Kaieteur News

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...Govt. cites U.S. sanctions for pulling plug

Nazar Mohamed not ruling

Govt. of misapplying U.S. sanctions; vows to speak out more

9-month-old baby dies one day after Corent yne hit-and-run Miners arrested for illegal operation in Iwokrama Forest

new int’l hotel coming

...to target global leaders, business executives

Businessman Nazar Mohamed and his son, Azruddin Mohamed

Nazar Mohamed not ruling out assassination attempt on son

…accuses Govt. of misapplying U.S. sanctions; vows to speak out more

Guyanese businessman,

N a z a r M o h a m e d h a s expressed concern over what he describes as “strange occurrences” surrounding his son, Azruddin Mohamed, stating that he does not rule out the possibility of an assassination attempt

“I don’t rule out the possibility of an assassination attempt on my son, because strange occurrences started to happen,” Mohamed said in a Facebook video on Tuesday.

L a s t y e a r , t h e U . S . Treasury’s Office of Foreign

A s s e t s C o n t r o l ( O FA C ) i m p o s e d s a n c t i o n s o n

G u y a n e s e b u s i n e s s m e n Azruddin and Nazar Mohamed over allegations of tax evasion and on Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labour, Mae Thomas, for allegedly misusing

h e r p o s i t i o n t o o f f e r benefits such as government contracts to the Mohameds Mohamed alleged that since then, senior figures w i t h i n t h e P e o p l e ’ s Progressive Party government h a v e d e l i b e r a t e l y misrepresented the imposed U S sanctions which he says has led to a systematic effort to affect their businesses

“To say that it hasn’t a f f e c t e d u s i s a n understatement Indeed, it has affected us greatly, because our entire business, actually

c o m e t o a s t a n d s t i l l , ” Mohamed stated He added, “What I want to tell you, because I’ve seen, read and heard from people, some very senior people within the political structure, who have been deliberately misrepresenting what the sanction is about, ostracizing us ” Mohamed reasoned that despite the sanctions, there is no restriction on his ability to operate businesses in Guyana and accused authorities of weaponizing the sanctions to suppress his operations

“We have been in the oil and gas sector very early, and we have lots of clients from various American companies

who had to leave after the sanction Respectfully, we were providing great service for them, but they have to leave, which is understandable, but to say that anyone who associates themselves with the Mohamed w o u l d b e s a n c t i o n e d i s ludicrous,” he stated Further, he dismissed claims that individuals who interact with them would face r e p e r c u s s i o n s T h e businessman also detailed the mounting challenges faced by his companies, particularly the refusal to renew his cabotage permission, and issues with his mining licence.

“ T h e C o n s t i t u t i o n protects me as a citizen of Guyana I can do whatever business I want to do in my country No one can stop me from doing any business in our country, because the sanction does not dictate that I cannot do business in my country,” he argued

M o h a m e d p o i n t e d t o difficulties in renewing mining and quarry licences, and the revocation of his Cambio licence without justification “We have for the past 14 years, about 80,000 acres of mining land We never had an issue of renewing it yearly Pay all the royalties on it When I called the (GGMC) Commissioner, I wrote to him, I called him, he said that, well, he’s going to get back to me Many, many months have now passed and he doesn’t get back to me So, we are contemplating, you know, to maybe go to court on this issue,” the businessman added M o r e o v e r , h e a l s o claimed that despite reports of other businesses engaging in illegal financial activities, authorities have failed to take action.

“There is this guy… this businessman who has been b u y i n g g o l d f r o m Venezuelan men dressed in m i l i t a r y u n i f o r m , 9 9 9 % gold export, it returns the m o n e y t o a c i t y b a n k , billions of US dollars within a four-year span, almost put the country financial system

into crisis, and nothing has b e e n d o n e a b o u t t h a t , ” Mohamed said. He vowed to continue speaking out on these issues and urged the public to r e m a i n v i g i l a n t H e highlighted his long-time support for the PPP but stressed that there is now a lot of hostility from the party towards his family

Businessman Nazar Mohamed and his son, Azruddin Mohamed

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: GLENN LALL-TEL: 624-6456


Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Maduro’s war

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro is like an open wound on Guyana. On each occasion that a scab forms, he scratches at the edges and ruptures it. In a way, what President Maduro is waging is an irregular war against Guyana. Like one of those old guerilla fighters, he lies low, waits for an opening to his liking, and then he pounces swiftly With the same swiftness that he makes his presence felt, and delivers a reminder, he just as quickly fades back into the background. From his nest in Caracas, he studies and plots his next move against Guyana, emphasizing how much he is here to stay He's in the face of the government, with Guyanese watching and wondering if there will come a day when he goes too far

Maduro knows what he is up against when Guyana is on its own, and those odds that are so much in Venezuela's favor is the kind of hand he likes. When Guyana can muster a range of allies, then he is forced to work harder, play his sneaky undercover games. The Venezuelan leader has had his decrees, and he has his gangs to do his bidding with Guyanese interests targeted, and this country continually on edge. The gamechanger for Guyana is that America is firmly in its corner, and will continue to be so, as long as there are American interests established here. In conjunction with that, once the current government, or any other one, does not get any ideas about ideology, then this country is relatively secure. On a sobering note, Guyanese must be cautious in not getting too aggressive with that biggest American asset here, ExxonMobil and its multibillion offshore operations. To date, the cream of Guyana's political circle has gone out of their way to pay homage to ExxonMobil's presence. They know that has merits with the US government.

Maduro is infuriated by what effectively renders his superiority impotent and to some extent irrelevant. That hasn't put the brakes on him, for he is still putting forward ways on how to keep Guyana guessing and off balance. With the recent wounding of six Guyanese soldiers, and now this clear violation of Guyana's sovereignty by an arm of the Venezuelan Navy, he is testing the resolve of both Guyana, and the zeal of the new US government for Guyana's cause. He has his answer which, though delivered in the couched language of diplomacy, still possesses and conveys a significant degree of sharpness.

It is: don't mess with ExxonMobil, for that is the equivalent of messing with America, Donald Trump's America. And also, don't mess with Guyana, since that will not be well-received in the White House.

Maduro's other strategy in this surreal war of his has been to drive a wedge in CARICOM. Some of the regional body's members are beholden to him for energy supplies, and that has diluted their taste for supporting Guyana, other than with hollow platitudes. Any friend gained in the middle of the American storm is a welcome development, since they are not abundant. Maduro and his designs, Maduro and his wars, proxy or hybrid, are not healthy for Guyanese in the border regions, nor for those in Georgetown.

Government priorities have to be rejiggered, with precious leadership energy wasted on generating support for Guyana in its time of weakness. It is dissipation in slow motion, drop after painful drop. There can be no question t h a t t h e Ve n e z u e l a n s t r o n g m a n i s b e c o m i n g m o r e comfortable with the road he is forced to follow. It has been a jab here, and a dash there, and much uncertainty following in places that count in Guyana.

There is every appearance that to keep Maduro in check, Guyana must align its interests with those of America. If it means that Guyana's interests must take second place, then that is the strategy seemingly embraced by the government. This said, there is something that all Guyanese should recognize immediately It is one bad bargain (oil contract) made and this second bad bargain (American dependence) now flourishing openly The two bargains set the standard of Guyana's existence. Meanwhile, Maduro seethes and works at new ways to keep the pot boiling in Guyana.

In Support of Investors operating in Guyana against Venezuelan Aggression

Dear Editor,

This has relevance to

aggression against business

economic zone. Regardless of one's position on Exxon, every Guyanese at home and abroad, and Guyana's allies in the region and globally,

stand behind the government and Exxon in condemning

action against the oil giant vessel operating in Guyana's waters. Venezuela military on Friday threatened the crew and Exxon oil vessel in Guyana's waters in what our western neighbour claims as i


Exxon has been operating legally under licensing and p e r m i t s i n c e 1 9 9 9 i n Guyana's waters.

The company has the support of USA and the world community to search and drill for fossil energy and produce oil and gas.

T h e t e r r i t o r y w h e r e Exxon has been operating has been under Guyana's jurisdiction for two hundred

years. The controversy is before the World Court in D e n H a g u e f o r a f i n a l resolution. Guyana, de jure a n d d e f a c t o , h a s b e e n governing the territory and h a s b e e n e x e r c i s i n g sovereignty over it, thereby h a v i n g l e g a l j u r i s d i c t i o n over it. In International Law, while the matter is before the ICJ, the status quo holds, giving Guyana the right to administer it and to enter into a g r e e m e n t s i n c l u d i n g g r a n t i n g p e r m i t s f o r

e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t

Such international rule of law has given Guyana the r i g h t t o s i g n a l e a s e agreement with Exxon and other investors.

Venezuela has no legal right to enter into Guyana waters and to harass and intimidate crew of any vessel and or block vessels from o p e r a t i n g i n t h e w a t e r s c l a i m e d b y o u r h o s t i l e neighbour

Venezuela has no de facto or de jure control over the territory Thus, according t o i n t e r n a t i o n a l l a w, i t s sovereignty, as it claimed, is not being violated as lacks j u r i s d i c t i o n o v e r t h e

t e r r i t o r y I t s m i l i t a r y bullyism will not work; and it is rejected by regional and international organizations.

Venezuela was instructed by the ICJ not to disrupt the s t a t u s q u o a n d n o r m a l a c t i v i t y i n t h e a r e a

Venezuela has defied the ICJ in engaging in aggressive m i l i t a r y a c t i o n a g a i n s t Exxon's right to drill for, produce, and load and off load oil. If Venezuela has any respect for international law (legal principle), it must cease and desist from such a d v e n t u r o u s m i l i t a r y actions, allowing Exxon and other investors to continue with unimpeded access to operations.

In addition, the area in which Exxon is operating is i n G u y a n a ' s e x c l u s i v e economic zone, the revenues from which have sustained Guyana's development over the last five years.

Exxon should not be cowered from Venezuelan military action. Exxon need not fear a repeat of what Venezuela did to it twenty y e a r s a g o u n d e r H u g o Chavez by confiscating its assets. Exxon is operating

Guyana's sovereignty over the territory Thus, Exxon (

international law, has the

Court and moral suasion of the world community that has condemned Venezuela's behaviour

operations in the

Venezuela about its action

registered multinational. The consequences for Venezuela

(disastrous) if its military aggression against Exxon or

continues. Guyana must only seek assistance from its allies against Venezuela but also enter into a friendship and

Venezuelan threat.

Yours truly, Vishnu Bisram

Cuba remains an inspiration

Dear Editor,

Very few countries, if any has been put under such great pressure as Cuba. Moreover, this attack on every aspect of life in Cuba is not just coming from any ordinary country, it is from the most pow

world, the United States of America.

T h i s s u s t a i n e d aggressio

e liberated themselves from one of the worst military dictatorships in the region in 1959. Shortly thereafter, the Cuban people set themselves the task of building a new kind of society They wanted to construct a society based on the needs of ordinary p e o p l e , a m o r e h u m a n e society

Such a country would be different from others in the region where the rich and powerful local and foreign c o r p o r a t i o n c o n t r o l l e d almost every aspect of life. Those countries are run not in the national interests but in the interest of the powerful rich at home and abroad.

The United States, the main imperialist power of today decided to destroy the Cuban Revolution, to kill its hope and crush its dreams.

T h e y u s e d e v e r y t h i n g against the Cuban people.

T h i s i n c l u d e d d i r e c t military intervention, covert operations to assassinate its l e a d e r , F i d e l C a s t r o , sabotage of its economy by u s i n g c h e m i c a l w a r f a r e i n c l u d i n g d e n g u e f e v e r, fever against livestock, etc. But the main measure was t h e e c o n o m i c b l o c k a d e which they imposed some sixty-five years ago.

We in this region recall v e r y w e l l h o w t h e y frightened travellers from flying with a Cuban airline. In 1976, a CIA supported operation bombed a Cubana Airlines out of the skies close

to Barbados Seventy-six persons perished in that

t e r r o r i s t a c t , i n c l u d i n g eleven Guyanese.

In the early period, the Cuban government managed to frustrate the plans with the support of the Soviet Union and other socialist Eastern European states among those t h e G e r m a n D e m o c r a t i c Republic.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the p r e s s u r e o n t h e C u b a n

p e o p l e h a s i n c r e a s e d exponentially

Yet the Cuban revolution managed to withstand the

onslaught Indeed, it did more than just survive, it has made great strides in some fundamental areas.

Cuba's health service is probably one of the best in the world. Every family in Cuba had a family doctor It carries out some of the most complicated operation in t r e a t i n g c a n c e r , h e a r t diseases and other deadly diseases. It is one of the only d e v e l o p i n g c o u n


medicines it needs. During the recent Covid Pandemic, it developed several vaccines on its own to treat its people. All without charging patients for the services.

W i t h o u t C u b a n s p e c i a l i s t s i n m e d i c i n e s , education, etc. many poor countries would experience g r e a t d i ff i c u l t i e s H e a l t h service in the developing c o u



Cubans, they continue to be targeted by the United States for Destruction.


pressure on Cuba, with the ridiculous charge of forced labour It is threatening other countries with sanctions if they accept Cuba's generous

' international relations.

The US should tell us where is the 'common sense' in trying to destroy Cuba whose policies are founded on solidarity, whose actions save lives and help millions throughout the world. At the same time where is (Continued on page 6)

Cuba's education level is one of the highest in the world. It has a 100% literacy rate and provide education at all levels free of charge. It should be noted that despite the hardship imposed on that Caribbean Island, it h a s s h o w n r e m a r k a b l e solidarity and support to p e o p l e s t h r o u g h o u t t h e world. At times of great d i s a s t e r s t h r o u g h o u t t h e world, Cuban volunteers are either first or among the first to be on the scene. Recall the Ebola outbreak in the Congo; the Tsunami in Indonesia/ Sri Lanka, etc. Cubans were on the front lines in the most dangerous areas. The terrible earthquake in Haiti saw Cubans again taking the lead in saving lives.

