation.

Similarly, when communities are experiencing flooding, we have to provide drainage.

This is why the government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, is working to develop a comprehensive drainage system across the country. This is why we are constructing high-level Hopelike canals in Regions Three, Five, and Six,” he explained. Minister Mustapha said the ministry’s National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) will cover all operational costs associated with the machines.

NDCs were also encouraged to engage in community consultation to develop a work plan to guide the operation of the machine.

Europe stands with Zelensky after shunned...

From page 8 criticised Zelensky for not being grateful for U.S. aid.

Zelensky’s row with Trump on Friday ended a week when Europe had appeared to be in a better position in its drive to encourage Trump to continue to offer support to Ukraine after cordial visits to Washington by French President Emmanuel Macron and Starmer.

Starmer described watching the spat between Zelensky and Trump in the

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Oval Office as uncomfortable viewing, but was keen to push the conversation forward by offering himself as a go-between for Europe and the United States. In a further show of support for the Ukrainian leader, Zelensky later flew to meet King Charles at his private residence in eastern England.

In a sign of the still-fractious relations between Washington and Kyiv, White House national security adviser Mike Waltz told CNN on

Sunday that the U.S. needs a Ukrainian leader who is willing to secure a lasting peace with Russia, but that it is not clear Zelensky is prepared to do so. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also praised Trump’s “common sense” approach and accused European countries of seeking to prolong the conflict by propping up Zelensky “with their bayonets in the form of peacekeeping units”.

Starmer said the leaders on Sunday also agreed to

work to ensure Kyiv is at the table of any peace talks and boost the country’s own defence capabilities. “Europe must do the heavy lifting, but to support peace in our continent, and to succeed this effort must have strong U.S. backing,” Starmer told a news conference.

Pic save as Europe Starmer told Europe’s leaders they must all “step up” to help achieve and enforce peace. (Justin Tallis/ Pool/AFP/Getty Images)

‘Uncertainty on Gas-to-Energy completion...

From page 15 transformation and the delivery of the gas plants, noting its appreciation for the GoG’s partnership in advancing the project.

Kaieteur News had reported Brassington, while providing local energy updates at the recently concluded Guyana Energy Conference, said that the NGL and 300-megawatt powerplant is “contractually scheduled to be delivered in the second half of this year but we have seen a schedule that suggests this

is going to take longer - so contractually this year, realistically we’re looking at some delays and a lot of this is, some of these matters are in dispute and therefore I can’t speak about it at this point.”

According to him, the final cost of the two plants is “to be determined,” in light of the ongoing disputes with the joint venture. Brassington’s presentation indicated completion of the plants by 2026.

In the meantime, the pipeline element, constructed by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited

(EMGL) has been completed, with nitrogen pumped into the structure as it awaits completion of the other components.

On January 31, the DAAB issued its ruling on the dispute between the GoG and the contractor.

The Office of the President in a statement however, indicated that the parties to the dispute resolution process are bound by certain rules of “confidentiality”.

As such, Government did not specify the details of the decision made by the DAAB,

following a complaint filed on September 19, 2024. It only revealed that the Parties have 28 days to determine if they wish to refer the decisions, or any part thereof, to Arbitration, which would be the next stage in the dispute resolution process. It was explained, “The GOG will, therefore, in the next few weeks, in consultation with its partners, including ExxonMobil, as well as relevant legal and technical advisors, determine the best course forward for GOG.”

Haiti police raid gang leader’s stronghold in capital

(BBC NEWS) The government of Haiti says policehavelaunchedalargescale operation in a shantytown controlled by powerfulgangleaderJimmy Chérizier, who is widely knownasBarbecue.

The authorities say several gang members have been killed in the Lower Delmas area of the capitalPort-au-Prince

Local reports say military drones carrying explosives are being used in the operation Prime Minister Alix Didier FilsAimépraisedtheassault

Hesaiditwasthework of a special task force created two days ago to

tackle insecurity Chérizier, aged 47, is the feared leader of Viv Ansam (Live Together), a coalition of gangs that controlmuchofthecity. It is not clear whether Kenyan police officers deployed in Haiti last year to help fight the gangs are involved in the security operation

Gang control in Portau-Prince has led to an a l m o s t c o m p l e t e breakdown of law and order, the collapse of health services and emergence of a food security crisis More than 5,500 people were killed in gang-related violence

Pompeobatsfor U.S.interests...

Frompage13 c

Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to ensure that the Caribbean region remainsaZoneofPeace.

TheU.S.Departmentof State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday, warned the Maduro regime.

The U S said that Venezuelan naval vessels threatening the FPSO unit is unacceptable and a clear violation of Guyana’s internationally-recognized maritimeterritory

“Further provocation willresultinconsequences fortheMaduroregime.

The United States reaffirms its support for Guyana’s territorial integrity and the 1899 arbitral award,” it was stated.

The Organization of American States (OAS) unequivocally condemned the recent actions of the Venezuelan naval vessels threatening ExxonMobil’s FPSOunitsoperatingwithin Guyana’s internationally recognized maritime territory General Secretariat Luis Almagro stated, “Such acts of intimidation constitute a clear violation of internationallaw,undermine regional stability, and threaten the principles of peaceful coexistence betweennations” Meanwhile, Guyana has since deployed air assetsinitsEEZfollowing theVenezuelanincursionin the Stabroek Block offshore Guyana The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Coast Guards will

also be deployed, and the National Defence Board

has been meeting periodicallyonthematter

Inastatement,theGDF said it has observed the presenceoftheVenezuelan vessel in the EEZ and “remains vigilant in monitoring all activities within our maritime domain and reiterates its commitment to upholding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Guyana.”

