John Fernandes, bringing husband into shared home

…President Ali says “there is nothing specific at
John Fernandes, bringing husband into shared home
…President Ali says “there is nothing specific at
a n d L o g i s t i c s
Companies, Muneshwer’s Limitedand John Fernandes
Limited on Friday, commissioned two mobile harbour cranes under their joint venture, Cranes
Guyana Inc valued
US$14million (G$2 92 billion)
The event took place at the Muneshwers/John Fernandes Wharves, Water Street,Georgetown.
The cranes, namedAtlas and Hercules, are the first harbour cranes in Guyana, designed to load and unload cargo from ships at ports. These cranes will be beneficial for vessels arriving into the country
Crane one named Atlas(right) and Crane two named Hercules (left)
without their own cranes, improving the efficiency of cargohandling.
Chief Executive Officer of John Fernandes Limited and Director of Cranes
Guyana Inc, Philip Fernandes, explained the i d e a b e h i n d t h e collaboration The joint venturewhichwascreatedin March2023,wasbornoutof the close proximity and amicable relationship betweenthetwocompanies.
“The close proximity of the two businesses we have led to an amicable
relationship. Thisprojectwe must first credit Mr Tom Pinlink who at the time was from Caribbean feeder service because it was Tom who came to us and suggested that we invest in mobile harbour cranes. At the time without the mobile harbourcranes,itmeansthat vessels calling on the shores of Guyana needed to come with cranes on board so that the cargo can be loaded and offloaded.So,thevesselwill pull alongside and our local team would get on board includingthecraneoperators and facilitate the on loading andoffloading.”
Fernandesexplainedthat “At the time, it was felt that the cargo volumes in the country were not sufficient enough to warrant the investments in the mobile harbour cranes but after Tom’s initial planting of the seeds, we started to look at the number and we start to discuss about more then we realized that indeed the time hadcome.ItwasTomaswell whointroducedtheideathat wecouldjointhecompanies and that will allow simultaneous birthing of vesselsandinfactthesumof thepartswillbegreaterthan thetwoseparately.”
According to the CEO, the mobile harbour cranes are designed to serve Panamax class vessels, with a working radius of 49 meters and a lifting capacity of125tons.Fernandesnoted that operational trials began inNovember2024.
“We started to move cargowiththecranesandfor thefirsttimeinGuyananow we could say that gearless vessels which are vessels without cranes on board can actually call at the port and be serviced in Guyana this
means faster and safer operations.This is a big win for Guyana because it is a marked improvement to what we always had going forward,”Fernandessaid.
The project was funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and according to Executive DirectorofMuneshwersand DirectorofCranesGuyana’s Inc,RobinMuneshwerwhile the two companies have initially been competitors, they recognized a gap that needed to be filled between thetwocompanies.
“These cranes represent the future of the shipping industry in Guyana and the future of our respective companies and our combined will, the future beacons and the future dictates that we cannot continue to operate the two busiest ports in Guyana and thebusiestsquaremileinthe country… so we have been engaging in the government onthepathforwardwhichis to have a national port in Guyana,”hesaid.
Additionally, IDB group country representative Lorena Solorzano Salazar emphasized that the commissioning of these mobile cranes will have profound impact on trade in the region as a long-term investment “This great investment also brings more stability to move the vessels butalsoitisawin,winforthe portsector,itwillalsoattract more shipments as the Panama,”shesaid.
Meanwhile, President Irfaan Ali underscored the importance of collaboration in the shipping and logistics sectors “This project by coming together allows a certainlevelofscalability
Continued on page 8
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has been granted additional time to respond to the first two audits of its Stabroek Block expenses.This was revealed by the company’s President AlistairRoutledge.
He made the disclosure duringapressconferenceon Wednesday, where he confirmedthattheoilgiantis currently addressing queries by the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the Ministry of Natural Resources.
“For the first two audits, there’sreallynothingnewto report.Theworkisongoing. We’reworkingtorespondto the GRA [Guyana Revenue Authority]. They gave us a little bit of an extension because they asked us for a substantial amount of additional information. We are working to gather that, and all of this is in the spirit
that we want to be transparent We want to answer questions, ” Routledge said. The first audit, examined US$1 7 billion in expense incurred by the oil company from 1999 to 2017. That audit identifiedUS$214millionas coststhattheGovernmentof Guyana should not allow Exxon to charge to the country’scostbank.
Under the 2016
Production Sharing Agreement(PSA)governing the Stabroek Block, Exxon and its partners Hess and
CNOC are allowed to recover 75% to cover cost, while the remaining 25% is consideredprofitoilandthis is shared between Guyana and the oil companies. As such, the audit of the expenses recoverable by oil companies is crucial to ascertain if actual recoverable cost is being billedtothecostbank.
British firm IHS Markit conductedthefirstauditand presented its findings since 2021, recommending that the government disallows Exxon and its partners from recovering the flagged US$214 million. However, since then the process has beenongoing.
Guyana’s Natural
ResourcesMinisterVickram Bharrat had previously stated that based on advice, the government had written toExxonstatingthatthefinal report disputes US$214 million in expenses that the oil companies submitted as cost. In August 2024, the minister had disclosed that Exxonisyettorespondtothe finalreportonthefirstaudit.
Whenaskedwhatmoreis there to discuss on the first audit given that the government has repeatedly stated that the US$214 million figure is final,
Routledge explained that when the final report was firstsubmittedtoExxon,the queries raised were not specific.
detailed response, more specific queries have been now raised so that we are able to provide additional documentation.Sothat’sthe processthatwe’reinonboth theauditsweareresponding within the time that’s been requested,orweaskedforan extension. So currently, we are very much complying withallthedeadlinesandwe will continue to do so,” EMGL’s president told reporters.
The second audit, covering Exxon’s expenses for2018to2020andtotaling US$7 3 billion, was conducted by the local
c o n s o r t i u m V H E C o n s u l t i n g , w i t h international support from SGS and Martindale Consultants.
That final report was submitted to Exxon in November 2024, and the company had 60 days to
believe we’ve accounted for things absolutely per the rules that are established, international standard rules. Should we, as we reach conclusion, determine that there is something not aligned, then we would acceptthat.Butatthispoint, we’re still in that information-gathering, understandingthequestions, and providing answers and responses.”
respond. Permanent
Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Joslyn McKenzie, at a press conference in January disclosed that the government had provided additional information requestedbyExxon,andthat the review process remains ongoing.
Routledge maintained that Exxon has adheres to international financial standardsinitscostrecovery accounting. He stated, “We
Kaieteur News had reported that an analysis of the second audit report revealed missing details on key expenditures that were covered in the first oil audit done, by IHS Markit Currently, citizens can access VHE’s “Initial Audit Report for the Stabroek BlockCostRecoveryAudit–2018 to 2020” on the Ministry of Natural Resources website That version was published on April 12, 2024 and is 135 pages long. Since last year, the government had stated that the finalised second audit will be made public –thisisstilltobedone.
When pressed on the timeline for Exxon’s response to the audits, Routledge was unable to provide a specific date. In fact,Routledgesaid,“Ican’t rememberwhatthedatesare exactly It was a matter of several weeks, but I can’t remember exactly what the timeline was,” he said However, he assured that Exxonremainscommittedto meetingitsobligations.“We are very conscious of what deadlines are Our team works very diligently to make sure that we comply withthoseandkeepsanopen door and updates the GRA and the Ministry of Natural Resourcesonprogress.”
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Whonowrepresentsthebestsourceofinformationfor Guyanese on their massive oil wealth? Sadly, it is not President Ali, nor is it Vice President Jagdeo, the selfappointed national oil leader, who grabbed that lucrative portfolio for himself. Theopposition is not of much help, not a group that inspires confidence in what the real intentions are with this great national patrimony Without knowing it, Guyanese have stumbled on a source of oil informationthatisagoodastherecouldbe,andwhichgives themagaugeofwhatisreallygoingon. HessCorporation’s ChiefExecutiveOfficer,JohnHess,getsthehonorsofbeing that oil information source: direct or subtle, as the circumstancesmayrequire,andinasteadytrickle. Beinga 30%partnerintheExxonMobilledconsortiumonlygives whathesaysaddedheft. Heisneartodevelopments;hehas goodgroundsforwhatheissaying.
ThepoliticalriskinGuyanaassuchrelatestooilis“very low.” This says one of two things. Hess made a clearheadedassessmentofwherehiscompany’sinvestment inGuyanastands,basedonhisreadingofthelocalsituation. Especiallythekeylocalplayers,i.e.,thepoliticianswhose words and postures, plus their attitudes, have considerable weight. Or, considering his access to those same leading Guyanese politicians, he has been given some sort of assurancethatlittleisgoingtochangerelativetothecrucial 2016 oil contract. Hess may impress some as being too talkative, one who speaks at inconvenient moments, while sharingwhatisbestleftamongfriendsandco-conspirators. Ontheotherhand,todate,hehasn’tsaidanythingaboutthe wholeoutlookwiththisoil,fromapoliticalperspective,that doesn’t add up, what strikes observant citizens as having muchsubstance.
Whenhesaysthatthepoliticalrisksare“verylow”,itis with the authority of someone who has been given what almostamountstoaguarantee. Theoilcontractwillnotbe touched,foughtagainst. Politicalrisksthatareconsidered to be “very low” should not cast concerned eyes at the government alone. The opposition does not escape being seenaspartofthatsuspiciousbrew Hesshasshownthathe speaksfluently,hedoesnotflyoffatthemouth. Thereisa pointednesstowhateverhesays,withconfidencetomatch. The questions are how should local thinkers read John Hess’s lips. And what to do with the conclusions that inevitablyarise.
It is no secret that the government is on the friendliest terms with the ExxonMobil consortium. Many citizens thinkthatitistoocozy,toomuchofafraternitythatdoesnot haveGuyana’sinterestsatheart,butwhat,infact,prioritizes the interests of the oil companies operating offshore. The opposition cannot be left out of this corporate-political equation, since its own positions have so much that is wanting. Theoppositionhasbeentoocareful,asifwalking in a minefield, where there is the constant fear that one misstep,onemisplacedword,couldspelldisaster Without anyinputfromHessaboutpoliticalrisksbeing“verylow”, the government and opposition have raised eyebrows, and stirred impatience and anger, at how guarded both have been,whenthe2016oilcontractisunderthemicroscope. Whydotheyconductthemselvesinthisall-too-careful, self-protective,manner? Whereisitthattheydon’twantto go in terms of the contract? What is it that both the government and opposition, in their own separate discussions and positions, have committed to the offshore oilconsortiumthatasgoodaseliminatespoliticalrisk? The risk of intervention and interference with that oil contract, the risk of any change to it, material or otherwise. Regardless of the answers to those questions, Guyanese could be sure of one thing. When John Hess speaks on Guyana’s oil, he is not spouting hot air There is a track recordherethathashisnameonit,hasitsownlanguageinit. It has been of political cooperation, if not collusion, and it has been of political surrender “Very low” political risk saysitall,whenalltheverbalsparring,hedging,aredone.
DEAREDITOR, The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) of Guyanahasnotedwithgreat concern the increasing level of religious intolerance expressed on social media regarding the recently inaugurated Shiva Murti on theEssequiboCoast.
The Commission firmly believes that respect and understanding among all religiousgroupsareessential tomaintainingnationalunity and social harmony The Media Monitoring Unit of the ERC has flagged numerous religiously intolerant remarks in the comment section of posts
The ERC has since issued several cautionary warningstoindividualswho have made intolerant statements about religion. However, due to the escalating number of negative comments and inflammatory remarks, the Commission urges all Guyanesetoexercisemutual respect and uphold the principles of religious freedom that is enshrined in ourConstitution.
