



C a n a d i a n f i r m , O m a i
Gold Mines on Monday announced promising results from its first drill hole at the Gilt Creek gold deposit, which forms part of the c o m p a n y ’s 1 0 0 % - o w n e d
O m a i G o l d P r o j e c t i n Guyana.
O m a i h o s t s t w o
significant orogenic gold deposits, the Wenot shearhosted gold deposit, and the a d j a c e n t i n t r u s i o n - h o s t e d Gilt Creek Deposit, with
t o t a l M i n e r a l R e s o u r c e
Estimates (MRE) totalling 4.3 million ounces (Wenot at 834,000 oz averaging 1.48
g / t A u ( I n d i c a t e d ) & 1,614,000 oz averaging 1.99 g/t Au (Inferred) PLUS Gilt
C r e e k a t 1 , 5 1 5 , 0 0 0 o z
a v e r a g i n g 3 2 2 g / t A u (Indicated) and 665,000 oz
a v e r a g i n g 3 3 5 g / t A u (Inferred)).
S i n c e i t s r e t u r n t o
Guyana, Omai has been more focused on the Wenot m i n i n g p i t , w h e r e a constrained pit approach is applied. The company has
announced that it is now working on the Gilt Creek
d e p o s i t w h e r e a n u n d e r g r o u n d m i n i n g a p p r o a c h i s a p p l i e d t o integrate the Gilt Creek into a n u p d a t e d P r e l i m i n a r y
E c o n o m i c A s s e s s m e n t (PEA) planned for this year
T h e c o m p a n y s
Creek underground deposit into an expanded mine plan with the Wenot open pit deposit has the potential to s i g n i f i c a n t l y i n c r e a s e projected annual production rates and life of mine for the Omai project.”
For her part, President and Chief Executive Officer ( C E O ) E l a i n e E l l i n g h a m underscored the significance of these results, stating, “In addition to our recent drill results that show strong p o t e n t i a l t o e x p a n d t h e Wenot resource, the Gilt Creek underground deposit is a major growth lever at the Omai Gold Project.”
E l l i n g h a m f u r t h e r explained, “Core samples
from this hole will be used to advance metallurgical test work, augmenting data from the histori
This drilling also assists the underground mine design and planning to incorporate Gilt Creek into an updated PEA anticipated in Q3 of this year, which we expect will s
production profile, mine life, and overall economics of the c o m b i n e d O m a i G o l d Project.”
The company reported that the drill hole (24ODD095) successfully intersected a 774-metre interval of the gold-bearing Omai Stock, an
d between 1993 and 2005 Notably, this marks the first drilling at Gilt Creek since 2007 and extends the known Omai Stock approximately 200 metres laterally beyond previously drilled limits. A second drill hole is planned t o f u r t h e r e x p l o r e t h e deposit’s potential.
Hole 95 also intersected 38 separate occurrences of visible gold, with assays r e v e a l i n g k e y h i g h l i g h t s such as 2.0 g/t Au over 64m and 1.9 g/t Au over 48m. The average grade across the 774m interval was 1.0 g/t Au. Approximately 61% of the 5 3 8 c o l l e c t e d s a m p l e s c o n t a i n e d g o l d concentrations greater than 0.30 g/t Au.
Ellingham underscored the broader implications of these findings, stating, “With these very exciting results in hand, we are planning for a second Gilt Creek drill hole, which will continue to test the lateral and depth extents of gold mineralization.”
T h e c o m p a n y ’s A p r i l 2024 PEA only included the Wenot open pit deposit
However, inte
G i l t C
u n d e r g
o u n d deposit into the mine plan h a s t h e p o t e n t i a l t o significantly boost annual production rates and extend the mine’s lifespan The newly acquired data will s u p p o r t m e t a l l u r g i c a l studies, mine planning, and geological modeling aimed a t a s s e s s i n g t h e f u l l exploration potential of the Omai gold system. Omai also noted that the i n t r u s i v e O m a i S t o c k extends beyond the current drill hole, indicating further potential for mineralization. Additionally, the historical Gilt Creek open pit produced 2.4 million ounces at an average of 1.5 g/t Au, and p r e v i o u s d r i l l i n g b y IAMGOLD in 2006-2007
c o n f i r m e d m i n e r a l i z a
o n down to 967 metres below surface. It was stated, “the s h e e r e x t e n t o f g o l d mineralization and the first c o n f i r m a t i o n t h a t t h e intrusion extends beyond the known limits opens the door to potential expansion.”
The company remains o p t i m i s t i c t h a t f u r t h e r d r i l l i n g w i l l p r o v i d e additional insights into the full scale of the Gilt Creek deposit.
A s e x p l o r a t i o n continues, Omai Gold Mines Corp. expects to release an updated PEA in the third q u a r t e r o f 2 0 2 5 , incorporating the Gilt Creek underground resource into t h e o v e r a l l O m a i G o l d P r o j e c t d e v e l o p m e n t strategy
2 months after completion...
T h e 2 2 5 - k i l o m e t e r pipeline that will transport gas from the Liza Fields to the Wales Development site was completed before the end of December 2024 but the developer, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) is still unable to state the final cost of the structure.
D u r i n g a m e d i a
c o n f e r e n c e , C o u n t r y
Manager Alistair Routledge informed invited journalists
t h a t t h e p i p e l i n e w a s completed in line with its commitment to deliver the structure before the end of 2024. He said, “The gas-to-
c o m p
i s n o w connected from the FPSOs Liza Unity and Destiny all the way to the shoreline and o n s h o
Routledge explained that the company is now awaiting the completion of the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) facility
In response to a question from this newspaper on the cost, he said that he was not
a b l e t o p r o v i d
t h e f i n a l figure, although it remains
around the original estimate of about US$1B. “The cost of the pipeline, the estimate
Govt. seeking contractors for $1.9B Parika to Goshen Road project
Moving ahead with the construction of the road link between Parika and Goshen, Region Three, the Ministry of Public Works is currently seeking contractors to undertake t h
This is according to an invitation for bids issued by the ministry According to the document the project has been divided into two lots and bids will be opened on March 19, 2025 at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office.
B a s e d o n i n f o r m a t i o n provided, the project is as follow: the construction of 5km fair weather roadway from Parika to Bonasika (Lot1 A) which is estimated to cost $491.6 million, the construction of 5km fair weather roadway from Parika to Bonaskia (Lot1 B) estimated to cost $491.6 million, and the construction of bridge at Bonasika River (Lot2) which is estimated to cost $983.5 million. This brings the total engineer ’s estimate to $1.9 billion.
T h i s p
continuing with the Parika to Goshen Road project this year, a sum of $3 billion was allocated from this year ’s budget towards it.
The Parika to Goshen Road link has been a project that was planned for several years
feasibility studies were completed
u s administration. It was reported too that the construction of
which stretches some 60 km
including mining districts. It is anticipated that with the
between Bartica, Region Seven and Region Three.
Some features of the road link are that it i s b e i n g
n embankment to a fair-weather road and will have two lanes. Along the corridor, there will be the construction of six reinforced concrete bridges.
President, EMGL, Alistair Routledge during a recent press conference
connect to the GTE pipeline.
was US$1B, we are still in the process of closing out contracts for all the different supplies I don’t have an absolute final number at this stage but it is very much in line with the original budget of US$1B,” he assured.
N o t a b l y, E x x o n M o b i l has proposed an additional
other fields, to send to the Gas to Energy Pipeline to h
demand growth.”
Associated gas from the seventh project will first be used for fuel to power the FPSO while the remaining resources will be piped to shore The EIA explained, “The remaining associated gas will be transferred to the Gas-to-Energy Pipeline and either sent to shore and/or
FPSO to enhance Liza oil production. This associated
associated gas management
Hammerhead and Liza fields to fulfill potential onshore gas demand and eliminate routine flaring.”
previously explained that the GoG will be purchasing gas from Exxon to repay the cost
Cost recovery was slated to
startup of the GTE project.
pipeline to supply
to the project will be There are
A 23-year-old auto body technician was stabbed to death by his drinking partner at S k u l l C i t y, L i t t l e D i a m o n d , E a s t B a n k Demerara late Sunday night. Dead is Shiv Persaud of Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara. The suspect, identified as Alex Gonsalves was later captured by the po
deceased man was at a shop in Skull City consuming alcoholic beverages during the day It is further alleged that during that p
Gonsalves who was also consuming alcohol, w
22:30hrs, Persaud was in company with a friend Daimon Ramnarine, age 26 years, in
confronted by the suspect who was armed with a knife. The suspect then dealt Persaud several stabs about the body Ramnarine tried to intervene and was also stabbed. He then picked up Persaud and drove to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre. Persaud d
Ramnarine was also treated but took selfdischarge to proceed to a private hospital. The body of the deceased was photographed a
p o l i c
a n d i n j u r i e s suspected to be stab wounds were observed on the left side shoulder, left side chest and other parts of his body The body is at the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, awaiting a post-mortem examination.
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: GLENN LALL-TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
THE title of this editorial is borrowed from a line in the late Michael Jackson’s Earth Song, which he said was written at a time when he was weighed down by the suffering of the plight of the planet Earth. For him, he thought nature was trying hard to compensate for man’s mismanagement of the Earth. And with the ecological unbalance going on, and a lot of the problems in the environment, the earth feels. The track sees Michael sending out a wakeup-call of sorts about the terrible condition that mankind has caused to the world, from war to the killing of animals and of the earth itself and ending with the crescendo ‘what about us.’
On Monday, this newspaper published an article, giving voice to ExxonMobil’s Senior Vice President, Hunter Farris. He was at the time addressing the gathering at the just concluded energy conference during which, he stated that thanks to the collective efforts of business partners, industry leaders and local contractors, “we now witness what is rightly being described as “one of the most incredible success stories, the world has ever seen.”
He added: “What you’re witnessing, which we’re living out in real time is the epic underdog tale of Guyana’s oil and gas development, development that has only just begun to transform this country and its economy and to benefit Guyana citizens in ways big and small.” Farris’ comments have mirrored those of several others who, after cashing in on Guyana’s cheap oil extol all the virtues of the industry here. It is often the silent query from ordinary citizens whenever these fulsome praises of our oil are made: what are we boasting about; what can the ordinary Guyanese say about their oil and gas wealth; what is in it for them, what about us?
Farris was keen to note as our article pointed out that in practically no time, Guyana’s oil discoveries have catapulted the nation into the ranks of the world’s oil superpowers. According to him, “By the standards of our industry, which undertakes and executes projects with multi-decade timelines, this has happened practically overnight…Traditionally, it would take a decade or longer to produce the first barrels of oil from a significant deepwater discovery, especially in a new country, but thanks to the dedication and focus of Guyana’s stakeholders, as well as skills and expertise of ExxonMobil’s scientists, engineers and business partners…”
In Greek mythology, there is the quest for the Golden Fleece. From Spanish legend, the world has been captivated by the tale of El Dorado, a golden city In both tales, there are deep strains of man’s ongoing quest for riches, standing at the pinnacle, and possessing vast power Whether city of gold or majestic authority, all roads now lead to Guyana. Guyana is not of possibility anymore, that of hopes to be fulfilled. Guyana is the reality of the golden ticket that sweeps away every prize in sight. America’s ExxonMobil and Hess Corporation, plus China’s Nexen Corporation can all confirm in the most glowing terms.
Today, Guyana is no longer about promise; Guyana is the real thing through and through, and all because of oil, crude oil, fossil fuel gold. Oil that can be touched, its riches tasted, and there is a multibillion-barrel ocean of it. We, the Guyanese people, do not even have the faintest idea of how much more oil we have, though others may be already privy to that information that also belongs to us. The search for the Golden Fleece and El Dorado can be finally stopped, for both are right here in Guyana. Guyana is the golden ticket, the most golden of tickets for Americans and Chinese, but not for the Guyanese people, to whom this great treasure chest of wealth belongs.