Further, the GDF said its security protocol remains in place as “we continue to coordinate, mobilize and deploy the relevant resources to ensure a measured and appropriate response to developments in our waters.”

“ T h e G D F, i n collaboration with our partners,continuestoassess the security implications of this development and remains proactive in maintaining the stability of our maritime space,” the statement said as GDF assured that Guyana’s security and well-being “remain our utmost priority” “We reaffirm our dedicationtothedefenceof Guyana’s air, land and sea domain,”theForcesaid Venezuela’slatestactof aggressioncomesjustdays after the Donald Trump administration cancelled a Biden-era licence that had allowed U S company C h e v r o n t o s e l l hydrocarbonproductsfrom itsoperationsinVenezuela. Guyana and Venezuela arepresentlybeforetheICJ in a territorial controversy over the mineral-rich Essequibo, an area that is almost two-thirds of the country

Gang control in Port-au-Prince has led to an almost complete breakdown of law and order

in the Caribbean nation in 2024 and more than a million people have fled


Haiti’s transitional presidential council, the

order, has made little

Venezuelan economist: Real Dragon negotiations will now take place

( T R I N I D A D GUARDIAN) - Despite the threat by the Trump administration to end all oil and natural gas agreements approvedbythepreviousUS governmentforVenezuela,a topeconomistinthatcountry remainsoptimisticthatallis not lost for Venezuela, the country with the world’s largestreservesofoil.

O n T h u r s d a y , Venezuelan economist Luis Vicente Leon did an analysis,whichhepostedon his X social network, following US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio posting on X on Thursday that he was “providing foreign policyguidancetoterminate all Biden-era oil and gas

licences that have shamefully bankrolled the illegtimateMaduroregime.”

The T&T Government hasbeenplanningtorequest an extension from the US Government for the licence granted to Shell and the state-owned National Gas Company(NGC)todevelop the Dragon gas field in Venezuela, according to a Reuters report on Tuesday TheOFAClicenceexpiresin October2025.

The licence, initially issued in early 2023, allows the companies to proceed with planning the project, which aims to supply gas to Trinidad by 2027. Despite the latest anouncement, Leon argued that the “game is not over” for Venezuela and justified why “the game hasjustbegun.”

“Amidtheheateddebate overthebudgetintheUnited States, President Donald Trump has decided to

suspend Chevron’s licence as of March 1, which

guarantees support for his budget proposal. But this movedoesnotmeanthatthe game is over On the contrary, the game has only just begun The decision leaves six months for the period of dismantling the company’s regular operations (wind down), duringwhichitwillcontinue to produce and export legally, while it plans its cessation of operations or negotiates its permanence based on other different conditions.”

Leonalsosaidthereisno indication that this decision will affect, for now, the operations of the other international energy companies with active licences,whichdonotexpire thisyear,andthereisnotalk yet of re-imposing secondarysanctions.

“During these six months, the negotiation period between the governments of the United States and Venezuela opens to define the way in which the oil relationship will be managed.Inthewakeofthe general licence, which had been cancelled previously, the American Government approved a list of individual licences (currently in force) that replaced the general cancellation and created a new framework for the relationship, which is certainly positive for the United States, given that each license granted to the private sector represents an

increase in its influence and controloverthelocalenergy sector It is now, in these six months, where the real negotiationsbetweenTrump and Venezuela’s President willtakeplace.”Hesaiditis obvious that Trump is a pragmatic and negotiating president and what Venezuelansaregoingtosee inthisperiodarehisconcrete requests.

“Thecriticalquestionsat this point are: How will the Venezuelan Government react to this new U S pressure strategy? Will it seek solutions that open the doortonegotiationsorwillit launch its Plan B, which would mean the immediate de-Westernisation of the Venezuelan oil industry, handing over the fields susceptible to Trump’s decisions to China, Russia, Iranandothers,withwhichit already has oil trade relations based on payment mechanisms free of blockades, which it has learned to use in these last yearsofsanctions?”

He also raised the issue ofwhetherTrumpwillfocus his demands on Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on transactional elements that are truly negotiable today, such as the migration issue,politicalprisoners,the reduction of Chinese participation in Venezuela, and some elements of democratisation that do not representasignificantriskof losingpowerforMaduro.

Leon argued that if Maduro goes in that direction, the probability of successishighandrapid,or, on the contrary, will Trump

directhisdemandstowardan immediate change of government, something that experience indicates will block any willingness to negotiate on the part of Maduro and the military sector Venezuela’s militar are likely to be a thousand timesmorewillingtoinitiate their Plan B of total closure of opposition political participation and economic de-Westernization than to lose power with infinite exit costsforthemandtheentire revolution?

“It is obvious that the best scenario (possible and achievable, not theoretical and passionate) for Venezuela and the United States is to reach a new agreement that allows the country to continue participating in the Western energy markets. The greater the private participation, with full transparency of operations, anti-corruption controls and availability of international resources for investment, the better the conditions will be to continue the effective struggleinthepoliticalfield. Onthecontrary,crossingthe border into radicalisation willonlyleadustotheworst scenario of economic and political ‘Iranianisation’ of thecountry

“I have no idea where this will end, but I hope that passions and pressures do notleadus,onceagain,tothe deterioration of the lives of the people and the country, with no real possibility of producingapoliticalchange, which never occurs in the economy, but always in society.”

