‘Jagdeo should be questioned about PPP taking Mohameds’ money’
Govt. extends deadline for proposals to operate and manage Wales gas plant MV Kimbia returns to service after $75M overhaul Ultralight Aircraft allowed to land in Guyana
SeniorVice Presidentsays:
HomeAffairs Minister, Robeson Benn tries to console Ms. DeonAnderson, the distraught mother of firefighter Voshaun Manbodh, who died while being treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital
‘Jagdeo should be questioned about PPP taking Mohameds’ money’ - Norton
Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR),AubreyNortonsaid thathispartyhasnotreceived anyfinancialsupportfromthe Mohamedssincehetookover the party And he urged the media to grill Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo about the PPP/C’s affiliation with the businessmen and how much money they received in the past.
Norton made the comments at a press conferenceonFriday Norton hasbeenleaderofthePNCR since2021 Hesaidtoothathe isnotawareofanyopposition person being paid by the Mohameds, adding “I can’t vouch for every opposition person, but what I can say to you is that, since I became leader of the PNC, no financial support came from the Mohameds. I have no reasontolie.Ifithappened,I
wouldsayithappened,butit didn’t.”
These comments by Norton followed statements made recently by Nazar Mohamed, who reflected on his long history with the People’s Progressive Party andthecurrentchallengeshe faces following the U S sanctions The U S Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control(OFAC)onJune11, 2024,againsttheMohameds and their associated businesses The sanctions were issued due to allegationsoflarge-scaletax evasion, gold smuggling, moneylaundering,andother forms of public corruption.
“All my life, I have been associated with the PPP…I supported other political parties financially, but I’ve alwaysbeenveryclosetothe People’s Progressive Party,”
For his part, Norton criticised the lack of media attention given to the financialtiesbetweenthePPP and the Mohameds, despite what he described as overwhelming evidence
“Butyouknow,whatamazes me is that there is a whole slewofevidenceshowingthat the PPP had engaged the
MV Kimbia returns to service after $75M overhaul
The MV Kimbia while in dry dock
The MV Kimbia resumed operations on the Georgetown to Region One route followingtheinstallationoftwonewengines andgearboxesvaluedat$75million
The 44-year-old ferry has been a longstanding transport link for Region One communities supporting trade and travel. Minister of Public Works Bishop Juan Edghill provided an update on the vessel’s return during an inspection at the dockyard Fridaymorning
“I would have announced before that the MV Kimbia is being prepared to expeditethemovementofcargoinandout of Region One. We have the MV Barima and theMVMalishahandling passengers and some cargo. Due to the accelerated pace of development and the boost in agriculture in the region, there is a greater need for cargo movement,” MinisterEdghillstated
The MV Kimbia was docked in December last year for extensive repairs, includingtheremovalandreplacementofits
oldenginesandgearboxesalongwithcrucial underwater works. Additional maintenance, such as hull scraping and the installation of anodes,wasalsocarriedout. Hullscrapingis theprocessofremovingmarinegrowthfrom a vessel’s hull while anodes are metallic components attached to boats to prevent corrosion of essential underwater metal partsbycorrodingintheirplace
Ahead of its return to service, the vessel will undergo test runs to ensure it is fully operationalandmeetssafetystandards. The MV Kanawan is undergoing similar repairs andisexpectedtoreturntoservicewithin10 days The ferry, docked on February 20, is receivinggeneraldry-docking,superstructure maintenance,andunderwaterrepairs
In addition to ongoing repairs, the government is moving to strengthen transportation services to Region One by procuringnewferryvesselsthroughthe2025 budget With new vessels in operation, ferry servicesontheRegionOneroutewillincrease infrequencyandcapacity
Theservicehasexpandedfromoperating twiceamonthtoseveraltripspermonthwith further improvements expected once additionalvesselsareacquired.(DPI)
Mohameds and that the Mohameds financed the PPP,”hesaid,adding.“Isaw a press conference (Thursday),nobodychoseto ask Jagdeo if it is true that you are financed by the Mohameds.”
Norton expressed frustration with the press for not questioning Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo about the allegations “They allowhimtotalkaboutfilling a whole bucket of what he puts out of his mouth, rather than asking him the critical question as it relates to the Mohameds,”hesaid.
Businessman and
member of the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) Investment Committee, Terrence Campbell has also called on the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) to return all contributions made tothepoliticalgroupoverthe past 10 years by the Mohameds His comments cameontheheelsofJagdeo’s personal attack onAzruddin Mohamed, son of Nazar Mohamed,butalsosoughtto defend the PPP against corruption allegations made byAzruddin.
In sharing a clip of Jagdeo’spressconferenceon hisFacebookpage,Campbell said, “If it is an organization withagoodethicalcompass,
the PPP should refund all contributions received in the lasttenyearsfrom“wannabe gangsters” and sanctioned personsorbusinesses.”
Furthermore, it is Campbell’s view that the weekly press conferences hostedbytheVicePresident, at Freedom House, are far fromcivil
According to him, “This iswheretheabusiveculturein Guyana gets its steroids For those of you who find this weekly abuse show funny, don’t complain when the school kids are fighting with friends cheering Don’t complain about road rage Don’tcomplainabout
Aubrey Norton, Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)
On Saturday Guyana joined the rest of the world in celebrating International Women’s Day This year the occasionwascelebratedunderthetheme“ForALLWomen and Girls: Rights. Equality Empowerment.”According to theUnitedNations,thisyear’sthemecalledforactionthat canunlockequalrights,powerandopportunitiesforalland afeministfuturewherenooneisleftbehind.Centraltothis vision is empowering the next generation youth, particularly young women and adolescent girls as catalystsforlastingchange,theUNsaid.
Additionally,theUnitedNationssaidtheyear2025isa pivotal moment as it marks the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action This document is the most progressive and widely endorsed blueprint for women’s and girls’ rights worldwide that transformed the women’s rights agenda in terms of legal protection, access to services, youth engagement, and change in social norms, stereotypes and ideas stuck in the past.
We at this paper salute our Guyanese sisters and daughters,andallthoseothersofthefairergenderwhofall in some classification of relationship, whether as friend, family,orasstranger Ourwomenaretobecherished,notas objects,butforwhattheyhaveachievedagainsttheodds,of howfartheyhavecome.Westillmustbearinmindthatthey have a great amount of territory in front of them to be covered. We have Guyanese women in their numbers beyondthetraditionalfieldsofteachingandnursing.They nowproudlyandproperlyoccupymanyspacesinthehigher rungs of those professions. We are glad for them, and applaudthem,withthehopethatmoreoftheyoungerones willbeinspiredwiththethinkingthatthey,too,candoso. We have women in the lower and upper ranks of our law enforcement apparatus, and in our national defence capabilities. In politics, there are women ministers, in the publicservice,therearewomenPermanentSecretaries,and inseveralstateagenciestherearewomenrunningtheshow atthetop,orasheadsofdepartments.Mostofall,wehave the unsung and the largely unknown: those Guyanese womenwhogofromdaytodaywiththeresponsibilitiesand burdens, and somehow manage to keep going. It is where they must be financial analyst and economist, how they mustbebreadwinneranddisciplineenforcerandmentorall atthesametime.Itiswhenandhowtheyareworkerontheir feet and chief cook and bottle- washer in the home. How they do it, we don’t pretend to know, and which balancingfamilyandcareerdon’tevenbegintoconsideror cover the sum of what is involved with being a partner, a mother, a sister, daughter and neighbour, and an ever available and ready helper, wherever they are. Impressive maynotbeenoughofacompletedescriptionofwomenon this International Women’s Day, unreal and otherworldly seemsmoreclosertofittingthebill,butitisonewhichthey mustpayeverydayintheshoesthattheyarecalleduponto fill.Yet,asmeaningfulandvisibleastheprogressofwomen in our society has been, there are those circumstances of some, too many, which bring a pause, and give cause to raised eyebrows, in this presenting of their plights in the most peaceable of manner We have two women in our judiciary, at the top of their profession and at the head of theiroperations.Butinsteadofbeingthecreamofthelocal court system, they have come to represent the kind of organisational froth. This is best attributed to the follies, farces,andfailuresoftrickypoliticalfiguresalwaysonthe lookout for an advantage, even when the judiciary is the areaunderconsideration.
There are other areas, involving other women, where they are held hostage to the whims and antics of political leadersanddecision-makers.Theyarepartofthepawnsin Guyana’sperpetualpowerstrugglesthattakeshapebehind the scenes, the traditional collateral damage that results fromthewarsbeingfoughtoutofsight.Thesearepartofthe
Freddie Kissoon must first apologise
DEAREDITOR, I r e a d w i t h uncontrollable laughter, Freddie Kissoon’s piece, “These people should apologise to President Ali.”
As we know, Freddie Kissoon is in servile compliance;hehasnochoice but to serve his master, whether or not he likes it. These days, he has switched targets, directing his bitter and unsubstantiated diatribes, not at the PPP/C, hisformer‘objectofhatred,’ butattheOppositionforces, pre-2020alliesandrefuge.
Let me illustrate, but first, I will summarise Freddie’snorm.Inthispiece, he remonstrated with some 40 odd people, listing their names, who owe President IrfaanAliapologies.Hisbig issue is that “How can these people in multi-racial Guyana write the President for a change of policy and tell the President that they want the policy to change because African people die from that policy.” He was referring to the Oil and Gas situation in Guyana and its supposed endangerment to the environment, which his listed ‘potential apologisers’ saidareeffectingtheAfrican people.
Now for my important footnote,asFreddieKissoon seemsuninformed.
Editor, one is correct in
saying that Blacks are the more disadvantaged one when it comes to things environmental,regardingthe repercussions of the Oil and Gas sector worldwide. It is well documented that Black communities, as well as many marginalized groups, ‘disproportionately’ experience the horrible negative impacts of oil, gas, and fossil fuel-related pollution.Thisphenomenon, labelled “environmental racism”isofinteresttomany people and in all levels and domains.
It is undisputed that ‘Exposure to air pollution from fossil fuels lead to increased rates of asthma, heart disease, and cancer I a d d t h a t f r o m a medical/health perspective, the effects on all human beingsarewell-notedandno race is exempted, but what creates the grounds for quarrelling is that of ‘ D i s p r o p o r t i o n a t e Exposure.’Again, it is well noted that Black and lowincome communities are often located contiguous to industrial facilities like oil refineries, coal-fired power p l a n t s , a n d g a s infrastructure, leading to higherexposuretopollution. Readers, this may not apply to Guyana, but more than one million Black Americanslivewithinahalf-
mileofnaturalgasfacilities. Overall,blackAmericansare 75% more likely thanWhite peopletolivein“fence-line” communities (areas near commercial facilities that produce noise, odor, traffic, or emissions that directly affect the population). I rest mycase.
So, it is not ‘insane thinking’Who said that “No raceismadeaspecialvictim ofgashouseemissions?”Itis fullyacceptedthathistorical and ongoing urban planning p r a c t i c e s h a v e disproportionately targeted Black communities, leading to issues like environmental harm, lack of resources, and displacement, highlighting the need for equitable planningapproaches.
FreddieKissoonneedsto betaught,butfirstbepurged from his emotionalism, as this swings both ways, depending on which corner heisbackedinto.