Guyana is a proudly m u l t i - e t h n i c a n d multicultural society where religious diversity has long been a cornerstone of our
national identity The majority of our population actively participates in and respects each other’s religious celebrations, demonstrating a model of religiousharmonythatsetsa globalexample.
The ERC strongly cautions against any actions or statements that may seek to undermine one of Guyana’s greatest strengths our religious unity Itisimperativethatwe do not allow divisive rhetoric to disrupt the peacefulcoexistencethathas longdefinedournation.
In this spirit, the ERC urges all citizens to respect
The Guyana community is about to hold a general election, due this year in a matter of months. Bearing thisinmindandtheneedfor aslittleprejudiceandbiasas possible, I make one or two recommendations and comments to remind those responsibleofimplicitduties that have not been performed.
First,Iwishtoremindthe publicthatduringtheperiod after the general election of 2020, in the period immediately following the vote, His Excellency the President-elect, full of justified zeal, made a public statement in which he declared that rapes, including rape of children, had taken place in a certain constituency of selfrespecting people The policedidnotfollowupwith any investigation, and the presidentorhisofficehasso far not withdrawn his remarks, which hang like a judgment over the heads of innocentpeoplelivinginthat constituency and not engaginginsuchoffensesat that time. I recollect that his Excellency the President, whohasprovenhimselftobe a strong ruler in his own words, only considers whether it is necessary and fair not to allow the citizens ofthoseelectoraldistrictsto enter the election with a sense of a shadow hanging over them that may well dampen or restrict their participation.This, to me, is a serious responsibility of His Excellency the President,whohadventured into the area of public
accusation That is one recommendation.
M y s e c o n d recommendation is directed to the president’s legal advisor, the Hon. Attorney GeneralofGuyana.Itwillbe recalledthatwhenperhapsin anatmosphereofuncertainty about evidence to be presented against those accusedofelectoraloffenses in the 2020 election, the President using his powers under the Commission of Inquiries Act (19:03) appointed a commission of eminent persons to discover and record evidence of the offenses alleged against persons around the time during the poll of 2020. When an unofficial citizen likemeaskedforastatement of the terms of reference which had not been given and which are an essential part of the Commission of Inquiry Act of 1903, the president made the surprising explanation that when the members of the commissionmet,theywould arrange the terms of reference implying they would write the terms of reference.
We know how that ended The commission memberstooktheprecaution of explaining to the public thattheywerenotengagedin drafting the terms of reference for their mission. My concern here is that this committee has been appointed and has reported. One of the members appointed, an eminent jurist from India, did not finally join the team, and if any explanation was given for his declining to do so, it did
our Hindu brothers and sistersastheycommemorate this historic inauguration of a sacred symbol in their faith. Let us continue to fosteranenvironmentwhere all religious beliefs are honored, and where mutual respect and understanding define our national discourse.
The ERC remains committed to promoting harmony and good relations across Guyana We encourage all Guyanese to join us in this vital effort, ensuring that our country remains a beacon of unity, tolerance,andpeace.
not come to my notice. I hope I can find it somewhere.Butthereportof this commission has been handedin,andnoactionhas yetbeentaken.Iamsurethe government has explained these delays to the public in its activity and frequent press conferences through the honorable Vice President. But with my disability, I have not been able to follow up on the internet and the abundant information on it, as is my custom. I will leave it there and hope that some understanding official related to these matters will consider whether it is necessary, prudent, and fair to explain to the Guyanese public.
I am now coming to the finaliteminthisletter,oneof a few I shall try to write because of its indirect reference to the upcoming elections. It concerns the unsolved homicides committed by police and civiliansintheruralterritory between Cotton Tree and Plantation Bath At least three of them very young men. I know the head of government and state, the supremeexecutiveauthority, hadlostnotimeinusingthe services of the Regional Security System (RSS), and we know that this effort on His Excellency’s part producednothingofvalueso far as the public has been informed. I leave that there, butIwishtosaythisitisthe most unfortunate and prejudicial atmosphere for the people living between Cotton Tree and Bath, both of which are rural
communities in West Coast Berbiceanditcastsashadow undeservedly, on their communitiesandhangsover themwith prejudicialeffect. Now, we are asking these communities to enter another general election when the young man was shot by the police in some clashthattookplacebecause he chose to protest. The brothers of one family are both Indians and Africans and a gentleman leaving Plantation Bath on the Sunday evening when these unfortunatelivescametoan end. To this day, the fifth year after the events these matters have not gone through the preliminary inquiry stage The RSS report itself had become controversial, and counsel claiming to be entitled to its contents seemed unsatisfied with their wish to be informed. I remember one counsel representing the victims taking personal initiatives with foreign governments in relation to someofthesecrimes. Boththepassageoftime, calendar of months, and everything else, body language, of so many officials, tell us that these communities will soon be asked to put bandages on their wounds and go and vote. The people appealing to them should be reminded thattheyarenotappealingto lower animals, who may sometimes considered as having no emotions. We are appealing to people deeply wounded by these events, andthespeedwithwhichthe insolentauthorityis
Guyanesepeopledeservetransparency-notjustin governance,butalsofromthosewhoclaimtopromoteit
, Inoticedrecentcoverage
o f T r a n s p a r e n c y International’s latest commentary on Guyana, which reminded me of the serious allegations surrounding the role played
b y T r a n s p a r e n c y
I n t e r n a t i o n a l i n manipulating Brazil’s democraticprocess.
While the organisation claims to champion anti-
corruption and good governance,thereisgrowing
e v i d e n c e t h a t i t s interventions in several countries have been politically motivated, including in Brazil where Transparency International
has been accused of undermining Brazil’s democratic institutions rather than strengthening them.
One of the most glaring examples is Transparency International’s strong support for Operation Car Wash(LavaJato),whichwas initially presented as a corruption probe but ultimately became a tool for politicalinterference.
T h e o p e r a t i o n disproportionately targeted leaders from one political party, particularly former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who was jailed on dubious grounds that Brazil’sSupremeCourtlater annulled. The politicisation oftheanti-corruptionagenda resultedinthe2018election of Jair Bolsonaro, and
OperationCarWashplayeda major role in shaping the political environment that ledtothis.
Moreover, leaked messages from the
prosecutorsinvolvedinLava Jato, revealed through The Intercept’sVazaJatoreports, showed direct collusion between prosecutors and then-Judge Sérgio Moro, who privately advised the prosecution on strategy while publicly presenting himself as an impartial arbiterofjustice.
The messages exposed political motivations behind the case, including discussions about ensuring Lula’s exclusion from the 2018 elections. This severe breach of judicial ethics demonstrated how the anticorruption banner was manipulated to serve a politicalagenda.
Instead of condemning these abuses, Transparency International continued to provide legitimacy to a flawed and biased process. Even after the Supreme
Court overturned Lula’s conviction, Transparency International refused to acknowledge its role in the manipulation of Brazil’s democracy
T r a n s p a r e n c y International’s support for Operation Car Wash and Sérgio Moro raise questions aboutitsimpartiality
n awarded Operation Car Wash and Moro its annual anti-corruption prize in 2016, at the height of Lava Jato, despite growing
targeting. Moro later joined JairBolsonaro’sgovernment as Minister of Justice, revealing his true political loyalties.
T r a n s p a r e n c y International, however, remained silent on this clear c
, demonstrating that its socalledanti-corruptionefforts werenotappliedequally
This raises an important question: Is Transparency International attempting to
do the same thing in Guyana? Recent actions suggestthattheorganisation isincreasinglyaligningitself with interests that do not necessarily reflect the democratic will of the Guyanesepeople.
Its selective approach to t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d governance raises concerns about whether its interventions are truly impartialoriftheyarepartof a broader effort to influence the country’s political landscape.
As PresidentAli pointed out in his recent address, globallycredibleinstitutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB), and the Commonwealth Secretariat have all contradicted the p o i n t s m a d e b y Transparency International. Their assessments of Guyana’s governance and financial management stand in stark contrast to TransparencyInternational’s
claims, further calling into question the organisation’s credibilityandmotives.
It is worth asking: Why
does Transparency
International consistently target leaders like Lula in BrazilorAliinGuyana?The common thread is that these leaders derive their strength from deep connections with the working class and grassrootsmovements.They
represent a political orientation that prioritises inclusive economic growth a n d s o c i a l development values that often-run counter to the interests of powerful elites.
Transparency International, instead of applying its standards universally, appears to favour leaders aligned with corporate and financial elites while undermining those who prioritise equitable development.
Thispatternsuggeststhat theorganisationislessabout trueaccountabilityandmore aboutservingtheinterestsof a particular political and economicclass.
Guyana has made significant progress in strengtheningitsdemocratic institutions and ensuring transparency in governance. However, international organisations like Transparency International must be scrutinised when theiractionsappeartobeless about accountability and more about advancing politicalagendas.
If the organisation is truly committed to fighting corruption, it must apply its standards fairly, without serving as a tool for regime changeorexternalinfluence.
Brazil has already seen t h e d e v a s t a t i n g consequences of such interference. Guyana must remainvigilanttoensurethat its democracy is not similarlyundermined.
The Guyanese people deserve transparency not just in governance, but also from those who claim to promoteit.
Ukraine’s president meets leaders at Munich Security Conference amid a push to end Russia-Ukraine war.
Aljazeera - Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called for the United States and Europe to band together to support Ukraine in its war against Russia.
SpeakingonFridayatthe M u n i c h S e c u r i t y Conference, Zelenskyy also said the US, including
formerPresidentJoeBiden’s administration, never saw UkraineasaNATOmember. Ukraine will need “securityguarantees”before any talks with Russia, he said,asUSPresidentDonald Trump presses both countriestofindaquickend tothethree-yearwar Shortly before sitting
Zelenskyy said he would onlyagreetomeetinperson with Russian President Vladimir Putin after a common plan is negotiated with US President Donald Trump.
The roughly 40-minute meeting between Vance and
Zelenskyy produced no major announcements detailing the way out of the deadliest war in Europe sinceWorldWarII.
“We want peace very much,”Zelenskyysaid.“But we need real security guarantees.”
Vance, for his part, said the Trump administration is
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
committed to finding a lasting peace between UkraineandRussia.
Earlierthisweek,Trump upended years of steadfast USsupportforUkrainewith aphonecallwithPutin,after which Trump said the two leaders would likely meet soon to negotiate a peace deal.
In Munich on Friday, some world leaders –includingconservativeparty leader Friedrich Merz, who is seen as the likely next chancellor of Germany –sided with the Trump administration.
“There was also agreement that the path to a lasting peace can only succeed in the closest coordination between AmericaandEurope,”Merz said on the sideline of the conference.
But there were more widespreadconcernsamong otherleadersatthesummit.
“There is concern that there may be a deal that Washingtonwantstodowith Putin effectively excluding not just the Europeans but the Ukrainians too,” Al Jazeera’s diplomatic editor James Bays said from Munich.
But there was a stern warning from Yulia
proceeding is not encouraging It promises nothing healthy in such an essential process to the citizens on the eve of a generalelection.
who died in a Russianpenal
“Even if you decided to negotiate withPutin,justrememberhe willlie.”
German Foreign MinisterAnnalenaBaerbock also expressed concerns a b o u t t h e T r u m p administration’s proposal to reinstateRussiaintheGroup of Seven (G7) leading economies.