Israel blocks aid into Gaza as ceasefire standoff escalates

(BBCNEWS)Israelhas blocked the entry of all humanitarian aid into Gaza as it demands Hamas agree to a US plan for a ceasefire extension.

Thefirstphaseofatruce deal mediated by Egypt, QatarandtheUSexpiredon Saturday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said Hamas was refusing to accept a temporary extension proposed by Donald Trump’s envoy, Steve Witkoff A Hamas spokesman said blocking suppliestoGazawas“cheap blackmail” and a “coup” on the ceasefire agreement and urged med


Theceasefiredealhalted 15 months of fighting between Hamas and the Israelimilitary,allowingthe releaseof33Israelihostages for about 1,900 Palestinian prisonersanddetainees.The internationally-mediated ceasefire plan - originally proposed by Joe Bidenenvisages three stages. The first phase came into force on19Januaryandexpiredon Saturday Negotiations on phase two, meant to lead to a permanent ceasefire, the release of all remaining living hostages and the withdrawal of Israeli forces fromGaza,wereduetohave started weeks ago, but have

Palestinians in Gaza are struggling to put their lives back together in the current, fragile peace

barely begun. Phase three is meant to result in the return of all remaining bodies of dead hostages and the reconstruction of Gaza, which is expected to take years. Hamas has previously said it will not agree to any extension of phase one without guarantees from the mediators that phase two wouldeventuallytakeplace.

Asthefirstphaseofthedeal expired on Saturday, Netanyahu’s office said Israel had agreed to Witkoff’s proposal for the ceasefire to continue for about six weeks during the

Muslim holy month of Ramadan and Jewish

Passover periods. If, at the end of this period, negotiations reached a dead end,Israelwouldreservethe righttogobacktowar

Witkoffhasnotmadehis proposal public. According toIsrael,itwouldbeginwith the release of half of all the remaining living and dead hostages. Witkoff is said by Israel to have proposed the temporary extension after becoming convinced that moretimewasneededtotry to bridge the differences between Israel and Hamas on conditions for ending the


A statement from

Netanyahu’s office said:

“With the end of Phase 1 of thehostagedeal,andinlight ofHamas’srefusaltoaccept the Witkoff outline for continuing talks - to which Israel agreed - Prime Minister Netanyahu has decided that, as of this morning, all entry of goods and supplies into the Gaza Stripwillcease.

Antoine Renard from the World Food Programme (WFP)toldtheBBC.

“Netanyahu’s decision to stop aid going into Gaza once again shows the ugly face of the Israeli occupation The international community must apply pressure on the Israeli government to stop starving our people.” Aid agencies confirmed that no aid trucks had been allowed into Gaza on Sunday morning.

“ H u m a n i t a r i a n assistancehastocontinueto flow into Gaza. It’s very essential.Andwearecalling all parties to make sure that they reach a solution,”

“Israel will not allow a ceasefirewithouttherelease of our hostages. If Hamas continues its refusal, there w i l l b e f u r t h e r consequences.” The Hamas s p o k e s m a n s a i d :

Thousands of trucks entered the Gaza Strip each weeksincetheceasefirewas agreed in mid-January Aid agencies have managed to store supplies, which means thereisnoimmediatedanger to the civilian population from this morning’s Israeli decision. Egypt has called for the previously agreed upon ceasefire deal to be implemented in full. The Egyptian foreign minister said his country would present a plan to rebuild Gaza without displacing its peopleatanemergencyArab summitonTuesday Alsoon Sunday, medics said four people had been killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza. The Israeli military said it had attacked people who were plantinganexplosivedevice in the north of the territory There are believed to be 24 hostages alive, with another 39 presumed to be dead. Hamas carried out an unprecedented attack on Israel on 7 October 2023, killing about 1,200 people and taking another 251 hostage.

Israel responded with an air and ground campaign in theGazaStrip,duringwhich at least 48,365 people have beenkilled,accordingtothe territory’sHamas-runhealth ministry

Protesters target JD Vance in Vermont after clash with Zelensky

( B B C N E W S ) Protesters in the US have lined a road inVermont that Vice-President JD Vance was due to drive down following his and President Trump’s angry exchange withVolodymyrZelenskyat theWhiteHouse.

They held up proUkrainesignsontheroutein WaitsfieldthatVanceandhis familywereexpectedtotake ontheirwaytogoskiing.

US media reported the family moved to an undisclosed location from their planned ski resort b e c a u s e o f t h e demonstrations.

Hundreds of people also gathered in New York, Los Angeles and Boston on

Saturday to express their support for Ukraine - a day after the furious row in the O v a l O ff i c e T h e extraordinary scenes in the Oval Office saw Vance accuse the Ukrainian president of being disrespectfultotheUS. Trumpalsoclashedwith Zelensky, telling him to makeadealwithRussia“or we are out” and accusing him of “gambling with WorldWarThree”.Aprotest in Waitsfield against the T r u m p - V a n c e administration had been organisedearlierintheweek

-beforetheUSpresidentand vice-president’s clash with Zelensky - but many signs referenced the row and

Russia’s war with Ukraine.