The shareholders of ExxonMobil and Hess Corporation are enriched by the delightful news of how sweet and cheap the oil from Guyana is, and how rich the dividends now in store for them. But of the people whose golden ticket has been snatched in the trickiest manner, there are no rich dividends, only the usual disappointments that leave them
The continued failure of the minister and his Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport has once again been on display His failure to extend invitations to the Leader of the Opposition and members of the Opposition for the country’s 55th Republic Flag Raising Ceremony is yet another grievous affront to the principles of democracy and inclusivity, diminishing effor
This oversight, whether deliberate or negligent, is g r o s s l y u n a c c e
, especially on an occasion of such national significance, where every effort should be made to foster cohesion and
republic. It is imperative that this transgression be called out for what it is: a blatant disregard and disrespect for the fundamental tenets of national representation and a
setback in our collective journey toward unity and reconciliation. T h e M i n i s t r y ’ s s t a t e m e n t , w h i l e a c k n o w l e d g i n g t h e oversight, does little to allay t h e c o n c e r n s o f t h e Opposition and the wider p u b l i c T h e i r a p o l o g y, h o w e v e r f o r m a l , c a n n o t e r a s e n o r d i m i n i s h t h e impact of their failure to e n s u r e e q u i t a b l e participation in one of our n a t i o n ’s m o s t s y m b o l i c c e r e m o n i e s S u c h a n egregious lapse underscores a deeper issue within the Ministry and the Office of the Director of Culture, an a p p a r e n t i n a b i l i t y o r unwillingness to ensure that state functions truly embody the values of inclus ivity, respect and the desired aim of truly achieving “One Guyana.”
I t i s p a r t i c u l a r l y
d i s t u r b i n g t h a t s u c h a n oversight occurred despite
not good enough!
the evident efforts of His E x c e l l e n c y , P r e s i d e n t
Mohamed Irfaan Ali, to promote and inculcate a sense of unity among all G u y a n e s e W h i l e m o r e remain to be done in the quest for national cohesion, this incident only serves to undermine his leadership and tarnish the image of a government that seeks to build bridges among its people, but again I say, much more has to be done.
The embarrassment this has caused to the Office of the President is undeniable, and it was entirely avoidable that had due diligence, care, consideration, and maturity
b e e n e x e r c i s e d b y t h e responsible entities.
This is not a trivial administrative blunder; it is an affront to the democratic process and to the very fabric o f o u r
sovereignty It is a moment where political, ethnic, and social divisions should be set aside in favour of a unified vision of national pride and progress.
To exclude a significant and very important portion of our nation’s leadership from such an event is to send a dangerous and divisive message that some voices and perspectives are less valuable than others. This is a gross misrepresentation of the ideals upon which our Republic stands, One People One Nation One Destiny T
that “stringent measures will be implemented to prevent such oversights” is a little consolation taken with a grain of salt, given previous lapses. But the damage has already been done.
Empty assurances do not
(Continued on page 09)
The President and the
concerns over the security of the border with Venezuela and the increasing rate of illegal immigrants entering the country through our porous border to the west. Our troops have also been attacked and wounded by the S
invasion of Essequibo, we too must prepare.
Let’s consider one of our o p t i o n s , w h i c h i s t h e building of a military base on our side of the border with Venezuela within striking distance of their military installations. What are the pros and cons of this option?
Some Pros:-
1. Deterrence of military
a c t i o n b e i n g t a k e n b y Venezuela
2. A faster response to m i l i t a r y a g g r e s s i o n b y Venezuela and aggression by the Sindicato
3 E c o n o m i c development in the area near our base
4. Easier control over the Western border
Some Cons:-
1 I n c r e a s e d t e n s i o n a l o n g t h e b o r d e r w i t h Venezuela
2. Increased risk of a military conflict
3. A mutual breach of the I C J ’s r e q u e s t f o r n o nescalation
4. A break in diplomatic relations between our two countries If we consider the current situation, it can be argued that we have more to gain from strengthening our defences. The situation in U k r a i n e s h o u l d a l s o b e r e l o o k e d a t f o r l e s s o n s
l e a r n e d U k r a i n e w a s
licking their sores. Their impoverishing plight is so overpowering that even their saliva dries up. The people in America who own pieces of paper prosper, while the Guyanese people who own the rich product punish.
The top people at ExxonMobil have helped themselves to massive pay increases, and unbelievable multimillion American dollar bonuses, from Guyana’s golden oil ticket. Meanwhile almost half in Guyana’s population struggle to get by with US$5.50 a day ExxonMobil, Hess, and Nexen get the golden ticket from Guyana’s oil, Guyanese get a coffin made of sand and straw in which they bury their dreams, the prosperity that is due to all of them.
This imbalance, this most heinous of unspeakable crime, is the stuff of agitation and upheaval, given the litany of injustices inflicted on Guyanese. Those who have been tricked and cheated usually see red, and are driven to uncontrollable rages. The boasts of Guyana being the golden ticket for foreigners would be enough in other places for the
unprepared and lost territory Territory which their ally the U.S. is willing to cede to Russia in order to end the conflict. If this approach is taken in our conflict with Venezuela, we will lose territory as we did when they took our side of Ankoko island. At the time, it was in America’s best interest to support Venezuela due to our neighbour ’s position as the country with the largest oil reserves in the world. If regime change occurs in Venezuela and the embargo is lifted, the Americans will o n c e a g a i n s u p p o r t Venezuela’s interests. All of t h e P r e s i d e n t i a l replacements for Maduro that have been embraced by t h e U S h a v e r e m a i n e d steadfast in their belief that E s s e q u i b o b e l o n g s t o Venezuela. It is therefore in our best
interest to develop a military b a s e a l o n g o u r w e s t e r n border with the support of the United Kingdom. Our military presence should also cover the entire border with the use of military outposts. The British are familiar with the area and our relationship with them goes back centuries. We continue to have a good relationship, a n d t h e C o m m o n w e a l t h continues to help keep our relationship strong. Unlike the Americans, the British troops will leave when they are no longer needed. CRG recommends that we move in this direction while also pursuing a formal written a g r e e m e n t w i t h t h e Americans that solidifies their support in maintaining our territorial integrity with or without Maduro in power
Sincerely, Mr. Jamil Changlee
dam to break and the force of the people’s discontent to sweep all that is in front of them. Given the circumstances which many Guyanese face in this golden ticket of an oil country, when their survival depends on getting the next meal, it should be more than enough for their suppressed wrath to find expression.
There has to be some limit beyond which those oppressed for their own patrimony refuse to go along with like before, past which they reject taking things as they are anymore. It is time to find a way to put a stop to the smug complacency that is now so much part and parcel of the foreign plunders and the locals who partner with them.
The foreigners shout their prospects to the world, in hopes of attracting more piranhas (investors) for a slice of Guyana’s golden ticket. The local political aiders and abettors are more concerned about keeping foreign exploiters happy, while their own Guyanese people have their noses rubbed into the dirt.
DEAR EDITOR, I wish to record my deep
c o n c e r n s a b o u t t h e
m i s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f t h e
s p i r i t a n d i n t e n t o f t h e Natural Resources Fund Act (2021) by some, and offer my full policy support to the declared interpretation made
b y t h e G o v e r n m e n t o f Guyana on this matter during the years 2022, 2023, and 2024.
I saw some news report in the media a few days ago
a n d i t s e r v e d a s a n immediate trigger for me to
r e - r e a d t h e N a t u r a l Resources Fund Act (2021), to clarify in my mind what is the spirit and intent around
w i t h d r a w a l s f r o m t h e
Natural Resources Fund
T h e a c t i o n s o f t h e
G o v e r n m e n t o f G u y a n a fulfil the mandate of that law
Firstly, this Act serves to establish the management
f r a m e w o r k o n h o w t h e sovereign wealth of Guyana is invested and utilized for
t h e p r e s e n t a n d f u t u r e benefits of the people and the sustainable development of the country The key phrases in the preamble to the Act are “present benefits”, “future benefits”, and “sustainable d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e country”.
P r e s e n t e c o n o m i c
benefits are the positive
f i n a n c i a l o u t c o m e s t h a t r e s u l t f r o m i m m e d i a t e actions, immediate policies, or immediate projects that serve to bring sustainable development to the people. For example, if funds are withdrawn from the Natural Resources Fund to partially f u n d t h e g a s - t o - s h o r e project, then such an agenda mu s t b e s u p p o r ted Th e evidence gathered, frames a picture whereby, such an initiative can catalyze the transition from consuming very toxic bunker “C” oil ( w h i c h i s e x t r e m e l y d e t r i m e n t a l t o t h e environment) to a cleaner option; gas. If withdrawals from the Natural Resources Fund are expended to build a road such as “Heroes Highway”
and that road serves to reduce travel time for the public, then that project has c o n t r i b u t e d t o t h e sustainable development of the people. I have personal e x p e r i e n c e u s i n g t h e “Heroes Highway”, which took me to Diamond Village in under 10 minutes, as
c o m p a r e d t o t h a t s a m e journey on the East Bank Public Road, which takes
much longer That is a clear c a s e o f t h e “ H e r o e s Highway” also contributing to the economic and social progress in the country Editor, please allow me t o a m p l i f y m y s p e c i f i c interest in this subject since I am alarmed by the apparent advocacy by some persons in the society who appear to be attempting to stall the policy agenda of the Government of Guyana. Without money, not a l l o f t h e s e p r o m i s e d n a t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t priority projects and policy measures could have been implemented. That is why the National Resource Fund serves as an enabler towards a more ambitious sustainable n a t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t agenda. There is no harm in using it to advance the economic well-being of the people.
B y l a w, w i t h d r a w a l s from the National Resource Fund are permitted once they serve to finance national d e v e l o p m e n t p r i o r i t i e s , e m b r a c i n g a n y i n i t i a t i v e a i m e d a t r e a l i z i n g a n inclusive green economy Fair enough; but isn’t this what the Government of Guyana did in 2022, 2023, and 2024 with most of their capital projects?
According to the records, w i t h d r a w a l s f r o m t h e
N a t i o n a l R e s o u r c e F u n d
t o t a l l e d ( c o n s i d e r i n g
e x c h a n g e r a t e s )
a p p r o x i m a t e l y G $ 1 2 6 billion in 2022, followed by G$209 billion in 2023 and a further G$209 billion in 2024. If one is to juxtapose
that with the spending on capital projects in 2022, one will find that some G$258 b i l l i o n w a s s p e n t v s a withdrawal from the Fund of only G$126 billion. The arithmetic informs me that some 48% of the capital p
2022 could have been easily
l Resources Fund. If one is to r
Capital Projects for that year, there is compelling evidence
o f p r o j e c t s s p e c i f i c a l
projects. There can be no question about this and to support my firm stance on this matter, I would just want to list a few of them here as follows:
1 The sum of $225 million was spent by the Office of the Prime Minister
using solar technology This project when completed is set to deliver solar minigrids and provide renewable
2. The sum of $920 million was spent by the M i n i s t
support projects to develop Water Supply Systems using
3 The sum of $867 million was spent by the G o v
under its capital projects to p
n Land Titling Projects. In that bundle of spending, there were funds earmarked for
Projects to further develop I n f o r m a t i o n a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n Te c h n ology Access and E-Services for Hinterland residents and o t h e r r e s i d e n t s ’ r e m o t e communities.
The conclusive evidence from above illustrates that lots of spending intended to b r i n g s u s t a i n a b l e development to the people did occur in the year under review
The same can be said for 2023 and 2024.
In my humble opinion, the evidence is there to d e m o n s t r a t e t h a t G $ 4 2 1 billion and G$646 billion were spent in 2023 and 2024 on national priority capital projects with the principle aim of fostering sustainable national development. Both of these figures surpassed the withdrawal from the Fund in 2023 and 2024 which establishes factually that at no time were funds withdrawn to finance regular o r r o u t i n e g o v e r n m e n t current expenditures such as wages and salaries.
W h a t i s a l s o c l e a r l y established in facts, is that the Government of Guyana Capital Projects profiles for the years 2022, 2023, and 2024, as listed in Volume 3 of t h e r e s p e c t i v e n a t i o n a l
budgets, are all projects designed to not violate, do not violate and will not violate the 24 voluntary guidelines as declared in the Santiago Principles. There is nothing non-transparent or u n a c c o u n t a b l e a b o u t providing electricity to the
hinterland folks using green technology There is nothing
governance framework, if a
Bunker “C” oil to cleaner
ensuring every Guyanese citizen receives water in their yard can be considered
investment; after all, water is life.