“AsG7partners,wehave repeatedlymadeitclearover thelastthreeyearsfollowing thisbrutalRussianfull-scale invasion: There can be no normal cooperation with Russia,”Baerbocksaid.
Just hours before Vance and Zelenskyy met, a Russian drone armed with a warhead struck the protective shell of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power PlantintheKyivregion,site of the world’s worst nuclear accidentin1986.
Zelenskyy and the UN atomic agency confirmed that radiation levels remainedunchanged.
Zelenskyy later told reporters in Munich that the attack was a “very clear greeting from Putin and the Russian Federation to the securityconference”.
events just recounted we seethathavenotgonevery far in time and quality of life from the days when a well-known bard made one of his characters complainof“theinsolence of office” and the “law’s delays” Yourssincerely, EusiKwayana Recommendations
I leave it there for this letter There are a few more points of that nature that I wish to raise In the
The Government of Guyana in response to the 2024 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) published by Transparency International said the methodology employed to rank countries haslimitations.
In a February 14, 2025 statement, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira, clarified that while corruptionremainsaconcern in Guyana, she argued that the CPI is not an accurate measureofcorruption.
She said, “At no time hereinisthereaninsinuation that corruption is not a problem; rather, the objection is that nonempirical, non-scientific data cannot be the standard bywhichsuchaseriousissue ismeasuredbyTransparency International or any other organization.”
Theministeradded,“The CPI is a perception-based index that aggregates views from13sources,providedby 12 institutions deemed appropriatebyTransparency
To this end, she noted that one of the institutions, the World Bank, includes a disclaimer that the ratings reflect staff judgement and not necessarily the views of theWorldBank’sBoard.
Kaieteur News reported that Guyana’s CPI score fell slightly from 40 points in 2023 to 39 in 2024, placing the country at 92 out of 180 nations. ThestateofGuyana has been captured by the economicandpoliticalelites h e r e , f o s t e r i n g
misappropriation of resources, illicit enrichment and environmental crimes, the global coalition against corruption- Transparency International said on Tuesday
“InGuyana,statecapture by economic and political e l i t e s f o s t e r s m
n of resources, illicit enrichment and an environmental crime,” the Transparency Internationalreportsaid.
It added: “Although the country has created anticorruption institutions and laws, transparency and law enforcement are very low, and attacks on dissenting voices, activists and journalists increasingly common,”thebodystatedin itsreport.
However, Minister Teixeirasaidinherstatement that the rankings are influenced by various subjectivefactors.
She noted, “The CPI
measures perceptions of corruption, not documented incidents It relies on subjective assessments from undisclosed individuals in eachcountrywhoTIrefersto a s e x p e r t s a n d businesspeople One can agree that the perceptions of these individuals can be shapedbyheightenedpublic discourse,isolatedincidents, personalandbusinessbiases, and sociological and politicalworldviews.”
Moreover, the minister stated that the local media often overlooks the progress
Guyana has made in combating corruption “It seems to have been completely missed by the media that Guyana is listed as a ‘Significant Improver’ over the past 10 years in the sameCPIreport,”shesaid.
Minister Teixeira also raised concerns over potential biases in the CPI’s funding structure, questioning whether there
Frompage2 that optimized the use of space and on this port, space is valuable for many perspectives You can have strong competitors but you can also have strong collaborators in the interest of the business and nation,” Ali stated. In 2023, John Fernandes Limited secured a US$4 million corporate loan from the IDB to purchase a new mobile handline crane. The loan was facilitatedbyIDB’sprivatesectorarm,IDB Invest,whichfinancesprojectsthatadvance clean energy, modernize agriculture, strengthen transportation systems, and expandaccesstofinancing.
couldbeaconflictofinterest between the countries that fund Transparency International and the rankingstheyproduce.
“Since 2020, we have implemented a broad range of measures to recover from the period of electoral corruption and bolster our a n t i - c o r r u p t i o n architecture…our continued progress reflects a serious commitmenttotransparency and good governance,” the ministerfurtherstated.
The Transparency Internationalreporton
Continued on page 23
operations in Guyana have relied on crane vessels for loading and discharging containers.
Thesevesselsarelessefficientandhavea lower cargo handling capacity than mobile harbourcranes.Withtheintroductionofthe MHCs,JohnFernandesLimitedwillbeable to service gearless vessels, which can carry significantly more cargo and operate more efficiently
The IDB noted, “This transition will increase cargo handling capacity from 33,000TEUs per year to 100,000TEUs per year by 2032, improving port infrastructure andsupportingthetimelyhandlingofrising internationaltradeinGuyana.”
Youknow,Inever thought I’d see the day when elections in Guyana would become something like a tragicomedy But here we are,anationwhereelections havetakenonthegravitasof a Greek tragedy, except insteadofthegodsmeddling in mortal affairs, we have political parties who refuse to accept any result that doesn’t end with them in power It’s like watching a gamblerwhoonlyconsiders the casino fair when he’s winning, and cries foul the momentthedicerollagainst him.
The Opposition have found themselves in a peculiar predicament On one hand, they insist that elections are fraught with fraud because of a bloated voters’list. But on the other hand, demographic arithmeticsuggeststhatthey actually have a shot at winning—ifthey,youknow, didn’tmakesuchanartform out of self-sabotage. But let’s be clear: the only election they would ever considerlegitimateistheone thatcrownsthemthevictors. Thisisthecurseofthese politicalparties.It’sasortof tragic, existential dilemma. They have become so trapped in their own narrative of victimhood that they are now incapable of adaptability Imagine, for a moment,thattheOpposition did, in fact, win an election. Would they then declare the system fair? Or would they suddenly develop a newfound suspicion of the very mechanisms that
brought them to power? It’s like the man who rails againstcapitalism,thenwins the lottery and suddenly discoversadeepandabiding loveforthefreemarket.
The latest obsession is biometrics.Thisispresented as the grand solution! The panacea! The key to unlocking the doors of electoral credibility! Never mind that no amount of fingerprint scanning, iris recognition, or DNAtesting willfixwhatis,atitscore,a problem of their making. Becauselet’sbehonest:even if the elections were held in heaven, with the ballots counted by angels using abacuses made of celestial light, the Opposition would still cry foul. They would say. “The angels were biased.”
But let’s entertain the premise for a second Suppose the government, to prove just how fair they can be, implemented the most sophisticated biometric voting system known to man. Every voter, before casting their ballot, would have to undergo facial recognition, voice analysis, and maybe even a retinal scan—just to be sure. What then? Would the Opposition finallyaccepttheresults?Or would they find a way to argue that the biometric validations machines were hacked? That some nefarious foreign entity had infiltrated the system? That someone, somewhere, had swapped the biometric databasewiththatofasmall villagein Russia?
The irony, of course, is
demographics have finally shiftedinsuchawaythatthe Opposition could, theoretically,win.
The numbers are there. The electorate is diverse enough The possibility exists But instead of capitalizing on this reality, they have chosen instead to cling to a narrative of perpetual victimhood, a story where they are forever theaggrievedparty,doomed to contest elections in a system they claim is rigged—until they win, at which point it will miraculously become the goldstandardofdemocracy
They do not deserve to participate in elections. But despite their tragicomic descent into electoral nihilism, they still have a legalandconstitutionalright to participate in elections. Thisistheabsurdityofitall. Ifamanspendshisentirelife sayingthatrestaurantsinhis cityservepoisonedfood,but continuestoeatinthosevery same restaurants, what conclusionshouldwedraw? Eitherhedoesn’tbelievehis own claims, or he has made peace with the idea of slow, agonizing poisoning. The Opposition, in the grandest display of political irony, arguesagainstthelegitimacy of the very process they so desperatelywanttobeapart of.
But of course, they cannot be denied this right. Democracy, as flawed and maligned as it may be, does not work that way And so, the cycle continues. Every e
Valentine’sDaycomeandgone,andall dem man wah spent big still rubbing dem pocket like if magic gon bring back de money Demboysseh,disdayisnotabout love—nah, love free, is de fantasy wah doescostyuhlifesavings!
Dem flower man and chocolate seller does turn into financial terrorists overnight.Alilbouquetwahdoesnormally cost$10,000suddenlyturn$20,000,andif yuh complain, dem does look at yuh like yuh got commitment issues. Chocolates wahstalefromChristmasdustoffandsell as“premiumBelgiancocoa”fuhfivetimes de price. But is not even de flowers and chocolate wah wuk yuh wallet—it’s dem dinnerreservations!
Dem restaurant people does smell desperation from a mile away Dem boys seh,demgotaspecialValentinemenu,but de only ting special is de price! One lil chicken breast, two string beans, and a mashed potato dem call “culinary experience”andchargeyuhlikeyuheating gold.Yuhdoesbookatableat7PM,butby 7:05, dem waiter already watching yuh
accusations. The same calls for reform The same insistence that this time, if only this one condition is met,thingswillbedifferent. And then, when the results comein—shouldtheynotbe favorable the same familiar cries of fraud and injustice will echo through the halls of political discourse, like a badly written sequel to a film no onewantedinthefirstplace. So, what’s the lesson in
platelikeyuhoverstayingyuhwelcome. And de hotel industry? Oh skites! Is like dem know Guyanese got a weakness fuhValentineromance.Suddenly,everylil room in de city transform into a “luxury lovers’ suite,” complete with one towel folded into a swan and a bottle of cheap wine dem calling “complimentary.” And de real kicker? Some man does book de roomtwomonthsinadvanceandstillend up sleeping in dem car when dem side pieceanddemmainsqueezeshowupatde sametime!
Dem boys seh, Valentine’s Day is de biggest economic scam since dem oil contract. Yuh spending money fuh prove yuhlove,butbydenextmorning,yuhback toreallife—samearguments,samestress, and now, an overdraft. If yuh want fuh really celebrate love, stay home, cook lil cookupandcurry,andkeepyuhmoneyin yuhpocket.
Butnobodygonlisten.Nextyear,same thinggonhappen—deonlytingfatterthan demrosesgonbedempricetag! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
all of this? Perhaps it’s that political parties, like gamblers, should know whentoleavethetable. Or maybe it’s that sometimes, when you spend too much time crying wolf, people stop listening. Or maybe just maybe the real tragedy isn’t that the Opposition has been consignedtothetrashbinof history, but that they put themselves there, sealed the lid, and are now banging from the inside, demanding tobeletout.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
If there were only a few in the People’s Progressive Party, I urgetheGuyanesepeopleto thinkofhowmuchbetterasa party the PPP would be. I start with 10 in the Central Executive, the 10 that made thecutintothecabinet,andI cannothelpbutmapouthow much of a different Guyana therecouldbe.
Ten only that are supremely honest, totally devotedtomoralandethical imperatives, would be all that it takes for a better PPP andadifferentGuyana.
Somenumericalblendof men and women of reasonable principle, who possessthekindofbackbone that this society needs, the intellectual cleanliness so urgently needed in party, government, and country Becausethismeanssomuch tome,toGuyana,anddueto anexpansiveframeofmind, even as few as five could help. Only five in the PPP cut from a different cloth.
Courage. Integrity Selfrespect. Aretherefiveinthe PPP-party or governmentthat have what it takes to swing this country and its peoples towards a straight road? Towhatistrulyabout cleangovernance? Forwhat there would never be any question, any doubt, about thecaliberofleadershipthat Guyanesehave? FiveisallI ask. Wherearethey?