“I think [Friday’s] performance at the White

House has probably galvanised even more people to come out today,” Judy Daly, from Indivisible MadRiverValley,thegroup whichorganisedtheprotest, toldVermontPublicRadio.

“[Vance] crossed the line,” protester Cori Giroux added.

Ahead of the Vance family’s trip, Vermont’s governor Phil Scott had urged people to “be respectful” to them. Scott, the Republican governor who refused to vote for Trump,said:“Iwelcomethe vice-president and his family toVermont and hope

they enjoy their weekend here.

“It’s no surprise they choseVermont,we’vehada lot of snow this winter, whichhasbeengoodforour economy.”

He added: “I hope Vermonters remember the vice-president is here on a family trip with his young children and, while we may notalwaysagree,weshould be respectful. “Please join me in welcoming them to Vermont, and hoping they have an opportunity to experience what makes our state, and Vermonters, so special.” Vance, who has three young children with his wife Usha, has not publicly commented on the

protests. Counter-protesters supportingTrumpandVance were also reportedly in Waitsfield.

S e p a r a t e l y , demonstrators also gathered outside Tesla stores in the US on Saturday to protest againstElonMusk’spushto slash government spending.

Musk, the billionaire chief executive ofTesla, has been tasked by Trump to oversee t




of Government Efficiency, more popularly known as Doge. After the meeting at the White House, Zelensky flewtotheUKwherehewas welco

me Minister Keir Starmer and on Sunday he joined European leaders and

Canada’s Justin Trudeau in London for a summit to discuss ways of ending the warinUkraineandensuring Europe’ssecurity Ahead of the summit, Starmer said the UK and France would work with Ukraine “on a plan to stop the fighting” with Russia andwouldthen“discussthat planwiththeUnitedStates”. He told the BBC that his “drivingpurpose”rightnow was to act as a “bridge” betweenthetwomen.Asked about how he felt watching thespatintheWhiteHouse, Starmersoughttoplaydown theincident,saying“nobody wants to see that” and a d m i t t e d h e f e l t “uncomfortable”.


Venezuela's recklessness

The Venezuelan government would do well to recognize the folly of its current course.

To continue pressing its argument that oil companies are operating illegally is not only intellectually dishonest but legally indefensible.

For the oil companies, the situation is clearer still. They operate under the authority of the Guyanese government, in accordance with international law, and under the protection of a legal order that has not been overturned. They are not interlopers, nor are they engaged in an act of unlawful aggression. They are doing what businesses do: investing in development, creating wealth, and contributing to the prosperity of a nation that has every right to chart its own economic course. Venezuela's suggestion that they are engaged in illegal activities is not only unfounded but reckless. It is an attempt to intimidate and destabilize, a tactic as transparent as it is tiresome.

Barcelona thrash 10-man

Real Sociedad to go top of La Liga

( B B C S p o r t )Barcelona reclaimed top spot in La Liga with a comfortablevictoryover10manRealSociedad.

Atletico Madrid had leapfrogged them following their 1-0 win over Athletic ClubonSaturday

However, Hansi Flick’s side easily restored their one-point advantage - and

extended their winning run tosixgames-inthetitlerace with goals from Gerard Martin, Marc Casado, Ronald Araujo and Robert Lewandowski.

Ninth-placed Sociedad, whofaceManchesterUnited in the last 16 of the Europa League on Thursday, 6 March, came out on top when the two sides last met


However, they were up always up against it at the Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys after defender Aritz Elustondo received a straight red card in the 17th minute for bringing down a goalboundDaniOlmo.

Barcelona capitalised on their advantage just eight minuteslater,LamineYamal

losing his marker in the box beforecombiningwithOlmo to pick out full-back Martin tofinishatthebackpost.

Fourminuteslater,Olmo was once again involved, withhisstrikefromtheedge of the box deflecting in off Casado.ForbothMartinand


Monday March 03, 2025


The more tightly you try to hang onto something, Aries, the more likely it is it will want to slip through your fingers. Grab what you want, butdon'tsqueezetoohard.


Matters involving love and romancemightnotgoexactly the way you'd like, Taurus. Youcouldbewaitingforyour partner to make the next move, since you're unsure of which way the relationship is progressing.


Things should be going well for you in the love and romancedepartment,Gemini, but you could find that today thingsgetabittenuous.While you want things to be clear andplannedout.


People may be wondering how to proceed while you're off doing your own thing. Don't go in one direction and leave someone else behind, Cancer.


Recent events in the love and romance department may have you feeling like you aren'tgettingyourneedsmet, Leo. Remember that other peoplearen'tmindreadersthe wayyouare.


Be careful that you aren't manipulating a romantic situationsoyourpartnerloses any power, Virgo. You may think your actions are noble and well meaning, but you may be creating a scenario thathasnobasisinreality

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

Things in the love department may be looking up for you, Libra, but beware that you aren't getting pushed around. Your partner could feel the needformorefreedom.


You may find that you're indecisive when it comes to issues concerning love and romance, Scorpio. For some reason,youhaveatendencyto pull one way and then the other, yet neither way seems veryrewarding.


Try to get more grounded in your actions regarding love and romance, Sagittarius.You may need to take a more reserved approach in your actions in order to get where youneedtogo.