Moving Forward Together

Dear Editor,

This month is Women's History Month in the United States and the theme is " M o v


s o International Women's Day on March 8th this year with

Action". Given the recent

n t h e political class, it is very appropriate to have a deeper d i s c u s s i o n o n t h e importance of the role of w o m e n i n o u r s o c i e t y, especially as it pertains to politics / leadership.

As a country, we have seen serious allegations arise of sexual abuse that have

r e a c h e d t h e c e n t r a l committee of the PPP, and we have also recently seen allegations of sexual and sexist misconduct that have r e a c h e d t h e c e n t r a l

committee of the PNC. The two major political parties of our country help set the tone and culture in the country When the opportunity arises to uphold and strengthen our Guyanese daughters, these parties have succumbed to political convenience and the old ways of maintaining s u p p

respect for our Guyanese daughters is maintained. It is never not an easy decision for those who only desire power Doing the correct thing is always a test of courage and a test of will to hold fast to what is better for everyone over the long term.

H i s t o r y h a s s h o w n t h a t short-term support for that which is inappropriate, but convenient, usually leads to long-term losses. Loss of talent, loss of support and the

Harrow's win greatest achievement for Guyana's horseracing

Dear Editor,

Harrow's win in the Sandy Gold Cup 2025 in Barbados must rank as the greatest achievement of horseracing for Guyana for more than five decades. As far as memory goes, a horse owned by Guyanese connections has never won such a prestigious regional horse race since the days when Penny Opera and Quain – both owned by the Luckhoo's stables - went and conquered the Caribbean. Congratulations to the One Guyana stables for bringing glory to themselves and to Guyana!

Rupnauth Hardyal

loss of perspective. These are things which help those i

leadership and strengthen their political base. Once doing what is correct is lost from the decision-making p

n g slippery slope leads to a lack o f s u p p o r t f o r w h a t i s correct. The decision to do what is wron

easier to make and those being led will eventually suffer as a result.

As Guyanese, we must demand better from those who wish to be in leadership, and we must continue to support the strengthening of our female population. A weak woma

y result in a weak family and household. Leading to both weak sons and daughters. Our future generations need our political leaders to set an example that strengthens the entire Guyanese Family A family where both the father & mother and the son & daughter can be the best they c a n b e W h e r e e a c h individual independent of g

h e opportunity to excel in an e

upliftment. When a woman is pulled down, it is the pulling down of those upon whose shoulders she stands.

T h e s h o u l d e r s o f o u r mothers, our sisters, our

shoulders of our fathers, our brothers and our sons. We m

themselves of those who have no interest in respecting our Guyanese daughters. We must demand that any and every one with a desire to lead embrace the principles

Nation will not be its best w

absent from the process of leadership, whether it be

perspective is important and our current leaders cannot afford to ignore them. We m

Together" and we must do so

embrace the entire Guyanese Family


Annihilation of the Guyana Police Force

Dear Editor, For the past ten years, I have witnessed the declining morale within the Guyana Police Force—marked by a

a c k o f p u b


t y r


n c e t o c o o p e r a t e , a n i n f l u x o f resignations, and an ongoing shortage of ranks. Any rightt h i n k i n g p e r s o n w o u l d conclude that something is fundamentally wrong.

T h e r e a r e m a n y unanswered questions, but will there ever be answers? I believe there are officers with the fortitude and ability to speak up, yet the fear of victimization fo


them i n t o s i l e n c e , h o p i n g f o r change that never comes.

A f t e r y e a r s o f withholding promotions, the F o r c e f i n a l l y r e l e a s e d a list—one that appears to be a b l e s s i n g f o r f r i e n d s a n d favourites but a nightmare for others. What baffles me most is the blatant disrespect, r e p u g n a n c e , a n d u n f a i r t r e a t m

qualified ranks.

deserved event However, m

i o r officers were not deemed eligible for awards. More troubling is that over 80% of academically accomplished people were overlooked in the latest promotion cycle. Can the Commissioner

e Commission be real? On one hand, the Government of Guyana is investing heavily in education and professional

elevate service delivery to

However, the Force treats

outcasts unless they are part

practices will continue to erode this organization and, ultimately, the country at large.

organization, qualifications

F o r t h e F o r c e ' s 2 0 2 4 a n n i v e r s a r y, a N i g h t o f H o n o u r w a s h e l d t o r e c o g n i z e o f f i c e r s w i t h academic qualifications such a s d e g r e e s a n d m a s t e r ' s d e g r e e s I t

(Continued on page 6)

equal around its most price tag is put on Cuba's assistance to developing the the and to the and shape with leave clear of

Dead, 9-month-old Eli Surujnarine Wanted, Avinesh Naidoo for hit-and-run accident

A nine-month-old baby, who was a victim of a hitand-run on Sunday, died on Monday while on her way to receive medical attention at t h e G e o r g e t o w n P u b l i c Hospital.

The baby girl has been identified as Eli Surujnarine.

According to the Guyana Police Force (GPF), the baby’s parents 17-year-old Tushan Surujnarine (driver) and her 19-year-old mother (pillion rider) were on an electric cycle. The mother was holding the baby when the duo was hit by a car along the Line Path Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice.

The incident occurred on S u n d a y, M a r c h 2 , 2 0 2 5 around 18:30h.

Police in a report on T u e s d a y s a i d t h a t t h e accident involved a white Fielder Wagon driven by A v i n e s h N a i d o o o f Corriverton, Berbice.

Investigations revealed that the electric cycle was proceeding north along the western side of Line Path Road when the rear of the electric cycle was hit by the wagon.

The baby died on her way to GPHC around 09:45h on Monday

A relative told Kaieteur News that the child’s mother is critical at the Georgetown Public Hospital while the father is awake but unable to speak. He is being treated at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital.

Police reported that the Fielder Wagon is lodged at t h e S p r i n g l a n d s P o l i c e S t a t i o n i n B e r b i c e

V i d a w a t t i e A r j u n e o f Crabwood Creek, Berbice, who is the owner of the vehicle, was contacted by the police Arjune provided them with a statement and revealed that the vehicle’s Registration number is HC 8905


e, effo

s to arrest Naidoo have been unsuccessful so far I n v e s t i g a t i o n s a r e ongoing.

The parents and baby were injured when they fell onto the roadway. They were picked up in an unconscious condition and taken to the S k e l d o n P u b l i c H o s p i t a l where they were treated and r e f e r r e d t o t h e N e w Amsterdam Public Hospital. They were treated at the New Amsterdam Hospital but were referred to the Georgetown Public Hospital for additional treatment.

Jagdeo should show some gratitude!

Have you ever awoken in the middle of the night,

s w e a t i n g , h e a r t r a c i n g ,

b e c a u s e y o u s u d d e n l y realize you may have made a small mistake?

Like, say, designing an

o w n e r s h i p m o d e l f o r a

b r i d g e t h a t i s s o

controversial that it still

g i v e s o n e g o o s e b u m p s thinking about it? Or perhaps entering into a hotel deal that left your country in hock while mysterious syndicated

f i n a n c i e r s l u r k e d i n t h e

b a c k g r o u n d ? N o ? We l l , welcome to the world of Bharrat Jagdeo.

Now, let's talk about the

B e r b i c e R i v e r B r i d g e

Imagine you're throwing a grand house party You buy

t h e h o u s e , y o u g e t t h e furniture, you even stock the fridge. Then, a bunch of

s t r a n g e r s s h o w u p , contribute a bag of ice and a bottle of cheap rum, and suddenly they own half the house.

That, dear readers, is essentially how the Berbice Bridge investment model

w o r k e d T h e N a t i o n a l

I n s u r a n c e S c h e m e ( N I S )

d u m p e d a h e f t y G $ 2 5

b i l l i o n i n t o t h e

p r o j e c t m a k i n g i t t h e single largest investor—but

s o m e h o w, t h r e e p r i v a t e companies that put in a fraction of that amount got to sit at the head of the table.

I k n o w w h a t y o u ' r e

thinking: “That sounds a l i t t l e s u s p e c t ” We l l , a n economist who probably h a d l e s s p a t i e n c e f o r diplomacy—described it as “outrageous, ruthless, and unconscionable.”

W h i c h i s e c o n o m i s ts p e a k f o r , “ A r e y o u serious?!”

Meanwhile, the Marriott Hotel was another glittering example of a peculiar kind of f i n a n c i a l w i z a r d r y T h i s hotel was heavily financed by NICIL, the state-owned holding company But it was also built with the help of a s y n d i c a t e d l o a n f r o m Republic Bank. Who were t h e i n v e s t o r s ? N o b o d y knows! To this day, they remain more elusive than Bigfoot. But one thing was clear—if the hotel flopped, these mystery investors had the first lien on its sale, meaning they got first dibs, while the taxpayers—who were footing most of the bill—would be left standing in the rain. That is if the hotel went bust.

Which is what almost h a p p e n e d h a

A P N U + A F C g

r n m e n t not rescued the hotel. By 2017, Atlantic Hotel Inc. (AHI)—the entity managing the hotel—was in default on i t s R e p u b l i c B a n k syndicated loan. The bank was preparing to do what banks do best: repossess. But i n s t e a d , t h e C o a l i t i o n

government swept in, took the loan off AHI's books, and abso

l Government to be paid by the Consolidated Fund. This m

g away with our crown jewel, the government was able to hold on to it—albeit at a price.

The loan—standing at a cool US$17.3 million—had

repayment period from 13 to 15 years, lower the interest rate from 8.65% to 6.28%, and ultimately save about US$173,261.96. Not exactly a jackpot, but certainly better than losing the whole thing outright.


would expect some sort of acknowledgment from Mr Jagdeo. Perhaps a sheepish “Thanks, guys, I really owe you one.” But instead, he now goes around boasting that the hotel is 100% owned by the government. Well, yes, Bharrat, that's true. But not because of you! That's like lighting your kitchen on fire, then taking credit when the fire department saves your house. And let's not even get started on the bridge tolls.

H a d A P N U + A F C n o t intervened, those fees would have shot up faster than a


GUYLINES come back!

Long, long ago, when sugar was sweet and rice bin cheap, Guyanese had one thing in common—GUYLINES! People used to line up fuh everything. Yuh wake up early fuh join a line fuh bread. Yuh spend lunchtime in a line fuh cooking oil. And before yuh go home, yuh in another line fuh cooking gas. If yuh see a line, yuh join it, then ask, “Whah dis fuh?” Just in case is something yuh need.

Dem days, people did know yuh status based on de kinda line yuh in. De rich line up at foreign embassy fuh visa. De middle class line up at GTC fuh telephone. And de poor? Dem bin in every other line, hoping deh still get something when dem reach de front. Well, dem boys did think de days of lining up was over But bai, dem was wrong! A man remind dem boys dat de present

government bringing back GUYLINES in style!

Yuh want cash grant? Line up! Yuh want old-age pension? Line up! Yuh want meet politician at Freedom House? Line up! Now is a whole new generation learning de fine art of lining up. Is like a national sport! De difference now is when yuh done line up fuh de cash grant cheque, yuh got to join another line at de bank.

Dem boys seh Guyanese lining up so much nowadays, dem think is back to dem hard days. Some seh is progress. Dem boys seh is déjà vu!

At dis rate, next thing yuh know, dem gon tell yuh fuh line up fuh flour and kerosene again. Dem boys hope yuh saving yuh spot in de line from now! Talk half. Leff half.

toddler on a sugar rush. Imagine waking up one day and realizing it costs less to charter a helicopter than to cross the Berbice Bridge.

T h a n k f u l l y , t h e APNU+AFC's government intervention kept the tolls in check, though one can't help but wonder: How did we even get here?

The truth is, both projects are perfect case studies of flawed financial models. But for Bharrat Jagdeo, they're symbols of success The Marriott is now profitable, b u t o n l y t h a n k s t o t h e fortuitous discovery of oil,


booming. The bridge is still standing, but only because tolls were kept low after the A P N U + A F C a n n o u n c e d that it was taking over the bridge. Not sure whether it ever legally did so though!

And yet, here we are, list

rag about these projects like they were textbook examples of economic genius. It's almost admirable—if it weren't so utterly absurd.

So, the next time you h

waxing poetic about his soc

remember: there's a fine line between a success story and a barely averted catastrophe. And in this case, we all know which side of the line he's really standing on. (The v

article are those of the a

opinions of this newspaper.)

Minister Indar parroting President Jagdeo

It is delightful to note that the Hon. Minister of Public Works, Dr Deodat Indar, has recovered his voice. It’s a big development. It is a bigger development that he still has the interest and energy to hold onto the tunic of the even more Hon. President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo.

The issue is shabby public works and poorer oversight by the Ministry of Public Works, where Dr Indar is a kingpin. How he could take his eyes away from business is what baffles me. So much that engages, so much to straighten out, and there is Minister Indar laying a good licking on contractors for their squalid records with projects awarded to them from taxpayers’ money

President Jagdeo jumped on the bad business that is not cleaned up and corrected at the Public Works Ministry Score a four for the verbal slasher Everything was hunky-dory (in good PPP shape), only for him to lash out at the ministry and the men working under it.

I have publicly warned senior minister, Dr Juan Edghill to stick to the spiritual. He responded with the back of his hand: the spiritual, when the commercial and financial are in full swing? C’mon no

Guyanese is that stupid, that saintly I can be counted among the stupid, ministah; the saintly is for other nonhuman forces to decide. Like the good man of God that he is, Archbishop Edghill was all for giving tardy contractors more time, more space, and more pardons. I commend him.