I need not belabour this point. So, I move to his urgent plea of “… are we going to see an apology…” from these people. He noted that “These people are antigovernment and anti-PPP They have an agenda. They will not apologise ” My retort is the same: “Are we going to get retractions, acts of repentance, and words of apologies from Freddie Kissoon, for decades of anti
PPP/C lies, distortions, fabrications and venomous regurgitations?” Freddie’s putrid utterances were directed at the Chronicle, PPP/C leaders, and associates and the party itself.
Editor, I am mindful of your generosity in offering me a place in your publication, so I will just make a quick comment where Freddie needs to apologiseandthesoonerthe better I think he knows that even when he apologies and repents and recants, no one willtakehimseriously Heis an inveterate hater of the PPP/C and all people and thingsassociatedtherein.
On April 15, 2019, in “Guyana Politics: I feel personallyinsultedbyIrfaan Ali’s Press Conference,” FreddieKissoonintonedthat “Most people are familiar withthatoldsaying,“whom thegodswishtodestroythey first make mad.” (and) If I had any respect for Irfaan Ali, (and) If I had any admiration for Irfaan he has lost it. I am referring to his recent press conference in which he appointed Kwame McCoytodirect.”Apologies needed-to Irfaan and McCoy Imagine how ludicrous this man is. He wantsotherstoapologiseto
Dr. Terrence Campbell should become the opposition presidential candidate
Neither Mark Benschop or Rickford Burke have identified with any political party and it is completely in their right not to; I have mentioned their names because they are leading Guyanese activists and very influential social media personalitiesanditwouldbe foolhardy to believe they do not have a say in which political party should lead Guyana Hundreds of thousands of Guyanese worldwide listen to BenschopandBurke.
Melissa “Melly Mel”
Atwell is an extremely influentialactivistandsocial media influencer She has notidentifiedwiththePNCR and it is also in her right not tobeasupporterofmyparty I have tremendous respect for the three activists mentioned here I have identified with the PNCR andhavepledgedtodoallin my power to see it form the next government. It is no secret that I have stood with thePNCRforamightylong time and have directed my activismtoitsbenefit.
contradictions that plague this society. They are what embarrass and humiliate our womenfolk as much as any domestic abuse victim, but in the workplace. For too long we have taken our women in this society and cultureforgranted.Itisthattheyarethere,andthatshouldbe enough,allthatisrequired.Thishastochange,andnotfrom the words and actions of political leaders, who themselves have among the worst records of domestic cruelties and more.Changemustbeinthemindsandhandsofrank-andfile Guyanese men and sons and brothers: these women of ourscount,andwemustmakethemfeelthatway,byhowwe careforthem,conductourselvesintheircompany,oraway from it. Those are our greatest recommendations, our best characterreferences.
I have been asked by manyaboutwhetherIwould supportAzruddin Mohamed ifhedeclareshisintentionto contest for the presidency I havebeenaskedthequestion because he has been given positive publicity here recently Ihavenevermetor spoken to Azruddin Mohamed though I have made several attempts through associates to get an interviewwithhim.
I have a podcast and I havesenthimarequesttodo an interview That request stillstands.Inmystruggleto see the PNCR form the next government, I have to be very realistic about our prospects.Itisonlyusinthe PNC that can dash our chances of winning the upcomingelections.
I h a v e h a d t h e opportunity to interview Dr Campbellonce.Ithinkthatis the only time I have spoken to him. I have been hesitant to use my platform to push for Dr Campbell to become thenextpresidentofGuyana becausethatcouldverywell beamotivatingfactorforthe Leader of the PNCR not to supportthatposition. Ihaveearnedtherightto have a say when it comes to my party and how it will succeed. I have given it all my energies without benefitinganythingfromit.I will end my struggle for the PNCR if we do not do right by it and choose the correct candidatetoseeuswin.Iwill neversupportthePPPevenif they offer me a billion dollars. I can be open to the ALPorTeamMohameds.
NormanBrowne Social and Political Activist
I have said to the party I love that we should move quickly to see Dr. Terrence Campbell become the opposition presidential candidate. I am absolutely certainwewillwinwithhim there. I will not continue supporting the PNCR if we refusetomakeDr Campbell thatcandidate.
‘DEI, nationalism, racism in Guyanese politics’
Notlongintothetermof the 1992 People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) government, President Cheddi Jagan was concerned that Guyanese contractors were finding it difficult to win large government contracts such astheonehavingtodowith the West Demerara sea defence and asked me whether in my opinion the government could break such contracts into smaller packages to facilitate the contractors. I said that some important quality and cost difficultieswouldhavetobe overcome if he intended to do so, but that other than that, I could not see why it couldorshouldnotbedone. Contracts were awarded to more Guyanese contractors and a few, who as it turned out were mainly Indians, becamequitewealthy
Fast forward: according to one assessment, by the 2012 census Guyanese of Indian descent represented 39.8%ofthepopulationand GuyaneseofAfricandescent 29.3%, but of the 288 contractawardslistedonthe
National Procurement and Tender Administration (NPTA) website in 2022some3decadeslater-56.9% were awarded to businesses owned or operated by GuyaneseofIndiandescent; 72.8% of the total dollar value of awards went to businesses owned or operated by Guyanese of Indian descent; 10.4% of contracts awarded were to businesses owned or operated by Guyanese of Africandescent;7.1%ofthe total dollar value of awards wenttobusinessesownedor operated by Guyanese of African descent; contracts were awarded 5 times as oftentocontractorsofIndian descentastothoseofAfrican descent. The dollar value of contracts awarded to Guyanese firms with Indian descent ownership or management was 10 times greater than that awarded to firms owned or managed by Guyanese of African descent, and interestingly, thevalueoftendersawarded to foreign companies exceeds that awarded to GuyaneseofAfricandescent ( D o m i n a t i o n
It concluded that, as suggested in the first paragraph, ‘initially they (Indian contractors) lacked the requisite skills and machinery, which meant their work was consistently substandard But PPP agenda wasn’t national development but race empowerment. As a result, inferior quality work went without penalty, creating a financ
n for taxpayers. The result is that datingbackto1992,thePPP Indo-Guyanese base was provideda25yearheadstart over Afro-Guyanese. Thus, even with transparent processes, a 25 year unfair advantagetoIndo-Guyanese means Afro-Guyanese are inherently disadvantaged (Ibid).
Although it needs to be nuanced, the above trajectory is substantially correct Cheddi Jagan’s affirmativeactionbenefitted largely Indo-Guyanese and over its near 30 years in government no significant efforts were made by his successors to study and rectifythisproblem.Indeed,
if anything, the present regime has in place policies thatareintendedtomakethe situationworse.
For example, over the decades,thePPPregimehas deliberatelydegradedpublic service salaries with its unilateral annual 5% increasesthatarepaidatthe end of the given calendar year and between 2020 and 2023, central government expenditure as a percent of GDPdeclinedfrom28.4%to 24 6% but current expenditure declined from 21.7%to10.8%. Thewages and salaries of public sector workersdeclinedfrom6.3% to 3 1% What is most interesting is that expenditure for capital works, which mainly go to Indian Guyanese who overwhelmingly support the PPP,hasgoneintheopposite direction. It was 6.7% in 2020 and 13.4 percent in 2023 (Guyana: IMF December 2023 Article IV Consultation and Staff Report).
‘In terms of Afro-Guyanese being engagedin businesses and as contractors, there have never been moreAfroG u y a n e s e - o w n e d businesses, more AfroGuyanesecontractorseverin Guyana. Here is a truth that Alexanderandhisilkcannot escape–in2025,thenumber ofAfro-Guyanese who have started businesses, are far, farmorethanin2020orever before. (T)he number of big Afro-Guyanese contractors today exceed by far what existed at any other time in ourhistory Inaddition,nota single new Afro-Guyanese contractor emerged between 2015 and 2020 when his party was in government (KN:03/03/2025).
Ramsammyisinvitingus toequate4yearsofcoalition government with nearly 30 yearsofPPPruleandashort non-oilperiodwithatimeof resource abundance He wantsustoplaceimportance on the quantity of ‘so-called contractors’ rather than on the nature and value of their contracts. He is suggesting thatweforgetthedecadesof PPP rule and only consider 2020 to 2025, when that
party was openly being cajoled by the international community (please remember its celebratory posteroftheTrumpvictory) to reform and become more inclusive, transparent and equitable,andhasresponded with a mishmash of undemocratic, unstructured interventions to ease internationalconcernsandof course, attempt to buy Africanvotes.
Dr.Ramsammysaidthat contrary to what some say, Guyana is not an apartheid state. But the essence of apartheidisthedejureorde facto policy of the state to implement and maintain the domination of one ethnic groupovertheotherandthat is precisely what is taking placehere,wheretheIndian dominated and supported PPP and its associated have ‘captured the state’ and are usingitinanattempttoherd Africansintoitsranks.
It would, however, be unfairtosayofCheddiJagan that his ‘agenda wasn’t national development [but] race empowerment’. Firstly, oneshouldnotblamehimfor
HerVenture Summit & Expo hailed a success
The HerVenture Summit & Expo, held on Saturday, was a resounding success, bringingtogetheradynamic
g r o u p o f w o m e n
entrepreneurs and
representatives from financialinstitutions.Apress statement from HerVenture, said that “The HerVenture app,acollaborationbetween the Cherie Blair Foundation
for Women and the ExxonMobil Foundation, has already transformed the business landscape in Guyana, with 27,800 users leveraging its digital resources to scale their businesses. The HerVenture Summit & Expo 2025 was not only a celebration of women’s achievements but also a launchpad for future opportunities As the Summit concluded, it reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring that women continue to lead, innovate, and drive meaningful economicchange.”
The event showcased innovative business pitches, and various businesses through exhibition boothsrevealing a wealth of talentedbusinessideasfrom aspiring entrepreneurs Under the theme “FutureP r o o f i n g Wo m e n
Entrepreneurs: Innovation, Finance & Digital Transformation,” the event e m p h a s i s e d t h e transformative role of women in shaping the business landscape through cutting-edge technology, financialempowerment,and leadership.
The HerVenture Summit & Expo 2025 was powered by ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc (ACI) in collaboration with the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women (CBFW) and sponsored by key partners, including: Mobile Money Guyana (MMG), Guyana BankforTradeandIndustry (GBTI), Republic Bank
Limited (RBL), and the Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry Guyana (WCCIG) The e v e n t c r e a t e d a n unparalleled platform for strategic discussions, mentorship, and investment opportunities, reinforcing the profound impact of women entrepreneurs in Guyana and across the region. The exhibition hall featured 22 women entrepreneurs, all graduates of the Road to Growth Programme.
Delivering opening remarks at the event Leanna Baker, Senior Programme Manager at the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women
explained that the HerVenture has been specifically designed to support women in low or middle-income countries who are starting or running microorsmallbusinessesin anysector Throughthisapp, women gain foundational
business knowledge and skills, confidence and selfbelief to start and grow businesses, support their entrepreneurialjourneysand digitisetheirenterprises.
“We know that women entrepreneurs are some of the busiest people in the world not only are they running their businesses, sometimes several businesses, they also have a fulltime job and also have responsibility for domestic tasks. HerVenture has been designed to fit in their busy lives,”Bakersaid.
Professor Paloma Mohamed Martin, Vice ChancelloroftheUniversity of Guyana (UG), spoke on women in academia and their pioneering role in the future of education She encouraged, “The world is changing very rapidly, become a friend of technology...thosephonesin your hands are very powerful,youcancarryyour library, you can carry your contacts, you can do your research, you can market, you can store your
information, you can write your emails, it’s your office onthego,souseyourphones invery,verystrategicway.”