You're quite sure of yourself and solid about many things except one. When it comes to romantic relationships, you feel a bit unsure and inadequate,Capricorn.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)When it comes to love and romance, things are definitely in your favor, Aquarius. The thing to be aware of today is that there might be some manipulation on the part of someoneclosetoyou.

PISCES(Feb.19–Mar 20)

Things regarding love and romancemaybeabitdiceyfor you,Pisces.Youmayfindthat you have to make a few adjustmentsinordertoremain onthesamepageasyourloved ones. Neither one of you may feel like taking the lead at this time.

speed and endurance, surging ahead in the final stretch to clinch the historic win. “I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Saffie Joseph Jr., who personally reached out to me with the incredible horse that made this dream possible,” the managercontinued.

“Along the way, we met his outstanding team, including assistant trainer RobertPeirce,whoplayeda crucial role in this journey We also had the pleasure of working with Mrs. Peirce, theCEOoftheraceclub,and Jim Perry, another vital part oftheteam.Theirdedication wasinstrumentalinsecuring thisvictory.”

Reflecting on their experience,theteampraised the hospitality and professionalism of the Barbadianracingindustry

“The environment in Barbados has been phenomenal The racing industry is well-organized, andwewerewelcomedwith open arms every step of the way Without a strong team, success is impossible, and that’sexactlywhatSaffiehas b u i l t a t e a m o f excellence.”

Guyana’s success on such a grand stage is expected to ignite a new wave of enthusiasm for the sport, inspiring young jockeys, trainers, and owners to set their sights on internationalcompetition.

“I must also thank my own team—the Guyanese team behind One Guyana RacingStable.WhenImade the call, they immediately came together to build this dream team, all for the love of our country This was a teameffort,andtogether,we have achieved something extraordinary.”

T h e G u y a n e s e government also played a pivotal role in fostering the sport’s growth. “We extend our gratitude to the Minister

Casado, it was their first Barcelonagoals.

The hosts didn’t have to wait long for a third goal Barely 60 seconds after Pedri had rattled the woodwork with a curling long-range effort, Araujo headed homeaninswinging

of Sport and His Excellency

President Dr Mohamed

Irfaan Ali and his government for recognizing the potential of horse racing in Guyana. Their efforts to legalizeandelevatethesport tointernationalstandardsare paving the way for even greater achievements in the future.” With celebrations continuing across Guyana, One Guyana Racing Stable has no plans of slowing down. “We will seize this momentumandcontinueour

journeytoGuyana,Jamaica, and South America as planned. This is just the beginning of something truly special.” With this historic victory, Guyana has announceditselfasaserious competitorontheCaribbean racingstage.Thetriumphof One Guyana Racing Stable and Harrow will be remembered as a defining moment,onethathaslaidthe foundation for an even brighter future in Guyanese horseracing.

rout on the hour mark, sticking out
Remiro in the visiting goal

Varun takes five as India top group and set up Australia showdown

(Cricinfo)-Indiaspuna webaroundNewZealandto defend 249 for their sixth straightwinagainstwhathas been a bogey team for them inrecenttimes.

They added Varun Chakravarthy to the three spinners they already were playing, and he responded with a five-for at a venue

where an indifferent showing against Pakistan in 2021 led to a major setback tohisinternationalcareer

Finishing top of their group, India will now face Australiainthesemi-finalon Tuesday New Zealand and SouthAfrica are to fly back to Pakistan for their semifinalonWednesday

This was an old-

fashioned ODI in which the new ball seamed and swung in the first innings followed by gradual slowing down andincreasinggrip.

Absence of any significant dew meant batting kept getting more and more difficult. Shreyas

Iyer scored his slowest fifty followed by Kane Williamson’s slowest score of80orabove.

Wave after wave of attack from India’s spinners was held back by someluckandWilliamson, but eventually they broke the bund starting with Ravindra Jadeja getting Tom Latham lbw on the

reverse-sweep in the 33rd over India bowled 29 overs of spin out of the 30 middle overs,and37.3inallfornine wicketsandjust166runs.

T h i s w a s a n improvement after their spinners had gone at 0 7 an over more than the opposition spinners in the firsttwogames

Turns out it was only a function of bowling first when the ball gripped less thaninthesecondinnings

New Zealand restricted India largely through seam with Matt Henry taking five wickets and their spinners bowling 25 overs for 128 runs and just two

wickets Henry as usual was spot on with the ball seaming for him and swinging for Kyle Jamieson

In no time, New

Zealand had India at 30 for 3 with Glenn Phillips adding Virat Kohli to his h i g h l i g h t r e e l o f spectacularcatches

IyerandAxarPatelthen shored India up with some old-fashioned ODI batting Theywent51ballswithout a boundary but didn’t play arashshot

Iyer went from 12 off 29 to 27 off 35 and went back into his bunker, eschewing any risk before opening up after having faced 63 balls Axar kept pressing claims to a proper allrounder spot with a mature 42 off 61 in the 98runstand

After taking 21 runs off 19 short or short-of-alength deliveries, Iyer finally fell to a bouncer from Will O’Rourke in the 37th over, a wicket that curtailed India’s ambitions at the death Still, KL Rahul’s 23 off 29 and HardikPandya’srun-a-ball 45, which he scored while also turning down singles when batting with the tail, took India to a challenging total.