I have had the privilege of having direct access to
history and operations of the
technicians whom I have met with in Europe, took great pains to impress upon me t
h i l e c o m
r c i a l production in Norway began in 1970, during the first 14 years, they spent most of their earnings on capital projects that were designed to enhance the sustainable development of their society It was only after that time had elapsed, were funds used
(Continued on page 09)
Let us forget past grievances and stories and put aside the narrative of who failed to act
On the birth anniversary of Linden Forbes Burnham
a t t h e M a u s o l e u m , t h e
c u r r e n t l e a d e r o f t h e People’s National Congress
e m p h a s i s e d B u r n h a m ’s dedication to reforming the educational system.
T h i s r e f o r m a i m s t o better prepare our young
p e o p l e f o r a w o r l d
c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y r a p i d scientific and technological advancements. I would like
t o c o n n e c t B u r n h a m ’ s demand for free education
f r o m k i n d e r g a r t e n t o University with a recently published critical report by the World Bank. (Stabroek News, Feb 20, 2025). Dr Jerry Jailall pointed out the
W o r l d B a n k r e p o r t
highlighted a significant
c r i s i s e x t a n t i n t h e educational system across
the Caribbean, including Guyana. The report drew to
o u r a t t e n t i o n “ t h e
C a r i b b e a n ’ s e d u c a t i o n system, labelling it as being in a state of crisis and
w a r n i n g o f s e v e r e
c o n s e q u e n c e s i f u r g e n t r e f o r m s a r e n o t implemented.
During a webinar on Monday, senior officials from the World Bank laid
b a r e t h e s y s t e m i c i n a d e q u a c i e s p l a g u i n g
C a r i b b e a n s c h o o l s ,
h i g h l i g h t i n g o u t d a t e d
t e a c h i n g p r a c t i c e s , i l lequipped infrastructure, and
w i d e n i n g e d u c a t i o n a l inequities.
They stressed the need
f o r s i g n i f i c a n t f i n a n c i a l
investment and enhanced teacher support to reverse t h e r e g i o n ’s e d u c a t i o n a l decline.”
Speaking with parents, students, teachers, concerned citizens and observers we may have already lost a generation, the mediocrity and unhappy response and a warped understanding of the importance of education to national development.
Dear Editor, this includes the prevalent mindset in many areas that evaluates education solely based on the number of subjects students can complete at the primary and secondary levels
T h o s e w h o t r u l y understand the purpose of e d u c a t i o n c a n s e e t h e absurdity, and folly of this approach But Dear Editor
a n d C i t i z e n s , w h a t i s b o t h e r s o m e , w h a t i s destructive is that at the rate we are going, the children of our A m e r i n d i a n s , e n s l a v e d Africans, and children of Indentured Chinese, Indians and Portuguese will soon be made subservient secondclass citizens to the same g r o u p a n d m i n d s e t t h a t exploited the human and natural resources throughout i m p e r i a l c o l o n i a l i s m Citizens, I would like to connect two events that o c c u r r e d t h i s w e e k : t h e incident involving six Guyana Defence Force ranks (GDF) who were shot at the Cuyuni River and the policeman suspected to have drowned during Puruni River Patrol.
Here, I will not address any inadequacies, such as communication issues, as those have already been dealt with. I wish, however, to refer to a document prepared in the early 80s titled “Defence in Depth ” This initiative involved students from our
People’s Militia and skilled individuals who were eager
western borders.
The aim was to grant large tracts of land to young men,
providing them with the means to establish settlements and cooperatives.
This included offering them infrastructure, access
other resources, enabling them to produce food and minerals using land, air, sea and river This letter is not meant to provide extensive details; however, I would l
o f Defence and Development.
Now that we have ample funding available, it would b e b e n e f i c i a l f o r t h i s administration to review that d o c u m e n t N e c e s s a r y adjustments should involve the nation and Guyanese abroad in this exciting and productive venture. This
document may be gathering d u s t s o m e w h e r e i n t h e Presidential Complex.
What with the attitude of our neighbours to the east a n d w e s t ? I r e m e m b e r writing this bit of wisdom at the end of this confidential document that “you lose what you don’t use. “
If the Government is truly interested in the longterm development of the Coo p e r a t i v e R e p u b l i c o f Guyana, and now that the financial constraints are no longer an issue, let us be courageous and bold.
It is time to set aside the o r i g i n s o f t h e i d e a o f “Defence in Depth.” Let us together, I repeat together take a brave step forward; after all, victory favours the brave. Mr President, Mr Leader of the Opposition, I urge that we sit around a r o u n d - t a b l e , l i k e K i n g Arthur and his Knights.
L e t u s f o r g e t p a s t grievances and stories and put aside the narrative of who failed to act.
Our goal should be to leave behind a legacy for future generations - one of a c o u n t r y t h a t i s f r e e , knowledgeable of its history, and capable of moving past nepotism and corruption Together, let us march into a future filled with harmony, prosperity and abundance.
‘ H A P P Y MASHRAMANI’celebrating after hard work and harvest.
Green Elder
DEAR EDITOR, Mr Jagdeo and minions are engaged in erroneous propaganda publicly stating that anyone who associates with or befriends or accepts gifts from the Mohamed’s will be sanctioned by the American government.
b u s i n e s s e s a n d c i t i z e n s doing business with the M o h a m e d s ; t h o s e A m e r i c a n s w h o c o n d u
s activities noted above with the Mohamed’s can face sanctions, not those who are t h e i r f r i e n d s , a s s o c i a t e s
supporters, defenders, and sports enthusiasts. M
n l y t o A m e r i c a n
u s i n e s s d e a l i n g s , n o t p o l i t i c a l s u p p o r t f o r o r
s o c i a l i s i n g w i t h t h e
M o h a m e d ’s . I f t h e c o r r u p t P P P o f f i c i a l s w e r e e n g a g e d i n
t h e i r k i n d o f d e a l s i n
U S A , t h e y w o u l d l o n g b e
b e f o r e t h e c o u r t o r e v e n t h e p e n i t e n t i a r y
J a g d e o a n d t h e c o r r u p t
P P P o f f i c i a l s n e e d t o b e
s c h o o l e d a b o u t t h e
A m e r i c a n s y s t e m o f a c c o u n t a b i l i t y a n d j u s t i c e T h e V P a n d m i n i o n s s h o u l d s e e k
a d v i c e f r o m t h e A m e r i c a n
E m b a s s y b e f o r e o p e n ing mouths uttering rubbish on
s a n c t i o n s t o d r i v e f e a r among voters.
E v e r y t i m e t h e V P
o p e n s h i s m o u t h a t t h e p r e s s c o n f e r e n c e s ,
n o t h i n g b u t h o t a i r c o m e s
o u t H e u t t e r s n o n s e n s e
W h e n h e s p e a k s o f
s a n c t i o n s a b o u t t h e
M o h a m e d s , h e n e e d s t o
k n o w t h e l e g a l i t y The sanctions language
from the Department of Treasury is very clear: it
r e l a t e s t o A m e r i c a n
relationship and business ties between the Mohamed’s and Jagdeo, Irfaan, and other PPP figures prior to the sanctions. Did some of these activities lead to sanctions of the Mohamed’s?
It is also known that the Mohamed’s funded the PPP and Mohamed’s v
hicles transported PPP officials The high ones were not sanctioned for their
As a citizen of USA, I will be pleased to speak
system. Hereafter, I advise the PPP to end its devious lies and stop spreading nasty propaganda about American sanctions and her judicial
Guyanese nation. The PPP must end its nasty anti-
n propaganda.
Yours truly, Danny Ramnarine
“In a development that would be almost comical were it not so devastatingly costly to Guyana, T he Bahamas is now poised to collect taxes on income ear ned by EXXON from Guyana’s oil wealth.
While the Bahamas boldly asser ts its r ights under the OECD framework, Guyana’s gover nment remains locked in what can only be descr ibed as an unholy alliance with ExxonMobil – providing tax receipts f or unpaid taxes, refusing to renegotiate terms, and refusing to sign on to an inter national tax framework thereby sur render ing billions in revenue.
To descr ibe this as f iscal negligence is too kind. It constitutes a deliberate betrayal of national interests that transf orms Guyana’s oil blessing into a case study of cor porate colonialism in the 21st centur y.” - Chr is Ram
Th e P e o p l e ’ s P r o g r e s s i v e
P a r t y / C i v i c
( P P P / C ) o u g h t t o h a v e
treated its loss in the 2015 general elections as a wakeup call. Its defeat should have been a moment of i n t r o s p e c t i o n , a n opportunity to acknowledge
t h a t y e a r s o f r a m p a n t corruption, cronyism, and a d i s c o n n e c t f r o m i t s traditional support base had led to its downfall.
Instead, the party, in its c h
o g a n c e , viewed its removal from office as a fluke, a temporary
s e t b a c k r a t h e r t h a n a profound rejection by the majority people of Guyana. They even had the gall to claim they were cheated but have never produced the statements of poll to prove they were victims of an electoral heist.
The PPP/C lost in 2015 not because of some grand conspiracy It lost because it had betrayed its supporters. Sugar workers, once the b e d r o c k o f t h e p a r t y ’s support, were abandoned, ignored, and left to suffer while an oligarchic class within the party amassed wealth and power By the
time, one leader reached out to the sugar workers, he was told, “Boat done gone a falls!”
The leadership, drunk on i
, were blind to the growing r e s e n t m e n
i t s traditional base. But most of all, it was oblivious to the concerns over corruption.
Marriott Hotel project was mired in controversy The public is yet to learn of the identities of the investors who floated the syndicated l
Bridge deal was also mired in controversy The contract for the road to the proposed Amaila Falls Hydroelectric P
sector was no better, with c o n c e
procurement practices. And then there was the forest giveaway and the handing out of the Kaieteur and Canje oil blocks.
The electorate, disgusted by the excesses, cast the PPP/C out. For five years, the party had ample time to reflect, to recognize t
errors of its ways, to chart a n
restore public confidence. When it returned to office in 2020, there were glimmers of hope that lessons had been
u g h t h e P P P / C h a d recognized that it could not govern as it did in the past. But appearances, as we now know, can be deceptive.
The past five years have shown that the PPP/C has returned to its rotten ways. It is not just a continuation of the old tactics it is an amplification. The same old d i s c r e d i t e d p o l i c i e s
same lack of transparency are back with a vengeance. The difference is that now, emboldened by its return to power, the PPP/C behaves as though it is untouchable.
No one disputes that the PPP/C can get the job done. Infrastructure projects are m
activity is bustling, and on the surface, things appear to be progressing. But the issue
manner in which it operates. The fear of corruption, the
accountability have returned
You’re sorry! That is not good enough!...
From page 04
rectify the deep-seated concerns about the integrity of state functions and the inclusivity of our national celebrations. What is required is not just procedural amendments but a demonstrable commitment to ensuring that all stakeholders, regardless of political affiliation, are afforded the respect and recognition they deserve. Going forward, we the people demand concrete action to rectify this matter and prevent similar occurrences in the future. A comprehensive review of the invitation process, greater transparency in event planning, and accountability for those responsible for this failure must be pursued, hence greater leadership.
F u r t h e r m o r e , a n u n e q u i v o c a l commitment from the Ministry to engage all political actors in the planning and execution of national events is essential. The opposition will not accept a mere apology without tangible steps toward positive reform.
In the spirit of true national unity, let this incident serve as a catalyst for meaningful dialogue and responsible action. We want a
opportunity and prosperity for all and it is achievable without foreign intervention Guyanese with responsibilities, inclusive and patriotic leadership can do it for ourselves.
The Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sport, as well as the Office of the Director of Culture, must recognize their important role not as gatekeepers of political exclusion but as stewards of our shared national heritage. Our Republic belongs to all Guyanese, and it is time to accept this undeniable and irrefutable fact. It is imperative that all of our country’s
unequivocally. Anything less is a disservice to our democracy and an insult to the very fabric of our Republic.