Dr Terrence Campbell got me thinking, led me to raising these questions, having this conversation with citizens, with many in the government who cannot helpbuttoread.
He thought that A New andUnitedGuyana(ANUG)
offered a promising beginning. Then he didn’t. When he left, he made sure that everyone knew why Nothing sneaky, no slitheringaroundinthedeep grass like a snake that fears thelight,theheatitdelivers. This is where I have a concern. ThisiswhyImust
gomyownway Amanafter my own heart, a kindred soul. Hedidthesameatthe Natural Resources Fund, rocked that placid, porous boat He enlightened Guyanese what they were gettingforstewardship.
It isn’t anything to celebrate; it is what Guyanese should mourn Largely, it’s just another layer of the two-faced, twob i t , t w o - t i m i n g representation that the people of this country get, while remaining in the darkness of ignorance, and thinking that nobility and commitmenttodutyreign. A firestormresulted,withdirty deeds done by a vengeful PPP machinery, from heads tohooligans.
See what I mean,when I regret having to lament, if there were only 10, and because the situation is so critical,thenamere5would have to work When decency was needed inside thePPPgovernmenttoserve
as a restraining force, it was found not to have been spawned,asyet. Vitrioland venom rained. Decency in governmentisalowpriority; integrity is lower than low HowIyearnforablocinthe PPP to assert itself, and en massesay:thisshallnotbe.
When the opposition, with which he has some linkage, is struggling to be one body, speak with one voice, Campbell made sure that the world knew that it was not so. Fragments and factions.
Aunitedfrontsometimes looks doable, as in being in hand;then,itlooksasremote andasdauntingasdistantMt Everest. His friends in that circle cannot be inspired by his frankness, and in the publicdomaintoboot.
But, oftentimes, a few menjusthavetobehowthey have been made. Like the PPP, if only the PNC could boast of a few good men, stalwart women, and just 10 iswhatwouldbeasourceof
inspiration. Aforcefora makeover,apresenceforall that has been neglected, all thatshouldbehighpriorities. Since 10 could prove to be out of reach, then 5 bright lights, clean lights, and true lights (to Guyana) could be the difference makers sought. Aretheythere,orare theynot?
I study a land that produced the likes of Critchlow, Jagan, Burnham; then a diaspora that is a country by itself; and global ambassadors (not the whiskey swilling and money-grubbing kind) that speak of a place that has more than sterling roots. It has (or had) a quality pedigree With this as history, surely this country still has a few honorable people left? Just the right number to help it emerge from the present darkness, and ride the wave to the heights. Ten is all I seek in either the PPP or PNC, and thereisasenseofimpending
failure. Something tells me thatmyfateissealed,andso is this country’s, because even as minute a number as five authentically wholesomepatriotsmayjust beoutofreach.
What has happened to this country when it is piloted by men made of lard and sand that binds to nothing?
What will be its fate? A society of serfs by the hand ofoutsidersisalreadypartof a searing reality that withstandsanyargument. A concentration camp is what is feared, compliments of one set of Guyanese to the rest. Iamstillsearchingfor that10. Sincebeggarscan’t be choosers, like Dave Brubeck,I’lltakefive.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
PresidentIrfaanAlionFridayeveningjoinedresidentsand health officials in Region Three to turn the sod for the construction of the new state-of-the-art West Demerara RegionalHospital;aprojectvaluedUS$54million(GY$11.4 billion).
The National Procurement and Tender Administration Board’s (NPTAB) website published that a consortium, CAMCE and Sinopharm Int’l (China CAMC Engineering CO.LimitedandChinaSinopharmInternationalCorporation) wasawardedtheUS$54,169,883.76contractonDecember31, 2024followingthenationalbiddingprocess.
TheprojectwhichisbeingundertakenbytheMinistryof Health is for the ‘Design and Build’ of the hospital. The consultancyfirmoverseeingtheconstructionofthehospitalis VikabEngineeringConsultants.
PresidentAliinhisaddresssaidthatbuildingmassive Continued on page 27
A 51-year-old clothing vendor was placed on $25,000 bail when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’CourtonFriday to answer a threatening behaviour and assault causingbodilyharmcharges.
Renton Reeks of 284
John Smith Street, Campbellville, Georgetown isaccusedofcommittingthe crimes on his ex-partner Natasha Morrison on February 9, 2024 at the said address.
Reeks pleaded not guilty after the charge was read to him by Acting Chief MagistrateFaithMcGusty
Reeks told the court that he and Morrison shared a relationship which ended five months ago. After the relationship ended, he asked her to move out of the apartmentwhichtheyshared butsherefused.
It was reported that Morrison was given two dates on separate occasions to evacuate the premises but sheignoredboth.Reekssaid thatMorrisongotmarriedin December2024andisliving attheapartment,whichheis paying for, with her new husband.
The frustrated man told the court that the woman, despite being married to someone else, is refusing to leaving the apartment while heisforcedtosleepinhiscar and take showers at random locations.
Hesaidheonlyentersthe apartment when he needs clothes or something of importance.
On the day of the incident, Morrison’s husband reportedly entered the apartment while Reeks
President Irfaan Ali alongside Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony, regional and health officials and the contractors during the turning of the sod for the new $11.4B West Demerara Regional Hospital.
Renton Reeks
was securing his room. He said Morrison stormed into hisroominsearchofanitem. He told the court that he askedMorrisontostayaway from his belongings and out ofhisroom.Aftercautioning the woman, Reeks said she ran out of his room and indicated that she will be goingtothemakeareportat thepolicestation.
In response, Morrison told the court that she and Reeks both pay the rent and bothoftheirnamesareonthe lease for the apartment
However, Reeks and the landlord have a good relationship and because of such,theyissuedheraverbal eviction notice instead of an official written eviction notice.
“I don’t think that is the wayitsupposedtobedone,” Morrison told the court. She added that based on the verbal notice, she is scheduled to leave the residence on February 28, 2025.
Magistrate McGusty placedReekson$10,000bail for the threating behaviour charge and $15,000 for the assaultcharge.
The government of Guyana is willing to assist the Mocha Arcadia, East Bank Demerara (EBD) squatters who had sued the State over the demolition of theirhomes,PresidentIrfaan AlisaidonThursday
Inalivebroadcastviahis Facebook page, the President said that his government has an “open door policy” for all citizens and is willing to work with andassistthesquatters.
On Friday, the High Court dismissed the case filed by the six Mocha Arcadia,EBDsquatters.The court also ordered the squatterstopay$1millionto theState.
theMochaArcadiasquatters issue, we are a Humane government; we don’t see PNC /APNU whatever form the PNC / AFC whatever formtheyhave;weseeevery single citizen as a responsibility of the PPP/ Civicgovernmentandthatis whyweofferedallthosewho were squatting in Mocha an opportunityonethatwasfair the few who are misled by NortonandthePNCandthe AFC,”PresidentAlisaid.
Hestressedthatwhilethe court has ruled, his governmentisforthepeople.
“We are a government that will embrace the people every single time and whilst they say silent on you; your president is ready to receive
you.Yourpresidentisalways readytoworkwithyou.Your government, the people’s Progressive Party Civic government has an open door and open policy to make the life of every Guyanese better, including yours,”hesaid.
The President noted nonetheless that he is happy that the squatters had an opportunitytoseewhocared for them and who wanted to usethem.
“I’m happy you had the opportunity to see who saw youaspawn.Itisunfortunate and sad that such political entity and individuals exist but now you know that you have a friend in us…” he said.
Last year, squatters, Mark Gorgon, Shenika Simpson, Roxane Allen, Joyann Ellis, Junior Ellis, andLuretiaGeorge,whohad been occupying lands on Block ‘X’ Plantation Herstelling (now part of the Four-Lane Heroes Highway), argued that they had acquired prescriptive rightstothelandandsought $200millionindamages.
The Applicants claimed, inter alia that they hold prescriptive rights over the MochaArcadia lands, while alsoseekingdeclarationsfor b r e a c h e s o f t h e i r fundamental rights under Articles 141 (Protection from Inhuman Treatment), 142 (2) (Deprivation of
Property) and 143 (ProtectionagainstArbitrary Entry)oftheConstitution.
However, Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George ruled that the squatters, “have no rights,interestsortitletothe lands, which are lands owned by the State,” a statement issued by the Attorney General Chambers said.
Justice George’s ruling outlined that the squatters failed to provide sufficient evidence to prove their claims.The court found that they had not demonstrated anyprescriptiverightstothe landpriortotheenactmentof the Title to Land ( P r e s c r i p t i o n a n d Limitation)AmendmentAct of 2011. Additionally, no credibleortangibleevidence was presented to prove they hadacquiredlegaltitletothe land or had any right to remainthere.
Thecourtalsonotedthat the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) had issued multiple notices to the squatters to be
relocatedandinformedthem that the land could not be regularized because it was needed for the construction of the Four-Lane Heroes Highway The CHPA had also made efforts to incentivizetherelocationby providing house lots to the squatters. Despite this, the sixsquattersremainedonthe land and refused relocation. Asaresult,inJanuary2023, the government demolished their homes, while over 150 relocated.
Furthermore, the Chief Justice ruled that the squatters were trespassers and that CHPAhad the legal righttoremovethemstating, “CHPA was entitled to removethem;theytherefore remainedattheirownperil.”
The squatters’ claims of constitutional breaches, including violations of their rights to protection from inhuman treatment, deprivation of property, and protection from arbitrary entry,werealsodismissedas unfounded and unsupported bycredibleevidence.
The prisoner who was released before his time was rearrested by police on Friday, the Guyana Prison Service(GPS)announced.
The prisoner, 24-yearold Ricardo Singh called ‘Cordy’ was mistakenly releasedearlybytheGPSon Wednesday due to incorrect dates being placed on his record.
Singh was sentenced to two years, three months in jail for Robbery Under Arms.
“The Guyana Prison Service would like to express appreciation to
Rearrested: Ricardo Singh called ‘Cordy’
members of the public and family members for their support,”thePrisonService said.
The Ministry of Education on Wednesday commissioned the $130M Onderneeming Primary
School in Region Two Construction of the school began early 2024 and was only recently commissioned.
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand; Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh; and President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Mr Daniel Best among other Regional and Education officials were present at the commissioning ceremony
The school project was being undertakenthroughfinancingfrom the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the Government of Guyana.
It was reported that in March 2024, the government through the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF)
programme, signed the
$130,821,128 contract with Builders Hardware, General Supplies and Construction to construct the school. The project wassupervisedbyconsultantE&A ConsultantsInc.
Deliveringremarksonbehalfof PresidentIrfaanAli,MinisterSingh said that it is the Government’s vision to ensure that every child, even those who are differently abled, is given the opportunity to get a good quality primary and
The newly constructed Onderneeming Primary School built in Region Two. (Photo courtesy of the Ministry of Finance)
Dr Singh also noted that the commissioningoftheschoolisjust one of many live and direct examplesoftheimpactofthework that the CDB has been doing, and theimpactthattheworkoftheBank can do to real people in real life settings.
In his address, the President of CDB, said that the opening of the school is a living embodiment of President Ali’s bold vision to materially invest in human capital inGuyana.
“Education is the cornerstone of development and progress. It empowers individuals, transforms communities and lays the
foundation for a brighter future. Todayyouaretakingamomentous step in ensuring that every child in this community has access to the educationthattheyrightlydeserve, this is what development is all about, ensuring that our children have access to more and better opportunities than we did,” Best said.