Now there was the big man railing about shoddy contract work. Then the little big man jumped on

imitation of follow the leader B

Minister Indar before?

What business was distracting him from the one that is a huge part of his official portfolio? Minister Edghill now finds himself in a bind, the odd man out in this threesome of white shoe do-gooders.

If he were to come out with his own slaps and kicks, through oral c

contractors and their deplorable performance, he would look late to the game.

Worse still, the man of the cloth risks registering as lame as a onelegged thoroughbred entered in one of those horseracing derbies in Berbice. His junior minister outran and outflanked him. Although it is

machinery, it is now everyman for himself. Whatever the women are d

Hopefully, government business.

Strange how times and people change in this beautiful Guyana that is still ours. When regular citizens criticize bad works and feces-infested governance, the PPP

appointed experts.

PNC operators For their

y condemned unacceptable public works, not people like me. It was Minister Indar who hauled off and ‘

enriching contractors.

It isn’t those that leaders find offensive because they speak out. It would inspire if government apologists were to find the courage

esteemed Bharrat Jagdeo that he s

contractors ‘timeliness and quality of their deliverables.

Apologists shudder and shrink, so I tell him myself. Late talk, cheap talk. I interpret this as

conscientious observers were right all along about incompetence a n d i n e ff i c i e n c y ? C o u l d b e government leadership’s sly way of slipping a noose around the necks of contractors who cannot produce, then congratulating themselves for their slickness?

What are leaders, and ministers r e a l l y a b o u t ? D r o p p i n g t h e hammer on ministry and awardees in public, but having a good laff privately during their secret minicongresses? Poor public works performance is one component of c o r r u p t i o n : m o r e t i m e , m o r e money Shabby works means supplementary funding, with all kept in the PPP family

It is that big, long circle of c o r r u p t i o n t h a t Tr a n s p a r e n c y International broadcast to the world about Guyana. Nobody should forget that most accurate of phrases used by Transparency, which is:

“political and business elites” running their lucrative rackets in this country and holding it captive. It is a sad state when a country that needs the best of leaders ends up with street corner actors.

Let this be said, though I don’t know if it is any consolation for m i s t r e a t e d a n d l o n g s u f f e r i n g Guyanese taxpayers. They are

getting something for their budget and procurement dollars. Matters have covered the map. President Ali had his moment in the sun; he made it shine before dawn with his diatribe that spanked contractors, ministers, and others.

VP Jagdeo joined in the fun with laments about shoddy works. Minister Indar is late to the sport, b u t b e l t e d o u t h i s b i t a b o u t unsanctioned work days.

Why was he not on the job all the time? What happened to his eyesight and foresight before? He should be given an award for being Dr Hindsight. Considering all this, I p l a c e t h i s c h a l l e n g e b e f o r e citizens: in looking at Drs. Ali, Jagdeo, and Indar and public works, what do Guyanese have? Bollywood, Hollywood, or a Hong Kong Kung-Fu epic? I welcome anyone reporting me to the ERC.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

Over $200M spent to improve Meadow Bank Whar f

The Government of Guyana, through the Ministry of Agriculture, has invested over $200 million to enhance and construct various facilities at the Meadow Bank Wharf, located in Georgetown.

Th is w a s r e v ea l e d b y M i n is ter o f Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, on Tuesday during his visit to the wharf ‘

During an inspection of the ongoing work there the minister said that the fisherfolk who ply their trade at the wharf are very satisfied with the ongoing works.

He said, “People are very happy to see the improvement and we (the government) will continue, there are some other improvements we have to do, over the next two weeks. We are hoping to build more shed and also we have to get this place clean and …in the other two months’ time I am hoping that it will be completed.”

The agriculture minister continued, “It can be a good place for people to dwell to have their catch, take out there catch from their vessels

– Agri. Minister

and also at the same time to sell their catches early in the morning, because this is one of

y, Georgetown.”

Mustapha disclosed that approximately 80 percent of the infrastructural works have been completed, which include the installation and

facilities, construction of concrete drains and several sheds and stalls for vending, as well as lighting, landscaping, and a police outpost.

“So it is almost over $200 million dollars of work that we have embarked on to build these things and if you look at the shed, its modern sheds, the aesthetic of this place, all the shacks and dilapidated structures, we are removing and we are also doing the tarmac here, the tarmac is clean now,” Mustapha explained.

The minister emphasized that the ongoing

commitment made by President Irfaan Ali during a previous visit to the wharf.

Meanwhile, Kaieteur News reported in April 2024, that the government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, set aside $96,372,850 to do major rehabilitation works at the Meadow Bank Wharf according to a tender document. It was reported by the Department of Public Information (DPI) that one of the major concerns raised by fisherfolk was the need for running water in the area and repairs to the wharf. They also requested additional street lights for the area.

After listening to their concerns, President Ali said that all the issues raised would be addressed and noted that the road leading to

the wharf would be rehabilitated and a number of standpipes will be set up in the area.

Additionally, a shed will be constructed in the area to properly accommodate them

Kaieteur News had reported that a similar visit by the President back in 2022 saw the Guyana Police Force (GPF) establishing a permanent presence at the location to ensure the safety of those plying their trade and the safety of customers.

The President’s intervention also saw the installation of proper washroom facilities and lighting for the fisherfolk

Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha, during his visit to the Meadow Bank Wharf. (Photo from the Ministry of Agriculture Facebook page)

GBTI reports $4B after-tax profit for 2024

…expects continued growth on the back of oil, gold sectors

The Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) on Tuesday reported a recordbreaking financial performance for 2024, recording a profit after tax of $4 billion.

In a release, the bank said this marks a significant 31% increase from $3 billion in 2023, and credits the increase to the bank’s r

commitment to innovation amid a rapidly evolving economic landscape.

GBTI’s total assets grew by 24%, reaching $249 billion, driven by a diversified loan portfolio and operational efficiency Chairman of GBTI, Robin Stoby S.C., said, “GBTI’s sustained growth is a testament

Guyana’s economy continues to expand, GBTI remains committed to empowering i n d i v

innovative financial services.”

Notably, it was stated that the bank’s push toward digital transformation played a crucial role in its success in 2024. GBTI introduced new digital banking solutions, artificial intelligence-driven cybersecurity measures, and mobile banking innovations aimed at enhancing customer experience.

Stoby explained, “Digital transformation is not just a strategy-it is our commitment to ensuring seamless, efficient, and secure b

advancements in Al, mobile banking, and customer-centric innovations position us as a forward-thinking financial institution.” M o r e

management also remained a priority for GBTI, with the bank reinforcing its corporate governance framework to maintain financial stability


deepened its corporate social responsibility initiatives in 2024, investing in education,

sustainability, and social welfare programs.

Looking ahead, GBTI said it is wellpositioned for continued growth this year, particularly as Guyana’s economy expands with the oil, gas, and gold sectors.

Stoby said, “Our vision for 2025 is clear: to solidify GBTI’s position as a leader in the

sustainable banking practices. We are excited about the future and remain committed to delivering long-term value for our customers, employees, and stakeholders.”

Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI)

New Bar tica Stelling ramp collapses after truck incident

The newly constructed Bartica S t e l l i n g r a m p ( R e g i o n 7 ) o n Tuesday collapsed after a vehicle e n c o u n t e r e d d i ff i c u l t i e s w h i l e crossing on it.

Photos seen by this publication show a truck stuck between the broken ramp, its front end facing down in the water

A statement issued by the

M i n i s

confirmed the incident occurred at10:45hrs when a “heavy laden truck which was transported from Parika to Bartica on board the M.V Malali was being offloaded.”

The ministry noted that the truck was one of the eighteen v

aboard the vessel.

The heavy-laden truck stuck between the stelling ramp and the vessel

Miners arrested for illegal operations in Iwokrama Forest

and damage

Three persons were arrested on February 23, 2025 for illegal mining in the Iwokrama forest, the Iwokrama International Centre said on Tuesday

According to the statement, the illegal miners included a Brazilian national with family ties to a nearby community, who has a long history

o f i l l e g a l i n c u r s i o n s i n t h e Iwokrama forest along with two o t h e r G u y a n e s e – f r o m t h e Essequibo Coast and Paramakatoi Village.

The arrests were made as a result of cooperation with the G u y a n a G e o l o g y a n d M i n e s Commission (GGMC), the Guyana P o l i c e F o r c e ( G P F ) a n d t h e Ministry of Natural Resources.

The Iwokrama Forest is a

Protected Area by law

“Iwokrama, over the past years, has been besieged by illegal gold mining in the Siparuni area and has sent stern warnings that such intrusions will be forcefully dealt

w i t h S e v e r a l e n f o r c e m e n t activities led by the Government of Guyana regulatory agencies have been undertaken to curb these illegal activities which saw 14 persons arrested in 2024,” the statement said. Further, Iwokrama said that community leaders associated with

the Centre have also strongly condemned resident community persons’ involvement in illegal gold mining within this protected area and signed on to a joint communique in October 2024.

I w o k r a m a a n d t h e N o r t h

Rupununi District Development

B o a r d ( N R D D B ) s t r o n g l y condemned the illegal operations in the Iwokrama Forest and undertook to ensure that members of the communities understand that gold mining is illegal in this area and that supplying the illegal operations with materials and supplies is also illegal Iwokrama and the NRDDB are committed to working together on a c o m p r e h e n s i v e m o n i

n g mechanisms between each other and report on any suspicious activities in and around their communities and the Iwokrama Forest

The joint communique also pointed to the importance of the Iwokrama Forest to the livelihoods of the communities of Regions 8 and 9 and to the national reputation of Guyana as a country known for i t s b i o d i v e r s i t y c o n s e r v a t i o n initiatives.

“The Centre would like to once again remind the public that gold mining activities are absolutely not

allowed in the Iwokrama Forest. Furthermore, such illegal activities a r e a t h r e a t t o t h e C e n t r e ’s international certification and to G u y a n a ’s f o r e s t m a n a g e m e n t system as a whole and will not be tolerated. Iwokrama reserves the right to publish the names and photographs of persons found conducting illegal gold mining activities in the Protected Area.”


management acknowledged that collaboration is the most effective way to target illegal activities and e x p r e s s

Ministry of Natural Resources, GGMC, the GPF, the Protected A

Environmental Protection Agency For further information on the

Forest and to report any illegal activities in the forest, please contact

rthomas@iwokrama org More information on the Centre’s

iwokramariverlodge com and www iwokramacanopywalkway com

Illegal mining
in the Iwokrama Forest

Another new international hotel coming

...to target global leaders, business executives

Architectural designs of the new Blazon Hotel

The Blazon Hotels has p a r t n e r e d w i t h E n s o Innovations Inc. and the Caribbean Marketing Enterprises Inc. (CMEI) to develop a luxury hotel in Georgetown.

This announcement marks a significant step in establishing G e o r g e t o w n a s a h

hospitality, reinforcing the city’s appeal to global leaders and tourists alike, said a statement issued by Blazon Hotels, Founder and Chief e x

V P Development for Smart Hospitality Solutions (SHS) Joshua Dias said.

According to the statement the hotel will meet the needs of,

Guyana’s burgeoning economy.”

partnership with Enso Innovations

based in Toronto, Canada and supported by CMEI- they will utilise Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) technology, a construction material sourced from responsibly managed Canadian forests to build the hotel “ B l a z o n H o t e l s , u n d e r t h e umbrella of Smart Hospitality

Solutions (SHS), is renowned for its innovative approach to luxury h

sophistication with cutting-edge s u

Innovations, a leader in sustainable construction, marks an important milestone in the evolution of ecoconscious luxury in the Caribbean and South America,” the brand stated.

The hotel designed by M|L

architectural firm, is set to achieve new standards for sustainable luxury in the region. “Leveraging the eco-friendly and innovative capabilities of CLT, the hotel will combine world-class architectural design with a commitment to

Blazon Hotels added.

The brand further commented on Guyana’s growing economy as a motivation to build high end hotels.

unprecedented economic growth,

industries and increasing global prominence, the need for premium accommodations is at an all-time high. This new hotel will feature luxurious guest rooms and suites, signature dining experiences, and state-of-the-art facilities, catering to a diverse audience that includes diplomats, business leaders, and leisure travellers,” Blazon Hotels stated.

Exxon to develop approx. 5 billion barrels of oil from six approved projects –Routledge

FPSO Prosperity operating offshore Guyana

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) President, Alistair Routledge

E x x o n M o b i l G u y a n a

Limited (EMGL) president,

A l i s t a i r R o u t l e d g e , h a s disclosed that nearly 5 billion barrels of oil will be produced

f r o m t h e s i x a p p r o v e d developments in the Stabroek Block.

During a recent interview with OilNow, Routledge was asked to comment on the discourse of the Stabroek Block’s resource potential.

Hess Corporation’s Chief

Executive Officer (CEO), John Hess, has disclosed that his company’s estimate of d i s c o v e r e d r e s o u r c e s i n Guyana’s Stabroek Block

exceeds the less-than-11-

b i l l i o n - b a r r e l s - o f - o i lequivalent figure shared by the operator of the block, ExxonMobil.

Exxon holds 45% shares in the Stabroek Block, while Hess and CNOOC hold 30% a n d 2 5 % i n t e r e s t respectively

T h e S t a b r o e k B l o c k , renowned for its vast oil potential, has been the subject of global attention since oil production commenced five

y e a r s a g o E x x o n M o b i l ’s p r e s i d e n t h a d p r e v i o u s l y stated that the company’s estimate remains below 11

b i l l i o n b a r r e l s o f o i l equivalent, despite several new discoveries in the block since the previous update in 2 0 2 2 H o w e v e r , t h e government disclosed that their figure stands at 11.6 billion barrels.