Sincerely Hon. Jermaine Figueira.MP
From page 05
for investment purposes I s n ’ t t h i s a w i n - w i n situation? Today, Norway has one of the most modern inventories of completed capital projects in the world that serves to sustainably aid t h e i r f u t u r e n a t i o n a l development. C a n y o u i m a g i n e t h e scenario if they had refused to use their oil and gas
r e v e n u e f o r n a t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t c a p i t a l projects? I find any instance of trying
to deny people access to completed capital projects that are designed to enhance the sustainable development o f t h e s o c i e t y , m o s t egregious. Such a situation would serve to threaten the professional output from the Government of Guyana and that will not reconcile with its policy a m b i t i o n s a n d p r o m i s e s made to the people in 2020. After all, in 2020, it was the majority of the people who made that decision to entrust the current team under His
in full force. Deals are being made, contracts are being awarded and the nation’s wealth is being siphoned off at an alarming rate. It is of
Opposition APNU+AFC is no better alternative.
much attention on the oil and gas sector, with calls for a renegotiation of the lopsided contract with ExxonMobil.
should look deeper at what is
reasons to question whether the PPP/C deserves another term in office. The culture of governance under the PPP/C
different from the past. The party operates as though it
has absolute ownership of the country’s resources. It rails against its critics and is unmoved by criticism. Its i d e a o f
s t o mention the word; not to practice it.
T h e P P P / C i s n o t a reformed party—it is a party t
d methods The lessons of 2015 have not been learned. Instead of using its time in opposition to reflect and c
returned with the same old habits. Guyana cannot afford to continue down this path a
consequences will be dire. The people of Guyana must wake up to the reality that t h e i r g
v e r n m e n t i s n o t working in their interest.
The PPP/C has proven, time
and again, that it cannot change. It is a party beholden to the oligarchic class that seized control long ago. The warning signs are clear The question now is whether the p e o p l e o f G u y a n a w i l l recognize them before it is too late. The country cannot afford another five years of the same old practices of the pre-2015 era. It is time to wake up before the damage becomes irreversible.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a r i l y r e f l e c t t h e opinions of this newspaper.)
Excellency, Dr Irfaan Ali w i
sustainable development for them. As instructed by the people, this is what His E x c e
y d i d a n d continues to do today The game plan is to continue to deliver betterment for the people, and if it means using s o m
Resources Funds to advance these capital projects for the people; so be it!
Sincerely, Sasenarine Singh
The Opposition PNC is confident of victory at the upcoming polls. The PPP Government has predicted its own victory, and by a
landslide Whether this turns out to be two winners or two losers, one thing is certain. Guyanese are going to be the biggest losers -the
h a v e n o t s i n t h e demographic. So, who has it
r i g h t i n t h i s e x i s t e n t i a l struggle for command of the n e x t f i v e y e a r s i n t h i s glorious El Dorado? Now coming to life, but so lacking in the lifegiving to ordinary citizens? This is where I stand in February It will be unchanging; grow stronger as the days multiply
n , naturalized, or unnaturally sculpted: since biometrics is such a showstopper and gamechanger, (a matter of
, then the opposition has, for all intents and purposes, painted itself into a corner
There is the reality of no biometrics in front of it, crushing its spirit, with its back against an unmoving wall, and no place to go. The significance of this is that the opposition, in good faith, cannot accept the elections results, if it loses. First question: how can it accept a result that has condoned fraud, is riddled with fraud, a staple in local polls? Having drawn its line in the sand using the brightest colours in i t s p a i n t r e p
t o i r e ( b i o m e t r i c s ) , f l a w e d elections with numbers to prove, looks like the only
Biometrics is out. The o p p o s i t i o n , e v e r y component that qualifies for that categorization, is for biometrics. The government hemmed and hawed. It is not as foolproof, as marketed. Time is needed. Strange, since the opposition has been beating the biometrics drum, forever seemingly Any system, any element, that minimizes the opportunity and reality of electoral fraud has my ok. Sorry, but I didn’t reach as far as X in the alphabet. Now, here is a c o n s
result, given a suspected bloated list. What started out with fraud, continued with fraud, could only end up with fraud.
Would the PNC, could the AFC, live with that big, fat, elections lie? And after pounding biometrics as the s a l v a t i
notwithstanding shrill public postures from everyone.
It’s a different kind of p a t r i o t i c f
v e r i n t h i s country PNC voters could be part of the returning foreign continge
interest, and ran out of that oxygen called time. I think that the stage is set for some differences that are sure to be raw, rancorous, and roiling. Guyana has long had that kind of elections milieu. Oh, and one more thing: it is either the differences that g
surrendering to another five years of the PPP’s version of paradise. It has its own limited number of specially blessed inhabitants, and is not the kind spoken of in sacred scriptures. Take to the road, or the long road of the next five years hovers i n t o s i g h t S
m e t h i n g whispers to me that there will have to be some sharing of ideas a
But there are still more negatives for the PNC, AFC, WPA, and whichever new group, the PPP stealthily inserts inside the opposition tent. The opposition has its work cut out for it, and its work ethic does not impress. The odds heavily favour the s i t t i n g g o v e r n m e n t , t h e controller of all things in e l e c t i o n s G u y a n a D i d somebody ask what about GECOM? Okay, what about it? Who is it, what is it, and where does it live? Moving along nicely, I see the first handicap as V4V Subtitles: Ve n e z u e l a n s f o r Vo t e s
Whether 10,000 or 20,000, t h e i r v o t e s w i l l c o u n t
Unsurprisingly, all in the PPP cup. There is always space for more votes. The second handicap are those cash grant tricks: one for the ticket, one for partying, and o n e f o r s av in g Th in k
o v e r s e a s G u y a n e s e a n d those voters rushing here to prove their voter loyalty Not to country, but to party
nce passage is on the house. Freedom House, that is Whatever the boost for the PNC, AFC, and WPA at the polls, the PPP has its own bigger boost. Remember these words, points. Now, there is a new handicap ( n
opposition, as if a bloated list is not enough. Ever hear about deportees? Whoever in Guyana didn’t, just had t h a t f o r c e d i n t o t h e i r tympanic membrane.
S u r e , 1 2 3 6 G u y a n e s e deportees will not be a huge difference maker But what about those deportees from other countries? Let me write the script for President Ali’s announcement. ‘The Guyana Government will a c c e p t n o n - G u y a n e s e deportees, in a gesture of solidarity and a spirit of cooperation with the US. I have visions of Mohamed Irfaan Ali as Guyana’s Statue
of Liberty: give me your rejects, your detritus, your unruly and undocumented. Welcome to Guyana, the America of the South, the D u b a i t o t h e W e s t Depending on the number of s u c h n o n - G u y a n e s e , t h e opposition elections goose just got broiled and braised and burnt to ashes. I can hear the protests: to accept nonG u y a n e s
n d u nGuyanese. To reject them is sure to be Un-American and u n d o i n g A m e r i c a f o r Americans. Yeah, that kind that is an eerie imitation of One Guyana. Bottom line: the opposition has a hard electoral road to travel, and a rough-rough way to go. It’s not Jimmy Cliff It is elections Guyana. (The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a r i l y r e f l e c t t h e opinions of this newspaper.)
SBM Offshore Guyana hosted yet another edition of its ‘Let’s Talk Local Content’ Forum at the Guyana Energy C
d S u p p l y Chain Expo last Friday. The s
vendors and organisations. It
procurement process, key
compliance guidelines, and local content initiatives.
The forum enabled oneon-one interactions between
s u p p l i e r s
n d c o m p a n y representatives from several core departments, including supply chain, compliance, local content, and HSSE. The forum is one of several routine activities conducted by SBM Offshore Guyana each year, in keeping with its support for local content development.
The event also featured two break-out sessions. One focused on providing key insights into the company’s procurement process. This session targeted new and p o t e n t i a l s u p p l i e r s a n d provided both commercial and technical insights into the procurement process.
Construction (EPC) projects and insights into spare parts
n e e d s a l o n
w i t h t h e specifications for the parts
by the company and was targeted at existing suppliers and suppliers wishing to enhance their offerings to meet
he growing sector needs.
This year, the company was the c
C o n t e n t P a r t n e r f o r t h e event.
During the sessions with
s u p p l i e r s a n d a t t e n d e e s
i n t e r e s t e d i n b e t t e r understanding the company, the discussions were fruitful with several queries and
c o n c e
providing essential insights
SBM Offshore Guyana’s Local Content Lead, Garri Fraser, engages vendor during the session
p r e v i o u s l y w o r k e d w i t h
SBM Offshore Guyana—on how to effectively engage with the company
Additionally, a Floating P r o d u c t i o n S t o r a g e a n d Offloading (FPSO) vessel
I m m e r s i v e e x p e r i e n c e session was held, utilizing innovative technology that provided participants with an in-depth view of the FPSO. A model of the Liza Unity FPSO was also on display throughout the final day of the conference.
In his opening remarks, SBM Offshore Guyana’s General Manager, Martin Cheong, said, “We remain committed to collaborating closely with local suppliers.
T h i s i s a c c o m p l i s h e d
t h r o u g h a n u m b e r o f
initiatives and activities such as this forum, where local suppliers are updated on our procurement process and given an opportunity to have their questions answered.”
n t S e c r e t a r i a t , D r Martin Pertab, underscored the need for local content d e v e l o p m e n t a n d partnerships. The Secretariat also took the opportunity at t h e “ L e t ’ s Ta l k L o c a l Content Forum” to launch the Local Content App, a d i g i t a l t o o l d
d t
i m p r o v e a c c e s s t o opportunities in Guyana’s oil and gas sector He als
…says major f inancial overhaul needed f irst -VPJagdeo
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has ruled out the adoption of cryptocurrency in Guyana anytime soon, stating that the country must first undertake a major financial overhaul before considering such a move. His remarks came during a question-andanswer segment at the recently concluded 2025 Guyana Energy Conference and Supply Chain Expo.
Cryptocurrency is a digital payment system that doesn’t need banks to verify transactions. It allows people to send and receive payments directly Instead of physical cash, cryptocurrency exists as digital records in an online database.
Responding to a question on whether the government was considering regulations to facilitate cryptocurrency transactions for cross-border payments and trade, Jagdeo
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
made it clear that such measures were not on the cards for now “The answer is no, not at this time,” Jagdeo said. He then went on to outline
c o n s t a n t l y m o n i t o r t h e s e platforms,” he said.
Additionally, as part of t h e e n g a g e m e n t a n informational exchange with the General Manager, and S u s t a i n a b i l i t y L e a d , G w e n e t t a F o r d y c e underscored the importance of sustainable development
i s t e n t challenges in the sector “In the past, companies relied on our website and social media t o f i n d o p p o r t u n i t i e s However, algorithms can l i m i t v i s i b i l i t y , a n d b u s i n e s s e s h a v e t o
a n d t h e c o m p a n y ’ s unwavering commitment to building out a business that is impactful in areas beyond the oil and gas sector in Guyana. In their exchange with the participants, the duo highlighted the work being d o n e w i t h t h e N a t i o n a l C o o r d i n a t
Football Academy (VMFA),
initiatives support the drive to build local capacity both from a human capital and supply chain perspective. L o c a l c o n t e n t development remains a key
e Guyana’s operations The company has been building l o c a
t y a n d supporting initiatives that enhance the development of communities across Guyana.
T o p r e p a r e f o r production activities on its s e v e n t h p l a n n e d development in the Stabroek
B l o c k , H a m m e r h e a d ,
E x x o n M o b i l G u y a n a
Limited (EMGL) said it will require 20 to 25 round trip flights per week from the
p r o j e c t s i t e t o l o c a l o r Trinidadian shorebases.
The developer outlined
A s s e s s m e n t ( E I A ) , s u b m i t t e d t o t h e E n v i r o n m
A g e n c y ( E PA ) r e c e n t l y
According to the 4232-page d
c u m e n t , c o m p l e t e d b y E n v i r o n m e n t a l R e s o u r c e s M a n a g e m e n t ( E R M ) , Hammerhead will require the use of onshore facilities and laydown areas, such as shorebases, to store project materials such as drilling fluid and pipe joints; and for p r e - f a b r i c a t i o n a n d a s s e m b l y o f P r o j e c t equipment.