Moreover, Jane Miller, t h e B r i t i s h H i g h Commissioner to Guyana during her speech emphasised the critical role of women entrepreneurs as drivers of national development. She said, “So national development claim your seat, now what I mean by that is... it’s up to everybody to take that step forward, that is your seat look for opportunities, look for opportunities for business, look for opportunities that you can
grow, look for your opportunitiesthatyoucanbe involved in national development, don’t wait for those opportunities to come toyoubecausetheyprobably won’t ” Additionally, the HerVenture Summit and Expo also featured a live business pitching session, w h e r e s i x w o m e n entrepreneurs presented theirventurestoanesteemed panel of judges. The highstakes session unlocked access to critical funding, mentorship, and resources that will drive the future success of these businesses. Theoverallwinner,Alexis (Continuedonpage16)
The Dixie’s Punch De Creme products
Patrons crowd the exhibition hall at the HerVenture Summit and Expo
Govt. extends deadline for proposals to operate and manage Wales gas plant
The Government of Guyana (GoG) through the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM)onSundaynotifiedthe public of an extension to the deadline for proposals to operate and manage the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) plant,acomponentofPhaseI, Gas-to-Energy(GTE)project
The previous deadline of March 13, 2025 has been extended by one month to April 8, 2025 Notably, in its previous Request For Proposals,OPMindicatedthat theGTEprojectwasexpected
This controversial project, which lacks a feasibilitystudy,wasinitially intended to come on stream bytheendof2024
It was later announced that the project would commenceby2025,however this too has been further extended now to 2026, as explained by Project Head, WinstonBrassington
The NGL fractionation plant is designed to extract liquids(C3,C4,C5+)from50 million standard cubic feet of gasperday(MMSCFD) Gas will be delivered to the plant viaapipelinerunningfromthe offshoreStabroekBlocktothe onshore Integrated Plant Site (ISP)andoperatedbyothers
K a i e t e u r N e w s understandsthattheNGLswill be stored and/or dispatched from the Southern side of the Integrated Facilities 100-acre site, where short-term storage will be in place to allow deliveryviaroadandpipeline to the medium-term Storage Facility
A medium-term Storage Facility will be built east of the Integrated Facility to provide for two-months storage and facilitate 2km shipments via road or river Additionally, the project will feature a 2KM pipeline “to connect to short-term and medium-term storage with the Demerara River and Materials Offloading Facility (MOF).”
OPM explained that the O&M contract does not includeO&Mofthe300MW combined cycle power plant and auxiliary facilities This willbeperformedbySiemen EnergySAS,whichwillhave overall responsibility for coordinationoftheO&Mfor integratedfacilities
The NGLplant is located ona100-acreintegratedPlant Site located within theWales I n d u s t r i a l Z o n e approximately 25 km inland
on the West Bank of the Demerara River Additional storagewillbelocatedonland eastofthe100-acresite
Interested bidders will be required to show O&M experience of at least three NGL plants, comparable to that being constructed in Guyana Firmsmustalsohave a strong Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) culture and demonstrate capabilities in workforce training, particularlyfocusingonlocal content, use of advanced technology for efficient operations and safety monitoring and the financial capacity to manage largescaleoperations.
According to the RFP, only firms (consortia) experiencedinOperationand Maintenance of comparable facilities will be ranked; however, they will be required to list relevant experience and reference projectsoverthelast15years, as well as provide audited financial statements or other evidenceoffinancialstrength Additionally,bidderswill be expected to submit O&M fee structures from comparable projects, provide atemplateofprojectedO&M costs over each period; state expected profit margins or fees and state project guarantees related to availabilityandefficiency T h e G O G s a i d negotiations will take place with the highest ranked technical proposal with the objective of concluding an O&MContract
In the meantime, governmenthasmadeitclear that it is not bound to accept anyresponsetothisRFPand reservestherighttoselectany Partyforanyspecificelement of the RFP and to annul the process at any time without further direction, without therebyincurringanyliability to the affected interested parties.
Meanwhile, addressing concerns about the release of information by the U.S government to the Guyanese government. Norton referenced the delayed disclosure of details and suggested the government was trying to prevent furtherscrutiny.
“I listen to the US ambassador, she doesn’t have to say everything,butyoucanreadbetweenthelines,thefactthatthey tooksolongtogiveinformation Ibelievethatthegovernment isalsopartoftheproblem,andthatalltheinformationcannotbe released as yet because it will put the government on guard thattheyarealsounderinvestigation,”Nortonstated.
He also questioned how the alleged interactions with the Mohameds could have occurred without the government’s knowledge “Howisitthatallthatthey’reclaiminghappened with the Mohameds could have happened without their knowledge?”Nortonasked
An artist’s impression of the GTE project
Are Guyanese ready for change?
There is a certain r h y t h m t o G u y a n e s e politics. There has been a predictableebbandflowthat has carried the country throughdecadesofelectoral battle, power struggles, and momentsofhesitantreform.
The two dominant political forces the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the People’s National Congress (PNC)—are more than just political parties. They are institutions, long-standing adversaries, locked in a rivalry that has defined the contours of Guyana’s politicsforgenerations.Like two ancient trees whose roots intertwine beneath the soil, they may appear opposed above the ground, but they remain inseparably boundbeneathit.
This dynamic was set in motion long ago, when the
split in the original People’s Progressive Party led to the birth of the PNC in 1957. Ever since, the country has witnessedanunendingcycle of electoral skirmishes and political brinkmanship, with both sides wielding the full force of their historical grievances. And yet, for all the hostilitytheydisplaytoward each other, there is a shared understanding between them: power in Guyana at any moment belongs to one of the two. Any force that threatens this duopoly is treated as an existential menace, to be neutralized through whatever means necessary The ghost of the Democratic Labour Movement (DLM) in the 1980s still looms as a cautionary tale an illustration of how the established parties, when faced with a genuine third-
party challenge, are capable of uniting to crush such a threat before it gains traction Despite this enduring pattern, something new is stirring beneath the surfaceofGuyana’spolitics. A different kind of fatigue has taken hold, one that extends beyond the usual electoraldissatisfaction.The working class is growing disenchanted—not just with one party or the other, but with the entire structure that has kept them in perpetual oscillation between the PPP and the PNC This disillusionment is not the standard frustration that precedeseveryelection;itis deeper,morefundamental.It istherealizationthatneither party has delivered the change that was promised, thatcorruptionandcronyism persist regardless of who is in office, and that the proceeds of Guyana’s
Freddie Kissoon must first apologise...
Irfaan, thinking that people haveforgottenhowhewrote that “Irfaan has gone mad. The gods have destroyed him. Of course, the gods rendered him incompetent before sending him off to Hades.”
What a piece of Judgement!!!
Then on Jul 26, 2008, in “Democracy inside three memoranda,” Freddie was boasting his anti-PPP rhetoric, saying that “I read the Mirror newspaper every week (online of course; I wouldnottakemymoneyto buythatthing).
I do not read the Chronicle I eschew the
Chronicle andallthatjazz that GINA puts out in the Chronicle, readers find in the two independent dailies andtheMirror
He asked back then, “Why read the Chronicle then? I have a particular dislike for the Chronicle fortworeasons:Oneisthat there have been people put in charge of it since 1992 who lack any conceivable talentinjournalism The Chronicle, since 1992, but particularly the past seven years, has been an atrocious media house that is completely devoid of any journalistic decency. Everyday the paper turns out the most
poetic praise for Mr Jagdeo and the most venomous condemnation of PPP’s critics and all the signatories are false names Thisthingisutterly sickening and disgusting And the people at the apex of power enjoy this gyrationofthejumbies
Hence, I call on Freddie Kissoon to come out and publiclyconfesshis‘waysof error’and seek the PPP/C’s forgiveness’openly
Even then, he will be a liability to the PPP/C. In fact, Freddie Kissoon is the embodiment of PPP/C’s majorcontretemps.
Yourstruly, PresscottMann.
Dress to impress!
The funeral fashion scene is turnin’ livelier than a carnival. Dem days of de past people used to attend funerals in all blackorblackandwhite.
It used to be inappropriate to attend a funeralinanyothercoloursandthatiswhy nuffpeopleusedtostayaway Demdidnot have a proper black dress or white shirt. Demusedtomekexcusehowdemnahbin feeling well. But was a case where dem wardrobewasnotuptotheoccasion.
Defashiongodsdecidefuhspiceupde funeral attires. You won’t believe your eyes, when yuh go to funerals dese days. Some women struttin’ in with outfits so colorful,you’dthinktheywereauditioning forafashionshow Someof’em,blesstheir hearts, are wearin’outfits skimpier than a politician’s promises. I mean, I ain’t complainin’,butifyou’regonnashowoff more skin than a butcher’s display, might as well bring some sunscreen for the afterglow
newfound oil wealth have not trickled down to those whoneeditmost.
It is this disenchantment that explains the increasing popularity of fresh, u n a l i g n e d faces individuals who have not yet been tainted by the machinery of the traditional parties. Whether they emerge from business, activism, or civil society, they are viewed with curiosity, sometimes even withhope.
But hope is a fragile thing in politics, easily manipulated and often disappointed Bharrat Jagdeo,thedefactoarchitect of the PPP’s strategy, has been quick to dismiss the idea that popularity in society translates into electoral success. He has a point; Guyana’s history is littered with the remains of individuals that failed to translate social appeal into political power The Justice For All Party serves as one such example a party whose leader who could not convert popular appeal into electoralvotes.
Yet,somethingaboutthe current moment feels different The young working-class elements of s o c i e t y t h e v e r y demographicthatwillshape Guyana’s future are looking beyond the old political guard. They are searching for an alternative, not just in ideology, but in leadership They are no longer satisfied with the
binary choice between the PPP and the PNC, between thefamiliarpromisesandthe well-worn disappointments. They are questioning the structure and the system itself, demanding not just different leaders, but a different kind of leadership. And in that demand lies the greatest threat to the traditional political order ThePPPrecognizesthis,and it is panicking. A party that has long relied on its hold ov
strongholds, is now faced with the unsettling prospect that its support is not as unshakable as it once believed The opposition PNC, too, must confront the reality that it is failing to capitalizeongrowingpublic
ad appearing as an uninspired alternative rather than a crediblechallenger
If there is one lesson from Guyana’s political history, it is that when both major parties fe
threatened, they will set aside their differences and close ranks against a common enemy Should an emerging force gain enough traction,itisnotunthinkable that the PPP and PNC, longtime adversaries, would join forces to protect their sharedmonopolyonpower
The question, then, is whether the Guyanese people will allow history to repeat itself.Whether, faced withtheinevitableonslaught of political vindictiveness –
already evident - they will settle once again for the familiar,orwhethertheywill demand something new, something genuinely transformative.
The young and the disenfranchised have shown an appetite for change, but appetitealonedoesnotmake a meal. For a new political force to succeed, it must be organized, disciplined, and, above all, prepared for the brutal reality of electoral combatinGuyana.
Change is never easy, and in Guyana, it is especially difficult But there is something brewing inthepoliticalair,something that suggests the old order cannot remain unchallenged forever
T h e t w o - p a r t y dominance has endured for decades, but no structure, howeversolid,isimmuneto the slow erosion of public trust. The question is not whether Guyana’s politics will shift, but how long it will take and whether, whenthemomentcomes,the country will be ready to embraceit.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
And the men? Oh boy, you’d think they’re preparing to walk down the aisle instead of mourning. They’re showin’ up dresseddapperenoughtomakeapeacock blush.Tophats,bowties,andshoesshinier thanausedcarsalesman’ssmile.