Hardik then proved to b e a s e r v i c e a b l e replacement for Harshit Rana with the new ball, drawing some movement in the first over and then getting Rachin Ravindra caught on the upper-cut Before long, spin was in, and it was apparent New Zealand were not reading

Varun out of thehand,from whom they had collectively faced 34 balls in all T20Is andIPLbeforethismatch.

WillYoung,akeybatter during New Zealand’s Test whitewash of India in India, was the first one to fail to play a wrong’un off thepitchandpaytheprice

Daryl Mitchell was all at sea too India had tied the batters down, the asking rate went to six in the 23rd over, and runs onlycameindrips,anudge here, a paddle there, and therarelooseball

How long could they avoidarisk?

It didn’t matter as Kuldeep Yadav had Mitchell lbw with the p e r f e c t l e f t - a r m wristspinner’s delivery, but it also beat Mitchell’s inside edge by a distance

unbecoming of an internationalbatter

He also burned a review, which would cost Michael Bracewell a reprievelater

The 40-run stand between Williamson and Latham was the smoothest New Zealand batted with Latham’s sweeps and Williamson’s inside-out chips giving them some momentum

At the 30-overs mark, New Zealand had scored exactly half of their target and had seven wickets in hand

However, Jadeja soon turned one past Latham’s reverse-sweepfromaround the wicket, and bowled it soaccuratelythatitpitched onandturnedenoughtohit thewicket

Now the game changed. Williamson would have to carry this chase on his bat if New Zealand were to get close.

Varun came back to make even that a near impossibility Phillips missed an in-drifting halfvolley one ball after pulling Varun for a six. Then a significant dismissal followed.

Video analysis suggests Varun tends to bowl wrong’unswithascrambled seamandlegbreakswiththe seam straight and tilted to slip.

Now, though, he got Bracewell with a legbreak bowled with a scrambled seam, which presents batters and analysts with a newchallenge.

Also Williamson, probably mindful of only one review left, advised against the review only for the projection to show it hadn’t turned back enough tobehittingthestumps

Dropped on 17 and 68, Williamson couldn’t make India pay the ultimate price as Axar got the man off his bowling with the last ball of hisallotment

The asking rate of nine an over now demanded a risk, and Williamson just walked past a straight delivery

MitchellSantnerdelayed the inevitable, but Varun endedhisresistancewithhis other variation: a mediumpacecross-seamballbowled at 113ks to rip out the off stump.Hehadfourballsleft in which to complete a fivefor IttookhimtwoasHenry triedtohitout.

Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli do the high-fives after the game (AFP/Getty Images)

Tsitsipas beats Auger-Aliassime to win Dubai final

Fulham beat Man Utd on penalties to reach FA Cup quarter-finals

(BBC Sport) - Fulham goalkeeper Bernd Leno was theherowithtwosavesinthe penalty shootout to knock ManchesterUnitedoutofthe FACup.

Stefanos Tsitsipas beat Dutchman Tallon Griekspoor 6-4 6-4 in the semi-finals in Dubai on Friday (Getty Images)

(BBC Sport) - Stefanos Tsitsipas secured a maiden ATP500titlewithastraightsetvictoryoverFelixAugerAliassime in the final of the D u b a i T e n n i s Championships.

The 26-year-old Greek produced a strong performance to beat his informCanadianopponent6-3 6-3.

The fourth seed had reached the final of the tournament twice before, losingtoNovakDjokovicin 2019 and then again to RogerFedererayearlater Saturday’s win was world number 11 Tsitsipas’ 12th tour-level title, and the biggest outdoor hard-court trophyofhiscareer

He defeated 24-year-old Auger-Aliassime - who is leading the ATP Tour this season with 16 match wins and two titles - in one hour and 28 minutes, and will return to the top 10 of the world rankings on Monday for the first time since May 2024.

“It’s a big relief that I’m abletoholdthattrophyafter the third attempt,” said Tsitsipas.

“It’ssomethingthatIhad inthebackofmymind,and I’m happy to say I accomplishedit.

“To be owning a spot in thetop10isdefinitelyoneof thegreatestfeelingsatennis


“Itcomeswithhardwork andsacrifices,butI’mhappy thatI’minapositionwhereI canreallycelebrate.”

Elsewhere, Britain’s HenryPattenandhispartner Harri Heliovaara from Finland squandered four championship points before losing in the men’s doubles final.

The world number oneranked pair were beaten 3-6 7-6 (12-10) 10-8 by India’s Yuki Bhambri and Alexei Popyrin of Australia who wereplayingtogetherforthe firsttime.

Patten and Heliovaara, the Wimbledon and AustralianOpenchampions, had been chasing their sixth tour-level title. Meanwhile, in Acapulco, Czech player Tomas Machac claimed his first ATP Tour title with victory in the Mexican Open.

The world number 25, who won mixed doubles gold at the Paris Olympics, beat Spain’s Alejandro DavidovichFokina7-6(6)62inthedecider Machac becomes the thirdplayerfromhiscountry to win an ATP 500 title, following Tomas Berdych andRadekStepanek.

The Spaniard has now lost three finals on the tour, including at the Delray BeachOpenlastmonth.

After three precise spotkicks from both sides, Leno deniedVictorLindelof,then, after skipper Antonee Robinson had extended Fulham’s perfect record, the GermanalsokeptoutJoshua Zirkzee’s effort to send the Cottagers into the quarterfinals.