D u r i n g t h e O i l N o w interview Routledge outlined Exxon’s approach to resource development. He explained that the company’s focus r e m a i n s o n t r a n s i t i o n i n g resources from estimates to fully developed reserves.

“Now the number that’s most important is, how do we m o v e e s t i m a t e d u l t i m a t e r e c o v e r r e s o u r c e , t o developed resource, to prove a n d d e v e l o p e d r e s o u r c e , w h i c h i s m u c h m o r e meaningful, there’s always a d e g r e e o f a s e t o f k e y assumptions about what the

future may hold, what sort of developments. But moving t h o s e f o r w a r d a n d m a t e r i a l i z i n g t h e development, getting to the final investment decision, is what moves that resource into d e v e l o p m e n t , ” R o u t l e d g e explained.

He added, “And we’ve now got to the point where, with the projects that have b e e n s a n c t i o n e d , w e ’ r e approaching 5 billion barrels of developed resource, which is a significant step forward for the country.”

Since making its first discovery in 2015, Exxon has transitioned from exploration to production in record time. Guyana’s Stabroek Block h o l d s a n e s t i m a t e d 11 . 6 billion barrels of oil, meaning almost half will be produced f r o m t h e s i x s a n c t i o n e d projects.

E x x o n i s c u r r

6 5 0 , 0 0 0 barrels of oil per day (bpd) from Liza 1, Liza 2, and P a y a r a d e v e l o p m e n t s , supported by three floating p r o d u c t i o n s t o r a g e a n d o f f l o a d i n g ( F P S O ) vessels—Destiny, Unity, and Prosperity Last year, Exxon a n n o u n c

surpassed 500 million barrels of oil.


Routledge acknowledged the

discoveries but noted that the company continues to search for additional reserves across


“We certainly hope so. I

working towards, is, can we find additional plays? I mean, what we’ve established is a very good understanding of certain plays, and particularly a central southeast portion of the block. As you’re aware, we have drilled some other exploration wells…trying to test different plays in other Continued on page 22

Temporar y power outages scheduled to facilitate GTE, road expansion projects

The Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL) has announced a series of planned service interruptions across Demerara and Berbice to facilitate the Government of Guyana’s Gasto-Energy (GTE) Project and the Ministry of Public Works’ Road Network Expansion. In a press release, GPL stated

that sections of its network will be

infrastructure works

As a result, customers in affected areas will experience power outages according to the following schedule: Gas to Energy Project Service Interruptions

Wednesday, March 5, 2025 –Edinburgh to Naamryck, West Coast Demerara/East Bank Essequibo (9:00 AM – 11:00 AM)

Road Network Expansion Service Interruptions Wednesday, March 5, 2025 –No 68 Village to Springlands, Berbice (10:00 AM – 4:00 PM)

Thursday, March 6, 2025 –North Sophia to Industry, Guysuco Compound Ogle, and ExxonMobil

Demerara (9:00 AM – 3:00 PM)

The power company apologized for any inconvenience the planned power outages may cause and assured that it is working closely with the government

Motorcyclist dies one month after Edinburgh accident

Twenty-year-old Dellon

A r c h e r , t h e motorcyclist who was injured in the Edinburg Public Road, East Bank Berbice accident in January has died.

Archer died on Saturday at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital. According to reports, Archer

was receiving treatment in the Intensive Care Unit of the New A

following the accident. He was

Corporation (GPHC) before being moved back to New Amsterdam Hospital for continued care.

The accident took place on January 24, 2025, at around 19:40 hrs. According to reports, Archer was speeding when he lost control and crashed into the rear of a stationary car

Kaieteur News showed the vehicle parked on the western side of the

road near a shop. Moments later, t

A r c h e r slamming into the car ’s side, being flung off his motorcycle, and landing face down on the western parapet, a distance away from the car

Archer was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.

DEAD: Dellon Archer

Obesity on the rise in Guyana

In observance of World

O b e s i t y D a y 2 0 2 5 o n Tuesday, the Ministry of Health said it stands with the global community in raising awareness about the growing obesity epidemic and its impact on public health.

World Obesity Day 2025 is observed under the theme, ‘ C h a n g i n g S y s t e m s ,

H e a l t h i e r L i v e s ’ I n a statement the ministry said obesity and related Non-

C o m m u n i c a b l e D i s e a s e s (NCDs) are posing major

challenges However, the government is tackling this

c r i s i s t h r o u g h p o l i c y i n t e r v e n t i o n s , p u b l i c educat

“Obesity has emerged as a

s i g n i f i c a n t c o n c e r n i n Guyana, with rates steadily i n c r e a s i n g a m o n g b o t h adults and children.”

According to the World Obesity Federation, by 2025, the obesity prevalence is

p r o j e c t e d t o r e a c h 2 0 2 percent for men and 35.5 percent for women, while

15 7 percent of children between the ages five and 19

w i l l b e a ff e c t e d “ N o n -

C o m m u n i c a b l e D i s e a s e s i n c l u d i n g c a r d i o v a s c u l a r

d i s e a s e , d i a b e t e s , a n d

h y p e r t e n s i o n r e m a i n t h e leading causes of death in

G u y a n a , ” t h e H e a l t h Ministry highlighted in the statement.

In 2016, NCDs were responsible for 68 percent of all deaths in Guyana, with c a r d i o v a s c u l a r d i s e a s e s

alone accounting for 34 percent of these fatalities.

Additionally, the risk of premature death from NCDs among individuals aged 30

t o 7 0 i s 3 1 p e r c e n t , highlighting the urgent need

f o r i m m e d i a t e a c t i o n t o address this growing public

health crisis. Further, it was explained that as a result of Guyana’s

d i e t a r y l a n d s c a p e , t h e

c o u n t r y h a s u n d e r g o n e

s i g n i f i c a n t s h i f t s , w h i c h contributed to the obesity crisis. “The rise of fast food restaurants and increasing availability of processed, high-calorie foods have led to higher rates of unhealthy eating. Many of these foods are loaded with unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodiummajor contributors to weight

g a i n a n d o b e s i t y - r e l a t e d

d i s e a s e s . S e d e n t a r y lifestyles and low levels of p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y h a v e

f u r t h e r w o r s e n e d t h e

s i t u a t i o n , ” t h e H e a l t h Ministry said. In light of this, the Health

Ministry, recognising the urgent need for action, has i m p l e m e n t e d s e v e r a l initiatives to combat obesity

a n d N C D s t h r o u g h t h e

D i s e a s e C o n t r o l Programme, the statement read. To raise awareness, the m i n i s t r y h a s r o l l e d o u t nationwide public education

c a m p a i g n s f o c u s e d o n

promoting healthy eating h a b i t s a n d e n c o u r a g i n g

a c t i v e l i f e s t y l e s T h e s e campaigns aim to empower citizens to make informed choices that can improve their overall health.

A d d i t i o n a l l y , t h e ministry provides education on Body Mass Index (BMI)

t o h e l p i n d i v i d u a l s u n d e r s t a n d t h e i r w e i g h t status and take proactive

m e a s u r e s t o w a r d

m a i n t a i n i n g a h e a l t h i e r lifestyle.

Collaboration is also a key component of these efforts, with the government p a r t n e r i n g w i t h s c h o o l s , workplaces, and civil society

o rg a n i s a t i o n s t o b u i l d a

Annandale man

fined $15k for noise nuisance

A 25-year-old man was fined $15,000 and placed on a 12month peace bond when he appeared at the Vigilance Magistrates’ Court to answer a Making Loud and Continuous Noise charge on Tuesday Navindra Persaud of Lot 226 Cane Street, Annandale, East Coast Demerara (ECD) was charged for making loud and continuous noise on February 24, 2025 to upset Dinesh John who lives five houses away from him. Persaud pleaded guilty to the charge that was read to him by Senior Magistrate Sunil Scarce. The prosecution told the court that at approximately 01:00h, Persaud was playing music for over an hour from his car much to John’s annoyance. The matter was reported to the police who instructed Persaud to turn off the music.Persaud was made aware of the offence and was later arrested and charged. Persaud told the court that the car in question was his but he was not playing music. Magistrate Scarce asked him whether he was aware of the time and that his neighbours were trying to rest after the Mashramani celebration. He responded in the affirmative but noted that he was intoxicated. Failure to pay the fine will result in Persaud spending one week in prison.

c u l t u r e t h a t p r i o r i t i s e s wellness and healthy living, the statement detailed. In terms of childhood obesity prevention, the ministry said it has introduced specialised p r o g r a m m e s , i n c l u d i n g training for kitchen and a d

ensure children are provided w i t h n u t r i t i o u s , w e l lbalanced meals.

F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e

g o v e r n m e n t h a s m a d e significant improvements to h e a l t h c a r e s e r v i c e s , i

individuals struggling with obesity and NCDs. These efforts aim to o f f e r b e t t e r p r e v e n t i o n , management, and treatment

o p t i o n s , u l t i m a t e l y

supporting individuals in leading healthier lives and

- Health Ministry urges healthier eating, small plates


obesity and NCDs across the country, the statement said.

The Ministry of Health is urging all Guyanese to adopt healthier eating habits to combat the growing obesity c r i s i s , e n c o

g individuals to increase their i

n d vegetables, aiming for five servings daily to ensure they receive essential nutrients and fiber It also advises choosing whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, and oats to improve

longer-lasting satiety.

limiting sugary beverages like sodas, fruit juices, and energy drinks, and replacing them with water or herbal teas. To help manage calorie intake, the ministry suggests controlling portion sizes by using smaller plates and bowls. Reducing fast food consumption and prioritising home-cooked meals made

ingredients is also essential

fruits, instead of processed alternatives.


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Pump Attendant (6am-2pm & 2pm-10pm).Mobil Providence E.B.D, Call: 265-7306. Email:Mobilramsburg@ gmail.com

Female cleaner in Houston/ Agricola 80-95 k / Month. Call: 702-0746 / 619-4204.

Maid for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Male cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Male cleaner for yard in East Bank area, two (2) days a week, call 619-9132.

One excavator operator to work in the interior. Call : 6605010.

Enthusiastic, customer- focused sales rep for Georgetown , able-bodied sales driven. $90k / Month + benefits . Whatsapp : 688-6868

Gold miners own 32 claims at Issano backdam – High Court …orders

GGMC, Natural Resources Minister to process licences

Chief Justice Roxane George on Tuesday made several orders against the GGMC and Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat setting aside their directives against two small miners for 32 gold claims. The Chief Justice ruled that the miners Milton Brandford and Ayudhia Narine were the lawful owners of 32 gold claims at 14 Mile Issano, Karouni.

She quashed an ‘order to remove from a claim area’ which was made by the GGMC against Brandford and Narine on July 19, 2023. At the time, the GGMC had ordered the miners to remove from the claim area on the ground that they had no permission when, in fact, the miners had owned the rights over the area in question.

The Chief Judge also quashed ministerial order 56 of 2023 issued by Minister Bharrat to shut down the mining of the 32 claims by Brandford and Narine. She remarked that “this order cannot be retroactive to affect the established rights in the claims of the miners”.

On August 8, 2023, Minister Bharrat had ordered a cessation of all mining activities in the claims’ areas owned by the miners, save and ex-

cept mining activities of State bodies and corporations as directed by him.

This triggered a lawsuit filed by the miners against Minister Bharrat and the GGMC in November 2023. In their claim before the court, the miners alleged that the Minister and GGMC were trying to shut down their gold mining operations and distribute the same lands by lotteries to other miners.

It was revealed in Court documents that shortly after Minister Bharrat issued order 56 shutting down the claims held by Brandford and Narine.

And although the GGMC never responded to the letter from the miners’ attorney, Mr Siand Dhurjon, the GGMC had quickly issued a press release claiming that the lands were shut down because there was a need to “curb illegal activities at the site and maintain its integrity ”. During the hearings, the Court was told that several lotteries between September and December 2023 where the lands were given out to other individuals.

Brandford and Narine were reportedly never invited to the lotteries held by the Minister and GGMC and the lotteries were never publi-


cized in the newspapers or the Official Gazette.

But during the very time, the GGMC and Minister Bharat were reportedly engaged in giving out the lands to other parties. In Court, on behalf of Minister Bharrat, the lotteries were called ‘a land allocation exercise’ and it was admitted that at least six lotteries were held where over 80 of 100 portions of the shutdown lands were given out to various private individuals.

The Minister admitted that invitations were sent to ‘small scale miners’, certain mining associations, and individuals ‘ who were removed from the area due to unlawful occupation’. However, no invitation was received by either Brandford or Narine.

This was despite the fact that the GGMC and the Minister were well aware of Narine and Brandford’s interests in the lands due to several meetings.

The miners alleged that shortly after, officers of the GGMC destroyed the camps and seized Brandford and Narine’s equipment on September 2, 2023. The GGMC and Minister have denied such destruction and seizure to the Court.

On Tuesday, the Chief

Justice ruled and issued orders of declaration that Branford and Narine are the lawful owners of the 32 gold and precious mineral claims and that they have the right to work the land under the 32 claims in accordance with regulation 4(6) of the Mining Regulations.

The Chief Justice ordered the GGMC and the Minister to take all steps necessary to favourably process the applications for 32 claims licences made by Brandford and Narine. The Chief Justice granted an injunction against Minister Bharrat and the GGMC from awarding any claim licences in the areas to anyone except Narine and Brandford.