T h e E I A e x p l a i n s , “Currently, EMGL plans to u s e e x i s t i n g G u y a n a shorebases to support the
P r o j e c t A d d i t i o n a l s h o r e b a s e f a c i l i t i e s o r regional waste management services may be used in the future. All onshore support facilities used by the Project
a r e o r w i l l b e o w n e d / o p e r a t e d b y t h i r d parties.”
To t h i s e n d , E x x o n p o i n t e d o u t t h a t i t w i l l require trips to or from a Guyana shorebase- or as required to or from Trinidad and Tobago shorebases- for t h e d e v e l o p m e n t a n d
operation of the Project. It e s t i m a t e d t h a t d u r i n g d e v e l o p m e n t d r i l l i n g (assuming three drill ships are supporting the project c o n c u r r e n t l y ) , s u p p o r t
v e s s e l s c o u l d a v e r a g e approximately 10 to 15 trips p e r w e e k t o o r f r o m shorebases.
During installation, it
n o t e d t h a t s u p p o r t a n d
installation vessels could average approximately three to five trips per week to or from shorebases, while in the p r o d u c t i o n o p e r a t i o n s ,
s u p p o r t v e s s e l s c o u l d average approximately three to five trips per week to or from shorebases.
A d d i t i o n a l l y, E x x o n informed the EPA, “Aviation support is expected to be about 20 to 25 round-trip f l i g h t s p e r w e e k d u r i n g drilling and installation and an estimated five to seven round-trip flights per week
d u r i n g p r o d u c t i o n
operations and continued d e v e l o p m e n t d r i l l i n g activities.”
I t s a i d t h e l o g i s t i c a l support will be optimized and shared among the Liza P h a s e 1 , L i z a P h a s e 2 , Payara, Yellowtail, Uaru, Whiptail, and Hammerhead Development Projects, as w e l l a s f o r e x p l o r a t i o n d r i l l i n g H a m m e r h e a d i s located in the south-central p o r t i o n o f t h e S t a b r o e k Block, approximately 160 km from Georgetown. In the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the EPA, the company explained that the project is expected to add 120,000 to 180,000 barrels
From page 11
of secure national identification cards, which he said would serve as a foundation for broadening financial services and improving payment systems.
Despite acknowledging that the Central Bank had done some work on cryptocurrency and its potential introduction, Jagdeo reiterated that the financial sector requires significant modernization before Guyana could entertain such advancements. “But I don’t think we are ready at this stage to introduce any to go any further until we have done a major financial overhaul,” he stated.
The Vice President expressed concerns that the financial sector could become a bottleneck to Guyana’s rapid economic growth if it does not expand in complexity and introduce new financial instruments. “We think that the financial sector can become a humble…can slow down the massive growth that we’re seeing in the real sector, if it doesn’t expand in complexity and instruments, and that is why we’re trying to drag it out of the stone ages into an environment that is appropriate to support the expansion in the real sector,” he said.
He added that once the financial sector reaches the necessary level of sophistication, cryptocurrency could be considered, provided that the appropriate safeguards are put in place.
of oil per day production
c a p a c i t y. P r o d u c t i o n i s expected to begin in 2029
operate for at least 20 years. E
will develop the offshore
(including production and
Subsea Umbilicals, Risers,
( S U R F ) equipment; using an FPSO to process, store, and offload
pipeline from the FPSO to a tie-in on the Gas to Energy Pipeline.
Helicopter flights are used to support offshore oil and gas operations
(Source: Vertical Magazine)
G u y a n a ’s e n g a g e m e n t with the United States (US) in relation to deportees must accord with the laws of both countries according to the G u y a n a H u m a n R i g h t s Association (GHRA).
The Association in a statement said it had taken note of the media reports that suggest Guyana is engaged in discussions on receiving African and Asian deportees from the US. In the event, there is substance to these reports,
t h e G H R A e x p r e s s e d concern that the Guyana Government not be misled or flattered into entering any
a g r e e m e n t , o p p o r t u n i s t i c favours or collaboration in
t h e b r u t a l e x h i b i t i o n i s m playing out in the United States.
According to the GHRA, the illegal migrant issue has its origins in a decades-old system of seasonal work
p e r m i t s t o s e r v i c e t h e
C a l i f o r n i a a g r i c u l t u r a l industry, which morphed into massive uncontrolled
m i g r a t i o n a g g r a v a t e d b y global economic inequality, r e g i o n a l w a r s a n d t h e COVID pandemic.
Moreover, the GHRA
n o t e d t h e c o n c e p t o f
r e f u g e e ’ , d e v e l o p e d originally in international law to protect individuals
t h r e a t e n e d b y p o l i t i c a l
persecution in their own countries, is being invoked in circumstances it was never devised to address.
As such, the GHRA said it is not challenging the right of the US to change its p o l i c i e s a n d l a w s o n migration, provided this it is done legally and is applied impartially
However, the association noted “What is taking place at present is a war on people of colour, who in many cases appear to be legally in the US a n d e n j o y ‘ Te m p o r a r y Protected Status’.
“The current campaign is b e i n g i m p l e m e n t e d i n shameless disregard for the law, shameless disregard for family units, and shameless vilifying of people as rapists, m u r d e r s a n d c r i m i n a l l y insane.”
I t c o n t i n u e d “ O u r concern is that Guyanese citizens not be drawn into collaborating with any part of the forced relocation and mayhem being implemented by President Trump. The l
G u y a n
i n v o l v e m e n t m u s t b e t o
(CHINA DAILY) - This year marks the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations. In all its 80 years, development has been a crucial aspect of the UN’s work. However, in today’s world, global development is facing many difficulties and challenges. The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has only five years to go, but only 17 percent of the goals are on track to be achieved. And achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires the joint efforts of all nations.
In an increasingly interconnected world, China has emerged as an indispensable force in driving global development across multiple fronts. As a major economy and the largest developing country, China has always been committed to engag
ous development agendas of the UN, making significant and profound contributions to them.
In an increasingly interconnected world, China has emerged as a vital driver of global development, playing a crucial role in various UN development agendas. With its robust economy and significant contributions to global economic growth, China has lifted about 800 million people out of extreme poverty since the late 1970s, surpassing the UN’s 2030 poverty reduction target ahead of schedule.
M o r e o v e r, i t s g r e e n d
commitment to sustainability have set a positive example for international collaboration, particularly in combating climate change and promoting clean energy solutions like solar photovoltaic technology
China’s global cooperation strategy prioritizes SouthSouth cooperation, providing vital support in finance, technology, and human resources to developing nations. This collaborative approach not only accelerates economic growth in partner countries but also fosters cultural exchanges and mutual understanding, contributing to a more inclusive global community Noteworthy initiatives like sharing advanced agricultural technology, such as hybrid rice, have significantly bolstered food security in regions like Madagascar A
ensure humane treatment for r e - l o c a t e d G u y
s e nationals and adherence to regional and international norms and standards.”
M o r e o v e r , a n y discussions the Government of Guyana may be forced to entertain should be guided by the following assurances
Constitutional right to US
citizenship of all persons born there.
h o u
i t t e n assurances that no person will be brought to Guyana against their will other than in-transit status; adequate financial resources are made available to cover the cost of o n w a r d t
, a d e q u a t
resources are made available for any period of time spent by third country deportees in
Guyana prior to in-transit to home countries in Asia and Africa. Further, the group said Guyana must guard against re-creation of bizarre arrangements, such as “the Jonestown scenario.” “
for in-transit persons must be respected.”
“Assurances that nonG u y a n
brought to Guyana against
hopefully communicated to the large delegation of US marshals that recently visited Guyana Agreement from country of origin to receive back any deportee sent intransit to Guyana. A warning to all airlines that no
o r degrading treatment will be
Government,” the GHRA said.
Job openings: Truck drivers, project manager & Civil engineers. To apply send application via Whatsapp: 638-5303 / 608-2114.
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Consul General of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana in New York, Ambassador Michael E. Brotherson has said that it is incumbent on all Guyanese, especially the diaspora to acknowledge the strides made in the country and think about the role each can play in further unifying and developing the nation.
The ambassador was at the time speaking at a reception to celebrate Guyana’s 55th Republic Anniversary at St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, New York, a press release issued by the Department of Public Information said. He was accompanied by Permanent Representative of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to the United Nations, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, who also delivered remarks at the reception. “Let us remember that a nation united in celebration stands resilient in times of adversity. Our shared history and common aspirations bind us as one people with one destiny. Let us continue to uphold the cultures of togetherness, diligence and inclusiveness that define us as a proud and independent nation, and a One Guyana,” the Consul-General said.
The Government of Guyana has initiated a patriotic video display at the iconic Times Square in New York City, in honour of the country’s Republic Anniversary. This display will be aired three times per hour, 24 hours a day, until March 1st, 2025. Ambassador Brotherson said it serves as a symbolic representation of our nation’s progress. “Guyana’s economic trajectory over the past decade has been extraordinary, passing international expectations with remarkable growth. In recent years, our
nation has achieved outstanding Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rates, positioning us as one of the fastest growing economies globally,” he pointed out.
Despite this growth being primarily driven by the growing oil and gas sector, the Consul-General reminded that the government is strategically investing in expanding the non-oil economy for sustainable development. On the regional landscape, President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali’s visionary leadership is advancing Guyana’s mission to become a key supplier of food security for the Caribbean.
“Through the “Vision 25 by 2025” initiative, we aim to reduce the region’s food import bill significantly. This ambitious goal is being realised through strategic investments in agriculture, the adoption of advanced technologies, and strengthening regional and international cooperation,” he said.
In similar remarks, Permanent Representative of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to the United Na-
tions, Carolyn RodriguesBirkett acknowledged that despite the various economic and political challenges that the country has faced, Guyana has thrived and is now on a path of unprecedented development. She also pointed out that religious harmony is now a cornerstone of Guyanese society. She urged that Guyanese zealously guard our religious freedom and ensure that love and compassion encompasses everyday life. Our diversity, she added, must not be a source of division but rather a deep reservoir of strength, as it is what makes the country unique and captivating.
“We must spare no effort in ensuring that the continuous project of cultivating unity as One Guyana is not derailed. It is in this light, that our Government led by President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, is using the resources with which our country is blessed, to continue to invest in our people, to uphold our democracy and to ensure the stability of our nation,” she said.
These resources are being directed to several transfor-
mational endeavours, such as expanding food production, the healthcare and education system as well as physical infrastructure. “In this quest, we are also looking at those opportunities where you the Guyanese in the diaspora can benefit and contribute. This includes opportunities for investment at home and even through our support system such as the cash grant program,” Ambassador Rodrigues Birkett added.
The UN permanent representative also made note of the global turbulence that is posing a threat to humanity. As such, she reiterated Guyana’s call for respect for international law, and the respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. Guyana has also been a strong advocate for its sister CARICOM country, Haiti, in its longstanding quest for peace, and other countries suffering as a result of conflict and war. “We call for action on climate change, while doing our part. We call for peace as the world faces the highest number of conflicts since World War II,” she said.
From page 15 based violence. ALP extends its heartfelt condolences to the victim’s children, family, friends and by extension the community during this difficult time. Further, we wish to reiterate our strongest condemnation of violence against women and girls and reaffirm our commitment to fight for the dignity, justice and rights of our women and girls.”
The ALP said it firmly believes that the protection of women and girls is paramount for a fair, inclusive and prosperous Guyana and condemned what it deemed as the continued normalisation of abuse in our society.
The party has committed to advocate for: stricter enforcement of the existing laws to ensure that there is a zerotolerance response to genderbased violence reports. It also
wants perpetrators to face the full force of the law and increased funding for support services to ensure adequate resources are accessible at shelters, counselling services, and legal aid for victims of gender-based violence. Additionally, the ALP has called for reform in the legal system to ensure loopholes in the laws are closed, including stricter gun ownership regulations, and implement policies that address the root causes of gender-based violence.
The party also called for the authorities to promote education and awareness on a national level to challenge toxic gender norms and stereotypes to break the cycle of violence and promote healthy relationships.