Change is the spice of life, and maybe it’s time we shook up the funeral fashion game. But I can’t help but wonder if Granny is up there lookin’ down and wonderin’ifsheaccidentallystumbledinto the wrong event. “Is this a celebration of life or a costume party?” she’s probably mutterin’toherself.
The funeral fashion fiesta is upon us, andit’sasighttobehold.Ifyou’reattendin’ one of these modern memorials, just remember: dress to impress and don’t be surprised if the dearly departed is rockin’ someneonangelwingsupthere.Demboys seh,funeralfashionjustgotamakeoverto diefor!
“You better watch out, you better watch out, Santa Claus is coming to town ” It’s March, not December Assurance to all wellwishers, including Office at the President and Freedom House, I’ve not lost it. No offense intended, but I am saner than the two biggest local political powers put together Santa Claus in March is Uncle Sam, the newly returnedone Itdoesn’thave to be a March appearance Guyanese should have their calendars ready, and their minds are glued to developments involving otherfolkselsewhere. Take Volodymyr Zelensky, as an example Proceed to Ukraine, as a standard, a wakeup call for Guyana’s complacentanderrant.
There was Mr Zelensky and his Ukrainians chugging
along a hard, bloody road, onlytobeabruptlytoldthatit isover TherewasCdeVlad beingtoldbyAmerica,ofall places, that his Special MilitaryOperationcameout ahead. I knew the former KGB man sees the world a littledifferentlythanwehere in the West. What I didn’t know was that he had an accurate crystal ball, which gavehimtheinsidescoopon howthingsweregoingtobe inWashington. WhatwouldInotgiveup for that kind of prophetic astuteness! Good news for Mr PutinisbadnewsforMr Zelensky The former can declare victory; the latter must take his place in the loser’s circle under protest andsteward’sinquiry Ifthat was all, the Ukrainian could have claimed some sort of pyrrhicvictory For whatever it is worth,
maybe even a moral one for heandhispeople’ssacrifices But he also has to pay the piper and, even worse, play the fool The first is minerals for American money;thesecondistokeep his sanity intact. Both are with his hands tied behind hisback,whileheputsonhis bestsmileyfacetotheworld. Vlad the Conqueror counts his winnings The supporting narratives will followintime. Itisthenew American version of a full nelson. Get used to it my fellowGuyanese. Itisonthe waytoGuyana.
Remember: “you better watch out; you better watch out UncleSamiscomingto town Pardon is asked for themangledlyrics Chalk it uptopostMash. It’ssimple, actually What happened in LasVegas(Ukraine)doesn’t stay there. I foresee an
ominousparallel. Itcouldbe the blasted template for Guyana.
Right here in South America, there is this 125year-oldstalemate Itdoesnot quite qualify for the description of Mexican standoff, since one side has the faster draw (is on the move with more firepower) Verbalfirewateralsotosellits twistedsideofatwistedstory
In both cases, it is not Guyana Over there in the shadows of the Urals, it was minerals and money to bring a halt to the three years of mayhem. Around here, by the foothills of Roraima and the banks of the Cuyuni, thereisoilandland,thereis rebuildingandparticipating. And there is also that peculiar institution (odious some say) that has fostered totaldependencybyGuyana ontheUSA. Consider Where was Zelensky getting his muscle and staying power from, but America and its allies? WherehasGuyanagottenits shieldfrom,butAmericaand its allies? There have been warships, military brass in fullregimentalcolors,plusa thunderous flyover of two Hornets. As the man now morefirmlyentrenchedover thereispronetosaying:it’sa
beautifulthing. Who am I to disagree with that cold logic? Now for some more bloodless logic. Whohasmoreoil,and by the oceans? Who has more billions, probably a trillion+, in opportunities beggingforthetaking? Who has a dictator with his back to the wall, and who is seemingly more than ready to cut a deal with the dreadfulYankees?
If not, what has he got?
Moreyearsofmisery,withno easeinsight? Hischoice,but look at where his friends are Putin’s Russia has been hornswoggled (I like that one) Teheran has been shown the doghouse by Tel Aviv, while the Red Chinese are today greener than Guyana’s PNC Think the colorofUSdollars Inshort, Caracas finds itself (to borrowoneofPresidentAli’s rare illuminating phrases)
‘holding the short end of a suddenly shorter and weaker stick’ Isthisacurioustypeof geopolitics, analytics, economics, and foreign affairsgymnastics,orwhat?
Whatever it is, it just brought closure to the long running Guyana-Venezuela serial. It may be as shortlived as the rest of Nicky Maduro’stenure,butthereit
is all neatly wrapped in American confetti In Guyana, there is the similarly committed and similarly beholden parallel toZelensky TheAli-Jagdeo Axis. Though two in one, they are not a quarter of Volodymyr
Heputupafightforthree years against a superpower, didn’the? TheGuyanesesee Commodore Routledge and they run for cover. Tailormade for the man at 1600 Pennsylvania. UkrainewasPart1. Guyana could be Part 2 in the making. All those sweet deals in Venezuela can’t be allowed to go to waste, notwithstanding the Chevronreversal. Some strong citizen on the ranch (State, Defense, CIA) could step up and say consider all these implications, opportunities for America’s competitors. Staytunedfriends. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper)
‘RemarkablesuccessofGuyana’sStabroekBlock nosurprisetoExxonMobil’ - Senior Vice President says
ExxonMobil Senior Vice President, Deep Water, J. Hunter Farris
WhileExxonMobiloften touts the risk it took in exploring Guyana’s StabroekBlockasanexcuse to avoid renegotiating the lopsided terms of the 2016 oil deal, the company’s Senior Vice President for DeepWater,J.HunterFarris recently let the proverbial ‘catoutofthebag’.
The remarkable success of the block came as no surprise the company said, since it conducted its due diligence for an extended period. Farris in a recent interview with Chief Executive Officer of the GuyanaEnergyConference, KianaWilburg was asked to say whether the 46 discoveries made in the Stabroek Block superseded hisexpectations.
With decades of experience, he explained that while the discoveries made locally have been n o t h i n g s h o r t o f “remarkable” they simply came as no surprise. “It’s beenajourneyandmaybeto answer your question directly, did it exceed my expectation,no.Notatall.It didn’t because I knew that the company, my company, ExxonMobil, we’re gonna dowhatwesaywe’regonna do, and we’re gonna bring our very best,” Farris boasted.
He continued, “So you just, you think about where we’ve come from, I mean Guyana always thought that there was oil and gas, we always knew we had some hypotheses at the area, we studieditforalongtimeand thisisourshottogomakeit happen.”
Farrisnotedthatsincehis last visit to the Guyana Energy Conference in 2019, thecompanyhasmanagedto develop three world class projects, now producing over650,000barrelsdaily It also has three in the development stages, already sanctioned by the government. Accordingtohim,thisis
“completely unheard of in ourindustryandinthedeepwater space so this whole expectation, I knew we
a n d h o w q u i c k l y, responsibly, safely we’ve been able to not only find frontierresourcebutdevelop
it at really industry leading pace that then brings significant value to the people of Guyana and that’s
He described Guyana as an“oilsuperpower”given Continuedonpage16
Screen grab showing top portion of the school collapsing
A 27-year-old member of the Guyana Fire Service (GFS), succumbed to injuries sustained while battling the recent fire at Mae’s School in Subryanville on March 5, 2025 and his family is blaming the poor healthcare at the country’s premier hospital, while calling for an independent investigationintothematter
Fireman 1871 Voshaun Manbodh, a resident of Melanie Damishana, East Coast Demerara, diedonSaturdayattheGeorgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) around 23:18 hrs Manbodhservedintheservicefrom February 2023 and proved himself to be a dedicated and courageous firefighter He was on duty last Wednesdaywhenafirebrokeoutat the school at approximately 7:45 hrs. While battling the blaze, portions of the building’s roof and wall collapsed on him, resulting in severe neck injuries that impaired hismotorfunctions.Hewasrushed tothehospitalfortreatment.
However, his family has expressed grave concerns and dissatisfaction regarding the medical care Manbodh received afterbeingadmittedtothehospital. Theyclaimthatimpropertreatment andaseriesoffailuresatGPHCled to his health deteriorating and ultimately,hisdeath.Inastatement issued on Sunday, the grieving family demanded an immediate investigation and for persons to be held accountable for the alleged lapsesincare.
The family detailed several incidents that occurred during Manbodh’s hospitalisation The family explained that on March 6, an MRI was conducted on Manbodh, showing no signs of abnormalities and he was observed tobeinastableposition.However, thefamilystatedthat hiscondition progressively worsened in the following days due to “delayed medical interventions, inadequate monitoring, and critical lapses in care.” The family also noted that despite the severity of his injuries, Manbodhwasplacedinthegeneral Male Surgical Ward, where he did notreceivespecialisedneurological care.
“Despite requiring urgent neurological evaluation, his MRI scan was painstakingly delayed, initially scheduled for 1:30 PM at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital but postponed due to poor preparation byhospitalstaff.Whentheyfinally attempted to take him for the scan after2PM,therewasalast-minute failure to properly sedate him, leading to further delays and distress,” the family explained in theirstatement.
Another troubling claim from the family involved the hospital’s mishandlingofManbodh’sphysical restraints.Theyemphasisedthatthe hospital staff attempted to restrain Manbodhusing,“onlytwopiecesof strings tied to his hands,” and loosely tied his legs, despite his
unstable condition. Manbodh was described to be in distressed throughouttheprocess.
Additionally, the statement revealed that Manbodh’s mother was informed by another patient that he had fallen from his hospital bed. However, when she arrived at the hospital, she was not informed of the incident by medical staff.
“Shockingly, when she arrived at the hospital, staff downplayed the incident; not mentioning anything toheratallandinsteadstatedthathe wasbehavingaggressively,leading tohaphazardattemptsatrestraining him using only two pieces of string,”thefamilystated.
Despite the family’s repeated attempts to ensure proper care for Manbodh, his condition continued toworsen,andhepassedaway “Mr Manbodh’s mother repeatedly expressed concerns about his lack of proper restraint, hydration, and medicaloversight,yetherconcerns wereeitherignoredorinadequately addressed, “the statement added, “These serious lapses in basic medical care contributed significantly to his worsening conditionandultimatedeterioration and death.After hours of suffering and repeated delays, Mr Manbodh passed away, and his mother was only informed at 11:18 PM that night.Hisuntimelyandpreventable death, raise grave concerns about the standard of medical care, hospital protocols, and emergency response procedures for injured servicemembers.”
ContactedbyKaieteurNewsfor a comment on the claims by the family, Chief Executive Officer of GPHC, Robbie Rambarran, confirmedthataninvestigationhad begun.“Firstofall,aninvestigation has started. The family made some claims we have to review whether theirclaimisfactualornot.Wehave puttogetheragroupofindependent doctors outside of Georgetown hospital to review their claims and that investigation has commenced. Aftertheinvestigationiscompleted and the findings, then necessary actions can be taken. If anyone is culpableorwhat,orifit’snotpeople culpable, it’s just whatever action canbetaken.”