The Chief Justice also ordered injunctions against the GGMC and Minister Bharrat to prevent them from damaging, moving or otherwise interfering with the operations of Brandford and Narine on the claims. Brandford and Narine were represented by attorneys-at-law Siand Dhurjon and Damien Da Silva whilst Minister Bharrat was represented by the Attorney General’s Chambers led by Ms. Prithima Kissoon. The GGMC was represented by Mr. Ralph Ramkarran, SC.

E-health records system to roll out this month

health history within the healthcare system.


Experienced female Accounts Clerk to assist in all administrative function of the company. Call: 662-0469, Email: bakshwork@gmail.com

Prime business area at Affiance, Essequibo Coast for rent bottom flat- Office 600 sq ft, industrial 1400 sq ft. Call: 670-2554.

62.3 Acres of land for sale 10.183 acres Location Lowwood Demerara River Region 4. Contact : 6642164 / 672-0100.


Lot 138 being a portion of block 5, Part of plantation Vryheid's Lust , Location on the East Coast Of Demerara. Call : 616-7306.

Experienced Driver Expeditor. Call: 231-0363.

Handyman to work in Eccles area. Call: 231-0363.

Hiring Labourers for the purpose of cleaning drains and alleyways. WhatsApp: 6578957/ 619-8062.

Desk staff, Receptionist, Supervisor, Room attendant @ 33 South Road Lacytown. 25-50 years old. Call: 2250198.

DPI - The electronic health records (EHR) system is set to roll out later this month, the Department of Public Information (DPI) has stated.

The initiative will pave the way for medical professionals to store and manage patients' data more efficiently Guyana's healthcare sector is undergoing significant improvements, with the government leveraging technology to digitise medical records.

The Ministry of Health contracted UK-based company RioMed Limited at a cost of US$3.3 million to design, supply, and install the electronic records system.

And according to President, Irfaan Ali, “In March 2025, the country will take a giant leap forward with the implementation of Electronic Health Records, modernising patient care and ensuring seamless access to medical history.”

He was at the time addressing Guyanese on the 55th Republic Anniversary at the Parliament Buildings.

The EHR is a comprehensive collection of a patient's

Earlier this year, Minister of Health Dr. Frank Anthony revealed that phase one of the project will begin at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and its satellite clinics. After successful implementation, the EHR system will extend to other health institutions across Guyana.

The healthcare sector is being transformed with world-class medical services now being brought to communities across the country

President Ali said in 2025 alone, six state-of-the-art hospitals will be opened, equipped with cutting edge apparatus that will provide specialised services to citizens.Over the past three years, more than 25 new health posts and health centres have been built to ensure even the most remote areas benefit from improved healthcare infrastructure.

“The establishment of more than 84 telemedicine sites is transforming the way healthcare is delivered, allowing patients in hinterland and

rural areas to receive expert medical consultations without leaving their communities,” the president added.

The EHR initiative is part of a larger US$97 million Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)-funded project.

The government has al-

ready enacted the Data Protection Law, guaranteeing proper patient confidentiality It will regulate the collection, keeping, processing, use and dissemination of personal data to protect the privacy of individuals concerning their data.

Exxon to develop approx. 5 billion barrels...

From page 18 parts of the Stabroek Block,” he noted. To this end, he stated that this is still the early days in a new frontier basin. “And so even though we’ve had an immense amount of success, there’s still a lot of unknowns across the basin that we have to work through,” he said.

Additionally, Exxon is also refining its approach based on data gathered from past exploration wells, leveraging seismic reprocessing to improve efficiency in identifying new potential reserves.

“But from the wells that we’ve drilled, we’ve gathered a lot of information. We return to the seismic, we reprocess, we relook at that seismic, and with what that gives us we can be more selective as we go forward. What are the best opportunities where we still think there’s potential?” Routledge explained.

Exxon’s fourth development, Yellowtail, is expected to come onstream later this year, with the fifth and sixth projects, Uaru and Whiptail, scheduled for startup in 2026 and 2027, respectively

Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.
Family fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call : 2642946-9

Mohamed loses licence to operate vessels

...Govt. cites U.S. sanctions for pulling plug

T h e M a r i t i m e Administration Department (MARAD) has announced that it has not renewed the c a b o t a g e p e r m i s s i o n f o r vessels operating on behalf of Hadi's World, a company owned by U.S.-sanctioned

b u s i n e s s m e n N a z a r

M o h a m e d a n d h i s s o n , Azruddin Mohamed.

C a b o t a g e p e r m i s s i o n

a l l o w s f o r e i g n - f l a g g e d vessels to operate within a country's coastal waters for domestic trade and transport.

I n t h i s c a s e , M A R A D ' s decision means that vessels previously authorised under Hadi's World can no longer operate legally in Guyana's maritime space.

I n a n u p d a t e d p r e s s r e l e a s e o n T u e s d a y

afternoon, MARAD said that Mohamed's cabotage

p e r m i s s i o n e x p i r e d o n February 12, 2025, and has not been extended This




m o v e f o l l o w s s a n c t i o n s i m p o s e d b y t h e U S Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on June 11, 2024, against the Mohameds a n d t h e i r a s s o c i a t e d businesses The sanctions w e r e i s s u e d d u e t o allegations of large-scale tax evasion, gold smuggling, money laundering, and other forms of public corruption. O FA C

b e h a l f o f H a d i ' s Wo r l d , including motor tugs Amelia

a n d M a c h e l o , a n d d e c k

b a r g e s M i r i a m a n d Carmelia, is now doing so illegally Further, the State

a g e n c y e x p r e s s e d i t s commitment to maintaining the integrity of Guyana's

m a r i t i m e o p e r a t i o n s a n d ensuring compliance with b o t h n a t i o n a l a n d international regulations.

A t h i s r e c e n t p r e s s conference, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo addressed

q u e s t i o n s r e g a r d i n g

c a b o t a g e p e r m i s s i o n f o r vessels associated with the Mohamed family

H e c o m m e n t e d o n a

c l a i m a b o u t c a b o t a g e permission for a national project, saying, “I'm not aware of that.” Regarding t h e r e n e w a l o f t h e permission, Jagdeo said that he is aware of the permission expiring soon but is not a w a r e o f a n y r e c e n t

p e r m i s s i o n g i v e n t o Mohamed's However, he a c k n o w l e d g e d s e e i n g a

p e r m i s s i o n g r a n t e d i n August 2024.

Jagdeo also last week played down any potential threat from businessman, Azruddin Mohamed if he enters the elections race, saying that he cannot take the time out to comment on every social media activist that hands out a few things to people. Mohamed has been drawing large crowds during visits to communities across the country

And recently, he caused quite a stir when he rolled into Corentyne to visit a large group of fishermen and other citizens. Mohamed has also made several visits to t h e h i n t e r l a n d - b u i l d i n g h o m e s f o r I n d i g e n o u s residents, setting up small businesses for some and providing other gifts. He has also drawn strong appeal in recent stops in communities such as Albouystown and Victoria where scores of young people swarmed him.

A t l a s t w e e k ' s p r e s s

c o n f e r e n c e , J a g d e o w a s asked to share the extent of his worry about the multie t h n i c f e e d b a c k f r o m Guyanese every time Mr Mohamed goes out in public and if he decides to contest t h e 2 0 2 5 G e n e r a l a n d Regional elections. He told the media that he is the leader

Venezuela's aggression demands urgent national unity – GTUC

T h e i n c u r s i o n o f a Venezuelan naval ship into Guyana's waters on March 1, 2 0 2 5 , h a s i n t e n s i f i e d concerns over the nation's

t e r r i t o r i a l i n t e g r i t y a n d

sovereignty The Guyana Tr a d e s U n i o n C o n g r e s s ( G T U C ) o n T u e s d a y condemned this violation and called for immediate national unity in the face of g r o w i n g t h r e a t s f r o m neighbouring Venezuela.

In a statement, the GTUC urged President Irfaan Ali and Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo to rise above partisan p o l i t i c s a n d e n g a g e a l l stakeholders for a united national front to defend against this aggression.

“The political division in Guyana is directly eroding public trust, particularly as many feel excluded from the n a t i o n ' s p o l i t i c a l a n d economic decision-making,” GTUC said.

T h e o r g a n i z a t i o n highlighted that Article 13 of t h e G u y a n a C o n s t i t u t i o n m a n d a t e s c i


of a political party, the largest one in Guyana, and his party has gotten to where i t i s b e c a u s e o f i t s commitment to the citizens a n d t h e g r o u n d w o r k i t s m e m b e r s p u t i n “ We transform the lives of many p e o p l e , a n d w e h a v e because of that, we have won several elections. We're the only multi-ethnic party in the country, and you can see evidence of that. For me to c o m m e n t p o l i t i c a l l y o n individuals and what they a r e d o i n g w o u l d b e premature,” Jagdeo said. The VP stressed that he comments on the political opponents of the People's Progressive Party (PPP) and other parties even though some of them may very well b e a l l i e s o f t h e P P P

However, as the General S e c r e t a r y o f t h e p a r t y currently in government, he cannot be commenting “on every social media activist if they go to a community or any charity that hands out a few things to people.” “I made it clear that should people declare a political intention; then, at that point

in time, it's fair game for me to express a view on that party or that person, like when Glenn Lall declared his intention to form a political party I dealt with him slightly differently He has not formed the party as y e t o r d e c l a r e d h e ' s contesting the elections,” he explained.

US tariffs take effect and Mexico, Canada and China retaliate with their own tariffs

WA S H I N G TO N ( A P )

— President Donald Trump

l a u n c h e d a t r a d e w a r Tuesday against America's t h r e e b i g g

g immediate retaliation from Mexico, Canada and China a n d s e n d i n g f i n a n c i a l markets into a tailspin as the U.S. faced the threat of r e k i n d l e d i n f l a t i o n a n d paralyzing uncertainty for business.

Claudia Sheinbaum said Mexico will respond to the new taxes with its own

The GTUC also raised c o n c e r n s a b o u t t h e u p c o m i n g Ve n e z u e l a n election for the Governor of Essequibo on April 27, 2025, and the ongoing risks posed b y Ve n e z u e l a ' s m i l i t a r y presence along Guyana's border. They referenced a recent attack on Guyanese soldiers in the Cuyuni area and the secrecy surrounding the helicopter crash that claimed the lives of GDF soldiers.

The GTUC underscored

t h a t Ve n e z u e l a ' s a c t i o n s violate international law, s p e c i f i c a l l y t h e 1 8 9 9 Arbitration Award and the 2 0 2 3 A rg y l e A g r e e m e n t

G T U C u r g e d t h e government to recognize that internal divisions only serve t o s t r e n g t h e n P r e s i d e n t Nicolás Maduro's position.

m a k i n g , p a r t i c u l a r l y i n matters affecting their wellbeing, and called on the government to adhere to this principle as the country faces i n c r e a s i n g e x t e r n a l pressures.

T h e y e m p h a s i z e d t h e

importance of national unity, stating that “Maduro will not be fooled—he is fully aware o f t h e d i v i s i o n s w i t h i n Guyana and will exploit them if given the chance.”

In response, the GTUC

h a s p r e s e n t e d s e v e r a l r e c o m m

o n s t o strengthen Guyana's defence strategy and foster national c

e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f a permanent body of experts to monitor Guyana's borders,

communities and the capital, and the promotion of local

GTUC also called for a sustained public information campaign to raise awareness


l claims.

“The time to act is now Unity, not division, is our best defence,” the GTUC c

national unity and safeguard Guyana's sovereignty

J u s t a f t e r m i d n i g h t , Trump imposed 25% taxes, or tariffs, on Mexican and Canadian imports, though he limited the levy to 10% on Canadian energy Trump also doubled the tariff he s l a p p e d l a s t m o n t h o n Chinese products to 20%.

Beijing retaliated with tariffs of up to 15% on a wide array of U.S. farm exports. It also expanded the number of U.S. companies subject to export controls and other restrictions by about two dozen.

C a n a d i a n P r i m e Minister Justin Trudeau said his country would plaster tariffs on more than $100 billion of American goods over the course of 21 days.

“Today the United States launched a trade war against Canada, their closet partner and ally, their closest friend. At the same, they are talking about working positively

w i t h R u s s i a , a p p e a s i n g

Vladimir Putin, a lying murderous dictator. Make that make sense,” Trudeau

s a i d . M e x i c a n P r e s i d e n t

r e t a l i a t o r y t a r i f f s Sheinbaum said she will a n n o u n c e t h e p r o d u c t s M e x i c o w i l l t a r g e t o n Sunday in a public event in Mexico City's central plaza, p e r h a p s w i t h t h e d e l a y i n d i c a t i n g M e x i c o s t i l l hopes to de-escalate the trade war set off by Trump. As he promised voters, t h e U S p r e s i d e n t i s abandoning the free trade policies the United States pursued for decades after World War II. Trump argues that open trade cost America millions of factory jobs and that tariffs are the path to n a t i o n a l p r o s p e r i t y H e

r e j e c t s m a i n s t r e a m

economists who contend that such protectionism is costly and inefficient.

Import taxes are “a very p o w e r f u l w e a p o n t h a t p o l i t i c i a n s h a v e n ' t u s e d because they were either dishonest, stupid or paid off in some other form,” Trump said Monday at the White House “And now we're using them.”

D a r t m o u t h C o l l e g e economist Douglas Irwin, author of a 2017 history of U S t a r i f f p o l i c y, h a s calculated that Tuesday's hikes will lift America's average tariff from 2.4% to 10.5%, the highest level since the 1940s. “We're in a new era for sure.”

U.S. markets dropped s h a r p l y M o n d a y a f t e r

Trump said there was “no room left” for negotiations that could lower the tariffs. Shares were mostly lower Tuesday after they took effect.