“The ALP pledges to fight for gender equality and justice and calls on law en-
forcement and civil society to join us in dismantling the structures that perpetuate gender-based violence and build a Guyana where the dignity and rights of our women and girls are upheld. The ALP also calls on the government to uphold the laws and policies that exist to protect our women and girls to prevent the scourge of gender-based violence,” the statement concluded.
Only recently this newspaper reported that Guyana recorded last year 1,863 cases of domestic and genderbased violence.
One of the most distressing trends is the continued occurrence of femicide, with 13 cases recorded in 2024.
The ministry has set a target to reduce this figure to 10 in 2025. The Ministry of Human Services and Social Protection has outlined several strategies to address these social issues, including strengthening policies aimed at removing discrimination and violence against women, providing shelter and financial assistance to vulnerable groups, implementing gender equality and mainstreaming initiatives, and expanding rehabilitation programmes for youth in conflict with the law. In 2024, 93 sensitization and awareness programmes were conducted to promote gender equality, with a target of 95 set for 2025.
Additionally, the ministry aims to enhance campaigns targeting the elimination of sexual, domestic, and genderbased violence from 125 in 2024 to 110 in 2025. The ministry’s initiatives extend beyond violence prevention, focusing on improving the welfare of Guyana’s most vulnerable citizens.
( T R I N I D A D
G U A R D I A N ) - U n i t e d
S t a t e s a u t h o r i t i e s h a v e
c o n f i r m e d t h a t J a m a i c a n
d r u g l o r d C h r i s t o p h e r
“Dudus” Coke, has had 17 months shaved off his prison time here.
Coke, 56, is currently serving a 23-year sentence at
F o r t D i x F e d e r a l Correctional Institution in New Jersey, following his conviction on charges of trafficking over three tonnes of marijuana and 30 pounds of cocaine to the U.S.
His original release date of July 4, 2030, has now been adjusted to January 25, 2029, according to the US Federal
Bureau of Prisons (FBOP).
The reduction comes under the First Step Act (FSA), e
allows inmates to earn time off their sentences for good conduct and participation in
inmates can receive up to 54 d
institutional regulations.
The FBOP, in a statement to The Sunday Gleaner on February 18, explained that
possible for prisoners who s
productive activities (PAs).
Inmates may also receive c
custody before sentencing. Coke, the former leader of the notorious Shower Posse, which operated in Jamaica, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, was extradited to the US in 2010.
He pleaded guilty to drug a
August 2011.
T h e S h o w e r P o s s e , which was co-founded by Coke’s father, Lester Lloyd
W a s h i n g t o n , D C , February 21, 2025 (OPS) –The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) have formalized a memorandum
o f u n d e r s t a n d i n g t o r e i n f o r c e t h e i r s h a r e d commitment to improving
public health across the Americas. This agreement marks a decisive step in the fight against cervical cancer and other health challenges in the region.
T h e m e m o r a n d u m
c o v e r s v a r i o u s a r e a s o f cooperation aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable
D e v e l o p m e n t G o a l s (SDGs), with a key focus on the elimination of cervical cancer, a priority for both PA H O a n d t h e S p a n i s h
G o v e r n m e n t . E a c h y e a r, cervical cancer claims the l i v e s o f a p p r o x i m a t e l y 4 0 , 0 0 0 w o m e n i n t h e Americas. However, with t h e r i g h t s t r a t e g i e s f o r vaccination, screening, and treatment, this cancer could be eliminated as a public health issue.
In a meeting with the Ambassador of Spain to the Organization of American
S t a t e s ( O A S ) , C a r m e n
Montón, PAHO Director Jarbas Barbosa emphasized
t h e s i g n i f i c a n c e o f t h i s collaboration for the region. “Spain’s support in the
fight against cervical cancer and in other areas of public h e a l t h i s c r i t i c a l f o r
s t r e n g t h e n i n g t h e h e a l t h
s y s t e m s Wi t h A E C I D ’s s u p p o r t , w e c a n m a k e
p r o g r e s s t o w a r d t h e elimination of this cancer, w h i c h d i s p r o p o r t i o n a t e l y impacts women in the most vulnerable situations,” said Dr Barbosa.
The signed agreement
i n c l u d e s a v o l u n t a r y contribution of €3.9 million to PAHO, distributed across several areas of work.
T h e s e i n c l u d e : € 1 5 m i l l i o n t o s t r e n g t h e n technical capacity in the e l i m i n a t i o n o f c e r v i c a l cancer, €500,000 for the Emergency Medical Teams ( E M T ) i n i t i a t i v e a n d
€ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 t o b o o s t i n n o v a t i o n a n d t h e
p r o d u c t i o n o f a d v a n c e d therapies in Latin America and the Caribbean. Additionally, funds will be allocated to strengthen h u m a n r e s o u r c e s a t t h e primary care level, improve health equity, and enhance access to healthcare for a d o l e s c e n t g i r l s a n d survivors of sexual violence, among other initiatives. The contributions, which w i l l b e d i s t r i b u t e d throughout 2026, represent a s i g n i f i c a n t i n c r e a s e i n S p a n i
solidifying the cooperation between the two partners.
‘Jim Brown’ Coke, has been l i n k e d b y U S l a w enforcement to over 1,600 murders.
Jim Brown died under mysterious circumstances in a fire inside a Jamaican prison on February 23, 1992, while awaiting extradition to the US on similar charges.
I t r e m a i n s u n c l e a r whether the Shower Posse still operates as a significant criminal entity or has been d i s m a n t l e d a n d l a w enforcement officials have yet to confirm if the gang r e m a i n s a m o n g t h e 2 5 0
c u r r e n t l y a c t i v e i n t h e country
S e n i o r S u p e r i n t e n d e n t
Stephanie Lindsay, police spokeswoman, declined to p r o v i d e d e t a i l s o n a n y intelligence related to the gang, stating that she would consult with the Counter
Terrorism and Organised
Crime Division (C-TOC) before responding.
N e x t G e n e r a t i o n G a n g , b a s e d i n C o k e ’ s w e s t K i n g s t
Tivoli Gardens.
According to top police officials, the gang has been expanding its influence, with several members of the Coke family reportedly among its ranks. However, authorities r e m a i n u n c e r t a i n i f
Christopher Coke retains any control over the group.
the gang,” a senior police official stated.
“I don’t know if he has any influence over them or if there is a connection with him and them.”
Coke’s arrest in June 2010 followed weeks of intense tension in Kingston, triggered by the Jamaican g
y i n approving his extradition. A month before his capture, he mysteriously escaped from Tivoli Gardens after two d a y s o f v i o l e n t c l a s h e s between security forces and heavily armed supporters. The battles resulted in 69 c
officer killed, marking one of the darkest chapters in the nation’s history W
reduction now confirmed,
A m b a s s a d o r M o n t ó n highlighted her country’s commitment to improving global health, the universal r i g h t
Spain’s leadership in the fight against cervical cancer,
cooperation. Through this agreement, we reaffirm our willingness to contribute to the health of women in the Americas.”
PAHO is leading efforts to eliminate cervical cancer in the Americas, aligning its
(WHO) 90-70-90 targets. These aim for 90% of girls fully vaccinated with the HPV vaccine by the age of 15; 70% of women screened using a high-performance test by the age of 35 and 45, and 90% of women with precancer treated and 90% of women with invasive cancer managed. In the region, 48 countries have introduced the HPV vaccine, although coverage varies widely Few countries have reached 90% vaccination coverage, while others remain below 10%.
PAHO is working to close these gaps, ensuring access
tools through its Regional Revolving Funds.
M e a n w h i l e , t h e r e a r e growing concerns over the
“My time in the west can only speak to the influence of the Tivoli Next Generation gang, and certainly, we are still seeing activities from
Coke’s post-prison influence and whether he will retain any hold over Jamaica’s criminal landscape upon his release.
( A L J A Z E E R A ) T h e
Israeli military has launched several new raids across the o c c u p i e d W e s t B a n k , intensifying a monthlong operation that has killed
hundreds of people and displaced thousands.
D u r i n g t h e r a i d s o n Sunday and into Monday, Israeli tanks were deployed in the occupied Palestinian territory for the first time in
more than two decades Reports that the army is planning to open up military corridors in the West Bank suggested an extended and expanded campaign The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) raised alarm at the deteriorating s i t u a t i o n , s a y i n g w i n t e r weather was making it more
d i f f i c u l t f o r d i s p l a c e d Palestinians to survive.
“Many people have fled their homes to take shelter, i n c l u d i n g i n c r o w d e d mosques and schools. With many homes damaged or d e s t r o y e d , p e o p l e a r e struggling to access basic needs such as clean water, f o o d , m e d i c a l c a r e a n d shelter,” the ICRC said on
M o n d a y “ D i s p l a c e d civilians are also struggling to find information about family members who have
Israeli tanks drive towards the occupied West Bank’s Jenin refugee camp on February 23, 2025 [Majdi Mohammed/AP]
gone missing or who might have been detained.”
Tens of thousands of P a l e s t i n i a n s h a v e b e e n displaced across the West B a n k s i n c e t h e I s r a e l i
m i l i t a r y l a u n c h e d i t s heightened offen
st month. The operation began shortly after a Gaza ceasefire deal came into effect on January 19.
Monday’s raids hit areas
a c r o s s t h e t e r r i t o r y a s bulldozers and armoured vehicles continued to pound
the northern West Bank
areas of Jenin and Tulkarem, where large refugee camps are located.
Soldiers were reported to have stormed Jenin from the west, besieging the refugee camp and the areas adjacent to it. They also imposed a c u r f e w i n t h e t o w n o f Qabatiya, to the south of Jenin, for a second straight day and stormed the nearby towns of al-Yamoun and Burqin.
The al-Quds Brigades, t h e a r m e d w i n g o f t h e Palestinian Islamic Jihad,
reported on Telegram that it was fighting with Israeli f o r c e s i n J e n i n “ T h e Palestinians who have been forced from their homes in the occupied West Bank are going wherever they can –community centres, shelters, family and friends in nearby towns and villages, which are now also being under attack,” Al Jazeera’s Nour Odeh reported.
Fear of greater escalation
Hamas, the Palestinian A
n g Jordan and the Arab League
called on Monday for a halt to the intensifying attacks.
Brazil also urged a full s
unimpeded international aid
“The Israeli media is quoting sources close to the prime minister saying that the army is intending to
reminiscent of the so-called Netzarim Corridor in Gaza –i n o r d e r t o
f r e e movement for its forces and heavy equipment,” she said. The Israeli-established andoccupied Netzarim Corridor bisected Gaza and prevented displaced Palestinians from going back to their homes. It is feared that a similar tactic in the West Bank would illustrate a plan to extend and e
, which along with the Palestinian Authority condemned Israel for assaults in the West Bank, said Israel’s wish to stay there is “an illusion that will not come true”.
T h e P a l e s t i n i a n
Authority called for urgent international intervention to “curb Israel’s unchecked aggression” and its effort to
continue “genocide” against P a l e s t i n i a n s M o r e t h a n
40,000 people have been displaced from Jenin and Tulkarem, including its Nur Shams refugee camp, by the ongoing Israeli operation. Israeli Minister of Defence Israel Katz confirmed the number on Sunday, adding that the army intends to stay in the camps to prevent the return of residents.
U n i t e d N a t i o n s Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday raised a l a r m a b o u t t
i attacks on the West Bank
t a return to fighting in Gaza. “I am gravely concerned by the r
y Israeli settlers and other violations as well as calls for annexation,” he said. Israeli s e t t l e r s , w h o a r e o f t e n backed by armed soldiers, carry out daily attacks in the occupied territory Videos
outlets from overnight into M
s scrawling a Star of David and Hebrew graffiti on a P
lighting a fire during an attack on farmland east of Y
o n governorate.
China’s Xi str esses str ength of Russia ties in Putin call as Washington war ms to Moscow
( C N N ) - C h i n a a n d Russia “cannot be moved away” from one another, Chinese leader Xi Jinping told his counterpart Vladimir Putin on Monday, in their first phone call since US President Donald Trump upended American foreign policy with a sweeping pivot t o w a r d M o s c o w a s h e pushes for peace in Ukraine.
The call, which took place as Kyiv marked the third anniversary of Russia’s brutal invasion, stands as a clear message from Beijing that its relations with its key diplomatic partner will not be shaken by Washington’s warming relations with the Kremlin.