Meanwhile, in a formal statement the GPHC extended its deepest condolences to the family, colleagues, and the nation on the passingof“theheroicfirefighter Continued on page 16
Fireman Voshaun Manbodh who tragically died following the Mae’s School inferno
Ultralight Aircraft allowed to land in Guyana
The Guyana CivilAviation Authority(GCAA)hasgranted special authorisation to Gyri Koeln SA, a private aviation company based in Costa Rica, permitting a fleet of three ultralight aircraft to traverse Guyanese airspace as part of theirjourneyfromSurinameto their ultimate destination in TrinidadandTobago.
The trio of nimble, lightweightplanescommenced theirvoyageonMarch8,2025, departing from Suriname at precisely 13:29 hours
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),whichequatesto09:29 AMlocaltimeinGuyana.
According to a GCAA release,followingathree-hour flight, the ultralights made a successful landing at the EugeneF CorreiaInternational Airport in Guyana at 16:29 hours UTC, or 12:29 PM accordingtoGuyanaTime.
A fleet of three Ultralight Aircraft was granted permission to traverse Guyanese airspace
The GCAA said this passage through Guyana’s sovereign airspace was made possible through the express consent and authorization of theGCAA,thegoverningbody charged with regulating and overseeingallaerialnavigation and aviation operations within thenation’sairspace.
“The GCAA meticulously reviewed the flight plans, aircraft specifications, and credentials of the pilots before granting the necessary approvals, ensuring full compliance with all relevant
Guyana’s commitment to fostering regional cooperation and facilitating the smooth flow of civilian air traffic,
upholding the integrity of its borders and national security interests,” the statement concluded.
After a brief overnight layover,theaircraftonceagain ascended into the skies on the morning of Sunday, March 9, 2025, taking off from the airport at 10:54AM local time (14:54 hours UTC) to embark upon the final stretch of their aerial odyssey, flying in formation, to Trinidad and Tobago.
The Ultralight Aircraft at the Eugene Correia Airport
According to the police the bags weighed approximately onetoninweightandwerethepropertyofGuySuCo.“Home Affairs Minister Robeson Benn, along with Inspector Blair, Inspector King, Corporal Mounter and other police ranks visited the fire scene at approximately 00:47hrs Sunday,” policesaid.
Investigations revealed that the rice bags were in a stockpile at the northern section of GuySuCo’s wharf when fire was seen emanating from the area by crewmen of MV Roibeira which was docked at the wharf. Subsequently an alarmwasraisedandtheGuyanaFireServicewasinformed.
WaterTenders 98 and 118 andWater Bowser 21, headed by Station Officer Manram.all from the Central Fire Station responded but did not go into action because the fire was extinguishedbycrewmenfromtheMVRoibeiravesselusing a water hose before their arrival. Several persons were questionedasinvestigationscontinue.
LeaderoftheOpposition Aubrey Norton on Friday told the media that citizens are struggling to make ends meet, as the cost of living continuesonasteadyrise.
Hesaidhiscommentsare based on recent interactions with citizens during communityoutreaches.
“Thecost-of-livingcrisis is still with us and is killing our people. People who feel it, know it,” Norton told the news conference He highlightedthatconstruction materialsareoutofreachfor some persons because of prices, and owners of small businesses are complaining of the slothfulness of sales while their input costs continuetoclimb.
“Price gouging seems to beontherise.Transportation costs are on the increase; expensessuchashouserent, electricity and other bills remain a burden and are leaving little income for food,” Norton lamented. He noted that some farmers are complaining that their
rise - Norton
Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton
produce sometimes rot on the farms due to the unavailabilityofmarkets.
Norton explained that in some instances struggling families are using the $100,000 one off cash grant topayofftheirdebtsowedto landlords, supermarkets and othercreditors.
“The people told us that the sum of $100,000 or just over $8000 per month over one year can do little or nothing to fundamentally or meaningfullychangethe Continuedonpage16
The damaged rice bags
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bedroom apartment for rent at 4633 Rasville, Roxanne Burnhan Garden. Contact : 667-4691.
‘Remarkable success of Guyana’s Stabroek Block...
From page 11 the more than 11 billion barrels of resources discovered by the consortium over the past 10 years. ExxonMobil first announced the discovery of oil in the Stabroek Block in May 2015. This later led to a string of other successful discoveries in the oil rich block. At the time the now heavily criticised 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) was signed, the company only marked three discoveries, amounting to about 1.1 billion barrels of resources.
Exxon previously claimed there was risk involved in exploring the location since the country had no proven reserves at the time. The company therefore justified the terms of the contract for
Hiring Labourers for the purpose of cleaning drains and alleyways. WhatsApp: 6578957/ 619-8062.
Desk staff, Receptionist, Supervisor, Room attendant @ 33 South Road Lacytown. 25-50 years old. Call: 2250198.
Handyman with knowledge of plucking chicken. C/Ville area $6,000 daily & Cashier/ Counter staff, $5000 Daily. Call : 227-5222 / 617-4662.
incentivising its investments.
Even with the significant increase in the resources discovered to date, now pegged at 11.6B barrels, government has refused to utilise the mechanism outlined in the contract, to seek a renegotiation of the lopsided terms.
Experts previously argued that the substantial changes
in the Stabroek Block justify Guyana’s calls for a renegotiation.
It was reported that former Head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr. Vincent Adams said, “I have spent 30 years at the highest level of the US government and I negotiated (and) I evaluated contracts. That was part
of my life and as a matter of fact, that was a main part of my life, and I’m talking about the Exxons of the world. I have seen many contracts you can think about and changes are expected and the one thing that you always have a justification for changing a contract is when there is a major change.”
He went on to point out, “As a matter of fact, in every government contract we had, we had what was called a change control board. Every change that comes in, it goes to the board and then we figure out what to do with it in terms of the contract so all this stuff about sanctity is…all nonsense.”
‘Outrage over death of firefighter’...
From page 12 who sustained injuries in the line of duty and was receiving medical care at our institution.”
“We honour the immense sacrifices made by our nation’s servicemen and women and stand in solidarity with those mourning this tragic loss,” the statement read. According to the GPHC, at this time, “we will not speculate on the circumstances surrounding his passing. However, we assure the public that GPHC remains steadfast in its commitment to the highest standards of medical care. Our institution has a
strong track record of successfully treating and discharging servicemen and women injured while carrying out their duties.”
The hospital stated that in response to concerns surrounding this case, it has launched an immediate investigation, led by a panel chaired by a senior clinician from outside the institution.
“This panel comprises both external and internal medical specialists to ensure a thorough and objective review. We remain committed to transparency and will provide updates as the investigation progresses. Once again, we
extend our heartfelt sympathies to the family of the fallen firefighter and to the wider community affected by this loss,” the statement concluded.
Additionally, Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn in statement, assured that an investigation will be conducted to determine the cause of Manbodh’s death and the injuries resulting from the incident. He acknowledged Manbodh’s bravery stating, “Fireman Manbodh proved himself to be a dedicated and courageous firefighter. At just 27 years
old, he risked his life to protect others, a testament to his unwavering commitment to public service. His passing is a great loss to the Guyana Fire Service.”
Minister Benn also expressed the ministry’s full support for Manbodh’s family, vowing to stand in solidarity with his loved ones and colleagues. Acknowledgment was also given to the two other firefighters who were injured during the fire. SubOfficer, Ian Burnette, Sub-Officer Dwayne Waldron, and Fireman Jouner Morrison were successfully treated and subsequently discharged.
Citizens continue to struggle as cost of living...
From page 15 standard of living of citizens,” he said. On January 18 this publication reported that Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh announced this year’s Budget at $1.382 billion, with $9 billion allocated to address the cost of living. Dr. Singh pointed to a suite of measures
that will cost the treasury over $90B, not including the impact of the electricity tariff adjustment and the removal of the excise tax on fuel.
* Some of these measures include $5,000 increase in oil age pension (from $36,000 to $41,000 per month)
* $,3000 increase in pub-
lic assistance (from $19,000 to $22,000)
* Introduction of $10,000 health voucher to aid in financing health tests
* One-off grant of $100,000 for every newborn baby born in Guyana to a Guyanese mother.
* Increase in income tax
threshold from $100,000 to $130,000 monthly.
* Reduction in the Personal Income Tax rate of 28% to 25%
* $10B injection to NIS to assist those aged 60 and above who have not met the 750 minimum contributions to receive old age pensions.
‘DEI, nationalism, racism in Guyanese politics’...
From page 05 attempting to make the tendering process more favourable to Guyanese businesspeople, Jagan was a communist, i.e. a nationalist and an internationalist. Secondly, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is a framework in which Affirmative Action is only one aspect that contains practical legal steps that address historical injustices, level the playing field for those who have faced systemic barriers and respond to the disfunctions of capitalism.
It is rooted in the United Nations Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, both of which demand adherence to fundamental principles of human dignity, equality, and non-discrimina-
tion. It became popular in liberal democracies in the 1950s and 60s precisely when Jagan was doing his politicking. Thirdly, it was when Jagan was alive that the idea was first broached to have some department of ‘empowerment,’ meaning then, democratic efforts at African empowerment to improve their condition and hopefully win their support.
Thirdly, when the public service unions repeatedly struck demanding historic wages realignments that the government claimed wereunaffordable, unprecedentedly and against the wishes of many in his part, Jagan allowed them and their representatives to peruse the government records to find any money! Fourthly, in
about 1994, I went to Cheddi with the idea of selling all the 2200 government flats to their owners, who were mainly Africans, for what I considered a small sum. Jagan suggested that they be given to them free.
I thought that in the context of resource shortage for housing his position was absurd and we finally agreed to a small, almost meaningless, price.
In a nutshell, this column has repeatedly argued that while Forbes Burnham was manipulating elections the PPP was using an ideological admixture of the PNC’s skullduggery and racism to hold its supporters.
The result is that matters not how incompetent, undemocratic and corrupt the
party, its traditional support would remain largely solid.
Following the 1999 resignation of President Janet Jagan and the 2001 vitiation of her presidency, the PPP came to understand that it would not be able to democratically win sufficient African support to continue its ethnic dominance.
Many observers have been suggesting that it is possible to protect ethnic interests by liberal democratic means, but personal and collective interests in the PPP have merged and it is most unlikely that the personal autocratic power facilitated by malignant arrangements such as ‘democratic centralism’ can be sustainable.
Sincerely Dr. Henry Jeffrey
HerVenture Summit & Expo hailed a success...
From page 06 Stacy Reece of East Gate Products, was awarded a grand prize of $100,000 from GBTI.
The six entrepreneurs who pitched were: Salima Dos Santos, owner of Salogistics Consultancy & Training, Raynuka Shecarie Tulsiram
owner of Itika Social Media Marketing, Reece Menawattie Aray owner of Country Side Kitchen, Shondelle Gray owner of Nail Room and Spa International and Charlyn Miller owner of Impact Business Solutions. Notably, in recognition of their efforts, all participants
received laptop bags from the Small Business Bureau (SBB). Another segment of the event featured a panel discussion under the topic, “Leading the Change: Pioneering Women in Business and Their Path to Global Impact.” Those included in the panel discussions were Cassandra
Crawford, the owner of Kaiso Fiesta Organic Juices, Wanda Campbell, owner of Wonderfully Made Products, and Alana Bunbury-Walton owner of Jars Zero Waste Store. They all shed their journeys of overcoming barriers and achieving global success.
Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.
Guyanese women driving national progress - President Ali says
Women are the bedrock of Guyana’s transformation with many taking on opportunities to develop themselves, President, Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli said on Saturdayatthelaunchofthe
Newborn Cash Grant initiative.