According to estimates b y t h e Ya l e U n i v e r s i t y Budget Lab, Trump's tariffs amount to a tax hike of roughly $1.4 trillion to $1.5 trillion over 10 years, a massive increase that would d i s p r o p o r t i o n a t e l y h i t lower-income households. The Canada and Mexico tariffs were supposed to b e g i n i n F e b r u a r y, b u t Trump agreed to a 30-day s u s p e n s i o n t o n e g o t i a t e further with the two largest U.S. trading partners. The stated reason for the tariffs is to address drug trafficking and illegal immigration, and both countries say they have made progress on those issues. But Trump has also said the tariffs will only come down if the U.S. trade imbalance closes, a process unlikely to be settled on a political timeline.

The tariffs may be shortlived if the U.S. economy suffers. But Trump could also impose more tariffs on the European Union, India, computer chips, autos and pharmaceutical drugs. The A m

n g volatility into the world economy, leaving it off balance as people wonder what he will do next.

“It's chaotic, especially (Continued on page 24)

Businessman Nazar Mohamed and his son, Azruddin Mohamed

US suspends all military aid to Ukraine in wake of Trump-Zelensk y row

...decision affects ammunition, vehicles and other equipment including weapons in transit

The Guardian - The Trump administration has suspended delivery of all US military aid to Ukraine, blocking billions in crucial

shipments, as the White

House piles pressure on Kyiv to sue for peace with Vladimir Putin.

T h e d e c i s i o n a f f e c t s deliveries of ammunition,

v e h i c l e s a n d o t h e r

e q u i p m e n t , i n c l u d i n g shipments agreed to when Joe Biden was president.

It comes after a dramatic blow-up in the White House

on Friday during which Donald Trump, infuriated over what he claimed was the Ukrainian leader's disrespect

a n d i n g r a t i t u d e , t o l d

Volodymyr Zelensky he was “gambling with” a third world war Zelensky was told to come back “when he is ready for peace”.

Ukraine's prime minister, Denys Shmyhal, said on Tuesday that Kyiv still had the means to supply its frontline forces but warned thousands of lives were at risk and vital US-provided air defence systems could be affected.

“We will continue to work with the US through all available channels in a calm manner,” Shmyhal told a press conference. “We only have one plan – to win and to survive.”

Moscow celebrated the decision, with the Kremlin

s p o k e s p e r s o n D m i t r y Peskov saying the US had been “the main supplier of this war so far”.

European and Nato allies

w e r e n o t i n f o r m e d i n advance, a Polish foreign ministry spokesperson said.

“This is a very important decision, and the situation is v e r y s e r i o u s , ” P


“This sentence may sound b a n a l , b u t i t h a s g r e a t political significance – it [the decision] was made without a n y i n f o r m a t i o n , o r consultation, neither with Nato allies, nor with the Ramstein group,” he said.

The Ramstein group is an alliance of 57 countries that h a s c o o r d i n a t e d a i d t o Ukraine during the war Governments in Europe, fearful of an emboldened

R u s s i a d u r i n g a U S administration that resents a cold war-era pact to support its allies against aggression, have rushed to boost their own military spending.

T h e E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n ' s p r e s i d e n t ,

U r s u l a v o n d e r L e y e n , a n n o u n c e d p r o


Europe's defence industry a n d i n c r e a s e m i l i t a r y capabilities by mobilising close to €800bn (£661bn).

T h e E U i s h o l d i n g a n

e m e r g e n c y s u m m i t o n


T h e W h i t e H o u s e ' s decision followed a meeting that included Hegseth and t h e v i c e - p r e s i d e n t , J D

Va n c e , a l o n g w i t h t h e secretary of state, Marco

R u b i o ; t h e d i r e c t o r o f national intelligence, Tulsi

G a b b a r d ; a n d T r u m p ' s Middle East envoy, Steve Witkoff.

O l e k s a n d r M e r e z h k o , t h e c h a i r o f U k r a i n e ' s parliamentary foreign affairs

c o m m i t t e e , s a i d T r u m p

a p p e a r e d t o b e p u s h i n g

U k r a i n e t o w a r d s capitulation. “To stop aid now means to help Putin,” Merezhko told Reuters. “On the surface, this looks really bad. It looks like he is p u s h i n g u s t o w a r d s c a p i t u l a t i o n , m e a n i n g [ a c c e p t i n g ] R u s s i a ' s

d e m a n d s ” R a z o m f o r

U k r a i n e , a U k r a i n i a n advocacy group, said: “By a b r u p t l y h a l t i n g m i l i t a r y

a s s i s t a n c e t o U k r a i n e , President Trump is hanging Ukrainians out to dry and giving Russia the green light to continue marching west. Razom for Ukraine urges the White House to immediately r e v e r s e c o u r s e , r e s u m e military aid and pressure Putin to end his horrific invasion.”

The US Congress has approved $175bn (£138bn)

i n t o t a l a s s i s t a n c e f o r

U k r a i n e s i n c e R u s s i a ' s invasion nearly three years

a g o , a c c o r d i n g t o t h e nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. In December, shortly before l e a v i n g o f f i c e , B i d e n

a n n o u n c e d a n a d d i t i o n a l

$ 5 9 b n i n s e c u r i t y a n d budget assistance.

US assistance to Ukraine

i n c l u d e s m i l i t a r y a i d , budgetary assistance largely delivered through a World Bank trust fund, and other f u n d s t h a t h

e n delivered through the US


Development, which has been throttled by the Trump White House.

Some of the money sent by the US to Ukraine helps the country pay the salaries of teachers and doctors, and k e e p


Weapons assistance from the US has been facilitated through two programmes:

Ukrainian servicemen search for a target with a US Stinger air defence missile launcher in Zaporizhzhia.

Photograph: Andriy Andriyenko/AP

stocks to foreign countries

congressional approval; and

procured from the defence industry.In total, the US has pledged $31.7bn of weapons aid to Ukraine through PDA. The majority – well over $

a Reuters analysis – has been shipped.

pertains mainly to aid that h


t disbursed. Trump has not approved any new aid under h i s o w n p r e s i d e n t i a l authority since taking office and a new congressional aid package appears unlikely, at least in the near term.

​US Democrats said the aid pause was dangerous. B r e n d a n B o y l e , a c o n g r e s s m a n i n Pennsylvania who is a co-

chair of the congressional EU caucus, said it was ​“reckless, indefensible and a direct threat to our national security”​Earlier on Monday, Trump had expressed fresh o u t r a g e a t Z e l e n s k y f o r saying the end of the war could be “very, very far away”.Trump posted a link to an Associated Press story o u t l i n i n g Z e l e n s k y ' s comments and said: “This is the worst statement that could have been made by Zelensky, and America will not put up with it for much longer!

“It is what I was saying, this guy doesn't want there to be peace as long as he has A m e r i c a ' s b a c k i n g a n d , Europe, in the meeting they h a d w i t h Z e l e n s k y y, h e stated flatly that they cannot do the job without the US.

P r o b a b l y n o t a g r e a t

statement to have been made in terms of a show of strength against Russia. What are they thinking?”

Later on Monday, Trump said Zelensky “won't be around very long” unless he succumbed to pressure and made a deal on US terms.

T h e T r u m p a d m i n i s t r a t i o n w a s a l s o reported to be drawing up a plan on Monday to restore ties with Russia and lift sanctions on the Kremlin.

The White House has asked the state and treasury departments to draft a list of sanctions that could be eased for US officials to discuss with Russian representatives in the coming days as part of the administration's broad t a l k s w i t h M o s c o w o n improving diplomatic and

economic relations, Reuters reported, citing a US official and another person familiar with the matter

In an interview recorded o n M o n d a y b e f

suspension, Vance told the Fox News channel's Hannity

future of Ukraine would serve as a security guarantee – a reference to the minerals deal about which Zelensky h a d b e

n e d t o Washington.

“If you want real security guarantees, if you want to actually ensure that Vladimir P

a d e Ukraine again, the very best security guarantee is to give Americans economic upside in the future of Ukraine,” Vance said.

US tariffs take effect and Mexico, Canada...

From page 23 compared to the way we saw tariffs rolled out in the first ( Tr u m p ) a d

” said Michael House, cochair of the international trade practice at the Perkins C

We d

know, in fact, what the president will do.''

Democratic lawmakers were quick to criticize the

Republican senators raised alarms.Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said she's “very concerned” about the tariffs going into effect because of


“Maine and Canada's economy are integrated,” Collins said, explaining that much of the state's lobsters

a n d b l u e b e r r i e s a r e processed in Canada and then sent back to the U.S. The world economy is now caught in the fog of what appears to be a trade war

Trudeau said Canada would impose 25% tariffs on $155 billion Canadian

($107 billion U.S.) worth of American goods, starting with tariffs on $30 billion Canadian ($21 billion U.S.) worth of goods immediately a n d o n t h e r e m a i n i n g a m o u n t o n A m e r i c a n products in three weeks.

“Our tariffs will remain in place until the U.S. trade action is withdrawn, and should U.S. tariffs not cease, we are in active and ongoing discussions with provinces and territories to pursue s e v e r a l n o n - t a r i f f measures,” Trudeau said.

The White House would like to see a drop in seizures of fentanyl inside the United S t a t e s , n o t j u s t o n t h e n


officials say that seizures of f e n t a n y l l a s t m o n t h everywhere from Louisiana to New Jersey had ties to foreign cartels.

Damon Pike, technical practice leader for customs and trade services at the tax and consulting firm BDO, suggested the responses of o t h e r c o u n t r i e s c o u l d escalate trade tensions and

p o s s i b l y i n c r e a s e t h e economic pressure points.

“Canada has their list ready,” Pike said. “The EU has their list ready It's going to be tit for tat.''

Tim Houston, the leader of Canada's Atlantic coast province of Nova Scotia, said he would direct the N o v a S c o t i a L i q u o r Corporation to remove all U S alcohol from store shelves. Houston also said his government will limit a c c e s s t o p r o v i n c i a l procurement for American businesses and double the c o s t f o r c o m m e r c i a l vehicles from the United States on a tolled highway T h e T r u m p a d m i n i s t r a t i o n h a s suggested inflation will not be as bad as economists claim, saying tariffs can motivate foreign companies to open factories in the United States. On Monday, T r u m p a n n o u n c e d t h a t

Ta i w a n S e m

y, the computer chipmaker, would be investing $100 b i l l i o n i n


Still, it can take time to

across the world and to train workers.

Greg Ahearn, president a n d C E O o f t h e To y Association, said the 20% tariffs on Chinese goods will be “crippling” for the toy industry, as nearly 80% of toys sold in the U.S. are made in China.

“There's a sophistication of manufacturing, of the tooling,” he said. “There's a lot of handcrafting that is part of these toys that a lot of people don't understand the face painting, the face masks, the hair weaving, the hair braiding, the cut and sew for plush to get it to look just so.” All of that skilled l a b o r “ h a s b e e n p a s s e d through generations in the supply chain that exists with China.”For a president who has promised quick results, Ahearn added a note of caution about how quickly U.S. factories could match their Chinese rivals.

“That can't be replicated overnight,” he said.

CWI president Shallow nominated unopposed to serve second term

S p o r t s M a x - C r i c k e t

We s t I n d i e s ( C W I ) h a s confirmed that Dr Kishore Shallow has been nominated unopposed as President of

CWI to serve a second

c o n s e c u t i v e t e r m Vi c e President Azim Bassarath

w a s a l s o n o m i n a t e d unopposed.

The term will officially commence on March 29, 2 0 2 5 , a t C W I ' s A n n u a l General Meeting (AGM) in A n t i g u a , w h

d T

s would mark the second successive election in which President Shallow would be elected unopposed, reflecting the confidence and support he continues to receive from the cricketing fraternity across the region. His nomination was put forward by the Trinidad & T

(TTCB) and the Leeward I s l a

Cricket Association (JCA) and the Windward Islands

C r i c k e

B o a r d ( W I C B ) , reinforcing the broad-based support for the leadership team as they continue to drive the development and progres s of Wes t Ind


P r e s i d e n


l o w expressed gratitude for the continued trust placed in him.“Being unopposed for a second term is a strong e n d o

h e leadership and direction we have taken at Cricket West Indies. It speaks to the level of confidence in our vision and the progress we have m a d e i n s t a b i l i z i n g a n d

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19

You're likely feeling the weight of some emotional matters today, Aries It's important to realize that these feelings might cloud your judgment, making it tricky to take a realistic approach.

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)

Question the validity of anything you find yourself in conflict with today, Taurus. It’s crucial to dig deeper into t h e i s s u e s a t h a n d , a s misunderstandings might be at play

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

That spark of insight you’re feeling today, Gemini, is a sign to trust your intuition You’ve found the missing piece to a puzzle that'sbeenonyourmind

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

Embrace the light-hearted e n e r g y t o d a y, L e o L e t yourself get lost in playful conversations and allow your imagination to take the lead.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

Embrace the light-hearted e n e r g y t o d a y, L e o L e t yourself get lost in playful conversations and allow your imagination to take the lead.

a d v a n c i n g We s t I n d i e s cricket,” Shallow said.

He continued: “Now, we must build on that progress, staying focused on the task at h a n d a n d n o t a l l o w i n g ourselves to be distracted from our ultimate goal. We are one in purpose,

working together for the betterment of West Indies cricket. I understand full well the responsibility that comes with this position, and I r e m a i n c o m m i t t e d t o u p h o l d i n g t h e h i g h e s t standards of professionalism and good governance.


s t a k e h o l d e r s f o r t h e i r continued support. It is truly humbling to serve in this capacity, and I do not take this trust lightly.”

Vice President Bassarath echoed similar sentiments.