“ T h e d e v e l o p m e n t s t r a t e g i e s a n d f o r e i g n policies of China and Russia are for the long-term,” he added, reiterating that their ties wouldn’t be influenced b y “ a n y t h i r d p a r t y ” “Despite changes in the i n t e r n a t i o n a l s i t u a t i o n , China-Russia relations will proceed with ease, ” the Chinese leader said. The Kremlin described t h e c a l l a s “ w a r m a n d friendly” in its readout but did not elaborate on the strength of their ties to the same degree as Beijing’s.
“The leaders particularly
“ H i s t o r y a n d r e a l i t y show that China and Russia are good neighbors that cannot be moved away, and true friends who share weal and woe,” Xi told Putin, according to China’s state n e w s a g e n c y X i n h u a , evoking a phrase the Chinese leader had used to mark the s y m b o l i c a l l y s i g n i f i c a n t 70th anniversary of their diplomatic ties in 2019.
R u s s i a n
s e f o r e i
policy link is the most important stabilizing factor in world affairs. It is strategic in nature, is not subject to external influence, and is not directed against anyone,” the Kremlin said.
R u s s i a n F o r e i g n
Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chinese counterpart Wang Yi meet on the sidelines of a G 2 0 g a t h e r i n g i n Johannesburg on February 20. The closely anticipated c a l l b e t w e e n t h e c l o s e partners comes as Moscow’s position on the international s t a g e h a s u n d e r g o n e a significant transformation in recent weeks, as Trump has s o u g h t t o b r i n g P u t i n alongside in his push to end the fighting in Ukraine in a significant shift of American p o l i c y T o p T r u m p
administration officials met
c o n f l i c t , ” t h e K r e m l i n r e a d o u t s a i d B e i j i n g ’s readout noted that the call was initiated by Putin.
D e s p i t e d e c l a r i n g neutrality in the conflict, China emerged as a key diplomatic and economic backer of Russia since its i n v a s i o n , w i t h N AT O
a c c u s i n g B e i j i n g o f powering Russia’s defense industrial base with dual-use goods.
C h i n a d e f e n d s i t s “normal” trade. Xi and Putin – who weeks before the invasion declared a “no limits” partnership – have long seen the other as a key partner in a shared power struggle with the West. But
R u s s i a n c o u n t e r p a r t s i n Saudi Arabia last week after signaling they could cede to s o m e o f M o s c o w ’s k e y demands – raising concerns t h a t p e a c e w o u l d b e brokered over the heads of K y i v a n d i t s E u r o p e a n partners. Trump has also parroted Kremlin rhetoric about the war and launched a barrage of criticism against U k r a i n i a n P r e s i d e n t Volodymyr Zelensky Putin updated Xi on the l a t e s t c o n t a c t s b e t w e e n Russia and the US during t h e i r c a l l , a c c o r d i n g t o readouts from both sides. Xi said that “China is pleased to see Russia and other parties concerned making positive efforts to resolve the crisis,” according to Xinhua. “The C h i n e s e s i d e e x p r e s s e d support for the dialogue that has begun between Russia and the United States, as well as readiness to assist in finding ways to peacefully r e s o l v e t h e U k r a i n i a n
recent US efforts have raised q u e s t i o n s a b o u t w h e t h e r Washington could drive a wedge betwe
Following a meeting of top US and Russian official in Riyadh last week, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio named the possibility for future “geopolitical and
Five men lost their lives tragically between Sunday night and Monday morning after they were involved in
n Corentyne Berbice and at Wa
c Road, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
The dead persons have been identified as: 64-yearold Dennis Gilkes, 40-yearold Abdool Sharaf Rahim,
Adrian Inshan and 21-yearo
supervisor of Queensway Security Services.
Police reported that the first tragedy occurred on
north, and stood in the path of the vehicle lifting his hands in the air “The area was dark and the driver alleged that due to the close distance, the right side front of the car collided with the pedestrian causing him to be flung into the air and end up on the windscreen, then rolled off the bonnet and ended up on the roadway,” police reported.
T h e r e a f t e r , h e w a s picked up by an ambulance and transported
Berbice at about 19:30h that claimed the life of Gilkes It is reported that the accident involved motor lorry # GTT 6824, driven by 22-year-old N i c h o l a s Ya d r a m a n d G
Investigations revealed that Yadram was proceeding
pedestrian at the time of the
urg Public Road at a normal rate of speed. The lorry driver told police that two motor
cars were ahead of him, and w h e n t h e c a r i n f r o n t attempted to overtake the leading vehicle, he saw a pedestrian in the center of his lane, approximately ten feet away, walking west.
Yadram said he applied brakes to avoid a collision, but despite his effort, the front portion of the motor
t r u c k c o l l i d e d G i l k e s Thereafter, as a result of the collision, the pedestrian fell onto the road surface where he received injuries about his body
He was then picked up by Yadram, along with publics p i r i t e d c i t i z e n s i n a n unconscious condition and placed into the said motor lorry and conveyed to the P o r t M o u r a n t P u b l i c
H o s p i t a l w h e r e h e w a s pronounced dead on arrival by a doctor. His body is presently lying at Ramoo’s Funeral Home awaiting post mortem examination. A breathalyzer test was conducted on the driver of the motor lorry, which recorded 58 and 55
micr o gr ams , r es p ectiv ely He is in custody
T h e s e c o n d a c c i d e n t
occurred on the Wallers
D e l i g h t P u b l i c R o a d , a t about 00:10h on Monday, which claimed the life of Rahim, who was a pedestrian at the time of the accident.
I t i s r e p o r t e d t h a t accident involved motorcar PVV 2663, driven by 43year-old Ashley Raymond and Rahim. Rahim’s 32y e a r - o l d w i f e , S o n i a R a m l o c h a n t o l d investigators that he was trying to get his car keys from her but she refused because he was under the influence of alcohol As s u c h , h e t h e n b e c a m e annoyed with her and walked across the road from south to
Demerara Regional Hospital where he was examined by a doctor who pronounced him dead on arrival.
The body was escorted to E
Another fatal accident
Berbice around 00:15h on Monday that claimed the life of three young men. Police reported that the
cycle # CN 6641 driven by R
driven by Subhan.
Investigations revealed that Ramnauth was traveling south in the eastern lane at a high speed when he lost control and collided with motorcyclist Subhan, who was heading north in the western lane. Following the collision, both drivers and pillion rider were thrown off their bikes onto the road, s u s t
n g i n j u r i e
o u t their bodies. They were then picked up by public-spirited citizens in an unconscious condition and taken to the S
and examined by a doctor, w
The pillion rider, Inshan was also examined in an unconscious state and was la
further medical attention However, he succumbed to his injuries, while receiving m e d
n t T h e investigations continue.
SportsMax - Captain Rashada Williams led from the front with a composed half-century as defending
their CG United Insurance Super 50 title defense with a 51-run victory over Trinidad a n
Warner Park on Monday
Winning the toss and electing to bat first, Jamaica posted 223 all out in 49.5 overs, with Williams top-
scoring with 51 off 85 balls. She received support from Stafanie Taylor (49 off 56), Chedean Nation (37 off 37), and Jodian Morgan (22 off 31) as they built a solid total despite losing wickets in the latter stages of the innings.
Anisa Mohammed (3-40) and Karishma Ramharack (2-42) led the bowling effort for Trinidad and Tobago. In response, Tr
struggled to gain momentum
dismissed for 172 in 46.4 overs. Djenaba Joseph (32
Afy Fletcher’s Five-W icket Haul Power s W indwar d Islands Volcanoes to Emphatic W in
stunning five-wicket haul from Afy Fletcher propelled W
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Overall, the forecast for today is fairly good. The aspects seem to favor figuring out the
a n opportunity for you to take a leisurely
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
Have you felt somewhat lost for the past few days? The fog may lift today and enable you to situate yourself at last. You're probably eager to settle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
You may have been feeling
s o m e w h a t d i s i l l u s i o n e d . Perhaps you lost sight of your goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some relief beginning today
CANCER (June 21–July 22)
You might be tempted to settle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take action to correct them.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but your inner world is likely to be in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solution to your heartaches as w e l l a s y o u r c a r e e r predicaments.
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach things differently
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
You just can't do everything at once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every area of your life.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)
This is a good moment to adapt your logic and
reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find new ideas plentiful.
SAGIT (Nov 22–Dec. 21)
It's going to be a little difficult t
, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others,
people say
CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Have you been reviewing your f a m i l y h i s t o r y l a t e l y ,
Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values? In the end.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your sense of self, Aquarius. You're just as good as anyone else, so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitive about having an ego. E v e n t h o
n o w everyone does.
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) Today
off 53) and Steffie Soogrim (34 off 31) showed some
bowling attack ensured there would be no comeback.
Vanessa Watts (3-34 in 9.4 overs) was the standout b
Morgan (1-24 in 10 overs) and Kade Wilmott (1-16 in s
instrumental in stifling the T
Chedean Nation (1-43) and Neisha-Ann Waisome (12 2 ) p r o v i d e d k e y breakthroughs.
With this commanding w i n , J a m a i c a S c o r p i o n s Wo m e n s e n t a s t r o n g message to their competitors as they look to retain their title. Their next fixture will be crucial in maintaining their early momentum in the tournament.
batting lineup, dismis
ing them for just 93 in 28 overs
Fletcher led the charge with an exceptional spell, taking 5-15 in seven overs, while Amiah Gilbert (2-25) and Pearl Etienne (1-11) provided strong support Reniece Boyce (24 off 37) and Melicia Clarke (23 off 66) were the only batters to
to accelerate the chase. Zaida James (21 off 32) also played
SportsMax - The West Indies Masters delivered a commanding performance to secure a seven-wicket victory over Australia Masters in the Internati
T20 League in India on Monday Despite a stunning century from Shane Watson, West Indies Masters chased down a challenging target of 217 with ease, thanks to a breathtaking knock from Lendl Simmons.
f t h e We s t I n d
sixes at an explosive strike rate of 213.64. He found solid support from Brian Lara, who scored 33 off 21 balls, and
23 off 11 balls.
Indies Masters made light work of the chase, reaching 220/3 in just 19 2 overs
Dwayne Smith set the tone early, hammering 51 off 29 balls before Simmons took centre stage.
hander blazed his way to an unbeaten 94 off 44 balls, clobbering six fours and eight
Guyana’s President Dr. Irfaan Ali to replace outgoing Trinidadian Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley as chairman ofCARICOM Prime Ministerial sub-committee on cricket
SportsMax - Guyanese president Dr Irfaan Ali will r e p l a c e t h e o u t g o i n g Trinidad & Tobago Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley a s t h e c h a i r m a n o f C A R I C O M ’ s P r i m e Ministerial sub-committee
o n c r i c k e t , R o w l e y announced on the final day of the 48th regular meeting of the CARICOM heads of government conference in Barbados on February 21, his last as Prime Minister R o w l e y s i g n a l e d h i s intent to resign as Trinidad & Tobago’s Prime Minister on January 3.
As he handed over the reins to Ali, Rowley, who was appointed chairman in July 2023, said the subc o m m i t t e e w a s i n g o o d hands. “We did have some discussions, but not too much detail because we have done some work before in Guyana and T&T and we
have seen the results. Some progress has been made –and is being made,” Rowley said.
“Today, I handed over to the plenary and the heads a g r e e d t o s e l e c t m y colleague from Guyana –who’s an eminent cricketer as you know – president Irfan Ali to now take the chairmanship on the subc o m m i t t e e o f c r i c k e t because we maintain our interest in the potential for We s t I n d i e s c r i c k e t t o
i n t e r
y a n d t h e preservation of our legacy.” He said the affairs of West Indies cricket is of u t m o s t i m p o r t a n c e t o CARICOM.
“ T h e h e a d s o f government should continue to be interested in what goes on in West Indies cricket and assist in whatever way we can.”
SportsMax - Batting inconsistency is something that has plagued the Jamaica Scorpions in the four-day format for a number of seasons and this current season has followed the same trend.