With the launching ceremony being held on International Women’s Day, theheadof statehighlighted the tangible progress made by women in the last four years – a result of deliberate investments, support, policies and programmes. Thegovernmenthasdirectly andindirectly,invested$156 billion, towards women empowermentinitiatives.
For instance, Guyana’s
A g r i c u l t u r e Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme has surpassed its ambitious goal of 35 per cent women ownership for new agribusinesses, defying initialskepticism.
As a matter of fact, PresidentAliannouncedthat an impressive 65 per cent of these ventures are now owned and led by women. This success is exemplified at the Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA), where women comprised 50 per cent of the latest graduating class, with 222 female
graduates earning their qualifications.
“These are the stats that tell the story of the role women are playing in our society AndasIsaid,itdid n o t h a p p e n b y accident These are the storiesthatarenottold. This is how the government is working for you,” President Alideclared.
Not only are women thriving in the agriculture sector, but they have been empowered with education opportunities though an investmentofmorethan$30 billion in the last four years. For instance, of the 9,000 who completed the Guyana Online Academy of L e a r n i n g ( G O A L ) programme, 7,000 of them werewomen,reflectingtheir significant contributions to thenation’sdevelopment.
Women are also taking on roles in the technical field, with 10,000 of them graduating from various technical institutions across Guyana.
Additionally, almost 60 per cent of women have received scholarships through the Hinterland Scholarship Programme Women are also playing a critical role in educating the nation’s future as of the 4,600 teachers recently
President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali addressing the gathering at the launch of the newborn cash grant programme
graduated, over 4,000 are women. “This demonstrates our nation’s profound dependenceonthewomenof ourcountry Therefore, we must protect them, heal them, show them compassion, embracethem,encirclethem with love, lift them up, and honorthem.
Women carry the burden of our future on their shoulders, making immense sacrifices and investing in ournation’sprogress.
Theyarethevesselsand assets that shape our future. Let us never take their
invaluable work for granted,” the president emphasised.
Also, thousands of womenhavegainedvaluable skillsets to expand and prosper in their business ventures through the MinistryofHumanServices and Social Security’s Women Innovation and InvestmentNetwork(WIIN) trainingprogramme.
The president said as Guyana continues on the path of transformation, investments will be directed toestablishdaycarefacilities to provide essential support
to professional women. The Newborn cash grant is yet another transformative initiative aimed at empoweringwomen.
By providing $100,000 in monetary support, the government aims to lessen thefinancialburdenfacedby mothers and provide muchneededsupportinthiscrucial aspect of their lives President Ali concluded his speech by urging Guyanese to,“Celebratewomentoday Let us celebrate women tomorrow.
Let us give honour to womenofyesterday.Andlet
usunderstandasanation,as a people, that… women in our society are the foundation on which this nationwillstandandgrow
Andourdutyasmenisto protect that foundation, to nurture that foundation, and t o s a f e g u a r d t h a t foundation.”
Also attending the launching event at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre were the Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony and Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond.(DPI)
Newly promoted detectives told to brace for new challenges
Deputy Commissioner Law Enforcement, Wendell Blanhum last week told a group of newly promoted detectives that they must brace themselves for greater challenges as they rise through the ranks of the Guyana Police Force
Quoting Christian Horner, hesaid,“Thehigheryourise, thesharpertheknives.”
The Crime Chief was speaking at the opening of a one-day training seminar on Saturday, which focused on three critical components of Guyana’s ongoing efforts to modernise its criminal justice system, tailored for his officers and ranks of the Criminal Investigation Department.
According to a press release by the police, Blanhum while urging his d
adversity, stated, “the more youclimbtherankstructure,
Deputy Commissioner Law Enforcement, Wendell Blanhum addressing ranks
the more authority and titles youpossess—thenthemore likely you will be on the receiving end by those who envyyouandwanttoseeyou fail. You will even endure betrayal from others, yes, just like Jesus Christ did. Much attention and scrutiny will be placed on you even negative attention and attacks by those who feel
Detectives at the training seminar
threatenedorenviedbyyour success, and they will go aboveandbeyondtoseeyou
encouraged the ranks to
professional as they reach higherheightsintheGuyana Police Force “Stay the course, keep climbing with
theaimofreachingthetopof this noble organisation, and always remain professional even when you are dealing withthosewhowishforyour downfall Proverbs 14:30 expressly states that a heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. In other words, this biblicalmessageissayingto us that envy is very
destructive to one’s wellbeing,causinginnertroubles andcanpotentiallyleadtoill h
, ” D
y Commissioner Blanhum chargedhisdetectives.
The seminar was conducted by the Guyana Police Force’s Junior Legal Advisor, Ms. Janet A. Ali, LL.B, L.E.C., Attorney-AtLaw The seminar focused onthreecriticalcomponents of Guyana’s ongoing efforts to modernize its criminal justice system: the N
h a m ’s P o i n t Declaration on Criminal JusticeReform,theCriminal Law Procedure (Paper Committals) Act 2024, and theCriminalProcedure(Plea Discussion,PleaAgreement, and Assistance Agreement) Act 2024. The Needham’s Point Declaration is a comprehensive framework aimed at transforming the country’s criminal justice system It emphasises a
holistic approach to reform, focusing on policy and legislative interventions, prosecution, police practices,representationand support for the accused, victims’ rights, and judicial reforms.
The Declaration’s significance lies in its commitment to addressing systemic issues such as overcrowded prisons, lengthy trial delays, and rising crime rates by promoting rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders, enhancing victims’ rights, and improving judicial efficiency
The Criminal Law Procedure(PaperCommittals) Act2024,enactedinGuyana, is a significant legislative development aimed at streamlining the criminal justice process. This Act rep
y inquirieswithpaper
Israel cuts electricity to last facility in Gaza receiving Israeli power
(CNN) - Israel says it hascuttheflowofelectricity to the last facility in Gaza that was still receiving power from the Israel ElectricCorporation.
“Ijustsignedanorderfor the immediate halt of electricitytotheGazaStrip,” Israeli Energy Minister Eli Cohen said in a statement Saturday, adding that the country would “operate all of the tools that are at our disposal,toensurethereturn ofallthehostages.”
Israel cut off electricity supplies to Gaza following the Hamas’ attacks of October 7, 2023, in which morethan1,200peoplewere killedand251takenhostage, but the Israel Electric Corporation(IEC)hadsince reconnected power to a
ollowing a governmentdirective.
A spokesperson for the IECconfirmedtoCNNthat, “Today, a directive was received to disconnect the (electricity) to the facility, and this was done.” Hamas’
spokesperson Hazem Qassemsuggestedthemove would have little practical
Inlightofthedeathof Fireman Voshaun
Manbodh who was injuredduringtherecentfire at Mae’s School in Subryanville, Georgetown, the Alliance For Change (AFC) is calling on the government to conduct immediate audits to ensure institutions are in compliance with existing fire safety regulations and also for improve fire safety traininginschools.
Thepoliticalpartyissued a statement on Sunday, highlighting what they described as a “troubling increaseinschoolfires.”
TheAFCpointedoutthat between January 1 and September18,2024,14firerelatedincidentsoccurred at schools across the country, with 13 of those incidents taking place at public schools.
“This alarming trend includes the catastrophic Mahdia Secondary School dormitory fire on May 21, 2023, which claimed the lives of 20 children and standsasoneofthedeadliest school dormitory fires in
effect given the earlier cutoffs However, he criticizeditas“behaviorthat confirms the occupation’s intent to continue its genocidal war against Gaza, throughtheuseofstarvation policies, in clear disregard forallinternationallawsand norms.”
Since Israel launched its war on Hamas in Gaza in response to the October 7 attacks, Gazans have relied largely on generators and solar power for electricity Far-right Israeli politician
Itamar Ben Gvir welcomed
Palestinians spend their time under hard conditions during the holy month of Ramadan at an institution for the disabled, after their house is destroyed during an Israeli attack. Mahmoud Abu Hamda/Anadolu via Getty Images
the energy ministry’s latest move, and urged the government to go even further, by targeting the fuel that had entered the enclave following the ceasefire and hostages deal agreed between Israel and Hamas. “The Gaza Strip must be completelyandimmediately blacked out as long as even one Israeli hostage is being held there,” he said. “Israel must bomb the huge fuel depots that entered the Strip as part of the unfortunate deal, as well as the generators operated by
Thenewscomesevenas talks over the fragile ceasefire and hostage deal between Israel and Hamas takeplace.Lastweek,Israel announced it would stop the entryofallhumanitarianaid into the enclave to pressure Hamas into accepting new termsforanextensionofthe ceasefireagreementafterthe initial phase of the truce expired.
Israelwantstoextendthe first phase of the deal to continue the exchange of hostages, alive and
deceased, in return for the continued release of Palestinianprisonersandthe flow of higher volumes of aid into Gaza –/but without any commitment to permanentlyendingthewar Hamas has insisted on moving forward with the secondphaseoftheceasefire deal, which involves negotiationsforapermanent endtothewarinGaza.
A Hamas delegation arrivedinCairoonFridayto discuss the ceasefire deal and to push for a potential second phase of the agreement, while Israel said Saturdayithad“acceptedan invitation” from US-backed mediators to send an Israeli delegation to Doha on Monday, “in an effort to advancethenegotiations.”
An Israeli source told CNNthatIsraelwas“giving negotiations a chance” before it returns to fighting in Gaza US President Donald Trump’s special envoy for hostages Adam Boehlerexpressedoptimism Sunday about a potential truce between Israel and Hamasfollowingdirecttalks with the militant group this
week. “I think something could come together within weeks IwillsaythatIbelieve thereisenoughtheretomakea deal between what Hamas wants and what they’ve acceptedandwhatIsraelwants and it’s accepted And I think thereisadealwheretheycan get all of the prisoners out, not just the Americans,” Boehler told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.” Fifty-ninehostages arethoughttoremaininGaza, more than half of whom are thoughttobedead,according totheIsraeliPrimeMinister’s Office Five of the 59 are AmericanIsraelis,onlyoneof whom – EdanAlexander – is stillalive
On Sunday, senior Hamas official Taher Al NunuwasquotedbyAlAqsa TV – a channel affiliated to the militant group – as sayingthatitdidnotoppose releasing Alexander as part of negotiations to end the war
Hamas had related that message to US officials during recent talks focused on implementing an interim agreement aimed at ending thewar,AlNunusaid.
AFC raises concerns over frequent fires at schools
for improved fire safety training
recent history,” AFC explained.
TheAFCalsoreferenced previous recommendations from the Guyana Fire Service (GFS), which suggested the installation of smoke detectors and sprinkler systems in schools to reduce fire risks
Furthermore,theMinistryof Education mandates monthly emergency drills to ensure preparedness
However, despite these guidelines, the AFC described such reoccurring incidents, “a gap between policyandimplementation.”
In response to these concerns,theAFChascalled for immediate audits to ensure adherence to fire safety regulations, the implementation of mandatory insurance policies for all educational institutions, and regular fire safety training for both school staff and students. They also advocated for the allocation of resources to implement modern fire prevention and suppression
systems in schools nationwide The AFC
assures that these measures cansafeguardthewell-being of students, educators, and first responders, ensuring that tragedies like this are preventedinthefuture.
Meanwhile, the party a l s o e x t e n d e d i t s condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of FiremanManbodh.TheAFC also wishes a swift recovery to the other firefighters injuredinthelineofduty
TheGuyanaFireService (GFS) also expressed their condolences.