Fulham had taken the lead in first-half stoppage time when Calvin Bassey wasleftfreeatthefarpostto head in from close range after Rodrigo Muniz had flickedonacorner

But, days after former United captain Roy Keane had condemned the influence of current skipper Bruno Fernandes, the Portuguese dragged his side levelwithasuperbequaliser, driving home a low shot from the edge of the area after Diogo Dalot had found him with a pass from the touchline.

Both sides could have won it without the need for penalties Emile SmithRowe, denied superbly by Andre Onana before the home side levelled, was repelled by the Cameroon international again before thetiewenttoextra-time.

Then, 17-year-old

Brighton & Hove

Albion’s Danny Welbeck scores their second goal (Reuters)

United substitute Chido Obi flicked a shot towards goal that Leno kept out with an outstandingreactionsave.

Itaddedtoacatalogueof saves from Leno that also included denying United substitute Alejandro Garnacho. The real heroics were saved for the shootout though as Fulham continue to dream of emulating their only FA Cup final appearancein1975.

Welbeck winner sends Brightonintoquarter-finals

Danny Welbeck scored an extra-time winner as Brighton beat Newcastle to reach the FA Cup quarterfinals after an incidentpacked tie that ended 10-aside.

The Magpies thought they had booked their place in the final seconds of

normal time, but Fabian Schar’s cushioned volley was disallowed for offside bythevideoassistantreferee (VAR).

Newcastle had taken a 22nd-minuteleadthroughan Alexander Isak penalty, but Yankuba Minteh levelled just before half-time against the club that sold him in the summer

Both teams had players sentoffinadramaticclimax.

Newcastle’s Anthony Gordonwasshownastraight red card in the 83rd minute for pushing Jan Paul van Hecke in the head – a decision that will rule him outoftheCarabaoCupfinal against Liverpool through suspension.

Brighton defender Tariq Lampteywasthendismissed inaddedtimeattheendof90

minutes for a second booking following a late challengeonJacobMurphy

The game looked as if it would be going to penalties beforeSollyMarchplayedin Welbeck with six minutes left and he calmly chipped home keeper Martin Dubravka to send the away fanswild.

It was Welbeck’s eighth goaloftheseasonandthe34year-old - who won the FA CuptwicewithArsenal-also netted the winner in Brighton’s Premier League game at Newcastle in October

The Seagulls will host Nottingham Forest or Ipswich - who play their fifth-round tie on Mondayin their quarter-final on the weekend of Saturday, 29 March.

Table Tennis talents Bryan and Sahadeo embark on Training Scholarship in India

National Table Tennis player

and former

National Men’s Champion andmultipleCaribbeantitles winnersalongwithKrystian Sahadeo national junior player and Caribbean multipole medalist departed left GuyanaonFridaytoembark on a training scholarship at JainUniversityinIndia

Nigel Bryan a Guyana

Police Corporal and

Krystian former Bishops High School student and now Government Technical Institute student were nominated by the GTTAfor this key scholarship opportunity, the scholarship

forms part of the Government of Guyana collaborative engagement between the national g o v e r n i n g s p o r t s associations and federations of Badminton Table Tennis, Basketball, Cricket, Golf,

and Swimming, the University of Jain and coordinated through the Goalprogramme.

Dr Jacob Opadeyi with significant support and inputs from the Ministry of

CultureYouthandSportand National Sport Commission through Minister Charles Ramson and Director of SportSteveNinvalle.

The scholarship initiative offered training opportunity for one coach and one youth player from six (6) sports disciplines to enhance their coaching and athletic capacities capabilities.

Thisiswiththeobjective of exposing coaches to m o d e r n t r a i n i n g methodologies, use of scientific approaches to coaching in high yield environments in addition to offering youth athletes from the respective sports disciplines selected for the first edition of the project, the opportunity to train and practiceinhighperformance environmentalongwithhigh performanceplayers

The central aim is building a nucleus of talent whichwillpossessandhave the requisite skills to compete and represent Guyana at a high level winning medals, providing our athletes with the

opportunities to fulfill their potential, allowing our coaches to be exposed to advance and new cutting e d g e c o a c h i n g methodologies advancing Guyana sports performance andresultsinternationally

Krystian Sahdeo student of Bishops High school is a Caribbean boy under 19 team medalist Caribbean

J u n i o r a n d C a d e t Championships 2023, is a verydisciplinedandtalented player who has shown the ability and temperament to bealeaderinthesport

Nigel Bryan former national junior sensation Caribbean medalist and men’s champion will be

t program, Bryan who has signaled his intention to commence representation Guyana’s national team in key international engagements in 2025 will also use the opportunitytotraininIndia. Nigel and Krystian arrived in India and will commence training this week The programme is set to run for 6 to 8


JAIN University is renowned as the best university in Bangalore, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) promoted by JAIN Trust (JAIN University Trust) creates an exceptional space for an enhanced learning experience.

Thevibrantcultureofthe University has embraced innovation, and its entrepreneurial perspective encourages students, staff, and faculty to challenge convention, lead discovery, and explore new ways of learning.

The Honourable Minister ofYouth Sport and Cultureathisfeatureaddress at the National Sports Awards ceremony, addressed the scholarship recipients

JAIN is one the universities that is onboard with the government’s flagship Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) scholarship program, which offers thousands of Guyanese the opportunity to study at


“You are going to be paving the way for many moreathletes.It’safantastic opportunity,”Ramsonsaid.