Meanwhile, Minister
Manickchand related that with the UnitedNations(UN)declaringthat the country has already achieved universal primary education, her government will continue to build schools where it is needed. She added too that with the numerous secondary sch
construction, the goal is to achieve universal secondary education in 2026.
Further, Regional Chairperson ofRegionTwo,VilmaDeSilvasaid that the primary school is a significant investment since Onderneeming is a developing community in the region. DeSilva saidtoothatthecommunity’sroads have been upgraded, a large solar farmisbeingconstructed,andsoon theywillbecommissioningawater treatmentplantthere.
TheBasicNeedsTrustFundisa grant funded programme by the CDB which aims to reduce the incidence of poverty by targeting the cause of inequitable access to
quality education The school project is funded by CDB through the fund and the Guyana Government. Government had stated in a public advertisement previously that it has received US$ 7,937,000 financing from the Caribbean DevelopmentBank(CDB)towards the cost of the Basic Needs Trust FundTenthProgramme(theBNTF 10). The BNTF shared previously that the move to have this school built is that a gap has been identified in the community of Onderneeming. It was noted that students from Onderneeming had to travel to the Suddie Primary Schooltoaccesstheireducation.
Guyanaisbeingconsideredasa destination for the Donald Trump administration to send deportees from Asia and Africa, two United States (U S ) officials have reportedly told CBS News, an Americanmediaentity
Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali when questioned by the media on Friday said that “nothing specific” has been decided upon just yet but notedthathehasbeenintalkswith the U.S. about matters related to migration.
According to the CBS news report published on February 13, 2025, “The U.S. has long had difficulty deporting migrants from Africa and Asia, due to the long distances involved in deportations to the Eastern Hemisphere and decisions by governments in those continents to limit or reject Americandeportationsflights”.
The Trump administration is now moving to convince countries toacceptmigrantswhoaredifficult todeport,eventhoughtheyarenot
People are seen boarding a U.S. military aircraft. The White House announced that “deportation flights have begun” in the U.S. (White House)
The U S government is st
deportations under its agreement withPanama.
citizensof their nation, CBS News reported.
The American news agency disclosedthatPanama,ElSalvador andGuatemalahavealreadyagreed to accept third-party deportees from the U S El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele reportedly offered to accept and detain suspected members of the Venezuelan gang, Tren de Aragua whoareexpelledfromtheU.S. Panama, according to media reports, has already received its first flight of 119 deportees from Afghanistan, China, India, Iran, Nepal,Pakistan,SriLanka,Turkey,
President Ali was questioned about the White House’s plans on thesidelinesofaneventonFriday Heinitiallytoldreportersthatwhile Guyana has had discussions with U.S. Secretary of State, Marco Rubio on Donald Trump’s migration policy - to deport all undocumented immigrants from the U.S. - nothing specific about accepting them in the country was discussed.
“There is nothing about accepting deportees, there were somespecificissuesofwhichIwill not go into details here in terms of the movement, which includes flight and movement of people but there is nothing specific… there is nothingspecificatthismoment,”
Continued on page 23
The Ministry of
Public Works is preparing to spend approximately $10 billion for the construction of secondary connection to the New Schoonord to the Parika Highway in Region Three. The project which is
divided into three lots was opened recently at the National Procurement and Tender and Administration Board (NPTAB) office
There, it was revealed that Lot1 is estimated to cost $4,062,822,060; Lot2 is $4,574,710,910; and Lot3 is $1,637,958,190.
Below are the companies and their bids: MinistryofPublicWorks ConstructionofSecondaryConnectionto theNewWismar-MackenzieBridgeLots1-2.
Kaieteur News reported in 2023, that during a recent outreach in Malgre Tout/Meer-Zorgen area, Region Three, President IrfaanAliannouncedthatthe government had secured a US$350 million loan from Qatar to extend the Schoonord to Crane four-
lane road all the way to Parika. He told residents that “I just came back from Qatar and we just secured US$350M to continue that road through to Parika and complete the new four lane roadallthewayontheWest Coast.”
ConstructionofSecondaryConnectiontothe NewSchoonordToParikaHighwayLots1-3.
Kaieteur News had reportedinSeptember2022, theMinistryofHousingand Water, Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) signed $11 8 billionincontractstobuilda new four lane highway connecting Schoonord to Crane.
The Schoonord to Crane four-laneroadisjustthefirst phase of the highway which leads to Parika It was reported also that the planned four-lane highway is aimed at reducing traffic congestion along the West Bank and West Coast Demeraracorridor
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Formerly of Lot 77 Mon Desir Clay Brick Road, Canal Number 2® West Bank Demerara. TAKE NOTICE that on the 25th day of June, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by MELISIA PANDAY nee RAJCOOMAR, the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 8th day of November, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in Guyana and on the world wide web.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition and Application, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 30th day of January, 2025 at 9:30 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via zoom meeting ID: 882 1097 6231 and password: Court12 IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 13th day of November, 2024
2024/225-FD-PET-DEM IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISION Application No. FD-225 BETWEEN: (DA SILVA) NATASHA nee JAWAHEER Petitioner/Applicant -and- (DA SILVA) PIERRE ALISTAIR Respondent TO: SHAWN ANDRE AUSUSTINE Formerly of 407 Block X Cornelia Ida West Coast Demerara Guyana TAKE NOTICE that on the 26th day of November, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by NATASHA DA SILVA nee JAWAHEER the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. And FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 23rd January, 2025 the Petitioner was directed to effect service of her Petitioner on you by publication of this Notice in tvo (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published andcirculated in and around Guyana and on the Worldwide Web. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Monday the 31s day of March, 2025 at 9:00am before the Honourable Madam Justice Priscilla Chandra-Hanif via Zoom Meeting ID: 337 040 4877 & Passcode: 123456.IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.
The registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the LawCourts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. dated the 24th day of January, 2025
Petitioner/Applicant -V- PERSAUD (ALEX)
Respondent TO: ALEX PERSAUD (Address unknown) TAKE NOTICE that on the 27h day of November, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by RAZENA RAZEEKA PERSAUD nee HAFEEZUDEEN, the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 29th day of November, 2024 the Petitioner was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorneyat-Law at the registry of the Family division of the high court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), an Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the Second and final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Tuesday the 25th day of March, 2025 at 10:45 am before the Honourable Madam Justice
Deborah Kumar-Chetty at the High Court at Georgetown via Zoom ID: 703 085 9517 and Passcode: DKCfamet1granting the Divorce.the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00 am to 2:30 pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 31st day of January
I, VALERIE ELIZABETH PERSAUD of lot 59 Hope West, Enmore, East Coast Demerara, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Magistrate of the GEORGETOWN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT for a Certificate under the Money Lenders’ Act, authorizing the grant to me of a Money Lender’s Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender under the title of VALRICE PAWN SHOP of lot 59 Hope West, Enmore, East Coast Demerara, NOTICE of any objections to the application should be sent forthwith to the CLERK OF COURT OF THE GEORGETOWN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT and a copy of any such notice should be sent to the subscriber, VALERIE ELIZABETH PERSAUD of lot 59 Hope West, Enmore, East Coast Demerara, Sworn to at Goorgotown, Demerara
This 7th day of February, 2025
Lot 3 Plantation Brahn, West Coast Berbice.
TAKE NOTICE that on the 25h day of September, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by LYTHESHA ORLINDA GORDON
nee MCALLISTER the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 23ãd day of January, 2025, the Petitioner was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive saturday issues of the Guyana Kaieteur Newspaper, a daily Newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the Worldwide web AND by leaving copies of the said documents with an adult inmate at the Respondent’s last known address. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.AND
FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 27th day of March, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via Zoom Meeting ID: 882 1097 6231 andPassword: Court12. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce
A22-year-old man was remanded to prison on Friday when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer a larceny charge.
The accused, William Goodasaul, of 494 ‘C’ Field Sophia, Georgetown was accused of stealing a gold chain valued $250,000 from Kelly Ann Kyte on February 4, 2025 at Campbell Street, Georgetown.
Goodasaul pleaded not guilty after the charge was read to him by Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty.
He told the court that he is the sole breadwinner for his family and he would never put them at risk by doing something “so stupid”.
He attempted to settle the case by suggesting to the Acting Chief Magistrate that he would pay the victim for the chain.
“Is just one phone call
Remanded: Parsram Tapsie
A 52-year-old fisherman was remanded to prison on Friday after pleading guilty to vandalizing a 13-year-old girl’s tomb.
Parsram Tapsie called ‘Radesh’ or ‘Ranchie’, from Phase 3, Good Hope, East Coast Demerara (ECD), was arrested on February 11, 2025 and charged with the offence of malicious damage to property. It was reported that 13year-old Millie Miguel, of Lot 7 Track A Coldingen, East Coast Demerara, tomb, was broken into between February 7 and 8, 2025. Miguel died
The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 29th of January,2025
away and I will get the money,” he said.
Magistrate McGusty asked Kyte if she would accept the chain or the money. She informed the court that she would accept either. Goodasaul was granted the phone call to secure the money but unfortunately, he was unsuccessful and was remanded to prison.
He is scheduled to return to court on February 21, 2025 with the chain or the $250,000.
From page 18
President Ali told Journalist Gordon Moseley who pressed him for answers.
Moseley pointed to the CBS report and asked him if his government had any discussions with the U.S. about Guyana being considered to receive third-party deportees (deportees from other countries).
President Ali said, “I don’t see the report that you are referring to… so I cannot comment on it,” before adding, “But of course, the U.S. is a strong partner of
on, February 3. Reports are that Miguel’s relatives discovered the damage when they visited the grave the following Saturday and found the tomb broken into and the coffin opened. On Friday, Tapsie appeared at the Vigilance Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Sunil Scarce who read the charge to him.
He pleaded guilty but the magistrate ordered a probation and psychiatric evaluation before sentencing. As such, he was remanded to prison and is scheduled to return to court on March 17, 2025 for sentencing.
He spoke of his discussions with the new U.S. Secretary of State: “My discussions with Secretary Rubio…we have discussed a range of issues including the migration issue.”
Moseley questioned the president further. “Have you discussed at all, including with the visit by U.S. Marshalls, the possibility of Guyana accepting deportees from other countries and having them here in prison?”
In response, President Ali said, “Absolutely not! We
would not have anyone here in prison”.
The president then said that accepting foreign deportees does not mean having them in prison.
“What we are discussing is our partnership with the U.S. and as the U.S. unfolds its programmes and plans wherever Guyana can be of support… but nothing about prisons or having persons in prison and deportees here. Specific issues were discussed of which I am not going to go into detail on,” President Ali Said.
From page 8
Guyana is significant, given widespread complaints of massive corruption in government and accusations that billion-dollar contracts are being handed out to friends and families of government officials. Several government ministers are also fingered in corruption schemes – some allegedly owning construction companies, hotels and other businesses and have assigned persons to front
The report also comes on the heels of a massive scandal of corrupt allocation of state lands, which has forced the resignation of the Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority, Sherwyn Greaves.
In June 2024, disgraced former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour, Mae Thomas resigned as a member of the People’s Progressive Party Central Com-
mittee after she was sanctioned by the United States Government for allegedly taking bribes to facilitate the award of government contracts, passports and gun licences to the Mohameds.
Thomas proceeded on leave pending an investigation.
In September 2024, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said that the PS remains on paid leave. This was the last update from the government.