Chief Fire Officer
Gregory Wickham issued a statement, describing Manbodh’s death as the “ultimatesacrificeintheline of duty.” Wickham stated, “His passing is not only a tremendouslosstohisloved onesbutalsoatragicdayfor theGuyanaFireServiceand our nation as a whole Fireman Manbodh served with honor, bravery, and commitment,embodyingthe truespiritofafirefighterone who risks everything to protectthelivesandsafetyof others.
His courage and
selflessness will forever be etched in the history of the Guyana Fire Service, as he wasanothergreatfirefighter wholaiddownhislifeonthe call of duty” Wickham further assured that the GFS would stand in solidarity with Manbodh’s family, offering their support,
prayers, and deepest sympathies
“We also recognize the grief that this tragedy brings tohisfellowfirefighters,who havelostnotjustacolleague but a brother in service,” the statementcontinued
In tribute to Fireman Manbodh, all service flags willbeflownathalf-mastasa mark of respect and mourning.“Hissacrificewill never be forgotten, and his legacywillcontinuetoinspire those who serve,” the GFS statementconcluded
The Guyana Prison Service (GPS), through Director of Prisons Nicklon Elliot, also expressed their condolences to Manbodh’s family
Elliot stated, “As we mourn this heartbreaking loss, the GPS stands in
solidarity with Manbodh’s family,offeringoursupport, prayers, and deepest sympathies ” On Sunday, Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn, Chief Fire Officer Gregory Wickham, and other members of the GFS visited Manbodh’s family in Melanie Damishana, East Coast Demerara,tofurtherexpress their condolences and provideemotionalsupport.
Newly promoted detectives...
committals, allowing for more efficient handling of cases by eliminating the need for lengthy oral testimonies during the preliminarystage.Bydoing so, it helps reduce case backlogs and accelerates the judicial process, aligning with the broader goals of the Needham’s Point Declaration to enhance efficiency and fairness in the justice system.
h e C r i m i n a l P r o c e d u r e ( P l e a D i s c u s s i o n , P l e a Agreement, andAssistance Agreement) Act 2024 is another crucial piece of legislation that facilitates plea bargaining and cooperation agreements in Guyana. This Act enables defendantstonegotiateplea a g r e e m e n t s w i t h prosecutors, potentially reducing trial times and promoting more efficient case resolution It also allows for assistance agreements, where defendants may receive reduced sentences in exchange for cooperation with law enforcement, further aligning with the Declaration’s emphasis on efficient justice processes. The seminar also provided a comprehensive overview o f t h e s e l e g a l developments, equipping members of the GPF’S Criminal Investigation Department with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively implement these reforms, thepolicereleasestated.
West Indies Masters fall short in thrilling chase against India Masters
SportsMax - The West Indies Masters suffered a narrow seven-run defeat to India Masters in a high-
encounter in Raipur on Saturday. Despite spirited performances from Dwayne Smith,WilliamPerkins,and
Caribbeansidefelljustshort in an electrifying chase of 254. Having started their campaign with victories over England andAustralia, theWestIndiesMastershave now lost back-to-back
matches following Thursday’s defeat to Sri Lanka. The loss sees them
remain on four points and drop to fourth in the league standings, trailing India (8), SriLanka(6),andAustralia, who also have four points but boast a superior net run rate.
Batting first, India
Masters piled on a formidable 253-3 in their 20 overs, powered by
explosive knocks from Ambati Rayudu (63 off 38 balls),SaurabhTiwary(60 off37),andcaptainYuvraj Singh(49off20)
The late onslaught from Yusuf Pathan (14 off 7) further boosted India’s total.WestIndies’bowlers struggled to contain the onslaught, with Jerome Taylor (1-42), Sulieman Benn (1-34), and Jonathan Carter (1-52) being the only wicket-takers.
Monday March 10, 2025
This is a time of new beginnings, Aries You’re morereadythanevertotackle new challenges, even if you haven't realized it yet. It’s easy to get comfortable in your career, but now is the perfect moment to shake thingsup.
Romance is in the air today, Taurus. Take this opportunity torefreshyourlookandinvite that special someone for a cozy dinner Whether you're datingorhappilymarried.
Today,embraceyoursenseof style and go for those fashionable shoes and luxurious fabrics you've been eyeing.Withyourpassionand sense of romance at an alltimehigh.
Living your own fairy tale isn't reserved for royalty, Cancer Youdeserveahappily ever after, and right now, the universeisaligningtobringa specialpersonintoyourlife.
Feeling the heat at home, Leo?Beforeyouputonthose boxing gloves, consider a softerapproach.Grabanoven mitt and channel that energy into cooking up something delicious.
Feelingoverwhelmed,Virgo? That wanderlust is real, but it’s your need for space speaking up. With mounting obligations, it’s time to prioritize Assess which commitmentstrulymatterand saynototherest.
It's a great moment for you, Libra! All your hard work is finally getting the recognition itdeserves.Butremember,this acknowledgment is just the beginning. It's time to take those original ideas you've been nurturing and put them intoaction.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You have a wonderful, nurturing nature, Scorpio Those around you reap tremendous benefit from your caringsoul.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Feel that creative spark today, Sagittarius? It’s like inspiration is flowing through you effortlessly Whether writing or crafting art, let this energy guide you—trust that your talent is surfacing naturally
Time to shake off the solitude and step out, Capricorn! You'vebeeninyourownworld fortoolong;it'stimetomingle. Notonlywillyouhavefun,but you'll also meet some intriguing people who could opendoorsforyou.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) You're seeing the fruits of your hard work,Aquarius. It's the validation you've been craving, especially when others have shaken your confidence.
Make the most of today's interactions, Pisces Pay attention to everyone you meet, as they might play a significant role in your future. Use your keen insight to note anyinterestingdetails.
In pursuit of 254, Dwayne Smith led the charge with a brilliant 79 off 34 balls, smashing seven fours and six sixes at a blistering strike rate of232 35
William Perkins also i m p r e s s e d w i t h a composed 52 off 24 balls, while Lendl Simmons played a breathtaking cameo, blasting 38 from just 13 deliveries at an astonishing strike rate of 292 31
However, after a strong start, the chase lost momentum following the dismissals of Smith and Simmons Jonathan Carter (11), Kirk Edwards (4), and Narsingh Deonarine (28) failed to sustain the tempo, leaving Ashley Nurse (21*) and captain Brian Lara (4*) with too muchtodointhefinalovers.
India’s bowlers held their nerve, with Stuart Binny (3-13) and Pawan Negi (2-27) making crucial breakthroughs to peg back the West Indies Masters Irfan Pathan also
played a key role, finishing with figures of 1-47
With this loss, West Indies Masters find themselves in a must-win situation heading into their remainingfixtures.
Their early wins over England and Australia provided a strong foundation, but consecutive defeats to Sri Lanka and India have put them in a precariousposition.
Lendl Simmons played a breathtaking cameo, blasting 38 from just 13 deliveries at an astonishing strike rate of 292.31.
India win Champions Trophy
SportsMax - India clinched the Champions Trophyin2025withanover to spare, beating New Zealand for the second time inthetournament.
Rohit Sharma propelled India to a four-wicket victoryoverNewZealandto claim the Champions Trophytitle.
India’sspinnersdidmost of the damage with the ball, and though they had to enduresomenervymoments in their own innings, they wereabletogetovertheline withsixballsremaining.
Itroundsoffanunbeaten Champions Trophy campaign for India, who beat New Zealand twice en route to lifting the trophy in DubaionSunday
Will Young and Rachin Ravindra made a slow start for New Zealand with just oneboundaryinthefirsttwo overs, but they soon found theirgrooveastheyrecorded the biggest opening stand against India in this tournament(57runs).
Mohammed Shami fumbled a catch on Ravindra, but Varun Chakaravarthy (2-45) was soon brought in, dismissing Youngfor15shortlyafter
Despite that dismissal, theBlackcapshit69-1inthe powerplayandlookedsetfor an imposing target until India’s spinners hit their stride, with two wickets in quicksuccession.
Kuldeep Yadav (2-40) took Ravindra (37) with his first ball and caught and bowled Kane Williamson (11) just two overs later to effectively halt New Zealand’s momentum in the 13thover Daryl Mitchell (63) steadied the ship somewhat for New Zealand, with his slowest half-century ever in ODIs, and it took 45 overs
for them to breach the 200runmark.
Michael Bracewell ensured a strong finish, though, hitting three fours andtwosixesinhisunbeaten 53 off 40 balls, taking New Zealandto251-7. With their target set, India came out on a mission for their innings, with Rohit (76) leading the charge with a classic showing. He hit a
TheMeninBluestrolled to 100, thanks to Rohit’s partnership with Shubman Gill (31), but New Zealand flipped the script with two quickwickets.
Glenn Phillips made a superb, flying one-handed catch to dismiss Gill, with his replacement Virat Kohli (one) lasting just two deliveries before he was trapped lbw by Michael Bracewell(2-28).
Rohit’s determination to get India back on track saw him stumped by Tom Lathaminthe27thover,but it allowed Shreyas Iyer (48) to come to the fore, though he got some luck along the way
KyleJamiesondroppeda sitterfromIyer,withtheball slipping through his hands, but Ravindra made no mistake after the drinks break,holdingontostopthe Indian batsman just short of hishalf-century
It was too little, too late though as Axar Patel (29) and KL Rahul (34 not out) edged them ever closer, settingupRavindraJadejato sealvictorywithafour
Scores: India 254 for 6 (Rohit 76, Iyer 48, Rahul 34*, Bracewell 2-28) beat New Zealand 251 for 7 (Mitchell 63, Bracewell 53, Kuldeep 2-40, Varun 2-45) byfourwickets.
Wiltshire, Chris dominoes tourney set for March 23
ark Wiltshire and Chris (only name given)willbehostingafourgame dominoes tournament on March 23 at D and L Sports bar and Lounge, Nimes, West Bank Demerara.
Mark Wiltshire with one of the prizes.
Entrance fee is $15,000 while an all-female team will pay $12,000 to enter $100,000 will be added to the prizes and the tournament will be played on a six-sitting two in one outbasis. Double six time is 14:30hrs.
Teams can contact Wiltshire on 659-8672 or Chrison699-8188.
CWI CEO Chris Dehring congratulates Trinidad & Tobago
on CG United Women’s Super50 Cup triumph in St. Kitts
Chief Executive Officer of Cricket West Indies, Chris Dehring.
SportsMax - Chief ExecutiveOfficerofCricket West Indies, Chris Dehring, hascommendedtheTrinidad & Tobago Red Force Divas on winning the CG United Women’sSuper50Cup2025 afteranexcitingtournament in St Kitts This year’s competition showcased the passion, dedication, and growing talent of women’s cricket in the Caribbean, inspiring fans across the region
“Trinidad&TobagoRed Force Divas played with great skill and tactical awareness throughout the tournament Under the leadership of Karishma Ramharack,theycapitalized on their strengths to secure the title. Their consistency
showcased the rising talent in the Caribbean, and it was inspiring to see so many young players competing at thislevel,”Dehringsaid.