“It would be a privilege to continue serving as Vice President of Cricket West

Indies The passion and d e d i c a t i o n

y o n e involved in our cricketing ecosystem inspires me every day.“As we seek to embark o n a n e w t e r m , I a m committed to ensuring we continue to make decisions that benefit our players, fans, and the future of West Indies

forward to working together for the betterment of the game,” Bassarath said.

From page 33 dedication and outstanding performances, emphasizing that the GBA is committed to p

emerging talent from gyms across Guyana. He expressed p a

seeing boxers from outside of Georgetown not only getting the opportunity to represent their country but also playing a crucial role in Guyana's overall success at t h e C a

i b b e a n Championship.Wintz, who h a i l s f r o m H

n Village, East Bank Berbice, received special recognition from Ninvalle.

The GBA president noted t h a t t h e

y e a r - o l d possesses the potential to win many more titles in the future, provided he remains focused and dedicated to his training.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Wednesday March 05, 2025

You might feel a bit offbalance today, Virgo. There's a tempting urge to jump into action, yet the clarity you need isn't quite there. It's like having a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces Decisions feel cloudy, a n d f a c t s s e e m b l u r r e d

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

Today, Libra, embrace your inner star and bask in the spotlight of your own story Let your versatility shine as you navigate different roles.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

Feeling stuck or overwhelmed, Scorpio? It's time to shake things up and step off the beaten path Give yourself permission to relax and disconnect from the usual grind

SAGIT (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

Things are flowing your way today, Sagittarius, and you should savor the comfort and joy in your surroundings. There’s a whimsical vibe in the air, letting your emotions wander beyond time and space

CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

To d

solutions. Forcing your will might lead to frustration, so take a step back and let things unfold naturally.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

Let your playful side shine today, Aquarius. Your dreams are vivid and inspiring, so let them guide your actions Engage in lighthearted chats with friends—maybe discuss the latest movies or share fun websites.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

“ I w a n t t o s i n c e r e l y thank the Trinidad & Tobago C r i c k e t B o a r d a n d t h e L e e w a r d I s l a n d s C r i c k e t Board for their nomination, a

Shallow and Bassarath's u n o p p o s e d n

were confirmed on February

nomination period.

Ninvalle also highlighted K e n y o n B r i t t o n ' s exceptional showing, stating that the 15-year-old will be instrumental in the future development of boxing in Guyana.

O v e r a l l , t h e G B A president voiced satisfaction with the performances of both the youth and junior b o x e r s , a t t r i b u t i n g t h e i r success to the dedication and expertise of their coaches.

Looking ahead, Ninvalle r e a f f i r m

h e G B A ' s commitment to developing young talent, noting that the association will continue to u


l Parris/Pepsi U16 tournament a s a k e y p l a t f o

discovering and nurturing future champions. “

whom have competed at our U16 tournament, is proof

event is a valuable breeding ground for young boxing talent in Guyana,” Ninvalle stated.

H e a

gratitude to the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, the

and their Pepsi brand, among others for their continued

development in the country W

performances from its

Dr. Kishore Shallow Azim Bassarath

Everest Masters complete successful tour to Costa Rica

T h e E v e r e s t M a s t e r s team was a guest of Costa

R i c a C r i c k e t F e d e r a t i o n

w h e r e t h e y e n g a g e d i n

m a t c h e s v e r s u s Ve t e r a n s

Cricket USA, Los Rocco's, Costa Rica vying for the Richard Illingworth trophy Costa Rica became an affiliate member of ICC in 2002. They hosted several

t e a m s s u c h a s P a n a m a , Cayman Islands and New

Z e a l a n d a n d t o u r e d Nicaragua and Panama.

R e s u l t s o f m a t c h e s below:

Game 1 - vs Veterans

C r i c k e t U S A , E v e r e s t Masters won the toss and

t o o k f i r s t s t r i k e a n d struggled to 110 all out on a matting pitch.

F o r m e r D e m e r a r a

Cricket Club player, Troy Dudnauth top scored with 43. He got support from Anil Beharry and Raja Pooran with 15 runs each and former West Indies youth player, Hemraj Garbarran and Vick Mahabeer with 13 runs each.

B o w l i n g f o r V C U S A , Shamshul Huda took 4 for 13 off 4.4 overs, Jwalant Vakil 2 for 9 and Sunny Singh, 2 for 25 In reply, they were bundled out for paltry 53 in

21 overs with Amit Patio and Jwalant Vakil scoring 15 and 13 respectively. Pooran took 4 for 3, Mahabeer 2 for 7 and Ucil Armstrong 2 for 9.

Skipper Rajesh Singh and R o h a n S a r j o o s u p p o r t e d w i t h a w i c k e t a p i e c e Everest Masters won by 57 runs. Pooran was voted as man of the match. Game 2 - vs Los Rocos Costa Rica, Everest Masters won the toss again and took

first strike. They made a challenging 146 for 6 off their allotment of 20 overs. The consistent Garbarran top scored with 43.

He got support from Pooran and Dudnauth with 40 N.O and 24, respectively Bowling for LR CR, Pillai Sudesh, Sham Murari, Fahad Mirza and Deepak Rai took one wicket each. In reply, LR CR came close to their target, ending on 139 for 9 off 20

overs, losing by 7 runs. Rai scored 28 and got support f r o m M i r z a w i t h 1 6 . Mahabeer, Imitaz Sadik and Armstrong took two wickets apiece.

B e h a r r y a n d S i n g h supported with one apiece. Pooran won his second man of the match award. Game 3vs Los Rocos Costa Rica, the home team won the toss and took first strike. They scored 149 for 9 off 20 overs with

Rai again in the runs, scoring 53. He got support from Fahad Badri with 53 as well.

Armstrong took 3 for 24, Mahabeer 2 for 29 and Sadik, 1 for 31.

Everest Masters made a valiant attempt but fell short by 4 runs. Dudnauth made 58 n o a n d G a r b a r r a n 2 7 , retired. Bowling for LR CR, Sudesh and Rai took one w i c k e t a p i e c e R a i w a s deservingly named man of the match.

Everest Masters won the tournament by virtue of winning more matches. The presentation of the winning trophy was done by Mrs. Illingworth.

E v e r e s t M a s t e r s presented plaques to the teams and Sam Arthur, the head of the local Federation in recognizing their kind hospitality, compliments of Trophy Stall.

India hold nerve to reach Champions Trophy final

BBC Sport - India held

their nerve to reach the Champions Trophy final with a four-wicket victory over Australia in Dubai.

Chasing 265, Virat Kohli

c o m p i l e d a t y p i c a l l y composed 84 after the loss of captain Rohit Sharma and fellow opener Shubman Gill inside the first eight overs.

Kohli - the master of such chases - looked to be easing his side to victory, only to slap to Adam Zampa at longon when 40 runs were needed from 45 balls.

Australia cannily applied the squeeze but two towering straight sixes from Hardik Pandya in a 24-ball 28 broke the tension.

T h e s w a g g e r i n g a l lrounder holed out with India six away, which left KL Rahul to win the match with a six of his own with 11 balls to spare against the side who beat them in the 2023 World Cup final.

India, supported by a loud, partisan crowd, also held firm excellently with the ball to dismiss Australia for 264 in 49.3 overs.

otherwise typically assured –the only surprise coming when he was dismissed by Zampa to set up a more tense finish than was expected.

The crowd was quiet when the equation tightened to 24 runs required from 20

b a l l s b u t e r u p t e d w h e n Hardik struck consecutive sixes off Zampa.

India have had plenty in their favour by playing all of their matches in Dubai. They are going to get one more on Sunday Smith's effort in vain

Australia's innings was built around stand-in skipper Smith.

strike in partnerships of 56 with Marnus Labuschagne and 54 with Alex Carey

The 37th and 38th overs went a long way to deciding the game, however

Australia were eyeing 320 when Smith advanced t o w a r d s a n d m i s s e d a Mohammed Shami full toss. Maxwell swept a six off Axar Patel in the next over but was then bowled going back to a quicker delivery

Only 59 runs came after Maxwell was dismissed – a brilliant run-out of Carey for 61 also crucial.

I n d i a ' s w i n m e a n s Sunday's final will be played in Dubai, rather than Lahore as initially planned because of their decision not to travel to hosts Pakistan.

T h e y w i l l p l a y N e w Zealand or South Africa, who contest the second semi-final on Wednesday in Lahore. India continue on Having moved serenely through the group stage, this

A u s t r a l i a w e r e w e l l placed at 198-4 in the 38th but fell away when captain Steve Smith, who dug in for 73, and Glenn Maxwell were bowled in the space of six balls.

was India's sternest test.

Ultimately, they came t h r o u g h w i t h a n o t h e r confident victory to continue their quest for a second global title in eight months after they won the T20 crown last year

The match was probably d e c i d e d a t t h e e n d o f Australia's innings. Another 2 0 , e v e n 3 0 r u n s , w e r e possible and it may have been enough.

Instead, Kohli was able to steer his side on after Gill was

bowled for eight and Rohit Sharma pinned lbw by left-

a r m s p i n n e r C o o p e r Connolly for 28.

Australia, without Pat Cummins, Mitchell Starc and Josh Hazlewood here, were always asking a lot of an i n e x p e r i e n c e d b o w l i n g attack.

S m i t h m a y r u e t h e decision to bat first, given the pitch did not turn as much as expected. Glenn Maxwell dropped Kohli on 51 but he was

H e c a m e i n a f t e r Connolly, not in Australia's squad 48 hours ago, was dismissed for a torturous d u c k , h a v i n g b e e n w e l l beaten by six of his nine balls.

Travis Head hit a matchwinning 137 when these sides last met in the 2023 W o r l d C u p f i n a l a n d threatened again by hitting five fours and two sixes in a 33-ball 39 before chipping the second ball bowled by spinner Varun Chakravarthy to long-off.

That left Smith to nudge and nurdle a rebuild, doing so effectively by rotating the

Shreyas Iyer swooped to collect at short fine leg and hit direct as Carey, who had timed the ball as well as anyone in striking eight fours and a six, returned for the second.

This has still been another strong showing for Australia, who end a long winter that included an epic Test series win over India and victory in Sri Lanka.

Scores: India 267 for 6 (Kohli 84, Iyer 45, Rahul 42*, Ellis 2-49, Zampa 2-60) beat Australia 264 (Smith 73, Carey 61, Shami 3-48, Jadeja 2-40, Varun 2-49) by five wickets.

Virat Kohli walks back after holding out for 84. (Getty Images)

2025 CWI Regional 4-Day Championships Round 4…GHE vs. JS

Harpy Eagles/Scorpions hook up for showdown at Sabina Park, as action resumes today

Ta b l e - l e a d e r s G u y a n a Harpy Eagles will be eying a restart win today when the 4th round of the Cricket West Indies (CWI) Regional 4-Day Championships continues at Sabina Park, Jamaica versus the Scorpions.

After some weeks off f o l l o w i n g t h r e e i n t e n s e rounds, action resumes today as the defending champions look to push forward with their title defence.

O p e n e r T a g e n a r i n e Chanderpaul, who missed the previous round due to injury, returns to the Eagles team as he will look to add to the team's overall batting form. Since returning from Test

significant runs or producing match-winning spells.

After three rounds, the champs have figured out their bowling options, thanks to a n u m b e r o f p e

taker Veerasammy Permaul.

n n e

a l

n g s i d e h i s y o u n g e r partner in left-arm spinner Gudakesh Motie, with help from Sinclair; should look to control the next few rounds.

W i t h A l i m o h a m e d having a tremendous season

in both departmen

s, his medium-pace will play a huge role in backing up speedster Nial Smith and possibly Thaddeus Lovell,

duties, Captain Tevin Imlach has been Guyana's best and leading batsman heading into today's game.

T h e f o r m o f K e m o l Savory, Kevlon Anderson, Ronaldo Alimohamed and a

l a t e r u n f r o m M a t t h e w Nandu, solidified what will be the core of the Eagles batting going forward.

A l l - r o u n d e r K e v i n Sinclair has yet to show out but could easily use this round to get himself going in both departments, especially with most of his premier t e a m m a t e s s c o r i n g

who could play a role given his all-round talents.

The Scorpions lost their last two games, making this encounter a dangerous one for the champs, with a muchn e e d e d p o s i t i v e o u t c o m e desperately needed by the home team. Javelle Glenn is fresh off a second innings fifty and will be called upon to stabilize the middle-order Skipper John Campbell will need to provide a good start at the top of the order, with players like Kirk McKenzie, Jason Blackwood and a hardhitting Odean Smith, being

KFC U8 & U10 Challeng


From page 35 group to be exposed to structured training, coaching, and compet

ve play The talent on display today was exceptional, and we were thrilled to provide an opportunity for young footballers from East Coast Demerara, West Coast Demerara, East Bank Demerara, and Georgetown to showcase their skills,” Mills said during the closing ceremony

He also extended his gratitude to the dedicated coaches, volunteers, and parents who played a vital role in supporting the young athletes. Additionally, he acknowledged KFC Guyana for their steadfast commitment to youth and football development.

“The Vurlon Mills Football Academy is sincerely grateful to KFC Guyana for their unwavering support, which enables us to continue fostering a nurturing environment where young footballers can develop both their skills and character,” Mills concluded.

key men with the bat for Jamaica.

T h e b a l l - h a n d l e r s f o r Jamaica have been decent this season, with off-spinner Brad Barnes bagging six wickets in round 3 against a formidable Barbados batting line-up.

B a r n e s , a l o n g w i t h s p i n

medium-pacer Smith, will h

against an in-form Harpy Eagles.