Th e m a i n oppositionparties in Guyana have voiced their agreement with TransparencyInternational’s latest Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) ranking, which highlighted concerns about s t a t e c a p t u r e , misappropriationofresources, and weak law enforcement againstcorruption
The 2024 CPI showed Guyana slipping from 40 points in 2023 to 39 in 2024, ranking92outof180countries ontheglobalcorruptionscale At a press conference on Friday,LeaderofthePeople’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Aubrey Norton, criticized the People’s Progressive Party (PPP)
government for what he described as “rampant corruption”
“The PNCR/APNU agreeswiththelatestfindings of Transparency International that the PPP government is captured by economic and politicalelites,whichhasledto rampant corruption and illicit enrichment,”Nortonstated
Norton accused the government of allowing the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) and regional tender boards to violate procurement laws withoutconsequence.
“It has done nothing to strengthen the Public Procurement Commission,” headded.
Similarly, Alliance For Change (AFC) member
an, expressed his party’s support f
freaks gorging ravenously at the state’s drop,” Ramjattan said at the AFC press conferenceonFriday He pointed out that contracts are awarded to friends and family, with billions of dollars wasted or goingunaccountedfor
c y International’s findings, sayingthereportconfirmsthe party’s long-held stance on corruption within the PPP government. “The AFC feels and is vindicated when it’s characterized the PPP governingelite,mostcritically, as a corrupt battle control
Frompage11 hospitals like the new West DemeraraHospitalispartof the world-class healthcare visionthathisgovernmentis buildingout.Henotedthatas part of the world-class healthcare system, there needs to be world-class infrastructure, world-class equipment and diagnostic facility, and world-class emergencyservices. He said when the new hospital is completed, there will be an integrated health and patient management systemthroughdigitalhealth anddigitization.
“So, this hospital here now, they will have a control room that integrates all the health centres, all the health posts and the hospital on a common platform and all thedoctorwillbeavailable on that platform,” he stated Speaking of what the new hospital will entail when it is completed in 2028, the President announced that it will have more than 150 beds, four operating theatres, the impatientfacilitywillhave
“All Guyanese know that what is in the report is very muchthereality Contractsare awardedtofriendsandfamily Substandard works are done by unqualified contractors Billions of dollars are wasted and discriminatorily distributed, and even more, billionsgounaccountedfor,” he stated. The opposition’s remarkscomeontheheelsof President Irfaan Ali’s dismissaloftheTransparency
Accident and Emergency Unit, an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), maternity and delivery ward, a general ward, and a paediatric childrenICUward
Hesaidthattherewillbe neonatal ICU services, and intheoutpatientdepartment, there will be endoscopy services,ear,noseandthroat clinic, dermatology and ophthalmology services, internal medicine, dialysis, ECG, ultrasound, and cardiology services just to nameafew
Meanwhile, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony said that the sodturning ceremony is significant since it has been some 79 years since the old structure started operation
He said with the new hospitalatDeKinderenon the West Coast of Demerara (WCD) which will be commissioned this year, will complement the newWest Dem Hospital in providing never before health care services to residentsinRegionThree.
“ T h e n e w We s t Demerara Hospital, you will have CT scan, you w i l l a l s o h a v e a mammographic machine and more importantly you will have an MRI machine that will be in this hospital,” Dr Anthony said
He added that persons suffering from heart problems are usually referred to the Georgetown Public Hospital but with the new hospital, that will be a thing of the past as the new hospital will have its own Cathlab. It was reported that
International findings on corruption in Guyana The president has questioned the methodology of the rankings andsuggestedpoliticalbiasin thefindings
“In Guyana, state capture by economic and political elitesfostersmisappropriation o
environmental crime,” the Transparency International report said It added:
“Although the country has created anti-corruption institutions and laws, transparency and law enforcement are very low, and attacks on dissenting voices, activists and journalists increasingly common.”
President Irfaan Ali in September 2024 had announced that a new hospital will be constructed. The current hospital has been undergoing several upgrades including the construction of a new mortuaryandtheacquisition o f e q u i p m e n t f o r laparoscopic surgeries However, despite the improvements over the years,PresidentAlisaidthat the hospital can no longer meet the demands of the growingregionaleconomy
“Now with this growth, we know that the West Demerara Hospital has nowoutgrownitstime
It has outgrown what it was built for It does not meet the modern, efficient, reliable needs of the citizens of Region Three,” the President said at the timeoftheannouncement F o l l o w i n g t h e President’s announcement, the Ministry of Health issued a tender seeking a contractor to undertake the project Threebiddersfrom China submitted their proposals for the contract, they were China CAMC Engineering CO Limited ( C A M C E ) a n d Sinopharmintl (China Sinopharm International Corporation), a consortium; Shandong High-Speed Dejian Group Inc ; and QingjianGroupCo.Limited.
Sinopharmintl and CAMCE are no strangers to Guyana’s construction industry. Sinopharmintl and CAMCE are currently t h e c o n t r a c t
construction of the six regionalhospitalsacrossthe country
TheAllianceforChange(AFC)iscalling on the Government of Guyana to establish a dedicated taskforce to fast-track justice for rapevictimswhoareminors.
AFC Member of Parliament (MP) BeverlyAlerttoldthemediaonFridayduring the party’s weekly press conference that immediate steps should be taken to have the taskforcesetup.
“There have been a number of reports of rapeofaminorsmakingnews,allegationsof rapeofachildattheBarticaschooldorm,the impregnationofa12-year-old,reportedlyby thestepfatherandpossiblysexualabuseofa nine-year-old by the same accused, (and) a manfromSophiawantedinconnectionwith therapeofaminor,”shesaid.
She stressed that rape of a minor is a heinouscrime. “TheAFCcallsonPresident Irfaan Ali to convene immediately a dedicatedtaskforceoftheMinistryofHome Affairs, the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Guyana police force, the Ministry of HumanServicesandrelatedagenciestowork withnon-governmentalorganizationsandthe judiciarytofast-trackpursuitofjusticeforall minorswhoarevictimsofrape.”
Alert explained that these victims had their lives shattered, along with their innocence snatched away and their faith destroyed, as such they cannot heal until justice is served “Families have been traumatized by the monsters who rape our children.Thearmofthelawmustbeenabled tomoveswiftly,Mr.President,thereismore to building a nation than bricks and mortars. Lives are more important and more so the lives of all children. The alleged monsters, who prey on our children and destroy them, mustbebroughttojustice,”Alertsaid.
TheAFCParliamentariannotedthatthere are too many instances where victims and
their families are being forced to move on withlifewithouteverhavingadayincourt.
“Therearetoomanyinstanceswheredeep pockets buy their way out, moving on to another victim. The Alliance for Change is committedtoprotectingourchildren.Wecall onthoseincourtauthoritytodothesame,not with words, but with action,” she told reporters.
On February 12, 2025, this publication reported that a 12-year-old girl was reportedly impregnated by her step father while her 9-year-old sister was also sexually abused.
Police had arrested the accused after a reportwaslodgedwithRegionOnepolicein January Hespent72hoursinthelock-upsbut police were forced to release him on $200,000 bail as they continue their investigation.Amonthhaspassedsincethen andheisyettobeprosecuted.
The children’s mother is frustrated and angry that after one month, the suspect remainsfree. “Ineedsomekindajustice…I want to know why the process is moving so slow,”thewomansaid.
The woman said she regularly checks with the police for updates and they would claim that the file is with the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), SC. ShalimarAli Hack.
“This happen almost a month now and every time I go to the station, they always telling me, ‘The paper ain’t come back yet they waiting for advice,” she claimed while adding that she now fears that the suspect mightgointohiding.
The mother told Kaieteur News that, “Presently,adon’tknowwhereheisnow,but aknowhedoesgointhebackdamandwork. Adon’tknowifheisthereorheissomewhere else.”
Three thieves
stormed into the First Street, Herstelling, East Bank Demerara (EBD) home of a man and stole three mobile phones.
The trio then made good theirescapebutnotwithouta fightwiththevictim.
Thecrimewascaughton Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) footage and publishedonHighTechAuto Electrical Service’s Facebookpage.Theincident reportedlyoccurredbetween 03:56hand04:06h.
The footage showed the
three bandits scanning the areabeforeclimbingoverthe man’sconcretefence.Oneof the bandits who appeared to bearmedwithaknifehadhis face covered in a jersey while his two accomplices were casually dressed and theirfacesuncovered.
Uponentryintotheyard, thetriowasseentakingtheir phone’s flashlight, and looking into a bus that was within the compound after which they broke into the victim’shome.
The victim was heard saying, “This is an early morning robbery three
hungry belly bandits just climb up me veranda, come in me house (and) take me cellphones.”
The victim continued, “These bannaz them getting outofhand.”
The thieves reportedly opened the man’s bedroom door but while entering the room,hewasawaken.
“WhenIseethemman Ihadtoputupalilfightand them man end up beat out (escaped).”
The trio was seen running out of the man’s home,scalingthefence,and runningaway
Frompage30 Jaguars struck back once more in the 54th when Shaquan David powered in anotherheaderfromacorner toearnashareofthespoils.
The results see both CostaRicaandTrinidadand Tobago are locked on seven points each, with the former holding pole by virtue of a superior goal difference. As such, Shawn Cooper’s young Soca Warriors will havetowinSunday’stop-ofthe-table clash to secure a WorldCupberth.
Over in Group E, Haiti cemented their place at the top of Group E with a composed victory over Antigua and Barbuda at Estadio Cementos Progreso inGuatemalaCity
AllthreeofHaiti’sgoals came from the penalty spot, as Franco Celestin opened the scoring in the 14th, before Emerson Laissé converted twice, once in the 34thandagaininthe82nd,to securethepoints.
In the feature contest, Guatemala hammered Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines tokeeppacewithHaiti.
Andrés García set the tone with an opener in the 14th, while Marvin Ávila doubledtheleadinfirst-half stoppage time before heading in his second in the 66th.
Javier Celis (67th) and Claudio de Oliveira (82nd) roundedoffthescoring.
With the results, Haiti and Guatemala sit level on six points each, but the French-speaking Caribbean nation hold a two-goal
advantageheadingintotheir decisive top-of-the-table contestonSunday
Meanwhile, in GroupA, Canadatooksolepossession of first place with a commanding 7-1 victory overCuraçaoattheNational SportsCentreinDevonshire Parish,Bermuda.
MariusAiyeneronetteda hat-trick with goals in the 27th, 45+3, and 47th, while Kevin Khan also scored twice (32nd, 64th). Shola Jimoh (54th) and Aidan Evans(88th)roundedoutthe rout, as Canada moved to nine points and are well on theirwaytotheWorldCup.
Curaçao’s lone goal came from a Jerremy Ortela penaltyinthe45+1.
You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Aries Your persuasivemannerandgentle nudges are just enough to get peoplewhereyouwantthem.
When faced with ten entrees onthemenu,itmightbehard for you to choose just one. Feelfreetoordertwoormore, Ta u r u s D o n ' t l e t indecisiveness slow you down.Atthesametime.
Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act onthem,Gemini.Nooneelse is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take mattersintoyourownhands.
If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them nomind,Cancer Youhavethe righttoliveyourlifeanyway youwantto.
Reachforthepotofgoldatthe end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closerthanyouthink.Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals.
Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think aboutwhatitisthatyouwant most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to howfaryoucango.
Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra.
dible opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm.Followthemusic.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Today is an excellent day for you,oneinwhichyou'llfinda great deal of strength in your emotions, Sagittarius Trust that your instincts are serving youwell.
Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Capricorn. Don't feel like you needtomakesenseofitall.In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb.