In the final, Trinidad & Tobago secured a sevenwicketvictoryovermultipletime champions Barbados, with captain Karishma Ramharack delivering a Player of the Final performance. Ramharack’s impressive bowling was supported by Anisa Mohammed, who took three wickets, along with 15-yearold Amrita Ramtahal and West Indies Under-19 captainSamaraRamnath,as theydismissedBarbadosfor just 71 runs. Trinidad & Tobago then chased their target comfortably, reaching
75 for 3 to claim their first title since 2017. Dehring alsopraisedalltheteamsfor their efforts during the twoweek tournament “The progress we’ve seen in this competition reaffirms the importance of cricket, especiallywomen’scricket,in our region We remain committed to developing talent and ensuring continued success on the international stage”Additionally,Dehring r e a ff i r m e d C W I ’s commitmenttocreatingmore opportunities for women in cricket at all levels “As we celebrate this victory on International Women’s Day, CWIrecognizestheneedfor greater opportunities for women in the sport We are committed to moving
towards greater parity and inclusivity, ensuring that more women have the platform to excel as players,coaches, and administrators” He also extended special congratulations to Merissa Aguilleira, the only female headcoachinthetournament, wholedTrinidad&Tobagoto victoryinherdebutseasonas head coach “Merissa’s achievement is a testament totheinvaluablerolewomen play in the growth of the game. Her leadership and e x p e r i e n c e w e r e instrumental in her team’s success, and we hope to see more women in the future transition from players to take on coaching and other leadershiproles.”
KL Rahul and Ravindra Jadeja hug after the victory. (ICC via Getty Images)
Tutorial and St John’s secure spots in 11th edition of the Milo U18 C/ship
Petra Organisation wrapped up its Georgetown Qualifierplayoffsyesterday attheMinistryofEducation ground, with Tutorial High and St John’s College
securing impressive victories to qualify for the 11th edition of the Milo/Massy Under-18
Schools’ Football Championship, set to kick offonMarch15
Following a series of high-scoringencountersthe previous day, four teams including Saint Stanislaus
College, Brickdam Secondary, Tutorial High, and St John’s College battledforpromotiontothe 2025tournament.
With limited spots
a v a i l a b l e , P e t r a Organisationhasconducted multiple qualifiers across selected regions, which began on March 7 and will concludethisWednesdayin RegionFive.
In the first match of the day, Tutorial’s Travis Grogandeliveredastandout
performance against Brickdam Secondary, netting all three goals in a thrilling 3-2 victory to secure his team’s place in thechampionship.
Brickdam was the first to strike, with Cherub Trim and Theon Manawakhar finding the net early in the third and seventh minutes, respectively However, Brickdam’s defensive
Tutorial’s Travis Grogan celebrate after scoring hat-trick.
GBA President congratulates Amsterdam and Lewis on GDF promotions
President of the Guyana Boxing
(GBA), Steve Ninvalle, has extended
t congratulations to boxers Desmond Amsterdam and Colin Lewis on their recent promotions within the Guyana Defence Force (GDF).
The promotion serves as recogn
on of their outstandingperformancesat the recently concluded Caribbean Boxing ChampionshipinSt.Lucia.
Amsterdam, previously a Sergeant, has been promotedtotherankofStaff Sergeant, while Lewis, formerlyaPettyOfficer,has beenelevatedtoSeniorPetty Officer
frailtiesprovedcostly. Despite trailing 2-0, Grogan assessed his
opponents well and mounted an impressive comeback. His first goal came shortly after halftime in the 42nd minute, giving Tutorial a much-needed boost. He then capitalized ondefensivelapses,scoring twiceinquicksuccessionin the68thand70thminutesto complete a stunning hattrick and propel his team to themainevent.
In the other qualifier, St John’s College dominated Saint Stanislaus College early,thankstoabracefrom TeronFraser
Fraser’sclinicalfinishes in the 7th and 12th minutes
gave St John’s a commanding lead, which they maintained throughout thematch.
Despite a strong performance the previous day, where they thrashed St Joseph High 6-2, Saints struggled to break down a resolute St John’s defense andsuffereda2-0defeat. With the Georgetown qualifiers now completed, Tutorial High and St John’s College join the lineup for the highly anticipated 2025 Petra-organised Milo U18 FootballTournament.
Further updates regarding the tournament wil
be provided in subsequent editions of this publication as they become available.
Their advancement was approved by Chief of Defence Staff, Brigadier Omar Khan, MSS, upon the recommendations of their respective Branch Heads, underscoring the GDF’s commitment to recognizing and rewarding excellence anddedication.
At the Caribbean Championship, Amsterdam showcased his skill in the 75kg division, picking up a hard-fought split decision victory over Trinidadian OlympianArronPrince.
Meanwhile, Lewis dominated his opponent, St. Lucia’sJusticeSurage,inthe 67kg category, securing a
commandingpointsvictory Ninvalle expressed his delight at the GDF’s decision to reward the two athletes, emphasizing that their hard work and dedicationarepayingoff. HenotedthattheGDFis setting a precedent that shouldbeemulatedbyother organizations, advocating for greater recognition of athletes who excel while representing Guyana on the regional and international stage.“TheGDFhasalways been supportive of its boxers, and this latest show ofappreciationisyetanother t e s t a m e n t t o t h a t commitment,” Ninvalle
stated He pointed to Amsterdam’s 2022 promotion, which followed h i s b r o n z e m e d a l performance at the
A m e r i c a n B o x i n g Confederation (AMBC)
E l i t e C o n t i n e n t a l ChampionshipinEcuador
Furthermore, Ninvalle assured that the GBA remains committed to providing not just Amsterdam and Lewis, but all of its boxers with opportunities to compete and gain exposure on regional and global platforms. Meanwhile, in a statement from the GDF, B r i g a d i e r K h a n
congratulatedthetwoboxers for their continued excellence,highlightingthat their achievements bring pride not only to the Force buttothenationasawhole. He also commended the GDF’s Sports Department for its role in fostering athletic success within the military
“This is another historic moment for the Force,” he stated.“Whilewearetasked with defending our nation, we are also leaders in every fieldpossible.Yourconduct, professionalism, and ability to excel in everything you do, set a standard for others tofollow.”
Senior Petty Officer Colin Lewis receive his new badge of rank from Chief of Staff, Brigadier Omar Khan.
Players brave the weather in latest MCYS
NSC Jagan Memorial Windball cricket
Despite the pouring rain in Region 3, that did not prevent the schools from showingupintheirnumbers to compete in the MCYS NSC Sports Officer A Munroeorganised10thJanet & Cheddi Jagan memorial
Wi n d b a l l C r i c k e t championshipattheTrack& FieldCompoundtarmac.
In the Cheddi Jagan division(Boys): Zeeburg secondary battedfirstafterwinningthe toss and made 53 off their
five overs De Willem Secondaryrepliedwith51-3. Camille’s Academy Region 3 batted first and scored 42-9, Randolph Marslowe, Devindra Singh, Nickeal De Camp & Vadish Rambosan each picked up 2 wickets.
Leonora Secondary replied with 43-1, D. Singh came back with the bat to score32.
We s t D e m e r a r a
Secondary 78-2, Abdul Ahmad40,JeremiahGarnett 24. Uitvlugt Secondary in replywererestrictedto41-5. SamuelPersaudtook3wkts for 2 runs bowling for West DemeraraSec.
Janet Jagan Girls division:
Zeeburg Sec. 70-0 Sarah Raymond46. Camille’s Academy 594.
Bunny Shaw fires Manchester City into FA Cup Semi-Finals with win over Aston Villa
SportsMax - Jamaican star Khadija “Bunny” Shaw wasonceagainthedifferencemaker for Manchester City, scoring the opening goal in their 2-0 victory over Aston VillaintheWomen’sFACup quarter-finalsonSundayatthe Joie Stadium The win sees City advance to the semifinals,keepingtheirhopesof silverware alive in a crucial stageoftheseason.
Shaw broke the deadlock in the 53rd minute, latching ontoaperfectlyweightedpass from Mary Fowler before finishing with precision The striker calmly took a touch, waited for Villa goalkeeper SabrinaD’Angelotocommit, andslottedtheballthroughher legswithacomposedstrike
“We felt if we could get them on the back foot, we could exploit them, and it worked,” Shaw said after the match “Astheballcamein,I sawwherethe‘keeperwasand she gave me the time to take the touch I knew she was goingtospread,soIthoughtto putithardandlowbetweenthe legs,anditworked” City continued to press afterShaw’sopener,andJess Park sealed the win in the 71st minute, capitalizing on a defensive error before firing across goal to double the advantage. Villa fought hardtogetbackintothegame,
Jamaican star Khadija “Bunny” Shaw scored for Manchester City in their 2-0 victory over Aston Villa. (Manchester City Women)
nearlypullingonebackwhen RachelDalycamecloseinthe dying moments, but City’s defenceheldfirmtosecurethe clean sheet Shaw acknowledgedtheimportance of the victory, especially with City’sbusyscheduleahead “It wasimportant Wespokeasa team about just getting the resultandmovingintothenext round We ultimately got the jobdone,soitwasagoodday,” shesaid
The in-form striker also spoke about the challenges of balancing multiple competitions, with City set toplayintheLeagueCupfinal next week. “We’re in a semi-
finalnowandhaveafinalnext weekintheLeagueCup,sowe just need to focus on that,” Shaw added “We have exciting games coming, but wehavetofocusononegame at a time” With her latest goal,Shawcontinuestobea key figure in City’s attack, demonstrating why she is regarded as one of the best strikers in the world.As the team prepares for the next phaseoftheFACupandtheir upcomingLeagueCupfinal, Cityfanswillbehopingtheir prolific Jamaican forward continues her scoring form on the road to more silverware.
De Willem Sec. 53-3, PrincessOsborn25. Leonora Sec. 41-2 in reply
Players braved the weather for latest action in the Jagan Memorial Windball cricket competition. (ASTP)
Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Berbice Zone... East Bank Gunners advance to semis to semis
De f e n d i n g
champions East Bank Gunners marched into the semifinals of the Guinness Greatest of the Street Berbice zone with two convincing wins over the weekend at the New Amsterdam Basketball tarmac
Led by the prolific Keron George who has scored five goals so far in the tournament, the GunnersdemolishedYoung Strikers 3-0 in the quarterfinals Saturday night with George scoring all three goals
The Gunners crushed Rose Hall 4-0 on the opening night Friday with George leading the way with a brace while there was a goal apiece for Treon Wintz and Joseph Giddings Manchester cruised through to the semi-finals with a hard fought 1-0 win over Trini Gunners with Shanny C ampbellnetting thewinner
The Manchester side had beaten Itacha Ballers in their opening fixture They will now square off with the Gunners in the semi-finals
Also, through to the last four are Paradise
Ballers and Ballers
United they both had to dig deep to advance
with Ballers United winning in a penalty shootout against Young Guns while Paradise squeezed past Outsiders 10 with the goal from TeriqueBenn
Twelve teams started thecompetitionwithRose Hall, Litchfield, New Amsterdam Lions, Scott
School, Renegades, Trafalgar and Ithaca
s u f f e r i n g e a r l y elimination.
The semi-finals and finals will be contested on Saturday evening at the NA Basketballtarmac.
The winners will cart off$500,000,withrunnersupsecuring$300,000,third $200,000 and fourth $100,000
The 2025 countrywide Guinness Greatest of the Street championships will alsobeplayedinEssequibo, Linden, West Demerara, BarticaandGeorgetown.
TheTournamentsponsors are Guinness and Colours Boutique
India win Champions Trophy Tutorial and
St John’s resilient defense held Saints to 2-nil defeat.