Meanwhile, Day 1's play is scheduled to commence from 11:00h today (C. Ross) Guyana Harpy Eagles Squad:

Tagenarine Chanderpaul,

Permaul, Gudakesh Motie, Nail Smith, Thaddeus Lovell, R

Raymond Perez

Squad: John Campbell (captain),

Blackwood, Carlos Brown,

Glenn, Odain McCatty, Kirk

Mindley, Tamarie Redwood,


A Lot will rest on the shoulders and bat, of Jamaica Scorpions captain John Campbell over the next few days.

Tucville and B.V Sec' win Inter-Secondary School's Tapeball C/ships

The Holy Family

B i b l e C l u b

c o n c l u d e d i t s Secondary Schools Tapeball C


Garden Secondary to lift the Silvies General Industrial

trophy The tournament featured 16 Bible Club teams in an intense eight-a-side, fouro

Tucville Secondary emerged


coveted Champions League trophy and medals after a thrilling finish, securing the win off the very last ball of the game.

Wesley Cox, who took two wickets each, managed to

Family Bible Club. The final was a spectacle of excitement. Batting first, Covent Garden posted an

Tucville's bowling attack, led by Eshawn George and



victory, Tucville Secondary paced their innings well. Several batters made crucial contributions before falling, but they ultimately crossed the line at 73-6 off the final d


arden's loss, Mark July was a s

, finishing with impressive b o w l i n g f i g u

e s o f 3 - 4 during the run chase.

After the match, there was great excitement at the venue as the competition

c o o r d i n a t o r , J a m e s “Uprising” Lewis, presented the trophy and medals to the

winning team.

Simultaneously, in the One Guyana 2025 Mash Cup

g (B.V.) Secondary defeated Covent Garden Secondary to win the One Guyana InterSecondary School Cricket Competition.

B a t t i n g f i r s t , C o

Garden posted 72-4 in their allotted four overs, with

Tournament coordinator, James Lewis hands over championship trophy to the captain of Beterverwagting Secondary after winning the One Guyana Mash Cup final.

Alex Singh top-scoring with 30 runs. Sachin Muniran was the chief wicket-taker for B.V Secondary, claiming 326.

OMVT 40- over bash set for Good Friday at Malteenoes SC

From left; Bernard Bailey, Orlando Benjamin of Ciarra's B Rentals Enterprise and Jeremiah Scott display the winner prize.

Some of the top city cricketers will be on show on April 18 at Malteenoes Sports Club when the One Movement Entertainment stages its annual 40-over bash starting at 10:30hrs.The fixture will see South Raiders, the defending champions, facing Western Warriors for a top prize of $300,000. South Raiders will be led Bernard Bailey with Dambuka Junior serving as his deputy, while Western Warriors will be captained by Stephan Wilson and Jeremiah Scott as his deputy The teams will be released on March 19. South Raiders will be coached by Rawle Merrell, while Western Warriors will be coached Martin Pestano Belle. Ciara's B. Rentals Enterprise of 38 Arapaima Street, Guyhoc Park is the title sponsor for the game. Among other sponsors are Shioil, S. Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies Inc., Vanguard Construction, Quality Deliverer, Ross Service Station, 4 R, Tripple C Eporium Inc., JS 17 online Cricket Shopping, Atlantic Fuel Inc., Exotic Printz, Barker's Pluming, Maintenance and Contracting Service, Adrian General Construction Service, C. Rimple Bat Repair Shop, Y2K Maintenance Services, One Movement Transfer Shop.

Tucville Secondary wins Holy Family Bible Club Tape ball competition, James Lewis also sharing the moment.

Ninvalle praise youth and junior boxers' performance in St Lucia


dominant performance at


g Championship in St. Lucia, president of the Guyana Boxing Association (GBA), Steve Ninvalle, has praised t h

g e n e r a t i o n o f pugilists who excelled in both the youth and junior divisions.

The local team returned home with a haul of nine

gold medals, two silvers and three bronze to be crowned Caribbean Champions.



y a n a copped three of four Best Boxer titles up for grabs. In the youth division, Terron Wintz delivered a commanding performance that earned him the title of Best Youth Boxer.

Lucia's Denzel Stephens in the final of the 67kg contest,

BCB Anil Lalsa Contracting 40 overs...

Superb Rampersaud leads Rose Hall Town to two victories in Zone C

forcing the referee to stop the fight two minutes and 36 seconds into the second round.


performances in the youth category included Joshua Tambaran (57kg), who won

Guadeloupe's Noah Pakiry, and Semion Haymer (63kg),

Sinaswee to also win on

Jonathan Rampersaud and Raj Tika

The Rose Hall Town Bakewell Second Division team has started their participation in the 2025 Berbice Cricket Board organized Anil Lalsa 40 overs tournament with two victories. They first defeated the University of Guyana Elites Tain Campus by 120 runs at the Area 'H' Ground and then defeated Ramnarine Memorial CC of Central Corentyne by 68 runs. Both victories were spearheaded by former national youth player Jonathan Rampersaud who scored a brilliant 110 and 92 versus UG Elites and Ramnarine Memorial respectively

In the first round, due to rain the match was reduced to 31 overs, RHT Bakewell scored 206 for 3 against UG Elites team with Rampersaud scoring 110 with six boundaries and three sixes, while other contributions came from skipper Ryan Kissoonlall 28 not out, Razam Koobir 18 and Romesh Bharat 14. In reply, Philbert Wilburgh struck a brutal 55 with four sixes as the visitors were bowled out for 86 in 23.1 overs. Berbice youth pacer Raj Tika claimed 6 for 11 and National youth spinner Mathew Pottaya 3 for 14.

In the second round versus Ramnarine Memorial, Rampersaud the acting Captain played a responsible knock of 92 to guide his youthful team to 201 all out in 33 overs. The RHT Bakewell team consisted of nine players under the age of 17 years.

Rampersaud struck four boundaries and three sixes. He received support from Razam Koobir 21 and Romesh Bharat 16 as the home team collapsed from 164 for 3 to 201 all out, off spinner Kajgeon Sampson took 3 wickets for 30 runs from six overs while Juman Velloz took 3 for 19 in an impressive spell. Left-handed middle order batsman Cliff Gray looked solid in his 41 with three boundaries and two sixes as Ramnarine Memorial were bowled out for 133 in 24.5 overs. G. Mendonca chipped in with 24 as Raj Tika 2 for 24, Matthew Pottaya 2 for 25, Jonathan Rampersaud 2 for 24 and Kumalchan Ramnarais 4 for 25 bowled well for the home team.

Rose Hall Town Bakewell continues their quest for glory with another match this Sunday versus Tain Block 4 at the Area H Ground.

hard-fought points victory over Guadeloupe's Davino Carty

However, Ken Harvey faced a challenging bout in the 60kg category, where he lost on points to St. Lucia's Alex Nachan.

the young boxers for their

(Continued on page 29)

Best Youth Boxer at the Caribbean Championship recipient, Terron Wintz, along with his coach and GBA president, Steve Ninvalle.

Emotional scenes at CJIA as GBA welcomes Caribbean Champions

Guyana's 2025 Caribbean

B o x i n g C h a m p i o n s h i p contingent arrived at Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) on Monday to a hero's welcome after dominating the first staging of the event since 2019. The local team secured three of the top four accolades, retaining their title after a seven-year wait.

W i t h b o x i n g b e i n g

Guyana's only medal-earning sport at the Olympic Games,


achievement adds a much-


country's sporting repertoire.


member team in St. Lucia were Keevin Allicock (OLY),


Jackman, Collin Lewis, and


others. Guyana's boxing stars

home with the lion's share of awards and the coveted title.

hiatus, Guyana once again

including Best Elite Male B

Best Youth Boxer (Terron Wintz), and Best Female Boxer (Abiola Jackman).

This victory is historic, as


y a n a achieved such success was in 2018 when they won the championship on home soil.

Speaking at the reception event, Director of Sport and P


nt of the G

yana Boxing Association (GBA), Steve Ninvalle, emphasized

the challenges faced by the sport over the years due to i

as broken the backs of sports over the years,” he stated. However, he acknowledged that with the government's backing, the GBA was able to b r i n g h o m e t h e championship for the first time in seven years.

T h i s l a t e s t t r

underscores the importance

Recently, the Government of G

funds to the sports sector This support not only enabled the GBA to send a strong 18-

sufficient training time ahead of the competition.

The team's success is a testament to what can be a c h i e v e d w i t h p r o p e r investment. Notably, several boxers returned with gold medals, including two young fighters from the Berbice district who made a name for


The champions' arrival was met with an outpouring of emotion, as spectators cheered, some even shedding tears of joy while welcoming

reception, organised by the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport in collaboration with th

Guyana Boxing Association, was a fitting tribute to their achievements. A deep sense of national pride filled the air as the c h a m p i o n s s t e p p e d o n t o home soil.

An emotional Ninvalle expressed his overwhelming pride in the team's success.

“It's been seven years that w e ' v

C a r i b b e a n championship,” he remarked in his opening address.

He extended high praise to President Irfaan Ali and Minister of Sport Charles Ramson for their unwavering support.

Ninvalle also attributed the victory to Guyana's heavy

tournaments, and this year, we plan to increase those numbers.


success is resources, and I'm


e n walking with us every step of the way,” he stated.


n championship now secured, Guyana's next ambition is to dominate the Latin American and South American boxing scene.

The Caribbean heroes arrive at CJIA. In photo are Desmond Amsterdam (left) and Emmanuel Pompey.
Terron Wintz (center) cops Best Boxer accolade at the 2025 Caribbean Boxing Championship.
Keevin Allicock leads his troop off CAL flight yesterday, following their successful campaign in St Lucia at the 2025 Caribbean Championship.

St Stanislaus, St. Rose's, and St. Joseph High shine on opening day of Cheddi Jagan Memorial Windball Championship

Th e G e o r g e t o w n leg of the Cheddi

Jagan Memorial Schoolboys 5-over Windball Championship got off to an

e l e c t r i f y i n g s t a r t a t t h e National Gymnasium, with St Stanislaus College, St Rose's High, and St Joseph

H i g h s e c u r i n g d o m i n a n t victories on the opening day In the first match, St Rose's High set a formidable target of 105-3, thanks to an outstanding knock of 54 runs by Narindra Isurdeen. Joshua

S h a r m a p r o v i d e d s o l i d s u p p o r t , c o n t r i b u t i n g 3 8

r u n s Tu c v i l l e S e c o n d a r y struggled in response, as St Rose's bowlers put on a clinical display to restrict them to 59-2. Mark July (25) and Wesley Cox (16) were the only batters to reach double figures, as St Rose's secured a commanding 46r u n v i c t o r y N e w c o m e r s Houston Secondary faced a tough challenge against a well-drilled St Stanislaus College team. Batting first, Houston managed 55-2, with Nichols Archer impressing on debut with a stylish 30 runs, featuring five sixes. However, St Stanislaus made light work of the chase, reaching their target in just two overs. Ishon Haricharan starred with an explosive 24r u n k n o c k t o s e a l a comfortable win.

Over in the third match, St Joseph High posted a competitive total of 100-4, led by Savir Narine's crucial 37 runs. Prem Budram was t h e s t a n d o u t b o w l e r f o r Kingston Secondary, picking up 2-11.

Despite a fighting effort from Joshua Pompey, who scored a valiant 42, Kingston

S e c o n d a r y f e l l s h o r t , finishing at 89-0, handing St J o s e p h H i g h a n 11 - r u n victory

S t S t a n i s l a

c o n t i

u e d t h e i r w i n n i n g s t r e a k w i t h a d o m i n a n t p e r f o r m a n c e


An impressive 122-run opening partnership between

I s h o n H a r i c h a r a n ( 6 5 , including seven sixes) and N i t i n B h o g w a n d a t ( 5 6 ) powered them to an imposing

t o t a l . C u m m i n g s L o d g e

S e c o n d a r y s t r u g g l e d i n response, managing only 721 as they fell short by 50 runs. Meanwhile, in the lone fixture of the Janet Jagan

Unbreakable pair!

Ishon Haricharan 65 (6s x 7), Nitin Bhogwandat 56

Narindra Isurdeen's half century (54) seal victory for St Rose's

competition, St Rose's High c

Cummings Lodge Secondary by 10 wickets.

Batting first, Cummings Lodge posted 49-3, with Rena Thomas top-scoring with 10 runs.


without loss, courtesy of an

Miel Campbell.

The tournament is being organized by Sports Officer A

encounters in the coming days.

KFC U8 & U10 Challenge Series deemed a major success

Scenes from Saturday! Vurlon Mills Football Academy wraps up exciting KFC Challenge Series.

The Vurlon Mills Football Academy (VMFA) Inc. successfully hosted the KFCsponsored 'KFC Under-8 and Under-10 Challenge Series' last Saturday at the Saints Ground, Carifesta Avenue, Georgetown.

footballers, aged 6 to 10, participating in an

tournament featured eight Under-8 teams and eight Under-10 teams, competing in a round-

categories.Among the participating teams were Altitude Football Academy (Uitvlugt), Modern Achievers Academy (Georgetown),


(Buxton), and teams from the Vurlon Mills Football Academy Founder of VMFA, Vurlon Mills, emphasized that the initiative was designed to introduce young footballers to organized competition Each team played three matches, ensuring ample game time and development opportunities All participants received medals, while trophies were awarded to the first and second-placed teams in each age group “We believe this is the ideal age (Continued on page 31)

Godfrey Blair Sports Academy (Mocha), Vengy FC Academy, Kickstart Football
Guyana Harpy Eagles will want to seize another win as action on the road bowls off.
Hero's welcome Scenes from Monday! As members of the triumphant Caribbean Boxing Championship team returned home

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