18)Mixyourrealitywithabit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allowyourfeettocomeoffthe ground for a little while. Give yourselfarest.Takesometime to meditate and clear your mindofyourdailyworries.
Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor Dreamasbigasyour mindallows.
Elsewhere in Group C, Nicaragua downed Dominica 4-1 to strengthen their position in Group C at the Mexican Football Federation headquarters in Toluca.
JubanUriarte(39thpen), Leandro Padilla (47th), Ian Parrales (54th), and Diego Gutiérrez (67th) netted for Nicaragua, while Darius Gasper (60th) scored Dominica’s first goal of the tournament.
The other group contest saw Mexico cruise past
Barbados 6-0 with a clinical display, also at the Toluca headquarters.
Viggo Ortiz opened the scoringfromthepenaltyspot inthe34th,andfurthergoals from Saulo Tejeda (40th), JuanRangel(52nd),Aldode Nigris (69th, 82nd), and MáximoReyes(73rd)sealed anemphaticwinforElTri. Both Mexico and Nicaragua sit on nine points each, with the former holding the coveted top position by virtue of a superiorgoaldifference.
In the feature contest, hosts Bermuda continued theirdecentcampaignwitha 5-0 win over the Turks and CaicosIslands.
Kalen Brunson starred with a hat-trick (7th, 27th, 54th), while Logan Jimenez (74th)andHarlemBeanFox (90+2) added headers from set pieces to complete the comprehensivevictory
With the win, Bermuda sitonsixpoints,threebehind Canada, who also hold a healthy 18-goal advantage. Bermudawillhavetopulloff an unlikely win by a very wide margin to overtake their North American counterparts when the two meetonSunday
The inaugural One
G u y a n a
Mashramani Softball Cup is slated for Sunday at the Bath Settlement Sports Ground, West Coast Berbice from 9am and Amaya Milk Company has thrown its supporttowardstheevent.
ManagingDirectorofthe company Mr Omkaar Sharma said that he is very pleased to support the event especially being onboard with the female category of thecompetition. He said that in the past
thegamewasmainlyplayed by male and it’s a joy to see that females are supporting thesportsbybeingpartofthe actualgames.
He went on to say that softball cricket is brings people together because it’s the grassroots of all cricket
Hewentontowishallthe teams the very best and thank the Organisers for reaching out to his entity to bepartofthetournament.
TheorganizersthankMr Sharma for supporting the event and wishes his companyallthebest.
The one day limited overs competition has so far attracted a number of male and female teams from regions4,5and6andbeing organised by R.S. Sports, Roraima Community Developers in association with Bath Settlement Sports Club.
The teams will be vying for cash incentives and trophies will be awarded to the winners, runner-ups, MVPs, best bowling figure in a match and most runs, playerofthefinals,andeach game the best player will be awardedwithatrophyalso.
The tournament is being supported by J&G Supermarket, M.K Hoosain Construction, Wazim and SonsTruckingService,Vice Chairman Rion Peters and PT Hatchery, ATL Engineering,S.Chattergoon 65 Sports Store, Khan Agri
Centre, Rex Singh, Angad Ganesh, Wakar Steel Fabrication, Revision Optical,CozyPub,Furniture Pro, Mahendranauth Ramjit and Regal Stationary and ComputerCentre. Therewillbelotsofside attractions such as snatchde-bottle, sack race, 100m sprint, tug-O-war, dancing competition,andmore.
A well-stocked drinks and food bar including barb-quewillbeonsale. Music will be supplied by Ground Vibes International Admission into the venue is free.
According to the organizers all funds raised from the activity will go towardstheupliftmentofthe BathSportsClub.
(SportsMax)-Caribbean hopefuls Trinidad and Tobago and Haiti kept their dreamsofreachingtheFIFA Under-17 Men’s World Cup alive, as both teams registeredcrucialvictoriesin the Concacaf qualifiers on Thursday
Trinidad and Tobago demolishedSintMaarten9-0 to move within striking distance of the top spot in Group B, while group leaders and tournament favourites Costa Rica stumbled in a 2-2 draw againstGuyana.
Meanwhile, Haiti maintained their dominance in Group E with a comfortable 3-0 win over Antigua and Barbuda, ensuring they stayed ahead of Guatemala, who also
picked up a 5-0 win over Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Trinidad and Tobago showcased their firepower with a ruthless thrashing of Sint Maarten at Estadio Nacional in San José, Costa Rica.
Josiah Kallicharan was thestaroftheshow,nettinga hat-trick with goals in the 36th,49th,and73rd.Hisfirst came from a clever delivery by Adam Pierre, and he added two more clinical finishes to complete his treble.
SheridanMcNishtapped in a rebound in the 43rd to extend the lead before the floodgates opened in the closing minutes Pierre (85th), Timothy Valentine (86th), Criston Gomez
(88th), Caden Trestrail (90+1), and Nikosi Foncette (90+6)eachfoundthenetin a late goal rush, sealing the emphaticvictory
In the other Group B clash, Guyana produced a stunning performance to holdfavouritesCostaRicain a stalemate that threw the race for the top spot wide open. Costa Rica took the lead in the very first minute throughanowngoalbyMax Robinson, but Guyana responded through Joshua Morris, who headed home a cornerinthe38th. Los Ticos regained the advantage just before halftimethankstoaperfectly placed free kick from Marcus Brown in the 43rd. However,theGolden (Continuedonpage29)
(SportsMax) - The Barbados Pride secured a dominant nine-wicket win over the Jamaica Scorpions on day three of their round
three West Indies Championship tilt at the Kensington Oval in Bridgetown. The Scorpions entered Friday 26-1 in 12 overstrailingthePrideby36 runsonfirstinnings.
The day started horribly fortheScorpionsastheylost Kirk McKenzie in the second over of the day after he added just one to his overnight 14. Things got from bad to worse as JermaineBlackwood,oneof theirformbatsmensofarthis season, made a golden duck soon after to leave the Scorpions 33-3 two balls intothe15thover 26 runs later, captain John Campbell fell off the bowling of Ramon Simmondsfor25.
Javelle Glenn and Brad Barnesthenadded46forthe fourth wicket before Barnes fell off the bowling of Pride skipper Kraigg Brathwaite for14.
DanielBeckford(9),and OdeanSmith(15)thencame
and went to leave the Scorpions 139-7 in the 48th over Glennwasnexttogofor a tip score of 66 from 109 balls while Marquino Mindleyfollowedsoonafter for a duck to leave the Jamaicans 152-9 Jeavor Royal provided some lower orderexcitementwith29off 17 balls before he fell in the 55th over, bringing the innings to a close with the Scorpions being bowled out for 180 and the Pride needing119towin.
Jomel Warrican was the pick of the Barbados bowlerswith3-42from11.2 overs while Ramon Simmonds and Chaim Holder picked up two wickets,each.
The Pride then lost only one wicket on their way to 121 in 33.5 overs to add to their win over the West Indies Academy in round two aftera round one defeat at the hands of the Guyana HarpyEagles.
Jonathan Drakes followeduphisfirstinnings centurywith52*off99balls while Kraigg Brathwaite finished47*off97balls.
beaPlatePlayoffsfeaturing t h e f o u r l o s i n g quarterfianlists and the top twoteamsfromtheSuper-16 round for a total purse of $100,000 while each of the top three teams in this
competition will be rewarded with one case of MagnumTonicWine.
Assuch,FestivalCitywill playAlbouystownwhileBent Street, who lost to Stabroek Ballers in the Quarterfinals will play Showstoppers anotherlosingquarterfianlists Back Circle B, a quality side that North East beat last weekendwillplayZtekk-also alosingquarterfianlists These gamesaresettocommenceat 8pm sharp Hosts of the event, Sports Management Inc (SMI) disclosed yesterday that all systems areinplaceforagreatnight
of street football competition. The body said thatitspentthelastfewdays goingoverlogisticswiththe Guyana Police Force and working out every detail to ensurethattheeventremains one that is incident free and safe for all patrons at every level. The organisation said
that the sport is definitely growing and therefore it is treatingthefinalstonightasa mega event with the focus of ensuring all stakeholders are comfortable in a secure and safeenvironment.
“There is no stone that would be left unturned to ensure a night of great, clean f u n , s p o r t s a n d entertainment,”SMIsaidina pressrelease.
The letter expressed “gratitude to all those who made the event possible”, especially the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, Magnum Tonic Wine, Lucozade, MVP Sports, ENet, Corum Group, Starr Party Rentals, Fireside Grill, Cevons, TCL Guyana Inc, Trophy Stall, J’s Chill Spot, Nigel Hinds Financial Services,theCommissionerof Police, Mr Clifton Hicken, Sleep Inn International Hotel, Secure Innovations and Concepts, Troy Mendonca, Christopher Mathias, The Media, and “all those who supported the grassroots football initiative and contributed in some way toward making the event a success”.
Intense rivalries will bringthecurtaindownonthe S e v e n t h A n n u a l Mashramani Street Football Championshiptonightonthe TarmacoftheNationalPark aftertwoweeksofpulsating competition in the journey for the coveted top prize in oneofthecountry’spremier ‘small goal’ football tournaments.
The competition that’s now down to the Final Four started two weeks ago with 32 teams vying for the ChampionshipTrophyanda $500,000 first place cash prize. Tonight will decide how the four teams that qualified for the final round finish.
In the first semi-finals, in-form Taliban will tackle the experienced Goal is Money In the second semif i n a l s , d e f e n d i n g champions,StabroekBallers will come up against the resurgent North East. The winners of each semi-final
Tonight’s Champion will cart off with $500,000.
advances to the finals also set for tonight while the losersplayinthethirdplace playoff. The winner will pocket
$500,000, second place
$300,000, third place
$200,000 and fourth place
$100,000. Trophies will be given to teams placing first
to third while the Most Valubale Player (MVP) of thetournamentgets$50,000 andtrophy Therewillalso (Continuedonpage27)
GAPLF President Franklin Wilson and Owner/Manager of Fitness Express Jamie McDonald.
As has been their tradition for many years, leading supplement and equipment store, Fitness Express will continue that tradition when the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting
commences its 2025
calen d ar w ith its
N o v i c e s / J u n i o r s
Championship at Saint
Stanislaus College, Auditoriumfrom09:00hrs.
Yesterday, at the business headquarters, located at John and Sheriff Street, Campbellville, Owner/Manager of Fitness Express, Jamie McDonald met with GAPLF President Franklin Wilson to guarantee his business,’ continued partnershipwith thesport.
“I would like to affirm the continued support of Fitness Express to you Mr President and the powerlifting fraternity by extension.Oursupporttothe overall top performers is apart from our commitment givenbefore.
Thisisourwayofgiving back and saying thanks to the athletes and the federationforallowingusto beapartofyoursport.Many of the athletes and administrators support our products and it is only natural for us to show appreciation.”
Wilson expressed gratitude to McDonald and Fitness Express for the high levelofconfidenceshownin the sport by maintaining a solidpartnership.
“You have never turned down a request for support and even though presented sponsorship yesterday for the smooth running of the competition, you did not turn down a further request to support the overall athletes, both female and male.
This speaks volumes of the kind of individual you are, and, on behalf of the executivecommitteeandall our athletes, I express heartfelt appreciation. We wish you and your business continuedsuccess.”
In 2024, the Guyana Amateur Swimming Association (GASA) found itself in a state of crisis, having been stripped of recognition by both the G u y a n a O l y m p i c Association (GOA) and the N a t i o n a l S p o r t s Commission (NSC), in a move which highlighted the severemismanagement,lack of transparency, and failure to uphold fair governance withintheorganization.