Minister Ramson urged the recipients to maximize onthe“greatfacilities”they will experience at Jain University, noting that it is incumbent on them to transfer the knowledge and experience to the younger


TheMinistercommitted to keeping constant contact with the athletes and coaches, offering support duringtheirstayinIndia

“We are going to continue to assess this programme that they are doing with us, but from what we have seen already it is a fantastic programme thatissport-specific ”

Warriors’ Jimmy Butler faces lawsuit over unpaid rent, property damages

Golden State Warriors forward Jimmy Butler III (10) is guarded by Orlando Magic forward Franz Wagner (Imagn Images)

(Reuters)-GoldenState Warriors forward Jimmy Butler has been sued for allegedly failing to pay $260,000inrentandleaving behind more than $127,000 in damages related to a luxury home he leased in MiamiBeach,Fla.

Butler was traded from the Miami Heat to the Warriors last month afterrequestingatrade Five Star Marketing and Promotions, Inc , sued Butler in the 11th Circuit Court in Florida last week, outlining its allegationsagainstButler. In the suit, the plaintiff cont

Butler failed to pay two m

$130,000 each month fortheproperty

The home, built on a canal, also has a pool The website pegs its value of the home, built in 2016, at about$10million. T

changed the locks and wouldnotgiveakeytothe property owner, keeping

fromenteringthehome Butler also is alleged to have failed to maintain the swimming pool and air conditioning, the latter leading to extensive mold

replacement of ceilings andfloorsintheproperty.

The plaintiff is seeking paymentof$257,282andthe right to keep Butler’s $130,000securitydeposit. B

Realtor com says the contemporary-style home has five bedrooms and six bathrooms in its 5,398 squarefeet


Nigel Brian (right) and Krystian Sahadeo sharing their moments at JAIN University in India

Guyana’s Harrow claims historic victory in the Sandy Lane Gold Cup

The Garrison Savannah was a l i v e w i t h excitement on Saturday evening as the 42nd edition of the prestigious Sandy Lane Gold Cup delivered a thrilling finish, featuring some of the Caribbean and the United States’most elite jockeysandtrainers.

In a stunning debut on horse racing’s grandest Caribbean stage, Guyana made history Representing the nation for the very first time, the One Guyana Racing Stable’s entry, Harrow,putonaspectacular performance, cementing Guyana’s place in internationalracing.

The event, widely regarded as the pinnacle of Caribbean horse racing, the Sandy Lane Gold Cup is a title that many horsemen spendalifetimechasing.Yet, in it’s first-ever appearance, Guyana delivered an unforgettable victory, a testament to the nation’s rising talent and dedication to the sport. The triumph sparked celebrations across the country, marking a defining moment for

Guyanesehorseracing. It was Rasheed Hughes aboardHarrowwhostolethe show, seizing victory in a dramaticfinishandsecuring t h e c o v e t e d 2 0 2 5

Thoroughbredcrown. Despite a field stacked with top-tier competitors, Hughesrosetotheoccasion. Withsheerdetermination,he poweredHarrowtoahistoric

win, ensuring the Golden Arrowhead flew high over theBarbadosSavannah. Defyingtheoddsagainst racing legends, the One Guyana Racing Stable arrived with an impressive lineup of talent, led by none other than Saffie Joseph Jr., thecurrentleadingtrainerin North America. Their mission was clear to

announce Guyana’s arrival on the international horse racing scene, and they did just that. In doing so, they outclassed some of the sport’s biggest names in the business, sharing the track with Hall of Fame trainer Todd Pletcher and four-time Eclipse Award winner Chad Brown. Pletcher, a U.S. racing icon, boasts two

Kentucky Derby wins, four Belmont Stakes victories, and over 5,600 career wins. Brown, a dominant force in American horse racing, has clinched victories in the Breeders’ Cup, Preakness Stakes, and Arlington Million.

Yet, it was the fearless Guyanese contingent that stole the spotlight. Fresh off

a Pegasus World Cup victory, Joseph Jr , a

powerhouse led Harrow and One Guyana Racing Stable


Speaking after the race, OneGuyanaRacingStable’s manager expressed deep gratitudeforthemomentous win.“Firstoff,wethankGod forlifeandforthisincredible opportunity This initiative was about representing our country,andwediditforthe love of the sport, for horsemen of all levels, and forthepassionateracingfans ofGuyana.Wepromisedour people we’d deliver on the biggest stage and we did exactlythat.Thisisnotjusta win for our stable; this is a victory for all of Guyana. It proves that with the right vision, dedication, and support, we can achieve the extraordinary.”

The victory was the result



ous preparationandtheexpertise of trainer Saffie Joseph Jr. Under his guidance, Harrow showcasedremarkable (Continuedonpage23)

Harrow ridden by Jockey Rasheed Hughes photographed at the finish line as they clinched the 2025 Sandy Lane Gold Cup (Photo: Barbados Today)

Table Tennis talents Bryan and Sahadeo embark on Training Scholarship in India and Sports

Guyana’s Harrow claims historic

Apacked Winners Circle! Rasheed Hughes and Harrow including team members celebrate Guyana’s historic win at the Sandy Lane Gold Cup in Barbados
Bryan and Sahadeo land safe in India as they embark on a six-week training scholarship at JAIN University

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