Three rounds into the 2025 season, the Scorpions currently find themselves fifth on the points table with 32.6 points with most of those coming from their
r o u n d o n e 1 7 8 - r u n demolition of the Windward Islands Volcanoes at Arnos Vale in Kingstown from January 29-February 1.
I n t h a t g a m e , t h e Scorpions made scores of 337 and 277-7 declared w h i l e r e s t r i c t i n g t h e Volcanoes to 195 and 241. They also crossed the 300-run mark in the first
innings of their secondround encounter against the Leeward Islands Hurricanes at the Sir Vivian Richards
Stadium in Antigua, making 320. The second innings saw t h e m f a l l w e l l s h o r t , however, posting only 170 before succumbing to a fivewicket defeat.
The batting also fell short in their third-round loss to the Barbados Pride at the Kensington Oval, making scores of 231 and 180 in their two innings as the Pride sprinted to a nine-wicket victory inside three days.
Speaking during a media i n t e r a c t i o n o n M o n d a y, captain John Campbell puts the inconsistency of the Scorpions bating down to inexperience.
“I think it’s been a pretty up and down start for us as a team,” he said.
“I’d say that, outside of (Jermaine) Blackwood and m y s e l f , w e ’ r e v e r y inexperienced so that plays a big factor at this level.
We’re going up against guys with a lot of experience
He has a point. When you look at the bulk of Jamaica’s top order over the first three rounds outside of Campbell
First-Class experience with just 28 matches under his belt.
first innings I think we’ll
g e t b e t t e r a s t h e
competition goes on,” he
P l a y i n g f o u r - d a y
cricket for the first time
since 2022, Campbell has
led from the front so far
t h i s s e a s o n f o r t h e
Scorpions His 299 runs rank him
third on the leading run
scorers list behind Trinidad & T o b a g o ’ s J a s o n
M o h a m m e d ( 4 8 3 ) a n d
B a r b a d o s ’ J o n a t h a n
Drakes (373) He has made those runs
O t h e r t h a n t h e l a s t game, I think we’ve been pretty decent with the bat
Against Leewards, as well, we scored over 300 in the
BBC Sport - Rachin Ravindra’s sublime century helped New Zealand book their place in the semi-finals of the Champions Trophy with a comfortable fivewicket win over Bangladesh in Rawalpindi.
Ravindra, who missed the Black Caps’ opening win
a g a i n s t P a k i s t a n w i t h concussion, struck 112 from 105 balls to steer his side to their modest target of 237 with 3.5 overs to spare.
T h e c h a s e s t a r t e d nervously as opener Will Yo u n g w a s b o w l e d b y Taskin Ahmed in the first over, and Kane Williamson fell for five during a lively o p e n i n g s p e l l f r o m Bangladesh’s seamers, but R a v i n d r a a n d D e v o n Conway (30) withstood the pressure with a calm thirdwicket stand of 57.
Ravindra fell with just 36 more runs required after a p
ship of 129 with wicketkeeper Tom Latham, who made a crucial 55, which set up the victory to e l i m i n a t e b o t h t h e i r
with Tanzid Hasan caught by Williamson for 24, and from t h e r e b o w l e d 1 0 o v e r s consecutively while rarely h a v i n g t o c h a n g e h i s approach as Tawhid Hridoy, M u s h f i q u r R a h i m a n d Mahmudullah were all out
slogging after fa
rotate the strike consistently
rom a com
ete collapse
but they lacked support from elsewhere to post a
competitive total on a good
s u r f a c e , w h i l e t h e i r
b o w l i n g a t t a c k l a c k e d
threat after the new ball swing was blunted. Ravindra made his way back into the XI because
He made the most of a v i t a l m i s s e d r u n o u t opportunity when he only had 25, followed by drops on 93 and 105 which were less likely to have influenced the result. The partnership with Latham, who is also in fine f o r m a f t e r h i s c e n t u
Najmul Hossain Shanto’s 77 and Jaker Ali’s 45 the only notable contributions. They reached a steady 58-1 from the opening 10 overs, but then failed to recover from a slip from 972 t o 11 8 - 5 a s s p
r M i c h a e l B r a c e w e l l t o r e through the middle order with career-best ODI figures
o p p o n e n t s a n d h o s t s Pakistan and to also ensure India’s qualification from Group A. Bangladesh were left to rue a wasteful batting innings which saw eight of the nine wickets to fall caught in the outfield from loose and unconvincing shot s
Zealand impress again
particularly challenged this well-rounded New Zealand
comprehensive victory that sees them take momentum
After a decent start, Bangladesh’s innings fell apart with a whimper as their b a t t e r s c o u l d n o t a d a p t against the nagging accuracy
of New Zealand’s bowling a t t a c k , p a r t i c u l a r l y Bracewell’s off-spin. The 34-year-old made the opening breakthrough
nd having come to the crease at 15-2, has giv
masterclass in strike rotation and taking calculated risks throughout the middle overs as none of the bowlers were able to settle into a spell in the manner of Bracewell. N e w Z e a l a n d ’s f i n a l group-stage match against I n d i a w i l l d e c i d e w h o finishes top of the group but w i l l a l s o p r o v i d e a n int
how both unbeaten teams will fare under real pressure for the first time.
Ba r b a d o s p u l l e d o f f a commanding 11r u n w i n o v e r G u y a n a yesterday thanks to fifties
f r o m s k i p p e r A a l i y a h A l l e y n e a n d K y s h o n a Knight, coupled with some e x c e l l e n t b o w l i n g s p e l l s yesterday at the Conaree Sports Club Ground, St Kitts.
C h a s i n g a l m o s t 2 0 0 , Guyana almost pulled it off thanks to starts from captain Shemaine Campbell (25),
C h e r r y - A n n F r a s e r ( 2 6 ) , S h a b i k a G a j n a b i ( 2 6 ) , Mandy Mangru (26) and Ashmini Munisar (17).
But a brilliant spells f r o m l e g - s p i n n e r K e l i a
E l l i o t t ( 3 - 3 8 ) a n d E r i n Deane (3-33) coupled with 2 w i c k e t s f r o m s k i p p e r A a l i y a h A l l e y n e , k e p t Guyana to 172 all out in 47.4 overs.
The Bajan ladies did a remarkable job of ending on 183-5 50 overs batting first, thanks to twin fifties from Kyshona Knight (54) and captain Alleyne, who ended on a brisk 57 off 55 balls.
Guyanese opener Mandy Mangru (26) struck four f o u r s b e f o r e d e p a r t i n g , while her partner Katana Mentore was less fortunate, being run out for 3, followed by Realeanna Grimmond who was bowled for 9. Campbell and Gajnabi
added 49 in a good repair p a r t n e r s h i p b e f o r e b o t h ladies fell to some excellent g l o v e - w o r k f r o m K y c i a Knight.
Fraser hung around the briefly, finding the fence on four occasions before being knocked over by the leggy, E l l i o t t , w h o a l o n g w i t h Deane kept the Guyanese u n d e r p r e s s u r e a s t h e constant fall of wickets kept their opponents at bay
Trishan Holder was the next best scorer with 27, as Sheneta Grimmond (2-12) starred for Guyana with the ball.
Barbados had a rough start losing 4 wickets by time their team 100 came in the
35th over, thanks to early strikes from seamer CherryA n n F r a s e r ( 1 - 3 2 ) a n d veteran spinner Flaffianna Millington (1-23).
Knight dug in during her 122-ball innings, finding the r o p e s j u s t t w i c e b e f o r e falling LBW to former West Indies U-19 skipper and spinner Ashmini Munisar (134).
T h e s k i p p e r, d e s p i t e r u n n i n g o u t o f c a p a b l e partners, raced to her halfcentury with five fours and a six under her belt, before the deliveries expired.
Guyana will be keen on a rebound win when they play J a m a i c a t o m o r r o w , Wednesday 26, in the second
SportsMax - The 2025
Concacaf Women’s U-20
Q u a l i f i e r s c o n t i n u e d o n
S u n d a y w i t h e m p h a t i c victories from Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and Haiti as teams intensified their
p u s h f o r a s p o t i n t h e
Concacaf Women’s U-20
C h a m p i o n s h i p a n d ultimately the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup.
Host nation Trinidad and To b a g o s h o w c a s e d t h e i r attacking prowess with a dominant 7-0 victory over Dominica at Ato Boldon
S t a d i u m i n C o u v a .
H a c k e e m a r G o o d r i d g e opened the scoring in the 12th minute, and Orielle Martin doubled the lead five minutes later
J’eleisha Alexander stole the spotlight with a stunning f o u r - g o a l p e r f o r m a n c e , scoring in the 24th, 31st,
6 6 t h , a n d 7 1 s t m i n u t e s Madison Campbell capped off the win with a stoppagetime goal in the 90’+2, s e a l i n g a p e r f e c t performance for the Soca Warriors.
G u y a n a r e c o r d e d a n e m p h a t i c 5 - 0 w i n o v e r An
G r o u p A a t t h e A B FA
Technical Center in Saint John’s.
Se-Hanna Mars was the star of the match, scoring a hat-trick with goals in the 21st, 63rd, and 68th minutes.
L i y a h M e n i l e k a d d e d another in the 78th minute after capitalizing on a loose ball in the box. Guyana’s fifth goal came from an unfortunate own goal by Karmiellia Hughes in the 85th minute, securing an unchallenged victory.
H a i t i e x t e n d e d t h e i r winning streak with a 4-0
t r i u m p h o v e r B e l i z e i n
G r o u p A a t t h e A B FA
Technical Center. Brianna
C r e v e c o e u r b r o k e t h e deadlock in the 22nd minute before Nehemie Sainvilus
d o u b l e d t h e l e a d t h r e e m i n u t e s l a t e r P i e r r e l i n e
Nazon widened the gap in t h e 5 7 t h m i n u t e , a n d
S a i n v i l u s c o m p l e t e d h e r brace in the 59th, ensuring Haiti’s second consecutive victory in the qualifiers.
Other Key Results
Panama 13-0 Bonaire:
A n a l i a A r o s e m e n a a n d Shaday Mow led the charge w i t h h a t - t r i c k s , w h i l e
Nathalie Bello and Jozuanys Santos added braces in a dominant showing from Las Canaleras in Group C.
Dominican Republic 1-0
C u b a : J a y l e n Va l l e c i l l o secured a dram
minute win for the hosts with
strong run of form, marking their third consecutive win—something they had not achieved since 2022.
Girlz took an early lead in the 5th minute when Kayla McKenna set up Jody Brown for the opening goal. Brown’s strike
marked her first international goal for Jamaica since February 2023, when she last scored against the Czech Republic. The goal was also her 16th at
spirited effort from Peru,
a 90’+4 strike. Canada 9-0 Bermuda: C a n a d a o v e r w h e l m e d Bermuda with a nine-goal
Jamaica went into halftime with a 1-0 lead, maintaining control of the match.
Hernandez Gray and Ella Kettles.
match, h a v i n g a l s o s c o r e d i n a 3 - 2
v i c t o r y o v e r S o u t h A f r i c a i n
December 2024 McKenna’s goal
was her fifth for the national team a n d h i g h l i g h t e d t h e a t t a c king chemistry developing within the squad.
The victory was particularly s i g n i f i c a n t a s i t m a r k e d t h e
Reggae Girlz’ first triumph on
South American soil since their
2-1 win over Colombia in 2018 It was also the first time since 2022 that they had defeated a South American opponent, with their last such victory coming against
Paraguay in Montego Bay A d d i t i o n a l l y , J a m a i c a managed to keep a clean sheet in South America for the first time since 2007, when they secured a 1-0 win over Ecuador The win also set a positive tone for the year, as it was the fir
2025 CWI Women’s Regional Super50 tournament Round 1…Guyana vs. Barbados
Guyana’s President Dr. Irfaan Ali to replace outgoing Trinidadian Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley as chairman chairman of CARICOM Prime Ministerial sub-committee on cricket
President Dr. Irfaan Ali (right) will replace outgoing Trinidadian Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley as chairman of CARICOM Prime Ministerial sub-committee on cricket. (Trinidad and Tobago Newsday)
- Deane, Elliot grabs 3 wickets apiece
Guyana starting line up at the 2025 Concacaf Women’s U-20 Qualifiers. (GFF photo)