PanAm Aquatics, the regionalgoverningbody,has provided a comprehensive list of recommendations to address these failings in a letterwhichwasobtainedby KaieteurNews.
One of the most glaring issues plaguing GASA addressed by PanAm Aquatics, is its opacity in operations.
PanAmAquaticspointed out, that the association has failedtomaintainanupdated website, leaving athletes, coaches,andstakeholdersin the dark regarding governance and procedural documents.
Transparency is a
cornerstone of good governance, yet GASA’s refusal to publish clear qualification criteria for international events, domestic competition schedules, and selection policies raises questions
about fairness and accountability M o r e o v e r , communication structures within the association are virtually non-existent, with PanAmAquaticsnoting,that
announcements about events, selection policies, andadministrativedecisions lack clarity, contributing to c o n f u s i o n a n d dissatisfaction among clubs andathletes.
The letter stated, that in an era where information dissemination is critical, G A S A ’ s p o o r
communication practices erodetrustinitsleadership.
PanAm Aquatics related to GASA, that their draconian decision to suspend multiple clubs and athletes following the February 2024 protest exemplifies its heavyhanded and authoritarian approach.
While disciplinary measures are sometimes necessary, PanAm Aquatics has strongly advised lifting these suspensions, citing GASA’s failure to provide dueprocess.
They stated, that the protestitselfwasbornoutof frustration with the association’s opaque and discriminatory selection policies Instead of addressingthesegrievances, GASA chose to silence dissent by imposing excessive punishments, further alienating the very stakeholders it claims to represent.
PanAm Aquatics has emphasized the need for fairness in GASA’s governance, particularly regarding club affiliations, athlete selection, and access totrainingfacilities.
Itwasstated,thatGASA must immediately reinstate clubsthathavebeenunfairly suspended, ensuring that all affiliates are treated equally under the constitution. This also means implementing a clearsystemforathleteswho wish to change club affiliations without facing bureaucratichurdles.
Currently, certain clubs are disproportionately favoured when it comes to training time and facilities, PanAm Aquatics said, noting, GASA must collaborate with the government and clubs to create an equitable system where all athletes have fair accesstotrainingpools.
As it relates to selection criteria, PanAm Aquatics
was adamant, that the association must establish and publish a transparent athlete selection policy, pointing out that too often, decisions on national representation appear arbitrary, breeding resentmentandundermining confidence in GASA’s administration.
Selection criteria, PanAm Aquatics said, should be based on merit, discipline, and performance rather than personal affiliationsorfavouritism.
GASA’s leadership structuremustberevisitedto eliminate conflicts of interest, according to P a n A m A q u a t i c s , highlighting, that no coach or administrator should be allowed to hold positions in multiple clubs while simultaneously occupying keyroleswithinGASA.This practice, they said, leads to bias in team selection and creates an uneven playing field.
Responsiveness is another area where GASA has failed spectacularly Emails and inquiries from
clubs, athletes, and
governing bodies go unanswered for weeks, if at all, PanAm Aquatics revealed.
PanAm Aquatics stated, that as a national federation under World Aquatics, GASA must commit to timely communication with bothPanAmAquaticsandits
own stakeholders Implementing a standard policy of responding to emails within 48 hours would be a simple yet effective first step in addressingthisproblem.
Additionally, there is a pressing need for an independent grievance procedure, PanAmAquatics recommends, pointing out that athletes and clubs currently have no proper avenuetochallengeGASA’s
be a seasoned coaching team comprising National Coach Lennox Daniels, renowned Cuban trainer Francisco Roldan, Clifton Moore,andJeffRoberts.
Meanwhile,presidentof the GBF, Steve Ninvalle,expressedconfidenceintheteam’s abilitytoexcelatthechampionship.
According to Ninvalle, “we have assembled a squad that blends experience withyouth,ensuringthatGuyana’spresence in regional boxing remains dominant. Our fightershavetrainedhard,andIamlooking forward to seeing them showcase their skill anddeterminationinSt.Lucia.”
Ninvalle also lauded the return of the Caribbean Championship, highlighting its importanceinfosteringboxingdevelopment acrosstheregion.
“The resumption of this tournament is a significant moment for Caribbean boxing, andweextendourgratitudetotheSt.Lucia Boxing Association for hosting this significant event The GBA remains committed to providing avenues for our athletestogainexposureandhonetheirskills in competitive environments,” the GBF presidentsaid.
decisions, leading to further disenchantment.Anexternal disciplinary committee with neutral representatives would ensure that complaints are handled fairlyandinatimelymanner
Meanwhile, swimming pundits believes that GASA’scontinuedrefusalto implement necessary reforms places the future of Guyanese swimming in jeopardy,astheyalsonoted, that without recognition fromtheGOAandNSC,the association risks further isolation, limiting opportunities for its athletes on the
l and internationalstage.
The Guyana Boxing Association (GBA) has officially selected an 18member squad, alongside four coaches, to represent the nation at the highly anticipated 2025 Caribbean BoxingChampionship.
Set to take place from February27toMarch3inSt. Lucia, this marks the return oftheprestigiouseventafter a four-year hiatus, with Guyanaaimingtoreclaimits regionaldominance.
The Caribbean Boxing
Championshiphaslongbeen thepremierbattlegroundfor the region’s top amateur fighters.
Guyana,apowerhousein Caribbean boxing, last sec
championship title in 2018 whenitwashostedonhome soil.
In 2019, the team delivered an impressive performanceinTrinidadand Tobago, and now, with the tournament’s return, the nationalsquadisdetermined
to assert its supremacy once
contingent is Olympian Keevin Allicock (57kg), whose accolades include gold medals in the 2017, 2018, and 2019 editions of the tournament The dynamic featherweight fighter remains undefeated in the regional event and is eager to extend his streak, furthercementinghislegacy
Allicock will be joined by experienced pugilists Sharquain James (67kg),
Travis Inverary (71kg), heavyweight powerhouses Emanuel Pompey (92kg) and Aluko Bess (86kg), as
heavyweight contenders Abiola Jackman (80+kg) andZidnanWray(91+kg).
Adding further depth to the team are Desmond Amsterdam(75kg),abronze medallist at the 2022 South American Games, along with Ronalo Sutton (51kg), Joel Williamson (63.5kg), andLeonAlbert(60kg).This formidablelineupboaststhe perfect blend of experience, technique, and raw power, positioning Guyana as a formidable force in the competition.
The next generation of
Guyanese boxing talent will also have their chance to shineinSt.Lucia.TheJunior divis
e promising prospects Ken Harvey (57-60kg), Keyon Britton (48-50kg), and Lennox Lawrence (5457kg), all eager to gain invaluableexperienceonthe regionalstage.
In the Youth division, Tofina Barker (54kg), Simeon Haymer (63-66kg), Joshua Tambaran (52kg), and Terroz Wintz (66-70kg) willbelookingtomaketheir mark, demonstrating the depth of talent within Guyana’sboxingpipeline.
Guidingthesquadwill (Continuedonpage29)
(BBC Sport) - Everton, Liverpool and Arne Slot have been charged by the Football Association after thechaoticscenesattheend of Wednesday’s Merseyside derbyatGoodisonPark.
The clubs have been charged with failing to ensuretheirplayers“didnot behave in an improper and/or provocative way” afterthefinalwhistle.
Liverpool head coach Slot is charged with having acted “in an improper manner and/or used insulting and/or abusive words and/or behaviour” towards referee Michael Oliver and one of his assistants, which led to the Dutchmanbeingred-carded.
Slot’s assistant Sipke Hulshoff,whowasalsosent off, faces a similar charge for his behaviour both before and after he was dismissed
The clubs, Slot and Hu
Wednesday, 19 February to respondtothecharges
The late chaos began after James Tarkowski scored a dramatic 98th-
awarded after a video assistant referee (VAR) check
Liverpool were adamant the goal should have been disallowed because of a shove by Toffees striker Beto on Reds defender Ibrahima Konate in the build-up.
Everton midfielder Abdo
celebrated in front of the Liverpool fans at the final
midfielderCurtisJones,with both players sent off for second y
rd offences.
Curtis Jones and Abdoulaye Doucoure clashed at the final whistle, sparking a melee involving both sets of players (Getty Images)
Slot and Hulshoff were thenbothshowntheredcard after approaching Oliver on thepitch.
Reds boss Slot told a news conference on Friday that“emotionsgotthebetter of me” and he should have
Contrastinghalf-centuriesfromRonaldo Alimohamed and Gudakesh Motie kept the Guyana Harpy Eagles in the game, heading intoatensefinaldayshowdownversusWest Indies Academy (WIA) at the Guyana NationalStadium,Providence.
The Harpy Eagles did a fantastic job of posting 253 all out in the first innings, after suffering a heavy blow to their top order duringtheopeningdayofthefirstDay/Night battle.
Dynamic all-rounder Alimohamed followed up his maiden half-century in the lastgame,withanotherbriskknockof66off 71, playing like a champion under pressure forthesecondstraightgame.
WestIndiesspinnerMotiegavehisteam something with the bat before possibly looking to win it with the ball. The lefthander stroked 52 in just 74 balls, further showinghiscapabilitiesashedidduringhis half-century versus Pakistan in the recently concludedTestseries.
Medium-pacer Jediah Blades was the instrumentofdestruction,blowingawaythe Eagles with three wickets on the first day, beforeendingwith4-37.Leg-spinnerZishan Motara finished what his fellow Bajan started,returning3-37,includingarunout.
WIAwere 123-4 in reply, led by opener Ackeem Auguste (43) and Rivaldo Clarke weretheguidinglightsfortheAcademywho failedtocapitalizeonagoodstart.
Seasoned left-armspin aceVeerasammy
Permaul helped tighten the screws on the Academywithearlyreturnsof3-38.
Auguste and his partner Justin Jagessar (18)shared56fortheopeningwicketstand, priortothelatterbeingknockedoverbyNial Smith(1-39),followingthedinnerbreak.
Opposition captain Teddy Bishop (0) followed by a set Auguste and In-form wicket-keeper/batsman Carlon BowenTuckett (11), who was trapped LBW, all succumbedtotheclassofPermaul.
Clarke settled the middle-order with his counterattack with Guyanese Mavendra Dindyalathisside.
Overnight batters, Kemol Savory (39) and Kevin Sinclair (29), picked up from Wednesday evening following a rainaffectedopeningday
Afterrainkilleddaytwo’saction,thepair resumed their respective innings with some positivity, before both batsmen met their demisethesameway,viarun-outs.
However, Alimohamed and Motie had otherplansforWIA,asthetwoteamedupto push Guyana onwards after the champs’ worststartofthetournament.
Alimohamed, much as he did in the last game,playedamaraudingknockashenailed foursixestogoalongwithhisfivefours.
Motie, meanwhile showed his class as a Testplayer,ashecontinuestoblossomintoa full-fledged all-rounder by displaying confidence in finding the boundary, on his waytoa74-ballhalf-century
“acted differently” The draw moved Liverpool seven points clear at the top of the Premier League, with neighboursEvertonrisingto 15th and 10 points clear of therelegationzone. Slot is expected to be
on the touchline for Liverpool’s Premier League match against Wolves at Anfield on Sunday(14:00GMT)
The Premier League initially reported on its website that Slot would be
banned for two matches “for using offensive, insulting, or abusive language”, but that was later deleted It is understood human error was to blame for the erroneouspost